Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

>> todd: 57 years old now. by the way, i'm still shorter than you. that didn't change. >> carley: i thought about putting flats on you as a gift because really he is taller than me. >> todd: yes, legally. >> carley: exactly. >> todd: with that -- you can hold on. >> carley: put my shoe back on. i hated doing the remote thing, there is delay, not as fun. i did like wearing sneakers for the two hours, this is first time i'm in heels for a while. >> todd: this is first time i'm in suit pants. i asked sarah if i could wear shorts, she said no. you are watching fox t.v., i'm todd piro. >> carley: that would have been a look, gym shorts for "fox and friends first." i'm carley shimkus. thank you for joining us. a lot of news and we begin with a fox news exclusive on the border crisis. our cameras capturing ice buses dumping illegal migrants in brownsville, texas in violation of trump era title 42. >> todd: brooke songman joins us. brooke, not a good look. >> brooke: federally contracted buses are dropping off illegal migrants in brownsville, texas. this video shows men getting off the bus in a parking lot. taxicabs shuttled them to nearby airport. some migrants saying they paid $2000 per person to cartel smugglers and said they were flying to various destinations, including miami, houston and atlanta. the city of brownsville says office of emergency manage wment fema works to facilitate "transfer of migrants" to final destination by allowing them to use services to contact families, ngos or taxicab. drop-offs are causing confusion, single adults are typically expelled by the trump era 42. white house is insisting they are keeping that measure in place. listen. >> press sect. psaki: we are under title 42. >> 40,000 migrants were given notices to sxrpt did not show up >> press sect. psaki: we are still in a global pandemic, those who do not show up will be subject to repercussions of that. >> brooke: tom cotton is hoping the biden administration holds them accountable. >> these are not little kids that is direct violation of the court's order, i hope the court holds them accountable and hold mayorkis accountable for this. >> brooke: border encounter top a record with two million during the 2021 calendar year and agents stopped more migrant necessary december. tomorrow, vice president kamala harris will address the root causes of migration during her trip to honduras. >> todd: we've heard that root causes phrase before, thank you. tucker carlson calling out biden administration for putting interest of other countries above our own at home. listen. >> we're allowing foreigners who came here illegally in violation of our laws, which are unenforced by current government, which is undermining democracy by refusal to enforce laws, those people get to use arrest warrants to get on airplanes. you have to show id. meanwhile, we'll stop after this, congress is doing everything pulling out all the stops to send more money to eastern europe to protect the borders of ukraine. it is like it is not real, but it is real. >> todd: going overseas president biden saying u.s. troops may be deployed to europe in the near future as third shipment of military aid is delivered to ukraine ahead of possible invasion. >> carley: amy kellogg, good morning. >> amy: hi, carley and todd. the tone is moscow very much is it is the u.s. and nato rachetting up tension, particularly after that announcement that 8500 u.s. troops are on high alert possibly to deploy to eastern europe. moscow accuses america of "flooding" ukraine with weapons, more arrived yesterday. part of a new $200 million security ark cystance program and u.s. provided 2.5 billion aid to kiev since 2014, when russia annexed crimea. president biden says if russia attacks ukraine, might put sanctions on vladamir putin personally, putting putin in rareified club including maduro and bashar al assad. here at russia last independent tv station, tv reign, an anchor told fox news their viewers are frightened of war and do not want one and basically says the onus is on the west to keep things from spiralling out of control. >> how? >> if it is -- just don't give vladamir putin what he asks. i mean, he's not -- um, he's used to the situation when he gets everything he asks because he is blackmailing people in the west. the white house may be smarter -- for the white house. >> amy: tv rain was recently added to the long list of what russia has of foreign agents, including media outlets and activists and this anchor says that repression at home and aabroad are two sides of today's coin in today's russia. >> carley: interesting comments. the origins of covid-19, internal document from national institute of health obtained by fox news raising new questions about what dr. anthony fauci knew about the origins of the pandemic. notes from a conference call fauci organized in january of 2020 at onset of the pandemic showing multiple scientists were told to suppress their beliefs that the virus originated in a wuhan lab. one scientist saying dr. frances collins told the group, "do not write a paper at all" on the topic, it is "unnecessary," citing concern it could cause grave potential harm to science and international harmony with china. the report putting fauci as witness to all the conversations despite him publicly calling it a conspiracy theory. wow. >> todd: florida senator blasting treatment. >> we have seen success anecdotally, we haven't run a clinical trial. they are relying on one study, an observation study. we had thousands in the cue at our treatment sites, laura, and they wake up to saying you're out of luck because of the whims of the biden administration, what they are doing is fundamentally wrong. >> jen psaki hitting back at the governor. >> press sect. psaki: take a step back to realize how crazy this is a little bit. we've approached covid treatment like medicine cabinet what the fda is making clear issue these treatments they are fighting over, the governor is fighting over do not work against omicron and they have side effects. >> todd: vowing to take legal action against the fda. >> carley: house speaker nancy pelosi announcing bid for re-election. with many of her colleagues choosing not to run again, her speakership could be in jeopardy. >> todd: griff jenkins if rogers in lamborn, rest assured have been put to rest. watch. >> we've made progress, more needs to be done to improve people's lives, this election is crucial. nothing less at stake than our democracy and that is why i am running for re-election to congress. >> she's been in congress 32 years, first elected in 1987, this would be her 18th. she would be 82 if and when that happens. she gave no indication if she plans to remain party leader as republicans see an opportunity. >> nancy pelosi, damned if you do and damned if you don't. if she doesn't run, that is her admitting they will lose the house. they are doubling down on failed leadership. >> todd: pelosi hasn't indicated she would keep her upon currents team as hoyer draws criticism for backing biden's illegitimate election claims, watch. >> president biden is right, this is about democracy, about america that believes in making sure the people's voice is heard and reflected in the outcome of the elections. >> todd: hoyer's office walkd that back saying leader hoyer does not believe the 2022 election would be illegitimate or claim ballots ought to be thrown out simply americans have been disenfranchise friday our democracy by gop election suppression legislation. the uphill battle for democrats to hold slim majority, which is slim nest decades got one seat harder as rep jim cooper just became the 29th democrat to announce retirement. you do the math, todd and carley, democrats have 222 seats and republicans in 212. in 2010, shellacked obama democrats lost 64 seats. todd and carley. >> carley: griff, thank you so much. because of all the seats democrats are expected to lose, that is why a lot of people thought nancy pelosi was going to retire because she didn't want to lose her leadership position. it was a surprise when she announced she would run for re-election. interesting comments here, take a listen. >> i firmly believe that it is time for new leadership in the house democratic caucus, i continuing is time for new leadership throughout the democratic party. not only do we have to get vibrant, we have to have bolder ideas to bring in new gen -- generation of voters, whether you are nancy pelosi or tom brady, sometimes have you to hangup the cleats when it comes to being leader of your particular party and organization. >> carley: that is one perspective, it is interesting it is coming from inside the democratic party. some people saying she needs to hangup the cleats, 18 times is too many times, there needs to be new leadership and more energy within the democratic party. washington times has interesting reports and says behind scenes house democrats are urging other democrats who announced retire ments to change their mind and run for re-election to avoid a blood bath. i think nancy pelosi saw that and thought how bad would it be if throughout 28 retirements, she, the speaker of the house, also retire. she may not want to run for re-election again, she could lose her leadership role, she kind of has to. >> todd: to a certain extent, shows how out of touch she is what the country thinks of her. republicans will take this and seize upon it, they know their number one case, one of many cases, there is a lot, joe biden is providing foeder, do you want pelosi in charge frp another two year? that is in every single ad every republican will run in primaries and when they run against democrats. that is a huge point for republicans to run, majority of the country does not like nancy pelosi, especially the nancy pelosi that tries to join in with joe biden abandoned any type of moderate agenda and hooking wagon to far progressive left. >> carley: one reason democrats are retiring, writing on the wall, poll numbers are so bad, playing throughout the week, new fox news poll and it is all about kitchen table issues like inflation. 85% of people say yes, of course they are concerned about rising prices. 14% say no and if you look at the individual cost of things that are increasing, gas up 50%, energy up almost 30% and then president biden approval rating on the economy, 51% and on the economy 73% saying the economy is fair or poor. not good numbers there. what is interesting, todd, i don't think is getting enough coverage. beto o'rourke wants to be governor in texas and he said he will campaign alone. he didn't want president biden's help or anybody from the administration, i think that trend we'll see as we inch closer to november. >> todd: beto o'rourke couched it as look, i want to focus on texas issues. he didn't want the president around. >> carley: and stacey abrams was busy with a haircut. >> todd: to sum up, joe biden is out of touch. you have numbers like that and stop at ice cream shop, the democrats have problem with ice cream. nancy pelosi, there it is, the infamous cone. american people struggling to put food on their table, don't go to a ice cream shop, it is winter. >> carley: nancy pelosi and ice cream. >> todd: in front of her big refrigerator with ice cream. they have ice cream in summer, not high-end stuff, they are trying to fill up their gas tank and provide for their family and put three square meals for their kids issue not a good look, stupid opportunity for him. with that, 15 after the hour, i'll calm down. students in one state fighting for the right to be in the classroom accusing school of unfairly punishing them for being unvaccinated. >> we're being threatened to be suspended because we don't have the covid-19 vaccine and being closed off and segregated from the rest of the school. >> todd: find out how they are fighting back when one student joins us next. >> carley: we have a big show on tap. sean duffy and joe concha are joining us live on this busy wednesday morning. don't miss a minute. thanks for bringing me with you guys today, mr. and mrs. lopez. not a problem, josh. hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? no, sir. let's have a great day! the chevy silverado offers eight cameras with up to 15 different views. why do nearlynew views. one million businessesvrolet. choose to mail and ship? no more trips to the post office no more paying full price for postage and great rates from usps and ups mail letters ship packages anytime anywhere for less a lot less get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again genexa is the first clean medicine company. what does clean medicine mean anyway? it's the same active 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because he is not vaccinated against covid-19. dj ferguson was at the front of the line and now no longer because he doesn't have the jab. his father says he is not backing down. >> my son is edge of death and will stick to his gun, against his basic principles he doesn't believe that -- >> brigham and women's hospital says covid vaccine is required to create best chance for successful operation and the patient's survival after transplantation. d.j. is father of two with a third on the way. his family is thinking of transferring him, but they worry he may be too weak to move. biden administration withdrawing covid vaccine and testing mandate for private employer after it was struck down by the supreme court. it was for private companys with 100 employees. osha says it is not dropping the mandate and focus on making it a permanent healthcare standard. president biden mandates faced challenges and protest throughout the country. todd. >> todd: los angeles parents and students suing a chaerter school to end mandates. students claiming they were segregated because they didn't have the jab. >> we are being refused right to attend school. >> we feel segregated and discriminated. >> and closed off by this caution tape, segregated from the rest of the school. >> todd: this student and founder of let them breathe, the organization representing the students and parents against the school join me now. ella, what is it like to be treated like this by people who are supposed to be there to help you learn and grow? >> yeah, it was more of a feeling of like disappointment and abandonment, i felt coming from my entire administration, more that and less hurtful. i just felt like i was kicked to the curb by my entire school, who was supposed to be the ones backing me up and encouraging me to attend school and go learn. it is not everyday you hear a teenager who wants to go to school n. this case, that is all we wanted here. we were not here to protest or make a point or start any drama or commotion on campus, just there to go to school. >> todd: i mean no disrespect by this, you are eloquent young lady. you speak like a lady, you are still a child, to treat our children like this is unconscionable. sharon, how are fighting on ellah's behalf? >> let them choose has struck down the california mandate and filed a similar lawsuit against new west charter school, we are helping parents advocate and file third degree lawsuit on behalf of students like ellan. no young student should be made to feel how ellah is for trying a access education in america. >> todd: response from your school, they are doubling down on mandate. we are disappointed in the action of a small group of families who do not support the vaccination policy, council and nwc believe it is right to do for all students. the school says they believe they are right. ellah, why do you believe you are right? >> i think that it is less right or wrong, i am trying to exercise my constitutional rights. i think every child and adult out there should be able to do so without this opposing force, negative force coming from the other side. but at the end of the day -- not i think, i know what i'm doing has no malicious intent and intent is very pure and innocent and it is once again that i solely want to be treated like the rest of my classmates and i don't want to be, i want my reputation and status to be consumed by the fact i'm now unvaccinated. i feel lake that is all i have become to my classmates and my administration and everything i have done to help. >> todd: amazing to me that you have to say those words. i just want to be treated like everybody else and you're not because of a vaccination. think about that. think about that for a moment, where we've gone with this. sharon and ellah, so great to have you on, shame you are being treated as a political pawn. keep us posted. have a great day. carley. >> carley: all right. todd, a new op ed claims virginia voters have buyers remorse for putting republicans in office. governor glenn youngkin and his administration are deliver og their promises. we are setting the record straight with two first-time voters who helped turn the state red. ♪ ♪ glory days. ♪ ♪ pass me by, glory days ye y yey >> todd: welcome back, virginia governor glenn youngkin urging peep toll contact his office. >> we've set up help education at governor dot, for parents to send us instances they feel their fundamental rights are being violated, their children are not being respected. >> todd: parents are getting loud in loudoun, mask mandate defying the governor's orders. >> yesterday my daughter -- mask. she is 11. children have the right to choose for themselves. >> todd: parents protesting and school necessary virginia are separating maskd and unmasked kids by putting them in isolation in gymnasium. common theme to the show today. >> carley: despite glenn youngkin keeping his campaign promises, a new "washington post" op ed wants to convince virginia voters they made a mistake turning the state red. here to respond to voters in virginia who helped elect governor glenn youngkin, spencer and emma potter. good morning. a post from this op ed i know you read. it says youngkin, who squeaked into office with two-point margin of victory was soul of moderation and first week in office showed him to be a trumpian culture warrior, which according to the poll is a bad thing. do you have buyers remorse? >> i don't. i read the article and disagree with the premise. governor youngkin surprised everyone how he's been. these are things he campaigned on, he said he would end mask mandate in school and done that, he said he would listen to parents and he's done that. anybody who claims to have buyer's remorse on governor youngkin wasn't paying very good attention to his campaign. >> carley: yeah, really good point and the things governor youngkin has done so far, banned critical race theory, ended school mask mandate, rescinded vaccine mandate for state employees, authorized investigation into loudoun county public school and combating antisemitism and human trafficking prevention and survivor support. emma, over to you, do you feel it was mistake to vote for glenn youngkin? >> no, i 100% will stand behind him. he is sticking to what he's been saying from day one. i was lucky enough to attend his inaugural ceremony and i think he is trying to create a sense of unity and freedom amongst virginians. i still 100% stand behind him. >> carley: spencer from one election to another. fox news shows candidates running in midterm election, democratic candidates are campaigning on the green new deal and medicare for all and this is at a time when inflation is at a 40-year high. do you think that is the right direction for this country? >> absolutely not. i mean, we've gotten to a point where inflation rate is not just something people are talking about on wall street, it is affecting everyday families, gas and groceries prices have gotten higher in the last year. i think everyone knows that these big public relief bills like build back better, they will not pass. i think everyone knows at this point a lot of democrats are running on nothing. >> carley: emma, what do you been this and what will motivate people to vote in the midterms? >> i agree, it is hard. you go out and see everyday nothing on the shelves, people just can't afford, business owners can't afford to keep it up, it is hard to keep your feet under you with prices rising. it is a big motivator to see change. i don't think things can keep going like this. >> carley: you are both young and politically active people. among young people, president biden is losing significant amount of support, down 16 percentage poins according to nbc news poll. why do you think that is? >> i think he hasn't carried through on any promises. when he was campaigning against trump, he just promised the world and in the last year he's virtually delivered nothing and young people are starting to realize that. >> carley: i think democrats and republicans can agree on that sentiment. spencer, emma, thank you both for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: you bet. >> thank you. >> carley: all right. >> todd: white house dismissing this exchange between peter doocy and president biden earlier this week. >> political liability ahead of the midterm? >> that's a great asset. more inflation. what a stupid son of a [bleep]. >> todd: for the morning, nice. when asked if the president regretted that statement, jen psaki had this to say. >> press sect. psaki: the president called him, he conveyed to him it was nothing personal, man and acknowledged all of you are going to ask him a range of questions. i think that speaks for itself. >> todd: i do radio hits throughout the country. dione in st. louis and alabama and everybody wanted to talk about this for the entire hit. people are talking about this. one, i think the intrigue, you work at fox and know peter. two, this is not the president who said he was going to unite the country, that is not uniting. >> carley: big talker. >> todd: tough story coming up, six month old baby, victim of the crime crisis. shot and killed in atlanta, that baby there. how many more tragedies do we need for leaders to do something. >> carley: next guest is one of the loudest speaking out against violence and pushing to get his atlanta neighborhood its own police force. bill white, head of buckhead city committee joins us next. tb city committee joins us next. eb city committee joins us next. hed city committee joins us next. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. >> carley: second nypd officer william bert mora has died after being ambushed in harlem. his partner jason rivera died on the scene friday. honoring him. the commissioner praising the fallen officer on twitter righting wilbur chose service, sacrificing his life, for giving life even through organ donation, our heads are bowed and our hearts are family. donations are expected to save multiple lives. st. patrick's cathedral will have a service next week. shooting death of six-month-old baby boy in atlanta. 22-year-old little got into a gun fight with another person, causing a stray bullet to kill grayson fleming gray. he was in a car with his mom. little was recently released from jail and on probation for assault charges. the mom will discuss her son's tragic death. todd. >> todd: six-month-old baby, third child shot in atlanta this year, the city's police chief has had enough. >> major cities and throughout our country has gotten out of control. anybody who think they will commit violence in our city, we coming at you with everything we got. >> todd: ceo of the buckhead city committee joins us live. this baby was killed in his car seat. as i was reading the story, when the mom picked up the child bleeding, i had to put the story down. as a father, i couldn't imagine the pain and what that mother was going through when that happened. i was about to cry. how come preventing horrific tragedy like this is not priority number one above all else in atlanta and throughout other major cities in this country? >> todd, good morning. i always say hello to carley, don't want to get in trouble there. our heart goes out to grayson's family. i understand she's coming on, hearts and prayers to her. i don't want to tie what buckhead city is doing with this beautiful child of god. i have to tell you this loss of life, the mayor mentioned yesterday, this one is tough. i have to tell you, the 181 homicides in atlanta are all tough and what is going on, atlanta has become a criminal's paradise. i hate to say it, i love this city. the city is not responsive. that same chief was the chief under mayor two times ago, he's back again. and i have to tell you the police have quit in record numbers after mayor bottoms fired the five officers last year, this is sacred bond between the police and citizens and when the bond is broken and we demoralize the police and victimize their activities, they stop working for us. they are willing to give their life, you just reported two police in new york. these young men work for 25, 40,000 a year to be shot in the face and killed so they can protect us. we don't respect them and love them and pay them and welcome them and bring them into the community, they don't feel a sense to put the smack down on this terrible crime. buckhead is leading filed for divorce, two bills in the georgia state senate. we thank the governor, majority leader butch miller and david rawlson. they will put us on the ballot. not sending city to at lanta issue but the entire country. we've had it with the way we treat our police and with policy that allow criminals to just ran rampant through places like buckhead and enough is enough. >> todd: if these leaders don't course correct following that image, of that little baby, i don't know what will get them to, bill. >> yes, sir, i appreciate that. in buckhead city, ki tell you what we're going to do, hire 250 police officers, highest paid police officers in the states of georgia and have a take-home car and offered stipend to live in buckhead. we have to get back to saying we love our police. sever single one of them. if there is a rotten apple, that man or woman will be good quick. this is heartbreaking. i have a niece and nephew, my husband and i said prayers for this family yesterday. our hearts go out to them, put a stop to this crime. >> todd: bill white, we appreciate your time, thank you. god bless. >> carley: great interview there, horrific story. reversal on the defund the police movement, liberal mayor breda providing overtime funding for the city's police and fire department. she says money is crucial to public safety as department deals with a staffing crisis. breda will crack down on drug dealing, retail theft and car jackings, just one year ago she cut budgets by $120 million amid defunged the police movement. black lives chapter in washington, d.c. slammed, after tear jerker press conferences, being black in dc is more dangerous than any job. telling fox news digital they have proven time and time again they really don't care about black lives, if that were the case, they would be out protesting all shootings, not just those by police. stop what you are doing, this video will absolutely have you on the edge of your seat. watch this. >> officer, please. please, please, please. [screaming] >> police officers racing to save a choking toddler and cameras catching every pulse-punding second of it, we'll tell you what happened next. >> todd: wow, another win for freedom, judge says the new york governor overstepped her power with one of the latest covid orders. talking to a mother about why this ruling is important to her family and so many others, when we come back. >> over here. [screaming] >> it's okay. it's okay. >> todd: wow, dramatic incident caught on camera. police officer providing life-saving measures on unconscious baby, that officer clearing the dpirl's airway and she regained conscienceness and is in stable condition. unbelievable. carley. >> carley: liberty on winning streak against power-obsessed politicians. new york judge striking down mask mandate calling it unconstitutional. students are still required to be masked, pending an,a peel. joining me live, mark ude marren. good morning. victory early ther week and a judge granted a stay, which means the mask mandate stays in place as this worked -- gets worked out in the court system. what is your reaction to all the developments? >> well, it is certainly very exciting, but nerve racking, our children have been -- coming up on two years without having normal school. so much real-world data shows kids can go to school normally unmasked and be safe and teachers can be safe and they should be in the classroom safe. there is no reason to continue the mask mandate. >> carley: parents feel like reason and logic have left the building when the cdc says cloth masks don't prevent spread of covid-19. with that in mind, why is the governor fighting to keep this mask mandate in place, if not about the science, what is it about? >> there are two possibilities. they are well meaning and think this will keep us safe or pol tigszs being political. either way, it is our kids paying the price because my five year old has never had a day in his life of school where he can go in without a mask on his face and smile at his friends and see their smiles in return. enough is enough, we don't need masks on kids when 70 year olds can go to restaurants and politicians can go to concerts at madison square garden and take selfies and they are unmasked. why are our kids masked for seven plus hours per day. >> carley: look at los angeles, the school district requires all students to wear a well fitting noncloth mask with a nose wire indoors and outdoors, for a disease that doesn't even really affect children. what are negative consequences of masking kids up for over two years now? >> impact is enormous on children, we have seen a rise, very sadly in suicide attempts of young people. the lack of cost benefit analysis on masks is the hardest part as parent to see, if there is some small outcome on reducing transmission for those well fitted masks, not for cloth fitting masks, the cost and harm imposed on children are not worth it. >> carley: thank you for joining us this morning. todd. >> todd: panic setting in on the left after 29th house democrat calls it quits. the party is resorting to desperate measures to keep as many measures before the midterm. live reaction from sean duffy and joe concha weigh necessary on nancy pelosi's fight to holds on to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." nn to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." pelo the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." nancy pn to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." on to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." >> new episode of tucker carlson, george soros is a currency trader who spent decades waging war, one unlikely country is fighting back, that country is hungary. >> tucker goes one-on-one with the -- >> your success is challenge to their world view. >> tucker carlson, hungary versus soros, sign up today. sers of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. ♪ >> carley: you are watching "fox and friends first." >> todd: not just back street who are back. we are back. >> carley: we are back as a united team. you don't know how much you miss something until it is gone. i missed sitting next to

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Dr , Anthony Fauci , Tradition , December 24th , 60 , 24 , U S , Questions , Greg Gutfeld , Todd Piro , Carley Shimkus , It , Song , Daughter , Time , Other , I Haven T , Merry Christmas , Five , Way , Gift , Flats , Yes , Didn T Change , 57 , Thing , Delay , Shoe , Sneakers , Fun , Sarah , Shorts , Heels , Suit Pants , Fox T V , Two , Lot , Cameras , Fox And Friends First , Look , News , Crisis , Gym Shorts , Fox News Exclusive On The Border , Ice Buses , Migrants , Violation , Title , Trump , Brooke Songman , Texas , Brownsville , 42 , Men , Video , Parking Lot , Buses , Bus , Person , Taxicabs , Airport , Destinations , Smugglers , Miami , 000 , 2000 , Buckhead City , Office , Wment Fema , Atlanta , Services , Destination , Houston , Emergency , Transfer Of Migrants , Families , White House , Adults , Measure , Taxicab , Confusion , Ngos , Drop Offs , Place , Pandemic , Jen Psaki , Notices , Press Sect , Sxrpt , 40000 , Joe Biden , Administration , Kids , Subject , Repercussions , Tom Cotton , Supreme Court , Record , Order , Border Encounter , Two Million , Kamala Harris , Migration , Agents , December , Causes , Trip , Root , Honduras , 2021 , Tucker Carlson , Foreigners , Countries , Interest , Phrase , Home , People , Democracy , Laws , Government , Arrest Warrants , Airplanes , Refusal , Id , Congress , Everything , Money , Ukraine , Borders , Eastern Europe , Troops , Shipment , Overseas , Military Aid , Invasion , Tone , Announcement , Amy Kellogg , Hi , Nato , Rachetting Up Tension , 8500 , Part , Weapons , Flooding , Moscow , 200 Million , 00 Million , Program , Security Ark Cystance , Russia , Crimea , Aid , 2 5 Billion , 2014 , Putin , Attacks , Sanctions , Bashar Al Assad , Vladamir Putin , Rareified Club Including Maduro , Fox News , War , West , Anchor , Tv Station , Viewers , Onus , Tv Reign , One , Things , Out Of Control , Situation , Activists , List , Media Outlets , Tv Rain , Comments , Origins , Covid 19 , Sides , Coin , Repression , Aabroad , 19 , Document , Notes , Conference Call Fauci , National Institute Of Health , January Of 2020 , Group , Scientists , Scientist , Lab , Beliefs , Virus , Onset , Frances Collins , Wuhan , 2020 , Wall , Paper , Science , Concern , Harm , Harmony , Report , Potential , Topic , Conversations , Witness , China , Conspiracy Theory , Senator Blasting Treatment , Florida , Success Anecdotally , Thousands , Study , Observation Study , Treatment Sites , Cue , We Haven T Run A Clinical Trial , Laura , Governor , Doing , Step , Luck , Whims , Hitting , Fda , Treatments , Fighting , Bit , Medicine Cabinet , Omicron , Side Effects , Covid Treatment , Fighting Over , Nancy Pelosi , Re Election , Action , Speakership , Many , Colleagues , Bid , Rest , Jeopardy , Griff Jenkins , Lamborn , Rogers , Nothing , Election , Lives , Watch , Progress , Needs , Put , 18th , 32 , 1987 , 82 , 18 , Republicans , Opportunity , Party Leader , Indication , Pelosi Hasn T , Leadership , Currents , Criticism , She Doesn T Run , Outcome , Elections , Election Claims , The People S Voice , Leader , Office Walkd , Claim , Ballots , Americans , Hoyer , 2022 , Democrats , Majority , 29th Democrat , Jim Cooper , Seat , Suppression Legislation , Uphill Battle , 29 , Seats , Retirement , Carley , Math , Shellacked , Obama , 64 , 212 , 222 , 2010 , Leadership Position , Surprise , Listen , House Democratic Caucus , Gen , Ideas , Voters , Perspective , Organization , Party , Generation , Tom Brady , Times , Washington Times , Energy , Cleats , Mind , Scenes , Reports , Blood Bath , Ments , Saw , Leadership Role , She , Speaker Of The House , Retirements , 28 , Country , Case , Cases , Touch , Extent , Primaries , Foeder , Frp Another , Point , Agenda , Wagon , Type , Reason , Poll , Writing On The Wall , Poll Numbers , Course , Left , Kitchen Table , 85 , Cost , Prices , Say , Approval Rating , 14 , 50 , 30 , Numbers , Economy , 73 , 51 , Anybody , Help , Coverage , Trend , He Didn T Want , Beto O Rourke , Issues , Haircut , Beto O Rourke Couched It , Stacey Abrams , Ice Cream , Stop , Problem , Ice Cream Shop , Cone , Front , Don T Go , Food , Refrigerator , Family , Stuff , Gas Tank , Meals , Three , 15 , Students , Vaccine , Accusing School , State Fighting , Unvaccinated , New West Charter School , Student , Joe Concha , Sean Duffy , Next , Tap , Big Show , Don T , Side , Camera Views , Silverado , Cam , Thanks , Mr , Mrs , Guys Today , Lopez , Josh , Views , Chevy Silverado , Sir , Funny Business , Businessesvrolet , Going On , Do Nearlynew Views , Eight , One Million , Postage , Post Office , Price , More , Ship , Rates , Trips , Mail , Letters , Stamps Com , Ups , Usps , Trial , Scale , Stamps Com Tv , Anywhere , Tv Offer , 4 , Ingredients , Medicine , Medicine Company , Trust , Genexa , Gluten Thing , Hippy Medicine , Kid , Dyes , Ready , Set , Save , Sale , Business , Internet , Voice , Big Pharma , Installation , Backing , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Prepaid Card , Value , 500 , 4 99 , 2 , 64 99 , 00 , 24 7 , Possibilities , Deal , Comcast Business , Story , Man , Dj Ferguson , Heart Transplant , Line , Boston , Father , Son , Death , Jab , Edge , Principles , Gun , Chance , Survival , Patient , Operation , Brigham And Women S Hospital , Mandate , Employer , Thinking , Transplantation , Third , Testing , D J , Osha , Companys , Employees , Healthcare Standard , 100 , Parents , Los Angeles , Mandates , Challenges , Protest , Caution Tape , Founder , Ella , Feeling , Abandonment , Disappointment , School , Curb , Ones , Teenager , Drama , Children , Child , Lady , Commotion , Campus , Disrespect , Lawsuit , Ellah , Behalf , Sharon , California , Access Education In America , Degree , Response , Ellan , Vaccination Policy , Council , Force , Rights , Adult , The Other Side , Intent , Classmates , Lake , Status , Reputation , Fact , Words , Everybody , Vaccination , Buyers Remorse , Virginia , Pawn , Op Ed Claims , Glenn Youngkin , Estate , Promises , Red , Pass Me By , Glory Days , Glory Days Ye Y Yey , Welcome Back , Peep Toll Contact , Education , Urging , Dot Virginia Com , Instances , Loudoun , Mask , Orders , 11 , Show , Campaign Promises , Washington Post , Isolation , Gymnasium , Theme , Separating Maskd , Spencer , Mistake Turning , Op Ed , Victory , Margin , Post , Soul , Emma Potter , Who , Moderation , Trumpian Culture Warrior , Mask Mandate , Everyone , Article , I Don T , Premise , Youngkin Wasn T , Campaign , Buyer , Remorse , Attention , Vaccine Mandate , School Mask Mandate , State Employees , Race Theory , Public School , Mistake , Human Trafficking Prevention And Survivor Support , Antisemitism , Sense , Ceremony , Day One , Freedom , Candidates , Another , Unity , Virginians , Inflation , Campaigning , Medicare , High , Direction , 40 , Something , Inflation Rate , Gas , Groceries , Wall Street , Build , Emma , Big Public Relief Bills , Midterms , Shelves , Business Owners , Change , Motivator , Feet , Support , Amount , Nbc News , 16 , Hasn T , World , Sentiment , You Bet , Midterm , Exchange , Liability , Asset , Bleep , Peter Doocy , Statement , Nice , Radio Hits , Range , Hit , Dione In St , Louis , Alabama , Intrigue , Tough Story Coming Up , Know Peter , Big Talker , Leaders , Baby , Guest , Crime Crisis , Victim , Tragedies , Six , Violence , Bill White , Police Force , Buckhead City Committee , Neighborhood , Tb City Committee , Eb City Committee , Hed City Committee , Arm , Leg , Up Shipstation , Labels , Shipping , Label , Clicks , Running , Seamless , Half , Cut , Costs , The Box , Sellers , Choice , 1 , William Bert Mora , Jason Rivera , Second Nypd , Harlem , Life , Service , Officer , Commissioner , Scene , Righting Wilbur , Twitter , Hearts , Donations , Organ Donation , Heads , Baby Boy , Little , Gun Fight , Patrick S Cathedral , 22 , Mom , Car , Assault Charges , Probation , Bullet , Jail , Grayson Fleming Gray , Cities , City , The Buckhead City Committee , Mother , Car Seat , Couldn T , Child Bleeding , Pain , Tragedy , Number , Else , Cry , Prayers , Heart , Trouble , Grayson , Mayor , Loss , God , 181 , Chief , Criminal , Paradise , Homicides , Police , Bond , Officers , Bottoms , Citizens , Activities , New York , 25 , Face , Community , Shot , Butch Miller , Crime , Bills , Smack , Divorce , Buckhead , Georgia State Senate , David Rawlson , Policy , Ballot , Criminals , At Lanta Issue , Places , Image , Police Officers , Bill , States , Take Home Car , Georgia , Ki Tell , 250 , Apple , Stipend , Single , Woman , Nephew , Husband , Niece , Interview , Police Movement , Defund , Overtime Funding , Reversal , Horrific Story , Fire Department , God Bless , Breda , Department Deals , Drug Dealing , Safety , Staffing Crisis , Retail Theft , Car Jackings , Black , Chapter , Washington D C , Defunged The Police Movement , Slammed , 20 Million , 120 Million , Press Conferences , Job , Being Black In Dc , Tear Jerker , Don T Care , Shootings , Screaming , Choking Toddler , Pulse Punding , Judge , Covid Orders , Ruling , Power , Win , Others , Measures , Police Officer , Officer Clearing , Incident , Airway , Camera , Conscienceness , Dpirl , Politicians , Condition , Streak , Liberty , Unbelievable , Peel , Mark Ude Marren , Reaction , Stay , Court System , Normal School , Developments , Nerve Racking , Data , Teachers , Classroom Safe , Logic , Building , Cloth Masks Don T Prevent Spread , Cdc , Safe , Pol Tigszs , Friends , Old , Smiles , Masks , Restaurants , Concerts , Madison Square Garden , 70 , Noncloth , Disease , The School District , Seven , Masking , Impact , Suicide Attempts , Consequences , Rise , Parent , Transmission , Lack , Cost Benefit Analysis , Panic Setting , 29th House , Nancy Pn , Gavel , Fight , Episode , Nn To The Speaker , Pelo The Speaker , Currency Trader , Fighting Back , Hungary , George Soros , Challenge , World View , Success , Versus Soros , Sers , Street , Team ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

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>> todd: 57 years old now. by the way, i'm still shorter than you. that didn't change. >> carley: i thought about putting flats on you as a gift because really he is taller than me. >> todd: yes, legally. >> carley: exactly. >> todd: with that -- you can hold on. >> carley: put my shoe back on. i hated doing the remote thing, there is delay, not as fun. i did like wearing sneakers for the two hours, this is first time i'm in heels for a while. >> todd: this is first time i'm in suit pants. i asked sarah if i could wear shorts, she said no. you are watching fox t.v., i'm todd piro. >> carley: that would have been a look, gym shorts for "fox and friends first." i'm carley shimkus. thank you for joining us. a lot of news and we begin with a fox news exclusive on the border crisis. our cameras capturing ice buses dumping illegal migrants in brownsville, texas in violation of trump era title 42. >> todd: brooke songman joins us. brooke, not a good look. >> brooke: federally contracted buses are dropping off illegal migrants in brownsville, texas. this video shows men getting off the bus in a parking lot. taxicabs shuttled them to nearby airport. some migrants saying they paid $2000 per person to cartel smugglers and said they were flying to various destinations, including miami, houston and atlanta. the city of brownsville says office of emergency manage wment fema works to facilitate "transfer of migrants" to final destination by allowing them to use services to contact families, ngos or taxicab. drop-offs are causing confusion, single adults are typically expelled by the trump era 42. white house is insisting they are keeping that measure in place. listen. >> press sect. psaki: we are under title 42. >> 40,000 migrants were given notices to sxrpt did not show up >> press sect. psaki: we are still in a global pandemic, those who do not show up will be subject to repercussions of that. >> brooke: tom cotton is hoping the biden administration holds them accountable. >> these are not little kids that is direct violation of the court's order, i hope the court holds them accountable and hold mayorkis accountable for this. >> brooke: border encounter top a record with two million during the 2021 calendar year and agents stopped more migrant necessary december. tomorrow, vice president kamala harris will address the root causes of migration during her trip to honduras. >> todd: we've heard that root causes phrase before, thank you. tucker carlson calling out biden administration for putting interest of other countries above our own at home. listen. >> we're allowing foreigners who came here illegally in violation of our laws, which are unenforced by current government, which is undermining democracy by refusal to enforce laws, those people get to use arrest warrants to get on airplanes. you have to show id. meanwhile, we'll stop after this, congress is doing everything pulling out all the stops to send more money to eastern europe to protect the borders of ukraine. it is like it is not real, but it is real. >> todd: going overseas president biden saying u.s. troops may be deployed to europe in the near future as third shipment of military aid is delivered to ukraine ahead of possible invasion. >> carley: amy kellogg, good morning. >> amy: hi, carley and todd. the tone is moscow very much is it is the u.s. and nato rachetting up tension, particularly after that announcement that 8500 u.s. troops are on high alert possibly to deploy to eastern europe. moscow accuses america of "flooding" ukraine with weapons, more arrived yesterday. part of a new $200 million security ark cystance program and u.s. provided 2.5 billion aid to kiev since 2014, when russia annexed crimea. president biden says if russia attacks ukraine, might put sanctions on vladamir putin personally, putting putin in rareified club including maduro and bashar al assad. here at russia last independent tv station, tv reign, an anchor told fox news their viewers are frightened of war and do not want one and basically says the onus is on the west to keep things from spiralling out of control. >> how? >> if it is -- just don't give vladamir putin what he asks. i mean, he's not -- um, he's used to the situation when he gets everything he asks because he is blackmailing people in the west. the white house may be smarter -- for the white house. >> amy: tv rain was recently added to the long list of what russia has of foreign agents, including media outlets and activists and this anchor says that repression at home and aabroad are two sides of today's coin in today's russia. >> carley: interesting comments. the origins of covid-19, internal document from national institute of health obtained by fox news raising new questions about what dr. anthony fauci knew about the origins of the pandemic. notes from a conference call fauci organized in january of 2020 at onset of the pandemic showing multiple scientists were told to suppress their beliefs that the virus originated in a wuhan lab. one scientist saying dr. frances collins told the group, "do not write a paper at all" on the topic, it is "unnecessary," citing concern it could cause grave potential harm to science and international harmony with china. the report putting fauci as witness to all the conversations despite him publicly calling it a conspiracy theory. wow. >> todd: florida senator blasting treatment. >> we have seen success anecdotally, we haven't run a clinical trial. they are relying on one study, an observation study. we had thousands in the cue at our treatment sites, laura, and they wake up to saying you're out of luck because of the whims of the biden administration, what they are doing is fundamentally wrong. >> jen psaki hitting back at the governor. >> press sect. psaki: take a step back to realize how crazy this is a little bit. we've approached covid treatment like medicine cabinet what the fda is making clear issue these treatments they are fighting over, the governor is fighting over do not work against omicron and they have side effects. >> todd: vowing to take legal action against the fda. >> carley: house speaker nancy pelosi announcing bid for re-election. with many of her colleagues choosing not to run again, her speakership could be in jeopardy. >> todd: griff jenkins if rogers in lamborn, rest assured have been put to rest. watch. >> we've made progress, more needs to be done to improve people's lives, this election is crucial. nothing less at stake than our democracy and that is why i am running for re-election to congress. >> she's been in congress 32 years, first elected in 1987, this would be her 18th. she would be 82 if and when that happens. she gave no indication if she plans to remain party leader as republicans see an opportunity. >> nancy pelosi, damned if you do and damned if you don't. if she doesn't run, that is her admitting they will lose the house. they are doubling down on failed leadership. >> todd: pelosi hasn't indicated she would keep her upon currents team as hoyer draws criticism for backing biden's illegitimate election claims, watch. >> president biden is right, this is about democracy, about america that believes in making sure the people's voice is heard and reflected in the outcome of the elections. >> todd: hoyer's office walkd that back saying leader hoyer does not believe the 2022 election would be illegitimate or claim ballots ought to be thrown out simply americans have been disenfranchise friday our democracy by gop election suppression legislation. the uphill battle for democrats to hold slim majority, which is slim nest decades got one seat harder as rep jim cooper just became the 29th democrat to announce retirement. you do the math, todd and carley, democrats have 222 seats and republicans in 212. in 2010, shellacked obama democrats lost 64 seats. todd and carley. >> carley: griff, thank you so much. because of all the seats democrats are expected to lose, that is why a lot of people thought nancy pelosi was going to retire because she didn't want to lose her leadership position. it was a surprise when she announced she would run for re-election. interesting comments here, take a listen. >> i firmly believe that it is time for new leadership in the house democratic caucus, i continuing is time for new leadership throughout the democratic party. not only do we have to get vibrant, we have to have bolder ideas to bring in new gen -- generation of voters, whether you are nancy pelosi or tom brady, sometimes have you to hangup the cleats when it comes to being leader of your particular party and organization. >> carley: that is one perspective, it is interesting it is coming from inside the democratic party. some people saying she needs to hangup the cleats, 18 times is too many times, there needs to be new leadership and more energy within the democratic party. washington times has interesting reports and says behind scenes house democrats are urging other democrats who announced retire ments to change their mind and run for re-election to avoid a blood bath. i think nancy pelosi saw that and thought how bad would it be if throughout 28 retirements, she, the speaker of the house, also retire. she may not want to run for re-election again, she could lose her leadership role, she kind of has to. >> todd: to a certain extent, shows how out of touch she is what the country thinks of her. republicans will take this and seize upon it, they know their number one case, one of many cases, there is a lot, joe biden is providing foeder, do you want pelosi in charge frp another two year? that is in every single ad every republican will run in primaries and when they run against democrats. that is a huge point for republicans to run, majority of the country does not like nancy pelosi, especially the nancy pelosi that tries to join in with joe biden abandoned any type of moderate agenda and hooking wagon to far progressive left. >> carley: one reason democrats are retiring, writing on the wall, poll numbers are so bad, playing throughout the week, new fox news poll and it is all about kitchen table issues like inflation. 85% of people say yes, of course they are concerned about rising prices. 14% say no and if you look at the individual cost of things that are increasing, gas up 50%, energy up almost 30% and then president biden approval rating on the economy, 51% and on the economy 73% saying the economy is fair or poor. not good numbers there. what is interesting, todd, i don't think is getting enough coverage. beto o'rourke wants to be governor in texas and he said he will campaign alone. he didn't want president biden's help or anybody from the administration, i think that trend we'll see as we inch closer to november. >> todd: beto o'rourke couched it as look, i want to focus on texas issues. he didn't want the president around. >> carley: and stacey abrams was busy with a haircut. >> todd: to sum up, joe biden is out of touch. you have numbers like that and stop at ice cream shop, the democrats have problem with ice cream. nancy pelosi, there it is, the infamous cone. american people struggling to put food on their table, don't go to a ice cream shop, it is winter. >> carley: nancy pelosi and ice cream. >> todd: in front of her big refrigerator with ice cream. they have ice cream in summer, not high-end stuff, they are trying to fill up their gas tank and provide for their family and put three square meals for their kids issue not a good look, stupid opportunity for him. with that, 15 after the hour, i'll calm down. students in one state fighting for the right to be in the classroom accusing school of unfairly punishing them for being unvaccinated. >> we're being threatened to be suspended because we don't have the covid-19 vaccine and being closed off and segregated from the rest of the school. >> todd: find out how they are fighting back when one student joins us next. >> carley: we have a big show on tap. sean duffy and joe concha are joining us live on this busy wednesday morning. don't miss a minute. thanks for bringing me with you guys today, mr. and mrs. lopez. not a problem, josh. hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? no, sir. let's have a great day! the chevy silverado offers eight cameras with up to 15 different views. why do nearlynew views. one million businessesvrolet. choose to mail and ship? no more trips to the post office no more paying full price for postage and great rates from usps and ups mail letters ship packages anytime anywhere for less a lot less get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again genexa is the first clean medicine company. what does clean medicine mean anyway? it's the same active 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because he is not vaccinated against covid-19. dj ferguson was at the front of the line and now no longer because he doesn't have the jab. his father says he is not backing down. >> my son is edge of death and will stick to his gun, against his basic principles he doesn't believe that -- >> brigham and women's hospital says covid vaccine is required to create best chance for successful operation and the patient's survival after transplantation. d.j. is father of two with a third on the way. his family is thinking of transferring him, but they worry he may be too weak to move. biden administration withdrawing covid vaccine and testing mandate for private employer after it was struck down by the supreme court. it was for private companys with 100 employees. osha says it is not dropping the mandate and focus on making it a permanent healthcare standard. president biden mandates faced challenges and protest throughout the country. todd. >> todd: los angeles parents and students suing a chaerter school to end mandates. students claiming they were segregated because they didn't have the jab. >> we are being refused right to attend school. >> we feel segregated and discriminated. >> and closed off by this caution tape, segregated from the rest of the school. >> todd: this student and founder of let them breathe, the organization representing the students and parents against the school join me now. ella, what is it like to be treated like this by people who are supposed to be there to help you learn and grow? >> yeah, it was more of a feeling of like disappointment and abandonment, i felt coming from my entire administration, more that and less hurtful. i just felt like i was kicked to the curb by my entire school, who was supposed to be the ones backing me up and encouraging me to attend school and go learn. it is not everyday you hear a teenager who wants to go to school n. this case, that is all we wanted here. we were not here to protest or make a point or start any drama or commotion on campus, just there to go to school. >> todd: i mean no disrespect by this, you are eloquent young lady. you speak like a lady, you are still a child, to treat our children like this is unconscionable. sharon, how are fighting on ellah's behalf? >> let them choose has struck down the california mandate and filed a similar lawsuit against new west charter school, we are helping parents advocate and file third degree lawsuit on behalf of students like ellan. no young student should be made to feel how ellah is for trying a access education in america. >> todd: response from your school, they are doubling down on mandate. we are disappointed in the action of a small group of families who do not support the vaccination policy, council and nwc believe it is right to do for all students. the school says they believe they are right. ellah, why do you believe you are right? >> i think that it is less right or wrong, i am trying to exercise my constitutional rights. i think every child and adult out there should be able to do so without this opposing force, negative force coming from the other side. but at the end of the day -- not i think, i know what i'm doing has no malicious intent and intent is very pure and innocent and it is once again that i solely want to be treated like the rest of my classmates and i don't want to be, i want my reputation and status to be consumed by the fact i'm now unvaccinated. i feel lake that is all i have become to my classmates and my administration and everything i have done to help. >> todd: amazing to me that you have to say those words. i just want to be treated like everybody else and you're not because of a vaccination. think about that. think about that for a moment, where we've gone with this. sharon and ellah, so great to have you on, shame you are being treated as a political pawn. keep us posted. have a great day. carley. >> carley: all right. todd, a new op ed claims virginia voters have buyers remorse for putting republicans in office. governor glenn youngkin and his administration are deliver og their promises. we are setting the record straight with two first-time voters who helped turn the state red. ♪ ♪ glory days. ♪ ♪ pass me by, glory days ye y yey >> todd: welcome back, virginia governor glenn youngkin urging peep toll contact his office. >> we've set up help education at governor dot, for parents to send us instances they feel their fundamental rights are being violated, their children are not being respected. >> todd: parents are getting loud in loudoun, mask mandate defying the governor's orders. >> yesterday my daughter -- mask. she is 11. children have the right to choose for themselves. >> todd: parents protesting and school necessary virginia are separating maskd and unmasked kids by putting them in isolation in gymnasium. common theme to the show today. >> carley: despite glenn youngkin keeping his campaign promises, a new "washington post" op ed wants to convince virginia voters they made a mistake turning the state red. here to respond to voters in virginia who helped elect governor glenn youngkin, spencer and emma potter. good morning. a post from this op ed i know you read. it says youngkin, who squeaked into office with two-point margin of victory was soul of moderation and first week in office showed him to be a trumpian culture warrior, which according to the poll is a bad thing. do you have buyers remorse? >> i don't. i read the article and disagree with the premise. governor youngkin surprised everyone how he's been. these are things he campaigned on, he said he would end mask mandate in school and done that, he said he would listen to parents and he's done that. anybody who claims to have buyer's remorse on governor youngkin wasn't paying very good attention to his campaign. >> carley: yeah, really good point and the things governor youngkin has done so far, banned critical race theory, ended school mask mandate, rescinded vaccine mandate for state employees, authorized investigation into loudoun county public school and combating antisemitism and human trafficking prevention and survivor support. emma, over to you, do you feel it was mistake to vote for glenn youngkin? >> no, i 100% will stand behind him. he is sticking to what he's been saying from day one. i was lucky enough to attend his inaugural ceremony and i think he is trying to create a sense of unity and freedom amongst virginians. i still 100% stand behind him. >> carley: spencer from one election to another. fox news shows candidates running in midterm election, democratic candidates are campaigning on the green new deal and medicare for all and this is at a time when inflation is at a 40-year high. do you think that is the right direction for this country? >> absolutely not. i mean, we've gotten to a point where inflation rate is not just something people are talking about on wall street, it is affecting everyday families, gas and groceries prices have gotten higher in the last year. i think everyone knows that these big public relief bills like build back better, they will not pass. i think everyone knows at this point a lot of democrats are running on nothing. >> carley: emma, what do you been this and what will motivate people to vote in the midterms? >> i agree, it is hard. you go out and see everyday nothing on the shelves, people just can't afford, business owners can't afford to keep it up, it is hard to keep your feet under you with prices rising. it is a big motivator to see change. i don't think things can keep going like this. >> carley: you are both young and politically active people. among young people, president biden is losing significant amount of support, down 16 percentage poins according to nbc news poll. why do you think that is? >> i think he hasn't carried through on any promises. when he was campaigning against trump, he just promised the world and in the last year he's virtually delivered nothing and young people are starting to realize that. >> carley: i think democrats and republicans can agree on that sentiment. spencer, emma, thank you both for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: you bet. >> thank you. >> carley: all right. >> todd: white house dismissing this exchange between peter doocy and president biden earlier this week. >> political liability ahead of the midterm? >> that's a great asset. more inflation. what a stupid son of a [bleep]. >> todd: for the morning, nice. when asked if the president regretted that statement, jen psaki had this to say. >> press sect. psaki: the president called him, he conveyed to him it was nothing personal, man and acknowledged all of you are going to ask him a range of questions. i think that speaks for itself. >> todd: i do radio hits throughout the country. dione in st. louis and alabama and everybody wanted to talk about this for the entire hit. people are talking about this. one, i think the intrigue, you work at fox and know peter. two, this is not the president who said he was going to unite the country, that is not uniting. >> carley: big talker. >> todd: tough story coming up, six month old baby, victim of the crime crisis. shot and killed in atlanta, that baby there. how many more tragedies do we need for leaders to do something. >> carley: next guest is one of the loudest speaking out against violence and pushing to get his atlanta neighborhood its own police force. bill white, head of buckhead city committee joins us next. tb city committee joins us next. eb city committee joins us next. hed city committee joins us next. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. >> carley: second nypd officer william bert mora has died after being ambushed in harlem. his partner jason rivera died on the scene friday. honoring him. the commissioner praising the fallen officer on twitter righting wilbur chose service, sacrificing his life, for giving life even through organ donation, our heads are bowed and our hearts are family. donations are expected to save multiple lives. st. patrick's cathedral will have a service next week. shooting death of six-month-old baby boy in atlanta. 22-year-old little got into a gun fight with another person, causing a stray bullet to kill grayson fleming gray. he was in a car with his mom. little was recently released from jail and on probation for assault charges. the mom will discuss her son's tragic death. todd. >> todd: six-month-old baby, third child shot in atlanta this year, the city's police chief has had enough. >> major cities and throughout our country has gotten out of control. anybody who think they will commit violence in our city, we coming at you with everything we got. >> todd: ceo of the buckhead city committee joins us live. this baby was killed in his car seat. as i was reading the story, when the mom picked up the child bleeding, i had to put the story down. as a father, i couldn't imagine the pain and what that mother was going through when that happened. i was about to cry. how come preventing horrific tragedy like this is not priority number one above all else in atlanta and throughout other major cities in this country? >> todd, good morning. i always say hello to carley, don't want to get in trouble there. our heart goes out to grayson's family. i understand she's coming on, hearts and prayers to her. i don't want to tie what buckhead city is doing with this beautiful child of god. i have to tell you this loss of life, the mayor mentioned yesterday, this one is tough. i have to tell you, the 181 homicides in atlanta are all tough and what is going on, atlanta has become a criminal's paradise. i hate to say it, i love this city. the city is not responsive. that same chief was the chief under mayor two times ago, he's back again. and i have to tell you the police have quit in record numbers after mayor bottoms fired the five officers last year, this is sacred bond between the police and citizens and when the bond is broken and we demoralize the police and victimize their activities, they stop working for us. they are willing to give their life, you just reported two police in new york. these young men work for 25, 40,000 a year to be shot in the face and killed so they can protect us. we don't respect them and love them and pay them and welcome them and bring them into the community, they don't feel a sense to put the smack down on this terrible crime. buckhead is leading filed for divorce, two bills in the georgia state senate. we thank the governor, majority leader butch miller and david rawlson. they will put us on the ballot. not sending city to at lanta issue but the entire country. we've had it with the way we treat our police and with policy that allow criminals to just ran rampant through places like buckhead and enough is enough. >> todd: if these leaders don't course correct following that image, of that little baby, i don't know what will get them to, bill. >> yes, sir, i appreciate that. in buckhead city, ki tell you what we're going to do, hire 250 police officers, highest paid police officers in the states of georgia and have a take-home car and offered stipend to live in buckhead. we have to get back to saying we love our police. sever single one of them. if there is a rotten apple, that man or woman will be good quick. this is heartbreaking. i have a niece and nephew, my husband and i said prayers for this family yesterday. our hearts go out to them, put a stop to this crime. >> todd: bill white, we appreciate your time, thank you. god bless. >> carley: great interview there, horrific story. reversal on the defund the police movement, liberal mayor breda providing overtime funding for the city's police and fire department. she says money is crucial to public safety as department deals with a staffing crisis. breda will crack down on drug dealing, retail theft and car jackings, just one year ago she cut budgets by $120 million amid defunged the police movement. black lives chapter in washington, d.c. slammed, after tear jerker press conferences, being black in dc is more dangerous than any job. telling fox news digital they have proven time and time again they really don't care about black lives, if that were the case, they would be out protesting all shootings, not just those by police. stop what you are doing, this video will absolutely have you on the edge of your seat. watch this. >> officer, please. please, please, please. [screaming] >> police officers racing to save a choking toddler and cameras catching every pulse-punding second of it, we'll tell you what happened next. >> todd: wow, another win for freedom, judge says the new york governor overstepped her power with one of the latest covid orders. talking to a mother about why this ruling is important to her family and so many others, when we come back. >> over here. [screaming] >> it's okay. it's okay. >> todd: wow, dramatic incident caught on camera. police officer providing life-saving measures on unconscious baby, that officer clearing the dpirl's airway and she regained conscienceness and is in stable condition. unbelievable. carley. >> carley: liberty on winning streak against power-obsessed politicians. new york judge striking down mask mandate calling it unconstitutional. students are still required to be masked, pending an,a peel. joining me live, mark ude marren. good morning. victory early ther week and a judge granted a stay, which means the mask mandate stays in place as this worked -- gets worked out in the court system. what is your reaction to all the developments? >> well, it is certainly very exciting, but nerve racking, our children have been -- coming up on two years without having normal school. so much real-world data shows kids can go to school normally unmasked and be safe and teachers can be safe and they should be in the classroom safe. there is no reason to continue the mask mandate. >> carley: parents feel like reason and logic have left the building when the cdc says cloth masks don't prevent spread of covid-19. with that in mind, why is the governor fighting to keep this mask mandate in place, if not about the science, what is it about? >> there are two possibilities. they are well meaning and think this will keep us safe or pol tigszs being political. either way, it is our kids paying the price because my five year old has never had a day in his life of school where he can go in without a mask on his face and smile at his friends and see their smiles in return. enough is enough, we don't need masks on kids when 70 year olds can go to restaurants and politicians can go to concerts at madison square garden and take selfies and they are unmasked. why are our kids masked for seven plus hours per day. >> carley: look at los angeles, the school district requires all students to wear a well fitting noncloth mask with a nose wire indoors and outdoors, for a disease that doesn't even really affect children. what are negative consequences of masking kids up for over two years now? >> impact is enormous on children, we have seen a rise, very sadly in suicide attempts of young people. the lack of cost benefit analysis on masks is the hardest part as parent to see, if there is some small outcome on reducing transmission for those well fitted masks, not for cloth fitting masks, the cost and harm imposed on children are not worth it. >> carley: thank you for joining us this morning. todd. >> todd: panic setting in on the left after 29th house democrat calls it quits. the party is resorting to desperate measures to keep as many measures before the midterm. live reaction from sean duffy and joe concha weigh necessary on nancy pelosi's fight to holds on to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." nn to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." pelo the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." nancy pn to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." on to the speaker's gavel coming up on "fox and friends first." >> new episode of tucker carlson, george soros is a currency trader who spent decades waging war, one unlikely country is fighting back, that country is hungary. >> tucker goes one-on-one with the -- >> your success is challenge to their world view. >> tucker carlson, hungary versus soros, sign up today. sers of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. ♪ >> carley: you are watching "fox and friends first." >> todd: not just back street who are back. we are back. >> carley: we are back as a united team. you don't know how much you miss something until it is gone. i missed sitting next to

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