Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

are they the next step that would push the united states and its presence out of europe altogether? general jack keane, former secretary state and mike pompeo and senator tom cotton on board with us with these difficult questions that america faces in an urgent situation as 8,500 u.s. troops get ready for action. all that as we await a live update from the state department. a lot of focus there, a controversial move to pull americans out of ukraine leaving them in some cases to their own devises to get out. is this like afghanistan? we'll take you live there next. national security correspondent jennifer griffin joins us live with the pentagon with the latest. good afternoon, jennifer. >> it's very important to reiterate that none of the 8,500 troops on alert by the pentagon would be going to ukraine. none are going to be fighting russian troops, in other words. if they are called up and they haven't been so far, it would be to defend article 5, nato allies like romania, poland, the baltics. also important to point out, none of the u.s. weapons that arrived in kiev are going to do much against the russian air force. the new u.s. weapon shipments that landed at the airport in kiev included 300 javelin anti-tank missiles, part of about 200 million in new mostly defensive security assistance that president biden directed to ukraine. the u.s. embassy envoy spoke as the weapons arrived at the airport. >> our message is clear. the united states stands with ukraine, our allies and partners. let's make no mistake about it. if russia decides to come into ukraine, it was a disaster for russia. >> the pentagon began to notify troops and their families about the move. such a force could be part of 40,000 nato allied troops if mobilized under todd walter, the supreme commander to defend the easter flank. that decision has not been taken. the pentagon was clear. the u.s. troops would not be going to ukraine. >> not ruling out any unilateral u.s. troops. also inside europe or going to europe to both bolster our allies and re-assure them. it's about credible combat power for the alliance. >> nato says they will deployed four f-16 fighter jets to lithuania. spain has offered to provide fighter jets to bulgaria. france has offered troops to romania and the netherlands is sending two f-35 fighter aircraft to bulgaria in april. germany says they plan to send a $6 million field hospital but has strict hospital barring it from sending lethal aid to a combat zone. the bottom line, the u.s. wants to not stumble in a war but protect its allies. >> martha: we that, we bring in jack keane, former vice chief of start of the army and fox news contributor. i'd like to put up a map showing ukraine and russia and showing the 100,000 plus troops and the positions that they occupy. we know that there's operations going on in belarus, which is more in the central area of ukraine to the north and then outside of where you're looking right now and we can put the second map up, you'll see the other countries that are in nato, poland, general? >> russia is still continuing to deploy troops in to the main toe east and to the north. they're coming out of the southern military district and also the western military district. they're bringing troops all the way from the eastern military district into belarus. that is still ongoing. that won't be complete for a week or so. the ground conditions are frozen now. they've had a mild winter there, but finally got frozen. they're in an ideal situation for heavy armor maneuver forces. i don't think an attack is i'ment. we have belarus situation for those troops to arrive to get prepared. that will take a couple weeks, maybe three at the month. putin is off to the olympics february 4. i don't think he will conduct a war in europe and take the world stage away from president xi during those olympics, which ends on the 20th. but nonetheless, i also think that putin right now is still hoping for some concessions. there's some negotiations taking place now. what has taken place in terms of negotiations in the past is a statement of positions. what putin is thinking as the united states is prepare ago so-called written response to his written proposals that there's going to be some negotiating room there. i have concerns about the united states and their toughness in negotiations dealing with putin and his team. we may very well make some significant concessions to him. that remains to be scene. putin is still holding out for that possibility. may not eliminate an entire invasion. he still may conduct some limited activity if he got some favorable concessions. after all, the thing that is driving him nuts is the fact that zelensky, the third leader in ukraine, in addition to these other leaders, move towards the west in terms of economic integration with the e.u. and political military integration and did it in a more accelerated fashion. i think putin has come to the conclusion that working with the ukraine people-supported government is impossible. what needs to be done, he needs a stugen that he used to have. that is his objective, how to get there without a full invasion and taking kiev is another matter. he's got his chief architect of hybrid warfare and his chief of staff who is clearly may have some designs on how to do some of that would a full-out invasion. >> martha: you have said you'd like to see sort of no further concessions before there are any possible invasion. you know, there's some indications that -- i should put it this way. that sanctions should come now. the force has to come now to prevent him from wanting to move in and fearing there could be more behind that even economic concessions, this is john finer, white house national adviser on why the white house is not imposing more sanctions in advance. >> if you pose the costs in advance they're taken in by russia and the deterrence is assumed because they have seen the cost. >> martha: do you agree with that strategy? >> absolutely not. this makes no sense. i mean, we should have had preemptive sanctions here. we have very tough sanctions. even though we have problems with germany and france and other european countries on sanctions and some of them will fold their hand if they have tough energy sanctions and tough energy problems to deal with, but the swift system, we don't need them. we can do that unilaterally. we can take down their major banks. we should have started that. we should have put the troops that we're talking about moving, they should already be there. upgunning ukraine, martha, anti-tank weapons that the trump administration started was a step in the right direction. now we need more than that. anti-drone, anti-aircraft systems. anti-ship missiles. missile defense, this is on their list. they need artillery and mortars. all of that should have been there and should be flowing. that would have sent a clear message. we should have upped the number of trainer there's to help the ukraine military. they're not in the fight and we'll pull them out if there's an invasion. we lost huge strategic opportunity here but not having preemptive tough sanctions. >> martha: general keane, this will be an ongoing conversation with you. glad to have you. thanks very much. >> great talking to you, martha. >> martha: all right. we're waiting for an update from the state department. you can see the podium there poised for action and questions that will be coming about the americans, how do we get our folks out, is it too premature and what about questions about oil and what could be changed with regard to the oil policy that has worked to vladimir putin's benefit. mike pompeo standing by on the big picture as well. you know, with china and russia having more and more connection and alliance between them against the united states, are they able to create a new world order where the united states takes a back seat and how worrisome is this new omicron variant? the u.s. averages more covid deaths per day than it has in nearly a year. where are the treatments? where are the pills that we've been talking about? our doctor breaks it down. what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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let's bring in amesh adalja, infection disease specialist. great to have you here, doctor as always. let's tackle these one at a time. the new omicron variant that there's evidence of a couple of cases up, what do we know about it? >> this is sort of a sister of the main omicron variant. it's been around some time. it's in denmark, the u.k. taking off and maybe outcompeting the original version of omicron, the one that everybody is familiar with. we don't know if it's more severe. i doubt if it will be more severe or have any differences in terms of the vaccine or any of the treatments because they're related to each other. it's something that we'll have to wait and see what happens to it. i don't think it's a time for panic. we have to characterize it, understand what its role is and the same things that we're doing to keep omicron at bay with vaccines, anti-virals, anti-bodies, making sure hospitals are okay, all of that will apply if it is a problem. it may not necessarily change the trajectory. it became the dominant version of omicron. >> martha: i want to ask you why so many people are still dying of covid. this is a sound bite from earlier today from be press secretary, jen psaki. >> we've approved covid treatments like filling a medicine cabinet. we're not relying on one brand or one treatment. we invested in and continue to buy a variety of mono clonal anti-bodies. we know the vaccines and boosters work. we have treatments that do work and we're providing them to florida. >> martha: here's the question. when you have nearly 2,000 people dying in a day, would these people have survived if they were given these anti-viral treatments or perhaps steroids that would lower the inflammation in their bodies? why are so many people city dying given what we have in the treatment cabinet? >> the biggest problem is still unvaccinated individuals getting covid and dieing in the hospital. that's the predominant person that is getting severe infection. some of these individuals come to like too late to be able to benefit the one mono clonal anti-body. anti-virals are hard to find. they're rationed and you have to have high risk conditions. some of these patients have been in the hospital for some time. the primary to keep yourself alive is to be vaccinated. then you don't get into that situation. we do have more tools. we're giving these patients steroids, rendesivir and others. >> martha: when can we get to have the anti-virals available when someone gets sick, the doctor can write a prescription and get them on this right away? >> that's what we want. we are treating this more like influenza and get a tamiflu prescription easily. we have to test people quickly. there's not enough drugs to do that right now. many people are giving people guidelines to say these are the people to give it to. you have to find which pharmacy stocks it. it will be like a hunt to find it in your community. these should have been bout ahead of time like the vaccines. there's a lot of hope that enough people would be vaccinated that we wouldn't have to rely on these other as to. we do need these tools and we need them now. >> martha: what a shame. we should have been both at the same time. sounds like a lot of people could be saved if they get the treatments within the first couple days of getting covid. there amesh adalja, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> martha: state department spokesman ned price is at the podium taking some questions about what is going on in the ukraine and what we're going to do to get people out. let's listen. >> you'll be giving it to us? >> we will let you know. stay tuned. on a timely basis. >> yesterday i believe you said something about how over the course of the past week or ten days or so in terms of formulating what the response is going to be that you are consulting can nato allies, partners and allies. i wanted to know, does that include ukraine? have ukrainian officials been consulted about what this response is going to be and are you taking into account their concerns or considerations in the document? >> yes and yes. we have been consulting extensively with our allies and our partners and of course when it comes to the latter category, that includes ukraine. we have not only informed them and given them a preview of what we'll be in this report but we have solicited their feedback and incorporated that feedback into our report. so there will be no surprises, there will be no surprises for nato, no surprises for our european allies and no surprises for our ukrainian partners. >> martha: we're going to monitor this. you hear ned price talking about a letter going from the u.s. state department and the white house as well to the russians with the answers to the things that they have asked us for for concessions that might change their behavior on the border of ukraine. we're putting together this response to their questions that you heard sergey lavrov talk about, this we have had our contentions, things to get out of this deal, this negotiation to the united states. the response will be coming back. ned price says we're working with our nato allies. germany is on a different page than the united states when it comes to helping ukraine in this issue. they have aligned themselves much more when it comes to energy and lots of factors with russia. in some cases the britts didn't fly over germany on their way to bring some backup military support to ukraine. a lot of questions about air nato allies. the president says we're all on the same page but we're going to take to mike pompeo about that we're going to take to senator tom cotton about that as well. they're coming up. also, howie kurtz comes back. we'll talk to him with what's going on with the president and agitated answers for the press lately. moments ago, fox shot some amazing video at the border as part of an investigation that we're doing down there. this video captures mostly adult men crossing in to the u.s. illegally. you heard it families, children, reconnecting with people in the united states. look at this crowd and tell me what your eyes see. they're being driven around on federal vans, transported, put on airplanes. a lot of times where they're being send to don't even know where they're at. >> we know just between march and august, a very small sample size, dhs has transferred 47,000 migrants. why let them in to the u.s. unsupervised to begin with? 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what does this reveal to you about the president and how he feels about how things are going? >> first of all, president biden look petty and thin skinned when he insults reporters. it's a disturbing pattern that he is doing it to routine questions. it's not about fox. he did this last year with cnn's kaitlan collins telling her if she didn't understand the point he's making about putin, you're in the wrong business. i'm glad the president called peter to clear the air. i have to say, peter has held this with grace and humor. >> martha: there's a piece in the national review that suggests this is not coincidence. also the bull connor comments, all of it, they suggest could possibly be part of a strategy to sort of try to show that the president has a fire in his belly, that he's not afraid to push back. you have obviously observed a lot of presidents and their interaction with the press over the year. what do you think? >> president trump had a strategy. he spent four years calling journalists morons and idiots. i criticized that, too. president trump faced extraordinary intense media hostility that the president has not. i've known joe biden since the 80s. he used to enjoy sparring with reporters. what this says to me is that he's really feeling the pressures of this very rough stretch in his presidency. he's not used to it even though all the years on the world stage, having every world analyzed and scrutinized. it's not a good look to be talking about stupid sobs. the fact that he has to apologize shows the white house knows this is not helping. >> martha: he tweeted out in october 2020, decency, honor, respect, making sure that everybody has an even chance. i'll make sure you get it. you haven't gotten that the last four years. that was the goal to come to office with that environment. thanks, howie. >> a lot better ways to handle the press. good to see you, martha. >> martha: coming up, mike pompeo on whether russia's ambitions in the ukraine are really a tactic to lead toward a new world order. senator tom cotton on what that means for china's quest and possible coordination with russian between the two countries for global dominance next. >> if you were to move in with all of those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. cranky-pated: a bad mood related to a sluggish gut. miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. free your gut, and your mood will follow. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> martha: what should be rules of the world based order would come under assault. they would be undermined. they would be eroded. if the international community were not to take drastic steps to show vladimir putin, to show the russian federation that this is not the kind of action that can be tolerated in the 21st century. >> martha: ned price at the state department moments ago. this is in many ways about the threat of russia and china and the way that they view how the world is moving, how the puzzle pieces are moving and how they would see themselves creating a new world order if they could orchestrate it in their direction. former secretary of state mike pompeo joins us in a moment. first to benjamin hall. hi, benjamin. >> as china, russia and iran are creating this new world order, we're hearing ned price saying there's no daylight between the u.s. policy in europe and allies when it comes to the russian aggression. nevertheless, there's suggestion that show that cracks do exist. like various countries continue to supply weapons to ukraine. the german government refuses to help. they have banned british supply planes over germany and forbidden the baltic states from selling weapons that they were sold to. at the same time, the u.e. and ukraine says the u.s. decision to draw down the embassy there is premature. president zelensky saying there was no sign of an imminent invasion and the e.u. foreign policy chief says you have to stay calm, doing what you have to do and avoid a nervous breakdown. as 140 russian warships leave their homes today for exercises. president macron of france says it's the e.u. that should take the lead in negotiating rather than nato. france is hosting delegations from russian and ukraine to hospital talks in paris. the state department has rejected calls to impose sanctions on russia now. there's calls for other allies to do so. to do so would diminish the u.s.'s ability to engage in further aggression. despite that, there's calls for sanctions put on place. ned price said that what they have done with having in an effect, the rubble is an all-time low and the russian stock exchange taking a heavy hit. ned price showing how much the u.s. was doing. allies are on different pages. martha? >> martha: joining me how, mike pompeo, fox news contributor and former secretary of state. great to have you here today, sir. benjamin lays out what is going on with europe and how the united states' role and power is diminished by the strategic moves that have been made with russia and germany and other players. i want to read for you a quote from a "new york times" opinion piece by fiona hill. it says that putin wants to evict the united states from europe. as he might put it, good-bye america, don't let the door hit you on the way out. what do you think, sir? >> martha, thanks for having me on. it's worth noticing the u.s. stock market has taken a big hit as well. american leadership matters. that's why president trump and i had a model for deterrence to prevent these kinds of moments. you don't want to be putting your troops on alert and threatening once the adversaries already has his front foot forwards. troops and equipment in belarus threatening the heart of eastern europe, the ukrainians. this was a mistake. the work that needed to be done, to do the deterrence that would prevent what you just heard, prevent the united states from being in this difficult position, that spade work had to be done in the months that preceded this. america's credibility in the world matters, whether it was in our debacle in the departure from afghanistan or shutting down the colonial pipeline. weakness begets confrontation. that's what vladimir putin has seen and still seeing it. i hope this administration will do the things that one does to make sure that your friends and allies know that you'll be with them. no one is asking for american troops in ukraine. nobody has made that demand. what they're asking for is for the united states to live up to its commitments. this matters to the people in nevada, kansas, nebraska, all across america. we'll see instability drive inflation further upward. one last thought. when you take your eye off the ball, you put secretary kerry at the top of climate change, the actors like president xi said that's good. we have a different vision for how to execute and deliver on our objectives and use our power. >> martha: this is president biden at the munich security conference at a virtual appearance. watch this. >> i'm sending a clear message to the world, america is back. the trans atlantic alliance is back. we're not looking back. we're looking forward together. >> martha: is that alliance strong? you listen to what macron is saying in france. he says the e.u. needs to see this situation. we'll take care of things. germany basically saying we're not doing anything the protect ukraine. our energy relationship with russia supersedes anything along the lines that we would be concerned about there. so is there -- does this alliance exist right now? >> it exists but for someone to suggest from the state department podium that there are not cracks and different views is fantasy. one should spoke in the truth when one speaks publicly about the challenges. the germans have been reckless here. we need an ambassador there that is prepared to defend america's interest and convince the german government to do the right thing for ukraine and europe and germany as well. they'll suffered unthis threat for decades to come. when you shut down your energy systems and say we're going to rely on russia, i'm sure that vladimir putin will see this risk. it's outrageous for the germans to not let equipment move across the country. the united states needs to demonstrate its leadership in the way that president biden said he would. remember the criticism of our administration demanding that nato get ready for this moment to devote their resources to this important objective. there was a reason that we were so tough and dedicated to getting more resources put into nato. i hope the resources although they would be years in delivery, i hope they're in a place where the nato forces are prepared to deliver to protect europe for what it looks like an effort that vladimir putin has in his head. >> martha: one more questions. what difference would it make in the president said, you know what, we're going to lease fracking lands because of this situation going with russia. we're going to open up the keystone pipeline for now because we need to do that. what would the impact be? >> it would be enormous on world energy prices. the markets would respond in a good way. put pressure on the germans as well. it would be a good. if he would add to that a willingness to say we're not going to let the nord stream 2 pipeline be built, you would have a trifecta. >> martha: you'd see an overnight impact on the markets and geo politically as well down the road. secretary pompeo, very good to talk to you. >> thank you, martha? as russia readies 120,000 troops estimated on the ukraine border, is china also playing a role in all of this? how do they see what is going on? what does it make them think about when they look at taiwan and hong kong and american strength? senator tom cotton joins me next. >> china is looking at this closely. president xi is looking to see if putin can invade ukraine and get away with it, he's going to look at taiwan. the ayatollah is building a bomb. kim jong-un just fired two rockets that they claimed were hypersonic, this is a flash point now. it's not just limited to ukraine. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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house democrats say they're going to introduce a china competitiveness bill, which would boost american chip production. and john kirby just said today that the u.s. has a responsibility and is ready to help die a want defend itself. republicans like mccaul says the u.s. should do more. wrap up their presence in the region right now and arm taiwan with more weapons. the gop also believes the u.s. has already dropped the ball with the beijing olympics. the administration placed a diplomatic boycott on the games. team u.s.a. and corporate sponsors will still attend. >> i called them to do something about the olympics since biden has been in office. they won't meet with me, discuss -- what putin is doing right now and what xi has been doing a long time. >> martha, opening ceremony is about nine days away. you can count on the fact that republicans will keep china in the conversation here on the hill. martha? >> martha: thank you, aishah. let's bring in tom cotton from arkansas, republican senator, and a member of the armed services committee. good to have you with us today. obviously china is about to have a big moment on the world stage with these olympics. i know you're very forceful in your call to not attend for our athletes to not be part of the olympics. the question is on timing. how close do you see putin and xi working when it comes to ukraine and more action in taiwan as well? >> martha, i think both xi jinping and vladimir putin want to overturn the united states as the global super power. they don't have to openly coordinate or talk about these actions. they can observe what is happening. xi jinping sees that vladimir putin has massed 100,000 troops and no small part because of joe biden's past year of appeasement and weakness towards ukraine. what we should be doing now is learning a lesson from that. china is a bigger threat than russia to the united states. taiwan is much more important to the united states than is ukraine. we should be providing today as many or more weapons to taiwan as ukraine. we should be rushing more diplomatic and financial support to taiwan than to ukraine to avoid the kind of crisis with taiwan. >> martha: i want to show u.s. and china influence, which aishah just referred to in the map that she showed. this measures influence with other countries through economic cooperation. the united states in 1992, 160 countries that is down 140 in 2020. you can see china's influence with other countries, quite a bit in africa and other nations as well is up to 61. so they are working on supplanting our global position in every way across the board. if you look what's going on in taiwan, hong kong and economic initiatives being made in africa. you can talk about fentanyl crossing our certain border what are we doing to push back and what is the biden administration going to do to change this tide? >> martha, the most important critical thing as always when it comes to international relations is military power. we need to be investing more in our military and the weapon systems that will help us deter and defeat china. that is the ultimate sort of influence around the world. another source is our trading relationships. regrettably, both parties 25 years ago welcomed china into most permanent favored nation status in the wto. we have to reverse that. we have to bring jobs and factories back to the united states and have democratic free enterprise allies, not with the world's worth communist regimes, a couple of steps that we can take to unwind the advances that china has made to protect our safety, our freedom and prosperity. >> martha: we spoke with secretary pompeo and reopening the keystone pipeline and fracking and land leases. you're talking ant strong messages with trade. you see any indication this white house is open to the ideas that you suggest? more made in america, changing the most favored nation status? >> unfortunately a lot of the signals that they're sending are the same weak signals that they isn't it to russia the last year. putting a high priority on chinese cooperation on climate change of all things. i fear that they would sooner take fanciful promises about carbon emissions in china 50 years from now in return for looking the other way on china cheating on trade deals on menacing our allies or our bases in the western pacific. and like yesterday, the largest incursion of airspace that we've seen in months. >> martha: pretty clear skies over the skies of taiwan right now. thanks, senator. that's "the story" for this tuesday. the story goes on. thanks for being here. see you here tomorrow. >> president biden says a russian invasion of ukraine would change the world. warning there will be enormous consequences for russia if that happens. all this as another u.s. cargo plane arrives carrying anti-tank missiles could be moved into the region near term. we're here with karen pearce on where things stands right now. senator jim rice on the gop push for russia sanctions

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

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are they the next step that would push the united states and its presence out of europe altogether? general jack keane, former secretary state and mike pompeo and senator tom cotton on board with us with these difficult questions that america faces in an urgent situation as 8,500 u.s. troops get ready for action. all that as we await a live update from the state department. a lot of focus there, a controversial move to pull americans out of ukraine leaving them in some cases to their own devises to get out. is this like afghanistan? we'll take you live there next. national security correspondent jennifer griffin joins us live with the pentagon with the latest. good afternoon, jennifer. >> it's very important to reiterate that none of the 8,500 troops on alert by the pentagon would be going to ukraine. none are going to be fighting russian troops, in other words. if they are called up and they haven't been so far, it would be to defend article 5, nato allies like romania, poland, the baltics. also important to point out, none of the u.s. weapons that arrived in kiev are going to do much against the russian air force. the new u.s. weapon shipments that landed at the airport in kiev included 300 javelin anti-tank missiles, part of about 200 million in new mostly defensive security assistance that president biden directed to ukraine. the u.s. embassy envoy spoke as the weapons arrived at the airport. >> our message is clear. the united states stands with ukraine, our allies and partners. let's make no mistake about it. if russia decides to come into ukraine, it was a disaster for russia. >> the pentagon began to notify troops and their families about the move. such a force could be part of 40,000 nato allied troops if mobilized under todd walter, the supreme commander to defend the easter flank. that decision has not been taken. the pentagon was clear. the u.s. troops would not be going to ukraine. >> not ruling out any unilateral u.s. troops. also inside europe or going to europe to both bolster our allies and re-assure them. it's about credible combat power for the alliance. >> nato says they will deployed four f-16 fighter jets to lithuania. spain has offered to provide fighter jets to bulgaria. france has offered troops to romania and the netherlands is sending two f-35 fighter aircraft to bulgaria in april. germany says they plan to send a $6 million field hospital but has strict hospital barring it from sending lethal aid to a combat zone. the bottom line, the u.s. wants to not stumble in a war but protect its allies. >> martha: we that, we bring in jack keane, former vice chief of start of the army and fox news contributor. i'd like to put up a map showing ukraine and russia and showing the 100,000 plus troops and the positions that they occupy. we know that there's operations going on in belarus, which is more in the central area of ukraine to the north and then outside of where you're looking right now and we can put the second map up, you'll see the other countries that are in nato, poland, general? >> russia is still continuing to deploy troops in to the main toe east and to the north. they're coming out of the southern military district and also the western military district. they're bringing troops all the way from the eastern military district into belarus. that is still ongoing. that won't be complete for a week or so. the ground conditions are frozen now. they've had a mild winter there, but finally got frozen. they're in an ideal situation for heavy armor maneuver forces. i don't think an attack is i'ment. we have belarus situation for those troops to arrive to get prepared. that will take a couple weeks, maybe three at the month. putin is off to the olympics february 4. i don't think he will conduct a war in europe and take the world stage away from president xi during those olympics, which ends on the 20th. but nonetheless, i also think that putin right now is still hoping for some concessions. there's some negotiations taking place now. what has taken place in terms of negotiations in the past is a statement of positions. what putin is thinking as the united states is prepare ago so-called written response to his written proposals that there's going to be some negotiating room there. i have concerns about the united states and their toughness in negotiations dealing with putin and his team. we may very well make some significant concessions to him. that remains to be scene. putin is still holding out for that possibility. may not eliminate an entire invasion. he still may conduct some limited activity if he got some favorable concessions. after all, the thing that is driving him nuts is the fact that zelensky, the third leader in ukraine, in addition to these other leaders, move towards the west in terms of economic integration with the e.u. and political military integration and did it in a more accelerated fashion. i think putin has come to the conclusion that working with the ukraine people-supported government is impossible. what needs to be done, he needs a stugen that he used to have. that is his objective, how to get there without a full invasion and taking kiev is another matter. he's got his chief architect of hybrid warfare and his chief of staff who is clearly may have some designs on how to do some of that would a full-out invasion. >> martha: you have said you'd like to see sort of no further concessions before there are any possible invasion. you know, there's some indications that -- i should put it this way. that sanctions should come now. the force has to come now to prevent him from wanting to move in and fearing there could be more behind that even economic concessions, this is john finer, white house national adviser on why the white house is not imposing more sanctions in advance. >> if you pose the costs in advance they're taken in by russia and the deterrence is assumed because they have seen the cost. >> martha: do you agree with that strategy? >> absolutely not. this makes no sense. i mean, we should have had preemptive sanctions here. we have very tough sanctions. even though we have problems with germany and france and other european countries on sanctions and some of them will fold their hand if they have tough energy sanctions and tough energy problems to deal with, but the swift system, we don't need them. we can do that unilaterally. we can take down their major banks. we should have started that. we should have put the troops that we're talking about moving, they should already be there. upgunning ukraine, martha, anti-tank weapons that the trump administration started was a step in the right direction. now we need more than that. anti-drone, anti-aircraft systems. anti-ship missiles. missile defense, this is on their list. they need artillery and mortars. all of that should have been there and should be flowing. that would have sent a clear message. we should have upped the number of trainer there's to help the ukraine military. they're not in the fight and we'll pull them out if there's an invasion. we lost huge strategic opportunity here but not having preemptive tough sanctions. >> martha: general keane, this will be an ongoing conversation with you. glad to have you. thanks very much. >> great talking to you, martha. >> martha: all right. we're waiting for an update from the state department. you can see the podium there poised for action and questions that will be coming about the americans, how do we get our folks out, is it too premature and what about questions about oil and what could be changed with regard to the oil policy that has worked to vladimir putin's benefit. mike pompeo standing by on the big picture as well. you know, with china and russia having more and more connection and alliance between them against the united states, are they able to create a new world order where the united states takes a back seat and how worrisome is this new omicron variant? 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let's bring in amesh adalja, infection disease specialist. great to have you here, doctor as always. let's tackle these one at a time. the new omicron variant that there's evidence of a couple of cases up, what do we know about it? >> this is sort of a sister of the main omicron variant. it's been around some time. it's in denmark, the u.k. taking off and maybe outcompeting the original version of omicron, the one that everybody is familiar with. we don't know if it's more severe. i doubt if it will be more severe or have any differences in terms of the vaccine or any of the treatments because they're related to each other. it's something that we'll have to wait and see what happens to it. i don't think it's a time for panic. we have to characterize it, understand what its role is and the same things that we're doing to keep omicron at bay with vaccines, anti-virals, anti-bodies, making sure hospitals are okay, all of that will apply if it is a problem. it may not necessarily change the trajectory. it became the dominant version of omicron. >> martha: i want to ask you why so many people are still dying of covid. this is a sound bite from earlier today from be press secretary, jen psaki. >> we've approved covid treatments like filling a medicine cabinet. we're not relying on one brand or one treatment. we invested in and continue to buy a variety of mono clonal anti-bodies. we know the vaccines and boosters work. we have treatments that do work and we're providing them to florida. >> martha: here's the question. when you have nearly 2,000 people dying in a day, would these people have survived if they were given these anti-viral treatments or perhaps steroids that would lower the inflammation in their bodies? why are so many people city dying given what we have in the treatment cabinet? >> the biggest problem is still unvaccinated individuals getting covid and dieing in the hospital. that's the predominant person that is getting severe infection. some of these individuals come to like too late to be able to benefit the one mono clonal anti-body. anti-virals are hard to find. they're rationed and you have to have high risk conditions. some of these patients have been in the hospital for some time. the primary to keep yourself alive is to be vaccinated. then you don't get into that situation. we do have more tools. we're giving these patients steroids, rendesivir and others. >> martha: when can we get to have the anti-virals available when someone gets sick, the doctor can write a prescription and get them on this right away? >> that's what we want. we are treating this more like influenza and get a tamiflu prescription easily. we have to test people quickly. there's not enough drugs to do that right now. many people are giving people guidelines to say these are the people to give it to. you have to find which pharmacy stocks it. it will be like a hunt to find it in your community. these should have been bout ahead of time like the vaccines. there's a lot of hope that enough people would be vaccinated that we wouldn't have to rely on these other as to. we do need these tools and we need them now. >> martha: what a shame. we should have been both at the same time. sounds like a lot of people could be saved if they get the treatments within the first couple days of getting covid. there amesh adalja, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> martha: state department spokesman ned price is at the podium taking some questions about what is going on in the ukraine and what we're going to do to get people out. let's listen. >> you'll be giving it to us? >> we will let you know. stay tuned. on a timely basis. >> yesterday i believe you said something about how over the course of the past week or ten days or so in terms of formulating what the response is going to be that you are consulting can nato allies, partners and allies. i wanted to know, does that include ukraine? have ukrainian officials been consulted about what this response is going to be and are you taking into account their concerns or considerations in the document? >> yes and yes. we have been consulting extensively with our allies and our partners and of course when it comes to the latter category, that includes ukraine. we have not only informed them and given them a preview of what we'll be in this report but we have solicited their feedback and incorporated that feedback into our report. so there will be no surprises, there will be no surprises for nato, no surprises for our european allies and no surprises for our ukrainian partners. >> martha: we're going to monitor this. you hear ned price talking about a letter going from the u.s. state department and the white house as well to the russians with the answers to the things that they have asked us for for concessions that might change their behavior on the border of ukraine. we're putting together this response to their questions that you heard sergey lavrov talk about, this we have had our contentions, things to get out of this deal, this negotiation to the united states. the response will be coming back. ned price says we're working with our nato allies. germany is on a different page than the united states when it comes to helping ukraine in this issue. they have aligned themselves much more when it comes to energy and lots of factors with russia. in some cases the britts didn't fly over germany on their way to bring some backup military support to ukraine. a lot of questions about air nato allies. the president says we're all on the same page but we're going to take to mike pompeo about that we're going to take to senator tom cotton about that as well. they're coming up. also, howie kurtz comes back. we'll talk to him with what's going on with the president and agitated answers for the press lately. moments ago, fox shot some amazing video at the border as part of an investigation that we're doing down there. this video captures mostly adult men crossing in to the u.s. illegally. you heard it families, children, reconnecting with people in the united states. look at this crowd and tell me what your eyes see. they're being driven around on federal vans, transported, put on airplanes. a lot of times where they're being send to don't even know where they're at. >> we know just between march and august, a very small sample size, dhs has transferred 47,000 migrants. why let them in to the u.s. unsupervised to begin with? 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what does this reveal to you about the president and how he feels about how things are going? >> first of all, president biden look petty and thin skinned when he insults reporters. it's a disturbing pattern that he is doing it to routine questions. it's not about fox. he did this last year with cnn's kaitlan collins telling her if she didn't understand the point he's making about putin, you're in the wrong business. i'm glad the president called peter to clear the air. i have to say, peter has held this with grace and humor. >> martha: there's a piece in the national review that suggests this is not coincidence. also the bull connor comments, all of it, they suggest could possibly be part of a strategy to sort of try to show that the president has a fire in his belly, that he's not afraid to push back. you have obviously observed a lot of presidents and their interaction with the press over the year. what do you think? >> president trump had a strategy. he spent four years calling journalists morons and idiots. i criticized that, too. president trump faced extraordinary intense media hostility that the president has not. i've known joe biden since the 80s. he used to enjoy sparring with reporters. what this says to me is that he's really feeling the pressures of this very rough stretch in his presidency. he's not used to it even though all the years on the world stage, having every world analyzed and scrutinized. it's not a good look to be talking about stupid sobs. the fact that he has to apologize shows the white house knows this is not helping. >> martha: he tweeted out in october 2020, decency, honor, respect, making sure that everybody has an even chance. i'll make sure you get it. you haven't gotten that the last four years. that was the goal to come to office with that environment. thanks, howie. >> a lot better ways to handle the press. good to see you, martha. >> martha: coming up, mike pompeo on whether russia's ambitions in the ukraine are really a tactic to lead toward a new world order. senator tom cotton on what that means for china's quest and possible coordination with russian between the two countries for global dominance next. >> if you were to move in with all of those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. cranky-pated: a bad mood related to a sluggish gut. miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. free your gut, and your mood will follow. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> martha: what should be rules of the world based order would come under assault. they would be undermined. they would be eroded. if the international community were not to take drastic steps to show vladimir putin, to show the russian federation that this is not the kind of action that can be tolerated in the 21st century. >> martha: ned price at the state department moments ago. this is in many ways about the threat of russia and china and the way that they view how the world is moving, how the puzzle pieces are moving and how they would see themselves creating a new world order if they could orchestrate it in their direction. former secretary of state mike pompeo joins us in a moment. first to benjamin hall. hi, benjamin. >> as china, russia and iran are creating this new world order, we're hearing ned price saying there's no daylight between the u.s. policy in europe and allies when it comes to the russian aggression. nevertheless, there's suggestion that show that cracks do exist. like various countries continue to supply weapons to ukraine. the german government refuses to help. they have banned british supply planes over germany and forbidden the baltic states from selling weapons that they were sold to. at the same time, the u.e. and ukraine says the u.s. decision to draw down the embassy there is premature. president zelensky saying there was no sign of an imminent invasion and the e.u. foreign policy chief says you have to stay calm, doing what you have to do and avoid a nervous breakdown. as 140 russian warships leave their homes today for exercises. president macron of france says it's the e.u. that should take the lead in negotiating rather than nato. france is hosting delegations from russian and ukraine to hospital talks in paris. the state department has rejected calls to impose sanctions on russia now. there's calls for other allies to do so. to do so would diminish the u.s.'s ability to engage in further aggression. despite that, there's calls for sanctions put on place. ned price said that what they have done with having in an effect, the rubble is an all-time low and the russian stock exchange taking a heavy hit. ned price showing how much the u.s. was doing. allies are on different pages. martha? >> martha: joining me how, mike pompeo, fox news contributor and former secretary of state. great to have you here today, sir. benjamin lays out what is going on with europe and how the united states' role and power is diminished by the strategic moves that have been made with russia and germany and other players. i want to read for you a quote from a "new york times" opinion piece by fiona hill. it says that putin wants to evict the united states from europe. as he might put it, good-bye america, don't let the door hit you on the way out. what do you think, sir? >> martha, thanks for having me on. it's worth noticing the u.s. stock market has taken a big hit as well. american leadership matters. that's why president trump and i had a model for deterrence to prevent these kinds of moments. you don't want to be putting your troops on alert and threatening once the adversaries already has his front foot forwards. troops and equipment in belarus threatening the heart of eastern europe, the ukrainians. this was a mistake. the work that needed to be done, to do the deterrence that would prevent what you just heard, prevent the united states from being in this difficult position, that spade work had to be done in the months that preceded this. america's credibility in the world matters, whether it was in our debacle in the departure from afghanistan or shutting down the colonial pipeline. weakness begets confrontation. that's what vladimir putin has seen and still seeing it. i hope this administration will do the things that one does to make sure that your friends and allies know that you'll be with them. no one is asking for american troops in ukraine. nobody has made that demand. what they're asking for is for the united states to live up to its commitments. this matters to the people in nevada, kansas, nebraska, all across america. we'll see instability drive inflation further upward. one last thought. when you take your eye off the ball, you put secretary kerry at the top of climate change, the actors like president xi said that's good. we have a different vision for how to execute and deliver on our objectives and use our power. >> martha: this is president biden at the munich security conference at a virtual appearance. watch this. >> i'm sending a clear message to the world, america is back. the trans atlantic alliance is back. we're not looking back. we're looking forward together. >> martha: is that alliance strong? you listen to what macron is saying in france. he says the e.u. needs to see this situation. we'll take care of things. germany basically saying we're not doing anything the protect ukraine. our energy relationship with russia supersedes anything along the lines that we would be concerned about there. so is there -- does this alliance exist right now? >> it exists but for someone to suggest from the state department podium that there are not cracks and different views is fantasy. one should spoke in the truth when one speaks publicly about the challenges. the germans have been reckless here. we need an ambassador there that is prepared to defend america's interest and convince the german government to do the right thing for ukraine and europe and germany as well. they'll suffered unthis threat for decades to come. when you shut down your energy systems and say we're going to rely on russia, i'm sure that vladimir putin will see this risk. it's outrageous for the germans to not let equipment move across the country. the united states needs to demonstrate its leadership in the way that president biden said he would. remember the criticism of our administration demanding that nato get ready for this moment to devote their resources to this important objective. there was a reason that we were so tough and dedicated to getting more resources put into nato. i hope the resources although they would be years in delivery, i hope they're in a place where the nato forces are prepared to deliver to protect europe for what it looks like an effort that vladimir putin has in his head. >> martha: one more questions. what difference would it make in the president said, you know what, we're going to lease fracking lands because of this situation going with russia. we're going to open up the keystone pipeline for now because we need to do that. what would the impact be? >> it would be enormous on world energy prices. the markets would respond in a good way. put pressure on the germans as well. it would be a good. if he would add to that a willingness to say we're not going to let the nord stream 2 pipeline be built, you would have a trifecta. >> martha: you'd see an overnight impact on the markets and geo politically as well down the road. secretary pompeo, very good to talk to you. >> thank you, martha? as russia readies 120,000 troops estimated on the ukraine border, is china also playing a role in all of this? how do they see what is going on? what does it make them think about when they look at taiwan and hong kong and american strength? senator tom cotton joins me next. >> china is looking at this closely. president xi is looking to see if putin can invade ukraine and get away with it, he's going to look at taiwan. the ayatollah is building a bomb. kim jong-un just fired two rockets that they claimed were hypersonic, this is a flash point now. it's not just limited to ukraine. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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house democrats say they're going to introduce a china competitiveness bill, which would boost american chip production. and john kirby just said today that the u.s. has a responsibility and is ready to help die a want defend itself. republicans like mccaul says the u.s. should do more. wrap up their presence in the region right now and arm taiwan with more weapons. the gop also believes the u.s. has already dropped the ball with the beijing olympics. the administration placed a diplomatic boycott on the games. team u.s.a. and corporate sponsors will still attend. >> i called them to do something about the olympics since biden has been in office. they won't meet with me, discuss -- what putin is doing right now and what xi has been doing a long time. >> martha, opening ceremony is about nine days away. you can count on the fact that republicans will keep china in the conversation here on the hill. martha? >> martha: thank you, aishah. let's bring in tom cotton from arkansas, republican senator, and a member of the armed services committee. good to have you with us today. obviously china is about to have a big moment on the world stage with these olympics. i know you're very forceful in your call to not attend for our athletes to not be part of the olympics. the question is on timing. how close do you see putin and xi working when it comes to ukraine and more action in taiwan as well? >> martha, i think both xi jinping and vladimir putin want to overturn the united states as the global super power. they don't have to openly coordinate or talk about these actions. they can observe what is happening. xi jinping sees that vladimir putin has massed 100,000 troops and no small part because of joe biden's past year of appeasement and weakness towards ukraine. what we should be doing now is learning a lesson from that. china is a bigger threat than russia to the united states. taiwan is much more important to the united states than is ukraine. we should be providing today as many or more weapons to taiwan as ukraine. we should be rushing more diplomatic and financial support to taiwan than to ukraine to avoid the kind of crisis with taiwan. >> martha: i want to show u.s. and china influence, which aishah just referred to in the map that she showed. this measures influence with other countries through economic cooperation. the united states in 1992, 160 countries that is down 140 in 2020. you can see china's influence with other countries, quite a bit in africa and other nations as well is up to 61. so they are working on supplanting our global position in every way across the board. if you look what's going on in taiwan, hong kong and economic initiatives being made in africa. you can talk about fentanyl crossing our certain border what are we doing to push back and what is the biden administration going to do to change this tide? >> martha, the most important critical thing as always when it comes to international relations is military power. we need to be investing more in our military and the weapon systems that will help us deter and defeat china. that is the ultimate sort of influence around the world. another source is our trading relationships. regrettably, both parties 25 years ago welcomed china into most permanent favored nation status in the wto. we have to reverse that. we have to bring jobs and factories back to the united states and have democratic free enterprise allies, not with the world's worth communist regimes, a couple of steps that we can take to unwind the advances that china has made to protect our safety, our freedom and prosperity. >> martha: we spoke with secretary pompeo and reopening the keystone pipeline and fracking and land leases. you're talking ant strong messages with trade. you see any indication this white house is open to the ideas that you suggest? more made in america, changing the most favored nation status? >> unfortunately a lot of the signals that they're sending are the same weak signals that they isn't it to russia the last year. putting a high priority on chinese cooperation on climate change of all things. i fear that they would sooner take fanciful promises about carbon emissions in china 50 years from now in return for looking the other way on china cheating on trade deals on menacing our allies or our bases in the western pacific. and like yesterday, the largest incursion of airspace that we've seen in months. >> martha: pretty clear skies over the skies of taiwan right now. thanks, senator. that's "the story" for this tuesday. the story goes on. thanks for being here. see you here tomorrow. >> president biden says a russian invasion of ukraine would change the world. warning there will be enormous consequences for russia if that happens. all this as another u.s. cargo plane arrives carrying anti-tank missiles could be moved into the region near term. we're here with karen pearce on where things stands right now. senator jim rice on the gop push for russia sanctions

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Officer , Heroes , Wounds , Sandra Smith , Wilbert Mora , New York S Finest , Jason Rivera , Two , Thanks , John Roberts , Wall Street , Track Of , Dow , Roller Coaster Ride , Martha Maccallum , 217 , Ukraine , U S , Situation , Question , Missiles , Eastern Europe , Delivery , Weaponry , Breaking News , Picture , New York , John Kirby , Vladimir Putin , World , Russia , China , Moves , New World Order , Super Power , Step , General Keane , Presence , Mike Pompeo , Secretary State , Troops , Lot , Questions , Action , State Department , Update , Senator , Focus , Tom Cotton On Board , 8500 , Move , Cases , Jennifer Griffin , Devises , National Security , Afghanistan , Pentagon , None , Latest , Words , Allies , Weapons , Nato , Haven T , Article , Kiev , Air Force , Romania , Poland , Baltics , 5 , Biden Directed , Part , Airport , Weapon Shipments , Security Assistance , 300 , 200 Million , Partners , Message , Mistake , Embassy , Envoy , Families , Disaster , Force , Decision , Supreme Commander , Easter Flank , Todd Walter , 40000 , Combat Power , Alliance , Spain , Fighter Jets , Bulgaria , Lithuania , 16 , Four , Germany , Fighter Aircraft , France , Field Hospital , F 35 , Netherlands , 6 Million , Million , 35 , Hospital , Aid , War , Combat Zone , Bottom Line , Martha , Fox News , Start , Army , Positions , Operations , North , Contributor , Map Showing , Area , Belarus , 100000 , Countries , Map Up , East , Toe , Way , Ground Conditions , Won T , Southern Military District , Western Military District , Eastern Military District , Winter , Attack , Heavy Armor Maneuver Forces , I Ment , Olympics , February 4 , Three , 4 , President Xi , Putin , War In Europe , Stage , 20 , Concessions , Negotiations , Written Response , Place , Statement , Terms , Negotiating Room , Team , Proposals , Toughness , Invasion , Possibility , Scene , Activity , Wall , Thing , Zelensky , Fact , E U , Leaders , Integration , West , Addition , Him Nuts , Military Integration , Government , Conclusion , Fashion , Objective , Stugen , Matter , Chief Architect , Some , Chief Of Staff , Sort , Hybrid Warfare , Designs , Sanctions , Indications , Advance , White House , Costs , John Finer , Adviser , Deterrence , Strategy , Cost , Sense , Hand , Energy Sanctions , Energy Problems , Problems , Banks , System , Administration , Direction , Upgunning Ukraine , Anti Aircraft Systems , Anti Drone , Number , Missile Defense , List , Mortars , Artillery , Military , Fight , Opportunity , Trainer , Podium , Conversation , Talking To You , Folks , Oil Policy , Oil , Regard , Vladimir Putin S Benefit , More , Connection , The Big Picture , Getting Covid , Omicron Variant , Deaths , Back Seat , Treatments , Doctor , Pills , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Liberty , Pay , Cold Eeze , Cold , Number One , Zinc Lozenge , One , 42 , Flavor , Tongue , Ultramelt , Home , Veterans , No One , Newday , Line , Homeownership , Purchase Loans , Down Payment , The American Dream , Bank , Lender , Newday Usa , Payments , Rates , Newday100 Loan , Twos , 15 , 615 , 0000 , 60000 , Covid Variant , Ed , Patients , Point , Level , Transmissible , Globe , Cdc , 1900 , Couple , There Amesh Adalja , Evidence , It , Omicron , Everybody , Version , The One , Sister , Denmark , U K , Something , Any , Each Other , Vaccine , Differences , Things , Problem , Vaccines , Anti Virals , Role , Hospitals , Anti Bodies , Panic , Okay , People , Sound Bite , Trajectory , Be Press Secretary , Treatment , Medicine Cabinet , Brand , Jen Psaki , Spade Work , Variety , Boosters , Mono Clonal Anti Bodies , Florida , 2000 , Inflammation , Steroids , City , Treatment Cabinet , Bodies , Individuals , Infection , Person , Dieing , Risk , Mono Clonal , Conditions , Primary , Tools , Others , Rendesivir , Prescription , Someone , Sick , Tamiflu Prescription , Influenza , Drugs , Community , Pharmacy , Hunt , Guidelines , We Wouldn T , Hope , Shame , Bout , State Department Spokesman Ned Price , Sounds , Response , Course , Basis , Formulating , Ten , Officials , Consulting , Concerns , Considerations , Document , Account , Yes , Report , Feedback , Category , Preview , Surprises , Border , Answers , Price , Letter , Behavior , Contentions , Negotiation , Deal , Sergey Lavrov , Page , Lots , Ned Price , Energy , Factors , Issue , Tom Cotton , Military Support , Britts Didn T Fly , Press , Howie Kurtz , What S Going On , Men , Video , Illegally , Investigation , Reconnecting , Eyes , Times , Airplanes , Crowd , Vans , Sample Size , Dhs , Migrants , Hands , Allstate , Unsupervised , 47000 , Difference , Agent , Room , Safelite , Job , Career , Opportunities , Quote Today , 1 888 Allstate , 888 , 1 , Singers , Safelite Repair , Eye , Symptoms , Song , Ache , Burn , Let S Kick Ken , Xiidra , Relief , Eye Drops , Drops , Eye Disease , Don T , Vision , Side Effects , Eye Drop , Signs , Eye Irritation , Discomfort , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Surface , Fifteen , Markets , Dry Eye , History , Unforeseeable , Investors , Landscape , Asset , Gold , Path , Potential , Police Officer , Look , Returns , Body , Officers , Dispute , Morgue , Harlem , Nypd , Streets , Battle , Life , Woman , Help , Call , Police , Partner , Bullet , Shooting , Brain , Friday Night , 27 , Fire , Son , Gunman , 47 , Buses , Brownsville , Dozens , Texas , Parking Garage , Taxis , Many , Numbers , Border Patrol , Crossings , December Of 2021 , 2019 , 2018 , 2021 , December 2018 , Anything , Combined , News Conference , Minds , Bill Melugin , 2020 , Bill , Reporting , Time , Hi , Adult , Eyebrows , Bus Load , Taxi Cabs , Title , Ice Buses , Sunday , Calling Cabs , Cabs , Group , Ngo , Folders , The Street , Ice Bus , Bus Station , Street , Ankle , Holding , Release , Alternative To Detention , Atd , Tarps , Proceedings , Anybody , Ice Buss , Involvement , Feds , Reference , Office , Fema , Taxi Cab , Services , Destination , Management , Tates , Custody , Staging Center , Media , Travel Information , May , Majority , Health Screening , Women , Males , Stuff , President , Reporters , Country , Inflation , Concern , Voters , Reveal , Media Buzz , Pattern , Kaitlan Collins , Making , Business , Cnn , Comments , Piece , Grace , Coincidence , Air , Peter , Humor , Review , Bull Connor , Presidents , Interaction , Try , Belly , Idiots , Journalists Morons , Pressures , Presidency , Media Hostility , Joe Biden , Sparring , 80 , Sobs , The World Stage , Respect , Chance , You Haven T , Goal , Decency , Honor , October 2020 , Liberty Martha , Ways , Environment , Ambitions , Coming Up , Tactic , Forces , Quest , Dominance , Coordination , Gut , Miralax , Cranky Pated , World War Ii , Water , Bongos , Mood , Ring , Insurance , Chest , Doug , Isn T , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Order , Rules , Assault , Steps , Kind , 21 , Threat , Puzzle Pieces , Secretary Of State , Benjamin Hall , Iran , Aggression , Policy , Show , Daylight , Suggestion , Cracks , Supply Planes , Sign , Foreign Policy Chief , U E , Macron , Warships , Homes , Breakdown , Calm , Exercises , 140 , Calls , Delegations , Lead , Ukraine To Hospital Talks , Paris , Ability , Hit , Effect , Low , Rubble , Pages , Stock Exchange , Doing , Ned , Power , Sir , Here Today , Quote , Opinion Piece , New York Times , Players , Fiona Hill , Door , Kinds , Stock Market , Trump , Model , Leadership Matters , Ukrainians , Adversaries , Equipment , Heart , Foot , Position , Credibility , Matters , Departure , Pipeline , Debacle , Confrontation , Nobody , Friends , Demand , Weakness Begets , Instability Drive Inflation , Commitments , Nebraska , Nevada , Kansas , Ball , Climate Change , Top , Actors , Kerry , Objectives , Munich Security Conference , Appearance , Care , Energy Relationship , Lines , Supersedes , Germans , Fantasy , Views , Truth , Challenges , Ambassador , Energy Systems , Interest , Unthis , Equipment Move , Leadership , Outrageous , Criticism , Resources , Reason , Effort , Head , Keystone Pipeline , Impact , Fracking , Pressure , Good , Willingness , Trifecta , World Energy Prices , Nord Stream 2 Pipeline , 2 , Secretary Pompeo , Road , Geo , Readies , 120000 , Taiwan , Strength , Ukraine Border , Hong Kong , Ayatollah , Hypersonic , Flash Point , Bomb , Rockets , Kim Jong Un , Car , Vo , Decompression Zone , Homeowners , Experts , Technology , Service , Music Vo , Windshield , Boost , Value , Newday 100 Va Loan , 100 , Peace Of Mind , Home Loan , Savings , Average , Va , Everywhere , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , 7 , Family , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Reaction , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Don T Take Rybelsus , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Healthcare Provider , Man , 3 , 10 , 0 , Indeed Instant Match , Plan , Staffing , Size , Master , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Hearing , No Other , No Placetion , Matc , Organized Chaos , Wayfair , Morning Chaos , Miracle Ear , Fullest , Store , Starts , Miracle Earmini , Obligation , Trial , Thirty , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Department , Shooter , Hero , Blocks , Lives , Winter Olympics , West Watches Moscow , Xi Jinping , Guests , Boycott , Politicization , Boycotts , Values , Winter Games , Sports , Olympic , In A Moment , Fairness , Arkansas , Capitol Hill , Aishah Hasnie , First , Aircraft , Deck , Michael Mccaul , 39 , Influence , Regions , Atlantic Council , Analysis , Competitiveness Bill , Responsibility , Want , Chip Production , Region , Republicans , Arm , Beijing Olympics , Games , Sponsors , Team Usa , Xi , Opening Ceremony , Nine , Member , Armed Services Committee , The Hill , Athletes , Timing , Global Super Power , Actions , Appeasement , Weakness , Lesson , Support , Map , Crisis , Measures , Cooperation , Nations , Bit , Africa , 160 , 61 , 1992 , Initiatives , Board , Relations , Fentanyl Crossing , Tide , Weapon Systems , Trading Relationships , Source , Defeat , Regrettably , Status , Nation , Factories , Wto , Jobs , 25 , Safety , Enterprise , Worth Communist Regimes , Trade , Indication , Messages , Prosperity , Land Leases , Ant , Freedom , Signals , Ideas , Made In America , Promises , Return , Priority , Carbon Emissions , 50 , Incursion , Bases , Cheating , Airspace , Western Pacific , Skies , The Story Goes On , The Story , Consequences , Cargo Plane , Warning , Term , Push , Karen Pearce , Jim Rice ,

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