Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

our panel weighs in. and forces put on high alert. russia and nato over the potential invasion of ukraine. can diplomatic talks bring the party back from the brink or is an attack by vladimir putin all but certain. breaking news out of the shark as the state supreme court judge strikes a mask mandate for schools in public places. the near department of education defiant tonight saying that schools will real require those mass. breaking details on that case coming up. we begin with the crime crisis making the streets as dangerous as ever for those who protect and serve. greg gallagher is taking a closer look tonight. good evening. >> from the killing of cops two kids, forcing a stunning rush of violent crimes across the us for the politicians disagree and solutions, but it is getting tough to find anyone who doesn't think that we has a country have a major problem. >> already in 2022, five. city police officers have been shot. this weekend 22-year-old officer jason ribera lost his life after being ambushed during the call. his partner was also shot in the attack and remains in extremely critical condition. as the nypd readies to honor the fallen, the politics remains in full swing with both new york city mayor adams and kathy hope will blaming guns instead of the criminals that fired them. >> we have to do more to discourage illegal guns in our streets. despite our tough laws here in the state of new york, they are coming in from other states. they are flooding our streets. >> just hours after two nypd officers were shot, christian richardson jordan who once called nypd the big apple biggest gang, decided to tweet about a community garden instead of shooting. this was a surprising considering last summer she tweeted always remember that the police and prison systems were preserved to -- and more on cops extends across the country. in houston charles galloway was also ambush, shot and killed during a traffic stop. the suspect, a hispanic male, remains on the loose. in and washington dc, an officer were shot and wounded, likely he will survive. it is also notable that the minneapolis police are still looking for suspects who opened fire on a crowd gathered for a post funeral meal. in chicago so far this year five children under the age of 15 have been shot and killed, including eight-year-old melissa ortega wish him the head by a stray bullet over the weekend. no wonder a fox news poll shows 81% of voters are extremely or very concerned about higher us crime rates. here is the white house response . >> does he know after your office that people did not feel safe in this country? peter come over to get the facts , we've seen a surge of crime over the last to go back years. >> so what you contribute the rising crimes to. >> i think we have to be responsible in the how we bring to the public what the reason for the surging crime is. gun violence is a huge reason for the surgeon crime. >> we should also note that tragically three children under the age of six have been shot in atlanta this year. two of them have died including a six -month-old girl who today was caught in the crossfire of a fight in inviting -- involving two other people. >> >> shannon: thank you very much. let's talk in depth about the heightened dangers for officers tonight and the larger crisis facing america's big cities. good to see you both. >> thanks for having us, shannon . randy, i want to start with you . a tweet from the governor in new york talking about the horrific situation that played out there saying this, last night a shot from an illegal gun to the life of an nypd officer. she goes on from there but it seems like odd phrasing. it reminded me it made me think of the waukesha christmas parade for the guy drove the suv and the crowd and killed six people and injured 60 plus people and the headlight about the suv, her warning about a shot from an illegal gun struck me the same way. what's going on? >> she is a disgrace. she could not even bring it to herself to explain that the reality is that this murderer from a police officer came from a hardened criminal. she can't even bring it out. at the same time we are seeing the political left refusing to acknowledge that the crime that is engulfing this country is because we have absolutely lessen the penalties for crime. we have taken the criminal and deified him in many ways instead of looking at the empathetic response to the victims. the victims are not even mentioned any longer, shannon, and the police officer lost his life in new york is one of a number of police officers who was shot in the lined up duty just this month alone and yet we are seeing the politicians failure to acknowledge these crimes and this horrendous upsurge and they simply will not acknowledge that it is their policies that made this happen. >> shannon: i want to say something. the new mayor, let's play what he said. >> but we have been he's police officers in the city, from pouring water on their heads to not giving them the authority to do their job, saying were not going to prosecute and allowing people to walk in the stores and take whatever they want off the shelves come and that we point to the police officers and say keep us safe. they are saying we need help. >> shannon: i've got to ask you how you are feeling and how you do your colleagues are feeling and to say thank you all you out there day and night doing this work. but when you cannot get a prosecutor to put together a casey of assembled against someone, innocent until proven guilty but what is the like for you all to see that those cases go nowhere in some cases. >> shannon, we are frustrated, hurt, confused. it's about the mustard at the gun laws are in place and there is strictest new york state, why are you not prosecuting the criminals such as the one that killed officer rivera and keep him behind bars. it doesn't make any sense. jen psaki said they're doing everything that they can. i'm telling you as an active search and new york city, the policies are not working. the having politicians right the rolls on how were going to do our jobs and set sit down with the active police officers and have them help right legislations to do our job properly. >> trey talked about this about polling. 80% of people say they are worried about the surgeon crime. in new york we've got carjackings across the us. chicago, philadelphia, new york, washington, new orleans. we have the data showing crime is up. so we parked the site and say let officers help writing this legislation and getting people off the street. what is your suggestion? he sounds like he wants to come to the table, having been an officer, to try to find a way to help our officers. >> he is saying very nice words. i want to see action. i don't want to hear words any longer. we have trojan horse prosecutors across the united states. i called them trojan horses because they have been allowed into the gates of the cities and yet they want to destroy the criminal justice system from within. you have bright in new york who spent an officer of weeks and he's doing his best to destroy what is left of the criminal justice system in new york. chicago and new york have the toughest gun laws in the country yet you have this violent crimes tsunami that is taking the lives of police officers and taking the lives of citizens and they are not prosecuting them. you are seeing greg actually coming out and saying to the public i'm not going to prosecute rappers as robberies. were going to prosecute them as petty larceny. so if you don't take criminality and you don't -- and use the criminal justice system. to put predators in prison, you are going to continue to see this blood in the streets and i've got to tell you, which helps injured officers, i see the suffer single day and it is personal to me because i am seeing the pain convincing the construction of the families. i am seeing the destruction of the criminal justice system in america. it is not by accident, shannon. >> >> shannon: i want to give you a quick final word. >> it's going to be hard but you're going to see this sea of blue when we honor officer rivera. it is a start and finish the job that they couldn't do and you're going to see the officers were going to continue to do that and continue to honor our officers. >> shannon: got bless you and protect you and your colleagues for what you do and what you are doing now. thank you both. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: putting approximately 8500 troops on height and prepared this tonight and that's when the family some informatics staff with tensions on the russians flashed ukraine border up tonight. kevin corke is here with details diplomacy is what the white house is promising the world. washington tries to figure out what's going to happen along the russian/ukrainian border. there are calculations about a possible conflict that are being made. >> i had a very good meeting with that european leaders. we will talk about it later. >> after conducting the call with leaders this afternoon and the situation room, president biden tweeted that the group had discussed the joint efforts to deter the russian aggression, such as preparations to oppose severe economic costs on russia and reinforce security on the eastern flank. precisely but those enforcements look like is still anyone's guess. the pentagon announced that some 8500 us troops are in height and preparedness. >> the alliance in the streets of their activated our defensive end they are for frontline nato states, how does this protect ukraine? how does a stop them from going into ukraine? >> it is designed to reassure our nato allies quick. >> how does the protect ukraine? >> it's in the very clear signal to mr. putin that we take our responsibilities to nato seriously. >> to be continued, explaining that height and preparedness does mean that troops are gearing up to go fight the russians. all we are doing today is telling these units that we need to get ready and you need to be ready to go on a shorter timeline then maybe you were before. no deployment orders have been find yet. we want to make sure that they are ready in case they are asked . >> the pentagon insist no decisions that that make it to deploy american forces to the region. the ministry of foreign affairs accused us up excessive caution for ordering family members of embassy staff to leave the country. we have taken note of the state department's decision said ukraine spokesperson. while we respect the right of foreign nations to ensure safety and security objective look at it -- diplomatic missions, we ask see this as a premature one and an excess of caution. while the uk is bringing home some embassy staff because of the growing russian threat, for its part, they are leaving. rank-and-file diplomatic -- to be continued, shannon. >> shannon: much more on that in the show coming up. but we did talk about pole about americans are concerned about. inflation and economy are at the top of the list. so peter ducey tried to ask president a question about that. the responses getting some attention tonight. >> you may recall just last week when he was asked by howard jackie heinrich about the threat of a possible russian invasion up ukraine, mr. biden was asked if he was waiting on putin. he said but a question. you can add that that his shouting at phil at the old news conference and now today muttering this about peter ducey after he asked this. >> you see this as up liability of the midterm works. >> what a son of a. >> there you have it. for his part, he actually called peter ducey tonight and told him it was nothing personal. peter told sean hannity with the world and the brink and all the stuff going on, he said he appreciated the fact that the president took couple minutes to give them a call and clear the air, but he said i don't need anybody to apologize to me. to be fair president trump did call politicos the same in office after leaving office but the difference is the press recoiled in pro clutching back there and today not so much. shannon. >> well, it's gotten a little heated in these briefings every few years. very classy to make the phone call even though peter set said it wasn't necessary. kevin, thank you very much. we will chat about this. very interesting for now. >> football. >> much more analysis, eyes i said. considered but the us role should be as the tensions continue to grow between russia and ukraine. we will break that down. a supreme court judge struck down the mask mandate for schools rolling back governor kathy hopeful does not have the authority. good evening, laura. >> they state supreme court justice here on long island has struck down the new york mask mandate think the state press accounts tuition was violated. the order for police late monday says that need of the governor nor the state health commissioner has the authority to enact a mask mandate without the state legislature because the governor no longer has emergency powers. while some are calling the world is a victory for those tired of bad dates and restrictions, new york governor quickly first released a statement saying we strongly disagree with this ruling and we are pursuing every option to reverse this immediately. the new york state education department also reacted issued a statement that all schools must continue to follow the mask role and tell the appeal process is completed. this as the debate rages on about how to handle the ongoing pandemic. medical experts agree there is one thing that seems to be a constantly fire. >> than one way or another the virus will be around for a while . >> we've got to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. in that saying it's going to happen, but we had to be prepared. >> dr. fauci says we need to consider a long-term plan to live with covid-19. the president's chief medical advisor saying over the weekend that the best case scenario to be. for managing the virus through the course of a break while predicting the surge of omicron cases will beat this february. >> you're not eradicating it. >> now there is a talk with the medical community about a fourth shot in the form of a second booster that could be an option down the road. however, dr. fauci says there needs to be other studies done on that. while some americans have expressed doubt in many things involving covid, masking up and being vaccinated, they asked people at the trust dr. fauci about the coronavirus or not. 40% said yes and 43% said no. now we have ordered a new some variant of covid-19 detected washington state, identified, according to published reports, it is spreading across the globe and spreading fast. shannon. >> thank you very much. >> the lawsuit against new republican governor glenn youngkin same month that the correct at that the authority and is promising a legal fight. >> all we are saying is under the executive power that's arctic there in the virginia code, he also has the ability of determining if parents can make decisions that are best for them some were confident that were going to be successful in the court system when it's heard. >> public schools among the districts continuing to mandate mass despite the order what a town hall where the superintendent reportedly set that students who did not complying with mask wearing could be excluded from in-person learning. >> first up, tens of thousands protested against covid-19 passports and the restrictions after the -- produce the time that they will be considered valid down to just 150 days. some protesters threw objects and charged appellees who deployed tear gas. truckers from vancouver to ottawa for testing mandates as the freedom convoy 2022. candidates is requiring drivers to quarantine for two commitments and get a negative test whenever they cross back into canada from the us. that truckers are warning is going to cause driver shortages and more inflation. relaxing other restrictions. michael martin declaring that -- have flooded the speeseven storm the opposition party gathering more than 400,000 signatures about 10% of the population. holding referendum on whether to abolish one entry public buildings. new data tonight showing more than 178,000 migrants in december. for a total more than 518,000 in the last three months of last year. you put that in perspective, the 300,000 more encounters than in the same. back the year before. it all adds up to a record-breaking piece of migrant apprehensions for fiscal it's your 2022, now on pace to shatter 2021 total of 1.7 million. still to come, who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. one woman found a way to put her lab to work. one of the knees -- the most unique ways to present a pet. viral videos are next. 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(swords clashing) go to or call right now -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. >> shannon: first up and today 's viral videos, and chilly conditions. this is legitimate in my home state. the reptiles plutko when shock at the temperature falls. below 50 degrees fahrenheit. just leave them alone because when they come to, and they will , they might be a little bit cranky. and three-year-old jack russell terrier named nelly was lowered to safety after going missing. it was stranded and marshland and syncing mind. a nonprofit dedicated to finding missing pets said that the pup could have brown. rescue crews try to get out there with everything including a kayak. they decided to do something totally out of the box. they tied stitches to a drone and cup got millie to follow the snacks to stay be. -- safety. what looks like a scene out of an action movie, special into a barrier. the driver is okay. this is all caught on the -- cam of another driver and you can see pulled over and waiting for the crash victim until help arrived. a true good american. i may have to put you to work. doing this one. take a look at this pet called bear. they woke up to 4 inches of snow this dog owner knew just the pop for the job shoveling the driveway. we are going to give them an a for effort and i would say a plus for cuteness. >> and finally most people do not let love going to the dentist. this one was made more tolerable when his three-year-old brother held his hand the whole time as he had to get a tooth pulled. you can see at one point they even give each other a thumbs-up during the procedure. i love it. i feel like i have to take someone to the dentist. if you've got a video that you want to see or go viral, said it to us on social media. >> on fox business analysis of the care. >> shows massive fraud including employment benefits. 2.2 trillion dollars economic stimulus package. fox business correspondent that you might be shocked to figure out where your tax dollars have been going. good evening, kelly. >> nearly 100 billion was doled out to fraudsters. funded everything from lamborghinis and rolexes to strippers. the deccan to the filing that i want to share a few of the wildest examples. the largest was 35 million. they put guilty to the scheme including 79 fraudulent ppp applications. the loans were used to make luxury purchases including a ferrari for 96,000. including to the car he obtained over a million and ppp. one was a part of benefits by stealing the information third-party victims. they put -- holding out the cash which helped authorities cover them. it wasn't just individuals and celebrities getting money. government officials also snagged some of them illegally. use some of the cities eight to pay of taxes and the mortgage on his lakefront home. and what instance he% to 150,000 in the league to church one on the condition to 50,000 be given to real estate management llc and did not reveal that he controlled into the. as people in hospital beds, many individuals in organized crime got a million each. early 401(k) put drawls, snaking a million. this all comes is more fire respectfully is being proposed by omicron and americans are frustrated. and up has been doled out with the inflation and fraud and of that 100 billion, all the 2.3 has been recovered. >> time to talk to kevin corke. we are weeks away from the big game. i hear that there is a petition of moving it to a different day. >> i love this story and i can't wait to hear we have to say about this. super bowl saturday, having the big game a day earlier is apparently what over 80,000 fans actually want. is a high school student out there and he is from florida. he started an online petition to move the super bowl from sunday to saturday and it is gotten a lot of attention and tens of thousands of signatures. there would be less to worry about getting to work the next toward -- day. it's really important to me because 17.2 million people miss work that they after and that this $44 billion less a productivity. so what do you think? super bowl saturday, yes or no? >> i could get with that but if you can't find your way to work after a night of a football game , you've got bigger problems 17 million people are calling in sick because of the super bowl. what you think? >> i love this idea but i would never miss work. i love it because you can from lax on sunday and still get ready for the week and it takes me a while to get loan the. saturday means more parties and bigger parties and i'm all about that. >> shannon: listen, if they move it to saturday, we are having our own party. we will invite lots of people. big news coming up. thank you, my friend. president biden putting thousands of us troops on standby as pooh refuses to back down from the ukrainian border. howard ball should the us get? we've got experts to debate that coming up. ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? 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>> it is good to be here. i think the rest of the world is watching. this is a consequence of the extraordinary weakness of joe biden and the administration you conceit that confusion at the press conference today. reporter so one of what is the purpose. they're not going to go to ukraine and stop him from evading. i don't want the us troops in ukraine either. get that some serious negotiations between us and russia. the don't respect joe biden or anthony bullington. let's -- robert gates to go to moscow and be with putin and has some serious talks with serious people. >> yesterday they talked about how things were perceived. >> if the prussian force goes into ukraine and an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift and severe and unitive response from us and from europe. >> what are the options and what you think would be most effective at this point? >> i think that we have got to put more cards on the table in terms of what we are willing to do. is not being more economic sanctions on putin. i was in the situation from the last time that we put on some pretty strong sanctions for his invasion of crimea and eastern ukraine's provinces. what we need to be looking at our ways that we can apply pressure, including on the domestic front where putin's weakest and that what nepali has discovered why he is in the russian jail right now. >> said you talked about this. buddy you suggesting that we could do? >> well, we could certainly start with releasing the intelligence that we have about putin's elation -- illicit activities. we've seen a lot of discontent over the last several years with mismanagement, with even the kind of catastrophes of what putin's role has melt meant for everyday russians and we can exploit that and send a clear message to putin to knock it off or we will give him more of his own medicine. >> i want to talk about nato and our allies and the people that we have to have a united front with. the white house is saying we have got fat. i keep thinking about germany and the fact that there's a relationship. they have interests of their own with oil and gas. that is going to impact them in different ways or russia could threaten to hold up supplies is a threat in reverse. so what to do with the interest of germany and europe and trying to make sure that we are all on the same page. >> i want to say that what bricks that will have no effect in solving the situation. rebasing intelligence that putin is corrupt is not going to have any effect. he's going to ignore that. but i think that you are onto something here. unifying nato and nato is not unified right now. we note that germany is not with us in sending legal aid into ukraine. the problem is that nato is defined because they are so reliant on russian natural gas. they're moving away from cold power generation plants. as long as nato is divided and further emboldening, they can move on ukraine. >> a quick final word with a few seconds left. >> with all due respect, i think that putin's week at home. if we can release and magnify and work with russian civil society and disciplined actors, putin is going to feel the heat. >> shannon: we know that the biden white house has been% but the number of different options. we will see which one. exercise. thank you both for your time. >> another contentious case going to the supreme court. affirmative action at universities as the plaintiffs say some of the schools are discriminating against asian-americans. and following supreme court precedents, i what what the justices do. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at how bout sushi? 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>> this is the opportunity an opportunity. it's interesting because bishop versus texas and so on and so far. and indicates that there might be some movement to declare unlawful. and discrimination is profound. it's not just the other on a scale as the court had permitted colleges to do in the past. he just indicated that asian students attendance less likely to be admitted zero for similar situations. same sat and insane grade-point averages. in some schools that discrimination is is that just 400 times more likely, jeff harvard, for example, asian students have on average and sat score that's 218, not two points , 218 points higher than the average black student. what happens is there's a mismatch that disadvantages black students and most colleges harvard might be an exception because it can skim off the cream of the crop in any race. across the land black students are mismatched against white comparables and therefore do much for academically for the could've competed lower tier school because that is where there could then shoals are properly situated. of what you have in many schools is having a lower gpas and the debacle time to get jobs. was happening is the whole reason for this state interest is allegedly the college's interest in having a diverse student body and that mismatch has cause students to segregate themselves, different programs, ceremonies. so what you see is not this kind of diverse mix of students but actually even more separatism. undermining the rationale for engaging in discrimination and admissions. >> by the way, harper says the supreme court decision is putting at risk for to hear some legal precedence and flexibility will quickly to your point about app and american students possibly being admitted somewhere and the contention that the don't do as well. this a lot of critics that push back and say it inflames the argument and the question and is not fair to characterize their performance in that way. >> that is what the performances . it may hurt their feelings but those are the facts and it is harming black students. maybe not a harvard but almost everywhere else black students are mismatched to a large extent against white and asian comparison. they need to go into less demanding courses. that kind of dynamic causes black students to be even lower decile and to flunk out completely and have much poorer outcomes compared to the white nation comparatives. we should not be discriminating on the basis of race in 2022. remember from the court first adjudicated this man in -- we think it's only going to be necessary for another 25 years. we've got about 5-6 more years to go. >> peter, thank you very much. we will track the case very closely. thank you very much. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: a lot of tell you about good dues before we say good night. happy birthday to irvin faye. as a special guest for his day, his wife of 75 years had asked members of the community to send him 100th birthday cards but he loves opening the mail every day at the senior center in wisconsin. they delivered. he was surprised with cards and open them during the birthday party. he actually posted to another hundred years and any walkabout is hundred birthday, he said of excited and now he wants 100 more. >> happy birthday. that is the kind of thing that i love about this show. great news in the night. >> shannon: do have a special story and we will save it for good night from washington. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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Opportunity , Factor , Bishop , Discrimination , Other , Movement , Versus Texas , Court , Colleges , Situations , Scale , Asian , Zero , Points , Example , Sat , Times , Averages , Score , Jeff Harvard , 400 , 218 , Mismatch , Student , Exception , Race , Tier School , Comparables , Cream , Crop , Land , Shoals , Gpas , State Interest , College , Happening , Student Body , Ceremonies , Programs , Separatism , Mix , Rationale , Admissions , Precedence , Risk , Flexibility , Supreme Court Decision , Harper , Contention , Somewhere , App , Argument , Critics , Performance , Performances , Everywhere , Feelings , Courses , Comparison , Extent , Dynamic , Decile , Nation Comparatives , Basis , Outcomes , 2022 Remember , Man , 25 , 6 , Irvin Faye , Birthday , Guest , Day , Tell , Dues , Members , Mail , Birthday Cards , Senior Center , Wife , Wisconsin , 75 , 100 , More , Birthday Party , Walkabout , Windshield , Tomorrow It , Safety Systems , Vo , Glass , Camera , Safelite Autoglass , Supplement , Daily Vicks , Vitamin C , Pack , B Vitamins , Super C , Service , Singers , Dayquil , Safelite Repair , Limu , Isn T , Power , Coughing , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Whistles , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Liberty , Ceo , Pay , Mike Lindell , Mypillow Council Culture , Liberty Hello , Millions , Savings , Mypillow , Employees , Towels , Products , Beds , Slippers , Prices , Sleepwear , Bathrobe , Tile Set , Concept , Variety , Cotton , Colors , Ninety Nine , Nine , Thirty Nine , Promo Code , Offer , Com , Screen , God , 800 , Brightstar , Standard , Care Givers , Nurses , Laundry , Goal , Twenty , Oh Hi , Kexin , Room , Delivery , Oh Laundry , Crypto , Okay , Retirement Accounts , Roth Ira , Capital , Tax Benefits , Ira , 24 7 , Start Investing Todaye , Short , Brands , Cpac , Sciencewise , Permanent Washington Pushes For War With Russiangto , Questionue Enough , Tucker Carlson , Obvious , Second , You Re The One , Country S , War , Traitor , Ifhat , Doesn T Benefit , They E , Borders Areislo ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

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our panel weighs in. and forces put on high alert. russia and nato over the potential invasion of ukraine. can diplomatic talks bring the party back from the brink or is an attack by vladimir putin all but certain. breaking news out of the shark as the state supreme court judge strikes a mask mandate for schools in public places. the near department of education defiant tonight saying that schools will real require those mass. breaking details on that case coming up. we begin with the crime crisis making the streets as dangerous as ever for those who protect and serve. greg gallagher is taking a closer look tonight. good evening. >> from the killing of cops two kids, forcing a stunning rush of violent crimes across the us for the politicians disagree and solutions, but it is getting tough to find anyone who doesn't think that we has a country have a major problem. >> already in 2022, five. city police officers have been shot. this weekend 22-year-old officer jason ribera lost his life after being ambushed during the call. his partner was also shot in the attack and remains in extremely critical condition. as the nypd readies to honor the fallen, the politics remains in full swing with both new york city mayor adams and kathy hope will blaming guns instead of the criminals that fired them. >> we have to do more to discourage illegal guns in our streets. despite our tough laws here in the state of new york, they are coming in from other states. they are flooding our streets. >> just hours after two nypd officers were shot, christian richardson jordan who once called nypd the big apple biggest gang, decided to tweet about a community garden instead of shooting. this was a surprising considering last summer she tweeted always remember that the police and prison systems were preserved to -- and more on cops extends across the country. in houston charles galloway was also ambush, shot and killed during a traffic stop. the suspect, a hispanic male, remains on the loose. in and washington dc, an officer were shot and wounded, likely he will survive. it is also notable that the minneapolis police are still looking for suspects who opened fire on a crowd gathered for a post funeral meal. in chicago so far this year five children under the age of 15 have been shot and killed, including eight-year-old melissa ortega wish him the head by a stray bullet over the weekend. no wonder a fox news poll shows 81% of voters are extremely or very concerned about higher us crime rates. here is the white house response . >> does he know after your office that people did not feel safe in this country? peter come over to get the facts , we've seen a surge of crime over the last to go back years. >> so what you contribute the rising crimes to. >> i think we have to be responsible in the how we bring to the public what the reason for the surging crime is. gun violence is a huge reason for the surgeon crime. >> we should also note that tragically three children under the age of six have been shot in atlanta this year. two of them have died including a six -month-old girl who today was caught in the crossfire of a fight in inviting -- involving two other people. >> >> shannon: thank you very much. let's talk in depth about the heightened dangers for officers tonight and the larger crisis facing america's big cities. good to see you both. >> thanks for having us, shannon . randy, i want to start with you . a tweet from the governor in new york talking about the horrific situation that played out there saying this, last night a shot from an illegal gun to the life of an nypd officer. she goes on from there but it seems like odd phrasing. it reminded me it made me think of the waukesha christmas parade for the guy drove the suv and the crowd and killed six people and injured 60 plus people and the headlight about the suv, her warning about a shot from an illegal gun struck me the same way. what's going on? >> she is a disgrace. she could not even bring it to herself to explain that the reality is that this murderer from a police officer came from a hardened criminal. she can't even bring it out. at the same time we are seeing the political left refusing to acknowledge that the crime that is engulfing this country is because we have absolutely lessen the penalties for crime. we have taken the criminal and deified him in many ways instead of looking at the empathetic response to the victims. the victims are not even mentioned any longer, shannon, and the police officer lost his life in new york is one of a number of police officers who was shot in the lined up duty just this month alone and yet we are seeing the politicians failure to acknowledge these crimes and this horrendous upsurge and they simply will not acknowledge that it is their policies that made this happen. >> shannon: i want to say something. the new mayor, let's play what he said. >> but we have been he's police officers in the city, from pouring water on their heads to not giving them the authority to do their job, saying were not going to prosecute and allowing people to walk in the stores and take whatever they want off the shelves come and that we point to the police officers and say keep us safe. they are saying we need help. >> shannon: i've got to ask you how you are feeling and how you do your colleagues are feeling and to say thank you all you out there day and night doing this work. but when you cannot get a prosecutor to put together a casey of assembled against someone, innocent until proven guilty but what is the like for you all to see that those cases go nowhere in some cases. >> shannon, we are frustrated, hurt, confused. it's about the mustard at the gun laws are in place and there is strictest new york state, why are you not prosecuting the criminals such as the one that killed officer rivera and keep him behind bars. it doesn't make any sense. jen psaki said they're doing everything that they can. i'm telling you as an active search and new york city, the policies are not working. the having politicians right the rolls on how were going to do our jobs and set sit down with the active police officers and have them help right legislations to do our job properly. >> trey talked about this about polling. 80% of people say they are worried about the surgeon crime. in new york we've got carjackings across the us. chicago, philadelphia, new york, washington, new orleans. we have the data showing crime is up. so we parked the site and say let officers help writing this legislation and getting people off the street. what is your suggestion? he sounds like he wants to come to the table, having been an officer, to try to find a way to help our officers. >> he is saying very nice words. i want to see action. i don't want to hear words any longer. we have trojan horse prosecutors across the united states. i called them trojan horses because they have been allowed into the gates of the cities and yet they want to destroy the criminal justice system from within. you have bright in new york who spent an officer of weeks and he's doing his best to destroy what is left of the criminal justice system in new york. chicago and new york have the toughest gun laws in the country yet you have this violent crimes tsunami that is taking the lives of police officers and taking the lives of citizens and they are not prosecuting them. you are seeing greg actually coming out and saying to the public i'm not going to prosecute rappers as robberies. were going to prosecute them as petty larceny. so if you don't take criminality and you don't -- and use the criminal justice system. to put predators in prison, you are going to continue to see this blood in the streets and i've got to tell you, which helps injured officers, i see the suffer single day and it is personal to me because i am seeing the pain convincing the construction of the families. i am seeing the destruction of the criminal justice system in america. it is not by accident, shannon. >> >> shannon: i want to give you a quick final word. >> it's going to be hard but you're going to see this sea of blue when we honor officer rivera. it is a start and finish the job that they couldn't do and you're going to see the officers were going to continue to do that and continue to honor our officers. >> shannon: got bless you and protect you and your colleagues for what you do and what you are doing now. thank you both. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: putting approximately 8500 troops on height and prepared this tonight and that's when the family some informatics staff with tensions on the russians flashed ukraine border up tonight. kevin corke is here with details diplomacy is what the white house is promising the world. washington tries to figure out what's going to happen along the russian/ukrainian border. there are calculations about a possible conflict that are being made. >> i had a very good meeting with that european leaders. we will talk about it later. >> after conducting the call with leaders this afternoon and the situation room, president biden tweeted that the group had discussed the joint efforts to deter the russian aggression, such as preparations to oppose severe economic costs on russia and reinforce security on the eastern flank. precisely but those enforcements look like is still anyone's guess. the pentagon announced that some 8500 us troops are in height and preparedness. >> the alliance in the streets of their activated our defensive end they are for frontline nato states, how does this protect ukraine? how does a stop them from going into ukraine? >> it is designed to reassure our nato allies quick. >> how does the protect ukraine? >> it's in the very clear signal to mr. putin that we take our responsibilities to nato seriously. >> to be continued, explaining that height and preparedness does mean that troops are gearing up to go fight the russians. all we are doing today is telling these units that we need to get ready and you need to be ready to go on a shorter timeline then maybe you were before. no deployment orders have been find yet. we want to make sure that they are ready in case they are asked . >> the pentagon insist no decisions that that make it to deploy american forces to the region. the ministry of foreign affairs accused us up excessive caution for ordering family members of embassy staff to leave the country. we have taken note of the state department's decision said ukraine spokesperson. while we respect the right of foreign nations to ensure safety and security objective look at it -- diplomatic missions, we ask see this as a premature one and an excess of caution. while the uk is bringing home some embassy staff because of the growing russian threat, for its part, they are leaving. rank-and-file diplomatic -- to be continued, shannon. >> shannon: much more on that in the show coming up. but we did talk about pole about americans are concerned about. inflation and economy are at the top of the list. so peter ducey tried to ask president a question about that. the responses getting some attention tonight. >> you may recall just last week when he was asked by howard jackie heinrich about the threat of a possible russian invasion up ukraine, mr. biden was asked if he was waiting on putin. he said but a question. you can add that that his shouting at phil at the old news conference and now today muttering this about peter ducey after he asked this. >> you see this as up liability of the midterm works. >> what a son of a. >> there you have it. for his part, he actually called peter ducey tonight and told him it was nothing personal. peter told sean hannity with the world and the brink and all the stuff going on, he said he appreciated the fact that the president took couple minutes to give them a call and clear the air, but he said i don't need anybody to apologize to me. to be fair president trump did call politicos the same in office after leaving office but the difference is the press recoiled in pro clutching back there and today not so much. shannon. >> well, it's gotten a little heated in these briefings every few years. very classy to make the phone call even though peter set said it wasn't necessary. kevin, thank you very much. we will chat about this. very interesting for now. >> football. >> much more analysis, eyes i said. considered but the us role should be as the tensions continue to grow between russia and ukraine. we will break that down. a supreme court judge struck down the mask mandate for schools rolling back governor kathy hopeful does not have the authority. good evening, laura. >> they state supreme court justice here on long island has struck down the new york mask mandate think the state press accounts tuition was violated. the order for police late monday says that need of the governor nor the state health commissioner has the authority to enact a mask mandate without the state legislature because the governor no longer has emergency powers. while some are calling the world is a victory for those tired of bad dates and restrictions, new york governor quickly first released a statement saying we strongly disagree with this ruling and we are pursuing every option to reverse this immediately. the new york state education department also reacted issued a statement that all schools must continue to follow the mask role and tell the appeal process is completed. this as the debate rages on about how to handle the ongoing pandemic. medical experts agree there is one thing that seems to be a constantly fire. >> than one way or another the virus will be around for a while . >> we've got to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. in that saying it's going to happen, but we had to be prepared. >> dr. fauci says we need to consider a long-term plan to live with covid-19. the president's chief medical advisor saying over the weekend that the best case scenario to be. for managing the virus through the course of a break while predicting the surge of omicron cases will beat this february. >> you're not eradicating it. >> now there is a talk with the medical community about a fourth shot in the form of a second booster that could be an option down the road. however, dr. fauci says there needs to be other studies done on that. while some americans have expressed doubt in many things involving covid, masking up and being vaccinated, they asked people at the trust dr. fauci about the coronavirus or not. 40% said yes and 43% said no. now we have ordered a new some variant of covid-19 detected washington state, identified, according to published reports, it is spreading across the globe and spreading fast. shannon. >> thank you very much. >> the lawsuit against new republican governor glenn youngkin same month that the correct at that the authority and is promising a legal fight. >> all we are saying is under the executive power that's arctic there in the virginia code, he also has the ability of determining if parents can make decisions that are best for them some were confident that were going to be successful in the court system when it's heard. >> public schools among the districts continuing to mandate mass despite the order what a town hall where the superintendent reportedly set that students who did not complying with mask wearing could be excluded from in-person learning. >> first up, tens of thousands protested against covid-19 passports and the restrictions after the -- produce the time that they will be considered valid down to just 150 days. some protesters threw objects and charged appellees who deployed tear gas. truckers from vancouver to ottawa for testing mandates as the freedom convoy 2022. candidates is requiring drivers to quarantine for two commitments and get a negative test whenever they cross back into canada from the us. that truckers are warning is going to cause driver shortages and more inflation. relaxing other restrictions. michael martin declaring that -- have flooded the speeseven storm the opposition party gathering more than 400,000 signatures about 10% of the population. holding referendum on whether to abolish one entry public buildings. new data tonight showing more than 178,000 migrants in december. for a total more than 518,000 in the last three months of last year. you put that in perspective, the 300,000 more encounters than in the same. back the year before. it all adds up to a record-breaking piece of migrant apprehensions for fiscal it's your 2022, now on pace to shatter 2021 total of 1.7 million. still to come, who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. one woman found a way to put her lab to work. one of the knees -- the most unique ways to present a pet. viral videos are next. 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(swords clashing) go to or call right now -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. >> shannon: first up and today 's viral videos, and chilly conditions. this is legitimate in my home state. the reptiles plutko when shock at the temperature falls. below 50 degrees fahrenheit. just leave them alone because when they come to, and they will , they might be a little bit cranky. and three-year-old jack russell terrier named nelly was lowered to safety after going missing. it was stranded and marshland and syncing mind. a nonprofit dedicated to finding missing pets said that the pup could have brown. rescue crews try to get out there with everything including a kayak. they decided to do something totally out of the box. they tied stitches to a drone and cup got millie to follow the snacks to stay be. -- safety. what looks like a scene out of an action movie, special into a barrier. the driver is okay. this is all caught on the -- cam of another driver and you can see pulled over and waiting for the crash victim until help arrived. a true good american. i may have to put you to work. doing this one. take a look at this pet called bear. they woke up to 4 inches of snow this dog owner knew just the pop for the job shoveling the driveway. we are going to give them an a for effort and i would say a plus for cuteness. >> and finally most people do not let love going to the dentist. this one was made more tolerable when his three-year-old brother held his hand the whole time as he had to get a tooth pulled. you can see at one point they even give each other a thumbs-up during the procedure. i love it. i feel like i have to take someone to the dentist. if you've got a video that you want to see or go viral, said it to us on social media. >> on fox business analysis of the care. >> shows massive fraud including employment benefits. 2.2 trillion dollars economic stimulus package. fox business correspondent that you might be shocked to figure out where your tax dollars have been going. good evening, kelly. >> nearly 100 billion was doled out to fraudsters. funded everything from lamborghinis and rolexes to strippers. the deccan to the filing that i want to share a few of the wildest examples. the largest was 35 million. they put guilty to the scheme including 79 fraudulent ppp applications. the loans were used to make luxury purchases including a ferrari for 96,000. including to the car he obtained over a million and ppp. one was a part of benefits by stealing the information third-party victims. they put -- holding out the cash which helped authorities cover them. it wasn't just individuals and celebrities getting money. government officials also snagged some of them illegally. use some of the cities eight to pay of taxes and the mortgage on his lakefront home. and what instance he% to 150,000 in the league to church one on the condition to 50,000 be given to real estate management llc and did not reveal that he controlled into the. as people in hospital beds, many individuals in organized crime got a million each. early 401(k) put drawls, snaking a million. this all comes is more fire respectfully is being proposed by omicron and americans are frustrated. and up has been doled out with the inflation and fraud and of that 100 billion, all the 2.3 has been recovered. >> time to talk to kevin corke. we are weeks away from the big game. i hear that there is a petition of moving it to a different day. >> i love this story and i can't wait to hear we have to say about this. super bowl saturday, having the big game a day earlier is apparently what over 80,000 fans actually want. is a high school student out there and he is from florida. he started an online petition to move the super bowl from sunday to saturday and it is gotten a lot of attention and tens of thousands of signatures. there would be less to worry about getting to work the next toward -- day. it's really important to me because 17.2 million people miss work that they after and that this $44 billion less a productivity. so what do you think? super bowl saturday, yes or no? >> i could get with that but if you can't find your way to work after a night of a football game , you've got bigger problems 17 million people are calling in sick because of the super bowl. what you think? >> i love this idea but i would never miss work. i love it because you can from lax on sunday and still get ready for the week and it takes me a while to get loan the. saturday means more parties and bigger parties and i'm all about that. >> shannon: listen, if they move it to saturday, we are having our own party. we will invite lots of people. big news coming up. thank you, my friend. president biden putting thousands of us troops on standby as pooh refuses to back down from the ukrainian border. howard ball should the us get? we've got experts to debate that coming up. ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? 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>> it is good to be here. i think the rest of the world is watching. this is a consequence of the extraordinary weakness of joe biden and the administration you conceit that confusion at the press conference today. reporter so one of what is the purpose. they're not going to go to ukraine and stop him from evading. i don't want the us troops in ukraine either. get that some serious negotiations between us and russia. the don't respect joe biden or anthony bullington. let's -- robert gates to go to moscow and be with putin and has some serious talks with serious people. >> yesterday they talked about how things were perceived. >> if the prussian force goes into ukraine and an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift and severe and unitive response from us and from europe. >> what are the options and what you think would be most effective at this point? >> i think that we have got to put more cards on the table in terms of what we are willing to do. is not being more economic sanctions on putin. i was in the situation from the last time that we put on some pretty strong sanctions for his invasion of crimea and eastern ukraine's provinces. what we need to be looking at our ways that we can apply pressure, including on the domestic front where putin's weakest and that what nepali has discovered why he is in the russian jail right now. >> said you talked about this. buddy you suggesting that we could do? >> well, we could certainly start with releasing the intelligence that we have about putin's elation -- illicit activities. we've seen a lot of discontent over the last several years with mismanagement, with even the kind of catastrophes of what putin's role has melt meant for everyday russians and we can exploit that and send a clear message to putin to knock it off or we will give him more of his own medicine. >> i want to talk about nato and our allies and the people that we have to have a united front with. the white house is saying we have got fat. i keep thinking about germany and the fact that there's a relationship. they have interests of their own with oil and gas. that is going to impact them in different ways or russia could threaten to hold up supplies is a threat in reverse. so what to do with the interest of germany and europe and trying to make sure that we are all on the same page. >> i want to say that what bricks that will have no effect in solving the situation. rebasing intelligence that putin is corrupt is not going to have any effect. he's going to ignore that. but i think that you are onto something here. unifying nato and nato is not unified right now. we note that germany is not with us in sending legal aid into ukraine. the problem is that nato is defined because they are so reliant on russian natural gas. they're moving away from cold power generation plants. as long as nato is divided and further emboldening, they can move on ukraine. >> a quick final word with a few seconds left. >> with all due respect, i think that putin's week at home. if we can release and magnify and work with russian civil society and disciplined actors, putin is going to feel the heat. >> shannon: we know that the biden white house has been% but the number of different options. we will see which one. exercise. thank you both for your time. >> another contentious case going to the supreme court. affirmative action at universities as the plaintiffs say some of the schools are discriminating against asian-americans. and following supreme court precedents, i what what the justices do. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at how bout sushi? 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>> this is the opportunity an opportunity. it's interesting because bishop versus texas and so on and so far. and indicates that there might be some movement to declare unlawful. and discrimination is profound. it's not just the other on a scale as the court had permitted colleges to do in the past. he just indicated that asian students attendance less likely to be admitted zero for similar situations. same sat and insane grade-point averages. in some schools that discrimination is is that just 400 times more likely, jeff harvard, for example, asian students have on average and sat score that's 218, not two points , 218 points higher than the average black student. what happens is there's a mismatch that disadvantages black students and most colleges harvard might be an exception because it can skim off the cream of the crop in any race. across the land black students are mismatched against white comparables and therefore do much for academically for the could've competed lower tier school because that is where there could then shoals are properly situated. of what you have in many schools is having a lower gpas and the debacle time to get jobs. was happening is the whole reason for this state interest is allegedly the college's interest in having a diverse student body and that mismatch has cause students to segregate themselves, different programs, ceremonies. so what you see is not this kind of diverse mix of students but actually even more separatism. undermining the rationale for engaging in discrimination and admissions. >> by the way, harper says the supreme court decision is putting at risk for to hear some legal precedence and flexibility will quickly to your point about app and american students possibly being admitted somewhere and the contention that the don't do as well. this a lot of critics that push back and say it inflames the argument and the question and is not fair to characterize their performance in that way. >> that is what the performances . it may hurt their feelings but those are the facts and it is harming black students. maybe not a harvard but almost everywhere else black students are mismatched to a large extent against white and asian comparison. they need to go into less demanding courses. that kind of dynamic causes black students to be even lower decile and to flunk out completely and have much poorer outcomes compared to the white nation comparatives. we should not be discriminating on the basis of race in 2022. remember from the court first adjudicated this man in -- we think it's only going to be necessary for another 25 years. we've got about 5-6 more years to go. >> peter, thank you very much. we will track the case very closely. thank you very much. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: a lot of tell you about good dues before we say good night. happy birthday to irvin faye. as a special guest for his day, his wife of 75 years had asked members of the community to send him 100th birthday cards but he loves opening the mail every day at the senior center in wisconsin. they delivered. he was surprised with cards and open them during the birthday party. he actually posted to another hundred years and any walkabout is hundred birthday, he said of excited and now he wants 100 more. >> happy birthday. that is the kind of thing that i love about this show. great news in the night. >> shannon: do have a special story and we will save it for good night from washington. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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, Confused , It Doesn T , Everything , Officer , Bars , Search , Sense , Jen Psaki , Jobs , Legislations , Rolls , Sit , Trey , Surgeon , Data Showing , Carjackings , Philadelphia , New Orleans , 80 , Table , Legislation , Suggestion , Site , The Street , Action , Words , Prosecutors , Trojan Horse , Criminal Justice , Trojan Horses , System , Gates , Lives , Criminal Justice System , Tsunami , Best , Citizens , Criminality , Robberies , Larceny , Rappers , Blood , Prison , Predators , Families , Pain , Construction , Destruction , Word , Sea , Accident , Start , Rivera , Got Bless You , Troops , Height , Family , 8500 , Tensions , Russians , Staff , Kevin Corke , Informatics , Ukraine Border Up Tonight , World , Calculations , Conflict , Diplomacy , Ukrainian Border , Joe Biden , Leaders , Group , Meeting , Afternoon , Situation Room , European , Security , Preparations , Efforts , Flank , Costs , Aggression , Enforcements , Guess , Alliance , Preparedness , Pentagon , Defensive End , Frontline , Mr , Allies , Signal , Stop , Wall , Units , Responsibilities , Timeline , Deployment Orders , Decisions , Caution , Embassy , Region , Decision , Family Members , Note , Ministry Of Foreign Affairs , State Department , Safety , It , Nations , Missions , Objective , Spokesperson , Part , Home , Threat , Uk , Diplomatic , Excess , File , Inflation , Show , Top , Economy , List , Pole , Question , Attention , Responses , Howard Ball , News Conference , Shouting , Jackie Heinrich , Son , Works , Muttering , Liability , Fact , Peter Ducey Tonight , Nothing , Stuff , Sean Hannity , President , Politicos , Air , Anybody , Difference , Press Recoiled , Pro , Phone Call , Set , Football , Wasn T , Role , Analysis , Eyes , Down , Laura , Order , State Press , Need , Tuition , They State Supreme Court Justice , Long Island , Some , Restrictions , Victory , State Health Commissioner , Emergency Powers , State Legislature , Statement , Option , New York State Education Department , Thing , Experts , Mask Role , Debate , Pandemic , Appeal Process , Virus , Scenario , Dr , Fauci , Advisor , Plan , Course , Omicron Cases , Break , Case Scenario , Covid 19 , 19 , Community , Booster , Studies , Talk , Form , Road , Things , Masking Up , Coronavirus , Doubt , 43 , 40 , Washington State , Variant , Glenn Youngkin , Lawsuit , Globe , Republican , Executive Power , Court System , Parents , Ability , Virginia Code , Students , Mask , Superintendent , Town Hall , Learning , Districts , Tens Of Thousands , Passports , Covid , Truckers , Tear Gas , Appellees , Objects , Protesters , Vancouver , 150 , Drivers , Candidates , Test , Freedom Convoy 2022 , Canada , Driver Shortages , Speeseven Storm The Opposition Party , Michael Martin , Signatures , Population , Referendum , 10 , 400000 , Data , Buildings , Migrants , 518000 , 178000 , Piece , Same , Perspective , Encounters , Pace , Migrant Apprehensions , 300000 , Woman , Dog , Tricks , Lab , Knees , 1 7 Million , 2021 , Naj , Money Manager , Responsibility , Pet , Clients , Videos , Fiduciary , Retirement , Fees , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Stomach , Ulcers , Fisher Investments , Ingestion , Heartburn , Pepto Bismol , Upset Stomach , Relief , Coating , Soothing , Diarrheaaaa , High School , Arm , Cheerleading , Colts Cheerleading , Go Colts , Narrator , Tessa , Friends , 36 , Donation , Stroke , Floor , American Heart Association Funds Life Saving Research , Anything , Breakthroughs , Help Save , Boot , Cane , Treatments , Save Lives , Detection , Prevention , Cures , Got A Second Chance , 63 , 9 , 0 63 , Heart Disease , Death , American Heart Association , Gift , Person , Support , Credit Card , Team , Special American Heart Association T Shirt , Treatment , Recovery , Help , Save , Heart , Act , Helpheart Org , Loved Ones , Swords Clashing , The Don T Respect , Strength , Inflammation , Enough , Arthritis , Kick Pain , Gods , Aspercreme Arthritis , Conditions , First Up And Today S Viral Videos , Nelly , Temperature Falls , Shock , Reptiles , Jack Russell Terrier , 50 , Rescue Crews , Pets , Syncing , Marshland , Mind , Nonprofit , Brown , Pup , Cup , Drone , Stitches , Snacks , Kayak , The Box , Got Millie , Driver , Special , Scene , Action Movie , Barrier , Cam , Crash Victim , Driveway , Pop , A , Plus , Effort , Bear , Snow , Cuteness , Dog Owner , 4 , Love , Point , Brother , Dentist , Hand , Tooth , Video , Procedure , Social Media , Care , Fraud , Stimulus Package , Employment Benefits , On Fox Business Analysis , 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion Dollars , Kelly , Tax , Evening , Fraudsters , Correspondent , Fox Business , 100 Billion , Deccan , Few , Largest , Wildest Examples , Strippers , Filing , Rolexes , Lamborghinis , 35 Million , Car , Loans , Applications , Scheme , Purchases , Ppp , Ferrari , 79 , 96000 , Cash , Benefits , Authorities , A Million , Individuals , Taxes , Government Officials , Money , It Wasn T , Celebrities , Mortgage , Organized Crime , Lakefront , Real Estate Management Llc , Hospital Beds , The League To Church One , 150000 , 50000 , Put , Snaking A Million , 401 , Omicron , 2 3 , Story , Petition , Super Bowl , Big Game A Day , Fans , Big Game , 80000 , High School Student , Florida , Lot , 17 2 Million , Night , Football Game , Productivity , 44 Billion , 4 Billion , Idea , Problems , Lax On Sunday , 17 Million , Parties , Loan , Lots , Coming Up , Border , Standby , Friend , Biden Putting Thousands , Medicine Cabinet , Card , Must , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Cold , It Shortens Colds , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , 1 , Nutrients , Sign , Brand , Universe , Qunol , Qunol Sleep Formula , 5 , The One , Master S Degree , Clues , University Of Phoenix , Phoenix Edu , 11k , 1k , Waist , Golo , 13 , Diet Food , Weight , Announcer , K You Eat Normal Food , Ben Affleck , Paralyzed Veterans Of America , Navy Seal , Seal , Navy , My Parachute Didn T Open , Platoon , Neck , Veterans , Comrade , Promise , Side , Vets , 1946 , Sacrifice , Heroes , Pva Hero Org , 63 , Research , Freedom , Vain , Rest , Accessibility , Injury , Pva , Pva Team , Let S , Pvahero Org , Level , Deployment , Ukraine Border , Councils , Both , Standoff , Chief Of Staff , Director , Development , Directed , Involvement , Adversaries , Wall Street Journal Editorial Board , Authoritarians , Hooton , Aspirations , Content , Dominance , Consequence , Confusion , Administration , Purpose , Reporter , Weakness , Press Conference , You Conceit , Negotiations , Anthony Bullington , Robert Gates To Go Moscow , Unitive , Force , Swift , Prussian , Cards , Options , Terms , Sanctions , Crimea , Front , Pressure , Provinces , Nepali , Intelligence , Jail , Elation , Activities , Discontent , Mismanagement , Kind , Message , What Putin , Catastrophes , Medicine , Germany , Fat , United Front , Interests , Supplies , Gas , Relationship , Oil , Interest , Effect , Reverse , Page , Bricks , Rebasing Intelligence , Aid , Natural Gas , Respect , Power Generation Plants , Emboldening , Actors , Heat , Russian Civil Society , Exercise , Asian Americans , Justices , Growing Up , Universities , Plaintiffs , Precedents , Memories , Affirmative Action , Meal , Most , Kitchen , Food , Cooking , Mom , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Collision Beeping Warning , Sushi , Seafood , Lunch , Silence , Indian , Ehh , Technology , Tacos , Emergency Braking , Automatic , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Chevy Equinox , Finn , Procedures , Doctor , Surgeries , News , Ultrasound , Birth , 17 , Killer , Ages , Donations , Support Prevention , Loved One , Danger , Others , Heart Attack , Saving , Loyalty , Proof , 39 , Supreme Court Monday Challenging Emissions , Applicants , Biden Administrative Set , Harvard University , Discriminating , Shouldn T Tape Case , University Of North Carolina , Editorial , Metz , Spandex , 38 1 , 56 1 , Chance , Applicant , Admission , Races , Cues , 12 7 , Opportunity , Factor , Bishop , Discrimination , Other , Movement , Versus Texas , Court , Colleges , Situations , Scale , Asian , Zero , Points , Example , Sat , Times , Averages , Score , Jeff Harvard , 400 , 218 , Mismatch , Student , Exception , Race , Tier School , Comparables , Cream , Crop , Land , Shoals , Gpas , State Interest , College , Happening , Student Body , Ceremonies , Programs , Separatism , Mix , Rationale , Admissions , Precedence , Risk , Flexibility , Supreme Court Decision , Harper , Contention , Somewhere , App , Argument , Critics , Performance , Performances , Everywhere , Feelings , Courses , Comparison , Extent , Dynamic , Decile , Nation Comparatives , Basis , Outcomes , 2022 Remember , Man , 25 , 6 , Irvin Faye , Birthday , Guest , Day , Tell , Dues , Members , Mail , Birthday Cards , Senior Center , Wife , Wisconsin , 75 , 100 , More , Birthday Party , Walkabout , Windshield , Tomorrow It , Safety Systems , Vo , Glass , Camera , Safelite Autoglass , Supplement , Daily Vicks , Vitamin C , Pack , B Vitamins , Super C , Service , Singers , Dayquil , Safelite Repair , Limu , Isn T , Power , Coughing , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Whistles , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Liberty , Ceo , Pay , Mike Lindell , Mypillow Council Culture , Liberty Hello , Millions , Savings , Mypillow , Employees , Towels , Products , Beds , Slippers , Prices , Sleepwear , Bathrobe , Tile Set , Concept , Variety , Cotton , Colors , Ninety Nine , Nine , Thirty Nine , Promo Code , Offer , Com , Screen , God , 800 , Brightstar , Standard , Care Givers , Nurses , Laundry , Goal , Twenty , Oh Hi , Kexin , Room , Delivery , Oh Laundry , Crypto , Okay , Retirement Accounts , Roth Ira , Capital , Tax Benefits , Ira , 24 7 , Start Investing Todaye , Short , Brands , Cpac , Sciencewise , Permanent Washington Pushes For War With Russiangto , Questionue Enough , Tucker Carlson , Obvious , Second , You Re The One , Country S , War , Traitor , Ifhat , Doesn T Benefit , They E , Borders Areislo ,

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