Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

economists. >> sandra: and the ukraine, a russian invasion could come at any moment. the state department is warning americans in ukraine to get out now before it is too late. sandra smith in new york. hello. >> john: good to be with you another week, sandra. state department says families of u.s. diplomats at the embassy in kyiv need to leave now and other americans in the country should go as well. the u.s. military sending nearly 200,000 pounds of lethal aid to ukraine over the weekend and fox news confirming president biden has been given options for u.s. troop deployment in support of nato allies in eastern europe. >> sandra: comes as the russian troop build-up continues. 137,000 russian troops are posted at a dozen points along the border. a former state department spokesperson will join us. >> john: greg palkot has a view from the ground there. >> we are in the capital of kyiv, and it is on edge. looking at the russian troops around the borders, and neighboring belarus, less than 50 miles from where we are, big numbers of russian soldiers along with tanks, artillery, and threatening invasion, and prompting the u.s. to do a lot of things. president biden is considering sending as many as 5,000 u.s. troops to nato countries near the border with russia, as a possible deterrent. and, the u.s. is ramping up military aid to ukraine. over the weekend, 180 tons arrived here, including ammunition destined for ukrainian troops battling russian-backed separatists already in eastern ukraine. as well as the draw-down, take a look. >> evacuation of u.s. diplomats families and nonessential workers from here in kyiv begins as early as today. experts tell us the move is something about the u.s. is thinking of a possible russian invasion. >> signals to me the threat to ukraine is real, it's immediate and also a realistic possible a russian offensive could target kyiv. >> john, the u.k. and australia also looking to draw down their diplomatic staff. ukrainian government says the moves are premature, they also tonight say they don't see a major full-out invasion any time soon from russian. let's hope, back to you. >> john: that would be a good thing. we do appear to be raising the stakes for putin, and greg, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: morgan now, former state department spokesperson under president obama. >> president trump. >> sandra: hey, morgan. >> you said president obama, i was clarifying, that's all. >> sandra: great of you to be here. take us through this. imminent, potential invasion of ukraine? >> all signs point that way. one of the reasons the u.s. embassy had to issue the statements asking americans to get out, there's a regulation and laws you can't evacuate u.s. embassy staff and their family members without giving the same sort of warning to americans who may be in the country that you are evacuating, one of the reasons why we saw the action take place. listen, i think this comes at the end of a year of failed diplomacy, sandra. this is a year of sort of chasing putin around the world, doing what the state department has coined intensive diplomacy, i don't know what that means, nor do i know that putin knows what it means. effectively we wasted a year of not doing the actions that biden says he will do if putin were to invade. so, things like sanctions. things like sending offensive weapons to ukraine. we have also spent a lot of time over the past year, trying to pacify the germans over nord stream 2 when they have no interest trying to counter russia, not the same that poland and the baltic states and other eastern european states. a we have i consider is weak with biden, he smells it and he is acting. >> sandra: majority of voters disapprove on president biden on foreign policy, disapprove, 54%. general jack keane earlier this morning talking about the conditions in ukraine as he tries to estimate when a potential invasion by putin could happen, and also other factors that weigh on the timing of this. listen. >> heavy armor operations supported by artillery, need solid ground to do that. a mild winter, so it has taken longer for the ground to freeze, it is frozen now and certainly ideal conditions to conduct those armor operations, but another factor here as well, and that is the beijing olympics. he will not conduct an invasion during that time in my judgment, favorable conditions end around mid march in terms of the timeline. >> sandra: could that indicate a possible invasion is further out, morgan? >> certainly, i think we are all reading the tea leaves and putin is going to attempt to get away with as much as he can over these coming weeks. remember, it's not just about taking ground back in ukraine. there are plenty of people of russian descent he believes belong to russia, but getting concessions from america and from the west, sandra, like promising that we won't put ukraine into nato, wanting us to remove some of our military defense equipment, removing troops out of eastern europe, all of these things are items that putin sees as threats to russia and so listen, at this moment in time it's almost a win-win. if he invades it could be bloody and costly, reputation ruined but some of the territory back he wants. if he doesn't invade, he thinks he has scared us putting the countries that are not in nato, putting them in now. he have thinks he scared us out of doing that. >> sandra: fascinating look at that. we have been and we did a lot of digging into the oil numbers last week and we realized morgan just how more dependent our country is on russia for their oil, not just year over year, but look back at a comparison. put together how much oil we are buying there russia today than we were in trump's first year in office, a year to year comparison, biden's first year in office, 206,000 barrels a day. october 17, 18,000 barrels per day. significant increase showing our reliance on russian, not to mention other countries from oil that we were once self-sufficient, producing all the oil we needed. you take that into consideration, you look at oil prices over the past two years. and you realize, morgan, just how big a part oil and energy is playing in all of this, and not to mention as looking at europe energy reliance as a shield for putin. germany, considering their energy dependence on putin. >> listen, sandra, nobody knows the markets or the economy better than you and fantastic analysis for your viewers, and that is the precarious situation that we are in with some countries like germany and france and western europe, is that people like mike pompeo in the senate, sounded the alarm on nord stream 2, president trump sanctioned it to the hit to do every action we can to stop it and baffling and mind boggling for those working on the issue that countries like germany and western europe, sorry to point that out and name names, but they seem almost, you know, totally impossible as it relates to them wanting to defend themselves. very hard to think about holding russia accountable as you pointed out, sandra, when your economy is totally dependent on them. your viewers point out on twitter and appropriate here, when you talked about the numbers of how low it was, the russian imports of oil that we were doing under president trump versus how high it is now, that's why americans, i think, don't understand why president biden cancels pipelines that are good for america, but green lights them, the pipelines good for russia, they don't understand why president biden is consumed with the ukrainian border but no emergency meetings on our border like this weekend at camp david. >> markets are reacting to this, and predictive fluctuating on the tensions, and the dow is selling off today, we'll keep watching that. form state department spokesperson under president trump, thank you for that. i think i had people talking in my ear at one time and we got to it, morgan, you are the best. >> thank you. >> great to have you. >> thanks. >> sandra: some stuff just happens. we are watching the markets, though, john, well off the lows of the session, 2% versus 3% an hour ago, but markets are watching the tensions with the story and also the energy market. energy prices spike, huge implications for the economy, and markets are global in nature and stocks are selling off as a result. >> john: thank goodness the dow does not hate the developments around the globe as much as an hour ago, plenty of time for the rest of the day. a rookie nypd officer was murdered while responding to a domestic dispute, more of an execution than anything. 22-year-old officer jason rivera was killed in the incident, his partner, 27 years old, fighting for his life. while a newly elected city councilmember in new york compares police to violent gang members. eric is live in the new york city newsroom. who is this city councilmember? >> kristin richardson jordan is her name, she has called for the disbanding of the nypd and freeing all the criminals from jail and a poet, and police are "thugs in blue." jordan says she is saddened by the tragic death, but you know, she has long been vehemently anti-cop. during her campaign she quoted this. let's make harlem and new york city safer by defunding the police and the people. and the police and prison systems were created to preserve slavery. to break the chains, fight for total abo ligs. tweeted this. we cannot reform a system of policing so rooted in racism, defund and abolish nypd. the police have never served our communities. they don't prevent crime. they are an occupying force created to terrorize poor people and enforce racial hierarchy and class divides, and immediate end to the bail system and immediate release to all new yorkers incarcerated at rikers and all new york jails. and others say a public official who calls for ending the nypd and releasing criminals is not fit for public office. >> the defund the police and racism, we are seeing through it enough is enough, let's get back to reality. we have to let our cops go out there and be cops. because if we don't, we are going to continue to see the lawlessness and the bloodshed we have been seeing the last few years. >> jordan reportedly attended a vigil outside the precinct where the officers were based on saturday night. we have asked for her comment but her office has not gotten back to us. back to you. >> john: eric shawn, thanks so much. you know, sandra, this council member did not even tweet about the shooting over the weekend, but some concerns over a community garden. so i mean, this whole thing was just so horrible. the guy had a glock pistol, purchased illegally, 50 round drum magazine and kept firing at the officers even after they were down. look at this new york post cover, no mercy, cold-blooded killer kept shooting after officers were down. jason dead, his partner clinging to life. >> sandra: captured on their body cameras. horrific story. my angel, heroes wife, moving tribute, we all mourn. horrible. john, by the way, quick look at the dow. it's coming even more off the low of the session now, down more than 1,000 points earlier, as the markets do continue to sell off in anticipation of a possible invasion of ukraine by russia. this is how we are starting a brand-new year, americans are going to feel it in the pocket book, 401(k), we are going to ask art laffer about this, prices are the top concern. we'll ask the former reagan adviser about that and the market reaction in a few moments. >> democrat policies and joe biden are causing the problems. >> john: a majority of voters would support someone other than president biden in the 2024. low poll numbers, it could affect him to get anything done, anything, for the remainder of his term. living with diabetes? 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1990s it was city officials in new york that got a handle on crime, murders were down almost 70% and to my knowledge the feds did not play a huge role in that. >> no, it was mostly done by the men and women of the nypd and he was a member of them and should know that. and also said things like we have to return the plain clothes anti-crime teams, that's a good policy, a policy he should restore. but again, to go back to the stats, if we are still making arrests and prosecutors are not going to charge them with crimes to put them in jail, it's all for not. we already have a federal task force, the governor is claiming to announce a new task force we have, and does a lot of hard work and its members, they go to different states, they run wire taps, develop confidential informants, get warrants, do all this police work and then to actually listen to people who want to defund the police, somehow have to account for how this is going to add up. you can't have a defunded police force and go out after a shooting and say we need more task force and more expensive police work. >> this is going to be a huge political issue. look at what the new fox news poll found in terms of people extremely or very concerned about various issues, inflation, higher prices number 1, 85%. behind it at 81%. and joe, not just new york city. a police constable in texas shot and killed, a police officer in washington, d.c. shot, minor wounds and treated and released. but it's not just new york city. it's all over. >> no, no, we see this really in every large city. chicago is probably the prime example, but in large simple where soros' backed prosecutors have no semblance of law and order. we arrest people for smaller crimes they are prevented from doing bigger crimes in the future. look at any one of the shootings that made headlines in new york or chicago or anywhere, every time you make a gun arrest of someone who is a shooter, always a long menu of previous charges and almost always they involve a gun. it's a fraction of a percent of new yorkers and big city residents who are committing all the crimes. let the cops go after them. we can all support them on that. that should be a noncontroversial thing to say in this city and every other. >> john: all right, apparently for the one councilwoman in harlem it's controversial, see where she stands and the mayor stands in the next hour. joe borelli, always good to talk to you. thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: any moment now, john, jen psaki will take to the podium at the white house to answer reporter questions and a big moment for the country. potential russian invasion looms of ukraine. so we'll see what she has to say. we'll go to her q and a when she begins there live at the white house. plus this. >> almost $400 at the grocery store for three people, that's insane. >> john: new polling numbers as inflations surges across the country. who do americans think is to blame? not art laffer. he will weigh in next. with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> john: ukrainian foreign mince ministry is accusing the united states of excessive caution for order families members of embassy staff to leave the country, this despite fears a russian invasion of ukraine could be imminent. benjamin hall live at the state department with the latest. >> in last few hours, the europe union top diplomat said the european embassies did not think they were going to follow, there was no intelligence an invasion was imminent. nevertheless, the u.s. is going ahead with this. all family members of u.s. government employees will be leaving the embassy and nonessential staff, and the u.s. says they have a do not travel warning for americans in the country and told americans in ukraine to find their own way out. refuse to say how many americans are in ukraine, thought to be about 30,000, with 7,000 at the embassy. and if they did invade, the u.s. would not be able to evacuate the citizens. and president biden considering to send 5,000 troops to the border, they deny any will go to ukraine. other countries have authorized deployment of their own. russian navy warships from left from their home port in the baltic to take part in large scale navy exercises. they did not specify where they are heading, just that it's a long distant voyage, more than 140 warships, 60 aircraft, 1,000 military equipment, more than 10,000 personnel to participate in those events. the u.s. delivered 80 tons of weapons to ukraine over the weekend, totaling $280 million. not just the hardware they need so badly, air and missile defenses. not hard to think of afghanistan when you hear the state department saying they don't know how many americans are in the country, don't know how to get them out, don't know if kyiv is going to fall. what's happening is the state department is acting in abundance of caution. but ukrainians are saying it's overreacting at the wrong time, so we will see how this plays out. again, they have no specific intelligence that an invasion is imminent. john. >> john: if it were big enough for kyiv to fall, that would be a huge, huge incident, no question about that. thanks. >> do any of you feel like the economy has gotten better in the past year? >> it's almost $400 just to go to the grocery store for three people. i mean, that's insane. >> we got a lot of problems, high inflation, we have supply chain issues, i don't think he's listening to liberals. >> sandra: americans on both sides of the aisle sounding off against president biden's economic agenda, prices for everything have gone up and have done so for the past year. brand-new fox news polling show 48% of voters blame government policies. art laffer, important poll to show, right, a lot of the blame from the left has been on the covid, the pandemic for the spike in prices that we have seen. that demand that came online after so many shutdowns. but no, they blame government policy. art, i have one big question for you off the top here. as we see this market sell off happening, we know markets traditionally are more predictors of what is to come. so, is this a reactionnary selloff to the escalation of the possible conflict of putin going into ukraine there, or is this the straw that broke the camel's back as far as markets seeing the struggles that the american people are having with high prices, inflation, supply chain, empty store shelves. i mean, we have heard economists sounding off on this for quite some time and many scratching their heads, why does the market keep going up. so, what is driving this selloff, art? >> well, i think the reason the market was going up so much, sandra, is because of covid-19 dropping down the omicron being less violent and much better than the delta was, the alpha or the beta. but now that you have the ukraine coming in, ukraine is a very weak spot in the u.s. situation and i think the idea that soviets would invade, russia would invade is a fear to the market, because they are really afraid of what the biden administration would do in response. biden administration has not been good on economics at all, they don't look like they are good on military, witness afghanistan, and another erratic response could be difficult for the u.s. it has caused inflation to go up, the market to come down, especially with interest rates and inflation and the participation rate is falling as well. it's just -- it's a committee mix-up of all sorts of bad policies both domestic and international. and they don't recognize it. >> sandra: and to that point, i'll get to the "new york times" editorial board in a second. u.s. stock market, on pace to see the worst selloff for u.s. stocks since march 2020. so, take that for what it is, "new york times" editorial board, president biden's economy is failing the big mac test. biden has contributed to his own political woes, the president and other officials seem to be down playing the dangers of inflation. biden is insistent on the implausible narrative contributing to a sense maybe he is not taking inflation seriously. case in point, he punted to the fed and is that going to exacerbate the problem, when you consider that is going to spook a lot of the big investment money that has been fueling the stock market rally, if he punts to the fed, i don't know that they are going to take into consideration the stock market selloff and back off of their tightening, art. so, is this going to get worse, as far as the market situation? >> what i took away from the press conferences president biden had last week, the idea we need build back better and that would reduce inflation. that is the most silly comment i've ever heard and here you see in davos, janet yellen, secretary of the treasury saying the same thing. powell saying the same thing. they are all saying the same silly thing. when will they learn. government spending is inflationary. what we need to do is stop government spending tighten our belts and get through soundly. at least lower the payroll tax so you attract people back to the labor force so they can build some of the millions of jobs unfilled. we need workers back in the labor force, don't need more welfare payment to keep people out of the force, don't get it. they just don't get it. >> sandra: ten seconds something the president could do today and you addressed it, the payroll taxes. >> payroll taxes -- get people out of -- thank you, sandra. >> sandra: i know you have so many ideas. we'll have you on back soon. >> it's so frustrating watching some of this. but the market is telling us what the answers are. >> sandra: art, great to have you. thank you. >> john: polling brand-new shows president biden in a position that neither obama or trump faced. challenges are swirling around the president. can biden get the ship turned around? byron york will weigh in next. >> sandra: and the greatest playoff history over the weekend, did you watch it all? jim did, he will join us and break it down. can't wait for that. n homeownera financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? 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>> let me give you a brief update, my know my college, john kirby will be briefing in about 45 minutes or so at the defense department. we have been consulting with allies and refining plans for all scenarios. always said we would reinforce our allies on the eastern flank and those conversations and discussions have certainly been part of what our national security officials have been discussing with their counterparts now for several weeks. in fact, we have never ruled out the option of providing assistance in advance of invasion. those discussions have been ongoing with our partners and eastern flank countries and i would expect my college, john kirby, would have more of an update on where the process is at this point in time. >> he'll make -- john kirby will make an announcement whether or not he's made a decision? >> i think he had provide an update where things stand on those discussions. >> last week president biden said the u.s. would fortify nato allies but dependent on invasion, saying he would send more troops to poland and romania if putin did invade ukraine. does it suggest he believes an invasion is imminent? >> we have never ruled out providing additional support, assistance to eastern flank countries in advance of invasion and those discussions with them have been ongoing, and certainly part of our contingency planning. >> does it appear to be a shift in his thinking and attitude? is that how you would characterize it? >> i would not characterize it that way. we have put out information of our view of the preparations being made by president putin and the russians. we cannot get into the mind of president putin, we are seeing the preparations that they are making at the border. we have been very clear and the president has been direct that military action by russia could come at any one, at any time. he said that last week as well. so, we have been in conversations and discussions with eastern flank countries, obviously our secretary of state returned from a trip to europe as well and he was part of the discussions this weekend, too, and part of that has been contingency planning and discussing what their needs have been. >> last question is today the president has a call with european leaders, u.s., france, germany, nato, european council, why is ukraine not on the call this afternoon? >> we have a range of conversations with ukrainians. secretary of state met with them last week and they will be a part of many conversations moving forward. as i noted a little bit earlier, part of this is a discussion about deterrents as defense efforts. but they will be part of many conversations as they have been in the beginning. >> what happened in the last few days that prompted the pentagon to present specific troop deployment to the president, another way, why now? >> well, i wouldn't say we are characterizing exactly that way, said last week and as we have been watching the preparations of president putin and the russians that they were prepared at any moment to take military action. we have also been in ongoing discussions from our secretary of state to members of our national security team what their needs are and what security concerns they have. so i wouldn't say it's a response to an abrupt moment, it's a part of an ongoing contingency planning process and discussion. >> and for this weekend, is he more or less concerned about the possibility of a russian invasion of ukraine? >> well, he said last week that military action by russia could come at any time. that remains his point of view. >> there's been clamoring in this town and in ukraine for u.s. ambassador to ukraine, where do things stand on appointing someone? >> certainly understand that. i don't have update on the status. >> ukrainian foreign ministry said it was premature and manifestation of excess caution. is this potentially in the after glow of what happened in afghanistan concern for that, or something else more specific prompting people? >> i would say that we, our state department regularly reviews and assesses what steps need to be taken for the security of our personnel. i would note that the travel advisory was already at a level four, since back in october. we have also been closely consulting and keeping ukrainians abreast. i would say this is more akin to what we, the steps we took in ethiopia and kazakhstan than any other country or conflicts. >> and house speaker has requested a bipartisan all members briefing on the situation in ukraine of the white house. is that something you plan to fulfill? >> we have been in close consultation with members and leadership from the beginning. i don't have an update on this specifically but that's been our objective and how we have proceeded, so i'm sure we are working to meet that request and needs of members. >> and at least jake sullivan, maybe others are talking to senior lawmakers about this? >> and we have been for weeks. >> another violent weekend across the country, shooting in new york, shooting here in d.c. of a police officer, reports of a possible executive action the president might be able to take in the realm of police reform or policy. where do things stand on that, coming soon? >> may i address this weekend first and then come around to your question. i think you had a few in there, important ones to address. events of this weekend are reminder that law enforcement officers head into harm's way every single day. they and their families make an extraordinary sacrifice for their communities. the president will never be satisfied or complacent when officers are gunned down or americans worry about whether they can safely ride the subway or bus or be at work. this weekend is a glaring example of that, especially gun residence over the last two years and the president has been aggressive in using the tools at our disposal to combat that. he took early action on guns, gun violence last spring and why he rolled out a comprehensive plan to combat plan last summer. he also believes as many americans do that we can and must have a criminal justice system that both protects public safety and upholds the sounding ideals of equal treatment under law. comprehensive plan to combat plan and continuing to advocate for reforms to our policing system. he thinks that we can do both. but i don't have an update on any timings for next step on that. go ahead. >> first on the markets, the president think it's a big deal that today the dow jones is down at one point, more than 1100 points? >> well, to start with, we focus on the trends and the economy, not any one day and any single indicator, unlike his predecessor. he does not look at the stock marked which means to judge the economy. i would note the market is up around 15% compared to when president biden took office but measure of success is how real working families are doing. whether they are, they have breathing room, whether they have a job, delivers dignity and a paycheck they can support a family on, and we have seen a great deal of progress made on that front. >> thank you. schools in virginia, seven districts representing 350,000 students are suing the state hoping to get a strict mask mandate rolled back by the new governor reinstated. who does the president think knows best for students. school board members or parents? >> well, the president believes that public health officials have the best guidance on what we can all do to protect ourselves, including teachers, administrators, and students. so it's up to local school districts to determine how they are going to approach what implementation measures they are going to put in place. what we know from public health officials who are the experts on a pandemic. studies show masks reduce transmissions in school. they are a proven tool that keeps students and teachers safe from covid and thus help keep schools open and safe. in short we know it works and every leader to focus on the tactics to keep the schools safe and schools open. you mention the virginia. in texas, fighting a critical public health measure to protect the children and keep the schools open. for head start communities, ones that, a provision that is requiring masks to keep students and keep communities safe. they are fighting against that. why is that? more to do with politics than public health. >> right now in virginia, the law is, now that there is a new governor, students should not have to wear masks if their parents say they don't think they need to wear masks. if a parent wants to send their kids to school with no mask should the child be allowed to go to school and be in class? >> again, what we are advising school districts on is to abide by public health guidelines. and follow public health guidelines. and it's about keeping an entire community safe and those are the decisions that are being, that people should focus on. >> crystal clear for anybody watching. you guys think ultimately in the conflict between school board members and parents, the school board members should have more of a say in what -- >> that's not what i said. i think everybody should abide by public health guidelines, not just keep their own kids safe but their school community safe, whether it's teachers, classmates, administrators, others in school. >> ok. on crime to follow up on what ed was asking about, would you agree the most important job for any president is to keep americans safe? >> i would agree. >> you said the president never satisfied if people don't feel safe. does he know after a year in office people did not feel safe in this country? >> well, peter, i think if we look at the facts here we have seen a surge of crime over the last two years, would you agree with that? >> what are you attributing the rise in crime? >> we should be responsible how we are reporting to the public what the roles are, what the reason for the surge in crime. gun violence is a huge reason for the surge in crime. underfunding of some police departments and their need for additional resources, something the president has advocated for consistently through the course of his career, we know we need to take action on, and it is absolutely true he will not be satisfied or complacent when officers are being gunned down or americans have to worry whether they can safely ride the subway or bus, should not be a political issue. he's had many decades fighting for funding for police departments, for local communities in order to reduce crime. >> but he's been here in office for more than a year. and the murder rate is nearing a 25-year high. why don't we see and hear more from the president about this? we hear all the time about things you guys are doing to fight the pandemic because that's a risk to american people. rising murder rate is a risk to american people too, right? >> what people are most focussed on, actions he has taken. unveiled the tragedy, combatting violent crime. unprecedented to put more cops on the beat, and something every republican voted again. $139 million in grants to cities for community policing, put 1,000 more officers on the streets. also proposed doubling the grants and called for additional $750 million for federal law enforcement. he's announced 0 tolerance policy for gun dealers who sell willfully sell illegal guns and launched gun trafficking strike forces in new yorks and cities across the country. actions are important here and he has a long record of them. >> does the president think any of that is working? >> the president thinks he should have a plan to address crime and gun violence, he has one and we look forward to working with people who support that effort. >> as the murder rate nears a 25-year high, would he consider maybe trying something different? >> trying something other than supporting a massive issue with funding from his predecessor, tracking down on the gun violence, working to support community policing programs and police departments across the country, i think most people who want to fight crime would agree that's the right approach. go ahead. >> thanks, jen. just, i know, finer point, do you have any information about -- >> john: all right, a spirited back and forth between jen psaki and peter doocy over crime in america and sandra, i thought it was interesting. she conceded the underfunding of police is a big driver of the rising crime rate. would put her at odds with democrats, who believe defunding the police is the best way to approach crime in america. >> sandra: not at odds with the president, who said we should be funding more, the police departments in america to fight the crime and hearing those admissions a little bit more from the left in recent days, john, also by the way to the market activity in the bottom right of the screen, the dow continues to come off the lows, down 534 right now. she was asked about this selloff, and said that the administration focusses on trends, not any single day like his predecessor, and talking about the markets, and john, i will tell you the trend is lower, so there is a trend to identify to her there, looking at the worst selloff of the u.s. stock markets this month since the shutdown, march 2020. we are off 7.5% to start the year, so there is a trend to be identified there. >> john: always intrigued by the way the white house says we don't pay attention to the markets but by the way, it's up 15% since the president took office. so they are clearly watching it. byron york, what do you want to tackle first, byron? you want to tackle crime, you want to tackle russia, jump ball here. >> actually, let's talk a little about schools. i thought it was interesting that jen psaki tried to side step this question of who should have more say in what health practices, masking requirements, etc., in schools. school officials or should it be parents? she side stepped it all and said public health authorities. should all be listening to them. so, obviously democrats have had a hard time with this. the governor of, the new governor of virginia is pushing hard on this, and white house is just trying to step out of the way on it. >> john: we should point out seven school districts in the commonwealth of virginia have sued the governor over the opt-out mask mandate. some school district, including the ones that my children attend, have said they'll implement this. other school districts like chesapeake, page county, they have decided they are going to do it as well. but comes down to the idea who best to look after the kids. is it parents or is it school boards? and if you take a look at fairfax county public schools, they are saying we are going to continue to follow c.d.c. guidelines, what this law that was passed last year by the virginia legislature says they should do, and in doing so we are going to mandate masks. but if they were to follow the letter of the law with the c.d.c. guidelines, so to speak, they would cancel all sports as well, and they are not doing that. >> yeah, there's just a fundamental conflict between republicans and democrats that we saw in the virginia gubernatorial campaign over who should have the greater say and clearly democrats who are aligned with teachers' unions, public employees in that sense, are clearly on one side of it and republicans are on another. and i think the white house realizes that the idea of parental responsibility and parental authority in this is really pretty strong out there in the polls, and so they are trying to get away from it a little bit. >> john: byron, apologies for the abbreviation on the hit time, but had to jump to the white house. thank you, my friend. >> thank you, john. >> john: a lot to look out for. we are expecting a live update soon from the pentagon as president biden considers sending u.s. troops overseas to confront russia as the white house warns vladimir putin's forces could invade ukraine at any point. we'll head live to the pentagon when this briefing begins, sandra. >> sandra: and also live to the state department when it updates the situation on americans in ukraine. evacuating families of diplomats there as the fears bloody fighting looming every day. >> john: and the markets, tensions with russia rattle the market over the response to the inflation crisis. the dow reaching the lowest point since june. with that, welcome back as "america reports" rolls right into a busy second hour. sorry about the doom and gloom, that is the world as we see it today. john roberts in washington. >> sandra: as you said that, the dow is coming way off the lows. it's such a volatile market, it could go back to even on the day, we'll see it down 383 points right now, i'm sandra smith in new york, we are watching all this for you. live updates when they come in, breaking news here at home. >> our department is hurting. our city is hurting. we have four times this month rushed to the scene of nypd officers shot by violent criminals and tonight one is dead. >> john: raw emotion so many in law enforcement felt during a painful weekend with police and the nation, ambush attack left a rookie officer dead and another fighting to survive. >> sandra: so horrible, in all, five nypd officers shot this year, and not even one month in. four shootings in the last week alone. >> john: this as another police department 1600 miles away is making funeral arrangements for one of its brave deputies. harris county deputy charles galloway was murdered during a traffic stop. a manhunt underway for the shooter. >> sandra: covering the death from dallas. >> john: alexis mcadams from new york city on the ambush attack. >> we were out there in harlem and you can feel the anger and the sadness. 2021, the second worst year in almost a decade police killed in the line of duty. new video from the ambush. >> what's going on? shot, down -- additional units. >> sources telling us it happened in a matter of seconds. happened inside a harlem complex on the screen, 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her adult son. he kicked open the door and started shooting. the gunman continued to shoot while the officers were already on the ground. 22-year-old nypd officer jason rivera, shot and killed, his partner, 27 years old, was also shot in the head and is in critical condition. officer rivera went to high school in new york, and has an inspirational video for younger classmates. >> put in the work, 100%. and if it takes some time after school, so be it. because you've got to do it. you don't do it, you are not going to make it nowhere in life. >> officer rivera wanted to make a difference. mcneil was on probation for a felony drug charge, arrested nearly a half dozen times for a variety of serious offenses. this is the gun used to kill the officer. a glock, holding 50 rounds. a new policing strategy to go after gangs and guns, interesting to hear what he will say with so much violence. >> john: it is, we'll be watching that. alexis, thank you. >> sandra: the deputy shot and killed in houston. team coverage begins now, hi, casey in dallas. >> houston police announced not long ago they are going to hold a press conference at the top of the next hour, and waiting the details to find out what they are going to be discussing. here is what we do know at this hour. just before 1:00 a.m. on sunday investigators say a constable was initiating a traffic stop on the southwest side of houston, that is when the driver of that white toyota avalon pulled over and then jumped out of the vehicle and opened fire on the constable before he was even able to get out of his squad car. then that driver and gunman jumped back in his vehicle and fled the scene. officials say unfortunately there was nothing they could do for corporal charles galloway. he died at the scene and hours later a somber moment outside one of the hospitals as fellow law enforcement gathered there to pay respects as the body of their fallen comrade came through. >> my advice and my call to everyone, we better get intentional, damn intentional about locking up violent individuals and leaving them, it's a place for them. >> the houston police chief not mincing words there. once the sun was up, aerial pictures revealed how violent the crime was. look at this, multiple bullet holes, the car riddled as it sits in the impound lot. galloway, 12 plus veteran, 47 years old. leaves behind a daughter and sister, and the manhunt is on for the person who pulled the trigger but are awaiting. of course we'll monitor the press conference. >> sandra: thank you, john. >> john: let's bring in joe, blue lives matter new york city founder, thank you for being with us. whether it's new york city and the two officers shot over the weekend, harris county texas, washington, d.c., a patrol officer was shot responding to a call, thankfully that person had a minor injury and treated and released from the hospital. it's pretty clear police officers in the united states are under assault. what in your mind is driving this? >> well, jen psaki, president biden, i hope you are hearing your policies are not working, whether it's in the east or the west coast, or anywhere in between. what you are putting in place is not working. you need to have officers who have experience, who are on the beat sit down with you and create the laws and rules that are going forward. stop having politicians that never wore the uniform dictate how officers do their job. it's not working. >> john: when you take a look at the perpetrator and the shooting there in new york city over the weekend, let's put it back up on the screen, this is an image of the gun that he used, it's a glock, with a 50 round magazine. both of those things, that's the perpetrator, let's put up the gun. both can be legally purchased but he purchased them illegally. apparently, according to his mother had mental issues and you have to wonder how did he get his hands, joe, on that weapon. >> this is what happens, the white house says they keep on having stricter gun laws, the first thing you hear with the shooting. it's not going after the criminals. if you have the laws, put them behind bars. if you put the legislation in place, let them use it. use it towards these individuals who shouldn't have the firearms because they are not going to the gun dealer and buying it, they are on the black market, meeting up with other criminals. that's how they are getting their hands on illegal firearms and we have to show accountability and hit them with the max sentence possible to hopefully deter other people from using illegal firearms. >> john: eric adams ran on a platform to bring back law and order to new york city, spent most of the last 24 days and on the streets to talk about horrible violent crimes that included the shooting of five police officers, death of one, pushing of a woman in front of an r train in the times square station, and a guy was pushed in front of a train over the weekend, even though he only had minor injuries, it was not too bad. eric adams said this over the weekend after the officers were shot. >> it is our city against the killers. it is our city against the killers. this was just not an attack on three brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york. and it's an attack on the children and families of this city. we must save this city together. >> john: so joe he said it's our city against the killers, it's our city against the killers. my question is, what's he doing about it? >> well, unfortunately for three weeks this guy has not had a chance to sit down and take a breath in and enjoy being mayor. remember, new year's day he was in the hospital meeting a police officer shot. this past week, five shot, one killed, 11-month-old baby shot in the face. i'm hoping he's able to answer this coming week with the officer's funeral and say we have to move forward, now have to have action. i firmly believe he's going to come out and do something in support of the police, in support of the community and hoping to make a positive change for new york city. >> john: my apologies of the litany of crimes, i neglected the 11-month-old baby shot in the face. but shootings up 16%, transit crimes up 65%, robberies up 25%. i mean, that's not a good record for the mayor so far. >> let's go back to meeting with hawk newsom from black lives matter, didn't he say there was going to be bloodshed? the mayor has to come out and say this is my city, our city, and we will not have this. so unleash the officers and show a sense of force we are not going to take this, whether you are a civilian or police officer neither are going to be victims in my city. >> john: joe, founder of blue lives matter in new york. appreciate your thoughts today. >> thank you for having me. >> john: prayers are with the surviving officer, sandra. >> sandra: we continue to watch this market slide, this is the dow jones industrial average down about 550 points at this moment, well off the lows of the day, you can see that happened just after the noon hour, the most red on the screen in the middle there. markets have come back a bit, john, but right now the concern is a possible invasion by vladimir putin into ukraine, jen psaki was asked about this a moment ago. the president concerned when he looks up and sees the dow down more than 1100 points, she said the president does not look at the stock market by a means to judge the economy, and we also asked art laffer what is causing all this, he joined us last hour and he said this. >> all of this spending stuff that they have done, sandra, has caused the inflation to go up, it's caused the market to come down quite a bit, especially with interest rates, and inflation and the participation rate is falling as well. it's just -- it's a complete mix-up of all sorts of bad policies, both domestic and international. >> sandra: john, to put this in perspective, looking at possibly the worst selloff this month that we have seen in any given month since march 2020 when the shut downs and the virus first began. so that is notable. but still we are not even in correction territory to put that into broader perspective, would mean we are down 10% from recent highs. we almost got there down over 1,000 points earlier but not there yet, and some bullish market watchers would say a correction would kind of be healthy for the markets, watching it. >> john: a reason why it's recovery, people saw a buying opportunity. we are minutes away for an update on the tension about overseas. fox news teams are spread out across d.c. and throughout kyiv. >> sandra: president biden considering sending u.s. troops to the region to head up the russian -- head off the russian invasions, the white house says could occur at any moment now. we will have all of that coming up. >> a mild winner in ukraine, it's taking longer for the ground to freeze. it is frozen down. and ideal conditions to conduct the armor operations. there's so much new in the new chicken & bacon ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta hurry. there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new... 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[whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> we are monitoring the podiums at the pentagon and state department as briefings are set to get underway soon. all over fears of an imminent russian invasion into ukraine. we will take you to those briefings live when they begin. both likely to face questions about the evacuation of families of american diplomats and nonessential staff from the u.s. embassy in kyiv, a move the ukrainian government blasted as premature. former national security advisor keith kellogg is here with advice for the administration, but first, to greg on the ground in kyiv, approaching 9:30 at night. what's the situation there? >> john, some new developments here in kyiv since we lost spoke. ukrainian officials are watching with great concern the deployment of russian troops in neighboring belarus, tanks and numbers on the move. it's like the two countries are united against them. en circling ukraine on all sides, and the east, tensions are high. president biden considering sending 5,000 u.s. troops to nato countries near the borders with russia. the u.s. is ramping up military aid. 180 tons of gear, $200 million commitment of weaponry, including ammunition for the ukrainian troops and because of the threat of conflict, the u.s. is evacuating diplomat families and nonessential workers starting today. u.k. and australia making moves as well. they call the moves premature but other experts don't think so. take a listen to what we heard. >> we are on the edge of a war, a type of conflict europe has not seen in generations. >> john, worse case scenario for sure, but that possibility is looming. back to you. >> john: hope it does not come to that. greg, thank you. >> sandra: keith kellogg, we will bring you the briefings when they began. jen psaki just said when asked if an invasion they believe, as administration is imminent, she says the president continues to believe military invasion could come at any time. i've quoted you often since i last spoke to you a week ago, general, i asked you if we are on the verge of seeing an invasion happen, you said yes. at this point, what do you think timing-wise if the answer is still yes this is going to happen? >> yeah, sandra, thanks for having me. when you look at the order of battle putin has put in place, and good comment by greg a minute ago, forces in belarus, to the northwest. got them to the north, he's got them to the east and to the south. earlier i thought he may want to take a piece out of ukraine. he has the ability to push pressure across the entire front. and people need to understand. border of belarus is only 90 miles from kyiv, putin moved a lot of forces from the east, the eastern part of russia and these are all first line units. s35 jets, top of the line, s400 air defense batteries, missiles, top of the line armor. so, what you asked is a direct question. i think he's prepared to go in a week if he wants to go. i think, if i had to time it, what i would do if i was him, i would hit it about the time of the olympics, that keeps a lot of the world focussed on the olympics, he's heading south and north to all different directions in the ukraine. still an ability to get out of this, to negotiate out of it, but that's up to europe. put in does not like biden, he doesn't trust biden, no confidence in biden. looks at him as a weak commander in chief and using that to kind of divide nato, i said a couple weeks ago was his prime effort. i think he's ready to go. he has the forces to do what he wants to do, it's all up to him. >> sandra: that is a big prediction. general jack keane had a bit of a different thought on the timing of this. and did hinge with putin and the olympics. >> olympics end on the 20th, we have about a month or so with favorable conditions to support heavy armor operations. does not mean they cannot do it when the ground thaws and you have more mud than anything else, it's more challenging. favorable conditions end around mid march in terms of the timeline. >> sandra: started off by saying the olympics end on the 20th, he did not think they would invade while the olympics are underway. >> the reason i'm saying that. every day that goes by, more and more weaponry goes into ukraine. more and more people decide maybe we need more armor, more troops, whatever it is. he has the advantage and does not want to give up the advantage. passage of time takes away his advantage and i don't think he wants to do that. if i was him, he would go early. that's up to him if he wants to go, i still think there's a chance diplomacy wins out but not from the united states because he has no trust, belief or any confidence in the united states pulling any type of diplomatic effort off going forward. >> sandra: really interesting. morgan said something similar, joined us last hour. listen. >> i think this comes at the end of a year of failed diplomacy, sandra. this is a year of sort of chasing putin around the world, doing what the state department has coined intensive diplomacy. i don't really know what that means nor do i know that putin knows what that means but eek -- but effectively wasted a year. >> sandra: blaming a year of bad diplomacy, putin sees an opportunity for sooner rather than later. and jen psaki was asked is the president considering deploying more troops to eastern europe, he has never ruled out additional assistance and then punted to the pentagon and what we are about to hear from john kirby. so, we are about to hear from the pentagon. what should we hear from the pentagon considering your prediction, sir? >> well, i think you are going to say they are moving troops to some parts of europe and the baltic region or poland. that means nothing to putin. he doesn't care. we have been doing that for years, deploying forces there, deployed them recently, we have exercises there. he says that's a mosquito bite. so, that is just a lot of noise. i don't think it means much. if you are really serious about it, you have to move strategically against putin and alerts with the strategic nuclear forces and moving forces to pressure him. right now in eastern europe or other parts of europe does not mean anything to him at all. >> sandra: very good of you to join us, sir. thank you very much. thank you. we are obviously keeping our eye on it, the world is watching this play out. i continue to dig up the energy numbers, you look at the severe economic consequences and what is at stake for the bordering countries and the countries that get emergency resources from russia, it's hard to track down how much oil and natural gas germany is using from russia, but about a third it is estimated they are dependent on russia for their energy, and as far as us buying russian energy, it is astounding that just in 2017 we were buying 18,000 barrels a day from russia, now it's top of the list and dependent on 206,000 barrels a day to come from russia. we are in a completely different situation when it comes to russian energy that comes into this country. >> john: also interesting to note the harry truman carrier strike group is going to be under a nato flag and exercises in the mediterranean the first time since the cold war. obviously energy prices hit home for everybody, but an interesting military development that kirby will likely speak more to during his press conference. coming up ahead, we will check in at the white house where president biden is getting ready to hold a call with europe leaders as the russia threat ramps up. live briefings from the pentagon and the state department coming up in a moment. >> sandra: and atlanta neighborhood, brazen violence happening right in front of police. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your 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that the u.s.s. harry truman strike group under a nato flag. >> so they are prepared to respond to a range of contingencies, including response to the nato response force if it is activated. as you have heard me describe many times, our commitment to the security of nato allies and our article 5 commitment are iron clad. as the president has also made clear the united states will act firmly in defense of its natural interests in response to actions by russia that harm us, our allies, or partners. as part of that commitment, the department of defense maintains significant combat capable forces forward in europe to deter aggression and enhance the alliance's ability to defeat aggression if necessary. united states also has a commitment to provide forces to the nato response force, otherwise known as the nrf. any event nato should activate that construct, and the nrf is a multi-national force, land, air, maritime and special operations forces all components that the alliance can deploy on short notice wherever needed. all together, the nrf comprises around 40,000 multi-national troops. in the nrf something called the very high readiness joint task force. this element, about 20,000 strong, across all domains, includes a multi-national land brigade of around 5,000 troops and air, maritime and special operation forces components. i want to provide some facts on these preparations to reinforce our commitment to nato and the nato response force and increase readiness. secretary austin has placed a range of units in the united states on heightened prepareness to deploy, if nato should activate the nrf or other situations develop. all told, the number of forces that the secretary has placed on heightened alert comes up to about 8500 personnel. we'll continue to provide updates in coming days about these decisions, but specifically this will ensure that the united states and our commitment to the nrf is consistent with their readiness for rapid deployment, again, if activated. in the event of nato's activation of the nrf or a deteriorating security environment, the united states would be in position to rapidly deploy additional brigade combat teams, logistics, medical, aviation, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, transportation, and additional capabilities into europe. again, i want to reinforce that as of now the decision has been made to put these units on higher alert and higher alert only. no decisions have been made to deploy any forces from the united states at this time, and i say heightened alert, in some cases, some forces were already on a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more shortened the tether even more. in some cases units go from ten days prepare to deploy, now at five days, that's not the case for every unit that is being notified that they are on heightened alert. some are more ready and postured that way than others. the idea, though, is that all of these units that he is putting on prepare to deploy will be ready to go on a shortened time frame. again, no final decision has been made to deploy them. the secretary will continue to consult with the president and the united states will maintain close coordination with allies and partners as we continueously review our force posture and regarding movement of forces into and within europe. as always, we remain in close coordination with allies and partners and other multi-lateral organizations as we continue to review our force posture as we make decisions regarding potential movements into europe and the disposition of forces on continent. bob, i think you are on the line. >> thank you, john. of the 85 troops you have mentioned, are those u.s.-based only, and would they, are they intended only for deployment as part of activation of the rapid response force or might they be set for other reinforcement purposes in eastern europe? and lastly, why did the secretary and president decide to do this now. what's changed in the last few days. on friday you mentioned as you had many times that the u.s. was prepared to reinforce in eastern europe if there were a russia incursion only. >> ok. i think i remembered all three, so let me try. first, yes, up to 8500 and i want to stress it's up to 8500. again, no decisions to deploy have been made, this is about getting units on an advanced heightened alert. it does not mean they are necessarily going anywhere. but up to 8500 i talked about, all u.s.-based. and i'm sorry, bob, second question was -- >> are they intended only for the nato rapid response force or could they perform other reinforcement functions? >> the bulk of them are intended for the nato response force. the vast majority of. but also said in the opening statement, the secretary wants us postured to be ready for other contingency as well. but the bulk aligned for the nato response force. and we have been watching this very, very closely, i said that at the top, it's very clear the russians have no intention right now of deescalating and because not every one of these units that we are notifying are in, all of them are not in a heightened state of alert, it made prudent sense for the secretary to give them as much time to prepare to be on a shorter tether as he can, just in case, i want to stress particularly with the nato response force, it has not been activated, it is a nato call to make, but we have contributions to that response force as do other nations, you know, as i said, it's 40,000 some odd strong. our contributions don't come near the 40,000 number. the other nations have to contribute as well, but for our part, unilaterally, we wanted to make sure we were ready in case the call should come and that means making sure the units that we contribute to it are as ready as they can be on a short a notice as possible. barb. >> what, three quick things. what specific military capabilities do these u.s. troops bring to europe, that's 8500. second, could you say with some specificity what is the exact mission for these troops, and what will your measure of success be? how will you know when the mission is accomplished? >> yeah, so, on capabilities, barb, i touched this in the opening statement. again, when we are able to identify the units for you we'll do that. the reason i don't have specific units today is because the units are being notified as well as family members and i think you can understand we would not want to get ahead of the notification process. but broadly speaking, as i mentioned at the top, i mean, these would be additional brigade combat teams, logistics personnel, medical support, aviation support, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, as well as transportation and maybe even some additional capabilities after that. again, when we can identify for you the units, i think you'll see that they cover the broad scope of those capabilities. missions have not been assigned. the response force has not been activated and so there's not a mission, per se. this is about the secretary wanting to get ahead of the potential activation and making sure that these units have the time to prepare if and only if they are deployed. and you had -- when we know success, again, there's been no activation, so no mission assigned. difficult to give you an up-check or down-check on what equates success. what this is about, though, reassurance to our nato allies and we have been talking about that for quite some time, that we are going to be ready, we are going to be prepared to help bolster our allies with capabilities they might need and we are going to do this in lock step with them and with the alliance. this is really about reassuring the eastern flank of nato and also about, and i kind of covered this, too, barb, back to your question of success, it's proving how seriously the united states takes our commitment to nato and to the article 5 commitment inside nato. >> how will you know when the military goals are achieved? >> again, barb, there's been no mission assigned. this is about getting troops ready and back to what we are trying to achieve is a couple of things. obviously we still would like to deter vladimir putin and the russians from another incursion, number one. number two, it's to make sure that we are bolstering and staying unified with the alliance, the appliance stays strong. and so the large bulk of the reason for this, these prepare to deploy orders is really to make sure we are ready to bolster the nato alliance and prove the solidarity of the appliance. those are the two sort of big outcomes here but no mission assigned to the troops, no deployment orders have been sent to them. what the secretary has ordered them to do is be ready to go in some cases on a much shorter tether than what they had before. jen. >> john, can you rule out sending u.s. troops to ukraine? >> that is, i think the president has already spoken to that. as you know, jen, we already do have advisors and some trainers in ukraine. they are still there at their work. >> if you are not willing to send troops to ukraine, what makes you think that this is going to deter vladimir putin? >> i think there's a whole package of things the administration is looking at to try to deter vladimir putin from another incursion, including very severe economic consequences. this is about sending a strong message that we are committed to nato and we are committed to assuring that our allies have the capabilities they need in case they need to defend themselves. >> you need a new aumf to send those troops, the 85 -- >> i'm not aware of any such requirement and we have long standing commitment to the nato response force. we are just one of many nations that will contribute to it. this is very much in keeping with the policies and procedures that have been laid down for activation of the nrf. again, if it's activated and it has not been, david. >> are most of these 8500 ground forces, would they go to the eastern flank, and have you put any units in europe on alert? >> so i think again yes, i think the bulk of them would be considered ground forces, david. as for europe, as i've said before, there are lots of force capabilities already on the european continent under general walters, and i'm absolutely not ruling out the possibility that there will be intratheater moves as well inside europe to bolster nato allies on the eastern flank, and that kind of gets at your second question, which is we are still in consultation with the allies about what they might need, and so i don't have any decisions to read out in terms of specific locations, but we certainly have made it clear to the eastern flank allies that they are prepared to bolster capabilities if needed. again, i want to go back to a core foundation here, the bulk of the troops i'm talking about today are intended for the nato response force, the vast majority of them, and that can only be activated by the alliance, it hasn't been. it is our contribution to the response force and we want to make sure that they are ready to go. i think it's really important to keep remembering that. no deployment orders have been sent, no missions assigned, this is about getting folks ready to go in case they are needed. >> the ones not assigned to the nato response force, they would be going in unilaterally on behalf of the united states. >> it really depends on the need and we are still in consultation with allies about needs. so, i really would be reticent to give you a hard number right now, but we are inactive discussions with our allies about any additional capabilities they might need on top of or outside of the nato response force. >> does that include some of the intratheater moves that you are talking about? >> it could, it could. >> so there could be movement, u.s. troops going to nato allies not part of the nato response force. >> yes, ma'am, that is right. >> any consideration of pulling u.s. troops out of the ukraine, as they pulled americans out? >> there's been no decision abouts moving our trainers in ukraine out, but as i said, many times, we are constantly looking at the situation. we are going to do what's right for their safety and security, that's paramount to us, but as of right now, they are still on the ground in ukraine conducting their advise and assist missions, and obviously if that changes we'll certainly let you know. >> they have not changed the number, right, the footprint the same. >> yes, ma'am. someone on the phone, a lot of questions, we'll get to them all. jared suba. >> hi, mr. kirby. sencom put out a statement saying u.s. patriot missile systems engaged. is the department treating it as a potential attack on u.s. forces or just done to assist the emirates partners. >> i don't want to get into intelligent assistance. this was, obviously this just happened early monday morning, so clearly we have troops at al dafra. we are looking into the possibility this was directed at our forces. we obviously take that seriously. you have seen the statement, we responded to the attack, this ballistic missile attack, and we'll be in close coordination with our emirati partners to assess what happened and what we may need to do going forward. i cannot specifically tell you what the intent of the attack was, but we have to assume, i mean, it would be foolish not to assume that there was a threat to our people, and as you saw from the results we talk that threat seriously. rio. >> thank you, john. i have a quick question about china. the u.s. navy is now operating two carriers in the western passage and recently did large scale exercise in japan. is this a message to china that china should -- why the u.s. is working intently in ukraine? >> we engage in joint operations to include maritime communications, anti-submarine, air warfare, replenishment at sea, the whole scope and particularly when we have the opportunity and not unusual, rio, to take opportunity when you have two aircraft carriers in the same body of water to work together. we do it to strengthen the combat readiness and look, i just reiterate -- try it in english. reiterate that all the training will be conducted in accordance with international law and international waters. janey. >> thank you. two questions for one is north korea and one is south korea and china. and -- >> john: we are going to jump out of the briefing as the questions turn to other issues on south korea right now, as well as china. but the big news is, that 8500 u.s. troops are going to be put on alert, a large contingent of those to be tasked if necessary, if it's activated to the nato response force, and sandra, i thought it was interesting john kirby said there could be some other moves if troops, u.s. troops that are currently stationed in europe, germany, places like that, to what he called the eastern flank, which would be new member nato nations like hungary, lithuania, slovakia, among others. we move troops to the eastern flank, that would be a significant move. >> sandra: the state department is discussing this, let's dip in there. >> because in all of those engagements, the in-person engagements, the conversations, video conferences, in every single one of those engagements, we have heard and you in turn have heard from not only us, but from our european allies and partners, individual allies, nato, osce, g7, the european union, european council, you have heard the same message. if any russian forces move across the border, that's renewed invasion, met with a swift, severe, and united response on the part of the united states and on the part of our allies. so there is no ambiguity about that. there is no ambiguity, there is no daylight. we know that, and importantly the russian federation knows that. >> ok, so, thank you. there is quite a bit of daylight, but i'm not going to -- i'm wondering, can you shed a little light on what you guys want to achieve with this particular meeting, and then i'm going to go on to the nonpaper -- >> let me come back to your flippant remark and maybe it was intended to be a flippant remark. >> no, the president has said there are differences of opinion and this is something that we have been experiencing, we have been seeing -- >> what you have heard from the president, what you have heard from the secretary, what you have heard from the national security advisors and others, in the event of russian aggression against ukraine there will be a response. it will be swift, it will be severe, and the event of an incursion, it will be unprecedented in terms of the steps we are prepared to take. and you can say that there's daylight, but i hope you also take a look and listen to the statements that have emanated from europe capitals, statements from nato, the osae, g7, european commission, united states, allies standing next to secretary blinken, whether it was other allies and partners with whom we have met in recent weeks and over the past two months. so, one can claim there is daylight but certainly if you take a look at the volume and the material that is prominently in the public record i think that would belie the assertion. >> can you talk about the technicalities of what it would entail? >> as the secretary said on friday, we do expect to be in position to send a written response this week. before we do that, and what we are doing right now and this gets to your earlier question about the engagement with our european allies and partners, what we have been doing as you know and as you have seen is constant coordination and consultation with our allies and partners on the other side of the atlantic. we have been doing this in terms of the unprecedented swift strong severe united response that russia would endure in the event of further aggression, but we have also been doing it in the context of the written response that we will provide to the russian federation, just as we have been doing it in response to what we have been saying about areas where there may be the potential for progress on reciprocal steps that could enhance our collective security, and by collective security, the security of the trans atlantic community but also potentially address some of the concerns that russia has put forward. so, as we consider the next step in our engagement and that is in fact the provision of a written response to the russian federation, we are sharing those ideas with, we have shared those ideas with our european allies and partners, taking feedback, incorporating the feedback into the written response and when we are prepared to transmit it we will. i expect it will be this week. >> sandra: you have been listening to ned price, state department spokesman there, and the possibility of putin going into ukraine, saying there will be, if it indeed did happen, a response, a swift, severe and unprecedented response after he received a question about the daylight that one of the reporters was identifying, sort of reminiscent of the communication and the ds of the afghanistan withdrawal, remember john, we were going to the pentagon, the state department, the white house and mixed messages. and heard from john kirby as well, trying to get some clarity what is going to happen next. >> john: and the biggest idea light, when president biden said minor incursion, and others thought the other way. fred, thanks for joining us. 8500 u.s. troops state side put on high alert to join the nato response force if it is activated and the fact the harry truman carrier strike group will be put under a nato flag between now and february 4th. how do you read everything we have heard? >> well, john, i was watching the press conference and the media seemed fairly confused. we have 8500 troops committed to eastern europe but not going into ukraine, they are not going to stop russia from attacking, i think russia will ignore them. it looks to me as if the biden administration wants to be seen as doing something, and i want to say, john, i don't want american troops in ukraine but i don't know what the purpose of the deployment and i don't think media knows either. >> sandra: can you weigh in when it comes to the dependency of germany and their willingness to act here based on the amount of natural gas and oil that they get from russia and the position that puts them in to join the fight? >> you know, it's a huge question. germany made the decision to get rid of the nuclear plants, phasing out coal fired plants, they are dependent on natural gas. we cannot repair it with the liquified national gas ships, they need it from russia. and why germany is so extremely reluctant to join us and stand with ukraine. >> john: and kirby said the nato response force, 40,000 troops, which the u.s. would supply somewhere in the neighborhood of 8,000, maybe a little less than that, but if germany is not going to come into the fight here, per se, where are the rest of the forces going to come from? and might we need to up our commitment? >> i think that's a good question, john. but what will the troops do? they are not going to go into ukraine, i guess they'll be in bulgaria and romania and poland, that's fine. looks like russia wants to invade ukraine. they'll be watching from the sidelines if putin goes in this, threaten sanctions, we did it in 2014 when russia invaded crimea and i suspect that's what putin assumes will happen again. >> sandra: you heard from general keith kellogg about that, and morgan weighing in on the failed foreign policy decisions we have seen so far from this administration and why vladimir putin might very clearly see an opportunity here. >> he might see an opportunity but i don't think all hope is lost. i think that there's a good chance putin is trying to use this deployment as leverage, and he's already getting significant concessions from the u.s. we are offering not to do military exercises near the russian border, to get back into the flawed i.n.f. treaty that president trump withdrew from. good concessions. putin is a good poker player, maybe he's playing poker. >> john: about 30 seconds left here, if you put u.s. forces into the baltic states, that's right on russia, right on belarus' border but close to russia. could that be provocative? >> i think it's moving in the direction putin is not interested in, but ukraine, quiet diplomacy. let's send a senior diplomat to meet with putin and talk this through. >> sandra: 8500 u.s. troops stand ready, heightened alert if the invasion were to happen. fred, thanks for joining us, and john, 60% of the natural gas that germany uses comes from russia, 34% of the oil >> martha: thank you. i'm martha maccallum at fox news headers in new york. president biden will be on a call with european leaders. 8,500 forces here in the united states are told to be at a ready stage. highened alert. the time frame to be deployed is narrower now.

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Money , Investment , Stock Market Selloff , Problem , Stock Market Rally , Fed , Press Conferences , Market Situation , Tightening , Government Spending , Secretary Of The Treasury , Janet Yellen , Davos , Labor Force , Belts , Payroll Tax , Payroll Taxes , Welfare Payment , Millions , Jobs , Ten , Ideas , Answers , Position , Polling , Byron York , Ship , Challenges , Value , Playoff History , Newday 100 Va Loan , N Homeownera , Jim , 100 , Call , Homeowners , Home Loan , Newday , Va , Peace Of Mind , Ways , Average , Savings , Information , Difference , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Medicare Supplement Should Have , At Humana , Seven , Questions , Obligation , Agent Producer , Medicare , Plans , Humana , Expenses , Medicare Doesn T , Insurance , Ones , Emergency Care , Care , Trust , Doctor Visits , Doctors , Hospital Stays , Copayments , Referrals , Deductibles , Healthcare Partner , Range , Healthcare , Premium , Needs , Guide , Budget , Call Humana , Save You , Won T , Making Healthcare Simpler , Answer , Company , Costs , Consultation , Briefing , Coordination , Atlantic , Partners , Conversation , Front , Discussion , Readout , Impact , Decision , Announcement , Affirmative Action Case , College Admissions , Relation , Commitment , Course , Opportunity , Department Of Justice , Equity , Benefits , Education , Litigation , Diversity , Executive Order , Department Of Education , Day One , Populations , Students , Issuing Guidance , Colleges , Serving , School Obligations , Universities , Hispanic Serving Institutions , Institutions , Minority , Rights , 21 Billion , 1 Billion , Claims , Brief Update , Harassment , College , Defense Department , Consulting , Scenarios , Refining , 45 , Discussions , Conversations , Security , Flank , Fact , Counterparts , Advance , Assistance , Option , Update , Process , Romania , Would Fortify , Contingency Planning , Attitude , Shift , Preparations , President Putin , Military Action , Secretary Of State , Trip , Leaders , Last Question , European Council , Bit , Pentagon , Beginning , Defense Efforts , Deterrents , Team , Contingency Planning Process , Possibility , Point Of View , Clamoring , Ukrainian Foreign Ministry , Status , Ambassador , Town , We , Manifestation , Glow , Excess Caution , Level , Travel Advisory , Four , Conflicts , House Speaker , Ethiopia , Leadership , Request , Objective , Reports , Lawmakers , Jake Sullivan , Executive Action , Reform , Realm , Law Enforcement Officers , Reminder , Sacrifice , Bus , Subway , Gun Violence Last Spring , Disposal , Tools , Law , Treatment , Safety , Ideals , Policing System , Criminal Justice , Reforms , Deal , Timings , 1100 , Predecessor , Stock , Trends , Indicator , Working Families , Family , Success , Paycheck , Dignity , Breathing Room , Opt Out , Virginia , Progress , Districts , 350000 , School Board Members , Health , Parents , Think , School Districts , Teachers , Administrators , Guidance , Implementation , Public Health , Masks , School , Safe , Keep Schools , Tool , Transmissions , Studies , Children , Leader , Tactics , Provision , Politics , Head Start Communities , Kids , Mask , Parent , Guidelines , Community , Child , Decisions , Anybody , Being , Crystal Clear , Everybody , Say , Classmates , School Community Safe , What , Ed , Facts , Surge , Peter Doocy , Police Departments , Gun Violence , Underfunding , Need , Public , Reporting , Roles , Rise , Career , Action On , Resources , Funding , Murder Rate , High , 25 , Risk , On , Tragedy , Law Enforcement , Grants , Community Policing , Cities , The Beat , Republican , 50 Million , 139 Million , 750 Million , 39 Million , Record , Gun Dealers , Launched Gun Trafficking Strike Forces , Tolerance , 0 , Effort , Community Policing Programs , Approach , Driver , Crime Rate , Odds , Market Activity , Bottom , 534 , Trend , On Trends , Stock Markets , Shutdown , 7 5 , Attention , Byron , Little , Step , School Officials , Masking Requirements , Authorities , Health Practices , She , Page County , School District , Chesapeake , It Parents , It School Boards , Sports , Letter , Virginia Legislature , Cdc , Republicans , Gubernatorial , Responsibility , Side , Another , Unions , Authority , Apologies , Polls , Hit Time , Abbreviation , John Roberts , Friend , Forces , World , Point , It Today , Inflation Crisis , Doom , Gloom , 383 , Department , Breaking News , Times , Scene , Emotion , Attack , Rookie Officer , Nation , Charles Galloway , Police Department , Harris County , Deputies , Funeral Arrangements , Miles Away , 1600 , Traffic Stop , Manhunt , Alexis Mcadams , Dallas , Ambush Attack , Anger , Sadness 2021 , 2021 , Units , Video , What S Going On , Ambush , Duty , Down , Woman , Matter , Sources , Harlem Complex , 911 , Gunman , Door , Adult , Son , High School , Condition , Felony Drug Charge , Probation , Offenses , Variety , Rivera , Mcneil , Rounds , Holding , Policing Strategy , Houston , Gangs , Team Coverage , Hi , Top , Press Conference , Details , Casey In Dallas , Constable , Southwest Side , Toyota , Avalon , Investigators , Vehicle , Fire , Squad Car , Nothing , Hospitals , Body , Advice , Respects , Comrade , Individuals , Police Chief , Words , Bullet Holes , Aerial Pictures , Sun , Impound Lot , Sister , Daughter , 47 , 12 , Person , Trigger , Blue , Patrol Officer , Founder , Injury , Police Officers , Hospital , Assault , Politicians , Experience , Rules , Sit , Uniform , West Coast , Perpetrator , Image , Magazine , Hands , Weapon , Let S Put Up The Gun , Gun Laws , Legislation , Bars , Firearms , Black Market , Gun Dealer , Accountability , John Eric Adams Ran , Sentence , Platform , Train , Times Square Station , R , Injuries , Killers , Chance , Breath , Baby , Face , Change , Litany , Robberies , 16 , 65 , Lives , Let S Go , Meeting , Hawk Newsom , Didn T , Victims , Market Slide , Thoughts , Prayers , Middle , Red , 550 , Means , This , Spending Stuff , Mix Up , Perspective , Downs , Virus , Highs , Correction , Market Watchers , 10 , Recovery , Tension , Saw A Buying Opportunity , Overseas , Region , Invasions , Winner , Rotisserie , Ticking , Clock , Bacon Ranch , Footlong , Bacon , Delay , Game , Peppercorn Ranch , Whistle Blowing , App , Save Big , Oh Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , Oh , Adults , Weight , Heart Disease , 7 , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Isn T , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Share , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Right , Parks , Buick , 5 , Whistle Blows , Players , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , The Field , Yup , Briefings , Fears , Podiums , Suv , Greg A , Keith Kellogg , National Security Advisor , 9 , Spoke , Belarus , East , Weaponry , Military Aid 180 Tons , 00 Million , 200 Million , Making , Type , Generations , Case Scenario , War , Sure , Military Invasion , Verge , Northwest , North , South , Order Of Battle Putin , Ability , Pressure , Piece , Line Units , S400 Air Defense Batteries , S35 Jets , 90 , Olympics , Missiles , Line Armor , Directions , Confidence , Commander , Looks , Prime Effort , Divide , Prediction , Thought , Hinge , Ground Thaws , Mud , 20 , Advantage , Armor , Chance Diplomacy , Passage , Belief , Sir , Parts , Mosquito Bite , Noise , He Doesn T Care , Alerts , Consequences , Energy Numbers , Play , Natural Gas , Stake , Emergency Resources , Buying Russian Energy , List , 2017 , Harry Truman , Flag , Kirby , Time , Military Development , Carrier Strike Group , Cold War , Neighborhood , Boost , Atlanta , Learning , Hard Work , Freedom , Faith , Character , Principles , Essential , God , Purposes , Mental Health , Hillsdale College , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Td , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Td Movements , Dose , Food , Pill , Activities , Ingredients , Heart Rhythm Problems , Sleepiness , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Doctor , Zero , Zero Dollars , Uss , Nato Response Force , Commitment Are Iron Clad , Contingencies , Interests , Defense , Alliance , Aggression , Combat , Department Of Defense , Event , Construct , Air , Special Operations , Components , Land , All Together , 40000 , Joint Task Force , Land Brigade , Element , Domains , 20000 , Special Operation Forces Components , Readiness , Nrf , Situations , Prepareness , Secretary Austin , Secretary , Alert , Updates , 8500 , Activation , Logistics , Aviation , Security Environment , Brigade Combat Teams , Capabilities , Transportation , Reconnaissance , Surveillance , Posture , Tether , Unit , Frame , Movement , Force Posture , Organizations , Disposition , Continent , Bob , Response Force , Reinforcement , First , Russia Incursion , Yes , Bulk , Nato Rapid Response , Second Question , Reinforcement Functions , Opening Statement , Contingency , Postured , Russians , Intention , Deescalating , State Of Alert , Nations , Contributions , Make , Odd Strong , Barb , Notice , Per Se , Specificity , Notification Process , Aviation Support , Logistics Personnel , Missions , Scope , In Lock Step , Reassurance , Eastern Flank , Goals , Incursion , Number One , Couple , Appliance , Orders , Deployment Orders , Outcomes , Solidarity , Trainers , Advisors , Package , Message , Requirement , Assuring , Aumf , Procedures , Keeping , Ground Forces , Most , David , European Continent Under General Walters , Lots , Kind , Locations , Core Foundation , Contribution , It Hasn T , Folks , Behalf , Reticent , Ma Am , Ukraine Out , Advise , Assist , Footprint , Same , Phone , Mr , Jared Suba , Sencom , Statement , Patriot Missile Systems , Monday Morning , Al Dafra , Intent , Results , U S Navy , China , Rio , Carriers , Scale Exercise , Western Passage , Japan , Communications , Operations , Working Intently , Anti Submarine , Air Warfare , Replenishment At Sea , Aircraft Carriers , Water , Training , Combat Readiness , Accordance , Waters , Janey , English , News , South Korea , North Korea , Contingent , 4 , February 4th , 8000 , 2014 , 34 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

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economists. >> sandra: and the ukraine, a russian invasion could come at any moment. the state department is warning americans in ukraine to get out now before it is too late. sandra smith in new york. hello. >> john: good to be with you another week, sandra. state department says families of u.s. diplomats at the embassy in kyiv need to leave now and other americans in the country should go as well. the u.s. military sending nearly 200,000 pounds of lethal aid to ukraine over the weekend and fox news confirming president biden has been given options for u.s. troop deployment in support of nato allies in eastern europe. >> sandra: comes as the russian troop build-up continues. 137,000 russian troops are posted at a dozen points along the border. a former state department spokesperson will join us. >> john: greg palkot has a view from the ground there. >> we are in the capital of kyiv, and it is on edge. looking at the russian troops around the borders, and neighboring belarus, less than 50 miles from where we are, big numbers of russian soldiers along with tanks, artillery, and threatening invasion, and prompting the u.s. to do a lot of things. president biden is considering sending as many as 5,000 u.s. troops to nato countries near the border with russia, as a possible deterrent. and, the u.s. is ramping up military aid to ukraine. over the weekend, 180 tons arrived here, including ammunition destined for ukrainian troops battling russian-backed separatists already in eastern ukraine. as well as the draw-down, take a look. >> evacuation of u.s. diplomats families and nonessential workers from here in kyiv begins as early as today. experts tell us the move is something about the u.s. is thinking of a possible russian invasion. >> signals to me the threat to ukraine is real, it's immediate and also a realistic possible a russian offensive could target kyiv. >> john, the u.k. and australia also looking to draw down their diplomatic staff. ukrainian government says the moves are premature, they also tonight say they don't see a major full-out invasion any time soon from russian. let's hope, back to you. >> john: that would be a good thing. we do appear to be raising the stakes for putin, and greg, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: morgan now, former state department spokesperson under president obama. >> president trump. >> sandra: hey, morgan. >> you said president obama, i was clarifying, that's all. >> sandra: great of you to be here. take us through this. imminent, potential invasion of ukraine? >> all signs point that way. one of the reasons the u.s. embassy had to issue the statements asking americans to get out, there's a regulation and laws you can't evacuate u.s. embassy staff and their family members without giving the same sort of warning to americans who may be in the country that you are evacuating, one of the reasons why we saw the action take place. listen, i think this comes at the end of a year of failed diplomacy, sandra. this is a year of sort of chasing putin around the world, doing what the state department has coined intensive diplomacy, i don't know what that means, nor do i know that putin knows what it means. effectively we wasted a year of not doing the actions that biden says he will do if putin were to invade. so, things like sanctions. things like sending offensive weapons to ukraine. we have also spent a lot of time over the past year, trying to pacify the germans over nord stream 2 when they have no interest trying to counter russia, not the same that poland and the baltic states and other eastern european states. a we have i consider is weak with biden, he smells it and he is acting. >> sandra: majority of voters disapprove on president biden on foreign policy, disapprove, 54%. general jack keane earlier this morning talking about the conditions in ukraine as he tries to estimate when a potential invasion by putin could happen, and also other factors that weigh on the timing of this. listen. >> heavy armor operations supported by artillery, need solid ground to do that. a mild winter, so it has taken longer for the ground to freeze, it is frozen now and certainly ideal conditions to conduct those armor operations, but another factor here as well, and that is the beijing olympics. he will not conduct an invasion during that time in my judgment, favorable conditions end around mid march in terms of the timeline. >> sandra: could that indicate a possible invasion is further out, morgan? >> certainly, i think we are all reading the tea leaves and putin is going to attempt to get away with as much as he can over these coming weeks. remember, it's not just about taking ground back in ukraine. there are plenty of people of russian descent he believes belong to russia, but getting concessions from america and from the west, sandra, like promising that we won't put ukraine into nato, wanting us to remove some of our military defense equipment, removing troops out of eastern europe, all of these things are items that putin sees as threats to russia and so listen, at this moment in time it's almost a win-win. if he invades it could be bloody and costly, reputation ruined but some of the territory back he wants. if he doesn't invade, he thinks he has scared us putting the countries that are not in nato, putting them in now. he have thinks he scared us out of doing that. >> sandra: fascinating look at that. we have been and we did a lot of digging into the oil numbers last week and we realized morgan just how more dependent our country is on russia for their oil, not just year over year, but look back at a comparison. put together how much oil we are buying there russia today than we were in trump's first year in office, a year to year comparison, biden's first year in office, 206,000 barrels a day. october 17, 18,000 barrels per day. significant increase showing our reliance on russian, not to mention other countries from oil that we were once self-sufficient, producing all the oil we needed. you take that into consideration, you look at oil prices over the past two years. and you realize, morgan, just how big a part oil and energy is playing in all of this, and not to mention as looking at europe energy reliance as a shield for putin. germany, considering their energy dependence on putin. >> listen, sandra, nobody knows the markets or the economy better than you and fantastic analysis for your viewers, and that is the precarious situation that we are in with some countries like germany and france and western europe, is that people like mike pompeo in the senate, sounded the alarm on nord stream 2, president trump sanctioned it to the hit to do every action we can to stop it and baffling and mind boggling for those working on the issue that countries like germany and western europe, sorry to point that out and name names, but they seem almost, you know, totally impossible as it relates to them wanting to defend themselves. very hard to think about holding russia accountable as you pointed out, sandra, when your economy is totally dependent on them. your viewers point out on twitter and appropriate here, when you talked about the numbers of how low it was, the russian imports of oil that we were doing under president trump versus how high it is now, that's why americans, i think, don't understand why president biden cancels pipelines that are good for america, but green lights them, the pipelines good for russia, they don't understand why president biden is consumed with the ukrainian border but no emergency meetings on our border like this weekend at camp david. >> markets are reacting to this, and predictive fluctuating on the tensions, and the dow is selling off today, we'll keep watching that. form state department spokesperson under president trump, thank you for that. i think i had people talking in my ear at one time and we got to it, morgan, you are the best. >> thank you. >> great to have you. >> thanks. >> sandra: some stuff just happens. we are watching the markets, though, john, well off the lows of the session, 2% versus 3% an hour ago, but markets are watching the tensions with the story and also the energy market. energy prices spike, huge implications for the economy, and markets are global in nature and stocks are selling off as a result. >> john: thank goodness the dow does not hate the developments around the globe as much as an hour ago, plenty of time for the rest of the day. a rookie nypd officer was murdered while responding to a domestic dispute, more of an execution than anything. 22-year-old officer jason rivera was killed in the incident, his partner, 27 years old, fighting for his life. while a newly elected city councilmember in new york compares police to violent gang members. eric is live in the new york city newsroom. who is this city councilmember? >> kristin richardson jordan is her name, she has called for the disbanding of the nypd and freeing all the criminals from jail and a poet, and police are "thugs in blue." jordan says she is saddened by the tragic death, but you know, she has long been vehemently anti-cop. during her campaign she quoted this. let's make harlem and new york city safer by defunding the police and the people. and the police and prison systems were created to preserve slavery. to break the chains, fight for total abo ligs. tweeted this. we cannot reform a system of policing so rooted in racism, defund and abolish nypd. the police have never served our communities. they don't prevent crime. they are an occupying force created to terrorize poor people and enforce racial hierarchy and class divides, and immediate end to the bail system and immediate release to all new yorkers incarcerated at rikers and all new york jails. and others say a public official who calls for ending the nypd and releasing criminals is not fit for public office. >> the defund the police and racism, we are seeing through it enough is enough, let's get back to reality. we have to let our cops go out there and be cops. because if we don't, we are going to continue to see the lawlessness and the bloodshed we have been seeing the last few years. >> jordan reportedly attended a vigil outside the precinct where the officers were based on saturday night. we have asked for her comment but her office has not gotten back to us. back to you. >> john: eric shawn, thanks so much. you know, sandra, this council member did not even tweet about the shooting over the weekend, but some concerns over a community garden. so i mean, this whole thing was just so horrible. the guy had a glock pistol, purchased illegally, 50 round drum magazine and kept firing at the officers even after they were down. look at this new york post cover, no mercy, cold-blooded killer kept shooting after officers were down. jason dead, his partner clinging to life. >> sandra: captured on their body cameras. horrific story. my angel, heroes wife, moving tribute, we all mourn. horrible. john, by the way, quick look at the dow. it's coming even more off the low of the session now, down more than 1,000 points earlier, as the markets do continue to sell off in anticipation of a possible invasion of ukraine by russia. this is how we are starting a brand-new year, americans are going to feel it in the pocket book, 401(k), we are going to ask art laffer about this, prices are the top concern. we'll ask the former reagan adviser about that and the market reaction in a few moments. >> democrat policies and joe biden are causing the problems. >> john: a majority of voters would support someone other than president biden in the 2024. low poll numbers, it could affect him to get anything done, anything, for the remainder of his term. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment as a dj, i know all about customization. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> sandra: the supreme court agreeing to hear cases against u.s. colleges to decide whether race-based admission programs are lawful. specifically programs harvard and the university of north carolina. cases allege the schools are discriminating against asian american applicants and using race as a factor for admissions. lower courts both harvard and u.n.c. admissions programs were previously upheld. john. >> john: new york city's new mayor eric adams rushing to release the promised anti-crime plan in the next hour. mainly targeting gun and gang violence following deadly police shootings over the weekend. joe borelli is joining us. you have had five officers shot in new york so far in the month of january. that's extraordinary. jason rivera, 22 years old, the first one to be killed. his partner, william mora, clinging to life and the alleged shooter was sean mcneil, a lengthy rap sheet, convict d felon, there we see the two officers. also had an illegally purchased gun, if we can put that up on the screen, a glock with a 50 round drum magazine. his mother said he had a distorted mental state though didn't believe she had guns in her apartment when she called the police. put together the pieces of all of this, the mayor said he was going to return law and order to the big apple. >> well, first of all i think mayor adams has to restore law and order to the big apple. something he ran on both in the primary election to his credit with his own party, and in the general election. new yorkers by and large support him in this measure and he needs to keep his head down. but how does it happen, john. good general. in 2016, the last year i found statistics on this, two-thirds of criminal defendants were charged with felony gun possession and gun-related charges, had their charges dropped and they pled to misdemeanors. even when we have the nypd doing a great job, soft on crime prosecutors and laws, the theory that progressives have that they want to end the incarceration system, whatever they want to call it, but adds up to very little gun charges of gun detention given to the perpetrators, and that's before alvin bragg and bail reform. >> mcneil had been living in maryland, apparently his mother asked him to come to new york and help with his brother with a disability, but eric adams said after the shooting it's not just new york city that needs to really respond to this, it's the federal government as well. listen to what he said. >> so we need help from the federal government. we are doing our job at nypd, taking thousands of guns off the streets. every one they take off, we are having five come in. how do we stop this, the federal government does not stop the flow of guns in this city. >> john: spent most of the last 24 days responding to a series of violent crimes in new york city. but is it really the federal government to come in and take the lead on the issue? 1990s it was city officials in new york that got a handle on crime, murders were down almost 70% and to my knowledge the feds did not play a huge role in that. >> no, it was mostly done by the men and women of the nypd and he was a member of them and should know that. and also said things like we have to return the plain clothes anti-crime teams, that's a good policy, a policy he should restore. but again, to go back to the stats, if we are still making arrests and prosecutors are not going to charge them with crimes to put them in jail, it's all for not. we already have a federal task force, the governor is claiming to announce a new task force we have, and does a lot of hard work and its members, they go to different states, they run wire taps, develop confidential informants, get warrants, do all this police work and then to actually listen to people who want to defund the police, somehow have to account for how this is going to add up. you can't have a defunded police force and go out after a shooting and say we need more task force and more expensive police work. >> this is going to be a huge political issue. look at what the new fox news poll found in terms of people extremely or very concerned about various issues, inflation, higher prices number 1, 85%. behind it at 81%. and joe, not just new york city. a police constable in texas shot and killed, a police officer in washington, d.c. shot, minor wounds and treated and released. but it's not just new york city. it's all over. >> no, no, we see this really in every large city. chicago is probably the prime example, but in large simple where soros' backed prosecutors have no semblance of law and order. we arrest people for smaller crimes they are prevented from doing bigger crimes in the future. look at any one of the shootings that made headlines in new york or chicago or anywhere, every time you make a gun arrest of someone who is a shooter, always a long menu of previous charges and almost always they involve a gun. it's a fraction of a percent of new yorkers and big city residents who are committing all the crimes. let the cops go after them. we can all support them on that. that should be a noncontroversial thing to say in this city and every other. >> john: all right, apparently for the one councilwoman in harlem it's controversial, see where she stands and the mayor stands in the next hour. joe borelli, always good to talk to you. thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: any moment now, john, jen psaki will take to the podium at the white house to answer reporter questions and a big moment for the country. potential russian invasion looms of ukraine. so we'll see what she has to say. we'll go to her q and a when she begins there live at the white house. plus this. >> almost $400 at the grocery store for three people, that's insane. >> john: new polling numbers as inflations surges across the country. who do americans think is to blame? not art laffer. he will weigh in next. with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> john: ukrainian foreign mince ministry is accusing the united states of excessive caution for order families members of embassy staff to leave the country, this despite fears a russian invasion of ukraine could be imminent. benjamin hall live at the state department with the latest. >> in last few hours, the europe union top diplomat said the european embassies did not think they were going to follow, there was no intelligence an invasion was imminent. nevertheless, the u.s. is going ahead with this. all family members of u.s. government employees will be leaving the embassy and nonessential staff, and the u.s. says they have a do not travel warning for americans in the country and told americans in ukraine to find their own way out. refuse to say how many americans are in ukraine, thought to be about 30,000, with 7,000 at the embassy. and if they did invade, the u.s. would not be able to evacuate the citizens. and president biden considering to send 5,000 troops to the border, they deny any will go to ukraine. other countries have authorized deployment of their own. russian navy warships from left from their home port in the baltic to take part in large scale navy exercises. they did not specify where they are heading, just that it's a long distant voyage, more than 140 warships, 60 aircraft, 1,000 military equipment, more than 10,000 personnel to participate in those events. the u.s. delivered 80 tons of weapons to ukraine over the weekend, totaling $280 million. not just the hardware they need so badly, air and missile defenses. not hard to think of afghanistan when you hear the state department saying they don't know how many americans are in the country, don't know how to get them out, don't know if kyiv is going to fall. what's happening is the state department is acting in abundance of caution. but ukrainians are saying it's overreacting at the wrong time, so we will see how this plays out. again, they have no specific intelligence that an invasion is imminent. john. >> john: if it were big enough for kyiv to fall, that would be a huge, huge incident, no question about that. thanks. >> do any of you feel like the economy has gotten better in the past year? >> it's almost $400 just to go to the grocery store for three people. i mean, that's insane. >> we got a lot of problems, high inflation, we have supply chain issues, i don't think he's listening to liberals. >> sandra: americans on both sides of the aisle sounding off against president biden's economic agenda, prices for everything have gone up and have done so for the past year. brand-new fox news polling show 48% of voters blame government policies. art laffer, important poll to show, right, a lot of the blame from the left has been on the covid, the pandemic for the spike in prices that we have seen. that demand that came online after so many shutdowns. but no, they blame government policy. art, i have one big question for you off the top here. as we see this market sell off happening, we know markets traditionally are more predictors of what is to come. so, is this a reactionnary selloff to the escalation of the possible conflict of putin going into ukraine there, or is this the straw that broke the camel's back as far as markets seeing the struggles that the american people are having with high prices, inflation, supply chain, empty store shelves. i mean, we have heard economists sounding off on this for quite some time and many scratching their heads, why does the market keep going up. so, what is driving this selloff, art? >> well, i think the reason the market was going up so much, sandra, is because of covid-19 dropping down the omicron being less violent and much better than the delta was, the alpha or the beta. but now that you have the ukraine coming in, ukraine is a very weak spot in the u.s. situation and i think the idea that soviets would invade, russia would invade is a fear to the market, because they are really afraid of what the biden administration would do in response. biden administration has not been good on economics at all, they don't look like they are good on military, witness afghanistan, and another erratic response could be difficult for the u.s. it has caused inflation to go up, the market to come down, especially with interest rates and inflation and the participation rate is falling as well. it's just -- it's a committee mix-up of all sorts of bad policies both domestic and international. and they don't recognize it. >> sandra: and to that point, i'll get to the "new york times" editorial board in a second. u.s. stock market, on pace to see the worst selloff for u.s. stocks since march 2020. so, take that for what it is, "new york times" editorial board, president biden's economy is failing the big mac test. biden has contributed to his own political woes, the president and other officials seem to be down playing the dangers of inflation. biden is insistent on the implausible narrative contributing to a sense maybe he is not taking inflation seriously. case in point, he punted to the fed and is that going to exacerbate the problem, when you consider that is going to spook a lot of the big investment money that has been fueling the stock market rally, if he punts to the fed, i don't know that they are going to take into consideration the stock market selloff and back off of their tightening, art. so, is this going to get worse, as far as the market situation? >> what i took away from the press conferences president biden had last week, the idea we need build back better and that would reduce inflation. that is the most silly comment i've ever heard and here you see in davos, janet yellen, secretary of the treasury saying the same thing. powell saying the same thing. they are all saying the same silly thing. when will they learn. government spending is inflationary. what we need to do is stop government spending tighten our belts and get through soundly. at least lower the payroll tax so you attract people back to the labor force so they can build some of the millions of jobs unfilled. we need workers back in the labor force, don't need more welfare payment to keep people out of the force, don't get it. they just don't get it. >> sandra: ten seconds something the president could do today and you addressed it, the payroll taxes. >> payroll taxes -- get people out of -- thank you, sandra. >> sandra: i know you have so many ideas. we'll have you on back soon. >> it's so frustrating watching some of this. but the market is telling us what the answers are. >> sandra: art, great to have you. thank you. >> john: polling brand-new shows president biden in a position that neither obama or trump faced. challenges are swirling around the president. can biden get the ship turned around? byron york will weigh in next. >> sandra: and the greatest playoff history over the weekend, did you watch it all? jim did, he will join us and break it down. can't wait for that. n homeownera financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? 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>> let me give you a brief update, my know my college, john kirby will be briefing in about 45 minutes or so at the defense department. we have been consulting with allies and refining plans for all scenarios. always said we would reinforce our allies on the eastern flank and those conversations and discussions have certainly been part of what our national security officials have been discussing with their counterparts now for several weeks. in fact, we have never ruled out the option of providing assistance in advance of invasion. those discussions have been ongoing with our partners and eastern flank countries and i would expect my college, john kirby, would have more of an update on where the process is at this point in time. >> he'll make -- john kirby will make an announcement whether or not he's made a decision? >> i think he had provide an update where things stand on those discussions. >> last week president biden said the u.s. would fortify nato allies but dependent on invasion, saying he would send more troops to poland and romania if putin did invade ukraine. does it suggest he believes an invasion is imminent? >> we have never ruled out providing additional support, assistance to eastern flank countries in advance of invasion and those discussions with them have been ongoing, and certainly part of our contingency planning. >> does it appear to be a shift in his thinking and attitude? is that how you would characterize it? >> i would not characterize it that way. we have put out information of our view of the preparations being made by president putin and the russians. we cannot get into the mind of president putin, we are seeing the preparations that they are making at the border. we have been very clear and the president has been direct that military action by russia could come at any one, at any time. he said that last week as well. so, we have been in conversations and discussions with eastern flank countries, obviously our secretary of state returned from a trip to europe as well and he was part of the discussions this weekend, too, and part of that has been contingency planning and discussing what their needs have been. >> last question is today the president has a call with european leaders, u.s., france, germany, nato, european council, why is ukraine not on the call this afternoon? >> we have a range of conversations with ukrainians. secretary of state met with them last week and they will be a part of many conversations moving forward. as i noted a little bit earlier, part of this is a discussion about deterrents as defense efforts. but they will be part of many conversations as they have been in the beginning. >> what happened in the last few days that prompted the pentagon to present specific troop deployment to the president, another way, why now? >> well, i wouldn't say we are characterizing exactly that way, said last week and as we have been watching the preparations of president putin and the russians that they were prepared at any moment to take military action. we have also been in ongoing discussions from our secretary of state to members of our national security team what their needs are and what security concerns they have. so i wouldn't say it's a response to an abrupt moment, it's a part of an ongoing contingency planning process and discussion. >> and for this weekend, is he more or less concerned about the possibility of a russian invasion of ukraine? >> well, he said last week that military action by russia could come at any time. that remains his point of view. >> there's been clamoring in this town and in ukraine for u.s. ambassador to ukraine, where do things stand on appointing someone? >> certainly understand that. i don't have update on the status. >> ukrainian foreign ministry said it was premature and manifestation of excess caution. is this potentially in the after glow of what happened in afghanistan concern for that, or something else more specific prompting people? >> i would say that we, our state department regularly reviews and assesses what steps need to be taken for the security of our personnel. i would note that the travel advisory was already at a level four, since back in october. we have also been closely consulting and keeping ukrainians abreast. i would say this is more akin to what we, the steps we took in ethiopia and kazakhstan than any other country or conflicts. >> and house speaker has requested a bipartisan all members briefing on the situation in ukraine of the white house. is that something you plan to fulfill? >> we have been in close consultation with members and leadership from the beginning. i don't have an update on this specifically but that's been our objective and how we have proceeded, so i'm sure we are working to meet that request and needs of members. >> and at least jake sullivan, maybe others are talking to senior lawmakers about this? >> and we have been for weeks. >> another violent weekend across the country, shooting in new york, shooting here in d.c. of a police officer, reports of a possible executive action the president might be able to take in the realm of police reform or policy. where do things stand on that, coming soon? >> may i address this weekend first and then come around to your question. i think you had a few in there, important ones to address. events of this weekend are reminder that law enforcement officers head into harm's way every single day. they and their families make an extraordinary sacrifice for their communities. the president will never be satisfied or complacent when officers are gunned down or americans worry about whether they can safely ride the subway or bus or be at work. this weekend is a glaring example of that, especially gun residence over the last two years and the president has been aggressive in using the tools at our disposal to combat that. he took early action on guns, gun violence last spring and why he rolled out a comprehensive plan to combat plan last summer. he also believes as many americans do that we can and must have a criminal justice system that both protects public safety and upholds the sounding ideals of equal treatment under law. comprehensive plan to combat plan and continuing to advocate for reforms to our policing system. he thinks that we can do both. but i don't have an update on any timings for next step on that. go ahead. >> first on the markets, the president think it's a big deal that today the dow jones is down at one point, more than 1100 points? >> well, to start with, we focus on the trends and the economy, not any one day and any single indicator, unlike his predecessor. he does not look at the stock marked which means to judge the economy. i would note the market is up around 15% compared to when president biden took office but measure of success is how real working families are doing. whether they are, they have breathing room, whether they have a job, delivers dignity and a paycheck they can support a family on, and we have seen a great deal of progress made on that front. >> thank you. schools in virginia, seven districts representing 350,000 students are suing the state hoping to get a strict mask mandate rolled back by the new governor reinstated. who does the president think knows best for students. school board members or parents? >> well, the president believes that public health officials have the best guidance on what we can all do to protect ourselves, including teachers, administrators, and students. so it's up to local school districts to determine how they are going to approach what implementation measures they are going to put in place. what we know from public health officials who are the experts on a pandemic. studies show masks reduce transmissions in school. they are a proven tool that keeps students and teachers safe from covid and thus help keep schools open and safe. in short we know it works and every leader to focus on the tactics to keep the schools safe and schools open. you mention the virginia. in texas, fighting a critical public health measure to protect the children and keep the schools open. for head start communities, ones that, a provision that is requiring masks to keep students and keep communities safe. they are fighting against that. why is that? more to do with politics than public health. >> right now in virginia, the law is, now that there is a new governor, students should not have to wear masks if their parents say they don't think they need to wear masks. if a parent wants to send their kids to school with no mask should the child be allowed to go to school and be in class? >> again, what we are advising school districts on is to abide by public health guidelines. and follow public health guidelines. and it's about keeping an entire community safe and those are the decisions that are being, that people should focus on. >> crystal clear for anybody watching. you guys think ultimately in the conflict between school board members and parents, the school board members should have more of a say in what -- >> that's not what i said. i think everybody should abide by public health guidelines, not just keep their own kids safe but their school community safe, whether it's teachers, classmates, administrators, others in school. >> ok. on crime to follow up on what ed was asking about, would you agree the most important job for any president is to keep americans safe? >> i would agree. >> you said the president never satisfied if people don't feel safe. does he know after a year in office people did not feel safe in this country? >> well, peter, i think if we look at the facts here we have seen a surge of crime over the last two years, would you agree with that? >> what are you attributing the rise in crime? >> we should be responsible how we are reporting to the public what the roles are, what the reason for the surge in crime. gun violence is a huge reason for the surge in crime. underfunding of some police departments and their need for additional resources, something the president has advocated for consistently through the course of his career, we know we need to take action on, and it is absolutely true he will not be satisfied or complacent when officers are being gunned down or americans have to worry whether they can safely ride the subway or bus, should not be a political issue. he's had many decades fighting for funding for police departments, for local communities in order to reduce crime. >> but he's been here in office for more than a year. and the murder rate is nearing a 25-year high. why don't we see and hear more from the president about this? we hear all the time about things you guys are doing to fight the pandemic because that's a risk to american people. rising murder rate is a risk to american people too, right? >> what people are most focussed on, actions he has taken. unveiled the tragedy, combatting violent crime. unprecedented to put more cops on the beat, and something every republican voted again. $139 million in grants to cities for community policing, put 1,000 more officers on the streets. also proposed doubling the grants and called for additional $750 million for federal law enforcement. he's announced 0 tolerance policy for gun dealers who sell willfully sell illegal guns and launched gun trafficking strike forces in new yorks and cities across the country. actions are important here and he has a long record of them. >> does the president think any of that is working? >> the president thinks he should have a plan to address crime and gun violence, he has one and we look forward to working with people who support that effort. >> as the murder rate nears a 25-year high, would he consider maybe trying something different? >> trying something other than supporting a massive issue with funding from his predecessor, tracking down on the gun violence, working to support community policing programs and police departments across the country, i think most people who want to fight crime would agree that's the right approach. go ahead. >> thanks, jen. just, i know, finer point, do you have any information about -- >> john: all right, a spirited back and forth between jen psaki and peter doocy over crime in america and sandra, i thought it was interesting. she conceded the underfunding of police is a big driver of the rising crime rate. would put her at odds with democrats, who believe defunding the police is the best way to approach crime in america. >> sandra: not at odds with the president, who said we should be funding more, the police departments in america to fight the crime and hearing those admissions a little bit more from the left in recent days, john, also by the way to the market activity in the bottom right of the screen, the dow continues to come off the lows, down 534 right now. she was asked about this selloff, and said that the administration focusses on trends, not any single day like his predecessor, and talking about the markets, and john, i will tell you the trend is lower, so there is a trend to identify to her there, looking at the worst selloff of the u.s. stock markets this month since the shutdown, march 2020. we are off 7.5% to start the year, so there is a trend to be identified there. >> john: always intrigued by the way the white house says we don't pay attention to the markets but by the way, it's up 15% since the president took office. so they are clearly watching it. byron york, what do you want to tackle first, byron? you want to tackle crime, you want to tackle russia, jump ball here. >> actually, let's talk a little about schools. i thought it was interesting that jen psaki tried to side step this question of who should have more say in what health practices, masking requirements, etc., in schools. school officials or should it be parents? she side stepped it all and said public health authorities. should all be listening to them. so, obviously democrats have had a hard time with this. the governor of, the new governor of virginia is pushing hard on this, and white house is just trying to step out of the way on it. >> john: we should point out seven school districts in the commonwealth of virginia have sued the governor over the opt-out mask mandate. some school district, including the ones that my children attend, have said they'll implement this. other school districts like chesapeake, page county, they have decided they are going to do it as well. but comes down to the idea who best to look after the kids. is it parents or is it school boards? and if you take a look at fairfax county public schools, they are saying we are going to continue to follow c.d.c. guidelines, what this law that was passed last year by the virginia legislature says they should do, and in doing so we are going to mandate masks. but if they were to follow the letter of the law with the c.d.c. guidelines, so to speak, they would cancel all sports as well, and they are not doing that. >> yeah, there's just a fundamental conflict between republicans and democrats that we saw in the virginia gubernatorial campaign over who should have the greater say and clearly democrats who are aligned with teachers' unions, public employees in that sense, are clearly on one side of it and republicans are on another. and i think the white house realizes that the idea of parental responsibility and parental authority in this is really pretty strong out there in the polls, and so they are trying to get away from it a little bit. >> john: byron, apologies for the abbreviation on the hit time, but had to jump to the white house. thank you, my friend. >> thank you, john. >> john: a lot to look out for. we are expecting a live update soon from the pentagon as president biden considers sending u.s. troops overseas to confront russia as the white house warns vladimir putin's forces could invade ukraine at any point. we'll head live to the pentagon when this briefing begins, sandra. >> sandra: and also live to the state department when it updates the situation on americans in ukraine. evacuating families of diplomats there as the fears bloody fighting looming every day. >> john: and the markets, tensions with russia rattle the market over the response to the inflation crisis. the dow reaching the lowest point since june. with that, welcome back as "america reports" rolls right into a busy second hour. sorry about the doom and gloom, that is the world as we see it today. john roberts in washington. >> sandra: as you said that, the dow is coming way off the lows. it's such a volatile market, it could go back to even on the day, we'll see it down 383 points right now, i'm sandra smith in new york, we are watching all this for you. live updates when they come in, breaking news here at home. >> our department is hurting. our city is hurting. we have four times this month rushed to the scene of nypd officers shot by violent criminals and tonight one is dead. >> john: raw emotion so many in law enforcement felt during a painful weekend with police and the nation, ambush attack left a rookie officer dead and another fighting to survive. >> sandra: so horrible, in all, five nypd officers shot this year, and not even one month in. four shootings in the last week alone. >> john: this as another police department 1600 miles away is making funeral arrangements for one of its brave deputies. harris county deputy charles galloway was murdered during a traffic stop. a manhunt underway for the shooter. >> sandra: covering the death from dallas. >> john: alexis mcadams from new york city on the ambush attack. >> we were out there in harlem and you can feel the anger and the sadness. 2021, the second worst year in almost a decade police killed in the line of duty. new video from the ambush. >> what's going on? shot, down -- additional units. >> sources telling us it happened in a matter of seconds. happened inside a harlem complex on the screen, 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her adult son. he kicked open the door and started shooting. the gunman continued to shoot while the officers were already on the ground. 22-year-old nypd officer jason rivera, shot and killed, his partner, 27 years old, was also shot in the head and is in critical condition. officer rivera went to high school in new york, and has an inspirational video for younger classmates. >> put in the work, 100%. and if it takes some time after school, so be it. because you've got to do it. you don't do it, you are not going to make it nowhere in life. >> officer rivera wanted to make a difference. mcneil was on probation for a felony drug charge, arrested nearly a half dozen times for a variety of serious offenses. this is the gun used to kill the officer. a glock, holding 50 rounds. a new policing strategy to go after gangs and guns, interesting to hear what he will say with so much violence. >> john: it is, we'll be watching that. alexis, thank you. >> sandra: the deputy shot and killed in houston. team coverage begins now, hi, casey in dallas. >> houston police announced not long ago they are going to hold a press conference at the top of the next hour, and waiting the details to find out what they are going to be discussing. here is what we do know at this hour. just before 1:00 a.m. on sunday investigators say a constable was initiating a traffic stop on the southwest side of houston, that is when the driver of that white toyota avalon pulled over and then jumped out of the vehicle and opened fire on the constable before he was even able to get out of his squad car. then that driver and gunman jumped back in his vehicle and fled the scene. officials say unfortunately there was nothing they could do for corporal charles galloway. he died at the scene and hours later a somber moment outside one of the hospitals as fellow law enforcement gathered there to pay respects as the body of their fallen comrade came through. >> my advice and my call to everyone, we better get intentional, damn intentional about locking up violent individuals and leaving them, it's a place for them. >> the houston police chief not mincing words there. once the sun was up, aerial pictures revealed how violent the crime was. look at this, multiple bullet holes, the car riddled as it sits in the impound lot. galloway, 12 plus veteran, 47 years old. leaves behind a daughter and sister, and the manhunt is on for the person who pulled the trigger but are awaiting. of course we'll monitor the press conference. >> sandra: thank you, john. >> john: let's bring in joe, blue lives matter new york city founder, thank you for being with us. whether it's new york city and the two officers shot over the weekend, harris county texas, washington, d.c., a patrol officer was shot responding to a call, thankfully that person had a minor injury and treated and released from the hospital. it's pretty clear police officers in the united states are under assault. what in your mind is driving this? >> well, jen psaki, president biden, i hope you are hearing your policies are not working, whether it's in the east or the west coast, or anywhere in between. what you are putting in place is not working. you need to have officers who have experience, who are on the beat sit down with you and create the laws and rules that are going forward. stop having politicians that never wore the uniform dictate how officers do their job. it's not working. >> john: when you take a look at the perpetrator and the shooting there in new york city over the weekend, let's put it back up on the screen, this is an image of the gun that he used, it's a glock, with a 50 round magazine. both of those things, that's the perpetrator, let's put up the gun. both can be legally purchased but he purchased them illegally. apparently, according to his mother had mental issues and you have to wonder how did he get his hands, joe, on that weapon. >> this is what happens, the white house says they keep on having stricter gun laws, the first thing you hear with the shooting. it's not going after the criminals. if you have the laws, put them behind bars. if you put the legislation in place, let them use it. use it towards these individuals who shouldn't have the firearms because they are not going to the gun dealer and buying it, they are on the black market, meeting up with other criminals. that's how they are getting their hands on illegal firearms and we have to show accountability and hit them with the max sentence possible to hopefully deter other people from using illegal firearms. >> john: eric adams ran on a platform to bring back law and order to new york city, spent most of the last 24 days and on the streets to talk about horrible violent crimes that included the shooting of five police officers, death of one, pushing of a woman in front of an r train in the times square station, and a guy was pushed in front of a train over the weekend, even though he only had minor injuries, it was not too bad. eric adams said this over the weekend after the officers were shot. >> it is our city against the killers. it is our city against the killers. this was just not an attack on three brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york. and it's an attack on the children and families of this city. we must save this city together. >> john: so joe he said it's our city against the killers, it's our city against the killers. my question is, what's he doing about it? >> well, unfortunately for three weeks this guy has not had a chance to sit down and take a breath in and enjoy being mayor. remember, new year's day he was in the hospital meeting a police officer shot. this past week, five shot, one killed, 11-month-old baby shot in the face. i'm hoping he's able to answer this coming week with the officer's funeral and say we have to move forward, now have to have action. i firmly believe he's going to come out and do something in support of the police, in support of the community and hoping to make a positive change for new york city. >> john: my apologies of the litany of crimes, i neglected the 11-month-old baby shot in the face. but shootings up 16%, transit crimes up 65%, robberies up 25%. i mean, that's not a good record for the mayor so far. >> let's go back to meeting with hawk newsom from black lives matter, didn't he say there was going to be bloodshed? the mayor has to come out and say this is my city, our city, and we will not have this. so unleash the officers and show a sense of force we are not going to take this, whether you are a civilian or police officer neither are going to be victims in my city. >> john: joe, founder of blue lives matter in new york. appreciate your thoughts today. >> thank you for having me. >> john: prayers are with the surviving officer, sandra. >> sandra: we continue to watch this market slide, this is the dow jones industrial average down about 550 points at this moment, well off the lows of the day, you can see that happened just after the noon hour, the most red on the screen in the middle there. markets have come back a bit, john, but right now the concern is a possible invasion by vladimir putin into ukraine, jen psaki was asked about this a moment ago. the president concerned when he looks up and sees the dow down more than 1100 points, she said the president does not look at the stock market by a means to judge the economy, and we also asked art laffer what is causing all this, he joined us last hour and he said this. >> all of this spending stuff that they have done, sandra, has caused the inflation to go up, it's caused the market to come down quite a bit, especially with interest rates, and inflation and the participation rate is falling as well. it's just -- it's a complete mix-up of all sorts of bad policies, both domestic and international. >> sandra: john, to put this in perspective, looking at possibly the worst selloff this month that we have seen in any given month since march 2020 when the shut downs and the virus first began. so that is notable. but still we are not even in correction territory to put that into broader perspective, would mean we are down 10% from recent highs. we almost got there down over 1,000 points earlier but not there yet, and some bullish market watchers would say a correction would kind of be healthy for the markets, watching it. >> john: a reason why it's recovery, people saw a buying opportunity. we are minutes away for an update on the tension about overseas. fox news teams are spread out across d.c. and throughout kyiv. >> sandra: president biden considering sending u.s. troops to the region to head up the russian -- head off the russian invasions, the white house says could occur at any moment now. we will have all of that coming up. >> a mild winner in ukraine, it's taking longer for the ground to freeze. it is frozen down. and ideal conditions to conduct the armor operations. there's so much new in the new chicken & bacon ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta hurry. there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new... 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[whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> we are monitoring the podiums at the pentagon and state department as briefings are set to get underway soon. all over fears of an imminent russian invasion into ukraine. we will take you to those briefings live when they begin. both likely to face questions about the evacuation of families of american diplomats and nonessential staff from the u.s. embassy in kyiv, a move the ukrainian government blasted as premature. former national security advisor keith kellogg is here with advice for the administration, but first, to greg on the ground in kyiv, approaching 9:30 at night. what's the situation there? >> john, some new developments here in kyiv since we lost spoke. ukrainian officials are watching with great concern the deployment of russian troops in neighboring belarus, tanks and numbers on the move. it's like the two countries are united against them. en circling ukraine on all sides, and the east, tensions are high. president biden considering sending 5,000 u.s. troops to nato countries near the borders with russia. the u.s. is ramping up military aid. 180 tons of gear, $200 million commitment of weaponry, including ammunition for the ukrainian troops and because of the threat of conflict, the u.s. is evacuating diplomat families and nonessential workers starting today. u.k. and australia making moves as well. they call the moves premature but other experts don't think so. take a listen to what we heard. >> we are on the edge of a war, a type of conflict europe has not seen in generations. >> john, worse case scenario for sure, but that possibility is looming. back to you. >> john: hope it does not come to that. greg, thank you. >> sandra: keith kellogg, we will bring you the briefings when they began. jen psaki just said when asked if an invasion they believe, as administration is imminent, she says the president continues to believe military invasion could come at any time. i've quoted you often since i last spoke to you a week ago, general, i asked you if we are on the verge of seeing an invasion happen, you said yes. at this point, what do you think timing-wise if the answer is still yes this is going to happen? >> yeah, sandra, thanks for having me. when you look at the order of battle putin has put in place, and good comment by greg a minute ago, forces in belarus, to the northwest. got them to the north, he's got them to the east and to the south. earlier i thought he may want to take a piece out of ukraine. he has the ability to push pressure across the entire front. and people need to understand. border of belarus is only 90 miles from kyiv, putin moved a lot of forces from the east, the eastern part of russia and these are all first line units. s35 jets, top of the line, s400 air defense batteries, missiles, top of the line armor. so, what you asked is a direct question. i think he's prepared to go in a week if he wants to go. i think, if i had to time it, what i would do if i was him, i would hit it about the time of the olympics, that keeps a lot of the world focussed on the olympics, he's heading south and north to all different directions in the ukraine. still an ability to get out of this, to negotiate out of it, but that's up to europe. put in does not like biden, he doesn't trust biden, no confidence in biden. looks at him as a weak commander in chief and using that to kind of divide nato, i said a couple weeks ago was his prime effort. i think he's ready to go. he has the forces to do what he wants to do, it's all up to him. >> sandra: that is a big prediction. general jack keane had a bit of a different thought on the timing of this. and did hinge with putin and the olympics. >> olympics end on the 20th, we have about a month or so with favorable conditions to support heavy armor operations. does not mean they cannot do it when the ground thaws and you have more mud than anything else, it's more challenging. favorable conditions end around mid march in terms of the timeline. >> sandra: started off by saying the olympics end on the 20th, he did not think they would invade while the olympics are underway. >> the reason i'm saying that. every day that goes by, more and more weaponry goes into ukraine. more and more people decide maybe we need more armor, more troops, whatever it is. he has the advantage and does not want to give up the advantage. passage of time takes away his advantage and i don't think he wants to do that. if i was him, he would go early. that's up to him if he wants to go, i still think there's a chance diplomacy wins out but not from the united states because he has no trust, belief or any confidence in the united states pulling any type of diplomatic effort off going forward. >> sandra: really interesting. morgan said something similar, joined us last hour. listen. >> i think this comes at the end of a year of failed diplomacy, sandra. this is a year of sort of chasing putin around the world, doing what the state department has coined intensive diplomacy. i don't really know what that means nor do i know that putin knows what that means but eek -- but effectively wasted a year. >> sandra: blaming a year of bad diplomacy, putin sees an opportunity for sooner rather than later. and jen psaki was asked is the president considering deploying more troops to eastern europe, he has never ruled out additional assistance and then punted to the pentagon and what we are about to hear from john kirby. so, we are about to hear from the pentagon. what should we hear from the pentagon considering your prediction, sir? >> well, i think you are going to say they are moving troops to some parts of europe and the baltic region or poland. that means nothing to putin. he doesn't care. we have been doing that for years, deploying forces there, deployed them recently, we have exercises there. he says that's a mosquito bite. so, that is just a lot of noise. i don't think it means much. if you are really serious about it, you have to move strategically against putin and alerts with the strategic nuclear forces and moving forces to pressure him. right now in eastern europe or other parts of europe does not mean anything to him at all. >> sandra: very good of you to join us, sir. thank you very much. thank you. we are obviously keeping our eye on it, the world is watching this play out. i continue to dig up the energy numbers, you look at the severe economic consequences and what is at stake for the bordering countries and the countries that get emergency resources from russia, it's hard to track down how much oil and natural gas germany is using from russia, but about a third it is estimated they are dependent on russia for their energy, and as far as us buying russian energy, it is astounding that just in 2017 we were buying 18,000 barrels a day from russia, now it's top of the list and dependent on 206,000 barrels a day to come from russia. we are in a completely different situation when it comes to russian energy that comes into this country. >> john: also interesting to note the harry truman carrier strike group is going to be under a nato flag and exercises in the mediterranean the first time since the cold war. obviously energy prices hit home for everybody, but an interesting military development that kirby will likely speak more to during his press conference. coming up ahead, we will check in at the white house where president biden is getting ready to hold a call with europe leaders as the russia threat ramps up. live briefings from the pentagon and the state department coming up in a moment. >> sandra: and atlanta neighborhood, brazen violence happening right in front of police. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your 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that the u.s.s. harry truman strike group under a nato flag. >> so they are prepared to respond to a range of contingencies, including response to the nato response force if it is activated. as you have heard me describe many times, our commitment to the security of nato allies and our article 5 commitment are iron clad. as the president has also made clear the united states will act firmly in defense of its natural interests in response to actions by russia that harm us, our allies, or partners. as part of that commitment, the department of defense maintains significant combat capable forces forward in europe to deter aggression and enhance the alliance's ability to defeat aggression if necessary. united states also has a commitment to provide forces to the nato response force, otherwise known as the nrf. any event nato should activate that construct, and the nrf is a multi-national force, land, air, maritime and special operations forces all components that the alliance can deploy on short notice wherever needed. all together, the nrf comprises around 40,000 multi-national troops. in the nrf something called the very high readiness joint task force. this element, about 20,000 strong, across all domains, includes a multi-national land brigade of around 5,000 troops and air, maritime and special operation forces components. i want to provide some facts on these preparations to reinforce our commitment to nato and the nato response force and increase readiness. secretary austin has placed a range of units in the united states on heightened prepareness to deploy, if nato should activate the nrf or other situations develop. all told, the number of forces that the secretary has placed on heightened alert comes up to about 8500 personnel. we'll continue to provide updates in coming days about these decisions, but specifically this will ensure that the united states and our commitment to the nrf is consistent with their readiness for rapid deployment, again, if activated. in the event of nato's activation of the nrf or a deteriorating security environment, the united states would be in position to rapidly deploy additional brigade combat teams, logistics, medical, aviation, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, transportation, and additional capabilities into europe. again, i want to reinforce that as of now the decision has been made to put these units on higher alert and higher alert only. no decisions have been made to deploy any forces from the united states at this time, and i say heightened alert, in some cases, some forces were already on a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more shortened the tether even more. in some cases units go from ten days prepare to deploy, now at five days, that's not the case for every unit that is being notified that they are on heightened alert. some are more ready and postured that way than others. the idea, though, is that all of these units that he is putting on prepare to deploy will be ready to go on a shortened time frame. again, no final decision has been made to deploy them. the secretary will continue to consult with the president and the united states will maintain close coordination with allies and partners as we continueously review our force posture and regarding movement of forces into and within europe. as always, we remain in close coordination with allies and partners and other multi-lateral organizations as we continue to review our force posture as we make decisions regarding potential movements into europe and the disposition of forces on continent. bob, i think you are on the line. >> thank you, john. of the 85 troops you have mentioned, are those u.s.-based only, and would they, are they intended only for deployment as part of activation of the rapid response force or might they be set for other reinforcement purposes in eastern europe? and lastly, why did the secretary and president decide to do this now. what's changed in the last few days. on friday you mentioned as you had many times that the u.s. was prepared to reinforce in eastern europe if there were a russia incursion only. >> ok. i think i remembered all three, so let me try. first, yes, up to 8500 and i want to stress it's up to 8500. again, no decisions to deploy have been made, this is about getting units on an advanced heightened alert. it does not mean they are necessarily going anywhere. but up to 8500 i talked about, all u.s.-based. and i'm sorry, bob, second question was -- >> are they intended only for the nato rapid response force or could they perform other reinforcement functions? >> the bulk of them are intended for the nato response force. the vast majority of. but also said in the opening statement, the secretary wants us postured to be ready for other contingency as well. but the bulk aligned for the nato response force. and we have been watching this very, very closely, i said that at the top, it's very clear the russians have no intention right now of deescalating and because not every one of these units that we are notifying are in, all of them are not in a heightened state of alert, it made prudent sense for the secretary to give them as much time to prepare to be on a shorter tether as he can, just in case, i want to stress particularly with the nato response force, it has not been activated, it is a nato call to make, but we have contributions to that response force as do other nations, you know, as i said, it's 40,000 some odd strong. our contributions don't come near the 40,000 number. the other nations have to contribute as well, but for our part, unilaterally, we wanted to make sure we were ready in case the call should come and that means making sure the units that we contribute to it are as ready as they can be on a short a notice as possible. barb. >> what, three quick things. what specific military capabilities do these u.s. troops bring to europe, that's 8500. second, could you say with some specificity what is the exact mission for these troops, and what will your measure of success be? how will you know when the mission is accomplished? >> yeah, so, on capabilities, barb, i touched this in the opening statement. again, when we are able to identify the units for you we'll do that. the reason i don't have specific units today is because the units are being notified as well as family members and i think you can understand we would not want to get ahead of the notification process. but broadly speaking, as i mentioned at the top, i mean, these would be additional brigade combat teams, logistics personnel, medical support, aviation support, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, as well as transportation and maybe even some additional capabilities after that. again, when we can identify for you the units, i think you'll see that they cover the broad scope of those capabilities. missions have not been assigned. the response force has not been activated and so there's not a mission, per se. this is about the secretary wanting to get ahead of the potential activation and making sure that these units have the time to prepare if and only if they are deployed. and you had -- when we know success, again, there's been no activation, so no mission assigned. difficult to give you an up-check or down-check on what equates success. what this is about, though, reassurance to our nato allies and we have been talking about that for quite some time, that we are going to be ready, we are going to be prepared to help bolster our allies with capabilities they might need and we are going to do this in lock step with them and with the alliance. this is really about reassuring the eastern flank of nato and also about, and i kind of covered this, too, barb, back to your question of success, it's proving how seriously the united states takes our commitment to nato and to the article 5 commitment inside nato. >> how will you know when the military goals are achieved? >> again, barb, there's been no mission assigned. this is about getting troops ready and back to what we are trying to achieve is a couple of things. obviously we still would like to deter vladimir putin and the russians from another incursion, number one. number two, it's to make sure that we are bolstering and staying unified with the alliance, the appliance stays strong. and so the large bulk of the reason for this, these prepare to deploy orders is really to make sure we are ready to bolster the nato alliance and prove the solidarity of the appliance. those are the two sort of big outcomes here but no mission assigned to the troops, no deployment orders have been sent to them. what the secretary has ordered them to do is be ready to go in some cases on a much shorter tether than what they had before. jen. >> john, can you rule out sending u.s. troops to ukraine? >> that is, i think the president has already spoken to that. as you know, jen, we already do have advisors and some trainers in ukraine. they are still there at their work. >> if you are not willing to send troops to ukraine, what makes you think that this is going to deter vladimir putin? >> i think there's a whole package of things the administration is looking at to try to deter vladimir putin from another incursion, including very severe economic consequences. this is about sending a strong message that we are committed to nato and we are committed to assuring that our allies have the capabilities they need in case they need to defend themselves. >> you need a new aumf to send those troops, the 85 -- >> i'm not aware of any such requirement and we have long standing commitment to the nato response force. we are just one of many nations that will contribute to it. this is very much in keeping with the policies and procedures that have been laid down for activation of the nrf. again, if it's activated and it has not been, david. >> are most of these 8500 ground forces, would they go to the eastern flank, and have you put any units in europe on alert? >> so i think again yes, i think the bulk of them would be considered ground forces, david. as for europe, as i've said before, there are lots of force capabilities already on the european continent under general walters, and i'm absolutely not ruling out the possibility that there will be intratheater moves as well inside europe to bolster nato allies on the eastern flank, and that kind of gets at your second question, which is we are still in consultation with the allies about what they might need, and so i don't have any decisions to read out in terms of specific locations, but we certainly have made it clear to the eastern flank allies that they are prepared to bolster capabilities if needed. again, i want to go back to a core foundation here, the bulk of the troops i'm talking about today are intended for the nato response force, the vast majority of them, and that can only be activated by the alliance, it hasn't been. it is our contribution to the response force and we want to make sure that they are ready to go. i think it's really important to keep remembering that. no deployment orders have been sent, no missions assigned, this is about getting folks ready to go in case they are needed. >> the ones not assigned to the nato response force, they would be going in unilaterally on behalf of the united states. >> it really depends on the need and we are still in consultation with allies about needs. so, i really would be reticent to give you a hard number right now, but we are inactive discussions with our allies about any additional capabilities they might need on top of or outside of the nato response force. >> does that include some of the intratheater moves that you are talking about? >> it could, it could. >> so there could be movement, u.s. troops going to nato allies not part of the nato response force. >> yes, ma'am, that is right. >> any consideration of pulling u.s. troops out of the ukraine, as they pulled americans out? >> there's been no decision abouts moving our trainers in ukraine out, but as i said, many times, we are constantly looking at the situation. we are going to do what's right for their safety and security, that's paramount to us, but as of right now, they are still on the ground in ukraine conducting their advise and assist missions, and obviously if that changes we'll certainly let you know. >> they have not changed the number, right, the footprint the same. >> yes, ma'am. someone on the phone, a lot of questions, we'll get to them all. jared suba. >> hi, mr. kirby. sencom put out a statement saying u.s. patriot missile systems engaged. is the department treating it as a potential attack on u.s. forces or just done to assist the emirates partners. >> i don't want to get into intelligent assistance. this was, obviously this just happened early monday morning, so clearly we have troops at al dafra. we are looking into the possibility this was directed at our forces. we obviously take that seriously. you have seen the statement, we responded to the attack, this ballistic missile attack, and we'll be in close coordination with our emirati partners to assess what happened and what we may need to do going forward. i cannot specifically tell you what the intent of the attack was, but we have to assume, i mean, it would be foolish not to assume that there was a threat to our people, and as you saw from the results we talk that threat seriously. rio. >> thank you, john. i have a quick question about china. the u.s. navy is now operating two carriers in the western passage and recently did large scale exercise in japan. is this a message to china that china should -- why the u.s. is working intently in ukraine? >> we engage in joint operations to include maritime communications, anti-submarine, air warfare, replenishment at sea, the whole scope and particularly when we have the opportunity and not unusual, rio, to take opportunity when you have two aircraft carriers in the same body of water to work together. we do it to strengthen the combat readiness and look, i just reiterate -- try it in english. reiterate that all the training will be conducted in accordance with international law and international waters. janey. >> thank you. two questions for one is north korea and one is south korea and china. and -- >> john: we are going to jump out of the briefing as the questions turn to other issues on south korea right now, as well as china. but the big news is, that 8500 u.s. troops are going to be put on alert, a large contingent of those to be tasked if necessary, if it's activated to the nato response force, and sandra, i thought it was interesting john kirby said there could be some other moves if troops, u.s. troops that are currently stationed in europe, germany, places like that, to what he called the eastern flank, which would be new member nato nations like hungary, lithuania, slovakia, among others. we move troops to the eastern flank, that would be a significant move. >> sandra: the state department is discussing this, let's dip in there. >> because in all of those engagements, the in-person engagements, the conversations, video conferences, in every single one of those engagements, we have heard and you in turn have heard from not only us, but from our european allies and partners, individual allies, nato, osce, g7, the european union, european council, you have heard the same message. if any russian forces move across the border, that's renewed invasion, met with a swift, severe, and united response on the part of the united states and on the part of our allies. so there is no ambiguity about that. there is no ambiguity, there is no daylight. we know that, and importantly the russian federation knows that. >> ok, so, thank you. there is quite a bit of daylight, but i'm not going to -- i'm wondering, can you shed a little light on what you guys want to achieve with this particular meeting, and then i'm going to go on to the nonpaper -- >> let me come back to your flippant remark and maybe it was intended to be a flippant remark. >> no, the president has said there are differences of opinion and this is something that we have been experiencing, we have been seeing -- >> what you have heard from the president, what you have heard from the secretary, what you have heard from the national security advisors and others, in the event of russian aggression against ukraine there will be a response. it will be swift, it will be severe, and the event of an incursion, it will be unprecedented in terms of the steps we are prepared to take. and you can say that there's daylight, but i hope you also take a look and listen to the statements that have emanated from europe capitals, statements from nato, the osae, g7, european commission, united states, allies standing next to secretary blinken, whether it was other allies and partners with whom we have met in recent weeks and over the past two months. so, one can claim there is daylight but certainly if you take a look at the volume and the material that is prominently in the public record i think that would belie the assertion. >> can you talk about the technicalities of what it would entail? >> as the secretary said on friday, we do expect to be in position to send a written response this week. before we do that, and what we are doing right now and this gets to your earlier question about the engagement with our european allies and partners, what we have been doing as you know and as you have seen is constant coordination and consultation with our allies and partners on the other side of the atlantic. we have been doing this in terms of the unprecedented swift strong severe united response that russia would endure in the event of further aggression, but we have also been doing it in the context of the written response that we will provide to the russian federation, just as we have been doing it in response to what we have been saying about areas where there may be the potential for progress on reciprocal steps that could enhance our collective security, and by collective security, the security of the trans atlantic community but also potentially address some of the concerns that russia has put forward. so, as we consider the next step in our engagement and that is in fact the provision of a written response to the russian federation, we are sharing those ideas with, we have shared those ideas with our european allies and partners, taking feedback, incorporating the feedback into the written response and when we are prepared to transmit it we will. i expect it will be this week. >> sandra: you have been listening to ned price, state department spokesman there, and the possibility of putin going into ukraine, saying there will be, if it indeed did happen, a response, a swift, severe and unprecedented response after he received a question about the daylight that one of the reporters was identifying, sort of reminiscent of the communication and the ds of the afghanistan withdrawal, remember john, we were going to the pentagon, the state department, the white house and mixed messages. and heard from john kirby as well, trying to get some clarity what is going to happen next. >> john: and the biggest idea light, when president biden said minor incursion, and others thought the other way. fred, thanks for joining us. 8500 u.s. troops state side put on high alert to join the nato response force if it is activated and the fact the harry truman carrier strike group will be put under a nato flag between now and february 4th. how do you read everything we have heard? >> well, john, i was watching the press conference and the media seemed fairly confused. we have 8500 troops committed to eastern europe but not going into ukraine, they are not going to stop russia from attacking, i think russia will ignore them. it looks to me as if the biden administration wants to be seen as doing something, and i want to say, john, i don't want american troops in ukraine but i don't know what the purpose of the deployment and i don't think media knows either. >> sandra: can you weigh in when it comes to the dependency of germany and their willingness to act here based on the amount of natural gas and oil that they get from russia and the position that puts them in to join the fight? >> you know, it's a huge question. germany made the decision to get rid of the nuclear plants, phasing out coal fired plants, they are dependent on natural gas. we cannot repair it with the liquified national gas ships, they need it from russia. and why germany is so extremely reluctant to join us and stand with ukraine. >> john: and kirby said the nato response force, 40,000 troops, which the u.s. would supply somewhere in the neighborhood of 8,000, maybe a little less than that, but if germany is not going to come into the fight here, per se, where are the rest of the forces going to come from? and might we need to up our commitment? >> i think that's a good question, john. but what will the troops do? they are not going to go into ukraine, i guess they'll be in bulgaria and romania and poland, that's fine. looks like russia wants to invade ukraine. they'll be watching from the sidelines if putin goes in this, threaten sanctions, we did it in 2014 when russia invaded crimea and i suspect that's what putin assumes will happen again. >> sandra: you heard from general keith kellogg about that, and morgan weighing in on the failed foreign policy decisions we have seen so far from this administration and why vladimir putin might very clearly see an opportunity here. >> he might see an opportunity but i don't think all hope is lost. i think that there's a good chance putin is trying to use this deployment as leverage, and he's already getting significant concessions from the u.s. we are offering not to do military exercises near the russian border, to get back into the flawed i.n.f. treaty that president trump withdrew from. good concessions. putin is a good poker player, maybe he's playing poker. >> john: about 30 seconds left here, if you put u.s. forces into the baltic states, that's right on russia, right on belarus' border but close to russia. could that be provocative? >> i think it's moving in the direction putin is not interested in, but ukraine, quiet diplomacy. let's send a senior diplomat to meet with putin and talk this through. >> sandra: 8500 u.s. troops stand ready, heightened alert if the invasion were to happen. fred, thanks for joining us, and john, 60% of the natural gas that germany uses comes from russia, 34% of the oil >> martha: thank you. i'm martha maccallum at fox news headers in new york. president biden will be on a call with european leaders. 8,500 forces here in the united states are told to be at a ready stage. highened alert. the time frame to be deployed is narrower now.

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Making Healthcare Simpler , Answer , Company , Costs , Consultation , Briefing , Coordination , Atlantic , Partners , Conversation , Front , Discussion , Readout , Impact , Decision , Announcement , Affirmative Action Case , College Admissions , Relation , Commitment , Course , Opportunity , Department Of Justice , Equity , Benefits , Education , Litigation , Diversity , Executive Order , Department Of Education , Day One , Populations , Students , Issuing Guidance , Colleges , Serving , School Obligations , Universities , Hispanic Serving Institutions , Institutions , Minority , Rights , 21 Billion , 1 Billion , Claims , Brief Update , Harassment , College , Defense Department , Consulting , Scenarios , Refining , 45 , Discussions , Conversations , Security , Flank , Fact , Counterparts , Advance , Assistance , Option , Update , Process , Romania , Would Fortify , Contingency Planning , Attitude , Shift , Preparations , President Putin , Military Action , Secretary Of State , Trip , Leaders , Last Question , European Council , Bit , Pentagon , Beginning , Defense Efforts , Deterrents , Team , Contingency Planning Process , Possibility , Point Of View , Clamoring , Ukrainian Foreign Ministry , Status , Ambassador , Town , We , Manifestation , Glow , Excess Caution , Level , Travel Advisory , Four , Conflicts , House Speaker , Ethiopia , Leadership , Request , Objective , Reports , Lawmakers , Jake Sullivan , Executive Action , Reform , Realm , Law Enforcement Officers , Reminder , Sacrifice , Bus , Subway , Gun Violence Last Spring , Disposal , Tools , Law , Treatment , Safety , Ideals , Policing System , Criminal Justice , Reforms , Deal , Timings , 1100 , Predecessor , Stock , Trends , Indicator , Working Families , Family , Success , Paycheck , Dignity , Breathing Room , Opt Out , Virginia , Progress , Districts , 350000 , School Board Members , Health , Parents , Think , School Districts , Teachers , Administrators , Guidance , Implementation , Public Health , Masks , School , Safe , Keep Schools , Tool , Transmissions , Studies , Children , Leader , Tactics , Provision , Politics , Head Start Communities , Kids , Mask , Parent , Guidelines , Community , Child , Decisions , Anybody , Being , Crystal Clear , Everybody , Say , Classmates , School Community Safe , What , Ed , Facts , Surge , Peter Doocy , Police Departments , Gun Violence , Underfunding , Need , Public , Reporting , Roles , Rise , Career , Action On , Resources , Funding , Murder Rate , High , 25 , Risk , On , Tragedy , Law Enforcement , Grants , Community Policing , Cities , The Beat , Republican , 50 Million , 139 Million , 750 Million , 39 Million , Record , Gun Dealers , Launched Gun Trafficking Strike Forces , Tolerance , 0 , Effort , Community Policing Programs , Approach , Driver , Crime Rate , Odds , Market Activity , Bottom , 534 , Trend , On Trends , Stock Markets , Shutdown , 7 5 , Attention , Byron , Little , Step , School Officials , Masking Requirements , Authorities , Health Practices , She , Page County , School District , Chesapeake , It Parents , It School Boards , Sports , Letter , Virginia Legislature , Cdc , Republicans , Gubernatorial , Responsibility , Side , Another , Unions , Authority , Apologies , Polls , Hit Time , Abbreviation , John Roberts , Friend , Forces , World , Point , It Today , Inflation Crisis , Doom , Gloom , 383 , Department , Breaking News , Times , Scene , Emotion , Attack , Rookie Officer , Nation , Charles Galloway , Police Department , Harris County , Deputies , Funeral Arrangements , Miles Away , 1600 , Traffic Stop , Manhunt , Alexis Mcadams , Dallas , Ambush Attack , Anger , Sadness 2021 , 2021 , Units , Video , What S Going On , Ambush , Duty , Down , Woman , Matter , Sources , Harlem Complex , 911 , Gunman , Door , Adult , Son , High School , Condition , Felony Drug Charge , Probation , Offenses , Variety , Rivera , Mcneil , Rounds , Holding , Policing Strategy , Houston , Gangs , Team Coverage , Hi , Top , Press Conference , Details , Casey In Dallas , Constable , Southwest Side , Toyota , Avalon , Investigators , Vehicle , Fire , Squad Car , Nothing , Hospitals , Body , Advice , Respects , Comrade , Individuals , Police Chief , Words , Bullet Holes , Aerial Pictures , Sun , Impound Lot , Sister , Daughter , 47 , 12 , Person , Trigger , Blue , Patrol Officer , Founder , Injury , Police Officers , Hospital , Assault , Politicians , Experience , Rules , Sit , Uniform , West Coast , Perpetrator , Image , Magazine , Hands , Weapon , Let S Put Up The Gun , Gun Laws , Legislation , Bars , Firearms , Black Market , Gun Dealer , Accountability , John Eric Adams Ran , Sentence , Platform , Train , Times Square Station , R , Injuries , Killers , Chance , Breath , Baby , Face , Change , Litany , Robberies , 16 , 65 , Lives , Let S Go , Meeting , Hawk Newsom , Didn T , Victims , Market Slide , Thoughts , Prayers , Middle , Red , 550 , Means , This , Spending Stuff , Mix Up , Perspective , Downs , Virus , Highs , Correction , Market Watchers , 10 , Recovery , Tension , Saw A Buying Opportunity , Overseas , Region , Invasions , Winner , Rotisserie , Ticking , Clock , Bacon Ranch , Footlong , Bacon , Delay , Game , Peppercorn Ranch , Whistle Blowing , App , Save Big , Oh Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , Oh , Adults , Weight , Heart Disease , 7 , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Isn T , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Share , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Right , Parks , Buick , 5 , Whistle Blows , Players , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , The Field , Yup , Briefings , Fears , Podiums , Suv , Greg A , Keith Kellogg , National Security Advisor , 9 , Spoke , Belarus , East , Weaponry , Military Aid 180 Tons , 00 Million , 200 Million , Making , Type , Generations , Case Scenario , War , Sure , Military Invasion , Verge , Northwest , North , South , Order Of Battle Putin , Ability , Pressure , Piece , Line Units , S400 Air Defense Batteries , S35 Jets , 90 , Olympics , Missiles , Line Armor , Directions , Confidence , Commander , Looks , Prime Effort , Divide , Prediction , Thought , Hinge , Ground Thaws , Mud , 20 , Advantage , Armor , Chance Diplomacy , Passage , Belief , Sir , Parts , Mosquito Bite , Noise , He Doesn T Care , Alerts , Consequences , Energy Numbers , Play , Natural Gas , Stake , Emergency Resources , Buying Russian Energy , List , 2017 , Harry Truman , Flag , Kirby , Time , Military Development , Carrier Strike Group , Cold War , Neighborhood , Boost , Atlanta , Learning , Hard Work , Freedom , Faith , Character , Principles , Essential , God , Purposes , Mental Health , Hillsdale College , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Td , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Td Movements , Dose , Food , Pill , Activities , Ingredients , Heart Rhythm Problems , Sleepiness , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Doctor , Zero , Zero Dollars , Uss , Nato Response Force , Commitment Are Iron Clad , Contingencies , Interests , Defense , Alliance , Aggression , Combat , Department Of Defense , Event , Construct , Air , Special Operations , Components , Land , All Together , 40000 , Joint Task Force , Land Brigade , Element , Domains , 20000 , Special Operation Forces Components , Readiness , Nrf , Situations , Prepareness , Secretary Austin , Secretary , Alert , Updates , 8500 , Activation , Logistics , Aviation , Security Environment , Brigade Combat Teams , Capabilities , Transportation , Reconnaissance , Surveillance , Posture , Tether , Unit , Frame , Movement , Force Posture , Organizations , Disposition , Continent , Bob , Response Force , Reinforcement , First , Russia Incursion , Yes , Bulk , Nato Rapid Response , Second Question , Reinforcement Functions , Opening Statement , Contingency , Postured , Russians , Intention , Deescalating , State Of Alert , Nations , Contributions , Make , Odd Strong , Barb , Notice , Per Se , Specificity , Notification Process , Aviation Support , Logistics Personnel , Missions , Scope , In Lock Step , Reassurance , Eastern Flank , Goals , Incursion , Number One , Couple , Appliance , Orders , Deployment Orders , Outcomes , Solidarity , Trainers , Advisors , Package , Message , Requirement , Assuring , Aumf , Procedures , Keeping , Ground Forces , Most , David , European Continent Under General Walters , Lots , Kind , Locations , Core Foundation , Contribution , It Hasn T , Folks , Behalf , Reticent , Ma Am , Ukraine Out , Advise , Assist , Footprint , Same , Phone , Mr , Jared Suba , Sencom , Statement , Patriot Missile Systems , Monday Morning , Al Dafra , Intent , Results , U S Navy , China , Rio , Carriers , Scale Exercise , Western Passage , Japan , Communications , Operations , Working Intently , Anti Submarine , Air Warfare , Replenishment At Sea , Aircraft Carriers , Water , Training , Combat Readiness , Accordance , Waters , Janey , English , News , South Korea , North Korea , Contingent , 4 , February 4th , 8000 , 2014 , 34 ,

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