Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilto

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240708

additional nato troops sent to romania in the baltics to send a signal to russian president vladimir putin not to try to move into any neighboring countries. putin has not made it a direct threat to nato country and ukraine is not a nato member. all of this comes a briefing from uk intelligence over the weekend that putin is planning to install a progression president and ukraine and orders from her state department the families to evacuate ukraine. joining us with the latest national security correspondent jennifer griffin. this was surprising to me this briefing but it seems to add up that maybe this is the strategy we had these briefings this is a briefing were over the last few days the briefing from u.s. intelligence about putin planning false flag operations for a pretext for invasion and then the ukraine russian president and now open briefing about troop deployment, is that the plan to deter putin with this media war in a sense? >> i don't know i would assess it that way. i think what you're seeing reporters are getting indication from officials about how very serious the situation is right now in ukraine and the intelligence whether intelligence has been shared with britain or the five eyes and u.s. intelligence is all indicating the same thing that russia has 127,000 troops with more on its way to the borders all sides of the borders with ukraine their increasing indication of movement and interceptions of intelligence that suggest that putin may try to overthrow the government and place somebody in a position of power that might invite those russian troops in. what were reporting the meeting at camp david that occurred this weekend with president biden meeting yesterday with his joint chief and secretary of state and national security advisor that he was presented options to send u.s. troops to nato allies on russia's western plank in eastern europe, basically the baltics, perhaps romania and it would be 3 - 5000 troops but that could go much, much higher if putin does invade ukraine and if the nato allies feel threatened, other nato allies contribute and were told the number could rise. i'm also told by a senior administration official that the president has not made a final decision yet. these are the options that have been presented but these are muscular options because what they are seeing and what i am being told, they believe putin's plan to go into ukraine would be a massive invasion and bloodied, violent and i am just -- one reporting tonight is biden is weighing u.s. troops to those nato allies. steve: one quick follow-up before the holidays in early december president biden very categorically said there would be no boots on the ground in ukraine, is that still your understanding notwithstanding the news were hearing to troops to nato allies? >> absolutely that still the position of this administration no u.s. troops sent to fight russian troops in ukraine that is not in the cards there are 150 special operations green berets and national guards inside ukraine right now doing training exercises but if putin were to invade those troops would be airlifted out. the u.s. is not going to be fighting russian troops on the ground inside ukraine but they will bolster nato allies who feel very nervous tonight with so many russian troops on the border of ukraine. steve: it seems like it's coming to a head, moving very fast and i know you will be following up. thank you. joining me now former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus what your reaction for what were hearing tonight. >> i think there's an important distinction as jennifer just pointed out from the troops going potentially to eastern europe to the baltics to nato allies versus ukraine i am not for american troops being involved in ukraine and i don't think the congress would be either in quite frankly the congress is out this week and if this administration is considering a serious action chuck schumer and nancy pelosi should bring the congress back to look at potential sanctions. the problem with this administration is biden in all his senior team who are obama people. this is an obama biden crowd writing the foreign policy of the government. they all believe they can get putin and other desperate around the world to behave like schoolboys there naïve and dealing with these people and fundamentally how donald trump was different in dealing with these leaders around the world. he understood what it took to stand up to them. what we had for a year biden had all of this tough talk in the campaign but he's consistently sucked up to the worst regimes around the world he's tried intensive diplomacy i don't know what that means but they keep talking tweeting with hashtags and somehow that is supposed to scare putin. a strategy will scare putin. steve: if you look to the extent that there is no strategy frankly if you look the one word we discussed many times if you look at what's happening since afghanistan with china and taiwan with iran in the steel that there laughing at biden is now prudent in ukraine, this kind of weakness just encourages that behavior from these regimes, doesn't it. >> i been out with you a lot, i don't think you can consider me a hyperbolic guest i think that we are living in one of the most dangerous times in any of her lifetimes that's because putin sends is inaction and weakness from this government and by the way i think anybody could they're able to see the poll numbers of what's going on in america as much as anybody who lives here is not that hard to figure out that putin knows in my assessment that joe biden will not be president in 2024 so is going to get away with as much as he's going to get away with. in the last year instead of following putin and begging him to summit doing whatever intensive diplomacy we should've been sanctioning the russians then and sending to the ukrainians for the past year. all these things are tried to do at the 11th hour is a little hard when putin has 150,000 troops and weaponry and armory on the western flag. >> as the administration which you were a part of the trump administration, you sent weapons to ukraine you were tough on russia over the nord stream pipeline. on and on it goes tougher china on their behavior. it is so clear the contrast between the trump approach which was peace through strength and now what we see with biden is weakness inviting potentially war and it's frightening exactly as you say, great to see you tonight we appreciate it. after his first year in office all the polls show the biden is more popular than ever that is because we have the exact opposite of what we were promised they told us if they put the grown-ups back in charge and if the establishment took back the reins of power after trump's populace resolution, they would figure it all out, the pandemic would be shut down and the economy revived in foreign policy and safety legislation will be passed in the countries divisions would be healed but a year into the restoration what we have instead of shutting down the pandemic many more dead than during the trump administration even though biden had trump's vaccines. instead of revived economy is barely working for anyone even the new york times says today on the economy biden did not have a very good year instead of more competent humane government we have a humanitarian disaster at the border and of course afghanistan to with biden's narcissism and deity directly to the depths of 13 of our brave soldiers, hundreds of asking the thousands of americans and allies and millions threatened by policy instead of a return to the world stage biden has made america a laughingstock as a regimes run a mark in the fate of his weakness in instead of the unity he promised biden fan the flames of hate and division even stoking racial tensions with his disgusting cynical rent in atlanta. it is not just the one year anniversary the biden regime. it is two years since the pandemic started and that's the biggest establishment disaster of them all the biggest public policy failure in history and the biggest government scandal in history, wife, these people, these establishments who parade around in lecturing and virtue signaling about how good they are in deplorable they are, they are most likely responsible for creating the pandemic, pandemic that is killed five and half million people they are responsible for mishandling the pandemic with ineffective lockdowns intensive trillions of dollars in untold human misery and there now engaged in a massive cover-up of the monumental crimes against society. almost exactly a year ago we laid out here on the show for the first time on television the evidence that points to not only the one lab as the origin of the pandemic virus but our own government's role commissioning and funded his creation. every single thing that we said was true then truer than we knew since our original investigation, we learn the eagle health alliance, the middleman between dr. fauci and wuhan was preparing a research project that describes exact genetic changes that made the pandemic virus so unusually infectious. they have been conducting incredibly risky experiments on other dangerous viruses in china like merck and just this month we learned that dr. fauci and others talk to february the first, 2020 and were told the pandemic virus could been antedated in the wuhan bob instilled despite two years of looking no plausible animal post, no basis for the natural origin theory of this virus has ever been found. almost two years ago on the show we laid out exactly what was wrong with the establishment lockdown response to the pandemic. the lockdown denied the clear scientific reality that somewhere much more at risk from the virus and others in their response did not try to take account of lockdowns. we knew from the start that most people the virus cause mild or symptoms but the lockdown massive hard for everyone especially the most unforgettably for children. these are establishment jesus is who created the pandemic in the first place and mishandled it from the start these people who are responsible for death and misery on a scale matched in human history only by the 20th century most crazed dictators, are they humbled, no, they are promoted they rewarded idiot biden takes the man most likely for responsible for the pay direct the man certainly responsible for the mishandling of the pandemic and promotes him and grotesquely the idiots in international establishment reward the authoritarian dictatorship as it covered up the outbreak at the start and allowed it to spread around the world, they rewarded him with the propaganda. since 2014 dr. fauci pushed through his reckless gain-of-function virus experiments of obama and trump administration rules as far as we know it could still be going on and funded the next pandemic this week we asked the nah what other gain-of-function research and what we got was 0 assurances not going on since you're using the same misleading language and they tried to policy off a year ago. dr. fauci fan boys tried to cover it all up and if you tell the truth about any of it they call it misinformation. this ludicrous website called our investigation of conspiracy theory. the media trashed it, facebook banned any mention reversing themselves last may. dr. fauci started with polite denials. >> we had a modest collaboration with very respectable chinese scientists through world experts on coronavirus and we did that through subgrant from a larger grant to eagle health, there was nothing in the grant application and/or granting of the purpose of the grant and the description of the grant that would call for what is referred to gain-of-function. >> of modernist collaboration as a pressure mounted the mask slip. >> i've never lied before the congress. >> you do not know what you are talking about. >> we resent the lie that you are propagating. >> i've not lied before congress i have never lied certainly not before congress, case closed. >> not exactly that that he became totally unhinged. >> you are distorting everything about me. >> you keep coming back to personal attacks on me and you personally attack me and accuse me of being responsible and threats upon my life and people are lying about me. steve: me, me, me kind of narcissism you expect for portraits of themselves in office, the establishment is trying to cover-up the responsibility for the lockdowns to and other stupid ineffective and totally distracted pandemic policies, now they admit none of it worked lockdowns, masks, social distancing but the scientific facts were clear from the start a highly contagious airborne virus could not be stopped this way but when we told the truth from the start and said this here is worse than the disease they said we were pushing misinformation and we were putting lives at risk. he was engaged in misinformation, think about the level of fear mongering from the establishment media that produce this response from a parent this week concerning about glenn youngkin indiana statewide mask mandate in virginia schools. >> i'm really disappointed because i'm scared, i'm scared for my kids, i'm scared for her classmates and i feel like whatever protection do we have. steve: scared, the virus is barely a risk for the kids but two years the establishment and began terrified. like that. what other protection do we have then masks, cloth masks are no protection at all but for two years the establishment media treated you like a murder if you pointed out the scientific fact and now they turn around and say obviously masks don't work and of course schools need to be open we must not have another lockdown. where were you to use ago when those of us told told the truth and trashed and vilified do you think will let you forget how wrong you were or how much damage you did or the new establishment in the air get out of control scientist the public health experts the cowardly politicians who unquestionably followed the demented recommendations and the pathetic media stooges who parroted the misinformation, we will not forget and we will not forgive anyone with power and authority with the public platform who went along with dr. fauci in the lunatic divorce from reality unscientific that handwashing and the wiping of the social distancing and the temperature taking, the endless pointless testing. anybody who went along with the lockdown and masking children and closing schools, you are all complicit in these crimes against humanity and we will not let you invade accountability. these establishment geniuses and adults back in charge under biden unleashed inflation they messed up the supply chain they destroyed our energy independence, the opener border, chaos abroad crime wave at home and hate and division worse than ever now very little doubt they did create the pandemic. it was the fatty virus in my opinion. there is no doubt at all they did mishandled the pandemic in the keer was worse than the disease. we were right, they were wrong and we must never let them forget it. follow us at steve hilton asked it fnc ensure this message will be posted. be posted. we'll be right back with lisa genexa is the first clean medicine company. what does clean medicine mean anyway? it's the same active ingredients you know and trust but without the synthetic stuff you don't want. well i don't want artificial dyes in my kid's medicine. is genexa right for me? yes! genexa uses clean non-gmo ingredients. -we've gone vegan. -and talk about it constantly. -is genexa right for us? -yes! -well i have a gluten thing. -yes! -well... -yes! -well.. -yes! is this just another stupid big pharma ad? -no! look for genexa, the first clean medicine company. i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. 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of the pandemic we were talking about that now let's bring in w.h.o. expert and export of hacking darwin genetic engineering to talk about the other massive issue we were just disgusting the origin of the pandemic. you have been on this for so long now. just to tee up a conversation. i want to play you something from the biden press conference this week >> they are not being transparent. >> transparency on the coronavirus origin. >> yes. >> you did. >> is there a reason you're press staff was unaware that. >> and what did you say to the chinese president. >> they were with me the entire time is be what i don't know that doesn't give me huge confidence the u.s. is putting the full weight behind trying to get an answer here. >> we absolutely need to be pushing it is outrageous that more than two years after the initial break there is no comprehensive international investigation into the pandemic origin, as you know i'm a democrat been on this case from the earliest days of the pandemic and the possibility of a lab incident and i don't based on everything it's correct to call this the fatty virus but we have to ask really tough questions, certainly of ourselves but more importantly of the chinese there is a cover representative, clearly china has a cover-up. they have been destroying samples, hiding records, imprisoning journalist and a gag order on chinese scientists in blocking any meaningful investigation and as you said, it's just outrageous that we are about to start the winter olympics in china and china has been given the grand spectacle we need to hold china accountable and we need to ask tough questions and we need to keep pushing. steve: that is a fair point we can disagree about that there are two parts of it, the leak from the lab and all the cover-up as you been really investigating in all the action that was taken or not taken that could've prevented this from turning into a pandemic if we had transparent information at the start that is clearly on china. do you think there is any prospect of getting a real answer whether the w.h.o. investigation standing today and do you think after the olympics president xi will be emboldened and think he can get away with anything? >> i think certainly president xi is emboldened not just because of the olympics but because of things that are happening all across the world in the south china sea and elsewhere and that's why we need to keep pushing, whatever the numbers that economists estimate 12 million people are dead unnecessarily in my view as a result totally avoidable pandemic if china can get away with this kind of disaster and as you know i believe it is most likely the pandemic stems from a lab accident but regardless we know it was a criminal cover-up by the chinese government in the earliest days of the pandemic that unlock the stove fire to turn into kitchen fire and into a world fire in china can start this pandemic and not allow any investigation and everybody acts as if it didn't happen, what kind of transparency and accountability can be expected the future. steve: you put it so well pleasure talking and think you're right, it is unbelievable that we are where we are we have all these arguments about the lockdown to just about to get into that with lisa but it was all avoidable. totally avoidable. >> totally avoidable and if we don't learn the lessons we will be at this again very, very soon and that is not necessary that is why we have to act now. steve: thank you so much for your consistent voice it is great to see you tonight. let's bring it lisa boothe. the other side of this is the mishandling of the pandemic. it is just like we've been talking about it for so long but it's just enraging to me that suddenly ucsc but all across the media, we know that masks don't work in schools and number lockdowns, where were they two years ago when we were saying all of that from the start nothing has changed, the facts have not changed and now they're turning around hoping we forget that they were for the stuff. >> i don't think they care, their lives were not really impacted by this is the business owner who lost his job and the parent whose teen committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. a lot of people in charge stayed home and their lives were largely protected. i don't think they care and there's a callousness in the way to the casually dropping all the truth bombs, cloth masks don't work there is a difference between covid versus covid the vaccines don't stop the spread, no big deal, lockdowns didn't work either, think about all of them, we don't have a full accounting of the damage that these policies have caused it was not covid, it was government in the people and charged commissary policies that have not only not worked but it caused harm, significant harm and we don't know the full extent of the. steve: that is right when they talk about the cost of the pandemic and when biden goes on about the pandemic and they blame everything on the inflation or whatever scrub with the pandemic, no it's not the pandemic it didn't necessarily have to be that it was their choice to do these lockdowns. >> we knew earlier on in the pandemic new york was looking over 66% of people stayed home we've seen data that restaurants were a major source of the spread and they continue to be shut down and i think one of the dangerous things that happened over the past couple of years if it's ever to smear in silence people who have question, we saw that with the origins of the lab your conspiracy theory, people got the platform for raising questions in for instance unlabeled and anti-vax because of questions only about these vaccines that were the fastest ever created even the cdc website knows the mrna is relatively new it is newly deployed in this way we don't have long-term data. it is dangerous to ask questions, why, why can we not ask questions. i think to get to the bottom of it it's because they don't want it informed public they want compliant public. steve: that is exactly right, another example that just occurs that you're speaking, natural immunity. for years everyone who pointed out natural immunity is a better protection and it was dismissed again as anti-vax in the conspiracy theory, now the cdc saying is there an apology, any kind of acknowledgment if we were right all along, no. >> what insane all of these things are perfectly reasonable thanks to have conversations about to bring about and want to discuss and talk about and you are labeled as something terrible for raising common sense concerns so we reach this place of insanity and i hope accountability for the people who brought her for so many people around the country and secondly i hope there's an increased distrust and government and people become better stewards of information and critical thinkers because they think the best thing is to not trust government, what is the government done right and to help society, they have damaged society over the past couple of years people need to be more critical in distrusting, it is healthier. steve: that was a theme of what i said earlier the establishments and list disasters that keep getting it wrong and keep screwing up and they keep trying to boss us around as they are the expert. it's incredibly important what you're saying and the fact that you have spoken out and you always question everything, that is the mindset that we all need to have we appreciate you doing that. it is great to see you tonight. don't go away. we'll be right buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. receipts go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform 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enforced business closures and why did america have the rebound, obviously because president trump got the vaccines delivered in record time and what biden did the democrats have done is put brakes on the trump rebound by paying people not to work raising energy costs and throwing people out of the workforce with the anti-scientist unjustified mandates and as a result even with the london until low unemployment there is 3 million americans out of the workforce compared to what we had with trump just before the pandemic computer looking up the historic data on labor participation besides the american workforce as a proportion of the working age population. here it is under biden and is last month a labor participation rate of 61.9% at the height of the pandemic economic shutdown that is the lowest since jimmy carter stagnation in february 1977. the great booming economy biden and the rest of them are trained to brag about now has the worst inflation and 39 years in the worst job market in 45 years. i guess that is historic, historically bad, here's reaction from jason chaffetz. how much credit do you think biden and his gang should get for this fantastic academy they want to brag about? >> is the best kept secret across the nation. inside the beltway business has never been better for lobbyist and for government workers. but when you go out of the heartland in the real world people understand that things are not so great and i don't care how jen psaki graphics look like, americans understand things are not quite so rosy take of the back in 1977 the reality is you're absolutely right the labor participation rate is the right electric and it is not pretty. steve: we worked in politics and the politicians, of course you try to put the best on everything we get it but this thing that he has created more jobs in the first year of the administration, it is so insulting to the intelligence and everyone could see that is coming back from the pandemic shutdown which they were the ones that were pushing forward more than anyone else. >> first of all government does not create jobs is an entrepreneur in real people that create real jobs but the government jobs are up i will give them that because of the government spending but it is people political spin. if you owned a small restaurant and the owners had 12 employees, but they had to leave because of covid in the shutdown. when they hire back a people that was not a jobs created they have lost for people that never came back to work in the business suffered and suffered immensely over the two years. until biden gets rid of dr. fauci in the lockdowns and the mandates and get kids back in school and the masks off of the airplanes and things like that i think the public is just not going to buy the political spin that biden is trying to put on us. steve: get rid of the policies that pay people not to work, get rid of the energy policies that push up businesses cost, you could go on and on everything that they're doing is making it worse. great to see you on that and we will see you later in the show as well. don't go away. hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health products online our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and thanks to shipstation's discounted rates we're saving a ton. honestly, we couldn't do it without shipstation join over 100,000 online sellers who get ship done with shipstation go to /tv and get 2 months free. tony here, from let's talk credit. what are you doing to improve your credit? do i need to improve my credit? well, that depends. do you like saving money? if you had a score of 630, a $300,000 home would cost about this much after a 30-year mortgage. that same loan would instead look like this if your score was just 30 points higher at 660. that's over $60,000 just because of your credit. wow, that's incredible. so don't wait, start working to improve your credit with steve: for years those of us who live in california under democrats have occasionally talked about the scenes of homelessness and the general collapse of civilization and order have turned some of our once beautiful cities into places that resemble a third world country. that's outrageous the democrats would reply. not long ago gavin newsom was boasting california is roaring back after the pandemic with one of the highest unemployment rates and pofer rates in the nation. look what changed his tune when he saw for himself the total chaos thanks to the robberies from trains. the direct result of democrat policies which defunded the police and decriminalized crime. >> it looks like a third world country. what you saw here is not acceptable. suit and tie. i can't take it. i can't tush on the news any more. what the hell is going on? clean it up. steve: what the hell is going on? this is terrible. somebody should do something about it. what? me? are you insane? it's not my fault. the democrats decided it's the railroad's fault. they are attacking union pacific for not employing enough private security guards. just like the democrats' supply chain crisis is your fault for wanting too much stuff. remember the next time you are attacked on the street, you should have lired your own protection. do you think the government should have provided safety on the streets? that old-fashioned and not very progressive. snooty elitists who tell you crime isn't a problem have private security. far left democrats in california weren't happy with newsom's comment about the third world country. but they were upset that he used the term third world instead of developing nation. that's today's left in a nutshell. more concerned with the words you use than what's happening in real life. as long as the democrat leaders are led by handful of left wing activists on twitter they will never change the extremist policies that ruined california. we'll be right back. thanks for bringing me with 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in power this is a dangerous place for the party and the president to be at the one-year mark of his presidency. it is a dangerous place to be. what do you make of that? >> the president and, that harris got everything they wanted their the house, the senate the presidency and all the policies that they wanted it shown that america is rejected not and they don't want it i think there will be a shellacking into her the 5% that the joe biden. steve: that's exactly my reaction pre-here's another thing unintentionally hilarious press conference where he was explaining what the reset would be and apparently it involves him talkative or people. watch this. >> i found myself in the situation, i don't get a chance to look people in the eye because of covid and things happening in washington. to go out and do the things that i've always been able to do is connect with people and let them take a measure of my sincerity and a measure of who i am. his equity turn it around? >> you can't look them in the eyes unmask does not go over your eyeballs. taking a page out of kamala harris, the biggest failing of your presidency, you haven't gotten out of the office enough, are you kidding me take some impromptu questions like donald trump did every single day, he never talk to the press he shuns the press but the reality is the policies are what is failing. crime and immigration and all these things that we've never take enough time to talk about he is failing because his policies in america hates it. steve: it is so amazing it's a classic response everything is great it is just bad communication a better communication people only understood just how great were doing it would be amazingly popular. from a republican point of view and perspective of anybody who wants to see the policies and for example retaking washington it's good, if they don't change in only a few more months left they make it more likely the republicans will do well in the midterms. >> if you know that american is off-track and you want to change you to go back and hire the same people as my former colleague jim jordan likes to say and i said on your show before if the biden plan is working how come it is not working that the fundamental problem of what's going on america noses on the wrong track in a wants to change that is good for republicans in the house and the senate and the presidency. biden is on the ballot but he really is because his policies are so not palatable with the direction the country needs to go. steve: it is so dishonest is exactly the opposite of what he promised he is not a leader he was led just like the democratic in california by the activists and all these crazy people in twitter. >> we really should've listened to senator bernie sanders when he said he would be the most progressive president in the history of the united states but biden went to sell himself as a uniter to bring people together but it was barack obama that had choice words don't underestimate joe biden's ability to screw things up. steve: i think it was as things up and i think you prove that. thank you all for watching don't >> ainsley: we began with a fox news alert. the state department ordering u.s. diplomats and some embassy staff to evacuate from ukraine as the russian attack on its neighbor could be imminent. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this monday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> and i am todd piro and that decision as deploying thousands of u.s. troops to the baltic state to support our nato allies. steve harrigan life on the ground, steve what is the lates? >>

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240708

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additional nato troops sent to romania in the baltics to send a signal to russian president vladimir putin not to try to move into any neighboring countries. putin has not made it a direct threat to nato country and ukraine is not a nato member. all of this comes a briefing from uk intelligence over the weekend that putin is planning to install a progression president and ukraine and orders from her state department the families to evacuate ukraine. joining us with the latest national security correspondent jennifer griffin. this was surprising to me this briefing but it seems to add up that maybe this is the strategy we had these briefings this is a briefing were over the last few days the briefing from u.s. intelligence about putin planning false flag operations for a pretext for invasion and then the ukraine russian president and now open briefing about troop deployment, is that the plan to deter putin with this media war in a sense? >> i don't know i would assess it that way. i think what you're seeing reporters are getting indication from officials about how very serious the situation is right now in ukraine and the intelligence whether intelligence has been shared with britain or the five eyes and u.s. intelligence is all indicating the same thing that russia has 127,000 troops with more on its way to the borders all sides of the borders with ukraine their increasing indication of movement and interceptions of intelligence that suggest that putin may try to overthrow the government and place somebody in a position of power that might invite those russian troops in. what were reporting the meeting at camp david that occurred this weekend with president biden meeting yesterday with his joint chief and secretary of state and national security advisor that he was presented options to send u.s. troops to nato allies on russia's western plank in eastern europe, basically the baltics, perhaps romania and it would be 3 - 5000 troops but that could go much, much higher if putin does invade ukraine and if the nato allies feel threatened, other nato allies contribute and were told the number could rise. i'm also told by a senior administration official that the president has not made a final decision yet. these are the options that have been presented but these are muscular options because what they are seeing and what i am being told, they believe putin's plan to go into ukraine would be a massive invasion and bloodied, violent and i am just -- one reporting tonight is biden is weighing u.s. troops to those nato allies. steve: one quick follow-up before the holidays in early december president biden very categorically said there would be no boots on the ground in ukraine, is that still your understanding notwithstanding the news were hearing to troops to nato allies? >> absolutely that still the position of this administration no u.s. troops sent to fight russian troops in ukraine that is not in the cards there are 150 special operations green berets and national guards inside ukraine right now doing training exercises but if putin were to invade those troops would be airlifted out. the u.s. is not going to be fighting russian troops on the ground inside ukraine but they will bolster nato allies who feel very nervous tonight with so many russian troops on the border of ukraine. steve: it seems like it's coming to a head, moving very fast and i know you will be following up. thank you. joining me now former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus what your reaction for what were hearing tonight. >> i think there's an important distinction as jennifer just pointed out from the troops going potentially to eastern europe to the baltics to nato allies versus ukraine i am not for american troops being involved in ukraine and i don't think the congress would be either in quite frankly the congress is out this week and if this administration is considering a serious action chuck schumer and nancy pelosi should bring the congress back to look at potential sanctions. the problem with this administration is biden in all his senior team who are obama people. this is an obama biden crowd writing the foreign policy of the government. they all believe they can get putin and other desperate around the world to behave like schoolboys there naïve and dealing with these people and fundamentally how donald trump was different in dealing with these leaders around the world. he understood what it took to stand up to them. what we had for a year biden had all of this tough talk in the campaign but he's consistently sucked up to the worst regimes around the world he's tried intensive diplomacy i don't know what that means but they keep talking tweeting with hashtags and somehow that is supposed to scare putin. a strategy will scare putin. steve: if you look to the extent that there is no strategy frankly if you look the one word we discussed many times if you look at what's happening since afghanistan with china and taiwan with iran in the steel that there laughing at biden is now prudent in ukraine, this kind of weakness just encourages that behavior from these regimes, doesn't it. >> i been out with you a lot, i don't think you can consider me a hyperbolic guest i think that we are living in one of the most dangerous times in any of her lifetimes that's because putin sends is inaction and weakness from this government and by the way i think anybody could they're able to see the poll numbers of what's going on in america as much as anybody who lives here is not that hard to figure out that putin knows in my assessment that joe biden will not be president in 2024 so is going to get away with as much as he's going to get away with. in the last year instead of following putin and begging him to summit doing whatever intensive diplomacy we should've been sanctioning the russians then and sending to the ukrainians for the past year. all these things are tried to do at the 11th hour is a little hard when putin has 150,000 troops and weaponry and armory on the western flag. >> as the administration which you were a part of the trump administration, you sent weapons to ukraine you were tough on russia over the nord stream pipeline. on and on it goes tougher china on their behavior. it is so clear the contrast between the trump approach which was peace through strength and now what we see with biden is weakness inviting potentially war and it's frightening exactly as you say, great to see you tonight we appreciate it. after his first year in office all the polls show the biden is more popular than ever that is because we have the exact opposite of what we were promised they told us if they put the grown-ups back in charge and if the establishment took back the reins of power after trump's populace resolution, they would figure it all out, the pandemic would be shut down and the economy revived in foreign policy and safety legislation will be passed in the countries divisions would be healed but a year into the restoration what we have instead of shutting down the pandemic many more dead than during the trump administration even though biden had trump's vaccines. instead of revived economy is barely working for anyone even the new york times says today on the economy biden did not have a very good year instead of more competent humane government we have a humanitarian disaster at the border and of course afghanistan to with biden's narcissism and deity directly to the depths of 13 of our brave soldiers, hundreds of asking the thousands of americans and allies and millions threatened by policy instead of a return to the world stage biden has made america a laughingstock as a regimes run a mark in the fate of his weakness in instead of the unity he promised biden fan the flames of hate and division even stoking racial tensions with his disgusting cynical rent in atlanta. it is not just the one year anniversary the biden regime. it is two years since the pandemic started and that's the biggest establishment disaster of them all the biggest public policy failure in history and the biggest government scandal in history, wife, these people, these establishments who parade around in lecturing and virtue signaling about how good they are in deplorable they are, they are most likely responsible for creating the pandemic, pandemic that is killed five and half million people they are responsible for mishandling the pandemic with ineffective lockdowns intensive trillions of dollars in untold human misery and there now engaged in a massive cover-up of the monumental crimes against society. almost exactly a year ago we laid out here on the show for the first time on television the evidence that points to not only the one lab as the origin of the pandemic virus but our own government's role commissioning and funded his creation. every single thing that we said was true then truer than we knew since our original investigation, we learn the eagle health alliance, the middleman between dr. fauci and wuhan was preparing a research project that describes exact genetic changes that made the pandemic virus so unusually infectious. they have been conducting incredibly risky experiments on other dangerous viruses in china like merck and just this month we learned that dr. fauci and others talk to february the first, 2020 and were told the pandemic virus could been antedated in the wuhan bob instilled despite two years of looking no plausible animal post, no basis for the natural origin theory of this virus has ever been found. almost two years ago on the show we laid out exactly what was wrong with the establishment lockdown response to the pandemic. the lockdown denied the clear scientific reality that somewhere much more at risk from the virus and others in their response did not try to take account of lockdowns. we knew from the start that most people the virus cause mild or symptoms but the lockdown massive hard for everyone especially the most unforgettably for children. these are establishment jesus is who created the pandemic in the first place and mishandled it from the start these people who are responsible for death and misery on a scale matched in human history only by the 20th century most crazed dictators, are they humbled, no, they are promoted they rewarded idiot biden takes the man most likely for responsible for the pay direct the man certainly responsible for the mishandling of the pandemic and promotes him and grotesquely the idiots in international establishment reward the authoritarian dictatorship as it covered up the outbreak at the start and allowed it to spread around the world, they rewarded him with the propaganda. since 2014 dr. fauci pushed through his reckless gain-of-function virus experiments of obama and trump administration rules as far as we know it could still be going on and funded the next pandemic this week we asked the nah what other gain-of-function research and what we got was 0 assurances not going on since you're using the same misleading language and they tried to policy off a year ago. dr. fauci fan boys tried to cover it all up and if you tell the truth about any of it they call it misinformation. this ludicrous website called our investigation of conspiracy theory. the media trashed it, facebook banned any mention reversing themselves last may. dr. fauci started with polite denials. >> we had a modest collaboration with very respectable chinese scientists through world experts on coronavirus and we did that through subgrant from a larger grant to eagle health, there was nothing in the grant application and/or granting of the purpose of the grant and the description of the grant that would call for what is referred to gain-of-function. >> of modernist collaboration as a pressure mounted the mask slip. >> i've never lied before the congress. >> you do not know what you are talking about. >> we resent the lie that you are propagating. >> i've not lied before congress i have never lied certainly not before congress, case closed. >> not exactly that that he became totally unhinged. >> you are distorting everything about me. >> you keep coming back to personal attacks on me and you personally attack me and accuse me of being responsible and threats upon my life and people are lying about me. steve: me, me, me kind of narcissism you expect for portraits of themselves in office, the establishment is trying to cover-up the responsibility for the lockdowns to and other stupid ineffective and totally distracted pandemic policies, now they admit none of it worked lockdowns, masks, social distancing but the scientific facts were clear from the start a highly contagious airborne virus could not be stopped this way but when we told the truth from the start and said this here is worse than the disease they said we were pushing misinformation and we were putting lives at risk. he was engaged in misinformation, think about the level of fear mongering from the establishment media that produce this response from a parent this week concerning about glenn youngkin indiana statewide mask mandate in virginia schools. >> i'm really disappointed because i'm scared, i'm scared for my kids, i'm scared for her classmates and i feel like whatever protection do we have. steve: scared, the virus is barely a risk for the kids but two years the establishment and began terrified. like that. what other protection do we have then masks, cloth masks are no protection at all but for two years the establishment media treated you like a murder if you pointed out the scientific fact and now they turn around and say obviously masks don't work and of course schools need to be open we must not have another lockdown. where were you to use ago when those of us told told the truth and trashed and vilified do you think will let you forget how wrong you were or how much damage you did or the new establishment in the air get out of control scientist the public health experts the cowardly politicians who unquestionably followed the demented recommendations and the pathetic media stooges who parroted the misinformation, we will not forget and we will not forgive anyone with power and authority with the public platform who went along with dr. fauci in the lunatic divorce from reality unscientific that handwashing and the wiping of the social distancing and the temperature taking, the endless pointless testing. anybody who went along with the lockdown and masking children and closing schools, you are all complicit in these crimes against humanity and we will not let you invade accountability. these establishment geniuses and adults back in charge under biden unleashed inflation they messed up the supply chain they destroyed our energy independence, the opener border, chaos abroad crime wave at home and hate and division worse than ever now very little doubt they did create the pandemic. it was the fatty virus in my opinion. there is no doubt at all they did mishandled the pandemic in the keer was worse than the disease. we were right, they were wrong and we must never let them forget it. follow us at steve hilton asked it fnc ensure this message will be posted. be posted. we'll be right back with lisa genexa is the first clean medicine company. what does clean medicine mean anyway? it's the same active ingredients you know and trust but without the synthetic stuff you don't want. well i don't want artificial dyes in my kid's medicine. is genexa right for me? yes! genexa uses clean non-gmo ingredients. -we've gone vegan. -and talk about it constantly. -is genexa right for us? -yes! -well i have a gluten thing. -yes! -well... -yes! -well.. -yes! is this just another stupid big pharma ad? -no! look for genexa, the first clean medicine company. i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. 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of the pandemic we were talking about that now let's bring in w.h.o. expert and export of hacking darwin genetic engineering to talk about the other massive issue we were just disgusting the origin of the pandemic. you have been on this for so long now. just to tee up a conversation. i want to play you something from the biden press conference this week >> they are not being transparent. >> transparency on the coronavirus origin. >> yes. >> you did. >> is there a reason you're press staff was unaware that. >> and what did you say to the chinese president. >> they were with me the entire time is be what i don't know that doesn't give me huge confidence the u.s. is putting the full weight behind trying to get an answer here. >> we absolutely need to be pushing it is outrageous that more than two years after the initial break there is no comprehensive international investigation into the pandemic origin, as you know i'm a democrat been on this case from the earliest days of the pandemic and the possibility of a lab incident and i don't based on everything it's correct to call this the fatty virus but we have to ask really tough questions, certainly of ourselves but more importantly of the chinese there is a cover representative, clearly china has a cover-up. they have been destroying samples, hiding records, imprisoning journalist and a gag order on chinese scientists in blocking any meaningful investigation and as you said, it's just outrageous that we are about to start the winter olympics in china and china has been given the grand spectacle we need to hold china accountable and we need to ask tough questions and we need to keep pushing. steve: that is a fair point we can disagree about that there are two parts of it, the leak from the lab and all the cover-up as you been really investigating in all the action that was taken or not taken that could've prevented this from turning into a pandemic if we had transparent information at the start that is clearly on china. do you think there is any prospect of getting a real answer whether the w.h.o. investigation standing today and do you think after the olympics president xi will be emboldened and think he can get away with anything? >> i think certainly president xi is emboldened not just because of the olympics but because of things that are happening all across the world in the south china sea and elsewhere and that's why we need to keep pushing, whatever the numbers that economists estimate 12 million people are dead unnecessarily in my view as a result totally avoidable pandemic if china can get away with this kind of disaster and as you know i believe it is most likely the pandemic stems from a lab accident but regardless we know it was a criminal cover-up by the chinese government in the earliest days of the pandemic that unlock the stove fire to turn into kitchen fire and into a world fire in china can start this pandemic and not allow any investigation and everybody acts as if it didn't happen, what kind of transparency and accountability can be expected the future. steve: you put it so well pleasure talking and think you're right, it is unbelievable that we are where we are we have all these arguments about the lockdown to just about to get into that with lisa but it was all avoidable. totally avoidable. >> totally avoidable and if we don't learn the lessons we will be at this again very, very soon and that is not necessary that is why we have to act now. steve: thank you so much for your consistent voice it is great to see you tonight. let's bring it lisa boothe. the other side of this is the mishandling of the pandemic. it is just like we've been talking about it for so long but it's just enraging to me that suddenly ucsc but all across the media, we know that masks don't work in schools and number lockdowns, where were they two years ago when we were saying all of that from the start nothing has changed, the facts have not changed and now they're turning around hoping we forget that they were for the stuff. >> i don't think they care, their lives were not really impacted by this is the business owner who lost his job and the parent whose teen committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. a lot of people in charge stayed home and their lives were largely protected. i don't think they care and there's a callousness in the way to the casually dropping all the truth bombs, cloth masks don't work there is a difference between covid versus covid the vaccines don't stop the spread, no big deal, lockdowns didn't work either, think about all of them, we don't have a full accounting of the damage that these policies have caused it was not covid, it was government in the people and charged commissary policies that have not only not worked but it caused harm, significant harm and we don't know the full extent of the. steve: that is right when they talk about the cost of the pandemic and when biden goes on about the pandemic and they blame everything on the inflation or whatever scrub with the pandemic, no it's not the pandemic it didn't necessarily have to be that it was their choice to do these lockdowns. >> we knew earlier on in the pandemic new york was looking over 66% of people stayed home we've seen data that restaurants were a major source of the spread and they continue to be shut down and i think one of the dangerous things that happened over the past couple of years if it's ever to smear in silence people who have question, we saw that with the origins of the lab your conspiracy theory, people got the platform for raising questions in for instance unlabeled and anti-vax because of questions only about these vaccines that were the fastest ever created even the cdc website knows the mrna is relatively new it is newly deployed in this way we don't have long-term data. it is dangerous to ask questions, why, why can we not ask questions. i think to get to the bottom of it it's because they don't want it informed public they want compliant public. steve: that is exactly right, another example that just occurs that you're speaking, natural immunity. for years everyone who pointed out natural immunity is a better protection and it was dismissed again as anti-vax in the conspiracy theory, now the cdc saying is there an apology, any kind of acknowledgment if we were right all along, no. >> what insane all of these things are perfectly reasonable thanks to have conversations about to bring about and want to discuss and talk about and you are labeled as something terrible for raising common sense concerns so we reach this place of insanity and i hope accountability for the people who brought her for so many people around the country and secondly i hope there's an increased distrust and government and people become better stewards of information and critical thinkers because they think the best thing is to not trust government, what is the government done right and to help society, they have damaged society over the past couple of years people need to be more critical in distrusting, it is healthier. steve: that was a theme of what i said earlier the establishments and list disasters that keep getting it wrong and keep screwing up and they keep trying to boss us around as they are the expert. it's incredibly important what you're saying and the fact that you have spoken out and you always question everything, that is the mindset that we all need to have we appreciate you doing that. it is great to see you tonight. don't go away. we'll be right buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. receipts go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform 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enforced business closures and why did america have the rebound, obviously because president trump got the vaccines delivered in record time and what biden did the democrats have done is put brakes on the trump rebound by paying people not to work raising energy costs and throwing people out of the workforce with the anti-scientist unjustified mandates and as a result even with the london until low unemployment there is 3 million americans out of the workforce compared to what we had with trump just before the pandemic computer looking up the historic data on labor participation besides the american workforce as a proportion of the working age population. here it is under biden and is last month a labor participation rate of 61.9% at the height of the pandemic economic shutdown that is the lowest since jimmy carter stagnation in february 1977. the great booming economy biden and the rest of them are trained to brag about now has the worst inflation and 39 years in the worst job market in 45 years. i guess that is historic, historically bad, here's reaction from jason chaffetz. how much credit do you think biden and his gang should get for this fantastic academy they want to brag about? >> is the best kept secret across the nation. inside the beltway business has never been better for lobbyist and for government workers. but when you go out of the heartland in the real world people understand that things are not so great and i don't care how jen psaki graphics look like, americans understand things are not quite so rosy take of the back in 1977 the reality is you're absolutely right the labor participation rate is the right electric and it is not pretty. steve: we worked in politics and the politicians, of course you try to put the best on everything we get it but this thing that he has created more jobs in the first year of the administration, it is so insulting to the intelligence and everyone could see that is coming back from the pandemic shutdown which they were the ones that were pushing forward more than anyone else. >> first of all government does not create jobs is an entrepreneur in real people that create real jobs but the government jobs are up i will give them that because of the government spending but it is people political spin. if you owned a small restaurant and the owners had 12 employees, but they had to leave because of covid in the shutdown. when they hire back a people that was not a jobs created they have lost for people that never came back to work in the business suffered and suffered immensely over the two years. until biden gets rid of dr. fauci in the lockdowns and the mandates and get kids back in school and the masks off of the airplanes and things like that i think the public is just not going to buy the political spin that biden is trying to put on us. steve: get rid of the policies that pay people not to work, get rid of the energy policies that push up businesses cost, you could go on and on everything that they're doing is making it worse. great to see you on that and we will see you later in the show as well. don't go away. hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health products online our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and thanks to shipstation's discounted rates we're saving a ton. honestly, we couldn't do it without shipstation join over 100,000 online sellers who get ship done with shipstation go to /tv and get 2 months free. tony here, from let's talk credit. what are you doing to improve your credit? do i need to improve my credit? well, that depends. do you like saving money? if you had a score of 630, a $300,000 home would cost about this much after a 30-year mortgage. that same loan would instead look like this if your score was just 30 points higher at 660. that's over $60,000 just because of your credit. wow, that's incredible. so don't wait, start working to improve your credit with steve: for years those of us who live in california under democrats have occasionally talked about the scenes of homelessness and the general collapse of civilization and order have turned some of our once beautiful cities into places that resemble a third world country. that's outrageous the democrats would reply. not long ago gavin newsom was boasting california is roaring back after the pandemic with one of the highest unemployment rates and pofer rates in the nation. look what changed his tune when he saw for himself the total chaos thanks to the robberies from trains. the direct result of democrat policies which defunded the police and decriminalized crime. >> it looks like a third world country. what you saw here is not acceptable. suit and tie. i can't take it. i can't tush on the news any more. what the hell is going on? clean it up. steve: what the hell is going on? this is terrible. somebody should do something about it. what? me? are you insane? it's not my fault. the democrats decided it's the railroad's fault. they are attacking union pacific for not employing enough private security guards. just like the democrats' supply chain crisis is your fault for wanting too much stuff. remember the next time you are attacked on the street, you should have lired your own protection. do you think the government should have provided safety on the streets? that old-fashioned and not very progressive. snooty elitists who tell you crime isn't a problem have private security. far left democrats in california weren't happy with newsom's comment about the third world country. but they were upset that he used the term third world instead of developing nation. that's today's left in a nutshell. more concerned with the words you use than what's happening in real life. as long as the democrat leaders are led by handful of left wing activists on twitter they will never change the extremist policies that ruined california. we'll be right back. thanks for bringing me with 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in power this is a dangerous place for the party and the president to be at the one-year mark of his presidency. it is a dangerous place to be. what do you make of that? >> the president and, that harris got everything they wanted their the house, the senate the presidency and all the policies that they wanted it shown that america is rejected not and they don't want it i think there will be a shellacking into her the 5% that the joe biden. steve: that's exactly my reaction pre-here's another thing unintentionally hilarious press conference where he was explaining what the reset would be and apparently it involves him talkative or people. watch this. >> i found myself in the situation, i don't get a chance to look people in the eye because of covid and things happening in washington. to go out and do the things that i've always been able to do is connect with people and let them take a measure of my sincerity and a measure of who i am. his equity turn it around? >> you can't look them in the eyes unmask does not go over your eyeballs. taking a page out of kamala harris, the biggest failing of your presidency, you haven't gotten out of the office enough, are you kidding me take some impromptu questions like donald trump did every single day, he never talk to the press he shuns the press but the reality is the policies are what is failing. crime and immigration and all these things that we've never take enough time to talk about he is failing because his policies in america hates it. steve: it is so amazing it's a classic response everything is great it is just bad communication a better communication people only understood just how great were doing it would be amazingly popular. from a republican point of view and perspective of anybody who wants to see the policies and for example retaking washington it's good, if they don't change in only a few more months left they make it more likely the republicans will do well in the midterms. >> if you know that american is off-track and you want to change you to go back and hire the same people as my former colleague jim jordan likes to say and i said on your show before if the biden plan is working how come it is not working that the fundamental problem of what's going on america noses on the wrong track in a wants to change that is good for republicans in the house and the senate and the presidency. biden is on the ballot but he really is because his policies are so not palatable with the direction the country needs to go. steve: it is so dishonest is exactly the opposite of what he promised he is not a leader he was led just like the democratic in california by the activists and all these crazy people in twitter. >> we really should've listened to senator bernie sanders when he said he would be the most progressive president in the history of the united states but biden went to sell himself as a uniter to bring people together but it was barack obama that had choice words don't underestimate joe biden's ability to screw things up. steve: i think it was as things up and i think you prove that. thank you all for watching don't >> ainsley: we began with a fox news alert. the state department ordering u.s. diplomats and some embassy staff to evacuate from ukraine as the russian attack on its neighbor could be imminent. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this monday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> and i am todd piro and that decision as deploying thousands of u.s. troops to the baltic state to support our nato allies. steve harrigan life on the ground, steve what is the lates? >>

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