Transcripts For FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240708 : compa

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240708

i wasn't looking for a tv show. i have blend to do, but they could not have been nicer, they suggested that why don't do you something. soy we talked about what i wanted to do, and something that really was not experimental, but i wanted to bring it back, long form interview, where there is a special guest, you and have time to delve in. that has been nature of this program, "life, liberty and levin." i also wanted to do a show about books. i understand that does not sound as glitzy but we have tremendous authors with tremendous minds. it is difficult to cover that and cover news and cover washington just once a week. my own thinking that been what about a long form interview for authors, tonight, i decided to fuse the two. we have a fantastic guest, a fantastic author, who has done incredible cutting edge investigation about power of communist china here. revelations that i knew nothing about. i sat down with this book and i finished it in really a day and a half. i don't spend a lot of time reading everybody else's books, i rid history, and economists, peter schweizer back and his book red handed is a crucially important book right now. peter schweizer how are you. >> terrific. mark: the book is unbelievable. you are with the government accountability institute, you, the president. you spend a lot of time as a journalist and investigator, you have a whole team looking at things. i want to cut to the chase go to the book. let's begin with chapter 4. you talk about silicon valley and the meeting that takes place among the titans and robber banners much silicon valley and communist chinese leader xi . >> president xi comes to u.s., to meet with president barack obama, but instead of seeing the president first, he stops in seattle and has a powwow with biggest tech executives in united states, they are star struck. when president xi enters the room tim cook turns to his colleagues and said, did you feel the earth move. and this is really the beginning of a court ship between xi. communist regime in china and biggest names in tech. bill gates, mark zuckerberg, they are individuals that have deep ties with communist china, and they are supportive of their policies, the ties actually enhance the military and intelligence capabilities of china. which is now positioning itself to surpass the u.s., which is their goal. mark: law talk about these high-tech robber "barron's." why do you think they are so taken bee a genocidal, communist dec dictator like this? doesn't that seem odd to you . here, it is in the open. they embrace this man, what is the mentality? >> you look at bill gates worth 100 billion or more, is it really about the money? it might be, i think if has more to do with the attraction to dictatorship a lot of these executives have in silicon valley, a guy like bill gates with microsoft, microsoft does major research in china with military length labs in artificial intelligence, which say crucial area that china says they will surpass the united states to achieve technological. >> and bill gates invests in chinese company that do research. and bill gates is an adviser to the chinese government, he has been given membership in chinese academy of engineering it is a communist run organization whose charter requires members to be politically approved, they are to advise chinese government to technical matters, bill gates does not need the money, why is he doing that? i think there is an attractioned to the fact that china, things get done efficiently because you have a brutal dictatorship imposing their will on people. mark: the corporatists that is their own mentality. right? they muscle through the shareholder meetings, they don't reveal what they are supposed to reveal, we call them a publicly owned company. but what do we really know is going on. and apple, and tim cook, what is that relationship like with the communist chinese government. >> revelations about fact that apple set up sweetheart deals with china in terms of supply relationship, tim cook jokes around with communist party officials that are sensors content in china. and a guy like mark zuckerberg, he went to the state dinner that barack obama held for president xi, at that dinner, zuckerberg said, my wife is about to give birth to a child, would you name that child. literally, that is what he asked xi . who chuckleed and said that was too great a responsibility. >> and top china -- visits facebook headquarters, they go back to the office, chinese communist party official sits in his chair and noticed a thick book on his desk, the collective writing and speeches of xi from china, he said, vid have been reading it, i bought copies, it is remarkable the way in which they suck up to them. and the literal help they provide in aiding and abetting this brutal regime. mark: i think this generation of corporatist is quite different from the generation of corporate titans of the past, what put muscles and smarts into building our economy system or foundation whether it was steal or oil and so for. they were pro american. they did all that they could to support the american people, when when a president sat down with them, and said we need your help on something. federal government is broke. they len federal government money, i don't see that today. i see the guys lobbyists looking for every advantage they can get, i see them coddling up to the dictator, while trashing downtown don -- donald trump as republican partia some time of socially backward entities, there is something terribly wrong with these people. >> i think you are spot on. they are unmoored, disconnected. from american life. these are in economic sense the biggest winners in america, they should be the biggest cheer lighters for a representative form of government, limited government, rule by law, limited regulations, but they are not, they seem happy to perform the services that benefit the chinese government. mark zuckerberg for example, teamed up with google, they said we'll attach the large data cable, we'll link hong kong with san francisco. and they started to build it, they hire a chinese company linked to chinese military to do it. only reason this project was not completed is justice department and fbi stepped in said, now. you cannot complete this project because it would provide unstress unprecedented opportunities for chinese espionage. they know that, they are smart people -- what would prompt them to think it would be okay to provide this benefit to the chinese government is beyond me, you are right, a generation earlier, you would never have seen corporate executives willing to do something like that. mark: and their own conduct on facebook, zuckerberg and internet. they don't tolerate different opinions, not even experts on their sites talking about vaccine or, they don't tolerate intelligent, substantive disagreements. they are picking up very bad habits from communist china and the way that regime is ruled. >> that is a crucial point. here is the thing, the argument has been made by silicon valley and wall street and others, if we have the commerce with communist china our values will rub off on them, that has not happened but what has happened chinese communist party values have rubbed off on them, you find microsoft, facebook and google executives making excuses for chinese censorship, pretending it is not occurring or saying it is not that big a deal, they are doing the same thing here in united states, you see a merging in tech space. we have a worldwide web that excites, the censorship approach and attitude that beijing has performed over the last 15 years is now being imported into the united states. not being done by the american government, it is done by the tech giants. and it should frighten everyone who is concerned about freedom of speech. mark: we created the oligopoly in the united states. while crushing american freedom, and different ideas and speech, they work with the autocratic regimes. china and anyone else they could. they would love to work with iran. they don't much care, this is a big problem, not about free market capitalism,. they work the system. and more centralize it is, the more power they have given how much resources they have. when we come back, peter. i want to talk to you about the bidens. that mess, that is next. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and 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have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. mark: welcome back, let's jump to this the biden family, joe biden has been in government forever. a question on this peter schweizer, did communist chinese regime make it part of their mission to invest in biden family, knowingful knowing -- full well, that biden is a career politician with a lot of influence. >> i think there is no question. we have uncovered the biden family. while vice president of united states, continuing when he became president, received some 31 million dollars from chinese individuals who are linked to the highest levels of chinese intelligence. intelligence. intelligence. >> 31 million, woe. >> yep, they were carried out by a coupled of individuals, hunter biden refers to him as super chairman, he said, i do know believe in the lottery about more, but i believe in the schuper chairman, who is che fang? kind of a sketchy chinese businessman, his business partner at the time he was striking deals with hunter biden, his business partner of the vice minister at ministry for straight security -- state security in charge of recruiting foreign nationals to spy for china, and head of what is called number 8 bureau, it does not get higher, these are the sorted individuals that were striking deals with hunter biden, another individual that helped arranger the -- arrange the deal, mr. jou who helped with that deal and he spent 5 million to hunter biden and he sent that money from a interesting business, called harvest global. so, you have mr. jou sending 5 million, who is his business partner? his business partner is the daughter of the former head of the ministry of state security. this is the guy who runs the entire spy apparatus for china, it does not get higher, this means that in total, the biden family got 31 million dollars, they performed no discernible legitimate business activities that i can find for that 31 million, every single deal came from individuals tied at the highest levels to the chinese intelligence apparatus, there is no question in my mind, they were targeted by the chinese, and for the life of me, this is unprecedented. i don't know of a time in american history where the american first family has had to kind of a financial bond with a foreign intelligence service, particularly one that wants to defeated the united states in global competition. mark: you know the clause they talked about with trump has its purpose to prevent this sort of thing, where president or other people in the family are paid off or invested in, we'll use that phrase, by a foreign government, they had great fear about this. and i cannot believe that 31 million dollar as you write, pours into the biden family, and joe biden doesn't know anything about it. he is the head of the biden clan. that is number one. number two, they live very well. number three, it is amazing how this democrat congress does not want any tax returns of biden family members, no investigation of biden family members. he is current president, when you consider how they have gone after donald trump with the fake issues. joe biden directly, how has he benefited from communist chinese. >> because the other thing we layout in the book is that very clear that hunter biden and joe biden have had entire -- intertwined finances for a very long time, there are specific examples of him paying his father's bills, some are rudementry. a phone bill for a back-channel phone that joe biden has, when he was vice president, but there are also tens of thousands of dollars of other bills in terms of renovation on biden family homes, the bottom line, money that hunter connected overseas benefited not only hunter but joe biden himself. and other family members that includes james biden, a couple millions of chinese money that is sent to james biden. one other point to make. very important, i. i think lays out the fact this needs serious investigation, not only by fbi but congress with subpoena power, some curious happens when hunter biden is securing these deal deals, he goes to secret service and says, i now longer want protection when i travel overseas that is a stunning thing that needs to be looked into. mark: he doesn't want records i guess, this just floats around and american media cover it up, they have resources, if they wanted to invested gate it they could raise a lot of questions, congress has subpoena power, department of the justice does not have to sit on its hands yet they are, so-called institutions there to protect us from this, seem to be devoured and controlled by the wrong party in this country, there is joe biden with various connections and his family with various connect, all we keep hearing about is donald trump and his family, they are still under attack and yet there is joe biden, 31 million came into this family, that is appalling, when we come back pelosi, and boehner and others on capitol hill, we'll be right back. 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(jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit >> welcome to fox news livism a new development in crisis over ukraine. fox news confirms that president biden is considering deploying 5 thousands troops in the baltic states and eastern europe as russian troops gather along ukraine border, there could be additional troops from nato countries, warning to vladimir putin to try to not to move into any other neighbors countries, u.s. state department ordering departure of non-essential personnel from american embassy in ukraine. and the state department also warning u.s. citizens against travel to russia. >> and milwaukee police are investigates deaths of 5 people in a residential neighborhood, not known how the 4 adult males and one female died, it is classified as a homicide for now, mayor calls it horrific. back to "life, liberty and levin." ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back, this is a fantastic book, "red-handed," you will learn things you never heard of before, we'll start to really understand things. "red-handed" at or any retail bookstore it comes out in a couple of days, i encourage each and every one of you to get it and read it. this is a unique book. this is the subterrainian governing that the american people are unaware of. to the government, and to the tech company expos companies and colleges and universities, i suspect this is one of the reasons that same entities hated donald trump. donald trump took on the communist chinese regime. he stood nose to nose with them, and imposed tariffs again them and other restrictions. donald trump was upsetting the cart. two all of these entities that are on the take with the communist chinese regime. i want to get to congress. we had speaker pelosi, and speaker boehner and diane feinstein. head of the intelligence committee, what have they or communist -- >> china has been successful at elite capture. they provide deals and benefits to powerful politicians, help make them rich, those politicians become more friendly to china, nancy pelosi when she first came into congress was very anti-communism china but her position has evolved, her husband and son secure deals in china, back to the olympic, previous time, she initially favored a boycott of those olympics, but then her husband was invested in a couple of limousine companies, theymo actually got contracts to shuttle vips around in beijing for the olympics, it was a big contract. she reversed herself, and said he is no longer favored a boycott. and deals have mounted. we have reached a point where to give you an example, there is debate about origins of coronavirus, we continue came from china. nancy pelosi has steadfastly refused for two years now to even allow a single congressional hearing on the originss of covid and how it came from china. she has performed other services as well. and john boehner, republican former speaker, when he was speaker blocked legislation that was crucial to china, they wanted it pass. it was going to pass the u.s. house on a bipartisan basis. he refused to allow it to be brought on to the floor. when he left the speakership, he joined a lobbying firm in washington that happens to be the lobbying firm for the chinese government. they have a contract for the embassy of china, and their job is to provide in their terms, a political intelligence for issues related to the u.s. defense budget and other issues. so john boehner is now strategic adviser to that firm, that firm has office in china that office is populated by senior chinese communist party officials and government officials, he is neck deep in this firm. another example of how china works. and it is important to point out, by the way, china is not expecting these political figures to walk with them on every single issue. they have a concept in their intelligence service that loosely translated means, big help, with little bad mouth. in other words as long as you them -- help them on lit big things that matter to them. another individual is feinstein the chairman of senate intelligence commenty, her husband has done millions of dollars of deals in china. bugg. and her husband was a partner with that chinese firm it say serious, deep problem on both sides of the aisle. mark: an eye-opening book, "red-handed" by peter swiez schweizer, a fantastic a allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. 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"red-handed" by peter schweizer. a must-read. and i don't say that lightly, how american elites can get rich helping china win, china is trying to takeover in terms of super power status. it is threatening the united states economically and geo politically, militarily. and if you want to know what part of the problem circumstance look within the united statesry have lmghts elements that have rolled over to this regime or worse. they are all over corporate america. all over academia, our politics, we the people know little about this. but this book, "red-handed" i think this will blow the roof off. what about bush family, what is their relationship with the communist regime? >> beijing figured out a while ago they want relationships not just with individual politics but with families. i highlighted in the book relationship beijing has with trudeau family in canada and the bushes. and the relationship there between bushes and beijing grows, prescott bush, starts signing up commercial dials. they build in 1990s, tiananmen square, the massacre there was kind of a hiccup. as far as bush family was concerned. when george w. bush becomes president of u.s. in 2001, prescott bush keeps signing up deals, but now neil bush, starts to get dials, he getting a deal with a computer company that is owned by the son of chinese premier. paying neil bush a million a year, no evidence that neil bush knows anything about the computer business. this relationship has continued, then you flash forward to jeb bush, he leaves florida governorship, he goes to set up an investment fund, with dealings in london, a lot of the financing is coming from china, he connects with a chinese firm part of red air stock risy, his firm does well, thanks to the hospital of the chinese. and when jeb bush runs for president, there is an organized effort by chinese nationals linked by the chinese government to raise money for jeb bush, there is a flow of millions of dollars to jeb bush's campaign in 2016. this is along multigenerational relationship. the crescendo, today neil bush runs the bush center, they deal with u.s.-chinese relationships, he goes to chinese state media talking about how you know the human rights situation is hung hong kong is understood by people in the west, and rights of people in hong kong are like those of people in united states, he has become an apologist for the chinese regime, and previously mentioned bush center is financed in part by united front groups, they are groups that are linked to chinese intelligence to push the chinese agenda overseas, this is a classic example of how they operate, it is influenced i think elements of the republican party and how they view china. for a long time they pushed line that greater commerce, greater dials with china would moderate china. that is not come to pass, only made china stronger. and so people have advocated that position and made money advocates for that position, and the bush family unfortunately is an example of that. mark: almost like communist chinese have not left a single stone under turned -- unturned in our culture, whether it is hollywood entertainment or nike and sneakers. and academia, and politicians and so forth. how little they say about china, you can tell good from the bad. you know they are not buying off tom cotton, he is out there pounding away so many other members are silent. they don't say anything. this administration has not priorities national security. they are doing things that make it clear they are very aggressive. you could see how weak and our diplomacy is. because so many of these people in the biden administration, coming out of the ivy league schools, they just do not view china as a existential threat. trump, yes, republican party, yes. fox, business. >> when we come back with peter schweizer, we jump into collele ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. mark: welcome back. i am here with peter schweizer, with this fantastic book, it really is. "red-handed," you will learn things that will make your skin crawl. you will be furious. we need to do something about this. >> collects and universities, on the -- colleges and universities on the take. >> this is a huge problem. according to federal law colleges and universities are required to disclose foreign money they take in when doing fund raising. a lot of chinese elites that are linked to chinese communist party have found creative ways to funnel tens of millions of dollars to schools like yale, harvard and stanford without listing them as foreign. for example, a man joe si that i talk about in the book, a copounder of alibaba, speaks openly on defending them he funneled millions to yale university, they set up a joe si center for study of china, yale does not disclose it as a foreign donation, they say it came from united states,io there is a joe si foundcasion in the united states but the problem, it came from overseas. and what is happened that joe si center, taken a pretty pro-beijing position on a lot of issues. you could say this is just an academic issue who cares, but the problem asks people like joe biden's national security advisor were fellows at this center, and were paid by joe si the pro regime oligarch from china, so the influence runs not just toy the universities also to highest power in dc, they work to squelch debate and minimize critique o chinese regime, and si defend the regime, saying there is no human right problem, but has given 100 million to black lives matter related charities. he is critical about justice issues in the united states, but is very defensive and protective of what china does. and that is skewing the debate on college campuses. mark: they are two marc marxisting orgations, it is amazing how much money is exchanging hands to used to influence and to advance the cause ofnf the communist chinese. when you think about it peter, how the american media have failed to report on this, i heard american media reporters have taken junkets and live in the area,. i see the same with iranians and peddles and same with putin. to me this circles back to trump, trump is the only president in modern times who stood up to the entities within the united states and stood up to communist china in a way that communist china has never had to deal with before. and because he was upsetting the apple cart, throughout our culture, he became the target. he became the target. it is also interesting to me how little negative press that communist chinese get, every now and then you see some film about the uighurs and hear about hong kong, but for the most part, you don't hear anything, you have massive genocide in communist china right now. you have an attack on in hong kong that was an ally of ours, threats against taiwan. and you can't say the china virus, if you call it the china virus, you are obviously anti-chinese, and a racists. this is part of the manipulation of language and propaganda. >> they are calling the tune whether silicon valley or wall street or elements of media and in dc, the question is, are we going to wake up, there are people that want to fight this, that want to stand up for american principles for human rights, but we have a fundamental question to ask ourselves, president xi jinping is clear cut and open, he will surpass the u.s. and number two he will achieve a global supremacy, those are hit stated goals,. the question is with all eliting gets rich helping him, what are we going to do aboutav it, that is the critical question. mark: i want audience to know you have an entire chaptery on what we should do about it at the very end, first thing we need to do is read your book which identifies individuals and institutions that have become huge problems in this country. it isha "red-handed." what is happened here, to our country's diabolical. go to amazon get a copy, it comes out in a couple days, great job peter schweizer, i cannot thank you enough. >> thank you, mark. mark: god bless you, we'll be right back. y boost glucose c it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. .. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay 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"red-handed." a book you need to have comes out in a few days. it shows the jean yufs the founders of our constitution. they wanted divide government between the states and the national government they created. they wanted limited government. they provided specific details about what each branch should do. and the rest was left for us to run our own lives. they understoodd the concentration of power is very, very evil.l. the concentration of power -- once people taste power they want more. that's why the democrats want to destroy our voting system. they can taste power and they feel it slipping away. that's why they want to pack the court and have permanent control through the bureaucracy. that's why we must fight it and embrace our constitutional republic. whether it's the tyranny of a lettinglyture or tyranny -- tyranny of a legislature or oligarchs, it's tyranny. that's why it's under attack about it american marxists, the corporatiststy and a lot of nevr trumpers. that's one of the big reasons they hated donald trump and never want to see him in the office of the presidency again. steve: major developments in the russia-ukraine story in the last hour. after being presented with options at camp david this weekend president biden is considering sending up to 5,000 u.s. troops to the nato allies to eastern europe in a show of support for countries bordering russia and ukraine. the u.s. is looking at deploying naval vessels that could be additional troops sent to romania and t

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Life , Liberty And Levin , 4 , Others , Meeting , Program , Interview Program , Mr , Fox , Murdoch , Suzanne Scott , Something , Tv Show , Soy , I Don T , Form , Interview , Guest , It Back , Books , Show , Nature , Authors , Minds , News , Washington , Thinking , Two , Author , Cutting Edge , Writing , Communist China , Lot , Power , Revelations , Investigation , Nothing , Half , Red Handed , Peter Swiez Schweizer , Reading , History , Economists , Everybody Else , Accountability Institute , Mark Zuckerberg , Terrific , Things , President , Investigator , Chapter , Journalist , Chase , Team , U S , President Xi , Communist Chinese , Silicon Valley , Robber , Titans , Place , Banners , First , Powwow , Tech Executives , Barack Obama , Seattle , Tim Cook , Colleagues , Beginning , Star , Room , Court Ship , Earth , Individuals , Regime , Xi , Bill Gates , Ties , Names , Intelligence , Military , Policies , Goal , Law Talk , Capabilities , Bee A Genocidal , Barron S , Doesn T , Dictator , Money , Mentality , Man , Attraction , 100 Billion , Guy , Executives , Research , Microsoft , Military Length Labs , Area , Artificial Intelligence , Company , Adviser , Members , Charter , Chinese Academy Of Engineering , Membership , Communist Run Organization , Fact , Attractioned , Matters , People , Corporatists , Dictatorship , Will , Shareholder Meetings , Government , Relationship , Apple , Communist Party , Sweetheart Deals , Terms , Officials , Supply Relationship , Sensors Content , Child , Wife , Dinner , State Dinner , Birth , Who Chuckleed , Responsibility , Office , Headquarters , Chair , Facebook , Reading It , Speeches , Desk , Vid , Copies , Mark , Help , Way , Generation , Corporatist , Aiding , Abetting , Foundation , Economy System , Put Muscles , Smarts , Oil , Sat , Guys , Donald Trump , Advantage , Trashing Downtown Don , Entities , Partia , Republican , Spot On , Law , Winners , Cheer Lighters , Rule , Sense , American Life , Disconnected , Example , Services , Hong Kong , Google , Data Cable , Regulations , It , Justice , Project , San Francisco , Department , Fbi , Benefit , Opportunities , Espionage , Internet , Conduct , Intelligent , Vaccine , Sites , Opinions , Disagreements , Thing , Point , Wall Street , Argument , Habits , Commerce , Values , Deal , Censorship , Big A , Google Executives Making Excuses , Web , Beijing , Merging , Censorship Approach , Attitude , Tech Space , 15 , Everyone , The Tech Giants , Oligopoly , Freedom Of Speech , Crushing American Freedom , Regimes , Speech , Ideas , Anyone , Problem , Resources , Care , Centralize , System , Free Market Capitalism , Iran , Number , Protein , Muscle Health , Bidens , Mess , Age , 20 , Enamel , Basis , Repair Toothpaste , High Protein , Immune Support , Pronamel , Nutrients , Boost , 16 , Estate , Business , Plan , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Employees , Lily , Employee , Lisa , Mover , Downtown , Scene , Hotspot , Files , Rob , Deals , Breast Cancer , Smart Phone , At T Business , Thriver , Aromatase Inhibitor , Pill , Fulvestrant , Women , Hr , Kisqali , Doctor , Heartbeat , Liver Problems , Death , Symptoms , Lung Problems , Disease , Infections , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Infection , Fever , Breathing Problems , Chills , Skin , Change , Chest Pain , Pain , Tiredness , Dizziness , Yellowing , Rash , Urine , Appetite , Cough , Eyes , Loss , Bleeding , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Treatment , Grapefruit , Welcome Back , Biden Family , Joe Biden Has , Question , It Part , Mission , Knowingful Knowing , Vice President , Influence , Career Politician , Levels , 31 Million Dollars , 31 Million , Yep , Woe , Hunter Biden , More , Super Chairman , Lottery , Schuper Chairman , Che Fang , Business Partner , Kind , Businessman , Vice Minister , At Ministry , Head , Nationals , Security , State Security , Bureau , Charge , Recruiting , 8 , Jou , Arranger , Harvest Global , 5 Million , Daughter , Spy Apparatus , Ministry Of State Security , Family , Activities , Total , Intelligence , Mind , Apparatus , Time In American History Where The , Bond , Trump , Service , Competition , Sort , Purpose , Clause , One , Phrase , Fear , 31 Million Dollar , Anything , Congress , Number One , Tax Returns , Democrat , Biden Clan , Three , Issues , Family Members , We Layout , Entire , Finances , Bills , Bottom Line , Phone , Examples , Father , Rudementry , Dollars , Family Homes , Renovation , Hunter , Tens Of Thousands , Millions , James Biden , Subpoena Power , I , Curious , Deal Deals , Secret Service , Floats , American Media , He Doesn T , Institutions , Hands , Gate It , Questions , Country , Wall , Party , Connections , Connect , Attack , Back Pelosi , Market , Investments , Money Manager , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Wave , Client Portfolios , Views , Capitol Hill , Clients , Commissions , Interest , Client , Commission Products , Act , Fiduciary , Mental Health , Face , Progress , Body Movements , Twitching , Jerking , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Adults , Thoughts , Medications , Td Movements , Most , Depression , Side Effects , Reserpine , Inflammation , Changes , Actions , Throat , Patients , Attention , Behaviors , Mood , Feelings , Insomnia , Sleepiness , Tetrabenazine , Huntington S Disease , Valbenazine , Td , Problems Thinking , Movements , Muscles , Parkinson S Disease , Restlessness , It S Time , Fast , Sweating , Jackie , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Ukraine , Development , Crisis , Welcome To , Countries , Troops , Thousands Troops , Baltic States , Eastern Europe , Nato , Ukraine Border , Russian , 5 Thousands , Warning , State Department , Neighbors , Citizens , Personnel , Ordering Departure , U S State Department , American Embassy , Vladimir Putin , Deaths , Neighborhood , Police , Homicide , Female , Mayor , Adult Males , Milwaukee , 5 , Couple , Bookstore , Before , Amazon Com , Subterrainian Governing , Universities , Colleges , The Tech Company Expos Companies , Take , Nose , Restrictions , Apple Cart , Tariffs , Intelligence Committee , Speaker Boehner , Speaker Pelosi , Diane Feinstein , Politicians , Benefits , Elite Capture , Position , Friendly , Husband , Boycott , Son , Olympic , Contract , Olympics , Limousine Companies , Contracts , Theymo , Shuttle Vips , Debate , Origins , Coronavirus , Originss Of Covid , Hearing , Legislation , Lobbying Firm , House , Speakership , Floor , Job , Embassy , Defense Budget , Firm , Neck , Senior , Figures , China Works , Issue , Mouth , Words , Concept , Intelligence Service , Matter , Chairman , Is Feinstein , Intelligence Commenty , Senate , Bugg , Partner , Sides , Aisle , Ultra , Allergies , Event Planning , Verizon , Vo , Body , Season , Good , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Turmeric , Times , Supplements , Speed , Downloads , Cities , Qunol Turmeric , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Cost , Joints , 10 , Brand , Inflammation Support , Qunol , Superior Absorption , Story , Woman , Car , Safelite , Wheels , Four , Experts , Windshield , Someone , Technology , Camera , Glass , Decompression Zone , Safety Systems , Singers , Safelite Repair , Elites , Super Power Status , Takeover , Politically , Geo , China Win , Part , United Statesry Have Lmghts Elements , Over Academia , Corporate America , Politics , We The People , Roof , Relationships , Families , Relationship Beijing , Canada , Bushes , Dials , Prescott Bush , George W Bush , Massacre , Hiccup , Tiananmen Square , 2001 , 1990 , Neil Bush , Computer Company , Chinese Premier , A Million , Governorship , Jeb Bush , Evidence , Computer Business , Florida , Dealings , Investment Fund , Financing , London , Red Air Stock Risy , Hospital , Thanks , Campaign , Flow , Effort , 2016 , Crescendo , Bush Center , State Media , Rights , West , Human Rights Situation , United Front , Apologist , Elements , Agenda Overseas , Line , Chinese , Stone , Culture , Academia , Sneakers , Entertainment , Unturned , Nike , Tom Cotton , Bad , Say Anything , Administration , National Security , Many , Diplomacy , Schools , Threat , Yes , Ivy League , Sound , Breathing , Nature Breathing , Fasenra , Asthma , Eosinophils , Asthma Medication , Asthma Attacks , Add On Treatment , Steroid , Inhaler , Maintenance Dose , Rescue Medication , Steroids , Conditions , Use , 7 , Headache , Reactions , Sore Throat , Tongue , Trouble , Swelling , Book , Skin Crawl , Fund Raising , Man Joe Si , Yale , Tens , Ways , Harvard , Stanford , A Copounder Of Alibaba , Donation , Study , Joe Si Center , Joe Si Foundcasion , Io , Overseas , Center , Fellows , National Security Advisor , The Pro Regime Oligarch , Critique O Chinese Regime , Toy , Dc , Human Right Problem , Si , Charities , 100 Million , College Campuses , Marc Marxisting Orgations , It Peter , Media , Reporters , Cause Ofnf , In Modern Times , Same , Putin , Circles , Junkets , Iranians , Press , Target , Film , Uighurs , Threats , Genocide , Ours , Ally , Taiwan , Virus , Racists , Manipulation , Language , China Virus , In Dc , Propaganda , Tune , Xi Jinping , Human Rights , Open , Principles , Goals , Supremacy , Hit , Him , Eliting , Chaptery , Audience , Amazon , Problems , Copy , It Isha , Diabolical , God Bless You , Support , Blood Sugar Levels , Glucose C , Hunger , University Of Phoenix , Scholarship , Scholarships , Work , Course , 3000 , 000 , Stream , Directv , Matrix , Demand , Tv , Anywhere , Serena Williams , Best , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Harm , Baby , One Million , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Blood , Ace Inhibitor , Ace , Aliskiren , Arb , Potassium , States , Jean Yufs The Founders Of Our Constitution , Rest , Branch , Lives , Details , Concentration , Voting System , Very Evil L , Control , Court , Bureaucracy , Tyranny , Republic , Legislature , Lettinglyture , Oligarchs , Nevr Trumpers , Reasons , Corporatiststy , American Marxists , Presidency , Developments , Steve , Options , Allies , Camp David , 5000 , Vessels , T , Romania ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240708

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i wasn't looking for a tv show. i have blend to do, but they could not have been nicer, they suggested that why don't do you something. soy we talked about what i wanted to do, and something that really was not experimental, but i wanted to bring it back, long form interview, where there is a special guest, you and have time to delve in. that has been nature of this program, "life, liberty and levin." i also wanted to do a show about books. i understand that does not sound as glitzy but we have tremendous authors with tremendous minds. it is difficult to cover that and cover news and cover washington just once a week. my own thinking that been what about a long form interview for authors, tonight, i decided to fuse the two. we have a fantastic guest, a fantastic author, who has done incredible cutting edge investigation about power of communist china here. revelations that i knew nothing about. i sat down with this book and i finished it in really a day and a half. i don't spend a lot of time reading everybody else's books, i rid history, and economists, peter schweizer back and his book red handed is a crucially important book right now. peter schweizer how are you. >> terrific. mark: the book is unbelievable. you are with the government accountability institute, you, the president. you spend a lot of time as a journalist and investigator, you have a whole team looking at things. i want to cut to the chase go to the book. let's begin with chapter 4. you talk about silicon valley and the meeting that takes place among the titans and robber banners much silicon valley and communist chinese leader xi . >> president xi comes to u.s., to meet with president barack obama, but instead of seeing the president first, he stops in seattle and has a powwow with biggest tech executives in united states, they are star struck. when president xi enters the room tim cook turns to his colleagues and said, did you feel the earth move. and this is really the beginning of a court ship between xi. communist regime in china and biggest names in tech. bill gates, mark zuckerberg, they are individuals that have deep ties with communist china, and they are supportive of their policies, the ties actually enhance the military and intelligence capabilities of china. which is now positioning itself to surpass the u.s., which is their goal. mark: law talk about these high-tech robber "barron's." why do you think they are so taken bee a genocidal, communist dec dictator like this? doesn't that seem odd to you . here, it is in the open. they embrace this man, what is the mentality? >> you look at bill gates worth 100 billion or more, is it really about the money? it might be, i think if has more to do with the attraction to dictatorship a lot of these executives have in silicon valley, a guy like bill gates with microsoft, microsoft does major research in china with military length labs in artificial intelligence, which say crucial area that china says they will surpass the united states to achieve technological. >> and bill gates invests in chinese company that do research. and bill gates is an adviser to the chinese government, he has been given membership in chinese academy of engineering it is a communist run organization whose charter requires members to be politically approved, they are to advise chinese government to technical matters, bill gates does not need the money, why is he doing that? i think there is an attractioned to the fact that china, things get done efficiently because you have a brutal dictatorship imposing their will on people. mark: the corporatists that is their own mentality. right? they muscle through the shareholder meetings, they don't reveal what they are supposed to reveal, we call them a publicly owned company. but what do we really know is going on. and apple, and tim cook, what is that relationship like with the communist chinese government. >> revelations about fact that apple set up sweetheart deals with china in terms of supply relationship, tim cook jokes around with communist party officials that are sensors content in china. and a guy like mark zuckerberg, he went to the state dinner that barack obama held for president xi, at that dinner, zuckerberg said, my wife is about to give birth to a child, would you name that child. literally, that is what he asked xi . who chuckleed and said that was too great a responsibility. >> and top china -- visits facebook headquarters, they go back to the office, chinese communist party official sits in his chair and noticed a thick book on his desk, the collective writing and speeches of xi from china, he said, vid have been reading it, i bought copies, it is remarkable the way in which they suck up to them. and the literal help they provide in aiding and abetting this brutal regime. mark: i think this generation of corporatist is quite different from the generation of corporate titans of the past, what put muscles and smarts into building our economy system or foundation whether it was steal or oil and so for. they were pro american. they did all that they could to support the american people, when when a president sat down with them, and said we need your help on something. federal government is broke. they len federal government money, i don't see that today. i see the guys lobbyists looking for every advantage they can get, i see them coddling up to the dictator, while trashing downtown don -- donald trump as republican partia some time of socially backward entities, there is something terribly wrong with these people. >> i think you are spot on. they are unmoored, disconnected. from american life. these are in economic sense the biggest winners in america, they should be the biggest cheer lighters for a representative form of government, limited government, rule by law, limited regulations, but they are not, they seem happy to perform the services that benefit the chinese government. mark zuckerberg for example, teamed up with google, they said we'll attach the large data cable, we'll link hong kong with san francisco. and they started to build it, they hire a chinese company linked to chinese military to do it. only reason this project was not completed is justice department and fbi stepped in said, now. you cannot complete this project because it would provide unstress unprecedented opportunities for chinese espionage. they know that, they are smart people -- what would prompt them to think it would be okay to provide this benefit to the chinese government is beyond me, you are right, a generation earlier, you would never have seen corporate executives willing to do something like that. mark: and their own conduct on facebook, zuckerberg and internet. they don't tolerate different opinions, not even experts on their sites talking about vaccine or, they don't tolerate intelligent, substantive disagreements. they are picking up very bad habits from communist china and the way that regime is ruled. >> that is a crucial point. here is the thing, the argument has been made by silicon valley and wall street and others, if we have the commerce with communist china our values will rub off on them, that has not happened but what has happened chinese communist party values have rubbed off on them, you find microsoft, facebook and google executives making excuses for chinese censorship, pretending it is not occurring or saying it is not that big a deal, they are doing the same thing here in united states, you see a merging in tech space. we have a worldwide web that excites, the censorship approach and attitude that beijing has performed over the last 15 years is now being imported into the united states. not being done by the american government, it is done by the tech giants. and it should frighten everyone who is concerned about freedom of speech. mark: we created the oligopoly in the united states. while crushing american freedom, and different ideas and speech, they work with the autocratic regimes. china and anyone else they could. they would love to work with iran. they don't much care, this is a big problem, not about free market capitalism,. they work the system. and more centralize it is, the more power they have given how much resources they have. when we come back, peter. i want to talk to you about the bidens. that mess, that is next. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and 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have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. mark: welcome back, let's jump to this the biden family, joe biden has been in government forever. a question on this peter schweizer, did communist chinese regime make it part of their mission to invest in biden family, knowingful knowing -- full well, that biden is a career politician with a lot of influence. >> i think there is no question. we have uncovered the biden family. while vice president of united states, continuing when he became president, received some 31 million dollars from chinese individuals who are linked to the highest levels of chinese intelligence. intelligence. intelligence. >> 31 million, woe. >> yep, they were carried out by a coupled of individuals, hunter biden refers to him as super chairman, he said, i do know believe in the lottery about more, but i believe in the schuper chairman, who is che fang? kind of a sketchy chinese businessman, his business partner at the time he was striking deals with hunter biden, his business partner of the vice minister at ministry for straight security -- state security in charge of recruiting foreign nationals to spy for china, and head of what is called number 8 bureau, it does not get higher, these are the sorted individuals that were striking deals with hunter biden, another individual that helped arranger the -- arrange the deal, mr. jou who helped with that deal and he spent 5 million to hunter biden and he sent that money from a interesting business, called harvest global. so, you have mr. jou sending 5 million, who is his business partner? his business partner is the daughter of the former head of the ministry of state security. this is the guy who runs the entire spy apparatus for china, it does not get higher, this means that in total, the biden family got 31 million dollars, they performed no discernible legitimate business activities that i can find for that 31 million, every single deal came from individuals tied at the highest levels to the chinese intelligence apparatus, there is no question in my mind, they were targeted by the chinese, and for the life of me, this is unprecedented. i don't know of a time in american history where the american first family has had to kind of a financial bond with a foreign intelligence service, particularly one that wants to defeated the united states in global competition. mark: you know the clause they talked about with trump has its purpose to prevent this sort of thing, where president or other people in the family are paid off or invested in, we'll use that phrase, by a foreign government, they had great fear about this. and i cannot believe that 31 million dollar as you write, pours into the biden family, and joe biden doesn't know anything about it. he is the head of the biden clan. that is number one. number two, they live very well. number three, it is amazing how this democrat congress does not want any tax returns of biden family members, no investigation of biden family members. he is current president, when you consider how they have gone after donald trump with the fake issues. joe biden directly, how has he benefited from communist chinese. >> because the other thing we layout in the book is that very clear that hunter biden and joe biden have had entire -- intertwined finances for a very long time, there are specific examples of him paying his father's bills, some are rudementry. a phone bill for a back-channel phone that joe biden has, when he was vice president, but there are also tens of thousands of dollars of other bills in terms of renovation on biden family homes, the bottom line, money that hunter connected overseas benefited not only hunter but joe biden himself. and other family members that includes james biden, a couple millions of chinese money that is sent to james biden. one other point to make. very important, i. i think lays out the fact this needs serious investigation, not only by fbi but congress with subpoena power, some curious happens when hunter biden is securing these deal deals, he goes to secret service and says, i now longer want protection when i travel overseas that is a stunning thing that needs to be looked into. mark: he doesn't want records i guess, this just floats around and american media cover it up, they have resources, if they wanted to invested gate it they could raise a lot of questions, congress has subpoena power, department of the justice does not have to sit on its hands yet they are, so-called institutions there to protect us from this, seem to be devoured and controlled by the wrong party in this country, there is joe biden with various connections and his family with various connect, all we keep hearing about is donald trump and his family, they are still under attack and yet there is joe biden, 31 million came into this family, that is appalling, when we come back pelosi, and boehner and others on capitol hill, we'll be right back. 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(jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit >> welcome to fox news livism a new development in crisis over ukraine. fox news confirms that president biden is considering deploying 5 thousands troops in the baltic states and eastern europe as russian troops gather along ukraine border, there could be additional troops from nato countries, warning to vladimir putin to try to not to move into any other neighbors countries, u.s. state department ordering departure of non-essential personnel from american embassy in ukraine. and the state department also warning u.s. citizens against travel to russia. >> and milwaukee police are investigates deaths of 5 people in a residential neighborhood, not known how the 4 adult males and one female died, it is classified as a homicide for now, mayor calls it horrific. back to "life, liberty and levin." ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back, this is a fantastic book, "red-handed," you will learn things you never heard of before, we'll start to really understand things. "red-handed" at or any retail bookstore it comes out in a couple of days, i encourage each and every one of you to get it and read it. this is a unique book. this is the subterrainian governing that the american people are unaware of. to the government, and to the tech company expos companies and colleges and universities, i suspect this is one of the reasons that same entities hated donald trump. donald trump took on the communist chinese regime. he stood nose to nose with them, and imposed tariffs again them and other restrictions. donald trump was upsetting the cart. two all of these entities that are on the take with the communist chinese regime. i want to get to congress. we had speaker pelosi, and speaker boehner and diane feinstein. head of the intelligence committee, what have they or communist -- >> china has been successful at elite capture. they provide deals and benefits to powerful politicians, help make them rich, those politicians become more friendly to china, nancy pelosi when she first came into congress was very anti-communism china but her position has evolved, her husband and son secure deals in china, back to the olympic, previous time, she initially favored a boycott of those olympics, but then her husband was invested in a couple of limousine companies, theymo actually got contracts to shuttle vips around in beijing for the olympics, it was a big contract. she reversed herself, and said he is no longer favored a boycott. and deals have mounted. we have reached a point where to give you an example, there is debate about origins of coronavirus, we continue came from china. nancy pelosi has steadfastly refused for two years now to even allow a single congressional hearing on the originss of covid and how it came from china. she has performed other services as well. and john boehner, republican former speaker, when he was speaker blocked legislation that was crucial to china, they wanted it pass. it was going to pass the u.s. house on a bipartisan basis. he refused to allow it to be brought on to the floor. when he left the speakership, he joined a lobbying firm in washington that happens to be the lobbying firm for the chinese government. they have a contract for the embassy of china, and their job is to provide in their terms, a political intelligence for issues related to the u.s. defense budget and other issues. so john boehner is now strategic adviser to that firm, that firm has office in china that office is populated by senior chinese communist party officials and government officials, he is neck deep in this firm. another example of how china works. and it is important to point out, by the way, china is not expecting these political figures to walk with them on every single issue. they have a concept in their intelligence service that loosely translated means, big help, with little bad mouth. in other words as long as you them -- help them on lit big things that matter to them. another individual is feinstein the chairman of senate intelligence commenty, her husband has done millions of dollars of deals in china. bugg. and her husband was a partner with that chinese firm it say serious, deep problem on both sides of the aisle. mark: an eye-opening book, "red-handed" by peter swiez schweizer, a fantastic a allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. 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"red-handed" by peter schweizer. a must-read. and i don't say that lightly, how american elites can get rich helping china win, china is trying to takeover in terms of super power status. it is threatening the united states economically and geo politically, militarily. and if you want to know what part of the problem circumstance look within the united statesry have lmghts elements that have rolled over to this regime or worse. they are all over corporate america. all over academia, our politics, we the people know little about this. but this book, "red-handed" i think this will blow the roof off. what about bush family, what is their relationship with the communist regime? >> beijing figured out a while ago they want relationships not just with individual politics but with families. i highlighted in the book relationship beijing has with trudeau family in canada and the bushes. and the relationship there between bushes and beijing grows, prescott bush, starts signing up commercial dials. they build in 1990s, tiananmen square, the massacre there was kind of a hiccup. as far as bush family was concerned. when george w. bush becomes president of u.s. in 2001, prescott bush keeps signing up deals, but now neil bush, starts to get dials, he getting a deal with a computer company that is owned by the son of chinese premier. paying neil bush a million a year, no evidence that neil bush knows anything about the computer business. this relationship has continued, then you flash forward to jeb bush, he leaves florida governorship, he goes to set up an investment fund, with dealings in london, a lot of the financing is coming from china, he connects with a chinese firm part of red air stock risy, his firm does well, thanks to the hospital of the chinese. and when jeb bush runs for president, there is an organized effort by chinese nationals linked by the chinese government to raise money for jeb bush, there is a flow of millions of dollars to jeb bush's campaign in 2016. this is along multigenerational relationship. the crescendo, today neil bush runs the bush center, they deal with u.s.-chinese relationships, he goes to chinese state media talking about how you know the human rights situation is hung hong kong is understood by people in the west, and rights of people in hong kong are like those of people in united states, he has become an apologist for the chinese regime, and previously mentioned bush center is financed in part by united front groups, they are groups that are linked to chinese intelligence to push the chinese agenda overseas, this is a classic example of how they operate, it is influenced i think elements of the republican party and how they view china. for a long time they pushed line that greater commerce, greater dials with china would moderate china. that is not come to pass, only made china stronger. and so people have advocated that position and made money advocates for that position, and the bush family unfortunately is an example of that. mark: almost like communist chinese have not left a single stone under turned -- unturned in our culture, whether it is hollywood entertainment or nike and sneakers. and academia, and politicians and so forth. how little they say about china, you can tell good from the bad. you know they are not buying off tom cotton, he is out there pounding away so many other members are silent. they don't say anything. this administration has not priorities national security. they are doing things that make it clear they are very aggressive. you could see how weak and our diplomacy is. because so many of these people in the biden administration, coming out of the ivy league schools, they just do not view china as a existential threat. trump, yes, republican party, yes. fox, business. >> when we come back with peter schweizer, we jump into collele ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. mark: welcome back. i am here with peter schweizer, with this fantastic book, it really is. "red-handed," you will learn things that will make your skin crawl. you will be furious. we need to do something about this. >> collects and universities, on the -- colleges and universities on the take. >> this is a huge problem. according to federal law colleges and universities are required to disclose foreign money they take in when doing fund raising. a lot of chinese elites that are linked to chinese communist party have found creative ways to funnel tens of millions of dollars to schools like yale, harvard and stanford without listing them as foreign. for example, a man joe si that i talk about in the book, a copounder of alibaba, speaks openly on defending them he funneled millions to yale university, they set up a joe si center for study of china, yale does not disclose it as a foreign donation, they say it came from united states,io there is a joe si foundcasion in the united states but the problem, it came from overseas. and what is happened that joe si center, taken a pretty pro-beijing position on a lot of issues. you could say this is just an academic issue who cares, but the problem asks people like joe biden's national security advisor were fellows at this center, and were paid by joe si the pro regime oligarch from china, so the influence runs not just toy the universities also to highest power in dc, they work to squelch debate and minimize critique o chinese regime, and si defend the regime, saying there is no human right problem, but has given 100 million to black lives matter related charities. he is critical about justice issues in the united states, but is very defensive and protective of what china does. and that is skewing the debate on college campuses. mark: they are two marc marxisting orgations, it is amazing how much money is exchanging hands to used to influence and to advance the cause ofnf the communist chinese. when you think about it peter, how the american media have failed to report on this, i heard american media reporters have taken junkets and live in the area,. i see the same with iranians and peddles and same with putin. to me this circles back to trump, trump is the only president in modern times who stood up to the entities within the united states and stood up to communist china in a way that communist china has never had to deal with before. and because he was upsetting the apple cart, throughout our culture, he became the target. he became the target. it is also interesting to me how little negative press that communist chinese get, every now and then you see some film about the uighurs and hear about hong kong, but for the most part, you don't hear anything, you have massive genocide in communist china right now. you have an attack on in hong kong that was an ally of ours, threats against taiwan. and you can't say the china virus, if you call it the china virus, you are obviously anti-chinese, and a racists. this is part of the manipulation of language and propaganda. >> they are calling the tune whether silicon valley or wall street or elements of media and in dc, the question is, are we going to wake up, there are people that want to fight this, that want to stand up for american principles for human rights, but we have a fundamental question to ask ourselves, president xi jinping is clear cut and open, he will surpass the u.s. and number two he will achieve a global supremacy, those are hit stated goals,. the question is with all eliting gets rich helping him, what are we going to do aboutav it, that is the critical question. mark: i want audience to know you have an entire chaptery on what we should do about it at the very end, first thing we need to do is read your book which identifies individuals and institutions that have become huge problems in this country. it isha "red-handed." what is happened here, to our country's diabolical. go to amazon get a copy, it comes out in a couple days, great job peter schweizer, i cannot thank you enough. >> thank you, mark. mark: god bless you, we'll be right back. y boost glucose c it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. .. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay 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"red-handed." a book you need to have comes out in a few days. it shows the jean yufs the founders of our constitution. they wanted divide government between the states and the national government they created. they wanted limited government. they provided specific details about what each branch should do. and the rest was left for us to run our own lives. they understoodd the concentration of power is very, very evil.l. the concentration of power -- once people taste power they want more. that's why the democrats want to destroy our voting system. they can taste power and they feel it slipping away. that's why they want to pack the court and have permanent control through the bureaucracy. that's why we must fight it and embrace our constitutional republic. whether it's the tyranny of a lettinglyture or tyranny -- tyranny of a legislature or oligarchs, it's tyranny. that's why it's under attack about it american marxists, the corporatiststy and a lot of nevr trumpers. that's one of the big reasons they hated donald trump and never want to see him in the office of the presidency again. steve: major developments in the russia-ukraine story in the last hour. after being presented with options at camp david this weekend president biden is considering sending up to 5,000 u.s. troops to the nato allies to eastern europe in a show of support for countries bordering russia and ukraine. the u.s. is looking at deploying naval vessels that could be additional troops sent to romania and t

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