Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Ba

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240708

encourage-- incursion and fighting about what to do and not to do ect. maria: coming up arkansas senator tom carton-- cotton on the blunders that keep coming and then the beijing olympics a week away as the chinese communist party threatens athletes to shut up and an nba owner obliges. >> no one cares about the uighurs. you bring it up because you don't-- care, the rest of us don't care. maria: are us athletes in danger as they head to beijing as a marsha blackburn warned last week on this program. >> we know the chinese communist party choose to disappear a tennis planner-- player and i'm concerned about the safety and security of these athletes and what they may be exposed to while they are there. maria: coming up, austin celtics center enes kanter freedom on the nba in c plus pictures like this, crime and destruction, murder at 25 year highs and inflation is spiking, the realities of america today pushing more americans than ever before as joe biden attacks republicans. >> what are republicans for cracks what are they for? name me one thing they are for. maria: former speaker of the house newt gingrich on the gop priorities ahead with the midterm primaries one month away and a new survey reporting more americans now favor the republican party and then you will not see any of this on the mainstream media today, censorship buying votes. it sent this leading republican into the world of business, newly named ceo devon nunez is here on his plans to take on twitter, facebook. his launch plan coming up all here, right now on "sunday morning futures". maria: and first this morning we have ricky news, the state department is ordering families of us embassy staff in ukraine to begin evacuating the country as soonest tomorrow with expectations that the us will encourage all americans to leave ukraine by commercial flights quote while those flights are still available. the biden administration sent a 200,000 pounds of lethal aid to ukrainian soldiers over the weekend with more arms from the us military stockpile expected this week to fight a potential russia invasion. an attack could be imminent after vladimir putin announced 100,000 russian troops on the ukraine border and joe biden seemly gave him an opening to do so during his speech wednesday. >> my guess is he will move in. he has to do something. i think what you are going to see is that russia will be held accountable if it invades and it depends on what it does. it's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up fighting about what to do and not do ect. maria: joining me right now is arkansas senator tom cotton who sits on the senate judiciary and armed services committee. good to see you. good morning to you. >> thank you, maria. good to be on with you. maria: are you expecting russia to invade ukraine? >> maria, vladimir putin is set to invade. this is the most dangerous time in eastern europe in years-- years, maybe decades to have a major war between two nationstates. i think we should take a step back and ask how we got here and why it matters. vladimir putin hasn't said that he can't tolerate ukraine joining nato and that's a pretax. there is no plan for ukraine to join nato or large numbers of american combat troops in ukraine as well, that's a pretext as well we've only had trainers from time to time and what he really wants is to reassemble the greater soviet russia empire that he thinks was a geopolitical catastrophe when it collapsed in the '90s and he wants to have a nondemocratic buffer zone so the russian people can't look at places like ukraine or georgia and is a if democracy works in those countries, why shouldn't it work in hours and that's what vladimir putin has always wanted, so why is it that now he's put more than a hundred thousand troops on the border and there i think president biden bears a lot of the blame. for a year he has been appeasing vladimir putin. he gave him a very one-sided nuclear arms control treaty the very first month of his presidency. he removed his sanctions from the nord stream 2 gas pipeline from russia to germany which his own party opposed and he really did nothing about the colonial pipeline hack and then in august vladimir putin let the rest of the world see joe biden's debacle in afghanistan so that's why vladimir putin thinks the timing is right here and why this matters to the american people, it's very dangerous when you allow our adversaries like russia, china and iran to try to upend the status quo and all we do is have strongly worded to speeches or some mealymouthed sanction so if vladimir putin can get away with this in ukraine, what does that say to xi jinping about what he can do in taiwan or to threaten our military positions in the western pacific, what-- sheet on trade deals to take jobs and wealth away from this country and that's why the american people care about what happens in eastern europe is because it emboldens and encourages our adversaries everywhere if we simply look the other way when vladimir putin invades ukraine a. maria: i went to get to china and the taiwan potential in a moment, but let me stay on eastern europe for a moment because not sanctioning the nor stream 2 pipeline basically gave europe this dependability on russia and germany now needs that gas from russia. will germany stand in the way of stopping russia from invading ukraine? >> i'm afraid they might, maria. this week germany has not only refused to provide ukraine with anti- armor and anti- aircraft weapons, they are actually blocking other nato countries from providing those weapons to ukraine. this is in part because germany is now so dependent on the russian gas. germany made extremely poor policy choices about energy over the last decade shutting down all of its nuclear power plants for instance making them more dependent than they already were on russian gas and now with the nord stream 2 pipeline going through the baltic sea you are in a situation where germany has secured its energy supply without taking their consequences it will have on countries not only like ukraine but nato allies like poland. russia will now be able to turn off the gas to those countries in the winter with no consequences for germany meaning the german government will be much less likely to take a firm stance against russia. this is just another example of these long lines of bad decisions and appeasing decisions that the german government across two different administrations has made towards russia. maria: what about the bad decisions we have made, frankly? we have oil prices back up to $87 a barrel, gasoline up 60% year-over-year in the united states is depending on oil from russia because joe biden canceled the xl pipeline and move the priorities towards electric. >> yeah, maria, what's happened in germany over the last 10 years as a cautionary tale about what would happen in the united states if we implemented something like that green a new deal because as you say we have already reduced our energy independence and therefore we have not been able to export energy. what we should have been doing is producing even more oil and gas and turning some of the gas into liquefied natural gas which we could then export to germany so germany would have a reliable energy source from the united states as opposed to depending on russia. maria: senator, what about the timing? do you think putin will imminently invade or does he need more time before invading ukraine? what are your thoughts on timing? >> maria, i think he could invade at any moment. i think probably according to all the reports i have seen, he's probably maybe one to three weeks away from being fully prepared and having all the combat enabling troops he needs, for instance, so may say medevac on the border. he may want to wait later into the depths of winter when the ground as more fully frozen for ease of maneuver vehicles like armored personnel carriers and tanks. i don't think we can be complacent and think we have a week or two weeks or three weeks as it could happen at any moment and that's why it's important we be clear about the kind of sanctions we impose on russia's oil and gas and mining and minerals, how we would cut them off from the international banking system and we all continue to provide the weapons that ukraine needs to defend itself. maria: and why would he say it depends on what kind of incursion it is if it's a minor incursion in the us might act differently? or his intelligence staff telling him this? was in a conversation he had with vladimir putin? >> i have no idea what joe biden-- why job i would say something like that in public. it could be a blunder of historic proportions like when dean atchison said our security perimeter didn't include south korea and a short time after north korea invaded south korea in 1950 and there's a reason why joe biden went out to clean that up the next day and why so many of his underlings tried to clean it up, but unfortunately vladimir putin saw what the rest of the world saw when joe biden was speaking off-the-cuff spontaneously, he said a minor incursion might divide nato and make a response harder when joe biden was speaking on talking points or when his press secretary was speaking it's a different tune, but i think vladimir putin knows what joe biden really thinks when he speaking spontaneously. maria: i went to ask about china. let's take a short break and then get into domestic issues. joe biden said the upcoming midterm elections will only be free and fair if the democrat voting bill is passed forcing the white house to walk back those words as well. we will talk election, economy and broken biden agenda with senator tom agenda with senator tom cotton your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be a legitimate? >> it will all depend on whether or not we are able to make the case to the american people that some of this is being set up to alter the outcome of the election. i think it's easy to be illegitimate. maria: president biden questioning the legitimacy of the upcoming elections. biden's approval rating tumbled to a new record low of 20% following the solo press conference this week, just the second press conference of his administration i am back with arkansas senator tom cotton. now says it's okay to question the illegitimacy of a election, now, we can. >> yeah, maria, i think we are both old enough that we can remember when you question dangerous practices put in place in 2020 that it was an insurrection in endangering democracy. what joe biden is complaining is not about restrictions on the right to vote as states have not restricted the rights to vote. they made it harder to cheat and he simply trying to cover up for what i think will be a disastrous election for his party because of his failed policies and rising inflation, rise in crime and chaotic southern border. he's trying to find excuses in advance or why they are about to be beaten very badly in november. maria: will they be able to get their voting bills through at this point or is that dead and what about the rest of the agenda? are they going to come back and try to get through a massive spending plan at some point in the next couple of months? >> no, maria, they won't pass these election takeover bills. we were able to defeat them last week with all 50 republicans united and kyrsten sinema and joe manchin standing up to their party refusing to break the rules of the senate to change the rules of the senate, so i suspect they will come back to a massive $5 trillion spending bill. joe manchin said he could not support it in its current form last month, but i think they will try to take another run at hundreds of billions of dollars of spending on climate change and green energy and as we discussed earlier it could have devastating effects, not only for jobs and prosperity in the country, but for our energy independence and also it's going to have very negative effects with inflation, which is where they should focus. the biden administration is suffering and part because they aren't focusing on americans priorities like getting inflation under control or getting shelves restocked, stopping the crime we see in so many cities and getting our southern border under control and that's what congress should be focusing is the one i spoke with one ceo yesterday that told me that ship shortage got worse at the end of last year and we will have a very tough year in terms of the supply shortage and the disruptions that we see. there are some people now expecting a recession because of all of these issues. i know that the biden administration is trying to push through new nominees and he's nominating sarah bloom raskin as the head overseer of the banks and he's making climate change, she wants to make climate change a key priority for banking. will she get through, do you think? >> i hope not and i hope president biden pulls back all of his nominees for the federal reserve because they have had a record of failure for the last year in trying to keep inflation under control, but as you say sarah bloom raskin or for that matter brainard who had a hearing in congress wouldn't even answer if she was a capitalist or socialist. they are going on the federal reserve to fulfill its core mission, which is a stable monetary supply to have stable prices and get inflation under control. they want to use the federal reserve to impose climate change policy on businesses. often times they act with major wall street banks, you know blackrock for instance sent out a letter to its ceos in which saying if you aren't engaged in woke policies in your company we may disinvest. it's all kind of a domestic american version of the social credit store of the chinese communist party imposing on its people, government and big banks working together to try to enforce woke social and economic policies on private businesses. maria: it's actually quite extraordinary as you mentioned blackrock and they are perfectly fine operating in china. they told their investors to up their investments in chinese companies by three times and yet they are attacking american companies for fossil fuels and last time i checked china was the biggest polluter in the world. i have to get your take on china. moments ago you said what will the ukraine situation mean for xi jinping as he eyes taiwan. when do you expect china to invade taiwan? >> well, i think xi jinping believes today that his military is capable of invading taiwan. they can execute that operates and if he gives the order. if america doesn't come to its support. there are reasons why he might not do that imminently like the winter x coming up or the party congress later this year was the chinese communist party will give him the unprecedented third term in power, but after that , i think when the geopolitical conditions are right, maybe when the weather data is suitable in the taiwan straits especially if the vladimir putin pulls off an invasion of uke-- ukraine you could see xi jinping go for the jugular in taiwan and that's why it's important we stand by our commitments around the world and that we be especially clear that we will come to taiwan's support to defend its democracy and its autonomy. maria: and quick before you go, senator, you were among the few who wanted a total boycott, not just diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics and we are about to talk with enes kanter freedom coming up. do you worry our athletes are going to be under a pressure in any way. gordon chang said the ccp will try to get their dna what are our athletes about to face? >> very much so, maria. last summer i asked the biden administration their plan to protect athletes and coaches from things like dna harvesting under the guise of coronavirus testing or around-the-clock electronic surveillance or outright arbitrary detention and hostage taking in the biden administration had no answer so a couple months ago i called for a complete total boycott as the only vic's approach my fears grow. china is requiring all persons coming to the country for the alembic's do download an app on their phone which has all kinds of backdoors to it. they recently arbitrarily arrested and detained one of their own most famous tennis players and if they will do that would to one of their own, what do you think they will do to an american athlete especially if they speak up on state tibetans or hong kong or taiwan. it's dangerous to send our athletes and coaches today are these only vicks should be postponed because of the coronavirus raging across china. that help ended with the tokyo olympics and this is a much smaller set of olympics that can be conducted a year from now. maria: what an incredible story. senator, great to catch up with you and thank you for joining us this morning. we so appreciate it. >> thank you. maria: senator tom cotton. what are you recommending for muscle pain? 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>> first of all, after this happened i did not see a statement from the nba i saw a statement from him in the warriors , but the one thing that really caught my attention was there is not one time that they mention the uighurs because they know they have so much business going on in china and they did not want to mess it up. i think it's a shame and i feel like people need to care more about humanity than money, but i feel like we just need to keep these people accountable. maria: you have been out there trying to educate people in terms of what is really happening on the ground, but the nba and some of your colleagues, lebron james, la lakers are tied to china, so do you think at the end of the day it's all about money and doesn't matter how the ccp asked, doesn't matter that the ccp said it wants to overtake the united states is the number one superpower and will use its military might to do so as long as they are making money because of the 1.4 billion potential customers of basketball then they are fine with anything that the ccp does? is that what it comes down to? >> nba making around $5 million from china and i look at the numbers actually just last year that and more people watch nba in china, over 400 million people and yes, to them it's all about money. it's all about business. it's all about endorsement deals it's sad. i just keep asking people, if your mother, if your daughter, if your sister, your wife was in those concentration camps getting tortured and raped would you still remain silent, so i feel like we need empathy and hold the dictatorship accountable. maria: we wanted to talk with you about the upcoming olympics because you know some of the athletes that are going to beijing to play in the winter games. the winter games begin february 4, and we spoke with senator marsha blackburn last week on this program about what our athletes my face and here's what she said about the upcoming winter games. listen to this. >> we know that the chinese communist party chose to disappear a tennis player. i'm very concerned about the safety and security of these athletes and what they may be exposed to while they are there. maria: so, what you think? what will our athletes face when they go to beijing? >> first of all, team usa just announce to bring your burner phone because china will tap into your phone and i'm like this is crazy. also, to tell all these people like you want to go i understand, but the communist party, chinese communist party does not represent the values of excellence, respect our friendship and i believe they engage in a censorship, cut freedoms , don't respect human rights and when i have a conversation unlike listen, all them gold medals you can win are not more important than your morals, values or your principles and i understand, but i believe it's not enough. i feel like shame on the international committee that organized these games, olympic games in a country like china, so i feel like in bed with china and it's a shame. recently, i just read that while the athletes are there, they are not allowed to make any kind of statements or they will get in trouble. if i'm not mistaken, i read that a couple of days ago and it is crazy. look what they do to their own tennis player. really going to feel safe to send our players in a country like china? maria: you are right china has worn foreign limbic athletes against a speaking out on politics, on anything against china at the winter games. they hired a pr company to make their branding better on social media and so what is the conversation among athletes in terms of what you as athletes might have to face when you get to china? >> first of all, like i said again, they are not going to bring their first phone. they are going to bring a burner phone, laptop, ipad because they know that there is a high chance that china will tap into that and i believe that the chinese government told them that they have to download some kind of app which is very suspicious. i don't think anyone wants to do it the other thing is obviously they work so hard to get there, i understand it, but do they really want to take that risk and put their name on games that go, i mean, i call it genocide games. do they really want to participate in games like that? i feel like they have to think twice about going to a country like china. maria: certainly the surveillance is real, we know that. enes freedom, great to see you. thank you for weighing in and we will talk soon. enes freedom joining us this morning and not exclusive. thank you, sir. >> thanks, maria. maria: quick break and then coming up the other ukraine angle after investigating you to -- attacks on president trump devin eunice-- nunez, former congressman turned executive is here for his first television interview since leaving public office to run president trump's new media and technology plan. his plan to take on big tech next [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. maria: welcome back. one of washington dc's ultimate truth tellers, devon nunez retired from congress to become the ceo of trump media & technology group. he joins me now in his first television interview since leaving public office and it's good to see you. thank you for being here. >> great to be with you, maria. great to be back in a different capacity. maria: congratulations on the new job. we are all waiting to see what plays out with truth social and trump media and technology group. when will you launch truth social? >> for sure we will launch it by the end of the quarter. one of the challenges we have with big tech is that they don't want us to succeed, so we have to make sure that not only we build all of our own infrastructure is much as possible, but we have to vet the partners we will have for example, rumble, which is a youtube alternative, we will partner with them on certain aspects. they are one of the only big social media companies that have actually been able to get a fortified beachhead and survive against big tech so we are looking for partners like that to ensure to the best of our ability that once we do go live we will have a safe place that big tech cannot cancel. those are the types of things we are working on now and we are excited because we are preparing to launch here in the next 60 days a. maria: so, you will launch by the end of march, that means i know you will be doing testing before then in february. that's right around the time that the primaries begin. what role will truth social habit primary and the midterm elections? >> i think what you see now maria, from what happened over a year ago when the canceling just went full scale where americans hundreds of thousands if not millions of americans got booted from the social media company. this is what really changed my opinion i was one of the first guys to be shadow band, impacted several years ago by the social media companies, but when you start not only keeping off information like they did that actually sway the election right before the election, but then you kick not only the president of the united states office social media, but millions of their followers, i went around the country last year and i think people were just shocked when this opportunity came up to help build something new, not just a social media, but looking at the whole playing field of other sectors where this cancel culture so-called woke culture has taken over these big corporations and big tech companies it was really something i felt was a calling i had something i see as something larger than where i was at the because i think this is a needed, not only for the united states, but around the globe quite frankly. maria: and what you said to me yesterday was that this is going to be open to everyone. it's not going to have the algorithms that you seek and other social media companies that point you to a certain narrative or sway you. >> yeah, i would say this also that we are not going to be a conservative or republican only, i mean, really if you notice what-- what happened a year ago just from where we started it was like okay, we don't like conservatives, big tech sided with the left and they banned conservatives, but now you are starting to see they are also targeting any liberal or any moderate who raises questions about covid of any kind of a you are shadow band, so these are the types of things we want to create a safe place on the internet is not only family-friendly that will follow all of the laws on the books, but also a place where you are not stuck in some internet ghetto because your political affiliation or your political ideas. this is an opportunity, not only for millions of americans to get their voice back that are conservative, but i think also independents and moderates where recently we have seen people come out like joe rogan i think a well-known independent whose expressed his frustration with big tech in the list goes on and on so hopefully it's a place not just or social media political expression, but also for sports, art and entertainment. maria: and of course we saw that right before the 2020 election with social media blocked all the information about the biden family and the money that it received from various foreign countries. i want to switch gears and ask you what you learned it during your, you did such a good job in congress in terms of rooting out corruption. you were defending republican leading the republican investigation into the impeachment trial of president trump during the ukraine investigation. tell me what you learned about ukraine and what you came away from that investigation with. >> just remember, right before the election the hunter biden laptop story was abandoned by all social media and not only that, you had high level of former military and intelligence and so-called foreign leaders in the united states of america who sided with big tech and made up a false story that this was somehow russian disinformation look, we all know what the russians have been doing for 75 years is no secret. they tried to sew discord in our country. they were very successful. big tech did exactly what the russians wanted them to do. all these so-called experts did exactly what the russians wanted them to do and now fast forward, where are we today? remember, the invasion of ukraine started in 2014 under obama and biden. it was the obama button administration that wanted to give them blankets and then it was hunter biden laptop where the information existed when they were impeaching a president over this. clearly the information was out there that was really the biden's who had issues, not just with ukraine taking money from ukraine, but also russia, also china so, going back to the russians a started this under obama and biden in 2014. they smell weakness and i believe what they are going to do is probably force the hands of ukrainian people and basically put a choice in their hands of do they really want to fight and have bloodshed or is putin going to be able to install someone that he can control, which is kind of an old soviet tactic that's been used by dictators throughout history. maria: do you think biden has conflict of interest in ukraine and russia and that's dictating his decisions around the potential invasion of ukraine by russia? >> well, for one thing is for sure that big tech and the fake news media complex in this country helped cover up evidence that clearly, i mean, this is major evidence that sat on the laptop. the fbi had it for over a year and nothing was done with it. in a normal world, unlike the one we live in now dystopian media we have an social media, you could have hundreds and hundreds of media folks, reporters, investigative reporters doing work on this. sadly, you have only had a few places that have actually covered the story and then you would know i mean i think the american people deserve the right to know, what is it that the russians, the chinese or the ukrainians have on politicians in this country. that information is known to the fbi but yet the american people still don't have a clue. maria: devon i'm a we will be watching. thank you for joining us. devon nunez, stay with us as newt gingrich is us as newt gingrich is i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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thanks for wary much. we see the polls and america rejecting the biden agenda and yet when we hear from the president, voting bills that must happen or that elections won't be legitimate. your thoughts? >> look, i think they talked themselves into a dead end. the biden harris, schumer pelosi teams for reasons i don't understand went out of their way to take things they can get done. they knew that they did not have senator manchin or senator cinema. they knew they were going to lose the vote in the senate. they just kept pounding on and by the way these are not very popular bills. i mean, if you ask people if they want to see more spending and have more inflation, the answer is overwhelmingly now. if you asked people if they want a bill which would block identifying voters by identity, the fact is photo ids are acceptable to about 87% of all americans. they want an honest election, not a rigged election, so but this goes on and on. biden wants us to worry about the border in ukraine the american people are worried about the border with mexico and you have a gasoline problem, which is going to get worse and so biden is calling on russia at the same time he's trying to pressure putin-- putin, he's hoping the russians will pump more oil to give them more money to build their military even stronger, i mean, this stuff makes no sense if you are a normal person, but on the american left it apparently substitutes for any kind of critical thought. maria: that's what strikes me. we see the poll numbers plummeting we see americans rejecting their agenda and yet he's not responding to it at all. he-- in terms of what's important to the american people. >> look, the government socialism doesn't work, but the people who believe in it believing it almost as a secular religion appeared they can't get off of it. so, you really end up with people who are asked fanatic as the revolutionaries in the french revolution or the revolutionaries in a 1917 in moscow and they believe and when you show them the facts, they reject the fax because it threatens their belief system. a poll this week showed the republicans may be ahead by 57-42 in terms of who you will vote for for congress, that would be a landslide that would take it back probably to the 1920 with the republican congress that was that strong and would mean probably picking up six or seven seats in the senate and between 40 and 70 seats in the house. you would think at that point that the democratic leadership would get together and say this ain't working. instead, they get together and they start chanting, we got to get this done even though no one outside their group once it. maria: i want to talk about that whole that basically said more americans are choosing republicans over democrats. we will take a short break and talk about that the gop priorities at this year and beyond. stay with us. maria: on the back with former speaker of the house newt gingrich. you had an op-ed recently titled the wolves will become sheep. walk us through the op-ed and what's taking place now in washington. >> you have both with attorney general garland and with this a select committee on january 6, people who have run amok they are breaking the rules. they are going after people in a way which is reminiscent of the british monarchy using closed-door systems that we outlawed to liberally because we had seen it and we knew what it was like. they are running over peoples of civil liberties. what they need to understand is on january 4, next year, you will have a republican majority in the house and a republican majority in the senate and all these people who have been so tough and so mean and so nasty will be delivered subpoenas for every document, every conversation, every tweet, every e-mail because i think it's clear that these are people who are literally just running over the law, pursuing innocent people, causing them to spend thousands and thousands of dollars in legal fees for no >> for no justification, and it's basically a lynch mob. and, unfortunately, the attorney general of the united states has joined that lynch mob and is totally misusing the fbi. and i think when you have a republican congress, this is all going to come crashing down, and the wolves are going to find out that they're now sheep. and they're the ones who are, in fact, going to face a real risk of jail for the kind of laws they're breaking. maria: well, this is such great analysis. meanwhile, you see more americans leaning to the right in the face of all of these policies. >> well, if the democrats are losing on twofronts -- two fronts. they're losing on the reality front. ever time you go to buy gasoline, you'rey reminded they're incompetent. and people don't want a socialist,is left-wing, rad radical american. they'reha going to hughes both fronts, and i think it's going to lead to one of the largest tsunamis in american history as they get thrown out. maria: yeah. all right, newt, it's great to catch up with you. please come back soon. that'll do it for us, i'll see you tomorrow on fox business, "mornings with maria," and catch this program later today at 3 p.m. have a good sunday. sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking we're discovering together... in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. eric: ukraine and nato on high fears of a possible russian invasion of that a country. this as britain says its intelligence has uncovered a intelligence has uncovered a plot. i'm eric shawn. arthel: hi, eric. hello, everyone, i'm arkansas arthel neville -- arthel neville. meantime, the kremlin serving more troops and ammunition to the border. ukraine says it is ready to defend its country and is

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240708

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encourage-- incursion and fighting about what to do and not to do ect. maria: coming up arkansas senator tom carton-- cotton on the blunders that keep coming and then the beijing olympics a week away as the chinese communist party threatens athletes to shut up and an nba owner obliges. >> no one cares about the uighurs. you bring it up because you don't-- care, the rest of us don't care. maria: are us athletes in danger as they head to beijing as a marsha blackburn warned last week on this program. >> we know the chinese communist party choose to disappear a tennis planner-- player and i'm concerned about the safety and security of these athletes and what they may be exposed to while they are there. maria: coming up, austin celtics center enes kanter freedom on the nba in c plus pictures like this, crime and destruction, murder at 25 year highs and inflation is spiking, the realities of america today pushing more americans than ever before as joe biden attacks republicans. >> what are republicans for cracks what are they for? name me one thing they are for. maria: former speaker of the house newt gingrich on the gop priorities ahead with the midterm primaries one month away and a new survey reporting more americans now favor the republican party and then you will not see any of this on the mainstream media today, censorship buying votes. it sent this leading republican into the world of business, newly named ceo devon nunez is here on his plans to take on twitter, facebook. his launch plan coming up all here, right now on "sunday morning futures". maria: and first this morning we have ricky news, the state department is ordering families of us embassy staff in ukraine to begin evacuating the country as soonest tomorrow with expectations that the us will encourage all americans to leave ukraine by commercial flights quote while those flights are still available. the biden administration sent a 200,000 pounds of lethal aid to ukrainian soldiers over the weekend with more arms from the us military stockpile expected this week to fight a potential russia invasion. an attack could be imminent after vladimir putin announced 100,000 russian troops on the ukraine border and joe biden seemly gave him an opening to do so during his speech wednesday. >> my guess is he will move in. he has to do something. i think what you are going to see is that russia will be held accountable if it invades and it depends on what it does. it's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up fighting about what to do and not do ect. maria: joining me right now is arkansas senator tom cotton who sits on the senate judiciary and armed services committee. good to see you. good morning to you. >> thank you, maria. good to be on with you. maria: are you expecting russia to invade ukraine? >> maria, vladimir putin is set to invade. this is the most dangerous time in eastern europe in years-- years, maybe decades to have a major war between two nationstates. i think we should take a step back and ask how we got here and why it matters. vladimir putin hasn't said that he can't tolerate ukraine joining nato and that's a pretax. there is no plan for ukraine to join nato or large numbers of american combat troops in ukraine as well, that's a pretext as well we've only had trainers from time to time and what he really wants is to reassemble the greater soviet russia empire that he thinks was a geopolitical catastrophe when it collapsed in the '90s and he wants to have a nondemocratic buffer zone so the russian people can't look at places like ukraine or georgia and is a if democracy works in those countries, why shouldn't it work in hours and that's what vladimir putin has always wanted, so why is it that now he's put more than a hundred thousand troops on the border and there i think president biden bears a lot of the blame. for a year he has been appeasing vladimir putin. he gave him a very one-sided nuclear arms control treaty the very first month of his presidency. he removed his sanctions from the nord stream 2 gas pipeline from russia to germany which his own party opposed and he really did nothing about the colonial pipeline hack and then in august vladimir putin let the rest of the world see joe biden's debacle in afghanistan so that's why vladimir putin thinks the timing is right here and why this matters to the american people, it's very dangerous when you allow our adversaries like russia, china and iran to try to upend the status quo and all we do is have strongly worded to speeches or some mealymouthed sanction so if vladimir putin can get away with this in ukraine, what does that say to xi jinping about what he can do in taiwan or to threaten our military positions in the western pacific, what-- sheet on trade deals to take jobs and wealth away from this country and that's why the american people care about what happens in eastern europe is because it emboldens and encourages our adversaries everywhere if we simply look the other way when vladimir putin invades ukraine a. maria: i went to get to china and the taiwan potential in a moment, but let me stay on eastern europe for a moment because not sanctioning the nor stream 2 pipeline basically gave europe this dependability on russia and germany now needs that gas from russia. will germany stand in the way of stopping russia from invading ukraine? >> i'm afraid they might, maria. this week germany has not only refused to provide ukraine with anti- armor and anti- aircraft weapons, they are actually blocking other nato countries from providing those weapons to ukraine. this is in part because germany is now so dependent on the russian gas. germany made extremely poor policy choices about energy over the last decade shutting down all of its nuclear power plants for instance making them more dependent than they already were on russian gas and now with the nord stream 2 pipeline going through the baltic sea you are in a situation where germany has secured its energy supply without taking their consequences it will have on countries not only like ukraine but nato allies like poland. russia will now be able to turn off the gas to those countries in the winter with no consequences for germany meaning the german government will be much less likely to take a firm stance against russia. this is just another example of these long lines of bad decisions and appeasing decisions that the german government across two different administrations has made towards russia. maria: what about the bad decisions we have made, frankly? we have oil prices back up to $87 a barrel, gasoline up 60% year-over-year in the united states is depending on oil from russia because joe biden canceled the xl pipeline and move the priorities towards electric. >> yeah, maria, what's happened in germany over the last 10 years as a cautionary tale about what would happen in the united states if we implemented something like that green a new deal because as you say we have already reduced our energy independence and therefore we have not been able to export energy. what we should have been doing is producing even more oil and gas and turning some of the gas into liquefied natural gas which we could then export to germany so germany would have a reliable energy source from the united states as opposed to depending on russia. maria: senator, what about the timing? do you think putin will imminently invade or does he need more time before invading ukraine? what are your thoughts on timing? >> maria, i think he could invade at any moment. i think probably according to all the reports i have seen, he's probably maybe one to three weeks away from being fully prepared and having all the combat enabling troops he needs, for instance, so may say medevac on the border. he may want to wait later into the depths of winter when the ground as more fully frozen for ease of maneuver vehicles like armored personnel carriers and tanks. i don't think we can be complacent and think we have a week or two weeks or three weeks as it could happen at any moment and that's why it's important we be clear about the kind of sanctions we impose on russia's oil and gas and mining and minerals, how we would cut them off from the international banking system and we all continue to provide the weapons that ukraine needs to defend itself. maria: and why would he say it depends on what kind of incursion it is if it's a minor incursion in the us might act differently? or his intelligence staff telling him this? was in a conversation he had with vladimir putin? >> i have no idea what joe biden-- why job i would say something like that in public. it could be a blunder of historic proportions like when dean atchison said our security perimeter didn't include south korea and a short time after north korea invaded south korea in 1950 and there's a reason why joe biden went out to clean that up the next day and why so many of his underlings tried to clean it up, but unfortunately vladimir putin saw what the rest of the world saw when joe biden was speaking off-the-cuff spontaneously, he said a minor incursion might divide nato and make a response harder when joe biden was speaking on talking points or when his press secretary was speaking it's a different tune, but i think vladimir putin knows what joe biden really thinks when he speaking spontaneously. maria: i went to ask about china. let's take a short break and then get into domestic issues. joe biden said the upcoming midterm elections will only be free and fair if the democrat voting bill is passed forcing the white house to walk back those words as well. we will talk election, economy and broken biden agenda with senator tom agenda with senator tom cotton your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be a legitimate? >> it will all depend on whether or not we are able to make the case to the american people that some of this is being set up to alter the outcome of the election. i think it's easy to be illegitimate. maria: president biden questioning the legitimacy of the upcoming elections. biden's approval rating tumbled to a new record low of 20% following the solo press conference this week, just the second press conference of his administration i am back with arkansas senator tom cotton. now says it's okay to question the illegitimacy of a election, now, we can. >> yeah, maria, i think we are both old enough that we can remember when you question dangerous practices put in place in 2020 that it was an insurrection in endangering democracy. what joe biden is complaining is not about restrictions on the right to vote as states have not restricted the rights to vote. they made it harder to cheat and he simply trying to cover up for what i think will be a disastrous election for his party because of his failed policies and rising inflation, rise in crime and chaotic southern border. he's trying to find excuses in advance or why they are about to be beaten very badly in november. maria: will they be able to get their voting bills through at this point or is that dead and what about the rest of the agenda? are they going to come back and try to get through a massive spending plan at some point in the next couple of months? >> no, maria, they won't pass these election takeover bills. we were able to defeat them last week with all 50 republicans united and kyrsten sinema and joe manchin standing up to their party refusing to break the rules of the senate to change the rules of the senate, so i suspect they will come back to a massive $5 trillion spending bill. joe manchin said he could not support it in its current form last month, but i think they will try to take another run at hundreds of billions of dollars of spending on climate change and green energy and as we discussed earlier it could have devastating effects, not only for jobs and prosperity in the country, but for our energy independence and also it's going to have very negative effects with inflation, which is where they should focus. the biden administration is suffering and part because they aren't focusing on americans priorities like getting inflation under control or getting shelves restocked, stopping the crime we see in so many cities and getting our southern border under control and that's what congress should be focusing is the one i spoke with one ceo yesterday that told me that ship shortage got worse at the end of last year and we will have a very tough year in terms of the supply shortage and the disruptions that we see. there are some people now expecting a recession because of all of these issues. i know that the biden administration is trying to push through new nominees and he's nominating sarah bloom raskin as the head overseer of the banks and he's making climate change, she wants to make climate change a key priority for banking. will she get through, do you think? >> i hope not and i hope president biden pulls back all of his nominees for the federal reserve because they have had a record of failure for the last year in trying to keep inflation under control, but as you say sarah bloom raskin or for that matter brainard who had a hearing in congress wouldn't even answer if she was a capitalist or socialist. they are going on the federal reserve to fulfill its core mission, which is a stable monetary supply to have stable prices and get inflation under control. they want to use the federal reserve to impose climate change policy on businesses. often times they act with major wall street banks, you know blackrock for instance sent out a letter to its ceos in which saying if you aren't engaged in woke policies in your company we may disinvest. it's all kind of a domestic american version of the social credit store of the chinese communist party imposing on its people, government and big banks working together to try to enforce woke social and economic policies on private businesses. maria: it's actually quite extraordinary as you mentioned blackrock and they are perfectly fine operating in china. they told their investors to up their investments in chinese companies by three times and yet they are attacking american companies for fossil fuels and last time i checked china was the biggest polluter in the world. i have to get your take on china. moments ago you said what will the ukraine situation mean for xi jinping as he eyes taiwan. when do you expect china to invade taiwan? >> well, i think xi jinping believes today that his military is capable of invading taiwan. they can execute that operates and if he gives the order. if america doesn't come to its support. there are reasons why he might not do that imminently like the winter x coming up or the party congress later this year was the chinese communist party will give him the unprecedented third term in power, but after that , i think when the geopolitical conditions are right, maybe when the weather data is suitable in the taiwan straits especially if the vladimir putin pulls off an invasion of uke-- ukraine you could see xi jinping go for the jugular in taiwan and that's why it's important we stand by our commitments around the world and that we be especially clear that we will come to taiwan's support to defend its democracy and its autonomy. maria: and quick before you go, senator, you were among the few who wanted a total boycott, not just diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics and we are about to talk with enes kanter freedom coming up. do you worry our athletes are going to be under a pressure in any way. gordon chang said the ccp will try to get their dna what are our athletes about to face? >> very much so, maria. last summer i asked the biden administration their plan to protect athletes and coaches from things like dna harvesting under the guise of coronavirus testing or around-the-clock electronic surveillance or outright arbitrary detention and hostage taking in the biden administration had no answer so a couple months ago i called for a complete total boycott as the only vic's approach my fears grow. china is requiring all persons coming to the country for the alembic's do download an app on their phone which has all kinds of backdoors to it. they recently arbitrarily arrested and detained one of their own most famous tennis players and if they will do that would to one of their own, what do you think they will do to an american athlete especially if they speak up on state tibetans or hong kong or taiwan. it's dangerous to send our athletes and coaches today are these only vicks should be postponed because of the coronavirus raging across china. that help ended with the tokyo olympics and this is a much smaller set of olympics that can be conducted a year from now. maria: what an incredible story. senator, great to catch up with you and thank you for joining us this morning. we so appreciate it. >> thank you. maria: senator tom cotton. what are you recommending for muscle pain? 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>> first of all, after this happened i did not see a statement from the nba i saw a statement from him in the warriors , but the one thing that really caught my attention was there is not one time that they mention the uighurs because they know they have so much business going on in china and they did not want to mess it up. i think it's a shame and i feel like people need to care more about humanity than money, but i feel like we just need to keep these people accountable. maria: you have been out there trying to educate people in terms of what is really happening on the ground, but the nba and some of your colleagues, lebron james, la lakers are tied to china, so do you think at the end of the day it's all about money and doesn't matter how the ccp asked, doesn't matter that the ccp said it wants to overtake the united states is the number one superpower and will use its military might to do so as long as they are making money because of the 1.4 billion potential customers of basketball then they are fine with anything that the ccp does? is that what it comes down to? >> nba making around $5 million from china and i look at the numbers actually just last year that and more people watch nba in china, over 400 million people and yes, to them it's all about money. it's all about business. it's all about endorsement deals it's sad. i just keep asking people, if your mother, if your daughter, if your sister, your wife was in those concentration camps getting tortured and raped would you still remain silent, so i feel like we need empathy and hold the dictatorship accountable. maria: we wanted to talk with you about the upcoming olympics because you know some of the athletes that are going to beijing to play in the winter games. the winter games begin february 4, and we spoke with senator marsha blackburn last week on this program about what our athletes my face and here's what she said about the upcoming winter games. listen to this. >> we know that the chinese communist party chose to disappear a tennis player. i'm very concerned about the safety and security of these athletes and what they may be exposed to while they are there. maria: so, what you think? what will our athletes face when they go to beijing? >> first of all, team usa just announce to bring your burner phone because china will tap into your phone and i'm like this is crazy. also, to tell all these people like you want to go i understand, but the communist party, chinese communist party does not represent the values of excellence, respect our friendship and i believe they engage in a censorship, cut freedoms , don't respect human rights and when i have a conversation unlike listen, all them gold medals you can win are not more important than your morals, values or your principles and i understand, but i believe it's not enough. i feel like shame on the international committee that organized these games, olympic games in a country like china, so i feel like in bed with china and it's a shame. recently, i just read that while the athletes are there, they are not allowed to make any kind of statements or they will get in trouble. if i'm not mistaken, i read that a couple of days ago and it is crazy. look what they do to their own tennis player. really going to feel safe to send our players in a country like china? maria: you are right china has worn foreign limbic athletes against a speaking out on politics, on anything against china at the winter games. they hired a pr company to make their branding better on social media and so what is the conversation among athletes in terms of what you as athletes might have to face when you get to china? >> first of all, like i said again, they are not going to bring their first phone. they are going to bring a burner phone, laptop, ipad because they know that there is a high chance that china will tap into that and i believe that the chinese government told them that they have to download some kind of app which is very suspicious. i don't think anyone wants to do it the other thing is obviously they work so hard to get there, i understand it, but do they really want to take that risk and put their name on games that go, i mean, i call it genocide games. do they really want to participate in games like that? i feel like they have to think twice about going to a country like china. maria: certainly the surveillance is real, we know that. enes freedom, great to see you. thank you for weighing in and we will talk soon. enes freedom joining us this morning and not exclusive. thank you, sir. >> thanks, maria. maria: quick break and then coming up the other ukraine angle after investigating you to -- attacks on president trump devin eunice-- nunez, former congressman turned executive is here for his first television interview since leaving public office to run president trump's new media and technology plan. his plan to take on big tech next [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. maria: welcome back. one of washington dc's ultimate truth tellers, devon nunez retired from congress to become the ceo of trump media & technology group. he joins me now in his first television interview since leaving public office and it's good to see you. thank you for being here. >> great to be with you, maria. great to be back in a different capacity. maria: congratulations on the new job. we are all waiting to see what plays out with truth social and trump media and technology group. when will you launch truth social? >> for sure we will launch it by the end of the quarter. one of the challenges we have with big tech is that they don't want us to succeed, so we have to make sure that not only we build all of our own infrastructure is much as possible, but we have to vet the partners we will have for example, rumble, which is a youtube alternative, we will partner with them on certain aspects. they are one of the only big social media companies that have actually been able to get a fortified beachhead and survive against big tech so we are looking for partners like that to ensure to the best of our ability that once we do go live we will have a safe place that big tech cannot cancel. those are the types of things we are working on now and we are excited because we are preparing to launch here in the next 60 days a. maria: so, you will launch by the end of march, that means i know you will be doing testing before then in february. that's right around the time that the primaries begin. what role will truth social habit primary and the midterm elections? >> i think what you see now maria, from what happened over a year ago when the canceling just went full scale where americans hundreds of thousands if not millions of americans got booted from the social media company. this is what really changed my opinion i was one of the first guys to be shadow band, impacted several years ago by the social media companies, but when you start not only keeping off information like they did that actually sway the election right before the election, but then you kick not only the president of the united states office social media, but millions of their followers, i went around the country last year and i think people were just shocked when this opportunity came up to help build something new, not just a social media, but looking at the whole playing field of other sectors where this cancel culture so-called woke culture has taken over these big corporations and big tech companies it was really something i felt was a calling i had something i see as something larger than where i was at the because i think this is a needed, not only for the united states, but around the globe quite frankly. maria: and what you said to me yesterday was that this is going to be open to everyone. it's not going to have the algorithms that you seek and other social media companies that point you to a certain narrative or sway you. >> yeah, i would say this also that we are not going to be a conservative or republican only, i mean, really if you notice what-- what happened a year ago just from where we started it was like okay, we don't like conservatives, big tech sided with the left and they banned conservatives, but now you are starting to see they are also targeting any liberal or any moderate who raises questions about covid of any kind of a you are shadow band, so these are the types of things we want to create a safe place on the internet is not only family-friendly that will follow all of the laws on the books, but also a place where you are not stuck in some internet ghetto because your political affiliation or your political ideas. this is an opportunity, not only for millions of americans to get their voice back that are conservative, but i think also independents and moderates where recently we have seen people come out like joe rogan i think a well-known independent whose expressed his frustration with big tech in the list goes on and on so hopefully it's a place not just or social media political expression, but also for sports, art and entertainment. maria: and of course we saw that right before the 2020 election with social media blocked all the information about the biden family and the money that it received from various foreign countries. i want to switch gears and ask you what you learned it during your, you did such a good job in congress in terms of rooting out corruption. you were defending republican leading the republican investigation into the impeachment trial of president trump during the ukraine investigation. tell me what you learned about ukraine and what you came away from that investigation with. >> just remember, right before the election the hunter biden laptop story was abandoned by all social media and not only that, you had high level of former military and intelligence and so-called foreign leaders in the united states of america who sided with big tech and made up a false story that this was somehow russian disinformation look, we all know what the russians have been doing for 75 years is no secret. they tried to sew discord in our country. they were very successful. big tech did exactly what the russians wanted them to do. all these so-called experts did exactly what the russians wanted them to do and now fast forward, where are we today? remember, the invasion of ukraine started in 2014 under obama and biden. it was the obama button administration that wanted to give them blankets and then it was hunter biden laptop where the information existed when they were impeaching a president over this. clearly the information was out there that was really the biden's who had issues, not just with ukraine taking money from ukraine, but also russia, also china so, going back to the russians a started this under obama and biden in 2014. they smell weakness and i believe what they are going to do is probably force the hands of ukrainian people and basically put a choice in their hands of do they really want to fight and have bloodshed or is putin going to be able to install someone that he can control, which is kind of an old soviet tactic that's been used by dictators throughout history. maria: do you think biden has conflict of interest in ukraine and russia and that's dictating his decisions around the potential invasion of ukraine by russia? >> well, for one thing is for sure that big tech and the fake news media complex in this country helped cover up evidence that clearly, i mean, this is major evidence that sat on the laptop. the fbi had it for over a year and nothing was done with it. in a normal world, unlike the one we live in now dystopian media we have an social media, you could have hundreds and hundreds of media folks, reporters, investigative reporters doing work on this. sadly, you have only had a few places that have actually covered the story and then you would know i mean i think the american people deserve the right to know, what is it that the russians, the chinese or the ukrainians have on politicians in this country. that information is known to the fbi but yet the american people still don't have a clue. maria: devon i'm a we will be watching. thank you for joining us. devon nunez, stay with us as newt gingrich is us as newt gingrich is i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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thanks for wary much. we see the polls and america rejecting the biden agenda and yet when we hear from the president, voting bills that must happen or that elections won't be legitimate. your thoughts? >> look, i think they talked themselves into a dead end. the biden harris, schumer pelosi teams for reasons i don't understand went out of their way to take things they can get done. they knew that they did not have senator manchin or senator cinema. they knew they were going to lose the vote in the senate. they just kept pounding on and by the way these are not very popular bills. i mean, if you ask people if they want to see more spending and have more inflation, the answer is overwhelmingly now. if you asked people if they want a bill which would block identifying voters by identity, the fact is photo ids are acceptable to about 87% of all americans. they want an honest election, not a rigged election, so but this goes on and on. biden wants us to worry about the border in ukraine the american people are worried about the border with mexico and you have a gasoline problem, which is going to get worse and so biden is calling on russia at the same time he's trying to pressure putin-- putin, he's hoping the russians will pump more oil to give them more money to build their military even stronger, i mean, this stuff makes no sense if you are a normal person, but on the american left it apparently substitutes for any kind of critical thought. maria: that's what strikes me. we see the poll numbers plummeting we see americans rejecting their agenda and yet he's not responding to it at all. he-- in terms of what's important to the american people. >> look, the government socialism doesn't work, but the people who believe in it believing it almost as a secular religion appeared they can't get off of it. so, you really end up with people who are asked fanatic as the revolutionaries in the french revolution or the revolutionaries in a 1917 in moscow and they believe and when you show them the facts, they reject the fax because it threatens their belief system. a poll this week showed the republicans may be ahead by 57-42 in terms of who you will vote for for congress, that would be a landslide that would take it back probably to the 1920 with the republican congress that was that strong and would mean probably picking up six or seven seats in the senate and between 40 and 70 seats in the house. you would think at that point that the democratic leadership would get together and say this ain't working. instead, they get together and they start chanting, we got to get this done even though no one outside their group once it. maria: i want to talk about that whole that basically said more americans are choosing republicans over democrats. we will take a short break and talk about that the gop priorities at this year and beyond. stay with us. maria: on the back with former speaker of the house newt gingrich. you had an op-ed recently titled the wolves will become sheep. walk us through the op-ed and what's taking place now in washington. >> you have both with attorney general garland and with this a select committee on january 6, people who have run amok they are breaking the rules. they are going after people in a way which is reminiscent of the british monarchy using closed-door systems that we outlawed to liberally because we had seen it and we knew what it was like. they are running over peoples of civil liberties. what they need to understand is on january 4, next year, you will have a republican majority in the house and a republican majority in the senate and all these people who have been so tough and so mean and so nasty will be delivered subpoenas for every document, every conversation, every tweet, every e-mail because i think it's clear that these are people who are literally just running over the law, pursuing innocent people, causing them to spend thousands and thousands of dollars in legal fees for no >> for no justification, and it's basically a lynch mob. and, unfortunately, the attorney general of the united states has joined that lynch mob and is totally misusing the fbi. and i think when you have a republican congress, this is all going to come crashing down, and the wolves are going to find out that they're now sheep. and they're the ones who are, in fact, going to face a real risk of jail for the kind of laws they're breaking. maria: well, this is such great analysis. meanwhile, you see more americans leaning to the right in the face of all of these policies. >> well, if the democrats are losing on twofronts -- two fronts. they're losing on the reality front. ever time you go to buy gasoline, you'rey reminded they're incompetent. and people don't want a socialist,is left-wing, rad radical american. they'reha going to hughes both fronts, and i think it's going to lead to one of the largest tsunamis in american history as they get thrown out. maria: yeah. all right, newt, it's great to catch up with you. please come back soon. that'll do it for us, i'll see you tomorrow on fox business, "mornings with maria," and catch this program later today at 3 p.m. have a good sunday. sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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, Bill , Issues , Break , White House , Voting , Election , Agenda , Words , Economy , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Ulcers , Stomach , Course , Spot , Parks , Buick , Players , Whistle Blows , Right , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , The Field , Horn Honks , Life , Heart , Suv , Yup , Results , Legitimate , Whether , Case , Outcome , Press Conference , Record , Legitimacy , Low , Approval Rating , 20 , Illegitimacy , Place , States , Restrictions , Practices , Rights , Insurrection , 2020 , Policies , Excuses , Rise , Chaotic Southern Border , Voting Bills , Point , Spending , Rules , Joe Manchin , Election Takeover Bills , Kyrsten Sinema , 50 , Hundreds , Spending Bill , Billions , Run , Form , 5 Trillion , Trillion , Effects , Climate Change , Prosperity , Control , Suffering , Cities , Shelves , Congress , Terms , Ceo , Ship Shortage , Supply Shortage , Disruptions , The End , Head Overseer , Banks , Nominees , Recession , Sarah Bloom Raskin , Nominating , Reserve , Banking , Failure , Priority , Climate Change A Key , Socialist , Matter Brainard , Hearing , Congress Wouldn T , Core Mission , Businesses , Letter , Times , Supply , Climate Change Policy , Prices , Wall Street Banks , Blackrock , Company , Version , Store , Ceos , Credit , Companies , Investors , Investments , Polluter , Fossil Fuels , Military , Reasons , Support , America Doesn T , Term , Order , Winter X , Weather , Power , Straits , Conditions , Xi Jinping Go For The Jugular , Uke , Few , Commitments , Autonomy , Boycott , Pressure , Enes Kanter Freedom Coming Up , Things , Ccp , Dna , Dna Harvesting , Coaches , Gordon Chang , Fears , Coronavirus Testing , Hostage Taking , Detention , Guise , Vic , Phone , Persons , App , Kinds , Tennis , Backdoors , Alembic , Athlete , Vicks , State Tibetans , Hong Kong , Help , Story , Olympics , Set , Tokyo Olympics , Coronavirus Raging , Patches , Muscle Pain , Pain , Patients , Salonpas , 12 , Medicine , Nature , Organization , First , Standards , Quality , Vitamins , Purity , Usp , Supplement , Brand , Pharmacist , Vitamin , 1 , Wireless , 5g , Network , Sweet , Big Deal , Bucks , 30 , 5 , 30 Bucks , Internet , Switch Squad , Save , Savings , Xfinity , Nobody , Team , Owner , Truth , Line , Yes , Golden State Warriors , Abuses , Freedoms , Minorities , Genocide , Beijing Human Rights , Thanks , Player Enes Freedom Called Out The Ccp , Reaction , Boston Celtics , Game , Remarks , Video , Manager , Human Rights Abuses , Nastiness , Worst , The World Today , Stuff , Values , Virtue Signaling , Propaganda , System , Investment , Lebron James , New York , 100 Million , Statement , Warriors , Attention , Shame , Money , Humanity , Doesn T Matter , Colleagues , La Lakers , Anything , Superpower , Customers , Basketball , 1 4 Billion , 400 Million , 5 Million , Million , Daughter , Sad , Endorsement , Mother , Dictatorship Accountable , Wife , Silent , Sister , Concentration Camps , Empathy , Winter Games , Face , Beijing , 4 , February 4 , Tennis Player , Team Usa , Laptop , Friendship , Censorship , Excellence , Cut Freedoms , Don T Respect Human Rights , Listen , Morals , Medals , Principles , Them , Olympic Games , Committee , Bed , Statements , Couple , Trouble , Social Media , Pr Company , Politics , Branding , Chance , Risk , Anyone , Name , Freedom , It Genocide Games , Surveillance , Sir , Angle , Office , Trump Devin Eunice , Television Interview , Congressman , Trump , Executive , Nunez , Media , Technology Plan , Glucose Control , Confidence , Drink , Blood Sugar Levels , Diabetes , Big Tech Next , Protein , Enamel , Estate , Muscle Health , Repair Toothpaste , Hunger , Basis , Pronamel , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Social , Eating , Single , Vo , Man , Imbruvica , Adults , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , Side Effects , Blood Thinners , Problems , Infections , Therapy , Death , Fevers , Chills , Symptoms , Weakness , Confusion , Heart Rhythm Problems , Blood Counts , Infection , Heart Failure , Cancers , Decrease , High Blood Pressure , Kidney Failure , Heart Disease , Tumor Lysis , Diarrhea , Doctor , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Problems , Signs , Seizure , Fluids , Bleeding , Trump Media Technology Group , Washington Dc S Ultimate Truth Tellers , To Be With You , Capacity , Waiting , Tech , Technology Group , Social Media Companies , Partners , Rumble , Alternative , Infrastructure , Aspects , Youtube , Best , Types , Beachhead , Ability , Big Tech Cannot , Days A Maria , Testing , March , Scale , Americans Hundreds Of Thousands , Role Will Truth Social Habit , Millions , Guys , Shadow Band , Social Media Company , Opinion , Information , President Of The United States , Followers , Opportunity , Playing Field , Culture , Sectors , Woke Culture , Calling , Tech Companies , Globe , Corporations , Everyone , Narrative , Algorithms , Big Tech Sided , Conservative , Conservatives , Moderate , Left , Questions , Covid , Laws , Family , Friendly , Books , Affiliation , Internet Ghetto , Voice Back , Independents , Ideas , Moderates , Joe Rogan , Frustration , Big Tech In The List , Art , Expression , Entertainment , Sports , Independent , Gears , Corruption , Investigation , President , Impeachment Trial , Level , Hunter Biden Laptop Story , Russians , Secret , Know , Look , Disinformation , Leaders , Big Tech , 75 , Fast Forward , Experts , Discord , Obama , Hunter Biden Laptop , 2014 , Hands , Someone , Choice , Dictators , Tactic , Soviet , News Media Complex , Conflict Of Interest , Evidence , Fbi , Media Folks , Work , Politicians , Ukrainians , Stay , Clue , Devon , Thirty , Matrix , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Serena Williams , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , The Sun Is Shining , Tv , Grass , Demand , Schedule , Directv , Kenny , Boy , Koi , Truck , There S Heather On The Hedges , Ubrelvy , Migraine Medicine , Small Business , Progressive , Coverage , Timber , 3 , Migraine , Dose , Older Medicines , Pill , Cause , Migraine Strikes , Anywhere , Tracks , Cgrp Protein , Abbvie , Inhibitors , Nausea , Tiredness , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Guest , Atlanta , Speaker , Contributor , Polls , Much , Race Baiting , End , Biden Agenda , Biden Harris , Vote , Teams , Schumer , Senator Cinema , Bills , Answer , Fact , Voters , Identity , Photo , Ids , Gasoline Problem , Pressure Putin , On And , Mexico , Person , Sense , Poll Numbers , Religion , Fanatic , Socialism Doesn T Work , Revolutionaries , Fax , French Revolution , Facts , In Moscow , 1917 , Poll , Belief System , Landslide , 57 , 42 , Republican Congress , Seats , Leadership , Six , 40 , Seven , 1920 , 70 , Whole , Chanting , Group , Ain T Working , Beyond , Back , Op Ed , Wolves , Sheep , Attorney General , Washington , Garland , January 6 , 6 , Peoples , Civil Liberties , British Monarchy , Majority , Subpoenas , January 4 , Thousands , Fees , Tweet , Law , E Mail , Document , Justification , Lynch Mob , Crashing Down , Analysis , Jail , Ones , Rad Radical American , Fronts , Reality Front , Twofronts , You Rey , Tsunamis , They Reha , Sunday , Mornings With Maria , Whistle , Fox Business , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Doug , Liberty , Pay , Ancestors , Oh Boy , Substitute Teaching , Addition , Gift , Greg , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Memory , Healthier Brain , Eric Shawn , Plot , Arthel , Britain , Hi , Ammunition , Kremlin , Hello ,

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