Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709

get beyond the streets and do what they need to do and when they go home to put their hands on their pillow and they are not going to sleep. and they are going to cry. it is time the city cries with them and we know that they are. david: outrage in new york city after two nypd officers were shot, one killed, one critically injured last night in the line of duty. that makes five of these brutal attacks on police since the beginning of the year. welcome everyone i am david asman in for neil cavuto. three nypd officers were responding to a domestic violence call when the suspect, sean lashawn mcneil open fire in ambush style attack. 22-year-old jason rivera lost his life and 27-year-old wilbert mora is fighting for his. a third officer was not hit and shot the suspect who is said to be incredible condition. former nypd officer joined me now. lieutenant carnevale thank you good to see you. four cops shot in the past four days, five since the beginning of the year not to mention all the murders in the subways and the stabbings, the beatings on the street et cetera. this city is like a war zone right now, what is the mayor doing about it? >> the mayor is three weeks into his term and he inherited a mess from the prior administration and let's be clear, police work is inherently dangerous but what makes it worse in these times is the fact that you have these cowardly politicians that will stand on the stage last night with the mayor in the very same politicians that surround themselves with the police detail in the same politicians that want to defend the police. while i say it's inherently dangerous, is ten times worse right now when you don't have the back of these politicians. what is going to happen is this were gonna go through a morning. in a funeral and we will hear the drone of the bagpipes as we've all heard it before. these politicians will stand there like they are sad and everything else. the only one who is going to get it is the new mayor, mr. adams because he has been there many times before. david: we should mention by the way the new mayor is a former cop himself. a lot of people thought he would start with a bang being a law & order guy but he is been supporting, forgive me for interrupting, but the bottom line is like many cities throughout the country, you have these prosecutors who are not backing up the police. prosecutors and police used to work in tandem. the prosecutors had the back of the police and they work to solve crime cases and to stop crime. now you have these radical prosecutors all over the nation who are backing the criminals, not the police. >> absolutely, you and i just had this discussion. it is the same old same old. it is business as usual. but mayor adam said, i think he knows, he has to start taking from his heart stop listening to people like al sharpton and everybody else who has his deep hatred for police. there is nothing as we can say about it. pat lynch was not acting lastly, he is truly sad about this and he is angry about this as is everybody else. they will indemnify that prosecutor in manhattan if he makes a mistake in nobody consume him. but they take the indemnification away from the cops. what is wrong with this world right now. where the first line of defense across his country and everybody just keeps dismantling us. new york city is neat. they are making it unique by other means that we have four officers, one dead right now from the beginning of the year with three weeks into the new year and three weeks into the mayor's term and as police commissioner in the mayor had to get it all together with the prosecutors and they can't get it together with the prosecutors to go out on your own and start acting from your heart and do what is right for the city and these cops. david: i've got to say, new york is unique but so is los angeles and san francisco and so is chicago and milwaukee, they all have the same kind of problems. not only is it the same kind of problem that we know what works and all of the cities because we have done it before. the broken window policy. everything about the suspect who is involved in the shooting last night, same with the suspects in the killing in los angeles and all over, the guy who mowed down the people in wisconsin with his car, they all had lengthy rap sheets, huge rap sheets of violent crime. they should not of been out on the street and they were because they keep getting that out on the street. turnstile justice. although these cases support a broken window policy where you don't ignore the smaller crimes, the so-called smaller crimes because eventually they lead to the bigger ones in more violent ones. >> absolutely, these prosecutors especially in l.a. and now in manhattan, they coddled these criminals. they let them out and put them back on the street and then committing the same crimes not days later, they're doing it the same day. and nobody holds them accountable. it is time that we do. it is time that we hold them accountable. the same way they would be holding us accountable. the city needs to know this. who votes for these morons. their platform is clear from the beginning and they do nothing about it. in the cops go out there and do their job every single day, they put the uniform on and do the biggest targets now more than before. when i see new york is unique because were going opposite way and everybody is watching us right now and the same thing we discussed in california it is horrible. nobody does anything about it. david: sometimes certain events make people snap and i think what happened in l.a. this week with the murder of the two women one woman was beaten to death of the other woman stabbed to death, what happened here not only with this case where the police officer was killed but with a woman was pushed on the subway last week. i think we have reached a point of reckoning, i hope we have anyway. that is my great hope and unfortunately right now all we have left is hope. we've gotta leave it at that, lieutenant joe cardinale, thanks so much for being here. we appreciate it. switching gears to storms buried out of the white house from inflation to a potential russian invasion in ukraine. president joe biden taken a big hit in the polls as price spikes keeping americans in their wallet. a potential russian invasion of ukraine is threatening to send gas prices soaring even more. the president said to me with the national security team at camp david today. lucas tomlinson is following all of it from the white house. >> good morning david u.s. officials tell fox the state department has ordered the families u.s. embassy personnel in ukraine to begin evacuated the country as soon as monday. this is to counter the russian threat, arms shipments are pouring into ukraine right now. >> the deliveries are ongoing including today, more deliveries. coming. in addition to to enter traditional security assistance initiative the president has authorized authority to expedite legal aid and emergency defense team. >> late last night the u.s. and busy in ukraine and also for shipment of ammunition has arrived and directed by president biden u.s. officials say ammunition constitution the bulk of the 20000 pounds of the state department calling diesel aid needed by ukrainian soldiers on front lines. u.s. officials tell fox javelin antitank missiles are expected to arrive next week from the baltics and u.s. russian fighter jet had been arriving in belarus bordering ukraine at the north. they are concerned that ukraine's capital is in the crosshairs. president biden refused to answer any questions about russia before leaving the country to camp david he's huddling with the national security team. >> the reason we will not have time for questions now is these guys gotta get quickly on the plane in about russia not having anything to do with jet. >> this is the independent biden's first year in office, year two is beginning with another evacuation of americans overseas. david: thank you very much, president biden saying he's making progress on inflation but there is still one key item he is pushing to bring prices, he says down more. listen. >> inflation has everything to do with the supply chain. and i think what you are seeing is that we've been able to make progress on speeding up the access to materials, the single best way to take the burden off middle-class and working-class folks is to pass the build back better peace things that they're paying a lot of money for now. david: is more spending really the solution? former senior child economic senior advisor kevin hasek, we appreciate you being here. once again the president is saying spending for - $5 trillion and ticketed out from money that we don't have, more deficit spending he said it will not cost a dime it will decrease inflation and it will not add a penny to the deficit. how does this magic work? >> the magic doesn't work if you go back and look it was about six months ago where they told us the 1.9 chouchou namegabe dollar stimulus package would not ignite inflation. if it did not ignite inflation remember secretary of treasury janet yellen said we need to go big in the fed would be able to stop that right away. now we're looking at inflation not like anything that we've seen since the early 1980s or late 1970s. the spending power the everybody in washington is watching go down and down and affecting ordinary americans real wages over the last 12 month have dropped over 3% that is because inflation is going up and wages are going up as a direct result of biden's policies. the stuff that they are doing makes no sense. a sign of how bad it is the secretary of treasury yellen yesterday gave a speech about modern supply-side economics. modern supply-side economics. and then somehow climate change is going to fix everything. it made absolutely no sense. david: by the way your focus on that bothered the staff of larry kudlow tremendously. he was so infuriated when you told him about that he devoted his entire show to the subject. the president has also been blaming producers, oil producers and be producers, et cetera for inflation. his solution to that is more regulation for these producers. more regulation means it'll cost them more money to produce what they produce which they then passed on to consumers. won't that just increase inflation even more? >> again it shows how the iq level, the geriatric iq level at the white house. here's the thing inflation is a difference between the price today in the price yesterday. if inflation is going up minutes attributable to something that's changed yesterday. we have some big producers in the u.s. right now that produce a lot of meat but we had a lot of producers, big producers last year end the year before. so maybe they get a little bit of a markup because they're a big producer so they control a lot of the market but there's no argument that the market is increasing and that the explanation for inflation. the explanation for inflation is bad policies. david: i just want to put the presidents quote up on the board, last week when the cpi figures came out and inflation numbers showed an increase in acceleration of inflation. we are making progress in slowing the rate of price increases. it seems to be exactly the opposite of what he said and wholesale prices showed an increase of 9.7% almost double-digit inflation annually and of course what wholesalers charge eventually they charge you to the retailers and the retailers charges to consumers. does that mean there's more inflation to come? >> it certainly does when the data blip up and down and when i was the chairman of the council economic advisors i never would've let the president brag about old dip down because you get a dip up next month. he saying there making progress, it was based on a normal punctuation something that is not remarkable and is something a president should not be talking about. david: people believe their own eyes at the supermarket, it's that simple. great to see you we appreciate it. with russia and ukraine on the brink of the war we are scrambling to tamp things down but is there anything that we can do with allies like germany don't step up. that is coming up next. ♪ anks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. be confident to and through retirement. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. voya. be confident at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. david: the first shipment of the u.s. military arriving in ukraine early this morning as the world is on edge over all the escalating tension between russia and ukraine. to greg and kia with the very latest. >> tensions are growing in the region and we are getting some confirmation over u.s. military help arriving according to video supplied by the defense ministry some of the $200 million worth of u.s. security or lethal aid as they described it arrived overnight including the ammunition for ukrainian troops facing off against russia fighters inside of the country in eastern ukraine. also as we've been saying this week russian troops are outside of ukraine but very close to the borders in the latest numbers 125,000, all sorts of gear, hardware weaponry coming with them including jet fighters that have been arriving in belarus next door to ukraine. all of this work talk has the state department concern as we just heard from my colleagues they are looking at the evacuation of diplomat families here and kyiv and elsewhere in a big department embassy locations, we were over there short while ago and we did not hear anything unusual but this can be picking up. take a look at what we saw in another part of the city. >> ukrainian military has approved a lot since it was using the soviet air tanks placed here in the kyiv park. but it's good to go up against the state of the art russian and needs a whole lot more help. >> we need international community to help us i am scared we cannot defend the country by herself. >> of course the army is ready but not only men and women and children are ready to stay for our country. >> today is unity day in ukraine, a national holiday and a lot of people are hoping this country will stay unified and will be broken up by forces outside of the borders. david: thank you very much. this all coming as the white house tries to clean up comments that president biden made about ongoing tensions after the president said the following on wednesday. >> i think what you are going to see is that russia will be held accountable if it invades and it depends on what it does it's one thing if it's a minor intrusion and we ended up have to find out what to do et cetera. >> a minor inclusion. the quick to respond to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions, the president coming out to clarify his comment. >> i've been absolutely clear with president putin he has no misunderstanding in any assembled russian units across ukrainian border that is an invasion. david: is the u.s. getting the message across to russia? retired colonel lieutenant joining me now. what is the message that putin is getting from the president biden. >> certainly it is a green light on the gray zone and what mr. biden might do in response to an incursion of the russian country. keep in mind you have estimated maybe 125,000 troops, thousands of takes, fighting vehicles, artillery pieces there in belarus to the north, the west and although the in the russian fleet in the black sea to the south. ukraine is surrounded, the message is very clear back a year ago mr. putin told the nation of russia that any indication every intent to retake ukraine to bring back the great empire of russia, dating back over 100 years ago before the soviets went in. we have issues of some gravity. if i were tsa i be nervous as well. david: we also question the better allies, one in particular that is germany germany is blocking artillery from going to ukraine the artillery would come from one of the baltic states from estonia, what is up with that. is germany running a block for russia? >> the infrastructure that we had during the cold war is no longer in europe, the germans are a shadow of what's they once were there down to a couple of tanks radically different than what we had at the end of the cold war. the germans are claiming both sides, they have nord stream which if it's completed would bring all the energy from russia into germany which germany desperately needs. it is playing both sides here. i'm not surprised the least. david: president zelensky says he wants the sanctions on the gas pipeline put back now before something happens rather than reacting to an invasion, doesn't he make a good point and is it possible somebody in the white house will listen? >> i'm not sure they're going to listen to the white house clearly was secretary blinken were talking about geneva yesterday and the day before is what might be the consequences that the russians don't get what they want and what they want is ukraine to be a member of nato. david: we gotta leave it at that, thank you for being here. the suspect of a slain 24-year-old in los angeles is charged with murder, details on that case next at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. david: the man accused of stabbing and killing 24-year-old brianna kupfer charged with murder. the battle district attorney in los angeles george gascon releasing the statement. those who show no compassion for human life will face serious consequences. the murder brianna kupfer has left los angeles county devastated and my office is reaching out to her family to provide any services that they may need. critics like jack murrell want to know where were the serious consequences for the suspect and other homeless commoners like him before. great to see you, thank you for being here. the question the use of the word humanitarian gets under my skin because allowing the homeless to sleep on the street, use it as her bedroom and the bathroom. i don't think that's humanitarian. the more that these very troubled individuals who many of whom have violent histories and the pastor out on the street the greater the chances of something like this happening again. >> right, i've lived my entire life serving the force of the poor in helping people. but this is unacceptable. the real question how do we get to the root cause of the issue when you look at the stats in the data you will see that murders, 77% of every weather commits a murder in the united states of america was before in police custody and had been released, 73% of violent crimes have already been arrested and released. the question is what are we doing with these individuals once they are in custody. what are jails and prisons doing to help make sure that we protect the folks the one to let these criminals out. that is the real issue. prisons and jails are not doing their job billions of dollars are getting put into the criminal justice system and it is not going into rehabilitation programs. not at all. we have to bring the merit-based system to a criminal justice. you can tell if a person has been rehab. there are programs you can put someone through to ensure that they understand and ready to go back into society but we have these leftist groups in these politicians who are pushing for criminal justice reform when they really do understand the criminal justice system. go ahead. david: i was just going to say a lot of these criminals and violent crimes happened with the perpetrators about at the same day. we had an incident in new york city where a guy was going about beating up women and one woman was so beaten her jaw was permanently disfigured. he was let out the same day. he was put back on the street and again, there is no effort at all to get them off of the street. witness homeless problem really began to pick up again in new york city back in 2015, rudy giuliani who solved in the '90s said the following for the so-called progressive, the people have a right to live on the sidewalk is not only legally devoid of any merits but it is inhumane, don't you agree with that? >> 100% it is completely inhumane, mayor giuliani had a right he understood that's the reason why he cleaned up the city. he was about accountability and our politicians are mayors and our leaders don't spend time in prison they don't spend time in jail they don't need to understand what programs are being put in place to make sure that these folks are getting the help in the rehab that they need. mayor giuliani did those things he was touching the people. i think we have a major disconnect that we have to face we want to focus on shutting down private prisons when you allow the private prisons are the ones that are putting resources into rehab we have no merit-based we put money at problems and people right now are getting murdered in our streets and we have more lawlessness than any of us have ever seen in our lives. david: just germany at the probability go away. of course it does not. what giuliani did specifically, it can be followed all over the country he set up polices social service workers to all of the homeless people in the street he said yes several choices if you have a problem getting a place to sleep or food to eat or getting a job or getting a drug addiction we will help you solve those problems but one of the solutions is not remaining on the street. that you cannot do and that's why the police were there to make sure they did not do that so you can go to jail or the social service worker to get your problems fixed. why don't we try that again. it worked in the early '90s and it would probably work now, wouldn't it. >> of course it would is called accountability making people be accountable for their actions. right now in society we have a wave folks that just want to get empathy from any and everyone and they call it love, love is not disgrace it is also truth and right now are missing a lot of truth in our criminal justice system in our nation as a whole. david: a lot of people focus just on guns. they say the guns are the problem. michelle go the victim push toward death in the subway in new york she was not killed by a gun and nor was sandra shall beaten to death brianna kupfer was stabbed to death is not a problem of guns it is a problem of criminals on the streets whatever weapon they are using it's a criminal that's a problem not the weapon. >> exactly and it's a heart problem goes to the heart of the people and we have a spirit right now that is taking over our nation whether you're talking about killing babies in the womb or you're talking about not caring for life, it is the spirit and that spirit we need to get to the root of that in the way we get to that is through christ jesus. david: jack brewer, thank you very much we appreciate it. severe weather stick around we'll be right back. easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. david: president biden looking for a reset as he heads into his second year but will he be able to get things back on track for democrats before the midterms, aishah hasnie is on capitol hill taking a look at where the party stands as novembers midterms and closer. >> democrats have razor thin majorities in the house and senate which is why some say they really just need to lower the expectations if they want to avoid a repeat of 2021. one year ago president biden are good decades of congressional experience set out to close big deals on capitol hill but he failed to unite his own party. democrats passed a $1.9 trillion covid relief package on their own without republican support but then they started quarreling with each other. at one point progressive took a bipartisan infrastructure bill hostage installing it for a build back better that the presidents massive tax social spending plan but after two presidential visits to capitol hill and multiple private meetings at the white house biden failed to convince one democrat not a republican to pass his legacy defining bill, democrats also failed to move on big campaign issues like police reform, gun reform and canceling student debt and voting rights legislation while republicans slam the left of their priorities. >> were back in d.c. for another week with the democrats are not bringing a single bill to confront the many crises that they created from inflation that continues to rise, high gas prices. >> some say democrats need to think smaller when it comes to their social spending. >> that may mean going for less breaking a build back better making into smaller pieces, maybe some of which can pass whether were talking about paid family leave or the other incredibly popular pieces. >> as of today more than two dozen house democrats are not seeking reelection and new pull numbers from gallup show democrats overall are losing support at the end of 202147% of people now identified with the republican party while 42% blame democratic, that is a seven-point drop from when president biden first took office in its huge wake-up call in just about ten months left for the midterm. david: thank you very much, aishah hasnie highlighting up all the american see themselves republican the democrats. will democrats get the message that they've got to pivot more to the center on issues like crime and education and the economy to bring voters back to them washington examiner kayla mcgee white joins me for details. i did not see a sign of the pivot during the president's press conference, did you. >> not at all they are stuck on the same agenda that they have been pushing for this entire past year which clearly has not worked a goes to show how out of touch democrats have become on key issues that voters care about the two biggest being covid and inflation there is another recent poll by cbs this is voters are extremely upset that democrats don't care about inflation and what it's doing to their wallets they're having a hard time affording basic things like gas and groceries and it's affecting them that you rarely hear the president mentioned. david: the bottom line they don't have confidence in the president's ability to deal with economic problems that is shown in poll after poll he keeps saying he's a capitalist he said at his press conference this week, they must be looking at this pull from gallup which shows american still don't like socialism as 60% favor capitalist over socialist and not stay consistent over the past 12 years, perhaps even more than that but he keeps supporting policies that are put forth by bernie sanders and aoc and to use the wave the president speaking, he's a socialist, bernie is a socialist, you cannot support capitalism and be a socialist can you? >> i don't think so. it is actually a good thing that joe manchin in a couple of the moderate democrats stood up and actually saved biden on the issue of build back better which was again supported by bernie sanders and supported by these leftist like were mentioning and poll after poll shows that voters did not think the build back better was a good idea in large part because they could see through and understood the policies for what they were which was a basic introduction to socialist welfare and stuff like that. joe manchin stepped in and said i'm not going to do this to my constituents and that might've been the best thing that could happen to the democratic party yet they are blaming him and attacking him for killing their agenda. >> is not just the build back better it's all the appointments a president has made the regulatory decisions he's made on the keystone pipeline and a host of other things appointing people like this woman or nominating people like this woman, the bottom line, these are people with very anticapitalist views. it really contrast with his claim that he is a capitalist. i just don't think people trust him, is there time for him to pivot before the midterm elections? >> enjoys time to pivot but i do think it's reasonable to expect republicans to make significant gain in the 2022 in part because that's typically what happens during the midterm cycle give a bit of a transfer of power but the polls that were seen in the past election cycle in virginia and new jersey really does suggest that this is going to be a heavy transfer of power, probably more so that we seen in years past. david: unless there are problems or disputes with the results of those elections and the president was talking about the result of the 2022 midterms at the press conference this week suggesting he may not accept them automatically. listen. >> i'm not saying it's going to be legit the increase in the prospect of being a legitimate is a direct force not been able to get these reforms passed. david: could we have a nether era of alexa dispute before us? >> it is certainly laying the groundwork for that and, for totally irresponsible and instead of owning up to what he did and admitted he was selling distress to an election that is not even happened yet his entire team tried to spin his remarks and claim that's not what he met and he did actually say that which are more lies, people rightly criticized former president donald trump for selling distress in the results of the 2020 election. to see this president it was rightly denounced trump for doing the exact same thing that he is doing now is disgraceful. david: we will wait and see but the bottom line the polls are clear, unless they pivot the democrats are going to get in big trouble in the midterms and they can't blame election disputes for their losses it happens. good to see you. thank you very much for being here. we appreciate it beach towns bundling up, the area under winter storm warnings.we have d. ♪ no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you 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in memphis, you have the sun up in 26 degrees the cold air solidly in place that is the case across new england minus 13 read to minus 27, china record for the day that goes back to 1980. along the beach five and a half inches of snow, we had a lot of areas in the 4 - 6 range and ice we had some spots in north carolina to a half an inch on every surface that makes the roads impassable and downed trees that's really dangerous. if there's anything good happened on the weekend we have things that will begin to warm up and you don't need to get outside unless you want to get outside very carefully walk and see what's going on but the storm is done except for us a few showers through parts afforded tomorrow temperatures will be colder today memphis today 39 degrees and you get the idea temperatures above freezing by this afternoon we will see the ice melting in the snow melting as well and 57 in a few degrees cooler than that by the time we get to tomorrow. david: a perfect time for your weatherman umbrella. the free covid test that we heard so much about they are finally shipping out but are we any closer to relaying this pandemic in? details comingck next. ♪ only from discover. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or 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the sickness, let's hope you don't but if you get it chances are it'll be milder than the other variants and is displacing other variants, that is good news, right? >> exactly that is great news hospitalization appears to be down in even within the hospitalization although theirs increases in certain parts of the country there is a measurement, the covid hospitalization seems to be whoever is testing positive father in the hospital, but we really haven't separated out are those people who are coming in because they're having covid symptoms and the data hospitalized for the symptoms or are they people getting hospitalized for other conditions but then they test positive for covid? they are different because they measure the severity of covid. i think fundamentally the problem here is the testing does not tell us the difference. if we take something out, not covid but something like prostate cancer or enlarged prostate something completely different. if we just have a test that tells you you have an abnormal prostate but it doesn't separate those two because a lot of people as they get older can have an enlarged prostate which is pretty normal but prostate cancer is not, you really want to know if you prostate cancer and you need to test what differentiates the two. with covid we don't have a difference and we don't have a test that tells us if you have covid that's dangerous to you and could cause severe illness or if you happen to be a symptom addict meaning no symptoms no real danger of transmitting the virus to others we saw the figure that out but sending this test out to everyone first of all it's a little too late for omicron but second even if it's in advance of the next variant it doesn't tell us about the two majors it could create a panic without solving the problem. david: we know enough about omicron and there's no need to panic except it's good news were so used to getting bad news on this one, but we also great news on the drugs that are available if you do happen to get it paxlovid is finally coming out i talked to one dr. this week who is finally able to prescribe it to whatever patients that have come down with covid. and we still have at least one antibody treatment that is effective towards this. though the federal government controlled the distribution and a lot of hospitals say they don't have any more of this in a body treatment. >> i agree with you generally speaking we have positive developments but there are bureaucratic challenges. you mentioned we have those treatments and that seems to be effective in remdesivir just got approved for outpatient use as well that day. a lot of developments on the treatment front but you are right it is difficult especially with at-home test for people to get access for the medications because these treatments are limited supply, if a person has a positive test and may be a risk factor to have a problem it's very hard to predict who will have a moderate or severe illness into might be able to get access to those medications. it is great that they work and hopefully can ramp up the supply and the access to them quickly. david: another bureaucratic problem and that involves the vaccine mandates a lot of people say it's time to get rid of the vaccine mandates for several different reasons. one of which there are so many breakthrough cases and 70 people the full vaccination with breakthrough cases, some hospitals are so shortstaffed because they had to fire people that didn't have vaccines because of the mandate and they are actually letting infected vaccinated workers back in but keeping out uninfected nonvaccinated workers who want to come back to work. that makes no sense at all. >> i agree with you i have been in new york city to institute the vaccine mandate and i have been hear from the beginning. not because i'm against the vaccine, am in favor of the vaccine but i think aside from the staffing, the general people should have information about the risk benefits and alternatives. we want people to have trust in the medical system and to be able to talk to people about their options and move forward. david: options is the key word and with mandates you don't have options that runs counter to not only our policy but our nation's policies but also the science at this point. great to see you thank you so much for being here. folks, did you see this jobs in some states run by republican governors are back to pre-pandemic levels, that is great news. what the red states could teach the white house in the blue states about getting their entire economy booming again. that is next. on ancestry i discovered more about my great-great-grandfather baptiste caretto. ancestry threads all of the little facts together into a narrative so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. >> we begin with breaking news on two officers shot last night here in new york city. one killed, the other said to be clinging to his life. the ambush-style attack coming as three officers were investigating a domestic violence call. this now brings the number to five n.y.p.d. officers shot so far month. our own alexis mcadams has the details for us. alexis. >> good morning, well, here is the 32nd precinct in the harlem area. the officers are grieving yet again, now a 22-year-old officer of the n.y.p.d. has lost his life after this ambush attack. his partner is in critical condition. this is what we know about what unfolded last night. it happened on friday night, officers responding to a 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her son. so the two n.y.p.d. officers entered the back room to speak with the woman's son. he kicked open the door and started shooting and that ambush left one officer ted and another in critical condition. and the officer killed 22-year-old jason rivera. he joined the department in november of 2020, he was a husband, a father and a son a dedicated officer who lost his life in the line of duty in new york city. and the mayor calling it an attack on the entire city. >> this is just not an attack on three brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york and it's an attack on the children and families of this city. and we are not going to win this battle by dividing lines between us. we must save this city together. >> the gunman now identified as 47-year-old lashaun mcneil. he was shot and critically wounded by a third n.y.p.d. officer as he tried to run out of the apartment. mcneil was on probation for a felony drug charge and arrested nearly half a dozen times in other states for a variety of offenses in the past. now, this is a gun stolen back in 2017 from baltimore. officers are running tests on the high powered weapon. back here live, the second officer now is in critical condition. he's a 27-year-old male who has been on the n.y.p.d. for quite a few years and now five n.y.p.d. officers have been shot so far this month. the latest, the officer did not make it, 22 years old. and bragg criticized for being soft on crime, saying on officers, it will not be tolerated. and the officer is in critical condition. back to you. david: pray for those officers, pray for them deeply. alexis, thank you for that report. the other story we're following. no breakthrough through the u.s., ukrainian and russian officials as the white house is trying to clean up the strange comment about a minor incursion during the press conference. and now we're hearing that the u.s. is planning to evacuate americans in ukraine and fears grow that russia will soon attack. and greg palkot has the latest from kiev, ukraine, greg. >> yeah, a lot of developments on this saturday at kiev. yes, u.s. military aid is coming in the region. $200,000 worth of security assistance or lethal aid, included in the shipment. ammunition for frontline ukrainian troops facing off against russian backed separatist fighters in eastern ukraine. outside ukraine's borders, the buildup of some 125,000 russian troops, tanks, hardware continues. the latest developments we're tracking today, the deployment of russian jet fighters to nearby belarus, posing the threat of possible invasion, and yes, this war talk has the state department concerned as fox news has been reporting, the u.s. state department is getting ready to evacuate diplomates families from the embassy in kiev. we were there, and at the moment we don't see anything unusual. but that could change. we are at a spirited rally at the center of kiev marking what they call unity day here when the country, on paper at least, was brought together in the last century, a lot of patriotic speeches, flags, songs, banners and hopes, david, that this country doesn't get disunified by moscow. david: thank you. president biden is meeting with security team at camp david. can anything be done to avoid an all-out war. and joining me on the phone, christian, what does an all-out war mean? as the president said famously in the press conference, a minor incursion may not be so bad. they've walked it back or tried to walk it back. and it's out there and president putin certainly heard it. what are we talking about, all-out war? >> it's unclear what that means, it's never really been under consideration, if you will, that putin would invade and occupied the entirety of ukraine, that would be biting off a lot for putin to chew, after all the eastern part of ukraine, parts of russia already has taken previously are heavily russian speaking, very ethnically russian so it sounds like the administration is talking about a total war that would take on ukraine when in reality which is under consideration probably itself unlikely, smaller. david: we keep sending out, it seems to me, the wrong messages to president putin, somebody we're trying contain. first of all, the minor incursion remark and somebody is leaking out they're considering closing the u.s. embassy in kiev. that would be another message to putin, wouldn't it? >> yeah, that's not a confidence builder for people on the ground if u.s. diplomates are leaving town. putin has achieved a tremendous amount politically. i still think an invasion is highly unlikely. what he wanted to do is put a cloud over the idea that ukraine being added to n.a.t.o. and the u.s. forces moved farther east within existing n.a.t.o. countries and also, to place himself on the world stage, you know, russia has consistently played a bad hand very well. the european economy 12 times the size of russia, and yet, here is a country that's comparatively poor that has again, sort of put itself seemingly on an equal playing field with the united states globally. >> and then we have germany, what are they up to? we know that they're partners with putin on the pipeline deal and a lot of europeans had trouble with, they don't want to be put at the mercy of russia and gas. astona wants to send artillery to the ukrainian government to help them from russia, but germany is not letting the artillery pass through. what is with germany? >> germany is not on board with the posture the united states has against russia. it's interesting, that people, the countries who are closest to the threat don't see the threat the same way that we do. the administration has been talking about solidarity, about we're all in this together, we're all in complete agreement, we being n.a.t.o., the western alliance, but germany isn't going for it. and another interesting thing, to say they're not going to go along with what the administration calls the nuclear options sanctions, which is to kick russia out of swift, the belgium based mechanism for over border financial transactions and impediment to the russian economy. and also impediment to germany for gas and other goods from russia. we seem to be more catholic than the pope when it comes to the russian threat. david: there are historical precedents for deals between russia and germany. i'm just wondering if germany will-- might germany split from n.a.t.o.? could it lead to something as dramatic as that? >> it will be sort of an unwritten defacto split which in a way is already happening. they're more than willing to let the united states fund their defense, and then they get to play the good cop and we play the bad cop, the thing is we get bad trade agreements with germany and underwrite their defense even though they're rich. david: and paid for the money and n.a.t.o. as well. and finally, our pipeline, our pipelines were closed by president biden at the same time that the pipeline deal between germany and russia was opened. will history show that started putin's aggression? >> that is a signal, continues to be a signal, the west-- germany, for example, closing down the last few nuclear power plants it has and making itself more dependent on russian natural gas. the countries that are producing natural gas na haven't gone overboard on the green agenda. and particularly russia, that nord stream pipeline, gas into germany and cut ukraine out of the picture. you can expect russia to get more wealthy and more confident as western european countries, old europe pay more and more and more for energy and send more of that money overseas. david: wow, when you think of the russian collusion stories during the trump administration and now you see who is really benefitting from our current russian policy. new very much for being here, christian white. so we're going to go live about a new surge on our border, firsthand, and tell you about some migrants who are using their arrest warrants official u.s. i.d. that's coming next. and new concerns that china may be suppressing our athletes rights to free speech during the upcoming winter olympics. stick around. ♪♪ i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no 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is still blaming the trump administration for the current border crisis, this as we're hearing about a new migrant surge and the tsa accepting migrant's arrest warrants as i.d. and more on the new surge and waiting for new numbers, bill. >> good morning, we've been dealing with a winter storm here in texas the last couple of days here and including in the rio grande valley. that hasn't slowed down traffic for the migrants runners, folks who don't want to be caught. and video we shot in sullivan city, 10 minutes from where we are now. guys who wear dark clothing and deep into the brush and are not willing to turn themselves in. these are the migrant runners, the group we saw being arrested by border patrol yesterday. a dhs source says that the activity has stayed constant. as of this morning since october 1st just here in the rio grande valley sector, we're told more than 157,000 migrant apprehensions, in a few months in one single sector. and in the la joya areas and some mixed in willing to turn themselves. as ice still has not released its annual report for fiscal year 2021. the fiscal year ended back on september 30th. it's now january 21st, 22nd, one of those two, and it's basically in it four months ago and ice has not put out the annual report detailing enforcement and deportations and it's the first time in a decade the agency failed to release that report by the end of the calendar year. we talked to a retired ice agency, victor avila, why he thinks it's held up. what he had to say. >> got-aways is a hard number to detect. the deportation numbers, the reason it's not being released because there are none. the biden administration has basically disassembled, systematically abolished ice. >> and you heard him mention the got-aways and we got brand new numbers this morning. october 1st, just here in the rgv sector, more than 14,500 got-aways, that's one sector in a few months here and the action isn't just here on the southern border as well. border patrol up north on the northern border actually reported yesterday near blain, washington, a group of romanians came flying across the border in a vehicle and tried to drive away and get into the united states. they were stopped and arrested by border patrol. goes to show even though all the activity and attention is on the southern border, every now and then something will happen up in the northern border. we'll send it back to you. david: i have a question about pfent david: i have a question about anyl and we know how many americans are being killed by fentanyl at the same the surge is coming. are the people getting away bringing the drugs across? >> yes, absolutely and every law enforcement agency will tell you that. i don't think it's any coincidence and law enforcement will tell you the same, we've heard the leading cause of deaths adults over 18, fentanyl od's. a lot of agents are pulled off of frontline duty and having to deal with family units and there are parts of the border, essentially it's gone unpatrolled and just last week to put it in perspective for you. in el paso sector, border agents caught one single person who had enough fentanyl pills on him smuggling into the country. could have killed seven and a half million people. that's one single smuggler. david: oh, so many reasons why we have to get control of that uncontrolled border. bill, thank you. and one could show the white house how to get the entire economy booming. will they listen? that's next. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> so one year in and president biden still getting called out over his handling on everything from covid to the economy. the president may, just may want to ask the advice of some republican governors because their anti-mandate, pro job policies are being hailed for creating what some are calling a red state rebound. fox business's madison allworth has more. >> texas and arizona are the latest states to recover all the jobs lost at the start of the pandemic. an incredible feat when you realize that overall, the u.s. economy is 3.6 million jobs short of its pre-pandemic levels. here are the first four states to not only fully recover jobs, but to begin exceeding jobs numbers from before the pandemic. another thing that the four states have in common, they're all republican controlled and experts say that the policies those governors put in place may have had a big impact on economic recovery. the states who had lockdown measures in place for a smaller period of time are obviously taking a much longer period to come back from the pandemic. and states who didn't shut down at all or a shorter period of time they're seeing things come back online quicker. >> some of the states having the hardest time coming back, new york where i sit right now, 8% less jobs than before the pandemic started. strict covid-19 measures like mandatory vaccination for nearly all employees working in new york city. strict policies, high taxes and lack of space are all reasons why big names like tesla and oracle moving away from the state. and austin, where you no longer have to go to the big cities to grow companies and find talent. >> and there's a signal to the tech people around the country being like, it's right here, this is where it's happening, you know? we're going to move tesla here, we're going to build rockets here, and so you should move here, too. >> there are projections that one third of u.s. states could finally hit pre-pandemic job levels by the middle of this year. unfortunately, new york and california are not expected to be in that group. david. david: not surprising. madison, thank you, are those red states showing president biden how to get the entire u.s. economy booming again? here to discuss it, dave maury and gary, good to see you. gary, when rick perry was governor of texas and i asked him why texas was booming right after the financial crisis in 2009. he said, look, it's not rocket science. you make it easier and cheaper and safer to do business in a place and the business will come to that place. i mean, it's really true. it isn't rocket science, is it? >> it's pure logic and i've always said business people and capital will flow, if able to, where treated best. and all i can tell you, i lived in florida here, labor force growth is six times the amount of the nation. why? we're able to market as a state that if you are a successful business, if you are growing, if you are a job creator, we're not going to disrespect you. we're going to incentivize you, come on over here, no state tax. so, they're doing all kinds of ads for that and guess what's happening? businesses are flocking to the state. california cannot run ads on tv and say, hey, by the way, if you're a producer and successful and a job creator, come here, we're going to charge you 13% to come here, state tax, if you're too successful. so, it's just a gargantuan difference here in california and new york, and they play into places like florida's hands. >> yeah, and david, the point is that there's a pandemic connection as well, of course, both texas and florida don't have those mandates that they have in new york, and california and i should mention, by the way, despite not having mandates or maybe because of it, who knows, the death rate is lower, even though they are the same population size. the idea of freedom, just beyond economic freedom, the whole idea that government should not be restricting your freedom. that's a big pull as well, is it not? >> it is. there are many-- there are many pulls and smart administrations will learn best practices from red and blue states. a recent study found before omicron overran us, 8%, they had a higher approval than 8 republican governors. they're getting hit. and a lot of this had to do as my colleague is saying just now, with tax rates which are attracting businesses and people, as are red states that have easier times with crime. you have just had segments about the urban challenges in terms of crime. which you need two hands on this, on the one hand, they're attracting people because of low taxes and on the other hand, brookings did a study, and two-thirds of the economy is fueled by blue states and the education between red and blue states is actually increasing in favor of blue states, look, a house divided and we've got to work together and take the best practices from all states. >> we do and then the silicon valley companies have been doing spectacularly during the pandemic partly because of the lockouts. and the biden administration could learn a lot from the success of the red states, in particular trying to work with businesses. president biden says he's trying to do that with regard to the supply chain issues and everything, look at inflation, the first instinct maybe we're doing something wrong and inflation, look the businesses. >> and the businesses have marvelously considering what we've been, and supermarkets, 1 to 2% margin, how dare they raise their prices even though they're not in control of prices, it's what's produced that's out there. all i can tell you if he would just back away, leave be, you know, the big problem with all the spending they're proposing is the taking out of the economy all of those trillions, it's the worst possible time coming out of a pandemic. i've got to touch upon and simplify the mandate. i was in new york city last weekend and i went to a diner i usually frequent that people are flocking outside and the waitress said to me, we had to turn people away because they didn't have their vaccine cards and the whole vaccine mandate. here in florida, i can go wherever i want, nobody cares, they leave you alone, they let you decide for yourself what's right or wrong for you and i think it speaks volume. it's just such a different feel than when i was in new york city. they can learn a lot if they came here. david: speaking volumes are the markets. they had a really tough week, a really tough week, part of the reason is because the fed may be trying to do something against inflation, involving raising rates in 2022. there are as many as four, five, or more rate hikes coming. that's bad news for the marks, because businesses don't like to have to pay more for borrowing money as they do all the time. what do you see coming up. will that be a motivator for the white house to changes policies? >> i think it will. we're talking inflation, it's real, it has no state color, blue or red and we'll see where that's at, and the truth is this is a center, center, right country and i think that the biden administration will have to chunk out build back better to parts that have republican support and focus on electoral reform for which there's republican support. and look at the overall picture, two gigantic bills passed and that many republicans are bragging about in terms of covid relief and infrastructure and the unemployment story of the biden administration is a strong one, 75% decrease in unemployment claims 3.9%, a lot of good news out there opening up the schools, distributing vaccines, they're going to have to get back to performing in ways that really comfort this market in terms of interest rates and inflation. david: just performing period. gary just about to seconds. the bottom line, in order to solve a problem, you have to admit there's a problem and janet yellen, the treasury secretary doesn't seem to be willing to do that. she says we're experiencing a strong recovery, one of the strongest periods of economic growth in decade. none of this was a given. it's take strategic action, you've got 10 seconds. >> the market, the administration, bottom line, 7% inflation is not good news and i'm a big believer, most of the recovery is coming out of the pandemic and now the rubber is going to meet the road. what are they going to do? raise taxes or let business be and flourish. i say let business flourish, stay out of the way and don't provide headwinds. david: coming back to the beginning, it ain't rocket science. good to see you both. u.s. olympics athletes headed to china may have to worry more about the host country than their competitors. we'll explain next. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ ♪ 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monthly support will help paralyzed veterans receive specialized medical care, support research and treatments, and fight for the accessibility they deserve. pva fights to help veterans like me from the moment of injury and for the rest of our lives. call or go online right now with your gift of just $19 a month. use your credit card and receive this pva team t-shirt to show that you are fighting for our paralyzed veterans. i just don't think my family would be as happy as they are without the support that i received from paralyzed veterans of america. our veterans fought for us. let's fight for them. call or donate online at today. our veterans need you. >> well, more vaccine mandates to tell you about. hawaii may soon require travelers to have a covid booster shot if they want to skip quarantine when travelling to the state. we may see the omicron peak by the end of this month. and charles watts has the latest on the covid front. >> and hawaiian governor telling that the state could be moving toward requiring proof of a booster shot in order to be considered fully vaccinated there, it would be a requirement under the hawaii state travels program. it means that folks would need a booster shot to not only skip the state's five-day quarantine requirement, but to do things like dine inside of a restaurant and state officials have not said when it will go into effect, but the mayor of honolulu says that it was aiming to mid february. the popular tourist destination maui is ahead of the game, changing its definition of fully vaccinated to include a booster shot as new data of the c.d.c. shows a third shot of either pfizer or moderna vaccine is 90% effective in preventing hospitalizations at the hands of the highly contagious omicron variant. the c.d.c. director dr. rochelle walensky emphasizing the importance of getting a third shot. >> these reports add more evidence to the importance of being up-to-date with covid vaccinations. that means getting your primary series and boosted when eligible to protect against severe covid-19. >> and the federal judge in texas temporarily blocking the biden administration from requiring federal workers to be vaccinated and the judge jeffrey vincent brown ruling on friday, stopping the spread of covid-19 will not be achieved by overbroad policies like the federal worker mandate and the biden administration says it plans on appealing that decision to the 5th circuit court of appeals, david. david: charles, thank you very much. covid is a big concern at the upcoming winter olympics in china. another worry is in u.s. athletes could be spied upon while there, even arrested. here to discuss it all, fox headlines, sports anchor matt napolitano. first, let's talk about omicron. the chinese government claims, they claim they haven't had an omicron outbreak yet, but what happens if they do have the omicron outbreak, perhaps one of the athletes brings it in, and it spreads all around. will that shut down the olympics? >> with he will-- well, this point, china seems to be flying by the seat of their pants, and a week ago the first omicron variant touched down within the chinese capital, but when it comes to covid data we have to be wary about it when it comes to the chinese government and what they're willing to report about. the fact of the matter is, there's very much concern that the winter olympics could be sort of stalled out if there's outbreak. there are so many strict protocols when it comes to this and trying to make it come to life. david: they've announced something that should scare a lot of the athletes going in there, announced if any athlete dissent during games, they'll be punished and i'm going to read what the chinese officials said. any behavior or speech that is against the olympic spirit, especially against chinese laws and regulations are subject to certain punishment. does that mean we could see athletes arrested if, for example, they tweet out something that is against chinese laws and regulations? >> there has to be that underlying fear. overall, china is basically a surveillance state weechlt saw -- we saw with the chinese covid tracking app, you're giving vaccine status and covid results and the same app where you're not able to use certain words. a file that was tracked within that app labeled illegal words, that basically see what athletes are talking about, maybe behind the scenes to try to track them down that way. the same stuff that we're getting from china again and again of a police state. not the most welcoming environment when the olympics is about camaraderie. >> and the information they're sweeping up, it could be used after as well. the nba basketball star who has come out against the chinese government in so many ways. if they go along that line, they could use the stuff they sweep up during the olympics to go after these people after the olympics is over. >> that's why multiple governors, including the u.s. government is encouraging athletes and members of the team to opt for burner phones, basically take a phone to china, bring it with you, once you come back and including individual e-mail accounts separate just for the games. it's a worry of being tracked throughout. it's surveillance goes on through the entirety of the beijing games. >> sports reporter, matt napolitano, appreciate it. no longer just retail stores that are getting hit. trains are getting it as well. and he's literally picking up the trash now. ♪♪ ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again... and again. bank of america's digital tools are so impressive, you just can't stop banking. i like that my plan is built just 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haven't gotten involved when this could worsen our supply chain crisis and union pacific is calling on l.a. district attorney to change a new progressive crime policy that demands that 13 types of misdemeanors dismissed instead of prosecutors. while we understand the well-intentioned goals of the policy, we need our justice department to support our efforts with local law enforcement hold these criminals accountable and help protect our employees and national rail network. they're calling on more progressive district attorneys to hold the criminals accountable with a no cash bail policy, you often see repeat offenders. >> it comes down to the fact that we need prosecutors to prosecute these crimes and when people feel like they can get away with this without having any consequence for their behavior, they're going to continue that type of behavior. >> and the supply chain crisis, union pacific stated they're considering avoiding los angeles county altogether and touting rail as a solution to the truck driver shortage. this could make things a lot worse. back to you. david: kelly o'grady. thank you very much. before you try to access some irs tax files online, you may have to send them a selfie. the latest move by the taxman that is sparking a lot of privacy concerns. that's next. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. i felt defeated. the pain, the stares. no one should suffer like that. i said, enough. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that ask comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> well, tax season is kicking off, but a new irs requirement is rubbing a lot of taxpayers the wrong way. the people who viewed tax files or pay taxes online will soon be required to submit a selfie using facial recognition software. >> a new program launched by the irs will require you to scan your face and provide additional personal details so that you can access your tax information online. the irs has hired a third party company i.d. me as gate keeper for filers identity, claiming that facial recognition is necessary to deter cyber criminals effectively. it's low due in part of scandals tea party groups by employees in 2013. this is leading some to question whether the information gathered by i.d. me will be shared with the largest tax collector or other federal agencies. the irs says those concerns are overblown. quote, there have been some wildly inaccurate statements regarding the use of selfies relate today filing and paying taxes and taxpayers it pay or file their taxes without submitting a selfie or information to a third party identity verification company. i.d. me says the irs will never see the biometrics, it's simply confirmation the user is authentic. the ceo says the process is similar to using your own smart phone, listen. >> we match a selfie to the photo on your government i.d. it's called one-to-one matching. it's what you do every time you unlock your smart phone. we want to be crystal clear that we do one-to-one matching, we're not doing any type of surveillance programs or anything of that nature. >> he added the only case in which information from the company's scans might be shared with federal agencies. the case of fraud when a scammer is posing as a taxpayers. by june facial recognition will be the only way to access and they do that to get child tax credit information and online payment data, a long way to go for the irs whose equipment in some cases is 40 years old. back to you. david: there is that, gerri, thank you very much. the question, is this another overreach that gives the irs access to your life and privacy? here to discuss it all, company founder and c.p.a. and america's accountant. dan, thanks for being here. i don't trust them with this stuff, do you? >> actually, i do not either. listen, this is a further erosion of privacy, david. now, i understand why the irs would want to do this because they need to get up to speed with their technology, and at the same time, they need to look at ways to protect data because the irs has been hacked. but let's look at what's happening here. although you can still file your tax return and pay your taxes as you normally would, going forward, you're going to have to go through this i.d. me company in order to be able to access your account. now, that's really where the issue comes in because i.d. me can share your information with, get this, david, select partners. now, who that may be that's selected? we'll see. once they have this biometric scan of you, and you've signed their consent policy, well, now they have your information and it's for them to determine how they share it. for instance, law enforcement would be able to get access. so we're opening the door of letting the irs or this third party see everything. david: wow. you know, we were just talking about chinese security, chinese communist security and how scary that is, it remind you of the old days of the soviet union or worse because now the technology is so much better. it really does seem to be on par with that and again, even if they have the best intentions if there are third parties, if there are other people that could get access to this information, you have all kind of opportunities for mischief. >> right, the more people na have access to this information, david, of course, there's more access points, but you know, think about this. there should be a lot of outrage related to this because how about with, well, these voter rights that you shouldn't have to show any i.d., but to be able to access your own tax account with the irs, you're going to have to provide them with all of this personal information to get in. and you don't have it to vote, but now you have it to be able to-- >> that's crazy, doesn't make sense. there's another thing that gerri alluded to it with regard to the lois lerner scandal when they were looking at conservative organizations and singling them out for sanctions of various kinds and also recently, they shared personal accounts of wealthy people in order to push their wealth tax proposal or at least that's what the suspicion is. so, they're still doing it, still leaking stuff, our own personal stuff. >> yes, they are and that's the danger here, again, because we're opening a door to provide even more information to the irs and remember, once all of this data is collected, david, it's not like you uncollect it. they have it forever. so there's no escaping. it's really dangerous stuff for everyone. david: comes at a time when they want to super size the irs with 80 billion more dollars, hire 87,000 new irs agents. if you have all the more people you have collecting stuff, the more opportunities there is for leakage. dan geltrude. happy tax season. if i don't see you before then. that's it for you. thus very much. hope you enjoyed the show. keep it here, we have the latest news for you at the top of the hour. see you next time. >> well, one new york city cop is dead and another in critical condition after responding to a domestic violence call last night in harlem. the suspect has shot twice by police and is also in critical condition. i'm griff jenkins. jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich. and there were two separate incidents. and from the precincts in harlem where the officers served. alexis, what is going on

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Lawlessness , Resources , Workers , Service , Drug Addiction , Food , Choices , Worker , Solutions , Accountability Making People , Wouldn T , Actions , Truth , Wave , Love , Empathy , Whole , Gun , Guns , Michelle Go , Victim Push , Weapon , Criminal , Spirit , Heart Problem , Babies , Root , Christ Jesus , Jack Brewer , Science , Tools , Tv , Memory Supplements , Mobile App , Neuroscientist , Chase , Simplicity , Neuriva Plus , Yes , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuriva , Democrats , Midterms , Party , Biden Looking , Track , Reset , Capitol Hill , Aishah Hasnie , House , Expectations , Majorities , Senate , Novembers , Deals , Experience , Repeat , 2021 , Support , Republican , Bill , Hostage , Each Other , Quarreling , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Plan , Visits , Democrat , Tax , Meetings , Legacy , Republicans , Campaign , Left , Student Debt , Voting Rights Legislation , Police Reform , Gun Reform , Crises , Priorities , D C , Pieces , Family Leave , Whether , Reelection , Gallup , Biden First , The End , Democratic , Wake Up Call , Drop , Blame , 42 , 202147 , Seven , Midterm , The American , Economy , Center , Press Conference , Voters , Kayla Mcgee White , Education , Pivot , Agenda , Being Covid , Entire , Touch Democrats , Poll , Gas , Care , Wallets , Groceries , Cbs , Ability , Confidence , Pull , Capitalist , Socialism , 60 , Speaking , Aoc , Bernie Sanders , Socialist , Joe Manchin , Capitalism , Idea , Socialist Welfare , Leftist , Constituents , Decisions , Keystone Pipeline , Host , Appointments , Nominating , Claim , Views , Cycle , Elections , Power , Transfer , Gain , 2022 , Election , New Jersey , Results , Disputes , Virginia , Prospect , Reforms , Alexa Dispute , Legitimate , Distress , Groundwork , Remarks , Lies , Trump , Donald Trump , 2020 , Trouble , Election Disputes , Losses , Area , Beach Towns Bundling Up , Winter Storm Warnings , Newday , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Income , Number , Policy Lapse , Life 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, Nausea , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 5 , 25 , Omicron , Website , Home Covid Tester Shipping , Anthony Fauci , Bad News , Doctor , End , Associate Professor , News , Variants , News Hospitalization , Displacing , Sickness , Father , Covid Hospitalization , Haven T , Hospital , Measurement , Covid , Symptoms , Conditions , Prostate Cancer , Testing , Severity , Test , Prostate , Illness , Danger , Symptom Addict , Figure , Others , Virus , It S A Little Too , Variant , Majors , Panic , Advance , Drugs , Need , Dr , It Paxlovid , Government , Treatment , Patients , Distribution , Treatments , Developments , Body Treatment , Hospitals , Challenges , Outpatient Use , Remdesivir , Supply , Medications , Risk Factor , Vaccine , Reasons , Vaccines , Mandate , Vaccination , Breakthrough , Breakthrough Cases , Didn T , 70 , Uninfected Nonvaccinated , Information , Moderna , Vaccine Mandate , Favor , Staffing , Alternatives , Benefits , Mandates , Options , Trust , Jobs , Governors , Levels , Threads , Ancestry , Baptiste Caretto , Facts , Narrative , Path , Breaking News , Attack , Other , Clinging , Alexis Mcadams , Officer , Partner , Ambush Attack , Precinct , Harlem , 32 , Son , Friday Night , Back Room , 911 , Door , Another , Department In November , Ambush , Ted , November Of 2020 , Husband , Dividing Lines , Battle , Gunman , Probation , Felony Drug Charge , Apartment , Lashaun Mcneil , 47 , Variety , Tests , Offenses , Baltimore , 2017 , Latest , Bragg , Report , Story , Minor , Fears , U S Military Aid , Security Assistance , 200000 , Tracking Today , Buildup , Hardware , U S State Department , Reporting , Fox News , Embassy , War Talk , Paper , Speeches , Rally , Meeting , Hopes , Songs , Flags , Banners , Moscow , Doesn T Get Disunified , Phone , Security Team , Christian , Consideration , Entirety , Putin To Chew , Total War , Reality , Messages , Remark , Confidence Builder , Ground , Diplomates , Town , Amount , Cloud , Countries , Hand , Size , The World Stage , Put , Playing Field , Partners , Pipeline Deal , Europeans , Mercy , Astona , United States , Posture , Agreement , Solidarity , Together , Western Alliance , Swift , Belgium , Impediment , Goods , Mechanism , Transactions , Split , Precedents , Catholic , Pope , Bad Cop , Trade Agreements , Pipeline , Pipelines , Signal , Example , Plants , Closing , Natural Gas , Aggression , Natural Gas Na Haven T , Picture , Wealthy , Collusion , Western European , Surge , Athletes , Migrants , Concerns , Winter Olympics , U S I D , Arrest , Graduations , Drugstores , Cash , Holidays , Cards , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Aspirin , Drugstore , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Fee , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Stomach , Ulcers , Direction , Consequence , Damage , Made , Latin America , Difficulty , Mistakes , Obama , One Year Later , Border Crisis , Migrant Surge , Texas , Winter Storm , Migrant , Arrest Warrants , Rio Grande Valley , Guys , Hasn T , Migrants Runners , Brush , Traffic , Folks Who Don T Want , 10 , Sector , Group , Activity , Border Patrol , Constant , Source , Migrant Runners , Dhs , October 1st , Migrant Apprehensions , La Joya , 157000 , September 30th , 30 , January 21st , Time , Enforcement , The Agency , Deportations , 22nd , 21 , Ice Agency , Victor Avila , Deportation Numbers , Got Aways , None , Abolished Ice , Action Isn T , Rgv Sector , 14500 , Vehicle , Blain , Romanians , Attention , Pfent David , Fentanyl , Anyl , Law Enforcement , Deaths , Law Enforcement Agency , Cause , Coincidence , 18 , Agents , Family Units , Perspective , Frontline , Fentanyl Od S , El Paso , Control , Fentanyl Pills , Border Agents , Smuggler , Statin Drug , Cholesterol , Statin Medication , Brand , Qunol Coq10 , Network , Big Deal , Qunol , Internet , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Store , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Hundreds , Pro Job Policies , May , Handling , Advice , Anti Mandate , Some , States , Start , Feat , Red State Rebound , Fox Business S Madison Allworth , Arizona , Common , 3 6 Million , Recovery , Lockdown Measures , Impact , Experts , Taxes , Employees , Names , Lack , Space , 8 , 19 , Estate , Companies , Austin , Find , Talent , Tesla , Oracle , Rockets , Projections , Happening , Job Levels , Middle , Madison , Good , Gary , Rick Perry , Dave Maury , Rocket Science , Business , Governor , The Business , Crisis , 2009 , Business People , It Isn T , Logic , Growth , Job Creator , Florida , Growing , Labor Force , Businesses , Kinds , State Tax , Ads , Come On Over , California Cannot Run , Say , 13 , Well , Places , Florida Don T , The Point , Connection , Death Rate , Freedom , Administrations , Smart , Population Size , Study , Red And Blue States , Best Practices , Approval , Red States , Colleague , Tax Rates , Terms , Segments , Brookings , Red , Blue States , Practices , A House Divided , Lockouts , Success , Silicon Valley , Supply Chain Issues , Regard , Instinct , Leave , Supermarkets , Dare , Margin , Trillions , Vaccine Cards , Diner , Waitress , Wrong , Volume , Feel , Nobody Cares , Markets , Volumes , Borrowing Money , Marks , Rate Hikes , State Color , Motivator , Unemployment , Bills , Relief , Electoral Reform , Ways , Schools , Decrease , 75 , 3 9 , Order , Interest Rates , Treasury Secretary , Action , Given , Rubber , Most , Road , Believer , Ain T , Headwinds , Business Flourish , Competitors , Memories , Advisor , Cooking , Kitchen , Ben Affleck , Paralyzed Veterans Of America , Navy Seal , Seal , Navy , My Parachute Didn T Open , Platoon , Comrade , Side , Promise , Vets , 1946 , Sacrifice , Gift , Heroes , Pva Hero Org , 9 , 63 , Research , Vain , Accessibility , Credit Card , Rest , Injury , Pva , Pva Team , T Shirt , Let S , Fight , Pvahero Org , Booster Shot , Hawaii , Travelers , Quarantine , Hawaiian , Charles Watts , Covid Front , Omicron Peak , Requirement , Program , Hawaii State , Proof , Quarantine Requirement , Effect , Restaurant , Dine Inside , Game , Definition , Honolulu , Popular Tourist Destination Maui , Hospitalizations , Director Dr , Pfizer , Cdc , Importance , Series , Covid Vaccinations , Evidence , Rochelle Walensky , Judge , Spread , Jeffrey Vincent Brown , Worry , Decision , 5th Circuit Court Of Appeals , Fox Headlines , Omicron Outbreak , Let S Talk About Omicron , Claims , Sports Anchor Matt Napolitano , Olympics , Seat , Pants , Matter , Outbreak , Protocols , Behavior , Games , Regulations , Laws , Athlete Dissent , Olympic Spirit , Weechlt , Fear , Punishment , Covid Tracking , Vaccine Status , Saw , File , Police State , Words , Scenes , Camaraderie , Environment , Nba Basketball Star , Burner Phones , Members , E Mail , Surveillance , Sports Reporter , Beijing , Stores , Trains , Banking , Phones , Trash , Wonder , Girlfriend , Photographer , Thinking , Yoga Studio , Ring Fund , Bouquet , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Stop Banking , Assessment , Ww Personalpoints , Goals , Lifestyle , Points , Diet Food , Ww Personalpoints Program , Cheese , Vegetables , Foods , Images , January 24th , 50 , Gavin Newsom , Quote , Cleaning Crew , Thieves , Fox Business , Pick Up Debris , Passing Rail Cars , Railroad , Wild West , Train Robberies , Kelly O Grady , Union Pacific , 160 , Supply Chain Crisis , Progressive Crime Policy , Questioning , Train Tracks , District Attorney , Carnage , Ports , Fbi , Types , Department , Efforts , Misdemeanors , Progressive District Attorneys , National Rail Network , Type , No Cash Bail Policy , Repeat Offenders , Rail , Truck Driver Shortage , Selfie , Irs , Move , Tax Files , Taxman , Privacy Concerns , Psoriasis , Stares , Pain , Fail , Try , Cosentyx , Counting , Cosentyx Works Fast , Infections , Reactions , Infection , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Dermatologist , Students , Recording Artist , Recording , Millions , Elodia , 10 Million , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Taxpayers , Tax Season , Possibilities , Kicking Off , Facial Recognition Software , Pay , I D , Tax Information , Third Party , Face , Recognition , Tea Party , Filers , Scandals , Identity , Gate Keeper , Agencies , Tax Collector , 2013 , Statements , Filing , Selfies , Identity Verification Company , Biometrics , User , Process , Ceo , Smart Phone , Matching , Photo , Surveillance Programs , Scans , Posing , Scammer , Nature , Fraud , Child Tax Credit Information , Payment Data , Equipment , Overreach , Privacy , Cpa , Company Founder , Gerri , 40 , Accountant , Erosion , Thanks , Dan Geltrude , Technology , Tax Return , Forward , Account , Consent Policy , Biometric Scan , Instance , Chinese Communist , Wow , Par , Parties , Intentions , Opportunities , Access Points , Mischief , Tax Account , Voter Rights , Crazy , Vote , Doesn T Make Sense , Organizations , Accounts , Scandal , Lois Lerner , Suspicion , Wealth Tax Proposal , Escaping , 80 Billion , 87000 , Leakage , Top , Precincts , Incidents , Alexis , Jacqui Heinrich , Griff Jenkins ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709

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get beyond the streets and do what they need to do and when they go home to put their hands on their pillow and they are not going to sleep. and they are going to cry. it is time the city cries with them and we know that they are. david: outrage in new york city after two nypd officers were shot, one killed, one critically injured last night in the line of duty. that makes five of these brutal attacks on police since the beginning of the year. welcome everyone i am david asman in for neil cavuto. three nypd officers were responding to a domestic violence call when the suspect, sean lashawn mcneil open fire in ambush style attack. 22-year-old jason rivera lost his life and 27-year-old wilbert mora is fighting for his. a third officer was not hit and shot the suspect who is said to be incredible condition. former nypd officer joined me now. lieutenant carnevale thank you good to see you. four cops shot in the past four days, five since the beginning of the year not to mention all the murders in the subways and the stabbings, the beatings on the street et cetera. this city is like a war zone right now, what is the mayor doing about it? >> the mayor is three weeks into his term and he inherited a mess from the prior administration and let's be clear, police work is inherently dangerous but what makes it worse in these times is the fact that you have these cowardly politicians that will stand on the stage last night with the mayor in the very same politicians that surround themselves with the police detail in the same politicians that want to defend the police. while i say it's inherently dangerous, is ten times worse right now when you don't have the back of these politicians. what is going to happen is this were gonna go through a morning. in a funeral and we will hear the drone of the bagpipes as we've all heard it before. these politicians will stand there like they are sad and everything else. the only one who is going to get it is the new mayor, mr. adams because he has been there many times before. david: we should mention by the way the new mayor is a former cop himself. a lot of people thought he would start with a bang being a law & order guy but he is been supporting, forgive me for interrupting, but the bottom line is like many cities throughout the country, you have these prosecutors who are not backing up the police. prosecutors and police used to work in tandem. the prosecutors had the back of the police and they work to solve crime cases and to stop crime. now you have these radical prosecutors all over the nation who are backing the criminals, not the police. >> absolutely, you and i just had this discussion. it is the same old same old. it is business as usual. but mayor adam said, i think he knows, he has to start taking from his heart stop listening to people like al sharpton and everybody else who has his deep hatred for police. there is nothing as we can say about it. pat lynch was not acting lastly, he is truly sad about this and he is angry about this as is everybody else. they will indemnify that prosecutor in manhattan if he makes a mistake in nobody consume him. but they take the indemnification away from the cops. what is wrong with this world right now. where the first line of defense across his country and everybody just keeps dismantling us. new york city is neat. they are making it unique by other means that we have four officers, one dead right now from the beginning of the year with three weeks into the new year and three weeks into the mayor's term and as police commissioner in the mayor had to get it all together with the prosecutors and they can't get it together with the prosecutors to go out on your own and start acting from your heart and do what is right for the city and these cops. david: i've got to say, new york is unique but so is los angeles and san francisco and so is chicago and milwaukee, they all have the same kind of problems. not only is it the same kind of problem that we know what works and all of the cities because we have done it before. the broken window policy. everything about the suspect who is involved in the shooting last night, same with the suspects in the killing in los angeles and all over, the guy who mowed down the people in wisconsin with his car, they all had lengthy rap sheets, huge rap sheets of violent crime. they should not of been out on the street and they were because they keep getting that out on the street. turnstile justice. although these cases support a broken window policy where you don't ignore the smaller crimes, the so-called smaller crimes because eventually they lead to the bigger ones in more violent ones. >> absolutely, these prosecutors especially in l.a. and now in manhattan, they coddled these criminals. they let them out and put them back on the street and then committing the same crimes not days later, they're doing it the same day. and nobody holds them accountable. it is time that we do. it is time that we hold them accountable. the same way they would be holding us accountable. the city needs to know this. who votes for these morons. their platform is clear from the beginning and they do nothing about it. in the cops go out there and do their job every single day, they put the uniform on and do the biggest targets now more than before. when i see new york is unique because were going opposite way and everybody is watching us right now and the same thing we discussed in california it is horrible. nobody does anything about it. david: sometimes certain events make people snap and i think what happened in l.a. this week with the murder of the two women one woman was beaten to death of the other woman stabbed to death, what happened here not only with this case where the police officer was killed but with a woman was pushed on the subway last week. i think we have reached a point of reckoning, i hope we have anyway. that is my great hope and unfortunately right now all we have left is hope. we've gotta leave it at that, lieutenant joe cardinale, thanks so much for being here. we appreciate it. switching gears to storms buried out of the white house from inflation to a potential russian invasion in ukraine. president joe biden taken a big hit in the polls as price spikes keeping americans in their wallet. a potential russian invasion of ukraine is threatening to send gas prices soaring even more. the president said to me with the national security team at camp david today. lucas tomlinson is following all of it from the white house. >> good morning david u.s. officials tell fox the state department has ordered the families u.s. embassy personnel in ukraine to begin evacuated the country as soon as monday. this is to counter the russian threat, arms shipments are pouring into ukraine right now. >> the deliveries are ongoing including today, more deliveries. coming. in addition to to enter traditional security assistance initiative the president has authorized authority to expedite legal aid and emergency defense team. >> late last night the u.s. and busy in ukraine and also for shipment of ammunition has arrived and directed by president biden u.s. officials say ammunition constitution the bulk of the 20000 pounds of the state department calling diesel aid needed by ukrainian soldiers on front lines. u.s. officials tell fox javelin antitank missiles are expected to arrive next week from the baltics and u.s. russian fighter jet had been arriving in belarus bordering ukraine at the north. they are concerned that ukraine's capital is in the crosshairs. president biden refused to answer any questions about russia before leaving the country to camp david he's huddling with the national security team. >> the reason we will not have time for questions now is these guys gotta get quickly on the plane in about russia not having anything to do with jet. >> this is the independent biden's first year in office, year two is beginning with another evacuation of americans overseas. david: thank you very much, president biden saying he's making progress on inflation but there is still one key item he is pushing to bring prices, he says down more. listen. >> inflation has everything to do with the supply chain. and i think what you are seeing is that we've been able to make progress on speeding up the access to materials, the single best way to take the burden off middle-class and working-class folks is to pass the build back better peace things that they're paying a lot of money for now. david: is more spending really the solution? former senior child economic senior advisor kevin hasek, we appreciate you being here. once again the president is saying spending for - $5 trillion and ticketed out from money that we don't have, more deficit spending he said it will not cost a dime it will decrease inflation and it will not add a penny to the deficit. how does this magic work? >> the magic doesn't work if you go back and look it was about six months ago where they told us the 1.9 chouchou namegabe dollar stimulus package would not ignite inflation. if it did not ignite inflation remember secretary of treasury janet yellen said we need to go big in the fed would be able to stop that right away. now we're looking at inflation not like anything that we've seen since the early 1980s or late 1970s. the spending power the everybody in washington is watching go down and down and affecting ordinary americans real wages over the last 12 month have dropped over 3% that is because inflation is going up and wages are going up as a direct result of biden's policies. the stuff that they are doing makes no sense. a sign of how bad it is the secretary of treasury yellen yesterday gave a speech about modern supply-side economics. modern supply-side economics. and then somehow climate change is going to fix everything. it made absolutely no sense. david: by the way your focus on that bothered the staff of larry kudlow tremendously. he was so infuriated when you told him about that he devoted his entire show to the subject. the president has also been blaming producers, oil producers and be producers, et cetera for inflation. his solution to that is more regulation for these producers. more regulation means it'll cost them more money to produce what they produce which they then passed on to consumers. won't that just increase inflation even more? >> again it shows how the iq level, the geriatric iq level at the white house. here's the thing inflation is a difference between the price today in the price yesterday. if inflation is going up minutes attributable to something that's changed yesterday. we have some big producers in the u.s. right now that produce a lot of meat but we had a lot of producers, big producers last year end the year before. so maybe they get a little bit of a markup because they're a big producer so they control a lot of the market but there's no argument that the market is increasing and that the explanation for inflation. the explanation for inflation is bad policies. david: i just want to put the presidents quote up on the board, last week when the cpi figures came out and inflation numbers showed an increase in acceleration of inflation. we are making progress in slowing the rate of price increases. it seems to be exactly the opposite of what he said and wholesale prices showed an increase of 9.7% almost double-digit inflation annually and of course what wholesalers charge eventually they charge you to the retailers and the retailers charges to consumers. does that mean there's more inflation to come? >> it certainly does when the data blip up and down and when i was the chairman of the council economic advisors i never would've let the president brag about old dip down because you get a dip up next month. he saying there making progress, it was based on a normal punctuation something that is not remarkable and is something a president should not be talking about. david: people believe their own eyes at the supermarket, it's that simple. great to see you we appreciate it. with russia and ukraine on the brink of the war we are scrambling to tamp things down but is there anything that we can do with allies like germany don't step up. that is coming up next. ♪ anks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. be confident to and through retirement. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. voya. be confident at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. david: the first shipment of the u.s. military arriving in ukraine early this morning as the world is on edge over all the escalating tension between russia and ukraine. to greg and kia with the very latest. >> tensions are growing in the region and we are getting some confirmation over u.s. military help arriving according to video supplied by the defense ministry some of the $200 million worth of u.s. security or lethal aid as they described it arrived overnight including the ammunition for ukrainian troops facing off against russia fighters inside of the country in eastern ukraine. also as we've been saying this week russian troops are outside of ukraine but very close to the borders in the latest numbers 125,000, all sorts of gear, hardware weaponry coming with them including jet fighters that have been arriving in belarus next door to ukraine. all of this work talk has the state department concern as we just heard from my colleagues they are looking at the evacuation of diplomat families here and kyiv and elsewhere in a big department embassy locations, we were over there short while ago and we did not hear anything unusual but this can be picking up. take a look at what we saw in another part of the city. >> ukrainian military has approved a lot since it was using the soviet air tanks placed here in the kyiv park. but it's good to go up against the state of the art russian and needs a whole lot more help. >> we need international community to help us i am scared we cannot defend the country by herself. >> of course the army is ready but not only men and women and children are ready to stay for our country. >> today is unity day in ukraine, a national holiday and a lot of people are hoping this country will stay unified and will be broken up by forces outside of the borders. david: thank you very much. this all coming as the white house tries to clean up comments that president biden made about ongoing tensions after the president said the following on wednesday. >> i think what you are going to see is that russia will be held accountable if it invades and it depends on what it does it's one thing if it's a minor intrusion and we ended up have to find out what to do et cetera. >> a minor inclusion. the quick to respond to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions, the president coming out to clarify his comment. >> i've been absolutely clear with president putin he has no misunderstanding in any assembled russian units across ukrainian border that is an invasion. david: is the u.s. getting the message across to russia? retired colonel lieutenant joining me now. what is the message that putin is getting from the president biden. >> certainly it is a green light on the gray zone and what mr. biden might do in response to an incursion of the russian country. keep in mind you have estimated maybe 125,000 troops, thousands of takes, fighting vehicles, artillery pieces there in belarus to the north, the west and although the in the russian fleet in the black sea to the south. ukraine is surrounded, the message is very clear back a year ago mr. putin told the nation of russia that any indication every intent to retake ukraine to bring back the great empire of russia, dating back over 100 years ago before the soviets went in. we have issues of some gravity. if i were tsa i be nervous as well. david: we also question the better allies, one in particular that is germany germany is blocking artillery from going to ukraine the artillery would come from one of the baltic states from estonia, what is up with that. is germany running a block for russia? >> the infrastructure that we had during the cold war is no longer in europe, the germans are a shadow of what's they once were there down to a couple of tanks radically different than what we had at the end of the cold war. the germans are claiming both sides, they have nord stream which if it's completed would bring all the energy from russia into germany which germany desperately needs. it is playing both sides here. i'm not surprised the least. david: president zelensky says he wants the sanctions on the gas pipeline put back now before something happens rather than reacting to an invasion, doesn't he make a good point and is it possible somebody in the white house will listen? >> i'm not sure they're going to listen to the white house clearly was secretary blinken were talking about geneva yesterday and the day before is what might be the consequences that the russians don't get what they want and what they want is ukraine to be a member of nato. david: we gotta leave it at that, thank you for being here. the suspect of a slain 24-year-old in los angeles is charged with murder, details on that case next at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. david: the man accused of stabbing and killing 24-year-old brianna kupfer charged with murder. the battle district attorney in los angeles george gascon releasing the statement. those who show no compassion for human life will face serious consequences. the murder brianna kupfer has left los angeles county devastated and my office is reaching out to her family to provide any services that they may need. critics like jack murrell want to know where were the serious consequences for the suspect and other homeless commoners like him before. great to see you, thank you for being here. the question the use of the word humanitarian gets under my skin because allowing the homeless to sleep on the street, use it as her bedroom and the bathroom. i don't think that's humanitarian. the more that these very troubled individuals who many of whom have violent histories and the pastor out on the street the greater the chances of something like this happening again. >> right, i've lived my entire life serving the force of the poor in helping people. but this is unacceptable. the real question how do we get to the root cause of the issue when you look at the stats in the data you will see that murders, 77% of every weather commits a murder in the united states of america was before in police custody and had been released, 73% of violent crimes have already been arrested and released. the question is what are we doing with these individuals once they are in custody. what are jails and prisons doing to help make sure that we protect the folks the one to let these criminals out. that is the real issue. prisons and jails are not doing their job billions of dollars are getting put into the criminal justice system and it is not going into rehabilitation programs. not at all. we have to bring the merit-based system to a criminal justice. you can tell if a person has been rehab. there are programs you can put someone through to ensure that they understand and ready to go back into society but we have these leftist groups in these politicians who are pushing for criminal justice reform when they really do understand the criminal justice system. go ahead. david: i was just going to say a lot of these criminals and violent crimes happened with the perpetrators about at the same day. we had an incident in new york city where a guy was going about beating up women and one woman was so beaten her jaw was permanently disfigured. he was let out the same day. he was put back on the street and again, there is no effort at all to get them off of the street. witness homeless problem really began to pick up again in new york city back in 2015, rudy giuliani who solved in the '90s said the following for the so-called progressive, the people have a right to live on the sidewalk is not only legally devoid of any merits but it is inhumane, don't you agree with that? >> 100% it is completely inhumane, mayor giuliani had a right he understood that's the reason why he cleaned up the city. he was about accountability and our politicians are mayors and our leaders don't spend time in prison they don't spend time in jail they don't need to understand what programs are being put in place to make sure that these folks are getting the help in the rehab that they need. mayor giuliani did those things he was touching the people. i think we have a major disconnect that we have to face we want to focus on shutting down private prisons when you allow the private prisons are the ones that are putting resources into rehab we have no merit-based we put money at problems and people right now are getting murdered in our streets and we have more lawlessness than any of us have ever seen in our lives. david: just germany at the probability go away. of course it does not. what giuliani did specifically, it can be followed all over the country he set up polices social service workers to all of the homeless people in the street he said yes several choices if you have a problem getting a place to sleep or food to eat or getting a job or getting a drug addiction we will help you solve those problems but one of the solutions is not remaining on the street. that you cannot do and that's why the police were there to make sure they did not do that so you can go to jail or the social service worker to get your problems fixed. why don't we try that again. it worked in the early '90s and it would probably work now, wouldn't it. >> of course it would is called accountability making people be accountable for their actions. right now in society we have a wave folks that just want to get empathy from any and everyone and they call it love, love is not disgrace it is also truth and right now are missing a lot of truth in our criminal justice system in our nation as a whole. david: a lot of people focus just on guns. they say the guns are the problem. michelle go the victim push toward death in the subway in new york she was not killed by a gun and nor was sandra shall beaten to death brianna kupfer was stabbed to death is not a problem of guns it is a problem of criminals on the streets whatever weapon they are using it's a criminal that's a problem not the weapon. >> exactly and it's a heart problem goes to the heart of the people and we have a spirit right now that is taking over our nation whether you're talking about killing babies in the womb or you're talking about not caring for life, it is the spirit and that spirit we need to get to the root of that in the way we get to that is through christ jesus. david: jack brewer, thank you very much we appreciate it. severe weather stick around we'll be right back. easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. david: president biden looking for a reset as he heads into his second year but will he be able to get things back on track for democrats before the midterms, aishah hasnie is on capitol hill taking a look at where the party stands as novembers midterms and closer. >> democrats have razor thin majorities in the house and senate which is why some say they really just need to lower the expectations if they want to avoid a repeat of 2021. one year ago president biden are good decades of congressional experience set out to close big deals on capitol hill but he failed to unite his own party. democrats passed a $1.9 trillion covid relief package on their own without republican support but then they started quarreling with each other. at one point progressive took a bipartisan infrastructure bill hostage installing it for a build back better that the presidents massive tax social spending plan but after two presidential visits to capitol hill and multiple private meetings at the white house biden failed to convince one democrat not a republican to pass his legacy defining bill, democrats also failed to move on big campaign issues like police reform, gun reform and canceling student debt and voting rights legislation while republicans slam the left of their priorities. >> were back in d.c. for another week with the democrats are not bringing a single bill to confront the many crises that they created from inflation that continues to rise, high gas prices. >> some say democrats need to think smaller when it comes to their social spending. >> that may mean going for less breaking a build back better making into smaller pieces, maybe some of which can pass whether were talking about paid family leave or the other incredibly popular pieces. >> as of today more than two dozen house democrats are not seeking reelection and new pull numbers from gallup show democrats overall are losing support at the end of 202147% of people now identified with the republican party while 42% blame democratic, that is a seven-point drop from when president biden first took office in its huge wake-up call in just about ten months left for the midterm. david: thank you very much, aishah hasnie highlighting up all the american see themselves republican the democrats. will democrats get the message that they've got to pivot more to the center on issues like crime and education and the economy to bring voters back to them washington examiner kayla mcgee white joins me for details. i did not see a sign of the pivot during the president's press conference, did you. >> not at all they are stuck on the same agenda that they have been pushing for this entire past year which clearly has not worked a goes to show how out of touch democrats have become on key issues that voters care about the two biggest being covid and inflation there is another recent poll by cbs this is voters are extremely upset that democrats don't care about inflation and what it's doing to their wallets they're having a hard time affording basic things like gas and groceries and it's affecting them that you rarely hear the president mentioned. david: the bottom line they don't have confidence in the president's ability to deal with economic problems that is shown in poll after poll he keeps saying he's a capitalist he said at his press conference this week, they must be looking at this pull from gallup which shows american still don't like socialism as 60% favor capitalist over socialist and not stay consistent over the past 12 years, perhaps even more than that but he keeps supporting policies that are put forth by bernie sanders and aoc and to use the wave the president speaking, he's a socialist, bernie is a socialist, you cannot support capitalism and be a socialist can you? >> i don't think so. it is actually a good thing that joe manchin in a couple of the moderate democrats stood up and actually saved biden on the issue of build back better which was again supported by bernie sanders and supported by these leftist like were mentioning and poll after poll shows that voters did not think the build back better was a good idea in large part because they could see through and understood the policies for what they were which was a basic introduction to socialist welfare and stuff like that. joe manchin stepped in and said i'm not going to do this to my constituents and that might've been the best thing that could happen to the democratic party yet they are blaming him and attacking him for killing their agenda. >> is not just the build back better it's all the appointments a president has made the regulatory decisions he's made on the keystone pipeline and a host of other things appointing people like this woman or nominating people like this woman, the bottom line, these are people with very anticapitalist views. it really contrast with his claim that he is a capitalist. i just don't think people trust him, is there time for him to pivot before the midterm elections? >> enjoys time to pivot but i do think it's reasonable to expect republicans to make significant gain in the 2022 in part because that's typically what happens during the midterm cycle give a bit of a transfer of power but the polls that were seen in the past election cycle in virginia and new jersey really does suggest that this is going to be a heavy transfer of power, probably more so that we seen in years past. david: unless there are problems or disputes with the results of those elections and the president was talking about the result of the 2022 midterms at the press conference this week suggesting he may not accept them automatically. listen. >> i'm not saying it's going to be legit the increase in the prospect of being a legitimate is a direct force not been able to get these reforms passed. david: could we have a nether era of alexa dispute before us? >> it is certainly laying the groundwork for that and, for totally irresponsible and instead of owning up to what he did and admitted he was selling distress to an election that is not even happened yet his entire team tried to spin his remarks and claim that's not what he met and he did actually say that which are more lies, people rightly criticized former president donald trump for selling distress in the results of the 2020 election. to see this president it was rightly denounced trump for doing the exact same thing that he is doing now is disgraceful. david: we will wait and see but the bottom line the polls are clear, unless they pivot the democrats are going to get in big trouble in the midterms and they can't blame election disputes for their losses it happens. good to see you. thank you very much for being here. we appreciate it beach towns bundling up, the area under winter storm warnings.we have d. ♪ no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you 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in memphis, you have the sun up in 26 degrees the cold air solidly in place that is the case across new england minus 13 read to minus 27, china record for the day that goes back to 1980. along the beach five and a half inches of snow, we had a lot of areas in the 4 - 6 range and ice we had some spots in north carolina to a half an inch on every surface that makes the roads impassable and downed trees that's really dangerous. if there's anything good happened on the weekend we have things that will begin to warm up and you don't need to get outside unless you want to get outside very carefully walk and see what's going on but the storm is done except for us a few showers through parts afforded tomorrow temperatures will be colder today memphis today 39 degrees and you get the idea temperatures above freezing by this afternoon we will see the ice melting in the snow melting as well and 57 in a few degrees cooler than that by the time we get to tomorrow. david: a perfect time for your weatherman umbrella. the free covid test that we heard so much about they are finally shipping out but are we any closer to relaying this pandemic in? details comingck next. ♪ only from discover. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or 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the sickness, let's hope you don't but if you get it chances are it'll be milder than the other variants and is displacing other variants, that is good news, right? >> exactly that is great news hospitalization appears to be down in even within the hospitalization although theirs increases in certain parts of the country there is a measurement, the covid hospitalization seems to be whoever is testing positive father in the hospital, but we really haven't separated out are those people who are coming in because they're having covid symptoms and the data hospitalized for the symptoms or are they people getting hospitalized for other conditions but then they test positive for covid? they are different because they measure the severity of covid. i think fundamentally the problem here is the testing does not tell us the difference. if we take something out, not covid but something like prostate cancer or enlarged prostate something completely different. if we just have a test that tells you you have an abnormal prostate but it doesn't separate those two because a lot of people as they get older can have an enlarged prostate which is pretty normal but prostate cancer is not, you really want to know if you prostate cancer and you need to test what differentiates the two. with covid we don't have a difference and we don't have a test that tells us if you have covid that's dangerous to you and could cause severe illness or if you happen to be a symptom addict meaning no symptoms no real danger of transmitting the virus to others we saw the figure that out but sending this test out to everyone first of all it's a little too late for omicron but second even if it's in advance of the next variant it doesn't tell us about the two majors it could create a panic without solving the problem. david: we know enough about omicron and there's no need to panic except it's good news were so used to getting bad news on this one, but we also great news on the drugs that are available if you do happen to get it paxlovid is finally coming out i talked to one dr. this week who is finally able to prescribe it to whatever patients that have come down with covid. and we still have at least one antibody treatment that is effective towards this. though the federal government controlled the distribution and a lot of hospitals say they don't have any more of this in a body treatment. >> i agree with you generally speaking we have positive developments but there are bureaucratic challenges. you mentioned we have those treatments and that seems to be effective in remdesivir just got approved for outpatient use as well that day. a lot of developments on the treatment front but you are right it is difficult especially with at-home test for people to get access for the medications because these treatments are limited supply, if a person has a positive test and may be a risk factor to have a problem it's very hard to predict who will have a moderate or severe illness into might be able to get access to those medications. it is great that they work and hopefully can ramp up the supply and the access to them quickly. david: another bureaucratic problem and that involves the vaccine mandates a lot of people say it's time to get rid of the vaccine mandates for several different reasons. one of which there are so many breakthrough cases and 70 people the full vaccination with breakthrough cases, some hospitals are so shortstaffed because they had to fire people that didn't have vaccines because of the mandate and they are actually letting infected vaccinated workers back in but keeping out uninfected nonvaccinated workers who want to come back to work. that makes no sense at all. >> i agree with you i have been in new york city to institute the vaccine mandate and i have been hear from the beginning. not because i'm against the vaccine, am in favor of the vaccine but i think aside from the staffing, the general people should have information about the risk benefits and alternatives. we want people to have trust in the medical system and to be able to talk to people about their options and move forward. david: options is the key word and with mandates you don't have options that runs counter to not only our policy but our nation's policies but also the science at this point. great to see you thank you so much for being here. folks, did you see this jobs in some states run by republican governors are back to pre-pandemic levels, that is great news. what the red states could teach the white house in the blue states about getting their entire economy booming again. that is next. on ancestry i discovered more about my great-great-grandfather baptiste caretto. ancestry threads all of the little facts together into a narrative so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. >> we begin with breaking news on two officers shot last night here in new york city. one killed, the other said to be clinging to his life. the ambush-style attack coming as three officers were investigating a domestic violence call. this now brings the number to five n.y.p.d. officers shot so far month. our own alexis mcadams has the details for us. alexis. >> good morning, well, here is the 32nd precinct in the harlem area. the officers are grieving yet again, now a 22-year-old officer of the n.y.p.d. has lost his life after this ambush attack. his partner is in critical condition. this is what we know about what unfolded last night. it happened on friday night, officers responding to a 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her son. so the two n.y.p.d. officers entered the back room to speak with the woman's son. he kicked open the door and started shooting and that ambush left one officer ted and another in critical condition. and the officer killed 22-year-old jason rivera. he joined the department in november of 2020, he was a husband, a father and a son a dedicated officer who lost his life in the line of duty in new york city. and the mayor calling it an attack on the entire city. >> this is just not an attack on three brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york and it's an attack on the children and families of this city. and we are not going to win this battle by dividing lines between us. we must save this city together. >> the gunman now identified as 47-year-old lashaun mcneil. he was shot and critically wounded by a third n.y.p.d. officer as he tried to run out of the apartment. mcneil was on probation for a felony drug charge and arrested nearly half a dozen times in other states for a variety of offenses in the past. now, this is a gun stolen back in 2017 from baltimore. officers are running tests on the high powered weapon. back here live, the second officer now is in critical condition. he's a 27-year-old male who has been on the n.y.p.d. for quite a few years and now five n.y.p.d. officers have been shot so far this month. the latest, the officer did not make it, 22 years old. and bragg criticized for being soft on crime, saying on officers, it will not be tolerated. and the officer is in critical condition. back to you. david: pray for those officers, pray for them deeply. alexis, thank you for that report. the other story we're following. no breakthrough through the u.s., ukrainian and russian officials as the white house is trying to clean up the strange comment about a minor incursion during the press conference. and now we're hearing that the u.s. is planning to evacuate americans in ukraine and fears grow that russia will soon attack. and greg palkot has the latest from kiev, ukraine, greg. >> yeah, a lot of developments on this saturday at kiev. yes, u.s. military aid is coming in the region. $200,000 worth of security assistance or lethal aid, included in the shipment. ammunition for frontline ukrainian troops facing off against russian backed separatist fighters in eastern ukraine. outside ukraine's borders, the buildup of some 125,000 russian troops, tanks, hardware continues. the latest developments we're tracking today, the deployment of russian jet fighters to nearby belarus, posing the threat of possible invasion, and yes, this war talk has the state department concerned as fox news has been reporting, the u.s. state department is getting ready to evacuate diplomates families from the embassy in kiev. we were there, and at the moment we don't see anything unusual. but that could change. we are at a spirited rally at the center of kiev marking what they call unity day here when the country, on paper at least, was brought together in the last century, a lot of patriotic speeches, flags, songs, banners and hopes, david, that this country doesn't get disunified by moscow. david: thank you. president biden is meeting with security team at camp david. can anything be done to avoid an all-out war. and joining me on the phone, christian, what does an all-out war mean? as the president said famously in the press conference, a minor incursion may not be so bad. they've walked it back or tried to walk it back. and it's out there and president putin certainly heard it. what are we talking about, all-out war? >> it's unclear what that means, it's never really been under consideration, if you will, that putin would invade and occupied the entirety of ukraine, that would be biting off a lot for putin to chew, after all the eastern part of ukraine, parts of russia already has taken previously are heavily russian speaking, very ethnically russian so it sounds like the administration is talking about a total war that would take on ukraine when in reality which is under consideration probably itself unlikely, smaller. david: we keep sending out, it seems to me, the wrong messages to president putin, somebody we're trying contain. first of all, the minor incursion remark and somebody is leaking out they're considering closing the u.s. embassy in kiev. that would be another message to putin, wouldn't it? >> yeah, that's not a confidence builder for people on the ground if u.s. diplomates are leaving town. putin has achieved a tremendous amount politically. i still think an invasion is highly unlikely. what he wanted to do is put a cloud over the idea that ukraine being added to n.a.t.o. and the u.s. forces moved farther east within existing n.a.t.o. countries and also, to place himself on the world stage, you know, russia has consistently played a bad hand very well. the european economy 12 times the size of russia, and yet, here is a country that's comparatively poor that has again, sort of put itself seemingly on an equal playing field with the united states globally. >> and then we have germany, what are they up to? we know that they're partners with putin on the pipeline deal and a lot of europeans had trouble with, they don't want to be put at the mercy of russia and gas. astona wants to send artillery to the ukrainian government to help them from russia, but germany is not letting the artillery pass through. what is with germany? >> germany is not on board with the posture the united states has against russia. it's interesting, that people, the countries who are closest to the threat don't see the threat the same way that we do. the administration has been talking about solidarity, about we're all in this together, we're all in complete agreement, we being n.a.t.o., the western alliance, but germany isn't going for it. and another interesting thing, to say they're not going to go along with what the administration calls the nuclear options sanctions, which is to kick russia out of swift, the belgium based mechanism for over border financial transactions and impediment to the russian economy. and also impediment to germany for gas and other goods from russia. we seem to be more catholic than the pope when it comes to the russian threat. david: there are historical precedents for deals between russia and germany. i'm just wondering if germany will-- might germany split from n.a.t.o.? could it lead to something as dramatic as that? >> it will be sort of an unwritten defacto split which in a way is already happening. they're more than willing to let the united states fund their defense, and then they get to play the good cop and we play the bad cop, the thing is we get bad trade agreements with germany and underwrite their defense even though they're rich. david: and paid for the money and n.a.t.o. as well. and finally, our pipeline, our pipelines were closed by president biden at the same time that the pipeline deal between germany and russia was opened. will history show that started putin's aggression? >> that is a signal, continues to be a signal, the west-- germany, for example, closing down the last few nuclear power plants it has and making itself more dependent on russian natural gas. the countries that are producing natural gas na haven't gone overboard on the green agenda. and particularly russia, that nord stream pipeline, gas into germany and cut ukraine out of the picture. you can expect russia to get more wealthy and more confident as western european countries, old europe pay more and more and more for energy and send more of that money overseas. david: wow, when you think of the russian collusion stories during the trump administration and now you see who is really benefitting from our current russian policy. new very much for being here, christian white. so we're going to go live about a new surge on our border, firsthand, and tell you about some migrants who are using their arrest warrants official u.s. i.d. that's coming next. and new concerns that china may be suppressing our athletes rights to free speech during the upcoming winter olympics. stick around. ♪♪ i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no 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is still blaming the trump administration for the current border crisis, this as we're hearing about a new migrant surge and the tsa accepting migrant's arrest warrants as i.d. and more on the new surge and waiting for new numbers, bill. >> good morning, we've been dealing with a winter storm here in texas the last couple of days here and including in the rio grande valley. that hasn't slowed down traffic for the migrants runners, folks who don't want to be caught. and video we shot in sullivan city, 10 minutes from where we are now. guys who wear dark clothing and deep into the brush and are not willing to turn themselves in. these are the migrant runners, the group we saw being arrested by border patrol yesterday. a dhs source says that the activity has stayed constant. as of this morning since october 1st just here in the rio grande valley sector, we're told more than 157,000 migrant apprehensions, in a few months in one single sector. and in the la joya areas and some mixed in willing to turn themselves. as ice still has not released its annual report for fiscal year 2021. the fiscal year ended back on september 30th. it's now january 21st, 22nd, one of those two, and it's basically in it four months ago and ice has not put out the annual report detailing enforcement and deportations and it's the first time in a decade the agency failed to release that report by the end of the calendar year. we talked to a retired ice agency, victor avila, why he thinks it's held up. what he had to say. >> got-aways is a hard number to detect. the deportation numbers, the reason it's not being released because there are none. the biden administration has basically disassembled, systematically abolished ice. >> and you heard him mention the got-aways and we got brand new numbers this morning. october 1st, just here in the rgv sector, more than 14,500 got-aways, that's one sector in a few months here and the action isn't just here on the southern border as well. border patrol up north on the northern border actually reported yesterday near blain, washington, a group of romanians came flying across the border in a vehicle and tried to drive away and get into the united states. they were stopped and arrested by border patrol. goes to show even though all the activity and attention is on the southern border, every now and then something will happen up in the northern border. we'll send it back to you. david: i have a question about pfent david: i have a question about anyl and we know how many americans are being killed by fentanyl at the same the surge is coming. are the people getting away bringing the drugs across? >> yes, absolutely and every law enforcement agency will tell you that. i don't think it's any coincidence and law enforcement will tell you the same, we've heard the leading cause of deaths adults over 18, fentanyl od's. a lot of agents are pulled off of frontline duty and having to deal with family units and there are parts of the border, essentially it's gone unpatrolled and just last week to put it in perspective for you. in el paso sector, border agents caught one single person who had enough fentanyl pills on him smuggling into the country. could have killed seven and a half million people. that's one single smuggler. david: oh, so many reasons why we have to get control of that uncontrolled border. bill, thank you. and one could show the white house how to get the entire economy booming. will they listen? that's next. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> so one year in and president biden still getting called out over his handling on everything from covid to the economy. the president may, just may want to ask the advice of some republican governors because their anti-mandate, pro job policies are being hailed for creating what some are calling a red state rebound. fox business's madison allworth has more. >> texas and arizona are the latest states to recover all the jobs lost at the start of the pandemic. an incredible feat when you realize that overall, the u.s. economy is 3.6 million jobs short of its pre-pandemic levels. here are the first four states to not only fully recover jobs, but to begin exceeding jobs numbers from before the pandemic. another thing that the four states have in common, they're all republican controlled and experts say that the policies those governors put in place may have had a big impact on economic recovery. the states who had lockdown measures in place for a smaller period of time are obviously taking a much longer period to come back from the pandemic. and states who didn't shut down at all or a shorter period of time they're seeing things come back online quicker. >> some of the states having the hardest time coming back, new york where i sit right now, 8% less jobs than before the pandemic started. strict covid-19 measures like mandatory vaccination for nearly all employees working in new york city. strict policies, high taxes and lack of space are all reasons why big names like tesla and oracle moving away from the state. and austin, where you no longer have to go to the big cities to grow companies and find talent. >> and there's a signal to the tech people around the country being like, it's right here, this is where it's happening, you know? we're going to move tesla here, we're going to build rockets here, and so you should move here, too. >> there are projections that one third of u.s. states could finally hit pre-pandemic job levels by the middle of this year. unfortunately, new york and california are not expected to be in that group. david. david: not surprising. madison, thank you, are those red states showing president biden how to get the entire u.s. economy booming again? here to discuss it, dave maury and gary, good to see you. gary, when rick perry was governor of texas and i asked him why texas was booming right after the financial crisis in 2009. he said, look, it's not rocket science. you make it easier and cheaper and safer to do business in a place and the business will come to that place. i mean, it's really true. it isn't rocket science, is it? >> it's pure logic and i've always said business people and capital will flow, if able to, where treated best. and all i can tell you, i lived in florida here, labor force growth is six times the amount of the nation. why? we're able to market as a state that if you are a successful business, if you are growing, if you are a job creator, we're not going to disrespect you. we're going to incentivize you, come on over here, no state tax. so, they're doing all kinds of ads for that and guess what's happening? businesses are flocking to the state. california cannot run ads on tv and say, hey, by the way, if you're a producer and successful and a job creator, come here, we're going to charge you 13% to come here, state tax, if you're too successful. so, it's just a gargantuan difference here in california and new york, and they play into places like florida's hands. >> yeah, and david, the point is that there's a pandemic connection as well, of course, both texas and florida don't have those mandates that they have in new york, and california and i should mention, by the way, despite not having mandates or maybe because of it, who knows, the death rate is lower, even though they are the same population size. the idea of freedom, just beyond economic freedom, the whole idea that government should not be restricting your freedom. that's a big pull as well, is it not? >> it is. there are many-- there are many pulls and smart administrations will learn best practices from red and blue states. a recent study found before omicron overran us, 8%, they had a higher approval than 8 republican governors. they're getting hit. and a lot of this had to do as my colleague is saying just now, with tax rates which are attracting businesses and people, as are red states that have easier times with crime. you have just had segments about the urban challenges in terms of crime. which you need two hands on this, on the one hand, they're attracting people because of low taxes and on the other hand, brookings did a study, and two-thirds of the economy is fueled by blue states and the education between red and blue states is actually increasing in favor of blue states, look, a house divided and we've got to work together and take the best practices from all states. >> we do and then the silicon valley companies have been doing spectacularly during the pandemic partly because of the lockouts. and the biden administration could learn a lot from the success of the red states, in particular trying to work with businesses. president biden says he's trying to do that with regard to the supply chain issues and everything, look at inflation, the first instinct maybe we're doing something wrong and inflation, look the businesses. >> and the businesses have marvelously considering what we've been, and supermarkets, 1 to 2% margin, how dare they raise their prices even though they're not in control of prices, it's what's produced that's out there. all i can tell you if he would just back away, leave be, you know, the big problem with all the spending they're proposing is the taking out of the economy all of those trillions, it's the worst possible time coming out of a pandemic. i've got to touch upon and simplify the mandate. i was in new york city last weekend and i went to a diner i usually frequent that people are flocking outside and the waitress said to me, we had to turn people away because they didn't have their vaccine cards and the whole vaccine mandate. here in florida, i can go wherever i want, nobody cares, they leave you alone, they let you decide for yourself what's right or wrong for you and i think it speaks volume. it's just such a different feel than when i was in new york city. they can learn a lot if they came here. david: speaking volumes are the markets. they had a really tough week, a really tough week, part of the reason is because the fed may be trying to do something against inflation, involving raising rates in 2022. there are as many as four, five, or more rate hikes coming. that's bad news for the marks, because businesses don't like to have to pay more for borrowing money as they do all the time. what do you see coming up. will that be a motivator for the white house to changes policies? >> i think it will. we're talking inflation, it's real, it has no state color, blue or red and we'll see where that's at, and the truth is this is a center, center, right country and i think that the biden administration will have to chunk out build back better to parts that have republican support and focus on electoral reform for which there's republican support. and look at the overall picture, two gigantic bills passed and that many republicans are bragging about in terms of covid relief and infrastructure and the unemployment story of the biden administration is a strong one, 75% decrease in unemployment claims 3.9%, a lot of good news out there opening up the schools, distributing vaccines, they're going to have to get back to performing in ways that really comfort this market in terms of interest rates and inflation. david: just performing period. gary just about to seconds. the bottom line, in order to solve a problem, you have to admit there's a problem and janet yellen, the treasury secretary doesn't seem to be willing to do that. she says we're experiencing a strong recovery, one of the strongest periods of economic growth in decade. none of this was a given. it's take strategic action, you've got 10 seconds. >> the market, the administration, bottom line, 7% inflation is not good news and i'm a big believer, most of the recovery is coming out of the pandemic and now the rubber is going to meet the road. what are they going to do? raise taxes or let business be and flourish. i say let business flourish, stay out of the way and don't provide headwinds. david: coming back to the beginning, it ain't rocket science. good to see you both. u.s. olympics athletes headed to china may have to worry more about the host country than their competitors. we'll explain next. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ ♪ 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monthly support will help paralyzed veterans receive specialized medical care, support research and treatments, and fight for the accessibility they deserve. pva fights to help veterans like me from the moment of injury and for the rest of our lives. call or go online right now with your gift of just $19 a month. use your credit card and receive this pva team t-shirt to show that you are fighting for our paralyzed veterans. i just don't think my family would be as happy as they are without the support that i received from paralyzed veterans of america. our veterans fought for us. let's fight for them. call or donate online at today. our veterans need you. >> well, more vaccine mandates to tell you about. hawaii may soon require travelers to have a covid booster shot if they want to skip quarantine when travelling to the state. we may see the omicron peak by the end of this month. and charles watts has the latest on the covid front. >> and hawaiian governor telling that the state could be moving toward requiring proof of a booster shot in order to be considered fully vaccinated there, it would be a requirement under the hawaii state travels program. it means that folks would need a booster shot to not only skip the state's five-day quarantine requirement, but to do things like dine inside of a restaurant and state officials have not said when it will go into effect, but the mayor of honolulu says that it was aiming to mid february. the popular tourist destination maui is ahead of the game, changing its definition of fully vaccinated to include a booster shot as new data of the c.d.c. shows a third shot of either pfizer or moderna vaccine is 90% effective in preventing hospitalizations at the hands of the highly contagious omicron variant. the c.d.c. director dr. rochelle walensky emphasizing the importance of getting a third shot. >> these reports add more evidence to the importance of being up-to-date with covid vaccinations. that means getting your primary series and boosted when eligible to protect against severe covid-19. >> and the federal judge in texas temporarily blocking the biden administration from requiring federal workers to be vaccinated and the judge jeffrey vincent brown ruling on friday, stopping the spread of covid-19 will not be achieved by overbroad policies like the federal worker mandate and the biden administration says it plans on appealing that decision to the 5th circuit court of appeals, david. david: charles, thank you very much. covid is a big concern at the upcoming winter olympics in china. another worry is in u.s. athletes could be spied upon while there, even arrested. here to discuss it all, fox headlines, sports anchor matt napolitano. first, let's talk about omicron. the chinese government claims, they claim they haven't had an omicron outbreak yet, but what happens if they do have the omicron outbreak, perhaps one of the athletes brings it in, and it spreads all around. will that shut down the olympics? >> with he will-- well, this point, china seems to be flying by the seat of their pants, and a week ago the first omicron variant touched down within the chinese capital, but when it comes to covid data we have to be wary about it when it comes to the chinese government and what they're willing to report about. the fact of the matter is, there's very much concern that the winter olympics could be sort of stalled out if there's outbreak. there are so many strict protocols when it comes to this and trying to make it come to life. david: they've announced something that should scare a lot of the athletes going in there, announced if any athlete dissent during games, they'll be punished and i'm going to read what the chinese officials said. any behavior or speech that is against the olympic spirit, especially against chinese laws and regulations are subject to certain punishment. does that mean we could see athletes arrested if, for example, they tweet out something that is against chinese laws and regulations? >> there has to be that underlying fear. overall, china is basically a surveillance state weechlt saw -- we saw with the chinese covid tracking app, you're giving vaccine status and covid results and the same app where you're not able to use certain words. a file that was tracked within that app labeled illegal words, that basically see what athletes are talking about, maybe behind the scenes to try to track them down that way. the same stuff that we're getting from china again and again of a police state. not the most welcoming environment when the olympics is about camaraderie. >> and the information they're sweeping up, it could be used after as well. the nba basketball star who has come out against the chinese government in so many ways. if they go along that line, they could use the stuff they sweep up during the olympics to go after these people after the olympics is over. >> that's why multiple governors, including the u.s. government is encouraging athletes and members of the team to opt for burner phones, basically take a phone to china, bring it with you, once you come back and including individual e-mail accounts separate just for the games. it's a worry of being tracked throughout. it's surveillance goes on through the entirety of the beijing games. >> sports reporter, matt napolitano, appreciate it. no longer just retail stores that are getting hit. trains are getting it as well. and he's literally picking up the trash now. ♪♪ ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again... and again. bank of america's digital tools are so impressive, you just can't stop banking. i like that my plan is built just 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haven't gotten involved when this could worsen our supply chain crisis and union pacific is calling on l.a. district attorney to change a new progressive crime policy that demands that 13 types of misdemeanors dismissed instead of prosecutors. while we understand the well-intentioned goals of the policy, we need our justice department to support our efforts with local law enforcement hold these criminals accountable and help protect our employees and national rail network. they're calling on more progressive district attorneys to hold the criminals accountable with a no cash bail policy, you often see repeat offenders. >> it comes down to the fact that we need prosecutors to prosecute these crimes and when people feel like they can get away with this without having any consequence for their behavior, they're going to continue that type of behavior. >> and the supply chain crisis, union pacific stated they're considering avoiding los angeles county altogether and touting rail as a solution to the truck driver shortage. this could make things a lot worse. back to you. david: kelly o'grady. thank you very much. before you try to access some irs tax files online, you may have to send them a selfie. the latest move by the taxman that is sparking a lot of privacy concerns. that's next. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. i felt defeated. the pain, the stares. no one should suffer like that. i said, enough. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic 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company i.d. me as gate keeper for filers identity, claiming that facial recognition is necessary to deter cyber criminals effectively. it's low due in part of scandals tea party groups by employees in 2013. this is leading some to question whether the information gathered by i.d. me will be shared with the largest tax collector or other federal agencies. the irs says those concerns are overblown. quote, there have been some wildly inaccurate statements regarding the use of selfies relate today filing and paying taxes and taxpayers it pay or file their taxes without submitting a selfie or information to a third party identity verification company. i.d. me says the irs will never see the biometrics, it's simply confirmation the user is authentic. the ceo says the process is similar to using your own smart phone, listen. >> we match a selfie to the photo on your government i.d. it's called one-to-one matching. it's what you do every time you unlock your smart phone. we want to be crystal clear that we do one-to-one matching, we're not doing any type of surveillance programs or anything of that nature. >> he added the only case in which information from the company's scans might be shared with federal agencies. the case of fraud when a scammer is posing as a taxpayers. by june facial recognition will be the only way to access and they do that to get child tax credit information and online payment data, a long way to go for the irs whose equipment in some cases is 40 years old. back to you. david: there is that, gerri, thank you very much. the question, is this another overreach that gives the irs access to your life and privacy? here to discuss it all, company founder and c.p.a. and america's accountant. dan, thanks for being here. i don't trust them with this stuff, do you? >> actually, i do not either. listen, this is a further erosion of privacy, david. now, i understand why the irs would want to do this because they need to get up to speed with their technology, and at the same time, they need to look at ways to protect data because the irs has been hacked. but let's look at what's happening here. although you can still file your tax return and pay your taxes as you normally would, going forward, you're going to have to go through this i.d. me company in order to be able to access your account. now, that's really where the issue comes in because i.d. me can share your information with, get this, david, select partners. now, who that may be that's selected? we'll see. once they have this biometric scan of you, and you've signed their consent policy, well, now they have your information and it's for them to determine how they share it. for instance, law enforcement would be able to get access. so we're opening the door of letting the irs or this third party see everything. david: wow. you know, we were just talking about chinese security, chinese communist security and how scary that is, it remind you of the old days of the soviet union or worse because now the technology is so much better. it really does seem to be on par with that and again, even if they have the best intentions if there are third parties, if there are other people that could get access to this information, you have all kind of opportunities for mischief. >> right, the more people na have access to this information, david, of course, there's more access points, but you know, think about this. there should be a lot of outrage related to this because how about with, well, these voter rights that you shouldn't have to show any i.d., but to be able to access your own tax account with the irs, you're going to have to provide them with all of this personal information to get in. and you don't have it to vote, but now you have it to be able to-- >> that's crazy, doesn't make sense. there's another thing that gerri alluded to it with regard to the lois lerner scandal when they were looking at conservative organizations and singling them out for sanctions of various kinds and also recently, they shared personal accounts of wealthy people in order to push their wealth tax proposal or at least that's what the suspicion is. so, they're still doing it, still leaking stuff, our own personal stuff. >> yes, they are and that's the danger here, again, because we're opening a door to provide even more information to the irs and remember, once all of this data is collected, david, it's not like you uncollect it. they have it forever. so there's no escaping. it's really dangerous stuff for everyone. david: comes at a time when they want to super size the irs with 80 billion more dollars, hire 87,000 new irs agents. if you have all the more people you have collecting stuff, the more opportunities there is for leakage. dan geltrude. happy tax season. if i don't see you before then. that's it for you. thus very much. hope you enjoyed the show. keep it here, we have the latest news for you at the top of the hour. see you next time. >> well, one new york city cop is dead and another in critical condition after responding to a domestic violence call last night in harlem. the suspect has shot twice by police and is also in critical condition. i'm griff jenkins. jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich. and there were two separate incidents. and from the precincts in harlem where the officers served. alexis, what is going on

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, Brush , Traffic , Folks Who Don T Want , 10 , Sector , Group , Activity , Border Patrol , Constant , Source , Migrant Runners , Dhs , October 1st , Migrant Apprehensions , La Joya , 157000 , September 30th , 30 , January 21st , Time , Enforcement , The Agency , Deportations , 22nd , 21 , Ice Agency , Victor Avila , Deportation Numbers , Got Aways , None , Abolished Ice , Action Isn T , Rgv Sector , 14500 , Vehicle , Blain , Romanians , Attention , Pfent David , Fentanyl , Anyl , Law Enforcement , Deaths , Law Enforcement Agency , Cause , Coincidence , 18 , Agents , Family Units , Perspective , Frontline , Fentanyl Od S , El Paso , Control , Fentanyl Pills , Border Agents , Smuggler , Statin Drug , Cholesterol , Statin Medication , Brand , Qunol Coq10 , Network , Big Deal , Qunol , Internet , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Store , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Hundreds , Pro Job Policies , May , Handling , Advice , Anti Mandate , Some , States , Start , Feat , Red State Rebound , Fox Business S Madison Allworth , Arizona , Common , 3 6 Million , Recovery , Lockdown Measures , Impact , Experts , Taxes , Employees , Names , Lack , Space , 8 , 19 , Estate , Companies , Austin , Find , Talent , Tesla , Oracle , Rockets , Projections , Happening , Job Levels , Middle , Madison , Good , Gary , Rick Perry , Dave Maury , Rocket Science , Business , Governor , The Business , Crisis , 2009 , Business People , It Isn T , Logic , Growth , Job Creator , Florida , Growing , Labor Force , Businesses , Kinds , State Tax , Ads , Come On Over , California Cannot Run , Say , 13 , Well , Places , Florida Don T , The Point , Connection , Death Rate , Freedom , Administrations , Smart , Population Size , Study , Red And Blue States , Best Practices , Approval , Red States , Colleague , Tax Rates , Terms , Segments , Brookings , Red , Blue States , Practices , A House Divided , Lockouts , Success , Silicon Valley , Supply Chain Issues , Regard , Instinct , Leave , Supermarkets , Dare , Margin , Trillions , Vaccine Cards , Diner , Waitress , Wrong , Volume , Feel , Nobody Cares , Markets , Volumes , Borrowing Money , Marks , Rate Hikes , State Color , Motivator , Unemployment , Bills , Relief , Electoral Reform , Ways , Schools , Decrease , 75 , 3 9 , Order , Interest Rates , Treasury Secretary , Action , Given , Rubber , Most , Road , Believer , Ain T , Headwinds , Business Flourish , Competitors , Memories , Advisor , Cooking , Kitchen , Ben Affleck , Paralyzed Veterans Of America , Navy Seal , Seal , Navy , My Parachute Didn T Open , Platoon , Comrade , Side , Promise , Vets , 1946 , Sacrifice , Gift , Heroes , Pva Hero Org , 9 , 63 , Research , Vain , Accessibility , Credit Card , Rest , Injury , Pva , Pva Team , T Shirt , Let S , Fight , Pvahero Org , Booster Shot , Hawaii , Travelers , Quarantine , Hawaiian , Charles Watts , Covid Front , Omicron Peak , Requirement , Program , Hawaii State , Proof , Quarantine Requirement , Effect , Restaurant , Dine Inside , Game , Definition , Honolulu , Popular Tourist Destination Maui , Hospitalizations , Director Dr , Pfizer , Cdc , Importance , Series , Covid Vaccinations , Evidence , Rochelle Walensky , Judge , Spread , Jeffrey Vincent Brown , Worry , Decision , 5th Circuit Court Of Appeals , Fox Headlines , Omicron Outbreak , Let S Talk About Omicron , Claims , Sports Anchor Matt Napolitano , Olympics , Seat , Pants , Matter , Outbreak , Protocols , Behavior , Games , Regulations , Laws , Athlete Dissent , Olympic Spirit , Weechlt , Fear , Punishment , Covid Tracking , Vaccine Status , Saw , File , Police State , Words , Scenes , Camaraderie , Environment , Nba Basketball Star , Burner Phones , Members , E Mail , Surveillance , Sports Reporter , Beijing , Stores , Trains , Banking , Phones , Trash , Wonder , Girlfriend , Photographer , Thinking , Yoga Studio , Ring Fund , Bouquet , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Stop Banking , Assessment , Ww Personalpoints , Goals , Lifestyle , Points , Diet Food , Ww Personalpoints Program , Cheese , Vegetables , Foods , Images , January 24th , 50 , Gavin Newsom , Quote , Cleaning Crew , Thieves , Fox Business , Pick Up Debris , Passing Rail Cars , Railroad , Wild West , Train Robberies , Kelly O Grady , Union Pacific , 160 , Supply Chain Crisis , Progressive Crime Policy , Questioning , Train Tracks , District Attorney , Carnage , Ports , Fbi , Types , Department , Efforts , Misdemeanors , Progressive District Attorneys , National Rail Network , Type , No Cash Bail Policy , Repeat Offenders , Rail , Truck Driver Shortage , Selfie , Irs , Move , Tax Files , Taxman , Privacy Concerns , Psoriasis , Stares , Pain , Fail , Try , Cosentyx , Counting , Cosentyx Works Fast , Infections , Reactions , Infection , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Dermatologist , Students , Recording Artist , Recording , Millions , Elodia , 10 Million , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Taxpayers , Tax Season , Possibilities , Kicking Off , Facial Recognition Software , Pay , I D , Tax Information , Third Party , Face , Recognition , Tea Party , Filers , Scandals , Identity , Gate Keeper , Agencies , Tax Collector , 2013 , Statements , Filing , Selfies , Identity Verification Company , Biometrics , User , Process , Ceo , Smart Phone , Matching , Photo , Surveillance Programs , Scans , Posing , Scammer , Nature , Fraud , Child Tax Credit Information , Payment Data , Equipment , Overreach , Privacy , Cpa , Company Founder , Gerri , 40 , Accountant , Erosion , Thanks , Dan Geltrude , Technology , Tax Return , Forward , Account , Consent Policy , Biometric Scan , Instance , Chinese Communist , Wow , Par , Parties , Intentions , Opportunities , Access Points , Mischief , Tax Account , Voter Rights , Crazy , Vote , Doesn T Make Sense , Organizations , Accounts , Scandal , Lois Lerner , Suspicion , Wealth Tax Proposal , Escaping , 80 Billion , 87000 , Leakage , Top , Precincts , Incidents , Alexis , Jacqui Heinrich , Griff Jenkins ,

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