Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

he'll join us shortly. >> john: begin with president biden issuing a new warning to moscow about any movement across ukraine's border. as the white house continues to clean up the president's disastrous news conference. hello, i'm john roberts in washington. sandra, we made it to friday. >> sandra: we did, indeed. president biden trying to take a tougher line with russia as it continues the military build-up along the border with ukraine. biden administration is facing a fire storm of criticism here at home and abroad after the president in that news conference suggested a "minor incursion into ukraine may be met with a more muted response." >> john: the secretary of state holding a high stakes meeting with his russian counterpart in geneva, switzerland, they seem to lower the temperature in a standoff over ukraine. mike pompeo will join us in a moment. >> sandra: senior foreign correspondent is on the ground in ukraine for us. so, greg, what's the reaction of officials there in ukraine to these high level u.s.-russia talks? what are you hearing? >> i would say officials here are a bit more reassured but still very nervous. secretary of state blinken meeting with lavrov 90 minutes in geneva, blinken called it critical, what seemed critical after the muddles message earlier this week to be strong and forceful. >> that's the choice russia faces now. it can choose the path of diplomacy to lead to peace and security or the path that would lead only to conflict, severe consequences, and international condemnation. >> still the gap is dangerously wide. blinken saying they have to pulled back the troops on ukraine, lavrov saying they did not intend to invade, and russia says for nato to stay out of ukraine. u.s. probably appreciates a clearer line, zelensky was critical of biden's comments, and approve of another aid to ukraine, they want more aid and sanctions against russia right now. sandra, the u.s. says it will put its answers to russia's questions in writing next week, and then there is an indication there will be another blinken-lavrov meeting. more talk maybe buying just a little more time for now. >> sandra: think back to the news conference, so many moments, questions he took on the growing conflict on the border there. big question would be noting that we are hearing from the white house and others about the strict sanctions that would be put on p utin if he were to invade, we have to wonder if it will sway his thinking. president biden said in the news conference he does not think putin has made up his mind what he's going to do next yet. >> i think right, sandra. threat of sanctions is there, the folks on the ground here from president zelensky on down says they have to put the sanctions in now, put them in before he invades, and they also want more military aid before he invades as well. they are ready but they want more help and it's a tense time. >> sandra: thank you on ground in ukraine. gregg will report on any -- we have spoke to many leaders, one keith kellogg at the top of the next hour, believes it's only a matter of time and that yes, putin will move in. >> john: and we will talk with secretary of state mike pompeo, getting him hooked up. "time" magazine cover says it all, president biden in the oval office with a rain cloud over his head, this is all of the problems that he's facing now. if we could, we were going to save it for the pompeo segment, put it up now, a map of ukraine and belarus, we'll show you where the forces are. if you look at the forces in red, those are russian forces surrounding the eastern section of ukraine. the blue are ukrainian forces and how they are arrayed inside ukraine's borders. the orange are proxy forces in a region of ukraine. what we are not seeing on the map which could be happening is russia forces moving into belarus to cordon off the northern flank of ukraine. basically they have the eastern section of the country surrounded, so incursion across the border probably would be very easy at this point and that's why a lot of people are saying it's imminent as well. >> sandra: as we have cut back our oil production here in the united states and spike of prices, $85 a barrel, the energy picture plays a big part in this. obviously europe is dependent on russia for their oil. we have grown more dependent just in the last year of this administration on russia for oil. did some digging, october 2021, you are looking at now us bringing in 206,000 barrels a day into the united states from russia, compared to a year before that, 18,000. huge change in the dependency on russia for energy. >> john: mike pompeo, former secretary of state in the trump administration. mr. secretary, good to finally get you hooked up today. your thoughts as we put that map up on the screen a second ago showing where the russian forces are arrayed around the eastern section of ukraine. the president, his press conference, seemingly suggesting that a minor incursion across the border would be something that may be tolerated. he has since tried to clarify his remarks but wondering, if the damage done. he said the quiet part out loud. i'm sure that those are things that are being said in meetings of the national security council, but were not meant for public consumption. >> john, you can't clean things like that up when the commander in chief speaks, the world hears it. so you can send out jen psaki or the national security council or anybody else but you can't fix what the president said he made clear that there are certain things we find acceptable, reminded me of what he said when he personally met with vladimir putin and said certain cyber attacks of against the united states are ok if not in one of the 16 enumerated sectors, vladimir putin increased the risk to the ukrainian people. the ukrainian leader immediately reacted when they heard it, they heard what the rest of the world heard as well. it's not good, it will not protect american interests, won't help the europeans and up along odessa along the black sea at real risk. >> john: if president trump said something like joe biden said, the media would have lost its collective mind. wall street journal editorial, how ukraine feels about a minor incursion by russia. did biden commit a blunder like dean atchison on korea? in 1950, he gave a speech in which he indicated the united states would pull away from south korea in terms of the defense, which north korea basically read as a green light to go into south korea, starting the korean war. >> john, it sure feels that way, and sandra, you can see it, too. falls against the backdrop of an administration which has failed to uphold the deterrent model the trump administration had, whether the taliban and afghanistan, or nord stream 2, or other places around the world, what president biden said about minor incursions precisely a fit of the appeasement model with the iranians in vienna, and does not bode well for the things that matter the most to the united states. >> john: jacqui heinrich yesterday in the white house asked president biden why he was not more proactive in his approach to putin. play that exchange here and your take on it. >> why are you waiting -- president responded what a stupid question. and said it's not a stupid question, it's a really important one, we allow putin to set the terms and timeline of the crisis, it's time we are creative and protecting our own conditions. too passive here, mr. secretary? >> no doubt. 366 days now, right, john, one year of the biden administration on the back foot since we allowed the pipeline to continue to be built by the russians but not here at home, we hurt america's energy industry and put ourselves at risk. watched vladimir putin allow cyber attacks, i hope secretary blinken when he met with secretary lavrov tried to put it back in the right way. the american credibility when we say these things with no capacity to actually execute, not just words, but execute deeds that demonstrate american resolve is diminishing, i hope nato and the e.u. will be less passive and more preactive when you see him move equipment and people into belarus the way the reports indicate, it's clear vladimir putin thinks he has the american number. >> john: good to get your thoughts on this, hope you have a great weekend. >> thank you, have a great weekend, too. >> sandra: thank you, and thanks to the secretary. now the latest in the murder of ucla student brianna kupfer. police in california releasing audio now of the 911 call that led to the arrest of a career criminal. he is expected to be arraigned in court for killing kupfer while she worked at an l.a. furniture store. jonathan hunt has more on this. when do we expect to hear about the charges in this brutal case? >> sandra, it could be at any moment but we are expecting shawn laval smith to be arraigned, if they follow the standard timeline here. smith is in custody now thanks to an intense manhunt and the help of the public which police had appealed for almost from the moment of the murder. they got that help when someone spotted smith about 15 miles from the site of the brutal killing of brianna kupfer. >> i see a gentleman that looks very similar to the man in the kupfer stabbing in l.a. >> hundreds gathered outside the store where brianna kupfer was stabbed to death, paying tribute and calling for the city to do more to keep safe. >> scary out here and i pray for safer and better days. >> this has got to stop. this has become the wild west here. somebody has got to stop the crime. there's no reason for this to happen. >> as we have been telling you, shawn smith had a long criminal history and appears to have slipped through the cracks in the justice system on several occasions, with both democrat and republican prosecutors involved on both coasts. at least 11 arrests in south carolina, including on an assault charge, a theft charge here in southern california, where he was free on $1,000 bail, and in northern california, he served four months for assaulting a police officer. combined with covid-related prison releases and court shutdowns, his freedom to move around the country and the state led smith back to los angeles last thursday and ultimately to the store where brianna kupfer was working alone. brianna's heart broken father has spoken out emotionally as you would expect this week. he says he blames no one but the man who murdered his daughter. sandra. >> sandra: just awful, and we await to hear more about the charges in this case. jonathan hunt, thank you. john. >> john: horrible, sandra. after senate democrats suffered twin defeats, a bipartisan group of senators, yes, bipartisan, is now discussing a scaled back bill focussed on safeguarding election results and officials from threats and intimidations. this comes as the white house tries to walk back president biden's comments suggesting the legitimacy of the 2022 midterm elections could determine the passage of the partisan voting bill. you want to get something done in washington, get agreement from both sides of the aisle. >> sandra: how it's supposed to work. we'll see if we can get something done as they enter, what did elizabeth warren say, the second quarter? >> john: yeah, it is the second quarter. 0 sum game politics does not work, just doesn't. find a different way. >> sandra: they learned that the hard way in year one. meanwhile, americans are feeling the pain of the price tag as inflation hits 40-year highs. so, what can the federal government do to fix this problem that just seems to get worse? ari fleischer has some deep thoughts on this. >> john: senator chuck grassley demanding answers in the hunter biden administration. ties to the chinese communist party coming up. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> john: fox business has learned hunter biden and a former aide invested in two chinese companies with top levels of the communist party. harbs amusement parks and sports and entertainment backed by chinese back. calls grow for the secret service to answer questions on hunter biden's government-sponsored travel. >> we know that he traveled sometimes in airplane with his father, but i think we have a right to know what the son was doing in those instances and these records from the secret service and the travel of him and the secret service would help us fill in those details. >> john: the trips that senator grassley and others are investigating are the 2014 visits to russia, china and kazakhstan while his father was vice president. sandra. >> sandra: thank you. americans feeling the pain of inflation as the administration continues to struggle getting a handle on the rising prices. opinion piece now from the los angeles times argues the government should step in to manage strategic prices as inflation soars. ari fleischer, former white house press secretary, almost hard to say, are we talking about fixing prices in the country? this is a debate. i did not see coming, but ari, take this on for us. what would this mean for the country if it suddenly became a reality under this administration? >> thank you for partially ruining my day by asking me to read that piece first. >> happened to us, first. >> i don't know that i have ever read an more radical bad idea in my life. it is amazing to me, if you are in 2022, people think bad ideas from the 1970s need to return. simple fact of the matter is the communists and socialists proved to the world, let alone america's limited experience here, that no government is powerful enough or wise enough to know how to set prices. free markets must set prices. and the idea of bringing that back now to help protect or save joe biden's presidency because prices are rising is radical, it's wrong and it is everything anti-capitalistic, everything that has made our economy flourish for everyone. what a radical idea. >> sandra: it is really remarkable and points out some accuracies, however, as late as 1980s, jimmy carter imposed credit controls and public acclaim but cost him his re-election because the economy slipped into a brief recession. warning a recession may come based how we deal with the inflation crisis. what president biden said in the news conference, really struck me, at the same time he says he's going to do something about it, punting to the fed. watch this. >> critical jobs making sure that the elevated prices don't become entrenched rests with the federal reserve, which has a dual mandate. full employment and stable prices. >> sandra: he is in stark contrast with that radical l.a. times piece, your words, it finishes, the piece, ari, by saying the worst option is punt the issue over to the fed, raise interest rates and fight inflation by letting americans be kicked out of work. >> yeah, a couple things. number one, i'm old enough to know and remember when jimmy carter did that, and not to acclaim, extraordinarily narrow acclaim, only from the most liberal economists, and secondly, that recession, it was not brief, it was not mild, it was so severe that ronald reagan cleaned jimmy carter's clock. historical revision is what he's writing about. sure the fed has a role, but the biggest driver is energy. almost always is of inflation, so much of what we use. >> sandra: and predictor. >> and this is where the biden administration has policy-wise driven up the price of energy because of their green new deal policies. if they were not so anti-american development of energy, we would have one of the biggest factors removed that's driving up prices. >> sandra: as part of the whole russia story, we had secretary pompeo on, i could not believe in how dependent we have bomb on russia, under the biden administration. importing more oil, arguably than we ever have from russia. 206,000 barrels a day as of october 2021 under biden. go back to trump october 2017, 18,000 barrels a day. so, growing more and more dependent on russia with energy. and the former c.e.o. of chrysler and home depot, this is fascinating. >> talking about the inflation problem but saying what is exacerbating it is the talk of more spending and that could send us to recession. >> i think we are right on the cusp of that, sandra, to be honest with you. there isn't a company out there today that isn't forced to raise their price to the consumer and the consumer is bearing the brunt of this mismanagement taking place in the country today. >> sandra: so the point is to go back to our initial discussion on price-fixing, these companies are not -- i mean, i guess the biden administration is making the case they are, somehow colluding to raise prices. higher prices are the reflection of the supply chain crisis, the lack of drivers, the lack of trucks on the road, lack of capacity. i mean, so -- how can we expect these businesses to set prices at a certain level, by the way, we continue to update them daily, gasoline up 50% over just a year, eggs, coffee, all the day-to-day staples are. final thoughts. >> the most beautiful thing about the american economy, it responds to millions upon millions of individual free decisions made every day. that's how it works. as soon as the government steps in and stops the individuals from making free decisions the government messes it up. private sector knows how to do it. >> sandra: larry kudlow says if the administration would have gotten out of the way, there was a serious economic healthy recovery happening from the pandemic. he'll be joining us next hour. great to see you. >> thanks, sandra. >> john: growing concerns about u.s. energy security if russia invades ukraine. why punishing russia could hurt oil supplies, potentially sending prices through the roof. >> sandra: looters robbing cargo trains on the west coast and getting away with it if they are caught. lawmakers demand action from the nation's top cop, attorney general merrick garland. >> it comes down to the fact we need prosecutors to prosecute these crimes and when people feel like they can get away with this without having any consequence of their behavior, they are going to continue that type of behavior. f my best memos growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at expand your limits in the 2022 lexus gx with apple carplay support. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 gx 460. ♪♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> john: developing update to a story we brought you earlier, and a follow-up to president biden seeming to snap at jacqui heinrich's question yesterday. we showed you the exchange a few minutes ago, secretary of state mike pompeo. jacqui asked why president biden was waiting for putin to make the first move if he does indeed invade ukraine. the president mumbled under his breath that was a stupid question. moments ago jacqui followed up with jen psaki. >> is the president aware he was caught on a hot mic yesterday, why does he appear to be dismissings the idea of proactive deterrent? >> well, the president certainly does not dismiss that idea considering he has taken a lot of steps, including supporting and approving several sanctions put out by the treasury department a couple days ago. >> well, i don't think she was expecting that question. >> sandra: i think he did dismiss it by saying it was a stupid question. it was a completely reasonable question. >> john: yes, it was, and other people in former administration's, when joe biden was vice president, bret bruin, said it's not a stupid question, it's a really important one and it is. a lot of people are wondering why president biden is waiting for putin to make the first move. >> sandra: good for jacqui for staying on that. oil prices are at seven-year highs, imports are record levels, sparking new concerns over america's growing dependence on foreign oil. a sharp turn around from two years ago when the u.s. was a net exporter of oil. jackie is reporting for fox business. how much has changed in the energy market since this president took over? unbelievable change so far. >> it's wild. hi, good afternoon to you, sandra. look, when you look back to march of 2020, it was a different world in the energy patch. the u.s. was pumping a record of 13 million barrels of oil a day, eclipsing both russia and saudi arabia, we were exporting and a few months ago, 10 million, 3 million less than the peak, and we import twice as much crude from russia than we did even a year ago. yesterday you had senator barrasso on and important point, listen again. >> putin's aggression is funded by energy which is his cash cow and the biden policies previously have been a jackpot for putin that is funding all of these things. >> in fact, take a look at these numbers. from august to october of 2021, the u.s. imported an average of 241,000 barrels per day from russia. a year ago, it was 92,000 barrels a day on average. so, yes, our imports from russia have essentially doubled. now, there are a lot of reasons the u.s. should be worried about russia invading ukraine, but with respect to energy prices, likely rattle an already volatile energy market. with oil prices at roughly $85 a barrel again, analysts of predicting $15 increase and get over $100 a barrel this year, and that was before considering the impact of a conflict, right. what does that mean at the pump? for you the consumer? the average of a gallon of regular will rise to over $4 a gallon, right now it's 3.32, and right now in california it's well over $4, and up a buck from just a year ago, sandra. >> sandra: and predictions by $100 a barrel by goldman sachs, and when we dug not oil numbers and the amount from russia and how that has spiked, we looked back at october 2017, just 18,000 barrels a day. 18,000 barrels a day. it was nearly the bottom of the list from countries that we brought in oil from. it wasn't even up there. and now top five. but that's a huge change. great report, thank you. >> sure. >> john: a lot to consider there. organized train theft spiralling out of control in los angeles county. governor gavin newsom is admitting it's a major crisis, chairing it to a third world country. and urging merrick garland to step in after saying the los angeles d.a. is too soft on crime. congressman michelle steele, good to see you. show gavin newsom yesterday, he showed up to a union pacific rail yard we had highlighted the previous day to help a clean-up crew. what he said about what he saw. >> looked like an third world country, the drone images on the nightly news. how do we make sure we don't have to keep coming back? how do we secure the site? a better job making sure this does not continue to happen. this is the supply chain. we are focussed on the water, it's so damn beautiful and everybody is focussed on containers at the ports. >> so, he makes a valid point about that, and the containers in ports versus rail, but first of all, this photo op he had yesterday why he was dressed in a ball cap and jeans and had a garbage bag in his hand and out there with the crew, where has he been up until now? he didn't seem to pay much attention until it ended up as he said drone footage on the nightly news. >> exactly. governor newsom admits the l.a. is like a third world country and you know what, who to blame by his own liberal policies, and then you know what, not only he said that during the interview, the press conference he said that, you know what, take calls because this l.a. becomes third world country, what do you call gangs, gangs, what's wrong with that. that's the reason, you know what, it's not just that we have to stop. i sent a letter out to attorney general merrick garland with 17 other congress members that every tool that he has he has to use to prosecute those organized crime, and you know what, the big cities like los angeles run by democrats, they are not -- they are criminals. can you believe this leads to much more crime in the whole cities and countries, especially california, we pay over $4 gas, actually $5 in someplace, we pay 8.49, more taxes and then the criminals out there with pro criminal d.a., we have to stop that. >> john: let me read you a bit from the letter you and 17 of your fellow republicans sent to attorney general merrick garland, action is needed and continued lack of urgency will lead to further crime and delays of necessary items to consumers. we urge to prosecute and hold the perpetrators accountable. like alex villanueva had a cop killer he wanted prosecuted, the d.a. would not do it, he called in the feds. local prosecutors will not do it? >> exactly. not just that, but it's a federal crime, so you know, we have to go out there, and when council cannot do it the federal government has to get in. most of the victims, like me, and elderly and mothers, they are very much scared to go like shopping, go to work, and taking their kids to school and you know what, when they park their car they have to look back and who is following them or not. this is not the united states we know. we really have to stop these crimes. >> john: as i was saying, newsom did make a salient point the rail yards are part of the supply chain we have been focusings on supply ships, and now crime is getting in the way of not reaching the intended destinations. thank you for your time, hope you have a good weekend. >> thank you very much. >> sandra: los angeles district attorney is being slammed for his soft on crime approach after his decision to release the homeless man suspected of killing a ucla grad student in $1,000 bail in a prior case. a neighboring county d.a. will explain his concerns coming up. >> we need help from our district attorneys, enough is enough. >> john: the mayor of new york city calling out the district attorneys a day after an 11-month-old got caught in a shooting. brian kilmeade will join us next. stay with us. so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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at what point do we hit rock bottom before they adjust their policies? >> it's really this d.a., and when bragg drilled down and said listen, i put out that memo about not really pushing on marijuana charges, ok. not really pushing on resisting arrest, only unless it's homicide or violent crime am i going to look to prosecute. you would think he would walk it back or change his mind. instead, in clarifying it does not make me feel better and talk about the new york post story, so this baby, katherine, the daughter of miranda gomez, 11 moose old, you see the video, this is a d.a. but you see the video of this guy running down the block shooting wildly, and the bullets bouncing around and it hits this child in the cheek. it was not -- she was not in critical condition, but in serious condition. looks like it's going to be ok but when you are shot in the cheek as an infant, you can only imagine the type of damage and plastic surgery needed and this is in the middle of the street and you see this and wonder what country is this, what assailant, running around, could not care less who he hit and got struck and not worried about getting caught. so, this all goes on the back that sandra, last week we were talking about what's happening in the -- there he is running away. happening in the subway and then watch the woman thrown in front of the subway and then this 23-year-old thai model says she got brutally beat up, almost unrecognizable, and she says i feel lucky. but nothing has changed. she was beat up last month, thrown in the train on saturday, this shooting the other day. i know these are anecdotal but the comstat numbers are justs bad and chief bratten said this is bad, we don't have a honeymoon for this mayor. >> sandra: it's brutal and back to the d.a., bragg, and how he tried to apologize for that soft on crime memo, but sort of doubled down, this was a bit of it. i understand why those who read my memo of january 3rd have been left with the wrong impression about how i will enforce new york laws. i take full accountability for the confusion caused by the memo, unclear and legalistic. put out to the public domain and left many new yorkers justifiably concerned how we will keep them safe. that shocked me. d.a. on using discretion when deciding to prosecute. how does this make you feel? >> no prosecutor is enforcing every single law all the time. we are all using discretion. what we have is discretion. >> what if i told you the new police commissioner, african american woman, first woman, he's not looking to prosecute resisting arrest or those what aid somebody resisting arrest. so you don't want broken windows, not sure why, but that means robbery, that means low level street crime, that means resisting arrests will not be prosecuted. or prostitution. >> talk about the new show, but get this in here. the hope with the new mayor adams, calling out the d.a., real quick. >> we need help from our district attorneys and we need help to make sure we don't continue to put young people on the pathway of violence. we are losing on both ends. enough is enough. >> sandra: bringing john here, i think geraldo you were talking to yesterday on the program and said i hope he's the guy, i hope he's the guy, we all hope he's the guy, hope he fixes it. we are bringing in john, we are going to talk about your new show. brian, congratulations. >> john: terrific, brian. from waters world on saturday nights to "kilmeade's corner." i need some type of name. every type of name we brainstormed, we have a trademark problems, but hopefully we'll have a name. so if anyone has an idea, tweet me, at kilmeade, and we'll give you credit for it. amazing how many super pacs have taken ideas. we are going to do it on friday for saturday. >> john: congratulations, that's fantastic. >> sandra: saturdays 8:00 p.m. we'll be watching. >> john: i.r.s. wants more than your government i.d. and social security number to access certainly records online. a new change is sparking major privacy concerns. that's coming up next. >> john: i.r.s. rule, online taxpayers will have to do a social security identification. here with the details. george orwell was pressured. >> you got that right. a new program coming from the i.r.s., require you to scan your face, provide other details, personal details to get access to your tax files online. now, the i.r.s. has hired a third party company i.d. me, gatekeeper for the identity, claiming facial recognition is the most secure way to file. but taxpayer trust in the i.r.s. is low due to scandal, like the targeting of tea party groups by the i.r.s. in 2013. some folks question whether the information gathered by i.d. me will be shared with the largest tax collector or other federal agencies. i.d. me says the i.r.s. do not see the biometrics, simply confirmation the person is legitimate and they say it's the best way to confirm an identity. listen. >> the last line of defense really is that selfie making sure that that is a valid face, not a mask or photo of you, and making sure it matches the photo on your government i.d. how we keep americans safe from identity theft. the threat level has just increased, you know, stratosphere. >> john, back to you. >> john: thank you so much. we'll be right back after this. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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>> no, sandra, we tried. after remarks on semiconductor chips, the president said he was not going to take questions because they want to ask all about russia and not the topic he was discussing. we will try again this afternoon when he heads to camp david, meeting with the national security team this weekend to discuss ukraine. the president's hot mic moment was met with some pushback from president obama's director, it's an important question, we continue to allow putin to set the time, trajectory of the crisis. it's time we have our own conditions. human intelligence indicating an invasion could be imminent. some are calling for level one sanctions as proactive deterrent to be removed only if russia deescalates, saying the threat of invasion should also carry economic consequences. jen psaki said the u.s. is not waiting to act. >> is the president aware he was caught on a hot mic yesterday, why does he appear to be dismissings the idea of proactive deterrent? >> the president certainly does not dismiss that idea, considering he has taken a lot of steps, including supporting and approving the, several sanctions put out by the treasury department and state department has given the good ahead for anti-missiles and other weapons to ukraine. >> and reports there are contingency reports to evacuate americans from ukraine should it be necessary, but how many there are is unclear. >> any effort to get a handled on how many americans were in ukraine? with afghanistan, an open question, and dynamic question this time? >> we don't put a chip in americans when they go around the world and track their movements. >> could be as high as 20,000, according to one g.o.p. source. sandra. >> sandra: great job, jacqui heinrich, thank you for joining us. >> john: determination there. the ground in ukraine, some 14,000 people have died in fighting since vladimir putin invaded crimea in 2014. greg palkot is live on the ground in the capital city. latest from where you are. >> john, officials are a bit more reassured after the high level meeting today of blinken and lavrov, but still nervous as well. secretary of state blinken meeting with lavrov in geneva. lavrov called it constructive, blinken called it critical, after the muddled message from president biden and he did. demanding russia pull back troops, lavrov saying they are not invading. nonstarters for the u.s. ukraine probably appreciates the clearer line today coming from the u.s. and also approve of a new u.s. commitment of military aid. but take a look at what we saw and heard in kyiv today. puts its in perspective. >> what's called a memory wall in the center of kyiv, reminder that fighting has been going on in the country for years, a warning of what could be coming. 14,000 people, ukrainian soldiers, opposition fighters and civilians have been killed. the conflict began in 2014. even on a cold, snowy day, people come to pay tribute. >> i have tears in my eyes. these young guys protected us. we live in peace because they protected. >> brothers in arms, one question, where will we bury the russian soldiers. >> tough words, john, also emotional here on the streets of kyiv. >> sandra: former ambassador to ukraine, william taylor. appreciate your time. set this up and make our viewers aware of what is at stake here and why they should care about russian aggression against ukraine. what does it matter to us? >> sandra, it matters to us because ukraine is on the front line. you know, we support our military, our soldiers, our infantry, marines, army, on the front line, we support them because they are fighting the enemy. ukraine is on the front line of this battle, the russians have been conducting this war against ukraine in the first instance but against europe and against the united states. the russians start off in ukraine and they start off with election meddling. and they start off with battles, with attacks, with infantry. and then they go to hacking and they do cyber attacks, and they start in ukraine, and we know that all of those things, they move into europe and into the united states. ukraine is on the front line, we should support them the same way we support our soldiers. >> sandra: ok. that being said, we heard president biden making big news with that comment about a minor incursion being met with a muted response by the united states that made headlines all over the world and rendered a response immediately from ukraine. "wall street journal" says this, at that press conference biden was assessing the state of affairs between the u.s. and europe but he's not speaking on a washington panel. the world listens when the president speaks. his job is shape reality in terms favorable to american interests. that means leading the west to a unified and stern response to aggression against ukraine, not commenting how tough a job that is. to mike pompeo's point earlier, words matter, ambassador. he cannot take that moment back. >> words do matter, and it's very important that the russians hear us loud and clear that if they decide to send troops, send tanks, artillery across the ukrainian border, whatever size, if they violate ukrainian sovereignty with military formations there will be severe actions against them. severe consequences, both economic, military, and political. whenever you start a war, which is, and of course the russians are continuing a war, but when you do a reinvasion of a neighboring country, it's unpredictable what you are going to get. they cannot predict how the ukrainians will react. you just heard from greg there in kyiv the strong motivation the ukrainians have to defend their territory, defend their land. an emotional, tough people. >> rand paul weighed in. >> you have the threat of military might but you also have the influence of what you say, you can't be sending a muddled message or a message of well, may not be too big a deal, you know, if there's a russian incursion. so i think it's a mistake for him to be out front, dangerous for the country. >> sandra: you say putin has two options now, putting the ball in his court. attack ukraine or negotiate. talk about how the negotiations could be more successful for a better outcome from all of this, and you also note attack would be risky for vladimir putin. explain. >> attack would be very risky for the russian president in a number of ways. i've already mentioned the economic sanctions very tough on him. europeans are right with us, ready to impose sanctions on big russian banks. microchips will not go into russian cell phones or weapons. there will be severe sanctions, so mr. putin knows this, he understands that part. but there is also a risk, sandra, that the russian people may not support this. the russian people don't understand why russian soldiers should be killing ukrainian soldiers, and why russian soldiers should be dying in ukraine. so, i think there is a political risk to mr. putin as well. >> sandra: i know you believe the negotiations or the talks so far that we have heard in geneva sound like russia wants to keep talking. a few seconds left, sir. double putin will eventually move in, is that your understanding of the situation? >> it's risky. i used to say it was 55/45 against an invasion, i now say it's about 50/50. but the real decision maker, the only one who knows the answer to this is mr. putin. he can decide not to take all these risks we just talked about, he can decide to try to achieve the security benefits that he's after by sitting down at the table. that's the way to go. >> sandra: ok. ambassador, really appreciate you joining us. thank you. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: and i guess also an option is not sit back and wait for putin to invade to the point of jacqui's question to the president. >> john: there is always that, but does not look like president biden is going to do that, it is up to vladimir putin and you know, he's doing the risk benefit analysis, see how it comes out. hopefully it will come out positive, not negative. with crime out of control in democrat-led areas, prosecutors in california have been getting an earful of criticism. some district attorneys are saying whoa, we are not l.a. talk for one running for re-election and he has a message we are not hearing from many d.a.s in california. ed car insue with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. only pay fthe pain.ou need. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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been given. >> we stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the fight against violent crime and we will use every tool at our disposal to protect our communities. >> here is the thing. that's what they have been doing and crime statistics are trending the wrong way, already challenging midterm year in jeopardy got even harder. >> i will tell you regardless of party or whatever else, crime is going to be probably the biggest issue in the election. it does meant, you want to feel safe and does not matter what part of the city you are in, and this is the core. you've got to feel safe, your children have to feel safe and others. >> in the run-up to the president's speech today, some of these mayors in town were saying they can do a lot on their own back home, but they cannot do it all. john. >> peter doocy at the white house with the latest on that. peter, thank you. >> sandra: new york, 1-year-old is celebrating her first birthday in the hospital after somebody shot her. cops say her bloody pink coat was left at the scene, pictured there, the bronx district attorney is promising to prosecute the suspect still on the loose at this hour. brian. >> sandra, look, over 1800 shooting victims in new york city in 2021, and shooting incidents are up 15% compared to the same time last year already. yesterday at the same conference of mayors president biden while he addressed today, new york city mayor eric adams called gun violence a cancer, adding that federal and state law enforcement agencies, treat it like terror attacks. >> the same coordination that stopped planes from flying in our buildings must be used to stop bullets from carving highways of death in our country, particularly in black and brown and poorer communities. let's show that same energy. >> three nypd officers have been shot in the first three weeks of 2022, and given $200,000 bail, despite a history of gun charges. police union blasted the judge for granting him bail. critics have panned the bail reform law as too lenient and criticized manhattan's new district attorney says he wants to stop prosecuting lower level crimes and bring down the incarceration rate. he attempted to clarify policies yesterday after backlash. >> prosecuting regardless of felon. any use of a gun to rob a store by definition is and must be and will be treated seriously. what we need to focus on like a laser, truly violent activity that is destabilizing too many of our communities in manhattan. >> angry city leaders are meeting with him with his policies what they say are get out of jail free cards. >> john: the crime surge in los angeles under progressive d.a. george gascon is raising flags in nearby orange county. district attorney in orange county after gascon released from jail the homeless man accused of killing ucla graduate student brianna kupfer. mr. district attorney, nice to have you back on. >> brianna kupfer stabbed to death for no reason, and sandra beaten to death at a bus stop, the situation at the union pacific rail yard, running wild with the supply chain. what's going on in california? >> also a police officer duty police officer killed by four gang members because of chains around his neck, it is out of control. los angeles is gotham city and the president of the united states goes to the conference of mayors and tells them that crime is going to be a first priority, why in the world is he having an international conference with world leaders in the city of los angeles? our governor, gavin newsom, come to los angeles yesterday in utter despair about all the train robberies and burglaries, and he never talked about brianna kupfer or the nurse at 70 years old trying to make a living. this county next door to mine is out of control and when your manhattan d.a. has the same policies as george gascon, not front and center with the governor. think about this. these, you call them progressive, i'm going to beg fox news to start calling them regressives. they are not progress at all. they are moving society backwards to a very, very dangerous place. >> john: there are some officials there in california, alex villanueva among them, bypassing the county prosecutors and going to the federal government for help. we saw in the conference of mayors with the president and the attorney general garland, does not seem to be a desire on the part of the biden administration to change their approach to crime, just continue to give money to the local municipalities and hope they use it properly. is that the way to do it or does there need to be more federal involvement? >> well, i mean, there is federal involvement. merrick garland's prosecutors are the one prosecuting the four gang members that killed the police officer. it is extremely rare. and what's happening now is they are targeting, george soros and the regressive woke d.a.s elected in manhattan, l.a., a recall against the woke d.a. and former public defender whose parents were convicted of murder if you remember in new york state and released from prison by former governor mario cuomo. the fact we have to let everybody out of prison, their policies, they are not connecting the dots. their policies have resulted in out of control crime but they want to do something about crime on the one hand but don't want to offend a lot of their followers on the other hand. you can't have it both ways. >> john: so eric adams, the new mayor of new york city was roasted the other day for suggesting after michelle go was brutally pushed in front of a subway car and killed. that people have a perception of fear in the subway system. we went to los angeles, listen to what they told us. >> it's so scary out here, i just pray for safer days and better days. an this has got to stop. this has become the wild west here. somebody has got to stop the crime. there's no reason for this to happen. >> john: would you accept, mr. district attorney, there is a palpable fear, a sense of fear among people in los angeles, in california as a whole, in new york, in other cities across america, and it's not just a perception of fear? >> oh, my goodness gracious, it is palatable, i'm glad you used that word. i think it's in our d.n.a. in the cities that have elected woke district attorneys. george gascon was not on the train tracks and saying things like i will stop this, i will prosecute these people to the fullest extent of the law. he was nowhere to be found. listen to the interviews. people should be sick and tired what's happening in their communities. john, what i want you to appreciate, they now have put up a candidate backed by george soros, by george gascon, to try to take me out. i represent the sixth biggest district attorney's office in the country, third biggest in california. people need to go to my website, todd and sign up. we are at war. i will not let what is happening in los angeles, san francisco, manhattan, new orleans and chicago, happen anywhere else in the country and especially here in orange county, california. >> john: your challenger shares some of the same philosophies as george gascon, clearly a big battle in orange county. >> he was kicked out of the military, about to be court-martialed when he went to my office, he was forced to resign because of sexual misconduct. he's a walking sexual harassment lawsuit and nowhere near orange county. >> john: and also complaints that you were not thorough in addressing sexual harassment and misconduct complaints in your own office. i think that's probably a discussion for another day. thank you for joining us. >> happy to talk about it. >> john: appreciate it. thank you. you have it. across the country, palpable fear of crime. people are scared and it's pretty clear that politicians are not doing enough to address it. >> sandra: powerful interview. leaving off the list of cities you mentioned, philadelphia, cleveland, this is happening all over america. people are afraid to walk the streets. interesting stuff there, john. all right. nobody is safe from rising prices. we keep talking bit, but they keep going up. just about everything you are paying more for, and that now has some economists proposing a new way to freeze prices in place? you don't have to look too far into the past to see how that turns out. >> john: we will talk to someone who was there to see the mess of price controls firsthand. larry kudlow up next. stay with us. 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"wall street journal" is doing that, nixon taught how to not do inflation, exponential increase in demand caused a shock when the controls ended. why is this not a good idea. >> larry: it's a terrible idea, not necessarily for the reasons in that article, but look, can i just make a point? when we shut down the economy in 2020, because of the pandemic, and parts of this past year 2021, i forget we are in the new year, that was a form of wage and price controls. you understand that? the problem today is not totally dissimilar from the terrible wage and price control days of richard nixon and gerry ford and jimmy carter. you are pouring money in. giving government assistance programs and the federal reserve is creating massive money supply. what do you have? pent-up demand. then you open up the production and all of a sudden prices explode because the new production supply can't possibly keep up with all the demand that you've been shovelling into the economy. now, you go back to the 1970s, nixon collapsed the value of the dollar. he took us off the brentwood gold exchange standard. arthur burns then pumped up the money supply like you've never seen until then, and then meanwhile, the nixon administration adding insult to injury, imposed wage and price controls. what happens when you control prices? no -- here, the first point. in other words, no price hikes means what, no production, no supply of goods and services. right? that's the key point. so, consumers think they are getting relief in the short run. meanwhile, because we crashed the dollar, arthur burns was pumping up the money supply creating all this demand. eventually as the controls are lifted or gradually lifted, you have the explosion, all the money demand chasing no supplies, the businesses were going broke and the stock market was horrible. stock market did not move in real terms for 50 years as a result of that. now, this has a different wrinkle, the story is more fun. what they are saying is all these evil businesses, right, the woke crowd doesn't like business, all these evil businesses are using their market power to fix prices, to raise prices in order to hurt the consumer, right. well, there's no evidence of that price gouging. gasoline stations don't collude with prices. oil is set in the world market as you know. >> sandra: bingo. >> larry: as a former commodity person, a nonsensical, they are stopping them from raising prices. >> sandra: for you to suggest price controls, larry, under the premise that these companies, whether it's the energy companies or the food companies, that they are somehow colluding to run prices up to charge the consumer. am i wrong? >> larry: yes, yes, no -- because they are evil, sandra, they are out to hurt their own consumers. they want to turn them away, how they are going to make a fortune. they want to screw the consumer so they never come back again, right? wrong, completely wrong. the interesting thing about the price gouging or collusion or antitrust monopoly, they don't have a single piece of evidence to justify the charge. even though the president keeps repeating it, and n.e.c. director keeps repeating it. >> sandra: should be challenged on that. >> larry: of course they have to be challenged on that. price control is a terrible idea but using government regulators to control the entire economy is an equally bad idea, and sandra, shutting down the economy for whatever reason is a bad idea. >> sandra: we saw the l.a. times piece that it would fire you up, larry, it did. i couldn't believe it when i read through it. if inflation persists, the government should step in to manage strategic prices. no lessons learned. >> larry: my former boss reagan defied the odds. lifted the oil price controls, one of his first things in early 1981, i was little guy there as a deputy in o.m.d., and prices did not go to 100 or $200, they went to $10. supply and demand rules. >> sandra: we'll see you at 4:00, appreciate you joining us. great stuff. john. >> john: somehow i think the sun just coming up fires up larry. the debate over masks turning into a legal fight. the virginia attorney general will join us on that coming up next. feel stuck and need a loan? 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>> what, actually what they are relying upon, the patron of that bill, senator donovan has said repeatedly that's not what that bill did. it just simply said try to follow c.d.c. recommendations. it was a shall, not may, and that is a huge difference in distinction in the law. that is not a mandate at all, and so as the patron has noted that was not what was intended. the previous governor took that and ran with that. but i think that is not a proper interpretation of law and really what this is about is i'm going to respect your right as a parent to make those decisions but let's treat everybody like adults and respect. there are going to be other parents that know what's best for their child, the child with asthma and other medical conditions it's not the best. and the european center for disease and control said we shouldn't have masks for children under six. so the science of all this is showing it's having an impact on children in primary school, the ability to learn, and nonverbal communication, so critical to develops as a child. >> john: clearly it's going to get looked at in the courts. mr. attorney general, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> sandra: good conversation there. i believe up next the latest on the death of meatloaf. we'll be right back. with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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"the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: all right. thank you very much to you both. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. right now on "the story," as president biden said with troops amassed on ukraine's border, putin has to do something. his guess is that putin will move in. fox confirmed the united states is prepping plans to evacuate our people from the embassy there as

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What , Frame , Language , Feds , Shots , Virginia Go Back To School , Yep , Executive Order , School Boards , Districts , Mask Decisions , Masking , Glenn Youngkin , State Law , Text , Jason Miyares , Secondary School , School , Mask Mandate , Subject , Twins , Opt Out , Disclosure , Chesapeake , Eight , Asthma , Mother , Glasses , A , C Student , Student , School Experience , Misery , Code , Opinion , Virginia , Upbringing , School District , Reconfirming , Afoul , Legislation , Code Of Virginia , Virginia Law Passed Last Year , Instruction , Virginia School Board , Wtop Radio , Group , Opt Out Order , Guidelines , Practicable , 19 , Bill , Force , Legislature , Patron , Distinction , Recommendations , Interpretation , Ran , Respect , Disease , Shouldn T , Primary School , Science , Nonverbal Communication , Courts , Conversation , Meatloaf , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Hotel , Divorce , Diabetes , Kayak , We Wouldn T Go , Awhile , Glucerna , Search One , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Laundry , Clothes , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Detergent , Nce , Waaaay , Downy , Smelling Laundry , Washing Machine , Load , Cap , Wayfair , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , Body , No Other , Mental Health , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Td , Td Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Ingredients , Food , Ingrezza May , 80 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Sleepiness , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Zero , Zero Dollars , Music , Career , Great To Be With You , Bat Out Of Hell , Covid Tmz , Martha , The Story , Martha Maccallum , Guess , Plans , Embassy ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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he'll join us shortly. >> john: begin with president biden issuing a new warning to moscow about any movement across ukraine's border. as the white house continues to clean up the president's disastrous news conference. hello, i'm john roberts in washington. sandra, we made it to friday. >> sandra: we did, indeed. president biden trying to take a tougher line with russia as it continues the military build-up along the border with ukraine. biden administration is facing a fire storm of criticism here at home and abroad after the president in that news conference suggested a "minor incursion into ukraine may be met with a more muted response." >> john: the secretary of state holding a high stakes meeting with his russian counterpart in geneva, switzerland, they seem to lower the temperature in a standoff over ukraine. mike pompeo will join us in a moment. >> sandra: senior foreign correspondent is on the ground in ukraine for us. so, greg, what's the reaction of officials there in ukraine to these high level u.s.-russia talks? what are you hearing? >> i would say officials here are a bit more reassured but still very nervous. secretary of state blinken meeting with lavrov 90 minutes in geneva, blinken called it critical, what seemed critical after the muddles message earlier this week to be strong and forceful. >> that's the choice russia faces now. it can choose the path of diplomacy to lead to peace and security or the path that would lead only to conflict, severe consequences, and international condemnation. >> still the gap is dangerously wide. blinken saying they have to pulled back the troops on ukraine, lavrov saying they did not intend to invade, and russia says for nato to stay out of ukraine. u.s. probably appreciates a clearer line, zelensky was critical of biden's comments, and approve of another aid to ukraine, they want more aid and sanctions against russia right now. sandra, the u.s. says it will put its answers to russia's questions in writing next week, and then there is an indication there will be another blinken-lavrov meeting. more talk maybe buying just a little more time for now. >> sandra: think back to the news conference, so many moments, questions he took on the growing conflict on the border there. big question would be noting that we are hearing from the white house and others about the strict sanctions that would be put on p utin if he were to invade, we have to wonder if it will sway his thinking. president biden said in the news conference he does not think putin has made up his mind what he's going to do next yet. >> i think right, sandra. threat of sanctions is there, the folks on the ground here from president zelensky on down says they have to put the sanctions in now, put them in before he invades, and they also want more military aid before he invades as well. they are ready but they want more help and it's a tense time. >> sandra: thank you on ground in ukraine. gregg will report on any -- we have spoke to many leaders, one keith kellogg at the top of the next hour, believes it's only a matter of time and that yes, putin will move in. >> john: and we will talk with secretary of state mike pompeo, getting him hooked up. "time" magazine cover says it all, president biden in the oval office with a rain cloud over his head, this is all of the problems that he's facing now. if we could, we were going to save it for the pompeo segment, put it up now, a map of ukraine and belarus, we'll show you where the forces are. if you look at the forces in red, those are russian forces surrounding the eastern section of ukraine. the blue are ukrainian forces and how they are arrayed inside ukraine's borders. the orange are proxy forces in a region of ukraine. what we are not seeing on the map which could be happening is russia forces moving into belarus to cordon off the northern flank of ukraine. basically they have the eastern section of the country surrounded, so incursion across the border probably would be very easy at this point and that's why a lot of people are saying it's imminent as well. >> sandra: as we have cut back our oil production here in the united states and spike of prices, $85 a barrel, the energy picture plays a big part in this. obviously europe is dependent on russia for their oil. we have grown more dependent just in the last year of this administration on russia for oil. did some digging, october 2021, you are looking at now us bringing in 206,000 barrels a day into the united states from russia, compared to a year before that, 18,000. huge change in the dependency on russia for energy. >> john: mike pompeo, former secretary of state in the trump administration. mr. secretary, good to finally get you hooked up today. your thoughts as we put that map up on the screen a second ago showing where the russian forces are arrayed around the eastern section of ukraine. the president, his press conference, seemingly suggesting that a minor incursion across the border would be something that may be tolerated. he has since tried to clarify his remarks but wondering, if the damage done. he said the quiet part out loud. i'm sure that those are things that are being said in meetings of the national security council, but were not meant for public consumption. >> john, you can't clean things like that up when the commander in chief speaks, the world hears it. so you can send out jen psaki or the national security council or anybody else but you can't fix what the president said he made clear that there are certain things we find acceptable, reminded me of what he said when he personally met with vladimir putin and said certain cyber attacks of against the united states are ok if not in one of the 16 enumerated sectors, vladimir putin increased the risk to the ukrainian people. the ukrainian leader immediately reacted when they heard it, they heard what the rest of the world heard as well. it's not good, it will not protect american interests, won't help the europeans and up along odessa along the black sea at real risk. >> john: if president trump said something like joe biden said, the media would have lost its collective mind. wall street journal editorial, how ukraine feels about a minor incursion by russia. did biden commit a blunder like dean atchison on korea? in 1950, he gave a speech in which he indicated the united states would pull away from south korea in terms of the defense, which north korea basically read as a green light to go into south korea, starting the korean war. >> john, it sure feels that way, and sandra, you can see it, too. falls against the backdrop of an administration which has failed to uphold the deterrent model the trump administration had, whether the taliban and afghanistan, or nord stream 2, or other places around the world, what president biden said about minor incursions precisely a fit of the appeasement model with the iranians in vienna, and does not bode well for the things that matter the most to the united states. >> john: jacqui heinrich yesterday in the white house asked president biden why he was not more proactive in his approach to putin. play that exchange here and your take on it. >> why are you waiting -- president responded what a stupid question. and said it's not a stupid question, it's a really important one, we allow putin to set the terms and timeline of the crisis, it's time we are creative and protecting our own conditions. too passive here, mr. secretary? >> no doubt. 366 days now, right, john, one year of the biden administration on the back foot since we allowed the pipeline to continue to be built by the russians but not here at home, we hurt america's energy industry and put ourselves at risk. watched vladimir putin allow cyber attacks, i hope secretary blinken when he met with secretary lavrov tried to put it back in the right way. the american credibility when we say these things with no capacity to actually execute, not just words, but execute deeds that demonstrate american resolve is diminishing, i hope nato and the e.u. will be less passive and more preactive when you see him move equipment and people into belarus the way the reports indicate, it's clear vladimir putin thinks he has the american number. >> john: good to get your thoughts on this, hope you have a great weekend. >> thank you, have a great weekend, too. >> sandra: thank you, and thanks to the secretary. now the latest in the murder of ucla student brianna kupfer. police in california releasing audio now of the 911 call that led to the arrest of a career criminal. he is expected to be arraigned in court for killing kupfer while she worked at an l.a. furniture store. jonathan hunt has more on this. when do we expect to hear about the charges in this brutal case? >> sandra, it could be at any moment but we are expecting shawn laval smith to be arraigned, if they follow the standard timeline here. smith is in custody now thanks to an intense manhunt and the help of the public which police had appealed for almost from the moment of the murder. they got that help when someone spotted smith about 15 miles from the site of the brutal killing of brianna kupfer. >> i see a gentleman that looks very similar to the man in the kupfer stabbing in l.a. >> hundreds gathered outside the store where brianna kupfer was stabbed to death, paying tribute and calling for the city to do more to keep safe. >> scary out here and i pray for safer and better days. >> this has got to stop. this has become the wild west here. somebody has got to stop the crime. there's no reason for this to happen. >> as we have been telling you, shawn smith had a long criminal history and appears to have slipped through the cracks in the justice system on several occasions, with both democrat and republican prosecutors involved on both coasts. at least 11 arrests in south carolina, including on an assault charge, a theft charge here in southern california, where he was free on $1,000 bail, and in northern california, he served four months for assaulting a police officer. combined with covid-related prison releases and court shutdowns, his freedom to move around the country and the state led smith back to los angeles last thursday and ultimately to the store where brianna kupfer was working alone. brianna's heart broken father has spoken out emotionally as you would expect this week. he says he blames no one but the man who murdered his daughter. sandra. >> sandra: just awful, and we await to hear more about the charges in this case. jonathan hunt, thank you. john. >> john: horrible, sandra. after senate democrats suffered twin defeats, a bipartisan group of senators, yes, bipartisan, is now discussing a scaled back bill focussed on safeguarding election results and officials from threats and intimidations. this comes as the white house tries to walk back president biden's comments suggesting the legitimacy of the 2022 midterm elections could determine the passage of the partisan voting bill. you want to get something done in washington, get agreement from both sides of the aisle. >> sandra: how it's supposed to work. we'll see if we can get something done as they enter, what did elizabeth warren say, the second quarter? >> john: yeah, it is the second quarter. 0 sum game politics does not work, just doesn't. find a different way. >> sandra: they learned that the hard way in year one. meanwhile, americans are feeling the pain of the price tag as inflation hits 40-year highs. so, what can the federal government do to fix this problem that just seems to get worse? ari fleischer has some deep thoughts on this. >> john: senator chuck grassley demanding answers in the hunter biden administration. ties to the chinese communist party coming up. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> john: fox business has learned hunter biden and a former aide invested in two chinese companies with top levels of the communist party. harbs amusement parks and sports and entertainment backed by chinese back. calls grow for the secret service to answer questions on hunter biden's government-sponsored travel. >> we know that he traveled sometimes in airplane with his father, but i think we have a right to know what the son was doing in those instances and these records from the secret service and the travel of him and the secret service would help us fill in those details. >> john: the trips that senator grassley and others are investigating are the 2014 visits to russia, china and kazakhstan while his father was vice president. sandra. >> sandra: thank you. americans feeling the pain of inflation as the administration continues to struggle getting a handle on the rising prices. opinion piece now from the los angeles times argues the government should step in to manage strategic prices as inflation soars. ari fleischer, former white house press secretary, almost hard to say, are we talking about fixing prices in the country? this is a debate. i did not see coming, but ari, take this on for us. what would this mean for the country if it suddenly became a reality under this administration? >> thank you for partially ruining my day by asking me to read that piece first. >> happened to us, first. >> i don't know that i have ever read an more radical bad idea in my life. it is amazing to me, if you are in 2022, people think bad ideas from the 1970s need to return. simple fact of the matter is the communists and socialists proved to the world, let alone america's limited experience here, that no government is powerful enough or wise enough to know how to set prices. free markets must set prices. and the idea of bringing that back now to help protect or save joe biden's presidency because prices are rising is radical, it's wrong and it is everything anti-capitalistic, everything that has made our economy flourish for everyone. what a radical idea. >> sandra: it is really remarkable and points out some accuracies, however, as late as 1980s, jimmy carter imposed credit controls and public acclaim but cost him his re-election because the economy slipped into a brief recession. warning a recession may come based how we deal with the inflation crisis. what president biden said in the news conference, really struck me, at the same time he says he's going to do something about it, punting to the fed. watch this. >> critical jobs making sure that the elevated prices don't become entrenched rests with the federal reserve, which has a dual mandate. full employment and stable prices. >> sandra: he is in stark contrast with that radical l.a. times piece, your words, it finishes, the piece, ari, by saying the worst option is punt the issue over to the fed, raise interest rates and fight inflation by letting americans be kicked out of work. >> yeah, a couple things. number one, i'm old enough to know and remember when jimmy carter did that, and not to acclaim, extraordinarily narrow acclaim, only from the most liberal economists, and secondly, that recession, it was not brief, it was not mild, it was so severe that ronald reagan cleaned jimmy carter's clock. historical revision is what he's writing about. sure the fed has a role, but the biggest driver is energy. almost always is of inflation, so much of what we use. >> sandra: and predictor. >> and this is where the biden administration has policy-wise driven up the price of energy because of their green new deal policies. if they were not so anti-american development of energy, we would have one of the biggest factors removed that's driving up prices. >> sandra: as part of the whole russia story, we had secretary pompeo on, i could not believe in how dependent we have bomb on russia, under the biden administration. importing more oil, arguably than we ever have from russia. 206,000 barrels a day as of october 2021 under biden. go back to trump october 2017, 18,000 barrels a day. so, growing more and more dependent on russia with energy. and the former c.e.o. of chrysler and home depot, this is fascinating. >> talking about the inflation problem but saying what is exacerbating it is the talk of more spending and that could send us to recession. >> i think we are right on the cusp of that, sandra, to be honest with you. there isn't a company out there today that isn't forced to raise their price to the consumer and the consumer is bearing the brunt of this mismanagement taking place in the country today. >> sandra: so the point is to go back to our initial discussion on price-fixing, these companies are not -- i mean, i guess the biden administration is making the case they are, somehow colluding to raise prices. higher prices are the reflection of the supply chain crisis, the lack of drivers, the lack of trucks on the road, lack of capacity. i mean, so -- how can we expect these businesses to set prices at a certain level, by the way, we continue to update them daily, gasoline up 50% over just a year, eggs, coffee, all the day-to-day staples are. final thoughts. >> the most beautiful thing about the american economy, it responds to millions upon millions of individual free decisions made every day. that's how it works. as soon as the government steps in and stops the individuals from making free decisions the government messes it up. private sector knows how to do it. >> sandra: larry kudlow says if the administration would have gotten out of the way, there was a serious economic healthy recovery happening from the pandemic. he'll be joining us next hour. great to see you. >> thanks, sandra. >> john: growing concerns about u.s. energy security if russia invades ukraine. why punishing russia could hurt oil supplies, potentially sending prices through the roof. >> sandra: looters robbing cargo trains on the west coast and getting away with it if they are caught. lawmakers demand action from the nation's top cop, attorney general merrick garland. >> it comes down to the fact we need prosecutors to prosecute these crimes and when people feel like they can get away with this without having any consequence of their behavior, they are going to continue that type of behavior. f my best memos growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at expand your limits in the 2022 lexus gx with apple carplay support. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 gx 460. ♪♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> john: developing update to a story we brought you earlier, and a follow-up to president biden seeming to snap at jacqui heinrich's question yesterday. we showed you the exchange a few minutes ago, secretary of state mike pompeo. jacqui asked why president biden was waiting for putin to make the first move if he does indeed invade ukraine. the president mumbled under his breath that was a stupid question. moments ago jacqui followed up with jen psaki. >> is the president aware he was caught on a hot mic yesterday, why does he appear to be dismissings the idea of proactive deterrent? >> well, the president certainly does not dismiss that idea considering he has taken a lot of steps, including supporting and approving several sanctions put out by the treasury department a couple days ago. >> well, i don't think she was expecting that question. >> sandra: i think he did dismiss it by saying it was a stupid question. it was a completely reasonable question. >> john: yes, it was, and other people in former administration's, when joe biden was vice president, bret bruin, said it's not a stupid question, it's a really important one and it is. a lot of people are wondering why president biden is waiting for putin to make the first move. >> sandra: good for jacqui for staying on that. oil prices are at seven-year highs, imports are record levels, sparking new concerns over america's growing dependence on foreign oil. a sharp turn around from two years ago when the u.s. was a net exporter of oil. jackie is reporting for fox business. how much has changed in the energy market since this president took over? unbelievable change so far. >> it's wild. hi, good afternoon to you, sandra. look, when you look back to march of 2020, it was a different world in the energy patch. the u.s. was pumping a record of 13 million barrels of oil a day, eclipsing both russia and saudi arabia, we were exporting and a few months ago, 10 million, 3 million less than the peak, and we import twice as much crude from russia than we did even a year ago. yesterday you had senator barrasso on and important point, listen again. >> putin's aggression is funded by energy which is his cash cow and the biden policies previously have been a jackpot for putin that is funding all of these things. >> in fact, take a look at these numbers. from august to october of 2021, the u.s. imported an average of 241,000 barrels per day from russia. a year ago, it was 92,000 barrels a day on average. so, yes, our imports from russia have essentially doubled. now, there are a lot of reasons the u.s. should be worried about russia invading ukraine, but with respect to energy prices, likely rattle an already volatile energy market. with oil prices at roughly $85 a barrel again, analysts of predicting $15 increase and get over $100 a barrel this year, and that was before considering the impact of a conflict, right. what does that mean at the pump? for you the consumer? the average of a gallon of regular will rise to over $4 a gallon, right now it's 3.32, and right now in california it's well over $4, and up a buck from just a year ago, sandra. >> sandra: and predictions by $100 a barrel by goldman sachs, and when we dug not oil numbers and the amount from russia and how that has spiked, we looked back at october 2017, just 18,000 barrels a day. 18,000 barrels a day. it was nearly the bottom of the list from countries that we brought in oil from. it wasn't even up there. and now top five. but that's a huge change. great report, thank you. >> sure. >> john: a lot to consider there. organized train theft spiralling out of control in los angeles county. governor gavin newsom is admitting it's a major crisis, chairing it to a third world country. and urging merrick garland to step in after saying the los angeles d.a. is too soft on crime. congressman michelle steele, good to see you. show gavin newsom yesterday, he showed up to a union pacific rail yard we had highlighted the previous day to help a clean-up crew. what he said about what he saw. >> looked like an third world country, the drone images on the nightly news. how do we make sure we don't have to keep coming back? how do we secure the site? a better job making sure this does not continue to happen. this is the supply chain. we are focussed on the water, it's so damn beautiful and everybody is focussed on containers at the ports. >> so, he makes a valid point about that, and the containers in ports versus rail, but first of all, this photo op he had yesterday why he was dressed in a ball cap and jeans and had a garbage bag in his hand and out there with the crew, where has he been up until now? he didn't seem to pay much attention until it ended up as he said drone footage on the nightly news. >> exactly. governor newsom admits the l.a. is like a third world country and you know what, who to blame by his own liberal policies, and then you know what, not only he said that during the interview, the press conference he said that, you know what, take calls because this l.a. becomes third world country, what do you call gangs, gangs, what's wrong with that. that's the reason, you know what, it's not just that we have to stop. i sent a letter out to attorney general merrick garland with 17 other congress members that every tool that he has he has to use to prosecute those organized crime, and you know what, the big cities like los angeles run by democrats, they are not -- they are criminals. can you believe this leads to much more crime in the whole cities and countries, especially california, we pay over $4 gas, actually $5 in someplace, we pay 8.49, more taxes and then the criminals out there with pro criminal d.a., we have to stop that. >> john: let me read you a bit from the letter you and 17 of your fellow republicans sent to attorney general merrick garland, action is needed and continued lack of urgency will lead to further crime and delays of necessary items to consumers. we urge to prosecute and hold the perpetrators accountable. like alex villanueva had a cop killer he wanted prosecuted, the d.a. would not do it, he called in the feds. local prosecutors will not do it? >> exactly. not just that, but it's a federal crime, so you know, we have to go out there, and when council cannot do it the federal government has to get in. most of the victims, like me, and elderly and mothers, they are very much scared to go like shopping, go to work, and taking their kids to school and you know what, when they park their car they have to look back and who is following them or not. this is not the united states we know. we really have to stop these crimes. >> john: as i was saying, newsom did make a salient point the rail yards are part of the supply chain we have been focusings on supply ships, and now crime is getting in the way of not reaching the intended destinations. thank you for your time, hope you have a good weekend. >> thank you very much. >> sandra: los angeles district attorney is being slammed for his soft on crime approach after his decision to release the homeless man suspected of killing a ucla grad student in $1,000 bail in a prior case. a neighboring county d.a. will explain his concerns coming up. >> we need help from our district attorneys, enough is enough. >> john: the mayor of new york city calling out the district attorneys a day after an 11-month-old got caught in a shooting. brian kilmeade will join us next. stay with us. so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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at what point do we hit rock bottom before they adjust their policies? >> it's really this d.a., and when bragg drilled down and said listen, i put out that memo about not really pushing on marijuana charges, ok. not really pushing on resisting arrest, only unless it's homicide or violent crime am i going to look to prosecute. you would think he would walk it back or change his mind. instead, in clarifying it does not make me feel better and talk about the new york post story, so this baby, katherine, the daughter of miranda gomez, 11 moose old, you see the video, this is a d.a. but you see the video of this guy running down the block shooting wildly, and the bullets bouncing around and it hits this child in the cheek. it was not -- she was not in critical condition, but in serious condition. looks like it's going to be ok but when you are shot in the cheek as an infant, you can only imagine the type of damage and plastic surgery needed and this is in the middle of the street and you see this and wonder what country is this, what assailant, running around, could not care less who he hit and got struck and not worried about getting caught. so, this all goes on the back that sandra, last week we were talking about what's happening in the -- there he is running away. happening in the subway and then watch the woman thrown in front of the subway and then this 23-year-old thai model says she got brutally beat up, almost unrecognizable, and she says i feel lucky. but nothing has changed. she was beat up last month, thrown in the train on saturday, this shooting the other day. i know these are anecdotal but the comstat numbers are justs bad and chief bratten said this is bad, we don't have a honeymoon for this mayor. >> sandra: it's brutal and back to the d.a., bragg, and how he tried to apologize for that soft on crime memo, but sort of doubled down, this was a bit of it. i understand why those who read my memo of january 3rd have been left with the wrong impression about how i will enforce new york laws. i take full accountability for the confusion caused by the memo, unclear and legalistic. put out to the public domain and left many new yorkers justifiably concerned how we will keep them safe. that shocked me. d.a. on using discretion when deciding to prosecute. how does this make you feel? >> no prosecutor is enforcing every single law all the time. we are all using discretion. what we have is discretion. >> what if i told you the new police commissioner, african american woman, first woman, he's not looking to prosecute resisting arrest or those what aid somebody resisting arrest. so you don't want broken windows, not sure why, but that means robbery, that means low level street crime, that means resisting arrests will not be prosecuted. or prostitution. >> talk about the new show, but get this in here. the hope with the new mayor adams, calling out the d.a., real quick. >> we need help from our district attorneys and we need help to make sure we don't continue to put young people on the pathway of violence. we are losing on both ends. enough is enough. >> sandra: bringing john here, i think geraldo you were talking to yesterday on the program and said i hope he's the guy, i hope he's the guy, we all hope he's the guy, hope he fixes it. we are bringing in john, we are going to talk about your new show. brian, congratulations. >> john: terrific, brian. from waters world on saturday nights to "kilmeade's corner." i need some type of name. every type of name we brainstormed, we have a trademark problems, but hopefully we'll have a name. so if anyone has an idea, tweet me, at kilmeade, and we'll give you credit for it. amazing how many super pacs have taken ideas. we are going to do it on friday for saturday. >> john: congratulations, that's fantastic. >> sandra: saturdays 8:00 p.m. we'll be watching. >> john: i.r.s. wants more than your government i.d. and social security number to access certainly records online. a new change is sparking major privacy concerns. that's coming up next. >> john: i.r.s. rule, online taxpayers will have to do a social security identification. here with the details. george orwell was pressured. >> you got that right. a new program coming from the i.r.s., require you to scan your face, provide other details, personal details to get access to your tax files online. now, the i.r.s. has hired a third party company i.d. me, gatekeeper for the identity, claiming facial recognition is the most secure way to file. but taxpayer trust in the i.r.s. is low due to scandal, like the targeting of tea party groups by the i.r.s. in 2013. some folks question whether the information gathered by i.d. me will be shared with the largest tax collector or other federal agencies. i.d. me says the i.r.s. do not see the biometrics, simply confirmation the person is legitimate and they say it's the best way to confirm an identity. listen. >> the last line of defense really is that selfie making sure that that is a valid face, not a mask or photo of you, and making sure it matches the photo on your government i.d. how we keep americans safe from identity theft. the threat level has just increased, you know, stratosphere. >> john, back to you. >> john: thank you so much. we'll be right back after this. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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>> no, sandra, we tried. after remarks on semiconductor chips, the president said he was not going to take questions because they want to ask all about russia and not the topic he was discussing. we will try again this afternoon when he heads to camp david, meeting with the national security team this weekend to discuss ukraine. the president's hot mic moment was met with some pushback from president obama's director, it's an important question, we continue to allow putin to set the time, trajectory of the crisis. it's time we have our own conditions. human intelligence indicating an invasion could be imminent. some are calling for level one sanctions as proactive deterrent to be removed only if russia deescalates, saying the threat of invasion should also carry economic consequences. jen psaki said the u.s. is not waiting to act. >> is the president aware he was caught on a hot mic yesterday, why does he appear to be dismissings the idea of proactive deterrent? >> the president certainly does not dismiss that idea, considering he has taken a lot of steps, including supporting and approving the, several sanctions put out by the treasury department and state department has given the good ahead for anti-missiles and other weapons to ukraine. >> and reports there are contingency reports to evacuate americans from ukraine should it be necessary, but how many there are is unclear. >> any effort to get a handled on how many americans were in ukraine? with afghanistan, an open question, and dynamic question this time? >> we don't put a chip in americans when they go around the world and track their movements. >> could be as high as 20,000, according to one g.o.p. source. sandra. >> sandra: great job, jacqui heinrich, thank you for joining us. >> john: determination there. the ground in ukraine, some 14,000 people have died in fighting since vladimir putin invaded crimea in 2014. greg palkot is live on the ground in the capital city. latest from where you are. >> john, officials are a bit more reassured after the high level meeting today of blinken and lavrov, but still nervous as well. secretary of state blinken meeting with lavrov in geneva. lavrov called it constructive, blinken called it critical, after the muddled message from president biden and he did. demanding russia pull back troops, lavrov saying they are not invading. nonstarters for the u.s. ukraine probably appreciates the clearer line today coming from the u.s. and also approve of a new u.s. commitment of military aid. but take a look at what we saw and heard in kyiv today. puts its in perspective. >> what's called a memory wall in the center of kyiv, reminder that fighting has been going on in the country for years, a warning of what could be coming. 14,000 people, ukrainian soldiers, opposition fighters and civilians have been killed. the conflict began in 2014. even on a cold, snowy day, people come to pay tribute. >> i have tears in my eyes. these young guys protected us. we live in peace because they protected. >> brothers in arms, one question, where will we bury the russian soldiers. >> tough words, john, also emotional here on the streets of kyiv. >> sandra: former ambassador to ukraine, william taylor. appreciate your time. set this up and make our viewers aware of what is at stake here and why they should care about russian aggression against ukraine. what does it matter to us? >> sandra, it matters to us because ukraine is on the front line. you know, we support our military, our soldiers, our infantry, marines, army, on the front line, we support them because they are fighting the enemy. ukraine is on the front line of this battle, the russians have been conducting this war against ukraine in the first instance but against europe and against the united states. the russians start off in ukraine and they start off with election meddling. and they start off with battles, with attacks, with infantry. and then they go to hacking and they do cyber attacks, and they start in ukraine, and we know that all of those things, they move into europe and into the united states. ukraine is on the front line, we should support them the same way we support our soldiers. >> sandra: ok. that being said, we heard president biden making big news with that comment about a minor incursion being met with a muted response by the united states that made headlines all over the world and rendered a response immediately from ukraine. "wall street journal" says this, at that press conference biden was assessing the state of affairs between the u.s. and europe but he's not speaking on a washington panel. the world listens when the president speaks. his job is shape reality in terms favorable to american interests. that means leading the west to a unified and stern response to aggression against ukraine, not commenting how tough a job that is. to mike pompeo's point earlier, words matter, ambassador. he cannot take that moment back. >> words do matter, and it's very important that the russians hear us loud and clear that if they decide to send troops, send tanks, artillery across the ukrainian border, whatever size, if they violate ukrainian sovereignty with military formations there will be severe actions against them. severe consequences, both economic, military, and political. whenever you start a war, which is, and of course the russians are continuing a war, but when you do a reinvasion of a neighboring country, it's unpredictable what you are going to get. they cannot predict how the ukrainians will react. you just heard from greg there in kyiv the strong motivation the ukrainians have to defend their territory, defend their land. an emotional, tough people. >> rand paul weighed in. >> you have the threat of military might but you also have the influence of what you say, you can't be sending a muddled message or a message of well, may not be too big a deal, you know, if there's a russian incursion. so i think it's a mistake for him to be out front, dangerous for the country. >> sandra: you say putin has two options now, putting the ball in his court. attack ukraine or negotiate. talk about how the negotiations could be more successful for a better outcome from all of this, and you also note attack would be risky for vladimir putin. explain. >> attack would be very risky for the russian president in a number of ways. i've already mentioned the economic sanctions very tough on him. europeans are right with us, ready to impose sanctions on big russian banks. microchips will not go into russian cell phones or weapons. there will be severe sanctions, so mr. putin knows this, he understands that part. but there is also a risk, sandra, that the russian people may not support this. the russian people don't understand why russian soldiers should be killing ukrainian soldiers, and why russian soldiers should be dying in ukraine. so, i think there is a political risk to mr. putin as well. >> sandra: i know you believe the negotiations or the talks so far that we have heard in geneva sound like russia wants to keep talking. a few seconds left, sir. double putin will eventually move in, is that your understanding of the situation? >> it's risky. i used to say it was 55/45 against an invasion, i now say it's about 50/50. but the real decision maker, the only one who knows the answer to this is mr. putin. he can decide not to take all these risks we just talked about, he can decide to try to achieve the security benefits that he's after by sitting down at the table. that's the way to go. >> sandra: ok. ambassador, really appreciate you joining us. thank you. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: and i guess also an option is not sit back and wait for putin to invade to the point of jacqui's question to the president. >> john: there is always that, but does not look like president biden is going to do that, it is up to vladimir putin and you know, he's doing the risk benefit analysis, see how it comes out. hopefully it will come out positive, not negative. with crime out of control in democrat-led areas, prosecutors in california have been getting an earful of criticism. some district attorneys are saying whoa, we are not l.a. talk for one running for re-election and he has a message we are not hearing from many d.a.s in california. ed car insue with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. only pay fthe pain.ou need. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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been given. >> we stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the fight against violent crime and we will use every tool at our disposal to protect our communities. >> here is the thing. that's what they have been doing and crime statistics are trending the wrong way, already challenging midterm year in jeopardy got even harder. >> i will tell you regardless of party or whatever else, crime is going to be probably the biggest issue in the election. it does meant, you want to feel safe and does not matter what part of the city you are in, and this is the core. you've got to feel safe, your children have to feel safe and others. >> in the run-up to the president's speech today, some of these mayors in town were saying they can do a lot on their own back home, but they cannot do it all. john. >> peter doocy at the white house with the latest on that. peter, thank you. >> sandra: new york, 1-year-old is celebrating her first birthday in the hospital after somebody shot her. cops say her bloody pink coat was left at the scene, pictured there, the bronx district attorney is promising to prosecute the suspect still on the loose at this hour. brian. >> sandra, look, over 1800 shooting victims in new york city in 2021, and shooting incidents are up 15% compared to the same time last year already. yesterday at the same conference of mayors president biden while he addressed today, new york city mayor eric adams called gun violence a cancer, adding that federal and state law enforcement agencies, treat it like terror attacks. >> the same coordination that stopped planes from flying in our buildings must be used to stop bullets from carving highways of death in our country, particularly in black and brown and poorer communities. let's show that same energy. >> three nypd officers have been shot in the first three weeks of 2022, and given $200,000 bail, despite a history of gun charges. police union blasted the judge for granting him bail. critics have panned the bail reform law as too lenient and criticized manhattan's new district attorney says he wants to stop prosecuting lower level crimes and bring down the incarceration rate. he attempted to clarify policies yesterday after backlash. >> prosecuting regardless of felon. any use of a gun to rob a store by definition is and must be and will be treated seriously. what we need to focus on like a laser, truly violent activity that is destabilizing too many of our communities in manhattan. >> angry city leaders are meeting with him with his policies what they say are get out of jail free cards. >> john: the crime surge in los angeles under progressive d.a. george gascon is raising flags in nearby orange county. district attorney in orange county after gascon released from jail the homeless man accused of killing ucla graduate student brianna kupfer. mr. district attorney, nice to have you back on. >> brianna kupfer stabbed to death for no reason, and sandra beaten to death at a bus stop, the situation at the union pacific rail yard, running wild with the supply chain. what's going on in california? >> also a police officer duty police officer killed by four gang members because of chains around his neck, it is out of control. los angeles is gotham city and the president of the united states goes to the conference of mayors and tells them that crime is going to be a first priority, why in the world is he having an international conference with world leaders in the city of los angeles? our governor, gavin newsom, come to los angeles yesterday in utter despair about all the train robberies and burglaries, and he never talked about brianna kupfer or the nurse at 70 years old trying to make a living. this county next door to mine is out of control and when your manhattan d.a. has the same policies as george gascon, not front and center with the governor. think about this. these, you call them progressive, i'm going to beg fox news to start calling them regressives. they are not progress at all. they are moving society backwards to a very, very dangerous place. >> john: there are some officials there in california, alex villanueva among them, bypassing the county prosecutors and going to the federal government for help. we saw in the conference of mayors with the president and the attorney general garland, does not seem to be a desire on the part of the biden administration to change their approach to crime, just continue to give money to the local municipalities and hope they use it properly. is that the way to do it or does there need to be more federal involvement? >> well, i mean, there is federal involvement. merrick garland's prosecutors are the one prosecuting the four gang members that killed the police officer. it is extremely rare. and what's happening now is they are targeting, george soros and the regressive woke d.a.s elected in manhattan, l.a., a recall against the woke d.a. and former public defender whose parents were convicted of murder if you remember in new york state and released from prison by former governor mario cuomo. the fact we have to let everybody out of prison, their policies, they are not connecting the dots. their policies have resulted in out of control crime but they want to do something about crime on the one hand but don't want to offend a lot of their followers on the other hand. you can't have it both ways. >> john: so eric adams, the new mayor of new york city was roasted the other day for suggesting after michelle go was brutally pushed in front of a subway car and killed. that people have a perception of fear in the subway system. we went to los angeles, listen to what they told us. >> it's so scary out here, i just pray for safer days and better days. an this has got to stop. this has become the wild west here. somebody has got to stop the crime. there's no reason for this to happen. >> john: would you accept, mr. district attorney, there is a palpable fear, a sense of fear among people in los angeles, in california as a whole, in new york, in other cities across america, and it's not just a perception of fear? >> oh, my goodness gracious, it is palatable, i'm glad you used that word. i think it's in our d.n.a. in the cities that have elected woke district attorneys. george gascon was not on the train tracks and saying things like i will stop this, i will prosecute these people to the fullest extent of the law. he was nowhere to be found. listen to the interviews. people should be sick and tired what's happening in their communities. john, what i want you to appreciate, they now have put up a candidate backed by george soros, by george gascon, to try to take me out. i represent the sixth biggest district attorney's office in the country, third biggest in california. people need to go to my website, todd and sign up. we are at war. i will not let what is happening in los angeles, san francisco, manhattan, new orleans and chicago, happen anywhere else in the country and especially here in orange county, california. >> john: your challenger shares some of the same philosophies as george gascon, clearly a big battle in orange county. >> he was kicked out of the military, about to be court-martialed when he went to my office, he was forced to resign because of sexual misconduct. he's a walking sexual harassment lawsuit and nowhere near orange county. >> john: and also complaints that you were not thorough in addressing sexual harassment and misconduct complaints in your own office. i think that's probably a discussion for another day. thank you for joining us. >> happy to talk about it. >> john: appreciate it. thank you. you have it. across the country, palpable fear of crime. people are scared and it's pretty clear that politicians are not doing enough to address it. >> sandra: powerful interview. leaving off the list of cities you mentioned, philadelphia, cleveland, this is happening all over america. people are afraid to walk the streets. interesting stuff there, john. all right. nobody is safe from rising prices. we keep talking bit, but they keep going up. just about everything you are paying more for, and that now has some economists proposing a new way to freeze prices in place? you don't have to look too far into the past to see how that turns out. >> john: we will talk to someone who was there to see the mess of price controls firsthand. larry kudlow up next. stay with us. 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"wall street journal" is doing that, nixon taught how to not do inflation, exponential increase in demand caused a shock when the controls ended. why is this not a good idea. >> larry: it's a terrible idea, not necessarily for the reasons in that article, but look, can i just make a point? when we shut down the economy in 2020, because of the pandemic, and parts of this past year 2021, i forget we are in the new year, that was a form of wage and price controls. you understand that? the problem today is not totally dissimilar from the terrible wage and price control days of richard nixon and gerry ford and jimmy carter. you are pouring money in. giving government assistance programs and the federal reserve is creating massive money supply. what do you have? pent-up demand. then you open up the production and all of a sudden prices explode because the new production supply can't possibly keep up with all the demand that you've been shovelling into the economy. now, you go back to the 1970s, nixon collapsed the value of the dollar. he took us off the brentwood gold exchange standard. arthur burns then pumped up the money supply like you've never seen until then, and then meanwhile, the nixon administration adding insult to injury, imposed wage and price controls. what happens when you control prices? no -- here, the first point. in other words, no price hikes means what, no production, no supply of goods and services. right? that's the key point. so, consumers think they are getting relief in the short run. meanwhile, because we crashed the dollar, arthur burns was pumping up the money supply creating all this demand. eventually as the controls are lifted or gradually lifted, you have the explosion, all the money demand chasing no supplies, the businesses were going broke and the stock market was horrible. stock market did not move in real terms for 50 years as a result of that. now, this has a different wrinkle, the story is more fun. what they are saying is all these evil businesses, right, the woke crowd doesn't like business, all these evil businesses are using their market power to fix prices, to raise prices in order to hurt the consumer, right. well, there's no evidence of that price gouging. gasoline stations don't collude with prices. oil is set in the world market as you know. >> sandra: bingo. >> larry: as a former commodity person, a nonsensical, they are stopping them from raising prices. >> sandra: for you to suggest price controls, larry, under the premise that these companies, whether it's the energy companies or the food companies, that they are somehow colluding to run prices up to charge the consumer. am i wrong? >> larry: yes, yes, no -- because they are evil, sandra, they are out to hurt their own consumers. they want to turn them away, how they are going to make a fortune. they want to screw the consumer so they never come back again, right? wrong, completely wrong. the interesting thing about the price gouging or collusion or antitrust monopoly, they don't have a single piece of evidence to justify the charge. even though the president keeps repeating it, and n.e.c. director keeps repeating it. >> sandra: should be challenged on that. >> larry: of course they have to be challenged on that. price control is a terrible idea but using government regulators to control the entire economy is an equally bad idea, and sandra, shutting down the economy for whatever reason is a bad idea. >> sandra: we saw the l.a. times piece that it would fire you up, larry, it did. i couldn't believe it when i read through it. if inflation persists, the government should step in to manage strategic prices. no lessons learned. >> larry: my former boss reagan defied the odds. lifted the oil price controls, one of his first things in early 1981, i was little guy there as a deputy in o.m.d., and prices did not go to 100 or $200, they went to $10. supply and demand rules. >> sandra: we'll see you at 4:00, appreciate you joining us. great stuff. john. >> john: somehow i think the sun just coming up fires up larry. the debate over masks turning into a legal fight. the virginia attorney general will join us on that coming up next. feel stuck and need a loan? 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>> what, actually what they are relying upon, the patron of that bill, senator donovan has said repeatedly that's not what that bill did. it just simply said try to follow c.d.c. recommendations. it was a shall, not may, and that is a huge difference in distinction in the law. that is not a mandate at all, and so as the patron has noted that was not what was intended. the previous governor took that and ran with that. but i think that is not a proper interpretation of law and really what this is about is i'm going to respect your right as a parent to make those decisions but let's treat everybody like adults and respect. there are going to be other parents that know what's best for their child, the child with asthma and other medical conditions it's not the best. and the european center for disease and control said we shouldn't have masks for children under six. so the science of all this is showing it's having an impact on children in primary school, the ability to learn, and nonverbal communication, so critical to develops as a child. >> john: clearly it's going to get looked at in the courts. mr. attorney general, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> sandra: good conversation there. i believe up next the latest on the death of meatloaf. we'll be right back. with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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"the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: all right. thank you very much to you both. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. right now on "the story," as president biden said with troops amassed on ukraine's border, putin has to do something. his guess is that putin will move in. fox confirmed the united states is prepping plans to evacuate our people from the embassy there as

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Earful , D A S , Whoa , Running , Car Insue , Ed , Turn , Hang On , Liberty Mutual , Tex , Ooo , Plaque Psoriasis , Burning , Itching , Fthe Pain Ou Need , Moderate , Skin , Collision Beeping Warning , Sushi , Seafood , Lunch , Silence , Indian , Ehh , Safety , Tacos , Emergency Braking , Find New Roads , Chevy Equinox , Automatic , Six , Feel , Times , Sugar , Electorlytes , Chevrolet , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Three , Parent , Students , Teachers , Best , School Board , Schools , Remote Learning , Classroom , School Board Members , 18 , Set , Ready , Sale , Internet , Start , Sake , Making It Easyear , Business Ne , Value , Backing , Business , Installation , Expert Team , Prepaid Card , Price Guarantee , Voice , 500 , 24 7 , 64 99 , 4 99 , Comcast Business , Possibilities , Isn T Working , Conference , Peter Doocy , Blocks , Capital Hilton Hotel , North Lawn , Funding , Town , Police Departments , Fight , Funds , Shoulder , Communities , Crime Statistics , Disposal , Party , Whatever , Election , Jeopardy , Else , Children , Run Up , Core , Birthday , Back Home , Hospital , Cops , Shooting Victims , Coat , Loose , 1800 , Incidents , Coordination , Eric Adams , State Law Enforcement Agencies , Terror Attacks , Planes , Buildings , Gun Violence A Cancer , Officers , Carving Highways , Judge , Bail Reform Law , Gun Charges , Police Union , 00000 , 200000 , Woke D A S Elected In Manhattan , Prosecuting Lower Level , Incarceration Rate , Backlash , Prosecuting , Gun , Definition , Felon , Use , Activity , Many , City Leaders , Laser , George Gascon , Crime Surge , Progressive D A , Cards , Orange County , Brianna Kupfer , Jail , Flags , What S Going On , Members , Gang , Duty , Bus Stop , Running Wild , Gotham City , Chains , Neck , Priority , World Leaders , Train Robberies , Despair , County , Burglaries , Nurse , Living , 70 , County Prosecutors , Society , Regressives , Money , Attorney General , Desire , We Saw , Involvement , Municipalities , Gang Members , Regressive , Recall , George Soros , Parents , Prison , New York State , Public Defender , Mario Cuomo , Dots , Don T , Mayor , Followers , Fear , Perception , Subway System , Subway Car , Michelle Go , Sense , Goodness , Whole , Word , Train Tracks , Dna , Extent , Candidate , Interviews , Todd Spitzer Com , Biggest , Anywhere , Chicago , New Orleans , San Francisco , Philosophies , Challenger , Sexual Harassment , Sexual Misconduct , Walking , Court Martialed , Big Battle In Orange County , Complaints , Nowhere , Lawsuit , Misconduct , Politicians , Fear Of Crime , Stuff , Nobody , Philadelphia , Cleveland , Price Controls , Mess , Subaru , Support , Charities , Retailers , Charity , Love Event , None , And , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Car Company , Robert , Jeff , Bonnie , Myasthenia Gravis , Treatment , Family Photos , Care , Animals , Dinner , Friends , Fda , Activities , Neurologist , Restaurants , Meat , Shortage , Vaccine Mandate , Covid , Overload , Freezers , Truck Drivers , Coverage , Strain , Weigh In , Kelly O Grady , Omicron Surge , Beef , Shelves , Grocery Stores , Grady Trimble , Northwest Meat Company , Result , Reservations , Any , Holiday Parties , Product , Holidays , Customers , Over , Grocery Side , Meat Aisle , 30000 , 25 , Efficiency , Monopoly , Process , Animal , Trucking , Bourbon , Holy Cow , Meat Soaking In Bourbon , Takers , Eyes , Game On , Heaven , Record Driver Shortage , Truck Stop , Supreme Court , Vernon , Same , Truckers , Mandates , Driver Shortage , Canada , 80000 , Workforce , Vaccination Rate , Factor , 28000 , 60 , Half , Routes , Incentive , Carriers , 10 , Freight Rates , Trend , Grand , Trickles , Fruit , Example , Costs , Cost , Arizona , 7 , Effect , Poll , General , Produce , Auto Parts , Chocolate , Valentine S Day , Pressure , Price Policies , History Lesson , Controls , Demand , Idea , Article , Wage , Parts , Form , Programs , Assistance , Gerry Ford , Production , Money Supply , Production Supply , Reserve , Dollar , Shovelling , Gold Exchange Standard , Arthur Burns , Brentwood , Insult , Injury , Supply , Goods , Services , Relief , Price Hikes , Explosion , Run , Stock Market , Supplies , Money Demand , Saying , Fun , Crowd Doesn T , Wrinkle , Price Gouging , Evidence , Fix Prices , Gasoline Stations , Order , Market Power , Nonsensical , Commodity , World Market , Bingo , Energy Companies , Premise , Raising Prices , Food Companies , Evil , Collusion , Antitrust Monopoly , Wrong , Fortune , Charge , Nec , Price Control , Government Regulators , Oil Price Controls , Lessons , Boss Reagan , Odds , 1981 , Rules , Deputy , Omd , 200 , Masks , Great Stuff , Virginia Attorney General , Sun , Loan , Rate , Personal Loan , Sofi , Lease Cash , Families , Don T Worry , Lexus Rx , Shhh , 1500 , Contractors , Workers , Procedure , Rx , Stroke , Pen , Texas , Fox News Alert , 350 , Bridge , Authority , Cdc , Rochelle Walensky , Booster , What , Frame , Language , Feds , Shots , Virginia Go Back To School , Yep , Executive Order , School Boards , Districts , Mask Decisions , Masking , Glenn Youngkin , State Law , Text , Jason Miyares , Secondary School , School , Mask Mandate , Subject , Twins , Opt Out , Disclosure , Chesapeake , Eight , Asthma , Mother , Glasses , A , C Student , Student , School Experience , Misery , Code , Opinion , Virginia , Upbringing , School District , Reconfirming , Afoul , Legislation , Code Of Virginia , Virginia Law Passed Last Year , Instruction , Virginia School Board , Wtop Radio , Group , Opt Out Order , Guidelines , Practicable , 19 , Bill , Force , Legislature , Patron , Distinction , Recommendations , Interpretation , Ran , Respect , Disease , Shouldn T , Primary School , Science , Nonverbal Communication , Courts , Conversation , Meatloaf , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Hotel , Divorce , Diabetes , Kayak , We Wouldn T Go , Awhile , Glucerna , Search One , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Laundry , Clothes , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Detergent , Nce , Waaaay , Downy , Smelling Laundry , Washing Machine , Load , Cap , Wayfair , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , Body , No Other , Mental Health , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Td , Td Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Ingredients , Food , Ingrezza May , 80 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Sleepiness , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Zero , Zero Dollars , Music , Career , Great To Be With You , Bat Out Of Hell , Covid Tmz , Martha , The Story , Martha Maccallum , Guess , Plans , Embassy ,

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