Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

the president said his guess is that russia's vladimir putin will move into ukraine because, quote: he has to do something. he suggested that a smaller incursion might face a less severe penalty but then tried to clear that up saying putin probably hasn't made up his mind yet and the consequences will be severe if he does invade ukraine. president biden blamed republicans for the lack of legislative success. he said build back better legislation will likely have to be broken up and passed in chunks. and he insisted he is not a socialist like bernie sanders. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich starts us off live tonight from the north lawn, good evening, jackie. >> good evening to you, bret. long overnight but what a press conference that was. the president began spotlighting what he sees as the president's achievements on jobs creation, lower lowering unemployment. expanding access to healthcare vaccinations and the covid relief and infrastructure laws. but the questions he faced focused on the administration's challenges and losses. >> look, i didn't overpromise. what i have probably out performed what anybody thought would happen. the fact of the matter is we're in a situation where we have made enormous progress. >> president biden's aware his first year hasn't been all smooth sailing. >> is the country more unified than when you took office? >> the answer is based on some of the stuff we have got done i would say yes but it's not nearly unified as it should be. >> there is especially work to be done on his biggest campaign promises, shutting down covid and repairing the economy. >> some people may call what's happening now the new normal. i call it a job not yet finished. it will get better. >> the president admits his legislative agenda is, for now, hopelessly stalled. his own party still not aligned on his signature spending plan. >> it's clear to me that, um, that we are going to have to, probably break it up. >> but he passed blame to republicans. >> i actually like mitch mcconnell. we like one another, he has one straightforward objective make sure there is nothing that i do that makes me. >> despite having not reached out to republicans willing to compromise on other white house priorities like senator mitt romney on voting rights. >> i was trying to make sure we got everybody on the same page in my party on this score. and i didn't call many republicans at all. >> president highlighted three things that he is going to do dimple in 2022 the first being going out of washington into america to highlight the things that he has accomplished. it's part of a broader strategy, we have heard, to take the spotlight off of the democratic infighting that has stalled his agenda and shake this image that he is approaching the presidency more like the consensus seeking senator he was for 36 years than a commander-in-chief getting things done. the second thing he said he will do seek more outside input. he referenced his tore yarns and academics. he said he will be very involved in the midterm elections campaigning and raising money for candidates, bret. >> bret: a lot to digest in a short time. nice job jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. thank you. tomorrow night exclusively on "special report" we will have the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell to respond to the specific takes from president biden about republicans and mentioning mitch mcconnell throughout that press conference as well. senate democrats democrats are setting themselves up for failure tonight. we expect a vote soon on the procedures to change the filibuster and enable a simple majority vote on election reform legislation. and as president biden was talking about the voting reform bill, and the legislative action and the possible changes, senator joe manchin was on the senate floor explaining at that same time why he is still not going to vote for filibuster changes. congressional correspondent chad pergram following all of that for us tonight on capitol hill. >> build back better stalled. new voting rights gridlocked. democrats tangling with each other. democrats joe manchin and kyrsten sinema won't change the filibuster icing voting rights the. the majority leader calling them out but not by name. >> there is some in our caucus who believes it helps bring us together. i don't see that evidence, evidence of that at all. >> but other liberals aren't as polite describing pathetic. >> i hope very much that those two democrats sinema and senator manchin will rethink their position. >> the president's agenda swings in the balance amid democratic infighting. democratic leaders struggle glick to smooth over differences. >> let's leave the politics for another day. >> changing the fbi for the democrats new voting laws hinges on the math. democrats can only modify the filibuster if all of their members are on board. president biden making the case to reshape the filibuster. >> don't think this is a freebie. you don't get to vote this way and then somehow it goes away. >> but precisely as the president spoke, joe manchin sees the senate floor two and a half miles away at the capitol sealing hills position against filibuster changes. >> louing one party in the simple majority will only pour fuel on the fire political whiplash and dysfunction tearing this nation apart. jon tester is one filibuster convert. >> as far as the filibuster goes, i change, things change. >> mark kelly faces a tough re-election this fall. kelly said he would change the filibuster, quote, if campaign finance and voting rights reforms are blocked again this week. but if democrats can't pass the new laws, all they can do is put on a show for their base and blame the other side. >> just as donald trump has his big lie, leader mcconnell now has his. not engaging in trying to suppress voters whatsoever. >> republicans aren't having it? >> he began talking about shredding minority protections if, if he ever got power. and now he wants to press that doomsday button. >> on voting rights, two votes tonight. the first to break the filibuster if that is unsuccessful, then a vote to change the filibuster. both expected to fail. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the capitol hill. vladimir putin has never seen sanctions like those the u.s. will impose if russia invades ukraine. there were a lot of questions about russia and different answers on whether putin will invade and the president's mind or what the consequences would be for a smaller incursion. and the president's words. secretary of state antony blinken engaged in crucial diplomacy this week in europe over the situation. america's top diplomat met with ukrainian officials today ahead of a session with his russian counterpart friday. benjamin hall is traveling with the secretary of state. reports tonight from kyiv. good evening, benjamin. >> good evening, bret. yes, what we just heard from president biden is frankly going to be very confusing to the urkens. there was a mixed message there that seemed to suggest that if russia were to carry out a small incursion into ukraine, then they might ignore that but only a bigger sort of incursion would then be problematic. >> my guess is he will move in. it's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. but if they actually do what they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for russia. >> tough talk from the administration today. signs of impending russian invasion grow. secretary of state blinken and ukraine insisting again the u.s. would respond. >> the world is watching what's happening here. when russia uses its strength, enact impunity against another sovereign nation. >> white house now says that russia is ready to invade at any time and ukrainian intelligence suggests there are 127,000 russian troops on the border. the u.s. says that number could soon reach 200,000. russia also announced it was sending jet fighters missile and anti-aircraft guns to nato's eastern frontiers joint exercises with belarus. despite all of this russia's deputy foreign minister is still insisting there will be no war. >> i do believe that there is no risk of a larger scale war. we will not attack, strike, quote unquote whatever ukraine. >> few believe them. but even fewer know what they plan to do. >> it's not clear what russia's central demand is or is not. they put a number of things on the table. some of them are clearly absolute nonstarters like closing nato's door to new members. >> and caught in the middle anxiously preparing for war are the ukrainians who say although the russians haven't attacked yet. they have already dee dee stabilized the country from in crippling the economy. they make no are secrecy the support weapons to start with. >> we need help, especially in these tough times. >> everyone now looking ahead to that friday meeting with secretary blinken and foreign minister laro he wants to open diplomatic off ramp. lavrov thought diplomatic process was dead in the water. interesting to see what process can come out of those meetings more importantly whether either side make any concessions, bret? >> bret: benjamin hall traveling with the secretary of state. thank you. let's turn now to our panel bringing them in early. radio host hugh hiewt. leslie marshall democratic-- strike that just and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. just a few moments ago, ben sasse, a republican senator put out this press release about the president's press conference. said it was an absolute train wreck that will have serious consequences. president biden basically gave putin a green light to invade urk by yammering about the supposed insignificance of a minor incursion. he projected weakness, not strength. if that wasn't bad enough he undermined trust in our elections here at home. this isn't hard. if you are the president of the united states you affirm public trust in our elections. sadly both the current president and the form everywhere president repeatedly pathetically equivocate. and he goes on. back with the panel. hugh, there were a number of things to take from that first of all, the fact that the president did a news conference that was almost two hours, breaking the record of news conferences by president trump and president obama. by 20-plus minutes. and he did take a lot of questions. but there were a lot of significant moments that news conference. >> it was. senator sasse said a train wreck. we will be talking about the domestic political fallout from this for a long time. i think dump below 30% as a result. gave the green light to vladimir putin to have incursion of some sort. so president biden thoroughly abandoned ukrainian allies as he did our afghanistan allies in august and september. it is on a par with a speech that not many people remember dean acheson in 1950 did not include korea in our world of security perimeter and the north koreans invaded the south koreans. it's legendary mistake. i think this press conference is going to go down in national security infamy for that wildly phrased invitation of vladimir putin to come on down and take part of ukraine. >> bret: leslie, there were about three different bites of the app. pell to go back at that and kind of clarify it. what did you take from the news conference? >> i'm not going to lie i cringed when i heard it depends small invasion or large invasion. obviously there should be no invasion. let's make no mistake, whether it's the president of the united states or any leader of any national lied to ours or otherwise, vladimir putin is going to do what he is going to do and the president biden in saying that he thinks he is going to do this, you know, i don't think he is inaccurate. we have to look historically, right? we have a couple of choices here. we have -- ukraine has the backing of the united states, the majority of the international community. we have the power to help them financially as we should. and with weapons as we should. and we have the power along with our allies to really cripple russia to a large degree economically. of course there is the other way and i'm certainly as a liberal and pass cyst not a war maverick. when saddam hussein in kuwait we pounced some people like that option. but russia pretty much knows we are not going to do that and the international community isn't going to do that either. >> bret: ari, i would like to know from your past experience as white house press secretary when you maybe heard biden say okay, we will go another 20 minutes, what did you think? [laughter] >> that cringe, i kind of wished at that moment the camera would have panned over to the staff. you never want that when you are the white house staff. you want to disciplined, constructive news conference that you can control. i thought that the length was going to matter. some people who follow washington inside baseball will care about it but the big thing is what he said not how long he said it he made three crucial mistakes. you already talked about one of them green light for a minor incursion. then he went on, bret, he explained the reason why because he had to have nato on the same page. no. america leads. that's what you do in a foreign crisis. you don't wait for 28 nations all to have identical positions and then you are held down by the lowest common denominator. america should lead but president biden wasn't strong enough to do that. the other two crucial things he did just terribly wrong, for one he questioned the legitimacy of the upcoming '22 election and he doubled down, he reinforced his accusations that republicans who aren't with him on a certain way about how to vote whether it should be 10 or 15 days early are the bull conner, george wallace and jefferson davis. he doesn't understand how deeply devisely he has wronged people. >> bret: interesting point about his clarification of that speech in atlanta and how he sees it about what he said versus how other people perceived it in his words, hugh. >> he made three attempts by my count. it might have been four or five to try and tell us what he said when we all heard what he said. he eventually ended up blaming mitch mcconnell for what he said. but then he went back and said it again at the end of that chaotic, i mean it was a chaotic desperate press conference that will not be -- people read the transcript of that for decades and they will not find a theme but what ari nailed is the three takeaways are the takeaways the one i want to emphasize, bret, is he also said no matter how hard they try to make it for minorities to vote, that is a slander as equal to the slander as the one that he unlaunched in atlanta. mitt romney and the rest of the republicans who are outraged are still outraged tonight. >> bret: all right. i want to play this soundbite about build back better where he said, basically, the big effort is over and they are going to try to chop it up. take a listen. >> covid-19 a lot of economic complications including rapid price increases across the world economy. price increases are what you are worried about, the best answer is my build back better plan. i think we can break the package up, get as much as we can now, come back in -- >> bret: leslie? chances of that? >> i think there are chances of part of it passing and i think if they do the same thing with voting rights, that would be the same because when you look at senator joe manchin, for example, there are definitely things in there that he likes and things that he doesn't. so, instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water, you take it and break it up. look at polls and what do americans, majority of americans whether they're democrat or republican support, i think it's a smarter way to go than to shelve it completely. remember the economy is number one on all voters' minds. inflation scares, rightly so, americans. and if you are saying and economists are growing with theg with the president. economists are saying build back better will help small businesses. will help our economy, will help infusion more money into the economy and then i think it's worth the effort to take the pieces that they know that can pass from this legislation to help the american people and to help the economy. >> bret: ari, what about this construct about what are republicans for? you know, obviously, republicans can answer that. they can answer that they are for strict border security. cleaning up the border. they are for no crime in big american cities. they are for getting inflation down. they are for lower taxes and taking regulations off from businesses so that they can succeed and then for the president to say repeatedly that republicans have done everything to stop every effort, there were 19 senate republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill. 13 house republicans. what about that construct? >> you know, as i heard joe biden say that i think he earnestly believes in his heart that he is trying. that he is trying to be bipartisan. that he really is a man who can reach across the aisle. as he sit there and insults the very people he said that he is trying to reach across the aisle with. he doesn't understand just how disparaging he comes across. and, brit, you could add to that very good list that you just cited beginning with the border that republicans also are for energy independence. we are going to increase our ability domestically to produce energy for this country. we are going to stand up to china that's another one on the list for republicans. there is a full agenda and, it's easy for joe biden to see if he would only open his eyes to see it instead of disparaging the people that he says won't work with him. he won't work with them and he is the president. he is the one whose job is it to work with them. >> bret: well, there is more to digest from this news conference. panel, we will see you a little bit later in the show. meantime breaking news just happening right now from the supreme court. electing not to help former president trump. we'll explain that after this quick break. ♪ >> bret: breaking tonight, just the past few minutes the u.s. supreme court will not help former president trump in his battle with the capitol riot investigators specifically about the paperwork the presidential documents that this committee has been trying to get. shannon bream has the story live tonight. good evening, shannon. >> shannon: good evening, bret. well, tonight the justice thomas, he was the lone descenter in this decision. the supreme court has turned away former president trump's request to block hundreds of pages of documents that the house committee investigating the events of january 6th has been requesting trying to get their hands on. the former president has argued that the requests were unprecedented encroachment on executive privilege that the records request was overly broad among other things. well the national archives is already set to release a few pages of documents to the committee at 6:00 tonight. so based on this brand new decision just out by the justices, it appears president trump has exhausted his options at trying to keep these documents from getting to the committee. >> bret: where it goes. you also have update and some news regarding that mask gate that you brought to us, a follow-up to what you broke on "special report" last night. >> yeah, we did break that news, bret, with you that the reporting from npr that the chief justice had asked all the justices to wear masks in deference to the concerns of justice sotomayor had been refused by justice gorsuch. wasn't accurate. rare statements issued by three of the justices today confirm what we reported here yesterday in a joint statement today justices sotomayor and gulch they sit next to each other normally on the bench. and they are the key to the entire story they said this, quote: reporting that justice sotomayor asked justice gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us. it is false. while we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends. some said well that didn't answer the rest of the article. but although the chief justice almost never weighs in publicly, he did. he added his own statement as well, quote: i did not request justice gorsuch or any other justice to wear a mask on the bench. roberts also indicating he is not going to be commenting any further on this story. bret? >> bret: all right, shannon bream, bringing us the true story all the way from the beginning. shannon, thanks so much tonight. stocks were down today. the dow lost 340, the s&p 500 fell 44, the nasdaq dropped 167 to close in correction territory. up next an arrest in the brutal murder of that college grad student in los angeles. we'll take you there. here's is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering does not feel safe when riding the subway. adams has found himself on the defensive about comments he made about the overall safety of the nation's largest subway system. fox 13 in seattle starbucks no longer requiring its workers to be vaccinated against covid-19. that reverses a policy announced earlier this month. it comes after last week's supreme court ruling rejecting the bid administration's mask mandate for large private businesses. and this is a live look at jacksonville, florida from fox 30. one of the big stories there tonight. florida is on pace to produce the smallest crop of oranges in more than 75 years. the agriculture department says florida will produce 44 and a half million 90-pound boxes of oranges during the current season. that is 1.5 million box reduction from the previous forecast in december. the smallest orange crop since the 1944, '45 season. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. ♪ ♪ >> bret: an arrest has been made in the murder of a college graduate student stabbed to death in a furniture store. we brought you that story chief correspondent jonathan hunt has been on it from the beginning. latest from los angeles. good evening, jonathan. >> good evening, bret. an intense manhunt ended today with the arrest of the suspect in pasadena about 15 miles northeast of the store where 24-year-old brianna kupfer was stabbed and left to bleed to death. >> this horrible murder is an attack on our way of life, our civil society, and our neighborhood. >> as tributes pile up outside the furniture store where brianna kupfer worked. police revealed she sent a text minutes before she was murdered telling a friend she was getting bad vibes from someone in the store. police believe that person was 31-year-old shawn laval smith who they say is the man in this video leaving the area via a back alley. just 30 minutes later laval smith was seen on this security camera video from a nearby 7-eleven calmly walking in, paying for what looked like a vaping pen and equally calmly walking out. laval smith is believed to be homeless and a long criminal record across the country. the most serious charge appears to be firing a weapon into a vehicle occupied by a man and his young son in charleston, south carolina in 2019. it seems laval smith left the state in 2020 after being released on bond. another example, critics say, of too many criminals being released too easily. be it in south carolina or california where laval smith was also freed on $1,000 bond for a misdemeanor. >> it's just heart-breaking and infuriating and i can tell you that from prosecutors to police officers, we're looking for a better day for sure. >> we expect shawn laval smith to be charged with murder and arraigned by friday. a vigil for brianna kupfer will be held tomorrow to mark one week from the moment she was so brutally killed. bret? >> bret: jonathan hunt, live in los angeles. jonathan, thank you. newly sworn in virginia governor glenn youngkin is already facing a voter lawsuit tonight about a dozen parents are suing the governor over his executive order make face masks in schools optional. but many parents of students are relieved that the mandate is gone. brought you this story chief washington correspondent mike emanuel has an update tonight where things stand. >> it's optional and it's kind of disgusting. >> loudoun county virginia fifth grader who says he has been struggling with frequent headaches and nose bleeds from wearing a mask all day. his parents are appealed to the school system for relief seeking religious or medical exemption. they declined to say if their son had an underlying medical condition but say their request has been contentious battle. >> it's gotten to the point where it's become such a toxic conversation you can't have a conversation with someone in a reasonable way. >> on day one in office, governor glenn youngkin signed executive order number 2 lifting the mask mandate. >> it's parents that should decide the health measures taken for their children. >> thought family is hopeful there is a solution for their son. >> it's been really really hard year. and we are looking forward to a new day in virginia we are thankful that it looks like there is new leadership in town that is going to help to push that forward. >> youngkin's move hasn't been embraced by all of virginia school systems. fairfax county in arlington say they intend to keep the mask mandate. further south in chesapeake, virginia some parents of public school students have filed a lawsuit asking virginia's supreme court to block youngkin on masks virginia's new attorney general says he is prepared to fight on behalf of parents, if necessary. >> parents know what's best for their children, that's a lot of what this is about parental empowerment. if we have to take it to court we will. that's going to be our number one goal. >> two school districts have backed off their mask requirements. spotsylvania county and coal pepper reversing policies after the governor's executive order. in the home district loudoun county the school district voted to support the superintendent's recommendation to continue with the mask mandate that appears to be setting up a showdown attorney general and concerned action by parents. >> bret: mike, thank you. howie kurtz on mainstream media growing frustration with president biden. 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do you need to be more realistic and scale down these priorities? now that legislation appears to be hopelessly stalled, can you now lay out your strategy to protect voting rights? >> i spoke to a number of black voters to fought to get you elected and now they feel as though you are not fighting hard enough for them. >> why are you trying so hard in your first year to pull the country so far to the left? >> this was a far cry from biden's early portrayal as the next fdr while some lengthy session served up restrained and respectful question. cnn asking whether biden had done enough to restore faith in the confidence of government. others were more confrontational. >> bret: so does this signal a larger shift in the media's coverage of biden, do you think? >> it's turned harshly negative almost overnight sparked by sinking polls and the president's defeat at least for now or on massive spending bill and voting rights. maureen dowd says we should feel anger, pity basement for biden for overpromising and under delivering. biden is too small for the office. and even biden boosters on msnbc are securing the president. skewering the president. he doesn't feel enn. charge. evidence doesn't feel inspirational. he doesn't feel in command. >> politico says biden feels like president of the senate. he acknowledged that criticism today. that he doesn't have control of his own party. throw in inflation, supply shortages and the only chron surge and biden who rarely holds news conferences like today's is often reacting to headlines rather than shaping them. the tenure of the criticism ranges from sadness to exasperation to hopes of white house reset. don't have the personal hostility on both sides that define the coverage of donald trump. that's why most stories are now being framed as how joe biden can fix his problems now how joe biden is screwing up. bret? >> bret: but you gave them thumbs up for almost two hours, wouldn't you? >> i do. he got a little tired at the end. he showed he could stand there and take it and maybe he will do more. >> bret: all right. howie, thanks. up next the panel with additional analysis of today's presidential news conference. first beyond our borders tonight. coronavirus restrictions are coming to an end in england as prime minister boris johnson says omicron cases have peaked. face masks and covid passes will no longer be mandatory. some scientists say creates could rise again without some restrictions. and we will take a live look at athens, greece from earth tv. one of the big stories there tonight, greece shows off its new french-built fighter jet with a flight over the acropolis. the aircraft where the first major delivery multibillion defense deal between the greek and french governments. greece is seeking to modernize military while keeping neighboring turkey in check. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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chase. make more of what's yours. >> bret: we said there might be a white house clarification on president biden's news conference talking about the minor incursion from russia into ukraine when he mentioned that and, in fact, there is a clean-up on aisle 4 here minutes ago. statement from jen psaki on russian aggression towards ukraine. president biden has been clear with the russian president if any russian military forces modify across the ukrainian border, that's a renewed invasion and it will be met with a swift, severe and united response from the united states and our allies. president biden also knows from long experience that the russians have an edges extensive playbook of aggression short of military action, including cyberattacks and paramilitary attacks and he affirmed today that those acts of russian aggression will be met with a decisive reciprocal and united response. so, again, putting out a statement after that news conference. we're back your panel. hugh hewitt, leslie marshall and ire ari fleischer. whenever that happens, ari, you know something has transpired that they really need to clean it up. as the secretary of state is actually in ukraine currently and meeting with the russians tomorrow. >> this is not and can never considered a minor mistake about a minor matter. this is about war and peace. this is about joe biden with his judgment and his experience, his 40 years in washington, his knowledge of foreign relations. and he bungled this? how many briefings has he sat through to go over what our position is when his staff is telling the world an invasion is imminent. he should be razor sharp and ready on these issues. you can't have a clean-up on an issue this fundamental. putin already heard what he wanted to hear. joe biden already said it. he can't unsay it. >> bret: leslie? >> i'm not going to totally disagree with ari on this. but i do think when you screw up, you know, you have your people go out and say look, we screwed up and i like your clean up on aisle 4 analogy there, bret. but let's be clear, vladimir putin doesn't need joe biden to tell him what he thinks he is going to do or any other leader. vladimir putin has already made up his mind what he is going to do. i think the rest of the world is nail biting and watching when and how big an invasion to ukraine this will be. our allies starting with finland all the way down have agreed with the president and his position which will be catastrophic, economic consequences for russia to do this. >> bret: okay, hugh, last comment on this. there are other things to digest in this news conference. >> well, minor incursion -- he could have talked for four hours, bret, and minor incursion will be the take away. it's a new category of aggression. if the people's republic of china lunch lurches at taiwan is that a minor aggression. if putin wants support of alaska is that a minor incursion. it's a revolutionary sort of mistake and the fact that jen psaki came out and drew a circle around it so quickly underscores that he could still be talking. he might be still talking, for all we know to himself, but that minor incursion, along with the idea that republicans are purposely trying to make it harder for minorities to vote, those are the takeaways and they are going to leave a, that, a long time. >> bret: right. was it a minor incursion when russia went into crimea in 2014? does that qualify? i see here where you are going. ari, what else struck you from this news conference? >> well, i think if he were a liberal democrat, the president may have been successful in a holding pattern where you your support no longer erodes there were feisty moments by joe biden that base of the party will enjoy. the problem joe biden has he is cratering among independence and he certainly has lost republicans. it's that damage among independents. i get it's caucus of the white house in off lehr election cycle they have got to run toward the base. which shows that peter doocy's question about why are you governing from the left was a very valid question. joe biden rejected it. >> bret: all right we have a soundbite mitch vs. joe. mitch is going to come on the show tomorrow about republican plans and where things stand up on capitol hill. president biden referencing all of this. take a listen. >> this midterm election will be a report card on the performance of this entire democratic government. >> report card look pretty good. mitch has been very clear, he will do anything to prevent biden from being a success. i get along with mitch. i actually like mitch mcconnell. he has one straightforward objective, make sure that there is nothing i do that makes me look good in the minds of his mind with the public at large. >> bret: you know, leslie, i guess my question is each party can say this at certain times. the last time when democrats use the filibuster to block senator tim scott's police reform bill that was working along bipartisan ways until democrats didn't want that success to happen. so, it does go both ways with both parties here. >> oh, i would agree with you there, bret. this is one of my biggest, as a voter, not just as a democrat problems is the hypocrisy. mitt romney a year ago did a video of him saying that he supports the talking filibuster. today he seems to have forgotten that. mitch mcconnell seems to have forgotten that in 2017. the votes changed from 60 to 50. that threshold so he could get three supreme court justices through. joe biden the president is being honest with what he says. we heard mitch mcconnell say during the obama administration it was his job to say no and to stop and prevent and to block and obstruct everything obama tried to do. no difference now with joe biden as president and mitch mcconnell hoping to be senate majority leader after the midterms. >> bret: all right. panel, thanks so much. nice, quick analysis of that news conference just before the show. i appreciate it we should point out the white house press secretary jen psaki will be on "america's newsroom" with dana and bill tomorrow. when we come back, honoring a sports and cultural icon. ♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. i will bless those who bless you visit here in israel and the former soviet union the jewish people are living in very difficult times. there are now thousands of destitute elderly jews who are desperately in need of basic food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground with survival food boxes but the need for food is growing. call or go online now and say, "i will bless these children of abraham." it's the elderly widows who are hurting the most. many of them are also holocaust survivors who are once again crying out for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25 that will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who doesn't have enough to eat. together, we bring them comfort and love but just as important we bring them this life-saving food box. a gift of $25 will help rush one emergency food box. without your response, their pain and suffering will continue. inside of every box we put a note that says, "this box is donated because of the generosity of christians around the world." this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. wherever in the world the jewish people have the greatest need our spiritual mandate is to feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans. call or go online now and say, "i will save a life!" "i will bless and comfort the jewish people." >> bret: and finally tonight, a special report salute. today is congress' opportunity to honor a true legend of the game that has is loved and enjoyed by millions. >> bret: willie o. rewas not just a trailblazer in hawkeye h. many by social and cultural impact. the first black national hoke hockey numberretired. today the passage of the willie o.' refor efforts far beyond the support. "special report" salute tonight. tomorrow on "special report" an exclusive would you have with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and the look at the goals and challenges for president biden as he enters his second year in office. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. busy night. that's it for us. fair, balanced and unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted by pete hegseth starts right now. busy night, pete. >> pete: hey, bret. yes, quite a press conference. well done on the coverage, bret. thank you. all right. good evening, america. it's 7:00 p.m. on the east coast and 6:00 p.m. in god's country which means it's time for "fox news primetime." i'm pete hegseth and tonight, as bret did, we start with joe biden. who merged from his hiding to finally take some questions from the press. and after two hours of q and a, we have to ask, what did we just watch? biden, of

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

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the president said his guess is that russia's vladimir putin will move into ukraine because, quote: he has to do something. he suggested that a smaller incursion might face a less severe penalty but then tried to clear that up saying putin probably hasn't made up his mind yet and the consequences will be severe if he does invade ukraine. president biden blamed republicans for the lack of legislative success. he said build back better legislation will likely have to be broken up and passed in chunks. and he insisted he is not a socialist like bernie sanders. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich starts us off live tonight from the north lawn, good evening, jackie. >> good evening to you, bret. long overnight but what a press conference that was. the president began spotlighting what he sees as the president's achievements on jobs creation, lower lowering unemployment. expanding access to healthcare vaccinations and the covid relief and infrastructure laws. but the questions he faced focused on the administration's challenges and losses. >> look, i didn't overpromise. what i have probably out performed what anybody thought would happen. the fact of the matter is we're in a situation where we have made enormous progress. >> president biden's aware his first year hasn't been all smooth sailing. >> is the country more unified than when you took office? >> the answer is based on some of the stuff we have got done i would say yes but it's not nearly unified as it should be. >> there is especially work to be done on his biggest campaign promises, shutting down covid and repairing the economy. >> some people may call what's happening now the new normal. i call it a job not yet finished. it will get better. >> the president admits his legislative agenda is, for now, hopelessly stalled. his own party still not aligned on his signature spending plan. >> it's clear to me that, um, that we are going to have to, probably break it up. >> but he passed blame to republicans. >> i actually like mitch mcconnell. we like one another, he has one straightforward objective make sure there is nothing that i do that makes me. >> despite having not reached out to republicans willing to compromise on other white house priorities like senator mitt romney on voting rights. >> i was trying to make sure we got everybody on the same page in my party on this score. and i didn't call many republicans at all. >> president highlighted three things that he is going to do dimple in 2022 the first being going out of washington into america to highlight the things that he has accomplished. it's part of a broader strategy, we have heard, to take the spotlight off of the democratic infighting that has stalled his agenda and shake this image that he is approaching the presidency more like the consensus seeking senator he was for 36 years than a commander-in-chief getting things done. the second thing he said he will do seek more outside input. he referenced his tore yarns and academics. he said he will be very involved in the midterm elections campaigning and raising money for candidates, bret. >> bret: a lot to digest in a short time. nice job jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. thank you. tomorrow night exclusively on "special report" we will have the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell to respond to the specific takes from president biden about republicans and mentioning mitch mcconnell throughout that press conference as well. senate democrats democrats are setting themselves up for failure tonight. we expect a vote soon on the procedures to change the filibuster and enable a simple majority vote on election reform legislation. and as president biden was talking about the voting reform bill, and the legislative action and the possible changes, senator joe manchin was on the senate floor explaining at that same time why he is still not going to vote for filibuster changes. congressional correspondent chad pergram following all of that for us tonight on capitol hill. >> build back better stalled. new voting rights gridlocked. democrats tangling with each other. democrats joe manchin and kyrsten sinema won't change the filibuster icing voting rights the. the majority leader calling them out but not by name. >> there is some in our caucus who believes it helps bring us together. i don't see that evidence, evidence of that at all. >> but other liberals aren't as polite describing pathetic. >> i hope very much that those two democrats sinema and senator manchin will rethink their position. >> the president's agenda swings in the balance amid democratic infighting. democratic leaders struggle glick to smooth over differences. >> let's leave the politics for another day. >> changing the fbi for the democrats new voting laws hinges on the math. democrats can only modify the filibuster if all of their members are on board. president biden making the case to reshape the filibuster. >> don't think this is a freebie. you don't get to vote this way and then somehow it goes away. >> but precisely as the president spoke, joe manchin sees the senate floor two and a half miles away at the capitol sealing hills position against filibuster changes. >> louing one party in the simple majority will only pour fuel on the fire political whiplash and dysfunction tearing this nation apart. jon tester is one filibuster convert. >> as far as the filibuster goes, i change, things change. >> mark kelly faces a tough re-election this fall. kelly said he would change the filibuster, quote, if campaign finance and voting rights reforms are blocked again this week. but if democrats can't pass the new laws, all they can do is put on a show for their base and blame the other side. >> just as donald trump has his big lie, leader mcconnell now has his. not engaging in trying to suppress voters whatsoever. >> republicans aren't having it? >> he began talking about shredding minority protections if, if he ever got power. and now he wants to press that doomsday button. >> on voting rights, two votes tonight. the first to break the filibuster if that is unsuccessful, then a vote to change the filibuster. both expected to fail. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the capitol hill. vladimir putin has never seen sanctions like those the u.s. will impose if russia invades ukraine. there were a lot of questions about russia and different answers on whether putin will invade and the president's mind or what the consequences would be for a smaller incursion. and the president's words. secretary of state antony blinken engaged in crucial diplomacy this week in europe over the situation. america's top diplomat met with ukrainian officials today ahead of a session with his russian counterpart friday. benjamin hall is traveling with the secretary of state. reports tonight from kyiv. good evening, benjamin. >> good evening, bret. yes, what we just heard from president biden is frankly going to be very confusing to the urkens. there was a mixed message there that seemed to suggest that if russia were to carry out a small incursion into ukraine, then they might ignore that but only a bigger sort of incursion would then be problematic. >> my guess is he will move in. it's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. but if they actually do what they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for russia. >> tough talk from the administration today. signs of impending russian invasion grow. secretary of state blinken and ukraine insisting again the u.s. would respond. >> the world is watching what's happening here. when russia uses its strength, enact impunity against another sovereign nation. >> white house now says that russia is ready to invade at any time and ukrainian intelligence suggests there are 127,000 russian troops on the border. the u.s. says that number could soon reach 200,000. russia also announced it was sending jet fighters missile and anti-aircraft guns to nato's eastern frontiers joint exercises with belarus. despite all of this russia's deputy foreign minister is still insisting there will be no war. >> i do believe that there is no risk of a larger scale war. we will not attack, strike, quote unquote whatever ukraine. >> few believe them. but even fewer know what they plan to do. >> it's not clear what russia's central demand is or is not. they put a number of things on the table. some of them are clearly absolute nonstarters like closing nato's door to new members. >> and caught in the middle anxiously preparing for war are the ukrainians who say although the russians haven't attacked yet. they have already dee dee stabilized the country from in crippling the economy. they make no are secrecy the support weapons to start with. >> we need help, especially in these tough times. >> everyone now looking ahead to that friday meeting with secretary blinken and foreign minister laro he wants to open diplomatic off ramp. lavrov thought diplomatic process was dead in the water. interesting to see what process can come out of those meetings more importantly whether either side make any concessions, bret? >> bret: benjamin hall traveling with the secretary of state. thank you. let's turn now to our panel bringing them in early. radio host hugh hiewt. leslie marshall democratic-- strike that just and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. just a few moments ago, ben sasse, a republican senator put out this press release about the president's press conference. said it was an absolute train wreck that will have serious consequences. president biden basically gave putin a green light to invade urk by yammering about the supposed insignificance of a minor incursion. he projected weakness, not strength. if that wasn't bad enough he undermined trust in our elections here at home. this isn't hard. if you are the president of the united states you affirm public trust in our elections. sadly both the current president and the form everywhere president repeatedly pathetically equivocate. and he goes on. back with the panel. hugh, there were a number of things to take from that first of all, the fact that the president did a news conference that was almost two hours, breaking the record of news conferences by president trump and president obama. by 20-plus minutes. and he did take a lot of questions. but there were a lot of significant moments that news conference. >> it was. senator sasse said a train wreck. we will be talking about the domestic political fallout from this for a long time. i think dump below 30% as a result. gave the green light to vladimir putin to have incursion of some sort. so president biden thoroughly abandoned ukrainian allies as he did our afghanistan allies in august and september. it is on a par with a speech that not many people remember dean acheson in 1950 did not include korea in our world of security perimeter and the north koreans invaded the south koreans. it's legendary mistake. i think this press conference is going to go down in national security infamy for that wildly phrased invitation of vladimir putin to come on down and take part of ukraine. >> bret: leslie, there were about three different bites of the app. pell to go back at that and kind of clarify it. what did you take from the news conference? >> i'm not going to lie i cringed when i heard it depends small invasion or large invasion. obviously there should be no invasion. let's make no mistake, whether it's the president of the united states or any leader of any national lied to ours or otherwise, vladimir putin is going to do what he is going to do and the president biden in saying that he thinks he is going to do this, you know, i don't think he is inaccurate. we have to look historically, right? we have a couple of choices here. we have -- ukraine has the backing of the united states, the majority of the international community. we have the power to help them financially as we should. and with weapons as we should. and we have the power along with our allies to really cripple russia to a large degree economically. of course there is the other way and i'm certainly as a liberal and pass cyst not a war maverick. when saddam hussein in kuwait we pounced some people like that option. but russia pretty much knows we are not going to do that and the international community isn't going to do that either. >> bret: ari, i would like to know from your past experience as white house press secretary when you maybe heard biden say okay, we will go another 20 minutes, what did you think? [laughter] >> that cringe, i kind of wished at that moment the camera would have panned over to the staff. you never want that when you are the white house staff. you want to disciplined, constructive news conference that you can control. i thought that the length was going to matter. some people who follow washington inside baseball will care about it but the big thing is what he said not how long he said it he made three crucial mistakes. you already talked about one of them green light for a minor incursion. then he went on, bret, he explained the reason why because he had to have nato on the same page. no. america leads. that's what you do in a foreign crisis. you don't wait for 28 nations all to have identical positions and then you are held down by the lowest common denominator. america should lead but president biden wasn't strong enough to do that. the other two crucial things he did just terribly wrong, for one he questioned the legitimacy of the upcoming '22 election and he doubled down, he reinforced his accusations that republicans who aren't with him on a certain way about how to vote whether it should be 10 or 15 days early are the bull conner, george wallace and jefferson davis. he doesn't understand how deeply devisely he has wronged people. >> bret: interesting point about his clarification of that speech in atlanta and how he sees it about what he said versus how other people perceived it in his words, hugh. >> he made three attempts by my count. it might have been four or five to try and tell us what he said when we all heard what he said. he eventually ended up blaming mitch mcconnell for what he said. but then he went back and said it again at the end of that chaotic, i mean it was a chaotic desperate press conference that will not be -- people read the transcript of that for decades and they will not find a theme but what ari nailed is the three takeaways are the takeaways the one i want to emphasize, bret, is he also said no matter how hard they try to make it for minorities to vote, that is a slander as equal to the slander as the one that he unlaunched in atlanta. mitt romney and the rest of the republicans who are outraged are still outraged tonight. >> bret: all right. i want to play this soundbite about build back better where he said, basically, the big effort is over and they are going to try to chop it up. take a listen. >> covid-19 a lot of economic complications including rapid price increases across the world economy. price increases are what you are worried about, the best answer is my build back better plan. i think we can break the package up, get as much as we can now, come back in -- >> bret: leslie? chances of that? >> i think there are chances of part of it passing and i think if they do the same thing with voting rights, that would be the same because when you look at senator joe manchin, for example, there are definitely things in there that he likes and things that he doesn't. so, instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water, you take it and break it up. look at polls and what do americans, majority of americans whether they're democrat or republican support, i think it's a smarter way to go than to shelve it completely. remember the economy is number one on all voters' minds. inflation scares, rightly so, americans. and if you are saying and economists are growing with theg with the president. economists are saying build back better will help small businesses. will help our economy, will help infusion more money into the economy and then i think it's worth the effort to take the pieces that they know that can pass from this legislation to help the american people and to help the economy. >> bret: ari, what about this construct about what are republicans for? you know, obviously, republicans can answer that. they can answer that they are for strict border security. cleaning up the border. they are for no crime in big american cities. they are for getting inflation down. they are for lower taxes and taking regulations off from businesses so that they can succeed and then for the president to say repeatedly that republicans have done everything to stop every effort, there were 19 senate republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill. 13 house republicans. what about that construct? >> you know, as i heard joe biden say that i think he earnestly believes in his heart that he is trying. that he is trying to be bipartisan. that he really is a man who can reach across the aisle. as he sit there and insults the very people he said that he is trying to reach across the aisle with. he doesn't understand just how disparaging he comes across. and, brit, you could add to that very good list that you just cited beginning with the border that republicans also are for energy independence. we are going to increase our ability domestically to produce energy for this country. we are going to stand up to china that's another one on the list for republicans. there is a full agenda and, it's easy for joe biden to see if he would only open his eyes to see it instead of disparaging the people that he says won't work with him. he won't work with them and he is the president. he is the one whose job is it to work with them. >> bret: well, there is more to digest from this news conference. panel, we will see you a little bit later in the show. meantime breaking news just happening right now from the supreme court. electing not to help former president trump. we'll explain that after this quick break. ♪ >> bret: breaking tonight, just the past few minutes the u.s. supreme court will not help former president trump in his battle with the capitol riot investigators specifically about the paperwork the presidential documents that this committee has been trying to get. shannon bream has the story live tonight. good evening, shannon. >> shannon: good evening, bret. well, tonight the justice thomas, he was the lone descenter in this decision. the supreme court has turned away former president trump's request to block hundreds of pages of documents that the house committee investigating the events of january 6th has been requesting trying to get their hands on. the former president has argued that the requests were unprecedented encroachment on executive privilege that the records request was overly broad among other things. well the national archives is already set to release a few pages of documents to the committee at 6:00 tonight. so based on this brand new decision just out by the justices, it appears president trump has exhausted his options at trying to keep these documents from getting to the committee. >> bret: where it goes. you also have update and some news regarding that mask gate that you brought to us, a follow-up to what you broke on "special report" last night. >> yeah, we did break that news, bret, with you that the reporting from npr that the chief justice had asked all the justices to wear masks in deference to the concerns of justice sotomayor had been refused by justice gorsuch. wasn't accurate. rare statements issued by three of the justices today confirm what we reported here yesterday in a joint statement today justices sotomayor and gulch they sit next to each other normally on the bench. and they are the key to the entire story they said this, quote: reporting that justice sotomayor asked justice gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us. it is false. while we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends. some said well that didn't answer the rest of the article. but although the chief justice almost never weighs in publicly, he did. he added his own statement as well, quote: i did not request justice gorsuch or any other justice to wear a mask on the bench. roberts also indicating he is not going to be commenting any further on this story. bret? >> bret: all right, shannon bream, bringing us the true story all the way from the beginning. shannon, thanks so much tonight. stocks were down today. the dow lost 340, the s&p 500 fell 44, the nasdaq dropped 167 to close in correction territory. up next an arrest in the brutal murder of that college grad student in los angeles. we'll take you there. here's is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering does not feel safe when riding the subway. adams has found himself on the defensive about comments he made about the overall safety of the nation's largest subway system. fox 13 in seattle starbucks no longer requiring its workers to be vaccinated against covid-19. that reverses a policy announced earlier this month. it comes after last week's supreme court ruling rejecting the bid administration's mask mandate for large private businesses. and this is a live look at jacksonville, florida from fox 30. one of the big stories there tonight. florida is on pace to produce the smallest crop of oranges in more than 75 years. the agriculture department says florida will produce 44 and a half million 90-pound boxes of oranges during the current season. that is 1.5 million box reduction from the previous forecast in december. the smallest orange crop since the 1944, '45 season. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. ♪ ♪ >> bret: an arrest has been made in the murder of a college graduate student stabbed to death in a furniture store. we brought you that story chief correspondent jonathan hunt has been on it from the beginning. latest from los angeles. good evening, jonathan. >> good evening, bret. an intense manhunt ended today with the arrest of the suspect in pasadena about 15 miles northeast of the store where 24-year-old brianna kupfer was stabbed and left to bleed to death. >> this horrible murder is an attack on our way of life, our civil society, and our neighborhood. >> as tributes pile up outside the furniture store where brianna kupfer worked. police revealed she sent a text minutes before she was murdered telling a friend she was getting bad vibes from someone in the store. police believe that person was 31-year-old shawn laval smith who they say is the man in this video leaving the area via a back alley. just 30 minutes later laval smith was seen on this security camera video from a nearby 7-eleven calmly walking in, paying for what looked like a vaping pen and equally calmly walking out. laval smith is believed to be homeless and a long criminal record across the country. the most serious charge appears to be firing a weapon into a vehicle occupied by a man and his young son in charleston, south carolina in 2019. it seems laval smith left the state in 2020 after being released on bond. another example, critics say, of too many criminals being released too easily. be it in south carolina or california where laval smith was also freed on $1,000 bond for a misdemeanor. >> it's just heart-breaking and infuriating and i can tell you that from prosecutors to police officers, we're looking for a better day for sure. >> we expect shawn laval smith to be charged with murder and arraigned by friday. a vigil for brianna kupfer will be held tomorrow to mark one week from the moment she was so brutally killed. bret? >> bret: jonathan hunt, live in los angeles. jonathan, thank you. newly sworn in virginia governor glenn youngkin is already facing a voter lawsuit tonight about a dozen parents are suing the governor over his executive order make face masks in schools optional. but many parents of students are relieved that the mandate is gone. brought you this story chief washington correspondent mike emanuel has an update tonight where things stand. >> it's optional and it's kind of disgusting. >> loudoun county virginia fifth grader who says he has been struggling with frequent headaches and nose bleeds from wearing a mask all day. his parents are appealed to the school system for relief seeking religious or medical exemption. they declined to say if their son had an underlying medical condition but say their request has been contentious battle. >> it's gotten to the point where it's become such a toxic conversation you can't have a conversation with someone in a reasonable way. >> on day one in office, governor glenn youngkin signed executive order number 2 lifting the mask mandate. >> it's parents that should decide the health measures taken for their children. >> thought family is hopeful there is a solution for their son. >> it's been really really hard year. and we are looking forward to a new day in virginia we are thankful that it looks like there is new leadership in town that is going to help to push that forward. >> youngkin's move hasn't been embraced by all of virginia school systems. fairfax county in arlington say they intend to keep the mask mandate. further south in chesapeake, virginia some parents of public school students have filed a lawsuit asking virginia's supreme court to block youngkin on masks virginia's new attorney general says he is prepared to fight on behalf of parents, if necessary. >> parents know what's best for their children, that's a lot of what this is about parental empowerment. if we have to take it to court we will. that's going to be our number one goal. >> two school districts have backed off their mask requirements. spotsylvania county and coal pepper reversing policies after the governor's executive order. in the home district loudoun county the school district voted to support the superintendent's recommendation to continue with the mask mandate that appears to be setting up a showdown attorney general and concerned action by parents. >> bret: mike, thank you. howie kurtz on mainstream media growing frustration with president biden. 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do you need to be more realistic and scale down these priorities? now that legislation appears to be hopelessly stalled, can you now lay out your strategy to protect voting rights? >> i spoke to a number of black voters to fought to get you elected and now they feel as though you are not fighting hard enough for them. >> why are you trying so hard in your first year to pull the country so far to the left? >> this was a far cry from biden's early portrayal as the next fdr while some lengthy session served up restrained and respectful question. cnn asking whether biden had done enough to restore faith in the confidence of government. others were more confrontational. >> bret: so does this signal a larger shift in the media's coverage of biden, do you think? >> it's turned harshly negative almost overnight sparked by sinking polls and the president's defeat at least for now or on massive spending bill and voting rights. maureen dowd says we should feel anger, pity basement for biden for overpromising and under delivering. biden is too small for the office. and even biden boosters on msnbc are securing the president. skewering the president. he doesn't feel enn. charge. evidence doesn't feel inspirational. he doesn't feel in command. >> politico says biden feels like president of the senate. he acknowledged that criticism today. that he doesn't have control of his own party. throw in inflation, supply shortages and the only chron surge and biden who rarely holds news conferences like today's is often reacting to headlines rather than shaping them. the tenure of the criticism ranges from sadness to exasperation to hopes of white house reset. don't have the personal hostility on both sides that define the coverage of donald trump. that's why most stories are now being framed as how joe biden can fix his problems now how joe biden is screwing up. bret? >> bret: but you gave them thumbs up for almost two hours, wouldn't you? >> i do. he got a little tired at the end. he showed he could stand there and take it and maybe he will do more. >> bret: all right. howie, thanks. up next the panel with additional analysis of today's presidential news conference. first beyond our borders tonight. coronavirus restrictions are coming to an end in england as prime minister boris johnson says omicron cases have peaked. face masks and covid passes will no longer be mandatory. some scientists say creates could rise again without some restrictions. and we will take a live look at athens, greece from earth tv. one of the big stories there tonight, greece shows off its new french-built fighter jet with a flight over the acropolis. the aircraft where the first major delivery multibillion defense deal between the greek and french governments. greece is seeking to modernize military while keeping neighboring turkey in check. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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chase. make more of what's yours. >> bret: we said there might be a white house clarification on president biden's news conference talking about the minor incursion from russia into ukraine when he mentioned that and, in fact, there is a clean-up on aisle 4 here minutes ago. statement from jen psaki on russian aggression towards ukraine. president biden has been clear with the russian president if any russian military forces modify across the ukrainian border, that's a renewed invasion and it will be met with a swift, severe and united response from the united states and our allies. president biden also knows from long experience that the russians have an edges extensive playbook of aggression short of military action, including cyberattacks and paramilitary attacks and he affirmed today that those acts of russian aggression will be met with a decisive reciprocal and united response. so, again, putting out a statement after that news conference. we're back your panel. hugh hewitt, leslie marshall and ire ari fleischer. whenever that happens, ari, you know something has transpired that they really need to clean it up. as the secretary of state is actually in ukraine currently and meeting with the russians tomorrow. >> this is not and can never considered a minor mistake about a minor matter. this is about war and peace. this is about joe biden with his judgment and his experience, his 40 years in washington, his knowledge of foreign relations. and he bungled this? how many briefings has he sat through to go over what our position is when his staff is telling the world an invasion is imminent. he should be razor sharp and ready on these issues. you can't have a clean-up on an issue this fundamental. putin already heard what he wanted to hear. joe biden already said it. he can't unsay it. >> bret: leslie? >> i'm not going to totally disagree with ari on this. but i do think when you screw up, you know, you have your people go out and say look, we screwed up and i like your clean up on aisle 4 analogy there, bret. but let's be clear, vladimir putin doesn't need joe biden to tell him what he thinks he is going to do or any other leader. vladimir putin has already made up his mind what he is going to do. i think the rest of the world is nail biting and watching when and how big an invasion to ukraine this will be. our allies starting with finland all the way down have agreed with the president and his position which will be catastrophic, economic consequences for russia to do this. >> bret: okay, hugh, last comment on this. there are other things to digest in this news conference. >> well, minor incursion -- he could have talked for four hours, bret, and minor incursion will be the take away. it's a new category of aggression. if the people's republic of china lunch lurches at taiwan is that a minor aggression. if putin wants support of alaska is that a minor incursion. it's a revolutionary sort of mistake and the fact that jen psaki came out and drew a circle around it so quickly underscores that he could still be talking. he might be still talking, for all we know to himself, but that minor incursion, along with the idea that republicans are purposely trying to make it harder for minorities to vote, those are the takeaways and they are going to leave a, that, a long time. >> bret: right. was it a minor incursion when russia went into crimea in 2014? does that qualify? i see here where you are going. ari, what else struck you from this news conference? >> well, i think if he were a liberal democrat, the president may have been successful in a holding pattern where you your support no longer erodes there were feisty moments by joe biden that base of the party will enjoy. the problem joe biden has he is cratering among independence and he certainly has lost republicans. it's that damage among independents. i get it's caucus of the white house in off lehr election cycle they have got to run toward the base. which shows that peter doocy's question about why are you governing from the left was a very valid question. joe biden rejected it. >> bret: all right we have a soundbite mitch vs. joe. mitch is going to come on the show tomorrow about republican plans and where things stand up on capitol hill. president biden referencing all of this. take a listen. >> this midterm election will be a report card on the performance of this entire democratic government. >> report card look pretty good. mitch has been very clear, he will do anything to prevent biden from being a success. i get along with mitch. i actually like mitch mcconnell. he has one straightforward objective, make sure that there is nothing i do that makes me look good in the minds of his mind with the public at large. >> bret: you know, leslie, i guess my question is each party can say this at certain times. the last time when democrats use the filibuster to block senator tim scott's police reform bill that was working along bipartisan ways until democrats didn't want that success to happen. so, it does go both ways with both parties here. >> oh, i would agree with you there, bret. this is one of my biggest, as a voter, not just as a democrat problems is the hypocrisy. mitt romney a year ago did a video of him saying that he supports the talking filibuster. today he seems to have forgotten that. mitch mcconnell seems to have forgotten that in 2017. the votes changed from 60 to 50. that threshold so he could get three supreme court justices through. joe biden the president is being honest with what he says. we heard mitch mcconnell say during the obama administration it was his job to say no and to stop and prevent and to block and obstruct everything obama tried to do. no difference now with joe biden as president and mitch mcconnell hoping to be senate majority leader after the midterms. >> bret: all right. panel, thanks so much. nice, quick analysis of that news conference just before the show. i appreciate it we should point out the white house press secretary jen psaki will be on "america's newsroom" with dana and bill tomorrow. when we come back, honoring a sports and cultural icon. ♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. i will bless those who bless you visit here in israel and the former soviet union the jewish people are living in very difficult times. there are now thousands of destitute elderly jews who are desperately in need of basic food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground with survival food boxes but the need for food is growing. call or go online now and say, "i will bless these children of abraham." it's the elderly widows who are hurting the most. many of them are also holocaust survivors who are once again crying out for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25 that will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who doesn't have enough to eat. together, we bring them comfort and love but just as important we bring them this life-saving food box. a gift of $25 will help rush one emergency food box. without your response, their pain and suffering will continue. inside of every box we put a note that says, "this box is donated because of the generosity of christians around the world." this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. wherever in the world the jewish people have the greatest need our spiritual mandate is to feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans. call or go online now and say, "i will save a life!" "i will bless and comfort the jewish people." >> bret: and finally tonight, a special report salute. today is congress' opportunity to honor a true legend of the game that has is loved and enjoyed by millions. >> bret: willie o. rewas not just a trailblazer in hawkeye h. many by social and cultural impact. the first black national hoke hockey numberretired. today the passage of the willie o.' refor efforts far beyond the support. "special report" salute tonight. tomorrow on "special report" an exclusive would you have with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and the look at the goals and challenges for president biden as he enters his second year in office. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. busy night. that's it for us. fair, balanced and unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted by pete hegseth starts right now. busy night, pete. >> pete: hey, bret. yes, quite a press conference. well done on the coverage, bret. thank you. all right. good evening, america. it's 7:00 p.m. on the east coast and 6:00 p.m. in god's country which means it's time for "fox news primetime." i'm pete hegseth and tonight, as bret did, we start with joe biden. who merged from his hiding to finally take some questions from the press. and after two hours of q and a, we have to ask, what did we just watch? biden, of

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