Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

worried about the open border pundits than they are u.s. citizens. >> pentagon remains deeply concerned about an imminent russian invasion of ukraine. >> this is an extremely dangerous situation. we are now at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack. >> biden administration accepting limited orders for free, at home covid tests. >> there is one draw back, first order going to go out no late january and then expected to take seven to 12 days. ♪ jump right in ♪ make the music pull you in ♪ jump right in ♪ being. >> brian: i would not be surprised that the background band is on the blue mountain ski resort, why wouldn't they? they are good time guys. there is so much to do there the lift capacity is 13500, they have 40 trails. dining and lodging and winter sports that includes steve's favorite laser tag. we also have archery, because that sells. ainsley prefers to hunt her deer. camping and mountain biking. oftentimes ainsley, steve knows, this will grab her arrows and her bow, hop on a mountain bike and just go into the woods and she will be gone for weeks, steve. >> steve: yeah, when you see her grab that quiver and head north that's generally what happens. >> brian: right. [laughter] >> steve: we saw a beautiful picture with the snow groomer right there. i just looked up, look at this. they are getting ready listen, we skied in pennsylvania. that's a very wide open space. right now they have got 33 of their 40 trails are open, and five of their 16 ski lifts are available as well. and so if you are looking to, you know, from new york city you can be out there in a couple hours. it's out there in the poconos. ainsley, we can make a run for there and be there by noon. >> ainsley: be careful i might be hide not guilty woods there behind the tree getting my dinner ready. the lift tickets for four hours $29. 8 hours, 44s dollars if you are interested. the ski slopes opened this morning at 9:00 a.m. >> steve: excellent. >> brian: pennsylvania talking a little bit trying to recall the d.a. over in philadelphia. but the one thing about florida, we like to sing the praise of florida. one thing about florida of the skiing is terrible, right, steve? >> steve: and speaking of florida, yesterday, during one of the hours we opened with a picture of cocoa beach, florida. >> brian: i know what you are going to say. >> steve: i dream of genie. >> brian: i know what you are going to say. >> steve: it would be impossible to know what i'm going to say. >> brian: i think i do. >> steve: as i'm going to the grocery store late in the morning my neighbor stopped me and said hey, steve, are you driving to cocoa beach? i said. >> brian: no. >> steve: i said i'm going to the grocery store. >> steve: what did you think i was going to say. >> brian: the problem is i was inaccurate. they did not find genie's bottle right, chis chulo. they did not find the bottle cocoa beach. he found it after an admission on an abandoned island and he was a can't then. >> steve: and took it home. >> brian: you would not know, this but they shot the series in the beginning in black and white. and then they gradually added color. which i don't think anybody else could say. >> steve: thats what the world of television. >> brian: congratulations technology. and now we are color, right? [laughter] >> steve: we are. not only are we in color. we are in hd. terrifying for all of us. >> ainsley: i was born in the late 1970s, we watched i dream of betweeny, do you remember kids incorporated did you ever watch that steve or brian. i think yours were too young. that was a great show. silver spoons were big. what else was big facts of life. >> brian: leo dicaprio. >> ainsley: the other guy schroder. >> steve: silver spoons. >> ainsley: facts of life was big. whose the boss and anything with kurt cammeron. >> brian: there is no james. ainsley hears things. >> ainsley: james has helped me tremendously this morning. >> steve: there you go. all right. listen, enough about us and about pennsylvania. we hope you have great wednesday. let's talk a little bit about the news. and yesterday we had an interview with the father of brianna kupfer, 24-year-old girl who was murdered last week in los angeles. we knew -- there she is right there. the super sad thing about it is she was working at this upscale furniture store. she was all by herself. she wasn't even supposed to be working that day but she came in anyway. the father was unsure exactly why. on her day off, because she was going to fly on the red eye to new york to celebrate one of her friend's birthdays. so we knew that the police were going to have a press conference yesterday. they did. and they announced that they had done a thorough investigation and now it's an all points bulletin. they're looking for a career criminal. does this sound familiar? by the name of sean la volume smith. he is 31, armed and dangerous. do not try to apprehend him he was out on $1,000 bond. how many times have we heard this story. prior charges include assault with a deadly weapon. carrying a concealed weapon. assault on a police officer. trespassing. possession of a stolen vehicle. larceny. possession of stolen goods. and now, ainsley, he is wanted for murder. >> ainsley: the father said that police told him the suspect should have been behind bars and he said he has that long rap sheet and he thinks it's actually much worse. that's what they are telling him. armed and dangerous. don't approach him. he was seen on a security camera at local 7-eleven only 30 minutes after he allegedly stabbed briana to death he was there buying some sort of a vaping pipe. police say he is about 63, we have heard 6 feet and 65. they are saying 63. maybe 190 pounds. likely to use public transportation. this is interesting, brian, moments before he walked into the furniture store briana texted a friend or actually a few minutes after he walked in saying that there was a man in the store and it made her feel uncomfortable. she said she is getting a bad vibe. and lapd said regrettably that person didn't see the text message immediately. >> brian: here's the dad talking about brianna's dad talking about who is to blame. he didn't want to talk about politics but he did want to talk about what could have been done to stop his daughter's murder. >> i'm not blaming anybody by name. i blame what's endemic in our society right now is everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and trying to recognize the bad. the job they have is to elevate that to make communities better. to say make people care more to not tear down communities by exposing them to people that are falling out the bottom that really don't care about the other human beings and just think they can do whatever they like in our society. and they are doing it more and more in every community. and we're just seeing a terrible, you know, outfall from it. it's horrific. >> brian: that's the latest. and this dad is going to step forward and try to stop the next 24-year-old from being killed because they want to make some extra money in between as they advance their college education. but it's not unusual. there was a big candlelight vigil for the 40-year-old at 9:40 in the morning on a saturday wanted to take a subway a couple of stops from a homeless person, deranged person. there was a big story a couple days ago before that a 19-year-old working a burger king shot because this career federal jamaica wanted to come down and shoot her dead and had absolutely no remorse. i'm sure we are going to find a remorseless criminal when we finally get this menace to society, steve. >> steve: i will tell you what, they do seem to fall into two categories, either somebody who is released on a very low bail, this particular guy in the brianna case, he was released on $1,000 bail for shoplifting and assaulting a cop. remember if you used to assault a cop, they would actually put you in jail. then there is the other case. brian, you were just alluding to this. there was a vigil last night in times square for the random subway shoving victim. michelle who on saturday morning was just waiting to get on the r train when this guy, who was homeless and had mental problems pushed her in front of the train. and she was instantly killed. his name, marshall sigh on mr., 61-year-old homeless man, he has been in and out of mental hospitals for the last 20 years. his sister talked to the "new york post." there is a great op-ed on the "new york post" editorial page today. the sister begged a hospital a number of times to keep her brother. he will not take his medicine. please keep him in the mental hospital. and they would not do it. they have an op-ed about stop letting severely mentally ill people roam loose and untreated because, ainsley, the new mayor of new york city and that's a suspect right there, marshall simon, the new mayor of new york city, eric adams was at the candlelight vigil last night paying his respects, and he said something we all feel. he says he does not feel safe on the subrayway he is, either. he said on day one. evidence saw the homeless. he saw yelling. he saw screaming. and he says new york has just got to do better. >> ainsley: yeah. that was after criticism because a few days ago he was talking about how safe the sunways are and after michelle's death that was just a perception that the media was spreading to try to say that the subways were not safe but he was saying they are. but then yesterday at the vigil he spoke. there was also the lt. governor was there and the new d.a. alvin bragg who is very soft on crime. they all three showed up and he changed his to an. adams changed his tune. i love that picture billboard on times square. commented on how she loved to travel make all these extensive plans before a trip. her friends traveled with her often. she didn't like attention. she worked at deloitte. she didn't like attention. she was soften-spoken it appears. look at the attention she is getting. now people are talking about this story all over the country. what's ironic is she spent the last decade of her life volunteering to help the homeless and less fortunate. i know the first day there was a picture of her posted and it had the junior league in the top left-hand corner of the screen. junior league is a volunteer organization that does phenomenal work in our communities and they work with the homeless and they work with young moms to help get them all kinds of supplies for their babies and baby clothes and things like that. so she seemed to be a wonderful person. she loved new york. even despite the pandemic. she said it was -- she loved central park. she loved new york city and living on the upper west side. the reason we tell you these stories, these are faces. these are people. this is someone's daughter, someone's sister. someone's friend. when you hear these stories. steve, you got so choked up yesterday when you were interviewing the dad. and the individual that i was working with yesterday said does he have girls? and i said yes, he does. he has two. so in my family we were talking about this could be our child. so you hear their stories. and we need to keep that in mind because we have got to stop being so soft on crime. that guy that allegedly stabbed her to death in california. we counted 12 mug shots this morning from the daily mail. 12 mug shots from coast to coast. got in trouble allegedly in charleston, south carolina. in trouble in california. i read another article charlotte, north carolina. look at all of these shots. why was he out on the street? why $1,000 bail? >> brian: quality of life things are the other issue. we can't get the food we want. not used to that okay. we can do with hard times, with, what two years and then you tell us everything is fine? then when you decide that crime is not a problem, the problem is the prisons are the problem. and we are too tough on crime. you have to flood the zones with cops everywhere and every major city and start letting the american people know that you care about their welfare. that's got to be included in our next topic will be and that's the president's press conference this afternoon. meanwhile, that's the story next. president biden will address the nation today an all too rare event. during his first press conference in months. thought white house plans to reset how the white house plans to reset its presidency if they do at all. plus this story dak prescott is walking back trash talk. quarterback's big apologies after fans threw garbage at referees. ♪ ♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ the new ww personal points program. it's particular to you. what's your favorite food? avocado. you can fill a bathtub. i love it. with guacamole. all over. helps the 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customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business: powering possibilities. cash car we are back with a look at headlines, overnight an nypd officer is released from the hadn't after being shot in the line of duty. watch this. there you see the officers getting a round of applause by brothers and sisters in blue. the suspect was arrested. developing now, several international airlines canceling flights to the united states as the rollout of 5g airport at airports is now on hold. emirates, air india, japan airlines and more suspending flights amid worries 5g towers could interfere with cockpit instruments on takeoff and landing. both at&t and horizon has delayed activating those towers for two weeks. now to a fox news alert. the white house warning a russian invasion of ukraine could be eminent as secretary of state antony blinken arrives in kiev overnight. >> strongly hope that we can keep this on a diplomatic and peaceful path but ultimately that's going to be president putin's decision. >> that blinken meeting with ukraine's president just a short time ago. later he will meet with the foreign minister and set to meet with russia's foreign minister on friday in an attempt to deescalate the situation there dallas cowboys dak prescott apologizing for this comment after fans threw trash at referees. >> people supposed to act that way when they are supposed to be a supporter and be with us through thick and thin that's tough. >> i think they were aiming at the referees. >> [bleep] credit to then them. >> prescott saying i deeply regret the comments i made. my words were uncalled for and now he is apologizing. >> brian: all right. i accept. it's not right the people angry the way that game ended. carley, see you back at work. i will talk to you soon. meanwhile the president of the united states is going to be talking had:00 today in the east room. all too rare press conferences for him he has 9 compared to trump's 21. a big difference. most of the time when he is in front of the press. he doesn't make life better for them. for now even if you look at the kind approval rating 44%. or unkind quinnipiac says 33%. you can't pretend things are goings great. and as marc thiessen talked about in today's "the washington post" when he was a speech writer for george w. bush wasn't going well he talked about the goals it didn't resonate. when he talked about strategies it resonated because people saw results. senior official president biden plan as reset to make conversations with members of congress, less of a public priority and to emphasize spending more time communicating direct whether i americans and empathizing. because, you have a situation with 10 million unfilled jobs. 12 cities setting homicide records. we have been talking about crime. and nobody has to remind anybody, literally anybody about inflation, steve. >> steve: yeah. the reason you mentioned empathy, brian, is because his communications team says, you know, the best thing that joe biden has got going for him is he is empathetic and his ability to connect with ordinary americans. and so what they are doing is they are saying we are going to put him out there so he can connect with more americans. but they don't really know whether or not that will work. because, let's face it, everybody is mad at him. the republicans are mad at him for the inflation as all americans are. the gas prices, the border, the crime, democrats are mad at him because he can't pass build back better or the voting rights thing. that's going to come up today. it's dead on arrival. the problem is when he ran for president, he ran right down the middle of the road. hey, i'm a moderate. i'm no bernie sanders. but, the problem is he's gone so far to the left and his problem in congress is not joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. his problems are bernie sanders and also elizabeth warren, ainsley, because they are the ones who have pulled him so far to the left where, when he has something in congress to try to pass through one of the houses, they can't get any republicans because the republicans are saying you, mr. president, you have gone too progressive. that is not what you said you were going to do. >> ainsley: yeah. he said so many things on the campaign trail, including not blowing up the filibuster and then here we are a year later. a year tomorrow since inauguration. and now he wants to blow it up. he promised us to have a better economy, to not be divisive. not have to-divisive language. we heard his speech in atlanta the other day. he promised us unity and to tone down the rhetoric. listen to this though. these are some of his promises and how he didn't deliver. we will talk about that on the other side. listen. >> if i were president today, the country would be safer, we would be seeing a lot less violence. >> if i were president, my language would be a lot less divisive. >> if i get elected president four years of free college. >> you will actually see standard of living go up and costs go down. >> we are going to make trading fights for every american worker and every american job. i will stand up to china's trade abuses and i will invest in the american worker. >> i'm not going to shut downtown economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. >> ainsley: all right. there you go. he didn't shut down the virus. now we are learning the vaccines aren't working for this latest variant. he said he is going to make the country safer. crime suspect. we just started the show with all of the crime around the country. standard of living didn't go up. 7% inflation. that means for every dollar you spend, 7 cents of that is inflation. store shelves are empty. we can't get our items that we ordered months ago because of the supply chain crisis. all of these restaurants and these ranchers and people that we interview on a daily basis, they can't find people to come in to their businesses to work. you know, we are in a crisis. we don't -- we are not dependent on our own oil anymore. we are dependent on russia. look what's happening in china. he has failed on so many different things. open borders, the gas prices are up. we saw what happened with afghanistan. and now he is spending the majority of his time or a big portion of his time in delaware and at his beach house in rehoboth and not at the white house. >> brian: it's not unusual for administrations to change out people especially chief of staffs. how ron klain had his job when he made his focus on the left wing instead of making his boss successful. sean hannity weighed in last night in his monologue. >> the white house they are not concerned at all about their failing policies, their spiking inflation, rising gas prices, open borders, supply chain crisis, or, of course, the americans they left behind in afghanistan that we will never forget. and instead the administration apparently believes that they have a messaging problem. the problem is messaging. and in order to solve the messaging problem, some advisers want joe biden to spend more time communicating directly with you, the american people. quote while there is unity among advisers about having biden talk to more people directly, another official said there is no agreement about whether that effort will work. >> brian: as sean looks at the big picture, political experts are looking at the small picture and saying what exactly is causing his approval rating to drop? and it's devastating. it's working class latinos, that is a growing bustling class. they are not just leaving him, they are running to republicans. they are not agnostic on this. then they are being joined by working class whites. and if the republicans can back the suburban momma president trump seems to have lost in the last election that arguably cost him the last election, it is going to be a disaster in 2022. >> steve: right. listen, his messaging problem is the message and that's the problem. they have to change the message going forward. meanwhile, something very rare happened down in laredo, texas. that is the texas national guard did something they haven't done for years and that is they actually fired their weapon. they had open fire on apparently a human smuggler who was driving straight at them. 1:00 in the morning, city of laredo, the human smuggler then took off and later border patrol was able to apprehend the vehicle and inside there were six migrants. no injuries. the driver is a 17-year-old american citizen charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. human smuggling, and bill melugin is down there talking to the folks, ainsley. and he said it is so rare for them to fire their weapons. it has been years since they have done that but, listen, if somebody is bearing down at you, in a vehicle, and you are worried they are going to run over you. you can understand why they would open fire. >> they had to defend themselves. also this is a new story this morning venezuelan migrant girl died crossing the river between mexico and the united states. the agents are dealing with influx. we hear about fentanyl and all the drugs. 170,000 apprehensions in the month of november alone. no more building of the wall. no covid tests for illegals. then we hear about these secret flights being flown into florida and long island and now pennsylvania. and those or some of the governors are saying you know what? put them on buses and take them to delaware to joe biden's home state. but, in california, they are voting now to increase taxes, possibly. more than $12,000 per family. so that everyone gets free healthcare, including the illegal immigrants. and then we heard free college for them. there is $450,000 checks. remember that idea that was thrown out that each of these illegal immigrants get that much money? almost a million dollars if it's a mom and a daughter, brian. >> brian: yeah. and the other note to add on illegal immigration, the president, the vice president is going to down down and address the root cause ever the problem. that is she is going to be going to honduras and have private money to give them to make their lives better so they quit coming here. the problem is leverage before you get private sector money, you have got stop control your own population and southern border so our southern border doesn't get blitzed. that's the one thing she is missing. at least she is going to go to honduras. michigan democrats heat dismissing roles. two moms from that state react next. ♪ can i get it right now ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: michigan democrats -- roles if their child's education. in a since deleted facebook post the state democratic party said quote the purpose of public education in public schools is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught. it is to teach them what society needs them to know. well, here to react, two michigan parents. we have tori stax and she is a mom of four daughters 6-year-old, 5-year-old twins and 1-year-old. i don't know now you do it god bless you and kaitlin reynolds and you have one child 9-year-old in fourth grade. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> ainsley: tori, i will start with you. what was your reaction, first of all, when you heard that when you saw it was deleted. is that really how they feel? >> i think that's absolutely how they feel. i think that the michigan democratic party teachers unions and governor gretchen whitmer think they own our kids. i think that's especially disturbing considering they have been the people advocating for closed schools and governor gretchen whitmer herself scholarships for parents to hire reading tutors or send their children to open schools. >> ainsley: kaitlin, if you read it sit down mom and dad, we know better than you do. and if you can afford a private school you go. but, if you can't and you are working really hard like all moms and dads do but you can't afford private school, you need to sit in your chair, mom and dad stay home. don't come to school board meetings and just listen to us. we will teach your kids what you need to know. not you. >> yeah. i mean, i sat in on the michigan school board meeting the other night. that is absolutely how they feel. just listening to some of the mothers and fathers calling in to the michigan school board meeting. being able to see those board members livestream and seeing some of their behaviors and they got towards the end of the night, one of the school board members offered to order some pizza and the woman actually said i can't, i actually have live creatures waiting for me at home. well, so do we all. you know, we elected you. we hired you. and for you to think that -- for the michigan democratic party to think that the parents are not the clienteles of the public school system, it's the other way around. we pay the taxes. that's why they are public schools. they are publicly funded. >> ainsley: tori, all of my friends from michigan are wonderful people. they want their kids to be in schools. why is this seeping into these great communities in michigan? >> a lot of it is driven by the democratic party and the people they elect at the local level and, again, our governor. our governor has been controlled by the teachers unions entire time in office. you know, i was watching the show last hour and i saw -- she said parents should know what's going on in their classroom and that shouldn't be a radical idea. the fact that the democratic party thinks that's a radical idea shows you just how out of touch they are. great some parents in michigan and across the country are stepping up. they are speaking out. and they are doing things like running for school board to really get their voices heard and advocate for their children. >> ainsley: kaitlin, we saw what happened in virginia. i wonder if this will happen in michigan too. they said we have deleted a post that ignored of the role parents play and should play in michigan public schools. parents need to have a stay in children's education. end of story. the post does not reflect the views of michigan democrats and should not be misinterpreted as a message of support. what do your friends and mom say, kaitlin? >> at this point in time they have exhausted us all. whether you are left, right, center. it's been two years of this seemingly never ending pandemic in a state like michigan. and everybody is just exhausted, no matter what side of the aisle that you come from. and in my opinion, i think that that kind of what the -- that's what the agenda was to run us all down so much that we are too exhausted to fight against this. and at this point now, you are just riling up these parents so much. in michigan, i hope that we end up seeing the same results that happened in v.a. where clarify was out of office and youngkin come in. >> ainsley: we saw pictures of your children, keep fighting the fight for those young minds. god bless all of those children. thank. >> thank you. >> thank you for having us. >> ainsley: you are welcome. the white house rolling out a new website for rapid covid tests and it's already glitching. will this be as chaotic as jason chaffetz is going to weigh in next. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. 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here are reaction is former utah congressman jason chaffetz jason, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: so it looks like these tests are going to wind up in the hands of millions of americans kind of after they actually needed it. i was just looking at axios, it looks like we are going up and we are going down the omicron mountain right now the idea why kind of forgot to order the test. the president has a big press conference. throw on top of that we are going to give out hundred of millions of n-95 masks. that also seems like an after thought. i think this is an administration that's rudderless. what is lost in all of this, what people have to remember is they are not targeting the most vulnerable. they are just trying to blanket the entire country. what bothers me they are not saving the test, targeting the tests and the masks to -89d people that are the most vulnerable. that's the fundamental problem here. >> steve: i know the white house was asked early on when they announced that they were going to have this site where people could apply and they could as of yesterday. but, you're only entitled to four free masks. if you got, say, five people in your family. you are told you will have to get those on your own. but it's it. i mentioned a hiccup in the intro. so, anyway, you only get four tests per address and they found out yesterday a bunch of apartment building the in gigantic multihousing dwellings, somebody had already yoursed that address, the next thing you know you get a dialogue box that pops up, sorry, you have already asked for some. they didn't work all the bugs out and apparently it crashed at one point yesterday. >> yeah. chaffetz household is a party of six, but you can only get four but more importantly for other people, apartment complexes, houses with basements, those types of things, again, that's going to be a fiasco. reports of it crashing. and the government holding your personal address, steve, what could go wrong with that. >> steve: as we come up on the anniversary of joe biden's first year in office, which is tomorrow, i'm sure he is going to be asked about covid today, because he ran on a campaign promise that donald trump screwed up covid response. i will fix it. one year later, he did not fix it. >> no, he didn't fix it and he was complaining before he was elected that there were not enough covid tests out there. and really literally came to the point of saying whoops, i wish i would have ordered more of these. who would have thought this would come back. over the summer i made it sound like this was defeated and behind us. and as long as they have the leadership like dr. fauci and those yahoos in place. i think the american people they want a second opinion. they want to move on. they want to get some confidence behind what is going on. but, until they do that, i think the president will continue to flail. >> steve: before you go, real quickly, you mentioned dr. fauci, you know, they are talking about a messaging reset that they are going to start at the white house because of biden's poor poll numbers. isn't it time for some people in the administration to go whether it's fauci or brian earlier mentioned ron klain, the chief of staff. because there are a lot of parts of the government that americans don't trust. >> yeah. you know what's interesting to me is you look, who is the secretary of health and human services? becerra? he is nowhere on this. he has not attended a single press conference. he has not been anywhere. this is health and human services supposed to be doing their job. and their secretary is absolutely not -- he is just not in the picture. >> steve: yeah. well, you are. thank you very much for getting up early and chatting with us, jason. >> thank you. >> steve: all right. one dozen minutes before the top of the hour. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather. janice, fargo, bismarck close to 30 below zero right now the wind chill. >> janice: yes. dangerous to be outside we have capitol hills advisories watches and warnings in place because it is darn cold and people are urged to stay indoors and make sure your pets are inside. take care of the elderly. there are the wind chill alerts that are happening right now across the northern plains, upper midwest. and it's cold for a lot of the country here. and that's setting the stage for not only severe weather. but the potential for an ice storm again for parts of the south and the mid-atlantic. so there is your future track. you can see the warm part of the storm is going to bring the risk for severe storms as this front moves through. north of there, that's where we are going to see the cold air sink southward. just in time for our next area of low pressure. and that's going to bring more snow and ice to areas that saw snow and ice other the weekend. almost a repeat of what we saw, steve, and then we are going to have to watch over the weekend to see if this area of low pressure comes to visit us in the northeast. stay tuned. fox download the app. we have your latest details. back to you. >> steve: good advice. thanks j.d. coming up, a dramatic shift in america's party press conference ahead of midterm elections. former democrats who left their party about why so many people are now joining the republicans. plus, if you are falling behind on your new year's resolution, skip bedell has some tips to help you get healthy at home. ♪ oh a vitae pod. sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. >> brian: three weeks into the new year losing steam. skip bedell joins us with tommorow's keep your health and fitness goals for 2022. inspire us. >> bow flex. something fantastic. they have the new journey app. which you can download for one year completely free. it gives you a home trainer right in your house every day three home workouts, yoga pay pilates. bow flex app. you don't have to the equipment. if you do makes it easy. dumb flex. will very little space in the house. whole set up in my den. go to the journey app. on the bow flex website. get your home trainer one year $149 free manipulate for people to get that trainer. and next thing is nutrition. it's so important. 90% of us as americans are deficient in fruits and regular tackles and over 75% of us are chronically dehydrated and water makes everything work. so i have the that pod has it figured out put together a pod bean all the goodness hydrate vitamins, minerals, everything your body needs for fuel to get your metabolism and shed the weight. immunity, energy, beauty, sports. there is tons of them. this immunity pod in particular everybody is talking about building immune system with drugs and vaccines and everything else. we want to talk about what can we do naturally to spike our own immune system. immunity pod has all the things to boost your immune system and give you energy. so you have vitamins, minerals in it. the best part is unlike all of these sugary drinks zero sugar, zero anything artificial. it's 100 percent natural. so you are getting your vitamins and plirnls. >> brian: show us how the pods work. >> pods are great either put it in a twister or cap like this and take it with you. put it in your cap and take it with to you your office and car. shake it and have it for the whole day or the pod goes in this awesome looking machine how cool is this. put the paper side down, close it, press the button out comes a perfectly measured glass of great tasting -- this is the energy drink. amazing. i drink one of these every morning. totally off of coffee now, brian, i went from this full of nutrients and i get the energy i need. i think you have one there. can you taste it? >> brian: i have the orange. >> amazing right? >> brian: yeah. >> this machine is unbelievable how it works. chills the drink to a perfect drinking temperature. has a filter on it kind of like a brita filter, filters the water and get everything you need from minerals to vitamins, polyphenyls, antioxidants, all in here. check out website vitapod amazing products. i can't get enough of this stuff. i have got it everywhere. >> ainsley: wow. >> steve: it is vitapod at your house. more information go to skip skip, thank you very much. >> thanks, guys. >> brian: he's off coffee and donuts. >> steve: make living in california even more expensive. you are not dreaming. ♪ uto insurance. 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>> steve: brian, i kind of have a version of that but, first of all, i don't know anybody who has a mannequin in their house. >> brian: anybody? >> steve: no normal person. but the reason you and i and ainsley do that is because we get up at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. we don't want to wake up our spouses or the people in our house. and so we try to have as small a noise footprint as possible. also, when you turn on the lights to go looking through the closet for, for instance, this necktie, i wake up my wife and then she is up for all day. that's not good for either one of us. she needs her sleep. i need my sleep. i just go to bed earlier than her. >> brian: listen, if you have an extra mannequin i would like one. i would like to dress somebody do a dry run the night before. make sure it fits. i like a mannequin exactly my dimensions. >> ainsley: mannequins is so weird naked and plastic and just stand there. >> brian: right. >> steve: brian apparently wants one. brian really just wants a mannequin so he can put it in the passenger seat. >> brian: now i need two of them. in staten island you need two. >> ainsley: oh, because you have to have three. >> steve: you are going to staten island? >> brian: when i want to get away. >> we have tropical this time of year. it's beautiful weather. >> steve: most islands are long island a little chillier though. all right. so, anyway. now that we have completely. >> brian: derailed. >> steve: got the program completely started for this hour. go to the white house where in about 4:00 this afternoon, the president is going to hold a rare news conference in the left side of the building. bottom floor, left side. that's the east room. peter doocy is actually out on the president's lawn speaking in hush tones so he does not wake up the president of the united states. good morning, peter. >> and we don't want to give away our questions for later just in case he is watching. he probably is but it's a big day not just here but up the street on capitol hill because as the president walks up to the microphone, the senate is going to be readying a vote on that voting rights legislation and it's expected to fail. >> we are going to vote. we're all going to go on the record. and republicans will have to choose which side they stand on. >> that means it's a show vote. democrats can't pass this because they don't have enough democrats to blow up senate rules and change the filibuster which has democrats now trying to run other democrats out of town. >> would you support efforts to primary senators manchin and sinema. >> i'm not getting into the politics. this is a subsubstantive serious issue. >> as president biden reportedly seeks a public recess set. he has only had nine formal press conferences, six of those solo and then three joint pressers side by side with other world leaders. >> in terms of voting rights, his view is that it's never a good idea to shoot with the moon with what your proposals are and what you are fighting for. there has been a lot of progress made. we need to build on that. the work is not done. the job is not done. >> president biden does take a fair amount of questions over the course of a month it's always while the press is being taken out of the room or while he is walking away. this is a rare chance for him to have to stand there and not walk away while follow-up questions are asked about these policies he is pushing right now that are not just popular -- not just unpopular among members of his own party and senate. but also among the public, based on every recent poll. back to you. >> ainsley: can you give us a little clue as to what you might ask today? >> peter: no, what if he is watching upstairs? up on the second floor? i mean, who knows if we even get called on. but if he does, we have got like four or five different topics. depends on what we get ask first. hopefully we can get a little bit more into -- a little bit more insight into his thinking about these things that effect everybody else watching, other than the president. >> brian: peter, would you text ainsley later after the show and let her know because she really would like to know. >> peter: sure, at 9:01. about. >> steve: keep a secret. >> ainsley: we know you ask the best questions. thanks for showing up this morning. what kinds of questions are we expecting? definitely inflation questions, probably. covid questions. supply chain crisis questions. probably ukraine and what that situation looks like on the border there with russia. and china. maybe some immigration questions. but he has been in delaware. he was in delaware all weekend. he didn't have anything on his schedule on monday or tuesday. and now the white house is worried about a -- the messaging now. like you said, steve, you said the problem with their messaging is they don't have a message. people are wondering where the president has been. he spent a lot of time. a big chunk, i think a more than a fourth of his time last year at one of his houses in delaware. people are saying with everything going on in our country. why are you spending that time in delaware? why aren't you at the white house? when people are facing 7 percent inflation, higher gas price, can't afford to pay their electric bills. that's why people are buying more firewood now to heat their homes. why are you camping out at the beach and walking your dogs on the beach and not staying in the white house and getting some of this hard work done? >> brian: yeah, i mean he is going to point to the rescue bill he passed and bipartisan infrastructure bill he sat on three months. not going to bring up afghanistan unless he is questioned. here's the thing missed two variants cost millions of lives, thousands of jobs. tens of thousands of jobs. we missed both of them. okay? we totally missed them. he says the same thing for a year. get vaccinated, get vaccinated, come on get vaccinated it's the patriotic thing to do. we need a new plan. almost every doctor saying you need a new plan. living with it we can't do it for another year. how to anticipate the next variant and deal with it from here on in. obviously he didn't order any tests. he did not get ahead of that. he did not order the therapeutics. he did not get ahead of that. can you imagine how great it would be knowing vaccinated or not, if you got the virus, you have a doctor with those 30 pill regiment five pills a day for 30 days. he created them didn't order them. that's a problem. inflation at 40-year high. steve this is going to be a strategic thing. do you just focus on things you did good on hope people right that and/or focus on the reality of the supply chain and inflation that affects every day people and say i can do better? do you mix them both or go in all in on one or turn the page and pretend last year didn't happen? >> steve: well, you know he is going to say whatever topic comes up that is uncomfortable and he has a bad, you know, it hasn't worked out for him. is he going to say look, i'm only one year. in i was elected to four years. i have got plenty of time to do it. but, you know, whether -- for the most part, the number one thing he has done well on is to your point, brian, covid. and now they are sending out all of these tests. apparently too late for the omicron for the most part. but they have got these antiviral pills. the pfizer pill, and because it's a verizon, that's what you want. you want those. you want them to use -- you want the president to announce we're rolling out the defense production act so that we can get all those pills to all those people because, omicron only reacts to that pill. so, that's really how we turn the corner on it the other thing about inflation, when the average american, if they go out shopping today and they are paying as we heard from joe biden talking about his neighbor, yeah my neighbor told me in the sunroom that a pound of hamburger is 6 buck us. i had no idea. he had no idea how much stuff costs. do you think he asked the secret service for the keys to the beast, his big cadillac suv and drives it over to texaco and fills it up? no, he has no idea how much gas costs. the other thing that impacts people every day and that is crime. because we have been talking so much about the randomness of how many people are impacted in such a profoundly awful way these days. and it impacts people from coast to coast. and, yesterday, on the program we interviewed todd kupfer, he is the father of brianna kupfer of grad student out aclu. was ho was murdered last thursday. now, according to the lapd. they have got a suspect. and he is a career criminal. his name is shawn laval smith. 31. lapd saying he is armed and dangerous. and there he is right there, 30 minutes after he murdered her, he went in to a 7-eleven and bought a vape pen. and the sad thing is, apparently just before she was murdered, she texted a friend and said, you know what? there is somebody in the store. i'm getting a bad vibe from. and she was all alone. she was not supposed to work on that day. but she. ed to take the next day off. and fly on the red eye to jfk for somebody's birthday, so she worked. sadly, the person that got the text, ainsley, didn't see it until she had already been murdered. >> ainsley: yeah, i know. he has so many mug shots. this morning on the daily mail we counted 12 mug shots from coast to coast including san francisco, crimes in l.a. crimes in charleston, south carolina, charlotte. look at all of these mug shots over the years. there is a $250,000 reward for any information leading to his arrest. they are saying he is armed and dangerous. don't go near him. just call the police. is he about 63, 190 pounds and likely to use public transportation. speaking of, here on this coast, in new york city, a young lady michelle goh was randomly should in front of a moving subway, just some schizophrenic homeless guy walks up behind her. she doesn't even see him and pushes her as the subway is approaching the station. hundreds gathered in times square last night to remember her for this vigil. they had her picture up on those big billboards in times square. so many people holding candles and talking about what a wonderful person she was. here is the irony, brian, she used to volunteer for the last 10 years there is her picture right there. it's just beautiful and they're remembering her. she said the last 10 years volunteering to help the homeless. and those people less fortunate than her. and she ends up being killed or shoved into the subway by a homeless man whose sister says please if he will not take his medicine. the new d.a. and alvin bragg were there hopefully they are getting the message. >> we have to flood these major cities. 12 cities setting homicide records. not just killings the death and destruction we are seeing totally preventable. areas we thought would always safe as bad as gang crime is. she these numbers gang ares shooting each other. who is going to go in there. >> we have few do. shooting everybody everywhere. a lot of this has to do with homeless. it's not the family of four whose single mom got will her job. this is not. this is major money flooding into major cities allow encamp. s taking place. stopping cops from clearing them out and getting them out this waffles something that was strategized. tucker carlson pointed this out last night on his monologue, listen. >> if you live in the united states you may have noticed thattible of our public spaces have become permanent homeless encampments. you see trash-filled tents blotting out what were once green and tidy public parks. you watch as junkies smoke meth without any embarrassment after the all and yell at pedestrians on the sidewalk. maybe your children. everywhere at every intersection there are beggars. that's what we used to imagine india was like this. is not calcutta. this is new york and san francisco and austin, texas. so the question is what happened? the short answer is our leaders did this. no matter what they tell you homelessness is not the acted of god. not the result of economic collapse in this country. america did not run out of housing. instead a determined group of well funded idealogues decided to make it easier to live on the streets in this country while doing drugs. >> brian: talked about watkins one of the most respected law firms or powerful law firms in the country deciding to sue on behalf of a homeless person, give them rights. next thing you know, all these cities from orange county to los angeles to san francisco, obviously in new york are now riddled with these -- with the subculture of homeless hooked on some type of drugs, in many case mentally deranged. that's exactly what happened with the homeless guy that threw that woman on the track that you referenced earlier the had 0-year-old asian woman has a degree from nyu and had all these plans for her life. ended because of a homeless deranged person who they should shouldn't have been on the streets. we knew how dangerous the subways were. we have been reading the stories. mayor eric adams promised to make this country -- excuse me, this city safe. it was the safest big city in the world. it is not. listen to what he said on saturday which shows totally tone deaf and look at how he changed yesterday. watch. >> the perception is what we're fighting against. this is a safe system. from day one i took the subway system. i felt unsafe. i saw homeless everywhere. people were yelling on the train. there was a feeling of disorder. >> so as we deal with the crime problem, we also have to deal with the fact people feel unsafe. >> steve: absolutely. because of the random nature of both of the crimes that we have been detailing, nobody feels safe. you go -- it's very uncomfortable walking down the streets of new york city. keep in mind that woman was should in front of the r-train in times square at 9:40 in the morning. and i saw a headline yesterday, l.a. homelessness or rather l.a. homicides at the highest level in 15 years. that's a good question for the president. mr. president, why has homicide-why has murder surged during your presidency? it has to do, to tucker's point, it has to do with homelessness, it has to do with crime. the guy who is alleged to have murdered brianna kupfer, his prior charges, assault with a deadly weapon. carrying a concealed weapon. assault on a cop. trespassing, possession of a stolen vehicle, larceny, possession of stolen goods. he was out on $1,000 bond after shoplifting and after assaulting a cop. why was that guy on the street? ainsley you pointed that out. all the same man. it goes to show you how many mug shots. this is a dreher criminal who probably should have been behind bars. it seems like he also apparently has a long history of failing to appear in court. and as we have seen too often these days, the courts look the other way, ainsley. >> steve: it's causing all of us to change our lives. we want to live in safe communities. all of my friends in new york are trying not to take the sunway. sun subway. all of us give the same advice. sit down on the bench, look around you, make sure when the train is approaching you are against a wall or sitting on the bench so no one pushes you in. we shouldn't have to live our lives like that. walking on the street look around you, looking around for your surroundings, and sometimes you end up crossing the street if you see someone that you don't think looks safe. it is just -- new york city has changed so much over the course of me living here. >> steve: scary. >> ainsley: it is scary. carley knows all about this. she is in new york city this morning. >> carley: sticking to the crime crisis, a homeless man is charged with the murder of an la nurse who was badly beaten at a bus stop. lapd arresting terry belle, calling the attack senseless and unprovoked. sandra shelves was reportedly on her way to work when she was attacked. she died three days later. her medical center is remembering her as a, quote, compassionate caregiver with unmatched dedication to her patients and her community. vice president kamala harris is heading to honduras. the v.p. planning once again to tackle illegal immigration not from the southern border but from south america. the white house saying she will, quote: address the root causes of migration. and attend the inauguration of the country's president-elect. two more house democrats announcing their retirement. congressman james lander vin and -- not seek re-election. bringing the house democrats 28. 20 are retiring and 8 running for other offices. republicans need to gain 5 seats in the midterms to win the majority. a big list of pictures there. >> brian: unbelievable, carley of course you lead with the homeless problem with your lead story. once what was california dreaming is california leaving no. g in that record. proposal could drive even more people away. first, democrats are abandoning the party in record numbers. former democrats now running as republicans join us next to explain why they made the switch. ♪ ♪ steve a new survey reveals dramatic shift in which political party americans really prefer as of right this moment. republicans overtaking democrats holding its largest lead in voter preference since 1995. look at that how the lines crossed. the red line, republicans at 47, the blue line, democrats at 42. our next guest both left the democratic party for the republican party last year. we have got north las vegas mayor and nevada gubernatorial candidate john lee joining us along with west virginia state representative and now state senate candidate mic bates. guys, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having us on. >> steve: all right. john, let's start with you why did you say you know what? i have been a democrat my whole life. i'm done, the party moved past me? >> in fact, the democrats are now leaving that party in droves because of the socialistic agenda taking place in the democratic party. they are totally anti-american there was nowhere for people who thought like divert do yous and morals about being a good american. it was time to leave. they have destroyed the democratic party now steve mic, you are in west virginia. you were a democrat. and now are a republican. there are a lot of people across the country who would like it see joe manchin, who is a democrat in your state, go republican. but so far he has not. why did you switch parties? >> well, this has been coming for some time. i am not a lifelong republican. i'm not even a lifelong american. i'm immigrant. registered as a defendant. all my friends were democrats. people i went to church with, that's who you were. >> the rest of the country doing what's been going on in west virginia for some time. shifting away from a party that most of the people i know just can't identify with. and it's probably getting worse, not better. i wouldn't hold your breath with are senator joe manchin switching. my district the areas i represent there has been 30 point change, 30% swing to republican over the last three years. >> steve: sure, john, you mentioned that the democratic party is becoming too socialistic for your taste. what policies in particular are they pushing that you just think that's just too far to the left? >> well, in nevada, the top four democrats who were elected to the senior positions in the state party were vowed socialist. the wickedness of socialism, the socialism washington now its made its way over to the state of nevada. everything take away the free dooms and values and the opportunities that america offers our people, and especially our young people who are now coming up in the system. they are going to be destroyed and be able to -- and not be able to do anything and have the life that i did. and i'm fighting to keep this america value in nevada. >> steve: yeah. and, you know, mick, i have heard from so many democrats who are, you know, moderate democrats they say the party has just gone so far to the left out of washington. i just don't even recognize that party anymore. >> there used to be a place for, you know, moderate conservatives within the democratic party. if you were pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-business, pro-freedom, there was a place for you. there is increasingly uncomfortable place to be. it gets harder and harder to explain away to the people that you talk to you are not one of those kind of democrats. not only switching democrats to republican but seeing independence switching press conference to republican party. those values put forward do not represent those values of the people that live in this part of the world. >> steve: yeah, well, john lee and mick bates. we thank you both for joining us from nevada and from west virginia telling us a little bit about your journey. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> thank you appreciate you. >> steve: you bet. coming up on 7:30 here in the east. up next, the golden state could get even more expensive. you are going to need more gold. the latest pricy proposal that could have california residents digging for that gold glittery stuff just to survive. ♪ how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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>> absolutely. and they are already moving, right? they are already on their way out. you are just going to kick them out. you are going to cat thattize that movement even more by these type of movements. >> point i make the taxes are an important issue, far, far more important is the affront to human freedom. the ability for someone to be able to choose own healthcare. instead of the government take control of that. that's a family issue. i'm a family man first and foremost. i have four kids and a wife. if i'm out in california right now i'm thinking that's my first concern is being able to choose their healthcare. a government like california. the same government that can't get its roads correct. can't even keep the streets clean. you have people i remember in san francisco walk around with my wife you would see people defecate in the streets. this is something talk to people of san francisco they will tell you. and this government, this same government is now proposing to take control of your healthcare. that's crazy talk. that's insane. >> ainsley: there is such a school staffing shortage in certain areas of california. now they are enlisting parents to come in and do roles like food services. custodial work. office assistant. classroom support. they are also asking the high schoolers if they have free time. free moment in their schedules, they are eligible to do this, too. this is palo alto unified school district and the superintendent posted this video online recruiting the parents. what's your reaction? >> i mean, credit to the parents for stepping up, right? but shame on the government for not being able to keep the schools open. i mean, that's a fundamental human need, right, to keep the schools open. not just for the kids but for the sake of the parents. you need to keep those schools open, and they are not doing it and this, ironically, is the same government that is proposing that it's now going to take control of your healthcare as well. these two issues are interconnected, right? he they're ludicrous if you think about it. here in texas i talked to a few of my executives, and between us we have like 20 kids or something, right? we love having kids in our company. when i talk about their schooling situation, from what i understand, none of the schools have closed here. so why are they closing the schools in california? why can't the government keep the schools open? >> steve: good question. and that's why in palo alto, 700 parents said hey, don't close the schools. we will come work in the cafeteria so that our kids get an education, and that is what they are doing right now. peter rex, nobody knows more about california and now texas than you, sir. thank you very much for getting up and getting on "fox & friends" on this wednesday morning with us. >> ainsley: thank you. >> have a great day, everybody. >> ainsley: you, too. >> steve: you, too. straight ahead one progressive d.a. could find himself out of a job after comments like this. >> i think it's important that we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of a big spike in crime. there isn't. there is not a big spike in crime. that is not true. >> steve: that is not true. we're going to talk to the state lawmaker leading the charge to impeach philadelphia district attorney coming up next. viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ >> i think it's important that we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of a big spike in crime. there isn't. there is not a big spike in crime. that is not true. there is also not a big spike in violent crime. neither one of these things is true. basically, we don't have a crisis of lawlessness. we don't have a crisis of crime. we don't have a crisis of violence. >> brian: if homicide isn't violence you are 100 percent right. philadelphia's d.a. larry krasner denied there is a crime crisis in the city. he walked it back. no one buys the walkback despite record high crimes last year. next guest taking action he has had it and i can't blame him. pushing for krasner's impeachment. president pro temp poor jake joins us now. what brought you to this point. >> it has gotten past the point can't turn your eyes. we have a real crisis in our city and it's part of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. those people who live in philadelphia deserve protection. those people who work in philadelphia deserve protection. this district attorney is not providing that he has created a culture of violence and death. and, you know, we just have to take action. >> brian: right now homicides in philadelphia one after another. what gets you 21% of shootings resulted in criminal charges. since when are you allowed to have a wild shootout and there is no fear? >> and less than 10% of those actually toledo convictions or pleadings of guilt. they complain or maybe our gun laws aren't stiff enough but they don't prosecute the crimes. what are new laws going to help? this is a culture that this d.a. has created. >> brian: robberies up, 2398 robberies up from 1800 plus the year before. so one thing leads after another. and why did he -- why does he feel as though he has a kinship with the criminal? what gain does he see from making people feel unsafe? >> this spartan of this progressive movement. i don't understand it he is in denial. you don't have to ask me, the former mayor and african-american michael nutter called him out on it and saying if these were white children they would care more. since they are black and brown children, he actually referred to them as someone who is, you know, white elitist. this is a philadelphia mayor saying this former mayor saying this not me. this is just a problem that he has created, this culture. and when i, you know, did my release yesterday saying we should look into appeasement charges his only reaction was i hired kayleigh mcenany as a political consultant. what's that got to do with crime in philadelphia. he is in complete denial as you saw from the clip he played earlier. a culture of violence in philadelphia. someone has to show leadership and have him step and have him removed i'm happy to provide that. >> brian: i have no idea why kayleigh mcenany would work with him but is he a night ware. >> no, she is working with him and that's why he criticized me. because she is working with me. >> brian: thank you for the clarification. what is the next procedural move that what shot do you think you have? >> well, look ultimately, you know, an impeachment process is very public process. the house has to file articles of impeachment which i believe they will soon. they ultimately will vote on those. if they vote him out it comes for a trial in the senate just like you saw in the presidential process. ultimately the democrats will decide this because you have to do this with two thirds vote and bipartisan vote. democrats have to decide are they going to protect the progressive wing of their party or are they going to protect the communities that they represent? and honestly, hopefully they choose their communities. >> steve: jake, having this conversation you and krasner, i could be talking to someone in los angeles, san francisco, in houston, texas, in austin and minneapolis. it's the same d.a.s they think of like mind. do you believe he has evil intent? is this somebody whose heart is in the right place but mind isn't. >> look, i can't speak to his heart. i don't know where his heart is. all i know the policies that he has pro-mowed over first term and now into second term have led to this culture of violence in philadelphia culture of death. someone has to take him on and step up and say this is wrong. this is not making our community safer and doing the exact opposite. and before it spreads into our suburbs, which it already is. before it spreads to other states, we need to step in. >> brian: you are. jake korman is stepping up and hopefully democrats will join you there is right and wrong not right and left. appreciate it? >> good to be with you. >> brian: you got it check in with janice dean for the fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: yes, here we go again, brian, take look at it cold air sinking southward from our friends in canada. 22347 chicago. forecast high. and a lot of freezing advisories for the northern plains and upper midwest. that cold air is going to sink southward across the ohio, tennessee river valley, thursday and friday set the stage for next winter storm that's going to impact the southeast and the mid-atlantic. also looking at the potential for some severe weather across the south today, including texas, louisiana, in towards mississippi and there is our future crack. so the cold front moves eastward and we get the potential for more ice and snow for areas that, you know, don't need anymore, right? because it's been really quite a winter so far for the southeast and the mid-atlantic. our friends in the carolinas and then have to watch the potential for a nor'easter to come visit us on the weekend. we are keeping busy the fox weather department, brian. back to you. >> brian: i know. every time i walk by that room things are going crazy, people are shoveling, yelling at maps. janice, thanks for keeping your calm. [laughter] >> janice: okay. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, people around the world could face a huge fine if they are unvaccinated. author douglas murray on the cost of refusing the jab, but, first, students at one high school are getting a lesson in giving back. the incredible gift they are building to help a family in need. ♪ learn with you ♪ by my side ♪ i'm thankful ♪ thankful ♪ in my life ♪ i'm thankful ♪ people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> ainsley: normally i would say seattle but i think you are trying to trick us. probably mobile. >> i can even say seattle, that steve is. we went to point, they think seattle is the rainiest city but it is actually mobile, alabama. they wind up with over 5 feet of rain each and every calendar year. >> ainsley: what? >> todd: that is right but the average temperature in mobile is 72 and they still have 220 sunny days each and every year. >> ainsley: this is more doable because you can get sweet tea, sweet, southern people down there. and you have ocean and warmer climate. and you have the oldest mardi gras celebration, the center of art, the basilica built in 1850 with german stained glass windows. brian, you can go to the carnival museum. >> brian: fantastic because i love the carnival. you know me well. but i will bring up this commit reminds me of the famous radio team and number two kokomo mobile, alabama, a full-time job there. i think coach the football team anyways and on politics. >> ainsley: i know. >> and blowing up the filibuster and voting reform because i guess he was born in west virginia in fairmount west virginia. so i thought he would get involved in politics. >> but he did and we are talking about it for anyway, good morning mobile, alabama. let us start on this wednesday the third hour of "fox & friends" on the west coast. the terrible murder of 24-year-old brianna kupfer. she was working on her day off at a furniture store, now yesterday, the pd, l.a. gave us the name of the suspect, shawn laval smith, 30, armed and dangerous and if you see him call the cops. don't do anything. he was out on a $1,000 bond for shoplifting and apparently assaulting a cop. usually come i remember back in the day if you assault a cop you wind up in jail. not this guy career criminal come along rap sheet, both coasts, and he was out on $1,000 bond for arresting l.a. county. the nature of the charge is not clear and it has not been to a trial or plea deal because it is 50 months later. ainsley, those are some of his mug shots. i think those are from charleston, south carolina where he's at a litany of problems from coast to coast. and yet, he was out last thursday i murdered that girl. >> ainsley: count them, 12, 12 of them in the span of a 10-year period. he was out -- this young lady was by herself at the furniture store and he walked in, stabbed her, didn't take anything and walked out the back door. the police were on it and identified him very quickly. we were talking about this yesterday, now they know who it is. they allege this guy shawn laval smith 31 years old, you'd come along rap sheet and many mug shots. he was seen on camera and i think a local 7-eleven store buying a vaping pan 30 minutes after breanna was murdered. the please consider him long and dangerous and likely to use public transportation. $250,000 award leading to an arrest. her father was on with us yesterday and we had an emotional interview with steve. my gosh, this poor guy as a parent his worst nightmare. we hear more and more of these random acts. the father said this. >> i'm not blaming anybody by name. i blame what society right now, everybody seems to be associated on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and trying to recognize that that is the job they have is to try to make communities better and make people care more, to not tear down communities by exposing them to people that are falling out of the bottom and really don't care about the other human beings. they think they can do whatever they like in our society, and they are doing it more and more in every community. and just see a terrible outfall from it. it is horrific. >> todd: the cops have been disempowered from coast to coast. this is another example of some lunatic running over someone in a parade some afternoon or throwing someone in front of a subway saturday morning or someone working in a furniture store gets stabbed to death because this career criminal wants to do some heinous act. the question is, where are the cops, when will they get empowered, when will we start flooding with law enforcement and provide extra money to have that happen? when will we get rid of the d.a.s and mostly group like george soros. they will over fund the elections and next thing you know, ada to make sure the prisons and the criminals get prosecuted or they just whack the charges, case in point, larry krasner under his offices has allowed philadelphia, homicide in robbery records the last few years and jake coleman has had enough. the united states senate leader. and he wants this guy impeached. listen. >> we have a crisis in our city, and that's part of the commonwealth of pennsylvania, those who live in philadelphia deserve protection of those who work in philadelphia deserves protection. this just tell mike district attorney is not providing that. his first time and now his second term has led to this cultural violence in philadelphia. someone has to take him on and say this is wrong. this is not making the community safer and doing the exact opposite. and it is spreading torso suburbs. >> brian: it is a long shot, but he said he messaged. this will not stand and from now on too small to pay attention to whether schoolboard artistic attorney. but just stunning, joe biden at 4:00, i feel like he will present because he's frustrated with the lack of police reform and unable to get done with cory booker and tim scott. he will take executive action on police reform, not attacking the criminal, but the cops. stunning. >> he is kind of wrong. he doesn't need, you know, criminal reform. he needs crime reform here that is what i'm trying to say. because he looked at the randomness of it. what happened in california. yesterday they had in times square individual for the 40-year-old woman who was standing on a subway platform on saturday morning 9:40 in the morning and some homeless guy also a long string of mental illness which was no mike pushes her in front of the train and instantly killed and the new incoming mayor of new york city, the incoming mayor eric adams said "you know what, i don't feel safe on the subway either." that comes a couple of days after he said the subways are safe. they are not safe. in fact a crime problem and safety issue coast to coast that scott be one of the things joe biden addresses later today because when you look at the number of americans who are happy about how things are going right now, it is just not very good for the president currently. and you look at his gallup poll survey shows support for republican surging and the democrats going the other way. so you have to figure he will be asked about crime, you will be asked about inflation, he will be asked what is going on at the southern border. he will be asked about all sorts of things. i'm sure for the last couple of days, ainsley he worked with the communications team who told cmt to reset communications. they will try to get him talking to more americans and also when he goes up to capitol hill and negotiates with members of congress, we are not just going to report back and blabbed what they talked about. we are going to keep that more confidential so that we don't patent the temperature where, oh, the president wouldn't talk to joe manchin. what did mr. biden say to him? and then we heard the read back on that. it is just amped up the temperature and now the president is in the place in the polls where he is deeply unpopular. and he's got three years left. not only for him but three years left for us. >> ainsley: it's not going to be good for the democrats in the midterm. we saw what used to be democrats, lifelong democrats because the party has left them because of all of their progressive tactics. when you think about joe biden, the last few weeks have been a disaster for him. but you said his approval rating now 33%. he promised so much in the very beginning. all of those promises were broken. listen, here is a flashback what he promised you, the american people. >> if i were president today, the country would be safer, we would see a lot less violence. if i were president, the language be less divisive. >> you would see your standard of living go up in your costco down. we will fight for every american worker, every american job. i will stand up to china's trade abuses, and i will invest in the american worker. >> i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. >> ainsley: will take him with the standard of living did not go up. inflation 7%, 1.4% when he took office. shutdown the virus, that didn't happen and even the vaccines are not working for omicron. he said he would stand up to china trade abuses but they will not stand up for the origins of this virus that killed so many americans and people around the world. a lot less violence, and we open the show with violence across the country. are you better off? 7% inflation, grocery store shelves are empty, and we can't find truck drivers, gas prices through the roof, electric bills are up. brian, we always say, "are you better off?" no, we are not a better off. tomorrow when you're since inauguration. spin with the political morning did a poll looking at a one-year review and 68% of the country say we are on the wrong track. they did this interesting poll and said "do you disagree with the following statements: biden is energetic and 58% say yeah, i disagree pure strong leader, 50% said i disagree, capable of running the country 41% disagreed, keeps promises, 53% disagree. so he's got to change gears. it has happened before other presidents have done it but number one a plan b when it comes to covid, number two, deemphasized legislative moves. so if he's having a problem with joe mansion, he doesn't want anyone talking about it. that is kind of interesting. he is going to do more executive orders and do one-on-one retail politicking. you will not get through the virus. and i think number two, there was a problem with struggles and tragedy that has hit his life, he reflects every time there is a tragedy, whether hurricane or tornado. back to him which has blown up. in his face when trying to creep with the family after a disastrous. so there is downsize to making more accessible. because he's worked angry all the time. he's the angriest guy that i've ever seen in front of a microphone consistently. he's often detached. he doesn't know what let's open a means. he didn't know there was a family separated. >> we were talking about how gallup with a survey, right now more people identify as republicans and democrats. just about an hour ago, i talked to a guy running for governor in nevada. he was elected democrat but now republican. and a guy for state senate in west virginia, he is now a democrat or was a democrat and is now a republican. here is what they have to say about the direction of the country. >> the democrats are now leaving that party in droves because of the socialistic agenda taking place. there is nowhere for people who thought and felt like i do about the virtues and values and morals of being a good american. there is time to leave. they have destroyed the democratic party. >> there used to be a place for democratic moderates. if you are pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-business, pro-freedom, there was a place for you. there is an increasingly uncomfortable played to be. and you try to explain you are not one of those democrats. just to represent those values of the people that live in this part of the world. >> brian: absolutely right. and so many people who are mentioning moderate democrats do not recognize the party that is emanating out of washington, d.c. you know, while joe biden has a big prom with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema for not supporting and getting rid of the filibuster, the president and his party under the comic you know, the policy and chuck schumer pulled the party so far to the left he really doesn't have to worry about joe joe manchin and kyrsten sinema purity a story about the people telling him to do that elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. you have to think the president will wind up with a question the direction of the country, ainsley. coming up for clock you will see it live on fox. >> ainsley: on one of the mainstream channels, king interviewed and all of the anchor said they agreed, republicans will win back the house and senate in 2022 in a few months in november. she said something to the effect, but that back in your mouth, put that back in your mouth. but they are admitting it. the mainstream media say the democrats are in trouble, they really are. they are too far to the left and you have the moderates that don't know where to grow. many will jump on the republican train because the party has left them. >> brian: can i say this real quick, on this and that the two votes to blow up the filibuster will fail. voting for voting reform will fail. joe manchin is not backing off. he said, we have laws on the book to ensure the voting counts. there will not be voter obstruction. so what is the point with mark kelly on the clock and maggie on the clock to blow them up with the left wing and may be guaranteed they lose the senate? back to elizabeth warren's beer, but go ahead ainsley, you have a special call. >> ainsley: brand name one person who complained because they could not vote because they have an i.d.? >> brian: i can't go to a restaurant without an i.d. and a vexing card but if i get past that i can vote without an i.d. >> ainsley: the rules are the rules. these are rules you want to make sure no fraud so you have to get an i.d. it is important to vote so go stand in line and get an idea if you don't have one. let's head over to carley. >> a developing story and a lot of people paying attention to several international airlines canceling flights for the united states with the rollout of 5g networks in the airport is now on hold. japan airlines and more suspending flights with 5g towers could interfere with takeoff and landing. at&t and verizon have delayed activating those towers for two weeks. senate republicans launching an investigation into the education department and the doj over the national school board association letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. republicans running to education secretary miguel cardona stating "action by attorney general garland has created a massive chilling effect for parents throughout the country and is an appropriate deployment of federal law enforcement. cardona requested the letter from the fda. the organization has apologized for sending the letter." the white house to penning president biden's choice not to release the visitor laws from his delaware home. listen here. a lot of presidents go visit their home when they are president. and we went a step further and any administration as people who visit the white house and will continue to do that. speak with the president spent a quarter of his first year as president in delaware, totaling 101 days. and britney spears is showing a strong warning to her little sister jamie lynn. the team sending a letter to the younger spears promoting her book, "things i should have said." britney said they will not take legal action against jamie lynn if she continues to share derogatory slander. and the sisters used to be so close, guys and now they are in this public legal dispute. >> brian: it would be a awkward family reunion, just singing. >> ainsley: don't think so. >> brian: 8:20 in the east, still ahead fines, penalties or even jail time. leaders are targeting the unvaccinated. these strict rules will lead to serious trouble, and he will explain coming up next. plus supersized surprise for a football super fan. the amazing gift tom brady is giving to that young boy. coming up straight-ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brian: world leaders are taking aim at the unvaccinated with strict new penalties. that includes austria, greece, quebec where you could be slapped with a huge fine for not getting vaccinated while those face jail. the singapore government will not cover medical treatment with those who are not vaccinated and get covid-19. douglas murray joins us to react. douglas, are you surprised at this that we have gotten to this point starting the third year in this? >> no, i am not. this is the state a policy of numerous governments not the least in europe. the government of austria has tried to make sure that this is the first country where basically compulsory vaccination policy the 1st of february. the date that they will clearly miss. we see french president macron saying in an interview earlier this month, he wants to "pits off the unvaccinated." we see political leaders across the world trying to basically be the most strict on people who are not vaccinated. and of course, there is a serious issue here and not just the medical issue. it is an issue of liberty, freedom, population. >> brian: we are acting like china. china has locked up 13 million people for a handful of cases. australia is to get vaccinated. how much do you think this problem is? they are changing the narrative. if you get vaccinated, you will not get it but not only are we getting it, the breakthrough cases are nonstop. >> well, that is a very important point. france has had a lot of unvaccinated opinions. i'm in favor of the vaccine but very much again against the mandate. in france, there is a huge chunk of population around the country that don't want to get the vaccine, why? one is they have been told things that have changed. we all see and everyone can see, obviously, the vaccine diminishes the likelihood of people getting hospitalized if they get the virus. the great advantage of the vaccine, however, leaders, including president biden and others have said things about the vaccine in the past that is not the case. it is not the case that we need the shot one spirit it is likely it will be the case that we will need boosters for a long time to come. so, people are in people are inevitably suspicious when there is this certainty coming out from people like dr. fauci, president biden and others when they speak certain about a situation that is constantly changing. and that is the driver, i think, public suspicion in america and elsewhere. the advantage we have in america always worth remembering, the advantage is the same system. not the same in europe. if you are increasing over the age of 60, you will be fine for now until the end of time if you refuse to take the vaccine. in the united states we have a different system and that includes the state system, which means people have much more leeway, much more flexibility. so in america, there are tyrannical things going on. they should take a look overseas at the moment. >> brian: supply, social media, you question anything and you get banned. so much of what the experts tell us, they reverse and never acknowledge they were wrong. and that leaves adults saying "i will take it from here, thanks." douglas murray, thank you so much. >> a pleasure. >> brian: if you want to be free texas, florida might be a good move for you. but meanwhile president biden will not be hiding today. when he gives his first press conference, the white house secretary and the senior and the holes dana perino if the chief will be ready. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. ♪ ♪ >> brian: 4:00 this afternoon, president biden will hold his first press conference in a long time following months of dodging the press like this: >> may god protect our troops. thanks, folks, very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you for your time and effort. i will have plenty of time to talk later. >> [overlapping voices] you won't answer our questions, sir. [overlapping voices] >> brian: today, he can't do that as tomorrow marks one year since inauguration. the recent polls show approval rating at a biz mall 33. here with reaction from america's news room company anchor and the cohost of "the five" dana perino. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: you know, it is good to have you as well. the poll numbers are terrible right now and old expression goes when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole stop digging. how will they dig out of this? >> i think one of the things they are looking to do, especially to peg this press conference to the one-year anniversary, is i don't think they have a lot of news to announce because the last several months, they've had a pretty tough go with it. covid, the supply chain come economy and inflation continues to ensue on people's budget. and despite some attempts, right commit release oil, the gas prices are down a little bit but not enough. one of the things you see in the polls, steve, people do not believe the white house has focused on the things that they care about. the president has chosen to choose fights he cannot win. waging battles he will never be able to cure. one of those is unfilled fact better and voting rights. i think you will see a chance for him to say, "look my had a lot of accomplishments in my first year, but i didn't do a good enough job selling them." he will try to do that today. he will try to take a lot of questions from the press. there is a lot of pent-up demand from the reporters, and he has starting to see even from the media, looking at his presidency and starting to question the competency of the administration. they are looking at the numbers and can read as well as anybody else. and now the issue of crime. we covered it extensively and now ending up leaving the other morning newscasts as well. >> steve: you know, he was elected by saying donald trump screwed up covid, i'm going to do a better job, you know, fast-forward a year, we are still in the grips of this thing. and then you have inflation. you know, he was surprised to learn from his neighbor in the sunroom a couple of years ago that hamburger is $6 a pound. he has no idea how it is affecting the average american. our lead story yesterday as well. but the problem is when he asked about things like that, it is never him. don't blame him. it is not my fault. blame trump, blame congress, blame everybody except him. >> it would be the idea when he will say, i'd don't sell my accomplishments and appeared you hear us till nancy pelosi and the annual review when they go in for an interview for a job and they say, what is your greatest weakness and they will say, well, just care too much." actually, there are some weaknesses that we need to deal with. i think the polls are in a trajectory you can imagine there would be a significant change either in policy or in personnel here that is not going to be announced today, but they are going to lose the senate and change up the filibuster. then it will be time for a reset. maybe they break up -- the build back better act and break that up to see if they can get the smaller pieces through. right now, that is hard to imagine. but he is looking at the losses. let me tell you one thing, if he loses the majority, his very slim majority in the mid terms, that might be quite liberating for the president, right? up to now he has allowed himself to be defined by the left, placated by the left, but if they lose their majority, they will have to do that anymore. before, but we have heard from republicans already if they win the majority of the house, they will start launching all sorts f investigations into covid and all that other stuff. so dana coming up in 22 minutes, you and bill hemmer will take over from the world headquarters. >> you know who we will get to talk to? >> our very own peter doocy, we will have an update on crime. trey gowdy will join us on the big picture and then senator beck from ukraine met with the president and will be meeting with the president this morning. we will have a first chance to talk to him after that. >> steve: dana we will be watching, thank you very much. >> all right, take care. >> steve: ladies and gentlemen are very own dana perino. straight-ahead, should the owner of the warriors be forced to sell his franchise after controversial comments? remember this? >> nobody cares about what is happening to the uyghur genocide. >> what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. >> steve: well, clay travis cares and he will join us. live next. ♪ ♪ the new ww personal points program. changed my life. you look great. no two plans are the same. you can even eat this and these in the same. i mean not at the same time. join today for 50% off at hurry offer ends january 24th. king c. gillette is a complete lineup of tools and facial hair care products. 50% off at this is the style master. designed to style your stubble in one stroke, a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette ♪ ♪ >> nobody cares about what is happening to uyghurs. you bring it up -- >> what, what he may nobody cares? speak with the rest us don't care. >> i'm telling you a very hard ugly truth. of all the things i care about, yes, it is below my line. >> yes, muslims and. why would he care? part-time owners, facing backlash after walking back his scathing remark about china. he equated it to us, senator tim cotten demanding billionaire investor so his stake in the franchise saving to the mba "prove himself spineless and hypocritical if he does not force him to sell his interest in the warriors." clay travis a deep thinker, a great show at noon, first off, clay how do you feel how this story has progressed? i think a little outraged. i don't think the sports is covering this at all. >> it hasn't been mentioned -- first of all, thank you for inviting me, brian. it hasn't been mentioned on espn one time, not one person who was employed by the network. not in a discussion at all in sports media by and large. that is because most people who are in sports media are left-wing loser cowards who are afraid to hold china accountable in any respect because they know that many of them are paid in a default way through the billions of dollars rolling in through chinese interest to the nba. brian, remember there are more people historically as of late that are watching the nba in china than watching the nba in the united states. we saw an early read on this a couple of years ago when the then general manager of the houston rockets daryl morey came out and supported democracy in hong kong and china lost its mind and effectively told the nba to shut up that the first amendment, they didn't care about what american values might be. it didn't apply in any way when it came to nba players, coaches, and teams and their rights to speak out in regards to chinese related issues. since then, we caught uyghurs and think about this for a minute, brian. it is bigger than what he said all the way he agreed the consequences and a larger discussion with senator cotton should be more significant. i'm not sure about selling the team, but i do think the nba itself has to acknowledge. this is what he said is effectively the quiet part out loud. he speaking for larger policy in the nba as it pertains to what is going on in china right now. but the larger context here is this: we have nba players with shoe deals and china. the shoes are made with muslim slave labor and the chinese shoe companies are bragging about it. and we have multimillionaire nba players wearing those chinese shoe companies with endorsement deals on the court. this is part of a part and parcel of a larger conversation that should be had, including the united states at large showing up for the winter olympics right now in beijing and pretending that china is not responsible for lying about covid and unleashing it on the entire world. all of this is a failure of the american sports industry at a time, brian, when all the athletes, coaches, claim they are more than athletes particularly in the nba which is a will justice organization. can't stand up against and forced labor, what in the world are you talking about in the larger platform? >> brian: so well said we have to watch the time but i'm wondering if intel coca-cola, air b'n'b and sponsors of the olympics want to be associated with this. i know bob was hosting those game, a journalistic look at the concentration camps in that country. i don't know if nbc will do one story about that. very curious, clay, we will cover it. >> amen to my think it is well said. all those woke corporations are not living up to their ideals with the money they are basically giving to china. >> brian: absolutely. by the way, i got inside information on out kick right now, go to >> appreciated, >> brian: senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast, janice. >> let's do it. we have cold air across the northern plains upper midwest with the windchill's dangerous before we have windchill alerts so people need to stay indoors if they can and avoid being out for any great length of time to bring the potential for hypothermia and frostbite at the very least. we watch the storm system develop across the south ringing potential for severe storms, including hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. this storm, some of this energy will come up to the midatlantic the next couple of days, friday, saturday and a risk for ice. these are the areas we are watching the next couple of days. i want to clarify the folks at fox weather yelling at the maps and excitement, not in anger. >> brian: last hour i said the emotion and i'll praise the weather center. speak with the stock exchange. >> brian: patchy weather, not anger at the weather. thank you. go janice. up next eight cancer survivor who caught tom brady's the tension with sign. from the tampa bay quarterback. ♪ ♪ >> super bowl tickets this year in l.a., we certainly hope to be there and i know you will be there. ♪ ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> tom brady helped me beat brain cancer was the sign. brady gave noah his hat but he has one more surprise for him. >> you held up the son that i helped you beat brain cancer. you have inspired so many people including myself by millions of others also. as a thank you i worked with both the bucs and nfl to get you and your family super bowl tickets in l.a. we hope to be there but i know you'll be there. it will be really cool for all of us. take care, man, glad to see you are doing well. enjoy the tickets. >> young noah joins us now along with his father james. thank you to both of you. i followed your story and it is incredible. your dad said when you beat cancer we'll go to the bucs and bears game. you inspired him. how did he help you beat cancer? >> i mean, he helped -- sorry. he helped me in a lot of ways. i mean he has been my hero all along during this whole cancer thing. and, i mean, he sent me a video like during when i had just been diagnosed with cancer. and yeah, i think that really helped. i think that he helped me stay positive. >> you do have a positive attitude. so many good things come out of bad things that happen. so dad, james, you really inspired your son because he asked you who is your favorite quarterback and you said tom brady. your son followed him and watched the highlight reels through his treatment so you started this and you flew him 2,000 miles to go see that game. what did this gift of the super bowl tickets mean to you? >> it's just another -- like everything is so unexpected. everything is a surprise and we're doing our best to let people know that all we've been doing is taking all of this sort of cancer and challenge one step at a time and using our faith and trusting that good things will happen. as noah says, lots of times good comes out of bad and -- but then the world does. >> he is so fortunate to have you as a dad supporting him. come back after the super bowl. we want to hear about the experience. god bless you both. god bless you both. >> thank go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit well, would ya look at that! matchit was an accident. tion. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? 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Republicans , Answers , House , Administration , Senate , Pressure , Carley , Conversation , We H Sean , Gavels , Suspect , U S , Election , Briana Kupfer , Possibility , Stabbing , Griff , Aclu , Joe Biden , Career Criminal , News Conference , Bond , 12 , 1000 , 000 , Policies , Messaging Problem , Border , Vehicle , Texas National Guard , Member , Migrants , Officials , Six , Situation , Point , Invasion , Pentagon , Stage , Ukraine , Citizens , Russian , Tests , Order , Orders , Back , Attack , Draw , One , Seven , Brian , Music , Being , Background Band , Steve Mic , Winter Sports , Trails , Guys , Lift Capacity , Wouldn T , Dining , Lodging , Blue Mountain Ski Resort , Favorite Laser Tag , 40 , 13500 , Oftentimes Ainsley , Camping , Deer , Mountain Biking , Arrows , Archery , Sells , Laughter , North , Hop On A Mountain Bike , Head , Bow , Into The Woods , Quiver , Picture , Pennsylvania , Space , Snow Groomer , 33 , New York City , Ski Lifts , Run , Noon , Poconos , 16 , Five , Ainsley , Lift Tickets , Woods , Tree , Dinner , 8 , 29 , 9 , Four , 44 , Thing , Bit , Florida , Ski Slopes , Philadelphia , D A , Praise , 00 , Cocoa Beach , Skiing , Grocery Store , Neighbor , I Dream Of Genie , Problem , Bottle , Genie , Chis Chulo , In The Beginning Black And White , Admission , Can T , Island , Color , Anybody , World , Thats , Television , Hd , Congratulations Technology , Show , All Of Us , Terrifying , Kids Incorporated , Betweeny , 1970 , Facts Of Life , Silver Spoons , What Else , Leo Dicaprio , Guy Schroder , Things , Anything , Listen , Big , Boss , James , Kurt Cammeron , Father , Brianna Kupfer , Interview , News , Los Angeles , 24 , Furniture Store , Press Conference , Police , Friend , Investigation , Birthdays , Red Eye , Name , Sean La Volume Smith , Armed And Dangerous , Points Bulletin , Sound , 31 , Story , Weapon , Times , Assault , Charges , Possession , Police Officer , Larceny , Trespassing , Possession Of Stolen Goods , Murder , Bars , Rap Sheet , Death , Briana , Security Camera , Feet , Vaping Pipe , Don T Approach Him , 7 Eleven , 63 , 6 , Eleven , 30 , 65 , 7 , Store Briana , Man , Furniture , Public Transportation , 190 , Dad , Person Didn T , Store , Text Message , Vibe , Lapd , Daughter , Politics , People , Everybody , Society , Others , Favor , Bestowing , Job , Communities , Rights , Bad , I Don T , Bottom , Care , Human Beings , Community , Terrible , Outfall , Money , College Education , Latest , Candlelight Vigil , Subway , Career , Couple , Burger King , Deranged Person , Homeless Person , Wanted , 19 , Remorse , Menace To Society , Jamaica , Somebody , Guy , Bail , Shoplifting , Brianna Case , Categories , Two , Cop , Vigil , Case , Jail , Victim , Times Square , Subway Shoving , Michelle , Problems , Train , Front , Who , Marshall Sigh On Mr , Sister , Homeless Man , Hospital A Number , Page , Hospitals , New York Post , Op Ed , 20 , 61 , Brother , Medicine , Hospital , Marshall Simon , Respects , Candlelight Vigil Last Night Paying , Untreated , Eric Adams , Something , Homeless , Saw , Day One , Feel , Subrayway , Evidence , He Saw Yelling , He Saw Screaming , Subways , Perception , Media , Criticism , Sunways , Crime , Governor , Alvin Bragg , Lt , Tune , Picture Billboard On Times Square , Adams , Three , Plans , Friends , Attention , Trip , Deloitte , Country , Life Volunteering , Work , Moms , Volunteer Organization , Junior League , Help , Kinds , Supplies , Corner , Screen , Stories , Pandemic , Reason , Person , Faces , Upper West Side , Babies , Central Park , Baby Clothes , Someone , Individual , Girls , Mind , Family , California , Child , Wall , Trouble , Mug Shots , The Street , Shots , Coast To , Charlotte , Article , Charleston , South Carolina , North Carolina , Food , Everything , Issue , Hard Times , Quality Of Life , Fine , Okay , Everywhere , City , Topic , Cops , Prisons , Zones , Welfare , White House , Nation , Event , Dak Prescott , Referees , Fans , Presidency , Quarterback , Apologies , Trash Talk , Garbage , Liberty Mutual , Chances , Bull Rider , Turn , Car Insurance , Tex , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Pay , Record , Liberty , Hang On , Bathtub , Points Program , Ww , Avocado , Body , Skin , Over , Guacamole , 50 , January 24th , The Tightness , Tremfya , Ww Com Emerge Tremfyant , Infections , Infection , Symptoms , Doctor , Adults , Moderate , Risk , Ability , Reactions , Plaque Psoriasis , Vaccine , Emerge Tremfyant , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Service , Business Owner , Term , Internet , Business , Contracts , Network , Gig , Line Activation Fees , Customers , 500 , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Officer , Headlines , Cash Car , Look , Nypd , Officers , Hadn T , Line , Duty , Flights , Airlines , Sisters , Applause , Rollout , 5g Airport , Brothers , Blue , Round , 5 , Towers , Takeoff , Cockpit Instruments , Airports , Landing , Hold , Air India , Japan Airlines , Emirates , Antony Blinken , Secretary Of State , Fox News Alert , At T , Horizon , President , Path , Meeting , Decision , Kiev , President Putin , Foreign Minister , Attempt , Russia , Dak Prescott Apologizing , Dallas Cowboys , Way , Comment , Supporter , Trash , Comments , Words , Credit , Apologizing , Uncalled , Bleep , Game , Press Conferences , East Room , Difference , Press , Most , Approval Rating , He Doesn T Make Life , 21 , Marc Thiessen , Wasn T , Speech Writer , Washington Post , Goings , George W Bush , Quinnipiac , Reset , Congress , Goals , Members , Senior Official , Saw Results , Strategies , Biden Plan , Conversations , Priority , Inflation , Cities , Nobody , Homicide Records , Empathizing , 10 Million , Communications Team , Empathy , Doing , Democrats , Gas Prices , Voting Rights , Dead On Arrival , Bernie Sanders , Left , Joe Manchin , Kyrsten Sinema , Middle Of The Road , One Of Us , Houses , Where , Elizabeth Warren , Ones , Filibuster , Mr , Campaign Trail , Unity , Inauguration , Language , Economy , Speech , Rhetoric , Atlanta , Lot , Some , Side , Violence , Though , Promises , Worker , College , Costs , Trading Fights , Standard Of Living , Virus , China S , Trade Abuses , Downtown Economy , Vaccines , Crime Suspect , Dollar , Safer , Variant , Standard Of Living Didn T Go Up , Supply Chain Crisis , Restaurants , Items , Store Shelves , Basis , Ranchers , Crisis , Businesses , Oil , Majority , Administrations , Beach House , Delaware , We Saw , Portion , Open Borders , Afghanistan , Rehoboth , Ron Klain , Monologue , Wing , Staffs , Focus , Sean Hannity , Course , Messaging , Quote , Advisers , Official , Experts , Effort , Agreement , The Big Picture , Working Class Latinos , Growing Bustling Class , Whites , Disaster , Working Class , Message , Texas , City Of Laredo , 2022 , Fire , Haven T , Human Smuggler , Driver , Injuries , The Human Smuggler , Border Patrol , 17 , 1 , Bill Melugin , Human Smuggling , Weapons , Folks , American Citizen , Building , Influx , Agents , River , Fentanyl , Drugs 170000 Apprehensions , Morning Venezuelan Migrant Girl , Mexico , 170000 , Governors , Covid Tests , Illegals , Long Island , Healthcare , Taxes , Immigrants , Home State , Everyone , Voting , Buses , 2000 , 12000 , Idea , Mom , Each , Add , Checks , Note , 450000 , 50000 , A Million Dollars , A Million , Lives , Vice President , Immigration , Root Cause , Honduras , Leverage , Stop Control , Population , Least , Sector , Southern Border Doesn T Get Blitzed , Michigan , Roles , State React , Education , Estate , Post , Facebook , Schools , Kids , Parents , Public , Tori Stax , React , Purpose , Both , Fourth Grade , Twins , Kaitlin Reynolds , Reaction , Teachers , Gretchen Whitmer , Unions , Children , Scholarships , Reading Tutors , Private School , Chair , Don T Come To School Board Meetings , Mom And Dad Stay Home , Dads , Kaitlin , Night , Fathers , School Board , Mothers , School Board Meeting , Woman , Board Members , End , School Board Members , Behaviors , Pizza , Creatures , Home , Clienteles , Public School System , Seeping , Office , Level , Fact , Shouldn T , Classroom , West Virginia , Voices , Advocate , Role , Views , Stay , Center , Support , Say , Kind , Agenda , Matter , Opinion , Aisle , Results , V A , Fight , Minds , Youngkin , God , Jason Chaffetz , Website , Healthcare Gov , Rapid Covid , Treatment , Combination , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Singers , Safelite , Song , Safelite Repair , Chance , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Positive , Gene , Spread , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Immune System , Response , Parts , Yervoy , Cancer , Opdivo , Ways , Lead , Eye Problems , Breath , Changes , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Appetite , Thirst , Urine , Dizziness , Shortness , Tiredness , Cough , Diarrhea , Fainting , Nausea , Vomiting , Side Effects , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Conditions , Confusion , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Weakness , Organ , Fever , Rash , Flushing , Itching , There S Industrial Grade , Stem Cell Transplant , Trials , Chest Radiation , Analytical Software , Walls , Assembly Lines , Flight , Co Pilot , Threats , Meet Honeywell Forge , Industrial Grade , Punch , Silversneakers , Classes , Thousands , Seniors , Locations , Internet Connection , Access , Millions , Pad , Discreet , Cost , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Bladder Leak Pads , Protection , Layers , Don T Worry , Shhh , Place , Mental Health , Families , Lease Cash , Rx , Lexus Rx , 1500 , 350 , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Td , Tardive Dyskinesia , Ingrezza , Td Movements , Pill , Prescription Medicine , 10 , 80 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Ingredients , Activities , Sleepiness , Dose , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Zero , Zero Dollars , Website Launch , Risks , Bug , Success , Steve White House , Buildings , Apartment , Ship , Snag , Multiunit , 300 Million , Site , Test , Many , Launch , Debawbleg , It , Hands , Utah , Axios , Big Press Conference , Omicron Mountain , Top , Thought , Hundred Of Millions N 95 Masks , 95 , Vulnerable , Masks , Address , Intro , Hiccup , Bunch , Dialogue Box , Gigantic Multihousing Dwellings , Party , Household , Apartment Complexes , Types , Fiasco , Basements , It Crashing , Government , Anniversary , Covid , Campaign Promise , Donald Trump , More , These , Saying , Confidence , Leadership , Fauci , Dr , Summer , Yahoos , Flail , Poll Numbers , Isn T , Americans Don T Trust , Health And Human Services , Secretary , Becerra , Anywhere , Senior Meteorologist , Janice , Wind Chill , Fox Weather , Yes , Bismarck , Fargo , Wind Chill Alerts , Warnings , Cold , Take Care , Elderly , Pets , Capitol Hills Advisories , Northern Plains , Upper Midwest , Part , Track , Weather , Ice Storm , Storm , South , Potential , Mid Atlantic , Areas , Weekend , Area , Ice , Storms , Moves , Saw Snow , Snow , Air Sink , App , Northeast , Repeat , Details , Coming Up , Plus , Advice , Elections , America S Party Press Conference , Thanks J D , Vitae Pod , Resolution , Tips , Skip Bedell , Whistle , Vulture Squawks , Doug , Oh Boy , Sec , Asthma , Breathing , Nunormal , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Face , Nucala , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Headache , Fatigue , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Shingles , Asthma Specialist , Don T Stop Steroids , Health , Steam , Fitness , Tommorow , Journey , Inspire Us , Home Trainer , Bow Flex , 2022 Inspire , Yoga Pay , Home Workouts , Equipment , Pilates , Trainer , In The House , Bow Flex Website , Den , Dumb Flex , Water , 90 , Nutrition , Tackles , Fruits , 90 , 49 , 149 , 75 , Vitamins , Pod , Pod Bean , Goodness Hydrate , Immunity Pod , Energy , Minerals , Weight , Sports , Metabolism , Immunity , Tons , Fuel , Beauty , Drugs , Everything Else , Drinks , Sugar , Plirnls , Pods , 100 , Cap , Car , Twister , Paper , Side Down , Coffee , Energy Drink , Press The Button Out , Glass , Tasting , Nutrients , Amazing , This Machine , Filter , There , Chills , Drinking Temperature , Orange , Polyphenyls , Antioxidants , Brita , Vitapod World Com Amazing Products , Thanks , Stuff , Information , Skip , Bedell Com , Wow , Wife , Discount , Donuts , Jet Skis , Burke , Make Living , Honey , Uto , Hon , Discounts , Coverage , Boat , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Pa Dum , Bum , Sup , Garage , Kid , Seventeen , Cosentyx , Fail , Hope , Try , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Move , Dermatologist , Life , Hearing , Fullest , Technology , Trial , Starts , Miracle Ear , Obligation , Miracle Earmini , Thirty , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Action , Towed Biden , Fixing Problems , Thing Police , Don T Mean Diddly , Shooting , Shawn Laval Smith , Peaceful Path , Dismissing , High , Rain , Umbrella , Louisville , Kentucky , Ohio River , July , Month , Average , Temperature , Fun , Lot Prettier , Warmst , 87 , 25 , Infrastructure , Parent , Beneficiaries , Mitch Mcconnell , Races , Mannequin , Surety , Pants , Hat , Version , Jacket , Spouses , 3 , 2 , Instance , Noise Footprint , Closet , Necktie , Lights , Sleep , Bed , Dry Run , Mannequins , Passenger Seat , Dimensions , Islands , Staten Island , Program , Chillier , 4 , Left Side , Peter Doocy , Lawn Speaking , Hush Tones , Questions , Street , Big Day , Capitol Hill , Vote , Microphone , Voting Rights Legislation , Show Vote , Rules , Efforts , Town , Senators Manchin , Subsubstantive , View , Joint Pressers , World Leaders , Terms , Recess Set , Side By , Nine , Fighting , Proposals , Moon , Progress Made , Amount , Room , Poll , Clue , On , Floor , Topics , Upstairs , Thinking , Insight , Everybody Else , Inflation Questions , Supply Chain Crisis Questions , Secret , 01 , Immigration Questions , Schedule , Looks , Monday Or Tuesday , A , Chunk , Gas Price , Fourth , On The Beach , Homes , Bills , Rescue Bill , Beach , Firewood , Jobs , Bill , Variants , Tens Of Thousands , He Sat , Plan , Deal , Therapeutics , Regiment , Supply Chain , Reality , Didn T , It Hasn T , Number , Whether , Pfizer Pill , Pills , Omicron , Defense Production Act , Verizon , Average American , Secret Service , Pound , Stuff Costs , Hamburger , Sunroom , Keys , Texaco , Gas Costs , Suv , The Beast , Big Cadillac , Todd Kupfer , Randomness , Last Thursday , Grad Student Out Aclu , Smith , Vape Pen , Birthday , Ed , Fly , Text , Jfk , Crimes , San Francisco , Daily Mail , Don T Go Near Him , Reward , Arrest , L A Crimes In Charleston , 250000 , Michelle Goh , Coast , Transportation , Homeless Guy , Speaking Of , Station , Big Billboards In Times Square , Hundreds Gathered In Times Square , Candles , Irony , Destruction , Killings , Got , Gang Crime , Each Other , Numbers Gang , Ares , Money Flooding , Clearing , S Taking , Waffles , Encamp , Tucker Carlson , Spaces , Homeless Encampments , Tents , Thattible , Sidewalk , Intersection , Junkies , Meth , Embarrassment , Pedestrians , India , Beggars , Tidy Public Parks , Question , Leaders , Answer , Collapse , Result , Austin , Streets , Law Firms , Housing , Idealogues , Group , Type , Orange County , Behalf , Subculture , Degree , Asian , Nyu , 0 , City Safe , System , Subway System , Watch , Fighting Against , Crime Problem , Feeling , Homeless Everywhere , Disorder , Safe , Walking , Nature , Streets Of New York City , L A Homelessness , R Train , Rather L A Homicides , 15 , Homicide Why , Homelessness , To Tucker , Dreher , History , Court , Courts , Bench , Sun Subway , Sunway , Sit , Surroundings , Crime Crisis , Scary , Sandra , Shelves , Nurse , Unprovoked , Bus Stop , Terry Belle , Caregiver , Planning , Kamala Harris , Dedication , Patients , V P , Retirement , President Elect , Migration , Causes , Re Election , Congressman James Lander Vin , List , Homeless Problem , Offices , Pictures , Seats , Midterms , Running , Unbelievable , 28 , Proposal , Record Numbers , First , Dreaming , G , Survey , Switch , Lines , Blue Line , Red Line , Voter Preference , 1995 , 47 , John Lee , Guest , Mayor , Nevada , West Virginia State Representative , North Las Vegas , 42 , The Party , Mic Bates , Let , Droves , Socialistic Agenda , Morals , Parties , , Rest , Immigrant , Defendant , Church With , Point Change , District , Taste , Wickedness , Socialism , Socialist , Positions , Values , Socialism Washington , Dooms , Opportunities , To , America Value , Mick Bates , Conservatives , Washington , Pro Freedom , Pro Second Amendment , Independence Switching , You Bet , East , Glittery , Residents , Gold , Up Next , Sushi , Lunch , Ehh , Safety , Collision Beeping Warning , Seafood , Tacos , Silence , Emergency Braking , Automatic , Find New Roads , Chevy Equinox , Chevrolet , Migraine , Botox , Headaches , Effects , Sample , May , Injection , Pain , Muscle Weakness , Speaking , Condition , Signs , Neck , Difficulty Swallowing , Users , Medications , Skin Infection , Muscle , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , 92 , Turmeric , Supplements , Inflammation Support , Sooner , Joints , Qunol Turmeric , Benefits , Brand , Qunol , Superior Absorption , States , State Lawmakers , Beginning , Population Surge , Arizona , The Mass Exodus , Peter Rex , Company , California To Texas Last Year , Rex Founder , Executives , Ains , Freedom , Faith , Freedoms , Single Payer Healthcare , Billions , Dollars , Hundreds , Exits , Affront , Important , Cat Thattize , Control , Family Issue , Family Man , Human Freedom , Roads , Concern , Talk , School Staffing Shortage , Schoolers , Classroom Support , Food Services , Schedules , Office Assistant , Superintendent , Video , Shame , Palo Alto Unified School District , Human Need , Sake , Schooling , Issues , Few , None , Palo Alto , 700 , Fox Friends , Cafeteria , Progressive D A , Big Spike In Crime , Notion , There Isn T , Charge , Lawmaker , District Attorney , Rate , Big Spike In Violent Crime , Homicide Isn T , Lawlessness , No One , Larry Krasner , Walkback , Impeachment , President Pro Temp , Poor Jake , Eyes , Culture , Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania , Another , Shootings , Shootout , Convictions , Gun Laws , Pleadings , Fear , Guilt , Robberies , Laws , 1800 , 2398 , Denial , Criminal , Progressive Movement , African American , Kinship , Gain , Michael Nutter , White Elitist , Kayleigh Mcenany , Appeasement , Consultant , Release , Clip , Night Ware , Process , Articles , Impeachment Process , Clarification , Houston , Jake , Heart , In Austin , Intent , Mind Isn T , D A S , Minneapolis , Philadelphia Culture Of Death , Led , Suburbs , Opposite , Jake Korman , 22347 , 250 , 300 , 53 , 72 , 220 , 1850 , 1 4 , 68 , 58 , 41 , 101 , 1st Of February , 13 Million , 60 , 22 , Eight , 4 99 , 64 99 , 24 7 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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worried about the open border pundits than they are u.s. citizens. >> pentagon remains deeply concerned about an imminent russian invasion of ukraine. >> this is an extremely dangerous situation. we are now at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack. >> biden administration accepting limited orders for free, at home covid tests. >> there is one draw back, first order going to go out no late january and then expected to take seven to 12 days. ♪ jump right in ♪ make the music pull you in ♪ jump right in ♪ being. >> brian: i would not be surprised that the background band is on the blue mountain ski resort, why wouldn't they? they are good time guys. there is so much to do there the lift capacity is 13500, they have 40 trails. dining and lodging and winter sports that includes steve's favorite laser tag. we also have archery, because that sells. ainsley prefers to hunt her deer. camping and mountain biking. oftentimes ainsley, steve knows, this will grab her arrows and her bow, hop on a mountain bike and just go into the woods and she will be gone for weeks, steve. >> steve: yeah, when you see her grab that quiver and head north that's generally what happens. >> brian: right. [laughter] >> steve: we saw a beautiful picture with the snow groomer right there. i just looked up, look at this. they are getting ready listen, we skied in pennsylvania. that's a very wide open space. right now they have got 33 of their 40 trails are open, and five of their 16 ski lifts are available as well. and so if you are looking to, you know, from new york city you can be out there in a couple hours. it's out there in the poconos. ainsley, we can make a run for there and be there by noon. >> ainsley: be careful i might be hide not guilty woods there behind the tree getting my dinner ready. the lift tickets for four hours $29. 8 hours, 44s dollars if you are interested. the ski slopes opened this morning at 9:00 a.m. >> steve: excellent. >> brian: pennsylvania talking a little bit trying to recall the d.a. over in philadelphia. but the one thing about florida, we like to sing the praise of florida. one thing about florida of the skiing is terrible, right, steve? >> steve: and speaking of florida, yesterday, during one of the hours we opened with a picture of cocoa beach, florida. >> brian: i know what you are going to say. >> steve: i dream of genie. >> brian: i know what you are going to say. >> steve: it would be impossible to know what i'm going to say. >> brian: i think i do. >> steve: as i'm going to the grocery store late in the morning my neighbor stopped me and said hey, steve, are you driving to cocoa beach? i said. >> brian: no. >> steve: i said i'm going to the grocery store. >> steve: what did you think i was going to say. >> brian: the problem is i was inaccurate. they did not find genie's bottle right, chis chulo. they did not find the bottle cocoa beach. he found it after an admission on an abandoned island and he was a can't then. >> steve: and took it home. >> brian: you would not know, this but they shot the series in the beginning in black and white. and then they gradually added color. which i don't think anybody else could say. >> steve: thats what the world of television. >> brian: congratulations technology. and now we are color, right? [laughter] >> steve: we are. not only are we in color. we are in hd. terrifying for all of us. >> ainsley: i was born in the late 1970s, we watched i dream of betweeny, do you remember kids incorporated did you ever watch that steve or brian. i think yours were too young. that was a great show. silver spoons were big. what else was big facts of life. >> brian: leo dicaprio. >> ainsley: the other guy schroder. >> steve: silver spoons. >> ainsley: facts of life was big. whose the boss and anything with kurt cammeron. >> brian: there is no james. ainsley hears things. >> ainsley: james has helped me tremendously this morning. >> steve: there you go. all right. listen, enough about us and about pennsylvania. we hope you have great wednesday. let's talk a little bit about the news. and yesterday we had an interview with the father of brianna kupfer, 24-year-old girl who was murdered last week in los angeles. we knew -- there she is right there. the super sad thing about it is she was working at this upscale furniture store. she was all by herself. she wasn't even supposed to be working that day but she came in anyway. the father was unsure exactly why. on her day off, because she was going to fly on the red eye to new york to celebrate one of her friend's birthdays. so we knew that the police were going to have a press conference yesterday. they did. and they announced that they had done a thorough investigation and now it's an all points bulletin. they're looking for a career criminal. does this sound familiar? by the name of sean la volume smith. he is 31, armed and dangerous. do not try to apprehend him he was out on $1,000 bond. how many times have we heard this story. prior charges include assault with a deadly weapon. carrying a concealed weapon. assault on a police officer. trespassing. possession of a stolen vehicle. larceny. possession of stolen goods. and now, ainsley, he is wanted for murder. >> ainsley: the father said that police told him the suspect should have been behind bars and he said he has that long rap sheet and he thinks it's actually much worse. that's what they are telling him. armed and dangerous. don't approach him. he was seen on a security camera at local 7-eleven only 30 minutes after he allegedly stabbed briana to death he was there buying some sort of a vaping pipe. police say he is about 63, we have heard 6 feet and 65. they are saying 63. maybe 190 pounds. likely to use public transportation. this is interesting, brian, moments before he walked into the furniture store briana texted a friend or actually a few minutes after he walked in saying that there was a man in the store and it made her feel uncomfortable. she said she is getting a bad vibe. and lapd said regrettably that person didn't see the text message immediately. >> brian: here's the dad talking about brianna's dad talking about who is to blame. he didn't want to talk about politics but he did want to talk about what could have been done to stop his daughter's murder. >> i'm not blaming anybody by name. i blame what's endemic in our society right now is everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and trying to recognize the bad. the job they have is to elevate that to make communities better. to say make people care more to not tear down communities by exposing them to people that are falling out the bottom that really don't care about the other human beings and just think they can do whatever they like in our society. and they are doing it more and more in every community. and we're just seeing a terrible, you know, outfall from it. it's horrific. >> brian: that's the latest. and this dad is going to step forward and try to stop the next 24-year-old from being killed because they want to make some extra money in between as they advance their college education. but it's not unusual. there was a big candlelight vigil for the 40-year-old at 9:40 in the morning on a saturday wanted to take a subway a couple of stops from a homeless person, deranged person. there was a big story a couple days ago before that a 19-year-old working a burger king shot because this career federal jamaica wanted to come down and shoot her dead and had absolutely no remorse. i'm sure we are going to find a remorseless criminal when we finally get this menace to society, steve. >> steve: i will tell you what, they do seem to fall into two categories, either somebody who is released on a very low bail, this particular guy in the brianna case, he was released on $1,000 bail for shoplifting and assaulting a cop. remember if you used to assault a cop, they would actually put you in jail. then there is the other case. brian, you were just alluding to this. there was a vigil last night in times square for the random subway shoving victim. michelle who on saturday morning was just waiting to get on the r train when this guy, who was homeless and had mental problems pushed her in front of the train. and she was instantly killed. his name, marshall sigh on mr., 61-year-old homeless man, he has been in and out of mental hospitals for the last 20 years. his sister talked to the "new york post." there is a great op-ed on the "new york post" editorial page today. the sister begged a hospital a number of times to keep her brother. he will not take his medicine. please keep him in the mental hospital. and they would not do it. they have an op-ed about stop letting severely mentally ill people roam loose and untreated because, ainsley, the new mayor of new york city and that's a suspect right there, marshall simon, the new mayor of new york city, eric adams was at the candlelight vigil last night paying his respects, and he said something we all feel. he says he does not feel safe on the subrayway he is, either. he said on day one. evidence saw the homeless. he saw yelling. he saw screaming. and he says new york has just got to do better. >> ainsley: yeah. that was after criticism because a few days ago he was talking about how safe the sunways are and after michelle's death that was just a perception that the media was spreading to try to say that the subways were not safe but he was saying they are. but then yesterday at the vigil he spoke. there was also the lt. governor was there and the new d.a. alvin bragg who is very soft on crime. they all three showed up and he changed his to an. adams changed his tune. i love that picture billboard on times square. commented on how she loved to travel make all these extensive plans before a trip. her friends traveled with her often. she didn't like attention. she worked at deloitte. she didn't like attention. she was soften-spoken it appears. look at the attention she is getting. now people are talking about this story all over the country. what's ironic is she spent the last decade of her life volunteering to help the homeless and less fortunate. i know the first day there was a picture of her posted and it had the junior league in the top left-hand corner of the screen. junior league is a volunteer organization that does phenomenal work in our communities and they work with the homeless and they work with young moms to help get them all kinds of supplies for their babies and baby clothes and things like that. so she seemed to be a wonderful person. she loved new york. even despite the pandemic. she said it was -- she loved central park. she loved new york city and living on the upper west side. the reason we tell you these stories, these are faces. these are people. this is someone's daughter, someone's sister. someone's friend. when you hear these stories. steve, you got so choked up yesterday when you were interviewing the dad. and the individual that i was working with yesterday said does he have girls? and i said yes, he does. he has two. so in my family we were talking about this could be our child. so you hear their stories. and we need to keep that in mind because we have got to stop being so soft on crime. that guy that allegedly stabbed her to death in california. we counted 12 mug shots this morning from the daily mail. 12 mug shots from coast to coast. got in trouble allegedly in charleston, south carolina. in trouble in california. i read another article charlotte, north carolina. look at all of these shots. why was he out on the street? why $1,000 bail? >> brian: quality of life things are the other issue. we can't get the food we want. not used to that okay. we can do with hard times, with, what two years and then you tell us everything is fine? then when you decide that crime is not a problem, the problem is the prisons are the problem. and we are too tough on crime. you have to flood the zones with cops everywhere and every major city and start letting the american people know that you care about their welfare. that's got to be included in our next topic will be and that's the president's press conference this afternoon. meanwhile, that's the story next. president biden will address the nation today an all too rare event. during his first press conference in months. thought white house plans to reset how the white house plans to reset its presidency if they do at all. plus this story dak prescott is walking back trash talk. quarterback's big apologies after fans threw garbage at referees. ♪ ♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ the new ww personal points program. it's particular to you. what's your favorite food? avocado. you can fill a bathtub. i love it. with guacamole. all over. helps the 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customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business: powering possibilities. cash car we are back with a look at headlines, overnight an nypd officer is released from the hadn't after being shot in the line of duty. watch this. there you see the officers getting a round of applause by brothers and sisters in blue. the suspect was arrested. developing now, several international airlines canceling flights to the united states as the rollout of 5g airport at airports is now on hold. emirates, air india, japan airlines and more suspending flights amid worries 5g towers could interfere with cockpit instruments on takeoff and landing. both at&t and horizon has delayed activating those towers for two weeks. now to a fox news alert. the white house warning a russian invasion of ukraine could be eminent as secretary of state antony blinken arrives in kiev overnight. >> strongly hope that we can keep this on a diplomatic and peaceful path but ultimately that's going to be president putin's decision. >> that blinken meeting with ukraine's president just a short time ago. later he will meet with the foreign minister and set to meet with russia's foreign minister on friday in an attempt to deescalate the situation there dallas cowboys dak prescott apologizing for this comment after fans threw trash at referees. >> people supposed to act that way when they are supposed to be a supporter and be with us through thick and thin that's tough. >> i think they were aiming at the referees. >> [bleep] credit to then them. >> prescott saying i deeply regret the comments i made. my words were uncalled for and now he is apologizing. >> brian: all right. i accept. it's not right the people angry the way that game ended. carley, see you back at work. i will talk to you soon. meanwhile the president of the united states is going to be talking had:00 today in the east room. all too rare press conferences for him he has 9 compared to trump's 21. a big difference. most of the time when he is in front of the press. he doesn't make life better for them. for now even if you look at the kind approval rating 44%. or unkind quinnipiac says 33%. you can't pretend things are goings great. and as marc thiessen talked about in today's "the washington post" when he was a speech writer for george w. bush wasn't going well he talked about the goals it didn't resonate. when he talked about strategies it resonated because people saw results. senior official president biden plan as reset to make conversations with members of congress, less of a public priority and to emphasize spending more time communicating direct whether i americans and empathizing. because, you have a situation with 10 million unfilled jobs. 12 cities setting homicide records. we have been talking about crime. and nobody has to remind anybody, literally anybody about inflation, steve. >> steve: yeah. the reason you mentioned empathy, brian, is because his communications team says, you know, the best thing that joe biden has got going for him is he is empathetic and his ability to connect with ordinary americans. and so what they are doing is they are saying we are going to put him out there so he can connect with more americans. but they don't really know whether or not that will work. because, let's face it, everybody is mad at him. the republicans are mad at him for the inflation as all americans are. the gas prices, the border, the crime, democrats are mad at him because he can't pass build back better or the voting rights thing. that's going to come up today. it's dead on arrival. the problem is when he ran for president, he ran right down the middle of the road. hey, i'm a moderate. i'm no bernie sanders. but, the problem is he's gone so far to the left and his problem in congress is not joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. his problems are bernie sanders and also elizabeth warren, ainsley, because they are the ones who have pulled him so far to the left where, when he has something in congress to try to pass through one of the houses, they can't get any republicans because the republicans are saying you, mr. president, you have gone too progressive. that is not what you said you were going to do. >> ainsley: yeah. he said so many things on the campaign trail, including not blowing up the filibuster and then here we are a year later. a year tomorrow since inauguration. and now he wants to blow it up. he promised us to have a better economy, to not be divisive. not have to-divisive language. we heard his speech in atlanta the other day. he promised us unity and to tone down the rhetoric. listen to this though. these are some of his promises and how he didn't deliver. we will talk about that on the other side. listen. >> if i were president today, the country would be safer, we would be seeing a lot less violence. >> if i were president, my language would be a lot less divisive. >> if i get elected president four years of free college. >> you will actually see standard of living go up and costs go down. >> we are going to make trading fights for every american worker and every american job. i will stand up to china's trade abuses and i will invest in the american worker. >> i'm not going to shut downtown economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. >> ainsley: all right. there you go. he didn't shut down the virus. now we are learning the vaccines aren't working for this latest variant. he said he is going to make the country safer. crime suspect. we just started the show with all of the crime around the country. standard of living didn't go up. 7% inflation. that means for every dollar you spend, 7 cents of that is inflation. store shelves are empty. we can't get our items that we ordered months ago because of the supply chain crisis. all of these restaurants and these ranchers and people that we interview on a daily basis, they can't find people to come in to their businesses to work. you know, we are in a crisis. we don't -- we are not dependent on our own oil anymore. we are dependent on russia. look what's happening in china. he has failed on so many different things. open borders, the gas prices are up. we saw what happened with afghanistan. and now he is spending the majority of his time or a big portion of his time in delaware and at his beach house in rehoboth and not at the white house. >> brian: it's not unusual for administrations to change out people especially chief of staffs. how ron klain had his job when he made his focus on the left wing instead of making his boss successful. sean hannity weighed in last night in his monologue. >> the white house they are not concerned at all about their failing policies, their spiking inflation, rising gas prices, open borders, supply chain crisis, or, of course, the americans they left behind in afghanistan that we will never forget. and instead the administration apparently believes that they have a messaging problem. the problem is messaging. and in order to solve the messaging problem, some advisers want joe biden to spend more time communicating directly with you, the american people. quote while there is unity among advisers about having biden talk to more people directly, another official said there is no agreement about whether that effort will work. >> brian: as sean looks at the big picture, political experts are looking at the small picture and saying what exactly is causing his approval rating to drop? and it's devastating. it's working class latinos, that is a growing bustling class. they are not just leaving him, they are running to republicans. they are not agnostic on this. then they are being joined by working class whites. and if the republicans can back the suburban momma president trump seems to have lost in the last election that arguably cost him the last election, it is going to be a disaster in 2022. >> steve: right. listen, his messaging problem is the message and that's the problem. they have to change the message going forward. meanwhile, something very rare happened down in laredo, texas. that is the texas national guard did something they haven't done for years and that is they actually fired their weapon. they had open fire on apparently a human smuggler who was driving straight at them. 1:00 in the morning, city of laredo, the human smuggler then took off and later border patrol was able to apprehend the vehicle and inside there were six migrants. no injuries. the driver is a 17-year-old american citizen charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. human smuggling, and bill melugin is down there talking to the folks, ainsley. and he said it is so rare for them to fire their weapons. it has been years since they have done that but, listen, if somebody is bearing down at you, in a vehicle, and you are worried they are going to run over you. you can understand why they would open fire. >> they had to defend themselves. also this is a new story this morning venezuelan migrant girl died crossing the river between mexico and the united states. the agents are dealing with influx. we hear about fentanyl and all the drugs. 170,000 apprehensions in the month of november alone. no more building of the wall. no covid tests for illegals. then we hear about these secret flights being flown into florida and long island and now pennsylvania. and those or some of the governors are saying you know what? put them on buses and take them to delaware to joe biden's home state. but, in california, they are voting now to increase taxes, possibly. more than $12,000 per family. so that everyone gets free healthcare, including the illegal immigrants. and then we heard free college for them. there is $450,000 checks. remember that idea that was thrown out that each of these illegal immigrants get that much money? almost a million dollars if it's a mom and a daughter, brian. >> brian: yeah. and the other note to add on illegal immigration, the president, the vice president is going to down down and address the root cause ever the problem. that is she is going to be going to honduras and have private money to give them to make their lives better so they quit coming here. the problem is leverage before you get private sector money, you have got stop control your own population and southern border so our southern border doesn't get blitzed. that's the one thing she is missing. at least she is going to go to honduras. michigan democrats heat dismissing roles. two moms from that state react next. ♪ can i get it right now ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: michigan democrats -- roles if their child's education. in a since deleted facebook post the state democratic party said quote the purpose of public education in public schools is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught. it is to teach them what society needs them to know. well, here to react, two michigan parents. we have tori stax and she is a mom of four daughters 6-year-old, 5-year-old twins and 1-year-old. i don't know now you do it god bless you and kaitlin reynolds and you have one child 9-year-old in fourth grade. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> ainsley: tori, i will start with you. what was your reaction, first of all, when you heard that when you saw it was deleted. is that really how they feel? >> i think that's absolutely how they feel. i think that the michigan democratic party teachers unions and governor gretchen whitmer think they own our kids. i think that's especially disturbing considering they have been the people advocating for closed schools and governor gretchen whitmer herself scholarships for parents to hire reading tutors or send their children to open schools. >> ainsley: kaitlin, if you read it sit down mom and dad, we know better than you do. and if you can afford a private school you go. but, if you can't and you are working really hard like all moms and dads do but you can't afford private school, you need to sit in your chair, mom and dad stay home. don't come to school board meetings and just listen to us. we will teach your kids what you need to know. not you. >> yeah. i mean, i sat in on the michigan school board meeting the other night. that is absolutely how they feel. just listening to some of the mothers and fathers calling in to the michigan school board meeting. being able to see those board members livestream and seeing some of their behaviors and they got towards the end of the night, one of the school board members offered to order some pizza and the woman actually said i can't, i actually have live creatures waiting for me at home. well, so do we all. you know, we elected you. we hired you. and for you to think that -- for the michigan democratic party to think that the parents are not the clienteles of the public school system, it's the other way around. we pay the taxes. that's why they are public schools. they are publicly funded. >> ainsley: tori, all of my friends from michigan are wonderful people. they want their kids to be in schools. why is this seeping into these great communities in michigan? >> a lot of it is driven by the democratic party and the people they elect at the local level and, again, our governor. our governor has been controlled by the teachers unions entire time in office. you know, i was watching the show last hour and i saw -- she said parents should know what's going on in their classroom and that shouldn't be a radical idea. the fact that the democratic party thinks that's a radical idea shows you just how out of touch they are. great some parents in michigan and across the country are stepping up. they are speaking out. and they are doing things like running for school board to really get their voices heard and advocate for their children. >> ainsley: kaitlin, we saw what happened in virginia. i wonder if this will happen in michigan too. they said we have deleted a post that ignored of the role parents play and should play in michigan public schools. parents need to have a stay in children's education. end of story. the post does not reflect the views of michigan democrats and should not be misinterpreted as a message of support. what do your friends and mom say, kaitlin? >> at this point in time they have exhausted us all. whether you are left, right, center. it's been two years of this seemingly never ending pandemic in a state like michigan. and everybody is just exhausted, no matter what side of the aisle that you come from. and in my opinion, i think that that kind of what the -- that's what the agenda was to run us all down so much that we are too exhausted to fight against this. and at this point now, you are just riling up these parents so much. in michigan, i hope that we end up seeing the same results that happened in v.a. where clarify was out of office and youngkin come in. >> ainsley: we saw pictures of your children, keep fighting the fight for those young minds. god bless all of those children. thank. >> thank you. >> thank you for having us. >> ainsley: you are welcome. the white house rolling out a new website for rapid covid tests and it's already glitching. will this be as chaotic as jason chaffetz is going to weigh in next. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. 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here are reaction is former utah congressman jason chaffetz jason, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: so it looks like these tests are going to wind up in the hands of millions of americans kind of after they actually needed it. i was just looking at axios, it looks like we are going up and we are going down the omicron mountain right now the idea why kind of forgot to order the test. the president has a big press conference. throw on top of that we are going to give out hundred of millions of n-95 masks. that also seems like an after thought. i think this is an administration that's rudderless. what is lost in all of this, what people have to remember is they are not targeting the most vulnerable. they are just trying to blanket the entire country. what bothers me they are not saving the test, targeting the tests and the masks to -89d people that are the most vulnerable. that's the fundamental problem here. >> steve: i know the white house was asked early on when they announced that they were going to have this site where people could apply and they could as of yesterday. but, you're only entitled to four free masks. if you got, say, five people in your family. you are told you will have to get those on your own. but it's it. i mentioned a hiccup in the intro. so, anyway, you only get four tests per address and they found out yesterday a bunch of apartment building the in gigantic multihousing dwellings, somebody had already yoursed that address, the next thing you know you get a dialogue box that pops up, sorry, you have already asked for some. they didn't work all the bugs out and apparently it crashed at one point yesterday. >> yeah. chaffetz household is a party of six, but you can only get four but more importantly for other people, apartment complexes, houses with basements, those types of things, again, that's going to be a fiasco. reports of it crashing. and the government holding your personal address, steve, what could go wrong with that. >> steve: as we come up on the anniversary of joe biden's first year in office, which is tomorrow, i'm sure he is going to be asked about covid today, because he ran on a campaign promise that donald trump screwed up covid response. i will fix it. one year later, he did not fix it. >> no, he didn't fix it and he was complaining before he was elected that there were not enough covid tests out there. and really literally came to the point of saying whoops, i wish i would have ordered more of these. who would have thought this would come back. over the summer i made it sound like this was defeated and behind us. and as long as they have the leadership like dr. fauci and those yahoos in place. i think the american people they want a second opinion. they want to move on. they want to get some confidence behind what is going on. but, until they do that, i think the president will continue to flail. >> steve: before you go, real quickly, you mentioned dr. fauci, you know, they are talking about a messaging reset that they are going to start at the white house because of biden's poor poll numbers. isn't it time for some people in the administration to go whether it's fauci or brian earlier mentioned ron klain, the chief of staff. because there are a lot of parts of the government that americans don't trust. >> yeah. you know what's interesting to me is you look, who is the secretary of health and human services? becerra? he is nowhere on this. he has not attended a single press conference. he has not been anywhere. this is health and human services supposed to be doing their job. and their secretary is absolutely not -- he is just not in the picture. >> steve: yeah. well, you are. thank you very much for getting up early and chatting with us, jason. >> thank you. >> steve: all right. one dozen minutes before the top of the hour. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather. janice, fargo, bismarck close to 30 below zero right now the wind chill. >> janice: yes. dangerous to be outside we have capitol hills advisories watches and warnings in place because it is darn cold and people are urged to stay indoors and make sure your pets are inside. take care of the elderly. there are the wind chill alerts that are happening right now across the northern plains, upper midwest. and it's cold for a lot of the country here. and that's setting the stage for not only severe weather. but the potential for an ice storm again for parts of the south and the mid-atlantic. so there is your future track. you can see the warm part of the storm is going to bring the risk for severe storms as this front moves through. north of there, that's where we are going to see the cold air sink southward. just in time for our next area of low pressure. and that's going to bring more snow and ice to areas that saw snow and ice other the weekend. almost a repeat of what we saw, steve, and then we are going to have to watch over the weekend to see if this area of low pressure comes to visit us in the northeast. stay tuned. fox download the app. we have your latest details. back to you. >> steve: good advice. thanks j.d. coming up, a dramatic shift in america's party press conference ahead of midterm elections. former democrats who left their party about why so many people are now joining the republicans. plus, if you are falling behind on your new year's resolution, skip bedell has some tips to help you get healthy at home. ♪ oh a vitae pod. sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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>> steve: brian, i kind of have a version of that but, first of all, i don't know anybody who has a mannequin in their house. >> brian: anybody? >> steve: no normal person. but the reason you and i and ainsley do that is because we get up at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. we don't want to wake up our spouses or the people in our house. and so we try to have as small a noise footprint as possible. also, when you turn on the lights to go looking through the closet for, for instance, this necktie, i wake up my wife and then she is up for all day. that's not good for either one of us. she needs her sleep. i need my sleep. i just go to bed earlier than her. >> brian: listen, if you have an extra mannequin i would like one. i would like to dress somebody do a dry run the night before. make sure it fits. i like a mannequin exactly my dimensions. >> ainsley: mannequins is so weird naked and plastic and just stand there. >> brian: right. >> steve: brian apparently wants one. brian really just wants a mannequin so he can put it in the passenger seat. >> brian: now i need two of them. in staten island you need two. >> ainsley: oh, because you have to have three. >> steve: you are going to staten island? >> brian: when i want to get away. >> we have tropical this time of year. it's beautiful weather. >> steve: most islands are long island a little chillier though. all right. so, anyway. now that we have completely. >> brian: derailed. >> steve: got the program completely started for this hour. go to the white house where in about 4:00 this afternoon, the president is going to hold a rare news conference in the left side of the building. bottom floor, left side. that's the east room. peter doocy is actually out on the president's lawn speaking in hush tones so he does not wake up the president of the united states. good morning, peter. >> and we don't want to give away our questions for later just in case he is watching. he probably is but it's a big day not just here but up the street on capitol hill because as the president walks up to the microphone, the senate is going to be readying a vote on that voting rights legislation and it's expected to fail. >> we are going to vote. we're all going to go on the record. and republicans will have to choose which side they stand on. >> that means it's a show vote. democrats can't pass this because they don't have enough democrats to blow up senate rules and change the filibuster which has democrats now trying to run other democrats out of town. >> would you support efforts to primary senators manchin and sinema. >> i'm not getting into the politics. this is a subsubstantive serious issue. >> as president biden reportedly seeks a public recess set. he has only had nine formal press conferences, six of those solo and then three joint pressers side by side with other world leaders. >> in terms of voting rights, his view is that it's never a good idea to shoot with the moon with what your proposals are and what you are fighting for. there has been a lot of progress made. we need to build on that. the work is not done. the job is not done. >> president biden does take a fair amount of questions over the course of a month it's always while the press is being taken out of the room or while he is walking away. this is a rare chance for him to have to stand there and not walk away while follow-up questions are asked about these policies he is pushing right now that are not just popular -- not just unpopular among members of his own party and senate. but also among the public, based on every recent poll. back to you. >> ainsley: can you give us a little clue as to what you might ask today? >> peter: no, what if he is watching upstairs? up on the second floor? i mean, who knows if we even get called on. but if he does, we have got like four or five different topics. depends on what we get ask first. hopefully we can get a little bit more into -- a little bit more insight into his thinking about these things that effect everybody else watching, other than the president. >> brian: peter, would you text ainsley later after the show and let her know because she really would like to know. >> peter: sure, at 9:01. about. >> steve: keep a secret. >> ainsley: we know you ask the best questions. thanks for showing up this morning. what kinds of questions are we expecting? definitely inflation questions, probably. covid questions. supply chain crisis questions. probably ukraine and what that situation looks like on the border there with russia. and china. maybe some immigration questions. but he has been in delaware. he was in delaware all weekend. he didn't have anything on his schedule on monday or tuesday. and now the white house is worried about a -- the messaging now. like you said, steve, you said the problem with their messaging is they don't have a message. people are wondering where the president has been. he spent a lot of time. a big chunk, i think a more than a fourth of his time last year at one of his houses in delaware. people are saying with everything going on in our country. why are you spending that time in delaware? why aren't you at the white house? when people are facing 7 percent inflation, higher gas price, can't afford to pay their electric bills. that's why people are buying more firewood now to heat their homes. why are you camping out at the beach and walking your dogs on the beach and not staying in the white house and getting some of this hard work done? >> brian: yeah, i mean he is going to point to the rescue bill he passed and bipartisan infrastructure bill he sat on three months. not going to bring up afghanistan unless he is questioned. here's the thing missed two variants cost millions of lives, thousands of jobs. tens of thousands of jobs. we missed both of them. okay? we totally missed them. he says the same thing for a year. get vaccinated, get vaccinated, come on get vaccinated it's the patriotic thing to do. we need a new plan. almost every doctor saying you need a new plan. living with it we can't do it for another year. how to anticipate the next variant and deal with it from here on in. obviously he didn't order any tests. he did not get ahead of that. he did not order the therapeutics. he did not get ahead of that. can you imagine how great it would be knowing vaccinated or not, if you got the virus, you have a doctor with those 30 pill regiment five pills a day for 30 days. he created them didn't order them. that's a problem. inflation at 40-year high. steve this is going to be a strategic thing. do you just focus on things you did good on hope people right that and/or focus on the reality of the supply chain and inflation that affects every day people and say i can do better? do you mix them both or go in all in on one or turn the page and pretend last year didn't happen? >> steve: well, you know he is going to say whatever topic comes up that is uncomfortable and he has a bad, you know, it hasn't worked out for him. is he going to say look, i'm only one year. in i was elected to four years. i have got plenty of time to do it. but, you know, whether -- for the most part, the number one thing he has done well on is to your point, brian, covid. and now they are sending out all of these tests. apparently too late for the omicron for the most part. but they have got these antiviral pills. the pfizer pill, and because it's a verizon, that's what you want. you want those. you want them to use -- you want the president to announce we're rolling out the defense production act so that we can get all those pills to all those people because, omicron only reacts to that pill. so, that's really how we turn the corner on it the other thing about inflation, when the average american, if they go out shopping today and they are paying as we heard from joe biden talking about his neighbor, yeah my neighbor told me in the sunroom that a pound of hamburger is 6 buck us. i had no idea. he had no idea how much stuff costs. do you think he asked the secret service for the keys to the beast, his big cadillac suv and drives it over to texaco and fills it up? no, he has no idea how much gas costs. the other thing that impacts people every day and that is crime. because we have been talking so much about the randomness of how many people are impacted in such a profoundly awful way these days. and it impacts people from coast to coast. and, yesterday, on the program we interviewed todd kupfer, he is the father of brianna kupfer of grad student out aclu. was ho was murdered last thursday. now, according to the lapd. they have got a suspect. and he is a career criminal. his name is shawn laval smith. 31. lapd saying he is armed and dangerous. and there he is right there, 30 minutes after he murdered her, he went in to a 7-eleven and bought a vape pen. and the sad thing is, apparently just before she was murdered, she texted a friend and said, you know what? there is somebody in the store. i'm getting a bad vibe from. and she was all alone. she was not supposed to work on that day. but she. ed to take the next day off. and fly on the red eye to jfk for somebody's birthday, so she worked. sadly, the person that got the text, ainsley, didn't see it until she had already been murdered. >> ainsley: yeah, i know. he has so many mug shots. this morning on the daily mail we counted 12 mug shots from coast to coast including san francisco, crimes in l.a. crimes in charleston, south carolina, charlotte. look at all of these mug shots over the years. there is a $250,000 reward for any information leading to his arrest. they are saying he is armed and dangerous. don't go near him. just call the police. is he about 63, 190 pounds and likely to use public transportation. speaking of, here on this coast, in new york city, a young lady michelle goh was randomly should in front of a moving subway, just some schizophrenic homeless guy walks up behind her. she doesn't even see him and pushes her as the subway is approaching the station. hundreds gathered in times square last night to remember her for this vigil. they had her picture up on those big billboards in times square. so many people holding candles and talking about what a wonderful person she was. here is the irony, brian, she used to volunteer for the last 10 years there is her picture right there. it's just beautiful and they're remembering her. she said the last 10 years volunteering to help the homeless. and those people less fortunate than her. and she ends up being killed or shoved into the subway by a homeless man whose sister says please if he will not take his medicine. the new d.a. and alvin bragg were there hopefully they are getting the message. >> we have to flood these major cities. 12 cities setting homicide records. not just killings the death and destruction we are seeing totally preventable. areas we thought would always safe as bad as gang crime is. she these numbers gang ares shooting each other. who is going to go in there. >> we have few do. shooting everybody everywhere. a lot of this has to do with homeless. it's not the family of four whose single mom got will her job. this is not. this is major money flooding into major cities allow encamp. s taking place. stopping cops from clearing them out and getting them out this waffles something that was strategized. tucker carlson pointed this out last night on his monologue, listen. >> if you live in the united states you may have noticed thattible of our public spaces have become permanent homeless encampments. you see trash-filled tents blotting out what were once green and tidy public parks. you watch as junkies smoke meth without any embarrassment after the all and yell at pedestrians on the sidewalk. maybe your children. everywhere at every intersection there are beggars. that's what we used to imagine india was like this. is not calcutta. this is new york and san francisco and austin, texas. so the question is what happened? the short answer is our leaders did this. no matter what they tell you homelessness is not the acted of god. not the result of economic collapse in this country. america did not run out of housing. instead a determined group of well funded idealogues decided to make it easier to live on the streets in this country while doing drugs. >> brian: talked about watkins one of the most respected law firms or powerful law firms in the country deciding to sue on behalf of a homeless person, give them rights. next thing you know, all these cities from orange county to los angeles to san francisco, obviously in new york are now riddled with these -- with the subculture of homeless hooked on some type of drugs, in many case mentally deranged. that's exactly what happened with the homeless guy that threw that woman on the track that you referenced earlier the had 0-year-old asian woman has a degree from nyu and had all these plans for her life. ended because of a homeless deranged person who they should shouldn't have been on the streets. we knew how dangerous the subways were. we have been reading the stories. mayor eric adams promised to make this country -- excuse me, this city safe. it was the safest big city in the world. it is not. listen to what he said on saturday which shows totally tone deaf and look at how he changed yesterday. watch. >> the perception is what we're fighting against. this is a safe system. from day one i took the subway system. i felt unsafe. i saw homeless everywhere. people were yelling on the train. there was a feeling of disorder. >> so as we deal with the crime problem, we also have to deal with the fact people feel unsafe. >> steve: absolutely. because of the random nature of both of the crimes that we have been detailing, nobody feels safe. you go -- it's very uncomfortable walking down the streets of new york city. keep in mind that woman was should in front of the r-train in times square at 9:40 in the morning. and i saw a headline yesterday, l.a. homelessness or rather l.a. homicides at the highest level in 15 years. that's a good question for the president. mr. president, why has homicide-why has murder surged during your presidency? it has to do, to tucker's point, it has to do with homelessness, it has to do with crime. the guy who is alleged to have murdered brianna kupfer, his prior charges, assault with a deadly weapon. carrying a concealed weapon. assault on a cop. trespassing, possession of a stolen vehicle, larceny, possession of stolen goods. he was out on $1,000 bond after shoplifting and after assaulting a cop. why was that guy on the street? ainsley you pointed that out. all the same man. it goes to show you how many mug shots. this is a dreher criminal who probably should have been behind bars. it seems like he also apparently has a long history of failing to appear in court. and as we have seen too often these days, the courts look the other way, ainsley. >> steve: it's causing all of us to change our lives. we want to live in safe communities. all of my friends in new york are trying not to take the sunway. sun subway. all of us give the same advice. sit down on the bench, look around you, make sure when the train is approaching you are against a wall or sitting on the bench so no one pushes you in. we shouldn't have to live our lives like that. walking on the street look around you, looking around for your surroundings, and sometimes you end up crossing the street if you see someone that you don't think looks safe. it is just -- new york city has changed so much over the course of me living here. >> steve: scary. >> ainsley: it is scary. carley knows all about this. she is in new york city this morning. >> carley: sticking to the crime crisis, a homeless man is charged with the murder of an la nurse who was badly beaten at a bus stop. lapd arresting terry belle, calling the attack senseless and unprovoked. sandra shelves was reportedly on her way to work when she was attacked. she died three days later. her medical center is remembering her as a, quote, compassionate caregiver with unmatched dedication to her patients and her community. vice president kamala harris is heading to honduras. the v.p. planning once again to tackle illegal immigration not from the southern border but from south america. the white house saying she will, quote: address the root causes of migration. and attend the inauguration of the country's president-elect. two more house democrats announcing their retirement. congressman james lander vin and -- not seek re-election. bringing the house democrats 28. 20 are retiring and 8 running for other offices. republicans need to gain 5 seats in the midterms to win the majority. a big list of pictures there. >> brian: unbelievable, carley of course you lead with the homeless problem with your lead story. once what was california dreaming is california leaving no. g in that record. proposal could drive even more people away. first, democrats are abandoning the party in record numbers. former democrats now running as republicans join us next to explain why they made the switch. ♪ ♪ steve a new survey reveals dramatic shift in which political party americans really prefer as of right this moment. republicans overtaking democrats holding its largest lead in voter preference since 1995. look at that how the lines crossed. the red line, republicans at 47, the blue line, democrats at 42. our next guest both left the democratic party for the republican party last year. we have got north las vegas mayor and nevada gubernatorial candidate john lee joining us along with west virginia state representative and now state senate candidate mic bates. guys, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having us on. >> steve: all right. john, let's start with you why did you say you know what? i have been a democrat my whole life. i'm done, the party moved past me? >> in fact, the democrats are now leaving that party in droves because of the socialistic agenda taking place in the democratic party. they are totally anti-american there was nowhere for people who thought like divert do yous and morals about being a good american. it was time to leave. they have destroyed the democratic party now steve mic, you are in west virginia. you were a democrat. and now are a republican. there are a lot of people across the country who would like it see joe manchin, who is a democrat in your state, go republican. but so far he has not. why did you switch parties? >> well, this has been coming for some time. i am not a lifelong republican. i'm not even a lifelong american. i'm immigrant. registered as a defendant. all my friends were democrats. people i went to church with, that's who you were. >> the rest of the country doing what's been going on in west virginia for some time. shifting away from a party that most of the people i know just can't identify with. and it's probably getting worse, not better. i wouldn't hold your breath with are senator joe manchin switching. my district the areas i represent there has been 30 point change, 30% swing to republican over the last three years. >> steve: sure, john, you mentioned that the democratic party is becoming too socialistic for your taste. what policies in particular are they pushing that you just think that's just too far to the left? >> well, in nevada, the top four democrats who were elected to the senior positions in the state party were vowed socialist. the wickedness of socialism, the socialism washington now its made its way over to the state of nevada. everything take away the free dooms and values and the opportunities that america offers our people, and especially our young people who are now coming up in the system. they are going to be destroyed and be able to -- and not be able to do anything and have the life that i did. and i'm fighting to keep this america value in nevada. >> steve: yeah. and, you know, mick, i have heard from so many democrats who are, you know, moderate democrats they say the party has just gone so far to the left out of washington. i just don't even recognize that party anymore. >> there used to be a place for, you know, moderate conservatives within the democratic party. if you were pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-business, pro-freedom, there was a place for you. there is increasingly uncomfortable place to be. it gets harder and harder to explain away to the people that you talk to you are not one of those kind of democrats. not only switching democrats to republican but seeing independence switching press conference to republican party. those values put forward do not represent those values of the people that live in this part of the world. >> steve: yeah, well, john lee and mick bates. we thank you both for joining us from nevada and from west virginia telling us a little bit about your journey. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> thank you appreciate you. >> steve: you bet. coming up on 7:30 here in the east. up next, the golden state could get even more expensive. you are going to need more gold. the latest pricy proposal that could have california residents digging for that gold glittery stuff just to survive. ♪ how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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>> absolutely. and they are already moving, right? they are already on their way out. you are just going to kick them out. you are going to cat thattize that movement even more by these type of movements. >> point i make the taxes are an important issue, far, far more important is the affront to human freedom. the ability for someone to be able to choose own healthcare. instead of the government take control of that. that's a family issue. i'm a family man first and foremost. i have four kids and a wife. if i'm out in california right now i'm thinking that's my first concern is being able to choose their healthcare. a government like california. the same government that can't get its roads correct. can't even keep the streets clean. you have people i remember in san francisco walk around with my wife you would see people defecate in the streets. this is something talk to people of san francisco they will tell you. and this government, this same government is now proposing to take control of your healthcare. that's crazy talk. that's insane. >> ainsley: there is such a school staffing shortage in certain areas of california. now they are enlisting parents to come in and do roles like food services. custodial work. office assistant. classroom support. they are also asking the high schoolers if they have free time. free moment in their schedules, they are eligible to do this, too. this is palo alto unified school district and the superintendent posted this video online recruiting the parents. what's your reaction? >> i mean, credit to the parents for stepping up, right? but shame on the government for not being able to keep the schools open. i mean, that's a fundamental human need, right, to keep the schools open. not just for the kids but for the sake of the parents. you need to keep those schools open, and they are not doing it and this, ironically, is the same government that is proposing that it's now going to take control of your healthcare as well. these two issues are interconnected, right? he they're ludicrous if you think about it. here in texas i talked to a few of my executives, and between us we have like 20 kids or something, right? we love having kids in our company. when i talk about their schooling situation, from what i understand, none of the schools have closed here. so why are they closing the schools in california? why can't the government keep the schools open? >> steve: good question. and that's why in palo alto, 700 parents said hey, don't close the schools. we will come work in the cafeteria so that our kids get an education, and that is what they are doing right now. peter rex, nobody knows more about california and now texas than you, sir. thank you very much for getting up and getting on "fox & friends" on this wednesday morning with us. >> ainsley: thank you. >> have a great day, everybody. >> ainsley: you, too. >> steve: you, too. straight ahead one progressive d.a. could find himself out of a job after comments like this. >> i think it's important that we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of a big spike in crime. there isn't. there is not a big spike in crime. that is not true. >> steve: that is not true. we're going to talk to the state lawmaker leading the charge to impeach philadelphia district attorney coming up next. viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ >> i think it's important that we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of a big spike in crime. there isn't. there is not a big spike in crime. that is not true. there is also not a big spike in violent crime. neither one of these things is true. basically, we don't have a crisis of lawlessness. we don't have a crisis of crime. we don't have a crisis of violence. >> brian: if homicide isn't violence you are 100 percent right. philadelphia's d.a. larry krasner denied there is a crime crisis in the city. he walked it back. no one buys the walkback despite record high crimes last year. next guest taking action he has had it and i can't blame him. pushing for krasner's impeachment. president pro temp poor jake joins us now. what brought you to this point. >> it has gotten past the point can't turn your eyes. we have a real crisis in our city and it's part of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. those people who live in philadelphia deserve protection. those people who work in philadelphia deserve protection. this district attorney is not providing that he has created a culture of violence and death. and, you know, we just have to take action. >> brian: right now homicides in philadelphia one after another. what gets you 21% of shootings resulted in criminal charges. since when are you allowed to have a wild shootout and there is no fear? >> and less than 10% of those actually toledo convictions or pleadings of guilt. they complain or maybe our gun laws aren't stiff enough but they don't prosecute the crimes. what are new laws going to help? this is a culture that this d.a. has created. >> brian: robberies up, 2398 robberies up from 1800 plus the year before. so one thing leads after another. and why did he -- why does he feel as though he has a kinship with the criminal? what gain does he see from making people feel unsafe? >> this spartan of this progressive movement. i don't understand it he is in denial. you don't have to ask me, the former mayor and african-american michael nutter called him out on it and saying if these were white children they would care more. since they are black and brown children, he actually referred to them as someone who is, you know, white elitist. this is a philadelphia mayor saying this former mayor saying this not me. this is just a problem that he has created, this culture. and when i, you know, did my release yesterday saying we should look into appeasement charges his only reaction was i hired kayleigh mcenany as a political consultant. what's that got to do with crime in philadelphia. he is in complete denial as you saw from the clip he played earlier. a culture of violence in philadelphia. someone has to show leadership and have him step and have him removed i'm happy to provide that. >> brian: i have no idea why kayleigh mcenany would work with him but is he a night ware. >> no, she is working with him and that's why he criticized me. because she is working with me. >> brian: thank you for the clarification. what is the next procedural move that what shot do you think you have? >> well, look ultimately, you know, an impeachment process is very public process. the house has to file articles of impeachment which i believe they will soon. they ultimately will vote on those. if they vote him out it comes for a trial in the senate just like you saw in the presidential process. ultimately the democrats will decide this because you have to do this with two thirds vote and bipartisan vote. democrats have to decide are they going to protect the progressive wing of their party or are they going to protect the communities that they represent? and honestly, hopefully they choose their communities. >> steve: jake, having this conversation you and krasner, i could be talking to someone in los angeles, san francisco, in houston, texas, in austin and minneapolis. it's the same d.a.s they think of like mind. do you believe he has evil intent? is this somebody whose heart is in the right place but mind isn't. >> look, i can't speak to his heart. i don't know where his heart is. all i know the policies that he has pro-mowed over first term and now into second term have led to this culture of violence in philadelphia culture of death. someone has to take him on and step up and say this is wrong. this is not making our community safer and doing the exact opposite. and before it spreads into our suburbs, which it already is. before it spreads to other states, we need to step in. >> brian: you are. jake korman is stepping up and hopefully democrats will join you there is right and wrong not right and left. appreciate it? >> good to be with you. >> brian: you got it check in with janice dean for the fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: yes, here we go again, brian, take look at it cold air sinking southward from our friends in canada. 22347 chicago. forecast high. and a lot of freezing advisories for the northern plains and upper midwest. that cold air is going to sink southward across the ohio, tennessee river valley, thursday and friday set the stage for next winter storm that's going to impact the southeast and the mid-atlantic. also looking at the potential for some severe weather across the south today, including texas, louisiana, in towards mississippi and there is our future crack. so the cold front moves eastward and we get the potential for more ice and snow for areas that, you know, don't need anymore, right? because it's been really quite a winter so far for the southeast and the mid-atlantic. our friends in the carolinas and then have to watch the potential for a nor'easter to come visit us on the weekend. we are keeping busy the fox weather department, brian. back to you. >> brian: i know. every time i walk by that room things are going crazy, people are shoveling, yelling at maps. janice, thanks for keeping your calm. [laughter] >> janice: okay. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, people around the world could face a huge fine if they are unvaccinated. author douglas murray on the cost of refusing the jab, but, first, students at one high school are getting a lesson in giving back. the incredible gift they are building to help a family in need. ♪ learn with you ♪ by my side ♪ i'm thankful ♪ thankful ♪ in my life ♪ i'm thankful ♪ people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> ainsley: normally i would say seattle but i think you are trying to trick us. probably mobile. >> i can even say seattle, that steve is. we went to point, they think seattle is the rainiest city but it is actually mobile, alabama. they wind up with over 5 feet of rain each and every calendar year. >> ainsley: what? >> todd: that is right but the average temperature in mobile is 72 and they still have 220 sunny days each and every year. >> ainsley: this is more doable because you can get sweet tea, sweet, southern people down there. and you have ocean and warmer climate. and you have the oldest mardi gras celebration, the center of art, the basilica built in 1850 with german stained glass windows. brian, you can go to the carnival museum. >> brian: fantastic because i love the carnival. you know me well. but i will bring up this commit reminds me of the famous radio team and number two kokomo mobile, alabama, a full-time job there. i think coach the football team anyways and on politics. >> ainsley: i know. >> and blowing up the filibuster and voting reform because i guess he was born in west virginia in fairmount west virginia. so i thought he would get involved in politics. >> but he did and we are talking about it for anyway, good morning mobile, alabama. let us start on this wednesday the third hour of "fox & friends" on the west coast. the terrible murder of 24-year-old brianna kupfer. she was working on her day off at a furniture store, now yesterday, the pd, l.a. gave us the name of the suspect, shawn laval smith, 30, armed and dangerous and if you see him call the cops. don't do anything. he was out on a $1,000 bond for shoplifting and apparently assaulting a cop. usually come i remember back in the day if you assault a cop you wind up in jail. not this guy career criminal come along rap sheet, both coasts, and he was out on $1,000 bond for arresting l.a. county. the nature of the charge is not clear and it has not been to a trial or plea deal because it is 50 months later. ainsley, those are some of his mug shots. i think those are from charleston, south carolina where he's at a litany of problems from coast to coast. and yet, he was out last thursday i murdered that girl. >> ainsley: count them, 12, 12 of them in the span of a 10-year period. he was out -- this young lady was by herself at the furniture store and he walked in, stabbed her, didn't take anything and walked out the back door. the police were on it and identified him very quickly. we were talking about this yesterday, now they know who it is. they allege this guy shawn laval smith 31 years old, you'd come along rap sheet and many mug shots. he was seen on camera and i think a local 7-eleven store buying a vaping pan 30 minutes after breanna was murdered. the please consider him long and dangerous and likely to use public transportation. $250,000 award leading to an arrest. her father was on with us yesterday and we had an emotional interview with steve. my gosh, this poor guy as a parent his worst nightmare. we hear more and more of these random acts. the father said this. >> i'm not blaming anybody by name. i blame what society right now, everybody seems to be associated on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and trying to recognize that that is the job they have is to try to make communities better and make people care more, to not tear down communities by exposing them to people that are falling out of the bottom and really don't care about the other human beings. they think they can do whatever they like in our society, and they are doing it more and more in every community. and just see a terrible outfall from it. it is horrific. >> todd: the cops have been disempowered from coast to coast. this is another example of some lunatic running over someone in a parade some afternoon or throwing someone in front of a subway saturday morning or someone working in a furniture store gets stabbed to death because this career criminal wants to do some heinous act. the question is, where are the cops, when will they get empowered, when will we start flooding with law enforcement and provide extra money to have that happen? when will we get rid of the d.a.s and mostly group like george soros. they will over fund the elections and next thing you know, ada to make sure the prisons and the criminals get prosecuted or they just whack the charges, case in point, larry krasner under his offices has allowed philadelphia, homicide in robbery records the last few years and jake coleman has had enough. the united states senate leader. and he wants this guy impeached. listen. >> we have a crisis in our city, and that's part of the commonwealth of pennsylvania, those who live in philadelphia deserve protection of those who work in philadelphia deserves protection. this just tell mike district attorney is not providing that. his first time and now his second term has led to this cultural violence in philadelphia. someone has to take him on and say this is wrong. this is not making the community safer and doing the exact opposite. and it is spreading torso suburbs. >> brian: it is a long shot, but he said he messaged. this will not stand and from now on too small to pay attention to whether schoolboard artistic attorney. but just stunning, joe biden at 4:00, i feel like he will present because he's frustrated with the lack of police reform and unable to get done with cory booker and tim scott. he will take executive action on police reform, not attacking the criminal, but the cops. stunning. >> he is kind of wrong. he doesn't need, you know, criminal reform. he needs crime reform here that is what i'm trying to say. because he looked at the randomness of it. what happened in california. yesterday they had in times square individual for the 40-year-old woman who was standing on a subway platform on saturday morning 9:40 in the morning and some homeless guy also a long string of mental illness which was no mike pushes her in front of the train and instantly killed and the new incoming mayor of new york city, the incoming mayor eric adams said "you know what, i don't feel safe on the subway either." that comes a couple of days after he said the subways are safe. they are not safe. in fact a crime problem and safety issue coast to coast that scott be one of the things joe biden addresses later today because when you look at the number of americans who are happy about how things are going right now, it is just not very good for the president currently. and you look at his gallup poll survey shows support for republican surging and the democrats going the other way. so you have to figure he will be asked about crime, you will be asked about inflation, he will be asked what is going on at the southern border. he will be asked about all sorts of things. i'm sure for the last couple of days, ainsley he worked with the communications team who told cmt to reset communications. they will try to get him talking to more americans and also when he goes up to capitol hill and negotiates with members of congress, we are not just going to report back and blabbed what they talked about. we are going to keep that more confidential so that we don't patent the temperature where, oh, the president wouldn't talk to joe manchin. what did mr. biden say to him? and then we heard the read back on that. it is just amped up the temperature and now the president is in the place in the polls where he is deeply unpopular. and he's got three years left. not only for him but three years left for us. >> ainsley: it's not going to be good for the democrats in the midterm. we saw what used to be democrats, lifelong democrats because the party has left them because of all of their progressive tactics. when you think about joe biden, the last few weeks have been a disaster for him. but you said his approval rating now 33%. he promised so much in the very beginning. all of those promises were broken. listen, here is a flashback what he promised you, the american people. >> if i were president today, the country would be safer, we would see a lot less violence. if i were president, the language be less divisive. >> you would see your standard of living go up in your costco down. we will fight for every american worker, every american job. i will stand up to china's trade abuses, and i will invest in the american worker. >> i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. >> ainsley: will take him with the standard of living did not go up. inflation 7%, 1.4% when he took office. shutdown the virus, that didn't happen and even the vaccines are not working for omicron. he said he would stand up to china trade abuses but they will not stand up for the origins of this virus that killed so many americans and people around the world. a lot less violence, and we open the show with violence across the country. are you better off? 7% inflation, grocery store shelves are empty, and we can't find truck drivers, gas prices through the roof, electric bills are up. brian, we always say, "are you better off?" no, we are not a better off. tomorrow when you're since inauguration. spin with the political morning did a poll looking at a one-year review and 68% of the country say we are on the wrong track. they did this interesting poll and said "do you disagree with the following statements: biden is energetic and 58% say yeah, i disagree pure strong leader, 50% said i disagree, capable of running the country 41% disagreed, keeps promises, 53% disagree. so he's got to change gears. it has happened before other presidents have done it but number one a plan b when it comes to covid, number two, deemphasized legislative moves. so if he's having a problem with joe mansion, he doesn't want anyone talking about it. that is kind of interesting. he is going to do more executive orders and do one-on-one retail politicking. you will not get through the virus. and i think number two, there was a problem with struggles and tragedy that has hit his life, he reflects every time there is a tragedy, whether hurricane or tornado. back to him which has blown up. in his face when trying to creep with the family after a disastrous. so there is downsize to making more accessible. because he's worked angry all the time. he's the angriest guy that i've ever seen in front of a microphone consistently. he's often detached. he doesn't know what let's open a means. he didn't know there was a family separated. >> we were talking about how gallup with a survey, right now more people identify as republicans and democrats. just about an hour ago, i talked to a guy running for governor in nevada. he was elected democrat but now republican. and a guy for state senate in west virginia, he is now a democrat or was a democrat and is now a republican. here is what they have to say about the direction of the country. >> the democrats are now leaving that party in droves because of the socialistic agenda taking place. there is nowhere for people who thought and felt like i do about the virtues and values and morals of being a good american. there is time to leave. they have destroyed the democratic party. >> there used to be a place for democratic moderates. if you are pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-business, pro-freedom, there was a place for you. there is an increasingly uncomfortable played to be. and you try to explain you are not one of those democrats. just to represent those values of the people that live in this part of the world. >> brian: absolutely right. and so many people who are mentioning moderate democrats do not recognize the party that is emanating out of washington, d.c. you know, while joe biden has a big prom with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema for not supporting and getting rid of the filibuster, the president and his party under the comic you know, the policy and chuck schumer pulled the party so far to the left he really doesn't have to worry about joe joe manchin and kyrsten sinema purity a story about the people telling him to do that elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. you have to think the president will wind up with a question the direction of the country, ainsley. coming up for clock you will see it live on fox. >> ainsley: on one of the mainstream channels, king interviewed and all of the anchor said they agreed, republicans will win back the house and senate in 2022 in a few months in november. she said something to the effect, but that back in your mouth, put that back in your mouth. but they are admitting it. the mainstream media say the democrats are in trouble, they really are. they are too far to the left and you have the moderates that don't know where to grow. many will jump on the republican train because the party has left them. >> brian: can i say this real quick, on this and that the two votes to blow up the filibuster will fail. voting for voting reform will fail. joe manchin is not backing off. he said, we have laws on the book to ensure the voting counts. there will not be voter obstruction. so what is the point with mark kelly on the clock and maggie on the clock to blow them up with the left wing and may be guaranteed they lose the senate? back to elizabeth warren's beer, but go ahead ainsley, you have a special call. >> ainsley: brand name one person who complained because they could not vote because they have an i.d.? >> brian: i can't go to a restaurant without an i.d. and a vexing card but if i get past that i can vote without an i.d. >> ainsley: the rules are the rules. these are rules you want to make sure no fraud so you have to get an i.d. it is important to vote so go stand in line and get an idea if you don't have one. let's head over to carley. >> a developing story and a lot of people paying attention to several international airlines canceling flights for the united states with the rollout of 5g networks in the airport is now on hold. japan airlines and more suspending flights with 5g towers could interfere with takeoff and landing. at&t and verizon have delayed activating those towers for two weeks. senate republicans launching an investigation into the education department and the doj over the national school board association letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. republicans running to education secretary miguel cardona stating "action by attorney general garland has created a massive chilling effect for parents throughout the country and is an appropriate deployment of federal law enforcement. cardona requested the letter from the fda. the organization has apologized for sending the letter." the white house to penning president biden's choice not to release the visitor laws from his delaware home. listen here. a lot of presidents go visit their home when they are president. and we went a step further and any administration as people who visit the white house and will continue to do that. speak with the president spent a quarter of his first year as president in delaware, totaling 101 days. and britney spears is showing a strong warning to her little sister jamie lynn. the team sending a letter to the younger spears promoting her book, "things i should have said." britney said they will not take legal action against jamie lynn if she continues to share derogatory slander. and the sisters used to be so close, guys and now they are in this public legal dispute. >> brian: it would be a awkward family reunion, just singing. >> ainsley: don't think so. >> brian: 8:20 in the east, still ahead fines, penalties or even jail time. leaders are targeting the unvaccinated. these strict rules will lead to serious trouble, and he will explain coming up next. plus supersized surprise for a football super fan. the amazing gift tom brady is giving to that young boy. coming up straight-ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brian: world leaders are taking aim at the unvaccinated with strict new penalties. that includes austria, greece, quebec where you could be slapped with a huge fine for not getting vaccinated while those face jail. the singapore government will not cover medical treatment with those who are not vaccinated and get covid-19. douglas murray joins us to react. douglas, are you surprised at this that we have gotten to this point starting the third year in this? >> no, i am not. this is the state a policy of numerous governments not the least in europe. the government of austria has tried to make sure that this is the first country where basically compulsory vaccination policy the 1st of february. the date that they will clearly miss. we see french president macron saying in an interview earlier this month, he wants to "pits off the unvaccinated." we see political leaders across the world trying to basically be the most strict on people who are not vaccinated. and of course, there is a serious issue here and not just the medical issue. it is an issue of liberty, freedom, population. >> brian: we are acting like china. china has locked up 13 million people for a handful of cases. australia is to get vaccinated. how much do you think this problem is? they are changing the narrative. if you get vaccinated, you will not get it but not only are we getting it, the breakthrough cases are nonstop. >> well, that is a very important point. france has had a lot of unvaccinated opinions. i'm in favor of the vaccine but very much again against the mandate. in france, there is a huge chunk of population around the country that don't want to get the vaccine, why? one is they have been told things that have changed. we all see and everyone can see, obviously, the vaccine diminishes the likelihood of people getting hospitalized if they get the virus. the great advantage of the vaccine, however, leaders, including president biden and others have said things about the vaccine in the past that is not the case. it is not the case that we need the shot one spirit it is likely it will be the case that we will need boosters for a long time to come. so, people are in people are inevitably suspicious when there is this certainty coming out from people like dr. fauci, president biden and others when they speak certain about a situation that is constantly changing. and that is the driver, i think, public suspicion in america and elsewhere. the advantage we have in america always worth remembering, the advantage is the same system. not the same in europe. if you are increasing over the age of 60, you will be fine for now until the end of time if you refuse to take the vaccine. in the united states we have a different system and that includes the state system, which means people have much more leeway, much more flexibility. so in america, there are tyrannical things going on. they should take a look overseas at the moment. >> brian: supply, social media, you question anything and you get banned. so much of what the experts tell us, they reverse and never acknowledge they were wrong. and that leaves adults saying "i will take it from here, thanks." douglas murray, thank you so much. >> a pleasure. >> brian: if you want to be free texas, florida might be a good move for you. but meanwhile president biden will not be hiding today. when he gives his first press conference, the white house secretary and the senior and the holes dana perino if the chief will be ready. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. ♪ ♪ >> brian: 4:00 this afternoon, president biden will hold his first press conference in a long time following months of dodging the press like this: >> may god protect our troops. thanks, folks, very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you for your time and effort. i will have plenty of time to talk later. >> [overlapping voices] you won't answer our questions, sir. [overlapping voices] >> brian: today, he can't do that as tomorrow marks one year since inauguration. the recent polls show approval rating at a biz mall 33. here with reaction from america's news room company anchor and the cohost of "the five" dana perino. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: you know, it is good to have you as well. the poll numbers are terrible right now and old expression goes when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole stop digging. how will they dig out of this? >> i think one of the things they are looking to do, especially to peg this press conference to the one-year anniversary, is i don't think they have a lot of news to announce because the last several months, they've had a pretty tough go with it. covid, the supply chain come economy and inflation continues to ensue on people's budget. and despite some attempts, right commit release oil, the gas prices are down a little bit but not enough. one of the things you see in the polls, steve, people do not believe the white house has focused on the things that they care about. the president has chosen to choose fights he cannot win. waging battles he will never be able to cure. one of those is unfilled fact better and voting rights. i think you will see a chance for him to say, "look my had a lot of accomplishments in my first year, but i didn't do a good enough job selling them." he will try to do that today. he will try to take a lot of questions from the press. there is a lot of pent-up demand from the reporters, and he has starting to see even from the media, looking at his presidency and starting to question the competency of the administration. they are looking at the numbers and can read as well as anybody else. and now the issue of crime. we covered it extensively and now ending up leaving the other morning newscasts as well. >> steve: you know, he was elected by saying donald trump screwed up covid, i'm going to do a better job, you know, fast-forward a year, we are still in the grips of this thing. and then you have inflation. you know, he was surprised to learn from his neighbor in the sunroom a couple of years ago that hamburger is $6 a pound. he has no idea how it is affecting the average american. our lead story yesterday as well. but the problem is when he asked about things like that, it is never him. don't blame him. it is not my fault. blame trump, blame congress, blame everybody except him. >> it would be the idea when he will say, i'd don't sell my accomplishments and appeared you hear us till nancy pelosi and the annual review when they go in for an interview for a job and they say, what is your greatest weakness and they will say, well, just care too much." actually, there are some weaknesses that we need to deal with. i think the polls are in a trajectory you can imagine there would be a significant change either in policy or in personnel here that is not going to be announced today, but they are going to lose the senate and change up the filibuster. then it will be time for a reset. maybe they break up -- the build back better act and break that up to see if they can get the smaller pieces through. right now, that is hard to imagine. but he is looking at the losses. let me tell you one thing, if he loses the majority, his very slim majority in the mid terms, that might be quite liberating for the president, right? up to now he has allowed himself to be defined by the left, placated by the left, but if they lose their majority, they will have to do that anymore. before, but we have heard from republicans already if they win the majority of the house, they will start launching all sorts f investigations into covid and all that other stuff. so dana coming up in 22 minutes, you and bill hemmer will take over from the world headquarters. >> you know who we will get to talk to? >> our very own peter doocy, we will have an update on crime. trey gowdy will join us on the big picture and then senator beck from ukraine met with the president and will be meeting with the president this morning. we will have a first chance to talk to him after that. >> steve: dana we will be watching, thank you very much. >> all right, take care. >> steve: ladies and gentlemen are very own dana perino. straight-ahead, should the owner of the warriors be forced to sell his franchise after controversial comments? remember this? >> nobody cares about what is happening to the uyghur genocide. >> what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. >> steve: well, clay travis cares and he will join us. live next. ♪ ♪ the new ww personal points program. changed my life. you look great. no two plans are the same. you can even eat this and these in the same. i mean not at the same time. join today for 50% off at hurry offer ends january 24th. king c. gillette is a complete lineup of tools and facial hair care products. 50% off at this is the style master. designed to style your stubble in one stroke, a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette ♪ ♪ >> nobody cares about what is happening to uyghurs. you bring it up -- >> what, what he may nobody cares? speak with the rest us don't care. >> i'm telling you a very hard ugly truth. of all the things i care about, yes, it is below my line. >> yes, muslims and. why would he care? part-time owners, facing backlash after walking back his scathing remark about china. he equated it to us, senator tim cotten demanding billionaire investor so his stake in the franchise saving to the mba "prove himself spineless and hypocritical if he does not force him to sell his interest in the warriors." clay travis a deep thinker, a great show at noon, first off, clay how do you feel how this story has progressed? i think a little outraged. i don't think the sports is covering this at all. >> it hasn't been mentioned -- first of all, thank you for inviting me, brian. it hasn't been mentioned on espn one time, not one person who was employed by the network. not in a discussion at all in sports media by and large. that is because most people who are in sports media are left-wing loser cowards who are afraid to hold china accountable in any respect because they know that many of them are paid in a default way through the billions of dollars rolling in through chinese interest to the nba. brian, remember there are more people historically as of late that are watching the nba in china than watching the nba in the united states. we saw an early read on this a couple of years ago when the then general manager of the houston rockets daryl morey came out and supported democracy in hong kong and china lost its mind and effectively told the nba to shut up that the first amendment, they didn't care about what american values might be. it didn't apply in any way when it came to nba players, coaches, and teams and their rights to speak out in regards to chinese related issues. since then, we caught uyghurs and think about this for a minute, brian. it is bigger than what he said all the way he agreed the consequences and a larger discussion with senator cotton should be more significant. i'm not sure about selling the team, but i do think the nba itself has to acknowledge. this is what he said is effectively the quiet part out loud. he speaking for larger policy in the nba as it pertains to what is going on in china right now. but the larger context here is this: we have nba players with shoe deals and china. the shoes are made with muslim slave labor and the chinese shoe companies are bragging about it. and we have multimillionaire nba players wearing those chinese shoe companies with endorsement deals on the court. this is part of a part and parcel of a larger conversation that should be had, including the united states at large showing up for the winter olympics right now in beijing and pretending that china is not responsible for lying about covid and unleashing it on the entire world. all of this is a failure of the american sports industry at a time, brian, when all the athletes, coaches, claim they are more than athletes particularly in the nba which is a will justice organization. can't stand up against and forced labor, what in the world are you talking about in the larger platform? >> brian: so well said we have to watch the time but i'm wondering if intel coca-cola, air b'n'b and sponsors of the olympics want to be associated with this. i know bob was hosting those game, a journalistic look at the concentration camps in that country. i don't know if nbc will do one story about that. very curious, clay, we will cover it. >> amen to my think it is well said. all those woke corporations are not living up to their ideals with the money they are basically giving to china. >> brian: absolutely. by the way, i got inside information on out kick right now, go to >> appreciated, >> brian: senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast, janice. >> let's do it. we have cold air across the northern plains upper midwest with the windchill's dangerous before we have windchill alerts so people need to stay indoors if they can and avoid being out for any great length of time to bring the potential for hypothermia and frostbite at the very least. we watch the storm system develop across the south ringing potential for severe storms, including hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. this storm, some of this energy will come up to the midatlantic the next couple of days, friday, saturday and a risk for ice. these are the areas we are watching the next couple of days. i want to clarify the folks at fox weather yelling at the maps and excitement, not in anger. >> brian: last hour i said the emotion and i'll praise the weather center. speak with the stock exchange. >> brian: patchy weather, not anger at the weather. thank you. go janice. up next eight cancer survivor who caught tom brady's the tension with sign. from the tampa bay quarterback. ♪ ♪ >> super bowl tickets this year in l.a., we certainly hope to be there and i know you will be there. ♪ ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> tom brady helped me beat brain cancer was the sign. brady gave noah his hat but he has one more surprise for him. >> you held up the son that i helped you beat brain cancer. you have inspired so many people including myself by millions of others also. as a thank you i worked with both the bucs and nfl to get you and your family super bowl tickets in l.a. we hope to be there but i know you'll be there. it will be really cool for all of us. take care, man, glad to see you are doing well. enjoy the tickets. >> young noah joins us now along with his father james. thank you to both of you. i followed your story and it is incredible. your dad said when you beat cancer we'll go to the bucs and bears game. you inspired him. how did he help you beat cancer? >> i mean, he helped -- sorry. he helped me in a lot of ways. i mean he has been my hero all along during this whole cancer thing. and, i mean, he sent me a video like during when i had just been diagnosed with cancer. and yeah, i think that really helped. i think that he helped me stay positive. >> you do have a positive attitude. so many good things come out of bad things that happen. so dad, james, you really inspired your son because he asked you who is your favorite quarterback and you said tom brady. your son followed him and watched the highlight reels through his treatment so you started this and you flew him 2,000 miles to go see that game. what did this gift of the super bowl tickets mean to you? >> it's just another -- like everything is so unexpected. everything is a surprise and we're doing our best to let people know that all we've been doing is taking all of this sort of cancer and challenge one step at a time and using our faith and trusting that good things will happen. as noah says, lots of times good comes out of bad and -- but then the world does. >> he is so fortunate to have you as a dad supporting him. come back after the super bowl. we want to hear about the experience. god bless you both. god bless you both. >> thank go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit well, would ya look at that! matchit was an accident. tion. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? 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Presidency , Quarterback , Apologies , Trash Talk , Garbage , Liberty Mutual , Chances , Bull Rider , Turn , Car Insurance , Tex , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Pay , Record , Liberty , Hang On , Bathtub , Points Program , Ww , Avocado , Body , Skin , Over , Guacamole , 50 , January 24th , The Tightness , Tremfya , Ww Com Emerge Tremfyant , Infections , Infection , Symptoms , Doctor , Adults , Moderate , Risk , Ability , Reactions , Plaque Psoriasis , Vaccine , Emerge Tremfyant , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Service , Business Owner , Term , Internet , Business , Contracts , Network , Gig , Line Activation Fees , Customers , 500 , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Officer , Headlines , Cash Car , Look , Nypd , Officers , Hadn T , Line , Duty , Flights , Airlines , Sisters , Applause , Rollout , 5g Airport , Brothers , Blue , Round , 5 , Towers , Takeoff , Cockpit Instruments , Airports , Landing , Hold , Air India , Japan Airlines , Emirates , Antony Blinken , Secretary Of State , Fox News Alert , At T , Horizon , President , Path , Meeting , Decision , Kiev , President Putin , Foreign Minister , Attempt , Russia , Dak Prescott Apologizing , Dallas Cowboys , Way , Comment , Supporter , Trash , Comments , Words , Credit , Apologizing , Uncalled , Bleep , Game , Press Conferences , East Room , Difference , Press , Most , Approval Rating , He Doesn T Make Life , 21 , Marc Thiessen , Wasn T , Speech Writer , Washington Post , Goings , George W Bush , Quinnipiac , Reset , Congress , Goals , Members , Senior Official , Saw Results , Strategies , Biden Plan , Conversations , Priority , Inflation , Cities , Nobody , Homicide Records , Empathizing , 10 Million , Communications Team , Empathy , Doing , Democrats , Gas Prices , Voting Rights , Dead On Arrival , Bernie Sanders , Left , Joe Manchin , Kyrsten Sinema , Middle Of The Road , One Of Us , Houses , Where , Elizabeth Warren , Ones , Filibuster , Mr , Campaign Trail , Unity , Inauguration , Language , Economy , Speech , Rhetoric , Atlanta , Lot , Some , Side , Violence , Though , Promises , Worker , College , Costs , Trading Fights , Standard Of Living , Virus , China S , Trade Abuses , Downtown Economy , Vaccines , Crime Suspect , Dollar , Safer , Variant , Standard Of Living Didn T Go Up , Supply Chain Crisis , Restaurants , Items , Store Shelves , Basis , Ranchers , Crisis , Businesses , Oil , Majority , Administrations , Beach House , Delaware , We Saw , Portion , Open Borders , Afghanistan , Rehoboth , Ron Klain , Monologue , Wing , Staffs , Focus , Sean Hannity , Course , Messaging , Quote , Advisers , Official , Experts , Effort , Agreement , The Big Picture , Working Class Latinos , Growing Bustling Class , Whites , Disaster , Working Class , Message , Texas , City Of Laredo , 2022 , Fire , Haven T , Human Smuggler , Driver , Injuries , The Human Smuggler , Border Patrol , 17 , 1 , Bill Melugin , Human Smuggling , Weapons , Folks , American Citizen , Building , Influx , Agents , River , Fentanyl , Drugs 170000 Apprehensions , Morning Venezuelan Migrant Girl , Mexico , 170000 , Governors , Covid Tests , Illegals , Long Island , Healthcare , Taxes , Immigrants , Home State , Everyone , Voting , Buses , 2000 , 12000 , Idea , Mom , Each , Add , Checks , Note , 450000 , 50000 , A Million Dollars , A Million , Lives , Vice President , Immigration , Root Cause , Honduras , Leverage , Stop Control , Population , Least , Sector , Southern Border Doesn T Get Blitzed , Michigan , Roles , State React , Education , Estate , Post , Facebook , Schools , Kids , Parents , Public , Tori Stax , React , Purpose , Both , Fourth Grade , Twins , Kaitlin Reynolds , Reaction , Teachers , Gretchen Whitmer , Unions , Children , Scholarships , Reading Tutors , Private School , Chair , Don T Come To School Board Meetings , Mom And Dad Stay Home , Dads , Kaitlin , Night , Fathers , School Board , Mothers , School Board Meeting , Woman , Board Members , End , School Board Members , Behaviors , Pizza , Creatures , Home , Clienteles , Public School System , Seeping , Office , Level , Fact , Shouldn T , Classroom , West Virginia , Voices , Advocate , Role , Views , Stay , Center , Support , Say , Kind , Agenda , Matter , Opinion , Aisle , Results , V A , Fight , Minds , Youngkin , God , Jason Chaffetz , Website , Healthcare Gov , Rapid Covid , Treatment , Combination , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Singers , Safelite , Song , Safelite Repair , Chance , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Positive , Gene , Spread , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Immune System , Response , Parts , Yervoy , Cancer , Opdivo , Ways , Lead , Eye Problems , Breath , Changes , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Appetite , Thirst , Urine , Dizziness , Shortness , Tiredness , Cough , Diarrhea , Fainting , Nausea , Vomiting , Side Effects , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Conditions , Confusion , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Weakness , Organ , Fever , Rash , Flushing , Itching , There S Industrial Grade , Stem Cell Transplant , Trials , Chest Radiation , Analytical Software , Walls , Assembly Lines , Flight , Co Pilot , Threats , Meet Honeywell Forge , Industrial Grade , Punch , Silversneakers , Classes , Thousands , Seniors , Locations , Internet Connection , Access , Millions , Pad , Discreet , Cost , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Bladder Leak Pads , Protection , Layers , Don T Worry , Shhh , Place , Mental Health , Families , Lease Cash , Rx , Lexus Rx , 1500 , 350 , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Td , Tardive Dyskinesia , Ingrezza , Td Movements , Pill , Prescription Medicine , 10 , 80 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Ingredients , Activities , Sleepiness , Dose , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Zero , Zero Dollars , Website Launch , Risks , Bug , Success , Steve White House , Buildings , Apartment , Ship , Snag , Multiunit , 300 Million , Site , Test , Many , Launch , Debawbleg , It , Hands , Utah , Axios , Big Press Conference , Omicron Mountain , Top , Thought , Hundred Of Millions N 95 Masks , 95 , Vulnerable , Masks , Address , Intro , Hiccup , Bunch , Dialogue Box , Gigantic Multihousing Dwellings , Party , Household , Apartment Complexes , Types , Fiasco , Basements , It Crashing , Government , Anniversary , Covid , Campaign Promise , Donald Trump , More , These , Saying , Confidence , Leadership , Fauci , Dr , Summer , Yahoos , Flail , Poll Numbers , Isn T , Americans Don T Trust , Health And Human Services , Secretary , Becerra , Anywhere , Senior Meteorologist , Janice , Wind Chill , Fox Weather , Yes , Bismarck , Fargo , Wind Chill Alerts , Warnings , Cold , Take Care , Elderly , Pets , Capitol Hills Advisories , Northern Plains , Upper Midwest , Part , Track , Weather , Ice Storm , Storm , South , Potential , Mid Atlantic , Areas , Weekend , Area , Ice , Storms , Moves , Saw Snow , Snow , Air Sink , App , Northeast , Repeat , Details , Coming Up , Plus , Advice , Elections , America S Party Press Conference , Thanks J D , Vitae Pod , Resolution , Tips , Skip Bedell , Whistle , Vulture Squawks , Doug , Oh Boy , Sec , Asthma , Breathing , Nunormal , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Face , Nucala , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Headache , Fatigue , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Shingles , Asthma Specialist , Don T Stop Steroids , Health , Steam , Fitness , Tommorow , Journey , Inspire Us , Home Trainer , Bow Flex , 2022 Inspire , Yoga Pay , Home Workouts , Equipment , Pilates , Trainer , In The House , Bow Flex Website , Den , Dumb Flex , Water , 90 , Nutrition , Tackles , Fruits , 90 , 49 , 149 , 75 , Vitamins , Pod , Pod Bean , Goodness Hydrate , Immunity Pod , Energy , Minerals , Weight , Sports , Metabolism , Immunity , Tons , Fuel , Beauty , Drugs , Everything Else , Drinks , Sugar , Plirnls , Pods , 100 , Cap , Car , Twister , Paper , Side Down , Coffee , Energy Drink , Press The Button Out , Glass , Tasting , Nutrients , Amazing , This Machine , Filter , There , Chills , Drinking Temperature , Orange , Polyphenyls , Antioxidants , Brita , Vitapod World Com Amazing Products , Thanks , Stuff , Information , Skip , Bedell Com , Wow , Wife , Discount , Donuts , Jet Skis , Burke , Make Living , Honey , Uto , Hon , Discounts , Coverage , Boat , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Pa Dum , Bum , Sup , Garage , Kid , Seventeen , Cosentyx , Fail , Hope , Try , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Move , Dermatologist , Life , Hearing , Fullest , Technology , Trial , Starts , Miracle Ear , Obligation , Miracle Earmini , Thirty , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Action , Towed Biden , Fixing Problems , Thing Police , Don T Mean Diddly , Shooting , Shawn Laval Smith , Peaceful Path , Dismissing , High , Rain , Umbrella , Louisville , Kentucky , Ohio River , July , Month , Average , Temperature , Fun , Lot Prettier , Warmst , 87 , 25 , Infrastructure , Parent , Beneficiaries , Mitch Mcconnell , Races , Mannequin , Surety , Pants , Hat , Version , Jacket , Spouses , 3 , 2 , Instance , Noise Footprint , Closet , Necktie , Lights , Sleep , Bed , Dry Run , Mannequins , Passenger Seat , Dimensions , Islands , Staten Island , Program , Chillier , 4 , Left Side , Peter Doocy , Lawn Speaking , Hush Tones , Questions , Street , Big Day , Capitol Hill , Vote , Microphone , Voting Rights Legislation , Show Vote , Rules , Efforts , Town , Senators Manchin , Subsubstantive , View , Joint Pressers , World Leaders , Terms , Recess Set , Side By , Nine , Fighting , Proposals , Moon , Progress Made , Amount , Room , Poll , Clue , On , Floor , Topics , Upstairs , Thinking , Insight , Everybody Else , Inflation Questions , Supply Chain Crisis Questions , Secret , 01 , Immigration Questions , Schedule , Looks , Monday Or Tuesday , A , Chunk , Gas Price , Fourth , On The Beach , Homes , Bills , Rescue Bill , Beach , Firewood , Jobs , Bill , Variants , Tens Of Thousands , He Sat , Plan , Deal , Therapeutics , Regiment , Supply Chain , Reality , Didn T , It Hasn T , Number , Whether , Pfizer Pill , Pills , Omicron , Defense Production Act , Verizon , Average American , Secret Service , Pound , Stuff Costs , Hamburger , Sunroom , Keys , Texaco , Gas Costs , Suv , The Beast , Big Cadillac , Todd Kupfer , Randomness , Last Thursday , Grad Student Out Aclu , Smith , Vape Pen , Birthday , Ed , Fly , Text , Jfk , Crimes , San Francisco , Daily Mail , Don T Go Near Him , Reward , Arrest , L A Crimes In Charleston , 250000 , Michelle Goh , Coast , Transportation , Homeless Guy , Speaking Of , Station , Big Billboards In Times Square , Hundreds Gathered In Times Square , Candles , Irony , Destruction , Killings , Got , Gang Crime , Each Other , Numbers Gang , Ares , Money Flooding , Clearing , S Taking , Waffles , Encamp , Tucker Carlson , Spaces , Homeless Encampments , Tents , Thattible , Sidewalk , Intersection , Junkies , Meth , Embarrassment , Pedestrians , India , Beggars , Tidy Public Parks , Question , Leaders , Answer , Collapse , Result , Austin , Streets , Law Firms , Housing , Idealogues , Group , Type , Orange County , Behalf , Subculture , Degree , Asian , Nyu , 0 , City Safe , System , Subway System , Watch , Fighting Against , Crime Problem , Feeling , Homeless Everywhere , Disorder , Safe , Walking , Nature , Streets Of New York City , L A Homelessness , R Train , Rather L A Homicides , 15 , Homicide Why , Homelessness , To Tucker , Dreher , History , Court , Courts , Bench , Sun Subway , Sunway , Sit , Surroundings , Crime Crisis , Scary , Sandra , Shelves , Nurse , Unprovoked , Bus Stop , Terry Belle , Caregiver , Planning , Kamala Harris , Dedication , Patients , V P , Retirement , President Elect , Migration , Causes , Re Election , Congressman James Lander Vin , List , Homeless Problem , Offices , Pictures , Seats , Midterms , Running , Unbelievable , 28 , Proposal , Record Numbers , First , Dreaming , G , Survey , Switch , Lines , Blue Line , Red Line , Voter Preference , 1995 , 47 , John Lee , Guest , Mayor , Nevada , West Virginia State Representative , North Las Vegas , 42 , The Party , Mic Bates , Let , Droves , Socialistic Agenda , Morals , Parties , , Rest , Immigrant , Defendant , Church With , Point Change , District , Taste , Wickedness , Socialism , Socialist , Positions , Values , Socialism Washington , Dooms , Opportunities , To , America Value , Mick Bates , Conservatives , Washington , Pro Freedom , Pro Second Amendment , Independence Switching , You Bet , East , Glittery , Residents , Gold , Up Next , Sushi , Lunch , Ehh , Safety , Collision Beeping Warning , Seafood , Tacos , Silence , Emergency Braking , Automatic , Find New Roads , Chevy Equinox , Chevrolet , Migraine , Botox , Headaches , Effects , Sample , May , Injection , Pain , Muscle Weakness , Speaking , Condition , Signs , Neck , Difficulty Swallowing , Users , Medications , Skin Infection , Muscle , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , 92 , Turmeric , Supplements , Inflammation Support , Sooner , Joints , Qunol Turmeric , Benefits , Brand , Qunol , Superior Absorption , States , State Lawmakers , Beginning , Population Surge , Arizona , The Mass Exodus , Peter Rex , Company , California To Texas Last Year , Rex Founder , Executives , Ains , Freedom , Faith , Freedoms , Single Payer Healthcare , Billions , Dollars , Hundreds , Exits , Affront , Important , Cat Thattize , Control , Family Issue , Family Man , Human Freedom , Roads , Concern , Talk , School Staffing Shortage , Schoolers , Classroom Support , Food Services , Schedules , Office Assistant , Superintendent , Video , Shame , Palo Alto Unified School District , Human Need , Sake , Schooling , Issues , Few , None , Palo Alto , 700 , Fox Friends , Cafeteria , Progressive D A , Big Spike In Crime , Notion , There Isn T , Charge , Lawmaker , District Attorney , Rate , Big Spike In Violent Crime , Homicide Isn T , Lawlessness , No One , Larry Krasner , Walkback , Impeachment , President Pro Temp , Poor Jake , Eyes , Culture , Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania , Another , Shootings , Shootout , Convictions , Gun Laws , Pleadings , Fear , Guilt , Robberies , Laws , 1800 , 2398 , Denial , Criminal , Progressive Movement , African American , Kinship , Gain , Michael Nutter , White Elitist , Kayleigh Mcenany , Appeasement , Consultant , Release , Clip , Night Ware , Process , Articles , Impeachment Process , Clarification , Houston , Jake , Heart , In Austin , Intent , Mind Isn T , D A S , Minneapolis , Philadelphia Culture Of Death , Led , Suburbs , Opposite , Jake Korman , 22347 , 250 , 300 , 53 , 72 , 220 , 1850 , 1 4 , 68 , 58 , 41 , 101 , 1st Of February , 13 Million , 60 , 22 , Eight , 4 99 , 64 99 , 24 7 ,

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