Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

later in the program for that. dana, awesome to be with you this past year. i look to many more. >> dana: me, too. all right. a new gallup poll shows the gop holding a 5 point edge in support among americans, a 14-point swing from a year ago giving republicans their best lead since 1995. >> bill: we have reaction from two of the best in a moment. reince priebus and jim messina standing by. we start with mark meredith. >> a year ago republicans were facing bleak poll numbers. today a much different story with gallup reporting the gop seeing a huge surge in support over the last year. good news for republicans comes at democrats' expense. 13 polls throughout last year asking 12,000 adults asking how they saw themselves leaning. fourth quarter the republicans had a lead. a huge shift from the start of 2021. republican party officials tell us they aren't surprised. >> we viewed this as a direct correlation between joe biden and kamala harris's failed policies coupled with the democrat agenda in the house and senate to where the american people feel and how they are reacting to this radical administration. >> gallup says the change is likely tied to the public's feelings about the president and no secret president biden is facing some dismal approval ratings. last week his press secretary jen psaki dismissed the idea his administration was doomed. >> the truth is an agenda doesn't wrap up in one year. we will continue to fight for every component of his agenda and his plans for his presidency that he outlined when running for president. >> gallup sums it up saying the political winds are more favorable to republicans in the fourth quarter giving them an advantage over democrats larger than any in more than 25 years. what we don't know is if republicans kept their momentum throughout december as omicron was spreading. independents that gallup says make up the largest political group. a lot of voters could be making up their minds before the mid-terms. either way it is a fascinating poll that just came out. >> bill: headline is clear and obvious. nice to see you in washington >> dana: let's bring in our panel reince prieb us former white house chief of staff. jim messina former deputy chief of staff under president obama. jim, i want to put this up for you. presidential house seat change at mid-terms and you can look back over history. jim, you know these numbers by heart. clinton in the mid-term lost 52 seats, bush up eight after 9/11. obama 63, trump 40. republicans won more seats in 2020 than they were expected to. so their wins might not numbers-wise as big as that. the polls that we were talking about from your mind do you think it calls for a course correction as some moderate democrats on the hill are asking the white house for? >> well look, what i think democrats need to stop fighting each other on national tv all day. we've had six months of democrat on democrat and people don't like that. they want people to work together and get things done and stop the debate on some of these bills and get things done. i also think it is a natural evolution happened to president trump and president bush. when you have sole power in washington voters sometimes don't like that and want to have the other party involved and this is exactly what happened with president trump, obama and bush. it doesn't mean the democrats shouldn't wake up and figure out what they need to do here but it is a natural evolution. >> bill: reince, what about that? is it natural or as you look at history and the polling is it more dramatic than that? >> it might be a little bit of both. i think it is natural but i also think in this case democrats are doing everything they can to get every question on the exam wrong. if you look at 1994 give you an example where we had an incredible year as republicans the democrats started the year at plus 7. republicans ended the year at plus 3. that is a 10-point swing. in this case we had the democrats starting this year -- last year at plus 9. now ending at republicans plus 5, 14-point swing. the reason it is important isn't so much because of these seismic shifts it is important because in the most vitriolic political times. we are in a pretty vitriolic time, only 10% of these districts at play for every democrat and every republican they're safe. but because of this shift and because these small shifts mean so much, because now you are looking at 15 seats right now that are held by democrats that trump won their congressional district. these little shifts mean a lot. secondly, look at where the senate races are. georgia, wisconsin, ohio, these are all battleground states. these small shifts matter. last thing to jim's point look, honestly i think the democrats' priorities, what they want to talk about is all wrong. what matters now, look at virginia, crime, parental rights, border security. these are the things people are excited about. they aren't excited about hey, we'll go to online voting. that will win the marginal districts. it is ridiculous. >> dana: interesting in the poll from cbs a lot of things they were talking about was that the majority of people don't feel the white house is focused on the issues they care about. jerry baker from the "wall street journal" has this today head lined biden goes for broke. he is broke, now what? subtitle. we could still push for bipartisan solutions but his divisive first year makes it much harder. jim, is there something to that where president biden has really tried to help make sure that he tries to keep the democrats together but did he go too far in trying to play indicate the far left progressives of the party and now dealing with this situation? not only not unified the country he can't unify his party. >> well a couple of things. one, he got an infrastructure bill done with a bunch of republican support. let's not get too panicky here. do we need more bipartisanship, yes, i totally agree with reince. and both parties need to come together. and work together to get some things done. you know, dana, i think what we see is democrats fighting all over the place and we need to stop that and figure out how to move forward on an agenda america supports. what americans want is economic focus. they want us focused on the economy and that's what build back better is and republicans want to do. we have to find common ground on some of these things and i hope we can do that. >> bill: reince, answer the question as well. jerry baker says now what? >> well, i think the problem that democrats have now and what biden has is that even when obama and trump were at approval ratings that were around 40% and when i was chairman i thought we'll beat obama, he is only at 30 some percent. their base of support was like 90%. the problem biden had and you saw it in virginia was that while he was at 38% approval, the problem he has is even in that slice only 20% strongly approve of the work that joe biden is doing. those are the people you need on the ground. those are the people you need knocking doors. the last point. economic arguments are great but what's really -- what the democrats have done wrong is turned this election into a cultural question which is secure borders, crime, parental rights, masks, you know, most americans don't care about pronouns and transgender rights in bathrooms. while those might be important to some people, those are not the issues that will win the elections and that's where biden has found himself. >> bill: smart stuff. gentlemen, thanks to both of you, jim and reince, come back. >> dana: love to have you. >> bill: i want to take you back to the two lines that we were showing our viewers a moment ago. and i think the key area where you put your eyes is the third quarter of last year. they divide it up into three months. what happened? july, august and september of last year. he is losing support in the second quarter, losing support and on monday, august 16th right smack dab in the middle of quarter number three we had the video on our air with that c-17 rolling down the runway in kabul and that's when this president lost the plot as they say in england in this current term. >> dana: the other thing that happened around then is president biden vaccine mandates for federal health workers and subsequently tried to do it with private businesses. it got rejected by the supreme court but another thing happening around then was the teachers unions and school districts were having debates about getting back to school and that issue of school and education is something that glenn youngkin recognized early on and won the governorship in virginia and made good on those promises right away. >> bill: he sure did. more coming up on this and more from a stunning interview from last hour here on fox. give this a listen. >> we want her to be remembered as a person, human being, a caring, loving and devoted family member and great friend and just a rising star. >> bill: it was hard. you could listen to it in his voice. the father mourning the loss of his daughter killed in a random knife attack. part of a disturbing pattern of violence in american cities. we'll talk with lawrence jones coming up in moments. >> dana: more bad news for america's students. extracurricular activities the cdc is trying to do away with. >> the warriors after one of its minority owners brushed off human rights abuses by the chinese communist government. >> nobody cares what is happening to the uighurs, okay. you bring it up because you really care. the rest of us don't care. ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can help protect and provide for the financial futures of the ones we love. talk to a financial professional about pacific life. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (vo) you can be well-dressed. you can be well-mannered. 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[inaudible] -- they say what do the people want to charge? society has been harmed at large when there is a victim in these crimes. and yet it seems like these district attorneys are only representing the criminals. i've been covering this story for three years. you say we don't have compassion about the homeless? i covered that story. what we have seen consistently a lot of these people on the streets don't want help. you offer them services and mental health support, they don't want it. then you get a situation like this where this young lady that had her whole life ahead of her. these d.a.s don't care. they put the criminals before the actual victims. and you ask yourself what is enough, enough. how many innocent people in subways have to die. how many shots have to be fired in chicago? it seems like the d.a.s and the people fund them who used to be the attorney general, eric holder, is prioritizing the people committing these crimes. these people aren't reforming their lives. i'm a reasonable person and when there are civil liberties that have been violated we can have a conversation on this. that's not what is happening in this country. the criminals are getting the priorities and the victims are becoming an after thought. when they release these people do they contact the families? no. >> bill: there was an editorial in the "new york post" about the woman killed in front of that train in times square. he was sick clearly and we can see it from the video. hear the pleas of the subway shoveers sister. advocates need to shove it to get the severely mentally ill the help they need. she pleaded with the hospital to keep him there because if he left the hospital she knew he would not take his medication. that appears to be the case here. what did you find out about this in your travels to some of these places across the country? >> the mental health crisis, bill, is a problem. it needs to be dealt with. but while they are trying to figure out all the processes and procedures that they want to go about, if someone is a risk to society they have to be locked up. that is what the criminal justice is for and what our incarceration system is for. it is not for reform. it is because that person poses a threat to society and has already committed a crime and we cannot release them. there is not a funding problem when you look at california or new york. they have the money for these programs. what we've seen consistently and consistently is that there are a lot of people that are out there on the street that don't want the help. and you know what? when you tell them there is a program for you, they have a curfew. they get three meals a day. when you tell them that they have to give up the drugs so they have to be in by 11:00 or 10:00, they say you know what? i don't want the program anymore. what does our system say? you can do encampments. they have their own criminal justice system with people that patrol the street that are criminals, by the way. we cannot have this sort of anarchy, this separate criminal justice system in our country. real americans pay the piper for that and no one seems to want to have that conversation. i've been covering this for 3 1/2 years going across the country. when you look at any other mainstream organizations you tell me do they ever lead with stories like this? the answer is no. >> bill: one more line for the piece. new york's mental health system is broken. >> dana: here is my suggestion. we cut the clip with lawrences comments and play it on a loop. really smart. thank you, lawrence. take care. >> bill: 26 past. stunning new details about the man who took hostages at the texas synagogue over the weekend with an extensive criminal records and u.k. authorities knew about him. how did he fly on a plane to the united states? shelves at the grocery stores, surging omicron cases stretching the workforce there. now something else could make the supply chain crisis even worse. maria is on that coming up next. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. before treating your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> good morning to you, dana. there are the host of reasons for what we're seeing and it is playing out in a big way in the stock market. the stock market opening down sharply this morning. dow industrials down 500 points. here is what is happening. blame the winter storm, blame covid but we go back to policy. this is how it started and one of the biggest issues. i finished mornings with maria on fox business and had an interview with the ceo and president of the american truckers association and he said bad policy is underneath all of these issues because truck drivers are leaving the workforce. they feel they are not going to be forced to get the jab. they are seeing -- they are saying forget it. i'm throwing in the towel. four million people left the workforce in the month of november alone. here we have truckers leaving the job. that's one of the biggest issues with these supply chain disruptions. truckers are not carrying the goods from point a to point b and that's why you are seeing the shelves bare because so much money thrown at too few goods and covid legislation back in march of 2021 started us all out. we're talking about a 1.9 trillion dollar plan that gave $1400 checks to people and now there is a lot of worry the consumer is about to be tapped out because they've spent that money. so you have a growth in the economy worry on top of these worries about bare shelves. here is the big issue everyone is talking about right now in business. that is this transition that we are about to watch of the federal reserve. the federal reserve had easy money. it was buying securities, it was having record low interest rates but the fed told us very clearly interest rates are going higher. i had an interview with a major money manager last week and the ceo of j.p. morgan, both individuals told me to expect much higher interest rates. jamie diamond says likely raise rates by 6 to 7 times. they said the fed will raise rates 5 to 6 times. this is a imagine or transition. the federal reserve was at an easy money policy and it is tightening things up. your mortgage rates and credit cards are going higher. interest rates are going higher and this transition is having a hard time on the part of investors and why you are seeing investors sell now and think later. we'll likely have this kind of volatility and a stock market that sells off as the federal reserve makes this transition. easy money to tighter money. it is getting more expensive not just inflation. it is getting more expensive because rates are going higher and that increases the cost of credit. get ready. it will be a volatile year it appears to me. >> dana: do you think some of what you just explained about fed and interest rates is having an impact right now? >> for sure. that is what the sell-off is about. investors are questioning if the federal reserve will be able to make that transition easily. it is a very significant move going from record low interest rates and all of this liquidity the federal reserve prepared. that's easy money. zero interest rates created new money and consumers put it all in bank accounts and increased their deposit into banks accounts. money is tighter, interest rates go higher. interest rate increases that makes everything that much more expensive. yes, the reason the market is selling off this morning is questions about the federal reserve's transition, the reason that people expect inflation to stay elevated and supply chain to be in place is because of policy. we see no change from policy. the spending plans the democrats want to push through. the opportunity to change the senate rules. that has many things, these issues will be with us well into 2022 and 2023. >> dana: let me tell you something i'll pay attention to maria bartiromo. you know everything that's going on. you have to help me understand it. thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> bill: really interesting. remember last week i told you about the ceo in the midwest said his heating bill is twice as expensive as a year ago? millions of people experiencing the same thing. to maria's point. troubled waters coming up over the next year minimum. >> dana: also problems in canada when it comes to truckers there mad about covid mandates causing problems. >> bill: from michigan now. the democratic party facing a pile of criticism. they posted something online going after parents who want a say in their kids' education. they deleted it. one of the co-owners of the golden state warriors clarifying comments he made dismissing concerns about slave labor in communist china. >> what's happened to the uighurs is one of the worst human rights abuses in the world today and he is going off saying i could care less? it's a shame and it is disgusting. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. with the best of live and on demand. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> well, first of all we should not be in beijing after they lied to the world and unleashed covid all over the place in the two years of disaster that has ensued. the idea that we would then go and basically bend the knee and show up in beijing which let's be honest is not an incredible winter venue in the first place is, i think, wrong. what i said starting a year ago, bill, i said let's host winter olympics in the united states. let's do it for western democracies and all turn our back on china and let's have our own winter olympics. we win along with canada and the rest of the western democracies almost all of the winter olympics medals anyway. so it is not like we're undercutting that legitimacy. remember it's crazy to me that the all-star game got pulled out of atlanta over a voting rights bill which is actually more substantial in terms of its access than many other states in our country. so we pulled the all-star game out of atlanta but going to the olympics in beijing? it is embarrassing. >> bill: a great point. imagine if you are an athlete knit u.s. testing negative every day, you fly to beijing and pop up there and you are asymptomatic and test positive you are confined to a room for three weeks possibly. i don't wish that upon anyone. now clay, quickly, i want to slide this in. minority owner in the nba team known as the golden state warriors. the issue of uyghurs and concentration camps came up. here is how the exchange went. >> nobody knows what happens to the uyghurs. >> what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. i'm giving -- i'm telling you a very hard, ugly truth. of all the things i care about yes, it is below my line. >> bill: that got some attention. he came back with a statement of clarification saying i recognize i came across as lacking empathy and acknowledge that entirely. as a refugee, my family fled a country with its own set of human rights issues and part of my lived experience. to be clear my belief is that human rights matter whether in china, u.s. or elsewhere full stop, end quote. to that you say what, clay? >> well, it's the exact opposite of what he just said so any time somebody comes out with an apology and they say when i said the exact opposite yesterday? i actually meant the exact opposite. here is the truth. he said the quiet part out loud about the nba. the truth of the matter is the nba claims to be this social justice organization. they don't actually care about any of the genocide going on in china because they are cashing checks from china. china is a bigger market than the united states is for the nba. so he said the quiet part out loud. but when you say the quiet part out loud suddenly everybody says wait a minute. we're now getting attention for our rank hypocrisy as it pertains to china compared to the united states issues. and so they then trot out the apology. this is a minority owner. he doesn't own the majority of the team of the golden state warriors but the embarrassing thing bill, here is you know how many stories there were last night about this entire story on espn? zero. do you know how many actual media members who are in the nba and claim that they are woke and run and chase after every coach or player any time there is the tiny little sliver of political controversy and ask questions about it? zero. everybody is pretending that this story doesn't exist because it challenges the nba's woke agenda. this is an embarrassment, an outrage but guess what? it is par for the course in the nba where they shut up and dribble for china while they make all sorts of issues about minor relatively compared to genocide issues in the united states. >> bill: off to beijing we march where they make snow for the winter olympics. they make it. thank you, sir, nice to see you from outkick. >> dana: cdc is putting high school sports on the chopping blocks as new guidance to protect kids from covid. sean duffy has some thoughts about that. we'll be right back. it's our january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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lockdowns, shutdown,, one shot, two shots, all the things they recommended and we have a massive explosion. let's get kids outside. play sports, exert energy, sweat, that's great for kids especially in today's lockdowns. >> dana: also it's like where are the evidence? what's the compelling reason they would need to do this now? it feels like it would have come out in march of 2020. >> right. i think there is no evidence. again you see the evidence in the data now and kids are not getting hospitalized in large numbers from covid. kids are pretty safe. it is healthy for them to actually exercise and this mental health crisis from all these stupid rules imposed on them. it should be for senior citizens but not teenage kids. >> bill: back in the schools here. a shocker. i guess they didn't learn from terry mccauliffe in virginia. the michigan democratics said it's not the teach kids only what parents want them to be caught but teach them what society needs them to know. the client of public school is not the parent but the entire community, the public. it was deleted. how do you think that went over? >> not well. we saw how that went in virginia where it's a democrat state and republican won. the problem is parents want their kids to learn math, science, and teachers unions want to indoctrinate kids in marxist ideology taught about race and hating each other based on race and learn about global warming and open borders. all things that parents have no interest in teaching them. what democrats think if they can indoctrinate kids five days a week they'll be little activist democrats moving forward. that's not what parents want. pair rents the payers of education. we're the taxpayers that fund the education. they are not supposed to be indoctrination institutions butted indicational institutions. let's give parents the choice. let them take their child to a school that fits their values that will teach the basics, math, science. >> dana: they're doing that in arizona. sean duffy, thank you, great to see you today. have a great rest of the day. >> bill: i mention they deleted the post. >> dana: in virginia you mentioned newly sworn in attorney general laying down the law hours after taking office. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. got a lot to cover today. >> bill: happy anniversary. it's one year. we're one year old. dana, good morning. bill hemmer live in new york. virginia voters getting the change they wanted as republicans take charge setting a major course correction for the commonwealth. a crackdown against soft on crime policies as he makes a promise to get tough on criminals. >> the parole board that was letting out cop killers, murderers and rapists and not notifying the family of the victims. we are talking about one individual who had three life sentences without the possibility of parole and the family of the victim would find out when they would hear it on the local news. no accountability. no transparency. >> bill: the new government was sworn in three days ago. interesting to watch. alexandria hoff is live in washington today on this. >> good morning. prior to being sworn in attorney general notified 30 members of the office that their services would no longer be needed part of a complete restructuring of the administration that ran on the promise of renewed transparency. they said they would do it on day one they meant it. hours after getting sworn in he signed many executive owners. the attorney general said the parole board was letting people out early without letting families know and also the loudon county school board accusing the board of covering up the sexual assault. a judge found the boy guilty last week. the attorney general sees past legislation as the problem. >> it traces back when the far left liberal monopoly was in control in richmond that passed these criminal first, victim last mindset bills that said we'll end mandatory reporting requirement of sexual assault in schools. that's what this is about. >> in 2020 virginia's house did end mandatory reports of crime part of the democratic majority's push for what they called restorative justice. as is the case for the attorney general, governor and lieutenant governor democrats no longer hold the majority in virginia's house of delegates. >> bill: thank you, alex, in washington, d.c. thanks. dana. >> dana: back in los angeles county they are seeing a surge in train robberies. not the wild, wild west, this is today. union pacific saying the number has jumped 160% over the past year. retailers and railroad companies say out of control homeless encampments and district attorney's soft on crime policies are to blame. we're live with the latest. this video is unbelievable. >> yeah. we just had another attack last week. video is unbelievable. i want to show you the live footage what is behind it. the track is littered with packages. this impacts interstate and international commerce. these packages are coming from our ports. you mentioned 160% increase. if you count october to october these robberies were up 350% higher for union pacific. amazon packages and designer purses to unused covid tests costing union pacific $5 million in damages. when covid tests don't reach their destinations it is impacting consumers and the nation as a whole. >> it really impacts consumers plus we will see, you know, costs go up. we have to pay more when it comes to security. we have to make sure we secure the items that are in these cargo containers. retailers take a loss. they'll make the consumer whole but ultimately prices are going to increase. >> union pacific and retail leaders are blaming progressive policies championed by the los angeles district attorney. it mandates 13 types of miss demeanors will be dismissed instead of prosecuting. union pacific argued the no cash bail policies and extended time for suspect so appear in court. criminals boast that it will be charged to trespassing with no serious consequence. beyond the impact to retailers and consumers is the supply chain crisis. they are considering taking operations out of los angeles. with rail being touted as a solution to the truck driver shortage it could cause serious harm. >> dana: kelly, thank you so much. bill, this is quite incredible. andy mccarthy wrote about it and said where are the f.b.i. and los angeles u.s. attorney on union pacific train robberies? says gascon and california state government are disastrous and that they need to do a lot more. that the biden administration has explaining to do as well. >> bill: i have never seen someone rob a train and walk away with a television. that happened over the weekend in this video of it, dana. >> dana: incredible. >> bill: box after box and tv after tv. it is now national news making l.a. look bad. there is that and this. six minutes past. have a listen. >> i know you didn't want to be political. but you have blamed some politicians. >> i am not blaming anybody by name. i blame what is endemic in our society now is that everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and recognize that that's the job they have is to try to elevate that to make communities better and make people care more. to not tear down communities by exposing them. everybody needs to love each other more and it starts at home and that's really where we all need to improve. we just need to raise good families and good children. >> dana: that was the father of brianna kupfer the grad student stabbed to death in a random attack working at a furniture store in los angeles. her dad saying crime has been rampant. let's bring the l.a. county sheriff. the suspect is still at large. on a case like this, and apparent lay homeless person, what kind of leads do you have to track down to find the assailant? >> well, at the scene itself hopefully you will have dna, fingerprints, physical evidence that will help. we go to surveillance technology and see what the cameras can capture and then have to do a scouting of all the areas where the person could traverse on foot or in a vehicle and see what type of cctv camera footage they can get and get more detail there. then you have potential witnesses. the person that is homeless, where could they be homeless from and where are they hanging out? which encampment and piece it together with that. we got a basic description of the suspect. we start refining it. there is a long way to go to get this one solved for sure. >> bill: just look at the l.a. crime stats in los angeles. like chicago and new york we've seen so far now. from l.a. homicide 392 in 2021. shooting victims almost 1500. extraordinary number. you recently took a case and by passed the l.a. d.a. and took three to four suspects to the feds. why did you do that? >> well, i have no confidence in what the local d.a. george gascon is going to do. we've been working. his deputy district attorneys, the crimes against peace officer unit appeared on the scene of the shooting, very tragic murder and they were fully briefed. they participated in the discussion, they told our investigators that the d.a. had no interest in pursuing anything beyond just a straight forward murder charge without any enhancements for gang activity, for weapons use, firearm. that is just not acceptable. it does not describe the depravity of the situation. so we reached out to the assistant u.s. attorney's office and the f.b.i. and they have a task force dealing with violent crimes in that particular area. they were more than happy to take the case and we're grateful for it. >> that's the most significant no confidence vote you can have in a local district attorney, right or wrong about that? >> pretty much yeah. if you cannot be accounted on for breaking the law, what good is your local district attorney? everything he says and advocates for is great but came out of the mouth of a public defender. social justice advocate. but the job of the prosecutor is to prosecute crime. between the two camps you have a balance of liberty. right now there is no balance. everybody is on one side. the public suffers. >> dana: there is a national attention now on these district attorneys across the country. do you get any sense that gascon is feeling some pressure? >> he will feel a lot of pressure. i understand the recall is now gaining steam. there is a petition that's already being approved by the register recorder that will be out in circulation. the organizers are going to definitely do probably a better job this time than they did the last time. they are more organized now and well-funded and i think it is karma. >> dana: good to have you today. thank you so much. >> bill: thank you, sheriff. l.a. county. same city in l.a. d.a. under fire for handling of a case involving a convicted child molestor after sexually assaulting a 10-year-old with little or no jail time. >> every parents' worst nightmare that this would happen to our children. two years is a pathetic outcome for a man who was a career criminal with felony convictions in multiple states. >> bill: gascon expressed concern the attacker a 16-year-old transgender woman would be victimized if incarcerated. gascon faces a second recall effort over the reforms we were talking about with the sheriff. we mentioned that train story. unique, right? to say the least. union pacific sent the d.a. a letter and they said even with all the arrests made no cash bail policy and extended time frame for suspects to appear in court is causing revictimization by the same criminals. those arrested boast to the officers and brag to them that charges will be pled down to simple trespassing which in effect bears no serious consequence, end quote. that is from the rail line now for the d.a. in that city. quite stunning stuff. >> dana: you wonder somebody like a senator warren who says the corporations are hiking prices because they want to take advantage of consumers. when they have to deal with things like this all -- you didn't get your package? well, guess what has to happen there? more to come on that story. it is fascinating 2 video is unbelievable. the brand-new year and the same old problems at the southern border. national border council president brandon judd ahead with an update on president biden's failed border policy. >> bill: a warning from major u.s. airlines and saying the roll out of 5g cell phone towers could lead to a catastrophic aviation crisis. >> dana: antony blinken heading to ukraine today. >> it is to deter russian expansion. the same mission not doing it quite as well as we should be. ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can 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recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> bill: new year, same migrant problems for states on our southern border. u.s. border patrol in texas dps say they found more than 20 illegals in a texas motel used as a stash house. want to bring in national border council president brandon judd to talk about this. welcome back to the program. these are the ones you found and caught. how many get away? too many to count perhaps. >> these are self-inflicted hard times when you look at the lack of support the white house is giving to my fellow agents it is very disappointing to see that we continue to apprehend people on the interior of the united states rather than right at the border. when you look at the total numbers of gotaways, those people that enter the country illegally and are able to evade apprehension the numbers are astronomical. more than 400,000 people that we know of were able to get away from being apprehended last year alone and this year continues to be more of the same. it is very scary to look at that. >> bill: the drugs, too. here is what we found in 2021, right? cocaine seizures were up 68%. meth was up 7%, heroin decreased 6%. fentanyl seizures were up 134%. that's not acceptable. >> and this is all leading to more overdoses of u.s. citizens than we've ever seen before. we are having unprecedented number of deaths right now just from fentanyl alone. all kinds of hard narcotics coming across the border and it is all based upon and starts with illegal immigration. what happens is the cartels send so many people across the border illegally it pulls our resources out of the field. when it does that they are able to get the higher-value products across the border and that's why you have to look at policy and say policy must change. if we can control illegal immigration we can go after the cartels and go after their profits and keep the united states citizens safe. >> bill: i don't know if the policy is going to change. we're a year in as of this week. one of the many things i find interesting about this are the criminals who are caught and the criminals who get away. just last week in one day bill was on the border reported on several people that have been arrested with criminal records. serious criminal records, too. why would this be permitted to continue if you know these are the type of people who you are allowing to cross that border? >> you have to look at it and i'm glad you ask why. you have to look at that. we have to look at our politicians and hold them accountable. it simply comes down to appeasing a base population. this administration is more worried about the open border pundits than they are u.s. citizens. they are allowing criminal cartels to generate profits that have never been seen before and it is simply because they are trying to appease their base rather than protect the american public. it's why we continue to see wanted murderers, people that have committed rape, abuse of minors in the united states, this continues to happen. we continue to see it simply because this administration cares more about their base voter than it does the american citizen. >> bill: brandon judd. thank you, thanks for coming back here and we'll speak unfortunately very soon about this. dana, coming up on the big press conference tomorrow afternoon we haven't talked about that. you think about the plugs you can hole in policy. this would be one of them. i don't know if this administration has the stones to do it just yet, though, do you? >> dana: we'll see if he is asked about it. it is certainly on the minds of americans. look at the polls and that's what they say. >> bill: if he isn't asked about it, it might say something, too. >> dana: we have all your bases covered here. new details on the man suspected members of taking synagogue hostage. a push to reform an election law dating back to 1887. why democrats and republicans are getting on board. we'll talk about that and much more with congressman jim banks coming right up. 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>> bill: late yesterday it was reported in the u.s. there is a group this man was running around with in london. who is this group? do you know about them and what they were up to? >> yeah, he has been involved and active on the scene in various islam muslim centers if london and also manchester but also in a group that has been dubbed a gateway of terrorism. not exactly terrorists inside there but terrorists who go on from there watched by u.s. intelligence and u.k. intelligence banned in many countries. he has an active past. in the days to come we'll find out what he is really all about. >> bill: you are right about that. how did he get on the plane, leave london and come to new york and make your way to texas? greg palkot on the story today. >> dana: negative covid test to get in. president biden's voting rights bill appear doomed in the senate. there is election reform focused on the electoral count act. indiana congressman is the chairman of the republican study committee. great to have you today. you tweeted about the election count act that you would be willing to take a look at this and make it more clear and it seems to me the democrats ought to take you up on that because that is one of the issues they really wanted to try to deal with after january 6. >> that's right. this is a law that's almost 150 years old. it is confusing, muddled. thoughtful debates on both sides of this question leading up to and even after january 6 about how this law is interpreted, what it means, and i'm all for changing it. revisiting it, clarifying it. democrats are not serious about doing that. in fact, they are being warned by their leaders that they can't talk about refoefrmg the electoral count act because it distracts from the larger election reform bills to federalize elections. it's a shame if you want to do something about this question, let's have a bipartisan effort to clarify a law that's 150 years old rather than the efforts the democrats are taking to politicize and use january 6 as a political weapon against their political enemies. >> bill: get to the mid-term discussion and party affiliation from gallup yesterday afternoon. on that point tomorrow the president will mark one year in office. you think about the long slog of a year you have ahead of you coming up in mid-terms 10 months away. what do you think can get done in this congress? or do you believe the business is finished for now possibly? >> well, in one year this administration has done a lot of damage to our country and the american people see it. inflation is affecting each and every american family in this country. they feel it and the only thing they're hearing from washington from president biden and nancy pelosi and these democrats is that they are better off and they can afford it. it is that type of tone deaf rhetoric from washington, d.c. that has turned a lot of independent and democrat voters into republican voters heading into the mid-term. it is rising inflation, it is crime rates, it is drugs flowing over the border like we've never seen before. it has been a disastrous recipe for this country and ultimately this mid-term election is going to shift the congress into republican hands in a big way with a bigger majority than what people are even predicting at the moment. >> dana: we'll see how he handles it tomorrow. talked about how republicans are on the upswing. ask you about afghanistan as well. if you look at when the polls really started to go down for president biden you look at august of 2021. here is something that we read in national review. what america owes the afghans we left behind. america's abrupt abandonment of afghanistan and allies is inhumane. thousands of afghans are waiting for us to uphold our promise to protect them and provide safe admission to america. i don't know if you still have constituents that have problems. i hear from people every day about one in particular comes to mind. ahmad, an american citizen allowed to come back to the united states. he is in a refugee camps after saving his wife and son from the taliban. >> i served in afghanistan, my heart goes out to the afghan people especially the women and young girls who are being treated so horribly by the taliban regime. my concern is lie with that and with the report that came out of the pentagon last september that says later this year afghanistan will become a safe haven again to terrorist organizations who are willing, ready and able to launch international attacks coming from afghanistan. this is a question of competence the way the biden administration handled the pull-out by withdrawing droops without evacuating our own -- our allies. people who helped us along the way. we have 83,000 afghans who were unvetted who hopped on our planes. there are so many issues related to competence that will have long term effects not on our country but the rest of the world for a long time to come done by this administration. >> dana: appreciate your time. >> bill: so democratic senator amy klobuchar calling out russia over ukraine. have a listen here. >> so our message is there will be consequences if he chooses to violate the sanctity of this democracy. >> bill: that was on monday in kiev. today in kiev antony blinken is there. well he get to that as we continue to cover the russia/ukraine crisis. some lawmakers say social media companies should be held responsible when they have disinformation about eating disorders. we have the debate coming up next. rry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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>> the goal is to hold social media companies accountable for what users post. it comes down to free speech here. this new bill is sponsored by democratic state senator in new york and one of at least a dozen proposed bills at legislators try to regulate big tech companies, facebook. they work to remove harmful content like vaccine disinformation, self-harm and posts that can lead to eating disorders and how they affect young people. the big issue is the algorithms that promote toxic content. tech companies aren't liable for what users post under federal law. lawmakers have to address these changes without violating free speech which could be tough. >> really significant first amendment challenges here. amplify speech or suggest it to certain readers or make efforts to try and deliver it to the people you think will be most interested in it. those are all the types of speech that is protected by the first amendment. >> that all comes of the sister of a security officer killed during the 2020 protests is now suing facebook's parent company metaaccusing the tech giant of promoting extremist content. facebook and twitter have also been under fire about removing posts about vaccines and lockdowns. reversing course. experts tell us it is hard to police the platforms because information evolves over time. >> dana: secretary of state antony blinken is going to ukraine today. britain says it will supply ukraine with anti-tank weapons. let's bring in michael allen, a former director of the national security council. i want you to listen to general keane. we talked to him this week about just what russia might be thinking in terms of the biden team response to their provocations. watch. >> i don't think putin believes the french and germans will go along with it and you think the chinese who is russia's number one trading partner is going to reinforce the united states and shut down all the exports and imports that are going back and forth between those two countries? i doubt it. i think our deterrents that we claim, economic sanctions has a hollowness to it. >> dana: michael. today antony blinken will arrive in ukraine and also visit germany. what kind of message does he take with him? >> well first i think this is shaping up to be the biggest moment of the biden presidency. world wars start in europe. so far president biden has not marshaled the world to deter putin. blink en is trying to rally the germans to have them and others supply defensive assistance to the ukrainians. i'm glad the united kingdom stepped up last night and provided some anti-tank weaponry to ukraine. the united states ought to be in the lead helping supply additional weaponry so we might be able to deter russia. >> dana: let's talk about germany for a second. raf, royal air force is banned from flying over their airspace because germany doesn't want to aggravate russia? germany is now in the position of being almost fully dependent on russia for its energy needs. so how can nato operate when you have germany, a very important member of nato, acting this way? >> it's really hard to act within the alliance especially when there are foot dragers like the germans. they have a new government. we are hopeful they will be more hawkish on russia. look, this nord stream 2 pipeline has been a disaster for year. sanctioned out of existence long before now. it is all but operational and terrific for the russians and terrible for the ukrainians. frankly the germans are doing what they always do, look first and foremost at how they will be able to protect their business interests and so that means they want the gas from the pipeline to fund -- to otherwise fuel their industry and it is disappointing. i hope we can capitalize on that this week and pressure them to do more so that russia might see that the west is united against them. >> dana: i understand also that today russia has thinned out its embassy in ukraine. what could that mean? >> they are psyching out the ukrainians. they started with the cyberattack last week and now evacuating the embassy. you know about the build-up. you know about the ultimatums. it sure looks to every observer like they are not deterred by the west and that they are going in very, very soon and that's how it interprets that evacuation. >> dana: michael allen, stay in touch with us. this story is not ending. we're right at the beginning of it. thank you so much. that's something that we will have to see if the president addresses in his press conference tomorrow as well. the foreign policy gamut of all the issues he has to deal with, this is front and center this week. >> bill: smart to. i imagine it will come up and we'll see it together tomorrow afternoon. l.a. rams roll the arizona cardinals last night. did you watch and stay up and watch this drubbing? 34-11. rams took the early lead. matt stafford threw two touchdowns and ran for another. a big night for him. they'll play the buccaneers and tom brady next sunday in the divisional round. you got that. dana reads sports, bill reads sports. >> dana: you did pretty well on that read. next time you have to have a little more passion for the game and really help it come through. >> bill: i didn't want to oversell it. >> dana: bill reads sports very well. >> bill: i have a horse in this race, too. >> dana: you have a tiger in this race called the bengals. also this, the airline industry asking for immediate intervention to avoid what it cast will be chaos before wireless phone carriers roll out their new 5g service tomorrow. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ are >> harris: along with their issues of homelessness and mental illness when it comes to safety on our streets. who is looking out for us? and we're seeing a huge political shift for the first time in decades like this. voters supporting the republican party over the democrat party by an epic margin. joe concha, dr. marc siegel, raymond arroyo and buck sexton, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: u.s. airline carriers call -- fox business network grady trimble is live in chicago. what's the concern about the 5g? >> the airlines say the 5g roll-out could ground a large number of flights potentially causing chaos in the u.s. and stranding tens of thousands of americans overseas. in a letter to transportation secretary pete buttigieg and other government officials they said immediate intervention is needed to avoid significant operational disruption to air passengers, shippers, supply chain and delivery of needed medical supplies. to be blunt the nation's commerce will grind in a halt. they argue 5g could interfere with critical instruments on planes and propose launching the service everywhere in the country except within two miles of runways at certain airports. at&t and verizon did not respond today. 5g has been safely rolled out in nearly 40 countries. the faa tells us they are continuing conversations with the airlines as well as the wireless companies in order to avoid any 5g-related flight cancellations or delays. the clock is ticking and they go into effect tomorrow, the 5g roll-out. >> dana: we'll pay attention to it. former new york city mayor bill deblasio says he will not run for governor. he filed paperwork in november to create a fundraising committee. deblasio will focus on fighting inequality in new york. bill, all i got to say is see you later. >> bill: you weren't surprised, were you? i wasn't. >> dana: he is very arrogant. i was a little surprised. >> bill: he can't win upstate. that's the problem. happy anniversary to you. to our audience at home one year ago today we started our little program here. our producers have -- we went into the way back machine some of our moments covid and otherwise. >> dana: i can't imagine. >> bill: let's have a look right now. >> welcome you to the new beginning of "america's newsroom" here on the fox news channel. >> dana: i walked to to studio and my feet hurt so bad. do you know what i did? >> bill: assuming -- >> dana: i put my shoes on the wrong feet. glad to be here with you, bill. special coverage of the inauguration live from our nation's capitol. the ceremony looks a lot different this year. >> bill: the world health organization is not in wuhan for a year and who knows what the chinese communist party is telling us, how can we figure out the origins of this virus? >> dana: we're in tampa and colder than i thought it would be but it was an amazing experience that we want to tell everybody about. minority leader mitch mcconnell joins us now. >> pete buttigieg. >> dana: republican from tennessee. >> bill: debbie ding el is with me now. >> dana: david petracca. >> bill: thank you for your time, mr. secretary. >> bill: oh my word. >> dana: hilarious. >> bill: i didn't know that existed. new york city is officially open. we're marking the occasion live outside of our studios here in mid town manhattan. for the next two hours. >> dana: a big reveal. jasper's debut. >> bill: fast moving developments on kabul. perhaps this is the moment so many will remember. >> i know i will get killed. the good thing is i won't die -- >> dana: these two days of reflection to our audience means a lot to me and all of our american newsroom team. thank you for helping us make this happen. >> bill: hello to our newest member percy. >> dana: percy seven weeks old today. percy has grown since even that moment. i feel like i've really grown this year, too. we have an incredible producing team. it's a great team. we are all joyous in our work and it has been an amazing opportunity. >> bill: i think my favorite day was may 19th. went outside, sun was out. a beautiful day. it was reborn. a cool day in manhattan. >> dana: they reopened new york. maybe we'll have to do that again. >> bill: all those things that jesse and gutfeld said about you weren't true. can you make a course correction with them later today? >> dana: they say i'm short. they got that one right for sure. >> bill: a lot of fun, dana. great to get to know you, too. >> dana: this year will be incredible. we have a plan to make sure that this is the show you can come to where you can get all your updated information about the mid-term elections. we're on top of it. eating, drinking, breathing it and sleeping on it and hope you join us for all of that. >> bill: great to get to know you more than i did before. congratulations on what that four-legged friend of yours. now we have a two-legged friend we want to welcome to the world. robert porter lee barrett. did you get that right? before we go. robert porter lee barry was brought into over the weekend. they bring the beautiful handsome bundle into the world. wonderful shot. >> dana: a great story about these little winnie the pooh stuffed animals. those reporters when he was a baby, porter did not know his mom, paula allen, had them restuffed and she sent them so that little robert porter lee can have them as part of his childhood as well. we a so thrilled for porter and his wife and their sonowen as well. this little guy will be well loved across america for sure. >> bill: a great shot. look at those two guys hanging out. >> dana: they have the same amount of hair right now. >> bill: only for now, though. the journey begins. welcome to the world to him. cool shot there. we have to run. >> dana: you've known porter for a long time. >> bill: good man, works hard. makes a lot of things around her happen. i will see you tomorrow. maybe someday soon we'll be back in the same room. >> dana: i look forward to being reunited to write notes to you during the commercial breaks. "the faulkner focus" is next. here is harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert from coast to coast crime is exploding in democrat-run cities. american citizens are under siege. in the spotlight the glaring problems with homelessness and mental illness. we reported on the liberal district attorneys in some of our nation's biggest cities who have gone soft on crime. there is a real human cost to this crime crisis.

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Bunch , Bipartisanship , Parties , Place , Americans Don T , Focus , Agenda America Supports , Ground , Economy , Build , Problem , Chairman , Base , Approval , 38 , 30 , 90 , Work , Point , Doors , Arguments , 20 , Care , Election , Borders , Masks , Bill , Thanks , Stuff , Love , Elections , Bathrooms , Gentlemen , Area , Lines , Eyes , Viewers , July , Video , Number , Air , Middle , August 16th Right Smack Dab , Monday August 16th , 16 , Term , Health Workers , Runway , Plot , Biden Vaccine Mandates , Kabul , England , 17 , Businesses , Education , Issue , School , Unions , Teachers , School Districts , Debates , Supreme Court , Governorship , Promises , Listen , Fox , Glenn Youngkin , Person , Family Member , Friend , Caring , Rising Star , It , Violence , Part , Cities , Knife Attack , Loss , Voice , Daughter , Pattern , Lawrence Jones , More Bad News , Chinese Communist , Owners , Warriors , Cdc , Activities , Students , Human Rights Abuses , Minority , Rest , Nobody , Don T 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Eric Adams , Come On , Going , Don T Mess , Weekend , Death , Woman , Cases , Perception , Fear , Tracks , Campaign , Subways , Times Square , Asian , Hands , Protection , Taking , Fox Business Live In New York City , Madison , Someone , Security , Robberies , Statistics , Ran , Take A Look , Tide , Crimes , Course , Reaction , Killing , 76 , Confidence , Business Consultant Waiting , Subway Stop , Business , Areas , Operators , Tourists , Homeless , Security Guards , Mall , Backup , Neighborhood , Building , Anyone , Security Guard , Incidents , Police Department , Arrests , Knife , Knives , Problems , Need Threat , Police , Business Owners , Customers , Response , Policy , Prosecuting Crimes , Ride , D A , Kind , Tragedy , Community , Somebody , Society , Families , Favor , Brianna Kupfer , Others , Bestowing , Los Angeles , 24 , Furniture Store , Increase , Mr , Act , Feel , Gut , Victim , Inaudible , Criminals , The Streets Don T , District Attorneys , Compassion , Want Help , Victims , Lady , Life , Mental Health Support , D A S Don T Care , Chicago , Shots , Eric Holder , Liberties , Lives , Conversation , Thought , Editorial , New York Post , Train , Front , Pleas , Subway Shoveers Sister , Advocates , Help , Hospital , Medication , Places , Mental Health Crisis , Travels , Risk , Criminal Justice , Procedures , Processes , Reform , Incarceration System , Money , Funding Problem , Programs , Threat , Street , Drugs , Meals , Curfew , System , Encampments , 11 , 00 , Piper , Sort , Anarchy , Line , Stories , Organizations , Answer , 3 1 2 , Comments , Mental Health System , Clip , Suggestion , Piece , Loop , Lawrence , Details , Records , Hostages , Take Care , Texas Synagogue , Authorities , 26 , Workforce , Supply Chain Crisis , Shelves , Plane , Grocery Stores , Maria Bartiromo , Home , Rates , Veterans , Homeownership , Down Payment , Purchase Loans , Newday , The American Dream , Twos , Payments , Bank , Lender , Newdayusa , Newday100 Loan , 60000 , 615 , 0000 , Botox , Questions , Adults , Migraine , Headaches , 4 , Doctor , Symptoms , Treatment , Injection , Effects , Sample , Difficulty Swallowing , May , 3 , Side Effects , Eye Problems , Headache , Reactions , Signs , Skin Infection , History , Muscle Weakness , Condition , Breathing , Speaking , Pain , Fatigue , Site , Users , Medications , Sooner , Muscle , Plus , Conditions , Survey , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Zero , Zero Dollars , 92 , Owner , Future , Access , Investor , Tools , Advice , Vanguard , Energy , Protein , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Sugar , Nutrients , Health , Attorney General , 9 , 31 , Law , Parole Board , Schools , Sexual Assault , Estate , Loudon County , Prison , School Grounds , Public School System , Monopoly , Reporting , School System , Traces , Transition , Transparency , Accountability , Requirement , Investigations , Supply Chain , States , Winter Storm , Strain , Shipping Delays , Crisis , Lockdowns , China , Number One , Stock Rate , Shortages , Beverages , Food , 50 , Host , Bacon , Cars , Eggs , Gasoline , 37 , 21 , Stock Market , Points , Reasons , Stock Market Opening , Dow , 500 , All Over The Place , Ceo , Mornings , Maria On Fox Business , Truckers Association , Truck Drivers , Jab , Towel , Four Million , Job , Truckers , Goods , Supply Chain Disruptions , Point A To B , Dollar Plan , Covid Legislation Back In March , All Out , 1 9 Trillion Dollar , 1 9 Trillion , March Of 2021 , Everyone , Consumer , Top , Worries , Checks , Growth , 1400 , 400 , Interest Rates , Federal Reserve , Record , Securities , Individuals , Money Manager , Jamie , Diamond , J P Morgan , Times , Mortgage Rates , Money Policy , Raise , 6 , 7 , Investors , Credit Cards , Volatility , Inflation , Reserve , Impact , Questioning , Sure , Cost , Credit , Wall , Move , Liquidity , Consumers , Banks , Bank Accounts , Deposit , Market , Interest Rate , Morning , Rules , Opportunity , Spending , Attention , 2023 , 2022 , Heating Bill , Millions , Minimum , Waters , Midwest , Michigan , Criticism , Pile , Kids , Parents , Concerns , Golden State Warriors , Say , Co Owners , Shame , The World Today , Slave Labor , Serena Williams , Matrix , Demand , Stream , Customization , Dj , Directv , Liberty , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Mutual , Retirement , Voya , Most , Last Thing On My Mind , Workplace , Benefits , Well Invested , Company , Amazon Warehouse , Mike Tobin , Delivery Driver , Illinois , Tornado Hit , Hi , Report , Right , Beijing , Difficulties , Lips , Cold , Let S Go , Lawsuits , First , Tornadoes , Wake , Mike , Wrongful Death Suit , Let S Start Again , Profits , Tornado , Couple Construction Companies , Emergency Plan , Distribution Center , Workers , Lawsuit , Weather , Contract Driver , Warnings , Stay , Austin Mcewen , Evidence , Basement , Emergency Shelter , Statement , Bathroom , Direction , Spokesperson , South Side , Storm Shelter , Five , Team , Types , Warning , Differences , Facts , Alerts , Governor , Counts , Construction Companies , Warehouse , Suit , Four , Organizers , Safety , Games , Beijing Olympics , Tickets , Ticket Sales , World , Athlete , Spectators , Prognostication , Teammates , Vaccination , Talking , Singing , Cheering , Proof , Elevators , Spaces , Daily Testing , Clapping , Disaster , Winter Venue , Knee , Let , Democracies , Winter Olympics , Canada , Voting Rights Bill , All Star Game , Legitimacy , Atlanta , All Star Game Out Of Atlanta , Terms , Olympics , Room , Testing , Test , Positive , Pop , Nba , Minority Owner , Now Clay , Exchange , Concentration Camps , Uyghurs , Nobody Cares , Family , Human Rights , Refugee , Clarification , Empathy , Set , Opposite , Elsewhere , Belief , Stop , Clay , End Quote , Apology , Genocide , Social Justice , Organization , Cashing Checks , Everybody , Rank Hypocrisy , Media Members , Player , Coach , Claim , Espn , Controversy , Embarrassment , Sliver , Par , Outrage , Dribble , Sorts , Snow , Thoughts , Sean Duffy , Thank You , High School Sports , Sir , Blocks , Guidance , Outkick , Sleep Number , Pressure Points , Movements , Sleep , Temperature Balancing , Bed , Sale , 360 , Interest , Project Managers , Smart Bed , Queen , Projects , 999 , 000 , 1999 , 1000 , 0 , Life Insurance Policy , Shortlist , Cash Payment , Job Criteria , Policy Lapse , Income , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Insurance , Screen , Coventry , Ultra , 5g , Network , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , 5g Internet , Safer , Mindy , Movie , Wi Fi , Yep , Mom Becomes A , Let S Work Offsite , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Cable , Fail , Hope , Try , Infection , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Ability , Dermatologist , Crohn S Disease , On Covid , Football , Band , Wrestling , Band Practice , Exercise , Shouting , Ex Hallation , Congressman , Cheer , Segment , Sounds , Killjoys , Amount , Track Record , Recommendations , Iphones , Ipads , Distance , Explosion , Shutdown , One Shot , Play Sports , Let S Get Kids Outside , Sweat , March Of 2020 , Data , Citizens , Shocker , Democratics , Terry Mccauliffe , Public School , Client , Race , Math , Science , Indoctrinate Kids , Ideology , Global Warming , Taxpayers , Child , Pair , Payers , Choice , Indoctrination Institutions Butted Indicational , Basics , Arizona , Office , Post , Commonwealth , Crackdown , Promise , Murderers , Individual , Cop Killers , Rapists , Making L A Look Bad , Possibility , Parole , Life Sentences , Members , Services , Restructuring , Alexandria Hoff , Executive Owners , Board , School Board , Judge , Legislation , Boy , Control , Victim Last Mindset , Criminal First , Richmond , House Of Delegates , Push , Crime Part , Restorative Justice , Lieutenant Governor , Reports , Alex , Train Robberies , Union Pacific , Los Angeles County , In Washington D C , Wild West , District Attorney , Retailers , Railroad Companies , Latest , Homeless Encampments , 160 , Attack , Footage , Packages , Track , Commerce , Ports , 350 , Nation , Tests , Covid Tests Don T , Damages , Designer , Purses , Destinations , Impacting , 5 Million , Million , Items , Costs , Whole , Leaders , Cargo Containers , Prices , Cash , Prosecuting , Los Angeles District Attorney , Bail , Miss Demeanors , Court , Trespassing , Consequence , Truck Driver Shortage , Operations , Solution , Rail , Harm , Andy Mccarthy , Kelly , Gascon , Attorney , California State Government , Fbi , Box , Television , Incredible , Politicians , Name , Communities , Children , Grad Student , Need , Suspect , Dad , L A County Sheriff , Scene , Assailant , Leads , Fingerprints , Dna , Surveillance Technology , Foot , Scouting , Vehicle , Cameras , Type , Detail , Encampment , Cctv Camera , Witnesses , L A Crime Stats , Description , Suspects , L A D , L A Homicide , Feds , 1500 , 392 , Deputy District Attorneys , Peace Officer , Discussion , Murder , Murder Charge , Investigators , Shooting , Forward , Anything , Weapons , Assistant U S Attorney Office , Gang Activity , Depravity , Firearm , Enhancements , No Confidence Vote , Task Force , Breaking The Law , Balance , Camps , Advocate , Prosecutor , Mouth , Defender , Pressure , Sense , Side , Recorder , Recall , Petition , Steam , Circulation , The Register , Karma , Sheriff , Fire , City , Handling , Child Molestor , Nightmare , Career Criminal , Felony Convictions , Outcome , Effort , Concern , Train Story , Attacker , Letter , Cash Bail Policy , Unique , Least , Frame , Effect , Officers , Rail Line , Charges , Revictimization , Boast , Warren , Corporations , Hiking Prices , Border , Brandon Judd , National Border Council , Package , Guess , 2 , Border Policy , Aviation Crisis , Roll , Cell Phone Towers , Update , Antony Blinken , Ukraine , Mission , Expansion , Russian , Animals , Myasthenia Gravis , Friends , Dinner , Family Photos , Fda , Neurologist , Pandemic , Remote Learning , 18 , Classroom , Sake , School Board Members , Migrant Problems , Start , Texas , Stash House , Texas Dps , Motel , Illegals , U S Border Patrol , Hard Times , Lack , Interior , Agents , Gotaways , Same , Apprehension , 400000 , Meth , Heroin , Cocaine Seizures , 68 , Overdoses , Fentanyl Seizures , 134 , Immigration , Starts , Kinds , Deaths , Fentanyl , Hard Narcotics , Cartels , Products , Resources , The Field , United States Citizens Safe , Criminal Records , Base Population , American , Minors , Abuse , Rape , Citizen , Base Voter , He Isn T , Stones , Synagogue Hostage , Bases , Election Law Dating , Congressman Jim Banks , 1887 , Mental Health , Progress , Body Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Td Movements , Face , Twitching , Jerking , Changes , Actions , Inflammation , Depression , Behaviors , Patients , Mood , Huntington S Disease , Problems Thinking , Liver Problems , Reserpine , Restlessness , Sleepiness , It S Time , Heartbeat , Muscles , Parkinson S Disease , Throat , Sweating , Insomnia , Tetrabenazine , Fever , Fast , Jackie , Valbenazine , Td , Visit Askforaustedo Com , U K , Justice Department Official , Detective , A , Texas Synagogue Hostage Stand Off , Stand Off , At Fox , Information , Guy , Greg Palkot , In London , Hello , Hello To You , Siege , Hostage , Rap Sheet , 44 , Jail , Extremist , Behavior , The Man , Theft , Harassment , 2012 , Terrorism , Suspicion , Detectives , Offenses , 2001 , Counterparts , Probe , Hostage Taking , Synagogue , Manchester , Town North , Damage , Terror List , Note , Tourist Visa , Big Question , Akram , Teenagers , Telephone , Sons , Sources , Muslim , Islam , Terrorists , Gateway , Intelligence , Countries , Leave London , Voting Rights , Negative Covid Test , Count , Republican Study Committee , Indiana , January 6 , Sides , Fact , Efforts , Reform Bills , Weapon , Enemies , Affiliation , Slog , Congress , Nancy Pelosi , Mid Term , Rhetoric , Tone Deaf , Crime Rates , Recipe , Afghanistan , Upswing , Afghans , Allies , Abandonment , National Review , August Of 2021 , Particular , Constituents , Admission , Ahmad , Girls , Wife , My Heart , Refugee Camps , American Citizen , Son , Women , Taliban , Lie , Taliban Regime , Safe Haven , The Pentagon Last September , Competence , Attacks , Terrorist Organizations , Droops , Planes , Who , 83000 , Message , Amy Klobuchar , Democracy , Consequences , Sanctity , Kiev , Social Media Companies , Lawmakers , Ukraine Crisis , Disinformation , Eating Disorders , Pay , Whistle , Oh Boy , Vulture Squawks , Doug , One Sec , Rry , Director , My Name Is Douglas , Somewhere , Writer , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Platforms , Content , Posts , Facebook , Social Media , Speech , Goal , Alexis Mcadams , Tech Companies , State Senator , Legislators , Vaccine Disinformation , Algorithms , Tech Companies Aren T , Disorders , Self Harm , Amendment , Amplify Speech , Readers , Challenges , Security Officer , Sister , Extremist Content , Protests , Parent Company Metaaccusing The Tech Giant , Twitter , Experts , Vaccines , Secretary Of State , Michael Allen , National Security Council , Provocations , Watch , Putin , General Keane , Germans , Exports , Trading Partner , Imports , French , Germany , Sanctions , Deterrents , Hollowness , World Wars , Europe , Blink En , Ukrainians , Weaponry , Supply , Assistance , Raf , Doesn T , Position , Second , Airspace , Let S Talk , Royal Air Force , Member , Energy Needs , Alliance , Nato , Pipeline , Nord Stream , Business Interests , Terrific , Russians , Existence , Industry , Fund , Gas , Embassy , West , Observer , Build Up , Cyberattack , Ultimatums , Beginning , Evacuation , Stay In Touch , Foreign Policy Gamut , Press Conference , Addresses , Matt Stafford , Another , Drubbing , L A Rams Roll , Last Night , Big Night , Rams , Arizona Cardinals , 34 , Round , Dana Reads Sports , Bill Reads Sports , Tom Brady Next Sunday , Buccaneers , Game , Bill Reads Sports Very , Passion , Horse , Intervention , Tens Of Thousands Americans , Phone Carriers , It Cast , Airline Industry , 5g Service , Bengals , Tiger , Service , Singers , Music Vo , Technology , Car , Windshield , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Homelessness , Mental Illness , Streets , Time , Epic Margin , Joe Concha , Faulkner Focus , Marc Siegel , Raymond Arroyo , Buck Sexton , 5g Roll , Flights , Grady Trimble , Fox Business Network , Pete Buttigieg , Government Officials , Stranding , Supplies , Instruments , Passengers , Delivery , Shippers , The Nation S Commerce Will Grind In A Halt , Everywhere , Airports , Runways , At T , Faa , Companies , Conversations , Flight Cancellations , Order , Bill Deblasio , Paperwork , Ticking , Clock , Delays , Fundraising Committee , You Weren T , Deblasio Will Focus On Fighting Inequality , Wasn T , Audience , He Can T Win Upstate , I Can T Imagine , Producers , Way Back Machine , Moments Covid , Coverage , Inauguration , Our Nation S Capitol , World Health Organization , Origins , Virus , Ceremony , Wuhan , Mitch Mcconnell , Debbie Ding El , Tampa , Tennessee , Secretary , Word , David Petracca , Studios , Occasion , Debut , Mid Town Manhattan , Fast Moving Developments On Kabul , Big Reveal , Jasper , Many , , Newsroom Team , Percy , Reflection , Seven , Beautiful Day , Sun , 19 , May 19th , Fun , Gutfeld , Weren T True , Drinking , Eating , Congratulations , Robert Porter , Lee Barry , Lee Barrett , Reporters , Porter , Shot , Baby , Bundle , Winnie The Pooh , Robert Porter Lee , Paula Allen , Well , Childhood , Sonowen , Journey , Guys , Hair , Cool , Notes , Exploding , Breaks , Coast To , Spotlight , Crime Crisis , Human Cost ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

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later in the program for that. dana, awesome to be with you this past year. i look to many more. >> dana: me, too. all right. a new gallup poll shows the gop holding a 5 point edge in support among americans, a 14-point swing from a year ago giving republicans their best lead since 1995. >> bill: we have reaction from two of the best in a moment. reince priebus and jim messina standing by. we start with mark meredith. >> a year ago republicans were facing bleak poll numbers. today a much different story with gallup reporting the gop seeing a huge surge in support over the last year. good news for republicans comes at democrats' expense. 13 polls throughout last year asking 12,000 adults asking how they saw themselves leaning. fourth quarter the republicans had a lead. a huge shift from the start of 2021. republican party officials tell us they aren't surprised. >> we viewed this as a direct correlation between joe biden and kamala harris's failed policies coupled with the democrat agenda in the house and senate to where the american people feel and how they are reacting to this radical administration. >> gallup says the change is likely tied to the public's feelings about the president and no secret president biden is facing some dismal approval ratings. last week his press secretary jen psaki dismissed the idea his administration was doomed. >> the truth is an agenda doesn't wrap up in one year. we will continue to fight for every component of his agenda and his plans for his presidency that he outlined when running for president. >> gallup sums it up saying the political winds are more favorable to republicans in the fourth quarter giving them an advantage over democrats larger than any in more than 25 years. what we don't know is if republicans kept their momentum throughout december as omicron was spreading. independents that gallup says make up the largest political group. a lot of voters could be making up their minds before the mid-terms. either way it is a fascinating poll that just came out. >> bill: headline is clear and obvious. nice to see you in washington >> dana: let's bring in our panel reince prieb us former white house chief of staff. jim messina former deputy chief of staff under president obama. jim, i want to put this up for you. presidential house seat change at mid-terms and you can look back over history. jim, you know these numbers by heart. clinton in the mid-term lost 52 seats, bush up eight after 9/11. obama 63, trump 40. republicans won more seats in 2020 than they were expected to. so their wins might not numbers-wise as big as that. the polls that we were talking about from your mind do you think it calls for a course correction as some moderate democrats on the hill are asking the white house for? >> well look, what i think democrats need to stop fighting each other on national tv all day. we've had six months of democrat on democrat and people don't like that. they want people to work together and get things done and stop the debate on some of these bills and get things done. i also think it is a natural evolution happened to president trump and president bush. when you have sole power in washington voters sometimes don't like that and want to have the other party involved and this is exactly what happened with president trump, obama and bush. it doesn't mean the democrats shouldn't wake up and figure out what they need to do here but it is a natural evolution. >> bill: reince, what about that? is it natural or as you look at history and the polling is it more dramatic than that? >> it might be a little bit of both. i think it is natural but i also think in this case democrats are doing everything they can to get every question on the exam wrong. if you look at 1994 give you an example where we had an incredible year as republicans the democrats started the year at plus 7. republicans ended the year at plus 3. that is a 10-point swing. in this case we had the democrats starting this year -- last year at plus 9. now ending at republicans plus 5, 14-point swing. the reason it is important isn't so much because of these seismic shifts it is important because in the most vitriolic political times. we are in a pretty vitriolic time, only 10% of these districts at play for every democrat and every republican they're safe. but because of this shift and because these small shifts mean so much, because now you are looking at 15 seats right now that are held by democrats that trump won their congressional district. these little shifts mean a lot. secondly, look at where the senate races are. georgia, wisconsin, ohio, these are all battleground states. these small shifts matter. last thing to jim's point look, honestly i think the democrats' priorities, what they want to talk about is all wrong. what matters now, look at virginia, crime, parental rights, border security. these are the things people are excited about. they aren't excited about hey, we'll go to online voting. that will win the marginal districts. it is ridiculous. >> dana: interesting in the poll from cbs a lot of things they were talking about was that the majority of people don't feel the white house is focused on the issues they care about. jerry baker from the "wall street journal" has this today head lined biden goes for broke. he is broke, now what? subtitle. we could still push for bipartisan solutions but his divisive first year makes it much harder. jim, is there something to that where president biden has really tried to help make sure that he tries to keep the democrats together but did he go too far in trying to play indicate the far left progressives of the party and now dealing with this situation? not only not unified the country he can't unify his party. >> well a couple of things. one, he got an infrastructure bill done with a bunch of republican support. let's not get too panicky here. do we need more bipartisanship, yes, i totally agree with reince. and both parties need to come together. and work together to get some things done. you know, dana, i think what we see is democrats fighting all over the place and we need to stop that and figure out how to move forward on an agenda america supports. what americans want is economic focus. they want us focused on the economy and that's what build back better is and republicans want to do. we have to find common ground on some of these things and i hope we can do that. >> bill: reince, answer the question as well. jerry baker says now what? >> well, i think the problem that democrats have now and what biden has is that even when obama and trump were at approval ratings that were around 40% and when i was chairman i thought we'll beat obama, he is only at 30 some percent. their base of support was like 90%. the problem biden had and you saw it in virginia was that while he was at 38% approval, the problem he has is even in that slice only 20% strongly approve of the work that joe biden is doing. those are the people you need on the ground. those are the people you need knocking doors. the last point. economic arguments are great but what's really -- what the democrats have done wrong is turned this election into a cultural question which is secure borders, crime, parental rights, masks, you know, most americans don't care about pronouns and transgender rights in bathrooms. while those might be important to some people, those are not the issues that will win the elections and that's where biden has found himself. >> bill: smart stuff. gentlemen, thanks to both of you, jim and reince, come back. >> dana: love to have you. >> bill: i want to take you back to the two lines that we were showing our viewers a moment ago. and i think the key area where you put your eyes is the third quarter of last year. they divide it up into three months. what happened? july, august and september of last year. he is losing support in the second quarter, losing support and on monday, august 16th right smack dab in the middle of quarter number three we had the video on our air with that c-17 rolling down the runway in kabul and that's when this president lost the plot as they say in england in this current term. >> dana: the other thing that happened around then is president biden vaccine mandates for federal health workers and subsequently tried to do it with private businesses. it got rejected by the supreme court but another thing happening around then was the teachers unions and school districts were having debates about getting back to school and that issue of school and education is something that glenn youngkin recognized early on and won the governorship in virginia and made good on those promises right away. >> bill: he sure did. more coming up on this and more from a stunning interview from last hour here on fox. give this a listen. >> we want her to be remembered as a person, human being, a caring, loving and devoted family member and great friend and just a rising star. >> bill: it was hard. you could listen to it in his voice. the father mourning the loss of his daughter killed in a random knife attack. part of a disturbing pattern of violence in american cities. we'll talk with lawrence jones coming up in moments. >> dana: more bad news for america's students. extracurricular activities the cdc is trying to do away with. >> the warriors after one of its minority owners brushed off human rights abuses by the chinese communist government. >> nobody cares what is happening to the uighurs, okay. you bring it up because you really care. the rest of us don't care. ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can help protect and provide for the financial futures of the ones we love. talk to a financial professional about pacific life. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (vo) you can be well-dressed. you can be well-mannered. 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[inaudible] -- they say what do the people want to charge? society has been harmed at large when there is a victim in these crimes. and yet it seems like these district attorneys are only representing the criminals. i've been covering this story for three years. you say we don't have compassion about the homeless? i covered that story. what we have seen consistently a lot of these people on the streets don't want help. you offer them services and mental health support, they don't want it. then you get a situation like this where this young lady that had her whole life ahead of her. these d.a.s don't care. they put the criminals before the actual victims. and you ask yourself what is enough, enough. how many innocent people in subways have to die. how many shots have to be fired in chicago? it seems like the d.a.s and the people fund them who used to be the attorney general, eric holder, is prioritizing the people committing these crimes. these people aren't reforming their lives. i'm a reasonable person and when there are civil liberties that have been violated we can have a conversation on this. that's not what is happening in this country. the criminals are getting the priorities and the victims are becoming an after thought. when they release these people do they contact the families? no. >> bill: there was an editorial in the "new york post" about the woman killed in front of that train in times square. he was sick clearly and we can see it from the video. hear the pleas of the subway shoveers sister. advocates need to shove it to get the severely mentally ill the help they need. she pleaded with the hospital to keep him there because if he left the hospital she knew he would not take his medication. that appears to be the case here. what did you find out about this in your travels to some of these places across the country? >> the mental health crisis, bill, is a problem. it needs to be dealt with. but while they are trying to figure out all the processes and procedures that they want to go about, if someone is a risk to society they have to be locked up. that is what the criminal justice is for and what our incarceration system is for. it is not for reform. it is because that person poses a threat to society and has already committed a crime and we cannot release them. there is not a funding problem when you look at california or new york. they have the money for these programs. what we've seen consistently and consistently is that there are a lot of people that are out there on the street that don't want the help. and you know what? when you tell them there is a program for you, they have a curfew. they get three meals a day. when you tell them that they have to give up the drugs so they have to be in by 11:00 or 10:00, they say you know what? i don't want the program anymore. what does our system say? you can do encampments. they have their own criminal justice system with people that patrol the street that are criminals, by the way. we cannot have this sort of anarchy, this separate criminal justice system in our country. real americans pay the piper for that and no one seems to want to have that conversation. i've been covering this for 3 1/2 years going across the country. when you look at any other mainstream organizations you tell me do they ever lead with stories like this? the answer is no. >> bill: one more line for the piece. new york's mental health system is broken. >> dana: here is my suggestion. we cut the clip with lawrences comments and play it on a loop. really smart. thank you, lawrence. take care. >> bill: 26 past. stunning new details about the man who took hostages at the texas synagogue over the weekend with an extensive criminal records and u.k. authorities knew about him. how did he fly on a plane to the united states? shelves at the grocery stores, surging omicron cases stretching the workforce there. now something else could make the supply chain crisis even worse. maria is on that coming up next. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. before treating your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> good morning to you, dana. there are the host of reasons for what we're seeing and it is playing out in a big way in the stock market. the stock market opening down sharply this morning. dow industrials down 500 points. here is what is happening. blame the winter storm, blame covid but we go back to policy. this is how it started and one of the biggest issues. i finished mornings with maria on fox business and had an interview with the ceo and president of the american truckers association and he said bad policy is underneath all of these issues because truck drivers are leaving the workforce. they feel they are not going to be forced to get the jab. they are seeing -- they are saying forget it. i'm throwing in the towel. four million people left the workforce in the month of november alone. here we have truckers leaving the job. that's one of the biggest issues with these supply chain disruptions. truckers are not carrying the goods from point a to point b and that's why you are seeing the shelves bare because so much money thrown at too few goods and covid legislation back in march of 2021 started us all out. we're talking about a 1.9 trillion dollar plan that gave $1400 checks to people and now there is a lot of worry the consumer is about to be tapped out because they've spent that money. so you have a growth in the economy worry on top of these worries about bare shelves. here is the big issue everyone is talking about right now in business. that is this transition that we are about to watch of the federal reserve. the federal reserve had easy money. it was buying securities, it was having record low interest rates but the fed told us very clearly interest rates are going higher. i had an interview with a major money manager last week and the ceo of j.p. morgan, both individuals told me to expect much higher interest rates. jamie diamond says likely raise rates by 6 to 7 times. they said the fed will raise rates 5 to 6 times. this is a imagine or transition. the federal reserve was at an easy money policy and it is tightening things up. your mortgage rates and credit cards are going higher. interest rates are going higher and this transition is having a hard time on the part of investors and why you are seeing investors sell now and think later. we'll likely have this kind of volatility and a stock market that sells off as the federal reserve makes this transition. easy money to tighter money. it is getting more expensive not just inflation. it is getting more expensive because rates are going higher and that increases the cost of credit. get ready. it will be a volatile year it appears to me. >> dana: do you think some of what you just explained about fed and interest rates is having an impact right now? >> for sure. that is what the sell-off is about. investors are questioning if the federal reserve will be able to make that transition easily. it is a very significant move going from record low interest rates and all of this liquidity the federal reserve prepared. that's easy money. zero interest rates created new money and consumers put it all in bank accounts and increased their deposit into banks accounts. money is tighter, interest rates go higher. interest rate increases that makes everything that much more expensive. yes, the reason the market is selling off this morning is questions about the federal reserve's transition, the reason that people expect inflation to stay elevated and supply chain to be in place is because of policy. we see no change from policy. the spending plans the democrats want to push through. the opportunity to change the senate rules. that has many things, these issues will be with us well into 2022 and 2023. >> dana: let me tell you something i'll pay attention to maria bartiromo. you know everything that's going on. you have to help me understand it. thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> bill: really interesting. remember last week i told you about the ceo in the midwest said his heating bill is twice as expensive as a year ago? millions of people experiencing the same thing. to maria's point. troubled waters coming up over the next year minimum. >> dana: also problems in canada when it comes to truckers there mad about covid mandates causing problems. >> bill: from michigan now. the democratic party facing a pile of criticism. they posted something online going after parents who want a say in their kids' education. they deleted it. one of the co-owners of the golden state warriors clarifying comments he made dismissing concerns about slave labor in communist china. >> what's happened to the uighurs is one of the worst human rights abuses in the world today and he is going off saying i could care less? it's a shame and it is disgusting. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. with the best of live and on demand. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> well, first of all we should not be in beijing after they lied to the world and unleashed covid all over the place in the two years of disaster that has ensued. the idea that we would then go and basically bend the knee and show up in beijing which let's be honest is not an incredible winter venue in the first place is, i think, wrong. what i said starting a year ago, bill, i said let's host winter olympics in the united states. let's do it for western democracies and all turn our back on china and let's have our own winter olympics. we win along with canada and the rest of the western democracies almost all of the winter olympics medals anyway. so it is not like we're undercutting that legitimacy. remember it's crazy to me that the all-star game got pulled out of atlanta over a voting rights bill which is actually more substantial in terms of its access than many other states in our country. so we pulled the all-star game out of atlanta but going to the olympics in beijing? it is embarrassing. >> bill: a great point. imagine if you are an athlete knit u.s. testing negative every day, you fly to beijing and pop up there and you are asymptomatic and test positive you are confined to a room for three weeks possibly. i don't wish that upon anyone. now clay, quickly, i want to slide this in. minority owner in the nba team known as the golden state warriors. the issue of uyghurs and concentration camps came up. here is how the exchange went. >> nobody knows what happens to the uyghurs. >> what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. i'm giving -- i'm telling you a very hard, ugly truth. of all the things i care about yes, it is below my line. >> bill: that got some attention. he came back with a statement of clarification saying i recognize i came across as lacking empathy and acknowledge that entirely. as a refugee, my family fled a country with its own set of human rights issues and part of my lived experience. to be clear my belief is that human rights matter whether in china, u.s. or elsewhere full stop, end quote. to that you say what, clay? >> well, it's the exact opposite of what he just said so any time somebody comes out with an apology and they say when i said the exact opposite yesterday? i actually meant the exact opposite. here is the truth. he said the quiet part out loud about the nba. the truth of the matter is the nba claims to be this social justice organization. they don't actually care about any of the genocide going on in china because they are cashing checks from china. china is a bigger market than the united states is for the nba. so he said the quiet part out loud. but when you say the quiet part out loud suddenly everybody says wait a minute. we're now getting attention for our rank hypocrisy as it pertains to china compared to the united states issues. and so they then trot out the apology. this is a minority owner. he doesn't own the majority of the team of the golden state warriors but the embarrassing thing bill, here is you know how many stories there were last night about this entire story on espn? zero. do you know how many actual media members who are in the nba and claim that they are woke and run and chase after every coach or player any time there is the tiny little sliver of political controversy and ask questions about it? zero. everybody is pretending that this story doesn't exist because it challenges the nba's woke agenda. this is an embarrassment, an outrage but guess what? it is par for the course in the nba where they shut up and dribble for china while they make all sorts of issues about minor relatively compared to genocide issues in the united states. >> bill: off to beijing we march where they make snow for the winter olympics. they make it. thank you, sir, nice to see you from outkick. >> dana: cdc is putting high school sports on the chopping blocks as new guidance to protect kids from covid. sean duffy has some thoughts about that. we'll be right back. it's our january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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lockdowns, shutdown,, one shot, two shots, all the things they recommended and we have a massive explosion. let's get kids outside. play sports, exert energy, sweat, that's great for kids especially in today's lockdowns. >> dana: also it's like where are the evidence? what's the compelling reason they would need to do this now? it feels like it would have come out in march of 2020. >> right. i think there is no evidence. again you see the evidence in the data now and kids are not getting hospitalized in large numbers from covid. kids are pretty safe. it is healthy for them to actually exercise and this mental health crisis from all these stupid rules imposed on them. it should be for senior citizens but not teenage kids. >> bill: back in the schools here. a shocker. i guess they didn't learn from terry mccauliffe in virginia. the michigan democratics said it's not the teach kids only what parents want them to be caught but teach them what society needs them to know. the client of public school is not the parent but the entire community, the public. it was deleted. how do you think that went over? >> not well. we saw how that went in virginia where it's a democrat state and republican won. the problem is parents want their kids to learn math, science, and teachers unions want to indoctrinate kids in marxist ideology taught about race and hating each other based on race and learn about global warming and open borders. all things that parents have no interest in teaching them. what democrats think if they can indoctrinate kids five days a week they'll be little activist democrats moving forward. that's not what parents want. pair rents the payers of education. we're the taxpayers that fund the education. they are not supposed to be indoctrination institutions butted indicational institutions. let's give parents the choice. let them take their child to a school that fits their values that will teach the basics, math, science. >> dana: they're doing that in arizona. sean duffy, thank you, great to see you today. have a great rest of the day. >> bill: i mention they deleted the post. >> dana: in virginia you mentioned newly sworn in attorney general laying down the law hours after taking office. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. got a lot to cover today. >> bill: happy anniversary. it's one year. we're one year old. dana, good morning. bill hemmer live in new york. virginia voters getting the change they wanted as republicans take charge setting a major course correction for the commonwealth. a crackdown against soft on crime policies as he makes a promise to get tough on criminals. >> the parole board that was letting out cop killers, murderers and rapists and not notifying the family of the victims. we are talking about one individual who had three life sentences without the possibility of parole and the family of the victim would find out when they would hear it on the local news. no accountability. no transparency. >> bill: the new government was sworn in three days ago. interesting to watch. alexandria hoff is live in washington today on this. >> good morning. prior to being sworn in attorney general notified 30 members of the office that their services would no longer be needed part of a complete restructuring of the administration that ran on the promise of renewed transparency. they said they would do it on day one they meant it. hours after getting sworn in he signed many executive owners. the attorney general said the parole board was letting people out early without letting families know and also the loudon county school board accusing the board of covering up the sexual assault. a judge found the boy guilty last week. the attorney general sees past legislation as the problem. >> it traces back when the far left liberal monopoly was in control in richmond that passed these criminal first, victim last mindset bills that said we'll end mandatory reporting requirement of sexual assault in schools. that's what this is about. >> in 2020 virginia's house did end mandatory reports of crime part of the democratic majority's push for what they called restorative justice. as is the case for the attorney general, governor and lieutenant governor democrats no longer hold the majority in virginia's house of delegates. >> bill: thank you, alex, in washington, d.c. thanks. dana. >> dana: back in los angeles county they are seeing a surge in train robberies. not the wild, wild west, this is today. union pacific saying the number has jumped 160% over the past year. retailers and railroad companies say out of control homeless encampments and district attorney's soft on crime policies are to blame. we're live with the latest. this video is unbelievable. >> yeah. we just had another attack last week. video is unbelievable. i want to show you the live footage what is behind it. the track is littered with packages. this impacts interstate and international commerce. these packages are coming from our ports. you mentioned 160% increase. if you count october to october these robberies were up 350% higher for union pacific. amazon packages and designer purses to unused covid tests costing union pacific $5 million in damages. when covid tests don't reach their destinations it is impacting consumers and the nation as a whole. >> it really impacts consumers plus we will see, you know, costs go up. we have to pay more when it comes to security. we have to make sure we secure the items that are in these cargo containers. retailers take a loss. they'll make the consumer whole but ultimately prices are going to increase. >> union pacific and retail leaders are blaming progressive policies championed by the los angeles district attorney. it mandates 13 types of miss demeanors will be dismissed instead of prosecuting. union pacific argued the no cash bail policies and extended time for suspect so appear in court. criminals boast that it will be charged to trespassing with no serious consequence. beyond the impact to retailers and consumers is the supply chain crisis. they are considering taking operations out of los angeles. with rail being touted as a solution to the truck driver shortage it could cause serious harm. >> dana: kelly, thank you so much. bill, this is quite incredible. andy mccarthy wrote about it and said where are the f.b.i. and los angeles u.s. attorney on union pacific train robberies? says gascon and california state government are disastrous and that they need to do a lot more. that the biden administration has explaining to do as well. >> bill: i have never seen someone rob a train and walk away with a television. that happened over the weekend in this video of it, dana. >> dana: incredible. >> bill: box after box and tv after tv. it is now national news making l.a. look bad. there is that and this. six minutes past. have a listen. >> i know you didn't want to be political. but you have blamed some politicians. >> i am not blaming anybody by name. i blame what is endemic in our society now is that everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and recognize that that's the job they have is to try to elevate that to make communities better and make people care more. to not tear down communities by exposing them. everybody needs to love each other more and it starts at home and that's really where we all need to improve. we just need to raise good families and good children. >> dana: that was the father of brianna kupfer the grad student stabbed to death in a random attack working at a furniture store in los angeles. her dad saying crime has been rampant. let's bring the l.a. county sheriff. the suspect is still at large. on a case like this, and apparent lay homeless person, what kind of leads do you have to track down to find the assailant? >> well, at the scene itself hopefully you will have dna, fingerprints, physical evidence that will help. we go to surveillance technology and see what the cameras can capture and then have to do a scouting of all the areas where the person could traverse on foot or in a vehicle and see what type of cctv camera footage they can get and get more detail there. then you have potential witnesses. the person that is homeless, where could they be homeless from and where are they hanging out? which encampment and piece it together with that. we got a basic description of the suspect. we start refining it. there is a long way to go to get this one solved for sure. >> bill: just look at the l.a. crime stats in los angeles. like chicago and new york we've seen so far now. from l.a. homicide 392 in 2021. shooting victims almost 1500. extraordinary number. you recently took a case and by passed the l.a. d.a. and took three to four suspects to the feds. why did you do that? >> well, i have no confidence in what the local d.a. george gascon is going to do. we've been working. his deputy district attorneys, the crimes against peace officer unit appeared on the scene of the shooting, very tragic murder and they were fully briefed. they participated in the discussion, they told our investigators that the d.a. had no interest in pursuing anything beyond just a straight forward murder charge without any enhancements for gang activity, for weapons use, firearm. that is just not acceptable. it does not describe the depravity of the situation. so we reached out to the assistant u.s. attorney's office and the f.b.i. and they have a task force dealing with violent crimes in that particular area. they were more than happy to take the case and we're grateful for it. >> that's the most significant no confidence vote you can have in a local district attorney, right or wrong about that? >> pretty much yeah. if you cannot be accounted on for breaking the law, what good is your local district attorney? everything he says and advocates for is great but came out of the mouth of a public defender. social justice advocate. but the job of the prosecutor is to prosecute crime. between the two camps you have a balance of liberty. right now there is no balance. everybody is on one side. the public suffers. >> dana: there is a national attention now on these district attorneys across the country. do you get any sense that gascon is feeling some pressure? >> he will feel a lot of pressure. i understand the recall is now gaining steam. there is a petition that's already being approved by the register recorder that will be out in circulation. the organizers are going to definitely do probably a better job this time than they did the last time. they are more organized now and well-funded and i think it is karma. >> dana: good to have you today. thank you so much. >> bill: thank you, sheriff. l.a. county. same city in l.a. d.a. under fire for handling of a case involving a convicted child molestor after sexually assaulting a 10-year-old with little or no jail time. >> every parents' worst nightmare that this would happen to our children. two years is a pathetic outcome for a man who was a career criminal with felony convictions in multiple states. >> bill: gascon expressed concern the attacker a 16-year-old transgender woman would be victimized if incarcerated. gascon faces a second recall effort over the reforms we were talking about with the sheriff. we mentioned that train story. unique, right? to say the least. union pacific sent the d.a. a letter and they said even with all the arrests made no cash bail policy and extended time frame for suspects to appear in court is causing revictimization by the same criminals. those arrested boast to the officers and brag to them that charges will be pled down to simple trespassing which in effect bears no serious consequence, end quote. that is from the rail line now for the d.a. in that city. quite stunning stuff. >> dana: you wonder somebody like a senator warren who says the corporations are hiking prices because they want to take advantage of consumers. when they have to deal with things like this all -- you didn't get your package? well, guess what has to happen there? more to come on that story. it is fascinating 2 video is unbelievable. the brand-new year and the same old problems at the southern border. national border council president brandon judd ahead with an update on president biden's failed border policy. >> bill: a warning from major u.s. airlines and saying the roll out of 5g cell phone towers could lead to a catastrophic aviation crisis. >> dana: antony blinken heading to ukraine today. >> it is to deter russian expansion. the same mission not doing it quite as well as we should be. ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can 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recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> bill: new year, same migrant problems for states on our southern border. u.s. border patrol in texas dps say they found more than 20 illegals in a texas motel used as a stash house. want to bring in national border council president brandon judd to talk about this. welcome back to the program. these are the ones you found and caught. how many get away? too many to count perhaps. >> these are self-inflicted hard times when you look at the lack of support the white house is giving to my fellow agents it is very disappointing to see that we continue to apprehend people on the interior of the united states rather than right at the border. when you look at the total numbers of gotaways, those people that enter the country illegally and are able to evade apprehension the numbers are astronomical. more than 400,000 people that we know of were able to get away from being apprehended last year alone and this year continues to be more of the same. it is very scary to look at that. >> bill: the drugs, too. here is what we found in 2021, right? cocaine seizures were up 68%. meth was up 7%, heroin decreased 6%. fentanyl seizures were up 134%. that's not acceptable. >> and this is all leading to more overdoses of u.s. citizens than we've ever seen before. we are having unprecedented number of deaths right now just from fentanyl alone. all kinds of hard narcotics coming across the border and it is all based upon and starts with illegal immigration. what happens is the cartels send so many people across the border illegally it pulls our resources out of the field. when it does that they are able to get the higher-value products across the border and that's why you have to look at policy and say policy must change. if we can control illegal immigration we can go after the cartels and go after their profits and keep the united states citizens safe. >> bill: i don't know if the policy is going to change. we're a year in as of this week. one of the many things i find interesting about this are the criminals who are caught and the criminals who get away. just last week in one day bill was on the border reported on several people that have been arrested with criminal records. serious criminal records, too. why would this be permitted to continue if you know these are the type of people who you are allowing to cross that border? >> you have to look at it and i'm glad you ask why. you have to look at that. we have to look at our politicians and hold them accountable. it simply comes down to appeasing a base population. this administration is more worried about the open border pundits than they are u.s. citizens. they are allowing criminal cartels to generate profits that have never been seen before and it is simply because they are trying to appease their base rather than protect the american public. it's why we continue to see wanted murderers, people that have committed rape, abuse of minors in the united states, this continues to happen. we continue to see it simply because this administration cares more about their base voter than it does the american citizen. >> bill: brandon judd. thank you, thanks for coming back here and we'll speak unfortunately very soon about this. dana, coming up on the big press conference tomorrow afternoon we haven't talked about that. you think about the plugs you can hole in policy. this would be one of them. i don't know if this administration has the stones to do it just yet, though, do you? >> dana: we'll see if he is asked about it. it is certainly on the minds of americans. look at the polls and that's what they say. >> bill: if he isn't asked about it, it might say something, too. >> dana: we have all your bases covered here. new details on the man suspected members of taking synagogue hostage. a push to reform an election law dating back to 1887. why democrats and republicans are getting on board. we'll talk about that and much more with congressman jim banks coming right up. 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>> bill: late yesterday it was reported in the u.s. there is a group this man was running around with in london. who is this group? do you know about them and what they were up to? >> yeah, he has been involved and active on the scene in various islam muslim centers if london and also manchester but also in a group that has been dubbed a gateway of terrorism. not exactly terrorists inside there but terrorists who go on from there watched by u.s. intelligence and u.k. intelligence banned in many countries. he has an active past. in the days to come we'll find out what he is really all about. >> bill: you are right about that. how did he get on the plane, leave london and come to new york and make your way to texas? greg palkot on the story today. >> dana: negative covid test to get in. president biden's voting rights bill appear doomed in the senate. there is election reform focused on the electoral count act. indiana congressman is the chairman of the republican study committee. great to have you today. you tweeted about the election count act that you would be willing to take a look at this and make it more clear and it seems to me the democrats ought to take you up on that because that is one of the issues they really wanted to try to deal with after january 6. >> that's right. this is a law that's almost 150 years old. it is confusing, muddled. thoughtful debates on both sides of this question leading up to and even after january 6 about how this law is interpreted, what it means, and i'm all for changing it. revisiting it, clarifying it. democrats are not serious about doing that. in fact, they are being warned by their leaders that they can't talk about refoefrmg the electoral count act because it distracts from the larger election reform bills to federalize elections. it's a shame if you want to do something about this question, let's have a bipartisan effort to clarify a law that's 150 years old rather than the efforts the democrats are taking to politicize and use january 6 as a political weapon against their political enemies. >> bill: get to the mid-term discussion and party affiliation from gallup yesterday afternoon. on that point tomorrow the president will mark one year in office. you think about the long slog of a year you have ahead of you coming up in mid-terms 10 months away. what do you think can get done in this congress? or do you believe the business is finished for now possibly? >> well, in one year this administration has done a lot of damage to our country and the american people see it. inflation is affecting each and every american family in this country. they feel it and the only thing they're hearing from washington from president biden and nancy pelosi and these democrats is that they are better off and they can afford it. it is that type of tone deaf rhetoric from washington, d.c. that has turned a lot of independent and democrat voters into republican voters heading into the mid-term. it is rising inflation, it is crime rates, it is drugs flowing over the border like we've never seen before. it has been a disastrous recipe for this country and ultimately this mid-term election is going to shift the congress into republican hands in a big way with a bigger majority than what people are even predicting at the moment. >> dana: we'll see how he handles it tomorrow. talked about how republicans are on the upswing. ask you about afghanistan as well. if you look at when the polls really started to go down for president biden you look at august of 2021. here is something that we read in national review. what america owes the afghans we left behind. america's abrupt abandonment of afghanistan and allies is inhumane. thousands of afghans are waiting for us to uphold our promise to protect them and provide safe admission to america. i don't know if you still have constituents that have problems. i hear from people every day about one in particular comes to mind. ahmad, an american citizen allowed to come back to the united states. he is in a refugee camps after saving his wife and son from the taliban. >> i served in afghanistan, my heart goes out to the afghan people especially the women and young girls who are being treated so horribly by the taliban regime. my concern is lie with that and with the report that came out of the pentagon last september that says later this year afghanistan will become a safe haven again to terrorist organizations who are willing, ready and able to launch international attacks coming from afghanistan. this is a question of competence the way the biden administration handled the pull-out by withdrawing droops without evacuating our own -- our allies. people who helped us along the way. we have 83,000 afghans who were unvetted who hopped on our planes. there are so many issues related to competence that will have long term effects not on our country but the rest of the world for a long time to come done by this administration. >> dana: appreciate your time. >> bill: so democratic senator amy klobuchar calling out russia over ukraine. have a listen here. >> so our message is there will be consequences if he chooses to violate the sanctity of this democracy. >> bill: that was on monday in kiev. today in kiev antony blinken is there. well he get to that as we continue to cover the russia/ukraine crisis. some lawmakers say social media companies should be held responsible when they have disinformation about eating disorders. we have the debate coming up next. rry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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>> the goal is to hold social media companies accountable for what users post. it comes down to free speech here. this new bill is sponsored by democratic state senator in new york and one of at least a dozen proposed bills at legislators try to regulate big tech companies, facebook. they work to remove harmful content like vaccine disinformation, self-harm and posts that can lead to eating disorders and how they affect young people. the big issue is the algorithms that promote toxic content. tech companies aren't liable for what users post under federal law. lawmakers have to address these changes without violating free speech which could be tough. >> really significant first amendment challenges here. amplify speech or suggest it to certain readers or make efforts to try and deliver it to the people you think will be most interested in it. those are all the types of speech that is protected by the first amendment. >> that all comes of the sister of a security officer killed during the 2020 protests is now suing facebook's parent company metaaccusing the tech giant of promoting extremist content. facebook and twitter have also been under fire about removing posts about vaccines and lockdowns. reversing course. experts tell us it is hard to police the platforms because information evolves over time. >> dana: secretary of state antony blinken is going to ukraine today. britain says it will supply ukraine with anti-tank weapons. let's bring in michael allen, a former director of the national security council. i want you to listen to general keane. we talked to him this week about just what russia might be thinking in terms of the biden team response to their provocations. watch. >> i don't think putin believes the french and germans will go along with it and you think the chinese who is russia's number one trading partner is going to reinforce the united states and shut down all the exports and imports that are going back and forth between those two countries? i doubt it. i think our deterrents that we claim, economic sanctions has a hollowness to it. >> dana: michael. today antony blinken will arrive in ukraine and also visit germany. what kind of message does he take with him? >> well first i think this is shaping up to be the biggest moment of the biden presidency. world wars start in europe. so far president biden has not marshaled the world to deter putin. blink en is trying to rally the germans to have them and others supply defensive assistance to the ukrainians. i'm glad the united kingdom stepped up last night and provided some anti-tank weaponry to ukraine. the united states ought to be in the lead helping supply additional weaponry so we might be able to deter russia. >> dana: let's talk about germany for a second. raf, royal air force is banned from flying over their airspace because germany doesn't want to aggravate russia? germany is now in the position of being almost fully dependent on russia for its energy needs. so how can nato operate when you have germany, a very important member of nato, acting this way? >> it's really hard to act within the alliance especially when there are foot dragers like the germans. they have a new government. we are hopeful they will be more hawkish on russia. look, this nord stream 2 pipeline has been a disaster for year. sanctioned out of existence long before now. it is all but operational and terrific for the russians and terrible for the ukrainians. frankly the germans are doing what they always do, look first and foremost at how they will be able to protect their business interests and so that means they want the gas from the pipeline to fund -- to otherwise fuel their industry and it is disappointing. i hope we can capitalize on that this week and pressure them to do more so that russia might see that the west is united against them. >> dana: i understand also that today russia has thinned out its embassy in ukraine. what could that mean? >> they are psyching out the ukrainians. they started with the cyberattack last week and now evacuating the embassy. you know about the build-up. you know about the ultimatums. it sure looks to every observer like they are not deterred by the west and that they are going in very, very soon and that's how it interprets that evacuation. >> dana: michael allen, stay in touch with us. this story is not ending. we're right at the beginning of it. thank you so much. that's something that we will have to see if the president addresses in his press conference tomorrow as well. the foreign policy gamut of all the issues he has to deal with, this is front and center this week. >> bill: smart to. i imagine it will come up and we'll see it together tomorrow afternoon. l.a. rams roll the arizona cardinals last night. did you watch and stay up and watch this drubbing? 34-11. rams took the early lead. matt stafford threw two touchdowns and ran for another. a big night for him. they'll play the buccaneers and tom brady next sunday in the divisional round. you got that. dana reads sports, bill reads sports. >> dana: you did pretty well on that read. next time you have to have a little more passion for the game and really help it come through. >> bill: i didn't want to oversell it. >> dana: bill reads sports very well. >> bill: i have a horse in this race, too. >> dana: you have a tiger in this race called the bengals. also this, the airline industry asking for immediate intervention to avoid what it cast will be chaos before wireless phone carriers roll out their new 5g service tomorrow. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ are >> harris: along with their issues of homelessness and mental illness when it comes to safety on our streets. who is looking out for us? and we're seeing a huge political shift for the first time in decades like this. voters supporting the republican party over the democrat party by an epic margin. joe concha, dr. marc siegel, raymond arroyo and buck sexton, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: u.s. airline carriers call -- fox business network grady trimble is live in chicago. what's the concern about the 5g? >> the airlines say the 5g roll-out could ground a large number of flights potentially causing chaos in the u.s. and stranding tens of thousands of americans overseas. in a letter to transportation secretary pete buttigieg and other government officials they said immediate intervention is needed to avoid significant operational disruption to air passengers, shippers, supply chain and delivery of needed medical supplies. to be blunt the nation's commerce will grind in a halt. they argue 5g could interfere with critical instruments on planes and propose launching the service everywhere in the country except within two miles of runways at certain airports. at&t and verizon did not respond today. 5g has been safely rolled out in nearly 40 countries. the faa tells us they are continuing conversations with the airlines as well as the wireless companies in order to avoid any 5g-related flight cancellations or delays. the clock is ticking and they go into effect tomorrow, the 5g roll-out. >> dana: we'll pay attention to it. former new york city mayor bill deblasio says he will not run for governor. he filed paperwork in november to create a fundraising committee. deblasio will focus on fighting inequality in new york. bill, all i got to say is see you later. >> bill: you weren't surprised, were you? i wasn't. >> dana: he is very arrogant. i was a little surprised. >> bill: he can't win upstate. that's the problem. happy anniversary to you. to our audience at home one year ago today we started our little program here. our producers have -- we went into the way back machine some of our moments covid and otherwise. >> dana: i can't imagine. >> bill: let's have a look right now. >> welcome you to the new beginning of "america's newsroom" here on the fox news channel. >> dana: i walked to to studio and my feet hurt so bad. do you know what i did? >> bill: assuming -- >> dana: i put my shoes on the wrong feet. glad to be here with you, bill. special coverage of the inauguration live from our nation's capitol. the ceremony looks a lot different this year. >> bill: the world health organization is not in wuhan for a year and who knows what the chinese communist party is telling us, how can we figure out the origins of this virus? >> dana: we're in tampa and colder than i thought it would be but it was an amazing experience that we want to tell everybody about. minority leader mitch mcconnell joins us now. >> pete buttigieg. >> dana: republican from tennessee. >> bill: debbie ding el is with me now. >> dana: david petracca. >> bill: thank you for your time, mr. secretary. >> bill: oh my word. >> dana: hilarious. >> bill: i didn't know that existed. new york city is officially open. we're marking the occasion live outside of our studios here in mid town manhattan. for the next two hours. >> dana: a big reveal. jasper's debut. >> bill: fast moving developments on kabul. perhaps this is the moment so many will remember. >> i know i will get killed. the good thing is i won't die -- >> dana: these two days of reflection to our audience means a lot to me and all of our american newsroom team. thank you for helping us make this happen. >> bill: hello to our newest member percy. >> dana: percy seven weeks old today. percy has grown since even that moment. i feel like i've really grown this year, too. we have an incredible producing team. it's a great team. we are all joyous in our work and it has been an amazing opportunity. >> bill: i think my favorite day was may 19th. went outside, sun was out. a beautiful day. it was reborn. a cool day in manhattan. >> dana: they reopened new york. maybe we'll have to do that again. >> bill: all those things that jesse and gutfeld said about you weren't true. can you make a course correction with them later today? >> dana: they say i'm short. they got that one right for sure. >> bill: a lot of fun, dana. great to get to know you, too. >> dana: this year will be incredible. we have a plan to make sure that this is the show you can come to where you can get all your updated information about the mid-term elections. we're on top of it. eating, drinking, breathing it and sleeping on it and hope you join us for all of that. >> bill: great to get to know you more than i did before. congratulations on what that four-legged friend of yours. now we have a two-legged friend we want to welcome to the world. robert porter lee barrett. did you get that right? before we go. robert porter lee barry was brought into over the weekend. they bring the beautiful handsome bundle into the world. wonderful shot. >> dana: a great story about these little winnie the pooh stuffed animals. those reporters when he was a baby, porter did not know his mom, paula allen, had them restuffed and she sent them so that little robert porter lee can have them as part of his childhood as well. we a so thrilled for porter and his wife and their sonowen as well. this little guy will be well loved across america for sure. >> bill: a great shot. look at those two guys hanging out. >> dana: they have the same amount of hair right now. >> bill: only for now, though. the journey begins. welcome to the world to him. cool shot there. we have to run. >> dana: you've known porter for a long time. >> bill: good man, works hard. makes a lot of things around her happen. i will see you tomorrow. maybe someday soon we'll be back in the same room. >> dana: i look forward to being reunited to write notes to you during the commercial breaks. "the faulkner focus" is next. here is harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert from coast to coast crime is exploding in democrat-run cities. american citizens are under siege. in the spotlight the glaring problems with homelessness and mental illness. we reported on the liberal district attorneys in some of our nation's biggest cities who have gone soft on crime. there is a real human cost to this crime crisis.

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615 , 0000 , Botox , Questions , Adults , Migraine , Headaches , 4 , Doctor , Symptoms , Treatment , Injection , Effects , Sample , Difficulty Swallowing , May , 3 , Side Effects , Eye Problems , Headache , Reactions , Signs , Skin Infection , History , Muscle Weakness , Condition , Breathing , Speaking , Pain , Fatigue , Site , Users , Medications , Sooner , Muscle , Plus , Conditions , Survey , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Zero , Zero Dollars , 92 , Owner , Future , Access , Investor , Tools , Advice , Vanguard , Energy , Protein , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Sugar , Nutrients , Health , Attorney General , 9 , 31 , Law , Parole Board , Schools , Sexual Assault , Estate , Loudon County , Prison , School Grounds , Public School System , Monopoly , Reporting , School System , Traces , Transition , Transparency , Accountability , Requirement , Investigations , Supply Chain , States , Winter Storm , Strain , Shipping Delays , Crisis , Lockdowns , China , Number One , Stock Rate , Shortages , Beverages , Food , 50 , Host , Bacon , Cars , Eggs , Gasoline , 37 , 21 , Stock Market , Points , Reasons , Stock Market Opening , Dow , 500 , All Over The Place , Ceo , Mornings , Maria On Fox Business , Truckers Association , Truck Drivers , Jab , Towel , Four Million , Job , Truckers , Goods , Supply Chain Disruptions , Point A To B , Dollar Plan , Covid Legislation Back In March , All Out , 1 9 Trillion Dollar , 1 9 Trillion , March Of 2021 , Everyone , Consumer , Top , Worries , Checks , Growth , 1400 , 400 , Interest Rates , Federal Reserve , Record , Securities , Individuals , Money Manager , Jamie , Diamond , J P Morgan , Times , Mortgage Rates , Money Policy , Raise , 6 , 7 , Investors , Credit Cards , Volatility , Inflation , Reserve , Impact , Questioning , Sure , Cost , Credit , Wall , Move , Liquidity , Consumers , Banks , Bank Accounts , Deposit , Market , Interest Rate , Morning , Rules , Opportunity , Spending , Attention , 2023 , 2022 , Heating Bill , Millions , Minimum , Waters , Midwest , Michigan , Criticism , Pile , Kids , Parents , Concerns , Golden State Warriors , Say , Co Owners , Shame , The World Today , Slave Labor , Serena Williams , Matrix , Demand , Stream , Customization , Dj , Directv , Liberty , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Mutual , Retirement , Voya , Most , Last Thing On My Mind , Workplace , Benefits , Well Invested , Company , Amazon Warehouse , Mike Tobin , Delivery Driver , Illinois , Tornado Hit , Hi , Report , Right , Beijing , Difficulties , Lips , Cold , Let S Go , Lawsuits , First , Tornadoes , Wake , Mike , Wrongful Death Suit , Let S Start Again , Profits , Tornado , Couple Construction Companies , Emergency Plan , Distribution Center , Workers , Lawsuit , Weather , Contract Driver , Warnings , Stay , Austin Mcewen , Evidence , Basement , Emergency Shelter , Statement , Bathroom , Direction , Spokesperson , South Side , Storm Shelter , Five , Team , Types , Warning , Differences , Facts , Alerts , Governor , Counts , Construction Companies , Warehouse , Suit , Four , Organizers , Safety , Games , Beijing Olympics , Tickets , Ticket Sales , World , Athlete , Spectators , Prognostication , Teammates , Vaccination , Talking , Singing , Cheering , Proof , Elevators , Spaces , Daily Testing , Clapping , Disaster , Winter Venue , Knee , Let , Democracies , Winter Olympics , Canada , Voting Rights Bill , All Star Game , Legitimacy , Atlanta , All Star Game Out Of Atlanta , Terms , Olympics , Room , Testing , Test , Positive , Pop , Nba , Minority Owner , Now Clay , Exchange , Concentration Camps , Uyghurs , Nobody Cares , Family , Human Rights , Refugee , Clarification , Empathy , Set , Opposite , Elsewhere , Belief , Stop , Clay , End Quote , Apology , Genocide , Social Justice , Organization , Cashing Checks , Everybody , Rank Hypocrisy , Media Members , Player , Coach , Claim , Espn , Controversy , Embarrassment , Sliver , Par , Outrage , Dribble , Sorts , Snow , Thoughts , Sean Duffy , Thank You , High School Sports , Sir , Blocks , Guidance , Outkick , Sleep Number , Pressure Points , Movements , Sleep , Temperature Balancing , Bed , Sale , 360 , Interest , Project Managers , Smart Bed , Queen , Projects , 999 , 000 , 1999 , 1000 , 0 , Life Insurance Policy , Shortlist , Cash Payment , Job Criteria , Policy Lapse , Income , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Insurance , Screen , Coventry , Ultra , 5g , Network , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , 5g Internet , Safer , Mindy , Movie , Wi Fi , Yep , Mom Becomes A , Let S Work Offsite , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Cable , Fail , Hope , Try , Infection , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Ability , Dermatologist , Crohn S Disease , On Covid , Football , Band , Wrestling , Band Practice , Exercise , Shouting , Ex Hallation , Congressman , Cheer , Segment , Sounds , Killjoys , Amount , Track Record , Recommendations , Iphones , Ipads , Distance , Explosion , Shutdown , One Shot , Play Sports , Let S Get Kids Outside , Sweat , March Of 2020 , Data , Citizens , Shocker , Democratics , Terry Mccauliffe , Public School , Client , Race , Math , Science , Indoctrinate Kids , Ideology , Global Warming , Taxpayers , Child , Pair , Payers , Choice , Indoctrination Institutions Butted Indicational , Basics , Arizona , Office , Post , Commonwealth , Crackdown , Promise , Murderers , Individual , Cop Killers , Rapists , Making L A Look Bad , Possibility , Parole , Life Sentences , Members , Services , Restructuring , Alexandria Hoff , Executive Owners , Board , School Board , Judge , Legislation , Boy , Control , Victim Last Mindset , Criminal First , Richmond , House Of Delegates , Push , Crime Part , Restorative Justice , Lieutenant Governor , Reports , Alex , Train Robberies , Union Pacific , Los Angeles County , In Washington D C , Wild West , District Attorney , Retailers , Railroad Companies , Latest , Homeless Encampments , 160 , Attack , Footage , Packages , Track , Commerce , Ports , 350 , Nation , Tests , Covid Tests Don T , Damages , Designer , Purses , Destinations , Impacting , 5 Million , Million , Items , Costs , Whole , Leaders , Cargo Containers , Prices , Cash , Prosecuting , Los Angeles District Attorney , Bail , Miss Demeanors , Court , Trespassing , Consequence , Truck Driver Shortage , Operations , Solution , Rail , Harm , Andy Mccarthy , Kelly , Gascon , Attorney , California State Government , Fbi , Box , Television , Incredible , Politicians , Name , Communities , Children , Grad Student , Need , Suspect , Dad , L A County Sheriff , Scene , Assailant , Leads , Fingerprints , Dna , Surveillance Technology , Foot , Scouting , Vehicle , Cameras , Type , Detail , Encampment , Cctv Camera , Witnesses , L A Crime Stats , Description , Suspects , L A D , L A Homicide , Feds , 1500 , 392 , Deputy District Attorneys , Peace Officer , Discussion , Murder , Murder Charge , Investigators , Shooting , Forward , Anything , Weapons , Assistant U S Attorney Office , Gang Activity , Depravity , Firearm , Enhancements , No Confidence Vote , Task Force , Breaking The Law , Balance , Camps , Advocate , Prosecutor , Mouth , Defender , Pressure , Sense , Side , Recorder , Recall , Petition , Steam , Circulation , The Register , Karma , Sheriff , Fire , City , Handling , Child Molestor , Nightmare , Career Criminal , Felony Convictions , Outcome , Effort , Concern , Train Story , Attacker , Letter , Cash Bail Policy , Unique , Least , Frame , Effect , Officers , Rail Line , Charges , Revictimization , Boast , Warren , Corporations , Hiking Prices , Border , Brandon Judd , National Border Council , Package , Guess , 2 , Border Policy , Aviation Crisis , Roll , Cell Phone Towers , Update , Antony Blinken , Ukraine , Mission , Expansion , Russian , Animals , Myasthenia Gravis , Friends , Dinner , Family Photos , Fda , Neurologist , Pandemic , Remote Learning , 18 , Classroom , Sake , School Board Members , Migrant Problems , Start , Texas , Stash House , Texas Dps , Motel , Illegals , U S Border Patrol , Hard Times , Lack , Interior , Agents , Gotaways , Same , Apprehension , 400000 , Meth , Heroin , Cocaine Seizures , 68 , Overdoses , Fentanyl Seizures , 134 , Immigration , Starts , Kinds , Deaths , Fentanyl , Hard Narcotics , Cartels , Products , Resources , The Field , United States Citizens Safe , Criminal Records , Base Population , American , Minors , Abuse , Rape , Citizen , Base Voter , He Isn T , Stones , Synagogue Hostage , Bases , Election Law Dating , Congressman Jim Banks , 1887 , Mental Health , Progress , Body Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Td Movements , Face , Twitching , Jerking , Changes , Actions , Inflammation , Depression , Behaviors , Patients , Mood , Huntington S Disease , Problems Thinking , Liver Problems , Reserpine , Restlessness , Sleepiness , It S Time , Heartbeat , Muscles , Parkinson S Disease , Throat , Sweating , Insomnia , Tetrabenazine , Fever , Fast , Jackie , Valbenazine , Td , Visit Askforaustedo Com , U K , Justice Department Official , Detective , A , Texas Synagogue Hostage Stand Off , Stand Off , At Fox , Information , Guy , Greg Palkot , In London , Hello , Hello To You , Siege , Hostage , Rap Sheet , 44 , Jail , Extremist , Behavior , The Man , Theft , Harassment , 2012 , Terrorism , Suspicion , Detectives , Offenses , 2001 , Counterparts , Probe , Hostage Taking , Synagogue , Manchester , Town North , Damage , Terror List , Note , Tourist Visa , Big Question , Akram , Teenagers , Telephone , Sons , Sources , Muslim , Islam , Terrorists , Gateway , Intelligence , Countries , Leave London , Voting Rights , Negative Covid Test , Count , Republican Study Committee , Indiana , January 6 , Sides , Fact , Efforts , Reform Bills , Weapon , Enemies , Affiliation , Slog , Congress , Nancy Pelosi , Mid Term , Rhetoric , Tone Deaf , Crime Rates , Recipe , Afghanistan , Upswing , Afghans , Allies , Abandonment , National Review , August Of 2021 , Particular , Constituents , Admission , Ahmad , Girls , Wife , My Heart , Refugee Camps , American Citizen , Son , Women , Taliban , Lie , Taliban Regime , Safe Haven , The Pentagon Last September , Competence , Attacks , Terrorist Organizations , Droops , Planes , Who , 83000 , Message , Amy Klobuchar , Democracy , Consequences , Sanctity , Kiev , Social Media Companies , Lawmakers , Ukraine Crisis , Disinformation , Eating Disorders , Pay , Whistle , Oh Boy , Vulture Squawks , Doug , One Sec , Rry , Director , My Name Is Douglas , Somewhere , Writer , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Platforms , Content , Posts , Facebook , Social Media , Speech , Goal , Alexis Mcadams , Tech Companies , State Senator , Legislators , Vaccine Disinformation , Algorithms , Tech Companies Aren T , Disorders , Self Harm , Amendment , Amplify Speech , Readers , Challenges , Security Officer , Sister , Extremist Content , Protests , Parent Company Metaaccusing The Tech Giant , Twitter , Experts , Vaccines , Secretary Of State , Michael Allen , National Security Council , Provocations , Watch , Putin , General Keane , Germans , Exports , Trading Partner , Imports , French , Germany , Sanctions , Deterrents , Hollowness , World Wars , Europe , Blink En , Ukrainians , Weaponry , Supply , Assistance , Raf , Doesn T , Position , Second , Airspace , Let S Talk , Royal Air Force , Member , Energy Needs , Alliance , Nato , Pipeline , Nord Stream , Business Interests , Terrific , Russians , Existence , Industry , Fund , Gas , Embassy , West , Observer , Build Up , Cyberattack , Ultimatums , Beginning , Evacuation , Stay In Touch , Foreign Policy Gamut , Press Conference , Addresses , Matt Stafford , Another , Drubbing , L A Rams Roll , Last Night , Big Night , Rams , Arizona Cardinals , 34 , Round , Dana Reads Sports , Bill Reads Sports , Tom Brady Next Sunday , Buccaneers , Game , Bill Reads Sports Very , Passion , Horse , Intervention , Tens Of Thousands Americans , Phone Carriers , It Cast , Airline Industry , 5g Service , Bengals , Tiger , Service , Singers , Music Vo , Technology , Car , Windshield , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Homelessness , Mental Illness , Streets , Time , Epic Margin , Joe Concha , Faulkner Focus , Marc Siegel , Raymond Arroyo , Buck Sexton , 5g Roll , Flights , Grady Trimble , Fox Business Network , Pete Buttigieg , Government Officials , Stranding , Supplies , Instruments , Passengers , Delivery , Shippers , The Nation S Commerce Will Grind In A Halt , Everywhere , Airports , Runways , At T , Faa , Companies , Conversations , Flight Cancellations , Order , Bill Deblasio , Paperwork , Ticking , Clock , Delays , Fundraising Committee , You Weren T , Deblasio Will Focus On Fighting Inequality , Wasn T , Audience , He Can T Win Upstate , I Can T Imagine , Producers , Way Back Machine , Moments Covid , Coverage , Inauguration , Our Nation S Capitol , World Health Organization , Origins , Virus , Ceremony , Wuhan , Mitch Mcconnell , Debbie Ding El , Tampa , Tennessee , Secretary , Word , David Petracca , Studios , Occasion , Debut , Mid Town Manhattan , Fast Moving Developments On Kabul , Big Reveal , Jasper , Many , , Newsroom Team , Percy , Reflection , Seven , Beautiful Day , Sun , 19 , May 19th , Fun , Gutfeld , Weren T True , Drinking , Eating , Congratulations , Robert Porter , Lee Barry , Lee Barrett , Reporters , Porter , Shot , Baby , Bundle , Winnie The Pooh , Robert Porter Lee , Paula Allen , Well , Childhood , Sonowen , Journey , Guys , Hair , Cool , Notes , Exploding , Breaks , Coast To , Spotlight , Crime Crisis , Human Cost ,

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