Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

elections fall flat. >> getting rid of the 60 vote threshold would be like giving whisk can i and car keys to a teenage boy. ♪ it's intercepted. reader got the hit on murray. safety for 2 instead of 6. and it's a rams touchdown. ♪ i belong with you ♪ you belong with me. >> ainsley: good tuesday morning. what a beautiful shot of somerset, pennsylvania. there is snow on the ground. the christmas tree is up. the american flag is flying. somerset county has been called the roof garden of pennsylvania as well as the land of milk and maple. known for agriculture, coal mining, wind farnls and various industries. a high of 24 degrees there today. a low of 18. good morning, brian and steve. everyone at home. >> brian: i will tell you what, ainsley, i just don't know the zip code. i know a lot i don't know the zip code of the area. i would love to send a postcard to let them know what new york is like being that we know it's snowy there. welcome, get ready for a big tuesday. tuesday like a monday, steve, to a degree. >> steve: that's right. it is a tuesday that feels a lot like a monday because a lot of people had yesterday off. but we are back at it thank you very much for joining us on this tuesday edition of "fox & friends." we have got lots of news that starts right now. there's a -- you know, one of the things we have been talking about that is facing joe biden is the crime surge across the country. what is particularly troubling about, for instance, the crime in new york city is it is so random. you just don't know when something is going to happen. we are going to tell you two stories this morning. the first one we start out in california, in los angeles. a aclu graduate student working at upscale furniture store her name briana. she was supposed to later in the day fly out of l.a. to go to new york to jfk to celebrate a friend's birthday. but about 1:40 in the afternoon, apparently a homeless man walked in to the store she was working at, an upscale furniture store called croft house. walked in and knifed her. and about 20 minutes later, her dead body was discovered by a customer. it's interesting, apparently they are now able to connect some of the dots and this homeless person walked in to a chiropractor just before he stabbed her, says the suspect walked in the office shortly before the stabbing, asked about orthopedics, had some other questions and then left. and then, ainsley, they are still searching for the suspect. and there is no motive. it appears random. >> ainsley: that is what is so horrifying for every american. because this could happen to your child this could happen to us. all she was doing was working by herself in a luxury furniture store. and this guy walks in and then leaves out of the back door. he is wearing a hoody. he is wearing n-95 mask. police are looking for him. they think he might be a homeless guy. he didn't steal anything. like you said 20 minutes later a customer comes in and finds her. >> brian: there he is. >> ainsley: the l.a. d.a. george gascon. there is the guy walking in the alley. promising these sweeping criminal justice reforms. tmg he is putting the criminals over the safety of the community. that young lady's fathered to cup father he is going going toe on the show later on. we have a lot of criminals on the street that shouldn't be out. we have a lot of politicians that somehow forgot about people and think the key to getting elected is to support the lowest rung of our society and to give them rights and somehow that's the answer to getting votes. we need to champion daughter as a beacon of what is wrong and make sure that people recognize that because it could be their children next. it's just an impossible price to pay. brian and steve, she has a sister. her sister is her best friend. her sister is going through a really hard time. she leaves behind pro two brothers. mother and father. there is the gorgeous family. she had a bucket list on her phone she mapped out all her aspirations and plans for her life. that came to a an abrupt and tragic end because this guy was free and decided to randomly attack her. >> brian: she gets killed for absolutely no reason. d.a. that thinks criminal first. you have a homeless population taken over the general population where it's totally unsafe to walk in places when i lived out there, you would walk around and see some homeless, wow, i guess the weather is so good you can't really help it back then you would go to an atm four penal hovering around you asking for money. i thought that was horrific. i was out there a year ago through everything being locked up. they have taken over. it is like an engrained city within a city. i don't know when people are going to say why am i paying all these taxes and why are these -- why is this subsociety able to thrive and now they are actually lashing out and killing people. obviously a lot of have them mental illness as does this guy marshall simon. this guy is about 40 years old. he is on the street and he decides i'm going to go into the subway. i'm going to try to find someone to throw onto the tracks on saturday about 9:40. and he sees one woman and she this guy looks a little weird and i'm backing up. she does. he quickly walks over to this over woman michelle goh a 40-year-old graduate student who graduated from nyu. this lunatic how are seeing right now screaming out i am god. i am god. throws her on the tracks at the perfect time to kill her. then hops on the same train goes three stops down and turns himself in. homeless guy with a long, huge rap sheet. greg gutfeld all this stuff last night and put this in part of his monologue. >> greg: what a great time to be alive if you are criminally deranged because you got us. you paperrized our weak leaders with the fear of being smeared as racist or worse, a republican. if they try to fix anything. so they now accept the idea that random crazies can murder innocent people. especially on the streets. where homelessness is the go-to choice by unhinged people and unhinged person will likely commit unhinged activity. fish swim in water. bears roam the woods and criminally deranged wander the streets punchingation women and thanks to progressive d.a.s it will happen again. another asian woman killed. when i was a kid i saw movies like warriors, sudden impact. gangs roamed and committed inexplicable violence. it was good cop against evil criminals. the lines were clearly drawn. in our world today, it's good cop vs. criminals and also vs. the corrupt justice system which is scarier than all of the halloween movies combined. >> brian: great monologue. i will add this. the beginning video you saw jamaican guy here two years on expired visa walked into a burger king and shot this woman dead. when he was brought out of his apartment building because someone ided him he was screaming out reparations, horrible things about america. the president of the united states sees all of this and says i have an idea, i know how to address what matters most. i am going to use executive action on police reform, steve. yeah. police reform. police are the problem. >> steve: well, in new york, regarding the case of michelle goh, police don't think it's a hate crime. but there are members of her community who say, you know, since the pandemic started there have been a lot of attacks on asians. there will be a candlelight vigil for her tonight in times square at 6:00. and the organization asians fighting injustice are demanding that eric adams have a coherent mental health plan. the executive director of that group said i don't believe it is ethical to sended mentally ill to prison for the rest of their lives. but, if somebody commits a violent offense they should not be released onto the streets without medication and counseling. but they are. and that is a big problem. not only in new york but in los angeles as well. we are going to have brianna's dad, the young woman who was murdered last thursday. her father todd kupfer is going to join us at 8:30 this morning on "fox & friends." it will be interesting. we did hear him say ainsley, when you read that quotation he blamed the local politicians for the death of his daughter. and that is sad. >> ainsley: and you know on that same day, on thursday, there was a lady, she is 70-year-old nurse in l.a. and she has been helping others for decades at the hospital system there. she was attacked at the bus stop in l.a. and the guy threw her down and/or hit her in the face and she fell down. she hit her head. and she ended up dying sunday in the hospital there in l.a. and then if you read these stories, so many people are leaving california. they can't even get u-hauls now in california for the one way trip down to texas or wherever they might be going. eric adams is under fire. he is the new mayor here in new york city. and he made comments about the subway system and said that they're safe and critics are upset with him because he says fed the perception that the subways are dangerous. you talk to anyone here in new york city. and they are trying to get ubers but ubers are very expensive so it's forcing them to take the subways because it's a lot cheaper but they want to -- i was talking to a young lady in her 20's here in new york yesterday. she said her mother said if you have to take the subway, sit on the bench, do not get near the tracks until the subway pulls up, because they are terrified that something like this could happen to them, too. >> brian: there is a bigger police ebb presence in the sunways i have noticed but they can't be everywhere. >> ainsley: so many people resigned because they are not getting the support from local leaders. so many of our law enforcement officers who are out there courageously trying to keep our streets safe but it's a tough job. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, one state is changing what it means to be fully vaccinated, with you you could soon be forced to roll up your sleeve again. the co-owner of the golden state warriors is under fire for disgusting dig at the uyghur crisis in china. you will hear the response from enes kanter freedom. ♪ we're coming to your city ♪ ♪ going to play our guitars and sing you a country song. ♪ we'll all be higher an an airliner ♪ urance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. only pay for what you need. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. 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that rabbi crediting active shooter with saving hostages. he threw a chair at the terrorist and that allowed them enough time to escape. this as authorities in the united kingdom make two arrests of teenagers in connection with with the deadly standoff saturday night in texas. the young men are reportedly the sons of malik fizzle akram who died during the hours' long encounter. so stay tuned for the developments perhaps later today. meanwhile, hawaii may soon change its definition of fully vaccinated to include a couple of shots and a booster. the governor told the honolulu star advertiser the newspaper out there he is considering the change it would not immediately go into effect so people would adjust their plans right now to enter the state of hawaii travelers need have both doses of pfizer or moderna vaccines or one dose of the johnson & johnson it shot to skip a mandatory quarantine. and in the nfl the l.a. rams are moving on after 34 to 11 rout of the arizona cardinals. l.a. quarterback matthew stratford that is to say getting his first career win in his 1st nfl season in the playoffs. his team will now face tom brady and the tampa bay buccaneers on sunday. the divisional round gets started with the bengals taking on the top seeded tennessee titan once saturday. then at night the 49ers take on aaron rodgers and the packers. you can watch that game on fox. will. >> brian: round one of the playoff raider game they lost. we will see what happens next weekend and the reason why you see the rams play that one play by was horrific in the end zone. let's bring this out. we were told by the longest time when we were talking about afghanistan nobody anticipated the collapse of the afghan government. nobody in the pentagon. not a politician, not republican or democratic. we knew that wasn't true. and we knew they were ill prepared and we knew the president order and pushbacked from the generals and knew it was going to be a disaster. they didn't anticipate it being this quick, perhaps. did you, but, again, look at this report. the a.p. shows that this report, although it's very late and now reveals by the inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction his name is john supco he submitted to the department of defense in january '21 that you right now if you withdraw our troops from afghanistan, the inspector reveals that the afghanistan air force did not have the capabilities to survive after the u.s. withdrew. and particularly reports the u.s. failure to train the afghan support staff. what they wanted to do is keep the contractors there. but, no, the president of the united states says no, we have got pull everybody out. it's really no big deal. they have a huge fighting force. they have plenty of equipment. we gave them all this training. but wouldn't you know the inspector general knew all along and so did other people that the afghanistan air force that was supposed to provide the air cover for what was left of their fighting force did not exist and wasn't even maintained. this is outrageous. and do you know what is even more outrageous? it is rare for this type of report to be classified. when it is classified, within two months a declassified version had to get out. guys, it's been five months and now it gets out. they are doing a holistic look at afghanistan, special withdrawal. this is just the beginning, i sense, of the disaster that they knew about and could care less about and hoped we would forget about. >> well, it is suspicious that, you know, as usually is the case with these inspector general reports, they are out within two months it took over a year for it to be made public. that makes it look like somebody somewhere was trying to keep it a secret as long as they possibly could. but now the associated press has got the story out that apparently the white house was warned, hey, look, if you want the afghan air force to be flying, they need technicians, ainsley, but they could not find them. they tried, and we pumped a ton of dough into that country. the united states spent $415 billion on reconstruction of the country. we spent over a trillion dollars in military. and then you had the president in april announce that you know, we are going to pull out the 2500 remaining men and women who about defending that country who worked for the united states of america. which ultimately left -- led to that collapse at the airport where 13 brave americans, mainly marines and soldier as well all lost their lives because it was such a melee where people were just running for their lives trying to get on an airplane. >> ainsley: yeah, we will never forget those images of people clinging to the side of u.s. aircraft trying to get out for a better life. we will never forget the images of the baby being tossed over that barbed wire fence because a mother had to give up her child right there. you see the image because that child would be safer getting on one of those planes. we will never forget the images of what it looked like after the suicide bombing where our 13 americans were killed and these images were just for risk. something that we hadn't seen, at least in my lifetime. and it was something that i will never forget that no one will ever forget and to know and to hear the stories of all those individuals that were on our shows of the fear that they felt when they got the knock on the door and they knew the taliban was on the other side of the door or the stories we would hear about people being pulled out into the streets and gunned down. we left in such rush, we pulled our troops out without a plan and here we are being told this morning that this watchdog group warned the administration that this could happen. they knew that this could happen. and they needed american aid. they needed training. they needed maintenance. the afghanistan air force could not survive if we left. they were told. here's a flashback of joe biden, our president, when asked if he was warned about afghanistan and what would happen. >> your military adviser did not tell you no, we should not just keep 2500 troops. it's been a stable situation the last several years. we can do that and we can continue to do that. >> no, no one said that to me if i can recall. if there is american citizens left we are going to stay until we get them all out. we went there for two reasons. one, to get bin laden and two, to wipe out as best we could and we did the al-qaeda in afghanistan. we did it. >> brian: he lied on so many levels. number one, they did tell him. his generals would testify weeks later and even george stephanopoulos in the interviews could not even believe his answer had to force him to say i would not leave anybody behind. he left everybody behind. his general told him. he left anyway. and thankfully the american people, especially democrats have a standard and his numbers have not recovered since then. and do you want to know why his first year was such a disaster? he was revealed at that moment. lied right there, was not even told the truth. did not even look at his own inspector general report. let's pivot. the president of the united states is not going to send any diplomats but he will not boycott the olympics, the winter olympics in beijing that start on the 4th of february. but, there is groups out there, human rights groups who are saying why are you allowing corporate sponsors? why are it corporate sponsors writing checks to beijing horrific genocide games? i mean, the athletes are great. the competition is tremendous. i'm sure the venues will be top rate. but this is a country that has smothered tibet. steam rolled hong kong. if put them in chains and used harvesting their organs. it's genocide right now among the uyghurs. what is pretty amazing is corporations like air b and n. proctor and gamble. decline comment on why they are not talking humanitarian groups the german financial company has said okay i will listen to you and see what you have to say. most of them are just going to advertise anyway. nbc is going to broadcast anyway. >> we have curious to see if they are going to do any legitimate journalism over there. so there is a part-time owner of the warriors, he is part owner chamath palihapitiya. he is a venture capitalist. he was asked, listen, what about going to the games? do you think we should be going over there? listener to what he said on the all-in podcast. >> nobody cares about what's happening to the uyghurs, okay? >> you bring it up because you think people care. the rest of us don't care. >> we have hard i many i'm telling hard ugly truth. okay? of all the things i care about, yes, it is below my line. i care about the fact that our economy could turn on a dime if china invades taiwan. i care about that. i care about climate change. i care about a bunch -- i care about america's crippling and decrepit healthcare infrastructure. but if you are asking me i do care about a segment of a class of people in another country, no until we can take care of ourselves will i prioritize them over us. >> steve: nobody cares about the uyghurs he said right there. what he was responding to the co-host who you saw in that -- in those cut aways, he had just praised president biden for his decision to ban the import of goods made through forced labor by the uyghurs in china. that's what he was talking about. after it hit the fan, the same guy, who is the venture capitalist and part owner as well of the warriors. he had this -- he had to walk it back and this is what he said. he said in relistening to this week's podcast, i recognize that i came across as lacking empathy. i acknowledge that entirely as a refugee my family fled a country with its own set of human rights issues so this is something that is very much a part of my lived experience. to be clear, my belief is that human rights matter whether in china, the united states, or elsewhere full stop. and, ainsley, that's the problem. it didn't sound like he really thought that was the case at all. >> ainsley: yeah. that's why he is walking it back because so many people have attacked him on social media for those comments and the organization has said that he does not represent how they feel. so, eaten necessary kanter freedom. you remember him. he became an american citizen and he changed his name he changed his name from canter to freedom. he can't go back home to turkey. he loves america. he stands up for persecution and for injustice all around the word. and here is what he had to say with tucker. >> you know, the funny thing is, this guy owns a company called-actually i have it right here called social capital where they pretend to care about social values and this is a virtue signal and i have all the recordings here with me. he pretends to care about others but the only thing he cares about is money and promoting the cpc propaganda. makes me sick how he uses justice to promote hills company. ask a question if your mother, your daughter sister was in concentration camps and getting tortured and gang raped every day, would you still think about money? would you still remain silent? i want him to answer that question. >> brian: and he can't. he has got steve kerr whose dad died tragicfully a bombing in beirut who understands world politics is to quick to criticize president trump so quick to criticize america and equities in our society. where is he standing up to take on his owner at this hour? i'm not sure if he is going to have an opportunity. if he had a mic in his face last night. i would love to have people stand up to say i was horrified by what i heard. especially is this the same muslim community that would get upset if one of our soldiers left a quran in the wrong place? where is the muslim outrage around the world that would try to burn our embassy because of a third rate movie that was shot somewhere in america? whatever happened to those groups that were so outraged about the littlist offense? there is millions right now living in a holocaust situation and there is nothing. unbelievable. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead. american police are under siege. new study finds there was increase in killing of officers. that happened last year. our law enforcement panel will weigh in on how to keep those officers safe. ♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. hi i'm joe montana. or high blood potassium. when you get to be 65, you have little patience for nonsense and inefficiency. you know what works and 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this bail release stuff, release it's these criminals back into society, these officers are doing double work. never arresting somebody one week and the next week they are back out of prison or jail and these officers are making the sage arrests all over again as a policy cycle going circle and whirlwind for these officers. >> brian: some people say he jumped a turnstile no big deal there san assault. they steal something, not much money. it's no big deal. these these small crimes toledo who are risk crimes like the assassination of cops? >> absolutely. we have seen it in new york city. new york city broke -- they cracked down on quality of life crimes under mayor giuliani and police commissioner bratton and they taking it from red light district from having tourists all over the world come to new york because they cleaned it up. as bill de blasio came in 202014 the exact opposite happened. it's gone down hill and dangerous and resembling a third world country where have you people being pushed in front of subways and homeless people wandering around like zombies stabbing people. he. >> brian: look at these numbers, betsy, 11 ambushed and unprovoked officers kill in 2020. that's substantial. but i really feel in the last year people are starting to sober up an understanding cops aren't the problem. everyone can get better at their job we get it from me on down. i thought we began to lighten up on that. the numbers don't reveal we have. >> and that's a be pro, brian, people have got to be loud about fighting that false narrative that police officers are the problem. that's what we are trying to do at the national police association. but this is the thing. our public says we need more police and we support the police. but our politicians are continuing to double down on this false narrative that somehow law enforcement is the problem. and we combine that with the lack of prosecution, releasing people early from prison. no cash bail. all of these woke policies that just can further this childish narrative that somehow if we keep people out of jail, they will become good citizens. it's not happening. and america is paying the price and so is american law enforcement. >> brian: you see the autonomous zone, the lawless zone set up in seattle, the minneapolis police policedepartment go on fire andy take brooklyn, too. tre, god with you. i was so disturbed to think that president biden's lesson last week was now to go after police reform through executive orders. what's your greatest worry about that? >> it shows biden and his administration is disconnected. they don't really understand what's happening in society. we see these -- this past week they just released numbers about 12 of our major cities has the highest heard rate. broken higher murder rate records including austin, texas. we are talking texas. one of the conservative states. there is no way that we should be considered in that category. unfortunately we are. and a lot of that is because of these leftist politicians that have promoted this agenda and i will tell you, look, biden is going to continue to do this and he is going to create a train wreck for our society. that's somebody a tawnelling us as a whole. every community whether it's rich or poor, all of us are going through it. >> brian: 30 seconds each, michael, we see the numbers are down on the academies. we see the biggest mistake democrat experts have said is the whole defund the police movement. why we go for executive orders now and what do you fear? >> he is just doubling down on the only thing left has known. if you want to get rid of this culture of criminality that we are seeing where our officers is being murdered and increase of civilians being murdered around our country, you have to do like my friend over in dallas says. you have to break the cycle of electing democrats. what's the common theme? you have a soros backed d.a. in austin, texas. you have soros backed d.a.s in st. louis and baltimore where they have higher murder rates per 100,000 citizens than third world countries of el salvador. ms-13 new york co-trafficking countries in the northern triangle less murder rate than new york city because of these progressive policies. >> brian: philadelphia, as well as new york and san francisco. betsy, some experts have said is he going after the cops because that's a way of trying to win back the black vote. >> i find that wholly racist. the people who are suffering the most in this homicide spike are african-americans. but joe biden has got to play to that far left side of his party and law enforcement is an easy target, brian, the problem is, that's going to lead to more crime and it's also going it to lead to more and more police officers attacked and killed because he is going to further that false narrative that somehow we are the problem. and we need to stand up and our citizens need to stand up against that. and support the police. >> brian: got to wait for the ballot box in 2022. thank you so much. guys, great and betsy, thanks so much. >> thanks. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: meanwhile, we move straight ahead bare shelves biden becoming all too common across the country as stores suffer from supply chain shortages. will this all come to an end soon? we will talk to one produce farmer seeing the impact firsthand, next. ♪ whatever it takes ♪ i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. careful now. nice! you got it. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. oh dad, the twins are now... ...vegan. i know, i got 'em some of those plant burgers. - nice! - yeah. voya provides guidance for the right investments and helps me be prepared for unexpected events. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. 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well, that's because of high demand, labor shortages and shipping costs are all making it much harder and more expensive for stores to stay fully stocked. where is the rest of the stuff that should be on that shelf? last year freight went up 23%. since omicron hit an additional 2.2%. shane meyers is the ceo of produce company and he joins us now. shay, good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> steve: when we see those shelves, we just think supply chain issue. when you see those shelves, how do you explain them? >> yeah, there is lots of factors going on. we have truckers reduced their product tiftd 20%. lack of labor at shipping point and at the destination which produces reduces that capacity 15 to 20%. and, you know, many other factors including the weather that's going on across the country in the winter time as well. >> steve: sure. now, what shay's company is trying to do is he is providing onions for america. explain how much -- i know it used to cost you about 6,000 or $7,000 to ship a load of onions from coast to coast. $7,000. that was before the pandemic. how much is it costing you right now? >> yeah. the number today is between 17 and $20,000. it depends on the moment and the demand. but it's much, much higher than precovid and even since christmas it's gone up dramatically. >> steve: right. and as we look at some of the produce right there. i saw some strawberries, i saw some lettuce. those are things that have got to get on the shelves immediately. you're doing in onions and they have a longer shelf life. but the people dealing in parishables. they are up against the wall. >> they don't have any choice but to pay the market demands 7% increase in the last three weeks alone. >> steve: unbelievable. they have to charge 70% more to get their produce to the consumer which ultimately, you know, the grocery store passes on because they have got to pass it onto the grocery store as well. shay, everybody is watching this now. see onions they are indeed. when is this thing going to be over where we are able to see thestles completely stocked and things are getting to the market in a timely fashion? >> yeah, so we have looked at what i consider about a 3 week delay on perishables. the widges, iphones and other items that are not perishable have been delayed in their shipment and haven't gone out. another three weeks there you multiply that i think it's going to be the end of this quarter before things are completely stocked up and normal that sounds like an extreme number but it's going to take a long time for things to catch back up. >> steve: i think you are right. shay meyers thank you for getting up early and thanks for the onion, sir. >> absolutely. thanks for having me. >> steve: dozen minutes now before the top of the hour. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean. yesterday we this that nor'easter throughout the northeast. and today things have calmed down a little. georgia into the 30's here. another reinforcing shot of cold air on the way. take a look at midweek cool down what we're calling it this is the forecast lows minus teens here minus 20's as we get into thursday and friday. and this cold air is going to sink southwards as far as south as the gulf coast. look at the temperature swings. today in minneapolis 40. wednesday 5. the average is 23. so you get the picture and it's going to move southward in towards the plain states. that nor'easter out of the way but we still have lake-effect snow and quick moving system across the west and the plains and this is our next weather maker that could bring some ice and wintry mix across the mississippi and tennessee river valley wednesday and thursday. winter is here, my friend, steve, get used to it. back to you. >> steve: well, we're in the middle of january, it better be cold. all right, j.d., thank you very much. meanwhile, straight ahead, college students in chicago are demanding a return to in person learning. hear why they say the school is defrauding them from an education and probably something else. coming up straight ahead on this tuesday "fox & friends." ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. you could, but i'm not gonna. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ senior editor mitchell robison joins us now. good morning, mitchell. >> good morning. >> ainsley: good morning. i know you are a sophomore so your senior year you didn't get to probably go to prom. all of this started when you were a senior in high school. then you didn't have the normal college experience last year and now they are delaying classes again. how do you feel? >> right. i mean, you are absolutely right about that. i am one of the demographic that, you know, had to go through this transition from high school to college. ending high school and beginning college remote and so we were remote for almost a year and a half or at least mostly remote. and so, myself and many of my peers just want to go back to in person learning. >> ainsley: what are your demands? what do you want from the school. >> we would just like the school to pledge because at this point we are starting our second week of remote learning. we would like the school to pledge to go back to inperson learning. they have cited the omicron variant as a reason to go remote. they failed to substantiate how their plan, would a, reduce student omicron cases back at home anyway and also why lowering cases at all costs should be the goal at all when we know that suicide and other health risks present a much higher health risk to students our age. >> ainsley: that's a good point. i know some students want the tuition reduced. especially the portions devoted to classes and the use of facilities. some are asking for reimbursement on travel because they can't go back to school or staying home or changing flights. that kind of thing. do you know any of these people? are you demanding that as well? >> well, of course, i mean every student benefits from having access to the facilities. i can't got gym. including international students most clearly and that's been a huge burden on them especially given the very short notice that they provided apes ains mitchell, let me read what the university is saying delaying the start of the quarter and removing to remote only instruction for two weeks allowed the university community to get past the peak of omicron infection. helped reduce case counts on the on campus especially residence hall and. >> joe: served resources. we'll wish you all the best thanks for coming on this morning. >> thank you, pleasure to be on. >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hearing is important to living life to the fullest. that's why inside every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. 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(robert) thank you. subaru. more than a car company. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. >> democrats moving full steam ahead with efforts to overhaul our election system. >> griff: filibuster reform today. >> let's take inspiration for dr. king. >> this isn't a voting rights bill it's a voting rules bill. >> supply cargo containers ransacked and looted. >> trains in los angeles spiked 160%. union pacific is blasting the city's woke d.a. >> it's tougher on law and order in d.a. >> brian: 37 officers were killed intentionally in the line of duty. highest number in 26 years. >> politicians are continuing to double down. all of these woke policies and america is paying a price. >> newly meanted attorney general spear heading investigations into the loudoun county public schools. >> about accountability and transparency and government. something we desperately need. >> odell beckham jr. got it down, touchdown. ♪ all taking and no giving >> brian: big win at home. they will have the super bowl in about a month when they are done playing the playoffs. you are looking at cocoa peach beach. this is live where most people are sleeping in. i was asked to whisper. it's 48 degrees believe it or not. a lot of people point to cape canaveral and florida surf museum for a reason to point out cocoa beach. steve, i have a different reason. i remember when major nelson walking on the beach came across barbara eden in a bottle. she turned out to be a genie. major bell lois wanted to take advantage of the genie. major nelson wanted a normal life. he could never get that normal life it always bothered me especially when her sister come into the fray. at the same time bewitched was on. >> stressed childhood because everybody was always in trouble. >> steve: just amazing, brian, that 50 years later that's what you remember about the 60's was that major healy and the whole crew was down there. >> dr. bell lois. major healy, you are wrong. major healy wanted to take advantage of barbara eden and her ability to grant wishes. and probably date her. but it was major nelson who said no, we are not going to do that. steve: iconic shows goes in with beverly hillbillies and petty coat junction. a lot of those things we grew up watching and now fond memories. every time brian sees a live picture of cocoa beach, that's the thing he thinks about the lady in the bottle. >> ainsley: i know. why do you think of that was it filmed there? >> steve: no. >> brian: i never remember it on prime time. >> steve: he was on astronaut. >> brian: every day in syndication. i have no idea why they took that off and the in they professor. >> ainsley: why have to do cocoa beach. >> brian: he worked for nasa. walked along the beach on the kay off came across the bottle. barbara eden, if you are watching, please call. >> ainsley: when i see cocoa beach, do you remember when i was growing up in middle school everyone wanted those surfing t-shirts. so we went down to disney world and then we drove over to cocoa beach to go to ron johnson surf shop. have you ever been there? it's a massive huge surf shop. got all these ron john t-shirts and wore them to schools every day. outfits baggy t-shirts and baggy jeans and that was kind of the look when i was in high school. >> brian: this is full circle, if you had walked the cocoa beach and came across a bottle you could have asked your jeanne geniefor those shirts and got tm without paying a dime. >> ainsley: that's right. >> steve: wiggle your nose. >> brian: that was bewitched. >> steve: yeah. >> ainsley: was that her sister or her mom i remember that lady, the other lady. >> steve: ago nez moorehead. >> brian: you know her real name? >> steve: on bewitched, yeah. older lady. >> brian: i love the way they wove in an extra darren and we never asked any questions. i guess he had a contract problem? just would rotate people out there. were two lionesses on the jeffersons, one day there was a different lioness or lionel i should say. >> ainsley: all of this happened before peter doocy. on that note go to washington live look on capitol hill where later today the senate is expected to formally expected to debate. peter doocy is live at the white house as the issue puts the democrat divide on full display. peter? >> peter: that did happen before me. what are you guys talking about? [laughter] >> brian: got to look it all up. >> peter: i have some goal gling to do after the show. there is a lot going on here in washington, d.c. in january of 2022. the vice president was at a service project yesterday when she very suddenly very ominously spoke about the two senators in her own party who are not on board with changing senate rules to pass voting rights. >> is there a message? >> as i have said before, there are 100 members to the united states senate. and i'm not going to will assault nor should any of us insult any member of the united states for taking on responsibility to take on the oath they all took to support and defend the constitution of the united states. >> peter: strong words but bernie sanders is getting even more specific. naming the two as the voting rights bill comes to the floor of the senate there is only one vote which will really matter. will 50 democrats vote to override the filibuster, protect american democracy and pass the bill or will manchin and sinema vote with the g.o.p. and let the bill die. but republican senators, the other 50 are saying this isn't about voting rights per se. but rather blowing up senate precedent. >> it's about awoke agenda that doesn't sell. getting rid of the 60 vote threshold in the senate in my judgment would be like giving whiskey and car keys to a teenage boy. >> peter: the vote on changing the senate precedent would happen after a vote on voting rights that is expected to fail. it could come as soon as tomorrow which would really be something depending on the time of day that it happens. because it could happen right before the president takes the microphone at his formal press conference. back to you. >> steve: now, peter, us talking about i dream of genie about you talking with your sisters about shiny time station. >> peter: i will tell you it was very hard during the infrastructure talk not to bring up thomas the tank engine. >> brian: that would have been an interesting question. >> steve: i understand. all right. >> peter: the president loves trains. maybe that's good for the press conference tomorrow. >> brian: something to jot down. >> steve: put that in your binder. >> peter: i will. >> ainsley: 100 bucks if ask you him a question about thomas the tank engine or whatever it is called. >> steve: i will make it 500. >> brian: yeah. >> steve: you know what peter was talking about though, the democrats are in a familiar spot. they are all in on pushing for legislation that they know will lose. because they have over the last week or two, essentially presented it as any lack of action is a direct threat to our american democracy. and ultimately what they are trying to do is they are trying to make permanent some of the emergency methods of voting from 2020. that election, that they feel helped their side. i was watching "special report" last night with bret baier. and he had on brit hume who just so perfectly incapsulated what this is all about. here is mr. hume. watch this. >> this really isn't a voting rights bill. this is a voting rules bill. what the bill is really trying to do is to make permanent the temporary emergency voting regulations that were put into effect to accommodate the pandemic last -- in 2020 during the election season. and, you know, those were thought to be temporary, some of them were pretty loose. some of them were arguably unconstitutional. but they went into effect anyway. this measure would enshrine them in law. it's getting resistance. that is not the same as somebody being against voting rights. it is simply a disagreement over where you draw the line on the issue of trying to make voting -- it easy to vote but hard to cheat. that's what this is really all about. it's not about bull conner and jefferson davis. that's way over the top. >> ainsley: that's exactly right. americans aren't stupid. they see this. republicans want to prevent fraud. they don't want illegals to have the right to go and vote. they don't want people to walk in and vote and not have to show an i.d. then someone could vote several times or someone could vote, you know, as brian kilmeade and take your vote, brian. and vote a way you wouldn't have voted and then you go into the polls and you can't vote because someone has already voted in your place. that's what republicans are trying to prevent. but, yes, democrats are trying to use race card to push this through and tell everyone that there is voter suppression in our country. but, if you look at georgia. you have 17 days to vote early. you have drop boxes. you do have to show an i.d., but that's what republicans want. but look at delaware, where the president is from. they don't have many of these it steps in place that georgia does. it's not as fair. why isn't the president pushing changes in some of these states including the state he grew up in? a year ago the president was even saying he is not for blowing up the filibuster and now the all sudden is. he flipped flopped on this and lied about his stance when people were going to the polls to vote for him. >> brian: few things going on. i cannot believe is he going to take another loss. is he going to put that vote on the floor and unless something happens and at which time not only are manchin and sinema going to vote against it mark kelly they say will probably vote against it might put him in jeopardy with some people on the left and maggie has somebody a of new hampshire, maybe even more. not even looking out for the best interest of his party in doing that knowing that he will lose another vote. by the way, as predicted they will use martin luther king day to talk about voting rights and that's what nancy pelosi did. that's what you just heard kamala harris do. and that's what bernie sanders did. so, good luck with that. the other major problem is happening in california. whereas we have been mentioning mostly last hour the first time this hour, crime has run rampant. it's all about criminal rights, not the right of the people paying taxes. , which by the way, i digress, might double in california in lawmakers get their own way. because crime is going so rampant, individuals are being assaulted, it's also hurting business. it also hurting, believe it or not, freight trains. i feel like this is back to the wild west. in a letter from union pacific. los angeles d.a., disgraced d.a. george gascon who is underneath these right now being recalled. criminals are caught and arrested. turned over to local authorities for booking. arraigned before the local courts, charges are reduced to a misdemeanor and petty offense. and the criminal is released after paying a nominal fee. these individuals are generally caught and released back onto the streets in less than 24 hours. even with all the arrests made. the no cash bail policy and extended time frame for suspects to appear in court. it's causing the revictimization by union pacific by these same criminals. this is a desperation move, steve. trying to get people to rally against their local government. >> steve: here's the thing. how many times have you been waiting for a package from amazon or u.p.s. and it's like you get a message it's been delayed. those images are in los angeles where the workmen are trying to pick up the tons of garbage left behind. what happens is a cargo train pulls in to a siding in los angeles and cleaned out by the looters. you know, the looters because they are not hooked up to an engine. they are not going anywhere. the looters get out bolt cutters and help themselves to anything in there. because, what they want to do is they want to resell it. unless it's too cheap and then they just throw it by the side as you can see right there. in los angeles county, theft of trains is up 160%. in the month of october, it was up 350%. and as you were alluding to, that letter from union pacific to the d.a., it talks about how their agents, their rail agents have arrested hundreds of people but with the no cash bail thing they are out on the street in no time. you know what? union pacific says that this is impacting employees and customers and america's supply chain and as you look at that ainsley, absolutely right. that is part of the supply chain. so why doesn't joe biden who is so concerned about the supply chain at the port, why isn't he concerned about the supply chain at our rail heads? because what is happening to america's cargo is absolutely despicable. that is terrible. right now los angeles it looks like union pacific is thinking about how do we reroute our trains so they don't have to stop there? because if they are stopped there, ainsley, they are going to get looted. >> ainsley: yeah, exactly. they are stealing amazon and u.p.s. packages, stealing things like toys, electronics, designer goods, covid tests and those epipens, there was also a train derailment on saturday. 17 cars that derailed. no one was injured. but and there is no word yet on what caused that. but they are looking into could it have been some of these boxes? i mean, you see the video, you hear about this. >> steve: terrible. >> ainsley: oh, just a few boxes and you see the video and you see there are hundreds of boxes that are littering the train tracks. and you can see that construction worker there in the middle. but look to the left, look to the right. and do you know what? no one wants to work. because do you know what's trending now the anti-work is one of the active pages, most active pages on red it which is a 1.6 million users up from 180,000 from october of 2020. people are texting. they are screen shotting when they quit their jobs. for instance, here's the headline that a reddit user posted. i handed my resignation letter to my boss, and she laughed. here's another one. that's it, she gigged, said okay and then started making a list of things i need to do before i leave on friday. lol. sure, lady, let me get right on it, f her. i'm literally thrilled beyond words to be part of the great resignation solidarity. >> brian: over 4.5 million people quit last month. why? people say i'm not sure where they are going. i get all this from restaurant workers to retail. i don't know where the workers are. i went to a tire place the other day. i can't even get people to respond to an ad. he said i don't know what these people are doing because technically the money has run out but has it? in fact, there evidently is an organized movement, it's an anti-capitalism movement to reduce coercive movements of capitalism and subvert capitalism the best they can. others have speculated it's just genzers who don't want to get out of bed and don't wanted to be part of the process. you couldn't do that in early america. you would die. because you had to actually shoot your food other grow it now we are sitting there and giving money not to work and sadly, if you look at the goldman sachs people who are at the upper level, obviously, they set nonworking labor participation rate has long-term damage effects on our country. >> steve: right. and this whole reddit thread is all about people who just posting epic screen shots of how they quit. but the real heroes of this page are who they refer to as the i'd lers. figure way to game the system to do as little as possible and still collect a full paycheck. they tell this one story in this story we saw this morning about a person who is getting paid, i think, $90,000 a year and they have written a program so that any email they get from work is automatically responded to by their computer. their computer essentially turns it around and answers the question. they haven't worked in a year. but they still got paid. the woman who moderates the page, a woman by the name of doreen ford she says everybody has hit their limit with covid. overworked their mortgages, rent payments and so many things with capitalism, there is nothing wrong with wanting to take a break from that and to do less of it. and so that's why the idollers are big heroes on this reddit page. >> there is a lot wrong with taking off when you don't have the money to pay your bills and rent. i don't know who is supporting these people or how they are getting their money. >> ainsley: how do they pay their bills. >> steve: they don't care. >> brian: ferris bueller 2.0. we will see. >> ainsley: one person boasting they make $80,000 a year answering one to two calls a week and literally nothing else. the people who are active on the page, according to this article are mainly the far leftists who support bernie sanders and aoc and often identify themselves as socialist, communist, or an arc its. turning now to some headlines, virginia's new tough on crime attorney general announcing two high profile investigations within hours of taking office. jason miyares joined "fox & friends first" earlier. listen. >> about accountability and transparency? government. something we definitely need. that was something that glenn youngkin ran on. that's something i ran on. from and from day one within an hour of us being sworn, in we began the investigation. >> ainsley: loudoun county schools being investigated for allegedly covering up a sexual assault and virginia's parole board under investigation for releasing violent criminals early limit a new survey shows a majority of americans say they prefer republicans over democrats. marking a major shift in political preference over the course of 2021. according to a new gallup sur varks 47% refer or prefer the g.o.p. compared to 42% who favor lawmakers on the other side of the aisle. this is the biggest lead for the g.o.p. since 1995. at the beginning of last year, democrats held a 49-40% edge in the metric. olympic champion swimmer michael phelps weighs in on the controversy surrounding transgender u penn swimmer lia thomas, listen. >> i believe that we all should feel comfortable with who we are in our own skin. but i think sports should all be played on an even playing field. >> ainsley: thomas breaking two national women's records last month. the ncaa says it plans to review its current guidelines for transgender athletes on thursday. and those are your headlines. >> brian: take your time. the season is almost over. good job. great job, ainsley. meanwhile, still ahead on this show, secretary of state antony blinken joining a bipartisan group of senators in the ukraine yesterday as tensions with russia escalate. congresswoman victoria spartz is ukrainian immigrant and reacts next. ♪ ♪♪ add downy to your wash for all the freshness and softness of home. even when you're not at home. feel the difference with downy. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ >> brian: fox news alert as you just heard antony blinken set toe meet in kiev tomorrow as tensions with russians escalate. comes as bipartisan group of senators also visited the ukraine to show support. indiana congresswoman victoria spartz is ukrainian immigrant joins us now to react. i was happy to see both sides of the aisle and hear the senators, senator portman and shaheen were two over there. you had senator murphy and senator wicker and klobuchar, blumenthal and kramer all go over there. what message do you think that sended to the russians and ukrainians, congresswoman? >> well, it's nice when we can stand together and show bipartisan support to our way of life and adversaries that we can as a country. also something a lot of people don't realize that under the budapest memorandum in 1994, ukraine used to be the third largest nuclear country, largest nuclear arsenal and we actually provided assurances that this country is going to be not attacked and you know, provide in the country. we find agreement russia and u.k. so we have some commitment if we don't want to have further proliferation of nuclear weapons. unfortunately, this administration does a lot of talk. doesn't do the work and has very unwise, i would say and and unreal his energy policy that embolden russia and have more control over europe and eastern and western europe. i think that is very dangerous. this administration needs to start doing some walk, not just talk. >> brian: here is dmitry, long-time aid to vladimir putin and spokesperson after meeting with nato and the u.s. last week. listen. >> >> let me just say that we are not going to take into account your concerns. nato will continue to expand. now we're not going to have ukrainian side nato. but for the time being it's legally it will be possible. we are not going to say that we'll not deploy any offensive weapons on ukraine's territory. and nato's military infrastructure will stay next to your border and even for the time being get even closer. if you tell us that, we will have to do something. >> brian: so they are saying they want guarantees in writing that ukraine will never join nato. number one, should we give it to them. and, number two, should would he be giving them weapons right now so they can fight for themselves? >> well, i think, you know, as i mentioned earlier we have some level of commitments, you know, if we want to have stability and security in europe. also interesting for me to see, you know, how this agreement write on paper. i don't think that's what they really want. russia wants to, you know, become again a power house in the international arena. unfortunately president putin decided to align himself with communist country like china and venezuela and cuba. they even had discussion mentioned that he might bring his weapons in venezuela and cuba. it's sad for me to see that soviet union fell apart 30 years ago and you can see how destructive socialism is. and, you know, ukraine still cannot regain freedoms. sad to see countries like russia are moving back and aligning themselves with dictatorial regimes and very bad for europe and creates a lot of instability and headaches for us. >> brian: you know, we wanted north korea to give up their nukes and we show them an example. ukraine gives up nuclear weapons and occupied by the russians right now. and there is threat of invasion with 100,000 troops on their border. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: the governor of new mexico vowing to cut down on crime. flower shop owner joins us with her message to state leaders. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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(naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. (other money manager) how do your clients know that? (naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. (other money manager) sounds like a big responsibility. (naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. ♪ >> brian: all right. we're back with your news by the numbers. let's get started first $10,000 in bitcoin that's how much an arkansas nonprofit offering remote employees to locate to arkansas. the council wants to build up region's tech economy. so far 36,000 people have applied. next $250,000 an hour. how much the sleep junky review company is offering fuzzy sleepers to test and review different sleeping aids. they will test. and half million dollars that's how much this robe worn by boxing great muhammed ali is expected to sell for at auction. he wore it to the lead up to the famous 165 rematch with sonny listen first time he fought as muhammed ali. the bidding on the robe hits next month. go ahead and raise that savings account. >> steve: look at that cool. thanks, brian. meanwhile, look at this, surveillance video capturing the moment a thief breaks into albuquerque flower shop in new mexico steals tools and delivery van. the owner says this is the fourth time she has dealt with this kind of break-in. this comes as new mexico's governor is promising to crack down on crime in the new legislative session. the owner of signature and flowers lisa velarde joins us now. lisa, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: so, when you saw -- when you woke up on, i guess, monday, because this latest break-in was sunday, when you looked at the video, did you just think to yourself oh, here we go again? >> i did. that's exactly what i thought. i said oh, no. not again. >> steve: because you have been burglarized four or five times. i know you have got cameras, obviously. and you have got alarms, when the alarm goes off, do the cops come? >> yes. yes. they actually. they actually did an amazing job. they were there in a timely manner. they send the crime scene investigators within just a few minutes so they did an amazing job. >> steve: that's what you need. unfortunately you still haven't caught -- they still vice president caught anybody. why do you think they are hitting you? is it just because you have got stuff that they can resell? >> i think, too, i'm right on the corner, my business access to a major street. and so i think that -- on the cameras show on the outside they try all the shops. so at the shop next to mine. they go to the door as you can see them going to the doors and finally they get to mine and then you could see them kicking the door. in. >> steve: ugh. i understand you don't quality cops every time because you are worried about your insurance going up and things like that. in which case you might actually need it, go ahead. >> well, i actually do call the cops, i do make a report but i don't always report it to omy insurance because i'm worried about, you know, what happens if i burn down or they drop me because i have already been vandalized and robbed four times. so the last couple of times i did not make a claim. but this time they stole my delivery van so i don't have a choice. >> steve: oh. you don't have a choice. so had you to call the insurance company. but, you know, i know that you and your company have been open through the pandemic. and now with, you know, this rash of people just stealing whatever they can cart out, that's got to make your business so challenging. are you to the stage, lisa, where you are thinking you know what? it's just not worth it. >> no, no. every day i get up and i do it again and i will do it again and i have a ton of customers that depend on me. and people that i have to make happy, anniversaries and all that good stuff. so, every day i just get up and i do it again. that's what we have to do. we can't control what other people do. i can only control what i do. so i have to -- you know, i have an amazing family and they all help me out so much. i'm so blessed. so every day i just keep at it. >> steve: i love your positive attitude. lisa, why is this happening to you and everybody else in your neighborhood? >> you know, i believe in our neighborhood and on the west side, i believe that we have a lot of homeless now. there is -- i see a ton more homeless than we ever have had. and i believe that that every single time, you know, last month i went out and my van is sitting on blocks, they stole the tires. so it's like something -- you know, with the homeless i see. and it wasn't like this. >> steve: i know that they are talking about hiring more police, but obviously they need to do something about the homeless community as well. >> yes. >> steve: lisa velarde, thank you for getting up early out albuquerque thank you. >> thank you. >> steve: a manufacturing company in ohio new market to combat the labor shortage. who is getting the job done and how they maintain a work-life balance is coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ we could be heroes ♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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>> well, we recognized that there, you have labor participation rate around 60% in this country. what are the other 40% cooking . and we recognized as we saw people coming to high school dropping off their kids wondering what are those people doing when they're not here dropping off or picking up their kids, so we reached out of to the community and said hey, how about working for us on a part-time basis? and we were successful in recruitings people to do that. >> ainsley: i know margaret you quit the dollar tree, wasn't really working with your schedule. you are a mother. how does working with new company, how does it fit in your schedule? >> it fits perfect. i take my daughter to school, drop her off, and i'm able to get to work on time at 8:00. and as soon as i clock out at 2:30 i go pick her up, so it's just wonderful. >> ainsley: that's great. that is wonderful. britney, how about you? how does it fit in your schedule? >> it is actually great. i'm able to come into work while my husband gets my children off to school. we have four boys. they're all school-aged. and then i'm home before they get off the bus to come home and then i'm able to go to all of their activities in the afternoon. they are very active. it works out great. >> ainsley: mike, that is wonderful. you know, mike, as a mom myself, it is so much nicer when you have a schedule when you have these employees and you are allowing them at the do that go spend time with their kids which is more important than anything. >> well, manufacturers it's important for us to have people to be able to get the job done, too. traditionally, manufacturers haven't been as flexible. we have tried to be more so. and it's brought us some terrific people. >> ainsley: margaret, did you ever think you would work in a factory? what do you do? >> no, i didn't. i actually spot weld. and when they first took me around the plant, that was one things i saw i thought yeah, no, i don't want to do that. but after they -- like into it i really enjoy it and everybody has been patient and kind to me. so it's been wonderful. >> ainsley: britney, i know you said you caught on really quickly, what exactly do you do? >> i started out in production. and i worked my way up. and now i am a quality tech and i do internal audits and all of our cool calibrations. >> ainsley: well, congratulations, mike, thank you nor what you are doing for these ladies lives and allowing them to be moms as well. great to see you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> janice: hi, good morning, ainsley. what a storm we had across the northeast yesterday. it's gone. but look at some of these snowfall totals. over 2 feet of snow in parts of ohio. that is one of the lake-effect snow belts there in new york. close to 2 feet. close to 2 feet in pennsylvania and north carolina. 20 inches. you know what? we have another storm we are watching later this week into the weekend for the carolinas. so i need you to pay close attention. but i want to also tell you the top wind speeds from this nor'easter close to hurricane force winds for parts of maine and that is out of here. but our next weather maker is going to be something to watch. we have lake-effect snow as well as a clipper system that's going to move across the upper midwest and interior northeast. then we are watching this cold front here wednesday, thursday, and then into friday and saturday, that's where we typically could see the potential for snow and ice across some of these same areas that got hit from the last storm system. so if you live across the mid south and the carolinas and the mid-atlantic, here's our next round that comes friday into saturday. all right? so we need to pay close attention to this next storm system, ainsley. you know, another storm moving over some of the same regions that were crippled by this past weekend. so we will keep you up to date. i know you have family and friends in the carolinas. i will be on speed dial for you, my friend, back to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much. they are all watching you. so thank you so much for giving them that advice. >> janice: you got it. >> ainsley: all right. bye, janice. new outrage over an nba team owner's heartless remark about china's human rights abuses. listen. >> nobody cares about what's happening to the uyghurs, okay? you bring it up because you really care? >> what? what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. >> ainsley: wow. what does will cain think about that? we're going to ask him right after the break. ♪ ♪ about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ king c. gillette is a complete lineup of tools and facial hair care products. this is the style master. designed to style your stubble in one stroke, a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. >> here you go. the second most valuable franchise under fire. this scathing remark under the abuses in china. >> nobody cares. you bring it up because you really care. >> what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. i'm telling you a very hard ugly truth. of all the things i care about, it's below my line. >> i'm sorry the plight is below his line. cohosts will cain. this owner doesn't care much about china. he's got business to do. >> he does, brian. and what it reveals here, you can be sociopathic and shallow at the same time. he holds himself out in the podcast as ugly truth teller. i'm just on you the way that it is. on one level, maybe he has a point. maybe people don't care enough. he points out the issues that impact us on a daily basis are issues like inflation nor empty store shelves. in some ways, just there, he might be right but he doesn't stop there in his life. he doesn't reveal morality in his life. he reveals going with the flow. he's been behind the protest and protesting american inequality along with nba players. this is a guy who's company whose investment vehicle is called "social capital" who stated purpose is supposed to be advancing solutions to the problems that plague humanity. humanity. yet here he is, nobody cares, nobody cares about, forced sterilization, camps, concentration camps. how shallow all this morality play is. he's not a strong ugly truth teller. he is weak and he goes along with the flow. he doesn't stand for morality. he stands for what he stands to gain. >> ultimately after it hit the fan, he called in his communications team and it took him ten hours but they came up with a statement to react to the backlash. he wrote in part, "and re-listening to this week's podcast, i recognize that i come across as lacking empathy. i acknowledge that entirely as a refugee, my family fled a country with its own set of human rights issue. this is something that is very much a part of my lived experience. to be clear, my belief is that human rights matter whether in china, the united states or elsewhere. "in other words, forget what i said earlier. i changed my mind. >> not really. >> i don't know that he has changed his mind. i think he is -- he changed what he wants you to believe so that he can move on. let's talk about lived experience. he's a refugee. he has particular ability to empathize him and though he didn't really let in that answer. i'm coming back to this idea that i said to brian. it's hard for human beings to care about every single issue across the world. it's hard for us to prioritize on the same level things that are far away versus things that are home. that is an ugly truth. however -- nba superstar who stood up for human rights on the will cain podcast and i challenged him. i said that's what lebron james said. i need to handle what's at home, what happens in cleveland. i can handle what happens in the state in china. his answer was awesome. this isn't some abstract thing far away. you do business there. from 2016 until 2020, the nba had a training camp in the state capitol where there is a concentration camp. this isn't far away. he's profiting in the place where this atrocity is taking place. you don't get to go this is far away and it is line your pockets. that is the sociopathic part. >> i hear you. great point. >> he said when nba says we stand for justice, don't forget there are those who sell their souls for money and business like this guy who says nobody cares about what's happening when genocides happen, it's people like this that let it happen. thanks so much. great to see you. >> vo: my car k decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? 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>> michigan democrats aren't going to apologize after posting on facebook. >> society needs them to know. >> it's a classic case of far end of the democrats that think they know what's best for your child more than the parents. >> americans political preferences shifting from democrats to republicans. >> that is a 14-point swing. >> the best numbers for the republican party since 1995. >> he doesn't care about china's horrific rights abuses. >> the only cares about money and propaganda. it's a shame and it's disgusting. >> the pressure is up. it's intercepted. he got that hit unmarried. ♪ ♪ >> what a beautiful sunrise as you let live. 7:01 central time in shreveport, louisiana. they have 37 degrees right now going for a daytime high this afternoon around 3:00 with about 68 degrees. good morning, shreveport. i know that ainsley, brian, a lot of people down in louisiana will start their day with some beignets and some really strong coffee and then they will have some stuff shrimp for lunch and tonight, oysters and some craft beer. i laid out your entire menu. good morning, shreveport. welcome to "fox & friends" for a tuesday. >> and some crawfish. i've never had them. they are known for loving those as well. when we were little, i used to spend the night with my friend. her mom would always make them. she would go to the fresh market at the grocery store in certain parts of the country. she would buy this box. it was a mustard brown and white colored box. her mom would make those for us. have you ever had them? >> no, but i know if you are a deep-sea diver and you go up two quick, you get the bends. i don't really know what they are at all. i don't have a friend that would let me sleep over. my mom was not into that. >> a cree old though not, brian. >> i know crawfish was an item on the menu. it was quite hot. meanwhile, let's talk about something not nearly as fun and that's what happened with crime in america. the father of this ucla graduate who was working at a furniture store and she was stabbed to death by a person we are about to see her and this is our name. we are about to see the suspect who was seen on the outside camera with a mask on and looks about 6'3" bulking out. he was the assailants. obviously, she didn't do anything wrong. she happened to be working by herself in a furniture store and she was murdered. the dad said this. "crime is cruelly spiking. i have a lot of politicians that forgot about people and think the key to get elected is supporting the low rung of our society and to give them rights and somehow that the answer to getting votes. we need to champion my daughter as a beacon of what's wrong and make sure that people recognize that, because it could be their children next. it's just an impossible price to pay. and 100% correct. there is no price to pay. there was a whole subpopulation in california particular because the weather is so amenable to living outside intents and the politicians are so tolerant of this. the people there keep electing the same people over and over again. it stands to reason that they criminally thrive in the mentally deranged are allowed to thrive outside of mental institution. >> well, you know, just about 2a flower shop owner from albuquerque. she blames the homelessness problem in her neighborhood for this state in robberies and burglaries that she and all the businesses in her neighborhood have suffered. she has been broken into four or five times she says. the cops show up because he's got an alarm and she can see i can wear the people. they steal the stuff to enlarge part resell as they can. it is felt that the person who killed breanna was also homeless, because you did see that surveillance video where he very nonchalantly walks out the back door. he's dressed all in black. his got what appears to be a white mask on. they are still searching for the suspect. they have no motive. what is tragic about this story and we will be talking to her father, thought here in about 2. what's tragic about it is she was working alone at this upscale furniture store. for some reason, she was there all by herself. someone came in 20 minutes after it happened and she was dead on the floor. it is just heartbreaking. she was supposed to fly to new york to celebrate the birthday of one of her best friends. but as we now know, she never made it. >> yeah, and her parents will never have her back again. her two brothers walt, her sister. she leaves behind her best friend who is really having a tough time with this, the father was fighting back tears talking about how kind she was. there is her beautiful family. she wanted to be a designer. she went to the undergraduate university of miami. she loved it to make her own clothes. she wanted to have a clothing line one day. she grew up in pacific palisades with her family. she kept up bucket list on their phone and she mapped out all of our plans. now those aspirations have come to an abrupt and tragic and back. we're talking about this morning the 70-year-old l.a. nurse that died. she falls to the ground and hits her hand and fractured her skull and she died on sunday. and there's no 40-year-old michelle who was pushed in front of the subway and killed in times square and the times square subway station in new york. police arrested a 61-year-old and charge them with murder. they are having a candlelight vigil today. i'm sure many people know what those are in the middle of times square. this local asian group is asking for eric adams to establish an asian-american and pacific islanders task force. there is the guy who admitted that he did it. he is our new mayor. he said the subways are safe and her deathbed the perception that the subways are dangerous. if you talk to new yorkers, they don't think that the subway is safe. we are hearing stories of people being robbed and being slashed with a knife. you hear the stories of people being pushed in front of moving trains like this young lady. these soft on crime rules or regulations, they have just pulled back on how much time these criminals get. or they are writing them and bucking them and they are out on the street immediately. the criminals know it and it's happening across their country. that's why many people are fleeing new york and fleeing california. >> evidently this is to wade in and said he did something horrific. he had mental illness. he should not be out by himself. he could not get any institution to take him in. don't put him in prison because he's going to rot there. i could not care less what happened to him. his mentally deranged. that's what we're dealing with on the streets. unbelievable. >> these leaders say they need to make sure they are on their medications and put them back out on the street. we talk to one family, the career criminal a few months ago before christmas and the family said he never takes his medication. he's fine and is on his medication but he doesn't stay on it. >> i don't know what to say to that. the frustration just mounts and more and more innocent 24 euros gets stabbed to death unless somebody's gonna take some action and start cracking down on criminals mentally ill on our streets. the issue in this country's education. there was a big election in virginia. i'm sure you heard about a governor who stood up and stood up for the parents and said they should have a role in their education. the guy that lost didn't think the parent should have any role in their families education. i guess in michigan they weren't paying attention. the central location for the next battle on education. this democrat posted this on facebook saturday night. "not sure what this parent should control what it is taught in schools because they are our kids originating, but parents do have the option to send their kids to a hand selected private school at their own expense if that is what they desire. the purpose of a public education at public school without the teach gets only what parents want them taught, teach them what society needs them to know. the client of the public school is not the parent, is the community, the public. i guess he was not paying attention to the dialogue in america right now. the democrats and republicans both rally on the parental side, not on the party's for their kids in this pandemic environment. >> well, it was the entire democratic party of the state of michigan. they put that out. what really got people upset was the part where it says parents shouldn't tell public schools want to teach their kids. public schools teach kids what society needs them to know. i get about that, what society needs them to know according to them. so after the michigan democratic party poster that over the weekend, then on monday after they deleted it, they posted this. they said "we have deleted a post that ignored the important role of parents play and should play in michigan public schools. parents need to have a say in their children's education, end of story. the post does not reflect the views of michigan democrats and should not be misinterpreted as a statement of support from our elected officials or candidates. it was from the michigan democrats. for them to try to walk it back, able to start buying it. >> it's political suicide. they know this is not going to sell amongst parents. people were saying that the republican party was turning into the party of parents because parents kept saying republicans are listening to us and we saw that the governor was elected in virginia who immediately said no crt in our classrooms. jason is the new attorney general in virginia. he fires 30 staffers before he was sworn in. he launches an investigation into the child that walks into the girls bathroom with a skirt on and he was charged with sexually assaulting that girl. the community or the school board tries to cover it up. they put them in a different school. he does the same thing again. he is bowing to investigating it to the bottom of this and find out what the school board members new. here he is. >> parents have a fundamental right to the education and upbringing of their children. this is about parental empowerment. parents are seeing what they are being taught in their schools and they are horrified. you have far left liberal school boards that are pushing policies that are putting our kids in danger. that is starting to stop in virginia. who knows what's best for your children? every time i hear a far left liberal politicians saying they know it's well for my children as i do. what's my children's name? that is a big, big difference. parents know what's best for their children. >> and it's going to be a result of what's happening in these liberal states. we talked about crime in new york, crime in california, and now, they want to raise taxes. they want everyone to have health care including illegals and it's going to be very expensive. $163 billion per year. that means your taxes if you live in california are going to go up. the average household is going to go up $12,250. when you look at the reports from u-haul, so many people are leaving that state. texas and florida, tennessee, south carolina and arizona. lease growth states, california, illinois, massachusetts and alabama. >> they are going to raise taxes in california because they decided they wanted single-payer health care. you get a even if you are an illegal. if you make over $45,900, your taxes are going to go up. if you have a business, your taxes are going to go up. 2.3%. of the income for people who make $2 million, you're going to get taxed additionally. just ask yourself, do you want to give your money to somebody else as hard as you work what he wanted to go somewhere else where you have control of your own? >> when you look at that u-haul survey of the states with the most growth, texas, florida, and tennessee. what do they have in common? they don't have state taxes. if you are living in california today and you hear the news that there is this proposal to double your taxes, to pay for health care for everybody, you may think it is a great idea. and you afford it? if i were a real estate agent in arizona which is really close to california, this next year is going to be a really good one. so many people, there's going to be a mass exodus from california. they are going to head for the exits to a state where they do not have to pay so much money in taxes. >> they don't waste their money. a lot of wealthy people don't want to waste their money on stuff that really doesn't enhance their lifestyle. we will see how they react. >> cannot say one more thing on that? i talked to one couple in one of their salaries is smaller than the amount they would save if they moved to florida. they said they want to live in florida because they will actually make more money. >> wow. you got to make decisions that will be best for you. >> she wouldn't have to work. >> obviously, he's making $22 million. he went out of his way to establish residency in florida. he doesn't want to give it away. that's capitalistic ideals. returning your headlines now. cargo train theft over the last year. we have been talking about this. railroad company union pacific calling for liberal d.a. to take action. "even with all the rest made, at the extended time frame for suspects to appear in court is causing revictimization. by the same criminals. union pacific's meeting with the l.a.p.d. this week to discuss the problem. we move on. president biden has spent a quarter of his first year as president in delaware. he spent at least part of 101 days so far in his home state at his primary residence or his vacation home. his team says he has simply likes being home. why do they want this job? critics are raising concern about who might be influencing his policy. football now. nfl style, los angeles rams are moving on after 34-11 route of the arizona cardinals. matthew stafford getting his first career playoff win in his 13th nfl season. he spent most of those years with the lions. they don't make the playoffs. his team will face tom brady on sunday. the divisional round get started with the bengals taking on top-seeded tennessee. at night, the 49ers take on the 49ers. you can watch that game on fox. those are the headlines. let's throw something in the last minute. take it away. >> 8:17 here. still ahead, the watchdog's report on afghanistan, the classified overnight obtained by the associated press. "fox & friends" pete react as we learn our leaders were warned this year the country's air force of afghanistan would collapse without significant support. but first, a dramatic shift in the americans party preference ahead of midterm elections. the democratic party to join the g.o.p. if you look at the lines right there, he's got more company these days. we will be right back. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we help that veteran? with more ways to help more veterans, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. >> as president biden marks his first year in office, new survey reveals a dramatic shift in which political party americans really preferred. republicans overtaking the democrats moaning as largest lead of voter preference since 1995. fox news contributor leo terrel is here to react. good morning to you. >> hi. thanks for having me. >> you are the perfect guest for this topic because you are a democrat and that's why you are called leo 2.0 terrell. now you are republican. why do you think others are following suit? >> is very simple. minorities represent the heart and soul of the democratic party and they are leaving. they are leaving because of what i just saw on "fox & friends." these democratic policies do not stop crime. minorities are not benefiting from crime in the streets. minorities are not benefiting from the chaos in these public schools. they're not benefiting from the democratic policies. with the democrats do not understand is that the race card is not helping people of color. the democrats are yelling racism. it is not helped. joe biden last year's said, if you are blocked, you can't vote for trump. that is a racist comment. joe biden doesn't even know it. he's racist. the bottom line is this. blacks are not benefiting. brown people are not benefiting from the democratic policies. it's not stopping for education in these schools. >> you saw what happened then you mention crime in california and new york. that's one of the reasons they are leaving the party. they are so blatant. the democratic party democratic party was tweeting out the parent should not have a role in schools. why would they ever do that? they deleted it. didn't they see what happened in virginia? >> they did. the democratic playbook is outdated. everything is race. they are going to have a vote on this voting rights bill in washington. blacks and browns and people of all colors want food on the table. they want inflation down and better schools. they want the crime to stop at the democrats, the elites are so disconnected from the everyday americans. that's why republicans represent hardworking americans. that's why i left the democratic party and became a republican. that's why i voted for trump. apparently i am not black. i think i'm a good american and i think i want safe schools. i want no crime in the streets and i want our border security. i think that's what a lot of people of all colors want in america. >> they want this voting rights legislation passed. they say that republicans are suppressing their vote. what do you say? >> let me be very clear. that is alive. i can vote anytime i want. there's not any evidence of any black, brown, yellow, white person -- it is smoke and mirrors. we can't get a driver's license. we can't get an identification card developed. i have not been aware of any person in this country being denied the right to vote. we have been denied the right to go into a restaurant because of the vaccine mandate. but right to vote, it is a red herring. >> always great to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> you are welcome. back to our top story. ucla graduate student stabbed to death in a random attack when she was at her job. her father joins his next with a message. ♪ ♪ ♪ plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> it is 8:30 now here in the east. the father of the ucla grad student killed at work last week is calling out politicians were letting criminals run rampant. we have been telling you this morning the story of 20-year-old breanna. she was working alone in a high end furniture store when a man came in and stabbed her and then fled the scene. police searching for the suspect. joining us right now is breanna's father, todd. good morning. thank you very much. so far about what they know. speak to the police are working very diligently to try to check out who this perpetrator was. the amazon video evidence and a lot of other evidence, but we don't have any further information other than i think they are doing their best. they're working hard. they are doing everything we can but we really don't have a lot more information yet. >> i understand. the tragedy is she wasn't even supposed to be working that day. >> you know, you can question everything. you can spend your nights and i do with all the what ifs. and it doesn't change anything. she's a dedicated person. she was at work that day. i don't know why she was there alone but she was. i don't think anybody would have anticipated that this could possibly happen there. i don't think anybody is to blame other than the assailants of the person who did this to my daughter. we want her to be remembered as a person, a human being, i caring, loving, and devoted family member and a great friend and rising star. she embodies so much that we all should be proud of and a young woman. and she had dreams and aspirations that unfortunately are going to be ended by this. she will live on in many ways. this kind of tragedy can't befall more people. it is just so painful. we live in a community of families that have children similar in age. the outpouring of emotion is unbelievable. every parent feels this so deeply. and it's something that we can't see happen. >> it is the worst. it todd, i know you wanted to come on to honor her memory. >> yes. >> and i know you didn't want to be political, but you have claimed to some politicians. >> i am not blaming anybody by name. i blame what is endemic in our society right now as everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and trying to recognize, that's the job they have to elevate that to make communities better and make people care more. to not tear down communities by exposing them to people that are falling out the bottom that really don't care about other human beings. they can do whatever they like in our society and they are doing it more and more in every community. we are seeing a terrible outfall from it. we don't think they're great. we like them because we think they can do great things. and it shouldn't be about them. they should want to be in that role because they want to survey community. and the community needs love and support. people need to understand what should motivate them in their daily lives. and they are trying to divide people and get angry and everything around us. and it's got to end back. >> you are absolutely. unfortunately, there seemed to be locations and circumstances where for whatever reason, there is often little consequence for crime. and that is our problem we've got to dig ourselves out of, todd. >> no doubt. no doubt at all. 100%. >> as we look at these images of your daughter. you say she should be a model for other young people, because she really had it figured out. >> my daughter grew up and our family was a ton of love. she naturally with three other siblings, there's a lot of competition. she was always trying new things. you can imagine she didn't always succeed at them but everything she did, and she didn't do it right the first time, she tried again. she listed things that she was marking down and working on. the simplest things like learning more about their world geography. learning more about some of our past presidents. learning more about people from other places. testing is to educate herself to try to make her better every day. she cared about the world the same way. whether it be the economy are sustainability or politics or anything like that, she was a great role model. she was very, very caring. she was reserved and quiet and shy at times but other times she would be the life of the party. and she really is the role model. i am so proud of what she had accomplished and where she was going. >> todd, thank you for coming on. is there anything else you want to tell us? >> everybody needs to love each other more. it starts at home. that is really where we all need to improve. we need to embrace good families and good children. we are handing the world to these kids that we have damaged. the only thing we can do is try to give them some love. and then it goes into the community. everyone helps the community, you know, people have bigger thoughts to work on the world. let's start small and let's start at home. just show love to everybody around you and particularly your children. they deserve it. >> todd, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> she was 24 years old. may she rest in peace. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪♪ fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. >> five financial disclosures are public knowledge. and have been so. you are getting amazingly wrong information. >> i cannot find him. where were they be if they are public knowledge? >> it is totally accessible if you want it. >> to the public? >> to the public. you are totally incorrect. >> dr. fauci has answered you that it is public information and he is happy to give it to you. senator. >> remember when dr. anthony fauci called him a after he was pressed on his finances? he revealed the nih director and his wife have $10.4 million in investments at the end of 20/20. more transparency for government employees. the fauci act. joining us right now, in particular, no one says that it is not his. it is an astounding number. >> good morning, brian. i think we are over the target now. dr. fauci lied over three different issues during that hearing including the public availability of his finances. he lied about that. we proved them wrong that they were not publicly available but we were finally able to get them. now we know why he was so defensive, why he was visibly shaking. he made almost $2 million in 2020 while the rest of the economy was shut down, while so many people could not go to work and make a living, he made almost $2 million. he has the highest paid federal employee right now making $430,000 a year, more than the president of the united states. significant investments in china as well. we have great concerns about why he is so defensive about his investments. >> what was your reaction on him calling you a "moron"? >> right. we have all been in those heated moments. i didn't take it personal. the bigger issue is that he was lying to the american public. that is the real issue here. we recently helped a break in that hearing, an issue regarding a viral gain of function that it was funding particular research project at the department of defense refused to fund because they thought it was viral gain of function. he went ahead and went forward and use the health system to help fund the lab to develop a site for the virus. he also won a million dollar prize. did he get that money? >> near as we could tell, it looks like he kept probably about $100,000 of that. we are still trying to dig down a little bit further. >> you said that he lied to the american public. it did he lie into addition to what he said there when he said my financial records are public? any other laws? >> i think there are three issues during that hearing that he misled her lied to the public. in questioning with rand paul, dr. paul brought up basically that dr. fauci covered up how he used his influence in addition to being the highest-paid federal employee in the land, it also distributes $5 million of grants per year. dr. paul's point was that dr. fauci used that influence to change people's mind on the origin of this virus. people who say there is a 70% to 30% chance at this virus was made in a laboratory, suddenly, they are signing a letter dismissing that as a possibility. and they go on to get $15 million of grants later over the next two years. that was number one. number two was the viral gain of function issue as well as the public availability of finance. >> not yet. we have some democrat sponsors on a normal one style commission to get into the origins of covid. that is really where this is leading. we proved our point that dr. fauci lied to the public. it is time to move forward and get to the real truth and start figuring out where this virus came from. >> that would help. thank you so much. >> let's check in with our senior meteorologists. >> here we go again. the cold air is in place across much of the u.s. we even have advisories in place for north florida where it is going to be below freezing tonight and take a look at our next storm system as we go through the next couple of days. this one is going to impact the midsouth, the carolinas, areas that were hit hard by this last storm system. watch this as we go to the next couple of days into friday and saturday. we have all the ingredients for another storm that could perhaps bring ice and snow to georgia, they carolinas up toward the mid atlantic and in toward the northeast. this is the one we are watching over the next couple of days. your latest forecast details. we will certainly keep you posted. i know you will be interested in this one. back to you. >> all right. thanks so much. this story, we cannot get enough of. we have to get to the bottom of this. declassified overnight. it is not good for people in our government. army veteran, but first, let's take a look at bill hemmer with dana perino. >> stunning interview. good morning to you also. the homeless, the mentally ill, crime, stunning murders that leave this connection bear. how do we fix it? bad numbers for democrats and their policies. how where it should they be? another back of the hand given to parents who make a key battleground states. this is not go over well. we will see you guys at the top of the hour. 11 minutes away. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> you got a new classified report revealing that the administration really knew before they withdraw from afghanistan in 2021. the report underscores that american authorities had been alerted that afghanistan's airport should not have the capabilities to survive after we left. it points to u.s. failure to train afghan support staff leaving the air force unable to maintain its aircraft. without air cover, they lose. serving in afghanistan, pete, this whole report was overdue. it was rare to be declassified. this is usually if you declassify something, come out with a declassified version within two months. this took about a year. what do you take from this? >> why did they take a year? because i didn't want to come out. everybody knew what this report said was true at that time and during that time of the disastrous withdrawal. we never had enough training to members of afghan air force. that alone people that i could procure, maintain, provide the technical expertise. this is a backwards country with extremely low literacy rate. we are going to ramp up the type of bowling like infrastructures so they could maintain these helicopters and airplanes. it was never going to happen. everybody knew it wasn't going to happen. the generals knew, the colonel's new come of soldiers knew the white house new, which means either joe biden was willfully blind. he said i don't want to hear it. or they were lying about it from day one. they knew without air power, there is no chance the afghan military holds up. they knew there's no chance the afghan air power stays up and let the the maintenance and training the pilots. it was all a straw man from the beginning into the end. >> from the pentagon over the weekend, they told me, nobody knew how quick they would fall. they probably thought it would eventually fall. do you buy into that? i'm having trouble with that. >> may be a little bit. if we are going to debate over weeks or months. how is not any better? we knew they would fall. we thought it would be a year before the taliban takes over. if you know they are going to fall, it's unacceptable. you better change your approach and strategy. either one is no good. that has been there excuse from beginning. they were going to lose in the fourth quarter. >> can you get our stuff out? $50 billion of military hardware used against us sold off to our enemies. meanwhile, knowing what we just said, now think about this from president biden. >> your military advisors tell you, we should keep 2500 troops has been a stale situation. we can do that and continue to do that. >> no one said that to me that i can recall. if there is an american citizen left, we are going to stay until he got them all out. we went there to get bin laden and to wipe out as best we could and we did the al qaeda and afghanistan. we did it. >> you know what happened later, the general testified and they all to a person said they told him this was going to happen, and they told him to leave people there. this is when his numbers started to crater. >> this was the ultimate revelation of the incompetence of joe biden, the unwillingness and inability to process information. he was obsessed with getting out and a lot of people wanted to get out. he was willing to discard all the other information. the generals courageously pointed out were never willing to throw their rank on the table and say, mr. president, mr. commander in chief, this plan is doomed to fail. i don't want americans to die in the process and i don't want to leave our equipment behind. a total deficit of courage. we look like fools. our equipment is over there. of the taliban is in charge. the idea of islam is on the rise. they think the americans were run out of afghanistan. >> such a political animal. if a high-ranking general was going to his stars on the ground, he knew it would be politically disastrous for him. he probably would have altered his exit plan. i'm really looking forward to the miseducation of america. we have a sound bite here. can you give us an idea of what we are going to expect? speak to the summit is on thursday in richmond, virginia. we are doing a live summits on 9:00 a.m. where we are going to discuss all things education in america. the new series comes out today. it is out right now. it just hit fox nation just about an hour ago. it is about the 100-year takeover of america's schools. each series about 25 minutes. very digestible. you are going to learn something. you are going to be mortified by the depths of the approach the left has taken to take over what our kids learn. here is one small glimpse, one small clip of the education of america. talking about kids doing things they don't even believe. watch this. >> one of the things that bothered me the most was we have heard from so many parents that their kids now are used to writing and papers things they don't believe. so that they can get a decent grade. when mother said my daughter doesn't see anything wrong with this now she has done it so many times. that is a tremendous invasion of individual liberty and freedom of conscience. >> the craziness we see in our schools today is just the tip of the iceberg. it has been happening for years. we spent over a year on this. we interviewed dozens of people and got to the bottom of what the progressives removed from the classroom so they could insert their agenda. it is crazy. i hope parents and grandparents wake up. it's available now. use the promo code "classroom," you can get 90 days free which is plenty of time to watch the whole miseducation of american series and all of brian's specials as well. >> good looking. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> it's available right now on fox nation. you can stream it live on fox nation thursday. go to the classroom and get a 90 day free trial. we've got 27 seconds left. final thoughts. >> i'm thinking about going to cocoa beach later today just to walk in the steps of the "i dream of jeannie" cast. >> any idea what he means? >> and visit this surf shop. i want to compliment you on the excellent interview that you did with the father. she was murdered in california. >> >> republicans seeing their highest level of popularity in three decades. it's tuesday, i'm bill hemmer. how are you doing, dana? >> dana: i'm dana perino, "america's newsroom." a year ago today i put my shoes on the wrong feet, went down to the studio to do our first show together. happy anniversary to you and to my feet. >> bill: that's great. to your feet. you still got them and putting them on the right way.

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Train , Nyu , Three , Part , Stuff , Fear , Greg Gutfeld , Time , Homeless Guy , Monologue , Rap Sheet , Streets , Idea , Homelessness , Fix Anything , Crazies , Republican , Women , Activity , Fish Swim , Bears , Water , Woods , Deranged Wander , World , Cop , Warriors , Movies , Kid , Gangs , Violence , Lines , Asian , Sudden Impact , Wall , System , Justice , Video , Great Monologue , Halloween Movies Combined , Vs , President , Burger King , Reparations , Visa , Apartment Building , Problem , Case , Executive Action , Police Reform , Police Don T , Pandemic , Hate Crime , Members , Attacks , Candlelight Vigil , Asians , Eric Adams , Organization , Injustice , Mental Health Plan , Fighting , Executive Director , Times Square , 00 , Lives , Somebody , Prison , Rest , Group , Medication , Offense , Sended , Todd Kupfer , Counseling , Brianna , Last Thursday , Death , Sad , Quotation , 30 , 8 , Hospital System , Bus Stop , Nurse , Others , 70 , Hospital , Head , U Hauls , The Way , Comments , Mayor , Texas , Subway System , Under Fire , Critics , Ubers , Subways , Perception , Anyone , Sit On The Bench , Up , Many , Support , Law Enforcement Officers , Police Ebb Presence , Everywhere , Sunways , Top , Estate , Sleeve , Co Owner , Coming Up , Golden State Warriors , 11 , Response , Fire , Dig , Crisis , Country Song , Enes Kanter Freedom , Guitars , Liberty Mutual , Urance , Airliner , Turn , Mucinex , Pay , Kim , Record , Congestion , Hang On , Australia , Ooo , Tex , Save It Slimeball , 12 , 3 , Asthma , Nunormal , Nucala , Doctor , Infections , Breathing , Face , Help , Reactions , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Trouble , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Back Pain , Headache , Fatigue , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Injection Site Reactions , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Service , Business Owner , Data Plans , Data , Mind , Gig , Business , Internet , Customers , Contracts , Term , Line Activation Fees , Network , 500 , Headlines , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Shooter , Hostages , Rabbi Crediting , Saturday Night , Malik Fizzle Akram , Men , Chair , Terrorist , Authorities , Connection , Arrests , Teenagers , Sons , United Kingdom , State Of Hawaii , Couple , Definition , Encounter , Developments , Governor , Effect , Change , Newspaper , Shots , Booster , Honolulu Star Advertiser , Quarantine , Dose , Vaccines , Doses , Travelers , Pfizer , 1st Nfl , Johnson , The L A Rams , Moderna , Matthew Stratford , Career Win , Rout , Arizona Cardinals , 34 , Season , Round , Team , Playoffs , 49ers , Bengals , On Sunday , Tennessee , Tom Brady , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Titan , 49 , Will , Playoff Raider Game , Packers , Game On Fox , Aaron Rodgers , Rams , Zone , The End , In Afghanistan , Government , Collapse , Politician , Wasn T True , Pentagon , Report , Generals , Disaster , President Order , A P , The Inspector General , Pushbacked , Name , Reconstruction , Troops , Inspector , He , Department Of Defense , John Supco , January 21 , 21 , Air Force , Failure , Contractors , Staff , Capabilities , Everybody , Deal , Inspector General , Training , Fighting Force , Wouldn T , Equipment , Air Cover , Wasn T , Type , Look , Guys , Version , Special Withdrawal , Five , Associated Press , Public , Somebody Somewhere , Secret , White House , Ton , Technicians , Story , Afghan Air Force , Flying , Dough , 15 Billion , 415 Billion , Led , Airport , 2500 , Marines , Airplane , Soldier , Melee , Brave Americans , 13 , Images , Side , Baby , Aircraft , Fence , Barbed Wire , Planes , Image , Suicide Bombing , Shows , Risk , Individuals , Lifetime , Hadn T , Plan , Door , Taliban , Rush , Knock , Administration , Watchdog Group , Aid , Maintenance , Situation , Military Adviser , Flashback , Citizens , Reasons , Bin Laden , Number One , Levels , Al Qaeda , Numbers , Anybody , General , Interviews , George Stephanopoulos , Truth , Pivot , Let , Groups , Sponsors , Winter Olympics , Human Rights Groups , 4th , Diplomats , Beijing , 4 , 4th Of February , Rate , Games , Competition , Athletes , Venues , Checks , Steam , Chains , Organs , Genocide , Put , Tibet , Hong Kong , Hills Company , Comment , Proctor And Gamble , Corporations , Air B , German , Most , Journalism , The Warriors , Nbc , Venture Capitalist , Podcast , Listener , Chamath Palihapitiya , Listen , Line , Care , Don T Care , Dime , Fact , Class , Economy , Healthcare Infrastructure , Climate Change , Bunch , Segment , China Invades , Taiwan , Co Host , Nobody Cares , Labor , Goods , Fan , Import , Cut Aways , Relistening , Human Rights , Set , Issues , Experience , Belief , Refugee , Empathy , It Didn T , Elsewhere , Stop , Social Media , Citizen , Freedom , Canter To Freedom , Turkey , Word , Persecution , Tucker , Social Capital , Recordings , Virtue Signal , Values , Question , Cpc Propaganda , Concentration Camps , Bombing , Tragicfully , World Politics , Trump , Equities , Opportunity , Beirut , Place , Outrage , Upset , Soldiers , Last Night , Mic , Muslim , Quran , Littlist , Movie , Somewhere , Embassy , Officers , Increase , Nothing , Study , Unbelievable , Millions , Killing , Holocaust , Siege , Entresto , Law Enforcement Panel , Cardiologists , Safe , Heart Failure Brand , One Million , Side Effects , Angioedema , Ace Inhibitor , Ace , Harm , Aliskiren , Arb , Blood , Pro , Potassium , Kidney Problems , Blood Pressure , Joe Montana , Patience , Nonsense , Inefficiency , Hi , 65 , Wellcare , Medicare , Prescription , Copays , Primary Care , Cost , Pros , Pocket , Benefits , Items , Flex Card , Vision , Dental , Toothpaste , Over The Counter Allowance , Cold Remedies , Mouthwash , Insurance , Member , Montana , Hearing Expenses , Quarterback , Joe The Pro , Social Security Check , Hassles , Few , Prescriptions , Any , Visits , Premiums , 0 , , Call , Number , Enrollwellcare Com , Website , Screen , Wellcare Guide Today , 26 , Tre Pennie , Sergeant Of Arms Michael Simonelli , Spokeswoman , Betsy Smith , Dallas , National Police Association Sergeant , 9 11 , Trey , Job , Protection , Work , Bail Release Stuff , Jail , Circle , Turnstile , Policy Cycle , Whirlwind , There San Assault , Cops , Crimes , Risk Crimes , Assassination , Quality , Tourists , Bratton , Bill De Blasio , Red Light District , 202014 , Opposite , Front , Hill , Zombies , Aren T The Problem , Betsy , Understanding , 2020 , Narrative , Police Officers , National Police Association , Lack , Law Enforcement , Cash Bail , Prosecution , Lawless Zone Set Up , Autonomous Zone , Minneapolis Police Policedepartment Go On Fire , Seattle , Executive Orders , Reform , Worry , Lesson , Brooklyn , What S Happening In Society , Cities , States , Murder Rate , Category , Austin , Agenda , Rich Or Poor , All Of Us , Whole , Train Wreck , Somebody A Tawnelling , Defund , Academies , Mistake , Police Movement , Criminality , Cycle , Theme , Civilians , Culture , Countries , Baltimore , D A S In St , Murder Rates , Soros , Louis , El Salvador , 100000 , Experts , Triangle , Ms 13 , Philadelphia , San Francisco , Homicide , Party , More , African Americans , Target , Ballot Box , 2022 , Shelves , Stores , Supply Chain Shortages , Impact , Farmer , Retirement , Investments , Plant Burgers , Twins , Guidance , Voya , Nice , Em , Vegan , Events , Crowd , Investors , History , Markets , Landscape , Unforeseeable , Potential , Asset , Gold , Returns , Path , Adults , Botox , Treatment , Headaches , Migraine , 15 , 10 , Eye Problems , Injection , Effects , Muscle Weakness , Symptoms , Speaking , Sample , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Medications , Conditions , Neck , Pain , Skin Infection , Site , Signs , Condition , Muscle , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Users , Survey , Sooner , Plus , Zero , Zero Dollars , 92 , Grocery Store , Demand , Shortages , Costs , Shelf , Freight , Shipping , Omicron , 23 , Produce , Shane Meyers , Ceo , What Shay , Factors , Truckers , Supply Chain Issue , Shipping Point , Product , Destination , Company , Onions , Load , Coast To , 6000 , 000 , 7000 , 0000 , 17 , 20000 , Lettuce , Strawberries , Choice , Market , Shelf Life , Parishables , Consumer , 7 , Fashion , Thestles , Haven T , Widges , Delay , Shipment , Perishables , Sounds , Janice Dean , Onion , Shay Meyers , Nor Easter , Little , Georgia , Northeast , Way , Take A Look , Air , South , Southwards , Temperature Swings , Cold , Gulf Coast , Minus 20 , Picture , Lake Effect Snow , Average , 5 , Weather Maker , Winter , Ice , West , Mix , Plains , Mississippi , Tennessee River Valley , Back To School , Right , Middle , Person Learning , College Students , Return , Chicago , J D , Education , Something Else , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Sound Engineer , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Refresh , Chicken , Honey Mustard , Rotisserie , Gonna , Footlongs , Tangy , Steph Curry , Gillettelabs , Stroke , Shave , Gentle Exfoliation , Exfoliating Bar , Shaving , Car Insurance , Cowboys , Senior Editor Mitchell Robison , Classes , High School , College Experience , Senior , Prom , Sophomore , College , Demographic , Transition , Half , Peers , Point , Learning , Demands , Cases , Student Omicron Cases , Omicron Variant , Inperson Learning , Students , Health Risks , Health Risk , Tuition , Suicide , Age , Goal , Course , Kind , Facilities , Portions , Travel , Flights , Use , Reimbursement , Student Benefits , Access , University , Start , Burden , Notice , Got Gym , Ains Mitchell , Instruction , Counts , Campus , University Community , Residence Hall , Peak , Omicron Infection , Vo , Technology , Windshield , Resources , Safelite Autoglass , Singers , Safelite Repair , Hearing , Starts , Fullest , Difference , Obligation , Miracle Ear , Trial , Miracle Earmini , Thirty , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Love Event , Charities , Retailers , Subaru , And , Car , Charity , Jeff , Robert , None , Bonnie , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Allergies , Spraying Flonase , Good , Efforts , Psst , Bill , Trains , Voting , King , Dr , Isn T A Voting Rights , Election System , Cargo Containers , Inspiration , Filibuster Reform Today , Union Pacific , Law And Order , 160 , 37 , Accountability , Investigations , Loudoun County Public Schools , Duty , Spear , Meanted , Transparency , Odell Beckham Jr , Taking , Big Win At Home , Sleeping , Super Bowl , Cocoa Peach Beach , Degrees , 48 , Bottle , Genie , Bell Lois , Major Nelson , Barbara Eden , Cocoa Beach , On The Beach , Florida Surf Museum , Cape Canaveral , Advantage , Healy , Childhood , Crew , Fray , 50 , Ability , Wishes , Beverly Hillbillies , Petty Coat Junction , Prime Time , Memories , Astronaut , Beach , Syndication , Professor , Nasa , Middle School , Disney World , Surfing T Shirts , Kay , Schools , Surf Shop , Ron Johnson , Ron John T Shirts , Outfits Baggy T Shirts , Geniefor , Shirts , Jeans , Baggy , Mom , Tm Without Paying A , Nose , Bewitched , Ago Nez Moorehead , On Bewitched , Contract Problem , Lionel , Lioness , Lionesses , Jeffersons , United States Senate , Peter Doocy , Issue , Note Go To Washington Live Look On Capitol Hill , Display , Laughter , Goal Gling , Washington D C , January Of 2022 , Voting Rights , Senators , Vice President , Project , Message , 100 , Words , Responsibility , Floor , Insult , Specific , Constitution Of The United States , Oath , Bernie Sanders , Democracy , Will Manchin , Matter , Sinema , Bill Die , Precedent , Isn T About Voting Rights , Per Se , Doesn T Sell , Whiskey , Judgment , Press Conference , Microphone , Station , Sisters , Infrastructure Talk , Thomas The Tank Engine , Binder , 100 Bucks , Democrats , Spot , Legislation , Threat , Action , Election , Methods , Mr , Special Report , Brit Hume , Bret Baier , Last , Emergency Voting Regulations , Law , Resistance , Measure , Disagreement , Bull Conner , Jefferson Davis , Americans Aren T , Illegals , Fraud , Times , Polls , Way You Wouldn T Have , I D , Country , Voter Suppression , Yes , Race Card , Drop Boxes , Changes , Delaware , Isn T The President , Is , Stance , Loss , Jeopardy , Mark Kelly , Left , Interest , Maggie , New Hampshire , Nancy Pelosi , Martin Luther , Rights , Luck , Kamala Harris , Lawmakers , Which , Letter , Freight Trains , Wild West , Cash Bail Policy , Courts , Charges , Booking , Misdemeanor , Fee , Desperation Move , Court , Suspects , Frame , Revictimization , Ups , Workmen , Package , Amazon , Looters , Cargo Train , Engine , Tons , Garbage , Siding , Bolt Cutters , Los Angeles County , Anywhere , Theft , 350 , Agents , Rail Agents , Cash , Employees , Supply Chain , Impacting , Thinking , Rail Heads , Port , America S Cargo , Isn T He , Packages , Toys , Electronics , No One , Train Derailment , Tests , Epipens , Cars , Designer Goods , Covid , Boxes , Construction Worker , Train Tracks , Hundreds , Terrible , Pages , Anti Work , Boss , Headline , User , Resignation Letter , Screen Shotting , Jobs , Texting , Reddit , 1 6 Million , October Of 2020 , 180000 , List , Workers , Restaurant Workers , Tire Place , Resignation Solidarity , 4 5 Million , Movement , Movements , Ad , Capitalism , Best , Process , Bed , Who , Genzers , Labor Participation Rate , Level , Food , Goldman Sachs , Damage Effects , Thread , Epic Screen Shots , Heroes , Page , Figure , Lers , Program , Paycheck , Email , 90000 , Computer , Doreen Ford , Break , Mortgages , Payments , Limit , Bills , Reddit Page , Rent , Idollers , They Don T Care , Answering , Leftists , Article , Nothing Else , Ferris Bueller 2 0 , 80000 , 2 0 , Profile Investigations , Socialist , Virginia , Arc , Aoc , Its , Tough , Ran On , Glenn Youngkin , Jason Miyares , Fox Friends First , Investigation , Loudoun County , On , Sexual Assault , Parole Board , Americans , Preference , Shift , Gallup Sur Varks , Majority , 2021 , Lead , Aisle , 47 , 42 , 1995 , Controversy , Metric , Transgender U Penn , Olympic Champion , Lia Thomas , Edge , Skin , Sports , Field , Ncaa , Secretary Of State , Guidelines , Ukraine , Tensions , Immigrant , Congresswoman Victoria Spartz , Russia Escalate , Antony Blinken , Softness , Add Downy , Wash , Freshness , Downy , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Combination , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Spread , Positive , Egfr , Pd L1 , Immune System , Yervoy , Gene , Opdivo , Cancer , Ways , Alk , Problems , Breath , Nausea , Shortness , Tiredness , Parts , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Dizziness , Fainting , Cough , Rash , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Confusion , Weakness , Itching , Appetite , Thirst , Fever , Flushing , Urine , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Chest Radiation , Ready , Save , Sale , Trials , Backing , Installation , Prepaid Card , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Value , Voice , 4 99 , 24 7 , 64 99 , Possibilities , Ukrainian Immigrant , Russians , Indiana , Fox News , Antony Blinken Set Toe Meet In Kiev , Murphy , Sides , React , Kramer All Go Over There , Shaheen , Blumenthal , Senator Wicker , Klobuchar , Senator Portman , Ukrainians , Adversaries , Memorandum , Arsenal , Budapest , 1994 , Agreement , Commitment , Russia , Assurances , Weapons , Energy Policy , Control , Talk , Europe , Proliferation , Nato , Walk , Meeting , Spokesperson , Western Europe , Vladimir Putin , Concerns , Account , Border , Territory , Military Infrastructure , Guarantees , Writing , Commitments , Security , Power House , Paper , Arena , Discussion , Venezuela , Cuba , Socialism , Freedoms , Soviet Union , Instability , Regimes , Nukes , Example , North Korea , Invasion , New Mexico , Flower Shop Owner , State Leaders , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Weight , Heart Disease , Don T Take Ozempic , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Reuse , Share , Pens , Vision Problems , Reaction , Insulin , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , 25 , Naj , Clients , Fisher Investments , Money Manager , Backs , Fiduciary , Fees , Bitcoin , 10000 , Council , Tech Economy , Region , Nonprofit , Arkansas , 250000 , 36000 , 50000 , Muhammed Ali , Robe , Sleepers , Sleeping Aids , Sleep Junky Review , Rematch , Auction , Bidding , 165 , Savings Account , Thief , Break In , Delivery Van , Tools , Session , Flower Shop , Lisa Velarde , Signature , Lisa , Cameras , Here We Go Again , Crime Scene Investigators , Alarm , Alarms , Manner , Shops , Corner , Shop , Doors , Ugh , Claim , Insurance Company , Cart , Stage , Anniversaries , Neighborhood , West Side , Attitude , Blocks , Van , Tires , Manufacturing Company , Work Life Balance , Ohio New Market , Labor Shortage , The World Today , Worries , Dupixent , Du , Teamwork , Walks , Yardwork , Types , Add On , Asthma Attacks , Lung Function , Steroids , Numbness , Don T Change , Anaphylaxis , Tingling , Limbs , Asthma Treatments , Infusions , Scent , Mood , Migraine Medicine , 52 , Ubrelvy , Pill , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Cgrp Protein , Abbvie , Inhibitors , Cause , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Moms , Employers , Creative Tusco Display , Stay , One Ohio Manufacturing , Employee , Britney , Margaret , Tusco Display Mike , Gap , Find , Mike , Kids , Cooking , Schedule , Basis , Dollar Tree , Recruitings , School , Off , Boys , Husband , Activities , Bus , Manufacturers Haven T , Manufacturers , Plant , Factory , Patient , Production , Congratulations , Calibrations , Audits , Ladies , Storm , Janice , Feet , Senior Meteorologist , Snowfall Totals , Weather Forecast , Weekend , Carolinas , Ohio , Clipper System , Attention , Wind Speeds , Nor Easter Close To Hurricane Force Winds , Maine , Upper Midwest , Areas , Storm System , Mid Atlantic , Regions , Friends , Speed Dial , Back To You , Team Owner , Advice , Heartless Remark , Wow , Customization , Ten , 2016 , 14 , 01 , 68 , 61 , 24 Euros , 63 Billion , 2250 , 163 Billion , 12250 , 5900 , 45900 , 2 3 , Million , 2 Million , 22 Million , 101 , 125 Million , 25 Million , February 15th , 16 , 10 4 Million , 0 4 Million , 430000 , 30000 , A Million Dollar , A Million , 00000 , 5 Million , 15 Million , 665 , 665 Dollars , 0 Billion , 50 Billion , 90 , 27 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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elections fall flat. >> getting rid of the 60 vote threshold would be like giving whisk can i and car keys to a teenage boy. ♪ it's intercepted. reader got the hit on murray. safety for 2 instead of 6. and it's a rams touchdown. ♪ i belong with you ♪ you belong with me. >> ainsley: good tuesday morning. what a beautiful shot of somerset, pennsylvania. there is snow on the ground. the christmas tree is up. the american flag is flying. somerset county has been called the roof garden of pennsylvania as well as the land of milk and maple. known for agriculture, coal mining, wind farnls and various industries. a high of 24 degrees there today. a low of 18. good morning, brian and steve. everyone at home. >> brian: i will tell you what, ainsley, i just don't know the zip code. i know a lot i don't know the zip code of the area. i would love to send a postcard to let them know what new york is like being that we know it's snowy there. welcome, get ready for a big tuesday. tuesday like a monday, steve, to a degree. >> steve: that's right. it is a tuesday that feels a lot like a monday because a lot of people had yesterday off. but we are back at it thank you very much for joining us on this tuesday edition of "fox & friends." we have got lots of news that starts right now. there's a -- you know, one of the things we have been talking about that is facing joe biden is the crime surge across the country. what is particularly troubling about, for instance, the crime in new york city is it is so random. you just don't know when something is going to happen. we are going to tell you two stories this morning. the first one we start out in california, in los angeles. a aclu graduate student working at upscale furniture store her name briana. she was supposed to later in the day fly out of l.a. to go to new york to jfk to celebrate a friend's birthday. but about 1:40 in the afternoon, apparently a homeless man walked in to the store she was working at, an upscale furniture store called croft house. walked in and knifed her. and about 20 minutes later, her dead body was discovered by a customer. it's interesting, apparently they are now able to connect some of the dots and this homeless person walked in to a chiropractor just before he stabbed her, says the suspect walked in the office shortly before the stabbing, asked about orthopedics, had some other questions and then left. and then, ainsley, they are still searching for the suspect. and there is no motive. it appears random. >> ainsley: that is what is so horrifying for every american. because this could happen to your child this could happen to us. all she was doing was working by herself in a luxury furniture store. and this guy walks in and then leaves out of the back door. he is wearing a hoody. he is wearing n-95 mask. police are looking for him. they think he might be a homeless guy. he didn't steal anything. like you said 20 minutes later a customer comes in and finds her. >> brian: there he is. >> ainsley: the l.a. d.a. george gascon. there is the guy walking in the alley. promising these sweeping criminal justice reforms. tmg he is putting the criminals over the safety of the community. that young lady's fathered to cup father he is going going toe on the show later on. we have a lot of criminals on the street that shouldn't be out. we have a lot of politicians that somehow forgot about people and think the key to getting elected is to support the lowest rung of our society and to give them rights and somehow that's the answer to getting votes. we need to champion daughter as a beacon of what is wrong and make sure that people recognize that because it could be their children next. it's just an impossible price to pay. brian and steve, she has a sister. her sister is her best friend. her sister is going through a really hard time. she leaves behind pro two brothers. mother and father. there is the gorgeous family. she had a bucket list on her phone she mapped out all her aspirations and plans for her life. that came to a an abrupt and tragic end because this guy was free and decided to randomly attack her. >> brian: she gets killed for absolutely no reason. d.a. that thinks criminal first. you have a homeless population taken over the general population where it's totally unsafe to walk in places when i lived out there, you would walk around and see some homeless, wow, i guess the weather is so good you can't really help it back then you would go to an atm four penal hovering around you asking for money. i thought that was horrific. i was out there a year ago through everything being locked up. they have taken over. it is like an engrained city within a city. i don't know when people are going to say why am i paying all these taxes and why are these -- why is this subsociety able to thrive and now they are actually lashing out and killing people. obviously a lot of have them mental illness as does this guy marshall simon. this guy is about 40 years old. he is on the street and he decides i'm going to go into the subway. i'm going to try to find someone to throw onto the tracks on saturday about 9:40. and he sees one woman and she this guy looks a little weird and i'm backing up. she does. he quickly walks over to this over woman michelle goh a 40-year-old graduate student who graduated from nyu. this lunatic how are seeing right now screaming out i am god. i am god. throws her on the tracks at the perfect time to kill her. then hops on the same train goes three stops down and turns himself in. homeless guy with a long, huge rap sheet. greg gutfeld all this stuff last night and put this in part of his monologue. >> greg: what a great time to be alive if you are criminally deranged because you got us. you paperrized our weak leaders with the fear of being smeared as racist or worse, a republican. if they try to fix anything. so they now accept the idea that random crazies can murder innocent people. especially on the streets. where homelessness is the go-to choice by unhinged people and unhinged person will likely commit unhinged activity. fish swim in water. bears roam the woods and criminally deranged wander the streets punchingation women and thanks to progressive d.a.s it will happen again. another asian woman killed. when i was a kid i saw movies like warriors, sudden impact. gangs roamed and committed inexplicable violence. it was good cop against evil criminals. the lines were clearly drawn. in our world today, it's good cop vs. criminals and also vs. the corrupt justice system which is scarier than all of the halloween movies combined. >> brian: great monologue. i will add this. the beginning video you saw jamaican guy here two years on expired visa walked into a burger king and shot this woman dead. when he was brought out of his apartment building because someone ided him he was screaming out reparations, horrible things about america. the president of the united states sees all of this and says i have an idea, i know how to address what matters most. i am going to use executive action on police reform, steve. yeah. police reform. police are the problem. >> steve: well, in new york, regarding the case of michelle goh, police don't think it's a hate crime. but there are members of her community who say, you know, since the pandemic started there have been a lot of attacks on asians. there will be a candlelight vigil for her tonight in times square at 6:00. and the organization asians fighting injustice are demanding that eric adams have a coherent mental health plan. the executive director of that group said i don't believe it is ethical to sended mentally ill to prison for the rest of their lives. but, if somebody commits a violent offense they should not be released onto the streets without medication and counseling. but they are. and that is a big problem. not only in new york but in los angeles as well. we are going to have brianna's dad, the young woman who was murdered last thursday. her father todd kupfer is going to join us at 8:30 this morning on "fox & friends." it will be interesting. we did hear him say ainsley, when you read that quotation he blamed the local politicians for the death of his daughter. and that is sad. >> ainsley: and you know on that same day, on thursday, there was a lady, she is 70-year-old nurse in l.a. and she has been helping others for decades at the hospital system there. she was attacked at the bus stop in l.a. and the guy threw her down and/or hit her in the face and she fell down. she hit her head. and she ended up dying sunday in the hospital there in l.a. and then if you read these stories, so many people are leaving california. they can't even get u-hauls now in california for the one way trip down to texas or wherever they might be going. eric adams is under fire. he is the new mayor here in new york city. and he made comments about the subway system and said that they're safe and critics are upset with him because he says fed the perception that the subways are dangerous. you talk to anyone here in new york city. and they are trying to get ubers but ubers are very expensive so it's forcing them to take the subways because it's a lot cheaper but they want to -- i was talking to a young lady in her 20's here in new york yesterday. she said her mother said if you have to take the subway, sit on the bench, do not get near the tracks until the subway pulls up, because they are terrified that something like this could happen to them, too. >> brian: there is a bigger police ebb presence in the sunways i have noticed but they can't be everywhere. >> ainsley: so many people resigned because they are not getting the support from local leaders. so many of our law enforcement officers who are out there courageously trying to keep our streets safe but it's a tough job. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, one state is changing what it means to be fully vaccinated, with you you could soon be forced to roll up your sleeve again. the co-owner of the golden state warriors is under fire for disgusting dig at the uyghur crisis in china. you will hear the response from enes kanter freedom. ♪ we're coming to your city ♪ ♪ going to play our guitars and sing you a country song. ♪ we'll all be higher an an airliner ♪ urance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. only pay for what you need. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. 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that rabbi crediting active shooter with saving hostages. he threw a chair at the terrorist and that allowed them enough time to escape. this as authorities in the united kingdom make two arrests of teenagers in connection with with the deadly standoff saturday night in texas. the young men are reportedly the sons of malik fizzle akram who died during the hours' long encounter. so stay tuned for the developments perhaps later today. meanwhile, hawaii may soon change its definition of fully vaccinated to include a couple of shots and a booster. the governor told the honolulu star advertiser the newspaper out there he is considering the change it would not immediately go into effect so people would adjust their plans right now to enter the state of hawaii travelers need have both doses of pfizer or moderna vaccines or one dose of the johnson & johnson it shot to skip a mandatory quarantine. and in the nfl the l.a. rams are moving on after 34 to 11 rout of the arizona cardinals. l.a. quarterback matthew stratford that is to say getting his first career win in his 1st nfl season in the playoffs. his team will now face tom brady and the tampa bay buccaneers on sunday. the divisional round gets started with the bengals taking on the top seeded tennessee titan once saturday. then at night the 49ers take on aaron rodgers and the packers. you can watch that game on fox. will. >> brian: round one of the playoff raider game they lost. we will see what happens next weekend and the reason why you see the rams play that one play by was horrific in the end zone. let's bring this out. we were told by the longest time when we were talking about afghanistan nobody anticipated the collapse of the afghan government. nobody in the pentagon. not a politician, not republican or democratic. we knew that wasn't true. and we knew they were ill prepared and we knew the president order and pushbacked from the generals and knew it was going to be a disaster. they didn't anticipate it being this quick, perhaps. did you, but, again, look at this report. the a.p. shows that this report, although it's very late and now reveals by the inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction his name is john supco he submitted to the department of defense in january '21 that you right now if you withdraw our troops from afghanistan, the inspector reveals that the afghanistan air force did not have the capabilities to survive after the u.s. withdrew. and particularly reports the u.s. failure to train the afghan support staff. what they wanted to do is keep the contractors there. but, no, the president of the united states says no, we have got pull everybody out. it's really no big deal. they have a huge fighting force. they have plenty of equipment. we gave them all this training. but wouldn't you know the inspector general knew all along and so did other people that the afghanistan air force that was supposed to provide the air cover for what was left of their fighting force did not exist and wasn't even maintained. this is outrageous. and do you know what is even more outrageous? it is rare for this type of report to be classified. when it is classified, within two months a declassified version had to get out. guys, it's been five months and now it gets out. they are doing a holistic look at afghanistan, special withdrawal. this is just the beginning, i sense, of the disaster that they knew about and could care less about and hoped we would forget about. >> well, it is suspicious that, you know, as usually is the case with these inspector general reports, they are out within two months it took over a year for it to be made public. that makes it look like somebody somewhere was trying to keep it a secret as long as they possibly could. but now the associated press has got the story out that apparently the white house was warned, hey, look, if you want the afghan air force to be flying, they need technicians, ainsley, but they could not find them. they tried, and we pumped a ton of dough into that country. the united states spent $415 billion on reconstruction of the country. we spent over a trillion dollars in military. and then you had the president in april announce that you know, we are going to pull out the 2500 remaining men and women who about defending that country who worked for the united states of america. which ultimately left -- led to that collapse at the airport where 13 brave americans, mainly marines and soldier as well all lost their lives because it was such a melee where people were just running for their lives trying to get on an airplane. >> ainsley: yeah, we will never forget those images of people clinging to the side of u.s. aircraft trying to get out for a better life. we will never forget the images of the baby being tossed over that barbed wire fence because a mother had to give up her child right there. you see the image because that child would be safer getting on one of those planes. we will never forget the images of what it looked like after the suicide bombing where our 13 americans were killed and these images were just for risk. something that we hadn't seen, at least in my lifetime. and it was something that i will never forget that no one will ever forget and to know and to hear the stories of all those individuals that were on our shows of the fear that they felt when they got the knock on the door and they knew the taliban was on the other side of the door or the stories we would hear about people being pulled out into the streets and gunned down. we left in such rush, we pulled our troops out without a plan and here we are being told this morning that this watchdog group warned the administration that this could happen. they knew that this could happen. and they needed american aid. they needed training. they needed maintenance. the afghanistan air force could not survive if we left. they were told. here's a flashback of joe biden, our president, when asked if he was warned about afghanistan and what would happen. >> your military adviser did not tell you no, we should not just keep 2500 troops. it's been a stable situation the last several years. we can do that and we can continue to do that. >> no, no one said that to me if i can recall. if there is american citizens left we are going to stay until we get them all out. we went there for two reasons. one, to get bin laden and two, to wipe out as best we could and we did the al-qaeda in afghanistan. we did it. >> brian: he lied on so many levels. number one, they did tell him. his generals would testify weeks later and even george stephanopoulos in the interviews could not even believe his answer had to force him to say i would not leave anybody behind. he left everybody behind. his general told him. he left anyway. and thankfully the american people, especially democrats have a standard and his numbers have not recovered since then. and do you want to know why his first year was such a disaster? he was revealed at that moment. lied right there, was not even told the truth. did not even look at his own inspector general report. let's pivot. the president of the united states is not going to send any diplomats but he will not boycott the olympics, the winter olympics in beijing that start on the 4th of february. but, there is groups out there, human rights groups who are saying why are you allowing corporate sponsors? why are it corporate sponsors writing checks to beijing horrific genocide games? i mean, the athletes are great. the competition is tremendous. i'm sure the venues will be top rate. but this is a country that has smothered tibet. steam rolled hong kong. if put them in chains and used harvesting their organs. it's genocide right now among the uyghurs. what is pretty amazing is corporations like air b and n. proctor and gamble. decline comment on why they are not talking humanitarian groups the german financial company has said okay i will listen to you and see what you have to say. most of them are just going to advertise anyway. nbc is going to broadcast anyway. >> we have curious to see if they are going to do any legitimate journalism over there. so there is a part-time owner of the warriors, he is part owner chamath palihapitiya. he is a venture capitalist. he was asked, listen, what about going to the games? do you think we should be going over there? listener to what he said on the all-in podcast. >> nobody cares about what's happening to the uyghurs, okay? >> you bring it up because you think people care. the rest of us don't care. >> we have hard i many i'm telling hard ugly truth. okay? of all the things i care about, yes, it is below my line. i care about the fact that our economy could turn on a dime if china invades taiwan. i care about that. i care about climate change. i care about a bunch -- i care about america's crippling and decrepit healthcare infrastructure. but if you are asking me i do care about a segment of a class of people in another country, no until we can take care of ourselves will i prioritize them over us. >> steve: nobody cares about the uyghurs he said right there. what he was responding to the co-host who you saw in that -- in those cut aways, he had just praised president biden for his decision to ban the import of goods made through forced labor by the uyghurs in china. that's what he was talking about. after it hit the fan, the same guy, who is the venture capitalist and part owner as well of the warriors. he had this -- he had to walk it back and this is what he said. he said in relistening to this week's podcast, i recognize that i came across as lacking empathy. i acknowledge that entirely as a refugee my family fled a country with its own set of human rights issues so this is something that is very much a part of my lived experience. to be clear, my belief is that human rights matter whether in china, the united states, or elsewhere full stop. and, ainsley, that's the problem. it didn't sound like he really thought that was the case at all. >> ainsley: yeah. that's why he is walking it back because so many people have attacked him on social media for those comments and the organization has said that he does not represent how they feel. so, eaten necessary kanter freedom. you remember him. he became an american citizen and he changed his name he changed his name from canter to freedom. he can't go back home to turkey. he loves america. he stands up for persecution and for injustice all around the word. and here is what he had to say with tucker. >> you know, the funny thing is, this guy owns a company called-actually i have it right here called social capital where they pretend to care about social values and this is a virtue signal and i have all the recordings here with me. he pretends to care about others but the only thing he cares about is money and promoting the cpc propaganda. makes me sick how he uses justice to promote hills company. ask a question if your mother, your daughter sister was in concentration camps and getting tortured and gang raped every day, would you still think about money? would you still remain silent? i want him to answer that question. >> brian: and he can't. he has got steve kerr whose dad died tragicfully a bombing in beirut who understands world politics is to quick to criticize president trump so quick to criticize america and equities in our society. where is he standing up to take on his owner at this hour? i'm not sure if he is going to have an opportunity. if he had a mic in his face last night. i would love to have people stand up to say i was horrified by what i heard. especially is this the same muslim community that would get upset if one of our soldiers left a quran in the wrong place? where is the muslim outrage around the world that would try to burn our embassy because of a third rate movie that was shot somewhere in america? whatever happened to those groups that were so outraged about the littlist offense? there is millions right now living in a holocaust situation and there is nothing. unbelievable. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead. american police are under siege. new study finds there was increase in killing of officers. that happened last year. our law enforcement panel will weigh in on how to keep those officers safe. ♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. hi i'm joe montana. or high blood potassium. when you get to be 65, you have little patience for nonsense and inefficiency. you know what works and 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this bail release stuff, release it's these criminals back into society, these officers are doing double work. never arresting somebody one week and the next week they are back out of prison or jail and these officers are making the sage arrests all over again as a policy cycle going circle and whirlwind for these officers. >> brian: some people say he jumped a turnstile no big deal there san assault. they steal something, not much money. it's no big deal. these these small crimes toledo who are risk crimes like the assassination of cops? >> absolutely. we have seen it in new york city. new york city broke -- they cracked down on quality of life crimes under mayor giuliani and police commissioner bratton and they taking it from red light district from having tourists all over the world come to new york because they cleaned it up. as bill de blasio came in 202014 the exact opposite happened. it's gone down hill and dangerous and resembling a third world country where have you people being pushed in front of subways and homeless people wandering around like zombies stabbing people. he. >> brian: look at these numbers, betsy, 11 ambushed and unprovoked officers kill in 2020. that's substantial. but i really feel in the last year people are starting to sober up an understanding cops aren't the problem. everyone can get better at their job we get it from me on down. i thought we began to lighten up on that. the numbers don't reveal we have. >> and that's a be pro, brian, people have got to be loud about fighting that false narrative that police officers are the problem. that's what we are trying to do at the national police association. but this is the thing. our public says we need more police and we support the police. but our politicians are continuing to double down on this false narrative that somehow law enforcement is the problem. and we combine that with the lack of prosecution, releasing people early from prison. no cash bail. all of these woke policies that just can further this childish narrative that somehow if we keep people out of jail, they will become good citizens. it's not happening. and america is paying the price and so is american law enforcement. >> brian: you see the autonomous zone, the lawless zone set up in seattle, the minneapolis police policedepartment go on fire andy take brooklyn, too. tre, god with you. i was so disturbed to think that president biden's lesson last week was now to go after police reform through executive orders. what's your greatest worry about that? >> it shows biden and his administration is disconnected. they don't really understand what's happening in society. we see these -- this past week they just released numbers about 12 of our major cities has the highest heard rate. broken higher murder rate records including austin, texas. we are talking texas. one of the conservative states. there is no way that we should be considered in that category. unfortunately we are. and a lot of that is because of these leftist politicians that have promoted this agenda and i will tell you, look, biden is going to continue to do this and he is going to create a train wreck for our society. that's somebody a tawnelling us as a whole. every community whether it's rich or poor, all of us are going through it. >> brian: 30 seconds each, michael, we see the numbers are down on the academies. we see the biggest mistake democrat experts have said is the whole defund the police movement. why we go for executive orders now and what do you fear? >> he is just doubling down on the only thing left has known. if you want to get rid of this culture of criminality that we are seeing where our officers is being murdered and increase of civilians being murdered around our country, you have to do like my friend over in dallas says. you have to break the cycle of electing democrats. what's the common theme? you have a soros backed d.a. in austin, texas. you have soros backed d.a.s in st. louis and baltimore where they have higher murder rates per 100,000 citizens than third world countries of el salvador. ms-13 new york co-trafficking countries in the northern triangle less murder rate than new york city because of these progressive policies. >> brian: philadelphia, as well as new york and san francisco. betsy, some experts have said is he going after the cops because that's a way of trying to win back the black vote. >> i find that wholly racist. the people who are suffering the most in this homicide spike are african-americans. but joe biden has got to play to that far left side of his party and law enforcement is an easy target, brian, the problem is, that's going to lead to more crime and it's also going it to lead to more and more police officers attacked and killed because he is going to further that false narrative that somehow we are the problem. and we need to stand up and our citizens need to stand up against that. and support the police. >> brian: got to wait for the ballot box in 2022. thank you so much. guys, great and betsy, thanks so much. >> thanks. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: meanwhile, we move straight ahead bare shelves biden becoming all too common across the country as stores suffer from supply chain shortages. will this all come to an end soon? we will talk to one produce farmer seeing the impact firsthand, next. ♪ whatever it takes ♪ i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. careful now. nice! you got it. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. oh dad, the twins are now... ...vegan. i know, i got 'em some of those plant burgers. - nice! - yeah. voya provides guidance for the right investments and helps me be prepared for unexpected events. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. 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well, that's because of high demand, labor shortages and shipping costs are all making it much harder and more expensive for stores to stay fully stocked. where is the rest of the stuff that should be on that shelf? last year freight went up 23%. since omicron hit an additional 2.2%. shane meyers is the ceo of produce company and he joins us now. shay, good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> steve: when we see those shelves, we just think supply chain issue. when you see those shelves, how do you explain them? >> yeah, there is lots of factors going on. we have truckers reduced their product tiftd 20%. lack of labor at shipping point and at the destination which produces reduces that capacity 15 to 20%. and, you know, many other factors including the weather that's going on across the country in the winter time as well. >> steve: sure. now, what shay's company is trying to do is he is providing onions for america. explain how much -- i know it used to cost you about 6,000 or $7,000 to ship a load of onions from coast to coast. $7,000. that was before the pandemic. how much is it costing you right now? >> yeah. the number today is between 17 and $20,000. it depends on the moment and the demand. but it's much, much higher than precovid and even since christmas it's gone up dramatically. >> steve: right. and as we look at some of the produce right there. i saw some strawberries, i saw some lettuce. those are things that have got to get on the shelves immediately. you're doing in onions and they have a longer shelf life. but the people dealing in parishables. they are up against the wall. >> they don't have any choice but to pay the market demands 7% increase in the last three weeks alone. >> steve: unbelievable. they have to charge 70% more to get their produce to the consumer which ultimately, you know, the grocery store passes on because they have got to pass it onto the grocery store as well. shay, everybody is watching this now. see onions they are indeed. when is this thing going to be over where we are able to see thestles completely stocked and things are getting to the market in a timely fashion? >> yeah, so we have looked at what i consider about a 3 week delay on perishables. the widges, iphones and other items that are not perishable have been delayed in their shipment and haven't gone out. another three weeks there you multiply that i think it's going to be the end of this quarter before things are completely stocked up and normal that sounds like an extreme number but it's going to take a long time for things to catch back up. >> steve: i think you are right. shay meyers thank you for getting up early and thanks for the onion, sir. >> absolutely. thanks for having me. >> steve: dozen minutes now before the top of the hour. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean. yesterday we this that nor'easter throughout the northeast. and today things have calmed down a little. georgia into the 30's here. another reinforcing shot of cold air on the way. take a look at midweek cool down what we're calling it this is the forecast lows minus teens here minus 20's as we get into thursday and friday. and this cold air is going to sink southwards as far as south as the gulf coast. look at the temperature swings. today in minneapolis 40. wednesday 5. the average is 23. so you get the picture and it's going to move southward in towards the plain states. that nor'easter out of the way but we still have lake-effect snow and quick moving system across the west and the plains and this is our next weather maker that could bring some ice and wintry mix across the mississippi and tennessee river valley wednesday and thursday. winter is here, my friend, steve, get used to it. back to you. >> steve: well, we're in the middle of january, it better be cold. all right, j.d., thank you very much. meanwhile, straight ahead, college students in chicago are demanding a return to in person learning. hear why they say the school is defrauding them from an education and probably something else. coming up straight ahead on this tuesday "fox & friends." ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. you could, but i'm not gonna. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ senior editor mitchell robison joins us now. good morning, mitchell. >> good morning. >> ainsley: good morning. i know you are a sophomore so your senior year you didn't get to probably go to prom. all of this started when you were a senior in high school. then you didn't have the normal college experience last year and now they are delaying classes again. how do you feel? >> right. i mean, you are absolutely right about that. i am one of the demographic that, you know, had to go through this transition from high school to college. ending high school and beginning college remote and so we were remote for almost a year and a half or at least mostly remote. and so, myself and many of my peers just want to go back to in person learning. >> ainsley: what are your demands? what do you want from the school. >> we would just like the school to pledge because at this point we are starting our second week of remote learning. we would like the school to pledge to go back to inperson learning. they have cited the omicron variant as a reason to go remote. they failed to substantiate how their plan, would a, reduce student omicron cases back at home anyway and also why lowering cases at all costs should be the goal at all when we know that suicide and other health risks present a much higher health risk to students our age. >> ainsley: that's a good point. i know some students want the tuition reduced. especially the portions devoted to classes and the use of facilities. some are asking for reimbursement on travel because they can't go back to school or staying home or changing flights. that kind of thing. do you know any of these people? are you demanding that as well? >> well, of course, i mean every student benefits from having access to the facilities. i can't got gym. including international students most clearly and that's been a huge burden on them especially given the very short notice that they provided apes ains mitchell, let me read what the university is saying delaying the start of the quarter and removing to remote only instruction for two weeks allowed the university community to get past the peak of omicron infection. helped reduce case counts on the on campus especially residence hall and. >> joe: served resources. we'll wish you all the best thanks for coming on this morning. >> thank you, pleasure to be on. >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hearing is important to living life to the fullest. that's why inside every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. 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(robert) thank you. subaru. more than a car company. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. >> democrats moving full steam ahead with efforts to overhaul our election system. >> griff: filibuster reform today. >> let's take inspiration for dr. king. >> this isn't a voting rights bill it's a voting rules bill. >> supply cargo containers ransacked and looted. >> trains in los angeles spiked 160%. union pacific is blasting the city's woke d.a. >> it's tougher on law and order in d.a. >> brian: 37 officers were killed intentionally in the line of duty. highest number in 26 years. >> politicians are continuing to double down. all of these woke policies and america is paying a price. >> newly meanted attorney general spear heading investigations into the loudoun county public schools. >> about accountability and transparency and government. something we desperately need. >> odell beckham jr. got it down, touchdown. ♪ all taking and no giving >> brian: big win at home. they will have the super bowl in about a month when they are done playing the playoffs. you are looking at cocoa peach beach. this is live where most people are sleeping in. i was asked to whisper. it's 48 degrees believe it or not. a lot of people point to cape canaveral and florida surf museum for a reason to point out cocoa beach. steve, i have a different reason. i remember when major nelson walking on the beach came across barbara eden in a bottle. she turned out to be a genie. major bell lois wanted to take advantage of the genie. major nelson wanted a normal life. he could never get that normal life it always bothered me especially when her sister come into the fray. at the same time bewitched was on. >> stressed childhood because everybody was always in trouble. >> steve: just amazing, brian, that 50 years later that's what you remember about the 60's was that major healy and the whole crew was down there. >> dr. bell lois. major healy, you are wrong. major healy wanted to take advantage of barbara eden and her ability to grant wishes. and probably date her. but it was major nelson who said no, we are not going to do that. steve: iconic shows goes in with beverly hillbillies and petty coat junction. a lot of those things we grew up watching and now fond memories. every time brian sees a live picture of cocoa beach, that's the thing he thinks about the lady in the bottle. >> ainsley: i know. why do you think of that was it filmed there? >> steve: no. >> brian: i never remember it on prime time. >> steve: he was on astronaut. >> brian: every day in syndication. i have no idea why they took that off and the in they professor. >> ainsley: why have to do cocoa beach. >> brian: he worked for nasa. walked along the beach on the kay off came across the bottle. barbara eden, if you are watching, please call. >> ainsley: when i see cocoa beach, do you remember when i was growing up in middle school everyone wanted those surfing t-shirts. so we went down to disney world and then we drove over to cocoa beach to go to ron johnson surf shop. have you ever been there? it's a massive huge surf shop. got all these ron john t-shirts and wore them to schools every day. outfits baggy t-shirts and baggy jeans and that was kind of the look when i was in high school. >> brian: this is full circle, if you had walked the cocoa beach and came across a bottle you could have asked your jeanne geniefor those shirts and got tm without paying a dime. >> ainsley: that's right. >> steve: wiggle your nose. >> brian: that was bewitched. >> steve: yeah. >> ainsley: was that her sister or her mom i remember that lady, the other lady. >> steve: ago nez moorehead. >> brian: you know her real name? >> steve: on bewitched, yeah. older lady. >> brian: i love the way they wove in an extra darren and we never asked any questions. i guess he had a contract problem? just would rotate people out there. were two lionesses on the jeffersons, one day there was a different lioness or lionel i should say. >> ainsley: all of this happened before peter doocy. on that note go to washington live look on capitol hill where later today the senate is expected to formally expected to debate. peter doocy is live at the white house as the issue puts the democrat divide on full display. peter? >> peter: that did happen before me. what are you guys talking about? [laughter] >> brian: got to look it all up. >> peter: i have some goal gling to do after the show. there is a lot going on here in washington, d.c. in january of 2022. the vice president was at a service project yesterday when she very suddenly very ominously spoke about the two senators in her own party who are not on board with changing senate rules to pass voting rights. >> is there a message? >> as i have said before, there are 100 members to the united states senate. and i'm not going to will assault nor should any of us insult any member of the united states for taking on responsibility to take on the oath they all took to support and defend the constitution of the united states. >> peter: strong words but bernie sanders is getting even more specific. naming the two as the voting rights bill comes to the floor of the senate there is only one vote which will really matter. will 50 democrats vote to override the filibuster, protect american democracy and pass the bill or will manchin and sinema vote with the g.o.p. and let the bill die. but republican senators, the other 50 are saying this isn't about voting rights per se. but rather blowing up senate precedent. >> it's about awoke agenda that doesn't sell. getting rid of the 60 vote threshold in the senate in my judgment would be like giving whiskey and car keys to a teenage boy. >> peter: the vote on changing the senate precedent would happen after a vote on voting rights that is expected to fail. it could come as soon as tomorrow which would really be something depending on the time of day that it happens. because it could happen right before the president takes the microphone at his formal press conference. back to you. >> steve: now, peter, us talking about i dream of genie about you talking with your sisters about shiny time station. >> peter: i will tell you it was very hard during the infrastructure talk not to bring up thomas the tank engine. >> brian: that would have been an interesting question. >> steve: i understand. all right. >> peter: the president loves trains. maybe that's good for the press conference tomorrow. >> brian: something to jot down. >> steve: put that in your binder. >> peter: i will. >> ainsley: 100 bucks if ask you him a question about thomas the tank engine or whatever it is called. >> steve: i will make it 500. >> brian: yeah. >> steve: you know what peter was talking about though, the democrats are in a familiar spot. they are all in on pushing for legislation that they know will lose. because they have over the last week or two, essentially presented it as any lack of action is a direct threat to our american democracy. and ultimately what they are trying to do is they are trying to make permanent some of the emergency methods of voting from 2020. that election, that they feel helped their side. i was watching "special report" last night with bret baier. and he had on brit hume who just so perfectly incapsulated what this is all about. here is mr. hume. watch this. >> this really isn't a voting rights bill. this is a voting rules bill. what the bill is really trying to do is to make permanent the temporary emergency voting regulations that were put into effect to accommodate the pandemic last -- in 2020 during the election season. and, you know, those were thought to be temporary, some of them were pretty loose. some of them were arguably unconstitutional. but they went into effect anyway. this measure would enshrine them in law. it's getting resistance. that is not the same as somebody being against voting rights. it is simply a disagreement over where you draw the line on the issue of trying to make voting -- it easy to vote but hard to cheat. that's what this is really all about. it's not about bull conner and jefferson davis. that's way over the top. >> ainsley: that's exactly right. americans aren't stupid. they see this. republicans want to prevent fraud. they don't want illegals to have the right to go and vote. they don't want people to walk in and vote and not have to show an i.d. then someone could vote several times or someone could vote, you know, as brian kilmeade and take your vote, brian. and vote a way you wouldn't have voted and then you go into the polls and you can't vote because someone has already voted in your place. that's what republicans are trying to prevent. but, yes, democrats are trying to use race card to push this through and tell everyone that there is voter suppression in our country. but, if you look at georgia. you have 17 days to vote early. you have drop boxes. you do have to show an i.d., but that's what republicans want. but look at delaware, where the president is from. they don't have many of these it steps in place that georgia does. it's not as fair. why isn't the president pushing changes in some of these states including the state he grew up in? a year ago the president was even saying he is not for blowing up the filibuster and now the all sudden is. he flipped flopped on this and lied about his stance when people were going to the polls to vote for him. >> brian: few things going on. i cannot believe is he going to take another loss. is he going to put that vote on the floor and unless something happens and at which time not only are manchin and sinema going to vote against it mark kelly they say will probably vote against it might put him in jeopardy with some people on the left and maggie has somebody a of new hampshire, maybe even more. not even looking out for the best interest of his party in doing that knowing that he will lose another vote. by the way, as predicted they will use martin luther king day to talk about voting rights and that's what nancy pelosi did. that's what you just heard kamala harris do. and that's what bernie sanders did. so, good luck with that. the other major problem is happening in california. whereas we have been mentioning mostly last hour the first time this hour, crime has run rampant. it's all about criminal rights, not the right of the people paying taxes. , which by the way, i digress, might double in california in lawmakers get their own way. because crime is going so rampant, individuals are being assaulted, it's also hurting business. it also hurting, believe it or not, freight trains. i feel like this is back to the wild west. in a letter from union pacific. los angeles d.a., disgraced d.a. george gascon who is underneath these right now being recalled. criminals are caught and arrested. turned over to local authorities for booking. arraigned before the local courts, charges are reduced to a misdemeanor and petty offense. and the criminal is released after paying a nominal fee. these individuals are generally caught and released back onto the streets in less than 24 hours. even with all the arrests made. the no cash bail policy and extended time frame for suspects to appear in court. it's causing the revictimization by union pacific by these same criminals. this is a desperation move, steve. trying to get people to rally against their local government. >> steve: here's the thing. how many times have you been waiting for a package from amazon or u.p.s. and it's like you get a message it's been delayed. those images are in los angeles where the workmen are trying to pick up the tons of garbage left behind. what happens is a cargo train pulls in to a siding in los angeles and cleaned out by the looters. you know, the looters because they are not hooked up to an engine. they are not going anywhere. the looters get out bolt cutters and help themselves to anything in there. because, what they want to do is they want to resell it. unless it's too cheap and then they just throw it by the side as you can see right there. in los angeles county, theft of trains is up 160%. in the month of october, it was up 350%. and as you were alluding to, that letter from union pacific to the d.a., it talks about how their agents, their rail agents have arrested hundreds of people but with the no cash bail thing they are out on the street in no time. you know what? union pacific says that this is impacting employees and customers and america's supply chain and as you look at that ainsley, absolutely right. that is part of the supply chain. so why doesn't joe biden who is so concerned about the supply chain at the port, why isn't he concerned about the supply chain at our rail heads? because what is happening to america's cargo is absolutely despicable. that is terrible. right now los angeles it looks like union pacific is thinking about how do we reroute our trains so they don't have to stop there? because if they are stopped there, ainsley, they are going to get looted. >> ainsley: yeah, exactly. they are stealing amazon and u.p.s. packages, stealing things like toys, electronics, designer goods, covid tests and those epipens, there was also a train derailment on saturday. 17 cars that derailed. no one was injured. but and there is no word yet on what caused that. but they are looking into could it have been some of these boxes? i mean, you see the video, you hear about this. >> steve: terrible. >> ainsley: oh, just a few boxes and you see the video and you see there are hundreds of boxes that are littering the train tracks. and you can see that construction worker there in the middle. but look to the left, look to the right. and do you know what? no one wants to work. because do you know what's trending now the anti-work is one of the active pages, most active pages on red it which is a 1.6 million users up from 180,000 from october of 2020. people are texting. they are screen shotting when they quit their jobs. for instance, here's the headline that a reddit user posted. i handed my resignation letter to my boss, and she laughed. here's another one. that's it, she gigged, said okay and then started making a list of things i need to do before i leave on friday. lol. sure, lady, let me get right on it, f her. i'm literally thrilled beyond words to be part of the great resignation solidarity. >> brian: over 4.5 million people quit last month. why? people say i'm not sure where they are going. i get all this from restaurant workers to retail. i don't know where the workers are. i went to a tire place the other day. i can't even get people to respond to an ad. he said i don't know what these people are doing because technically the money has run out but has it? in fact, there evidently is an organized movement, it's an anti-capitalism movement to reduce coercive movements of capitalism and subvert capitalism the best they can. others have speculated it's just genzers who don't want to get out of bed and don't wanted to be part of the process. you couldn't do that in early america. you would die. because you had to actually shoot your food other grow it now we are sitting there and giving money not to work and sadly, if you look at the goldman sachs people who are at the upper level, obviously, they set nonworking labor participation rate has long-term damage effects on our country. >> steve: right. and this whole reddit thread is all about people who just posting epic screen shots of how they quit. but the real heroes of this page are who they refer to as the i'd lers. figure way to game the system to do as little as possible and still collect a full paycheck. they tell this one story in this story we saw this morning about a person who is getting paid, i think, $90,000 a year and they have written a program so that any email they get from work is automatically responded to by their computer. their computer essentially turns it around and answers the question. they haven't worked in a year. but they still got paid. the woman who moderates the page, a woman by the name of doreen ford she says everybody has hit their limit with covid. overworked their mortgages, rent payments and so many things with capitalism, there is nothing wrong with wanting to take a break from that and to do less of it. and so that's why the idollers are big heroes on this reddit page. >> there is a lot wrong with taking off when you don't have the money to pay your bills and rent. i don't know who is supporting these people or how they are getting their money. >> ainsley: how do they pay their bills. >> steve: they don't care. >> brian: ferris bueller 2.0. we will see. >> ainsley: one person boasting they make $80,000 a year answering one to two calls a week and literally nothing else. the people who are active on the page, according to this article are mainly the far leftists who support bernie sanders and aoc and often identify themselves as socialist, communist, or an arc its. turning now to some headlines, virginia's new tough on crime attorney general announcing two high profile investigations within hours of taking office. jason miyares joined "fox & friends first" earlier. listen. >> about accountability and transparency? government. something we definitely need. that was something that glenn youngkin ran on. that's something i ran on. from and from day one within an hour of us being sworn, in we began the investigation. >> ainsley: loudoun county schools being investigated for allegedly covering up a sexual assault and virginia's parole board under investigation for releasing violent criminals early limit a new survey shows a majority of americans say they prefer republicans over democrats. marking a major shift in political preference over the course of 2021. according to a new gallup sur varks 47% refer or prefer the g.o.p. compared to 42% who favor lawmakers on the other side of the aisle. this is the biggest lead for the g.o.p. since 1995. at the beginning of last year, democrats held a 49-40% edge in the metric. olympic champion swimmer michael phelps weighs in on the controversy surrounding transgender u penn swimmer lia thomas, listen. >> i believe that we all should feel comfortable with who we are in our own skin. but i think sports should all be played on an even playing field. >> ainsley: thomas breaking two national women's records last month. the ncaa says it plans to review its current guidelines for transgender athletes on thursday. and those are your headlines. >> brian: take your time. the season is almost over. good job. great job, ainsley. meanwhile, still ahead on this show, secretary of state antony blinken joining a bipartisan group of senators in the ukraine yesterday as tensions with russia escalate. congresswoman victoria spartz is ukrainian immigrant and reacts next. ♪ ♪♪ add downy to your wash for all the freshness and softness of home. even when you're not at home. feel the difference with downy. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ >> brian: fox news alert as you just heard antony blinken set toe meet in kiev tomorrow as tensions with russians escalate. comes as bipartisan group of senators also visited the ukraine to show support. indiana congresswoman victoria spartz is ukrainian immigrant joins us now to react. i was happy to see both sides of the aisle and hear the senators, senator portman and shaheen were two over there. you had senator murphy and senator wicker and klobuchar, blumenthal and kramer all go over there. what message do you think that sended to the russians and ukrainians, congresswoman? >> well, it's nice when we can stand together and show bipartisan support to our way of life and adversaries that we can as a country. also something a lot of people don't realize that under the budapest memorandum in 1994, ukraine used to be the third largest nuclear country, largest nuclear arsenal and we actually provided assurances that this country is going to be not attacked and you know, provide in the country. we find agreement russia and u.k. so we have some commitment if we don't want to have further proliferation of nuclear weapons. unfortunately, this administration does a lot of talk. doesn't do the work and has very unwise, i would say and and unreal his energy policy that embolden russia and have more control over europe and eastern and western europe. i think that is very dangerous. this administration needs to start doing some walk, not just talk. >> brian: here is dmitry, long-time aid to vladimir putin and spokesperson after meeting with nato and the u.s. last week. listen. >> >> let me just say that we are not going to take into account your concerns. nato will continue to expand. now we're not going to have ukrainian side nato. but for the time being it's legally it will be possible. we are not going to say that we'll not deploy any offensive weapons on ukraine's territory. and nato's military infrastructure will stay next to your border and even for the time being get even closer. if you tell us that, we will have to do something. >> brian: so they are saying they want guarantees in writing that ukraine will never join nato. number one, should we give it to them. and, number two, should would he be giving them weapons right now so they can fight for themselves? >> well, i think, you know, as i mentioned earlier we have some level of commitments, you know, if we want to have stability and security in europe. also interesting for me to see, you know, how this agreement write on paper. i don't think that's what they really want. russia wants to, you know, become again a power house in the international arena. unfortunately president putin decided to align himself with communist country like china and venezuela and cuba. they even had discussion mentioned that he might bring his weapons in venezuela and cuba. it's sad for me to see that soviet union fell apart 30 years ago and you can see how destructive socialism is. and, you know, ukraine still cannot regain freedoms. sad to see countries like russia are moving back and aligning themselves with dictatorial regimes and very bad for europe and creates a lot of instability and headaches for us. >> brian: you know, we wanted north korea to give up their nukes and we show them an example. ukraine gives up nuclear weapons and occupied by the russians right now. and there is threat of invasion with 100,000 troops on their border. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: the governor of new mexico vowing to cut down on crime. flower shop owner joins us with her message to state leaders. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. ♪ >> brian: all right. we're back with your news by the numbers. let's get started first $10,000 in bitcoin that's how much an arkansas nonprofit offering remote employees to locate to arkansas. the council wants to build up region's tech economy. so far 36,000 people have applied. next $250,000 an hour. how much the sleep junky review company is offering fuzzy sleepers to test and review different sleeping aids. they will test. and half million dollars that's how much this robe worn by boxing great muhammed ali is expected to sell for at auction. he wore it to the lead up to the famous 165 rematch with sonny listen first time he fought as muhammed ali. the bidding on the robe hits next month. go ahead and raise that savings account. >> steve: look at that cool. thanks, brian. meanwhile, look at this, surveillance video capturing the moment a thief breaks into albuquerque flower shop in new mexico steals tools and delivery van. the owner says this is the fourth time she has dealt with this kind of break-in. this comes as new mexico's governor is promising to crack down on crime in the new legislative session. the owner of signature and flowers lisa velarde joins us now. lisa, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: so, when you saw -- when you woke up on, i guess, monday, because this latest break-in was sunday, when you looked at the video, did you just think to yourself oh, here we go again? >> i did. that's exactly what i thought. i said oh, no. not again. >> steve: because you have been burglarized four or five times. i know you have got cameras, obviously. and you have got alarms, when the alarm goes off, do the cops come? >> yes. yes. they actually. they actually did an amazing job. they were there in a timely manner. they send the crime scene investigators within just a few minutes so they did an amazing job. >> steve: that's what you need. unfortunately you still haven't caught -- they still vice president caught anybody. why do you think they are hitting you? is it just because you have got stuff that they can resell? >> i think, too, i'm right on the corner, my business access to a major street. and so i think that -- on the cameras show on the outside they try all the shops. so at the shop next to mine. they go to the door as you can see them going to the doors and finally they get to mine and then you could see them kicking the door. in. >> steve: ugh. i understand you don't quality cops every time because you are worried about your insurance going up and things like that. in which case you might actually need it, go ahead. >> well, i actually do call the cops, i do make a report but i don't always report it to omy insurance because i'm worried about, you know, what happens if i burn down or they drop me because i have already been vandalized and robbed four times. so the last couple of times i did not make a claim. but this time they stole my delivery van so i don't have a choice. >> steve: oh. you don't have a choice. so had you to call the insurance company. but, you know, i know that you and your company have been open through the pandemic. and now with, you know, this rash of people just stealing whatever they can cart out, that's got to make your business so challenging. are you to the stage, lisa, where you are thinking you know what? it's just not worth it. >> no, no. every day i get up and i do it again and i will do it again and i have a ton of customers that depend on me. and people that i have to make happy, anniversaries and all that good stuff. so, every day i just get up and i do it again. that's what we have to do. we can't control what other people do. i can only control what i do. so i have to -- you know, i have an amazing family and they all help me out so much. i'm so blessed. so every day i just keep at it. >> steve: i love your positive attitude. lisa, why is this happening to you and everybody else in your neighborhood? >> you know, i believe in our neighborhood and on the west side, i believe that we have a lot of homeless now. there is -- i see a ton more homeless than we ever have had. and i believe that that every single time, you know, last month i went out and my van is sitting on blocks, they stole the tires. so it's like something -- you know, with the homeless i see. and it wasn't like this. >> steve: i know that they are talking about hiring more police, but obviously they need to do something about the homeless community as well. >> yes. >> steve: lisa velarde, thank you for getting up early out albuquerque thank you. >> thank you. >> steve: a manufacturing company in ohio new market to combat the labor shortage. who is getting the job done and how they maintain a work-life balance is coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ we could be heroes ♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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>> well, we recognized that there, you have labor participation rate around 60% in this country. what are the other 40% cooking . and we recognized as we saw people coming to high school dropping off their kids wondering what are those people doing when they're not here dropping off or picking up their kids, so we reached out of to the community and said hey, how about working for us on a part-time basis? and we were successful in recruitings people to do that. >> ainsley: i know margaret you quit the dollar tree, wasn't really working with your schedule. you are a mother. how does working with new company, how does it fit in your schedule? >> it fits perfect. i take my daughter to school, drop her off, and i'm able to get to work on time at 8:00. and as soon as i clock out at 2:30 i go pick her up, so it's just wonderful. >> ainsley: that's great. that is wonderful. britney, how about you? how does it fit in your schedule? >> it is actually great. i'm able to come into work while my husband gets my children off to school. we have four boys. they're all school-aged. and then i'm home before they get off the bus to come home and then i'm able to go to all of their activities in the afternoon. they are very active. it works out great. >> ainsley: mike, that is wonderful. you know, mike, as a mom myself, it is so much nicer when you have a schedule when you have these employees and you are allowing them at the do that go spend time with their kids which is more important than anything. >> well, manufacturers it's important for us to have people to be able to get the job done, too. traditionally, manufacturers haven't been as flexible. we have tried to be more so. and it's brought us some terrific people. >> ainsley: margaret, did you ever think you would work in a factory? what do you do? >> no, i didn't. i actually spot weld. and when they first took me around the plant, that was one things i saw i thought yeah, no, i don't want to do that. but after they -- like into it i really enjoy it and everybody has been patient and kind to me. so it's been wonderful. >> ainsley: britney, i know you said you caught on really quickly, what exactly do you do? >> i started out in production. and i worked my way up. and now i am a quality tech and i do internal audits and all of our cool calibrations. >> ainsley: well, congratulations, mike, thank you nor what you are doing for these ladies lives and allowing them to be moms as well. great to see you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> janice: hi, good morning, ainsley. what a storm we had across the northeast yesterday. it's gone. but look at some of these snowfall totals. over 2 feet of snow in parts of ohio. that is one of the lake-effect snow belts there in new york. close to 2 feet. close to 2 feet in pennsylvania and north carolina. 20 inches. you know what? we have another storm we are watching later this week into the weekend for the carolinas. so i need you to pay close attention. but i want to also tell you the top wind speeds from this nor'easter close to hurricane force winds for parts of maine and that is out of here. but our next weather maker is going to be something to watch. we have lake-effect snow as well as a clipper system that's going to move across the upper midwest and interior northeast. then we are watching this cold front here wednesday, thursday, and then into friday and saturday, that's where we typically could see the potential for snow and ice across some of these same areas that got hit from the last storm system. so if you live across the mid south and the carolinas and the mid-atlantic, here's our next round that comes friday into saturday. all right? so we need to pay close attention to this next storm system, ainsley. you know, another storm moving over some of the same regions that were crippled by this past weekend. so we will keep you up to date. i know you have family and friends in the carolinas. i will be on speed dial for you, my friend, back to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much. they are all watching you. so thank you so much for giving them that advice. >> janice: you got it. >> ainsley: all right. bye, janice. new outrage over an nba team owner's heartless remark about china's human rights abuses. listen. >> nobody cares about what's happening to the uyghurs, okay? you bring it up because you really care? >> what? what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. >> ainsley: wow. what does will cain think about that? we're going to ask him right after the break. ♪ ♪ about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ king c. gillette is a complete lineup of tools and facial hair care products. this is the style master. designed to style your stubble in one stroke, a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. >> here you go. the second most valuable franchise under fire. this scathing remark under the abuses in china. >> nobody cares. you bring it up because you really care. >> what do you mean nobody cares? >> the rest of us don't care. i'm telling you a very hard ugly truth. of all the things i care about, it's below my line. >> i'm sorry the plight is below his line. cohosts will cain. this owner doesn't care much about china. he's got business to do. >> he does, brian. and what it reveals here, you can be sociopathic and shallow at the same time. he holds himself out in the podcast as ugly truth teller. i'm just on you the way that it is. on one level, maybe he has a point. maybe people don't care enough. he points out the issues that impact us on a daily basis are issues like inflation nor empty store shelves. in some ways, just there, he might be right but he doesn't stop there in his life. he doesn't reveal morality in his life. he reveals going with the flow. he's been behind the protest and protesting american inequality along with nba players. this is a guy who's company whose investment vehicle is called "social capital" who stated purpose is supposed to be advancing solutions to the problems that plague humanity. humanity. yet here he is, nobody cares, nobody cares about, forced sterilization, camps, concentration camps. how shallow all this morality play is. he's not a strong ugly truth teller. he is weak and he goes along with the flow. he doesn't stand for morality. he stands for what he stands to gain. >> ultimately after it hit the fan, he called in his communications team and it took him ten hours but they came up with a statement to react to the backlash. he wrote in part, "and re-listening to this week's podcast, i recognize that i come across as lacking empathy. i acknowledge that entirely as a refugee, my family fled a country with its own set of human rights issue. this is something that is very much a part of my lived experience. to be clear, my belief is that human rights matter whether in china, the united states or elsewhere. "in other words, forget what i said earlier. i changed my mind. >> not really. >> i don't know that he has changed his mind. i think he is -- he changed what he wants you to believe so that he can move on. let's talk about lived experience. he's a refugee. he has particular ability to empathize him and though he didn't really let in that answer. i'm coming back to this idea that i said to brian. it's hard for human beings to care about every single issue across the world. it's hard for us to prioritize on the same level things that are far away versus things that are home. that is an ugly truth. however -- nba superstar who stood up for human rights on the will cain podcast and i challenged him. i said that's what lebron james said. i need to handle what's at home, what happens in cleveland. i can handle what happens in the state in china. his answer was awesome. this isn't some abstract thing far away. you do business there. from 2016 until 2020, the nba had a training camp in the state capitol where there is a concentration camp. this isn't far away. he's profiting in the place where this atrocity is taking place. you don't get to go this is far away and it is line your pockets. that is the sociopathic part. >> i hear you. great point. >> he said when nba says we stand for justice, don't forget there are those who sell their souls for money and business like this guy who says nobody cares about what's happening when genocides happen, it's people like this that let it happen. thanks so much. great to see you. >> vo: my car k decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? 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>> michigan democrats aren't going to apologize after posting on facebook. >> society needs them to know. >> it's a classic case of far end of the democrats that think they know what's best for your child more than the parents. >> americans political preferences shifting from democrats to republicans. >> that is a 14-point swing. >> the best numbers for the republican party since 1995. >> he doesn't care about china's horrific rights abuses. >> the only cares about money and propaganda. it's a shame and it's disgusting. >> the pressure is up. it's intercepted. he got that hit unmarried. ♪ ♪ >> what a beautiful sunrise as you let live. 7:01 central time in shreveport, louisiana. they have 37 degrees right now going for a daytime high this afternoon around 3:00 with about 68 degrees. good morning, shreveport. i know that ainsley, brian, a lot of people down in louisiana will start their day with some beignets and some really strong coffee and then they will have some stuff shrimp for lunch and tonight, oysters and some craft beer. i laid out your entire menu. good morning, shreveport. welcome to "fox & friends" for a tuesday. >> and some crawfish. i've never had them. they are known for loving those as well. when we were little, i used to spend the night with my friend. her mom would always make them. she would go to the fresh market at the grocery store in certain parts of the country. she would buy this box. it was a mustard brown and white colored box. her mom would make those for us. have you ever had them? >> no, but i know if you are a deep-sea diver and you go up two quick, you get the bends. i don't really know what they are at all. i don't have a friend that would let me sleep over. my mom was not into that. >> a cree old though not, brian. >> i know crawfish was an item on the menu. it was quite hot. meanwhile, let's talk about something not nearly as fun and that's what happened with crime in america. the father of this ucla graduate who was working at a furniture store and she was stabbed to death by a person we are about to see her and this is our name. we are about to see the suspect who was seen on the outside camera with a mask on and looks about 6'3" bulking out. he was the assailants. obviously, she didn't do anything wrong. she happened to be working by herself in a furniture store and she was murdered. the dad said this. "crime is cruelly spiking. i have a lot of politicians that forgot about people and think the key to get elected is supporting the low rung of our society and to give them rights and somehow that the answer to getting votes. we need to champion my daughter as a beacon of what's wrong and make sure that people recognize that, because it could be their children next. it's just an impossible price to pay. and 100% correct. there is no price to pay. there was a whole subpopulation in california particular because the weather is so amenable to living outside intents and the politicians are so tolerant of this. the people there keep electing the same people over and over again. it stands to reason that they criminally thrive in the mentally deranged are allowed to thrive outside of mental institution. >> well, you know, just about 2a flower shop owner from albuquerque. she blames the homelessness problem in her neighborhood for this state in robberies and burglaries that she and all the businesses in her neighborhood have suffered. she has been broken into four or five times she says. the cops show up because he's got an alarm and she can see i can wear the people. they steal the stuff to enlarge part resell as they can. it is felt that the person who killed breanna was also homeless, because you did see that surveillance video where he very nonchalantly walks out the back door. he's dressed all in black. his got what appears to be a white mask on. they are still searching for the suspect. they have no motive. what is tragic about this story and we will be talking to her father, thought here in about 2. what's tragic about it is she was working alone at this upscale furniture store. for some reason, she was there all by herself. someone came in 20 minutes after it happened and she was dead on the floor. it is just heartbreaking. she was supposed to fly to new york to celebrate the birthday of one of her best friends. but as we now know, she never made it. >> yeah, and her parents will never have her back again. her two brothers walt, her sister. she leaves behind her best friend who is really having a tough time with this, the father was fighting back tears talking about how kind she was. there is her beautiful family. she wanted to be a designer. she went to the undergraduate university of miami. she loved it to make her own clothes. she wanted to have a clothing line one day. she grew up in pacific palisades with her family. she kept up bucket list on their phone and she mapped out all of our plans. now those aspirations have come to an abrupt and tragic and back. we're talking about this morning the 70-year-old l.a. nurse that died. she falls to the ground and hits her hand and fractured her skull and she died on sunday. and there's no 40-year-old michelle who was pushed in front of the subway and killed in times square and the times square subway station in new york. police arrested a 61-year-old and charge them with murder. they are having a candlelight vigil today. i'm sure many people know what those are in the middle of times square. this local asian group is asking for eric adams to establish an asian-american and pacific islanders task force. there is the guy who admitted that he did it. he is our new mayor. he said the subways are safe and her deathbed the perception that the subways are dangerous. if you talk to new yorkers, they don't think that the subway is safe. we are hearing stories of people being robbed and being slashed with a knife. you hear the stories of people being pushed in front of moving trains like this young lady. these soft on crime rules or regulations, they have just pulled back on how much time these criminals get. or they are writing them and bucking them and they are out on the street immediately. the criminals know it and it's happening across their country. that's why many people are fleeing new york and fleeing california. >> evidently this is to wade in and said he did something horrific. he had mental illness. he should not be out by himself. he could not get any institution to take him in. don't put him in prison because he's going to rot there. i could not care less what happened to him. his mentally deranged. that's what we're dealing with on the streets. unbelievable. >> these leaders say they need to make sure they are on their medications and put them back out on the street. we talk to one family, the career criminal a few months ago before christmas and the family said he never takes his medication. he's fine and is on his medication but he doesn't stay on it. >> i don't know what to say to that. the frustration just mounts and more and more innocent 24 euros gets stabbed to death unless somebody's gonna take some action and start cracking down on criminals mentally ill on our streets. the issue in this country's education. there was a big election in virginia. i'm sure you heard about a governor who stood up and stood up for the parents and said they should have a role in their education. the guy that lost didn't think the parent should have any role in their families education. i guess in michigan they weren't paying attention. the central location for the next battle on education. this democrat posted this on facebook saturday night. "not sure what this parent should control what it is taught in schools because they are our kids originating, but parents do have the option to send their kids to a hand selected private school at their own expense if that is what they desire. the purpose of a public education at public school without the teach gets only what parents want them taught, teach them what society needs them to know. the client of the public school is not the parent, is the community, the public. i guess he was not paying attention to the dialogue in america right now. the democrats and republicans both rally on the parental side, not on the party's for their kids in this pandemic environment. >> well, it was the entire democratic party of the state of michigan. they put that out. what really got people upset was the part where it says parents shouldn't tell public schools want to teach their kids. public schools teach kids what society needs them to know. i get about that, what society needs them to know according to them. so after the michigan democratic party poster that over the weekend, then on monday after they deleted it, they posted this. they said "we have deleted a post that ignored the important role of parents play and should play in michigan public schools. parents need to have a say in their children's education, end of story. the post does not reflect the views of michigan democrats and should not be misinterpreted as a statement of support from our elected officials or candidates. it was from the michigan democrats. for them to try to walk it back, able to start buying it. >> it's political suicide. they know this is not going to sell amongst parents. people were saying that the republican party was turning into the party of parents because parents kept saying republicans are listening to us and we saw that the governor was elected in virginia who immediately said no crt in our classrooms. jason is the new attorney general in virginia. he fires 30 staffers before he was sworn in. he launches an investigation into the child that walks into the girls bathroom with a skirt on and he was charged with sexually assaulting that girl. the community or the school board tries to cover it up. they put them in a different school. he does the same thing again. he is bowing to investigating it to the bottom of this and find out what the school board members new. here he is. >> parents have a fundamental right to the education and upbringing of their children. this is about parental empowerment. parents are seeing what they are being taught in their schools and they are horrified. you have far left liberal school boards that are pushing policies that are putting our kids in danger. that is starting to stop in virginia. who knows what's best for your children? every time i hear a far left liberal politicians saying they know it's well for my children as i do. what's my children's name? that is a big, big difference. parents know what's best for their children. >> and it's going to be a result of what's happening in these liberal states. we talked about crime in new york, crime in california, and now, they want to raise taxes. they want everyone to have health care including illegals and it's going to be very expensive. $163 billion per year. that means your taxes if you live in california are going to go up. the average household is going to go up $12,250. when you look at the reports from u-haul, so many people are leaving that state. texas and florida, tennessee, south carolina and arizona. lease growth states, california, illinois, massachusetts and alabama. >> they are going to raise taxes in california because they decided they wanted single-payer health care. you get a even if you are an illegal. if you make over $45,900, your taxes are going to go up. if you have a business, your taxes are going to go up. 2.3%. of the income for people who make $2 million, you're going to get taxed additionally. just ask yourself, do you want to give your money to somebody else as hard as you work what he wanted to go somewhere else where you have control of your own? >> when you look at that u-haul survey of the states with the most growth, texas, florida, and tennessee. what do they have in common? they don't have state taxes. if you are living in california today and you hear the news that there is this proposal to double your taxes, to pay for health care for everybody, you may think it is a great idea. and you afford it? if i were a real estate agent in arizona which is really close to california, this next year is going to be a really good one. so many people, there's going to be a mass exodus from california. they are going to head for the exits to a state where they do not have to pay so much money in taxes. >> they don't waste their money. a lot of wealthy people don't want to waste their money on stuff that really doesn't enhance their lifestyle. we will see how they react. >> cannot say one more thing on that? i talked to one couple in one of their salaries is smaller than the amount they would save if they moved to florida. they said they want to live in florida because they will actually make more money. >> wow. you got to make decisions that will be best for you. >> she wouldn't have to work. >> obviously, he's making $22 million. he went out of his way to establish residency in florida. he doesn't want to give it away. that's capitalistic ideals. returning your headlines now. cargo train theft over the last year. we have been talking about this. railroad company union pacific calling for liberal d.a. to take action. "even with all the rest made, at the extended time frame for suspects to appear in court is causing revictimization. by the same criminals. union pacific's meeting with the l.a.p.d. this week to discuss the problem. we move on. president biden has spent a quarter of his first year as president in delaware. he spent at least part of 101 days so far in his home state at his primary residence or his vacation home. his team says he has simply likes being home. why do they want this job? critics are raising concern about who might be influencing his policy. football now. nfl style, los angeles rams are moving on after 34-11 route of the arizona cardinals. matthew stafford getting his first career playoff win in his 13th nfl season. he spent most of those years with the lions. they don't make the playoffs. his team will face tom brady on sunday. the divisional round get started with the bengals taking on top-seeded tennessee. at night, the 49ers take on the 49ers. you can watch that game on fox. those are the headlines. let's throw something in the last minute. take it away. >> 8:17 here. still ahead, the watchdog's report on afghanistan, the classified overnight obtained by the associated press. "fox & friends" pete react as we learn our leaders were warned this year the country's air force of afghanistan would collapse without significant support. but first, a dramatic shift in the americans party preference ahead of midterm elections. the democratic party to join the g.o.p. if you look at the lines right there, he's got more company these days. we will be right back. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we help that veteran? with more ways to help more veterans, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. >> as president biden marks his first year in office, new survey reveals a dramatic shift in which political party americans really preferred. republicans overtaking the democrats moaning as largest lead of voter preference since 1995. fox news contributor leo terrel is here to react. good morning to you. >> hi. thanks for having me. >> you are the perfect guest for this topic because you are a democrat and that's why you are called leo 2.0 terrell. now you are republican. why do you think others are following suit? >> is very simple. minorities represent the heart and soul of the democratic party and they are leaving. they are leaving because of what i just saw on "fox & friends." these democratic policies do not stop crime. minorities are not benefiting from crime in the streets. minorities are not benefiting from the chaos in these public schools. they're not benefiting from the democratic policies. with the democrats do not understand is that the race card is not helping people of color. the democrats are yelling racism. it is not helped. joe biden last year's said, if you are blocked, you can't vote for trump. that is a racist comment. joe biden doesn't even know it. he's racist. the bottom line is this. blacks are not benefiting. brown people are not benefiting from the democratic policies. it's not stopping for education in these schools. >> you saw what happened then you mention crime in california and new york. that's one of the reasons they are leaving the party. they are so blatant. the democratic party democratic party was tweeting out the parent should not have a role in schools. why would they ever do that? they deleted it. didn't they see what happened in virginia? >> they did. the democratic playbook is outdated. everything is race. they are going to have a vote on this voting rights bill in washington. blacks and browns and people of all colors want food on the table. they want inflation down and better schools. they want the crime to stop at the democrats, the elites are so disconnected from the everyday americans. that's why republicans represent hardworking americans. that's why i left the democratic party and became a republican. that's why i voted for trump. apparently i am not black. i think i'm a good american and i think i want safe schools. i want no crime in the streets and i want our border security. i think that's what a lot of people of all colors want in america. >> they want this voting rights legislation passed. they say that republicans are suppressing their vote. what do you say? >> let me be very clear. that is alive. i can vote anytime i want. there's not any evidence of any black, brown, yellow, white person -- it is smoke and mirrors. we can't get a driver's license. we can't get an identification card developed. i have not been aware of any person in this country being denied the right to vote. we have been denied the right to go into a restaurant because of the vaccine mandate. but right to vote, it is a red herring. >> always great to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> you are welcome. back to our top story. ucla graduate student stabbed to death in a random attack when she was at her job. her father joins his next with a message. ♪ ♪ ♪ plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> it is 8:30 now here in the east. the father of the ucla grad student killed at work last week is calling out politicians were letting criminals run rampant. we have been telling you this morning the story of 20-year-old breanna. she was working alone in a high end furniture store when a man came in and stabbed her and then fled the scene. police searching for the suspect. joining us right now is breanna's father, todd. good morning. thank you very much. so far about what they know. speak to the police are working very diligently to try to check out who this perpetrator was. the amazon video evidence and a lot of other evidence, but we don't have any further information other than i think they are doing their best. they're working hard. they are doing everything we can but we really don't have a lot more information yet. >> i understand. the tragedy is she wasn't even supposed to be working that day. >> you know, you can question everything. you can spend your nights and i do with all the what ifs. and it doesn't change anything. she's a dedicated person. she was at work that day. i don't know why she was there alone but she was. i don't think anybody would have anticipated that this could possibly happen there. i don't think anybody is to blame other than the assailants of the person who did this to my daughter. we want her to be remembered as a person, a human being, i caring, loving, and devoted family member and a great friend and rising star. she embodies so much that we all should be proud of and a young woman. and she had dreams and aspirations that unfortunately are going to be ended by this. she will live on in many ways. this kind of tragedy can't befall more people. it is just so painful. we live in a community of families that have children similar in age. the outpouring of emotion is unbelievable. every parent feels this so deeply. and it's something that we can't see happen. >> it is the worst. it todd, i know you wanted to come on to honor her memory. >> yes. >> and i know you didn't want to be political, but you have claimed to some politicians. >> i am not blaming anybody by name. i blame what is endemic in our society right now as everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. we should be celebrating the good in people and trying to recognize, that's the job they have to elevate that to make communities better and make people care more. to not tear down communities by exposing them to people that are falling out the bottom that really don't care about other human beings. they can do whatever they like in our society and they are doing it more and more in every community. we are seeing a terrible outfall from it. we don't think they're great. we like them because we think they can do great things. and it shouldn't be about them. they should want to be in that role because they want to survey community. and the community needs love and support. people need to understand what should motivate them in their daily lives. and they are trying to divide people and get angry and everything around us. and it's got to end back. >> you are absolutely. unfortunately, there seemed to be locations and circumstances where for whatever reason, there is often little consequence for crime. and that is our problem we've got to dig ourselves out of, todd. >> no doubt. no doubt at all. 100%. >> as we look at these images of your daughter. you say she should be a model for other young people, because she really had it figured out. >> my daughter grew up and our family was a ton of love. she naturally with three other siblings, there's a lot of competition. she was always trying new things. you can imagine she didn't always succeed at them but everything she did, and she didn't do it right the first time, she tried again. she listed things that she was marking down and working on. the simplest things like learning more about their world geography. learning more about some of our past presidents. learning more about people from other places. testing is to educate herself to try to make her better every day. she cared about the world the same way. whether it be the economy are sustainability or politics or anything like that, she was a great role model. she was very, very caring. she was reserved and quiet and shy at times but other times she would be the life of the party. and she really is the role model. i am so proud of what she had accomplished and where she was going. >> todd, thank you for coming on. is there anything else you want to tell us? >> everybody needs to love each other more. it starts at home. that is really where we all need to improve. we need to embrace good families and good children. we are handing the world to these kids that we have damaged. the only thing we can do is try to give them some love. and then it goes into the community. everyone helps the community, you know, people have bigger thoughts to work on the world. let's start small and let's start at home. just show love to everybody around you and particularly your children. they deserve it. >> todd, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> she was 24 years old. may she rest in peace. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪♪ fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. >> five financial disclosures are public knowledge. and have been so. you are getting amazingly wrong information. >> i cannot find him. where were they be if they are public knowledge? >> it is totally accessible if you want it. >> to the public? >> to the public. you are totally incorrect. >> dr. fauci has answered you that it is public information and he is happy to give it to you. senator. >> remember when dr. anthony fauci called him a after he was pressed on his finances? he revealed the nih director and his wife have $10.4 million in investments at the end of 20/20. more transparency for government employees. the fauci act. joining us right now, in particular, no one says that it is not his. it is an astounding number. >> good morning, brian. i think we are over the target now. dr. fauci lied over three different issues during that hearing including the public availability of his finances. he lied about that. we proved them wrong that they were not publicly available but we were finally able to get them. now we know why he was so defensive, why he was visibly shaking. he made almost $2 million in 2020 while the rest of the economy was shut down, while so many people could not go to work and make a living, he made almost $2 million. he has the highest paid federal employee right now making $430,000 a year, more than the president of the united states. significant investments in china as well. we have great concerns about why he is so defensive about his investments. >> what was your reaction on him calling you a "moron"? >> right. we have all been in those heated moments. i didn't take it personal. the bigger issue is that he was lying to the american public. that is the real issue here. we recently helped a break in that hearing, an issue regarding a viral gain of function that it was funding particular research project at the department of defense refused to fund because they thought it was viral gain of function. he went ahead and went forward and use the health system to help fund the lab to develop a site for the virus. he also won a million dollar prize. did he get that money? >> near as we could tell, it looks like he kept probably about $100,000 of that. we are still trying to dig down a little bit further. >> you said that he lied to the american public. it did he lie into addition to what he said there when he said my financial records are public? any other laws? >> i think there are three issues during that hearing that he misled her lied to the public. in questioning with rand paul, dr. paul brought up basically that dr. fauci covered up how he used his influence in addition to being the highest-paid federal employee in the land, it also distributes $5 million of grants per year. dr. paul's point was that dr. fauci used that influence to change people's mind on the origin of this virus. people who say there is a 70% to 30% chance at this virus was made in a laboratory, suddenly, they are signing a letter dismissing that as a possibility. and they go on to get $15 million of grants later over the next two years. that was number one. number two was the viral gain of function issue as well as the public availability of finance. >> not yet. we have some democrat sponsors on a normal one style commission to get into the origins of covid. that is really where this is leading. we proved our point that dr. fauci lied to the public. it is time to move forward and get to the real truth and start figuring out where this virus came from. >> that would help. thank you so much. >> let's check in with our senior meteorologists. >> here we go again. the cold air is in place across much of the u.s. we even have advisories in place for north florida where it is going to be below freezing tonight and take a look at our next storm system as we go through the next couple of days. this one is going to impact the midsouth, the carolinas, areas that were hit hard by this last storm system. watch this as we go to the next couple of days into friday and saturday. we have all the ingredients for another storm that could perhaps bring ice and snow to georgia, they carolinas up toward the mid atlantic and in toward the northeast. this is the one we are watching over the next couple of days. your latest forecast details. we will certainly keep you posted. i know you will be interested in this one. back to you. >> all right. thanks so much. this story, we cannot get enough of. we have to get to the bottom of this. declassified overnight. it is not good for people in our government. army veteran, but first, let's take a look at bill hemmer with dana perino. >> stunning interview. good morning to you also. the homeless, the mentally ill, crime, stunning murders that leave this connection bear. how do we fix it? bad numbers for democrats and their policies. how where it should they be? another back of the hand given to parents who make a key battleground states. this is not go over well. we will see you guys at the top of the hour. 11 minutes away. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> you got a new classified report revealing that the administration really knew before they withdraw from afghanistan in 2021. the report underscores that american authorities had been alerted that afghanistan's airport should not have the capabilities to survive after we left. it points to u.s. failure to train afghan support staff leaving the air force unable to maintain its aircraft. without air cover, they lose. serving in afghanistan, pete, this whole report was overdue. it was rare to be declassified. this is usually if you declassify something, come out with a declassified version within two months. this took about a year. what do you take from this? >> why did they take a year? because i didn't want to come out. everybody knew what this report said was true at that time and during that time of the disastrous withdrawal. we never had enough training to members of afghan air force. that alone people that i could procure, maintain, provide the technical expertise. this is a backwards country with extremely low literacy rate. we are going to ramp up the type of bowling like infrastructures so they could maintain these helicopters and airplanes. it was never going to happen. everybody knew it wasn't going to happen. the generals knew, the colonel's new come of soldiers knew the white house new, which means either joe biden was willfully blind. he said i don't want to hear it. or they were lying about it from day one. they knew without air power, there is no chance the afghan military holds up. they knew there's no chance the afghan air power stays up and let the the maintenance and training the pilots. it was all a straw man from the beginning into the end. >> from the pentagon over the weekend, they told me, nobody knew how quick they would fall. they probably thought it would eventually fall. do you buy into that? i'm having trouble with that. >> may be a little bit. if we are going to debate over weeks or months. how is not any better? we knew they would fall. we thought it would be a year before the taliban takes over. if you know they are going to fall, it's unacceptable. you better change your approach and strategy. either one is no good. that has been there excuse from beginning. they were going to lose in the fourth quarter. >> can you get our stuff out? $50 billion of military hardware used against us sold off to our enemies. meanwhile, knowing what we just said, now think about this from president biden. >> your military advisors tell you, we should keep 2500 troops has been a stale situation. we can do that and continue to do that. >> no one said that to me that i can recall. if there is an american citizen left, we are going to stay until he got them all out. we went there to get bin laden and to wipe out as best we could and we did the al qaeda and afghanistan. we did it. >> you know what happened later, the general testified and they all to a person said they told him this was going to happen, and they told him to leave people there. this is when his numbers started to crater. >> this was the ultimate revelation of the incompetence of joe biden, the unwillingness and inability to process information. he was obsessed with getting out and a lot of people wanted to get out. he was willing to discard all the other information. the generals courageously pointed out were never willing to throw their rank on the table and say, mr. president, mr. commander in chief, this plan is doomed to fail. i don't want americans to die in the process and i don't want to leave our equipment behind. a total deficit of courage. we look like fools. our equipment is over there. of the taliban is in charge. the idea of islam is on the rise. they think the americans were run out of afghanistan. >> such a political animal. if a high-ranking general was going to his stars on the ground, he knew it would be politically disastrous for him. he probably would have altered his exit plan. i'm really looking forward to the miseducation of america. we have a sound bite here. can you give us an idea of what we are going to expect? speak to the summit is on thursday in richmond, virginia. we are doing a live summits on 9:00 a.m. where we are going to discuss all things education in america. the new series comes out today. it is out right now. it just hit fox nation just about an hour ago. it is about the 100-year takeover of america's schools. each series about 25 minutes. very digestible. you are going to learn something. you are going to be mortified by the depths of the approach the left has taken to take over what our kids learn. here is one small glimpse, one small clip of the education of america. talking about kids doing things they don't even believe. watch this. >> one of the things that bothered me the most was we have heard from so many parents that their kids now are used to writing and papers things they don't believe. so that they can get a decent grade. when mother said my daughter doesn't see anything wrong with this now she has done it so many times. that is a tremendous invasion of individual liberty and freedom of conscience. >> the craziness we see in our schools today is just the tip of the iceberg. it has been happening for years. we spent over a year on this. we interviewed dozens of people and got to the bottom of what the progressives removed from the classroom so they could insert their agenda. it is crazy. i hope parents and grandparents wake up. it's available now. use the promo code "classroom," you can get 90 days free which is plenty of time to watch the whole miseducation of american series and all of brian's specials as well. >> good looking. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> it's available right now on fox nation. you can stream it live on fox nation thursday. go to the classroom and get a 90 day free trial. we've got 27 seconds left. final thoughts. >> i'm thinking about going to cocoa beach later today just to walk in the steps of the "i dream of jeannie" cast. >> any idea what he means? >> and visit this surf shop. i want to compliment you on the excellent interview that you did with the father. she was murdered in california. >> >> republicans seeing their highest level of popularity in three decades. it's tuesday, i'm bill hemmer. how are you doing, dana? >> dana: i'm dana perino, "america's newsroom." a year ago today i put my shoes on the wrong feet, went down to the studio to do our first show together. happy anniversary to you and to my feet. >> bill: that's great. to your feet. you still got them and putting them on the right way.

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Inspector , He , Department Of Defense , John Supco , January 21 , 21 , Air Force , Failure , Contractors , Staff , Capabilities , Everybody , Deal , Inspector General , Training , Fighting Force , Wouldn T , Equipment , Air Cover , Wasn T , Type , Look , Guys , Version , Special Withdrawal , Five , Associated Press , Public , Somebody Somewhere , Secret , White House , Ton , Technicians , Story , Afghan Air Force , Flying , Dough , 15 Billion , 415 Billion , Led , Airport , 2500 , Marines , Airplane , Soldier , Melee , Brave Americans , 13 , Images , Side , Baby , Aircraft , Fence , Barbed Wire , Planes , Image , Suicide Bombing , Shows , Risk , Individuals , Lifetime , Hadn T , Plan , Door , Taliban , Rush , Knock , Administration , Watchdog Group , Aid , Maintenance , Situation , Military Adviser , Flashback , Citizens , Reasons , Bin Laden , Number One , Levels , Al Qaeda , Numbers , Anybody , General , Interviews , George Stephanopoulos , Truth , Pivot , Let , Groups , Sponsors , 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Opportunity , Beirut , Place , Outrage , Upset , Soldiers , Last Night , Mic , Muslim , Quran , Littlist , Movie , Somewhere , Embassy , Officers , Increase , Nothing , Study , Unbelievable , Millions , Killing , Holocaust , Siege , Entresto , Law Enforcement Panel , Cardiologists , Safe , Heart Failure Brand , One Million , Side Effects , Angioedema , Ace Inhibitor , Ace , Harm , Aliskiren , Arb , Blood , Pro , Potassium , Kidney Problems , Blood Pressure , Joe Montana , Patience , Nonsense , Inefficiency , Hi , 65 , Wellcare , Medicare , Prescription , Copays , Primary Care , Cost , Pros , Pocket , Benefits , Items , Flex Card , Vision , Dental , Toothpaste , Over The Counter Allowance , Cold Remedies , Mouthwash , Insurance , Member , Montana , Hearing Expenses , Quarterback , Joe The Pro , Social Security Check , Hassles , Few , Prescriptions , Any , Visits , Premiums , 0 , , Call , Number , Enrollwellcare Com , Website , Screen , Wellcare Guide Today , 26 , Tre Pennie , Sergeant Of Arms Michael Simonelli , Spokeswoman , Betsy Smith , Dallas , National Police Association Sergeant , 9 11 , Trey , Job , Protection , Work , Bail Release Stuff , Jail , Circle , Turnstile , Policy Cycle , Whirlwind , There San Assault , Cops , Crimes , Risk Crimes , Assassination , Quality , Tourists , Bratton , Bill De Blasio , Red Light District , 202014 , Opposite , Front , Hill , Zombies , Aren T The Problem , Betsy , Understanding , 2020 , Narrative , Police Officers , National Police Association , Lack , Law Enforcement , Cash Bail , Prosecution , Lawless Zone Set Up , Autonomous Zone , Minneapolis Police Policedepartment Go On Fire , Seattle , Executive Orders , Reform , Worry , Lesson , Brooklyn , What S Happening In Society , Cities , States , Murder Rate , Category , Austin , Agenda , Rich Or Poor , All Of Us , Whole , Train Wreck , Somebody A Tawnelling , Defund , Academies , Mistake , Police Movement , Criminality , Cycle , Theme , Civilians , Culture , Countries , Baltimore , D A S In St , Murder Rates , Soros , Louis , El Salvador , 100000 , Experts , Triangle , Ms 13 , Philadelphia , San Francisco , Homicide , Party , More , African Americans , Target , Ballot Box , 2022 , Shelves , Stores , Supply Chain Shortages , Impact , Farmer , Retirement , Investments , Plant Burgers , Twins , Guidance , Voya , Nice , Em , Vegan , Events , Crowd , Investors , History , Markets , Landscape , Unforeseeable , Potential , Asset , Gold , Returns , Path , Adults , Botox , Treatment , Headaches , Migraine , 15 , 10 , Eye Problems , Injection , Effects , Muscle Weakness , Symptoms , Speaking , Sample , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Medications , Conditions , Neck , Pain , Skin Infection , Site , Signs , Condition , Muscle , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Users , Survey , Sooner , Plus , Zero , Zero Dollars , 92 , Grocery Store , Demand , Shortages , Costs , Shelf , Freight , Shipping , Omicron , 23 , Produce , Shane Meyers , Ceo , What Shay , Factors , Truckers , Supply Chain Issue , Shipping Point , Product , Destination , Company , Onions , Load , Coast To , 6000 , 000 , 7000 , 0000 , 17 , 20000 , Lettuce , Strawberries , Choice , Market , Shelf Life , Parishables , Consumer , 7 , Fashion , Thestles , Haven T , Widges , Delay , Shipment , Perishables , Sounds , Janice Dean , Onion , Shay Meyers , Nor Easter , Little , Georgia , Northeast , Way , Take A Look , Air , South , Southwards , Temperature Swings , Cold , Gulf Coast , Minus 20 , Picture , Lake Effect Snow , Average , 5 , Weather Maker , Winter , Ice , West , Mix , Plains , Mississippi , Tennessee River Valley , Back To School , Right , Middle , Person Learning , College Students , Return , Chicago , J D , Education , Something Else , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Sound Engineer , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Refresh , Chicken , Honey Mustard , Rotisserie , Gonna , Footlongs , Tangy , Steph Curry , Gillettelabs , Stroke , Shave , Gentle Exfoliation , Exfoliating Bar , Shaving , Car Insurance , Cowboys , Senior Editor Mitchell Robison , Classes , High School , College Experience , Senior , Prom , Sophomore , College , Demographic , Transition , Half , Peers , Point , Learning , Demands , Cases , Student Omicron Cases , Omicron Variant , Inperson Learning , Students , Health Risks , Health Risk , Tuition , Suicide , Age , Goal , Course , Kind , Facilities , Portions , Travel , Flights , Use , Reimbursement , Student Benefits , Access , University , Start , Burden , Notice , Got Gym , Ains Mitchell , Instruction , Counts , Campus , University Community , Residence Hall , Peak , Omicron Infection , Vo , Technology , Windshield , Resources , Safelite Autoglass , Singers , Safelite Repair , Hearing , Starts , Fullest , Difference , Obligation , Miracle Ear , Trial , Miracle Earmini , Thirty , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Love Event , Charities , Retailers , Subaru , And , Car , Charity , Jeff , Robert , None , Bonnie , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Allergies , Spraying Flonase , Good , Efforts , Psst , Bill , Trains , Voting , King , Dr , Isn T A Voting Rights , Election System , Cargo Containers , Inspiration , Filibuster Reform Today , Union Pacific , Law And Order , 160 , 37 , Accountability , Investigations , Loudoun County Public Schools , Duty , Spear , Meanted , Transparency , Odell Beckham Jr , Taking , Big Win At Home , Sleeping , Super Bowl , Cocoa Peach Beach , Degrees , 48 , Bottle , Genie , Bell Lois , Major Nelson , Barbara Eden , Cocoa Beach , On The Beach , Florida Surf Museum , Cape Canaveral , Advantage , Healy , Childhood , Crew , Fray , 50 , Ability , Wishes , Beverly Hillbillies , Petty Coat Junction , Prime Time , Memories , Astronaut , Beach , Syndication , Professor , Nasa , Middle School , Disney World , Surfing T Shirts , Kay , Schools , Surf Shop , Ron Johnson , Ron John T Shirts , Outfits Baggy T Shirts , Geniefor , Shirts , Jeans , Baggy , Mom , Tm Without Paying A , Nose , Bewitched , Ago Nez Moorehead , On Bewitched , Contract Problem , Lionel , Lioness , Lionesses , Jeffersons , United States Senate , Peter Doocy , Issue , Note Go To Washington Live Look On Capitol Hill , Display , Laughter , Goal Gling , Washington D C , January Of 2022 , Voting Rights , Senators , Vice President , Project , Message , 100 , Words , Responsibility , Floor , Insult , Specific , Constitution Of The United States , Oath , Bernie Sanders , Democracy , Will Manchin , Matter , Sinema , Bill Die , Precedent , Isn T About Voting Rights , Per Se , Doesn T Sell , Whiskey , Judgment , Press Conference , Microphone , Station , Sisters , Infrastructure Talk , Thomas The Tank Engine , Binder , 100 Bucks , Democrats , Spot , Legislation , Threat , Action , Election , Methods , Mr , Special Report , Brit Hume , Bret Baier , Last , Emergency Voting Regulations , Law , Resistance , Measure , Disagreement , Bull Conner , Jefferson Davis , Americans Aren T , Illegals , Fraud , Times , Polls , Way You Wouldn T Have , I D , Country , Voter Suppression , Yes , Race Card , Drop Boxes , Changes , Delaware , Isn T The President , Is , Stance , Loss , Jeopardy , Mark Kelly , Left , Interest , Maggie , New Hampshire , Nancy Pelosi , Martin Luther , Rights , Luck , Kamala Harris , Lawmakers , Which , Letter , Freight Trains , Wild West , Cash Bail Policy , Courts , Charges , Booking , Misdemeanor , Fee , Desperation Move , Court , Suspects , Frame , Revictimization , Ups , Workmen , Package , Amazon , Looters , Cargo Train , Engine , Tons , Garbage , Siding , Bolt Cutters , Los Angeles County , Anywhere , Theft , 350 , Agents , Rail Agents , Cash , Employees , Supply Chain , Impacting , Thinking , Rail Heads , Port , America S Cargo , Isn T He , Packages , Toys , Electronics , No One , Train Derailment , Tests , Epipens , Cars , Designer Goods , Covid , Boxes , Construction Worker , Train Tracks , Hundreds , Terrible , Pages , Anti Work , Boss , Headline , User , Resignation Letter , Screen Shotting , Jobs , Texting , Reddit , 1 6 Million , October Of 2020 , 180000 , List , Workers , Restaurant Workers , Tire Place , Resignation Solidarity , 4 5 Million , Movement , Movements , Ad , Capitalism , Best , Process , Bed , Who , Genzers , Labor Participation Rate , Level , Food , Goldman Sachs , Damage Effects , Thread , Epic Screen Shots , Heroes , Page , Figure , Lers , Program , Paycheck , Email , 90000 , Computer , Doreen Ford , Break , Mortgages , Payments , Limit , Bills , Reddit Page , Rent , Idollers , They Don T Care , Answering , Leftists , Article , Nothing Else , Ferris Bueller 2 0 , 80000 , 2 0 , Profile Investigations , Socialist , Virginia , Arc , Aoc , Its , Tough , Ran On , Glenn Youngkin , Jason Miyares , Fox Friends First , Investigation , Loudoun County , On , Sexual Assault , Parole Board , Americans , Preference , Shift , Gallup Sur Varks , Majority , 2021 , Lead , Aisle , 47 , 42 , 1995 , Controversy , Metric , Transgender U Penn , Olympic Champion , Lia Thomas , Edge , Skin , Sports , Field , Ncaa , Secretary Of State , Guidelines , Ukraine , Tensions , Immigrant , Congresswoman Victoria Spartz , Russia Escalate , Antony Blinken , Softness , Add Downy , Wash , Freshness , Downy , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Combination , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Spread , Positive , Egfr , Pd L1 , Immune System , Yervoy , Gene , Opdivo , Cancer , Ways , Alk , Problems , Breath , Nausea , Shortness , Tiredness , Parts , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Dizziness , Fainting , Cough , Rash , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Confusion , Weakness , Itching , Appetite , Thirst , Fever , Flushing , Urine , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Chest Radiation , Ready , Save , Sale , Trials , Backing , Installation , Prepaid Card , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Value , Voice , 4 99 , 24 7 , 64 99 , Possibilities , Ukrainian Immigrant , Russians , Indiana , Fox News , Antony Blinken Set Toe Meet In Kiev , Murphy , Sides , React , Kramer All Go Over There , Shaheen , Blumenthal , Senator Wicker , Klobuchar , Senator Portman , Ukrainians , Adversaries , Memorandum , Arsenal , Budapest , 1994 , Agreement , Commitment , Russia , Assurances , Weapons , Energy Policy , Control , Talk , Europe , Proliferation , Nato , Walk , Meeting , Spokesperson , Western Europe , Vladimir Putin , Concerns , Account , Border , Territory , Military Infrastructure , Guarantees , Writing , Commitments , Security , Power House , Paper , Arena , Discussion , Venezuela , Cuba , Socialism , Freedoms , Soviet Union , Instability , Regimes , Nukes , Example , North Korea , Invasion , New Mexico , Flower Shop Owner , State Leaders , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Weight , Heart Disease , Don T Take Ozempic , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Reuse , Share , Pens , Vision Problems , Reaction , Insulin , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , 25 , Naj , Clients , Fisher Investments , Money Manager , Backs , Fiduciary , Fees , Bitcoin , 10000 , Council , Tech Economy , Region , Nonprofit , Arkansas , 250000 , 36000 , 50000 , Muhammed Ali , Robe , Sleepers , Sleeping Aids , Sleep Junky Review , Rematch , Auction , Bidding , 165 , Savings Account , Thief , Break In , Delivery Van , Tools , Session , Flower Shop , Lisa Velarde , Signature , Lisa , Cameras , Here We Go Again , Crime Scene Investigators , Alarm , Alarms , Manner , Shops , Corner , Shop , Doors , Ugh , Claim , Insurance Company , Cart , Stage , Anniversaries , Neighborhood , West Side , Attitude , Blocks , Van , Tires , Manufacturing Company , Work Life Balance , Ohio New Market , Labor Shortage , The World Today , Worries , Dupixent , Du , Teamwork , Walks , Yardwork , Types , Add On , Asthma Attacks , Lung Function , Steroids , Numbness , Don T Change , Anaphylaxis , Tingling , Limbs , Asthma Treatments , Infusions , Scent , Mood , Migraine Medicine , 52 , Ubrelvy , Pill , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Cgrp Protein , Abbvie , Inhibitors , Cause , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Moms , Employers , Creative Tusco Display , Stay , One Ohio Manufacturing , Employee , Britney , Margaret , Tusco Display Mike , Gap , Find , Mike , Kids , Cooking , Schedule , Basis , Dollar Tree , Recruitings , School , Off , Boys , Husband , Activities , Bus , Manufacturers Haven T , Manufacturers , Plant , Factory , Patient , Production , Congratulations , Calibrations , Audits , Ladies , Storm , Janice , Feet , Senior Meteorologist , Snowfall Totals , Weather Forecast , Weekend , Carolinas , Ohio , Clipper System , Attention , Wind Speeds , Nor Easter Close To Hurricane Force Winds , Maine , Upper Midwest , Areas , Storm System , Mid Atlantic , Regions , Friends , Speed Dial , Back To You , Team Owner , Advice , Heartless Remark , Wow , Customization , Ten , 2016 , 14 , 01 , 68 , 61 , 24 Euros , 63 Billion , 2250 , 163 Billion , 12250 , 5900 , 45900 , 2 3 , Million , 2 Million , 22 Million , 101 , 125 Million , 25 Million , February 15th , 16 , 10 4 Million , 0 4 Million , 430000 , 30000 , A Million Dollar , A Million , 00000 , 5 Million , 15 Million , 665 , 665 Dollars , 0 Billion , 50 Billion , 90 , 27 ,

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