Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

of criminal justice reform. more with andy mccarthy and rafael coming up. >> sandra: president biden, no good, horrible, very bad week. first year of his presidency, major set backs to his agenda and plummeting approval numbers. hello and welcome everyone, i'm sandra smith in new york. and here we made it to friday, john. >> john: good to be with you on friday, nothing sounds as good as that word. john roberts in washington. the president facing a litany, criticizing election overhaul speech. approval rating sinking to 33% in a new quinnipiac poll. the supreme court blocking the vaccine mandate for large businesses. >> sandra: also, key democratic senators joe manchin and kir sten sinema opposing changes to the filibuster, and the president acknowledging it will likely fail and covid-19 hospitalizations at a record high, even though he campaigned on getting it under control. jacqui heinrich from theorth lawn. how is the white house taking all this, what is the mood around there? >> i would say it's a little edgey around here, this week has not gone the right way for the white house. late last night chuck schumer canceled plans for the senate to take up action on the filibuster and voting rights over the weekend and on monday he blamed covid and a winter storm coming in but really nobody is buying that after the president hosted manchin and sinema here at the white house for a last ditch effort for an agreement on the voting rights and the filibuster and evidently went nowhere. senator sinema took wind out of the sails saying she was not going to budge on the filibuster and the president left the meeting defeated, admitting the path forward was hazy. he did promise to keep trying. and the supreme court, saying while covid spreads in the workplace, also at home and schools and basically where people gather and the rift is beyond osha's power to address. the white house is pushing back whether it's time for a hard reset. >> what's your message to democratic voters out there who said they voted for lawmakers to protect voting rights, turn the tide on global warming, lower prescription drug prices, reform police headquarters, raise the minimum wage, tackle student debt and have gotten none of it. >> we are still fighting for every component you just listed and right now we are dealing with the realities, the fact that we have a very slim majority in the senate and in the house. >> team biden trying to turn the focus to what the administration has accomplished. unemployment dropped 3.9%, 200 million americans vaccinated and all time record for americans with health insurance, thanks to the rescue plan and the president will give remarks on a new program to replace bridges, funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law that he signed, a big achievement of his, one of them, at least. sandra. >> sandra: ok. so, jacqui, we are awaiting -- we are waiting the president right now and will go to him when he begins speaking and he is dealing with a lot as you just mentioned on his plate. not a lot going right for him this week, mostly going wrong. he's even taking fire from the left wing media. and we'll ask others how he is doing with the inflation problem, but you've got anchors on far left shows and networks saying the country is frustrated, another network calling it a week from hell, that was cnn this morning. as we watched coverage, so as we conclude this week, there is bipartisan frustration and anger how this white house is handling so many of these problems the country faces today. >> yeah, when you hear al sharpton saying it was a go to hell speech for a lot of people, it's something you have to really take a look at, step back and say whoa, is the messaging right here. as of right now the white house is planning on swapping out deck chairs, they are sticking with their policy and their plan and hoping that it works out for them. >> john: jacqui, the east at the white house has begun, the infrastructure czar, former mayor of new orleans is speaking now in advance of the president, president biden will be up there as soon as landry is finished. but this is the lone accomplishment of his administration so far, and something that almost did not get done, so many of his party and the president were pairing the infrastructure with the so-called social infrastructure, build back better, now known as a huge failure for this administration. the -- he's clearly trying to change the subject here. the request -- question is can he, and what's the mood at the white house? angry president biden when he was handed walking papers on the voting rights bill yesterday. what's the mood at the white house? >> what they have been doing to bring the agenda is not working, a different tone in messaging, more forceful in their bringing up january 6th and things like that to advance the voting rights legislation. but i do think we need to point out the president's lone achievement, a law passed with bipartisan support. 19 republican senators and a handful of republicans in the house that voted to support this, and yet the administration is focussing really on just trying to pass major bills through their own party. >> john: jacqui, sorry to interrupt. here is the president now. >> gotten done, we are going to get a lot of them done, i might add. but this is something we did get done and enormous consequence to the country. one of the reasons i put mitch landrau in charge of implementing the infrastructure bill, he gets it. a former mayor, he knows it's not to score partisan points, it's did we fix the problem, did we fix the problem. all about fixing the problem. i ran for president to unite the country. and this unites us around things we all depend on. rural kentucky or downtown philadelphia, you should be able to turn on a faucet and drink clean water. students should be able to get the internet if they need it to do their homework at home instead of having to drive to a fast food parking lot. people need good jobs. mitch has told me about the man he met in jackson, mississippi who told him "i don't mind working three jobs, i just don't want one paycheck across all three jobs." you know, we have heard it said, talent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not. when we invest in infrastructure, we are really investing in opportunity. these are investments that will build a better america. sounds like hyperbole but it's real. i want to talk about the progress we have made in two months since i signed the bill in law and make a big announcement. here is some of what we have done so far. the department of transportation has released nearly $53 billion, billion dollars to states to modernize highways. so you have to leave 30 minutes earlier to get to work because the traffic jam, that's going to be fixed. announced more than 240 million in grants to improve ports in 19 states to speed up and strengthen our supply chains, lower costs and get you the things you need more quickly. announced $3 billion for over 3,000 airports around the country to make it more modern, safe and sustainable, and kicking off the largest investment in affordable reliable high speed internet in our nation's history, $65 billion to get to every corner of our country connected, urban, rural and suburban. our infrastructure work also protects health, cleans up the environment and fights climate change. across this country people have been struck and have been struck by all the changes that are needed. they are angry, sickened by the broken water sewage system, polluted water from the faucets, raw sewage in the back yards. i have seen and understand and we have seen the damage done in flint, michigan and jackson, mississippi. already announced over $7 billion in clean water funding to states so they can fix and upgrade their aging water systems and sewage systems. take some time, but the money is there and they are getting the money. our children deserve no less. we have also released an action plan to replace all of our nation's lead pipes in the next decade. this is the united states of america, for god sake. everyone in this country should be able to turn on the faucet and drink clean water. it's time to get back to the business of cleaning up the hazardous waste sites that poison our land and water, and keep the pollution from happening in the first place. environmental protection agency announced $1 billion to clean up 49 super fund sites in 24 states. we are talking about cleaning up rivers in ohio, chemical plants and sites in florida, polluted lakes in michigan and many more. this is long overdue, we have to stick with it. the department of interior is launching a program to cap and plug orphaned oil and gas wells that are spewing methane into the air and are dangerous. many of these wells are in southwestern pennsylvania and eastern ohio, but hundreds of thousands of them across the nation. tapping them is going to create quality jobs, just as it took to dig the well, union jobs, union jobs to close the well, to keep it safe. one of the ways we are going to reach my goal of 100% carbon pollution free electricity by 2035 is by wind energy. i visited renewable energy lab in colorado about a month ago and saw technologies being developed there and just this week the department of the interior announced the largest ever offshore wind, generate enough clean energy to power nearly 2 million homes and thousands of jobs in manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance, just the beginning. jobs that can't be outsourced. also seeing the impact of extreme weather, taking down transmission lines, leaving cities and communities dark for weeks. so the department of energy launched a new initiative to speed up our efforts, to strengthen our energy grid with new and updated transmission lines and keeping the power flowing for americans with cleaner, cheaper reliable energy and that's going to happen. that's going to make a big difference. i also want to be clear, we are in this to win, and you know, there is a lot of work underway. it's going to create a whole lot of jobs and that brings me to the announcement i want to make today, just part of the infrastructure bill. bipartisan infrastructure law includes the largest investment in our nation's bridges since the creation of the interstate highway system. bridges to connect us, bridges to make america work. across the country, 45,000 bridges, 45,000 that are in poor condition. we are seeing photos of some of them behind me, and all 50 states. i've had a chance to see some of them myself as i travel the country. up in new hampshire, visited a bridge where if it's not upgraded, weight restrictions could mean the school busses and fire trucks would have to travel additional ten miles out of the way to get to the other side of the river to deal with getting to school and/or putting out a fire. in new jersey, the busiest rail bridge in the western hemisphere. it's not tall enough for ship traffic, it needs to swing open to let barges through. and sometimes when it closes the rails need to be manually sledgehammered back to place. this slows commerce and increase costs. i went down to louisiana and saw the i-10 bridge, i stood with the mayor and looked at the bridge, 20 years past the planned life, and handling more than double the number of crossings it was designed to handle and two lanes narrower than the interstate that feeds into it causing back-ups and accidents. today the secretary of transportation pete buttigieg is is at a bridge, no longer safe, it used to have 25,000 vehicles a day. and as we celebrate dr. king's birthday, bridges built in black communities, cutting off families, churches and businesses. use the infrastructure investments to reconnect communities. everyone out there knows what i'm talking about. people have written me about bridges they depend on. one man told me the bridge he traveled on every day is a tragedy waiting to happen. one wrote the bridge near the center of her town had to be closed and now drivers and tourists bypass downtown devastating local businesses. and one person wrote to me to say "this is your chance to show the people in my area that they matter to you." i hear you. i hear you. you do matter to me and we are going to get it done. my infrastructure law includes a total of $40 billion in funding for bridge improvements. 12.5 billion of that is going to replace most, the most economically significant bridges in the country. bridges like, i've seen them, brent spence bridge, ohio and kentucky. i-5 connecting washington and oregon. the bridge connecting minnesota and wisconsin. two third of the bridges in need of repair are off system, because they are not directly connected to the interstate highway system. these are overlooked when decisions are being made, but essential for small towns, rural towns, markets, to serve customers. the bridges when they are closed shut off deliveries and routes to school, work and home. they create longer delays for first responders when every second counts. so we have included 27.5 billion for smaller bridges, including dedicated funding for those off system bridges i just described. and because maintaining these bridges is often the responsibility of counties or towns whose budgets are stretched thin already, we decided to get rid of the requirement that counties or towns share in the cost. the federal government is going to pay for 100% of the cost for repairing these small bridges. today we are releasing the first year of that program, which is $5.5 billion. $5.5 billion to states to repair and rebuild bridges to make them more safer and usable. this investment will help in towns and regions to new opportunities. this investment we are sending the message to those communities and the people who call them home. you matter. we are building back and building back better with you. we are making sure you are not left behind or left out. i'll end with this. these investments are consequential. we are just getting started. we are building back better than ever before. clean water for every american. we have never done that before. now we are going to do it. high speed internet for every american, we have never done that before, now we are. connecting forgotten communities, capping wells that are dangerous, strengthening our power grid to make it more resilient to extreme weather changes. these are investments, these are investments our country has never fully made. now we are. you know, and we have arrived at this by a bipartisan agreement. there's nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. when we get this done, we'll get back to being in the world again. once again number one in the world instead of where we sit now at number 13 in terms of the quality of our infrastructure. that's going to mean more jobs, good paying jobs, safer communities, lower costs. we can do this. this is what america, a better america is going to look like. i want to thank you all for listening and we have a lot of work to do and the reason i asked mitch to do this, he knows how to get things done. i want every penny watched, just like the recovery act in the last administration. it matters, it matters. thank you all very much, appreciate it. >> sandra: ok. so he left without answering any questions, i should point out that jen psaki in her briefing this morning did make the announcement he will hold a formal news conference, press conference next wednesday at 4:00 eastern time, so of course reporters will get a chance to ask questions then. but he is touting that infrastructure deal, pointing out the bipartisan nature of it. more jobs, he says, it will create good-paying jobs, at a time when many companies are reporting wage inflation is struggling for a lot of these companies, and it is a tough time to get workers in your door. this as he sinks in the polls and a pretty brutal week, so the news conference next wednesday, of course, will be key for those reporters to get in the important questions. >> john: looking forward to that, according to my good friend who is the knower of all things, only his ninth formal news conference, only his second at the white house. so we look forward to that next wednesday at 4:00 in the afternoon. bring in jason, so the president said starting off this little speech, a lot of talk about disappointments and things we did not get done. this is something we did get done. what's really ironic, about this, this is the only thing he got done. it was done on a bipartisan basis, and all of the partisan things that they had tried to do had been failures. the president has been handed failures, jason, by members of his own party. >> that's exactly right. if he wants to build bridges, he has not been able to build bridges in the united states congress. the one time he reached out, he actually did build a bipartisan bill. but at the end of the little speech he gave, it sounded to me like he was thanking mitch mcconnell, i don't think he did, he was slurring his words at the beginning of what he said. but i think it shows the act of desperation, that they have to reach back literally two months to point to something positive. this is hardly breaking news. and stories about the secret service indicating that $100 billion of covid relief money was stolen when there are $80 billion that were allocated to testing for covid and you can't go get a test, the president is not addressing those major concerns. that's $180 billion worth of stuff and i'm glad we are working on some bridges and some smaller towns but we decided that two months ago, mr. president. >> john: i was not sure what he was getting to, two-thirds the way down thanking mitch mcconnell, kind of pulled up short there, went on to say he knows how to get things done, i don't know if he was referring to mcconnell or schumer. earlier this week he was lumping mitch mcconnell and other republicans in with the likes of bull connor, jefferson davis and george wallace. >> this is the confusion of joe biden and kamala harris, and pete buttigieg, i guess he's in philadelphia doing something. this administration has had one of the most horrific weeks you could possibly imagine. again, no mention of anything that's going on with the immigration front, no mention of foreign policy, add it to the laundry list of things that went wrong this week. >> john: let's put up on the screen the results of a new quinnipiac poll. president biden's overall approval rating stands now at 33% on the economy, he's 34%, 35% on foreign policy and just 39% on the coronavirus pandemic. he is way upside down on all of the major issues, and when things start going sixes and sevenes, white house staff gets sarcastic. >> things seem like they are going poorly right now for the white house. you know. build back better, blocked, voting rights blocked, diplomatic at 40-year high, virus is setting records for infection. so i wonder if you can take stock and that things need to change internally. >> we could propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream but would not be rewarding for the american people, so the president's view, pushing for hard things. >> john: clearly they are not happy at the white house. >> they might actually want to think about bunny rabbits, easter is coming up. don't blow that opportunity, mr. president. that may be the only one that you are going to get to get some bipartisan support at this point. >> john: jason, always good to see you. enjoy your weekend. >> john: sandra, jen said she was not going to stay much longer than a year, i'm sure she has a hand on the rip cord already. >> sandra: i'm sure she's looking forward to the weekend. bring up the dow. while the president was talking, the dow sunk even further. we are into afternoon trading now, but john, important to point out as we end this terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week for the president and it appears that he's getting criticized by his own on his handling of so many of these issues, there are bad earnings coming out. and one story in particular, j.p. morgan. chief financial officer of the major u.s. bank is lowering guidance on head winds including wage inflation. so these problems we were talking about at a political level are very real when it comes to the nation's largest bank. citigroup lowered the forecast by 26%. so major head winds that a lot of the big companies are facing, including retaining and attracting top talent in a very challenging employment atmosphere. so, we are watching the dow because that's a decent enough sell-off to keep your eye on it. >> john: if it's swooning now, wait until jerome powell will raise interest rates. >> sandra: indeed. we'll talk to larry kudlow about that later. fox news alert, new warnings on russia from both the white house and the pentagon. let's go back to the white house, our correspondent jacqui heinrich is standing by. so, we heard from the president, a shorter of a speech than we thought we were going to get but we are watching this news with russia, the false flag or pretext to invasion, what are we hearing now? >> yeah, sandra, hearing alarming language from a u.s. official is who we are attributing it to. this is working its way around many agencies in the biden administration. basically real concern that russia is prepare to invade ukraine, saying they have staged an eastern ukraine proxy forces, that they believe are trained in urban warfare and explosives to carry out attacks on russian forces so a sabotage of their own people in order to set the pretext for russia to invade ukraine. similar to the play book in 2014 when they annexed crimea, and you are hearing some pretty serious warnings about this, that it could happen some time between mid january and mid february. officials warning of widespread human rights violations and war crimes should diplomacy fail. we are told this intelligence has been shared with u.s. allies and there have been high level conversations happening around this issue for weeks now, but we have not seen russia deescalating yet, which has been the act from the biden administration. also one other point that's interesting, they are using social media. there's an effort on social media to blame ukraine for this. 200% increase in basically false information so that's their big concern right now, sandra. >> sandra: ok. jacqui heinrich live at the white house, keep us posted from there. john. >> john: all right, sandra. next, a cop in los angeles is dead, the suspects all with gang ties. but the sheriff had to call in the feds for help in getting justice because he thought the county d.a. would not be tough enough. what's that all about? that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> are you ready to start a great career? there's a buick that fits >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! >> john: three gang members and one other person charged in the death of a police officer. asked the d.o.j. to step in and prosecute the group as gang members since the local d.a. will not seek gang enhancements when prosecuting crimes. andy mccarthy will join us, but william is live in los angeles with the latest. >> the mayor says the city's heart is broken over a senseless crime. according to the indictment, 13th street gang and a female associate you'll see killed a man for two silver chains and 20 bucks. he was the first to attend college, and his dream job of a cop. he cared for his mother in the house he grew up, and hoped to save enough in the city he served. >> my heart is broken, only one son, and somebody say my son died, it's terrible for me. >> monday he and his girlfriend were house hunting when police say members of the gang grabbed his neck chains and stole his wallet. they exchanged gunfire. when of the men took his girlfriend's walking stick. she called 911, but it was too late. >> when you work side-by-side with someone and then all of a sudden he's not there, it hits home. unfortunately i've gone to funerals of officers before, this one is a little different. >> the u.s. attorney is handling prosecution because l.a. liberal democrat g.a. prefuses to file gun and gang enhancement charges against gang members, and opposes long sentences. >> definitely had conversation with a local d.a. and their response was not satisfactory to the gravity of the situation. >> if convicted, they face life without parole and possibility a death penalty all because of two silver chains and 100 bucks. >> minimal property, took the life of a hero. took a life of a person who is here to make this city and this region better. >> two of the suspects will be in court. we will find out if they are held or bond out. >> john: william, thank. sandra. >> sandra: let's bring in andy mccarthy, important story affecting so many lives and this is just an example of some of the people affected by gascon's soft on crime policy. >> you are tearing l.a. apart by your policies. policies are garbage. >> he seems to care more for the criminals than for us victims. >> my son is dead, he's not coming back. >> mr. gascon does not have a compassionate heart for victims. >> i'm angry, i'm hurt, it makes me feel like i'm reliving that day all over again. >> you let us down. you are letting the people of los angeles county down. >> if you don't believe them, look at the numbers in l.a. county, andy, it's heartbreaking. you've got homicides up 48%, grand theft auto up 26%, aggravated assault, rapes are up. these criminals feel emboldened, andy. >> yeah, they do, sandra, and it's not just there, it's across the country where you have these progressive prosecutors. i think, you know, part of the problem people have with trying to wrap their brain around this, we spend so much time on federal law enforcement that i think we don't always, you know, we don't realize the cities are set up differently. for example, federal law was not being enforced, then the president would fire the u.s. attorney, to have the attorney general do it, if that is what was necessary to do that. that doesn't work in the state because the district attorneys are separately elected. kind of their own political animal, and you have this weird situation where the mayor is separately elected but the police answer to the mayor, not to the district attorney, why you see them now reaching out to the federal authorities because the police can have that relationship with the feds independent of the district attorney. >> sandra: in the case of gascon, you wonder how bad does it have to get before things change? >> i think the problem is he can't be fired by the mayor, so he's got to feel political pressure in order to reverse himself and what you are seeing in the cities, unfortunately, one party government and big financial backing from the hard left elements of the democratic party, which is the party that controls these municipalities. so unless he feels that he can be beaten in an election or that his backers are turning against his policies, he doesn't feel the need to change. >> sandra: wow. we are going to continue to cover it right here on the fox news channel, it's a big story, and it's heartbreaking when you hear from the families that have lost loved ones due to this crime. andy, thank you. >> thanks, sandra. >> john: the man suspected in the deadly christmas parade attack in waukesha that killed six and injured dozens more is heading to trial after appearing in court hours ago. a live report on the charges he is facing. >> sandra: new heartbreaking images from the southern border. a migrant family, including a special needs daughter in a wheelchair, crosses the rio grande river in frigid temperatures. is there any end to this humanitarian crisis? 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>> that's really the question. i think we have seen images over the course of the last 12 months, similar to these. of that desperation, and i think that has always been there for individuals to cross the border illegally, but unfortunately this administration, because a number of policies that have been eliminated or put in place have encouraged a lot. we talked about that the pull factors of why people come and choose to break the law illegally, and seen it for 12 months. historic numbers of folks trying to cross the border illegally like the images you showed, because of policies set forth in this administration. look, a right way to cross the border and a wrong way, and very, you know, humane way and inhumane way. i think we need to provide individuals that are seeking asylum and have the legal ways to come here, provide them the avenues, but make sure that the cartels and others know if they try to do it illegally, it's not going to work and soon you will eliminate that demand. >> john: nothing to suggest to the cartels it's not going to work if they try to do it. i.c.e. failing to release the end of year report on enforcement, we talked to tom a little while ago, and difficult for the biden administration to spin the numbers, way down from the trump administration. homan saying this administration has not been able to abolish i.c.e. but effectively its mission. how do you read it? >> i think that's right. and look, they don't want to issue this report, it's congressionally mandated so they have to, try to bury it in the next several weeks on how they release that. numb deportations will be down, and make a number of different reasons and give you explanations on why that is, but i think most americans know and understand that not only are they not doing the right things on border security, but if individuals and criminals are past the border security apparatus, they know the biden administration has put handcuffs on i.c.e. law enforcement to remove individuals, to arrest those individuals and remove them from the country. so, i think most americans understand what this is, and the administration knows it's not a, it's not going to be a good report and they are doing everything they can to delay it and try to bury it at the right time. >> john: might be out this month, toward the end of the month, the beginning of february. see how they can spin it when it comes out. chad, have a good weekend. sandra. >> sandra: john, americans are spending more money they don't have. household debt is on the rise even after several rounds of covid relief checks. so, what's going on here? 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>> the big part of that, of course, is home mortgages, over the quarter over $200 billion. and car debt has gone up as well. the number to watch, though, is credit card debt. that is still below what it was during the pandemic, but the trend line is up. people are falling more and more back on their credit cards and that does not bode well for 2022 and 2023. so, optimists will say, administration will say home values are up so the consumer balance sheet is not that bad. however, credit card debt is going up and we know what a burden that can be. that's the ominous thing and the number to watch, that's not going in a good direction. >> sandra: meanwhile you look at the total amount when you break it down, outstanding debt and number of american households. it averages out to $155,000. and that's -- that's a big number. and steve, i'll draw everybody's attention to the dow and the selloff today, on a friday afternoon. down 400 points off the lows of the session. seems to be a lot of concern, not just about household debt, but also where we are as inflation producer prices, consumer prices, just about everything is going against us when it comes to the high price of goods on the shelves, if they are even on the shelf. says president biden has bombed big time on the things that matter most. when you look at the point, people are concerned about the inflation and the supply chain crisis and the administration handling of it. u.s.a. today talking about the horrible very bad week. this moment, when president biden, his first full year in office. >> well, it's been a miserable year, and he took a situation that was going in the right direction a year ago, and made it worse. these are supply chain shortages, made worse by higher energy prices. why do they go up? production is down. why is it down? administration is waging war on oil and gas. and on the mortgage front, yes, mortgage debt is going up. house prices are going up. however, the interest rates are going up. most of the mortgage debt is floating rate, and the federal reserve is going to have interest rates rising. moreoffer, the government is going to be trying to finance one and a half trillion to $2 trillion of debt in 2022. who is going to buy the debt? now that the federal reserve says they are not buying bonds so much. that means higher long-term interest rates, higher mortgage rates. >> ties back to the debt per household and if interest rates go up, exacerbated situation. steve forbes, thanks for joining us. good to see you. >> john: l.a. county sheriff bypassing his leading d.a. and turning to the d.o.j. to help. thoughts on the feds side stepping and what it potentially means for other far left district attorneys. and more ahead, too. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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that plan was already tanked by members of his own party. not to mention they were also calling out his divisive attacks on republicans, comparing to jim crow. >> john: and the supreme court dealt president biden another blow, shooting down the vaccine mandate. inflation hit a four decade high while the president's poll numbers hit a new low. >> sandra: charlie hurt moments away on that, on the president, and who is hurting. but first, peter is live at the white house. peter. >> and sandra, this afternoon president biden said he knows there's been a lot of talk about recent disappointments, and he's right. >> president biden promised to bring decades of d.c. experience to the oval office. build back better has not passed, voting rights will not pass, and vaccine requirements apparently illegal. what happened? >> first, peter, look back at last year and what we were able to accomplish, that includes getting the american rescue plan passed, package that has, is contributed to cutting childhood poverty by 40%, ensuring we are moving at a record low unemployment rate. ensure schools more than 95% are open across the country. work of an administration continues after one year and he will continue to press forward on the priorities. >> a look back at the bipartisan infrastructure package, the one big legislative accomplishment they had to point to from the last year, but republican critics are out saying the reason there is a focus on the voting rights legislation is because it could help democrats change things down the line. >> the democrats know that their agenda is massively unpopular, and delivered catastrophe results for americans, highest inflation in 40 years so they want to remake the political system so they don't have to relinquish power. >> no opportunity for the q and a, but he will have a formal press conference here at the white house wednesday, sandra. l>> sandra: and we look forward to that. byron donalds asking the question, is the president taking a second victory lap on infrastructure? i thought he already did this. i guess it's been a really, really, really bad week, said byron donalds. peter, we will see you later and see you at the news conference on wednesday. thank you. >> john: find the silver lining wherever you can, sandra. charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor, not a happy new year so far for president biden, agenda grinding to a halt, enemies at the gate around the world, lingering supply chain problems, inflation, and now the prospect of rising interest rates as the dow tanks today. this is a new year's hangover that will not go away. >> no, you are exactly right, and of course you know, as bad as all the numbers are, when you get out of washington and look at the, you know, look at grocery store shelves and gas prices, these are all things that really do affect people in a very personal way, a very real way, and i think that has led to a volatility among the electorate that i don't think i have seen it in my 20 years of covering politics. it is -- it's a very unstable situation and that always, that always cuts worse for the party that's in power. >> john: congressman mike gallagher from wisconsin believes the biden administration is circling the drain. listen here. >> i think we are seeing the collapse of the biden presidency. the deeper problem in the white house right now is that the president is governing for twitter, and not for the american people. if they want to try and salvage this thing, he's got to do some dramatic changes. starts with firing ron, tony fauci. >> john: no question president biden is losing the confidence of the american people, and even of members of his own party. is this fixable, if he took mike gallagher's advice, fire a few people? >> it would have to be pretty dramatic to turn it around at this point. you know that you are in big trouble when you manage to unify dick durban, and others who think he is failing right now. but middle of the road voters, biden is not working, the polls show that. and stunning, i don't think his base is pleased with what he's doing, and this whole gambit to use, to smash the filibuster in order to push through this voting rights legislation, which is actually not about voting rights, it's about cementing democrat power across the country, that's all it is, about sealing democrat political control across the country. they didn't propose to do this about any of the other issues that their base cares about. they didn't do it about legalizing illegal aliens, didn't do it about going after guns, didn't do it about climate change, they are doing it only to fill their own coffers, feather their own political nest and i think that reveals a desperation and a really, really, really cynical cynicism that you know, just as bad as things have been in the last couple years, this is so much worse. >> john: and weigh in on something else you are keen to talk about, the vice president and her issues highlighted, with a "today" show interview, when she was asked whether or not, because it appears to be failing at this point, the administration needs a new covid policy. here is what she said in response. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing, time every day, every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. >> john: she didn't even know how many at home tests the administration was going to send out. not only, charlie, did she seem unprepared for this interview, she seemed to not care that she was unprepared. >> yeah, yeah. no, and i think that comes through so clearly in answers like that. but you know, and as bad as it is, there's nothing worse than having the wrong policy and having a bad policy. but then you have a really bad policy and you are doing it wrong, you are doing it incompetently, and then the president and the vice president have admitted that they never saw this variant, the omicron variant coming, and you know, obviously there are a lot of things in a pandemic that are sort of -- that you can't predict, such as the pandemic itself. the one thing you can predict is there is going to be a variant, and if testing is going to be a part of it, you have to have the tests ready and you have to be prepared for it and so these people not only do they have the worst policies right now, refuse to change direction when they realize that their policies are not working, but they are employing them in the most incompetent way possible. >> john: and they have a huge communications problem. no question about that. charlie, i hope you have a good weekend. thank you for joining us this friday afternoon. sandra, when you look at the response, time to do what we have been doing, and every day to agree things and tools to available to slow this thing down. will cain said, like the lebron james response when he was asked about malcom x, the book he had not read and try to come up with an answer what his greatest take-away from the book was. >> sandra: unbelievable, and this moment, though, howie is going to come on later, the mainstream media coverage of the presidency one year in, and it's been pretty brutal watching some of the other networks this morning, john king on cnn, the country is frustrated, saying biden has had a week from hell. we'll ask him about some of the shots the president is taking from members of his own party and beyond. >> john: a marked shift in the coverage that the mainstream media has been undertaking. >> sandra: yes, noticeable. all right. the head of the oath keepers said to appear in court shortly facing charges of seditious conspiracy. the most serious related to the january 6th riot. we broke the news yesterday during this hour, now live outside the justice department. >> stewart rhodes began the oath keepers in 2009, recruited former law enforcement members and former military, he will be appearing before a federal judge in texas in about 90 minutes or so, he and ten others are facing charges of seditious conspiracy, an attempt to overthrow the government by force. he was arrested at his home in texas yesterday. his estranged wife spoke about the arrest this morning. listen. >> he's a dangerous man. he's very dangerous. he lives very much in his own head. he sees himself as a great leader. >> according to the indictment during the melee, one said antifa had breached the capitol. rhodes replied nope, i'm right here, these are patriots. and there is no indication to the antifa nexus related to the attack, however antifa is in the news this week because republicans brought up antifa's involvement in the summer 2020 riots, courthouses were set on fire, businesses destroyed and people trampled. republicans questioned authorities about what is being done. >> encourage you to have the full force and weight of law against those who defile the capitol. protests went on for a year, this photo behind me, throwing molotov cocktails, trying to kill police officers. >> fbi officials insist the 2020 investigations are still underway. >> we have opened about slightly more than 800 cases, so yes, more than when you were last briefed on that, and our arrests are a bit north of 250. so, still making progress on those cases. >> sandra, and these are just federal arrests. we have many, many state charges against the head of the oath keepers, he will be before a judge in the next 90 minutes. back to you. >> sandra: you'll keep us posted. thank you. john. >> john: sandra, as if president biden did not have enough problems here at home, he could have an international crisis to add on to the pile. >> sandra: the pentagon warning it looks like russia is getting even closer to invading ukraine and american allies. so how should and how will president biden respond? general keith kellogg will join us after the break. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine 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invade. the pentagon claiming we have seen this exact move from putin before. general keith kellogg standing by live, but first benjamin. >> two things it's thought vladimir putin needs, one to convince his people it's justified and pretext and excuse for doing so. according to u.s. intelligence, he is putting in place both of these things. numerous u.s. officials have today said intelligence indicates russian operatives, trained in urban warfare and explosives are in eastern ukraine, to carry out acts of sabotage, might be planning out operations against russia's own proxy forces. >> we do have information that indicates that russia is already working actively to create a pretext for a potential invasion. in fact we have information that they have positioned a group of operatives to conduct what we call a false flag operation. >> russia also appears to be preparing its own people with invasion with state and social media seeing a massive spike in stories emphasizing the deterioration of human rights in ukraine and increased milltancy of ukrainian leaders. invasion would be between mid january and mid february and ukraine was also hit with a massive cyber attack, took down the websites of the cabinet, seven ministries, state services, and a message that said in part be afraid and expect the worse, this is for your past, present and future. despite denials from moscow and insistence they are not planning on invading, everything they are doing seems they are working towards that. and talks between nato, o.s.c. and russia came to no real conclusion. >> john: we'll watch it and see how it goes. thanks, sandra. >> sandra: general keith kellogg, former national security adviser, thanks for joining us, sir. do you believe russia is on the verge of invading ukraine? >> thanks for having me. yes, i do. i think the indicators are starting to grow. not so much the cyber attack, a rehearsal to what may happen, but the talks with the u.s. and the nato and o.s.c. talks have broken down, did not go very far. they are moving logistics forces as well, not just aviation. but when you move in logistics forces, that means you are closer to doing a dramatic military operation and i think they are looking at taking a hunk out of eastern ukraine to give themself a huge land bridge between crimea and russia proper, the bridge over the black sea, so i think they are gearing up to go and i think it should be very, very worrisome. my concern is that i don't think we are taking it very seriously. what i mean by that, president biden, seems like he's always a step behind when it comes to national security and i think it's a huge instance where he is in fact, and the nation is a step behind. >> sandra: on that note, the president's press secretary was asked about this developing story in the press briefing this morning. she said this, listen. >> we are concerned the russian government is preparing for an invasion in ukraine, widespread human rights violations and russia is laying the ground work to have the option of a pretext invasion, and we have seen this before. >> sandra: why do you think, general, the white house is not taking this seriously? >> i just think it's a pattern. pattern they have said before, it's just, they hope that people are going to ignore it. everything from what you have seen what's happening with immigration, with afghanistan, and now with ukraine. i think they are a step behind, sandra. they should have been planning to do some type of preventative operation well over a month or two months ago, and what i mean by that, you should have increased military aid to ukraine. and then the president picks up the phone and calls putin and tells him look, if you thought at that time the soviet union, if you thought afghanistan was bad, ukraine will be worse, and a lot of body bags coming home to russia. but we did not do that. we really have not informed them at all, just a lot of talk and the talks have gone nowhere. and the president has not engaged vladimir putin the way he should and engaged the other european allies as well. not nato, per se, but alliance of the european nations have not supported ukraine like they should. >> sandra: so that brings up the would versus should. you are presuming they are not taking this seriously, but if they were to, how should the administration proceed and take this seriously if we are, in fact, as you just said, on the verge of an invasion? >> here is what i would do. the same thing that president trump would have done. he would have picked up the phone and called putin and said look, i can't stop you from invading, that's in your mind that you are going to take the eastern part of ukraine, ok. but we are going to make you pay long-term. what i mean by that, we give an incredible amount of military aid to ukraine that they can defend themselves in ukraine proper. ukraine is a huge country. second largest land mass in europe and they are not positioned, they, the russians, are not positioned to take all of ukraine but are positioned to take the eastern portion and he has to make that hard decision and let putin know how serious we are. he does not believe biden, they don't trust each other, he doesn't think putin, i'm sorry, biden has the credibility or the leadership instinct to do something that's going to push back on. so i think he's in the near term, i think he's preparing to go and will go in the next month. >> sandra: wow, that is a big prediction. general, appreciate your time as always, sir. thank you. >> thanks, sandra. >> sandra: we saw the acknowledgment in the briefing this morning by jen psaki and the white house is obviously watching the situation development there and the false flag operation, we have seen it before, jen psaki said, but how does it mean the white house will proceed from here, considering the prediction from the general that he believes putin is on the verge of invading ukraine. >> john: you have to say this is what we are doing now to prevent you from doing that, the white house does not seem to want to go there. hey, sandra, wild video as yet another violent car heist plays out near times square. how did the top tourist spot become a carjacker's paradise? that's ahead. >> sandra: and on the west coast, an officer in los angeles shot dead in front of his girlfriend. sheriff not trusting the progressive prosecutor to get justice, so calling in the feds as well. rafael mangual is on deck for that. how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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>> yeah, well, unfortunately it's not just going on in that city, but this is what we have come to expect now in jurisdictions so-called progresstive prosecutors, moreover the last couple years in new york, philadelphia as well. in philadelphia, bill mcswain, took it upon himself to affirmatively go after cases where there were concurrent federal jurisdiction and what it tells us, a huge lack of confidence in the local police departments and the progresstive prosecutors. case like this one with the murder of officer aroyyo, george gascon made it clear he was not going to pursue gang enhancements and a promise he is committed to keeping, and explains why the sheriff is not confident in leaving that case in the hands of the local d.a. there, it's a real problem. >> john: you mentioned the police officer. he was 27 years old, targeted by gang members because he had two silver chains that were around his neck. it ended up with him being shot and killed. that is pretty clear prosecution on the county and the state level, no question about that. yet as you point out, gascon campaigned on not including gang enhancements in any prosecution, so the sheriff turned to the feds. the federal charge is violent crime and aid of racketeering. that is a gang-related charge. he had to go to the feds to get it. >> that's exactly right, got what he was looking for. but he had to go outside to get it, and this is unfortunately going to be an unsustainable trend. the federal prosecutors have their own case loads, very limited resources. you know, we are going to run into a real high level of tension if local d.a.s continue to incentivize this work around. and by the way i should mention, this sort of work around is not necessarily going to be available forever. one of the things we are seeing is the progressive prosecutor movement is bleeding into the federal government. biden administration continues to invite these prosecutors into the fold of the d.o.j., saw it with the appointment of rawlins in boston, a long list of crimes she would decline to prosecute. she's appointed as a u.s. attorney there in massachusetts. so this is something that everyone should be watching, americans across the country should be worried about. we now have more than about 50 million americans living in jurisdictions with progressive prosecutors. my hope is people wake up to what it means in practice and this is agregious and sad example of that. >> you touched on the tip of the iceberg and the next topic. we prepared a graphic of a lot of left-leaning districts and prosecutors recently installed. and this is a list that is getting longer and longer. george gascon, bragg, gonzalez, and fox, gardner, and the list goes on and on and on. many of these people as you pointed out are in crime-ridden big cities. as the list is longer, what is the effect going to be and quality of life for law abiding citizens, are we going to see many of these police agencies ance law enforcement agencies reaching out to the feds for help here? because they are not getting it on the local level. >> i certainly think we are going to see more of these local police agencies reaching out to the feds for help. whether the prosecutors will be willing to take the cases on remains to be seen, as we see in ideological shift among federal prosecutors recently, but i think quality of life is one of the first things that's going to start to deteriorate in response to the progressive prosecutor movement expansion. one of the reasons for that, the prosecutors are focussing on not prosecuting low level quality of life offenses, but over time we are going to start to see, you know, more serious effects on higher levels of violent crime as criminals catch on, and as we start to see reductions in the inxastation -- >> the video is like a scene out of a post apocalyptic disaster movie, yet it's real life in america these days. have a great weekend. >> you, too. >> sandra: president biden may have had a terrible week of defeat, but that's not stopping him and other democrats from trying harder. new details how they plan to strong arm their way into getting something, anything done. >> john: and you know you are in bad shape. left leaning media brutal toward the president today. is he losing the press that has propped him up for so long? 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[a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> john: after a horrible week the president could not even get relief from his friends in the media. howard is coming up on that. democrats remain determines to jam through his agenda. chad, next week chuck schumer will play the role and try to role the boulder up the hill yet again. >> i like the reference, good afternoon. stymied by members of his own party, build back better last month, voting rights this month. democrats will try again next week to change filibuster provisions just for voting rights. g.o.p. will filibuster the democrats' bill. >> if the senate republicans choose obstruction over protecting the sacred right to vote as we expect them to, the senate will consider and vote on changing the senate rules as has been done many times before to allow passage of voting rights legislation. >> the white house insists it will continue to push the voting rights issue. >> agenda does not wrap up in one year, we will fight for every component of his agenda and his, and his plans for his presidency that he outlined when he was running for president. >> democrats are willing to continue to press members on voting rights. this is a strategy to placate their base. is there a risk alienating the left with promises. >> i don't think it's a question of overpromising, i think this is a basic question and the democrats are going to have to demonstrate to their voters that they have made every effort possible. >> sometimes it takes time for issues to ripen. democrats believe they can do that by applying pressure on manchin and sinema. >> john: did schumer miss sinema's speech or pretending it did not happen? >> they are trying to put pressure on the two senators and placate their base, john. >> john: it has not worked so far. chad, thank you. >> sandra: call them back up, and over to the white house. less than a week since president biden marks one year in office, but backers in media that celebrated all things joe biden a year ago are having a melt down over his failures. watch this. >> president joe biden has had a tough week with setbacks for his agenda, covid complications and the supreme court blocking his vaccine mandate, inflation and international turmoil just to name a few. >> you do have inflation and crime in the background. obviously also have problems with him passing his legislation, b.b.b. yesterday a couple more blows to his agenda. >> few days away from his one-year anniversary of inauguration, it's dark right now. >> kirsten sinema politically embarrassed the leader of her own party. >> sandra: howie joins us now. great to see you. really interesting this morning and seeing the way the other nets are covering this, and it's not just the tv networks, but you are noticing this, obviously, in some of the left wing public -- left wing publications as well. as far as u.s.a. today calling it the horrible, no good, very bad week for joe biden, this has been a tough one. >> sandra, for the pundits to say joe biden had a bad week i think is giving him a pass. he has been on a spectacular losing streak since the afghanistan debacle, and more than novack in australia. and they cannot pretend the president is doing well right now. >> sandra: talking about the frustration the american people are feeling, especially with the inflation problem. you mention afghanistan in the string of failures that has come since then, since that debacle. and david axlerod saying it did not help for him to compare those that don't support his voting legislation to segregationists, so there's a series of missteps, and biden's epic failure, highlighting the two months since signing the 2 trillion infrastructure into law, bombed big time on the things that matter most. this is brutal now and it's coming from all sides, the criticism. >> what a difference year makes after he's the f.d.r. hype. the genuine win on infrastructure, first the president pushing the 3.5 trillion spending bill that manchin and sinema were not going to go along with even half the level and the fiery speech in georgia, comparing bull connor and george wallace, and not only alienates republicans but some moderate democrats and never any chance in hell that the aforementioned two democratic senators were going to budge on the filibuster, meaning he was going to lose, be embarrassed. the press knows these are miscalculations and saying the obvious. joe biden does not have control of his own party. >> sandra: i'll end with jen psaki's defense. >> right now we are dealing with the realities we have a very slim majority in the senate and the house that makes things more challenging than they have been in the past. >> that is true. >> sandra: and knocking on the door, yeah, that's true, i just want to end with this and perhaps she sees opportunity but multiple reports that hillary clinton sees an opening here, attempting a comeback, a new piece, howie, how the clinton and biden failures have been laying the ground work for another clinton run. >> it's a fantasy that hillary clinton is going to run in 2024, but tells you something about the media and political confidence in joe biden right now. two months to the midterms, but right now not looking good. >> sandra: howie, always appreciate the chat, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> have a great weekend. >> sandra: john. >> john: not how much of a fantasy the hillary clinton candidacy is. more to come, i'm sure. more drama down under, djokovic's fight against australia's government. will he get to play in the open? >> sandra: if you are one of the people who can find a covid test when you need one, don't celebrate your luck just yet. a new warning the test you found might not be what it seems. what you need to know, next. i have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. so i'm taking zeposia, a once-daily pill. because i won't let uc stop me from being me. zeposia can help people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and it's the first and only s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat not corrected by a pacemaker, if you have untreated severe breathing problems during your sleep, or if you take medicines called maois. zeposia may cause serious side effects including infections that can be life-threatening and cause death, slow heart rate, liver or breathing problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, and swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels. though unlikely, a risk of pml--a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection--cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, medications, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. if you can become pregnant, use birth control during treatment and for 3 months after you stop taking zeposia. don't let uc stop you from doing you. ask your doctor about once-daily zeposia. >> sandra: fox news alert from new york city. more in the shooting of a teenage cashier at a burger king. fox just confirmed the accused killer had seven prior arrests including criminal possession of a weapon and assault and yet still able to walk the streets free through at the time of the deadly crime. the 19-year-old cashier was killed for no apparent reason. the victim just started the job two weeks prior. police say he got away with about $100 and arraigned later today. the mayor called it a cold-blooded killing of a child. john? >> john: see how the new d.a. handles that. and jonathan hunt following the back and forth with the usta and djokovic. >> yeah, time may be running out for novak djokovic and could be deported within hours unless his lawyers can find a legal lifeline through the courts. his visa was withdrawn three days before the australian open gets underway. the minister, alec hawk, said he was acting on good health and good order grounds that it was in the basic public to do so. djokovic is unvaccinated and no elevated under government rules to enter the country as a nonresident. the tennis star was being lead to believe he would have an exemption because he told them he contracted covid and recovered it it in december. he admitted a mistake on his forms saying he hadn't traveled anywhere before arrival in australia when he had. his agents said it was a mistake. critics say providing false information to immigration officers would have somebody kicked out of the country immediately. we expect djokovic to be taken into detention again in the next hour. then there's a new court hearing for 6:15 p.m. eastern potentially one final hearing beyond that after which we could see the best ten necessary player in the world being escorted to the airport by police and immigration agents and thrown out of australia. >> john: game and set for australia. we'll see if it's match later on today. sandra? >> sandra: i'm following that story closely. as americans wait for the biden administration's promised covid tests to be sent home, some folks are selling fake test kits and opening bogus websites. grady trimble is live. a lot of people taking advantage of this opportunity, grady. >> unfortunately, sandra. several government agencies are warning people to beware. people are looking for personal details like information from insurance companies or identifiable information. these testing sites in many states are unlicensed and unregulated by the state. one company said the center for covid control operates more than 300 sites. they have an f rating from the better business bureau and under investigation in illinois and several other states. they received numerous complaints and now they say they're shutting down for the next week to try to get a handle on all of these problems. the illinois attorney general, sandra, says your best bet is to go to state-run sites or city-run sites where you won't be preyed on. >> sandra: grady trimble in chicago. thank you. thanks for joining us. by the way, i'm going to join our friend, larry, at 4:00 on fbn. i'll be co-hosting "the five." >> john: looking forward to that. i'll see you sunday. "the story" with martha starts now. >> martha: great. we'll see you soon. good afternoon, everybody. i'm martha maccallum. so after a bruising week and critics on all sides, signs on this friday that there are changes that they're working on at the white house. that after this brushing off of the press by president by den.

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District Attorney , Authorities , Relationship , Feds Independent , Pressure , Gascon , Backing , Elements , Backers , Election , Municipalities , Wow , Loved Ones , Report , Attack , Waukesha , Deadly Christmas Parade , Dozens , Six , Border , Special Needs , Images , Wheelchair , Temperatures , Migrant Family , Rio Grande River , Daughter , Crisis , Highs , Lows , Bipolar , Symptoms , Strength , Take Control , Kindness , Adults , Ask , Medicines , Relief , Vraylar , Episodes , Depressive , Manic , Risk , Thoughts , Muscles , Doctor , Stroke , Antidepressants , Reaction , Fever , Psychosis , Behavior , Patients , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Sleepiness , Restlessness , Coma , Weight Gain , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Kids , Mom , Planning , Version , Court Hearing Wrapping , Northwestern Mutual , Darrell Brooks , Tragedy , Christmas Parade , 71 , Amount , Mike , Injured , Surprise , Evidence , Trial , Hair , Jump Suit , Masking , Expressionless , Thomas Casey , Hearing , Witness , Events , Crowd , Parade , Traffic , Vehicle Zig Zagging , Clinton Street , Everything , Vehicle , Hit And , Jumping Bail , Speed , Abuse , Homicide , Endangerment , Child , Other , Beating , Court Documents , Detail , Congressman Mike Gallagher , Chicago , Southern Border , Family , Border Patrol , Ice , Girl , Del Rio , America First Policy Institute , North , Northwest Of Laredo , 2021 , Desperation , Cartels , Image , Callousness , Abuses , Buck , Individuals , 12 , Folks , Pull Factors , Asylum , Demand , Avenues , Enforcement , Difficult , End , Ice Failing , Congressionally , Mission , Homan , Deportations , Explanations , Border Security Apparatus , Border Security , Handcuffs On Ice , Chad , Household Debt , Steve Forbes , Rounds , Rise , Liberty Mutual , Relief Checks , What S Going On , Down , Liberty , Car Insurance , Milk , Lactose , Liberty Lactaid , Throwback , Isn T A Real Cow , Anyone , Isn T Real Milk , Dairy , Mabel , Don T Worry , Shhh , Subway , Lease Cash , Rx , Footlongs , Eat Fresh Refresh , Lexus Rx , 350 , 1500 , 2022 , 500 , Rotisserie , App , Life Insurance Policy , Bacon Ranch , Save Big , Baja Chicken Bacon , The Smokeshow , Aka , Baja Steak Jack , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Retirement , Income , Cash Payment , 00000 , 100000 , Insurance , Worth , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Save , Set , Sale , Ready , Voice , Value , Deal , Installation , Prepaid Card , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , 24 7 , 64 99 , 2 , 4 99 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Sales , Inflation Concerns , Spending , Slowing , Signs , U S Department Of Commerce , American Spending Habits , 17 , Debt , Households , New York Federal Reserve Bank , 15 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Forbes Media , Chief , Editor , 5 24 Trillion , 15 24 Trillion , Home Mortgages , Credit Card Debt , Watch , Back , Car Debt , Trend Line , Credit Cards , 200 Billion , Values , Consumer Balance Sheet , Optimists , 2023 , Direction , Burden , Everybody , , On A Friday Afternoon , Selloff , Attention , 55000 , 155000 , Consumer Prices , Inflation Producer Prices , Session , 400 , Big Time , Price , Goods , Shelves , Shelf , Inflation , Usa Today , Supply Chain Crisis , Office , Supply Chain Shortages , Mortgage Debt , House Prices , Energy Prices , Production , Mortgage Front , War , Yes , Oil And Gas , Reserve , Rate , Most , Moreoffer , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Ties , Bonds , Household , L A County Sheriff , District Attorneys , Protein , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Up , Understatement , Defeats , Ground , Setbacks , The Hill , Round , Biden Reeling , Elections , Jim Crow , Poll Numbers , John And The Supreme Court , Blow , Inflation Hit , Low , Charlie Hurt , Peter , Experience , Oval Office , D C , Vaccine , Unemployment Rate , Childhood , Poverty , 95 , Priorities , Infrastructure Package , Line , Catastrophe , Q , A , Byron Donalds , Victory Lap , Contributor , Silver Lining , Washington Times , Opinion Editor , Halt , Hangover , Prospect , Supply Chain Problems , Enemies , Tanks , Gate , Grocery Store , Gas Prices , Led , Affect , Politics , Electorate , Volatility , Drain , Collapse , Twitter , Confidence , Fixable , No Question , Tony Fauci , Firing Ron , Advice , Trouble , Base , Middle Of The Road , Dick Durban , Doing , Use , Gambit , Any , Didn T , Illegal Aliens , Nest , Really , Coffers , Cynicism , Guns , Vice President , Show Interview , Tools , Interview , It Incompetently , It Wrong , Answers , Sort , Omicron Variant Coming , Communications Problem , Incompetent , Book , Answer , Will Cain , Malcom X , Lebron James , Mainstream Media Coverage , Howie , John King , Shots , Beyond , Oath Keepers , Mainstream Media , Serious , Seditious Conspiracy , Stewart Rhodes , Justice Department , January 6th Riot , Judge , Law Enforcement Members , Military , Texas , 2009 , 90 , Force , Arrest , Attempt , Wife , Great Leader , Melee , Indication , Patriots , Antifa , Capitol , Antifa Nexus , Courthouses , Involvement , Riots , 2020 , Protests , Weight , Photo , Molotov Cocktails , Who Defile The Capitol , Cases , Arrests , Police Officers , Investigations , Fbi , 800 , State Charges , 250 , Add , Pile , Keith Kellogg , Break , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Serena , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , 3 , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Cause , Older Medicines , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Calhope , You Re Not Alone , Calhope Org , 4673 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , Warning , Operatives , Operation , Moscow , First Benjamin , General , Move , Vladimir Putin , Keith Kellogg Standing , Excuse , Acts , Proxy Forces , Leaders , Deterioration , Milltancy , Spike , Cyber Attack , Websites , Worse , Ministries , State Services , Cabinet , Seven , Nato , Insistence , Denials , Osc , Sir , Conclusion , Verge , Indicators , Rehearsal , Talks , Aviation , Logistics , Broken Down , Land Bridge , Military Operation , Hunk , Russia Proper , Black Sea , Step , Brushing Off Of The Press , Press Secretary , Instance , Note , Ground Work , Human Rights Violations , Option , Pattern , Immigration , Afghanistan , Preventative Operation , Type , Step Behind , Phone , Military Aid , Putin , Body Bags , Soviet Union , Nations , European , Per Se , Russians , Ukraine , Land Mass , Doesn T Think Putin , Credibility , Portion , I M Sorry , Decision , Instinct , Prediction , Leadership , Term , Acknowledgment , Situation Development , Video , Car Heist , Times Square , Carjacker , Officer , Front , Tourist Spot , Paradise , West Coast , Prosecutor , Deck , Rafael Mangual , Sushi , Seafood , Indian , Lunch , Ehh , Safety , Collision Beeping Warning , Tacos , Silence , Emergency Braking , Automatic , Chevy Equinox , Worries , The World Today , Technology , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Name , Result , Killers , Violent Carjackings , Thief , Safe , Places , Wild Scene , Midtown Manhattan , P D , Times , Broadway , Audi , Carjackings , Coast To , Incidents , Driver , Car , Brazen Carjacker , Camera , Taser , Carjackers , Duty , Statistics , Show , Teens , Nation S Capital , Experts , 56 , 511 , 18 , Explosion , Thrill , Task Force , Minds , Word Of Mouth , Repeat Offender , Carjacking Surge , Carjacking Epidemic , Matters , Streets , Firearm , Hijacking , In Manhattan , David Lee Miller , 11 , Mourning , Monday Night , 27 , Turns , Left Leaning , Law And Order , Gang Involvement , He Focusses On Public Safety , City , Jurisdictions , Say , Cop Killers , Bill Mcswain , Jurisdiction , Progresstive , Police Departments , Lack , Aroyyo , Hands , Keeping , County , Silver Chains , Neck , Aid , Racketeering , Trend , Loads , D A S , Resources , Tension , List , Movement , Fold , Appointment , Rawlins , Boston , Massachusetts , 50 Million , Hope , Practice , Tip , Agregious , Districts , Topic , Iceberg , Graphic , Gonzalez , Bragg , On And , Gardner , Real Life In America , Police Agencies , Law Enforcement Agencies , Effect , Citizens , Ance , Remains , Prosecutor Movement Expansion , Effects , Levels , Offenses , Reductions , Disaster Movie , Scene , Inxastation , Details , Defeat , Left Leaning Media , Shape , Dream , Reach , Newday100 Va Loan , Va Home Loan Benefit , Payments , Average , Veterans , No One , Newday Usa , 60000 , 0000 , 615 , 15 , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , Life Changing , Info , Blood Clots , Ton , Game , Chicken , Bacon , Ticking , Clock , Footlong , Delay , Peppercorn Ranch , Whistle Blowing , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Candidates , Master , Size , Job Description , Indeed Com Hire , Liberty John , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Whistle , Limu , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Doug , Oh Boy , Friends , Howard , Role , Boulder , Reference , Filibuster Provisions , Vote , Obstruction , Rules , Voting Rights Issue , Passage , Strategy , Promises , Overpromising , Miss , Applying Pressure On Manchin , Joe Biden A , Melt , Few , Complications , Background , Turmoil , Blows , Bbb , Kirsten Sinema , Leader , Inauguration , Public , Tv Networks , Nets , Publications , Pass , Pundits , Debacle , Djokovic S Fight Against Australia , Losing Streak , Novack , String , Feeling , Voting Legislation , Don T Support , David Axlerod , Segregationists , Series , Missteps , Epic Failure , Sides , Criticism , Fdr Hype , Spending Bill , Georgia , 3 5 Trillion , Press , Control , Defense , Obvious , Reports , Comeback , Hillary Clinton , Opening , Piece , Clinton , Fantasy , Midterms , Clinton Run , 2024 , Candidacy , Chat , Covid Test , Don T , Drama , Down Under , The Open , Luck , Zeposia , Ulcerative Colitis , Remission , Don T Let Uc , Uc Achieve , Heartbeat , Heart Attack , Heart Failure , Mini Stroke , Chest Pain , Pacemaker , Don T Take Zeposia , S1p Receptor Modulator Approved For Uc , Breathing Problems , Infections , Blood Pressure , Heart Rate , Liver , Sleep , Blood Vessels , Swelling , Narrowing , Maois , Macular Edema , Zeposia May , Medications , Birth Control , Brain Infection , Conditions , Treatment , Pml , Cashier , Killer , Accused , Burger King , Victim , Possession , Assault , Weapon , Killing , Jonathan Hunt , Usta , Novak Djokovic , Lifeline , Courts , Djokovic , Lawyers , Alec Hawk , Grounds , Visa , Australian Open , Tennis Star , Lead , Government Rules , Nonresident , Exemption , Mistake , Hadn T , Anywhere , Arrival , Immigration Officers , Agents , Court Hearing , Player , Detention , Airport , Match , Grady Trimble , Covid Tests , Test Kits , Government Agencies , Advantage , Insurance Companies , Company , Testing Sites , Complaints , Investigation , Covid Control , F Rating , Illinois , Better Business Bureau , 300 , Handle , Bet , On , Larry , Fbn , Five , Martha , The Story , Martha Maccallum , Den ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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of criminal justice reform. more with andy mccarthy and rafael coming up. >> sandra: president biden, no good, horrible, very bad week. first year of his presidency, major set backs to his agenda and plummeting approval numbers. hello and welcome everyone, i'm sandra smith in new york. and here we made it to friday, john. >> john: good to be with you on friday, nothing sounds as good as that word. john roberts in washington. the president facing a litany, criticizing election overhaul speech. approval rating sinking to 33% in a new quinnipiac poll. the supreme court blocking the vaccine mandate for large businesses. >> sandra: also, key democratic senators joe manchin and kir sten sinema opposing changes to the filibuster, and the president acknowledging it will likely fail and covid-19 hospitalizations at a record high, even though he campaigned on getting it under control. jacqui heinrich from theorth lawn. how is the white house taking all this, what is the mood around there? >> i would say it's a little edgey around here, this week has not gone the right way for the white house. late last night chuck schumer canceled plans for the senate to take up action on the filibuster and voting rights over the weekend and on monday he blamed covid and a winter storm coming in but really nobody is buying that after the president hosted manchin and sinema here at the white house for a last ditch effort for an agreement on the voting rights and the filibuster and evidently went nowhere. senator sinema took wind out of the sails saying she was not going to budge on the filibuster and the president left the meeting defeated, admitting the path forward was hazy. he did promise to keep trying. and the supreme court, saying while covid spreads in the workplace, also at home and schools and basically where people gather and the rift is beyond osha's power to address. the white house is pushing back whether it's time for a hard reset. >> what's your message to democratic voters out there who said they voted for lawmakers to protect voting rights, turn the tide on global warming, lower prescription drug prices, reform police headquarters, raise the minimum wage, tackle student debt and have gotten none of it. >> we are still fighting for every component you just listed and right now we are dealing with the realities, the fact that we have a very slim majority in the senate and in the house. >> team biden trying to turn the focus to what the administration has accomplished. unemployment dropped 3.9%, 200 million americans vaccinated and all time record for americans with health insurance, thanks to the rescue plan and the president will give remarks on a new program to replace bridges, funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law that he signed, a big achievement of his, one of them, at least. sandra. >> sandra: ok. so, jacqui, we are awaiting -- we are waiting the president right now and will go to him when he begins speaking and he is dealing with a lot as you just mentioned on his plate. not a lot going right for him this week, mostly going wrong. he's even taking fire from the left wing media. and we'll ask others how he is doing with the inflation problem, but you've got anchors on far left shows and networks saying the country is frustrated, another network calling it a week from hell, that was cnn this morning. as we watched coverage, so as we conclude this week, there is bipartisan frustration and anger how this white house is handling so many of these problems the country faces today. >> yeah, when you hear al sharpton saying it was a go to hell speech for a lot of people, it's something you have to really take a look at, step back and say whoa, is the messaging right here. as of right now the white house is planning on swapping out deck chairs, they are sticking with their policy and their plan and hoping that it works out for them. >> john: jacqui, the east at the white house has begun, the infrastructure czar, former mayor of new orleans is speaking now in advance of the president, president biden will be up there as soon as landry is finished. but this is the lone accomplishment of his administration so far, and something that almost did not get done, so many of his party and the president were pairing the infrastructure with the so-called social infrastructure, build back better, now known as a huge failure for this administration. the -- he's clearly trying to change the subject here. the request -- question is can he, and what's the mood at the white house? angry president biden when he was handed walking papers on the voting rights bill yesterday. what's the mood at the white house? >> what they have been doing to bring the agenda is not working, a different tone in messaging, more forceful in their bringing up january 6th and things like that to advance the voting rights legislation. but i do think we need to point out the president's lone achievement, a law passed with bipartisan support. 19 republican senators and a handful of republicans in the house that voted to support this, and yet the administration is focussing really on just trying to pass major bills through their own party. >> john: jacqui, sorry to interrupt. here is the president now. >> gotten done, we are going to get a lot of them done, i might add. but this is something we did get done and enormous consequence to the country. one of the reasons i put mitch landrau in charge of implementing the infrastructure bill, he gets it. a former mayor, he knows it's not to score partisan points, it's did we fix the problem, did we fix the problem. all about fixing the problem. i ran for president to unite the country. and this unites us around things we all depend on. rural kentucky or downtown philadelphia, you should be able to turn on a faucet and drink clean water. students should be able to get the internet if they need it to do their homework at home instead of having to drive to a fast food parking lot. people need good jobs. mitch has told me about the man he met in jackson, mississippi who told him "i don't mind working three jobs, i just don't want one paycheck across all three jobs." you know, we have heard it said, talent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not. when we invest in infrastructure, we are really investing in opportunity. these are investments that will build a better america. sounds like hyperbole but it's real. i want to talk about the progress we have made in two months since i signed the bill in law and make a big announcement. here is some of what we have done so far. the department of transportation has released nearly $53 billion, billion dollars to states to modernize highways. so you have to leave 30 minutes earlier to get to work because the traffic jam, that's going to be fixed. announced more than 240 million in grants to improve ports in 19 states to speed up and strengthen our supply chains, lower costs and get you the things you need more quickly. announced $3 billion for over 3,000 airports around the country to make it more modern, safe and sustainable, and kicking off the largest investment in affordable reliable high speed internet in our nation's history, $65 billion to get to every corner of our country connected, urban, rural and suburban. our infrastructure work also protects health, cleans up the environment and fights climate change. across this country people have been struck and have been struck by all the changes that are needed. they are angry, sickened by the broken water sewage system, polluted water from the faucets, raw sewage in the back yards. i have seen and understand and we have seen the damage done in flint, michigan and jackson, mississippi. already announced over $7 billion in clean water funding to states so they can fix and upgrade their aging water systems and sewage systems. take some time, but the money is there and they are getting the money. our children deserve no less. we have also released an action plan to replace all of our nation's lead pipes in the next decade. this is the united states of america, for god sake. everyone in this country should be able to turn on the faucet and drink clean water. it's time to get back to the business of cleaning up the hazardous waste sites that poison our land and water, and keep the pollution from happening in the first place. environmental protection agency announced $1 billion to clean up 49 super fund sites in 24 states. we are talking about cleaning up rivers in ohio, chemical plants and sites in florida, polluted lakes in michigan and many more. this is long overdue, we have to stick with it. the department of interior is launching a program to cap and plug orphaned oil and gas wells that are spewing methane into the air and are dangerous. many of these wells are in southwestern pennsylvania and eastern ohio, but hundreds of thousands of them across the nation. tapping them is going to create quality jobs, just as it took to dig the well, union jobs, union jobs to close the well, to keep it safe. one of the ways we are going to reach my goal of 100% carbon pollution free electricity by 2035 is by wind energy. i visited renewable energy lab in colorado about a month ago and saw technologies being developed there and just this week the department of the interior announced the largest ever offshore wind, generate enough clean energy to power nearly 2 million homes and thousands of jobs in manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance, just the beginning. jobs that can't be outsourced. also seeing the impact of extreme weather, taking down transmission lines, leaving cities and communities dark for weeks. so the department of energy launched a new initiative to speed up our efforts, to strengthen our energy grid with new and updated transmission lines and keeping the power flowing for americans with cleaner, cheaper reliable energy and that's going to happen. that's going to make a big difference. i also want to be clear, we are in this to win, and you know, there is a lot of work underway. it's going to create a whole lot of jobs and that brings me to the announcement i want to make today, just part of the infrastructure bill. bipartisan infrastructure law includes the largest investment in our nation's bridges since the creation of the interstate highway system. bridges to connect us, bridges to make america work. across the country, 45,000 bridges, 45,000 that are in poor condition. we are seeing photos of some of them behind me, and all 50 states. i've had a chance to see some of them myself as i travel the country. up in new hampshire, visited a bridge where if it's not upgraded, weight restrictions could mean the school busses and fire trucks would have to travel additional ten miles out of the way to get to the other side of the river to deal with getting to school and/or putting out a fire. in new jersey, the busiest rail bridge in the western hemisphere. it's not tall enough for ship traffic, it needs to swing open to let barges through. and sometimes when it closes the rails need to be manually sledgehammered back to place. this slows commerce and increase costs. i went down to louisiana and saw the i-10 bridge, i stood with the mayor and looked at the bridge, 20 years past the planned life, and handling more than double the number of crossings it was designed to handle and two lanes narrower than the interstate that feeds into it causing back-ups and accidents. today the secretary of transportation pete buttigieg is is at a bridge, no longer safe, it used to have 25,000 vehicles a day. and as we celebrate dr. king's birthday, bridges built in black communities, cutting off families, churches and businesses. use the infrastructure investments to reconnect communities. everyone out there knows what i'm talking about. people have written me about bridges they depend on. one man told me the bridge he traveled on every day is a tragedy waiting to happen. one wrote the bridge near the center of her town had to be closed and now drivers and tourists bypass downtown devastating local businesses. and one person wrote to me to say "this is your chance to show the people in my area that they matter to you." i hear you. i hear you. you do matter to me and we are going to get it done. my infrastructure law includes a total of $40 billion in funding for bridge improvements. 12.5 billion of that is going to replace most, the most economically significant bridges in the country. bridges like, i've seen them, brent spence bridge, ohio and kentucky. i-5 connecting washington and oregon. the bridge connecting minnesota and wisconsin. two third of the bridges in need of repair are off system, because they are not directly connected to the interstate highway system. these are overlooked when decisions are being made, but essential for small towns, rural towns, markets, to serve customers. the bridges when they are closed shut off deliveries and routes to school, work and home. they create longer delays for first responders when every second counts. so we have included 27.5 billion for smaller bridges, including dedicated funding for those off system bridges i just described. and because maintaining these bridges is often the responsibility of counties or towns whose budgets are stretched thin already, we decided to get rid of the requirement that counties or towns share in the cost. the federal government is going to pay for 100% of the cost for repairing these small bridges. today we are releasing the first year of that program, which is $5.5 billion. $5.5 billion to states to repair and rebuild bridges to make them more safer and usable. this investment will help in towns and regions to new opportunities. this investment we are sending the message to those communities and the people who call them home. you matter. we are building back and building back better with you. we are making sure you are not left behind or left out. i'll end with this. these investments are consequential. we are just getting started. we are building back better than ever before. clean water for every american. we have never done that before. now we are going to do it. high speed internet for every american, we have never done that before, now we are. connecting forgotten communities, capping wells that are dangerous, strengthening our power grid to make it more resilient to extreme weather changes. these are investments, these are investments our country has never fully made. now we are. you know, and we have arrived at this by a bipartisan agreement. there's nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. when we get this done, we'll get back to being in the world again. once again number one in the world instead of where we sit now at number 13 in terms of the quality of our infrastructure. that's going to mean more jobs, good paying jobs, safer communities, lower costs. we can do this. this is what america, a better america is going to look like. i want to thank you all for listening and we have a lot of work to do and the reason i asked mitch to do this, he knows how to get things done. i want every penny watched, just like the recovery act in the last administration. it matters, it matters. thank you all very much, appreciate it. >> sandra: ok. so he left without answering any questions, i should point out that jen psaki in her briefing this morning did make the announcement he will hold a formal news conference, press conference next wednesday at 4:00 eastern time, so of course reporters will get a chance to ask questions then. but he is touting that infrastructure deal, pointing out the bipartisan nature of it. more jobs, he says, it will create good-paying jobs, at a time when many companies are reporting wage inflation is struggling for a lot of these companies, and it is a tough time to get workers in your door. this as he sinks in the polls and a pretty brutal week, so the news conference next wednesday, of course, will be key for those reporters to get in the important questions. >> john: looking forward to that, according to my good friend who is the knower of all things, only his ninth formal news conference, only his second at the white house. so we look forward to that next wednesday at 4:00 in the afternoon. bring in jason, so the president said starting off this little speech, a lot of talk about disappointments and things we did not get done. this is something we did get done. what's really ironic, about this, this is the only thing he got done. it was done on a bipartisan basis, and all of the partisan things that they had tried to do had been failures. the president has been handed failures, jason, by members of his own party. >> that's exactly right. if he wants to build bridges, he has not been able to build bridges in the united states congress. the one time he reached out, he actually did build a bipartisan bill. but at the end of the little speech he gave, it sounded to me like he was thanking mitch mcconnell, i don't think he did, he was slurring his words at the beginning of what he said. but i think it shows the act of desperation, that they have to reach back literally two months to point to something positive. this is hardly breaking news. and stories about the secret service indicating that $100 billion of covid relief money was stolen when there are $80 billion that were allocated to testing for covid and you can't go get a test, the president is not addressing those major concerns. that's $180 billion worth of stuff and i'm glad we are working on some bridges and some smaller towns but we decided that two months ago, mr. president. >> john: i was not sure what he was getting to, two-thirds the way down thanking mitch mcconnell, kind of pulled up short there, went on to say he knows how to get things done, i don't know if he was referring to mcconnell or schumer. earlier this week he was lumping mitch mcconnell and other republicans in with the likes of bull connor, jefferson davis and george wallace. >> this is the confusion of joe biden and kamala harris, and pete buttigieg, i guess he's in philadelphia doing something. this administration has had one of the most horrific weeks you could possibly imagine. again, no mention of anything that's going on with the immigration front, no mention of foreign policy, add it to the laundry list of things that went wrong this week. >> john: let's put up on the screen the results of a new quinnipiac poll. president biden's overall approval rating stands now at 33% on the economy, he's 34%, 35% on foreign policy and just 39% on the coronavirus pandemic. he is way upside down on all of the major issues, and when things start going sixes and sevenes, white house staff gets sarcastic. >> things seem like they are going poorly right now for the white house. you know. build back better, blocked, voting rights blocked, diplomatic at 40-year high, virus is setting records for infection. so i wonder if you can take stock and that things need to change internally. >> we could propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream but would not be rewarding for the american people, so the president's view, pushing for hard things. >> john: clearly they are not happy at the white house. >> they might actually want to think about bunny rabbits, easter is coming up. don't blow that opportunity, mr. president. that may be the only one that you are going to get to get some bipartisan support at this point. >> john: jason, always good to see you. enjoy your weekend. >> john: sandra, jen said she was not going to stay much longer than a year, i'm sure she has a hand on the rip cord already. >> sandra: i'm sure she's looking forward to the weekend. bring up the dow. while the president was talking, the dow sunk even further. we are into afternoon trading now, but john, important to point out as we end this terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week for the president and it appears that he's getting criticized by his own on his handling of so many of these issues, there are bad earnings coming out. and one story in particular, j.p. morgan. chief financial officer of the major u.s. bank is lowering guidance on head winds including wage inflation. so these problems we were talking about at a political level are very real when it comes to the nation's largest bank. citigroup lowered the forecast by 26%. so major head winds that a lot of the big companies are facing, including retaining and attracting top talent in a very challenging employment atmosphere. so, we are watching the dow because that's a decent enough sell-off to keep your eye on it. >> john: if it's swooning now, wait until jerome powell will raise interest rates. >> sandra: indeed. we'll talk to larry kudlow about that later. fox news alert, new warnings on russia from both the white house and the pentagon. let's go back to the white house, our correspondent jacqui heinrich is standing by. so, we heard from the president, a shorter of a speech than we thought we were going to get but we are watching this news with russia, the false flag or pretext to invasion, what are we hearing now? >> yeah, sandra, hearing alarming language from a u.s. official is who we are attributing it to. this is working its way around many agencies in the biden administration. basically real concern that russia is prepare to invade ukraine, saying they have staged an eastern ukraine proxy forces, that they believe are trained in urban warfare and explosives to carry out attacks on russian forces so a sabotage of their own people in order to set the pretext for russia to invade ukraine. similar to the play book in 2014 when they annexed crimea, and you are hearing some pretty serious warnings about this, that it could happen some time between mid january and mid february. officials warning of widespread human rights violations and war crimes should diplomacy fail. we are told this intelligence has been shared with u.s. allies and there have been high level conversations happening around this issue for weeks now, but we have not seen russia deescalating yet, which has been the act from the biden administration. also one other point that's interesting, they are using social media. there's an effort on social media to blame ukraine for this. 200% increase in basically false information so that's their big concern right now, sandra. >> sandra: ok. jacqui heinrich live at the white house, keep us posted from there. john. >> john: all right, sandra. next, a cop in los angeles is dead, the suspects all with gang ties. but the sheriff had to call in the feds for help in getting justice because he thought the county d.a. would not be tough enough. what's that all about? that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> are you ready to start a great career? there's a buick that fits >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! >> john: three gang members and one other person charged in the death of a police officer. asked the d.o.j. to step in and prosecute the group as gang members since the local d.a. will not seek gang enhancements when prosecuting crimes. andy mccarthy will join us, but william is live in los angeles with the latest. >> the mayor says the city's heart is broken over a senseless crime. according to the indictment, 13th street gang and a female associate you'll see killed a man for two silver chains and 20 bucks. he was the first to attend college, and his dream job of a cop. he cared for his mother in the house he grew up, and hoped to save enough in the city he served. >> my heart is broken, only one son, and somebody say my son died, it's terrible for me. >> monday he and his girlfriend were house hunting when police say members of the gang grabbed his neck chains and stole his wallet. they exchanged gunfire. when of the men took his girlfriend's walking stick. she called 911, but it was too late. >> when you work side-by-side with someone and then all of a sudden he's not there, it hits home. unfortunately i've gone to funerals of officers before, this one is a little different. >> the u.s. attorney is handling prosecution because l.a. liberal democrat g.a. prefuses to file gun and gang enhancement charges against gang members, and opposes long sentences. >> definitely had conversation with a local d.a. and their response was not satisfactory to the gravity of the situation. >> if convicted, they face life without parole and possibility a death penalty all because of two silver chains and 100 bucks. >> minimal property, took the life of a hero. took a life of a person who is here to make this city and this region better. >> two of the suspects will be in court. we will find out if they are held or bond out. >> john: william, thank. sandra. >> sandra: let's bring in andy mccarthy, important story affecting so many lives and this is just an example of some of the people affected by gascon's soft on crime policy. >> you are tearing l.a. apart by your policies. policies are garbage. >> he seems to care more for the criminals than for us victims. >> my son is dead, he's not coming back. >> mr. gascon does not have a compassionate heart for victims. >> i'm angry, i'm hurt, it makes me feel like i'm reliving that day all over again. >> you let us down. you are letting the people of los angeles county down. >> if you don't believe them, look at the numbers in l.a. county, andy, it's heartbreaking. you've got homicides up 48%, grand theft auto up 26%, aggravated assault, rapes are up. these criminals feel emboldened, andy. >> yeah, they do, sandra, and it's not just there, it's across the country where you have these progressive prosecutors. i think, you know, part of the problem people have with trying to wrap their brain around this, we spend so much time on federal law enforcement that i think we don't always, you know, we don't realize the cities are set up differently. for example, federal law was not being enforced, then the president would fire the u.s. attorney, to have the attorney general do it, if that is what was necessary to do that. that doesn't work in the state because the district attorneys are separately elected. kind of their own political animal, and you have this weird situation where the mayor is separately elected but the police answer to the mayor, not to the district attorney, why you see them now reaching out to the federal authorities because the police can have that relationship with the feds independent of the district attorney. >> sandra: in the case of gascon, you wonder how bad does it have to get before things change? >> i think the problem is he can't be fired by the mayor, so he's got to feel political pressure in order to reverse himself and what you are seeing in the cities, unfortunately, one party government and big financial backing from the hard left elements of the democratic party, which is the party that controls these municipalities. so unless he feels that he can be beaten in an election or that his backers are turning against his policies, he doesn't feel the need to change. >> sandra: wow. we are going to continue to cover it right here on the fox news channel, it's a big story, and it's heartbreaking when you hear from the families that have lost loved ones due to this crime. andy, thank you. >> thanks, sandra. >> john: the man suspected in the deadly christmas parade attack in waukesha that killed six and injured dozens more is heading to trial after appearing in court hours ago. a live report on the charges he is facing. >> sandra: new heartbreaking images from the southern border. a migrant family, including a special needs daughter in a wheelchair, crosses the rio grande river in frigid temperatures. is there any end to this humanitarian crisis? 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>> that's really the question. i think we have seen images over the course of the last 12 months, similar to these. of that desperation, and i think that has always been there for individuals to cross the border illegally, but unfortunately this administration, because a number of policies that have been eliminated or put in place have encouraged a lot. we talked about that the pull factors of why people come and choose to break the law illegally, and seen it for 12 months. historic numbers of folks trying to cross the border illegally like the images you showed, because of policies set forth in this administration. look, a right way to cross the border and a wrong way, and very, you know, humane way and inhumane way. i think we need to provide individuals that are seeking asylum and have the legal ways to come here, provide them the avenues, but make sure that the cartels and others know if they try to do it illegally, it's not going to work and soon you will eliminate that demand. >> john: nothing to suggest to the cartels it's not going to work if they try to do it. i.c.e. failing to release the end of year report on enforcement, we talked to tom a little while ago, and difficult for the biden administration to spin the numbers, way down from the trump administration. homan saying this administration has not been able to abolish i.c.e. but effectively its mission. how do you read it? >> i think that's right. and look, they don't want to issue this report, it's congressionally mandated so they have to, try to bury it in the next several weeks on how they release that. numb deportations will be down, and make a number of different reasons and give you explanations on why that is, but i think most americans know and understand that not only are they not doing the right things on border security, but if individuals and criminals are past the border security apparatus, they know the biden administration has put handcuffs on i.c.e. law enforcement to remove individuals, to arrest those individuals and remove them from the country. so, i think most americans understand what this is, and the administration knows it's not a, it's not going to be a good report and they are doing everything they can to delay it and try to bury it at the right time. >> john: might be out this month, toward the end of the month, the beginning of february. see how they can spin it when it comes out. chad, have a good weekend. sandra. >> sandra: john, americans are spending more money they don't have. household debt is on the rise even after several rounds of covid relief checks. so, what's going on here? 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>> the big part of that, of course, is home mortgages, over the quarter over $200 billion. and car debt has gone up as well. the number to watch, though, is credit card debt. that is still below what it was during the pandemic, but the trend line is up. people are falling more and more back on their credit cards and that does not bode well for 2022 and 2023. so, optimists will say, administration will say home values are up so the consumer balance sheet is not that bad. however, credit card debt is going up and we know what a burden that can be. that's the ominous thing and the number to watch, that's not going in a good direction. >> sandra: meanwhile you look at the total amount when you break it down, outstanding debt and number of american households. it averages out to $155,000. and that's -- that's a big number. and steve, i'll draw everybody's attention to the dow and the selloff today, on a friday afternoon. down 400 points off the lows of the session. seems to be a lot of concern, not just about household debt, but also where we are as inflation producer prices, consumer prices, just about everything is going against us when it comes to the high price of goods on the shelves, if they are even on the shelf. says president biden has bombed big time on the things that matter most. when you look at the point, people are concerned about the inflation and the supply chain crisis and the administration handling of it. u.s.a. today talking about the horrible very bad week. this moment, when president biden, his first full year in office. >> well, it's been a miserable year, and he took a situation that was going in the right direction a year ago, and made it worse. these are supply chain shortages, made worse by higher energy prices. why do they go up? production is down. why is it down? administration is waging war on oil and gas. and on the mortgage front, yes, mortgage debt is going up. house prices are going up. however, the interest rates are going up. most of the mortgage debt is floating rate, and the federal reserve is going to have interest rates rising. moreoffer, the government is going to be trying to finance one and a half trillion to $2 trillion of debt in 2022. who is going to buy the debt? now that the federal reserve says they are not buying bonds so much. that means higher long-term interest rates, higher mortgage rates. >> ties back to the debt per household and if interest rates go up, exacerbated situation. steve forbes, thanks for joining us. good to see you. >> john: l.a. county sheriff bypassing his leading d.a. and turning to the d.o.j. to help. thoughts on the feds side stepping and what it potentially means for other far left district attorneys. and more ahead, too. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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that plan was already tanked by members of his own party. not to mention they were also calling out his divisive attacks on republicans, comparing to jim crow. >> john: and the supreme court dealt president biden another blow, shooting down the vaccine mandate. inflation hit a four decade high while the president's poll numbers hit a new low. >> sandra: charlie hurt moments away on that, on the president, and who is hurting. but first, peter is live at the white house. peter. >> and sandra, this afternoon president biden said he knows there's been a lot of talk about recent disappointments, and he's right. >> president biden promised to bring decades of d.c. experience to the oval office. build back better has not passed, voting rights will not pass, and vaccine requirements apparently illegal. what happened? >> first, peter, look back at last year and what we were able to accomplish, that includes getting the american rescue plan passed, package that has, is contributed to cutting childhood poverty by 40%, ensuring we are moving at a record low unemployment rate. ensure schools more than 95% are open across the country. work of an administration continues after one year and he will continue to press forward on the priorities. >> a look back at the bipartisan infrastructure package, the one big legislative accomplishment they had to point to from the last year, but republican critics are out saying the reason there is a focus on the voting rights legislation is because it could help democrats change things down the line. >> the democrats know that their agenda is massively unpopular, and delivered catastrophe results for americans, highest inflation in 40 years so they want to remake the political system so they don't have to relinquish power. >> no opportunity for the q and a, but he will have a formal press conference here at the white house wednesday, sandra. l>> sandra: and we look forward to that. byron donalds asking the question, is the president taking a second victory lap on infrastructure? i thought he already did this. i guess it's been a really, really, really bad week, said byron donalds. peter, we will see you later and see you at the news conference on wednesday. thank you. >> john: find the silver lining wherever you can, sandra. charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor, not a happy new year so far for president biden, agenda grinding to a halt, enemies at the gate around the world, lingering supply chain problems, inflation, and now the prospect of rising interest rates as the dow tanks today. this is a new year's hangover that will not go away. >> no, you are exactly right, and of course you know, as bad as all the numbers are, when you get out of washington and look at the, you know, look at grocery store shelves and gas prices, these are all things that really do affect people in a very personal way, a very real way, and i think that has led to a volatility among the electorate that i don't think i have seen it in my 20 years of covering politics. it is -- it's a very unstable situation and that always, that always cuts worse for the party that's in power. >> john: congressman mike gallagher from wisconsin believes the biden administration is circling the drain. listen here. >> i think we are seeing the collapse of the biden presidency. the deeper problem in the white house right now is that the president is governing for twitter, and not for the american people. if they want to try and salvage this thing, he's got to do some dramatic changes. starts with firing ron, tony fauci. >> john: no question president biden is losing the confidence of the american people, and even of members of his own party. is this fixable, if he took mike gallagher's advice, fire a few people? >> it would have to be pretty dramatic to turn it around at this point. you know that you are in big trouble when you manage to unify dick durban, and others who think he is failing right now. but middle of the road voters, biden is not working, the polls show that. and stunning, i don't think his base is pleased with what he's doing, and this whole gambit to use, to smash the filibuster in order to push through this voting rights legislation, which is actually not about voting rights, it's about cementing democrat power across the country, that's all it is, about sealing democrat political control across the country. they didn't propose to do this about any of the other issues that their base cares about. they didn't do it about legalizing illegal aliens, didn't do it about going after guns, didn't do it about climate change, they are doing it only to fill their own coffers, feather their own political nest and i think that reveals a desperation and a really, really, really cynical cynicism that you know, just as bad as things have been in the last couple years, this is so much worse. >> john: and weigh in on something else you are keen to talk about, the vice president and her issues highlighted, with a "today" show interview, when she was asked whether or not, because it appears to be failing at this point, the administration needs a new covid policy. here is what she said in response. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing, time every day, every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. >> john: she didn't even know how many at home tests the administration was going to send out. not only, charlie, did she seem unprepared for this interview, she seemed to not care that she was unprepared. >> yeah, yeah. no, and i think that comes through so clearly in answers like that. but you know, and as bad as it is, there's nothing worse than having the wrong policy and having a bad policy. but then you have a really bad policy and you are doing it wrong, you are doing it incompetently, and then the president and the vice president have admitted that they never saw this variant, the omicron variant coming, and you know, obviously there are a lot of things in a pandemic that are sort of -- that you can't predict, such as the pandemic itself. the one thing you can predict is there is going to be a variant, and if testing is going to be a part of it, you have to have the tests ready and you have to be prepared for it and so these people not only do they have the worst policies right now, refuse to change direction when they realize that their policies are not working, but they are employing them in the most incompetent way possible. >> john: and they have a huge communications problem. no question about that. charlie, i hope you have a good weekend. thank you for joining us this friday afternoon. sandra, when you look at the response, time to do what we have been doing, and every day to agree things and tools to available to slow this thing down. will cain said, like the lebron james response when he was asked about malcom x, the book he had not read and try to come up with an answer what his greatest take-away from the book was. >> sandra: unbelievable, and this moment, though, howie is going to come on later, the mainstream media coverage of the presidency one year in, and it's been pretty brutal watching some of the other networks this morning, john king on cnn, the country is frustrated, saying biden has had a week from hell. we'll ask him about some of the shots the president is taking from members of his own party and beyond. >> john: a marked shift in the coverage that the mainstream media has been undertaking. >> sandra: yes, noticeable. all right. the head of the oath keepers said to appear in court shortly facing charges of seditious conspiracy. the most serious related to the january 6th riot. we broke the news yesterday during this hour, now live outside the justice department. >> stewart rhodes began the oath keepers in 2009, recruited former law enforcement members and former military, he will be appearing before a federal judge in texas in about 90 minutes or so, he and ten others are facing charges of seditious conspiracy, an attempt to overthrow the government by force. he was arrested at his home in texas yesterday. his estranged wife spoke about the arrest this morning. listen. >> he's a dangerous man. he's very dangerous. he lives very much in his own head. he sees himself as a great leader. >> according to the indictment during the melee, one said antifa had breached the capitol. rhodes replied nope, i'm right here, these are patriots. and there is no indication to the antifa nexus related to the attack, however antifa is in the news this week because republicans brought up antifa's involvement in the summer 2020 riots, courthouses were set on fire, businesses destroyed and people trampled. republicans questioned authorities about what is being done. >> encourage you to have the full force and weight of law against those who defile the capitol. protests went on for a year, this photo behind me, throwing molotov cocktails, trying to kill police officers. >> fbi officials insist the 2020 investigations are still underway. >> we have opened about slightly more than 800 cases, so yes, more than when you were last briefed on that, and our arrests are a bit north of 250. so, still making progress on those cases. >> sandra, and these are just federal arrests. we have many, many state charges against the head of the oath keepers, he will be before a judge in the next 90 minutes. back to you. >> sandra: you'll keep us posted. thank you. john. >> john: sandra, as if president biden did not have enough problems here at home, he could have an international crisis to add on to the pile. >> sandra: the pentagon warning it looks like russia is getting even closer to invading ukraine and american allies. so how should and how will president biden respond? general keith kellogg will join us after the break. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine 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invade. the pentagon claiming we have seen this exact move from putin before. general keith kellogg standing by live, but first benjamin. >> two things it's thought vladimir putin needs, one to convince his people it's justified and pretext and excuse for doing so. according to u.s. intelligence, he is putting in place both of these things. numerous u.s. officials have today said intelligence indicates russian operatives, trained in urban warfare and explosives are in eastern ukraine, to carry out acts of sabotage, might be planning out operations against russia's own proxy forces. >> we do have information that indicates that russia is already working actively to create a pretext for a potential invasion. in fact we have information that they have positioned a group of operatives to conduct what we call a false flag operation. >> russia also appears to be preparing its own people with invasion with state and social media seeing a massive spike in stories emphasizing the deterioration of human rights in ukraine and increased milltancy of ukrainian leaders. invasion would be between mid january and mid february and ukraine was also hit with a massive cyber attack, took down the websites of the cabinet, seven ministries, state services, and a message that said in part be afraid and expect the worse, this is for your past, present and future. despite denials from moscow and insistence they are not planning on invading, everything they are doing seems they are working towards that. and talks between nato, o.s.c. and russia came to no real conclusion. >> john: we'll watch it and see how it goes. thanks, sandra. >> sandra: general keith kellogg, former national security adviser, thanks for joining us, sir. do you believe russia is on the verge of invading ukraine? >> thanks for having me. yes, i do. i think the indicators are starting to grow. not so much the cyber attack, a rehearsal to what may happen, but the talks with the u.s. and the nato and o.s.c. talks have broken down, did not go very far. they are moving logistics forces as well, not just aviation. but when you move in logistics forces, that means you are closer to doing a dramatic military operation and i think they are looking at taking a hunk out of eastern ukraine to give themself a huge land bridge between crimea and russia proper, the bridge over the black sea, so i think they are gearing up to go and i think it should be very, very worrisome. my concern is that i don't think we are taking it very seriously. what i mean by that, president biden, seems like he's always a step behind when it comes to national security and i think it's a huge instance where he is in fact, and the nation is a step behind. >> sandra: on that note, the president's press secretary was asked about this developing story in the press briefing this morning. she said this, listen. >> we are concerned the russian government is preparing for an invasion in ukraine, widespread human rights violations and russia is laying the ground work to have the option of a pretext invasion, and we have seen this before. >> sandra: why do you think, general, the white house is not taking this seriously? >> i just think it's a pattern. pattern they have said before, it's just, they hope that people are going to ignore it. everything from what you have seen what's happening with immigration, with afghanistan, and now with ukraine. i think they are a step behind, sandra. they should have been planning to do some type of preventative operation well over a month or two months ago, and what i mean by that, you should have increased military aid to ukraine. and then the president picks up the phone and calls putin and tells him look, if you thought at that time the soviet union, if you thought afghanistan was bad, ukraine will be worse, and a lot of body bags coming home to russia. but we did not do that. we really have not informed them at all, just a lot of talk and the talks have gone nowhere. and the president has not engaged vladimir putin the way he should and engaged the other european allies as well. not nato, per se, but alliance of the european nations have not supported ukraine like they should. >> sandra: so that brings up the would versus should. you are presuming they are not taking this seriously, but if they were to, how should the administration proceed and take this seriously if we are, in fact, as you just said, on the verge of an invasion? >> here is what i would do. the same thing that president trump would have done. he would have picked up the phone and called putin and said look, i can't stop you from invading, that's in your mind that you are going to take the eastern part of ukraine, ok. but we are going to make you pay long-term. what i mean by that, we give an incredible amount of military aid to ukraine that they can defend themselves in ukraine proper. ukraine is a huge country. second largest land mass in europe and they are not positioned, they, the russians, are not positioned to take all of ukraine but are positioned to take the eastern portion and he has to make that hard decision and let putin know how serious we are. he does not believe biden, they don't trust each other, he doesn't think putin, i'm sorry, biden has the credibility or the leadership instinct to do something that's going to push back on. so i think he's in the near term, i think he's preparing to go and will go in the next month. >> sandra: wow, that is a big prediction. general, appreciate your time as always, sir. thank you. >> thanks, sandra. >> sandra: we saw the acknowledgment in the briefing this morning by jen psaki and the white house is obviously watching the situation development there and the false flag operation, we have seen it before, jen psaki said, but how does it mean the white house will proceed from here, considering the prediction from the general that he believes putin is on the verge of invading ukraine. >> john: you have to say this is what we are doing now to prevent you from doing that, the white house does not seem to want to go there. hey, sandra, wild video as yet another violent car heist plays out near times square. how did the top tourist spot become a carjacker's paradise? that's ahead. >> sandra: and on the west coast, an officer in los angeles shot dead in front of his girlfriend. sheriff not trusting the progressive prosecutor to get justice, so calling in the feds as well. rafael mangual is on deck for that. how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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>> yeah, well, unfortunately it's not just going on in that city, but this is what we have come to expect now in jurisdictions so-called progresstive prosecutors, moreover the last couple years in new york, philadelphia as well. in philadelphia, bill mcswain, took it upon himself to affirmatively go after cases where there were concurrent federal jurisdiction and what it tells us, a huge lack of confidence in the local police departments and the progresstive prosecutors. case like this one with the murder of officer aroyyo, george gascon made it clear he was not going to pursue gang enhancements and a promise he is committed to keeping, and explains why the sheriff is not confident in leaving that case in the hands of the local d.a. there, it's a real problem. >> john: you mentioned the police officer. he was 27 years old, targeted by gang members because he had two silver chains that were around his neck. it ended up with him being shot and killed. that is pretty clear prosecution on the county and the state level, no question about that. yet as you point out, gascon campaigned on not including gang enhancements in any prosecution, so the sheriff turned to the feds. the federal charge is violent crime and aid of racketeering. that is a gang-related charge. he had to go to the feds to get it. >> that's exactly right, got what he was looking for. but he had to go outside to get it, and this is unfortunately going to be an unsustainable trend. the federal prosecutors have their own case loads, very limited resources. you know, we are going to run into a real high level of tension if local d.a.s continue to incentivize this work around. and by the way i should mention, this sort of work around is not necessarily going to be available forever. one of the things we are seeing is the progressive prosecutor movement is bleeding into the federal government. biden administration continues to invite these prosecutors into the fold of the d.o.j., saw it with the appointment of rawlins in boston, a long list of crimes she would decline to prosecute. she's appointed as a u.s. attorney there in massachusetts. so this is something that everyone should be watching, americans across the country should be worried about. we now have more than about 50 million americans living in jurisdictions with progressive prosecutors. my hope is people wake up to what it means in practice and this is agregious and sad example of that. >> you touched on the tip of the iceberg and the next topic. we prepared a graphic of a lot of left-leaning districts and prosecutors recently installed. and this is a list that is getting longer and longer. george gascon, bragg, gonzalez, and fox, gardner, and the list goes on and on and on. many of these people as you pointed out are in crime-ridden big cities. as the list is longer, what is the effect going to be and quality of life for law abiding citizens, are we going to see many of these police agencies ance law enforcement agencies reaching out to the feds for help here? because they are not getting it on the local level. >> i certainly think we are going to see more of these local police agencies reaching out to the feds for help. whether the prosecutors will be willing to take the cases on remains to be seen, as we see in ideological shift among federal prosecutors recently, but i think quality of life is one of the first things that's going to start to deteriorate in response to the progressive prosecutor movement expansion. one of the reasons for that, the prosecutors are focussing on not prosecuting low level quality of life offenses, but over time we are going to start to see, you know, more serious effects on higher levels of violent crime as criminals catch on, and as we start to see reductions in the inxastation -- >> the video is like a scene out of a post apocalyptic disaster movie, yet it's real life in america these days. have a great weekend. >> you, too. >> sandra: president biden may have had a terrible week of defeat, but that's not stopping him and other democrats from trying harder. new details how they plan to strong arm their way into getting something, anything done. >> john: and you know you are in bad shape. left leaning media brutal toward the president today. is he losing the press that has propped him up for so long? 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[a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> john: after a horrible week the president could not even get relief from his friends in the media. howard is coming up on that. democrats remain determines to jam through his agenda. chad, next week chuck schumer will play the role and try to role the boulder up the hill yet again. >> i like the reference, good afternoon. stymied by members of his own party, build back better last month, voting rights this month. democrats will try again next week to change filibuster provisions just for voting rights. g.o.p. will filibuster the democrats' bill. >> if the senate republicans choose obstruction over protecting the sacred right to vote as we expect them to, the senate will consider and vote on changing the senate rules as has been done many times before to allow passage of voting rights legislation. >> the white house insists it will continue to push the voting rights issue. >> agenda does not wrap up in one year, we will fight for every component of his agenda and his, and his plans for his presidency that he outlined when he was running for president. >> democrats are willing to continue to press members on voting rights. this is a strategy to placate their base. is there a risk alienating the left with promises. >> i don't think it's a question of overpromising, i think this is a basic question and the democrats are going to have to demonstrate to their voters that they have made every effort possible. >> sometimes it takes time for issues to ripen. democrats believe they can do that by applying pressure on manchin and sinema. >> john: did schumer miss sinema's speech or pretending it did not happen? >> they are trying to put pressure on the two senators and placate their base, john. >> john: it has not worked so far. chad, thank you. >> sandra: call them back up, and over to the white house. less than a week since president biden marks one year in office, but backers in media that celebrated all things joe biden a year ago are having a melt down over his failures. watch this. >> president joe biden has had a tough week with setbacks for his agenda, covid complications and the supreme court blocking his vaccine mandate, inflation and international turmoil just to name a few. >> you do have inflation and crime in the background. obviously also have problems with him passing his legislation, b.b.b. yesterday a couple more blows to his agenda. >> few days away from his one-year anniversary of inauguration, it's dark right now. >> kirsten sinema politically embarrassed the leader of her own party. >> sandra: howie joins us now. great to see you. really interesting this morning and seeing the way the other nets are covering this, and it's not just the tv networks, but you are noticing this, obviously, in some of the left wing public -- left wing publications as well. as far as u.s.a. today calling it the horrible, no good, very bad week for joe biden, this has been a tough one. >> sandra, for the pundits to say joe biden had a bad week i think is giving him a pass. he has been on a spectacular losing streak since the afghanistan debacle, and more than novack in australia. and they cannot pretend the president is doing well right now. >> sandra: talking about the frustration the american people are feeling, especially with the inflation problem. you mention afghanistan in the string of failures that has come since then, since that debacle. and david axlerod saying it did not help for him to compare those that don't support his voting legislation to segregationists, so there's a series of missteps, and biden's epic failure, highlighting the two months since signing the 2 trillion infrastructure into law, bombed big time on the things that matter most. this is brutal now and it's coming from all sides, the criticism. >> what a difference year makes after he's the f.d.r. hype. the genuine win on infrastructure, first the president pushing the 3.5 trillion spending bill that manchin and sinema were not going to go along with even half the level and the fiery speech in georgia, comparing bull connor and george wallace, and not only alienates republicans but some moderate democrats and never any chance in hell that the aforementioned two democratic senators were going to budge on the filibuster, meaning he was going to lose, be embarrassed. the press knows these are miscalculations and saying the obvious. joe biden does not have control of his own party. >> sandra: i'll end with jen psaki's defense. >> right now we are dealing with the realities we have a very slim majority in the senate and the house that makes things more challenging than they have been in the past. >> that is true. >> sandra: and knocking on the door, yeah, that's true, i just want to end with this and perhaps she sees opportunity but multiple reports that hillary clinton sees an opening here, attempting a comeback, a new piece, howie, how the clinton and biden failures have been laying the ground work for another clinton run. >> it's a fantasy that hillary clinton is going to run in 2024, but tells you something about the media and political confidence in joe biden right now. two months to the midterms, but right now not looking good. >> sandra: howie, always appreciate the chat, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> have a great weekend. >> sandra: john. >> john: not how much of a fantasy the hillary clinton candidacy is. more to come, i'm sure. more drama down under, djokovic's fight against australia's government. will he get to play in the open? >> sandra: if you are one of the people who can find a covid test when you need one, don't celebrate your luck just yet. a new warning the test you found might not be what it seems. what you need to know, next. i have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. so i'm taking zeposia, a once-daily pill. because i won't let uc stop me from being me. zeposia can help people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and it's the first and only s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat not corrected by a pacemaker, if you have untreated severe breathing problems during your sleep, or if you take medicines called maois. zeposia may cause serious side effects including infections that can be life-threatening and cause death, slow heart rate, liver or breathing problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, and swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels. though unlikely, a risk of pml--a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection--cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, medications, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. if you can become pregnant, use birth control during treatment and for 3 months after you stop taking zeposia. don't let uc stop you from doing you. ask your doctor about once-daily zeposia. >> sandra: fox news alert from new york city. more in the shooting of a teenage cashier at a burger king. fox just confirmed the accused killer had seven prior arrests including criminal possession of a weapon and assault and yet still able to walk the streets free through at the time of the deadly crime. the 19-year-old cashier was killed for no apparent reason. the victim just started the job two weeks prior. police say he got away with about $100 and arraigned later today. the mayor called it a cold-blooded killing of a child. john? >> john: see how the new d.a. handles that. and jonathan hunt following the back and forth with the usta and djokovic. >> yeah, time may be running out for novak djokovic and could be deported within hours unless his lawyers can find a legal lifeline through the courts. his visa was withdrawn three days before the australian open gets underway. the minister, alec hawk, said he was acting on good health and good order grounds that it was in the basic public to do so. djokovic is unvaccinated and no elevated under government rules to enter the country as a nonresident. the tennis star was being lead to believe he would have an exemption because he told them he contracted covid and recovered it it in december. he admitted a mistake on his forms saying he hadn't traveled anywhere before arrival in australia when he had. his agents said it was a mistake. critics say providing false information to immigration officers would have somebody kicked out of the country immediately. we expect djokovic to be taken into detention again in the next hour. then there's a new court hearing for 6:15 p.m. eastern potentially one final hearing beyond that after which we could see the best ten necessary player in the world being escorted to the airport by police and immigration agents and thrown out of australia. >> john: game and set for australia. we'll see if it's match later on today. sandra? >> sandra: i'm following that story closely. as americans wait for the biden administration's promised covid tests to be sent home, some folks are selling fake test kits and opening bogus websites. grady trimble is live. a lot of people taking advantage of this opportunity, grady. >> unfortunately, sandra. several government agencies are warning people to beware. people are looking for personal details like information from insurance companies or identifiable information. these testing sites in many states are unlicensed and unregulated by the state. one company said the center for covid control operates more than 300 sites. they have an f rating from the better business bureau and under investigation in illinois and several other states. they received numerous complaints and now they say they're shutting down for the next week to try to get a handle on all of these problems. the illinois attorney general, sandra, says your best bet is to go to state-run sites or city-run sites where you won't be preyed on. >> sandra: grady trimble in chicago. thank you. thanks for joining us. by the way, i'm going to join our friend, larry, at 4:00 on fbn. i'll be co-hosting "the five." >> john: looking forward to that. i'll see you sunday. "the story" with martha starts now. >> martha: great. we'll see you soon. good afternoon, everybody. i'm martha maccallum. so after a bruising week and critics on all sides, signs on this friday that there are changes that they're working on at the white house. that after this brushing off of the press by president by den.

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District Attorney , Authorities , Relationship , Feds Independent , Pressure , Gascon , Backing , Elements , Backers , Election , Municipalities , Wow , Loved Ones , Report , Attack , Waukesha , Deadly Christmas Parade , Dozens , Six , Border , Special Needs , Images , Wheelchair , Temperatures , Migrant Family , Rio Grande River , Daughter , Crisis , Highs , Lows , Bipolar , Symptoms , Strength , Take Control , Kindness , Adults , Ask , Medicines , Relief , Vraylar , Episodes , Depressive , Manic , Risk , Thoughts , Muscles , Doctor , Stroke , Antidepressants , Reaction , Fever , Psychosis , Behavior , Patients , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Sleepiness , Restlessness , Coma , Weight Gain , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Kids , Mom , Planning , Version , Court Hearing Wrapping , Northwestern Mutual , Darrell Brooks , Tragedy , Christmas Parade , 71 , Amount , Mike , Injured , Surprise , Evidence , Trial , Hair , Jump Suit , Masking , Expressionless , Thomas Casey , Hearing , Witness , Events , Crowd , Parade , Traffic , Vehicle Zig Zagging , Clinton Street , Everything , Vehicle , Hit And , Jumping Bail , Speed , Abuse , Homicide , Endangerment , Child , Other , Beating , Court Documents , Detail , Congressman Mike Gallagher , Chicago , Southern Border , Family , Border Patrol , Ice , Girl , Del Rio , America First Policy Institute , North , Northwest Of Laredo , 2021 , Desperation , Cartels , Image , Callousness , Abuses , Buck , Individuals , 12 , Folks , Pull Factors , Asylum , Demand , Avenues , Enforcement , Difficult , End , Ice Failing , Congressionally , Mission , Homan , Deportations , Explanations , Border Security Apparatus , Border Security , Handcuffs On Ice , Chad , Household Debt , Steve Forbes , Rounds , Rise , Liberty Mutual , Relief Checks , What S Going On , Down , Liberty , Car Insurance , Milk , Lactose , Liberty Lactaid , Throwback , Isn T A Real Cow , Anyone , Isn T Real Milk , Dairy , Mabel , Don T Worry , Shhh , Subway , Lease Cash , Rx , Footlongs , Eat Fresh Refresh , Lexus Rx , 350 , 1500 , 2022 , 500 , Rotisserie , App , Life Insurance Policy , Bacon Ranch , Save Big , Baja Chicken Bacon , The Smokeshow , Aka , Baja Steak Jack , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Retirement , Income , Cash Payment , 00000 , 100000 , Insurance , Worth , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Save , Set , Sale , Ready , Voice , Value , Deal , Installation , Prepaid Card , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , 24 7 , 64 99 , 2 , 4 99 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Sales , Inflation Concerns , Spending , Slowing , Signs , U S Department Of Commerce , American Spending Habits , 17 , Debt , Households , New York Federal Reserve Bank , 15 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Forbes Media , Chief , Editor , 5 24 Trillion , 15 24 Trillion , Home Mortgages , Credit Card Debt , Watch , Back , Car Debt , Trend Line , Credit Cards , 200 Billion , Values , Consumer Balance Sheet , Optimists , 2023 , Direction , Burden , Everybody , , On A Friday Afternoon , Selloff , Attention , 55000 , 155000 , Consumer Prices , Inflation Producer Prices , Session , 400 , Big Time , Price , Goods , Shelves , Shelf , Inflation , Usa Today , Supply Chain Crisis , Office , Supply Chain Shortages , Mortgage Debt , House Prices , Energy Prices , Production , Mortgage Front , War , Yes , Oil And Gas , Reserve , Rate , Most , Moreoffer , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Ties , Bonds , Household , L A County Sheriff , District Attorneys , Protein , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Up , Understatement , Defeats , Ground , Setbacks , The Hill , Round , Biden Reeling , Elections , Jim Crow , Poll Numbers , John And The Supreme Court , Blow , Inflation Hit , Low , Charlie Hurt , Peter , Experience , Oval Office , D C , Vaccine , Unemployment Rate , Childhood , Poverty , 95 , Priorities , Infrastructure Package , Line , Catastrophe , Q , A , Byron Donalds , Victory Lap , Contributor , Silver Lining , Washington Times , Opinion Editor , Halt , Hangover , Prospect , Supply Chain Problems , Enemies , Tanks , Gate , Grocery Store , Gas Prices , Led , Affect , Politics , Electorate , Volatility , Drain , Collapse , Twitter , Confidence , Fixable , No Question , Tony Fauci , Firing Ron , Advice , Trouble , Base , Middle Of The Road , Dick Durban , Doing , Use , Gambit , Any , Didn T , Illegal Aliens , Nest , Really , Coffers , Cynicism , Guns , Vice President , Show Interview , Tools , Interview , It Incompetently , It Wrong , Answers , Sort , Omicron Variant Coming , Communications Problem , Incompetent , Book , Answer , Will Cain , Malcom X , Lebron James , Mainstream Media Coverage , Howie , John King , Shots , Beyond , Oath Keepers , Mainstream Media , Serious , Seditious Conspiracy , Stewart Rhodes , Justice Department , January 6th Riot , Judge , Law Enforcement Members , Military , Texas , 2009 , 90 , Force , Arrest , Attempt , Wife , Great Leader , Melee , Indication , Patriots , Antifa , Capitol , Antifa Nexus , Courthouses , Involvement , Riots , 2020 , Protests , Weight , Photo , Molotov Cocktails , Who Defile The Capitol , Cases , Arrests , Police Officers , Investigations , Fbi , 800 , State Charges , 250 , Add , Pile , Keith Kellogg , Break , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Serena , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , 3 , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Cause , Older Medicines , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Calhope , You Re Not Alone , Calhope Org , 4673 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , Warning , Operatives , Operation , Moscow , First Benjamin , General , Move , Vladimir Putin , Keith Kellogg Standing , Excuse , Acts , Proxy Forces , Leaders , Deterioration , Milltancy , Spike , Cyber Attack , Websites , Worse , Ministries , State Services , Cabinet , Seven , Nato , Insistence , Denials , Osc , Sir , Conclusion , Verge , Indicators , Rehearsal , Talks , Aviation , Logistics , Broken Down , Land Bridge , Military Operation , Hunk , Russia Proper , Black Sea , Step , Brushing Off Of The Press , Press Secretary , Instance , Note , Ground Work , Human Rights Violations , Option , Pattern , Immigration , Afghanistan , Preventative Operation , Type , Step Behind , Phone , Military Aid , Putin , Body Bags , Soviet Union , Nations , European , Per Se , Russians , Ukraine , Land Mass , Doesn T Think Putin , Credibility , Portion , I M Sorry , Decision , Instinct , Prediction , Leadership , Term , Acknowledgment , Situation Development , Video , Car Heist , Times Square , Carjacker , Officer , Front , Tourist Spot , Paradise , West Coast , Prosecutor , Deck , Rafael Mangual , Sushi , Seafood , Indian , Lunch , Ehh , Safety , Collision Beeping Warning , Tacos , Silence , Emergency Braking , Automatic , Chevy Equinox , Worries , The World Today , Technology , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Name , Result , Killers , Violent Carjackings , Thief , Safe , Places , Wild Scene , Midtown Manhattan , P D , Times , Broadway , Audi , Carjackings , Coast To , Incidents , Driver , Car , Brazen Carjacker , Camera , Taser , Carjackers , Duty , Statistics , Show , Teens , Nation S Capital , Experts , 56 , 511 , 18 , Explosion , Thrill , Task Force , Minds , Word Of Mouth , Repeat Offender , Carjacking Surge , Carjacking Epidemic , Matters , Streets , Firearm , Hijacking , In Manhattan , David Lee Miller , 11 , Mourning , Monday Night , 27 , Turns , Left Leaning , Law And Order , Gang Involvement , He Focusses On Public Safety , City , Jurisdictions , Say , Cop Killers , Bill Mcswain , Jurisdiction , Progresstive , Police Departments , Lack , Aroyyo , Hands , Keeping , County , Silver Chains , Neck , Aid , Racketeering , Trend , Loads , D A S , Resources , Tension , List , Movement , Fold , Appointment , Rawlins , Boston , Massachusetts , 50 Million , Hope , Practice , Tip , Agregious , Districts , Topic , Iceberg , Graphic , Gonzalez , Bragg , On And , Gardner , Real Life In America , Police Agencies , Law Enforcement Agencies , Effect , Citizens , Ance , Remains , Prosecutor Movement Expansion , Effects , Levels , Offenses , Reductions , Disaster Movie , Scene , Inxastation , Details , Defeat , Left Leaning Media , Shape , Dream , Reach , Newday100 Va Loan , Va Home Loan Benefit , Payments , Average , Veterans , No One , Newday Usa , 60000 , 0000 , 615 , 15 , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , Life Changing , Info , Blood Clots , Ton , Game , Chicken , Bacon , Ticking , Clock , Footlong , Delay , Peppercorn Ranch , Whistle Blowing , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Candidates , Master , Size , Job Description , Indeed Com Hire , Liberty John , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Whistle , Limu , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Doug , Oh Boy , Friends , Howard , Role , Boulder , Reference , Filibuster Provisions , Vote , Obstruction , Rules , Voting Rights Issue , Passage , Strategy , Promises , Overpromising , Miss , Applying Pressure On Manchin , Joe Biden A , Melt , Few , Complications , Background , Turmoil , Blows , Bbb , Kirsten Sinema , Leader , Inauguration , Public , Tv Networks , Nets , Publications , Pass , Pundits , Debacle , Djokovic S Fight Against Australia , Losing Streak , Novack , String , Feeling , Voting Legislation , Don T Support , David Axlerod , Segregationists , Series , Missteps , Epic Failure , Sides , Criticism , Fdr Hype , Spending Bill , Georgia , 3 5 Trillion , Press , Control , Defense , Obvious , Reports , Comeback , Hillary Clinton , Opening , Piece , Clinton , Fantasy , Midterms , Clinton Run , 2024 , Candidacy , Chat , Covid Test , Don T , Drama , Down Under , The Open , Luck , Zeposia , Ulcerative Colitis , Remission , Don T Let Uc , Uc Achieve , Heartbeat , Heart Attack , Heart Failure , Mini Stroke , Chest Pain , Pacemaker , Don T Take Zeposia , S1p Receptor Modulator Approved For Uc , Breathing Problems , Infections , Blood Pressure , Heart Rate , Liver , Sleep , Blood Vessels , Swelling , Narrowing , Maois , Macular Edema , Zeposia May , Medications , Birth Control , Brain Infection , Conditions , Treatment , Pml , Cashier , Killer , Accused , Burger King , Victim , Possession , Assault , Weapon , Killing , Jonathan Hunt , Usta , Novak Djokovic , Lifeline , Courts , Djokovic , Lawyers , Alec Hawk , Grounds , Visa , Australian Open , Tennis Star , Lead , Government Rules , Nonresident , Exemption , Mistake , Hadn T , Anywhere , Arrival , Immigration Officers , Agents , Court Hearing , Player , Detention , Airport , Match , Grady Trimble , Covid Tests , Test Kits , Government Agencies , Advantage , Insurance Companies , Company , Testing Sites , Complaints , Investigation , Covid Control , F Rating , Illinois , Better Business Bureau , 300 , Handle , Bet , On , Larry , Fbn , Five , Martha , The Story , Martha Maccallum , Den ,

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