Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709

blocked, we have no option but to change the senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this. >> rachel: biden is willing to eliminate the filibuster just to push his far left agenda. it's all part of the democrats' plan to federalize our elections. and they will let nothing stand in their way. including the united states senate. they are trying to convince you that your right to vote is under assault. >> jim crow 2.0 is about two insidious things. voter suppression and the election subversion. new laws designed to suppress your vote to subvert our elections. will you stand against voter suppression?ress yes or no? that's the question to answer. will you stand against election subversion? [clearing t yes or no? we stand for democracy. yes or no? >> rachel: subverting our elections? isn't that what you are doing, joe? he is cries that democracy is being attacked while he is in the middle of attacking it. but at the end of the day, this was never about elections. this was a power grab plain and simple. democrats need to destroy the filibuster so they can continue effort to destroy your life. voting rights is just the perfect template. chuck schumer said so earlier. >> you have heard it from every one of us here. this is the structure of democracy, climate change, you name it, climate change, family rights, gay rights, union rights. all of these things all of these things are directly related to the way the right to vote. you change the right to vote. you join the right to vote you effect all of these. >> rachel: it's all making sense now. the left can't fundamentally remake america as a socialist state if the tools of our democracy are still standing. so, the democrats want to destroy them. and the same people who are cheering on the end of the filibuster are the ones who proudly defended it for years. >> they want to make this country into a banana republic where if you don't get your way, you change the rules. >> the legislative filibuster should stay there i will personally resist efforts to get rid of it. >> i'm committed to never voting to change the legislative filibuster. >> that would be the end of the senate. >> it raises problems that are more damaging than the problem that exists. >> you cannot change the rules in the middle of the game because you do not like the outcome. >> you are going to throw the entire congress into chaos and nothing will get done. >> rachel: you are right, joe. i just wish you would listen to your own advice. today's move by biden wasn't about voting rights or elections. it was about getting the senate out of the way for the leftist overhaul of america. chuck schumer showed the democrats' hands earlier. this is about climate change, gay rights, union rights and build back better. this is about destroying our democracy while the left gas lights you into believing that they are actually saving it. joining me now is karl rove, former deputy chief of staff for george w. bush and a fox news contributor as well as kayleigh mcenany co-host of outnumbered and author of for such a time as this. welcome to both of you. i'm going to start with you, kayleigh, more people voted after the voting rights bill was passed in georgia than before. so how are they claiming that this is racist and that this is, you know, something that needs to be changed to give people back democracy? >> that's exactly right. you are referring to the elections in 2021. more people voted after than before. not only that, "the atlanta journal constitution," the big paper there in atlanta said that there were no long lines. that it essentially went flawless. but, of course you have the president going down and gaslighting saying this is jim crow 2.0. he has been fact checked on this but taking a bird's eye view as to what happened today in the speech, rachel it, boils down to this. you look at issues 1, 2, and 3 in interest of priority to voters and any polling, you see the economy, you see covid, you see immigration. when you think of biden's name and juxtaposition to those issues, you think of crisis, crisis, crisis. inflation, covid rampant. immigration border on fire. so what he has done is pivoted to an issue, voting, that has an asterisk by it in the gallop november poll because it is so significantly insignificant in the interest of voters it doesn't even register at 1%. he has pivoted to this issue and called anyone who opposes him racist. that is the playbook. it's an act of desperation. desperate times call for desperate measures. indeed, the biden administration is desperate now a few months ahead of the november elections here in 2022. >> rachel: karl, is kayleigh right a way to pivot talk about voting rights as a way to deflect of all the failures happening under the biden administration. >> well, i think there is a great deal of accuracy in that i think it goes a little bit further than that though. i think part of this is they do want to rally the democratic base. so even though they know they can't pass either two of these bills. they want to demonstrate they're pushing hard for it so they keep enthusiasm in the african-american community up. the other thing though is listen to the speech itself today. i mean, first of all, we had january 6th. and january 6th was a stain on our country. but there is not a single thing in either one of these otwo proposed laws that has anything to do with january 6th. there are enough tools on the -- available to the federal government to deal with the people who broke into the capitol and assaulted 140 police officers. neither john lewis act or the freedom to vote act have anything to do with january 6th. and second of all, look at what they're did complaining about in georgia and texas where the federal government has stepped up and filed lawsuits against these bills. number one in the georgia lawsuit is they object that the georgia law does not allow local units of government to mass mail out applications for absentee ballot. this is supposedly -- you know jim crow 2.0. well, look all the states in the union that have similar practices where you have to apply for a ballot. you don't get request for it automatically like the state in new york. like the state of delaware. are those two states jim crow 2.0? so this is about trying to prove a point in order to energize people for the november election. there is no chance of passing either one of these bills there are only 48 members of the senate at most who are in favor of changing the rules. so the majority ought to rule and the majority is 52. >> rachel: it makes no sense by the way, kayleigh, they say well, it's racist to show an idea, right? that's their whole thing you can't show a voter i.d. they are making you show an i.d. with your vaccine passport at a restaurant in new york to proof that the vaccine passport is yours. it makes no sense. they are advocating this at the very same time that they are say nothing voter i.d. for something as sacred as voting. by the way, i want to play this clip because stacey abrams who is the super star of georgia has basically said that she is not showing up. take a listener. >> are you insulted she is skipping the speech. >> i'm insulted you asked the question. i spoke to stacey this morning. we have great relationship. we got our scheduling mixed up. i talked with her at length this morning. we are all on the same page and everything is fine. >> rachel: kayleigh, all three of us are very steeped in the political world. i know when you say there is a scheduling problem for you with the president of the united states that's the equivalent of saying i can't go out with you because i have to wash my hair on saturday night. like why does she not want to be there? what's happening? really? >> right. that scheduling issue is one of my former colleagues but the it is the election. it is the popularity of joe biden in the state of georgia which hovers around 30%. and probably being generous there. if the president of the united states, the commander-in-chief is coming to your state, you are a political figure and you know it would be a massive embarrassment to him if you are not there. you clear your schedule. but stacey abrams did not clear her schedule because he is that politically unpopular and that politically toxic. what a fall from grace from just the beginning of his term when he did have fairly good approval numbers. >> rachel: yeah. he is there by the way with the first african-american vice president as well with him. she is still not showing up. kayleigh, karl, great seeing you don't. now, it's not just at the federal level where democrats are pushing their far left socialist agenda. state houses all across the country have been overrun by progressives. and the american people have had enough. residents are fleeing big government blue states like california, illinois, and new york and they are heading to freedom-loving red states like texas, florida, and south dakota. so what has led the mount rushmore states nearly 30% population boom? who better to ask than the state's governor kristi noem. governor, thanks for joining us tonight. so, it's not surprising to me that a lot of people want to get out of these blue states and go to where all the freedom is. but let's face it, as beautiful as south dakota is, it's not very sunny, most of the year. it's cold. and, yet, you are getting this boom. you must be doing something right. why are people coming to south dakota? >> yeah, rachel, you are exactly right. i tell people that folks don't move to south dakota for our beaches or for our, you know, tropical weather. especially in january right now. but they are coming here because they want to be like us. they want to live somewhere where their government respects them. and where they let them use personal responsibility to take care of their families, make the best decisions for them and let them be free. and overwhelmingly the amount of people that have moved to this state by the thousands have told us that that's exactly it. they want the way of life that we have and we have the way of life that we have here because we have a small limited government that understands what its job is and what its job is not. >> rachel: have you definitely stood strong throughout there pandemic taking a lot of bullets and arrows people attacking you for keeping your state free. there is another reason why a lot of people want to move and live in south dakota. that's because you have a commitment to life and so last year at your state of the state address, i was with you with my little daughter valentina, who was your special guest. she has down syndrome and you were talking about a bill that you wanted to have in south dakota to make sure that babies who were given a diagnosis of down syndrome weren't going to be exterminated because of that diagnosis. and now you have the state of the state address once again, a year later. and you are introducing some more legislation that you want -- you want to see on your desk. you want some of this legislation on your desk. and you want to take action on it and these are pro-life bills. i want to hear more about those bills. >> absolutely. rachel, when you and your family came and brought little valentina to south dakota for the state of the state address. it was powerful. i don't know if you have even heard but whether that bill passed last legislative session it was unanimous. every single legislator voted for that bill. they voted to protect these babies that have a diagnosis of down syndrome to ensure that they have equal opportunity to live wonderful lives just like every other child does. so, that was pretty special. this year, what i'm introducing and what i talked about today in my state of the state address, was two different provisions. i did an executive order to ban telemedicine abortions. and that's an abortion where someone can get on the internet or on the phone, talk to any stranger, and get a pill sent to them that they take to take an abortion. and i did that executive order to stop it. now i'm asking my legislators to put it into law. it is four times more likely that a woman who gets a chemical abortion like that to end up in the emergency room. it's very dangerous. and we do not want women exposed to a procedure like that and we want to protect those babies. the second bill is a bill that has to do with stopping abortions the moment that you can detect a heartbeat. and it is modeled a bit after the texas law with some slight changes which would make it stronger in court as well. but we think it's incredibly important that when we detect a heartbeat that we ensure that all abortions stop. and i'm looking forward to the day that roe v. wade is ended in this country. but, south dakota will do everything we can to protect every life that we can. >> rachel: you are doing a great job. you are a champion for life. thank you, especially for that bill about chemical abortion and telemedicine. we don't want young girls having, you know, an abortion by themselves in their bathroom. this is not what we want as moms. thank you so much, governor. you're a champion, appreciate it? >> thank you, rachel. have. >> rachel: next on "fox news primetime." fauci's fireworks on capitol hill. >> do you really think it's appropriate to use your $420,000 salary to attack scientists that disagree with you? >> i think in usual fashion, senator, you are distorting everything about me. ♪ plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ when you're born and raised in san francisco, you grow up wanting to make a difference. ♪ that's why, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america but we couldn't do it without you. thank you, san francisco. gracias, san francisco. -thank you. -[ speaks native language ] let's keep making a difference together. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! 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>> if they are exposed to covid-19 and they are completely boosted, they should -- they do not need to stay home. but they should get a test at day five. >> what about unvaccinated. >> same for unvaccinated for isolation. isolation being those who are had the disease. >> so now we should get tested after five days of exposure? feels like they are making this up as they go along. the guide dance just keeps on changing. it seems like the only thing that hasn't changed with this administration is the constant push to get every american vaccinated and boosted, including our children. >> first we expanded jecketd booster doses 12 to 15 years old. second, cdc strengthens booster recommendation to adolescents now recommending adolescents 12 to 17 years old should receive a booster shot five months after their initial vaccine series. >> rachel: joining me enough to to react is dr. pierre corey. welcome, so grad to have you on you have been a real hero in this entire pandemic, being a truth teller and somebody who is dedicated to serving your patients. one of the ways you have been doing that is through early treatments. you saw from that clips we have shown vaccine, vaccine, vaccine you say early treatment. how many people do you think could have been saved if we hut a little more attention on early treatment and, frankly, not tried to prevent doctors and hospitals from prescribing them? >> >> i mean, the estimates are scary. if you look back to when we first knew of an available drug working against this disease, you are talking about the spring, late spring of 2020. if you time it from there, and including all the other drugs that we have known that work since, it's well over half a million lives could have been saved with early treatment. it's been the missing link to the pandemic response. since the beginning -- >> rachel: so why did it happen? why have they tried to do this? >> it's because the way our system is designed. it's designed to really put into play novel pattennable high profit pharmaceutical drugs. they weren't ready in the twinning. they had to suppress the evidence of earliry efficacy such a time those drugs could be introduced into the market. those drugs were only introduced recently. those drugs have serious problems. merck drug dots not work. we know it doesn't work. the second half of the trial placebo out performed the drug. india just canceled their order for that drug. pack slofd is the pfizer drug that one had very little safety data. it has a lot of contraindications with other medications. and it also has toxicity, taps scary drug. >> rachel: if you are right, dr. kory, these are crimes against humanity. >> these crimes against humanity, these are not new. if you look at the history of the pharmaceutical industry in this country, we are just coming off of a decade of the opioid epidemic which was largely fueled by the pharmaceutical industry, almost 200,000 people have died. and we have numerous other examples of other things -- other actions that the pharmaceutical companies have taken. you have drugs like vioxx and bextra and avandia where many, many thousands, tens of thousands of people died when they knew they were getting heart attacks from those drugs and they suppressed the evidence. the idea that people are dying as a result of actions of pharmaceutical companies is not new. it's just amplified and magnified in this pandemic because it's been such a massive overtaking of society. and the blocking of these generic drugs is largely at root of so much death and morbidity here. >> rachel: dr. kory, i so appreciate your courage throughout this pandemic. i think a lot of peoples' eyes are finally being open. thank you, dr. kory. >> thank you. >> rachel: globalist elites are looking to permanently disrupt our financial, social, and government institutions. they have call it the great reset. world economic forum founder schwabb says the great reset is meant to address the quote weaknesses of capitollism which means making our economy look more like china's. how are they going to get it done? by using the permanent pandemic scholar points out draconian lockdown measures deployed by western governments manage to accomplish goals of which corporate socialist in the world economic forum could only dream. above all, the destruction of small businesses, eliminating competitors for corporate monday nope polices favored by the state. in june 2020, at its 50th annual meeting, the wef announced the great reset's official launch. a month later schwabb and another published book on covid and the great reset. the book declared that covid represents, quote: an opportunity that can be seized that we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world. victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institute is here now. victor davis hanson, always great to have you on the show. so, is this a conspiracy theory about the great reset or is this really happening? >> it's really happening. and wrote a book about it and it's in action. there is something very sick about trying to leverage a pandemic that's killed millions of people to push through an agenda that otherwise in normal times would have no constituency at all. it is sort of the global version of gavin newsom here in california saying that we are going to get progressive capitalism out of covid or hillary clinton said we will get single payer healthcare or jane fonda said thank god for covid we can get rid of donald trump. does anyone really believe that these elites? and this is a top down phenomena. there is no popular support for it does anybody believe these people who talk so elegantly about carbon emissions are going to park all those jets at dab bows or these people heavily invested in china communist let those uyghurs go? it's not a modern trendy thing it's ancient idea socrates let's be citizens ever the world. alexander the great brotherhood of mankind. napoleon continent of your honor. the united nations it never works. because sovereign nation also not give up their freedom and their power to some kind of global dictatorship. and it's never worked and it requires a level of coercion that's incompatible with most people's views. who do you call north korea sandy's win into will. -- do you call mr. schwabb would you please get the great reset group at davos. you don't want to give up sovereignty. you want a decentralized constitutional republic. >> rachel: what county american people do? what's the best way to fight back? these are powerful forces. >> they are. i mean they are people like bill gates and john kerry and mike bloomberg and is that correct zuckerberg and you have got to call them out. u.s. citizen of the united states are you a citizen of the so-called world? if you are antony blinken secretary of state and you say to the u.n. we want you to come in and see if we are systemically racist we have to say to mr. blinken, who is that you are talking to at u.n.? is it north korea you want to adjudicate morality or is it iran? is it russia? we have got to be honest about these people. they have no grassroots support. it's an elite, arrogant group of people who think that their money and their education and the letters after their name give them power over the average people. and they don't. they don't have moral or they don't have intellectual sprir or the over anybody. >> rachel: one of the interest things words like stockholder capitalism and really we should just call it what it is which is chinese capitalism. that's what it is and they use these buzz words and try to get us hooked on thinking it's not asthma november lent as it actually is victor davis hanson, always great to hear from you. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> rachel: before we go, i want to recommend that everyone read michael's article for hillsdale infamous magazine it's called what is the great reset. coming up, the anthony fauci transgender monkeys, we uncovered his most insane study yet. guess who is paying for it? you, of course. first, the doj's public enemy number one, concerned parents. find out how the biden administration engineered this summer's smear campaign against moms and dads. my daughter evita duffy and buck sexton are next. ♪ indshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at ♪ >> rachel: welcome back. the doj is forming a new unit to take on domestic terrorism. this sound like good news until you realize who the people in charge think domestic terrorists are. newly obtained email shows biden's education secretary miguel cardona was behind the national school board's association letter doj comparing parents who protested crt to domestic terrorists. is that who this new unit is going to be targeting or is it going to be every mainstream conservative? listen to former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe call for more surveillance of republicans because' january 6th, of course. >> it's entirely possible that when the intelligence community and the law enforcement community looks out across this mainstream that professor described they didn't assume that that group of people, business owners, white people from the suburbs, educated, employed, presented a threat of violence and now we know very clearly that they do. co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton show. great show. love your show, buck. buck, let me start with you if these allegations are true, that means the directive to launch a war on parents at school board meetings came from the highest levels. >> well, this is yet another example of the self-licking ice cream cone the federal government and democrats apparatus by that i mean the bureaucratic deep state if you will and folks working for the biden regime. here is what we know about this at this point they were trying to shut down parents showing up at school board meetings who were upset about the critical race theory teaching among other things going on and referred to domestic terrorists it seems as now cardona may have wanted a pretext. this reminds me of, i don't know, the russian collusion dossier or the fbi look to the media for a pretext or to some spy who was paid for a bunch of rumors. that's what has been pulled together here. essentially the biden administration was saying hey, give us a rationale then we will take care of the rest for you. that should be terrifying to people. he is not going to run on his record. he is going to run on you better be quiet biden regimes failure maybe we will send the fbi after you. >> rachel: it's dangerous stuff we can laugh about it but dangerous stuff. evita, the zoom meeting we saw on screen a little bit earlier andy mccabe the number two guy at the fbi he went to your university, you go to the university of chicago. he went there to give a lecture on by the way he was fired by the fbi for lying, right. and the lecture was called protecting american democracy. it was, of course, a lecture on january 6th. you ended up writing a story about this evita that went viral. tell me what you learned from this lecture from andrew mccabe. >> yes, so, first of all, andrew mccabe is a man who lied under oath and tried to stage a koop, he has no business lecturing university. university invited him to teach students that the federal government needs to be weaponized against people that he disagrees with. just for some con texas. students listening to him were in high school and even middle school during the russian collusion hoax. so a lot of them don't even understand who andrew mccabe is they don't realize the kind of political hack he is. this indoctrination in plain sight. but i think that actually andrew mccabe is not the issue here. i mean, he has been fired from the fbi like you said. what's the real cause for concern is the students who are listening to him because they are going to be entering the halls of congress and joining these federal agencies. when they do if they take what they learned from andrew mccabe with them, things in america are about to get frighteningly worse. >> rachel: yeah. they are definitely normalizing this weaponization of government. buck, really quick, the fbi is now going with this new agency, they are going to reallocate resources. instead of going to the southern border, where we have tons of people coming over our southern border from i don't know how many, you know, 100 different countries, they are going to be using that on american citizens to investigate american citizens, right? >> yeah, look, i used to do counter-terrorism analysis for the cia and then the nypd intelligence division. i can tell you when you assign people to a certain area, certain portfolio, they are going to look long and hard. they are going to find something. this is really just, i think, meant to be a shot across the bough of a lot of the critics of the right of the biden regime and effectively saying we have a special unit that we're going to infiltrate you with. we are going to look at you. if anyone says something we find unsavory. if anyone points out the massive failures of the biden regime in the first year, maybe they will be in the crosshairs of the fbi. have a massive chilling effect. kind of like the irs was targeting conservatives under obama in 2012. maybe biden learned a lesson from that the weapons of bureaucracy. it's very real and happening right now. >> rachel: that looks like child's play compared to here with doing now. i think we are looking a lot more like china every single day. evita, buck, thank you very much. up next, they are turning the monkeys trans. you are not going to believe the latest sick, twisted experiment all paid for by tony fauci's nih. ♪ ♪ preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th ♪ >> rachel: we told you on this show about how anthony fauci's nih group funded deadly agreements on beagles and those horrific scenes from monkey island. now we discovered something much more disturbing. a twisted experiment to create trans gender monkeys. according to a new report fauci's nih spent over $200,000 for researchers to inject monkeys with gender affirming hormones. the study was meant to study why hiv transmission rates were higher among transgender women. instead of studying the behaviors of the transgender community. they decided to turn the monkeys tran just for fun. it's a case study so cruel and useless and of course even peta is attacking it here now former arkansas governor mike huckabee and the host of "just listen to yourself" podcast kira davis. thank you for joining me. governor, i'm going to start with you. our government and our medical establishment isn't even willing to study the social and psychological impact of transitioning children, and, yet, here they are spending money on turning monkeys trans. what the heck is going on here? >> chuck berry had a song about it years ago called too much monkey business. but this has been pretty historic because it's finally brought people like me, an avid hunter and peta together on the same page. who would have ever thought. joe biden was right. he is bringing the country together. is he getting people from about as far as away as you can get to come together and say this is a crazy use of tax dollars and it is insulting, not just to the taxpayer but it is unnecessarily harmful to monkeys who had nothing to do with transgenderism. >> rachel: yeah. it's outrageous. kira, we did a story on "fox & friends." we talked to dr. marty makary. they are doing the research on the psychological effects of masking because our government, who took tons of covid money won't do it and another organization has to do it. you tell me, why are we spending money like this on these kinds of silly experiments? >> this is really, honestly, this is the last thing i thought i would be on tv talking about. like this is so insane, but this is just another example of the social sickness that has kind of infected all parts of american life. you know, that this topic of transgenderism has really prevented us from delving into as you pointed out other things that we need to but it's because it's a social justice issue. so it becomes the most important thing. as you said at the top of the show, rachel, like god forbid we actually study the idea of behaviors that transmit hiv, you know, the reason why hiv is raging among transwomen is because transwomen are men. and they are still having sex with other men. and so that is one of the most risky behaviors when it comes to the transmission of hiv. i mean, i just gave you that information for free, rachel. send me the $200,000. >> rachel: no, you are so right. governor, the politicization of science and we have seen it obviously it's been happening before with all this woke stuff even throughout this pandemic it seems like it's on overdrive. what kind of damage? you are a governor. you know how important public health is and that kind of trust the. >> this politicization of science what are the long-term effects of this people like you trying to lead people during dangerous public health periods of time like a pandemic. >> well, first of all, i would like to split that 200,000 with kira so maybe we could get together to figure out how to do that. the danger of this, let's be very serious for a movement the only science being practiced by many of these people on the left is political science. this is not science. this isn't even junk science. this is insanity. they are just making it up as they go. they are calling it science but it isn't. we need science. we need serious science because it's what advances better health. it advances technology that makes our lives better. provides a greater sense of capacity to get out of poverty. those are all things that science can do. but, what they're masking as science is not science at all. it's basically word salad creating all of these, as kira mentioned, social justice ideas and it's not healthy to the american people, to the american economy, or to the american future. >> rachel: amen to that governor. thank you, governor mike huckabee. thank you, kira, great conversation. i'm glad we struck that deal. up next, listen up catholics, it's time for penance. the pope wants you to say hi hail maries and get your booster shot. raimondo arroyo is next. (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ got my hair ♪ serena: ask about ubrelvy. ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste ♪ >> we know you're sick of dr. fauci preaching about the vaccine, but what about the pope ? pope francis proclaimed that getting the covid vaccine is a moral obligation for you he als claimed people who have not received the covid vaccine have been swayed by useless information stating quote frequently be the let themselve be influenced by ideology of th moment, often bolstered by baseless information or poorly documented. many catholics received the vaccine for religious reasons including u.s. cardinals carrie its they are not fans of the vaccine, but the pope now to? joining me now is raymond arroy fox news contributor, for so first he said the vaccine was a act of love, now he's saying it's a moral obligation. should the pope you making thes kinds of moral pronouncements? >> look, first of all, i don't vote on my epidemiologist for moral advice, and i don't think we go to the pope for epidemiology advice. the pope was issuing here, he was talking to diplomats, this is a personal opinion of the pope carried we know he support vaccines, he encourages vaccines , but he didn't actually say it's a moral obligation to take it for a tea encourage people to take it and in the next breath he said healthcare is a moral obligation per journalist have conflated that, but it doesn't matter whether h said that, in regards to vaccin or not, his office, which is al that matters, last december sai taking the vaccine is not a moral obligation, and it has to be voluntary. remember, the pope, he is not the czar in the vigor of everything, he is the vicar of christ, his job description onl protects faith and morals, that's it. everything else from stock market to migration, that's personal opinion. >> he doesn't seem to be doing good job of that either. during the height of the pandemic, you know that churche we're closed and abortion clinics and liquor stores were open, so i just wish and i say this as a catholic myself, i just wish our pope would stand up and stop giving these medica edicts in stand up for religiou liberty. i didn't hear him say at people about that. >> his office did say, and of course it predominates here, your personal conscious, that i classic christian and catholic teaching. they said, if people want to object or not take this vaccine because it was created with aborted stem cells, and they have a moral opposition to that that is kosher, that is totally acceptable. i agree with you, i wish the pope would also say that along with the vaccine commercial. it would help balance things out . but he is the pope in now you know why i'm not. >> i'm not either, but on the left there is sort of this religious thing around covid an it's depressing when you're pop has that kind of idea as well. raymond, always great to see your grade thank you for joinin us and thank you at home for watching fox news primetime. don't forget to forget my podcast from the kitchen table, we will see you back here tomorrow, tucker carlson is up next. ♪ >>tucker: welcome to tucker carlson for tonight time for a civics class. here is how democracies were coming in a democracy, voters strike a highly straightforward deal with the government that rules them, here is what it is, politicians do they're best to improve your life, in exchange for that, you vote for them. that is a voluntary arrangement that works pretty well for 250 years, that's how it's worked here in the united states

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Biden Wasn T About Voting Rights , Karl Rove , Gas Lights , Hands , Contributor , Author , Both , Fox News , Kayleigh Mcenany Co Host Of Outnumbered , George W Bush , Something , Bill , Georgia , Kayleigh , The Atlanta Journal Constitution , Lines , Atlanta , Paper , 2021 , Course , President , Speech , Gaslighting , Bird S Eye View , Fact , 3 , 2 , Covid , Economy , Voters , Interest , Crisis , Name , Issues , Immigration , Polling , Priority , Juxtaposition , Voting , Issue , Inflation , Poll , Asterisk , Immigration Border On Fire , Covid Rampant , Administration , Anyone , Times , Act Of Desperation , Playbook , Measures , Talk About Voting Rights , 2022 , 2022 Rachel , Deal , Bit , Failures , Accuracy , Base , Democratic , Thing , Bills , January 6th , African American , Itself , Stain , Enthusiasm , Community Up , Government , Anything , Capitol , Police Officers , Otwo , 140 , Freedom , Con Texas , Lawsuits , John Lewis , Law , Units , Lawsuit , Absentee Ballot , Applications , Number One , States , State Of Delaware , Union , Ballot , Practices , New York , Election , Most , Point , Order , Members , Chance , Favor , 48 , Idea , Sense , Vaccine Passport , Racist , Voter I D , I D , 52 , Vaccine , Stacey Abrams , Voter , Super Star , Passport , Restaurant , Proof , Scheduling , Listener , Relationship , Everything , World , Page , Fine , Length , Three , Scheduling Issue , Scheduling Problem , Saying , Hair , Equivalent , Saturday Night , President Of The United States , Popularity , There , Colleagues , Commander In Chief , 30 , Schedule , Embarrassment , Figure , Vice President , Approval Numbers , Beginning , Term , Level , Progressives , State Houses , Great Seeing You Don T , South Dakota , Residents , Blue States , California , Florida , Illinois , Mount Rushmore , Lot , Governor , Kristi Noem , Thanks , Population Boom , Boom , Folks , Our , Beaches , Weather , Care , Families , Thousands , Amount , Responsibility , Somewhere , Decisions , Job , Reason , Commitment , State Free , Arrows , Bullets , Valentina , Babies , Address , Diagnosis , Down Syndrome Weren T , Guest , Legislation , Exterminated , Action , Desk , Family , Little Valentina , Single , Down Syndrome , Session , Legislator , Opportunity , Executive Order , Lives , State Of The Address , Child , Provisions , Abortion , Someone , Pill , Telemedicine Abortions , Internet , Legislators , Stranger , Phone , Woman , Women , Emergency Room , Procedure , Four , Heartbeat , Abortions , Changes , Court , Roe V Wade , Champion , Girls , Telemedicine , December 17th Rachel , Anthony Fauci , Moms , Bathroom , Fireworks On Capitol Hill , Scientists , Senator , Salary , Fashion , 20000 , 420000 , Dissolves , Cold Relief , Fast Sinus Relief , Plop Fizz , Alka Seltzer , Alka Seltzer Plus , Customization , Dj , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Throwback , Worries , Break , The World Today , Everybody , Difference , San Francisco , Recology , That S Why , Big City In America , 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Jane Fonda , Anybody , Support , Carbon Emissions , Top Down Phenomena , God , Dab Bows , Jets , Donald Trump , Uyghurs Go , Socrates Let S , Citizens , Nation , Napoleon Continent , Honor , United Nations , Alexander The Great Brotherhood Of Mankind , Power , Views , Dictatorship , Coercion , North Korea , Mr , Reset Group , Sandy , Win Into Will , Davos , County , Sovereignty , Decentralized Constitutional Republic , Citizen , Forces , Zuckerberg , Mike Bloomberg , Bill Gates , John Kerry , Antony Blinken , Morality , Systemically Racist , Money , Group , Education , Elite , Grassroots , Letters , Iran , Russia , Stockholder Capitalism , Words , Buzz Words , Asthma , Study , Article , Magazine , Everyone , Transgender Monkeys , Coming Up , Hillsdale , Michael , Parents , National School Board S Association Letter Doj , Guess Who , Smear Campaign , Summer , Dads , Public Enemy Number One , First , Evita Duffy , Buck Sexton , Indshield , Experts , Technology , Car , Safety Systems , Vo , Windshield , Camera , Glass , Safelite Autoglass , Singers , Service , Safelite Repair , Moderate , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Burning , Itching , Pain , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Risk , Doctor , Symptoms , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Skin , Ability , 16 , There S Industrial Grade , Music , Data , Flight , Co Pilot , Analytical Software , Meet Honeywell Forge , Walls , Assembly Lines , Threats , Plans , Programs , Classes , Achievements , National University , 75 , Nu Edu , Unit , Terrorism , Terrorists , Miguel Cardona , News , Shows Biden , Charge , Email , Sound , Andrew Mccabe , Fbi , Mainstream Conservative , Crt , Targeting , Community , Law Enforcement Community , Republicans , Surveillance , Mainstream , Professor , Violence , Business Owners , Suburbs , Co Host , Buck Sexton Show , Clay Travis , Buck , Directive , War , Allegations , School Board Meetings , Example , Apparatus , Levels , Ice Cream Cone , Race Theory Teaching , Upset , Biden Regime , Pretext , Spy , I Don T Know , Media , Rumors , Bunch , Now Cardona , Regimes , Record , Rest , Rationale , Stuff , Evita , Zoom Meeting , University Of Chicago , Lecture , Protecting American Democracy , Guy , Lying , Lecture On January 6th , Man , Story , Oath , Yes , Students , Koop , Business , In Plain Sight , High School , Collusion Hoax , Hack , Middle School , Cause , Concern , Agencies , Halls , Agency , Weaponization , Border , Countries , American Citizens , Reallocate Resources , Counter Terrorism Analysis , Area , Portfolio , Intelligence Division , Cia , Nypd , Shot , Bough , Critics , Conservatives , Anyone Points , Regime , Chilling Effect , Weapons , Crosshairs , Irs , Lesson , Obama , 2012 , China Every Single Day , Child S Play , Up Next , Bureaucracy , Looks , Monkeys , Sick , Twisted , With Preservision , Help , Nih , Studies , Progression , National Eye Institute , Nutrient Formula , Preservision Areds 2 , 20 , Eye Experts , Piece , Limu Emu , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Gasps , Doug , Pay , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , Anthony Fauci S Nih Group , Gender , Experiment , Beagles , Scenes , Agreements , Report Fauci , Monkey Island , 00000 , Researchers , Hormones , Hiv Transmission Rates , Mike Huckabee , Behaviors , Just For Fun , Case Study , Peta , Arkansas , Podcast , Kira Davis , Host , Impact , Establishment , Transitioning , Heck , Monkey Business , Turning Monkeys Trans , Song , Chuck Berry , Avid Hunter , Transgenderism , Use , Tax Dollars , Taxpayer , Masking , Effects , Research , Covid Money Won T , Organization , Tons , Fox Friends , Marty Makary , Kinds , Experiments , Tv Talking , Parts , Sickness , Topic , Delving , Hiv , Justice , Top , Transwomen , Men , Transmission Of Hiv , Sex , Science , Politicization , Information , Health , Overdrive , Damage , Trust , Periods , Political Science , Junk Science , Insanity , Movement , Danger , It Science , Capacity , Poverty , Ideas , Word Salad , Social Justice , Great Conversation , Catholics , The American Future , Pope , It S Time , Penance , Hi , Raimondo Arroyo , More , Discount , Wife , Jet Skis , Burke , Honey , Boat , Forty Five , Pa Dum , Bum , Discounts , Sup , Dad , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Seventeen , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Dose , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , 10 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Serena , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Hair Serena , Side Effects , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Heart , Brains , Head , Ears , Soul , Blood , Mouth , Gum , Gum Repair , Gum Line , Floss , Gum Damage , Sign , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Plaque Bacteria , Parodontax , Pope Francis , Obligation , Als , Ideology , Th Moment , Useless Information Stating Quote Frequently Be The Let Themselve , Cardinals , Fans , Raymond Arroy , Pronouncements , Act Of Love , I Don T , Epidemiologist , Epidemiology Advice , Diplomats , Opinion , Vaccines , Healthcare , Breath , Tea , Office , Vaccin , Matters , Journalist , Regards , Al , Last December Sai , Doesn T Matter Whether H , Job Description , Czar , Morals , Vigor , Faith , Vicar Of Christ , Migration , Stores , Stock Market , Liquor , Churche , Height , Clinics , Medica Edicts In Stand Up , Religiou Liberty , Catholic , Say , Opposition , Teaching , Stem Cells , Christian , Aborted , Commercial , Balance , Grade , Pop , Joinin , Kitchen Table , Tucker Carlson , Democracies , Class , Politicians , Arrangement , Exchange , 250 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709

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blocked, we have no option but to change the senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this. >> rachel: biden is willing to eliminate the filibuster just to push his far left agenda. it's all part of the democrats' plan to federalize our elections. and they will let nothing stand in their way. including the united states senate. they are trying to convince you that your right to vote is under assault. >> jim crow 2.0 is about two insidious things. voter suppression and the election subversion. new laws designed to suppress your vote to subvert our elections. will you stand against voter suppression?ress yes or no? that's the question to answer. will you stand against election subversion? [clearing t yes or no? we stand for democracy. yes or no? >> rachel: subverting our elections? isn't that what you are doing, joe? he is cries that democracy is being attacked while he is in the middle of attacking it. but at the end of the day, this was never about elections. this was a power grab plain and simple. democrats need to destroy the filibuster so they can continue effort to destroy your life. voting rights is just the perfect template. chuck schumer said so earlier. >> you have heard it from every one of us here. this is the structure of democracy, climate change, you name it, climate change, family rights, gay rights, union rights. all of these things all of these things are directly related to the way the right to vote. you change the right to vote. you join the right to vote you effect all of these. >> rachel: it's all making sense now. the left can't fundamentally remake america as a socialist state if the tools of our democracy are still standing. so, the democrats want to destroy them. and the same people who are cheering on the end of the filibuster are the ones who proudly defended it for years. >> they want to make this country into a banana republic where if you don't get your way, you change the rules. >> the legislative filibuster should stay there i will personally resist efforts to get rid of it. >> i'm committed to never voting to change the legislative filibuster. >> that would be the end of the senate. >> it raises problems that are more damaging than the problem that exists. >> you cannot change the rules in the middle of the game because you do not like the outcome. >> you are going to throw the entire congress into chaos and nothing will get done. >> rachel: you are right, joe. i just wish you would listen to your own advice. today's move by biden wasn't about voting rights or elections. it was about getting the senate out of the way for the leftist overhaul of america. chuck schumer showed the democrats' hands earlier. this is about climate change, gay rights, union rights and build back better. this is about destroying our democracy while the left gas lights you into believing that they are actually saving it. joining me now is karl rove, former deputy chief of staff for george w. bush and a fox news contributor as well as kayleigh mcenany co-host of outnumbered and author of for such a time as this. welcome to both of you. i'm going to start with you, kayleigh, more people voted after the voting rights bill was passed in georgia than before. so how are they claiming that this is racist and that this is, you know, something that needs to be changed to give people back democracy? >> that's exactly right. you are referring to the elections in 2021. more people voted after than before. not only that, "the atlanta journal constitution," the big paper there in atlanta said that there were no long lines. that it essentially went flawless. but, of course you have the president going down and gaslighting saying this is jim crow 2.0. he has been fact checked on this but taking a bird's eye view as to what happened today in the speech, rachel it, boils down to this. you look at issues 1, 2, and 3 in interest of priority to voters and any polling, you see the economy, you see covid, you see immigration. when you think of biden's name and juxtaposition to those issues, you think of crisis, crisis, crisis. inflation, covid rampant. immigration border on fire. so what he has done is pivoted to an issue, voting, that has an asterisk by it in the gallop november poll because it is so significantly insignificant in the interest of voters it doesn't even register at 1%. he has pivoted to this issue and called anyone who opposes him racist. that is the playbook. it's an act of desperation. desperate times call for desperate measures. indeed, the biden administration is desperate now a few months ahead of the november elections here in 2022. >> rachel: karl, is kayleigh right a way to pivot talk about voting rights as a way to deflect of all the failures happening under the biden administration. >> well, i think there is a great deal of accuracy in that i think it goes a little bit further than that though. i think part of this is they do want to rally the democratic base. so even though they know they can't pass either two of these bills. they want to demonstrate they're pushing hard for it so they keep enthusiasm in the african-american community up. the other thing though is listen to the speech itself today. i mean, first of all, we had january 6th. and january 6th was a stain on our country. but there is not a single thing in either one of these otwo proposed laws that has anything to do with january 6th. there are enough tools on the -- available to the federal government to deal with the people who broke into the capitol and assaulted 140 police officers. neither john lewis act or the freedom to vote act have anything to do with january 6th. and second of all, look at what they're did complaining about in georgia and texas where the federal government has stepped up and filed lawsuits against these bills. number one in the georgia lawsuit is they object that the georgia law does not allow local units of government to mass mail out applications for absentee ballot. this is supposedly -- you know jim crow 2.0. well, look all the states in the union that have similar practices where you have to apply for a ballot. you don't get request for it automatically like the state in new york. like the state of delaware. are those two states jim crow 2.0? so this is about trying to prove a point in order to energize people for the november election. there is no chance of passing either one of these bills there are only 48 members of the senate at most who are in favor of changing the rules. so the majority ought to rule and the majority is 52. >> rachel: it makes no sense by the way, kayleigh, they say well, it's racist to show an idea, right? that's their whole thing you can't show a voter i.d. they are making you show an i.d. with your vaccine passport at a restaurant in new york to proof that the vaccine passport is yours. it makes no sense. they are advocating this at the very same time that they are say nothing voter i.d. for something as sacred as voting. by the way, i want to play this clip because stacey abrams who is the super star of georgia has basically said that she is not showing up. take a listener. >> are you insulted she is skipping the speech. >> i'm insulted you asked the question. i spoke to stacey this morning. we have great relationship. we got our scheduling mixed up. i talked with her at length this morning. we are all on the same page and everything is fine. >> rachel: kayleigh, all three of us are very steeped in the political world. i know when you say there is a scheduling problem for you with the president of the united states that's the equivalent of saying i can't go out with you because i have to wash my hair on saturday night. like why does she not want to be there? what's happening? really? >> right. that scheduling issue is one of my former colleagues but the it is the election. it is the popularity of joe biden in the state of georgia which hovers around 30%. and probably being generous there. if the president of the united states, the commander-in-chief is coming to your state, you are a political figure and you know it would be a massive embarrassment to him if you are not there. you clear your schedule. but stacey abrams did not clear her schedule because he is that politically unpopular and that politically toxic. what a fall from grace from just the beginning of his term when he did have fairly good approval numbers. >> rachel: yeah. he is there by the way with the first african-american vice president as well with him. she is still not showing up. kayleigh, karl, great seeing you don't. now, it's not just at the federal level where democrats are pushing their far left socialist agenda. state houses all across the country have been overrun by progressives. and the american people have had enough. residents are fleeing big government blue states like california, illinois, and new york and they are heading to freedom-loving red states like texas, florida, and south dakota. so what has led the mount rushmore states nearly 30% population boom? who better to ask than the state's governor kristi noem. governor, thanks for joining us tonight. so, it's not surprising to me that a lot of people want to get out of these blue states and go to where all the freedom is. but let's face it, as beautiful as south dakota is, it's not very sunny, most of the year. it's cold. and, yet, you are getting this boom. you must be doing something right. why are people coming to south dakota? >> yeah, rachel, you are exactly right. i tell people that folks don't move to south dakota for our beaches or for our, you know, tropical weather. especially in january right now. but they are coming here because they want to be like us. they want to live somewhere where their government respects them. and where they let them use personal responsibility to take care of their families, make the best decisions for them and let them be free. and overwhelmingly the amount of people that have moved to this state by the thousands have told us that that's exactly it. they want the way of life that we have and we have the way of life that we have here because we have a small limited government that understands what its job is and what its job is not. >> rachel: have you definitely stood strong throughout there pandemic taking a lot of bullets and arrows people attacking you for keeping your state free. there is another reason why a lot of people want to move and live in south dakota. that's because you have a commitment to life and so last year at your state of the state address, i was with you with my little daughter valentina, who was your special guest. she has down syndrome and you were talking about a bill that you wanted to have in south dakota to make sure that babies who were given a diagnosis of down syndrome weren't going to be exterminated because of that diagnosis. and now you have the state of the state address once again, a year later. and you are introducing some more legislation that you want -- you want to see on your desk. you want some of this legislation on your desk. and you want to take action on it and these are pro-life bills. i want to hear more about those bills. >> absolutely. rachel, when you and your family came and brought little valentina to south dakota for the state of the state address. it was powerful. i don't know if you have even heard but whether that bill passed last legislative session it was unanimous. every single legislator voted for that bill. they voted to protect these babies that have a diagnosis of down syndrome to ensure that they have equal opportunity to live wonderful lives just like every other child does. so, that was pretty special. this year, what i'm introducing and what i talked about today in my state of the state address, was two different provisions. i did an executive order to ban telemedicine abortions. and that's an abortion where someone can get on the internet or on the phone, talk to any stranger, and get a pill sent to them that they take to take an abortion. and i did that executive order to stop it. now i'm asking my legislators to put it into law. it is four times more likely that a woman who gets a chemical abortion like that to end up in the emergency room. it's very dangerous. and we do not want women exposed to a procedure like that and we want to protect those babies. the second bill is a bill that has to do with stopping abortions the moment that you can detect a heartbeat. and it is modeled a bit after the texas law with some slight changes which would make it stronger in court as well. but we think it's incredibly important that when we detect a heartbeat that we ensure that all abortions stop. and i'm looking forward to the day that roe v. wade is ended in this country. but, south dakota will do everything we can to protect every life that we can. >> rachel: you are doing a great job. you are a champion for life. thank you, especially for that bill about chemical abortion and telemedicine. we don't want young girls having, you know, an abortion by themselves in their bathroom. this is not what we want as moms. thank you so much, governor. you're a champion, appreciate it? >> thank you, rachel. have. >> rachel: next on "fox news primetime." fauci's fireworks on capitol hill. >> do you really think it's appropriate to use your $420,000 salary to attack scientists that disagree with you? >> i think in usual fashion, senator, you are distorting everything about me. ♪ plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ when you're born and raised in san francisco, you grow up wanting to make a difference. ♪ that's why, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america but we couldn't do it without you. thank you, san francisco. gracias, san francisco. -thank you. -[ speaks native language ] let's keep making a difference together. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> rachel: welcome back, dr. anthony fauci and cdc director rochelle walensky were on the hot seat testifying to the administration's response to covid-19. and the sparks were flying. >> there's an air of appearance that maybe some shenanigans are going on. i assume that's not the case. what are you talking about? do you really think it's appropriate to use your $420,000 salary to attack scientists that disagree with you? >> i think in usual fashion, senator, you are distorting everything about me. there you go again. you just do the same thing every hearing. >> that was your response. this wasn't the only time. >> so i would like to make something clear to the committee. he is doing this for political reasons. >> you engage in politics. you wonder why there is so much anger you are not an objective scientist. you lost that a while ago. >> rachel: rochelle walensky spent her time on the hot seat spending her time clearing up the. >> i want to know straightforward if someone is exposed to and has covid-19 and they are vaccinated what do they do? >> if they are exposed to covid-19 and they are completely boosted, they should -- they do not need to stay home. but they should get a test at day five. >> what about unvaccinated. >> same for unvaccinated for isolation. isolation being those who are had the disease. >> so now we should get tested after five days of exposure? feels like they are making this up as they go along. the guide dance just keeps on changing. it seems like the only thing that hasn't changed with this administration is the constant push to get every american vaccinated and boosted, including our children. >> first we expanded jecketd booster doses 12 to 15 years old. second, cdc strengthens booster recommendation to adolescents now recommending adolescents 12 to 17 years old should receive a booster shot five months after their initial vaccine series. >> rachel: joining me enough to to react is dr. pierre corey. welcome, so grad to have you on you have been a real hero in this entire pandemic, being a truth teller and somebody who is dedicated to serving your patients. one of the ways you have been doing that is through early treatments. you saw from that clips we have shown vaccine, vaccine, vaccine you say early treatment. how many people do you think could have been saved if we hut a little more attention on early treatment and, frankly, not tried to prevent doctors and hospitals from prescribing them? >> >> i mean, the estimates are scary. if you look back to when we first knew of an available drug working against this disease, you are talking about the spring, late spring of 2020. if you time it from there, and including all the other drugs that we have known that work since, it's well over half a million lives could have been saved with early treatment. it's been the missing link to the pandemic response. since the beginning -- >> rachel: so why did it happen? why have they tried to do this? >> it's because the way our system is designed. it's designed to really put into play novel pattennable high profit pharmaceutical drugs. they weren't ready in the twinning. they had to suppress the evidence of earliry efficacy such a time those drugs could be introduced into the market. those drugs were only introduced recently. those drugs have serious problems. merck drug dots not work. we know it doesn't work. the second half of the trial placebo out performed the drug. india just canceled their order for that drug. pack slofd is the pfizer drug that one had very little safety data. it has a lot of contraindications with other medications. and it also has toxicity, taps scary drug. >> rachel: if you are right, dr. kory, these are crimes against humanity. >> these crimes against humanity, these are not new. if you look at the history of the pharmaceutical industry in this country, we are just coming off of a decade of the opioid epidemic which was largely fueled by the pharmaceutical industry, almost 200,000 people have died. and we have numerous other examples of other things -- other actions that the pharmaceutical companies have taken. you have drugs like vioxx and bextra and avandia where many, many thousands, tens of thousands of people died when they knew they were getting heart attacks from those drugs and they suppressed the evidence. the idea that people are dying as a result of actions of pharmaceutical companies is not new. it's just amplified and magnified in this pandemic because it's been such a massive overtaking of society. and the blocking of these generic drugs is largely at root of so much death and morbidity here. >> rachel: dr. kory, i so appreciate your courage throughout this pandemic. i think a lot of peoples' eyes are finally being open. thank you, dr. kory. >> thank you. >> rachel: globalist elites are looking to permanently disrupt our financial, social, and government institutions. they have call it the great reset. world economic forum founder schwabb says the great reset is meant to address the quote weaknesses of capitollism which means making our economy look more like china's. how are they going to get it done? by using the permanent pandemic scholar points out draconian lockdown measures deployed by western governments manage to accomplish goals of which corporate socialist in the world economic forum could only dream. above all, the destruction of small businesses, eliminating competitors for corporate monday nope polices favored by the state. in june 2020, at its 50th annual meeting, the wef announced the great reset's official launch. a month later schwabb and another published book on covid and the great reset. the book declared that covid represents, quote: an opportunity that can be seized that we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world. victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institute is here now. victor davis hanson, always great to have you on the show. so, is this a conspiracy theory about the great reset or is this really happening? >> it's really happening. and wrote a book about it and it's in action. there is something very sick about trying to leverage a pandemic that's killed millions of people to push through an agenda that otherwise in normal times would have no constituency at all. it is sort of the global version of gavin newsom here in california saying that we are going to get progressive capitalism out of covid or hillary clinton said we will get single payer healthcare or jane fonda said thank god for covid we can get rid of donald trump. does anyone really believe that these elites? and this is a top down phenomena. there is no popular support for it does anybody believe these people who talk so elegantly about carbon emissions are going to park all those jets at dab bows or these people heavily invested in china communist let those uyghurs go? it's not a modern trendy thing it's ancient idea socrates let's be citizens ever the world. alexander the great brotherhood of mankind. napoleon continent of your honor. the united nations it never works. because sovereign nation also not give up their freedom and their power to some kind of global dictatorship. and it's never worked and it requires a level of coercion that's incompatible with most people's views. who do you call north korea sandy's win into will. -- do you call mr. schwabb would you please get the great reset group at davos. you don't want to give up sovereignty. you want a decentralized constitutional republic. >> rachel: what county american people do? what's the best way to fight back? these are powerful forces. >> they are. i mean they are people like bill gates and john kerry and mike bloomberg and is that correct zuckerberg and you have got to call them out. u.s. citizen of the united states are you a citizen of the so-called world? if you are antony blinken secretary of state and you say to the u.n. we want you to come in and see if we are systemically racist we have to say to mr. blinken, who is that you are talking to at u.n.? is it north korea you want to adjudicate morality or is it iran? is it russia? we have got to be honest about these people. they have no grassroots support. it's an elite, arrogant group of people who think that their money and their education and the letters after their name give them power over the average people. and they don't. they don't have moral or they don't have intellectual sprir or the over anybody. >> rachel: one of the interest things words like stockholder capitalism and really we should just call it what it is which is chinese capitalism. that's what it is and they use these buzz words and try to get us hooked on thinking it's not asthma november lent as it actually is victor davis hanson, always great to hear from you. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> rachel: before we go, i want to recommend that everyone read michael's article for hillsdale infamous magazine it's called what is the great reset. coming up, the anthony fauci transgender monkeys, we uncovered his most insane study yet. guess who is paying for it? you, of course. first, the doj's public enemy number one, concerned parents. find out how the biden administration engineered this summer's smear campaign against moms and dads. my daughter evita duffy and buck sexton are next. ♪ indshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at ♪ >> rachel: welcome back. the doj is forming a new unit to take on domestic terrorism. this sound like good news until you realize who the people in charge think domestic terrorists are. newly obtained email shows biden's education secretary miguel cardona was behind the national school board's association letter doj comparing parents who protested crt to domestic terrorists. is that who this new unit is going to be targeting or is it going to be every mainstream conservative? listen to former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe call for more surveillance of republicans because' january 6th, of course. >> it's entirely possible that when the intelligence community and the law enforcement community looks out across this mainstream that professor described they didn't assume that that group of people, business owners, white people from the suburbs, educated, employed, presented a threat of violence and now we know very clearly that they do. co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton show. great show. love your show, buck. buck, let me start with you if these allegations are true, that means the directive to launch a war on parents at school board meetings came from the highest levels. >> well, this is yet another example of the self-licking ice cream cone the federal government and democrats apparatus by that i mean the bureaucratic deep state if you will and folks working for the biden regime. here is what we know about this at this point they were trying to shut down parents showing up at school board meetings who were upset about the critical race theory teaching among other things going on and referred to domestic terrorists it seems as now cardona may have wanted a pretext. this reminds me of, i don't know, the russian collusion dossier or the fbi look to the media for a pretext or to some spy who was paid for a bunch of rumors. that's what has been pulled together here. essentially the biden administration was saying hey, give us a rationale then we will take care of the rest for you. that should be terrifying to people. he is not going to run on his record. he is going to run on you better be quiet biden regimes failure maybe we will send the fbi after you. >> rachel: it's dangerous stuff we can laugh about it but dangerous stuff. evita, the zoom meeting we saw on screen a little bit earlier andy mccabe the number two guy at the fbi he went to your university, you go to the university of chicago. he went there to give a lecture on by the way he was fired by the fbi for lying, right. and the lecture was called protecting american democracy. it was, of course, a lecture on january 6th. you ended up writing a story about this evita that went viral. tell me what you learned from this lecture from andrew mccabe. >> yes, so, first of all, andrew mccabe is a man who lied under oath and tried to stage a koop, he has no business lecturing university. university invited him to teach students that the federal government needs to be weaponized against people that he disagrees with. just for some con texas. students listening to him were in high school and even middle school during the russian collusion hoax. so a lot of them don't even understand who andrew mccabe is they don't realize the kind of political hack he is. this indoctrination in plain sight. but i think that actually andrew mccabe is not the issue here. i mean, he has been fired from the fbi like you said. what's the real cause for concern is the students who are listening to him because they are going to be entering the halls of congress and joining these federal agencies. when they do if they take what they learned from andrew mccabe with them, things in america are about to get frighteningly worse. >> rachel: yeah. they are definitely normalizing this weaponization of government. buck, really quick, the fbi is now going with this new agency, they are going to reallocate resources. instead of going to the southern border, where we have tons of people coming over our southern border from i don't know how many, you know, 100 different countries, they are going to be using that on american citizens to investigate american citizens, right? >> yeah, look, i used to do counter-terrorism analysis for the cia and then the nypd intelligence division. i can tell you when you assign people to a certain area, certain portfolio, they are going to look long and hard. they are going to find something. this is really just, i think, meant to be a shot across the bough of a lot of the critics of the right of the biden regime and effectively saying we have a special unit that we're going to infiltrate you with. we are going to look at you. if anyone says something we find unsavory. if anyone points out the massive failures of the biden regime in the first year, maybe they will be in the crosshairs of the fbi. have a massive chilling effect. kind of like the irs was targeting conservatives under obama in 2012. maybe biden learned a lesson from that the weapons of bureaucracy. it's very real and happening right now. >> rachel: that looks like child's play compared to here with doing now. i think we are looking a lot more like china every single day. evita, buck, thank you very much. up next, they are turning the monkeys trans. you are not going to believe the latest sick, twisted experiment all paid for by tony fauci's nih. ♪ ♪ preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. "preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies" "and its from the eye experts at bausch and lomb" so, ask your doctor about adding preservision. and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision" ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th ♪ >> rachel: we told you on this show about how anthony fauci's nih group funded deadly agreements on beagles and those horrific scenes from monkey island. now we discovered something much more disturbing. a twisted experiment to create trans gender monkeys. according to a new report fauci's nih spent over $200,000 for researchers to inject monkeys with gender affirming hormones. the study was meant to study why hiv transmission rates were higher among transgender women. instead of studying the behaviors of the transgender community. they decided to turn the monkeys tran just for fun. it's a case study so cruel and useless and of course even peta is attacking it here now former arkansas governor mike huckabee and the host of "just listen to yourself" podcast kira davis. thank you for joining me. governor, i'm going to start with you. our government and our medical establishment isn't even willing to study the social and psychological impact of transitioning children, and, yet, here they are spending money on turning monkeys trans. what the heck is going on here? >> chuck berry had a song about it years ago called too much monkey business. but this has been pretty historic because it's finally brought people like me, an avid hunter and peta together on the same page. who would have ever thought. joe biden was right. he is bringing the country together. is he getting people from about as far as away as you can get to come together and say this is a crazy use of tax dollars and it is insulting, not just to the taxpayer but it is unnecessarily harmful to monkeys who had nothing to do with transgenderism. >> rachel: yeah. it's outrageous. kira, we did a story on "fox & friends." we talked to dr. marty makary. they are doing the research on the psychological effects of masking because our government, who took tons of covid money won't do it and another organization has to do it. you tell me, why are we spending money like this on these kinds of silly experiments? >> this is really, honestly, this is the last thing i thought i would be on tv talking about. like this is so insane, but this is just another example of the social sickness that has kind of infected all parts of american life. you know, that this topic of transgenderism has really prevented us from delving into as you pointed out other things that we need to but it's because it's a social justice issue. so it becomes the most important thing. as you said at the top of the show, rachel, like god forbid we actually study the idea of behaviors that transmit hiv, you know, the reason why hiv is raging among transwomen is because transwomen are men. and they are still having sex with other men. and so that is one of the most risky behaviors when it comes to the transmission of hiv. i mean, i just gave you that information for free, rachel. send me the $200,000. >> rachel: no, you are so right. governor, the politicization of science and we have seen it obviously it's been happening before with all this woke stuff even throughout this pandemic it seems like it's on overdrive. what kind of damage? you are a governor. you know how important public health is and that kind of trust the. >> this politicization of science what are the long-term effects of this people like you trying to lead people during dangerous public health periods of time like a pandemic. >> well, first of all, i would like to split that 200,000 with kira so maybe we could get together to figure out how to do that. the danger of this, let's be very serious for a movement the only science being practiced by many of these people on the left is political science. this is not science. this isn't even junk science. this is insanity. they are just making it up as they go. they are calling it science but it isn't. we need science. we need serious science because it's what advances better health. it advances technology that makes our lives better. provides a greater sense of capacity to get out of poverty. those are all things that science can do. but, what they're masking as science is not science at all. it's basically word salad creating all of these, as kira mentioned, social justice ideas and it's not healthy to the american people, to the american economy, or to the american future. >> rachel: amen to that governor. thank you, governor mike huckabee. thank you, kira, great conversation. i'm glad we struck that deal. up next, listen up catholics, it's time for penance. the pope wants you to say hi hail maries and get your booster shot. raimondo arroyo is next. 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Kid , Stocks , Half , Trading , Lawmakers , Holding , Kids , 14 , 51 , One , 510 , 6 , 1 , Rachel Campos Duffy , U S , Nancy Pelosi , Reaction , Rachel Campos Duffy Starts , Fox News Primetime , Bret , 5 , Joe Biden , Power Grab , Democrats , Left , Evening , Call , Greg Gutfeld , Hit A Fevered Pitch , Way , Democracy , Vote , Majority , Threat , Voting Rights Bills , Debate Them , Minimum , Filibuster , Part , Agenda , Plan , Option , Senate Rules , Elections , Nothing , United States Senate , Jim Crow , Assault , Two , 2 0 , Things , Laws , Voter Suppression , Election Subversion , Rachel , Question , Clearing T , Isn T , Joe , Middle , Doing , It , American Life , Voting Rights , One Of Us , Template , Structure , Effort , Climate Change , Chuck Schumer , Wall , Gay Rights , Family Rights , Union Rights , Tools , Estate , Making Sense Now , People , Country , End , Ones , Banana Republic , Rules , Problems , Problem , Efforts , Congress , Game , Outcome , Chaos , Overhaul , Advice , Biden Wasn T About Voting Rights , Karl Rove , Gas Lights , Hands , Contributor , Author , Both , Fox News , Kayleigh Mcenany Co Host Of Outnumbered , George W Bush , Something , Bill , Georgia , Kayleigh , The Atlanta Journal Constitution , Lines , Atlanta , Paper , 2021 , Course , President , Speech , Gaslighting , Bird S Eye View , Fact , 3 , 2 , Covid , Economy , Voters , Interest , Crisis , Name , Issues , Immigration , Polling , Priority , Juxtaposition , Voting , Issue , Inflation , Poll , Asterisk , Immigration Border On Fire , Covid Rampant , Administration , Anyone , Times , Act Of Desperation , Playbook , Measures , Talk About Voting Rights , 2022 , 2022 Rachel , Deal , Bit , Failures , Accuracy , Base , Democratic , Thing , Bills , January 6th , African American , Itself , Stain , Enthusiasm , Community Up , Government , Anything , Capitol , Police Officers , Otwo , 140 , Freedom , Con Texas , Lawsuits , John Lewis , Law , Units , Lawsuit , Absentee Ballot , Applications , Number One , States , State Of Delaware , Union , Ballot , Practices , New York , Election , Most , Point , Order , Members , Chance , Favor , 48 , Idea , Sense , Vaccine Passport , Racist , Voter I D , I D , 52 , Vaccine , Stacey Abrams , Voter , Super Star , Passport , Restaurant , Proof , Scheduling , Listener , Relationship , Everything , World , Page , Fine , Length , Three , Scheduling Issue , Scheduling Problem , Saying , Hair , Equivalent , Saturday Night , President Of The United States , Popularity , There , Colleagues , Commander In Chief , 30 , Schedule , Embarrassment , Figure , Vice President , Approval Numbers , Beginning , Term , Level , Progressives , State Houses , Great Seeing You Don T , South Dakota , Residents , Blue States , California , Florida , Illinois , Mount Rushmore , Lot , Governor , Kristi Noem , Thanks , Population Boom , Boom , Folks , Our , Beaches , Weather , Care , Families , Thousands , Amount , Responsibility , Somewhere , Decisions , Job , Reason , Commitment , State Free , Arrows , Bullets , Valentina , Babies , Address , Diagnosis , Down Syndrome Weren T , Guest , Legislation , Exterminated , Action , Desk , Family , Little Valentina , Single , Down Syndrome , Session , Legislator , Opportunity , Executive Order , Lives , State Of The Address , Child , Provisions , Abortion , Someone , Pill , Telemedicine Abortions , Internet , Legislators , Stranger , Phone , Woman , Women , Emergency Room , Procedure , Four , Heartbeat , Abortions , Changes , Court , Roe V Wade , Champion , Girls , Telemedicine , December 17th Rachel , Anthony Fauci , Moms , Bathroom , Fireworks On Capitol Hill , Scientists , Senator , Salary , Fashion , 20000 , 420000 , Dissolves , Cold Relief , Fast Sinus Relief , Plop Fizz , Alka Seltzer , Alka Seltzer Plus , Customization , Dj , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Throwback , Worries , Break , The World Today , Everybody , Difference , San Francisco , Recology , That S Why , Big City In America , Recycling System , Ground Up , Workers , Employee , 100 , Language , Gracias , Kind , Entertainment , Xfinity , Nice , Sports , Binge Watching , Place , Voice , Apps , Bag , Touchdown , Cheering , Irish , Cost , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Dr , Response , Rochelle Walensky , Seat , Appearance , Air , Welcome Back , Cdc , Sparks , 19 , Shenanigans , Case , Hearing , Wasn T , Scientist , Reasons , Committee , Politics , Home , Test , Isolation , Unvaccinated For Isolation , Five , Disease , Feels , Hasn T , Exposure , Children , Booster , Vaccinated , Jecketd , 12 , 15 , Booster Shot , Adolescents , Booster Recommendation , Series , Second , 17 , Pandemic , Somebody , Grad , Hero , Patients , Truth Teller , Pierre Corey , Treatment , Ways , Treatments , Attention , We Hut A , Drug , Doctors , Spring , Hospitals , Estimates , 2020 , Drugs , Work , A Million , Link , Evidence , System , Play Novel Pattennable High Profit Pharmaceutical Drugs , Twinning , Efficacy , Earliry , Market , Trial , Doesn T Work , Merck Drug Dots , Contraindications , Safety Data , Pack Slofd , India , Humanity , Crimes , Medications , Kory , Toxicity , Pharmaceutical Industry , Opioid Epidemic , Examples , History , 200000 , Actions , Pharmaceutical Companies , Tens Of Thousands , Many , Avandia , Bextra , Heart Attacks , Vioxx , Result , Blocking , Massive Overtaking Of Society , Peoples , Courage , Morbidity , Root , Death , Eyes , Reset , Social , Government Institutions , Elites , Founder Schwabb , Financial , World Economic Forum , Globalist , Quote Weaknesses , Capitollism , China S , Governments , Scholar , Points , Socialist , Goals , Lockdown , Destruction , Western , Launch , Wef , Meeting , Businesses , Competitors , Monday Nope , 50 , June 2020 , On Covid , Quote , Advantage , Covid Represents , Show , Victor Davis Hanson , Conspiracy Theory , Hoover Institute , Millions , Capitalism , Constituency , Single Payer Healthcare , Version , Gavin Newsom , Hillary Clinton , Jane Fonda , Anybody , Support , Carbon Emissions , Top Down Phenomena , God , Dab Bows , Jets , Donald Trump , Uyghurs Go , Socrates Let S , Citizens , Nation , Napoleon Continent , Honor , United Nations , Alexander The Great Brotherhood Of Mankind , Power , Views , Dictatorship , Coercion , North Korea , Mr , Reset Group , Sandy , Win Into Will , Davos , County , Sovereignty , Decentralized Constitutional Republic , Citizen , Forces , Zuckerberg , Mike Bloomberg , Bill Gates , John Kerry , Antony Blinken , Morality , Systemically Racist , Money , Group , Education , Elite , Grassroots , Letters , Iran , Russia , Stockholder Capitalism , Words , Buzz Words , Asthma , Study , Article , Magazine , Everyone , Transgender Monkeys , Coming Up , Hillsdale , Michael , Parents , National School Board S Association Letter Doj , Guess Who , Smear Campaign , Summer , Dads , Public Enemy Number One , First , Evita Duffy , Buck Sexton , Indshield , Experts , Technology , Car , Safety Systems , Vo , Windshield , Camera , Glass , Safelite Autoglass , Singers , Service , Safelite Repair , Moderate , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Burning , Itching , Pain , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Risk , Doctor , Symptoms , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Skin , Ability , 16 , There S Industrial Grade , Music , Data , Flight , Co Pilot , Analytical Software , Meet Honeywell Forge , Walls , Assembly Lines , Threats , Plans , Programs , Classes , Achievements , National University , 75 , Nu Edu , Unit , Terrorism , Terrorists , Miguel Cardona , News , Shows Biden , Charge , Email , Sound , Andrew Mccabe , Fbi , Mainstream Conservative , Crt , Targeting , Community , Law Enforcement Community , Republicans , Surveillance , Mainstream , Professor , Violence , Business Owners , Suburbs , Co Host , Buck Sexton Show , Clay Travis , Buck , Directive , War , Allegations , School Board Meetings , Example , Apparatus , Levels , Ice Cream Cone , Race Theory Teaching , Upset , Biden Regime , Pretext , Spy , I Don T Know , Media , Rumors , Bunch , Now Cardona , Regimes , Record , Rest , Rationale , Stuff , Evita , Zoom Meeting , University Of Chicago , Lecture , Protecting American Democracy , Guy , Lying , Lecture On January 6th , Man , Story , Oath , Yes , Students , Koop , Business , In Plain Sight , High School , Collusion Hoax , Hack , Middle School , Cause , Concern , Agencies , Halls , Agency , Weaponization , Border , Countries , American Citizens , Reallocate Resources , Counter Terrorism Analysis , Area , Portfolio , Intelligence Division , Cia , Nypd , Shot , Bough , Critics , Conservatives , Anyone Points , Regime , Chilling Effect , Weapons , Crosshairs , Irs , Lesson , Obama , 2012 , China Every Single Day , Child S Play , Up Next , Bureaucracy , Looks , Monkeys , Sick , Twisted , With Preservision , Help , Nih , Studies , Progression , National Eye Institute , Nutrient Formula , Preservision Areds 2 , 20 , Eye Experts , Piece , Limu Emu , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Gasps , Doug , Pay , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , Anthony Fauci S Nih Group , Gender , Experiment , Beagles , Scenes , Agreements , Report Fauci , Monkey Island , 00000 , Researchers , Hormones , Hiv Transmission Rates , Mike Huckabee , Behaviors , Just For Fun , Case Study , Peta , Arkansas , Podcast , Kira Davis , Host , Impact , Establishment , Transitioning , Heck , Monkey Business , Turning Monkeys Trans , Song , Chuck Berry , Avid Hunter , Transgenderism , Use , Tax Dollars , Taxpayer , Masking , Effects , Research , Covid Money Won T , Organization , Tons , Fox Friends , Marty Makary , Kinds , Experiments , Tv Talking , Parts , Sickness , Topic , Delving , Hiv , Justice , Top , Transwomen , Men , Transmission Of Hiv , Sex , Science , Politicization , Information , Health , Overdrive , Damage , Trust , Periods , Political Science , Junk Science , Insanity , Movement , Danger , It Science , Capacity , Poverty , Ideas , Word Salad , Social Justice , Great Conversation , Catholics , The American Future , Pope , It S Time , Penance , Hi , Raimondo Arroyo , More , Discount , Wife , Jet Skis , Burke , Honey , Boat , Forty Five , Pa Dum , Bum , Discounts , Sup , Dad , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Seventeen , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Dose , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , 10 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Serena , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Hair Serena , Side Effects , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Heart , Brains , Head , Ears , Soul , Blood , Mouth , Gum , Gum Repair , Gum Line , Floss , Gum Damage , Sign , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Plaque Bacteria , Parodontax , Pope Francis , Obligation , Als , Ideology , Th Moment , Useless Information Stating Quote Frequently Be The Let Themselve , Cardinals , Fans , Raymond Arroy , Pronouncements , Act Of Love , I Don T , Epidemiologist , Epidemiology Advice , Diplomats , Opinion , Vaccines , Healthcare , Breath , Tea , Office , Vaccin , Matters , Journalist , Regards , Al , Last December Sai , Doesn T Matter Whether H , Job Description , Czar , Morals , Vigor , Faith , Vicar Of Christ , Migration , Stores , Stock Market , Liquor , Churche , Height , Clinics , Medica Edicts In Stand Up , Religiou Liberty , Catholic , Say , Opposition , Teaching , Stem Cells , Christian , Aborted , Commercial , Balance , Grade , Pop , Joinin , Kitchen Table , Tucker Carlson , Democracies , Class , Politicians , Arrangement , Exchange , 250 ,

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