Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

pandemic just because it's worldwide. it's not slowing up very much. i'm confident we're on the right track. >> the american public is scrambling and showing signs that they are fed up with the management. >> our frustrated constituents cannot find rapid tests when they need them. >> tests are hard to find. they're costly. people are unable to find the at-home tests in pharmacies, online. >> people cannot find a test. i'm getting texts as we speak saying we're not getting tests. >> you've experienced that, too. senator rand paul was in the hearing today. he's on that committee. we saw another spirited exchange with dr. fauci that is getting attention. we'll talk to him about that. the responses is tests will be in the mail soon but omicron could be gone by them. first to chad pergram. hi, chad. >> good afternoon. the leading republican on the senate health committee warned of a tough hearing today. >> i'm at the end of my rope. i think you'll see today most of my colleagues are as well. >> susan collins says congress allocated $83 billion for testing, but the testing deficit remain as mystery. >> our staff's investigation found that $850 million out of the testing budget and another $850 million out of the allocation for the stockpile were instead used to deal with the crisis at the southern border. >> collins says the administration could have averted the testing crisis with better planning. republicans aren't the only ones upset. patty murray said the information from the cdc is confusing. the nation is staring at another year of uncertainty. there was a verbal frakus with rand paul and fauci. fauci accused of putting him in danger. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there and i have life threats on my life. >> paul wasn't the only gop member that criticized fauci. roger marshall hoff kansas is a doctor. he told fauci, you lost your reputation. fauci called marshall a "moron." more that? >> martha: thanks, chad. senator rand paul joins me now. senator paul, good to see you today. thank you for being here. so you heard dr. fauci. he said that your accusations against him have put his life in danger. you accused him of being the single person most responsible for the deaths in this country. >> the accusation, the juvenile and personal attack to say that i'm responsible for death threats on him would be equivalent to myself or steve scalise saying that the bernie sanders supporter that shot us that it was bernie sanders' responsibility. so you remember the shooting at the ball field? i was ten feet from a young man that was shot. 20 yards from steve scalise. not one republican said it was bernie sanders' fault. so when democrats say that and fauci is a democrat partisan, he's trying to deflect. what i was asking him about is this. he says he's science and if you question him or oppose him, you're opposing science. this kind of arrogance also led him and dr. collins to say that they would take a take-down of three epidemiologists that start the great barrington declaration. they're from stanford, harvard and oxford. they called them fringe, a take-down campaign in the lay media and so he didn't want to answer my questions. so he accuses me of fomenting violence. it's a misdirection. he doesn't want to accept that he's a political animal and that everything he does every day is to further his political agenda, not the science. >> martha: he's obviously under pressure. i think that it has been politicized. there's people that are pro fauci and against fauci. at one point you said to him you are the person that is more responsible for the deaths in this country than anyone else. you think that's fair? >> look at this way. i believe this virus originated from a lab that was from the chinese. we don't have 100% proof from that. the evidence is 90/10 that it was from the lab. he said for two years it was president gain of function. they weren't taking viruss that don't exist in nature, creating them and creating viruss that are so dangerous that they can wipe out a portion of humanity. he continues to deny that. if this came from the lab, yes he's cupable. when you ask him to investigate, he's got an interest. the virus came from mother nature. so mother nature deserves most of the blame. if it came out of a lab, then i think man has some blame. fauci would be involved in this. he says he still trusts the chinese and he's not for anymore regulations on gain of function. he think it's jolly well and good to create these viruses. if we're in charge in 2022, i promise you we get to the bottom of this so we don't have this happen again. there should not only be prohibitions domestically, i would be for convening an international treaty of civilized nations saying we shouldn't be doing this research because of the threats to man kind. >> martha: there's no doubt that collins and dr. fauci waved everybody off of etch looking at the lab. that raises questions. i raised that with them throughout the last year. it's very fair to ask why. why did they wave everyone off of questions about the lab. obviously he gets very prickly when this topic is brought up. they're losing the faith of the american people. do you trust the cdc to give you accurate information about covid? that number of trust has gone down by three points. do not trust by five points in the recent polling. i'm struck when i listen to this hearing, senator paul and dr. paul. you know, i read these stories in the "wall street journal" about studies from denmark and ontario that show the vaccinated might be more likely to contract omicron. there's another one today that says that slow the spread, speeding it might be safer suggesting that if we work too hard to control omicron, it might end up creating a super variant. these questions being raised, i don't know if they're accurate. the they're reported in the "wall street journal." i feel like we're behind the curve. we're having a conversation about the last version of covid than what is going on now. >> dr. fauci doesn't want the debate. he says he's science. if you criticize him, you criticize science. one of the things in the committee hearing is the lack of testing. shouldn't we ask the question who should be tested? that question was asked but that's coming from fauci. almost everything we've done comes from fauci and walensky. one kid gets it, they test everybody and send them home and test their relatives. we should test people that are sick and vulnerable. fauci denies that 100 million people have immunity. he thinks we're undervaccinated. the truth of the matter is, over age 65, 95% of the people took a vaccine. it's an overwhelming success. should be a debate. should we let kids ultimately -- what happens in nature happens in nature and protect the elderly? it's happening anyway despite the vaccine. this is very transmissable. the vaccine is not stopping transmission. should we subject our kids to it? it's an honest question to ask. >> martha: it is an interesting question. i would direct people towards that editorial so they can read it and see what they think. thanks, senator paul. good to have you here. so as the united states sets new records for covid hospitalizations and new infections, a lot of questions about whether people in the hospital have covid are there because of covid or with covid. this is a big part of the conversation. president biden in georgia today. he is focusing on an issue that in polling 6% of americans prioritize. that is the voting rights issue. that's why he's there. governor chris christie has his take on that. and an exclusive with kelly loeffler to stop stacey abrams. she'll tell you more next. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> this is one of those defining moments. it is. people will be judged, where were they before and after the vote. its that consequential. so the risk is making sure people understand just how important this is. >> martha: right now president biden in atlanta making a push for voting rights. he will call for making an exception to the senate filibuster if that's what it takes to ask for the bill. a recent poll shows just 6% of americans want the issue of voting laws to be the priority of what politicians are working on right now. 6%. you have covid, immigration. those issues are ranking higher on voting priorities. this is the freedom to vote act. it would require two weeks of early voting in every state. no excuse mail ballots for eligible voters. automatic voter registration the national standard to opt out of registering to vote and allow same-day voter registration, which the leadership in georgia has said is very tricky to pull off. republicans say this bill would nationalize elections and the constitution calls for the states to have power over their own election rules and laws. kelly loeffler is launches an effort of her own to register more gop voters and she joins me exclusively. first to aishah hasnie to bring us up to speed on this story from atlanta today. hi, aishah. >> good afternoon. georgia conservatives say they're ready for the fight the president is bringing to their state. former senator kelly loeffler said she's ready to defend the rights and the votes and voices of everyday georgians. that's why one year ago she put in seven figures of her own money to create greater georgia. i got to see the grass roots organization first hand as it builds this year round campaign infrastructure. something that conservatives have not invested in. so it's an attempt to take on stacey abrams and the left voter registration manage. a ground game that loeffler saw the value of when she lost her seat to raphael warnock. right now loeffler estimates there's 150,000 fewer registered conservatives in this state than liberals. one of her biggest challenges is winning back hundreds of thousands of trump voters who basically don't trust the ballot box anymore after the president, the former president alleged election fraud. with biden's visit today aimed at georgia's new election laws, which are her strongest tool to woo those voters back, she knows the stakes couldn't be higher. >> i think him coming here really puts a point on how important it is for conservatives to be involved. we're just votes away from radically changing this country into a federal takeover of elections. >> political analysts think loeffler could use biden's visit to her advantage. but she needs more help from the former president to convince people that it's safe to vote. >> kelly loeffler lost her seat because republicans didn't vote for her and david purdue. republicans need them to vote to get them back in office. >> as of right now, no word on whether trump would do a rally to counter the president's speech today. martha? >> martha: thanks. kelly loeffler joins me now. good to have you with us, senator. thanks for being here. that is the question. all of us, we go back to january, to january 5, to that election that run-off that would have changed a lot for your party if you won or david purdue had won. what is your relationship like with president trump now and is he on board with your program? >> this is an important day for conservatives. they realize what is at stake. they're trying to get one party rule in washington right now. if you sit down and talk to the average georgian, they want to talk about why schools are closed, why the border is open, why this pandemic is out of control and why inflation is rampant across our economy. of course, president trump is the most important voice in our movement. but this is a movement, greater georgia, about everyone's voice and making sure that everyone's voice is heard. because election integrity is part of fair elections and voting rights. how can you have voting rights without election integrity? that's what we're fighting for to make sure georgians understand if they turn up to the ballot box, their voice will be heard and their vote will be counted. that's why i started greater georgia, to engage those disengaged and unregistered. this state is the battleground state. the future of the house and the senate and beyond runs through georgia. >> martha: it's going to be interesting to see if the voters that didn't turn out in the senate race, the run-off racian 5, if they are moved by your movement and if they decide that they feel it's safe to come out and vote in georgia. there's a big question about why stacey abrams didn't show up to show her support for president biden today. here's newt gingrich. >> i think she realizes a photo open next to president biden and vice president harris hurts her, doesn't help her. i think she also agrees with the civil rights groups that think this is all phony. i think it's a little puzzling why the president could put so much effort in to what is clearly going to fall. >> martha: that last part is very interesting to me. the president has not so far succeeded on passing build back better and now it feels like the narrative has shifted completely to this voting rights issue and republicans and democrats have been working hard and you on the republican side to shore up what they think is a positive situation for them. does it look from what you can tell and your former senate colleagues that this has any momentum to pass? >> it has no chance, martha. zero chance. they need another issue to fund raise on. you're absolutely going to see them raising money on this, trying to energize their base with this issue. but let me share two steps with you. first of all, joe biden is under water 29 points in georgia. if you're running for office, you don't want to be seen with the president and the vice president. also, look at the law that they're fighting against. the georgia election integrity act made it easier to vote, harder to cheat. it requires a voter i.d. simple requirement. how can you be against that when 77% of black voters support voter i.d.? i don't think it's a good idea to be against that policy when the majority of your base supports that. frankly, most of america supports voter i.d. >> martha: the polls clearly show that. thanks, kelly loeffler. good to see you today. >> thank you. >> martha: so from voting rights to build back better, is the president out of touch with what the american people really care about? the issues that they're very concerned about. inflation, the border, crime, all of that is what is ranking higher than voting rights right now. they want action. governor chris christie joins me after this. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ ♪ ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. >> martha: so just a little while ago, president biden said he's confident we're on the right track in the battle against covid. my next guest calls his response to covid incompetence of a monumental scale. chris christie is here with us. obviously the president wants to stay upbeat, impress upon people that he thinks that eventually things will improve. you know, when vice president harris said we're in a period of malaise, that got her a ton of criticism. is he wrong to try to convince people we're on the right track? >> yeah, he's wrong. as my mother used to tell me, martha, actions speak leader than words. this is a guy who forced the congress to appropriate $1.9 trillion -- trillion -- additional dollars in january of this past year, 2021, and we still have monumental lines for testing in this country. we have a testing shortage in this country. that is unacceptable nearly two years in to this pandemic with all the money that president biden has thrown at this problem, a huge problem in that regard. we have him bowing down to the teacher's unions. when are the unions in chicago going to tell us how they're going to make up the days they're miss something are they ready to work over the summer? work during scheduled breaks? getting our children back to school. what are they going to do in chicago about crime? the monumental increase in crime? martha, he needs to let his actions speak louder than his words. >> martha: we raised that same question. i think posing to it the chicago teacher's union, you're committed to 176 days of teaching a year. so you have now counted off four of them. you're four days into the summer or spring break. if the president said this to them and said you need to get back to work today or we're going to start crossing off days, imagine how powerful that would be to the teacher unions? >> yes. let's listen to the difference between joe biden and ronald reagan, one of the many differences. when federal unionized employees were doing things to harm the country, the professional air traffic controllers, ronald reagan said get back to work or you'll be fired. he fired all of them and stood by it. it let everybody know that he was serious. his word meant something. job is the captain of the teacher's union. his wife is part of it. they might as well have a teacher's union office in the white house. it's ridiculous. we need to get the kids back to school. there's short term around long-term future is ridiculous. the president can fix this quickly by standing up and saying i want every teacher in this country to get back to work. if he did, they would do it. >> martha: one of the things that i think president trump definitely got right during the early stages of covid is his inpatience. right? he said no, no, we can't wait for this vaccine. we're going to do operation warp speed. we need it now. i'm thinking back to that and the possibilities that you could have for this president to be, you know, at a testing center while they're churning out tests saying here's what we're doing and going to get them to the older generation and to the vulnerable first and be pro active about making sure that that happens and showing inpatience for what's going on. >> well, martha, you're right. that's what leadership looks like. instead, what we see is somebody that looks lost. joe biden, every day, looks like he's looking around saying how did i get here? what do i do now? this is not a leader. this is someone who was put in place by the democratic party purely to get of republicans and donald trump. they had no idea what he was going to do when he got there. what they've done is, they have co opted him, he's just a tool of the far progressive woke left. his policies indicate that and he doesn't know how to lead. it is sad to watch, martha. if it wasn't causing such damage to tour country, we could wait for the 2022 elections to stop him. we can't. we have to start with right now. we have to start with the voting rights issue. we can't have the biden administration take over our voting system. that would be a disaster. >> martha: you sound like you have a cold. you don't have omicron again, do you? >> i do not. i do not. a little bit of a -- a little laryngitis, martha. >> martha: i'm glad to hear it. thanks, governor. great to see you. see you soon. >> great to be on. thanks for having me. >> martha: all right. so the biden administration timely answers to the humanitarian crisis underway following the deadly exit from afghanistan. we'll talk to congressman and combat war veteran michael waltz coming up next. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> martha: breaking right now, the biden administration has pledged hundreds of millions in humanitarian aid after warning that millions of afghans face a march to starvation and possible famine in their biggest appeal ever for a single country to fend off a full blown disaster begging the global community to not shut the deer on the people of afghanistan. in a moment, mike waltz, a former commandner afghanistan. but first to jennifer griffin at the pentagon. hi, jennifer. >> hi, martha. with the $308 million pledged today, the u.s. government has donated 780 million to afghanistan since it pull out at the end of august. the u.n. just made the largest single humanitarian appeal in its history, $4.4 billion to help afghanistan as catastrophe looms. >> millions are at risk of starvation. half of the afghan population is acutely hungry and bad weather has cancelled flights and blocked roads including the pass, a major gate way to the north of the country. >> the u.n. says a quarter of afghanistan's 38 million people are living near famine and another third of the country faces acute food insecurity. the u.s. is caught between providing aid without legitimizing the taliban, which they have not recognized. the new humanitarian assistance will directly flow through independent humanitarian organizations. meantime, private vet's groups are still paying through private donations for the rescue and evacuations of americans and vulnerable afghans. artists like pearl jam just announced an effort to bring a coalition together to urge the white house to address afghanistan's worsening humanitarian crisis, which they write cannot be solved by aid alone. fi for fight is organizing a concert in washington d.c. for afghan veterans to bring awareness to the growing crisis writing that "the passing of time will not ease the great shame in our collective gut." congress has not passed legislation giving humanitarian status to the 120,000 afghans that were evacuated in august. without the law changed, they cannot work our support themselves here in the u.s. martha? >> thanks, jennifer. let's bring in mike waltz from florida. he served multiple tours in afghanistan and just named a ranking member of the subcommittee of readiness on the house armed services committee. thanks for being here. $780 million, the largest amount to a single country. where is that money going to go and will that money make a difference at this point? >> can i say as a general matter after the biden administration, president biden is turning out to have the worst human rights record of any american president in modern history from the millions of uighurs undergoing forced rape, torture concentration camps. to the southern border where 30 to 40% of the girls coming across are being sold into human trafficking. and now in afghanistan where 3/4s of the country is on the brink of starvation. the administration's reply, throw money at the problem. let's talk about what they should do with the money. why are they not giving a portion of the money to the veterans groups that have so heroically stepped up when their government failed and still to this day keeping thousands of afghans who are being targeted by the taliban safe in safe houses with medical treatment, transportation, moving them so they're not hunted down, taking care of girls and woman that are barred from going to school. why are he they not giving money to these groups that have proved to be is effective? why are they not using it as leverage for talks with the taliban saying let's girls go back tole school. how about you release the american hostage that you're holding. instead, we're getting nothing from the taliban for that money and what i can tell you having served on the ground is the terrorist groups always skim off the top to the tunes of millions. i don't care how much they promise us it's going to go to independent organizations. when they have a gun to their hold and told give us 30%, they're going to do it and the taliban decides who the winners and losers are and use our taxpayer dollars. it's infuriating, irresponsible and heartless. >> martha: we've seen so many americans including musicians we just mentioned trying to raise money. the veterans organizations. it would be great if they could work together in this effort. we don't hear much about this from the white house at all inless they're pressed on a question on it. one more quick question and share a nice surprise with our viewers. you wrote a piece on the international olympic committee's beijing hypocrisy. you thought they should be boycotted. you think that will happen at this late date? >> it's looking increasingly unlikely. the diplomatic boycott was something but it's not serve sent. what the chinese communist party cares about is the propaganda platform and the amount of money that they'll make off of u.s. corporate sponsors that have lobbied about every measure to stop this. i'll just way this. why did the ioc think it was okay to get involved in politics in south africa and took a stand against apartheid for 30 years and all of these corporation as greed but now when it comes to an ongoing genocide in china, they're willing to turn a blind eye? a great question. the reason is the amount of money that they're making. >> martha: a great question. americans have to open their eyes to this issue and the companies sponsoring the olympics and involved so deeply in china. you brought a lot of attention to it. we want to bring attention to your new little guy. his name is army. 9 pounds, 5 ounces born january 7 to you and your wife. the sister of the doctor who we love here on fox. so congratulations. how are you sleeping? >> oh, great. we have our amazing mother here to help. my wife, julia, is a trouper with a big boy. we're just blessed. our hearts are full. >> martha: i had a nine pounder. it's not easy. thank you very much for coming in. god bless army. he's a doorable. >> go armie has a new meaning. >> martha: is that his full name or nickname? >> it's short for armond, which is hope in arabic. >> martha: thanks for your service to our country and bringing that cute baby in the world. >> thank you, martha. god bless. >> martha: god bless you as well. as we continue to dig into the toll of remote learning on children's mental health, a doctor at a prominent children's hospital lays out why he believes there's such a risk to remote learning for our children and the documentation of what their health struggles really are next. to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. this whole journey has been such a huge gift they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> well, look, you know, over the last couple years, we had to in many ways the decisions we had to do around children, particularly schools, were decisions of bad or worse. we were facing a difficult situation with a virulent virus and an unvaccinated public. things started to shift. the answer and the solution to try to take the teeth out of this virus was vaccination. now we're fortunate to have a milder variant that for more children is producing milder disease but is moving swiftly across the region. after two years of mitigation measures to kind of push back in a direction of max security, the reality is we're in a better place. with milder disease in most children, the goal now is to simplify the process by which schools can manage moving forward and keep kids in schools. >> martha: yeah. you know, there's been some guidance put out by the department of education. we asked them to send us what they recommended in terms of making up for learning loss and addressing mental health issues. they sent us a memo that said the american rescue plan says they would provide guidance on how to use the funds. it prioritizes wellness for student educator and provider. hundreds of millions have gone out, billions have gone out to the schools to take care of these things. do you expect there should be more direction on this and how this money should be spent? >> well, i think the first thing we need to do is get kids back in school. this particular week was difficult. what we tried to do is say is take a step back, when it looks like a seasonal virus, remember what we used to do during previous flu seasons. that is if you're sick, stay home. if you're exposed, which everyone is right now, just make the practical decision to, you know, monitor your symptoms. it's very helpful for schools to mask during the worst of this and then try to push it over the edge. to me, the key to addressing learning loss and getting a better footing with regards to the mental health issues and the challenges around social isolation is to resume the lives of children and their families as quickly as possible. >> martha: that is action that will probably provide the best benefit right now. just to go ahead. but you said, if we look at the people being asked to quarantine right now, we would be quarantining everybody. what policy do you recommend? someone has been exposed, what should they do if they don't have symptoms? >> if we recognize we're all exposed, if you don't have symptoms with regards to schools, we're asking to maintain the masking for a little longer. our emergency departments have faced an unprecedented event. if you're exposed, asymptomatic, come to school. if you have a health condition or has a family member with a health condition, schools should often access to testing and weekly screening. as a matter of requirement shlgts we -- we should no longer be chasing milder disease. >> martha: how about testing? >> the testing should be an opt in. early detection could help with decisions. if you're sick, stay home. try to get back to the bread and butter of school safety, which helps. >> martha: we're just seeing more and more families using their own common sense and the learning curve that they've had with two years of dealing with this and not so much waiting for the cdc to tell them what to do. dr. david rubin, thanks. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: okay. breaking just a moment ago. we just received the word that chicago mayor lori lightfoot has tested positive for covid. he has cold-like sometimes. otherwise she feels fine. she's experiencing what many of us has experienced as this moves through. breaking today a fox digital exclusive. a link between the education secretary and the letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. stick around. that is coming up. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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[microwave beeps] [ahh] ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ >> martha: a new e-mail connects president biden's education secretary to the controversial letter from the national school board association that compared parents protesting at their school board meetings to domestic terrorists. gillian turner has more. >> hi, martha. new e-mail requests appears to show the new secretary of education shows that parents were equated with domestic terrorists. the sba was in contact with the white house and justice department weeks before the letter was sent. but the new correspondence that secretary cardona may have play a role. chip slaven told the officers that he was writing a letter to provide information to the white house from a request by secretary cardona. facing backlash, secretary cardona has made efforts to ally himself more publicly and more closely with parents. take a listen. >> parents have put up with a lot the last 1 1/2 years trying to balance work and educating their children, this partnership with parents needs to continue. >> parents defending curriculum tells should this allegation be true, it would reveal this that this administration's war on parents comes from the highest level. the president said america's public schools and leaders are under an immediate threat. they asked for law enforcement to step in and help and triggers the patriot act as a means to do that. they have since apologized for the tone of the letter, martha. >> martha: gillian, thanks very much. that is "the story" of this tuesday, january 11th. the story goes on. look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow at 3:00. get ready. "your world" with neil cavuto starts right about now. have a great day, everybody. >> we're live in atlanta. president biden making his case for voting rights legislation and maybe breaking the filibuster to do it. one person noticeably accent from today's event, georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. this is "your world." steve harrigan is in atlanta with more. steve? >> charles, we're minutes from the president speaking and then the president speaking here

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, Stories , Trust , Number , Five , Studies , Contract Omicron , Spread , Wall Street Journal , Ontario , Denmark , Vaccinated , Super Variant , Control Omicron , Conversation , Debate , Curve , Version , Question , Committee Hearing , Shouldn T , Lack , Walensky , Matter , It , Truth , Relatives , Immunity , Undervaccinated , 100 Million , Vaccine , Success , 65 , 95 , Transmission , Elderly , Lot , Senator , Records , Hospital , Hospitalizations , Issue , Voting Rights Issue , Part , Biden In Georgia Today , 6 , Kelly Loeffler , Chris Christie , Exclusive , Liberty Mutual , Stacey Abrams , I Don T , Chances , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Someone , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Liberty , Teaching , Pay , Schools , Politics , Students , School Board , Classroom , Deficit , District , San Francisco , 125 Million , 25 Million , Children , Leadership , Chance , Start , School Board Members Collins , LÓpez , February 15th , 15 , Something , Service , 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Teacher S Union , White House , Union Office , Stages , Operation Warp Speed , Inpatience , Testing Center , What S Going On , Generation , Churning , Somebody , Place , Donald Trump , Co , Tour Country , Policies , Wasn T , Progressive , Disaster , Voting System , A , Cold , Laryngitis , Bit , Afghanistan , Michael Waltz Coming Up , Congressman , Exit , War Veteran , Nausea , Side Effects , Ubrelvy , Dose , Tracks , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Cyp3 , 2 , Work , Director , My Name Is Douglas , Somewhere , Anytime , Writer , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Millions , Hundreds , Afghans , Famine , Aid , Starvation , Appeal , Warning , Mike Waltz , Community , Deer , Commandner , Pentagon , Jennifer Griffin , U N , Government , Single , The End Of August , 308 Million , 780 Million , 08 Million , Half , Catastrophe , Population , 4 Billion , 4 Billion , Quarter , Weather , North , Flights , Gate , Roads , 38 Million , Third , Food Insecurity , Assistance , Legitimizing The Taliban , Organizations , Rescue , Donations , Evacuations , Vet , Pearl Jam , Coalition , Fi For Fight , Veterans , Legislation , Concert , Passing , Awareness , Washington D C , Shame , Gut , Status , 120000 , Ranking Member , Tours , Readiness , Subcommittee , House Armed Services Committee , Florida , Amount , 80 Million , Human Rights Record , Rape , Uighurs , Torture Concentration Camps , Girls , 4s , Human Trafficking , 3 4 , 40 , Talk , Brink , Reply , Let , Treatment , Taliban , Houses , Day Keeping Thousands , Transportation , Woman , Care , Leverage , Talks , Ground , Tole School , Nothing , Holding , Terrorist , Hostage , Hold , Top , Tunes , Gun , Taxpayer Dollars , Musicians , Losers , Heartless , Winners , Irresponsible , Veterans Organizations , Inless , Surprise , Viewers , Piece , International Olympic Committee S Beijing Hypocrisy , Boycott , Propaganda Platform , Chinese Communist Party , Stand , Measure , Sponsors , Ioc , South Africa , Corporation , Reason , Genocide , Apartheid , Greed , China , Eye , Eyes , Olympics , Companies , Name , Sister , 7 , 9 , January 7 , Julia , Congratulations , Trouper , God , Go Armie , Hearts , Army , Meaning , Doorable , Nine Pounder , Big Boy , Nine , Hope , Nickname , Baby , Arabic , Armond , Mental Health , World , Learning , Toll , Children S Hospital , God Bless , God Bless You , Health , Photos , Documentation , Ancestors , Wow , Family , Journey , Gift , County Of Macomb , Customization , Dj , Michigan , Oh My Goodness , Lorraine Banks , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Newday , Rates , Homeowners , It S Time , Refinance , Rate , History , Dollar , Save Thousands , Apr , Costs , 2 48 , One Dollar , Newday Low Rate Refi , Places , Directive , Remote Learning , Zoom , Fort , 5000 , Isolation , Executive Director , School Closures , David Ruben , Thing , Policy Lab , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Ruben , Decisions , Ways , Vaccination , Teeth , Answer , Unvaccinated , Solution , Disease , Region , Push Back , Mitigation Measures , Variant , Direction , Reality , Goal , Security , Learning Loss , Guidance , Terms , Department Of Education , Memo , Provider , Student Educator , Rescue Plan , Funds , Wellness , Billions , Say , Sick , Step Back , Flu Seasons , Symptoms , Decision , Worst , Key , Over The Edge , Families , Regards , Lives , Footing , Benefit , Quarantining , Event , Asymptomatic , Emergency Departments , Longer , Masking , Health Condition , Family Member , Screening , Detection , Opt In , School Safety , Bread , Butter , Common Sense , Dealing , Learning Curve , Waiting , David Rubin , Lori Lightfoot , Many , Moves , Letter , Terrorists , Education Secretary , Link , Breaking Today A Fox Digital Exclusive , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Adults , Weight , Death , Heart Disease , Heart Attack , Stroke , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Pens , Needles , Reuse , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Changes , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Prescription , 25 , 3 , Vo , Wheels , Safety Systems , Camera , Glass , Otezla , Psoriasis , Choices , Moderate , Choice , Splash , Entrance , Depression , Pill , Plaque Psoriasis , Cream , 75 , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Headache , Bongos , Chest , Microwave Beeps , Em , Don T Step On , Ring , Romance , Em Don T Step On , Got Eggshells Around Me Don T Step On , E Mail , Gillian Turner , National School Board Association , Education , E Mail Requests , Secretary , Contact , Sba , Justice , Correspondence , Secretary Cardona , Chip Slaven , Play , Role , Officers , Facing Backlash , Efforts , Listen , 1 2 , Allegation , Partnership , War , Leaders , Threat , Patriot Act , Level , Law Enforcement , Means , The Story Goes On , Tone , January 11th , 11 , Tuesday January 11th , Neil Cavuto , 00 , Case , Accent , Charles Payne , More , Steve Harrigan ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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pandemic just because it's worldwide. it's not slowing up very much. i'm confident we're on the right track. >> the american public is scrambling and showing signs that they are fed up with the management. >> our frustrated constituents cannot find rapid tests when they need them. >> tests are hard to find. they're costly. people are unable to find the at-home tests in pharmacies, online. >> people cannot find a test. i'm getting texts as we speak saying we're not getting tests. >> you've experienced that, too. senator rand paul was in the hearing today. he's on that committee. we saw another spirited exchange with dr. fauci that is getting attention. we'll talk to him about that. the responses is tests will be in the mail soon but omicron could be gone by them. first to chad pergram. hi, chad. >> good afternoon. the leading republican on the senate health committee warned of a tough hearing today. >> i'm at the end of my rope. i think you'll see today most of my colleagues are as well. >> susan collins says congress allocated $83 billion for testing, but the testing deficit remain as mystery. >> our staff's investigation found that $850 million out of the testing budget and another $850 million out of the allocation for the stockpile were instead used to deal with the crisis at the southern border. >> collins says the administration could have averted the testing crisis with better planning. republicans aren't the only ones upset. patty murray said the information from the cdc is confusing. the nation is staring at another year of uncertainty. there was a verbal frakus with rand paul and fauci. fauci accused of putting him in danger. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there and i have life threats on my life. >> paul wasn't the only gop member that criticized fauci. roger marshall hoff kansas is a doctor. he told fauci, you lost your reputation. fauci called marshall a "moron." more that? >> martha: thanks, chad. senator rand paul joins me now. senator paul, good to see you today. thank you for being here. so you heard dr. fauci. he said that your accusations against him have put his life in danger. you accused him of being the single person most responsible for the deaths in this country. >> the accusation, the juvenile and personal attack to say that i'm responsible for death threats on him would be equivalent to myself or steve scalise saying that the bernie sanders supporter that shot us that it was bernie sanders' responsibility. so you remember the shooting at the ball field? i was ten feet from a young man that was shot. 20 yards from steve scalise. not one republican said it was bernie sanders' fault. so when democrats say that and fauci is a democrat partisan, he's trying to deflect. what i was asking him about is this. he says he's science and if you question him or oppose him, you're opposing science. this kind of arrogance also led him and dr. collins to say that they would take a take-down of three epidemiologists that start the great barrington declaration. they're from stanford, harvard and oxford. they called them fringe, a take-down campaign in the lay media and so he didn't want to answer my questions. so he accuses me of fomenting violence. it's a misdirection. he doesn't want to accept that he's a political animal and that everything he does every day is to further his political agenda, not the science. >> martha: he's obviously under pressure. i think that it has been politicized. there's people that are pro fauci and against fauci. at one point you said to him you are the person that is more responsible for the deaths in this country than anyone else. you think that's fair? >> look at this way. i believe this virus originated from a lab that was from the chinese. we don't have 100% proof from that. the evidence is 90/10 that it was from the lab. he said for two years it was president gain of function. they weren't taking viruss that don't exist in nature, creating them and creating viruss that are so dangerous that they can wipe out a portion of humanity. he continues to deny that. if this came from the lab, yes he's cupable. when you ask him to investigate, he's got an interest. the virus came from mother nature. so mother nature deserves most of the blame. if it came out of a lab, then i think man has some blame. fauci would be involved in this. he says he still trusts the chinese and he's not for anymore regulations on gain of function. he think it's jolly well and good to create these viruses. if we're in charge in 2022, i promise you we get to the bottom of this so we don't have this happen again. there should not only be prohibitions domestically, i would be for convening an international treaty of civilized nations saying we shouldn't be doing this research because of the threats to man kind. >> martha: there's no doubt that collins and dr. fauci waved everybody off of etch looking at the lab. that raises questions. i raised that with them throughout the last year. it's very fair to ask why. why did they wave everyone off of questions about the lab. obviously he gets very prickly when this topic is brought up. they're losing the faith of the american people. do you trust the cdc to give you accurate information about covid? that number of trust has gone down by three points. do not trust by five points in the recent polling. i'm struck when i listen to this hearing, senator paul and dr. paul. you know, i read these stories in the "wall street journal" about studies from denmark and ontario that show the vaccinated might be more likely to contract omicron. there's another one today that says that slow the spread, speeding it might be safer suggesting that if we work too hard to control omicron, it might end up creating a super variant. these questions being raised, i don't know if they're accurate. the they're reported in the "wall street journal." i feel like we're behind the curve. we're having a conversation about the last version of covid than what is going on now. >> dr. fauci doesn't want the debate. he says he's science. if you criticize him, you criticize science. one of the things in the committee hearing is the lack of testing. shouldn't we ask the question who should be tested? that question was asked but that's coming from fauci. almost everything we've done comes from fauci and walensky. one kid gets it, they test everybody and send them home and test their relatives. we should test people that are sick and vulnerable. fauci denies that 100 million people have immunity. he thinks we're undervaccinated. the truth of the matter is, over age 65, 95% of the people took a vaccine. it's an overwhelming success. should be a debate. should we let kids ultimately -- what happens in nature happens in nature and protect the elderly? it's happening anyway despite the vaccine. this is very transmissable. the vaccine is not stopping transmission. should we subject our kids to it? it's an honest question to ask. >> martha: it is an interesting question. i would direct people towards that editorial so they can read it and see what they think. thanks, senator paul. good to have you here. so as the united states sets new records for covid hospitalizations and new infections, a lot of questions about whether people in the hospital have covid are there because of covid or with covid. this is a big part of the conversation. president biden in georgia today. he is focusing on an issue that in polling 6% of americans prioritize. that is the voting rights issue. that's why he's there. governor chris christie has his take on that. and an exclusive with kelly loeffler to stop stacey abrams. she'll tell you more next. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> martha: thanks. kelly loeffler joins me now. good to have you with us, senator. thanks for being here. that is the question. all of us, we go back to january, to january 5, to that election that run-off that would have changed a lot for your party if you won or david purdue had won. what is your relationship like with president trump now and is he on board with your program? >> this is an important day for conservatives. they realize what is at stake. they're trying to get one party rule in washington right now. if you sit down and talk to the average georgian, they want to talk about why schools are closed, why the border is open, why this pandemic is out of control and why inflation is rampant across our economy. of course, president trump is the most important voice in our movement. but this is a movement, greater georgia, about everyone's voice and making sure that everyone's voice is heard. because election integrity is part of fair elections and voting rights. how can you have voting rights without election integrity? that's what we're fighting for to make sure georgians understand if they turn up to the ballot box, their voice will be heard and their vote will be counted. that's why i started greater georgia, to engage those disengaged and unregistered. this state is the battleground state. the future of the house and the senate and beyond runs through georgia. >> martha: it's going to be interesting to see if the voters that didn't turn out in the senate race, the run-off racian 5, if they are moved by your movement and if they decide that they feel it's safe to come out and vote in georgia. there's a big question about why stacey abrams didn't show up to show her support for president biden today. here's newt gingrich. >> i think she realizes a photo open next to president biden and vice president harris hurts her, doesn't help her. i think she also agrees with the civil rights groups that think this is all phony. i think it's a little puzzling why the president could put so much effort in to what is clearly going to fall. >> martha: that last part is very interesting to me. the president has not so far succeeded on passing build back better and now it feels like the narrative has shifted completely to this voting rights issue and republicans and democrats have been working hard and you on the republican side to shore up what they think is a positive situation for them. does it look from what you can tell and your former senate colleagues that this has any momentum to pass? >> it has no chance, martha. zero chance. they need another issue to fund raise on. you're absolutely going to see them raising money on this, trying to energize their base with this issue. but let me share two steps with you. first of all, joe biden is under water 29 points in georgia. if you're running for office, you don't want to be seen with the president and the vice president. also, look at the law that they're fighting against. the georgia election integrity act made it easier to vote, harder to cheat. it requires a voter i.d. simple requirement. how can you be against that when 77% of black voters support voter i.d.? i don't think it's a good idea to be against that policy when the majority of your base supports that. frankly, most of america supports voter i.d. >> martha: the polls clearly show that. thanks, kelly loeffler. good to see you today. >> thank you. >> martha: so from voting rights to build back better, is the president out of touch with what the american people really care about? the issues that they're very concerned about. inflation, the border, crime, all of that is what is ranking higher than voting rights right now. they want action. governor chris christie joins me after this. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ ♪ ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. >> martha: so just a little while ago, president biden said he's confident we're on the right track in the battle against covid. my next guest calls his response to covid incompetence of a monumental scale. chris christie is here with us. obviously the president wants to stay upbeat, impress upon people that he thinks that eventually things will improve. you know, when vice president harris said we're in a period of malaise, that got her a ton of criticism. is he wrong to try to convince people we're on the right track? >> yeah, he's wrong. as my mother used to tell me, martha, actions speak leader than words. this is a guy who forced the congress to appropriate $1.9 trillion -- trillion -- additional dollars in january of this past year, 2021, and we still have monumental lines for testing in this country. we have a testing shortage in this country. that is unacceptable nearly two years in to this pandemic with all the money that president biden has thrown at this problem, a huge problem in that regard. we have him bowing down to the teacher's unions. when are the unions in chicago going to tell us how they're going to make up the days they're miss something are they ready to work over the summer? work during scheduled breaks? getting our children back to school. what are they going to do in chicago about crime? the monumental increase in crime? martha, he needs to let his actions speak louder than his words. >> martha: we raised that same question. i think posing to it the chicago teacher's union, you're committed to 176 days of teaching a year. so you have now counted off four of them. you're four days into the summer or spring break. if the president said this to them and said you need to get back to work today or we're going to start crossing off days, imagine how powerful that would be to the teacher unions? >> yes. let's listen to the difference between joe biden and ronald reagan, one of the many differences. when federal unionized employees were doing things to harm the country, the professional air traffic controllers, ronald reagan said get back to work or you'll be fired. he fired all of them and stood by it. it let everybody know that he was serious. his word meant something. job is the captain of the teacher's union. his wife is part of it. they might as well have a teacher's union office in the white house. it's ridiculous. we need to get the kids back to school. there's short term around long-term future is ridiculous. the president can fix this quickly by standing up and saying i want every teacher in this country to get back to work. if he did, they would do it. >> martha: one of the things that i think president trump definitely got right during the early stages of covid is his inpatience. right? he said no, no, we can't wait for this vaccine. we're going to do operation warp speed. we need it now. i'm thinking back to that and the possibilities that you could have for this president to be, you know, at a testing center while they're churning out tests saying here's what we're doing and going to get them to the older generation and to the vulnerable first and be pro active about making sure that that happens and showing inpatience for what's going on. >> well, martha, you're right. that's what leadership looks like. instead, what we see is somebody that looks lost. joe biden, every day, looks like he's looking around saying how did i get here? what do i do now? this is not a leader. this is someone who was put in place by the democratic party purely to get of republicans and donald trump. they had no idea what he was going to do when he got there. what they've done is, they have co opted him, he's just a tool of the far progressive woke left. his policies indicate that and he doesn't know how to lead. it is sad to watch, martha. if it wasn't causing such damage to tour country, we could wait for the 2022 elections to stop him. we can't. we have to start with right now. we have to start with the voting rights issue. we can't have the biden administration take over our voting system. that would be a disaster. >> martha: you sound like you have a cold. you don't have omicron again, do you? >> i do not. i do not. a little bit of a -- a little laryngitis, martha. >> martha: i'm glad to hear it. thanks, governor. great to see you. see you soon. >> great to be on. thanks for having me. >> martha: all right. so the biden administration timely answers to the humanitarian crisis underway following the deadly exit from afghanistan. we'll talk to congressman and combat war veteran michael waltz coming up next. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> martha: breaking right now, the biden administration has pledged hundreds of millions in humanitarian aid after warning that millions of afghans face a march to starvation and possible famine in their biggest appeal ever for a single country to fend off a full blown disaster begging the global community to not shut the deer on the people of afghanistan. in a moment, mike waltz, a former commandner afghanistan. but first to jennifer griffin at the pentagon. hi, jennifer. >> hi, martha. with the $308 million pledged today, the u.s. government has donated 780 million to afghanistan since it pull out at the end of august. the u.n. just made the largest single humanitarian appeal in its history, $4.4 billion to help afghanistan as catastrophe looms. >> millions are at risk of starvation. half of the afghan population is acutely hungry and bad weather has cancelled flights and blocked roads including the pass, a major gate way to the north of the country. >> the u.n. says a quarter of afghanistan's 38 million people are living near famine and another third of the country faces acute food insecurity. the u.s. is caught between providing aid without legitimizing the taliban, which they have not recognized. the new humanitarian assistance will directly flow through independent humanitarian organizations. meantime, private vet's groups are still paying through private donations for the rescue and evacuations of americans and vulnerable afghans. artists like pearl jam just announced an effort to bring a coalition together to urge the white house to address afghanistan's worsening humanitarian crisis, which they write cannot be solved by aid alone. fi for fight is organizing a concert in washington d.c. for afghan veterans to bring awareness to the growing crisis writing that "the passing of time will not ease the great shame in our collective gut." congress has not passed legislation giving humanitarian status to the 120,000 afghans that were evacuated in august. without the law changed, they cannot work our support themselves here in the u.s. martha? >> thanks, jennifer. let's bring in mike waltz from florida. he served multiple tours in afghanistan and just named a ranking member of the subcommittee of readiness on the house armed services committee. thanks for being here. $780 million, the largest amount to a single country. where is that money going to go and will that money make a difference at this point? >> can i say as a general matter after the biden administration, president biden is turning out to have the worst human rights record of any american president in modern history from the millions of uighurs undergoing forced rape, torture concentration camps. to the southern border where 30 to 40% of the girls coming across are being sold into human trafficking. and now in afghanistan where 3/4s of the country is on the brink of starvation. the administration's reply, throw money at the problem. let's talk about what they should do with the money. why are they not giving a portion of the money to the veterans groups that have so heroically stepped up when their government failed and still to this day keeping thousands of afghans who are being targeted by the taliban safe in safe houses with medical treatment, transportation, moving them so they're not hunted down, taking care of girls and woman that are barred from going to school. why are he they not giving money to these groups that have proved to be is effective? why are they not using it as leverage for talks with the taliban saying let's girls go back tole school. how about you release the american hostage that you're holding. instead, we're getting nothing from the taliban for that money and what i can tell you having served on the ground is the terrorist groups always skim off the top to the tunes of millions. i don't care how much they promise us it's going to go to independent organizations. when they have a gun to their hold and told give us 30%, they're going to do it and the taliban decides who the winners and losers are and use our taxpayer dollars. it's infuriating, irresponsible and heartless. >> martha: we've seen so many americans including musicians we just mentioned trying to raise money. the veterans organizations. it would be great if they could work together in this effort. we don't hear much about this from the white house at all inless they're pressed on a question on it. one more quick question and share a nice surprise with our viewers. you wrote a piece on the international olympic committee's beijing hypocrisy. you thought they should be boycotted. you think that will happen at this late date? >> it's looking increasingly unlikely. the diplomatic boycott was something but it's not serve sent. what the chinese communist party cares about is the propaganda platform and the amount of money that they'll make off of u.s. corporate sponsors that have lobbied about every measure to stop this. i'll just way this. why did the ioc think it was okay to get involved in politics in south africa and took a stand against apartheid for 30 years and all of these corporation as greed but now when it comes to an ongoing genocide in china, they're willing to turn a blind eye? a great question. the reason is the amount of money that they're making. >> martha: a great question. americans have to open their eyes to this issue and the companies sponsoring the olympics and involved so deeply in china. you brought a lot of attention to it. we want to bring attention to your new little guy. his name is army. 9 pounds, 5 ounces born january 7 to you and your wife. the sister of the doctor who we love here on fox. so congratulations. how are you sleeping? >> oh, great. we have our amazing mother here to help. my wife, julia, is a trouper with a big boy. we're just blessed. our hearts are full. >> martha: i had a nine pounder. it's not easy. thank you very much for coming in. god bless army. he's a doorable. >> go armie has a new meaning. >> martha: is that his full name or nickname? >> it's short for armond, which is hope in arabic. >> martha: thanks for your service to our country and bringing that cute baby in the world. >> thank you, martha. god bless. >> martha: god bless you as well. as we continue to dig into the toll of remote learning on children's mental health, a doctor at a prominent children's hospital lays out why he believes there's such a risk to remote learning for our children and the documentation of what their health struggles really are next. to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. this whole journey has been such a huge gift they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> well, look, you know, over the last couple years, we had to in many ways the decisions we had to do around children, particularly schools, were decisions of bad or worse. we were facing a difficult situation with a virulent virus and an unvaccinated public. things started to shift. the answer and the solution to try to take the teeth out of this virus was vaccination. now we're fortunate to have a milder variant that for more children is producing milder disease but is moving swiftly across the region. after two years of mitigation measures to kind of push back in a direction of max security, the reality is we're in a better place. with milder disease in most children, the goal now is to simplify the process by which schools can manage moving forward and keep kids in schools. >> martha: yeah. you know, there's been some guidance put out by the department of education. we asked them to send us what they recommended in terms of making up for learning loss and addressing mental health issues. they sent us a memo that said the american rescue plan says they would provide guidance on how to use the funds. it prioritizes wellness for student educator and provider. hundreds of millions have gone out, billions have gone out to the schools to take care of these things. do you expect there should be more direction on this and how this money should be spent? >> well, i think the first thing we need to do is get kids back in school. this particular week was difficult. what we tried to do is say is take a step back, when it looks like a seasonal virus, remember what we used to do during previous flu seasons. that is if you're sick, stay home. if you're exposed, which everyone is right now, just make the practical decision to, you know, monitor your symptoms. it's very helpful for schools to mask during the worst of this and then try to push it over the edge. to me, the key to addressing learning loss and getting a better footing with regards to the mental health issues and the challenges around social isolation is to resume the lives of children and their families as quickly as possible. >> martha: that is action that will probably provide the best benefit right now. just to go ahead. but you said, if we look at the people being asked to quarantine right now, we would be quarantining everybody. what policy do you recommend? someone has been exposed, what should they do if they don't have symptoms? >> if we recognize we're all exposed, if you don't have symptoms with regards to schools, we're asking to maintain the masking for a little longer. our emergency departments have faced an unprecedented event. if you're exposed, asymptomatic, come to school. if you have a health condition or has a family member with a health condition, schools should often access to testing and weekly screening. as a matter of requirement shlgts we -- we should no longer be chasing milder disease. >> martha: how about testing? >> the testing should be an opt in. early detection could help with decisions. if you're sick, stay home. try to get back to the bread and butter of school safety, which helps. >> martha: we're just seeing more and more families using their own common sense and the learning curve that they've had with two years of dealing with this and not so much waiting for the cdc to tell them what to do. dr. david rubin, thanks. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: okay. breaking just a moment ago. we just received the word that chicago mayor lori lightfoot has tested positive for covid. he has cold-like sometimes. otherwise she feels fine. she's experiencing what many of us has experienced as this moves through. breaking today a fox digital exclusive. a link between the education secretary and the letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. stick around. that is coming up. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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[microwave beeps] [ahh] ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ >> martha: a new e-mail connects president biden's education secretary to the controversial letter from the national school board association that compared parents protesting at their school board meetings to domestic terrorists. gillian turner has more. >> hi, martha. new e-mail requests appears to show the new secretary of education shows that parents were equated with domestic terrorists. the sba was in contact with the white house and justice department weeks before the letter was sent. but the new correspondence that secretary cardona may have play a role. chip slaven told the officers that he was writing a letter to provide information to the white house from a request by secretary cardona. facing backlash, secretary cardona has made efforts to ally himself more publicly and more closely with parents. take a listen. >> parents have put up with a lot the last 1 1/2 years trying to balance work and educating their children, this partnership with parents needs to continue. >> parents defending curriculum tells should this allegation be true, it would reveal this that this administration's war on parents comes from the highest level. the president said america's public schools and leaders are under an immediate threat. they asked for law enforcement to step in and help and triggers the patriot act as a means to do that. they have since apologized for the tone of the letter, martha. >> martha: gillian, thanks very much. that is "the story" of this tuesday, january 11th. the story goes on. look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow at 3:00. get ready. "your world" with neil cavuto starts right about now. have a great day, everybody. >> we're live in atlanta. president biden making his case for voting rights legislation and maybe breaking the filibuster to do it. one person noticeably accent from today's event, georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. this is "your world." steve harrigan is in atlanta with more. steve? >> charles, we're minutes from the president speaking and then the president speaking here

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Teacher S Union , White House , Union Office , Stages , Operation Warp Speed , Inpatience , Testing Center , What S Going On , Generation , Churning , Somebody , Place , Donald Trump , Co , Tour Country , Policies , Wasn T , Progressive , Disaster , Voting System , A , Cold , Laryngitis , Bit , Afghanistan , Michael Waltz Coming Up , Congressman , Exit , War Veteran , Nausea , Side Effects , Ubrelvy , Dose , Tracks , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Cyp3 , 2 , Work , Director , My Name Is Douglas , Somewhere , Anytime , Writer , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Millions , Hundreds , Afghans , Famine , Aid , Starvation , Appeal , Warning , Mike Waltz , Community , Deer , Commandner , Pentagon , Jennifer Griffin , U N , Government , Single , The End Of August , 308 Million , 780 Million , 08 Million , Half , Catastrophe , Population , 4 Billion , 4 Billion , Quarter , Weather , North , Flights , Gate , Roads , 38 Million , Third , Food Insecurity , Assistance , Legitimizing The Taliban , Organizations , Rescue , Donations , Evacuations , Vet , Pearl Jam , Coalition , Fi For Fight , Veterans , Legislation , Concert , Passing , Awareness , Washington D C , Shame , Gut , Status , 120000 , Ranking Member , Tours , Readiness , Subcommittee , House Armed Services Committee , Florida , Amount , 80 Million , Human Rights Record , Rape , Uighurs , Torture Concentration Camps , Girls , 4s , Human Trafficking , 3 4 , 40 , Talk , Brink , Reply , Let , Treatment , Taliban , Houses , Day Keeping Thousands , Transportation , Woman , Care , Leverage , Talks , Ground , Tole School , Nothing , Holding , Terrorist , Hostage , Hold , Top , Tunes , Gun , Taxpayer Dollars , Musicians , Losers , Heartless , Winners , Irresponsible , Veterans Organizations , Inless , Surprise , Viewers , Piece , International Olympic Committee S Beijing Hypocrisy , Boycott , Propaganda Platform , Chinese Communist Party , Stand , Measure , Sponsors , Ioc , South Africa , Corporation , Reason , Genocide , Apartheid , Greed , China , Eye , Eyes , Olympics , Companies , Name , Sister , 7 , 9 , January 7 , Julia , Congratulations , Trouper , God , Go Armie , Hearts , Army , Meaning , Doorable , Nine Pounder , Big Boy , Nine , Hope , Nickname , Baby , Arabic , Armond , Mental Health , World , Learning , Toll , Children S Hospital , God Bless , God Bless You , Health , Photos , Documentation , Ancestors , Wow , Family , Journey , Gift , County Of Macomb , Customization , Dj , Michigan , Oh My Goodness , Lorraine Banks , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Newday , Rates , Homeowners , It S Time , Refinance , Rate , History , Dollar , Save Thousands , Apr , Costs , 2 48 , One Dollar , Newday Low Rate Refi , Places , Directive , Remote Learning , Zoom , Fort , 5000 , Isolation , Executive Director , School Closures , David Ruben , Thing , Policy Lab , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Ruben , Decisions , Ways , Vaccination , Teeth , Answer , Unvaccinated , Solution , Disease , Region , Push Back , Mitigation Measures , Variant , Direction , Reality , Goal , Security , Learning Loss , Guidance , Terms , Department Of Education , Memo , Provider , Student Educator , Rescue Plan , Funds , Wellness , Billions , Say , Sick , Step Back , Flu Seasons , Symptoms , Decision , Worst , Key , Over The Edge , Families , Regards , Lives , Footing , Benefit , Quarantining , Event , Asymptomatic , Emergency Departments , Longer , Masking , Health Condition , Family Member , Screening , Detection , Opt In , School Safety , Bread , Butter , Common Sense , Dealing , Learning Curve , Waiting , David Rubin , Lori Lightfoot , Many , Moves , Letter , Terrorists , Education Secretary , Link , Breaking Today A Fox Digital Exclusive , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Adults , Weight , Death , Heart Disease , Heart Attack , Stroke , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Pens , Needles , Reuse , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Changes , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Prescription , 25 , 3 , Vo , Wheels , Safety Systems , Camera , Glass , Otezla , Psoriasis , Choices , Moderate , Choice , Splash , Entrance , Depression , Pill , Plaque Psoriasis , Cream , 75 , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Headache , Bongos , Chest , Microwave Beeps , Em , Don T Step On , Ring , Romance , Em Don T Step On , Got Eggshells Around Me Don T Step On , E Mail , Gillian Turner , National School Board Association , Education , E Mail Requests , Secretary , Contact , Sba , Justice , Correspondence , Secretary Cardona , Chip Slaven , Play , Role , Officers , Facing Backlash , Efforts , Listen , 1 2 , Allegation , Partnership , War , Leaders , Threat , Patriot Act , Level , Law Enforcement , Means , The Story Goes On , Tone , January 11th , 11 , Tuesday January 11th , Neil Cavuto , 00 , Case , Accent , Charles Payne , More , Steve Harrigan ,

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