Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Go

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240709

>> permanent members second council, they say they will work together this as china continues to be a source of concern for the u.s. as that country races to develop weapons capable of devastating consequence and continue its aggressive posture toward taiwan. this is an interesting and important time to be on house intelligence committee, we're joined by brand-new ranking member of that committee ohio congressman mike turner, congratulations and welcome. let's start with russia. what is going on? >> i appreciate kevin's confidence in taking this new position, his focus as we look to him. i appreciate your focus on this important issue. this can effect the biden administration, going forward, this is a great test for the biden administration. also a grave threat to u.s. and for our allies in you were europe, russia taking -- staked out here. putin saying he wants to expand russia to its prior borders. then calling on the united states and allies to have no weapons based in country that joined nato or exercises that joined. that included poland also, there is a great swath of europe that is watching this and looking for leadership from the biden administration. trey: i want to play something for you, your reaction on the other side. >> i don't know if the decision has been made, we've offered two paths forward, one is diplomacy and dialogue the other is deterrence and massive consequences against russia. we're about to test the proposition of which path president putin wants to take this week. >> what would the consequences look like? what sanctions are being contemplated? what would be effective? >> they have to be strong. as you know, nato represents no threat to russia. it is a fallacy for russia to say a defensive alliance is a threat. as you look to russia trying to build this wall between nato and the countries that russia used to control, this administration sneads to stand strong and they need to go to their economic and energy production to be able to let them know there are consequences. if there are no consequences to russia they will not stop at ukraine, which threatens the rest of europe. trey: i want to ask you a big picture question. there are some, i heard one, interviewing you, question what doesn't ukraine matter matter to the u.s. and why would we pick ukraine side over russia, i am not wondering but for those what may be, what is the answer. >> russia is aggressive against its neighbors, you can see what is happen in kazakhstan right now. they are showing up with tanks. not ballot boxes, ukraine is an aspiring nation to join nato. it abutt the black sea, and nato allies, if russia believe its has the ability to readjust currenty borders back to 1997, that affects poland and allies of united states and destabilizes all of europe and threatens the u.s. >> switch to china, what is china up to? what can and should the u.s. do about it? j. >> this is another part of threat that russia in this ukraine crisis poses to the biden administration. if they don't stand strong they will see a more aggressive china, taiwan will be threatened. china is expanding its nuclear weapons capabilities, they call it modernizing, they are fielding new weapons, that united states does not currently have. like russia they are growing in strong, the united states if it does not step up, could see russia and china exceeded in several areas our military capabilities and that would not only threaten the u.s. but our allies and change balance of power in the europe and in the pacific. trey: congressman, you were interested in these issues the entire time we worked together, no one on the committee worked harder than you did. while we were on that committee, i understand why leader mccarthy picked you, we wish you the best in your new role. >> thank you, trey. trey: still ahead, omicron variant is sweeping the nation. children continue to bear the consequences of the pandemic, how do we balance public health with educating children and keeping the nation going? next on "sunday night in america." 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and children need to be around other children and that teachers union is wrong, and the medical experts are right? how do we responsibly plans public health with mental health and lost learning time and fight the virus and still educate the children and live life. joining us dr. janet, an expert in family and emergency medicine, thank you for joining us doctor, where do you think we are now with this virus? >> with the school closures we're in a bad place. in chicago with teachers union, with 300,000 children out of the classroom. to make progress it really start can can only make progress if we eliminate that rule of -- mentality, as virus evolves and new variants so much our strategies and our tools to combat the disease. we can't just continue to do the same things of the past. we see the horrific academic social, mental and emotional impact it is having on our children. why are we going in this direction? we have over a million cases of coronavirus. half a million. but, we have to point out that number of deaths have gone down. there is a decoupling with hospitalization and cases, i think we're moving in the right direction, but we need to put forward focus on keeping our kids in the classroom. and i want to be able to treat covid like i treat strep throat or a broken ankle. trey: sounds like this itration of the virus of the virus may be less lethal. tell us about science what else is happening with obesity rates, suicide rates, lost learning time, that is science too? >> absolutely, it is a harm to our children, a burden to our parents and employers. the rate of suicide in teenage girls is going up and increase in substance and alcohol abuse, we need to recover from this damage that we've done to can the children in past two months. school is not just about learning or math, read are and writing it is about socialization and learning communication skills, how to get along with others, for some it is about a hot meal, and child abuse can be picked up and detected by an astute teacher, there are so many components of the benefits of being in school. we see mandates for masks and vaccine, what about a vaccine to keep -- mandate to keep our schools open and protect our children and put them first. trey: we're implored to follow the science, full disclosure, i am married to a school teacher who has been in the classroom for the year, we wonder when the science does not makes it way to chicago through the teachers union. if it safe for in-person learning in other state yes not chicago? >> right. look at what we're doing in new york city, mayor adams is adamant about leaving the schools open, the government provided millions of dollars in funding and n-95 masks to the teachers. teachers had priority to be vaccinated and funding for air filter simms and ventilation. there is no excuse for it. knowing that with children, they are the lowest risk population, why are we putting such stringent rules on the children it criminal and abusive. trey: you have been on the front line from the beginning of this pan pap, pandemic, thank you for joining us, have a great evening. >> thank you, trey. trey: coming up, stymied by a 50/50 senate, some democrats are threatening to change the rules of the senate to pass their version what an election law ought to look like. will the senate change? what does that mean for you? - [narrator] gift yourself a hairclub consultation what does that mean for you? senator james land and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. head into the new year with life-changing hair solutions. not forgettable resolutions. hairclub. love your hair. live your life. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," one of my favorite passages from adventure of tom sawyer had 3 young men witnessing their own funerals. the three young men snuck in and watched and listened to their own funeral, it would be interesting if we could do that, witness our own funeral. what is said and what isn't. we likely will not have a chance to do that on an individual level. but half country believes that is happening on the country right now, half of the country believes we're more divided than ever with little prospect for feeling and have believe there will be more incident like january 6. let that sink in, half of the nation lost faith in what is widely considered to be the greatest experiment in self governance the world that known, why? what got us here? if we understand what got us here, maybe we could stop the burial of sorts before it happens. i have spent time reflecting on what got us here, what could kill or bury or end history's greatest country. talking about the pain of the past than the promise of today and tomorrow. to end the republic questioned its legitimacy from birth. argued it fundamentally flawed from inception. then claim after the election you really won, even if you did not. to win a republic, make sure fame is ultimate political virtue, not care, humility or fairness. to end the republic make sure the press is biased, actively taking sides and merely an extension of the political parties and make sure those who disagree with you are the enemy, and must be defeated by power, to end the republic, tear down the institutions, but better yet leave them alive but hopelessly politicize. make sure you only listen to those who agree with you and life is a mirror and an echo chamber. to end a republic make sure you have a different set of rules for the other side than you do for your own side. to end a republic make sure the end justifies the means. i'm in that half the country who still thinks there is a chance, that understands we need america and the world needs america. that half who believes in in educated and moral people are still capable of governing themselves, balancing majority rule with minority rights. that half to believes perfecting the union believes times of pain and disquiet for sure, but st worth it. tom and joe and huck were not dead, they walked into their own funeral. they were very much aliveed and very much changed. they viewed life and themselves differently, watching your own funeral has a way of changing you. what about us? what can we learn from this season of division and disquiet? which half will win? the half who thinks we're sliding toward demise and managing the decline? or the half who still believe in self governance and holds truth to be self evidence and the union can be made more perfect,. we're watching something, what are we watching? i hope it is a rebirth, not a funeral. joining us now senator james langford. what is your assessment? >> i really appreciate your monologue. i'm in that half as well. that thinks we still have an opportunity for rebirth. and there is always an opportunity for a man of faith. if i go become to biblical example, we need to pray and then get to work, for a lot of folks saying too far gone, i tell them, let's pray, get to work and keep going, we've seen difficult days in the past but that does not mean this great republic cannot survive and set example for the world, most of the problem is not our constitution or founders, it is we're not following through on the principles and the constitution. we get back to following founding principles we could have same advance to most powerful military and strongest economy and light for the world, the world is counting on us to get this right. >> you mentioned our founding, they gave us a house, that is wild, they gave us a senate. it is 50/50. that does not to me seem to be the time, right time for transformational change, i would say if vice president were a republican, 50/50 is not a tie, it is not the time to transform the nation, is it? >> no it is not. there is a big difference between the house and senate. the structure of the house was designed to be fast, rapid, a simple majority vote, senate with filibuster rule in place forces senate to slow down. they have to have bipartisan conversation, the senate is only place in government where the minority always has a voice unless the american people vote overwhelmingly in huge number and swing the senate, not what we have right now, it is rare for american people to give any party an overwhelming majority in the senate, it is a balanced place. it focuses on say both sides have to talk and minority has to be heard, amazing that chuck schumer, as soon as he came to slide -- leadership, he said one thing we want to do is get rid of the voice of the minority. it should count, what is interesting. chuck schumer used to believe, he in the past said ending legislative filibuster would be a doomsday for our democracy and make to us a banana republic, and would turn senate to a rubber-stamp for dictatorship of the executive branch, he has been very strong on it until he became the majority leader then suddenly he does not want a voice for the minority, that is not the way we should be in america. trey: i would rather be and consistent and wrong than keep changing my opinion, democrats forever argue for keeping senate rules the way they are now. are they seriously thinking about changes this? >> they are talking about changes the senate forever, i pulled a couple quotes on what democrat said in senate. democrat in last three years . said, it will be end of senate as originally designed. and john tester does not' senate to become the house. and chris coon, committed to never changing the filibuster, and -- 100% opposed to it and my favorite, brown of ohio, said i think there are ways of getting thing through congress with the filibuster in place it takes a chief executive who knows what they are doing, he said in 2019, there are ways to do this, even they said it in the past. we cannot end the legislative filibuster. trey: great if we have one set of rules for friend and foe. thank you so much for joining us senator langford, god bless you and your family. >> bless you as well. trey: still ahead, have you met a painter who doesn't like to paint or brick mason who does not like bricks or maybe a surgeon who can't stand the sight of blood, you won't believe what is happening in new york city, next on "sunday night in america." new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. trey: the new electioned prosecutor in new york, he doesn't want to be a prosecutor, he has a hard time finding crimes he wants to prosecute. he will reluctantly prosecute murder cases and public corruption cases but, he is not much interested in armed robbery or burglary or weapons or what he considers to be petty crimes when he can be bothers to prosecute he does not believe in prison, we have a prosecutor who does not like prosecuting or punishing crime. i wonder if he might be happier as a defense attorney? or maybe working for the editorial board at "new york times," we hear phrase, threat to democracy, a lot, what would you call a prosecutor who decides to ignore laws passed by legislative bodies and eliminate roles for police, juries and judges. is that antidemocratic? why would police arrest anyone who is not going to be prosecuted. why should police risk their lives or risk being sued to investigate crimes that prosecutor will either reduce to probation or dismiss? this is just the most recent example of the so-called progressive prosecutors, reforming a system they don't believe in. houston, texas, people are killed by suspected killers out on bond. see how progressive you think this is, people accused of capital murder that is murder for when you can be put to -- which you can be put to death released from jail pending trial so they can go kill more people. does that sound progressive? or just insane? it hurts the people most likely to be victimized. which often communities of color, those who don't live behind gates or have security details, these hug a thugs soft on crime policies have real world consequences, more people are victimizeed and killed but the prowse cuters are -- prosecutors are trying to change the law with a memo. i hate to ruin the ending, but when you let violent people out on bond, you will get more violence. when you have fewer police and less funding and less prosecution and no prison time, you will get more violent crime. that does not sound progressive to me it sounds stupid. and dangerously so. my -- political strategy of closing schools and opening prison is not working in november, how many people will be victimized between now and then? joining us now former united states attorney and former governor of great state of new jersey, chris christie. i am struggling to understand that whole progressive prosecutor thing. how does not enforcing the law, further the democracy or make us safer? >> it doesn't. you are right. you called it insane. in a rhetorical question, you are right. i did this for 7 years of my life, and as governor, one big changes we made in the state was giving judges permission to detain violent criminals with history of violence pretrial, so they would not go back on street, kill witnesses or other innocent victims, i think there will be an interesting fight here in new york city, we have a mayor in adams, saying he wants a former police officer to bring plain clothing gun units and arrest criminals, he is already fighting with new manhattan district attorney who said he is not interested in prosecuting those crimes it is crazy as someone who goes into new york city this is against a dangerous place, not a place that people would want to go. or bring their families. trey: you know, crime to me is a tax on the poor. you and i are not likely to be victims of crime it is communities of color, though they alike they are progressive but they are hurting the people they claim to help. >> right. one of big reforms we did in camden, new jersey, that 95% african-american and latino, we fired the whole camden police force, they were so inept. at prevents crime, we rehired, and murder went down 75% over next 7 years, armed robberies down 80%, shootings down, 70%. when you have police officers who are powered on the street to work with community they protecting and. you and you have prosecutors who are willing to prosecute those cases, then you have safe neighborhoods again, until then we have a people depending on where they live and make will be at greater risk now because of folks like manhattan da and others like in san francisco and chicago. trey: last time i saw new person you were doing extraordinary work on opioid epidemic, i mean that. we have another epidemic, fentanyl. it may be leading cause of death among adults, what should we do? what are your insights? >> we have to do three things. first is we have to get tougher on the southern border, so much of fentanyl is come central america through mexico, we seeing the results over 100,000 dead from april of 2020 to april of 2021. that is incredible from fentanyl and opioid overdoses, we need to get tougher on china, china is sending fentanyl to the country, this is an attack our homeland, and we need to get smarter about way we lower demand, we have to get more treatment, and things that get people off of the this stuff and back to a productive life where they are working and being responsible mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sisters and brothers. >> governor, i hope that biden administration or someone will kind of get you involved in this. as well. thank you for your service to state of new jersey and also to the united states as a prosecutor and thank you for joining us. >> trey thank you for doing that. >> thank you. trey: your questions are up next. and what can we expect tomorrow night's rematch between alabama and georgia on college football's biggest stage? we'll talk with georgia we'll talk with georgia bulldog and alabama creme - [narrator] this holiday season, gift yourself something miraculous. - [woman 1] oh my god! - [woman 2] wow. - [woman 3] best gift ever. - [announcer] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. love your hair. live your life. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," we always enjoy hearing from you at home, e-mail or social media. learning what on your mind each week, mary from texas. how do you disconnect on an emotional or physical or mental level from this going on in dc. thank you. i spend less time than ever thinking about what is going on in washington so there is not much to disconnect from. i can not control what happens there. i could not when i was there, i certainly cannot now that i'm gone. my time best spent focusing on matters within my control. and when i was a younger person, seemed that politics began after labor day and and inended first wednesday in november, but not any more, now it is 24 hours a day. every day. all year long, the more we focus on things out side our control the more frustrated we get, i don't disconnect because i don't connection in the first place. i read, i talk to my friends who are still there i read more. then i try to impact what i can, where i am. our next question from susan in switzerland. who writes. >> that is a great question. thank you for listening to podcast, will we see more parties emerge? i would argue we already from four parties in u.s., center left, and far lowest, and right and far right, sometimes they form coalitions, but challenge comes when you have to govern. right now way most primaries and elections are structured more political waters means you will cost the party you have the most in common with . to start a new party on the left, means you will hurt democrats on the right means you hurt the republicans. before we go the multiple party route, perhaps we should try leveling with the voters, not promising things that cannot be delivered. that is why there is so much frustration in american politics in my judgment. expectations never seem to match what can regionaly be done. and our final question. from mary kay. tell us about your time at baylor. who happen to be sugar bowl changes, i am proud of baylor athletics this year. another great season for women's basketball as well. i miss the former women's basketball coach, i am sure i would like the new coach too. 4 great years. to think i went to texas not knowing a single soul. and left with friends that will carry my casket to the grave, so many friends made to this day. still enrich my life, if i went back now, i would study more. i wish i had studied when it was my job to study. it gets harder later in life. and i think i would have taken a math class. i am not proud of the fact that i graduated college never having taken's math class. i think proud of that. if you have a question you would like to share, send us a video or a message on-line . trey: tomorrow night one of most important nights of the year in my home. half of my home. college football national championship game, georgia bulldogs and alabama tide, all of college football they square off tomorrow night, who better to help us sort it out. then hershal walker and joe namath. what a treat, nick saban is hard to beat, what does georgia need to do. >> they have to play defense, and score points if that defense plays the way they played again michigan, georgia will do well, i am picking georgia to win, i know my friend joe will say something different. that is wonderful we could agree to disagree. trey: i am sure he will, he was an amazing quarterback at alabama before he went to the pros, hard to beat the same good team twice, what does alabama need to do. >> i'm a hershal walker fan, you are right we can agree on disagree, naturally i'm pulling for the tide. i know that georgia is good. i'm hoping that crimson tide wins, we need to protect the passer and get the running game going. >> roll tide. trey: you have proved my next question. which is in a world where nothing is unify anything more sports. is they are nice to one another and respect one another, what did y'all learn about sports that helped you in life, particularly with respect to unity. joe we'll start with you. >> you learn respect at home first, you learn to respect authorize teammates regardless of what sport if. is idealo, you should learn that you learn you don't do much on your own, not only on the field but in life. we need help. we need to carry respect with us, and love our neighbors, love the other guy. trey: hershal. >> that is great, what joe said. you look at what is going on this monday night, you will have two team that will step out on the field, you will not see white or black they are guys that believe in each other, they love each other, they are two teams that they will go out and play, only can you get this done in america, greatest country in world. they have an opportunity to define their morning dream here. and that is will be monday night. trey: i want to ask about y'all's coaches, joe you played for bear bryant. would he be as successful today if he were a coach, has football changed in your recollections? >> first, coach bryant would be successful in any era, he was a respectful man, he worked very hard. the game has changed so much. it is so much improved. athletes are so much better than yesteryear, bigger stronger and faster. trey: hershal, you played for vince duly? >> he was a disciplined coach, one thing about him, an ex military guy, he would bring that discipline and he would be successful during this time as well, we knows how to coach and father guys and be a dad this tome when they need it and bring discipline to them. >> you know, i would be curious about y'all's take, there seems to be so much division and conflict in the country. sports is unifying. there will be back georgians and white georgians and rich georgians and poor georgians pulling for the same football team and the same for alabama. how do we get that in the rest of our culture. >> respect, that is it, hershal, had honor of playing first collegiate claim that coach duly was head coach, thank you for bringing up his name he was wonderful. wonderful. >> we have to be able to get along, and this monday night, i can guarantee on the field, the guy will look to guy next had to him he will see a teammate, that is what we have to do in the the country, they are americans, we have to care about them and believe in them as americans and quit looking at skin color, but the content of what they deliver for you on this timor this country. trey: joe you revolutionize quarterback position, they called you broadway joe for a reason, you were marketing before there was marketing, what are you doing now. >> enjoying life, with my daughter and her man and 3 grandchildren who live next door to me. my other daughter and man, with three children in california. i visit with them every day. and we're obeying what the sign says about the covid. you know, keeping low, and vaccinated and trying to do what is right. >> i don't think you would -- i will wish you well. >> i think we have a good team, and i am a big fan of joe, i have been for a long time, it will be a great game to have millions of people watching the young men go out and play. it will be exciting. trey: i tell you. two people on opposite sides with so much respect for one another. the world could learn a let from y'all's two models, thank you for joining us. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, have a great wee bret: i'm bret baier, a high stakes session of the u.s. supreme court could decide how far the president can go in enforcing sweeping covid mandates. ♪ bret: two critical cases now in the justices' hands. one impacting whether millions of dollars -- doctors, nurses and medical staff must be fully vaccinated, the other impacting tens of millions of employees of large private businesses. >> i'm a grocery guy. i'm not the vaccine police. bret: both fast tracked as covid cases rise,

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James Land , Hair , Hair Solution , Hair Solutions , Head , Resolutions , Hairclub , 20 , Programs , Classes , Plans , Actions , Achievements , National University , Nu Edu , 75 , Four , Men , Funerals , Passages , Adventure , Tom Sawyer , Three , 3 , Funeral , Chance , Isn T , Half , Level , Faith , Prospect , Feeling , Incident , 6 , January 6 , World , Self Governance , Experiment , Burial , History , Banana Republic , Pain , Promise , Birth , Legitimacy , Election , Inception , Sides , Press , Virtue , Fame , Humility , Fairness , Care , Parties , Power , Extension , Enemy , Mirror , Institutions , Echo Chamber , Make , Set , The End , Needs America , Disquiet , Times , Majority Rule , Minority Rights , Worth It , The Union , Sure , Joe Namath , Aliveed , Huck , Division , Season , Decline , Demise , Union , Truth , Perfect , Self Evidence , Rebirth , James Langford , Assessment , Monologue , Opportunity , Folks , Example , Work , Pray , Let , Most , Problem , Republic Cannot Survive , Constitution , Principles , Founders , Advance , House , Founding , Counting , Light For The World , Right , Economy , Tie , Republican , Difference , Transformational Change , Vice President , Filibuster Rule , Structure , Majority Vote , Minority , Voice , Conversation , Party , Chuck Schumer , Majority , Thing , Slide , The Voice , Democracy , Filibuster , Doomsday , Majority Leader , Executive Branch , Rubber Stamp , Dictatorship , Keep , Opinion , Couple , Forever , Chris Coon , John Tester , Ways , Favorite , Congress , Ohio , Brown , 100 , Chief Executive , Doing , 2019 , Painter , Brick Mason , Foe , God Bless You , Doesn T , Surgeon , Bricks , Sight , Blood , Job , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Prosecutor , Crimes , Electioned , Murder Cases , Armed Robbery , Burglary , Corruption , Crime , Prison , Prosecuting , Defense Attorney , New York Times , Phrase , Police , Judges , Roles , Juries , Laws , Bodies , Risk , Arrest Anyone , Lives , Progressive Prosecutors , Probation , System , Capital Murder , Murder , Bond , Death , Killers , Houston , Jail Pending Trial , Texas , Color , Sound Progressive , Communities , Who , Crime Policies , Security Details , Hug A Thugs , Prowse Cuters , Prosecutors , Law , Violence , Memo , Ending , Progressive , Prosecution , Closing Schools , Strategy , United States Attorney , Governor , Chris Christie , New Jersey , Safer , Rhetorical Question , My Life , It Doesn T , 7 , Criminals , Street , Changes , Permission , Witnesses , History Of Violence Pretrial , Victims , Plain Clothing Gun Units , Police Officer , Fight , Someone , Manhattan District Attorney , Arrest , Tax , Families , Poor , Reforms , Camden , Police Force , Latino , African American , Whole Camden , Police Officers , Armed Robberies , Shootings , 80 , 70 , Community , Neighborhoods , San Francisco , Fentanyl , Opioid Epidemic , Epidemic , Cause , First , Border , Adults , Insights , Results , Mexico , 2021 , April Of 2020 , April Of 2021 , 2020 , Homeland , Opioid Overdoses , Attack , Treatment , Demand , Fathers , Stuff , Wives , Husbands , Mothers , Service , Sisters , Brothers , Questions , Rematch , Georgia , Alabama , College Football , Holiday Season , Stage , Woman , Hairclub Consultation , Gift , Gift Yourself , Announcer , Oh My God , 2 , 1 , Home , Mary Kay , Social Media , E Mail , Mind , Hearing , Going On In Dc , Washington , More , Inended First Wednesday In November , Politics , Matters , 24 , Friends , Question , Switzerland , Susan , Podcast , Listening , Lowest , Challenge , Coalitions , Center Left , Elections , Primaries , Common , Waters , Leveling , Republicans , Left , Voters , Party Route , Expectations , American Politics , Judgment , Frustration , Athletics , Sugar Bowl , Military Guy , Women S Basketball , Soul , Women S Basketball Coach , 4 , Casket , Grave , Math Class , College , Fact , On Line , Video , Share , College Football National Championship Game , Alabama Tide , Hershal Walker , Points , Defense , Nick Saban , Treat , Beat , Score , Michigan , Quarterback , Team , Pros , Hershal Walker Fan , Disagree , Tide , Game , Nothing , Wins , Passer , Roll Tide , Sports , Respect , Another , Teammates , Sport , Unity , Idealo , Guy , Field , Each Other , Teams , Guys , Play , The Field , Dream , Y All S Coaches , Bear Bryant , Football , Recollections , Athletes , Yesteryear , Discipline , Tome , Father , Ex , Dad , Conflict , Georgians , Football Team , Same , Rich Georgians , Collegiate Claim , Head Coach , Culture , Honor , Name , Wonderful , Teammate , Content , Skin Color , Daughter , Marketing , Quarterback Position , Grandchildren , Sign , Low , Sweeping Covid , California , Vaccinated , Fan , Young Men Go Out And Play , Models , Sunday , President , Spending , Session , Great Wee Bret , Bret Baier , U S Supreme Court , High Stakes , Impacting , Doctors , Dollars , Justices , Nurses , Vaccine Police , Grocery Guy , Employees , Impacting Tens , Staff , Businesses ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night In America With Trey Gowdy 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240709

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>> permanent members second council, they say they will work together this as china continues to be a source of concern for the u.s. as that country races to develop weapons capable of devastating consequence and continue its aggressive posture toward taiwan. this is an interesting and important time to be on house intelligence committee, we're joined by brand-new ranking member of that committee ohio congressman mike turner, congratulations and welcome. let's start with russia. what is going on? >> i appreciate kevin's confidence in taking this new position, his focus as we look to him. i appreciate your focus on this important issue. this can effect the biden administration, going forward, this is a great test for the biden administration. also a grave threat to u.s. and for our allies in you were europe, russia taking -- staked out here. putin saying he wants to expand russia to its prior borders. then calling on the united states and allies to have no weapons based in country that joined nato or exercises that joined. that included poland also, there is a great swath of europe that is watching this and looking for leadership from the biden administration. trey: i want to play something for you, your reaction on the other side. >> i don't know if the decision has been made, we've offered two paths forward, one is diplomacy and dialogue the other is deterrence and massive consequences against russia. we're about to test the proposition of which path president putin wants to take this week. >> what would the consequences look like? what sanctions are being contemplated? what would be effective? >> they have to be strong. as you know, nato represents no threat to russia. it is a fallacy for russia to say a defensive alliance is a threat. as you look to russia trying to build this wall between nato and the countries that russia used to control, this administration sneads to stand strong and they need to go to their economic and energy production to be able to let them know there are consequences. if there are no consequences to russia they will not stop at ukraine, which threatens the rest of europe. trey: i want to ask you a big picture question. there are some, i heard one, interviewing you, question what doesn't ukraine matter matter to the u.s. and why would we pick ukraine side over russia, i am not wondering but for those what may be, what is the answer. >> russia is aggressive against its neighbors, you can see what is happen in kazakhstan right now. they are showing up with tanks. not ballot boxes, ukraine is an aspiring nation to join nato. it abutt the black sea, and nato allies, if russia believe its has the ability to readjust currenty borders back to 1997, that affects poland and allies of united states and destabilizes all of europe and threatens the u.s. >> switch to china, what is china up to? what can and should the u.s. do about it? j. >> this is another part of threat that russia in this ukraine crisis poses to the biden administration. if they don't stand strong they will see a more aggressive china, taiwan will be threatened. china is expanding its nuclear weapons capabilities, they call it modernizing, they are fielding new weapons, that united states does not currently have. like russia they are growing in strong, the united states if it does not step up, could see russia and china exceeded in several areas our military capabilities and that would not only threaten the u.s. but our allies and change balance of power in the europe and in the pacific. trey: congressman, you were interested in these issues the entire time we worked together, no one on the committee worked harder than you did. while we were on that committee, i understand why leader mccarthy picked you, we wish you the best in your new role. >> thank you, trey. trey: still ahead, omicron variant is sweeping the nation. children continue to bear the consequences of the pandemic, how do we balance public health with educating children and keeping the nation going? next on "sunday night in america." 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and children need to be around other children and that teachers union is wrong, and the medical experts are right? how do we responsibly plans public health with mental health and lost learning time and fight the virus and still educate the children and live life. joining us dr. janet, an expert in family and emergency medicine, thank you for joining us doctor, where do you think we are now with this virus? >> with the school closures we're in a bad place. in chicago with teachers union, with 300,000 children out of the classroom. to make progress it really start can can only make progress if we eliminate that rule of -- mentality, as virus evolves and new variants so much our strategies and our tools to combat the disease. we can't just continue to do the same things of the past. we see the horrific academic social, mental and emotional impact it is having on our children. why are we going in this direction? we have over a million cases of coronavirus. half a million. but, we have to point out that number of deaths have gone down. there is a decoupling with hospitalization and cases, i think we're moving in the right direction, but we need to put forward focus on keeping our kids in the classroom. and i want to be able to treat covid like i treat strep throat or a broken ankle. trey: sounds like this itration of the virus of the virus may be less lethal. tell us about science what else is happening with obesity rates, suicide rates, lost learning time, that is science too? >> absolutely, it is a harm to our children, a burden to our parents and employers. the rate of suicide in teenage girls is going up and increase in substance and alcohol abuse, we need to recover from this damage that we've done to can the children in past two months. school is not just about learning or math, read are and writing it is about socialization and learning communication skills, how to get along with others, for some it is about a hot meal, and child abuse can be picked up and detected by an astute teacher, there are so many components of the benefits of being in school. we see mandates for masks and vaccine, what about a vaccine to keep -- mandate to keep our schools open and protect our children and put them first. trey: we're implored to follow the science, full disclosure, i am married to a school teacher who has been in the classroom for the year, we wonder when the science does not makes it way to chicago through the teachers union. if it safe for in-person learning in other state yes not chicago? >> right. look at what we're doing in new york city, mayor adams is adamant about leaving the schools open, the government provided millions of dollars in funding and n-95 masks to the teachers. teachers had priority to be vaccinated and funding for air filter simms and ventilation. there is no excuse for it. knowing that with children, they are the lowest risk population, why are we putting such stringent rules on the children it criminal and abusive. trey: you have been on the front line from the beginning of this pan pap, pandemic, thank you for joining us, have a great evening. >> thank you, trey. trey: coming up, stymied by a 50/50 senate, some democrats are threatening to change the rules of the senate to pass their version what an election law ought to look like. will the senate change? what does that mean for you? - [narrator] gift yourself a hairclub consultation what does that mean for you? senator james land and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. head into the new year with life-changing hair solutions. not forgettable resolutions. hairclub. love your hair. live your life. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," one of my favorite passages from adventure of tom sawyer had 3 young men witnessing their own funerals. the three young men snuck in and watched and listened to their own funeral, it would be interesting if we could do that, witness our own funeral. what is said and what isn't. we likely will not have a chance to do that on an individual level. but half country believes that is happening on the country right now, half of the country believes we're more divided than ever with little prospect for feeling and have believe there will be more incident like january 6. let that sink in, half of the nation lost faith in what is widely considered to be the greatest experiment in self governance the world that known, why? what got us here? if we understand what got us here, maybe we could stop the burial of sorts before it happens. i have spent time reflecting on what got us here, what could kill or bury or end history's greatest country. talking about the pain of the past than the promise of today and tomorrow. to end the republic questioned its legitimacy from birth. argued it fundamentally flawed from inception. then claim after the election you really won, even if you did not. to win a republic, make sure fame is ultimate political virtue, not care, humility or fairness. to end the republic make sure the press is biased, actively taking sides and merely an extension of the political parties and make sure those who disagree with you are the enemy, and must be defeated by power, to end the republic, tear down the institutions, but better yet leave them alive but hopelessly politicize. make sure you only listen to those who agree with you and life is a mirror and an echo chamber. to end a republic make sure you have a different set of rules for the other side than you do for your own side. to end a republic make sure the end justifies the means. i'm in that half the country who still thinks there is a chance, that understands we need america and the world needs america. that half who believes in in educated and moral people are still capable of governing themselves, balancing majority rule with minority rights. that half to believes perfecting the union believes times of pain and disquiet for sure, but st worth it. tom and joe and huck were not dead, they walked into their own funeral. they were very much aliveed and very much changed. they viewed life and themselves differently, watching your own funeral has a way of changing you. what about us? what can we learn from this season of division and disquiet? which half will win? the half who thinks we're sliding toward demise and managing the decline? or the half who still believe in self governance and holds truth to be self evidence and the union can be made more perfect,. we're watching something, what are we watching? i hope it is a rebirth, not a funeral. joining us now senator james langford. what is your assessment? >> i really appreciate your monologue. i'm in that half as well. that thinks we still have an opportunity for rebirth. and there is always an opportunity for a man of faith. if i go become to biblical example, we need to pray and then get to work, for a lot of folks saying too far gone, i tell them, let's pray, get to work and keep going, we've seen difficult days in the past but that does not mean this great republic cannot survive and set example for the world, most of the problem is not our constitution or founders, it is we're not following through on the principles and the constitution. we get back to following founding principles we could have same advance to most powerful military and strongest economy and light for the world, the world is counting on us to get this right. >> you mentioned our founding, they gave us a house, that is wild, they gave us a senate. it is 50/50. that does not to me seem to be the time, right time for transformational change, i would say if vice president were a republican, 50/50 is not a tie, it is not the time to transform the nation, is it? >> no it is not. there is a big difference between the house and senate. the structure of the house was designed to be fast, rapid, a simple majority vote, senate with filibuster rule in place forces senate to slow down. they have to have bipartisan conversation, the senate is only place in government where the minority always has a voice unless the american people vote overwhelmingly in huge number and swing the senate, not what we have right now, it is rare for american people to give any party an overwhelming majority in the senate, it is a balanced place. it focuses on say both sides have to talk and minority has to be heard, amazing that chuck schumer, as soon as he came to slide -- leadership, he said one thing we want to do is get rid of the voice of the minority. it should count, what is interesting. chuck schumer used to believe, he in the past said ending legislative filibuster would be a doomsday for our democracy and make to us a banana republic, and would turn senate to a rubber-stamp for dictatorship of the executive branch, he has been very strong on it until he became the majority leader then suddenly he does not want a voice for the minority, that is not the way we should be in america. trey: i would rather be and consistent and wrong than keep changing my opinion, democrats forever argue for keeping senate rules the way they are now. are they seriously thinking about changes this? >> they are talking about changes the senate forever, i pulled a couple quotes on what democrat said in senate. democrat in last three years . said, it will be end of senate as originally designed. and john tester does not' senate to become the house. and chris coon, committed to never changing the filibuster, and -- 100% opposed to it and my favorite, brown of ohio, said i think there are ways of getting thing through congress with the filibuster in place it takes a chief executive who knows what they are doing, he said in 2019, there are ways to do this, even they said it in the past. we cannot end the legislative filibuster. trey: great if we have one set of rules for friend and foe. thank you so much for joining us senator langford, god bless you and your family. >> bless you as well. trey: still ahead, have you met a painter who doesn't like to paint or brick mason who does not like bricks or maybe a surgeon who can't stand the sight of blood, you won't believe what is happening in new york city, next on "sunday night in america." new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. trey: the new electioned prosecutor in new york, he doesn't want to be a prosecutor, he has a hard time finding crimes he wants to prosecute. he will reluctantly prosecute murder cases and public corruption cases but, he is not much interested in armed robbery or burglary or weapons or what he considers to be petty crimes when he can be bothers to prosecute he does not believe in prison, we have a prosecutor who does not like prosecuting or punishing crime. i wonder if he might be happier as a defense attorney? or maybe working for the editorial board at "new york times," we hear phrase, threat to democracy, a lot, what would you call a prosecutor who decides to ignore laws passed by legislative bodies and eliminate roles for police, juries and judges. is that antidemocratic? why would police arrest anyone who is not going to be prosecuted. why should police risk their lives or risk being sued to investigate crimes that prosecutor will either reduce to probation or dismiss? this is just the most recent example of the so-called progressive prosecutors, reforming a system they don't believe in. houston, texas, people are killed by suspected killers out on bond. see how progressive you think this is, people accused of capital murder that is murder for when you can be put to -- which you can be put to death released from jail pending trial so they can go kill more people. does that sound progressive? or just insane? it hurts the people most likely to be victimized. which often communities of color, those who don't live behind gates or have security details, these hug a thugs soft on crime policies have real world consequences, more people are victimizeed and killed but the prowse cuters are -- prosecutors are trying to change the law with a memo. i hate to ruin the ending, but when you let violent people out on bond, you will get more violence. when you have fewer police and less funding and less prosecution and no prison time, you will get more violent crime. that does not sound progressive to me it sounds stupid. and dangerously so. my -- political strategy of closing schools and opening prison is not working in november, how many people will be victimized between now and then? joining us now former united states attorney and former governor of great state of new jersey, chris christie. i am struggling to understand that whole progressive prosecutor thing. how does not enforcing the law, further the democracy or make us safer? >> it doesn't. you are right. you called it insane. in a rhetorical question, you are right. i did this for 7 years of my life, and as governor, one big changes we made in the state was giving judges permission to detain violent criminals with history of violence pretrial, so they would not go back on street, kill witnesses or other innocent victims, i think there will be an interesting fight here in new york city, we have a mayor in adams, saying he wants a former police officer to bring plain clothing gun units and arrest criminals, he is already fighting with new manhattan district attorney who said he is not interested in prosecuting those crimes it is crazy as someone who goes into new york city this is against a dangerous place, not a place that people would want to go. or bring their families. trey: you know, crime to me is a tax on the poor. you and i are not likely to be victims of crime it is communities of color, though they alike they are progressive but they are hurting the people they claim to help. >> right. one of big reforms we did in camden, new jersey, that 95% african-american and latino, we fired the whole camden police force, they were so inept. at prevents crime, we rehired, and murder went down 75% over next 7 years, armed robberies down 80%, shootings down, 70%. when you have police officers who are powered on the street to work with community they protecting and. you and you have prosecutors who are willing to prosecute those cases, then you have safe neighborhoods again, until then we have a people depending on where they live and make will be at greater risk now because of folks like manhattan da and others like in san francisco and chicago. trey: last time i saw new person you were doing extraordinary work on opioid epidemic, i mean that. we have another epidemic, fentanyl. it may be leading cause of death among adults, what should we do? what are your insights? >> we have to do three things. first is we have to get tougher on the southern border, so much of fentanyl is come central america through mexico, we seeing the results over 100,000 dead from april of 2020 to april of 2021. that is incredible from fentanyl and opioid overdoses, we need to get tougher on china, china is sending fentanyl to the country, this is an attack our homeland, and we need to get smarter about way we lower demand, we have to get more treatment, and things that get people off of the this stuff and back to a productive life where they are working and being responsible mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sisters and brothers. >> governor, i hope that biden administration or someone will kind of get you involved in this. as well. thank you for your service to state of new jersey and also to the united states as a prosecutor and thank you for joining us. >> trey thank you for doing that. >> thank you. trey: your questions are up next. and what can we expect tomorrow night's rematch between alabama and georgia on college football's biggest stage? we'll talk with georgia we'll talk with georgia bulldog and alabama creme - [narrator] this holiday season, gift yourself something miraculous. - [woman 1] oh my god! - [woman 2] wow. - [woman 3] best gift ever. - [announcer] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. love your hair. live your life. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," we always enjoy hearing from you at home, e-mail or social media. learning what on your mind each week, mary from texas. how do you disconnect on an emotional or physical or mental level from this going on in dc. thank you. i spend less time than ever thinking about what is going on in washington so there is not much to disconnect from. i can not control what happens there. i could not when i was there, i certainly cannot now that i'm gone. my time best spent focusing on matters within my control. and when i was a younger person, seemed that politics began after labor day and and inended first wednesday in november, but not any more, now it is 24 hours a day. every day. all year long, the more we focus on things out side our control the more frustrated we get, i don't disconnect because i don't connection in the first place. i read, i talk to my friends who are still there i read more. then i try to impact what i can, where i am. our next question from susan in switzerland. who writes. >> that is a great question. thank you for listening to podcast, will we see more parties emerge? i would argue we already from four parties in u.s., center left, and far lowest, and right and far right, sometimes they form coalitions, but challenge comes when you have to govern. right now way most primaries and elections are structured more political waters means you will cost the party you have the most in common with . to start a new party on the left, means you will hurt democrats on the right means you hurt the republicans. before we go the multiple party route, perhaps we should try leveling with the voters, not promising things that cannot be delivered. that is why there is so much frustration in american politics in my judgment. expectations never seem to match what can regionaly be done. and our final question. from mary kay. tell us about your time at baylor. who happen to be sugar bowl changes, i am proud of baylor athletics this year. another great season for women's basketball as well. i miss the former women's basketball coach, i am sure i would like the new coach too. 4 great years. to think i went to texas not knowing a single soul. and left with friends that will carry my casket to the grave, so many friends made to this day. still enrich my life, if i went back now, i would study more. i wish i had studied when it was my job to study. it gets harder later in life. and i think i would have taken a math class. i am not proud of the fact that i graduated college never having taken's math class. i think proud of that. if you have a question you would like to share, send us a video or a message on-line . trey: tomorrow night one of most important nights of the year in my home. half of my home. college football national championship game, georgia bulldogs and alabama tide, all of college football they square off tomorrow night, who better to help us sort it out. then hershal walker and joe namath. what a treat, nick saban is hard to beat, what does georgia need to do. >> they have to play defense, and score points if that defense plays the way they played again michigan, georgia will do well, i am picking georgia to win, i know my friend joe will say something different. that is wonderful we could agree to disagree. trey: i am sure he will, he was an amazing quarterback at alabama before he went to the pros, hard to beat the same good team twice, what does alabama need to do. >> i'm a hershal walker fan, you are right we can agree on disagree, naturally i'm pulling for the tide. i know that georgia is good. i'm hoping that crimson tide wins, we need to protect the passer and get the running game going. >> roll tide. trey: you have proved my next question. which is in a world where nothing is unify anything more sports. is they are nice to one another and respect one another, what did y'all learn about sports that helped you in life, particularly with respect to unity. joe we'll start with you. >> you learn respect at home first, you learn to respect authorize teammates regardless of what sport if. is idealo, you should learn that you learn you don't do much on your own, not only on the field but in life. we need help. we need to carry respect with us, and love our neighbors, love the other guy. trey: hershal. >> that is great, what joe said. you look at what is going on this monday night, you will have two team that will step out on the field, you will not see white or black they are guys that believe in each other, they love each other, they are two teams that they will go out and play, only can you get this done in america, greatest country in world. they have an opportunity to define their morning dream here. and that is will be monday night. trey: i want to ask about y'all's coaches, joe you played for bear bryant. would he be as successful today if he were a coach, has football changed in your recollections? >> first, coach bryant would be successful in any era, he was a respectful man, he worked very hard. the game has changed so much. it is so much improved. athletes are so much better than yesteryear, bigger stronger and faster. trey: hershal, you played for vince duly? >> he was a disciplined coach, one thing about him, an ex military guy, he would bring that discipline and he would be successful during this time as well, we knows how to coach and father guys and be a dad this tome when they need it and bring discipline to them. >> you know, i would be curious about y'all's take, there seems to be so much division and conflict in the country. sports is unifying. there will be back georgians and white georgians and rich georgians and poor georgians pulling for the same football team and the same for alabama. how do we get that in the rest of our culture. >> respect, that is it, hershal, had honor of playing first collegiate claim that coach duly was head coach, thank you for bringing up his name he was wonderful. wonderful. >> we have to be able to get along, and this monday night, i can guarantee on the field, the guy will look to guy next had to him he will see a teammate, that is what we have to do in the the country, they are americans, we have to care about them and believe in them as americans and quit looking at skin color, but the content of what they deliver for you on this timor this country. trey: joe you revolutionize quarterback position, they called you broadway joe for a reason, you were marketing before there was marketing, what are you doing now. >> enjoying life, with my daughter and her man and 3 grandchildren who live next door to me. my other daughter and man, with three children in california. i visit with them every day. and we're obeying what the sign says about the covid. you know, keeping low, and vaccinated and trying to do what is right. >> i don't think you would -- i will wish you well. >> i think we have a good team, and i am a big fan of joe, i have been for a long time, it will be a great game to have millions of people watching the young men go out and play. it will be exciting. trey: i tell you. two people on opposite sides with so much respect for one another. the world could learn a let from y'all's two models, thank you for joining us. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, have a great wee bret: i'm bret baier, a high stakes session of the u.s. supreme court could decide how far the president can go in enforcing sweeping covid mandates. ♪ bret: two critical cases now in the justices' hands. one impacting whether millions of dollars -- doctors, nurses and medical staff must be fully vaccinated, the other impacting tens of millions of employees of large private businesses. >> i'm a grocery guy. i'm not the vaccine police. bret: both fast tracked as covid cases rise,

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