Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709

good luck with that. the commander in chief is contradicting himself in the same sentence, while talking about his covid to plan and what americans can expect. >> reporter: can americans expect -- covid forever? [cross questions] >> president biden: i don't think covid is here to stay. having covid in the world, it's probably here to stay, but covid as we are dealing with it now is not here to stay. the new normal doesn't have to be -- we have some anymore tools. we are going to be able to control this. no new normal is not going to be what it is now. it's going to be better. >> if you thought jimmy carter was bad, kamala harris is trying to one up him. the vp not inspiring confidence with these comments about dealing with the virus. >> vice president harris: i understand, and i fully appreciate -- there is a level of malaise. we're two years into this. we want to get back to normal after so long. we all do. we have to do the tough and hard work of pushing through with solutions, understanding that there are going to be challenges. >> biden's sweeping vaccination mandates could be on the ropes. challenges to the mandates being heard today, signaling they could strike them down. let's just mention, greg brought what are we can calling this? america's fish? >> greg: that's america's fish. it's abe abogoda. [laughter] can we get a close-up? "outnumbered" has one lucky guy. this is one lucky guild. [laughter] you know who is in school, geraldo -- hope he does not get hooked on the spotlight peered since i'm alone in the studio, i needed somebody to keep me company. who better than my little friend abe? sexy little fish. >> jesse: watch yourself, we could have an hr complaint. [laughter] >> greg: we are desperate for leadership. joe biden hasn't said anything that provides that. that's weird, that is the benefit of age, wisdom. instead, we are getting the consequences of age, which is a disjointed, convoluted, aimless -- i go back to what i said a long time ago. it's the people that are going to lead us out of this, not the leaders. you talk to anybody. because of this bad messaging and the exhaustion, and people with the boosters and double boosters getting covid, people have -- it's almost miraculous. people are in unison having enough. they have had enough. they are looking at february 1st. they know that's when this is going to be over. it's on us like we are leading the country, not leaders. the problem with kamala harris, she is the 9/11 of pearl harbor's. [laughter] she is on, what scientists poop island. once you get on it, you can't get off. nobody wants any poop on them. it's unfair to jimmy carter. he never said "malaise." the speech was a crisis in confidence, but he never said "malaise." you get the sense that the dems have given up on kamala and joe. it's like a dead marriage that is kept alive until the kids are out of the house. and that's when the election comes up. >> jesse: geraldo, greg mentioned that with age comes with wisdom, so we will go to you. [laughter] >> geraldo: i resemble those remarks. [laughter] >> jesse: kamala harris should know better, not because she is old or because she was around in the '70s: because she is a politician. you don't say the word "malaise." it triggers the carter era, makes people remember the era. why did she say that? how could she say that? >> geraldo: i think in terms of communication, she's clueless. i say that with all due respect. i remind myself and everyone else what a historic figure she is, but "welcome back kotter." to use that word, it invokes the era. biden's covid is carter's hostage crisis. it may be just the fact that "i got sick a couple of weeks ago, that tinted -- tinged my optimism that i usually have." a buoyant person naturally. it's snowing in cleveland, you are dragging your tail through, wondering when this thing is finally going to end. you are going to go to the airport when you want to, give someone a high five when you want to. it's a lot. it's a lot. the news is pretty mediocre, generally speaking. >> jesse: dagen, it was a great analogy by geraldo, that covid is joe biden's hostage crisis. do you want to add anything? i think it sums it up perfectly. >> dagen: i would like to -- well, i have given up hope after i was listening and reading what the liberal supreme court justices said. the misinformation that they were hacking up -- how could you make good sound policies and decisions when you are using the wrong, incorrect information? you cannot. justice sotomayor said 100,000 children are in serious condition, many on ventilators. wrong! there are fewer children who have been hospitalized with covid in the last year and a half. it's about 84,000. another doozy. omicron is as deadly as delta. no it's not, not even for the unvaccinated it's not! i've called doctors about this. they said that is patently false. marty makary told me that there are no confirmed deaths from omicron, not even the original one in houston. you have a supreme court justice, justice breyer went on to say, implied omicron case numbers would start falling if the biden vaccine mandate was in place. that is balderdash. elena kagan was essentially talking about this policy, vaccine mandate, we need this to stop the virus. we need to stop the spread with the vaccine mandate. vaccinated people are catching it. look at geraldo and me and all of us, and spreading it. i want to point out, you have a supreme court justice, particularly justice sotomayor today, the most egregious. on the most important issues facing this nation, she has her facts not just wrong, but stunningly pick up my jaw off the floor-wrong. it's like she is getting her facts from the cnn or even "the view." joy behar would have done a better job on the high court today! >> jesse: justice behar. shocking. martha, how stunning is it that you have supreme court justices, the president, vice president, the cdc, not able to speak with precision about a virus that, by this point, we thought we would know a little something about? >> martha: i think that americans as a nation -- we have a certain level of expectation for how smart we are going to be about things, and -- we expect that. i looked at the numbers today, how much we spent on hhs combined with the naid, the national allergy and infection and disease center, and nih. he got $2 trillion, and another $50 billion. then, you've got this letter that comes from the six very esteemed doctors. one suggestion they have is that the united states should have a modern data infrastructure to survey the virus. hello? wouldn't you have a natural expectation in the technologically advanced united states of america that we would not have to call on israel and the u.k. to figure out the data for how long the immune system is able to fight off these different viruses after the vaccines? how could we possibly be spending over $2 trillion, employing thousands of people at these health agencies. what are they doing if they are not figuring out a modern data infrastructure to know more about the virus and feel smart about a question mark instead, you have this -- i compare it to the peanuts teacher. wah wah, wah wah wah -- that's coming from the top levels of government about how we will work through the problems. say "no, i want natural results." as an american citizen, i want to say "i know that there are antibodies out there and achievements out there." you would expect if someone would need them that you could get your hands on them in the united states of america. these are really specific things that americans have an expectation that we are going to handle well, and we haven't. it doesn't matter how many times you are told "we get it." there's a little malaise. we want more than that and should have more than that for the money we spend. >> america's fish, we do a better job. [laughter] >> dagen: can i say something about abe vigoda? [laughter] i know why greg named it abe vigoda. i took a poll that nobody knew. i wrote down the elevator with abe vigoda. abe vigoda smells. >> greg: was he polite to you? he didn't say anything to you in the elevator like geraldo does. >> he was trying to look at my skirt. [laughter] just kidding. >> jesse: we will have to put him into sensitivity training. [laughter] that's next week. next, schools shutting down. america's education crisis is about to get much worse. we will explain. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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"this is your city, put out a psa. let's get some fire lit under these teachers." that would do a lot of good. she's got juice. you know that. then you call michelle obama. make a call. michelle made a call. jussie smollett got booked. she's not going to make a call in 350,000 school-aged inns are being denied an education? schools got everything they wanted. all the teachers got to jump line with the vaccine. democrats and democrats cannot do a deal, it's no wonder that republicans don't want to deal with these people. imagine being a chicago parent. he worked at a butcher shop, take the subway, go into an office building. you have adults breathing on you all day. they are still going to work. teachers can't go to work in one of the safest averments there is, a classroom? i would do this: i would threaten the chicago teachers with a test, not a covid test, an actual test to see if they can actually teach, to see if they are qualified enough to teach the students. basic reading, reading, and arithmetic -- i would throw in questions about covid to see if they are knowledgeable about this virus. if they can't get over 80% -- you had a great idea, geraldo -- if they get over 80%, negotiate in good faith. i don't think these teachers are smart enough to be in the classroom. >> geraldo: dagen, jesse mentions tests. one of the proposals by the teachers union is that kids get tested, every kid gets tested before they open the school, and kids can get tested, in the opinion of the union, without the consent of the parent. how do you feel about that? >> they are basically refusing these teachers to go to work for what is a bad cold, where they want to stay home, go to bars, and drink. get to work. i wish lori lightfoot would fire them all. 73% of these teachers voted to return to remote learning. if you fired them all and pulled a ronald reagan, wouldn't that be something? i guarantee you more than 27% of them would show up in the classroom. those women on "the view," leave it to selfish narcissists to defend selfish narcissists. they are willing to hurt children to protect themselves. i will point to all the people who sacrificed and put their health at risk before a vaccine to put food on people's tables, not just the health care workers come about the amazon delivery people, anybody in groceries, putting it out there, even drive an uber can put them out there every day. these teachers, half of them have thought about quitting. good. we need to blow up the whole system. quit. go find a job that when you don't show up for work, they will fire your ass. >> geraldo: greg, the squad is running the union, isn't it >> greg: yeah. you have "the view defending the teachers. if they go back to work, there goes "the view"'s audience. [laughter] teachers are "the view"'s demographic, cat ladies and sweaters and stained with chocolate eclairs. [laughter] kind of unfair, but -- >> geraldo: it is unfair. navarro is a fan. [laughter] >> greg: let me get to my point. i am making this point for a reason. this point got made last night. teachers unions have managed to take one of the most beloved occupations and redefine it as selfish and lazy. everyone -- all of us, in our generations, used to love our teachers. my mother was a teacher. i bet some of your mothers were teachers. >> mine too appeared >> mine too. >> the union destroy the image of the teacher, turned the classroom into a supervised prison. this is a crisis in america should not let go to waste. we should fire people. it is time to pull the money out of the system, start backing the parents, give them the money so they can make the choices for the best education, whether it is post-schooling, the palatine model. that's the only way you are going to make this better, is by introducing competition. unions hate competition. that means you will have to take off the jammies and go to work. right, abe? >> geraldo: what about the point that they want kids to be tested, and there are no tests available? don't they have a point? >> martha: it's ridiculous. they got billions of dollars to make sure that schools were safe. they have been told they have to go to work here and i agree. what of the profession are you told you have to show up for your job, and if you don't show up, you don't get fired? lori lightfoot wants to not pay them? good! don't pay them. if you choose not to show up for your job, you should not get paid. what i find really encouraging is that there have been some teachers who have bucked the trend, bucked the union and said "i'm showing up anyway." this wonderful teacher who was on fox earlier today, being treated for cancer, he said "these children are my priorities." that's why my mother went into teaching. my sister is an amazing teacher. they love the children. they want to be there. you are right: these individuals have changed people's idea of teaching. people need more agency. that's why they are taking it. 7% drop in enrollment in the chicago public school system in the last three years. in places like west virginia, arizona, florida, you can take your dollars and spend them the way you want. they spend way too much money in chicago on each child. it's not working. you can spend a lot less in catholic schools and charter schools and get a lot more for your money. >> geraldo: stay right there. one of the world top sports stars being held hostage over his vaccine steps after this. ♪♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dagen: the family of the world's top tennis champion, novak djokovic, claims he is being treated like a prisoner over his vaccination status. the sports star finding himself holed up in an immigration detention hotel in australia, after being told he does not qualify for a medical exemption to play in the australian open. he faces deportation and has a court hearing on monday. australia says he is free to leave if he wants to. in case you did not know, australia imposes some of the most draconian restrictions on the planet for the unvaccinated. >> you may only leave home for three reasons: medical treatments, including covid testing or vaccination. for essential goods and services. groceries, medications. to provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves. work is not a reason to leave the home for the unvaccinated. >> dagen: abe vigoda, i'm coming to you first. would you ever swim back to australia, even for a visit? >> greg: [fish voice] as a great question, but i will have to refer to mr. got fouled. [laughter] >> dagen: thank you, mr. vigoda. >> greg: this has validated all of your weird relatives who used to think where conspiracy freaks: the people who sent you disjointed emails with different typeface who had, on their bingo card, "the government will use covid to create a police state." they are right, at least in australia. australia used to be cool! you had a guy with a giant knife! now, it's a sad combination of high school detention and house arrest. citizens have to sit and take it. it could go on indefinitely in australia, which is why america is so special. politicians know this is a country born from rising up. the country is that "this is it, we are not doing this anymore." we are a country of fighters, and we will do it again by february 1st. you know what? we have got the second amendment. we run this country. >> to your point, australia has that reputation for being free and wild. why hasn't there been an uprising. >> geraldo: i can't imagine what greg is saying about february 1 and the second amendment. >> greg: i wasn't threatening. let me explain it. the reason why this is a free country is because we have the right to bear arms. >> oh. >> i sailed my boat to northern australia, and they went through that boat like i had a colonoscopy to get into it. [laughter] >> no-nonsense. you guys extolled the virtue of strong borders. australia does not mess around. the rules were broken. they were ham-handed the way they handled his case. he's a 20 time grand slam champion. rules are rules. countries are desperate to deal with this crazy epidemic. everyone is trying. there's no room for ego. let's put it that way. >> they were not clear, number one. i'm not going to the weeds on this. they were not clear. the bigger issue is -- this is the draconian of the draconian. you had the military going door to door over the summer, and enforcing a government's quarantine orders. the military. >> jesse: i'm not going into the weeds of this with you, either. [laughter] shocking. australia has violated one of my core principles, which is that celebrities deserve special treatment. [laughter] this man is not just a celebrity. he is the greatest tennis player of all time! he has 20 grand slams. he is tied with nadal and federer. he's younger than those guys. he's going to break the record. he is younger than those guys. what australia disrespect switzerland, spain? they are disrespecting serbia by doing this. many people are asking "why would they do that?" i am one of those people asking. he is allegedly in a hotel room with rodents. let's say a rodent bites his wrist, gets infected, has to be hospitalized. can't do a dropshot, can't do topspin, cannot slice a serve. australia is going to have to apologize to the international tennis community, serbia, and the networks that carry the grand slam. there could be foul play. spain and switzerland, i know switzerland is often neutral, but they could have conspired nadal and federer to make sure the joker does not leave that island. then, they can propel themselves to the number one title. i'm just saying, it deserves an investigation. [laughter] >> geraldo: that is as incomprehensible as gutfeld >> jesse: some would say more in incomprehensible. >> dagen: that is probably why geraldo was upset about the boat search, because he thinks celebrities do deserve special treatment. [laughter] >> coming up in the next segment, people who are obsessed with celebrity. it's going to be very interesting. [laughter] >> oh, no. >> martha: the chicago teachers union might consider moving to australia. they've been right in line with leadership there, who says work is not a reason to leave your home. maybe, there is a marriage made in heaven between the ctu and the president of australia. that's it. >> "the fastest" is up next. that's it. >> "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ >> welcome back, everybody. time for "the fastest." are you obsessed with all things celebrity? researchers causing controversy by suggesting that it might mean you are not as smart as other people, the harsh conclusion after people -- addicted to gossip and hollywood, to performing worse on various cognitive tests, jesse. [laughter] that's the question. it says they are trying to figure out whether it's because people have less brainpower because they are obsessed with celebrity, or if they just spend their time and focus on celebrity because they were not that smart to begin with. >> jesse: it seems i need to do damage control after what i said about celebrities the last segment. [laughter] i am not celebrity obsessed. i think people need to respect the laws of the jungle. when the lion walks through the jungle, people need to get out of the way sometimes. that is all i said. i am not obsessed. [laughter] >> he would like a free drink, though. >> people that are obsessed with celebrities, not as smart? >> i think we have lowered the bar for being a celebrity. as a traditional, world-famous star, i am disgusted by these imposters: real housewives, brian kilmeade from "fox & friends." [laughter] geraldo and i are the classic coke of celebrities. [laughter] emphasis on "coke." i think that is what has happened. >> jesse: greg, you are nowhere as famous as geraldo. >> martha: you're the biggest celebrity on the show right now. >> greg: i could go by my last name. [laughter] >> martha: you are the biggest liberty on this show, geraldo. you've been a celebrity for as long as i can remember. it's an interesting thing, chicken or the egg dilemma. are you dumb because you are into the tabs, or are you into the tab is because are dumb? i don't invest a lot of emotional capital into it. if you want to read "people" magazine, "new york magazine," go for it. i think that celebrity obsession is bad if you are not doing something for your own career to advance yourself. >> jesse: have you ever been on the cover of "people" magazine, geraldo? >> geraldo: many, many magazines. we had "newsweek." >> greg: he was on the cover of playgirl! [laughter] >> martha: playgirl, there we go! i wish we had that for this segment. >> greg: we can get it. >> may be by the end of the segment. [laughter] >> martha: on average commitment rate themselves 5.9 out of 10. >> can i respond to the celebrity thing? >> of course you can! >> greg knows i'm obsessed with serial killers. maybe, i should not talk about that publicly. secondly, i am obsessed with trying to figure out what work celebrities have had done on their faces in particular. i will take photos to my dermatologist and show him -- i am particularly fixated on nicole kidman and keith urban. i am convinced that keith urban wears a rug. [laughter] >> just happens to have it handy. >> you never know when it comes up. >> i think we need a better look at that. >> they need another shot of that. who hasn't? >> where to go? >> look at that. >> looks like you are about to make some money on a street corner, geraldo. >> martha: if that's what we have time for. 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[laughter] he cannot take his eyes off it. [laughter] it's adorable! oh, that is percy. [laughter] let's do that fan mail. >> television. >> this is a great question -- what a surprise. what is the clothing or accessory everyone hates but you secretly love? dagen. >> dagen: generally, i like wild prints, and they don't look great on tv. i snuck one in. >> greg: you know who else likes wild prints. anyway, martha. [laughter] >> martha: i think a fur coat. >> greg: people pretend to hate for coats, but they really love fur coats. [laughter] >> jesse: i would like a silk scarf, a nice high quality silk scarf to put underneath my blazer, and then put the collar up on my blazer, get nice and comfortable. i don't own one, but i would like it to. >> greg: geraldo, you have been in every fashion trend known to men and women. what disgusting fashion trait do you like? >> geraldo: when i used to be 6 feet tall -- that was the '70s. maybe come out of her coat is thrown in. it wasish, but i am joe the stature. >> greg: i will go with the fanny pack. we cannot admit it. [laughter] >> jesse: i thought you would like the heels. >> greg: only on the weekends. [laughter] >> dagen: fanny packs are in. they're hot. [laughter] >> greg: good accoutrements to the second amendment. when you are getting mugged and go "let me get my wallet out of my fanny pack," that's the last thing they hear. the next question -- >> usually, you shoot yourself as you are pulling the gun. [laughter] >> greg: that's when you have in our instruction. [laughter] what's the most recent terrible movie that you would intimately enjoy? come on, martha. >> martha: "blue crush." it's a surfer movie, a romantic comedy. there's a scene where she is training to surf, carrying a rock across the bottom of the ocean. it's a great, bad movie. i highly recommend it. >> greg: jesse, what terrible movie do you enjoy? >> jesse: "wrong turn 1, 2, 3, 4." i liked all of them. >> greg: there's four of them? >> jesse: you know when the zombies chase you down when you take a wrong turn with college kids? >> greg: geraldo? >> geraldo: all of the "rocky"'s, all of them. even the russian guy, then he becomes his friend. >> martha: 1 is a great movie. >> greg: even 2 is pretty good. >> dagen: "battlefield earth." >> greg: you dug deep. [laughter] >> dagen: it's so horrible and so delicious. >> greg: "gone with the wind." one of the worst movies ever, but i love watching it. it's terrible. >> dagen: it isn't the worst movie of all time. >> greg: it's terrible! i can't believe that is still on the air. >> martha: i disagree. [laughter] >> greg: "one more thing" is up next. ♪♪ can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪♪ >> jessie: time for one more thing. before we start, happy birthday dagen! happy birthday, dagen. love you. >> geraldo: happy birthday. >> martha: i'm surprised you did that. >> jessie: doughnuts to celebrate. you can have a bite. >> dagen: i don't know. my dad always told me don't eat on camera. your mouth opens really ugly. this doughnut matches my dress. isn't that pretty? >> jessie: beautiful. >> dagen: i'm 80. how do i look? >> jessie: you look great. >> dagen: thanks so much. >> jessie: happy birthday. congratulations to water's world. we were the number 1 show for the year on 2021. thanks for everybody watching. thanks to the staff. thanks to myself who had a great year. we have a big show on saturday night. we have lindsey graham, kellyanne conway, mary williams who may be primarying joe biden and an investigation whether omicron was another lab leak. you're not going to believe what this scientist found out. greg gutfeld? >> greg: abe is joining me tonight. we have brian kilmeade, kennedy, kat, tyrus. also, let's do this. yeah, you know, a lot of celebrity stuff tonight. we wondered what happened to andrew cuomo since he lost his job and where he's been. turns out, he's been rolling along, running in place, trying to get in shape. it's hard to get across plywood because of his scaly lizard-like feet can't get him across the floor. good to see him out and not hiding. that was at his pilates studio. >> jessie: very slip. >> greg: look good. can't see the nipple clips. >> jessie: geraldo? speaking of nipples. >> geraldo: we would like to give a special shout out to fox news super fan, agnes. we send our love to her in lincoln, nebraska. she's turning 100 this year hand she credits me for her longevity. she says it was one of my special investigative reports on drug abuse that made her quit the nasty habit of smoking many years ago so she can enjoy the long life that she's enjoying right now surrounded by her family. 11 children, 22 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren. agnes, i know you're watching. we wish you the best. >> jessie: agnes. dagen, birthday girl. >> dagen: i don't know about girl. old bag. dana perino sent me this. i loved it so much. so meet the shiloh shepherd tinsley. she's a miracle dog. she saved her owner and another man involved in a vehicle crash. the state police saw her. they tried to catch her. she led them north across the state line and stood on the bridge and pointed the state police to where this vehicle had rolled over. she's awesome. everybody should have a dog that wonderful. >> jessie: real life lassie. >> dagen: exactly. >> jessie: march that you're up. >> martha: so there was a letter that was mailed from a world war ii soldier. he mailed it from germany. he mailed it 76 years ago. it was lost in the mail for 76 years. finally arrived. it was delivered to his widow. she said she felt like when she read his words to his mom, she felt like he had come back to her, which is a beautiful story. john was 22 years old when he served in world war ii. he assured his mom in the letter was doing okay. and the post office figured out how to deliver the letter. and my untold story podcast with robert o'neal, the former national security adviser is excellent. it's about the threat that we face from china. download it at fox >> jessie: geraldo, if you can crack open the frame for greg. he wants to see the center fold. crack it up. it's beefier than the cover. >> jessie: have a great weekend.

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Greg Gutfeld , Thanks , Brian Kilmeade , Kennedy , Tyrus , Jesse Sharkey , America , We Love You , Kat , Shannon Bream , Jesse Watters , Martha Maccallum , Geraldo Rivera , Joe Biden Hasn T , Five , New York City , Dagen Mcdowell , 00 , 5 , Some , Attention , Advisors , Pandemic , Overhaul , Clue , Covid Strategy , Covid , Chief , Commander , Cross Questions , Reporter , Luck , Sentence , World , Here To Stay , Think Covid , I Don T , Kamala Harris , Jimmy Carter , Tools , The New Normal Doesn T , One , Virus , Malaise , Level , Confidence , Comments , Vp , Work , Challenges , Solutions , Two , Vaccination Mandates , Mandates , Ropes , Fish , Laughter , Guy , School , Close Up , Guild , Spotlight , Abe Abogoda , Anything , Leadership , Studio , Friend , Somebody , Hr Complaint , Company , Little Fish , People , Age , Wisdom , Benefit , Consequences , Disjointed , Convoluted , Aimless , Leaders , Boosters , Anybody , Exhaustion , Messaging , Unison , Country , Problem , Pearl Harbor , 9 11 , 1 , February 1st , It , Nobody , Poop , Scientists Poop Island , Crisis , Speech , Dems , Sense , Joe , Kids , Geraldo , Made In Heaven , House , Election , Remarks , Word , Politician , 70 , Everyone , Terms , Communication , Respect , Fact , Hostage Crisis , Figure , Biden S Covid Is Carter , Welcome Back Kotter , Person , Optimism , Couple , Thing , Snowing , Cleveland , Tail , Lot , Someone , News , Analogy , Dagen , Justices , Reading , Liberal Supreme Court , Hope , Wrong , Sound Policies , Information , Decisions , Misinformation , Children , Many , Half , Justice , Ventilators , Condition , 100000 , Unvaccinated , Doctors , Doozy , Omicron , Delta , 84000 , Case Numbers , Deaths , Houston , Marty Makary , Justice Breyer , Supreme Court Justice , Place , Vaccine Mandate , Policy , Balderdash , Spread , Biden Vaccine Mandate , Elena Kagan , All Of Us , Justice Sotomayor Today , Egregious , Facts , Nation , Issues , Jaw , Job , The View , High Court , Shocking , Joy Behar , Cnn , Something , Point , Precision , Cdc , Things , Expectation , Numbers , Hhs , Letter , Infection , Disease Center , Naid , Allergy , Nih , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Six , 50 Billion , 0 Billion , Data Infrastructure , Wouldn T , Suggestion , Israel , Viruses , Vaccines , Immune System , Health Agencies , Data , Thousands , U K , Peanuts Teacher , Question Mark , Feel , Wah , Government , American Citizen , Problems , Levels , Results , Antibodies , It Doesn T , Times , Hands , There , We Haven T , Achievements , Money , Abe Vigoda , Elevator , Poll , Smells , Sensitivity Training , Skirt , Schools , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Pay , Help , Liberty , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Sushi , Seafood , Lunch , Collision Beeping Warning , Silence , Indian , Ehh , Tacos , Safety , Emergency Braking , Technology , Automatic , Chevrolet , Chevy Equinox , Find New Roads , 2022 , Grandfather , Signature , Registration Card , Connection , Ancestry , Documents , Draft , World War Two , Uh , Program , Memory , Ww , Personalpoints , Legacy , Plan , Plans , Assessment , Goals , Foods , Oprah , 26 , 30 , Life , App , Weight , Trial , Ww Personalpoints Program , 14 , Recording Artist , Internet , Elodia , 10 Million , 10 , Students , Comcast , Emmanuel , Millions , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Possibilities , Teachers , Unions , America S Education System , Stress , Brink , Survey , Covid Outbreak , Profession , Save Chicago , Standoff , Class , Public School , Balance , 300000 , 48 , Support , Teachers Union , Ladies , Unsupervised , Tests , Home , Notion , Petri Dish , Isn T , Unique , School Superintendent , Mayor , A Socialist , Militant , Call , City , Fire , Good , Psa , Juice , Michelle Obama , Education , Jussie Smollett , Everything , Inns , 350000 , Vaccine , Parent , Democrats , Line , Deal , Republicans , Wonder , Averments , Subway , Office Building , Butcher Shop , Classroom , Test , Covid Test , Questions , Great Idea , Arithmetic , 80 , Kid , Faith , Proposals , Cold , Consent , The Union , Opinion , Bars , Learning , Ronald Reagan , Lori Lightfoot , 73 , 27 , Narcissists , Women , Leave It , Food , Health Care Workers , Risk , Health , Tables , Groceries , System , Uber , Amazon , Go , Squad , Ass , Demographic , Cat Ladies , Audience , Sweaters , Reason , Fan , Chocolate Eclairs , Kind , Navarro , Teacher , Wall , Mother , Teachers Unions , Occupations , Generations , Last Night , Union , Mothers , Image , Prison , Way , Model , Parents , Better , The System , Choices , Competition , Jammies , Safe , Billions , Them , Teaching , Sister , Trend , Cancer , Priorities , On Fox , Agency , Idea , Individuals , Child , Dollars , Places , Chicago Public School , Enrollment , West Virginia , Arizona , Florida , 7 , Three , Charter Schools , Hostage , Top Sports Stars , Cooking , Mom , Memories , Part , Kitchen , Interest , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Advisor , Nm Com Hello , Northwestern Mutual , Heart , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Family , Prisoner , Champion , Vaccination Status , Tennis , Novak Djokovic , Northern Australia , Court Hearing , Immigration Detention Hotel , Exemption , Being , Deportation , Sports , Australian Open , Case , Planet , Reasons , Restrictions , Services , Family Member , Vaccination , Testing , Treatments , Goods , Medications , Care , Question , Visit , Mr , Relatives , Emails , Conspiracy , Freaks , Got Fouled , Police State , Typeface , Bingo Card , Knife , High School Detention , Citizens , Combination , Politicians , House Arrest , This Is It , Second Amendment , Fighters , Hasn T , Reputation , Wild , Uprising , Greg , February 1 , Boat , Arms , Guys , Rules , Colonoscopy , Borders , Virtue , Grand Slam , 20 , Countries , Epidemic , Issue , Weeds , Draconian , Number One , Room , Ego , Military , Summer , Quarantine Orders , Man , Celebrity , Celebrities , Special Treatment , Principles , Record , Federer , Nadal , Tennis Player , Slams , Rodents , Hotel Room , Disrespect Switzerland , Serbia , Spain , Cannot Slice A Serve , Rodent , Wrist , Topspin , Tennis Community , Play , Networks , Investigation , Island , Gutfeld Jesse , Joker , Title , Incomprehensible , Chicago Teachers Union , Segment , Fastest , Of Australia , President , Ctu , More , Discount , Auto Insurance , Burke , Policies , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Coverage , Discounts , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Dad , Bum , Pa Dum , Sup , Garage , Seventeen , Everybody , Controversy , Researchers , Conclusion , Gossip , Hollywood , Damage Control , Smart , Brainpower , Jungle , Walks , Laws Of The Jungle , Drink , Bar , Imposters , Real Housewives , World Famous Star , Coke , Fox Friends , Show , Dilemma , Tabs , Capital , Tab , My Last Name , Chicken Or The Egg , Magazine , Career , Celebrity Obsession , New York Magazine , Playgirl , Martha , Cover , Magazines , Newsweek , Celebrity Thing , Course , Commitment Rate , The End , 5 9 , Particular , Serial Killers , Faces , Rug , Dermatologist , Photos , Keith Urban , Nicole Kidman , Look , Street Corner , Shot , Looks , Who , Fan Mail Friday , Allstate , Everywhere , Savings , Agent , Quote Today , 1 888 Allstate , 888 , Stop Rybelsus , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Majority , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Insulin , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 3 , 0 , Moving , Handful , Kidding , Address , Xfinity , Offers , Movers , Save , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Singing , Eyes , Bonanza , Fan Mail , Television , Surprise , Clothing , Is Percy , Prints , Fur Coat , Tv , Blazer , Fur Coats , Coats , Silk Scarf , Collar , Scarf , I Don T Own One , Fashion Trait , Fashion Trend , Men And Women , Feet , Coat , It Wasish , 6 , Stature , Heels , Fanny Pack , Wallet , Accoutrements , Movie , Come On , Gun , Instruction , Scene , Surfer Movie , Romantic Comedy , Blue Crush , Surf , Bottom , Four , Bad Movie , Wrong Turn 1 , Carrying A Rock , The Ocean , 4 , Turn , College Kids , Zombies , Rocky , Russian , Battlefield Earth , Movies , It Isn T , Gone With The Wind , Air , Hang On , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Stomach , Ulcers , Symptoms , The Tightness , Tremfya , Moderate , Pain , Adults , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Emerge Tremfyant , Reactions , Infections , Ability , Doctor , 16 , Hello , Jessie , Birthday , Doughnuts , Mouth , I Don T Know , Me Don T Eat On Camera , Bite , Doughnut , Dress , Congratulations , Water , Staff , Big Show , Saturday Night , Lindsey Graham , 2021 , Mary Williams , Scientist , Lab Leak , Kellyanne Conway , Primarying , Andrew Cuomo , Turns , Celebrity Stuff , Shape , Floor , Plywood , Pilates Studio , Super Fan , Shout Out To Fox News , Speaking Of Nipples , Nipple Clips , Hand , Love , Longevity , Lincoln , Nebraska , Agnes , 100 , Grandchildren , Drug Abuse , Reports , Habit , 22 , 11 , I Don T Know About Girl , Birthday Girl , 13 , She S A Miracle Dog , Bag , Owner , Shiloh Shepherd Tinsley , Dana Perino , State Police , State Line , Vehicle Crash , Saw , Vehicle , Dog , Real Life Lassie , Soldier , Germany , 76 , John , Story , Words , Mail , Widow , Post Office , Robert O Neal , Podcast , Threat , Fox Newspodcasts Com , China , Weekend , Frame , Center Fold ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709

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good luck with that. the commander in chief is contradicting himself in the same sentence, while talking about his covid to plan and what americans can expect. >> reporter: can americans expect -- covid forever? [cross questions] >> president biden: i don't think covid is here to stay. having covid in the world, it's probably here to stay, but covid as we are dealing with it now is not here to stay. the new normal doesn't have to be -- we have some anymore tools. we are going to be able to control this. no new normal is not going to be what it is now. it's going to be better. >> if you thought jimmy carter was bad, kamala harris is trying to one up him. the vp not inspiring confidence with these comments about dealing with the virus. >> vice president harris: i understand, and i fully appreciate -- there is a level of malaise. we're two years into this. we want to get back to normal after so long. we all do. we have to do the tough and hard work of pushing through with solutions, understanding that there are going to be challenges. >> biden's sweeping vaccination mandates could be on the ropes. challenges to the mandates being heard today, signaling they could strike them down. let's just mention, greg brought what are we can calling this? america's fish? >> greg: that's america's fish. it's abe abogoda. [laughter] can we get a close-up? "outnumbered" has one lucky guy. this is one lucky guild. [laughter] you know who is in school, geraldo -- hope he does not get hooked on the spotlight peered since i'm alone in the studio, i needed somebody to keep me company. who better than my little friend abe? sexy little fish. >> jesse: watch yourself, we could have an hr complaint. [laughter] >> greg: we are desperate for leadership. joe biden hasn't said anything that provides that. that's weird, that is the benefit of age, wisdom. instead, we are getting the consequences of age, which is a disjointed, convoluted, aimless -- i go back to what i said a long time ago. it's the people that are going to lead us out of this, not the leaders. you talk to anybody. because of this bad messaging and the exhaustion, and people with the boosters and double boosters getting covid, people have -- it's almost miraculous. people are in unison having enough. they have had enough. they are looking at february 1st. they know that's when this is going to be over. it's on us like we are leading the country, not leaders. the problem with kamala harris, she is the 9/11 of pearl harbor's. [laughter] she is on, what scientists poop island. once you get on it, you can't get off. nobody wants any poop on them. it's unfair to jimmy carter. he never said "malaise." the speech was a crisis in confidence, but he never said "malaise." you get the sense that the dems have given up on kamala and joe. it's like a dead marriage that is kept alive until the kids are out of the house. and that's when the election comes up. >> jesse: geraldo, greg mentioned that with age comes with wisdom, so we will go to you. [laughter] >> geraldo: i resemble those remarks. [laughter] >> jesse: kamala harris should know better, not because she is old or because she was around in the '70s: because she is a politician. you don't say the word "malaise." it triggers the carter era, makes people remember the era. why did she say that? how could she say that? >> geraldo: i think in terms of communication, she's clueless. i say that with all due respect. i remind myself and everyone else what a historic figure she is, but "welcome back kotter." to use that word, it invokes the era. biden's covid is carter's hostage crisis. it may be just the fact that "i got sick a couple of weeks ago, that tinted -- tinged my optimism that i usually have." a buoyant person naturally. it's snowing in cleveland, you are dragging your tail through, wondering when this thing is finally going to end. you are going to go to the airport when you want to, give someone a high five when you want to. it's a lot. it's a lot. the news is pretty mediocre, generally speaking. >> jesse: dagen, it was a great analogy by geraldo, that covid is joe biden's hostage crisis. do you want to add anything? i think it sums it up perfectly. >> dagen: i would like to -- well, i have given up hope after i was listening and reading what the liberal supreme court justices said. the misinformation that they were hacking up -- how could you make good sound policies and decisions when you are using the wrong, incorrect information? you cannot. justice sotomayor said 100,000 children are in serious condition, many on ventilators. wrong! there are fewer children who have been hospitalized with covid in the last year and a half. it's about 84,000. another doozy. omicron is as deadly as delta. no it's not, not even for the unvaccinated it's not! i've called doctors about this. they said that is patently false. marty makary told me that there are no confirmed deaths from omicron, not even the original one in houston. you have a supreme court justice, justice breyer went on to say, implied omicron case numbers would start falling if the biden vaccine mandate was in place. that is balderdash. elena kagan was essentially talking about this policy, vaccine mandate, we need this to stop the virus. we need to stop the spread with the vaccine mandate. vaccinated people are catching it. look at geraldo and me and all of us, and spreading it. i want to point out, you have a supreme court justice, particularly justice sotomayor today, the most egregious. on the most important issues facing this nation, she has her facts not just wrong, but stunningly pick up my jaw off the floor-wrong. it's like she is getting her facts from the cnn or even "the view." joy behar would have done a better job on the high court today! >> jesse: justice behar. shocking. martha, how stunning is it that you have supreme court justices, the president, vice president, the cdc, not able to speak with precision about a virus that, by this point, we thought we would know a little something about? >> martha: i think that americans as a nation -- we have a certain level of expectation for how smart we are going to be about things, and -- we expect that. i looked at the numbers today, how much we spent on hhs combined with the naid, the national allergy and infection and disease center, and nih. he got $2 trillion, and another $50 billion. then, you've got this letter that comes from the six very esteemed doctors. one suggestion they have is that the united states should have a modern data infrastructure to survey the virus. hello? wouldn't you have a natural expectation in the technologically advanced united states of america that we would not have to call on israel and the u.k. to figure out the data for how long the immune system is able to fight off these different viruses after the vaccines? how could we possibly be spending over $2 trillion, employing thousands of people at these health agencies. what are they doing if they are not figuring out a modern data infrastructure to know more about the virus and feel smart about a question mark instead, you have this -- i compare it to the peanuts teacher. wah wah, wah wah wah -- that's coming from the top levels of government about how we will work through the problems. say "no, i want natural results." as an american citizen, i want to say "i know that there are antibodies out there and achievements out there." you would expect if someone would need them that you could get your hands on them in the united states of america. these are really specific things that americans have an expectation that we are going to handle well, and we haven't. it doesn't matter how many times you are told "we get it." there's a little malaise. we want more than that and should have more than that for the money we spend. >> america's fish, we do a better job. [laughter] >> dagen: can i say something about abe vigoda? [laughter] i know why greg named it abe vigoda. i took a poll that nobody knew. i wrote down the elevator with abe vigoda. abe vigoda smells. >> greg: was he polite to you? he didn't say anything to you in the elevator like geraldo does. >> he was trying to look at my skirt. [laughter] just kidding. >> jesse: we will have to put him into sensitivity training. [laughter] that's next week. next, schools shutting down. america's education crisis is about to get much worse. we will explain. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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"this is your city, put out a psa. let's get some fire lit under these teachers." that would do a lot of good. she's got juice. you know that. then you call michelle obama. make a call. michelle made a call. jussie smollett got booked. she's not going to make a call in 350,000 school-aged inns are being denied an education? schools got everything they wanted. all the teachers got to jump line with the vaccine. democrats and democrats cannot do a deal, it's no wonder that republicans don't want to deal with these people. imagine being a chicago parent. he worked at a butcher shop, take the subway, go into an office building. you have adults breathing on you all day. they are still going to work. teachers can't go to work in one of the safest averments there is, a classroom? i would do this: i would threaten the chicago teachers with a test, not a covid test, an actual test to see if they can actually teach, to see if they are qualified enough to teach the students. basic reading, reading, and arithmetic -- i would throw in questions about covid to see if they are knowledgeable about this virus. if they can't get over 80% -- you had a great idea, geraldo -- if they get over 80%, negotiate in good faith. i don't think these teachers are smart enough to be in the classroom. >> geraldo: dagen, jesse mentions tests. one of the proposals by the teachers union is that kids get tested, every kid gets tested before they open the school, and kids can get tested, in the opinion of the union, without the consent of the parent. how do you feel about that? >> they are basically refusing these teachers to go to work for what is a bad cold, where they want to stay home, go to bars, and drink. get to work. i wish lori lightfoot would fire them all. 73% of these teachers voted to return to remote learning. if you fired them all and pulled a ronald reagan, wouldn't that be something? i guarantee you more than 27% of them would show up in the classroom. those women on "the view," leave it to selfish narcissists to defend selfish narcissists. they are willing to hurt children to protect themselves. i will point to all the people who sacrificed and put their health at risk before a vaccine to put food on people's tables, not just the health care workers come about the amazon delivery people, anybody in groceries, putting it out there, even drive an uber can put them out there every day. these teachers, half of them have thought about quitting. good. we need to blow up the whole system. quit. go find a job that when you don't show up for work, they will fire your ass. >> geraldo: greg, the squad is running the union, isn't it >> greg: yeah. you have "the view defending the teachers. if they go back to work, there goes "the view"'s audience. [laughter] teachers are "the view"'s demographic, cat ladies and sweaters and stained with chocolate eclairs. [laughter] kind of unfair, but -- >> geraldo: it is unfair. navarro is a fan. [laughter] >> greg: let me get to my point. i am making this point for a reason. this point got made last night. teachers unions have managed to take one of the most beloved occupations and redefine it as selfish and lazy. everyone -- all of us, in our generations, used to love our teachers. my mother was a teacher. i bet some of your mothers were teachers. >> mine too appeared >> mine too. >> the union destroy the image of the teacher, turned the classroom into a supervised prison. this is a crisis in america should not let go to waste. we should fire people. it is time to pull the money out of the system, start backing the parents, give them the money so they can make the choices for the best education, whether it is post-schooling, the palatine model. that's the only way you are going to make this better, is by introducing competition. unions hate competition. that means you will have to take off the jammies and go to work. right, abe? >> geraldo: what about the point that they want kids to be tested, and there are no tests available? don't they have a point? >> martha: it's ridiculous. they got billions of dollars to make sure that schools were safe. they have been told they have to go to work here and i agree. what of the profession are you told you have to show up for your job, and if you don't show up, you don't get fired? lori lightfoot wants to not pay them? good! don't pay them. if you choose not to show up for your job, you should not get paid. what i find really encouraging is that there have been some teachers who have bucked the trend, bucked the union and said "i'm showing up anyway." this wonderful teacher who was on fox earlier today, being treated for cancer, he said "these children are my priorities." that's why my mother went into teaching. my sister is an amazing teacher. they love the children. they want to be there. you are right: these individuals have changed people's idea of teaching. people need more agency. that's why they are taking it. 7% drop in enrollment in the chicago public school system in the last three years. in places like west virginia, arizona, florida, you can take your dollars and spend them the way you want. they spend way too much money in chicago on each child. it's not working. you can spend a lot less in catholic schools and charter schools and get a lot more for your money. >> geraldo: stay right there. one of the world top sports stars being held hostage over his vaccine steps after this. ♪♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dagen: the family of the world's top tennis champion, novak djokovic, claims he is being treated like a prisoner over his vaccination status. the sports star finding himself holed up in an immigration detention hotel in australia, after being told he does not qualify for a medical exemption to play in the australian open. he faces deportation and has a court hearing on monday. australia says he is free to leave if he wants to. in case you did not know, australia imposes some of the most draconian restrictions on the planet for the unvaccinated. >> you may only leave home for three reasons: medical treatments, including covid testing or vaccination. for essential goods and services. groceries, medications. to provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves. work is not a reason to leave the home for the unvaccinated. >> dagen: abe vigoda, i'm coming to you first. would you ever swim back to australia, even for a visit? >> greg: [fish voice] as a great question, but i will have to refer to mr. got fouled. [laughter] >> dagen: thank you, mr. vigoda. >> greg: this has validated all of your weird relatives who used to think where conspiracy freaks: the people who sent you disjointed emails with different typeface who had, on their bingo card, "the government will use covid to create a police state." they are right, at least in australia. australia used to be cool! you had a guy with a giant knife! now, it's a sad combination of high school detention and house arrest. citizens have to sit and take it. it could go on indefinitely in australia, which is why america is so special. politicians know this is a country born from rising up. the country is that "this is it, we are not doing this anymore." we are a country of fighters, and we will do it again by february 1st. you know what? we have got the second amendment. we run this country. >> to your point, australia has that reputation for being free and wild. why hasn't there been an uprising. >> geraldo: i can't imagine what greg is saying about february 1 and the second amendment. >> greg: i wasn't threatening. let me explain it. the reason why this is a free country is because we have the right to bear arms. >> oh. >> i sailed my boat to northern australia, and they went through that boat like i had a colonoscopy to get into it. [laughter] >> no-nonsense. you guys extolled the virtue of strong borders. australia does not mess around. the rules were broken. they were ham-handed the way they handled his case. he's a 20 time grand slam champion. rules are rules. countries are desperate to deal with this crazy epidemic. everyone is trying. there's no room for ego. let's put it that way. >> they were not clear, number one. i'm not going to the weeds on this. they were not clear. the bigger issue is -- this is the draconian of the draconian. you had the military going door to door over the summer, and enforcing a government's quarantine orders. the military. >> jesse: i'm not going into the weeds of this with you, either. [laughter] shocking. australia has violated one of my core principles, which is that celebrities deserve special treatment. [laughter] this man is not just a celebrity. he is the greatest tennis player of all time! he has 20 grand slams. he is tied with nadal and federer. he's younger than those guys. he's going to break the record. he is younger than those guys. what australia disrespect switzerland, spain? they are disrespecting serbia by doing this. many people are asking "why would they do that?" i am one of those people asking. he is allegedly in a hotel room with rodents. let's say a rodent bites his wrist, gets infected, has to be hospitalized. can't do a dropshot, can't do topspin, cannot slice a serve. australia is going to have to apologize to the international tennis community, serbia, and the networks that carry the grand slam. there could be foul play. spain and switzerland, i know switzerland is often neutral, but they could have conspired nadal and federer to make sure the joker does not leave that island. then, they can propel themselves to the number one title. i'm just saying, it deserves an investigation. [laughter] >> geraldo: that is as incomprehensible as gutfeld >> jesse: some would say more in incomprehensible. >> dagen: that is probably why geraldo was upset about the boat search, because he thinks celebrities do deserve special treatment. [laughter] >> coming up in the next segment, people who are obsessed with celebrity. it's going to be very interesting. [laughter] >> oh, no. >> martha: the chicago teachers union might consider moving to australia. they've been right in line with leadership there, who says work is not a reason to leave your home. maybe, there is a marriage made in heaven between the ctu and the president of australia. that's it. >> "the fastest" is up next. that's it. >> "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ >> welcome back, everybody. time for "the fastest." are you obsessed with all things celebrity? researchers causing controversy by suggesting that it might mean you are not as smart as other people, the harsh conclusion after people -- addicted to gossip and hollywood, to performing worse on various cognitive tests, jesse. [laughter] that's the question. it says they are trying to figure out whether it's because people have less brainpower because they are obsessed with celebrity, or if they just spend their time and focus on celebrity because they were not that smart to begin with. >> jesse: it seems i need to do damage control after what i said about celebrities the last segment. [laughter] i am not celebrity obsessed. i think people need to respect the laws of the jungle. when the lion walks through the jungle, people need to get out of the way sometimes. that is all i said. i am not obsessed. [laughter] >> he would like a free drink, though. >> people that are obsessed with celebrities, not as smart? >> i think we have lowered the bar for being a celebrity. as a traditional, world-famous star, i am disgusted by these imposters: real housewives, brian kilmeade from "fox & friends." [laughter] geraldo and i are the classic coke of celebrities. [laughter] emphasis on "coke." i think that is what has happened. >> jesse: greg, you are nowhere as famous as geraldo. >> martha: you're the biggest celebrity on the show right now. >> greg: i could go by my last name. [laughter] >> martha: you are the biggest liberty on this show, geraldo. you've been a celebrity for as long as i can remember. it's an interesting thing, chicken or the egg dilemma. are you dumb because you are into the tabs, or are you into the tab is because are dumb? i don't invest a lot of emotional capital into it. if you want to read "people" magazine, "new york magazine," go for it. i think that celebrity obsession is bad if you are not doing something for your own career to advance yourself. >> jesse: have you ever been on the cover of "people" magazine, geraldo? >> geraldo: many, many magazines. we had "newsweek." >> greg: he was on the cover of playgirl! [laughter] >> martha: playgirl, there we go! i wish we had that for this segment. >> greg: we can get it. >> may be by the end of the segment. [laughter] >> martha: on average commitment rate themselves 5.9 out of 10. >> can i respond to the celebrity thing? >> of course you can! >> greg knows i'm obsessed with serial killers. maybe, i should not talk about that publicly. secondly, i am obsessed with trying to figure out what work celebrities have had done on their faces in particular. i will take photos to my dermatologist and show him -- i am particularly fixated on nicole kidman and keith urban. i am convinced that keith urban wears a rug. [laughter] >> just happens to have it handy. >> you never know when it comes up. >> i think we need a better look at that. >> they need another shot of that. who hasn't? >> where to go? >> look at that. >> looks like you are about to make some money on a street corner, geraldo. >> martha: if that's what we have time for. 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[laughter] he cannot take his eyes off it. [laughter] it's adorable! oh, that is percy. [laughter] let's do that fan mail. >> television. >> this is a great question -- what a surprise. what is the clothing or accessory everyone hates but you secretly love? dagen. >> dagen: generally, i like wild prints, and they don't look great on tv. i snuck one in. >> greg: you know who else likes wild prints. anyway, martha. [laughter] >> martha: i think a fur coat. >> greg: people pretend to hate for coats, but they really love fur coats. [laughter] >> jesse: i would like a silk scarf, a nice high quality silk scarf to put underneath my blazer, and then put the collar up on my blazer, get nice and comfortable. i don't own one, but i would like it to. >> greg: geraldo, you have been in every fashion trend known to men and women. what disgusting fashion trait do you like? >> geraldo: when i used to be 6 feet tall -- that was the '70s. maybe come out of her coat is thrown in. it wasish, but i am joe the stature. >> greg: i will go with the fanny pack. we cannot admit it. [laughter] >> jesse: i thought you would like the heels. >> greg: only on the weekends. [laughter] >> dagen: fanny packs are in. they're hot. [laughter] >> greg: good accoutrements to the second amendment. when you are getting mugged and go "let me get my wallet out of my fanny pack," that's the last thing they hear. the next question -- >> usually, you shoot yourself as you are pulling the gun. [laughter] >> greg: that's when you have in our instruction. [laughter] what's the most recent terrible movie that you would intimately enjoy? come on, martha. >> martha: "blue crush." it's a surfer movie, a romantic comedy. there's a scene where she is training to surf, carrying a rock across the bottom of the ocean. it's a great, bad movie. i highly recommend it. >> greg: jesse, what terrible movie do you enjoy? >> jesse: "wrong turn 1, 2, 3, 4." i liked all of them. >> greg: there's four of them? >> jesse: you know when the zombies chase you down when you take a wrong turn with college kids? >> greg: geraldo? >> geraldo: all of the "rocky"'s, all of them. even the russian guy, then he becomes his friend. >> martha: 1 is a great movie. >> greg: even 2 is pretty good. >> dagen: "battlefield earth." >> greg: you dug deep. [laughter] >> dagen: it's so horrible and so delicious. >> greg: "gone with the wind." one of the worst movies ever, but i love watching it. it's terrible. >> dagen: it isn't the worst movie of all time. >> greg: it's terrible! i can't believe that is still on the air. >> martha: i disagree. [laughter] >> greg: "one more thing" is up next. ♪♪ can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪♪ >> jessie: time for one more thing. before we start, happy birthday dagen! happy birthday, dagen. love you. >> geraldo: happy birthday. >> martha: i'm surprised you did that. >> jessie: doughnuts to celebrate. you can have a bite. >> dagen: i don't know. my dad always told me don't eat on camera. your mouth opens really ugly. this doughnut matches my dress. isn't that pretty? >> jessie: beautiful. >> dagen: i'm 80. how do i look? >> jessie: you look great. >> dagen: thanks so much. >> jessie: happy birthday. congratulations to water's world. we were the number 1 show for the year on 2021. thanks for everybody watching. thanks to the staff. thanks to myself who had a great year. we have a big show on saturday night. we have lindsey graham, kellyanne conway, mary williams who may be primarying joe biden and an investigation whether omicron was another lab leak. you're not going to believe what this scientist found out. greg gutfeld? >> greg: abe is joining me tonight. we have brian kilmeade, kennedy, kat, tyrus. also, let's do this. yeah, you know, a lot of celebrity stuff tonight. we wondered what happened to andrew cuomo since he lost his job and where he's been. turns out, he's been rolling along, running in place, trying to get in shape. it's hard to get across plywood because of his scaly lizard-like feet can't get him across the floor. good to see him out and not hiding. that was at his pilates studio. >> jessie: very slip. >> greg: look good. can't see the nipple clips. >> jessie: geraldo? speaking of nipples. >> geraldo: we would like to give a special shout out to fox news super fan, agnes. we send our love to her in lincoln, nebraska. she's turning 100 this year hand she credits me for her longevity. she says it was one of my special investigative reports on drug abuse that made her quit the nasty habit of smoking many years ago so she can enjoy the long life that she's enjoying right now surrounded by her family. 11 children, 22 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren. agnes, i know you're watching. we wish you the best. >> jessie: agnes. dagen, birthday girl. >> dagen: i don't know about girl. old bag. dana perino sent me this. i loved it so much. so meet the shiloh shepherd tinsley. she's a miracle dog. she saved her owner and another man involved in a vehicle crash. the state police saw her. they tried to catch her. she led them north across the state line and stood on the bridge and pointed the state police to where this vehicle had rolled over. she's awesome. everybody should have a dog that wonderful. >> jessie: real life lassie. >> dagen: exactly. >> jessie: march that you're up. >> martha: so there was a letter that was mailed from a world war ii soldier. he mailed it from germany. he mailed it 76 years ago. it was lost in the mail for 76 years. finally arrived. it was delivered to his widow. she said she felt like when she read his words to his mom, she felt like he had come back to her, which is a beautiful story. john was 22 years old when he served in world war ii. he assured his mom in the letter was doing okay. and the post office figured out how to deliver the letter. and my untold story podcast with robert o'neal, the former national security adviser is excellent. it's about the threat that we face from china. download it at fox >> jessie: geraldo, if you can crack open the frame for greg. he wants to see the center fold. crack it up. it's beefier than the cover. >> jessie: have a great weekend.

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, Slams , Rodents , Hotel Room , Disrespect Switzerland , Serbia , Spain , Cannot Slice A Serve , Rodent , Wrist , Topspin , Tennis Community , Play , Networks , Investigation , Island , Gutfeld Jesse , Joker , Title , Incomprehensible , Chicago Teachers Union , Segment , Fastest , Of Australia , President , Ctu , More , Discount , Auto Insurance , Burke , Policies , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Coverage , Discounts , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Dad , Bum , Pa Dum , Sup , Garage , Seventeen , Everybody , Controversy , Researchers , Conclusion , Gossip , Hollywood , Damage Control , Smart , Brainpower , Jungle , Walks , Laws Of The Jungle , Drink , Bar , Imposters , Real Housewives , World Famous Star , Coke , Fox Friends , Show , Dilemma , Tabs , Capital , Tab , My Last Name , Chicken Or The Egg , Magazine , Career , Celebrity Obsession , New York Magazine , Playgirl , Martha , Cover , Magazines , Newsweek , Celebrity Thing , Course , Commitment Rate , The End , 5 9 , Particular , Serial Killers , Faces , Rug , Dermatologist , Photos , Keith Urban , Nicole Kidman , Look , Street Corner , Shot , Looks , Who , Fan Mail Friday , Allstate , Everywhere , Savings , Agent , Quote Today , 1 888 Allstate , 888 , Stop Rybelsus , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Majority , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Insulin , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 3 , 0 , Moving , Handful , Kidding , Address , Xfinity , Offers , Movers , Save , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Singing , Eyes , Bonanza , Fan Mail , Television , Surprise , Clothing , Is Percy , Prints , Fur Coat , Tv , Blazer , Fur Coats , Coats , Silk Scarf , Collar , Scarf , I Don T Own One , Fashion Trait , Fashion Trend , Men And Women , Feet , Coat , It Wasish , 6 , Stature , Heels , Fanny Pack , Wallet , Accoutrements , Movie , Come On , Gun , Instruction , Scene , Surfer Movie , Romantic Comedy , Blue Crush , Surf , Bottom , Four , Bad Movie , Wrong Turn 1 , Carrying A Rock , The Ocean , 4 , Turn , College Kids , Zombies , Rocky , Russian , Battlefield Earth , Movies , It Isn T , Gone With The Wind , Air , Hang On , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Stomach , Ulcers , Symptoms , The Tightness , Tremfya , Moderate , Pain , Adults , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Emerge Tremfyant , Reactions , Infections , Ability , Doctor , 16 , Hello , Jessie , Birthday , Doughnuts , Mouth , I Don T Know , Me Don T Eat On Camera , Bite , Doughnut , Dress , Congratulations , Water , Staff , Big Show , Saturday Night , Lindsey Graham , 2021 , Mary Williams , Scientist , Lab Leak , Kellyanne Conway , Primarying , Andrew Cuomo , Turns , Celebrity Stuff , Shape , Floor , Plywood , Pilates Studio , Super Fan , Shout Out To Fox News , Speaking Of Nipples , Nipple Clips , Hand , Love , Longevity , Lincoln , Nebraska , Agnes , 100 , Grandchildren , Drug Abuse , Reports , Habit , 22 , 11 , I Don T Know About Girl , Birthday Girl , 13 , She S A Miracle Dog , Bag , Owner , Shiloh Shepherd Tinsley , Dana Perino , State Police , State Line , Vehicle Crash , Saw , Vehicle , Dog , Real Life Lassie , Soldier , Germany , 76 , John , Story , Words , Mail , Widow , Post Office , Robert O Neal , Podcast , Threat , Fox Newspodcasts Com , China , Weekend , Frame , Center Fold ,

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