Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

"the ingraham angle" from washington. washington drowning in melodrama tonight. we began with the protection racket. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." for almost a year now, democrats have controlled the white house and both branches of congress. they are wrestling allies, dominating the university, our public and private schools, newsrooms, entertainment industry and many mainline churches. so why do they seem so miserable? they've gone from trying to scare you about the latest covid variant to railing on about how democracy is in peril and insisting the only solution is legislation that shrinks state authority over their own election. and of course, they've been obsessing over january 6th. today, they went all in. >> we are in a battle for the soul of america. >> december 7, 1941. september 11, 2001, and january 6, 2021. >> as we reflect on that darkest day, we remember the insurrection was not only to attack the building but to undermine the constitution itself. i just really feel the pounding on the gallery doors. >> of this shard broken glass, i have carried with me the last 365 days. >> laura: now, this was that the ater of the political absurd and none of the democrats who spoke to dave really believe the government is a ongoing threat from mega mob. if they were truly worried about political violence, which we condemn no matter who perpetrates it, they would be on the high horses condemning it in the summer of 2020 as well. now, i was there lafayette park from the white house when the fires were starting. bricks were being unloaded from backpacks. the police barricades were being pushed up against. all manner of things were being said to the capitol police and the police surrounding the white house.s i was sickened when violent force was used against the capitol police january 6th. and i was sickened by what i sold that night lafayette park as well. in objective terms here of the damage caused by the 2020 floyd riots was far worse than what happened january 6th. they were the costliest civil unrest riots in the u.s. history with insured losses estimated at over $2 billion. so by the end of the summer of love, more than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured and 5744 riots were declared during those riots, 624 arsons reported and 97 police vehicles were burned. officers were pelted with bricks, water bottles, fireworks and molotov cocktails. according to "the washington post," 25 people died across the country as a result of those riots. yet, almost all of the democrats emotion, they are real emotion was reserved for george floyd and his family and the protesters themselves. they were courageous demonstrations infiltrated by, perhaps, a few bad apples. when protesters descended on washington during the brett kavanaugh hearing, they smeared him and his family and cornered senators and elevators and how they banged on the doors of the supreme court. democrats didn't opine about protecting the integrity of the process or the institution. they loved every minute of it. so allow me to decode what really happened on the hill today and into the night. all of the hyperbole was really the last gaffe of the old guard. the dinosaurs of the pelosi/schumer age are about to go extinct. they know their political con game is coming to an end back in november and they are so petrified that trump or someone with similar use will win win the presidency in 2024 that they will team up with an old menace. >> what was going on with the enhanced interrogation techniques. >> the attitude that was there came from dick cheney. handing out billions of dollars in contracts without a bid to halliburton while you are still on the payroll makes you unfit to lead this country. >> you can always tell when the republicans are restless because the vice president's pulls into the capital. >> laura: but the darth vader was on capitol hill, dick cheney and the bush age and what happened to his old party. >> reactions from january 6? not enough leadership >> laura: now, let me say i like dick cheney personally and i defended him when nancy pelosi and others trashed him, but the condition he and george w left the party in 2008 was this: they lost the house, senate, and of course the presidency. inmate 2008 george w. bush was the most unpopular president modern history was 71% disapproval rating. that is worse than biden. and by december of that year, cheney himself was earning similar accolades in the category. so all the latter-day reinvention won't change the fact that the bush/cheney policy unpopular and semisupported. -- some of them i actually supported. but the economic collapse, endless wars and january, 2009 his approval rating stood at 22%. and cheney comes to capitol hill to decry the direction of the party? a republican party that has grown more diverse,e, bigger and more blue-collar since cheney left washington? now, that's funny. the fact is the bipartisan regime that kept the war going on longer than americans wanted to be there, they care moreun about promoting democracy abroad than preserving it at home. they are the ones who don't really trust democracy because they know when the people get their way, it means border enforcement and enteringromo unlimited immigration, keeping politics out of the schools and protecting women's sports. they simply can't risk another repeat of 2016. >> it sounds like the goal of the committee perhaps is to go after trump's inner circle and prevent the former president from running for president again. is that a fair assessment of the goal? >> no, the goal of the committee is what i said. we need to know what members of the body we are doing and what they were engaged in. >> laura: today was just another act and they are dramatic effort to save their dying species. none of it will distract from their own failures on inflation, covid, the border, these wars, afghanistan. the g.o.p. is never ever going back to the bush/cheney playbook. no,thank you. to preserve democracy, you actually have to trust your people, but they don't. and they are ruthless. if you refuse to concede that america is systemically racist, you are labeled a racist. if you show up to complain at school board meetings, you are a domestic terrorist. if you share your conservative opinions online, you get canceled. and if you simply attended a rally in washington on january 6th, you are an insurrectionist. how weak these cheney democrats have proven themselves to be. they control all levers of power in america, andne yet, their message to the world is "we can't govern and that democracy is about to collapse." once again, china has to be t laughing. they are doing the work. what a wild thing to see inn jut 12 years, democrats have gone from hope and change to doom and gloom. pelosi's propaganda on capitol hill was a blatant and cheap attempt to deflect attention from theoo cascade of calamity piling up under the democrat majority. but none of it is working. in just under ten months the voters of america will end the ngprotection racket for good. and that is "the angle." fox news contributor and speaker of the house newt gingrich. newt, we will get to what this is all about in a moment, but i want to start with this question. a former speaker yourself, wasn't it nancy pelosi's responsibility to oversee the protection and defense of the capitol? if so, why isn't she facing more scrutiny? >> well, i think she is theef person the most responsible for what happened. it was her job to ensure that there was adequte police and if they didn't have adequate police it was her job to ensure the national guard was there. so a lot of us i think advanced by the democrats who don't want us to look very closely at what actually happened. if you will notice, the political committee they have created is, in fact, only looking at political things. they are not looking at the various ringleaders who have not been arrested. they are not at a lot of the details about whetherots or noe fbi was as involved with iraq tours. we note that the fbi was deeply involved in creating an entire project to kidnap the governor and pretend it was being done by white nationalists when, in fact, all the leading figures were -- so questioning -- leading fbi activists -- so questioning everything about what happened on january 6th. again, a former speaker, i was deeply offended that anybody would do what they did on the capitol grounds. but as a former speaker, i was also really offended that the current speaker pelosi failed so totally in her job to make surer this didn't happen. this is a totally nuts environment we are operating in. historians will say this is a period that is mildly insane. >> laura: nancy pelosi went on cnn news, well, i reach for the pepto. watch.h. >> one of the things that we have learned that has come out of the last several years is how much the democracy depends on the norms of behavior. >> we must work together. aunt democracy is predicated on the idea that people will have different views. so we have to reach that place. and in order to do that, there has to be norm. >> laura: norm? this is the woman who top state of the union speech in half and that move, look at me, i will tear this beach apart and make my big point. that is the norm? >> first of all, that is a former speaker i found totally offensive. i was a speaker when bill clinton was giving state of the unions. it would have never occurred to me as a matter of historic principle that the state of the union, which is required by the constitution was some petty partisan thing. but beyond that, she's talking on a day when biden gave the most viciously partisan, personal assault, i think any american president has given. i can't remember any other speech that had the kind of vitriol, the kind of divisiveness, the kind of plain nastiness that was in biden's speech today. these folks have mastered this hypocrisy of saying "right after i beat you up, kick him in the kidneys, beat you on the ground, can i stand there and tell everybody how we want to work together?" that is whatat we saw today. by the way, kamala harris insane suggestion that pearl harbor would start world war ii, 9/11, each involve thousands thousands of dead americans were comfortable to what happened last year on the 6th of january. now, you had at most liberals don't study history. even know what pearl harbor was. she probably kind of knows the 9/11 involves something. but her comments, which i assume were reported by somebody. somebody understood and wrote that he or they were idiotically stupid. s >> laura: but newt, don't you find that historians,, jon meacham and others, they debate themselves completely and become propaganda tools of the left as well. >> sure, look, you have to accept the reality here they propaganda media and propaganda academic world. you have largely propaganda of bureaucracy now. and i will tell you what worries me the most and every conservative should takew. this seriously, they have begun to lay the groundwork to use the 14th amendment to the constitution to literally block people from being allowed to run on the grounds that they were somehow tainted by obstruction. this would be comparable to iran or russia or china. i think these people are crazy enough they may try to do it. >> laura: c newt, i agree with you, and we will get to that with john turley. thank you. and all of that anyway sixth has allowed the left who on elected officials on the capitol building perpetrated by their side. for starters, last year, he louis farrakhan rammed his car into a capitol police barricade killing billy evans. today nancy pelosi remembered him as a victim of january 6th. that is disgusting. and who could forget one of the most heinous attacks, bernie sanders fanatic on house republicans. h they were practicing congressional baseball game in june 2017. that crazed gunman nearly took the life of my next guest. joining me nowli is house minory leader steve scalise, congressman all the political violence that we have seen is repulsive. "the angle" has repeated that year after year. but some seemingly get the pass and others, you know, or reasons for preventing other people from running for office suddenly. >> laura, it is good to be with you. i agree with your comments earlier. you described the violence on january 6 as i have and so many others have, but all of a sudden tone-deaf when you look at the violence that happened last summer. kamala harris raising money to get people out of jail in some of the cities where they burned the cities. they burnt the police precinct down and shooting at innocent civilians, trying to kill cops. they killed cops in the number of those cities. where is the zeal to go after all those folks who committed those crimes, rioters, looters? this is all political theater to nancy pelosi, joe biden? imagine if joe biden and kamala harris with the same effort that they put into today's speech with ridiculous divisive things they said and actually doing their jobs and getting a hold of covid and reducing inflation. kamala harris could go to the border and address the border crisis. they don't want to do that. they have createdbo this crises and hurting families here than they use january 6 for political theater just to continue to trym to change the subject from utter failures of leadership. >> laura: and cnn tried, by the way, hyping a threat of domestic terrorism, but it didn't work out how they tplanned, watch. >> experts are now running the perils by domestic extremism as high as ever. >> and extremist rhetoric over the past two days leading up to the anniversary. >> this rhetoric leading up today. are there significant credible threats to the nation's capitol tonight? >> we have not received credible threats that we are aware of. >> laura: congressman, this is so we are responsible. i keep thinking what china, russia, and all the adversaries think. >> these are the same folks, by the way, called the summerus of love while burning cities down mostly peaceful protest. you remember that image on cnn. i think if you look at viewership, it reflects the lack of depth of their message. all they are about is bashing donald trump. 16 times attacking donald trump as if he were still in office. president trump left behind a great economy. he left behind three vaccines that joe biden inherited. what do we have? another resurgence after joe biden crushed the virus. he won't do anything to help families there. >> laura: congressman, great to see you tonight. thank you so much. happy new year.. one buzzword used excessively to describe january 6, of course, insurrection. so is biden's justice of the department level that charge against january 6th defendants. professor jonathan turley has this surprising answer in moments. raymond arroyo accurately predicted the commemoration and what it would descend into but even stunned by one move from them today. he is back tonight to tell us what that was. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. ♪ ♪ >> the insurrection for the attack on the capitol. >> we have got to keep saying january 6th. it is like december 7, pearl harbor and it is like 9/11 tragedy. >> and insurrection swarmed the halls of the capitol. and overthrow of the election. >> an attempted coup here. >> laura: how many times have you heard the buzz words used in the last few days? here is the question, how many words like insurrection, condition, treason. biden's own doj against the rioters? the answer -- zero. jonathan turley, fox news contributor and george washington university law professor. jonathan turley the charges stemming from the january 6 riots are a big tell, are they not, about what the doj actually thinks about this case? >> yes. the vast majority of the charges are for trespass, unlawful entry and many receiving relatively light sentences because of the level of charges. you do not have charges for insurrection, sedition, rebellion and the type of language we often hear. there is a type of mantra that you just played. and it has grown to the point where it is a litmus test. if you write columns as i do and refer to it as a riot, you get tons of emails saying, "oh, you are an apologist who didn't use the word insurrection." insurrection means something. it is a legal term. the fbi arrested hundreds. they investigated thousands. they did not find a complete conspiracy for insurrection or rebellion. they didn't find anything. what they found was a protest that had become a riot. that is also what the american filmic the american people see. the vast majority of citizens, when they were given the choice of calling this and insurrection or a protest gone awry, they chose the latter because they all watched it unfold. >> laura: now "the hill" is reporting a handful of democrats, scholars and pro-democracy advocates greatly exploring how a amendment to the constitution might be used to disqualify former president trump from holding office. and then politico, jonathan reported former trump staffers are trying to prevent him from ever being able to run for office. okay, so, these are people lecturing to us about democracy? what? >> right because nothing says democracy by keeping people voting for the people they want to vote for. this is the 14th amendment being abused in a way that i think would shock the people that wrote that amendment. this particular clause, this falsification clause was introduced after a bunch of confederates, former confederates including the former vice president of the confederacy showed up in 1865 to take the oath and resume seats in congress. a lot of people barred it and said "you can't do that." that was an actual rebellion and over 700,000 people died. that was a group of people that have their own army, own currency, own foreign policy. so to say this is a rebellion like that and that members who question the electoral vote are the equivalent to confederate traders, really shows how this debate has become. >> laura: they are worried about trump running again, well met, they are really, really worried about that. professor, good to see you tonight. we want to focus on the political theatrics and media remembrances of january 6th. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. i had to bring you on because last night you said that biden and the democrats were planning to produce this event and, indeed, they did. >> look, i said the january 6th select committee would be more worn commissioned. it turned out to be proved that today's activities, that is the way it is played out. now, this was like a daylong event. there were mourning politicized remembrances of the capitol. there was what nancy pelosi called solemn prayer for remembrance and the house where she assembled historians to recount their own dramatizations of january 6th. and yes, there were musical numbers. >> from one of the great talents of our time, lin-manuel miranda, "hamilton" singers who said that we are honored to participate today. ♪ ♪ >> we are all stewards of the american experiment. >> they are blowing us all away, all right. the demonizing of innocent people. fact-check no matter what historians are crooning, the fbi investigated january 6th back in august. they could not find an organized plot to overturn this presidential election nor among outside groups, trump, or anyone near them. in fact, they said 90%-95% of the people arrested were one-off cases. as far as the singers being honored to participate, even that is a lie. their performance was from october 20 event which happened before january 6th. even that was a lie. >> laura: that was from 2020, i think? >> october 2020. >> laura: oh, my goodness. well, tonight there were january 6 candlelight vigils, kind of beautiful outside of the capitol. pelosi did reveal the reason for all of the choreographed remembrance. >> it is also our duty to establish and preserve a narrative of that day. and that is what we are doing today. >> i hope everybody heard this. this is not about strengthening the republic or bringing americans together but about establishing and preserving a narrative here that is sad, laura, and toxic, frankly. >> laura: they want to make sure kids learned this "the right way," raymond. that is the big part of it. now, tonight -- go ahead. >> look, nancy pelosi gave cnn access to statuary hall. the open felt like the movie of the week. this preview by jake tapper demonstrates that this event is really the finale of the pelosi pageant we saw all day long. listen to this. >> the pictures are in her head. the images of the insurrectionist coming through here defiling it, destroying it, all in service to this big lie. native american civil rights leader. standing over there and i'm sorry, standing there. chief standing bear. >> i think he had it right the first time, laura. this is broadcast standing tall. and by the way, he talked about the insurrections moving through statuary hall. this is live footage of the actual day and statuary hall. they are staying within the velvet rope lines. what is he talking about? again, i don't lie to the american people. and this political holy day of obligation will not play well come november. >> laura: raymond, we want to see all of the video and we want to see the thousands and thousands of hours that nancy pelosi has access to. if they are going to do this right, nothing could be left on the cutting room floor. raymond, we appreciate it. good to see you tonight. we will see you tomorrow night for the next "friday follies." get this, biden's former advisors attempt a 180 and we will attempt you why should not trust him. the supreme court to hear arguments over biden's vax mandates tomorrow. one of the attorney generals representing the case brings the details in just a moment. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm shocked, and other embarrassing so-called public health expert. dr. michael osterholm and zeke emanuel who one week ago sounded the alarm for "the washington post" writing "the current omicron search creates the public challenge not only a pandemic but also as a lifetime. but now, the former white house covid advisors are singing a very different tune writing "policymakers need to specify the goals and strategies for the new normal of life with covid-19 and communicatent them clearly o the public." the national strategy, humility is essential. joining me now stanford medical school professor. these are the same doctors who have been smearing you and folks like the doctors for questioning the hysteria and the mantra that has been repeated time and again saying we have to learn to live with this virus and it seems like they are saying that. >> well, what we have on hand is a failed policy. we have tried for two yearske fruitlessly to basically contain and stopd the virus, maybe even try to get it to zero. it was clear from very early onset that was going to be a failed policy. frankly, i'm glad to see them join our side to some extent. realistically, we don't have a choice. this pandemic ends and it is a political decision when this pandemic ends. i think finally people are starting to realize you can't stop the virus from spreading. you can protect vulnerable people, vaccines and other treatment mechanisms should thel get covid, but you cannot get rid of the fire is. -- virus. >> laura: i need to get to this, doctor, cnbc is reporting the ceo of moderna needs a fourth covid shot and the boosters will decline over time. okay, fourth, fifth, do i hear is sixth, you in the back, seventh, let's go to eight. this is never going to end. >> there is no clinical evidence to support the continuing boosters over and over again. there is barely enough clinical evidence, i believe, for a third shot and certain groups of people. but certainly, not universal boostering. i think the problem is they are thinking about using the vaccine to get rid of the disease. what we have seen is the vaccine does not stop the disease from spreading. the vaccine can protect against severe disease and that is a good thing but not useful for getting the virus down to zero. >> laura: now, a mom called me today and one of the local schools and said "what about the new math we are supposed to have? n95 or h-95 i lost trackho what you are calling them but tighter fitting masks and schools are admitting that the mass the kids have been wearing with head under their chin did not do anything but now they are supposed to have tight fitting masks for real surgical settings and wear them all day long? doctor, how will that work out and doesn't make any sense? >> there is no clinical evidence that those cloth masks work. there was no clinical evidence for children that these new more tighter fitting n95 masks are but if they are recommending mask will work again. it depends on -- if you are a surgeon in a surgical sweep and wearing n95 mask, trained and fitted, yeah, it can work. but a kid in a sixth-grade classroom and touching your face because hot and sweaty. k it is just not a good idea to require kids to wear these surgical grade masks, n95 masks all day long.o they were difficult to wear appear that cause all kinds -- especially, it is uncomfortable. there was no political evidence that itau will stop the spread f the disease. again, putting this kind of policy in place, but what is the purpose of it? stop the disease spread? we have seen that that doesn't work. >> laura: it doesn't work. [laughter] it doesn't work. doctor, you have been a clear voice of understanding and common sense, thank you. speaking of experts, the advice biden implemented vaccine mandate for health care workers but the result predictable peer thousands of health care workers fired or quit. just yesterday mayo clinic fired 700 and vaccinated employees. 700! but the mandate future is uncertain because tomorrow morning u.s. supreme court over the constitutionality.y. my next guest will present arguments against these forest -- forced vaccinations. louisiana attorney general joins me now. an attorney general landry, how do you feel before the big night? >> i don't know if americans understand, tomorrow is one of the most importantry hearings of the supreme court that we will hear, arguments that they will hear. in our history, quite frankly because it will chart the courss what kind of government and what kind of america we wake up to, whether or not the federal government can intrude on the lives of american citizens and force them into medical procedures against their will. that is underlying and underpinned question in these cases. >> laura: now, the white house put out aa statement ahead of tomorrow's oral arguments saying the cms health care will proteco vulnerable patients that they get vaccinated. the need and the urgency for these policies is greater than ever and we are confident in the legal authority for this policy. i guess that is not surprising that they said that, but how will you answer that tomorrow? >> think about this, laura think about what we are talking about. do you trust health care workers to protect themselves and you or do you trust the government to protect you? that is a basic question. personally, i trust my health care workers. again, these are the same health care workers that we rely on to take i care of us when the were no vaccines and when there were no therapeutical treatments to covid. when we didn't know what the virus was. but today, now for some reason, the government knows better how to take care of them than they know how to take care of themselves. and again, i think what we will argue tomorrow is that irreparable harm we place these health care workers in the position we have put them in if this rule goes into place. >> laura: attorney general landry, i hope the court does the right thing. president trump's court-appointed appointees, i hope they do the right thing. australia covid madness hits new heights after he ordered the deportation of the world's number one tennis player. one member of parliament hopes the tennis player wins his appeal. he is here next to tell us why. ♪ ♪ do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: okay, right now tonight australia is treating the number one tennis player and defending australian open like a prisoner. despite being exempt from vaccine requirements with a medical exemption, tennis star novak djokovic's visa revoked when he landed in a country detained immigration detention area. now, according to his father, novak djokovic has been isolated in his room but put under guard and denied access to his mobile phone. this is how scott morrison justified this absurd decision. >> rules are rules. people are welcome in australia, but if you are not double vaccinated and you are not an australian resident or citizen, well, you can't come. >> laura: joining me now australia member of parliament, george christiansen. george, what is happening to the western world? what is happening to australia? >> a level of madness, laura. very much for having me on the show. we know the novak djokovic situation was a little bit of a damned if you do or damned if you don't. because he emerged that he had a form of exemption coming to australian, unvaccinated australians, you know, they've had things taken away from them in certain states of the u.s. have had things taken away and can't go to pubs, restaurants, cafes, bars and they can't even go to some certain states of australia. some people and vaccinated have actually lost their jobs as a result of not being vaccinated in government positions. you know, to have an exemption that djokovic sort of made it like it was superstars and up for the rest of us but actually, sending him back just rubs it in that you unvaccinated cannot even come into the country, even though you are the number one tennis star in the world, the australian open, something like nine times. >> laura: he is one of the top five fittest athletes in the world, right? i mean, we have seen football stars die of heart attacks. we don't know any connection to the vaccines or anything. we've had healthy people die for a lot of reasons. but we have unvaccinated people gettinginated people and transmitting the virus in record numbers in queensland and throughout australia, correct, right now? >> that's correct. that's correct. right now, we have peak vaccination rates up to 90% in australia. the adult population. we have a situation where only people who are vaccinated with some form of medical exemption from vaccination can come into the country. yet, we had omicron that is just spreading like wildfire at the moment. so this is a pandemic of the vaccinated in australia. it is spreading because of vaccinated people or through vaccinated people. so the question is, the logic behind this decision and many other decisions discriminating against nonvaccinated australians and nonvaccinated visitors. >> laura: is there any exemption made -- george, in a exemption or accounting made for people previously infected or no? >> no. and i know there has been a push on certain circles and empowerment to actually don't recognize the buildup of antibodies through natural immunity. it just shows another sense of theological nature of this whole i mean, i bet my bottom dollar that djokovic doesn't have covid-19. he is in a country that has very few cases compared to australia. him out -- >> laura: george, you know what i would say? george, you know what i would say? i would say djokovic, he's the one who needs protection going into australia, okay? they don't need to worry about him. he needs to worry about getting infected when he's there because it's all over the place. i don't think he has anything to worry about. but they are calling it the lost decade of use for australia. it keeps going. i know you are not looking for zero covid but it is so tightly locked down that you guys are killing us here with these rules. >> yeah, the problem is the stride is about to turn the corner, but we have state governors -- >> laura: horrible. >> laborers, we had one from the northern territory say that unvaccinated people cannot leave their home for work. >> laura: okay, i would say he can't leave. he can't leave his home and has to stay home. george, good to see you. up next, "the last bite." ve hiss to stay home. while the show was coming to the january 6th >> was it a group of terrorists that was fueled by whites from its effectsue we knew that it ws unsettling. african-americans were showing out to vote. >> that is it for us. >> we begin with a fox news alert. chicago public schools canceling classes for a third straight day no clear and between the union union and city hall. it is friday january 7th. >> public school systems are now refusing to pay educators that do not show up for in personal work and demanding they end the work stoppage.

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Bricks , Capitol Police , Backpacks , Force , Capitol Police January 6th , Police Barricades , Manner , Terms , Floyd Riots , Damage , Riots , History , Law Enforcement Officers , Losses , Unrest , Summer Of Love , The End , 5744 , 2000 , 2 Billion , Billion , Molotov Cocktails , Officers , Fireworks , Vehicles , 624 , 97 , People , Country , Wall , Result , Family , Emotion , George Floyd , Washington Post , 25 , Protesters , Demonstrations , Senators , On Washington , Apples , Elevators , Brett Kavanaugh Hearing , Democrats Didn T , Doors , Supreme Court , Process , Institution , Pelosi , Gaffe , Hyperbole , Dinosaurs , Integrity , Old Guard , The Hill , Trump , Presidency , Someone , End Back , Use , Menace , Win , Political Con Game , 2024 , Dick Cheney , Attitude , Enhanced Interrogation Techniques , Billions , Vice President , Capital , Contracts , Republicans , Payroll , Bid , Republican Party , Leadership , Reactions , Capitol Hill , Darth Vader , January 6 , Others , Condition , House , Senate , George W , 2008 , President , Joe Biden , George W Bush , Disapproval Rating , 71 , Fact , Cheney Policy Unpopular , Accolades , Category , Semisupported , Some , Wars , Collapse , Approval Rating , January 2009 , 22 , 2009 , Regime , Direction , Blue Collar , War , E , That S Funny , The Way , Who Don T , Home , Moreun , Border Enforcement , Ones , January 6th Select Committee , Goal , Politics , Immigration , Repeat , Women S Sports , 2016 , Members , Assessment , Body , Inner Circle , Inflation , Failures , Effort , Please Ee Today , Act , Dying Species , The Border , Cheney Playbook , Afghanistan , Opinions , Racist , Terrorist , Systemically Racist , School Board Meetings , Cheney Democrats , Insurrectionist , Rally , Levers , Washington On January 6th , Power , Andne , World , Work , China , Message , Thing , Doom , Hope , Gloom , Calamity , Blatant , Attention , Propaganda On Capitol Hill , Inn Jut , Theoo Cascade , 12 , Majority , Contributor , Good , Voters , Racket , Ngprotection , Ten , Question , Capitol , Speaker , Protection , Speaker Of The House , Newt Gingrich , Defense , Wasn T It , Yourself , Responsibility , Job , Scrutiny , Isn T She , Lot , Guard , Ringleaders , Fbi , Details , Governor , Nationalists , Tours , Project , Noe Fbi , Whetherots , Iraq , Questioning , Activists , Figures , Everything , Didn T , Anybody , Capitol Grounds , Historians , Environment , Cnn , Pepto , Watch H One , One , Place , Idea , Norms , Woman , Views , Behavior , Order , State Of The Union , Speech , Move , Norm , Beach , Half , Big Point , State , Unions , Principle , Bill Clinton , Assault , Folks , Kind , Hypocrisy , Vitriol , Divisiveness , Plain Nastiness , Suggestion , Everybody , Kamala Harris , Pearl Harbor , Ground , Kidneys , Whatat , We Saw , Liberals Don T Study History , World War Ii , Thousands , 6th Of January , 9 11 , Somebody , Something , Comments , S Laura , Left , Propaganda Tools , Jon Meacham , Takew , Most , Propaganda , Reality , Bureaucracy , Propaganda Academic World , Propaganda Media , 14th Amendment , Grounds , Groundwork , Russia , Obstruction , Iran , 14 , C Newt , John Turley , Officials , Louis Farrakhan , Side , Starters , He , Car , Victim , Billy Evans , Capitol Police Barricade Killing , Life , Fanatic On House Republicans , Attacks , Baseball Game , Gunman , Bernie Sanders , June 2017 , 2017 , Congressman , Guest , Steve Scalise , The Angle , Me Nowli , House Minory , Office , Reasons , Pass , Cities , Money , Jail , Number , Cops , Zeal , Civilians , Police Precinct , Rioters , Theater , Jobs , Hold , Crimes , Looters , Border , Families , Crisis , Crises , Trym , Terrorism , Subject , It Didn T Work Out , Experts , Threats , Rhetoric , Extremism , Extremist , Nation , Perils , Anniversary , Two , Thinking , Adversaries , Protest , Viewership , Love , Lack , Depth , Summerus , Image , Vaccines , Times , Resurgence , Economy , 16 , Three , Anything , Virus , Buzzword , Level , Raymond 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

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"the ingraham angle" from washington. washington drowning in melodrama tonight. we began with the protection racket. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." for almost a year now, democrats have controlled the white house and both branches of congress. they are wrestling allies, dominating the university, our public and private schools, newsrooms, entertainment industry and many mainline churches. so why do they seem so miserable? they've gone from trying to scare you about the latest covid variant to railing on about how democracy is in peril and insisting the only solution is legislation that shrinks state authority over their own election. and of course, they've been obsessing over january 6th. today, they went all in. >> we are in a battle for the soul of america. >> december 7, 1941. september 11, 2001, and january 6, 2021. >> as we reflect on that darkest day, we remember the insurrection was not only to attack the building but to undermine the constitution itself. i just really feel the pounding on the gallery doors. >> of this shard broken glass, i have carried with me the last 365 days. >> laura: now, this was that the ater of the political absurd and none of the democrats who spoke to dave really believe the government is a ongoing threat from mega mob. if they were truly worried about political violence, which we condemn no matter who perpetrates it, they would be on the high horses condemning it in the summer of 2020 as well. now, i was there lafayette park from the white house when the fires were starting. bricks were being unloaded from backpacks. the police barricades were being pushed up against. all manner of things were being said to the capitol police and the police surrounding the white house.s i was sickened when violent force was used against the capitol police january 6th. and i was sickened by what i sold that night lafayette park as well. in objective terms here of the damage caused by the 2020 floyd riots was far worse than what happened january 6th. they were the costliest civil unrest riots in the u.s. history with insured losses estimated at over $2 billion. so by the end of the summer of love, more than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured and 5744 riots were declared during those riots, 624 arsons reported and 97 police vehicles were burned. officers were pelted with bricks, water bottles, fireworks and molotov cocktails. according to "the washington post," 25 people died across the country as a result of those riots. yet, almost all of the democrats emotion, they are real emotion was reserved for george floyd and his family and the protesters themselves. they were courageous demonstrations infiltrated by, perhaps, a few bad apples. when protesters descended on washington during the brett kavanaugh hearing, they smeared him and his family and cornered senators and elevators and how they banged on the doors of the supreme court. democrats didn't opine about protecting the integrity of the process or the institution. they loved every minute of it. so allow me to decode what really happened on the hill today and into the night. all of the hyperbole was really the last gaffe of the old guard. the dinosaurs of the pelosi/schumer age are about to go extinct. they know their political con game is coming to an end back in november and they are so petrified that trump or someone with similar use will win win the presidency in 2024 that they will team up with an old menace. >> what was going on with the enhanced interrogation techniques. >> the attitude that was there came from dick cheney. handing out billions of dollars in contracts without a bid to halliburton while you are still on the payroll makes you unfit to lead this country. >> you can always tell when the republicans are restless because the vice president's pulls into the capital. >> laura: but the darth vader was on capitol hill, dick cheney and the bush age and what happened to his old party. >> reactions from january 6? not enough leadership >> laura: now, let me say i like dick cheney personally and i defended him when nancy pelosi and others trashed him, but the condition he and george w left the party in 2008 was this: they lost the house, senate, and of course the presidency. inmate 2008 george w. bush was the most unpopular president modern history was 71% disapproval rating. that is worse than biden. and by december of that year, cheney himself was earning similar accolades in the category. so all the latter-day reinvention won't change the fact that the bush/cheney policy unpopular and semisupported. -- some of them i actually supported. but the economic collapse, endless wars and january, 2009 his approval rating stood at 22%. and cheney comes to capitol hill to decry the direction of the party? a republican party that has grown more diverse,e, bigger and more blue-collar since cheney left washington? now, that's funny. the fact is the bipartisan regime that kept the war going on longer than americans wanted to be there, they care moreun about promoting democracy abroad than preserving it at home. they are the ones who don't really trust democracy because they know when the people get their way, it means border enforcement and enteringromo unlimited immigration, keeping politics out of the schools and protecting women's sports. they simply can't risk another repeat of 2016. >> it sounds like the goal of the committee perhaps is to go after trump's inner circle and prevent the former president from running for president again. is that a fair assessment of the goal? >> no, the goal of the committee is what i said. we need to know what members of the body we are doing and what they were engaged in. >> laura: today was just another act and they are dramatic effort to save their dying species. none of it will distract from their own failures on inflation, covid, the border, these wars, afghanistan. the g.o.p. is never ever going back to the bush/cheney playbook. no,thank you. to preserve democracy, you actually have to trust your people, but they don't. and they are ruthless. if you refuse to concede that america is systemically racist, you are labeled a racist. if you show up to complain at school board meetings, you are a domestic terrorist. if you share your conservative opinions online, you get canceled. and if you simply attended a rally in washington on january 6th, you are an insurrectionist. how weak these cheney democrats have proven themselves to be. they control all levers of power in america, andne yet, their message to the world is "we can't govern and that democracy is about to collapse." once again, china has to be t laughing. they are doing the work. what a wild thing to see inn jut 12 years, democrats have gone from hope and change to doom and gloom. pelosi's propaganda on capitol hill was a blatant and cheap attempt to deflect attention from theoo cascade of calamity piling up under the democrat majority. but none of it is working. in just under ten months the voters of america will end the ngprotection racket for good. and that is "the angle." fox news contributor and speaker of the house newt gingrich. newt, we will get to what this is all about in a moment, but i want to start with this question. a former speaker yourself, wasn't it nancy pelosi's responsibility to oversee the protection and defense of the capitol? if so, why isn't she facing more scrutiny? >> well, i think she is theef person the most responsible for what happened. it was her job to ensure that there was adequte police and if they didn't have adequate police it was her job to ensure the national guard was there. so a lot of us i think advanced by the democrats who don't want us to look very closely at what actually happened. if you will notice, the political committee they have created is, in fact, only looking at political things. they are not looking at the various ringleaders who have not been arrested. they are not at a lot of the details about whetherots or noe fbi was as involved with iraq tours. we note that the fbi was deeply involved in creating an entire project to kidnap the governor and pretend it was being done by white nationalists when, in fact, all the leading figures were -- so questioning -- leading fbi activists -- so questioning everything about what happened on january 6th. again, a former speaker, i was deeply offended that anybody would do what they did on the capitol grounds. but as a former speaker, i was also really offended that the current speaker pelosi failed so totally in her job to make surer this didn't happen. this is a totally nuts environment we are operating in. historians will say this is a period that is mildly insane. >> laura: nancy pelosi went on cnn news, well, i reach for the pepto. watch.h. >> one of the things that we have learned that has come out of the last several years is how much the democracy depends on the norms of behavior. >> we must work together. aunt democracy is predicated on the idea that people will have different views. so we have to reach that place. and in order to do that, there has to be norm. >> laura: norm? this is the woman who top state of the union speech in half and that move, look at me, i will tear this beach apart and make my big point. that is the norm? >> first of all, that is a former speaker i found totally offensive. i was a speaker when bill clinton was giving state of the unions. it would have never occurred to me as a matter of historic principle that the state of the union, which is required by the constitution was some petty partisan thing. but beyond that, she's talking on a day when biden gave the most viciously partisan, personal assault, i think any american president has given. i can't remember any other speech that had the kind of vitriol, the kind of divisiveness, the kind of plain nastiness that was in biden's speech today. these folks have mastered this hypocrisy of saying "right after i beat you up, kick him in the kidneys, beat you on the ground, can i stand there and tell everybody how we want to work together?" that is whatat we saw today. by the way, kamala harris insane suggestion that pearl harbor would start world war ii, 9/11, each involve thousands thousands of dead americans were comfortable to what happened last year on the 6th of january. now, you had at most liberals don't study history. even know what pearl harbor was. she probably kind of knows the 9/11 involves something. but her comments, which i assume were reported by somebody. somebody understood and wrote that he or they were idiotically stupid. s >> laura: but newt, don't you find that historians,, jon meacham and others, they debate themselves completely and become propaganda tools of the left as well. >> sure, look, you have to accept the reality here they propaganda media and propaganda academic world. you have largely propaganda of bureaucracy now. and i will tell you what worries me the most and every conservative should takew. this seriously, they have begun to lay the groundwork to use the 14th amendment to the constitution to literally block people from being allowed to run on the grounds that they were somehow tainted by obstruction. this would be comparable to iran or russia or china. i think these people are crazy enough they may try to do it. >> laura: c newt, i agree with you, and we will get to that with john turley. thank you. and all of that anyway sixth has allowed the left who on elected officials on the capitol building perpetrated by their side. for starters, last year, he louis farrakhan rammed his car into a capitol police barricade killing billy evans. today nancy pelosi remembered him as a victim of january 6th. that is disgusting. and who could forget one of the most heinous attacks, bernie sanders fanatic on house republicans. h they were practicing congressional baseball game in june 2017. that crazed gunman nearly took the life of my next guest. joining me nowli is house minory leader steve scalise, congressman all the political violence that we have seen is repulsive. "the angle" has repeated that year after year. but some seemingly get the pass and others, you know, or reasons for preventing other people from running for office suddenly. >> laura, it is good to be with you. i agree with your comments earlier. you described the violence on january 6 as i have and so many others have, but all of a sudden tone-deaf when you look at the violence that happened last summer. kamala harris raising money to get people out of jail in some of the cities where they burned the cities. they burnt the police precinct down and shooting at innocent civilians, trying to kill cops. they killed cops in the number of those cities. where is the zeal to go after all those folks who committed those crimes, rioters, looters? this is all political theater to nancy pelosi, joe biden? imagine if joe biden and kamala harris with the same effort that they put into today's speech with ridiculous divisive things they said and actually doing their jobs and getting a hold of covid and reducing inflation. kamala harris could go to the border and address the border crisis. they don't want to do that. they have createdbo this crises and hurting families here than they use january 6 for political theater just to continue to trym to change the subject from utter failures of leadership. >> laura: and cnn tried, by the way, hyping a threat of domestic terrorism, but it didn't work out how they tplanned, watch. >> experts are now running the perils by domestic extremism as high as ever. >> and extremist rhetoric over the past two days leading up to the anniversary. >> this rhetoric leading up today. are there significant credible threats to the nation's capitol tonight? >> we have not received credible threats that we are aware of. >> laura: congressman, this is so we are responsible. i keep thinking what china, russia, and all the adversaries think. >> these are the same folks, by the way, called the summerus of love while burning cities down mostly peaceful protest. you remember that image on cnn. i think if you look at viewership, it reflects the lack of depth of their message. all they are about is bashing donald trump. 16 times attacking donald trump as if he were still in office. president trump left behind a great economy. he left behind three vaccines that joe biden inherited. what do we have? another resurgence after joe biden crushed the virus. he won't do anything to help families there. >> laura: congressman, great to see you tonight. thank you so much. happy new year.. one buzzword used excessively to describe january 6, of course, insurrection. so is biden's justice of the department level that charge against january 6th defendants. professor jonathan turley has this surprising answer in moments. raymond arroyo accurately predicted the commemoration and what it would descend into but even stunned by one move from them today. he is back tonight to tell us what that was. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. ♪ ♪ >> the insurrection for the attack on the capitol. >> we have got to keep saying january 6th. it is like december 7, pearl harbor and it is like 9/11 tragedy. >> and insurrection swarmed the halls of the capitol. and overthrow of the election. >> an attempted coup here. >> laura: how many times have you heard the buzz words used in the last few days? here is the question, how many words like insurrection, condition, treason. biden's own doj against the rioters? the answer -- zero. jonathan turley, fox news contributor and george washington university law professor. jonathan turley the charges stemming from the january 6 riots are a big tell, are they not, about what the doj actually thinks about this case? >> yes. the vast majority of the charges are for trespass, unlawful entry and many receiving relatively light sentences because of the level of charges. you do not have charges for insurrection, sedition, rebellion and the type of language we often hear. there is a type of mantra that you just played. and it has grown to the point where it is a litmus test. if you write columns as i do and refer to it as a riot, you get tons of emails saying, "oh, you are an apologist who didn't use the word insurrection." insurrection means something. it is a legal term. the fbi arrested hundreds. they investigated thousands. they did not find a complete conspiracy for insurrection or rebellion. they didn't find anything. what they found was a protest that had become a riot. that is also what the american filmic the american people see. the vast majority of citizens, when they were given the choice of calling this and insurrection or a protest gone awry, they chose the latter because they all watched it unfold. >> laura: now "the hill" is reporting a handful of democrats, scholars and pro-democracy advocates greatly exploring how a amendment to the constitution might be used to disqualify former president trump from holding office. and then politico, jonathan reported former trump staffers are trying to prevent him from ever being able to run for office. okay, so, these are people lecturing to us about democracy? what? >> right because nothing says democracy by keeping people voting for the people they want to vote for. this is the 14th amendment being abused in a way that i think would shock the people that wrote that amendment. this particular clause, this falsification clause was introduced after a bunch of confederates, former confederates including the former vice president of the confederacy showed up in 1865 to take the oath and resume seats in congress. a lot of people barred it and said "you can't do that." that was an actual rebellion and over 700,000 people died. that was a group of people that have their own army, own currency, own foreign policy. so to say this is a rebellion like that and that members who question the electoral vote are the equivalent to confederate traders, really shows how this debate has become. >> laura: they are worried about trump running again, well met, they are really, really worried about that. professor, good to see you tonight. we want to focus on the political theatrics and media remembrances of january 6th. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. i had to bring you on because last night you said that biden and the democrats were planning to produce this event and, indeed, they did. >> look, i said the january 6th select committee would be more worn commissioned. it turned out to be proved that today's activities, that is the way it is played out. now, this was like a daylong event. there were mourning politicized remembrances of the capitol. there was what nancy pelosi called solemn prayer for remembrance and the house where she assembled historians to recount their own dramatizations of january 6th. and yes, there were musical numbers. >> from one of the great talents of our time, lin-manuel miranda, "hamilton" singers who said that we are honored to participate today. ♪ ♪ >> we are all stewards of the american experiment. >> they are blowing us all away, all right. the demonizing of innocent people. fact-check no matter what historians are crooning, the fbi investigated january 6th back in august. they could not find an organized plot to overturn this presidential election nor among outside groups, trump, or anyone near them. in fact, they said 90%-95% of the people arrested were one-off cases. as far as the singers being honored to participate, even that is a lie. their performance was from october 20 event which happened before january 6th. even that was a lie. >> laura: that was from 2020, i think? >> october 2020. >> laura: oh, my goodness. well, tonight there were january 6 candlelight vigils, kind of beautiful outside of the capitol. pelosi did reveal the reason for all of the choreographed remembrance. >> it is also our duty to establish and preserve a narrative of that day. and that is what we are doing today. >> i hope everybody heard this. this is not about strengthening the republic or bringing americans together but about establishing and preserving a narrative here that is sad, laura, and toxic, frankly. >> laura: they want to make sure kids learned this "the right way," raymond. that is the big part of it. now, tonight -- go ahead. >> look, nancy pelosi gave cnn access to statuary hall. the open felt like the movie of the week. this preview by jake tapper demonstrates that this event is really the finale of the pelosi pageant we saw all day long. listen to this. >> the pictures are in her head. the images of the insurrectionist coming through here defiling it, destroying it, all in service to this big lie. native american civil rights leader. standing over there and i'm sorry, standing there. chief standing bear. >> i think he had it right the first time, laura. this is broadcast standing tall. and by the way, he talked about the insurrections moving through statuary hall. this is live footage of the actual day and statuary hall. they are staying within the velvet rope lines. what is he talking about? again, i don't lie to the american people. and this political holy day of obligation will not play well come november. >> laura: raymond, we want to see all of the video and we want to see the thousands and thousands of hours that nancy pelosi has access to. if they are going to do this right, nothing could be left on the cutting room floor. raymond, we appreciate it. good to see you tonight. we will see you tomorrow night for the next "friday follies." get this, biden's former advisors attempt a 180 and we will attempt you why should not trust him. the supreme court to hear arguments over biden's vax mandates tomorrow. one of the attorney generals representing the case brings the details in just a moment. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm shocked, and other embarrassing so-called public health expert. dr. michael osterholm and zeke emanuel who one week ago sounded the alarm for "the washington post" writing "the current omicron search creates the public challenge not only a pandemic but also as a lifetime. but now, the former white house covid advisors are singing a very different tune writing "policymakers need to specify the goals and strategies for the new normal of life with covid-19 and communicatent them clearly o the public." the national strategy, humility is essential. joining me now stanford medical school professor. these are the same doctors who have been smearing you and folks like the doctors for questioning the hysteria and the mantra that has been repeated time and again saying we have to learn to live with this virus and it seems like they are saying that. >> well, what we have on hand is a failed policy. we have tried for two yearske fruitlessly to basically contain and stopd the virus, maybe even try to get it to zero. it was clear from very early onset that was going to be a failed policy. frankly, i'm glad to see them join our side to some extent. realistically, we don't have a choice. this pandemic ends and it is a political decision when this pandemic ends. i think finally people are starting to realize you can't stop the virus from spreading. you can protect vulnerable people, vaccines and other treatment mechanisms should thel get covid, but you cannot get rid of the fire is. -- virus. >> laura: i need to get to this, doctor, cnbc is reporting the ceo of moderna needs a fourth covid shot and the boosters will decline over time. okay, fourth, fifth, do i hear is sixth, you in the back, seventh, let's go to eight. this is never going to end. >> there is no clinical evidence to support the continuing boosters over and over again. there is barely enough clinical evidence, i believe, for a third shot and certain groups of people. but certainly, not universal boostering. i think the problem is they are thinking about using the vaccine to get rid of the disease. what we have seen is the vaccine does not stop the disease from spreading. the vaccine can protect against severe disease and that is a good thing but not useful for getting the virus down to zero. >> laura: now, a mom called me today and one of the local schools and said "what about the new math we are supposed to have? n95 or h-95 i lost trackho what you are calling them but tighter fitting masks and schools are admitting that the mass the kids have been wearing with head under their chin did not do anything but now they are supposed to have tight fitting masks for real surgical settings and wear them all day long? doctor, how will that work out and doesn't make any sense? >> there is no clinical evidence that those cloth masks work. there was no clinical evidence for children that these new more tighter fitting n95 masks are but if they are recommending mask will work again. it depends on -- if you are a surgeon in a surgical sweep and wearing n95 mask, trained and fitted, yeah, it can work. but a kid in a sixth-grade classroom and touching your face because hot and sweaty. k it is just not a good idea to require kids to wear these surgical grade masks, n95 masks all day long.o they were difficult to wear appear that cause all kinds -- especially, it is uncomfortable. there was no political evidence that itau will stop the spread f the disease. again, putting this kind of policy in place, but what is the purpose of it? stop the disease spread? we have seen that that doesn't work. >> laura: it doesn't work. [laughter] it doesn't work. doctor, you have been a clear voice of understanding and common sense, thank you. speaking of experts, the advice biden implemented vaccine mandate for health care workers but the result predictable peer thousands of health care workers fired or quit. just yesterday mayo clinic fired 700 and vaccinated employees. 700! but the mandate future is uncertain because tomorrow morning u.s. supreme court over the constitutionality.y. my next guest will present arguments against these forest -- forced vaccinations. louisiana attorney general joins me now. an attorney general landry, how do you feel before the big night? >> i don't know if americans understand, tomorrow is one of the most importantry hearings of the supreme court that we will hear, arguments that they will hear. in our history, quite frankly because it will chart the courss what kind of government and what kind of america we wake up to, whether or not the federal government can intrude on the lives of american citizens and force them into medical procedures against their will. that is underlying and underpinned question in these cases. >> laura: now, the white house put out aa statement ahead of tomorrow's oral arguments saying the cms health care will proteco vulnerable patients that they get vaccinated. the need and the urgency for these policies is greater than ever and we are confident in the legal authority for this policy. i guess that is not surprising that they said that, but how will you answer that tomorrow? >> think about this, laura think about what we are talking about. do you trust health care workers to protect themselves and you or do you trust the government to protect you? that is a basic question. personally, i trust my health care workers. again, these are the same health care workers that we rely on to take i care of us when the were no vaccines and when there were no therapeutical treatments to covid. when we didn't know what the virus was. but today, now for some reason, the government knows better how to take care of them than they know how to take care of themselves. and again, i think what we will argue tomorrow is that irreparable harm we place these health care workers in the position we have put them in if this rule goes into place. >> laura: attorney general landry, i hope the court does the right thing. president trump's court-appointed appointees, i hope they do the right thing. australia covid madness hits new heights after he ordered the deportation of the world's number one tennis player. one member of parliament hopes the tennis player wins his appeal. he is here next to tell us why. ♪ ♪ do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: okay, right now tonight australia is treating the number one tennis player and defending australian open like a prisoner. despite being exempt from vaccine requirements with a medical exemption, tennis star novak djokovic's visa revoked when he landed in a country detained immigration detention area. now, according to his father, novak djokovic has been isolated in his room but put under guard and denied access to his mobile phone. this is how scott morrison justified this absurd decision. >> rules are rules. people are welcome in australia, but if you are not double vaccinated and you are not an australian resident or citizen, well, you can't come. >> laura: joining me now australia member of parliament, george christiansen. george, what is happening to the western world? what is happening to australia? >> a level of madness, laura. very much for having me on the show. we know the novak djokovic situation was a little bit of a damned if you do or damned if you don't. because he emerged that he had a form of exemption coming to australian, unvaccinated australians, you know, they've had things taken away from them in certain states of the u.s. have had things taken away and can't go to pubs, restaurants, cafes, bars and they can't even go to some certain states of australia. some people and vaccinated have actually lost their jobs as a result of not being vaccinated in government positions. you know, to have an exemption that djokovic sort of made it like it was superstars and up for the rest of us but actually, sending him back just rubs it in that you unvaccinated cannot even come into the country, even though you are the number one tennis star in the world, the australian open, something like nine times. >> laura: he is one of the top five fittest athletes in the world, right? i mean, we have seen football stars die of heart attacks. we don't know any connection to the vaccines or anything. we've had healthy people die for a lot of reasons. but we have unvaccinated people gettinginated people and transmitting the virus in record numbers in queensland and throughout australia, correct, right now? >> that's correct. that's correct. right now, we have peak vaccination rates up to 90% in australia. the adult population. we have a situation where only people who are vaccinated with some form of medical exemption from vaccination can come into the country. yet, we had omicron that is just spreading like wildfire at the moment. so this is a pandemic of the vaccinated in australia. it is spreading because of vaccinated people or through vaccinated people. so the question is, the logic behind this decision and many other decisions discriminating against nonvaccinated australians and nonvaccinated visitors. >> laura: is there any exemption made -- george, in a exemption or accounting made for people previously infected or no? >> no. and i know there has been a push on certain circles and empowerment to actually don't recognize the buildup of antibodies through natural immunity. it just shows another sense of theological nature of this whole i mean, i bet my bottom dollar that djokovic doesn't have covid-19. he is in a country that has very few cases compared to australia. him out -- >> laura: george, you know what i would say? george, you know what i would say? i would say djokovic, he's the one who needs protection going into australia, okay? they don't need to worry about him. he needs to worry about getting infected when he's there because it's all over the place. i don't think he has anything to worry about. but they are calling it the lost decade of use for australia. it keeps going. i know you are not looking for zero covid but it is so tightly locked down that you guys are killing us here with these rules. >> yeah, the problem is the stride is about to turn the corner, but we have state governors -- >> laura: horrible. >> laborers, we had one from the northern territory say that unvaccinated people cannot leave their home for work. >> laura: okay, i would say he can't leave. he can't leave his home and has to stay home. george, good to see you. up next, "the last bite." ve hiss to stay home. while the show was coming to the january 6th >> was it a group of terrorists that was fueled by whites from its effectsue we knew that it ws unsettling. african-americans were showing out to vote. >> that is it for us. >> we begin with a fox news alert. chicago public schools canceling classes for a third straight day no clear and between the union union and city hall. it is friday january 7th. >> public school systems are now refusing to pay educators that do not show up for in personal work and demanding they end the work stoppage.

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