Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709

[laughter] just look back to into your brain. it's the one-year anniversary of of january 6th or as they see it pearl harbor meets 9/11 with a watergate shooter. it's the worst thing ever. so why commemorate it if it is so bad? well first it's easy. it's just one day, right? try commemorating the riots after george floyd or jacob blake or the burning of various cities in the violent malays after 12 won in 2016. you have to hold a commemoration every day. it would be like combining groundhog day with rodney king but don't hold your breath. unless you are in an elevator with eric swalwell. we will get to him later. instead of acknowledging the many of the dead caused by those lightless media prove riots, the press chooses to amp up one day of rioting, when they falsely call an insurrection, since no one has been charged with interacting anything. more people died at that travis scott show. worse, they salute online narcs who helped get people arrested for wandering around that to even after some capitol police hold the doors open for them. our government deputized a nation under the line guys of sedition to ruin people's lives and if you don't play the media's game they will say you're playing the event down. screw them. they are lying. it's the only thing they are good at. as we have said before about january 6th, it's a riot and riots are bad. that's what makes us good people here on fox. we view all violence as unseemly. unless it involves a safe word. that reminds me. bill hemmer, i need my leather mask back. the legacy media is just faking outrage to hide their own pro-violence stands which is like stilt or trying to hide behind a flag pole. to them crime and death are political weapons the kind that, hidden when necessary to win an election and then play up in order to not lose an election. let's not forget how the medium eliminated the rights and the crime wave. >> protests. it's not generally speaking unruly. but fires have been started. >> take your country away and they are taking down the statues and crime is rising and oh, my gosh, it is so bad, you listen to conservative media coming with think that entire cities are just, you know, embroiled in fights and fires and whatever. we went out and had a great dinner in new york city tonight. people walked up to us and said thank you. i watch you every night. >> greg: that is so not true. no one watches you every night. like a twinkie, that clip never gets old. here is the media now. >> january 6th represents an ongoing threat to our democracy. >> what we saw a year ago today is something they see as a continuing, clear and present danger to this country. >> vice president harris invoking the phrasing of the date that will live in infamy. pearl harbor. 9/11. and now january 6th. >> greg: kamala's stupidity will live in infamy. there is joe biden who was as left wing run cities burned, chained himself to a basement radiator. it wasn't until consultants told him that their leftist violence could help trump win that he spoke up. barely. yet here he is again faking concern because it takes the heat off his disastrous presidency and puts it on trump. >> we must decide what kind of nation are going to be? i'm going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm? or are we going to be a nation where we allow partisan election officials to overturn the legal express will of the people? are we going to be a nation that lives not by the light of the truth but in the shadow lies? for the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election. he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, as a violent mob breached the capital. former president who lies about this election and the mob that attacked this capital could not be further away from the core american values. >> greg: sounds like he wants to move on. the problem is the american people see through it like a peephole in a cnn bathroom. we aren't fooled by the media's. they only cared about january 62 falsely smear millions of people who didn't vote for joe while helping their own dying networks. they need trump like our president needs metamucil. more term content helps boost ratings that are limber then kevin spacey thumbing through a victoria's secret catalog. cnn is going all in and you can blame them. consider the mess they are in. the network that spent more time last year covering their ass than the news in zero time covering up jeffrey toobin's wiener. their star anchor fired in disgrace. arrested are implicated in sex crimes. no wonder they couldn't cover that story. it hit too close to home i guess. so gas bags like brian stelter gorge on january 6. they've been wrong so many times on so many things that they need january 6 more than alec baldwin needs an nra instructor. it's really about shelf space. the libs have nothing to sell. biden's horrendous performances creating a in the supply chain for other new stories. all they have is doom and gloom, inflation, crime, covid, the border. that is all they have to fill their shelves. is it any wonder. what coordination it is. you have the new republic, "usa today," ap, daily beast, "l.a. times," hollywood reporter. other than being covered in leap by the end of the day, there media interviewing other media, forming a media human centipede feeding on its own ways, high on its own fumes. what does that tell you? that nothing ever happens in life until it happens to the media. crime didn't exist until one day in january put the media and their idols on center stage. what's next? is the cast of hamilton going to pop by to commemorate the day? >> have a contribution from one of the great creative talents of our time, lin-manuel miranda. >> hope for the future, new energy to face the tasks ahead of us and there new promise of strength and the foundations of our democracy. ♪♪ someday, someday ♪ ♪ you'll blow us all away ♪ ♪ someday, someday ♪♪ >> greg: i was just joking. it turns out they didn't get the cast of hamilton! this is so [bleep]. according to the media the world is in danger because they were in danger when in fact the only person who was murdered was an unarmed woman who are brave media dare not mention ever. they finally found a dead unarmed female protester they didn't give a [bleep] about. their lives are and about as much danger as when brian williams was in his third tour in vietnam. before that when neighborhoods were destroyed, businesses plundered, innocent people terrorized, the media, that was as alien as an episode of "star trek." because the media wasn't the center of that universe. january 6th is their story. as opposed to the riots, crime waves you are suffering. for nearly two years they pretended everything was great for the january 6th happens and suddenly there is a threat to our fragile democracy, yeah suddenly they are broke up after a decade of painting targets on their backs with the use this day now to deflect from the devastation they wrought upon this country. it's the one product they can fill their shelves with and they hope you care but you see through it like a $3 shower curtain. you know your pain was never the media's concern. your pain didn't validate their core beliefs. european expose how their own leftism led to our civil decline. to them authentic violence had to be buried unless they could use it against you. you would be a sucker to fall for it and it's on every republican who does. you hear that, liz? let's welcome tonight's guests. she's more southern than a gun that shoots cornbread. fox business network anchor dagen mcdowell. when this lawyer approaches the bench, it's to knock out a set of 15 presses. former acting attorney general matt whitaker. he's done more headshots than a yearbook photographer. the most reliable seal since tupperware. former navy seal rob o'neill. she's like last week's christmas tree. out in the street after covering your floor with needles. fox news contributor kat timpf. that might be the best one ever. i know it's unfair and wrong but it is still the best one ever. i swore i wasn't going to do anymore drug references for you. >> kat: now you're just hiding them. doing them intravenously. >> greg: whoever wrote that it made such a good intro i had to use it. all of robs are about killing people. rob, i haven't seen you in a while. how do you take this idea that we have to accept that this is going to be a year anniversary like every -- >> rob: it's ridiculous. the way they are acting about it now. january 6th, in order to honor it we should plow down the washington monument and put up a statue of lawmakers hiding behind desks. they are so eager, including the cheney family, to send people like me to war. 13 people died and one explosion, do need to happen until it comes to your house. now it's an insurrection. when the only person who was killed was murdered by one of your cops. as a safety officer, navy seal for 16 years, watching that clown carry that gun. instagram warriors will yell at me for that. it was negligence. he shot into a crowd, hit a woman in the neck. 14 your air force combat veteran. ashli babbitt. the former president didn't mention the woman who got murdered by a cop. >> greg: rob, you get me so [bleep] pissed. i think about that woman and her family, it rips me out. >> rob: the nonsense about climbing the wall. you're armed. i wasn't there. you don't storm the capitol. mob mentality hits everyone. the only ever time i've been arrested i deserved it. i love cops. it wasn't my fault. well, it was my fault. but you can tell by the way this dude is bouncing, not only should he be fired, his instruction should be fired. it's a shame and they are politicizing it because it's all in thought. >> greg: exactly. dagen, it is kind of a naked, desperate ploy because they see how bad this is going politically. the american public does not care about an anniversary commemoration. they are not going to be buying any of the coins. >> dagen: i talked to a lot of folks, january 6th is not coming up in conversation. the media love a riot a little too much. last year, it was a lot of work and energy contain their glee. in one moment it seemed to justify all of the lies, all the orange man bad [bleep] that they had pedaled for more than four years. and now they just want to relive that brief moment of glory, that moment in the sun where their ratings were not [bleep]. it's like they finally got off the bench once in high school and ran a few yards and got to second base with a woman that you didn't have to put a bag over her head. that's the media. >> greg: that's a hell of a metaphor. you're right. i think you're right. trying to follow it but i believe that you hit on an essential truth. matt. another network we won't mention because i already made fun of them, they've been counting how many times we say insurrection. we have to say insurrection if no one is being charged? >> matt: it's not legally an insurrection if no one has been charged, there was no meaning or manner to overturn the government. we've had 700 people charged. all of them broke the law should be prosecuted. political violence is never appropriate but this riot or whatever you want to call it, mob, was never going to take control of the federal government and all the apparatus therein. the one thing about january 6th we also need to remember is we are doing this on a yearly basis, this is one president trump was kicked out the major social media platforms and that was as anti-american a move as any mob of the capital because what it did is it demonstrated that social media companies now control speech and -- yeah, free speech does not apply to private companies. we need to look at the power they have to regulate speech. it's extraordinary. >> greg: and also whenever you silenced somebody, it's not like you actually silenced them. you just push them underground and then they find other ways. you don't know exactly what they are saying. kat, you understand that, don't you? you are insurrectionist. >> kat: [laughs] that's nice. first you accuse me of doing intravenous drugs and then you accuse me of being in insurrectionist and i haven't gotten a chance to talk. >> greg: last word to you because you are the most important. >> kat: wow, that was weird. i think when biden said we really want to live in a country where this is normal? i don't think we need all of this and the weird zoom hamilton things which didn't really fit in with the rest of the event. to not think it's normal because even on that day, i don't think anybody, anybody at all thought it was normal. nobody turned on the tv and saw that was like, change the channel, boring. just another day. so i think when you make pronouncements like that, obviously january 6th was bad. it was crazy. but nobody thinks this was normal. nobody, nobody thinks it was normal, even the people that were there. it wasn't a normal day for them. >> greg: going back to what rob was talking about about the cheneys and the kinsingers, they think it's -- it elevates them to act like they are the heroic people. we are going to be on the committee. everybody thought it sucked but we don't need you to be the [bleep] ponds for the democrat. >> so much behind the scenes of how this got going. if you see a grown man wearing those kind of shorts at an 8-year-old boy's haircut. >> greg: there is a lot of questions. we don't know what happened with the pipe bomb. the blm activist that was there next to ashli babbitt, it was on cnn. they paid him. do you remember that? anyway. >> dagen: oh, but the democrats going to get to the bottom of it on their committee. >> greg: let's have some fun. up next, wokesters get a memorandum. shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. it shortens colds! turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> greg: is the sunshine state throwing shade as woke new yorkers try to invade? if you are a lefty hipsters searching for son, don't go to florida and ruin their fun. that's the message of fired up floridians. new york residents. cops in palm beach save vehicles with new york license plate received letters on their windows with a short but scathing message. "if you are one of those local people, leave florida. you will be happier elsewhere, as mui." i love saying end quote. still friendlier than messages left on cars in san francisco. after an investigation, it was determined a crime hadn't been committed. said a spokesman "residents were concerned about the lack of civility and respect for personal property. we understood that concern, as uncivil as it maybe and not characteristic of our community. it is not a crime." florida has seen a population boom, lock coming from new york. one former new yorker who lives in palm beach said the letters were another sign that our democracy is in peril. there it is again. that seems like an overreaction. exactly what you would expect from a big crybaby wuss from the city. what's causing new yorkers to flee the first place. instead of calling the cops movie take the flyers with polite silence. it sure beats a brick to the head in times square, you jackasses. i am in a bad mood. it's because i have been sick for 12 days. i am pissed off. i can't control it. >> matt: there is no crowd. rob is sitting here stone-faced. what did we get into? these people are right. these were not threatening. just don't bring the things that broke new york city down here and break it here because things are nice in florida. i was down there over new year's. disneyland was beautiful. i'm sorry. disney world. you're right. i am from iowa. >> greg: what is your favorite ride. >> matt: adventure avalanche? the himalayas. >> kat: were you hammered? >> greg: as long as you didn't see the tower of terror which is the worst. >> picks and mushrooms. it's a small world. >> greg: stop and take the mushrooms. >> the frozen ride wasn't too bad. that was more my speed. >> greg: i loved the simpsons ride. the spongebob. anyone where you are sitting in a chair, kat, and everything else is moving around you, i like it. i don't like people who put flyers on my car either but who calls the cops? >> kat: people who would call the cops, losers. don't want to hang out with them but i agree with you. the person who actually typed it up and printed it out. if i went to hang out with somebody and they are like, we are going to do, we are going to print a bunch of stuff and put it on people's cars. i would be like, can we just drink? calling the cops over a piece of paper, elicits detailed descriptions about how to kill me, not going to do it. they have to be detailed. >> greg: i apologize. i didn't put it on cars. put it in everybody's mailbox. in new york i think you can carjack somebody with a gun and still get released as long as you don't shoot somebody. but the sheriff in florida wanted to charge somebody over a flyer. >> dagen: that is just to keep the women quiet. not in your head and eventually she'll go away. kat would xerox her bare butt with me holding the top of the xerox machine. >> kat: you are always there for me. >> greg: do i have to start disinfecting the copier? >> kat: too late. >> dagen: we are disease spreaders. i have a different take. somebody printing out these fires is the person who doesn't know how to work the twitters. that's where the lonely, bitter people usually go to air their grievances. use it as a public service announcement. a lot of new yorkers moving to florida. don't touch there [bleep] cars. you know what, if it's me and you put your mitts on my automobile, i am showing up at your house and they will key your car and i will take a knife to every single one of your tires, including the spare and i'll do it every day, seven days a week for at least a year. >> greg: that's a fun little prank, knifing the spare. >> kat: is it true that if you knife all but one of the tires, that insurance can't cover it? >> greg: what? >> let me google that for you. >> greg: urban legend. if i want a better time to bring it up that on tv? >> greg: when someone flashes their bright that you coming or going to be part of a gangland murder. >> rob: i think they are saying they don't want people bringing their votes down with them. i love new yorkers. they are great. i have been to florida. new york obviously. with the new laws here, they are saying this isn't illegal. i wore this watch walking through manhattan. if i have to kill someone, i get a free knife. one of my favorite things, there is a flight out of westchester into west palm and here's how cool new yorkers are, they call it the miracle flight because when you get on there's wheelchairs. when you land in florida, no one needs a chair. we are out of here. >> greg: up next, how did a terrorist get a covid check the pain, the stares. no one should suffer like that. i said, enough. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at >> greg: why did covid relief funds go to a terrorist on death row? i speak of the vile piece of garbage, the boston marathon bomber. last summer the government gave him 1400 books of your taxpayer money which you would hope he would have spent on bedsheets from the jeffrey epstein collection. he has hardly paid assent to to the victims' families. that is colder than the seat on brian stelter's exercise bike. still unclear why he received it but literally what the f? he had our money burn a hole in his pocket when he should be roasting in the electric chair. meantime here is more covid craziness. eric swalwell was in miami to light up the town by bending over and flicking his bic. daily mail with the photos showing the liberal maskless in florida. the same florida that dems love to hate but still visit because they are scuzzy hypocrites. it isn't the first time swalwell has done something that stinks. >> used taxpayer dollars to help them cheat in the election. >> greg: that is the best thing that has ever come out of him. having to play that. >> i would celebrate that anniversary. >> greg: [cackling] that is the january 6th, the swalwell fart. >> dagen: i would -- you know he intentionally flew to florida because he knew he would get coverage. that is his oxygen. with the baby. he is pro-mask, pro vaxx, vilified anybody who doesn't believe in mandates. going to florida with his infant, going to get some attention. i can't curse so i have to stifle. i have a lot of cursing i would like to do but i'm not going to do it. >> greg: i like that self-control. rob, isn't it ironic, people should be wearing masks around swalwell. >> rob: that was funny when he did that, he blasted ass. that it's a cell phone, or a tuba player. i have never met eric swalwell. i guarantee he's a smart guy. he just has no shame. if china had any more dirt on him he would be in the earth's mantle. they sent fang fang over there. china is really good at this game and they are really good at catching our politicians, our d.c. people and then you get them with one and then we've got one law that you broke. we are going to keep doing it. swalwell got busted. he will say anything, he is also a narcissist likes buckle like most people in the building. >> greg: kat, would you like to discuss questioning the boston bomber or the swalwell bomber? >> kat: i always want to about eric swalwell. that fart was the best day of my life. the last time our country was united. >> greg: wouldn't have a gas shortage if you were president. >> kat: honestly. he is a horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible. but if you would've admitted that he farted, i would've defended him. we think you should not have to wear a mask, even if you are not eating or drinking. it's just that you think everyone else should not have to. >> greg: exactly. >> kat: even now, you can still do it. come out now and say that you farted, i will defend you forever. >> if he admitted he farted, everyone in the country would be like, my dad. >> greg: i want to talk to you, not about the farting. >> i will take death row inmates. >> greg: it's not just him. there must be tons of other scumbags. >> scumbags, college students, high school seniors. helicopter money everywhere. how unnecessarily distributed. there were people that needed it. probably most of them didn't get it and the people who didn't need it like this idiot in the real question is why is he still alive. the trump administration's restarted the death penalty protocol, put some people down that had earned it and were judged by their fellow citizens to deserve it. this guy has got to be number one. >> i know a bunch of dudes and it would cost less to kill this dude. >> greg: that would probably -- they would probably pay us. i will say things that come out of my mouth. >> dagen: i'm thinking about swalwell. as we say down south, he has to drop his trousers to get the 21. >> greg: there you go. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now, there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps control stress and emotional eating, and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. that's >> greg: do you care about machine gun kelly and megan fox? you are as stupid as a bag of rocks. does news keep you up late? try sniffing less paint. if you are obsessed with models, singers and actresses, your puny brain might be a factor. a new hungarian study suggests people obsessed with celebrities are dumber than those who aren't. participants were asked questions to measure their level of interest and famous people including whether they would be willing to break the law if asked by their favorite celebrity. hit men are cheaper than divorces. according to the research "there is a direct association between celebrity worship and poor performance on the cognitive tests they cannot be accounted for by demographic and socioeconomic factors? i once watched a kardashian marathon at the end i forgot to tie my own shoes. the question remains whether people become celebrity obsessed because they are stupid or being obsessed with celebrities makes them stupid. what if you are a celebrity and you are obsessed with yourself? [laughter] you are the expert, kat. aren't celebrities of our therapy. someone with a great life suffering from something, then our lives seem. >> kat: only interested in them if something goes bad for them. going in reading all of instagram comments and i am very smart. it's interesting, our people are stupid because they waste their energy on celebrities or do they waste energy on celebrities because they are stupid? what if we haven't cured cancer because that person is out there but they are reading all about the kardashians. >> greg: i don't think that's the case. i think it's good to keep people obsessed with celebrities. it keeps them off the streets. >> matt: i know that it's a hungarian stasi. probably the first hungarian study that i have ever read about but i pray that the american taxpayer didn't somehow fund this study. they confirm something that we probably already knew. if you spend a lot of time with the kardashians. you're not trying to cure cancer. >> greg: i hear this hungarian study made him stew. [laughter] somebody shoot me. oh, rob. this is when you would show up and say greg, i'm putting you out of your misery. >> rob: you would be closer than this and you would be asleep. tough crowd. >> greg: is this the problem, we have expanded the notion of what a celebrity is? a lot of these celebrities would not have qualified as stars in the 1980s but there is so many of them. when something bad happens to them. >> rob: so many more platforms. kim kardashian gets a picture taken of her, she tries to use it on instagram, she can get sued because it's their property. or swalwell. but a lot of it is people are making a lot of money off these people that go on tiktok and kids by the stuff and the government is happy because it keeps their minds off real stuff. there are people that could tell you the birthday of every kardashian and they think that the middle east is tennessee. >> greg: yes. well, it is. i think. what celebrity or celebrities are you obsessed with? >> dagen: it varies. i am obsessed with machine gun kelly's hair plugs. >> greg: he has hair plugs? >> dagen: potentially. you go back in time. his hair. all of it makes me feel better about myself. i invented the victoria's secret fashion show and been backstage and seen these mules up close and in person. they have zits and mounds as wide as a pickup truck. they don't look that good up close. in print, they look okay. i think it's probably better speaking of personal screens to be obsessed with celebrities then serial killers. >> kat: that's my problem. >> dagen: i have read eight serial killer books in a row. >> kat: looked at a lot of photos. >> greg: someday your prince will come. it could be an elaborate ruse and one day both of you disappear. it's funny because it's true. isn't that how the line goes? did i just confessed to a string of unsolved murders in the middle east? >> dagen: you have that shed outside of your house. >> greg: up next, do you pity women who are pretty n, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (swords clashing) only pay for what you need. -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. >> greg: women have started an internet squabble. is it better or worse to look like a model? content creators, as i understand, awful people, they have been sharing videos on the platform about their privilege. the women claim that they get certain perks that others don't get simply because they are attractive. tell me about it. last time i went to costco, they gave me free samples. >> let's talk about what pretty privilege looks like. it could be subtle things. not being charged for the extra drink or dessert. having someone offered to put the air in your tires rather than see you trouble doing it. >> greg: she's not even cute. other videos claim attractiveness can be a curse. 11 months us although she's not saying you should feel bad for her, attractiveness can be tough sometimes. >> everybody on this app wants to talk about how people are consistently benefiting from pretty privilege but nobody wants to talk about how pretty privilege can affect your life in a negative way. grossi was competition. girls see u.s. competition. feel laying lonely and being excluded. >> greg: maybe you should settle it with a pillow fight. a sexist might say. the reason women don't want to be friends with you, because you are hot. definitely not because you sit around filming yourself talking about how you're so hot that it's hard for you sometimes. who do they think they are? aoc? dagen, you are a woman. i believe women deserve this privilege because life is hard for women because they pay a heavy price on the commodity of youth, so they've got to use it while they've got it. is that a fair summation? >> dagen: are you saying that my shelf life is short? it is harder being a woman in so many ways. >> greg: rob, you are a handsome guy. you have pretty privilege? >> rob: i have heard that is true. men are intimidated to ask them out. if you can give the 16-year-old rob advice what would it be and i would say, ask her out. >> greg: what do you make of this? >> matt: i am from iowa. i don't have a ton of experience with pretty privilege. the things that were described in the first video are kind of things that happened in normal people in an ordinary basis. the guy at the station fills your tires were there. i don't know. everybody has their struggles. everybody has their challenges. i know that i front on this show, whatever that means, just like and hang out with you, greg. otherwise i don't know a lot. >> greg: to your point, you know i do a lot of charity work for ugly people. when i see an ugly person, i will put air in their tires even if there tires are full of air. >> kat: it's interesting. i have been both attractive and unattractive in the same day. every sunday, the woman who walks into this building and the woman who walks out of this building are very different people. unrecognizable one to the other. without the two hours and hair and makeup. honestly i think it's pretty much the same. i am glad, i think there is nothing worse than being a superhot 22-year-old because you are stressed out constantly about losing it. i was an ugly 22-year-olds with lots of bad for me. i have the focus on dying younger, before is a woman society cast me away due to my age. >> greg: you come into work you get so many people who want your autograph because they think you are a washed up macaulay culkin. >> kat: the only thing that offends me about that is that it's your joke that you have stolen. >> dagen: i have heard that joke before. >> kat: i know that i look like macaulay culkin "home alone." when i walk into the building, i look ill. i look homeless. homeless and ill. >> greg: i should've said. you look like one of the original bad new bears. >> dagen: you should've seen me this morning. >> kat was putting things on guys cars, go to florida. >> greg: matt, should've tried that joke out. we have got to go. we are out of time. don't go away. we'll be right back. and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709

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[laughter] just look back to into your brain. it's the one-year anniversary of of january 6th or as they see it pearl harbor meets 9/11 with a watergate shooter. it's the worst thing ever. so why commemorate it if it is so bad? well first it's easy. it's just one day, right? try commemorating the riots after george floyd or jacob blake or the burning of various cities in the violent malays after 12 won in 2016. you have to hold a commemoration every day. it would be like combining groundhog day with rodney king but don't hold your breath. unless you are in an elevator with eric swalwell. we will get to him later. instead of acknowledging the many of the dead caused by those lightless media prove riots, the press chooses to amp up one day of rioting, when they falsely call an insurrection, since no one has been charged with interacting anything. more people died at that travis scott show. worse, they salute online narcs who helped get people arrested for wandering around that to even after some capitol police hold the doors open for them. our government deputized a nation under the line guys of sedition to ruin people's lives and if you don't play the media's game they will say you're playing the event down. screw them. they are lying. it's the only thing they are good at. as we have said before about january 6th, it's a riot and riots are bad. that's what makes us good people here on fox. we view all violence as unseemly. unless it involves a safe word. that reminds me. bill hemmer, i need my leather mask back. the legacy media is just faking outrage to hide their own pro-violence stands which is like stilt or trying to hide behind a flag pole. to them crime and death are political weapons the kind that, hidden when necessary to win an election and then play up in order to not lose an election. let's not forget how the medium eliminated the rights and the crime wave. >> protests. it's not generally speaking unruly. but fires have been started. >> take your country away and they are taking down the statues and crime is rising and oh, my gosh, it is so bad, you listen to conservative media coming with think that entire cities are just, you know, embroiled in fights and fires and whatever. we went out and had a great dinner in new york city tonight. people walked up to us and said thank you. i watch you every night. >> greg: that is so not true. no one watches you every night. like a twinkie, that clip never gets old. here is the media now. >> january 6th represents an ongoing threat to our democracy. >> what we saw a year ago today is something they see as a continuing, clear and present danger to this country. >> vice president harris invoking the phrasing of the date that will live in infamy. pearl harbor. 9/11. and now january 6th. >> greg: kamala's stupidity will live in infamy. there is joe biden who was as left wing run cities burned, chained himself to a basement radiator. it wasn't until consultants told him that their leftist violence could help trump win that he spoke up. barely. yet here he is again faking concern because it takes the heat off his disastrous presidency and puts it on trump. >> we must decide what kind of nation are going to be? i'm going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm? or are we going to be a nation where we allow partisan election officials to overturn the legal express will of the people? are we going to be a nation that lives not by the light of the truth but in the shadow lies? for the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election. he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, as a violent mob breached the capital. former president who lies about this election and the mob that attacked this capital could not be further away from the core american values. >> greg: sounds like he wants to move on. the problem is the american people see through it like a peephole in a cnn bathroom. we aren't fooled by the media's. they only cared about january 62 falsely smear millions of people who didn't vote for joe while helping their own dying networks. they need trump like our president needs metamucil. more term content helps boost ratings that are limber then kevin spacey thumbing through a victoria's secret catalog. cnn is going all in and you can blame them. consider the mess they are in. the network that spent more time last year covering their ass than the news in zero time covering up jeffrey toobin's wiener. their star anchor fired in disgrace. arrested are implicated in sex crimes. no wonder they couldn't cover that story. it hit too close to home i guess. so gas bags like brian stelter gorge on january 6. they've been wrong so many times on so many things that they need january 6 more than alec baldwin needs an nra instructor. it's really about shelf space. the libs have nothing to sell. biden's horrendous performances creating a in the supply chain for other new stories. all they have is doom and gloom, inflation, crime, covid, the border. that is all they have to fill their shelves. is it any wonder. what coordination it is. you have the new republic, "usa today," ap, daily beast, "l.a. times," hollywood reporter. other than being covered in leap by the end of the day, there media interviewing other media, forming a media human centipede feeding on its own ways, high on its own fumes. what does that tell you? that nothing ever happens in life until it happens to the media. crime didn't exist until one day in january put the media and their idols on center stage. what's next? is the cast of hamilton going to pop by to commemorate the day? >> have a contribution from one of the great creative talents of our time, lin-manuel miranda. >> hope for the future, new energy to face the tasks ahead of us and there new promise of strength and the foundations of our democracy. ♪♪ someday, someday ♪ ♪ you'll blow us all away ♪ ♪ someday, someday ♪♪ >> greg: i was just joking. it turns out they didn't get the cast of hamilton! this is so [bleep]. according to the media the world is in danger because they were in danger when in fact the only person who was murdered was an unarmed woman who are brave media dare not mention ever. they finally found a dead unarmed female protester they didn't give a [bleep] about. their lives are and about as much danger as when brian williams was in his third tour in vietnam. before that when neighborhoods were destroyed, businesses plundered, innocent people terrorized, the media, that was as alien as an episode of "star trek." because the media wasn't the center of that universe. january 6th is their story. as opposed to the riots, crime waves you are suffering. for nearly two years they pretended everything was great for the january 6th happens and suddenly there is a threat to our fragile democracy, yeah suddenly they are broke up after a decade of painting targets on their backs with the use this day now to deflect from the devastation they wrought upon this country. it's the one product they can fill their shelves with and they hope you care but you see through it like a $3 shower curtain. you know your pain was never the media's concern. your pain didn't validate their core beliefs. european expose how their own leftism led to our civil decline. to them authentic violence had to be buried unless they could use it against you. you would be a sucker to fall for it and it's on every republican who does. you hear that, liz? let's welcome tonight's guests. she's more southern than a gun that shoots cornbread. fox business network anchor dagen mcdowell. when this lawyer approaches the bench, it's to knock out a set of 15 presses. former acting attorney general matt whitaker. he's done more headshots than a yearbook photographer. the most reliable seal since tupperware. former navy seal rob o'neill. she's like last week's christmas tree. out in the street after covering your floor with needles. fox news contributor kat timpf. that might be the best one ever. i know it's unfair and wrong but it is still the best one ever. i swore i wasn't going to do anymore drug references for you. >> kat: now you're just hiding them. doing them intravenously. >> greg: whoever wrote that it made such a good intro i had to use it. all of robs are about killing people. rob, i haven't seen you in a while. how do you take this idea that we have to accept that this is going to be a year anniversary like every -- >> rob: it's ridiculous. the way they are acting about it now. january 6th, in order to honor it we should plow down the washington monument and put up a statue of lawmakers hiding behind desks. they are so eager, including the cheney family, to send people like me to war. 13 people died and one explosion, do need to happen until it comes to your house. now it's an insurrection. when the only person who was killed was murdered by one of your cops. as a safety officer, navy seal for 16 years, watching that clown carry that gun. instagram warriors will yell at me for that. it was negligence. he shot into a crowd, hit a woman in the neck. 14 your air force combat veteran. ashli babbitt. the former president didn't mention the woman who got murdered by a cop. >> greg: rob, you get me so [bleep] pissed. i think about that woman and her family, it rips me out. >> rob: the nonsense about climbing the wall. you're armed. i wasn't there. you don't storm the capitol. mob mentality hits everyone. the only ever time i've been arrested i deserved it. i love cops. it wasn't my fault. well, it was my fault. but you can tell by the way this dude is bouncing, not only should he be fired, his instruction should be fired. it's a shame and they are politicizing it because it's all in thought. >> greg: exactly. dagen, it is kind of a naked, desperate ploy because they see how bad this is going politically. the american public does not care about an anniversary commemoration. they are not going to be buying any of the coins. >> dagen: i talked to a lot of folks, january 6th is not coming up in conversation. the media love a riot a little too much. last year, it was a lot of work and energy contain their glee. in one moment it seemed to justify all of the lies, all the orange man bad [bleep] that they had pedaled for more than four years. and now they just want to relive that brief moment of glory, that moment in the sun where their ratings were not [bleep]. it's like they finally got off the bench once in high school and ran a few yards and got to second base with a woman that you didn't have to put a bag over her head. that's the media. >> greg: that's a hell of a metaphor. you're right. i think you're right. trying to follow it but i believe that you hit on an essential truth. matt. another network we won't mention because i already made fun of them, they've been counting how many times we say insurrection. we have to say insurrection if no one is being charged? >> matt: it's not legally an insurrection if no one has been charged, there was no meaning or manner to overturn the government. we've had 700 people charged. all of them broke the law should be prosecuted. political violence is never appropriate but this riot or whatever you want to call it, mob, was never going to take control of the federal government and all the apparatus therein. the one thing about january 6th we also need to remember is we are doing this on a yearly basis, this is one president trump was kicked out the major social media platforms and that was as anti-american a move as any mob of the capital because what it did is it demonstrated that social media companies now control speech and -- yeah, free speech does not apply to private companies. we need to look at the power they have to regulate speech. it's extraordinary. >> greg: and also whenever you silenced somebody, it's not like you actually silenced them. you just push them underground and then they find other ways. you don't know exactly what they are saying. kat, you understand that, don't you? you are insurrectionist. >> kat: [laughs] that's nice. first you accuse me of doing intravenous drugs and then you accuse me of being in insurrectionist and i haven't gotten a chance to talk. >> greg: last word to you because you are the most important. >> kat: wow, that was weird. i think when biden said we really want to live in a country where this is normal? i don't think we need all of this and the weird zoom hamilton things which didn't really fit in with the rest of the event. to not think it's normal because even on that day, i don't think anybody, anybody at all thought it was normal. nobody turned on the tv and saw that was like, change the channel, boring. just another day. so i think when you make pronouncements like that, obviously january 6th was bad. it was crazy. but nobody thinks this was normal. nobody, nobody thinks it was normal, even the people that were there. it wasn't a normal day for them. >> greg: going back to what rob was talking about about the cheneys and the kinsingers, they think it's -- it elevates them to act like they are the heroic people. we are going to be on the committee. everybody thought it sucked but we don't need you to be the [bleep] ponds for the democrat. >> so much behind the scenes of how this got going. if you see a grown man wearing those kind of shorts at an 8-year-old boy's haircut. >> greg: there is a lot of questions. we don't know what happened with the pipe bomb. the blm activist that was there next to ashli babbitt, it was on cnn. they paid him. do you remember that? anyway. >> dagen: oh, but the democrats going to get to the bottom of it on their committee. >> greg: let's have some fun. up next, wokesters get a memorandum. shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. it shortens colds! turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> greg: is the sunshine state throwing shade as woke new yorkers try to invade? if you are a lefty hipsters searching for son, don't go to florida and ruin their fun. that's the message of fired up floridians. new york residents. cops in palm beach save vehicles with new york license plate received letters on their windows with a short but scathing message. "if you are one of those local people, leave florida. you will be happier elsewhere, as mui." i love saying end quote. still friendlier than messages left on cars in san francisco. after an investigation, it was determined a crime hadn't been committed. said a spokesman "residents were concerned about the lack of civility and respect for personal property. we understood that concern, as uncivil as it maybe and not characteristic of our community. it is not a crime." florida has seen a population boom, lock coming from new york. one former new yorker who lives in palm beach said the letters were another sign that our democracy is in peril. there it is again. that seems like an overreaction. exactly what you would expect from a big crybaby wuss from the city. what's causing new yorkers to flee the first place. instead of calling the cops movie take the flyers with polite silence. it sure beats a brick to the head in times square, you jackasses. i am in a bad mood. it's because i have been sick for 12 days. i am pissed off. i can't control it. >> matt: there is no crowd. rob is sitting here stone-faced. what did we get into? these people are right. these were not threatening. just don't bring the things that broke new york city down here and break it here because things are nice in florida. i was down there over new year's. disneyland was beautiful. i'm sorry. disney world. you're right. i am from iowa. >> greg: what is your favorite ride. >> matt: adventure avalanche? the himalayas. >> kat: were you hammered? >> greg: as long as you didn't see the tower of terror which is the worst. >> picks and mushrooms. it's a small world. >> greg: stop and take the mushrooms. >> the frozen ride wasn't too bad. that was more my speed. >> greg: i loved the simpsons ride. the spongebob. anyone where you are sitting in a chair, kat, and everything else is moving around you, i like it. i don't like people who put flyers on my car either but who calls the cops? >> kat: people who would call the cops, losers. don't want to hang out with them but i agree with you. the person who actually typed it up and printed it out. if i went to hang out with somebody and they are like, we are going to do, we are going to print a bunch of stuff and put it on people's cars. i would be like, can we just drink? calling the cops over a piece of paper, elicits detailed descriptions about how to kill me, not going to do it. they have to be detailed. >> greg: i apologize. i didn't put it on cars. put it in everybody's mailbox. in new york i think you can carjack somebody with a gun and still get released as long as you don't shoot somebody. but the sheriff in florida wanted to charge somebody over a flyer. >> dagen: that is just to keep the women quiet. not in your head and eventually she'll go away. kat would xerox her bare butt with me holding the top of the xerox machine. >> kat: you are always there for me. >> greg: do i have to start disinfecting the copier? >> kat: too late. >> dagen: we are disease spreaders. i have a different take. somebody printing out these fires is the person who doesn't know how to work the twitters. that's where the lonely, bitter people usually go to air their grievances. use it as a public service announcement. a lot of new yorkers moving to florida. don't touch there [bleep] cars. you know what, if it's me and you put your mitts on my automobile, i am showing up at your house and they will key your car and i will take a knife to every single one of your tires, including the spare and i'll do it every day, seven days a week for at least a year. >> greg: that's a fun little prank, knifing the spare. >> kat: is it true that if you knife all but one of the tires, that insurance can't cover it? >> greg: what? >> let me google that for you. >> greg: urban legend. if i want a better time to bring it up that on tv? >> greg: when someone flashes their bright that you coming or going to be part of a gangland murder. >> rob: i think they are saying they don't want people bringing their votes down with them. i love new yorkers. they are great. i have been to florida. new york obviously. with the new laws here, they are saying this isn't illegal. i wore this watch walking through manhattan. if i have to kill someone, i get a free knife. one of my favorite things, there is a flight out of westchester into west palm and here's how cool new yorkers are, they call it the miracle flight because when you get on there's wheelchairs. when you land in florida, no one needs a chair. we are out of here. >> greg: up next, how did a terrorist get a covid check the pain, the stares. no one should suffer like that. i said, enough. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at >> greg: why did covid relief funds go to a terrorist on death row? i speak of the vile piece of garbage, the boston marathon bomber. last summer the government gave him 1400 books of your taxpayer money which you would hope he would have spent on bedsheets from the jeffrey epstein collection. he has hardly paid assent to to the victims' families. that is colder than the seat on brian stelter's exercise bike. still unclear why he received it but literally what the f? he had our money burn a hole in his pocket when he should be roasting in the electric chair. meantime here is more covid craziness. eric swalwell was in miami to light up the town by bending over and flicking his bic. daily mail with the photos showing the liberal maskless in florida. the same florida that dems love to hate but still visit because they are scuzzy hypocrites. it isn't the first time swalwell has done something that stinks. >> used taxpayer dollars to help them cheat in the election. >> greg: that is the best thing that has ever come out of him. having to play that. >> i would celebrate that anniversary. >> greg: [cackling] that is the january 6th, the swalwell fart. >> dagen: i would -- you know he intentionally flew to florida because he knew he would get coverage. that is his oxygen. with the baby. he is pro-mask, pro vaxx, vilified anybody who doesn't believe in mandates. going to florida with his infant, going to get some attention. i can't curse so i have to stifle. i have a lot of cursing i would like to do but i'm not going to do it. >> greg: i like that self-control. rob, isn't it ironic, people should be wearing masks around swalwell. >> rob: that was funny when he did that, he blasted ass. that it's a cell phone, or a tuba player. i have never met eric swalwell. i guarantee he's a smart guy. he just has no shame. if china had any more dirt on him he would be in the earth's mantle. they sent fang fang over there. china is really good at this game and they are really good at catching our politicians, our d.c. people and then you get them with one and then we've got one law that you broke. we are going to keep doing it. swalwell got busted. he will say anything, he is also a narcissist likes buckle like most people in the building. >> greg: kat, would you like to discuss questioning the boston bomber or the swalwell bomber? >> kat: i always want to about eric swalwell. that fart was the best day of my life. the last time our country was united. >> greg: wouldn't have a gas shortage if you were president. >> kat: honestly. he is a horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible. but if you would've admitted that he farted, i would've defended him. we think you should not have to wear a mask, even if you are not eating or drinking. it's just that you think everyone else should not have to. >> greg: exactly. >> kat: even now, you can still do it. come out now and say that you farted, i will defend you forever. >> if he admitted he farted, everyone in the country would be like, my dad. >> greg: i want to talk to you, not about the farting. >> i will take death row inmates. >> greg: it's not just him. there must be tons of other scumbags. >> scumbags, college students, high school seniors. helicopter money everywhere. how unnecessarily distributed. there were people that needed it. probably most of them didn't get it and the people who didn't need it like this idiot in the real question is why is he still alive. the trump administration's restarted the death penalty protocol, put some people down that had earned it and were judged by their fellow citizens to deserve it. this guy has got to be number one. >> i know a bunch of dudes and it would cost less to kill this dude. >> greg: that would probably -- they would probably pay us. i will say things that come out of my mouth. >> dagen: i'm thinking about swalwell. as we say down south, he has to drop his trousers to get the 21. >> greg: there you go. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now, there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps control stress and emotional eating, and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. that's >> greg: do you care about machine gun kelly and megan fox? you are as stupid as a bag of rocks. does news keep you up late? try sniffing less paint. if you are obsessed with models, singers and actresses, your puny brain might be a factor. a new hungarian study suggests people obsessed with celebrities are dumber than those who aren't. participants were asked questions to measure their level of interest and famous people including whether they would be willing to break the law if asked by their favorite celebrity. hit men are cheaper than divorces. according to the research "there is a direct association between celebrity worship and poor performance on the cognitive tests they cannot be accounted for by demographic and socioeconomic factors? i once watched a kardashian marathon at the end i forgot to tie my own shoes. the question remains whether people become celebrity obsessed because they are stupid or being obsessed with celebrities makes them stupid. what if you are a celebrity and you are obsessed with yourself? [laughter] you are the expert, kat. aren't celebrities of our therapy. someone with a great life suffering from something, then our lives seem. >> kat: only interested in them if something goes bad for them. going in reading all of instagram comments and i am very smart. it's interesting, our people are stupid because they waste their energy on celebrities or do they waste energy on celebrities because they are stupid? what if we haven't cured cancer because that person is out there but they are reading all about the kardashians. >> greg: i don't think that's the case. i think it's good to keep people obsessed with celebrities. it keeps them off the streets. >> matt: i know that it's a hungarian stasi. probably the first hungarian study that i have ever read about but i pray that the american taxpayer didn't somehow fund this study. they confirm something that we probably already knew. if you spend a lot of time with the kardashians. you're not trying to cure cancer. >> greg: i hear this hungarian study made him stew. [laughter] somebody shoot me. oh, rob. this is when you would show up and say greg, i'm putting you out of your misery. >> rob: you would be closer than this and you would be asleep. tough crowd. >> greg: is this the problem, we have expanded the notion of what a celebrity is? a lot of these celebrities would not have qualified as stars in the 1980s but there is so many of them. when something bad happens to them. >> rob: so many more platforms. kim kardashian gets a picture taken of her, she tries to use it on instagram, she can get sued because it's their property. or swalwell. but a lot of it is people are making a lot of money off these people that go on tiktok and kids by the stuff and the government is happy because it keeps their minds off real stuff. there are people that could tell you the birthday of every kardashian and they think that the middle east is tennessee. >> greg: yes. well, it is. i think. what celebrity or celebrities are you obsessed with? >> dagen: it varies. i am obsessed with machine gun kelly's hair plugs. >> greg: he has hair plugs? >> dagen: potentially. you go back in time. his hair. all of it makes me feel better about myself. i invented the victoria's secret fashion show and been backstage and seen these mules up close and in person. they have zits and mounds as wide as a pickup truck. they don't look that good up close. in print, they look okay. i think it's probably better speaking of personal screens to be obsessed with celebrities then serial killers. >> kat: that's my problem. >> dagen: i have read eight serial killer books in a row. >> kat: looked at a lot of photos. >> greg: someday your prince will come. it could be an elaborate ruse and one day both of you disappear. it's funny because it's true. isn't that how the line goes? did i just confessed to a string of unsolved murders in the middle east? >> dagen: you have that shed outside of your house. >> greg: up next, do you pity women who are pretty n, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (swords clashing) only pay for what you need. -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. >> greg: women have started an internet squabble. is it better or worse to look like a model? content creators, as i understand, awful people, they have been sharing videos on the platform about their privilege. the women claim that they get certain perks that others don't get simply because they are attractive. tell me about it. last time i went to costco, they gave me free samples. >> let's talk about what pretty privilege looks like. it could be subtle things. not being charged for the extra drink or dessert. having someone offered to put the air in your tires rather than see you trouble doing it. >> greg: she's not even cute. other videos claim attractiveness can be a curse. 11 months us although she's not saying you should feel bad for her, attractiveness can be tough sometimes. >> everybody on this app wants to talk about how people are consistently benefiting from pretty privilege but nobody wants to talk about how pretty privilege can affect your life in a negative way. grossi was competition. girls see u.s. competition. feel laying lonely and being excluded. >> greg: maybe you should settle it with a pillow fight. a sexist might say. the reason women don't want to be friends with you, because you are hot. definitely not because you sit around filming yourself talking about how you're so hot that it's hard for you sometimes. who do they think they are? aoc? dagen, you are a woman. i believe women deserve this privilege because life is hard for women because they pay a heavy price on the commodity of youth, so they've got to use it while they've got it. is that a fair summation? >> dagen: are you saying that my shelf life is short? it is harder being a woman in so many ways. >> greg: rob, you are a handsome guy. you have pretty privilege? >> rob: i have heard that is true. men are intimidated to ask them out. if you can give the 16-year-old rob advice what would it be and i would say, ask her out. >> greg: what do you make of this? >> matt: i am from iowa. i don't have a ton of experience with pretty privilege. the things that were described in the first video are kind of things that happened in normal people in an ordinary basis. the guy at the station fills your tires were there. i don't know. everybody has their struggles. everybody has their challenges. i know that i front on this show, whatever that means, just like and hang out with you, greg. otherwise i don't know a lot. >> greg: to your point, you know i do a lot of charity work for ugly people. when i see an ugly person, i will put air in their tires even if there tires are full of air. >> kat: it's interesting. i have been both attractive and unattractive in the same day. every sunday, the woman who walks into this building and the woman who walks out of this building are very different people. unrecognizable one to the other. without the two hours and hair and makeup. honestly i think it's pretty much the same. i am glad, i think there is nothing worse than being a superhot 22-year-old because you are stressed out constantly about losing it. i was an ugly 22-year-olds with lots of bad for me. i have the focus on dying younger, before is a woman society cast me away due to my age. >> greg: you come into work you get so many people who want your autograph because they think you are a washed up macaulay culkin. >> kat: the only thing that offends me about that is that it's your joke that you have stolen. >> dagen: i have heard that joke before. >> kat: i know that i look like macaulay culkin "home alone." when i walk into the building, i look ill. i look homeless. homeless and ill. >> greg: i should've said. you look like one of the original bad new bears. >> dagen: you should've seen me this morning. >> kat was putting things on guys cars, go to florida. >> greg: matt, should've tried that joke out. we have got to go. we are out of time. don't go away. we'll be right back. and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? 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