Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

house for letting therapeutics fall by the wayside for this near exclusive focus on vaccinations that we've seen. they've also accelerated the timeline when they'll be delivered from september to june. we were looking at an order of ten million initially. the white house announced that they will get the full ten million by june. by the end of january, they'll have four million covid treatments on hand. a lot of the same sort of vibe that we got from the president when he gave his remarks today ahead of the briefing warning folks that are unvaccinated that they're at risk with this highly transmissable omicron variant telling people that are vaccinated to get boosted. also speaking about the numbers as we've seen this really record-breaking number today, one million cases in the u.s. here's what the president said earlier. >> if you're vaccinated and boosted, you may get covid but you're highly protected against severe illness. schools can and should be open this winter. we have all the tools to keep kids safe. unvaccinated kids are at risk. the vaccinated are protected. >> we wanted answers that we didn't get today. the cdc was -- we were told would give guidance on whether a test should be required to emerge from isolation after a positive covid case. there was a pushback over the revised quarantine guidance that anybody positive could emerge after five days instead of ten. we're told the cdc would have updated guidance. we're still waiting on that. we're also still waiting on answers why the cdc has not revised their guidance on what it means to be fully vaccinated to include a booster shot given the administration's emphasis on the importance of boosters. here's what the white house press secretary said to me earlier. >> we're re -- would revising the guidance cause a consequence that the white house is not ready to i'm place? like not going to restaurants, people going to industries -- >> we have boosters available for every american. they can get boosted now regardless of the cdc guidance. whether you were just approved for the booster or approved weeks ago. >> there's also the question if you were to revise the guidance on what it means to be fully vaccinated to include the booster shot, if that would intensify the legal challenges to the mandates that have accelerated to the supreme court. friday we'll be hearing arguments for both the federal and private employer vaccine mandate as that case has gone all the way to the top, charles. >> charles: all eyes on the supreme court for sure. jacqui, thanks. covid-19 cases topping a million in the united states monday. that is a record. deaths in comparison remain relatively low. jonathan serrie is in atlanta with more. jonathan? >> hi, charles. the numbers are unprecedented. more than a million people newly diagnosed with covid-19 in a single day monday. that is nearly doubling a record that was set last week with about 590,000 cases. the highly infectious omicron variant is driving this. most cases are relatively mild. the shear number of cases has driven up covid hospitalizations 31% from last week with rates sharply increasing in florida, georgia, louisiana and maryland. new york city, hospitalizations are surpassing peak numbers that were set last winter. with staffing shortages, there's concern that some u.s. hospitals will be overrun. americans continue to face long lines at covid test sites. federal health officials say the cdc is likely to issue further guidance on testing as part of their five-day isolation and quarantine periods. the problem is pcr tests can show a positive result for weeks longer than rapid tests. rapid tests are still in short supply. former surgeon general jerome adams weighed in on that. >> you should get a rapid test if you can. the problem is that the administration has not yet delivered the rapid tests. so they didn't want a policy telling you to do something this reflected blame back on them. >> in boston where families waited in long test lines for the return to school, officials say more than 1,000 teachers and staff members were out today. the teacher's union president telling the "boston globe" most of the absences appear to be covid related. back here in atlanta, the marta transit system is warning customers that some of its rail line trips may be cancelled due to covid related staffing shortages. charles? >> charles: thanks, jonathan. so how long will we see or continue to see a million cases a days before things turn for the better? with me now, tom price. secretary price, fantastic to see you. give us -- we're all looking and all detectives these days. i can tell you where south africa is. it's giving me hope. could we be some sort of a peaking point right now with overall cases? >> if this acts like it does in other countries, i think we're close to that. we're seeing south africa went through about a month of an upturn and then they've begun to come down with their omicron incidents. so i think we're getting close. i think there's also a silver lining to this. not many people have been talking about this. that is that the more individuals -- we don't want anybody to get infected. the more individuals that are infected, the likelihood is that they increase their immunity to other variants of the disease. we move in the direction of having vaccines and with natural immunity, we move in the direction of having the heard immunity that is so important to get our nation back rolling. we have to get school open, change our perspectives of this and how we approach it. >> charles: i think part of the problem is, whoever is in charge of getting folks vaccinated, whatever is goal is, there's a worry that people will be more reluctant to get a vaccination if they think they're already immune to this. so the press has ignored it, the white house has ignored it. is that a problem? shouldn't we embrace all hopeful things involving this dramatic pandemic? >> absolutely. we need to be honest. we need to be honest about the nature of natural immunity compared to immunity from vaccines. we need to be honest with the american people. you feel like a pinball machine. there's a different rule every day. a different recommendation every day. how are you supposed to gain reasonable, reasonable trustworthy information when the institutions that we've relied upon seem to be responding in a way that may be more political as opposed to related to hard fact? >> charles: i was on tilt today waiting for the president to give us clarity on the cdc. this is a big debate, right? we see some internal friction over the post isolation period. five days are over, do i go back to work, do we need a negative test? if so, with such unreliable tests out there, would that make any sense anyway? >> this is a really important issue because we do know from science that the viral load, the ability for individuals to transmit the virus to somebody else is high as just before symptoms begin and over the next two to three days. so if you're testing positive and asymptomatic and five days out, the likelihood of you having being able to transmit that to somebody else is very small. if you're symptomatic that is different. if you become asymptomatic and you wait that five days, the likelihood of again, you being able to transmit to it somebody is not likely at all. so if we listen to what we know, that we know now what we didn't know a year ago, that will guide news the kind of decisions that we ought to be making as a society. common sense decisions when it relates to an infectious disease. >> charles: jen psaki was questioned on when americans will see the at-home tests. when will they be sent out. take a listen to this. >> they're finalizing the contracts. we're on track to see movement on some of the awards through the rfp this week. so the first delivery for manufacturers will start later this month. >> charles: we're waiting on a lot of things. the at-home tests and the news on the covid pill. just your thoughts on this. >> i think we're making real progress, especially in the area of treatment. this new treatment that is available, it ought to significantly lessen the incidents of need for hospitalization. that's where from a staffing standpoint we're getting challenged. we're making progress every day. i think we need a change in perspective on how we view this. this is no longer the emergency it was, no longer the crisis it was, no longer the incidents that it was in terms of severe disease and risk of death. we need to learn how to live with it and move forward as a society, get our schools open, get our society open and let's get america back. >> charles: amen. that is the doctor side of you talking. the secretary price understands in washington, sometimes they can't let a cry it is go. pleasure to see you. >> amen. >> charles: happy to see you. hanpy new year. >> happy new year. >> charles: the dow jones industrial average moved closer to 37,000. the nasdaq did the exact opposite. it got shellacked. gary kaltbaum is here with us. the value names on the dow shot higher. the high flying tech names, the gadget names got crushed. what's going on? >> the growth names have been in trouble for a while. the last couple days for lack of a better word, they've been obliterated as interest rates have moved higher that is giving the impetus for the stuff, the things that are comatose like financials and energy, auto stocks. ford breaking out of multiyear highs. that is the place the be. growth had a day for years leading the market. it's now looking like the opposite. we'll see how long it lasts. looks like value low data is the place the be right now. >> charles: gary, just in more laymen terms, someone not steeped in the market, seems to suggest as the federal reserve stops printing money for lack of a better word as the biden administration is unable to send out any more free money, wall street is becoming a lit more cautious and maybe going to these old, older names that have been there for a long time and have very low valuations. >> exactly. the market is kind of what is called derisking. what you're seeing right now without the fed even slowing down just yet, the tightening is being done in the market. the one, three and five year yields are back to where they were prepandemic. that is causing the problem with growth. the word, impetus to get other areas work. the amount of money flows that we're seeing is big tomorrow. i think it suggested that they had room to go. >> charles: the inflation question driving almost all of this. more inflation, crude oil through the roof, that points to more inflation. is that why the market is becoming more cautious? >> yeah, and it's a huge problem going forward. if interest rates get out of hand that will affect the market in a big way and the major indices will come down. so keeping fingers crossed. >> i worry every day. every ten cent move in gas prices over a year is $10 billion out of the pockets of people. and the world stagflation comes to mind. i'm watching. i watch every commodity right now and every country. if inflation gets out of hand, all bets are off on the market because the market is not used to it. >> charles: we call him gary k because he's the best when the news isn't. thanks. the blame game continues in the white house. the white house is blaming the big companies for jacking up your prices. we'll debate it. and the scene from i-95 in virginia where a winter storm still has drivers struggling and wondering how it happened. we have a live update next. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! it shortens colds! i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. only pay for what you need. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪♪ >> charles: now to the unfriendly skies. cancellations rack up. casey stegall is in dallas. casey? >> charles, you caught me. i was just going over the very latest information from as they track live data, flights in the air and the like. it's another day of messes. the latest at this hour shows that globally there's about 3,600 cancellations here in the united states. that's about 1,300 cancellations altogether. when it comes to delays, well, we're about 2,400 delays in the u.s. so a lot of people taking extra time to get where they're going. you also keep in mind that this is a domino effect. this adds on to the delays that started piling up around christmas that we were reporting. and then it's gotten worse since we have rung in the new year. so cue the frustrations. listen. >> i got cancelled three times already. it was due to a lack of crew. >> i'm hoping today's flight doesn't cancel on me. there's already been a tech saying that they're 45 minutes delayed. >> airline officials say you can blame the major winter storm that has hit much of the united states. its impacted major hubs where the carriers have flights coming in and out of. the carriers and the faa says you can also blame covid. they're admitting that they have a high number of employees who have tested positive for the virus. that means that they have to be pulled out of the work force and put in a quarantine and isolation. this is stretching a staff that is already spread thin and spreading it even further. the f.a.a. has warned that they may have to reduce the number of the flights if the number of personnel have to be pulled because they're sick. >> charles: casey, two things pop up immediately. obviously, the winter storms, it's not an oxymoron. they happen every winter. either you would have a system to kind of adjust to it or not sell as many tickets. the woman that was cancelled three times, that is nuts. this is an industry that they got $25 billion to not lose personnel. you have to wonder how many people were fired for maybe not taking the at the time. it's a public relations fiasco and they got us over a barrel because there's no alternative, is there? >> no. we stood here a lot before the vaccine, federal vaccine mandate roll-out and talked about how tsa showed us that they had good compliance and had enough people to accommodate for the holiday rush. so really it's not clear what has happened here, september you have winter storm, which happens all the time and still in the middle of a pandemic. i think industries, the airline in particular, kind of flushed this out and figured out how it works. >> charles: good luck to the travelers. thanks, casey. >> no doubt. >> charles: inflation having no trouble taking off. democrats blaming corporations for it. what about their spending in some of these regulations? how much is that driving it? we'll debate it. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> charles: it's quitting time literally.what it tells us when a record number of workers say take this job and you know the rest. we'll debate the rest. we're back in 60 seconds. 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>> nice to see you. i don't think so. i think the american public is smart enough to do basic arithmetic. these corporations have record-breaking profits. like very large margins. yet they cry poor spiking the prices. the country is made up of hard working people that want to be able to take the dollar that they earn and use it however they want. it's surprising to me this is a political issue when this is just basic math when corporations are not paying their fair share. the irs says we're losing on average a trillion dollars a year in unpaid taxes from these corporations. talk about the amount of airports or highways or maybe salt for some parts of virginia that we could use those dollars for. >> charles: i'm sorry. that trillion number blew me away. i don't know who came up with that one. let's go to gianno for a moment. here's the saying. jenna mentioned hard working americans. i agree 1,000%. i'm going to answer a question. this is the genesis of the problem. it's not the people getting the hard earned money. it's the trillions in free money that has skewed everything. i will be offended if i had a fixed budget and i saw someone that didn't work going to the store and bidding things up that i had to buy for my family. so that is the genesis of it. i think blaming the corporations, gianno is not working certainly with respect to what we saw in the elections last year and in the polling right now. >> i don't think it's going to work. i'm sure elon musk would beg to differ he's not paying his fair share. he's the richest man in the world. americans have woken up to what is going on in our country. there was a fox business poll that came out in december that showed that 47% of americans believe that joe biden's policies are making inflation worse. if you look at the consumer price index, one of the most recent ones shows that gas and fuel, energy prices have gone up 60%. you couple that with the fact that joe biden continues to fail to realize that he's done things on his first days in office, which have made this problem even worse for future generations. closing down the keystone pipeline being one of them. one thing that i can compliment the president on though is creating this billion dollar fund for meat processers to create more competition. that's not the only issue that exists here. they need to be honest, the democratic party needs to be honest that their parties are negatively impacting americans bar none. >> charles: jenna, what is the solution? do we break up the companies? again, you know, it's -- what do you do? almost every industry has the dominant players and the younger players. throughout history it's created disruptions. the young jump-starts. you could have told us 100 years ago that sears would be out of business or woolworths. would you like to see the government breaking up companies now? >> a lot of these meat manufacturering companies are under federal investigation. so there's something that feels below bar happening that i can't speak to in great depth. i do want to push us to suggest -- i think i heard this from gianno. this is a subject that all americans could really unite around. when you see corporations and they're making millions and millions of dollars, paying their staff, whether it be flight attendants on the people on the assembly lines making below poverty level wages, something is not adding up here. it's hard for me to believe this is a policy issue. >> charles: here's -- we have a minute to go, gianno. i want you to answer that in to the degree. we have big news today. we learned 4.5 million people quit their jobs because three enjoying one of the biggest wage increases over. my whole thing is with the average person out there, would they prefer the big wage increases or take the money and give it to the federal government? >> corporations are not nonprofit organizations. that's not what they do. we understand that. we know over -- between three and four million people have not gotten their jobs back since the start of the pandemic. the truth of the matter is, these policies have great impact. we have a lot of money on the street right now. people really don't want to work. as a matter of fact, mcdonald's, you pull up through the drive-thru, they offered $20 an hour and a $1,000 signing bonus. walmart is doing something similar, a lot of corporations are offering way above minimum wage and a bonus. >> gianno, isn't that about time? >> charles: it's happening and we're still demonizing the same companies. we're taking pet insurance, life insurance. >> they're not reporting honest numbers. this is something that we don't have to make political. we can all decide -- >> charles: when you investigate corporations and in the same breath want them to make them pay more taxes, it makes it political. and why senate democrats are looking to fast track the social spending bill are saying, say it ain't so, joe. >> there's no negotiations going on at this time. do your clients? 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... so it w...the pain.nding... emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> charles: chuck schumer looking to put the pressure on west virginia democrat joe manchin to get on board with the voting rights act and social spending plan. chad pergram on capitol hill with the latest. chad? >> democrats are scrambling to reassemble parts of the build back better bill. joe manchin is meeting with other democrats to discuss pieces of the legislation. there's little movement especially after manchin killed the bill just before christmas. >> there's no conversations after i made my statement. i was very clear. i feel as strongly today as i did then. >> even though manchin is standing pat, chuck schumer insists the senate is forging ahead on build back better. >> i intend to hold a vote on b.b.b. in the senate. we'll keep voting until we get a bill passed. the stakes are high for us to find common ground on this legislation. >> democrats face the same problem that they did last year. manchin won't allow a special carve out to the filibuster on voting rights. >> that's a heavy lift. the reason i say that, any time there's a carve out, you eat the whole turkey. there's nothing left because it comes back and forth. so you want things that are sustainable. >> manchin fears a unilateral change in the filibuster just for voting rights will backfire on democrats the next time they're in the minority. mitch mcconnell said schumer is hell-bent on breaking the senate. charles? >> charles: okay, chad. thanks very much. let's get right to phil wegman from real clear politics. phil, new year, same deal with joe manchin. democrats continue to apply the pressure publicly and privately and it's getting ugly between the things they're saying about senator manchin and senator sinema as well. >> whether it is changes to election law or build back better, it doesn't seem to matter. it's a different issue set, different year, same outcome. that's that joe manchin continues to be a stick in the mud. that's the headline the last year as president biden tried to get his economic agenda in to law. what is the effect been of this? well, democrats instead of going after republicans, they're needling members of their own party at a moment when they control the house, the senate and the white house. >> charles: here's the thing. manchin is being a stick in the mud, but he told them that he was going to be a stick in the mud. this is where i find democratic leadership to be dishonest here. he put out a set of parameters early on in the process. senator schumer knew about them, president biden knew about them. in public they never spoke about this. hence, making him or casting him even more as a villain when he told them up front when he needed to be okay with this bill. >> yeah, it's not breaking news that politicians are incredibly flexible people. so it's remarkable that manchin has been consistent not only on the spending parameters here and like we heard on his opposition to changes from the filibuster. i remember on this network going back to 2019 he talked to brett bear about why he didn't want to change the filibuster, why he was hesitant about that. he's remained consistent regardless of all of the attacks either from new members of his own party or the questioning that he's received from the press. manchin has stayed the same and rather than working around that, rather than changing the proposals, they have leaned on him and tried to pressure him to go along. he's not so far. >> charles: so does the schumer gambet of voting on these things over and over again -- i'm paraphrasing here -- is this the last public attempt at shaming senator manchin particularly on voting rights? this is a guy from west virginia that must not like black people? we've heard it all. any time you turn on television outside of fox for the most part any day, these are the things that they're saying about senator manchin, this seems to be would be the last final attempt to shame him in public. i don't think it's going to work. >> well, in that spot a second ago, we heard from, you know, manchin that he's tired of talking about it. he's message has not changed. he talked about what it would take for him to get on board. there's nothing new. it's difficult to continue to cover the story when he won't change. the thing that is interesting here is that while manchin has been a bit of public enemy number 1 for many people on the left, there's a lot of other moderates that are not in the forefront that are looking around -- who are looking to 2022. they know that these reforming could make it more difficult for them to hold on to their seats. they're thinking of themselves thank goodness that manchin is taking the slings and arrows rather than me. >> charles: certainly. you have to gives props to senator sinema as well. she's taken serious barbs. not just from the media but people getting in her face. so they have stood their ground well. we'll see. maybe it will come to a head soon. see you soon, phil. happy new year. crews are working to clear off interstate 95 in virginia this after a snowstorm put drivers in a jam what took so long and how did things actually get so bad? 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>> hi, charles. we got an update from the virginia governor confirming that no one that was trapped in that mess was found hurt. they've been trying to get people diverted off of the i-95 road. we're outside of a wawa gas station here where it's close to one of the exits, the prince williams exit. you can see this wawa slammed with people trying to get gas and across the street, people are stuck in more traffic because that's what drivers are facing as they get off. near getting on the secondary roads like cardinal road and route 1, which are really roads that are not able to handle this type of interstate traffic. there's patches along all of these back roads here that are dealing with the snow aftermath as well. things like downed trees and icy snow covered roads. we're hearing from people that were stranded, spending the night in their car with no food, water, access to a bathroom or gas. in some cases with little ones with them. i heard about people turning off their cars for an hour or so and turning them back on so that they didn't run out of gas. they stayed as warm as they could while temperatures dropped to the 20s. a state of emergency has not been declared. the virginia department of transportation addressing this in briefings admitting it's unacceptable. >> it's not as easy as just taking the traffic off. we have several vehicles that are out of fuel. we have several vehicles that are broken down. >> as vehicles are removed from that stretch of the way they that's been closed, we have no timeline for when that 50-mile stretch will open up. people are being offered blankets and supplies. charles? >> charles: record number of americans quit their jobs in november, so what is driving folks to join the great resignation? that's next. ♪♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at have you checked singlecare? i think you can get a cheaper price on this. cheaper meds with singlecare. stop! i should spread the word. but how? i wanna be remembered for the savings, with singlecare. you walk into the pharmacy, with great insurance. but then, (screams) singlecare beats the price of your copay. singlecare the musical. are people ready? (sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ ♪ i was not expecting to learn about my heart health matching your job description. from my genetic reports. but now that i have this info it feels like i can take even more control of my health. it's the most meaningful way to start the new year. now just $129. ♪ ♪ musical >> well, if you thought about quitting her job recently, you are not alone. of the labor department announcing 4.5 million americans, roughly 3% of the entire workforce did that in november as a great resignation trend continues, what's behind it? join me now, from fox across america host, and fox news radio, mcat from fox nation. people don't want to work. if for a long time you did not have to work when it was coming through and a lot of people were hoping that change, but four and a half million is a lot of people. >> and a lot of these people, the majority quit to start a new job because they are having trouble hiring workers, so they are offering kind of incentives, but what is interesting is this is november before that omicron popped off and people talk about closing schools again and everything shutting down, people are worried about things shutting down, but child care in particular is something that parents are worried about. am i going to have to stay home and homeschool my kid? which a lot of people don't have options for child care, so it could get worse. >> it could, and here's the thing, jimmy, the economics and the mechanical things that she is talking about but also this on reddit, the anti-movement work, they were in it a year ago, and over a million now, they are saying we don't want to work, it's an anti-work movement and it's growing. >> you know what i love about this moment, charles, you were sitting around with the staff and the relay, wow, everybody does not want to work anymore, who do we know that is sleazy? in the background here. >> charles: but last thursday it took us this long to get in front of a camera. [laughter] >> true, but the truth is, charles, that's so funny. the truth is the lockdown really did screw a new society in the way that it is now coming into focus. a lot of people got used to not working. and a lot of people got used to working at home which means they also got to work today drinking in their pajamas and they don't want to go back to an in person environment where they can no longer drink all day doing zoom meetings and then you have the lazy people you described. the one thing i would tell you is the upside to this is that if you are a diligent hard worker, there is never been a better time for a worker to get ahead then right now, because you are playing in the weakest division in sports we have ever seen. >> charles: this is not about people being lazy, they just simply don't think they have to work anymore. let's talk about bye-bye blackberry, the company announced today is going to end service for classic devices talking about ending it all, not even emergency 911 calls, it's the end of an era, what are you going to do, my man? >> i was going to say, this is the story of the year, and that year is 2002, it's like listen. if anybody watching at home know somebody who has a blackberry, don't worry, i think you can hit them up on their beeper, so you will be able to get in touch with them somehow, but it's going to actually, i think really quick it's a smart move by a blackberry, because the sooner they go away, the sooner they can become retro and resurfaced as part of a nostalgia craze the flip phone. >> charles: and you can buy some vinyl as well, but here's the thing, we have been talking all day about this one business and breaking up big businesses. there was a time it was called crash berry and dominated the marketplace, sometimes there is just going to be competition. >> i was going to say that i'm really glad we did the story, because this is how i discovered that this did not have in a long time ago. i don't remember the last time that i saw a blackberry, i think my babysitter had one. i did not know that they were still around. >> charles: if i had the last word i would put it in a box right now and make it worth some cash. let's shift gears, the kennel club adding two more breeds to their lineup, the hungarian farm dog and the russian toy with the small angle interior. all right, cat, would you be out rushing to adopt want to be us? >> no, look, very, very cute. definitely adorable. i have one puppy, he has almost two now, so not a puppy and that is plenty of work for me and a cat. i know that people have like a dog and multiple children, but i am those people. so more power to those people. >> charles: we had to move it up on the train and dogs are always puppy is in my house. >> i agree. >> well, yeah, i don't really like talking about dog stories, because as you know i have lost a lot of money betting on the puppy bowl last year, but the truth is when you look at the moody, one thing i read from the breeder is that they said that this dog it, the hungarian farm dog need something to do. it likes to be busy, which is a very polite way of telling you if you don't walk this thing 24 hours it is eating every piece of furniture in your house. that's why it is called the moody, because he will come home from work and be very moody when the coffee table has a leg chewed off. >> charles: i think you square the circle, you entered the first topic, how do we find workers? how about we just get a bunch of moodies. we can sit back and let them do all of it. >> when i am not busy, i also start eating furniture. >> charles: it's great seeing both of you, it's been too long, happy new year, and we will talk to you very soon, and by the way, that's it for us, but tomorrow neil will be back. i know that everyone is ready and so my. but you can catch me every date on the fox business network making money, a crazy day in the stock market, parts went up big and other parts went down big. a confusing time. this time when you need help when we talk about the federal reserve, yada yada, check me out in the morning, meanwhile "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, i am greg gutfeld along with jesse watters, judge jeanine pirro, geraldo rivera, and dana perino "the five"! ♪ ♪ i thought i said nail file. president biden facing the music and addressing the american people over his covid mess. new infections in the country shattering the single day record with more than 1 million cases. biden's big

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Story , Rick Adams , Thatter , New York City , The Story Goes On , Greatening , 3 , Tuesday January 4 2022 , 4 , 00 , 2022 , Joe Biden , Covid 19 , World , Everybody , Meeting , Response Team , Take Care , Charles Payne , Hard Working Americans , Order , Doses , Covid Pill , The End , Pfizer , Neil Cavuto , Lot , News , Folks , Latest , White House , Announcement , Pfizer Anti Viral Pill , Jacqui Heinrich , Timeline , Vaccinations , Focus , Wayside , Therapeutics Fall , Hand , Ten Million , Four Million , People , Risk , Sort , Warning , Omicron , Briefing , Vibe , Cases , Numbers , Number , U S , One Million , Schools , Winter , Illness , Tools , Kids Safe , Guidance , Cdc , Vaccinated , Kids , Unvaccinated , Test , Case , Isolation , Anybody , Positive , Quarantine Guidance , Pushback , Answers , Five , Ten , Administration , Booster Shot , Boosters , Importance , Emphasis , White House Press Secretary , Industries , Consequence , Restaurants , Cause , Question , Booster , Way , Vaccine , Supreme Court , Employer , Challenges , Top , Hearing Arguments , Record , More , Comparison , Deaths , Eyes , Atlanta , Jonathan Serrie , Jacqui , Sure , 19 , A Million , Hi , 590000 , Hospitalizations , Shear Number , Omicron Variant , Rates , 31 , Staffing Shortages , Hospitals , Overrun , Concern , Maryland , Florida , Louisiana , Georgia , Problem , Part , Health , Quarantine , Testing , Pcr Tests , Lines , Covid Test Sites , Result , Officials , Tests , Surgeon General , Supply , Something , Staff , Boston , Policy , School , Test Lines , Members , Blame , Families , Teachers , Return , 1000 , Marta Transit System , President , Customers , Rail Line Trips , Absences , Covid Related , The Teacher S Union , Boston Globe , Tom Price , Things , Thanks , Better , Secretary Price , Detectives , South Africa , Countries , Peaking Point , Acts , Upturn , Individuals , Omicron Incidents , Silver Lining , Immunity , Likelihood , Vaccines , Disease , Direction , Variants , School Open , Perspectives , Nation , It , Charge , Press , Vaccination , Whatever , Worry , Goal , Pandemic , Shouldn T , Nature , Recommendation , Rule , Pinball Machine , Fact , Institutions , Information , Tilt , Work , Debate , Friction , Over , Clarity , Issue , Somebody , Virus , Science , Ability , Load , Sense , Symptoms , Two , Three , It Somebody , Again , Kind , Society , Common Sense , Infectious Disease , Decisions , Jen Psaki , Movement , Some , Contracts , Awards , Track , Home , Delivery , Manufacturers , Rfp , Treatment , Incidents , Hospitalization , Progress , Area , Thoughts , Need , Staffing Standpoint , Change , Emergency , Perspective , Crisis , Terms , Doctor Side , Death , America Back , Amen , Cry It Is Go , Dow Jones Industrial Average , Washington , Hanpy , Pleasure , Opposite , Nasdaq , Value Names , Gary Kaltbaum , Shellacked , 37000 , Word , Lack , Trouble , Tech Names , Gadget Names , Growth Names , What S Going On , Interest Rates , Place , Impetus , Energy , Auto Stocks , Stuff , Financials , Be , Multiyear Highs , Ford , Market , Growth , Data , Looks , Value , Laymen , Fox Business Network Making Money , Names , Old , Printing Money , Reserve , Wall Street , Valuations , Derisking , Fed , Prepandemic , Yields , Tightening , The One , One , Areas , Amount , Inflation Question , Room , The Word , Inflation , Points , Crude Oil , Roof , Move , Gas Prices , Indices , Fingers , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Country , Stagflation , Commodity , Pockets , Blame Game , Best , News Isn T , Bets , Winter Storm , Companies , Prices , Drivers , I 95 In Virginia , Update , Scene , 95 , Cold , It Shortens Colds , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Must , Medicine Cabinet , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , 1 , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Neuriva , Neuriva Plus , Yes , Tv , Six , Hello , Cooking , Interest , Heart , Seal , Obsessed , Grown In Idaho , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , I Don T , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Chances , Bull Rider , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , Liberty , Pay , Someone , Turn , Hang On , Tex , 665 Dollars , 665 , Flight , Set , Td Ameritrade , Markets , Thinkorswim , Weekend Trip , Position , Dashboard , Take Off , One Last Look , Mobile , Fifteen , Thirteen , App , Smart , Investing Style , Cancellations , Casey Stegall , Skies , Dallas , Flights , Flightaware Com , Messes , Like , Air , Delays , 3600 , 2400 , 1300 , Domino Effect , Mind , Times , Reporting , Frustrations , Crew , Tech Saying , Hoping Today S Flight Doesn T , Airline Officials , 45 , Carriers , Faa , Hit , Hubs , Employees , Put , Work Force , Personnel , Winter Storms , System , Oxymoron , Industry , Woman , Nuts , Tickets , 5 Billion , 25 Billion , Barrel , Fiasco , Alternative , Public Relations , Tsa , Compliance , Holiday Rush , Particular , Middle , Airline , Travelers , Luck , No Doubt , Democrats , Corporations , Spending , Regulations , Advisor , Kitchen , Plan , Nm Com Charles , Northwestern Mutual , Workers , Record Number , Job , Rest , 60 , Bum , Quote Today , Shipping Manager , Pa Dum , Farmers , Farmers Policy Perks , Find Themself , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire Megacorporations , Profits , Competition , Stores Prices , Profit , Capitalism , Spending Policies , Gianno Caldwell , Exploitation , Jenna , Mask Mandates , Strategist , Mid Terms , Race Theory , Jenna Arnold , Wall , Didn T Create Inflation , Didn T Jack Up Oil , Playbook , Fault , War , Isn T , Public , Arithmetic , Danger , Margins , Dollar , Math , Parts , Dollars , Taxes , Share , Virginia , Highways , Airports , Irs , Saying , I M Sorry , Let S Go To Gianno For A Moment , Everything , Genesis , Money , Trillions , Budget , Store , Respect , Family , Elections , Gianno , Elon Musk , Man , Polling , Policies , Fox Business Poll , Consumer Price Index , 47 , Gas , Ones , Fuel , Energy Prices , Office , Thing , Generations , Meat Processers , Dollar Fund , Keystone Pipeline , Parties , Solution , Bar None , Players , Disruptions , Sears , 100 , Government , Woolworths , Investigation , Meat Manufacturering , Subject , Bar , Depth , Millions , Assembly Lines , Wages , Flight Attendants , Level , Policy Issue , News Today , Degree , Wage , Jobs , Person , 4 5 Million , Organizations , Truth , Matter , The Street , Start , Drive Thru , Impact , Mcdonald S , 20 , 0 , Bonus , Walmart , Signing Bonus , 000 , Pet Insurance , Life Insurance , Senate , Breath , Bill , Joe Manchin , Clients , Negotiations , Ain T , Naj , Responsibility , Money Manager , Fiduciary , Retirement , Fees , Fisher Investments , Landscaper Larry , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Everyone , Kid , The Tightness , W The Pain Nding , Truck , Progressive , Timber , Ending , Stinging , Infections , Tremfya , Reactions , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Adults , Skin , Emerge Tremfyant , 16 , Infection , Doctor , Pressure , West Virginia , Chuck Schumer , Legislation , Reassemble Parts , Build , Pieces , Capitol Hill , Voting Rights Act , Chad Pergram , Senator Manchin , Statement , Conversations , Voting , Vote , Bbb , Standing Pat , Filibuster , Won T , Ground , Carve , Stakes , Voting Rights , Nothing , Reason , Carve Out , Lift , Turkey , Forth , Minority , Phil Wegman , Mitch Mcconnell , Deal , Real Clear Politics , Senator , Election Law , Sinema , Mud , Stick , Effect , Republicans , Agenda , Headline , Law , Outcome , House , Party , Parameters , Leadership , Process , Politicians , Villain , Changes , Opposition , Network , 2019 , Same , Questioning , Attacks , Schumer Gambet , Proposals , Attempt , Guy , Television , Fox , Message , Moderates , Public Enemy , Bit , Forefront , Left , Goodness , Thinking , Slings , Seats , Media , Arrows , Barbs , Face , Props , Crews , Snowstorm Put Drivers , Head , Interstate 95 In Virginia , Jam , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Scholarship , Scholarships , University Of Phoenix , 3000 , Course , Opportunities , You Re Not Alone , Questions , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , Morning , Interstate , Black Ice , The Hill , Car , Details , Covid Mess , Cars , Backup , Katie Burns , Woodbridge , 50 , Road , Governor , Wawa Gas Station , Exits , Prince , Wawa , Williams Exit , Roads , Patches , Cardinal Road , Traffic , Interstate Traffic , Type , Route 1 , Food , Snow , Trees , Snow Aftermath , Bathroom , Water , Temperatures , Briefings , State Of Emergency , Virginia Department Of Transportation , Vehicles , Traffic Off , Stretch , Closed , Blankets , Supplies , Resignation , Love , Growing Up , Memories , Mom , Version , Planning , Most , Meal , Price , Singlecare , Meds , Savings , Pharmacy , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Heart Health , Control , Info , Reports , 129 , 29 , Workforce , Resignation Trend , Fox Across America Host , Fox Nation , Mcat , Fox News Radio , Majority , Trouble Hiring Workers , Half , Incentives , Four , Child Care , Down , Parents , Economics , Options , On Reddit , Jimmy , Relay , Background , Front , Camera , Laughter , Lockdown , Zoom Meetings , Pajamas , Person Environment , Worker , Upside , Sports , Division , Blackberry , Service , Company , Talk , Devices , Bye , Let , 911 , Story Of The Year , Calls , 2002 , Beeper , Don T Worry , Well , Vinyl , Nostalgia Craze , Flip Phone , Marketplace , Businesses , Business , Crash Berry , Babysitter , Cat , Farm Dog , The Kennel Club , Box , Shift Gears , Toy , Angle Interior , Cash , Hungarian , Russian , Puppy , Want , Dog , Children , Power , Train , Dogs , Moody , Dog It , Dog Stories , Breeder , Puppy Bowl , Furniture , Piece , 24 , Bunch , Coffee Table , Leg , Topic , Moodies , Square The Circle , Both , Seeing , Stock Market , Greg Gutfeld , Yada , Jeanine Pirro , Dana Perino , Geraldo Rivera , Jesse Watters , Big , Music , Nail File , The Five , 1 Million ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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house for letting therapeutics fall by the wayside for this near exclusive focus on vaccinations that we've seen. they've also accelerated the timeline when they'll be delivered from september to june. we were looking at an order of ten million initially. the white house announced that they will get the full ten million by june. by the end of january, they'll have four million covid treatments on hand. a lot of the same sort of vibe that we got from the president when he gave his remarks today ahead of the briefing warning folks that are unvaccinated that they're at risk with this highly transmissable omicron variant telling people that are vaccinated to get boosted. also speaking about the numbers as we've seen this really record-breaking number today, one million cases in the u.s. here's what the president said earlier. >> if you're vaccinated and boosted, you may get covid but you're highly protected against severe illness. schools can and should be open this winter. we have all the tools to keep kids safe. unvaccinated kids are at risk. the vaccinated are protected. >> we wanted answers that we didn't get today. the cdc was -- we were told would give guidance on whether a test should be required to emerge from isolation after a positive covid case. there was a pushback over the revised quarantine guidance that anybody positive could emerge after five days instead of ten. we're told the cdc would have updated guidance. we're still waiting on that. we're also still waiting on answers why the cdc has not revised their guidance on what it means to be fully vaccinated to include a booster shot given the administration's emphasis on the importance of boosters. here's what the white house press secretary said to me earlier. >> we're re -- would revising the guidance cause a consequence that the white house is not ready to i'm place? like not going to restaurants, people going to industries -- >> we have boosters available for every american. they can get boosted now regardless of the cdc guidance. whether you were just approved for the booster or approved weeks ago. >> there's also the question if you were to revise the guidance on what it means to be fully vaccinated to include the booster shot, if that would intensify the legal challenges to the mandates that have accelerated to the supreme court. friday we'll be hearing arguments for both the federal and private employer vaccine mandate as that case has gone all the way to the top, charles. >> charles: all eyes on the supreme court for sure. jacqui, thanks. covid-19 cases topping a million in the united states monday. that is a record. deaths in comparison remain relatively low. jonathan serrie is in atlanta with more. jonathan? >> hi, charles. the numbers are unprecedented. more than a million people newly diagnosed with covid-19 in a single day monday. that is nearly doubling a record that was set last week with about 590,000 cases. the highly infectious omicron variant is driving this. most cases are relatively mild. the shear number of cases has driven up covid hospitalizations 31% from last week with rates sharply increasing in florida, georgia, louisiana and maryland. new york city, hospitalizations are surpassing peak numbers that were set last winter. with staffing shortages, there's concern that some u.s. hospitals will be overrun. americans continue to face long lines at covid test sites. federal health officials say the cdc is likely to issue further guidance on testing as part of their five-day isolation and quarantine periods. the problem is pcr tests can show a positive result for weeks longer than rapid tests. rapid tests are still in short supply. former surgeon general jerome adams weighed in on that. >> you should get a rapid test if you can. the problem is that the administration has not yet delivered the rapid tests. so they didn't want a policy telling you to do something this reflected blame back on them. >> in boston where families waited in long test lines for the return to school, officials say more than 1,000 teachers and staff members were out today. the teacher's union president telling the "boston globe" most of the absences appear to be covid related. back here in atlanta, the marta transit system is warning customers that some of its rail line trips may be cancelled due to covid related staffing shortages. charles? >> charles: thanks, jonathan. so how long will we see or continue to see a million cases a days before things turn for the better? with me now, tom price. secretary price, fantastic to see you. give us -- we're all looking and all detectives these days. i can tell you where south africa is. it's giving me hope. could we be some sort of a peaking point right now with overall cases? >> if this acts like it does in other countries, i think we're close to that. we're seeing south africa went through about a month of an upturn and then they've begun to come down with their omicron incidents. so i think we're getting close. i think there's also a silver lining to this. not many people have been talking about this. that is that the more individuals -- we don't want anybody to get infected. the more individuals that are infected, the likelihood is that they increase their immunity to other variants of the disease. we move in the direction of having vaccines and with natural immunity, we move in the direction of having the heard immunity that is so important to get our nation back rolling. we have to get school open, change our perspectives of this and how we approach it. >> charles: i think part of the problem is, whoever is in charge of getting folks vaccinated, whatever is goal is, there's a worry that people will be more reluctant to get a vaccination if they think they're already immune to this. so the press has ignored it, the white house has ignored it. is that a problem? shouldn't we embrace all hopeful things involving this dramatic pandemic? >> absolutely. we need to be honest. we need to be honest about the nature of natural immunity compared to immunity from vaccines. we need to be honest with the american people. you feel like a pinball machine. there's a different rule every day. a different recommendation every day. how are you supposed to gain reasonable, reasonable trustworthy information when the institutions that we've relied upon seem to be responding in a way that may be more political as opposed to related to hard fact? >> charles: i was on tilt today waiting for the president to give us clarity on the cdc. this is a big debate, right? we see some internal friction over the post isolation period. five days are over, do i go back to work, do we need a negative test? if so, with such unreliable tests out there, would that make any sense anyway? >> this is a really important issue because we do know from science that the viral load, the ability for individuals to transmit the virus to somebody else is high as just before symptoms begin and over the next two to three days. so if you're testing positive and asymptomatic and five days out, the likelihood of you having being able to transmit that to somebody else is very small. if you're symptomatic that is different. if you become asymptomatic and you wait that five days, the likelihood of again, you being able to transmit to it somebody is not likely at all. so if we listen to what we know, that we know now what we didn't know a year ago, that will guide news the kind of decisions that we ought to be making as a society. common sense decisions when it relates to an infectious disease. >> charles: jen psaki was questioned on when americans will see the at-home tests. when will they be sent out. take a listen to this. >> they're finalizing the contracts. we're on track to see movement on some of the awards through the rfp this week. so the first delivery for manufacturers will start later this month. >> charles: we're waiting on a lot of things. the at-home tests and the news on the covid pill. just your thoughts on this. >> i think we're making real progress, especially in the area of treatment. this new treatment that is available, it ought to significantly lessen the incidents of need for hospitalization. that's where from a staffing standpoint we're getting challenged. we're making progress every day. i think we need a change in perspective on how we view this. this is no longer the emergency it was, no longer the crisis it was, no longer the incidents that it was in terms of severe disease and risk of death. we need to learn how to live with it and move forward as a society, get our schools open, get our society open and let's get america back. >> charles: amen. that is the doctor side of you talking. the secretary price understands in washington, sometimes they can't let a cry it is go. pleasure to see you. >> amen. >> charles: happy to see you. hanpy new year. >> happy new year. >> charles: the dow jones industrial average moved closer to 37,000. the nasdaq did the exact opposite. it got shellacked. gary kaltbaum is here with us. the value names on the dow shot higher. the high flying tech names, the gadget names got crushed. what's going on? >> the growth names have been in trouble for a while. the last couple days for lack of a better word, they've been obliterated as interest rates have moved higher that is giving the impetus for the stuff, the things that are comatose like financials and energy, auto stocks. ford breaking out of multiyear highs. that is the place the be. growth had a day for years leading the market. it's now looking like the opposite. we'll see how long it lasts. looks like value low data is the place the be right now. >> charles: gary, just in more laymen terms, someone not steeped in the market, seems to suggest as the federal reserve stops printing money for lack of a better word as the biden administration is unable to send out any more free money, wall street is becoming a lit more cautious and maybe going to these old, older names that have been there for a long time and have very low valuations. >> exactly. the market is kind of what is called derisking. what you're seeing right now without the fed even slowing down just yet, the tightening is being done in the market. the one, three and five year yields are back to where they were prepandemic. that is causing the problem with growth. the word, impetus to get other areas work. the amount of money flows that we're seeing is big tomorrow. i think it suggested that they had room to go. >> charles: the inflation question driving almost all of this. more inflation, crude oil through the roof, that points to more inflation. is that why the market is becoming more cautious? >> yeah, and it's a huge problem going forward. if interest rates get out of hand that will affect the market in a big way and the major indices will come down. so keeping fingers crossed. >> i worry every day. every ten cent move in gas prices over a year is $10 billion out of the pockets of people. and the world stagflation comes to mind. i'm watching. i watch every commodity right now and every country. if inflation gets out of hand, all bets are off on the market because the market is not used to it. >> charles: we call him gary k because he's the best when the news isn't. thanks. the blame game continues in the white house. the white house is blaming the big companies for jacking up your prices. we'll debate it. and the scene from i-95 in virginia where a winter storm still has drivers struggling and wondering how it happened. we have a live update next. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! it shortens colds! i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. only pay for what you need. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪♪ >> charles: now to the unfriendly skies. cancellations rack up. casey stegall is in dallas. casey? >> charles, you caught me. i was just going over the very latest information from as they track live data, flights in the air and the like. it's another day of messes. the latest at this hour shows that globally there's about 3,600 cancellations here in the united states. that's about 1,300 cancellations altogether. when it comes to delays, well, we're about 2,400 delays in the u.s. so a lot of people taking extra time to get where they're going. you also keep in mind that this is a domino effect. this adds on to the delays that started piling up around christmas that we were reporting. and then it's gotten worse since we have rung in the new year. so cue the frustrations. listen. >> i got cancelled three times already. it was due to a lack of crew. >> i'm hoping today's flight doesn't cancel on me. there's already been a tech saying that they're 45 minutes delayed. >> airline officials say you can blame the major winter storm that has hit much of the united states. its impacted major hubs where the carriers have flights coming in and out of. the carriers and the faa says you can also blame covid. they're admitting that they have a high number of employees who have tested positive for the virus. that means that they have to be pulled out of the work force and put in a quarantine and isolation. this is stretching a staff that is already spread thin and spreading it even further. the f.a.a. has warned that they may have to reduce the number of the flights if the number of personnel have to be pulled because they're sick. >> charles: casey, two things pop up immediately. obviously, the winter storms, it's not an oxymoron. they happen every winter. either you would have a system to kind of adjust to it or not sell as many tickets. the woman that was cancelled three times, that is nuts. this is an industry that they got $25 billion to not lose personnel. you have to wonder how many people were fired for maybe not taking the at the time. it's a public relations fiasco and they got us over a barrel because there's no alternative, is there? >> no. we stood here a lot before the vaccine, federal vaccine mandate roll-out and talked about how tsa showed us that they had good compliance and had enough people to accommodate for the holiday rush. so really it's not clear what has happened here, september you have winter storm, which happens all the time and still in the middle of a pandemic. i think industries, the airline in particular, kind of flushed this out and figured out how it works. >> charles: good luck to the travelers. thanks, casey. >> no doubt. >> charles: inflation having no trouble taking off. democrats blaming corporations for it. what about their spending in some of these regulations? how much is that driving it? we'll debate it. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> charles: it's quitting time literally.what it tells us when a record number of workers say take this job and you know the rest. we'll debate the rest. we're back in 60 seconds. (woman) wow, that's something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. [echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> megacorporations would rather pass on the prices than cut into profits. >> there's some areas that we've seen corporations benefit, profit from the pandemic. >> the big companies are making massive profits. their profits go up and the stores prices go up. capitalism without competition is exploitation. >> charles: democrats laying it on thick. blaming big corporations and not their spending policies that keeps prices surging. here to react, gianno caldwell. gianno, it's -- we also have jenna with us as well, jenna arnold, democratic strategist. let's start with you, jenna. this is an issue that defines the mid-terms. throwing mask mandates and critical race theory in there as well. seems like the democrats are going through the same old playbook. it's not our fault. the war on gasoline didn't jack up oil. all of this free money didn't create inflation. it's the greedy corporations. these are american companies. isn't there a danger in doing this? >> nice to see you. i don't think so. i think the american public is smart enough to do basic arithmetic. these corporations have record-breaking profits. like very large margins. yet they cry poor spiking the prices. the country is made up of hard working people that want to be able to take the dollar that they earn and use it however they want. it's surprising to me this is a political issue when this is just basic math when corporations are not paying their fair share. the irs says we're losing on average a trillion dollars a year in unpaid taxes from these corporations. talk about the amount of airports or highways or maybe salt for some parts of virginia that we could use those dollars for. >> charles: i'm sorry. that trillion number blew me away. i don't know who came up with that one. let's go to gianno for a moment. here's the saying. jenna mentioned hard working americans. i agree 1,000%. i'm going to answer a question. this is the genesis of the problem. it's not the people getting the hard earned money. it's the trillions in free money that has skewed everything. i will be offended if i had a fixed budget and i saw someone that didn't work going to the store and bidding things up that i had to buy for my family. so that is the genesis of it. i think blaming the corporations, gianno is not working certainly with respect to what we saw in the elections last year and in the polling right now. >> i don't think it's going to work. i'm sure elon musk would beg to differ he's not paying his fair share. he's the richest man in the world. americans have woken up to what is going on in our country. there was a fox business poll that came out in december that showed that 47% of americans believe that joe biden's policies are making inflation worse. if you look at the consumer price index, one of the most recent ones shows that gas and fuel, energy prices have gone up 60%. you couple that with the fact that joe biden continues to fail to realize that he's done things on his first days in office, which have made this problem even worse for future generations. closing down the keystone pipeline being one of them. one thing that i can compliment the president on though is creating this billion dollar fund for meat processers to create more competition. that's not the only issue that exists here. they need to be honest, the democratic party needs to be honest that their parties are negatively impacting americans bar none. >> charles: jenna, what is the solution? do we break up the companies? again, you know, it's -- what do you do? almost every industry has the dominant players and the younger players. throughout history it's created disruptions. the young jump-starts. you could have told us 100 years ago that sears would be out of business or woolworths. would you like to see the government breaking up companies now? >> a lot of these meat manufacturering companies are under federal investigation. so there's something that feels below bar happening that i can't speak to in great depth. i do want to push us to suggest -- i think i heard this from gianno. this is a subject that all americans could really unite around. when you see corporations and they're making millions and millions of dollars, paying their staff, whether it be flight attendants on the people on the assembly lines making below poverty level wages, something is not adding up here. it's hard for me to believe this is a policy issue. >> charles: here's -- we have a minute to go, gianno. i want you to answer that in to the degree. we have big news today. we learned 4.5 million people quit their jobs because three enjoying one of the biggest wage increases over. my whole thing is with the average person out there, would they prefer the big wage increases or take the money and give it to the federal government? >> corporations are not nonprofit organizations. that's not what they do. we understand that. we know over -- between three and four million people have not gotten their jobs back since the start of the pandemic. the truth of the matter is, these policies have great impact. we have a lot of money on the street right now. people really don't want to work. as a matter of fact, mcdonald's, you pull up through the drive-thru, they offered $20 an hour and a $1,000 signing bonus. walmart is doing something similar, a lot of corporations are offering way above minimum wage and a bonus. >> gianno, isn't that about time? >> charles: it's happening and we're still demonizing the same companies. we're taking pet insurance, life insurance. >> they're not reporting honest numbers. this is something that we don't have to make political. we can all decide -- >> charles: when you investigate corporations and in the same breath want them to make them pay more taxes, it makes it political. and why senate democrats are looking to fast track the social spending bill are saying, say it ain't so, joe. >> there's no negotiations going on at this time. do your clients? 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... so it w...the pain.nding... emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> charles: chuck schumer looking to put the pressure on west virginia democrat joe manchin to get on board with the voting rights act and social spending plan. chad pergram on capitol hill with the latest. chad? >> democrats are scrambling to reassemble parts of the build back better bill. joe manchin is meeting with other democrats to discuss pieces of the legislation. there's little movement especially after manchin killed the bill just before christmas. >> there's no conversations after i made my statement. i was very clear. i feel as strongly today as i did then. >> even though manchin is standing pat, chuck schumer insists the senate is forging ahead on build back better. >> i intend to hold a vote on b.b.b. in the senate. we'll keep voting until we get a bill passed. the stakes are high for us to find common ground on this legislation. >> democrats face the same problem that they did last year. manchin won't allow a special carve out to the filibuster on voting rights. >> that's a heavy lift. the reason i say that, any time there's a carve out, you eat the whole turkey. there's nothing left because it comes back and forth. so you want things that are sustainable. >> manchin fears a unilateral change in the filibuster just for voting rights will backfire on democrats the next time they're in the minority. mitch mcconnell said schumer is hell-bent on breaking the senate. charles? >> charles: okay, chad. thanks very much. let's get right to phil wegman from real clear politics. phil, new year, same deal with joe manchin. democrats continue to apply the pressure publicly and privately and it's getting ugly between the things they're saying about senator manchin and senator sinema as well. >> whether it is changes to election law or build back better, it doesn't seem to matter. it's a different issue set, different year, same outcome. that's that joe manchin continues to be a stick in the mud. that's the headline the last year as president biden tried to get his economic agenda in to law. what is the effect been of this? well, democrats instead of going after republicans, they're needling members of their own party at a moment when they control the house, the senate and the white house. >> charles: here's the thing. manchin is being a stick in the mud, but he told them that he was going to be a stick in the mud. this is where i find democratic leadership to be dishonest here. he put out a set of parameters early on in the process. senator schumer knew about them, president biden knew about them. in public they never spoke about this. hence, making him or casting him even more as a villain when he told them up front when he needed to be okay with this bill. >> yeah, it's not breaking news that politicians are incredibly flexible people. so it's remarkable that manchin has been consistent not only on the spending parameters here and like we heard on his opposition to changes from the filibuster. i remember on this network going back to 2019 he talked to brett bear about why he didn't want to change the filibuster, why he was hesitant about that. he's remained consistent regardless of all of the attacks either from new members of his own party or the questioning that he's received from the press. manchin has stayed the same and rather than working around that, rather than changing the proposals, they have leaned on him and tried to pressure him to go along. he's not so far. >> charles: so does the schumer gambet of voting on these things over and over again -- i'm paraphrasing here -- is this the last public attempt at shaming senator manchin particularly on voting rights? this is a guy from west virginia that must not like black people? we've heard it all. any time you turn on television outside of fox for the most part any day, these are the things that they're saying about senator manchin, this seems to be would be the last final attempt to shame him in public. i don't think it's going to work. >> well, in that spot a second ago, we heard from, you know, manchin that he's tired of talking about it. he's message has not changed. he talked about what it would take for him to get on board. there's nothing new. it's difficult to continue to cover the story when he won't change. the thing that is interesting here is that while manchin has been a bit of public enemy number 1 for many people on the left, there's a lot of other moderates that are not in the forefront that are looking around -- who are looking to 2022. they know that these reforming could make it more difficult for them to hold on to their seats. they're thinking of themselves thank goodness that manchin is taking the slings and arrows rather than me. >> charles: certainly. you have to gives props to senator sinema as well. she's taken serious barbs. not just from the media but people getting in her face. so they have stood their ground well. we'll see. maybe it will come to a head soon. see you soon, phil. happy new year. crews are working to clear off interstate 95 in virginia this after a snowstorm put drivers in a jam what took so long and how did things actually get so bad? 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>> hi, charles. we got an update from the virginia governor confirming that no one that was trapped in that mess was found hurt. they've been trying to get people diverted off of the i-95 road. we're outside of a wawa gas station here where it's close to one of the exits, the prince williams exit. you can see this wawa slammed with people trying to get gas and across the street, people are stuck in more traffic because that's what drivers are facing as they get off. near getting on the secondary roads like cardinal road and route 1, which are really roads that are not able to handle this type of interstate traffic. there's patches along all of these back roads here that are dealing with the snow aftermath as well. things like downed trees and icy snow covered roads. we're hearing from people that were stranded, spending the night in their car with no food, water, access to a bathroom or gas. in some cases with little ones with them. i heard about people turning off their cars for an hour or so and turning them back on so that they didn't run out of gas. they stayed as warm as they could while temperatures dropped to the 20s. a state of emergency has not been declared. the virginia department of transportation addressing this in briefings admitting it's unacceptable. >> it's not as easy as just taking the traffic off. we have several vehicles that are out of fuel. we have several vehicles that are broken down. >> as vehicles are removed from that stretch of the way they that's been closed, we have no timeline for when that 50-mile stretch will open up. people are being offered blankets and supplies. charles? >> charles: record number of americans quit their jobs in november, so what is driving folks to join the great resignation? that's next. ♪♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at have you checked singlecare? i think you can get a cheaper price on this. cheaper meds with singlecare. stop! i should spread the word. but how? i wanna be remembered for the savings, with singlecare. you walk into the pharmacy, with great insurance. but then, (screams) singlecare beats the price of your copay. singlecare the musical. are people ready? (sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ ♪ i was not expecting to learn about my heart health matching your job description. from my genetic reports. but now that i have this info it feels like i can take even more control of my health. it's the most meaningful way to start the new year. now just $129. ♪ ♪ musical >> well, if you thought about quitting her job recently, you are not alone. of the labor department announcing 4.5 million americans, roughly 3% of the entire workforce did that in november as a great resignation trend continues, what's behind it? join me now, from fox across america host, and fox news radio, mcat from fox nation. people don't want to work. if for a long time you did not have to work when it was coming through and a lot of people were hoping that change, but four and a half million is a lot of people. >> and a lot of these people, the majority quit to start a new job because they are having trouble hiring workers, so they are offering kind of incentives, but what is interesting is this is november before that omicron popped off and people talk about closing schools again and everything shutting down, people are worried about things shutting down, but child care in particular is something that parents are worried about. am i going to have to stay home and homeschool my kid? which a lot of people don't have options for child care, so it could get worse. >> it could, and here's the thing, jimmy, the economics and the mechanical things that she is talking about but also this on reddit, the anti-movement work, they were in it a year ago, and over a million now, they are saying we don't want to work, it's an anti-work movement and it's growing. >> you know what i love about this moment, charles, you were sitting around with the staff and the relay, wow, everybody does not want to work anymore, who do we know that is sleazy? in the background here. >> charles: but last thursday it took us this long to get in front of a camera. [laughter] >> true, but the truth is, charles, that's so funny. the truth is the lockdown really did screw a new society in the way that it is now coming into focus. a lot of people got used to not working. and a lot of people got used to working at home which means they also got to work today drinking in their pajamas and they don't want to go back to an in person environment where they can no longer drink all day doing zoom meetings and then you have the lazy people you described. the one thing i would tell you is the upside to this is that if you are a diligent hard worker, there is never been a better time for a worker to get ahead then right now, because you are playing in the weakest division in sports we have ever seen. >> charles: this is not about people being lazy, they just simply don't think they have to work anymore. let's talk about bye-bye blackberry, the company announced today is going to end service for classic devices talking about ending it all, not even emergency 911 calls, it's the end of an era, what are you going to do, my man? >> i was going to say, this is the story of the year, and that year is 2002, it's like listen. if anybody watching at home know somebody who has a blackberry, don't worry, i think you can hit them up on their beeper, so you will be able to get in touch with them somehow, but it's going to actually, i think really quick it's a smart move by a blackberry, because the sooner they go away, the sooner they can become retro and resurfaced as part of a nostalgia craze the flip phone. >> charles: and you can buy some vinyl as well, but here's the thing, we have been talking all day about this one business and breaking up big businesses. there was a time it was called crash berry and dominated the marketplace, sometimes there is just going to be competition. >> i was going to say that i'm really glad we did the story, because this is how i discovered that this did not have in a long time ago. i don't remember the last time that i saw a blackberry, i think my babysitter had one. i did not know that they were still around. >> charles: if i had the last word i would put it in a box right now and make it worth some cash. let's shift gears, the kennel club adding two more breeds to their lineup, the hungarian farm dog and the russian toy with the small angle interior. all right, cat, would you be out rushing to adopt want to be us? >> no, look, very, very cute. definitely adorable. i have one puppy, he has almost two now, so not a puppy and that is plenty of work for me and a cat. i know that people have like a dog and multiple children, but i am those people. so more power to those people. >> charles: we had to move it up on the train and dogs are always puppy is in my house. >> i agree. >> well, yeah, i don't really like talking about dog stories, because as you know i have lost a lot of money betting on the puppy bowl last year, but the truth is when you look at the moody, one thing i read from the breeder is that they said that this dog it, the hungarian farm dog need something to do. it likes to be busy, which is a very polite way of telling you if you don't walk this thing 24 hours it is eating every piece of furniture in your house. that's why it is called the moody, because he will come home from work and be very moody when the coffee table has a leg chewed off. >> charles: i think you square the circle, you entered the first topic, how do we find workers? how about we just get a bunch of moodies. we can sit back and let them do all of it. >> when i am not busy, i also start eating furniture. >> charles: it's great seeing both of you, it's been too long, happy new year, and we will talk to you very soon, and by the way, that's it for us, but tomorrow neil will be back. i know that everyone is ready and so my. but you can catch me every date on the fox business network making money, a crazy day in the stock market, parts went up big and other parts went down big. a confusing time. this time when you need help when we talk about the federal reserve, yada yada, check me out in the morning, meanwhile "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, i am greg gutfeld along with jesse watters, judge jeanine pirro, geraldo rivera, and dana perino "the five"! ♪ ♪ i thought i said nail file. president biden facing the music and addressing the american people over his covid mess. new infections in the country shattering the single day record with more than 1 million cases. biden's big

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, Car Insurance , Chances , Bull Rider , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , Liberty , Pay , Someone , Turn , Hang On , Tex , 665 Dollars , 665 , Flight , Set , Td Ameritrade , Markets , Thinkorswim , Weekend Trip , Position , Dashboard , Take Off , One Last Look , Mobile , Fifteen , Thirteen , App , Smart , Investing Style , Cancellations , Casey Stegall , Skies , Dallas , Flights , Flightaware Com , Messes , Like , Air , Delays , 3600 , 2400 , 1300 , Domino Effect , Mind , Times , Reporting , Frustrations , Crew , Tech Saying , Hoping Today S Flight Doesn T , Airline Officials , 45 , Carriers , Faa , Hit , Hubs , Employees , Put , Work Force , Personnel , Winter Storms , System , Oxymoron , Industry , Woman , Nuts , Tickets , 5 Billion , 25 Billion , Barrel , Fiasco , Alternative , Public Relations , Tsa , Compliance , Holiday Rush , Particular , Middle , Airline , Travelers , Luck , No Doubt , Democrats , Corporations , Spending , Regulations , Advisor , Kitchen , Plan , Nm Com Charles , Northwestern Mutual , Workers , Record Number , Job , Rest , 60 , Bum , Quote Today , Shipping Manager , Pa Dum , Farmers , Farmers Policy Perks , Find Themself , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire Megacorporations , Profits , Competition , Stores Prices , Profit , Capitalism , Spending Policies , Gianno Caldwell , Exploitation , Jenna , Mask Mandates , Strategist , Mid Terms , Race Theory , Jenna Arnold , Wall , Didn T Create Inflation , Didn T Jack Up Oil , Playbook , Fault , War , Isn T , Public , Arithmetic , Danger , Margins , Dollar , Math , Parts , Dollars , Taxes , Share , Virginia , Highways , Airports , Irs , Saying , I M Sorry , Let S Go To Gianno For A Moment , Everything , Genesis , Money , Trillions , Budget , Store , Respect , Family , Elections , Gianno , Elon Musk , Man , Polling , Policies , Fox Business Poll , Consumer Price Index , 47 , Gas , Ones , Fuel , Energy Prices , Office , Thing , Generations , Meat Processers , Dollar Fund , Keystone Pipeline , Parties , Solution , Bar None , Players , Disruptions , Sears , 100 , Government , Woolworths , Investigation , Meat Manufacturering , Subject , Bar , Depth , Millions , Assembly Lines , Wages , Flight Attendants , Level , Policy Issue , News Today , Degree , Wage , Jobs , Person , 4 5 Million , Organizations , Truth , Matter , The Street , Start , Drive Thru , Impact , Mcdonald S , 20 , 0 , Bonus , Walmart , Signing Bonus , 000 , Pet Insurance , Life Insurance , Senate , Breath , Bill , Joe Manchin , Clients , Negotiations , Ain T , Naj , Responsibility , Money Manager , Fiduciary , Retirement , Fees , Fisher Investments , Landscaper Larry , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Everyone , Kid , The Tightness , W The Pain Nding , Truck , Progressive , Timber , Ending , Stinging , Infections , Tremfya , Reactions , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Adults , Skin , Emerge Tremfyant , 16 , Infection , Doctor , Pressure , West Virginia , Chuck Schumer , Legislation , Reassemble Parts , Build , Pieces , Capitol Hill , Voting Rights Act , Chad Pergram , Senator Manchin , Statement , Conversations , Voting , Vote , Bbb , Standing Pat , Filibuster , Won T , Ground , Carve , Stakes , Voting Rights , Nothing , Reason , Carve Out , Lift , Turkey , Forth , Minority , Phil Wegman , Mitch Mcconnell , Deal , Real Clear Politics , Senator , Election Law , Sinema , Mud , Stick , Effect , Republicans , Agenda , Headline , Law , Outcome , House , Party , Parameters , Leadership , Process , Politicians , Villain , Changes , Opposition , Network , 2019 , Same , Questioning , Attacks , Schumer Gambet , Proposals , Attempt , Guy , Television , Fox , Message , Moderates , Public Enemy , Bit , Forefront , Left , Goodness , Thinking , Slings , Seats , Media , Arrows , Barbs , Face , Props , Crews , Snowstorm Put Drivers , Head , Interstate 95 In Virginia , Jam , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Scholarship , Scholarships , University Of Phoenix , 3000 , Course , Opportunities , You Re Not Alone , Questions , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , Morning , Interstate , Black Ice , The Hill , Car , Details , Covid Mess , Cars , Backup , Katie Burns , Woodbridge , 50 , Road , Governor , Wawa Gas Station , Exits , Prince , Wawa , Williams Exit , Roads , Patches , Cardinal Road , Traffic , Interstate Traffic , Type , Route 1 , Food , Snow , Trees , Snow Aftermath , Bathroom , Water , Temperatures , Briefings , State Of Emergency , Virginia Department Of Transportation , Vehicles , Traffic Off , Stretch , Closed , Blankets , Supplies , Resignation , Love , Growing Up , Memories , Mom , Version , Planning , Most , Meal , Price , Singlecare , Meds , Savings , Pharmacy , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Heart Health , Control , Info , Reports , 129 , 29 , Workforce , Resignation Trend , Fox Across America Host , Fox Nation , Mcat , Fox News Radio , Majority , Trouble Hiring Workers , Half , Incentives , Four , Child Care , Down , Parents , Economics , Options , On Reddit , Jimmy , Relay , Background , Front , Camera , Laughter , Lockdown , Zoom Meetings , Pajamas , Person Environment , Worker , Upside , Sports , Division , Blackberry , Service , Company , Talk , Devices , Bye , Let , 911 , Story Of The Year , Calls , 2002 , Beeper , Don T Worry , Well , Vinyl , Nostalgia Craze , Flip Phone , Marketplace , Businesses , Business , Crash Berry , Babysitter , Cat , Farm Dog , The Kennel Club , Box , Shift Gears , Toy , Angle Interior , Cash , Hungarian , Russian , Puppy , Want , Dog , Children , Power , Train , Dogs , Moody , Dog It , Dog Stories , Breeder , Puppy Bowl , Furniture , Piece , 24 , Bunch , Coffee Table , Leg , Topic , Moodies , Square The Circle , Both , Seeing , Stock Market , Greg Gutfeld , Yada , Jeanine Pirro , Dana Perino , Geraldo Rivera , Jesse Watters , Big , Music , Nail File , The Five , 1 Million ,

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