Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

dollars so that they could stay open, be prepared, open safely, all of that. no many of them are saying we'll have to go virtual again. so the president criticized specifically some of the states and he's asking where did the money go? >> we also back then included an $10 billion for testing for schools. that money went out to the states. states and the school districts have spent the money well. many of them. unfortunately some haven't. >> martha: unfortunately some haven't. there's the podium. we're waiting for jen psaki that will probably get questions about this in terms of the accountability. where does the money go? if the money is supposed to be for testing and safe open schools, we don't we have that in some cases? we'll dig into that. that money was allocated for those specific things. why are we still seeing challenges? $72.8 billion allocated to testing and detecting the virus in an ample fashion over the course of 2020 and 2021. edward lawrence digging into this. he joins us from the white house. >> yeah. follow the money. this story won't go away to figure out where the money went. the frustration could be known. even here at the white house, long lines in order to get covid tests, at-home tests. very difficult to find. the president just finishing addressing his covid response and stressing that the administration pledged to buy the $500 million at-home kit to start to be delivered soon. >> i know this is frustrating. it's frustrating to me but we're making improvements. the last two weeks, we set up federal testing sites all over the country. we're adding more each and every day. >> he actually directed people to google to find states free testing sites. now $48 billion allocated from the american rescue plan went for covid testing. another $25 billion from the paycheck protection plan went to research develop, validate, purchase, administer and expand covid-19 testing. senior officials saying $3 billion of the money was spent to expand testing sites, not kits, across the country. three years in to the pandemic, republicans are saying there should be no surprise more tests are needed. former surgeon general jerome adams says he believes testing was left off of the cdc guidance because they wanted to save embarrassment. >> you should get a rapid test if you can. the problem is that the administration has not yet delivered the rapid tests. they didn't want to pull out a policy that would reflect blame back on them. >> no word when the website will be open to get the at-home tests. the president saying sometime in january, not early january like he said last month. back to you, martha. >> martha: thanks, edward. senator roy blunt is on the health and labor and human services committee. he wrote a letter to the administration demanding answers on the money that was spent and why there's a testing shortage. he joins me now. thanks very much, senator. good to have you here. you just heard the president and what he said about this. did you get the answers that you're looking for there? >> no, we haven't, martha. senator burr, who has the authorizing committee, i have the appropriating committee, the top two republicans on the committees, sent a letter last week. we have about $10 billion that weren't in that -- adding up that what you went through. if you take all five of the bipartisan covid bills, that is about $32 billion. then about 45, 46 billion in the bill that the democrats passed by themselves this year for testing. the real question is, how is that money spent? how could we have a testing shortage now when at the end of last year we had what appeared to be a whole new series of tests coming on the market. i think my other question would be, if the federal government thinks they can buy 500 million at-home tests by the end of this month, where are those tests now? you don't have to look very hard to go to a drugstore and find out that they're out of those tests. you think if they were available, they would be on the store shelves right now rather than waiting somewhere for the federal government to buy 500 million of those tests. remember, this is 82, $83 billion that have gone into testing and they've had all of that money for a minimum of nine months and suddenly we have a testing shortage? one of the questions is, was that money spent for other things. if it was, how do you justify that if you're the administration and the department. >> martha: you know, this administration told the american people that they were going to solve covid. that the prior administration had done a terrible job. in this administration, things were going to be very different. so i think that members of congress and the american people sort of signed on for this tremendous expenditure of u.s. taxpayer dollars to fix what people saw as some of these issues. i want to put up the numbers again. i know you say it's $10 billion higher than what was laid out. but here's the specifics. $47.8 billion to carry out activities to detect, which would mean to test, diagnose, trace, more testing, and then purchase, expand capacity for covid-19 tests. what do you think actually happened here? you think over the summer and the fall when it looked like this might have been over that they diverted the money to other things? >> what we're seeing here -- let's talk about the $47.8 billion that democrats all by themselves decided in martha they were going to spend on testing. where did that money go? did you decide that if you're the administration, well, we have a lot of flexibility because of the way that bill was uniquely written so that money could be spend in more ways than you could normally spend appropriated money. where did that money go? did you decide that the crisis is behind us so let's spend that money on something else? that's the questions we're asking now. of course, it's always the problem in preparedness for what might come next is that once you get around that corner, people will say maybe we don't need that money and stockpile the vaccines or maybe we don't need the money in an eboli preparation effort. i don't think we'll need it. then you find out with the testing money that you needed it, you needed it months ago. what was the worst thing that could have happened if the tests were in stores right now and people could get them and then you combine that with a suggestion that everybody has to have even another test before they think about going to work after they're beyond the window of where covid should last. you're telling people to do something and then almost guaranteeing that they don't have the resources to do what they need to do. it's not that they don't have the money to have. they simply don't have what they need because that money hasn't been spent the way we were told it was going to be spent. >> martha: before i let you go, sir, the briefing is underway. we'll go there in a minute. with regard to the billions that we also mentioned that were spent so that schools and universities could stay open and could open safely, all kinds of measures were given and money was given. now it feels like they're pulling back on that promise that that money was exchanged for. >> i think that's a good question. i think often this money was disbursed without the guidelines of schools needed or the guidelines that states needed and now we're seeing what happens when there's not an understanding of what you can use that money for because when you don't have an understanding, a lot of people think if we don't spend it now, we can spend it later for something we want to spend it on. >> martha: it's all u.s. taxpayer money. senator blunt, thanks very much. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: so let's dip in to the press conference. >> we're finalizing things, the contracts. i expect to share details soon. we hope to do that. we're on track to start seeing movement on the awards through the rfp this week. so the first delivery from manufacturers will start later this month. that's our expectation. when we have those deliveries in hand, we will put the website up, make it available so people can order tests at that point in time. >> secondly, do you have anything to share on what the president's message will be on thursday when he goes to the hill for the anniversary of 1-6? >> sure. i can give you some highlights at this point in time and the president is still working through and reviewing his own remarks. on the afternoon -- what you can expect, i should say, is that the president will speak to the historical significance of january 6 and what it means for the country a year later. as a reminder on the afternoon of january 6, the president called what was happening at the capitol then an unprecedented assault on our democracy. an attempt to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. thursday, the president will speak to the truth of what happened, not the lies and the peril it has posed to the rule of law and the system of democratic governance. he will also mark that day commemorating the brave men and women of law enforcement that protected the capitol and the lives that were there. because of our efforts, our democracy with stood an attack from the mob and the will of the 150 million people was registered by congress. he will also speak to the work we still need to do, to reject the hatred and lies we saw january 6 and to unite our country. obviously we'll have more to preview as we get closer to the speech. >> since the president didn't take questions from us today or yesterday, can you tell us whether he can live with a smaller build back better package or a package that doesn't have the child tax credit in it or with only employed people qualifying for the child tax credit, which is what senator manchin said he wants. >> i can tell you the president wants to get build back better done, committed to get it done because it was lower costs for miles per hour as cross the country, child care, elder care, health care. a lot of the areas that are impacting american families budgets across the country. i can tell you that those are conversations that he and many members of our senior team will continue to have with a range of senators that are involved in this process in the weeks ahead and we're not going to outline them in more detail from here. i would reiterate that the president sees and recognizes and values the contribution of the child tax credit and what it did to help lower -- prevent 30% of kids from being in poverty last year. it's something that he advocated for, he introduced and he called for himself. so absolutely he wants to see an extension of the child tax credit. i would note -- i thought this is an interesting thing that somebody shared with me this morning. the way it was designed, payments are going out every month for six months. as soon as people file their taxes, they will get the other half. so we want it to be extended. we're going to fight for that. there's additional payments that will come to people that are eligible when they file their taxes. >> happy new year. since the president didn't take questions from us, we weren't able to clarify. he said to the vaccinated and boosted "you can still get covid but it's unlikely you'll be seriously ill." that's what he said roughly. have we reached a point in the pandemic now where he's basically saying to americans accept the fact you may get the virus but if you're vaccinated won't be that bad? >> what he's saying we know there will be break through cases. we've had them at the white house. we're seeing them across the country and elevated rateds of cases in certain communities including in washington d.c. but the step that is most important that people can take to prevent -- reduce the potential for hospitalization and death is to get vaccinated, get boosted. he's not telling anyone to accept anything. he's conveying what they can do to protect themselves. he's also said very clearly and illustrated that in what he said publicly as have our doctors that we're going to be direct and straightforward with the american people. we know cases are going up. we also know that if people are boosted, it will significantly reduce the potential to be hospitalized and to die. that is what we're conveying to the public. >> let's be straight here for a second. cases are rising across the country. tests are hard to come by in many places. long lines for them. schools are closing again or having to go virtual. that's not just because of the weather but because of the pandemic. there's a sense among many that the country has lost control of the virus. would the white house agree with that? >> we would not. here's why. we're in a different place than a year ago, ed. 200 million people are vaccinated. those are people that are protected, seriously protected from illness and death from the virus. we have also just purchased the largest over-the-counter purchase of tests in history, 500 million tests. that builds on the fact that we have already distributed 50 million tests back in tests to rural health centers. the fact that we have 20,000 sites across the country to get free tests. next week people can get reimbursed for their tests. we're going to continue to build on that. it also on schools, i would say 97% of schools are open across the country. the president wants schools to be open. that's why months ago when people questioned his advocacy for this funding, he advocated for $130 million in the american rescue plan and $10 million to cover testing even though when people said it was not necessary and needed. it's all been distributed to states. if states have not used it and school districts have not used it, now is the time to use it. we have taken steps to prepare for any contingency and we're working to build and implement on that. >> you mentioned outbreaks here at the white house. is it a large number? it's a policy that you'll only let us know if it's the top four individuals in the government or their spouses. has there been a white house outbreak? >> our policy is that, which is important for the public to know. it's in the public interest to know. and of course your interest if there's anyone who has close contact as deemed by the white house medical unit with the president, the vice president, the first lady or the second gentleman. we'll make that information available as we have done, as those instances have occurred. i was only conveying there's break through cases here. there's 2,000 people that work on the white house complex. the 99% of them are vaccinated. and there will be break-through cases here thanks to the vaccination, those cases have been mild. again, there's rising case numbers across the country and we expect to be in line with that. >> another topic and you discussed this. senator durbin suggested that build back better has taken a back burner spot as voting rights pushes ahead as we near the mlk holiday. is that the white house's stance right now, the issue number 1? >> we're working and you've seen the dear colleague letter that schumer put out a couple days ago. we're working in lock step with leader schumer on that, on getting voting rights down. he put out a timeline for that. we'll work on getting that done. that doesn't change our commitment to build back better. >> why hasn't the cdc revised the definition of what it means to be fully vaccinated yet given that this president has spoken about boosters for months now? >> yeah, a great question for the cdc. they speak for themselves given that they make decisions based on data and science. that i have a covid briefing tomorrow. >> has the president emphasized the importance of boosters for months and, you know, people have to ask the question or a lot of people are asking the question, would revising the guidance cause some sort of logistical or political or economic consequence that the white house isn't ready to embrace, not being able to go to restaurants, industries -- >> we have booster as available for every american. they can get boosted now regardless of the guidance. whether you're just approved or approved weeks ago. >> do you expect that that guidance will change? >> it's up to the cdc and they make those decisions based on data and science. >> will we have an update when they'll make a decision on that? >> i encourage you to ask that question tomorrow. >> similar line of questioning but this time about the fda. >> okay. >> there's been decisions by the fda over the last few months that have happened without consulting the panel of independent experts that we saw for authorizations for the vaccines themselves. we haven't seen that with boosters. a couple of examples on november 19, fda authorized the booster for all adults. december 9, the fda authorized boosters for 16 and 17-year-olds. yesterday the fda mandated the emergency authorization for the pfizer booster for kids ages 12 to 15. so i guess my question is why has the protocol been different with the booster than it was for the emergency use authorization of the vaccine itself? >> the fda makes those decisions not driven by what the white house is telling them what to do. i would point you to the fda to get comment on that. >> i guess the white house is not -- the fda is not getting rid of its independent panel of experts by any white house guidance? >> absolutely not. again, i think they would confirm that themselves. what is important to step back here and recognize, we're in the middle of a pandemic. there's still far too many people that are not vaccinated. there's still kids that are at risk because there's not enough people, adults vaccinated. what we're collectively trying to do here is protect more people and save more lives, whether you work here or at the cdc or the fda. >> is the president okay with the fda making these authorizations without calling their panel of experts? >> again, the fda can speak to their decision making process. >> the florida surgeon general. what is the reaction to his comments that the u.s. needs to unwind its testing psychology? is that sound medical advice? >> i would point to our own health and medical experts and our focus on when they're more available and free to the public. >> is there any reason why the cdc did not include a testing component when it revised its guidance for isolation given that there is such a scarcity of tests? there's been criticism that the cdc couldn't help people if they should get tested in isolations. they would get tests andblow back to the administration. >> again, the cdc makes these decisions. i expect them to make the guidance. go ahead. >> can you give us an update -- >> martha: we're going to duck out for a moment to bring in dr. paul offett from the children's hospital of philadelphia. thanks for being with us today. i guess my first question to you, just jumping off of what we listened to there at the white house is what is fully vaccinated and should the cdc recommend that a booster is what makes you fully vaccinated? >> so the question is what do we want from this vaccine? if what we want from the vaccine is protection against serious illness, the kind of illness that causes you to seek a doctor's care or go to the hospital or the icu, these vaccines do that. the mrna vaccines do that at two doses. what they don't do especially with omicron, is offer protection, high level of protection against mild illness associated with exposure. so even if you have gotten two doses, you're not as protected against mild the disease. so it's reasonable to say since the goal of the vaccine should be the goal of every vaccine, which is the protection of serious illness, that you're fully vaccinated with two doses. what the third dose provides is protection against mild illness for three or four months. that said, people over 65 certainly should reasonably get a third dose. immuned compromised people should get a third dose, people that live in long-term care facilities should get a third dose. that's what they provide. the healthier, younger people, it's protection for three or four months. >> martha: and people with omicron got the symptoms. >> that's the issue. i think the worst communications error we made with this vaccine is ever using the term break-through to describe a mild illness associated with infection. that's okay. that's what you want. you want to be protected against severe illness. the influenza vaccine does that. protects against moderate to severe disease. the whooping vaccine doesn'tfully protect. it's unrealistic to thing that it will protect against mild illness. >> martha: so the president just called for an order for 20 million anti-viral pills. there's been a criticism of the administration that they haven't focused on treatment, mono clonal anti-bodies are available for people that get omicron is. that order enough and what is your assessment of that so far? >> we'll see what the uptake is. it a value if given early. that's the key. it has to be given in the first few days when viral replication is at its peak. as you develop symptoms, virus replication decreases and an anti viral isn't going to be as effective. i think it seems people that don't want to get vaccinated are willing to take medicines that don't work like hydroxychloroquine. so i think hopefully they'll be willing to also take medicines that to work like these anti-viral medicines. it has to be early on though. >> martha: thanks, dr. offit. thanks for listening this to us and for jumping in with your responses. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: according to "the new york times," half a million students have been forced into zoom school and that number could climb tomorrow if the chicago teacher's union votes to return to online learning. joe concha is next. >> cancelling classes doesn't mean the schools will be closed. they'll be open. i'll have the cancel classes tomorrow because i'll have to be responsible in not knowing who will show up to the buildings. ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? 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they want to be there in person. >> martha: garrett tenney reporting live from chicago. hi, garrett. >> good afternoon to you, martha. on one side is the teacher's union saying the city schools are not safe. both teachers and students are at risk. then on the other side is pretty much everyone else, city, health and school officials all saying the same thing. there's no safer place for students to be than in the classroom. they argue that is true given that 91% of the school districts staff is vaccinated. more than 100,000 students in chicago have received one dose and right now only a handful of the city's 500,000 children are being hospitalized with covid each day. the health commissioner said the data and research is clear. keeping kids at home will do more harm than good. >> we've got to do risk benefit analyses here. at least among children, we have to think of this as similar to flu. you add vaccination on top of that, the risk is even lower. that is what we're seeing right now. we need kids to get vaccinated. but i remain extremely comfortable with children continuing in-person education. >> the union has a long list of demands including robust testing and masks. parents say the latest standoff shows ones again the union is putting its members in political power ahead of what is best for children. >> the union will never pass up an opportunity to exert their leverage and get power plays. unfortunately our kids here in chicago are the ones, you know, paying the consequences. >> negotiators from both sides are scheduled to meet this afternoon to try to work out a deal. if they're not able to do that and the union votes to go remote, school and collapses will be cancelled tomorrow all together. >> martha: joining me now, joe concha and tom bevan, fox news contributors. good to have you with us. i want to start by going back to a video that made the rounds in the early stages of covid. it was put out by the teacher's union and showed what they were doing while the kids were at home. i'm going to take over this because it's a visual entertainment vehicle. this is what they were doing while the kids were home zoom learning. tom bevan, there was a piece in "the new york times" says that american children are in crisis and that lit you up as too little too late. >> yeah, it's tempting to give credit to folks who were all in favor of locking kids out of schools last year and suddenly coming around 18 months later. we knew from the very beginning that the kids were at low risk in the early days of 2020. yet we let local officials, school officials, let the unions basically shut down school for an entire year and now we're learning and recognizing just how much damage was done to these kids socially, emotionally, educationally and the like. here you have the chicago teacher's union doing it again, making ridiculous demands. these families are sitting here in the lurch. they will have to wait for hours to see if their kids go to school. it's unconscionable that the union is taking advantage of the parents and students this way. >> martha: this a video of president and jill biden who is an educator herself. they were told by kids that they enjoyed zoom learning because they were sleeping during it and getting snacks. listen to this. >> i don't like virtual. >> you didn't? >> no. >> sometimes we were paying attention to something else. you could eat. >> if you're really tired, you can take a nap. >> if you don't like the question, you can sound like you didn't hear it. >> martha: at that point, the president wasn't encouraging the schools from reopening. now he is. we heard from him. it goes beyond snacking and snapping. it's a serious learning loss. puts us at a disadvantage for students, emotional and serious mental health ramifications for kids across the country. >> martha, i saw it first hand with my kindergartener, with my second grader, particularly my 6-year-old where they're not built to be learning online. attention spans are short at that age. perhaps they're behind. we're trying to catch up for lack of a better term. and my kids are now going to school. she said i can't remember a time being in school before the pandemic. i couldn't believe it. it was remarkable for an 8-year-old to say. it's true. the only existence that she's none. this goes back to when she was in kindergarten. in this case, we need to look at the data and the precedent. i found a story from march of 2021. this is after school first reopened. "new york city public schools have seen remarkably low virus transmission compared with the citywide rate of positive test results." they go on to say only .4%, martha, .4% of tests came back positive for the coronavirus and that was during a period when virus cases were spiking in the community. chicago public schools are coming back with the same conclusions. there's no significant transmission. that's the science. now what are we talking about here? keeping kids out again perhaps tomorrow after they have been off the last few weeks because of christmas and new year's. we can't keep doing this. it's not productive in the science. the science is on the side of the argument that kids should be back in school regardless of what's going on with the coronavirus. >> martha: quick final thought. this is more transmissible but we're in an environment where you have many more people that are vaccinated. >> yeah, no, exactly. and again, the chicago public schools, the teachers, 90 plus pus vaccination rates. very low risk for the kids. we know what this does to kids. how it damages kids. to keep them out of school. again, the teacher's union here is just making a power play. we'll see whether they get away with it or not. >> martha: the biggest cause of death for 18 to 45-year-olds in the united states is fentanyl overdose. >> that's right. >> martha: not covid-19. thanks, gentlemen. good to see you both. let's get a live look at i-95 in virginia. that's a black screen. there we go. there it is. boy, what a nightmare this has been for folks out there. it looks clear right now. winter mix, snow, stranded vehicles for nearly 24 hours. we'll talk to some of those folks and an exclusive with an attorney representing 35 navy special warfare service members that refuse to be vaccinated because of religious beliefs. with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 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see the gas station is busy. workers say they were slammed for hours. on the other side, cars are still stuck in traffic. a lot of drivers are facing more traffic as they get off on secondary roads like this. mainly route 1, which really are roads that are not designed to handle interstate traffic like, this i've seen it first half. there's patches that are still dealing with the aftermath of snow, downed trees and icy snow covered roads. you're hearing reports from people that were stranded spending the night in their cars with no food, water, against says to a bathroom or gas. in some cases with little ones with them. i heard about people turning their cars on and off every hour so they didn't run out of gas and stayed as warm as possible. temperatures dropped to the 20s last night. the response is being handled at the local level since a state of emergency has not been declared. the virginia department of transportation called the situation unacceptable and we're expecting another update in a half an hour. martha? >> martha: katie, thanks very much. judge tells the pentagon that they cannot take action against navy seals that refuse the vaccination based on religious beliefs. we'll be joining an attorney that is representing the special warfare service members exclusively next. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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why are they kicking out navy seals that should be fighting to defend the nation instead of fighting for their jobs? it's un-american and institutional as the court held. >> martha: i want to play this sound bite from john kirby speaking on behalf of the other side. here's what he said. >> religious exemptions for medical, military medical requirements are historically very rare. i can not speak to every case. i'd point you to the services. this has absolutely nothing to do with trampling on the religious liberties of men and women in uniform. >> martha: but you argued otherwise, michael. >> that's right. first liberty institute argued in court and the court held that's what this is. it's trampling all over the constitutional rights of our service members. when the military allows hundreds, possibly thousands of medical exemptions, administrative exemptions but doesn't grant a single religious exemption, the only way to describe that is that is just blatant religious hostility. it's unconstitutional, violates federal law and again, we're thrilled that the court agreed with us and ruled against the navy and against the department of defense and we'll see where it goes from here. martha, look, people need to read this decision. it's a powerful decision available at this is a blueprint for how to fight the vaccine mandate the proper way, especially for those that have a religious objection like our clients do. >> martha: what was the primary religious objection if you can sum it up? >> 35 seals will have -- every person has an individual religious belief and has the right to have that religious belief. many of them object to the fact that the vaccine was tested or developed or produced using aborted fetal cells. others prayed to god. say god, what do you want me to do? god said no. it would violate their conscious and religious convictions to get the vaccine. under the law that is absolutely protected in this country. >> martha: i've heard the point brought up against general george washington at valley forge and how he wanted his troops inknock -- inoculated about small pox. how would you make that argument? >> he understood there was natural immunity. our pentagon doesn't get that. they have made no allowances for natural immunity, no allowances for religious beliefs. that's what our constitution and federal law requires. talking about historic precedence, let's talk about desmond doss, medal of honor recipient, threatened with court martial because of his religious conscious and to having to carry a weapon and using a weapon in combat. our military found a way for him to serve with his beliefs and conscious intact. he received the medal of honor. our seals can continue to serve the country and defend our freedoms. they're navy seals. they're some of the most elite warriors we have. we need them fighting for our freedoms, not fighting for their careers. >> martha: we're grateful for their service and yours as well. michael barry, thanks for being here today. >> thank you. >> martha: we'll take a quick break and back with more of "the story." riatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ it's your home. you're walking the same path they did. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> martha: new york city's new mayor, a former police captain, says he does not support defunding the police. >> i'm not one of the defunders. you know, when you go throughout the city, that's not what i heard on the ground. i was clear in my message when i campaigned. people elected me based on the message of public safety. >> martha: that's true. democrat eric adams said part of his plan is to recreate a plain clothes unit to focus on gangs and guns and breaking them up. the nypd disbanded a similar unit in 2020 after the former police commissioner called a disproportionate complaint in shootings. eric adams said i know how to do it right because i fought against doing it wrong thatter is rick adams, the new mayor of new york city. that is "the story" for this tuesday, january 4, 2022. the story goes on. see you tomorrow at 3:00. hope you have a greatening. "your world" starts right now. take care, everybody. see you tomorrow. >> president biden meeting with his covid response team. once again, urging americans to get vaccinated and boosted. the president also announcing that he's doubling an order for pfizer's new covid pill. the first doses should be available by the end of the month. welcome. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. now to jacqui heinrich at the white house with the latest. >> the announcement from the white house that they're doubling their order of the pfizer anti-viral pill is welcome news to a lot of folks that are criticizing the white

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Truck , Fire , Outside Of Tuscaloosa , Four , 2 , Nm Com Martha , Thanks , New York , Head Quarters , Sandra , Martha Maccallum , Diet Coke , Fox News , Pentagon Doesn T , Jill Biden , U S , Taxpayer , Covid 19 , Backlash , The Story , Task Force , 70 , Covid Testing , New York City Public Schools , Country , Billions , Universities , Testing , Relief , Recipients , Isn T , States , Many , Wall , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Questions , School Districts , Haven T , Terms , Podium , Jen Psaki , Cases , Contracts , Accountability , Virus , Course , Challenges , Fashion , 72 8 Billion , 2020 , 2021 , 2 8 Billion , Story , White House , Edward Lawrence , Frustration , Tests , Administration , Order , Response , Covid Tests , Lines , Kit , 00 Million , 500 Million , Sites , Making Improvements , Two , People , Testing Sites , Rescue Plan , 8 Billion , 48 Billion , Purchase , Officials , Paycheck Protection Plan , Billion , 25 Billion , 3 Billion , 5 Billion , 19 , Pandemic , Republicans , Surgeon General , Kits , Three , Test , Guidance , Problem , Hasn T The Cdc , Embarrassment , President , Policy , Website , Blame , Word , Martha , Answers , Roy Blunt , Letter , Health , Human Services Committee , Labor , Testing Shortage , Senator Burr , We Haven T , Appropriating Committee , Committees , Bill , Democrats , Bills , Five , 2 Billion , 45 , 32 Billion , 46 Billion , Question , The End , Series , Market , Government , Drugstore , Somewhere , Store Shelves , 83 Billion , 82 , One , Minimum , Nine , Members , Department , Job , Issues , Some , Expenditure , Numbers , Congress , Activities , Specifics , Trace , Diagnose , 7 8 Billion , 47 8 Billion , Capacity , Talk , Summer , Way , Lot , Flexibility , Money , Crisis , Something Else , Ways , Vaccines , Preparedness , Corner , Thing , It , Testing Money , Eboli Preparation Effort , Suggestion , Everybody , Stores , Something , Window , Resources , Briefing , Sir , Regard , Measures , Promise , Kinds , Understanding , Guidelines , Track , Details , Press Conference , Dip , Hand , Expectation , Delivery , Website Up , Movement , Deliveries , Awards , Rfp , Manufacturers , Point , Anything , Message , Anniversary , The Hill , 1 , 6 , Afternoon , Remarks , Highlights , Democracy , Capitol , Significance , Reminder , Assault , January 6 , Power , Thursday , Governance , Transfer , Peril , Attempt , Truth , Lies , Democratic , The System , Rule Of Law , Men , Women , Law Enforcement , Efforts , Work , Hatred , Attack , Will , Mob , 150 Million , Didn T Take , Speech , Child Tax Credit , Build , Doesn T , Manchin , Package , Families , Costs , Areas , Done , Child Care , Health Care , Elder Care , Senators , Range , Conversations , Team , Process , Detail , Kids , Contribution , Poverty , 30 , Extension , Somebody , Half , Payments , Taxes , Six , We Weren T , Vaccinated , Fact , Step , Communities , Rateds , Won T , Washington D C , Death , Anyone , Potential , Hospitalization , Get , Doctors , Public , Places , Second , Control , Sense , Weather , Illness , Place , 200 Million , Over The Counter Purchase , Health Centers , 50 Million , Schools , 20000 , 97 , Funding , Advocacy , 30 Million , 10 Million , 0 Million , 130 Million , Steps , Number , Outbreaks , Individuals , Contact , Interest , Outbreak , Spouses , The Public Interest , White House Medical Unit , Vice President , Instances , Gentleman , First Lady , Information , White House Complex , 99 , 2000 , Vaccination , Line , Case Numbers , Topic , Voting Rights , Senator , Stance , Back Burner Spot , Mlk Holiday , Issue , Colleague Letter , Lock Step , Leader Schumer , Commitment , Timeline , Definition , Boosters , Decisions , Science , Data , Importance , Covid Briefing , Consequence , Sort , Booster , Restaurants , Industries , Decision , Update , Fda , Panel , Questioning , Experts , Adults , Authorizations , Couple , Examples , November 19 , Protocol , Pfizer , Emergency Authorization , December 9 , 9 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 12 , Vaccine , Comment , Emergency Use Authorization , Risk , Middle , Lives , Reaction , Comments , Testing Psychology , Decision Making Process , Florida , Advice , Focus , Reason , Criticism , Testing Component , Scarcity , Isolation , Cdc Couldn T , Isolations , Dr , Duck , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Paul Offett , Protection , Doctor , Kind , Care , Doses , Omicron , Level , Hospital , Icu , Mrna , Goal , Disease , Exposure , Dose , 65 , Healthier , Facilities , Immuned , Symptoms , Term , Communications , Infection , Whooping Vaccine Doesn Tfully , Influenza Vaccine , Moderate , 20 Million , Mono Clonal , Pills , Treatment , Replication , Assessment , Uptake , Value , Key , Medicines , Don T , Peak , Virus Replication Decreases , Don T Work Like Hydroxychloroquine , Offit , Responses , The New York Times , Jumping , Students , Learning , Chicago Teacher S Union , Zoom School , Votes , A Million , Classes , Joe Concha , Stop Taking Jardiance , Heart Risk , Pill , Buildings , Heart Disease , Coffee , Sweat , Cream , Boston , Life , Ketoacidosis , Heart Attack , Kidney Problems , Side Effects , A1c , Dehydration , Side Effect , Urinary Tract Infections , Stroke , Yeast , Skin , Sulfonylurea , Perineum , Dialysis , Insulin , Blood Sugar , Psoriasis , Fail , Try , Hope , Tuberculosis , Cosentyx , Ability , Homeowners , Newday , Rates , Dermatologist , Crohn S Disease , Move , History , Rate , Dollar , Refinance , Apr , Save Thousands , 2 48 , One Dollar , Family , Advantage , Cranky Pated , Record , Newday Low Rate Refi , Water , Gut , Allstate , Miralax , Auto Insurance , Body , Mood , Hands , Agent , Quote Today , 888 , 1 888 Allstate , Standoff , Chicago , Lightfoot , Evidence , Children , Masks , Safety , Person , Union , Teacher , Side , Teachers , Garrett Tenney Reporting , Garrett , Hi , School , Everyone Else , Classroom , School Districts Staff , 91 , 91 , Health Commissioner , Have , Handful , 100000 , 500000 , Home , Research , Harm , Risk Benefit Analyses , Keeping Kids , Good , Flu , Top , Parents , Demands , Ones , The Union , Education , List , Power Plays , Leverage , Opportunity , Negotiators , Sides , Consequences , Deal , Collapses , Remote , Tom Bevan , Video , Contributors , Rounds , Stages , Home Zoom Learning , Entertainment Vehicle , Folks , Credit , Piece , School Officials , Locking , Favor , 18 , Damage , Like , Unions , Lurch , Educator , Zoom Learning , Attention , Snacks , Wasn T , Nap , Reopening , Mental Health , Snacking , Snapping , Learning Loss , Disadvantage , Ramifications , Attention Spans , Kindergartener , Grader , Lack , Case , Kindergarten , Existence , Precedent , None , 8 , March Of 2021 , Coronavirus , Test Results , , Community , Transmission , Chicago Public Schools , Conclusions , Argument , Environment , Transmissible , What S Going On , 90 , Power Play , Cause , Look , Fentanyl Overdose , Screen , I 95 In Virginia , Gentlemen , 95 , Winter Mix , Nightmare , Vehicles , Boy , Exclusive , 24 , Attorney , Beliefs , Service Members , Stop Rybelsus , Navy Special Warfare , 35 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Majority , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Help , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Changes , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Nausea , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 3 , 0 , My Name Is Douglas , Writer , Director , Prevagen , Game Changer , Memory , Healthier Brain , Migraine Medicine , Tracks , Migraine , Ubrelvy , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Cyp3 , Drivers , Traffic , Hundreds , Tractor Trailers , Virginia , Food , Out Of Gas , Chain Reaction Crash , Katie , Standstill , Wawa Gas Station , Water Outside , Cars , Gas Station , Workers , Road , Cardinal , Patches , Route 1 , Roads , Gas , Aftermath , Hearing Reports , Trees , Bathroom , Against , Temperatures , 20s Last Night , 20 , State Of Emergency , Situation , Virginia Department Of Transportation , Judge , Action , Pentagon , Navy , Special Warfare Service Members , Investors , Markets , Unforeseeable , Path , Asset , Landscape , Gold , Liberty Mutual , World , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Returns , Superpowers , Doug , Limu Emu , Pay , Theaters , Gasps , Spider Man , Apr Financing , Limits , Lexus Gx , Apple Carplay Support , 2 49 , 2022 , December 17th , Recording Artist , Gx 460 , Elodia , 460 , Internet , Comcast , Emmanuel , Millions , Projectup , 1 Billion , Tools , Possibilities , Network , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Sweet , Big Deal , Bucks , 5 , 30 Bucks , Store , Save , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Victory , Group , Michael Barry , Navy Seals , Lawsuit , Rights , Reasons , Seals , First , Alexis Mcadams , Injunction , Service , Right , Grounds , Defense Department , Vaccine Requirement , Federal Court , Military Members , U S District Judge , Vaccine Requirements , Change , License , Unvaccinated , Military , Freedoms , Nation , Sacrifice , Citizenry , 26 , Vaccine Mandate , One Million , Governor , Jobs , Battle , Jeopardy , Appeal , State , Guardsmen , Saying , Texas , National Guard , Liberty , Afghanistan War Veteran , Readiness , Constitution , Member , Marine Corps Reserves , Liberty Institute , Force , Outcome , Mission , Strength , Court , Fighting , Sound Bite , Exemptions , Requirements , The Other Side , Behalf , John Kirby , Trampling , Services , Liberties , Nothing , Men And Women In Uniform , Thousands , Law , Hostility , Doesn T Grant A Single Religious Exemption , Department Of Defense , Firstliberty Org , Objection , Blueprint , Clients , Belief , Convictions , Cells , Others , Say God , George Washington , Valley Forge , Troops Inknock , Immunity , Allowances , Small Pox , Desmond Doss , Let S Talk , Medal Of Honor , Weapon , Court Martial , Recipient , Combat , Warriors , More , Break , Careers , Riatic Arthritis , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Players , Artists , Designers , Friends , Do It Yourselfers , Infections , Psoriatic Arthritis , Nervous System , Cancers , Clearer , True Self , Events , Lymphoma , Reactions , Heart Failure , Blood Disorders , Sores , Bleeding , Bruising , Hepatitis B , Fever , Cuts , Paleness , Patients , Visit Enbrel Com , Car , Vo , Decompression Zone , Windshield , Music Vo , Digging , Singers , Ancestry , Technology , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Stuff , Fun , Grandparents , Arizona , 100 , Wayfair , Picture , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , No Other , Memories , Cooking , Mom , Police Captain , Part , Plan , Kitchen , Northwestern Mutual , Police , Defunders , Ground , Public Safety , Gangs , Guns , Clothes , Eric Adams , Police Commissioner , Unit , Complaint , Shootings , Nypd , Rick Adams , Thatter , The Story Goes On , Tuesday January 4 2022 , 00 , 4 , Response Team , Meeting , Greatening , Take Care , Covid Pill , Charles Payne , White , News , Announcement , Latest , Pfizer Anti Viral Pill , Neil Cavuto , Jacqui Heinrich ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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dollars so that they could stay open, be prepared, open safely, all of that. no many of them are saying we'll have to go virtual again. so the president criticized specifically some of the states and he's asking where did the money go? >> we also back then included an $10 billion for testing for schools. that money went out to the states. states and the school districts have spent the money well. many of them. unfortunately some haven't. >> martha: unfortunately some haven't. there's the podium. we're waiting for jen psaki that will probably get questions about this in terms of the accountability. where does the money go? if the money is supposed to be for testing and safe open schools, we don't we have that in some cases? we'll dig into that. that money was allocated for those specific things. why are we still seeing challenges? $72.8 billion allocated to testing and detecting the virus in an ample fashion over the course of 2020 and 2021. edward lawrence digging into this. he joins us from the white house. >> yeah. follow the money. this story won't go away to figure out where the money went. the frustration could be known. even here at the white house, long lines in order to get covid tests, at-home tests. very difficult to find. the president just finishing addressing his covid response and stressing that the administration pledged to buy the $500 million at-home kit to start to be delivered soon. >> i know this is frustrating. it's frustrating to me but we're making improvements. the last two weeks, we set up federal testing sites all over the country. we're adding more each and every day. >> he actually directed people to google to find states free testing sites. now $48 billion allocated from the american rescue plan went for covid testing. another $25 billion from the paycheck protection plan went to research develop, validate, purchase, administer and expand covid-19 testing. senior officials saying $3 billion of the money was spent to expand testing sites, not kits, across the country. three years in to the pandemic, republicans are saying there should be no surprise more tests are needed. former surgeon general jerome adams says he believes testing was left off of the cdc guidance because they wanted to save embarrassment. >> you should get a rapid test if you can. the problem is that the administration has not yet delivered the rapid tests. they didn't want to pull out a policy that would reflect blame back on them. >> no word when the website will be open to get the at-home tests. the president saying sometime in january, not early january like he said last month. back to you, martha. >> martha: thanks, edward. senator roy blunt is on the health and labor and human services committee. he wrote a letter to the administration demanding answers on the money that was spent and why there's a testing shortage. he joins me now. thanks very much, senator. good to have you here. you just heard the president and what he said about this. did you get the answers that you're looking for there? >> no, we haven't, martha. senator burr, who has the authorizing committee, i have the appropriating committee, the top two republicans on the committees, sent a letter last week. we have about $10 billion that weren't in that -- adding up that what you went through. if you take all five of the bipartisan covid bills, that is about $32 billion. then about 45, 46 billion in the bill that the democrats passed by themselves this year for testing. the real question is, how is that money spent? how could we have a testing shortage now when at the end of last year we had what appeared to be a whole new series of tests coming on the market. i think my other question would be, if the federal government thinks they can buy 500 million at-home tests by the end of this month, where are those tests now? you don't have to look very hard to go to a drugstore and find out that they're out of those tests. you think if they were available, they would be on the store shelves right now rather than waiting somewhere for the federal government to buy 500 million of those tests. remember, this is 82, $83 billion that have gone into testing and they've had all of that money for a minimum of nine months and suddenly we have a testing shortage? one of the questions is, was that money spent for other things. if it was, how do you justify that if you're the administration and the department. >> martha: you know, this administration told the american people that they were going to solve covid. that the prior administration had done a terrible job. in this administration, things were going to be very different. so i think that members of congress and the american people sort of signed on for this tremendous expenditure of u.s. taxpayer dollars to fix what people saw as some of these issues. i want to put up the numbers again. i know you say it's $10 billion higher than what was laid out. but here's the specifics. $47.8 billion to carry out activities to detect, which would mean to test, diagnose, trace, more testing, and then purchase, expand capacity for covid-19 tests. what do you think actually happened here? you think over the summer and the fall when it looked like this might have been over that they diverted the money to other things? >> what we're seeing here -- let's talk about the $47.8 billion that democrats all by themselves decided in martha they were going to spend on testing. where did that money go? did you decide that if you're the administration, well, we have a lot of flexibility because of the way that bill was uniquely written so that money could be spend in more ways than you could normally spend appropriated money. where did that money go? did you decide that the crisis is behind us so let's spend that money on something else? that's the questions we're asking now. of course, it's always the problem in preparedness for what might come next is that once you get around that corner, people will say maybe we don't need that money and stockpile the vaccines or maybe we don't need the money in an eboli preparation effort. i don't think we'll need it. then you find out with the testing money that you needed it, you needed it months ago. what was the worst thing that could have happened if the tests were in stores right now and people could get them and then you combine that with a suggestion that everybody has to have even another test before they think about going to work after they're beyond the window of where covid should last. you're telling people to do something and then almost guaranteeing that they don't have the resources to do what they need to do. it's not that they don't have the money to have. they simply don't have what they need because that money hasn't been spent the way we were told it was going to be spent. >> martha: before i let you go, sir, the briefing is underway. we'll go there in a minute. with regard to the billions that we also mentioned that were spent so that schools and universities could stay open and could open safely, all kinds of measures were given and money was given. now it feels like they're pulling back on that promise that that money was exchanged for. >> i think that's a good question. i think often this money was disbursed without the guidelines of schools needed or the guidelines that states needed and now we're seeing what happens when there's not an understanding of what you can use that money for because when you don't have an understanding, a lot of people think if we don't spend it now, we can spend it later for something we want to spend it on. >> martha: it's all u.s. taxpayer money. senator blunt, thanks very much. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: so let's dip in to the press conference. >> we're finalizing things, the contracts. i expect to share details soon. we hope to do that. we're on track to start seeing movement on the awards through the rfp this week. so the first delivery from manufacturers will start later this month. that's our expectation. when we have those deliveries in hand, we will put the website up, make it available so people can order tests at that point in time. >> secondly, do you have anything to share on what the president's message will be on thursday when he goes to the hill for the anniversary of 1-6? >> sure. i can give you some highlights at this point in time and the president is still working through and reviewing his own remarks. on the afternoon -- what you can expect, i should say, is that the president will speak to the historical significance of january 6 and what it means for the country a year later. as a reminder on the afternoon of january 6, the president called what was happening at the capitol then an unprecedented assault on our democracy. an attempt to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. thursday, the president will speak to the truth of what happened, not the lies and the peril it has posed to the rule of law and the system of democratic governance. he will also mark that day commemorating the brave men and women of law enforcement that protected the capitol and the lives that were there. because of our efforts, our democracy with stood an attack from the mob and the will of the 150 million people was registered by congress. he will also speak to the work we still need to do, to reject the hatred and lies we saw january 6 and to unite our country. obviously we'll have more to preview as we get closer to the speech. >> since the president didn't take questions from us today or yesterday, can you tell us whether he can live with a smaller build back better package or a package that doesn't have the child tax credit in it or with only employed people qualifying for the child tax credit, which is what senator manchin said he wants. >> i can tell you the president wants to get build back better done, committed to get it done because it was lower costs for miles per hour as cross the country, child care, elder care, health care. a lot of the areas that are impacting american families budgets across the country. i can tell you that those are conversations that he and many members of our senior team will continue to have with a range of senators that are involved in this process in the weeks ahead and we're not going to outline them in more detail from here. i would reiterate that the president sees and recognizes and values the contribution of the child tax credit and what it did to help lower -- prevent 30% of kids from being in poverty last year. it's something that he advocated for, he introduced and he called for himself. so absolutely he wants to see an extension of the child tax credit. i would note -- i thought this is an interesting thing that somebody shared with me this morning. the way it was designed, payments are going out every month for six months. as soon as people file their taxes, they will get the other half. so we want it to be extended. we're going to fight for that. there's additional payments that will come to people that are eligible when they file their taxes. >> happy new year. since the president didn't take questions from us, we weren't able to clarify. he said to the vaccinated and boosted "you can still get covid but it's unlikely you'll be seriously ill." that's what he said roughly. have we reached a point in the pandemic now where he's basically saying to americans accept the fact you may get the virus but if you're vaccinated won't be that bad? >> what he's saying we know there will be break through cases. we've had them at the white house. we're seeing them across the country and elevated rateds of cases in certain communities including in washington d.c. but the step that is most important that people can take to prevent -- reduce the potential for hospitalization and death is to get vaccinated, get boosted. he's not telling anyone to accept anything. he's conveying what they can do to protect themselves. he's also said very clearly and illustrated that in what he said publicly as have our doctors that we're going to be direct and straightforward with the american people. we know cases are going up. we also know that if people are boosted, it will significantly reduce the potential to be hospitalized and to die. that is what we're conveying to the public. >> let's be straight here for a second. cases are rising across the country. tests are hard to come by in many places. long lines for them. schools are closing again or having to go virtual. that's not just because of the weather but because of the pandemic. there's a sense among many that the country has lost control of the virus. would the white house agree with that? >> we would not. here's why. we're in a different place than a year ago, ed. 200 million people are vaccinated. those are people that are protected, seriously protected from illness and death from the virus. we have also just purchased the largest over-the-counter purchase of tests in history, 500 million tests. that builds on the fact that we have already distributed 50 million tests back in tests to rural health centers. the fact that we have 20,000 sites across the country to get free tests. next week people can get reimbursed for their tests. we're going to continue to build on that. it also on schools, i would say 97% of schools are open across the country. the president wants schools to be open. that's why months ago when people questioned his advocacy for this funding, he advocated for $130 million in the american rescue plan and $10 million to cover testing even though when people said it was not necessary and needed. it's all been distributed to states. if states have not used it and school districts have not used it, now is the time to use it. we have taken steps to prepare for any contingency and we're working to build and implement on that. >> you mentioned outbreaks here at the white house. is it a large number? it's a policy that you'll only let us know if it's the top four individuals in the government or their spouses. has there been a white house outbreak? >> our policy is that, which is important for the public to know. it's in the public interest to know. and of course your interest if there's anyone who has close contact as deemed by the white house medical unit with the president, the vice president, the first lady or the second gentleman. we'll make that information available as we have done, as those instances have occurred. i was only conveying there's break through cases here. there's 2,000 people that work on the white house complex. the 99% of them are vaccinated. and there will be break-through cases here thanks to the vaccination, those cases have been mild. again, there's rising case numbers across the country and we expect to be in line with that. >> another topic and you discussed this. senator durbin suggested that build back better has taken a back burner spot as voting rights pushes ahead as we near the mlk holiday. is that the white house's stance right now, the issue number 1? >> we're working and you've seen the dear colleague letter that schumer put out a couple days ago. we're working in lock step with leader schumer on that, on getting voting rights down. he put out a timeline for that. we'll work on getting that done. that doesn't change our commitment to build back better. >> why hasn't the cdc revised the definition of what it means to be fully vaccinated yet given that this president has spoken about boosters for months now? >> yeah, a great question for the cdc. they speak for themselves given that they make decisions based on data and science. that i have a covid briefing tomorrow. >> has the president emphasized the importance of boosters for months and, you know, people have to ask the question or a lot of people are asking the question, would revising the guidance cause some sort of logistical or political or economic consequence that the white house isn't ready to embrace, not being able to go to restaurants, industries -- >> we have booster as available for every american. they can get boosted now regardless of the guidance. whether you're just approved or approved weeks ago. >> do you expect that that guidance will change? >> it's up to the cdc and they make those decisions based on data and science. >> will we have an update when they'll make a decision on that? >> i encourage you to ask that question tomorrow. >> similar line of questioning but this time about the fda. >> okay. >> there's been decisions by the fda over the last few months that have happened without consulting the panel of independent experts that we saw for authorizations for the vaccines themselves. we haven't seen that with boosters. a couple of examples on november 19, fda authorized the booster for all adults. december 9, the fda authorized boosters for 16 and 17-year-olds. yesterday the fda mandated the emergency authorization for the pfizer booster for kids ages 12 to 15. so i guess my question is why has the protocol been different with the booster than it was for the emergency use authorization of the vaccine itself? >> the fda makes those decisions not driven by what the white house is telling them what to do. i would point you to the fda to get comment on that. >> i guess the white house is not -- the fda is not getting rid of its independent panel of experts by any white house guidance? >> absolutely not. again, i think they would confirm that themselves. what is important to step back here and recognize, we're in the middle of a pandemic. there's still far too many people that are not vaccinated. there's still kids that are at risk because there's not enough people, adults vaccinated. what we're collectively trying to do here is protect more people and save more lives, whether you work here or at the cdc or the fda. >> is the president okay with the fda making these authorizations without calling their panel of experts? >> again, the fda can speak to their decision making process. >> the florida surgeon general. what is the reaction to his comments that the u.s. needs to unwind its testing psychology? is that sound medical advice? >> i would point to our own health and medical experts and our focus on when they're more available and free to the public. >> is there any reason why the cdc did not include a testing component when it revised its guidance for isolation given that there is such a scarcity of tests? there's been criticism that the cdc couldn't help people if they should get tested in isolations. they would get tests andblow back to the administration. >> again, the cdc makes these decisions. i expect them to make the guidance. go ahead. >> can you give us an update -- >> martha: we're going to duck out for a moment to bring in dr. paul offett from the children's hospital of philadelphia. thanks for being with us today. i guess my first question to you, just jumping off of what we listened to there at the white house is what is fully vaccinated and should the cdc recommend that a booster is what makes you fully vaccinated? >> so the question is what do we want from this vaccine? if what we want from the vaccine is protection against serious illness, the kind of illness that causes you to seek a doctor's care or go to the hospital or the icu, these vaccines do that. the mrna vaccines do that at two doses. what they don't do especially with omicron, is offer protection, high level of protection against mild illness associated with exposure. so even if you have gotten two doses, you're not as protected against mild the disease. so it's reasonable to say since the goal of the vaccine should be the goal of every vaccine, which is the protection of serious illness, that you're fully vaccinated with two doses. what the third dose provides is protection against mild illness for three or four months. that said, people over 65 certainly should reasonably get a third dose. immuned compromised people should get a third dose, people that live in long-term care facilities should get a third dose. that's what they provide. the healthier, younger people, it's protection for three or four months. >> martha: and people with omicron got the symptoms. >> that's the issue. i think the worst communications error we made with this vaccine is ever using the term break-through to describe a mild illness associated with infection. that's okay. that's what you want. you want to be protected against severe illness. the influenza vaccine does that. protects against moderate to severe disease. the whooping vaccine doesn'tfully protect. it's unrealistic to thing that it will protect against mild illness. >> martha: so the president just called for an order for 20 million anti-viral pills. there's been a criticism of the administration that they haven't focused on treatment, mono clonal anti-bodies are available for people that get omicron is. that order enough and what is your assessment of that so far? >> we'll see what the uptake is. it a value if given early. that's the key. it has to be given in the first few days when viral replication is at its peak. as you develop symptoms, virus replication decreases and an anti viral isn't going to be as effective. i think it seems people that don't want to get vaccinated are willing to take medicines that don't work like hydroxychloroquine. so i think hopefully they'll be willing to also take medicines that to work like these anti-viral medicines. it has to be early on though. >> martha: thanks, dr. offit. thanks for listening this to us and for jumping in with your responses. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: according to "the new york times," half a million students have been forced into zoom school and that number could climb tomorrow if the chicago teacher's union votes to return to online learning. joe concha is next. >> cancelling classes doesn't mean the schools will be closed. they'll be open. i'll have the cancel classes tomorrow because i'll have to be responsible in not knowing who will show up to the buildings. ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? 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they want to be there in person. >> martha: garrett tenney reporting live from chicago. hi, garrett. >> good afternoon to you, martha. on one side is the teacher's union saying the city schools are not safe. both teachers and students are at risk. then on the other side is pretty much everyone else, city, health and school officials all saying the same thing. there's no safer place for students to be than in the classroom. they argue that is true given that 91% of the school districts staff is vaccinated. more than 100,000 students in chicago have received one dose and right now only a handful of the city's 500,000 children are being hospitalized with covid each day. the health commissioner said the data and research is clear. keeping kids at home will do more harm than good. >> we've got to do risk benefit analyses here. at least among children, we have to think of this as similar to flu. you add vaccination on top of that, the risk is even lower. that is what we're seeing right now. we need kids to get vaccinated. but i remain extremely comfortable with children continuing in-person education. >> the union has a long list of demands including robust testing and masks. parents say the latest standoff shows ones again the union is putting its members in political power ahead of what is best for children. >> the union will never pass up an opportunity to exert their leverage and get power plays. unfortunately our kids here in chicago are the ones, you know, paying the consequences. >> negotiators from both sides are scheduled to meet this afternoon to try to work out a deal. if they're not able to do that and the union votes to go remote, school and collapses will be cancelled tomorrow all together. >> martha: joining me now, joe concha and tom bevan, fox news contributors. good to have you with us. i want to start by going back to a video that made the rounds in the early stages of covid. it was put out by the teacher's union and showed what they were doing while the kids were at home. i'm going to take over this because it's a visual entertainment vehicle. this is what they were doing while the kids were home zoom learning. tom bevan, there was a piece in "the new york times" says that american children are in crisis and that lit you up as too little too late. >> yeah, it's tempting to give credit to folks who were all in favor of locking kids out of schools last year and suddenly coming around 18 months later. we knew from the very beginning that the kids were at low risk in the early days of 2020. yet we let local officials, school officials, let the unions basically shut down school for an entire year and now we're learning and recognizing just how much damage was done to these kids socially, emotionally, educationally and the like. here you have the chicago teacher's union doing it again, making ridiculous demands. these families are sitting here in the lurch. they will have to wait for hours to see if their kids go to school. it's unconscionable that the union is taking advantage of the parents and students this way. >> martha: this a video of president and jill biden who is an educator herself. they were told by kids that they enjoyed zoom learning because they were sleeping during it and getting snacks. listen to this. >> i don't like virtual. >> you didn't? >> no. >> sometimes we were paying attention to something else. you could eat. >> if you're really tired, you can take a nap. >> if you don't like the question, you can sound like you didn't hear it. >> martha: at that point, the president wasn't encouraging the schools from reopening. now he is. we heard from him. it goes beyond snacking and snapping. it's a serious learning loss. puts us at a disadvantage for students, emotional and serious mental health ramifications for kids across the country. >> martha, i saw it first hand with my kindergartener, with my second grader, particularly my 6-year-old where they're not built to be learning online. attention spans are short at that age. perhaps they're behind. we're trying to catch up for lack of a better term. and my kids are now going to school. she said i can't remember a time being in school before the pandemic. i couldn't believe it. it was remarkable for an 8-year-old to say. it's true. the only existence that she's none. this goes back to when she was in kindergarten. in this case, we need to look at the data and the precedent. i found a story from march of 2021. this is after school first reopened. "new york city public schools have seen remarkably low virus transmission compared with the citywide rate of positive test results." they go on to say only .4%, martha, .4% of tests came back positive for the coronavirus and that was during a period when virus cases were spiking in the community. chicago public schools are coming back with the same conclusions. there's no significant transmission. that's the science. now what are we talking about here? keeping kids out again perhaps tomorrow after they have been off the last few weeks because of christmas and new year's. we can't keep doing this. it's not productive in the science. the science is on the side of the argument that kids should be back in school regardless of what's going on with the coronavirus. >> martha: quick final thought. this is more transmissible but we're in an environment where you have many more people that are vaccinated. >> yeah, no, exactly. and again, the chicago public schools, the teachers, 90 plus pus vaccination rates. very low risk for the kids. we know what this does to kids. how it damages kids. to keep them out of school. again, the teacher's union here is just making a power play. we'll see whether they get away with it or not. >> martha: the biggest cause of death for 18 to 45-year-olds in the united states is fentanyl overdose. >> that's right. >> martha: not covid-19. thanks, gentlemen. good to see you both. let's get a live look at i-95 in virginia. that's a black screen. there we go. there it is. boy, what a nightmare this has been for folks out there. it looks clear right now. winter mix, snow, stranded vehicles for nearly 24 hours. we'll talk to some of those folks and an exclusive with an attorney representing 35 navy special warfare service members that refuse to be vaccinated because of religious beliefs. with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 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see the gas station is busy. workers say they were slammed for hours. on the other side, cars are still stuck in traffic. a lot of drivers are facing more traffic as they get off on secondary roads like this. mainly route 1, which really are roads that are not designed to handle interstate traffic like, this i've seen it first half. there's patches that are still dealing with the aftermath of snow, downed trees and icy snow covered roads. you're hearing reports from people that were stranded spending the night in their cars with no food, water, against says to a bathroom or gas. in some cases with little ones with them. i heard about people turning their cars on and off every hour so they didn't run out of gas and stayed as warm as possible. temperatures dropped to the 20s last night. the response is being handled at the local level since a state of emergency has not been declared. the virginia department of transportation called the situation unacceptable and we're expecting another update in a half an hour. martha? >> martha: katie, thanks very much. judge tells the pentagon that they cannot take action against navy seals that refuse the vaccination based on religious beliefs. we'll be joining an attorney that is representing the special warfare service members exclusively next. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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why are they kicking out navy seals that should be fighting to defend the nation instead of fighting for their jobs? it's un-american and institutional as the court held. >> martha: i want to play this sound bite from john kirby speaking on behalf of the other side. here's what he said. >> religious exemptions for medical, military medical requirements are historically very rare. i can not speak to every case. i'd point you to the services. this has absolutely nothing to do with trampling on the religious liberties of men and women in uniform. >> martha: but you argued otherwise, michael. >> that's right. first liberty institute argued in court and the court held that's what this is. it's trampling all over the constitutional rights of our service members. when the military allows hundreds, possibly thousands of medical exemptions, administrative exemptions but doesn't grant a single religious exemption, the only way to describe that is that is just blatant religious hostility. it's unconstitutional, violates federal law and again, we're thrilled that the court agreed with us and ruled against the navy and against the department of defense and we'll see where it goes from here. martha, look, people need to read this decision. it's a powerful decision available at this is a blueprint for how to fight the vaccine mandate the proper way, especially for those that have a religious objection like our clients do. >> martha: what was the primary religious objection if you can sum it up? >> 35 seals will have -- every person has an individual religious belief and has the right to have that religious belief. many of them object to the fact that the vaccine was tested or developed or produced using aborted fetal cells. others prayed to god. say god, what do you want me to do? god said no. it would violate their conscious and religious convictions to get the vaccine. under the law that is absolutely protected in this country. >> martha: i've heard the point brought up against general george washington at valley forge and how he wanted his troops inknock -- inoculated about small pox. how would you make that argument? >> he understood there was natural immunity. our pentagon doesn't get that. they have made no allowances for natural immunity, no allowances for religious beliefs. that's what our constitution and federal law requires. talking about historic precedence, let's talk about desmond doss, medal of honor recipient, threatened with court martial because of his religious conscious and to having to carry a weapon and using a weapon in combat. our military found a way for him to serve with his beliefs and conscious intact. he received the medal of honor. our seals can continue to serve the country and defend our freedoms. they're navy seals. they're some of the most elite warriors we have. we need them fighting for our freedoms, not fighting for their careers. >> martha: we're grateful for their service and yours as well. michael barry, thanks for being here today. >> thank you. >> martha: we'll take a quick break and back with more of "the story." riatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ it's your home. you're walking the same path they did. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> martha: new york city's new mayor, a former police captain, says he does not support defunding the police. >> i'm not one of the defunders. you know, when you go throughout the city, that's not what i heard on the ground. i was clear in my message when i campaigned. people elected me based on the message of public safety. >> martha: that's true. democrat eric adams said part of his plan is to recreate a plain clothes unit to focus on gangs and guns and breaking them up. the nypd disbanded a similar unit in 2020 after the former police commissioner called a disproportionate complaint in shootings. eric adams said i know how to do it right because i fought against doing it wrong thatter is rick adams, the new mayor of new york city. that is "the story" for this tuesday, january 4, 2022. the story goes on. see you tomorrow at 3:00. hope you have a greatening. "your world" starts right now. take care, everybody. see you tomorrow. >> president biden meeting with his covid response team. once again, urging americans to get vaccinated and boosted. the president also announcing that he's doubling an order for pfizer's new covid pill. the first doses should be available by the end of the month. welcome. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. now to jacqui heinrich at the white house with the latest. >> the announcement from the white house that they're doubling their order of the pfizer anti-viral pill is welcome news to a lot of folks that are criticizing the white

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