Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

welcome all of you. the cdc confirming more than 465,000 new cases yesterday alone. 2000 deaths. that's the highest single day case number since the pandemic started. americans are scrambling to get themselves tested. the demand led to scenes like this. dozens of cars waiting in line in miami in hours long lines in new york city. the white house covid response coordinator said the president won't sign the contract for the 500 million at home tests until late next week delaying how long it will take to get them in american's hands. and new concerns that federal and local vaccine mandates are leaving the country more vulnerable. the military and police have been forced to cut vital personnel. instead of protecting leadership from the white house our commander-in-chief is enjoying himself at home in delaware. how nice! matt, starting with you, this morning i was thinking about last year. with president trump i reminded myself with his leadership on testing. we had no tests. president trump had to develop tests. before the rapid tests were approved last december, in august, many months before the rapid tests were aroughed. -- approved. president trump announced a deal with abbott for 150 million tests. in september he announced a plan to distribute the tests it. biden has no excuse here. >> that's right. this whole idea of kamala harris's famous tweet about how when they take office they will get the virus under control to the other day when joe biden said to the all of these either people watching on television there was no federal role. no national role in responding to china virus. they thought it would be easy. donald trump took the political heat for the virus although it started in china. they beat him and it would just be managing it. what they realize now is they completely bungled it. almost every policy out of the biden administration on every topic, but specifically on the virus is wrong. it would have been easy to have testing available through his administration and easy to embrace the idea of therapeutics which are sowing so much promise to so many people who have been infected. instead they are stuck on this idea of shut downs and mandates which are causing economic problems. i think the american people are looking at joe biden and saying, he is just not up to this task. >> that's right. kennedy, the trump administration did the legwork. all biden had to do was partner with the private sector. he did not do this. let's watch this clip from the trump era on testing. >> we had a short fall under the trump administration because we started with zero and needed to build the entire infrastructure. in the middle of a pandemic we don't have an fda commissioner or testing coordinator. there is no accountability whatsoever. >> that says it all? >> it's a lack of urgency combined with incompetent bureaucracy. people are paying for it with their health. with the engineered virus, the tests don't necessarily catch when you have covid early when you have been vaccinated. you will get a negative test and think it's a cold and you spread it to everybody. that's why the numbers are sky high. a lot of these tests are not accurate. the government told these companies to get out of the way. if we had competition with many companies creating accurate tests you would see people much better served. right now the guidelines are all over the place. people are trying to guess what to do next. i just had covid for the second time. i have been vaccinated. i had covid twice. it's not mild. it knocks you on your keister if you get a bad case of it. a lot of people i know, everyone in new york has it. everyone tests positive when they can get a test and that's after a couple of negative tests. i don't trust them. i don't think they should call them vaccines. the actual treatments that help people and save lives are unavailable. try getting monoclonal antibodies for omicron in new york city. it's impossible. >> i am glad you recovered twice, kennedy. that's rough. anita, this issue of guidelines, the cdc director came out yesterday and had this viral exchange with cnn where she admitted health was not just a motivating factor in reducing the quarantine time. >> it had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. we want to have guidance where we would have a lot of disease that could be adhereed to, that people were willing to adhere to. that spoke to when people are most infectious. >> i am fine with reducing the quarantine time. perhaps they should have come out of the gate and said this is partly a science decision and also a business one. i think transparency would have gone a long way. >> for sure. unfortunately kennedy said she did not have mild symptoms. some people do have mild symptand some are asymptomatic. that's what dr. walensky was speaking to about cutting the guidelines from 10 days to 5 days if you are asymptomatic. imagine airlines. stores, restaurants. people are losing staff like they are dropping like flies. they may be at home feeling fine but testing positive. i think cutting the amount of time the quarantine from 10 days to 5 days for some people makes sense. i want to go back to the opening video we showed on the show. people are lined up waiting for these tests in their cars. standing in line. it looks like people are feeling a sense of panic fear. this is astonishing. we are almost 2 years into the pandemic. look at the lines to get a test. matt, you said that the american people are looking to joe biden and questioning whether he is up to the job. guess what? finally the press is coming on board too. he had a press conference last week announcing all of this new testing. the press questioned him: why did it take so long? why are we not getting tests until next month? the press are finally on board with all of these questions as well. >> that is interesting. the pictures of those lines one more time. cheryl, these images were acceptable in april and may and june of 2020. but those kind of images should not be happening 2 years into a virus. nor should you have to wait days for a test result. we are 2 years in. there is no longer an excuse. >> well, the tests that the biden administration is promising, he hasn't even signed the contract yet. that will be next week. nobody is talking about how they will be distributed. are you going to put them in amazon boxes? they said nothing. dr. fauci in one of his television appearances thinks by the end of january that omicron will dissipate. kennedy, my sister-in-law has it it 3 times. this is not going away. it's not going away. she is fine. all of this is you are right there is a fear and a panic out there. my bigger concern with a lot of these liberal mayors and governors and the biden administration is that you will start to shut down infrastructure again if you let the fear mongering take hold like with the long lines and the panic to get tests. what about the military? more than 90% of the u.s. military is vaccinated. they still have mandates in place. back off with the mandates and focus on keeping the nation's critical infrastructure going so we don't have a society that shuts down again. a final point: healthcare workers enough with the pressure on them. most are vaccinated. back off with firing them. we need them right now in some states we are seeing hospital rates go higher. that's troubling. it's not just covid. it's heart attacks and cancer. someone died from sepsis. because he could not get help at the hospital. >> nurses sidelined and cops and military fired. it's unacceptable. this is next. critics shredding the president and a top member of his administration after tweeting about their success. the president cited just one source of praise on the u.s. economy. >> ♪ ♪ first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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or you can't afford to buy beef. the prices are outrageous. regular great americans across the country are feeling the pinch of inflation. they are worried they will lose their jobs. joe biden's lesson don't worry, it's all good. >> it's not all good. matt is right. there is something insensitive about that. the twin crisis with inflation and covid fears not to mention immigration and foreign policy issues. what should you tell the american people to let them know you feel their pain and help is on the way? >> level with the american people. they denied inflation saying it was transitory to back track and acknowledge people are feeling increased prices. levelling with the american people is the answer. they have not done that. pleased to report, my former colleague on the trump campaign found the one economic analyst. here's his tweet: >> [laughing]. >> i found that to be funny. ron klain has a bad habit of going on twitter when he has a devastating jobs report and talking built rosey under-lining facts of the jobs reports which was bad. this guy is looking at the world with rose colored glasses. i don't know what he tells the president but the president doesn't understand how bad it is. it's so bad even cnn pointed out biden's economic rating is worse than carter. >> and the polling. yes, he lost the faith of the american people in critical areas. the economy and competency. the president doesn't know what "let's go brandon" means. aren't they telling him anything? >> apparently he doesn't. he said yes, agreed on that christmas cave call. -- eve call. that was awkward. inflation at a 41 year high. gas prices probably going to $4 by memorial day next year. you have a labor shortage. you have diesel and empty shelves and a toilet paper shortage. you are right, everything is right from 2021. >> i can't wait to see what we will horde in 2022. just ahead. looking out for the victims of the crime. liberal district attorneys and judges and policies are protecting suspects and criminals instead of victims. we will discuss next. >> ♪ ♪ helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. >> ♪ ♪ >> violent crime spikes across the nation, progressive judges and district attorneys and lawmakers are looking out for the criminals instead of the victims. in washington state lawmakers introduced a bill to reduce penalties for drive-by shootings to promote racial equity. critics are have been blasting these policies asking who is looking out for the victim. like a six-year-old gunned down in san francisco while playing outside last year. his father spoke to fox news about the progressive district attorney. >> our son and other people were struck by the bullets. he succumbed to his injuries. smart, intelligence, energetic. a sweetheart of a six-year-old. he was a good one. it's a tragic painful loss that myself and my family we deal with every day. let's talk about the fact that it the guilty verdict will only do 85 years. my son did not live that long. be a victim of a crime in san francisco under this district attorney, it's a complete joke. the voice of the victims, the district attorney takes an oath to advocate for the victims and fight for them and hold people who commit crimes against them accountable. >> my heart breaking news for jason young. pull up that picture again of the six-year-old. he lost his whole life! one of the suspects convicted of murder has a maximum sentence of 8 years. just 8 years! that's despicable. >> yes, it's been sad. none if it of us can imagine what christmas time is like in their house. i have an 8-year-old daughter. as a parent it's incomprehensible to lose a child in such a way. they are in san francisco where they have the district attorney raised by members of the weather underground and funded by soros and facing a serious recall. he could get recalled. down here in los angeles another liberal district attorney gascon also funded by soros. facing his second attempt of a recall. voters are waking up and trying to get these people out and get people in there who will stand up for the real victims. >> exactly. cheryl, in harris county, texas. 156 people killed were killed by suspects that were out on multiple felony bonds. these are victims of felony bond reform. there are their pictures. >> let's sidewalk about what is happening. this is harris county in houston, texas. 48 hispanic and 37 african-americans and 3 unborn. one shooting was in an upscale area. an off duty police officers was gunned down by gang members out to melt mel bonds. -- multiple bonds. they had numerous felonies. we are getting a new one in new york. he is also a soros candidate. tomorrow i won't be celebrating new year's eve but the fact bill de blasio it's his last day in office as the mayor of new york city. we prayer for sanity with eric adams in new york. >> we are. kennedy, then washington state. drive-by shootings they want to reduce the penalty for that. do they not get it or not care? >> equal protection under the law means for victims too. there is a way of doing criminal justice reform and stopping the over-incarceration but still keeping people safe. now you have an ultra-progressive philosophy that wants to empty the prisons. really dangerous people who want to harm and kill others, you let them out. you let child molesters out. rashida tlaib doesn't have an answer for that. what happens is you tend to go the other direction. you go super law and order and exacerbate the problems in the first place. you can be practice and protect people. we need to have basic decency where we respect human life once again. people who hurt people and take their stuff, those are the ones who give up their rights. >> yes. matt, we talked about progressive district attorneys and local officials. but president biden has a role in all of this. during the campaign he didn't call out defund the police. he coddled the movement. only recently did he say he doesn't support it. >> that's right. when black lives matter and their violent protests were funded by the liberal people across the country, they were out on the streets in logo clothing. they used america's decency and tolerance against them to slip in this idea of radicalizing our ideas of race for every bad purpose. they are acting like they are speaking up for diverse populations and people of color, but their policies are resulting in the deaths of young black kids and people of color. that has to stop. we have to call out this violence that black lives matter has supported and call out defund the cops. i will put c-pac's role in criminal justice reform with anyone. it was holding the violent people and looking at the other things for criminal justice reform. this is all wrong for america. >> it would be nice to see president biden acknowledge the victims. we did it on "outnumbered" every day. coming up, one school board clearing the way to give extra pay to teachers but only if they are not white. why one education activist said the policy is racist. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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shouldn't that be encouraged? the whole thing is a fallacy. >> yes. matt, one for the things i was looking at here is that the vote of the minnesota school board was unanimous. not even one person said this is not a good policy. >> this is the town where george floyd died. there is still so much unease in that town. they are lurching these democrats. a city run by socialists. i agree with kennedy? >> i wish dr. martin luther king junior could come back to earth and remind us, it was about giving everyone a chance no matter their skin color or creed. we are doubling down on this idea that only a black teacher can mentor another black teacher. you get to this point where the result is what? a new form of segregation. we don't need this in america. this is crazy. it's one reason republicans will clean up next november because americans are exhausted from everything being racist including history and math and science. it's crazy. >> yes, i agree. there will be repercussions. one goal is to reduce isolation. i don't think it's achieving that. >> no, i think it tell have the opposite effect. i am with kennedy and matt. it feels like that district is takeing a giant step backwards. they want to only reward certain teachers for the color of their skin. there are plenty of white teachers who would love to be in on the mentoring. this creates isolation and didn't create unity at all. schools are small communities. this trickles down to the students. the students will hear about this. they will wonder: why can't a white teacher mentor my teacher? aren't the teachers all supposed to be teaching the same thing? what does it matter whether you are black or white? >> yes, that's right. cheryl, we cover a lot of this on "outnumbered." segregated graduations. there was a story in atlanta where kids were segregateed in class rooms. black students in it 2 class rooms and white students in 6 or 7 other class rooms. a mom spoke out against that and trying to hold the school accountable. there is more widespread than an isolated incident, doesn't it? >> it does. that's a great example. another example going back to minnesota here for a second. the head of that school board jody she is the same person that decided all parents if they wanted to it speak up at a school board meeting had to dock themselves first. this is political. this is why the governor's race went the way it does in virginia. parents are sick and tired of being told they have no voice in how their children are taught. the school boards need to sit down. enough is enough across the country with this. >> and keep it up with the critical race theory not being taught in our school systems. how didhat work out in virginia? not well. coming up tech getting out of control. a mom claims alexa encouraged her 10-year-old to try a deadly tiktok challenge. that's next. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. moving is a handful. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> ♪ ♪ >> the growing social media tiktok is a in controversy as parents claim it is jeopardizing their kid's mental health and one mother said it told her child to do a dangerous tiktok trend. >> it said put a phone charger part way in and touch the exposed prong with the penny. i was right there in the room with her. i was so freaked out. no, alexa, no. >> thank god her daughter was not enough of a dingbat to do this challenge. you have kids of your own. i asked my 12-year-old if she heard of this challenge. she said no that sounds stupid and dangerous. i don't know anyone who would do that. your thoughts, matt? >> yes, we have not had any near misses like that at our house in virginia. that's why my back drop is beautiful. out here we turn everything off. we even turn off the television. the kids were reading on the hillside. i could not believe it. a little less technology over the holidays would go a long way. parents ought to scrutinize everything in their house. >> i agree. you have to start young. you have to make sure that you are on top of younger kids when they have their first social media. try taking my phone away from my 16-year-old. i dare you. kayleigh mcenany, they come back and go but everyone else has it and try to wear you down. tiktok is like crack. your thoughts? >> yes. i will have to get tips you from kennedy and matt how to keep her out of these things. i love going to read a book on a hillside. in my house we cover all of the plugs. you remember what it's like to have a 2-year-old daughter. they don't know what they are doing. a 12-year-old can comprehend the danger but a 2-year-old can't. the idea that alexa can tell my daughter to do something dangerous and then moves over to instagram later in life and the senator from tennessee, marsha blackburn, created a profile for a young girl and it created content for eating disorders. it's scary between alexa and instagram. >> the pressure is out there. cheryl, i look at. this i would never have an alexa in my house. i don't want a smart fridge. i want to move back to the hobbit. i want to live underground in a bunker by matt's house. that's the only place i will be safe. >> i have 5 nieces and nephews and my oldest loves to read books from the book store. i am proud of that. the thing about tiktok two-thirds on that platform are 14 and under. there is a lot of dangerous stuff on tiktok and a lot of dangerous stuff on instagram and on facebook as well. the only platform that is trying to really curve all of this stuff is youtube. they are trying to do its best to pull violence or animal abuse which is prevalent on instagram, and facebook and tiktok. it's dangerous out there. i am proud of my niece wanting to read a book. maybe we will all come visit matt. it sounds great there. >> it's critical to be the non-parental mentor in someone's life. they get better through to teenagers. in the good old days was someone would lay down in the road. now what kids face is mind blowing. >> as a parent it's one more thing you have to monitor. make sure they are not asking questions to alexa that might get them electrocuted. my daughter got an 8-ball for christmas. you shake it up and ask the question. >> i thought you were talking about cocaine and heroin. >> no, no, no! a magic 8 ball. shake it up and ask a question. >> those used to be the worst things in the world. the magic 8 ball would never steer you wrong. all you would do is make bad dating choice. does he really like me? shake, shake, shake, it's true. then you are crying the night before your junior prom. things don't always end well for some of us. parents, if you are watching fox news you are already a great parent and 700 steps ahead of all the dumb-dumbs. a new year's eve, with no bubbles. americans may have to celebrate without their favorite champagne. start stocking up now. we will talk about that next. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ what if you could see the details of your great-grandparents wedding day... ...or the record that welcomed your great-grandmother to the world. your family story is waiting to be discovered, and now you can search for those fascinating details (upbeat music)t ancestry. - [narrator] this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ ["raise your glass"] >> kennedy: new year's eve is almost here, but some americans could be forced to celebrate without their favorite champagne! the new year's staple is a huge demand, not just for the holidays but also due to the pandemic. candy excessive drinking everyone has been participating in since lockdown started. industry struggles could lead to a price hike. cheryl, you are the fox business expert on the panel. what is driving the champagne shortage? >> cheryl: i am a champagne expert, as well. not embarrassed to say that. i had a wine expert on fox business and she told me this is in the early stages of the champagne shortage we will see across this country. it may actually last years. its supply chain, all those glass bottles stuck on a ship outside of the ports of california. after the segment i went to the store and stocked up, so i'm here in new york, i've got my champagne ready to go. if you're in new york, come on over and we can celebrate the end of 2021, kennedy. because bill de blasio is out tomorrow, and it's a new year on the weekend. she is tu. >> kennedy: kayleigh, if we can't get champagne, what do we do? >> kayleigh: get that new japanese technology we can look at television screen and get a taste. apparently one such taste was of alcohol. i guess not such a bad idea after all! >> kennedy: mat? >> matt: you know, i agree with ron klain. 2021 really is great. it's just more good news for all of us. >> kennedy: this is the best, you guys! gas is super high, steaks is twice as much as they were a year ago. this is the best, i can't believe it. anita, what is the best way to ring in a new year? what is your spirit of choice, and is the champagne shortage going to slow down the vocal train? >> anita: the vocal household has plenty of wine to go around. let's use it as an excuse to get on a plane, fly to paris and have a glass of champagne. what do you guys think? >> kennedy: i don't know, are they locked down? i feel like in europe they are such commies that they won't let us anywhere near the continent. oui oui, until god knows when. anthony found anthony fatty's ring thenew year with his big fat pension. be sure to check out our special new year's eve coverage. it's airing tomorrow night from 10:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. eastern time. it's going to be hosted by fox and friend weekend cohost wireless pete hegseth, rachel campos-duffy, and will cain. amazing performance is that the night as well as special appearances by one of our "outnumbered" friends, emily compagno. she is going to be holding it down in times square, and she is going to make sure there is a party. kayleigh, you have very exciting news about your book! >> kayleigh: yes, i wanted to thank our viewers. our book made it on several best seller lists. "usa today," "wall street journal," amazon, and even then liberal "new york times" putting "keep it off." if you haven't gotten it, check it out on amazon, barnes & noble, wherever books are sold. walmart. thank you for even being "the new york times" at their own gain. appreciate it. >> kennedy: well done, kayleigh paid to matt's point earlier, it's a great book to take to the hillside near you and celebrate the new year. thanks so much everyone today. anita, cheryl, matt, and of course kayleigh. now here is "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> gillian: fox news alert, kicking off a special edition of america reports. case count in the u.s. to a new high not seen before during this pandemic. the seven-day average now is nearing 300,000 cases each day. while hospitalizations and deaths aren't spiking as fiercely, they are also on the rise. good afternoon to washington. i am gillian turner in for sandra smith today. hey, mike. >> mike: i'm mike emanuel in for john roberts. this on the contrary it is wreaking havoc on daily life. the travel

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Americans , White House , Fire , Tests , President , Covid , Record , Cases , U S , Deal , Won T , Sign , 500 Million , Kayleigh Mcenany , Delaware Vacationing , Pandemic , Case , Number , Deaths , All Of You , Cdc , 465000 , 2000 , Line , Cars , Scenes , Dozens , Demand Led , You Haven T , Contract , Response Coordinator , New York City , Miami , Country , Vaccine Mandates , Hands , Concerns , Bunker By Matt , Police , Commander In Chief , Home , Leadership , Personnel , Delaware , Testing , Trump , Donald Trump , Aroughed , 150 Million , Joe Biden , Idea , Plan , Excuse , Kamala Harris , People , Wall , Virus , Role , Tweet , Office , Control , Television , Heat , China , It , Administration , Policy , Topic , Therapeutics , Promise , Mandates , Downs , Problems , Kennedy , Saying , Partner , Task , Legwork , Sector , On Testing , Clip , Zero , Infrastructure , Accountability , Commissioner , Testing Coordinator , Middle , Urgency , Lack , Fda , Test , Health , Bureaucracy , Way , Lot , Companies , Government , Cold , Everybody , Competition , Numbers , Sky High , Guidelines , Place , Everyone , Keister , Vaccines , Don T Trust Them , Couple , Help , Lives , Omicron , Save , Monoclonal Antibodies , Treatments , Anita , Exchange , Factor , Issue , Cnn , Guidance , Disease , Gate , Symptoms , Science , Business One , Symptand , Decision , Transparency , Sure , One , Dr , Stores , Restaurants , Airlines , Staff , Walensky , 10 , 5 , Sense , Quarantine , Flies , Positive , Amount , Show , Video , Lines , Panic Fear , Standing , 2 , Press , Questioning , Job , Press Conference , The Press , Questions , Cheryl , Pictures , Images , Kind , One More Time , May , June Of 2020 , 2020 , Test Result , Amazon , Nobody , Hasn T , Boxes , Fauci , Times , Television Appearances , Nothing , The End , 3 , Panic , Fear , Concern , Governors , Mayors , Military , U S Military , Fear Mongering , 90 , Society , Nation , Point , Pressure , Some , Healthcare Workers , Most , Someone , Heart Attacks , Cancer , Sepsis , Hospital Rates , Cops , Hospital , Nurses , Critics , Economy , Praise , Member , Tweeting , Success , Source , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Something , Cosentyx , Infections , Walking , Lesson Don T Worry , Tuberculosis , Risk , Doctor , Reactions , Infection , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Crohn S Disease , Ability , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , World , Spider Bite , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Gasps , Protein , Pay , Theaters , Spider Man , 17 , December 17th , Nutrients , Energy , Honeymoon , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Two , Thirty , Guys , Divorce , Hotel , Kayak , Search One , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Awhile , We Wouldn T Go , 100 , Internet , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Xfinity , Support Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Credit , Internet Service , Program , Equipment , Value , Xfinity Mobile , 0 , 50 , Store , Call , Click , 15 , Analyst , 2021 , Progress , Field Day , Folk , Failure , Ron Klain , Article , Headline , God , George Bush , Yes , Soul , 41 , Republicans , Democrats , Reelection , Terrible , Pain , Healthcare , Worries , Quit Complaining , Trees , Prices , Beef , Inflation , Jobs , Good , Pinch , Foreign Policy , Fears , Issues , Crisis , Immigration , Level , Track , Answer , Campaign , Levelling , Colleague , Habit , Twitter , Doesn T , Facts , Guy , Rose Colored Glasses , Rating , Polling , Faith , Carter , Areas , Competency , Aren T , Anything , Let S Go Brandon , High , Cave Call , Everything , Gas Prices , Toilet Paper Shortage , Labor Shortage , Memorial Day , Shelves , , 4 , Victims , Crime , Policies , District Attorneys , Suspects , Judges , Liberal , Horde , 2022 , Criminals , Helen , Exercise , Libre 2 , Diabetes , Activity , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Glucose , A1c , Medicare , Lawmakers , Spikes , Shootings , Washington State , Bill , Penalties , Equity , Victim , San Francisco , Six , Son , Father , Fox News , Intelligence , Bullets , Injuries , Sweetheart , Progressive District Attorney , Smart , Fact , Talk , Family , Loss , Verdict , Let , District Attorney , Joke , The Voice , 85 , Crimes , Oath , News , Life , Heart , Picture , Jason Young , Sentence , Murder , Sad , None , 8 , House , Daughter , Parent , Child , Incomprehensible , Soros , Recall , Gascon , Members , Weather Underground , Los Angeles , Attempt , Voters , Harris County , Texas , 156 , Felony Bonds , Felony Bond Reform , Sidewalk , Shooting , Houston , African Americans , Unborn , Texas 48 Hispanic , 48 , 37 , Police Officers , Bonds , Area , Gang Members , Duty , Mel Bonds , Candidate , Felonies , Bill De Blasio , Mayor , Sanity , We Prayer , Eric Adams , Criminal Justice , Protection , Law , Penalty , Safe , Reform , Philosophy , Over Incarceration , Prisons , Others , Kill , Child Molesters , Rashida Tlaib , Law And Order , Direction , Practice , Stuff , Decency , Human Life , Ones , Rights , Movement , Officials , Streets , Logo Clothing , Protests , Race , Ideas , Tolerance , Purpose , Color , Kids , Populations , Violence , Anyone , C Pac , Things , Wrong , Teachers , Education , Coming Up , Activist , School Board , Heartburn , Anna , Night , It Starts , Reality , Night Protection , Sleep , Dream , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , It Count , Brand , Mouth , Crest , Crest Pro Health , 1 , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Age , Boost , 20 , 16 , Millions , Words , Nutrients Finding Understanding Doesn T , Autism , Kinder , Autism Spectrum , Autismspeaks Org , Visit Indeed Com Hire A School Board , Sound Engineer , Candidates , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Taking Off , Minnesota , Isolation , Retention Strategy , Support Opportunities , Move , Last Night , The Ingraham Angle , Teacher , Marshals , Coffins , Ruby Bridges , Black Baby Dolls , Four , Support , Integration , Each Other , Classroom , Mrs , Henry Felt , Big Girl Pants , Education Activists , Races , Ages , Shapes And Sizes , Parents , Students , Segregation , School Choice , Systems , System , Funding , School , Learners , Arguments , Collateral Damage , Thing , Shouldn T , Fallacy , Educators , Vote , Town , Person , Unease , George Floyd , Martin Luther , Skin Color , Socialists , Chance , City Run , Earth , Result , Form , Creed , Racist , Math , History , Reason , Goal , Repercussions , Effect , Skin , District , Giant Step , Plenty , Schools , Mentoring , Communities , Trickles , Didn T Create Unity , White , Teaching , Class Rooms , Story , Segregateed , Segregated Graduations , Atlanta , 6 , Example , School Accountable , Mom , Incident , 7 , Head , Meeting , Second , School Board Jody , Governor , Virginia , School Boards , Children , Voice , Being , Mom Claims , School Systems , Deadly Tiktok Challenge , Race Theory , Up Tech Getting Out Of Control , How Didhat Work Out , Medicine Cabinet , Must , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colds , Love Zicam , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , Handful , Services , Moving , Kidding , Movers , Offers , Address , Yep , Money , Xfinity Com Moving , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Recording Artist , Comcast , Tools , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Possibilities , Social Media Tiktok , Controversy , Mental Health , Kid , Mother , Phone Charger Part , Prong , Penny , Dangerous Tiktok Trend , Room , Alexa , Challenge , Dingbat , 12 , Thoughts , Back Drop , Misses , Everything Off , Holidays , Technology , Reading , Hillside , Social Media , Phone , Top , Crack , I Dare You , Book , Tips , Plugs , Can T , Danger , Instagram , Marsha Blackburn , Girl , Profile , Tennessee , Content , Eating Disorders , My House , Fridge , Hobbit , Platform , Books , Book Store , Loves , Nieces , Nephews , Tiktok Two , 14 , Facebook , Youtube , Niece , Come Visit Matt , Abuse , Animal , Mentor , Teenagers , Road , Mind , The Good Old Days , Question , Cocaine , Heroin , Magic 8 Ball , Dating Choice , Shake , Junior Prom , Steps , Dumb Dumbs , 700 , Champagne , Bubbles , Joints 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

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welcome all of you. the cdc confirming more than 465,000 new cases yesterday alone. 2000 deaths. that's the highest single day case number since the pandemic started. americans are scrambling to get themselves tested. the demand led to scenes like this. dozens of cars waiting in line in miami in hours long lines in new york city. the white house covid response coordinator said the president won't sign the contract for the 500 million at home tests until late next week delaying how long it will take to get them in american's hands. and new concerns that federal and local vaccine mandates are leaving the country more vulnerable. the military and police have been forced to cut vital personnel. instead of protecting leadership from the white house our commander-in-chief is enjoying himself at home in delaware. how nice! matt, starting with you, this morning i was thinking about last year. with president trump i reminded myself with his leadership on testing. we had no tests. president trump had to develop tests. before the rapid tests were approved last december, in august, many months before the rapid tests were aroughed. -- approved. president trump announced a deal with abbott for 150 million tests. in september he announced a plan to distribute the tests it. biden has no excuse here. >> that's right. this whole idea of kamala harris's famous tweet about how when they take office they will get the virus under control to the other day when joe biden said to the all of these either people watching on television there was no federal role. no national role in responding to china virus. they thought it would be easy. donald trump took the political heat for the virus although it started in china. they beat him and it would just be managing it. what they realize now is they completely bungled it. almost every policy out of the biden administration on every topic, but specifically on the virus is wrong. it would have been easy to have testing available through his administration and easy to embrace the idea of therapeutics which are sowing so much promise to so many people who have been infected. instead they are stuck on this idea of shut downs and mandates which are causing economic problems. i think the american people are looking at joe biden and saying, he is just not up to this task. >> that's right. kennedy, the trump administration did the legwork. all biden had to do was partner with the private sector. he did not do this. let's watch this clip from the trump era on testing. >> we had a short fall under the trump administration because we started with zero and needed to build the entire infrastructure. in the middle of a pandemic we don't have an fda commissioner or testing coordinator. there is no accountability whatsoever. >> that says it all? >> it's a lack of urgency combined with incompetent bureaucracy. people are paying for it with their health. with the engineered virus, the tests don't necessarily catch when you have covid early when you have been vaccinated. you will get a negative test and think it's a cold and you spread it to everybody. that's why the numbers are sky high. a lot of these tests are not accurate. the government told these companies to get out of the way. if we had competition with many companies creating accurate tests you would see people much better served. right now the guidelines are all over the place. people are trying to guess what to do next. i just had covid for the second time. i have been vaccinated. i had covid twice. it's not mild. it knocks you on your keister if you get a bad case of it. a lot of people i know, everyone in new york has it. everyone tests positive when they can get a test and that's after a couple of negative tests. i don't trust them. i don't think they should call them vaccines. the actual treatments that help people and save lives are unavailable. try getting monoclonal antibodies for omicron in new york city. it's impossible. >> i am glad you recovered twice, kennedy. that's rough. anita, this issue of guidelines, the cdc director came out yesterday and had this viral exchange with cnn where she admitted health was not just a motivating factor in reducing the quarantine time. >> it had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. we want to have guidance where we would have a lot of disease that could be adhereed to, that people were willing to adhere to. that spoke to when people are most infectious. >> i am fine with reducing the quarantine time. perhaps they should have come out of the gate and said this is partly a science decision and also a business one. i think transparency would have gone a long way. >> for sure. unfortunately kennedy said she did not have mild symptoms. some people do have mild symptand some are asymptomatic. that's what dr. walensky was speaking to about cutting the guidelines from 10 days to 5 days if you are asymptomatic. imagine airlines. stores, restaurants. people are losing staff like they are dropping like flies. they may be at home feeling fine but testing positive. i think cutting the amount of time the quarantine from 10 days to 5 days for some people makes sense. i want to go back to the opening video we showed on the show. people are lined up waiting for these tests in their cars. standing in line. it looks like people are feeling a sense of panic fear. this is astonishing. we are almost 2 years into the pandemic. look at the lines to get a test. matt, you said that the american people are looking to joe biden and questioning whether he is up to the job. guess what? finally the press is coming on board too. he had a press conference last week announcing all of this new testing. the press questioned him: why did it take so long? why are we not getting tests until next month? the press are finally on board with all of these questions as well. >> that is interesting. the pictures of those lines one more time. cheryl, these images were acceptable in april and may and june of 2020. but those kind of images should not be happening 2 years into a virus. nor should you have to wait days for a test result. we are 2 years in. there is no longer an excuse. >> well, the tests that the biden administration is promising, he hasn't even signed the contract yet. that will be next week. nobody is talking about how they will be distributed. are you going to put them in amazon boxes? they said nothing. dr. fauci in one of his television appearances thinks by the end of january that omicron will dissipate. kennedy, my sister-in-law has it it 3 times. this is not going away. it's not going away. she is fine. all of this is you are right there is a fear and a panic out there. my bigger concern with a lot of these liberal mayors and governors and the biden administration is that you will start to shut down infrastructure again if you let the fear mongering take hold like with the long lines and the panic to get tests. what about the military? more than 90% of the u.s. military is vaccinated. they still have mandates in place. back off with the mandates and focus on keeping the nation's critical infrastructure going so we don't have a society that shuts down again. a final point: healthcare workers enough with the pressure on them. most are vaccinated. back off with firing them. we need them right now in some states we are seeing hospital rates go higher. that's troubling. it's not just covid. it's heart attacks and cancer. someone died from sepsis. because he could not get help at the hospital. >> nurses sidelined and cops and military fired. it's unacceptable. this is next. critics shredding the president and a top member of his administration after tweeting about their success. the president cited just one source of praise on the u.s. economy. >> ♪ ♪ first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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or you can't afford to buy beef. the prices are outrageous. regular great americans across the country are feeling the pinch of inflation. they are worried they will lose their jobs. joe biden's lesson don't worry, it's all good. >> it's not all good. matt is right. there is something insensitive about that. the twin crisis with inflation and covid fears not to mention immigration and foreign policy issues. what should you tell the american people to let them know you feel their pain and help is on the way? >> level with the american people. they denied inflation saying it was transitory to back track and acknowledge people are feeling increased prices. levelling with the american people is the answer. they have not done that. pleased to report, my former colleague on the trump campaign found the one economic analyst. here's his tweet: >> [laughing]. >> i found that to be funny. ron klain has a bad habit of going on twitter when he has a devastating jobs report and talking built rosey under-lining facts of the jobs reports which was bad. this guy is looking at the world with rose colored glasses. i don't know what he tells the president but the president doesn't understand how bad it is. it's so bad even cnn pointed out biden's economic rating is worse than carter. >> and the polling. yes, he lost the faith of the american people in critical areas. the economy and competency. the president doesn't know what "let's go brandon" means. aren't they telling him anything? >> apparently he doesn't. he said yes, agreed on that christmas cave call. -- eve call. that was awkward. inflation at a 41 year high. gas prices probably going to $4 by memorial day next year. you have a labor shortage. you have diesel and empty shelves and a toilet paper shortage. you are right, everything is right from 2021. >> i can't wait to see what we will horde in 2022. just ahead. looking out for the victims of the crime. liberal district attorneys and judges and policies are protecting suspects and criminals instead of victims. we will discuss next. >> ♪ ♪ helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. >> ♪ ♪ >> violent crime spikes across the nation, progressive judges and district attorneys and lawmakers are looking out for the criminals instead of the victims. in washington state lawmakers introduced a bill to reduce penalties for drive-by shootings to promote racial equity. critics are have been blasting these policies asking who is looking out for the victim. like a six-year-old gunned down in san francisco while playing outside last year. his father spoke to fox news about the progressive district attorney. >> our son and other people were struck by the bullets. he succumbed to his injuries. smart, intelligence, energetic. a sweetheart of a six-year-old. he was a good one. it's a tragic painful loss that myself and my family we deal with every day. let's talk about the fact that it the guilty verdict will only do 85 years. my son did not live that long. be a victim of a crime in san francisco under this district attorney, it's a complete joke. the voice of the victims, the district attorney takes an oath to advocate for the victims and fight for them and hold people who commit crimes against them accountable. >> my heart breaking news for jason young. pull up that picture again of the six-year-old. he lost his whole life! one of the suspects convicted of murder has a maximum sentence of 8 years. just 8 years! that's despicable. >> yes, it's been sad. none if it of us can imagine what christmas time is like in their house. i have an 8-year-old daughter. as a parent it's incomprehensible to lose a child in such a way. they are in san francisco where they have the district attorney raised by members of the weather underground and funded by soros and facing a serious recall. he could get recalled. down here in los angeles another liberal district attorney gascon also funded by soros. facing his second attempt of a recall. voters are waking up and trying to get these people out and get people in there who will stand up for the real victims. >> exactly. cheryl, in harris county, texas. 156 people killed were killed by suspects that were out on multiple felony bonds. these are victims of felony bond reform. there are their pictures. >> let's sidewalk about what is happening. this is harris county in houston, texas. 48 hispanic and 37 african-americans and 3 unborn. one shooting was in an upscale area. an off duty police officers was gunned down by gang members out to melt mel bonds. -- multiple bonds. they had numerous felonies. we are getting a new one in new york. he is also a soros candidate. tomorrow i won't be celebrating new year's eve but the fact bill de blasio it's his last day in office as the mayor of new york city. we prayer for sanity with eric adams in new york. >> we are. kennedy, then washington state. drive-by shootings they want to reduce the penalty for that. do they not get it or not care? >> equal protection under the law means for victims too. there is a way of doing criminal justice reform and stopping the over-incarceration but still keeping people safe. now you have an ultra-progressive philosophy that wants to empty the prisons. really dangerous people who want to harm and kill others, you let them out. you let child molesters out. rashida tlaib doesn't have an answer for that. what happens is you tend to go the other direction. you go super law and order and exacerbate the problems in the first place. you can be practice and protect people. we need to have basic decency where we respect human life once again. people who hurt people and take their stuff, those are the ones who give up their rights. >> yes. matt, we talked about progressive district attorneys and local officials. but president biden has a role in all of this. during the campaign he didn't call out defund the police. he coddled the movement. only recently did he say he doesn't support it. >> that's right. when black lives matter and their violent protests were funded by the liberal people across the country, they were out on the streets in logo clothing. they used america's decency and tolerance against them to slip in this idea of radicalizing our ideas of race for every bad purpose. they are acting like they are speaking up for diverse populations and people of color, but their policies are resulting in the deaths of young black kids and people of color. that has to stop. we have to call out this violence that black lives matter has supported and call out defund the cops. i will put c-pac's role in criminal justice reform with anyone. it was holding the violent people and looking at the other things for criminal justice reform. this is all wrong for america. >> it would be nice to see president biden acknowledge the victims. we did it on "outnumbered" every day. coming up, one school board clearing the way to give extra pay to teachers but only if they are not white. why one education activist said the policy is racist. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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shouldn't that be encouraged? the whole thing is a fallacy. >> yes. matt, one for the things i was looking at here is that the vote of the minnesota school board was unanimous. not even one person said this is not a good policy. >> this is the town where george floyd died. there is still so much unease in that town. they are lurching these democrats. a city run by socialists. i agree with kennedy? >> i wish dr. martin luther king junior could come back to earth and remind us, it was about giving everyone a chance no matter their skin color or creed. we are doubling down on this idea that only a black teacher can mentor another black teacher. you get to this point where the result is what? a new form of segregation. we don't need this in america. this is crazy. it's one reason republicans will clean up next november because americans are exhausted from everything being racist including history and math and science. it's crazy. >> yes, i agree. there will be repercussions. one goal is to reduce isolation. i don't think it's achieving that. >> no, i think it tell have the opposite effect. i am with kennedy and matt. it feels like that district is takeing a giant step backwards. they want to only reward certain teachers for the color of their skin. there are plenty of white teachers who would love to be in on the mentoring. this creates isolation and didn't create unity at all. schools are small communities. this trickles down to the students. the students will hear about this. they will wonder: why can't a white teacher mentor my teacher? aren't the teachers all supposed to be teaching the same thing? what does it matter whether you are black or white? >> yes, that's right. cheryl, we cover a lot of this on "outnumbered." segregated graduations. there was a story in atlanta where kids were segregateed in class rooms. black students in it 2 class rooms and white students in 6 or 7 other class rooms. a mom spoke out against that and trying to hold the school accountable. there is more widespread than an isolated incident, doesn't it? >> it does. that's a great example. another example going back to minnesota here for a second. the head of that school board jody she is the same person that decided all parents if they wanted to it speak up at a school board meeting had to dock themselves first. this is political. this is why the governor's race went the way it does in virginia. parents are sick and tired of being told they have no voice in how their children are taught. the school boards need to sit down. enough is enough across the country with this. >> and keep it up with the critical race theory not being taught in our school systems. how didhat work out in virginia? not well. coming up tech getting out of control. a mom claims alexa encouraged her 10-year-old to try a deadly tiktok challenge. that's next. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. moving is a handful. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> ♪ ♪ >> the growing social media tiktok is a in controversy as parents claim it is jeopardizing their kid's mental health and one mother said it told her child to do a dangerous tiktok trend. >> it said put a phone charger part way in and touch the exposed prong with the penny. i was right there in the room with her. i was so freaked out. no, alexa, no. >> thank god her daughter was not enough of a dingbat to do this challenge. you have kids of your own. i asked my 12-year-old if she heard of this challenge. she said no that sounds stupid and dangerous. i don't know anyone who would do that. your thoughts, matt? >> yes, we have not had any near misses like that at our house in virginia. that's why my back drop is beautiful. out here we turn everything off. we even turn off the television. the kids were reading on the hillside. i could not believe it. a little less technology over the holidays would go a long way. parents ought to scrutinize everything in their house. >> i agree. you have to start young. you have to make sure that you are on top of younger kids when they have their first social media. try taking my phone away from my 16-year-old. i dare you. kayleigh mcenany, they come back and go but everyone else has it and try to wear you down. tiktok is like crack. your thoughts? >> yes. i will have to get tips you from kennedy and matt how to keep her out of these things. i love going to read a book on a hillside. in my house we cover all of the plugs. you remember what it's like to have a 2-year-old daughter. they don't know what they are doing. a 12-year-old can comprehend the danger but a 2-year-old can't. the idea that alexa can tell my daughter to do something dangerous and then moves over to instagram later in life and the senator from tennessee, marsha blackburn, created a profile for a young girl and it created content for eating disorders. it's scary between alexa and instagram. >> the pressure is out there. cheryl, i look at. this i would never have an alexa in my house. i don't want a smart fridge. i want to move back to the hobbit. i want to live underground in a bunker by matt's house. that's the only place i will be safe. >> i have 5 nieces and nephews and my oldest loves to read books from the book store. i am proud of that. the thing about tiktok two-thirds on that platform are 14 and under. there is a lot of dangerous stuff on tiktok and a lot of dangerous stuff on instagram and on facebook as well. the only platform that is trying to really curve all of this stuff is youtube. they are trying to do its best to pull violence or animal abuse which is prevalent on instagram, and facebook and tiktok. it's dangerous out there. i am proud of my niece wanting to read a book. maybe we will all come visit matt. it sounds great there. >> it's critical to be the non-parental mentor in someone's life. they get better through to teenagers. in the good old days was someone would lay down in the road. now what kids face is mind blowing. >> as a parent it's one more thing you have to monitor. make sure they are not asking questions to alexa that might get them electrocuted. my daughter got an 8-ball for christmas. you shake it up and ask the question. >> i thought you were talking about cocaine and heroin. >> no, no, no! a magic 8 ball. shake it up and ask a question. >> those used to be the worst things in the world. the magic 8 ball would never steer you wrong. all you would do is make bad dating choice. does he really like me? shake, shake, shake, it's true. then you are crying the night before your junior prom. things don't always end well for some of us. parents, if you are watching fox news you are already a great parent and 700 steps ahead of all the dumb-dumbs. a new year's eve, with no bubbles. americans may have to celebrate without their favorite champagne. start stocking up now. we will talk about that next. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ what if you could see the details of your great-grandparents wedding day... ...or the record that welcomed your great-grandmother to the world. your family story is waiting to be discovered, and now you can search for those fascinating details (upbeat music)t ancestry. - [narrator] this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ ["raise your glass"] >> kennedy: new year's eve is almost here, but some americans could be forced to celebrate without their favorite champagne! the new year's staple is a huge demand, not just for the holidays but also due to the pandemic. candy excessive drinking everyone has been participating in since lockdown started. industry struggles could lead to a price hike. cheryl, you are the fox business expert on the panel. what is driving the champagne shortage? >> cheryl: i am a champagne expert, as well. not embarrassed to say that. i had a wine expert on fox business and she told me this is in the early stages of the champagne shortage we will see across this country. it may actually last years. its supply chain, all those glass bottles stuck on a ship outside of the ports of california. after the segment i went to the store and stocked up, so i'm here in new york, i've got my champagne ready to go. if you're in new york, come on over and we can celebrate the end of 2021, kennedy. because bill de blasio is out tomorrow, and it's a new year on the weekend. she is tu. >> kennedy: kayleigh, if we can't get champagne, what do we do? >> kayleigh: get that new japanese technology we can look at television screen and get a taste. apparently one such taste was of alcohol. i guess not such a bad idea after all! >> kennedy: mat? >> matt: you know, i agree with ron klain. 2021 really is great. it's just more good news for all of us. >> kennedy: this is the best, you guys! gas is super high, steaks is twice as much as they were a year ago. this is the best, i can't believe it. anita, what is the best way to ring in a new year? what is your spirit of choice, and is the champagne shortage going to slow down the vocal train? >> anita: the vocal household has plenty of wine to go around. let's use it as an excuse to get on a plane, fly to paris and have a glass of champagne. what do you guys think? >> kennedy: i don't know, are they locked down? i feel like in europe they are such commies that they won't let us anywhere near the continent. oui oui, until god knows when. anthony found anthony fatty's ring thenew year with his big fat pension. be sure to check out our special new year's eve coverage. it's airing tomorrow night from 10:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. eastern time. it's going to be hosted by fox and friend weekend cohost wireless pete hegseth, rachel campos-duffy, and will cain. amazing performance is that the night as well as special appearances by one of our "outnumbered" friends, emily compagno. she is going to be holding it down in times square, and she is going to make sure there is a party. kayleigh, you have very exciting news about your book! >> kayleigh: yes, i wanted to thank our viewers. our book made it on several best seller lists. "usa today," "wall street journal," amazon, and even then liberal "new york times" putting "keep it off." if you haven't gotten it, check it out on amazon, barnes & noble, wherever books are sold. walmart. thank you for even being "the new york times" at their own gain. appreciate it. >> kennedy: well done, kayleigh paid to matt's point earlier, it's a great book to take to the hillside near you and celebrate the new year. thanks so much everyone today. anita, cheryl, matt, and of course kayleigh. now here is "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> gillian: fox news alert, kicking off a special edition of america reports. case count in the u.s. to a new high not seen before during this pandemic. the seven-day average now is nearing 300,000 cases each day. while hospitalizations and deaths aren't spiking as fiercely, they are also on the rise. good afternoon to washington. i am gillian turner in for sandra smith today. hey, mike. >> mike: i'm mike emanuel in for john roberts. this on the contrary it is wreaking havoc on daily life. the travel

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