Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

campaign. the coronavirus existed because joe biden was president. vote for me and i will shut down covid. >> i will put in place a plan to deal with the pandemic. i don't shut down the economy. but i will shut down the virus. i am going to shut down the virus! i will put in place a plan to deal with this pandemic responsibly bringing this country together with testing, tracing and masking. i won't shut down the country. i will shut down the virus. >> will: a year into his first turn joe biden haernt done any of that. as of yesterday according to the cdc there are over 816,000 americans who decide of the coronavirus. in 2021 under joe biden more americans have died of covid than did in all of 2020 when donald trump was president. joe biden can't shut down covid. neither can the federal government. no one can. the coronavirus is here to stay. no amount of boosters will stop the spread. omicron is proof. no lockdown will prevent another variant from emerging. yesterday the president of the united states admitted to that. joe biden told us there is no federal solution to the coronavirus pandemic. >> look, there is no federal solution. this gets solved at the state level. it gets down to where the rubber meets the road. that's where the patient needs help or preventing the need for help. >> will: that's a stunning admission because in saying that, joe biden contradicted almost every action his administration has taken on covid. in fact, it's the exact opposite of what his own chief of staff ron klain told americans joe biden would do if elected. klain tweeted: starting on january 20th, 2021. what biden may be realizing is that the omicron variant that is raging across the united states is more mild than other past variants. may be nothing more than a common cold for most people. a study out of south africa found that risk of hospitalization was 80% less than other variants and a newspaper publication suggested that omicron infection can strengthen disease from other variants. even the cdc admitted that omicron was mild. they cut the quarantine from 10 days to it 5 days. this omicron variant may be our deliverance, it can do what joe biden promised but could not do: end this pandemic. so much for biden's winter of darkness and death. it's not march 2020. we have vaccines for people who want them and regiments to treat people if you can find a doctor ethical enough to prescribe those therapeutics. now that biden is acknowledging there is no federal solution for covid. why do we need federal mask and vaccine mandates. >> i am announcing the department of labor is developing an merge rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their work forces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week. we are going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers. our patience is wearing thin and their refusal cost all of us. >> will: aside from blaming millions of americans, look at how little vaccines have done to stop the spread of omicron. most american know a triple vaccinated person who tested positive. that is not stopping pfizer and moderna from pushing a fourth booster shot which will soon be available in the u.k., germany and israel. it's worth negotiate that pfizer's ceo tweeted the following on april 1, 2021: 100%! on april 1, 2021. it was april fool's day. it's not just the mandates. if joe biden gives states the power to curve covid we can get rid of the false prophet, dr. fauci. even as a overwhelming amount of data on omicron and natural immunity proves him wrong, tony fauci pedals fears and lies. today he went on cnn of course to try to ruin the next holiday. new year's. >> i would stay away from that. i told people if you are vaccinated and you are boosted and you have a family setting in the home with families and relatives. talking a new year's eve party with 50 people celebrating and you don't know the status of their vacuation, i would recommend stay away from that. there will be other years to do that but not this year. >> will: it's difficult to comprehend how dr. fauci has any authority. has there been a holiday he hasn't tried to cancel? his defenders say listening to him is saving lives and follow the science. -- if you hear someone say that, run. they are not entered in science or your life. if it's about saving lives, why stop at covid. dr. fauci said drinking egg nog at christmas is a mortal send. avoid foods with raw or under-cooked ration. -- eggs. drinking alcohol would not be allowed since the cdc says americans should choose not to drink. false prophets like joe biden have asked us to sacrifice our lives. they lied. you can see why americans won't stand anymore for dr. fauci's doomsday cult. perhaps in the next quarter it may come to an end. americans are waking up to it doomsday cult reality. tony fauci will be the last person still in the tent peddle ing kool-aid. clay joins us now. i am glad you have your summer shirt on in december. you for florida vacationing. why do you think joe biden has had this revelation, why now admits defeat? >> because it's impossible to argue with the data and the straightforward facts. the biden and fauci regime tried. as i am sitting here in this winter of death, beautiful florida, thank god for ron desantis and following science for the past 18 months, will, since march of 2020, we are now going to have the largest number of cases that have ever existed in this country. that's despite the fact of massive vaccines and all of the criticism, 95% of people 65 and over have gotten at least one shot. over 70% of adults 18 and up have gotten at least 1 shot. they are starting to realize that the sales point they made forever which was if every got vaccinated. look at the nfl and the nba and the nhl. almost completely vaccinated but setting new highs. they said covid would go away. the data makes it apparent that is not true. now they are trying to pivot and trying to change the story. people say well, cases don't matter as much. it's about how many people are in hospitals and who are in danger. even the nfl did away with the distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated players. the unvaccinated argument went up in smoke as we set no records day after day. >> will: how do you think this ends. how does this pandemic of policies end? >> it's when normal people have had enough and continue to behave normally. when everybody says my kids won't wear masks in school. when people sand up and recognize we will have to live with covid for the rest of our lives. this idea of covid zero is gone forever. we have to learn how to live with it. i think that's where the vast majority are going. i don't see this as democrat or republican or independent. i see it as sane or insane and team sanity is adding people everything. we have the vast majority. i am encouraged by the pro sports league setting that example and by the way you opened this show. >> will: i don't think it ends with a boom. it ends with a whimper. with sane people ignoring the doomsday cultists. >> i don't think there is any doubt. merry christmas and happy new year's to every day. >> will: anthony fauci has been proven wrong on almost every issue. it's past time for him to resign. it's amazing he holds any power. one reason he is it is because so many of his people work in the media. here is one member of fauci's cult. >> i am a fauci groupie. i am a thrice vaccinated and mask inherent. i could watch fauci spit truths all day long. tony fauci a beloved advisor who has knowledge. >> going after fauci was abhoren and political effort. >> it's the muzzling of dr. fauci and trusted by the public. this man is a jewel. he is an international treasure. not just a initial treasure. -- national treasure. >> will: charlie hurt joins us now. i can hear you laughing. should anthony fauci still be employed by the federal government? should he be fired? >> oh, of course he should be fired and should have been fired back by president trump at the begin of all of this. it was obvious he was getting everything wrong. obviously that is not happening. if you look at the past 2 years of this pandemic 2 different presidents from 2 different parties and different styles of leadership. the common thread is anthony fauci. he's been in charge of the government's response from the beginning. when you look at the deaths this year compared to last year, it's all his fault. tony fauci is the face of failure. until joe biden realizes that and gets rid of him, he will be a menace to our country. >> will: he's driven one solution and afterward one solution only to this pandemic -- get vaccinated. it's decades tony fauci has been in power death lack to the '80s. -- back to the '80s. how do you think history will remember anthony fauci? >> with a more sober lens than what you get from the media today. it's amazing. when tony fauci talks about how disappointed he is more people not getting the jab. it's the problem. he is the face of failure throughout this thing. obviously, as this wanes what we are seeing now from biden and fauci this grasping at power. i think for both of them, this entire pandemic has been more about power than people's health or getting people well. joe biden used the pandemic to get elected. they are doing it now. now fauci is talking about how donald trump poisoned the well of vaccines? you are kidding me? he is cutting the quarantine time to 5 days because we have to protect the economy? now he is an expert on the economy after he's gotten everything wrong about the area he is supposed to be an exturret in, which is health. . >> will: who is the most powerful man in america? >> it's tony fauci. joe biden is not in control. we don't know who is. he is frightened and listens to tony fauci and doing whatever tony fauci tells him to do. >> will: thanks for joining us tonight. sad views tonight. breaking news alert. former senate majority leader harry reid died at age 82. chuck schumer just wrote this statement. harry was one of the most aphasing individuals i ever met. he never forgot where he came from and used boxing instincts to fight those who were hurting the poor and the middle class. he is gone but will walk beside many of us in the senate every day. that breaking news coming at this very moment. we move to this. ray epis encouraged americans to break into the capitol on january 6th and one of the only people not arrested. where is he? the doj's case against the men who tried to capture the michigan governor gretchen whitmer. that case is falling apart. and the alleged conspiracy is next. >> ♪ ♪ >> will: breaking news senate majority leader harry reid just died at the age of 82. he is not the only death we are announcing this evening. hall-of-fame nfl coach john mod -- madon passed away. he went on to become a legend in the broadcasting business. he partnered with fox and for many ever us he narrated our memories. as a lifelong dallas cowboy fan it felt like he was our local team because he broadcast so many games in the dallas cowboys dynasty. madden is a name on many video games and a legend. on the eve of january 6th, an arizona man ray epps encouraged trump supporters to breach the capitol and filmed doing the same thing during president trump's speech. >> we need to go into the capitol. >> watch. >> [shouting]. >> [inaudible]. >> will: interesting to hear the crowd chant fed. just after that second clip we played. epps was on the front lines between rioters and capitol police on. january 8th the fbi placed ray epps on the most wanted list. he remains there until july 1st which was a day after the "new york times" reported that epps encouraged trump supporters to breach the capitol. unlike almost every other person on january 6th, ray epps has never been charged with a crime to this day. he hasn't even been arrested. where has ray epps been? it appears epps has been relaxing on his ranch outside of phoenix, arizona. the daily mail asked him if he had involvement with the fbi. he yelled at reporters to get off his property. the case against 5 men plotting to kill michigan governor gretchen whitmer is falling apart. the fbi arrested the men and received praise from the media. >> they were so angry about whitmer's covid restrictions they were planing to kidnap and possibly kill her. >> the fbi exposed a plot to kidnap her. >> 13 members were arrested to kidnap and possibly execute michigan governor gretchen whitmer for treason in an attempt to spark a second civil war. >> will: she also thanked the fbi. >> earlier today the fbi announced state and federal charges against 13 members of 2 militia groups for preparing to kidnap and possibly kill me. if you break the law or conspire to commit act of violence against anyone, we will find you. we will hold you accountable and bring you to justice. >> will: an update: in a court filing this week the accused demands the charges be dropped. the attorneys claimed that federal informants funded and encouraged the plot. it looks like this never would have materialized without the fbi's involvement. that's the allegation. julie kelly is a writer who has been covering this case from the beginning and joins us now. julie, what and how would we characterize the fbi's involvement? what did the defendants say the fbi did? >> well, the defense attorneys have been building a convincing and detailed example of fbi entrapment. it's important to note when gretchen whitmer gave that press conference, that was october 8th or 9th of 2020. early voting was underway in michigan. this case brought national headlines. joe biden gave a statement and accused donald trump of inciting an act of domestic terrorists. but this case is falling apart. there are a dozen fbi informants involved. richard trask was arrested for assaulting his wife and he was fired. the others have been removed from the case. the justice department informed the court that they will not be testing. this case is falling apart and at the same time it's exposing fbi entrapment of innocent men to concoct this plot and make negative headlines for donald trump and voting was underway in the 2020 election. the trial is and would hear march but the government's case is in a lot of trouble. >> will: were these informants enablers? the question the court has to decide: would this plot have occurred without the fbi's involvement? >> it would not have. the only people who conspired to kidnap gretchen whitmer was christopher wray's team. ensere asking luring these men into this flot plot -- it never would have materialized. we will see what the judge does. . >> will: julie, thanks for joining us tonight. scientists are warning that endless boosters could lessen your immune's system ability to fight the coronavirus. that's coming up next. >> will: countries all over the world like the u.k., germany and israel are preparing to administrate a fourth coronavirus booster. it's not clear there is any science to justify the endless boosters. some scientists are concerned that more boosters can lessen the immune system's ability to fight off covid. the u.k. found the pfizer's efficacy went down to 35% after 10 weeks. this is a physician who join us now. great to speak with you. talk about these continuous boosters. is this something that is a public health good to continue to receive boosters or are they a threat? >> i have been beating this drum beat since last april when i first started talking to tucker. the issue is immunity. what we need to be able to determine is whether or not every day americans are immune or not. it's not so much to vaccine everybody with 3 to 5 boosters. it's whether people have a high level of antibodies. this is the most strategic blunder the biden administration and dr. fauci are making. to not encourage americans to check their status of immunity. i convinced people who were not immune to get the vaccine. people who are well immuned don't need a booster and it could harm this. this is probably a scientific intelligence failure on the sale of pearl harbor. the cost can be measured in lives and waste the vaccines. >> will: a failure at a minimum. why showing so little interest in figuring out natural antibodies? why has it been discouraged? there are increasing reports with studies that suggest there is vaccine dependency. do we ever build-up the ability of our immune system to fight covid? >> there is a basic phenomenon called immunity exhaustion. you stimulate the immune system to hyper-activities. the cells that normally respond become unresponsive and become tolerant to the virus. that means a lack of immunity. it's bad to hyper-immunize people. the devizations by dr. fauci and the biden administration is a natural security threat -- that's because of instead of focussing on the science and making sure every day americans are immune. we are forcing vaccinations on people who don't need it. the kids who are getting boosters mandates at colleges. some of these kids have had covid and had 2 mandated shot. my own kid goes to boston college and they mandated this. we should be working on antibodies and looking at the 18 levels. >> will: the number is 3 dozen or more colleges are mandating a third booster shot. there is potential for harm about the booster shots. these people are not incompetence. but failure is a kind explanation for what has gone in with the disinterest in natural immunity. >> the problem is the administrators are making medical decisions they are not qualified to make. >> will: i appreciate you having on tonight. this is not insignificant. our producers unfortunately had to watch upsetting footage of procedures on puppies. it's connected to a federal investigation into a company. just one example of abuse an investigator led the workers inject euthnaysia drugs into the puppies without sedation. it caused them pain. they are buying beagles for experiments. this should not happen anywhere. dr. fauci has explaining to do. this is the senior vice-president from peta and joins us now. this morning, what do we know about these experiments and nih's involvement? >> they spent 19.6-billion dollars a year on animal experiments. they have contract worth more than 1.2 million dollars over the last 10 years buying beagles from this facility that is locateed in central virginia and warehouses 5,000 dogs and puppies in hideous conditions. they is been cited by the u.s. department of agriculture for violation for failure to provide basic necessities of life to the mother dogs and their puppies. keeping them in 92 degrees and plunging needles into the heads of puppies. and depriving nursing mother dogs of food. the federal investigation is on-going. these dogs are being raised for cruel experiments that are useless. it's not just our federal government and our tax dollars. but contract laboratory and universities that are fuelling this industry. torturing these animals with cruel experiments. >> will: i think it's important we speak to people that we do not always align with on every issue. we might as well as point out the obvious. many of our viewers are skeptical of peta based on peta's positions on other issues. this is not simply a peta issue. this is an investigation by the usda. this spans government bureaucracy. it's grotesque. we can't show some of the footage on the screen because it's so ugly and over the top. one question: why beagles? why 1.2-million dollars on beagles? >> beagles are small and docile. they are just gentle and loyal dogs. they are so submissive they are easy to torture without posing a public safety risk to their abusers. >> will: because the breed is loyal and trusting, they do the worst experiments on. what an ugly story. hopefully we can find some justice. >> thank you. if point want to help go to and see what you can do. >> will: democrats say we should go more lenient on drive by shooting murderers. fighting against surmounts. -- systemic racism. that's next. one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. >> will: a new bill proposed by democrats in washington state want to create lower sentences for drive by shooting. they say it's about promoting racial equity. because enforcing the law against violent drive by shooters is racist. jason is a radio host in the pacific northwest. he joins us now. how is punishing drive by shootings racist? >> it's not. but they say it's because it's used to go after drive by shooters who happen to be black. that's the only argument they could try to make. if someone is white and committing the drive by shooting they would be subject to the same law. as it stands, this bill says it can no longer be considered an aggravating issue for first degree murder. you would be hit with a murder 1 charge and that is 20 to 30 years punishment. it could be life in prison. the funny thing is this particular aggravating murder charge is not used very often. one lawmaker terrence simmons a felon who made it into the state legislature. said it was only used once want that means it is not racist. it's not used to target black people and this would have zero impact whatsoever on racial equity in the criminal justice system. one time is not a problem. the argument should be we are not using it enough. >> will: the rationale the lawmakers have used to leave shoplifters unpunished because they said there was an impact on black. the same thing with drive by shooters? what is the racial makeup of the victims of drive by shootings? >> the vast majority of drive by shooting victims are black. if you tell me this is protecting the black community, sorry, you are not protecting the black community. the community impacted the most represented by the other state representative who won't answer questions about this bill, they have been begging for more help including more policeing to go after the rise in gun violence that south elects in particular has been experiencing. >> will: i suggest they have an impact on black victims. lawmakers why are you concerned about the impact on criminals and not on victims? not sure we will get an answer to th. thanks. great to talk to you. it turns out the unhinged maskless woman who beat up the man on a delta flight, she was an actress on a popular show and also appeared in a popular magazine. more about that straight ahead. >> finished second. >> keep that to yourself. >> i will try. i can't programs anything. -- promise anything. >> will: the woman in the yellow is a former actress. after bay watch she was an nfl cheerleader and appeared in an edition of playboy. she was very talented. 2 years of insane coronavirus restrictions broke her spirit and she snapped and became a mask crusader. >> [shouting]. >> [bleep]. >> [shouting]. >> will: because of her meltdown on the delta flight is more famous than ever before. she was taken into custody by the fbi. it's a sad fall from the heights of bay watch. that's what mask rage does to a person. that's about it for us tonight for the show that the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. pete is in for sean hannity. pete takes it away right now. >> pete: i tried to put on my will cain outfit. see you tomorrow night as well as new year's eve. well done tonight. welcome to this special edition of "hannity." i am pete in for sean. a prominent nevada democrat harry reid died at age 82.

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Booster , Thanks , Podcast , Fox News , Will Cain , Tucker Carlson , Will , Joe Biden , Pandemic , Man , Covid , Revival Tent , Platform , President , Economy , Virus , Plan , Place , Down Covid , Campaign , Vote , Country , Testing , Masking , Tracing , Cdc , Turn , 816000 , Wall , Americans , 2020 , 2021 , Boosters , Government , Spread , Amount , Donald Trump , Omicron , One , Solution , Variant , Emerging , Lockdown , State , Rubber , Level , Needs , Road , Patient , Fact , Help , Administration , Admission , Need , Action , Opposite , Chief Of Staff , Ron Klain , Elected , 20 , January 20th 2021 , People , Risk , Study , Nothing , Cold , South Africa , Variants , Newspaper Publication , Hospitalization , Omicron Infection , 80 , Disease , Quarantine , Deliverance , 10 , 5 , Vaccines , Death , Winter , Regiments , Darkness , Doctor , March 2020 , Mask , Therapeutics , Department Of Labor , Vaccine , Mandates , Rule , Employees , Employers , 100 , Workers , Work , Forces , Test , Cost , Co Workers , Patience , Refusal , Person , Pfizer , Millions , U K , Moderna , Germany , Israel , Ceo , Following , April 1 2021 , 1 , Tony Fauci , Prophet , Power , Immunity , Course , Lies , Fears , Pedals , Cnn , Holiday , Families , Family Setting , Home , Status , Party , Relatives , Vacuation , 50 , He Hasn T , Dr , He , Authority , Science , Someone , Life , Listening , Run , Defenders , Send , Stop , Drinking Egg Nog , Saving Lives , Drinking Alcohol , Ration , Foods , Raw , Eggs , Lives , Prophets , Why Americans Won T Stand , End , Doomsday Cult , It Doomsday Cult Reality , Kool Aid , Summer Shirt , Tent Peddle , Ing , Clay , Defeat , Revelation , Florida Vacationing , Facts , Regime , Beautiful Florida , Cases , Number , Thank God , Ron Desantis , 18 , March Of 2020 , Criticism , One Shot , 95 , 70 , 65 , Sales , Nfl , Nhl , Nba , Story , Setting , Highs , Hospitals , Danger , Distinction , Argument , Players , Smoke , Policies , Ends , Everybody , Rest , Sand Up , Idea , Wear Masks In School , Zero , Team , Majority , Democrat , Sanity , Republican , Everything , Show , Example , Way , Boom , Whimper , Pro Sports League , Doubt , Doomsday Cultists , Merry Christmas , Issue , Reason , Wrong , Many , Media , Vaccinated , Member , Cult , Fauci Groupie , Beloved Advisor , Spit Truths , Knowledge , Effort , Muzzling , Abhoren , Treasure , Jewel , National Treasure , The Public , Charlie Hurt , Trump , Begin , Presidents , Leadership , Parties , Styles , 2 , Charge , Beginning , Face , Thread , Deaths , Fault , Response , Failure , Menace , Power Death Lack , Lens , Problem , Thing , Jab , Grasping , Both , Health , Now Fauci , Expert , Area , Exturret In , Views , Thanks For Joining Us , Doing , Harry Reid , Statement , Breaking News , Senate , Chuck Schumer , 82 , Individuals , Boxing , Class , Instincts , Poor , Aphasing , Ray Epis , Capitol On January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Gretchen Whitmer , Case , Men , Michigan , Conspiracy , Doj , News , Age , John Mod , Legend , Evening , Hall , Madon , Cowboy , Broadcasting Business , Memories , Fan , Dallas , Video Games , Games , Name , Madden , Dallas Cowboys Dynasty , Man Ray Epps , Supporters , Eve , Arizona , Capitol , Watch , Shouting , Speech , Inaudible , Fbi , Clip , Lines , Rioters , Capitol Police On , January 8th , Crowd Chant Fed , 8 , List , New York Times , July 1st , Crime , Involvement , Ranch , Daily Mail , Phoenix , Property , Reporters , Covid Restrictions , Planing , Praise , Flot , Members , Treason , 13 , Attempt , Second Civil War , Law , Charges , Act , Militia Groups , Violence , Justice , Accused , Anyone , Update , Court Filing , Informants , Writer , Attorneys , Allegation , Julie Kelly , Defendants , Entrapment , Defense Attorneys , Voting , Press Conference , October 8th , 9 , Headlines , Terrorists , Richard Trask , Court , Wife , Others , Trial , Election , Trouble , Lot , Informants Enablers , Question , Christopher Wray , Ensere , Judge , Scientists , Immune , System Ability , Countries , World , Ability , Immune System , Physician , Efficacy , 35 , Something , Good , Threat , Drum Beat , 3 , Antibodies , Blunder , Making , Don T , Intelligence Failure , Sale , Minimum , Pearl Harbor , Studies , Reports , Interest , Vaccine Dependency , Phenomenon , Immunity Exhaustion , Hyper , Activities , Cells , Security Threat , Lack , Hyper Immunize , Devizations , Kids , Vaccinations , Focussing , Colleges , Boston College , Kid , Shot , Some , Boosters Mandates , Booster Shot , Levels , Booster Shots , Explanation , Potential , Harm , Disinterest , Kind , Incompetence , Administrators , Decisions , Puppies , Footage , Producers , Procedures , Investigation , Investigator , Abuse , Company , Drugs , Sedation , Experiments , Beagles , Pain , Anywhere , On Peta , Animal Experiments , Vice President , Nih , 19 6 Billion Dollars , 19 6 Billion , Locateed , Contract , Facility , Central Virginia , 1 2 Million , 1 2 Million Dollars , Dogs , Violation , Conditions , U S Department Of Agriculture , 5000 , Mother , Needles , Heads , Necessities , 92 , Food , Depriving , Nursing , Contract Laboratory , Tax Dollars , Animals , Universities , Industry , Point , Issues , Obvious , Viewers , Positions , Government Bureaucracy , Top , Screen , Usda , Docile , Abusers , Safety , Trusting , Breed , Beata Org , Murderers , Fighting , Surmounts , Racism , Supplements , Qunol Turmeric , Turmeric , Inflammation Support , Benefits , Brand , Qunol , Superior Absorption , Joints , Bill , Shooters , Drive , Equity , Washington State , Sentences , Drive By Shooting , Jason , Radio Host , Shootings Racist , Pacific Northwest , Subject , Murder , It Stands , Degree , Hit , Murder Charge , Life In Prison , Punishment , 30 , Felon , Terrence Simmons , State Legislature , Impact , Criminal Justice System , Lawmakers , Rationale , Makeup , Black , Victims , Community , Most , Shootings , Answer , Rise , Particular , Policeing , Gun Violence , Questions , South , Won T , Represented , State Representative , The Other , Criminals , Woman , Th , Maskless , Actress , Magazine , Delta Flight , Second , Programs Anything , Anything , Yellow , Cheerleader , Edition , Playboy , Spirit , Insane Coronavirus Restrictions , Mask Crusader , Bleep , Meltdown , Custody , Heights , Mask Rage , Bay Watch , Pete In , Enemy , Lying , Group Think , Sean Hannity , Smugness , Pomposity , My Will Cain Outfit , Special Edition , Hannity , Nevada ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

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campaign. the coronavirus existed because joe biden was president. vote for me and i will shut down covid. >> i will put in place a plan to deal with the pandemic. i don't shut down the economy. but i will shut down the virus. i am going to shut down the virus! i will put in place a plan to deal with this pandemic responsibly bringing this country together with testing, tracing and masking. i won't shut down the country. i will shut down the virus. >> will: a year into his first turn joe biden haernt done any of that. as of yesterday according to the cdc there are over 816,000 americans who decide of the coronavirus. in 2021 under joe biden more americans have died of covid than did in all of 2020 when donald trump was president. joe biden can't shut down covid. neither can the federal government. no one can. the coronavirus is here to stay. no amount of boosters will stop the spread. omicron is proof. no lockdown will prevent another variant from emerging. yesterday the president of the united states admitted to that. joe biden told us there is no federal solution to the coronavirus pandemic. >> look, there is no federal solution. this gets solved at the state level. it gets down to where the rubber meets the road. that's where the patient needs help or preventing the need for help. >> will: that's a stunning admission because in saying that, joe biden contradicted almost every action his administration has taken on covid. in fact, it's the exact opposite of what his own chief of staff ron klain told americans joe biden would do if elected. klain tweeted: starting on january 20th, 2021. what biden may be realizing is that the omicron variant that is raging across the united states is more mild than other past variants. may be nothing more than a common cold for most people. a study out of south africa found that risk of hospitalization was 80% less than other variants and a newspaper publication suggested that omicron infection can strengthen disease from other variants. even the cdc admitted that omicron was mild. they cut the quarantine from 10 days to it 5 days. this omicron variant may be our deliverance, it can do what joe biden promised but could not do: end this pandemic. so much for biden's winter of darkness and death. it's not march 2020. we have vaccines for people who want them and regiments to treat people if you can find a doctor ethical enough to prescribe those therapeutics. now that biden is acknowledging there is no federal solution for covid. why do we need federal mask and vaccine mandates. >> i am announcing the department of labor is developing an merge rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their work forces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week. we are going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers. our patience is wearing thin and their refusal cost all of us. >> will: aside from blaming millions of americans, look at how little vaccines have done to stop the spread of omicron. most american know a triple vaccinated person who tested positive. that is not stopping pfizer and moderna from pushing a fourth booster shot which will soon be available in the u.k., germany and israel. it's worth negotiate that pfizer's ceo tweeted the following on april 1, 2021: 100%! on april 1, 2021. it was april fool's day. it's not just the mandates. if joe biden gives states the power to curve covid we can get rid of the false prophet, dr. fauci. even as a overwhelming amount of data on omicron and natural immunity proves him wrong, tony fauci pedals fears and lies. today he went on cnn of course to try to ruin the next holiday. new year's. >> i would stay away from that. i told people if you are vaccinated and you are boosted and you have a family setting in the home with families and relatives. talking a new year's eve party with 50 people celebrating and you don't know the status of their vacuation, i would recommend stay away from that. there will be other years to do that but not this year. >> will: it's difficult to comprehend how dr. fauci has any authority. has there been a holiday he hasn't tried to cancel? his defenders say listening to him is saving lives and follow the science. -- if you hear someone say that, run. they are not entered in science or your life. if it's about saving lives, why stop at covid. dr. fauci said drinking egg nog at christmas is a mortal send. avoid foods with raw or under-cooked ration. -- eggs. drinking alcohol would not be allowed since the cdc says americans should choose not to drink. false prophets like joe biden have asked us to sacrifice our lives. they lied. you can see why americans won't stand anymore for dr. fauci's doomsday cult. perhaps in the next quarter it may come to an end. americans are waking up to it doomsday cult reality. tony fauci will be the last person still in the tent peddle ing kool-aid. clay joins us now. i am glad you have your summer shirt on in december. you for florida vacationing. why do you think joe biden has had this revelation, why now admits defeat? >> because it's impossible to argue with the data and the straightforward facts. the biden and fauci regime tried. as i am sitting here in this winter of death, beautiful florida, thank god for ron desantis and following science for the past 18 months, will, since march of 2020, we are now going to have the largest number of cases that have ever existed in this country. that's despite the fact of massive vaccines and all of the criticism, 95% of people 65 and over have gotten at least one shot. over 70% of adults 18 and up have gotten at least 1 shot. they are starting to realize that the sales point they made forever which was if every got vaccinated. look at the nfl and the nba and the nhl. almost completely vaccinated but setting new highs. they said covid would go away. the data makes it apparent that is not true. now they are trying to pivot and trying to change the story. people say well, cases don't matter as much. it's about how many people are in hospitals and who are in danger. even the nfl did away with the distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated players. the unvaccinated argument went up in smoke as we set no records day after day. >> will: how do you think this ends. how does this pandemic of policies end? >> it's when normal people have had enough and continue to behave normally. when everybody says my kids won't wear masks in school. when people sand up and recognize we will have to live with covid for the rest of our lives. this idea of covid zero is gone forever. we have to learn how to live with it. i think that's where the vast majority are going. i don't see this as democrat or republican or independent. i see it as sane or insane and team sanity is adding people everything. we have the vast majority. i am encouraged by the pro sports league setting that example and by the way you opened this show. >> will: i don't think it ends with a boom. it ends with a whimper. with sane people ignoring the doomsday cultists. >> i don't think there is any doubt. merry christmas and happy new year's to every day. >> will: anthony fauci has been proven wrong on almost every issue. it's past time for him to resign. it's amazing he holds any power. one reason he is it is because so many of his people work in the media. here is one member of fauci's cult. >> i am a fauci groupie. i am a thrice vaccinated and mask inherent. i could watch fauci spit truths all day long. tony fauci a beloved advisor who has knowledge. >> going after fauci was abhoren and political effort. >> it's the muzzling of dr. fauci and trusted by the public. this man is a jewel. he is an international treasure. not just a initial treasure. -- national treasure. >> will: charlie hurt joins us now. i can hear you laughing. should anthony fauci still be employed by the federal government? should he be fired? >> oh, of course he should be fired and should have been fired back by president trump at the begin of all of this. it was obvious he was getting everything wrong. obviously that is not happening. if you look at the past 2 years of this pandemic 2 different presidents from 2 different parties and different styles of leadership. the common thread is anthony fauci. he's been in charge of the government's response from the beginning. when you look at the deaths this year compared to last year, it's all his fault. tony fauci is the face of failure. until joe biden realizes that and gets rid of him, he will be a menace to our country. >> will: he's driven one solution and afterward one solution only to this pandemic -- get vaccinated. it's decades tony fauci has been in power death lack to the '80s. -- back to the '80s. how do you think history will remember anthony fauci? >> with a more sober lens than what you get from the media today. it's amazing. when tony fauci talks about how disappointed he is more people not getting the jab. it's the problem. he is the face of failure throughout this thing. obviously, as this wanes what we are seeing now from biden and fauci this grasping at power. i think for both of them, this entire pandemic has been more about power than people's health or getting people well. joe biden used the pandemic to get elected. they are doing it now. now fauci is talking about how donald trump poisoned the well of vaccines? you are kidding me? he is cutting the quarantine time to 5 days because we have to protect the economy? now he is an expert on the economy after he's gotten everything wrong about the area he is supposed to be an exturret in, which is health. . >> will: who is the most powerful man in america? >> it's tony fauci. joe biden is not in control. we don't know who is. he is frightened and listens to tony fauci and doing whatever tony fauci tells him to do. >> will: thanks for joining us tonight. sad views tonight. breaking news alert. former senate majority leader harry reid died at age 82. chuck schumer just wrote this statement. harry was one of the most aphasing individuals i ever met. he never forgot where he came from and used boxing instincts to fight those who were hurting the poor and the middle class. he is gone but will walk beside many of us in the senate every day. that breaking news coming at this very moment. we move to this. ray epis encouraged americans to break into the capitol on january 6th and one of the only people not arrested. where is he? the doj's case against the men who tried to capture the michigan governor gretchen whitmer. that case is falling apart. and the alleged conspiracy is next. >> ♪ ♪ >> will: breaking news senate majority leader harry reid just died at the age of 82. he is not the only death we are announcing this evening. hall-of-fame nfl coach john mod -- madon passed away. he went on to become a legend in the broadcasting business. he partnered with fox and for many ever us he narrated our memories. as a lifelong dallas cowboy fan it felt like he was our local team because he broadcast so many games in the dallas cowboys dynasty. madden is a name on many video games and a legend. on the eve of january 6th, an arizona man ray epps encouraged trump supporters to breach the capitol and filmed doing the same thing during president trump's speech. >> we need to go into the capitol. >> watch. >> [shouting]. >> [inaudible]. >> will: interesting to hear the crowd chant fed. just after that second clip we played. epps was on the front lines between rioters and capitol police on. january 8th the fbi placed ray epps on the most wanted list. he remains there until july 1st which was a day after the "new york times" reported that epps encouraged trump supporters to breach the capitol. unlike almost every other person on january 6th, ray epps has never been charged with a crime to this day. he hasn't even been arrested. where has ray epps been? it appears epps has been relaxing on his ranch outside of phoenix, arizona. the daily mail asked him if he had involvement with the fbi. he yelled at reporters to get off his property. the case against 5 men plotting to kill michigan governor gretchen whitmer is falling apart. the fbi arrested the men and received praise from the media. >> they were so angry about whitmer's covid restrictions they were planing to kidnap and possibly kill her. >> the fbi exposed a plot to kidnap her. >> 13 members were arrested to kidnap and possibly execute michigan governor gretchen whitmer for treason in an attempt to spark a second civil war. >> will: she also thanked the fbi. >> earlier today the fbi announced state and federal charges against 13 members of 2 militia groups for preparing to kidnap and possibly kill me. if you break the law or conspire to commit act of violence against anyone, we will find you. we will hold you accountable and bring you to justice. >> will: an update: in a court filing this week the accused demands the charges be dropped. the attorneys claimed that federal informants funded and encouraged the plot. it looks like this never would have materialized without the fbi's involvement. that's the allegation. julie kelly is a writer who has been covering this case from the beginning and joins us now. julie, what and how would we characterize the fbi's involvement? what did the defendants say the fbi did? >> well, the defense attorneys have been building a convincing and detailed example of fbi entrapment. it's important to note when gretchen whitmer gave that press conference, that was october 8th or 9th of 2020. early voting was underway in michigan. this case brought national headlines. joe biden gave a statement and accused donald trump of inciting an act of domestic terrorists. but this case is falling apart. there are a dozen fbi informants involved. richard trask was arrested for assaulting his wife and he was fired. the others have been removed from the case. the justice department informed the court that they will not be testing. this case is falling apart and at the same time it's exposing fbi entrapment of innocent men to concoct this plot and make negative headlines for donald trump and voting was underway in the 2020 election. the trial is and would hear march but the government's case is in a lot of trouble. >> will: were these informants enablers? the question the court has to decide: would this plot have occurred without the fbi's involvement? >> it would not have. the only people who conspired to kidnap gretchen whitmer was christopher wray's team. ensere asking luring these men into this flot plot -- it never would have materialized. we will see what the judge does. . >> will: julie, thanks for joining us tonight. scientists are warning that endless boosters could lessen your immune's system ability to fight the coronavirus. that's coming up next. >> will: countries all over the world like the u.k., germany and israel are preparing to administrate a fourth coronavirus booster. it's not clear there is any science to justify the endless boosters. some scientists are concerned that more boosters can lessen the immune system's ability to fight off covid. the u.k. found the pfizer's efficacy went down to 35% after 10 weeks. this is a physician who join us now. great to speak with you. talk about these continuous boosters. is this something that is a public health good to continue to receive boosters or are they a threat? >> i have been beating this drum beat since last april when i first started talking to tucker. the issue is immunity. what we need to be able to determine is whether or not every day americans are immune or not. it's not so much to vaccine everybody with 3 to 5 boosters. it's whether people have a high level of antibodies. this is the most strategic blunder the biden administration and dr. fauci are making. to not encourage americans to check their status of immunity. i convinced people who were not immune to get the vaccine. people who are well immuned don't need a booster and it could harm this. this is probably a scientific intelligence failure on the sale of pearl harbor. the cost can be measured in lives and waste the vaccines. >> will: a failure at a minimum. why showing so little interest in figuring out natural antibodies? why has it been discouraged? there are increasing reports with studies that suggest there is vaccine dependency. do we ever build-up the ability of our immune system to fight covid? >> there is a basic phenomenon called immunity exhaustion. you stimulate the immune system to hyper-activities. the cells that normally respond become unresponsive and become tolerant to the virus. that means a lack of immunity. it's bad to hyper-immunize people. the devizations by dr. fauci and the biden administration is a natural security threat -- that's because of instead of focussing on the science and making sure every day americans are immune. we are forcing vaccinations on people who don't need it. the kids who are getting boosters mandates at colleges. some of these kids have had covid and had 2 mandated shot. my own kid goes to boston college and they mandated this. we should be working on antibodies and looking at the 18 levels. >> will: the number is 3 dozen or more colleges are mandating a third booster shot. there is potential for harm about the booster shots. these people are not incompetence. but failure is a kind explanation for what has gone in with the disinterest in natural immunity. >> the problem is the administrators are making medical decisions they are not qualified to make. >> will: i appreciate you having on tonight. this is not insignificant. our producers unfortunately had to watch upsetting footage of procedures on puppies. it's connected to a federal investigation into a company. just one example of abuse an investigator led the workers inject euthnaysia drugs into the puppies without sedation. it caused them pain. they are buying beagles for experiments. this should not happen anywhere. dr. fauci has explaining to do. this is the senior vice-president from peta and joins us now. this morning, what do we know about these experiments and nih's involvement? >> they spent 19.6-billion dollars a year on animal experiments. they have contract worth more than 1.2 million dollars over the last 10 years buying beagles from this facility that is locateed in central virginia and warehouses 5,000 dogs and puppies in hideous conditions. they is been cited by the u.s. department of agriculture for violation for failure to provide basic necessities of life to the mother dogs and their puppies. keeping them in 92 degrees and plunging needles into the heads of puppies. and depriving nursing mother dogs of food. the federal investigation is on-going. these dogs are being raised for cruel experiments that are useless. it's not just our federal government and our tax dollars. but contract laboratory and universities that are fuelling this industry. torturing these animals with cruel experiments. >> will: i think it's important we speak to people that we do not always align with on every issue. we might as well as point out the obvious. many of our viewers are skeptical of peta based on peta's positions on other issues. this is not simply a peta issue. this is an investigation by the usda. this spans government bureaucracy. it's grotesque. we can't show some of the footage on the screen because it's so ugly and over the top. one question: why beagles? why 1.2-million dollars on beagles? >> beagles are small and docile. they are just gentle and loyal dogs. they are so submissive they are easy to torture without posing a public safety risk to their abusers. >> will: because the breed is loyal and trusting, they do the worst experiments on. what an ugly story. hopefully we can find some justice. >> thank you. if point want to help go to and see what you can do. >> will: democrats say we should go more lenient on drive by shooting murderers. fighting against surmounts. -- systemic racism. that's next. one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. >> will: a new bill proposed by democrats in washington state want to create lower sentences for drive by shooting. they say it's about promoting racial equity. because enforcing the law against violent drive by shooters is racist. jason is a radio host in the pacific northwest. he joins us now. how is punishing drive by shootings racist? >> it's not. but they say it's because it's used to go after drive by shooters who happen to be black. that's the only argument they could try to make. if someone is white and committing the drive by shooting they would be subject to the same law. as it stands, this bill says it can no longer be considered an aggravating issue for first degree murder. you would be hit with a murder 1 charge and that is 20 to 30 years punishment. it could be life in prison. the funny thing is this particular aggravating murder charge is not used very often. one lawmaker terrence simmons a felon who made it into the state legislature. said it was only used once want that means it is not racist. it's not used to target black people and this would have zero impact whatsoever on racial equity in the criminal justice system. one time is not a problem. the argument should be we are not using it enough. >> will: the rationale the lawmakers have used to leave shoplifters unpunished because they said there was an impact on black. the same thing with drive by shooters? what is the racial makeup of the victims of drive by shootings? >> the vast majority of drive by shooting victims are black. if you tell me this is protecting the black community, sorry, you are not protecting the black community. the community impacted the most represented by the other state representative who won't answer questions about this bill, they have been begging for more help including more policeing to go after the rise in gun violence that south elects in particular has been experiencing. >> will: i suggest they have an impact on black victims. lawmakers why are you concerned about the impact on criminals and not on victims? not sure we will get an answer to th. thanks. great to talk to you. it turns out the unhinged maskless woman who beat up the man on a delta flight, she was an actress on a popular show and also appeared in a popular magazine. more about that straight ahead. >> finished second. >> keep that to yourself. >> i will try. i can't programs anything. -- promise anything. >> will: the woman in the yellow is a former actress. after bay watch she was an nfl cheerleader and appeared in an edition of playboy. she was very talented. 2 years of insane coronavirus restrictions broke her spirit and she snapped and became a mask crusader. >> [shouting]. >> [bleep]. >> [shouting]. >> will: because of her meltdown on the delta flight is more famous than ever before. she was taken into custody by the fbi. it's a sad fall from the heights of bay watch. that's what mask rage does to a person. that's about it for us tonight for the show that the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. pete is in for sean hannity. pete takes it away right now. >> pete: i tried to put on my will cain outfit. see you tomorrow night as well as new year's eve. well done tonight. welcome to this special edition of "hannity." i am pete in for sean. a prominent nevada democrat harry reid died at age 82.

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Idea , Wear Masks In School , Zero , Team , Majority , Democrat , Sanity , Republican , Everything , Show , Example , Way , Boom , Whimper , Pro Sports League , Doubt , Doomsday Cultists , Merry Christmas , Issue , Reason , Wrong , Many , Media , Vaccinated , Member , Cult , Fauci Groupie , Beloved Advisor , Spit Truths , Knowledge , Effort , Muzzling , Abhoren , Treasure , Jewel , National Treasure , The Public , Charlie Hurt , Trump , Begin , Presidents , Leadership , Parties , Styles , 2 , Charge , Beginning , Face , Thread , Deaths , Fault , Response , Failure , Menace , Power Death Lack , Lens , Problem , Thing , Jab , Grasping , Both , Health , Now Fauci , Expert , Area , Exturret In , Views , Thanks For Joining Us , Doing , Harry Reid , Statement , Breaking News , Senate , Chuck Schumer , 82 , Individuals , Boxing , Class , Instincts , Poor , Aphasing , Ray Epis , Capitol On January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Gretchen Whitmer , Case , Men , Michigan , Conspiracy , Doj , News , Age 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