Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

gatherings also waiting hours for covid tests. president biden trying to reassure americans on a call earlier today with the national governors association. >> this is not like march of 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. we are prepared and we know what it takes to save lives, protect people, and keep schools and businesses open. we just have to stay focused and continue to work together. >> gillian: fox team coverage starts right now. got dr. nicole saphier on the ticking clock and what the future may look like. >> mike: first, rich edson live at the white house. hello, rich. >> good afternoon, mike. this method was also for unvaccinated americans to get their shot to keep them out of the hospital. this also comes as the administration is focusing on a massive testing program, three tests to be sent out to americans likely not coming until next month. >> if we had known, we would have gone harder and quicker if we could have. because steps would have to be taken to increase the number of authorized tests. we are now able to purchase 500 million at-home rapid tests to be sent to the american people for free. >> heading into christmas week, americans waited on long lines for covid tests. there were also shortages of at-home kits. in this meeting with governors, the president said his administration has worked to expand testing since it took over in january. though some health officials have criticized the administration for what they say is a late push for sending these free at-home tests. >> unfortunately we do not have enough tests. this really is something we should have been on top of for months, and i'm disappointed that this is where we are as a country right now. >> the president did acknowledge last week his administration should have moved to increased testing availability two months ago. also in october, the biden administration rejected a proposal from several public health experts for free rapid tests for the holidays, based on what many other countries are already doing. the white house press secretary ridiculed that concept earlier this month, all according to "vanity fair." as president biden was leaving the white house for delaware a few minutes ago, he denied his administration had rejected that plan. he also said the to the governors this morning that they all had what e were no complaint from a demonstration, but at the end he said it isn't a federal government thing, necessarily. it's for the states to fight. they are the ones on the front lines of this. mike, back to you. >> mike: rich, thanks very much. manchin asked be a late bring in fox news medical contributor dr. saphier. dr. saphier, it is not just cities like new york and l.a. curtailing their big new year's eve ball drop celebrations this year. we are seeing it all across the world right now. we've got a map so our viewers can see a few of the places, including major cities like berlin, germany, london, new delhi, paris, rome. do you think that these kinds of policy decisions are likely to curtail the spread of the omicron variant at this point? >> well, gillian, as we head into the new year, by closing the holiday celebrations that are actually occurring outside, it's probably not going to do anything to really decrease transmission. whether or not people are going to be ball dropping, these outdoor activities, they are still going to be congregating indoor in their homes, and that's where you received a majority of the spread, which is why it's important we have available at-home rapid tests and that people are able to, if they want to go out and get fully vaccinated, get their booster, anything they can to decrease the transmission. by closing these outdoor celebrations, things that are truly iconic of the holiday season, all that really does is decrease morale, hurt the industry, workers, cancel plans, and it's not really going to do much to lessen the spread of this virus. >> gillian: dr. fauci told cnn this morning that he thinks having americans test for covid before they board domestic flights is the way to go moving forward. do you think that prescription could help curtail the spread? >> well, we don't really have a lot of data showing there's a lot of spread on airplanes right now. that's a combination of the robust hepa filters that circulate every couple minutes on airplanes, as well as people wearing masks, and the fact that a large amount of the population is either vaccinated, the state, or already recovered from covid with natural immunity. i think boarding a flight you should have a rapid test that is negative? i think that would be a good idea. if that means people can then get onto that airplane and take their masks off, i don't know if anybody else has tried to travel with children like i have, but it's really difficult and uncomfortable to have that mask on. i can tell you, those cloth masks are doing nothing at this point to decrease this highly transmissible variant. >> gillian: so the cloth masks aren't working? i'm guessing you think we should all be wearing the surgical mask, or the k n95? is that right? >> actually, no. i believe high-quality masks such as the k-n95 or and 95% people should be targeted for high-risk individuals, those who are immunocompromised, older, who have a decreased ability to respond to the vaccine and the booster. i think the far majority of americans at this point should be able to go forward mask lists, especially our younger children, those who are healthy and do not have chronic risk factors. those single layer cloth masks are doing very little, if anything. at this point it is time to accept that the virus is becoming endemic. we have the tools in our arsenal to protect ourselves from severe illness and hospitalization, and other than the higher risk and those who have always gone into respiratory season with high risk, they should have access to high-quality masks. >> gillian: so the last hour, president biden spoke to the governors association. one of the things he sort of announced, that two weeks from now insurance companies are going to start reimbursing americans for the cost of covid tests. but that's two weeks from now, when it seems likelier than not that the waivers omicron will have, you know, sort of circled its way through the globe. isn't that like two weeks or even a month also obsolete? >> gillian: at this point it seems like everything he saying is, "that is something to look forward to eventually." earlier this month, about a month ago now, he said insurance companies are going to cover these rapid at-home tests. all he thought was, how much paperwork will that cost people to go and resubmit? will it help? maybe. we have the treatments that have gotten the emergency authorization, that maybe we are going to have about 200,000 courses by the end of january. the website to get free at-home testing, it maybe by mid-january. if the united states is anything like south africa, we are seeing a rapid uptake of cases because it's such a highly transmissible variant. once the holidays past and the gatherings come and go, we'll see a decline in cases. i think it's going to be a little too late for the president's push for rapid tests and treatments. >> gillian: wow. dr. saphier, thank you for joining us today, and happy new year if i don't see you before then. >> happy new year! >> gillian: so, mike, this is worth noting, just some anecdotal evidence, but the week before last i wanted to get a covid tests so i called up a test clinic in my neighborhood. they said, if you want to get results within 72 hours, you are welcome to come in. we'll get you a free test. but if you want a response within the next hour after coming in, we are going to charge you $250. >> mike: right. gillian, everyone i know who has tried to get a test has been totally frustrated by the process. not by the hardworking adults doing their very, very best to do the testing and process the tests, but just buy the whole process, taking forever, wondering why it took so long for this country to get testing right. my family went and we got results eventually for my wife and my son, but not for our daughter. so what do you do? >> gillian: again, let are any americans having to wait 72 hours for the results, and does that do anybody any good? i don't know. >> mike: no. here we go. the travel nightmare that started on christmas eve, gillian, still playing out for thousands of frustrated flyers at airports coast-to-coast. flight aware counts close to 1,000 canceled flights nationwide, along with more than 2,000 flights delayed. headaches started with staff shortages due to covid, but no winter weather is making matters even worse. madison always is standing by at laguardia airport in queens, new york. hello, madison. >> hi, mike. yeah, it was a weekend of holiday travel mess. things not that much better. like he said, over a thousand flights canceled across the u.s. here at laguardia, over 30 flights canceled today alone and it's only midday. we still have a long day of travel ahead of us. let's take a look at where cancellations currently set for this holiday weekend. yesterday we saw the most cancellations, over 1,500 flights canceled, but we are quickly approaching that number today. airlines like united say the spread of omicron has led to staffing issues. united telling fox business that 50% of their passengers have arrived to their destination within four hours of the originally scheduled flight. the travel industry is struggling to rebound during what is the busiest travel time of the year. dr. anthony fauci says that vaccine mandates for flying on the table. >> if you're talking about requiring vaccination to get on a plane domestically, that's just another one of the requirements that i think is reasonable to consider. if you want to do that with domestic flights, that is something that seriously should be considered. >> passages we spoke with you today that heard about the chaos and all the cancellations this weekend, they got here early in case they had to make any changes. >> we got to the airport early for that reason, in case it does get canceled. hopefully we can catch another flight out from a different airline or whatever. >> to find out it's been canceled, we checked it and made sure it's on time. it is. >> and, mike, the holiday travel season is not overcome it with new year's around the corner we are still expecting strong travel numbers. and unfortunately these cancellations i'm living in the wrong direction. if you are flying, definitely be aware of what's going on at the airport, specifically with your flight. mike? >> mike: bring your patients to the airport. madison, thank you very much. gillian? >> gillian: 10,000 russian troops are withdrawing as we speak from their stations along russia's border with ukraine. this comes ahead of next month's bilateral diplomatic talks that will take place between the u.s. and russian governments. as russia's president putin backing down now from his plans to invade, or is this just a sideshow meant to distract america from whatever plans the kremlin is really cooking up? plus, we've got this. >> joe manchin may have saved the reelection of two, three, or four democratic senators who would have had to vote yes on bbb. >> senator joe manchin's opposition to the build back better bill getting a lot of praise from republicans, forcing democrats to consider a whole new path forward. we are learning some details ahead. ♪ ♪ u made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind only pay for what you need. built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. >> mike: close to 50,000 u.s. troops will clear less cash on payday next month. the pentagon scaling back to keep it the cost of living. "excessively expensive counties in the united states lower 48," after the cuts only about 6,000 troops will still get the monthly payments which max at around $60. >> gillian: a new year said to bring new tactics for capitol hill, hoping to bring back the bill that better bill. some say splitting the bill into smaller parts and pushing it through as smaller pieces of legislation could help the problems. let's bring in aishah hasnie with all the details. hi, aishah. >> hi, gillian. the fear for progressives has to be that the senate will chopped up huge chunks of this piece of legislation, and that is why on sunday the house caucus chair called on the president to go at it alone and take executive actions on certain provisions to, quote, "make it clear to those who hinder build back better that the white house and democrats will deliver." over the president says he wants to keep working with manchin. >> i suspect we will narrow it down and concentrate on three or four initiatives. and they might have distress that every one of those initiatives, whichever ones we end up focusing on, i really important things that are not only worth doing, but absolutely have to be done in this country. >> meanwhile, majority leader chuck schumer wants to vote on build back better next year even if he doesn't have the yeas to pass it. that would force democrats to go on the record on how they feel about the bill and put those up for reelection in an uncomfortable position. >> there are a number of democrats understand that we cannot continue to just swipe the credit card. we've got to stop this intergenerational theft and putting this burden of trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and our grandchildren. >> looking for a win, schumer also wants to force a vote to carve out what he calls the "ill-conceived and abused filibuster," in order to bypass the g.o.p. block on the voting rights bill. mind you, this is the same filibuster democrats have used when they were in the minority. all of this, gillian, as pressure continues to mount on manchin, some calling him out of touch, while others in his home state of west virginia support him, saying now. gillian? >> gillian: aishah hasnie in washington, thank you. >> mike: north dakota republican senator kevin cramer says senator joe manchin's public opposition to the build back better bill saved some other democrats from having to make similar statements against the controversial spending package. >> they have the people pushing and pulling and tugging from every possible direction, and i'm sure he's wondering which direction to go, but i do know this. joe manchin may have saved the reelection of two, three, four, possibly, democratic senators who would have had to vote yes on bbb, on build back better, but would rather not avoided at all. >> mike: let's bring in "washington examiner" political and investigative reporter, sarah wilson. one of them. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: from the wall street editorial board, "democrats tried to rush build back better into wall without policy debate or compromise. the left thought it could do so by beating the living crap after mr. manchin, as he put in a recent interview. he has no reason to apologize that a bill to transform america be subject to congressional order." how do you assess that point? >> i think progressives and president biden never really had any leverage over joe manchin. i think it's a little bit ironic that the criticism you are hearing from a lot of members of the progressive left, particularly members of the house, is that manchin sort of betrayed them and tricked them into splitting up the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which was their only claim to any sort of leverage at any point in this process, from the spending package and passing them separately, suggesting that manchin somehow lead them into a bait and switch to do that. when manchin is really the only democrat who has been entirely consistent from start to finish on what he wanted here. the only real way that biden and democrats can get over the finish line when it comes to manchin's by relying on their credibility and their goodwill here, and biden and democrats who are pushing bbb has very little of either. they have been wrong about the way that their previous economic policies would impact inflation and the economy. they have been wrong about how the recovery would proceed. they are talking about goodwill, just look at how intensely personal the attacks on manchin have gotten. there's basically zero incentives for him at this point to caves. >> mike: a leading progressive voice from the house progressive caucus does an a for the negotiation. she writes in "the washington post," "we are calling on the president's executive action to mediate and improve people's lives. this will also make clear to those who hinder build back better that the white house democrats will deliver for americans. we cannot be naive about the difficulty of once again negotiating with someone who has not kept his commitments." executive action may be satisfying for those on the left while joe biden's president, but as we've seen, once he leaves office, that cannot be undone. right, sarah? >> that's right. if it were that simple, biden would have done so already. if he was able to push any parts of his agenda in bbb through using executive power, there's a reason he hasn't done it, because he just simply doesn't have the authority to enact a lot of these programs using executive power. there's also a reason why democrats are relying on the reconciliation process to get his agenda through. because it's not bipartisan in any sense of the word, and by these are purely budgetary programs they are trying to enact, the budgetary process. that is not what executive authorities for. explicitly it is the providence of congress to create the nation's budget and fund certain programs. there's really no way that biden could push through the programs in the bill using executive power. the other strategy that has been central to potentially breaking that bill up into smaller pieces and going through regular order, there's very little chance they'll be able to get ten republicans to come over to their site and support those parts of the bill. >> mike: i want to squeeze in one more. some have suggested manchin's protecting democrats from themselves. i asked senator ben cardin yesterday on fox news "fox news sunday." >> is it possible manchin has been taking a heat for a number of your moderate colleagues? >> i can tell you that every one of my colleagues in the senate have strong views and what needs to be in build back better. they express themselves on these views. at the end of the day, we think the american people want to save the united states senate act on these issues. >> mike: sarah, what about that point? you think manchin has taken heat for those on the ballot in purple states? >> i think manchin has been rewarded by his constituents in west virginia and is happy to allow himself to be the face of moderate opposition to this very progressive bill. there has been a lot of theories floating around about why manchin is behaving the way that he is, but the simplest exclusion is usually the right one. manchin represents a red state with a lot of moderate constituents who don't want the programs that are in this bill. he's just reflecting their will, so i think that's probably the explanation for why manchin is holding out against legislation. by the way, his position on a lot of these policies, whether you are talking about these and the social programs or the climate subsidies, it is more in-step with the american people then what democrats are standing on right now. even though they are trying to portray him as the outlier. >> mike: 's are listed from the "washington examiner," thank you for your time. manchin next he ate well, it's the fourth day of jury deliberations in the trial of british so slight ghislaine xl. she stands accused of trafficking teenage girls for sex. we are on the verdict watch downtown manhattan. we will take you there lives. >> mike: plus, reports that russia is pulling military troops from the ukraine border. as moscow serious about using those fears? not everybody is so sure. dan hoffman is up next with his take. ♪ ♪ >> it takes american leadership. we have to put america first and demand that the europeans do the work that they need to do to protect and secure their sovereign borders, as well. ♪ ♪ even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> mike: de jury in the ghislaine maxwell and trial asking the judge for writing supplies and a definition of "enticement." alexis mcadams covering the case in manhattan. hi, alexis. >> that's right, the jurors asking the judge to clarify a few things and asking for the supplies it shows they are getting down to business and those deliberations. as the jurors are reviewing evidence, we saw ghislaine maxwell in the courthouse behind me in manhattan earlier this morning. she was actually hugging her defense team as they talked to her since over the weekend she turned 60 years old and celebrated christmas behind bars, as she faces these federal charges. let's get to these charges. that afternoon they are asking to take a closer look at some of the evidence, specifically the testimony of a government witness who is a retired palm beach police officer called to jeffrey epstein's florida house at least two times. the jury also asking for a whiteboard and some markers as they entered 20 hours of deliberations and counting here in manhattan. maxwell now facing six federal charges, including child sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy charges. prosecutors say she groomed and traffic underage girls to be sexually abused by her close friend and former boyfriend, jeffrey epstein. some of those girls that the duo allegedly traffic were only 14 years old. during the more than two weeks now, of graphic testimony, the courtroom heard from four women who say they were underage when maxwell coerced them into being sexually abused. those women then told the court that maxwell would sometimes watch the abuse and other times she would take part. the alleged abuse spanning over a decade, bringing out a handful of charges here, including child sex trafficking and those sex trafficking conspiracy charges. throughout the trial, maxwell's defense is trying to continually undermine those accusers' memory of events, also saying all these women want is money. their main argument is that ghislaine is not jeffrey epstein and she should not take the fall just because epstein is dead. according to her defense team, we are expecting this to liberation to continue throughout the day. they are asking for several pieces of evidence that they can review. if maxwell is convicted she could face up to life in prison, but mike, she has pled not guilty to all charges. >> mike: interesting, trying to read the tea leaves of what the jury is asking for. alexis mcadams outside federal court in new york city. thanks very much. gillian? >> gillian: for weeks now, intelligence reports have said russia is drawing closer to the brink of ukrainian invasion, but 10,000 russian troops are reportedly returning home. they are throwing in the talent giving up their strategic positions along the border. the apparent retreat happening just before the u.s. and russia are slated to hold talks next month. let's bring in former cia station chief dan hoffman, also a fox news contributor. so, dan, this is great news, right? putin is packing up the troops, they are all going home, he's ready for diplomacy. sounds like a problem solved, nothing left to worry about. >> yeah, i would say the problem has only grown more complicated. this is 10,000 troops of roughly over 100,000 that vladimir putin has deployed. this putin is anything like the soviet predecessors -- and remember, he was a kgb officer himself, and that the playbook he runs -- than what he is doing is making it appear as though he has given up a concession and he's going to demand something in return. the u.s. arms control negotiator, he is to describe how the soviets would put a boulder in the middle-of-the-road during nuclear arms discussions and negotiations, only to make us pay with concessions to remove the bolder they put there in the first place. that's what putin is doing in this case. >> gillian: as you say, no strategic retreats are free, so it is he going to demand an exchange? >> he has made it clear, and with a great sense of urgency that i think has to cause the biden administration great alarm, that what he wants is a guarantee that nato will not expand further to admit ukraine and georgia. he also wants the united states to remove deployments from central and eastern europe, including the ballistic missile defense systems in poland and romania. again, designed there come a place there, to counter any threats from iran. back when they were put there in the first place, russia argued that we didn't need them because of the jcpoa agreement. well, that's no longer in force. iran is a threat and we do need to systems there. they are defensive in nature even though vladimir putin seeks to portray them as some sort of threat to russia. >> gillian: that sounds like not a short order. someone else he thinks the biden administration should be alarmed by this move is a former secretary of state, mike pompeo. take a listen to what he told us yesterday. >> you heard him say just today in russia, it's consistent with the belief that we have weak leadership, and the fall of the so that you now 30 years on, it's very clearly something on vladimir putin's mind. he wants to build it back. we can't permit that to happen. >> gillian: what do you think of that? >> mike: i think nothing scares vladimir putin more than democracy. it's not missiles or tanks that frighten him, his liberty and freedom and democracy making their way to russia. nothing would present a greater threat or a more powerful clarion call to his own opposition then if ukraine were to join the european union and nato. that is a redline for vladimir putin. he invaded crimea and annexed it years ago in 2014, and the bombast region which continues to be a war zone. ukraine should have the right to decide for themselves whether they join nato, and that's not good enough for vladimir putin. he wants to ensure that never happens. if the biden administration decides that is an agreement they wish to make, or even take a step down that path, they will have done irreparable harm to ukraine's democracy. this is the will of the ukrainian people and they don't even have a seat at the table to discuss their own future and negotiate it. the united states -- at vladimir putin's request, we are doing it on behalf of the ukrainians, and it's a very dangerous situation. >> gillian: dan, i want to ask you to take a step back for a moment and explain to us why americans should care, why it's important for america to help defend ukraine's territorial sovereignty here. >> well, i think there is a tactical, strategic necessity for us. russia is a real threat. you know, the interfere in our elections, they are mounting massive cyberattacks against us, they have interfered in eastern europe and western european politics, as well. they are a revisionist power, allied with china, seeking to overturn the international rules-based order. their major allies are iran, venezuela, cuba. they have provided assistance to north korea, as well. if we don't stand up for ukraine and democracy and their territorial integrity, i don't think we stand up for much or anything at all, and we are calling president reagan, who invoked john winthrop's sitting on the hill. let stand for something in this country. it doesn't mean we have to send our troops to ukraine, nor should be, that we can help ukraine. we can make it clear to russia that the cost to them of an invasion, in terms of the blood and the treasure they would spill, is prohibitively high. that might mean providing ukraine with military assistance and other diplomatic support. this is a major test for the biden administration and their national security capability. there is no question that vladimir putin is ready for a standoff right now, after what he has seen in afghanistan he probably thinks he has a shot at getting the upper hand. >> gillian: dan hoffman, thanks so much for breaking it down for us today. we really appreciate it. >> thanks. all the best to you. >> gillian: you, too. mike, you heard what dan says they are. if the united states doesn't stand up for ukrainian democracy, then we really don't stand for anything at all. >> mike: a major test of the biden administration. absolutely. a lot of folks are wondering what the response will be, since all of putin's actions, not necessarily his words but his actions, seem to suggest he's got some bad intent here. i guess we will see. >> gillian: yep. >> mike: all right. 2021 heads into the history books as the year of the worker. millions of jobs went unfilled as covid wreaked havoc on the economy. but will 2020 to be any different? are economic panel will weigh in. >> gillian: and exactly one year ago, american scrambling to find covid tests. incoming president biden slam president trump for failing on testing. so we are going to ask, who deserves the blame now? we are going to ask joe concha. he is coming up next. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ ♪ ♪ >> gillian: meghan markle is getting a public apology from a british newspaper over the weekend. they published a front-page statement acknowledging she won her copyright case against the tabloid. this comes after a long court battle against the paper for publishing parts of the handwritten letter that markle wrote to her father after she got married to prince harry back in 2017. the court is also now ordering the papers publisher to pay financial damages. mike, for someone like markle who has complained so bitterly about press coverage of her for years, she really seems to have a knack for bending the british tabloid press to her will. this is one of multiple major court battles she has now won against the british press. >> yeah, i don't think a lot of british readers see her as a sympathetic figure, but she's been able to use the system to , and she's probably crying all the way to the bank. >> gillian: certainly among the british public they don't see her as a victim. that she has portrayed herself to be. >> carley: interesting. gillian, thanks very much. 2021 a record year for job openings, millions left unfilled. businesses big and small looking to hire but finding anyone willing to sign on. what does 2020 to have in story for the job market? professor at university of chicago, and president at the american action forum and former cbo director. welcome. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> mike: career builder ceo sue arthur says, "we are entering 2022 with workers staying in control. a cumulative mix of increased supply chain demand, a rise in resignations, and companies continuing to recover from the pandemic will result in thousands of open jobs and an explosive growth in online job postings. is that correct, austin? what is the impact? >> it feels correct. i mean, it is still a very tight job market. it's fabulous for workers. there is a group of people aged 55 and above that retired early in the pandemic and we have to see if they're coming back, but overall it was actually a very strong year. we added millions of jobs in 2021, and i am hoping that this omicron variant is not as bad as we see here, so we can keep up some of that momentum. >> mike: the take away from a lot of folks, from covid, is they want better work-life balance, more flexibility. the latest stats from october suggest there are 11 million open positions right now. so, doug, your thoughts on employers responding to what workers want? >> well, i think employers have responded to what workers want. we have seen rising wages, changes in office conditions and work environments, and those are all things that workers want, but the key to this imbalance is the fact that labor force participation is still a point and a half below what it was in february 2020. those missing workers would be the key to taking some of the pressure off the labor market. the demand is very strong. how can we do that? we need to do a better job, and there's been wide discussion that the biden administration promises to do better on testing than the trump administration dead, and has dropped the ball. we had these monoclonal antibodies are on for months with very little use. very effective therapy for covid-19. we have to go forward where he is all the prevention. vaccines, the testing, masks, distancing, and all the therapeutics. oral therapeutics, as well. that would change the ability to work in the face of the virus. i think we also does need to not make mistakes. 2021, the american rescue plan was a big mistake. those child credits and the social safety net not only throw up inflation, and awesome is going to say i am wrong about that, but i'm right about that. >> [laughs] >> and also lessen the work incentives. we don't know how much, but we can't do that again with the build back better plan. we should cement in place some of the policy for years to come. if employers do their job, things will take care of themselves. >> mike: it was labeled the great resignation. austin, do you want to respond? >> well, doug and i have a long-standing dis- agreement about that. >> [laughs] >> when they entered the unemployment insurance bonuses, it did not lead to an end back to the labor shortage. i think the argument about build back better and what is to come, doug is right, that's what we should be arguing about. it definitely feels like after joe manchin's announcement that it's in trouble, so we may not see anything like that. but this was a strong job year. that's the thing to remember. there are lots of vacancies, wages are going up, and millions of people got hired. so let's hope we keep the momentum. i think doug's criticisms on testing are well-founded. we've got to do better. >> mike: let's try to find some good news here. >> i agree with austin. at the moment we are growing really well. if we can keep it going, the payroll growth as at a 9% annual rate. so the real question is creating more headwinds. that's the key. >> mike: thanks so much for your time. have an awesome day. >> thank you. >> mike: gillian? >> gillian: red states and blue states are drawing brand-new battle lines ahead of the 2022 midterms. those new political maps are slated to take center stage. plus, this. >> i hope you guys have a wonderful christmas, as well. and let's go brandon. >> let's go brandon, i agree. >> mike: and oregon dad in hot water and how the original brandon feels about it. >> gillian: i got a readed for another show that says -- ♪ ♪ d how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. earn about covid-19, search 100s of travel sites at once. the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? 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>> i don't think he spends much time focused on it or thinking about it. >> the meaning of the phrase has a familiar ring to it. it was actor robert de niro who said it f at the tony awards. the audience cheered. why can't people just be nice to each other, gillian? >> gillian: it is very like you to make a historical connection here to provide us with context on this. thank you for that. >> thanks. >> gillian: mike? >> mike: gillian, covid making a supportive child. long lines at airports and covet testing sites, all this as a omicron variant continues to surge. the biden administration says they aren't failing on testing, but what they are doing to fix the problem, that story. plus joe concha, john turley, and former acting i.c.e. director tom homanne in the next hour. keep it here. music the music ♪ ♪ up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> mike: christmas may be overcome a bit on the crown is still causing chaos. in the search for covid testing, folks just trying to fly home after the holiday, and winter weather. airports look uglier than the ugliest christmas letters. welcome as "america reports" rose into our two. i'm mike emanuel. hi emma gillian. >> gillian: i liked a little joke there. i am gillian turner. breaking news for you this hour, the weather. a fast-changing forecast for you. there is snow right now, virtually from california to connecticut. >> mike: adding to an aggravating situation airports, airline crewmembers calling out sick, canceling thousands of flights over the holidays. nearly a thousand today alone. joe concha coming up on the president and his white house planning the response and claiming it's not been a failure. >> gillian: we start with team coverage. he got rich edson live on the north line of the website. first we go to steve harrigan, joining us from atlanta, home of the cdc. >> gillian, things seem to be getting worse today for folks trying to get home after the christmas holiday. this morning there were 600 flights canceled across the u.s. that number has already topped 1,000. things getting worse, and lines for testing for covid stretched for several blocks in a number of major cities. people waiting for hours to find out whether or not they have the virus. >> we are traveling tomorrow. we want to make sure we are clean. >> we are vaccinated and everything, but we didn't feel well so we wanted to get tested. >> states setting records for new cases including new york, new jersey, and massachusetts. the seven-day average for new cases is about 198,000 cases, up 47% from just one week ago. one bright side and all of this, hospitalizations do not appear to be keeping pace at this point with those increases in new cases. hospitalization is up just 3%, giving some support to the argument that this new variant, omicron, is easily contagious, more easily transmissible, but perhaps so far causes less serious illness. gillian, back to you. >> gillian: steve harrigan live from atlanta, thank you. if covid doesn't scrap your oncoming flight, it looks like winter weather might. winter slamming the huge chunk of the country right now. we will tell you it means for you and your travel in just a few moments, the first president biden just met with his white house covid response team. this happened in a nationwide testing shortage crisis. rich edson joins us from 1600 pennsylvania avenue to break down everything the president said and where we are going next. hi, rich. >> good afternoon, gillian. a bipartisan group of governors held a teleconference with the white house. the president pointing to testing, saying americans on the vaccine front should be getting vaccinated if they are unvaccinated to stay out of the hospital. when it comes to testing, the administration is rolling out this massive plan. all of this, as there is a report from "vanity fair" claiming the white house rejected a proposal from public health officials in october to boost free rapid tests ahead of the holiday season. as the president then left the white house for delaware, he denied that report. >> president biden, why did your administration read reject a holiday testing surge in october? does the buck stop there? >> we didn't reject it. >> the biden administration announced last week it is buying 500 million at-home tests free for americans to order one online. the the tests won't likely go up until next month well after the holidays. other countries have pushed free at-home testing as a major piece of the covid strategy. the white house press secretary dismissed the concept earlier this month. the president said last week his administration should have implemented this testing plan two months ago, the one republican governor says he is concerned the federal government buying hundreds of millions of covid tests may create shortages for others. >> make sure that we do not let federal solutions stand in the way of state solutions, and the production of 500 million rapid tests that will be distributed by the federal government is great, but that obviously drives up the supply chain for the solutions that we might offer as governor. >> the president noted in this meeting that they really is no federal solution here. in the end, it's up to the states to be dealing with these covid surges paid back to you. >> gillian: rich edson live from the white house. thank you. >> mike: gillian, let's bring in joe concha. welcome. >> merry christmas, michael. the eagles just scored again, by the way. sorry about that. that game just one end, it's remarkable. sorry. >> gillian: sick burn! >> mike: you have written on, "biden's new christmas estrace fitting cap for this year." we hope folks will read it, but for those who have not, what is your take? >> it it's a monologue to have me doing. you can read it or watch it, whatever you prefer. it was a year ago almost to the day when president-elect biden declared that the lack of covid tests available to the american people as "a travesty." here we are a year later, and you see lines for testing stretching entire blocks. i saw it here in jersey on christmas eve, people waiting outside in the cold to get tested. many urgent care is our having to shut down because so many doctors are testing positive. hmmm tests are almost possible to get and that's a reality for weeks if not longer as omicron records are being set as far as positive cases are concerned. take away the rhetoric and the noise here. the president and his team had a year to be ready for this moment. the president said he didn't reject holiday surge in testing a couple months ago. why wasn't one in place, mr. president? pretty easy follow-up question. they have clearly failed here. it goes back to an overall theme. it's a flat-footed administration. they are flat-footed on inflation, which they say it isn't transitory. at least that's what they originally said. obviously it's here to stay for a while. they are flat-footed on violent crime, homicide records being set. 16 cities now reporting record homicides in their cities. democrats were laser focused on building back better. perhaps building back police forces more of a priority. obviously afghanistan, completely flat-footed as well. the taliban was in kabul while the admin's ration was out to lunch. we appear to have an administration that is reactive instead of proactive, and that sums up 2021 for biden and harris. with midterms in november they will make this year look like a summer picnic versus what's going on with that red tsunami in the senate. >> gillian: let's rewind to something you said about 30 seconds ago about the covid omicron surge, that the white house had a year to essentially prepare for a scenario like this. the president and the vice president and the press secretary and probably the press secretary 's mother have probably said, nobody in the world saw this coming. the omicron variant. before that they said, "nobody could have seen the delta variant coming." should be given a pass for that? >> variants have been existence for virus since the beginning of time. to say that we did know this could happen, i'm sorry, it's just not a good excuse. the buck does not stop with the president, the vice president, as far as taking responsibility for this. they should have prepared for every contingency here. the fact that, again, the president said a year ago that the lack of testing was a travesty, okay, then he should have done some thing about it instead of doing enzyme dances and trying to push trillions of dollars spending into this economy. that is where the focus was, not on this. this is where they are now is five covid. the polling shows these to be around 70% when they took office, as far as handling of the coronavirus. now they are below water and many polls because they have shown that they cannot stop and control this virus is a promised during the campaign. >> mike: white house cliff of staff chief of staff retreated a tweet saying, "20/20 one was no" joe, your assessment? >> i have seen the three that many americans feel it was the worst year of their lives. only second to 20 money. i don't think the standard people it embraces "we've got a c-, things aren't that bad!" we are a country that prides itself in greatness, and not the "not so bad" country in the world. he appears to be trying to set expectations lower and lower as far as what we should expect out of this administration come out of their performance. yeah, not that bad? that ain't good enough. again, in november, we are voting on that, democrats are in big trouble. >> gillian: the thing here, he's not just getting criticized for what he is tweeting, but he has also been criticized for how much he is tweeting. he is on social media all the time. his defenders are saying, "oh, my gosh, look, he's killing it." you know, involved in every piece of gossip, every administration scandal. on twitter he is weighing in defending his colleagues. his critics are saying, is that the best way for the chief of staff to spend his time? >> yeah, it's a big p.r. session, a cheerleading session. he should focus on solutions instead of spin. you should see, in terms of who he retreats, he retreats joy reid, like al extensive cable news and a person who plays the race card from the bottom of the deck. he retreats the conservative at "the washington post" he sees no wrong with this administration. so yeah, like many politicians, talking republican and democrat, list tweeting, list twitter, more do your job and give the sums arrest a little bit. work for the american people. >> mike: let the record reflect, eyewear giants cufflinks even when my team is horrible. >> gillian: dang, mike. >> i am a bears fan. trust me. it ain't too much better for us, either. not a fun year. >> mike: all right, brother. happy new year. >> gillian: happy new year. >> mike: the squad pushing president biden to use executive action when it comes to passing parts of his massive social spending bill. details from capitol hill coming up. >> gillian: plus, president biden said he supports doing "whatever it takes" to push new voting rights legislation, even perhaps making an exception to the sacrosanct filibuster rule. jonathan turley says the move would be chilling, and he is up next. >> mike: first, fox weather, tracking a bitter blast of ice and snow threatening millions. >> gillian: meteorologist craig herrera has a forecast coming up next. >> hey there. talking about a lot of snow. in fact, let's start with seattle. in case you were wondering, they got 3 inches of fresh snow right in the city. this is for the day on sunday. this is the snowiest december day that they have had since december 26th, 1974. some spots across the olympic mountains getting up to 20 inches of snow in the lower lying areas because of the upslope winds that have been there. let's look at the big picture as we look across the western half of the lower 48. look at all the snow coming down the sierra nevada. by the way, the crs nevada crs nevada as we look ahead to the winter storm warning, those are all the purple areas you say. winter storm warning meaning 6 inches in 24 hours, or 8 inches of fresh snow in 24 hours, rather. we have those extending over the grapevine. this is a major thoroughfare between the central valley in southern california, so we could get several inches of snow overnight over the grapevine, which could cause problems for everyone trying to get from southern california to or from the central valley. all the pink easy, especially across the sierra and parts of the cascades, it does look to be about up to two feet of fresh snow once you get to the kern county mountains and to have to, as well. that extends over into the rockies. as we go into wednesday, the areas hit so hard with the tornadoes he had earlier, another 1-3 inches of fresh rain. not good. we will get more snow as we head up into the rockies, thursday, and a bit of a break. overall, this storm will have a huge impact across the west coast and we will watch those storms down across the southeast. back to you. >> mike: craig herrera, thanks. a good reminder to download the fox weather app to stay up-to-date. search the app store for fox weather. be right back. ♪ ♪ showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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"a tiny exception" to the filibuster? "the wall street journal" says it's like an engineer saying, "i just want to remove the tiny piece of the hoover dam." >> what is most striking about the president's position is it is entirely devoid of principle. this is what is demanded today in our age of rage, to be made politician. you have to be willing to sacrifice any principal for politics. whether it is packing the court, or at the filibuster rule. the president's logic makes no sense. he is saying because this is really important is why i'm not going to support the filibuster. that is what the filibuster is for, for things that deeply divided us, to force compromise, to force people to talk to each other, listen to each other. it is particularly disturbing in this case. this country is a powder keg. we are so divided over election, historically are election rules have been set by the states. this would, for the first time, dictate to all the states what their election laws must be according to the majority in congress. >> gillian: well, principles, shminciples. he's been making his case to the media all week. he's been saying, look, the exception to the rules for a good cause. it's for voting rights. doesn't that give him a pass here? >> no, it doesn't. this was the same person, as a senator, who described curtailing the filibuster rule as a virtual apocalypse, rejecting all of our traditions. former president obama denounced people that wanted to change the filibuster rule. so, by the way, did chuck schumer. that is the test of principle, whether you stick with it when it is not convenient. what happen is we saw harry reid make the first adjustment most recently in a series of changes. he lifted the filibuster for lower court judges, and then the republicans responded by lifting it for supreme court justices. now the democrats, because they don't have enough votes, are saying, "we'll just muscle through the election law." in our divisions get deeper. people don't seem to understand, the filibuster rule has an important effect in a time of anger and rage like we have. it forces people to talk to each other. it forces compromise. that is not a bad thing today. >> gillian: i mean, who wants to talk to other people? it's covid, right? >> [laughs] >> gillian: another thing you point out, if we table politics for a second, he said the effect of passing an amendment to the rule would really be chilling for states rights. talk to us about that. >> well, that's right. states are allowed to experiment with their laws, they are allowed to dictate things like whether they want voter identification, voter authentication, the hours of polling places. those are still limited by the constitution, by federal law. if it affects minority population and minority voters, for example, the federal government can step in. but otherwise we allow the states to come up with what they view as the essentiality for fair elections. this would do away with that tradition that has existed from the beginning of the republic. but i think democrats will rue the day they went down this road. what happens if congress changes and then congress imposes on every state a new set of election rules? it's going to undermine the sense of integrity in our elections, the legitimacy of our elections, if we allow it to be this football that changes with every majority of congress. >> gillian: we got to leave it there. if i don't talk to you before the end of the week, happy new year. thanks so much. >> happy new year. thanks. >> gillian: my? >> mike: gillian, build back better was dealt a serious blow last weekend with senator joe manchin dancing he is unknow on the bill. but members of the squad who are determined to get the massive spending plan past are urging the president to blow off congress, and use executive action to make it happen, whether or not congress gives the okay. aishah hasnie's lab on capitol hill with the latest. hey, aishah. >> hey, mike. progressives don't have leverage at all and that's why there plotting a path alone without the likes of senator joe manchin or any other moderate out there. house progressive caucus chair pramila jayapal urged the president to take executive actions and certain provisions. "make it clear that those who hinder build back better, that the white white house will deliver." he says he still wants to work with manchin. others say they are looking to the idea of piecemealing certain provisions in this bill. >> that is at a strategy decision. we want to make it as competence it is possible because the needs are there, but we have to make sure we have the votes to pass it. >> majority leader chuck schumer wants of vote on bbp early next year even if he doesn't have the yeas to pass it. it would put vulnerable democrats up for reelection in an comfortable situation. looking for another win, schumer wants to force a vote to carve out what he called the ill-conceived and abused filibuster. you were just talking about this. they want to try to bypass that g.o.p. block on the voting rights. mind you, this is the same filibuster they used when they were in the minority. >> the founding fathers never thought the minority should prevail, but that is we are dealing with right now. if we want to move this country forward and save our democracy, we have to make a change. >> all this as pressure continues to mount on senator manchin, some calling them out of touch for saying no to build back better while others in his home state of west virginia say they support him. mike? >> mike: aishah hasnie, thanks very much. gillian? >> gillian: the curse we all suffer under. russian president putin says he has no plans to invade ukraine. this after he spent the last several months amassing 100,000 troops along their shared border. up ahead, the new steps that ukrainian civilians are taking to prepare to defend themselves against the potential invasion. >> mike: plus, the crisis at our southern border as cartels look to move more than dangerous and potentially deadly drugs. getting into human smuggling business. former acting i.c.e. director tom homan will be in next. ♪ ♪ e. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. ♪ ♪ >> mike: the out-of-control border crisis under president biden exposing the threat from cartels and smugglers. "the new york post" reporting, "in addition to the cocaine, methamphetamine, and sentinel they smuggle across the border, but the sinaloa and who are as cartels who dominate parts of nn mexico have branched out into smuggling desperate migrants according to authorities on both sides of the border." with him on this, tom homan, fox news contributor and former acting ice i.c.e. director. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: what is the impact on truly desperate migrants? >> of the criminal cartels in mexico controlled the northern border. even before they got in the business of trafficking women and children and smuggling migrants, the smuggling organization had to pay a tax to work through their area of control. so they've always been involved. but these cartels are ruthless. that's why i've said, a lot of people attacked the trump administration saying that the policies were inhumane. let me remind them, illegal immigration is down 83%. a35-year level. when the organizations aren't moving people, less women are being sexually assaulted, less children being abandoned in the desert to die, less children are drowning. less migrants die. the bottom line is a secure border saves lives. so called term policies whatever you want, that we save thousands of lives. i talked to one sheriff in south texas last week, already found over his 60 dead migrants in his county who died making this journey. >> mike: we know these cartels are transnational organizations. they have violent turf wars with each other, protecting their smuggling routes. what is the impact on our men and women at the border? >> they are overwhelmed. border patrol is already on record, 40-50% of their manpower is no longer on the line because they are in facilities processing people. when half the border patrol is not on the line, that is when these criminal cartels take advantage of these gaps. during the del rio crisis, miles of border were unguarded. last week in yuma, every border patrol age and was pulled into processes family groups and hundreds were crossing the line walking to the city of yuma unimpeded. so they've already been overwhelmed. in these cartels are ruthless. this is when they start moving the sentinel that's killed over 100,000 people this year. it's not a coincidence that the highest level illegal immigration issues, at the same time a record number of sentinel overdoses are because of borders being vulnerable, big gaps that the cartels are taking advantage of. >> mike: to chris cummings and henry cuellar, a democrat, represents about 200 miles of the border. he had a stunning quote about vice president kamala harris to "the new york times." let's put it on the screen. "i say this very respect lead to her. i've moved on. she was tasked with that job. it doesn't look like she's very interested in this, so we are going to move on to other folks that work on this issue." a reminder, he's a democrat. tom, what are his options? to work with state officials to get a handle on the border? >> yeah, i think he can work with the governor of texas, the arizona governor. entry cuellar is a patriot. i don't always agree with his stances, but let me tell you something, he believes in the secure border. he wants to protect migrants from the death and mayhem they are getting put through by these cartels. he wants texas to be safe. he wants the laws enforced, and he wants some sort of fix to the immigration crisis. if the laws don't work, fix them. he is a common-sense congressman. i don't care if he's a democrat or republican. he's always been a common-sense guy and i respect him greatly. but the governor of texas is stepping up. he's the real secretary of homeland security, because alejandro mayorkas hasn't done a thing to secure the border or slow the flow, but governor abbott has. the state of arizona is stepping up, the state of florida is stepping up. states are stepping up because the federal government has abdicated their responsibility to secure this border, which they are required to do under the constitution. >> mike: part of his frustration is likely to effect the vice president has not been to his district, which has about 200 miles of international border. tom homan, we have to leave it there. thank you so much for your time, sir. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: gillian, that quote to "the new york times" caught my eye. it's not often you have a democrat saying about a fellow democrat, "i've given up, she's not interested in the border." >> gillian: that's true. tom homan just said, it's not often that you see states like texas step up and try and solve national problems, but it's also true that it's not often you see states like texas start throwing money at the problem like they are their own country. i think governor abbott has invested something like $2 billion in this. they recently broke ground on their on border wall. >> mike: taxpayers are already on the hook paying for the border wall that president trump has authorized. stuff is just sitting there but the taxpayers have to use their own money again to pay for that wall. difficult times. >> gillian: mighty pricey. thousands of ukrainian civilians are preparing for a potential russian invasion, learning combat skills in case the country's military gets overrun. alex hogan has all the details on the plane from london. hi. >> hi, gillian. thousands of men and women in ukraine are preparing, volunteering, stepping up to help the military if there is any kind of russian invasion. these are private citizens who are going to the woods outside of kiev on their weekend, and with military officials they are learning about combat training and about the defense tactics. of course, just more information that they would need to know in the event of such a scenario. ukraine's general acknowledge that come in the event of an attack, their current forces would stand little chance. the strategic defense plan aims to trade about 100,000 civilian scientists. satellite images captured that many russian troops at the border as well as a growing number of armored vehicles. these photos prompting international fears of a possible attack. russian president vladimir putin has regret rejected all claims of a potential strike. last week during an end of year press conference, point blame it the less for it a skating situation, promising that ukraine would not receive a nato membership. he also wants security promises that weapons would not get moved closer to russian territory. putin this weekend said he will layout his options if these demands are not met. >> interpreter: it depends what proposals are military experts submit to me. but i hope we didn't make the proposals just to see them blocked in terms of the diplomatic process. for the purpose of reaching a ad negotiated a mimetic result, that would be fixed and legally binding documents. >> as far as the current situation, russian announce on saturday that it is removing 10,000 troops from the border with ukraine. again, about 90,000 troops still remain there. we will see diplomatic talks set to resume between the u.s. and russia coming up as early as next month. gillian? >> gillian: alex hogan from our london bureau, thank you very much. mike? >> mike: the crime surge in chicago taking no holiday break after yet another violent and deadly weekend in the windy city. details ahead on the bloodshed. >> gillian: california is setting ambitious green energy goals now, but the state is reportedly already missing some of its own key deadlines. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but think your dream is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> mike: kelly o'grady live in l.a. many thanks. gillian? >> gillian: it's a white christmas for lots of folks out west, to put it mildly. some meteorologist they are measuring the snuffle in feet. >> if you did get your fill of cringe being around extended family, the reporter who tried to get bill belichick to talk about new year's resolutions after a big loss. oh, dear. homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> several inches of snow fell in seattle. officials urge residents to stay inside. bitter cold air is settling in for parts of the pacific northwest. will nundley is live. >> hi, bill. we have had about three or four inches of snowfall with this event. it's caking up now. just turning into a solid sheet of ice. it's going to stay that way. temperatures are about 20 degrees as we speak right now. this is one of the warming centers, one of six set up in king county that will open up to keep people off of the streets and have a warm place to go. again, we're dealing with builter cold temperatures. officials say they worked about 600 accidents ranging from serious collisions to people sliding off in to guardrails and things of that nature. causing major problems in the skies. a lot of de-iing had to happen with airplanes leading to multiple cancellations. if you have people saying hey, i can't get home, i'm trapped here, that's the truth. there's hundreds of delays on top of everything happening with covid. you have two different compounding factors that are making travel treacherous. so the word is stay off the roads in the region. more snowfall could be on the way here for tomorrow night from areas south of seattle down. we start to look at, you know, the palisades, lake tahoe. they're talking about snow measured in feet and that is causing avalanches there along the highways. serious complications along the west. >> thanks, will. gillian? >> new population data and a little gerrymandering means a new battle line is being drawn ahead of the 2022 mid-terms. so how are both sides complaining that they're being set up to lose political power? william la jeunesse is in malibu, california with the answer. hi, william. >> >> gillian, this happens every ten years, right? we draw, redraw congressional seats in each state based on the census. whatever party controls that state's legislature usually determines how those lines are drawn. in a red state like texas or a blue state like california, the opposing party will complain of unfairness or setter suppression. right here in california, no surprise, all the democratic incumbent seats are safer. the republicans are more vulnerable to be taken over. in new jersey, same thing. democrats wrote a plan that favors them in 2022. other states, republican complaining about oregon, new mexico and illinois. >> democrats took the south side of chicago and connected it with farmland to erase as many republican seats as they could. >> in oregon, democrats used liberal votes in metro portland to dilute conservative rural areas to lock down four congressional seats. >> in a lot of states, you're seeing the party controlling the process really just trying to shore up their majorities. >> so that's true in ohio. a swing state yet. the gop controlled legislature there gave republicans an edge in 13 out of 15 districts. in texas, republicans could add two more congressional seats. democrats say at the expense of minorities. >> it's telling you not only dow to sit at the back of the bus but we're going to take the seats out, too. >> maybe the most interesting state is nevada. democratically controlled legislature, but congress woman dina titus blames her own party for gerrymanders. she said i totally got effed by the lawyer. you read that republicans are using gerrymandering. they didn't have to in this state. we did it to ourselves. so the point is, basically, not that either party is drawing these lines to make elections more competitive. they're not. they're doing it in their own self-interests and both sides do it. >> the president says one of the reasons he wants to push through his voting rights agenda through legislation on the hill this year is to combat against republicans that are trying to do that, redraw the districts so it favors them. do you think there's sort of likelihood here that if that does get through the next year it could impact the way things swing in the mid-terms? >> possibly. the truth is even when they put an independent commission in, it's never independent. there's one way or another, california independent, it's not. not the results are that way. so trying to make elections more competitive is not in the party's best interest that controls the process. >> very interesting.sounds like a losing score. william lodge necessary, leave it to the politicians. thanks so much. >> 'tis the season to ask awkward questions. bill belichick was not too happy after his team's big loss to buffalo. that didn't stop a reporter from asking him completely off topic. >> hi. football aside, sorry, but i'm doing a story about new year's resolutions. i was wondering if you had any you wanted to share with our fans and readers. >> no, not right now. >> okay.thanks. >> maybe next week. >> you can do that as a reporter but he was not having it. >> bill belichick not a broadcaster there. not really willing to swing with the punches. on to something different. seems like kate middleton wants to be known more than weaving and zipping tea. she's showing off a talent that some royal watchers didn't see coming. so there's the duchess of cambridge. she's playing piano at a christmas celebration over the weekend. thanks for joining us, mike. great to be with you. >> "the story" in with trace gallagher for martha starts right now. >> good afternoon. i'm trace gallagher. there's no federal solution for this omicron surge says was biden telling the nation's governor as short time ago that this latest strain gets solved at a state level. the nation saw more than 214,000 new covid cases

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56 , Team , Football , Playing , Matter , 5 , Game , Brother , Guy , Fans , Behavior , Incident , Phone Call , Man , David Spunt , Politicians , Supporters , Belt , Phrase , Merry Christmas , Attack , Officials , Collar , Name , Joking , Freedom Of Speech , Norad , Track Santa , S Biden , Brandon , The Stands , Nascar Driver Brandon Brown , Sponsors , Attention , Parade , Jen Psaki , Sporting Events , Phenomenon , Signs , Robert De Niro , Thinking , Meaning , It F , Slogan , Code , Tony Awards , Each Other , Context , Connection , Audience , Airports , Sites , Covet , Tom Homanne , Music , John Turley , Energy , Protein , Thirty , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Crown , Holiday , Search , Breaking News , Letters , Joke , Gillian Turner , Mike Emanuel , Snow , Southern California , Weather , Forecast , Connecticut , Team Coverage , Airline Crewmembers , Failure , North Line , Website , Steve Harrigan , Atlanta , Cdc , Edson , 600 , Blocks , New Jersey , Massachusetts , 198000 , 47 , Seven , Hospitalizations , Increases , 3 , Covid Doesn T , Response Team , Chunk , Testing Shortage Crisis , Teleconference , 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue , 1600 , Front , Report , Delaware , Buck , Holiday Testing Surge , Testing , Won T , Governor , Hundreds , Testing Plan , Concept , Buying , Production , Solutions , State Solutions , Supply Chain , Solution , In The End , Surges , Sick , Eagles , Michael , Biden S New Christmas Estrace , Fitting Cap , Lack , Monologue , Travesty , Set , Doctors , Omicron Records , Testing Positive , Rhetoric , Holiday Surge , Wasn T One , Noise , Isn T Transitory , Theme , Least , Crime , Homicides , Back Police Forces , Well , Homicide , Laser , Priority , 16 , Kamala Harris , Admin , Ration , Proactive , Tsunami , Summer Picnic , Taliban , Vice President , Scenario , Covid Omicron Surge , Let , Nobody , Pass , Saw , Delta Variant Coming , Coming , Mother , Responsibility , Variants , Excuse , Existence , Contingency , Dances , Doing Enzyme , Polls , Handling , Focus , Polling , Coronavirus , 70 , Five , Chief Of Staff , Staff , Tweet , Campaign , Cliff , Assessment , Greatness , Bad , Expectations , Ain T , Voting , Performance , Big Trouble , Tweeting , Defenders , Saying , Critics , Gossip , Scandal , Gosh , Big P R , Cheerleading Session , Session , Spin , Joy Reid , Al , Person , Cable News , Conservative , List Tweeting , Bottom , Wrong , Deck , Twitter , Race Card , Giants Cufflinks , Sums , Reflect , Bears Fan , Spending , Squad , Filibuster Rule , Jonathan Turley , Exception , Gillian Plus , Ice , Fox Weather , Blast , Meteorologist Craig Herrera , Seattle , In The City , 1974 , 26 , December 26th 1974 , Crs , Areas , Sierra Nevada , Winds , Mountains , Spots , Olympic , The Big Picture , Winter Storm Warning , 24 , 6 , Grapevine , Thoroughfare , Central Valley , 8 , Sierra , Cascades , Feet , Rockies , Kern County Mountains , Break , Storm , Rain , Tornadoes , West Coast , Reminder , Storms , App Store , Southeast , Fox , App , Credit , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Internet , Equipment , Internet Service , Program , Xfinity Mobile , 15 , Click , Store , Voting Rights Legislation , Combustible Precedent , Laws , Election Laws , Time , State Legislatures , Federalization , Dozens , Deep Division , To Idaho Oregon , Gwu Law Professor , New Hampshire , Engineer , A Tiny Exception , Wall Street Journal , Hoover Dam , Age , Principle , Rage , Politician , Striking , Principal , Logic , Election , Powder Keg , Media , Principles , Shminciples , Senator , Cause , Apocalypse , Traditions , Obama , Series , Judges , Adjustment , Votes , Election Law , Divisions , Supreme Court Justices , Effect , Anger , Rule , States Rights , Second , Amendment , Polling Places , Voter Authentication , Voter Identification , Constitution , Example , Voters , Essentiality , Federal Law , Tradition , Republic , Congress Changes , Election Rules , Legitimacy , Build Back , Blow , Okay , Latest , Lab , Moderate , Pramila Jayapal , Strategy Decision , Competence , Needs , Bbp , Founding Fathers , Change , Curse , Civilians , International Border , Cartels , Tom Homan , Human Smuggling Business , Drugs , E , Reporting , Border Crisis , Smugglers , New York Post , Migrants , Sentinel , Sides , The Border , Methamphetamine , Addition , Cocaine , Nn Mexico Have Branched Out , Sinaloa , Acting Ice Director , Area , Smuggling Organization , The Business Of Trafficking Women And Children Smuggling Migrants , Tax , Mexico , Immigration , 83 , Level , Organizations , Bottom Line , Desert , Drowning , Sheriff , County , Term , Journey , South Texas , Border Patrol , Men , Turf Wars , Smuggling Routes , Line , Gaps , Facilities , Manpower , Del Rio Crisis , Miles , 40 , City , Groups , Unguarded , Yuma , Yuma Unimpeded , Overdoses , Coincidence , The New York Times , Henry Cuellar , Chris Cummings , 200 , Issue , Lead , Screen , Entry Cuellar , Options , Texas , State Officials , Handle , Patriot , Arizona , Safe , Stances , Mayhem , Death , Fix , Congressman , Immigration Crisis , Laws Don T Work , Homeland Security , The State Of Florida , Secretary , Hasn T , Flow , Alejandro Mayorkas , District , Frustration , Sir , Eye , Texas Step Up , Taxpayers , Hook , Ground , Border Wall , Billion , 2 Billion , Trump , Stuff , Military , Men And Women In Ukraine , Overrun , Alex Hogan , Learning Combat Skills , Volunteering , Citizens , Kind , Combat Training , Learning , Woods Outside , Kiev , Event , Course , General , Forces , Defense Tactics , Information , Come , Defense Plan , Vehicles , Photos Prompting , Scientists , Satellite Images , Press Conference , Claims , Skating Situation , Regret , Strike , Membership , Weapons , Demands , Territory , Proposals , Interpreter , Result , Military Experts , Ad , Purpose , Documents , 90000 , Chicago , Holiday Break , Crime Surge , Our London Bureau , Deadlines , Bloodshed , Goals , Dream , Reach , Newday100 Va Loan , Va Home Loan Benefit , My Name Is Cherrie , Average , Oregon Coast , No One , Newday Usa , 76 , 615 , Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Memories , 53 , Puzzle Pieces , Life , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Chances , Bull Rider , I Don T , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Law Enforcement Officials , Reprieve , Violent Crime , Boy , 11 , 80 , Murders , Neighborhoods , Distance , Head , Man Shot , Tourist Areas , Victims , Stores , Manifests , Spike , Security Video , Gold Coast , Robberies , Magnificent Mile , Smash And Grab , Lori Lightfoot , Examples , Shoulders , Violence , Lopez , Districts , Fingers , Shootings , Chicago Tribune , Town , Old , Nice , Shooting Victims , Green , Mike Tobin Live In Chicago , 3700 , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Cut , Climate Guidelines , Kelly O Grady S , Live In Los Angeles , Levels , Aim , 2030 , 2019 , 2050 , 90 , 2018 , Emissions , Reductions , 1 6 , 4 3 , Adoption Rate , Market , Growing , Emission , Economy Option , Anxiety Leaking Drivers , Mandates , Target , Consumers , Sale , Expense , Execution , Progress , Planning , Measures , Concern , White Christmas , Green New Deal , Kelly O Grady Live In L A , Reporter , Resolutions , Loss , Bill Belichick , Fill , Meteorologist , Snuffle , Cringe , Banks , Refi , Newday , Newday Two , Lenders , Apr , Dear , 2 25 , 2 48 , Costs , Mortgage Payments , Pocket , Lock , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Autism , Kinder , Autism Spectrum , Autismspeaks Org , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Gas , Discomfort , Pros , Bloating , Try Align , 24 7 , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Residents , Snowfall , Pacific Northwest , Will Nundley , Cold Air , Warming Centers , Temperatures , Caking , Sheet , Streets , Cold Temperatures , King County , Builter , Collisions , Guardrails , Accidents , Skies , De Iing , That S The Truth , Delays , Compounding Factors , Roads , Stay , Making Travel Treacherous , Avalanches , Lake Tahoe , The Palisades , Gerrymandering , Battle Line , Complications , Highways , West , Population Data , Mid Terms , Answer , William La Jeunesse , Malibu , Party , Seats , Legislature , Census , Setter Suppression , Safer , Surprise , Complaining , South Side , Farmland , New Mexico , Illinois , Portland , Majorities , Swing State , Edge , Ohio , 13 , Minorities , Back , Bus , Dow , Dina Titus , Gerrymanders , Lawyer , Self Interests , Legislation , Reasons , Voting Rights Agenda , Truth , Likelihood , Interest , Commission , California Independent , Score , Tis , William Lodge , Didn T , Topic , Buffalo , Football Aside , Kate Middleton , Broadcaster , Tea , Punches , Weaving , Watchers , Showing , She S Playing Piano At A Christmas Celebration , Trace Gallagher , State Level , Strain , 214000 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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gatherings also waiting hours for covid tests. president biden trying to reassure americans on a call earlier today with the national governors association. >> this is not like march of 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. we are prepared and we know what it takes to save lives, protect people, and keep schools and businesses open. we just have to stay focused and continue to work together. >> gillian: fox team coverage starts right now. got dr. nicole saphier on the ticking clock and what the future may look like. >> mike: first, rich edson live at the white house. hello, rich. >> good afternoon, mike. this method was also for unvaccinated americans to get their shot to keep them out of the hospital. this also comes as the administration is focusing on a massive testing program, three tests to be sent out to americans likely not coming until next month. >> if we had known, we would have gone harder and quicker if we could have. because steps would have to be taken to increase the number of authorized tests. we are now able to purchase 500 million at-home rapid tests to be sent to the american people for free. >> heading into christmas week, americans waited on long lines for covid tests. there were also shortages of at-home kits. in this meeting with governors, the president said his administration has worked to expand testing since it took over in january. though some health officials have criticized the administration for what they say is a late push for sending these free at-home tests. >> unfortunately we do not have enough tests. this really is something we should have been on top of for months, and i'm disappointed that this is where we are as a country right now. >> the president did acknowledge last week his administration should have moved to increased testing availability two months ago. also in october, the biden administration rejected a proposal from several public health experts for free rapid tests for the holidays, based on what many other countries are already doing. the white house press secretary ridiculed that concept earlier this month, all according to "vanity fair." as president biden was leaving the white house for delaware a few minutes ago, he denied his administration had rejected that plan. he also said the to the governors this morning that they all had what e were no complaint from a demonstration, but at the end he said it isn't a federal government thing, necessarily. it's for the states to fight. they are the ones on the front lines of this. mike, back to you. >> mike: rich, thanks very much. manchin asked be a late bring in fox news medical contributor dr. saphier. dr. saphier, it is not just cities like new york and l.a. curtailing their big new year's eve ball drop celebrations this year. we are seeing it all across the world right now. we've got a map so our viewers can see a few of the places, including major cities like berlin, germany, london, new delhi, paris, rome. do you think that these kinds of policy decisions are likely to curtail the spread of the omicron variant at this point? >> well, gillian, as we head into the new year, by closing the holiday celebrations that are actually occurring outside, it's probably not going to do anything to really decrease transmission. whether or not people are going to be ball dropping, these outdoor activities, they are still going to be congregating indoor in their homes, and that's where you received a majority of the spread, which is why it's important we have available at-home rapid tests and that people are able to, if they want to go out and get fully vaccinated, get their booster, anything they can to decrease the transmission. by closing these outdoor celebrations, things that are truly iconic of the holiday season, all that really does is decrease morale, hurt the industry, workers, cancel plans, and it's not really going to do much to lessen the spread of this virus. >> gillian: dr. fauci told cnn this morning that he thinks having americans test for covid before they board domestic flights is the way to go moving forward. do you think that prescription could help curtail the spread? >> well, we don't really have a lot of data showing there's a lot of spread on airplanes right now. that's a combination of the robust hepa filters that circulate every couple minutes on airplanes, as well as people wearing masks, and the fact that a large amount of the population is either vaccinated, the state, or already recovered from covid with natural immunity. i think boarding a flight you should have a rapid test that is negative? i think that would be a good idea. if that means people can then get onto that airplane and take their masks off, i don't know if anybody else has tried to travel with children like i have, but it's really difficult and uncomfortable to have that mask on. i can tell you, those cloth masks are doing nothing at this point to decrease this highly transmissible variant. >> gillian: so the cloth masks aren't working? i'm guessing you think we should all be wearing the surgical mask, or the k n95? is that right? >> actually, no. i believe high-quality masks such as the k-n95 or and 95% people should be targeted for high-risk individuals, those who are immunocompromised, older, who have a decreased ability to respond to the vaccine and the booster. i think the far majority of americans at this point should be able to go forward mask lists, especially our younger children, those who are healthy and do not have chronic risk factors. those single layer cloth masks are doing very little, if anything. at this point it is time to accept that the virus is becoming endemic. we have the tools in our arsenal to protect ourselves from severe illness and hospitalization, and other than the higher risk and those who have always gone into respiratory season with high risk, they should have access to high-quality masks. >> gillian: so the last hour, president biden spoke to the governors association. one of the things he sort of announced, that two weeks from now insurance companies are going to start reimbursing americans for the cost of covid tests. but that's two weeks from now, when it seems likelier than not that the waivers omicron will have, you know, sort of circled its way through the globe. isn't that like two weeks or even a month also obsolete? >> gillian: at this point it seems like everything he saying is, "that is something to look forward to eventually." earlier this month, about a month ago now, he said insurance companies are going to cover these rapid at-home tests. all he thought was, how much paperwork will that cost people to go and resubmit? will it help? maybe. we have the treatments that have gotten the emergency authorization, that maybe we are going to have about 200,000 courses by the end of january. the website to get free at-home testing, it maybe by mid-january. if the united states is anything like south africa, we are seeing a rapid uptake of cases because it's such a highly transmissible variant. once the holidays past and the gatherings come and go, we'll see a decline in cases. i think it's going to be a little too late for the president's push for rapid tests and treatments. >> gillian: wow. dr. saphier, thank you for joining us today, and happy new year if i don't see you before then. >> happy new year! >> gillian: so, mike, this is worth noting, just some anecdotal evidence, but the week before last i wanted to get a covid tests so i called up a test clinic in my neighborhood. they said, if you want to get results within 72 hours, you are welcome to come in. we'll get you a free test. but if you want a response within the next hour after coming in, we are going to charge you $250. >> mike: right. gillian, everyone i know who has tried to get a test has been totally frustrated by the process. not by the hardworking adults doing their very, very best to do the testing and process the tests, but just buy the whole process, taking forever, wondering why it took so long for this country to get testing right. my family went and we got results eventually for my wife and my son, but not for our daughter. so what do you do? >> gillian: again, let are any americans having to wait 72 hours for the results, and does that do anybody any good? i don't know. >> mike: no. here we go. the travel nightmare that started on christmas eve, gillian, still playing out for thousands of frustrated flyers at airports coast-to-coast. flight aware counts close to 1,000 canceled flights nationwide, along with more than 2,000 flights delayed. headaches started with staff shortages due to covid, but no winter weather is making matters even worse. madison always is standing by at laguardia airport in queens, new york. hello, madison. >> hi, mike. yeah, it was a weekend of holiday travel mess. things not that much better. like he said, over a thousand flights canceled across the u.s. here at laguardia, over 30 flights canceled today alone and it's only midday. we still have a long day of travel ahead of us. let's take a look at where cancellations currently set for this holiday weekend. yesterday we saw the most cancellations, over 1,500 flights canceled, but we are quickly approaching that number today. airlines like united say the spread of omicron has led to staffing issues. united telling fox business that 50% of their passengers have arrived to their destination within four hours of the originally scheduled flight. the travel industry is struggling to rebound during what is the busiest travel time of the year. dr. anthony fauci says that vaccine mandates for flying on the table. >> if you're talking about requiring vaccination to get on a plane domestically, that's just another one of the requirements that i think is reasonable to consider. if you want to do that with domestic flights, that is something that seriously should be considered. >> passages we spoke with you today that heard about the chaos and all the cancellations this weekend, they got here early in case they had to make any changes. >> we got to the airport early for that reason, in case it does get canceled. hopefully we can catch another flight out from a different airline or whatever. >> to find out it's been canceled, we checked it and made sure it's on time. it is. >> and, mike, the holiday travel season is not overcome it with new year's around the corner we are still expecting strong travel numbers. and unfortunately these cancellations i'm living in the wrong direction. if you are flying, definitely be aware of what's going on at the airport, specifically with your flight. mike? >> mike: bring your patients to the airport. madison, thank you very much. gillian? >> gillian: 10,000 russian troops are withdrawing as we speak from their stations along russia's border with ukraine. this comes ahead of next month's bilateral diplomatic talks that will take place between the u.s. and russian governments. as russia's president putin backing down now from his plans to invade, or is this just a sideshow meant to distract america from whatever plans the kremlin is really cooking up? plus, we've got this. >> joe manchin may have saved the reelection of two, three, or four democratic senators who would have had to vote yes on bbb. >> senator joe manchin's opposition to the build back better bill getting a lot of praise from republicans, forcing democrats to consider a whole new path forward. we are learning some details ahead. ♪ ♪ u made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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"excessively expensive counties in the united states lower 48," after the cuts only about 6,000 troops will still get the monthly payments which max at around $60. >> gillian: a new year said to bring new tactics for capitol hill, hoping to bring back the bill that better bill. some say splitting the bill into smaller parts and pushing it through as smaller pieces of legislation could help the problems. let's bring in aishah hasnie with all the details. hi, aishah. >> hi, gillian. the fear for progressives has to be that the senate will chopped up huge chunks of this piece of legislation, and that is why on sunday the house caucus chair called on the president to go at it alone and take executive actions on certain provisions to, quote, "make it clear to those who hinder build back better that the white house and democrats will deliver." over the president says he wants to keep working with manchin. >> i suspect we will narrow it down and concentrate on three or four initiatives. and they might have distress that every one of those initiatives, whichever ones we end up focusing on, i really important things that are not only worth doing, but absolutely have to be done in this country. >> meanwhile, majority leader chuck schumer wants to vote on build back better next year even if he doesn't have the yeas to pass it. that would force democrats to go on the record on how they feel about the bill and put those up for reelection in an uncomfortable position. >> there are a number of democrats understand that we cannot continue to just swipe the credit card. we've got to stop this intergenerational theft and putting this burden of trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and our grandchildren. >> looking for a win, schumer also wants to force a vote to carve out what he calls the "ill-conceived and abused filibuster," in order to bypass the g.o.p. block on the voting rights bill. mind you, this is the same filibuster democrats have used when they were in the minority. all of this, gillian, as pressure continues to mount on manchin, some calling him out of touch, while others in his home state of west virginia support him, saying now. gillian? >> gillian: aishah hasnie in washington, thank you. >> mike: north dakota republican senator kevin cramer says senator joe manchin's public opposition to the build back better bill saved some other democrats from having to make similar statements against the controversial spending package. >> they have the people pushing and pulling and tugging from every possible direction, and i'm sure he's wondering which direction to go, but i do know this. joe manchin may have saved the reelection of two, three, four, possibly, democratic senators who would have had to vote yes on bbb, on build back better, but would rather not avoided at all. >> mike: let's bring in "washington examiner" political and investigative reporter, sarah wilson. one of them. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: from the wall street editorial board, "democrats tried to rush build back better into wall without policy debate or compromise. the left thought it could do so by beating the living crap after mr. manchin, as he put in a recent interview. he has no reason to apologize that a bill to transform america be subject to congressional order." how do you assess that point? >> i think progressives and president biden never really had any leverage over joe manchin. i think it's a little bit ironic that the criticism you are hearing from a lot of members of the progressive left, particularly members of the house, is that manchin sort of betrayed them and tricked them into splitting up the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which was their only claim to any sort of leverage at any point in this process, from the spending package and passing them separately, suggesting that manchin somehow lead them into a bait and switch to do that. when manchin is really the only democrat who has been entirely consistent from start to finish on what he wanted here. the only real way that biden and democrats can get over the finish line when it comes to manchin's by relying on their credibility and their goodwill here, and biden and democrats who are pushing bbb has very little of either. they have been wrong about the way that their previous economic policies would impact inflation and the economy. they have been wrong about how the recovery would proceed. they are talking about goodwill, just look at how intensely personal the attacks on manchin have gotten. there's basically zero incentives for him at this point to caves. >> mike: a leading progressive voice from the house progressive caucus does an a for the negotiation. she writes in "the washington post," "we are calling on the president's executive action to mediate and improve people's lives. this will also make clear to those who hinder build back better that the white house democrats will deliver for americans. we cannot be naive about the difficulty of once again negotiating with someone who has not kept his commitments." executive action may be satisfying for those on the left while joe biden's president, but as we've seen, once he leaves office, that cannot be undone. right, sarah? >> that's right. if it were that simple, biden would have done so already. if he was able to push any parts of his agenda in bbb through using executive power, there's a reason he hasn't done it, because he just simply doesn't have the authority to enact a lot of these programs using executive power. there's also a reason why democrats are relying on the reconciliation process to get his agenda through. because it's not bipartisan in any sense of the word, and by these are purely budgetary programs they are trying to enact, the budgetary process. that is not what executive authorities for. explicitly it is the providence of congress to create the nation's budget and fund certain programs. there's really no way that biden could push through the programs in the bill using executive power. the other strategy that has been central to potentially breaking that bill up into smaller pieces and going through regular order, there's very little chance they'll be able to get ten republicans to come over to their site and support those parts of the bill. >> mike: i want to squeeze in one more. some have suggested manchin's protecting democrats from themselves. i asked senator ben cardin yesterday on fox news "fox news sunday." >> is it possible manchin has been taking a heat for a number of your moderate colleagues? >> i can tell you that every one of my colleagues in the senate have strong views and what needs to be in build back better. they express themselves on these views. at the end of the day, we think the american people want to save the united states senate act on these issues. >> mike: sarah, what about that point? you think manchin has taken heat for those on the ballot in purple states? >> i think manchin has been rewarded by his constituents in west virginia and is happy to allow himself to be the face of moderate opposition to this very progressive bill. there has been a lot of theories floating around about why manchin is behaving the way that he is, but the simplest exclusion is usually the right one. manchin represents a red state with a lot of moderate constituents who don't want the programs that are in this bill. he's just reflecting their will, so i think that's probably the explanation for why manchin is holding out against legislation. by the way, his position on a lot of these policies, whether you are talking about these and the social programs or the climate subsidies, it is more in-step with the american people then what democrats are standing on right now. even though they are trying to portray him as the outlier. >> mike: 's are listed from the "washington examiner," thank you for your time. manchin next he ate well, it's the fourth day of jury deliberations in the trial of british so slight ghislaine xl. she stands accused of trafficking teenage girls for sex. we are on the verdict watch downtown manhattan. we will take you there lives. >> mike: plus, reports that russia is pulling military troops from the ukraine border. as moscow serious about using those fears? not everybody is so sure. dan hoffman is up next with his take. ♪ ♪ >> it takes american leadership. we have to put america first and demand that the europeans do the work that they need to do to protect and secure their sovereign borders, as well. ♪ ♪ even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> mike: de jury in the ghislaine maxwell and trial asking the judge for writing supplies and a definition of "enticement." alexis mcadams covering the case in manhattan. hi, alexis. >> that's right, the jurors asking the judge to clarify a few things and asking for the supplies it shows they are getting down to business and those deliberations. as the jurors are reviewing evidence, we saw ghislaine maxwell in the courthouse behind me in manhattan earlier this morning. she was actually hugging her defense team as they talked to her since over the weekend she turned 60 years old and celebrated christmas behind bars, as she faces these federal charges. let's get to these charges. that afternoon they are asking to take a closer look at some of the evidence, specifically the testimony of a government witness who is a retired palm beach police officer called to jeffrey epstein's florida house at least two times. the jury also asking for a whiteboard and some markers as they entered 20 hours of deliberations and counting here in manhattan. maxwell now facing six federal charges, including child sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy charges. prosecutors say she groomed and traffic underage girls to be sexually abused by her close friend and former boyfriend, jeffrey epstein. some of those girls that the duo allegedly traffic were only 14 years old. during the more than two weeks now, of graphic testimony, the courtroom heard from four women who say they were underage when maxwell coerced them into being sexually abused. those women then told the court that maxwell would sometimes watch the abuse and other times she would take part. the alleged abuse spanning over a decade, bringing out a handful of charges here, including child sex trafficking and those sex trafficking conspiracy charges. throughout the trial, maxwell's defense is trying to continually undermine those accusers' memory of events, also saying all these women want is money. their main argument is that ghislaine is not jeffrey epstein and she should not take the fall just because epstein is dead. according to her defense team, we are expecting this to liberation to continue throughout the day. they are asking for several pieces of evidence that they can review. if maxwell is convicted she could face up to life in prison, but mike, she has pled not guilty to all charges. >> mike: interesting, trying to read the tea leaves of what the jury is asking for. alexis mcadams outside federal court in new york city. thanks very much. gillian? >> gillian: for weeks now, intelligence reports have said russia is drawing closer to the brink of ukrainian invasion, but 10,000 russian troops are reportedly returning home. they are throwing in the talent giving up their strategic positions along the border. the apparent retreat happening just before the u.s. and russia are slated to hold talks next month. let's bring in former cia station chief dan hoffman, also a fox news contributor. so, dan, this is great news, right? putin is packing up the troops, they are all going home, he's ready for diplomacy. sounds like a problem solved, nothing left to worry about. >> yeah, i would say the problem has only grown more complicated. this is 10,000 troops of roughly over 100,000 that vladimir putin has deployed. this putin is anything like the soviet predecessors -- and remember, he was a kgb officer himself, and that the playbook he runs -- than what he is doing is making it appear as though he has given up a concession and he's going to demand something in return. the u.s. arms control negotiator, he is to describe how the soviets would put a boulder in the middle-of-the-road during nuclear arms discussions and negotiations, only to make us pay with concessions to remove the bolder they put there in the first place. that's what putin is doing in this case. >> gillian: as you say, no strategic retreats are free, so it is he going to demand an exchange? >> he has made it clear, and with a great sense of urgency that i think has to cause the biden administration great alarm, that what he wants is a guarantee that nato will not expand further to admit ukraine and georgia. he also wants the united states to remove deployments from central and eastern europe, including the ballistic missile defense systems in poland and romania. again, designed there come a place there, to counter any threats from iran. back when they were put there in the first place, russia argued that we didn't need them because of the jcpoa agreement. well, that's no longer in force. iran is a threat and we do need to systems there. they are defensive in nature even though vladimir putin seeks to portray them as some sort of threat to russia. >> gillian: that sounds like not a short order. someone else he thinks the biden administration should be alarmed by this move is a former secretary of state, mike pompeo. take a listen to what he told us yesterday. >> you heard him say just today in russia, it's consistent with the belief that we have weak leadership, and the fall of the so that you now 30 years on, it's very clearly something on vladimir putin's mind. he wants to build it back. we can't permit that to happen. >> gillian: what do you think of that? >> mike: i think nothing scares vladimir putin more than democracy. it's not missiles or tanks that frighten him, his liberty and freedom and democracy making their way to russia. nothing would present a greater threat or a more powerful clarion call to his own opposition then if ukraine were to join the european union and nato. that is a redline for vladimir putin. he invaded crimea and annexed it years ago in 2014, and the bombast region which continues to be a war zone. ukraine should have the right to decide for themselves whether they join nato, and that's not good enough for vladimir putin. he wants to ensure that never happens. if the biden administration decides that is an agreement they wish to make, or even take a step down that path, they will have done irreparable harm to ukraine's democracy. this is the will of the ukrainian people and they don't even have a seat at the table to discuss their own future and negotiate it. the united states -- at vladimir putin's request, we are doing it on behalf of the ukrainians, and it's a very dangerous situation. >> gillian: dan, i want to ask you to take a step back for a moment and explain to us why americans should care, why it's important for america to help defend ukraine's territorial sovereignty here. >> well, i think there is a tactical, strategic necessity for us. russia is a real threat. you know, the interfere in our elections, they are mounting massive cyberattacks against us, they have interfered in eastern europe and western european politics, as well. they are a revisionist power, allied with china, seeking to overturn the international rules-based order. their major allies are iran, venezuela, cuba. they have provided assistance to north korea, as well. if we don't stand up for ukraine and democracy and their territorial integrity, i don't think we stand up for much or anything at all, and we are calling president reagan, who invoked john winthrop's sitting on the hill. let stand for something in this country. it doesn't mean we have to send our troops to ukraine, nor should be, that we can help ukraine. we can make it clear to russia that the cost to them of an invasion, in terms of the blood and the treasure they would spill, is prohibitively high. that might mean providing ukraine with military assistance and other diplomatic support. this is a major test for the biden administration and their national security capability. there is no question that vladimir putin is ready for a standoff right now, after what he has seen in afghanistan he probably thinks he has a shot at getting the upper hand. >> gillian: dan hoffman, thanks so much for breaking it down for us today. we really appreciate it. >> thanks. all the best to you. >> gillian: you, too. mike, you heard what dan says they are. if the united states doesn't stand up for ukrainian democracy, then we really don't stand for anything at all. >> mike: a major test of the biden administration. absolutely. a lot of folks are wondering what the response will be, since all of putin's actions, not necessarily his words but his actions, seem to suggest he's got some bad intent here. i guess we will see. >> gillian: yep. >> mike: all right. 2021 heads into the history books as the year of the worker. millions of jobs went unfilled as covid wreaked havoc on the economy. but will 2020 to be any different? are economic panel will weigh in. >> gillian: and exactly one year ago, american scrambling to find covid tests. incoming president biden slam president trump for failing on testing. so we are going to ask, who deserves the blame now? we are going to ask joe concha. he is coming up next. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ ♪ ♪ >> gillian: meghan markle is getting a public apology from a british newspaper over the weekend. they published a front-page statement acknowledging she won her copyright case against the tabloid. this comes after a long court battle against the paper for publishing parts of the handwritten letter that markle wrote to her father after she got married to prince harry back in 2017. the court is also now ordering the papers publisher to pay financial damages. mike, for someone like markle who has complained so bitterly about press coverage of her for years, she really seems to have a knack for bending the british tabloid press to her will. this is one of multiple major court battles she has now won against the british press. >> yeah, i don't think a lot of british readers see her as a sympathetic figure, but she's been able to use the system to , and she's probably crying all the way to the bank. >> gillian: certainly among the british public they don't see her as a victim. that she has portrayed herself to be. >> carley: interesting. gillian, thanks very much. 2021 a record year for job openings, millions left unfilled. businesses big and small looking to hire but finding anyone willing to sign on. what does 2020 to have in story for the job market? professor at university of chicago, and president at the american action forum and former cbo director. welcome. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> mike: career builder ceo sue arthur says, "we are entering 2022 with workers staying in control. a cumulative mix of increased supply chain demand, a rise in resignations, and companies continuing to recover from the pandemic will result in thousands of open jobs and an explosive growth in online job postings. is that correct, austin? what is the impact? >> it feels correct. i mean, it is still a very tight job market. it's fabulous for workers. there is a group of people aged 55 and above that retired early in the pandemic and we have to see if they're coming back, but overall it was actually a very strong year. we added millions of jobs in 2021, and i am hoping that this omicron variant is not as bad as we see here, so we can keep up some of that momentum. >> mike: the take away from a lot of folks, from covid, is they want better work-life balance, more flexibility. the latest stats from october suggest there are 11 million open positions right now. so, doug, your thoughts on employers responding to what workers want? >> well, i think employers have responded to what workers want. we have seen rising wages, changes in office conditions and work environments, and those are all things that workers want, but the key to this imbalance is the fact that labor force participation is still a point and a half below what it was in february 2020. those missing workers would be the key to taking some of the pressure off the labor market. the demand is very strong. how can we do that? we need to do a better job, and there's been wide discussion that the biden administration promises to do better on testing than the trump administration dead, and has dropped the ball. we had these monoclonal antibodies are on for months with very little use. very effective therapy for covid-19. we have to go forward where he is all the prevention. vaccines, the testing, masks, distancing, and all the therapeutics. oral therapeutics, as well. that would change the ability to work in the face of the virus. i think we also does need to not make mistakes. 2021, the american rescue plan was a big mistake. those child credits and the social safety net not only throw up inflation, and awesome is going to say i am wrong about that, but i'm right about that. >> [laughs] >> and also lessen the work incentives. we don't know how much, but we can't do that again with the build back better plan. we should cement in place some of the policy for years to come. if employers do their job, things will take care of themselves. >> mike: it was labeled the great resignation. austin, do you want to respond? >> well, doug and i have a long-standing dis- agreement about that. >> [laughs] >> when they entered the unemployment insurance bonuses, it did not lead to an end back to the labor shortage. i think the argument about build back better and what is to come, doug is right, that's what we should be arguing about. it definitely feels like after joe manchin's announcement that it's in trouble, so we may not see anything like that. but this was a strong job year. that's the thing to remember. there are lots of vacancies, wages are going up, and millions of people got hired. so let's hope we keep the momentum. i think doug's criticisms on testing are well-founded. we've got to do better. >> mike: let's try to find some good news here. >> i agree with austin. at the moment we are growing really well. if we can keep it going, the payroll growth as at a 9% annual rate. so the real question is creating more headwinds. that's the key. >> mike: thanks so much for your time. have an awesome day. >> thank you. >> mike: gillian? >> gillian: red states and blue states are drawing brand-new battle lines ahead of the 2022 midterms. those new political maps are slated to take center stage. plus, this. >> i hope you guys have a wonderful christmas, as well. and let's go brandon. >> let's go brandon, i agree. >> mike: and oregon dad in hot water and how the original brandon feels about it. >> gillian: i got a readed for another show that says -- ♪ ♪ d how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. earn about covid-19, search 100s of travel sites at once. the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? 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>> i don't think he spends much time focused on it or thinking about it. >> the meaning of the phrase has a familiar ring to it. it was actor robert de niro who said it f at the tony awards. the audience cheered. why can't people just be nice to each other, gillian? >> gillian: it is very like you to make a historical connection here to provide us with context on this. thank you for that. >> thanks. >> gillian: mike? >> mike: gillian, covid making a supportive child. long lines at airports and covet testing sites, all this as a omicron variant continues to surge. the biden administration says they aren't failing on testing, but what they are doing to fix the problem, that story. plus joe concha, john turley, and former acting i.c.e. director tom homanne in the next hour. keep it here. music the music ♪ ♪ up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> mike: christmas may be overcome a bit on the crown is still causing chaos. in the search for covid testing, folks just trying to fly home after the holiday, and winter weather. airports look uglier than the ugliest christmas letters. welcome as "america reports" rose into our two. i'm mike emanuel. hi emma gillian. >> gillian: i liked a little joke there. i am gillian turner. breaking news for you this hour, the weather. a fast-changing forecast for you. there is snow right now, virtually from california to connecticut. >> mike: adding to an aggravating situation airports, airline crewmembers calling out sick, canceling thousands of flights over the holidays. nearly a thousand today alone. joe concha coming up on the president and his white house planning the response and claiming it's not been a failure. >> gillian: we start with team coverage. he got rich edson live on the north line of the website. first we go to steve harrigan, joining us from atlanta, home of the cdc. >> gillian, things seem to be getting worse today for folks trying to get home after the christmas holiday. this morning there were 600 flights canceled across the u.s. that number has already topped 1,000. things getting worse, and lines for testing for covid stretched for several blocks in a number of major cities. people waiting for hours to find out whether or not they have the virus. >> we are traveling tomorrow. we want to make sure we are clean. >> we are vaccinated and everything, but we didn't feel well so we wanted to get tested. >> states setting records for new cases including new york, new jersey, and massachusetts. the seven-day average for new cases is about 198,000 cases, up 47% from just one week ago. one bright side and all of this, hospitalizations do not appear to be keeping pace at this point with those increases in new cases. hospitalization is up just 3%, giving some support to the argument that this new variant, omicron, is easily contagious, more easily transmissible, but perhaps so far causes less serious illness. gillian, back to you. >> gillian: steve harrigan live from atlanta, thank you. if covid doesn't scrap your oncoming flight, it looks like winter weather might. winter slamming the huge chunk of the country right now. we will tell you it means for you and your travel in just a few moments, the first president biden just met with his white house covid response team. this happened in a nationwide testing shortage crisis. rich edson joins us from 1600 pennsylvania avenue to break down everything the president said and where we are going next. hi, rich. >> good afternoon, gillian. a bipartisan group of governors held a teleconference with the white house. the president pointing to testing, saying americans on the vaccine front should be getting vaccinated if they are unvaccinated to stay out of the hospital. when it comes to testing, the administration is rolling out this massive plan. all of this, as there is a report from "vanity fair" claiming the white house rejected a proposal from public health officials in october to boost free rapid tests ahead of the holiday season. as the president then left the white house for delaware, he denied that report. >> president biden, why did your administration read reject a holiday testing surge in october? does the buck stop there? >> we didn't reject it. >> the biden administration announced last week it is buying 500 million at-home tests free for americans to order one online. the the tests won't likely go up until next month well after the holidays. other countries have pushed free at-home testing as a major piece of the covid strategy. the white house press secretary dismissed the concept earlier this month. the president said last week his administration should have implemented this testing plan two months ago, the one republican governor says he is concerned the federal government buying hundreds of millions of covid tests may create shortages for others. >> make sure that we do not let federal solutions stand in the way of state solutions, and the production of 500 million rapid tests that will be distributed by the federal government is great, but that obviously drives up the supply chain for the solutions that we might offer as governor. >> the president noted in this meeting that they really is no federal solution here. in the end, it's up to the states to be dealing with these covid surges paid back to you. >> gillian: rich edson live from the white house. thank you. >> mike: gillian, let's bring in joe concha. welcome. >> merry christmas, michael. the eagles just scored again, by the way. sorry about that. that game just one end, it's remarkable. sorry. >> gillian: sick burn! >> mike: you have written on, "biden's new christmas estrace fitting cap for this year." we hope folks will read it, but for those who have not, what is your take? >> it it's a monologue to have me doing. you can read it or watch it, whatever you prefer. it was a year ago almost to the day when president-elect biden declared that the lack of covid tests available to the american people as "a travesty." here we are a year later, and you see lines for testing stretching entire blocks. i saw it here in jersey on christmas eve, people waiting outside in the cold to get tested. many urgent care is our having to shut down because so many doctors are testing positive. hmmm tests are almost possible to get and that's a reality for weeks if not longer as omicron records are being set as far as positive cases are concerned. take away the rhetoric and the noise here. the president and his team had a year to be ready for this moment. the president said he didn't reject holiday surge in testing a couple months ago. why wasn't one in place, mr. president? pretty easy follow-up question. they have clearly failed here. it goes back to an overall theme. it's a flat-footed administration. they are flat-footed on inflation, which they say it isn't transitory. at least that's what they originally said. obviously it's here to stay for a while. they are flat-footed on violent crime, homicide records being set. 16 cities now reporting record homicides in their cities. democrats were laser focused on building back better. perhaps building back police forces more of a priority. obviously afghanistan, completely flat-footed as well. the taliban was in kabul while the admin's ration was out to lunch. we appear to have an administration that is reactive instead of proactive, and that sums up 2021 for biden and harris. with midterms in november they will make this year look like a summer picnic versus what's going on with that red tsunami in the senate. >> gillian: let's rewind to something you said about 30 seconds ago about the covid omicron surge, that the white house had a year to essentially prepare for a scenario like this. the president and the vice president and the press secretary and probably the press secretary 's mother have probably said, nobody in the world saw this coming. the omicron variant. before that they said, "nobody could have seen the delta variant coming." should be given a pass for that? >> variants have been existence for virus since the beginning of time. to say that we did know this could happen, i'm sorry, it's just not a good excuse. the buck does not stop with the president, the vice president, as far as taking responsibility for this. they should have prepared for every contingency here. the fact that, again, the president said a year ago that the lack of testing was a travesty, okay, then he should have done some thing about it instead of doing enzyme dances and trying to push trillions of dollars spending into this economy. that is where the focus was, not on this. this is where they are now is five covid. the polling shows these to be around 70% when they took office, as far as handling of the coronavirus. now they are below water and many polls because they have shown that they cannot stop and control this virus is a promised during the campaign. >> mike: white house cliff of staff chief of staff retreated a tweet saying, "20/20 one was no" joe, your assessment? >> i have seen the three that many americans feel it was the worst year of their lives. only second to 20 money. i don't think the standard people it embraces "we've got a c-, things aren't that bad!" we are a country that prides itself in greatness, and not the "not so bad" country in the world. he appears to be trying to set expectations lower and lower as far as what we should expect out of this administration come out of their performance. yeah, not that bad? that ain't good enough. again, in november, we are voting on that, democrats are in big trouble. >> gillian: the thing here, he's not just getting criticized for what he is tweeting, but he has also been criticized for how much he is tweeting. he is on social media all the time. his defenders are saying, "oh, my gosh, look, he's killing it." you know, involved in every piece of gossip, every administration scandal. on twitter he is weighing in defending his colleagues. his critics are saying, is that the best way for the chief of staff to spend his time? >> yeah, it's a big p.r. session, a cheerleading session. he should focus on solutions instead of spin. you should see, in terms of who he retreats, he retreats joy reid, like al extensive cable news and a person who plays the race card from the bottom of the deck. he retreats the conservative at "the washington post" he sees no wrong with this administration. so yeah, like many politicians, talking republican and democrat, list tweeting, list twitter, more do your job and give the sums arrest a little bit. work for the american people. >> mike: let the record reflect, eyewear giants cufflinks even when my team is horrible. >> gillian: dang, mike. >> i am a bears fan. trust me. it ain't too much better for us, either. not a fun year. >> mike: all right, brother. happy new year. >> gillian: happy new year. >> mike: the squad pushing president biden to use executive action when it comes to passing parts of his massive social spending bill. details from capitol hill coming up. >> gillian: plus, president biden said he supports doing "whatever it takes" to push new voting rights legislation, even perhaps making an exception to the sacrosanct filibuster rule. jonathan turley says the move would be chilling, and he is up next. >> mike: first, fox weather, tracking a bitter blast of ice and snow threatening millions. >> gillian: meteorologist craig herrera has a forecast coming up next. >> hey there. talking about a lot of snow. in fact, let's start with seattle. in case you were wondering, they got 3 inches of fresh snow right in the city. this is for the day on sunday. this is the snowiest december day that they have had since december 26th, 1974. some spots across the olympic mountains getting up to 20 inches of snow in the lower lying areas because of the upslope winds that have been there. let's look at the big picture as we look across the western half of the lower 48. look at all the snow coming down the sierra nevada. by the way, the crs nevada crs nevada as we look ahead to the winter storm warning, those are all the purple areas you say. winter storm warning meaning 6 inches in 24 hours, or 8 inches of fresh snow in 24 hours, rather. we have those extending over the grapevine. this is a major thoroughfare between the central valley in southern california, so we could get several inches of snow overnight over the grapevine, which could cause problems for everyone trying to get from southern california to or from the central valley. all the pink easy, especially across the sierra and parts of the cascades, it does look to be about up to two feet of fresh snow once you get to the kern county mountains and to have to, as well. that extends over into the rockies. as we go into wednesday, the areas hit so hard with the tornadoes he had earlier, another 1-3 inches of fresh rain. not good. we will get more snow as we head up into the rockies, thursday, and a bit of a break. overall, this storm will have a huge impact across the west coast and we will watch those storms down across the southeast. back to you. >> mike: craig herrera, thanks. a good reminder to download the fox weather app to stay up-to-date. search the app store for fox weather. be right back. ♪ ♪ showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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"a tiny exception" to the filibuster? "the wall street journal" says it's like an engineer saying, "i just want to remove the tiny piece of the hoover dam." >> what is most striking about the president's position is it is entirely devoid of principle. this is what is demanded today in our age of rage, to be made politician. you have to be willing to sacrifice any principal for politics. whether it is packing the court, or at the filibuster rule. the president's logic makes no sense. he is saying because this is really important is why i'm not going to support the filibuster. that is what the filibuster is for, for things that deeply divided us, to force compromise, to force people to talk to each other, listen to each other. it is particularly disturbing in this case. this country is a powder keg. we are so divided over election, historically are election rules have been set by the states. this would, for the first time, dictate to all the states what their election laws must be according to the majority in congress. >> gillian: well, principles, shminciples. he's been making his case to the media all week. he's been saying, look, the exception to the rules for a good cause. it's for voting rights. doesn't that give him a pass here? >> no, it doesn't. this was the same person, as a senator, who described curtailing the filibuster rule as a virtual apocalypse, rejecting all of our traditions. former president obama denounced people that wanted to change the filibuster rule. so, by the way, did chuck schumer. that is the test of principle, whether you stick with it when it is not convenient. what happen is we saw harry reid make the first adjustment most recently in a series of changes. he lifted the filibuster for lower court judges, and then the republicans responded by lifting it for supreme court justices. now the democrats, because they don't have enough votes, are saying, "we'll just muscle through the election law." in our divisions get deeper. people don't seem to understand, the filibuster rule has an important effect in a time of anger and rage like we have. it forces people to talk to each other. it forces compromise. that is not a bad thing today. >> gillian: i mean, who wants to talk to other people? it's covid, right? >> [laughs] >> gillian: another thing you point out, if we table politics for a second, he said the effect of passing an amendment to the rule would really be chilling for states rights. talk to us about that. >> well, that's right. states are allowed to experiment with their laws, they are allowed to dictate things like whether they want voter identification, voter authentication, the hours of polling places. those are still limited by the constitution, by federal law. if it affects minority population and minority voters, for example, the federal government can step in. but otherwise we allow the states to come up with what they view as the essentiality for fair elections. this would do away with that tradition that has existed from the beginning of the republic. but i think democrats will rue the day they went down this road. what happens if congress changes and then congress imposes on every state a new set of election rules? it's going to undermine the sense of integrity in our elections, the legitimacy of our elections, if we allow it to be this football that changes with every majority of congress. >> gillian: we got to leave it there. if i don't talk to you before the end of the week, happy new year. thanks so much. >> happy new year. thanks. >> gillian: my? >> mike: gillian, build back better was dealt a serious blow last weekend with senator joe manchin dancing he is unknow on the bill. but members of the squad who are determined to get the massive spending plan past are urging the president to blow off congress, and use executive action to make it happen, whether or not congress gives the okay. aishah hasnie's lab on capitol hill with the latest. hey, aishah. >> hey, mike. progressives don't have leverage at all and that's why there plotting a path alone without the likes of senator joe manchin or any other moderate out there. house progressive caucus chair pramila jayapal urged the president to take executive actions and certain provisions. "make it clear that those who hinder build back better, that the white white house will deliver." he says he still wants to work with manchin. others say they are looking to the idea of piecemealing certain provisions in this bill. >> that is at a strategy decision. we want to make it as competence it is possible because the needs are there, but we have to make sure we have the votes to pass it. >> majority leader chuck schumer wants of vote on bbp early next year even if he doesn't have the yeas to pass it. it would put vulnerable democrats up for reelection in an comfortable situation. looking for another win, schumer wants to force a vote to carve out what he called the ill-conceived and abused filibuster. you were just talking about this. they want to try to bypass that g.o.p. block on the voting rights. mind you, this is the same filibuster they used when they were in the minority. >> the founding fathers never thought the minority should prevail, but that is we are dealing with right now. if we want to move this country forward and save our democracy, we have to make a change. >> all this as pressure continues to mount on senator manchin, some calling them out of touch for saying no to build back better while others in his home state of west virginia say they support him. mike? >> mike: aishah hasnie, thanks very much. gillian? >> gillian: the curse we all suffer under. russian president putin says he has no plans to invade ukraine. this after he spent the last several months amassing 100,000 troops along their shared border. up ahead, the new steps that ukrainian civilians are taking to prepare to defend themselves against the potential invasion. >> mike: plus, the crisis at our southern border as cartels look to move more than dangerous and potentially deadly drugs. getting into human smuggling business. former acting i.c.e. director tom homan will be in next. ♪ ♪ e. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. ♪ ♪ >> mike: the out-of-control border crisis under president biden exposing the threat from cartels and smugglers. "the new york post" reporting, "in addition to the cocaine, methamphetamine, and sentinel they smuggle across the border, but the sinaloa and who are as cartels who dominate parts of nn mexico have branched out into smuggling desperate migrants according to authorities on both sides of the border." with him on this, tom homan, fox news contributor and former acting ice i.c.e. director. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: what is the impact on truly desperate migrants? >> of the criminal cartels in mexico controlled the northern border. even before they got in the business of trafficking women and children and smuggling migrants, the smuggling organization had to pay a tax to work through their area of control. so they've always been involved. but these cartels are ruthless. that's why i've said, a lot of people attacked the trump administration saying that the policies were inhumane. let me remind them, illegal immigration is down 83%. a35-year level. when the organizations aren't moving people, less women are being sexually assaulted, less children being abandoned in the desert to die, less children are drowning. less migrants die. the bottom line is a secure border saves lives. so called term policies whatever you want, that we save thousands of lives. i talked to one sheriff in south texas last week, already found over his 60 dead migrants in his county who died making this journey. >> mike: we know these cartels are transnational organizations. they have violent turf wars with each other, protecting their smuggling routes. what is the impact on our men and women at the border? >> they are overwhelmed. border patrol is already on record, 40-50% of their manpower is no longer on the line because they are in facilities processing people. when half the border patrol is not on the line, that is when these criminal cartels take advantage of these gaps. during the del rio crisis, miles of border were unguarded. last week in yuma, every border patrol age and was pulled into processes family groups and hundreds were crossing the line walking to the city of yuma unimpeded. so they've already been overwhelmed. in these cartels are ruthless. this is when they start moving the sentinel that's killed over 100,000 people this year. it's not a coincidence that the highest level illegal immigration issues, at the same time a record number of sentinel overdoses are because of borders being vulnerable, big gaps that the cartels are taking advantage of. >> mike: to chris cummings and henry cuellar, a democrat, represents about 200 miles of the border. he had a stunning quote about vice president kamala harris to "the new york times." let's put it on the screen. "i say this very respect lead to her. i've moved on. she was tasked with that job. it doesn't look like she's very interested in this, so we are going to move on to other folks that work on this issue." a reminder, he's a democrat. tom, what are his options? to work with state officials to get a handle on the border? >> yeah, i think he can work with the governor of texas, the arizona governor. entry cuellar is a patriot. i don't always agree with his stances, but let me tell you something, he believes in the secure border. he wants to protect migrants from the death and mayhem they are getting put through by these cartels. he wants texas to be safe. he wants the laws enforced, and he wants some sort of fix to the immigration crisis. if the laws don't work, fix them. he is a common-sense congressman. i don't care if he's a democrat or republican. he's always been a common-sense guy and i respect him greatly. but the governor of texas is stepping up. he's the real secretary of homeland security, because alejandro mayorkas hasn't done a thing to secure the border or slow the flow, but governor abbott has. the state of arizona is stepping up, the state of florida is stepping up. states are stepping up because the federal government has abdicated their responsibility to secure this border, which they are required to do under the constitution. >> mike: part of his frustration is likely to effect the vice president has not been to his district, which has about 200 miles of international border. tom homan, we have to leave it there. thank you so much for your time, sir. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: gillian, that quote to "the new york times" caught my eye. it's not often you have a democrat saying about a fellow democrat, "i've given up, she's not interested in the border." >> gillian: that's true. tom homan just said, it's not often that you see states like texas step up and try and solve national problems, but it's also true that it's not often you see states like texas start throwing money at the problem like they are their own country. i think governor abbott has invested something like $2 billion in this. they recently broke ground on their on border wall. >> mike: taxpayers are already on the hook paying for the border wall that president trump has authorized. stuff is just sitting there but the taxpayers have to use their own money again to pay for that wall. difficult times. >> gillian: mighty pricey. thousands of ukrainian civilians are preparing for a potential russian invasion, learning combat skills in case the country's military gets overrun. alex hogan has all the details on the plane from london. hi. >> hi, gillian. thousands of men and women in ukraine are preparing, volunteering, stepping up to help the military if there is any kind of russian invasion. these are private citizens who are going to the woods outside of kiev on their weekend, and with military officials they are learning about combat training and about the defense tactics. of course, just more information that they would need to know in the event of such a scenario. ukraine's general acknowledge that come in the event of an attack, their current forces would stand little chance. the strategic defense plan aims to trade about 100,000 civilian scientists. satellite images captured that many russian troops at the border as well as a growing number of armored vehicles. these photos prompting international fears of a possible attack. russian president vladimir putin has regret rejected all claims of a potential strike. last week during an end of year press conference, point blame it the less for it a skating situation, promising that ukraine would not receive a nato membership. he also wants security promises that weapons would not get moved closer to russian territory. putin this weekend said he will layout his options if these demands are not met. >> interpreter: it depends what proposals are military experts submit to me. but i hope we didn't make the proposals just to see them blocked in terms of the diplomatic process. for the purpose of reaching a ad negotiated a mimetic result, that would be fixed and legally binding documents. >> as far as the current situation, russian announce on saturday that it is removing 10,000 troops from the border with ukraine. again, about 90,000 troops still remain there. we will see diplomatic talks set to resume between the u.s. and russia coming up as early as next month. gillian? >> gillian: alex hogan from our london bureau, thank you very much. mike? >> mike: the crime surge in chicago taking no holiday break after yet another violent and deadly weekend in the windy city. details ahead on the bloodshed. >> gillian: california is setting ambitious green energy goals now, but the state is reportedly already missing some of its own key deadlines. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but think your dream is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> mike: kelly o'grady live in l.a. many thanks. gillian? >> gillian: it's a white christmas for lots of folks out west, to put it mildly. some meteorologist they are measuring the snuffle in feet. >> if you did get your fill of cringe being around extended family, the reporter who tried to get bill belichick to talk about new year's resolutions after a big loss. oh, dear. homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> several inches of snow fell in seattle. officials urge residents to stay inside. bitter cold air is settling in for parts of the pacific northwest. will nundley is live. >> hi, bill. we have had about three or four inches of snowfall with this event. it's caking up now. just turning into a solid sheet of ice. it's going to stay that way. temperatures are about 20 degrees as we speak right now. this is one of the warming centers, one of six set up in king county that will open up to keep people off of the streets and have a warm place to go. again, we're dealing with builter cold temperatures. officials say they worked about 600 accidents ranging from serious collisions to people sliding off in to guardrails and things of that nature. causing major problems in the skies. a lot of de-iing had to happen with airplanes leading to multiple cancellations. if you have people saying hey, i can't get home, i'm trapped here, that's the truth. there's hundreds of delays on top of everything happening with covid. you have two different compounding factors that are making travel treacherous. so the word is stay off the roads in the region. more snowfall could be on the way here for tomorrow night from areas south of seattle down. we start to look at, you know, the palisades, lake tahoe. they're talking about snow measured in feet and that is causing avalanches there along the highways. serious complications along the west. >> thanks, will. gillian? >> new population data and a little gerrymandering means a new battle line is being drawn ahead of the 2022 mid-terms. so how are both sides complaining that they're being set up to lose political power? william la jeunesse is in malibu, california with the answer. hi, william. >> >> gillian, this happens every ten years, right? we draw, redraw congressional seats in each state based on the census. whatever party controls that state's legislature usually determines how those lines are drawn. in a red state like texas or a blue state like california, the opposing party will complain of unfairness or setter suppression. right here in california, no surprise, all the democratic incumbent seats are safer. the republicans are more vulnerable to be taken over. in new jersey, same thing. democrats wrote a plan that favors them in 2022. other states, republican complaining about oregon, new mexico and illinois. >> democrats took the south side of chicago and connected it with farmland to erase as many republican seats as they could. >> in oregon, democrats used liberal votes in metro portland to dilute conservative rural areas to lock down four congressional seats. >> in a lot of states, you're seeing the party controlling the process really just trying to shore up their majorities. >> so that's true in ohio. a swing state yet. the gop controlled legislature there gave republicans an edge in 13 out of 15 districts. in texas, republicans could add two more congressional seats. democrats say at the expense of minorities. >> it's telling you not only dow to sit at the back of the bus but we're going to take the seats out, too. >> maybe the most interesting state is nevada. democratically controlled legislature, but congress woman dina titus blames her own party for gerrymanders. she said i totally got effed by the lawyer. you read that republicans are using gerrymandering. they didn't have to in this state. we did it to ourselves. so the point is, basically, not that either party is drawing these lines to make elections more competitive. they're not. they're doing it in their own self-interests and both sides do it. >> the president says one of the reasons he wants to push through his voting rights agenda through legislation on the hill this year is to combat against republicans that are trying to do that, redraw the districts so it favors them. do you think there's sort of likelihood here that if that does get through the next year it could impact the way things swing in the mid-terms? >> possibly. the truth is even when they put an independent commission in, it's never independent. there's one way or another, california independent, it's not. not the results are that way. so trying to make elections more competitive is not in the party's best interest that controls the process. >> very interesting.sounds like a losing score. william lodge necessary, leave it to the politicians. thanks so much. >> 'tis the season to ask awkward questions. bill belichick was not too happy after his team's big loss to buffalo. that didn't stop a reporter from asking him completely off topic. >> hi. football aside, sorry, but i'm doing a story about new year's resolutions. i was wondering if you had any you wanted to share with our fans and readers. >> no, not right now. >> okay.thanks. >> maybe next week. >> you can do that as a reporter but he was not having it. >> bill belichick not a broadcaster there. not really willing to swing with the punches. on to something different. seems like kate middleton wants to be known more than weaving and zipping tea. she's showing off a talent that some royal watchers didn't see coming. so there's the duchess of cambridge. she's playing piano at a christmas celebration over the weekend. thanks for joining us, mike. great to be with you. >> "the story" in with trace gallagher for martha starts right now. >> good afternoon. i'm trace gallagher. there's no federal solution for this omicron surge says was biden telling the nation's governor as short time ago that this latest strain gets solved at a state level. the nation saw more than 214,000 new covid cases

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Thing , The End , Ones , Back To You , States , Demonstration , Complaint , Isn T A Federal Government , Joe Manchin , Contributor , Big New Year S Eve Ball Drop Celebrations , Cities , New York , L A , World , Berlin , Places , Few , Kinds , Map , London , Viewers , New Delhi , Paris , Germany , Rome , Point , Spread , Holiday Celebrations , Policy Decisions , Anything , Majority , Transmission , Homes , Activities , Whether , Ball Dropping , Things , Booster , Holiday Season , Celebrations , Workers , Virus , Plans , Anthony Fauci , Industry , Decrease Morale , Cnn , One Way Or Another , Flights , Airplanes , Prescription , Data , Masks , State , Amount , Fact , Hepa Filters , Population , Combination , Test , Flight , Children , Anybody , Airplane , Idea , Immunity , Nothing , Variant , Cloth , Cloth Masks , Aren T , Mask On , Mask , N95 , Individuals , K N95 , 95 , Vaccine , Ability , Risk Factors , Mask Lists , Older , Immunocompromised , Risk , Arsenal , Hospitalization , Illness , Layer , Tools , One , Season , Cost , Companies , Reimbursing Americans , Globe , Waivers , Isn T , Everything , Insurance Companies , Treatments , Emergency Authorization , Paperwork , He , 200000 , Cases , Mid January , Uptake , South Africa , Little , Gatherings Come And Go , Decline , Push For Rapid Tests , Wow , Evidence , Neighborhood , Worth , Test Clinic , Response , 72 , 250 , 50 , Process , Family , Adults , Forever , The Process , Results , Daughter , I Don T Know , Good , Son , Wife , Thousands , Counts , Coast , Flyers , Travel Nightmare , 1000 , Hi , Winter Weather , Headaches , Madison , Staff Shortages , Laguardia Airport , Queens , 2000 , Look , Travel , Midday , Holiday Travel Mess , A Thousand , 30 , Cancellations , United , Holiday Weekend , Omicron , Led , Airlines , 1500 , Issues , Staffing , Passengers , Destination , Fox Business , Travel Industry , Four , Table , Plane , Vaccination , Vaccine Mandates , Requirements , He Hasn T , Case , Airport , Chaos , Changes , Passages , Whatever , Airline , Direction , Travel Numbers , What S Going On , Corner , The Holiday Travel Season , Flying , Troops , Border , Ukraine , Talks , Stations , Russian , Patients , 10000 , Governments , President Putin , Backing , Sideshow , Kremlin , Bill , Build , Republicans , Senators , Reelection , Opposition , Praise , Bbb , Democratic , Cash , Details , Path , Newday 100 Va Loan , Smart Move , Equity , U , 100 , Values , More , Veterans , Veteran , Rates , Home Equity , Highs , Lows , Calling Newday , 0000 , 60000 , Advantage , Value , Bank , Pace , Grandkids , Pool , Kitchen , Security , Someone , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Turn , Cowboys , Ooo , Tex , Pay , Liberty , Record , Hang On , Control , Pause Wifi , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity , Family Safe Browsing , Parents , Pentagon , 50000 , Counties , Cuts , The Cost Of Living , Lower 48 , 6000 , 48 , Payments , Tactics , Capitol Hill , 0 , 60 , Push New Voting Rights Legislation , Pieces , Parts , Problems , Say , Aishah Hasnie , Piece , Progressives , United States Senate , Fear , On Sunday The House , Chunks , Caucus Chair , Actions , Quote , Provisions , Initiatives , Distress , Doing , Chuck Schumer , Yeas , Position , Schumer , Trillions , Grandchildren , Win , Credit Card , Burden , Theft , Debt , Order , Filibuster , Minority , Voting Rights , Vote , Block , Ill Conceived , Gop , Pressure , Others , Calling , Touch , On Manchin , Aishah Hasnie In Washington , West Virginia , Support Him , Spending Package , Kevin Cramer , Statements , North Dakota , Tugging , Sarah Wilson , Washington Examiner , On Build , Wall Street , Left , Interview , Mr , Compromise , Bill To Transform America , Policy Debate , Crap , Editorial Board , Bit , Leverage , Sort , Members , Infrastructure Bill , House , Criticism , Claim , Hearing , Bait , Finish Line , Goodwill , Credibility , Either , Inflation , Economy , Policies , Recovery , Attacks , Executive Action , Progressive , Incentives , A , Negotiation , Caves , Voice , Washington Post , House Progressive Caucus , Zero , Commitments , Difficulty , President , Office , Simple , It , Programs , Executive Power , Agenda , Authority , Sense , Word , Authorities , Reconciliation Process , Strategy , Congress , Nation , Providence , Budget , Some , Chance , Protecting , Site , Ten , Heat , Views , Colleagues , Ben Cardin , Fox News Sunday , Ballot , Constituents , Face , Theories , Will , Red State , Don T , Exclusion , Explanation , Climate Subsidies , Trial , Jury Deliberations , Outlier , Girls , Ghislaine Xl , British , Downtown Manhattan , Sex , Verdict , Dan Hoffman , Leadership , Take , Fears , Everybody , Ukraine Border , Demand , Borders , Cosentyx , Work , Europeans , Walking , Symptoms , Doctor , Psoriatic Arthritis , Infections , Infection , Tuberculosis , Crohn S Disease , Reactions , Rheumatologist , Jurors , Judge , Mike De Jury , Writing Supplies , Definition , Enticement , Alexis Mcadams , Deliberations , Courthouse , Business , Weekend , Charges , Defense Team , Bars , Government , Times , Jury , Witness , Testimony , Police Officer , Markers , Whiteboard , Florida House , Jeffrey Epstein , Palm Beach , 20 , Child Sex Trafficking , Traffic , Sex Trafficking Conspiracy , Boyfriend , Friend , Prosecutors , Six , Lower Court , Women , Graphic Testimony , Courtroom , Duo , 14 , Part , Abuse , Handful , Money , Argument , Memory , Defense , Epstein , Events , Accusers , Liberation , Interesting , Life In Prison , Invasion , Tea Leaves , Alexis Mcadams Outside Federal Court , Brink , Positions , Talent , Retreat , Cia , Vladimir Putin , Problem , News , Sounds , Diplomacy , Officer , Playbook , Predecessors , Kgb , Soviet , 100000 , Soviets , Concession , Road , Discussions , Arms , Return , Boulder , Arms Control Negotiator , Bolder , Putin , Concessions , Negotiations , Retreats , Guarantee , Nato , Exchange , Alarm , Urgency , Ballistic Missile Defense Systems , Deployments , Central And Eastern Europe , Georgia , Romania , Poland , Threat , Threats , Agreement , Force , Systems , Need , Iran , Jcpoa , Move , Secretary Of State , Nature , Belief , Mind , Democracy , Missiles , Tanks , Way , Redline , Freedom , Clarion Call , European Union , Region , Crimea , Bombast , War Zone , 2014 , Make , Harm , Step , Enough , Seat , Request , Behalf , Care , Situation , Step Back , Sovereignty , Elections , Cyberattacks , Tactical , Necessity , Western European , Politics , Rules , Power , Assistance , Allies , Allied , China , Cuba , Venezuela , Integrity , Who , The Hill , North Korea , President Reagan , It Doesn T , Terms , Treasure , Stand , Blood , Support , Question , Military Assistance , Capability , Standoff , Hand , Best , Afghanistan , Folks , Stand Up , Words , Worker , Intent , History Books , Yep , 2021 , Millions , Jobs , Scrambling , Havoc , Panel , Joe Concha , Biden Slam , Blame , Ask , Homeowners , Boost , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colds , Love Zicam , Medicine Cabinet , Must , Zifans , Unique Zinc Formula , 1 , Ring , Chest , Bongos , Meghan Markle , Newspaper , Apology , Harry Reid , Battle , Statement , Copyright Case , Tabloid , Paper , Publishing , Father , Letter , Press Coverage , Papers , Publisher , Damages , 2017 , Tabloid Press , Press , Readers , Knack , Public , System , Victim , Figure , Carley , Story , Finding , Job Openings , Anyone , Job Market , Director , Professor , Cbo , University Of Chicago , The American Action Forum , Career Builder Ceo , Supply Chain Demand , Resignations , Mix , Rise , Sue Arthur , Impact , Group , Job Postings , Growth , Austin , 55 , Momentum , Work Life Balance , Employers , Stats , Thoughts , Flexibility , 11 Million , Wages , Office Conditions , Labor Force Participation , Half , Imbalance , Work Environments , Job , Key , Labor Market , Discussion , February 2020 , Prevention , Ball , Therapy , Promises , Use , Monoclonal Antibodies , 19 , Therapeutics , Distancing , Vaccines , The American , Rescue Plan , Mistake , Child , Credits , Work Incentives , Is , Safety Net , Policy , Resignation , End , Labor Shortage , Dis Agreement , Unemployment Insurance Bonuses , Trouble , Announcement , Lots , Criticisms , Vacancies , Doug , Rate , Headwinds , Payroll Growth , 9 , Red States , Battle Lines , Midterms , Let S Go Brandon , Wonderful Christmas , Maps , Center Stage , Water , Show , Oregon , Dad , Readed , Theaters , Honeymoon , Hotel , December 17th , Deal , Kayak , Awhile , 17 , Guys , Divorce , We Wouldn T Go , Search One , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Questions , Calhope , You Re Not Alone , Calhope Org , 833 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , Teammate , College Teammates , Insult , Sidelines , Swing , Blowout Loss , Player , Temple , Washington , Finger , Injury , Peer , Defensive Lineman Jonathan Allen , Nfl , History , Blowout , Comfort , Rivalry , The Dallas Cowboys , Giants Fan , Alabama , Tendons Boiling , Archrival , 56 , Team , Football , Playing , Matter , 5 , Game , Brother , Guy , Fans , Behavior , Incident , Phone Call , Man , David Spunt , Politicians , Supporters , Belt , Phrase , Merry Christmas , Attack , Officials , Collar , Name , Joking , Freedom Of Speech , Norad , Track Santa , S Biden , Brandon , The Stands , Nascar Driver Brandon Brown , Sponsors , Attention , Parade , Jen Psaki , Sporting Events , Phenomenon , Signs , Robert De Niro , Thinking , Meaning , It F , Slogan , Code , Tony Awards , Each Other , Context , Connection , Audience , Airports , Sites , Covet , Tom Homanne , Music , John Turley , Energy , Protein , Thirty , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Crown , Holiday , Search , Breaking News , Letters , Joke , Gillian Turner , Mike Emanuel , Snow , Southern California , Weather , Forecast , Connecticut , Team Coverage , Airline Crewmembers , Failure , North Line , Website , Steve Harrigan , Atlanta , Cdc , Edson , 600 , Blocks , New Jersey , Massachusetts , 198000 , 47 , Seven , Hospitalizations , Increases , 3 , Covid Doesn T , Response Team , Chunk , Testing Shortage Crisis , Teleconference , 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue , 1600 , Front , Report , Delaware , Buck , Holiday Testing Surge , Testing , Won T , Governor , Hundreds , Testing Plan , Concept , Buying , Production , Solutions , State Solutions , Supply Chain , Solution , In The End , Surges , Sick , Eagles , Michael , Biden S New Christmas Estrace , Fitting Cap , Lack , Monologue , Travesty , Set , Doctors , Omicron Records , Testing Positive , Rhetoric , Holiday Surge , Wasn T One , Noise , Isn T Transitory , Theme , Least , Crime , Homicides , Back Police Forces , Well , Homicide , Laser , Priority , 16 , Kamala Harris , Admin , Ration , Proactive , Tsunami , Summer Picnic , Taliban , Vice President , Scenario , Covid Omicron Surge , Let , Nobody , Pass , Saw , Delta Variant Coming , Coming , Mother , Responsibility , Variants , Excuse , Existence , Contingency , Dances , Doing Enzyme , Polls , Handling , Focus , Polling , Coronavirus , 70 , Five , Chief Of Staff , Staff , Tweet , Campaign , Cliff , Assessment , Greatness , Bad , Expectations , Ain T , Voting , Performance , Big Trouble , Tweeting , Defenders , Saying , Critics , Gossip , Scandal , Gosh , Big P R , Cheerleading Session , Session , Spin , Joy Reid , Al , Person , Cable News , Conservative , List Tweeting , Bottom , Wrong , Deck , Twitter , Race Card , Giants Cufflinks , Sums , Reflect , Bears Fan , Spending , Squad , Filibuster Rule , Jonathan Turley , Exception , Gillian Plus , Ice , Fox Weather , Blast , Meteorologist Craig Herrera , Seattle , In The City , 1974 , 26 , December 26th 1974 , Crs , Areas , Sierra Nevada , Winds , Mountains , Spots , Olympic , The Big Picture , Winter Storm Warning , 24 , 6 , Grapevine , Thoroughfare , Central Valley , 8 , Sierra , Cascades , Feet , Rockies , Kern County Mountains , Break , Storm , Rain , Tornadoes , West Coast , Reminder , Storms , App Store , Southeast , Fox , App , Credit , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Internet , Equipment , Internet Service , Program , Xfinity Mobile , 15 , Click , Store , Voting Rights Legislation , Combustible Precedent , Laws , Election Laws , Time , State Legislatures , Federalization , Dozens , Deep Division , To Idaho Oregon , Gwu Law Professor , New Hampshire , Engineer , A Tiny Exception , Wall Street Journal , Hoover Dam , Age , Principle , Rage , Politician , Striking , Principal , Logic , Election , Powder Keg , Media , Principles , Shminciples , Senator , Cause , Apocalypse , Traditions , Obama , Series , Judges , Adjustment , Votes , Election Law , Divisions , Supreme Court Justices , Effect , Anger , Rule , States Rights , Second , Amendment , Polling Places , Voter Authentication , Voter Identification , Constitution , Example , Voters , Essentiality , Federal Law , Tradition , Republic , Congress Changes , Election Rules , Legitimacy , Build Back , Blow , Okay , Latest , Lab , Moderate , Pramila Jayapal , Strategy Decision , Competence , Needs , Bbp , Founding Fathers , Change , Curse , Civilians , International Border , Cartels , Tom Homan , Human Smuggling Business , Drugs , E , Reporting , Border Crisis , Smugglers , New York Post , Migrants , Sentinel , Sides , The Border , Methamphetamine , Addition , Cocaine , Nn Mexico Have Branched Out , Sinaloa , Acting Ice Director , Area , Smuggling Organization , The Business Of Trafficking Women And Children Smuggling Migrants , Tax , Mexico , Immigration , 83 , Level , Organizations , Bottom Line , Desert , Drowning , Sheriff , County , Term , Journey , South Texas , Border Patrol , Men , Turf Wars , Smuggling Routes , Line , Gaps , Facilities , Manpower , Del Rio Crisis , Miles , 40 , City , Groups , Unguarded , Yuma , Yuma Unimpeded , Overdoses , Coincidence , The New York Times , Henry Cuellar , Chris Cummings , 200 , Issue , Lead , Screen , Entry Cuellar , Options , Texas , State Officials , Handle , Patriot , Arizona , Safe , Stances , Mayhem , Death , Fix , Congressman , Immigration Crisis , Laws Don T Work , Homeland Security , The State Of Florida , Secretary , Hasn T , Flow , Alejandro Mayorkas , District , Frustration , Sir , Eye , Texas Step Up , Taxpayers , Hook , Ground , Border Wall , Billion , 2 Billion , Trump , Stuff , Military , Men And Women In Ukraine , Overrun , Alex Hogan , Learning Combat Skills , Volunteering , Citizens , Kind , Combat Training , Learning , Woods Outside , Kiev , Event , Course , General , Forces , Defense Tactics , Information , Come , Defense Plan , Vehicles , Photos Prompting , Scientists , Satellite Images , Press Conference , Claims , Skating Situation , Regret , Strike , Membership , Weapons , Demands , Territory , Proposals , Interpreter , Result , Military Experts , Ad , Purpose , Documents , 90000 , Chicago , Holiday Break , Crime Surge , Our London Bureau , Deadlines , Bloodshed , Goals , Dream , Reach , Newday100 Va Loan , Va Home Loan Benefit , My Name Is Cherrie , Average , Oregon Coast , No One , Newday Usa , 76 , 615 , Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Memories , 53 , Puzzle Pieces , Life , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Chances , Bull Rider , I Don T , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Law Enforcement Officials , Reprieve , Violent Crime , Boy , 11 , 80 , Murders , Neighborhoods , Distance , Head , Man Shot , Tourist Areas , Victims , Stores , Manifests , Spike , Security Video , Gold Coast , Robberies , Magnificent Mile , Smash And Grab , Lori Lightfoot , Examples , Shoulders , Violence , Lopez , Districts , Fingers , Shootings , Chicago Tribune , Town , Old , Nice , Shooting Victims , Green , Mike Tobin Live In Chicago , 3700 , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Cut , Climate Guidelines , Kelly O Grady S , Live In Los Angeles , Levels , Aim , 2030 , 2019 , 2050 , 90 , 2018 , Emissions , Reductions , 1 6 , 4 3 , Adoption Rate , Market , Growing , Emission , Economy Option , Anxiety Leaking Drivers , Mandates , Target , Consumers , Sale , Expense , Execution , Progress , Planning , Measures , Concern , White Christmas , Green New Deal , Kelly O Grady Live In L A , Reporter , Resolutions , Loss , Bill Belichick , Fill , Meteorologist , Snuffle , Cringe , Banks , Refi , Newday , Newday Two , Lenders , Apr , Dear , 2 25 , 2 48 , Costs , Mortgage Payments , Pocket , Lock , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Autism , Kinder , Autism Spectrum , Autismspeaks Org , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Gas , Discomfort , Pros , Bloating , Try Align , 24 7 , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Residents , Snowfall , Pacific Northwest , Will Nundley , Cold Air , Warming Centers , Temperatures , Caking , Sheet , Streets , Cold Temperatures , King County , Builter , Collisions , Guardrails , Accidents , Skies , De Iing , That S The Truth , Delays , Compounding Factors , Roads , Stay , Making Travel Treacherous , Avalanches , Lake Tahoe , The Palisades , Gerrymandering , Battle Line , Complications , Highways , West , Population Data , Mid Terms , Answer , William La Jeunesse , Malibu , Party , Seats , Legislature , Census , Setter Suppression , Safer , Surprise , Complaining , South Side , Farmland , New Mexico , Illinois , Portland , Majorities , Swing State , Edge , Ohio , 13 , Minorities , Back , Bus , Dow , Dina Titus , Gerrymanders , Lawyer , Self Interests , Legislation , Reasons , Voting Rights Agenda , Truth , Likelihood , Interest , Commission , California Independent , Score , Tis , William Lodge , Didn T , Topic , Buffalo , Football Aside , Kate Middleton , Broadcaster , Tea , Punches , Weaving , Watchers , Showing , She S Playing Piano At A Christmas Celebration , Trace Gallagher , State Level , Strain , 214000 ,

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