Transcripts For FOXNEWS Justice With Judge Jeanine 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Justice With Judge Jeanine 20240709

christmas night. by now gifts have been unwrapped. carols have been sung. hams and turkeys carved, and fireplaces lit. but tonight i want to take a pause as we all gather together. i want us to honor, applaud and recognize at this very hour there are soldiers, sailors, ma reebs, airmen, doctors, nurse, cops, firefighters, emts out there standing guard. for many christmases the selfless individuals have kept us safe. they remained vigilant, ready and capable of defending us. they deserve our respect and gratitude. these courageous then and women would give it all to be with their beloved the friends and cousins and moms and dads who worry about their safety. but they have chosen instead to keep us safe. they have chosen to keep us healthy. and they have chosen to keep the spirit of america alive against all odds when it would be so much easier to do nothing. we also realize how the pandemic turned our lives upside down. good samaritans, americans from around this country came from wherever the help was needed. as tornadoes destroyed lives and homes. americans from all walks of lives left the comfort of their own homes to rebuild the lives of people they never even met. we also remember those who have gone before us. memories of those recherished from christmas past. they will always hold a special place in our hearts. i know they do for me. they are never forgotten. even as we make beautiful memories with our children and grandchildren. and i'm thankful to all of my loyal justice viewers who make it a point to watch my show on saturday night. i, too, sit here on saturday night working hard to make this show interesting, informative and engaging. i'm extremely grateful for your confidence in this show and bringing it into your home and saturday nights. and we can't lose sight of the true meaning of this day, christmas. far too many people get caught in the tinsel and the instagram posts. it's easy to do. the spirit of christmas is strong and has withstood the test of time. the story of jess us and his message of love and peace will always represent the true spirit of christmas against all odds. joy and hope and positivity is what christmas is all about. that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook page and twitter, hashtag judge jeanine. here to honor those this christmas within retired marine staff something the joey jones. their program for christmas, and the ce offer an amazing organization that was born out of the tragedy of 9/11 but has gone on to change the lives so many, the tunnel to towers foundation found by my friend frank siller. what is the phantom boots campaign? >> it's an honor to sit here with frank. i have known him for a while. i benefited from his charity. just a real quick to tell you about santa boots. they were the first non-profit to help me when i was injured. they help veghts receive medical treatment for their are injuries, brain injuries, insomnia, addiction. they pick 100 families nominated through partners and people they know and have vetted. they are veteran families that have fallen on hard times. and they get what they need and what they asked santa for. the calls started coming in this week where we hear their reaction. many of them don't know it's coming. when the presents get there and they open them, it's an amazing thing. you hear the relief and joy and optimism. and what shows up in those boxes, you hear hope. they go into the next year with hope, and that's as much as you can give anybody. judge jeanine: frank, i know tunnel to towers is your foundation. but this year you started something amazing. the giving away of one home every day from thanksgiving i think it is nothing new year's eve to the family of someone -- a gold star family or someone who has been catastrophically injured. let's talk about how you give away a home this holiday season. >> merry christmas. love you have guys. we call this the season of hope. we call this the season of hope with the tunnel to towers foundation. they sacrifice so much for our country and their families pay a big price. we are giving away 65 homes from thanksgiving to new year's eve. that will be a combination of 200 mortgage free homes we are giving away. the 20th anniversary of 9/11 where i lost my brother. we had multiple concerts, the counsel to towers run. we read the names of 7,070 people who died in the global war and terror since 9/11. i was in mayfield, kentucky. we made a promise that we would help that area out there. they were devastated. you saw the tornado damage they had out there. fox viewers go to t 2, -- judge jeanine: talk about how 9/11 impacted your decision to do something positive. >> you don't have to look far for inspiration in this country. i lost my legs, but i lost a brother that day right beside me. how can i worry about legs when i know my brother sitting beside me lost his life. his son lost his dad, and frank lost his brother. we lose heroes. and they sacrifice their lives. every memory they could make and give every experience, every smile, every moment of joy is deleted. you can't get upset about things. all you can do is honor it. we owe it to those we lost to live and live well. that's what frank does every day. that's why the people at the boot camp pain, what they do every day to bring joy and hope other people's lives so those we did lose are left and honored. their memory is honored. judge jeanine: steve, one of the things -- frank, one of the things you talk about -- >> that's the greatest thing you do is call me steve. judge jeanine: your brother. one of the things you do, you are talking about building a new community -- you were given a gift of lands. tell us what your plan is going forward. >> lando lakes, florida. 75 acres. we'll build 110 mortgage free homes for falling first responder family and gold star families. it will be phenomenal. it will be a community of love and hope. my brother gave up his life. he inspired his older siblings to do good in his honor. the village is called let us do good. st. francis said brothers and sisters, while we are here, let us do good. every time something bad happens, we have to turn around and do something good. we move my brother. but we are doing good things in his name. but's how you beat this and that's how you light that candle. judge jeanine: what was it like being overseas during the holidays? >> you don't know what you miss until you have to miss it. it was much less about the presence or the movies other things that get commercialized. it was more about my grandmother's pumpkin pies and hugs from my mom and dad. judge jeanine: thanks to both of you for paul that you do. still ahead -- for all that you do. still ahead, a special edition of "street justice." we take you inside st. patrick's cathedral this christmas night. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice" on this christmas night. nothing says christmas in new york like the world famous st. patrick's cathedral. as we remember the birth of jesus, take an inside look at history of st. pat's. >> it mass been called the first one der of the new world. the most perfect example of gothic architecture in america's past and present. with christmas displays that stun more than 2 million visitors every year. foxnation is bringing you to the heart of new york city for a behind the scenes look at st. patrick's cathedral like you have never seen before. the history of st. patrick's cathedral reflects the history of the today need rall itself. when the cornerstone was laid, it was almost wilderness. almost the entire population lived in the southernmost part of manhattan. when he said let's build the cathedral in the wilderness, they said you are crazy. but when you look around, he was right. for the church the celebration of christmas doesn't start until christmas eve. not until christmas. this is a diverse congregation. you have got liberals and conservatives, poor people, wealthy people, you have got people from foreign countries and people from the bronx and staten island and brooklyn. but that remarkable diversity melds into one as we all realize we are children of god, sons of a loving father who loved us so much he sent his only begotten son. that brings people together in unity during the christmas season. judge jeanine: fox news contributor jonathan morris joins us now. that was an amazing clip of st. patrick's. st. patrick's is one of those places wherever you are from when you come to new york, it's one of those landmarks you have to visit. i was there this week. you see so many different people as you heard in that video who all walks of life, young and old and rich and poor and i didn't know they were liberal or conservative if i didn't peak to them obviously. what but what is the fascination? >> it's the architecture. that what draws people in. people who have no faith at all til have to get to st. patrick's to see it. when they see that unbelievable expression of neogothic architecture is beauty. and my believe and the belief of christians is that draws us into the ultimate beauty. would we as a society be able to build such a beautiful piece of art and architecture? because why? beauty and art follow belief. is our belief strong enough to build a cathedral like that? back in 1879 when it was finished, the poor immigrants who built it had such unbelievable faith that they sacrificed enough to do it. there is a relativism about everything, including truth and art that you can't say one thing is more beautiful than the other. you can't say one thing is more true than the other. you can't say god is definitely god for everyone. judge jeanine: there is no question. when you go to europe and you think of some of the cathedrals in milan, the basilicas. but then when you go to the middle east, i think back to a few years back when one of the first christian churches in the world was destroyed. i think about how religion is suffering. you talk about relativism. it's under attack these days. i get faith and a sense of light when i realize 2 million people are coming through the cathedral. we don't know how many con re -y congregants of the church there are. you went from father of the church to father of a new baby. what was that like in. >> it was rocky, it was hard. it was a difficult decision. when i made the decision i went to pope francis and to cardinal dolan and said i think the healthiest thing for me at this point is to make this decision. i am now married and have a 10-week-old baby. on this christmas day, all these sleepless nights the last 10 weeks i had with my little baby. i look at his face right now and say god chose on christmas morning to present himself incar incarnate. when you look into the eyes of the child and say i am in love. i experienced love like i never experienced before. first to my life. then to look into the face of my little baby. it's an absolute miracle. judge jeanine: the miracle of life and the miracle of christmas. congratulations to you. remember you can telecast entire christmas at the cathedral streaming now on foxnation. next, the christmas party is about to start. tomi lahren and tyrus join us for christmas fun. don't go anywhere. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: everyone has a favorite christmas song and favorite christmas movie. the worst gift you ever got. i will celebrate the season with two of my favorite guests, tomi lahren and tyrus are here to share what they love most about the holidays. tomi, what is your favorite christmas song? >> i could go for some little drummer boy. i think it's a great message and it's a slam on the wrist. judge jeanine: tyrus, your favorite christmas song. >> band-aid, do they know it's christmas yet it's a funny song and if you listen to the lyrics it's confusing but it goes my grinch theme. judge jeanine: is it a christmas song? >> it's a christmas song. judge jeanine: have you head it, tomi. >> no, but i will look it up on spotify. >> it's top 10. judge jeanine: let's go back to you, tomi, what's your favorite movist christmas season. >> national slam spoon's christmas vacation it's a classic. it never disappoints. i can watch on repeat and i do. judge jeanine: leo, how are you? >> i wear a lot of hats. it's the grinch. any version of the grinch except the new one. i love the grinch. he represents me. he's my favorite color and he looks at christmas the same way. he hates the commercialism. and he loves dogs. judge jeanine: what is your favorite christmas gift, tomi? >> in the christmas of 2016 my family found me a news week with madame 340eubg hillary clinton on the cover. it never happened, but i will treasure city forever. judge jeanine: tyrus, what's your favorite christmas gift? >> the year my mom let me and my brother go pick out each other's gifts. we picked out what we wanted. and she did the reverse on us. so when we opened them we got what we wanted. it was great. judge jeanine: your mother is a smart lady. what about your favorite christmas food, tomi? >> i could go for sugar cookies. but i'm from south dakota with we have a prime rib. sugar cookies, prime rib. judge jeanine: tyrus ways yours? >> the turducken. >> do you fry it or cook it. >> i just eat it. i say shea *, this would be great here if you could make this and i will wash the dishes. so i have to work on that. i'm the eater. judge jeanine: how about tradition. tomi, you are engaged this year. what's your favorite christmas tradition now? >> i am going to extend christmas with my family what my fiance and he will enjoy our christmas tradition of listening to the christmas album. that's my family. we are hoping we get some snow. probably not going to happen. but we are knot holding out hope. judge jeanine: tyrus, what's your fame to us christmas tradition? >> building my kids' toys while they are asleep. every year i tell my kids i'm going to california santa claus so i set traps. my son said dad you aloud a strange man in my house. judge jeanine: he's probably afraid to face you. my favorite christmas movie for those of you who want to know is charlie brown christmas. i don't know why. christmas is not christmas unless i watch this movie. i don't care how busy i am or where number my career, i have to watch the charlie brown christmas. my favorite christmas food is probably remember we used get those popcorn balls and they were like candy? do you remember that? >> no, that must have been something before electricity. judge jeanine: don't say the, tyrus. spy watched you before the show. when you got all done up. even though you like stuff that's not around anymore. >> there is no other judge on fox. that's why i'm your favorite judge. >> on the planet. judge jeanine: happy new year to all of you. just ahead. you have know him from his world renowned book, tuesdays with lori. best selling author mitch albom is next. judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice" on this special christmas night. during the holidays and looking towards the new year we spends time reflect on what is important in life. that's what i discussed with my next guest, one of the most beloved authors of all times. joining me, the "new york times" best selling author mitch albom. your book, "tuesdays with lori." everybody knows who you are and we are delighted to have you on. and with the release of your new book. >> stranger in a lifeboat." >> it begins with this luxury yacht. he gathered his influential friends. out in the ocean it explodes and only 10 people survive. they are in a lifeboat, no one is coming for them. they see sharks in the water and they see a body in the water. it's a young non-script guy, he doesn't say anything. one of the passengers said that lord we found, and he says i am the lord. it grows there what happens with all the people in the boat who don't believe he is who he says he is. it's a parable about what happens when we ask god for help and what do we do when it doesn't come in the form we expect it. judge jeanine: you have a way of looking into people's souls. did you know you were going to do this, mitch? >> no, i was training to be a musician. when i fairld at music -- when i failed at music i started writing. judge jeanine: 10 books, all they all in the same genre? >> they all explore similar themes. i think every since i sat with maury schwartz, tuesdays with maury. all of my books carried a sliver of the lessons i learned. "strangers in a lifeboat" i get to put all the questions i would ask of a god-like character. they asked do you answer prayers? he said i answer all prayers, but sometimes the answer is no. and the question why do people have to die? one of the pastors said why did you take my wife. >> the reresponse is why is it people always say why did you take them? what did we do to reserve them. people on earth the cry when somebody on cert dies. i know people go through that when people die. i lost a little girl we adopted from haiti. if you look at it from the perspective of why was she given to us and we were lucky to have her. i try to incorporate real life lessons into my novels. >> you are. >> tremendous inspiration to so many people. i know you operate an orphanage and really give back. you are an incredible human being. mitch albom, god bless. take care. still ahead. i toured some of the most stunning estates and castles across our beautiful country this year. join me next as i take you object some of those adventures. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: in my latest season of "castles usa" i travel around the country to show you some of the most beautiful castles in the united states and they do note disappoint. here is a look. i'm judge jeanine pirro and i'm on a journey to find castles fit for a fairytale. join me as i take you inside some of the most incredible castles america has to offer. today we are near the sunny state of florida to tour one of the most incredible museums in miami. i can tell from the architecture on the outside that it will be stunning on the inside. come along with me as we take a look inside together. >> welcome, judge. welcome. i'm the deputy director for learning and community engagement. >> we are so glad usual here with us today. >> the first thing i notice is as soon as you walk in the outside is inside. >> originally this would have been open air. there would not have been glass. >> what is this? >> it's an and i comment hacial tub was put together with the statue to create the name. when mr. deering took residence in 1916 he arrived by boat. you will see throughout the house there is a mix of catholic imagery and also victorian from the family who built the house. after a storm that galveston has many of, the catholic church became the second owners and replaced it with a st. theresa. judge jeanine: today we are in the garden state of emergency * about to view glenn allen castle. this is based on a immediate onl castle from germany. >> it was actually what they call a moat in this area. jean require was right near the castle. >> it was right against the wall. like said, we dug it up and used the brick on the wall and we put the same bridges where they were. and where the island with the garden was, we put the a. judge jeanine: what were they protecting themselves from, the cannibals in the south? >> would you like to open this one? judge jeanine: i don't know. >> kick it down. that's it. so this is the dungeon. judge jeanine: not so bad. you turned it into a nice area. >> this was the rope that was the railing on the steps. >> so you have dinner parties here? >> we have dinner parties over case alley and use it for fun events. our halloween party at the house. judge jeanine: this is a magnificent building. it's a labor of love. was it worth it? >> yes, it was worth it. when they came when i was done they understand why it was well worth it. judge jeanine: not many people can say they live in a castle, but you live in a castle. but you live in a castle. >> yes, i do. with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. >> timely tonight a very special christmas edition of street justice. that will not disappoint. i asked people what they would get president bide and harris for christmas and trivia take a look. ♪ ♪ >> what is kamala harris want for christmas? >> oh, lord she needs some advice. >> yeah does she want the advice, though? ming ever she's not gong to listen to you. >> what does kamala want for christmas? >> i don't know. i don't know. [laughter] a clue -- >> what would you get joe biden for christmas if you could buy him something? >> it's not appropriate to say on camera. but a big bag of coal definitely. j okay. >> that's what i can't say probably worst than that. >> if you could buy joe biden something for christmas qhald you buy him? >> a brain -- >> and why are you so smart? >> are you okay? all right what do you think kamala wants for christmas? >> i can't say you know what she wants. [laughter] >> you can't say it? >> no. okay do you want to dance? >> buy joe biden for christmas? ♪ ♪ >> no comment. >> got to come up with something. >> same. >> why is everybody laugh when i ask that question. what diewpght to get joe biden for christmas? >> he can get a nice pretty smile from me and, you know, that's about it right now. >> elvis isn't looking for white christmas he's looking for -- >> a blue christmas. >> very good. >> where was baby jesus born? >> bethlehem. >> and how about ghosts are will in a christmas carol? >> four. >> from movie home alone they leave and kevin is home where do they go? >> they go to -- >> no cheating. >> is it -- paris? >> they go to paris but there isn't any prize okay the last question. >> home alone again? >> not home alone. i like that one too. all right. how many ghosts are in the christmas carol? >> how many ghosts? >> did you ever see the christmas carol? all right. what scrooge's first name? >> when was it made? >> before you were born, obviously. ebenezer scrooge you know him? >> you told me the answer. >> do you mean mcallisters went on vacation where did they go on vacation? >> paris. >> very good. you -- he wins prize -- go back to the question. one more question. all right -- how many ghosts were there in a christmas carol? >> three -- four. >> i think there were four. >> she's a genius. she's a genius you married the right woman. judge jeanine: that's it for us on this christmas day don't veght to set your dvr so you never miss a show thanks so much for waving justice and once again a very merry christmas to all of you -- your families, and your loved ones. i'm jeanine pirro advocating for truth, justice, and the american way. god bless you. ♪ ♪ dan: it's christmas and here on unfacility wheard better way to celebrate than with some of my favorite things. and florida governor ron desantis plays big role in one of them he joins me with an exclusive interview you don't want to miss and this christmas santa has a dirty job but he's not the only one. mike rowe man behind number one hit to celebrate americans working hard this holiday season plus a very special interview with the athletes who made my all time favorite sports moment happen you don't want to miss

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, True Spirit Of Christmas , Facebook , Twitter , Hashtag , Something , Program , Charlie Brown Christmas , Staff , Joey Jones , Tunnel To Towers Foundation , Organization , Many , Tragedy , Ce , 9 11 , Frank Siller , Honor , Campaign , Phantom , Charity , Non Profit , Quick , Santa Boots , Families , Partners , Brain Injuries , Injuries , Treatment , Addiction , Insomnia , 100 , Calls , Hard Times , Santa For , Thing , Presents , Relief , Reaction , Optimism , Boxes , Anybody , Family , Someone , Giving , Foundation , One , Holiday Season , Star , Guys , Season , Tunnel , Price , Combination , New Year S Eve , 200 , 65 , Brother , 20th Anniversary , 20 , Names , Counsel , Towers , Concerts , War , Terror , 7070 , Area , Promise , Fox , Tornado Damage , Mayfield , Kentucky , T Org , T 2 , 2 , Decision , Positive , T2t Org , Inspiration , Legs , Life , Smile , Dad , Memory , Son , Heroes , Experience , My Favorite Things , Honored , Boot Camp Pain , Steve , Community , Gift , Plan , Lands , Lando Lakes , 75 , 110 , Responder , Siblings , Pope Francis , Do Good , Village , Brothers And Sisters , Name , Candle , Holidays , Things , Movies , Presence , Grandmother , Pumpkin Pies , Hugs , Both , Mom And Dad , Paul , Cathedral , Patrick S , Special Edition , Street Justice , Inside St , Angie , Phone , Mom , Bill , Lou , Internet , Cost , 5g , Network , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , Smart Kid , 00 , 400 , 5 , Store , Switch Squad , Savings , Go , Moon Christmas Special , Gotta , Patrick S Cathedral , New York , World Famous St , Der , It Mass , Pat S , History Of St , Birth Of Jesus , Gothic Architecture , Example , Stun , 2 Million , Heart , Behind The Scenes Look At St , Foxnation , Population , Wilderness , History , Cornerstone , Part , Manhattan , Congregation , Church The Celebration Of Christmas Doesn T , Countries , Conservatives , Liberals , Staten Island , The Bronx , Brooklyn , Sons , Father , Only Begotten Son , Diversity , Children Of God , Jonathan Morris , Unity , Clip Of St , Landmarks , Places , Poor , Conservative , Peak , Video , Walks Of Life , Architecture , Faith , Fascination , Til , Belief , Beauty , Believe , Expression , Neogothic Architecture , Christians , Piece , Society , Back , Art , 1879 , Truth , Relativism , Immigrants , Everything , Question , God , Other , Everyone , Some , Milan , Cathedrals , Churches , Europe , The Middle East , Christian , Religion , Suffering , Attack , Sense , Church , Congregants , Baby , Father Of The Church , Cardinal Dolan , Face , 10 , Eyes , Child , Miracle , Congratulations , The Miracle Of Life , Anywhere , Tyrus , Tomi Lahren , Christmas Party , Don T Go , Fun , Guests , Favorite Christmas Song , Two , Favorite Christmas Movie , Song , Tomi , Little Drummer Boy , Band Aid , Slam , Wrist , Grinch Theme , Lyrics , Movist , Let S Go Back To You , Spotify , Vacation , Classic , Repeat , National Slam Spoon , Leo , Grinch , Lot , Hats , Version , Color , Way , Commercialism , Dogs , 2016 , News , Cover , Hillary Clinton , Madame 340eubg , 340 , Favorite , Gifts , Each Other , City , Me And My Brother Go Pick , Smart Lady , Mother , Reverse , Favorite Christmas Food , Sugar Cookies , Prime Rib , South Dakota , Turducken , Dishes , Eater , Tradition , Favorite Christmas Tradition , Snow , Fiance , Album , Listening , Kids , Toys , Fame , Knot Holding Out Hope , House , Man , Traps , California , Santa Claus , Movie , Career , Number , I Don T Know Why , Food , Popcorn Balls , Candy , Electricity , Stuff , Don T Say The , Spy , All Of You , Planet , World Renowned Book , Tuesdays , Mitch Albom , Lori , Special Christmas Night , Times , Authors , Guest , New York Times , Book , Selling , Tuesdays With Lori , Lifeboat , Stranger , Release , Luxury Yacht , Water , Sharks , Body , Ocean , Lord , Young Non Script Guy , Say Anything , Passengers , Boat , Don T , Parable , Form , Music , Musician , Souls , Books , Themes , Genre , Lessons , Sliver , Maury Schwartz , Questions , Character , Strangers , Answer , Prayers , Wife , Pastors , Reresponse , Somebody , Cry , Earth , Cert Dies , Real Life Lessons , Girl , Perspective , Haiti , Human Being , God Bless , Novels , Orphanage , Castles , Estates , Adventures , Take Care , Castles Usa , Look , Fairytale , Journey , State , Florida , Take A Look Inside Together , Outside , Museums , Inside , Miami , Deputy Director , Learning , Community Engagement , Air , Glass , Hacial Tub , Statue , Residence , Mr , Deering , 1916 , Mix , Imagery , Storm , St , Owners , Catholic Church , Galveston , Theresa , Glenn Allen Castle , Onl Castle , The Garden State Of Emergency , Jean , The Castle , Moat , Germany , Island , Bridges , Brick , Garden , South , Cannibals , Dungeon , I Don T Know , Dinner Parties , Rope , Railing , Steps , Halloween Party , Case Alley , Fun Events , It , Building , Labor Of Love , Castle , Stream , Directv , Matrix , Demand , Tv , Serena Williams , Best , Tonight A Very Special Christmas Edition Of Street Justice , Kamala Harris , Bide , Want , Laughter , Advice , Ming , Yeah , Joe Biden , Clue , Bag , Coal , Camera , Brain , Comment , White Christmas , Blue Christmas , Elvis Isn T , Baby Jesus , Bethlehem , Ghosts , A Christmas Carol , Kevin , Four , Prize , Isn T , Cheating , Paris , Ebenezer Scrooge , Mcallisters , Right , Three , She S A Genius , Woman , Show Thanks , Loved Ones , Dvr , The American Way , God Bless You , Interview , Ron Desantis , It S Christmas , Job , Christmas Santa , Unfacility Wheard , Dan , Plays Big Role , Mike Rowe , Athletes , Hit , Miss , Number One ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Justice With Judge Jeanine 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Justice With Judge Jeanine 20240709

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christmas night. by now gifts have been unwrapped. carols have been sung. hams and turkeys carved, and fireplaces lit. but tonight i want to take a pause as we all gather together. i want us to honor, applaud and recognize at this very hour there are soldiers, sailors, ma reebs, airmen, doctors, nurse, cops, firefighters, emts out there standing guard. for many christmases the selfless individuals have kept us safe. they remained vigilant, ready and capable of defending us. they deserve our respect and gratitude. these courageous then and women would give it all to be with their beloved the friends and cousins and moms and dads who worry about their safety. but they have chosen instead to keep us safe. they have chosen to keep us healthy. and they have chosen to keep the spirit of america alive against all odds when it would be so much easier to do nothing. we also realize how the pandemic turned our lives upside down. good samaritans, americans from around this country came from wherever the help was needed. as tornadoes destroyed lives and homes. americans from all walks of lives left the comfort of their own homes to rebuild the lives of people they never even met. we also remember those who have gone before us. memories of those recherished from christmas past. they will always hold a special place in our hearts. i know they do for me. they are never forgotten. even as we make beautiful memories with our children and grandchildren. and i'm thankful to all of my loyal justice viewers who make it a point to watch my show on saturday night. i, too, sit here on saturday night working hard to make this show interesting, informative and engaging. i'm extremely grateful for your confidence in this show and bringing it into your home and saturday nights. and we can't lose sight of the true meaning of this day, christmas. far too many people get caught in the tinsel and the instagram posts. it's easy to do. the spirit of christmas is strong and has withstood the test of time. the story of jess us and his message of love and peace will always represent the true spirit of christmas against all odds. joy and hope and positivity is what christmas is all about. that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook page and twitter, hashtag judge jeanine. here to honor those this christmas within retired marine staff something the joey jones. their program for christmas, and the ce offer an amazing organization that was born out of the tragedy of 9/11 but has gone on to change the lives so many, the tunnel to towers foundation found by my friend frank siller. what is the phantom boots campaign? >> it's an honor to sit here with frank. i have known him for a while. i benefited from his charity. just a real quick to tell you about santa boots. they were the first non-profit to help me when i was injured. they help veghts receive medical treatment for their are injuries, brain injuries, insomnia, addiction. they pick 100 families nominated through partners and people they know and have vetted. they are veteran families that have fallen on hard times. and they get what they need and what they asked santa for. the calls started coming in this week where we hear their reaction. many of them don't know it's coming. when the presents get there and they open them, it's an amazing thing. you hear the relief and joy and optimism. and what shows up in those boxes, you hear hope. they go into the next year with hope, and that's as much as you can give anybody. judge jeanine: frank, i know tunnel to towers is your foundation. but this year you started something amazing. the giving away of one home every day from thanksgiving i think it is nothing new year's eve to the family of someone -- a gold star family or someone who has been catastrophically injured. let's talk about how you give away a home this holiday season. >> merry christmas. love you have guys. we call this the season of hope. we call this the season of hope with the tunnel to towers foundation. they sacrifice so much for our country and their families pay a big price. we are giving away 65 homes from thanksgiving to new year's eve. that will be a combination of 200 mortgage free homes we are giving away. the 20th anniversary of 9/11 where i lost my brother. we had multiple concerts, the counsel to towers run. we read the names of 7,070 people who died in the global war and terror since 9/11. i was in mayfield, kentucky. we made a promise that we would help that area out there. they were devastated. you saw the tornado damage they had out there. fox viewers go to t 2, -- judge jeanine: talk about how 9/11 impacted your decision to do something positive. >> you don't have to look far for inspiration in this country. i lost my legs, but i lost a brother that day right beside me. how can i worry about legs when i know my brother sitting beside me lost his life. his son lost his dad, and frank lost his brother. we lose heroes. and they sacrifice their lives. every memory they could make and give every experience, every smile, every moment of joy is deleted. you can't get upset about things. all you can do is honor it. we owe it to those we lost to live and live well. that's what frank does every day. that's why the people at the boot camp pain, what they do every day to bring joy and hope other people's lives so those we did lose are left and honored. their memory is honored. judge jeanine: steve, one of the things -- frank, one of the things you talk about -- >> that's the greatest thing you do is call me steve. judge jeanine: your brother. one of the things you do, you are talking about building a new community -- you were given a gift of lands. tell us what your plan is going forward. >> lando lakes, florida. 75 acres. we'll build 110 mortgage free homes for falling first responder family and gold star families. it will be phenomenal. it will be a community of love and hope. my brother gave up his life. he inspired his older siblings to do good in his honor. the village is called let us do good. st. francis said brothers and sisters, while we are here, let us do good. every time something bad happens, we have to turn around and do something good. we move my brother. but we are doing good things in his name. but's how you beat this and that's how you light that candle. judge jeanine: what was it like being overseas during the holidays? >> you don't know what you miss until you have to miss it. it was much less about the presence or the movies other things that get commercialized. it was more about my grandmother's pumpkin pies and hugs from my mom and dad. judge jeanine: thanks to both of you for paul that you do. still ahead -- for all that you do. still ahead, a special edition of "street justice." we take you inside st. patrick's cathedral this christmas night. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice" on this christmas night. nothing says christmas in new york like the world famous st. patrick's cathedral. as we remember the birth of jesus, take an inside look at history of st. pat's. >> it mass been called the first one der of the new world. the most perfect example of gothic architecture in america's past and present. with christmas displays that stun more than 2 million visitors every year. foxnation is bringing you to the heart of new york city for a behind the scenes look at st. patrick's cathedral like you have never seen before. the history of st. patrick's cathedral reflects the history of the today need rall itself. when the cornerstone was laid, it was almost wilderness. almost the entire population lived in the southernmost part of manhattan. when he said let's build the cathedral in the wilderness, they said you are crazy. but when you look around, he was right. for the church the celebration of christmas doesn't start until christmas eve. not until christmas. this is a diverse congregation. you have got liberals and conservatives, poor people, wealthy people, you have got people from foreign countries and people from the bronx and staten island and brooklyn. but that remarkable diversity melds into one as we all realize we are children of god, sons of a loving father who loved us so much he sent his only begotten son. that brings people together in unity during the christmas season. judge jeanine: fox news contributor jonathan morris joins us now. that was an amazing clip of st. patrick's. st. patrick's is one of those places wherever you are from when you come to new york, it's one of those landmarks you have to visit. i was there this week. you see so many different people as you heard in that video who all walks of life, young and old and rich and poor and i didn't know they were liberal or conservative if i didn't peak to them obviously. what but what is the fascination? >> it's the architecture. that what draws people in. people who have no faith at all til have to get to st. patrick's to see it. when they see that unbelievable expression of neogothic architecture is beauty. and my believe and the belief of christians is that draws us into the ultimate beauty. would we as a society be able to build such a beautiful piece of art and architecture? because why? beauty and art follow belief. is our belief strong enough to build a cathedral like that? back in 1879 when it was finished, the poor immigrants who built it had such unbelievable faith that they sacrificed enough to do it. there is a relativism about everything, including truth and art that you can't say one thing is more beautiful than the other. you can't say one thing is more true than the other. you can't say god is definitely god for everyone. judge jeanine: there is no question. when you go to europe and you think of some of the cathedrals in milan, the basilicas. but then when you go to the middle east, i think back to a few years back when one of the first christian churches in the world was destroyed. i think about how religion is suffering. you talk about relativism. it's under attack these days. i get faith and a sense of light when i realize 2 million people are coming through the cathedral. we don't know how many con re -y congregants of the church there are. you went from father of the church to father of a new baby. what was that like in. >> it was rocky, it was hard. it was a difficult decision. when i made the decision i went to pope francis and to cardinal dolan and said i think the healthiest thing for me at this point is to make this decision. i am now married and have a 10-week-old baby. on this christmas day, all these sleepless nights the last 10 weeks i had with my little baby. i look at his face right now and say god chose on christmas morning to present himself incar incarnate. when you look into the eyes of the child and say i am in love. i experienced love like i never experienced before. first to my life. then to look into the face of my little baby. it's an absolute miracle. judge jeanine: the miracle of life and the miracle of christmas. congratulations to you. remember you can telecast entire christmas at the cathedral streaming now on foxnation. next, the christmas party is about to start. tomi lahren and tyrus join us for christmas fun. don't go anywhere. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: everyone has a favorite christmas song and favorite christmas movie. the worst gift you ever got. i will celebrate the season with two of my favorite guests, tomi lahren and tyrus are here to share what they love most about the holidays. tomi, what is your favorite christmas song? >> i could go for some little drummer boy. i think it's a great message and it's a slam on the wrist. judge jeanine: tyrus, your favorite christmas song. >> band-aid, do they know it's christmas yet it's a funny song and if you listen to the lyrics it's confusing but it goes my grinch theme. judge jeanine: is it a christmas song? >> it's a christmas song. judge jeanine: have you head it, tomi. >> no, but i will look it up on spotify. >> it's top 10. judge jeanine: let's go back to you, tomi, what's your favorite movist christmas season. >> national slam spoon's christmas vacation it's a classic. it never disappoints. i can watch on repeat and i do. judge jeanine: leo, how are you? >> i wear a lot of hats. it's the grinch. any version of the grinch except the new one. i love the grinch. he represents me. he's my favorite color and he looks at christmas the same way. he hates the commercialism. and he loves dogs. judge jeanine: what is your favorite christmas gift, tomi? >> in the christmas of 2016 my family found me a news week with madame 340eubg hillary clinton on the cover. it never happened, but i will treasure city forever. judge jeanine: tyrus, what's your favorite christmas gift? >> the year my mom let me and my brother go pick out each other's gifts. we picked out what we wanted. and she did the reverse on us. so when we opened them we got what we wanted. it was great. judge jeanine: your mother is a smart lady. what about your favorite christmas food, tomi? >> i could go for sugar cookies. but i'm from south dakota with we have a prime rib. sugar cookies, prime rib. judge jeanine: tyrus ways yours? >> the turducken. >> do you fry it or cook it. >> i just eat it. i say shea *, this would be great here if you could make this and i will wash the dishes. so i have to work on that. i'm the eater. judge jeanine: how about tradition. tomi, you are engaged this year. what's your favorite christmas tradition now? >> i am going to extend christmas with my family what my fiance and he will enjoy our christmas tradition of listening to the christmas album. that's my family. we are hoping we get some snow. probably not going to happen. but we are knot holding out hope. judge jeanine: tyrus, what's your fame to us christmas tradition? >> building my kids' toys while they are asleep. every year i tell my kids i'm going to california santa claus so i set traps. my son said dad you aloud a strange man in my house. judge jeanine: he's probably afraid to face you. my favorite christmas movie for those of you who want to know is charlie brown christmas. i don't know why. christmas is not christmas unless i watch this movie. i don't care how busy i am or where number my career, i have to watch the charlie brown christmas. my favorite christmas food is probably remember we used get those popcorn balls and they were like candy? do you remember that? >> no, that must have been something before electricity. judge jeanine: don't say the, tyrus. spy watched you before the show. when you got all done up. even though you like stuff that's not around anymore. >> there is no other judge on fox. that's why i'm your favorite judge. >> on the planet. judge jeanine: happy new year to all of you. just ahead. you have know him from his world renowned book, tuesdays with lori. best selling author mitch albom is next. judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice" on this special christmas night. during the holidays and looking towards the new year we spends time reflect on what is important in life. that's what i discussed with my next guest, one of the most beloved authors of all times. joining me, the "new york times" best selling author mitch albom. your book, "tuesdays with lori." everybody knows who you are and we are delighted to have you on. and with the release of your new book. >> stranger in a lifeboat." >> it begins with this luxury yacht. he gathered his influential friends. out in the ocean it explodes and only 10 people survive. they are in a lifeboat, no one is coming for them. they see sharks in the water and they see a body in the water. it's a young non-script guy, he doesn't say anything. one of the passengers said that lord we found, and he says i am the lord. it grows there what happens with all the people in the boat who don't believe he is who he says he is. it's a parable about what happens when we ask god for help and what do we do when it doesn't come in the form we expect it. judge jeanine: you have a way of looking into people's souls. did you know you were going to do this, mitch? >> no, i was training to be a musician. when i fairld at music -- when i failed at music i started writing. judge jeanine: 10 books, all they all in the same genre? >> they all explore similar themes. i think every since i sat with maury schwartz, tuesdays with maury. all of my books carried a sliver of the lessons i learned. "strangers in a lifeboat" i get to put all the questions i would ask of a god-like character. they asked do you answer prayers? he said i answer all prayers, but sometimes the answer is no. and the question why do people have to die? one of the pastors said why did you take my wife. >> the reresponse is why is it people always say why did you take them? what did we do to reserve them. people on earth the cry when somebody on cert dies. i know people go through that when people die. i lost a little girl we adopted from haiti. if you look at it from the perspective of why was she given to us and we were lucky to have her. i try to incorporate real life lessons into my novels. >> you are. >> tremendous inspiration to so many people. i know you operate an orphanage and really give back. you are an incredible human being. mitch albom, god bless. take care. still ahead. i toured some of the most stunning estates and castles across our beautiful country this year. join me next as i take you object some of those adventures. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: in my latest season of "castles usa" i travel around the country to show you some of the most beautiful castles in the united states and they do note disappoint. here is a look. i'm judge jeanine pirro and i'm on a journey to find castles fit for a fairytale. join me as i take you inside some of the most incredible castles america has to offer. today we are near the sunny state of florida to tour one of the most incredible museums in miami. i can tell from the architecture on the outside that it will be stunning on the inside. come along with me as we take a look inside together. >> welcome, judge. welcome. i'm the deputy director for learning and community engagement. >> we are so glad usual here with us today. >> the first thing i notice is as soon as you walk in the outside is inside. >> originally this would have been open air. there would not have been glass. >> what is this? >> it's an and i comment hacial tub was put together with the statue to create the name. when mr. deering took residence in 1916 he arrived by boat. you will see throughout the house there is a mix of catholic imagery and also victorian from the family who built the house. after a storm that galveston has many of, the catholic church became the second owners and replaced it with a st. theresa. judge jeanine: today we are in the garden state of emergency * about to view glenn allen castle. this is based on a immediate onl castle from germany. >> it was actually what they call a moat in this area. jean require was right near the castle. >> it was right against the wall. like said, we dug it up and used the brick on the wall and we put the same bridges where they were. and where the island with the garden was, we put the a. judge jeanine: what were they protecting themselves from, the cannibals in the south? >> would you like to open this one? judge jeanine: i don't know. >> kick it down. that's it. so this is the dungeon. judge jeanine: not so bad. you turned it into a nice area. >> this was the rope that was the railing on the steps. >> so you have dinner parties here? >> we have dinner parties over case alley and use it for fun events. our halloween party at the house. judge jeanine: this is a magnificent building. it's a labor of love. was it worth it? >> yes, it was worth it. when they came when i was done they understand why it was well worth it. judge jeanine: not many people can say they live in a castle, but you live in a castle. but you live in a castle. >> yes, i do. with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. >> timely tonight a very special christmas edition of street justice. that will not disappoint. i asked people what they would get president bide and harris for christmas and trivia take a look. ♪ ♪ >> what is kamala harris want for christmas? >> oh, lord she needs some advice. >> yeah does she want the advice, though? ming ever she's not gong to listen to you. >> what does kamala want for christmas? >> i don't know. i don't know. [laughter] a clue -- >> what would you get joe biden for christmas if you could buy him something? >> it's not appropriate to say on camera. but a big bag of coal definitely. j okay. >> that's what i can't say probably worst than that. >> if you could buy joe biden something for christmas qhald you buy him? >> a brain -- >> and why are you so smart? >> are you okay? all right what do you think kamala wants for christmas? >> i can't say you know what she wants. [laughter] >> you can't say it? >> no. okay do you want to dance? >> buy joe biden for christmas? ♪ ♪ >> no comment. >> got to come up with something. >> same. >> why is everybody laugh when i ask that question. what diewpght to get joe biden for christmas? >> he can get a nice pretty smile from me and, you know, that's about it right now. >> elvis isn't looking for white christmas he's looking for -- >> a blue christmas. >> very good. >> where was baby jesus born? >> bethlehem. >> and how about ghosts are will in a christmas carol? >> four. >> from movie home alone they leave and kevin is home where do they go? >> they go to -- >> no cheating. >> is it -- paris? >> they go to paris but there isn't any prize okay the last question. >> home alone again? >> not home alone. i like that one too. all right. how many ghosts are in the christmas carol? >> how many ghosts? >> did you ever see the christmas carol? all right. what scrooge's first name? >> when was it made? >> before you were born, obviously. ebenezer scrooge you know him? >> you told me the answer. >> do you mean mcallisters went on vacation where did they go on vacation? >> paris. >> very good. you -- he wins prize -- go back to the question. one more question. all right -- how many ghosts were there in a christmas carol? >> three -- four. >> i think there were four. >> she's a genius. she's a genius you married the right woman. judge jeanine: that's it for us on this christmas day don't veght to set your dvr so you never miss a show thanks so much for waving justice and once again a very merry christmas to all of you -- your families, and your loved ones. i'm jeanine pirro advocating for truth, justice, and the american way. god bless you. ♪ ♪ dan: it's christmas and here on unfacility wheard better way to celebrate than with some of my favorite things. and florida governor ron desantis plays big role in one of them he joins me with an exclusive interview you don't want to miss and this christmas santa has a dirty job but he's not the only one. mike rowe man behind number one hit to celebrate americans working hard this holiday season plus a very special interview with the athletes who made my all time favorite sports moment happen you don't want to miss

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, True Spirit Of Christmas , Facebook , Twitter , Hashtag , Something , Program , Charlie Brown Christmas , Staff , Joey Jones , Tunnel To Towers Foundation , Organization , Many , Tragedy , Ce , 9 11 , Frank Siller , Honor , Campaign , Phantom , Charity , Non Profit , Quick , Santa Boots , Families , Partners , Brain Injuries , Injuries , Treatment , Addiction , Insomnia , 100 , Calls , Hard Times , Santa For , Thing , Presents , Relief , Reaction , Optimism , Boxes , Anybody , Family , Someone , Giving , Foundation , One , Holiday Season , Star , Guys , Season , Tunnel , Price , Combination , New Year S Eve , 200 , 65 , Brother , 20th Anniversary , 20 , Names , Counsel , Towers , Concerts , War , Terror , 7070 , Area , Promise , Fox , Tornado Damage , Mayfield , Kentucky , T Org , T 2 , 2 , Decision , Positive , T2t Org , Inspiration , Legs , Life , Smile , Dad , Memory , Son , Heroes , Experience , My Favorite Things , Honored , Boot Camp Pain , Steve , Community , Gift , Plan , Lands , Lando Lakes , 75 , 110 , Responder , Siblings , Pope Francis , Do Good , Village , Brothers And Sisters , Name , Candle , Holidays , Things , Movies , Presence , Grandmother , Pumpkin Pies , Hugs , Both , Mom And Dad , Paul , Cathedral , Patrick S , Special Edition , Street Justice , Inside St , Angie , Phone , Mom , Bill , Lou , Internet , Cost , 5g , Network , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , Smart Kid , 00 , 400 , 5 , Store , Switch Squad , Savings , Go , Moon Christmas Special , Gotta , Patrick S Cathedral , New York , World Famous St , Der , It Mass , Pat S , History Of St , Birth Of Jesus , Gothic Architecture , Example , Stun , 2 Million , Heart , Behind The Scenes Look At St , Foxnation , Population , Wilderness , History , Cornerstone , Part , Manhattan , Congregation , Church The Celebration Of Christmas Doesn T , Countries , Conservatives , Liberals , Staten Island , The Bronx , Brooklyn , Sons , Father , Only Begotten Son , Diversity , Children Of God , Jonathan Morris , Unity , Clip Of St , Landmarks , Places , Poor , Conservative , Peak , Video , Walks Of Life , Architecture , Faith , Fascination , Til , Belief , Beauty , Believe , Expression , Neogothic Architecture , Christians , Piece , Society , Back , Art , 1879 , Truth , Relativism , Immigrants , Everything , Question , God , Other , Everyone , Some , Milan , Cathedrals , Churches , Europe , The Middle East , Christian , Religion , Suffering , Attack , Sense , Church , Congregants , Baby , Father Of The Church , Cardinal Dolan , Face , 10 , Eyes , Child , Miracle , Congratulations , The Miracle Of Life , Anywhere , Tyrus , Tomi Lahren , Christmas Party , Don T Go , Fun , Guests , Favorite Christmas Song , Two , Favorite Christmas Movie , Song , Tomi , Little Drummer Boy , Band Aid , Slam , Wrist , Grinch Theme , Lyrics , Movist , Let S Go Back To You , Spotify , Vacation , Classic , Repeat , National Slam Spoon , Leo , Grinch , Lot , Hats , Version , Color , Way , Commercialism , Dogs , 2016 , News , Cover , Hillary Clinton , Madame 340eubg , 340 , Favorite , Gifts , Each Other , City , Me And My Brother Go Pick , Smart Lady , Mother , Reverse , Favorite Christmas Food , Sugar Cookies , Prime Rib , South Dakota , Turducken , Dishes , Eater , Tradition , Favorite Christmas Tradition , Snow , Fiance , Album , Listening , Kids , Toys , Fame , Knot Holding Out Hope , House , Man , Traps , California , Santa Claus , Movie , Career , Number , I Don T Know Why , Food , Popcorn Balls , Candy , Electricity , Stuff , Don T Say The , Spy , All Of You , Planet , World Renowned Book , Tuesdays , Mitch Albom , Lori , Special Christmas Night , Times , Authors , Guest , New York Times , Book , Selling , Tuesdays With Lori , Lifeboat , Stranger , Release , Luxury Yacht , Water , Sharks , Body , Ocean , Lord , Young Non Script Guy , Say Anything , Passengers , Boat , Don T , Parable , Form , Music , Musician , Souls , Books , Themes , Genre , Lessons , Sliver , Maury Schwartz , Questions , Character , Strangers , Answer , Prayers , Wife , Pastors , Reresponse , Somebody , Cry , Earth , Cert Dies , Real Life Lessons , Girl , Perspective , Haiti , Human Being , God Bless , Novels , Orphanage , Castles , Estates , Adventures , Take Care , Castles Usa , Look , Fairytale , Journey , State , Florida , Take A Look Inside Together , Outside , Museums , Inside , Miami , Deputy Director , Learning , Community Engagement , Air , Glass , Hacial Tub , Statue , Residence , Mr , Deering , 1916 , Mix , Imagery , Storm , St , Owners , Catholic Church , Galveston , Theresa , Glenn Allen Castle , Onl Castle , The Garden State Of Emergency , Jean , The Castle , Moat , Germany , Island , Bridges , Brick , Garden , South , Cannibals , Dungeon , I Don T Know , Dinner Parties , Rope , Railing , Steps , Halloween Party , Case Alley , Fun Events , It , Building , Labor Of Love , Castle , Stream , Directv , Matrix , Demand , Tv , Serena Williams , Best , Tonight A Very Special Christmas Edition Of Street Justice , Kamala Harris , Bide , Want , Laughter , Advice , Ming , Yeah , Joe Biden , Clue , Bag , Coal , Camera , Brain , Comment , White Christmas , Blue Christmas , Elvis Isn T , Baby Jesus , Bethlehem , Ghosts , A Christmas Carol , Kevin , Four , Prize , Isn T , Cheating , Paris , Ebenezer Scrooge , Mcallisters , Right , Three , She S A Genius , Woman , Show Thanks , Loved Ones , Dvr , The American Way , God Bless You , Interview , Ron Desantis , It S Christmas , Job , Christmas Santa , Unfacility Wheard , Dan , Plays Big Role , Mike Rowe , Athletes , Hit , Miss , Number One ,

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