Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

your husband defended you. why do you want to speak out. >> horribly right now. you have to do what's right, what's important for our future general and future generations. >> escaped. throws the ball it's interpreted. >> the new orleans saints come to tampa and shockingly shut out the defending super bowl champs and tom brady. ♪ christmas ♪ christmas ♪ brian: that's not the biggest upset. i think the cardinals losing to the lions was the bigger upset. a little bit later you are going to see in a matter of moments somehow we are going to get to the second floor. i knew it cue ted, ted walks tout see the three of us and we are ready to walk out. carley: good morning. steve: ainsley is off this week. carley: much deserved week off for her because she has a beautiful daughter as well. steve: we don't deserve a week off? carley: you do as well. but now you have got to bear it with me. brian: we haven't seen you on tv in six minutes. carley: i woke up this morning i was like two hours just isn't enough. i want five. steve: congratulations you are the big winner. brian: you picked a big day to come here. remember, this used to be the slow week in which everyone phoned it in and then joe manchin decided to work sunday. steve: yeah, he did. so joe manchin yesterday, if you missed it, he was on "fox news sunday" and he said essentially ho ho no to joe. he gives joe biden a lump of coal nixing the build back better. it's not going to happen according to joe. watch. >> when you have these things coming at you the way they are right now, i have always said this, bret, if i can't go home and explain to the people of west virginia. gentleman vote for it. ' i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. bret: you are done? this is a no? >> this is a no. on this legislation. steve: we saw it on tv for the first time yesterday. apparently joe manchin's office called the white house and called the democrat leadership in the senate and said hey, joe is a no. it's like wait a minute, we thought we had something going on here. carley: apparently his office called the white house about 30 minutes before that sit down with bret baier. if you listen to all of it. he really goes into why he why definitively vote no. democrats were pretty disingenuous about how they were getting the number down. it used to be 3 trillion. they got it down to 1.7. but really all they were doing was adding sun set provisions that weren't an actual reality. so you could say that you are going to fund something for one year and we all know that's not the reality of the situation. and he was worried binflation. he said he is not going to vote yes on something that he can't explain to the people of west virginia, which is why he is a no. brian: joe manchin country in my view. he saved the filibuster. he says i'm not going to do it. we are -- i don't think it's a good idea to pack the courts. oops, i guess you are not going to do it. comes to the 1.9 trillion. to go along with a package even larry summers says we didn't need in march because we just got 800 printed in december during the trump last month. then we got 1.9. manchin said all right. i will go along with that he saw the reaction. the reaction was inflation went up 6.2% now the highest in 40 years. they told everyone it was going to be transitory. they see how much spend something happening and how the labor market is hurting. the supply chain is wallowing and wobbling. and yet the anger at joe manchin representing a state that went to donald trump by over 30 points. they wonder why joe manchin is doing this jen psaki reacts as if she is at a middle of a temper tantrum did. she check with anyone when she wrote this here san excerpt senator manchin promised to continue conversations to reach common ground. on fox and written a statement indicate an end to that effort. they represent a sudden, inexplicable reversal in his position and breach of commitments and senate colleagues in the house and the senate. weave will press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word. went on further. the only thing i would add to this there was really no mystery to what joe manchin is saying. every time they gather by his office he would say yeah, i'm not for this. i don't see the rush for this. i don't think putting more money into this i will talk to you. now, if he refused to talk, that's one thing, but because is he giving the respect respect t. steve: apparently joe manchin went into the white house and had a proposal of a bill. a build back better bill for the president to look at. it was an outline for a bill, the same size and the same scope. it covered many of the same priorities but were missing a number of the other priorities. and the white house thought that was leading to compromise. they are negotiating. that never happened because joe manchin yesterday blew things up. you said in your view joe manchin saved the world. but to democrats he destroyed everything. because they are furious at him. watch? >> >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> we all knew senator manchin couldn't be trusted. the excuses that he just made i think are complete [bleep] >> he has continued to move the goal post. he has never negotiated in good faith. and is he obstructing the president's agenda. >> i'm going to be looking for the phone number to the ghost of christmas past, present and future or the email address to see if they can go see about scrooge on christmas eve not scrooge senator manchin. >> i know how are talking about. >> i like what senator cotton said about this. he said that he basically said that you don't get anywhere by insulting and the white house did say because brian just read the statement from jen psaki that they are going to try to reverse his position once again. there is a question if democrats and senators can pass something smaller. they're calling it bite size bills. take portions of the build back better legislation and pass them in pieces. just a reminder about what is in this massive social spending bill. steve: everything. carley: literally everything. something you may not know about so much stuff in it hard to cover it $550 billion to fight climate change, 400 billion for universal pre-k. 200 billion for four weeks of paid family leave. 200 billion for child tax credits. that's the stuff that we always hear about. i was looking for -- you know there is $1 billion for salmon conservation? salmon conservation alone. $900 tax credit if you purchase an ebite. also tax credit for local news outlets. that's the thing. this is such a monster spending legislation. and on top of that it's also grows the size of the government. i think a lot of people, because of what we went through with the pandemic. they look at how much they really want government to be a part of their lives. and more people now than ever are rejecting that notion. brian: he might have saved the democrats, too. if they had this on their report card, maybe the mid midterms would even be worse for them. because this represents a portion of the democratic party. but not the majority. certainly independents. and not the majority of the party. we're about to find out. other thing to keep in mind hey, democrats, you don't want to get too angry at this guy. because you got angry at jeromee lieberman. and they switched parties and switched balances what if he decides being independent for a while. i'm going to go play by play at each one. then used to be 50, try going 49, 50. carley: i don't know why senator manchin isn't democrat. even with the interview he did. they talked about the filibuster. he is a no on that. they talked about the vaccine mandate for private businesses. owe is a no on that. and a no on build back better as well. brian: i know. carley: old style democrat, you know, union dem. steve: all the democrats need joe manchin for voting rights bill which they want to pass. he holds the key. now, given the fact that this is a colossal loss for the democratic party and comes at you were detailing what is on joe biden's plate right now with inflation, supply chain stuff, covid, which we're about to talk about, you know, joe biden has got nothing. and what are the democrats going to run on in november? hey, we didn't get that thing we promised we were going to give you, sorry. give us another term. carley: are they going to run on crime increase? no border control? brian: one team is overreach. promises everything want to be the new fdr that fell apart yesterday. going to get us out of afghanistan. the biggest disaster ongoing he chooses to ignore and then he was going to beat the pandemic. beat the virus and have cookouts in july. how is that going? steve: exactly. see, they are not going to be able too say hey i got you universal free pre-k or expanded your medicare and medicaid. we don't have salmon preservation. we don't have the plug in spot for your electric car. what will they run on? brian: he had an infrastructure win he held on to it for three and a half months. coming up, dr. fauci telling those who want to spend christmas with family and friends too mask up. >> unvaccinated under certain circumstances, masks work. so it's not not an either-or. you can do both. brian: why the white house message something beginning to sound a lot like 2020. steve: secret to hanging christmas lights on the tree without the hassle this mom has a great trick, we will share with you the trick to her trade coming up. watching "fox & friends" on monday of christmas week. ♪ for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, experience the power of sanctuary there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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now, this is a league that says every coach has got to get vaccinated or you are fired. everybody works in the league office. sack sin nateed and booster or fired. we are swabbing people that feel fine and sending them home 100 percent and they did exactly what we wanted. i love what the nfl is doing. steve: essentially what that means is some feel who got it you would never know because they didn't test it. brian: no symptoms. walking around. steve: right. but they still have it. brian: maybe me don't. steve: joe biden is going to be giving a big speech tomorrow regarding covid. some question about why is he waiting until tomorrow? europe for the most part is shutting down. will he shut down parts of the united states? he probably is going to talk a little bit about how the fact that if you have been fully vaxxed and boosted, if you get covid, particularly if you get delta, which is a killer, your symptoms are less severe. you are less likely to go into the hospital. which is what it is all about. they think that santacon in. ainsley: i love those. steve: biggest one in the country was probably a super spreader event. now as we lead up to the holidays, the experts are forecasting given all the variant, 15,000 people will start dying per week at the end of christmas week. and that's why the president is going to. brian: how could that be if you have 70% of the country, double vaccinated, right? how could there be 15,000 -- how could that be happening? steve: that's the estimate. brian: how could that be? either you are not telling us the truth about break throughs are causing death. evidently it's almost impossible to die if you are vaccinated. now that we're on the booster. 30% of the country is boosted. 70% is vaccinated. most vulnerable seniors like 88%. how could that be? ainsley: as steve mentioned, we are going to hear from president biden tomorrow. dr. anthony fauci was on several of the sunday shows breaking news there. talking about omicron and he says that you should be pretty cautious around the holidays. listen to his suggestion here. >> do not do things like go to gatherings where there are people who do you not know what their vaccination status is. nothing is 100% risk-free. but i think if you do the things that i just mentioned, you actually mitigate that risk enough, vaccinated or unvaccinated under certain circumstances, masks work. so it's not an either-or. you can do both. brian: behavior has a lot to do with it all i can tell you is the virus does what the virus wants to do. in the south they were jumping all over desantis and over texas and tennessee and they are saying wait a second what are you doing? you are not doing mandates. you are allowing kids to make their own decision about going to school. when i look at the map of the neems, the darker it is, the heavier the virus is. the virus has left the south and has moved to the northeast. the south now all of the sudden and they are not taking a bow, they look like geniuses. the north saying look how low our numbers is and ohio how high yours are in permissive culture. the virus has a vote in this. do what you have to do i just hope that joe biden at the very least, just pure politics looks at this and says here is my plan to live with the virus not run from the virus because we can't do this for three, four, five years. car can a car brian, speaking of plans, did you hear governor desantis on with maria bartiromo yesterday? >> yeah. carley: nation locking down. brian: he won't do it. carley: no not only not doing it but talked about a possible solution. not everybody is worried about omicron. a lot of people see it for what it is. it seems to be much less severe. it could be a cold, especially if you have the booster or if you are young. although a lot of people in the media are saying that we need to really be concerned about this. he is not because he says there needs to be a much more significant and intense focus on treatment. this is why he has monoclonal anti-bottom particular treatments in florida. you never hear people talking about clinics. now one that the fda hasn't approved yet is a pfizer pill that if you take it your risk of hospitalization and death is down 90%. if that therapeutic comes out, i mean, in my opinion, covid is over. hospitalization and death is the risk that we all want to mitigate. steve: here in new york city, starting i believe yesterday, all cops have got wear masks. every day wherever they are. brian: outdoors? steve: sounds like it. just wherever you are. brian: so ridiculous. steve: to fauci's point about the mask in certain circumstances they work. at the height of the pandemic when there were no therapeutics and no vaccines, the people in the emergency room, dealing with the covid patients, the people wearing the masks and the shields and stuff like that, the goods n 95 masks their infection rate was really really low. are you going to mask up as you gather around the christmas tree that somebody decorated in 15 minutes with the lights going this way? probably not. here is donald trump yesterday on sunday morning futures talking about how the current president is handling covid. >> biden said i will solve it well, he couldn't solve the h1n1, which was another very minor, by comparison, that was a disaster. and everybody knew that but he said he is going to solve it well, as you know, and everybody reports it, even the fake news sometimes, but there are more deaths this year than there were with me. and, and we have all of these vaccines and we have all of these incredible therapeutics. they are not doing their job. they don't don't know what the hell they are doing. the mandates are killing our economy. brian: i thought he was right on the money there he got so much criticism. he said as soon as president biden takes over, we have an adult in the room, is he going to be attack the virus and he attacked the virus. he had a vaccine, a million shots before he started. he did a good job rolling it out. he said by july we could have cookouts. in comes delta now omicron and now all of a sudden it's hard to blame donald trump still, isn't it? carley: not just the united states. i couldn't believe this netherland they completely locked down like it's march 2020 then. all essential stores bars and restaurants. u.k. boris johnson said there could be possible two week some sort of lockdown going on there as well. steve: and regarding covid, the best news of the day came out at 5:00 this morning. you talked about it in the news headlines and that is moderna says that their shot actually has protection against omicron, which is. brian: moderna said it, right? following. steve: this news just came out today. brian: they keep doing this enough to the pharmaceutical companies going right to us. and the cdc going okay, go ahead. the door is open. now we are talking directly to the pharmaceutical companies who are telling us how their studies are going. i think for now on when somebody says the data reveals and the studies show. we need to go deep and find out what the study is and what the data reveals. if you read the atlantic magazine talk about this later. you realize the kids are in schools in masks over the most faulty, rudimentary flawed studies in the history of this country. that's why your 3-year-old goes to preschool in a mask. meanwhile, it's not easy qua being in the entertainment business and being conservative. we know that john rich will tell you that every day of the week. when jason aldean is a new country star rather than the old fashioned country star, when he came out and said basically i'm conservative and so did his wife. carley: like it's some shocker. brian: i probably should have phrased that differently. britney aldean says i make no apologies about it. i reached out to interview them about it i guess they want to make it clear where they stand but don't want to make it too big a deal. that changed yesterday. steve: yes, indeed. britney sat down with piece he had hegseth at america fest out west. britney has been in the news a lot last couple of days shared photos of her wearing anti-biden social club shirt and her kids memphis and navy were seen wearing hyden from biden shirts from a company that apparently offers unvaccinated t-shirts as well as pro-trump jerseys. here she is talking about a little bit about being a conservative in show business. >> there is a keyboard warriors out there. a lot of people very vocal on instagram and other social media platforms; however, the support that we received, it was unbelievable from. people within the music industry to people that, you know, came out of the woodwork saying thank you for speaking up. we wish we could. we both grew up in military families and very strong conservative families. i think i saw the vision of, you know, everything is going horribly right now. and so much bigger than us. so much bigger than our generation. we have children. and that's i think when i had children and realized oh this is so much bigger than all of us. we have to do what's right. what's important for our future. that's really the main focus for me. be strong, don't back down and do it for your children. steve: jason aldean's official march line now apparently includes a t-shirt in the style of a presidential campaign logo and it says jason aldean '24 get the b.s. out of the u.s. carley: not even really political if you think about it. it is interesting. obviously jason aldean a country singer him and brittany aldean coming out as conservative. not a huge risk there, but still a risk. and that's why when you are hollywood celebrity not in it -- openly political. i notice that a lot of country stars they never talk about politics because of they don't want to go there. brian: the new country stars are hollywood not like the traditional country stars, i don't want to name names but name the top 10 country stars i think 8 or 9 of them are to the left. so they have gone somewhat hollywood, which guys like charlie daniels and others would say i don't know what's happened to country music, normally red, white, and blue and very patriotic now they have gone on the critical side of the country. i they also think there is a stream in there among comedians and people like talk show host bill maher who straddle both lanes kevin hart wait a second, forget about politics can we live our lives again because the way judgmental and cancel culture is going i can't do my job anymore. meanwhile, streaming turning point u.s.a. had their huge america fest over the weekend. fox nation had it live. and will post it pete hegseth, one of the featured speakers yesterday will be joining us in 90 minutes. ainsley: kayleigh mcenany i think it's still going on. steve: streaming live. carley: catch it all on fox nation. straight ahead, it's their mission to save the forgotten. updated on their rescue efforts of those left behind in afghanistan. ♪♪ fresh flavors... classic dishes... ♪♪ and a new seat at the table. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? 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tiger woods back on the links less than a year car crash that left his future uncertain. woods teaming up with 12-year-old son charlie to set a new pnc with 11 consecutive birdies during the final round. woods and charlie finished second behind john daly and his son. the golf icon still recovering riding in a cart instead of walking during the tournament. and this is some of the news. brian over to you. brian: that was amazing. just to see where he was and where he is amazing, too. 26 minutes before the top of the hour the state department confirming more than 60,000 interpreters and visa applicants remain in afghanistan despite wanting to get out. our next guest's mission is to rescue the forgotten doing just that his group helped evacuate 39 americans and lawful permanent residents from the taliban ran country. matthew herring joins us now. matt, 39 arrived at jfk. how did you do it? >> it was a tremendous amount of work with the help from a lot of people. we have been working on this flight since about october. the register on website. a lot about documentation. follow the laws every country we are operating. in we are collecting names and documents and we are manifesting and getting people out as fast as we can. brian: what's the criteria to get out? >> they need to be american citizens or lawful permanent residents. the focus of our mission right now. green card holders or u.s. passport holders. brian: you do process them through the state department so you don't have some of the problems the other groups have because the state department says i don't know who is on that plane? >> that's right. the manifests have to be complete and detailed. we get approval from states to prove move the folks after they approve. brian: is it astounding you need that private group to do something our government has done in the past? >> you know, what the government needs right now is citizen support. this is support we are providing. augmenting this government mission. the government moves at the speed that the bureaucracy can move. they need our help for support. that's why we are here. brian: you are not supporting, you are leading. >> god bless the united states. citizens lead the government here. brian: but we pay them to do things like this and now we need a private organizations to help you because you knew when the government said when the president said there were 100 people left behind, maybe 200, the rest are deciding whether they want to stay or not, you knew there was something wrong with that statement fundamentally, correct? . >> my organization has been operating for 20 years. no matter what the government said, we weren't going to stand by and be spectators to this. we were going to get over there and get as close to the problem as possible and go everything we can to get americans and everyone that has a right to be in the united states. everyone eligible to move to get them here as soon as possible. brian: how many are left, mat. if i said to you fill up your list with qualified people. right now everyone can get out it's free. the taliban take a passive stance. how many would leave? >> you know there, san issue right now with separating families. the entire family has to be documented. and you know, we will have some cases where the parents and older children are documented maybe some of the younger children aren't and we can't separate families. we need some kind of special circumstance that allows these family to travel together a lot of folks over there ready to get out and looking for a way to do it. brian: matt, here is the other issue is that we took a whole bunch of people that we had no idea who they were, we threw them into third countries and now sitting in military bases we still don't know who they are. yet, you have to go through all this additional scriewft any and the taliban have a firm grip on that country now. how unfair is that? >> we are just trying to stay very mission focused with our subset of american citizens and lawful residence. we are not doing any of the lily pads or camps in the meantime. we are moving what we call kabul to dropping them off at jfk and chicago. brian: incredible job. if people want to help you out. >> project organization entirely donor funded we have a lot more work to could and thank. for every single dollar that comes into that website. brian: broke the country's economy and left it back over to the terrorists and left our people behind and people like matt have to volunteer to get them out. pathetic but thankful for people like you, matt. appreciate it? >> thank you, brian. merry christmas. brian: senator joe manchin says no to build back better. florida congress comcast cammack has been a fiery opposer of the legislation. she joins us next. what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! priceline can help you make the most of your budget, saving up to 40% on your flight. ooh, we have a comment from the airport announcers. 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(muffled, distorted) ...43... not better. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. scan the code on screen to try for free. ♪ steve: outraged progressives having a meltdown after senator joe manchin of west virginia says he will not back president biden's social spending spree any time soon. the far left media even slamming him as a threat to the future of democracy. florida g.o.p. congresswoman kat cammack joins us from arizona. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, how are you doing? steve: i'm doing okay. joe manchin is a democrat. but he is from a very red state. and if he would have voted for that, he would have been -- his constituents would have been absolutely furious at him. >> well, you know, somewhere along the line the democrats have forgotten that we all take oaths to the united states constitution not to a political party. so, i kind of chuckle a little bit when i hear the white house and then some of his colleagues, heck even some of my colleagues on the house side talking about how his loyalty is not to the party, he can't be trusted. i think was one of my colleagues' exact words. they forgot a long time ago that they don't serve are democratic party and they don't serve the liberal agenda. they take an oath to the united states constitution. this agenda, this build back broke. this plan to bankrupt america, it certainly would have transformed the very fabric of our society and even joe manchin knows that and mentioned that in his statement. it's great day in america. we have absolutely seen christmas come early this year. shoutout to joe manchin for doing the right thing. steve: well, that's your point of view, but the progressives are furious. that he pulled the plug on it apparently last tuesday, according to "the washington post," kat the president met with joe manchin and he had a probably. had t. was a build called build back better. some of the president's key priorities were missing. he said you know what? it's a good start. but apparently mr. manchin thought this is going nowhere. i'm going to blow them up right now and he did. the white house is blowing him up with their statement. >> yeah, you know, that is to be expected at this point. i looked nancy pelosi right in the eyes a few weeks ago as they rammed this bill through the house after having to rewrite it four times and i told her absolutely hell no we are not doing this oh and good luck in the senate. turns out they needed a little more luck. this is exactly what we knew all along. they were trying to use a budget reconciliation process to put things in there like amnesty. we know they are now trying to find ways around the senate parliamentarian who has told them time and time again no, you cannot do this. they are trying to take this very progressive, the largest spending package in american history and ram it down our throats at any cost. and even though they were able to pare it down, it doesn't change the fact that they started all these new programs and ronald reagan said it bass. the closest thing to eternity is a government program. wouldn't they are on the books virtually impossible to get them off the books. so important we killed it right there in the cradle. again, i can't give enough kudos to my colleague over there in the senate joe manchin. steve: well, you are addressing turning pointed u.s.a. america fest today. you have got plenty to talk about with this. [laughter] >> yes. yes. we are so excited. i cannot tell you. you have got close to 10,000 young engaged excited conservatives that are out here. we are getting ready for a red wave in the midterms. and these kids, these activists are going to be the front lines as we fight to take our country back. you know, i'm going to be talking today a lot about how adversity it breeds grit. grit is what it is going to take to take our country back. i think right now, whether it's the inflation, whether it is our fellow servicemen and women being left behind in afghanistan. whether it's the southern border crisis. you name it we are going through tremendous adversity right now. and that is what we are going to need as s. a whole lot of grit as we get our country back in 2022. steve: fantastic. thank you so much, kat for joining us today from phoenix, arizona. >> thank you, steve. merry christmas. steve: merry christmas to you as well. watch her speech live on fox plus, you could enjoy a free 30 day trial if you sign up using promo code america 30 today. all right. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. out on the streets of new york. we have got meteorologist adam klotz where it is cold and that's why he is wearing ear muffs. >> yeah, that's exactly right. steve. it is chilly out here this morning. that's not just the case out here on fox square. likely the case wherever you are waking up also as we are looking at fairly large cold snap across the country. these are going to be forecasted highs. eventually warming up to 39 in new york city, 41 in chicago. 46 degrees in kansas city. only real active spot across the country pacific northwest. 38 degrees. snow in the mountains before the day is over. those are your weather headlines for you, for now tossing it back knew. steve: coming up. a covid outbreak forces "saturday night live" to scrap the show. >> covid came early this year. >> this is not the smallest audience i have ever performed for because i have done improv in a macy's. >> thank you for coming. thanks for coming. i'm extremely dispointd disappointed. >> disappointed there was no audited yens. next guest owns a comedy club in new york and says the impact of covid on business is no laughing matter. his explanation coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. experience the power of sanctuary they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. guys, are you tired of frequent nighttime bathroom trips? well, force factor prostate helps reduce urges to urinate, plus fully empty your bladder, and promote a normal prostate size. don't settle. rush to walmart for force factor prostate, from the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand in america. live audience. >> in the interest of safety, we do not have an audience and we sent home our cast, most of our crew. tina, another -- thank you for joining me. as you know, i started the five timer's club. >> oh, like you started covid. >> exactly. carley: as sn l attention new york guest owns new york city comedy club politician no, sir laughing matter. stand up new york co-owner donnie joins us now. good morning, donnie, what's your message this morning? >> good morning, thanks for having me, carley. my message is new yorkers need to stay strong and be tough. we used to be tough and lately someone comes down with a cold and everything is shut down. it's sad to see the city going in this direction. carley: yeah, i think the level of fear you have at this point when it comes it covid really depends on where you live and in new york city, there is a lot of fear. you see people even wearing masks outside. people who are vaccinated wearing masks outside. are you worried that people will stop going into your comedy club because of omicron? >> yeah. it happened this past weekend. 1/3 of people canceled their reservation. we were expecting a very busy weekend. friday night, saturday night there was a ton of dropoff. i'm expecting a very slow holiday season christmas and new year very busy time the year i'm expecting it to be dead. all around the country, people are living their lives. i was in nashville a few months ago. every bar was packed. people enjoying themselves. new york city for some reason we lost that grit. we lost that toughness. people can't live in fear. people should go out, have a good time and it's what makes the city great. new york is the best city in the world. ainsley: it certainly is if people will let it be. you say because of this fear, you are thinking about moving elsewhere. maybe staten island or long island where people are less afraid of covid, right? >> i mean, i hope never to leave the upper west side. i love new york city. i would never abandon the city. staying on the upper west side. thinking about producing shows in other areas, long island, staten island, new jersey, just to hedge myself because who knows who f. there will be another shut down. i don't think there will be. you never know in this climate. and there are places like long island, staten island and new jersey where people still want to go out and laugh. why not bring comedy to them and have them enjoy themselves. ainsley: brian who lives on long island says he will take it. if you come, is he going to one of your shows. brian: absolutely. carley: we wish you the best of luck. we understand what small business owners like you are going through. keep people laughing and smiling. mental health is a big element of keeping people healthy through the pandemic. so, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> appreciate it. thank you. carley: all right. coming up the lone star state unveiling first portion of state built border wall. land commissioner george p. bush joins us as his state takes the border crisis into their own hands. ♪ groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy. so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on. ♪ joy. fully. ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. hey. you know, they have got some hoted hot cocoa. as you look like are mountain resort. a ski resort right there where it is currently degrees below zero. going to have a daytime high of 19. it is perfect weather to go skiing. meanwhile, live from fox square, 48th and sixth avenue. the crossroads of the world, there is the fox all-american christmas tree. welcome aboard, folks, it's monday of christmas week. we are on the mezzanine level and in for ainsley today, ms. karrly shimkus. brian: here all week, right? carley: i will be here all week. thank you both for having me. i know brian was sending some emails behind the scenes voting against me. brian: never happen. carley: apparently overruled. brian: as usual, i have no power. i will say, this going to be very interesting today, because when i left the city friday packed, couldn't even walk down the sidewalk and afraid to go in the bike lanes because you will be killed. carley: most dangerous place not crime the bike lane. brian: pretty amazing. not testimony that tourists yet from out of town -- excuse me, out of country. excuse me, this city is packed. over the weekend -- we will talk about it a little bit later. in nashville they don't even bring cars down broadway. i was shocked to see that also people i know over the weekend were in manhattan and began to empty out already. they are starting to say we're doing something else. i'm worried. carley: because of omicron. brian: because of omicron. steve: bill de blasio still the mayor may decide the day after christmas to pull the plug on the big new year's eve celebration. carley: hasn't decided yet. because the new york city one is the big one, right? steve: yeah. carley: everyone is in new york city for times square. time honored tradition. if you thought ball dropped and 2021 still rolling in to when the ball is going to drop and be 2022 it might not happen in times square. still has to wait and see. steve: i bet it's 50/50 right now. extraordinary because so many people have made the plans to be here at one minute before midnight. brian: such a bad message to the country when it doubt run and hide. everyone vaccinated. behind jersey bumps so, it's a joke. so, if he closes that it's him trying to make a mark as he leaves because it's going to help him become governor, which will never happen. steve: we will see what happens here in the meantime, let's talk about washington, d.c. and democrats in d.c. are scrambling after senator joe manchin of west virginia says he will not support joe biden's signature spending plan to build back better. carley: that's right. that was the big news. and the white house says they are blindsided by this announcement. >> were they really. peter doocy joins us with the details still coming out. peter? >> good morning. when joe manchin comes over here, that is the rare lawmaker meeting that they don't tell us about. they don't put on the schedule because it has been happening. so frequently. but despite all of that lobbying from the president, he is a no. >> always said this, bret. if i can't go home and explain it to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it and i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. bret: you are done? >> this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. pete: progressives are furious because they have been promised by their leadership if they just went along with that bipartisan infrastructure package, that pelosi and schumer and biden would deliver this massive social spending plan designed to transform the whole country asap. it's not happening asap so jen psaki at the white house is saying senator manchin's comments on fox are at odds with his discussion this week with the president, the white house staff and his own public utterances, weeks ago senator manchin committed to the president at his home in wilmington to support the build back better framework that the president then subsequently announced. senator manchin pledged to negotiate on finalizing that framework in good faith. senator chuck schumer has a letter this morning where is he pledging to bring this to the floor for a vote early next year. but it's not clear why because they do not have the votes to do it. back to you. steve: that's right. peter, while you are there, we know that joe biden, the president of the united states has got a big announcement tomorrow regarding covid. is he going to shut down the country like they are doing in europe? >> he has promised is he not going to lock down and shut down. we expect this to fall in line with what he has been saying which he thinks that everybody should get vaccinated and boosted but it's not clear exactly why this announcement, if it is as urgent as it has been described can wait. we found out about it a couple days ago while he was in delaware. he has the ability to drive a couple minutes and go address the nation from delaware. we saw him do it last weekend after the tornado was in kentucky just takes a couple minutes. he did not make that announcement. despite the cases that they watched doubling day to day, he decided that this urgent announcement about the holiday season and covid could wait a couple days. steve: sounds like the urgent announcement is going to wait five days. all right. peter, thank you very much. will. carley: thank you, peter. brian: couple things emerge a report axios i think came out and said as word got out what joe manchin was going to do with bret baier on "fox news sunday," there was a call from the president, the white house anyway eventually the tell him stop and don't do it. joe manchin didn't take the call. didn't inform the white house what he was going to do. can't say he didn't try to do it. when you look at what they were trying to do. going to expand family services. going to expand housing, dramatically change our country's energy apparatus to pure green, healthcare, education, raising taxes. they were throwing in immigration into this. he is saying you have got to be kidding me. i'm from an energy state. i'm worried about tax. you know i'm a moderate. i have never been a liberal. he could not be more different than the squad and he couldn't be more like who joe biden said he was. why joe biden doesn't have more of an agenda. the worse thing joe biden ever did sit down with historians i have 80 million votes and make history and not focusing on the chamber he just left the senate 50/50 five vote margin sometimes goes down less in the house and says i'm going to revamp the whole economy like fdr. the problem is we are already coming out of the pandemic. the economy was reviving at that point. you had a vaccine there was no reason to throw more money at something and devalue our currency and the result was inflation. carley: that's right. president biden wants build back better to be his legacy. we're getting into a midterm election year. and if republicans retake control of the house and his agenda is completely over, that's why there was sort of this artificial deadline of christmas, because he doesn't want to roll this into the next year. now it seems doa dead on arrival if you listen to press secretary jen psaki she released a statement just as senator manchin reversed his decision on build back better this morning we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again. so the pressure is still on manchin from the left wing. brian. steve: i bet what she is doing is negotiating. because apparently, according to "the washington post," joe manchin went into the oval office last tuesday with a proposal for build back better. but it was joe manchin's version. carley: i wonder what it said. steve: missing some of the key provisions that the top democrats wanted. he said no, that's not going to work. the white house came out in the form of presidential statement and said the president now knows that they there is still work to be done. we are going to kick it into 2022 that signaled to joe manchin, wait a minute, we are working on this right now. that's why he decided to go ahead and essentially blow up the program with bret baier on "fox news sunday." not only did he blow up the program, he blew up the blood pressure of america's progressives. watch this. >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> we all knew that senator manchin couldn't be trusted, the excuses that he just made i think are completely [bleep] >> he has continued to modify the goal post. he has never negotiated in good faith. and is he obstructing the president's agenda. >> i'm going to be looking for the phone number to the ghost of christmas past, present and future or the email address to see if they can go and see about scrooge on christmas receive. i'm sorry, not scrooge senator manchin. >> i know how mean. brian: could they revive it? could they come back with it? that was a brutal statement coming out of the white house on sunday and it was personal. bernie sanders went on and we can put a half hour of his personal insults at joe manchin. as if the socialist from vermont understands the people from west virginia that delivered that state to donald trump by 40 points. he says he is abandoning the people of west virginia. just because you are more working class than upper class it, doesn't mean you want a handout. even though bernie sanders speaks the loudest and does have the most sensational following in the squad. he doesn't speak for most democrats and certainly not independents and republicans laugh at him. he has never accomplished anything. he destroyed the v.a. when he was running it. why people keep listening to him and think he has the pulse of the people is beyond me. steve: remember, it was just about a year and a half ago, the democratic primaries, bernie sanders was going to win. he was way ahead of everybody. carley: that's why people consider president biden a moderate candidate even though he said some really progressive things that people forget about when he was running for president as well. brian: the reason why because know he would never be able to win a general election. only an extreme primary. and that is why they interviewed biden and said if you even have a semblance of your oldself we have to get behind you because buttigieg and warren were unelectable as well. meanwhile the biggest story is the same old story. carley: let's talk about the coronavirus. omicron is a major topic of conversation this morning, of course. but, nih director francis collins outgoing nih director because his last day on the job was yesterday. he was on with bret baier yesterday. and they talked about the origins of the coronavirus. remember the important topic where this virus came from. listen to what he had to say here. brian: it's outrageous. >> i'm really sorry that the lab leak has become such a distraction for so many people because frankly we still don't know. there is no evidence really to say most of the scientific community. myself included think that is a possibility but far more likely this was a natural way in which a virus left a bat, maybe traveled through some other species and got to humans. and there was no lab leak involved. we won't know unless china decides to open up about this, which they have not done and shame on them for that. carley: my gosh, someone check on rand paul if he heard that he probably kicked the tv. brian: most of america think they are lying and really matters. most scientists tell us if we knew where it came from quickly and even now we know how to stop the next one, how dare you not be kyrious where this going. how dare you call that a distraction. steve: the republicans in the house said if we are elected back to the majority issued a statement yesterday said one of our will functions will be investigation how that all started. the president is going to deliver a urgent message five days after they planned it regarding covid. i got a note from one of my doctor friends who said that omicron and will killer del can a wave they are expecting hospitalizations to go up. here in the northeast, there are very few monoclonal antibodies left here in the northeast. i'm not going to give the name of the hospital groups but hospital groups are diverting patients. they are coming in with covid and they say we want the monoclonal antibodies we don't have any. we suggest you go here or there one of the reasons there is such a run on it because spiking but at the same time, apparently lowered the standard on who could actually get it. this is this is terrible news. brian: monoclonal antibodies more than one kind. certain kind that aren't effective against the spike virus. i was watching that same man, dr. collins on face the nation and he actually held it up and said yeah, there are some that don't stick to the spikes. so, which one is it? something unpronounce cybil so fantastic. carley: real quick florida governor ron desantis i said this last hour i think it's so important. if president biden -- he is going to make this big speech. if he really wants to make a difference and address what's going on right now, he could talk about treatment. we have to recognize that this virus is here forever. and we need to learn to live with it and the fact that omicron is considered a much more mild strain of the virus could actually be a good thing. would you want omicron or delta? this is how viruses work. there is more. steve: if you got to pick. carley: more mild transmissible strand, that's how viruses play out. if you do get covid the best way to handle it by treatment. the president could be talked about increasing and getting fda to approve pfizer treatment. steve: unfortunately live supplies running low suddenly all these cases. it does sound as if what he is going to be talking about tomorrow is the people who are getting it, including two u.s. senators, and elizabeth warren they have mild cases because they both were double vaxxed and boosted. and it sounds like that is what the president is going to. brian: fantastic. please pre-read the speech and he had move the prompter. in is he squinting the whole time. now i will do the same thing thanks to my laser surgery i don't have to quint anymore. we now turn to your headlines two men charged with the ambush of a shooting of a baltimore police officer. his name is keona holly. shot in targeted attack while working extra shift she volunteered for as policing shortages plague about the city almost every city. suspect facing murder charges shooting took place the same night. both men have multiple prior felony convictions. we move on. the tsa screening more than double the number of passengers this year than last year. heading into the final week before christmas. over 6 million people went through airport security through thursday through saturday. i have and tsa i floated. nearly 2.2 million on friday. airport travel reaching pre-pandemic level amid warnings of surging covid cases. meanwhile the housing market is red hot even in the north pole my favorite sites. estimate santa's home to be worth $1,031,000. a 9% increase since 2020. the property sits on 25 acres. the just for fun listing says the built was 1822 with can remodeling 1813. fred kraus clause was born had to put extension ton for santa. santa's home will appreciate 14% over the next year. steve: is that a real house toward of the north pole? brian: i'm putting my best person on it. i did say this is a fun read. real quick, talk about fun. i was able to do governor huckabee's great show on the trinity network. i said instead of having a beer alone. why not go to john richens place and the redneck rivera and see if we could do the first time ever do a book signing in a raging club and john rich says i'm game. steve: you are in the alley there. brian: right. this is moments before. steve: i getcha. brian: pictures starting rolling in and people started lining up. it was fantastic. while john played i signed and red lips because the music was so loud. special thanks to everyone in nashville who packed broadway. redneck rivera premier place and went to dayton and saw great people and finished up in cincinnati tribute to bill hemmer and pete rose. shear a little of john rich in action introducing me where a bunch of people say why is that guy signing books in a place where i want to drink. >> somebody called me from new york city. my city friend he said john, i'm going to be rolling through nashville and i got this new book the president and the freedom fighter. i said i'm going to be honest with you, brian, people don't come to redneck rivera to read books, okay? [ laughter ] but, brian, if you come to my bar, i promise you they will show up in force. brian: there was a choice, i could come to broadway and be with the huckabee show and just relax or i could sign books and talk to a lot of great people and help keep fox number one in the universe. [cheers] >> i don't play an instrument. this will be the last time on the stage. i was all junior high clarinet. [cheers] brian: by the way, if you want pick up girls, pick up the clarinet. right? >> i watched the whole clip. sent a 4 minute clip over. the best part of it was john rich handed you, when i say he said give brian a shot of redneck rivera. brian, that wasn't a shot. it was gallon. brian: that was true. carley: i was like. steve: it's a fish bowl. carley: is he going to be age to drink that whole thing? i felt for you. brian: i'm a beer guy who doesn't do shots. they say it's the best bourbon ever made. but it really burned my esophagus in a way in which peristalsis was fighting the other direction. steve: only shot you do now is moderna. brian: yes and i will get a boost. hosting"primetime" tonight at 7:00. carley: never more impresd of you in my life than seeing you do that shot. that was a manly mo. steve: glug, glug. brian: one reason i didn't put that on camera. steve: a lot of fun in nashville. brian: thank you to john rich. steve: like the book perfect christmas gift go to brian the texas tons solve the border crisis by building their own wall which was, of course, stopped by president biden. texas land commissioner george p. bush joins us as his state takes matters into their own hands. carley: our very own pete hegseth will join us after taking the stage at a turning point u.s.a. america fest event. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. ♪ steve the lone star state of texas unveiling the first stretch of the state funded border wall as joe biden's immigration crisis spirals out of control as we have been talking about. here with more on his state's efforts to keep their border safe texas land commissioner running for attorney general of the state george p. bush. george, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: explain how this would work. i know as soon as joe biden came into office he pulled donald trump's efforts to build the wall. now what are you guys going to do. >> so, one of my first acts of office this year at the land commission was to survey the entirety of what the state owned in the border lands of our great 1200 miles of stretch. and so as it turns out over 200,000 acres managed by my agency at or near the border. and in partnership with the texas facilities commission, the governor's office and the texas legislature we went knowing that the biden administration wouldn't do their job. so we were proud to announce on saturday morning it was the people of texas on state owned land. we finally said enough is enough. enough of the open borders policy. enough of the record spike in violent crime and drug smuggling that we have seen in border communities in texas. and we're going to take matters into our own hands knowing in the next three years we are not going to get assistance from the federal government on their. we are excited with the first stretch of wall that is being constructed to address one of the most trafficked corridors of violence that you will find in our entire state, a two mile stretch where over 100 migrants come across on a daily basis. and we look to engage with private landowners and ranchers so that they can be a part of this effort as well. steve: okay. you just touched on something there at the end. you are going to engage with private landowners and ranchers. because they really hold the key in helping the state of texas finish that wall. >> that's correct. most of the border is owned privately. pursuant to operation lone star which is the governor's initiative to arrest people under criminal trespassing statute, requires engagement if w. private ranchers, landowners to sign affidavits and in this case wall construction easements that allow us to further construct. we have a lot of the former contractors during the trump days. we have the funding from the building behind me to get to work. i think my agency along with the facilities commission, the governor's office would now like it sign more deals with private landowners so that they can be a part of this. i just wrapped up a week long tour of the border from el paso to mcallen and some landowners are asking can i shoot? can i shoot to basically withstand the amount of surge that we are seeing and of course we want a more peaceful approach to this but building walls work. that's what border patrol tells us. we would love for the private community to be a part of this effort. steve: do you mean can i shoot? can i use -- have a firearm to protect my family or what do you mean by that? >> that is correct. for -- when you talk to farmers and ranchers, a lot of them describe a kindler gentler illegal immigration pattern in prior generations. now it has reached such a heightened level of violence and insecurity where farmers and ranchers including the one we just built the first part of that wall are now threatened on their own acreage and around their own property and that's just, unamerican. we need a state like ours to step forward. steve: you are running for attorney general. why do you want that job? well, i think we need to continue this effort. i think unfortunately ken has been sleeping at the wheel toe back stop our law enforcement operation lone star, which is apprehending, detaining, and jailing illegal immigrants criminal trespassing statutes. he hasn't back stopped our local county attorneys and d.a.s with the resources to get the job done. the federal government has a catch and release policy. in texas we need to stand for a catch and jail policy. i'm going to fight for the border. law enforcement, human trafficking and restore integrity to this important office. steve: all right. he is george p. bush running for attorney general. george, thank you very much. have great holiday christmas week. >> merry christmas. steve: thank you, you too. still ahead on this monday, jason aldean's wife britney won't back down. she is taking on critics who don't like her conservative values. >> bigger than all of us. we have to do what's right. what's important for our future children and our future generation. steve: pete hegseth did that interview and is he going to join us live next. plus it's day 8 of our 12 days of giving. show you how the elizabeth dole foundation hidden heroes campaign military caregivers. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york city on this monday december 20th. ♪ ♪♪ all the gifts you really, really, really, can't wait to unwrap. ♪♪ joy. fully. ♪♪ not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. joy. fully. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ carley: we are back with headlines, a mississippi 20u7b canceling christmas parade due to rampant violence. the mayor of crawford says a fate of shootings targeting homes and it cars gave him no choice. they are shooting like 30 and 40 rounds at one time. that's what i call war. officials saying they do not want a mass gathering out of fear as gunman could return and open fire. listen to this swedish company epicenter are working on under the skin microdhap will show your covid-19 status. the rice size chip could be implanted either in the arm or between the thumb and forefinger. brian: sign up for that. carley: chip could be read by most microchip readers and contain for covid vaccine passports. i don't think anybody is going to line up being microchips. steve: with works with the golden retriever. brian: always get them back and they run away. "fox & friends" pete hegseth rallying young conservatives with his definition of the progressive movement during his speech at turning point u.s.a.'s america fest. >> believe in human utopia that we can be perfected through man and government action, they don't believe in our sinful nature that we are fallen in need of redemption which all of us are. myself, most of all in this room. in need of a savior. they reject that the judeo-christian background. they want to install a system that can control and create a generation that will be compliant and complacent for their schemes which are always unpopular because they don't work. steve: pete hegseth joins us live from phoenix right now because they don't work. mr. hegseth, you look like mr. christmas in that jacket. carley: great suit. pete: i decided to go for it why not? one week from christmas. it's a sunday. i consulted my personal wardrobe department jen and she said go for the plaid, go for the camo christmas tree, why not? steve: it looked fantastic. tell us a little bit about this organization and what you guys are doing out there. pete: i'm telling you, it is incredibly inspiring to see what turning point u.s.a. is doing with this america fest. and when i was standing on stage, i even said this the generational impact of what turning point is doing with high schoolers and college kids, young kids, even younger than high school, i don't think we have a sense of when it's going to be felt per se, but it will be felt. when you are teaching, informing, instructing, mobilizing motivating young kids to truly understand what this country represents, the constitution, freedom,. steve: planting the seeds. pete: planting the seeds and equipping them to go out and be bold and to talk about it. you may see an impact in two, three four years, sure. but it's what you see 15, 20, 25 years imr from now. the progressive left has been very good playing a long game. what charlie kirk and turning point are doing is engaging right back with that long game. creating a generation of future leaders that our country desperately needs. because a lot of us grew up a politically found our way into politics because things didn't look right. what charlie is doing and turning point are doing is saying you are not alone in your college campus, you can do something about it now is the time for courage. and it's across the country. something like america fest gives you hope. in a moment when you need hope, america fest provides it. carley: one of 9 people you spoke to jason al dean. brittany aldean. take a listen onto a portion of what she had to say to you. >> a lot of keyboard warriors. a lot of people very vocal on instagram and other social media platforms. however, the support that we receive it was unbelievable, from people within the music industry, to people that, you know, came out of the woodwork saying thank you for speaking up. we wish we could. so much bigger than us and our generation. we have children and i think when i had children and realized this is so much bigger than all of us. we veto do what's right, what's important for our future children and future generations. carley: it is rare pete for a famous person even in the country music world to be outspoken conservative. what with your take aways from conversation with her. >> really smart. incredibly business savvy and loves the country. if you remember, a couple of months ago she put out pictures on social media of her kids in, you know, hyden from biden and all the gear from pro-trump and took backlash. jason aldean had her back. she stood strong. this was actually the first time she had spoken in a couple of months publicly about it she said this is my country's future. this is the future of my kids and if we live in a free country which we're supposed to you saw that photo not just myself interviewing her, kayleigh mcenany, because we have a show again today called all access live. and you can watch it on fox nation, myself and kayleigh mcenany co-hosting. a lot of great guests. all on fox nation. and if you put in the promo code america 30. get 30% off. what she represents is in our culture, if we cower, if we give in and say you're not allowed to have, you know, center right conservative opinion publicly as a celebrity, then we cede an entire part of the terrain. jimmy johns the guy who founded it was here we interviewed him as well. he came out and said i'm an open conservative. if you can't speak freely, you are not actually living freely and right now the mob keeps people from doing so. they want to change that. brian: pete, unofficial, just from talking to people, we know this is a pro-trump crowd. do you sense that they want the president to run again? they are expecting him to run again? or do you think that he is just popular there and they are looking for another candidate? >> well, i get -- this is a crowd that appreciates what donald trump fought for. what he taught so many -- the courage with which he took on the left. took on and exposed the media. if you polled this crowd, i don't know if he they're polling them or not. there would be overwhelming support for donald trump. i also think they are looking for anybody that's willing to fight. someone like ron desantis down in florida who is leading the charge there are a few names on the top of a lot of people's list. donald trump still remains, amongst conservatives, you know, cultural conservatives, fiscal conservatives, he's a number one for sure. no doubt about it. steve: so during christmas week you are there in phoenix. coming up on new year's eve though. you are live in nashville where brian just returned from. pete: i was going to say did you a nice reconnaissance for us. i appreciate that. brian: they are partying. they are not worried about omicron, believe me. pete: they are worried about different kinds ever shots which you partaked, in i love it. it will be a lot of fun, myself, will cain and rachel campos-duffy the weekend crew hosting new year's eve bringing in the new year. it will be a lot of fun. i hope you check us out. carley: that's awesome. new year's eve right for sure. it. pete: merry christmas to all of you. steve: be watching you on fox nation all access. carley: absolutely. brian: still ahead, remember when president biden said this? >> i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. brian: right. so what went wrong? dr. marty makary weighs in ahead of the nationwide address. my body was telling me you got to do something. and so i came to clearchoice. your mouth is the gateway to your body. joe's treatment plan was replacing the teeth with dental implants from clearchoice. [ joe ] clearchoice has changed my life for the better. it's given me my health back. there's an amazing life out there if you do something for your health now. brian fox news alert. mow determine that says booster protection against omicron still going to develop a new shot. really? news comes as cases surge across the country. president biden is set to address the nation tomorrow more than one year after promise promising to shut down the virus. dr. marty makary joins us now. don't we have a system to screen that first? >> we do. what we have got to do is recognize that even with strong immunity cases are going to circulate. we have never come to accept that we have got recognize that all these vaccines and therapeutics simply downgrade the infection. time to move our conversation to therapeutics have not heard anything about them to date. brian: we have a speech tuesday. i don't want the president to lean forward to get the vaccine and whisper something in our ears. we have been through this drill before. we are go to shut down again new york and california. same drill, florida stays open, better results. but what would be an effective way to tell people responsibly how to live with the virus that we can't control? >> well, i think it's that honesty to tell people this is a highly transmiivelg pathogen, a respiratory virus that mimics other viruses. we cannot contain it effectively. we need to move our conversation to therapeutics, that means getting rapid approval i would love to talk about flew vox mean. it has been on the shelf the entire pandemic. just got the data to 91 percent. cut deaths to zero. no meeting scheduled to even vote on it. this is where they can do a lot to move things forward. new monoclonal antibodies by v era and jsk work bins omicron. brian: probably don't need to be hospitalized especially if you are vaccinated that would help. have you always told me look at the study. there is more to the study than the bullet points that emerge from it that dr. fauci spouts. then we see atlantic story known as left wing magazine this writer decides to look at the results because he was stunned by this statement. the kids in masks in a study done in arizona are three times -- three and a half times less likely to get covid than kids without masks. so they said well how did you do that study? that's astounding. and they looked at it because they have epidemiologists on his staff that helps him out. he said well, we did this study because july 15th to august 31st. because arizona opens up early. they go really? how many schools? 880. well, we called them, there is 840. some of the schools on the list didn't open up until august 1st. and also, some of them are virtual schools and some are vocational schools one dallas. they don't even take in how much virus there is in the communities that they are in. this was flawed even from my rudimentary knowledge but yet did became cdc doctrine and our kids are in masks because of it. >> our cdc director not only cited this as the reason to cover faces of kids now for two years, but they are still standing by it. this study is so heavily flawed no. honest scientist has tried to defend it. so schools that they used in analysis are close and trying to say that they had lower rates of outbreaks, some of them were virtual academies. 40 of them in the analysis. this is a study that was not only poorly done, it is dishonest and manipulative to use this to say that masks reduce transmission 3.5 times. and why by the way, this is one of many studied cdc has put out that are inconsistent with the data including studies on natural immunity. brian: dr. makary what i'm saying is not to sell atlantic magazine. what i'm trying to tell everyone if this is so flawed and one writer looks at it with maybe -- he might be leaning more to the left if you look at the rest of the stories, what are we to believe? and you wonder why there is so much distrust about this in the country. real quick? >> yeah, it's now moved to manipulation. i think people need to look at it, journalism is dead, mostly. we have been talking about these flawless. other people need to take a close look at them. brian: i know you have. dr. matter makary thank you so much. >> thanks. brian: check in with adam klotz for weather forecast. adam: cold out here the case across large swaths of the country. maybe feeling a little bit like christmas. 27 in new york city. 31 in chicago. all below freezing. across the upper reaches of the country. 11 in billings. out in the pacific northwest, getting rounds of moisture. with that moisture means winter weather. winter storm watches and warnings oregon across montana. 4 to 8 inches of snow. forecasted highs on the day. actually fairly comfortable in kansas city. 47 degrees and sunny, only going to get warmer there in the middle of the country in the next couple of days, for now, those are your weather headlines from fox square, tossing it back into you. steve: all right. adam. thank you very much. rachel: it's day 8 of our 12 days of giving. this morning we're highlighting the elizabeth dole foundation hidden heroes campaign. the campaign brings attention to the untold stories of military caregivers and seeks solutions for the tremendous challenges and long-term needs they face. steve: like our next guest, she is caregiver for her husband michael who is a army and navy veteran. dole caregiver fellow melinda paste joins us from iowa. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: tell us, me linda, tell us how you care give for your husband and how you are using the things you have learned there to be a dole fellow. >> sure. my husband michael was injured almost well, 18 years ago when he was in the army. in a training exercise. and after injuries he had several surgeries that didn't go quite as expected. and ended up having to leave the army. and when he left, i was his wife, of course, we had been married a while. we have three children. our youngest was born at the army base rebecca, who is now 17 years old. and we as a family stayed at fort benning for quite a while. and he recovered from his injuries. and, which was very slow process. and while he recovered from all his injuries, even today, i helped him by helping him get his medications correct. i go to all his doctor's appointments with him to make sure he understands completely what the doctor is saying and what our next steps are i make sure he eats and help him throughout the day with his socialization. steve: it is a gigantic job. >> all sorts of things that a caregiver would do. carley: tell us about your new role as a dole fellow. >> in 2019 i applied and got accepted as a dole fellow. it's a very exciting program where they have people from all around the united states who are caregivers of military veterans who are disabled and what's wonderful about the program is it gives us an opportunity to have our voices heard. so, what it does is it lets us talk to legislators and the general public to let them know what care giving is and what they can do to help us take better care of our disabled veterans in the country. steve: right. >> personally here in iowa there isn't a lot going on yet but we are really excited. we had our first iowa caregivers conference here in november where we had an opportunity for several care goifers get together and we're going to continue to try to work with legislators about all sorts of topics that relate to care giving in the state of iowa. brian: let's bring in steve schwab the ceo of the elizabeth dole foundation. does this sound like somebody who is perfect for your organization? is this exactly what it was set up to do? >> brian, thanks for having me, melinda is representative of millions, i mean 6 million plus selfless spouses, mothers, children, siblings who are selflessly caring for their wounded veterans or active military service personnel in virtually every corner of the country. we are thrilled and honored that you would have us on this morning to help share her story. steve: absolutely. and not only are we sharing her story, but, steve, since she is the dole fellow and you are from the dole foundation, you have a surprise for her today. >> we do have a surprise for her today, steve. and it's because of the generosity of fox corporation, melinda, that we're thrilled to let you know this morning that we're going to be giving you a $10,000 gift on behalf of the dole foundation. steve: look at that wonderful. >> you and michael deserve support of this kind from friends like the fox corporation from millions of americans who should appreciate what you do day in and day out. and this is just a small gesture on behalf of your nation who you serve selflessly and we can't thank "fox & friends" enough, fox corporation for this generosity and for the viewers who we hope will go to hidden and help us help caregivers like melinda all over this country. >> steve, carley, brian, it means so much to us to be able to give this gift to melinda and mike and their family especially at the holiday time. steve: absolutely. fox corporation is supporting the elizabeth dole foundation this holiday season with special grants for caretakers and veterans and first responders who are part of the hidden heroes initiative. so, melinda, what do you think? >> oh my goodness, that's amazing. it will help our family so much. it's been difficult the last 10 years or so while michael is trying to retrain and go to school and i have been taking care of our three disabled children. so it's going to help us so much and also just to let everybody know how amazing all of the dole caregivers are, how all caregivers are so amazing, the generosity is amazing. i'm speechless. brian: i can imagine because there are seven other families aincluding yours across the country receive a gift from fox to use as needed because everybody has different needs. real quick, melinda, i understand it's extremely lonely. you lose the army and sense of family. next thing you are on your own and have injuries. real quick, is that why you are able to help so many people, you understand what they are going through? >> yes. i mean, the one reason i started volunteering was because i didn't want anybody else to be alone and i wanted their voices heard. it's extremely important to find that community, get network and be able to find those resources by helping each other out. carley: melinda, what sort of challenges do caregivers of veterans and first responders face because it's not something that is talked about very often. >> well, i mean i'm not sure i understand what your question is. brian: you have apartment costs, you have got to get a job. oftentimes the other spouse has to get a job. and find additional revenue with nurses and medicine and transportation is often an issue and i imagine melinda, not only does that mean something to you, but also as ceo of the dole foundation, that's what bob dole had to deal with, didn't he? >> he sure did. that's a great question. you know, elizabeth dole founded this organization because she spent a long time caregiver herself. i was with -- i was at dinner with her last night, guys. she just sends her love and her thanks for this extraordinary generosity. bob dole passed just a couple of weeks ago. we continue to mourn his loss, but she, like me linda, experiences the fact that melinda had to leave her job, she had to give up her livelihood so she could care for her spouse. she is also caring for children and grandchildren. she is the center and the strength and the pillar in her family and this is happening in homes. brian: all the time. >> all across america whereby folks are giving up their lives to care for wounded loved ones. brian: steve schwab thanks so much. melinda smith-pace. inspirational. help out families like this elizabeth dole thanks so much, guys. >> thanks so much. steve: merry christmas. carley: her reaction made it perfect. steve: fantastic, absolutely. a complete surprise. all right. coming up on 8:00 in the east. final hour of "fox & friends" for steve: senator joe manchin of west virginia says he will not support build back better. >> i can not vote to continue with this piece of legislation. >> this plan to bankrupt america, it certainly would have transformed the very fabric of our society. >> new data this morning shows that moderna's booster shot increases immunity against the omicron variant. >> what we've got to do is recognize that even with strong immunity cases are going to circulate. we've never come to accept that. >> the lone star state unveiling its first portion of a state built border wall. >> we went to work knowing that the biden administration wouldn't do their jobs. enough is enough. steve: jason aldean's wife is taking on critics who don't like her conservative values. >> everything is going horribly right now. you have to do what's right, what's important for our future children and our future generation. >> and it's intercepted! the new orleans saints come to tampa and shockingly shut out the defending super bowl champs and tom brady. ♪ just hear those sleigh bells jingling, come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you ♪ >> good morning a live look at our fox square all-american live christmas tree. if you can just waking up the bad news is that it's monday but the good news is it's five more wake-ups until christmas morning the most exciting week of the year. brian: you stay up all night because you wonder what kind of gifts you'll get and give. >> yeah, i still go through my parent's house even as a 35- year-old looking for gifts that might be there, that santa may have left. steve: i'm not giving up any particular children, but i know that some people who used to live at my house would find gifts down in the basement that were wrapped, and they would un wrap them and take a look at everything and then they would wrap them backup. >> that's exactly right because in my house i think that a lot of households did this yours included, santa brings gifts but then also there's some presents from mom and dad. steve: right these were mom and dad gifts because the santa stuff comes from santa. brian: that was, i grew up and we all grew up in the pre-ring door bell era and motion camera era so nothing was ever caught on tape. this could be the first year that santa could be caught. steve: do you have a ring door bell on your roof? brian: good point. that's a good point. so okay, santa looks like you're going to slip through another year. >> i don't think the makers of ring door bell were thinking that be a good idea. who needs that. steve: because you know, it's just kind of magical. he shows up and there's stuff. and the cookies are gone. >> i remember when i was a little girl we had this , i had this chalkboard and it had 1-25, all the days up until christmas. steve: like an advent calendar. >> the most exciting thing be to cross off the day, 25, 24, and then it was this week, it was like oh, my gosh, the anticipation. brian: just a warning to everybody, to believe in santa, because last time, you didn't believe in santa, ed asner crashed in central park and that was a problem and then people started believing and he flew and everything worked out. >> the government sometimes think they are santa claus but they aren't. steve: they do indeed. brian: they take our money and give it to other people. fantastic. democrats in washington are scrambling after senator joe manchin says he will not support biden's signature spending plan. >> the white house saying they were blind-sided by this announcement. steve: peter doocy who never opened presents before christmas joins us with details. reporter: that wasn't me, and get married before 9:00. that was not me! steve: okay, fine. brian: okay. reporter: we are here at the white house and the build back better plan is dead for now. joe biden tried so hard to get joe manchin on board. he even had him to his house in delaware. the only other lawmaker that we know of whose been there is chuck schumer so it's extremely rare and it didn't work. >> i've always said this , brett. if i can't go home and explain it to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it, and i can not vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> you're done. >> this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. reporter: the white house is furious, jen psaki says in a statement, senator manchin's comments at fox are at odds with his discussion, with the president, the white house staff and own public utter answer. weeks ago senator manchin committed at his home in wilmington to support the build back better framework that the president subsequently announced. senator manchin pledged to negotiate on finalizing that framework in good faith. republicans say the white house should have seen this coming. >> somewhere along the line the democrats have forgotten that we all take oath to the united states constitution not to a political party and this august, this build back broke, this plan to bankrupt america, it certainly would have transformed the very fabric of our society. reporter: president biden is still in delaware that's where he's been as this whole plan fell apart and that's where he's been as lawmakers in states in big cities have been scrambling to figure out what to do about this new covid variant but we expect him back in about an hour back to you. steve: peter, build back better is definitely dead or could this possibly be revised? reporter: chuck schumer is saying they are going to have a vote in the new year which blows past the christmas deadline on a revised version so they try to figure out something joe manchin can stomach but if they break it apart into a million different pieces it's still the same plan, so we'll see what happens. they don't have the votes for everything in there. steve: build back better bite size. >> which is not bite size no matter how you slice it. brian: a lot of people wondering why did those 11 republican house members pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill and there's strong belief that those republicans got the word, was work with joe manchin a lot, got the word that if you pass the infrastructure bill, and help us out because the squad was out, you help us out here, i'm not voting for the build back better plan that's why when a lot of republicans said how could you do this , if this was the big picture the gamble worked because you have a bipartisan deal, maybe not enough for infrastructure, republican, maybe too much compromise for a lot of democrat states, but if the result is the build back better plan that would socialize the country and green our energy sector, which is not ready, then maybe that gamble should be looked at differently today. steve: that is why the democrats didn't want them separated but they did. >> i forgot about that. steve: they separated them and now one lives and the other, well, as peter just said may come back in the new year. >> i just can't fathom what it be like to be joe manchin or kyrsten sinema over these past few weeks because if you remember kyrsten sinema was chased into a bathroom over this , joe manchin is getting hassled wherever he goes by both reporters and protesters, and that sort of negative energy directed at manchin isn't going anywhere. take a listen to this montage of progressive lawmakers from yesterday. watch this. >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> we all knew that senator manchin could be trusted, you know, the excuses that he just made i think are -- >> he has continued to move the goal post and he has never negotiated in good faith and he is obstructing the president's agenda. >> i'm going to be looking for the phone number to the ghost of christmas past, present , and future, or the e-mail addressed to see if they can go and see about scrooge on christmas eve, i'm sorry, not scrooge, senator manchin. brian: yeah, there was so many other negative things to say that are basically blowing up the bridge to future compromise including for the white house. you have also some tweets out there from not only people on the squad but you saw bernie sanders said joe manchin pretend s to have a problem with the cost of 1.75 trillion investment over 10 years in the american people but has no problem with 9 trillion to weapon-makers in the military. we do need a military. i don't know if people know there's some threats out there, he's talking about other people are praising him but this reminds me very much of john mccain. when he blew up the skinny bill, this obamacare, and gave him the famous thumbs down republicans were all over him for doing that and now democrats are all over joe manchin. the problem is they need joe manchin. they had a little bit of a cushion and by the way senator mccain was never leaving the republican party, but joe manchin very well according to a xios said that he would consider going independent, more than republicans, but he would have to go independent and not even hurt his political career at all. >> but the bottom line about this build back better with manchin is that we're already seeing inflation, everybody is feeling it and as you think about putting 1.7 which is really more like what, three or $4 trillion pulping it into the economy that's just going to get so much worse and he sees, you know, this written in the stars that the cost of things be even more expensive, which if he votes this down it could ultimately help president biden even though he never gets credit from democrats it ultimately could in the end. steve: a lot of republicans love the fact that joe biden is saying stop, can't do it, ho ho ho no. texas republican congressman troy nells join us right now. congressman good morning to you. >> good morning, merry christmas, happy new year to you and all your listeners. steve: thank you very much and christmas came early to you with joe manchin saying no yesterday, but you know, the white house and top democrats have been saying, congressman, this is not going to cost anything, it's completely paid for but then the cbo came out and said hey wait a minute that's not right. it's going to cost a lot. >> absolutely and this administration understands that, but they're not being truthful with the american people. the cbo is a neutral organization. they are out there, and the accountants looking at the number, and the number for that is very dismal. it's just adding billions and billions of dollars of more debt to the american people and i applaud senator manchin and some of the other conservatives over there for stopping this , because this is a bad bill. it's dangerous, it's not good for america, it places the american people last, quite honestly. >> what about the conversation that people are already having on capitol hill about possibly breaking the bill up, and maybe a portion of it could be passed, something that senator manchin might agree with. do you think that could happen or is this build back better phase of american history completely dead? >> i mean, anything is possible over in the senate. we know on on the , everything we're doing over there on the senate side, we don't control any of that but what we do know is many of these bills are being, they're being passed through the house of representatives and then the senate is looking at these bills. they realize how dangerous they are and again, i think senator manchin realizes that this isn't good for the american people, and he's doing something about it. could they chop it up a little bit? they did it a little with the infrastructure bill. that's for certain and it went back to the house and passed the house, so anything is possible over there in the senate and we'll just have to wait and see what happens. brian: congressman, was there a deal with joe manchin and some of the republicans that voted for the bipartisan deal that if you, you guys help me out here, i'll kill the reconciliation bill? >> well, we did, we do know that they are in the infrastructure bill, deals are cut. of course there's all sorts of deals cut over there but i'll tell you i'm a hard no. i've always been a hard no. not only on reconciliation but the infrastructure bill, so my concern is i think the build back better bill is broke. i don't think it's going to go anywhere but i do believe this administration is going to pivot more to hr-1 which is this federal takeover of our elections and that's the bill. that is the bill that the american people need to be concerned about this coming year brian: and elections absolutely steve: let's talk, congressman, a little bit about build back the border wall better because the state of texas over the weekend announced that they've already raised $50 million to build on state land and land owned by ranchers and land owners. the wall, to try to keep your state more safe. this is something that joe biden pulled the plug on pretty much at the get-go but you say that it's really needed for the lone star state. >> it is, and governor abbott is doing the right thing. he took his oath of office and it was to protect the people in the great state of texas. you know, when joe biden was sworn in january 20, he rose his hand and he said i will preserve , protect and defend the constitution and laws of the united states, and in my humble opinion, he has violated his own oath. we know just that statistically, there are hundreds of thousands of people entering our southern border, up to 1.7 million this year, 170,000 just in november, so we keep setting more and more records, but what we do know is many of the individuals that are being apprehended at our southern border are criminals and we continue to see more and more criminals apprehended and why is that? because the governor has placed the national guard and department of public safety to help augment the border patrol that is under staffed, they are working their tails off and having a very difficult time because we have hundreds and thousands of miles of southern border in our great state of texas, so the governor is doing what he can to protect the american people. we just got the november border encounters number and it was up 140% from last year to about 17 5,000 encounters so if you care about border security then that texas-built border wall is probably welcome news to you. congressman thank you so much for joining us. brian: my last thing is, they had the drug czar from the biden administration on who said fentanyl is killing americans at a dizzying rate, since it's made in china, so to the cartels who are breaking it down, mixing it in with every day drugs and some illegal drugs, whether it's cocaine and killing americans, coming through our southern border. the only thing they're not doing is seeing they are complicit in leaving our southern border wide open. >> without a doubt, brian, and this administration is complicit and fentanyl is killing more people today than car crashes, so if you build that wall, it's going to channel these individuals, build the wall, channel these individuals into these ports of entry, so we can identify who they are. this is certainly, the wall is certainly going to hurt the criminals, the drug cartels, it's going to hurt their bottom line and their business plan, because they want these individuals to get into our southern border, undetected, pre y on the american people, and they're trafficking their own people into our country, and there are many victims out there. the stories that we have heard from some of the women and their families, horrible. steve: the cartels and the coyotes have to work harder. congressman thank you very much for joining us, merry christmas. >> thank you, god bless. thank you, congressman. god bless. we begin headlines with a fox news alert. big news here, moderna says tests show it's fda approved vaccine booster shot is effective against the omicron covid variant but moderna says it's still developing an omicron -specific shot with clinical trials expected to start in early 2022. the announcement comes as democrat congressman jason crow of colorado announces he has tested positive for covid-19 senators elizabeth warren and corey booker also revealing they both tested positive. both say they are experiencing mild symptoms, praising the booster shot for making the virus manageable. >> a law professor is suggesting a redo of the first and second amendments, leaving out the rights to free speech and right to bear arms. university of miami school of law professor mary franks writing an op-ed for the boston globe and in it, she amends the rights to keep and bear arms to the rights to bodily autonomy she changes freedom of speech to saying everyone should be responsible for abuses of their own freedom of expression. >> and tiger woods back out on the links less than a year after a car crash left his future in golf uncertain. woods teaming up with his 12- year-old son charlie to said a new pnc championship record with 11 consecutive birdies during the final round but the champions of the day, john d aley and his son beating the woods by two strokes. the younger john, a star golfer freshman at the university of arkansas. they are claiming the title with a tournament record score of 27 under par which is a good score. right? brian: yes, it is. absolutely. that's fantastic, and i guess they did two years in a row, right, tiger woods didn't he play that last year? steve: i think he did. >> i think he did too because that's when i remember seeing his son for the first time in the red. he's so cute. brian: he wasn't unable to walk the course but he said hopefully next year. he hasn't ruled out the masters either. steve: and congratulations to the daleys. they did a good job, so the website that rates movies, rotten tomatoes, came out with the top five christmas movies of all-time. brian: are you ready? steve: number five. would you like me to read it? steve: yes. >> that pregnant pause'more me to continue? number five you could see how the grinch stole christmas, the 1967 version, which is the only version that matters in my opinion. would you like me to read number four? brian: go ahead. >> the shop around the corner? i've never heard of that. brian: what is that? >> i haven't even heard of holiday inn, number three, do you know that one? steve: yes. >> number two, miracle on 34th street, of course and the number one christmas movie of all-time, brian? brian: it's a wonderful life and there's no question, what i find astounding about it they say it was not a big deal when it rolled out. it was considered a great movie and as years went by people appreciated it more and more. >> i wonder when it started to become really popular because when you think about christmas movies this comes to mind. steve: a couple years later i think that came out in 1939 which is the same year that wizard of oz came out. it was a big year for christmas movies and for movies in general that is one of my favorite movie s as well, and this was something that back in 2004, the fox news channel decided you know what? because so many people love this movie let's just do a spoof on it to talk about, well, watch. >> a toast, to my co-anchor, the fair its guy on tv. >> [applause] ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> what's that? >> good news from a very dear friend. >> look, daddy,. >> that's right. brian: that was so well-done. steve: so well-done, rich o'brien, god rest his soul, our director, produced that, edd ie hill was in it and my daughter sally who i'm holding right there, she's now married. >> i know, i love sally. steve: and she's living in texas and it's just a classic. >> she's the best. brian what's your favorite? brian: the one that wells me up every time is fred clause, vince vaughn, the much taller older brother of santa claus, to me, it's everything you need. that's everything you need. >> i haven't seen that one. my favorite christmas movie is " a christmas story" and you can watch it like 100 times in a row every christmas. steve: look out for the flag pole. we're stepping aside, back in a minute. ider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes only pay for what you need. knocking you out of your 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about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. steve: all right, 8:25 in the east. senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts taking heat after she blasted grocery stores for the rise in prices, saying, "your company, and other major grocers, who reep the benefits of a turbulent 2020 appear to be passing costs on to consumers to preserve your pandemic gains" and even taking advantage of inflation to add greater burdens , but are these grocery store companies really to blame for the high cost of food right now? former cke restaurant ceo andy p uzzner is with us right now good morning to you and merry christmas. >> hi, steve, you too. steve: so, you know, and the white house last week went after the beef conglomerates because i think beef is up 12%. why isn't the white house going after the gas companies, because gas is up like 50%. >> well, they're going after anybody they can and looking for scape goats to explain the incredible surge in inflation that we've seen since they passed that $1.9 trillion spending bill in march, where larry somers warned , if you pass this bill, you're going to be pouring gas on a fire of inflation, so that's exactly what happened, and now they are trying to find people to blame. i think grocery stores are just the latest victim, and there are a poor victim, it's a very low margin business. steve: absolutely and you know, when it comes to, it really started to hit the fan about two months ago when we heard about all these ships off the coast of los angeles and long beach, and then the white house in the last 10 days, andy said, you know what? there are half as many ships now waiting. well what they didn't tell folks was there are half as many ships waiting close to the port, another 100 ships or about 150 miles parked off the coast, which is just the administration's way of trying to say hey, we've got this , but big government is not really very effective at handl ing something like this. >> well they aren't, and this administration, oh, what credibility could they possibly have? you know, biden did not have a plan for defeating covid. the afghanistan withdrawal was not a resounding success, inflation was not temporary, it's not a good thing and government spending doesn't bring it down and grocery stores make about a percent, a percent to 2% in profit so let's say you eliminated all the profit that grocery stores make. now the reason that they make a profit, the reason that there's so much competition out there, the reason we have such an abundance of food is because of this profit-motivated competition in the grocery store sector but let's say we pulled venezuela and took all the profit out so if you bought $100 worth of food it costs $99 if you took out the grocery stores profit that's not the answer to inflation just an attempt to scape goat an industry. steve: unfortunately there are shortages and when people have to pay $1.50 more a gallon of gas or $1 more for a pound of beef, that impacts everybody from the richest guy right down the food chain. >> well there was a recent study out of the ben watteron that said inflation is going to cost the average american family about $3,500 this year and that's a huge tax on people that really can't afford it. this hits everybody. if you reduce the supply of oil, because you're pursuing these green energy policies, what do you thinks going to happen? energy prices are going to go up if you make it impossible for people to deliver goods so transportation costs go up because you don't have drivers because people don't want to work the cost of everything is going to go up. all of the policies of this administration have contributed to incredible inflation, inflation we haven't seen in at least 40 years. it's not going to go away and blaming people like grocery stores isn't going to solve the problem. steve: simple economics. it's supply and demand. andy thank you very much for joining us live. merry christmas. all right still ahead on this monday, find out why it maybe hard to find eggnog on the shelves this christmas season not kidding plus senator joe manchin's christmas gift of a no vote is not received well by the white house. outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenany on the blow to president biden's vision, she is coming up , next. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company experience the power of sanctuary for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we help that veteran? with more ways to help more veterans, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. brian: where's the eggnog. shoppers stocking up on holiday favorites may have trouble finding the eggnog in the store. i know starbucks doesn't have it organic valley says the scrapped eggnog, they scrapped eggnog this year, because of a shortage of butter fat. a key ingredient in the holiday drink, sure to raise your cholesterol the company points to supply chain problems with the shortage but plans to bring the creamy drink back next year so that's great news. >> candy cane and toy drive shortages caused by the supply chain crisis are also being reported. one other story. the housing market is red hot even in the north pole. zillow estimates santa's home is worth 1.31 million, yup, a 19% increase from 2020 if you remember. the property sits on 25-acres. the just for fun listing says the house was built in 1822 remodeled in 2013 and forecasting formula predicts santa's home will appreciate nearly 14% over the next year. i never read something so precise and so fictional. >> and just for fun. even inflation is even affecting santa. brian: i'm not going to even toss, just go silent. >> brian thank you so much. democrats scrambling after senator joe manchin said no to president biden's social spending spree, white house press secretary jen psaki responding, "weeks ago, senator manchin committed to the president to support the build back better framework. if his comments on fox indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal of his position." former white house press secretary and outnumbered co- host kayleigh mcenany is also the author of "for such a time as this " and she joins us now. kayleigh, are you surprised by senator mansion's position, because it appears that the white house is. >> yeah, that is such a disingenuinous statement from the white house. i'm not surprised at all because unlike the white house, i guess, i read the news. i pay attention to what senator joe manchin says, and perhaps no one in washington has been more clear on where they stand on build back better which would actually build back worse, but that aside, no ones been more clear on where they stand than joe manchin. joe manchin, carlie, you'll remember, signed a document with chuck schumer saying i support $1.5 trillion and he listed out exactly what he supported. what the white house did is disingenuinous budget games and gimmicks to try to suggest it is actually 1.75 trillion when in fact it is not the cbo says it's really 3 trillion when you account for all of the time out of these programs will last so joe manchin is being forthright. the white house still misleading us. >> that's right and if you think about pumping $3 trillion into the economy, it be over the course of 10 years, but there's already inflation right now, so there has been political analysts and some folks who have written op-eds for the wall street journal and they say if joe manchin says no to build back better, which he did yesterday, it could actually help the biden administration in the long run because then there wouldn't be an increase in inflation from where we see it right now. >> that's exactly right. he probably did the biden administration a favor because this piece of legislation, this bill would have been disastrous but what was really interesting, carlie, is when you see how we interviews with bret baier, senator manchin, when he's first asked about why he doesn't support this bill he cites three reasons. he cites inflation, which you just mentioned, geopolitical unrest, and covid. translation: that is the disaster of the biden presidency, so what he was saying, at least that's what i heard, is this administration is so unpopular, such a mess, that in fact, he can't get on board and can't support this because that's what he's saying when he cites geopolitical unrest, russia, china, what's going on on the world stage and litany of other factors he cited. that's a disastrous joe biden presidency. >> well you are in phoenix, arizona because you are a featured speaker at the turning point usa. have you made your speech yet and if so what will you be speaking about? >> tomorrow i'm the closer so i'll end it. i can not wait to speak, carlie i've been coming to turning point usa for years and years, charlie kirk does a fantastic job and there's so much hope, optimism, energy, my parents are here with me and my dad said, you know, i just get so encouraged seeing all these young people so enthusiastic, so smart, so enterprising, if you want a little uplift in your life, come to turning point usa if not this time, next year they always have events and lift your spirit. >> yeah, kayleigh what is the atmosphere like because it is all about supporting america. it seems like it be such a positive event to be a part of. >> absolutely, look i was a young person motivated by politics i remember going to debate tournaments with my rolling backpack and i didn't have an outlet like this or a place where i could go and be among like-minded conservatives who also loved politics and engaged with current events and theory is they congregate, they are enthusiastic and excited it's a little pump of espresso into your day being here and i can't wait to talk to these young eagles as my dad calls them in my speech tomorrow. >> i love that well you can watch kayleigh mcenany's speech live along with the all-access live show, she and pete hegseth are co-hosting later today check it out on plus enjoy a 30-day free trial if you sign up now, using promo code " america 30". kayleigh you're closing it out. that is awesome. thank you so much for joining us this morning, and we will see you later today and tomorrow during your big speech. >> thank you so much. >> up next the man convicted of killing this new york police officer with her own gun will soon walk free. dan bongino's unfiltered take, coming up, next. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood 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stop criminals from praying on innocent new yorkers, we continue to urge governor hochul to fix our broken parole system before another hero's sacrifice is dishonored former nypd officer dan bongino knows exactly the sentiment and he's been out since december 7. dan, why is this a priority? >> well listen, this police officer who was murdered would have had decades of life left, brian. she was 25 when she was brutally killed. now, i'm a big believer in the power of redemption through screes us christ, i am, especially during this holiday season, but i should evangelize the cause, it's my job, but that's between you and jesus christ. on planet earth, you're a danger to human beings, the man who was prosecuted and convicted for this had a rap sheet before. why this person is back out while this hero officer, again, will never take another breath of oxygen, i think is puzzling to every sane and rational human being and as i say often just remember around these holiday seasons, this is now decades where that families had to look at an empty seat around some christmas dinner table where that officer's not there, and all those memories are gone, never begotten back again, ever. brian: hopefully this rings true on election day because you've gotta get people in these democratic states that understand law and order or some democrats to sober up. i want to bring you on something else i found rather unique. in this new country artist world , so many of them are gone hollywood. way to the left. not jason aldean, and certainly not his wife britney, who not only is out left, she's firmly and proudly right, and even as a conservative line of clothing to back it up. i want you to hear what she said to pete over the weekend. >> i think there's a lot of keyboard warriors out there, a lot of people that are very vocal on instagram and other social media platform, however, the support that we received, it was unbelievable from people within the music industry to people that, you know, came out of the woodwork saying thank you for speaking up, we wish we could, so much bigger than us, so much bigger than our generation. we have children, and that's what i think when i had children and realized oh, this is so much bigger than all of us we have to do what's right, what's important for our future children and generations. brian: right and i don't know if you're done shopping yet but they have a clothing line for christmas, military lives matter, unsilent majority. we the people t-shirts and sweatshirts, so proud to do it and willing to take up to any blow back that might go to her, or her husband jason aldean. >> you know me i'm an entrepreneur i'll partner up with them in a second. listen there's a huge economy out there brian for free speech and anti-cancel culture stuff and a theory i've stated many times in the podcast on a fox nation radio show that the left cancel culture movement is inherently cannibal it's ic because of people like the aldeans. eventually, brian, conservatives like us and the aldeans figure out that the cancel culture are a small minority of idiots in their mom's basement eating hot pockets and then why are 51% of us taking orders from the 49% and it's not even that high of idiots who hate free speech? this is cannibal it's ic so what's going to happen as conservatives start to ignore more like the aldeans they are going to start to cancel each other which you're already see ing on the left because there's power in it, and they love it. they are running out of victims on the right so now they are canceling each other. it's a ban it daltonistic enterprise that can't succeed because the math doesn't work. it'll burn itself out overtime. brian: i can see jason aldean on the dan bongino podcast or on the unfiltered show. >> great idea thank you, brian you should get extra production credit for that in the show this week. brian: right why am i not in your credits when you roll the credits at the end? >> it's a shame, a sin, a moral sin that's happening. brian: absolutely and dan thanks for looking past me and booking the show, actually passed the person interviewing you. i appreciate it. thanks for almost wearing a tie. all right i want to check in with meteorologist adam klotz for the fox weather forecast because it's cold and he is cold too. >> exactly right brian it is cold on fox square. i am also cold out here on fox square, but i'm not alone. it's that way in large portions across the country let's dive into that forecast, we're early this morning seeing temperatures 28 degrees in new york city, below freezing also in kansas city, chicago, very cold if you get up into the northern plains, warms up a little bit turns into a nice day here in new york city , 40 degrees, i know a lot of folks are happy about that back out here on fox square, because we've got really nice crowds i've been talking to folks from across the country or california, i heard georgia, i heard texas, kentucky, we're going to talk to a couple of these folks find out where they are from, where are you visiting from? >> oklahoma. >> are you having a nice time in the city? >> oh, yeah. >> excellent continue to enjoy yourself. where are you from? >> north carolina. >> and new jersey. >> what are your names? >> ryan. >> gianna. >> would you guys mind helping me do a little forecasting here? let's get this thing open. come join me right here. here is what i need you to do for this. i need you guys to stand right here. i need you to take this and then you take over. >> all right i appreciate it. >> i want to spend the rest of my life with you more than anything. will you marry me? yes? i know it's cold. >> [applause] >> oh, my gosh! >> thank you, guys. >> no problem. >> i thought he was going to do the weather. >> yeah, help me with my forecast, right? >> that's fantastic. brian: i see nothing but sunny skies. steve: congratulations! >> congratulations, guys. steve: brian is the police officer in north carolina and his girlfriend, they've been coming, her family has been coming to new york to look at the lights for years and that's why it was important to have the christmas tree. brian: get some reaction from the bride-to-be? >> what's your reaction they want reaction from the bride-to-be. >> i thought he was doing something weird. >> [laughter] she knew something was up. she knew something was up. he was acting weird. >> ask brian how he's feeling she said yes, they are getting married! >> and how are you feeling? >> relieved she said yes. >> did you know you were giving it away? >> when we got here, yeah i was a little nervous this morning. >> okay that's good so i'm glad you are both happy, congratulations. >> thank you we're very excited brian: adam, very smooth, nice, way to go. >> adam i'd be nervous. that's a big moment you don't want to screw it up he did a great job. steve: congratulations to the happy couple. all right we're stepping aside, dennis weighed when we come back ♪ ♪ learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. >> good morning, everybody. good morning to you. >> hello to you. dana: joe manchin is at the democrats christmas party and he seems perfectly okay with that peter doocy will tell us the white house next step. bill: highly contagious omicron is adding to the trouble s before the holiday. dana: we had a bet over the weekend ben krump alex azars versus broncos, i've gotta pay up you'll see me lose very graciously. bill: with grace, see you then steve: can't wait. >> this christmas day american underdog will be released in theaters nationwide. brian: yup, the bio pick tells the story of former rams quarterback, hall of famer kurt warner and legendary coach dick vermeal played by dennis quaid. here is a look. >> those years made me who i am made me ready for this moment. gave me something others didn't have, and i see that in you. destiny. it belongs to the underdogs. steve: that was terrific and dennis quaid joins us right now from out in los angeles. dennis, good morning to you. >> good morning, how are you? steve: we're doing okay, so the movie comes out christmas day it looks fantastic. i understand you talked to dick vermeil after he saw the movie and he was very frank in your performance. >> yeah, he sent me a glowing review, which was one of the best. he has a viniard in california and he sent me a big box of wine which we're saving for christmas as well. steve: i understand he said you were a better coach vermeil than i was. >> which is high praise because before when directors contacted him he said thanks for reaching out now don't screw up the story and it looks like you didn't screw up the story. for people who don't know the story of dick vermeil and his legendary coaching status, tell us about this movie and why you wanted to be a part of it. >> well, it's a perfect christmas movie. it's the triumph of the human spirit is what it is. kurt warner, i'm sure a lot of people remember, in 2000, he was stocking grocery shelves, that was his job, and he was a walk- on to the st. louis rams at the time. the quarterback was injured in the pre-season, dick vermeil had the guts to go with curt warper and they wound up winning the super bowl. brian: and then he goes on to a hall of fame career, it doesn't get better than that and he's just a great person and his relationship with brenda, he's been on here a bunch of times and the thing about our kurt warner constantly underestimated i love the one line that said basically dick vermeil says there's something special about you. i can't wait to find out what it is. that is really, he saw an intangible. how did you bring that to the screen? >> dick's personality, he's very emotional. he goes with his gut quite a bit and he's all-in with his body, mind, and spirit, once he makes a decision, even though, you know, he's a tough cookie, and just following that story and getting to portray him in that story is really a great chance of a lifetime, and andy irwin directed this who i can only imagine with a few years before really knows how to tell the story. brian: right also it was kind of interesting too that not only was he stocking shelves but trying to keep his football career alive and getting older and playing in the arena league. do you guys touch on the arena league? >> yes, we do. it's quite an in integral part of the story. it's where curt learned to speed up his name and it was a lot of fun back then, and that's really where he got his chance. steve: well dennis quaid this is your chance. do you want to grab one of those guitars back on the wall since it's monday during christmas week, we could all sing "jingle bells" as we go to the next hour. brian: or jerry lee lewis? >> [laughter] old jerry lee on the guitar? that be a little difficult. steve: yeah it be. brian: it's a good point. steve: all right american under dog hits theaters nationwide on christmas day, dennis quaid thank you very much for joining us live. merry christmas. >> thank you very much. brian: the kurt warner story. >> that's so cool. it's going to be a great movie. steve: what's with him and dogs? american underdog, he did a dog 's purpose. brian: great point. steve: just saying. that's it for today we'll be back here tomorrow. see you then.

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String , Removal , Window Dressing , 17 , Northeast , Shows , Numbers , Example , Rockettes , Hips , Deltaner Left , Ham , Nfl , Games , Remains , Broadway , Nhl , Nba , Cross Border Travel , 10 , Test , Policyis , Asymptomatic , Vaccine Status Asymptomatic , Nflens , League , Coach , Everybody , Feel , Nateed , Sack Sin , 100 , Walking , Me Don T , Speech Tomorrow Regarding Covid , Bit , Europe , Delta , Hospital , Killer , Santacon , Ran Country , Holidays , Super Spreader Event , Experts , Forecasting , Variant , 70 , 15000 , Death , Throughs , Estimate , Truth , Biden Tomorrow , Breaking News , Several , Ainsley Today , Seniors , 88 , Gatherings , Suggestion , Vaccination Status , Vaccinated , Risk Enough , South , Behavior , Desantis , Tennessee , Kids , Second , Decision , Map , Neems , Vote , Look , North , Bow , Geniuses , Permissive Culture , Ohio , Plan , Politics , Governor , Plans , Desantis On , Nation Locking Down , Solution , Maria Bartiromo , Media , Hasn T , Florida , Treatment , Focus , Fda , Treatments , Pill , Pfizer , Clinics , Hospitalization , Opinion , Comes , Covid Is Over , 90 , New York City , Want , Cops Have Got Wear , Point , Vaccines , Mask , Therapeutics , Patients , Emergency Room , Height , Infection Rate , Goods , 15 , 95 , President , H1n1 , He Couldn T , Comparison , Sunday Morning , News , Deaths , Incredible Therapeutics , Attack , Adult , July , Criticism , A Million , Isn T , Netherland , Still , March 2020 , Stores , Sort , Restaurants , News Headlines , Boris Johnson , Lockdown , U K , 5 , Following , Protection , Studies , Pharmaceutical Companies , Somebody , Companies , Door , Okay , Cdc , Study , Schools , Magazine , Atlantic , Faulty , History , Conservative , Jason Aldean , Preschool , Entertainment Business , Being , John Rich , 3 , Britney Aldean , Star , Country Star , Wife , Shocker , Yes , Deal , Apologies , Britney Sat , Hyden , Hegseth , Navy , America Fest Out West , Photos , Anti Biden Social Club , Biden Shirts , Kids Memphis , Company , Show Business , Jerseys , Keyboard , T Shirts , Support , Woodwork , Social Media Platforms , Music Industry , Instagram , Children , Generation , Families , Vision , Wall , Official March Line , T Shirt , Campaign , Style , Logo , B S , 24 , Brittany Aldean , Country Singer , Country Stars , Stars , Celebrity , Hollywood , Names , Left , Country Music , Red , Others , Charlie Daniels , 8 , 9 , Wait A Second , White , Bill Maher , Stream , Comedians , Talk Show , Who , Weekend , Pete Hegseth , Fox Nation , Culture , America Fest , Turning Point , Kevin Hart , On Fox Nation , Speakers , Kayleigh Mcenany , Mission , Rescue Efforts , Dishes , Table , Seat , Flavors , Left Behind , Tam , Merry Christmas , Dad , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Injections , Me Undetectable , Help , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Reactions , Medicines , Depression , Doctor , Some , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Fever , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Rights , Writing , Amendment , Arms , Op Ed , University Of Miami School Law Professor Mary Franks , Boston Globe , Abuses , It She Amends , Freedom Of Speech , To Keep And Bear Arms , Bodily Autonomy , Tiger Woods , Car Crash , John Daly , Son , Tournament , Cart , Round , Birdies , Riding , Golf Icon , 12 , 11 , State Department , Interpreters , Visa Applicants , Too , 26 , 60000 , Group , Guest , Residents , Taliban , Matthew Herring , 39 , Matt , Work , Website , Amount , Documentation , Flight , Register , Jfk , Citizens , Criteria , Documents , Laws , Groups , Plane , Problems , Green Card , Holders , Passport Holders , Manifests , Folks , States , Approval , Citizen Support , Speed , Government Mission , Moves , Bureaucracy , Organizations , God Bless , 200 , Organization , Rest , Spectators , We Weren T Going To Stand By , 20 , Right , Mat , Cases , List , Issue , Stance , Parents , Kind , Circumstance , Bunch , Countries , Military Bases , Scriewft , Firm Grip , Camps , Residence , Subset , Lily Pads , Donor , Chicago , Project Dynamo Org , Dollar , Terrorists , Congress Comcast Cammack , Opposer , Next , Xiidra , Eyes , Inflammation , Eye Drops , Relief , Eye Disease , Eye , Eye Drop , Signs , Discomfort , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Holiday , Container , Contacts , Surface , Umph , Most , Priceline , Comment , Airport Announcers , Budget , Gate , Muffled , Ooh , 43 , Ray , Vacations , Glucose Levels , Diabetes , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Screen , Code , Progressives , Meltdown , Kat Cammack , Arizona , Threat , Gop , Line , Red State , Constituents , Somewhere , United States Constitution , Oaths , On The House , Chuckle , Loyalty , Oath , Words , Fabric , Society , Point Of View , Washington Post , Shoutout , Mr , Nancy Pelosi , Start , Nowhere , Times , Luck , Budget Reconciliation Process , Parliamentarian , Amnesty , Progressive , Doesn T , Programs , Cost , Throats , Spending Package , It Bass , Ram , Ronald Reagan , Books , Wouldn T , Government Program , Colleague , Cradle , Kudos , Laughter , Turning , America Fest Today , Young , 10000 , Conservatives , Lines , Activists , Red Wave , Grit , Adversity , Servicemen , Women , Southern Border Crisis , Phoenix , S A Whole , America 30 , Streets , Trial , Fox Nation Com , Case , Meteorologist Adam Klotz , Ear Muffs , Fox Square , Kansas City , Highs , Cold Snap , 41 , 46 , Snow , Weather Headlines , Mountains , Pacific Northwest , 38 , Show , Audience , Thanks , Covid Outbreak , Improv , Saturday Night Live , Macy S , Impact , Comedy Club , Yens , Explanation , Covid On Business , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Throwback , Car Insurance , Customization , Dj , Guys , Pressure Points , Bathroom Trips , Reduce , Prostate Size , Prostate , Brand , Bladder , Men S Health , Rush To Walmart , Don T Settle , 1 , Crew , Cast , Timer , Club , Tina , Donnie , Politician , Attention , Stand Up , Sir , New York City Comedy Club , Sn L , Lately , Someone , City , Fear , Level , Direction , Season , Past Weekend , Dropoff , Friday Night , Ton , Saturday Night , Reservation , 1 3 , Reason , Bar , Toughness , Staten Island , Long Island , Upper West Side , Elsewhere , New Jersey , Areas , F , Comedy , Climate , Places , Mental Health , Best , Element , Smiling , Small Business Owners , State Of Texas , Border Wall , Coming Up The Lone Star State Unveiling First Portion , Border , George P Bush , Hands , Gifts , Guests , Groceries , Waiting On , Joy , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh , Zone , Weight , Cv Risk , Events , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Heart Attack , Stroke , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Lump , Insulin , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Prescription , 25 , Ski Resort , Are Mountain Resort , Hoted Hot Cocoa , Weather , All American Christmas Tree , Daytime High , Skiing , Crossroads Of The World , Sixth Avenue , Zero , 19 , Ms , Karrly Shimkus , Sidewalk , Emails , Scenes , Place , Testimony , Tourists , Bike Lanes , Town , Bike Lane , Cars , Manhattan , Something Else , Mayor , Big New Year S Eve Celebration , Bill De Blasio , Big One , New York City One , Times Square , Tradition , 2021 , Mark , Joke , Signature Spending Plan , D C , Let S Talk About Washington D C , That S Right , Lawmaker Meeting , Peter Doocy , Details , Schedule , Happening , Lobbying , Schumer , Infrastructure Package , Country , Staff , Comments , Discussion , Framework , Home , Public , Utterances , Wilmington , Morning , Chuck Schumer , Letter , Saying , What S Going On , Nation , Ability , Tornado , Delaware , Kentucky , Peter , Will , Report Axios , Didn T , Call , Can T Say He Didn , The Call , Immigration , Housing , Healthcare , Family Services , Green , Energy Apparatus , Taxes , Education , Squad , Energy State , Couldn T , Liberal , Moderate , Tax , Historians , Chamber , Margin , 80 Million , Control , Result , Election , Currency , Legacy , Republicans Retake , She , Dead On Arrival , Wing , Pressure , Version , Oval Office , Last Tuesday , Form , Program , Blood Pressure , Excuses , Scrooge On Christmas , On Sunday , Scrooge , Bernie Sanders , Socialist , Insults , Vermont , Handout , Class , Working Class , Loudest , Republicans , Anything , Listening , Pulse , V A , Candidate , Half , Primaries , General Election , Primary , Story , Conversation , Topic , Warren Were Unelectable , Omicron And Will Killer Del , Oldself , Semblance , Let S Talk , Buttigieg , Director , Course , Nih Director , Origins , Francis Collins Outgoing Nih , Lab Leak , Distraction , Evidence , Don T Know , Community , China , Think , Species , Possibility , Humans , Bat , Scientists , Shame , Rand Paul , My Gosh , Will Functions , Note , Doctor Friends , Hospitalizations , Wave , Monoclonal Antibodies , Antibodies , Name , Hospital Groups , Reasons , Run , Collins On , Man , Stick , Aren T Effective , Spikes , Unpronounce Cybil , Strain , Difference , Viruses , Strand , Supplies , Pfizer Treatment , Sound , Elizabeth Warren , Men , Don T Have To Quint , Prompter , Laser Surgery , Shooting , Ambush , Police Officer , Keona Holly , Baltimore , Charges , Felony Convictions , Policing Shortages , Murder , Suspect Facing , Airport Travel , 2 Million , Housing Market , Warnings , Sites , Estimate Santa , North Pole , Property , Built , Listing , Increase , Remodeling , Extension Ton , Fred Kraus Clause , 1813 , 031000 , 1031000 , 1822 , Fun , Person , Talk , Santa , 14 , Huckabee S Great Show On The Trinity Network , Beer , Book Signing In A Raging Club , John Richens , Redneck Rivera , Red Lips , Alley , Pictures Starting Rolling In , Nashville , Music , Dayton , Redneck Rivera Premier , Action , Little , Bill Hemmer , City Friend , Book , Freedom Fighter , Choice , Stage , Number One , Universe , Instrument , Junior High Clarinet , Clip , Girls , Clarinet , Cheers , 4 , Brian , Wasn T A Shot , Fish Bowl , Beer Guy , Peristalsis , Doesn T Do Shots , Bourbon , Esophagus , Life , Boost , Primetime , Impresd , The Book Perfect Christmas Gift , Glug , On Camera , Manly Mo , Matters , Tons , Crisis , Texas Land Commissioner , Brian Kilmeade Com , Turning Point Usa America Fest Event , Back , Green Red , Owner , Future , Me And You , Investor , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Lone Star State Of Texas , Stretch , Immigration Crisis Spirals , Attorney General , Efforts , Lands , Land Commission , Acts , Entirety , Agency , Partnership , Texas Facilities Commission , Texas Legislature , 1200 , 200000 , Land , Record , Spike , Open Borders Policy , Drug Smuggling , Assistance , Border Communities , Corridors , Landowners , Ranchers , Violence , Migrants , Basis , The End , Operation Lone Star , Trespassing Statute , Initiative , Affidavits , Engagement , Building , Case Wall Construction Easements , Contractors , Deals , Funding , Surge , El Paso , To Mcallen , Walls , Firearm , Border Patrol , Farmers , Kindler , Pattern , Insecurity , Acreage , Unamerican , Law Enforcement Operation Lone Star , Sleeping , Wheel Toe , Policy , He Hasn T , Jailing Illegal Immigrants Criminal Trespassing Statutes , County Attorneys , Resources , Apprehending , Catch And Release , Integrity , Catch , Jail , Law Enforcement , Restore , Human Trafficking , Wife Britney Won T , Critics , Values , Giving , Elizabeth Dole Foundation Hidden Heroes Campaign Military Caregivers , Monday December 20th , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Immune System , D , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Defenses , Vitamins C , Zinc , Mississippi 20u7b Canceling Christmas Parade , Officials , Homes , Shootings , It Cars , Gathering , Fate , War , Crawford , Status , Gunman , Rice Size Chip , Fire , Skin Microdhap , Swedish , Forefinger , Chip , Vaccine Passports , Readers , Arm , Thumb , Microchip , Anybody , Works , Microchips , Definition , Golden Retriever , Need , Nature , Redemption , Human Utopia , Turning Point Usa , Progressive Movement , System , Judeo Christian , Background , Savior , Schemes , Sunday , Plaid , Camo Christmas Tree , Jacket , Suit , Wardrobe , Department Jen , Sense , College Kids , Schoolers , High School , Per Se , Seeds , Constitution , Freedom , Instructing , Teaching , Informing , Playing , Progressive Left , Charlie Kirk , Leaders , College Campus , Hope , Keyboard Warriors , Couple , Pete , Country Music World , Aways , Business Savvy , Social Media , Pictures , Gear , Access , Photo , Kayleigh , Mcenany Co Hosting , We Cower , Jimmy Johns , Terrain , Mob , Crowd , Polling , Charge , Reconnaissance , Coming Up On New Year S Eve , No Doubt , Shots , Partying , Kinds , Will Cain , New Year S Eve , Rachel Campos Duffy , Fox Nation All Access , Body , Clearchoice , Marty Makary , Health , Joe , Gateway , Joe S Treatment Plan , Better , Mouth , Dental Implants , Teeth , Booster Protection , Mow , Immunity , Promise , First , Infection , Drill , Ears , Speech Tuesday , California , Honesty , Transmiivelg Pathogen , Shelf , Meeting , 91 , Jsk Work Bins Omicron , V Era , Writer , Bullet Points , Fauci Spouts , Epidemiologists , Didn T Open , 840 , 31 , August 31st , 880 , July 15th , Communities , August 1st , Dallas , Knowledge , Doctrine , Faces , Analysis , Scientist , Rates , Outbreaks , Academies , 3 5 , Stories , Distrust , Journalism , Manipulation , Flawless , 27 , 47 , 18 , 2019 , 0000 , 35 , 1 75 Trillion , 9 Trillion , 4 Trillion , Trillion , 0 Million , 50 Million , January 20 , 1 7 Million , 170000 , 5000 , 140 , 1967 , 34 , 1939 , 2004 , 665 , 665 Dollars , 9 Trillion , 150 , 99 , , 50 , 1 50 , 500 , 3500 , 1 31 Million , 2013 , 5 Trillion , 1 5 Trillion , 60 , 1984 , December 7 , 51 , 28 , 2000 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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your husband defended you. why do you want to speak out. >> horribly right now. you have to do what's right, what's important for our future general and future generations. >> escaped. throws the ball it's interpreted. >> the new orleans saints come to tampa and shockingly shut out the defending super bowl champs and tom brady. ♪ christmas ♪ christmas ♪ brian: that's not the biggest upset. i think the cardinals losing to the lions was the bigger upset. a little bit later you are going to see in a matter of moments somehow we are going to get to the second floor. i knew it cue ted, ted walks tout see the three of us and we are ready to walk out. carley: good morning. steve: ainsley is off this week. carley: much deserved week off for her because she has a beautiful daughter as well. steve: we don't deserve a week off? carley: you do as well. but now you have got to bear it with me. brian: we haven't seen you on tv in six minutes. carley: i woke up this morning i was like two hours just isn't enough. i want five. steve: congratulations you are the big winner. brian: you picked a big day to come here. remember, this used to be the slow week in which everyone phoned it in and then joe manchin decided to work sunday. steve: yeah, he did. so joe manchin yesterday, if you missed it, he was on "fox news sunday" and he said essentially ho ho no to joe. he gives joe biden a lump of coal nixing the build back better. it's not going to happen according to joe. watch. >> when you have these things coming at you the way they are right now, i have always said this, bret, if i can't go home and explain to the people of west virginia. gentleman vote for it. ' i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. bret: you are done? this is a no? >> this is a no. on this legislation. steve: we saw it on tv for the first time yesterday. apparently joe manchin's office called the white house and called the democrat leadership in the senate and said hey, joe is a no. it's like wait a minute, we thought we had something going on here. carley: apparently his office called the white house about 30 minutes before that sit down with bret baier. if you listen to all of it. he really goes into why he why definitively vote no. democrats were pretty disingenuous about how they were getting the number down. it used to be 3 trillion. they got it down to 1.7. but really all they were doing was adding sun set provisions that weren't an actual reality. so you could say that you are going to fund something for one year and we all know that's not the reality of the situation. and he was worried binflation. he said he is not going to vote yes on something that he can't explain to the people of west virginia, which is why he is a no. brian: joe manchin country in my view. he saved the filibuster. he says i'm not going to do it. we are -- i don't think it's a good idea to pack the courts. oops, i guess you are not going to do it. comes to the 1.9 trillion. to go along with a package even larry summers says we didn't need in march because we just got 800 printed in december during the trump last month. then we got 1.9. manchin said all right. i will go along with that he saw the reaction. the reaction was inflation went up 6.2% now the highest in 40 years. they told everyone it was going to be transitory. they see how much spend something happening and how the labor market is hurting. the supply chain is wallowing and wobbling. and yet the anger at joe manchin representing a state that went to donald trump by over 30 points. they wonder why joe manchin is doing this jen psaki reacts as if she is at a middle of a temper tantrum did. she check with anyone when she wrote this here san excerpt senator manchin promised to continue conversations to reach common ground. on fox and written a statement indicate an end to that effort. they represent a sudden, inexplicable reversal in his position and breach of commitments and senate colleagues in the house and the senate. weave will press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word. went on further. the only thing i would add to this there was really no mystery to what joe manchin is saying. every time they gather by his office he would say yeah, i'm not for this. i don't see the rush for this. i don't think putting more money into this i will talk to you. now, if he refused to talk, that's one thing, but because is he giving the respect respect t. steve: apparently joe manchin went into the white house and had a proposal of a bill. a build back better bill for the president to look at. it was an outline for a bill, the same size and the same scope. it covered many of the same priorities but were missing a number of the other priorities. and the white house thought that was leading to compromise. they are negotiating. that never happened because joe manchin yesterday blew things up. you said in your view joe manchin saved the world. but to democrats he destroyed everything. because they are furious at him. watch? >> >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> we all knew senator manchin couldn't be trusted. the excuses that he just made i think are complete [bleep] >> he has continued to move the goal post. he has never negotiated in good faith. and is he obstructing the president's agenda. >> i'm going to be looking for the phone number to the ghost of christmas past, present and future or the email address to see if they can go see about scrooge on christmas eve not scrooge senator manchin. >> i know how are talking about. >> i like what senator cotton said about this. he said that he basically said that you don't get anywhere by insulting and the white house did say because brian just read the statement from jen psaki that they are going to try to reverse his position once again. there is a question if democrats and senators can pass something smaller. they're calling it bite size bills. take portions of the build back better legislation and pass them in pieces. just a reminder about what is in this massive social spending bill. steve: everything. carley: literally everything. something you may not know about so much stuff in it hard to cover it $550 billion to fight climate change, 400 billion for universal pre-k. 200 billion for four weeks of paid family leave. 200 billion for child tax credits. that's the stuff that we always hear about. i was looking for -- you know there is $1 billion for salmon conservation? salmon conservation alone. $900 tax credit if you purchase an ebite. also tax credit for local news outlets. that's the thing. this is such a monster spending legislation. and on top of that it's also grows the size of the government. i think a lot of people, because of what we went through with the pandemic. they look at how much they really want government to be a part of their lives. and more people now than ever are rejecting that notion. brian: he might have saved the democrats, too. if they had this on their report card, maybe the mid midterms would even be worse for them. because this represents a portion of the democratic party. but not the majority. certainly independents. and not the majority of the party. we're about to find out. other thing to keep in mind hey, democrats, you don't want to get too angry at this guy. because you got angry at jeromee lieberman. and they switched parties and switched balances what if he decides being independent for a while. i'm going to go play by play at each one. then used to be 50, try going 49, 50. carley: i don't know why senator manchin isn't democrat. even with the interview he did. they talked about the filibuster. he is a no on that. they talked about the vaccine mandate for private businesses. owe is a no on that. and a no on build back better as well. brian: i know. carley: old style democrat, you know, union dem. steve: all the democrats need joe manchin for voting rights bill which they want to pass. he holds the key. now, given the fact that this is a colossal loss for the democratic party and comes at you were detailing what is on joe biden's plate right now with inflation, supply chain stuff, covid, which we're about to talk about, you know, joe biden has got nothing. and what are the democrats going to run on in november? hey, we didn't get that thing we promised we were going to give you, sorry. give us another term. carley: are they going to run on crime increase? no border control? brian: one team is overreach. promises everything want to be the new fdr that fell apart yesterday. going to get us out of afghanistan. the biggest disaster ongoing he chooses to ignore and then he was going to beat the pandemic. beat the virus and have cookouts in july. how is that going? steve: exactly. see, they are not going to be able too say hey i got you universal free pre-k or expanded your medicare and medicaid. we don't have salmon preservation. we don't have the plug in spot for your electric car. what will they run on? brian: he had an infrastructure win he held on to it for three and a half months. coming up, dr. fauci telling those who want to spend christmas with family and friends too mask up. >> unvaccinated under certain circumstances, masks work. so it's not not an either-or. you can do both. brian: why the white house message something beginning to sound a lot like 2020. steve: secret to hanging christmas lights on the tree without the hassle this mom has a great trick, we will share with you the trick to her trade coming up. watching "fox & friends" on monday of christmas week. ♪ for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, experience the power of sanctuary there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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now, this is a league that says every coach has got to get vaccinated or you are fired. everybody works in the league office. sack sin nateed and booster or fired. we are swabbing people that feel fine and sending them home 100 percent and they did exactly what we wanted. i love what the nfl is doing. steve: essentially what that means is some feel who got it you would never know because they didn't test it. brian: no symptoms. walking around. steve: right. but they still have it. brian: maybe me don't. steve: joe biden is going to be giving a big speech tomorrow regarding covid. some question about why is he waiting until tomorrow? europe for the most part is shutting down. will he shut down parts of the united states? he probably is going to talk a little bit about how the fact that if you have been fully vaxxed and boosted, if you get covid, particularly if you get delta, which is a killer, your symptoms are less severe. you are less likely to go into the hospital. which is what it is all about. they think that santacon in. ainsley: i love those. steve: biggest one in the country was probably a super spreader event. now as we lead up to the holidays, the experts are forecasting given all the variant, 15,000 people will start dying per week at the end of christmas week. and that's why the president is going to. brian: how could that be if you have 70% of the country, double vaccinated, right? how could there be 15,000 -- how could that be happening? steve: that's the estimate. brian: how could that be? either you are not telling us the truth about break throughs are causing death. evidently it's almost impossible to die if you are vaccinated. now that we're on the booster. 30% of the country is boosted. 70% is vaccinated. most vulnerable seniors like 88%. how could that be? ainsley: as steve mentioned, we are going to hear from president biden tomorrow. dr. anthony fauci was on several of the sunday shows breaking news there. talking about omicron and he says that you should be pretty cautious around the holidays. listen to his suggestion here. >> do not do things like go to gatherings where there are people who do you not know what their vaccination status is. nothing is 100% risk-free. but i think if you do the things that i just mentioned, you actually mitigate that risk enough, vaccinated or unvaccinated under certain circumstances, masks work. so it's not an either-or. you can do both. brian: behavior has a lot to do with it all i can tell you is the virus does what the virus wants to do. in the south they were jumping all over desantis and over texas and tennessee and they are saying wait a second what are you doing? you are not doing mandates. you are allowing kids to make their own decision about going to school. when i look at the map of the neems, the darker it is, the heavier the virus is. the virus has left the south and has moved to the northeast. the south now all of the sudden and they are not taking a bow, they look like geniuses. the north saying look how low our numbers is and ohio how high yours are in permissive culture. the virus has a vote in this. do what you have to do i just hope that joe biden at the very least, just pure politics looks at this and says here is my plan to live with the virus not run from the virus because we can't do this for three, four, five years. car can a car brian, speaking of plans, did you hear governor desantis on with maria bartiromo yesterday? >> yeah. carley: nation locking down. brian: he won't do it. carley: no not only not doing it but talked about a possible solution. not everybody is worried about omicron. a lot of people see it for what it is. it seems to be much less severe. it could be a cold, especially if you have the booster or if you are young. although a lot of people in the media are saying that we need to really be concerned about this. he is not because he says there needs to be a much more significant and intense focus on treatment. this is why he has monoclonal anti-bottom particular treatments in florida. you never hear people talking about clinics. now one that the fda hasn't approved yet is a pfizer pill that if you take it your risk of hospitalization and death is down 90%. if that therapeutic comes out, i mean, in my opinion, covid is over. hospitalization and death is the risk that we all want to mitigate. steve: here in new york city, starting i believe yesterday, all cops have got wear masks. every day wherever they are. brian: outdoors? steve: sounds like it. just wherever you are. brian: so ridiculous. steve: to fauci's point about the mask in certain circumstances they work. at the height of the pandemic when there were no therapeutics and no vaccines, the people in the emergency room, dealing with the covid patients, the people wearing the masks and the shields and stuff like that, the goods n 95 masks their infection rate was really really low. are you going to mask up as you gather around the christmas tree that somebody decorated in 15 minutes with the lights going this way? probably not. here is donald trump yesterday on sunday morning futures talking about how the current president is handling covid. >> biden said i will solve it well, he couldn't solve the h1n1, which was another very minor, by comparison, that was a disaster. and everybody knew that but he said he is going to solve it well, as you know, and everybody reports it, even the fake news sometimes, but there are more deaths this year than there were with me. and, and we have all of these vaccines and we have all of these incredible therapeutics. they are not doing their job. they don't don't know what the hell they are doing. the mandates are killing our economy. brian: i thought he was right on the money there he got so much criticism. he said as soon as president biden takes over, we have an adult in the room, is he going to be attack the virus and he attacked the virus. he had a vaccine, a million shots before he started. he did a good job rolling it out. he said by july we could have cookouts. in comes delta now omicron and now all of a sudden it's hard to blame donald trump still, isn't it? carley: not just the united states. i couldn't believe this netherland they completely locked down like it's march 2020 then. all essential stores bars and restaurants. u.k. boris johnson said there could be possible two week some sort of lockdown going on there as well. steve: and regarding covid, the best news of the day came out at 5:00 this morning. you talked about it in the news headlines and that is moderna says that their shot actually has protection against omicron, which is. brian: moderna said it, right? following. steve: this news just came out today. brian: they keep doing this enough to the pharmaceutical companies going right to us. and the cdc going okay, go ahead. the door is open. now we are talking directly to the pharmaceutical companies who are telling us how their studies are going. i think for now on when somebody says the data reveals and the studies show. we need to go deep and find out what the study is and what the data reveals. if you read the atlantic magazine talk about this later. you realize the kids are in schools in masks over the most faulty, rudimentary flawed studies in the history of this country. that's why your 3-year-old goes to preschool in a mask. meanwhile, it's not easy qua being in the entertainment business and being conservative. we know that john rich will tell you that every day of the week. when jason aldean is a new country star rather than the old fashioned country star, when he came out and said basically i'm conservative and so did his wife. carley: like it's some shocker. brian: i probably should have phrased that differently. britney aldean says i make no apologies about it. i reached out to interview them about it i guess they want to make it clear where they stand but don't want to make it too big a deal. that changed yesterday. steve: yes, indeed. britney sat down with piece he had hegseth at america fest out west. britney has been in the news a lot last couple of days shared photos of her wearing anti-biden social club shirt and her kids memphis and navy were seen wearing hyden from biden shirts from a company that apparently offers unvaccinated t-shirts as well as pro-trump jerseys. here she is talking about a little bit about being a conservative in show business. >> there is a keyboard warriors out there. a lot of people very vocal on instagram and other social media platforms; however, the support that we received, it was unbelievable from. people within the music industry to people that, you know, came out of the woodwork saying thank you for speaking up. we wish we could. we both grew up in military families and very strong conservative families. i think i saw the vision of, you know, everything is going horribly right now. and so much bigger than us. so much bigger than our generation. we have children. and that's i think when i had children and realized oh this is so much bigger than all of us. we have to do what's right. what's important for our future. that's really the main focus for me. be strong, don't back down and do it for your children. steve: jason aldean's official march line now apparently includes a t-shirt in the style of a presidential campaign logo and it says jason aldean '24 get the b.s. out of the u.s. carley: not even really political if you think about it. it is interesting. obviously jason aldean a country singer him and brittany aldean coming out as conservative. not a huge risk there, but still a risk. and that's why when you are hollywood celebrity not in it -- openly political. i notice that a lot of country stars they never talk about politics because of they don't want to go there. brian: the new country stars are hollywood not like the traditional country stars, i don't want to name names but name the top 10 country stars i think 8 or 9 of them are to the left. so they have gone somewhat hollywood, which guys like charlie daniels and others would say i don't know what's happened to country music, normally red, white, and blue and very patriotic now they have gone on the critical side of the country. i they also think there is a stream in there among comedians and people like talk show host bill maher who straddle both lanes kevin hart wait a second, forget about politics can we live our lives again because the way judgmental and cancel culture is going i can't do my job anymore. meanwhile, streaming turning point u.s.a. had their huge america fest over the weekend. fox nation had it live. and will post it pete hegseth, one of the featured speakers yesterday will be joining us in 90 minutes. ainsley: kayleigh mcenany i think it's still going on. steve: streaming live. carley: catch it all on fox nation. straight ahead, it's their mission to save the forgotten. updated on their rescue efforts of those left behind in afghanistan. ♪♪ fresh flavors... classic dishes... ♪♪ and a new seat at the table. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? 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tiger woods back on the links less than a year car crash that left his future uncertain. woods teaming up with 12-year-old son charlie to set a new pnc with 11 consecutive birdies during the final round. woods and charlie finished second behind john daly and his son. the golf icon still recovering riding in a cart instead of walking during the tournament. and this is some of the news. brian over to you. brian: that was amazing. just to see where he was and where he is amazing, too. 26 minutes before the top of the hour the state department confirming more than 60,000 interpreters and visa applicants remain in afghanistan despite wanting to get out. our next guest's mission is to rescue the forgotten doing just that his group helped evacuate 39 americans and lawful permanent residents from the taliban ran country. matthew herring joins us now. matt, 39 arrived at jfk. how did you do it? >> it was a tremendous amount of work with the help from a lot of people. we have been working on this flight since about october. the register on website. a lot about documentation. follow the laws every country we are operating. in we are collecting names and documents and we are manifesting and getting people out as fast as we can. brian: what's the criteria to get out? >> they need to be american citizens or lawful permanent residents. the focus of our mission right now. green card holders or u.s. passport holders. brian: you do process them through the state department so you don't have some of the problems the other groups have because the state department says i don't know who is on that plane? >> that's right. the manifests have to be complete and detailed. we get approval from states to prove move the folks after they approve. brian: is it astounding you need that private group to do something our government has done in the past? >> you know, what the government needs right now is citizen support. this is support we are providing. augmenting this government mission. the government moves at the speed that the bureaucracy can move. they need our help for support. that's why we are here. brian: you are not supporting, you are leading. >> god bless the united states. citizens lead the government here. brian: but we pay them to do things like this and now we need a private organizations to help you because you knew when the government said when the president said there were 100 people left behind, maybe 200, the rest are deciding whether they want to stay or not, you knew there was something wrong with that statement fundamentally, correct? . >> my organization has been operating for 20 years. no matter what the government said, we weren't going to stand by and be spectators to this. we were going to get over there and get as close to the problem as possible and go everything we can to get americans and everyone that has a right to be in the united states. everyone eligible to move to get them here as soon as possible. brian: how many are left, mat. if i said to you fill up your list with qualified people. right now everyone can get out it's free. the taliban take a passive stance. how many would leave? >> you know there, san issue right now with separating families. the entire family has to be documented. and you know, we will have some cases where the parents and older children are documented maybe some of the younger children aren't and we can't separate families. we need some kind of special circumstance that allows these family to travel together a lot of folks over there ready to get out and looking for a way to do it. brian: matt, here is the other issue is that we took a whole bunch of people that we had no idea who they were, we threw them into third countries and now sitting in military bases we still don't know who they are. yet, you have to go through all this additional scriewft any and the taliban have a firm grip on that country now. how unfair is that? >> we are just trying to stay very mission focused with our subset of american citizens and lawful residence. we are not doing any of the lily pads or camps in the meantime. we are moving what we call kabul to dropping them off at jfk and chicago. brian: incredible job. if people want to help you out. >> project organization entirely donor funded we have a lot more work to could and thank. for every single dollar that comes into that website. brian: broke the country's economy and left it back over to the terrorists and left our people behind and people like matt have to volunteer to get them out. pathetic but thankful for people like you, matt. appreciate it? >> thank you, brian. merry christmas. brian: senator joe manchin says no to build back better. florida congress comcast cammack has been a fiery opposer of the legislation. she joins us next. what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! priceline can help you make the most of your budget, saving up to 40% on your flight. ooh, we have a comment from the airport announcers. 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(muffled, distorted) ...43... not better. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. scan the code on screen to try for free. ♪ steve: outraged progressives having a meltdown after senator joe manchin of west virginia says he will not back president biden's social spending spree any time soon. the far left media even slamming him as a threat to the future of democracy. florida g.o.p. congresswoman kat cammack joins us from arizona. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, how are you doing? steve: i'm doing okay. joe manchin is a democrat. but he is from a very red state. and if he would have voted for that, he would have been -- his constituents would have been absolutely furious at him. >> well, you know, somewhere along the line the democrats have forgotten that we all take oaths to the united states constitution not to a political party. so, i kind of chuckle a little bit when i hear the white house and then some of his colleagues, heck even some of my colleagues on the house side talking about how his loyalty is not to the party, he can't be trusted. i think was one of my colleagues' exact words. they forgot a long time ago that they don't serve are democratic party and they don't serve the liberal agenda. they take an oath to the united states constitution. this agenda, this build back broke. this plan to bankrupt america, it certainly would have transformed the very fabric of our society and even joe manchin knows that and mentioned that in his statement. it's great day in america. we have absolutely seen christmas come early this year. shoutout to joe manchin for doing the right thing. steve: well, that's your point of view, but the progressives are furious. that he pulled the plug on it apparently last tuesday, according to "the washington post," kat the president met with joe manchin and he had a probably. had t. was a build called build back better. some of the president's key priorities were missing. he said you know what? it's a good start. but apparently mr. manchin thought this is going nowhere. i'm going to blow them up right now and he did. the white house is blowing him up with their statement. >> yeah, you know, that is to be expected at this point. i looked nancy pelosi right in the eyes a few weeks ago as they rammed this bill through the house after having to rewrite it four times and i told her absolutely hell no we are not doing this oh and good luck in the senate. turns out they needed a little more luck. this is exactly what we knew all along. they were trying to use a budget reconciliation process to put things in there like amnesty. we know they are now trying to find ways around the senate parliamentarian who has told them time and time again no, you cannot do this. they are trying to take this very progressive, the largest spending package in american history and ram it down our throats at any cost. and even though they were able to pare it down, it doesn't change the fact that they started all these new programs and ronald reagan said it bass. the closest thing to eternity is a government program. wouldn't they are on the books virtually impossible to get them off the books. so important we killed it right there in the cradle. again, i can't give enough kudos to my colleague over there in the senate joe manchin. steve: well, you are addressing turning pointed u.s.a. america fest today. you have got plenty to talk about with this. [laughter] >> yes. yes. we are so excited. i cannot tell you. you have got close to 10,000 young engaged excited conservatives that are out here. we are getting ready for a red wave in the midterms. and these kids, these activists are going to be the front lines as we fight to take our country back. you know, i'm going to be talking today a lot about how adversity it breeds grit. grit is what it is going to take to take our country back. i think right now, whether it's the inflation, whether it is our fellow servicemen and women being left behind in afghanistan. whether it's the southern border crisis. you name it we are going through tremendous adversity right now. and that is what we are going to need as s. a whole lot of grit as we get our country back in 2022. steve: fantastic. thank you so much, kat for joining us today from phoenix, arizona. >> thank you, steve. merry christmas. steve: merry christmas to you as well. watch her speech live on fox plus, you could enjoy a free 30 day trial if you sign up using promo code america 30 today. all right. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. out on the streets of new york. we have got meteorologist adam klotz where it is cold and that's why he is wearing ear muffs. >> yeah, that's exactly right. steve. it is chilly out here this morning. that's not just the case out here on fox square. likely the case wherever you are waking up also as we are looking at fairly large cold snap across the country. these are going to be forecasted highs. eventually warming up to 39 in new york city, 41 in chicago. 46 degrees in kansas city. only real active spot across the country pacific northwest. 38 degrees. snow in the mountains before the day is over. those are your weather headlines for you, for now tossing it back knew. steve: coming up. a covid outbreak forces "saturday night live" to scrap the show. >> covid came early this year. >> this is not the smallest audience i have ever performed for because i have done improv in a macy's. >> thank you for coming. thanks for coming. i'm extremely dispointd disappointed. >> disappointed there was no audited yens. next guest owns a comedy club in new york and says the impact of covid on business is no laughing matter. his explanation coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. experience the power of sanctuary they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. guys, are you tired of frequent nighttime bathroom trips? well, force factor prostate helps reduce urges to urinate, plus fully empty your bladder, and promote a normal prostate size. don't settle. rush to walmart for force factor prostate, from the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand in america. live audience. >> in the interest of safety, we do not have an audience and we sent home our cast, most of our crew. tina, another -- thank you for joining me. as you know, i started the five timer's club. >> oh, like you started covid. >> exactly. carley: as sn l attention new york guest owns new york city comedy club politician no, sir laughing matter. stand up new york co-owner donnie joins us now. good morning, donnie, what's your message this morning? >> good morning, thanks for having me, carley. my message is new yorkers need to stay strong and be tough. we used to be tough and lately someone comes down with a cold and everything is shut down. it's sad to see the city going in this direction. carley: yeah, i think the level of fear you have at this point when it comes it covid really depends on where you live and in new york city, there is a lot of fear. you see people even wearing masks outside. people who are vaccinated wearing masks outside. are you worried that people will stop going into your comedy club because of omicron? >> yeah. it happened this past weekend. 1/3 of people canceled their reservation. we were expecting a very busy weekend. friday night, saturday night there was a ton of dropoff. i'm expecting a very slow holiday season christmas and new year very busy time the year i'm expecting it to be dead. all around the country, people are living their lives. i was in nashville a few months ago. every bar was packed. people enjoying themselves. new york city for some reason we lost that grit. we lost that toughness. people can't live in fear. people should go out, have a good time and it's what makes the city great. new york is the best city in the world. ainsley: it certainly is if people will let it be. you say because of this fear, you are thinking about moving elsewhere. maybe staten island or long island where people are less afraid of covid, right? >> i mean, i hope never to leave the upper west side. i love new york city. i would never abandon the city. staying on the upper west side. thinking about producing shows in other areas, long island, staten island, new jersey, just to hedge myself because who knows who f. there will be another shut down. i don't think there will be. you never know in this climate. and there are places like long island, staten island and new jersey where people still want to go out and laugh. why not bring comedy to them and have them enjoy themselves. ainsley: brian who lives on long island says he will take it. if you come, is he going to one of your shows. brian: absolutely. carley: we wish you the best of luck. we understand what small business owners like you are going through. keep people laughing and smiling. mental health is a big element of keeping people healthy through the pandemic. so, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> appreciate it. thank you. carley: all right. coming up the lone star state unveiling first portion of state built border wall. land commissioner george p. bush joins us as his state takes the border crisis into their own hands. ♪ groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy. so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on. ♪ joy. fully. ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. hey. you know, they have got some hoted hot cocoa. as you look like are mountain resort. a ski resort right there where it is currently degrees below zero. going to have a daytime high of 19. it is perfect weather to go skiing. meanwhile, live from fox square, 48th and sixth avenue. the crossroads of the world, there is the fox all-american christmas tree. welcome aboard, folks, it's monday of christmas week. we are on the mezzanine level and in for ainsley today, ms. karrly shimkus. brian: here all week, right? carley: i will be here all week. thank you both for having me. i know brian was sending some emails behind the scenes voting against me. brian: never happen. carley: apparently overruled. brian: as usual, i have no power. i will say, this going to be very interesting today, because when i left the city friday packed, couldn't even walk down the sidewalk and afraid to go in the bike lanes because you will be killed. carley: most dangerous place not crime the bike lane. brian: pretty amazing. not testimony that tourists yet from out of town -- excuse me, out of country. excuse me, this city is packed. over the weekend -- we will talk about it a little bit later. in nashville they don't even bring cars down broadway. i was shocked to see that also people i know over the weekend were in manhattan and began to empty out already. they are starting to say we're doing something else. i'm worried. carley: because of omicron. brian: because of omicron. steve: bill de blasio still the mayor may decide the day after christmas to pull the plug on the big new year's eve celebration. carley: hasn't decided yet. because the new york city one is the big one, right? steve: yeah. carley: everyone is in new york city for times square. time honored tradition. if you thought ball dropped and 2021 still rolling in to when the ball is going to drop and be 2022 it might not happen in times square. still has to wait and see. steve: i bet it's 50/50 right now. extraordinary because so many people have made the plans to be here at one minute before midnight. brian: such a bad message to the country when it doubt run and hide. everyone vaccinated. behind jersey bumps so, it's a joke. so, if he closes that it's him trying to make a mark as he leaves because it's going to help him become governor, which will never happen. steve: we will see what happens here in the meantime, let's talk about washington, d.c. and democrats in d.c. are scrambling after senator joe manchin of west virginia says he will not support joe biden's signature spending plan to build back better. carley: that's right. that was the big news. and the white house says they are blindsided by this announcement. >> were they really. peter doocy joins us with the details still coming out. peter? >> good morning. when joe manchin comes over here, that is the rare lawmaker meeting that they don't tell us about. they don't put on the schedule because it has been happening. so frequently. but despite all of that lobbying from the president, he is a no. >> always said this, bret. if i can't go home and explain it to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it and i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. bret: you are done? >> this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. pete: progressives are furious because they have been promised by their leadership if they just went along with that bipartisan infrastructure package, that pelosi and schumer and biden would deliver this massive social spending plan designed to transform the whole country asap. it's not happening asap so jen psaki at the white house is saying senator manchin's comments on fox are at odds with his discussion this week with the president, the white house staff and his own public utterances, weeks ago senator manchin committed to the president at his home in wilmington to support the build back better framework that the president then subsequently announced. senator manchin pledged to negotiate on finalizing that framework in good faith. senator chuck schumer has a letter this morning where is he pledging to bring this to the floor for a vote early next year. but it's not clear why because they do not have the votes to do it. back to you. steve: that's right. peter, while you are there, we know that joe biden, the president of the united states has got a big announcement tomorrow regarding covid. is he going to shut down the country like they are doing in europe? >> he has promised is he not going to lock down and shut down. we expect this to fall in line with what he has been saying which he thinks that everybody should get vaccinated and boosted but it's not clear exactly why this announcement, if it is as urgent as it has been described can wait. we found out about it a couple days ago while he was in delaware. he has the ability to drive a couple minutes and go address the nation from delaware. we saw him do it last weekend after the tornado was in kentucky just takes a couple minutes. he did not make that announcement. despite the cases that they watched doubling day to day, he decided that this urgent announcement about the holiday season and covid could wait a couple days. steve: sounds like the urgent announcement is going to wait five days. all right. peter, thank you very much. will. carley: thank you, peter. brian: couple things emerge a report axios i think came out and said as word got out what joe manchin was going to do with bret baier on "fox news sunday," there was a call from the president, the white house anyway eventually the tell him stop and don't do it. joe manchin didn't take the call. didn't inform the white house what he was going to do. can't say he didn't try to do it. when you look at what they were trying to do. going to expand family services. going to expand housing, dramatically change our country's energy apparatus to pure green, healthcare, education, raising taxes. they were throwing in immigration into this. he is saying you have got to be kidding me. i'm from an energy state. i'm worried about tax. you know i'm a moderate. i have never been a liberal. he could not be more different than the squad and he couldn't be more like who joe biden said he was. why joe biden doesn't have more of an agenda. the worse thing joe biden ever did sit down with historians i have 80 million votes and make history and not focusing on the chamber he just left the senate 50/50 five vote margin sometimes goes down less in the house and says i'm going to revamp the whole economy like fdr. the problem is we are already coming out of the pandemic. the economy was reviving at that point. you had a vaccine there was no reason to throw more money at something and devalue our currency and the result was inflation. carley: that's right. president biden wants build back better to be his legacy. we're getting into a midterm election year. and if republicans retake control of the house and his agenda is completely over, that's why there was sort of this artificial deadline of christmas, because he doesn't want to roll this into the next year. now it seems doa dead on arrival if you listen to press secretary jen psaki she released a statement just as senator manchin reversed his decision on build back better this morning we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again. so the pressure is still on manchin from the left wing. brian. steve: i bet what she is doing is negotiating. because apparently, according to "the washington post," joe manchin went into the oval office last tuesday with a proposal for build back better. but it was joe manchin's version. carley: i wonder what it said. steve: missing some of the key provisions that the top democrats wanted. he said no, that's not going to work. the white house came out in the form of presidential statement and said the president now knows that they there is still work to be done. we are going to kick it into 2022 that signaled to joe manchin, wait a minute, we are working on this right now. that's why he decided to go ahead and essentially blow up the program with bret baier on "fox news sunday." not only did he blow up the program, he blew up the blood pressure of america's progressives. watch this. >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> we all knew that senator manchin couldn't be trusted, the excuses that he just made i think are completely [bleep] >> he has continued to modify the goal post. he has never negotiated in good faith. and is he obstructing the president's agenda. >> i'm going to be looking for the phone number to the ghost of christmas past, present and future or the email address to see if they can go and see about scrooge on christmas receive. i'm sorry, not scrooge senator manchin. >> i know how mean. brian: could they revive it? could they come back with it? that was a brutal statement coming out of the white house on sunday and it was personal. bernie sanders went on and we can put a half hour of his personal insults at joe manchin. as if the socialist from vermont understands the people from west virginia that delivered that state to donald trump by 40 points. he says he is abandoning the people of west virginia. just because you are more working class than upper class it, doesn't mean you want a handout. even though bernie sanders speaks the loudest and does have the most sensational following in the squad. he doesn't speak for most democrats and certainly not independents and republicans laugh at him. he has never accomplished anything. he destroyed the v.a. when he was running it. why people keep listening to him and think he has the pulse of the people is beyond me. steve: remember, it was just about a year and a half ago, the democratic primaries, bernie sanders was going to win. he was way ahead of everybody. carley: that's why people consider president biden a moderate candidate even though he said some really progressive things that people forget about when he was running for president as well. brian: the reason why because know he would never be able to win a general election. only an extreme primary. and that is why they interviewed biden and said if you even have a semblance of your oldself we have to get behind you because buttigieg and warren were unelectable as well. meanwhile the biggest story is the same old story. carley: let's talk about the coronavirus. omicron is a major topic of conversation this morning, of course. but, nih director francis collins outgoing nih director because his last day on the job was yesterday. he was on with bret baier yesterday. and they talked about the origins of the coronavirus. remember the important topic where this virus came from. listen to what he had to say here. brian: it's outrageous. >> i'm really sorry that the lab leak has become such a distraction for so many people because frankly we still don't know. there is no evidence really to say most of the scientific community. myself included think that is a possibility but far more likely this was a natural way in which a virus left a bat, maybe traveled through some other species and got to humans. and there was no lab leak involved. we won't know unless china decides to open up about this, which they have not done and shame on them for that. carley: my gosh, someone check on rand paul if he heard that he probably kicked the tv. brian: most of america think they are lying and really matters. most scientists tell us if we knew where it came from quickly and even now we know how to stop the next one, how dare you not be kyrious where this going. how dare you call that a distraction. steve: the republicans in the house said if we are elected back to the majority issued a statement yesterday said one of our will functions will be investigation how that all started. the president is going to deliver a urgent message five days after they planned it regarding covid. i got a note from one of my doctor friends who said that omicron and will killer del can a wave they are expecting hospitalizations to go up. here in the northeast, there are very few monoclonal antibodies left here in the northeast. i'm not going to give the name of the hospital groups but hospital groups are diverting patients. they are coming in with covid and they say we want the monoclonal antibodies we don't have any. we suggest you go here or there one of the reasons there is such a run on it because spiking but at the same time, apparently lowered the standard on who could actually get it. this is this is terrible news. brian: monoclonal antibodies more than one kind. certain kind that aren't effective against the spike virus. i was watching that same man, dr. collins on face the nation and he actually held it up and said yeah, there are some that don't stick to the spikes. so, which one is it? something unpronounce cybil so fantastic. carley: real quick florida governor ron desantis i said this last hour i think it's so important. if president biden -- he is going to make this big speech. if he really wants to make a difference and address what's going on right now, he could talk about treatment. we have to recognize that this virus is here forever. and we need to learn to live with it and the fact that omicron is considered a much more mild strain of the virus could actually be a good thing. would you want omicron or delta? this is how viruses work. there is more. steve: if you got to pick. carley: more mild transmissible strand, that's how viruses play out. if you do get covid the best way to handle it by treatment. the president could be talked about increasing and getting fda to approve pfizer treatment. steve: unfortunately live supplies running low suddenly all these cases. it does sound as if what he is going to be talking about tomorrow is the people who are getting it, including two u.s. senators, and elizabeth warren they have mild cases because they both were double vaxxed and boosted. and it sounds like that is what the president is going to. brian: fantastic. please pre-read the speech and he had move the prompter. in is he squinting the whole time. now i will do the same thing thanks to my laser surgery i don't have to quint anymore. we now turn to your headlines two men charged with the ambush of a shooting of a baltimore police officer. his name is keona holly. shot in targeted attack while working extra shift she volunteered for as policing shortages plague about the city almost every city. suspect facing murder charges shooting took place the same night. both men have multiple prior felony convictions. we move on. the tsa screening more than double the number of passengers this year than last year. heading into the final week before christmas. over 6 million people went through airport security through thursday through saturday. i have and tsa i floated. nearly 2.2 million on friday. airport travel reaching pre-pandemic level amid warnings of surging covid cases. meanwhile the housing market is red hot even in the north pole my favorite sites. estimate santa's home to be worth $1,031,000. a 9% increase since 2020. the property sits on 25 acres. the just for fun listing says the built was 1822 with can remodeling 1813. fred kraus clause was born had to put extension ton for santa. santa's home will appreciate 14% over the next year. steve: is that a real house toward of the north pole? brian: i'm putting my best person on it. i did say this is a fun read. real quick, talk about fun. i was able to do governor huckabee's great show on the trinity network. i said instead of having a beer alone. why not go to john richens place and the redneck rivera and see if we could do the first time ever do a book signing in a raging club and john rich says i'm game. steve: you are in the alley there. brian: right. this is moments before. steve: i getcha. brian: pictures starting rolling in and people started lining up. it was fantastic. while john played i signed and red lips because the music was so loud. special thanks to everyone in nashville who packed broadway. redneck rivera premier place and went to dayton and saw great people and finished up in cincinnati tribute to bill hemmer and pete rose. shear a little of john rich in action introducing me where a bunch of people say why is that guy signing books in a place where i want to drink. >> somebody called me from new york city. my city friend he said john, i'm going to be rolling through nashville and i got this new book the president and the freedom fighter. i said i'm going to be honest with you, brian, people don't come to redneck rivera to read books, okay? [ laughter ] but, brian, if you come to my bar, i promise you they will show up in force. brian: there was a choice, i could come to broadway and be with the huckabee show and just relax or i could sign books and talk to a lot of great people and help keep fox number one in the universe. [cheers] >> i don't play an instrument. this will be the last time on the stage. i was all junior high clarinet. [cheers] brian: by the way, if you want pick up girls, pick up the clarinet. right? >> i watched the whole clip. sent a 4 minute clip over. the best part of it was john rich handed you, when i say he said give brian a shot of redneck rivera. brian, that wasn't a shot. it was gallon. brian: that was true. carley: i was like. steve: it's a fish bowl. carley: is he going to be age to drink that whole thing? i felt for you. brian: i'm a beer guy who doesn't do shots. they say it's the best bourbon ever made. but it really burned my esophagus in a way in which peristalsis was fighting the other direction. steve: only shot you do now is moderna. brian: yes and i will get a boost. hosting"primetime" tonight at 7:00. carley: never more impresd of you in my life than seeing you do that shot. that was a manly mo. steve: glug, glug. brian: one reason i didn't put that on camera. steve: a lot of fun in nashville. brian: thank you to john rich. steve: like the book perfect christmas gift go to brian the texas tons solve the border crisis by building their own wall which was, of course, stopped by president biden. texas land commissioner george p. bush joins us as his state takes matters into their own hands. carley: our very own pete hegseth will join us after taking the stage at a turning point u.s.a. america fest event. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. ♪ steve the lone star state of texas unveiling the first stretch of the state funded border wall as joe biden's immigration crisis spirals out of control as we have been talking about. here with more on his state's efforts to keep their border safe texas land commissioner running for attorney general of the state george p. bush. george, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: explain how this would work. i know as soon as joe biden came into office he pulled donald trump's efforts to build the wall. now what are you guys going to do. >> so, one of my first acts of office this year at the land commission was to survey the entirety of what the state owned in the border lands of our great 1200 miles of stretch. and so as it turns out over 200,000 acres managed by my agency at or near the border. and in partnership with the texas facilities commission, the governor's office and the texas legislature we went knowing that the biden administration wouldn't do their job. so we were proud to announce on saturday morning it was the people of texas on state owned land. we finally said enough is enough. enough of the open borders policy. enough of the record spike in violent crime and drug smuggling that we have seen in border communities in texas. and we're going to take matters into our own hands knowing in the next three years we are not going to get assistance from the federal government on their. we are excited with the first stretch of wall that is being constructed to address one of the most trafficked corridors of violence that you will find in our entire state, a two mile stretch where over 100 migrants come across on a daily basis. and we look to engage with private landowners and ranchers so that they can be a part of this effort as well. steve: okay. you just touched on something there at the end. you are going to engage with private landowners and ranchers. because they really hold the key in helping the state of texas finish that wall. >> that's correct. most of the border is owned privately. pursuant to operation lone star which is the governor's initiative to arrest people under criminal trespassing statute, requires engagement if w. private ranchers, landowners to sign affidavits and in this case wall construction easements that allow us to further construct. we have a lot of the former contractors during the trump days. we have the funding from the building behind me to get to work. i think my agency along with the facilities commission, the governor's office would now like it sign more deals with private landowners so that they can be a part of this. i just wrapped up a week long tour of the border from el paso to mcallen and some landowners are asking can i shoot? can i shoot to basically withstand the amount of surge that we are seeing and of course we want a more peaceful approach to this but building walls work. that's what border patrol tells us. we would love for the private community to be a part of this effort. steve: do you mean can i shoot? can i use -- have a firearm to protect my family or what do you mean by that? >> that is correct. for -- when you talk to farmers and ranchers, a lot of them describe a kindler gentler illegal immigration pattern in prior generations. now it has reached such a heightened level of violence and insecurity where farmers and ranchers including the one we just built the first part of that wall are now threatened on their own acreage and around their own property and that's just, unamerican. we need a state like ours to step forward. steve: you are running for attorney general. why do you want that job? well, i think we need to continue this effort. i think unfortunately ken has been sleeping at the wheel toe back stop our law enforcement operation lone star, which is apprehending, detaining, and jailing illegal immigrants criminal trespassing statutes. he hasn't back stopped our local county attorneys and d.a.s with the resources to get the job done. the federal government has a catch and release policy. in texas we need to stand for a catch and jail policy. i'm going to fight for the border. law enforcement, human trafficking and restore integrity to this important office. steve: all right. he is george p. bush running for attorney general. george, thank you very much. have great holiday christmas week. >> merry christmas. steve: thank you, you too. still ahead on this monday, jason aldean's wife britney won't back down. she is taking on critics who don't like her conservative values. >> bigger than all of us. we have to do what's right. what's important for our future children and our future generation. steve: pete hegseth did that interview and is he going to join us live next. plus it's day 8 of our 12 days of giving. show you how the elizabeth dole foundation hidden heroes campaign military caregivers. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york city on this monday december 20th. ♪ ♪♪ all the gifts you really, really, really, can't wait to unwrap. ♪♪ joy. fully. ♪♪ not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. joy. fully. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ carley: we are back with headlines, a mississippi 20u7b canceling christmas parade due to rampant violence. the mayor of crawford says a fate of shootings targeting homes and it cars gave him no choice. they are shooting like 30 and 40 rounds at one time. that's what i call war. officials saying they do not want a mass gathering out of fear as gunman could return and open fire. listen to this swedish company epicenter are working on under the skin microdhap will show your covid-19 status. the rice size chip could be implanted either in the arm or between the thumb and forefinger. brian: sign up for that. carley: chip could be read by most microchip readers and contain for covid vaccine passports. i don't think anybody is going to line up being microchips. steve: with works with the golden retriever. brian: always get them back and they run away. "fox & friends" pete hegseth rallying young conservatives with his definition of the progressive movement during his speech at turning point u.s.a.'s america fest. >> believe in human utopia that we can be perfected through man and government action, they don't believe in our sinful nature that we are fallen in need of redemption which all of us are. myself, most of all in this room. in need of a savior. they reject that the judeo-christian background. they want to install a system that can control and create a generation that will be compliant and complacent for their schemes which are always unpopular because they don't work. steve: pete hegseth joins us live from phoenix right now because they don't work. mr. hegseth, you look like mr. christmas in that jacket. carley: great suit. pete: i decided to go for it why not? one week from christmas. it's a sunday. i consulted my personal wardrobe department jen and she said go for the plaid, go for the camo christmas tree, why not? steve: it looked fantastic. tell us a little bit about this organization and what you guys are doing out there. pete: i'm telling you, it is incredibly inspiring to see what turning point u.s.a. is doing with this america fest. and when i was standing on stage, i even said this the generational impact of what turning point is doing with high schoolers and college kids, young kids, even younger than high school, i don't think we have a sense of when it's going to be felt per se, but it will be felt. when you are teaching, informing, instructing, mobilizing motivating young kids to truly understand what this country represents, the constitution, freedom,. steve: planting the seeds. pete: planting the seeds and equipping them to go out and be bold and to talk about it. you may see an impact in two, three four years, sure. but it's what you see 15, 20, 25 years imr from now. the progressive left has been very good playing a long game. what charlie kirk and turning point are doing is engaging right back with that long game. creating a generation of future leaders that our country desperately needs. because a lot of us grew up a politically found our way into politics because things didn't look right. what charlie is doing and turning point are doing is saying you are not alone in your college campus, you can do something about it now is the time for courage. and it's across the country. something like america fest gives you hope. in a moment when you need hope, america fest provides it. carley: one of 9 people you spoke to jason al dean. brittany aldean. take a listen onto a portion of what she had to say to you. >> a lot of keyboard warriors. a lot of people very vocal on instagram and other social media platforms. however, the support that we receive it was unbelievable, from people within the music industry, to people that, you know, came out of the woodwork saying thank you for speaking up. we wish we could. so much bigger than us and our generation. we have children and i think when i had children and realized this is so much bigger than all of us. we veto do what's right, what's important for our future children and future generations. carley: it is rare pete for a famous person even in the country music world to be outspoken conservative. what with your take aways from conversation with her. >> really smart. incredibly business savvy and loves the country. if you remember, a couple of months ago she put out pictures on social media of her kids in, you know, hyden from biden and all the gear from pro-trump and took backlash. jason aldean had her back. she stood strong. this was actually the first time she had spoken in a couple of months publicly about it she said this is my country's future. this is the future of my kids and if we live in a free country which we're supposed to you saw that photo not just myself interviewing her, kayleigh mcenany, because we have a show again today called all access live. and you can watch it on fox nation, myself and kayleigh mcenany co-hosting. a lot of great guests. all on fox nation. and if you put in the promo code america 30. get 30% off. what she represents is in our culture, if we cower, if we give in and say you're not allowed to have, you know, center right conservative opinion publicly as a celebrity, then we cede an entire part of the terrain. jimmy johns the guy who founded it was here we interviewed him as well. he came out and said i'm an open conservative. if you can't speak freely, you are not actually living freely and right now the mob keeps people from doing so. they want to change that. brian: pete, unofficial, just from talking to people, we know this is a pro-trump crowd. do you sense that they want the president to run again? they are expecting him to run again? or do you think that he is just popular there and they are looking for another candidate? >> well, i get -- this is a crowd that appreciates what donald trump fought for. what he taught so many -- the courage with which he took on the left. took on and exposed the media. if you polled this crowd, i don't know if he they're polling them or not. there would be overwhelming support for donald trump. i also think they are looking for anybody that's willing to fight. someone like ron desantis down in florida who is leading the charge there are a few names on the top of a lot of people's list. donald trump still remains, amongst conservatives, you know, cultural conservatives, fiscal conservatives, he's a number one for sure. no doubt about it. steve: so during christmas week you are there in phoenix. coming up on new year's eve though. you are live in nashville where brian just returned from. pete: i was going to say did you a nice reconnaissance for us. i appreciate that. brian: they are partying. they are not worried about omicron, believe me. pete: they are worried about different kinds ever shots which you partaked, in i love it. it will be a lot of fun, myself, will cain and rachel campos-duffy the weekend crew hosting new year's eve bringing in the new year. it will be a lot of fun. i hope you check us out. carley: that's awesome. new year's eve right for sure. it. pete: merry christmas to all of you. steve: be watching you on fox nation all access. carley: absolutely. brian: still ahead, remember when president biden said this? >> i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. brian: right. so what went wrong? dr. marty makary weighs in ahead of the nationwide address. my body was telling me you got to do something. and so i came to clearchoice. your mouth is the gateway to your body. joe's treatment plan was replacing the teeth with dental implants from clearchoice. [ joe ] clearchoice has changed my life for the better. it's given me my health back. there's an amazing life out there if you do something for your health now. brian fox news alert. mow determine that says booster protection against omicron still going to develop a new shot. really? news comes as cases surge across the country. president biden is set to address the nation tomorrow more than one year after promise promising to shut down the virus. dr. marty makary joins us now. don't we have a system to screen that first? >> we do. what we have got to do is recognize that even with strong immunity cases are going to circulate. we have never come to accept that we have got recognize that all these vaccines and therapeutics simply downgrade the infection. time to move our conversation to therapeutics have not heard anything about them to date. brian: we have a speech tuesday. i don't want the president to lean forward to get the vaccine and whisper something in our ears. we have been through this drill before. we are go to shut down again new york and california. same drill, florida stays open, better results. but what would be an effective way to tell people responsibly how to live with the virus that we can't control? >> well, i think it's that honesty to tell people this is a highly transmiivelg pathogen, a respiratory virus that mimics other viruses. we cannot contain it effectively. we need to move our conversation to therapeutics, that means getting rapid approval i would love to talk about flew vox mean. it has been on the shelf the entire pandemic. just got the data to 91 percent. cut deaths to zero. no meeting scheduled to even vote on it. this is where they can do a lot to move things forward. new monoclonal antibodies by v era and jsk work bins omicron. brian: probably don't need to be hospitalized especially if you are vaccinated that would help. have you always told me look at the study. there is more to the study than the bullet points that emerge from it that dr. fauci spouts. then we see atlantic story known as left wing magazine this writer decides to look at the results because he was stunned by this statement. the kids in masks in a study done in arizona are three times -- three and a half times less likely to get covid than kids without masks. so they said well how did you do that study? that's astounding. and they looked at it because they have epidemiologists on his staff that helps him out. he said well, we did this study because july 15th to august 31st. because arizona opens up early. they go really? how many schools? 880. well, we called them, there is 840. some of the schools on the list didn't open up until august 1st. and also, some of them are virtual schools and some are vocational schools one dallas. they don't even take in how much virus there is in the communities that they are in. this was flawed even from my rudimentary knowledge but yet did became cdc doctrine and our kids are in masks because of it. >> our cdc director not only cited this as the reason to cover faces of kids now for two years, but they are still standing by it. this study is so heavily flawed no. honest scientist has tried to defend it. so schools that they used in analysis are close and trying to say that they had lower rates of outbreaks, some of them were virtual academies. 40 of them in the analysis. this is a study that was not only poorly done, it is dishonest and manipulative to use this to say that masks reduce transmission 3.5 times. and why by the way, this is one of many studied cdc has put out that are inconsistent with the data including studies on natural immunity. brian: dr. makary what i'm saying is not to sell atlantic magazine. what i'm trying to tell everyone if this is so flawed and one writer looks at it with maybe -- he might be leaning more to the left if you look at the rest of the stories, what are we to believe? and you wonder why there is so much distrust about this in the country. real quick? >> yeah, it's now moved to manipulation. i think people need to look at it, journalism is dead, mostly. we have been talking about these flawless. other people need to take a close look at them. brian: i know you have. dr. matter makary thank you so much. >> thanks. brian: check in with adam klotz for weather forecast. adam: cold out here the case across large swaths of the country. maybe feeling a little bit like christmas. 27 in new york city. 31 in chicago. all below freezing. across the upper reaches of the country. 11 in billings. out in the pacific northwest, getting rounds of moisture. with that moisture means winter weather. winter storm watches and warnings oregon across montana. 4 to 8 inches of snow. forecasted highs on the day. actually fairly comfortable in kansas city. 47 degrees and sunny, only going to get warmer there in the middle of the country in the next couple of days, for now, those are your weather headlines from fox square, tossing it back into you. steve: all right. adam. thank you very much. rachel: it's day 8 of our 12 days of giving. this morning we're highlighting the elizabeth dole foundation hidden heroes campaign. the campaign brings attention to the untold stories of military caregivers and seeks solutions for the tremendous challenges and long-term needs they face. steve: like our next guest, she is caregiver for her husband michael who is a army and navy veteran. dole caregiver fellow melinda paste joins us from iowa. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: tell us, me linda, tell us how you care give for your husband and how you are using the things you have learned there to be a dole fellow. >> sure. my husband michael was injured almost well, 18 years ago when he was in the army. in a training exercise. and after injuries he had several surgeries that didn't go quite as expected. and ended up having to leave the army. and when he left, i was his wife, of course, we had been married a while. we have three children. our youngest was born at the army base rebecca, who is now 17 years old. and we as a family stayed at fort benning for quite a while. and he recovered from his injuries. and, which was very slow process. and while he recovered from all his injuries, even today, i helped him by helping him get his medications correct. i go to all his doctor's appointments with him to make sure he understands completely what the doctor is saying and what our next steps are i make sure he eats and help him throughout the day with his socialization. steve: it is a gigantic job. >> all sorts of things that a caregiver would do. carley: tell us about your new role as a dole fellow. >> in 2019 i applied and got accepted as a dole fellow. it's a very exciting program where they have people from all around the united states who are caregivers of military veterans who are disabled and what's wonderful about the program is it gives us an opportunity to have our voices heard. so, what it does is it lets us talk to legislators and the general public to let them know what care giving is and what they can do to help us take better care of our disabled veterans in the country. steve: right. >> personally here in iowa there isn't a lot going on yet but we are really excited. we had our first iowa caregivers conference here in november where we had an opportunity for several care goifers get together and we're going to continue to try to work with legislators about all sorts of topics that relate to care giving in the state of iowa. brian: let's bring in steve schwab the ceo of the elizabeth dole foundation. does this sound like somebody who is perfect for your organization? is this exactly what it was set up to do? >> brian, thanks for having me, melinda is representative of millions, i mean 6 million plus selfless spouses, mothers, children, siblings who are selflessly caring for their wounded veterans or active military service personnel in virtually every corner of the country. we are thrilled and honored that you would have us on this morning to help share her story. steve: absolutely. and not only are we sharing her story, but, steve, since she is the dole fellow and you are from the dole foundation, you have a surprise for her today. >> we do have a surprise for her today, steve. and it's because of the generosity of fox corporation, melinda, that we're thrilled to let you know this morning that we're going to be giving you a $10,000 gift on behalf of the dole foundation. steve: look at that wonderful. >> you and michael deserve support of this kind from friends like the fox corporation from millions of americans who should appreciate what you do day in and day out. and this is just a small gesture on behalf of your nation who you serve selflessly and we can't thank "fox & friends" enough, fox corporation for this generosity and for the viewers who we hope will go to hidden and help us help caregivers like melinda all over this country. >> steve, carley, brian, it means so much to us to be able to give this gift to melinda and mike and their family especially at the holiday time. steve: absolutely. fox corporation is supporting the elizabeth dole foundation this holiday season with special grants for caretakers and veterans and first responders who are part of the hidden heroes initiative. so, melinda, what do you think? >> oh my goodness, that's amazing. it will help our family so much. it's been difficult the last 10 years or so while michael is trying to retrain and go to school and i have been taking care of our three disabled children. so it's going to help us so much and also just to let everybody know how amazing all of the dole caregivers are, how all caregivers are so amazing, the generosity is amazing. i'm speechless. brian: i can imagine because there are seven other families aincluding yours across the country receive a gift from fox to use as needed because everybody has different needs. real quick, melinda, i understand it's extremely lonely. you lose the army and sense of family. next thing you are on your own and have injuries. real quick, is that why you are able to help so many people, you understand what they are going through? >> yes. i mean, the one reason i started volunteering was because i didn't want anybody else to be alone and i wanted their voices heard. it's extremely important to find that community, get network and be able to find those resources by helping each other out. carley: melinda, what sort of challenges do caregivers of veterans and first responders face because it's not something that is talked about very often. >> well, i mean i'm not sure i understand what your question is. brian: you have apartment costs, you have got to get a job. oftentimes the other spouse has to get a job. and find additional revenue with nurses and medicine and transportation is often an issue and i imagine melinda, not only does that mean something to you, but also as ceo of the dole foundation, that's what bob dole had to deal with, didn't he? >> he sure did. that's a great question. you know, elizabeth dole founded this organization because she spent a long time caregiver herself. i was with -- i was at dinner with her last night, guys. she just sends her love and her thanks for this extraordinary generosity. bob dole passed just a couple of weeks ago. we continue to mourn his loss, but she, like me linda, experiences the fact that melinda had to leave her job, she had to give up her livelihood so she could care for her spouse. she is also caring for children and grandchildren. she is the center and the strength and the pillar in her family and this is happening in homes. brian: all the time. >> all across america whereby folks are giving up their lives to care for wounded loved ones. brian: steve schwab thanks so much. melinda smith-pace. inspirational. help out families like this elizabeth dole thanks so much, guys. >> thanks so much. steve: merry christmas. carley: her reaction made it perfect. steve: fantastic, absolutely. a complete surprise. all right. coming up on 8:00 in the east. final hour of "fox & friends" for steve: senator joe manchin of west virginia says he will not support build back better. >> i can not vote to continue with this piece of legislation. >> this plan to bankrupt america, it certainly would have transformed the very fabric of our society. >> new data this morning shows that moderna's booster shot increases immunity against the omicron variant. >> what we've got to do is recognize that even with strong immunity cases are going to circulate. we've never come to accept that. >> the lone star state unveiling its first portion of a state built border wall. >> we went to work knowing that the biden administration wouldn't do their jobs. enough is enough. steve: jason aldean's wife is taking on critics who don't like her conservative values. >> everything is going horribly right now. you have to do what's right, what's important for our future children and our future generation. >> and it's intercepted! the new orleans saints come to tampa and shockingly shut out the defending super bowl champs and tom brady. ♪ just hear those sleigh bells jingling, come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you ♪ >> good morning a live look at our fox square all-american live christmas tree. if you can just waking up the bad news is that it's monday but the good news is it's five more wake-ups until christmas morning the most exciting week of the year. brian: you stay up all night because you wonder what kind of gifts you'll get and give. >> yeah, i still go through my parent's house even as a 35- year-old looking for gifts that might be there, that santa may have left. steve: i'm not giving up any particular children, but i know that some people who used to live at my house would find gifts down in the basement that were wrapped, and they would un wrap them and take a look at everything and then they would wrap them backup. >> that's exactly right because in my house i think that a lot of households did this yours included, santa brings gifts but then also there's some presents from mom and dad. steve: right these were mom and dad gifts because the santa stuff comes from santa. brian: that was, i grew up and we all grew up in the pre-ring door bell era and motion camera era so nothing was ever caught on tape. this could be the first year that santa could be caught. steve: do you have a ring door bell on your roof? brian: good point. that's a good point. so okay, santa looks like you're going to slip through another year. >> i don't think the makers of ring door bell were thinking that be a good idea. who needs that. steve: because you know, it's just kind of magical. he shows up and there's stuff. and the cookies are gone. >> i remember when i was a little girl we had this , i had this chalkboard and it had 1-25, all the days up until christmas. steve: like an advent calendar. >> the most exciting thing be to cross off the day, 25, 24, and then it was this week, it was like oh, my gosh, the anticipation. brian: just a warning to everybody, to believe in santa, because last time, you didn't believe in santa, ed asner crashed in central park and that was a problem and then people started believing and he flew and everything worked out. >> the government sometimes think they are santa claus but they aren't. steve: they do indeed. brian: they take our money and give it to other people. fantastic. democrats in washington are scrambling after senator joe manchin says he will not support biden's signature spending plan. >> the white house saying they were blind-sided by this announcement. steve: peter doocy who never opened presents before christmas joins us with details. reporter: that wasn't me, and get married before 9:00. that was not me! steve: okay, fine. brian: okay. reporter: we are here at the white house and the build back better plan is dead for now. joe biden tried so hard to get joe manchin on board. he even had him to his house in delaware. the only other lawmaker that we know of whose been there is chuck schumer so it's extremely rare and it didn't work. >> i've always said this , brett. if i can't go home and explain it to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it, and i can not vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> you're done. >> this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. reporter: the white house is furious, jen psaki says in a statement, senator manchin's comments at fox are at odds with his discussion, with the president, the white house staff and own public utter answer. weeks ago senator manchin committed at his home in wilmington to support the build back better framework that the president subsequently announced. senator manchin pledged to negotiate on finalizing that framework in good faith. republicans say the white house should have seen this coming. >> somewhere along the line the democrats have forgotten that we all take oath to the united states constitution not to a political party and this august, this build back broke, this plan to bankrupt america, it certainly would have transformed the very fabric of our society. reporter: president biden is still in delaware that's where he's been as this whole plan fell apart and that's where he's been as lawmakers in states in big cities have been scrambling to figure out what to do about this new covid variant but we expect him back in about an hour back to you. steve: peter, build back better is definitely dead or could this possibly be revised? reporter: chuck schumer is saying they are going to have a vote in the new year which blows past the christmas deadline on a revised version so they try to figure out something joe manchin can stomach but if they break it apart into a million different pieces it's still the same plan, so we'll see what happens. they don't have the votes for everything in there. steve: build back better bite size. >> which is not bite size no matter how you slice it. brian: a lot of people wondering why did those 11 republican house members pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill and there's strong belief that those republicans got the word, was work with joe manchin a lot, got the word that if you pass the infrastructure bill, and help us out because the squad was out, you help us out here, i'm not voting for the build back better plan that's why when a lot of republicans said how could you do this , if this was the big picture the gamble worked because you have a bipartisan deal, maybe not enough for infrastructure, republican, maybe too much compromise for a lot of democrat states, but if the result is the build back better plan that would socialize the country and green our energy sector, which is not ready, then maybe that gamble should be looked at differently today. steve: that is why the democrats didn't want them separated but they did. >> i forgot about that. steve: they separated them and now one lives and the other, well, as peter just said may come back in the new year. >> i just can't fathom what it be like to be joe manchin or kyrsten sinema over these past few weeks because if you remember kyrsten sinema was chased into a bathroom over this , joe manchin is getting hassled wherever he goes by both reporters and protesters, and that sort of negative energy directed at manchin isn't going anywhere. take a listen to this montage of progressive lawmakers from yesterday. watch this. >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> we all knew that senator manchin could be trusted, you know, the excuses that he just made i think are -- >> he has continued to move the goal post and he has never negotiated in good faith and he is obstructing the president's agenda. >> i'm going to be looking for the phone number to the ghost of christmas past, present , and future, or the e-mail addressed to see if they can go and see about scrooge on christmas eve, i'm sorry, not scrooge, senator manchin. brian: yeah, there was so many other negative things to say that are basically blowing up the bridge to future compromise including for the white house. you have also some tweets out there from not only people on the squad but you saw bernie sanders said joe manchin pretend s to have a problem with the cost of 1.75 trillion investment over 10 years in the american people but has no problem with 9 trillion to weapon-makers in the military. we do need a military. i don't know if people know there's some threats out there, he's talking about other people are praising him but this reminds me very much of john mccain. when he blew up the skinny bill, this obamacare, and gave him the famous thumbs down republicans were all over him for doing that and now democrats are all over joe manchin. the problem is they need joe manchin. they had a little bit of a cushion and by the way senator mccain was never leaving the republican party, but joe manchin very well according to a xios said that he would consider going independent, more than republicans, but he would have to go independent and not even hurt his political career at all. >> but the bottom line about this build back better with manchin is that we're already seeing inflation, everybody is feeling it and as you think about putting 1.7 which is really more like what, three or $4 trillion pulping it into the economy that's just going to get so much worse and he sees, you know, this written in the stars that the cost of things be even more expensive, which if he votes this down it could ultimately help president biden even though he never gets credit from democrats it ultimately could in the end. steve: a lot of republicans love the fact that joe biden is saying stop, can't do it, ho ho ho no. texas republican congressman troy nells join us right now. congressman good morning to you. >> good morning, merry christmas, happy new year to you and all your listeners. steve: thank you very much and christmas came early to you with joe manchin saying no yesterday, but you know, the white house and top democrats have been saying, congressman, this is not going to cost anything, it's completely paid for but then the cbo came out and said hey wait a minute that's not right. it's going to cost a lot. >> absolutely and this administration understands that, but they're not being truthful with the american people. the cbo is a neutral organization. they are out there, and the accountants looking at the number, and the number for that is very dismal. it's just adding billions and billions of dollars of more debt to the american people and i applaud senator manchin and some of the other conservatives over there for stopping this , because this is a bad bill. it's dangerous, it's not good for america, it places the american people last, quite honestly. >> what about the conversation that people are already having on capitol hill about possibly breaking the bill up, and maybe a portion of it could be passed, something that senator manchin might agree with. do you think that could happen or is this build back better phase of american history completely dead? >> i mean, anything is possible over in the senate. we know on on the , everything we're doing over there on the senate side, we don't control any of that but what we do know is many of these bills are being, they're being passed through the house of representatives and then the senate is looking at these bills. they realize how dangerous they are and again, i think senator manchin realizes that this isn't good for the american people, and he's doing something about it. could they chop it up a little bit? they did it a little with the infrastructure bill. that's for certain and it went back to the house and passed the house, so anything is possible over there in the senate and we'll just have to wait and see what happens. brian: congressman, was there a deal with joe manchin and some of the republicans that voted for the bipartisan deal that if you, you guys help me out here, i'll kill the reconciliation bill? >> well, we did, we do know that they are in the infrastructure bill, deals are cut. of course there's all sorts of deals cut over there but i'll tell you i'm a hard no. i've always been a hard no. not only on reconciliation but the infrastructure bill, so my concern is i think the build back better bill is broke. i don't think it's going to go anywhere but i do believe this administration is going to pivot more to hr-1 which is this federal takeover of our elections and that's the bill. that is the bill that the american people need to be concerned about this coming year brian: and elections absolutely steve: let's talk, congressman, a little bit about build back the border wall better because the state of texas over the weekend announced that they've already raised $50 million to build on state land and land owned by ranchers and land owners. the wall, to try to keep your state more safe. this is something that joe biden pulled the plug on pretty much at the get-go but you say that it's really needed for the lone star state. >> it is, and governor abbott is doing the right thing. he took his oath of office and it was to protect the people in the great state of texas. you know, when joe biden was sworn in january 20, he rose his hand and he said i will preserve , protect and defend the constitution and laws of the united states, and in my humble opinion, he has violated his own oath. we know just that statistically, there are hundreds of thousands of people entering our southern border, up to 1.7 million this year, 170,000 just in november, so we keep setting more and more records, but what we do know is many of the individuals that are being apprehended at our southern border are criminals and we continue to see more and more criminals apprehended and why is that? because the governor has placed the national guard and department of public safety to help augment the border patrol that is under staffed, they are working their tails off and having a very difficult time because we have hundreds and thousands of miles of southern border in our great state of texas, so the governor is doing what he can to protect the american people. we just got the november border encounters number and it was up 140% from last year to about 17 5,000 encounters so if you care about border security then that texas-built border wall is probably welcome news to you. congressman thank you so much for joining us. brian: my last thing is, they had the drug czar from the biden administration on who said fentanyl is killing americans at a dizzying rate, since it's made in china, so to the cartels who are breaking it down, mixing it in with every day drugs and some illegal drugs, whether it's cocaine and killing americans, coming through our southern border. the only thing they're not doing is seeing they are complicit in leaving our southern border wide open. >> without a doubt, brian, and this administration is complicit and fentanyl is killing more people today than car crashes, so if you build that wall, it's going to channel these individuals, build the wall, channel these individuals into these ports of entry, so we can identify who they are. this is certainly, the wall is certainly going to hurt the criminals, the drug cartels, it's going to hurt their bottom line and their business plan, because they want these individuals to get into our southern border, undetected, pre y on the american people, and they're trafficking their own people into our country, and there are many victims out there. the stories that we have heard from some of the women and their families, horrible. steve: the cartels and the coyotes have to work harder. congressman thank you very much for joining us, merry christmas. >> thank you, god bless. thank you, congressman. god bless. we begin headlines with a fox news alert. big news here, moderna says tests show it's fda approved vaccine booster shot is effective against the omicron covid variant but moderna says it's still developing an omicron -specific shot with clinical trials expected to start in early 2022. the announcement comes as democrat congressman jason crow of colorado announces he has tested positive for covid-19 senators elizabeth warren and corey booker also revealing they both tested positive. both say they are experiencing mild symptoms, praising the booster shot for making the virus manageable. >> a law professor is suggesting a redo of the first and second amendments, leaving out the rights to free speech and right to bear arms. university of miami school of law professor mary franks writing an op-ed for the boston globe and in it, she amends the rights to keep and bear arms to the rights to bodily autonomy she changes freedom of speech to saying everyone should be responsible for abuses of their own freedom of expression. >> and tiger woods back out on the links less than a year after a car crash left his future in golf uncertain. woods teaming up with his 12- year-old son charlie to said a new pnc championship record with 11 consecutive birdies during the final round but the champions of the day, john d aley and his son beating the woods by two strokes. the younger john, a star golfer freshman at the university of arkansas. they are claiming the title with a tournament record score of 27 under par which is a good score. right? brian: yes, it is. absolutely. that's fantastic, and i guess they did two years in a row, right, tiger woods didn't he play that last year? steve: i think he did. >> i think he did too because that's when i remember seeing his son for the first time in the red. he's so cute. brian: he wasn't unable to walk the course but he said hopefully next year. he hasn't ruled out the masters either. steve: and congratulations to the daleys. they did a good job, so the website that rates movies, rotten tomatoes, came out with the top five christmas movies of all-time. brian: are you ready? steve: number five. would you like me to read it? steve: yes. >> that pregnant pause'more me to continue? number five you could see how the grinch stole christmas, the 1967 version, which is the only version that matters in my opinion. would you like me to read number four? brian: go ahead. >> the shop around the corner? i've never heard of that. brian: what is that? >> i haven't even heard of holiday inn, number three, do you know that one? steve: yes. >> number two, miracle on 34th street, of course and the number one christmas movie of all-time, brian? brian: it's a wonderful life and there's no question, what i find astounding about it they say it was not a big deal when it rolled out. it was considered a great movie and as years went by people appreciated it more and more. >> i wonder when it started to become really popular because when you think about christmas movies this comes to mind. steve: a couple years later i think that came out in 1939 which is the same year that wizard of oz came out. it was a big year for christmas movies and for movies in general that is one of my favorite movie s as well, and this was something that back in 2004, the fox news channel decided you know what? because so many people love this movie let's just do a spoof on it to talk about, well, watch. >> a toast, to my co-anchor, the fair its guy on tv. >> [applause] ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> what's that? >> good news from a very dear friend. >> look, daddy,. >> that's right. brian: that was so well-done. steve: so well-done, rich o'brien, god rest his soul, our director, produced that, edd ie hill was in it and my daughter sally who i'm holding right there, she's now married. >> i know, i love sally. steve: and she's living in texas and it's just a classic. >> she's the best. brian what's your favorite? brian: the one that wells me up every time is fred clause, vince vaughn, the much taller older brother of santa claus, to me, it's everything you need. that's everything you need. >> i haven't seen that one. my favorite christmas movie is " a christmas story" and you can watch it like 100 times in a row every christmas. steve: look out for the flag pole. we're stepping aside, back in a minute. ider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes only pay for what you need. knocking you out of your 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about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. steve: all right, 8:25 in the east. senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts taking heat after she blasted grocery stores for the rise in prices, saying, "your company, and other major grocers, who reep the benefits of a turbulent 2020 appear to be passing costs on to consumers to preserve your pandemic gains" and even taking advantage of inflation to add greater burdens , but are these grocery store companies really to blame for the high cost of food right now? former cke restaurant ceo andy p uzzner is with us right now good morning to you and merry christmas. >> hi, steve, you too. steve: so, you know, and the white house last week went after the beef conglomerates because i think beef is up 12%. why isn't the white house going after the gas companies, because gas is up like 50%. >> well, they're going after anybody they can and looking for scape goats to explain the incredible surge in inflation that we've seen since they passed that $1.9 trillion spending bill in march, where larry somers warned , if you pass this bill, you're going to be pouring gas on a fire of inflation, so that's exactly what happened, and now they are trying to find people to blame. i think grocery stores are just the latest victim, and there are a poor victim, it's a very low margin business. steve: absolutely and you know, when it comes to, it really started to hit the fan about two months ago when we heard about all these ships off the coast of los angeles and long beach, and then the white house in the last 10 days, andy said, you know what? there are half as many ships now waiting. well what they didn't tell folks was there are half as many ships waiting close to the port, another 100 ships or about 150 miles parked off the coast, which is just the administration's way of trying to say hey, we've got this , but big government is not really very effective at handl ing something like this. >> well they aren't, and this administration, oh, what credibility could they possibly have? you know, biden did not have a plan for defeating covid. the afghanistan withdrawal was not a resounding success, inflation was not temporary, it's not a good thing and government spending doesn't bring it down and grocery stores make about a percent, a percent to 2% in profit so let's say you eliminated all the profit that grocery stores make. now the reason that they make a profit, the reason that there's so much competition out there, the reason we have such an abundance of food is because of this profit-motivated competition in the grocery store sector but let's say we pulled venezuela and took all the profit out so if you bought $100 worth of food it costs $99 if you took out the grocery stores profit that's not the answer to inflation just an attempt to scape goat an industry. steve: unfortunately there are shortages and when people have to pay $1.50 more a gallon of gas or $1 more for a pound of beef, that impacts everybody from the richest guy right down the food chain. >> well there was a recent study out of the ben watteron that said inflation is going to cost the average american family about $3,500 this year and that's a huge tax on people that really can't afford it. this hits everybody. if you reduce the supply of oil, because you're pursuing these green energy policies, what do you thinks going to happen? energy prices are going to go up if you make it impossible for people to deliver goods so transportation costs go up because you don't have drivers because people don't want to work the cost of everything is going to go up. all of the policies of this administration have contributed to incredible inflation, inflation we haven't seen in at least 40 years. it's not going to go away and blaming people like grocery stores isn't going to solve the problem. steve: simple economics. it's supply and demand. andy thank you very much for joining us live. merry christmas. all right still ahead on this monday, find out why it maybe hard to find eggnog on the shelves this christmas season not kidding plus senator joe manchin's christmas gift of a no vote is not received well by the white house. outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenany on the blow to president biden's vision, she is coming up , next. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company experience the power of sanctuary for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we help that veteran? with more ways to help more veterans, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. brian: where's the eggnog. shoppers stocking up on holiday favorites may have trouble finding the eggnog in the store. i know starbucks doesn't have it organic valley says the scrapped eggnog, they scrapped eggnog this year, because of a shortage of butter fat. a key ingredient in the holiday drink, sure to raise your cholesterol the company points to supply chain problems with the shortage but plans to bring the creamy drink back next year so that's great news. >> candy cane and toy drive shortages caused by the supply chain crisis are also being reported. one other story. the housing market is red hot even in the north pole. zillow estimates santa's home is worth 1.31 million, yup, a 19% increase from 2020 if you remember. the property sits on 25-acres. the just for fun listing says the house was built in 1822 remodeled in 2013 and forecasting formula predicts santa's home will appreciate nearly 14% over the next year. i never read something so precise and so fictional. >> and just for fun. even inflation is even affecting santa. brian: i'm not going to even toss, just go silent. >> brian thank you so much. democrats scrambling after senator joe manchin said no to president biden's social spending spree, white house press secretary jen psaki responding, "weeks ago, senator manchin committed to the president to support the build back better framework. if his comments on fox indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal of his position." former white house press secretary and outnumbered co- host kayleigh mcenany is also the author of "for such a time as this " and she joins us now. kayleigh, are you surprised by senator mansion's position, because it appears that the white house is. >> yeah, that is such a disingenuinous statement from the white house. i'm not surprised at all because unlike the white house, i guess, i read the news. i pay attention to what senator joe manchin says, and perhaps no one in washington has been more clear on where they stand on build back better which would actually build back worse, but that aside, no ones been more clear on where they stand than joe manchin. joe manchin, carlie, you'll remember, signed a document with chuck schumer saying i support $1.5 trillion and he listed out exactly what he supported. what the white house did is disingenuinous budget games and gimmicks to try to suggest it is actually 1.75 trillion when in fact it is not the cbo says it's really 3 trillion when you account for all of the time out of these programs will last so joe manchin is being forthright. the white house still misleading us. >> that's right and if you think about pumping $3 trillion into the economy, it be over the course of 10 years, but there's already inflation right now, so there has been political analysts and some folks who have written op-eds for the wall street journal and they say if joe manchin says no to build back better, which he did yesterday, it could actually help the biden administration in the long run because then there wouldn't be an increase in inflation from where we see it right now. >> that's exactly right. he probably did the biden administration a favor because this piece of legislation, this bill would have been disastrous but what was really interesting, carlie, is when you see how we interviews with bret baier, senator manchin, when he's first asked about why he doesn't support this bill he cites three reasons. he cites inflation, which you just mentioned, geopolitical unrest, and covid. translation: that is the disaster of the biden presidency, so what he was saying, at least that's what i heard, is this administration is so unpopular, such a mess, that in fact, he can't get on board and can't support this because that's what he's saying when he cites geopolitical unrest, russia, china, what's going on on the world stage and litany of other factors he cited. that's a disastrous joe biden presidency. >> well you are in phoenix, arizona because you are a featured speaker at the turning point usa. have you made your speech yet and if so what will you be speaking about? >> tomorrow i'm the closer so i'll end it. i can not wait to speak, carlie i've been coming to turning point usa for years and years, charlie kirk does a fantastic job and there's so much hope, optimism, energy, my parents are here with me and my dad said, you know, i just get so encouraged seeing all these young people so enthusiastic, so smart, so enterprising, if you want a little uplift in your life, come to turning point usa if not this time, next year they always have events and lift your spirit. >> yeah, kayleigh what is the atmosphere like because it is all about supporting america. it seems like it be such a positive event to be a part of. >> absolutely, look i was a young person motivated by politics i remember going to debate tournaments with my rolling backpack and i didn't have an outlet like this or a place where i could go and be among like-minded conservatives who also loved politics and engaged with current events and theory is they congregate, they are enthusiastic and excited it's a little pump of espresso into your day being here and i can't wait to talk to these young eagles as my dad calls them in my speech tomorrow. >> i love that well you can watch kayleigh mcenany's speech live along with the all-access live show, she and pete hegseth are co-hosting later today check it out on plus enjoy a 30-day free trial if you sign up now, using promo code " america 30". kayleigh you're closing it out. that is awesome. thank you so much for joining us this morning, and we will see you later today and tomorrow during your big speech. >> thank you so much. >> up next the man convicted of killing this new york police officer with her own gun will soon walk free. dan bongino's unfiltered take, coming up, next. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood 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stop criminals from praying on innocent new yorkers, we continue to urge governor hochul to fix our broken parole system before another hero's sacrifice is dishonored former nypd officer dan bongino knows exactly the sentiment and he's been out since december 7. dan, why is this a priority? >> well listen, this police officer who was murdered would have had decades of life left, brian. she was 25 when she was brutally killed. now, i'm a big believer in the power of redemption through screes us christ, i am, especially during this holiday season, but i should evangelize the cause, it's my job, but that's between you and jesus christ. on planet earth, you're a danger to human beings, the man who was prosecuted and convicted for this had a rap sheet before. why this person is back out while this hero officer, again, will never take another breath of oxygen, i think is puzzling to every sane and rational human being and as i say often just remember around these holiday seasons, this is now decades where that families had to look at an empty seat around some christmas dinner table where that officer's not there, and all those memories are gone, never begotten back again, ever. brian: hopefully this rings true on election day because you've gotta get people in these democratic states that understand law and order or some democrats to sober up. i want to bring you on something else i found rather unique. in this new country artist world , so many of them are gone hollywood. way to the left. not jason aldean, and certainly not his wife britney, who not only is out left, she's firmly and proudly right, and even as a conservative line of clothing to back it up. i want you to hear what she said to pete over the weekend. >> i think there's a lot of keyboard warriors out there, a lot of people that are very vocal on instagram and other social media platform, however, the support that we received, it was unbelievable from people within the music industry to people that, you know, came out of the woodwork saying thank you for speaking up, we wish we could, so much bigger than us, so much bigger than our generation. we have children, and that's what i think when i had children and realized oh, this is so much bigger than all of us we have to do what's right, what's important for our future children and generations. brian: right and i don't know if you're done shopping yet but they have a clothing line for christmas, military lives matter, unsilent majority. we the people t-shirts and sweatshirts, so proud to do it and willing to take up to any blow back that might go to her, or her husband jason aldean. >> you know me i'm an entrepreneur i'll partner up with them in a second. listen there's a huge economy out there brian for free speech and anti-cancel culture stuff and a theory i've stated many times in the podcast on a fox nation radio show that the left cancel culture movement is inherently cannibal it's ic because of people like the aldeans. eventually, brian, conservatives like us and the aldeans figure out that the cancel culture are a small minority of idiots in their mom's basement eating hot pockets and then why are 51% of us taking orders from the 49% and it's not even that high of idiots who hate free speech? this is cannibal it's ic so what's going to happen as conservatives start to ignore more like the aldeans they are going to start to cancel each other which you're already see ing on the left because there's power in it, and they love it. they are running out of victims on the right so now they are canceling each other. it's a ban it daltonistic enterprise that can't succeed because the math doesn't work. it'll burn itself out overtime. brian: i can see jason aldean on the dan bongino podcast or on the unfiltered show. >> great idea thank you, brian you should get extra production credit for that in the show this week. brian: right why am i not in your credits when you roll the credits at the end? >> it's a shame, a sin, a moral sin that's happening. brian: absolutely and dan thanks for looking past me and booking the show, actually passed the person interviewing you. i appreciate it. thanks for almost wearing a tie. all right i want to check in with meteorologist adam klotz for the fox weather forecast because it's cold and he is cold too. >> exactly right brian it is cold on fox square. i am also cold out here on fox square, but i'm not alone. it's that way in large portions across the country let's dive into that forecast, we're early this morning seeing temperatures 28 degrees in new york city, below freezing also in kansas city, chicago, very cold if you get up into the northern plains, warms up a little bit turns into a nice day here in new york city , 40 degrees, i know a lot of folks are happy about that back out here on fox square, because we've got really nice crowds i've been talking to folks from across the country or california, i heard georgia, i heard texas, kentucky, we're going to talk to a couple of these folks find out where they are from, where are you visiting from? >> oklahoma. >> are you having a nice time in the city? >> oh, yeah. >> excellent continue to enjoy yourself. where are you from? >> north carolina. >> and new jersey. >> what are your names? >> ryan. >> gianna. >> would you guys mind helping me do a little forecasting here? let's get this thing open. come join me right here. here is what i need you to do for this. i need you guys to stand right here. i need you to take this and then you take over. >> all right i appreciate it. >> i want to spend the rest of my life with you more than anything. will you marry me? yes? i know it's cold. >> [applause] >> oh, my gosh! >> thank you, guys. >> no problem. >> i thought he was going to do the weather. >> yeah, help me with my forecast, right? >> that's fantastic. brian: i see nothing but sunny skies. steve: congratulations! >> congratulations, guys. steve: brian is the police officer in north carolina and his girlfriend, they've been coming, her family has been coming to new york to look at the lights for years and that's why it was important to have the christmas tree. brian: get some reaction from the bride-to-be? >> what's your reaction they want reaction from the bride-to-be. >> i thought he was doing something weird. >> [laughter] she knew something was up. she knew something was up. he was acting weird. >> ask brian how he's feeling she said yes, they are getting married! >> and how are you feeling? >> relieved she said yes. >> did you know you were giving it away? >> when we got here, yeah i was a little nervous this morning. >> okay that's good so i'm glad you are both happy, congratulations. >> thank you we're very excited brian: adam, very smooth, nice, way to go. >> adam i'd be nervous. that's a big moment you don't want to screw it up he did a great job. steve: congratulations to the happy couple. all right we're stepping aside, dennis weighed when we come back ♪ ♪ learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. >> good morning, everybody. good morning to you. >> hello to you. dana: joe manchin is at the democrats christmas party and he seems perfectly okay with that peter doocy will tell us the white house next step. bill: highly contagious omicron is adding to the trouble s before the holiday. dana: we had a bet over the weekend ben krump alex azars versus broncos, i've gotta pay up you'll see me lose very graciously. bill: with grace, see you then steve: can't wait. >> this christmas day american underdog will be released in theaters nationwide. brian: yup, the bio pick tells the story of former rams quarterback, hall of famer kurt warner and legendary coach dick vermeal played by dennis quaid. here is a look. >> those years made me who i am made me ready for this moment. gave me something others didn't have, and i see that in you. destiny. it belongs to the underdogs. steve: that was terrific and dennis quaid joins us right now from out in los angeles. dennis, good morning to you. >> good morning, how are you? steve: we're doing okay, so the movie comes out christmas day it looks fantastic. i understand you talked to dick vermeil after he saw the movie and he was very frank in your performance. >> yeah, he sent me a glowing review, which was one of the best. he has a viniard in california and he sent me a big box of wine which we're saving for christmas as well. steve: i understand he said you were a better coach vermeil than i was. >> which is high praise because before when directors contacted him he said thanks for reaching out now don't screw up the story and it looks like you didn't screw up the story. for people who don't know the story of dick vermeil and his legendary coaching status, tell us about this movie and why you wanted to be a part of it. >> well, it's a perfect christmas movie. it's the triumph of the human spirit is what it is. kurt warner, i'm sure a lot of people remember, in 2000, he was stocking grocery shelves, that was his job, and he was a walk- on to the st. louis rams at the time. the quarterback was injured in the pre-season, dick vermeil had the guts to go with curt warper and they wound up winning the super bowl. brian: and then he goes on to a hall of fame career, it doesn't get better than that and he's just a great person and his relationship with brenda, he's been on here a bunch of times and the thing about our kurt warner constantly underestimated i love the one line that said basically dick vermeil says there's something special about you. i can't wait to find out what it is. that is really, he saw an intangible. how did you bring that to the screen? >> dick's personality, he's very emotional. he goes with his gut quite a bit and he's all-in with his body, mind, and spirit, once he makes a decision, even though, you know, he's a tough cookie, and just following that story and getting to portray him in that story is really a great chance of a lifetime, and andy irwin directed this who i can only imagine with a few years before really knows how to tell the story. brian: right also it was kind of interesting too that not only was he stocking shelves but trying to keep his football career alive and getting older and playing in the arena league. do you guys touch on the arena league? >> yes, we do. it's quite an in integral part of the story. it's where curt learned to speed up his name and it was a lot of fun back then, and that's really where he got his chance. steve: well dennis quaid this is your chance. do you want to grab one of those guitars back on the wall since it's monday during christmas week, we could all sing "jingle bells" as we go to the next hour. brian: or jerry lee lewis? >> [laughter] old jerry lee on the guitar? that be a little difficult. steve: yeah it be. brian: it's a good point. steve: all right american under dog hits theaters nationwide on christmas day, dennis quaid thank you very much for joining us live. merry christmas. >> thank you very much. brian: the kurt warner story. >> that's so cool. it's going to be a great movie. steve: what's with him and dogs? american underdog, he did a dog 's purpose. brian: great point. steve: just saying. that's it for today we'll be back here tomorrow. see you then.

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Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Fever , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Rights , Writing , Amendment , Arms , Op Ed , University Of Miami School Law Professor Mary Franks , Boston Globe , Abuses , It She Amends , Freedom Of Speech , To Keep And Bear Arms , Bodily Autonomy , Tiger Woods , Car Crash , John Daly , Son , Tournament , Cart , Round , Birdies , Riding , Golf Icon , 12 , 11 , State Department , Interpreters , Visa Applicants , Too , 26 , 60000 , Group , Guest , Residents , Taliban , Matthew Herring , 39 , Matt , Work , Website , Amount , Documentation , Flight , Register , Jfk , Citizens , Criteria , Documents , Laws , Groups , Plane , Problems , Green Card , Holders , Passport Holders , Manifests , Folks , States , Approval , Citizen Support , Speed , Government Mission , Moves , Bureaucracy , Organizations , God Bless , 200 , Organization , Rest , Spectators , We Weren T Going To Stand By , 20 , Right , Mat , Cases , List , Issue , Stance , Parents , Kind , Circumstance , Bunch , Countries , Military Bases , Scriewft , Firm Grip , Camps , Residence , Subset , Lily Pads , Donor , Chicago , Project Dynamo Org , Dollar , Terrorists , Congress Comcast Cammack , Opposer , Next , Xiidra , Eyes , Inflammation , Eye Drops , Relief , Eye Disease , Eye , Eye Drop , Signs , Discomfort , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Holiday , Container , Contacts , Surface , Umph , Most , Priceline , Comment , Airport Announcers , Budget , Gate , Muffled , Ooh , 43 , Ray , Vacations , Glucose Levels , Diabetes , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Screen , Code , Progressives , Meltdown , Kat Cammack , Arizona , Threat , Gop , Line , Red State , Constituents , Somewhere , United States Constitution , Oaths , On The House , Chuckle , Loyalty , Oath , Words , Fabric , Society , Point Of View , Washington Post , Shoutout , Mr , Nancy Pelosi , Start , Nowhere , Times , Luck , Budget Reconciliation Process , Parliamentarian , Amnesty , Progressive , Doesn T , Programs , Cost , Throats , Spending Package , It Bass , Ram , Ronald Reagan , Books , Wouldn T , Government Program , Colleague , Cradle , Kudos , Laughter , Turning , America Fest Today , Young , 10000 , Conservatives , Lines , Activists , Red Wave , Grit , Adversity , Servicemen , Women , Southern Border Crisis , Phoenix , S A Whole , America 30 , Streets , Trial , Fox Nation Com , Case , Meteorologist Adam Klotz , Ear Muffs , Fox Square , Kansas City , Highs , Cold Snap , 41 , 46 , Snow , Weather Headlines , Mountains , Pacific Northwest , 38 , Show , Audience , Thanks , Covid Outbreak , Improv , Saturday Night Live , Macy S , Impact , Comedy Club , Yens , Explanation , Covid On Business , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Throwback , Car Insurance , Customization , Dj , Guys , Pressure Points , Bathroom Trips , Reduce , Prostate Size , Prostate , Brand , Bladder , Men S Health , Rush To Walmart , Don T Settle , 1 , Crew , Cast , Timer , Club , Tina , Donnie , Politician , Attention , Stand Up , Sir , New York City Comedy Club , Sn L , Lately , Someone , City , Fear , Level , Direction , Season , Past Weekend , Dropoff , Friday Night , Ton , Saturday Night , Reservation , 1 3 , Reason , Bar , Toughness , Staten Island , Long Island , Upper West Side , Elsewhere , New Jersey , Areas , F , Comedy , Climate , Places , Mental Health , Best , Element , Smiling , Small Business Owners , State Of Texas , Border Wall , Coming Up The Lone Star State Unveiling First Portion , Border , George P Bush , Hands , Gifts , Guests , Groceries , Waiting On , Joy , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh , Zone , Weight , Cv Risk , Events , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Heart Attack , Stroke , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Lump , Insulin , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Prescription , 25 , Ski Resort , Are Mountain Resort , Hoted Hot Cocoa , Weather , All American Christmas Tree , Daytime High , Skiing , Crossroads Of The World , Sixth Avenue , Zero , 19 , Ms , Karrly Shimkus , Sidewalk , Emails , Scenes , Place , Testimony , Tourists , Bike Lanes , Town , Bike Lane , Cars , Manhattan , Something Else , Mayor , Big New Year S Eve Celebration , Bill De Blasio , Big One , New York City One , Times Square , Tradition , 2021 , Mark , Joke , Signature Spending Plan , D C , Let S Talk About Washington D C , That S Right , Lawmaker Meeting , Peter Doocy , Details , Schedule , Happening , Lobbying , Schumer , Infrastructure Package , Country , Staff , Comments , Discussion , Framework , Home , Public , Utterances , Wilmington , Morning , Chuck Schumer , Letter , Saying , What S Going On , Nation , Ability , Tornado , Delaware , Kentucky , Peter , Will , Report Axios , Didn T , Call , Can T Say He Didn , The Call , Immigration , Housing , Healthcare , Family Services , Green , Energy Apparatus , Taxes , Education , Squad , Energy State , Couldn T , Liberal , Moderate , Tax , Historians , Chamber , Margin , 80 Million , Control , Result , Election , Currency , Legacy , Republicans Retake , She , Dead On Arrival , Wing , Pressure , Version , Oval Office , Last Tuesday , Form , Program , Blood Pressure , Excuses , Scrooge On Christmas , On Sunday , Scrooge , Bernie Sanders , Socialist , Insults , Vermont , Handout , Class , Working Class , Loudest , Republicans , Anything , Listening , Pulse , V A , Candidate , Half , Primaries , General Election , Primary , Story , Conversation , Topic , Warren Were Unelectable , Omicron And Will Killer Del , Oldself , Semblance , Let S Talk , Buttigieg , Director , Course , Nih Director , Origins , Francis Collins Outgoing Nih , Lab Leak , Distraction , Evidence , Don T Know , Community , China , Think , Species , Possibility , Humans , Bat , Scientists , Shame , Rand Paul , My Gosh , Will Functions , Note , Doctor Friends , Hospitalizations , Wave , Monoclonal Antibodies , Antibodies , Name , Hospital Groups , Reasons , Run , Collins On , Man , Stick , Aren T Effective , Spikes , Unpronounce Cybil , Strain , Difference , Viruses , Strand , Supplies , Pfizer Treatment , Sound , Elizabeth Warren , Men , Don T Have To Quint , Prompter , Laser Surgery , Shooting , Ambush , Police Officer , Keona Holly , Baltimore , Charges , Felony Convictions , Policing Shortages , Murder , Suspect Facing , Airport Travel , 2 Million , Housing Market , Warnings , Sites , Estimate Santa , North Pole , Property , Built , Listing , Increase , Remodeling , Extension Ton , Fred Kraus Clause , 1813 , 031000 , 1031000 , 1822 , Fun , Person , Talk , Santa , 14 , Huckabee S Great Show On The Trinity Network , Beer , Book Signing In A Raging Club , John Richens , Redneck Rivera , Red Lips , Alley , Pictures Starting Rolling In , Nashville , Music , Dayton , Redneck Rivera Premier , Action , Little , Bill Hemmer , City Friend , Book , Freedom Fighter , Choice , Stage , Number One , Universe , Instrument , Junior High Clarinet , Clip , Girls , Clarinet , Cheers , 4 , Brian , Wasn T A Shot , Fish Bowl , Beer Guy , Peristalsis , Doesn T Do Shots , Bourbon , Esophagus , Life , Boost , Primetime , Impresd , The Book Perfect Christmas Gift , Glug , On Camera , Manly Mo , Matters , Tons , Crisis , Texas Land Commissioner , Brian Kilmeade Com , Turning Point Usa America Fest Event , Back , Green Red , Owner , Future , Me And You , Investor , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Lone Star State Of Texas , Stretch , Immigration Crisis Spirals , Attorney General , Efforts , Lands , Land Commission , Acts , Entirety , Agency , Partnership , Texas Facilities Commission , Texas Legislature , 1200 , 200000 , Land , Record , Spike , Open Borders Policy , Drug Smuggling , Assistance , Border Communities , Corridors , Landowners , Ranchers , Violence , Migrants , Basis , The End , Operation Lone Star , Trespassing Statute , Initiative , Affidavits , Engagement , Building , Case Wall Construction Easements , Contractors , Deals , Funding , Surge , El Paso , To Mcallen , Walls , Firearm , Border Patrol , Farmers , Kindler , Pattern , Insecurity , Acreage , Unamerican , Law Enforcement Operation Lone Star , Sleeping , Wheel Toe , Policy , He Hasn T , Jailing Illegal Immigrants Criminal Trespassing Statutes , County Attorneys , Resources , Apprehending , Catch And Release , Integrity , Catch , Jail , Law Enforcement , Restore , Human Trafficking , Wife Britney Won T , Critics , Values , Giving , Elizabeth Dole Foundation Hidden Heroes Campaign Military Caregivers , Monday December 20th , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Immune System , D , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Defenses , Vitamins C , Zinc , Mississippi 20u7b Canceling Christmas Parade , Officials , Homes , Shootings , It Cars , Gathering , Fate , War , Crawford , Status , Gunman , Rice Size Chip , Fire , Skin Microdhap , Swedish , Forefinger , Chip , Vaccine Passports , Readers , Arm , Thumb , Microchip , Anybody , Works , Microchips , Definition , Golden Retriever , Need , Nature , Redemption , Human Utopia , Turning Point Usa , Progressive Movement , System , Judeo Christian , Background , Savior , Schemes , Sunday , Plaid , Camo Christmas Tree , Jacket , Suit , Wardrobe , Department Jen , Sense , College Kids , Schoolers , High School , Per Se , Seeds , Constitution , Freedom , Instructing , Teaching , Informing , Playing , Progressive Left , Charlie Kirk , Leaders , College Campus , Hope , Keyboard Warriors , Couple , Pete , Country Music World , Aways , Business Savvy , Social Media , Pictures , Gear , Access , Photo , Kayleigh , Mcenany Co Hosting , We Cower , Jimmy Johns , Terrain , Mob , Crowd , Polling , Charge , Reconnaissance , Coming Up On New Year S Eve , No Doubt , Shots , Partying , Kinds , Will Cain , New Year S Eve , Rachel Campos Duffy , Fox Nation All Access , Body , Clearchoice , Marty Makary , Health , Joe , Gateway , Joe S Treatment Plan , Better , Mouth , Dental Implants , Teeth , Booster Protection , Mow , Immunity , Promise , First , Infection , Drill , Ears , Speech Tuesday , California , Honesty , Transmiivelg Pathogen , Shelf , Meeting , 91 , Jsk Work Bins Omicron , V Era , Writer , Bullet Points , Fauci Spouts , Epidemiologists , Didn T Open , 840 , 31 , August 31st , 880 , July 15th , Communities , August 1st , Dallas , Knowledge , Doctrine , Faces , Analysis , Scientist , Rates , Outbreaks , Academies , 3 5 , Stories , Distrust , Journalism , Manipulation , Flawless , 27 , 47 , 18 , 2019 , 0000 , 35 , 1 75 Trillion , 9 Trillion , 4 Trillion , Trillion , 0 Million , 50 Million , January 20 , 1 7 Million , 170000 , 5000 , 140 , 1967 , 34 , 1939 , 2004 , 665 , 665 Dollars , 9 Trillion , 150 , 99 , , 50 , 1 50 , 500 , 3500 , 1 31 Million , 2013 , 5 Trillion , 1 5 Trillion , 60 , 1984 , December 7 , 51 , 28 , 2000 ,

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