Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

made, i think are complete [bleep] >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. carley: you're watching "fox & friends first," i'm carley shimkus. todd: i'm todd piro. get's get to. >> al: ex andrea -- alexandria huff with more. >> reporter: for some, the decision came with little surprise. he said the concern grew alongside inflation and the continued pandemic. the far left considers this pure betrayal. listen. >> to be clear, my lack and deficit of trust was about senator manchin. he has continued to move the goal post. he has never negotiated in good faith. and hes is obstructing the president's agenda. >> reporter: white house press secretary jen sack hey said manchin -- jen psaki said manchin's announcement is at odds what he told the president. the senator pledged to negotiate on finalizing the framework in good faith. the framework which democrats pushed as a way to expand the social safety net came at a cost, $4.5 trillion as determined by the congressional budget office. manchin said yesterday his democratic colleagues were not transparent about the price tag and republicans applauded the democrat from west virginia. >> it was a terrible bill. it would have added to our current inflation. >> i think it actually collapsed under its own weight. it was a bad, bad, bad bill. >> i would say joe manchin helped deliver an early christmas present to the american people by saying the drive for a reckless tax and spending bill is done today. >> reporter: senator bernie sanders says maybe no way on that one, he still wants a vote, even without manchins' support. >> i hope that we will bring a strong bill to the floor of the senate as soon as we can and let mr. manchin explain to the people of west virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interest. >> reporter: manchin said yesterday that if the senate wants to hold a vote then they should. house speaker nancy pelosi is among those who feel that manchin could still be swayed in an effort to pass the president's agenda in the new year. carley: thank you so much. picking up where she left off, there's a question of whether or not there's going to be some sort of passage of portions of the build back better in what they're calling bite-size chunks, although i don't think even if you break it down into little pieces, nothing is bite size about this bill. todd: what stands out to me about the whole episode, joe manchin was put into office by the people of west virginia. he wasn't put into office by the members of the squad. he is not beholden to them. this is what his constituents want. and what i can't get past and we've talked about this in a different form over the course of -- since the squad became in existence, why do the democrats, specifically the hard left squad-like democrats, the socialists think joe manchin owes them something. he only owes something to the people of west virginia. he voted on their behalf. that's why we're here today. carley: if you think about how much harassment he's received as well as kyrsten sinema because of this, you mention the squad, so let's listen to cori bush, here is what she had to say after manchin said he would be a no on build back better. watch this. >> so first of all, it is not a huge surprise. we have been -- let me be clear. there are six of us who had been saying this all along, representative alexandria ocasio-cortez, representative pressly, representative tlaib, representative omar and myself, we have been saying this for weeks that this would happen and we took the hit. we were told we were anti-our caucus, we were anti-democracy, we were anti-this and that. actually, what we were and what we still are is pro the people because the people have to be first. the people have to win. carley: the new york post has an op-ed praising senator manchin for finally saying this is not going to pass because he's going to vote no on it. you need all 50 senators to pass. they say democrats and the media will portray manchin as a grinch but he's done them a favor. the american people elected joe biden for a return to normalcy biden took a razor thin house majority and a tied senate as an excuse to push through the largest expansion of social welfare since the new deal. todd: that last line you read i think is so crucial. because you heard what cori bush said at the end of the sound bite. this is for the people. well, no, cori bush. if you talk to the people and you look at the majority in terms of their votes, most americans do not want this boondogl. carley: we have to remember what's in the bill, $550 billion to fight climate change, $450 million for universal pre-k, $200 billion for four weeks of unpaid leave, those are the things that are usually talked about. there's things like $900 tax credits to purchase an e-bike. and then a billion dollars goes to salmon conservation. todd: you've got to conserve the salmon, carley, i'm always telling you. carley: it's a bloated bill. when you listen to what joe manchin said, he said the reason he voted no is because democrats were trying to keep everything in it but the way they tried to shrink the price tag was to put artificial sunsets in it when he was saying no, it's crazy. what it really is with the cbo score, when they actually scored it honestly, when they looked at everything in it over a 10-year plan which is what would of actually happen, it would be 5 trillion. he was saying he wants to cut out -- completely remove parts of it but the biden administration and progressives didn't want that. todd: what i love is you're going to hear over the course of the next couple days, maybe the next couple hours, weeks, this is the end of democracy. no, no. this is democracy in action. joe manchin has 1/100th of the senate vote like every other senator, just based upon the timing of when he decided to exercise his view of that vote. nobody's even voted on anything, let's keep that clear. when he told everybody this is what i'm going to do, he is doing what he is a allowed to do and that's why we're in the position we're in. again, let's all take a step back, saying this is the end of democracy, it is not. carley: coming up, we'll talk to congressman michael burgess about build back better. if you thought there would be no news because it's the week of christmas, you thought wrong. todd: the best part of that talking point, i came close to calling you sally at one point. carley: why? todd: i forgot your name. carley: big news here as well, senators elizabeth warren and cori bush tested positive for covid. democratic lawmakerses both say they're experiencing mild symptoms, both attribute the mild infections to being fully vaccinated and having received their booster shots. this comes amid a nationwide surge in cases. president biden will address the nation tomorrow as covid cases across the u.s. surge. todd: this comes as many americans are losing confidence in his ability to handle this pandemic. ashley strohmier here live with the latest. >> reporter: the president's address comes as critics slam him for failing to deliver on one of the biggest campaign promises. listen. >> we will start on day one doing the right things. we'll let science drive our decisions. we will deal honestly with the american people. and we'll never, ever, ever quit. that's how we'll shut down this virus. >> i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. >> reporter: a fox business poll shows 49% of americans do not approve of biden's handling of the pandemic. the dropping poll numbers comes as vp harris says the administration wasn't prepared for new variants of the virus. harris telling the la times, quote, we didn't see delta coming. i think most scientists did not, upon whose advice and direction we have relied. we didn't see omicron coming. the comments prompted the white house to issue the statement saying it was ready for new variants and harris was referring of to the exact kinds of mutations, while dr. anthony fauci clearing up the vice president's comment. listen. >> i think that the vice president's statement was taken a bit out of context. i believe she was referring to the fact that the extraordinary number of mutations and amino acid substitutions, particularly with omicron, no one expected it that much but we were well prepared and expect thad we were going to see variants, there's no doubt about that. >> reporter: tomorrow, president biden will announce new plans to fight omicron and build on his winter plans that will address booster shots, lockdowns and mask mandates. carley: we'll have to wait and see what he has to say on that front. todd: former president trump sounding off on joe biden's covid response and how he has gotten it all wrong. >> remember, he was going to do a wonderful job on covid. he's done a horrible job. even during the debates, i will not take the vaccine if trump produces it. i did it in nine months. and the first one to get it, he got it in early december. and then even then he made a speech where i think it was his opening, he said that -- like he came up with the vaccine. this guy got the vaccine during my administration. they are big disinformation people. todd: president trump launched operation warp speed, a private/public partnership that accelerated the mass production of the covid-19 vaccine. carley: two men are charged in connection in the ambush shooting of a police officer, the officer is now in critical but stable condition. police say she was shot in a targeted attack while working an extra shift. she volunteered for the shift as policing shortages and surging violence face the city. the suspects also face murder charges in a shooting that took place the same night. todd: the administrator of the dea warning of an increased cartel threat at the southern border as the cartel continue to bring deadly drugs into the country. >> the cartels will do everything to get drugs in. fentanyl, tiny quantities are deadly, extremely potent and add dick testify. -- addictive. it is almost miniscule quantities right now. the threat has changed enormously. todd: the administrator was answering whether the cartels are behind the migrant crisis and if stopping the flow of drugs is a required element to stop the flow of people. carley: the tsa screening double the number of passengers compared to last year. over 6 million people went through airport security thursday through saturday including 2.2 million on friday alone. airport travel reaching pre-pandemic -- nearly pre-pandemic levels over those three days amid warnings of surging covid cases. todd: tom brady held scoreless for the first time in 15 years. he threw an interception. there it is. oh, it's not -- oh, bye-bye. carley: that was violent and aggressive. todd: 9-0 loss to the saints. take a look at this, the biggest upset of the day, lions dancing there way to an upset of the cardinals. the score was 30-12, the beat them up good, detroit's second win of the season. a scary moment in denver as broncos' quarterback takes a hit to the head. he was carted off the field. he is spending the night in the hospital as a precaution. three games were postponed, set to be played today and tomorrow. you've got the browns and the raiders today and tomorrow two games on fox, the washington football team at the eagles and seattle seahawks at the la rams. carley: that was a great wrap-up, todd. todd: i should have done sports. carley: if brian asks me a sports related question what should i say, should i talk about tom brady. todd: you could. you could pause and text me and i'll help you. carley: governor newsom is re-funding police to help fight the rampant smash and grab robberies across the state. todd: joe concha, rachel campos duffy, dr. marc siegel join us live on a busy monday morning. ♪ hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free todd: did you hear about this, swarms of trucker boycotting the state of colorado, protesting a 110 year sentence for a fellow driver p convicted in a deadly crash. video he shows miles long lines of trucks refusing to enter the state, calling for a reduced sentence for the driver. protesters have taken to social media to defend the driver, saying faulty brakes and bad decisions do not equal criminal liability. prosecutors say these are the minimal liabilities for the driver. the petition gained 4.3 million signature, calling on the state to review the sentence. convicted cop killer darryl jeter back on the streets after killing a transit police officer with a gun back in 1984. the 25-year-old was the first female cop to die in the line of duty in new york city. the police benevolent association says the release is a blow to every cop who puts her life on the line to stop criminals. he called for reform to the parole system which released 23 convicted cop killers in just under two years. that is an you astounding number, carley. carley: unbelievable. california governor gavin newsom knows there's a crime crisis in a wave smash and grab robberies. he's finally putting forth a plan the to try to stop it. >> we're putting off over a quarter billion dollars in enforcement grants, competitive enforcement grants to help local law enforcement and advance the prosecution of people that are involved in organized retail theft. carley: the big question now is will it work? joining me now, tracee hernandez, founding ceo of bis fed and tucky blunt junior, owner and operator of blunts and more, a retail cannabis business. good morning to you both. the governor is taking actions -- let's get to the details of this, $300 million, almost all of it to increased police presence. he wants to create an organized theft unit and $20 million to help small businesses that have been victims of these smash and grab robberies. so sarah -- or tracee, rather, will this work? do you support the governor's plan? >> we at the business federation, we've got 400,000 businesses large and small, absolutely support the governor leaning in to help with enforcement and prosecution and funding of police so that we can get after these criminals that have taken to retail theft as the new way to make money from where they used to get it from drugs, now they get it from crashing into our stores and stealing our property and selling it online. so we definitely need to do something and we appreciate the governor stepping up. carley: tucky, we wanted to have you on because you own a cannabis business and legal cannabis businesses are targeted by smash and grab robberies. what has your experience been and why is it happening? >> my experience has been a lot with lack of police presence but it's not from lack of funding. we paid almost 6.5% to the city of oakland for taxes. so to say that they're not being paid or act like they need more money, the street side of me feels one way but the business side of me feels another way so i have to approach it that way. we are targeted because we're a cash business, we can't bank and people think we're sitting on a bunch of cash. i agree with what he's trying to do i think the laws need to be changed, they need to be classified as armed robberies and not just property crimes. carley: that would mean it would be a bigger sentence and they would stay in jail as opposed to being let out, is that what you're saying? >> correct. carley: tracee, on that note, the governor supported prop 47 which makes anything -- stealing anything under $950 a misdemeanor. so oftentimes you see people who do these smash and grab robberies get out the next day. do you think that that's part of the problem here? >> oh, it's a huge part of the problem. that law went into effect in 2014 and so it used to be $400 was a felony, you now it's 950 and what makes it worse is you can steal $949.49 at one store, go the afternoon, do it at another store, later that evening do it at another store and none of it are felonies. in fact, carl -- carley, we even have bigger retailers, even those with thefts over 950 we have a problem here in la county with our district attorney, and he's not prosecuting. i have one member who had 100 thefts in the last month. the police have arrested and caught the criminals but our district attorney has not prosecuted any of those hundred thefts. it's also our district attorneys prosecuting these people. carley: there could be all the police presence in the world and all the money going into policing, but if these people who are committing these crimes are just going to be let out, the problem will never be solved. tracee hernandez, tucky blunt junior, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> thanks, carl hey. todd: coming up, the chinese tennis star who accused a chinese official of sexual assault is reversing her claim. what she is now saying. and this morning we celebrate our 12 days of giving with a chance to give back to gold star families, how you can help make christmas a special time for the families of fallen heroes. ♪ some gave all. ♪ some stood true for the red, white and a blue and some had to fall a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ todd: 29 minutes a after the hour now. their loved ones paid the ultimate price to defend freedom. this christmas you can give back to gold star families. carley: the founder of the believe with me foundation is here to tell us how. good morning to you. we a absolutely love your charity. tell us about your mission. >> so, believe with me is 501-3-c nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing hope and help to america's gold star families and teaching the next generation by using student ambassadors. todd: how did your organization come about in the first place. >> in 2015 we were looking for a project, my children had a high school project they were supposed to do. i saw a social media post by a gold star wife. she was looking for some ways to get help at christmas time. i came out and told my kids, there's got to be a foundation that does something like this and there wasn't so we started one. that christmas we served 168 kids. this year we're serving 1400. carley: so tell us specifically what you do. because you don't just help gold star families around the hole of days. you help -- holidays, you help them all year round. >> all year round. we're so thankful to be able to serve this group of really incredible americans and we use christmas as our outreach to bring them into our family under our umbrella and then all year long we serve them if there's any kind of financial need, something that they might medically. braces, if it's rent, if it's car payments, anything. but christmas is how we bring them in. todd: what's the reaction from these gold star families when you deliver these gifts, this assistance, whatever you're delivering to them? >> you know, i think the most incredible thing is that i tell them all the time, this is not charity. this is our opportunity to show you how thankful and how grateful we are for your continued sacrifices. so when they understand this isn't something like -- it's not out of pity, it's out of honor. then it turns the whole conversation and the smiles are just incredible. carley: wow. you know, a big part of your charity is keeping the next generation of americans patriotic. so tell us a little bit more about that. >> so we have a student ambassador program where we utilize middle school, high school and university age students. an example, our christmas project, they'll do the shopping, they'll do the wrapping, they'll do the packing. they'll help load up the trucks to fed ex to ship them all off. if we have a fundraiser opportunity or we're on a project serving a gold star family, we have a project called the house that love built where we restore a gold star family to home ownership after the loss of their son or daughter, we have the students doing the hard manual labor. it's so encouraging to see them working alongside of the gold star families. todd: how can our viewers help you? >> you know, it's not too late to go to and sponsor a gold star child. that gift will be about $100 per child but of course we'll the take any size donation towards the project. it will give them $75 of hand selected gifts towards their wish list that they've asked for and they'll receive single parent devotional, a military themed bible and one of the best things we do, i don't know if you can see it on your screen, so this says your gift was lovingly packed by and it has pictures of our students. we make sure the families know this isn't a nameless faceless organization, these are from people that really love you. carley: thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much. merry christmas. todd: merry christmas to you too. carley: the outgoing nih director tells fox news the lab leak theory was a distraction but republicans aren't buying it. how they're preparing to uncover what really happened in wuhan. todd: dozens of americans evacuated from afghanistan by a veterans group that worked to get them on u.s. soil by the hole of days. we -- holidays, we talk to some of the people involved todd: former nih director francis collins doubling down on dismissing the covid lack leak theory. carley: as the gop is gearing up for an investigation. we are joined with more on this front. brooke, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. francis collins is not holding back on how he really feels about the wuhan lab leak nearly on his last -- theory on his last day as director of the national institutes of health. listen to this. >> i'm sorry the lab leak has become such a distraction for so many people. frankly, we still don't know. there is no evidence that this is a natural way that a virus left a bat, and got to humans. >> reporter: former president trump is adamant covid originated in wuhan. >> i think the origins are so obvious. they came out of the wuhan lab and i think if anybody thinks anything differently, they're just kidding themselves. >> reporter: meanwhile, axios is reporting that house republicans are mapping out potential investigations. if they win back the majority in 2022. gop members want to look into the origins of the virus. a previous investigation by the world health organization came up inconclusive due to china's lack of cooperation. the probe would look into communications by the cdc about school he closures and mask mandates, coming on the heels of a newly surfaced e-mail from collins to dr. anthony fauci on the declaration which rejected lockdowns and in favor of the herd immunity strategy. it reads this proposal from fringe epidemiologists which met with the secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention. there needs to be a quick and devastating public takedown of its premises. when collins was asked about the e-mail he refused to apologize. todd, carley. todd: brooke, thank you very much. carley: chinese tennis star is denying a communist leader sexually assaulted her. the 35-year-old said, he quote, i have never said or written that anyone has sexually assaulted me. i have to clearly stress this point. now, peng says her now deleted post is being misunderstood. she insists she is living freely. the women's tennis association is not convinced, releasing a statement these appearances don't alleviate the significant concerns about her well-being and ability to communicate without censorship or coercion. big development there. and the report about peng shuai is one of many concerns for critics ahead of the upcoming olympic games in beijing. former director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe, says china cannot be trusted and should not be allowed to host. >> they're responsible for the death of more than 2 million muslim uyghurs, their rape, torture, imprisonment and we had a pandemic originate that resulted in the death had of 5 or 6 million people worldwide and their role with respect to how that began remains very much in doubt. and so why would china of all countries be one to be allowed to host an international goodwill games, acting as a gracious host of spirit of competition, peaceful competition, with american companies and the american government really supporting that? carley: the beijing olympics kicks off in early february. the u.s. and several allies like the u.k. and australia are staging diplomatic boycotts in protest. todd: home for the holidays, volunteer group project dyn a mo evacuating citizens left behind from president biden's chaotic withdrawal in afghanistan. joining us now, former translator whose family was rescued from afghanistan and combat veteran brian stern. great to have you here. mohammed, i begin with you. you got trapped in afghanistan after traveling back there for the funeral of your father-in-law back in july. how does it feel to be back on u.s. soil? >> it feels fantastic, really got stuck there pretty hard, when the evacuation department was supposed to get us out and the flight got canceled completely and i didn't have much hope. commercial flights were booked in advance. when they told me about project dynamo i thought it was a department of state group but it was civilians, they did an amazing job. todd: to that point that mohammed just made, you and project dynamo keep delivering where our government can't or won't or seems to fail. why? >> i think the situation is hard. afghanistan is a problem, this is a new state because of government and operates as a state of government where 7, 8, 9 people, all volunteers, all-in. we're just able to pick up and do things at a speed probably that big government bureaucracy can't. doesn't mean the state departments is bad. just means it's a government agency. we're able to adjust and do things very much on the fly, very creatively and innovatively where government has to follow process and procedures. we follow process and procedures. we remove them safely and appropriately. we're able to be nimble where others can't. todd: that said, how much assistance are you getting from the state department? >> as far as financial and all that? todd: logistics. >> not really any. we're privately run. we're donor funded. we do this on our own. i wouldn't say that they're in the way but they're also-we're not related to them so they're not able of to help us. we're not contractors. we don't have a relationship with them. we talk to the state department every day. they approve our manifests. we interact with them, we interact with the embassies but actual support other than approval there is not much. todd: you alluded to this in your original answer. i want to elaborate on this. how strong was the belief in you that, you know, look, i've been here since july, i may not get out. my family really may not get out. >> well, in true perspective, i wasn't there. my wife and kids were there since july. i came out before the hecticness. i got into crazy ways of going back in the country two months ago and when i was in the u.s. my family was stuck there. when i went in, i couldn't get out. so getting out of there was very, very frustrating. there's people there that were stuck there for months you just to get out because of the hecticness around the airport, because yes, there was a huge evacuation but anybody could go so that was really, really frustrating and getting out of there even through qatar was -- it's a long process. project dyn a amo, the amazing thing, they did an evacuation process and you felt like it was almost like a commercial endeavor. it was amazing, very smooth. so frustrations built up. i didn't believe project dynamo could do it and brian and the team did and amazing job. todd: brian, how much longer do you expect to have to keep doing these missions? >> we don't know. from our perspective, as long as there are americans and lawful permanent residents that are in afghanistan that need help and we have donor funding, we are he donor funded, as long as we have funding we will continue to operate. this is not an afghanistan problem. this is an american problem. mohammed, who is a good friend, his passport says we the people on it like my passport says we the people on it. as long as people are left and we're able to move people we will continue to do so. todd: that is the absolute perfect sentiment. going to leave it there. mohammed and brian, thank you so much for coming on this morning. we certainly wish, mohammed, you the best of luck, you and your family and brian, thank you for doing what you're doing. you're a hero. appreciate it. carley: the time is 46 minutes after the hour. patriotism is taking center stage at turning point usa's america fest. we have the highlights from this weekend and we'll tell you how to watch the big name set to speak today. each year the salvation army helps make christmas dreams come true for kids in need. much like everything else, they're working against the supply chain crisis. find out how you can help, coming up next. ♪ that's when it's christmas time again. ♪ todd: congressman jim jordan compelling young conservatives to fight for the american dreams at turning point usa's america fest. >> that is what the left is trying to destroy, that concept, that ideal that if you have a goal, you have a dream and you're willing to bust your tail, you can make it here in this country. that's why people want to come to this country because we always offered that. if the left gets their way on the accelerated march to communism, that is what they will destroy. that's our charge, to defend that. that's what this is all about so every generation can what we all had, the ability to chase down your goals and dreams. todd: you can stream the speeches live on fox. carley: three ministries are asking the supreme court to block the biden administrations covid-19 vaccine mandate for all companies with more than 100 employees, this comes after an appeals court ruled to reinstate the mandate on friday. the organization representing those three ministries saying, quote, our clients simply cannot comply with the government mandate that forces them to violate the cons -- conscious rights of their employees. the supreme court must act or there will be a constitutional crisis. in the meantime, a record number of children are at risk of not having gifts this christmas as supply chain issues throw a wrench in the salvation army's holiday he donation drive. todd: the salvation army national commander is here with more. how wore rid that you will not -- worried are you that you will not have enough gifts to meet the needs this year? >> good morning, merry christmas. the salvation army is aware of the supply chain issue that affects the entire country and it affects all parts of the economy. toys are significant for the salvation army at christmas. we hope to provide toys for more than 1 million children this year. right now we have to schedule additional days for distribution and we have to ask our donors to make an extra effort to find those toys. we're having to help families with assistance so they can buy toys. it's a challenge for us but we're determined to make sure that every child has a toy on christmas day. carley: and in light of that effort, what can people do to help out and is there anything that you would like people to donate specifically? >> there's nothing specific. children have all sorts of desires at christmas but we do invite people to go to where they can find out what the salvation army is doing in their area or call 1-800-sal-army. todd: there are reports you're having trouble filling the kettle this year. i can't imagine the covid craziness is helping that how dire is that situation? >> you're absolutely right, todd. at this point question tellses are down about -- kettles are down about 10%, due to labor shortages, due to omicron, also due the fact that people aren't carrying as much cash as they used to. although kettles themselves are down, we're seeing a very fine level of giving digitally. so we're looking forward to receiving lots of support this year. carley: you know, we think a lot about the salvation army, especially around christmas, because of the kettles that you're talking about, the red kettles with the people, with the people ringing the bells and all that but you help all year round. tell us what the salvation salvation armydoes behind the st maybe some people don't know about. >> the salvation army is at work every year. we help about 30 million americans every year through 7,000 locations in every zip code of the country. so whenever there's a disaster, the salvation army is already there. whenever there's a rent crisis in a particular location, the salvation is already there. what we raise at christmas helps us to meet human need throughout the entire year. so it's a critical time. todd: kenneth potter, keep up the mission. thank you for your time this morning. to contribute, go to coming up, texas taking matters in their own hands to handle the border crisis as they break ground on their own border wall. carley: congressman michael better gus is here with the late -- burgues is here with the latest. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health products online our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and thanks to shipstation's discounted rates we're saving a ton. honestly, we couldn't do it without shipstation join over 100,000 online sellers who get ship done with shipstation go to /tv and get 2 months free. carley: it is monday, december 20th. and this is a fox news alert. democrats are scrambling to keep president biden's social spending agenda alive after moderate joe manchin deals it a death blow right here on fox news. >> if i can't go home and explain to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it. >> you're done? this is a no? >> this is a no. todd: republicans calling manchin's christmas present to the country but the progressive left says with the new year comes a

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Condolences , Message , Steve , Todd Piro , Dvr , Democrats , Fox News Alert , Book , December 20th , Monday December 20th , 20 , People , Senator Manchin , Joe Biden , Agenda , West Virginia , Spending , Death Blow , Go Home , Carley Shimkus , Country , No , Republicans , Fight , Progressive Left , Front , Thing , World , Courage , Working Families , Fox Friends First , America , Bleep , Jen Sack , More , Get , Al , Ex Andrea , Alexandria Huff , Pandemic , Surprise , Lack , Inflation , Concern , Decision , Betrayal , Faith , Goal Post , Said Manchin , Deficit , Trust , Hes , White House Press Secretary , Jen Psaki , Senator , Framework , Announcement , Way , Price Tag , Cost , Congressional Budget Office , Social Safety Net , Colleagues , 4 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Bill , Bad , Democrat , Weight , One , Vote , Bernie Sanders , Drive , Tax , Senate , Support , Manchins , Floor , Mr , Guts , Effort , Reporter , Special Interest , Nancy Pelosi , House Speaker , Question , Build , Passage , Sort , Chunks , Whether , Portions , Squad , Nothing , Office , Members , Bite Size , Pieces , Episode , He Wasn T Put , Course , Constituents , Form , Existence , Something , Socialists , Behalf , Harassment , Wall , Cori Bush , Kyrsten Sinema , Ocasio Cortez , Six , Representative Pressly , Alexandria , Representative Tlaib , Hit , Omar , Caucus , Anti Democracy , New York Post , Op Ed , Favor , Senators , Media , Return To Normalcy Biden , Grinch , 50 , House , Line , Excuse , Expansion , Deal , Welfare , Dozens Of Americans , Majority , Votes , Sound Bite , The End , Terms , Things , Pre K , Boondogl , Leave , Climate Change , Four , 50 Billion , 00 Billion , 450 Million , 50 Million , 200 Billion , 550 Billion , Tax Credits , E Bike , Salmon Conservation , A Billion Dollars , 00 , 900 , A Billion , Everything , Reason , Salmon , Score , Sunsets , 10 , It , Plan , Administration , Parts , Progressives , 5 Trillion , Democracy , Action , Timing , 100th , 1 100 , Anything , Take A Step Back , View , Everybody , Nobody , Position , Clear , News , Michael Burgess , Coming Up , End , Name , Part , Point , Elizabeth Warren , Talking Point , Big News , Booster Shots , Symptoms , Covid , Infections , Democratic Lawmakerses , Ability , Latest , Cases , Surge , Nation , Confidence , Ashley Strohmier , Critics , Decisions , Address , Science , Campaign Promises , Day One , Virus , Economy , Variants , Poll Numbers , Wasn T , Handling , Harris , Fox Business , Poll , La Times , 49 , White House , Statement , Quote , Scientists , Direction , Delta Coming , Advice , Omicron Coming , Comments , Dr , Mutations , Comment , Clearing Up The Vice President , Bit , Kinds , Context , Anthony Fauci , Number , Fact , Omicron , No One , Amino Acid Substitutions , Mask Mandates , Plans , Lockdowns , Winter , No Doubt , Job , Response , Wrong , Vaccine , Trump , Debates , Nine , Speech , Guy , Opening , Disinformation , Partnership , Mass Production , Ambush Shooting , Private , Men , Connection , Operation Warp Speed , 19 , Two , Police , Shift , Officer , Police Officer , Condition , Attack , Administrator , Place , City , Shooting , Violence , Suspects , Murder Charges , Policing Shortages , Warning , Dea , Drugs , Border , Cartels , Cartel , Cartel Threat , Quantities , Add , Fentanyl , Crisis , Dick , Threat , Flow , Passengers , Element , Tsa Screening Double , Airport Security , 6 Million , Warnings , Levels , Airport Travel Reaching Pre Pandemic , 2 Million , Three , Interception , Tom Brady , Bye , 15 , Upset , Look , Loss , Saints , Lions , 9 , 0 , Quarterback , Cardinals , Win , Season , Beat , Detroit , Broncos , Denver , 30 , 12 , Games , Head , Hospital , Precaution , Raiders , The Field , Browns , Brian Stern , Sports , Wrap Up , Washington Football Team , La Rams , Eagles , Seattle Seahawks , Gavin Newsom , State , Robberies , Rampant Smash And Grab , Joe Concha , Rachel Campos Duffy , Monday Morning , Marc Siegel , Wolfgang Puck , Lot , Orders , Shipstation , Store , Home , Shipping Costs , Shipping , Sellers , Go To Shipstation Com Tv , Choice , Ingredient , 1 , 2 , Sentence , Trucks , State Of Colorado , Driver P , Crash , Video , Swarms , Lines , Trucker Boycotting , 110 , Driver , Social Media , Prosecutors , Protesters , Liability , Brakes , Transit Police Officer , Gun Back , Streets , Signature , Petition , Liabilities , Cop Killer Darryl Jeter , 4 3 Million , 1984 , Cop , Criminals , Parole System , Blow , Release , Duty , Female , Life , Reform , New York City , Police Benevolent Association , 25 , 23 , Governor , Crime Crisis , Cop Killers , Wave Smash And Grab , Unbelievable , California , Prosecution , Enforcement Grants , Law Enforcement , The Big Question , Tucky Blunt Junior , Tracee Hernandez , Retail Theft , Blunts , Operator , Founding , Bis Fed , Businesses , Police Presence , Retail Cannabis Business , Actions , Details , Organized Theft Unit , 00 Million , 0 Million , 300 Million , 20 Million , Smash And Grab , Victims , Work , Tracee , Sarah , Business Federation , 400000 , Funding , Money , Theft , Enforcement , Stores , Property , Experience , Presence , Cannabis Business , Cannabis , Side , Taxes , Act , The Street , Oakland , 6 5 , Cash , Business , Cash Business , Bank , Bunch , Laws , Property Crimes , Jail , Note , Let Out , Correct , Prop , Misdemeanor , 47 , 950 , Problem , Law , Felony , Effect , 400 , 2014 , Afternoon , None , Felonies , 949 49 , District Attorney , Thefts , Member , Retailers , Prosecuting , La County , 100 , Policing , Crimes , District Attorneys , Tennis Star , Thanks , Official , Sexual Assault , Claim , Chinese , Carl Hey , Families , Some , Gold Star , Heroes , Chance , People Don T , Cadillac , Show , Blue , Red , Ride , Tradition , Sleigh , Cadillac Showroom , Price , Loved Ones , 29 , Foundation , Charity , Mission , Founder , Freedom , Help , Generation , Hope , Student Ambassadors , Nonprofit Organization , Teaching , 501 , 3 , Children , Project , Organization , Ways , High School Project , Wife , 2015 , Kids , 1400 , 168 , Round , Holidays , Group , Star , Hole , Outreach , Family , Need , Rent , Braces , Kind , Umbrella , Car Payments , Gifts , Assistance , Reaction , Isn T , Sacrifices , Pity , Honor , Opportunity , Student Ambassador Program , Smiles , Wow , Conversation , Students , Wrapping , High School , Packing , Shopping , Ex , University , Example , Middle School , Gold Star Family To Home Ownership , Project Serving A Gold Star Family , Fundraiser Opportunity , Daughter , Son , Viewers , Hard Manual Labor , Child , Gift , Donation , Size , Hand , Wish List , 5 , 75 , Screen , Military Themed Bible , Single Parent Devotional , Isn T A Nameless Faceless Organization , Pictures , Merry Christmas , Distraction , Republicans Aren T , The Lab Leak Theory , Buying It , Outgoing Nih , Afghanistan , Veterans Group , Soil , Wuhan , The Hole , Francis Collins , Covid Lack Leak Theory , Former Nih , Investigation , Lab Leak , Brooke , Evidence , Director , Theory , Last , We Still Don T Know , National Institutes Of Health , Left , Origins , Lab , Humans , Bat , Anybody , Investigations , Axios , Cooperation , World Health Organization , 2022 , E Mail , Probe , Communications , Heels , Cdc , About School He Closures , Declaration , Proposal , Secretary , Herd Immunity Strategy , Attention , Fringe Epidemiologists , Takedown , Public , Chinese Tennis Star , Premises , Leader , Anyone , 35 , Concerns , Peng Shuai , Well Being , Appearances , Post , Women S Tennis Association , Report , Censorship , Coercion , Olympic Games , Beijing , Big Development There , Death , Host , Intelligence , Rape , John Ratcliffe , Muslim , Respect , Doubt , Torture , Remains , Role , Imprisonment , Competition , Countries , Goodwill Games , Spirit , Government , Companies , Allies , U K , The Beijing Olympics , Australia , Boycotts , Home For The Holidays , Protest , Citizens , Withdrawal , Volunteer Group Project Dyn , Mo Evacuating , Mohammed , Translator , Combat , Funeral , Father In Law Back , Flight , Evacuation Department , Project Dynamo , Civilians , Flights , Department Of State , Advance , , Situation , Volunteers , 7 , 8 , State Departments , Government Agency , Speed , Doesn T , Bureaucracy , Procedures , Process , Fly , State Department , Logistics , Others , Donor , Wouldn T , Contractors , Manifests , Approval , Embassies , Relationship , Answer , Belief , Perspective , Hecticness , Airport , Couldn T Get Out , Yes , Evacuation , Project Dyn A Amo , Evacuation Process , Qatar , Team , Endeavor , Frustrations , Donor Funding , Missions , Residents , Passport , Friend , Sentiment , Best , Luck , Patriotism , Hero , Highlights , America Fest , Turning Point Usa , Center Stage , 46 , Supply Chain Crisis , Salvation Army Helps Make Christmas Dreams Come True , Everything Else , Dreams , Conservatives , Congressman , Jim Jordan , Concept , Dream , Goal , Tail , Charge , March To Communism , Ministries , Speeches , Goals , Administrations , Supreme Court , Mandate , Employees , Appeals Court , Cons , Clients , Saying , Salvation Army , Record Number , Supply Chain , Rights , Risk , Wrench , Holiday He Donation Drive , Toys , Supply Chain Issue , Distribution , Donors , Challenge , 1 Million , Sorts , Toy , Light , Salvationarmyusa Org , Sal Army , Desires , Area , 1 800 Sal Army , 800 , Kettles , Kettle , Covid Craziness , Trouble , Point Question Tellses , Level , Lots , Shortages , Bells , Locations , Salvation Armydoes , Zip Code , 7000 , 30 Million , Salvation , Location , Human , Disaster , Matters , Kenneth Potter , Texas , Ground , Burgues , Hands , Congressman Michael Better Gus , Border Wall , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Ulcers , Stomach , Car , Mom , Tam , Dad , Shipping Process , Health Products , Storms Bador , Times , Shipstation Go To Com , Rates , Ton , 100000 , Tv , Scrambling , Progressive , Republicans Calling Manchin ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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made, i think are complete [bleep] >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. carley: you're watching "fox & friends first," i'm carley shimkus. todd: i'm todd piro. get's get to. >> al: ex andrea -- alexandria huff with more. >> reporter: for some, the decision came with little surprise. he said the concern grew alongside inflation and the continued pandemic. the far left considers this pure betrayal. listen. >> to be clear, my lack and deficit of trust was about senator manchin. he has continued to move the goal post. he has never negotiated in good faith. and hes is obstructing the president's agenda. >> reporter: white house press secretary jen sack hey said manchin -- jen psaki said manchin's announcement is at odds what he told the president. the senator pledged to negotiate on finalizing the framework in good faith. the framework which democrats pushed as a way to expand the social safety net came at a cost, $4.5 trillion as determined by the congressional budget office. manchin said yesterday his democratic colleagues were not transparent about the price tag and republicans applauded the democrat from west virginia. >> it was a terrible bill. it would have added to our current inflation. >> i think it actually collapsed under its own weight. it was a bad, bad, bad bill. >> i would say joe manchin helped deliver an early christmas present to the american people by saying the drive for a reckless tax and spending bill is done today. >> reporter: senator bernie sanders says maybe no way on that one, he still wants a vote, even without manchins' support. >> i hope that we will bring a strong bill to the floor of the senate as soon as we can and let mr. manchin explain to the people of west virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interest. >> reporter: manchin said yesterday that if the senate wants to hold a vote then they should. house speaker nancy pelosi is among those who feel that manchin could still be swayed in an effort to pass the president's agenda in the new year. carley: thank you so much. picking up where she left off, there's a question of whether or not there's going to be some sort of passage of portions of the build back better in what they're calling bite-size chunks, although i don't think even if you break it down into little pieces, nothing is bite size about this bill. todd: what stands out to me about the whole episode, joe manchin was put into office by the people of west virginia. he wasn't put into office by the members of the squad. he is not beholden to them. this is what his constituents want. and what i can't get past and we've talked about this in a different form over the course of -- since the squad became in existence, why do the democrats, specifically the hard left squad-like democrats, the socialists think joe manchin owes them something. he only owes something to the people of west virginia. he voted on their behalf. that's why we're here today. carley: if you think about how much harassment he's received as well as kyrsten sinema because of this, you mention the squad, so let's listen to cori bush, here is what she had to say after manchin said he would be a no on build back better. watch this. >> so first of all, it is not a huge surprise. we have been -- let me be clear. there are six of us who had been saying this all along, representative alexandria ocasio-cortez, representative pressly, representative tlaib, representative omar and myself, we have been saying this for weeks that this would happen and we took the hit. we were told we were anti-our caucus, we were anti-democracy, we were anti-this and that. actually, what we were and what we still are is pro the people because the people have to be first. the people have to win. carley: the new york post has an op-ed praising senator manchin for finally saying this is not going to pass because he's going to vote no on it. you need all 50 senators to pass. they say democrats and the media will portray manchin as a grinch but he's done them a favor. the american people elected joe biden for a return to normalcy biden took a razor thin house majority and a tied senate as an excuse to push through the largest expansion of social welfare since the new deal. todd: that last line you read i think is so crucial. because you heard what cori bush said at the end of the sound bite. this is for the people. well, no, cori bush. if you talk to the people and you look at the majority in terms of their votes, most americans do not want this boondogl. carley: we have to remember what's in the bill, $550 billion to fight climate change, $450 million for universal pre-k, $200 billion for four weeks of unpaid leave, those are the things that are usually talked about. there's things like $900 tax credits to purchase an e-bike. and then a billion dollars goes to salmon conservation. todd: you've got to conserve the salmon, carley, i'm always telling you. carley: it's a bloated bill. when you listen to what joe manchin said, he said the reason he voted no is because democrats were trying to keep everything in it but the way they tried to shrink the price tag was to put artificial sunsets in it when he was saying no, it's crazy. what it really is with the cbo score, when they actually scored it honestly, when they looked at everything in it over a 10-year plan which is what would of actually happen, it would be 5 trillion. he was saying he wants to cut out -- completely remove parts of it but the biden administration and progressives didn't want that. todd: what i love is you're going to hear over the course of the next couple days, maybe the next couple hours, weeks, this is the end of democracy. no, no. this is democracy in action. joe manchin has 1/100th of the senate vote like every other senator, just based upon the timing of when he decided to exercise his view of that vote. nobody's even voted on anything, let's keep that clear. when he told everybody this is what i'm going to do, he is doing what he is a allowed to do and that's why we're in the position we're in. again, let's all take a step back, saying this is the end of democracy, it is not. carley: coming up, we'll talk to congressman michael burgess about build back better. if you thought there would be no news because it's the week of christmas, you thought wrong. todd: the best part of that talking point, i came close to calling you sally at one point. carley: why? todd: i forgot your name. carley: big news here as well, senators elizabeth warren and cori bush tested positive for covid. democratic lawmakerses both say they're experiencing mild symptoms, both attribute the mild infections to being fully vaccinated and having received their booster shots. this comes amid a nationwide surge in cases. president biden will address the nation tomorrow as covid cases across the u.s. surge. todd: this comes as many americans are losing confidence in his ability to handle this pandemic. ashley strohmier here live with the latest. >> reporter: the president's address comes as critics slam him for failing to deliver on one of the biggest campaign promises. listen. >> we will start on day one doing the right things. we'll let science drive our decisions. we will deal honestly with the american people. and we'll never, ever, ever quit. that's how we'll shut down this virus. >> i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. >> reporter: a fox business poll shows 49% of americans do not approve of biden's handling of the pandemic. the dropping poll numbers comes as vp harris says the administration wasn't prepared for new variants of the virus. harris telling the la times, quote, we didn't see delta coming. i think most scientists did not, upon whose advice and direction we have relied. we didn't see omicron coming. the comments prompted the white house to issue the statement saying it was ready for new variants and harris was referring of to the exact kinds of mutations, while dr. anthony fauci clearing up the vice president's comment. listen. >> i think that the vice president's statement was taken a bit out of context. i believe she was referring to the fact that the extraordinary number of mutations and amino acid substitutions, particularly with omicron, no one expected it that much but we were well prepared and expect thad we were going to see variants, there's no doubt about that. >> reporter: tomorrow, president biden will announce new plans to fight omicron and build on his winter plans that will address booster shots, lockdowns and mask mandates. carley: we'll have to wait and see what he has to say on that front. todd: former president trump sounding off on joe biden's covid response and how he has gotten it all wrong. >> remember, he was going to do a wonderful job on covid. he's done a horrible job. even during the debates, i will not take the vaccine if trump produces it. i did it in nine months. and the first one to get it, he got it in early december. and then even then he made a speech where i think it was his opening, he said that -- like he came up with the vaccine. this guy got the vaccine during my administration. they are big disinformation people. todd: president trump launched operation warp speed, a private/public partnership that accelerated the mass production of the covid-19 vaccine. carley: two men are charged in connection in the ambush shooting of a police officer, the officer is now in critical but stable condition. police say she was shot in a targeted attack while working an extra shift. she volunteered for the shift as policing shortages and surging violence face the city. the suspects also face murder charges in a shooting that took place the same night. todd: the administrator of the dea warning of an increased cartel threat at the southern border as the cartel continue to bring deadly drugs into the country. >> the cartels will do everything to get drugs in. fentanyl, tiny quantities are deadly, extremely potent and add dick testify. -- addictive. it is almost miniscule quantities right now. the threat has changed enormously. todd: the administrator was answering whether the cartels are behind the migrant crisis and if stopping the flow of drugs is a required element to stop the flow of people. carley: the tsa screening double the number of passengers compared to last year. over 6 million people went through airport security thursday through saturday including 2.2 million on friday alone. airport travel reaching pre-pandemic -- nearly pre-pandemic levels over those three days amid warnings of surging covid cases. todd: tom brady held scoreless for the first time in 15 years. he threw an interception. there it is. oh, it's not -- oh, bye-bye. carley: that was violent and aggressive. todd: 9-0 loss to the saints. take a look at this, the biggest upset of the day, lions dancing there way to an upset of the cardinals. the score was 30-12, the beat them up good, detroit's second win of the season. a scary moment in denver as broncos' quarterback takes a hit to the head. he was carted off the field. he is spending the night in the hospital as a precaution. three games were postponed, set to be played today and tomorrow. you've got the browns and the raiders today and tomorrow two games on fox, the washington football team at the eagles and seattle seahawks at the la rams. carley: that was a great wrap-up, todd. todd: i should have done sports. carley: if brian asks me a sports related question what should i say, should i talk about tom brady. todd: you could. you could pause and text me and i'll help you. carley: governor newsom is re-funding police to help fight the rampant smash and grab robberies across the state. todd: joe concha, rachel campos duffy, dr. marc siegel join us live on a busy monday morning. ♪ hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free todd: did you hear about this, swarms of trucker boycotting the state of colorado, protesting a 110 year sentence for a fellow driver p convicted in a deadly crash. video he shows miles long lines of trucks refusing to enter the state, calling for a reduced sentence for the driver. protesters have taken to social media to defend the driver, saying faulty brakes and bad decisions do not equal criminal liability. prosecutors say these are the minimal liabilities for the driver. the petition gained 4.3 million signature, calling on the state to review the sentence. convicted cop killer darryl jeter back on the streets after killing a transit police officer with a gun back in 1984. the 25-year-old was the first female cop to die in the line of duty in new york city. the police benevolent association says the release is a blow to every cop who puts her life on the line to stop criminals. he called for reform to the parole system which released 23 convicted cop killers in just under two years. that is an you astounding number, carley. carley: unbelievable. california governor gavin newsom knows there's a crime crisis in a wave smash and grab robberies. he's finally putting forth a plan the to try to stop it. >> we're putting off over a quarter billion dollars in enforcement grants, competitive enforcement grants to help local law enforcement and advance the prosecution of people that are involved in organized retail theft. carley: the big question now is will it work? joining me now, tracee hernandez, founding ceo of bis fed and tucky blunt junior, owner and operator of blunts and more, a retail cannabis business. good morning to you both. the governor is taking actions -- let's get to the details of this, $300 million, almost all of it to increased police presence. he wants to create an organized theft unit and $20 million to help small businesses that have been victims of these smash and grab robberies. so sarah -- or tracee, rather, will this work? do you support the governor's plan? >> we at the business federation, we've got 400,000 businesses large and small, absolutely support the governor leaning in to help with enforcement and prosecution and funding of police so that we can get after these criminals that have taken to retail theft as the new way to make money from where they used to get it from drugs, now they get it from crashing into our stores and stealing our property and selling it online. so we definitely need to do something and we appreciate the governor stepping up. carley: tucky, we wanted to have you on because you own a cannabis business and legal cannabis businesses are targeted by smash and grab robberies. what has your experience been and why is it happening? >> my experience has been a lot with lack of police presence but it's not from lack of funding. we paid almost 6.5% to the city of oakland for taxes. so to say that they're not being paid or act like they need more money, the street side of me feels one way but the business side of me feels another way so i have to approach it that way. we are targeted because we're a cash business, we can't bank and people think we're sitting on a bunch of cash. i agree with what he's trying to do i think the laws need to be changed, they need to be classified as armed robberies and not just property crimes. carley: that would mean it would be a bigger sentence and they would stay in jail as opposed to being let out, is that what you're saying? >> correct. carley: tracee, on that note, the governor supported prop 47 which makes anything -- stealing anything under $950 a misdemeanor. so oftentimes you see people who do these smash and grab robberies get out the next day. do you think that that's part of the problem here? >> oh, it's a huge part of the problem. that law went into effect in 2014 and so it used to be $400 was a felony, you now it's 950 and what makes it worse is you can steal $949.49 at one store, go the afternoon, do it at another store, later that evening do it at another store and none of it are felonies. in fact, carl -- carley, we even have bigger retailers, even those with thefts over 950 we have a problem here in la county with our district attorney, and he's not prosecuting. i have one member who had 100 thefts in the last month. the police have arrested and caught the criminals but our district attorney has not prosecuted any of those hundred thefts. it's also our district attorneys prosecuting these people. carley: there could be all the police presence in the world and all the money going into policing, but if these people who are committing these crimes are just going to be let out, the problem will never be solved. tracee hernandez, tucky blunt junior, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> thanks, carl hey. todd: coming up, the chinese tennis star who accused a chinese official of sexual assault is reversing her claim. what she is now saying. and this morning we celebrate our 12 days of giving with a chance to give back to gold star families, how you can help make christmas a special time for the families of fallen heroes. ♪ some gave all. ♪ some stood true for the red, white and a blue and some had to fall a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ todd: 29 minutes a after the hour now. their loved ones paid the ultimate price to defend freedom. this christmas you can give back to gold star families. carley: the founder of the believe with me foundation is here to tell us how. good morning to you. we a absolutely love your charity. tell us about your mission. >> so, believe with me is 501-3-c nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing hope and help to america's gold star families and teaching the next generation by using student ambassadors. todd: how did your organization come about in the first place. >> in 2015 we were looking for a project, my children had a high school project they were supposed to do. i saw a social media post by a gold star wife. she was looking for some ways to get help at christmas time. i came out and told my kids, there's got to be a foundation that does something like this and there wasn't so we started one. that christmas we served 168 kids. this year we're serving 1400. carley: so tell us specifically what you do. because you don't just help gold star families around the hole of days. you help -- holidays, you help them all year round. >> all year round. we're so thankful to be able to serve this group of really incredible americans and we use christmas as our outreach to bring them into our family under our umbrella and then all year long we serve them if there's any kind of financial need, something that they might medically. braces, if it's rent, if it's car payments, anything. but christmas is how we bring them in. todd: what's the reaction from these gold star families when you deliver these gifts, this assistance, whatever you're delivering to them? >> you know, i think the most incredible thing is that i tell them all the time, this is not charity. this is our opportunity to show you how thankful and how grateful we are for your continued sacrifices. so when they understand this isn't something like -- it's not out of pity, it's out of honor. then it turns the whole conversation and the smiles are just incredible. carley: wow. you know, a big part of your charity is keeping the next generation of americans patriotic. so tell us a little bit more about that. >> so we have a student ambassador program where we utilize middle school, high school and university age students. an example, our christmas project, they'll do the shopping, they'll do the wrapping, they'll do the packing. they'll help load up the trucks to fed ex to ship them all off. if we have a fundraiser opportunity or we're on a project serving a gold star family, we have a project called the house that love built where we restore a gold star family to home ownership after the loss of their son or daughter, we have the students doing the hard manual labor. it's so encouraging to see them working alongside of the gold star families. todd: how can our viewers help you? >> you know, it's not too late to go to and sponsor a gold star child. that gift will be about $100 per child but of course we'll the take any size donation towards the project. it will give them $75 of hand selected gifts towards their wish list that they've asked for and they'll receive single parent devotional, a military themed bible and one of the best things we do, i don't know if you can see it on your screen, so this says your gift was lovingly packed by and it has pictures of our students. we make sure the families know this isn't a nameless faceless organization, these are from people that really love you. carley: thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much. merry christmas. todd: merry christmas to you too. carley: the outgoing nih director tells fox news the lab leak theory was a distraction but republicans aren't buying it. how they're preparing to uncover what really happened in wuhan. todd: dozens of americans evacuated from afghanistan by a veterans group that worked to get them on u.s. soil by the hole of days. we -- holidays, we talk to some of the people involved todd: former nih director francis collins doubling down on dismissing the covid lack leak theory. carley: as the gop is gearing up for an investigation. we are joined with more on this front. brooke, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. francis collins is not holding back on how he really feels about the wuhan lab leak nearly on his last -- theory on his last day as director of the national institutes of health. listen to this. >> i'm sorry the lab leak has become such a distraction for so many people. frankly, we still don't know. there is no evidence that this is a natural way that a virus left a bat, and got to humans. >> reporter: former president trump is adamant covid originated in wuhan. >> i think the origins are so obvious. they came out of the wuhan lab and i think if anybody thinks anything differently, they're just kidding themselves. >> reporter: meanwhile, axios is reporting that house republicans are mapping out potential investigations. if they win back the majority in 2022. gop members want to look into the origins of the virus. a previous investigation by the world health organization came up inconclusive due to china's lack of cooperation. the probe would look into communications by the cdc about school he closures and mask mandates, coming on the heels of a newly surfaced e-mail from collins to dr. anthony fauci on the declaration which rejected lockdowns and in favor of the herd immunity strategy. it reads this proposal from fringe epidemiologists which met with the secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention. there needs to be a quick and devastating public takedown of its premises. when collins was asked about the e-mail he refused to apologize. todd, carley. todd: brooke, thank you very much. carley: chinese tennis star is denying a communist leader sexually assaulted her. the 35-year-old said, he quote, i have never said or written that anyone has sexually assaulted me. i have to clearly stress this point. now, peng says her now deleted post is being misunderstood. she insists she is living freely. the women's tennis association is not convinced, releasing a statement these appearances don't alleviate the significant concerns about her well-being and ability to communicate without censorship or coercion. big development there. and the report about peng shuai is one of many concerns for critics ahead of the upcoming olympic games in beijing. former director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe, says china cannot be trusted and should not be allowed to host. >> they're responsible for the death of more than 2 million muslim uyghurs, their rape, torture, imprisonment and we had a pandemic originate that resulted in the death had of 5 or 6 million people worldwide and their role with respect to how that began remains very much in doubt. and so why would china of all countries be one to be allowed to host an international goodwill games, acting as a gracious host of spirit of competition, peaceful competition, with american companies and the american government really supporting that? carley: the beijing olympics kicks off in early february. the u.s. and several allies like the u.k. and australia are staging diplomatic boycotts in protest. todd: home for the holidays, volunteer group project dyn a mo evacuating citizens left behind from president biden's chaotic withdrawal in afghanistan. joining us now, former translator whose family was rescued from afghanistan and combat veteran brian stern. great to have you here. mohammed, i begin with you. you got trapped in afghanistan after traveling back there for the funeral of your father-in-law back in july. how does it feel to be back on u.s. soil? >> it feels fantastic, really got stuck there pretty hard, when the evacuation department was supposed to get us out and the flight got canceled completely and i didn't have much hope. commercial flights were booked in advance. when they told me about project dynamo i thought it was a department of state group but it was civilians, they did an amazing job. todd: to that point that mohammed just made, you and project dynamo keep delivering where our government can't or won't or seems to fail. why? >> i think the situation is hard. afghanistan is a problem, this is a new state because of government and operates as a state of government where 7, 8, 9 people, all volunteers, all-in. we're just able to pick up and do things at a speed probably that big government bureaucracy can't. doesn't mean the state departments is bad. just means it's a government agency. we're able to adjust and do things very much on the fly, very creatively and innovatively where government has to follow process and procedures. we follow process and procedures. we remove them safely and appropriately. we're able to be nimble where others can't. todd: that said, how much assistance are you getting from the state department? >> as far as financial and all that? todd: logistics. >> not really any. we're privately run. we're donor funded. we do this on our own. i wouldn't say that they're in the way but they're also-we're not related to them so they're not able of to help us. we're not contractors. we don't have a relationship with them. we talk to the state department every day. they approve our manifests. we interact with them, we interact with the embassies but actual support other than approval there is not much. todd: you alluded to this in your original answer. i want to elaborate on this. how strong was the belief in you that, you know, look, i've been here since july, i may not get out. my family really may not get out. >> well, in true perspective, i wasn't there. my wife and kids were there since july. i came out before the hecticness. i got into crazy ways of going back in the country two months ago and when i was in the u.s. my family was stuck there. when i went in, i couldn't get out. so getting out of there was very, very frustrating. there's people there that were stuck there for months you just to get out because of the hecticness around the airport, because yes, there was a huge evacuation but anybody could go so that was really, really frustrating and getting out of there even through qatar was -- it's a long process. project dyn a amo, the amazing thing, they did an evacuation process and you felt like it was almost like a commercial endeavor. it was amazing, very smooth. so frustrations built up. i didn't believe project dynamo could do it and brian and the team did and amazing job. todd: brian, how much longer do you expect to have to keep doing these missions? >> we don't know. from our perspective, as long as there are americans and lawful permanent residents that are in afghanistan that need help and we have donor funding, we are he donor funded, as long as we have funding we will continue to operate. this is not an afghanistan problem. this is an american problem. mohammed, who is a good friend, his passport says we the people on it like my passport says we the people on it. as long as people are left and we're able to move people we will continue to do so. todd: that is the absolute perfect sentiment. going to leave it there. mohammed and brian, thank you so much for coming on this morning. we certainly wish, mohammed, you the best of luck, you and your family and brian, thank you for doing what you're doing. you're a hero. appreciate it. carley: the time is 46 minutes after the hour. patriotism is taking center stage at turning point usa's america fest. we have the highlights from this weekend and we'll tell you how to watch the big name set to speak today. each year the salvation army helps make christmas dreams come true for kids in need. much like everything else, they're working against the supply chain crisis. find out how you can help, coming up next. ♪ that's when it's christmas time again. ♪ todd: congressman jim jordan compelling young conservatives to fight for the american dreams at turning point usa's america fest. >> that is what the left is trying to destroy, that concept, that ideal that if you have a goal, you have a dream and you're willing to bust your tail, you can make it here in this country. that's why people want to come to this country because we always offered that. if the left gets their way on the accelerated march to communism, that is what they will destroy. that's our charge, to defend that. that's what this is all about so every generation can what we all had, the ability to chase down your goals and dreams. todd: you can stream the speeches live on fox. carley: three ministries are asking the supreme court to block the biden administrations covid-19 vaccine mandate for all companies with more than 100 employees, this comes after an appeals court ruled to reinstate the mandate on friday. the organization representing those three ministries saying, quote, our clients simply cannot comply with the government mandate that forces them to violate the cons -- conscious rights of their employees. the supreme court must act or there will be a constitutional crisis. in the meantime, a record number of children are at risk of not having gifts this christmas as supply chain issues throw a wrench in the salvation army's holiday he donation drive. todd: the salvation army national commander is here with more. how wore rid that you will not -- worried are you that you will not have enough gifts to meet the needs this year? >> good morning, merry christmas. the salvation army is aware of the supply chain issue that affects the entire country and it affects all parts of the economy. toys are significant for the salvation army at christmas. we hope to provide toys for more than 1 million children this year. right now we have to schedule additional days for distribution and we have to ask our donors to make an extra effort to find those toys. we're having to help families with assistance so they can buy toys. it's a challenge for us but we're determined to make sure that every child has a toy on christmas day. carley: and in light of that effort, what can people do to help out and is there anything that you would like people to donate specifically? >> there's nothing specific. children have all sorts of desires at christmas but we do invite people to go to where they can find out what the salvation army is doing in their area or call 1-800-sal-army. todd: there are reports you're having trouble filling the kettle this year. i can't imagine the covid craziness is helping that how dire is that situation? >> you're absolutely right, todd. at this point question tellses are down about -- kettles are down about 10%, due to labor shortages, due to omicron, also due the fact that people aren't carrying as much cash as they used to. although kettles themselves are down, we're seeing a very fine level of giving digitally. so we're looking forward to receiving lots of support this year. carley: you know, we think a lot about the salvation army, especially around christmas, because of the kettles that you're talking about, the red kettles with the people, with the people ringing the bells and all that but you help all year round. tell us what the salvation salvation armydoes behind the st maybe some people don't know about. >> the salvation army is at work every year. we help about 30 million americans every year through 7,000 locations in every zip code of the country. so whenever there's a disaster, the salvation army is already there. whenever there's a rent crisis in a particular location, the salvation is already there. what we raise at christmas helps us to meet human need throughout the entire year. so it's a critical time. todd: kenneth potter, keep up the mission. thank you for your time this morning. to contribute, go to coming up, texas taking matters in their own hands to handle the border crisis as they break ground on their own border wall. carley: congressman michael better gus is here with the late -- burgues is here with the latest. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health products online our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and thanks to shipstation's discounted rates we're saving a ton. honestly, we couldn't do it without shipstation join over 100,000 online sellers who get ship done with shipstation go to /tv and get 2 months free. carley: it is monday, december 20th. and this is a fox news alert. democrats are scrambling to keep president biden's social spending agenda alive after moderate joe manchin deals it a death blow right here on fox news. >> if i can't go home and explain to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it. >> you're done? this is a no? >> this is a no. todd: republicans calling manchin's christmas present to the country but the progressive left says with the new year comes a

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Condolences , Message , Steve , Todd Piro , Dvr , Democrats , Fox News Alert , Book , December 20th , Monday December 20th , 20 , People , Senator Manchin , Joe Biden , Agenda , West Virginia , Spending , Death Blow , Go Home , Carley Shimkus , Country , No , Republicans , Fight , Progressive Left , Front , Thing , World , Courage , Working Families , Fox Friends First , America , Bleep , Jen Sack , More , Get , Al , Ex Andrea , Alexandria Huff , Pandemic , Surprise , Lack , Inflation , Concern , Decision , Betrayal , Faith , Goal Post , Said Manchin , Deficit , Trust , Hes , White House Press Secretary , Jen Psaki , Senator , Framework , Announcement , Way , Price Tag , Cost , Congressional Budget Office , Social Safety Net , Colleagues , 4 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Bill , Bad , Democrat , Weight , One , Vote , Bernie Sanders , Drive , Tax , Senate , Support , Manchins , Floor , Mr , Guts , Effort , Reporter , Special Interest , Nancy Pelosi , House Speaker , Question , Build , Passage , Sort , Chunks , Whether , Portions , Squad , Nothing , Office , Members , Bite Size , Pieces , Episode , He Wasn T Put , Course , Constituents , Form , Existence , Something , Socialists , Behalf , Harassment , Wall , Cori Bush , Kyrsten Sinema , Ocasio Cortez , Six , Representative Pressly , Alexandria , Representative Tlaib , Hit , Omar , Caucus , Anti Democracy , New York Post , Op Ed , Favor , Senators , Media , Return To Normalcy Biden , Grinch , 50 , House , Line , Excuse , Expansion , Deal , Welfare , Dozens Of Americans , Majority , Votes , Sound Bite , The End , Terms , Things , Pre K , Boondogl , Leave , Climate Change , Four , 50 Billion , 00 Billion , 450 Million , 50 Million , 200 Billion , 550 Billion , Tax Credits , E Bike , Salmon Conservation , A Billion Dollars , 00 , 900 , A Billion , Everything , Reason , Salmon , Score , Sunsets , 10 , It , Plan , Administration , Parts , Progressives , 5 Trillion , Democracy , Action , Timing , 100th , 1 100 , Anything , Take A Step Back , View , Everybody , Nobody , Position , Clear , News , Michael Burgess , Coming Up , End , Name , Part , Point , Elizabeth Warren , Talking Point , Big News , Booster Shots , Symptoms , Covid , Infections , Democratic Lawmakerses , Ability , Latest , Cases , Surge , Nation , Confidence , Ashley Strohmier , Critics , Decisions , Address , Science , Campaign Promises , Day One , Virus , Economy , Variants , Poll Numbers , Wasn T , Handling , Harris , Fox Business , Poll , La Times , 49 , White House , Statement , Quote , Scientists , Direction , Delta Coming , Advice , Omicron Coming , Comments , Dr , Mutations , Comment , Clearing Up The Vice President , Bit , Kinds , Context , Anthony Fauci , Number , Fact , Omicron , No One , Amino Acid Substitutions , Mask Mandates , Plans , Lockdowns , Winter , No Doubt , Job , Response , Wrong , Vaccine , Trump , Debates , Nine , Speech , Guy , Opening , Disinformation , Partnership , Mass Production , Ambush Shooting , Private , Men , Connection , Operation Warp Speed , 19 , Two , Police , Shift , Officer , Police Officer , Condition , Attack , Administrator , Place , City , Shooting , Violence , Suspects , Murder Charges , Policing Shortages , Warning , Dea , Drugs , Border , Cartels , Cartel , Cartel Threat , Quantities , Add , Fentanyl , Crisis , Dick , Threat , Flow , Passengers , Element , Tsa Screening Double , Airport Security , 6 Million , Warnings , Levels , Airport Travel Reaching Pre Pandemic , 2 Million , Three , Interception , Tom Brady , Bye , 15 , Upset , Look , Loss , Saints , Lions , 9 , 0 , Quarterback , Cardinals , Win , Season , Beat , Detroit , Broncos , Denver , 30 , 12 , Games , Head , Hospital , Precaution , Raiders , The Field , Browns , Brian Stern , Sports , Wrap Up , Washington Football Team , La Rams , Eagles , Seattle Seahawks , Gavin Newsom , State , Robberies , Rampant Smash And Grab , Joe Concha , Rachel Campos Duffy , Monday Morning , Marc Siegel , Wolfgang Puck , Lot , Orders , Shipstation , Store , Home , Shipping Costs , Shipping , Sellers , Go To Shipstation Com Tv , Choice , Ingredient , 1 , 2 , Sentence , Trucks , State Of Colorado , Driver P , Crash , Video , Swarms , Lines , Trucker Boycotting , 110 , Driver , Social Media , Prosecutors , Protesters , Liability , Brakes , Transit Police Officer , Gun Back , Streets , Signature , Petition , Liabilities , Cop Killer Darryl Jeter , 4 3 Million , 1984 , Cop , Criminals , Parole System , Blow , Release , Duty , Female , Life , Reform , New York City , Police Benevolent Association , 25 , 23 , Governor , Crime Crisis , Cop Killers , Wave Smash And Grab , Unbelievable , California , Prosecution , Enforcement Grants , Law Enforcement , The Big Question , Tucky Blunt Junior , Tracee Hernandez , Retail Theft , Blunts , Operator , Founding , Bis Fed , Businesses , Police Presence , Retail Cannabis Business , Actions , Details , Organized Theft Unit , 00 Million , 0 Million , 300 Million , 20 Million , Smash And Grab , Victims , Work , Tracee , Sarah , Business Federation , 400000 , Funding , Money , Theft , Enforcement , Stores , Property , Experience , Presence , Cannabis Business , Cannabis , Side , Taxes , Act , The Street , Oakland , 6 5 , Cash , Business , Cash Business , Bank , Bunch , Laws , Property Crimes , Jail , Note , Let Out , Correct , Prop , Misdemeanor , 47 , 950 , Problem , Law , Felony , Effect , 400 , 2014 , Afternoon , None , Felonies , 949 49 , District Attorney , Thefts , Member , Retailers , Prosecuting , La County , 100 , Policing , Crimes , District Attorneys , Tennis Star , Thanks , Official , Sexual Assault , Claim , Chinese , Carl Hey , Families , Some , Gold Star , Heroes , Chance , People Don T , Cadillac , Show , Blue , Red , Ride , Tradition , Sleigh , Cadillac Showroom , Price , Loved Ones , 29 , Foundation , Charity , Mission , Founder , Freedom , Help , Generation , Hope , Student Ambassadors , Nonprofit Organization , Teaching , 501 , 3 , Children , Project , Organization , Ways , High School Project , Wife , 2015 , Kids , 1400 , 168 , Round , Holidays , Group , Star , Hole , Outreach , Family , Need , Rent , Braces , Kind , Umbrella , Car Payments , Gifts , Assistance , Reaction , Isn T , Sacrifices , Pity , Honor , Opportunity , Student Ambassador Program , Smiles , Wow , Conversation , Students , Wrapping , High School , Packing , Shopping , Ex , University , Example , Middle School , Gold Star Family To Home Ownership , Project Serving A Gold Star Family , Fundraiser Opportunity , Daughter , Son , Viewers , Hard Manual Labor , Child , Gift , Donation , Size , Hand , Wish List , 5 , 75 , Screen , Military Themed Bible , Single Parent Devotional , Isn T A Nameless Faceless Organization , Pictures , Merry Christmas , Distraction , Republicans Aren T , The Lab Leak Theory , Buying It , Outgoing Nih , Afghanistan , Veterans Group , Soil , Wuhan , The Hole , Francis Collins , Covid Lack Leak Theory , Former Nih , Investigation , Lab Leak , Brooke , Evidence , Director , Theory , Last , We Still Don T Know , National Institutes Of Health , Left , Origins , Lab , Humans , Bat , Anybody , Investigations , Axios , Cooperation , World Health Organization , 2022 , E Mail , Probe , Communications , Heels , Cdc , About School He Closures , Declaration , Proposal , Secretary , Herd Immunity Strategy , Attention , Fringe Epidemiologists , Takedown , Public , Chinese Tennis Star , Premises , Leader , Anyone , 35 , Concerns , Peng Shuai , Well Being , Appearances , Post , Women S Tennis Association , Report , Censorship , Coercion , Olympic Games , Beijing , Big Development There , Death , Host , Intelligence , Rape , John Ratcliffe , Muslim , Respect , Doubt , Torture , Remains , Role , Imprisonment , Competition , Countries , Goodwill Games , Spirit , Government , Companies , Allies , U K , The Beijing Olympics , Australia , Boycotts , Home For The Holidays , Protest , Citizens , Withdrawal , Volunteer Group Project Dyn , Mo Evacuating , Mohammed , Translator , Combat , Funeral , Father In Law Back , Flight , Evacuation Department , Project Dynamo , Civilians , Flights , Department Of State , Advance , , Situation , Volunteers , 7 , 8 , State Departments , Government Agency , Speed , Doesn T , Bureaucracy , Procedures , Process , Fly , State Department , Logistics , Others , Donor , Wouldn T , Contractors , Manifests , Approval , Embassies , Relationship , Answer , Belief , Perspective , Hecticness , Airport , Couldn T Get Out , Yes , Evacuation , Project Dyn A Amo , Evacuation Process , Qatar , Team , Endeavor , Frustrations , Donor Funding , Missions , Residents , Passport , Friend , Sentiment , Best , Luck , Patriotism , Hero , Highlights , America Fest , Turning Point Usa , Center Stage , 46 , Supply Chain Crisis , Salvation Army Helps Make Christmas Dreams Come True , Everything Else , Dreams , Conservatives , Congressman , Jim Jordan , Concept , Dream , Goal , Tail , Charge , March To Communism , Ministries , Speeches , Goals , Administrations , Supreme Court , Mandate , Employees , Appeals Court , Cons , Clients , Saying , Salvation Army , Record Number , Supply Chain , Rights , Risk , Wrench , Holiday He Donation Drive , Toys , Supply Chain Issue , Distribution , Donors , Challenge , 1 Million , Sorts , Toy , Light , Salvationarmyusa Org , Sal Army , Desires , Area , 1 800 Sal Army , 800 , Kettles , Kettle , Covid Craziness , Trouble , Point Question Tellses , Level , Lots , Shortages , Bells , Locations , Salvation Armydoes , Zip Code , 7000 , 30 Million , Salvation , Location , Human , Disaster , Matters , Kenneth Potter , Texas , Ground , Burgues , Hands , Congressman Michael Better Gus , Border Wall , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Ulcers , Stomach , Car , Mom , Tam , Dad , Shipping Process , Health Products , Storms Bador , Times , Shipstation Go To Com , Rates , Ton , 100000 , Tv , Scrambling , Progressive , Republicans Calling Manchin ,

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