Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

what this needs for the future of this massive spending bill, hey alex. >> senator manchin said he spent five and half months trying to remedy the concerns he had over this bill and ultimately cannot justify the cost of the legislation to the people he represents pretty broke the news exclusively to brett baer on sunday. >> i have always had this, brett, if i cannot go home and explain ancient people people of west virginia i cannot vote for. i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible i cannot get there and this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. >> hundred manchin added his concerns over the bills cost only grew alongside inflation and the continued pandemic. he has been the long-standing democratic holdout in present binds build back better gender seeks to the safety net and bolster climate action reaction from the left was swift and fierce. >> i mean we all knew senator manchin could not be trusted the excuses he had just made i think our complete bowl. >> some are hoping manchin can be swayed and senator bernie sanders wants to hold a vote anyway. >> i think it is incredible unusual. we do see tornadoes in december that part is not unusual. but at this magnitude, i don't think we have ever seen won this late in the year. but it is also historic. even the severity and the amount of time this tornado or these tornadoes spent on the ground is unprecedented. >> are hoping to hear from senator bernie sanders but he said if manchin does not quote having courage to do the right thing for working families in west virginia then let them vote no in front of the whole world. manchin said today if lawmakers want to vote on the bill to where sans then they should start one. >> alexander hoff starting us off in washington for more on the devastating impact senator manchin may have on the future build back better joining a congressional correspondent chad welcome. >> good afternoon mike. >> is this launch all out civil war on the democratic side? >> pretty close here. keep in mind the democrats were pretty suspect about joe manchin to start with. there will now be fight among democrat progress is not only towards joe manchin but house speaker nancy pelosi and the majority leader chuck schumer. both gave progressives a lot of leeway that raised expectations and the two leaders really did not temper that very well. democrats, frankly, mike were trying to more than their narrow majority allowed that's a problem. mike: is going back to the drawing board, chat, lead to cutting this a massive package up to smaller bite-size pieces of legislation? which some could possibly earn a bipartisan support. >> that is unclear. you just do not know if the left will sit there and say we have to have the entire bill or nothing. it was a take it or leave it problem. this whole concept of bernie sanders was a floating but the bill on the floor just letting them fail is a political hornets nest that will suggest vulnerable's editors with competitive races to take tough votes on weaponize gop during a voter ramah. they might relish to vote no but that will only so more discord and they have to be very careful here, the democrats >> let's say joe manchin were to go away there is no indication he wants to live the democratic party it is a 50/50 senate. if they so more discord there, they have to handle joe manchin with kid gloves. otherwise they do not have the majority in the senate. mike: 50/50 senate and a single majority in the house at the trying to govern like that massive majority in the house and senate, what about that point? >> they needed everything to line up here. i'm finally something did not and that was joe manchin part as a site is about the math, it's about the math, it's about the math. keep in mind the one thing they did pass with the bipartisan infrastructure bill you have such a close majority maybe what you need is passive that's more bipartisan if you do not have all your ducks in order they did not have that with joe manchin. mike: chad, why have you, former senator pass this morning after a long battle with parkinson's disease. i found him to be a true southern gentleman. your thoughts on his passing? >> he first came to washington in the house in 1999 pretty took that seat of former newt gingrich. he suffered from parkinson's or member sing on the senate stairwell by himself he was suffering from parkinson's he had his cane and he is going up and down this one stared at first i thought he needed help. he said no, no, and i'm just practicing my exercises. he was trying to stay, as well as a code to stick around in the senate as long as he possibly could. he's on the few gop officials that would regularly attend the martin luther king ceremonies at the ebenezer baptist church in atlanta. he even invited the mayor of atlanta the state of the union demonstrating he was always willing to reach out across the aisle. >> our thoughts and prayers to the isaacson family. chad pergram thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> for more on how the white house is reckoned to the breaking news, mark joins us live from wilmington, delaware were president biden is spending his weekend, hey mark. >> and mike if you like drama there's plenty happening right now part we're getting quite the statement from the white house they're firing right back at center joe manchin after his announcement this morning. the present as well senator manchin and certainly talked a lot, ever since january, about build back better. there is a belief that maybe the two sides would be able to reach some sort of agreement. of the center's comments today that's not likely to happen for the white house insists it's not done trying to fight for the social and climate agenda. the white house was signed to start fresh in negotiations come generate the belief was to come back fresh after the holiday but in a blistering statement out within the last hour at the administration is ready to pile on the pressure against manchin. it is a long statement but there are some key parts let me read them tapered first part senator manchin, this morning on fox are at odds with the discussions this week with the president, with the white house staff, and with his own public utterances. press secretary psaki goes on to say just a senator manchin reversed his position on "build back better" this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he were reversed his position yet again to honor his prior commitment and be true to his word. of course a lot of people are going to wonder was this the way to wind manchin over? there are 70 progressive lawmakers and say the white house was already bowing down to manchin so much they arty thought they were giving up too much of their agenda. they wanted to see the white house take action here. from the statement though it does appear the white house is going to still try to do something in the new year. what will this look like a new executive orders a smaller package yet to be seen. we've not heard from that statement directly. i was going back to d.c. tomorrow no public events on his schedule. when he gets back to d.c. another big focus is going to be on the pandemic is going to give a speech on tuesday letting people know what the federal government is doing to help a number of committees dealing with a surgeon covered cases. one came friday night for appeals court in ohio which decided to reinstate the president vaccine mandate, impacting larger american businesses. we got a statement from the white house yesterday that says especially as the u.s. faces a highly transmissible omicron variant it is critical we move forward with vaccination requirements and protections for workers with the urgency needed in this moment. now, critics of the mandate said they are not done fighting they are getting ready to take this case all the way to the supreme court. it is clear at the number of cases searching the culvert is not going away anytime soon. the president will have a lot on his plate when he gets back to d.c. tomorrow. mike. mike: markup that was not their train we just heard it so you missed it. [laughter] >> i'm not going anywhere i'm having too much fun out here i'm not going anywhere yet. but mike up the remnant wilmington thank you very much. for reaction to social spending packets likely dead on the senate my get california republican congressman remember the house judiciary committee, congressmen are welcome. >> and mike thanks for having me on. it is appropriate the amtrak senator has a train that you hear when you talk about president biden. first of all, with johnny isakson passing, he and i came in almost at the same time. he is, was a true southern gentleman. i think there's a lot to say joe manchin is being attacked today. much in the way that a another gentleman, a person who is thoughtful joe lieberman was attacked. i think that is one of the things that hopefully you are focusing on today is if someone will not go with their party on one occasion for good and long-standing reasons, is it a reason to throw them out of the party? that is what they do with a primary joe lieberman. it appears as though that is what they're getting ready to do to joe manchin, do a lieberman attack for being a centrist. >> is this lead to all-out civil war on the democratic side between progressives and more moderate democrats? >> well, they have been throwing blue dogs and moderates out of their party for a long time. when i came to congress they were pro-life in pro-gun democrats appear they were generally called blue dogs. they were completely part of the party. particularly west virginia you had a mickey joe ray hall and people like that. they are mostly gone. joe manchin as a fiscal conservative seems to be very similar to joe lieberman as a national security moderate. they do not seem to have a home and a party that wants to end wars abruptly and without notice. they want to cut the military while mandating things they need to do or else. and, in this case if he is not willing to do a spending a package at a time in which inflation is out of control, then he is not acceptable in the party and they let aoc speak for them. do i think he will be welcome in the republican party based on his historic voting record? i think we are a lot bigger party. it may end up being key becomes an independent like joe lieberman. or he comes all the way over to the republican party the way others have in the past with great success. mike: kobe feels like a bad flashback games being postponed or canceled, what do we need to hear from president biden on covid on tuesday? >> i think what we need to hear is not another definition of insanity repeating things that have not worked as though they absently are the silver bullets and they will fix it. at the president would say look, we are doing this because it's the best signs we have, we think it's better than not doing it and be honest rather than every single time talking about two weeks, a month, if we just did this, if we just got her third shot. but it is a go to for the democrats. and my state, my governor has come back to a locked down again. he does not want to talk about the other failures in his administration. i think joe biden will go back to covid because he is comfortable there and he is not comfortable in one after another failures on the economy including fixing the supply chain, including dealing with inflation. look mike, one of the things americans are beginning to understand is inflation is not something it just happens. it's something that is caused by a comparative lack of trust in the future and a comparative lack of, if you will, efficiency both are happening in this administration. so do i think is going back to it? yes. do i begin is going to wear thin on americans who are tired of doing everything they are supposed to do and still having this very dangerous disease continue around the world? a lot of people keep telling me i am a republican but have you heard what's happening in sweden lately? which is they are living freer in sweden then we have in america. congressman darrell issa from the great state of california we have to leave it there. >> thank you mike. mike: joining me now with reaction from the other side massachusetts congressman he serves on the house financial services and transportation and infrastructure committees. congressman, welcome. >> good to be here. >> how devastating the senator mansions announcement to the democratic agenda? >> this is a one package stalling out in the u.s. senate. resellers with infrastructure the beginning of 2021 with house passing the act did not make it to this senate produce a got a terrific infrastructure deal done with water, x, fixing bridges for the next five years. i expect were going to see the same for the "build back better" agenda. we will be able to pass components of it we may have to take a different format. it is not dead. this version of it is stalled out. mike: a major progressive voice, senator bernie sanders sounds pretty frustrated. >> i think democrats are frustrated because we have had to address issues by yourself. republicans have made clear their goal is to obstruct president biden every turn whether that is covid, infrastructure, whether that is the "build back better" agenda. instead of coming to the table with good faith and ideas on how to improve it. i would offer that we should be starting with tax cuts for working families. paid for by a carbon tax to address the climate emergency. that is the lowering taxes, which should be a republican issue as well. that is addressing the climate emergency with a policy that's conducive to the free market. why aren't republicans engaging on those two ideas? >> in your view was that a mistake to put all of these components into this one massive bill approaching $2 billion? >> the president outlined a compelling vision for how were going to make this economy more fair and how were going to invest in making the american worker more productive. this package was the best format to getting it done in 2021 it's got a pass in the house of representatives we may need to take another path in 2022. the focus right now should be passive voting rights in the senate before the new year no one should be going on holiday until we protect our democracy. it should be addressing omicron head on. were looking at a stake we might see a million infections a day both reported and unreported in january but unlike last there is not need to be a link between infections and hospitalizations per people get vaccines and get boosted, we can cut that link and be able to avoid really heavy-handed policies to disrupt schools in the economy. and then we should be able to address the tax cuts for working families with kids and the climate emergency. we still have a clear path here with a compelling agenda for the american people. >> to covid a lot of people confuse even alarmed at what do we need to hear from the president on tuesday? >> omicron is going be spreading through the united states it's more transmissible than previous variants. we are going to see a large number of infections into january and february. however it does not need to be the case that infections lead to serious illness or death. if you get a vaccine, if you convince loved ones to get a vaccine, even an infection does not need to be life altering. that is the key message that we can cut the link between infections and hospitalizations but it requires americans to get the vaccine. defendant congressman i like the background of the artwork and the plant was thank you for your time for. >> good to be here. >> you can catch brett barrows exclusive in north west virginia senator joe manchin he's one of these senator blocks for passing the massive spending bill for this will at the top of the art 2:00 p.m. eastern. still streaming over the borders texas began construction on its own border wall. we will take you to la joya, texas next. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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announcement he intended to build the texas border wall. now you can see on her drown that wall is starting to materialize. as you mentioned the first in the history of the country to be built by a state rather than the federal government take a look at the video we shot yesterday on the construction bright as us rio grande in the rio grande valley the busiest part of the us-mexico border. the idea this is an initial 1.7-mile stretch of the wall designed to essentially fill in the gaps where there is no federal law. texas governor greg abbott blasting the federal government and the vita ministration yesterday saying they're not fulfilling their responsibilities when it comes to securing the border. if the feds are not going to build a border wall texas will step up and with themselves take a listen to what he had to say. >> the federal government has abandoned its duty to enforce the laws passed by the united states congress. all president biden has to do is simply enforce the current immigration laws of the united states of america. because he's not doing that, texas taxpayers are having to step up and do his job. >> and president biden first took office back in january we had to member had to cancel federal border wall contracts. what you're looking with the videos here are massive piles of steel that had just been sitting around since january they were already bought and paid for by u.s. taxpayers supposed to go towards the federal law that president trump was building they've been sitting for the better part of the entire year because all construction halted. texas governor greg abbott tells me texas is not able to access or use any at that steel or purchase it from the federal government to use for the texas wall. he told me texas has reached out to the federal government to ask about it but they have not gotten any sort of response. and now he says a state of texas is going be suing the federal government to recoup some of the money they're spending not just on operation lone star but in the process of building this wall as well, take a listen. >> they can expect a fight from the state of texas. we are going to be suing them to recoup the money. you're going to be suing them for not living up to their duty of enforce the law passed by nine states congress disobey to a fight in texas is going to win it. >> part of the reason they have decided to build the texas border wall down here in the rio grande valley again is because the rgb is the busiest spot along the border. one of the reasons that is, there is not really a whole lot of federal border wall out here. just behind us where we are here there's essentially nothing. there's a half mile stretch that was starting to be built under president trump but it was halted as soon as president biden came in. it's basically a useless piece of metal sticking out of the ground behind us and migrants are able to walk right across the rio grande. there is no resistance in this area whatsoever. no well, no deterrent. that is why they have decided to build down here. case in point with the amount of numbers coming in, dhs source telling us that just since october 1, just here in the rio grande valley sector they have already been more than 11000 known and got oasis of the my grades they see crossing illegally on cameras, on sensors, border patrol just does not have the manpower to get too. will send it back to you. mike: built thanks very much. rising crime in many american cities leading to a push for more funding for police departments. more funding, more on that coming up next. ♪ ♪ and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed so it was a happy ending... with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho 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(crowd) business! >> omicron variant is spreading across the country just in time for the holidays. new york state is seeing a record daily high of covid cases and los angeles is getting hit with its worse spike since august. alexis in the big apple with the very latest. >> recent data showing the new comic-con strain of this virus is taking over all the other variance at the time spreading even more rapidly than ever before. right now hospitals are bracing for this big fall out in ohio the national guard stepping in to help overwhelmed medical facilities. the hospitals in kansas and in missouri are now delaying surgeries just trying to keep up with the influx of patients there. with the highest possible session efforts per 100,000 people. right now indiana as you see is at the top of the list. just moms and our top health officials they are in indiana reportedly fighting the states first carry case of the omicron variant that person was unvaccinated. >> we are in for a world of trouble i am afraid in the next month or two. >> i know people are sick of hearing this, but the virus is not sick of us it is throwing us a new curveball with got to be ready to hit it. >> this all comes as governor 19 cases across the country continue to surge. just over the week in new york sending another record with two days in a row of having more than 21000 daily cases of covid-19. these surges lead to saturday night live actually having to cancel their live audience over the weekend and their musical desk the rockettes calling off the remainder of christmas shows which they just started some restaurants actually closing their doors because their staff has tested positive with the virus all this continues to develop are also hearing from newark mayor bill de blasio holding a press conference right now about the rise in cases. mayor de blasio's not had a covid 19 briefing on a sunday in quite some time. de blasio saying this will be much different than it was in the past for new yorkers. special but without the start of the pandemic because now there is a vaccine and booster shots available for all. we'll have to monitor these development here in new york and across the country, back to you by. >> alexis why you're talking to the ap says the nba is postponing five games involving nine teams of the next three days. so more covid related news, thank you so much. san francisco mayor declaring a state of emergency for the famous tenderloin district friday announcing new measures to address the tween epidemic of street crime and drug overdoses by christina coleman joins us from los angeles with more on how california officials are tackling rising crime, hi christina. >> hi mike mayor says more than 70 people died due to a drug overdose last year in san francisco. they have had more than 600 overdose deaths this year alone but she is declaring a state of emergency for the tenderloin community. a downtown neighborhood hit quite hard by this crisis read the mayor said the declaration will cut through bureaucracy and barriers when it comes to getting more police, social services and other resources to that area to stop assaults, attacks and other tragic situations happening in that community. >> they should not have to look over their shoulders. they should not be punched in the face randomly. they should not have to see someone sticking a needle in various parts of their body, laying out on the streets wondering what can i do to help them? >> three days prior to comment on this emergency declaration, she condemned a crime and another press conference during the growing list of democrat leaders who once wanted to defend the police better now pushing for more funding for law enforcement and saying things like this. >> it this time the rain of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for her to come to an end. and it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement. more aggressive with the changes in our policies. and less tolerant of what has destroyed our city. >> meantime critics say this state search and homicide, aggravated assault and snatch and grab robberies are a result of repeat offenders taken advantage of what they call california assaults on crime approach. >> you need the police department had the confidence if they make an arrest if they put their lives on the line to make a good arrest, that something is going to come of that arrest. this went to be accountability on the other side of their efforts. that just does not exist in san francisco today. >> at this point san francisco is dealing with an 18% jump in larceny theft compared to last year to 15% increase in homicides mike. mike: i think that we have the beep that is a family program kristine thank you so much. pressures with smash and grab violence leaders are turning to stronger measures to correct on crime joining me now to weigh in wisconsin radio talkshow host mike and former georgia congressman and liberty guard president bob barr, welcome gentleman break. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> a foxbusiness bowl dug into issues voters are concerned about higher u.s. crime rate had 77% extremely or very concerned. neighborhood crime had 48% extremely or very concerned. mike, how do you assess it. >> of course no one likes crime. i don't think anyone is a four crime. like murders and car thefts i think overall violent crime is down statistically. these heinous crimes are up. and of course be at the left to be at the right we should all be concerned about the prospect of crime. the question is what to do about it? we should stop putting so many militaristic resources behind local police department. but ultimately. mike: bob, what is your read on those crime numbers? >> there very disturbing. the solution goes beyond simply how the police respond. it goes beyond simply one news conference or two news conferences by a mayor saying the right thing. it also involves corporate america. i saw some interviews last week by some very high level corporate officials responding to the smash and grab and the brazen efforts by criminals going into stores, loading up cards and walking them back out response by these officials including one had quartered in my hometown of atlanta was, it's cheaper to just let them go than do anything about it. it's cheaper to let them go then to hire security and we do not want the legal problems if we stop them. that is a major part of the problem. until corporate america gets serious about this, it is not going to be solved just by a news conference by a mayor brickwork from the same foxbusiness pole prison bind approval number is seriously underwater on crime. 57% disapprove, mike what can he do to turn it around? >> i do know joe biden specifically can turn this particular issue around in and of itself. there is no executive order there's no magic wand that joe biden has to change the prospect of smash and grab crime. however i agree with bob. this is really more of a problem the specific type of crime that's a problem of corporate america. certainly they should be working in conjunction with local law enforcement. but if i owned a store and it was getting robbed it's my job to put protection in my store in my shop. ultimately this is a problem no doubt. but it is a problem in certain jurisdictions like san francisco. we have not this sort of crime for i am from and not with any frequency. so certainly i don't think we should be making national policy predicated on a few smash and grab since specific stores. now joe biden, crime is certainly an issue. we look at the crimes that are being accentuated on this program. but i also look at what your colleague, geraldo rivera said the other day. we had simpson very substantial crimes in the u.s. capitol on january 6. there other types of crimes. mike: go ahead mike. >> bob what about the present approval numbers when it comes a crime for correctional things going to change too much there's very few limit they can do at the national level there are some important things that u.s. attorneys can do in these jurisdictions where there have been particular problems with organized crime robbery games. if the mayors in these cities go to the u.s. attorneys and ask them to use the federal laws on organized crime for example, that could help. but if the attorney general merrick and garland says no, we are not going to get involved in that, we do not know whether that will actually happen or not. that could help substantially in those key cities if the u.s. attorney or to become involved with federal jurisdiction in the limited way. >> and bob barr, mike crute, thank you so much for your time merry christmas. >> thank you, thank you. >> the deadly turn into outbreak last week could result in billions of dollars in damages. residents are still adding up the personal and property cost from last weekend's tornadoes. charles watson is live from mayfield, kentucky next. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. and you add the love. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. i how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪♪ aloha! isn't this a cozy little room? 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♪ liberyeah?iberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. 2020 was a record-setting year for charitable giving despite tough times are many americans but some fear measures could threaten that in the future. for more on this present of philanthropy roundtable. elise, welcome back. >> thank you so much brickwork what is the state of philanthropy in the country today? >> america is a generous country in the world. we have faced unprecedented challenges over the last couple of years as we all know. but americans have stepped up an extra ordinary ways. 2020 was a record-breaking year end giving. americans gave nearly half a trillion dollars to charitable causes in 2020 which was a 5% increase over 2019. they did all this in the midst of a lot of economic uncertainty. and also saw government relief floundering, struggling to get money and help to be poor struggling on the ground but philanthropy is quick and nimble i got responses i got money to people struggling in an efficient way. i think we should be building stronger communities, encouraging neighbors to help neighbors and doing that instead of focusing on top-down one-size-fits-all government solutions. mike: what are the legislative threats you see to philanthropy to americans giving generously to causes near and dear to their hearts. >> the philanthropic tradition in america has been so strong because it has always been voluntary it is never coerced. people give generously of their own accord because they are passionate about what they are doing, they believe in it. we are concerned about any efforts that would really stifle that kind of generosity. by placing mandates on how, when and where donors give it. something we are particularly watching closely is the ace act. it is an effort by activists to force philanthropists to give on a certain timeline. it places arbitrary restrictions on how they key is flexible to lawyers like art donor advised funds like charitable accounts are central to the response of the pandemic. and so, we are really worried any efforts like that will end up hurting charities. it will mean people give less that means less money to people on the ground tour struggling. >> it seems to me when the greatest things about this country there causes near and your to my heart, i can give to them. you may have totally different causes that are very worthy and you can give to them as well. >> that is right. i think again, people give because they find something they are passionate about. it is unique for every person. we really are against any effort to force people to get to certain causes or in certain ways. and unfortunately we see a lot of that with cancel culture and the things we are facing, broader cultural issues we are facing as a country but those are playing out in philanthropy too. you see some activists on the far left that are really pushing donors to give to only certain causes were fighting against those efforts. we want them to flow into charitable causes not less. mike: what should folks do right now they're concerned about what you're saying? >> it is a season of giving we won't everyone think about what makes them passionate, what makes them excited. really engage with the organization you're thinking about supporting. make sure their values align with your values. and be as generous as possible this year. there people who are hurting their big crises down the road to think about whether you want to give more now or give over the long haul. i think we should all be fighting for donors to give how, when, where they choose because again that sparks generosity that's he went to in this country. mike: elise westhoff thank you for your time brickwork thanks for having me. mike: it is comes from outer space it shows what jupiter's moon sounds like after the break. amins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. >> man: what's my safelite story? ensure complete! my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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what this needs for the future of this massive spending bill, hey alex. >> senator manchin said he spent five and half months trying to remedy the concerns he had over this bill and ultimately cannot justify the cost of the legislation to the people he represents pretty broke the news exclusively to brett baer on sunday. >> i have always had this, brett, if i cannot go home and explain ancient people people of west virginia i cannot vote for. i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible i cannot get there and this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. >> hundred manchin added his concerns over the bills cost only grew alongside inflation and the continued pandemic. he has been the long-standing democratic holdout in present binds build back better gender seeks to the safety net and bolster climate action reaction from the left was swift and fierce. >> i mean we all knew senator manchin could not be trusted the excuses he had just made i think our complete bowl. >> some are hoping manchin can be swayed and senator bernie sanders wants to hold a vote anyway. >> i think it is incredible unusual. we do see tornadoes in december that part is not unusual. but at this magnitude, i don't think we have ever seen won this late in the year. but it is also historic. even the severity and the amount of time this tornado or these tornadoes spent on the ground is unprecedented. >> are hoping to hear from senator bernie sanders but he said if manchin does not quote having courage to do the right thing for working families in west virginia then let them vote no in front of the whole world. manchin said today if lawmakers want to vote on the bill to where sans then they should start one. >> alexander hoff starting us off in washington for more on the devastating impact senator manchin may have on the future build back better joining a congressional correspondent chad welcome. >> good afternoon mike. >> is this launch all out civil war on the democratic side? >> pretty close here. keep in mind the democrats were pretty suspect about joe manchin to start with. there will now be fight among democrat progress is not only towards joe manchin but house speaker nancy pelosi and the majority leader chuck schumer. both gave progressives a lot of leeway that raised expectations and the two leaders really did not temper that very well. democrats, frankly, mike were trying to more than their narrow majority allowed that's a problem. mike: is going back to the drawing board, chat, lead to cutting this a massive package up to smaller bite-size pieces of legislation? which some could possibly earn a bipartisan support. >> that is unclear. you just do not know if the left will sit there and say we have to have the entire bill or nothing. it was a take it or leave it problem. this whole concept of bernie sanders was a floating but the bill on the floor just letting them fail is a political hornets nest that will suggest vulnerable's editors with competitive races to take tough votes on weaponize gop during a voter ramah. they might relish to vote no but that will only so more discord and they have to be very careful here, the democrats >> let's say joe manchin were to go away there is no indication he wants to live the democratic party it is a 50/50 senate. if they so more discord there, they have to handle joe manchin with kid gloves. otherwise they do not have the majority in the senate. mike: 50/50 senate and a single majority in the house at the trying to govern like that massive majority in the house and senate, what about that point? >> they needed everything to line up here. i'm finally something did not and that was joe manchin part as a site is about the math, it's about the math, it's about the math. keep in mind the one thing they did pass with the bipartisan infrastructure bill you have such a close majority maybe what you need is passive that's more bipartisan if you do not have all your ducks in order they did not have that with joe manchin. mike: chad, why have you, former senator pass this morning after a long battle with parkinson's disease. i found him to be a true southern gentleman. your thoughts on his passing? >> he first came to washington in the house in 1999 pretty took that seat of former newt gingrich. he suffered from parkinson's or member sing on the senate stairwell by himself he was suffering from parkinson's he had his cane and he is going up and down this one stared at first i thought he needed help. he said no, no, and i'm just practicing my exercises. he was trying to stay, as well as a code to stick around in the senate as long as he possibly could. he's on the few gop officials that would regularly attend the martin luther king ceremonies at the ebenezer baptist church in atlanta. he even invited the mayor of atlanta the state of the union demonstrating he was always willing to reach out across the aisle. >> our thoughts and prayers to the isaacson family. chad pergram thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> for more on how the white house is reckoned to the breaking news, mark joins us live from wilmington, delaware were president biden is spending his weekend, hey mark. >> and mike if you like drama there's plenty happening right now part we're getting quite the statement from the white house they're firing right back at center joe manchin after his announcement this morning. the present as well senator manchin and certainly talked a lot, ever since january, about build back better. there is a belief that maybe the two sides would be able to reach some sort of agreement. of the center's comments today that's not likely to happen for the white house insists it's not done trying to fight for the social and climate agenda. the white house was signed to start fresh in negotiations come generate the belief was to come back fresh after the holiday but in a blistering statement out within the last hour at the administration is ready to pile on the pressure against manchin. it is a long statement but there are some key parts let me read them tapered first part senator manchin, this morning on fox are at odds with the discussions this week with the president, with the white house staff, and with his own public utterances. press secretary psaki goes on to say just a senator manchin reversed his position on "build back better" this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he were reversed his position yet again to honor his prior commitment and be true to his word. of course a lot of people are going to wonder was this the way to wind manchin over? there are 70 progressive lawmakers and say the white house was already bowing down to manchin so much they arty thought they were giving up too much of their agenda. they wanted to see the white house take action here. from the statement though it does appear the white house is going to still try to do something in the new year. what will this look like a new executive orders a smaller package yet to be seen. we've not heard from that statement directly. i was going back to d.c. tomorrow no public events on his schedule. when he gets back to d.c. another big focus is going to be on the pandemic is going to give a speech on tuesday letting people know what the federal government is doing to help a number of committees dealing with a surgeon covered cases. one came friday night for appeals court in ohio which decided to reinstate the president vaccine mandate, impacting larger american businesses. we got a statement from the white house yesterday that says especially as the u.s. faces a highly transmissible omicron variant it is critical we move forward with vaccination requirements and protections for workers with the urgency needed in this moment. now, critics of the mandate said they are not done fighting they are getting ready to take this case all the way to the supreme court. it is clear at the number of cases searching the culvert is not going away anytime soon. the president will have a lot on his plate when he gets back to d.c. tomorrow. mike. mike: markup that was not their train we just heard it so you missed it. [laughter] >> i'm not going anywhere i'm having too much fun out here i'm not going anywhere yet. but mike up the remnant wilmington thank you very much. for reaction to social spending packets likely dead on the senate my get california republican congressman remember the house judiciary committee, congressmen are welcome. >> and mike thanks for having me on. it is appropriate the amtrak senator has a train that you hear when you talk about president biden. first of all, with johnny isakson passing, he and i came in almost at the same time. he is, was a true southern gentleman. i think there's a lot to say joe manchin is being attacked today. much in the way that a another gentleman, a person who is thoughtful joe lieberman was attacked. i think that is one of the things that hopefully you are focusing on today is if someone will not go with their party on one occasion for good and long-standing reasons, is it a reason to throw them out of the party? that is what they do with a primary joe lieberman. it appears as though that is what they're getting ready to do to joe manchin, do a lieberman attack for being a centrist. >> is this lead to all-out civil war on the democratic side between progressives and more moderate democrats? >> well, they have been throwing blue dogs and moderates out of their party for a long time. when i came to congress they were pro-life in pro-gun democrats appear they were generally called blue dogs. they were completely part of the party. particularly west virginia you had a mickey joe ray hall and people like that. they are mostly gone. joe manchin as a fiscal conservative seems to be very similar to joe lieberman as a national security moderate. they do not seem to have a home and a party that wants to end wars abruptly and without notice. they want to cut the military while mandating things they need to do or else. and, in this case if he is not willing to do a spending a package at a time in which inflation is out of control, then he is not acceptable in the party and they let aoc speak for them. do i think he will be welcome in the republican party based on his historic voting record? i think we are a lot bigger party. it may end up being key becomes an independent like joe lieberman. or he comes all the way over to the republican party the way others have in the past with great success. mike: kobe feels like a bad flashback games being postponed or canceled, what do we need to hear from president biden on covid on tuesday? >> i think what we need to hear is not another definition of insanity repeating things that have not worked as though they absently are the silver bullets and they will fix it. at the president would say look, we are doing this because it's the best signs we have, we think it's better than not doing it and be honest rather than every single time talking about two weeks, a month, if we just did this, if we just got her third shot. but it is a go to for the democrats. and my state, my governor has come back to a locked down again. he does not want to talk about the other failures in his administration. i think joe biden will go back to covid because he is comfortable there and he is not comfortable in one after another failures on the economy including fixing the supply chain, including dealing with inflation. look mike, one of the things americans are beginning to understand is inflation is not something it just happens. it's something that is caused by a comparative lack of trust in the future and a comparative lack of, if you will, efficiency both are happening in this administration. so do i think is going back to it? yes. do i begin is going to wear thin on americans who are tired of doing everything they are supposed to do and still having this very dangerous disease continue around the world? a lot of people keep telling me i am a republican but have you heard what's happening in sweden lately? which is they are living freer in sweden then we have in america. congressman darrell issa from the great state of california we have to leave it there. >> thank you mike. mike: joining me now with reaction from the other side massachusetts congressman he serves on the house financial services and transportation and infrastructure committees. congressman, welcome. >> good to be here. >> how devastating the senator mansions announcement to the democratic agenda? >> this is a one package stalling out in the u.s. senate. resellers with infrastructure the beginning of 2021 with house passing the act did not make it to this senate produce a got a terrific infrastructure deal done with water, x, fixing bridges for the next five years. i expect were going to see the same for the "build back better" agenda. we will be able to pass components of it we may have to take a different format. it is not dead. this version of it is stalled out. mike: a major progressive voice, senator bernie sanders sounds pretty frustrated. >> i think democrats are frustrated because we have had to address issues by yourself. republicans have made clear their goal is to obstruct president biden every turn whether that is covid, infrastructure, whether that is the "build back better" agenda. instead of coming to the table with good faith and ideas on how to improve it. i would offer that we should be starting with tax cuts for working families. paid for by a carbon tax to address the climate emergency. that is the lowering taxes, which should be a republican issue as well. that is addressing the climate emergency with a policy that's conducive to the free market. why aren't republicans engaging on those two ideas? >> in your view was that a mistake to put all of these components into this one massive bill approaching $2 billion? >> the president outlined a compelling vision for how were going to make this economy more fair and how were going to invest in making the american worker more productive. this package was the best format to getting it done in 2021 it's got a pass in the house of representatives we may need to take another path in 2022. the focus right now should be passive voting rights in the senate before the new year no one should be going on holiday until we protect our democracy. it should be addressing omicron head on. were looking at a stake we might see a million infections a day both reported and unreported in january but unlike last there is not need to be a link between infections and hospitalizations per people get vaccines and get boosted, we can cut that link and be able to avoid really heavy-handed policies to disrupt schools in the economy. and then we should be able to address the tax cuts for working families with kids and the climate emergency. we still have a clear path here with a compelling agenda for the american people. >> to covid a lot of people confuse even alarmed at what do we need to hear from the president on tuesday? >> omicron is going be spreading through the united states it's more transmissible than previous variants. we are going to see a large number of infections into january and february. however it does not need to be the case that infections lead to serious illness or death. if you get a vaccine, if you convince loved ones to get a vaccine, even an infection does not need to be life altering. that is the key message that we can cut the link between infections and hospitalizations but it requires americans to get the vaccine. defendant congressman i like the background of the artwork and the plant was thank you for your time for. >> good to be here. >> you can catch brett barrows exclusive in north west virginia senator joe manchin he's one of these senator blocks for passing the massive spending bill for this will at the top of the art 2:00 p.m. eastern. still streaming over the borders texas began construction on its own border wall. we will take you to la joya, texas next. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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announcement he intended to build the texas border wall. now you can see on her drown that wall is starting to materialize. as you mentioned the first in the history of the country to be built by a state rather than the federal government take a look at the video we shot yesterday on the construction bright as us rio grande in the rio grande valley the busiest part of the us-mexico border. the idea this is an initial 1.7-mile stretch of the wall designed to essentially fill in the gaps where there is no federal law. texas governor greg abbott blasting the federal government and the vita ministration yesterday saying they're not fulfilling their responsibilities when it comes to securing the border. if the feds are not going to build a border wall texas will step up and with themselves take a listen to what he had to say. >> the federal government has abandoned its duty to enforce the laws passed by the united states congress. all president biden has to do is simply enforce the current immigration laws of the united states of america. because he's not doing that, texas taxpayers are having to step up and do his job. >> and president biden first took office back in january we had to member had to cancel federal border wall contracts. what you're looking with the videos here are massive piles of steel that had just been sitting around since january they were already bought and paid for by u.s. taxpayers supposed to go towards the federal law that president trump was building they've been sitting for the better part of the entire year because all construction halted. texas governor greg abbott tells me texas is not able to access or use any at that steel or purchase it from the federal government to use for the texas wall. he told me texas has reached out to the federal government to ask about it but they have not gotten any sort of response. and now he says a state of texas is going be suing the federal government to recoup some of the money they're spending not just on operation lone star but in the process of building this wall as well, take a listen. >> they can expect a fight from the state of texas. we are going to be suing them to recoup the money. you're going to be suing them for not living up to their duty of enforce the law passed by nine states congress disobey to a fight in texas is going to win it. >> part of the reason they have decided to build the texas border wall down here in the rio grande valley again is because the rgb is the busiest spot along the border. one of the reasons that is, there is not really a whole lot of federal border wall out here. just behind us where we are here there's essentially nothing. there's a half mile stretch that was starting to be built under president trump but it was halted as soon as president biden came in. it's basically a useless piece of metal sticking out of the ground behind us and migrants are able to walk right across the rio grande. there is no resistance in this area whatsoever. no well, no deterrent. that is why they have decided to build down here. case in point with the amount of numbers coming in, dhs source telling us that just since october 1, just here in the rio grande valley sector they have already been more than 11000 known and got oasis of the my grades they see crossing illegally on cameras, on sensors, border patrol just does not have the manpower to get too. will send it back to you. mike: built thanks very much. rising crime in many american cities leading to a push for more funding for police departments. more funding, more on that coming up next. ♪ ♪ and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed so it was a happy ending... with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho 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(crowd) business! >> omicron variant is spreading across the country just in time for the holidays. new york state is seeing a record daily high of covid cases and los angeles is getting hit with its worse spike since august. alexis in the big apple with the very latest. >> recent data showing the new comic-con strain of this virus is taking over all the other variance at the time spreading even more rapidly than ever before. right now hospitals are bracing for this big fall out in ohio the national guard stepping in to help overwhelmed medical facilities. the hospitals in kansas and in missouri are now delaying surgeries just trying to keep up with the influx of patients there. with the highest possible session efforts per 100,000 people. right now indiana as you see is at the top of the list. just moms and our top health officials they are in indiana reportedly fighting the states first carry case of the omicron variant that person was unvaccinated. >> we are in for a world of trouble i am afraid in the next month or two. >> i know people are sick of hearing this, but the virus is not sick of us it is throwing us a new curveball with got to be ready to hit it. >> this all comes as governor 19 cases across the country continue to surge. just over the week in new york sending another record with two days in a row of having more than 21000 daily cases of covid-19. these surges lead to saturday night live actually having to cancel their live audience over the weekend and their musical desk the rockettes calling off the remainder of christmas shows which they just started some restaurants actually closing their doors because their staff has tested positive with the virus all this continues to develop are also hearing from newark mayor bill de blasio holding a press conference right now about the rise in cases. mayor de blasio's not had a covid 19 briefing on a sunday in quite some time. de blasio saying this will be much different than it was in the past for new yorkers. special but without the start of the pandemic because now there is a vaccine and booster shots available for all. we'll have to monitor these development here in new york and across the country, back to you by. >> alexis why you're talking to the ap says the nba is postponing five games involving nine teams of the next three days. so more covid related news, thank you so much. san francisco mayor declaring a state of emergency for the famous tenderloin district friday announcing new measures to address the tween epidemic of street crime and drug overdoses by christina coleman joins us from los angeles with more on how california officials are tackling rising crime, hi christina. >> hi mike mayor says more than 70 people died due to a drug overdose last year in san francisco. they have had more than 600 overdose deaths this year alone but she is declaring a state of emergency for the tenderloin community. a downtown neighborhood hit quite hard by this crisis read the mayor said the declaration will cut through bureaucracy and barriers when it comes to getting more police, social services and other resources to that area to stop assaults, attacks and other tragic situations happening in that community. >> they should not have to look over their shoulders. they should not be punched in the face randomly. they should not have to see someone sticking a needle in various parts of their body, laying out on the streets wondering what can i do to help them? >> three days prior to comment on this emergency declaration, she condemned a crime and another press conference during the growing list of democrat leaders who once wanted to defend the police better now pushing for more funding for law enforcement and saying things like this. >> it this time the rain of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for her to come to an end. and it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement. more aggressive with the changes in our policies. and less tolerant of what has destroyed our city. >> meantime critics say this state search and homicide, aggravated assault and snatch and grab robberies are a result of repeat offenders taken advantage of what they call california assaults on crime approach. >> you need the police department had the confidence if they make an arrest if they put their lives on the line to make a good arrest, that something is going to come of that arrest. this went to be accountability on the other side of their efforts. that just does not exist in san francisco today. >> at this point san francisco is dealing with an 18% jump in larceny theft compared to last year to 15% increase in homicides mike. mike: i think that we have the beep that is a family program kristine thank you so much. pressures with smash and grab violence leaders are turning to stronger measures to correct on crime joining me now to weigh in wisconsin radio talkshow host mike and former georgia congressman and liberty guard president bob barr, welcome gentleman break. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> a foxbusiness bowl dug into issues voters are concerned about higher u.s. crime rate had 77% extremely or very concerned. neighborhood crime had 48% extremely or very concerned. mike, how do you assess it. >> of course no one likes crime. i don't think anyone is a four crime. like murders and car thefts i think overall violent crime is down statistically. these heinous crimes are up. and of course be at the left to be at the right we should all be concerned about the prospect of crime. the question is what to do about it? we should stop putting so many militaristic resources behind local police department. but ultimately. mike: bob, what is your read on those crime numbers? >> there very disturbing. the solution goes beyond simply how the police respond. it goes beyond simply one news conference or two news conferences by a mayor saying the right thing. it also involves corporate america. i saw some interviews last week by some very high level corporate officials responding to the smash and grab and the brazen efforts by criminals going into stores, loading up cards and walking them back out response by these officials including one had quartered in my hometown of atlanta was, it's cheaper to just let them go than do anything about it. it's cheaper to let them go then to hire security and we do not want the legal problems if we stop them. that is a major part of the problem. until corporate america gets serious about this, it is not going to be solved just by a news conference by a mayor brickwork from the same foxbusiness pole prison bind approval number is seriously underwater on crime. 57% disapprove, mike what can he do to turn it around? >> i do know joe biden specifically can turn this particular issue around in and of itself. there is no executive order there's no magic wand that joe biden has to change the prospect of smash and grab crime. however i agree with bob. this is really more of a problem the specific type of crime that's a problem of corporate america. certainly they should be working in conjunction with local law enforcement. but if i owned a store and it was getting robbed it's my job to put protection in my store in my shop. ultimately this is a problem no doubt. but it is a problem in certain jurisdictions like san francisco. we have not this sort of crime for i am from and not with any frequency. so certainly i don't think we should be making national policy predicated on a few smash and grab since specific stores. now joe biden, crime is certainly an issue. we look at the crimes that are being accentuated on this program. but i also look at what your colleague, geraldo rivera said the other day. we had simpson very substantial crimes in the u.s. capitol on january 6. there other types of crimes. mike: go ahead mike. >> bob what about the present approval numbers when it comes a crime for correctional things going to change too much there's very few limit they can do at the national level there are some important things that u.s. attorneys can do in these jurisdictions where there have been particular problems with organized crime robbery games. if the mayors in these cities go to the u.s. attorneys and ask them to use the federal laws on organized crime for example, that could help. but if the attorney general merrick and garland says no, we are not going to get involved in that, we do not know whether that will actually happen or not. that could help substantially in those key cities if the u.s. attorney or to become involved with federal jurisdiction in the limited way. >> and bob barr, mike crute, thank you so much for your time merry christmas. >> thank you, thank you. >> the deadly turn into outbreak last week could result in billions of dollars in damages. residents are still adding up the personal and property cost from last weekend's tornadoes. charles watson is live from mayfield, kentucky next. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. and you add the love. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. i how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪♪ aloha! isn't this a cozy little room? 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♪ liberyeah?iberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. 2020 was a record-setting year for charitable giving despite tough times are many americans but some fear measures could threaten that in the future. for more on this present of philanthropy roundtable. elise, welcome back. >> thank you so much brickwork what is the state of philanthropy in the country today? >> america is a generous country in the world. we have faced unprecedented challenges over the last couple of years as we all know. but americans have stepped up an extra ordinary ways. 2020 was a record-breaking year end giving. americans gave nearly half a trillion dollars to charitable causes in 2020 which was a 5% increase over 2019. they did all this in the midst of a lot of economic uncertainty. and also saw government relief floundering, struggling to get money and help to be poor struggling on the ground but philanthropy is quick and nimble i got responses i got money to people struggling in an efficient way. i think we should be building stronger communities, encouraging neighbors to help neighbors and doing that instead of focusing on top-down one-size-fits-all government solutions. mike: what are the legislative threats you see to philanthropy to americans giving generously to causes near and dear to their hearts. >> the philanthropic tradition in america has been so strong because it has always been voluntary it is never coerced. people give generously of their own accord because they are passionate about what they are doing, they believe in it. we are concerned about any efforts that would really stifle that kind of generosity. by placing mandates on how, when and where donors give it. something we are particularly watching closely is the ace act. it is an effort by activists to force philanthropists to give on a certain timeline. it places arbitrary restrictions on how they key is flexible to lawyers like art donor advised funds like charitable accounts are central to the response of the pandemic. and so, we are really worried any efforts like that will end up hurting charities. it will mean people give less that means less money to people on the ground tour struggling. >> it seems to me when the greatest things about this country there causes near and your to my heart, i can give to them. you may have totally different causes that are very worthy and you can give to them as well. >> that is right. i think again, people give because they find something they are passionate about. it is unique for every person. we really are against any effort to force people to get to certain causes or in certain ways. and unfortunately we see a lot of that with cancel culture and the things we are facing, broader cultural issues we are facing as a country but those are playing out in philanthropy too. you see some activists on the far left that are really pushing donors to give to only certain causes were fighting against those efforts. we want them to flow into charitable causes not less. mike: what should folks do right now they're concerned about what you're saying? >> it is a season of giving we won't everyone think about what makes them passionate, what makes them excited. really engage with the organization you're thinking about supporting. make sure their values align with your values. and be as generous as possible this year. there people who are hurting their big crises down the road to think about whether you want to give more now or give over the long haul. i think we should all be fighting for donors to give how, when, where they choose because again that sparks generosity that's he went to in this country. mike: elise westhoff thank you for your time brickwork thanks for having me. mike: it is comes from outer space it shows what jupiter's moon sounds like after the break. amins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. >> man: what's my safelite story? ensure complete! my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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Psaki , Utterances , Public , Way , Course , Wind Manchin , Thought , Word , 70 , Executive Orders , Government , Number , Focus , Committees , Events , Schedule , Speech , Cases , Businesses , Appeals Court , Surgeon , President Vaccine Mandate , Ohio , Case , Fighting , Omicron Variant , Critics , Protections , Vaccination Requirements , Workers , Mandate , Urgency , Train , Markup , Plate , Culvert , Supreme Court , Spending , Reaction , Packets , Fun , Remnant Wilmington , California , Laughter , Congressman , Wall , Thanks , Congressmen , House Judiciary Committee , Amtrak , Johnny Isakson , Things , Person , Someone , Joe Lieberman , Gentleman , Reasons , Reason , Occasion , Do A Lieberman , Moderates , Party , Lead , Centrist , Attack , Dogs , Mickey Joe , Blue Dogs , Ray Hall , Home , Moderate , Security , Conservative , Military , Else , Notice , Wars , Record , Voting , Control , Aoc , Success , Others , Kobe , Definition , Flashback Games , Insanity , Look , Signs , Bullets , State , Governor , Failures , Go , Shot , Joe Biden , Economy , Supply Chain , Lack , Look Mike , Dealing , Trust , Efficiency , Yes , Disease , Sweden , Infrastructure , You Mike , Transportation , On The House Financial Services , The Other Side , Massachusetts , Darrell Issa , Beginning , Mansions , Resellers , 2021 , Same , X , Water , Deal , House Passing The Act , Fixing Bridges , Components , Format , Progressive Voice , Version , Issues , Aren T Republicans , Covid , Goal , Tax Cuts , Ideas , Carbon Tax , Faith , Table , Policy , Climate Emergency , Taxes , Issue , Free Market , View , Mistake , 2 Billion , Billion , Worker , Vision , Pass , House Of Representatives , Voting Rights , Path , Democracy , Stake , Omicron Head On , 2022 , Link , Infections , Hospitalizations , Vaccines , Unreported , A Million , Policies , Families , Schools , Kids , On Tuesday , Death , Variants , Transmissible , Illness , Vaccine , Infection , Loved Ones , Message , Life Altering , Plant , Background , Defendant , Artwork , Brett Barrows Exclusive In North West Virginia , Borders Texas , Top , Art , Blocks , Will , He , Eastern , 00 , 2 , Tradition , Don T , Season , Construction , Show , Border Wall , Tis , Cadillac , La Joya , Anything , Ride , Cadillac Showroom , Sleigh , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Sugar , Health , Nutrients , Excited Yell , Xfinity , 1 , , Sing 2 , Theaters , Rewards , Members , Movie , Tunes , Tickets , App , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , Border , Greg Abbott , Migrants , Fighter , Border Wall In American History , Address , Images , Rio Grande City , Border Patrol , First , Texas Border Wall , Hello Bill , Six , Country , History , Video , Rio Grande , Gaps , Idea , Us Mexico Border , Rio Grande Valley , 1 7 , Law , Listen , Feds , Responsibilities , Border Wall Texas , Vita Ministration , Laws , Duty , Immigration Laws , United States Congress , Taxpayers , Biden First , Job , Office , Border Wall Contracts , Piles , Videos , Steel , Construction Halted , Money , Response , Fight , Well , Process , Operation Lone Star , Congress Disobey , Nine , Spot , Rgb , The Rio Grande Valley , Half Mile Stretch , Metal , Source , Area , Numbers , Resistance , Deterrent , Dhs , Sensors , Grades , Cameras , Sector , Oasis , Manpower , 11000 , October 1 , Crime , Funding , Cities , Police Departments , Push , Everyone , Hello , Ending , Kid , Progressive , Truck , Crew , Timber , Heart , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Interest , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Doctor , Psoriatic Arthritis , Players , Artists , Designers , Parents , Friends , Do It Yourselfers , Damage , Skin , Ability , Clearer , True Self , Reactions , Cancers , Heart Failure , Cuts , Blood Disorders , Have , Lymphoma , Nervous System , Tuberculosis , Hepatitis B , Sores , Bleeding , Fever , Bruising , Patients , Paleness , Flu , Visit Enbrel Com , 5 , Business , Anywhere , Vo , Team , Data , Plans , Hotspot Data , Concourse , Business Expert , 5g , Clients , Stuff , Blue Line , Verizon , Cupcake , Bakery , Store , Low , Crowd , Appointment , 30 , 0 , New York State , Holidays , Los Angeles , Virus , Variance , Alexis , Hit , Spike , Comic Con Strain , Hospitals , Surgeries , Stepping , Facilities , National Guard , Missouri , Kansas , Efforts , List , Moms , Influx , Indiana , 100000 , States , Hearing , Unvaccinated , Trouble , Curveball , Row , 21000 , 19 , Surges , Desk , Weekend , Restaurants , Remainder , Calling , Audience , Saturday Night Live , Doors , Rockettes , Rise , Bill De Blasio , Sunday , Briefing , Holding A Press Conference , Newark , Shots , Start , Development , San Francisco , State Of Emergency , Teams , Games , Nba , Ap , Three , Measures , Street Crime , Drug , Tween Epidemic , Hi Christina , Tenderloin District , Christina Coleman , Hi Mike , Drug Overdose , Overdose Deaths , Tenderloin Community , Downtown Neighborhood Hit , 600 , Police , Assaults , Crisis , Declaration , Bureaucracy , Barriers , Social Services , Resources , Attacks , Situations , Community , Streets , Needle , Shoulders , Randomly , Body , Law Enforcement , Press Conference , Emergency Declaration , Criminals , City , End , Rain , Steps , Changes , Crime Approach , Advantage , Assault , Grab , Homicide , Robberies , Snatch , State Search , Repeat Offenders , Result , Police Department , Arrest , Confidence , Lives , Accountability , Line , Increase , Beep , Family Program , Homicides Mike , Theft , 18 , 15 , Pressures , Smash And Grab , Host Mike , Violence , Georgia , Radio Talkshow , Wisconsin , Bob Barr , Liberty Guard , Voters , Neighborhood Crime , Crime Rate , Welcome Gentleman Break , Foxbusiness , 48 , 77 , Anyone , Four , Crimes , Car Thefts , Murders , Prospect , Question , Crime Numbers , Read , Militaristic Resources Behind Local Police Department , News Conference , Solution , News Conferences , Stores , Level , Hometown , Cards , Problems , Foxbusiness Pole Prison Bind Approval , Mike What , 57 , Magic Wand , Executive Order , Type , Conjunction , Jurisdictions , Protection , Doubt , Shop , Frequency , Program , U S Capitol , Geraldo Rivera , Approval , Types , Mike Go Ahead , Limit , 6 , January 6 , Attorneys , Mayors , Organized Crime Robbery Games , Organized Crime , Example , Attorney General Merrick , Garland , Jurisdiction , Mike Crute , Attorney , Outbreak , Billions , Damages , Residents , Property , Merry Christmas , Western Kentucky , Charles Watson , Mayfield , Instacart , Mom , Short Ribs , Ingredients , Love , Td Ameritrade , Innovation , Charts , Trading Experience , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Interfaces , Style , Trading , Orders , Trade Forever , Vacation Request , Aloha , Room , Isn T , Employees , Single , Vacation Request Approvals , Hr Data , Suite Special , Software , Schedule A Demo Today , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Um , Breast Cancer , Kisqali , Thriver , Lung Problems , Pill , Aromatase Inhibitor , A , Nonsteroidal , Disease Progression Versus , Premenopausal Women With Hr , Liver Problems , Cough , Symptoms , Heartbeat , Breathing Problems , Skin Reactions , Chest Pain , Change , Blood Cell , Dizziness , Breastfeeding , Pain , Yellowing , Appetite , Chills , Use , Rash , Urine , Tiredness , Eyes , Loss , Treatment , Grapefruit , Tamoxifen , Recovery Efforts , Eddie Beshear , State Emergency Officials , Turner , 75 , Pros Watson , Hello Charles , Andy Beshear , Homes , Parks , Series , Cleanup , Hands , Hundreds , Children , Athletic Program , Organizations , Emergency Shelter , University Of Kentucky , Shoes , Tornado Victims , 10000 , Communities , Following , Weather , Matter , Beshear Assuring Kentuckians , 80 , Building , Counties , Light , Least , Aid , Insurance , Fema , 14 , Mitch Mcconnell , Recovery Costs , Tornado Outbreak , Claims , 100 , Entirety , Temptation , The End , Hearts , Wallets , Pools , Rebuild , Generosity , Mike , Speed , Fund , Donations , 0 Million , 20 Million , Break , Pay , December 17th , 17 , Relief , Robitussin Honey , Trash , Liberyeah , Robitussin Elderberry 2020 , Iberty , Times , Giving , Fear , 2020 , Brickwork , Philanthropy , Welcome Back , Elise , Philanthropy Roundtable , Know , Causes , Midst , Uncertainty , Government Relief Floundering , 2019 , Responses , Struggling , Neighbors , Government Solutions , Threats , Accord , Doing , Donors , Where , Mandates , Kind , Ace , Effort , Activists , Timeline , Philanthropists , Act , Art Donor , Restrictions , Lawyers , Funds , Charities , Accounts , Ground Tour Struggling , Ways , Culture , Folks , Values , Organization , Crises , Haul , Road , Outer Space , Elise Westhoff , Jupiter , Story , Minerals , Man , Safelite , Amins , Moon Sounds , Singers , Experts , Service , Windshield , Girl , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Communications , Media , Basis , Benefit , Robert Strickler , 45 , Eight , Life , Trees , Green Red , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Me And You , Owner , Future , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Investor , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Time , Activity , Listening , Frontier , Moon Is Juno Spacecraft , Magnetic Field , Planet , Mission , Region , Origin , Information , Mr , Nasa , Spock , Fox News , Bret Baier , Oma Krohn , Watching , Nation , Biden Set , It S Time , Setbacks , Holdouts , Arm , Stalemate , Nuclear Option ,

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