Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

still doesn't know how many americans were left behind. this it arrogant retort from jen psaki from the biden white house should bring comfort to all especially the holidays for those suffering in afghanistan with no hope on the horizon whatsoever. take a look. >> i would reiterate the united states did not put a tracker on american citizens traveling overseas in afghanistan or any country around the world. that would be quite a fox news story. >> sean: you don't put trackers on people. what jen said the biden administration has written our fellow americans that they abandon off completely and saying to them drop dead. you are on your own. jen psaki doesn't care. she is tired of answering questions about the human tragedy caused by her boss and according to a new report the biden administration is making it impossible for even private rescue organizations to remove those threatened with retribution by the taliban for their work with the u.s. that would include american citizens that they left behind want thousands of green card holders. even military families and our afghan allies. the state department is blocking them from negotiating flights to third party countries. wow! this is a self-inflicted disaster. betrayal on a level i can't bring words to. america's enemies smell blood in the water. don't be surprised if israel and iran are in a conflict soon. china is getting a free pass from the global pandemic. they planned the entire thing. joe biden thinks this is funny. i don't see anything funny about it. you decide. >> the coronavirus pandemic, are you being transparent on the origins. >> sean: there is no good answer. after promising to shut down the virus as a candidate, more people have died from covid-19 in year under biden, 2021 than under donald trump in 2020. according to joe it's not his fault. it's not china's fault. it's your fault. you the american people. you just value your freedom way too much. i believe in freedom. i believe in medical privacy. i believe also in doctor-patient confidentiality but that's a rare concept these days. take a look. >> this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. that's the problem. so everybody talks about freedom and to not have a shot or a test. guess what? how about patriotism and making sure you are vaccinated so you do not spread the disease to anybody else? what about that? what is the big deal? >> sean: what about the big deal? the vaccinated are getting covid and boosters and more boosters and vaccine passports and 5 years old need to get their shots and mask mandates are back. with democrats in charge this country will never return to normal. they won't allow it. there will always be a new scary variant and life will be put on hold again and always be mask mandates and employees shortages and massive government spending. inflation will get worse. 39 year high. joe biden thinks this is all funny somehow. take a look. >> there are still concerns about the supply chain issues across the nation. do you feel comfortable speaking to parents and telling them gifts won't be a problem for santa on december 24th? >> they won't be. they will be available and cost you money. [laughing]. or cost santa money. all kidding aside. there are problems with the supply chain relating to food and used cars and oil. >> sean: blame the american consumer. i don't know if it's his cognitive decline or if joe biden is really that dumb or maybe a combination of both. he is living in an alternate reality. case in point this mid-terms prediction from joe biden just last night. you have to listen to this clip very closely. he messed it up bad. take a look. >> now we look at 2022. i want tell our republican friends, get ready, bal, you are in for a problem. >> sean: if i want president biden to sound tough bring in a body double. according to nancy pelosi joe biden is perfect for this job. >> mr. president, it's an honor and a pleasure to be here at this time of challenge and the coronavirus and financial insecurity for families. our country could not be more -- could not be better served than with this most experienced capable hands of yours, president biden. >> [cheers and applause]. >> he is just perfect. >> sean: he's perfect. whatever they were serving at that party, i want some. nancy pelosi has been drinking too much spiked ice cream. doesn't realize inflation is out of control a massive crisis on the southern border. a supply chain crisis originating at the ports in her own state. spiking crime rates, nancy pelosi has no idea how this is happening. defund the police. no bail laws. i am just guessing. >> it's outrageous. obviously it cannot continue. the fact is there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from i don't know where. maybe you do. we cannot have that lawlessness. >> sean: nancy, it's not rocket science. criminals are not prosecuted in places like your home state of california, new york and other places. those that are charged with a crime, they let out with zorro bail. -- zero bail. if you steal under $1,000 in california you won't even get arrested. here with reaction kellyanne conway, and co-host of "fox and friends" weekend pete. all of this is collapseing in terms of the poll numbers. -- something you're an expert at. they can't even get it done in congress. it looks like build back better is dead for 2021. >> yes, americans is lost total confidence in the competence of the biden/harris administration. the democrats who continue to support them, i am amazed there are so many moderate democrats who are going to risk their own careers in 2022 to be part of the build back better plan that goes in the wrong direction for our country with inflation and rising prices under joe biden. it's the wrong thing to do to spend money we don't have on things we don't need. joe biden is channelling his inner kamala harris with all of this laughing of late. we have stranded american and allies in afghanistan. international groups are tracking this. jen psaki can joke about and have fox news derangement system. the fact is we have about 10,000 afghan american allies who qualified for the sid. and thousands more family members. they are facing a taliban controlled winter. there are food shortages and human rights abuses and we left american equipment there. 75,000 vehicle. these are real facts. americans are saying to joe biden, you are not doing anything well. you have these liberals network s, they are obsessed over who can succeed joe biden. they don't think joe biden can succeed. and russia is salivating over ukraine and china looking at taiwan and iran staring at israel. donald trump sent anti-trump weapons to ukraine and joe biden sent blankets. look at the difference in the way presidents have dealt with that region. the polls are catching up with him. the center collapsed for joe biden. any president needs to support independence, which is a non-parent group. -- partisan group. they left joe biden. on covid he lost independents. and generation-z is done with covid. they ruined their high school and college years. >> sean: what she said about abandoning americans in afghanistan, we don't put trackers on american citizens or her we are not ups, we are not the post office. because we have supply chain issues. it's not even sarcastic. it's rude and out of touch. it's that typical democratic coastal elitism you see that is dominating the democratic party. >> it's divisive. they know they won't be held accountable. no one will question why they said a couple of hundred of people are still there. now there are thousands. americans that kent get out. -- they count on no accountability across the board. nancy pelosi, stands at a podium and says he's perfect! she is lying through her false teeth and knows she is lying. every democrat wants someone else to run in 2024. as a representative of san francisco, the mayor of san francisco said crime is out of control. mayor breed had a press conference and said i don't care if the left didn't like what i have to do. our city is out of control. they are telling the american public don't believe your lying eyes from crime to inflation and covid and what we know about omicron and it may be transmissible but not as deadly. pay no attention. we are in charge. build back better is the answer. they know voters are going to reject that. just like in virginia where they rejected the critical race theory. just like in new jersey where they almost beat phil murphy. they have to lie and pretend they feel good. they know they are not. if they can't get build back better they will go for a voting bill because they are worried about the ballot box in 2022. they know bad news is coming. they will still press forward. >> sean: joe disagrees but i don't think he knows what day it is. thank you. good news from capitol hill. biden's 5 trillion dollars build back better new green new deal is officially stalled in congress. democrats are very angry with joe manchin for refusing to bend a knee to their radical plans. ranch manchin is feeling the heat and lashing out at reporters. they are talking him -- for several months. manchin doesn't answer to the media mob or to joe biden. he should answer to the people of west virginia. if this bill passes all middle and lower income americans will suffer more from higher inflation. they are impacted by joe's increase in energy and the increase of prices of everything we buy. new taxes and the irs agents odditying you. -- auditing you. you will get the "hannity" treatment. lindsey graham. i am hearing that build back better green new deal is dead. manchin said it's bs because democrats turned on him and they are trying to make the case he is trying to kill the child tax credit. that's a lie. he's always been for that credit. his own party turned against him. he is looking out for the energy sector which is such a big part of the west virginia economy. >> yes. build back better is dead forever. let me tell you why. joe manchin won't vote for a bill that will add to the deficit. well, build back better ads 3 trillion dollars and makes inflation worse. the child care provision in build back better prohibit religious institutions from receiving money. if you have a child in a religious institution providing childcare, you won't be eligible for money from the government because that child goes to a religious institutions. it increases the wages of child care providers so the families will have to spend more. it's an inflation bomb. at the end of the day joe manchin promised the people of west virginia i will not vote for a bill that adds to the deficit and full of gimmicks. i think it's dead forever. >> sean: okay. now the question is what do we do in the meantime isn't republicans much to my chagrin allowed for the democrats to raise the debt ceiling. it comes up again next in february. chuck schumer is signaling he wants all of these radicals including the fcc head to get through to go through. will republicans support all of those radicals on joe's list? >> well, the fda, joe manchin won't support it. they have out there people to put into the government. let's slow down. the build back better was the signature issue of the radical left. died in the senate because of the cbo which i don't control -- democrats say it's a fake number. it used to be the cold standard. they looked at the bill as if all of the programs like child tax credit go for 10 years and not 1 year -- gold. child tax credit is 1.6-trillion dollars. the bill is written in the senate is a lie. the cbo exposed that lie. the cbo and inflation numbers killed build back better. they were trying to pass a lie. god bless joe manchin for sticking to his guns. >> sean: i will make predictions on foreign policy and hope i am wrong. with the new news out of afghanistan we can't get anybody out now. every person joe biden abandon side stuck there and many will die. -- putin will invade ukraine. there will be a conflict with israel and iran in the near future and last prediction is after the olympics, china will fulfill their territorial ambitions and take over twine. i am wrong? i hope i am? >> i hope you are wrong. here's what i think to be honest with you. you are probably more right than wrong. we left so many people behind in afghanistan that bought bravely with us without a plan to get them out. israel is closer to make a bomb. one holocaust is enough. i will introduce sanctions to hit russia. i think build back better is dead. the path to socialism has been stopped. for the rest of the congress. pray for the people left behind in afghanistan and our friends in israel. i am going to israel on christmas day to let them know i along with many republicans and some democrats have israel's back. i will tell the iranians -- >> sean: wait a minute. i have their back. joe biden i don't believe has their back. >> well, if iran doesn't believe joe biden's has isreal's back there will be a war between israel and iran. they won't allow iran to have nuclear weapons. >> [overlapping talking]. >> sean: we can't save more americans in afghanistan. putin will invade ukraine and after the 2022 olympics, chine will can take over taiwan. i hope i am wrong. the only thing that can change is biden to let them know we have redlines too. tell the iranians if you cross these lines we will use military force -->> sean: we ought to produce enough energy and supply our western european allies to bankrupt putin. if china has ambitions. stop importing their products. their economy relies on imports. the iranians put sanctions back on them. have a safe trip to israel. thanks for being with us. as the left continues its january 6th political hit job, the corrupt liar adam schiff continues. he distorted texts. we will weigh in next straight ahead. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. qunol's ultra purified omega -3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. >> sean: he's back. the liar adam schiff. bringing another schiff show to washington. caught red handed doctoring a mark meadows text message as part of the january 6th sham investigation. it turns out that schiff claimed to have text message evidence from a congressman, jim jordan. text it the former white house chief of staff mark meadows to instruct mike pence to overturn it the election results. that was an utter lie from schiff. he misrepresented and doctored what the message said. it was not from jim jordan but a washington lawyer. there were no instructions coming from jim jordan. just like we have been telling you, this investigation is a sham. has a pre-determined outcome. schiff and company are creating fake text messages to hold meadows in criminal contempt. joe biden's reaction today. i am not sure he knows what day it is. >> what was your reaction? >> i don't know -- i have not spoke to anyone. he is worthy of being held in contempt. >> sean: we ought to have a no confidence vote. ask yourself. if there were a serious investigation wouldn't they focus on protecting the capitol from future attacks? there were requests from president trump and from mark meadows and the police chief and the national guard knowing hundreds of thousands of people were coming to town. in the background was all of the 574 riots of the previous summer. they were told again and again to have the guard ready. guess what? they didn't do it. all just a giant distraction from the failures that is joe biden. they their failing covid policy and vaccine mandates and knocked down in the courthouse. begging opec and russia to produce more oil because they lost american energy independence. abandoning americans in afghanistan -- 39 year inflation high and supply chain chain disaster and we open borders caused by joe biden. the media mob looking for anything else to talk about. here is jim jordan himself and lara trump. when you and jim banks were kicked off this committee to visiting what happened on january 6th, were you given a reason why? >> no, the reason is what you said. it's partisan. after this story, here's what the select committee said. we are responsible for the error. that is a fancy way of saying we got caught lying. this is a pattern. 10 years ago the irs targeting coveringses. -- conversations. they lied to the fisa court. two months ago we caught them doing what? going after moms and dads its at school board meetings because of their lust for power. they are afraid president trump and know he will win if he does. yesterday they tried to put a good man in prison and hold him in contempt. >> sean: steve bannon just before meadows they have not done that since 1983. we know it's political. i would like a full investigation. lara trump, there is an interesting process. your father-in-law said days before january 6th, knowing what happened in the summer of 2020 that the national guard should be on the ready. mark meadows said the same thing. the capital police chief requested over 6 times. everybody was denied. the person in charge of the capitol police is nancy pelosi. i doubt it liz cheney and i hate trump committee has any intention whatsoever of getting to the bottom of why nancy pelosi did not bring in the national guard as everybody requested. >> well, that's a great question. i think you are right. we would love a full investigation as to what happened on january 6th. these people know whether it's adam schiff or liz cheney or others, they know donald trump didn't tell people to go to the capitol and break in. he said peacefully let our voices be heard. why didn't they have added security? they know the answer. with this group of people the outcome is predetermined. it's what you said and what congressman jordan said. they are petrified that donald trump will run again in 2024. they know he would win. in 2016 he won, he started to peel back the onion and expose the swamp. they know if he gets back in the game is over for them. they are doing everything to prevent him from running in 2024. it doesn't hurt it's a distraction from joe biden. everything he touches turns to garbage. he can't have one accomplishment he can point to. everything is bad for americans. they want this distraction. they won't find what they want. at the end of the day they will never find that anybody said do this. no one wanted to see this sort of thing happen. it's a shame we don't have a full investigation. we would all love to see why this happened. >> sean: i would like liz cheney now that she is revealing private text messages. i would like to see all of her family text messages and phone calls and kissing donald trump's ass to get to scooter libby. let me ask you. executive privilege. this is important. if you eliminate that and everybody giving advice to the president knows at some point down the line what they say might be made public, that will probably prevent people from being totally honest with a president with advice that might be crucial in terms of even national security. that's why executive privilege should matter. nobody is discussing that aspect of this. >> you're absolutely right. the supreme court has been clear. executive privilege exists for we the people and not the president. it was first asserted in 1794. george washington asserted it. democrats will destroy it. what they said yesterday with what they did to mark meadows. adam schiff can have a whistleblower and use that in secret hearings in the basement of the bunker of the capitol to impeach the president of the united states but we will destroy executive privilege and alter documents to go after mark meadows and president trump. it's sickening. the american people see it for what it is. >> sean: you and jim banks should lead the committee and release the same things. why doesn't nancy pelosi call up the guard as everybody asked her to do? set up a commission looking into the 575 riots that killed dozens of americans and resulting in billion dollars of proper damage and injured thursday of cops. i want that committee. coming up the left continues to push their radical court packing agenda. mark levin weighs in on that and his thoughts on january 6th and the corrupt committee of liz cheney straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: now with the democrats build back better spending in peril liz cheney -- elizabeth warren is endorsing a radical court packing scheme to add 4 justices to the current court. the court doesn't have enough far left liberal activists that don't believe in separations of powers. mark levin's book not only was number 1 on the "new york times" list for 10 weeks in a row, it's the number 1 best selling book of all books for the entire year. he hosts life, liberty and levin on the fox news channel. i call him the great one for a reason. congratulations. that's a monumental achievement. >> thank you. let me unravel this. adam schiff doctoring evidence. adam schiff is a lawyer and has a license in california and maybe other places. rather than us just whining about this unethical hack, let's do something about it. lawyers are not free to doctor evidence particularly when they are doctoring evidence for the purpose of putting people in prison. that's what adam schiff and this committee did with these text messages. they removed paragraphs and changed punctuation. it's time to people file a serious etices complaint with the supreme court of california. he doesn't deserve to be a member of the bar -- he is worse than a slip and fall lawyer. number 2, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to see what the old soviet union was like. look at the january 6th committee. you have clowns making pronouncements about the guilt of individuals whom they're supposed to be investigating. they want their text messages and emails and going to phone companies to get their phone calls. why? they want to get to the bottom of the insurrection they say. for what proper? what law are you going to pass? liz cheney gave it up the other day. they may look at a criminal aspect for donald trump. dereliction of duty. dereliction of duty is nancy pelosi in charge of protecting the house of representatives. she was offered the national guard. that's all the president can do. she didn't call in more capitol police. they report to it her. the democratic mayor did not call in more police. the nypd warned about more people coming. why didn't she call in the national guard? she doesn't like the national guard. she doesn't like the insurrection act. she said no. if she brought in the national guard, what a hypocrite she would look like. imagined if she called in more federal cops to protect the federal building, storm troopers. she was not going to call in the storm troopers or the national guard. she, liz cheney, has been derelict in duty. there are no criminal statues whatsoever that apply to this former president donald trump. none, period. if they are, they are hiding with weapons of mass destruction in iraq. there aren't. this committee is violating the bill of rights and due process. this committee is on a criminal hunt to get people embarrassed. why would you have a vote for criminal contempt on a serious issue like executive privilege that applies to former president of the united states. the supreme court said so. separation of powers carries forward whether you are president now or later. they are holding people in contempt. the fraud who is the attorney general who wants to put parents in jail using the patriot act, he indicts steve bannon and wants to indict other people. this is an issue before several judges that has to be adjudicated. the extent of executive privilege. we have two obama judges and one biden judge and they say the current president hasn't asserted. he is in the best position. no he's not. that jerk announced he will run for reelection. he doesn't care about executive privilege. he is working with pelosi to go after trump. to hell with the separation of powers and the rest of it. back to elizabeth warren and the supreme court of united states. elizabeth warren is a thug and a liar. she got into college lying about her ethnicit and continued to lie. she does not use her brain. she tried to it use native-americans to get to where she is. she wants to add 4 seats to the u.s. supreme court and to the u.s. senates. enough seats until they control everything. that's totalarianism. i am done. >> sean: congrats on the book. as questions about biden's cognitive nunction mount. some of the media mob are begging him not to run again. newt gingrich react. >> sean: the media mob is coming to materials what we have shown you night after night. joe biden weak and frail and deteriorating daily with his category abilities -- cognitive abilities. look at this new piece: that's an understatement. at fake news cnn they are floating possible 2024 replacements for biden including names like vice-president harris. beto o'rourke. even failed gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams. here with reaction a fox news contributor, newted newt. -- newt gingrich. they will following your lead and thinking beyond biden. i don't see any good options in the cnn list. i don't think there are any good options. >> first of all it's crazy to suggest before he finished his first year that he announce it he will be a lame duck for 3 years. . he would have no authority to do anything. does he need to be replaced now? the kamala harris is more dangerous and goofier than joe biden. she will keep him in office. as a historicorian i am worried. we have the american system for national security purposes. as a commander-in-chief, a deliberate term. george washington was the commander in the revolutionary war. if we end up in a situation where the commander-in-chief is incapable of doing his job, the world getsdangerous. people like putin and the chinese dictator and the head of north korea and the ayatollah in iran they are all watching this stuff. >> sean: okay. let's assume that these policies continue their trajectory which will i think will fail. let's assume republicans win the house and maybe the senate in 2022. do you believe the policies that worked under president trump, if president trump wants a comeback, will people who had issues with his style, not the success, would they openly be cheering for somebody that can form a sentence and fight for the things that he promised and be engaged in day-to-day activities and job of being the president? >> yes. first of all, if president trump decides to run, i think that will depend on his health as much as anything. if he reaches the conclusion me can do the job, he doesn't want to become another joe biden. i think he will be the republican nominee. and the republican nominee in this setting will be a big government socialist no matter who it is. we will into a couple of years of really bad policy having a really bad effect on our lives. >> sean: no way for them to reverse course unless they go back to trump policies. i don't see that happening. beyond biden book stores everywhere. thank you. more "hannity" next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ ♪ >> sean: time flies. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left for this evening. as always, we thank you for joining us, you make this show possible. we help you set your dvr so you never ever ever miss an episode, and in the meantime, well, the great news is let not your hearts be troubled. "the ingraham angle," laura ingraham is next. what's a snappy comeback tonight, come on. >> laura: i can't -- i'm crying. i'm crying, and very upset. >> sean: crying about what? >> laura: of got to compose myself. i don't think liz cheney likes us. >> sean: [laughs] >> laura: i mean, i've tried my best, i worked really hard, i've tried to be -- i don't think she likes us. >> sean: i don't think she likes us either. >> laura: i don't think she likes of hannity. i don't know why. i don't know why. >> sean: my heart goes pitter patter, i'm so upset.

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Standard , Programs , Child Tax Credit Go , 10 , 1 6 Trillion , 1 6 Trillion Dollars , 1 , Numbers , Guns , Predictions , God , Putin , Anybody , Foreign Policy , Many , Side , Ambitions , Olympics , Twine , Sanctions , Holocaust , Bomb , Socialism , Path , Rest , Friends , Back , Iran Doesn T , Iranians , Wait A Minute , Isreal , War , Overlapping Talking , Chine Will , Sean , Lines , Military Force , Redlines , Western European , Products , Imports , Hit Job , Trip , Adam Schiff , Texts , Corrupt Liar , Nutrient , Fish Oil , Brand , Heart Health , Mini Pill , Omega 3 , Ocean Fish , Qunol , Ultra Purified , 3 , , Caught Red Handed Doctoring A Mark Meadows , Text Message , Bringing Another Schiff , Washington , Jim Jordan , Text Message Evidence , January 6th Sham Investigation , Election Results , Chief Of Staff , Mike Pence , Lawyer , Message , Instructions , Investigation , Text Messages , Outcome , Sham , Company , Criminal Contempt , Meadows , Contempt , No Confidence Vote , Anyone , Guard , Trump , Police Chief , President , Capitol , Attacks , Requests , Mark Meadows , Summer , Riots , Background , Hundreds , Town , 574 , Policy , Distraction , Failures , Courthouse , Mandates , Begging Opec , American Energy Independence , Supply Chain Disaster , Banks , Borders , Lara Trump , Hate Trump Committee , Reason , Story , Error , Conversations , Fisa Court , Targeting Coveringses , Dads , School Board , Moms , Two , President Trump , Power , Prison , Man , Lust , He Indicts Steve Bannon , 1983 , Capital , Process , Father In Law , Everybody , Liz Cheney , Capitol Police , Times , Person , Bottom , Intention , Others , Security , Voices , Onion , 2016 , Swamp , Game , Accomplishment , Running , Garbage , Sort , Shame , Love , Phone Calls , Family Text Messages , Ass , Scooter Libby , Executive Privilege , Advice , Line , Public , Aspect , We The People , Matter , Nobody , George Washington , 1794 , Hearings , Bunker , Basement , Whistleblower , Documents , Commission , Damage , Dozens , 575 , Cops , Mark Levin , Thoughts , Court Packing Agenda , Injured , Committee , Spending , Court Packing Scheme , 4 , Powers , Court , Separations , Justices , Activists , Book , Books , Selling , Row , New York Times , Liberty , Levin On The Fox News Channel , Congratulations , Achievement , Evidence , Lawyers , License , Hack , Purpose , Doctoring Evidence , Paragraphs , Punctuation , Complaint , Supreme Court Of California , Etices , Member , Slip , Bar , Soviet Union , 2 , Clowns , Individuals , Phone Companies , Pronouncements , Guilt , Emails , Insurrection , Law , Dereliction Of Duty , House Of Representatives , Police , National Guard , Nypd , Insurrection Act , Building , Hypocrite , Storm Troopers , Statues , Duty , Due Process , Rights , There Aren T , None , Hiding , Weapons Of Mass Destruction In Iraq , Issue , Elizabeth Warren And The Supreme Court Of United States , Vote , Hunt , Separation , Attorney General , Fraud , Judges , Jail , Extent , Patriot Act , Adjudicated , Hasn T , Judge , Position , Jerk , Obama , Hell , Thug , Liar , Reelection , He Doesn T Care About Executive Privilege , Ethnicit , Brain , Seats , Senates , Totalarianism , Some , React , Newt Gingrich , Cognitive Nunction Mount , Materials , Abilities , Category , Piece , Night After , Understatement , Cnn , Names , Replacements , Beto O Rourke , Stacey Abrams , Newted Newt , Options , Lead , Reaction A , Lame Duck , Authority , Office , Commander In Chief , Term , System , Historicorian , National Security Purposes , Situation , Commander , Revolutionary War , World Getsdangerous , Ayatollah , Dictator , North Korea , Policies , House , Stuff , Trajectory , Comeback , Issues , Style , Cheering , Somebody , Sentence , Success , Activities , Health , Nominee , Conclusion , Socialist , Setting , Course , Lives , Effect , Everywhere , Happening , Biden Book Stores , Sanctuary , Wish List Event , Lincoln , Evening , Dvr , Episode , Show , Time Flies , Laura Ingraham , Hearts , Come On , Ingraham Angle , Best , Laughs , My Heart , I Don T Know Why , Pitter Patter ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

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still doesn't know how many americans were left behind. this it arrogant retort from jen psaki from the biden white house should bring comfort to all especially the holidays for those suffering in afghanistan with no hope on the horizon whatsoever. take a look. >> i would reiterate the united states did not put a tracker on american citizens traveling overseas in afghanistan or any country around the world. that would be quite a fox news story. >> sean: you don't put trackers on people. what jen said the biden administration has written our fellow americans that they abandon off completely and saying to them drop dead. you are on your own. jen psaki doesn't care. she is tired of answering questions about the human tragedy caused by her boss and according to a new report the biden administration is making it impossible for even private rescue organizations to remove those threatened with retribution by the taliban for their work with the u.s. that would include american citizens that they left behind want thousands of green card holders. even military families and our afghan allies. the state department is blocking them from negotiating flights to third party countries. wow! this is a self-inflicted disaster. betrayal on a level i can't bring words to. america's enemies smell blood in the water. don't be surprised if israel and iran are in a conflict soon. china is getting a free pass from the global pandemic. they planned the entire thing. joe biden thinks this is funny. i don't see anything funny about it. you decide. >> the coronavirus pandemic, are you being transparent on the origins. >> sean: there is no good answer. after promising to shut down the virus as a candidate, more people have died from covid-19 in year under biden, 2021 than under donald trump in 2020. according to joe it's not his fault. it's not china's fault. it's your fault. you the american people. you just value your freedom way too much. i believe in freedom. i believe in medical privacy. i believe also in doctor-patient confidentiality but that's a rare concept these days. take a look. >> this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. that's the problem. so everybody talks about freedom and to not have a shot or a test. guess what? how about patriotism and making sure you are vaccinated so you do not spread the disease to anybody else? what about that? what is the big deal? >> sean: what about the big deal? the vaccinated are getting covid and boosters and more boosters and vaccine passports and 5 years old need to get their shots and mask mandates are back. with democrats in charge this country will never return to normal. they won't allow it. there will always be a new scary variant and life will be put on hold again and always be mask mandates and employees shortages and massive government spending. inflation will get worse. 39 year high. joe biden thinks this is all funny somehow. take a look. >> there are still concerns about the supply chain issues across the nation. do you feel comfortable speaking to parents and telling them gifts won't be a problem for santa on december 24th? >> they won't be. they will be available and cost you money. [laughing]. or cost santa money. all kidding aside. there are problems with the supply chain relating to food and used cars and oil. >> sean: blame the american consumer. i don't know if it's his cognitive decline or if joe biden is really that dumb or maybe a combination of both. he is living in an alternate reality. case in point this mid-terms prediction from joe biden just last night. you have to listen to this clip very closely. he messed it up bad. take a look. >> now we look at 2022. i want tell our republican friends, get ready, bal, you are in for a problem. >> sean: if i want president biden to sound tough bring in a body double. according to nancy pelosi joe biden is perfect for this job. >> mr. president, it's an honor and a pleasure to be here at this time of challenge and the coronavirus and financial insecurity for families. our country could not be more -- could not be better served than with this most experienced capable hands of yours, president biden. >> [cheers and applause]. >> he is just perfect. >> sean: he's perfect. whatever they were serving at that party, i want some. nancy pelosi has been drinking too much spiked ice cream. doesn't realize inflation is out of control a massive crisis on the southern border. a supply chain crisis originating at the ports in her own state. spiking crime rates, nancy pelosi has no idea how this is happening. defund the police. no bail laws. i am just guessing. >> it's outrageous. obviously it cannot continue. the fact is there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from i don't know where. maybe you do. we cannot have that lawlessness. >> sean: nancy, it's not rocket science. criminals are not prosecuted in places like your home state of california, new york and other places. those that are charged with a crime, they let out with zorro bail. -- zero bail. if you steal under $1,000 in california you won't even get arrested. here with reaction kellyanne conway, and co-host of "fox and friends" weekend pete. all of this is collapseing in terms of the poll numbers. -- something you're an expert at. they can't even get it done in congress. it looks like build back better is dead for 2021. >> yes, americans is lost total confidence in the competence of the biden/harris administration. the democrats who continue to support them, i am amazed there are so many moderate democrats who are going to risk their own careers in 2022 to be part of the build back better plan that goes in the wrong direction for our country with inflation and rising prices under joe biden. it's the wrong thing to do to spend money we don't have on things we don't need. joe biden is channelling his inner kamala harris with all of this laughing of late. we have stranded american and allies in afghanistan. international groups are tracking this. jen psaki can joke about and have fox news derangement system. the fact is we have about 10,000 afghan american allies who qualified for the sid. and thousands more family members. they are facing a taliban controlled winter. there are food shortages and human rights abuses and we left american equipment there. 75,000 vehicle. these are real facts. americans are saying to joe biden, you are not doing anything well. you have these liberals network s, they are obsessed over who can succeed joe biden. they don't think joe biden can succeed. and russia is salivating over ukraine and china looking at taiwan and iran staring at israel. donald trump sent anti-trump weapons to ukraine and joe biden sent blankets. look at the difference in the way presidents have dealt with that region. the polls are catching up with him. the center collapsed for joe biden. any president needs to support independence, which is a non-parent group. -- partisan group. they left joe biden. on covid he lost independents. and generation-z is done with covid. they ruined their high school and college years. >> sean: what she said about abandoning americans in afghanistan, we don't put trackers on american citizens or her we are not ups, we are not the post office. because we have supply chain issues. it's not even sarcastic. it's rude and out of touch. it's that typical democratic coastal elitism you see that is dominating the democratic party. >> it's divisive. they know they won't be held accountable. no one will question why they said a couple of hundred of people are still there. now there are thousands. americans that kent get out. -- they count on no accountability across the board. nancy pelosi, stands at a podium and says he's perfect! she is lying through her false teeth and knows she is lying. every democrat wants someone else to run in 2024. as a representative of san francisco, the mayor of san francisco said crime is out of control. mayor breed had a press conference and said i don't care if the left didn't like what i have to do. our city is out of control. they are telling the american public don't believe your lying eyes from crime to inflation and covid and what we know about omicron and it may be transmissible but not as deadly. pay no attention. we are in charge. build back better is the answer. they know voters are going to reject that. just like in virginia where they rejected the critical race theory. just like in new jersey where they almost beat phil murphy. they have to lie and pretend they feel good. they know they are not. if they can't get build back better they will go for a voting bill because they are worried about the ballot box in 2022. they know bad news is coming. they will still press forward. >> sean: joe disagrees but i don't think he knows what day it is. thank you. good news from capitol hill. biden's 5 trillion dollars build back better new green new deal is officially stalled in congress. democrats are very angry with joe manchin for refusing to bend a knee to their radical plans. ranch manchin is feeling the heat and lashing out at reporters. they are talking him -- for several months. manchin doesn't answer to the media mob or to joe biden. he should answer to the people of west virginia. if this bill passes all middle and lower income americans will suffer more from higher inflation. they are impacted by joe's increase in energy and the increase of prices of everything we buy. new taxes and the irs agents odditying you. -- auditing you. you will get the "hannity" treatment. lindsey graham. i am hearing that build back better green new deal is dead. manchin said it's bs because democrats turned on him and they are trying to make the case he is trying to kill the child tax credit. that's a lie. he's always been for that credit. his own party turned against him. he is looking out for the energy sector which is such a big part of the west virginia economy. >> yes. build back better is dead forever. let me tell you why. joe manchin won't vote for a bill that will add to the deficit. well, build back better ads 3 trillion dollars and makes inflation worse. the child care provision in build back better prohibit religious institutions from receiving money. if you have a child in a religious institution providing childcare, you won't be eligible for money from the government because that child goes to a religious institutions. it increases the wages of child care providers so the families will have to spend more. it's an inflation bomb. at the end of the day joe manchin promised the people of west virginia i will not vote for a bill that adds to the deficit and full of gimmicks. i think it's dead forever. >> sean: okay. now the question is what do we do in the meantime isn't republicans much to my chagrin allowed for the democrats to raise the debt ceiling. it comes up again next in february. chuck schumer is signaling he wants all of these radicals including the fcc head to get through to go through. will republicans support all of those radicals on joe's list? >> well, the fda, joe manchin won't support it. they have out there people to put into the government. let's slow down. the build back better was the signature issue of the radical left. died in the senate because of the cbo which i don't control -- democrats say it's a fake number. it used to be the cold standard. they looked at the bill as if all of the programs like child tax credit go for 10 years and not 1 year -- gold. child tax credit is 1.6-trillion dollars. the bill is written in the senate is a lie. the cbo exposed that lie. the cbo and inflation numbers killed build back better. they were trying to pass a lie. god bless joe manchin for sticking to his guns. >> sean: i will make predictions on foreign policy and hope i am wrong. with the new news out of afghanistan we can't get anybody out now. every person joe biden abandon side stuck there and many will die. -- putin will invade ukraine. there will be a conflict with israel and iran in the near future and last prediction is after the olympics, china will fulfill their territorial ambitions and take over twine. i am wrong? i hope i am? >> i hope you are wrong. here's what i think to be honest with you. you are probably more right than wrong. we left so many people behind in afghanistan that bought bravely with us without a plan to get them out. israel is closer to make a bomb. one holocaust is enough. i will introduce sanctions to hit russia. i think build back better is dead. the path to socialism has been stopped. for the rest of the congress. pray for the people left behind in afghanistan and our friends in israel. i am going to israel on christmas day to let them know i along with many republicans and some democrats have israel's back. i will tell the iranians -- >> sean: wait a minute. i have their back. joe biden i don't believe has their back. >> well, if iran doesn't believe joe biden's has isreal's back there will be a war between israel and iran. they won't allow iran to have nuclear weapons. >> [overlapping talking]. >> sean: we can't save more americans in afghanistan. putin will invade ukraine and after the 2022 olympics, chine will can take over taiwan. i hope i am wrong. the only thing that can change is biden to let them know we have redlines too. tell the iranians if you cross these lines we will use military force -->> sean: we ought to produce enough energy and supply our western european allies to bankrupt putin. if china has ambitions. stop importing their products. their economy relies on imports. the iranians put sanctions back on them. have a safe trip to israel. thanks for being with us. as the left continues its january 6th political hit job, the corrupt liar adam schiff continues. he distorted texts. we will weigh in next straight ahead. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. qunol's ultra purified omega -3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. >> sean: he's back. the liar adam schiff. bringing another schiff show to washington. caught red handed doctoring a mark meadows text message as part of the january 6th sham investigation. it turns out that schiff claimed to have text message evidence from a congressman, jim jordan. text it the former white house chief of staff mark meadows to instruct mike pence to overturn it the election results. that was an utter lie from schiff. he misrepresented and doctored what the message said. it was not from jim jordan but a washington lawyer. there were no instructions coming from jim jordan. just like we have been telling you, this investigation is a sham. has a pre-determined outcome. schiff and company are creating fake text messages to hold meadows in criminal contempt. joe biden's reaction today. i am not sure he knows what day it is. >> what was your reaction? >> i don't know -- i have not spoke to anyone. he is worthy of being held in contempt. >> sean: we ought to have a no confidence vote. ask yourself. if there were a serious investigation wouldn't they focus on protecting the capitol from future attacks? there were requests from president trump and from mark meadows and the police chief and the national guard knowing hundreds of thousands of people were coming to town. in the background was all of the 574 riots of the previous summer. they were told again and again to have the guard ready. guess what? they didn't do it. all just a giant distraction from the failures that is joe biden. they their failing covid policy and vaccine mandates and knocked down in the courthouse. begging opec and russia to produce more oil because they lost american energy independence. abandoning americans in afghanistan -- 39 year inflation high and supply chain chain disaster and we open borders caused by joe biden. the media mob looking for anything else to talk about. here is jim jordan himself and lara trump. when you and jim banks were kicked off this committee to visiting what happened on january 6th, were you given a reason why? >> no, the reason is what you said. it's partisan. after this story, here's what the select committee said. we are responsible for the error. that is a fancy way of saying we got caught lying. this is a pattern. 10 years ago the irs targeting coveringses. -- conversations. they lied to the fisa court. two months ago we caught them doing what? going after moms and dads its at school board meetings because of their lust for power. they are afraid president trump and know he will win if he does. yesterday they tried to put a good man in prison and hold him in contempt. >> sean: steve bannon just before meadows they have not done that since 1983. we know it's political. i would like a full investigation. lara trump, there is an interesting process. your father-in-law said days before january 6th, knowing what happened in the summer of 2020 that the national guard should be on the ready. mark meadows said the same thing. the capital police chief requested over 6 times. everybody was denied. the person in charge of the capitol police is nancy pelosi. i doubt it liz cheney and i hate trump committee has any intention whatsoever of getting to the bottom of why nancy pelosi did not bring in the national guard as everybody requested. >> well, that's a great question. i think you are right. we would love a full investigation as to what happened on january 6th. these people know whether it's adam schiff or liz cheney or others, they know donald trump didn't tell people to go to the capitol and break in. he said peacefully let our voices be heard. why didn't they have added security? they know the answer. with this group of people the outcome is predetermined. it's what you said and what congressman jordan said. they are petrified that donald trump will run again in 2024. they know he would win. in 2016 he won, he started to peel back the onion and expose the swamp. they know if he gets back in the game is over for them. they are doing everything to prevent him from running in 2024. it doesn't hurt it's a distraction from joe biden. everything he touches turns to garbage. he can't have one accomplishment he can point to. everything is bad for americans. they want this distraction. they won't find what they want. at the end of the day they will never find that anybody said do this. no one wanted to see this sort of thing happen. it's a shame we don't have a full investigation. we would all love to see why this happened. >> sean: i would like liz cheney now that she is revealing private text messages. i would like to see all of her family text messages and phone calls and kissing donald trump's ass to get to scooter libby. let me ask you. executive privilege. this is important. if you eliminate that and everybody giving advice to the president knows at some point down the line what they say might be made public, that will probably prevent people from being totally honest with a president with advice that might be crucial in terms of even national security. that's why executive privilege should matter. nobody is discussing that aspect of this. >> you're absolutely right. the supreme court has been clear. executive privilege exists for we the people and not the president. it was first asserted in 1794. george washington asserted it. democrats will destroy it. what they said yesterday with what they did to mark meadows. adam schiff can have a whistleblower and use that in secret hearings in the basement of the bunker of the capitol to impeach the president of the united states but we will destroy executive privilege and alter documents to go after mark meadows and president trump. it's sickening. the american people see it for what it is. >> sean: you and jim banks should lead the committee and release the same things. why doesn't nancy pelosi call up the guard as everybody asked her to do? set up a commission looking into the 575 riots that killed dozens of americans and resulting in billion dollars of proper damage and injured thursday of cops. i want that committee. coming up the left continues to push their radical court packing agenda. mark levin weighs in on that and his thoughts on january 6th and the corrupt committee of liz cheney straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: now with the democrats build back better spending in peril liz cheney -- elizabeth warren is endorsing a radical court packing scheme to add 4 justices to the current court. the court doesn't have enough far left liberal activists that don't believe in separations of powers. mark levin's book not only was number 1 on the "new york times" list for 10 weeks in a row, it's the number 1 best selling book of all books for the entire year. he hosts life, liberty and levin on the fox news channel. i call him the great one for a reason. congratulations. that's a monumental achievement. >> thank you. let me unravel this. adam schiff doctoring evidence. adam schiff is a lawyer and has a license in california and maybe other places. rather than us just whining about this unethical hack, let's do something about it. lawyers are not free to doctor evidence particularly when they are doctoring evidence for the purpose of putting people in prison. that's what adam schiff and this committee did with these text messages. they removed paragraphs and changed punctuation. it's time to people file a serious etices complaint with the supreme court of california. he doesn't deserve to be a member of the bar -- he is worse than a slip and fall lawyer. number 2, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to see what the old soviet union was like. look at the january 6th committee. you have clowns making pronouncements about the guilt of individuals whom they're supposed to be investigating. they want their text messages and emails and going to phone companies to get their phone calls. why? they want to get to the bottom of the insurrection they say. for what proper? what law are you going to pass? liz cheney gave it up the other day. they may look at a criminal aspect for donald trump. dereliction of duty. dereliction of duty is nancy pelosi in charge of protecting the house of representatives. she was offered the national guard. that's all the president can do. she didn't call in more capitol police. they report to it her. the democratic mayor did not call in more police. the nypd warned about more people coming. why didn't she call in the national guard? she doesn't like the national guard. she doesn't like the insurrection act. she said no. if she brought in the national guard, what a hypocrite she would look like. imagined if she called in more federal cops to protect the federal building, storm troopers. she was not going to call in the storm troopers or the national guard. she, liz cheney, has been derelict in duty. there are no criminal statues whatsoever that apply to this former president donald trump. none, period. if they are, they are hiding with weapons of mass destruction in iraq. there aren't. this committee is violating the bill of rights and due process. this committee is on a criminal hunt to get people embarrassed. why would you have a vote for criminal contempt on a serious issue like executive privilege that applies to former president of the united states. the supreme court said so. separation of powers carries forward whether you are president now or later. they are holding people in contempt. the fraud who is the attorney general who wants to put parents in jail using the patriot act, he indicts steve bannon and wants to indict other people. this is an issue before several judges that has to be adjudicated. the extent of executive privilege. we have two obama judges and one biden judge and they say the current president hasn't asserted. he is in the best position. no he's not. that jerk announced he will run for reelection. he doesn't care about executive privilege. he is working with pelosi to go after trump. to hell with the separation of powers and the rest of it. back to elizabeth warren and the supreme court of united states. elizabeth warren is a thug and a liar. she got into college lying about her ethnicit and continued to lie. she does not use her brain. she tried to it use native-americans to get to where she is. she wants to add 4 seats to the u.s. supreme court and to the u.s. senates. enough seats until they control everything. that's totalarianism. i am done. >> sean: congrats on the book. as questions about biden's cognitive nunction mount. some of the media mob are begging him not to run again. newt gingrich react. >> sean: the media mob is coming to materials what we have shown you night after night. joe biden weak and frail and deteriorating daily with his category abilities -- cognitive abilities. look at this new piece: that's an understatement. at fake news cnn they are floating possible 2024 replacements for biden including names like vice-president harris. beto o'rourke. even failed gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams. here with reaction a fox news contributor, newted newt. -- newt gingrich. they will following your lead and thinking beyond biden. i don't see any good options in the cnn list. i don't think there are any good options. >> first of all it's crazy to suggest before he finished his first year that he announce it he will be a lame duck for 3 years. . he would have no authority to do anything. does he need to be replaced now? the kamala harris is more dangerous and goofier than joe biden. she will keep him in office. as a historicorian i am worried. we have the american system for national security purposes. as a commander-in-chief, a deliberate term. george washington was the commander in the revolutionary war. if we end up in a situation where the commander-in-chief is incapable of doing his job, the world getsdangerous. people like putin and the chinese dictator and the head of north korea and the ayatollah in iran they are all watching this stuff. >> sean: okay. let's assume that these policies continue their trajectory which will i think will fail. let's assume republicans win the house and maybe the senate in 2022. do you believe the policies that worked under president trump, if president trump wants a comeback, will people who had issues with his style, not the success, would they openly be cheering for somebody that can form a sentence and fight for the things that he promised and be engaged in day-to-day activities and job of being the president? >> yes. first of all, if president trump decides to run, i think that will depend on his health as much as anything. if he reaches the conclusion me can do the job, he doesn't want to become another joe biden. i think he will be the republican nominee. and the republican nominee in this setting will be a big government socialist no matter who it is. we will into a couple of years of really bad policy having a really bad effect on our lives. >> sean: no way for them to reverse course unless they go back to trump policies. i don't see that happening. beyond biden book stores everywhere. thank you. more "hannity" next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ ♪ >> sean: time flies. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left for this evening. as always, we thank you for joining us, you make this show possible. we help you set your dvr so you never ever ever miss an episode, and in the meantime, well, the great news is let not your hearts be troubled. "the ingraham angle," laura ingraham is next. what's a snappy comeback tonight, come on. >> laura: i can't -- i'm crying. i'm crying, and very upset. >> sean: crying about what? >> laura: of got to compose myself. i don't think liz cheney likes us. >> sean: [laughs] >> laura: i mean, i've tried my best, i worked really hard, i've tried to be -- i don't think she likes us. >> sean: i don't think she likes us either. >> laura: i don't think she likes of hannity. i don't know why. i don't know why. >> sean: my heart goes pitter patter, i'm so upset.

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Conversation , Tucker Carlson Today And Trial Kyle Out , Joe Biden , Sean Hannity , Hannity , Pomposity , Stories , Thanks , Ladies And Gentlemen , Lying , Group Think , Tucker , Smugness , 8 , Elizabeth Warren , Afghanistan , Scheme , Supreme Court , Sham January 6th Committee , Update , 6 , January 6th , Americans In Afghanistan , Administration , 136 , 123 , Jen Psaki , It , Retort , Holidays , Comfort , White House , Still Doesn T , Citizens , Take A Look , Tracker , United States , Hope , Suffering , Horizon , Country , You Don T Put Trackers On People , World , Fox News Story , Questions , Answering , Report , Boss , Human Tragedy , Doesn T Care , Taliban , Work , Retribution , Rescue Organizations , Families , Allies , Thousands , Holders , Green Card , Flights , Negotiating , State Department , Countries , Disaster , Betrayal , Level , Third Party , Words , China , The American Public Don T , Conflict , Israel , Blood In The Water , Enemies , Pass , Iran , Anything , Pandemic , Thing , Coronavirus , People , Answer , Donald Trump , Candidate , Virus , Origins , 2020 , 19 , 2021 , Freedom , Fault , Privacy , Problem , Doctor Patient Confidentiality , Concept , Unvaccinated , Talks , Patriotism , Shot , Test , Anybody Else , Disease , Deal , Boosters , Vaccinated , Democrats , Mask Mandates , Vaccine , Shots , Passports , Need , 5 , Inflation , Life , High , Hold , Government Spending , Shortages , Variant , Employees , 39 , Supply Chain Issues , Funny , Nation , Concerns , Speaking , Parents , Money , Cost , Santa On December 24th , 24 , December 24th , Oil , Supply Chain , Food , Problems , Kidding , Cars , Consumer , Point , Case , Prediction , Combination , Decline , Both , Reality , Bal , Republican , Get Ready , 2022 , Body Double , Nancy Pelosi , Job , Mr , Insecurity , Challenge , Honor , Pleasure , Cheers , Hands , Yours , Applause , Party , Doesn T , Whatever , Crisis , Border , Supply Chain Crisis , Ice Cream , Drinking , Idea , State , Defund The Police , Ports , Crime Rates , Bail Laws , Fact , Lawlessness , Don T Know , Attitude , Criminals , Rocket Science , Places , Crime , California , Bail , Home , Zorro Bail , New York , 000 , 1000 , Zero , Reaction , Co Host , Fox And Friends , Weekend Pete , Kellyanne Conway , Wall , Something , Build , Congress , Collapseing , Terms , Poll Numbers , Expert , Kamala Harris , Yes , Confidence , Competence , Plan , Part , Careers , Direction , Things , Prices , Fox News , Groups , Derangement System , Family Members , Afghan American , Sid , 10000 , Food Shortages , Winter , Vehicle , Human Rights Abuses , Equipment There , 75000 , Liberals , Facts , Russia , Taiwan , Way , Weapons , Presidents , Blankets , Ukraine , Difference , Independence , Polls , Region , Center , Group , Independents , Z , College , Generation , High School , We Don T Put Trackers On American Citizens , Post Office , Out Of Touch , Elitism , No One , Couple , Accountable , One , Accountability , Board , Podium , Kent , Someone , Representative , Teeth , San Francisco , 2024 , Didn T , Control , Mayor , Care , Press Conference , Left , City , Breed , Eyes , Charge , West Virginia , Voters , Race Theory , Attention , New Jersey , Voting Bill , Phil Murphy , News , Joe Manchin , Ballot Box , Green New Deal , Capitol Hill , 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion Dollars , Ranch Manchin , Plans , Reporters , Knee , Lashing , Heat , Media Mob , Bill , Manchin Doesn T , Everything , Energy , Increase , Joe S , Irs , Taxes , Agents Odditying You , Treatment , Lindsey Graham , Bs , Lie , Child Tax Credit , Energy Sector , Economy , Credit , Won T Vote , Institutions , Deficit , Child Care Provision , 3 Trillion Dollars , 3 Trillion , Government , Child , Childcare , Institution , Child Care Providers , Wages , Inflation Bomb , Isn T Republicans , Question , Gimmicks , Radicals , Chuck Schumer , Signaling , Debt Ceiling , Chagrin , List , Head , Fcc , Fda , Senate , Signature Issue , Cbo , Radical Left , Number , Standard , Programs , Child Tax Credit Go , 10 , 1 6 Trillion , 1 6 Trillion Dollars , 1 , Numbers , Guns , Predictions , God , Putin , Anybody , Foreign Policy , Many , Side , Ambitions , Olympics , Twine , Sanctions , Holocaust , Bomb , Socialism , Path , Rest , Friends , Back , Iran Doesn T , Iranians , Wait A Minute , Isreal , War , Overlapping Talking , Chine Will , Sean , Lines , Military Force , Redlines , Western European , Products , Imports , Hit Job , Trip , Adam Schiff , Texts , Corrupt Liar , Nutrient , Fish Oil , Brand , Heart Health , Mini Pill , Omega 3 , Ocean Fish , Qunol , Ultra Purified , 3 , , Caught Red Handed Doctoring A Mark Meadows , Text Message , Bringing Another Schiff , Washington , Jim Jordan , Text Message Evidence , January 6th Sham Investigation , Election Results , Chief Of Staff , Mike Pence , Lawyer , Message , Instructions , Investigation , Text Messages , Outcome , Sham , Company , Criminal Contempt , Meadows , Contempt , No Confidence Vote , Anyone , Guard , Trump , Police Chief , President , Capitol , Attacks , Requests , Mark Meadows , Summer , Riots , Background , Hundreds , Town , 574 , Policy , Distraction , Failures , Courthouse , Mandates , Begging Opec , American Energy Independence , Supply Chain Disaster , Banks , Borders , Lara Trump , Hate Trump Committee , Reason , Story , Error , Conversations , Fisa Court , Targeting Coveringses , Dads , School Board , Moms , Two , President Trump , Power , Prison , Man , Lust , He Indicts Steve Bannon , 1983 , Capital , Process , Father In Law , Everybody , Liz Cheney , Capitol Police , Times , Person , Bottom , Intention , Others , Security , Voices , Onion , 2016 , Swamp , Game , Accomplishment , Running , Garbage , Sort , Shame , Love , Phone Calls , Family Text Messages , Ass , Scooter Libby , Executive Privilege , Advice , Line , Public , Aspect , We The People , Matter , Nobody , George Washington , 1794 , Hearings , Bunker , Basement , Whistleblower , Documents , Commission , Damage , Dozens , 575 , Cops , Mark Levin , Thoughts , Court Packing Agenda , Injured , Committee , Spending , Court Packing Scheme , 4 , Powers , Court , Separations , Justices , Activists , Book , Books , Selling , Row , New York Times , Liberty , Levin On The Fox News Channel , Congratulations , Achievement , Evidence , Lawyers , License , Hack , Purpose , Doctoring Evidence , Paragraphs , Punctuation , Complaint , Supreme Court Of California , Etices , Member , Slip , Bar , Soviet Union , 2 , Clowns , Individuals , Phone Companies , Pronouncements , Guilt , Emails , Insurrection , Law , Dereliction Of Duty , House Of Representatives , Police , National Guard , Nypd , Insurrection Act , Building , Hypocrite , Storm Troopers , Statues , Duty , Due Process , Rights , There Aren T , None , Hiding , Weapons Of Mass Destruction In Iraq , Issue , Elizabeth Warren And The Supreme Court Of United States , Vote , Hunt , Separation , Attorney General , Fraud , Judges , Jail , Extent , Patriot Act , Adjudicated , Hasn T , Judge , Position , Jerk , Obama , Hell , Thug , Liar , Reelection , He Doesn T Care About Executive Privilege , Ethnicit , Brain , Seats , Senates , Totalarianism , Some , React , Newt Gingrich , Cognitive Nunction Mount , Materials , Abilities , Category , Piece , Night After , Understatement , Cnn , Names , Replacements , Beto O Rourke , Stacey Abrams , Newted Newt , Options , Lead , Reaction A , Lame Duck , Authority , Office , Commander In Chief , Term , System , Historicorian , National Security Purposes , Situation , Commander , Revolutionary War , World Getsdangerous , Ayatollah , Dictator , North Korea , Policies , House , Stuff , Trajectory , Comeback , Issues , Style , Cheering , Somebody , Sentence , Success , Activities , Health , Nominee , Conclusion , Socialist , Setting , Course , Lives , Effect , Everywhere , Happening , Biden Book Stores , Sanctuary , Wish List Event , Lincoln , Evening , Dvr , Episode , Show , Time Flies , Laura Ingraham , Hearts , Come On , Ingraham Angle , Best , Laughs , My Heart , I Don T Know Why , Pitter Patter ,

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