Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

it's time to come to an end. it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement. more aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all of the [bleep] that has destroyed our city. >> martha: very interesting. in moments, former los angeles police chief and new york city and boston police commissioner over the course of his career, bill brat on the that led the broken windows policing in that city. crime in california is becoming a way of life. first to claude yo cowan live in california just knot of san francisco. hi, claudia. >> hi, martha. a change of heart for mayor breed and now looking to refund them and give them more tools for smash and grab robberies. nancy pelosi also weighing in today saying the lawlessness in her home district cannot continue. >> it's not like somebody stealing something because they don't have money. it's about stealing for profit. they have to prove where it came from. it's outrageous. i agree with the mayor. it must be stopped. >> mayor breed announced new measures for criminals that she says is destroying one of the most beautiful cities in the world. >> to be clear, what i'm proposing today and what i will be proposing in the future will make a lot of people uncomfortable. i don't care. at the end of the day, the safety of the people of san francisco is the most important thing to me. we are past the point where what we see is even remotely acceptable. >> among other things, breed says she wants to clean up the tenderloin, an open air drug market and give plus broader access to surveillance cameras in real time. she says while san francisco prides it southwest or tolerance and compassion, it's not a city where anything goes. at least she hopes not anymore. some say her measures won't make much of a difference at all until more criminals are prosecuted. san francisco's district attorney was notably absent at yesterday's press conference, martha. as you know, he faces a recall next summer. back to you. >> martha: that is interesting. let's bring in kirstie alley that says that crime in california is changing the way people live their lights there. she's a human rights activist and host of the i am kirstie alley podcast. great to have you with us again. talk to us about your reaction to what you're hearing now from the san francisco mayor and the reality as you see it in california. >> well, i think the mayor has a lot to account for. what we're seeing in california in a microcosm and what you see in other cities controlled by people like her is that the rule of law in her administration is demonized. and then they come up with these stories about empathy, tolerance. she says san francisco prides itself on tolerance and compassion. tolerance and compassion for whom? there's anarchy here. she's changing her tune because the donors that are giving her this money and people like her to do exactly this are rethinking where they're going to put their dollars. >> martha: you say you've seen this pattern before that your seeing now in other parts of the world where wealthy people just turn to private security. explain what you see there. >> what i see here -- america -- san francisco is now sao paulo. where there's a disconnect, where people think that they can divorce themselves from the rest of reality and things like crime and grime and vagranies not in my neighborhood but somewhere else. so think i can talk about compassion and love and breaking down the infrastructure of law and order. that's what we're seeing here now. two opposing views on how the fight crime. one is that of james mcbride and other people that say that you do need the rule of law. you can't have a way of life without order. you have other groups that have romantic ideas of fighting crime with love and compassion and empathy. on top of that, everything is fashionalized at the moment. it's time for people to be accountable. >> martha: thanks very much. we appreciate you coming in. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> martha: joining me now, former los angeles police chief and new york city commissioner bill bratton. he's a global ceo advisory firm. great to have you with us today, chief. i'm curious what goes through your mind when you listen to the san francisco mayor and she's talking about cracking down on crime, law enforcement. how do you think the police and the police chief respond when they hear this different narrative? >> with some degree of doubt. the situation in san francisco like many other cities around the country, the mayor does not control the crime problem. the district attorneys are more significant in that situation. san francisco, like chicago, like boston, like soon to be in new york, atlanta, everyone of these cities having problems, take a look at the district attorneys. most of them funded by george sorros and his open society. they're undoing 25 years of crime decline in america rapidly, the last two years. we have not seen anything like the crime increases in modern history. thank the d.a. the mayors can talk all they want. if the district attorneys refuse to prosecute, you won't see any changes. >> martha: why arrest, why try when you know the people will be released. we've seen it day after day in new york city. i want to get your thoughts on the white house response and how much you think they could be doing to revise the messaging on this. here's jen psaki talking about what's going on. watch. >> would you consider one of the reasons in the range prosecutors that are cutting people who are accused of many criminal offenses loose too quickly? >> i'm not as i wasn't yesterday going to give an assessment for every motivation or reason for crime in different communities across the country. what i noted that you see in data is that there's been an increase in crime since the start of the pandemic. >> martha: your response to that, sir. >> the pandemic is an influence but largely an excuse being used by the politicians. crime was going up in new york city and new york state before the pandemic and many american cities. ironically it was used by the progressive woke left to accelerate letting people out of prison and making an excuse not to put him in jail because they would be exposed to the bias. they compounded the crime problem with covid. it's a lame excuse quite frankly. >> martha: i want to talk about what's going on in new york, a city that you love. meet the new commissioner. this is eric adams, the mayor of new york city. this is his pick for police commissioner. keisha sewell. she says that she takes violent crime seriously and wants to crack down on it and wants to bring back the clean clothes unit. do you see a shift coming in new york? does this sound good to you? >> more importantly than the crackdown on violent crime, she and mayor adams-elect understand the importance of going after the broken windows crime. the graffiti, the vandalism, homelessness. you have to do both at the same time. that was the success i had in the subway in the 90s, in 1994, the success in l.a. in 2002, the success in new york in 2014. crime and disorder. new york has a mayor, now has a new police commissioner that are joined at the hip understanding that you have to go after cram and disorder. the good news is they're both african american. there's a significant part for crime and disorder problem in america and in many mayor cities. there's a big problem with offenders and victims. the district attorneys refuse to understand that they represent the victim, not the criminals. they flipped it on its head. the good news is new york has a mayor and commissioner focused on what worked in the past. they want a group of district attorneys that is as bad as san francisco and other cities. >> martha: they appear to be joined at the hip and that they have a mission to fight back against violence and to protect all of those victims as you so rightly put it. bill bratton, thanks. good to see you. be will. still ahead on "the story," senator lindsey graham on the number of americans left in afghanistan change said dramatically on what we were told and his work with angelina jolie working on children starving in afghanistan. and breaking news from the fed on inflation and concern for nearly 9 and 10 voters. inflation is a big concern for a lot of voters. according to the recent polling we'll show you next. stay with us. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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>> no. the bottom line is a lot of members of congress, to the compton, myself, so many of us, we're trying to get people out that we knew. i did my reserve duty in afghanistan. i've been working with the state department working to get them out. they couldn't move. they couldn't get to the airport. they were using people as hostages to get leverage against us. so the idea that people decided recently to get out so a lie. they set numbers that were not true. they're doing nothing to deal with thousands of afghans that fought along our side to get them out. i have a green ribbon. senator blumenthal and myself will wear a green ribbon through the holiday season as a reminder of those that we left behind in afghanistan. this was a botched withdrawal. most of the people that came out were not vetted. we left behind the ones that helped out and brought home the people that could rush the gate and get on an airplane. this has been a nightmare. >> martha: there's millions starving. half the population is said to be on the brink of star vision. i know you met with angelina jolie. you've dot a lot of work in this area. you think the department of defense should have a role in helping ordealing with the taliban and trying to get people help and it doesn't end up in taliban parkeds? >> that's the problem. how do you help the people without helping the taliban? the taliban running afghanistan is a nightmare for women a nightmare for religious majorities, particularly shiites. it's a nightmare for the security of the united states. because al-qaeda is flourishing in afghanistan. the taliban are not doing anything to control al-quaida who launched an attack from the us from afghanistan. i'm working with mrs. jolie, a bunch of senators to try to prevent a humanitarian disaster. there's millions that will die of starvation if we don't come up with some plan and count me in for helping the kids. >> martha: we hope you can do that. i want to ask you about build back better before we go. what kind of shape do you think this program is in? is it going to survive? does it have any pulse in your opinion? before i let you answer that, here's dick durbin saying you don't get it about how much it cost. watch. i can read it. lindsey graham is putting out there that the true cost is $4.9 trillion. he's making up numbers says durbin. it's lindsey at his best. he say republicans have preposterous numbers and we know what the call is. >> you want me to reply to dick? i like dick a lot. but that's the lamest number to deal with a number from the cbo that is devastating. you ask me about build back better. it's on life support. it should be dead. it cost $4.9 trillion. that's not lindsey graham saying that. that's the congressional budget office that biden said was the gold standard. it is the gold standard. when you do away with the gimmicks, it costs $4.9 trillion and adds three trillion to the deficit. so they're in a box. if you do away with the gimmicks, the bill cost $5 trillion, $3 trillion to the deficit. if you use the gimmicks, joe manchin won't vote for it. so the cbo score is devastating to build back better. it's the true cost, $5 trillion. the effect on the deficit is $3 trillion and there's in way they can make up $3 trillion without cutting the government or raising taxes. i think it's dead because of the cbo number. >> martha: thanks, senator graham. always great to have you on. >> thank you. >> martha: this is a opinion saying that biden should not run again and he should say hi won't. that's in "the new york times" op-ed page. mercedes schlapp and ari fleischer and juan williams. we'll be right back. >> the president has every intention of running for re-election. veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but think your dream is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. >> i want to tell my republican friends, get ready, pal. you're in for a problem. we have to keep making the case. if we do, i believe we'll win. let me say this again, we're going to win in 2022. >> martha: there you have it. a big applause. president biden predicting big wins for the democrats in 2022 despite tough approval numbers on key issues like the economy and crime. brett stevens made the case today saying "biden should not run again and he should say that he won't." let's bring in our panel. mercedes schlapp, former white house strategic communications director, ari fleischer, the former press secretary and fox news contributor, and juan williams, fox news contributor. ari, what else can he say? you have to. if you're not going to go in front of democrats and say i believe we're going to win, you might as well throw in the towel now, right? >> that's correct. that's why politicians are politicians. they have to say things like that. he sounds like kamala harris sounded two months ago against the virginia gubernatorial election which she predicted a victory there. as far as running, i have a very strong suspicion that 2023-24 will be like 1968. the last time you had a one-term a -- incumbent announce he wasn't going to run. but nobody should think that joe biden is going to run. it's impossible. it would be the kiss of death for the democratic party. he can't announce it yet but there's no chance at 82 in 2024 that he will run again. impossible. >> martha: so with regard to the questions raised in this piece, juan, here's a brett of brett stevens essay here. from public appearance, biden seems incoherent and uneven. is there a question that the president can go the distance? does he raise legitimate points? >> i think not. i think -- i hear this a lot from my friends in the republican party. i think it's a lot of effort to try to demean and somehow make joe biden in to a twit. you know, he's an old man and he can't quite hook a sentence together. >> martha: david axelrod said he was mr. mcgoo in the primaries. it's not -- >> you're right. >> martha: put this poll up. this reveals doubts from noon today, cnn, doubts and reservations about his leadership, 75% say yes in the independent column. go ahead, juan. >> okay. so i think the poll there is about his current standing in terms of leadership. i think what you're getting from the column and others that the question is about his competence. competence is what the spare head of the attack on biden is coming from the right at the moment. they're trying to undermine the thought that he's a competent leader. you can say i disagree with his leadership and it's lacking. the polls show that he's underwater, that most americans disappear of his leadership. but competence is a different issue. what we saw last night, he was a politician saying hey, team, we can win this game. we're behind at the moment but we can win. he pointed out strongly that republicans don't have much of an agenda to talk about in terms of what they have accomplished or plan to do. >> martha: let's get mercedes in here. i think this is not a conversation that is isolated to republicans. you can see that independents have concerns. some of the prior polls go directly to the issue of competence. i think what brett is saying it's okay to have this conversation, to talk about it because it's on people's minds. >> it's not okay if the republicans do it and bring up this issue of confidence but the democrats can. even before the 2020 election, there was a lot of articles coming out, opinion pieces of democrats saying we don't want joe biden to win because these not diverse enough, because he's and old white man. they viewed him as the "safe choice." so this has been going on for some time. what is happening is, let's take out the word competence or incompetence. let's look at what the policies of the joe biden administration have resulted in. you're talking about the handling of inflation, you have 70% disapproval from one poll that i read. handling of crime. very small percentage, 36% of american as agree with how joe biden has handled crime. so it is about the economy. it is about these rising gas prices, food prices that are impacting everyday americans and they're going to blame the leader. they're going to blame joe biden. as ari knows when we're in the white house, you're in the bubble. you think things are going good. it's when you step outside and you travel the country and talk to people. people are hurting. americans are hurting. they are going to blame joe biden and the democrats for the fact that they're out of touch with the needs of the american people. >> martha: we'll see. stick around. thanks very much, guys. president biden meeting with kentucky storm victims as he prepared to address the nation. our panel will stick around and we'll go back to them after this next. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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>> mike tobin, thanks very much for your coverage on the ground where the president is. mercedes schlapp, former white house strategic communication director, ari fleischer, fox news contributor and juan williams, fox news contributor. mercedes, this falls under the duty of the president to arrive and to look at the damage first hand in these moments. what do you see here? >> it's when you see the president become the comforter in chief. families mourning together to get through this very difficult time, this is the spirit of america. it's through tragedy, americans that come together, rise up, they rebuild again. because we're a very strong nation. >> martha: juan, your thoughts. >> this is so devastating and the fact that it comes in the christmas season is more distressing. look at that man's face there. you feel, my gosh, what do you do if that was you or your family, martha? hearts go out. president biden has a knack for showing empathy. i don't think anybody questions that. hopefully the comments he makes, his presence brings some comfort to those people. >> martha: ari? >> president biden is right when he says there's no red tornadoes or blue tornadoes. these trips, what they do when you're the president, it whip saws you from the debates about trillions and billions and all of a sudden you're dealing with the tears of an individual. that is part of the president's job. hopefully his visit brings comfort and healing and hope. >> martha: mercedes, you spoke about the bubble at the white house. this bursts that bubble in a big way. he's going to hear a lot from these individuals on the ground. we've seen him embracing people there, talking to them. what kind of impact does it have on a president when he comes back home after this? >> you know, i can recall and i can speak more specifically on president bush, which i had an honor to work with. with president trump, i can remember when he would come back from these areas of devastation, also when he would meet wounded warriors. it impacted him. he understood that who he was representing, who he was fighting for, why we had to change certain policies, for example. it does have a deep impact on the presidents. it's true. you're working hour after hour after hour whether on policies or going from one meeting to the next with advisers. when you're on the ground, meeting with real possible, it hits home. they want to do whatever they can to help them, to let them know that as a president, that they're there for them, for them to rebuild again. >> martha: ari, quick thought. fema comes in. they have all of these basic needs that folks have. you can see the president hug ago survivor right now, ari. >> the emergency services of the federal government are really done right and well. it's a pretty good administration. they know how to do their job and they're effective at it. what happens when a president returns and is so touched by this. the president turns to his staff, the fema director and other agencies and he says you get them what they need. it's so instantly clear that the president is watching: that's why these visits are important to the president. he carries that weight on his shoulder, brings it back to the white house and so personal. he just put his arm around somebody and saw what they're suffering. he can be the one that stirs that agency that does a good job to begin with to do an even better job. that's the value of those tripses beyond the compassion and the empathy that is part of a president's job. >> martha: thank you, juan, ari and mercedes. good to have you with us. a tough week for these people. our thoughts and prayers. means a lot. you can seed dollars to red cross, united way to help. everything is going towards these folks right now. thank you all very much. all right. so coming up next, when the going gets tough, these folks show up with a hot meal and a smile. they'll tell us how barbecue makes things a little bit better one person at a time next. ♪♪ all the gifts you really, really, really, can't wait to unwrap. ♪♪ joy. fully. ♪♪ veteran homeowners. joy. fully. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> man: what's my safelite story? move, look, and feel better. my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> martha: some folks do more than feel terrible when bad things happen. they show up. competitive barbecue pit masters is one of them. they serve meals for people in tragedies. they have done it a decade and cooked up more than nine million meals. jeremy bruce is here and volunteer ralina calla. great to have both of you with me. jeremy, you're doing good work. great to see you on the scene there. raline, you're volunteering there. tell me your experience. i know you had some relationship with the candle factory. how are you do something. >> doing okay. i'm volunteering -- i live in the city. if it wasn't for operation barbecue relief, i wouldn't be able to deliver meals to people that can't make it out of their homes. so yeah, the candle factory, my daughter worked there. we were down there the first night helping people out, as many as we could. so yeah. >> martha: absolutely brutal, terrible week. jeremy, talk to me act how you come in and what you do to help to the greatest extent you can. >> sure. saturday morning when we woke up, the first thing we did is start making phone calls and rolling trucks. by sunday, we were on site here getting set up. at the same time we were setting up our sight, we got our meals out to those that we could. now we're finally up to production, we have the capacity to do up to 20,000 meals a day if the need is there. you know, we're hoping that we can bring some comfort and holiday cheer to, you know, these families here during this time. it's an awful times to be having a disaster if there's ever a good time for a disaster. >> raline, tell me about the families there especially with christmas around to corner. >> we've had a lot of families that talk to their children and said, what do you want to do? you want presents and donate? 100% of the kid say dad, give the money. donate what we can. the way we look at, there's not christmas in mayfield but people setting up toy drives and stuff at the high school of grace county. we're going to try to do something for the kids, that we can. everybody needs hope going on right now and a little smile. >> martha: so true. jeremy, you do a great job of making people feel better, which is a huge, wonderful thing. you also usually feed first responders, the workers clearing this out, right? >> yeah. >> that's correct. we'll get the meal to anybody that needs a meal. whether you're a victim, a first responder. it doesn't matter. people need to eat. when they're doing the work, whether they're sifting through the rubble or chainsaw ministry or another nonprofit. we all work together and come together and work as one. >> martha: you're doing god's work there, making people feel more comfortable at a time that they need it. operation barbecue is a fantastic organization. raline, thanks for being here. we're throughing about all of you in kentucky and across this area. our best to you and your family. that is "the story" for this wednesday, december 15. we'll cover that story throughout the course of this week and all the news as it breaks. stay tuned. president biden is about to speak in kentucky about the relief effort. we'll take it away here and turnover to "your world" which starts right now. >> neil: martha, thanks very much. president biden is set to speak any moment after touring the devastation in mayfield, kentucky. now visiting dawson springs, kentucky. when the president speaks and he's with andy beshear that will be introducing him, we'll take you to that. on a day that we learned there's 71 known dead in kentucky alone. good news on the unaccounted for front. now around 59 as power was up again, cell service resumes and

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, Sight , Production , Capacity , 20000 , Need , Dad , Donate , Mayfield , High School , Everybody Needs Hope , Toy Drives , Grace County , Responders , First Responder , It Doesn T Matter , Sifting , Nonprofit , Rubble , Chainsaw Ministry , God , Organization , Operation Barbecue , Wednesday December 15 , Turnover , Neil , Relief Effort , Power , Cell Service , Dead , Unaccounted , 71 , 59 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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it's time to come to an end. it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement. more aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all of the [bleep] that has destroyed our city. >> martha: very interesting. in moments, former los angeles police chief and new york city and boston police commissioner over the course of his career, bill brat on the that led the broken windows policing in that city. crime in california is becoming a way of life. first to claude yo cowan live in california just knot of san francisco. hi, claudia. >> hi, martha. a change of heart for mayor breed and now looking to refund them and give them more tools for smash and grab robberies. nancy pelosi also weighing in today saying the lawlessness in her home district cannot continue. >> it's not like somebody stealing something because they don't have money. it's about stealing for profit. they have to prove where it came from. it's outrageous. i agree with the mayor. it must be stopped. >> mayor breed announced new measures for criminals that she says is destroying one of the most beautiful cities in the world. >> to be clear, what i'm proposing today and what i will be proposing in the future will make a lot of people uncomfortable. i don't care. at the end of the day, the safety of the people of san francisco is the most important thing to me. we are past the point where what we see is even remotely acceptable. >> among other things, breed says she wants to clean up the tenderloin, an open air drug market and give plus broader access to surveillance cameras in real time. she says while san francisco prides it southwest or tolerance and compassion, it's not a city where anything goes. at least she hopes not anymore. some say her measures won't make much of a difference at all until more criminals are prosecuted. san francisco's district attorney was notably absent at yesterday's press conference, martha. as you know, he faces a recall next summer. back to you. >> martha: that is interesting. let's bring in kirstie alley that says that crime in california is changing the way people live their lights there. she's a human rights activist and host of the i am kirstie alley podcast. great to have you with us again. talk to us about your reaction to what you're hearing now from the san francisco mayor and the reality as you see it in california. >> well, i think the mayor has a lot to account for. what we're seeing in california in a microcosm and what you see in other cities controlled by people like her is that the rule of law in her administration is demonized. and then they come up with these stories about empathy, tolerance. she says san francisco prides itself on tolerance and compassion. tolerance and compassion for whom? there's anarchy here. she's changing her tune because the donors that are giving her this money and people like her to do exactly this are rethinking where they're going to put their dollars. >> martha: you say you've seen this pattern before that your seeing now in other parts of the world where wealthy people just turn to private security. explain what you see there. >> what i see here -- america -- san francisco is now sao paulo. where there's a disconnect, where people think that they can divorce themselves from the rest of reality and things like crime and grime and vagranies not in my neighborhood but somewhere else. so think i can talk about compassion and love and breaking down the infrastructure of law and order. that's what we're seeing here now. two opposing views on how the fight crime. one is that of james mcbride and other people that say that you do need the rule of law. you can't have a way of life without order. you have other groups that have romantic ideas of fighting crime with love and compassion and empathy. on top of that, everything is fashionalized at the moment. it's time for people to be accountable. >> martha: thanks very much. we appreciate you coming in. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> martha: joining me now, former los angeles police chief and new york city commissioner bill bratton. he's a global ceo advisory firm. great to have you with us today, chief. i'm curious what goes through your mind when you listen to the san francisco mayor and she's talking about cracking down on crime, law enforcement. how do you think the police and the police chief respond when they hear this different narrative? >> with some degree of doubt. the situation in san francisco like many other cities around the country, the mayor does not control the crime problem. the district attorneys are more significant in that situation. san francisco, like chicago, like boston, like soon to be in new york, atlanta, everyone of these cities having problems, take a look at the district attorneys. most of them funded by george sorros and his open society. they're undoing 25 years of crime decline in america rapidly, the last two years. we have not seen anything like the crime increases in modern history. thank the d.a. the mayors can talk all they want. if the district attorneys refuse to prosecute, you won't see any changes. >> martha: why arrest, why try when you know the people will be released. we've seen it day after day in new york city. i want to get your thoughts on the white house response and how much you think they could be doing to revise the messaging on this. here's jen psaki talking about what's going on. watch. >> would you consider one of the reasons in the range prosecutors that are cutting people who are accused of many criminal offenses loose too quickly? >> i'm not as i wasn't yesterday going to give an assessment for every motivation or reason for crime in different communities across the country. what i noted that you see in data is that there's been an increase in crime since the start of the pandemic. >> martha: your response to that, sir. >> the pandemic is an influence but largely an excuse being used by the politicians. crime was going up in new york city and new york state before the pandemic and many american cities. ironically it was used by the progressive woke left to accelerate letting people out of prison and making an excuse not to put him in jail because they would be exposed to the bias. they compounded the crime problem with covid. it's a lame excuse quite frankly. >> martha: i want to talk about what's going on in new york, a city that you love. meet the new commissioner. this is eric adams, the mayor of new york city. this is his pick for police commissioner. keisha sewell. she says that she takes violent crime seriously and wants to crack down on it and wants to bring back the clean clothes unit. do you see a shift coming in new york? does this sound good to you? >> more importantly than the crackdown on violent crime, she and mayor adams-elect understand the importance of going after the broken windows crime. the graffiti, the vandalism, homelessness. you have to do both at the same time. that was the success i had in the subway in the 90s, in 1994, the success in l.a. in 2002, the success in new york in 2014. crime and disorder. new york has a mayor, now has a new police commissioner that are joined at the hip understanding that you have to go after cram and disorder. the good news is they're both african american. there's a significant part for crime and disorder problem in america and in many mayor cities. there's a big problem with offenders and victims. the district attorneys refuse to understand that they represent the victim, not the criminals. they flipped it on its head. the good news is new york has a mayor and commissioner focused on what worked in the past. they want a group of district attorneys that is as bad as san francisco and other cities. >> martha: they appear to be joined at the hip and that they have a mission to fight back against violence and to protect all of those victims as you so rightly put it. bill bratton, thanks. good to see you. be will. still ahead on "the story," senator lindsey graham on the number of americans left in afghanistan change said dramatically on what we were told and his work with angelina jolie working on children starving in afghanistan. and breaking news from the fed on inflation and concern for nearly 9 and 10 voters. inflation is a big concern for a lot of voters. according to the recent polling we'll show you next. stay with us. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. >> martha: so the pentagon is responding to numbers of americans left behind in the u.s. exit from afghanistan in august. president biden said there were 100, maybe 200. a small number that were left behind with the intention to leave. the state department says they have helped close to 500 u.s. citizens leave since then. the white house says that some decided to leave after the evacuation ended. john kirby said this this morning to "america's newsroom." it was a bit of a moving target because as you know, we don't require american citizens to register their presence in afghanistan. most of them are duel nationals. they were struggling with whether to leave or not. more are more are comfortable saying hey, we want to go, too. we don't think it's a bad thing the numbers increased. it's a good thing. >> martha: lindsey graham here with us. welcome. so the way that is being presented is, if you raise your hand and you're in afghanistan and you want to go home, we'll get you home. is it as easy as that for people that want to leave still? >> no. the bottom line is a lot of members of congress, to the compton, myself, so many of us, we're trying to get people out that we knew. i did my reserve duty in afghanistan. i've been working with the state department working to get them out. they couldn't move. they couldn't get to the airport. they were using people as hostages to get leverage against us. so the idea that people decided recently to get out so a lie. they set numbers that were not true. they're doing nothing to deal with thousands of afghans that fought along our side to get them out. i have a green ribbon. senator blumenthal and myself will wear a green ribbon through the holiday season as a reminder of those that we left behind in afghanistan. this was a botched withdrawal. most of the people that came out were not vetted. we left behind the ones that helped out and brought home the people that could rush the gate and get on an airplane. this has been a nightmare. >> martha: there's millions starving. half the population is said to be on the brink of star vision. i know you met with angelina jolie. you've dot a lot of work in this area. you think the department of defense should have a role in helping ordealing with the taliban and trying to get people help and it doesn't end up in taliban parkeds? >> that's the problem. how do you help the people without helping the taliban? the taliban running afghanistan is a nightmare for women a nightmare for religious majorities, particularly shiites. it's a nightmare for the security of the united states. because al-qaeda is flourishing in afghanistan. the taliban are not doing anything to control al-quaida who launched an attack from the us from afghanistan. i'm working with mrs. jolie, a bunch of senators to try to prevent a humanitarian disaster. there's millions that will die of starvation if we don't come up with some plan and count me in for helping the kids. >> martha: we hope you can do that. i want to ask you about build back better before we go. what kind of shape do you think this program is in? is it going to survive? does it have any pulse in your opinion? before i let you answer that, here's dick durbin saying you don't get it about how much it cost. watch. i can read it. lindsey graham is putting out there that the true cost is $4.9 trillion. he's making up numbers says durbin. it's lindsey at his best. he say republicans have preposterous numbers and we know what the call is. >> you want me to reply to dick? i like dick a lot. but that's the lamest number to deal with a number from the cbo that is devastating. you ask me about build back better. it's on life support. it should be dead. it cost $4.9 trillion. that's not lindsey graham saying that. that's the congressional budget office that biden said was the gold standard. it is the gold standard. when you do away with the gimmicks, it costs $4.9 trillion and adds three trillion to the deficit. so they're in a box. if you do away with the gimmicks, the bill cost $5 trillion, $3 trillion to the deficit. if you use the gimmicks, joe manchin won't vote for it. so the cbo score is devastating to build back better. it's the true cost, $5 trillion. the effect on the deficit is $3 trillion and there's in way they can make up $3 trillion without cutting the government or raising taxes. i think it's dead because of the cbo number. >> martha: thanks, senator graham. always great to have you on. >> thank you. >> martha: this is a opinion saying that biden should not run again and he should say hi won't. that's in "the new york times" op-ed page. mercedes schlapp and ari fleischer and juan williams. we'll be right back. >> the president has every intention of running for re-election. veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but think your dream is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. >> i want to tell my republican friends, get ready, pal. you're in for a problem. we have to keep making the case. if we do, i believe we'll win. let me say this again, we're going to win in 2022. >> martha: there you have it. a big applause. president biden predicting big wins for the democrats in 2022 despite tough approval numbers on key issues like the economy and crime. brett stevens made the case today saying "biden should not run again and he should say that he won't." let's bring in our panel. mercedes schlapp, former white house strategic communications director, ari fleischer, the former press secretary and fox news contributor, and juan williams, fox news contributor. ari, what else can he say? you have to. if you're not going to go in front of democrats and say i believe we're going to win, you might as well throw in the towel now, right? >> that's correct. that's why politicians are politicians. they have to say things like that. he sounds like kamala harris sounded two months ago against the virginia gubernatorial election which she predicted a victory there. as far as running, i have a very strong suspicion that 2023-24 will be like 1968. the last time you had a one-term a -- incumbent announce he wasn't going to run. but nobody should think that joe biden is going to run. it's impossible. it would be the kiss of death for the democratic party. he can't announce it yet but there's no chance at 82 in 2024 that he will run again. impossible. >> martha: so with regard to the questions raised in this piece, juan, here's a brett of brett stevens essay here. from public appearance, biden seems incoherent and uneven. is there a question that the president can go the distance? does he raise legitimate points? >> i think not. i think -- i hear this a lot from my friends in the republican party. i think it's a lot of effort to try to demean and somehow make joe biden in to a twit. you know, he's an old man and he can't quite hook a sentence together. >> martha: david axelrod said he was mr. mcgoo in the primaries. it's not -- >> you're right. >> martha: put this poll up. this reveals doubts from noon today, cnn, doubts and reservations about his leadership, 75% say yes in the independent column. go ahead, juan. >> okay. so i think the poll there is about his current standing in terms of leadership. i think what you're getting from the column and others that the question is about his competence. competence is what the spare head of the attack on biden is coming from the right at the moment. they're trying to undermine the thought that he's a competent leader. you can say i disagree with his leadership and it's lacking. the polls show that he's underwater, that most americans disappear of his leadership. but competence is a different issue. what we saw last night, he was a politician saying hey, team, we can win this game. we're behind at the moment but we can win. he pointed out strongly that republicans don't have much of an agenda to talk about in terms of what they have accomplished or plan to do. >> martha: let's get mercedes in here. i think this is not a conversation that is isolated to republicans. you can see that independents have concerns. some of the prior polls go directly to the issue of competence. i think what brett is saying it's okay to have this conversation, to talk about it because it's on people's minds. >> it's not okay if the republicans do it and bring up this issue of confidence but the democrats can. even before the 2020 election, there was a lot of articles coming out, opinion pieces of democrats saying we don't want joe biden to win because these not diverse enough, because he's and old white man. they viewed him as the "safe choice." so this has been going on for some time. what is happening is, let's take out the word competence or incompetence. let's look at what the policies of the joe biden administration have resulted in. you're talking about the handling of inflation, you have 70% disapproval from one poll that i read. handling of crime. very small percentage, 36% of american as agree with how joe biden has handled crime. so it is about the economy. it is about these rising gas prices, food prices that are impacting everyday americans and they're going to blame the leader. they're going to blame joe biden. as ari knows when we're in the white house, you're in the bubble. you think things are going good. it's when you step outside and you travel the country and talk to people. people are hurting. americans are hurting. they are going to blame joe biden and the democrats for the fact that they're out of touch with the needs of the american people. >> martha: we'll see. stick around. thanks very much, guys. president biden meeting with kentucky storm victims as he prepared to address the nation. our panel will stick around and we'll go back to them after this next. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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>> mike tobin, thanks very much for your coverage on the ground where the president is. mercedes schlapp, former white house strategic communication director, ari fleischer, fox news contributor and juan williams, fox news contributor. mercedes, this falls under the duty of the president to arrive and to look at the damage first hand in these moments. what do you see here? >> it's when you see the president become the comforter in chief. families mourning together to get through this very difficult time, this is the spirit of america. it's through tragedy, americans that come together, rise up, they rebuild again. because we're a very strong nation. >> martha: juan, your thoughts. >> this is so devastating and the fact that it comes in the christmas season is more distressing. look at that man's face there. you feel, my gosh, what do you do if that was you or your family, martha? hearts go out. president biden has a knack for showing empathy. i don't think anybody questions that. hopefully the comments he makes, his presence brings some comfort to those people. >> martha: ari? >> president biden is right when he says there's no red tornadoes or blue tornadoes. these trips, what they do when you're the president, it whip saws you from the debates about trillions and billions and all of a sudden you're dealing with the tears of an individual. that is part of the president's job. hopefully his visit brings comfort and healing and hope. >> martha: mercedes, you spoke about the bubble at the white house. this bursts that bubble in a big way. he's going to hear a lot from these individuals on the ground. we've seen him embracing people there, talking to them. what kind of impact does it have on a president when he comes back home after this? >> you know, i can recall and i can speak more specifically on president bush, which i had an honor to work with. with president trump, i can remember when he would come back from these areas of devastation, also when he would meet wounded warriors. it impacted him. he understood that who he was representing, who he was fighting for, why we had to change certain policies, for example. it does have a deep impact on the presidents. it's true. you're working hour after hour after hour whether on policies or going from one meeting to the next with advisers. when you're on the ground, meeting with real possible, it hits home. they want to do whatever they can to help them, to let them know that as a president, that they're there for them, for them to rebuild again. >> martha: ari, quick thought. fema comes in. they have all of these basic needs that folks have. you can see the president hug ago survivor right now, ari. >> the emergency services of the federal government are really done right and well. it's a pretty good administration. they know how to do their job and they're effective at it. what happens when a president returns and is so touched by this. the president turns to his staff, the fema director and other agencies and he says you get them what they need. it's so instantly clear that the president is watching: that's why these visits are important to the president. he carries that weight on his shoulder, brings it back to the white house and so personal. he just put his arm around somebody and saw what they're suffering. he can be the one that stirs that agency that does a good job to begin with to do an even better job. that's the value of those tripses beyond the compassion and the empathy that is part of a president's job. >> martha: thank you, juan, ari and mercedes. good to have you with us. a tough week for these people. our thoughts and prayers. means a lot. you can seed dollars to red cross, united way to help. everything is going towards these folks right now. thank you all very much. all right. so coming up next, when the going gets tough, these folks show up with a hot meal and a smile. they'll tell us how barbecue makes things a little bit better one person at a time next. ♪♪ all the gifts you really, really, really, can't wait to unwrap. ♪♪ joy. fully. ♪♪ veteran homeowners. joy. fully. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> man: what's my safelite story? move, look, and feel better. my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> martha: some folks do more than feel terrible when bad things happen. they show up. competitive barbecue pit masters is one of them. they serve meals for people in tragedies. they have done it a decade and cooked up more than nine million meals. jeremy bruce is here and volunteer ralina calla. great to have both of you with me. jeremy, you're doing good work. great to see you on the scene there. raline, you're volunteering there. tell me your experience. i know you had some relationship with the candle factory. how are you do something. >> doing okay. i'm volunteering -- i live in the city. if it wasn't for operation barbecue relief, i wouldn't be able to deliver meals to people that can't make it out of their homes. so yeah, the candle factory, my daughter worked there. we were down there the first night helping people out, as many as we could. so yeah. >> martha: absolutely brutal, terrible week. jeremy, talk to me act how you come in and what you do to help to the greatest extent you can. >> sure. saturday morning when we woke up, the first thing we did is start making phone calls and rolling trucks. by sunday, we were on site here getting set up. at the same time we were setting up our sight, we got our meals out to those that we could. now we're finally up to production, we have the capacity to do up to 20,000 meals a day if the need is there. you know, we're hoping that we can bring some comfort and holiday cheer to, you know, these families here during this time. it's an awful times to be having a disaster if there's ever a good time for a disaster. >> raline, tell me about the families there especially with christmas around to corner. >> we've had a lot of families that talk to their children and said, what do you want to do? you want presents and donate? 100% of the kid say dad, give the money. donate what we can. the way we look at, there's not christmas in mayfield but people setting up toy drives and stuff at the high school of grace county. we're going to try to do something for the kids, that we can. everybody needs hope going on right now and a little smile. >> martha: so true. jeremy, you do a great job of making people feel better, which is a huge, wonderful thing. you also usually feed first responders, the workers clearing this out, right? >> yeah. >> that's correct. we'll get the meal to anybody that needs a meal. whether you're a victim, a first responder. it doesn't matter. people need to eat. when they're doing the work, whether they're sifting through the rubble or chainsaw ministry or another nonprofit. we all work together and come together and work as one. >> martha: you're doing god's work there, making people feel more comfortable at a time that they need it. operation barbecue is a fantastic organization. raline, thanks for being here. we're throughing about all of you in kentucky and across this area. our best to you and your family. that is "the story" for this wednesday, december 15. we'll cover that story throughout the course of this week and all the news as it breaks. stay tuned. president biden is about to speak in kentucky about the relief effort. we'll take it away here and turnover to "your world" which starts right now. >> neil: martha, thanks very much. president biden is set to speak any moment after touring the devastation in mayfield, kentucky. now visiting dawson springs, kentucky. when the president speaks and he's with andy beshear that will be introducing him, we'll take you to that. on a day that we learned there's 71 known dead in kentucky alone. good news on the unaccounted for front. now around 59 as power was up again, cell service resumes and

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Martha Maccallum , Story , Martha , New York , Country , Police , Safety , Effort , Terms , Efforts , Politically , City , Mayor , Criminals , San Francisco , It S Time , Tune , Breeze , Reign , London , Changes , Policies , Wall , Law Enforcement , End , Steps , Bleep , Police Commissioner , Los Angeles Police Chief , Course , Career , Bill Brat , Boston , Violent Crime , Way , Life , California , Hi , Windows , Claudia , Claude Yo Cowan , Breed , Home District , Nancy Pelosi , Robberies , Lawlessness , A Change Of Heart , Tools , Smash And Grab , Money , Somebody Stealing Something , Profit , Cities , Measures , One , People , Lot , World , Don T Care , Thing , Point , Tolerance , Things , Tenderloin , Open Air Drug Market , Access , Surveillance Cameras , Haven T , Anything , Compassion , Some , Least , Difference , District Attorney , Kirstie Alley , Recall , Yesterday S Press Conference , U S , Reaction , Host , Lights , Podcast , Human Rights Activist , Reality , Microcosm , Empathy , Administration , Stories , Rule Of Law , Anarchy , Seeing , Rethinking , Parts , Dollars , Donors , Pattern , Security , Sao Paulo , Disconnect , Somewhere , Neighborhood , Vagranies , Grime , Rest , Love , Fight Crime , Law And Order , Infrastructure , Views , James Mcbride , Two , Groups , Fighting Crime , Order , Ideas , Thanks , Everything , Fashionalized , Top , Bill Bratton , Chief , Global Ceo Advisory Firm , Mind , Police Chief , Narrative , District Attorneys , Crime Problem , Situation , Doubt , Degree , Most , Everyone , George Sorros , Problems , Look , Chicago , Atlanta , Society , Crime Decline , 25 , Mayors , Arrest , D A , White House , Thoughts , Response , Jen Psaki , Messaging , Watch , Reasons , Prosecutors , What S Going On , Offenses , Wasn T , Pandemic , Communities , Start , Increase , Reason , Motivation , Data , Assessment , Politicians , Excuse , Influence , State , Sir , Progressive , Prison , Jail , Bias , Covid , Eric Adams , Commissioner , Keisha Sewell , Crime , Pick , Unit , Clothes , Homelessness , Windows Crime , Elect , Shift , Sound , Importance , Crackdown , Vandalism , Both , Success , Subway , L A , 2014 , 1994 , 2002 , 90 , Part , News , Disorder , African American , Hip Understanding , Cram , Problem , Victims , Disorder Problem , Offenders , Head , Victim , It , Group , Violence , Hip , Mission , Number , Lindsey Graham , The Story , Afghanistan Change , Inflation , Work Together And Come , Concern , Fed , Voters , Breaking News , Angelina Jolie Working On Children Starving In Afghanistan , 9 , 10 , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , Polling , Stay , 2 , Weight , Game , Oh , Cv Risk , Risk , Adults , Events , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Death , Stroke , 12 , 7 , Don T , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Pens , Share , Reuse , 1 , Side Effects , Help , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Swelling , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Home , Homeowners , Cash , Prescription , Smart Move , Newday 100 Va Loan , Equity , 100 , 3 , 5 , More , Veteran , Veterans , Rates , Values , Home Equity , Lows , Highs , Calling Newday , 0000 , 60000 , Value , Amount , Advantage , Bank , Pool , Pace , Grandkids , Kitchen , Serum , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , Times , Skin , Network , Holiday Season , Phone , Saw , Vo , 4 , 92 , 16 , 5g , Row , Customer Satisfaction , Round , Power Better , Small Business , J D , Verizon , 27 , Bill , Angie , Mom , Lou , Internet , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , 400 , 00 , Cost , Store , Switch Squad , Savings , Smart Kid , Moon Christmas Special , Go , Gotta , Government , 72 , Moves , Series , Ways , Fact , Economy , Chart , Sandra Smith , Shacker , Inflation Problem , Market Standpoint , Jay Powell , Wasn T Enough , Idea , Larry Kudlow , Points , Writing , Ease Money Environment , Wall Street Journal , 231 , Families , Price , Environment , Delay , Penn Wharton Budget Model , Income , Hard Working American Families In America , Poor , You Doug , Household , 2021 , 3500 , 500 , Polls , Kind , Level , Consumption , 69 , Joe Biden , Numbers , President , Handling , 57 , Disapprove , Recovery , Pocket Books , 57 , Strange , Strategy , Polling Dating , Priority , No Doubt , Fox , Voter , Fox News Polling , 83 , Meat Conglomerates , Panic , Fault , Fed Chair , Gears , Prices , Chicken , Gas , Pork , Deflection , Works , Grocery Store , Companies , Energy Prices , Didn T , Pump , It Doesn T Change , Conversation , Costs , Payroll , Elon Musk , Ethan Crumbley , Courtroom , Parents , I Love You , Oxford High School , Tears , Jennifer , Time , Each Other , Manslaughter , Plexiglass , Four , Work , Case , Angelina Jolie , Regards , Activities , Evidence , February 8 , 8 , Children , Millions , Starvation , Taliban , Afghanistan , Crisis , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Doug , Limu Emu , Pay , Theaters , Gasps , Spider Man , Something , Cosentyx , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Walking , December 17th First Psoriasis , 17 , December 17th , Infections , Doctor , Reactions , Infection , Tuberculosis , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Ability , Crohn S Disease , Man , Experts , Service , Windshield , Girl , Singers , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Breath , Target , Therabreath , Capful , Mouthwash , Is Joe , Combative Yelling , Gong Rings , Walmart , Stores , Pentagon , State Department , Intention , Exit , 200 , Bit , Citizens , Evacuation , America S Newsroom , John Kirby , Presence , Nationals , Whether , Hand , Bottom Line , Members , Congress , Many , Reserve Duty , Compton , Leverage , Airport , Hostages , They Couldn T Move , Afghans , Thousands , Lie , Side , Nothing , Ribbon , Reminder , Withdrawal , Senator Blumenthal , Nightmare , Ones , Airplane , Gate , Population , Half , Area , Role , Ordealing , Dot A Lot , Brink , Star Vision , Department Of Defense , Running Afghanistan , Doesn T , Women , Taliban Parkeds , Shiites , Majorities , Al Qaeda , Disaster , Attack , Senators , Mrs , Bunch , Who , Kids , Program , Plan , Shape , Opinion , It Cost , Pulse , Dick Durbin , Republicans , Durbin , Best , 9 Trillion , 4 9 Trillion , Cbo , Call , Lamest , Gimmicks , Gold Standard , Life Support , Deficit , Box , Three , 3 Trillion , Trillion , 5 Trillion , Effect , Score , Won T Vote , Joe Manchin , Senator , Taxes , Ari Fleischer , Mercedes Schlapp , Won T , The New York Times , Op Ed Page , Running , Juan Williams , Re Election , Reach , Dream , Newday100 Va Loan , Va Home Loan Benefit , Payments , Average , No One , 615 , 15 , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Newday Usa , Joint Pain , Friends , Artists , Players , Designers , Do It Yourselfers , Damage , Enbrel , Clearer , True Self , Blood Disorders , Have , Cancers , Lymphoma , Nervous System , Sores , Hepatitis B , Cuts , Bleeding , Heart Failure , Bruising , Paleness , Flu , Fever , Patients , Visit Enbrel Com , Pal , Get Ready , , Democrats , Again , Applause , Wins , Biden Predicting , 2022 , 2022 Martha , Panel , Approval Numbers , Issues , Strategic Communications Director , Here S A Brett Of Stevens , Contributor , Front , Press Secretary , Kamala Harris , Towel , Win , Virginia , Gubernatorial Election , Incumbent , Victory , Suspicion , A , 2023 , 1968 , 24 , Kiss Of Death , Nobody , Chance , Questions , Impossible , 2024 , 82 , Juan , Piece , Essay , Public Appearance , Question , Distance , Twit , Sentence , David Axelrod , Poll , Doubts , Mr , Primaries , Noon Today , Mcgoo , Cnn , Leadership , Column , Standing , Reservations , 75 , Competence , Others , Leader , Thought , Issue , Politician , Team , Mercedes , Agenda , Independents , Concerns , Minds , Election , Confidence , Articles , Opinion Pieces , 2020 , Happening , Enough , Choice , Word , Disapproval , Incompetence , Percentage , 70 , Gas Prices , Food Prices , 36 , Bubble , Ari , Meeting , Needs , Touch , Kentucky Storm Victims , Guys , Nation , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Retirement , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Screen , Coventry , Scene , Cant , Insurance , Andy Beshear , Tornadoes , Storm Damage , Homes , Dawson Springs , History , Tornado , Businesses , Neighborhoods , Pools , Debris , Mike Toby , Kentucky , Belongings , Equipment , Destruction , People Sifting , Eye , Chainsaws , Red Tornadoes , Comments , States , Red States , Kentuckians , Fort Campbell , Stuff , Richard Meezer , Experience , Friend , Town , Family Town , Vietnam , Storm , Aftermath , Estimate , 13 , Ground , Houses , Coverage , Mike Tobin , Communication Director , Duty , Falls , Comforter , Tragedy , Spirit Of America , Rise Up , Hearts , Season , Face , Gosh , Anybody , Comfort , Knack , Billions , Trips , Individual , Trillions , Debates , It Whip Saws , Job , Visit , Healing , Hope , Impact , Individuals , Devastation , Areas , Honor , President Bush , Fighting , Warriors , Example , Presidents , Advisers , Folks , Fema , Hug Ago Survivor , Emergency Services , Director , Agencies , Returns , Somebody , Visits , Shoulder , Arm , Agency , Tripses , Suffering , United Way , Prayers , Red Cross , Meal , Smile , Gifts , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Banks , Joy , Refi , Line , Newday , Lenders , 2 25 , Rate , Mortgage Payments , Pocket , Apr , Lock , Newday Two , 2 48 , Psoriasis , Hurt , Joints , Hiding , Feeling Good , Woooo , Pain , Back Pain , Joint Swelling , Tenderness , Stop , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Move , Meals , Barbecue Pit Masters , Tragedies , Jeremy Bruce , Volunteer Ralina Calla , Nine Million , Relationship , Candle Factory , Raline , Wasn T For Operation Barbecue Relief , Wouldn T , Daughter , Night , Talk To Me , Phone Calls , Extent , Trucks , Site , Sight , Production , Capacity , 20000 , Need , Dad , Donate , Mayfield , High School , Everybody Needs Hope , Toy Drives , Grace County , Responders , First Responder , It Doesn T Matter , Sifting , Nonprofit , Rubble , Chainsaw Ministry , God , Organization , Operation Barbecue , Wednesday December 15 , Turnover , Neil , Relief Effort , Power , Cell Service , Dead , Unaccounted , 71 , 59 ,

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