Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

-- the vice precedent missing on the southern border. >> dana: president biden asked harris to take the lead on immigration in march. she went to guatemala in june. according to the country's president it has been radio silence ever since. peter doocy asked jen psaki about it yesterday. >> is vice president harris still in charge of addressing the root causes of migration from el salvador, honduras and guatemala? >> she is. she is announcing a commitment this afternoon. >> why hasn't she spoken to the president of guatemala since june, six months? >> i did see this strange report from the president of guatemala saying that he has had no contact with the white house, which is inaccurate. >> he said vice president harris he has not spoken to her. if sthe is in charge, why is that? >> we have had a range of conversations, peter, as reflected in our read-out we put out last week. >> bill: that was yesterday. last week the new poll from abc news showing that nearly 2/3 of americans disapprove of the president on immigration. this as we await last month's border arrest numbers expected to show a crisis not getting any better as of today, dana. >> dana: let's go to bill in eagle pass, texas. >> good morning to you. we all remember back in the spring the administration was saying it is seasonal. extreme progress was being made. middle of december and the situation on the ground hasn't changed at all. crews all over the place. we'll show you what we're talking about pulling up the live drone. this is right now down in the rio grande valley in la joya, texas, you can pull up this video from an hour ago, 50 of them came through, something we see every single day down there. dhs source telling me since october 1 in the rio grande valley 112,000 migrants have been encountered down there. up 163% compared to the same time last year and dhs sores tells me there are 10,000 known gotaways just in october and our sector alone. here in del rio sector. last night embedded with texas dps to the early morning hours working the private ranchs in kinney county. dense, brushy land. what are they doing? looking for runners, illegal immigrants who cross in the middle of the night wearing camo or black and not turning themselves in. they don't want to be caught. texas dps the only ones working these areas. no border patrol agents out there. they don't have the manpower. they are finding single adult men arresting and jailing them for criminal trespass. 10,000 arrests since march alone. right where we're standing yesterday afternoon in eagle pass, texas. once again we have seen this many times this year. a group of migrants swim across the rio grande in front of us and right in front of border patrol at all. this group largely from nicaragua and one from nigeria. more than 70,000 apprehensions since october 1. del rio sectors up 235% compared to the same time period last year and they have been coming in from countries all over the world. recent countries include uzbekistan, syria and lebanon. last thing to show you look at these photos. out of the rio grande valley sector border patrol making multiple human smuggling arrest busts in the last couple of days. migrants crammed in the back of pickup trucks and covered with mats or flywood. very dangerous with the human smuggling situations. we saw it with the horrible crash in mexico that left 54 migrants dead and this weekend in texas a local texas mother and daughter killed when their vehicle was slammed into by a suspected human smuggler fleeing law enforcement. back live it is not just texas where it's going on. air agetting hit hard as well. yuma had to declare a local emergency with more than 5,000 migrants come through the city in a matter of days. some videos showed up of migrants walking through city streets going into the mcdonalds. the sector chief reporting last weekend alone more than 2600 immigrants from 30 countries all around the world. bottom line, guys, here we are in december and not seasonal. we'll send it back to you. >> dana: it is not. thank you. >> bill: not transitory, either. another alert now. president biden burning up the phone lines with senator joe manchin. the two speaking twice in the past week as the weekend tries to put the squeeze on and sell this big spending bill before christmas. but the senator from west virginia is still keeping his cards close. >> different iterations, that's all. >> what did the president say? >> senator. >> anything is possible here. >> are you still engaged in these negotiations? you're still continuing to talk? >> he says he is engaged. karl rove is as well. good morning, sir, nice to see you. is that fog in austin, texas? >> it's fog behind me, man, a spooky fog. >> bill: it will be lifting soon. i don't know what changed in a week. a week emergency manchin said you are giving me 10 years of programs and paying for it with three years of revenue which clearly doesn't add up. has anything changed in a week, karl? >> no, it hasn't. when is the white house going to waken to what is driving joe manchin's concern about this. i have a billboard to greet you today. the public debt of the united states in january of 2020 before the coronavirus was $22.7 trillion. the total debt. the debt held by individuals and the debt that the government owes other parts of the government. by february of 2001 after joe biden comes into office it's $27.8 trillion. we passed all of these $3 trillion bill in march and several, $100 billion in two different bills, passed another trillion dollar bill in december. biden comes in and has 27.8. since then at the beginning of this month it's 28.9. so in just over a year -- less than two years we have' added 6.2 trillion to the national debt. a 27% increase. now we're talking about as of friday we now know that the cost of the build back better bill could be as much as $3.3 trillion if you take out all the gimmicks. that's what joe manchin is concerned about. joe biden doesn't seem to understand that. >> dana: so does this sound bite from vice president harris hold up? >> the house passed our build back better act just before thanksgiving and the president and i are confident that the senate will soon do the same. this bill is fully paid for and will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. >> dana: the congressional budget office score says if items were permanent which is what they want over 10 years it would add $3 trillion cost nearly $5 trillion. this is called a fake cbo score by the white house. >> originally they called cbo scores the gold standard. it is either a joke or gold standard. i don't know which one. you are right. 10 years of revenue. they collect revenue for 10 jeers and she is wrong. a bunch of it will come from people who make less than $400,000 a year. it pays for three programs and one year of those programs. for one program it pays for two years. for nine programs it pays for three years out of the 10 years. for one program 4 years, one program five years of spending and two programs quote various years end quote which is my favorite. pick a year, pick a couple of years. so yeah, look, name me one democrat. we'll only have the child tax credit for one year? nobody has said yeah, we want the child tax credit for one year. same with the rest of these programs. manchin understands it's a gimmick and trying to hide the true cost of what it will cost and he is not going for it. >> bill: yet. we'll see if it holds. quickly, karl, jen psaki yesterday said the cbo score announced on friday afternoon is a fake number. based on a fake bill. what do you make of that? doesn't the cbo score put in front of it? >> well, what the cbo was asked was what if all of these programs contained in the bbb are spread over 10 years, not merely the phony one year, five years, three years, so forth. they were asked a straight forward question. if she thinks it's fake let her declare on behalf of the white house it is the intent of president biden that none of these programs be extended for any year beyond that in the draft of the bill. if the white house says that i will believe them. otherwise the cbo said the right thing. >> dana: fair. >> bill: we'll turn off the fog machine in austin. you were thinking clearly today. >> dana: nice to see you. give me a dana board next time. i'm feeling left out. >> it's coming. you interview me it's a dana bill. bill interviews me it's a billboard. >> dana: consumer prices are up 9.6% from a year ago. that's the biggest increase in more than a decade and so it is not transitory or temporary and it is actually having a real impact. it is not just a high-class problem by any means. >> bill: if you are producing a good, service or anything you are paying 10% higher than you were a year ago. that sticks for a long tie. >> dana: any wage gains are not keeping up with that. that's why you see the president's numbers the way they are. the fed meeting tomorrow in which hopefully they will try to start to take some action and communicate it carefully so the markets can handle it well. also turning back to that deadly tornado outbreak over the weekend the search for survivors continues this morning in hard hit kentucky where officials warn thousands could be without heat, water, or electricity for weeks. as the state recovers from one of the most destructive and costly tornado events in its history. meteorologist is live in mayfield, kentucky. what's the scene this morning? >> certainly they are making a lot of progress. you look at the scene behind me. this home will have to be fully torn down and you see all of the cinder blocks here. just a quick reminder i even have been here for four days and kind of forgotten. we're 11 days out from christmas and here is somebody's christmas ornament from 2018 that i found on the ground. gives you a sense this christmas for so many people here will be very hard. you get the sense here of what's going on. this is the building destruction. there is the human lives that have been impacted from losing all their belongings and the fatalities we've seen. last night the governor of kentucky spoke. take a listen to what he had to say and how this is all impacting him emotionally. >> we are now up to 74 people that we have lost. the age range is 5 months to 86 years. >> you get a sense here after a few days pass in a storm like this the adrenalin wears off and exhaustion starts to set in and you get a sense of the human tolls here. this right here is actually a 2-month-old baby now that they've confirmed died. strapped into a car seat for protection and the baby in the car seat flew. the baby passed yesterday morning. you can get a sense here in mayfield there is a lot of work going on. you see a lot of trucks out here picking up debris and dana, just if you look right here standing on this corner that had all kinds of debris but now a few days in you know the excavators and bulldozers are coming in here pushing all this stuff into piles. then they can come and clean this out. they have to clean it out before you get a sense of what to do next. no electricity, no water. the water tower in town was blown over. all the water gone and the infrastructure. this tornado cut through the downtown area. so all of the infrastructure damage and it is one of the things to make it a lot longer process in mayfield. >> dana: incredible reporting. devastating. when i saw that little baby yesterday to know she had survived gave us hope. we're so sorry for the losses of that baby and all of the others. 88 people now, i believe. >> bill: up to 88. thought 100. hopefully we stay below. i thought yesterday, dana, around 2:00 in the afternoon as we look at live pictures here some of the aerials from the drones. these drone cameras started lifting off the ground in mayfield. you could just -- the devastation, it is hard to relay that to people when you say everything is just destroyed. it is in pieces and trees that have been standing for a hundred years are no longer. and homes that were on their foundation are literally blown away. >> dana: the president yesterday in the oval offices is concerned about the mental health of people through this. we'll bring you the coverage tomorrow. >> for the people in kentucky, illinois, arkansas, tennessee we're not forgetting about you. another alert now. the surge of smash and grab robberies. how the thieves are organizing these. it will be no shocker. we'll give the answer in a moment and why police are getting more frustrated with a lack of consequences. true on that. plus this. >> we believe about 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan with some intention to leave. >> dana: turns out that estimate from president biden was not even close. the state department revealed about the real number of americans left behind in afghanistan. >> bill: for every task there is a a mask. blue states bringing in indoor mandates. schools and businesses and you and your family and just about everyone else, what it means. like a bigger kitchen, a swimming pool for the grandkids, or a backyard deck. your va home loan benefit and the newday 100 va loan make it possible. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value you can take out up to $60,000 or more. with home values at all time highs, now's the time to call. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. ask about ubrelvy. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> dana: state department is now admitting more than 900 american citizens have been evacuated from afghanistan since the united states chaotic withdrawal at the end of august. the figure is a big leap from the 100 to 200 americans president biden said were left behind. state department correspondent benjamin hall is live in washington with details on this update. hi, benjamin. >> first of all the administration and state department have gone silent on afghanistan for the last couple months. in the past they've moved on and it low longer exists. that's not true. the humanitarian and security situation is crumbling and continues to be americans and siv holders trying to get to the u.s. the state department is saying the numbers they gave us last year -- back in august and september at the height of the evacuation were not true. in fact, they were around potentially up to nine times more americans trying to flee the country than previously thought. >> president biden: we believe 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan. with some intention to leave. >> are you committed to making sure the troops stay until every american who wants to be out? >> president biden: yes. >> that's what we were told. troops were will stay until they all get out. according to the state department at least 900 american citizens and lawful residents were abandoned who have since gotten out and more than three months later at least 12 remain who want to escape. the state has said it is in touch with the remaining u.s. citizens who want to leave. no mention of how many afghan allies also remain in danger who want to leave. we're hearing that 82,000 afghans were evacuated from the country in august and september brought to the u.s. also only 30,000 were eligible for siv holders, 40%. shining a light on how poor the vengt process was at the time. >> dana: we appreciate it. bill we're in touch with many people continuing to work on this both members of congress as well as people working outside, veterans groups. congressman michael walz has been tireless and wanting to make sure these interpreters, the siv holders are able to come here. it seems like there is a huge problem at the state department of getting the paperwork done and super unfortunate. many people have been denied their ability to come here. it's not right. and there is a lot more we could do. they are sitting ducks there as the taliban goes to their house every day and look for them and they hide. >> bill: you could have started this process a year ago before august. >> dana: of course. >> bill: and it didn't happen. to this report now saying dozens of u.s. universities have ties with the chinese communist party. that support beijing defense industries including the country's nuclear program. the reason they have ties is because they have ties previously established with chinese universities. dan hoffman is a former c.i.a. station chief and fox news contributor. with me now. the world has changed. by the way, the policy is entirely legal but the world has changed. would you submit that it is time to revisit this policy, dan? >> i would for sure. this is just more evidence of the extent to which china is flooding the zone conducting massive multi-faceted espionage against the united states of america. china knows our already burdened resources are stretched thin dealing with their other espionage, the thousand talents program and collaboration between our universities and chinese universities and i would just emphasize that president xi draw no december tintion between academia and the government of chinese come you nift party and chinese business. they're using business and academics to serve their interests. >> bill: great points. we'll see how the universities react in kind. the interpretation of that xi's intent has been made public for all of us to see. he is not hiding behind the red curtain in beijing at the moment. countries willing to diplomatically boycott the games, united states is one of them. joined by the u.k. canada, australia, lithuania. we'll see if the list grows longer. a canadian from the ioc says it was okay to give china the games. they are fully capable of doing that. i don't think anyone who make the argument they aren't capable. the athletes will not be able to protest during the sporting event or during the medal ceremonies. we'll see whether or not that sticks with some. they can, however, raise disagreements during press conferences. now, what would be your expectation for how that is going to go over in early february? >> i just don't know that certainly i don't think athletes will be raising anything in press conferences. i find the whole thing a bit grotesque giving china the opportunity to look at soft power propaganda with the olympic games like russia did in sochi. i wish we hadn't boycotted the games. let our diplomats speak up and expose the human rights abuses on the ground in china. i think we missed an opportunity. i know it sounds counterintuitive but i wish we would take it to the diplomacy of our own. >> bill: you didn't get your wish but i think the world will be watching to see how the athletes react and i -- some of them will speak out. maybe they are americans, maybe they are from other countries around the world. it will be an interesting dance. dan hoffman with us today. >> dana: this also. we have the live pictures here in mayfield, kentucky where the devastation is terrible. cleanup and recovery underway in several states after friday's tornado out break and also from arkansas. president biden's supreme court commission sending its report back to the white house without reaching a decision on some of the most controversial issues like term limits or court packing. two members of the commission join us in just a few minutes. right, girl? 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good morning. >> hi, bill, good morning. i want to give you some perspective for what kind of damage this area saw. we've got some drone video that we shot while we were out here covering that damage yesterday. you can really see just absolute devastation in this city. this is actually where the tornado that tracked into tennessee originated. we talked to holly stevens. she, her husband, her son and their dog actually took shelter in their home during this storm. here is what she had to say. >> it was just a shock to see your home in such -- i can't describe it, you know, i just can't describe it. our community has come together in such a way that a lot of people don't think happens but it does and i'm so thankful for small town community that comes together. >> she is talking about that community coming together. this is the brain center of that. we're here at this volunteer staging area and look at all of these people and all these donations. they put out an all-call on facebook and other social media platforms to get as much help as they could. i asked them what other products and resources do you need. they have food, clothes, toiletrys. they said they have it all. they put out an all-call and within 30 minutes of them saying hey, we need toiletrys and toothpaste somebody delivers it. a community response in a city with only 6,000 people. we also talked to the mayor here. she says focusing on community response and getting help to people is a priority and you can see that very evident here today as all these people work to bring everything to those that lost really all that they have. just quickly here focusing on the christmas holiday less than two weeks away they are taking christmas donations until 5:00. they say ages from baby to 18 they need those christmas gifts to get in the spirit after absolute devastation over the weekend. >> bill: amazing stuff. hunter. we were really stunned by a comment that one of the victims in kentucky said yesterday. she said i want to go home but i've got no home to go to. i know you've been talking to a lot of people down there. it has to hit especially hard when you think christmas is two weeks away or less. >> yeah. these areas are zero. they are ground zero and when you talk about what's the worst type of damage you can see? for these people it is the worst. they lost absolutely everything just two weeks before christmas making it even harder than it would normally be. >> bill: great to have you down there. >> dana: great job, hunter. >> bill: well done down there. >> dana: thank you so much. good luck to everybody down there. amid the search and rescue efforts virginia based aid organization mercy chef is providing hot meals to victims and first responders in mayfield, kentucky. the founder and ceo gary leblac joins us now. how does this situation compare to other disasters where you have parachuted in to help? >> we've seen so many things over our 15 years. oklahoma, joplin. this is one of the worst tornadoes we've seen. the length of the storm and the utter devastation that we're seeing here in mayfield and the surrounding communities is just pun speakable. i just don't have words. >> dana: tell me about the scope of need and how long you think you'll need to be there to help? >> we're feeding victims, volunteers and first responders. we're feeding the search and rescue teams at the candle factory searching there. we'll stay as long as it takes to bring this community to some semblance of normalcy. >> dana: how do you get what you need there? how do you figure that out? the devastation is so complete i just have curious on the logistics. >> the logistics are always a nightmare for us. we have chefs from all over the country that are here. we've had to bring in our supplies and groceries from out of state. we have our own supply chain running. you get to be a chef and trucking company as well. >> dana: has any one's story that stood out in the last couple of days? >> there are so many. we have somebody delivering meals door-to-door and they handed a lady and meal and she opened it and said this is beautiful. it is hot and she just began to weep. they relayed that story to us that volunteer started to cry. we also had a gentleman in a senior care facility heard we were serving hot meals and he got on his motorized wheelchair and scootered up the road almost a mile to get to us. we're now serving that senior facility taking meals right to them. so it is so rewarding to be able to share a meal with someone that's just lost everything. >> dana: what you do is incredibly important thing. if people want to support you or volunteer what's the best way for them to find out how to do that? >> mercy our website has links for people to find out what we're doing and how they can help and how they can sign up to volunteer. so if they'll go to mercy we'll be able to get them all the information. >> dana: you are a bright light and we thank you so much for all you do. we'll stay in touch as well. >> bill: good stuff. >> dana: people really come through. >> bill: you were talking during the commercial i love your attitude down there. >> dana: such a privilege to be here and i thought what an awesome attitude and a great role model for a lot of people. >> bill: you mentioned mercy so many americans are helping it is extraordinary. bottom of your screen there you see the red cross's website and the telephone number doing a lot of great work for arkansas, ten syracuse illinois, kentucky, all six states down there. in a moment more states imposing indoor mask mandates. is your state one of them? >> dana: boo. >> bill: that move is getting ridiculed by dana perino and other media outlets. the smash and grab robberies. are they part of the cost of doing business? wow, retailers say they're fed up and demanding action on this coming up. >> if you think oh my god, you just lost everything, what you worked for, you know, i've been in business almost eight years and this is the second time this occurred. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. earn about covid-19, move, look, and feel better. the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> dana: california is now following a growing number of states bringing back mask mandates. governor gavin newsom announced the mandate set to take effect on wednesday and apply to everyone regardless of vaccination status. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles. two steps forward, three steps back in this situation. >> now california is sounding the alarm reimposing if statewide mask mandate for indoor public places gyms and restaurants regardless of your vaccine status. and it will require proof of a vaccine or negative test within 24 hours for any large gathering. football, basketball, concerts, rose bowl. it won't apply to shopping malls, restaurants or bars though people will be shoulder to shoulder in those areas as well. some experts say it is inconsistent, overkill, unnecessary and unenforceable. the mandate takes effect at midnight tonight nor 30 days. california has been down the road before. some argue compulsion sorry measures masks, social distancing, lock down, capacity limits have little or no impact on transmission or otherwise we wouldn't be here. a study shows that orange county, which does not have a mask mandate currently, has fewer cases and nearly identical hospitalization rates as l.a. county which currently does have a mandate. still state officials believe these new rules will avoid another holiday or winter surge. many bay area counties lifted their mask mandate after seeing falling case rates and higher vaccine rates. now, however, all counties science driven directives will be overridden by the state mandate. usually tv friendly governor newsom did not make any announcement. florida's governor desantis said the sunshine state will not go down the california road. >> i think we've learned you give these people an inch they will never let go. they will take a mile, they are going to restrict. they are going to mandate. they are going to lock you down and we cannot accept that. >> so this is huge. with the holiday coming the rose bowl, people from ohio, utah, north carolina, holiday bowl they are in for a rude awakening. i went from hawaii to arizona. it is like night and day. people better be prepared when they get here. back to you. >> dana: they've been warned. >> bill: businesses once again left scrambling to adjust to the changes. "new york post" sums it up this way. face it, this is ridiculous. want to bring in mickey king, owner of antun's catering hall in queens, new york. good morning to you. what are you telling the people who work for you? what are you telling the people who come into your shop? what's going on? >> it really is like we're going backwards. and the staff is frustrated, guests are frustrated. some of the guests are freaking out. some are saying we'll do whatever to make sure you don't get in trouble and some are just we're not following the rules. for us -- >> bill: what are your options now, mickey? >> we are going to ask people politely to comply but, of course, i can't force anyone to do anything. i'm not a police officer. i own a lovely catering hall in queens that my parents owned before me and i'm not fighting with my guests. they don't want to comply with the rules, i can't make them do anything. we ask politely and go on with our day. >> bill: did you hear the mayor over the weekend? he was on "fox news sunday" with chris wallace and he said the reason why they are going back to the mandates is because it helps. here is him making the case. >> all new yorkers, 71% fully vaccinated. we're leading the country. and that's because we used incentives and mandates and every single mandate we put in place has greatly increased the number of people vaccinated. since the first mandates in august we've had a million more doses. that's why the city is open and thriving. >> he is making the case the policy works. the vaccination rate all of new york 81%. wow. that's impressive. what would you say to the mayor based on your own situation? >> i don't think he has a clue what open in new york city means because all my friends have their businesses still down in business. every time he makes a new rule i lose business. every time he makes a new rule, another business loses business. i think he is delusional. he doesn't have a clue what is going on in his own city which is evident. >> bill: do you know how many cases of omicron are in the state of new york, a state of 20 million population? how many cases of omicron? 38 out of the state of 20 million. city of new york, city of 8 million has 23. so this is what you are left to deal with. the final comment on all of that. >> exactly. you know, i'm not an anti-vaxxer, i am not someone who tells people don't do this or that. i'm anti-the government beating up on small business. all the new rules and hochul has her new rule a $1,000 fine if you don't have a mask on. is not my job to be the police and there is no reason that they have to keep picking on small business. they aren't going to go walk into target and find people. they'll walk into the gym, restaurant or beauty salon. they'll pick on us. we're the little guy being beat up on by the bully. >> dana: to pack or not to pack? reforming the supreme court. the panel came back with a report and it came back inconclusive. we'll talk with two people who were part of that committee coming up. ♪♪♪ we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever's best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you, for me, and for our family. so for us, at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ >> dana: president biden's supreme court commission voting to take no position on the issue of court packing. two members of the panel are speeng out in the "washington post" writing the supreme court is not broken even if it were adding justices would be a bad idea. joining us now are the authors of that piece. federal judges. thank you for being here, tom, go to you first. term limits and court packing maybe to the entire commission that is not a good idea and not happening? >> well, let's for me that's certainly not a good idea and i hope it doesn't happen. but the purpose of the commission was not to vote up or down on these proposals. the purpose was to identify the proposals and then to discuss them. to discuss their strengths and weaknesses and then to present a report to the president so that he would be aware of the nature of the debate and the arguments pro and con. i feel strongly that court packing, expanding the court and term limits would be very detrimental to the court and its role in our nation. >> dana: there is concern, david, about trust in the court and in our institutions in general. here is a poll showing that 61% of people believe the supreme court is mainly motivated by politics. how big of a concern was that as you all discussed these issues? >> it's a very big concern. we want our courts, the supreme court and all of our federal courts, to be impartial and not to be political actors. and when we use that term political we mean partisan. it is not the job of a court to assist either political party or to identify with a president to try to help the president. it is their job to decide what the law is and that may involve certain policy decisions but those policies are embedded in the law itself. and it is not a decision in the -- it's not a political decision in the way we would normally use that term and that's extremely important. americans have to trust their courts. >> dana: a week or so ago when the supreme court heard the dobbs case, which is the abortion law in mississippi they're thinking about, justice sotomayor asked the state of mississippi that if roe v. wade were overturned wouldn't that provide a stench that would delegitimize the court. but in some ways isn't that politicizing the issue? let me go to you, tom, with that one. >> well, it is unfortunate that so many people, so many of the american public think that justices and judges are in the words of justice breyer political junior varsity. but judge levy and i have a very different experience and what we wrote in our op-ed piece. i was on the united states court of appeals for the d.c. circuit for 15 years and never once, not once did i see a colleague issue a decision based on his or her partisan preferences. we have different views about how to read a statute, how to interpret the constitution. those are very real differences and we debate them vigorously but never once did i see someone make a decision based on partisan lines. i think it is really important that the american people know that it is not how judges work. several years ago president trump famously criticized a decision rendered against his administration and dismissed the judge as an obama judge. the chief justice in a remarkable rebuke spoke out immediately. we don't have obama judges, we don't have trump judges and i think both judge levy and i agree with that. that's just not the way it works. >> dana: i'm bumping up against the top of the hour. thank you for your public service and serving on the commission and coming on the show. thank you so much. >> bill: thank you, gentlemen. nice to see you. the >> dana: the progressives hopes are dashed in terms of court packing. it won't happen. >> bill: for the store that had so much oxygen their conclusion is met rather quietly. >> dana: biden didn't want to answer the question, do a commission and now it gets swept under the rug. people helping with recovery and cleanup efforts ranging from the restoration of critical utilities to the distribution of food and water and searching for the dead. welcome to a new hour of in us news, i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. the barrage of tornadoes that hit six states killing at least 88, 74 in kentucky alone. those fortunate enough to survive are opening their doors to people whose homes were wiped out. suddenly homeless taking refuge in shelters amid terrifying stories about death and survival. >> dana: one family in missouri was huddled in their bathroom. this photo taken 15 minutes before a tornado blew their home away. the girl didn't make it. the rest were found alive in a field. a relative retelling the ordeal and saying the girl you see standing on the left. watch this. >> she told the doctors and nurses when they asked did she know what happened to her, she said yes, i was flying around in the tornado and i prayed to jesus to take care of me and he spit me out and the tornado spit me out into the mud. >> dana: steve harrigan is live in dawson springs, kentucky. tell us what is happening there. >> dana, small town here 2400, 70 miles away from mayfield. they might have gotten the worst of the wind here. the house behind me. they have been checking the houses for bodies. this house has a number two down there with two in the car. this is a town of 2400. of those 2400 at least 13 are dead but 95 are missing. search and rescue operations have continued to go from door-to-door to try and find those bodies in some of this wreckage. if you do the math, that means 1 out of every 20 people in this town is either dead or missing from the tornado. we've been talking to people about their own moments of terror when they were really trying just to hang on and yesterday we spoke to a man who was in his basement while the house was being destroyed. he was with his wife and their 11-year-old granddaughter. here is what he told us happened. >> you were both holding her. >> in between us. we wanted to make sure she survived if we didn't. all of us survived but we really wanted her. >> it really gives you a chill there of husband and wife both arms wrapped around that 11-year-old granddaughter saying, you know, at least she will survive even if we don't. we talked to a local policeman on the street today and he couldn't even recognize this street because it's debris all around. he said we had a town of five square miles and 3.5 miles of that town is now gone. dana, back to you. >> dana: important for us to know. thank you so much. >> bill: can't help but notice the american flag flying in the background. the only thing in its proper place for that site. it's north of where we were reporting earlier. >> dana: 225 miles of this. >> bill: of that, right. this from yesterday. the white house on monday. >> do you think it's possible that big cities are dealing with these smash and grab robberies right now increases in criminal activity because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i'm not going to attribute the reasoning from here. what i will tell you we have seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. the president has proposed additional funding in the budget to make sure local police departments and cops have the funding they need. >> what good does it do if you give police departments extra money if they arrest bad guys and they bring them to jail and then they are not prosecuted? >> bill: yesterday jen psaki deflected the question when criminals are let back on the cities. several major cities are seeing smash and grab robberies with little consequence. many of it organized through social media. jackie heinrich on the north lawn has more on this now and reaction from there. jackie, hello. >> good morning to you, bill. the white house press secretary jen psaki said there is a range of reasons for the increase in crime we've seen over the course of the pandemic and they see funding police as a key solution. the white house is touting proposed money in their budget and also grants from the d.o.j. to hire more officers where crime is up. >> i think peter what our focus is on is making sure that the local leaders have the assistance and funding they need. that's what we're working around the clock on. >> but law enforcement officials say the efforts don't amount to much when liberal judges and district attorneys refuse to set charges or set low bail putting criminals back on the streets. the l.a. county sheriff says that's what is happening with the california district attorney. >> 12,000 cases in his first year in office that he has not prosecuted, that we made the arrest, did the investigation, established all the elements of the crime, presented it and they decided well, our special orders say we won't prosecute at all. that's 12,000 times the crook walked away scot-free. >> president biden has his defenders who say the white house is doing something to address this like chicago police superintendent who praised the administration's efforts including getting funding and cracking down on gun violence and trafficking through stepped up programs at the d.o.j. >> also want to thank president biden for his steadfast support of law enforcement during what is one of the most challenging times. last year we had a 500% increase in the number of officers shot at or shot. 500 last year and we are surpassing last year's numbers so far this year. it is without question not only the most challenging time to be a cop but the most dangerous time to be a cop. >> by and large the white house has not taken a position on these decisions that were made at the state and local level but the president does support ending cash bail. >> bill: jackie heinrich when the white house. >> dana: we've been reporting indoor mask mandates are making a comeback. new york and california join the list of blue states with a statewide mandate for all public indoors space even if vaccinated. california going further with testing requirements. meanwhile colorado's democrat governor says the statewide mandate is no longer needed. the front page of today's "new york post." the headline says face it, this is ridiculous. we're a talking to a national journey of daily and the podcast which i love. here is tom, a candidate for new york governor. moderate democrat said i think it is causing chaos and businesses to say what do you mean, you told me on friday on the weekend and now monday i'm supposed to enforce this? it is not a plan and it is not being sold to the pub politic. jo, you wrote about this as well and think the democrats have to get a different way of communicating on all this. >> it doesn't seem like democrats lefrnd the lesson from what happened in the november elections. governors races in virginia and new jersey, blue states, suburban states where the real takeaway in my analysis is that the frustration with all these covid regulations, mandates, bureaucracies was a huge factor in youngkin's victory in virginia and why republicans came so close to winning the governorship in new jersey for goodness gracious. i don't think -- you would have thought it would have sent a loud message to democrats that maybe the endless mask mandates, maybe the need to project a new normal, the realization that covid is here but it is less serious. it is less deadly than last year before vaccines and to listen to the gov in from colorado saying we nt v to get back to normal. >> bill: here he was on a radio interview. listen to the very end of this sound bite here. >> everybody has had more than enough opportunity to get vaccinated. i think hopefully grocery store or big events at this point it if you haven't been vac naitd it is your own darn fault. >> sure, yeah, that's the political sweet spot. celebrating the big announcement today that there is a pill you can take, fierz approved shortly in all likelihood that will cure a lot of the sympsymptoms with covid. you've got the news also that the omicron variant isn't as serious as once feared. people want to hear confidence and people want to hear there is nothing to fear but fear itself. we're hearing skepticism from the public health bureaucracy including president biden himself. the governor in colorado is showing a way to get out of that mall ace. >> dana: jesse watters called some of the democrats permanent pandemic panic pushers. a good line. i have to remember that and i just did. the build back better bill is underway but this little gem, this child tax credit, this is the "washington post" headline. child tax credit is a huge win for democrats. will manchin let it expire. the white house calls the cbo fake because this was a tax credit that is set to expire but the democrats never intended for it to expire. they want it to be permanent and now they are trying to pressure manchin to supporting build back better so that he can approve the child tax credit. will it happen? >> i think it is interesting to listen what joe manchin is saying. he is concerned the child tax credit if you are a parent you get several hundred dollars in a check every month. he is worried that is one of the prime drives of inflation. like a welfare check to everyone and a lot of wealthier people are getting a monthly check of that amount as well. if you listen to joe manchin carefully he is worried it's one of the big drivers of inflation and has a lot of unintended consequences. >> bill: thank you, josh, nice to see you today and see where it goes. thank you, a lot of people think the democrat side universal basic income to keep it on the books and build on it everyier. >> dana: the poll last week they asked about the child tax credit and other things given away. the majority of people, 61% said either didn't notice it, not giving democrats credit for it or it hasn't helped them and it is not noticeable. they aren't even getting the political benefit they think they are getting out of it and possibly leading to increased inflation. >> bill: we'll see if it sticks or not. on the build back better things the numbers are over the board. the white house calls it 1.7 trillion. "wall street journal" 2.2 trillion. somewhere is the truth. >> dana: cbo says 3.3. >> bill: half a trillion dollars off just in that variety. josh mentioned omicron. from the atlantic. where i live no one cares about covid. you can read that piece. he lives in grand rapids, michigan. a lot of people are coming to new york because of the christmas holidays. i have had people in from atlanta, columbus, ohio, new orleans, colorado. a lot of people look around with and what is with the masks? where i live covid is not a thing. you mentioned omicron. 20 million people who live in the state of new york. 20 million. there are 38 total cases of omicron as of last night according to the "new york post." 23 of which are in new york city. so the rest of the state has 16 as of last night. does that sound like -- >> dana: i like when you get upset like me your voice gets higher. >> bill: you feel with the guy trying to run his company saying i'm confused. on it goes, mickey. smash and grab robberies continue to plague major cities. police are pointsing to social media. we'll make the connection on that coming up ahead. >> dana: controversial books are back on the shelf at fairfax public school libraries and where they are placed has some parents in an uproar. ♪♪♪ your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. veteran homeowners. you are greater than your bipolar i. if you haven't refinanced yet, get in on record low rates now. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in newday's history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. just one call, and you can save thousands every year. there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. the newday two and a quarter refi. at these rates, you may never need to refinance again. where's mom? she said she would be home in time for the show. don't worry, sweetie. she promised she'd be here for it. ooh! nice shot! thanks! glad we have xfinity, with wifi speed faster than a gig! me too! woah, look! mom is on tv! she's amazing! (cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 >> bill: breaking news from capitol hill. inside the january 6 committee on the hill talking about the measure that would hold mark meadows in contempt of congress. >> breaking windows on doors, rushing in, is trump going to say something? there is an armed stand-off at the house chamber door. we were all helpless. and even some trump administration officials potus has to come out firmly and tell protestors to dissipate. mark, he needs to stop this now. tell them to go home. potus needs to calm this down. even people you released this yesterday. even people in the conservative news media beg there be an intervention. the president put an end to this. and he didn't. it took hours. and, you know, i really believe that, you know, they say that sometimes, you know, coups don't succeed the first time. what happened that day was so wrong and in the and those around him behaved in such a twhai everybody's life was endangered on the capitol campus. our staff, people who worked in our cafeterias, people who the capitol police, you know, who were injured and some died. and, you know, at some point enough is enough and there needs to be a full accounting and we all need to come together around this. i get it. i mean, politics is involved in everything we do up here but this was just so wrong. and if the goal by some is to wait out the clock to try to invoke stalling tactics so we don't ever, ever get to the finish line, that's a terrible tragedy for this country. and we were there. many of us were there on the floor that day. i was in the chair that day. and when i walked out into the speaker's gallery i came face-to-face with this angry mob smashing the doors to get into the speaker's lobby. i couldn't believe what's happening here. never thought such a thing would ever happen up here. for people to try to minimize that or to try to invoke delaying tactics -- >> bill: we'll watch it here. when they get ready to vote, the idea to prep the measure to hold mark meadows former chief of staff to president trump in contempt of congress. well -we'll watch it and let you know. >> dana: meantime the "wall street journal" reporting police believe recent smash and grab robberies in california were organized ahead of time on social media. senior correspondent claudia could you wen is live in california with details. this seems to make sense because you can see when they come in together and when they leave they go in different directions and they have it all planned out. >> that's exactly right. dana. we know that most if not all of these stolen goods are sold online and now police say many of these brazen attacks are being organized online as well. the "wall street journal" is reporting that messaging apps are one way these criminals connect with each other and then decide where and when to meet up for a flash mob robbery. law enforcement sources say recent hits at bay area nordstrom and louis vuitton in san francisco and best buy in minnesota were organized on apps like snapchat where the messages disappear. police say when suspects are arrested they say they don't know who else was involved that makes it hard to catch the ringleader. organized retail crime networks reach out to neighborhood gangs. >> they come together at the direction of this criminal entity that assigns basically local captains or local crew leaders as we call them that organizes folks in the neighborhood to commit these thefts and bring the product back to the crew boss, the fence and get paid probably $500 or $1,000 each no matter what they steal. >> a spokesperson for snapchat says the company has found in evidence of this kind of activity adding promoting property crime would be a violation of their policies and terms of service. but clearly messaging apps and third party sites like amazon marketplace where sellers can remain anonymous are coming under scrutiny as police try to crack down on these brazen very organized attacks that cost american retailers $70 billion every year. it is a huge problem. >> dana: that point about anonymous resellers on the internet is a big issue. >> 24 past. two controversy yat books that were removed from libraries in fairfax public schools in virginia because content some parents thought were obscene appeared back on the shelves in the holiday section displayed next to the bible. he spent a lot of time in fairfax, good morning, mike. >> it hit a nerve with parents say the two books don't belong if lie prayers. the books were placed in a holiday reading section next to a holy bible. parents venting their unhappiness with some saying they'll continue to fight against what they view as inappropriate books being available to young children. >> put up a display of the books gender queer and lawn boy which contain pedophilia and pornography and put them on the display with the troll dolls and rainbow flags pins, hats, sweaters. >> book they are protesting includes graphic depictions of sexual acts between a boy and man and lawn boy was a boy reminiscing about sexual experiences he had at 10 years old. both folks were reinstated after the school district after committees ruled they don't contain obscene material. the governor elect says parents should have been part of the review. >> a chance to give parents a broad participation in their children's education. not a single or two parents reviewing the book on behalf of all parents. a chance for parents to have a voice and i believe they should have one. >> parents will continue this fight and clearly they are hopeful once youngkin becomes governor they'll have a bigger say about controversial books. >> bill: heard about it in the state texas as well. >> dana: towns hit by the recent tornado outbreak is a long road to recovery. damage so intense weeks before all the damage is even know. the parents of the michigan high school shooting suspect are due in court today. how responsible are parents in cases like this? mercedes colwin is up next. >> both of them failed to ask their son if he had his gun with them and failed to inspect his backpack for the presence of the gun. the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take 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(crowd) business! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ >> bill: resolution on whether to hold mark meadows in contempt. we are watching it development. haven't gotten to the meat of the matter. we'll get back into it. mark meadows, former chief of staff for president trump was cooperating with the january 6 committee up until a week ago. the reports in washington suggesting that the committee was entirely too invasive for meadows and others and that's the reason why the cooperation was withdrawn. whatever the case, we expect this measure to be approved through committee and then we'll see where it goes from there in the legal system. stand by, 32 past the hour now. >> dana: progressive democrats are putting pressure on president biden to cancel billions in student loan debt as the administration says federal loan payments will restart february 1 ending a two-year freeze. aishah hosni is live on capitol hill with the latest. beautiful in green today. hi. >> good morning. the sales pitch here from the progressives is that if millions of people have to start paying student loan debt again making payments they won't be spending money in the real world and the economy will suffer. critics say not so fast. eventually you and i, the taxpayer, will have to foot the bill. so you will remember as you mentioned congress paused federal student loan payments and interest back in march of 2020 because of covid. that temporary moratorium expires february 1. some democrats sent over a letter to the white house citing data from the roosevelt institute to make a case for extending that pause. they say resuming these payments will strip more than $85 billion from about 18 million american families over the next year and they say that would undermine the impact of the american rescue plan and also hurt the country's economic recovery. >> that's money that is getting spent in local stores. that's money that moves through this economy. and has been a part of the recovery as we've tried to come out of covid. so for me we need these things to go together. >> critics say canceling student debt comes at a cost to the rest of us innocent taxpayers. according to the brookings institute it would cost taxpayers at least $1 trillion to eliminate $50,000 in student loan debt for each person. if the president does take this executive action he is likely to face legal challenges with this. the white house originally suggested it would release a formal memo containing their legal opinion on the matter but we just haven't seen that from the white house yet. dana. >> dana: another trillion dollars? that number stuck out at me in your reporting. thank you for that. we'll keep an eye on it. >> the note contained the following. a drawing of a semi automatic handgun pointing at the words the thoughts won't stop, help me, end quote. in another section of the note was a drawing of a bullet with the following words above that bullet quote. blood everywhere. >> bill: so questions being raised now about the actions of ethan crumbley's parents before their son opened fire in oxford, michigan. they have are in court for a probable cause hearing. mercedes, what does the law say about their culpability do you think? >> well, it certainly is a bold move by the prosecutors to take on the parents. but it seems warranted by what we have. so far you see the notes which clearly show some sort of mental issue that ethan was undergoing and the parents are brought into the school where the school said to them there is an issue. here is a note and what's really hinging and why the prosecution is so aggressive and bold in this move is the fact that the parents didn't do anything to secure the firearm that they had already purchased for ethan for the holidays. and it is really -- what's really interesting and i think it shows some culpability of guilt by the father when there was news that an active shooter was taking place in the high school it is reported that the father rushed to see where the firearm was, saw that the firearm was missing, called the police and said i believe that active shooter may be my son. so all of that really establishes some knowledge that there was a threat that ethan would pose to his classmates and nothing was done about it. >> bill: what about the school? some who allege the school hid text messages from others. what do you think about that? >> sure. well, the school definitely has some potential liability. they already knew they had issues with ethan. they understood there might be issues and could have suspended him. there is some talk the school had tried to get the cooperation from the parents when they brought in the parents saying ethan should be removed from school on a temporary basis. nothing was done about it. they could have taken the matters into their own hands if they truly believed he was the threat to the classmates and they could have suspended him and later on revisited if there were any challenges by the crumbley family. as a result with the terrible deaths of these students they could face a civil matter. >> bill: probable cause hearing will get underway shortly. will we learn anything new during this hearing today? >> well, it's pretty proforma for a defense attorney to start challenging the evidence. as i said this is a bold move to take on the parents when they were not present. they could say they have no idea, no way to know their son could pose such a dangerous threat to the school but it is putting a test on the prosecution to show in a formal setting what the evidence is. we don't believe there is anything. maybe there are other text messages or other evidence. they'll have to show it during the hearing and be forced to at that point. >> bill: we'll watch it together. mercedes with our legal analysis today. >> dana: u.n. sounding the alarm on the growing hunger crisis in afghanistan. can a humanitarian disaster be prevented? >> you don't get the food you get. you get mall if you recall nourished and sick and i'm here in a hospital in kandahar with a number of patients doubling because people don't have food. with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. people were afraid i was contagious. i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections —some serious— and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. learn more at [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. >> dana: taliban takeover fueling a humanitarian in afghanistan. the economy is on the brink of collapse and half of all afghans are facing extreme hunger. david beasley is the executive director of the u.n. world food program and former governor. what is the scope of the problem that we're looking at here? >> it is hell knocking on the door right now. this is absolutely as bad as you can get. over 23 million people are marching towards starvation. out of that 9 million are at famine's door. i've been there several times in the past couple of months talking with mothers and visiting hospitals and seeing children die before my own eyes and it is going to only get worse. the winter months are coming and mothers are having to choose between if they have any money at all to feed my children or freeze my children. that's what we're facing right now. so it is not good at all. >> dana: so you were recently in oslo accepting the award on behalf of the world food program and you said that you don't pat yourself on the back for all the people you have helped save but that you real ooh he are kept up at night by the people we can't. >> you know, dana, it was an honor to receive the nobel peace prize, no doubt. the committee was sending two messages. thank you to the world food program helping people in need but an action call because of crises like in afghanistan. when we don't have enough money we have to choose which children eat and don't eat. which children live and die. with all the wealth an earth today we should be able to reach every child in afghanistan regardless of the politics and past. >> dana: how does it work then with the world food program does the taliban distribute the food or does the u.n. handle it? >> no, no. we handle it 100%. i met with the taliban and gave me assurance they would give us independence and impartiality to make sure we're working directly with the people. we'll work directly with the people and feeding 7 million people. we need to scale up to 23 million. i have no doubt we'll be able to reach all the people if we get the funds we need. everyone is staying out of our way and allowing us to go directly to the people. the little girls and boys, women and families that are in grave dire consequences right now. >> dana: how much money are you talking about? where is that coming from? is everyone pitching in or is there deficiencies? it is a complicated situation with the taliban being an adversary, even an enemy. >> it is, dana. here is what's so sad. because of conflict, climate and now covid the number of people marching toward starvation around the world has doubled from 135 million to over 280 million people. now you come into afghanistan, a nation already very poor and struggling and now you've got crisis numbers. we're talking about 220 million per month to reach 23 million at 50% rations for those in what we call crisis stage and 75% rations. where will the money come from? the children in ethiopia, sudan, south sudan, yemen, syria? the nations will have to step up. if they don't here is what will happen. not only will people die but people will be radicalized because extremist groups like isis and al qaeda recruit using food when the donors aren't there to help the people in need. i have talked to mothers and i have heard the stories firsthand so i know the reality on the ground. >> dana: there is a national security issue no doubt. thank you for all you do and we'll stay on top of it as winter gets underway. >> thanks. >> bill: wow, doing god's work. stay at it. entire neighborhoods wiped out. deadly tornadoes ripping through six states and relief efforts are underway to restore parts of what was lost. a live report from hard-hit kentucky coming up. it's time to refinance. newday's low rate refi offers their lowest rate in history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year and there are no upfront costs. not one dollar. the newday low rate refi. take advantage of these record low rates so you and your family can save. ♪ [text alert] ♪ son of a bi— beth? if it's “i thought we said no gifts” season, it's walgreens season. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed if with chasing the bigid idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> harris: americans are so over it. california having people mask up indoors even if vaccinated. backlash against democrats. the white house dodging questions on america's crime crisis, especially questions about those liberal bail reforms that free repeat offenders again and again and again. and what do dems plan to do after nancy pelosi? it seems like they don't know. senator marsha blackburn, jason chaffetz, joe concha, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: we see the extent of devastation after a string of tornadoes that went through the hartland. officials warn it could take weeks for utilities to be restored. fox weather correspondent nicole is live on the ground in bowling green, kentucky. hi, nicole. >> good morning. 15 of the 74 dead you just mentioned died here in bowling green and everywhere you look here is devastation. i will take you with me if you want to look at some of the homes here behind me and you can see the extent of that damage. it goes on for miles. you can see where once home after home after home looks like an empty field. if you move over here, the fact that you can see all the way down this road is unheard of for many in kentucky. the governor called it the most devastating, destructive and deadly tornado kentucky has ever seen. seven dead are under the age of 18 and two infantsz. day four is a day of grieving but a day filled with a lot of hope. perhaps you can hear the chain saws and trucks. that's the people of this community who say we're hurting but what can we do? we can clean up. we can be there for our neighbors and bring in food, supplies, offer a place to sleep. it is the true sentiment here in bowling green today as people look forward to what is next? can we begin to rebuild? a process that will likely take months. they are hopeful and looking forward to that and really less than two weeks out before christmas many are hoping to get past the devastating images of leveled homes. wiped out communities and the loss. they are looking forward to bringing things together hoping for the best for their loved ones and of course being there in their time of need, dana. >> dana: thank you for that great report. >> bill: with us now is a woman who lost her home in the tornado but found a keepsake in the mess. our producer tells us you are just the sweetest person we'll ever meet. i know you are helping a ton of people. what are you doing? >> well, we're just thankful to be here and be alive at this moment and we've had a huge outpouring of blessings just every single day. so we just wanted to reach out and say thank you to everybody. it has been a whirlwind for sure. >> dana: where have you been staying since this all happened? >> everywhere. i've got stuff at my parents' and at a friend's house and a camper. we're in the process of trying to get something nailed down and totally settled in at this moment. i was very fortunate -- i have a hair salon in town called choppers and there was a u haul truck 10 foot from my front door so i thought if my business gets hit and my home i can't imagine. >> bill: you've also got an excavating company, too. our signal is breaking up and it is helping people to dig out literally. but when you want back to your home, your home is destroyed but there was a sweet thing that came running around the corner. please tell us the story of bailey jo? >> i sure will. i would love to. luckily we have a basement in our home and the minute the tornado comes through and everything and waterlines are popping on top of us and the ceiling starts coming in and i picked up the phone and called my business partner because i knew we had equipment sitting outside and i thought if we get buried alive i need to tell everybody where we are. well, when we got up the steps, my big barn door had collapsed and we just saw this awful mess and i thought my kids were screaming and we knew it was our family pet that my daughter had just got that was her early christmas present. he is a little golden doodle. we had to hurry up and get out of their friday night because there was another round of storms coming. saturday morning my friends called and they were already back over at my house and they found the dog and here there is a picture. i posted it on facebook and -- >> dana: the sweetest reunion. >> he had just crocodile tears running down her face. there is blessing out of this every single day. we are all thankful to be alive. stuff can be replaced. >> dana: you are a lovely bright shining light. thank you so much. we wish you the best and like to stay in touch with you as you recover and help your community as well. >> sweet indeed. >> dana: thank you. bailey jo survived the tornado. i would like to get my haircut at her salon. >> bill: there is a facebook group that people can post stuff there and it is online now. >> dana: this is incredible. on facebook quad city tornado. if you've lost items. photographs in particular. that one photograph from 1942 was found in indiana. it was 130 miles away from mayfield, kentucky. they are posting them there. if you had something that you lost that means something to you, take a look. it just might be there or if you found something you can post a picture and hopefully reunite people with their items. >> bill: i was looking at the map. if you start in mayfield, kentucky and drive to bowling green, that is 159 miles. so we've had reporters in mayfield and we have reporters in bowling green. if you drove from mayfield north and east to dawson springs 72 miles and where harrigan was reporting last hour. that's the scope of all the damage. >> dana: and a lot of damage in arkansas. you always figure out the maps and distance. harris faulkner is up next with "the faulkner focus". >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. mask mandates are fully and full steam ahead in effect for fully boostered, vaccinated americans. a question mark there for so many people why? california is now the latest state telling you to put the mask back on until at least next month, maybe longer. i'm hair use you are in "the faulkner focus". the governor of california announced a statewide indoor mask mandate goes into effect on wednesday and it will go until at

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, Serving , Public Service , Gentlemen , Progressives , Store , Conclusion , Terms , Oxygen , Biden Didn T , Cleanup , Rug , News , Utilities , Restoration , Distribution , Barrage , Bill Hemmer , Doors , Shelters , Refuge , The Girl Didn T , Death , Photo , Survival , Bathroom , Missouri , Doctors , Field , Left , Ordeal , Retelling , Nurses , Care , Steve Harrigan , Mud , Wind , Small Town , Dawson Springs , 2400 , 70 , Car , Bodies , Houses , Least , 95 , 13 , Math , Door To , Wreckage , 20 , Man , Wife , Granddaughter , Basement , Terror , Policeman , Chill , Saying , Arms , Street , Back To You , The Street Today , 3 5 , Reporting , Background , North , Site , Flying , Flag , 225 , Cities , Activity , Crime , Funding , Prosecutors , Budget , Pandemic , Reasoning , Money , Police Departments , Cops , Jail , Criminals , Consequence , Reaction , Hello , Reasons , Jackie Heinrich , North Lawn , White House Press Secretary , Officers , Doj , Funding Police , Grants , Focus , Solution , Leaders , Assistance , Law Enforcement Officials , District Attorney , L A County Sheriff , Streets , District Attorneys , Charges , 12000 , Arrest , Investigation , Elements , Special Orders , Police Superintendent , Defenders , Gun Violence , Trafficking , Chicago , 500 , Cop , Decisions , Comeback , Ending Cash Bail , Level , Democrat , Colorado , Blue States , Testing Requirements , Page , Journey , Podcast , Talking , Headline , Daily , Bailey Jo , Plan , Pub Politic , Chaos , Governors Races , Elections , Lesson , Virginia , Analysis , Takeaway , Victory , Factor , Bureaucracies , Frustration , Republicans , Covid Regulations , New Jersey , Youngkin , Message , Governorship , Goodness Gracious , Realization , Vaccines , Gov , Radio Interview , Grocery Store , Point It If You Haven T , Fault , Vac Naitd , Likelihood , Sympsymptoms , Sweet Spot , Fierz , Nothing , Omicron Variant Isn T , Confidence , Bureaucracy , Hearing Skepticism , Mall Ace , Line , Pandemic Panic Pushers , Gem , Jesse Watters , Tax Credit , Calls , Win , Will Manchin , Pressure Manchin , Inflation , Welfare Check , Parent , Drives , Check , Drivers , Josh , Books , Unintended Consequences , It Everyier , Income , Nice , Majority , Benefit , Board , 1 7 Trillion , Somewhere , Truth , Variety , Wall Street Journal , Atlantic , 2 Trillion , 3 , Michigan , Cares , Grand Rapids , Atlanta , Columbus , New Orleans , 16 , Company , Voice , Guy , Sound , Shelf , Connection , Fairfax Public School Libraries , Kindness , Uproar , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Strength , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Adults , Thoughts , Behavior , Relief , Episodes , Stroke , Psychosis , Manic , Children , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Weight Gain , Coma , Restlessness , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Rate , Call , History , Apr , You Haven T , Refi , Newday Two , I , 2 48 , Pocket , Fees , Mom , Don T Worry , Sweetie , Shot , Gig , Xfinity , Tv , Speed , Woah , Wifi , Whole , Click , Capitol Hill , Breaking News , Mark Meadows , Measure , Trump , Windows , Contempt Of Congress , The Hill , Rushing In , January 6 , 6 , Helpless , Chamber Door , Potus , Stand Off , Protestors , Down , Intervention , News Media , End , Time , Life , Cafeterias , Capitol Campus , Twhai , Point , Capitol Police , Accounting , Goal , Stalling Tactics , Clock , Tragedy , Finish Line , Face To , Chair , Speaker , Mob , Floor , Gallery , Speaker S Lobby , Chief Of Staff , Delaying Tactics , Vote , Reporting Police , Correspondent , You Wen , Most , Directions , Attacks , Each Other , Goods , Messaging Apps , Apps , Best Buy , Flash Mob Robbery , Snapchat , Hits , Louis Vuitton , Bay Area Nordstrom , Minnesota , San Francisco , Law Enforcement Sources , Messages , Neighborhood , Suspects , Ringleader , Gangs , Who Else , Organized Retail Crime Networks , Folks , Direction , Crew , Crew Leaders , Product , Thefts , Entity , Captains , Boss , Property Crime , No Matter , Violation , Fence , Spokesperson , Amazon Marketplace , Terms Of Service , Sellers , Sites , Third Party , Scrutiny , Internet , Big Issue , Resellers , 0 Billion , 70 Billion , Holiday Section , Controversy , Content , Yat Books , Libraries , Shelves , Obscene , Fairfax , Holiday Reading Section , Bible , Nerve , Mike , Lie Prayers , Display , Lawn Boy , Gender Queer , Unhappiness , Holy Bible , Troll Dolls , Pornography , Pins , Hats , Boy , Boy Reminiscing , Sweaters , Acts , Depictions , Chance , Committees , School District , Elect , Material , Review , Single , Participation , Book , Education , Fight , Say , Towns , High School Shooting , Suspect , Mercedes Colwin , Gun , Presence , Backpack , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , Glucose Levels , No , Libre 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us Real Cowboys , Record , Plans , Turn , Hang On , Vo , Pay , Anywhere , Ooo , Tex , Verizon , Data , Concourse , Business Expert , Team , 5g , Hotspot Data , Clients , Appointment , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Low , Crowd , 0 , Tam , Merry Christmas , Contempt , Haven T , Resolution , It Development , Dad , Meat , Cooperation , Reports , Meadows , Pressure , System , Stand By , 32 , Student Loan Debt , Billions , Freeze , Loan Payments , Latest , Aishah Hosni , February 1 , Economy , Payments , Critics , Spending , Sales , Millions , Interest , Student Loan Payments , Taxpayer , March Of 2020 , Pause , Moratorium , Letter , Roosevelt Institute , Rescue Plan , 85 Billion , 5 Billion , 18 Million , Stores , Taxpayers , Student Debt , Brookings Institute , 1 Trillion , 50000 , Challenges , Memo , Executive Action , Opinion , Eye , End Quote , Note , Drawing , Following , Semi Automatic Handgun Pointing , Section , Bullet , Bullet Quote , Everywhere , Actions , Fire , Blood , Ethan Crumbley , Oxford , Mercedes , Hearing , Notes , Culpability , The School , Ethan , Prosecution , Sort , Firearm , Holidays , Shooter , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

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-- the vice precedent missing on the southern border. >> dana: president biden asked harris to take the lead on immigration in march. she went to guatemala in june. according to the country's president it has been radio silence ever since. peter doocy asked jen psaki about it yesterday. >> is vice president harris still in charge of addressing the root causes of migration from el salvador, honduras and guatemala? >> she is. she is announcing a commitment this afternoon. >> why hasn't she spoken to the president of guatemala since june, six months? >> i did see this strange report from the president of guatemala saying that he has had no contact with the white house, which is inaccurate. >> he said vice president harris he has not spoken to her. if sthe is in charge, why is that? >> we have had a range of conversations, peter, as reflected in our read-out we put out last week. >> bill: that was yesterday. last week the new poll from abc news showing that nearly 2/3 of americans disapprove of the president on immigration. this as we await last month's border arrest numbers expected to show a crisis not getting any better as of today, dana. >> dana: let's go to bill in eagle pass, texas. >> good morning to you. we all remember back in the spring the administration was saying it is seasonal. extreme progress was being made. middle of december and the situation on the ground hasn't changed at all. crews all over the place. we'll show you what we're talking about pulling up the live drone. this is right now down in the rio grande valley in la joya, texas, you can pull up this video from an hour ago, 50 of them came through, something we see every single day down there. dhs source telling me since october 1 in the rio grande valley 112,000 migrants have been encountered down there. up 163% compared to the same time last year and dhs sores tells me there are 10,000 known gotaways just in october and our sector alone. here in del rio sector. last night embedded with texas dps to the early morning hours working the private ranchs in kinney county. dense, brushy land. what are they doing? looking for runners, illegal immigrants who cross in the middle of the night wearing camo or black and not turning themselves in. they don't want to be caught. texas dps the only ones working these areas. no border patrol agents out there. they don't have the manpower. they are finding single adult men arresting and jailing them for criminal trespass. 10,000 arrests since march alone. right where we're standing yesterday afternoon in eagle pass, texas. once again we have seen this many times this year. a group of migrants swim across the rio grande in front of us and right in front of border patrol at all. this group largely from nicaragua and one from nigeria. more than 70,000 apprehensions since october 1. del rio sectors up 235% compared to the same time period last year and they have been coming in from countries all over the world. recent countries include uzbekistan, syria and lebanon. last thing to show you look at these photos. out of the rio grande valley sector border patrol making multiple human smuggling arrest busts in the last couple of days. migrants crammed in the back of pickup trucks and covered with mats or flywood. very dangerous with the human smuggling situations. we saw it with the horrible crash in mexico that left 54 migrants dead and this weekend in texas a local texas mother and daughter killed when their vehicle was slammed into by a suspected human smuggler fleeing law enforcement. back live it is not just texas where it's going on. air agetting hit hard as well. yuma had to declare a local emergency with more than 5,000 migrants come through the city in a matter of days. some videos showed up of migrants walking through city streets going into the mcdonalds. the sector chief reporting last weekend alone more than 2600 immigrants from 30 countries all around the world. bottom line, guys, here we are in december and not seasonal. we'll send it back to you. >> dana: it is not. thank you. >> bill: not transitory, either. another alert now. president biden burning up the phone lines with senator joe manchin. the two speaking twice in the past week as the weekend tries to put the squeeze on and sell this big spending bill before christmas. but the senator from west virginia is still keeping his cards close. >> different iterations, that's all. >> what did the president say? >> senator. >> anything is possible here. >> are you still engaged in these negotiations? you're still continuing to talk? >> he says he is engaged. karl rove is as well. good morning, sir, nice to see you. is that fog in austin, texas? >> it's fog behind me, man, a spooky fog. >> bill: it will be lifting soon. i don't know what changed in a week. a week emergency manchin said you are giving me 10 years of programs and paying for it with three years of revenue which clearly doesn't add up. has anything changed in a week, karl? >> no, it hasn't. when is the white house going to waken to what is driving joe manchin's concern about this. i have a billboard to greet you today. the public debt of the united states in january of 2020 before the coronavirus was $22.7 trillion. the total debt. the debt held by individuals and the debt that the government owes other parts of the government. by february of 2001 after joe biden comes into office it's $27.8 trillion. we passed all of these $3 trillion bill in march and several, $100 billion in two different bills, passed another trillion dollar bill in december. biden comes in and has 27.8. since then at the beginning of this month it's 28.9. so in just over a year -- less than two years we have' added 6.2 trillion to the national debt. a 27% increase. now we're talking about as of friday we now know that the cost of the build back better bill could be as much as $3.3 trillion if you take out all the gimmicks. that's what joe manchin is concerned about. joe biden doesn't seem to understand that. >> dana: so does this sound bite from vice president harris hold up? >> the house passed our build back better act just before thanksgiving and the president and i are confident that the senate will soon do the same. this bill is fully paid for and will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. >> dana: the congressional budget office score says if items were permanent which is what they want over 10 years it would add $3 trillion cost nearly $5 trillion. this is called a fake cbo score by the white house. >> originally they called cbo scores the gold standard. it is either a joke or gold standard. i don't know which one. you are right. 10 years of revenue. they collect revenue for 10 jeers and she is wrong. a bunch of it will come from people who make less than $400,000 a year. it pays for three programs and one year of those programs. for one program it pays for two years. for nine programs it pays for three years out of the 10 years. for one program 4 years, one program five years of spending and two programs quote various years end quote which is my favorite. pick a year, pick a couple of years. so yeah, look, name me one democrat. we'll only have the child tax credit for one year? nobody has said yeah, we want the child tax credit for one year. same with the rest of these programs. manchin understands it's a gimmick and trying to hide the true cost of what it will cost and he is not going for it. >> bill: yet. we'll see if it holds. quickly, karl, jen psaki yesterday said the cbo score announced on friday afternoon is a fake number. based on a fake bill. what do you make of that? doesn't the cbo score put in front of it? >> well, what the cbo was asked was what if all of these programs contained in the bbb are spread over 10 years, not merely the phony one year, five years, three years, so forth. they were asked a straight forward question. if she thinks it's fake let her declare on behalf of the white house it is the intent of president biden that none of these programs be extended for any year beyond that in the draft of the bill. if the white house says that i will believe them. otherwise the cbo said the right thing. >> dana: fair. >> bill: we'll turn off the fog machine in austin. you were thinking clearly today. >> dana: nice to see you. give me a dana board next time. i'm feeling left out. >> it's coming. you interview me it's a dana bill. bill interviews me it's a billboard. >> dana: consumer prices are up 9.6% from a year ago. that's the biggest increase in more than a decade and so it is not transitory or temporary and it is actually having a real impact. it is not just a high-class problem by any means. >> bill: if you are producing a good, service or anything you are paying 10% higher than you were a year ago. that sticks for a long tie. >> dana: any wage gains are not keeping up with that. that's why you see the president's numbers the way they are. the fed meeting tomorrow in which hopefully they will try to start to take some action and communicate it carefully so the markets can handle it well. also turning back to that deadly tornado outbreak over the weekend the search for survivors continues this morning in hard hit kentucky where officials warn thousands could be without heat, water, or electricity for weeks. as the state recovers from one of the most destructive and costly tornado events in its history. meteorologist is live in mayfield, kentucky. what's the scene this morning? >> certainly they are making a lot of progress. you look at the scene behind me. this home will have to be fully torn down and you see all of the cinder blocks here. just a quick reminder i even have been here for four days and kind of forgotten. we're 11 days out from christmas and here is somebody's christmas ornament from 2018 that i found on the ground. gives you a sense this christmas for so many people here will be very hard. you get the sense here of what's going on. this is the building destruction. there is the human lives that have been impacted from losing all their belongings and the fatalities we've seen. last night the governor of kentucky spoke. take a listen to what he had to say and how this is all impacting him emotionally. >> we are now up to 74 people that we have lost. the age range is 5 months to 86 years. >> you get a sense here after a few days pass in a storm like this the adrenalin wears off and exhaustion starts to set in and you get a sense of the human tolls here. this right here is actually a 2-month-old baby now that they've confirmed died. strapped into a car seat for protection and the baby in the car seat flew. the baby passed yesterday morning. you can get a sense here in mayfield there is a lot of work going on. you see a lot of trucks out here picking up debris and dana, just if you look right here standing on this corner that had all kinds of debris but now a few days in you know the excavators and bulldozers are coming in here pushing all this stuff into piles. then they can come and clean this out. they have to clean it out before you get a sense of what to do next. no electricity, no water. the water tower in town was blown over. all the water gone and the infrastructure. this tornado cut through the downtown area. so all of the infrastructure damage and it is one of the things to make it a lot longer process in mayfield. >> dana: incredible reporting. devastating. when i saw that little baby yesterday to know she had survived gave us hope. we're so sorry for the losses of that baby and all of the others. 88 people now, i believe. >> bill: up to 88. thought 100. hopefully we stay below. i thought yesterday, dana, around 2:00 in the afternoon as we look at live pictures here some of the aerials from the drones. these drone cameras started lifting off the ground in mayfield. you could just -- the devastation, it is hard to relay that to people when you say everything is just destroyed. it is in pieces and trees that have been standing for a hundred years are no longer. and homes that were on their foundation are literally blown away. >> dana: the president yesterday in the oval offices is concerned about the mental health of people through this. we'll bring you the coverage tomorrow. >> for the people in kentucky, illinois, arkansas, tennessee we're not forgetting about you. another alert now. the surge of smash and grab robberies. how the thieves are organizing these. it will be no shocker. we'll give the answer in a moment and why police are getting more frustrated with a lack of consequences. true on that. plus this. >> we believe about 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan with some intention to leave. >> dana: turns out that estimate from president biden was not even close. the state department revealed about the real number of americans left behind in afghanistan. >> bill: for every task there is a a mask. blue states bringing in indoor mandates. schools and businesses and you and your family and just about everyone else, what it means. like a bigger kitchen, a swimming pool for the grandkids, or a backyard deck. your va home loan benefit and the newday 100 va loan make it possible. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value you can take out up to $60,000 or more. with home values at all time highs, now's the time to call. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. ask about ubrelvy. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> dana: state department is now admitting more than 900 american citizens have been evacuated from afghanistan since the united states chaotic withdrawal at the end of august. the figure is a big leap from the 100 to 200 americans president biden said were left behind. state department correspondent benjamin hall is live in washington with details on this update. hi, benjamin. >> first of all the administration and state department have gone silent on afghanistan for the last couple months. in the past they've moved on and it low longer exists. that's not true. the humanitarian and security situation is crumbling and continues to be americans and siv holders trying to get to the u.s. the state department is saying the numbers they gave us last year -- back in august and september at the height of the evacuation were not true. in fact, they were around potentially up to nine times more americans trying to flee the country than previously thought. >> president biden: we believe 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan. with some intention to leave. >> are you committed to making sure the troops stay until every american who wants to be out? >> president biden: yes. >> that's what we were told. troops were will stay until they all get out. according to the state department at least 900 american citizens and lawful residents were abandoned who have since gotten out and more than three months later at least 12 remain who want to escape. the state has said it is in touch with the remaining u.s. citizens who want to leave. no mention of how many afghan allies also remain in danger who want to leave. we're hearing that 82,000 afghans were evacuated from the country in august and september brought to the u.s. also only 30,000 were eligible for siv holders, 40%. shining a light on how poor the vengt process was at the time. >> dana: we appreciate it. bill we're in touch with many people continuing to work on this both members of congress as well as people working outside, veterans groups. congressman michael walz has been tireless and wanting to make sure these interpreters, the siv holders are able to come here. it seems like there is a huge problem at the state department of getting the paperwork done and super unfortunate. many people have been denied their ability to come here. it's not right. and there is a lot more we could do. they are sitting ducks there as the taliban goes to their house every day and look for them and they hide. >> bill: you could have started this process a year ago before august. >> dana: of course. >> bill: and it didn't happen. to this report now saying dozens of u.s. universities have ties with the chinese communist party. that support beijing defense industries including the country's nuclear program. the reason they have ties is because they have ties previously established with chinese universities. dan hoffman is a former c.i.a. station chief and fox news contributor. with me now. the world has changed. by the way, the policy is entirely legal but the world has changed. would you submit that it is time to revisit this policy, dan? >> i would for sure. this is just more evidence of the extent to which china is flooding the zone conducting massive multi-faceted espionage against the united states of america. china knows our already burdened resources are stretched thin dealing with their other espionage, the thousand talents program and collaboration between our universities and chinese universities and i would just emphasize that president xi draw no december tintion between academia and the government of chinese come you nift party and chinese business. they're using business and academics to serve their interests. >> bill: great points. we'll see how the universities react in kind. the interpretation of that xi's intent has been made public for all of us to see. he is not hiding behind the red curtain in beijing at the moment. countries willing to diplomatically boycott the games, united states is one of them. joined by the u.k. canada, australia, lithuania. we'll see if the list grows longer. a canadian from the ioc says it was okay to give china the games. they are fully capable of doing that. i don't think anyone who make the argument they aren't capable. the athletes will not be able to protest during the sporting event or during the medal ceremonies. we'll see whether or not that sticks with some. they can, however, raise disagreements during press conferences. now, what would be your expectation for how that is going to go over in early february? >> i just don't know that certainly i don't think athletes will be raising anything in press conferences. i find the whole thing a bit grotesque giving china the opportunity to look at soft power propaganda with the olympic games like russia did in sochi. i wish we hadn't boycotted the games. let our diplomats speak up and expose the human rights abuses on the ground in china. i think we missed an opportunity. i know it sounds counterintuitive but i wish we would take it to the diplomacy of our own. >> bill: you didn't get your wish but i think the world will be watching to see how the athletes react and i -- some of them will speak out. maybe they are americans, maybe they are from other countries around the world. it will be an interesting dance. dan hoffman with us today. >> dana: this also. we have the live pictures here in mayfield, kentucky where the devastation is terrible. cleanup and recovery underway in several states after friday's tornado out break and also from arkansas. president biden's supreme court commission sending its report back to the white house without reaching a decision on some of the most controversial issues like term limits or court packing. two members of the commission join us in just a few minutes. right, girl? 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good morning. >> hi, bill, good morning. i want to give you some perspective for what kind of damage this area saw. we've got some drone video that we shot while we were out here covering that damage yesterday. you can really see just absolute devastation in this city. this is actually where the tornado that tracked into tennessee originated. we talked to holly stevens. she, her husband, her son and their dog actually took shelter in their home during this storm. here is what she had to say. >> it was just a shock to see your home in such -- i can't describe it, you know, i just can't describe it. our community has come together in such a way that a lot of people don't think happens but it does and i'm so thankful for small town community that comes together. >> she is talking about that community coming together. this is the brain center of that. we're here at this volunteer staging area and look at all of these people and all these donations. they put out an all-call on facebook and other social media platforms to get as much help as they could. i asked them what other products and resources do you need. they have food, clothes, toiletrys. they said they have it all. they put out an all-call and within 30 minutes of them saying hey, we need toiletrys and toothpaste somebody delivers it. a community response in a city with only 6,000 people. we also talked to the mayor here. she says focusing on community response and getting help to people is a priority and you can see that very evident here today as all these people work to bring everything to those that lost really all that they have. just quickly here focusing on the christmas holiday less than two weeks away they are taking christmas donations until 5:00. they say ages from baby to 18 they need those christmas gifts to get in the spirit after absolute devastation over the weekend. >> bill: amazing stuff. hunter. we were really stunned by a comment that one of the victims in kentucky said yesterday. she said i want to go home but i've got no home to go to. i know you've been talking to a lot of people down there. it has to hit especially hard when you think christmas is two weeks away or less. >> yeah. these areas are zero. they are ground zero and when you talk about what's the worst type of damage you can see? for these people it is the worst. they lost absolutely everything just two weeks before christmas making it even harder than it would normally be. >> bill: great to have you down there. >> dana: great job, hunter. >> bill: well done down there. >> dana: thank you so much. good luck to everybody down there. amid the search and rescue efforts virginia based aid organization mercy chef is providing hot meals to victims and first responders in mayfield, kentucky. the founder and ceo gary leblac joins us now. how does this situation compare to other disasters where you have parachuted in to help? >> we've seen so many things over our 15 years. oklahoma, joplin. this is one of the worst tornadoes we've seen. the length of the storm and the utter devastation that we're seeing here in mayfield and the surrounding communities is just pun speakable. i just don't have words. >> dana: tell me about the scope of need and how long you think you'll need to be there to help? >> we're feeding victims, volunteers and first responders. we're feeding the search and rescue teams at the candle factory searching there. we'll stay as long as it takes to bring this community to some semblance of normalcy. >> dana: how do you get what you need there? how do you figure that out? the devastation is so complete i just have curious on the logistics. >> the logistics are always a nightmare for us. we have chefs from all over the country that are here. we've had to bring in our supplies and groceries from out of state. we have our own supply chain running. you get to be a chef and trucking company as well. >> dana: has any one's story that stood out in the last couple of days? >> there are so many. we have somebody delivering meals door-to-door and they handed a lady and meal and she opened it and said this is beautiful. it is hot and she just began to weep. they relayed that story to us that volunteer started to cry. we also had a gentleman in a senior care facility heard we were serving hot meals and he got on his motorized wheelchair and scootered up the road almost a mile to get to us. we're now serving that senior facility taking meals right to them. so it is so rewarding to be able to share a meal with someone that's just lost everything. >> dana: what you do is incredibly important thing. if people want to support you or volunteer what's the best way for them to find out how to do that? >> mercy our website has links for people to find out what we're doing and how they can help and how they can sign up to volunteer. so if they'll go to mercy we'll be able to get them all the information. >> dana: you are a bright light and we thank you so much for all you do. we'll stay in touch as well. >> bill: good stuff. >> dana: people really come through. >> bill: you were talking during the commercial i love your attitude down there. >> dana: such a privilege to be here and i thought what an awesome attitude and a great role model for a lot of people. >> bill: you mentioned mercy so many americans are helping it is extraordinary. bottom of your screen there you see the red cross's website and the telephone number doing a lot of great work for arkansas, ten syracuse illinois, kentucky, all six states down there. in a moment more states imposing indoor mask mandates. is your state one of them? >> dana: boo. >> bill: that move is getting ridiculed by dana perino and other media outlets. the smash and grab robberies. are they part of the cost of doing business? wow, retailers say they're fed up and demanding action on this coming up. >> if you think oh my god, you just lost everything, what you worked for, you know, i've been in business almost eight years and this is the second time this occurred. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. earn about covid-19, move, look, and feel better. the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> dana: california is now following a growing number of states bringing back mask mandates. governor gavin newsom announced the mandate set to take effect on wednesday and apply to everyone regardless of vaccination status. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles. two steps forward, three steps back in this situation. >> now california is sounding the alarm reimposing if statewide mask mandate for indoor public places gyms and restaurants regardless of your vaccine status. and it will require proof of a vaccine or negative test within 24 hours for any large gathering. football, basketball, concerts, rose bowl. it won't apply to shopping malls, restaurants or bars though people will be shoulder to shoulder in those areas as well. some experts say it is inconsistent, overkill, unnecessary and unenforceable. the mandate takes effect at midnight tonight nor 30 days. california has been down the road before. some argue compulsion sorry measures masks, social distancing, lock down, capacity limits have little or no impact on transmission or otherwise we wouldn't be here. a study shows that orange county, which does not have a mask mandate currently, has fewer cases and nearly identical hospitalization rates as l.a. county which currently does have a mandate. still state officials believe these new rules will avoid another holiday or winter surge. many bay area counties lifted their mask mandate after seeing falling case rates and higher vaccine rates. now, however, all counties science driven directives will be overridden by the state mandate. usually tv friendly governor newsom did not make any announcement. florida's governor desantis said the sunshine state will not go down the california road. >> i think we've learned you give these people an inch they will never let go. they will take a mile, they are going to restrict. they are going to mandate. they are going to lock you down and we cannot accept that. >> so this is huge. with the holiday coming the rose bowl, people from ohio, utah, north carolina, holiday bowl they are in for a rude awakening. i went from hawaii to arizona. it is like night and day. people better be prepared when they get here. back to you. >> dana: they've been warned. >> bill: businesses once again left scrambling to adjust to the changes. "new york post" sums it up this way. face it, this is ridiculous. want to bring in mickey king, owner of antun's catering hall in queens, new york. good morning to you. what are you telling the people who work for you? what are you telling the people who come into your shop? what's going on? >> it really is like we're going backwards. and the staff is frustrated, guests are frustrated. some of the guests are freaking out. some are saying we'll do whatever to make sure you don't get in trouble and some are just we're not following the rules. for us -- >> bill: what are your options now, mickey? >> we are going to ask people politely to comply but, of course, i can't force anyone to do anything. i'm not a police officer. i own a lovely catering hall in queens that my parents owned before me and i'm not fighting with my guests. they don't want to comply with the rules, i can't make them do anything. we ask politely and go on with our day. >> bill: did you hear the mayor over the weekend? he was on "fox news sunday" with chris wallace and he said the reason why they are going back to the mandates is because it helps. here is him making the case. >> all new yorkers, 71% fully vaccinated. we're leading the country. and that's because we used incentives and mandates and every single mandate we put in place has greatly increased the number of people vaccinated. since the first mandates in august we've had a million more doses. that's why the city is open and thriving. >> he is making the case the policy works. the vaccination rate all of new york 81%. wow. that's impressive. what would you say to the mayor based on your own situation? >> i don't think he has a clue what open in new york city means because all my friends have their businesses still down in business. every time he makes a new rule i lose business. every time he makes a new rule, another business loses business. i think he is delusional. he doesn't have a clue what is going on in his own city which is evident. >> bill: do you know how many cases of omicron are in the state of new york, a state of 20 million population? how many cases of omicron? 38 out of the state of 20 million. city of new york, city of 8 million has 23. so this is what you are left to deal with. the final comment on all of that. >> exactly. you know, i'm not an anti-vaxxer, i am not someone who tells people don't do this or that. i'm anti-the government beating up on small business. all the new rules and hochul has her new rule a $1,000 fine if you don't have a mask on. is not my job to be the police and there is no reason that they have to keep picking on small business. they aren't going to go walk into target and find people. they'll walk into the gym, restaurant or beauty salon. they'll pick on us. we're the little guy being beat up on by the bully. >> dana: to pack or not to pack? reforming the supreme court. the panel came back with a report and it came back inconclusive. we'll talk with two people who were part of that committee coming up. ♪♪♪ we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever's best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you, for me, and for our family. so for us, at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ >> dana: president biden's supreme court commission voting to take no position on the issue of court packing. two members of the panel are speeng out in the "washington post" writing the supreme court is not broken even if it were adding justices would be a bad idea. joining us now are the authors of that piece. federal judges. thank you for being here, tom, go to you first. term limits and court packing maybe to the entire commission that is not a good idea and not happening? >> well, let's for me that's certainly not a good idea and i hope it doesn't happen. but the purpose of the commission was not to vote up or down on these proposals. the purpose was to identify the proposals and then to discuss them. to discuss their strengths and weaknesses and then to present a report to the president so that he would be aware of the nature of the debate and the arguments pro and con. i feel strongly that court packing, expanding the court and term limits would be very detrimental to the court and its role in our nation. >> dana: there is concern, david, about trust in the court and in our institutions in general. here is a poll showing that 61% of people believe the supreme court is mainly motivated by politics. how big of a concern was that as you all discussed these issues? >> it's a very big concern. we want our courts, the supreme court and all of our federal courts, to be impartial and not to be political actors. and when we use that term political we mean partisan. it is not the job of a court to assist either political party or to identify with a president to try to help the president. it is their job to decide what the law is and that may involve certain policy decisions but those policies are embedded in the law itself. and it is not a decision in the -- it's not a political decision in the way we would normally use that term and that's extremely important. americans have to trust their courts. >> dana: a week or so ago when the supreme court heard the dobbs case, which is the abortion law in mississippi they're thinking about, justice sotomayor asked the state of mississippi that if roe v. wade were overturned wouldn't that provide a stench that would delegitimize the court. but in some ways isn't that politicizing the issue? let me go to you, tom, with that one. >> well, it is unfortunate that so many people, so many of the american public think that justices and judges are in the words of justice breyer political junior varsity. but judge levy and i have a very different experience and what we wrote in our op-ed piece. i was on the united states court of appeals for the d.c. circuit for 15 years and never once, not once did i see a colleague issue a decision based on his or her partisan preferences. we have different views about how to read a statute, how to interpret the constitution. those are very real differences and we debate them vigorously but never once did i see someone make a decision based on partisan lines. i think it is really important that the american people know that it is not how judges work. several years ago president trump famously criticized a decision rendered against his administration and dismissed the judge as an obama judge. the chief justice in a remarkable rebuke spoke out immediately. we don't have obama judges, we don't have trump judges and i think both judge levy and i agree with that. that's just not the way it works. >> dana: i'm bumping up against the top of the hour. thank you for your public service and serving on the commission and coming on the show. thank you so much. >> bill: thank you, gentlemen. nice to see you. the >> dana: the progressives hopes are dashed in terms of court packing. it won't happen. >> bill: for the store that had so much oxygen their conclusion is met rather quietly. >> dana: biden didn't want to answer the question, do a commission and now it gets swept under the rug. people helping with recovery and cleanup efforts ranging from the restoration of critical utilities to the distribution of food and water and searching for the dead. welcome to a new hour of in us news, i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. the barrage of tornadoes that hit six states killing at least 88, 74 in kentucky alone. those fortunate enough to survive are opening their doors to people whose homes were wiped out. suddenly homeless taking refuge in shelters amid terrifying stories about death and survival. >> dana: one family in missouri was huddled in their bathroom. this photo taken 15 minutes before a tornado blew their home away. the girl didn't make it. the rest were found alive in a field. a relative retelling the ordeal and saying the girl you see standing on the left. watch this. >> she told the doctors and nurses when they asked did she know what happened to her, she said yes, i was flying around in the tornado and i prayed to jesus to take care of me and he spit me out and the tornado spit me out into the mud. >> dana: steve harrigan is live in dawson springs, kentucky. tell us what is happening there. >> dana, small town here 2400, 70 miles away from mayfield. they might have gotten the worst of the wind here. the house behind me. they have been checking the houses for bodies. this house has a number two down there with two in the car. this is a town of 2400. of those 2400 at least 13 are dead but 95 are missing. search and rescue operations have continued to go from door-to-door to try and find those bodies in some of this wreckage. if you do the math, that means 1 out of every 20 people in this town is either dead or missing from the tornado. we've been talking to people about their own moments of terror when they were really trying just to hang on and yesterday we spoke to a man who was in his basement while the house was being destroyed. he was with his wife and their 11-year-old granddaughter. here is what he told us happened. >> you were both holding her. >> in between us. we wanted to make sure she survived if we didn't. all of us survived but we really wanted her. >> it really gives you a chill there of husband and wife both arms wrapped around that 11-year-old granddaughter saying, you know, at least she will survive even if we don't. we talked to a local policeman on the street today and he couldn't even recognize this street because it's debris all around. he said we had a town of five square miles and 3.5 miles of that town is now gone. dana, back to you. >> dana: important for us to know. thank you so much. >> bill: can't help but notice the american flag flying in the background. the only thing in its proper place for that site. it's north of where we were reporting earlier. >> dana: 225 miles of this. >> bill: of that, right. this from yesterday. the white house on monday. >> do you think it's possible that big cities are dealing with these smash and grab robberies right now increases in criminal activity because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i'm not going to attribute the reasoning from here. what i will tell you we have seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. the president has proposed additional funding in the budget to make sure local police departments and cops have the funding they need. >> what good does it do if you give police departments extra money if they arrest bad guys and they bring them to jail and then they are not prosecuted? >> bill: yesterday jen psaki deflected the question when criminals are let back on the cities. several major cities are seeing smash and grab robberies with little consequence. many of it organized through social media. jackie heinrich on the north lawn has more on this now and reaction from there. jackie, hello. >> good morning to you, bill. the white house press secretary jen psaki said there is a range of reasons for the increase in crime we've seen over the course of the pandemic and they see funding police as a key solution. the white house is touting proposed money in their budget and also grants from the d.o.j. to hire more officers where crime is up. >> i think peter what our focus is on is making sure that the local leaders have the assistance and funding they need. that's what we're working around the clock on. >> but law enforcement officials say the efforts don't amount to much when liberal judges and district attorneys refuse to set charges or set low bail putting criminals back on the streets. the l.a. county sheriff says that's what is happening with the california district attorney. >> 12,000 cases in his first year in office that he has not prosecuted, that we made the arrest, did the investigation, established all the elements of the crime, presented it and they decided well, our special orders say we won't prosecute at all. that's 12,000 times the crook walked away scot-free. >> president biden has his defenders who say the white house is doing something to address this like chicago police superintendent who praised the administration's efforts including getting funding and cracking down on gun violence and trafficking through stepped up programs at the d.o.j. >> also want to thank president biden for his steadfast support of law enforcement during what is one of the most challenging times. last year we had a 500% increase in the number of officers shot at or shot. 500 last year and we are surpassing last year's numbers so far this year. it is without question not only the most challenging time to be a cop but the most dangerous time to be a cop. >> by and large the white house has not taken a position on these decisions that were made at the state and local level but the president does support ending cash bail. >> bill: jackie heinrich when the white house. >> dana: we've been reporting indoor mask mandates are making a comeback. new york and california join the list of blue states with a statewide mandate for all public indoors space even if vaccinated. california going further with testing requirements. meanwhile colorado's democrat governor says the statewide mandate is no longer needed. the front page of today's "new york post." the headline says face it, this is ridiculous. we're a talking to a national journey of daily and the podcast which i love. here is tom, a candidate for new york governor. moderate democrat said i think it is causing chaos and businesses to say what do you mean, you told me on friday on the weekend and now monday i'm supposed to enforce this? it is not a plan and it is not being sold to the pub politic. jo, you wrote about this as well and think the democrats have to get a different way of communicating on all this. >> it doesn't seem like democrats lefrnd the lesson from what happened in the november elections. governors races in virginia and new jersey, blue states, suburban states where the real takeaway in my analysis is that the frustration with all these covid regulations, mandates, bureaucracies was a huge factor in youngkin's victory in virginia and why republicans came so close to winning the governorship in new jersey for goodness gracious. i don't think -- you would have thought it would have sent a loud message to democrats that maybe the endless mask mandates, maybe the need to project a new normal, the realization that covid is here but it is less serious. it is less deadly than last year before vaccines and to listen to the gov in from colorado saying we nt v to get back to normal. >> bill: here he was on a radio interview. listen to the very end of this sound bite here. >> everybody has had more than enough opportunity to get vaccinated. i think hopefully grocery store or big events at this point it if you haven't been vac naitd it is your own darn fault. >> sure, yeah, that's the political sweet spot. celebrating the big announcement today that there is a pill you can take, fierz approved shortly in all likelihood that will cure a lot of the sympsymptoms with covid. you've got the news also that the omicron variant isn't as serious as once feared. people want to hear confidence and people want to hear there is nothing to fear but fear itself. we're hearing skepticism from the public health bureaucracy including president biden himself. the governor in colorado is showing a way to get out of that mall ace. >> dana: jesse watters called some of the democrats permanent pandemic panic pushers. a good line. i have to remember that and i just did. the build back better bill is underway but this little gem, this child tax credit, this is the "washington post" headline. child tax credit is a huge win for democrats. will manchin let it expire. the white house calls the cbo fake because this was a tax credit that is set to expire but the democrats never intended for it to expire. they want it to be permanent and now they are trying to pressure manchin to supporting build back better so that he can approve the child tax credit. will it happen? >> i think it is interesting to listen what joe manchin is saying. he is concerned the child tax credit if you are a parent you get several hundred dollars in a check every month. he is worried that is one of the prime drives of inflation. like a welfare check to everyone and a lot of wealthier people are getting a monthly check of that amount as well. if you listen to joe manchin carefully he is worried it's one of the big drivers of inflation and has a lot of unintended consequences. >> bill: thank you, josh, nice to see you today and see where it goes. thank you, a lot of people think the democrat side universal basic income to keep it on the books and build on it everyier. >> dana: the poll last week they asked about the child tax credit and other things given away. the majority of people, 61% said either didn't notice it, not giving democrats credit for it or it hasn't helped them and it is not noticeable. they aren't even getting the political benefit they think they are getting out of it and possibly leading to increased inflation. >> bill: we'll see if it sticks or not. on the build back better things the numbers are over the board. the white house calls it 1.7 trillion. "wall street journal" 2.2 trillion. somewhere is the truth. >> dana: cbo says 3.3. >> bill: half a trillion dollars off just in that variety. josh mentioned omicron. from the atlantic. where i live no one cares about covid. you can read that piece. he lives in grand rapids, michigan. a lot of people are coming to new york because of the christmas holidays. i have had people in from atlanta, columbus, ohio, new orleans, colorado. a lot of people look around with and what is with the masks? where i live covid is not a thing. you mentioned omicron. 20 million people who live in the state of new york. 20 million. there are 38 total cases of omicron as of last night according to the "new york post." 23 of which are in new york city. so the rest of the state has 16 as of last night. does that sound like -- >> dana: i like when you get upset like me your voice gets higher. >> bill: you feel with the guy trying to run his company saying i'm confused. on it goes, mickey. smash and grab robberies continue to plague major cities. police are pointsing to social media. we'll make the connection on that coming up ahead. >> dana: controversial books are back on the shelf at fairfax public school libraries and where they are placed has some parents in an uproar. ♪♪♪ your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. veteran homeowners. you are greater than your bipolar i. if you haven't refinanced yet, get in on record low rates now. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in newday's history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. just one call, and you can save thousands every year. there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. the newday two and a quarter refi. at these rates, you may never need to refinance again. where's mom? she said she would be home in time for the show. don't worry, sweetie. she promised she'd be here for it. ooh! nice shot! thanks! glad we have xfinity, with wifi speed faster than a gig! me too! woah, look! mom is on tv! she's amazing! (cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 >> bill: breaking news from capitol hill. inside the january 6 committee on the hill talking about the measure that would hold mark meadows in contempt of congress. >> breaking windows on doors, rushing in, is trump going to say something? there is an armed stand-off at the house chamber door. we were all helpless. and even some trump administration officials potus has to come out firmly and tell protestors to dissipate. mark, he needs to stop this now. tell them to go home. potus needs to calm this down. even people you released this yesterday. even people in the conservative news media beg there be an intervention. the president put an end to this. and he didn't. it took hours. and, you know, i really believe that, you know, they say that sometimes, you know, coups don't succeed the first time. what happened that day was so wrong and in the and those around him behaved in such a twhai everybody's life was endangered on the capitol campus. our staff, people who worked in our cafeterias, people who the capitol police, you know, who were injured and some died. and, you know, at some point enough is enough and there needs to be a full accounting and we all need to come together around this. i get it. i mean, politics is involved in everything we do up here but this was just so wrong. and if the goal by some is to wait out the clock to try to invoke stalling tactics so we don't ever, ever get to the finish line, that's a terrible tragedy for this country. and we were there. many of us were there on the floor that day. i was in the chair that day. and when i walked out into the speaker's gallery i came face-to-face with this angry mob smashing the doors to get into the speaker's lobby. i couldn't believe what's happening here. never thought such a thing would ever happen up here. for people to try to minimize that or to try to invoke delaying tactics -- >> bill: we'll watch it here. when they get ready to vote, the idea to prep the measure to hold mark meadows former chief of staff to president trump in contempt of congress. well -we'll watch it and let you know. >> dana: meantime the "wall street journal" reporting police believe recent smash and grab robberies in california were organized ahead of time on social media. senior correspondent claudia could you wen is live in california with details. this seems to make sense because you can see when they come in together and when they leave they go in different directions and they have it all planned out. >> that's exactly right. dana. we know that most if not all of these stolen goods are sold online and now police say many of these brazen attacks are being organized online as well. the "wall street journal" is reporting that messaging apps are one way these criminals connect with each other and then decide where and when to meet up for a flash mob robbery. law enforcement sources say recent hits at bay area nordstrom and louis vuitton in san francisco and best buy in minnesota were organized on apps like snapchat where the messages disappear. police say when suspects are arrested they say they don't know who else was involved that makes it hard to catch the ringleader. organized retail crime networks reach out to neighborhood gangs. >> they come together at the direction of this criminal entity that assigns basically local captains or local crew leaders as we call them that organizes folks in the neighborhood to commit these thefts and bring the product back to the crew boss, the fence and get paid probably $500 or $1,000 each no matter what they steal. >> a spokesperson for snapchat says the company has found in evidence of this kind of activity adding promoting property crime would be a violation of their policies and terms of service. but clearly messaging apps and third party sites like amazon marketplace where sellers can remain anonymous are coming under scrutiny as police try to crack down on these brazen very organized attacks that cost american retailers $70 billion every year. it is a huge problem. >> dana: that point about anonymous resellers on the internet is a big issue. >> 24 past. two controversy yat books that were removed from libraries in fairfax public schools in virginia because content some parents thought were obscene appeared back on the shelves in the holiday section displayed next to the bible. he spent a lot of time in fairfax, good morning, mike. >> it hit a nerve with parents say the two books don't belong if lie prayers. the books were placed in a holiday reading section next to a holy bible. parents venting their unhappiness with some saying they'll continue to fight against what they view as inappropriate books being available to young children. >> put up a display of the books gender queer and lawn boy which contain pedophilia and pornography and put them on the display with the troll dolls and rainbow flags pins, hats, sweaters. >> book they are protesting includes graphic depictions of sexual acts between a boy and man and lawn boy was a boy reminiscing about sexual experiences he had at 10 years old. both folks were reinstated after the school district after committees ruled they don't contain obscene material. the governor elect says parents should have been part of the review. >> a chance to give parents a broad participation in their children's education. not a single or two parents reviewing the book on behalf of all parents. a chance for parents to have a voice and i believe they should have one. >> parents will continue this fight and clearly they are hopeful once youngkin becomes governor they'll have a bigger say about controversial books. >> bill: heard about it in the state texas as well. >> dana: towns hit by the recent tornado outbreak is a long road to recovery. damage so intense weeks before all the damage is even know. 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that number stuck out at me in your reporting. thank you for that. we'll keep an eye on it. >> the note contained the following. a drawing of a semi automatic handgun pointing at the words the thoughts won't stop, help me, end quote. in another section of the note was a drawing of a bullet with the following words above that bullet quote. blood everywhere. >> bill: so questions being raised now about the actions of ethan crumbley's parents before their son opened fire in oxford, michigan. they have are in court for a probable cause hearing. mercedes, what does the law say about their culpability do you think? >> well, it certainly is a bold move by the prosecutors to take on the parents. but it seems warranted by what we have. so far you see the notes which clearly show some sort of mental issue that ethan was undergoing and the parents are brought into the school where the school said to them there is an issue. here is a note and what's really hinging and why the prosecution is so aggressive and bold in this move is the fact that the parents didn't do anything to secure the firearm that they had already purchased for ethan for the holidays. and it is really -- what's really interesting and i think it shows some culpability of guilt by the father when there was news that an active shooter was taking place in the high school it is reported that the father rushed to see where the firearm was, saw that the firearm was missing, called the police and said i believe that active shooter may be my son. so all of that really establishes some knowledge that there was a threat that ethan would pose to his classmates and nothing was done about it. >> bill: what about the school? some who allege the school hid text messages from others. what do you think about that? >> sure. well, the school definitely has some potential liability. they already knew they had issues with ethan. they understood there might be issues and could have suspended him. there is some talk the school had tried to get the cooperation from the parents when they brought in the parents saying ethan should be removed from school on a temporary basis. nothing was done about it. they could have taken the matters into their own hands if they truly believed he was the threat to the classmates and they could have suspended him and later on revisited if there were any challenges by the crumbley family. as a result with the terrible deaths of these students they could face a civil matter. >> bill: probable cause hearing will get underway shortly. will we learn anything new during this hearing today? >> well, it's pretty proforma for a defense attorney to start challenging the evidence. as i said this is a bold move to take on the parents when they were not present. they could say they have no idea, no way to know their son could pose such a dangerous threat to the school but it is putting a test on the prosecution to show in a formal setting what the evidence is. we don't believe there is anything. maybe there are other text messages or other evidence. they'll have to show it during the hearing and be forced to at that point. >> bill: we'll watch it together. mercedes with our legal analysis today. >> dana: u.n. sounding the alarm on the growing hunger crisis in afghanistan. can a humanitarian disaster be prevented? 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>> it is hell knocking on the door right now. this is absolutely as bad as you can get. over 23 million people are marching towards starvation. out of that 9 million are at famine's door. i've been there several times in the past couple of months talking with mothers and visiting hospitals and seeing children die before my own eyes and it is going to only get worse. the winter months are coming and mothers are having to choose between if they have any money at all to feed my children or freeze my children. that's what we're facing right now. so it is not good at all. >> dana: so you were recently in oslo accepting the award on behalf of the world food program and you said that you don't pat yourself on the back for all the people you have helped save but that you real ooh he are kept up at night by the people we can't. >> you know, dana, it was an honor to receive the nobel peace prize, no doubt. the committee was sending two messages. thank you to the world food program helping people in need but an action call because of crises like in afghanistan. when we don't have enough money we have to choose which children eat and don't eat. which children live and die. with all the wealth an earth today we should be able to reach every child in afghanistan regardless of the politics and past. >> dana: how does it work then with the world food program does the taliban distribute the food or does the u.n. handle it? >> no, no. we handle it 100%. i met with the taliban and gave me assurance they would give us independence and impartiality to make sure we're working directly with the people. we'll work directly with the people and feeding 7 million people. we need to scale up to 23 million. i have no doubt we'll be able to reach all the people if we get the funds we need. everyone is staying out of our way and allowing us to go directly to the people. the little girls and boys, women and families that are in grave dire consequences right now. >> dana: how much money are you talking about? where is that coming from? is everyone pitching in or is there deficiencies? it is a complicated situation with the taliban being an adversary, even an enemy. >> it is, dana. here is what's so sad. because of conflict, climate and now covid the number of people marching toward starvation around the world has doubled from 135 million to over 280 million people. now you come into afghanistan, a nation already very poor and struggling and now you've got crisis numbers. we're talking about 220 million per month to reach 23 million at 50% rations for those in what we call crisis stage and 75% rations. where will the money come from? the children in ethiopia, sudan, south sudan, yemen, syria? the nations will have to step up. if they don't here is what will happen. not only will people die but people will be radicalized because extremist groups like isis and al qaeda recruit using food when the donors aren't there to help the people in need. i have talked to mothers and i have heard the stories firsthand so i know the reality on the ground. >> dana: there is a national security issue no doubt. thank you for all you do and we'll stay on top of it as winter gets underway. >> thanks. >> bill: wow, doing god's work. stay at it. entire neighborhoods wiped out. deadly tornadoes ripping through six states and relief efforts are underway to restore parts of what was lost. a live report from hard-hit kentucky coming up. it's time to refinance. newday's low rate refi offers their lowest rate in history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year and there are no upfront costs. not one dollar. the newday low rate refi. take advantage of these record low rates so you and your family can save. ♪ [text alert] ♪ son of a bi— beth? if it's “i thought we said no gifts” season, it's walgreens season. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed if with chasing the bigid idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> harris: americans are so over it. california having people mask up indoors even if vaccinated. backlash against democrats. the white house dodging questions on america's crime crisis, especially questions about those liberal bail reforms that free repeat offenders again and again and again. and what do dems plan to do after nancy pelosi? it seems like they don't know. senator marsha blackburn, jason chaffetz, joe concha, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: we see the extent of devastation after a string of tornadoes that went through the hartland. officials warn it could take weeks for utilities to be restored. fox weather correspondent nicole is live on the ground in bowling green, kentucky. hi, nicole. >> good morning. 15 of the 74 dead you just mentioned died here in bowling green and everywhere you look here is devastation. i will take you with me if you want to look at some of the homes here behind me and you can see the extent of that damage. it goes on for miles. you can see where once home after home after home looks like an empty field. if you move over here, the fact that you can see all the way down this road is unheard of for many in kentucky. the governor called it the most devastating, destructive and deadly tornado kentucky has ever seen. seven dead are under the age of 18 and two infantsz. day four is a day of grieving but a day filled with a lot of hope. perhaps you can hear the chain saws and trucks. that's the people of this community who say we're hurting but what can we do? we can clean up. we can be there for our neighbors and bring in food, supplies, offer a place to sleep. it is the true sentiment here in bowling green today as people look forward to what is next? can we begin to rebuild? a process that will likely take months. they are hopeful and looking forward to that and really less than two weeks out before christmas many are hoping to get past the devastating images of leveled homes. wiped out communities and the loss. they are looking forward to bringing things together hoping for the best for their loved ones and of course being there in their time of need, dana. >> dana: thank you for that great report. >> bill: with us now is a woman who lost her home in the tornado but found a keepsake in the mess. our producer tells us you are just the sweetest person we'll ever meet. i know you are helping a ton of people. what are you doing? >> well, we're just thankful to be here and be alive at this moment and we've had a huge outpouring of blessings just every single day. so we just wanted to reach out and say thank you to everybody. it has been a whirlwind for sure. >> dana: where have you been staying since this all happened? >> everywhere. i've got stuff at my parents' and at a friend's house and a camper. we're in the process of trying to get something nailed down and totally settled in at this moment. i was very fortunate -- i have a hair salon in town called choppers and there was a u haul truck 10 foot from my front door so i thought if my business gets hit and my home i can't imagine. >> bill: you've also got an excavating company, too. our signal is breaking up and it is helping people to dig out literally. but when you want back to your home, your home is destroyed but there was a sweet thing that came running around the corner. please tell us the story of bailey jo? >> i sure will. i would love to. luckily we have a basement in our home and the minute the tornado comes through and everything and waterlines are popping on top of us and the ceiling starts coming in and i picked up the phone and called my business partner because i knew we had equipment sitting outside and i thought if we get buried alive i need to tell everybody where we are. well, when we got up the steps, my big barn door had collapsed and we just saw this awful mess and i thought my kids were screaming and we knew it was our family pet that my daughter had just got that was her early christmas present. he is a little golden doodle. we had to hurry up and get out of their friday night because there was another round of storms coming. saturday morning my friends called and they were already back over at my house and they found the dog and here there is a picture. i posted it on facebook and -- >> dana: the sweetest reunion. >> he had just crocodile tears running down her face. there is blessing out of this every single day. we are all thankful to be alive. stuff can be replaced. >> dana: you are a lovely bright shining light. thank you so much. we wish you the best and like to stay in touch with you as you recover and help your community as well. >> sweet indeed. >> dana: thank you. bailey jo survived the tornado. i would like to get my haircut at her salon. >> bill: there is a facebook group that people can post stuff there and it is online now. >> dana: this is incredible. on facebook quad city tornado. if you've lost items. photographs in particular. that one photograph from 1942 was found in indiana. it was 130 miles away from mayfield, kentucky. they are posting them there. if you had something that you lost that means something to you, take a look. it just might be there or if you found something you can post a picture and hopefully reunite people with their items. >> bill: i was looking at the map. if you start in mayfield, kentucky and drive to bowling green, that is 159 miles. so we've had reporters in mayfield and we have reporters in bowling green. if you drove from mayfield north and east to dawson springs 72 miles and where harrigan was reporting last hour. that's the scope of all the damage. >> dana: and a lot of damage in arkansas. you always figure out the maps and distance. harris faulkner is up next with "the faulkner focus". >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. mask mandates are fully and full steam ahead in effect for fully boostered, vaccinated americans. a question mark there for so many people why? california is now the latest state telling you to put the mask back on until at least next month, maybe longer. i'm hair use you are in "the faulkner focus". the governor of california announced a statewide indoor mask mandate goes into effect on wednesday and it will go until at

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, Serving , Public Service , Gentlemen , Progressives , Store , Conclusion , Terms , Oxygen , Biden Didn T , Cleanup , Rug , News , Utilities , Restoration , Distribution , Barrage , Bill Hemmer , Doors , Shelters , Refuge , The Girl Didn T , Death , Photo , Survival , Bathroom , Missouri , Doctors , Field , Left , Ordeal , Retelling , Nurses , Care , Steve Harrigan , Mud , Wind , Small Town , Dawson Springs , 2400 , 70 , Car , Bodies , Houses , Least , 95 , 13 , Math , Door To , Wreckage , 20 , Man , Wife , Granddaughter , Basement , Terror , Policeman , Chill , Saying , Arms , Street , Back To You , The Street Today , 3 5 , Reporting , Background , North , Site , Flying , Flag , 225 , Cities , Activity , Crime , Funding , Prosecutors , Budget , Pandemic , Reasoning , Money , Police Departments , Cops , Jail , Criminals , Consequence , Reaction , Hello , Reasons , Jackie Heinrich , North Lawn , White House Press Secretary , Officers , Doj , Funding Police , Grants , Focus , Solution , Leaders , Assistance , Law Enforcement Officials , District Attorney , L A County Sheriff , Streets , District Attorneys , Charges , 12000 , Arrest , Investigation , Elements , Special Orders , Police Superintendent , Defenders , Gun Violence , Trafficking , Chicago , 500 , Cop , Decisions , Comeback , Ending Cash Bail , Level , Democrat , Colorado , Blue States , Testing Requirements , Page , Journey , Podcast , Talking , Headline , Daily , Bailey Jo , Plan , Pub Politic , Chaos , Governors Races , Elections , Lesson , Virginia , Analysis , Takeaway , Victory , Factor , Bureaucracies , Frustration , Republicans , Covid Regulations , New Jersey , Youngkin , Message , Governorship , Goodness Gracious , Realization , Vaccines , Gov , Radio Interview , Grocery Store , Point It If You Haven T , Fault , Vac Naitd , Likelihood , Sympsymptoms , Sweet Spot , Fierz , Nothing , Omicron Variant Isn T , Confidence , Bureaucracy , Hearing Skepticism , Mall Ace , Line , Pandemic Panic Pushers , Gem , Jesse Watters , Tax Credit , Calls , Win , Will Manchin , Pressure Manchin , Inflation , Welfare Check , Parent , Drives , Check , Drivers , Josh , Books , Unintended Consequences , It Everyier , Income , Nice , Majority , Benefit , Board , 1 7 Trillion , Somewhere , Truth , Variety , Wall Street Journal , Atlantic , 2 Trillion , 3 , Michigan , Cares , Grand Rapids , Atlanta , Columbus , New Orleans , 16 , Company , Voice , Guy , Sound , Shelf , Connection , Fairfax Public School Libraries , Kindness , Uproar , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Strength , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Adults , Thoughts , Behavior , Relief , Episodes , Stroke , Psychosis , Manic , Children , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Weight Gain , Coma , Restlessness , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Rate , Call , History , Apr , You Haven T , Refi , Newday Two , I , 2 48 , Pocket , Fees , Mom , Don T Worry , Sweetie , Shot , Gig , Xfinity , Tv , Speed , Woah , Wifi , Whole , Click , Capitol Hill , Breaking News , Mark Meadows , Measure , Trump , Windows , Contempt Of Congress , The Hill , Rushing In , January 6 , 6 , Helpless , Chamber Door , Potus , Stand Off , Protestors , Down , Intervention , News Media , End , Time , Life , Cafeterias , Capitol Campus , Twhai , Point , Capitol Police , Accounting , Goal , Stalling Tactics , Clock , Tragedy , Finish Line , Face To , Chair , Speaker , Mob , Floor , Gallery , Speaker S Lobby , Chief Of Staff , Delaying Tactics , Vote , Reporting Police , Correspondent , You Wen , Most , Directions , Attacks , Each Other , Goods , Messaging Apps , Apps , Best Buy , Flash Mob Robbery , Snapchat , Hits , Louis Vuitton , Bay Area Nordstrom , Minnesota , San Francisco , Law Enforcement Sources , Messages , Neighborhood , Suspects , Ringleader , Gangs , Who Else , Organized Retail Crime Networks , Folks , Direction , Crew , Crew Leaders , Product , Thefts , Entity , Captains , Boss , Property Crime , No Matter , Violation , Fence , Spokesperson , Amazon Marketplace , Terms Of Service , Sellers , Sites , Third Party , Scrutiny , Internet , Big Issue , Resellers , 0 Billion , 70 Billion , Holiday Section , Controversy , Content , Yat Books , Libraries , Shelves , Obscene , Fairfax , Holiday Reading Section , Bible , Nerve , Mike , Lie Prayers , Display , Lawn Boy , Gender Queer , Unhappiness , Holy Bible , Troll Dolls , Pornography , Pins , Hats , Boy , Boy Reminiscing , Sweaters , Acts , Depictions , Chance , Committees , School District , Elect , Material , Review , Single , Participation , Book , Education , Fight , Say , Towns , High School Shooting , Suspect , Mercedes Colwin , Gun , Presence , Backpack , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , Glucose Levels , No , Libre 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us Real Cowboys , Record , Plans , Turn , Hang On , Vo , Pay , Anywhere , Ooo , Tex , Verizon , Data , Concourse , Business Expert , Team , 5g , Hotspot Data , Clients , Appointment , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Low , Crowd , 0 , Tam , Merry Christmas , Contempt , Haven T , Resolution , It Development , Dad , Meat , Cooperation , Reports , Meadows , Pressure , System , Stand By , 32 , Student Loan Debt , Billions , Freeze , Loan Payments , Latest , Aishah Hosni , February 1 , Economy , Payments , Critics , Spending , Sales , Millions , Interest , Student Loan Payments , Taxpayer , March Of 2020 , Pause , Moratorium , Letter , Roosevelt Institute , Rescue Plan , 85 Billion , 5 Billion , 18 Million , Stores , Taxpayers , Student Debt , Brookings Institute , 1 Trillion , 50000 , Challenges , Memo , Executive Action , Opinion , Eye , End Quote , Note , Drawing , Following , Semi Automatic Handgun Pointing , Section , Bullet , Bullet Quote , Everywhere , Actions , Fire , Blood , Ethan Crumbley , Oxford , Mercedes , Hearing , Notes , Culpability , The School , Ethan , Prosecution , Sort , Firearm , Holidays , Shooter , Father , High School , Saw , Guilt , Threat , Classmates , Knowledge , Text Messages , Others , Liability , Talk , Basis , Matters , Hands , Result , Students , Probable Cause Hearing , Deaths , Defense Attorney , Setting , Disaster , Hunger Crisis , Alarm , U N , Hospital , Music , Voiceover , Wanderers , On The Road Of Life , Riders , Destination , Freedom , Coffee , I , Uh , Announcer , Progressive , Coffee Shop , Nope , Biker , 9 , 79 , Taliban Takeover Fueling A Humanitarian In Afghanistan , U N World Food Program , Executive Director , Collapse , Hunger , Half , Brink , Door , Around The World , 23 Million , 9 Million , Mothers , Famine , Hospitals , Eyes , Award , Oslo , Save , Honor , No Doubt , Nobel Peace Prize , Crises , People In Need , Child , Wealth , Don T Eat , Earth , Assurance , Impartiality , Doubt , Independence , 7 Million , Funds , Girls , Boys , Women , Deficiencies , Enemy , Adversary , Conflict , Climate , 135 Million , 280 Million , Rations , Crisis Numbers , Crisis Stage , 220 Million , 75 , Nations , South Sudan , Sudan , Yemen , Ethiopia , Extremist Groups , Reality , Recruit , Donors , Isis , Al Qaeda , Neighborhoods , Thanks , Stay , God , It S Time , Relief Efforts , Refinance , Restore Parts , Hard Hit , Save Thousands , Dollar , Costs , Newday Low Rate Refi , One Dollar , Text Alert , Heart , Idaho Potato Truck , Cooking , Bi , Obsessed , Idaho Potatoes , Beth , Walgreens , Bigid , Grown In Idaho , Harris Faulkner , Vaccinated Americans , Dodging Questions , Backlash , Crime Crisis , Marsha Blackburn , Bail , Repeat Offenders , Dems , Nancy Pelosi , String , Joe Concha , Faulkner Focus , Jason Chaffetz , Hartland , Bowling Green , Weather , Nicole , Fox , Me And You , Age , Chain Saws , Infantsz , Seven , Neighbors , Sentiment , Best , Leveled Homes , Loved Ones , Loss , Woman , Mess , Producer , Keepsake , Ton , Outpouring , Blessings , Whirlwind , House , Friend , Camper , Haul Truck , Hair Salon , Choppers , Au , Excavating Company , Hit , Signal , Waterlines , Ceiling , Business Partner , Equipment , Phone , Big Barn Door , Kids , Family Pet , Storms , Doodle , Round , Picture , The Sweetest Reunion , Face , Crocodile Tears , Touch , Light , Haircut , Sweet , Salon , Photographs , Quad City , Take A Look , Photograph , Indiana , 130 , 1942 , Reporters , Map , 159 , Harrigan , Mayfield North , 72 , Distance , Maps , The Faulkner Focus , Question Mark , Steam , Fox News Alert , Hair Use ,

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