Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

power for a very long time. >> president biden is still insisting his massive stacks and spending plan will lower costs. >> it is insane state can spend trillions of dollars we don't. >> have inflation is real. it's alarming, it's going up, not down. >> running ahead of everyone is jefferson, touchdown. 52 yards to score. steve: 6:01 in the east. we start this hour with a fox news weather alert. president biden is left to survey the tornado damage left in the wake of devastating twisters that have left at least 88 souls dead. >> so we continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states that are affected and particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky who lost family himself. it's pretty rough stuff. >> the kentucky governor becoming very emotional on the loss of life at a preference. watch this. >> they are now up to 74 kentuckyens that we have lost. the age age range 5 months to 86 years. ainsley: more than 100 people remain missing. brian: osha investigating the amazon warehouse collapse. our coverage begins this morning with rick reichmuth on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. hey, rick. rick: good morning, guys. you get a few days out when a storm like this comes true the adrenaline wears off and exsanction sets in and some of the emotion starts to come out like you just saw from the governor there as well as starting to hear some of these stories that 5 month old infant who passed away. the old els woman who passed away here was 86 years old. that's so far 76 fatalities just in the state of kentucky alone. that would, at this point, put it at the second deadliest tornadoes in all the history of ken ken. that said, there are still a number of people unaccounted for. that number is a bit fluid. i have talked the last couple of days about when these first responders tried to get in here. the first thing they have to do is clear out the roads. i found one little spot here obviously not a traveled road here. not important but you get the idea just kind of want to give you a sense when they initially come into a town all the trees and there are a ton of trees in this town that are down. >> we have large old trees that have probably been in this town for over 100 years that are completely down that they have to initially cut through. obviously they cut through the ones they need to cut through so they can get into the homes to begin to try to search for people. obviously, you know, that's the first priority. there is still so much of that kind of work that has to be done in towns like this here in mayfield and, again, national weather service investigators are out there on the ground trying to determine how strong this tornado was, hollywood this tornado was. take a while to do this. likely such a long path that this tornado took. it's going to take a while to get a sense of just how strong this storm was. i can tell you at least in this town from what i can see in my eye half mile wide and consult through a center of town and residential areas on either end. but the residential sides on the either side of where this tornado cut through for the most part untouched. that said, they still don't have power here. since saturday morning, now into tuesday no power no. word on when it will be back in for the town that said yesterday, we did see a number of trucks that were out here trying to get that power restored. also stories coming in from that candle factory here. we were supposed to interview someone just right now who understandably overslept because we are asking a lot of these people to come in and talk with us. they have been so incredibly gracious. she was telling us there had been an initial warning. everybody took shelter and then they thought it was done and they said all right, everybody, go back to work and it was right when everybody went back to work that the tornado actually went through and leveled that factory. so, maybe they had taken shelter and then thought they were in the clear and went back to work and then the tornado hit. they had just gotten out of that shelter a little bit too soon. guys? brian: rick, how would you describe what happened yesterday? more recovery mode? was it clean-up mode? what was going on. >> yeah. i will tell you what, the clean-up starts to happen really rapidly at this point. you get the roads cleared. you get all of the resources that come from neighboring communities, neighboring states. so the initial day when you are here, you have got just the roads cleared. now, bulldozers have come in. they have pushed up back off the sidewalks creating a wider berth for the bigger trucks that need to be in here to start to get power restored. to check all the gas. all of those things. they are making some really big progress that said you are just at this point pushing the debris back into bigger piles that they will start to come out and remove and clean up all that debris. that process hasn't happened yet. we are just getting bigger and bigger piles of that debris pushed off of the roads. steve: you were talking how trucks were throw restore power. there are power company trucks from all across the country that are there that region right now. and something else, there are penal who live throughout the eastern third of the united states who saw the news and filled up their trucks with plywood, or food or water or clothes, and they drove it to kentucky. and now a massive effort is underway there with churches and local comunts community centers trying to figure out how to get the stuff to the people who need it. rick: it's so true. you know, people are so generous and want to help. i think we as humans you see a disaster and you think i need to do something. so many people do. that said, once all of those supplies get here. sometimes it canning overwhelming to a town then they have to figure out how to do it. a fairground about four miles from here. that's where the staging area has been so far. we will be there later on this morning to show our viewers that process of what is happening now, getting water, food and clothes to people who need it. keep in mind, most people lost everything they have including a vehicle which would be your normal way to used to get out of down, many people don't have a car, don't have any belongings at all. just the clothes that they were wearing. there is a lot of that effort coming and we are going to go see some of that. steve: did i see an appeal from somebody in that region who said do you know what we really need right now? we need tools. everything is gone and we have got take things apart. ainsley: thank you so much, rick. walmart donated water and supplies. one of the sad stories rick mentioned some of the children killed in this. in kentucky the governor was talking about the five children that were killed in addition to that we just learned a 2-month-old also died. her parents strapped her in her car seat, took her into the bathroom, they all hunk erred down. steve: threw the brothers in the bathtub. >> ainsley: there was so much force that it ripped that family out of the bathroom and threw them into the neighbor's house. and that little girl eventually had a stroke and did not survive. steve: it's just heart breaking. i was reading in bowling, 11 of the 15 people killed bowling greene 11 of them were from two families that lived on one street and seven of them were kids. ainsley: we know the governor of kentucky he lost loved ones as well. brian: right. i mean, kentucky got hit the hardest but wasn't the only one 81 confirmed deaths right now. really delicate. when you are going in and want to start rebuilding and taking stock is there. who is missing? who got out in time? who just hasn't reported and then you want to make sure that if there is someone to be rescued that we are still in that window. steve: 109 people remaining unaccounted for in kentucky which you are looking at right there. one of the factory survivors from the candle factory a woman by the name of autumn kirks she was working 10 feet -- what a story we are reading about it this morning. she was working 10 feet from her boyfriend. they heard the noise and she looks over and he was gone. he had been sucked out of the location where they were. and she was suddenly under a concrete wall. she thought this is the end. then somebody, she doesn't know who, lifted the wall and pulled her out. and she has referred to this as her superman. >> she doesn't know who it is. but she says i wish i did so i could thank him because he got us all to safety. ainsley: eventually we learned that 8 people were killed at the candle factory including autumn kirk's boyfriend his name was alan miss ward. we are also getting reports there were four people that worked at the candle factory that say the supervisors told them because it's the christmas season they are trying to crank out these candles that four people said we want to leave. we want to go home. we don't feel safe. the supervisor said if you leave, you will be fired. so, 15 of them asked to leave allegedly and they decided to stay so they could keep their jobs and ultimately 8 people were killed. brian: you wonder that decision when you hear about the amazon building and you tell everyone keep working stay here. you think maybe to a degree you are keeping them safer. ainsley: in a building he better than walking outside. brian: how thick the wall was evidently build on a elevated setting and that's where they were vulnerable. steve: the news today osha has opened a probe into that amazon warehouse collapse where six people were killed. one injured and 45 got out alive. ainsley: state federal volunteer organizations are all working together they are clearing the debris. sending in generators, 30,000 meals, 90,000 bottles of water. 4500 blankets. 100 cots and critical commodities. national guard 300 personnel on duty. they are actually going house to house checking on survivors and removing debris. there are tens of thousands still without power. brian: the president is going to fort campbell today. daniel cameron the kentucky attorney general you have seen him before is he coming up in about 19 minutes right here on "fox & friends." ainsley: the president is going tomorrow. brian: mounting mandates, the two new cities joining new york city and bringing back mask requirements. ainsley: plus, 11 days away from christmas. rachel campos-duffy having breakfast with friends christmas town u.s.a. rachel? rachel: hi, it's only 700 residents the so awesome they call it christmas town u.s.a. we will come back to you with more in this beautiful christmas town. ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. >> we are back with headlines suspected oxford school shooter ethan crumbley asking the court to move him to a juvenile jail so he can continue with education. accused of killing four classmates and injuring seven other people in the november 30th attack. crumbley's parents appear in court today facing charges of involuntary manslaughter for allegedly buying the teen a gun. san francisco police say looters are coordinating smash and grab robberies on social media. in one case, police say suspects were total strarnghts and used snapchat to plan the crime. a spokeswoman for the social media platform says there is no evidence of such organizing on the app. business owners say the city's woke district attorney continues to turn a blind eye to shoplifting offenses. california is reissuing a statewide indoor mask mandate beginning tomorrow. the mandate will apply to everyone age 2 and over regardless of vaccination status. the state also requiring unvaccinated people to provide a negative covid test at least two days before attending events with more than 1,000 people and philadelphia announcing a new covid vaccine mandate for indoor dining starting january 3rd. patrons will have to show proof of vaccination and government i.d. when they go to eat out. and leading the los angeles rams to a big win over the arizona cardinals on monday night football. >> forceful contact. >> so you don't love it. >> first down and 10. loads up for the deep shot. running ahead of everyone is ben jefferson. >> stafford airing it out with this 52-yard touchdown. one of his three in the 30 to 23 victory. those are your headlines guys. brian: you sure you want to go inside? carley: brian, your thoughts on that game. brian: big win because rams have been slumping do you want to go into the numbers? carley: sources tell me rams fans are happy and cardinal fans are sad that's what they tell me. those the two teams we are talking about? brian: how do the giant and jet fans feel every weekend? sad. carley: sad, very sad. we will go with the emotions. ainsley: rubbing it in. steve: talk a little bit about what the courts did yesterday, the fifth circuit of appeals upheld the revival of the remain in mexico policy. remember the biden administration tried to kill it and then a judge said you can't kill it because you didn't do it the right way. the supreme court was asked to intervene. they would not do it. nonetheless, the remain in mexico policy that are still trying to kill it, but according to the courts, the administration has got to keep doing it. ainsley: the court of appeals said that biden violated legal administrative procedures and federal immigration laws. remain in mexico will remain and trump is the one who initiated this or started this where the 70,000 illegal immigrants that that were not from mexico other countries coming into the u.s. no, you are going to wait in mexico while we wait on your court hearings. jen psaki is insisting that kamala harris is still the border czar even though she hasn't met with the president of guatemala since june. remember that interview? peter doocy asked her about it listen. >> is vice president harris still in charge addressing the root causes of migration from he will sauber dog, honduras and guatemala. >> just announced a commitment she is announcing this afternoon. >> why is it that she has not spoken to the president of guatemala. >> did i see this strange report from the president of guatemala saying that that he has had no contact with the white house which is inaccurate. >> he said vice president harris has not spoken to her. if she is in charge, why is that? >> well, we have had a range of conversations, peter. i think as reflected in our read out we put out last week with our national security adviser, with the vice president's national security adviser. we will continue that high level of engagement. brian: can you never say that the president is really serious about what's going on with the coronavirus when you let over 2.4 million people get through a border illegally unvaccinated and every time he has a chance to control the border and maybe who comes into our country illegally or just wants amnesty, he tries to push back and have the courts rein him in. the remain in mexico implemented terribly very little consultation with mexico. the courts say what did i tell you the last time taint i'm seeing more and more antidotal stories about teachers on long island and i'm sure in florida where governor desantis has already taken action. all of a sudden they come into class there are six other students sitting there who don't speak english. there is no room in the class anyway. all in lower working class or lower middle class districts. not the upper class. the wealthy, that might be able to absorb this. and they put them to english as second language classes. if the teachers complain, they are moved to another school. do you believe this? ainsley: they meaning the teachers are moved? brian: the teachers are moved if you keep complaining. steve: that's crazy. parents need to show up at school board meetings out there. we heard from jen psaki though. a new phrase that i have heard a number of times over the last week or two and that is they are a range, having a range of conversations, when peter asks about talking to the president of guatemala well, there is a range of conversations happening. what that means, that's white house speak for there are a range of other people other than the vice president who are talking. brian, you mentioned governor desantis, he has asked the legislature for $8 million so that they can transport people who have been sent to florida on what has been referred to as air biden. brian: many into jacksonville. steve: indeed to send them some place else. the governor said the other day at a press conference. he said if these migrants wind up going to delaware or to martha's vineyard, this border problem would be solved immediately. ainsley: right. then they would pay attention, right? he signed an executive order asking the state law enforcement to collect all the information they could about the illegal immigrants that are living in the state of florida because he wants to know who is there so that that he can transport them out of the state. steve: bruit by the fed. brian: here is ron desantis. >> we want to be able to facilitate transfer to places like delaware and so we have $8 million in my new budget to be able to do it. but we also look to the carriers that the federal government is contracting with and we are going to pass legislation that says if you are facilitating biden's policies, which is effectively a mass human smuggling operation, you are not going to be eligible to do business with the state of florida or other local governments. we're going to charge you restitution for each individual that you are bringing because, yes, there are drugs and crimes and also things with healthcare costs, education, all these services that get packed because of biden's reckless policies. we have a responsibility to fight back and that's what we're doing. steve: it will be interesting to see what happens. who shows up at the airport in delaware when ron desantis' plane full of migrants shows up one day soon. ainsley: we will have to see. they are not being transparent about where they are sending all these individuals. steve: they are doing in the middle of the night. ainsley: exactly. steve: less traffic. ainsley: they don't want you to know about it. steve: it is 6:24 here in the east. and, brian, you have got a guest. brian: yeah, who can really identify with these kids being legal immigrants being dumped into these schools. a teenage girl is dead. and a mother of three is fighting for her life this morning after allegedly drunk driver crashed into their car on long island, new york. meanwhile, police say merriam seltzer who is on the right picked up her daughter and three friends from a camp reunion saturday night when the crash happened. 50-year-old lee elle was killed and merriam in critical condition. sources tell fox news the suspect a migrant who overstayed his visa by five years. joining us right now with reaction nassau county executive elect bruce blakeman. bruce, what were your thoughts because you ran on this? what were your thoughts when you heard about what happened saturday night? >> well, this was one of the problems that we have in local government. the federal government has policies that are hurting our local communities because they just dump people into our communities, don't tell us, and it's a tax on our systems, on our education systems there is no enforcement of immigration. when you have someone who has been in this country has overstayed their visa and they are essentially living here illegally, and they are committing crimes, that's a problem. it's tough on our law enforcement, and it creates problems for government to properly plan to absorb these people. so, it's a whole big mess because of no control over the borders. dumping people in communities. and our immigration policy is not sending people back to their countries that are here illegally. brian: what do you say to that family, a car accident is tragic. it's random. but then when you hear somebody has overstayed their vice is a five years here illegally. it was not only horrible it was avoidable. >> it's a real tragedy when you have a 15-year-old girl who is killed in an automobile accident she was out with her friends that night. a mother was picking her up to take her home and then you have someone who is driving under the influence allegedly, and they are not someone who belongs in this country that they should have gone back to their country, it's a real tragedy. and you can't explain it to the families. because they don't understand why our government, our federal government is not enforcing all laws. brian: other big story is the governor here decides that the numbers are ticking up in new york state. trying to maybe prove herself as tough, replacing governor cuomo and trying to outit the statewide mandate. you are go to take over nassau county. there is already nine counties pushing back saying they won't enforce this how do you feel about it? we have a county about 1.5 million people. and 97% of our adults are vaccinated. we have plenty of capacity in our hospitals. we have plenty of capacity in our icu units. we are not in crisis. now, in buffalo, i understand there has been a spike in hospital admissions. but buffalo is 300 miles from long island. it's closer to cleveland than it is to long island. so for our governor here in new york. to say that we must have mask mandates here on long island, i have chosen that i am not going to enforce that. we have healthcare concerns but we are not in crisis in nassau county. and the fact of the matter is i have had business people and homeowners who are very upset about this mandate because it doesn't make any sense. we're in a situation here where luckily with our health department and healthcare professionals, we have the virus under control right now. we are monitoring it every single day. and if things change. i will changes my policy. but, right now when i take office on january 1st. i'm going to instruct our law enforcement personnel and our healthcare investigators to not en40s mask mandate. brian: you have better things to do with your time. shouldn't be raiding gyms and restaurants trying to find mr. and mrs. johnson not wearing or wearing a mask. we got the facts already. we should be able to live our own lives. it's incredible the stress. because factor that in the fact that a lot of these gyms now all of a sudden they want -- some people want other people to wear a mask. other people say i will not go there if i have to wear a of course that. the businessmen and women are the big loser in the christmas season. no one ever thinks things out. meanwhile on our original story a go fund me page has been set up for the crash victims go so go to donate. nassau county executive elect bruce blakeman, congratulations on the win and thanks for joining me. >> thank you so much. brian: all right. meanwhile still ahead reports ever looters taking advantage of the families lost everything in the catastrophic tornadoes. kentucky a.g. dabble cammeron react to that and break down the efforts to block price gougers from all preying on victims. ked. the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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>> well, the website that i have advised people to use is gouging. that put new direct contact with our office and of course you can call us as well 888-432-95 27 if you have information price gaige gouging, people struggling right now to figure out how to get past this period tornadoes have cost in the commonwealth what about the looting in bowling green what about the details. >> bad actors trying to take advantage of this awful situation. folks on the ground trying to stop that sort of conduct but it is unfortunate that we see people that are trying to use the situation for their own advantage. ainsley: of lot of these stores and homes don't have electricity. how are you getting through all of this? >> well, we are doing okay. it's heart breaking to see so many lives lost and to see homes ruined. i know i have had some folks on our team who have had either family members or loved ones who have lost homes or other things as well. so it is a challenge but, you know, god is sovereign, and ultimately at the end of the day he is going to help us get through this. i know there are folks praying all across this country for us. the other thing that i, you know, want to encourage your viewers to do is to give to team ky relief for any donations. prayers are obviously very needed and necessary and so i just want to thank all your viewers for paying attention to what's happening here on the ground and looking for ways to help. ainsley: it's been reported that the governor lost some loved ones, do you know details of that? i don't know specific details. so many people struggling with the loss of loved ones. still folks trying to find, again, if that happens to the governor, i hate that for him and his family. he has been leading through this challenge and it's unfortunate if there was a loss like that. ainsley: it really is god is sovereign. we don't understand why this is happening. hopefully we can all come together, chip in if we can't actually go to kentucky and help. god bless you, thank you. >> thanks, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. still ahead, woke california schools are scrapping failing grades insisting the pandemic has caused enough trauma on american students. will that just hurt them in the long run. it's breakfast with our friends our own rachel campos-duffy grits and greens christmas town u.s.a. hey, rachel. rachel: hi, guys yes i'm at grits and green right next to christmas town u.s.a. the best light display in the country. we will talk to some of the people here about how they are so excited because last year was canceled. it's back. christmas is back, ainsley. stay with us. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! ("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. >> we are back with your headlines, cnn producer condemned of child sex crimes. in 2010 the suspended news day producer tweeting quote just did the math we have four stories about people abusing kids today. three up now. if we are societies nearer you people suck. chris cuomo former senior producer now facing a life sentence for his alleged crimes. this just in. pfizer vaccine 70% effective in preventing omicron investigations according to south african study. the level of protection maintained among a range of chronic illnesses across all age groups. two dose vaccine 30% effective. the study was conducted in the epicenter of the new wave. high school students studying in some of california's largest school districts will no longer be allowed to fail. that's because schools are banning anything below a c. teachers in districts like l.a., oakland and sacramento are no longer allowed to give out ds or f's for poor work. students are allowed to retake test or do the work again. those behind the new testing system says it helps black latino and low income students who have been hurt by the pandemic. guys over to you. steve: interesting stuff out in california, thank you very much, carley. it is now 17 minutes before the top of the hour. what i would like to do is check in with janice dean for the fox weather forecast. >> good morning, everyone. we got above average temperatures again for half the country and then the other half is dealing with more big time snow. so let's go over it. 34 in chicago. 48 in new york. 52 in memphis. we have a big storm system moving into the west that's going to bring epic amounts of snow and heavy rainfall for areas that need it, however, that's going to present a problem of flash flooding. winter weather alerts for many states, some of these states the mountainous regions like the syria nevada in towards the rockies could receive over a foot or maybe two feet of snow. so this is great news obviously for the skiers and the snow pack, but it's going to cause travel problems over the next couple of days and then have heavy rain fall in southern california. they need the rainfall but too much of a good thing is going to cause flash flooding that's going to be a concern. in between the very warm air and very cold air we are going to have the clash of the two air masses again starting on wednesday and thursday. so the risk for large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes over some of these areas. so he would going to keep you up to date on that. there is your forecast today. we are going to fox news alert with daytime highs again hitting the record books in the 80's across texas. so that he was something we're going to have to watch and then of course the rain and mountain snow for the west, eventually that system moving eastward. fox if you want america's best weather. download it today. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: you can have it on your phone, that's right. j.d., thanks very much. >> you got it. steve: look at your phone and calendar 11 days before christmas and the holiday spirit is very much alive in burn southern community. mccadenville, north carolina, famously known as christmas town u.s.a. look at those lights. ainsley: this morning rachel campos-duffy is sharing that holiday cheer breakfast and friends grits and greens southern cuisine right outside of christmas town u.s.a. brian: rachel? rachel: good morning and merry christmas. i will try to get throughout this interview without eat the grits. which i hope i don't have any in my teeth i had to eat some earlier. i'm here with jennifer perez she owns grits and greens. jennifer, you told me you used to be open through dinner time and why aren't you open through dinner time anymore? >> basically because of staffing. i have a great staff. i was blessed with great people but, yeah, we can't get the staff to be open for second shift. rachel: last year everybody, christmas town lights were not up. so, you know, they are back this year. and so there is all this pent up demand. there is traffic going into christmas town u.s.a. but, you can't take advantage of that because you can't be open during the nighttime when everyone is coming in to christmas town. >> yeah, no, not this year. hopefully next year we will be back at it at night. rachel: how has inflation been affecting your prices. >> a lot. we have actually had to up all of our prices just a few months ago and sometimes we have to take things off the menu. rachel: sure. makes sense. i'm going to move over to -- thanks so much, jennifer, appreciate it move over to dave and kaye. they own a furniture appliance and more store, very nearby, correct? how has the supply chain affecting your business? >> the back orders on product coming in is just ridiculous. we have probably over 100 sales slips waiting on products to come in and we are being told the stuff is out on the ships. can't get it off the docks. can't get it in the trucks to the warehouses and to the stores. it's a big mess out here right now. >> logistics is a major, major problem for a whole lot of retailers right now. rachel: you started coming to grits and greens during the pandemic. you made an effort to try to hit different businesses that were getting hit hard by the pandemic, correct? >> that is correct. we knew people were out there struggling in so many different areas, and it made us at least once a week we're going to find us a mom and pop place and we are going to support our community. rachel: dave, you told me you come specifically for the grits. >> the grits are excellent here. grits and greens but for me it's grits. the best this side of charleston. rachel: sounds like you are after ainsley's heart. i will move over to dean. dean, you work at a car dealership. >> true. >> tell me how this economy is affecting your business. >> well, we normally would get 15, 16, 17 cars about every 15 days. now we are getting like three cars a month, which is ridiculous. use -- prices of used cars gone up 25%. we can't get parts for the cars. can't get chips. it's just overall just a mess. rachel: what's your affidavit rice onto this administration on what should they do to help people like you just trying to make a living? >> well, first thing they should do is shut the border down, quit giving all that money down there to illegals. come in america legally like most people. and then from there just make sure we get a fair shake on everything. i think the taxes are going to kill us down the road. and we're all going to be paying more money out of our pocket. rachel: i'm going to change topics really fast. give me a quick answer what's your favorite thing on the menu. >> favorite thing on the menu mist miss duffy. rachel: i'm not on the menu but i will be back. brian: that was a surprising answer. ainsley: wasn't expecting that. steve: i was expecting the southern benedict. who knew? brian: toast might have been a good option. steve: all right, thank you, rachel, grits and greens as she grins. brian: okay. ainsley: that guy says he is only getting three cars at a dealership per month. brian: lucky to get the three. range of reasons for the crime spike. what they are saying still ahead. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. and you add the love. (upbeat music) - [narrator] this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. steve meant to be a special surprise for two waitresses in arkansas. >> so we are tipping a total of $4,400. [cheers and applause] for you to split it with the other girl who took care of us, okay? this, right here, this is for you, thank you. steve: but that surprise $4,400 tip split between two waitresses ended up getting one of those waitresses fired. that's because the restaurant tried to make her share the money with the rest of the staff. she joins us right now to tell us her story. former waited truss at oven and tap restaurant ryan brant and her attorney bill horton, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning, steve, thanks for having us. >> you bet. ryan, this great big group of 40 people. they decided we are all going to chip in 100 bucks. 4400 bucks split between the two waitresses, all right. that's what it looked like. you were overwhelmed. then what happened? >> yeah, definitely overwhelmed. blindsided with happiness and joy and and disbelief honestly that it was even happening. steve: then the restaurant asked you, they said that big tip, you have to split it with everybody, right? >> yeah. i was told by shift manager right after the filming of the announcement and then the table was done with their dinner, exiting the restaurant, that anything over 20% would be taken by the restaurant to be divvied out. steve: i understand you contacted directly the person who had given you the tip and you said thank you very much. and then they found out that you were supposed to split it at the restaurant for the money back and they gave it to you directly. bill, why are you here today? >> well, i think it's all over the internet right now. instead of just apologizing and saying we made a mistake they decided to double down and hire an attorney sending this lady a very threatening letter trying to silence her. we are trying to make sure her truth gets out. steve: they say she was not fired over the tip. so why were you fired? >> >> i personally believe because i told the whitley group that i wasn't going to be keeping the tip. steve: i gotcha. so you feel like it was over by telling them how you had to split the tip and that's what got you in trouble. the good news is you got a brand new job which i understand you don't have to. ryan and bill,thank you very mu. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic 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prosecutors are too soft on crime. >> we have seen an increase over the course of the pandemic the range of reasons for that. >> can't do the job get out of office plain and simple. >> mask mandates are coming back. >> i think we have learned you give niece people an inch they will never let g there is no reason to be restricting or mandating anybody. >> jaw-drops snubs how much president biden's build back plan is going to cost. >> chicago economic professor estimates the social spending bill could add up to $30,000 on taxes on middle class family. >> number two it is caught. touchdown. odell beckham jr. touchdown. brian: we begin with a fox news alert. president biden is now set to survey the damage left in the wake of devastating tornadoes over the weekend leaving at least 8 people dead. >> we continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states affected. particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky who lost familyself. it's pretty rough stuff. brian: kentucky governor andy beshear becoming emotional on the loss of life. >> we are now up to 74 kentuckians that we have lost. the age range is 5 months to 86 years. ainsley: a 2 month old infant there is her picture becoming the youngest victim. the national guard joining the effort as more than 100 people remain missing. the tornadoes so powerful some personal items are showing up 150 miles away. >> that's right. employees at the collapsed kentucky candle factory say they were told that they would get fired if they left their post before the tornadoes hit. investigating the amazon warehouse collapse. for more on the ground let's go to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. rick, i was reading a report from somebody there and they say okay, people are talking about we're picking up the pieces. but how do you start over when you start with that. rick: when every piece needs to be picked up. that's what makes it so hearted. hit a house or two or a black you can kind of get your brain around that. but when you have an entire town where the business district of the town is gone, you know, what do you do? derek come on over here. i wanted to talk to you today first off you are on the city council you have information on the town. standing in front of what was the waters tower. the oldest most prominent water tower in town that you can see behind us here down on the ground. there is water all over the place, obviously. you say this wasn't even here. >> no, it was down the road like we have a bus over here as well that was down the road. i'm just now seeing the bus and i have been all around town and i'm just now noticing it being right here. rick: first off, tell me that night about the storm, where were you? what was your experience? >> i was listening to the news heard it was coming. we heard that a lot never expected this to happen. this we took cover. and then shortly, you know, news we heard it pass and then i started getting phone calls. never knew it would do as much damage as it had. never imagined it. rick: obviously a town about 10,000 people and a lot of fatalities in this town. you have people who know. >> i do, i do. i do. i got some family members and friends. i heard a lot of communities around us think are in my prayers as well. rick: one thing the physical loss of a town. there is the emotional loss. all of that being processed at one time? >> overwhelming. >> we have overwhelming. when i started hearing about what was going on, i immediately started making phone calls. making sure my family was safe started checking on the kids i work with every day at the school district. kids i coach. i started checking. rick: you work at the high school. >> i work with the school district as a whole. rick: gotcha. on the city council. obviously this tornado cut through downtown and destroyed all of those buildings. >> yeah. rick: is there any sense of what you guys do next? have there been any decisions or is that premature to have that conversation? >> well, we haven't i have been at our high school a lot making sure our kids have been taken care of. and make sure we have people that need shelter get shelter. right now that's our priority. rick: from what you know are there people in mayfield unaccounted for. >> i'm hearing they are still looking for bodies. >> personally i don't know anyone that's missing. i have checked in made a lot of comments. when you start cleaning is when you start finding people and i heard they are still looking. rick: tell me about this. you know, there is no power in town. they cut it cut it off all the power lines down. >> dangerous. rick: trying to get power restored. tell me about this. you know, just the water. you need electricity. you need water to be able to sustain life. will there be water back in town. >> yeah. we are starting to get water in certain areas of the town and whatnot. like i said, that's why, you know, i think it's important for people right now the immediate need is people need shelter more my concern how we will rebuild the city. rick: that gives you a sense, guys, the process of where we are, no decisions yet on what to do next. still just trying to get people. >> take care of immediate needs, food, shelter what's important right now. rick: that expresses it. thank you so much. >> thank you. rick: and best of luck to you and your family. >> thank you. rick: guys. steve: rick, we know there are parts of town without electricity, obviously if the water tower is on the ground and traveled a distance from where it has been for decades this a infrastructure project going to take a long time to fix before people have water. >> you said it, get electricity in here pretty quickly. areas of town getting water. but this one right here. obviously gone. you mentioned, it's an infrastructure getting through the town getting power and water. such town of 10,000 people there are towns all along about 200 plus mile path that are dealing with this as well as farms, houses, you know, rural areas that are all completely damaged. it's an infrastructure issue. there are so many farms livestock gone that's going to have impact financially for this region potentially for others around the area far reaching from some of the agricultural impacts as well. ainsley: i know walmart is donating a lot of water. and the federal government donated 90,000 bottles of water to that area. thank you, rick. rick: you bet. steve: that's their skyline. that's the tallest thing in that town. ainsley: beginning when we saw rick on camera we said is that the mayfield signup side down and then rerealized it was the water it tower. steve: unbelievable. brian: usually when things like this happen local businesses rally. things wind out you will have the gap to gift certification to go there and pliers home depot. others start gouging prices. the good news is when they go to investigate it's obvious your price is too high always worry about looters coming in and grabbing your stuff while losses evaluated. the kentucky attorney general joined ainsley earlier. >> i'm telling these bad actors this sort of activity and conduct won't be tolerated in the commonwealth. we have got look out for our people especially when so much devastation has been wrought. it's heart breaking to see so many lives lost and to see homes ruined it is a challenge. god is sovereign and ultimately at the end of the day is he going to help us get through this. i know there are folks praying across this country for us. prayers are obviously very needed and necessary. ainsley: he has set up a website and there is a phone number, 1-800 number if you see anyone that is price gouging. he said if the if the price of milk was this amount of money and increased it then call hotline. number at the bottom of the screen 888-432-9257. steve: while people all across the country look in and how can i help? we have seen this a million times before where suddenly charities pop up people have never heard of. there are all sorts of donation scamsz and things like that looking at one of the local web sites of kentucky better business bureau suggest visiting before contributing or sending a donation just to verify it's something bona fide unless you donate to one of the big organizations nationwide like care, united way, red cross. ainsley: samaritan's purse. steve: who are the bell ringers? ainsley: salvation army. love them. steve: they all are accepting donations on behalf of the people. brian: let's change gears. same theme and it's crime. according to the latest poll that we went over yesterday. 36% of the people approve of the way the president has handle crime in this country, i'm surprised it's even 36%. 43% approve it's terrible. a push to hear there was identification. portland and seattle and chicago all hell is breaking loose and new york. a sense that those governors and those mayors should crack down. and when president trump decided to put the national guard in or federal officers in there, there was huge pushback. now we are seeing formization and an organization around the mass looting in major cities from san francisco to oakland to los angeles. and i just thought it was very telling, too one of these a.g.s saying this is no mob or godfather. district attorney he said it is party night. one of these guys they just show up. they go in there. they smash, they grab, they get the stuff and they make a total profit. they are just having fun right now at the business owner's expense. steve: story broken by the "wall street journal." flash mob come together on social media. organized on snapchat and other social media and messaging services. they are run by people who don't know each other. snap says they are looked into it and there is nothing to it. as you look right there. louis vitton, 40 people involved in that five have been arrested so far. have you seen the images of nordstrom in california 90 people who took part three people arrested. $100,000 worth of stuff in one minute 25 separate cars license plates covered over an organizer gets on social media sites like snap and says hey, as soon as they give the location and the time a bunch of people who do not know each other, other than they have the commonality of being on the same social media site they show up at this location with a sledge hammer or something like that and next thing you know they are gone in a minute and a half. it's infuriating. peter doocy asked jen psaki about prosecutors being soft on crime. >> do you think it's possible that these cities are dealing with these smash and grab robberies right now increase in criminal activity because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i would say we have seen i'm not going to attribute the reason to believing from here. we have seen increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are a range of reasons for that what we are focused on is what we can do to address it the president has proposed additional funding in the budget to make sure local police departments and cops have the funding they need. that's what our focus is on currently is action. >> what good is it going to do if you are going to give police departments extra money if they arrest bad guys and they bring them to jail and then they are not prosecuted? >> what our focus is on is making sure that the local leaders have the assistance and funding they need we are working around the clock. steve: unless they lock somebody up, the people can be out doing more. ainsley: what happened with our tree the arsonist. back on the street. brian: homeless guy he should be allowed to be arsonist. larry krasner of philadelphia another embarrassment to this country came out and said no crime problem. liberal formal mayor came out came out and apologized and said it wasn't a good thing to say. alex villanova. he doesn't care. he knows district attorney gascon is endangering the lives of the people that he is supposed to protect. he was on with tucker last night. he is taking on these policies and these criminals. >> if you can't do the job get out of office plain and simple. roughly 12,000 cases in first year in office that he has not prosecuted that we made the arrest. 12,000 times that a crook walked away scot-free. what kind of message is that telling to the criminal community or sending to the criminal community constantly trying to keep the morale of my organization up don't do your job because someone else refuses to do his or her job. absolute failure on all counts. steve: regarding a number of those smash and grabs in san francisco. investigators there saying that they were organized around the time of the kyle rittenhouse verdict because robberrers throughout they would be 25 different cars and grab a bunch of stuff and they did. brian: still doing it called a pig by the district attorney. unbelievable. ainsley: where is clarifies. she is from san francisco. she was so soft on crime there. and she ran on that. she is more progressive than bernie sanders was. steve: i think she is busy on working on the root causes of the migration problem. brian: dealing with child actors want to talk about space that takes a lot of time to memorize those scripts. carley shimkus does not deal with child actors. steve: she does deal with scripts. carley: what else happened in the pandemic, the defund the police movement. why are you invoking the pandemic when it has nothing to do with the situation. steve: she said there were a range of reasons. that's one of them. brian: let me defend jen psaki for a minute -- never mind. carley: stay on the crime crisis here. the houston police say they used a fallen deputy's handcuffs to arrest the man suspected of murdering him. eddie miller is accused of shooting and killing deputy constable kareem atkins during an ambush attack this past october. miller was given no bond for capital murder charge. 19-year-old accused of shooting two others at the scene. one is recovering and other remains at the icu unit. deputy atkins just 30 years old at the time of his murder. former white house chief of staff mark meadows calling out the january 6th committee for recommending criminal charges after he refused to testify. disappointing but not surprising. it's not about holding me in contempt. not about imagination the capitol safer you see this by some going on right now. this is about donald trump and about actually going after him once again. >> meadows is no longer cooperating with the investigation into the events surrounding the january 6th attack. this morning rules committee will vote on whether or not to move forward with the process of holding meadows in contempt of congress. the nfl is requiring players, coaches and staff to get the covid vaccine booster shot. the league releasing a memo saying its requirement extends to all tier 1 and tier 2 individuals who previously received a vaccine deadline to get the booster is december 27th. teams are also being asked to consider providing booster shots for players and staff family members. a season high 37 players were placed on the covid-19 list on monday. mcdonald's is giving out free food every day until christmas thanks to mariah carey. ♪ ♪ all i want for christmas is you. >> get free daily deals decembey mcdonald's. carley: iconic singer inspiration for the fast food chain christmas commercial. customers who spend $1 or more on the mcdonald's app. will get 12 days of mariah carey's favorite menu items for free. free food if you didn't already love mariah carey i'm sure now you do. steve: she has the greatest christmas song of all time. carley: except for. steve: santa has a dirty job. ainsley: i love that song. do you love it? carley: favorite song not just christmas song. steve: good job, mcdonald's. free food. we love that. ainsley: we do. 7:20 on the east coast. president biden's federal vaccine mandate facing major road blocks in and out of the court. bern join us update on daily wire. steve: 11 days until christmas rachel campos-duffy dining with locals christmas town u.s.a. she will be back to talk with those folks straight ahead on "fox & friends" ♪ snow is falling ♪ friends are calling yahoo ♪ such tree-mendous views. i'm at a moss for words. when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? soothe your cough naturally. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 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campos-duffy is having breakfast with friends grits and greens southern cuisine. hey, rachel. >> good morning and merry christmas, everybody. yes, this town, mcadenville a mile away from where i am right now. turns into a hallmark movie or christmas postcard. they have been doing it since the 1950s. 67th s year i believe. people come from all around the area in their cars. they drive through and look at the lights. some of them walk through the town. i'm here with steve. he has been coming for 22 years to see the lights here at christmas town u.s.a. it was canceled last year. how excited are you that it's back? >> well, i have lived here for 22 years. and right on the exit where all the cars have to get off to go through and see the lights. so, it's quite different this year than it was last year. rachel: i'm sure. >> but, yeah. we are happy to have it back. you know, it's a big thing for this area. a lot of people in the state and they know that that town is known for its christmas lights and when i'm referring to where i live to people, i often tell them exit 23 off i 85 local mcadenville and they say. rachel: christmas town u.s.a. there are concerns in the country you want to talk about. what's your biggest concern? >> there's a number but to keep it short for you, i would say it's the prices, the economy, the inflation right now. crime is also a very concerning what we see going on in some of the bigger cities in the other states. but prices right now, we're experiencing really crazy inflation gas, i have a photo on my phone from sam's club where i get my gas a year and a half ago and the price was 1.76 for premium, which i put in my uconn and so i was very happy. i took a picture of that it's like 3.20. rachel: it's double now you 2350e8 it in that uconn. >> absolutely. rachel: merry christmas. >> merry christmas, rachel, thank you. rachel: i'm here with j.r., you are very concerned about how this pandemic has affected kids be. >> from south carolina. much more fortunate than some states. we didn't have the shutdowns. my son canceled his last year of flag football was canceled due to covid. you know, they don't get those years back. and there is different fundamentals and lessons they learn, you know, with sports and different things and i think we shouldn't be taking that away from the kids because a lot of them don't get that at home and, you know, sometimes that's the only place they get to see that. >> and so, you know,. rachel: it's a great j.r., the impact on our kids, banning sports, banning smiles as well. so, all right. we will be back with more from christmas town u.s.a. lots of grits on the menu and lots of politics as well. brian: right. and corn pops. good see corn pop. steve: rachel, thank you very much. rachel: that's his shirt corn pop is a bad dude. i didn't know this t-shirt existed pretty funny. steve: have to google and see what that's all about. brian: joe biden's biography. steve: coming up on 7: 30. coming up in the east. this weekend's tornadoes tearing through hatcheries in the midwest. the toll it could take on the supply chain as farmers fight already high price. that's straight ahead. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems 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homes in town. they are destroyed. almost everywhere you look looks something like this. and the insurance information institute says it's too early to put an exact dollar figure on the cost of this damage but they do expect it to be the costliest tornado event in u.s. history. and while so many people here in kentucky and five other states are dealing with the loss of property, some families are dealing are something much worse the loss of a loved one. 74 people killed in kentucky, i met with thomas bright yesterday. he was going through what was left of his aunt's home. she unfortunately didn't make it in the storm. weighs trying to get anything out of the debris family photos, mementos any keep sakes that they could find talk to him about how devastating this loss is. especially so close to christmas. listen. >> i was preparing myself as i was walking down the street for the worse and obvious. i was hoping and praying she was still underneath and could be saved. she is the type of person. she kept everything. she was -- had turned 80 years old. so she had 80 years worth of photos and letters and pictures because she never threw anything away. >> to focus on the positive so many people and corporations are stepping in to help the governor of kentucky andy beshear says nearly 45,000 people have donated to the state's fund totaling nearly $6 million in donations. you mentioned walmart and tyson foods. they have partnered up to donate 600,000 meals. lowe's has also vowed to make a donation as well. obviously, brian, when you see the destruction in this area they absolutely need all the help they can get. brian: i wouldn't even know where to start, grady, thank you very much. just amazing. >> devastating toll on the agriculture industry already battered by the supply chain crisis. many grain facilities, hatcheries and farms in kentucky taking a direct hit. let's bring in kentucky department of agriculture commissioner ryan and graves county kentucky farmer keith lowery. keith, for you, what are you experiencing now with your farm? >> >> well, personally i live -- my farm is 10 miles south of mayfield. we had no damage. we had no damage at all. but i do have neighbors that have the chicken industry is very big in the county and they have lost six barnes at one location supply chain on the local level is going to be impacted the way it is. but i had no damage in my operation. >> you are pitching in, right? >> absolutely. i got the word 230 on saturday morning and we loaded up the heavy equipment as some of my neighbor farmers did. got here about daylight on saturday morning and have been here ever since. we don't want to brag on the farming community here in graves county they stepped up. they have been here to help and do whatever needed to be done. brian: it does not surprise me. used to taking things on yourself by nature, by trade. ryan you, in terms of the food supply chain, between hatcheries, the chicken keeps coops.what could you tell us han damaged that worries you the most. >> well, obviously we want to make sure that we keep people fed. that's been a big initiative of our office since saturday morning physical donations down to western ken and really the storm hit everything from the mississippi river to just south of louisville we are meafing schuyler we utilize the lunch program, our food banks, one of which was completely destroyed here in mayfield but on the supply side, there is a hatchery right here in mayfield 200 farmers in the region. we are already hit with supply chain issues increased costs of input, inflation, et cetera. now we are going to have at least six to 8 month delay when it comes to the driving poultry industry in western kentucky. we have a granary right here in mayfield that has 5.5 million bushels of grain sitting on sites. they are not even sure how to unload that grain and get it converted into feed for our livestock industry. and so we have had a tough situation but i'm a farm kid myself. there is one thing we know that keith just talked about. when we get knocked down, we get back up, we will dust off our blue jeans and get back to work. brian: nobody to complain to. can u.s. agriculture department, keith, help out? >> absolutely part-time people like commissioner corls came on we need it had in the weeks and possibly years to come. brian: if you could, ryan, could you tell us what civilians who aren't farmers can do to help being that you are going to have trouble working the land? >> that's right. we started a go fund me page dedicated to relief fund. encourtrooming americans from coast to coast to pitch in to help out with getting our farms back into production. i will just give you one example. kentucky is the biggest decattle state in mississippi. whether you have areas no fences left. >> herds commingled hundreds of head that have died in the storm. sorting out the mess is becoming a challenge. it's going to take us several days if not weeks to determine the extent of agriculture from structures to grain structures. 30 poll tri houses damaged severely. going to take us time to dig out. he. brian: real life challenges happening every single day. thanks, guys. >> thank you. brian: meanwhile, [email protected] relief fund. meanwhile we forge ahead. of the daily wire taking the president to court vaccine mandate for private businesses. will it be successful? ben shapiro has a lot of fight in him. he will talk about the uncon stiewcialted of what we are all experiencing right now. my fingers are crossed for ben. he will be joining us next. ♪ advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. it's the only fda-approved 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basically we are still unmold with the sixth circuit of appeals, the governor sort of push back against a stay put in by the fifth circuit. put in a brief on that. so everything is sort of in a holding pattern at this point in the court system obviously a national stay put on the vax mandate. we assume that eventually this case is going to reach the supreme court and ask people to sign a petition we put out there called do not comply already 850,000 americans have signed the petition saying they do not plan on complying with any vaccine mandate pushed by this administration. steve: you are not anti-vax, have you been vaccinated. your family has been vaccinated. we have all been vaccinated. you are anti-vax mandate. >> correct. there is a massive difference between being anti-vax and anti-vax mandate. try to redefine the term anti-vax. being anti-vax means that you actually think that the vaccines. being anti-vax mandate believes you believe people should be free to make their own suggestion when the suggestion the data show that even vax people passing this that vaccination is preventing hospitalization and death but not transmission that will hospitalization and death but not preventing people from getting the disease although in lower numbers than people unvaxxed. vax mandates are antilogic and anti-is science and anti-freedom. >> a lot of people are sick of this. two years government telling us. if people want to get involved. they can sign your petition, right? >> that's right. do not comply and then you can move down if you are in a blue state, move to florida. you heard our governor. steve: we would all like to. brian: governor polis of colorado. steve: democrat. brian: yeah, democrat. the problem unvaccinated in his view done. state of emergency is back over. we lost 27 air force personnel yesterday because they refused to take the shot. we lost 34,000 healthcare workers in new york because they either have natural immunity or they are not comfortable taking the shot. now, do you know that anthony fauci says we got to get a booster so that's three for a lot of us. and then he says we might have to get it annually that would be four. omicron different shot. how many shots are we going to get? even the most pro-vaccine person limit to the pin cushion in your deltoid. >> i think that until your body is 80% composed of the actual vaccine, and they are not going to allow you to be free. if you actually think at this point that there is any point at which the left is going to allow to you live your life. just one more thing the left will allow to you get back to normal. that's just not true. they made a promise. the promise was a lie. the promise was they would be able to stop covid. no government on everett can stop covid. they can make them widely available now we get to go back to daily life. in florida we have been living daily life well over aer i don't at this point. steve: great book called the authoritarian movement. thank you very much. check out the ben shapiro show. thank you, sir. ainsley: thanks, ben. >> thanks so much. brian: watched with joe rogan three hours. fantastic. new town, pennsylvania, tickets left toilet town beat you. making history on broadway 8:15 at john rich's head neck rivera and is he going to be there in nashville. so make history. if not have the best time. >> the other broadway in nashville and then on the 18th, my last two stops are going to be in dayton and cincinnati the same day on saturday. ainsley: then you can finally sleep. brian: special thanks to our viewer heather and marine colonel travis foxily assistant fox chief. in oklahoma. he waited in line for three hours. i was in tulsa as well as oklahoma city. coming out of tyler, coming out of fort worth. coming out of long view, which is where matthew mcconaughey grew up. that was -- it was crazy time. we thought it would be a good time, believe it or not, i won't say the airline. but i was late to my book signing because the pilot left his ipad in another plane. steve: the i pad is essentially how they run the plane. brian: i cannot complain because i leave something everywhere. to know i'm sitting on a tarmac because the pilot left his ipad on the plane. ainsley: how late were you for the event? brian: an hour. we met a lot of people. don't worry about it. steve: happy accident. brian: president and the freedom fighter thank you forever keeping it up there. we will see how it goes to redneck rivera. steve: brian for tour date information. ainsley: on the second day of "fox & friends'" 12 days of giving. how you can give back to families of our fallen heroes this christmas season with the help tunnel 2 towers foundation. steve: that's right. it's coming up. first, it's the most wonderful time of the year on fox nation with christmas movies the whole family can enjoy. abbey hornacek is here live in the studio with the movie you can't miss. coming up. brian: do you spar in any of them? ♪ ♪ ... >> good morning let's take a look at your weather across the country, big warmup again we're going to break records 35 in chicago, 35 in fargo, 48 in new york, 60 in dallas we'll be in the 80s for parts of texas so you can see that cold era cross the west but the central u.s. above average temperatures, that's going to move across the mississippi valley in towards the east coast, on friday, and some of those records are going to be, again, into the 80s so look at texas 81, you'll break a record from 2008 even kansas, 70 degrees goodland, kansas that breaks the record back in 1962 of 66 so because we have that cold air and the warm air ahead of it the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms wednesday and thursday for the central u.s. again behind it because we've got that cold air in place , big time snow for the sierra nevada in towards the rockies and the inner mountain west so this is great news for skiers and snowpack and the drought situation, but it is going to lead to some travel problems already over two feet of snow on top of that another one to two feet, so epic snow happening across the west and then the heavy rain for parts of southern california, good news for the drought, bad news because a lot of that will cause flash flooding we'll keep you up-to-date of course foxweather .com to get america's best weather, ainsley and abbey, over to you. ainsley: thank you so much janice. well there's nowhere like home for the holidays and fox nation is helping you get cozy on your couch, with christmas movies, like where the magic of christmas creates true love, watch. >> she's going to come to her senses and find love in the right person. i can't take that chance, nick. i need you to step aside and let sarah have the life she's always wanted. >> oh, hey, you don't like this >> no. >> i said don't touch that. don't touch it, okay? >> no, no, no! >> ♪ we wish you a merry christmas ♪ ainsley: here to give us a preview of that, abbey hornacek, hey, abbey. >> that must have been in the sierra nevada or the rockies according to janice dean because it's supposed to snow there and make a snowman. thanks so much for having me, ainsley. it's such a cute movie. cute name too, right? so, it's all about sarah. she every year builds this snowman with her best friend nick and she pretends it's her boyfriend because she wants to be swept away in a romance, and one year, she named it cole, and said i want him to be charming and funny and then one day, she gets a knock on her door from a human man, named col e, with all those characteristics so there was christmas magic in the air and brought him to life so she gets into this romance with cole , but nick is in the background as if that trend he's been in love with her since day one so does she end up with cole or nick? i'd never ruin the answer. ainsley: how does she choose. the next one is how sarah got her wing, and let's watch a clip first and then you can explain it. >> all right >> ainsley: i think that we have it. >> i'm afraid so, sweetie. >> [dog barking] >> and your little dog too. >> i always wanted to do that. >> so this is heaven? >> no, no, [laughter] no this is just the lobby. ainsley: so she is in heaven? >> almost. ainsley: okay. >> by the way you guys matched that could have been you in the movie you were in one of our fox nation christmas movies. ainsley: yeah, did one last year >> so also sarah, she gets to heaven waiting in the lobby to get into the gates of heaven and realizes she's not on the list so she has to go back and she has to finish some unfinished business. she thinks it's because she needs to help her ex-boyfriend move on, and find true love with this girl that he used to date. so she's working the entire movie with him, he can see her but no one else can, and she gets back to the gates of heaven and has to do it all before christmas eve in order to get in and she's worried she's not going to make it because like all christmas movies there's a message at the end, was it really about helping her ex- boyfriend or was it about something bigger? ainsley: okay, all right and the last one is an evergreen christmas. tell us about it. >> yeah, so evergreen christmas follows a story of evie lee whose dad passes away and she lives in los angeles so she has to leave her big town life and have to go back to her small town life in tennessee and it follows just her trying to get back to her family but get back to her roots and she finds out she's the executor of her family's christmas tree farm so she owes taxes on about $3 million so she's trying to save this christmas tree farm and she has a boyfriend whose horrible, nobody likes him but in comes a guy from her past who her family loves and there's a little bit of romance there as well. ainsley: she ends up ditching her boyfriend? >> i don't know ainsley you can't ruin it. ainsley: all family friendly movies watch them with your kids too. thank you so much abbey. well this holiday season you can sign up for fox nation, just use the promo code "celebrate" and then get 35% off your annual plan only at it is 7:59 here on the east coast and the final hour of fox & friends starts right now. >> president biden is now set to survey the damage leaving at least 88 people dead. >> we're going to be there as long as it takes to help. >> we get knocked down we get back up, pat the dust off our blue jeans and get back to work. reporter: do you think it's possible big cities are dealing with increased criminal activity because prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> we have seen an increase over the course of the pandemic. >> yeah, it's the pandemic causing the crime, because when you're forced to wear a mask, you might as well rob somebody at gunpoint. >> the daily wire taking the president to court over his vaccine mandate for private businesses. >> we assume eventually this is going to reach the supreme court , already 850,000 americans have signed a poll they aren't planning on complying. ainsley: woke california schools are scrapping failing grades. >> in districts like la, oakland, sacramento students are allowed to retake tests or do the work again. >> first down again, running ahead of everyone is jefferson, touchdown! 52-yards score. steve: 8:01 we start with a fox weather alert. president biden is set to survey the damage left in the wake of the devastating weekend tornado es that have left at least 88 people dead. >> continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states who were affect ed and particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky whose lost his family himself. it's pretty rough stuff. steve: it is rough stuff. kentucky governor andy bashir becoming emotional on the loss of life and it was extensive. >> we are now up to 74 kentucky that we have lost. the age range is five months to 86 years. ainsley: then we learned the youngest was actually two months old. this incident, there she is, a little baby girl. she is the youngest victim, they went all into the bathroom, and the force of the winds blew the family into the neighbor's house and this poor little girl was strapped in her car seat so that she wouldn't, you know, fly away, but the force was just too much and she ended up not making it. the national guard joining the effort as well as more than 100 people remain missing, the tornadoes are so powerful. some personal items actually showed up 150 miles away. brian: employees at the collapsed kentucky candle factory say they were told they westbound fired if they left before the tornado hit and in illinois, osha now investigating the amazon warehouse collapse, more let's go to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth in mayfield, kentucky. rick: good morning, guys. we kind of have a different back drop for you now we've been showing so much of the town and we'll have some live drone video that we could be showing at the same time that we're talking about this. you can see downtown we're about a mile away from downtown here in the graves county fair grounds and i'm joined here by sandra delk. you work for the fair grounds. this is where you come to work but this place untouched, we're about a mile away. thank goodness, because this is serving as a staging area for a lot of the goods that are coming in for people in great need. >> yes, it is. we've been getting donations here since saturday morning. they're coming in all hours of the night. they are coming from all over the country. we've had calls twice from pennsylvania and then the people stay and help. they aren't going anywhere, and we've had calls from florida, california, everywhere and they are sending money, bringing money to us, they are helping in every way possible and as you can see what all they are doing but this is not even, we've had so much more coming, and but it's going out quickly. rick: the amount of goods that come in after a disaster from the generous people who want to help but sometimes it can overwhelm a town and you guys have this really well-organized. imagine everybody whose lost their homes, they've lost their cars and they have no food, no clothes, they have no cleaning supplies, and so you guys have setup a really amazing system here, and this is people can just come by and pick-up what they need. >> what has happened is when it all started coming in, we were really overwhelmed and we had a lot of clothing in here and bedding, and that was just kind of taken us over so we ended up shipping that out to the churches and they're taking care of that the local churches, which is really wonderful, but and then we were able to make more room in here but we also have another building in the back that we're using and it's larger than this one, and it's more for surplus and then but as you can see , it is more organized now than it ever has been but that's because we've had such great volunteers. they're coming in here and saying tell me what to do, and that's it. they are staying a long time. rick: i think if you are looking on the screen and you see the drone of the damage in town, then you come a mile away which is always a crazy thing in these tornadoes that other spots isn't touched which is the case here and what a blessing to have such a big facility that you can do this kind of organization for the people. >> oh, yeah and you can see things like t-mobile, we're using their, they brought a generator in for us and it's hooked up out here and that's how we have lights because we don't have electric or water here, so that's how we have these lights in here. rick: the generator is so important for mayfield right now all the support, anything specific you guys still are in need of? >> seriously probably more generators. i know we've got a lot coming but some of these people, we don't even know about like right outside town, we don't know if they're okay really. we know they may not have electricity. trees might be on their cars, they have no transportation so things like that, yes but you can see and i know things like we've got so much, but -- we're shipping to the filters here as well as people driving in, picking up, walking and getting what they need, so it's going fast. rick: it's amazing work you're doing and all of the volunteers. have you a long road ahead of you and you'll need a lot more supplies so thank you for what you're doing. >> thank you and can i show this? rick: of course, please. >> okay if you are wanting to send anything to help us out money-wise, here we go. this is the address, and we really appreciate all, the whole country has come together for us rick: as they always do. >> its been amazing. rick: thank you so much. >> thank you. appreciate it. rick: guys back to you. steve: rick, we were just talking ainsley and i were just talking about, you know, other communities we know of that have been impacted as they start to rebuild. when it comes to a hurricane, fema is able to pre-position assets because they know essentially where it's going to go. with a tornado that's impossible to know, so any idea as somebody picks up their phone there, any idea how soon fema can be there with generators because she said they need generators. rick: yeah, i don't have an answer to that. i don't know what has been put in place. any idea if fema has come in yet with any generators? >> i believe they have not come in yet. we have not had contact. i have not had contact with them yet. rick: according to sandra here, not aware of it but i don't have that information. steve: okay, rick, thank you very much. as we look at the flight team video, this is a live image over mayfield. you're talking about what are you going to rebuild? with the exception of that historic hotel in the background right there, that's brick-and-mortar, what else is left to rebuild? i mean, they are going to have to start from scratch. it's just heartbreaking. the town i grew up in, and went to high school in, clay center in kansas, my junior year of high school, a tornado went right through downtown. it took years for them to rebuild but they didn't have a fraction of the devastation they have in mayfield. ainsley: i know i remember being a child & hurricane hugo came through barreling through south carolina and demolished lots of beaches but then they did rebuild, and they ended up building these beautiful beach houses that used to be small little homes, so eventually, hopefully this town will be able to do that and rebuild. brian: the key is going to be the red tape. are they in there with money, they have the red tape to get through it and places like new york with so much legislation out there, and so many environmental impact studies it takes forever for things to get built, meanwhile, while people look at what was once a pretty big city or a big town a lot of people say well what about the farms? that was the question i posed to keith lowry, a farmer, who was actually dodged a lot of the damage but has been helping out with food and more and his equipment and ryan quarrels. he talks about everything from the hatcheries to the chicken coups this really could affect the supply chain for the country and for his county. listen. >> on the local level here is going to be impacted for years the way it is but we don't want to brag on the farming community here, they stepped up. they've been here to help and do whatever needed to be done. >> it's going to take several days if not weeks to really determine the extensive agricultural damage but i'm a farm kid myself and there's one thing we know that keith just talked about is that when we get knocked down we get backup, we pat the dust off our blue jeans and get back to work. steve: absolutely, and the farmers do have the heavy equipment tractors and whatnot to help move stuff which is very helpful. as we saw rick talking to the lady at the fair grounds, and they've organized, you know, a clothing drive and things like that, yesterday, we heard from the first lady of kentucky, britney beshear, and she has organized given that we're 11 days away from christmas they've organized a state-wide toy drive they're looking for new toys, games, books and technology that are new, unwrapped, and in the original packing. they are also asking for $25 visa and mastercard gift cards. they do not need any clothes. there are locations throughout the state, the commonwealth of kentucky, where you can drop those things off and if you like more information, just google that and if you like to send things their way, i'm sure -- ainsley: look at the devastation how many christmas presents are in all of this , these piles of rubble that parents have bought for their kids and that it's just gone. christmas is gone for many of these families. brian: the other major story that outside the natural disaster is the manmade disaster and that is what's happening with crime in this country and we see more and more major cities totally preventable crime waves. a lot of these smash-and-grab, a lot of it just flat out pick pocket. we have arson that burned down this tree, you see it on people throw people on top of the train tracks, it doesn't matter, there's no cash bail, almost no prosecution at the same time they are emptying out the prisons because that is what how some women view it as kim that justice reform and that's why the president of the united states is getting terrible reviews when it comes to crime. only 36% of the country approve of the way he's handling the major cities, and if he has got a problem with it he can point his finger right to the democratic governors, excuse me, democratic governors, and mayors , and more importantly, a lot of the d. a.'s that do not prosecute the crime and what doesn't allow the cops to enforce the crime. ainsley: the wall street journal is reporting some of these smash-and-grabs are being organized on social media on snapchat and snapchat saying no, we don't have any evidence of organized, these platforms organizing on our website. brian: i'm sure. ainsley: but we're seeing dozens of them walking into these stores and sometimes you'll hear 40 of them go in, look there was so much merchandise on these shelves gone. brian: high end stuff. ainsley: exactly. steve: at one of the high end stores in nordstroms in los angeles, in a neighborhood known as the grove, you know, it's a very upscale area, at the grove, they were robbed on november 22, they had 18-20 looters go in and so what they're doing today, they started a couple of weeks ago, they've got this high coil fence barrier, it looks like bar bed wire. it's not designed to cause injury, but can tangle a person in it whose trying to get away just think about it if running through that way. ainsley: they roll it out at night and take it away in the morning. steve: it's near the entrances of the various locations they have also hired more security, and a lot of off-duty officers who are in their uniforms and they have their side arms as well. peter doocy, our white house correspondent, asked the press secretary yesterday, about the president and crime, and this is what she had to say. reporter: do you think it's possible that big cities are dealing with these smash-and-grab robberies right now, increase in criminal activity, because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i would say we have seen, i'm not going to attribute the reasoning from here, what i will tell you is we have seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are a range of reasons for that and what our focus is on is what we can do to address it. the president has proposed additional funding in the budget to make sure local police departments and cops have the funding they need. that's what our focus is on currently, is action. reporter: what good does it do if you give police departments extra money if they arrest bad guys and they bring them to jail , and then they're not prosecuted? >> what our focus on is making sure that the local leaders have the assistance and the funding they need and that's what we're working around the clock on. steve: there's that range of reasons again, this new buzzword at the white house, the range of conversations, range of reasons. and if there's no consequence or crime. ainsley: she said for further explanation, you need to contact local police departments. steve: or the department of justice. brian: if you keep saying things like range of reasons that means you could say whatever you want to the press but you'll never get to the core of the problem and the root of the problem if you keep saying range of reasons one of which is why are these stores being hit? because of the legislation that passed a lot of it votes for like 2014 with this proposition 47 that said you could take up to $990 now they organize whether it's on the internet or by organized crime it doesn't matter. they come in in huge waves nobody can stop them and they are coming for the high end stores which traumatizes the people working there and the ones shopping there and now some stores are flat-out closing in los angeles the crime wave has forced the celebrity designers to close her store, the owner of this boutique, the shopping mall has been the target of several flash mob thefts it's just not worth it grab and go on the lululemon side isn't going to work and it gets so expensive they have to keep doing things like we saw that innovative fence, is it really worth it? then you have to charge your customers more when the cops say i can't do anything? why would you put up with that if you don't have to? ainsley: one of the stores they stole, you know, one-time, they stole $120,000 worth of merchandise. what if you're a mom and pop? what if you're the celebrity lady that has her one store? that is so much money. imagine just someone walking in and stealing that from you. steve: and so what the retailers are saying is they are saying congress needs to pass this informed law so that the places like ebay and amazon and yahoo and goggle so that when somebody tries to sell the stolen louis vuitton purse you understand exactly who the seller is because a lot of the stuff is stolen and then put online. greg gutfeld last night on this program when he looks at the range of reasons of the crime, he doesn't see the pandemic. he sees something else, watch this. >> yeah, it's the pandemic causing the crime, because when you're forced to wear a mask you might as well rob somebody at gunpoint, right? and yes, the guns behind the violence because the pandemic has been able to cause guns to get up on their tiny little gun feet and pull their own triggers with their tiny little gun hands, but the fact is the media can't accurately report on anything, whether it's perversions or fatalities since they are always implicated in them. while deaths spiked they buried them because they champion policies and ideas that contributed to that. they defund the police and then camouflage it by saying it's really just a funding shift, it's like planting a bush in front of a septic tank, they try to hide the consequences of their destructive beliefs. they supported no cash bail, while championing the shutdowns, turning the city streets into a john wick said al qaeda minus the freedom. steve: and then there was last week where in chicago the leader s there were blaming the retailer. you don't have enough security. brian: it's that idiot mayor. the owner of a high end sneaker store asking for the public's help in identifying the people that broke into her business thursday, and made off with all the merchandise. it's called undisputed soul so you have a high end sneaker thing you make the big investment to get a high end customer and next thing you know everything is gone, and there's nobody to prosecute, and the cop s say our hands are tied. it's really not going to, the overall point of this is, it's not democrat or republican. it's right or wrong. this just wrong. all these policies are wrong. it's not even hard. how could you bw pro-criminal? that's what you're asking people to do, is be pro-criminal. it is nuts, and just continue to punish small business. steve: well there's a range of reasons for it according to the white house. ainsley: unbelievable that you can just walk in and steal less than $1,000 and there's no consequences. steve: or do half a million dollars worth of damage. brian: they call it party time online. let's go smash-and-grab and we could still go dance tonight. steve: thank, social media. all right, 8:18 now here in the east. carlie joins us news out of philly. reporter: that's right. a range of crimes starting with a fox news alert here, philadelphia state senator's office and an naacp office damaged by gunfire last night in philadelphia. police say two men waited for another man to leave the apartments above the office and fired nine shots. no one was killed but one man is in critical condition. philadelphia leads the nation with 524 homicides this year, that's more murder than new york city and los angeles while at least 12 democrat-led cities break annual homicide records. >> former white house speaker staff mark meadows is calling out the january 6 committee for recommending criminal charges after he refused to testify. >> it's disappointing but not surprising, and let's be clear about this , sean. this is not about me holding me in contempt. it's not even about making the capitol safer. we see that by some of the selective leaks that are going on right now. this is about donald trump and about actually going after him once again. reporter: meadows is no longer cooperating with the investigation into the events surrounding the january 6 attack. this morning the rules committee will vote on whether or not to move forward with the process of holding meadows in contempt of congress. >> well, this just in. a study shows pfizer's covid pill is effective in preventing hospitalization or death if taken during initial symptoms. while the study mostly involved patients with a delta variant, experiments show that paxlivid successfully fights omicron as well according to pfizer. the company's vaccine is also 70 % effective in preventing omicron's hospitalizations according to a new south african study. and those are your headlines. steve: you know it was about a year ago we didn't have vaccines or pills and now we've got both brian: just now they said, died with the omicron virus, they didn't say because of. all the symptoms are mild. it's no big deal and boris johnson is trying to distract because he was caught having a christmas party in the middle of the throws of the pandemic. steve: carlie thank you very much. brian: still ahead a california school board is doing away with d and f grades for poor work. fox news contributor former teacher leo terrell on why this push for wokeness will fail students next. reigns plus rachel campos-duffy is getting into the christmas spirit by having breakfast with our friends, near north carolina 's christmastown usa. >> ♪ if you want to be happy in a million ways, for the holidays ♪ hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections --some serious-- and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 steve: education outrage this morning, out west, as some of california's largest school districts are scrapping failing grades. school boards claiming it will help black latino and low income students hurt by the pandemic. ainsley: one principal saying, " right now, we have a system where we give a million points for a million pieces of paper that students turn in, without much attention to what their actually learning. brian: our next guest calls this an insult, fox news contributor and former history and social studies teacher himself, leo terrell. so this give that they're giving and not failing kids that might have been struggling with whether it's home life or the pandemic, you think hurts in the long run. >> brian, what the stroke of a pen, they have just devalued education. these democratic leftist woke culture has basically destroyed any incentive to do well, and the insult is that it's directed at blacks and brown kids that we need some type of special help, it's insulting. look at me, i'm a black man, i went to public schools, i went to college, i passed the bar. i don't need any special consideration. this is just an excuse by the teacher's union who fail these kids in california during the pandemic because they didn't want to do education. public school parents should take their kids out of public schools. you guys shouldn't complain about new york. california is the worst state ever when it comes to education and crime and everything else. steve: so they are lowering the bar by certain california school boards ban teachers from giving d and f grades and instead offer students a chance to essentially have a do-over so ultimately, leo, what does that do for those kids? >> thank you, steve, for that question. basically, it says i get a second chance. i don't have to study. if it's a disincentive because now the kid knows he doesn't have to work all year, he doesn't have to do his work, his homework, it takes away the incentive because he's getting a second chance and when a kid fails a class do you know what we did? he had to take the class all over again. it gives the teacher the chance to relax and say do you know what? i don't have to work as hard. again, this is nothing more than a back doorway to please public school unions and this is more of the critical race nonsense because do you know what? it targets kids based on skin color. it's racist and i find that offensive. ainsley: several things i worry about as kids go through this they're not prepared for higher education. they might get into a really good school because they have all a's and b's because they dropped every class they were making a d in. so they have that advantage. they go to higher education they aren't prepared. think about in the medical industry. what if they went into the medical field and skipped college and instead went to a tech school, became you know, a nurse or something like that, and then they are operating or in the operating room working on your loved one. >> ainsley, that's exactly spot -on. they're giving these kids a false sense of confidence and security. when the rubber hits the road and when they go to graduate school, medical school, law school, they won't be able to compete, because you know what? the smart parents are going to take their kids out of public schools, go to private schools and be facing the best and the brightest. i don't want a kid who basically skirted past grades in high school to work on me as a doctor or represent me as a lawyer. this is a prescription for failure later in their career. brian: if you have a private option take it over there, if that is possible. leo terrell thanks so much. >> thank you. steve: straight ahead on this tuesday, a family-owned restaurant was hosting two christmas parties just hours before those deadly tornadoes touched down in kentucky, and destroyed their building. the owners reflect on how the community is coming together to rebuild that restaurant, coming up, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. steve: 74 people are now confirm ed dead in kentucky, with more than 100 still missing. steve harrigan is on the ground in dawson springs where at least a dozen residents were killed, steve? reporter: that's right, steve. search and recovery efforts continue here. this is a pretty small town of just 2,400 people. at least 13 have been identified dead, but 95 people are missing, so if you look at those numbers, one in every 20 people in this town is either dead or missing, from this storm. now we've talked to people all around asking them where they were at the moment this tornado went overhead, we spoke to one man who stayed in his basement as his house was destroyed by the tornado. he was with his wife and their 11-year-old granddaughter. here's what he told us. >> who was holding her? >> me and my wife. in between us. >> because you wanted to make sure? >> we wanted to make sure that, you know, she survived if we didn't, but we all wanted to survive but we really wanted her reporter: so that's a grandfather and his wife, in the basement, both with their arms around their 11-year-old granddaughter, trying to make sure that she survived even if they didn't. here in this town, it's about 60 % now completely destroyed. hundreds of homes in every direction you look, pretty much just debris at this point. steve, back to you. steve: all right, steve, live in dawson springs, kentucky, heartbreaking. meanwhile employees and customer s of car's steakhouse and barn in mayfield, kentucky are feeling lucky to be alive after getting out before the two buildings were destroyed in the storm. let's bring in the owners david and lauren car. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. steve: so david, that's your family restaurant. its been in your family since the 1950s. you turn around and you look at it, what do you think? >> well utter devastation. i got out when i did. steve: no kidding. lauren, explain why that particular place, that steak house behind you was so important because i know you and david met there, got married there but it's just part of your family. >> yeah, it was more than just a building to us. it's where we met, where we got married, it's where our kids birthday parties were, holiday gatherings but it's also where we met members of this community and came together. we were able to do some community service out of it, you know, a free thanksgiving dinner or a fundraiser for a soccer team or different things like that and it's just really sad to see the building no longer standing. steve: it's heartbreaking. david, i know you and lauren were at home not far from there when the tornadoes moved through mayfield. there were people in the restaurant. how did they get out? >> i was actually the last one out of the restaurant. we shutdown when we realized it was going to hit mayfield so i just told everybody to pack up and go home and all the patrons got out 15-to minutes before it hit. steve: and everybody went home. what are you going to do? i mean, your places have been such an important part of the fabric of mayfield for so long. i think people are counting on you rebuilding but that's a tall order. are you going to do it? >> i honestly don't know. we're still just trying to make sure everybody is okay. steve: yeah. yeah, i think one of our biggest concerns is just to make sure that our employees have the basic needs, food, water, and shelter and then go on from a business plan from there. steve: sure. david, how many of the businesses there in mayfield , how many of them have insurance and will be able to rebuild in some manner? >> i honestly have no idea. i would say there's going to be a few that do not, but truly do not know. steve: yeah, and lauren, how about your friends and other family members? everybody get through the storm okay? >> yeah, you know, i think at the end of the day, we are very blessed and lucky that there was nobody hurt in the building. there was nobody injured, but i know that that's not the case for everybody in our community and our hearts just break for those individuals. steve: right. i know that they've already taken some heavy equipment to the restaurant behind you and pushed it into a pile. what happens next? >> i don't know. i don't know what happens next. hopefully, within the next coming days we'll get some answers as far as different insurance and help for our employees. i know that there's funds out there, different organizations are coming together and it's just the overwhelming support is unbelievable. steve: yeah, and you have two children as well, you've got to worry about. if you didn't reopen the restaurant, what would you do? would you consider moving? >> i'm not considering moving. >> our roots are here. this is where we met and we raise our children, this is where we work and we will serve this community in some form and fashion. steve: well that's great. all right, so sorry about the total devastation. lauren and david carr, the owner s of carr's steakhouse, legendary spot there in mayfield , kentucky and today, gone. thank you very much. good luck to you. >> thank you. steve: all right 20 minutes now before the top of the hour, day two of our 12 days of giving find out how the tunnel 2 towers foundation is giving back to families of fallen heros this christmas season. we're going to talk to frank in a minute plus check back in with rachel campos-duffy whose having breakfast with friends near christmastown usa in north carolina. i've got a feeling we'll talk to that guy, coming up, next. >> ♪ just like the ones i used to know ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. knocking you out of your zone? 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>> basically, in loyalty. they gave me a chance, the opportunity to do something i love, so it's like a no-brain er. rachel: in fact during this pandemic you became the executive chef right? yes, i did. rachel: what's your favorite thing on the menu? >> grits and shrimp. rachel: thanks, will we'll move over to lynn over here. we've got a full house packed house, people waiting to get in. hi, lynn. we're talking christmas, but we're also talking a little bit of politics. you told me you're concerned about what? >> the mandates on vaccines, on mask, it's just too much of a power grab for me, and i believe in choices. rachel: choices, freedom, america, thanks, lynn. we'll move over to harold. he's an air force veteran, i just love that about him. he's also originally from wisconsin. he was born and raised, or born in chicago raised in wisconsin. you live in north carolina, tell me what you're concerned about with our country's direction. >> i'm concerned about giving away our gasoline, i'm concerned about the border, i'm concerned about inflation that it may go to double-digits like it was in the 70s and people can't handle that. rachel: how does it hurt people who are elderly in particular, people on fixed income, because there's some people out there saying look, inflation isn't a big deal. >> well it is a big deal when you look at ground meat that's gone to six and $7 a pound and steaks are out of sight. rachel: yeah, well okay, so it looks like they are wrapping me up here, harold. merry christmas, its been nice meeting you. i appreciate you, thank you, rachel. rachel: right back to you guys we'll stay here at christmastown usa, and have some grits, maybe the shrimp and grits. steve: that sounds fantastic. ainsley: or just plain grits with a lot of butter and put cheese on top, mix it in with a little bit of salt. steve: rachel thank you very much. meanwhile, let's check in on this tuesday with senior meteorologist janice dean for the foxcast on this tuesday. >> it doesn't feel like christmas in a lot of these areas again today for , you know , the two-thirds of the country above average temperatures behind this though, that's where we've got our winter storm and we actually could see some severe weather on wednesday and thursday, because the clash of those two air mass es, so we could see record breaking temperatures once again , across portions of the central u.s. and the southeast. there's your forecast today, a little bit of rainfall over the mississippi river valley, and then our next big storm system is moving into the west with feet of snow for the sierra in through the inter mountain west and the rockies and some heavy rain along the coast which could cause flash flooding, so winter weather watches and warnings for many of these states and then on top of that you'll feel wind gusts in excess of 20, 30 miles per hour, that could cause some blizzard conditions, and it's going to be very rough to travel. speaking of severe weather wednesday into thursday these are the areas we are going to watch for hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. all right, so we'll keep you up-to-date to download your weather app and get the latest weather information. steve, ainsley, brian back to you. steve: all right ainsley: thank you, janice. it's day two of our 12 days of giving series and tunnel 2 towers ceo frank siller is going to join us with how his organization is helping families brian: always great to see frank but first let's check in with bill hemmer. what have you done? bill: dana and i are consulting here but i do my grits with butter and sugar. steve: sugar? bill: oh, yeah it's nice. i'd recommend that during the holiday season. brian: your dentist doesn't. bill: probably right. good morning, guys, great show in a moment shocker, more evidence that crime is organized online, we'll show you that report also a brand new report just out on inflation this is no bueno for american consumers what's the biden plan for our economy as we guess whether or not bbb is dead or alive and newman dates aren't going over well with private business they make their case on our show today and we met some extraordinary people in the aftermath of these kentucky tornadoes, you'll meet some of them too coming up in about 11 minutes we'll see you then top of the hour. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. where's mom? she said she would be home in time for the show. don't worry, sweetie. she promised she'd be here for it. ooh! nice shot! thanks! glad we have xfinity, with wifi speed faster than a gig! me too! woah, look! mom is on tv! she's amazing! (cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 ainsley: it is day two of our 12 days of giving and this morning we're highlighting an organization fox viewers know very well. brian: joining us right now with a special announcement, tunnel 2 towers ceo frank siller frank, has gone beyond the firefighter, obviously you're helping first responders as well as our military men, and your thought when you heard about the navy seal during the training accident was they are going to need some help. >> well, you know, commander brian bushwa had five children, left behind a wife megan, and we knew, my brother had five kids when he gave his life on 9/11 and i thought right away oh, my god, it's a tragedy and so the tunnel 2 towers we're asking everybody, we want to pay off their mortgage by christmas, so go to t, wouldn't that be a beautiful gift to give them, of course it doesn't change the great loss, but it does take some financial burden off of them. ainsley: what was her reaction when you told her? >> she cried. she cried, because it is a reality that they realize they have the financial responsibilities afterwards and they are so sad and they are in great grief and they know that they cried not just the financial relief but knowing that people care, that people care. steve: right because after the initial shock of i've lost my husband, they've lost their father, it's like okay, what do i do? how am i going to pay that so every dollar donated to goes to this family. >> absolutely and most mortgage s around 250 to $350,000 this is in that range, we don't like to get too personal about what their mortgage is, it's important but i also want your viewers to know that right now, we have over 100 volunteer firefighters for us, for the tunnel 2 towers we'll be heading out to all these great states that were hit for the tornado that we lost somebody. kentucky is number one, we've been talking to the state troopers over there. we're getting our locations setup. i've done plenty of relief like this too so there's so much sadness out there but we could turn it around and be there for these communities and your viewers. ainsley: tell the folks how you can go to your website, just sign up and monthly it comes out of your account. >> it's just so easy. steve: a small, painless amount. ainsley: $11. >> we're a 9/11 foundation, so, $11 and we could take care of this family but we have a landing page just for the family, but we also have for our, you know, everything that we do and we're most certainly going to do millions and millions and millions of dollars of relief for the tornado victims. brian: and with the $11 a month gives you certainty of revenue so you can start pledging to people saying i know this is coming in. >> exactly. brian: it helps you run a foundation. >> for lack of better terminology, i've been business all my life prior to doing this is you have a cash flow and you know the money is coming in so i could plan on all these great people that we can help, because we know this x amount of dollars is coming in. ainsley: and for a lot of people who can't leave their jobs and go help in kentucky or they don't have contacts with these families that lose their loved ones, you get a little message on your phone once a month that says, $11 has just taken out of your account and it actually will bring a smile to your face. steve: go to, frank thank you very much. >> thank you and merry christmas. steve: indeed we'll continue our 12 days of giving tomorrow we highlight the uso on fox & friends. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> dana: you can go to newtown, pennsylvania starts at five. >> bill: what's your website? >> bill: good morning. assessing the damage in the heartland. unbelievable. these tornadoes tearing through six states the images are stunning and endless unfortunately. at least 88 dead, one of the youngest victims only 2 months old. president biden visits there tomorrow ongoing search and rescue operations, more on that coming up in moments. take you back live to mayfield, kentucky. they have stories to tell. first the president vladimir

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History , Ken , Els , 76 , Thing , Roads , Road , Couple , Responders , One , Friends Christmas Town , Process , Trees , Idea , Want , Ton , Work , Homes , Ones , Priority , Tornado , Investigators , Towns , Path , National Weather Service , Hollywood , Areas , Center , Side , Word , Sides , Part , Lot , Someone , Trucks , Candle Factory , Everybody , Shelter , U S , Warning , Factory , Bit , Clear , Tornado Hit , Resources , Communities , Sidewalks , Bulldozers , Berth , Things , Wall , Debris , Piles , Progress , Process Hasn T , Gas , Country , Region , Power Company , News , Water , Food , Eastern , Penal , Saw , Plywood , Who , Something Else , Clothes , Effort , Comunts Community Centers , Churches , Something , Supplies , Disaster , Humans , Viewers , Staging Area , Mind , Fairground , Four , Everything , Don T , Car , Down , Way , Vehicle , Belongings , Somebody , Appeal , Tools , Walmart , Children , Parents , Car Seat , Addition , 2 , Five , Girl , Stroke , Bathroom , Force , Neighbor , Bathtub , Brothers , Hunk , Families , Reading , Bowling , 15 , Two , 11 , Kids , Loved Ones , Rebuilding , Street , Wasn T The Only One , Deaths , Seven , 81 , Window , Hasn T , Stock , Story , Feet , Survivors , Name , Autumn Kirks , 10 , 109 , Location , Boyfriend , The End , Noise , Superman , Safety , She Doesn T Know Who , Supervisors , Autumn Kirk , Ward , 8 , Season , Home , Safe , Candles , Supervisor , Building , Safer , Degree , Jobs , Amazon , Probe , The News Today Osha , Setting , Injured , 45 , Six , Volunteer Organizations , Generators , Bottles , Meals , Cots , 4500 , 90000 , 30000 , Daniel Cameron , Commodities , House , Fort Campbell , National Guard , Tens Of Thousands , 300 , Cities , Mounting Mandates , New York City , 19 , Residents , Hi , Rachel Campos Duffy , Breakfast , Requirements , 700 , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Beautiful Christmas Town , Sulfonylurea , Ways , Blood Sugar , Pill , Stop Rybelsus , You Are My Sunshine , Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Three , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , A1c , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Sugar , Majority , 1 , 7 , Side Effects , Reaction , Help , Changes , Stomach Pain , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Swelling , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Provider , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , Power , Sanctuary , Wish List Event , Lincoln , Hello , Interest , Cooking , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Mom , Phone , Bill , Angie , Internet , Lou , Seal , Xfinity , 5g , Yep , Mobile , 00 , 400 , Store , Cost , Network , Switch Squad , Savings , Go , Smart Kid , Moon Christmas Special , Gotta , Ethan Crumbley , Headlines , Holiday Season , Oxford , Education , Court , Classmates , Juvenile Jail , Court Today Facing Charges Of Involuntary Manslaughter , November 30th Attack , 30 , November 30th , Looters , Social Media , Police , Case , Robberies , San Francisco , Teen , Gun , Smash And Grab , Suspects , Crime , Eye , District Attorney , App , City , Organizing , Snapchat , Evidence , Reissuing A Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate , Shoplifting Offenses , Spokeswoman , Social Media Platform , Business Owners , Mandate , Vaccination Status , Covid , Government , Vaccine Mandate , Events , Vaccination , Dining , Patrons , Philadelphia , Proof , January 3rd , 3 , 1000 , Win , Contact , Loads , Arizona Cardinals , Monday Night Football , Los Angeles Rams , Stafford , Shot , Victory , Ben Jefferson , 23 , Numbers , Fans , Thoughts , Sources , Cardinal , Game , Rams , Slumping , Teams , Emotions , Jet , Sad , Policy , Administration , Courts , Mexico , Appeals , Revival , Fifth Circuit , Judge , Supreme Court , Court Of Appeals , Countries , Trump , Procedures , Immigration Laws , 70000 , Interview , Court Hearings , No , Czar , Peter Doocy , Jen Psaki , Hasn T Met , Vice President , Commitment , Root , Migration , Causes , Honduras , Guatemala , Sauber Dog , Range , Conversations , Security , Adviser , National Security Adviser , Chance , Level , Engagement , Coronavirus , 2 4 Million , Consultation , Amnesty , Students , Class , Teachers , Ron Desantis , Florida , Action , Antidotal Stories , Long Island , Taint , Wealthy , Districts , Working Class , Room , Language , English , School , Classes , School Board , Times , Phrase , Legislature , Million , 8 Million , Migrants , Press Conference , Into Jacksonville , Attention , Executive Order , Border Problem , Information , State Law Enforcement , Places , Transfer , Fed , Bruit , Contracting , Budget , Legislation , Carriers , Business , Crimes , Governments , Restitution , Human Smuggling Operation , Healthcare Costs , Individual , Drugs , Services , Responsibility , Airport , Individuals , Plane , Middle , Schools , Mother , Traffic , Guest , 24 , Friends , Say Merriam Seltzer , Daughter , Fighting , Driver , A Camp Reunion Saturday Night , Crash , Bruce Blakeman , Nassau County , Merriam , Condition , Migrant Who Overstayed His Visa , Lee Elle , 50 , Problems , Education Systems , Systems , Tax , Problem , Visa , Enforcement , Immigration , Mess , Control , Borders , Law Enforcement , Immigration Policy , Car Accident , Tragedy , Vice , Automobile Accident , Influence , Allegedly , Laws , New York State , Governor Cuomo , Tough , Counties , County , 1 5 Million , Nine , Adults , Buffalo , Capacity , Hospitals , Units , Hospital Admissions , Spike , Icu , 97 , Mask , Cleveland , Situation , Fact , Business People , Matter , Homeowners , Healthcare Concerns , Health Department , Healthcare Professionals , Shouldn T , Law Enforcement Personnel , Healthcare Investigators , Raiding Gyms , January 1st , Lives , Restaurants , Factor , Stress , Mr , Facts , Gyms , Mrs , Johnson , The Rain And Mountain Snow , Victims , Businessmen , Women , Loser , Story A Go Fund Me Page , Advantage , Thanks , Congratulations , Price Gougers , Efforts , Preying , Kentucky A G , Cammeron , Singers , Experts , Service , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Ked , Smoking , Nicorette , Run , Engine Humming , Marathon , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Highs , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Kindness , Driving , Queen , Symptoms , Bipolar , Lows , Ask , Medicines , Take Control , Strength , Vraylar , Risk , Doctor , Death , Relief , Patients , Behavior , Episodes , Depressive , Psychosis , Manic , Muscle Movements , Fever , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Coma , Weight Gain , Restlessness , Issues , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Kentuckians , Recovery Efforts , Bowling Green , Notice , Folks , Details , Attorney General , Hotline , Web Page , Price Gouging , Emergency , Declaration , Price , Commonwealth , Statutes , Price Gouging Statute , Excess , Sort , Products , Devastation , Screen , Central , Feel , Website , Paper , Pen , Office , Gouging , Information Price Gaige , 27 , 432 , 888 , 95 , Looting , Actors , Conduct , Stores , Heart Breaking , Homes Don T Have Electricity , Challenge , Family Members , Team , God , Donations , Prayers , Team Ky Relief Fund Gov , Chip In , Pandemic , Grades , Scrapping , Trauma , Grits , Greens Christmas Town , Rachel Campos Duffy Grits , Long Run , Merry Christmas , Stay , Light Display , Back , Music , Eye Drops , Eyes , Xiidra , Eye Drop , Inflammation , Eye Disease , Signs , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Vision , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , Holiday , Little Light Of Mine , Umph , Narrator , Pain , World , Outcast , Child , Love , Surgery , Life , Operationsmile Org , Suffering , Act , Thousands , Waiting , Producer , Child Sex Crimes , Societies , Math , Cnn , News Day Producer Tweeting Quote , 2010 , Vaccine , Chris Cuomo , Life Sentence , Pfizer , 70 , Study , Age Groups , Omicron Investigations , Protection , Illnesses , South African , Anything , High School , School Districts , Wave , Epicenter , Testing System , Test , F , Income , Oakland , Ds , L A , Sacramento , Top , The Fox , Janice Dean , Weather Forecast , 17 , Snow , West , Half , Storm System , Big Time , Let S Go , Temperatures , Memphis , 48 , 34 , Flash Flooding , Rainfall , Winter Weather , Amounts , Regions , Rockies , Nevada , Syria , Travel Problems , Foot , Snow Pack , Skiers , Southern California , Heavy Rain Fall , Concern , Air , Clash , Winds , Hail , Air Masses , System , Books , Forecast , Fox Weather Com , Texas , 80 , Back To You , Weather , Burn Southern Community , Spirit , Calendar , J D , Christmas Lights , Friends Grits , North Carolina , Cuisine , Rachel Campos Duffy Is Sharing , Mccadenville , Jennifer Perez , Eat The Grits , Teeth , Greens , Aren T , Staffing , Staff , Christmas Town Lights , Pent Up Demand , Second Shift , To Christmas Town , Prices , Menu , Makes , Supply Chain , Orders , Product , Furniture Appliance , Dave , Kaye , Warehouses , Ships , Docks , Major , Retailers , Logistics , Businesses , Pop , Community , Best , Cars , Economy , Dean , Car Dealership , Charleston , True , 16 , Use , Chips , 25 , Money , Affidavit Rice , Illegals , Living , Taxes , Answer , Shake , Pocket , Topics , Miss , Menu Mist , Duffy , Rachel Campos Duffy Dining , Option , Wasn T Expecting , Toast , Southern Benedict , Reasons , Guy , Crime Spike , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Theaters , Pay , Superpowers , Spider Bite , December 17th , Ingredients , Instacart , Short Ribs , Smile , Therabreath , Healthy , Target , Capful , Mouthwash , Crowd Cheering , Waitresses , Surprise , Total , Arkansas , Care , Cheers , Applause , 4400 , Restaurant , Tip Split , Bill Horton , Commissioner Ryan , Rest , Both , Oven , Truss , Group , Chip , You Bet , 4400 Bucks , 100 Bucks , Blindsided , Joy , Disbelief , Happiness , Tip , Shift Manager , Dinner , Announcement , Filming , Table , 20 , Person , Divvied Out , Lady A , Letter , Mistake , Truth , Whitley Group , Job , Trouble , Brand New , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Emergen C , Stop Trulicity , Change , Nutrients , Blend , Dose , It Isn T , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Ten , Taking Trulicity , Diabetic Retinopathy , Tradition , Tis , Cadillac , Ride , Cadillac Showroom , Sleigh , Criminal Activity , Course , Prosecutors , Increase , Mask Mandates , Reason , Anybody , Build Back Plan , Chicago , Professor , Niece , Middle Class , Odell Beckham Jr , 0000 , Damage , Fox News Alert , Familyself , Andy Beshear , Picture , Victim , Employees , Items , 150 , Amazon Warehouse Collapse , Post , Let S Go To Chief , Pieces , New Town , Piece , Black , Brain , Business District , City Council , Come On Over , Information On The Town , Derek , Well , Bus , Wasn T , Waters , Front , Standing , Water Tower , Experience , Cover , Phone Calls , 10000 , Overwhelming , School District , Buildings , Whole , Gotcha , Tornado Cut , Decisions , We Haven T , Conversation , Care Of , Anyone , Bodies , Comments , Cleaning , Electricity , Power Lines , Dangerous , Whatnot , That S Why , Need , Needs , Luck , Take Care , Shelter What , Parts , Distance , Infrastructure , Project , Farms , Houses , 200 , Impact , Livestock , Infrastructure Issue , Area , Others , Impacts , Rick , Side Down , Camera , Skyline , It Tower , Unbelievable , Certification , Gouging Prices , Pliers , Gap , Home Depot , Losses , Activity , Won T , Phone Number , 800 , Amount , Bottom , Milk , 9257 , 888 432 9257 , Charities , Web Sites , Sorts , Donation Scamsz , A Million , Donation , Organizations , United Way , Bona Fide , Better Business Bureau , Ringers , Samaritan S Purse , Red Cross , Salvation Army , Theme , Poll , Behalf , Let S Change Gears , 36 , Push , 43 , Governors , Officers , Hell , Mayors , Guard , Identification , Portland , Seattle , Organization , Pushback , Godfather , Mob , Flash Mob Come Together On Social Media , Expense , Fun , Profit , Business Owner , Wall Street Journal , Each Other , Nothing , Snap , Messaging , Louis Vitton , Images , Nordstrom , 100000 , 00000 , 90 , Bunch , Sites , Organizer , License Plates , Commonality , Site , Being , Sledge Hammer , Funding , Police Departments , Cops , Focus , Jail , Leaders , More , Somebody Up , Tree , Assistance , Clock , Arsonist , Crime Problem , Mayor , Embarrassment , The Street , Homeless Guy , Larry Krasner , Alex Villanova , District Attorney Gascon , He Doesn T Care , Criminals , Tucker Last Night , Message , Cases , Crook , Arrest , 12000 , Failure , Morale , Counts , Smash , Verdict , Kyle Rittenhouse , Migration Problem , Progressive , Pig , Bernie Sanders , Scripts , Space , Child Actors , Deal , The Defund Police Movement , Man , Handcuffs , Crime Crisis , Deputy , Kareem Atkins , Eddie Miller , Ambush Attack , Capital Murder , Shooting , Bond , Deputy Atkins , Chief Of Staff , January 6th Committee , Murder , Scene , Remains , Mark Meadows , January 6th , Contempt , Charges , Donald Trump , Investigation , Attack , Capitol , Holding Meadows In Contempt Of Congress , Players , League , Vaccine Booster Shot , Committee , Whether , Requirement , Nfl , Memo , Coaches , Booster , Booster Shots , Tier , December 27th , Mariah Carey , Mcdonald S , Covid 19 List , 37 , All I Want For Christmas Is You , Daily , Decembey Mcdonald S , Iconic Singer Inspiration , Customers , Menu Items , Fast Food Chain , 12 , , Song , Favorite Song Not Just Christmas , Santa , Daily Wire , East Coast , Bern , Locals Christmas Town , Cough , Words , Dad , Yahoo Such Tree Mendous Views , Moss , Punchlines , Robitussin , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Serena , Naturals , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Me Hanging , Migraine , Tracks , Cause , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Tiredness , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Exfoliating Bar , Gillettelabs , Gentle Exfoliation , Shaving , Psoriasis , Face , Shave , Psoriatic Arthritis , Hurt , Walking , Joints , Hiding , Woooo , Cosentyx , Back Pain , Stop , Joint Swelling , Skin , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Feeling Good , Infections , Crohn S Disease , Infection , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reactions , Move , Rheumatologist , Movie , Sing 2 , Sing , Tunes , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , Tickets , Members , Steve Merry Christmas , Rewards , Greens Southern Cuisine , Town , 67th S , 1950 , 67 , Exit , 22 , Concerns , 85 , Inflation Gas , Uconn , Photo , Premium , Sam S Club , 1 76 , 3 20 , 2350 , South Carolina , Great J R , Fundamentals , Lessons , Shutdowns , Son , Flag Football , Sports , Smiles , Lots , Politics , Shirt Corn Pop , Corn Pop , Dude , Corn Pops , T Shirt , Hatcheries , Toll , Weekend , Joe Biden , Biography , Midwest , Farmers , Discover Card , Purchases , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Heartland , Hundreds , Torpedo Outbreak , Costliest , Fox Weather Alert , Lowe S , Grady , Recovery , Pitching , Retail Giants Walmart , Insurance Information Institute , Interior Design , Dollar Figure , Tornado Event , Dealing , Property , U S History , Loved One , Aunt , Thomas Bright Yesterday , Sakes , Talk , Debris Family Photos , Mementos , Type , Worse , Obvious , Pictures , Photos , Letters , Corporations , Stepping , Fund , Tyson Foods , 45000 , 6 Million , Destruction , 600000 , Supply Chain Crisis , Agriculture Industry , Grain Facilities , Keith Lowery , Farm , Graves County , Department Of Agriculture , Neighbors , Chicken Industry , Operation , Pitching In , 230 , Farming Community , Equipment , Nature , Food Supply Chain , Terms , Ryan You , Most , Chicken , Coops , Initiative , People Fed , Han , Storm Hit Everything , Lunch Program , Louisville , Food Banks , Mississippi River , Meafing Schuyler , Western Ken , Supply Side , Hatchery , Input , Grain , Poultry Industry , Granary , Bushels , Et Cetera , 5 Million , Livestock Industry , Feed , Blue Jeans , Agriculture Department , Commissioner Corls , Civilians , Aren T Farmers , Land , Go Fund Me Page , Coast To , Production , Relief Fund , Encourtrooming Americans , Example , Decattle , Herds , Head , Fences , Challenges , Agriculture , Structures , Extent , Grain Structures , Friends Foxnews Com Relief Fund , Ben Shapiro , Cell Lung Cancer , Fight , Fingers , Uncon Stiewcialted , Next , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Treatment , Immunotherapies , Combination , Spread , Positive , Egfr , Pd L1 , Yervoy , Opdivo , Gene , Quiet Time , Alk , Body , Irregular Heartbeat , Breath , Immune System , Chest Pain , Constipation , Lead , Shortness , Dizziness , Fainting , Memory Problems , Eye Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Appetite , Conditions , Thirst , Itching , Flushing , Rash , Weakness , Urine , Organ , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Cowboys , Trials , Record , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Ray , Glucose Levels , Diabetes , Vacations , Libre 2 , Smiling , Mystery , Code , Insurance , Exam , X Rays , Obligation , Payment Solutions , Aspen Dental , Book , Let Go , Editor , Senate , Employers , Circuit , Put , Court System , Stay Put , Brief , Holding Pattern , Vax , Petition , Petition Com , 850000 , Difference , Correct , Suggestion , Vaccines , Anti Vax , Term , Data , Hospitalization , Mandates , Disease , Transmission , People Unvaxxed , Anti Freedom , Science , Blue State , Democrat , Colorado , Healthcare Workers , State Of Emergency , View , Immunity , Air Force , 34000 , Anthony Fauci , Shots , Omicron , Left , Deltoid , Pin Cushion , Promise , Lie , Great Book Called The Authoritarian Movement , Sir , Toilet Town , Ben Shapiro Show , Pennsylvania , Joe Rogan , John Rich S , Nashville , Making History On Broadway , Neck Rivera , Stops , Viewer Heather , Dayton , Broadway , 18 , Colonel Travis Foxily , Line , Tulsa , Oklahoma City , Marine , Oklahoma , Tyler , Coming Out , Book Signing , Long View , Airline , Fort Worth , Matthew Mcconaughey , Pilot , I Pad , Tarmac , Event , Accident , Freedom Fighter , Giving , Heroes , Redneck Rivera , Brian Kilmeade Com For Tour Date Information , 60 , 35 , 2008 , 66 , 1962 , 3 Million , 59 , November 22 , 2014 , 47 , 990 , 20000 , 120000 , 000 , A Million Dollars , 524 , January 6 , 2400 , 13 , 360 , 9 11 , 250 , 50000 , 350000 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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power for a very long time. >> president biden is still insisting his massive stacks and spending plan will lower costs. >> it is insane state can spend trillions of dollars we don't. >> have inflation is real. it's alarming, it's going up, not down. >> running ahead of everyone is jefferson, touchdown. 52 yards to score. steve: 6:01 in the east. we start this hour with a fox news weather alert. president biden is left to survey the tornado damage left in the wake of devastating twisters that have left at least 88 souls dead. >> so we continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states that are affected and particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky who lost family himself. it's pretty rough stuff. >> the kentucky governor becoming very emotional on the loss of life at a preference. watch this. >> they are now up to 74 kentuckyens that we have lost. the age age range 5 months to 86 years. ainsley: more than 100 people remain missing. brian: osha investigating the amazon warehouse collapse. our coverage begins this morning with rick reichmuth on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. hey, rick. rick: good morning, guys. you get a few days out when a storm like this comes true the adrenaline wears off and exsanction sets in and some of the emotion starts to come out like you just saw from the governor there as well as starting to hear some of these stories that 5 month old infant who passed away. the old els woman who passed away here was 86 years old. that's so far 76 fatalities just in the state of kentucky alone. that would, at this point, put it at the second deadliest tornadoes in all the history of ken ken. that said, there are still a number of people unaccounted for. that number is a bit fluid. i have talked the last couple of days about when these first responders tried to get in here. the first thing they have to do is clear out the roads. i found one little spot here obviously not a traveled road here. not important but you get the idea just kind of want to give you a sense when they initially come into a town all the trees and there are a ton of trees in this town that are down. >> we have large old trees that have probably been in this town for over 100 years that are completely down that they have to initially cut through. obviously they cut through the ones they need to cut through so they can get into the homes to begin to try to search for people. obviously, you know, that's the first priority. there is still so much of that kind of work that has to be done in towns like this here in mayfield and, again, national weather service investigators are out there on the ground trying to determine how strong this tornado was, hollywood this tornado was. take a while to do this. likely such a long path that this tornado took. it's going to take a while to get a sense of just how strong this storm was. i can tell you at least in this town from what i can see in my eye half mile wide and consult through a center of town and residential areas on either end. but the residential sides on the either side of where this tornado cut through for the most part untouched. that said, they still don't have power here. since saturday morning, now into tuesday no power no. word on when it will be back in for the town that said yesterday, we did see a number of trucks that were out here trying to get that power restored. also stories coming in from that candle factory here. we were supposed to interview someone just right now who understandably overslept because we are asking a lot of these people to come in and talk with us. they have been so incredibly gracious. she was telling us there had been an initial warning. everybody took shelter and then they thought it was done and they said all right, everybody, go back to work and it was right when everybody went back to work that the tornado actually went through and leveled that factory. so, maybe they had taken shelter and then thought they were in the clear and went back to work and then the tornado hit. they had just gotten out of that shelter a little bit too soon. guys? brian: rick, how would you describe what happened yesterday? more recovery mode? was it clean-up mode? what was going on. >> yeah. i will tell you what, the clean-up starts to happen really rapidly at this point. you get the roads cleared. you get all of the resources that come from neighboring communities, neighboring states. so the initial day when you are here, you have got just the roads cleared. now, bulldozers have come in. they have pushed up back off the sidewalks creating a wider berth for the bigger trucks that need to be in here to start to get power restored. to check all the gas. all of those things. they are making some really big progress that said you are just at this point pushing the debris back into bigger piles that they will start to come out and remove and clean up all that debris. that process hasn't happened yet. we are just getting bigger and bigger piles of that debris pushed off of the roads. steve: you were talking how trucks were throw restore power. there are power company trucks from all across the country that are there that region right now. and something else, there are penal who live throughout the eastern third of the united states who saw the news and filled up their trucks with plywood, or food or water or clothes, and they drove it to kentucky. and now a massive effort is underway there with churches and local comunts community centers trying to figure out how to get the stuff to the people who need it. rick: it's so true. you know, people are so generous and want to help. i think we as humans you see a disaster and you think i need to do something. so many people do. that said, once all of those supplies get here. sometimes it canning overwhelming to a town then they have to figure out how to do it. a fairground about four miles from here. that's where the staging area has been so far. we will be there later on this morning to show our viewers that process of what is happening now, getting water, food and clothes to people who need it. keep in mind, most people lost everything they have including a vehicle which would be your normal way to used to get out of down, many people don't have a car, don't have any belongings at all. just the clothes that they were wearing. there is a lot of that effort coming and we are going to go see some of that. steve: did i see an appeal from somebody in that region who said do you know what we really need right now? we need tools. everything is gone and we have got take things apart. ainsley: thank you so much, rick. walmart donated water and supplies. one of the sad stories rick mentioned some of the children killed in this. in kentucky the governor was talking about the five children that were killed in addition to that we just learned a 2-month-old also died. her parents strapped her in her car seat, took her into the bathroom, they all hunk erred down. steve: threw the brothers in the bathtub. >> ainsley: there was so much force that it ripped that family out of the bathroom and threw them into the neighbor's house. and that little girl eventually had a stroke and did not survive. steve: it's just heart breaking. i was reading in bowling, 11 of the 15 people killed bowling greene 11 of them were from two families that lived on one street and seven of them were kids. ainsley: we know the governor of kentucky he lost loved ones as well. brian: right. i mean, kentucky got hit the hardest but wasn't the only one 81 confirmed deaths right now. really delicate. when you are going in and want to start rebuilding and taking stock is there. who is missing? who got out in time? who just hasn't reported and then you want to make sure that if there is someone to be rescued that we are still in that window. steve: 109 people remaining unaccounted for in kentucky which you are looking at right there. one of the factory survivors from the candle factory a woman by the name of autumn kirks she was working 10 feet -- what a story we are reading about it this morning. she was working 10 feet from her boyfriend. they heard the noise and she looks over and he was gone. he had been sucked out of the location where they were. and she was suddenly under a concrete wall. she thought this is the end. then somebody, she doesn't know who, lifted the wall and pulled her out. and she has referred to this as her superman. >> she doesn't know who it is. but she says i wish i did so i could thank him because he got us all to safety. ainsley: eventually we learned that 8 people were killed at the candle factory including autumn kirk's boyfriend his name was alan miss ward. we are also getting reports there were four people that worked at the candle factory that say the supervisors told them because it's the christmas season they are trying to crank out these candles that four people said we want to leave. we want to go home. we don't feel safe. the supervisor said if you leave, you will be fired. so, 15 of them asked to leave allegedly and they decided to stay so they could keep their jobs and ultimately 8 people were killed. brian: you wonder that decision when you hear about the amazon building and you tell everyone keep working stay here. you think maybe to a degree you are keeping them safer. ainsley: in a building he better than walking outside. brian: how thick the wall was evidently build on a elevated setting and that's where they were vulnerable. steve: the news today osha has opened a probe into that amazon warehouse collapse where six people were killed. one injured and 45 got out alive. ainsley: state federal volunteer organizations are all working together they are clearing the debris. sending in generators, 30,000 meals, 90,000 bottles of water. 4500 blankets. 100 cots and critical commodities. national guard 300 personnel on duty. they are actually going house to house checking on survivors and removing debris. there are tens of thousands still without power. brian: the president is going to fort campbell today. daniel cameron the kentucky attorney general you have seen him before is he coming up in about 19 minutes right here on "fox & friends." ainsley: the president is going tomorrow. brian: mounting mandates, the two new cities joining new york city and bringing back mask requirements. ainsley: plus, 11 days away from christmas. rachel campos-duffy having breakfast with friends christmas town u.s.a. rachel? rachel: hi, it's only 700 residents the so awesome they call it christmas town u.s.a. we will come back to you with more in this beautiful christmas town. ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. >> we are back with headlines suspected oxford school shooter ethan crumbley asking the court to move him to a juvenile jail so he can continue with education. accused of killing four classmates and injuring seven other people in the november 30th attack. crumbley's parents appear in court today facing charges of involuntary manslaughter for allegedly buying the teen a gun. san francisco police say looters are coordinating smash and grab robberies on social media. in one case, police say suspects were total strarnghts and used snapchat to plan the crime. a spokeswoman for the social media platform says there is no evidence of such organizing on the app. business owners say the city's woke district attorney continues to turn a blind eye to shoplifting offenses. california is reissuing a statewide indoor mask mandate beginning tomorrow. the mandate will apply to everyone age 2 and over regardless of vaccination status. the state also requiring unvaccinated people to provide a negative covid test at least two days before attending events with more than 1,000 people and philadelphia announcing a new covid vaccine mandate for indoor dining starting january 3rd. patrons will have to show proof of vaccination and government i.d. when they go to eat out. and leading the los angeles rams to a big win over the arizona cardinals on monday night football. >> forceful contact. >> so you don't love it. >> first down and 10. loads up for the deep shot. running ahead of everyone is ben jefferson. >> stafford airing it out with this 52-yard touchdown. one of his three in the 30 to 23 victory. those are your headlines guys. brian: you sure you want to go inside? carley: brian, your thoughts on that game. brian: big win because rams have been slumping do you want to go into the numbers? carley: sources tell me rams fans are happy and cardinal fans are sad that's what they tell me. those the two teams we are talking about? brian: how do the giant and jet fans feel every weekend? sad. carley: sad, very sad. we will go with the emotions. ainsley: rubbing it in. steve: talk a little bit about what the courts did yesterday, the fifth circuit of appeals upheld the revival of the remain in mexico policy. remember the biden administration tried to kill it and then a judge said you can't kill it because you didn't do it the right way. the supreme court was asked to intervene. they would not do it. nonetheless, the remain in mexico policy that are still trying to kill it, but according to the courts, the administration has got to keep doing it. ainsley: the court of appeals said that biden violated legal administrative procedures and federal immigration laws. remain in mexico will remain and trump is the one who initiated this or started this where the 70,000 illegal immigrants that that were not from mexico other countries coming into the u.s. no, you are going to wait in mexico while we wait on your court hearings. jen psaki is insisting that kamala harris is still the border czar even though she hasn't met with the president of guatemala since june. remember that interview? peter doocy asked her about it listen. >> is vice president harris still in charge addressing the root causes of migration from he will sauber dog, honduras and guatemala. >> just announced a commitment she is announcing this afternoon. >> why is it that she has not spoken to the president of guatemala. >> did i see this strange report from the president of guatemala saying that that he has had no contact with the white house which is inaccurate. >> he said vice president harris has not spoken to her. if she is in charge, why is that? >> well, we have had a range of conversations, peter. i think as reflected in our read out we put out last week with our national security adviser, with the vice president's national security adviser. we will continue that high level of engagement. brian: can you never say that the president is really serious about what's going on with the coronavirus when you let over 2.4 million people get through a border illegally unvaccinated and every time he has a chance to control the border and maybe who comes into our country illegally or just wants amnesty, he tries to push back and have the courts rein him in. the remain in mexico implemented terribly very little consultation with mexico. the courts say what did i tell you the last time taint i'm seeing more and more antidotal stories about teachers on long island and i'm sure in florida where governor desantis has already taken action. all of a sudden they come into class there are six other students sitting there who don't speak english. there is no room in the class anyway. all in lower working class or lower middle class districts. not the upper class. the wealthy, that might be able to absorb this. and they put them to english as second language classes. if the teachers complain, they are moved to another school. do you believe this? ainsley: they meaning the teachers are moved? brian: the teachers are moved if you keep complaining. steve: that's crazy. parents need to show up at school board meetings out there. we heard from jen psaki though. a new phrase that i have heard a number of times over the last week or two and that is they are a range, having a range of conversations, when peter asks about talking to the president of guatemala well, there is a range of conversations happening. what that means, that's white house speak for there are a range of other people other than the vice president who are talking. brian, you mentioned governor desantis, he has asked the legislature for $8 million so that they can transport people who have been sent to florida on what has been referred to as air biden. brian: many into jacksonville. steve: indeed to send them some place else. the governor said the other day at a press conference. he said if these migrants wind up going to delaware or to martha's vineyard, this border problem would be solved immediately. ainsley: right. then they would pay attention, right? he signed an executive order asking the state law enforcement to collect all the information they could about the illegal immigrants that are living in the state of florida because he wants to know who is there so that that he can transport them out of the state. steve: bruit by the fed. brian: here is ron desantis. >> we want to be able to facilitate transfer to places like delaware and so we have $8 million in my new budget to be able to do it. but we also look to the carriers that the federal government is contracting with and we are going to pass legislation that says if you are facilitating biden's policies, which is effectively a mass human smuggling operation, you are not going to be eligible to do business with the state of florida or other local governments. we're going to charge you restitution for each individual that you are bringing because, yes, there are drugs and crimes and also things with healthcare costs, education, all these services that get packed because of biden's reckless policies. we have a responsibility to fight back and that's what we're doing. steve: it will be interesting to see what happens. who shows up at the airport in delaware when ron desantis' plane full of migrants shows up one day soon. ainsley: we will have to see. they are not being transparent about where they are sending all these individuals. steve: they are doing in the middle of the night. ainsley: exactly. steve: less traffic. ainsley: they don't want you to know about it. steve: it is 6:24 here in the east. and, brian, you have got a guest. brian: yeah, who can really identify with these kids being legal immigrants being dumped into these schools. a teenage girl is dead. and a mother of three is fighting for her life this morning after allegedly drunk driver crashed into their car on long island, new york. meanwhile, police say merriam seltzer who is on the right picked up her daughter and three friends from a camp reunion saturday night when the crash happened. 50-year-old lee elle was killed and merriam in critical condition. sources tell fox news the suspect a migrant who overstayed his visa by five years. joining us right now with reaction nassau county executive elect bruce blakeman. bruce, what were your thoughts because you ran on this? what were your thoughts when you heard about what happened saturday night? >> well, this was one of the problems that we have in local government. the federal government has policies that are hurting our local communities because they just dump people into our communities, don't tell us, and it's a tax on our systems, on our education systems there is no enforcement of immigration. when you have someone who has been in this country has overstayed their visa and they are essentially living here illegally, and they are committing crimes, that's a problem. it's tough on our law enforcement, and it creates problems for government to properly plan to absorb these people. so, it's a whole big mess because of no control over the borders. dumping people in communities. and our immigration policy is not sending people back to their countries that are here illegally. brian: what do you say to that family, a car accident is tragic. it's random. but then when you hear somebody has overstayed their vice is a five years here illegally. it was not only horrible it was avoidable. >> it's a real tragedy when you have a 15-year-old girl who is killed in an automobile accident she was out with her friends that night. a mother was picking her up to take her home and then you have someone who is driving under the influence allegedly, and they are not someone who belongs in this country that they should have gone back to their country, it's a real tragedy. and you can't explain it to the families. because they don't understand why our government, our federal government is not enforcing all laws. brian: other big story is the governor here decides that the numbers are ticking up in new york state. trying to maybe prove herself as tough, replacing governor cuomo and trying to outit the statewide mandate. you are go to take over nassau county. there is already nine counties pushing back saying they won't enforce this how do you feel about it? we have a county about 1.5 million people. and 97% of our adults are vaccinated. we have plenty of capacity in our hospitals. we have plenty of capacity in our icu units. we are not in crisis. now, in buffalo, i understand there has been a spike in hospital admissions. but buffalo is 300 miles from long island. it's closer to cleveland than it is to long island. so for our governor here in new york. to say that we must have mask mandates here on long island, i have chosen that i am not going to enforce that. we have healthcare concerns but we are not in crisis in nassau county. and the fact of the matter is i have had business people and homeowners who are very upset about this mandate because it doesn't make any sense. we're in a situation here where luckily with our health department and healthcare professionals, we have the virus under control right now. we are monitoring it every single day. and if things change. i will changes my policy. but, right now when i take office on january 1st. i'm going to instruct our law enforcement personnel and our healthcare investigators to not en40s mask mandate. brian: you have better things to do with your time. shouldn't be raiding gyms and restaurants trying to find mr. and mrs. johnson not wearing or wearing a mask. we got the facts already. we should be able to live our own lives. it's incredible the stress. because factor that in the fact that a lot of these gyms now all of a sudden they want -- some people want other people to wear a mask. other people say i will not go there if i have to wear a of course that. the businessmen and women are the big loser in the christmas season. no one ever thinks things out. meanwhile on our original story a go fund me page has been set up for the crash victims go so go to donate. nassau county executive elect bruce blakeman, congratulations on the win and thanks for joining me. >> thank you so much. brian: all right. meanwhile still ahead reports ever looters taking advantage of the families lost everything in the catastrophic tornadoes. kentucky a.g. dabble cammeron react to that and break down the efforts to block price gougers from all preying on victims. ked. the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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>> well, the website that i have advised people to use is gouging. that put new direct contact with our office and of course you can call us as well 888-432-95 27 if you have information price gaige gouging, people struggling right now to figure out how to get past this period tornadoes have cost in the commonwealth what about the looting in bowling green what about the details. >> bad actors trying to take advantage of this awful situation. folks on the ground trying to stop that sort of conduct but it is unfortunate that we see people that are trying to use the situation for their own advantage. ainsley: of lot of these stores and homes don't have electricity. how are you getting through all of this? >> well, we are doing okay. it's heart breaking to see so many lives lost and to see homes ruined. i know i have had some folks on our team who have had either family members or loved ones who have lost homes or other things as well. so it is a challenge but, you know, god is sovereign, and ultimately at the end of the day he is going to help us get through this. i know there are folks praying all across this country for us. the other thing that i, you know, want to encourage your viewers to do is to give to team ky relief for any donations. prayers are obviously very needed and necessary and so i just want to thank all your viewers for paying attention to what's happening here on the ground and looking for ways to help. ainsley: it's been reported that the governor lost some loved ones, do you know details of that? i don't know specific details. so many people struggling with the loss of loved ones. still folks trying to find, again, if that happens to the governor, i hate that for him and his family. he has been leading through this challenge and it's unfortunate if there was a loss like that. ainsley: it really is god is sovereign. we don't understand why this is happening. hopefully we can all come together, chip in if we can't actually go to kentucky and help. god bless you, thank you. >> thanks, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. still ahead, woke california schools are scrapping failing grades insisting the pandemic has caused enough trauma on american students. will that just hurt them in the long run. it's breakfast with our friends our own rachel campos-duffy grits and greens christmas town u.s.a. hey, rachel. rachel: hi, guys yes i'm at grits and green right next to christmas town u.s.a. the best light display in the country. we will talk to some of the people here about how they are so excited because last year was canceled. it's back. christmas is back, ainsley. stay with us. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! ("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. >> we are back with your headlines, cnn producer condemned of child sex crimes. in 2010 the suspended news day producer tweeting quote just did the math we have four stories about people abusing kids today. three up now. if we are societies nearer you people suck. chris cuomo former senior producer now facing a life sentence for his alleged crimes. this just in. pfizer vaccine 70% effective in preventing omicron investigations according to south african study. the level of protection maintained among a range of chronic illnesses across all age groups. two dose vaccine 30% effective. the study was conducted in the epicenter of the new wave. high school students studying in some of california's largest school districts will no longer be allowed to fail. that's because schools are banning anything below a c. teachers in districts like l.a., oakland and sacramento are no longer allowed to give out ds or f's for poor work. students are allowed to retake test or do the work again. those behind the new testing system says it helps black latino and low income students who have been hurt by the pandemic. guys over to you. steve: interesting stuff out in california, thank you very much, carley. it is now 17 minutes before the top of the hour. what i would like to do is check in with janice dean for the fox weather forecast. >> good morning, everyone. we got above average temperatures again for half the country and then the other half is dealing with more big time snow. so let's go over it. 34 in chicago. 48 in new york. 52 in memphis. we have a big storm system moving into the west that's going to bring epic amounts of snow and heavy rainfall for areas that need it, however, that's going to present a problem of flash flooding. winter weather alerts for many states, some of these states the mountainous regions like the syria nevada in towards the rockies could receive over a foot or maybe two feet of snow. so this is great news obviously for the skiers and the snow pack, but it's going to cause travel problems over the next couple of days and then have heavy rain fall in southern california. they need the rainfall but too much of a good thing is going to cause flash flooding that's going to be a concern. in between the very warm air and very cold air we are going to have the clash of the two air masses again starting on wednesday and thursday. so the risk for large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes over some of these areas. so he would going to keep you up to date on that. there is your forecast today. we are going to fox news alert with daytime highs again hitting the record books in the 80's across texas. so that he was something we're going to have to watch and then of course the rain and mountain snow for the west, eventually that system moving eastward. fox if you want america's best weather. download it today. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: you can have it on your phone, that's right. j.d., thanks very much. >> you got it. steve: look at your phone and calendar 11 days before christmas and the holiday spirit is very much alive in burn southern community. mccadenville, north carolina, famously known as christmas town u.s.a. look at those lights. ainsley: this morning rachel campos-duffy is sharing that holiday cheer breakfast and friends grits and greens southern cuisine right outside of christmas town u.s.a. brian: rachel? rachel: good morning and merry christmas. i will try to get throughout this interview without eat the grits. which i hope i don't have any in my teeth i had to eat some earlier. i'm here with jennifer perez she owns grits and greens. jennifer, you told me you used to be open through dinner time and why aren't you open through dinner time anymore? >> basically because of staffing. i have a great staff. i was blessed with great people but, yeah, we can't get the staff to be open for second shift. rachel: last year everybody, christmas town lights were not up. so, you know, they are back this year. and so there is all this pent up demand. there is traffic going into christmas town u.s.a. but, you can't take advantage of that because you can't be open during the nighttime when everyone is coming in to christmas town. >> yeah, no, not this year. hopefully next year we will be back at it at night. rachel: how has inflation been affecting your prices. >> a lot. we have actually had to up all of our prices just a few months ago and sometimes we have to take things off the menu. rachel: sure. makes sense. i'm going to move over to -- thanks so much, jennifer, appreciate it move over to dave and kaye. they own a furniture appliance and more store, very nearby, correct? how has the supply chain affecting your business? >> the back orders on product coming in is just ridiculous. we have probably over 100 sales slips waiting on products to come in and we are being told the stuff is out on the ships. can't get it off the docks. can't get it in the trucks to the warehouses and to the stores. it's a big mess out here right now. >> logistics is a major, major problem for a whole lot of retailers right now. rachel: you started coming to grits and greens during the pandemic. you made an effort to try to hit different businesses that were getting hit hard by the pandemic, correct? >> that is correct. we knew people were out there struggling in so many different areas, and it made us at least once a week we're going to find us a mom and pop place and we are going to support our community. rachel: dave, you told me you come specifically for the grits. >> the grits are excellent here. grits and greens but for me it's grits. the best this side of charleston. rachel: sounds like you are after ainsley's heart. i will move over to dean. dean, you work at a car dealership. >> true. >> tell me how this economy is affecting your business. >> well, we normally would get 15, 16, 17 cars about every 15 days. now we are getting like three cars a month, which is ridiculous. use -- prices of used cars gone up 25%. we can't get parts for the cars. can't get chips. it's just overall just a mess. rachel: what's your affidavit rice onto this administration on what should they do to help people like you just trying to make a living? >> well, first thing they should do is shut the border down, quit giving all that money down there to illegals. come in america legally like most people. and then from there just make sure we get a fair shake on everything. i think the taxes are going to kill us down the road. and we're all going to be paying more money out of our pocket. rachel: i'm going to change topics really fast. give me a quick answer what's your favorite thing on the menu. >> favorite thing on the menu mist miss duffy. rachel: i'm not on the menu but i will be back. brian: that was a surprising answer. ainsley: wasn't expecting that. steve: i was expecting the southern benedict. who knew? brian: toast might have been a good option. steve: all right, thank you, rachel, grits and greens as she grins. brian: okay. ainsley: that guy says he is only getting three cars at a dealership per month. brian: lucky to get the three. range of reasons for the crime spike. what they are saying still ahead. superpowers from a spider bite? 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[cheers and applause] for you to split it with the other girl who took care of us, okay? this, right here, this is for you, thank you. steve: but that surprise $4,400 tip split between two waitresses ended up getting one of those waitresses fired. that's because the restaurant tried to make her share the money with the rest of the staff. she joins us right now to tell us her story. former waited truss at oven and tap restaurant ryan brant and her attorney bill horton, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning, steve, thanks for having us. >> you bet. ryan, this great big group of 40 people. they decided we are all going to chip in 100 bucks. 4400 bucks split between the two waitresses, all right. that's what it looked like. you were overwhelmed. then what happened? >> yeah, definitely overwhelmed. blindsided with happiness and joy and and disbelief honestly that it was even happening. steve: then the restaurant asked you, they said that big tip, you have to split it with everybody, right? >> yeah. i was told by shift manager right after the filming of the announcement and then the table was done with their dinner, exiting the restaurant, that anything over 20% would be taken by the restaurant to be divvied out. steve: i understand you contacted directly the person who had given you the tip and you said thank you very much. and then they found out that you were supposed to split it at the restaurant for the money back and they gave it to you directly. bill, why are you here today? >> well, i think it's all over the internet right now. instead of just apologizing and saying we made a mistake they decided to double down and hire an attorney sending this lady a very threatening letter trying to silence her. we are trying to make sure her truth gets out. steve: they say she was not fired over the tip. so why were you fired? >> >> i personally believe because i told the whitley group that i wasn't going to be keeping the tip. steve: i gotcha. so you feel like it was over by telling them how you had to split the tip and that's what got you in trouble. the good news is you got a brand new job which i understand you don't have to. ryan and bill,thank you very mu. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic 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prosecutors are too soft on crime. >> we have seen an increase over the course of the pandemic the range of reasons for that. >> can't do the job get out of office plain and simple. >> mask mandates are coming back. >> i think we have learned you give niece people an inch they will never let g there is no reason to be restricting or mandating anybody. >> jaw-drops snubs how much president biden's build back plan is going to cost. >> chicago economic professor estimates the social spending bill could add up to $30,000 on taxes on middle class family. >> number two it is caught. touchdown. odell beckham jr. touchdown. brian: we begin with a fox news alert. president biden is now set to survey the damage left in the wake of devastating tornadoes over the weekend leaving at least 8 people dead. >> we continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states affected. particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky who lost familyself. it's pretty rough stuff. brian: kentucky governor andy beshear becoming emotional on the loss of life. >> we are now up to 74 kentuckians that we have lost. the age range is 5 months to 86 years. ainsley: a 2 month old infant there is her picture becoming the youngest victim. the national guard joining the effort as more than 100 people remain missing. the tornadoes so powerful some personal items are showing up 150 miles away. >> that's right. employees at the collapsed kentucky candle factory say they were told that they would get fired if they left their post before the tornadoes hit. investigating the amazon warehouse collapse. for more on the ground let's go to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. rick, i was reading a report from somebody there and they say okay, people are talking about we're picking up the pieces. but how do you start over when you start with that. rick: when every piece needs to be picked up. that's what makes it so hearted. hit a house or two or a black you can kind of get your brain around that. but when you have an entire town where the business district of the town is gone, you know, what do you do? derek come on over here. i wanted to talk to you today first off you are on the city council you have information on the town. standing in front of what was the waters tower. the oldest most prominent water tower in town that you can see behind us here down on the ground. there is water all over the place, obviously. you say this wasn't even here. >> no, it was down the road like we have a bus over here as well that was down the road. i'm just now seeing the bus and i have been all around town and i'm just now noticing it being right here. rick: first off, tell me that night about the storm, where were you? what was your experience? >> i was listening to the news heard it was coming. we heard that a lot never expected this to happen. this we took cover. and then shortly, you know, news we heard it pass and then i started getting phone calls. never knew it would do as much damage as it had. never imagined it. rick: obviously a town about 10,000 people and a lot of fatalities in this town. you have people who know. >> i do, i do. i do. i got some family members and friends. i heard a lot of communities around us think are in my prayers as well. rick: one thing the physical loss of a town. there is the emotional loss. all of that being processed at one time? >> overwhelming. >> we have overwhelming. when i started hearing about what was going on, i immediately started making phone calls. making sure my family was safe started checking on the kids i work with every day at the school district. kids i coach. i started checking. rick: you work at the high school. >> i work with the school district as a whole. rick: gotcha. on the city council. obviously this tornado cut through downtown and destroyed all of those buildings. >> yeah. rick: is there any sense of what you guys do next? have there been any decisions or is that premature to have that conversation? >> well, we haven't i have been at our high school a lot making sure our kids have been taken care of. and make sure we have people that need shelter get shelter. right now that's our priority. rick: from what you know are there people in mayfield unaccounted for. >> i'm hearing they are still looking for bodies. >> personally i don't know anyone that's missing. i have checked in made a lot of comments. when you start cleaning is when you start finding people and i heard they are still looking. rick: tell me about this. you know, there is no power in town. they cut it cut it off all the power lines down. >> dangerous. rick: trying to get power restored. tell me about this. you know, just the water. you need electricity. you need water to be able to sustain life. will there be water back in town. >> yeah. we are starting to get water in certain areas of the town and whatnot. like i said, that's why, you know, i think it's important for people right now the immediate need is people need shelter more my concern how we will rebuild the city. rick: that gives you a sense, guys, the process of where we are, no decisions yet on what to do next. still just trying to get people. >> take care of immediate needs, food, shelter what's important right now. rick: that expresses it. thank you so much. >> thank you. rick: and best of luck to you and your family. >> thank you. rick: guys. steve: rick, we know there are parts of town without electricity, obviously if the water tower is on the ground and traveled a distance from where it has been for decades this a infrastructure project going to take a long time to fix before people have water. >> you said it, get electricity in here pretty quickly. areas of town getting water. but this one right here. obviously gone. you mentioned, it's an infrastructure getting through the town getting power and water. such town of 10,000 people there are towns all along about 200 plus mile path that are dealing with this as well as farms, houses, you know, rural areas that are all completely damaged. it's an infrastructure issue. there are so many farms livestock gone that's going to have impact financially for this region potentially for others around the area far reaching from some of the agricultural impacts as well. ainsley: i know walmart is donating a lot of water. and the federal government donated 90,000 bottles of water to that area. thank you, rick. rick: you bet. steve: that's their skyline. that's the tallest thing in that town. ainsley: beginning when we saw rick on camera we said is that the mayfield signup side down and then rerealized it was the water it tower. steve: unbelievable. brian: usually when things like this happen local businesses rally. things wind out you will have the gap to gift certification to go there and pliers home depot. others start gouging prices. the good news is when they go to investigate it's obvious your price is too high always worry about looters coming in and grabbing your stuff while losses evaluated. the kentucky attorney general joined ainsley earlier. >> i'm telling these bad actors this sort of activity and conduct won't be tolerated in the commonwealth. we have got look out for our people especially when so much devastation has been wrought. it's heart breaking to see so many lives lost and to see homes ruined it is a challenge. god is sovereign and ultimately at the end of the day is he going to help us get through this. i know there are folks praying across this country for us. prayers are obviously very needed and necessary. ainsley: he has set up a website and there is a phone number, 1-800 number if you see anyone that is price gouging. he said if the if the price of milk was this amount of money and increased it then call hotline. number at the bottom of the screen 888-432-9257. steve: while people all across the country look in and how can i help? we have seen this a million times before where suddenly charities pop up people have never heard of. there are all sorts of donation scamsz and things like that looking at one of the local web sites of kentucky better business bureau suggest visiting before contributing or sending a donation just to verify it's something bona fide unless you donate to one of the big organizations nationwide like care, united way, red cross. ainsley: samaritan's purse. steve: who are the bell ringers? ainsley: salvation army. love them. steve: they all are accepting donations on behalf of the people. brian: let's change gears. same theme and it's crime. according to the latest poll that we went over yesterday. 36% of the people approve of the way the president has handle crime in this country, i'm surprised it's even 36%. 43% approve it's terrible. a push to hear there was identification. portland and seattle and chicago all hell is breaking loose and new york. a sense that those governors and those mayors should crack down. and when president trump decided to put the national guard in or federal officers in there, there was huge pushback. now we are seeing formization and an organization around the mass looting in major cities from san francisco to oakland to los angeles. and i just thought it was very telling, too one of these a.g.s saying this is no mob or godfather. district attorney he said it is party night. one of these guys they just show up. they go in there. they smash, they grab, they get the stuff and they make a total profit. they are just having fun right now at the business owner's expense. steve: story broken by the "wall street journal." flash mob come together on social media. organized on snapchat and other social media and messaging services. they are run by people who don't know each other. snap says they are looked into it and there is nothing to it. as you look right there. louis vitton, 40 people involved in that five have been arrested so far. have you seen the images of nordstrom in california 90 people who took part three people arrested. $100,000 worth of stuff in one minute 25 separate cars license plates covered over an organizer gets on social media sites like snap and says hey, as soon as they give the location and the time a bunch of people who do not know each other, other than they have the commonality of being on the same social media site they show up at this location with a sledge hammer or something like that and next thing you know they are gone in a minute and a half. it's infuriating. peter doocy asked jen psaki about prosecutors being soft on crime. >> do you think it's possible that these cities are dealing with these smash and grab robberies right now increase in criminal activity because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i would say we have seen i'm not going to attribute the reason to believing from here. we have seen increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are a range of reasons for that what we are focused on is what we can do to address it the president has proposed additional funding in the budget to make sure local police departments and cops have the funding they need. that's what our focus is on currently is action. >> what good is it going to do if you are going to give police departments extra money if they arrest bad guys and they bring them to jail and then they are not prosecuted? >> what our focus is on is making sure that the local leaders have the assistance and funding they need we are working around the clock. steve: unless they lock somebody up, the people can be out doing more. ainsley: what happened with our tree the arsonist. back on the street. brian: homeless guy he should be allowed to be arsonist. larry krasner of philadelphia another embarrassment to this country came out and said no crime problem. liberal formal mayor came out came out and apologized and said it wasn't a good thing to say. alex villanova. he doesn't care. he knows district attorney gascon is endangering the lives of the people that he is supposed to protect. he was on with tucker last night. he is taking on these policies and these criminals. >> if you can't do the job get out of office plain and simple. roughly 12,000 cases in first year in office that he has not prosecuted that we made the arrest. 12,000 times that a crook walked away scot-free. what kind of message is that telling to the criminal community or sending to the criminal community constantly trying to keep the morale of my organization up don't do your job because someone else refuses to do his or her job. absolute failure on all counts. steve: regarding a number of those smash and grabs in san francisco. investigators there saying that they were organized around the time of the kyle rittenhouse verdict because robberrers throughout they would be 25 different cars and grab a bunch of stuff and they did. brian: still doing it called a pig by the district attorney. unbelievable. ainsley: where is clarifies. she is from san francisco. she was so soft on crime there. and she ran on that. she is more progressive than bernie sanders was. steve: i think she is busy on working on the root causes of the migration problem. brian: dealing with child actors want to talk about space that takes a lot of time to memorize those scripts. carley shimkus does not deal with child actors. steve: she does deal with scripts. carley: what else happened in the pandemic, the defund the police movement. why are you invoking the pandemic when it has nothing to do with the situation. steve: she said there were a range of reasons. that's one of them. brian: let me defend jen psaki for a minute -- never mind. carley: stay on the crime crisis here. the houston police say they used a fallen deputy's handcuffs to arrest the man suspected of murdering him. eddie miller is accused of shooting and killing deputy constable kareem atkins during an ambush attack this past october. miller was given no bond for capital murder charge. 19-year-old accused of shooting two others at the scene. one is recovering and other remains at the icu unit. deputy atkins just 30 years old at the time of his murder. former white house chief of staff mark meadows calling out the january 6th committee for recommending criminal charges after he refused to testify. disappointing but not surprising. it's not about holding me in contempt. not about imagination the capitol safer you see this by some going on right now. this is about donald trump and about actually going after him once again. >> meadows is no longer cooperating with the investigation into the events surrounding the january 6th attack. this morning rules committee will vote on whether or not to move forward with the process of holding meadows in contempt of congress. the nfl is requiring players, coaches and staff to get the covid vaccine booster shot. the league releasing a memo saying its requirement extends to all tier 1 and tier 2 individuals who previously received a vaccine deadline to get the booster is december 27th. teams are also being asked to consider providing booster shots for players and staff family members. a season high 37 players were placed on the covid-19 list on monday. mcdonald's is giving out free food every day until christmas thanks to mariah carey. ♪ ♪ all i want for christmas is you. >> get free daily deals decembey mcdonald's. carley: iconic singer inspiration for the fast food chain christmas commercial. customers who spend $1 or more on the mcdonald's app. will get 12 days of mariah carey's favorite menu items for free. free food if you didn't already love mariah carey i'm sure now you do. steve: she has the greatest christmas song of all time. carley: except for. steve: santa has a dirty job. ainsley: i love that song. do you love it? carley: favorite song not just christmas song. steve: good job, mcdonald's. free food. we love that. ainsley: we do. 7:20 on the east coast. president biden's federal vaccine mandate facing major road blocks in and out of the court. bern join us update on daily wire. steve: 11 days until christmas rachel campos-duffy dining with locals christmas town u.s.a. she will be back to talk with those folks straight ahead on "fox & friends" ♪ snow is falling ♪ friends are calling yahoo ♪ such tree-mendous views. i'm at a moss for words. when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? soothe your cough naturally. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 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campos-duffy is having breakfast with friends grits and greens southern cuisine. hey, rachel. >> good morning and merry christmas, everybody. yes, this town, mcadenville a mile away from where i am right now. turns into a hallmark movie or christmas postcard. they have been doing it since the 1950s. 67th s year i believe. people come from all around the area in their cars. they drive through and look at the lights. some of them walk through the town. i'm here with steve. he has been coming for 22 years to see the lights here at christmas town u.s.a. it was canceled last year. how excited are you that it's back? >> well, i have lived here for 22 years. and right on the exit where all the cars have to get off to go through and see the lights. so, it's quite different this year than it was last year. rachel: i'm sure. >> but, yeah. we are happy to have it back. you know, it's a big thing for this area. a lot of people in the state and they know that that town is known for its christmas lights and when i'm referring to where i live to people, i often tell them exit 23 off i 85 local mcadenville and they say. rachel: christmas town u.s.a. there are concerns in the country you want to talk about. what's your biggest concern? >> there's a number but to keep it short for you, i would say it's the prices, the economy, the inflation right now. crime is also a very concerning what we see going on in some of the bigger cities in the other states. but prices right now, we're experiencing really crazy inflation gas, i have a photo on my phone from sam's club where i get my gas a year and a half ago and the price was 1.76 for premium, which i put in my uconn and so i was very happy. i took a picture of that it's like 3.20. rachel: it's double now you 2350e8 it in that uconn. >> absolutely. rachel: merry christmas. >> merry christmas, rachel, thank you. rachel: i'm here with j.r., you are very concerned about how this pandemic has affected kids be. >> from south carolina. much more fortunate than some states. we didn't have the shutdowns. my son canceled his last year of flag football was canceled due to covid. you know, they don't get those years back. and there is different fundamentals and lessons they learn, you know, with sports and different things and i think we shouldn't be taking that away from the kids because a lot of them don't get that at home and, you know, sometimes that's the only place they get to see that. >> and so, you know,. rachel: it's a great j.r., the impact on our kids, banning sports, banning smiles as well. so, all right. we will be back with more from christmas town u.s.a. lots of grits on the menu and lots of politics as well. brian: right. and corn pops. good see corn pop. steve: rachel, thank you very much. rachel: that's his shirt corn pop is a bad dude. i didn't know this t-shirt existed pretty funny. steve: have to google and see what that's all about. brian: joe biden's biography. steve: coming up on 7: 30. coming up in the east. this weekend's tornadoes tearing through hatcheries in the midwest. the toll it could take on the supply chain as farmers fight already high price. that's straight ahead. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems 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homes in town. they are destroyed. almost everywhere you look looks something like this. and the insurance information institute says it's too early to put an exact dollar figure on the cost of this damage but they do expect it to be the costliest tornado event in u.s. history. and while so many people here in kentucky and five other states are dealing with the loss of property, some families are dealing are something much worse the loss of a loved one. 74 people killed in kentucky, i met with thomas bright yesterday. he was going through what was left of his aunt's home. she unfortunately didn't make it in the storm. weighs trying to get anything out of the debris family photos, mementos any keep sakes that they could find talk to him about how devastating this loss is. especially so close to christmas. listen. >> i was preparing myself as i was walking down the street for the worse and obvious. i was hoping and praying she was still underneath and could be saved. she is the type of person. she kept everything. she was -- had turned 80 years old. so she had 80 years worth of photos and letters and pictures because she never threw anything away. >> to focus on the positive so many people and corporations are stepping in to help the governor of kentucky andy beshear says nearly 45,000 people have donated to the state's fund totaling nearly $6 million in donations. you mentioned walmart and tyson foods. they have partnered up to donate 600,000 meals. lowe's has also vowed to make a donation as well. obviously, brian, when you see the destruction in this area they absolutely need all the help they can get. brian: i wouldn't even know where to start, grady, thank you very much. just amazing. >> devastating toll on the agriculture industry already battered by the supply chain crisis. many grain facilities, hatcheries and farms in kentucky taking a direct hit. let's bring in kentucky department of agriculture commissioner ryan and graves county kentucky farmer keith lowery. keith, for you, what are you experiencing now with your farm? >> >> well, personally i live -- my farm is 10 miles south of mayfield. we had no damage. we had no damage at all. but i do have neighbors that have the chicken industry is very big in the county and they have lost six barnes at one location supply chain on the local level is going to be impacted the way it is. but i had no damage in my operation. >> you are pitching in, right? >> absolutely. i got the word 230 on saturday morning and we loaded up the heavy equipment as some of my neighbor farmers did. got here about daylight on saturday morning and have been here ever since. we don't want to brag on the farming community here in graves county they stepped up. they have been here to help and do whatever needed to be done. brian: it does not surprise me. used to taking things on yourself by nature, by trade. ryan you, in terms of the food supply chain, between hatcheries, the chicken keeps coops.what could you tell us han damaged that worries you the most. >> well, obviously we want to make sure that we keep people fed. that's been a big initiative of our office since saturday morning physical donations down to western ken and really the storm hit everything from the mississippi river to just south of louisville we are meafing schuyler we utilize the lunch program, our food banks, one of which was completely destroyed here in mayfield but on the supply side, there is a hatchery right here in mayfield 200 farmers in the region. we are already hit with supply chain issues increased costs of input, inflation, et cetera. now we are going to have at least six to 8 month delay when it comes to the driving poultry industry in western kentucky. we have a granary right here in mayfield that has 5.5 million bushels of grain sitting on sites. they are not even sure how to unload that grain and get it converted into feed for our livestock industry. and so we have had a tough situation but i'm a farm kid myself. there is one thing we know that keith just talked about. when we get knocked down, we get back up, we will dust off our blue jeans and get back to work. brian: nobody to complain to. can u.s. agriculture department, keith, help out? >> absolutely part-time people like commissioner corls came on we need it had in the weeks and possibly years to come. brian: if you could, ryan, could you tell us what civilians who aren't farmers can do to help being that you are going to have trouble working the land? >> that's right. we started a go fund me page dedicated to relief fund. encourtrooming americans from coast to coast to pitch in to help out with getting our farms back into production. i will just give you one example. kentucky is the biggest decattle state in mississippi. whether you have areas no fences left. >> herds commingled hundreds of head that have died in the storm. sorting out the mess is becoming a challenge. it's going to take us several days if not weeks to determine the extent of agriculture from structures to grain structures. 30 poll tri houses damaged severely. going to take us time to dig out. he. brian: real life challenges happening every single day. thanks, guys. >> thank you. brian: meanwhile, relief fund. meanwhile we forge ahead. of the daily wire taking the president to court vaccine mandate for private businesses. will it be successful? ben shapiro has a lot of fight in him. he will talk about the uncon stiewcialted of what we are all experiencing right now. my fingers are crossed for ben. he will be joining us next. ♪ advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. it's the only fda-approved combination of two 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still unmold with the sixth circuit of appeals, the governor sort of push back against a stay put in by the fifth circuit. put in a brief on that. so everything is sort of in a holding pattern at this point in the court system obviously a national stay put on the vax mandate. we assume that eventually this case is going to reach the supreme court and ask people to sign a petition we put out there called do not comply already 850,000 americans have signed the petition saying they do not plan on complying with any vaccine mandate pushed by this administration. steve: you are not anti-vax, have you been vaccinated. your family has been vaccinated. we have all been vaccinated. you are anti-vax mandate. >> correct. there is a massive difference between being anti-vax and anti-vax mandate. try to redefine the term anti-vax. being anti-vax means that you actually think that the vaccines. being anti-vax mandate believes you believe people should be free to make their own suggestion when the suggestion the data show that even vax people passing this that vaccination is preventing hospitalization and death but not transmission that will hospitalization and death but not preventing people from getting the disease although in lower numbers than people unvaxxed. vax mandates are antilogic and anti-is science and anti-freedom. >> a lot of people are sick of this. two years government telling us. if people want to get involved. they can sign your petition, right? >> that's right. do not comply and then you can move down if you are in a blue state, move to florida. you heard our governor. steve: we would all like to. brian: governor polis of colorado. steve: democrat. brian: yeah, democrat. the problem unvaccinated in his view done. state of emergency is back over. we lost 27 air force personnel yesterday because they refused to take the shot. we lost 34,000 healthcare workers in new york because they either have natural immunity or they are not comfortable taking the shot. now, do you know that anthony fauci says we got to get a booster so that's three for a lot of us. and then he says we might have to get it annually that would be four. omicron different shot. how many shots are we going to get? even the most pro-vaccine person limit to the pin cushion in your deltoid. >> i think that until your body is 80% composed of the actual vaccine, and they are not going to allow you to be free. if you actually think at this point that there is any point at which the left is going to allow to you live your life. just one more thing the left will allow to you get back to normal. that's just not true. they made a promise. the promise was a lie. the promise was they would be able to stop covid. no government on everett can stop covid. they can make them widely available now we get to go back to daily life. in florida we have been living daily life well over aer i don't at this point. steve: great book called the authoritarian movement. thank you very much. check out the ben shapiro show. thank you, sir. ainsley: thanks, ben. >> thanks so much. brian: watched with joe rogan three hours. fantastic. new town, pennsylvania, tickets left toilet town beat you. making history on broadway 8:15 at john rich's head neck rivera and is he going to be there in nashville. so make history. if not have the best time. >> the other broadway in nashville and then on the 18th, my last two stops are going to be in dayton and cincinnati the same day on saturday. ainsley: then you can finally sleep. brian: special thanks to our viewer heather and marine colonel travis foxily assistant fox chief. in oklahoma. he waited in line for three hours. i was in tulsa as well as oklahoma city. coming out of tyler, coming out of fort worth. coming out of long view, which is where matthew mcconaughey grew up. that was -- it was crazy time. we thought it would be a good time, believe it or not, i won't say the airline. but i was late to my book signing because the pilot left his ipad in another plane. steve: the i pad is essentially how they run the plane. brian: i cannot complain because i leave something everywhere. to know i'm sitting on a tarmac because the pilot left his ipad on the plane. ainsley: how late were you for the event? brian: an hour. we met a lot of people. don't worry about it. steve: happy accident. brian: president and the freedom fighter thank you forever keeping it up there. we will see how it goes to redneck rivera. steve: brian for tour date information. ainsley: on the second day of "fox & friends'" 12 days of giving. how you can give back to families of our fallen heroes this christmas season with the help tunnel 2 towers foundation. steve: that's right. it's coming up. first, it's the most wonderful time of the year on fox nation with christmas movies the whole family can enjoy. abbey hornacek is here live in the studio with the movie you can't miss. coming up. brian: do you spar in any of them? ♪ ♪ ... >> good morning let's take a look at your weather across the country, big warmup again we're going to break records 35 in chicago, 35 in fargo, 48 in new york, 60 in dallas we'll be in the 80s for parts of texas so you can see that cold era cross the west but the central u.s. above average temperatures, that's going to move across the mississippi valley in towards the east coast, on friday, and some of those records are going to be, again, into the 80s so look at texas 81, you'll break a record from 2008 even kansas, 70 degrees goodland, kansas that breaks the record back in 1962 of 66 so because we have that cold air and the warm air ahead of it the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms wednesday and thursday for the central u.s. again behind it because we've got that cold air in place , big time snow for the sierra nevada in towards the rockies and the inner mountain west so this is great news for skiers and snowpack and the drought situation, but it is going to lead to some travel problems already over two feet of snow on top of that another one to two feet, so epic snow happening across the west and then the heavy rain for parts of southern california, good news for the drought, bad news because a lot of that will cause flash flooding we'll keep you up-to-date of course foxweather .com to get america's best weather, ainsley and abbey, over to you. ainsley: thank you so much janice. well there's nowhere like home for the holidays and fox nation is helping you get cozy on your couch, with christmas movies, like where the magic of christmas creates true love, watch. >> she's going to come to her senses and find love in the right person. i can't take that chance, nick. i need you to step aside and let sarah have the life she's always wanted. >> oh, hey, you don't like this >> no. >> i said don't touch that. don't touch it, okay? >> no, no, no! >> ♪ we wish you a merry christmas ♪ ainsley: here to give us a preview of that, abbey hornacek, hey, abbey. >> that must have been in the sierra nevada or the rockies according to janice dean because it's supposed to snow there and make a snowman. thanks so much for having me, ainsley. it's such a cute movie. cute name too, right? so, it's all about sarah. she every year builds this snowman with her best friend nick and she pretends it's her boyfriend because she wants to be swept away in a romance, and one year, she named it cole, and said i want him to be charming and funny and then one day, she gets a knock on her door from a human man, named col e, with all those characteristics so there was christmas magic in the air and brought him to life so she gets into this romance with cole , but nick is in the background as if that trend he's been in love with her since day one so does she end up with cole or nick? i'd never ruin the answer. ainsley: how does she choose. the next one is how sarah got her wing, and let's watch a clip first and then you can explain it. >> all right >> ainsley: i think that we have it. >> i'm afraid so, sweetie. >> [dog barking] >> and your little dog too. >> i always wanted to do that. >> so this is heaven? >> no, no, [laughter] no this is just the lobby. ainsley: so she is in heaven? >> almost. ainsley: okay. >> by the way you guys matched that could have been you in the movie you were in one of our fox nation christmas movies. ainsley: yeah, did one last year >> so also sarah, she gets to heaven waiting in the lobby to get into the gates of heaven and realizes she's not on the list so she has to go back and she has to finish some unfinished business. she thinks it's because she needs to help her ex-boyfriend move on, and find true love with this girl that he used to date. so she's working the entire movie with him, he can see her but no one else can, and she gets back to the gates of heaven and has to do it all before christmas eve in order to get in and she's worried she's not going to make it because like all christmas movies there's a message at the end, was it really about helping her ex- boyfriend or was it about something bigger? ainsley: okay, all right and the last one is an evergreen christmas. tell us about it. >> yeah, so evergreen christmas follows a story of evie lee whose dad passes away and she lives in los angeles so she has to leave her big town life and have to go back to her small town life in tennessee and it follows just her trying to get back to her family but get back to her roots and she finds out she's the executor of her family's christmas tree farm so she owes taxes on about $3 million so she's trying to save this christmas tree farm and she has a boyfriend whose horrible, nobody likes him but in comes a guy from her past who her family loves and there's a little bit of romance there as well. ainsley: she ends up ditching her boyfriend? >> i don't know ainsley you can't ruin it. ainsley: all family friendly movies watch them with your kids too. thank you so much abbey. well this holiday season you can sign up for fox nation, just use the promo code "celebrate" and then get 35% off your annual plan only at it is 7:59 here on the east coast and the final hour of fox & friends starts right now. >> president biden is now set to survey the damage leaving at least 88 people dead. >> we're going to be there as long as it takes to help. >> we get knocked down we get back up, pat the dust off our blue jeans and get back to work. reporter: do you think it's possible big cities are dealing with increased criminal activity because prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> we have seen an increase over the course of the pandemic. >> yeah, it's the pandemic causing the crime, because when you're forced to wear a mask, you might as well rob somebody at gunpoint. >> the daily wire taking the president to court over his vaccine mandate for private businesses. >> we assume eventually this is going to reach the supreme court , already 850,000 americans have signed a poll they aren't planning on complying. ainsley: woke california schools are scrapping failing grades. >> in districts like la, oakland, sacramento students are allowed to retake tests or do the work again. >> first down again, running ahead of everyone is jefferson, touchdown! 52-yards score. steve: 8:01 we start with a fox weather alert. president biden is set to survey the damage left in the wake of the devastating weekend tornado es that have left at least 88 people dead. >> continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states who were affect ed and particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky whose lost his family himself. it's pretty rough stuff. steve: it is rough stuff. kentucky governor andy bashir becoming emotional on the loss of life and it was extensive. >> we are now up to 74 kentucky that we have lost. the age range is five months to 86 years. ainsley: then we learned the youngest was actually two months old. this incident, there she is, a little baby girl. she is the youngest victim, they went all into the bathroom, and the force of the winds blew the family into the neighbor's house and this poor little girl was strapped in her car seat so that she wouldn't, you know, fly away, but the force was just too much and she ended up not making it. the national guard joining the effort as well as more than 100 people remain missing, the tornadoes are so powerful. some personal items actually showed up 150 miles away. brian: employees at the collapsed kentucky candle factory say they were told they westbound fired if they left before the tornado hit and in illinois, osha now investigating the amazon warehouse collapse, more let's go to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth in mayfield, kentucky. rick: good morning, guys. we kind of have a different back drop for you now we've been showing so much of the town and we'll have some live drone video that we could be showing at the same time that we're talking about this. you can see downtown we're about a mile away from downtown here in the graves county fair grounds and i'm joined here by sandra delk. you work for the fair grounds. this is where you come to work but this place untouched, we're about a mile away. thank goodness, because this is serving as a staging area for a lot of the goods that are coming in for people in great need. >> yes, it is. we've been getting donations here since saturday morning. they're coming in all hours of the night. they are coming from all over the country. we've had calls twice from pennsylvania and then the people stay and help. they aren't going anywhere, and we've had calls from florida, california, everywhere and they are sending money, bringing money to us, they are helping in every way possible and as you can see what all they are doing but this is not even, we've had so much more coming, and but it's going out quickly. rick: the amount of goods that come in after a disaster from the generous people who want to help but sometimes it can overwhelm a town and you guys have this really well-organized. imagine everybody whose lost their homes, they've lost their cars and they have no food, no clothes, they have no cleaning supplies, and so you guys have setup a really amazing system here, and this is people can just come by and pick-up what they need. >> what has happened is when it all started coming in, we were really overwhelmed and we had a lot of clothing in here and bedding, and that was just kind of taken us over so we ended up shipping that out to the churches and they're taking care of that the local churches, which is really wonderful, but and then we were able to make more room in here but we also have another building in the back that we're using and it's larger than this one, and it's more for surplus and then but as you can see , it is more organized now than it ever has been but that's because we've had such great volunteers. they're coming in here and saying tell me what to do, and that's it. they are staying a long time. rick: i think if you are looking on the screen and you see the drone of the damage in town, then you come a mile away which is always a crazy thing in these tornadoes that other spots isn't touched which is the case here and what a blessing to have such a big facility that you can do this kind of organization for the people. >> oh, yeah and you can see things like t-mobile, we're using their, they brought a generator in for us and it's hooked up out here and that's how we have lights because we don't have electric or water here, so that's how we have these lights in here. rick: the generator is so important for mayfield right now all the support, anything specific you guys still are in need of? >> seriously probably more generators. i know we've got a lot coming but some of these people, we don't even know about like right outside town, we don't know if they're okay really. we know they may not have electricity. trees might be on their cars, they have no transportation so things like that, yes but you can see and i know things like we've got so much, but -- we're shipping to the filters here as well as people driving in, picking up, walking and getting what they need, so it's going fast. rick: it's amazing work you're doing and all of the volunteers. have you a long road ahead of you and you'll need a lot more supplies so thank you for what you're doing. >> thank you and can i show this? rick: of course, please. >> okay if you are wanting to send anything to help us out money-wise, here we go. this is the address, and we really appreciate all, the whole country has come together for us rick: as they always do. >> its been amazing. rick: thank you so much. >> thank you. appreciate it. rick: guys back to you. steve: rick, we were just talking ainsley and i were just talking about, you know, other communities we know of that have been impacted as they start to rebuild. when it comes to a hurricane, fema is able to pre-position assets because they know essentially where it's going to go. with a tornado that's impossible to know, so any idea as somebody picks up their phone there, any idea how soon fema can be there with generators because she said they need generators. rick: yeah, i don't have an answer to that. i don't know what has been put in place. any idea if fema has come in yet with any generators? >> i believe they have not come in yet. we have not had contact. i have not had contact with them yet. rick: according to sandra here, not aware of it but i don't have that information. steve: okay, rick, thank you very much. as we look at the flight team video, this is a live image over mayfield. you're talking about what are you going to rebuild? with the exception of that historic hotel in the background right there, that's brick-and-mortar, what else is left to rebuild? i mean, they are going to have to start from scratch. it's just heartbreaking. the town i grew up in, and went to high school in, clay center in kansas, my junior year of high school, a tornado went right through downtown. it took years for them to rebuild but they didn't have a fraction of the devastation they have in mayfield. ainsley: i know i remember being a child & hurricane hugo came through barreling through south carolina and demolished lots of beaches but then they did rebuild, and they ended up building these beautiful beach houses that used to be small little homes, so eventually, hopefully this town will be able to do that and rebuild. brian: the key is going to be the red tape. are they in there with money, they have the red tape to get through it and places like new york with so much legislation out there, and so many environmental impact studies it takes forever for things to get built, meanwhile, while people look at what was once a pretty big city or a big town a lot of people say well what about the farms? that was the question i posed to keith lowry, a farmer, who was actually dodged a lot of the damage but has been helping out with food and more and his equipment and ryan quarrels. he talks about everything from the hatcheries to the chicken coups this really could affect the supply chain for the country and for his county. listen. >> on the local level here is going to be impacted for years the way it is but we don't want to brag on the farming community here, they stepped up. they've been here to help and do whatever needed to be done. >> it's going to take several days if not weeks to really determine the extensive agricultural damage but i'm a farm kid myself and there's one thing we know that keith just talked about is that when we get knocked down we get backup, we pat the dust off our blue jeans and get back to work. steve: absolutely, and the farmers do have the heavy equipment tractors and whatnot to help move stuff which is very helpful. as we saw rick talking to the lady at the fair grounds, and they've organized, you know, a clothing drive and things like that, yesterday, we heard from the first lady of kentucky, britney beshear, and she has organized given that we're 11 days away from christmas they've organized a state-wide toy drive they're looking for new toys, games, books and technology that are new, unwrapped, and in the original packing. they are also asking for $25 visa and mastercard gift cards. they do not need any clothes. there are locations throughout the state, the commonwealth of kentucky, where you can drop those things off and if you like more information, just google that and if you like to send things their way, i'm sure -- ainsley: look at the devastation how many christmas presents are in all of this , these piles of rubble that parents have bought for their kids and that it's just gone. christmas is gone for many of these families. brian: the other major story that outside the natural disaster is the manmade disaster and that is what's happening with crime in this country and we see more and more major cities totally preventable crime waves. a lot of these smash-and-grab, a lot of it just flat out pick pocket. we have arson that burned down this tree, you see it on people throw people on top of the train tracks, it doesn't matter, there's no cash bail, almost no prosecution at the same time they are emptying out the prisons because that is what how some women view it as kim that justice reform and that's why the president of the united states is getting terrible reviews when it comes to crime. only 36% of the country approve of the way he's handling the major cities, and if he has got a problem with it he can point his finger right to the democratic governors, excuse me, democratic governors, and mayors , and more importantly, a lot of the d. a.'s that do not prosecute the crime and what doesn't allow the cops to enforce the crime. ainsley: the wall street journal is reporting some of these smash-and-grabs are being organized on social media on snapchat and snapchat saying no, we don't have any evidence of organized, these platforms organizing on our website. brian: i'm sure. ainsley: but we're seeing dozens of them walking into these stores and sometimes you'll hear 40 of them go in, look there was so much merchandise on these shelves gone. brian: high end stuff. ainsley: exactly. steve: at one of the high end stores in nordstroms in los angeles, in a neighborhood known as the grove, you know, it's a very upscale area, at the grove, they were robbed on november 22, they had 18-20 looters go in and so what they're doing today, they started a couple of weeks ago, they've got this high coil fence barrier, it looks like bar bed wire. it's not designed to cause injury, but can tangle a person in it whose trying to get away just think about it if running through that way. ainsley: they roll it out at night and take it away in the morning. steve: it's near the entrances of the various locations they have also hired more security, and a lot of off-duty officers who are in their uniforms and they have their side arms as well. peter doocy, our white house correspondent, asked the press secretary yesterday, about the president and crime, and this is what she had to say. reporter: do you think it's possible that big cities are dealing with these smash-and-grab robberies right now, increase in criminal activity, because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i would say we have seen, i'm not going to attribute the reasoning from here, what i will tell you is we have seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are a range of reasons for that and what our focus is on is what we can do to address it. the president has proposed additional funding in the budget to make sure local police departments and cops have the funding they need. that's what our focus is on currently, is action. reporter: what good does it do if you give police departments extra money if they arrest bad guys and they bring them to jail , and then they're not prosecuted? >> what our focus on is making sure that the local leaders have the assistance and the funding they need and that's what we're working around the clock on. steve: there's that range of reasons again, this new buzzword at the white house, the range of conversations, range of reasons. and if there's no consequence or crime. ainsley: she said for further explanation, you need to contact local police departments. steve: or the department of justice. brian: if you keep saying things like range of reasons that means you could say whatever you want to the press but you'll never get to the core of the problem and the root of the problem if you keep saying range of reasons one of which is why are these stores being hit? because of the legislation that passed a lot of it votes for like 2014 with this proposition 47 that said you could take up to $990 now they organize whether it's on the internet or by organized crime it doesn't matter. they come in in huge waves nobody can stop them and they are coming for the high end stores which traumatizes the people working there and the ones shopping there and now some stores are flat-out closing in los angeles the crime wave has forced the celebrity designers to close her store, the owner of this boutique, the shopping mall has been the target of several flash mob thefts it's just not worth it grab and go on the lululemon side isn't going to work and it gets so expensive they have to keep doing things like we saw that innovative fence, is it really worth it? then you have to charge your customers more when the cops say i can't do anything? why would you put up with that if you don't have to? ainsley: one of the stores they stole, you know, one-time, they stole $120,000 worth of merchandise. what if you're a mom and pop? what if you're the celebrity lady that has her one store? that is so much money. imagine just someone walking in and stealing that from you. steve: and so what the retailers are saying is they are saying congress needs to pass this informed law so that the places like ebay and amazon and yahoo and goggle so that when somebody tries to sell the stolen louis vuitton purse you understand exactly who the seller is because a lot of the stuff is stolen and then put online. greg gutfeld last night on this program when he looks at the range of reasons of the crime, he doesn't see the pandemic. he sees something else, watch this. >> yeah, it's the pandemic causing the crime, because when you're forced to wear a mask you might as well rob somebody at gunpoint, right? and yes, the guns behind the violence because the pandemic has been able to cause guns to get up on their tiny little gun feet and pull their own triggers with their tiny little gun hands, but the fact is the media can't accurately report on anything, whether it's perversions or fatalities since they are always implicated in them. while deaths spiked they buried them because they champion policies and ideas that contributed to that. they defund the police and then camouflage it by saying it's really just a funding shift, it's like planting a bush in front of a septic tank, they try to hide the consequences of their destructive beliefs. they supported no cash bail, while championing the shutdowns, turning the city streets into a john wick said al qaeda minus the freedom. steve: and then there was last week where in chicago the leader s there were blaming the retailer. you don't have enough security. brian: it's that idiot mayor. the owner of a high end sneaker store asking for the public's help in identifying the people that broke into her business thursday, and made off with all the merchandise. it's called undisputed soul so you have a high end sneaker thing you make the big investment to get a high end customer and next thing you know everything is gone, and there's nobody to prosecute, and the cop s say our hands are tied. it's really not going to, the overall point of this is, it's not democrat or republican. it's right or wrong. this just wrong. all these policies are wrong. it's not even hard. how could you bw pro-criminal? that's what you're asking people to do, is be pro-criminal. it is nuts, and just continue to punish small business. steve: well there's a range of reasons for it according to the white house. ainsley: unbelievable that you can just walk in and steal less than $1,000 and there's no consequences. steve: or do half a million dollars worth of damage. brian: they call it party time online. let's go smash-and-grab and we could still go dance tonight. steve: thank, social media. all right, 8:18 now here in the east. carlie joins us news out of philly. reporter: that's right. a range of crimes starting with a fox news alert here, philadelphia state senator's office and an naacp office damaged by gunfire last night in philadelphia. police say two men waited for another man to leave the apartments above the office and fired nine shots. no one was killed but one man is in critical condition. philadelphia leads the nation with 524 homicides this year, that's more murder than new york city and los angeles while at least 12 democrat-led cities break annual homicide records. >> former white house speaker staff mark meadows is calling out the january 6 committee for recommending criminal charges after he refused to testify. >> it's disappointing but not surprising, and let's be clear about this , sean. this is not about me holding me in contempt. it's not even about making the capitol safer. we see that by some of the selective leaks that are going on right now. this is about donald trump and about actually going after him once again. reporter: meadows is no longer cooperating with the investigation into the events surrounding the january 6 attack. this morning the rules committee will vote on whether or not to move forward with the process of holding meadows in contempt of congress. >> well, this just in. a study shows pfizer's covid pill is effective in preventing hospitalization or death if taken during initial symptoms. while the study mostly involved patients with a delta variant, experiments show that paxlivid successfully fights omicron as well according to pfizer. the company's vaccine is also 70 % effective in preventing omicron's hospitalizations according to a new south african study. and those are your headlines. steve: you know it was about a year ago we didn't have vaccines or pills and now we've got both brian: just now they said, died with the omicron virus, they didn't say because of. all the symptoms are mild. it's no big deal and boris johnson is trying to distract because he was caught having a christmas party in the middle of the throws of the pandemic. steve: carlie thank you very much. brian: still ahead a california school board is doing away with d and f grades for poor work. fox news contributor former teacher leo terrell on why this push for wokeness will fail students next. reigns plus rachel campos-duffy is getting into the christmas spirit by having breakfast with our friends, near north carolina 's christmastown usa. >> ♪ if you want to be happy in a million ways, for the holidays ♪ hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections --some serious-- and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel so much better. 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[upbeat pop music throughout] ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help [upbeat pop music throughout] where's mom? she said she would be home in time for the show. don't worry, sweetie. she promised she'd be here for it. ooh! nice shot! thanks! glad we have xfinity, with wifi speed faster than a gig! me too! woah, look! mom is on tv! she's amazing! (cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 steve: education outrage this morning, out west, as some of california's largest school districts are scrapping failing grades. school boards claiming it will help black latino and low income students hurt by the pandemic. ainsley: one principal saying, " right now, we have a system where we give a million points for a million pieces of paper that students turn in, without much attention to what their actually learning. brian: our next guest calls this an insult, fox news contributor and former history and social studies teacher himself, leo terrell. so this give that they're giving and not failing kids that might have been struggling with whether it's home life or the pandemic, you think hurts in the long run. >> brian, what the stroke of a pen, they have just devalued education. these democratic leftist woke culture has basically destroyed any incentive to do well, and the insult is that it's directed at blacks and brown kids that we need some type of special help, it's insulting. look at me, i'm a black man, i went to public schools, i went to college, i passed the bar. i don't need any special consideration. this is just an excuse by the teacher's union who fail these kids in california during the pandemic because they didn't want to do education. public school parents should take their kids out of public schools. you guys shouldn't complain about new york. california is the worst state ever when it comes to education and crime and everything else. steve: so they are lowering the bar by certain california school boards ban teachers from giving d and f grades and instead offer students a chance to essentially have a do-over so ultimately, leo, what does that do for those kids? >> thank you, steve, for that question. basically, it says i get a second chance. i don't have to study. if it's a disincentive because now the kid knows he doesn't have to work all year, he doesn't have to do his work, his homework, it takes away the incentive because he's getting a second chance and when a kid fails a class do you know what we did? he had to take the class all over again. it gives the teacher the chance to relax and say do you know what? i don't have to work as hard. again, this is nothing more than a back doorway to please public school unions and this is more of the critical race nonsense because do you know what? it targets kids based on skin color. it's racist and i find that offensive. ainsley: several things i worry about as kids go through this they're not prepared for higher education. they might get into a really good school because they have all a's and b's because they dropped every class they were making a d in. so they have that advantage. they go to higher education they aren't prepared. think about in the medical industry. what if they went into the medical field and skipped college and instead went to a tech school, became you know, a nurse or something like that, and then they are operating or in the operating room working on your loved one. >> ainsley, that's exactly spot -on. they're giving these kids a false sense of confidence and security. when the rubber hits the road and when they go to graduate school, medical school, law school, they won't be able to compete, because you know what? the smart parents are going to take their kids out of public schools, go to private schools and be facing the best and the brightest. i don't want a kid who basically skirted past grades in high school to work on me as a doctor or represent me as a lawyer. this is a prescription for failure later in their career. brian: if you have a private option take it over there, if that is possible. leo terrell thanks so much. >> thank you. steve: straight ahead on this tuesday, a family-owned restaurant was hosting two christmas parties just hours before those deadly tornadoes touched down in kentucky, and destroyed their building. the owners reflect on how the community is coming together to rebuild that restaurant, coming up, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. steve: 74 people are now confirm ed dead in kentucky, with more than 100 still missing. steve harrigan is on the ground in dawson springs where at least a dozen residents were killed, steve? reporter: that's right, steve. search and recovery efforts continue here. this is a pretty small town of just 2,400 people. at least 13 have been identified dead, but 95 people are missing, so if you look at those numbers, one in every 20 people in this town is either dead or missing, from this storm. now we've talked to people all around asking them where they were at the moment this tornado went overhead, we spoke to one man who stayed in his basement as his house was destroyed by the tornado. he was with his wife and their 11-year-old granddaughter. here's what he told us. >> who was holding her? >> me and my wife. in between us. >> because you wanted to make sure? >> we wanted to make sure that, you know, she survived if we didn't, but we all wanted to survive but we really wanted her reporter: so that's a grandfather and his wife, in the basement, both with their arms around their 11-year-old granddaughter, trying to make sure that she survived even if they didn't. here in this town, it's about 60 % now completely destroyed. hundreds of homes in every direction you look, pretty much just debris at this point. steve, back to you. steve: all right, steve, live in dawson springs, kentucky, heartbreaking. meanwhile employees and customer s of car's steakhouse and barn in mayfield, kentucky are feeling lucky to be alive after getting out before the two buildings were destroyed in the storm. let's bring in the owners david and lauren car. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. steve: so david, that's your family restaurant. its been in your family since the 1950s. you turn around and you look at it, what do you think? >> well utter devastation. i got out when i did. steve: no kidding. lauren, explain why that particular place, that steak house behind you was so important because i know you and david met there, got married there but it's just part of your family. >> yeah, it was more than just a building to us. it's where we met, where we got married, it's where our kids birthday parties were, holiday gatherings but it's also where we met members of this community and came together. we were able to do some community service out of it, you know, a free thanksgiving dinner or a fundraiser for a soccer team or different things like that and it's just really sad to see the building no longer standing. steve: it's heartbreaking. david, i know you and lauren were at home not far from there when the tornadoes moved through mayfield. there were people in the restaurant. how did they get out? >> i was actually the last one out of the restaurant. we shutdown when we realized it was going to hit mayfield so i just told everybody to pack up and go home and all the patrons got out 15-to minutes before it hit. steve: and everybody went home. what are you going to do? i mean, your places have been such an important part of the fabric of mayfield for so long. i think people are counting on you rebuilding but that's a tall order. are you going to do it? >> i honestly don't know. we're still just trying to make sure everybody is okay. steve: yeah. yeah, i think one of our biggest concerns is just to make sure that our employees have the basic needs, food, water, and shelter and then go on from a business plan from there. steve: sure. david, how many of the businesses there in mayfield , how many of them have insurance and will be able to rebuild in some manner? >> i honestly have no idea. i would say there's going to be a few that do not, but truly do not know. steve: yeah, and lauren, how about your friends and other family members? everybody get through the storm okay? >> yeah, you know, i think at the end of the day, we are very blessed and lucky that there was nobody hurt in the building. there was nobody injured, but i know that that's not the case for everybody in our community and our hearts just break for those individuals. steve: right. i know that they've already taken some heavy equipment to the restaurant behind you and pushed it into a pile. what happens next? >> i don't know. i don't know what happens next. hopefully, within the next coming days we'll get some answers as far as different insurance and help for our employees. i know that there's funds out there, different organizations are coming together and it's just the overwhelming support is unbelievable. steve: yeah, and you have two children as well, you've got to worry about. if you didn't reopen the restaurant, what would you do? would you consider moving? >> i'm not considering moving. >> our roots are here. this is where we met and we raise our children, this is where we work and we will serve this community in some form and fashion. steve: well that's great. all right, so sorry about the total devastation. lauren and david carr, the owner s of carr's steakhouse, legendary spot there in mayfield , kentucky and today, gone. thank you very much. good luck to you. >> thank you. steve: all right 20 minutes now before the top of the hour, day two of our 12 days of giving find out how the tunnel 2 towers foundation is giving back to families of fallen heros this christmas season. we're going to talk to frank in a minute plus check back in with rachel campos-duffy whose having breakfast with friends near christmastown usa in north carolina. i've got a feeling we'll talk to that guy, coming up, next. >> ♪ just like the ones i used to know ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. knocking you out of your zone? 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>> basically, in loyalty. they gave me a chance, the opportunity to do something i love, so it's like a no-brain er. rachel: in fact during this pandemic you became the executive chef right? yes, i did. rachel: what's your favorite thing on the menu? >> grits and shrimp. rachel: thanks, will we'll move over to lynn over here. we've got a full house packed house, people waiting to get in. hi, lynn. we're talking christmas, but we're also talking a little bit of politics. you told me you're concerned about what? >> the mandates on vaccines, on mask, it's just too much of a power grab for me, and i believe in choices. rachel: choices, freedom, america, thanks, lynn. we'll move over to harold. he's an air force veteran, i just love that about him. he's also originally from wisconsin. he was born and raised, or born in chicago raised in wisconsin. you live in north carolina, tell me what you're concerned about with our country's direction. >> i'm concerned about giving away our gasoline, i'm concerned about the border, i'm concerned about inflation that it may go to double-digits like it was in the 70s and people can't handle that. rachel: how does it hurt people who are elderly in particular, people on fixed income, because there's some people out there saying look, inflation isn't a big deal. >> well it is a big deal when you look at ground meat that's gone to six and $7 a pound and steaks are out of sight. rachel: yeah, well okay, so it looks like they are wrapping me up here, harold. merry christmas, its been nice meeting you. i appreciate you, thank you, rachel. rachel: right back to you guys we'll stay here at christmastown usa, and have some grits, maybe the shrimp and grits. steve: that sounds fantastic. ainsley: or just plain grits with a lot of butter and put cheese on top, mix it in with a little bit of salt. steve: rachel thank you very much. meanwhile, let's check in on this tuesday with senior meteorologist janice dean for the foxcast on this tuesday. >> it doesn't feel like christmas in a lot of these areas again today for , you know , the two-thirds of the country above average temperatures behind this though, that's where we've got our winter storm and we actually could see some severe weather on wednesday and thursday, because the clash of those two air mass es, so we could see record breaking temperatures once again , across portions of the central u.s. and the southeast. there's your forecast today, a little bit of rainfall over the mississippi river valley, and then our next big storm system is moving into the west with feet of snow for the sierra in through the inter mountain west and the rockies and some heavy rain along the coast which could cause flash flooding, so winter weather watches and warnings for many of these states and then on top of that you'll feel wind gusts in excess of 20, 30 miles per hour, that could cause some blizzard conditions, and it's going to be very rough to travel. speaking of severe weather wednesday into thursday these are the areas we are going to watch for hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. all right, so we'll keep you up-to-date to download your weather app and get the latest weather information. steve, ainsley, brian back to you. steve: all right ainsley: thank you, janice. it's day two of our 12 days of giving series and tunnel 2 towers ceo frank siller is going to join us with how his organization is helping families brian: always great to see frank but first let's check in with bill hemmer. what have you done? bill: dana and i are consulting here but i do my grits with butter and sugar. steve: sugar? bill: oh, yeah it's nice. i'd recommend that during the holiday season. brian: your dentist doesn't. bill: probably right. good morning, guys, great show in a moment shocker, more evidence that crime is organized online, we'll show you that report also a brand new report just out on inflation this is no bueno for american consumers what's the biden plan for our economy as we guess whether or not bbb is dead or alive and newman dates aren't going over well with private business they make their case on our show today and we met some extraordinary people in the aftermath of these kentucky tornadoes, you'll meet some of them too coming up in about 11 minutes we'll see you then top of the hour. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. where's mom? she said she would be home in time for the show. don't worry, sweetie. she promised she'd be here for it. ooh! nice shot! thanks! glad we have xfinity, with wifi speed faster than a gig! me too! woah, look! mom is on tv! she's amazing! (cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 ainsley: it is day two of our 12 days of giving and this morning we're highlighting an organization fox viewers know very well. brian: joining us right now with a special announcement, tunnel 2 towers ceo frank siller frank, has gone beyond the firefighter, obviously you're helping first responders as well as our military men, and your thought when you heard about the navy seal during the training accident was they are going to need some help. >> well, you know, commander brian bushwa had five children, left behind a wife megan, and we knew, my brother had five kids when he gave his life on 9/11 and i thought right away oh, my god, it's a tragedy and so the tunnel 2 towers we're asking everybody, we want to pay off their mortgage by christmas, so go to t, wouldn't that be a beautiful gift to give them, of course it doesn't change the great loss, but it does take some financial burden off of them. ainsley: what was her reaction when you told her? >> she cried. she cried, because it is a reality that they realize they have the financial responsibilities afterwards and they are so sad and they are in great grief and they know that they cried not just the financial relief but knowing that people care, that people care. steve: right because after the initial shock of i've lost my husband, they've lost their father, it's like okay, what do i do? how am i going to pay that so every dollar donated to goes to this family. >> absolutely and most mortgage s around 250 to $350,000 this is in that range, we don't like to get too personal about what their mortgage is, it's important but i also want your viewers to know that right now, we have over 100 volunteer firefighters for us, for the tunnel 2 towers we'll be heading out to all these great states that were hit for the tornado that we lost somebody. kentucky is number one, we've been talking to the state troopers over there. we're getting our locations setup. i've done plenty of relief like this too so there's so much sadness out there but we could turn it around and be there for these communities and your viewers. ainsley: tell the folks how you can go to your website, just sign up and monthly it comes out of your account. >> it's just so easy. steve: a small, painless amount. ainsley: $11. >> we're a 9/11 foundation, so, $11 and we could take care of this family but we have a landing page just for the family, but we also have for our, you know, everything that we do and we're most certainly going to do millions and millions and millions of dollars of relief for the tornado victims. brian: and with the $11 a month gives you certainty of revenue so you can start pledging to people saying i know this is coming in. >> exactly. brian: it helps you run a foundation. >> for lack of better terminology, i've been business all my life prior to doing this is you have a cash flow and you know the money is coming in so i could plan on all these great people that we can help, because we know this x amount of dollars is coming in. ainsley: and for a lot of people who can't leave their jobs and go help in kentucky or they don't have contacts with these families that lose their loved ones, you get a little message on your phone once a month that says, $11 has just taken out of your account and it actually will bring a smile to your face. steve: go to, frank thank you very much. >> thank you and merry christmas. steve: indeed we'll continue our 12 days of giving tomorrow we highlight the uso on fox & friends. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> dana: you can go to newtown, pennsylvania starts at five. >> bill: what's your website? >> bill: good morning. assessing the damage in the heartland. unbelievable. these tornadoes tearing through six states the images are stunning and endless unfortunately. at least 88 dead, one of the youngest victims only 2 months old. president biden visits there tomorrow ongoing search and rescue operations, more on that coming up in moments. take you back live to mayfield, kentucky. they have stories to tell. first the president vladimir

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Neighbor , Bathtub , Brothers , Hunk , Families , Reading , Bowling , 15 , Two , 11 , Kids , Loved Ones , Rebuilding , Street , Wasn T The Only One , Deaths , Seven , 81 , Window , Hasn T , Stock , Story , Feet , Survivors , Name , Autumn Kirks , 10 , 109 , Location , Boyfriend , The End , Noise , Superman , Safety , She Doesn T Know Who , Supervisors , Autumn Kirk , Ward , 8 , Season , Home , Safe , Candles , Supervisor , Building , Safer , Degree , Jobs , Amazon , Probe , The News Today Osha , Setting , Injured , 45 , Six , Volunteer Organizations , Generators , Bottles , Meals , Cots , 4500 , 90000 , 30000 , Daniel Cameron , Commodities , House , Fort Campbell , National Guard , Tens Of Thousands , 300 , Cities , Mounting Mandates , New York City , 19 , Residents , Hi , Rachel Campos Duffy , Breakfast , Requirements , 700 , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Beautiful Christmas Town , Sulfonylurea , Ways , Blood Sugar , Pill , Stop Rybelsus , You Are My Sunshine , Sunshine , Don T Take 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Teen , Gun , Smash And Grab , Suspects , Crime , Eye , District Attorney , App , City , Organizing , Snapchat , Evidence , Reissuing A Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate , Shoplifting Offenses , Spokeswoman , Social Media Platform , Business Owners , Mandate , Vaccination Status , Covid , Government , Vaccine Mandate , Events , Vaccination , Dining , Patrons , Philadelphia , Proof , January 3rd , 3 , 1000 , Win , Contact , Loads , Arizona Cardinals , Monday Night Football , Los Angeles Rams , Stafford , Shot , Victory , Ben Jefferson , 23 , Numbers , Fans , Thoughts , Sources , Cardinal , Game , Rams , Slumping , Teams , Emotions , Jet , Sad , Policy , Administration , Courts , Mexico , Appeals , Revival , Fifth Circuit , Judge , Supreme Court , Court Of Appeals , Countries , Trump , Procedures , Immigration Laws , 70000 , Interview , Court Hearings , No , Czar , Peter Doocy , Jen Psaki , Hasn T Met , Vice President , Commitment , Root , Migration , Causes , Honduras , Guatemala , Sauber Dog , Range , Conversations , Security , Adviser , National Security Adviser , Chance , Level , Engagement , Coronavirus , 2 4 Million , Consultation , Amnesty , Students , Class , Teachers , Ron Desantis , Florida , Action , Antidotal Stories , Long Island , Taint , Wealthy , Districts , Working Class , Room , Language , English , School , Classes , School Board , Times , Phrase , Legislature , Million , 8 Million , Migrants , Press Conference , Into Jacksonville , Attention , Executive Order , Border Problem , Information , State Law Enforcement , Places , Transfer , Fed , Bruit , Contracting , Budget , Legislation , Carriers , Business , Crimes , Governments , Restitution , Human Smuggling Operation , Healthcare Costs , Individual , Drugs , Services , Responsibility , Airport , Individuals , Plane , Middle , Schools , Mother , Traffic , Guest , 24 , Friends , Say Merriam Seltzer , Daughter , Fighting , Driver , A Camp Reunion Saturday Night , Crash , Bruce Blakeman , Nassau County , Merriam , Condition , Migrant Who Overstayed His Visa , Lee Elle , 50 , Problems , Education Systems , Systems , Tax , Problem , Visa , Enforcement , Immigration , Mess , Control , Borders , Law Enforcement , Immigration Policy , Car Accident , Tragedy , Vice , Automobile Accident , Influence , Allegedly , Laws , New York State , Governor Cuomo , Tough , Counties , County , 1 5 Million , Nine , Adults , Buffalo , Capacity , Hospitals , Units , Hospital Admissions , Spike , Icu , 97 , Mask , Cleveland , Situation , Fact , Business People , Matter , Homeowners , Healthcare Concerns , Health Department , Healthcare Professionals , Shouldn T , Law Enforcement Personnel , Healthcare Investigators , Raiding Gyms , January 1st , Lives , Restaurants , Factor , Stress , Mr , Facts , Gyms , Mrs , Johnson , The Rain And Mountain Snow , Victims , Businessmen , Women , Loser , Story A Go Fund Me Page , Advantage , Thanks , Congratulations , Price Gougers , Efforts , Preying , Kentucky A G , Cammeron , Singers , Experts , Service , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Ked , Smoking , Nicorette , Run , Engine Humming , Marathon , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Highs , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Kindness , Driving , Queen , Symptoms , Bipolar , Lows , Ask , Medicines , Take Control , Strength , Vraylar , Risk , Doctor , Death , Relief , Patients , Behavior , Episodes , Depressive , Psychosis , Manic , Muscle Movements , Fever , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Coma , Weight Gain , Restlessness , Issues , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Kentuckians , Recovery Efforts , Bowling Green , Notice , Folks , Details , Attorney General , Hotline , Web Page , Price Gouging , Emergency , Declaration , Price , Commonwealth , Statutes , Price Gouging Statute , Excess , Sort , Products , Devastation , Screen , Central , Feel , Website , Paper , Pen , Office , Gouging , Information Price Gaige , 27 , 432 , 888 , 95 , Looting , Actors , Conduct , Stores , Heart Breaking , Homes Don T Have Electricity , Challenge , Family Members , Team , God , Donations , Prayers , Team Ky Relief Fund Gov , Chip In , Pandemic , Grades , Scrapping , Trauma , Grits , Greens Christmas Town , Rachel Campos Duffy Grits , Long Run , Merry Christmas , Stay , Light Display , Back , Music , Eye Drops , Eyes , Xiidra , Eye Drop , Inflammation , Eye Disease , Signs , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Vision , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , Holiday , Little Light Of Mine , Umph , Narrator , Pain , World , Outcast , Child , Love , Surgery , Life , Operationsmile Org , Suffering , Act , Thousands , Waiting , Producer , Child Sex Crimes , Societies , Math , Cnn , News Day Producer Tweeting Quote , 2010 , Vaccine , Chris Cuomo , Life Sentence , Pfizer , 70 , Study , Age Groups , Omicron Investigations , Protection , Illnesses , South African , Anything , High School , School Districts , Wave , Epicenter , Testing System , Test , F , Income , Oakland , Ds , L A , Sacramento , Top , The Fox , Janice Dean , Weather Forecast , 17 , Snow , West , Half , Storm System , Big Time , Let S Go , Temperatures , Memphis , 48 , 34 , Flash Flooding , Rainfall , Winter Weather , Amounts , Regions , Rockies , Nevada , Syria , Travel Problems , Foot , Snow Pack , Skiers , Southern California , Heavy Rain Fall , Concern , Air , Clash , Winds , Hail , Air Masses , System , Books , Forecast , Fox Weather Com , Texas , 80 , Back To You , Weather , Burn Southern Community , Spirit , Calendar , J D , Christmas Lights , Friends Grits , North Carolina , Cuisine , Rachel Campos Duffy Is Sharing , Mccadenville , Jennifer Perez , Eat The Grits , Teeth , Greens , Aren T , Staffing , Staff , Christmas Town Lights , Pent Up Demand , Second Shift , To Christmas Town , Prices , Menu , Makes , Supply Chain , Orders , Product , Furniture Appliance , Dave , Kaye , Warehouses , Ships , Docks , Major , Retailers , Logistics , Businesses , Pop , Community , Best , Cars , Economy , Dean , Car Dealership , Charleston , True , 16 , Use , Chips , 25 , Money , Affidavit Rice , Illegals , Living , Taxes , Answer , Shake , Pocket , Topics , Miss , Menu Mist , Duffy , Rachel Campos Duffy Dining , Option , Wasn T Expecting , Toast , Southern Benedict , Reasons , Guy , Crime Spike , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Theaters , Pay , Superpowers , Spider Bite , December 17th , Ingredients , Instacart , Short Ribs , Smile , Therabreath , Healthy , Target , Capful , Mouthwash , Crowd Cheering , Waitresses , Surprise , Total , Arkansas , Care , Cheers , Applause , 4400 , Restaurant , Tip Split , Bill Horton , Commissioner Ryan , Rest , Both , Oven , Truss , Group , Chip , You Bet , 4400 Bucks , 100 Bucks , Blindsided , Joy , Disbelief , Happiness , Tip , Shift Manager , Dinner , Announcement , Filming , Table , 20 , Person , Divvied Out , Lady A , Letter , Mistake , Truth , Whitley Group , Job , Trouble , Brand New , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Emergen C , Stop Trulicity , Change , Nutrients , Blend , Dose , It Isn T , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Ten , Taking Trulicity , Diabetic Retinopathy , Tradition , Tis , Cadillac , Ride , Cadillac Showroom , Sleigh , Criminal Activity , Course , Prosecutors , Increase , Mask Mandates , Reason , Anybody , Build Back Plan , Chicago , Professor , Niece , Middle Class , Odell Beckham Jr , 0000 , Damage , Fox News Alert , Familyself , Andy Beshear , Picture , Victim , Employees , Items , 150 , Amazon Warehouse Collapse , Post , Let S Go To Chief , Pieces , New Town , Piece , Black , Brain , Business District , City Council , Come On Over , Information On The Town , Derek , Well , Bus , Wasn T , Waters , Front , Standing , Water Tower , Experience , Cover , Phone Calls , 10000 , Overwhelming , School District , Buildings , Whole , Gotcha , Tornado Cut , Decisions , We Haven T , Conversation , Care Of , Anyone , Bodies , Comments , Cleaning , Electricity , Power Lines , Dangerous , Whatnot , That S Why , Need , Needs , Luck , Take Care , Shelter What , Parts , Distance , Infrastructure , Project , Farms , Houses , 200 , Impact , Livestock , Infrastructure Issue , Area , Others , Impacts , Rick , Side Down , Camera , Skyline , It Tower , Unbelievable , Certification , Gouging Prices , Pliers , Gap , Home Depot , Losses , Activity , Won T , Phone Number , 800 , Amount , Bottom , Milk , 9257 , 888 432 9257 , Charities , Web Sites , Sorts , Donation Scamsz , A Million , Donation , Organizations , United Way , Bona Fide , Better Business Bureau , Ringers , Samaritan S Purse , Red Cross , Salvation Army , Theme , Poll , Behalf , Let S Change Gears , 36 , Push , 43 , Governors , Officers , Hell , Mayors , Guard , Identification , Portland , Seattle , Organization , Pushback , Godfather , Mob , Flash Mob Come Together On Social Media , Expense , Fun , Profit , Business Owner , Wall Street Journal , Each Other , Nothing , Snap , Messaging , Louis Vitton , Images , Nordstrom , 100000 , 00000 , 90 , Bunch , Sites , Organizer , License Plates , Commonality , Site , Being , Sledge Hammer , Funding , Police Departments , Cops , Focus , Jail , Leaders , More , Somebody Up , Tree , Assistance , Clock , Arsonist , Crime Problem , Mayor , Embarrassment , The Street , Homeless Guy , Larry Krasner , Alex Villanova , District Attorney Gascon , He Doesn T Care , Criminals , Tucker Last Night , Message , Cases , Crook , Arrest , 12000 , Failure , Morale , Counts , Smash , Verdict , Kyle Rittenhouse , Migration Problem , Progressive , Pig , Bernie Sanders , Scripts , Space , Child Actors , Deal , The Defund Police Movement , Man , Handcuffs , Crime Crisis , Deputy , Kareem Atkins , Eddie Miller , Ambush Attack , Capital Murder , Shooting , Bond , Deputy Atkins , Chief Of Staff , January 6th Committee , Murder , Scene , Remains , Mark Meadows , January 6th , Contempt , Charges , Donald Trump , Investigation , Attack , Capitol , Holding Meadows In Contempt Of Congress , Players , League , Vaccine Booster Shot , Committee , Whether , Requirement , Nfl , Memo , Coaches , Booster , Booster Shots , Tier , December 27th , Mariah Carey , Mcdonald S , Covid 19 List , 37 , All I Want For Christmas Is You , Daily , Decembey Mcdonald S , Iconic Singer Inspiration , Customers , Menu Items , Fast Food Chain , 12 , , Song , Favorite Song Not Just Christmas , Santa , Daily Wire , East Coast , Bern , Locals Christmas Town , Cough , Words , Dad , Yahoo Such Tree Mendous Views , Moss , Punchlines , Robitussin , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Serena , Naturals , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Me Hanging , Migraine , Tracks , Cause , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Tiredness , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Exfoliating Bar , Gillettelabs , Gentle Exfoliation , Shaving , Psoriasis , Face , Shave , Psoriatic Arthritis , Hurt , Walking , Joints , Hiding , Woooo , Cosentyx , Back Pain , Stop , Joint Swelling , Skin , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Feeling Good , Infections , Crohn S Disease , Infection , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reactions , Move , Rheumatologist , Movie , Sing 2 , Sing , Tunes , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , Tickets , Members , Steve Merry Christmas , Rewards , Greens Southern Cuisine , Town , 67th S , 1950 , 67 , Exit , 22 , Concerns , 85 , Inflation Gas , Uconn , Photo , Premium , Sam S Club , 1 76 , 3 20 , 2350 , South Carolina , Great J R , Fundamentals , Lessons , Shutdowns , Son , Flag Football , Sports , Smiles , Lots , Politics , Shirt Corn Pop , Corn Pop , Dude , Corn Pops , T Shirt , Hatcheries , Toll , Weekend , Joe Biden , Biography , Midwest , Farmers , Discover Card , Purchases , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Heartland , Hundreds , Torpedo Outbreak , Costliest , Fox Weather Alert , Lowe S , Grady , Recovery , Pitching , Retail Giants Walmart , Insurance Information Institute , Interior Design , Dollar Figure , Tornado Event , Dealing , Property , U S History , Loved One , Aunt , Thomas Bright Yesterday , Sakes , Talk , Debris Family Photos , Mementos , Type , Worse , Obvious , Pictures , Photos , Letters , Corporations , Stepping , Fund , Tyson Foods , 45000 , 6 Million , Destruction , 600000 , Supply Chain Crisis , Agriculture Industry , Grain Facilities , Keith Lowery , Farm , Graves County , Department Of Agriculture , Neighbors , Chicken Industry , Operation , Pitching In , 230 , Farming Community , Equipment , Nature , Food Supply Chain , Terms , Ryan You , Most , Chicken , Coops , Initiative , People Fed , Han , Storm Hit Everything , Lunch Program , Louisville , Food Banks , Mississippi River , Meafing Schuyler , Western Ken , Supply Side , Hatchery , Input , Grain , Poultry Industry , Granary , Bushels , Et Cetera , 5 Million , Livestock Industry , Feed , Blue Jeans , Agriculture Department , Commissioner Corls , Civilians , Aren T Farmers , Land , Go Fund Me Page , Coast To , Production , Relief Fund , Encourtrooming Americans , Example , Decattle , Herds , Head , Fences , Challenges , Agriculture , Structures , Extent , Grain Structures , Friends Foxnews Com Relief Fund , Ben Shapiro , Cell Lung Cancer , Fight , Fingers , Uncon Stiewcialted , Next , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Treatment , Immunotherapies , Combination , Spread , Positive , Egfr , Pd L1 , Yervoy , Opdivo , Gene , Quiet Time , Alk , Body , Irregular Heartbeat , Breath , Immune System , Chest Pain , Constipation , Lead , Shortness , Dizziness , Fainting , Memory Problems , Eye Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Appetite , Conditions , Thirst , Itching , Flushing , Rash , Weakness , Urine , Organ , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Cowboys , Trials , Record , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Ray , Glucose Levels , Diabetes , Vacations , Libre 2 , Smiling , Mystery , Code , Insurance , Exam , X Rays , Obligation , Payment Solutions , Aspen Dental , Book , Let Go , Editor , Senate , Employers , Circuit , Put , Court System , Stay Put , Brief , Holding Pattern , Vax , Petition , Petition Com , 850000 , Difference , Correct , Suggestion , Vaccines , Anti Vax , Term , Data , Hospitalization , Mandates , Disease , Transmission , People Unvaxxed , Anti Freedom , Science , Blue State , Democrat , Colorado , Healthcare Workers , State Of Emergency , View , Immunity , Air Force , 34000 , Anthony Fauci , Shots , Omicron , Left , Deltoid , Pin Cushion , Promise , Lie , Great Book Called The Authoritarian Movement , Sir , Toilet Town , Ben Shapiro Show , Pennsylvania , Joe Rogan , John Rich S , Nashville , Making History On Broadway , Neck Rivera , Stops , Viewer Heather , Dayton , Broadway , 18 , Colonel Travis Foxily , Line , Tulsa , Oklahoma City , Marine , Oklahoma , Tyler , Coming Out , Book Signing , Long View , Airline , Fort Worth , Matthew Mcconaughey , Pilot , I Pad , Tarmac , Event , Accident , Freedom Fighter , Giving , Heroes , Redneck Rivera , Brian Kilmeade Com For Tour Date Information , 60 , 35 , 2008 , 66 , 1962 , 3 Million , 59 , November 22 , 2014 , 47 , 990 , 20000 , 120000 , 000 , A Million Dollars , 524 , January 6 , 2400 , 13 , 360 , 9 11 , 250 , 50000 , 350000 ,

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