Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

facing the largest hospital -- moving in the other direction. dropping their vaccine mandates in an effort to dec their crippling labor shortage. of folks in the heartland dealing with the structure method that that they tornado outbreak. i'm going to speak with a humanitarian aid organization that is helping on the ground right now at this moment. we begin with america's crime crisis on the violence continues rise, that approval ratings continue to fall. good evening, kevin. >> the white house continues to insist that there are a range of reasons for the rising crimes since the pandemic, but while the white house continues to search for answers, the public, it would appear, has already decided who is to blame. >> it was a brazen assault, victimizing both business and patrons and abusing the psyche, and all-too-familiar scene playing out across the country, including this attack in chicag. >> this happened in broad daylight on saturday. they have people break into your store while there are customers shopping and there are children in there. >> what happened is a symptom of a much larger problem. the spike in crime nationwide seems to have escalated since joe biden took office. increasingly voters are blaming him for not taking more decisive action. witnessed the latest abc poll. it shows a stunning 61% disapproval rating for the president when it comes to his handling of overall crime. worse, 66% disapprove of his handling of the surging gun violence. and resounding rebuke coming as homicide rates continue to cripple major cities across the country, which of these are headed by democrats. >> do think it's possible that we are dealing with a smashing grab robberies right now, an increase in criminal activity because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i would say we have seen, and the going to attribute the reasoning from here, but i will tell you we've seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are range of reasons for that and our focuses on what we can do to address it. >> the monthly health solutions, proposing additional funding and the budget to make sure local police department have what they need in working directly with police departments in areas where they are seeing the highest impact of crime, especially for shop owners who survived the pandemic, only now to have to face a new enemy. >> i never realized how much outrage there was a brown the country. this was about chicago as far as i was concerned, but this has gone on around the country i've been getting thousands of calls. we've had enough. enough is enough. >> enough is enough the certainly the feeling among a number of owners across the country. it was jen psaki said that covid-19 had gone for root causes of the increase in organize will tell theft and well she seemed to dodge questions today about whether or not soft on crime policies were partially to blame, she did say the white house is focused on the problem. >> shannon: kevin, thank you very much. breaking tonight the biden administration appeal of a judgs order to reinstate the trump era remain in mexico border policy has been denied. that means the ability of ministration breach with mexico that requires asylum seekers to wait there until they get their hearings in the us is not legally required to restart. and the supreme court -- vaccine requirement for healthcare workers in new york, but does not offer an exemption for religious reasons. they acted on appeals filed by doctors and nurses and other medical workers who say they are being forced to choose between their jobs in their religious beliefs. the healthcare workers say exemptions are being granted on other grounds for other workers but not for religious convictions. justices dissented. are being joined by some of the largest hospital systems in the country because they are facing labor shortages because of the healthcare workers. to get closer look like from our west coast newsroom in la. could be in, matt. the wall street journal now reports of the largest hospital systems in the country are dropping their covid-19 mandates in an effort to retain workers. some of the operators that are not dropping the mandate are tennon healthcare and tennon healthcare. the move comes after a federal judge in the wee sienna really november that the centers for medicare and medicaid services does not have the authority to mandate vaccines for workers, blocking the biden mandate that required many healthcare workers to get their second shot by january 4. as the delta variant reach rage, nurses and healthcare workers reported covid burnout and others are leaving healthcare for better pay her -- better pay. this comes as a number of cities are reintroducing in durum ask mandates. here in california i knew my blog state white indoor mask mandate goes into effect this wednesday. state health officials are citing a 47% increase in the covid case rate since thanksgiving, primarily accountings with low vaccination rates for the mandate requires everyone mask up indoors regardless of vaccination status, and add an event of 1,000 or more would require a negative covid test within one day. the strategy will basically be the honor system. los angeles county already had an active indoor mask mandate and the state of new york is also requiring all people show proof of vaccine or wear a mask in the indoor public spaces. in york city not complying with the mask mandate comes with a $1,000 fine. in the city of philadelphia is requiring proof of vaccine anywhere food is served indoors and includes movies, weddings, and sporting events. nfl will require coaches, front office staff come and team personnel to get booster shots by december 27. the players are not included as negotiations with the association are ongoing and the air force has not discharged 27 people for refusing to get the shot. officials believe these of the first service members to be removed for not complying with the vaccine mandate. >> shannon: thank you very much for the update. against kos restriction that dates are erupting across europe again this weekend. in spain peaceful demonstrators marched to the center of madrid saturday. people gathered outside the parliament and athens holding banners saying stop the lockdowns. demonstrations in prime focused on the czech republic government which mandates the -- and police and firefighters and everyone over the age of 60. and he germany protesters clashed with police set of the night. many arrests they are falling push back against the nationwide lockdown that is just for the unvaccinated. were getting a picture of the devastation by a series of killer tornadoes in the mid south and midwest of the weeken. at least 88 people are dead at last count and at least 74 of them killed in harding ten, kentucky. mike is reporting tonight from mayfield, kentucky, on the unimaginable and total destruction. >> heartbreak in the heartland as the long hard recovery begins. >> this was a town that you grew up. and the memories are all gone. >> of drivers across five states pick up what is left at the deadly tornadoes last friday. it talk with the search and rescue team from missouri works against the odds that someone may be found alive in the mountains of debris. more twisters and all in kentucky including one with the 200-mile path. governor warns there is too much destruction to estimate totals. it may be weeks before we have a final count on both deaths and levels of distraction. the hardest hit mayfield, kentucky. drone and satellite images show how the tornado shredded that 10,000 person town. everything from churches to businesses the homes reduced reduce the piles of rubble. >> i want to go home. angela's surprise she got out alive. >> i looked at him and set it up with the kiddies out there and said this is a commits over. whelp western kentucky bore the brunt of the storm of a six people were killed with 165-mile an hour wins collapsed warehouse and edwardsville, illinois. depth and destruction were also recorded in arkansas, tennessee, and missouri. president biden pledged every resource available to local and state officials. >> were going to get this done and be there as long as it takes to help. >> survivors say they will need it. >> hopefully we can get back to normal some time. without hope, we will never make it. >> power cruiser in from all of the region as there still are 26,500 homes without power and another cold night set again. of might say that people will get a visit from president biden is able to offer some encouragement that those who had the misfortune of being stuck in the path of this once-in-a-lifetime tornado. shannon, back to you. >> shannon: thank you very much. containing out the white house with a new set of poll numbers showing the american people are losing confidence in the biden administration profitability to handle numerous issues that the voters rate as the most important wants to their lives. we bring our panel, kevin walling and forced cooper. gentlemen, welcome back. >> hey, shannon, merry christmas. it's almost here. it feels like it. so let's talk about what is going on the president. this is president biden job approval sinking on inflation, crime, and covid. he's facing significant skepticism from the american public with his job approval rating lighting across a range of issues, handling of crime, gun violence, and economic recovery. what does the white house do with that? >> certainly the white house has his hands full across all these issues that you highlight. the white house is taking tangible steps and president biden is taking tangible steps to tackle issues. were pushing so hard on the vaccination front, between 1- 2 million americans every day with boosters and that is a good sign. is the surest way to come out of the pandemic and i think a lot of that polling is reflective of how the american people are. of the crime factors you see $140 million an ounce just last month by the department of justice to higher thousand markups on the streets and to assist a lot of these local jurisdictions that are going through and facing a lot of the smashing grab some homicides and assaults. so this administration is working tangibly knowing how bad the optics are out there and actually proposing some real solutions and hopefully some republicans will come along with some of those solutions that the president is pushing for. let's begin a little deeper. i want to put up a map. so 12 cities that are broken their homicide records this year and some of them, they have blown past them. it's not just that. we know from -- the poll paul that you can represent disapproval how is hilly inflation and more than have 57% say they disapprove of how he's handling the economic recovery. forest. >> all three of these problems reflect a fundamental failure. that is that our president and this administration do not believe that we americans are capable of governing ourselves. he doesn't persuade us to take the vaccine, he mandates that. he doesn't say that we are going to hold accountable those individuals that prey on the least of us. he says that we have got to make sure that there is equity. i've got to make sure that we are being fair to people because he knows better than we do. and build back better, or as i refer to it building back bad just takes terrible ideas that have never worked, that are costly and harming the economy and are premised on the idea. washington dc knows better than you. these ideas don't work and the american people are rejecting them. >> it matters whether senator mansion project them because that is the one guy that got to be convinced that this point and we know is conversation is ongoing, however you decide to define those. i want to talk about this because you mentioned this, that idea of the vaccine, at the federal level that had a tough time in the president has not had much luck on that but today it is different. the supreme court ruling, not ruling really because they didn't involved out of new york and set the head a religious objection to the vaccine may be for healthcare workers. the supreme court on monday refused to block new york requirement that healthcare workers be vaccinated against the coronavirus ego when they cite religious objections. they've held a 14 page to sensing the majority had betrayed the court press the commitment to religious liberty. he was joined by justice alito on that, and justice thomas had his own descent in which he did not write a lengthy dissertatio. is going to be a point when we have to have basic protections there and they can be violated just forever because he got a crisis of some kind. >> i've been following your reporting on this i think it follows a similar decision that we saw out of maine just a few months ago, a 6-3 decision, ruling on religious grounds and it is important to talk about these implications across the country, but take, for example, what we've seen with the active duty military, 1.3 million of our military, 97% of them are fully vaccinated as of today. so i think when it becomes a national security issue becomes an issue for our healthcare workers that are interacting very closely with sick patience, the elderly, sick children, then there is a mandate that should follow. obviously you have something like the catholic bishop's conference. i'm a catholic. they are supportive of the vaccine. and they stand against any of these kind of positions with regard to religious liberty. the bishop's conference has endorsed the leading vaccines that are out there in this country if they know it is good public health sense that just for catholics but for americans across the board. >> for a lot of people of the military or healthcare workers, truck drivers, whatever it is, this administration, unlike many european countries will not entertain the conversation about natural immunity pygmies of americans have had covid and it is easy to test your antibodies and they are free to do that but this is ministration and many of the state and city mandates will not even entertain that in the conversation. >> certainly the natural immunity issue is one of the reasons the american people are being persuaded to voluntarily go along. here is a protection. when i taught constitutional law and we focused on the first amendment, particularly religious liberties, i explained that ultimately, and if you look at the light of cases, what you see is that the court, sometimes even begrudgingly, says that this american society must accommodate to the freedom of religion and liberty expression associated with those. that means it's like the draft. we say we are going to draft you, but if you say that you you're a pacifist and motivated by faith, you are exempt. so even in the national security contexts, in the classroom, in the workplace, even if you are a federal government employee, i look at today's ruling and the earlier one in may and say that these were emergency appeals, but when these cases percolate and if the mandate topic and covid are still around and over a year or so, these are going to write up to the circuits and precedent is going to apply and i believe ultimately the court is going to roll that it has been unfair, unconstitutional, and unlawful for government not to provide that religious accommodation. >> shannon: whether it is better than some other grounds with mandates, you will be interesting because i think the court is going to have to pick it up at some point and we will see that they do. thank you for your time. >> thank god we have you to break it all down. >> shannon: i will be following it. you've got it. a judge has decided -- to move a high school -- out of an adult jail. they have to ensure he can't hear or see grown secret grown up inmates but it's got to stay there. he's charged with murder and terrorism. four students were killed and several others wounded in last month's attack. a real possibility of congress charges after the january 6 commission voted 9-02 per click criminal charges against the former white house chief of staff who declined to appear for deposition after cooperating last week and responded to the news tonight on hannity. >> is disappointing but not surprising. let's be clear about this. this is not about me holding me in contempt. it's not even about making the capital safer. bc that by some of the selective leaks that are going on right now. this is about donald trump and about actually going after him once again. >> the committee chair congressman thompson that history will not look upon you as a victim. the laces, probably the cutest game of fetch ever caught on camera, plus two newlyweds and their dramatic entrance gone terribly wrong. today's best viral videos next. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. >> shannon: checked this out. three-year-old golden retriever named hudson and their owner going viral. it's totally adorable. brace yourself. if you can find a way to rest and play at the same time, this has got it. up next the frightening moment that to correct newlyweds and india making a dramatic entrance to the wedding when they suddenly the swing that they were on snap sending them plunging to the ground. matt menard injuries and were able to continue on with the ceremony about 30 minutes later. the event -- it has apologized for the accident citing technical issue. >> now to the controversy the loss left sour taste in the mouth of the houston to curse -- houston cougars basketball team to do is cut total class and grace outgoing barrel after he decided to stop and cleanup the trash and miss made by one of his coaches and teammates. very nicely done. moving on, but it from wisconsin , a cop took a bit of a tumbled not once but twice in less than 30 seconds. this was after the first major snowfall of the winter season hit. he kept very lighthearted attitude about the whole thing and in the police department says they decided to post the video to remind residents to be -- >> and a california woman taking her love for christmas to the next level by turning her office cubicle into a bowl on gingerbread house. she came into the office so that we can import eight hours on this masterpiece is part of the office contest, decorating contest. very nice work from monica from oakland, california. i want to know if she won. if you want to show off your decorations to your office and your christmas spirit an ugly sweater, we would look to see them. hit us up at shannon bream are at "fox news at night" on social media. with american still feeling the financial stress from the surging inflation, many of us are planning to cut back on our holiday shopping list the seaso. laura ingalls takes a look for us tonight. good evening, laura. >> hi, shana. so americans are reporting things are quite back to normal when it comes to picking up items on their holiday list this year. supply chain issues with driving inflation to blame for more than a few baja humbug him. according to published reports the big spike in prices for shoppers has been for necessities like food, energy, housing, cars, and clothing. according to a new monmouth bulk of the largest annual price inflation in nearly four decades is forcing 4-10 americans to pull back on their holiday shopping list. >> to businesses affected affected the most, all businesses and families. >> those who are spending the green to get a tree this year real or otherwise are reporting a rise in prices, up to 10% more for the real thing and up to 30% more for plastic pine. meanwhile the u.s. postal service is navigating its busiest week of the year. us is do expect a billion pieces of first class mail to go through its system over the next several days. the postal service has a friendly reminder for us all. if your packages to be under the tree in time, there are three big deadlines this week for mailing them. >> if you bring it, we deliver it. >> suppliers work on the demand side of things. economist predict inflation rates will continue rising going into the new year, but the white house's progress is already being made in some areas, especially at the pump. >> gas prices are coming down from their peak. natural gas is done 25% from its november average. we are seeing a positive sign of supply-chain bottlenecks being addressed. >> transportation and supply chain problems are also hurting farmers along the west coast. a major global supplier for specialty crops like fruits and nuts popular on holiday tables. in california press the wallet and all but industry taking a big hit with large percentages of should've stepped up. to this time last year. >> shannon: thank you very much. now to bring back kevin corke. hootie q-tip and how much? my brain starts exploding like, okay, hairdresser, postal carrier. i just don't know. it's overwhelming. >> just give up my 11 of the place. >> that's what we all do. you are bright. it makes you feel like this a lot of pressure. he q-tip and how much do you care. to help you out here is the survey from credit and it says, okay, here's some ideas, the average person gets about $50 and a big crispus testa the housekeeper. fifty dollars if you're a babysitter or childcare provider. thirty dollars for your landscape are. the seems like a pretty fair price. teachers, i found this interesting people to the teachers and say things and maybe can you separate classroom stuff for yourself to have some starbucks and mail carriers $20. 45% of americans say they will increase the amount that they tip service providers than they normally tip, people like the wait staff and beauticians and so the question is do you tip everybody? >> i tried to. everybody because these people of worked really hard and so many of these positions they worked all through covid. they struggle like everybody else and then there are personal touches some personal care, idyllic you want to get them a big thank you. >> especially my mail carrier. he is up there liking the bags up the stairs and it is cold and rainy and hot and he's always out there and i always feel like take care of my guy. is looking out for me and make sure my packages will make it to my house. i do try to tip him. >> i think the dog walker. a biscuit is going to be good. we've got good news. >> unbelievable good news. you can a lot this. >> shannon: it's so needed. with smashing grab robberies and homicide on the rise around the country, some are blaming that pandemic and others saying prosecutors allowed criminals to get back on the street. we will meet with the top fund crime prosecutor now in pennsylvania. that is next. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite 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>> i think first of all that the sites are usually goal. i filed the case when i was the us attorney and i served the us attorney in philadelphia under the trump administration. i filed a case and i won the case and the court held that the sites are illegal under federal law. i think the last time we talked, the case is still a going and i'm happy to report that we won. so i stopped those sites and coming to pennsylvania and neighborhoods and communities don't want these sites because whenever you have concentrated drug activity coming to them have drug dealing. when you have drug dealing, violence follows. night follows day. that is what happens. so neighborhoods don't want these. unfortunately they don't have them in new york and you are seeing people standing up and protesting. they don't want their neighborhoods ruined in this manner and i think that the failure of the biden administration a step in and stop these sites. i stop them in pennsylvania as us attorney at this governor i would make sure that they don't come to pennsylvania. unfortunately new york is suffering through these right now. >> we want that for chicago because they cover the city on a regular basis. there have been some of that trouble and repeated shootings in killings, looting, all kinds of things going on there. we talked about him earlier in the show. he's the owner of goalpost luxury cars, exotic cars. he talked to martha maccallum earlier today about the open and brazen robberies that are happening with people write in the store. here's what he said. >> let me give a shout out to the chicago police department. they're not the problem. the solution for they are the greatest police force in the country as far as i am concerned that their hands are tied. was happening is there is no retribution. the criminals know that. they can stitching grab anythin. we watch them do it in we can do anything about it. >> what our business owner supposed to do and police officers too as they are putting together these cases were prosecutors don't prosecute them in they are back on the streets. but to be expect business owners to do? >> i think that individual is exactly right. the problem is that the police. the problem is the progressive prosecutors in chicago and other areas around the country. philadelphia, los angeles, san francisco, boston, new york. the prosecutors in the cities are more concerned about coddling criminals than they are about standing up for a law-abiding citizen and standing up for business owners and standing up for public safety. so we've seen this unprecedented spike in violent crime in homicides in those areas. survey what i was us attorney, my priority is to stand up for the law-abiding citizens. i did that all day every day and i want to do that as governor as well because if we don't have people in office who make that priority, you're going to see the kind of increases in violent crime and homicides and smashing grab robberies that we are seeing all over the country. >> shannon: and no education is a big issue with you as well. the supreme court has a case that will impact. accessibility when it comes to school choice and dollars following students. numbers are down on. circa banning demo for years in big ways. homeschooling, charter schools, other options. but if you were governor of pennsylvania, you would have to preserve the public schools too. so what is the plan? >> well i am a product of public schools. of what the public high school. i believe in public schools. but i also believe in accountability and i believe in choice. i think parents have a right to have a comprehensive quality education for their children. and a lot of folks in pennsylvania are frustrated. parents are frustrated. they're frustrated about the school closures, which lasted too long. they're frustrated about the power of teachers unions. they are frustrated about the lack of choice and a lot of kids especially in urban areas in pennsylvania are trapped in failing public schools. we need to introduce the concept of accountability, of competition, in education, and make sure that there is true educational opportunities throughout the state because education is a gateway to a better life and i want to provide that gateway to all children in pennsylvania. >> shannon: my mom was a teacher for decades and still instilled in me that if you get the child the ability to read on their own, they will have much better prospects down the road and down the line. bill mclean, we will follow your campaign. thanks. >> thanks, sharon. great to be with you. >> catastrophic damage across the hot -- heartland due to a once-in-a-lifetime tornado that is left hundreds of families homeless and devastated. they lost loved ones and all of this is happening right before christmas present you put concrete ways you can help. we will tell you next. ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. 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>> first of all, our prayers have been with the families who have lost loved ones, for those still looking for the loved ones and for all of the families whose lives have been completely devastated by this tragedy. we've been on the ground and what i'm hearing from my staff from the ground is the situation is very challenging. shannon, i want to give you some context. worldvision is a christian humanitarian organization. we've been responding to emergencies around the world for over 70 years, in fact, last year alone, we responded to 68 emergencies in over 48 countries reaching 27 million people, but what my staff are telling me from kentucky is very, very challenging. in fact, they're saying that in the years of experience responding to crisis, they have never seen anything like what they've seen in kentucky. one of our staff said to me that it feels like he was walking through a scrap metal yard, entire buildings collapsed. entire buildings. homes made out of bricks completely flatend. so we're doing what we always do, we are often the first ones in and the last ones to leave. we have already sent three truckloads of shipments to kentucky and we have another one coming together. in total, we've already -- we've been planning to assist over 6,000 people, shannon. >> shannon: your staffers match what we're hearing from our mike tobin who has covered a lot of this stuff and disasters all over the world and said the same thing that it's hard to put into words that an entire town is gone and people who survived are devastated because they all know people, they've lost family and loved ones, children, adults and just the very landmarks of their own town. they can't even recognize what's there. >> exactly. >> shannon: tell us about the kinds of things that you provide, because i know people need everything and how can we donate to the efforts? >> thank you, shannon. you know, we are working with our partners, the local church. they've been doing a tremendous, tremendous job responding to the needs of their communities. what we're hearing from them and from our staff from the ground is considering the lack of power and electricity, some of the needs are basic but they're urgent, things like food, coolers, solar lights, heaters, and also hygiene kits, diapers, cleaning supplies as the clean-up is about to start. but here is something that really, really grabbed my heart. they're reporting needs for bins, for storage bins because as people get back to the ruins, they're trying to salvage whatever they can, maybe a family photo, maybe a christmas ornament that is still intact. i don't know, but we're trying to give them everything that they need. one last thing, shannon, as a child-focused organization, one thing that may not make the emergency list in many places is something that is a critical priority for us, toys. toys for kids. toys bring them hope, joy. just a level of normalcy. especially with christmas just around the corner, it'll be a challenging christmas for many children. so we're excited and grateful that we can help these kids try to regain a level of normalcy for this christmas. >> yeah, folks, go to the world vision website to find out a lot more there about pouring into these lives and families across several, several states just before the holidays in need of so many things. edgar said toys are basics as well. it lifts the spirits of the kids, too. thank you for all the work you're doing out there, edgar, your organization and partners and volunteers. >> go to your contribution will help to fuel kentuckians recovery. >> shannon: before we say good night, florida ymca is playing santa with its neighbor-to-neighbor program them show up with christmas trees and presents for families in need. ymca needs 3,400 toys. they're trying to serve 1,400 families. they say it's the right thing to do. kevin, we've seen so many people rise to the occasion. >> i love this time of year. i really do. no matter what people say about this country, this is a giving and loving country. absolutely is. have you ever wondered who might be on the receiving end of a wrong number included in a group text? for one pontiac, michigan, high school basketball team t so happened the person they inadvertently messaged was a tampa bay buccaneers player. tom brady, rob gronkowski. tom played at michigan. the kids were ecstatic. they're not sharing that phone number. >> shannon: we have these great stories with the wrong number leads to wonderful connection to the young athletes. these guys were kind enough to give their time. thank you for watching tonight. good night from washington. see you back here tomorrow. i'm shannon bream. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. picking your health insurance coverage isn't something you want to play games with. simparica trio. hope ya got dental. protect him with all your heart. and that's why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. they guarantee you won't find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer. so, you're not just picking by chance. no copay?... sweet! with health insurance plans constantly changing, having the wrong fit could mean missing benefits or costing you thousands. healthmarkets compares your current plan with options from actual insurance companies. healthmarkets' fitscore instantly ranks plans both on and off the government exchange to find the one that best fits your insurance needs. in minutes, you can find out if your current plan is the right fit or if there's another one that can get you more coverage or help save you money. and best of all, their services are completely free, and their fitscore makes it easy to compare your plan to new ones that could lower your costs and save you money. so, you don't have to stress about picking your health insurance plan. funny, that came up last time i was at the doctor... looks like your blood pressure is a little high. i've also had anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and panic attacks... sounds like you have been shopping for health insurance. healthmarkets has options from both on and off the government exchange. they can find you the right health plan and make sure you get all the subsidies you deserve without playing games. you might even qualify for free health insurance with no monthly premium. having helped enroll americans in millions of policies, while earning an a+ rating from the better business bureau... you can trust healthmarkets. for this free service go to or call right now! your insurance marketplace healthmarkets call or click now to enroll or see how your plan compares. call this number now or go online today. right now. ♪♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy monday. imagine this happened to you, you're sitting on an airplane, faxiing down a runway on a trip out of the country. all of a sudden the plane tops and is surrounded by military police, armed men storm the aircraft and drag a man from his seat, so, of course, you assume at first terrorism has just been averted. the passenger must have been trying to blow up the plane with a shoe bomb or something. but, no, that's not what this is. the man

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Event , Vaccination Status , Strategy , The Honor System , Covid Test , One , 1000 , Vaccine , State , City , Philadelphia , Mask , Proof , Spaces , Fine , York City , 000 , Staff , Team Personnel , Coaches , Front Office , Booster Shots , Sporting Events , Vaccine Anywhere Food , Weddings , Nfl , Movies , Service , Officials , Vaccine Mandate , Shot , Air Force , Players , Association , Members , Negotiations , December 27 , 27 , Demonstrators , Center , Update , Europe , Erupting , Kos Restriction , Madrid , Spain , Military Police , Government , Demonstrations , Lockdowns , Banners , Athens , Parliament , Firefighters , Age , Czech Republic , 60 , Protesters , Lockdown , Series , Unvaccinated , Arrests , Midwest , Picture , South , Devastation , Killer Tornadoes , Weeken , Germany , Mike Tobin , Count , Kentucky , Reporting , Destruction , Unimaginable , Mayfield , Ten , 88 , 74 , Town , Recovery , Heartbreak , Memories , Tornadoes , States , Someone , Team , Missouri Works Against 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

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facing the largest hospital -- moving in the other direction. dropping their vaccine mandates in an effort to dec their crippling labor shortage. of folks in the heartland dealing with the structure method that that they tornado outbreak. i'm going to speak with a humanitarian aid organization that is helping on the ground right now at this moment. we begin with america's crime crisis on the violence continues rise, that approval ratings continue to fall. good evening, kevin. >> the white house continues to insist that there are a range of reasons for the rising crimes since the pandemic, but while the white house continues to search for answers, the public, it would appear, has already decided who is to blame. >> it was a brazen assault, victimizing both business and patrons and abusing the psyche, and all-too-familiar scene playing out across the country, including this attack in chicag. >> this happened in broad daylight on saturday. they have people break into your store while there are customers shopping and there are children in there. >> what happened is a symptom of a much larger problem. the spike in crime nationwide seems to have escalated since joe biden took office. increasingly voters are blaming him for not taking more decisive action. witnessed the latest abc poll. it shows a stunning 61% disapproval rating for the president when it comes to his handling of overall crime. worse, 66% disapprove of his handling of the surging gun violence. and resounding rebuke coming as homicide rates continue to cripple major cities across the country, which of these are headed by democrats. >> do think it's possible that we are dealing with a smashing grab robberies right now, an increase in criminal activity because some prosecutors are too soft on crime? >> i would say we have seen, and the going to attribute the reasoning from here, but i will tell you we've seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are range of reasons for that and our focuses on what we can do to address it. >> the monthly health solutions, proposing additional funding and the budget to make sure local police department have what they need in working directly with police departments in areas where they are seeing the highest impact of crime, especially for shop owners who survived the pandemic, only now to have to face a new enemy. >> i never realized how much outrage there was a brown the country. this was about chicago as far as i was concerned, but this has gone on around the country i've been getting thousands of calls. we've had enough. enough is enough. >> enough is enough the certainly the feeling among a number of owners across the country. it was jen psaki said that covid-19 had gone for root causes of the increase in organize will tell theft and well she seemed to dodge questions today about whether or not soft on crime policies were partially to blame, she did say the white house is focused on the problem. >> shannon: kevin, thank you very much. breaking tonight the biden administration appeal of a judgs order to reinstate the trump era remain in mexico border policy has been denied. that means the ability of ministration breach with mexico that requires asylum seekers to wait there until they get their hearings in the us is not legally required to restart. and the supreme court -- vaccine requirement for healthcare workers in new york, but does not offer an exemption for religious reasons. they acted on appeals filed by doctors and nurses and other medical workers who say they are being forced to choose between their jobs in their religious beliefs. the healthcare workers say exemptions are being granted on other grounds for other workers but not for religious convictions. justices dissented. are being joined by some of the largest hospital systems in the country because they are facing labor shortages because of the healthcare workers. to get closer look like from our west coast newsroom in la. could be in, matt. the wall street journal now reports of the largest hospital systems in the country are dropping their covid-19 mandates in an effort to retain workers. some of the operators that are not dropping the mandate are tennon healthcare and tennon healthcare. the move comes after a federal judge in the wee sienna really november that the centers for medicare and medicaid services does not have the authority to mandate vaccines for workers, blocking the biden mandate that required many healthcare workers to get their second shot by january 4. as the delta variant reach rage, nurses and healthcare workers reported covid burnout and others are leaving healthcare for better pay her -- better pay. this comes as a number of cities are reintroducing in durum ask mandates. here in california i knew my blog state white indoor mask mandate goes into effect this wednesday. state health officials are citing a 47% increase in the covid case rate since thanksgiving, primarily accountings with low vaccination rates for the mandate requires everyone mask up indoors regardless of vaccination status, and add an event of 1,000 or more would require a negative covid test within one day. the strategy will basically be the honor system. los angeles county already had an active indoor mask mandate and the state of new york is also requiring all people show proof of vaccine or wear a mask in the indoor public spaces. in york city not complying with the mask mandate comes with a $1,000 fine. in the city of philadelphia is requiring proof of vaccine anywhere food is served indoors and includes movies, weddings, and sporting events. nfl will require coaches, front office staff come and team personnel to get booster shots by december 27. the players are not included as negotiations with the association are ongoing and the air force has not discharged 27 people for refusing to get the shot. officials believe these of the first service members to be removed for not complying with the vaccine mandate. >> shannon: thank you very much for the update. against kos restriction that dates are erupting across europe again this weekend. in spain peaceful demonstrators marched to the center of madrid saturday. people gathered outside the parliament and athens holding banners saying stop the lockdowns. demonstrations in prime focused on the czech republic government which mandates the -- and police and firefighters and everyone over the age of 60. and he germany protesters clashed with police set of the night. many arrests they are falling push back against the nationwide lockdown that is just for the unvaccinated. were getting a picture of the devastation by a series of killer tornadoes in the mid south and midwest of the weeken. at least 88 people are dead at last count and at least 74 of them killed in harding ten, kentucky. mike is reporting tonight from mayfield, kentucky, on the unimaginable and total destruction. >> heartbreak in the heartland as the long hard recovery begins. >> this was a town that you grew up. and the memories are all gone. >> of drivers across five states pick up what is left at the deadly tornadoes last friday. it talk with the search and rescue team from missouri works against the odds that someone may be found alive in the mountains of debris. more twisters and all in kentucky including one with the 200-mile path. governor warns there is too much destruction to estimate totals. it may be weeks before we have a final count on both deaths and levels of distraction. the hardest hit mayfield, kentucky. drone and satellite images show how the tornado shredded that 10,000 person town. everything from churches to businesses the homes reduced reduce the piles of rubble. >> i want to go home. angela's surprise she got out alive. >> i looked at him and set it up with the kiddies out there and said this is a commits over. whelp western kentucky bore the brunt of the storm of a six people were killed with 165-mile an hour wins collapsed warehouse and edwardsville, illinois. depth and destruction were also recorded in arkansas, tennessee, and missouri. president biden pledged every resource available to local and state officials. >> were going to get this done and be there as long as it takes to help. >> survivors say they will need it. >> hopefully we can get back to normal some time. without hope, we will never make it. >> power cruiser in from all of the region as there still are 26,500 homes without power and another cold night set again. of might say that people will get a visit from president biden is able to offer some encouragement that those who had the misfortune of being stuck in the path of this once-in-a-lifetime tornado. shannon, back to you. >> shannon: thank you very much. containing out the white house with a new set of poll numbers showing the american people are losing confidence in the biden administration profitability to handle numerous issues that the voters rate as the most important wants to their lives. we bring our panel, kevin walling and forced cooper. gentlemen, welcome back. >> hey, shannon, merry christmas. it's almost here. it feels like it. so let's talk about what is going on the president. this is president biden job approval sinking on inflation, crime, and covid. he's facing significant skepticism from the american public with his job approval rating lighting across a range of issues, handling of crime, gun violence, and economic recovery. what does the white house do with that? >> certainly the white house has his hands full across all these issues that you highlight. the white house is taking tangible steps and president biden is taking tangible steps to tackle issues. were pushing so hard on the vaccination front, between 1- 2 million americans every day with boosters and that is a good sign. is the surest way to come out of the pandemic and i think a lot of that polling is reflective of how the american people are. of the crime factors you see $140 million an ounce just last month by the department of justice to higher thousand markups on the streets and to assist a lot of these local jurisdictions that are going through and facing a lot of the smashing grab some homicides and assaults. so this administration is working tangibly knowing how bad the optics are out there and actually proposing some real solutions and hopefully some republicans will come along with some of those solutions that the president is pushing for. let's begin a little deeper. i want to put up a map. so 12 cities that are broken their homicide records this year and some of them, they have blown past them. it's not just that. we know from -- the poll paul that you can represent disapproval how is hilly inflation and more than have 57% say they disapprove of how he's handling the economic recovery. forest. >> all three of these problems reflect a fundamental failure. that is that our president and this administration do not believe that we americans are capable of governing ourselves. he doesn't persuade us to take the vaccine, he mandates that. he doesn't say that we are going to hold accountable those individuals that prey on the least of us. he says that we have got to make sure that there is equity. i've got to make sure that we are being fair to people because he knows better than we do. and build back better, or as i refer to it building back bad just takes terrible ideas that have never worked, that are costly and harming the economy and are premised on the idea. washington dc knows better than you. these ideas don't work and the american people are rejecting them. >> it matters whether senator mansion project them because that is the one guy that got to be convinced that this point and we know is conversation is ongoing, however you decide to define those. i want to talk about this because you mentioned this, that idea of the vaccine, at the federal level that had a tough time in the president has not had much luck on that but today it is different. the supreme court ruling, not ruling really because they didn't involved out of new york and set the head a religious objection to the vaccine may be for healthcare workers. the supreme court on monday refused to block new york requirement that healthcare workers be vaccinated against the coronavirus ego when they cite religious objections. they've held a 14 page to sensing the majority had betrayed the court press the commitment to religious liberty. he was joined by justice alito on that, and justice thomas had his own descent in which he did not write a lengthy dissertatio. is going to be a point when we have to have basic protections there and they can be violated just forever because he got a crisis of some kind. >> i've been following your reporting on this i think it follows a similar decision that we saw out of maine just a few months ago, a 6-3 decision, ruling on religious grounds and it is important to talk about these implications across the country, but take, for example, what we've seen with the active duty military, 1.3 million of our military, 97% of them are fully vaccinated as of today. so i think when it becomes a national security issue becomes an issue for our healthcare workers that are interacting very closely with sick patience, the elderly, sick children, then there is a mandate that should follow. obviously you have something like the catholic bishop's conference. i'm a catholic. they are supportive of the vaccine. and they stand against any of these kind of positions with regard to religious liberty. the bishop's conference has endorsed the leading vaccines that are out there in this country if they know it is good public health sense that just for catholics but for americans across the board. >> for a lot of people of the military or healthcare workers, truck drivers, whatever it is, this administration, unlike many european countries will not entertain the conversation about natural immunity pygmies of americans have had covid and it is easy to test your antibodies and they are free to do that but this is ministration and many of the state and city mandates will not even entertain that in the conversation. >> certainly the natural immunity issue is one of the reasons the american people are being persuaded to voluntarily go along. here is a protection. when i taught constitutional law and we focused on the first amendment, particularly religious liberties, i explained that ultimately, and if you look at the light of cases, what you see is that the court, sometimes even begrudgingly, says that this american society must accommodate to the freedom of religion and liberty expression associated with those. that means it's like the draft. we say we are going to draft you, but if you say that you you're a pacifist and motivated by faith, you are exempt. so even in the national security contexts, in the classroom, in the workplace, even if you are a federal government employee, i look at today's ruling and the earlier one in may and say that these were emergency appeals, but when these cases percolate and if the mandate topic and covid are still around and over a year or so, these are going to write up to the circuits and precedent is going to apply and i believe ultimately the court is going to roll that it has been unfair, unconstitutional, and unlawful for government not to provide that religious accommodation. >> shannon: whether it is better than some other grounds with mandates, you will be interesting because i think the court is going to have to pick it up at some point and we will see that they do. thank you for your time. >> thank god we have you to break it all down. >> shannon: i will be following it. you've got it. a judge has decided -- to move a high school -- out of an adult jail. they have to ensure he can't hear or see grown secret grown up inmates but it's got to stay there. he's charged with murder and terrorism. four students were killed and several others wounded in last month's attack. a real possibility of congress charges after the january 6 commission voted 9-02 per click criminal charges against the former white house chief of staff who declined to appear for deposition after cooperating last week and responded to the news tonight on hannity. >> is disappointing but not surprising. let's be clear about this. this is not about me holding me in contempt. it's not even about making the capital safer. bc that by some of the selective leaks that are going on right now. this is about donald trump and about actually going after him once again. >> the committee chair congressman thompson that history will not look upon you as a victim. the laces, probably the cutest game of fetch ever caught on camera, plus two newlyweds and their dramatic entrance gone terribly wrong. today's best viral videos next. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. >> shannon: checked this out. three-year-old golden retriever named hudson and their owner going viral. it's totally adorable. brace yourself. if you can find a way to rest and play at the same time, this has got it. up next the frightening moment that to correct newlyweds and india making a dramatic entrance to the wedding when they suddenly the swing that they were on snap sending them plunging to the ground. matt menard injuries and were able to continue on with the ceremony about 30 minutes later. the event -- it has apologized for the accident citing technical issue. >> now to the controversy the loss left sour taste in the mouth of the houston to curse -- houston cougars basketball team to do is cut total class and grace outgoing barrel after he decided to stop and cleanup the trash and miss made by one of his coaches and teammates. very nicely done. moving on, but it from wisconsin , a cop took a bit of a tumbled not once but twice in less than 30 seconds. this was after the first major snowfall of the winter season hit. he kept very lighthearted attitude about the whole thing and in the police department says they decided to post the video to remind residents to be -- >> and a california woman taking her love for christmas to the next level by turning her office cubicle into a bowl on gingerbread house. she came into the office so that we can import eight hours on this masterpiece is part of the office contest, decorating contest. very nice work from monica from oakland, california. i want to know if she won. if you want to show off your decorations to your office and your christmas spirit an ugly sweater, we would look to see them. hit us up at shannon bream are at "fox news at night" on social media. with american still feeling the financial stress from the surging inflation, many of us are planning to cut back on our holiday shopping list the seaso. laura ingalls takes a look for us tonight. good evening, laura. >> hi, shana. so americans are reporting things are quite back to normal when it comes to picking up items on their holiday list this year. supply chain issues with driving inflation to blame for more than a few baja humbug him. according to published reports the big spike in prices for shoppers has been for necessities like food, energy, housing, cars, and clothing. according to a new monmouth bulk of the largest annual price inflation in nearly four decades is forcing 4-10 americans to pull back on their holiday shopping list. >> to businesses affected affected the most, all businesses and families. >> those who are spending the green to get a tree this year real or otherwise are reporting a rise in prices, up to 10% more for the real thing and up to 30% more for plastic pine. meanwhile the u.s. postal service is navigating its busiest week of the year. us is do expect a billion pieces of first class mail to go through its system over the next several days. the postal service has a friendly reminder for us all. if your packages to be under the tree in time, there are three big deadlines this week for mailing them. >> if you bring it, we deliver it. >> suppliers work on the demand side of things. economist predict inflation rates will continue rising going into the new year, but the white house's progress is already being made in some areas, especially at the pump. >> gas prices are coming down from their peak. natural gas is done 25% from its november average. we are seeing a positive sign of supply-chain bottlenecks being addressed. >> transportation and supply chain problems are also hurting farmers along the west coast. a major global supplier for specialty crops like fruits and nuts popular on holiday tables. in california press the wallet and all but industry taking a big hit with large percentages of should've stepped up. to this time last year. >> shannon: thank you very much. now to bring back kevin corke. hootie q-tip and how much? my brain starts exploding like, okay, hairdresser, postal carrier. i just don't know. it's overwhelming. >> just give up my 11 of the place. >> that's what we all do. you are bright. it makes you feel like this a lot of pressure. he q-tip and how much do you care. to help you out here is the survey from credit and it says, okay, here's some ideas, the average person gets about $50 and a big crispus testa the housekeeper. fifty dollars if you're a babysitter or childcare provider. thirty dollars for your landscape are. the seems like a pretty fair price. teachers, i found this interesting people to the teachers and say things and maybe can you separate classroom stuff for yourself to have some starbucks and mail carriers $20. 45% of americans say they will increase the amount that they tip service providers than they normally tip, people like the wait staff and beauticians and so the question is do you tip everybody? >> i tried to. everybody because these people of worked really hard and so many of these positions they worked all through covid. they struggle like everybody else and then there are personal touches some personal care, idyllic you want to get them a big thank you. >> especially my mail carrier. he is up there liking the bags up the stairs and it is cold and rainy and hot and he's always out there and i always feel like take care of my guy. is looking out for me and make sure my packages will make it to my house. i do try to tip him. >> i think the dog walker. a biscuit is going to be good. we've got good news. >> unbelievable good news. you can a lot this. >> shannon: it's so needed. with smashing grab robberies and homicide on the rise around the country, some are blaming that pandemic and others saying prosecutors allowed criminals to get back on the street. we will meet with the top fund crime prosecutor now in pennsylvania. that is next. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ unleash the freshness... 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>> i think first of all that the sites are usually goal. i filed the case when i was the us attorney and i served the us attorney in philadelphia under the trump administration. i filed a case and i won the case and the court held that the sites are illegal under federal law. i think the last time we talked, the case is still a going and i'm happy to report that we won. so i stopped those sites and coming to pennsylvania and neighborhoods and communities don't want these sites because whenever you have concentrated drug activity coming to them have drug dealing. when you have drug dealing, violence follows. night follows day. that is what happens. so neighborhoods don't want these. unfortunately they don't have them in new york and you are seeing people standing up and protesting. they don't want their neighborhoods ruined in this manner and i think that the failure of the biden administration a step in and stop these sites. i stop them in pennsylvania as us attorney at this governor i would make sure that they don't come to pennsylvania. unfortunately new york is suffering through these right now. >> we want that for chicago because they cover the city on a regular basis. there have been some of that trouble and repeated shootings in killings, looting, all kinds of things going on there. we talked about him earlier in the show. he's the owner of goalpost luxury cars, exotic cars. he talked to martha maccallum earlier today about the open and brazen robberies that are happening with people write in the store. here's what he said. >> let me give a shout out to the chicago police department. they're not the problem. the solution for they are the greatest police force in the country as far as i am concerned that their hands are tied. was happening is there is no retribution. the criminals know that. they can stitching grab anythin. we watch them do it in we can do anything about it. >> what our business owner supposed to do and police officers too as they are putting together these cases were prosecutors don't prosecute them in they are back on the streets. but to be expect business owners to do? >> i think that individual is exactly right. the problem is that the police. the problem is the progressive prosecutors in chicago and other areas around the country. philadelphia, los angeles, san francisco, boston, new york. the prosecutors in the cities are more concerned about coddling criminals than they are about standing up for a law-abiding citizen and standing up for business owners and standing up for public safety. so we've seen this unprecedented spike in violent crime in homicides in those areas. survey what i was us attorney, my priority is to stand up for the law-abiding citizens. i did that all day every day and i want to do that as governor as well because if we don't have people in office who make that priority, you're going to see the kind of increases in violent crime and homicides and smashing grab robberies that we are seeing all over the country. >> shannon: and no education is a big issue with you as well. the supreme court has a case that will impact. accessibility when it comes to school choice and dollars following students. numbers are down on. circa banning demo for years in big ways. homeschooling, charter schools, other options. but if you were governor of pennsylvania, you would have to preserve the public schools too. so what is the plan? >> well i am a product of public schools. of what the public high school. i believe in public schools. but i also believe in accountability and i believe in choice. i think parents have a right to have a comprehensive quality education for their children. and a lot of folks in pennsylvania are frustrated. parents are frustrated. they're frustrated about the school closures, which lasted too long. they're frustrated about the power of teachers unions. they are frustrated about the lack of choice and a lot of kids especially in urban areas in pennsylvania are trapped in failing public schools. we need to introduce the concept of accountability, of competition, in education, and make sure that there is true educational opportunities throughout the state because education is a gateway to a better life and i want to provide that gateway to all children in pennsylvania. >> shannon: my mom was a teacher for decades and still instilled in me that if you get the child the ability to read on their own, they will have much better prospects down the road and down the line. bill mclean, we will follow your campaign. thanks. >> thanks, sharon. great to be with you. >> catastrophic damage across the hot -- heartland due to a once-in-a-lifetime tornado that is left hundreds of families homeless and devastated. they lost loved ones and all of this is happening right before christmas present you put concrete ways you can help. we will tell you next. ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. [uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align every day can help. align contains a quality probiotic developed by gastroenterologists. it adds more good bacteria to your gut to naturally help soothe your occasional bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. support your digestive health with align, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic. try align today. and try new align fast acting biotic gummies. helps soothe occasional digestive upsets in as little as 7 days. >> something about that name, jesus, the hymn he's playing there, grew up with that. for so many people, the first reaction to this disastrous, heartbreaking image, the images we see all over kentucky and many other states hit by these deadly tornadoes is how can i help? how can i help folks like that man playing the piano as his roof is gone? we want concrete answers. now let's go to edgar sandoval, ceo of worldvision. he's here to talk to us about it. thank you for being here tonight. >> hi, shannon, thank you for having me. >> shannon: we know at least in kentucky 74 confirmed deaths. so many other states suffered traumatic damage and loss of life as well. you guys, i understand, are already on the ground. what can we do to help? >> first of all, our prayers have been with the families who have lost loved ones, for those still looking for the loved ones and for all of the families whose lives have been completely devastated by this tragedy. we've been on the ground and what i'm hearing from my staff from the ground is the situation is very challenging. shannon, i want to give you some context. worldvision is a christian humanitarian organization. we've been responding to emergencies around the world for over 70 years, in fact, last year alone, we responded to 68 emergencies in over 48 countries reaching 27 million people, but what my staff are telling me from kentucky is very, very challenging. in fact, they're saying that in the years of experience responding to crisis, they have never seen anything like what they've seen in kentucky. one of our staff said to me that it feels like he was walking through a scrap metal yard, entire buildings collapsed. entire buildings. homes made out of bricks completely flatend. so we're doing what we always do, we are often the first ones in and the last ones to leave. we have already sent three truckloads of shipments to kentucky and we have another one coming together. in total, we've already -- we've been planning to assist over 6,000 people, shannon. >> shannon: your staffers match what we're hearing from our mike tobin who has covered a lot of this stuff and disasters all over the world and said the same thing that it's hard to put into words that an entire town is gone and people who survived are devastated because they all know people, they've lost family and loved ones, children, adults and just the very landmarks of their own town. they can't even recognize what's there. >> exactly. >> shannon: tell us about the kinds of things that you provide, because i know people need everything and how can we donate to the efforts? >> thank you, shannon. you know, we are working with our partners, the local church. they've been doing a tremendous, tremendous job responding to the needs of their communities. what we're hearing from them and from our staff from the ground is considering the lack of power and electricity, some of the needs are basic but they're urgent, things like food, coolers, solar lights, heaters, and also hygiene kits, diapers, cleaning supplies as the clean-up is about to start. but here is something that really, really grabbed my heart. they're reporting needs for bins, for storage bins because as people get back to the ruins, they're trying to salvage whatever they can, maybe a family photo, maybe a christmas ornament that is still intact. i don't know, but we're trying to give them everything that they need. one last thing, shannon, as a child-focused organization, one thing that may not make the emergency list in many places is something that is a critical priority for us, toys. toys for kids. toys bring them hope, joy. just a level of normalcy. especially with christmas just around the corner, it'll be a challenging christmas for many children. so we're excited and grateful that we can help these kids try to regain a level of normalcy for this christmas. >> yeah, folks, go to the world vision website to find out a lot more there about pouring into these lives and families across several, several states just before the holidays in need of so many things. edgar said toys are basics as well. it lifts the spirits of the kids, too. thank you for all the work you're doing out there, edgar, your organization and partners and volunteers. >> go to your contribution will help to fuel kentuckians recovery. >> shannon: before we say good night, florida ymca is playing santa with its neighbor-to-neighbor program them show up with christmas trees and presents for families in need. ymca needs 3,400 toys. they're trying to serve 1,400 families. they say it's the right thing to do. kevin, we've seen so many people rise to the occasion. >> i love this time of year. i really do. no matter what people say about this country, this is a giving and loving country. absolutely is. have you ever wondered who might be on the receiving end of a wrong number included in a group text? for one pontiac, michigan, high school basketball team t so happened the person they inadvertently messaged was a tampa bay buccaneers player. tom brady, rob gronkowski. tom played at michigan. the kids were ecstatic. they're not sharing that phone number. >> shannon: we have these great stories with the wrong number leads to wonderful connection to the young athletes. these guys were kind enough to give their time. thank you for watching tonight. good night from washington. see you back here tomorrow. i'm shannon bream. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. picking your health insurance coverage isn't something you want to play games with. simparica trio. hope ya got dental. protect him with all your heart. and that's why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. they guarantee you won't find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer. so, you're not just picking by chance. no copay?... sweet! with health insurance plans constantly changing, having the wrong fit could mean missing benefits or costing you thousands. healthmarkets compares your current plan with options from actual insurance companies. healthmarkets' fitscore instantly ranks plans both on and off the government exchange to find the one that best fits your insurance needs. in minutes, you can find out if your current plan is the right fit or if there's another one that can get you more coverage or help save you money. and best of all, their services are completely free, and their fitscore makes it easy to compare your plan to new ones that could lower your costs and save you money. so, you don't have to stress about picking your health insurance plan. funny, that came up last time i was at the doctor... looks like your blood pressure is a little high. i've also had anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and panic attacks... sounds like you have been shopping for health insurance. healthmarkets has options from both on and off the government exchange. they can find you the right health plan and make sure you get all the subsidies you deserve without playing games. you might even qualify for free health insurance with no monthly premium. having helped enroll americans in millions of policies, while earning an a+ rating from the better business bureau... you can trust healthmarkets. for this free service go to or call right now! your insurance marketplace healthmarkets call or click now to enroll or see how your plan compares. call this number now or go online today. right now. ♪♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy monday. imagine this happened to you, you're sitting on an airplane, faxiing down a runway on a trip out of the country. all of a sudden the plane tops and is surrounded by military police, armed men storm the aircraft and drag a man from his seat, so, of course, you assume at first terrorism has just been averted. the passenger must have been trying to blow up the plane with a shoe bomb or something. but, no, that's not what this is. the man

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Masterpiece , Gingerbread House , Love , Office Cubicle , Eight , Work , Hit Us , Sweater , Decorations , Oakland , Planning , Stress , Look , Laura Ingalls , Holiday Shopping List , On Social Media , Seaso , Things , Items , Hi , Holiday List , Shana , Supply Chain , Exotic Cars , Food , Prices , Housing , Shoppers , Big Spike , Clothing , Energy , Necessities , Monmouth Bulk , Baja Humbug Him , Families , Price Inflation , Most , 10 , Tree , U S Postal Service , The Real Thing , Pine , Mail , Packages , System , Pieces , Reminder , A Billion , Inflation Rates , Suppliers , Economist , Demand Side , Deadlines , Natural Gas , Gas Prices , Pump , Peak , Progress , November Average , 25 , Supply Chain Problems , Supplier , Supply Chain Bottlenecks , Transportation , Specialty Crops , Holiday Tables , Fruits , Farmers , Hit , Wallet , Percentages , Industry , Kevin Corke , Q Tip , Place , Hairdresser , Don T Know , Brain , Postal Carrier , Hootie , 11 , Survey , Pressure , Do , He , Credit Cards Com , Person , Housekeeper , Childcare , Landscape , Provider , Babysitter , Big Crispus Testa , 0 , Fifty Dollars , 50 , Fifty , Thirty Dollars , Thirty , Price , Teachers , Classroom Stuff , Everybody , Amount , Wait Staff , Question , Tip , Carriers , Service Providers , Beauticians , Starbucks , 45 , 20 , Mail Carrier , Bags , Big , House , Care , Biscuit , Take Care , Stairs , Touches , Dog Walker , Everybody Else , Criminals , Pennsylvania , Crime Prosecutor , Fund , The Street , Man , Experts , Story , Windshield , Girl , Singers , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Music , Booster , Freshness , Unstopables , Phone , T Mobile , Facts , Bucks , At T , Verizon , A Thousand , A Thousand Bucks , Traders , Jack , Anywhere , Download , Em Thinkorswim , Version , Kim , Td Ameritrade , Web , Platforms , Aren T , Thinkorswim Trading , Pre Set Trade Strategy , Quickbooks , Expert Bookkeepers , Expert Bookkeeper , Books , Life , Heart , Treasures , Viking , Live Bookkeeping , Iconic Landmarks , Viking Longships , Ship , Cruise Line , Excursions , Readers , Extras , Wi Fi , Cultural Enrichment , CondÉ Nast , River , Blood Pressure , Anything , Trust Tylenol , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Roundup , Unknown Shoplifter , Officer , Shops , Bone , Face , Foot , Ark , Shoplifter Punch , Group , Attackers , Gun , Staten Island High School , School Bus , 16 , In Broad Daylight , Cell Phone , Punching , Teenager , Shooting , Hollywood Walk Of Fame , Gunman Shot , Memorial , Anyone , Information , Police Kno , Nose , Sinker Fernandez , Russian , Shoplifting , Felony Theft , California Stores , Daily Mail , Investigators , 00000 , 300000 , Law Enforcement , Robin , Smash And Grab , Livelihood , Shoplifters , Living , Education , Thanks , Attorney , Another , Bill , Rights , Sites , Drugs , Discussions , New York Post , Injection Sites , Overdoses , Doing , Shooting Gallery Ejection Site , Saturday Harlem , Case , Goal , Neighborhoods , Communities , Drug Dealing , Drug Activity , Step , Manner , Suffering , Kinds , Shootings , Basis , Killings , Looting , Show , Martha Maccallum , Robberies , Shout Out , Chicago Police Department , Police Force , Solution , Retribution , Happening , Grab Anythin , Business Owners , Business Owner , Police Officers , Individual , Boston , San Francisco , Public Safety , Law Abiding Citizen , Priority , Citizens , Increases , Accessibility , School Choice , Plan , Schools , Options , Accountability , Ways , Charter Schools , Numbers , Homeschooling , Product , Circa Banning Demo , Parents , Choice , Quality , Right , School Closures , Kids , Lack , Concept , Teachers Unions , Gateway , Opportunities , Competition , Mom , Child , Prospects , Teacher , Road , Down The Line , Bill Mclean , Damage , To Be With You , Hundreds , Campaign , Sharon , Hot , Loved Ones , Car , Tam , Dad , Dream , Probiotic , Gas , Discomfort , Millions , Bloating , Doctor , Health , Bacteria , Gut , Try Align , Gastroenterologists , Biotic Gummies , Upsets , 7 , Jesus , Name , Image , Images , Reaction , Hymn , Edgar Sandoval , Roof , Let S Go , Concrete Answers , Piano , Of Worldvision , Prayers , You Guys , Situation , Context , Tragedy , World Vision , World , Emergencies , Fact , 27 Million , 68 , 70 , 48 , Experience , Scrap Metal Yard , Ones , Buildings , Bricks , Staffers , Truckloads , Shipments , 6000 , Family , Disasters , Words , Stuff , Adults , Landmarks , Efforts , Needs , The Local Church , Job , Electricity , Cleaning Supplies , Clean Up , Hygiene Kits , Coolers , Diapers , Solar Lights , Heaters , Ornament , Family Photo , Bins , Storage Bins , Ruins , I Don T Know , Places , Emergency List , Toys , Normalcy , Corner , Joy , Need , Website , Holidays , Several , Spirits , Volunteers , Basics , Www Worldvision Org , Florida Ymca , Contribution , Program , Kentuckians Recovery , Occasion , Christmas Trees , 1400 , 3400 , High School Basketball Team T , Matter , Receiving End , Text , Michigan , Pontiac , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Tom Brady , Rob Gronkowski , Phone Number , Stories , Guys , Athletes , Connection , Kinder , Autism Spectrum , Chewable , Simparica Trio , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Heartworm Disease , Dogs , Drug , Reactions , Hookworms , Fleas , Round , Ticks , Seizures , Caution , Use , Disorders , Health Insurance , Isn T , Games , Healthmarkets , Insurance , Marketplace , Got Dental , Hope Ya , Plans , Chance , Fit , Exchange , Insurance Companies , Benefits , Fitscore , Money , Services , You , Save , Help , Costs , High , Panic Attacks , Headaches , Anxiety , Insomnia , Looks , Funny , Health Plan , Shopping , Playing Games , Subsidies , A Rating , Premium , Better Business Bureau , Healthmarkets Call , Plane , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Runway , Trip , Airplane , Tucker , Faxiing , Men , Seat , Aircraft , Shoe Bomb , Passenger ,

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