Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709

economy and biden is hitting a new low on how he is handling that pandemic. after months of that news, biden said he is stuck in his tracks. >> how must you pay attention to the approval ratings? >> well, not anymore. i don't pay attention. >> people are afraid. people are worried that people are getting so much inaccurate information. they're being told armageddon is on the way. >> after the white house went around on media, saying you should give us better coverage, some of them giving him leeway arguing this is out of his control. >> it seems as if there is nothing the white house can do to improve their political standing these days. it does feel like every week there is another poll and they allowed him to do this. some of it is out of his control. covid is not behind this. it is not his fault. >> i'm confused by this. you are all just confused crisis. have you ever told a woman she's just confused? >> they don't like it. >> the one time i told her woman that, the last time i did that, you're how small the president of the united states has to go to be a late-night few she -- tv show. he says nobody trusts what i say anymore. you tell him. you are the good guy. tell them i have inflation under control and gas is down. everybody knows this line but you and i are telling the truth. and then he gets up and says everyone is scary. to scare them? you still have people putting facemasks on babies. there are people double vaxxed and still have to wear a mask. they're scared because you scared them and not make that you have high crime and you have the american people feeling tha. they're not going to listen to a politician to tell them they are not feeling what they're actually feeling. and then there is this problem among many. he says i only care pop access i'm getting. i don't care about putting on a good glove test. he's worried about not getting exclusive ford joe biden and not getting the melissa fence is not going to say anything too critical. he figured out a crafty way to do it. he goes, you know what, there's a lot of really bad things happening in this country, especially with the administration, but it is not joe's fault so when donald trump overpromise and under deliver, that was because he was an incompetent wizard. but when joe biden doesn't deliver, it's something he can't control. that's a straight news guy in a straight news sunday show in a broadcast network trying to be straight. that's why no one watches. >> they sounded a little depressed. the last thing you said that all politicians, not just democrats, but you should meet voters where there. one of the things you see here is the voters are in this position looking at gas prices and looking at inflation for the groceries and all the work requirements and that things because of covid another white house is saying it's not as bad as you think it actually the wages have gone up and actually it is this and that in the other thing. there is a big disconnect. you think that's the reason why the poll numbers the way they are? >> i don't think that there is any doubt. you have to meet people where they are in and explain where you want to take down. unfortunately for joe biden, he is right on some of this. the economy is doing much bette. he's created over 5 million jobs since he's been president. wages are up for a lot of americans. the problem is it is not connecting with anyone. you don't tell the people you are wrong and you should be listening and whoever you're talking to we are right. >> just playing out the wage game. >> that's why you have to meet people where they are. there's reasons and there's a narrative behind but you can't preach to people of people are not in the congregation. you have to sit with them and meet them about them understand -- the president who understood this that -- best was bill clinton. he felt their pain. they don't think that joe biden is connecting with everyday americans. and it is a good team that they happen to get a step back and says something is missing here and how we figure out and bring that about. there is no doubt that covid remains on the president how the markets are reacting to things, but if you like it or not, the chief is the market was down and if you look at the analysis they say that the omicron variant, i thought that kevin had a great piece in the wall street journal on this today. a president biden meets people where they are, don't tell them they don't understand. meet them were there in the tell them your story. >> of the do if harold is suggesting, what with a fine? >> they can't that met inflation is a problem. to jesse presti point of the wages are down almost 3% this year when you adjust for inflation. they can't admit it because they have, they will never ever do anything to fight it. but they're doing is their agenda -- agenda and the worldview. we govern for the green climate movement and the agenda is to pass this giant welfare monstrosity and because they know it will end up being permanent. it is not going away. it is not getting repealed just like obamacare so they point to put up welfare program after welfare program after welfare program. if they admit spending at least in small part, then that blows it up and it gets joe mansion -- at least biden and company are consistent on one thing, whether it is the welfare monstrosity, inflation, afghanistan. the talking points are always completely false and they are untethered from reality. and to that point where they don't give a darn about any of this because it's just one example. biden stopped federal aid overseas three days ago. energy prices are global. if they can -- they would not be that if they cared about energy prices. >> i was watching that, joe talking about his low ratings. he could replay. that is pretty interesting. it's like watching an overzealous puppy. he's desperately trying to prepare his reputation. it's a difficult to do this show sometimes because when you surf the line that says every week joe find a new bottom, it's really hard. it's just not bear. it is not going anywhere. so check that basically still blames trump for being alive. it is incredible. he preferred trump be struck by lightning. the reason why the show is not doing well is because trump is still around. they would like them to pass away like a good republican like bob dole or john mccain or -- you fill up by its them when they are alive and then you admire them when they are dead. chuck is going what is going on here. joe blames misinformation, that saying the build the better actual paper itself, where is that coming from. that kyle rittenhouse was a white supremacist, where did that come from? the border was whipping people, what if i come from? that came from joe. -- is a victim, joe. so all of this misinformation is not coming from anybody but his own mouth. >> you just reminded me of that whipping story. where is the investigation. we demand an answer. i would want to answer. they were completely demonize. but there's not going to be an investigation. we want them to get the bottom of that. >> by tomorrow morning. >> they're clueless after what they said about out-of-control crime. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at democrats allowed only clueless on how to solve the crime wave. they just keep blaming the pandemic. in shock if there was another bremen -- brazen stashing graph caught on camera. ransacking a cargo ship and daylight stealing millions of dollars of items. the owner blasting the city liberal leaders. >> this happened in broad daylight on saturday and they have people that break into your store while there are customers shopping at that our children in there. and never realized that it has gotten to such a boiling point and there is no one stepping up to say said anything about anything. >> and new york's suffer through a massive spike in violence. bill de blasio making the most foolish statement in his time in office. >> eight years i've been the mayor ten major crime is down 11% over 8 years. and we get a bringing police and community closer together. look around the city right now, the city's thriving. the bottom line is that there is today in nordic city him much safer city then we were eight years ago. there is no question about that. >> bite me. what do you say? >> double byte me. if you get double bit, you are more than and you from that idiot. i think he is stoned and 90% of the time. everybody here knows somebody that's been a victim of a crime or has been a victim of a crime. you talk about index crime meaning that he lumps them altogether so he will over at the average while murder skyrockets. so think about this, he can say muggings are down because the mugger killed the victim. that's exactly but he is saying. personally i like more muggings with less murder. do you see the logic here? the only reason why muggings are down is because they killed the person. you know what the course part is about this, how do you fight crimes when the political leaders who coddled the criminals in dubai the crime exists? i'm worried at this point that the success of hopelessness that is set in when you are doing this type of mumbo-jumbo. when you hear about another shopkeeper uptown getting stabbed because a guy wanted a free cigarette or something, and you have an elderly asian or shot dead in chicago and you go ahead and you go, but, what can you do and you look back at your box scores you look at your stocks, that is everybody in the media. everybody in the media is now reporting the stop as mundane and as acceptable, almost making us all guilty. we should be out on the street. it's a shame that none of us protest. we've got a cup life. this is protesting. it's insane. we know people. >> i hear stories of friends everyday now, somebody getting mugged, you know, rob, stabbed, but the mayor here in new york city speaking out against the bill reform says it is not his words but it is crazy that people are just committing a crime in our right back out of the street. could he individually change it and turnaround? people are angry enough about it. >> there's a huge amount of hope in adams. the mayor's has everybody pulling for him and help to see something quickly. i was recently told of an event that he went to our lunch where they said what could be done in the city to make the investment of thing, make sure that all of the storefronts get billed again and he said don't tell me about homelessness and crime, i've got that. i've got and it's going to be change. i'm on top of that. let's talk about the business community. that might be the right attitude and help them for him but who else should help them is the biden administration. they have an opportunity to back a new democrat a black mayor and his city that is super important not only to the nation's economy but to the world economy. and this is a wonderful state with really good people. they should come in and figure out a way to help him and maybe help themselves in the process because white house has continued to point to covid for a reason that crime is up. so robinson priding today and i believe sarah page also wrote today that soft on crime prosecutors are a problem. >> and the city council and the governor governors in the state. the legislature. here is what jen psaki had to say when she was asked about crime. all get your response. listened the past. >> we have seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are range of reasons front that and our focus is what we can do to address that. the governor has -- is propose additional funding so that the cops have the funding that they need. >> instead of giving concrete answers and sending of help for new york, she serves up a ball of girl that she hopes the media will laugh off. -- lap up. >> we talk about protesting and i think that the little protest we saw here and you're good to eric adams. eric adams position my crime and community engagement imposition of putting police officers back and communities, perhaps even on the cover, fully funding, to your point, and reforming bill reform. i think that is the message that the majority of democrats i kno, and that is where we are on an issue. i would argue that moderate democrats and moderate republican friends are right where he is. i think the president is going to the speak more specifically and concretely about the way in which the federal government will partner with chiefs of police in chicago all across texas and that that matter all across the country. i saw the former mayor in philadelphia be very critical. they're still question that there's a number of da process across the country who have adopted a coddling criminal enabling crime kind of commission. and i think it came from a good plays. they've got to understand that what they thought they were achieving is not working. it is creating more crime and violence and creating more unsafe areas in cities all across the country. and the people who generally are hurt the most by this are people in the middle class and people who are not in the middle class beneath it. when police officers don't show up when the cops are called, the communities they hurt the most of the ones we want to protect the most. so i hope they change this and i hope the white house and others are partners with adams and others that want to do these things. >> the lunacy is they are going to disappear. as a billable west side highway about we need to -- the problem is is freedom all, it says. that is not disappearing. >> of one of the pack the california emptied the jails for covid had anything to do with the rise in smashing grab singh california. i think it has a little bit to do with that. we had the jewelry fees over the weekend. he thinks a lot of the smashing grab cruz are gang initiations. they want to beat you up in order to join the gang and i just have to be a member of the heist in order to do it. it's not drug addicts and downs kill people, these people have nice but where, mass. they obviously have case the joint. that is lingo for thievery. they are dressed in all black. >> are you sure that is what you meant? i'm sure. and each one those of the other one is doing. they'll go in different directions, so that weight you can't pinch more than what of the same time. pinch is also -- >> thank you. >> also, a lot of times they don't even use a gun during the heist because you get caught with a firearm, that is an additional 7-9 years. and they line up a lot of the suppliers for this luxury goods ahead of time. usually have that shuffled out of your hands. >> the black market is the legal underground market. >> okay, thank you. if they take about 10% off or something like that but a lot of it has to do with the fund of the police. the first thing that they fund with these undercover units -- >> still lead. >> the police department had no idea if any of the stuff is coming. like they used to. >> got to go. >> what an education. you need to do a crime show on fox nation. >> speaking of insanity, that covid neck going away and then nuke ridiculous mandates. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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children. to try to control kids. i'm not down with that. my big we told me to put a mask on. and i have been vaxxed for months. put a mask on. what! when did that happen. it's the governor over reacting to omicron. >> there's like ten people died in this city yesterday. and not from omicron. i haven't seen -- you some guy might have a goatee. i need to know that. you are evil being a lawyer. you didn't know that? there's a lot of things we didn't talk about. would you agree that it's fearful vacation that is driving this 0 risk. if we continue to chase zero risk for peer risk like the airlines, we will never get back to normal. >> i do think two things, scott gottlieb, who are listen to, the omicron virus is bringing back a lot of the safety and security mandates that they had before. i take him at his word. i think the white house, government officials locally and worldwide, they -- this ought to keep our economy strong as we think about ways not mandating but encouraging people to get it. the key is the other way you get a variant is a someone doesn't have the vaccine. that is where these variants are growing up. we don't have fully an update up. it is mild. i put rather get the omicron. >> i think we all. >> to your point -- >> we are creating to, classes of people. gildon put this in this building right now. could cut zone, vaccine zones and non-vaccine zones and essentially if you are not vaxxed coming you are not welcome in certain places. >> the governor of new york that she borrowed her game plan or her messaging from joe biden for she's trying to get the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. make them feel uncomfortable is that they get angry at the unvaccinated. so you are also like 91% of new york 12 enough have gotten at least one shot. so they are pitting all of those people against the few who have not gotten the shot. may be they had covid. maybe that's why they did not have the shot. but is also send the messages that the vaccines don't work. >> that is what joe was doing. >> i think that there is? with the democrats. the governor of colorado set the emergency is over you can't tell people that they have to mask up so perhaps there is a way for democrats to get behind him. >> and new york and five times the number of cases per 100,000 and then florida. go no mask anywhere. you one of the station, be under the thumb of people that are dumber then you. >> it is happening. we have people ruining our lives pick you up to get control of our lives back in this going to be another key party and that going to make it look like a tea party. i don't know where i am. kamala harris attacking the media while claiming that her job is really, really hard. kamala harris want you to know her job is really hard. the vp doing damage control after being called a bully and terrible to work for person by her own staff. harris assisting elevated should -- addressing allegations she's a bad boss and claims he will not be distracted by ridiculous headlines. there's nothing about this job that is supposed to be easy. something is coming to meet, it's because it needs to be addressed and by definition it's not going to be easy. if it was easy, it would've been handled. she plagiarized that. >> that from catcher in the rye. it is common cold. degrees my second my job is because the job is hard. film he handed it difficult tasks. she is like john wicker something. we need cody win at the last problem and hinder all the problems that she failed. >> you only get the toughest jobs. only the top us. >> all the tell she. my has is making something that should be very easy look extremely difficult and tough. she supposed to interact with child actors who are paid to suck up to her, who are paid to make her look good. i shop among boys section. she can't even make that work. >> it's like everything she does come even the cleanup interview, there's something funny. >> it is hard and i think she is learning to read some -- the rhythm of the job. i give her some credit today in the last day or so, she was able to announce big investments, least part up an alliance for prosperity bud light. for south america particularly in our own region. she announced about a billion dollars worth of activity in investment. they need to build on that. she's understanding this relevant happy she's not complaining. if people want to criticize me, she is welcoming the challenge. she does that, she'll be a better position. >> not just dick cheney, the war on terror. that's hard stuff. >> it was easy. funding everybody thought this that she trust the media coverage that she's getting to an interview. with a profile seat so she will it was set up to say how she redecorated the vice president's office. i think she has good style. so some of the news that we see our ideas from local pundits of all stripes saying what do you think she should do. i would be so embarrassed of this is happening. this is but i put say, they don't come to be for advice i just give up for free on here. and her situation, the only way to get out of it is to show what you are doing. •-ellipsis job your -- how hard your job is. do a good job in the good media will follow. shell and not tell. she's right, it is hard. shell and don't tell. i did not note that. i'm not john with, what can i say. cubby up next, the story that is infuriating parents everywhere. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ earn about covid-19,you need. the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. parents are furious their children will fall further behind after a year of covid lockdowns. some school districts offering teachers extra days off to fight burnout which means kids struggling academically will miss out on more class time. school districts in california are taking heat after eliminating d and f grades. just jesse and i support that. quick question. is a good to give teachers off some time for mental health day? >> i put say it is probably maybe it's okay but the problem is that you can do whatever you want when there is no competition. that is the reason why the public schools are in such shambles. minorities in urban areas are given adequate education, but what is the solution for that if you are already pouring tons of money. the solution would be competition because that improves quality in every walk of life. no wonder they get more -- they can get more days off. they will get whatever they want because they don't have to compete against anybody. what you going to do? >> i just think if you already have summers off, burnout? you've got summers off. that is three months according to the last calendar. if i had summers off and i come back to work in september, i would be like the dalai lama. i would be so relax. whatever. these people need more vacations and you throw on top of that winter break and christmas brea. they probably collect winter break now. spring break. to get every federal holiday. they can't complain. half the day started at 830 and they believe that 3:30. summit 3:00. is there political drama at school? is the janitor looking at you funny? did somebody sit next me of cafeteria table that i don't like? there's no office politics in school. here's you get yelled at and can get fired for not making payments. you a deadline, no pension. there there's no pressure there. there's no competition. you set it. you think it is a psychological problem? >> you would think in light of the two weeks in the school year , teachers may have a point and one timeout. i agree with that and there may be things with the unions at all but maybe we should extend the school year. >> the taxpayers investing in these children, education is our future, they have to have a higher standard. it's not good for them to be, you know what, we are not even going to great you anymore. it is all nonsense. they're going to enter world that super competitive. periods are defending education in this group and they did it deep dive and look at the consulting contracts all around the country. so all of this should be going to the teachers and the students and it's going to consultants. superintendence of equity. there making six figures with all of these things were at the teachers may be need more support so a lot of us money is going to consultants. >> like merrick garland's son-in-law running a company doing consulting work. i think that makes her -- mike zuckerberg is a big supporter of that. to get roping people like instagram and that is workable to the parents be up in any collect data on them in the school system. that is what is going on and it's happening around the country. one of the proms with the teachers unions, school choices is an exponential threat to them but they have no self-awareness. why after all of the anger from parents in the last year when kids were being school virtually would you want to take time off for at your own -- we need mental health days off. and i know that for a fact because that there was any self-awareness, randi weingarten would have told terry mcauliffe, yeah, probably not a good idea but i came to europe your last political rally. >> you wet your bed. you not getting anything. >> you should give him to correct cookies for that. >> one thing left coming up. . . i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for her. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with crohn's disease. humira helps people achieve remission that can last. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing. greg? >> greg: it's been a while ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ >> greg: i love those animals. yes, sir. you know what? nothing better than that feeling you have right before you sneeze, it's something we can share with all animals, including an elephant seal. check out this sucker. look at that. it's coming. it's coming. oh, oh. that feels so good. feels so good i could watch that for days and maybe i will. >> jesse: because of covid. used to be a pure. >> dana: amazing and covid best ever. university basketball game lost a game to alabama over the weekend. they were not happy. in fact, they were so mad that the players and coaches actually threw a temper kicking over chairs. one basketball player on the team didn't join in trashing the arena and walked into the locker room he said he began cleaning up his teammates' mess and has since got an lot of attention for maturity and been a good role model. apologized for the team's behavior. jamal, you are good citizen number one. >> greg: they are going to hate jamal in the locker room. >> jesse: he made them look bad. >> dana: he made the team look bad. >> harold: a good kid. hear that story over and over again. speaking of good guy. [laughter] >> let me get my phone out. >> i got a body camera going. [laughter] it's slippery under there. >> so the first snow fall here in wisconsin officer sean fridge trying to help the snowplow team there in owosso, wisconsin. he himself can't stay on his feet. has a good sense of humor. thank you for your courage and service. i will tell you wausau police department officer fridge would like it take this opportunity penguin walk carefully on surfaces you never know how slippery it is underneath. >> jesse: never reason we need body cameras. >> harold: i was there. >> jesse: great news, everybody, we have "the five" pillow and the gutfeld exclamation point pillow available on the fox news shop go to 25 bucks each. made in the u.s.a. >> dagen: get down. >> jesse: snuggle up at 5:00 or 11:00 whenever you want. free shipping on all orders through 12:30. >> greg: how do you clean it? >> jesse: my pillow. your pillow or my pillow. how do you clean it? take it to the landry mat, put in a few quarters and sit back and stream fox nation. get real romantic that will not be on fox nation. have to pay a lot for that. >> dana: dagen? >> dagen: this woman loves christmas too much. she turned her cubic kel out into a general gear bread house. it's cute ginger bred house. >> we would like jesse's office to look like that. that's it for us, everyone. "special report" is up next. >> bret: i would like to get a pillow, "special report" pillow. >> dana: your pillow? >> jesse: your pillow. >> bret: my pillow. all right. see you. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we are getting a clearer picture of the devastation left behind by a series of killer tornadoes in the midwest over the weekend. at least 88 people are now dead. kentucky hit hardest with at least 74 killed. and more than 100 are still missing at this hour. the video images as you look at some of them here

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Work Requirements , Groceries , Reason , Doubt , Disconnect , Jobs , 5 Million , Reasons , Wage Game , Listening , Anyone , Narrative , Congregation , Best , Pain , Bill Clinton , Team , No Doubt , Step , Market , Chief , Omicron Variant , Markets , Analysis , Kevin , Story , Harold , Don T , Them , Piece , Fine , Wall Street Journal , Jesse Presti Point , 3 , Agenda , Welfare , Worldview , Monstrosity , The Green Climate Movement , Welfare Program , Part , Welfare Monstrosity , Company , Least Biden , Joe Mansion , Afghanistan , Point , Talking Points , Reality , Energy Prices , Example , Aid , Three , Puppy , Ratings , Show , Bottom , Difficult , Reputation , Trump , Anywhere , Lightning , Republican , John Mccain , Bob Dole , Misinformation , Build , Chuck , Supremacist , Border , Paper , Itself , Kyle Rittenhouse , Wall , Anybody , Victim , Investigation , Whipping Story , Answer , Mouth , Limu Emu , Doug , Help , Liberty Mutual , World , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Gasps , Pay , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th Mom , 17 , December 17th , Gonna , Promises , Mommy , Snow , Same , Oh My Goodness , Www Xfinity Com Sing2 Democrats , Crime Wave , Shock , Nordic City , Owner , Leaders , Liberal , Stealing , Items , Millions , Brazen Stashing Graph Caught On Camera , Ransacking A Cargo Ship , Bremen , Children , Store , Boiling Point , Customers , Violence , Bill De Blasio , Statement , Spike , Police , Mayor , Office , Bottom Line , Community , Eight , Ten , 11 , 8 , Question , City , Bit , Him , Byte , Somebody , Index Crime Meaning , Idiot , 90 , Muggings , Mugger , Murder , Murder Skyrockets , Person , Course , Crimes , Logic , Criminals , Type , Set , Hopelessness , Shopkeeper , Success , Dubai , Mumbo Jumbo , Chicago , Stocks , Cigarette , Box Scores , Asian , Life , Protest , Stop , Shame , None , The Street , Friends , Stories , Stabbed , Rob , Words , Bill , Reform , Turnaround , Lunch , Event , Amount , Hope , Adams , Investment , Top , Storefronts , Talk , Homelessness , Business Community , Let , Nation , Opportunity , Attitude , Democrat , State , Process , Figure , World Economy , Prosecutors , City Council , So Robinson Priding , Sarah Page , Governor , Jen Psaki , Governors , Response , Legislature , Increase , Range , Cops , Funding , Focus , Has , Answers , Girl , Ball , Eric Adams , Police Officers , Communities , Majority , Message , Cover , Community Engagement Imposition , Bill Reform , Government , Concretely , Issue , Chiefs , Texas , Philadelphia , Coddling Criminal , Commission , Plays , Kind , Class , Most , Areas , Cities , Others , Ones , Partners , Lunacy , Freedom , Pack , Billable West Side Highway , Weekend , California , Rise , Jails , Fees , Jewelry , Gang Initiations , Smashing Grab Cruz , Smashing Grab Singh , Order , Heist , Downs , Member , Mass , Drug Addicts , Gang , Case , Lingo , Joint , Thievery , Black , Weight , Directions , Gun , Firearm , Pinch , 9 , 7 , Suppliers , Goods , Hands , Underground Market , Black Market , Fund , 10 , Idea , Police Department , Any , Units , Stuff , Got To Go , Education , Insanity , Neck , Crime Show , Fox Nation , Mandates , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Game , Don T Take Ozempic , Zone , A1c , Oh , Cv Risk , Adults , 12 , Risk , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Events , Heart Disease , Stroke , Heart Attack , Death , 1 , Lump , Needles , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Family , Swelling , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Changes , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 25 , Plan , Advice , Future , Investor , Access , Tools , Vanguard , Charge , Kids , Flight , Jumper , Temperatures , Precaution , Parents , Schools , Deal , Workers , Masks , Vaccination , Can T , Slew , Business Owners , New Yorker , Herd Immunity , Versions , Numbers , Pills , Omicron Studies , Virus , Strain , Press Conference , Restrictions , Role Mode , Immunity , Researchers , Triple Vaxxed , School Board Hearing , Cameras , Winter , Fox News , Scene , Money , Macy S , Break , Depth , We Can T By 1100 Park , Washington Dc , 1100 , 45 , 100 , 50 , Child , Power Grabbers , Classrooms , 20 , Omicron , Mask On , Big , Adult , Assert , Haven T , Goatee , Vacation , Lawyer , Didn T Talk About , Airlines , Peer , 0 , Zero , Two , Scott Gottlieb , Security , Safety , Omicron Virus , Government Officials , Key , Word , Ways , Someone , Vaccine , Variant , Variants , Update , Classes , Building , Gildon , Zones , Game Plan , Places , Unvaccinated , Vaccinated , Messaging , Shot , One Shot , 91 , Messages , Vaccines Don T Work , Emergency , Colorado , Thumb , Station , Cases , Florida , 100000 , Kamala Harris , Lives , Tea Party , Damage Control , Vp , Boss , Bully , Staff , Allegations , Headlines , Definition , Cold , Catcher In The Rye , Problems , Cody Win , Tasks , John Wicker , Child Actors , My , Everything , Cleanup Interview , Work , Boys Section , Investments , Learning , Rhythm , Alliance , Credit , Prosperity Bud Light , Region , Activity , South America , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Challenge , War On Terror , Dick Cheney , Media Coverage , Interview , Profile Seat , Hard Stuff , Ideas , Vice President , Style , Situation , Pundits , Stripes , Say , Shell , Cubby Up Next , Don T Tell , Everywhere , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , Liberty , Record , Hang On , Turn , Tex , 665 Dollars , 665 , Questions , 19 , Support , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Six , Calhope Org , 833 , 317 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , Teachers , School Districts , Burnout , Lockdowns , Heat , Grades , Competition , Mental Health Day , Solution , Minorities , Quality , Shambles , Tons Of Money , Summers Off , Walk , Wonder , Calendar , Dalai Lama , Winter Break , Whatever , Spring Break , Holiday , Christmas Brea , Vacations , School , Drama , Somebody Sit , Janitor , Half , Cafeteria Table , Summit 3 , 30 , 830 , Office Politics , Pressure , Payments , Pension , There , Light , Taxpayers , Timeout , Unions , Periods , Nonsense , Standard , Consultants , Contracts , Students , Superintendence , Dive , Group , Equity , Running A Company Doing Consulting Work , Figures , Merrick Garland , Son In Law , Supporter , School System , Data , Mike Zuckerberg , Instagram , Self Awareness , School Choices , Teachers Unions , Threat , Proms , Anger , Fact , Mental Health , Terry Mcauliffe , Randi Weingarten , Rally , Bed , Cookies , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Remission , Humira , Symptoms , Doctor , Biologic , Infections , Humira Saw , Nervous System Problems , Symptom , Liver , Have , Blood , Cancers , Relief , Ability , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , 4 , Infection , Reactions , Heart Failure , Sores , Tb , Hepatitis B , Gastroenterologist , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Tradition , Gold , Advantage , Tis , Ride , Cadillac , Sleigh , Cadillac Showroom , Greg , Animals , Feeling , Sir , Elephant Seal , Sucker , Yes , You Sneeze , Pure , Players , Coaches , Temper Kicking , University Basketball , Alabama , Locker Room , Teammates , Mess , Basketball Player , Role Model , Chairs , Maturity , Arena , Didn T Join , Number One , Behavior , Hate Jamal , Laughter , Phone , Body Camera , Officer , Snowplow Team , Under , Fridge , Feet , Sense , Wisconsin , Owosso , Courage , Humor , Service , Opportunity Penguin , Officer Fridge , Wausau , Pillow , Underneath , Body Cameras , Exclamation Point Pillow , Surfaces , The Five , Gutfeld , Dagen , Shipping , Made In The Usa , Snuggle , 25 Bucks , Orders , My Pillow , It , Landry Mat , Quarters , Stream Fox Nation , Ginger , Gear Bread House , Cubic Kel Out Into A General , Special Report , Bret Baier , Welcome To Washington , Series , Picture , Devastation , Midwest , Killer Tornadoes , 88 , Video Images , Kentucky , 74 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240709

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economy and biden is hitting a new low on how he is handling that pandemic. after months of that news, biden said he is stuck in his tracks. >> how must you pay attention to the approval ratings? >> well, not anymore. i don't pay attention. >> people are afraid. people are worried that people are getting so much inaccurate information. they're being told armageddon is on the way. >> after the white house went around on media, saying you should give us better coverage, some of them giving him leeway arguing this is out of his control. >> it seems as if there is nothing the white house can do to improve their political standing these days. it does feel like every week there is another poll and they allowed him to do this. some of it is out of his control. covid is not behind this. it is not his fault. >> i'm confused by this. you are all just confused crisis. have you ever told a woman she's just confused? >> they don't like it. >> the one time i told her woman that, the last time i did that, you're how small the president of the united states has to go to be a late-night few she -- tv show. he says nobody trusts what i say anymore. you tell him. you are the good guy. tell them i have inflation under control and gas is down. everybody knows this line but you and i are telling the truth. and then he gets up and says everyone is scary. to scare them? you still have people putting facemasks on babies. there are people double vaxxed and still have to wear a mask. they're scared because you scared them and not make that you have high crime and you have the american people feeling tha. they're not going to listen to a politician to tell them they are not feeling what they're actually feeling. and then there is this problem among many. he says i only care pop access i'm getting. i don't care about putting on a good glove test. he's worried about not getting exclusive ford joe biden and not getting the melissa fence is not going to say anything too critical. he figured out a crafty way to do it. he goes, you know what, there's a lot of really bad things happening in this country, especially with the administration, but it is not joe's fault so when donald trump overpromise and under deliver, that was because he was an incompetent wizard. but when joe biden doesn't deliver, it's something he can't control. that's a straight news guy in a straight news sunday show in a broadcast network trying to be straight. that's why no one watches. >> they sounded a little depressed. the last thing you said that all politicians, not just democrats, but you should meet voters where there. one of the things you see here is the voters are in this position looking at gas prices and looking at inflation for the groceries and all the work requirements and that things because of covid another white house is saying it's not as bad as you think it actually the wages have gone up and actually it is this and that in the other thing. there is a big disconnect. you think that's the reason why the poll numbers the way they are? >> i don't think that there is any doubt. you have to meet people where they are in and explain where you want to take down. unfortunately for joe biden, he is right on some of this. the economy is doing much bette. he's created over 5 million jobs since he's been president. wages are up for a lot of americans. the problem is it is not connecting with anyone. you don't tell the people you are wrong and you should be listening and whoever you're talking to we are right. >> just playing out the wage game. >> that's why you have to meet people where they are. there's reasons and there's a narrative behind but you can't preach to people of people are not in the congregation. you have to sit with them and meet them about them understand -- the president who understood this that -- best was bill clinton. he felt their pain. they don't think that joe biden is connecting with everyday americans. and it is a good team that they happen to get a step back and says something is missing here and how we figure out and bring that about. there is no doubt that covid remains on the president how the markets are reacting to things, but if you like it or not, the chief is the market was down and if you look at the analysis they say that the omicron variant, i thought that kevin had a great piece in the wall street journal on this today. a president biden meets people where they are, don't tell them they don't understand. meet them were there in the tell them your story. >> of the do if harold is suggesting, what with a fine? >> they can't that met inflation is a problem. to jesse presti point of the wages are down almost 3% this year when you adjust for inflation. they can't admit it because they have, they will never ever do anything to fight it. but they're doing is their agenda -- agenda and the worldview. we govern for the green climate movement and the agenda is to pass this giant welfare monstrosity and because they know it will end up being permanent. it is not going away. it is not getting repealed just like obamacare so they point to put up welfare program after welfare program after welfare program. if they admit spending at least in small part, then that blows it up and it gets joe mansion -- at least biden and company are consistent on one thing, whether it is the welfare monstrosity, inflation, afghanistan. the talking points are always completely false and they are untethered from reality. and to that point where they don't give a darn about any of this because it's just one example. biden stopped federal aid overseas three days ago. energy prices are global. if they can -- they would not be that if they cared about energy prices. >> i was watching that, joe talking about his low ratings. he could replay. that is pretty interesting. it's like watching an overzealous puppy. he's desperately trying to prepare his reputation. it's a difficult to do this show sometimes because when you surf the line that says every week joe find a new bottom, it's really hard. it's just not bear. it is not going anywhere. so check that basically still blames trump for being alive. it is incredible. he preferred trump be struck by lightning. the reason why the show is not doing well is because trump is still around. they would like them to pass away like a good republican like bob dole or john mccain or -- you fill up by its them when they are alive and then you admire them when they are dead. chuck is going what is going on here. joe blames misinformation, that saying the build the better actual paper itself, where is that coming from. that kyle rittenhouse was a white supremacist, where did that come from? the border was whipping people, what if i come from? that came from joe. -- is a victim, joe. so all of this misinformation is not coming from anybody but his own mouth. >> you just reminded me of that whipping story. where is the investigation. we demand an answer. i would want to answer. they were completely demonize. but there's not going to be an investigation. we want them to get the bottom of that. >> by tomorrow morning. >> they're clueless after what they said about out-of-control crime. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at democrats allowed only clueless on how to solve the crime wave. they just keep blaming the pandemic. in shock if there was another bremen -- brazen stashing graph caught on camera. ransacking a cargo ship and daylight stealing millions of dollars of items. the owner blasting the city liberal leaders. >> this happened in broad daylight on saturday and they have people that break into your store while there are customers shopping at that our children in there. and never realized that it has gotten to such a boiling point and there is no one stepping up to say said anything about anything. >> and new york's suffer through a massive spike in violence. bill de blasio making the most foolish statement in his time in office. >> eight years i've been the mayor ten major crime is down 11% over 8 years. and we get a bringing police and community closer together. look around the city right now, the city's thriving. the bottom line is that there is today in nordic city him much safer city then we were eight years ago. there is no question about that. >> bite me. what do you say? >> double byte me. if you get double bit, you are more than and you from that idiot. i think he is stoned and 90% of the time. everybody here knows somebody that's been a victim of a crime or has been a victim of a crime. you talk about index crime meaning that he lumps them altogether so he will over at the average while murder skyrockets. so think about this, he can say muggings are down because the mugger killed the victim. that's exactly but he is saying. personally i like more muggings with less murder. do you see the logic here? the only reason why muggings are down is because they killed the person. you know what the course part is about this, how do you fight crimes when the political leaders who coddled the criminals in dubai the crime exists? i'm worried at this point that the success of hopelessness that is set in when you are doing this type of mumbo-jumbo. when you hear about another shopkeeper uptown getting stabbed because a guy wanted a free cigarette or something, and you have an elderly asian or shot dead in chicago and you go ahead and you go, but, what can you do and you look back at your box scores you look at your stocks, that is everybody in the media. everybody in the media is now reporting the stop as mundane and as acceptable, almost making us all guilty. we should be out on the street. it's a shame that none of us protest. we've got a cup life. this is protesting. it's insane. we know people. >> i hear stories of friends everyday now, somebody getting mugged, you know, rob, stabbed, but the mayor here in new york city speaking out against the bill reform says it is not his words but it is crazy that people are just committing a crime in our right back out of the street. could he individually change it and turnaround? people are angry enough about it. >> there's a huge amount of hope in adams. the mayor's has everybody pulling for him and help to see something quickly. i was recently told of an event that he went to our lunch where they said what could be done in the city to make the investment of thing, make sure that all of the storefronts get billed again and he said don't tell me about homelessness and crime, i've got that. i've got and it's going to be change. i'm on top of that. let's talk about the business community. that might be the right attitude and help them for him but who else should help them is the biden administration. they have an opportunity to back a new democrat a black mayor and his city that is super important not only to the nation's economy but to the world economy. and this is a wonderful state with really good people. they should come in and figure out a way to help him and maybe help themselves in the process because white house has continued to point to covid for a reason that crime is up. so robinson priding today and i believe sarah page also wrote today that soft on crime prosecutors are a problem. >> and the city council and the governor governors in the state. the legislature. here is what jen psaki had to say when she was asked about crime. all get your response. listened the past. >> we have seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic. there are range of reasons front that and our focus is what we can do to address that. the governor has -- is propose additional funding so that the cops have the funding that they need. >> instead of giving concrete answers and sending of help for new york, she serves up a ball of girl that she hopes the media will laugh off. -- lap up. >> we talk about protesting and i think that the little protest we saw here and you're good to eric adams. eric adams position my crime and community engagement imposition of putting police officers back and communities, perhaps even on the cover, fully funding, to your point, and reforming bill reform. i think that is the message that the majority of democrats i kno, and that is where we are on an issue. i would argue that moderate democrats and moderate republican friends are right where he is. i think the president is going to the speak more specifically and concretely about the way in which the federal government will partner with chiefs of police in chicago all across texas and that that matter all across the country. i saw the former mayor in philadelphia be very critical. they're still question that there's a number of da process across the country who have adopted a coddling criminal enabling crime kind of commission. and i think it came from a good plays. they've got to understand that what they thought they were achieving is not working. it is creating more crime and violence and creating more unsafe areas in cities all across the country. and the people who generally are hurt the most by this are people in the middle class and people who are not in the middle class beneath it. when police officers don't show up when the cops are called, the communities they hurt the most of the ones we want to protect the most. so i hope they change this and i hope the white house and others are partners with adams and others that want to do these things. >> the lunacy is they are going to disappear. as a billable west side highway about we need to -- the problem is is freedom all, it says. that is not disappearing. >> of one of the pack the california emptied the jails for covid had anything to do with the rise in smashing grab singh california. i think it has a little bit to do with that. we had the jewelry fees over the weekend. he thinks a lot of the smashing grab cruz are gang initiations. they want to beat you up in order to join the gang and i just have to be a member of the heist in order to do it. it's not drug addicts and downs kill people, these people have nice but where, mass. they obviously have case the joint. that is lingo for thievery. they are dressed in all black. >> are you sure that is what you meant? i'm sure. and each one those of the other one is doing. they'll go in different directions, so that weight you can't pinch more than what of the same time. pinch is also -- >> thank you. >> also, a lot of times they don't even use a gun during the heist because you get caught with a firearm, that is an additional 7-9 years. and they line up a lot of the suppliers for this luxury goods ahead of time. usually have that shuffled out of your hands. >> the black market is the legal underground market. >> okay, thank you. if they take about 10% off or something like that but a lot of it has to do with the fund of the police. the first thing that they fund with these undercover units -- >> still lead. >> the police department had no idea if any of the stuff is coming. like they used to. >> got to go. >> what an education. you need to do a crime show on fox nation. >> speaking of insanity, that covid neck going away and then nuke ridiculous mandates. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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children. to try to control kids. i'm not down with that. my big we told me to put a mask on. and i have been vaxxed for months. put a mask on. what! when did that happen. it's the governor over reacting to omicron. >> there's like ten people died in this city yesterday. and not from omicron. i haven't seen -- you some guy might have a goatee. i need to know that. you are evil being a lawyer. you didn't know that? there's a lot of things we didn't talk about. would you agree that it's fearful vacation that is driving this 0 risk. if we continue to chase zero risk for peer risk like the airlines, we will never get back to normal. >> i do think two things, scott gottlieb, who are listen to, the omicron virus is bringing back a lot of the safety and security mandates that they had before. i take him at his word. i think the white house, government officials locally and worldwide, they -- this ought to keep our economy strong as we think about ways not mandating but encouraging people to get it. the key is the other way you get a variant is a someone doesn't have the vaccine. that is where these variants are growing up. we don't have fully an update up. it is mild. i put rather get the omicron. >> i think we all. >> to your point -- >> we are creating to, classes of people. gildon put this in this building right now. could cut zone, vaccine zones and non-vaccine zones and essentially if you are not vaxxed coming you are not welcome in certain places. >> the governor of new york that she borrowed her game plan or her messaging from joe biden for she's trying to get the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. make them feel uncomfortable is that they get angry at the unvaccinated. so you are also like 91% of new york 12 enough have gotten at least one shot. so they are pitting all of those people against the few who have not gotten the shot. may be they had covid. maybe that's why they did not have the shot. but is also send the messages that the vaccines don't work. >> that is what joe was doing. >> i think that there is? with the democrats. the governor of colorado set the emergency is over you can't tell people that they have to mask up so perhaps there is a way for democrats to get behind him. >> and new york and five times the number of cases per 100,000 and then florida. go no mask anywhere. you one of the station, be under the thumb of people that are dumber then you. >> it is happening. we have people ruining our lives pick you up to get control of our lives back in this going to be another key party and that going to make it look like a tea party. i don't know where i am. kamala harris attacking the media while claiming that her job is really, really hard. kamala harris want you to know her job is really hard. the vp doing damage control after being called a bully and terrible to work for person by her own staff. harris assisting elevated should -- addressing allegations she's a bad boss and claims he will not be distracted by ridiculous headlines. there's nothing about this job that is supposed to be easy. something is coming to meet, it's because it needs to be addressed and by definition it's not going to be easy. if it was easy, it would've been handled. she plagiarized that. >> that from catcher in the rye. it is common cold. degrees my second my job is because the job is hard. film he handed it difficult tasks. she is like john wicker something. we need cody win at the last problem and hinder all the problems that she failed. >> you only get the toughest jobs. only the top us. >> all the tell she. my has is making something that should be very easy look extremely difficult and tough. she supposed to interact with child actors who are paid to suck up to her, who are paid to make her look good. i shop among boys section. she can't even make that work. >> it's like everything she does come even the cleanup interview, there's something funny. >> it is hard and i think she is learning to read some -- the rhythm of the job. i give her some credit today in the last day or so, she was able to announce big investments, least part up an alliance for prosperity bud light. for south america particularly in our own region. she announced about a billion dollars worth of activity in investment. they need to build on that. she's understanding this relevant happy she's not complaining. if people want to criticize me, she is welcoming the challenge. she does that, she'll be a better position. >> not just dick cheney, the war on terror. that's hard stuff. >> it was easy. funding everybody thought this that she trust the media coverage that she's getting to an interview. with a profile seat so she will it was set up to say how she redecorated the vice president's office. i think she has good style. so some of the news that we see our ideas from local pundits of all stripes saying what do you think she should do. i would be so embarrassed of this is happening. this is but i put say, they don't come to be for advice i just give up for free on here. and her situation, the only way to get out of it is to show what you are doing. •-ellipsis job your -- how hard your job is. do a good job in the good media will follow. shell and not tell. she's right, it is hard. shell and don't tell. i did not note that. i'm not john with, what can i say. cubby up next, the story that is infuriating parents everywhere. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> i just think if you already have summers off, burnout? you've got summers off. that is three months according to the last calendar. if i had summers off and i come back to work in september, i would be like the dalai lama. i would be so relax. whatever. these people need more vacations and you throw on top of that winter break and christmas brea. they probably collect winter break now. spring break. to get every federal holiday. they can't complain. half the day started at 830 and they believe that 3:30. summit 3:00. is there political drama at school? is the janitor looking at you funny? did somebody sit next me of cafeteria table that i don't like? there's no office politics in school. here's you get yelled at and can get fired for not making payments. you a deadline, no pension. there there's no pressure there. there's no competition. you set it. you think it is a psychological problem? >> you would think in light of the two weeks in the school year , teachers may have a point and one timeout. i agree with that and there may be things with the unions at all but maybe we should extend the school year. >> the taxpayers investing in these children, education is our future, they have to have a higher standard. it's not good for them to be, you know what, we are not even going to great you anymore. it is all nonsense. they're going to enter world that super competitive. periods are defending education in this group and they did it deep dive and look at the consulting contracts all around the country. so all of this should be going to the teachers and the students and it's going to consultants. superintendence of equity. there making six figures with all of these things were at the teachers may be need more support so a lot of us money is going to consultants. >> like merrick garland's son-in-law running a company doing consulting work. i think that makes her -- mike zuckerberg is a big supporter of that. to get roping people like instagram and that is workable to the parents be up in any collect data on them in the school system. that is what is going on and it's happening around the country. one of the proms with the teachers unions, school choices is an exponential threat to them but they have no self-awareness. why after all of the anger from parents in the last year when kids were being school virtually would you want to take time off for at your own -- we need mental health days off. and i know that for a fact because that there was any self-awareness, randi weingarten would have told terry mcauliffe, yeah, probably not a good idea but i came to europe your last political rally. >> you wet your bed. you not getting anything. >> you should give him to correct cookies for that. >> one thing left coming up. . . i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for her. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with crohn's disease. humira helps people achieve remission that can last. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing. greg? >> greg: it's been a while ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ >> greg: i love those animals. yes, sir. you know what? nothing better than that feeling you have right before you sneeze, it's something we can share with all animals, including an elephant seal. check out this sucker. look at that. it's coming. it's coming. oh, oh. that feels so good. feels so good i could watch that for days and maybe i will. >> jesse: because of covid. used to be a pure. >> dana: amazing and covid best ever. university basketball game lost a game to alabama over the weekend. they were not happy. in fact, they were so mad that the players and coaches actually threw a temper kicking over chairs. one basketball player on the team didn't join in trashing the arena and walked into the locker room he said he began cleaning up his teammates' mess and has since got an lot of attention for maturity and been a good role model. apologized for the team's behavior. jamal, you are good citizen number one. >> greg: they are going to hate jamal in the locker room. >> jesse: he made them look bad. >> dana: he made the team look bad. >> harold: a good kid. hear that story over and over again. speaking of good guy. [laughter] >> let me get my phone out. >> i got a body camera going. [laughter] it's slippery under there. >> so the first snow fall here in wisconsin officer sean fridge trying to help the snowplow team there in owosso, wisconsin. he himself can't stay on his feet. has a good sense of humor. thank you for your courage and service. i will tell you wausau police department officer fridge would like it take this opportunity penguin walk carefully on surfaces you never know how slippery it is underneath. >> jesse: never reason we need body cameras. >> harold: i was there. >> jesse: great news, everybody, we have "the five" pillow and the gutfeld exclamation point pillow available on the fox news shop go to 25 bucks each. made in the u.s.a. >> dagen: get down. >> jesse: snuggle up at 5:00 or 11:00 whenever you want. free shipping on all orders through 12:30. >> greg: how do you clean it? >> jesse: my pillow. your pillow or my pillow. how do you clean it? take it to the landry mat, put in a few quarters and sit back and stream fox nation. get real romantic that will not be on fox nation. have to pay a lot for that. >> dana: dagen? >> dagen: this woman loves christmas too much. she turned her cubic kel out into a general gear bread house. it's cute ginger bred house. >> we would like jesse's office to look like that. that's it for us, everyone. "special report" is up next. >> bret: i would like to get a pillow, "special report" pillow. >> dana: your pillow? >> jesse: your pillow. >> bret: my pillow. all right. see you. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we are getting a clearer picture of the devastation left behind by a series of killer tornadoes in the midwest over the weekend. at least 88 people are now dead. kentucky hit hardest with at least 74 killed. and more than 100 are still missing at this hour. the video images as you look at some of them here

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, Underground Market , Black Market , Fund , 10 , Idea , Police Department , Any , Units , Stuff , Got To Go , Education , Insanity , Neck , Crime Show , Fox Nation , Mandates , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Game , Don T Take Ozempic , Zone , A1c , Oh , Cv Risk , Adults , 12 , Risk , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Events , Heart Disease , Stroke , Heart Attack , Death , 1 , Lump , Needles , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Family , Swelling , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Changes , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 25 , Plan , Advice , Future , Investor , Access , Tools , Vanguard , Charge , Kids , Flight , Jumper , Temperatures , Precaution , Parents , Schools , Deal , Workers , Masks , Vaccination , Can T , Slew , Business Owners , New Yorker , Herd Immunity , Versions , Numbers , Pills , Omicron Studies , Virus , Strain , Press Conference , Restrictions , Role Mode , Immunity , Researchers , Triple Vaxxed , School Board Hearing , Cameras , Winter , Fox News , Scene , Money , Macy S , Break , Depth , We Can T By 1100 Park , Washington Dc , 1100 , 45 , 100 , 50 , Child , Power Grabbers , Classrooms , 20 , Omicron , Mask On , Big , Adult , Assert , Haven T , Goatee , Vacation , Lawyer , Didn T Talk About , Airlines , Peer , 0 , Zero , Two , Scott Gottlieb , Security , Safety , Omicron Virus , Government Officials , Key , Word , Ways , Someone , Vaccine , Variant , Variants , Update , Classes , Building , Gildon , Zones , Game Plan , Places , Unvaccinated , Vaccinated , Messaging , Shot , One Shot , 91 , Messages , Vaccines Don T Work , Emergency , Colorado , Thumb , Station , Cases , Florida , 100000 , Kamala Harris , Lives , Tea Party , Damage Control , Vp , Boss , Bully , Staff , Allegations , Headlines , Definition , Cold , Catcher In The Rye , Problems , Cody Win , Tasks , John Wicker , Child Actors , My , Everything , Cleanup Interview , Work , Boys Section , Investments , Learning , Rhythm , Alliance , Credit , Prosperity Bud Light , Region , Activity , South America , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Challenge , War On Terror , Dick Cheney , Media Coverage , Interview , Profile Seat , Hard Stuff , Ideas , Vice President , Style , Situation , Pundits , Stripes , Say , Shell , Cubby Up Next , Don T Tell , Everywhere , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , Liberty , Record , Hang On , Turn , Tex , 665 Dollars , 665 , Questions , 19 , Support , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Six , Calhope Org , 833 , 317 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , Teachers , School Districts , Burnout , Lockdowns , Heat , Grades , Competition , Mental Health Day , Solution , Minorities , Quality , Shambles , Tons Of Money , Summers Off , Walk , Wonder , Calendar , Dalai Lama , Winter Break , Whatever , Spring Break , Holiday , Christmas Brea , Vacations , School , Drama , Somebody Sit , Janitor , Half , Cafeteria Table , Summit 3 , 30 , 830 , Office Politics , Pressure , Payments , Pension , There , Light , Taxpayers , Timeout , Unions , Periods , Nonsense , Standard , Consultants , Contracts , Students , Superintendence , Dive , Group , Equity , Running A Company Doing Consulting Work , Figures , Merrick Garland , Son In Law , Supporter , School System , Data , Mike Zuckerberg , Instagram , Self Awareness , School Choices , Teachers Unions , Threat , Proms , Anger , Fact , Mental Health , Terry Mcauliffe , Randi Weingarten , Rally , Bed , Cookies , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Remission , Humira , Symptoms , Doctor , Biologic , Infections , Humira Saw , Nervous System Problems , Symptom , Liver , Have , Blood , Cancers , Relief , Ability , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , 4 , Infection , Reactions , Heart Failure , Sores , Tb , Hepatitis B , Gastroenterologist , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Tradition , Gold , Advantage , Tis , Ride , Cadillac , Sleigh , Cadillac Showroom , Greg , Animals , Feeling , Sir , Elephant Seal , Sucker , Yes , You Sneeze , Pure , Players , Coaches , Temper Kicking , University Basketball , Alabama , Locker Room , Teammates , Mess , Basketball Player , Role Model , Chairs , Maturity , Arena , Didn T Join , Number One , Behavior , Hate Jamal , Laughter , Phone , Body Camera , Officer , Snowplow Team , Under , Fridge , Feet , Sense , Wisconsin , Owosso , Courage , Humor , Service , Opportunity Penguin , Officer Fridge , Wausau , Pillow , Underneath , Body Cameras , Exclamation Point Pillow , Surfaces , The Five , Gutfeld , Dagen , Shipping , Made In The Usa , Snuggle , 25 Bucks , Orders , My Pillow , It , Landry Mat , Quarters , Stream Fox Nation , Ginger , Gear Bread House , Cubic Kel Out Into A General , Special Report , Bret Baier , Welcome To Washington , Series , Picture , Devastation , Midwest , Killer Tornadoes , 88 , Video Images , Kentucky , 74 ,

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