Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

only is it doing devastation but lifting other debris in that field and using it as weaponry as it keeps moving across the land. so you have these 200 miles an hour winds filled with this dangerous debris and little rattly like a blender where it's chewing up the landscape and the housing in there, which is what makes it so dangerous. to see the devastation that doesn't go on for block after block. goes on for mile after mile. it's stunning to see in these vivid images. we have seen this. we have seen these kinds of things throughout the years. but to the extent that we're looking at right now on the screen is really, you know, just stunning, sandra. >> going back to the governor's words just talking to us, saying the recovery efforts will be measured in years, not months. confirms of the 65 dead, the age ranges from just months old, a baby, that lost its life surrendered to injuries from the rubble to victims in their mid 80s. a nursing home was greatly affected by this. we have the live images but the stunning images not only thanks to the aerial images but the drones that are able the give us a quick view of just how much devastation there is on the ground there. it is not just kentucky. it's multistate. you're now looking at deaths of 79 across five states as a result of these storms. towns just gone as you heard from the governor. >> john: we're looking at mayfield, kentucky. mike tobin is on the ground in mayfield to give us a little bit more context and perspective of what he has seen from his vantage point. mike, what do you know? >> mostly what we know is the sound of heavy equipment at work. so much destruction. this is the first presbyterian church behind me. look at the brick and the matter that is down. a lot of twisted steel. you're talking about twisted steel and brick. you're not talking about trailer homes ripped apart. this should give you an idea of the force of the storm. look around this immediate area. one of the things you'll notice is a number of dump trucks from the department of highway. they're working in a system. they get filled up with this debris and take it somewhere, a couple of temporary dumps outside of town where this debris is being deposited. look past that where the back of the post office is. the mail trucks were obliterated. the bobcat moving them around. this is broadway. just up broadway right now, there's a rescue dog working from missouri task force one. they're working against hope and against the odds that despite freezing temperatures at night, there could be someone trapped in the void spaces. here in mayfield, we have talked with one particular business owner that had a restaurant. the restaurant structure was obliterated during the course of the storm. he says he will rebuild despite going easy on insurance payments because he didn't have the revenue because of the pandemic. here's the restaurant owner. looks like we don't have that sound bite. let's take you to some drone video. our fox new flight team is in mayfield very near where the water tower once stood. the water tower has been okay during the storm. the death toll is 64. a bright spot in terms of unaccounted people as we learned from the candle factory. just because they're unaccounted for doesn't mean they're victims. people have fallen out of touch. we have cell towers down, land lines down and people worried about the immediate problems, not necessarily worried about being counted. men time, all of this destruction. governor andy beshear promising people will rebuild because they don't have another choice. >> of the ones that we know, the age range is five months to 86 years. six are younger than 18. >> what is really remarkable, trace, you talked about it, with this tornado, generally what you see with a tornado is it bounces along. you can see where the destruction starts and where the destruction ends. what is really remarkable about this storm is the way it just grabbed a footprint and held on to it for 200-plus miles traveling to the northeast. this particular storm, you really can't see the beginning or end without getting in your car. that is remarkable. back to you. >> what is also remarkable, when we cover tornadoes for 25 years now, when we cover these things, we're always in short leaves and warm weather gear. these things happen in the spring, right? in the early spring and late spring. that's when the most devastating tornadoes are because what happens is you have this cold air front that collides with a warm air front and spawns off erratic weather. that's what we're seeing, this happened on the door step of winter, which is even more stunning. >> and it's more unfortunate for anyone who may be surviving in the rubble right now. you'd hope in the void spaces that they can stay warm and have access to water. when you have people trapped in the debris, the things you worry about are dehydration and the element. we know at night it's been getting below freezing temperatures. we're this close to christmas. looking at the live camera now. this does give you a good picture of the destruction that is as far as the eye can see. but what you see giving you hope is all the people that are lending a hand right now to try to get mayfield, kentucky back on its feet. >> trace mentioned the temperatures. unusual to have this in the colder temperatures. it's the issue for families that have lost so much, their homes in many cases. the residents are potentially without heat, water, electricity, amid frigid temperatures. could last weeks or longer. mike, one of the most beautiful things coming from a dark team for some many is those that come across state lines in many cases or from far away to help. i'm looking through. i'm seeing a story of a man that drove his truck, 1 1/2 hours with a grill and a truckload of food parked in the middle of mayfield, kentucky to serve the residents there sorting through the rubble. i'm sure you're hearing so many stories like that. people pitching in any way they can to help out their neighbors. >> what comes to mind is the quote from fred rogers. look at the giant scenes of destruction. look to the people that are helping. we don't have to look far in mayfield, kentucky. you can see the yellow shirts. they're backed up by people with the heavy equipment, the diggers, the loaders. the buildings are ripped apart. what you see in every shot as we showed the scenes of destruction, you have the people helping, sandra. >> sandra: mike tobin on the ground there. the live images we'll continue to see throughout the area. multiple states affected by the devastating storms. robert ray has been covering this for us. robert, we spoke to you. got an update last hour. such a horrific scene for so many that are walking around and seeing this devastation at this hours. what are you seeing where you are? >> yeah, sandra, this is right off of the main street in downtown mayfield, kentucky. my goodness, this is just a pocket where you can see, i have a collapsed building on both sides. bricks, wood, aluminum. you name it, it's here. these are well-built historic structure. some of them have been here 100 years and now gone. in the distance, you can hear chainsaws and machinery beginning the process of moving the rubble. that is the rubble that the search teams have gone through. they're looking for people that may be buried underneath this and hoping for a miracle, sandra. as we go to the end of day three after the aftermath of this tornado, i just -- it's getting bleaker by the moment and by the day. meanwhile, people in this region, sandra, are in a situation where they have no homes, no vehicles. some of them are just happy to be alive at this point. the consoling process has begun with friends, family and neighbors. people from around the country are starting to come in to give aid to many people that have lost everything. i spoke to a woman from ohio who is here to give hugs or any sort of psychological treatment or words that she can give to people. this is absolute devastation, sandra. i harken back to 2011, in may, during the joplin, missouri tornado. that classified as an ef-5. this is similar but on a larger scale because of the amount of loss of life and on top of that, not just this town hit. many towns across this region in kentucky, southern illinois, arkansas and tennessee. simply tragic on all levels, sandra. all you have to do is take a look here. it may be sunny and pretty out as far as the weather. it is nothing like that here on the ground. once that sun goes down, it guess very, very cold. in the early morning, it's difficult to do anything out here because of how chilly it is. the frost comes in. how strange? an event like this in the middle of december, just less than two weeks from christmas, sandra. >> robert, i know you have covered so many of these storms and seen such devastation over the years. your perspective means a long. thanks for your coverage. our best to those folks. prayers are needed and so much help is needed on the ground. we encourage our viewers to go to red cross and donate. thanks to our viewers for helping with this extended coverage. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. continuing coverage of breaking news with "the story" and martha maccallum after this. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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church right now. pastor fowler, things for being here with us. i do want to hear about what it looks like there now. take our listeners and viewer what's it was like during this. i believe you were in the basement in the church with your young family. >> yes, we were at home at first. we saw reports how bad the weather was getting. our church has a nice basement. it has a tunnel that connects two facilities on different sides of the street. we went down in to the tunnel area. we thought we would be fine. we heard the storm. we could tell things were getting very bad. the power went out. the storm is raging outside. you could hear it and feel it. the celling tiles in the tunnel starting going up and down violently and the room filled with dust and debris. i was with my youth pastor and his family. we got our families and pushed them against the wall. cody, my youth pastor, we got on top of our families to do our best to protect them. it was a very serious situation. >> martha: i cannot imagine how scary. what were you saying to your kids? they're 12, 8 and 6 years old. what were they saying and how did you keep them calm? >> i kept telling them that we're going to be okay, going to be okay. i promised everything is fine. in my mind i was thinking this not good. we might not be okay. but we -- our little girl was traumatized. she's the 8 year old. our 6-year-old was scared. and my son was concerned as well. my phone has been ringing off the hook. in that moment it was very scary, very serious. at the same time, it's worth saying if you'll let me, we had a peace about us. our faith is in the lord, our faith is in christ. even though it was scary and devastating, we had a unique peace because of our faith in the lord. >> martha: a lot of strength that you showed with your family and your kids lived through something that is just devastating especially when you hear about the children that were lost. andy beshear said six people were under the age of 18. we're sad for their families. we're grateful you survived. thanks for being here. so appreciative of you for giving us time today. please know we're thinking about you and this community and all of the communities that were devastated by this. it's unbelievable. we wish you all well. thank you so much, pastor. >> thank you. >> martha: you bet. take care. all right. we'll get back to that. but another story breaking today, the teenager that is accused of killing these four oxford high school michigan students, hannah st. juliana, madison baldwin was in court today. ethan crumbley, you can see in the middle of that right hand side there with the mask on, this is the 15-year-old who is accused of these heinous crimes. he's charged as an adult. several counts of murder and terrorism. the judge rejected his lawyer's request to move him out of an adult jail. the big headline today is the other lawyers outside of that proceeding are accusing school officials at oxford high school of destroying some of the evidence that came in prior to this killing. attorney geoffrey feiger represents two of the survivors and says the school new that the suspect was a clear threat to safety and he joins me now. good have you back on the program today. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: a lot going on here. i want to get to the heart of this. a lot of back and forth of what you're accusing them of destroying. the school says that the accusation that they have destroyed anything is false allegations, baseless reckless, totally irresponsible and school employees are receiving death threats and mr. feiger is throwing gas line on the fire with angry rhetoric. what is it you believe they're destroying here? >> we know what they have done. they have lawyered up right after we announced the filing of our federal lawsuit. many of the linkedin pages that identified the various administrators that we were utilizing to identify who may be culpable in this case were deleted. they were deleted intentionally. we notified the federal court of the deletions, which is improper under the rules. the court immediately issue and ex-parte injunction. i might add something you don't know after that hearing with ethan crumbley that you just referenced, we found out that the prosecutor has entered into an agreement with his lawyer to prohibit us, the parents and the attorney, me, who is representing the victims from obtaining evidence from the prosecutor or from ethan crumbley's lawyer. we believe that agreement, that protective order which they entered into is illegal and we're going to the court right now as we speak, the federal court, to prohibit that type of arrangement. we know for some reason the prosecutor wants to prohibit us from obtaining that evidence, which is absurd since it protects the school district. that is going on right now as we speak. >> martha: so the prosecutor in this case has entered into an agreement with crumbley's lawyers that none of the evidence that is being collected for their case will be available to you for your case. is that correct? >> that's correct. that's ridiculous since the prosecutor represents the people and i represent the people that have been hurt. >> martha: all right. so there's an e-mail -- the only thing that -- just to be clear, the only thing you're saying has been disappeared -- this was a big headline, that they were straying evidence. anything other than the linkedin accounts that are linked to the school officials? you're not talking about e-mails being destroyed or warnings of prior threats. you're not talking about anything along those lines, correct? >> we don't know. once you advise people to start deleting documents, these are electronic documents, that in itself is improper. we don't know the extent to which they're engaging in this activity. we need the court to make sure that they don't engage in that active. i can't tell you what they haven't done or haven't done because they haven't reveal it. we'll find out. the court was alarmed enough to enter an order to prohibit them from doing anything including deleting the linkedin pages. >> martha: there were e-mails from other parents, not the parents that you're recepting, the e-mails that came to the school said i know it's been investigated but my kid doesn't want to go back to school. those are in the days prior to the shooting. >> it was well-known. it was well-known. >> martha: thanks, attorney feiger. good to speak with you. >> thanks. >> martha: democrat senator joe manchin is about to speak with president biden. they'll have a phone call conversation. it's a really important conversation. president biden obviously needs joe manchin to come on board with this build back better transformative u.s. economy bill. it would transform entitlement in the country for a long time. here's what senator manchin said when he was asked about the growing coast, which is now estimated to be double, in the neighborhood of $5 trillion for this entitlement bill. here's what he said. >> senator graham said he had conversations with you. you said you were stunned by this modified cbo report that came out. >> a lot of people getting cross sections of true figures. we've seen figures that are high. the cbo infirmed it and that it came out higher. it's very sobering. >> very sobering those numbers. when we come back, we'll speak with karl rove and dr. robert redfield when "the story" continues. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. whosmy 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and is not inconsistent with what they believe. i'll do that hand discuss it afterwards. >> martha: right now we're waiting for that important conversation to take place and find out more after it does, which will be no doubt mostly about the senator's temperature on b.b.b., this multi-trillion dollar spending which the president has said will transform the economy of the united states. it will be enormously expansive of entitlement in the way we have never seen before. so manchin obviously is one of the last remaining obstacles in this build back better bill. so everybody is washing this very closely. let's bring in karl rove that is watching this with us this afternoon. former deputy chief of staff for george w. bush and a fox news contributor. karl, i'd like to play this quick sound bite from jen psaki. she was asked about this and the response was prickly about this cbo score, which doubled the cost of b.b.b. watch. >> it's important to understand that when you -- when anybody races a question about the new cbo score, it's a fake score about a bill that doesn't exist. we should really focus on the actual bill that everybody is going to vote on and consider in congress right now. >> martha: karl, hold that thought. mitch mcconnell on the floor talking about the kentucky tornadoes. >> rescue operations are ongoing. at least 40 employees were rescued initially. one was saved after being trapped under five feet of rubble for hours. the devastation there is absolute. the tornado was so powerful that it ripped 27 train cars off of their tracks and scattered them across a field. a family photograph that was picked up by the storm in dawson springs, kentucky was carried 30 miles by the wind. people have collected clothes and possessions that have been scattered. families were left to inspect the cinder blocks where their houses once stood. the cherry lights of christmas team have been replaced by distribute destruction. kentucky has been devastated. but we have not been defeated. kentuckians are resilient people, we will stay strong and united through the crisis. i'm incredibly grateful to the first responders that have been on the ground since is outset, the kentucky national guard, kentucky state police, sheriff's departments, city and local law enforcement, ems responders, doctors and nurses. quick thinking and self--less action save lives. hard hit communities are receiving an outpouring of support from across the common wealth and across the country. americans are coming together to donate food, blood and resources to those in need. many businesses have donated to assist the storms' victims. like many of my fellow kentuckians, i was touched by the support offered by the university of kentucky basketball team this past weekend. while visiting the university of notre dame, they let a deeply emotional moment of silence before their game saturday night. the team visited the school's grotto to light candles for storm victims and to pay for recovery. we're all praying alongside them. so madam president, kentucky's state motto is united we stands, divided we fall. right now we are standing shoulder to should and will not fail. at every level of government, kentucky's leaders have come together to coordinate and to provide aid. the end of the week, i'll travel to kentucky to meet with my constituents and visit the area of storms. my team is working nonstop to assure kentuckians get the help that they need. i worked with president biden and governor beshear to assure every resource possible is provided to our state. president biden cut through red tape to approve our request at an accelerated pace. providing the rapid support we need to recover. i'm especially grateful for the work of dhs secretary mayorkas and fema administrators that visited kentucky yesterday to survey damage and to help relief efforts. fema has already sent two incident management teams and urban search and rescue teams and an army corps temporary power team. they turned fort campbell for a staging group for vital relief and supplies. i could not be more grateful for their swift and decisive response to this crisis. even in the face of such tragedy, we can be competent that kentucky will bounce back. we're strong, we're united and we will come back bigger and better than ever than before. >> martha: all right. statement by mitch mcconnell of kentucky saying that it was the most devastating storm, tornado that he has seen in his lifetime and he's seen quite a few of them in kentucky over the course of the years. i want to bring in karl rove in. karl, obviously this is taking a lot of people's attention on capitol hill, especially from those states today. >> this is an extraordinary act of nature. kentucky has been walloped and walloped big. i think he's right. knowing what i know about kentuckians, they're going to rise to the moment and are rising to the moment. you can't look at that devastation and not feel something in your throat about how many people were put in danger and how many communities have been destroyed. >> martha: it's unbelievable. we'll see people back there in a few minutes. the only thing i can compare these shots is to a bombed area. it looks like it was bombed over 200 miles. it's devastating. our thoughts are with them. let me turn your attention if i may, the subject that we began with, which is the question of president biden meeting with joe manchin today. everybody is watching joe manchin, looking for any kind of indication where he is on this right now. where do you think he is on it right now if you can read the tea leaves, karl? >> i think he's on the opposite side of jen psaki that called the congressional budget office's report on friday of the enormous red ink with it phony. it's not phony. it's real. why? the existing cbo score is $1.7 trillion in spending of which up to $367 billion is in red ink. the real bill they say is 4.7 trillion in spending and $3.367 trillion in red ink. added to the national deficit. why? because of the gimmicks in the bill. this is what joe manchin has been concerned about all along. it has ten years of revenue. in the existing b.b.b. bill, it says we're going to pay for three programs for one year out of the ten years. we have one program to pay for for two years. nine programs for three years. one program for four, one for five and two programs we're going to set "various years of spending." which joe manchin is saying this is phony. tell us what the cost is if you fund it all ten years. not a single one of these programs does the administration says we're going to let it exist for one year. name me one democrat that says they will pay the child tax credit for one year. the administration doesn't believe it should be renewed. the democrats want this program in place and they say wait a minute. we're reasoning out of money and raise taxes or let it go to the deficit. joe manchin says enough is enough. >> martha: i laughed while you went through that. i was thinking about telling the bank you want a 30-year mortgage and not to worry that you can't afford it because you're going to pay the first few years. that deal doesn't work. 70% of american disapprove of president biden's handling of inflation. this came out in this poll. none of the numbers look good for the president right now. that is the face of it, karl. >> absolutely. look, people understand on some level that if the government goes out and spends money it doesn't have, two ways that they will get it. raise taxes and it's going to borrow it. when they borrow it, that drives up inflation. that's one of the reasons why we have inflation in our economy today. we have too much money chasing too few goods and being driven in large instances by the government running deficits year after year. >> martha: thanks, karl. >> you bet. >> martha: at noon on saturday, in the middle of the day, this happened at a luxury car dealership in chicago. we'll talk to the owner about the chase for those two people coming up and lawrence jones on the numbers for the president. we'll take you deeper into those and how he's handling crime, because that is one of the top concerns of voters. it's an important number to look at when we come back. 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>> i wasn't here when it happened. i came in about an hour later. i was unaware that it happened until i walked in. my guyses were all nervous and upset. they told me what happened. i saw the videos. i got upset when the three different news media were here. i was really amped up. i was angry. i was raising my voice. i made it clear that it was -- >> martha: i don't blame you. you said we're here to run a legitimate business, not a western shootout. you also said the city of chicago is going to lose all of the good stores like yours, right? >> i can't answer for the rest of them, but it passes my mind. i love chicago. first of all, let me say this, please. let me give a shot out to the chicago police department. they're not the problem. they're the solution. they're the greatest police force in the country as far as i'm concerned. their hands are tied. what is happening is there's no retribution. the criminals know that. they can smash and grab anything. we watch them do it. we can't do anything about it. they pull -- one had a gun at his side. he didn't point the gun at anyone. but we have some of our employees have gun carrying cards. i have one myself. we don't dare shoot a guy until he lifts again. i was happy and thankful he didn't do it. there were kids in here, people in here. i'm appalled and upset that they would come in on a saturday at noon or any time and broad daylight and be so brazen that they could do this. but they can only do this because they know that if they get caught, they get let out, there's no retribution. they go out as heros to their neighborhood that they can do whatever they want, hijack a car, rob people, steal their purses. this upset me dearly. i did not realize and i'm not naive but i did not realize that all over the nation they felt the way i did. i realize it now because i've been bombarded with calls from 6:00 yesterday morning until today. >> martha: joe -- >> all the people are so thankful that i'm -- >> martha: saying what they're feeling. i hear you. thanks very much, joe. >> i had no idea. >> martha: it was during the riots and now it's every saturday in the middle of the afternoon they'll bust your store up. thanks, joe, for being hered good to have you here today. now joining me on set, lawrence jones. go through my mind and i think about lori lightfoot saying these retailers really need to hire security folks. they have to do their part and hire security folks. >> so they can be sued? you pay taxes for a reason. joe is right. i've been talking about this for three years. this is before the pandemic. this is before the riots. it became an issue with these progressive das and judges that believe that nobody should be locked up, no one. they believe -- even if you're a criminal, if you commit murder, rape, anything like that, you should be let back out on the street. you know, joe is right from the sense that he didn't know that most of the country was going to be feeling this way. and i continue to say this during my reporting. that it never hits home until it hits home for you. this is coming across the entire nation. i was watching an interview by the mayor of dallas. dallas is extremely liberal. but homicides are going down. they didn't defund the police. they're supporting the men and women in blue. there's this narrative going around the country that we don't need cops. we tried it. we've seen what is happening to the country. if there's a case where civil liberties are violated, i'll be the first to report it. but if it's the old lady across the street or the fox news tree or if you're in a subway and they want to rape you and get away with it because law enforcement are not allowed to do their job. the das are doing nothing about it. >> martha: we'll see what happens in new york when eric adams come into office january 1. he will put the plain clothes police officers on the street again. these guys are not worried. if they think that guy is watching me, they'll have a different attitude. that's the way it's been in the past based on the numbers. i'm going to put these polls up real quick. get your thoughts on them. 61% disapprove president biden's handling of crime. they think this time next year will it be the same or worse. 47% say will be worse. >> they see it happening day to day. then you have jen psaki doing a press conference talking about them throwing money on it. it's not a money issue. it's crime. many people that are criminal justice reform advocates believe once people reform their lives that they should get a second opportunity. that's not what democrats or progressives are saying. they're saying release the people before they even reform their lives. you're not just letting society down but letting the criminal down because you never give them the opportunity to face the consequences. >> martha: most people grow up thinking there's a social contract. once you break it, if you steal things, push old people down, you don't get to live in society. you have to pay the price. that's not the mentality out there. >> we teach children this. parents do more than what our elected officialings are doing right now when it comes to criminals. >> martha: they have to step too. >> thanks. >> martha: so we're minutes now from another update from governor beshear in kentucky where 65 people have lost their lives and he believes that that toll is going to go higher. we'll go live after this. rs bale risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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(crowd) business! >> martha: so we do expect to hear from the kentucky governor in moments on the tornado the took the lives of 65 people in the last count. more than 100 people still missing. the rescue missions continue. the twister tore through arkansas and killed two people there. hunter davis from fox weather is live in arkansas for us. hi, hunter. >> hi, guys. we're standing inside one of the homes that was pretty severely damaged during the tornado that came through here. we know at least ef-3 damage was seen in this area. i want to introduce you to holly stevens. she took shelter with her husband and son in this closet during that storm. holly, first of all, so glad you're safe. >> thank you. >> tell me about that night. >> we were, you know, watching the weather. the first round came through. the second round came through. i got a text from a said said it was hit truman at 9:20. we go out on the porch at 9:06. it was lightning. the wind starts blowing. my husband says let's go, let's go. get in. we came in. justin grabs the dog and we get in this closet. within six before it hit. it was erie because we didn't hear any booms. there's trees around us down. we walk out here and that side of the house was gone. >> my photographer is showing people around your home right now. what was your reaction when you saw it? >> it was absolute shock. we were scared. we department know if another storm was coming through. so we actually got out that window. it was pouring rain. we were trying to get to my son's house. we didn't know what was going on and what was coming next. it was tough. really tough. but thank god -- by god's grace we're here. that's it. >> thanks. sear so glad that you're sharing your story and glad or kay. this ef-3 tornado damage came through here. every home on this street completely destroyed. the road is still blocked off because of all of the debris all over the road. back to you. >> martha: boy, what have they been through. unbelievable. in the middle of the devastation, a little sign of hope as a christmas tree is still standing. look at that. these poor people. this is bowling green, kentucky. that is "the story" for today. monday, december 13, 2021. see you back here tomorrow. "your world" is up next. have a good evening, everybody. >> neil: all right. thanks. we're awaiting developments that are happening fast and furious right now particular in kentucky. you heard 65 people have been killed in that state alone. 79 in total across half a dozen states. a swath of devastation unprecedented in the worst december for tornadoes in history, ever. we'll be analyzing that. we're supposed to get an update from governor beshear

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Need , Wealth , Americans , University Of Notre Dame , University Of Kentucky Basketball , Storm Victims , Grotto , Recovery , Candles , Saturday Night , Madam President , State Motto , Shoulder , Government , Level , Leaders , Constituents , The End , Resource , President , Red Tape , Damage , Fema , Dhs Secretary Mayorkas , Relief Efforts , Incident Management , Army Corps Temporary Power Team , Urban Search And Rescue , Staging Group , Supplies , Relief , Fort Campbell , Face , Tragedy , Statement , Attention , Few , Lifetime , Walloped , Act , Nature , Capitol Hill , Walloped Big , Throat , Shots , Danger , Thoughts , Subject , Biden Meeting , Kind , Tea Leaves , Indication , Spending , Red Ink , It Phony , 7 Trillion , 1 7 Trillion , Ink , 67 Billion , 4 7 Trillion , 367 Trillion , 367 Billion , 3 367 Trillion , Programs , Deficit , Bbb Bill , Gimmicks , Nine , Administration , Democrats , Child Tax Credit , Money , Taxes , Mortgage , Disapprove , Deal Doesn T , 70 , Handling , 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Reporting , Sense , Police , Homicides , Mayor , Dallas , Liberties , Narrative , Cops , Men And Women In Blue , First , Street , Tree , Subway , Lady , Das , Police Officers , Eric Adams , New York , January 1 , Guys , Polls , Attitude , Say , 47 , 61 , Doing A Press Conference , Money Issue , Justice , Reform , Society , Opportunity , Progressives , Social Contract , Consequences , Price , Mentality , Officialings , Toll , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Bale , Windshield , Experts , Man , Gold , My Truck Is Livelihood , Girl , Service , Psoriatic Arthritis , Psoriasis , Walking , Symptoms , Cosentyx , Infections , Infection , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Plans , 5g , Hotspot Data , Data , Vo , Anywhere , Verizon , Concourse , Business Expert , Clients , Stuff , Appointment , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Low , Crowd , 0 , Rescue Missions , Count , Twister , Hi , Hunter Davis , Hunter , Husband , Shelter , Holly Stevens , Closet , Round , Text , Lightning , Porch , 06 , 9 , 20 , It Hit , Dog , Let S Go , Justin , Trees , Photographer , House , Booms , Down , Shock , We Department Know , Window , Rain , God , Sear , Grace , Road , Tornado Damage , Kay , Christmas Tree , Sign , Bowling Green , Unbelievable , Evening , Monday , Neil , Monday December 13 2021 , 2021 , 13 , Developments , Fast And Furious , December , Half , Swath , History ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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only is it doing devastation but lifting other debris in that field and using it as weaponry as it keeps moving across the land. so you have these 200 miles an hour winds filled with this dangerous debris and little rattly like a blender where it's chewing up the landscape and the housing in there, which is what makes it so dangerous. to see the devastation that doesn't go on for block after block. goes on for mile after mile. it's stunning to see in these vivid images. we have seen this. we have seen these kinds of things throughout the years. but to the extent that we're looking at right now on the screen is really, you know, just stunning, sandra. >> going back to the governor's words just talking to us, saying the recovery efforts will be measured in years, not months. confirms of the 65 dead, the age ranges from just months old, a baby, that lost its life surrendered to injuries from the rubble to victims in their mid 80s. a nursing home was greatly affected by this. we have the live images but the stunning images not only thanks to the aerial images but the drones that are able the give us a quick view of just how much devastation there is on the ground there. it is not just kentucky. it's multistate. you're now looking at deaths of 79 across five states as a result of these storms. towns just gone as you heard from the governor. >> john: we're looking at mayfield, kentucky. mike tobin is on the ground in mayfield to give us a little bit more context and perspective of what he has seen from his vantage point. mike, what do you know? >> mostly what we know is the sound of heavy equipment at work. so much destruction. this is the first presbyterian church behind me. look at the brick and the matter that is down. a lot of twisted steel. you're talking about twisted steel and brick. you're not talking about trailer homes ripped apart. this should give you an idea of the force of the storm. look around this immediate area. one of the things you'll notice is a number of dump trucks from the department of highway. they're working in a system. they get filled up with this debris and take it somewhere, a couple of temporary dumps outside of town where this debris is being deposited. look past that where the back of the post office is. the mail trucks were obliterated. the bobcat moving them around. this is broadway. just up broadway right now, there's a rescue dog working from missouri task force one. they're working against hope and against the odds that despite freezing temperatures at night, there could be someone trapped in the void spaces. here in mayfield, we have talked with one particular business owner that had a restaurant. the restaurant structure was obliterated during the course of the storm. he says he will rebuild despite going easy on insurance payments because he didn't have the revenue because of the pandemic. here's the restaurant owner. looks like we don't have that sound bite. let's take you to some drone video. our fox new flight team is in mayfield very near where the water tower once stood. the water tower has been okay during the storm. the death toll is 64. a bright spot in terms of unaccounted people as we learned from the candle factory. just because they're unaccounted for doesn't mean they're victims. people have fallen out of touch. we have cell towers down, land lines down and people worried about the immediate problems, not necessarily worried about being counted. men time, all of this destruction. governor andy beshear promising people will rebuild because they don't have another choice. >> of the ones that we know, the age range is five months to 86 years. six are younger than 18. >> what is really remarkable, trace, you talked about it, with this tornado, generally what you see with a tornado is it bounces along. you can see where the destruction starts and where the destruction ends. what is really remarkable about this storm is the way it just grabbed a footprint and held on to it for 200-plus miles traveling to the northeast. this particular storm, you really can't see the beginning or end without getting in your car. that is remarkable. back to you. >> what is also remarkable, when we cover tornadoes for 25 years now, when we cover these things, we're always in short leaves and warm weather gear. these things happen in the spring, right? in the early spring and late spring. that's when the most devastating tornadoes are because what happens is you have this cold air front that collides with a warm air front and spawns off erratic weather. that's what we're seeing, this happened on the door step of winter, which is even more stunning. >> and it's more unfortunate for anyone who may be surviving in the rubble right now. you'd hope in the void spaces that they can stay warm and have access to water. when you have people trapped in the debris, the things you worry about are dehydration and the element. we know at night it's been getting below freezing temperatures. we're this close to christmas. looking at the live camera now. this does give you a good picture of the destruction that is as far as the eye can see. but what you see giving you hope is all the people that are lending a hand right now to try to get mayfield, kentucky back on its feet. >> trace mentioned the temperatures. unusual to have this in the colder temperatures. it's the issue for families that have lost so much, their homes in many cases. the residents are potentially without heat, water, electricity, amid frigid temperatures. could last weeks or longer. mike, one of the most beautiful things coming from a dark team for some many is those that come across state lines in many cases or from far away to help. i'm looking through. i'm seeing a story of a man that drove his truck, 1 1/2 hours with a grill and a truckload of food parked in the middle of mayfield, kentucky to serve the residents there sorting through the rubble. i'm sure you're hearing so many stories like that. people pitching in any way they can to help out their neighbors. >> what comes to mind is the quote from fred rogers. look at the giant scenes of destruction. look to the people that are helping. we don't have to look far in mayfield, kentucky. you can see the yellow shirts. they're backed up by people with the heavy equipment, the diggers, the loaders. the buildings are ripped apart. what you see in every shot as we showed the scenes of destruction, you have the people helping, sandra. >> sandra: mike tobin on the ground there. the live images we'll continue to see throughout the area. multiple states affected by the devastating storms. robert ray has been covering this for us. robert, we spoke to you. got an update last hour. such a horrific scene for so many that are walking around and seeing this devastation at this hours. what are you seeing where you are? >> yeah, sandra, this is right off of the main street in downtown mayfield, kentucky. my goodness, this is just a pocket where you can see, i have a collapsed building on both sides. bricks, wood, aluminum. you name it, it's here. these are well-built historic structure. some of them have been here 100 years and now gone. in the distance, you can hear chainsaws and machinery beginning the process of moving the rubble. that is the rubble that the search teams have gone through. they're looking for people that may be buried underneath this and hoping for a miracle, sandra. as we go to the end of day three after the aftermath of this tornado, i just -- it's getting bleaker by the moment and by the day. meanwhile, people in this region, sandra, are in a situation where they have no homes, no vehicles. some of them are just happy to be alive at this point. the consoling process has begun with friends, family and neighbors. people from around the country are starting to come in to give aid to many people that have lost everything. i spoke to a woman from ohio who is here to give hugs or any sort of psychological treatment or words that she can give to people. this is absolute devastation, sandra. i harken back to 2011, in may, during the joplin, missouri tornado. that classified as an ef-5. this is similar but on a larger scale because of the amount of loss of life and on top of that, not just this town hit. many towns across this region in kentucky, southern illinois, arkansas and tennessee. simply tragic on all levels, sandra. all you have to do is take a look here. it may be sunny and pretty out as far as the weather. it is nothing like that here on the ground. once that sun goes down, it guess very, very cold. in the early morning, it's difficult to do anything out here because of how chilly it is. the frost comes in. how strange? an event like this in the middle of december, just less than two weeks from christmas, sandra. >> robert, i know you have covered so many of these storms and seen such devastation over the years. your perspective means a long. thanks for your coverage. our best to those folks. prayers are needed and so much help is needed on the ground. we encourage our viewers to go to red cross and donate. thanks to our viewers for helping with this extended coverage. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. continuing coverage of breaking news with "the story" and martha maccallum after this. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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church right now. pastor fowler, things for being here with us. i do want to hear about what it looks like there now. take our listeners and viewer what's it was like during this. i believe you were in the basement in the church with your young family. >> yes, we were at home at first. we saw reports how bad the weather was getting. our church has a nice basement. it has a tunnel that connects two facilities on different sides of the street. we went down in to the tunnel area. we thought we would be fine. we heard the storm. we could tell things were getting very bad. the power went out. the storm is raging outside. you could hear it and feel it. the celling tiles in the tunnel starting going up and down violently and the room filled with dust and debris. i was with my youth pastor and his family. we got our families and pushed them against the wall. cody, my youth pastor, we got on top of our families to do our best to protect them. it was a very serious situation. >> martha: i cannot imagine how scary. what were you saying to your kids? they're 12, 8 and 6 years old. what were they saying and how did you keep them calm? >> i kept telling them that we're going to be okay, going to be okay. i promised everything is fine. in my mind i was thinking this not good. we might not be okay. but we -- our little girl was traumatized. she's the 8 year old. our 6-year-old was scared. and my son was concerned as well. my phone has been ringing off the hook. in that moment it was very scary, very serious. at the same time, it's worth saying if you'll let me, we had a peace about us. our faith is in the lord, our faith is in christ. even though it was scary and devastating, we had a unique peace because of our faith in the lord. >> martha: a lot of strength that you showed with your family and your kids lived through something that is just devastating especially when you hear about the children that were lost. andy beshear said six people were under the age of 18. we're sad for their families. we're grateful you survived. thanks for being here. so appreciative of you for giving us time today. please know we're thinking about you and this community and all of the communities that were devastated by this. it's unbelievable. we wish you all well. thank you so much, pastor. >> thank you. >> martha: you bet. take care. all right. we'll get back to that. but another story breaking today, the teenager that is accused of killing these four oxford high school michigan students, hannah st. juliana, madison baldwin was in court today. ethan crumbley, you can see in the middle of that right hand side there with the mask on, this is the 15-year-old who is accused of these heinous crimes. he's charged as an adult. several counts of murder and terrorism. the judge rejected his lawyer's request to move him out of an adult jail. the big headline today is the other lawyers outside of that proceeding are accusing school officials at oxford high school of destroying some of the evidence that came in prior to this killing. attorney geoffrey feiger represents two of the survivors and says the school new that the suspect was a clear threat to safety and he joins me now. good have you back on the program today. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: a lot going on here. i want to get to the heart of this. a lot of back and forth of what you're accusing them of destroying. the school says that the accusation that they have destroyed anything is false allegations, baseless reckless, totally irresponsible and school employees are receiving death threats and mr. feiger is throwing gas line on the fire with angry rhetoric. what is it you believe they're destroying here? >> we know what they have done. they have lawyered up right after we announced the filing of our federal lawsuit. many of the linkedin pages that identified the various administrators that we were utilizing to identify who may be culpable in this case were deleted. they were deleted intentionally. we notified the federal court of the deletions, which is improper under the rules. the court immediately issue and ex-parte injunction. i might add something you don't know after that hearing with ethan crumbley that you just referenced, we found out that the prosecutor has entered into an agreement with his lawyer to prohibit us, the parents and the attorney, me, who is representing the victims from obtaining evidence from the prosecutor or from ethan crumbley's lawyer. we believe that agreement, that protective order which they entered into is illegal and we're going to the court right now as we speak, the federal court, to prohibit that type of arrangement. we know for some reason the prosecutor wants to prohibit us from obtaining that evidence, which is absurd since it protects the school district. that is going on right now as we speak. >> martha: so the prosecutor in this case has entered into an agreement with crumbley's lawyers that none of the evidence that is being collected for their case will be available to you for your case. is that correct? >> that's correct. that's ridiculous since the prosecutor represents the people and i represent the people that have been hurt. >> martha: all right. so there's an e-mail -- the only thing that -- just to be clear, the only thing you're saying has been disappeared -- this was a big headline, that they were straying evidence. anything other than the linkedin accounts that are linked to the school officials? you're not talking about e-mails being destroyed or warnings of prior threats. you're not talking about anything along those lines, correct? >> we don't know. once you advise people to start deleting documents, these are electronic documents, that in itself is improper. we don't know the extent to which they're engaging in this activity. we need the court to make sure that they don't engage in that active. i can't tell you what they haven't done or haven't done because they haven't reveal it. we'll find out. the court was alarmed enough to enter an order to prohibit them from doing anything including deleting the linkedin pages. >> martha: there were e-mails from other parents, not the parents that you're recepting, the e-mails that came to the school said i know it's been investigated but my kid doesn't want to go back to school. those are in the days prior to the shooting. >> it was well-known. it was well-known. >> martha: thanks, attorney feiger. good to speak with you. >> thanks. >> martha: democrat senator joe manchin is about to speak with president biden. they'll have a phone call conversation. it's a really important conversation. president biden obviously needs joe manchin to come on board with this build back better transformative u.s. economy bill. it would transform entitlement in the country for a long time. here's what senator manchin said when he was asked about the growing coast, which is now estimated to be double, in the neighborhood of $5 trillion for this entitlement bill. here's what he said. >> senator graham said he had conversations with you. you said you were stunned by this modified cbo report that came out. >> a lot of people getting cross sections of true figures. we've seen figures that are high. the cbo infirmed it and that it came out higher. it's very sobering. >> very sobering those numbers. when we come back, we'll speak with karl rove and dr. robert redfield when "the story" continues. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. whosmy 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and is not inconsistent with what they believe. i'll do that hand discuss it afterwards. >> martha: right now we're waiting for that important conversation to take place and find out more after it does, which will be no doubt mostly about the senator's temperature on b.b.b., this multi-trillion dollar spending which the president has said will transform the economy of the united states. it will be enormously expansive of entitlement in the way we have never seen before. so manchin obviously is one of the last remaining obstacles in this build back better bill. so everybody is washing this very closely. let's bring in karl rove that is watching this with us this afternoon. former deputy chief of staff for george w. bush and a fox news contributor. karl, i'd like to play this quick sound bite from jen psaki. she was asked about this and the response was prickly about this cbo score, which doubled the cost of b.b.b. watch. >> it's important to understand that when you -- when anybody races a question about the new cbo score, it's a fake score about a bill that doesn't exist. we should really focus on the actual bill that everybody is going to vote on and consider in congress right now. >> martha: karl, hold that thought. mitch mcconnell on the floor talking about the kentucky tornadoes. >> rescue operations are ongoing. at least 40 employees were rescued initially. one was saved after being trapped under five feet of rubble for hours. the devastation there is absolute. the tornado was so powerful that it ripped 27 train cars off of their tracks and scattered them across a field. a family photograph that was picked up by the storm in dawson springs, kentucky was carried 30 miles by the wind. people have collected clothes and possessions that have been scattered. families were left to inspect the cinder blocks where their houses once stood. the cherry lights of christmas team have been replaced by distribute destruction. kentucky has been devastated. but we have not been defeated. kentuckians are resilient people, we will stay strong and united through the crisis. i'm incredibly grateful to the first responders that have been on the ground since is outset, the kentucky national guard, kentucky state police, sheriff's departments, city and local law enforcement, ems responders, doctors and nurses. quick thinking and self--less action save lives. hard hit communities are receiving an outpouring of support from across the common wealth and across the country. americans are coming together to donate food, blood and resources to those in need. many businesses have donated to assist the storms' victims. like many of my fellow kentuckians, i was touched by the support offered by the university of kentucky basketball team this past weekend. while visiting the university of notre dame, they let a deeply emotional moment of silence before their game saturday night. the team visited the school's grotto to light candles for storm victims and to pay for recovery. we're all praying alongside them. so madam president, kentucky's state motto is united we stands, divided we fall. right now we are standing shoulder to should and will not fail. at every level of government, kentucky's leaders have come together to coordinate and to provide aid. the end of the week, i'll travel to kentucky to meet with my constituents and visit the area of storms. my team is working nonstop to assure kentuckians get the help that they need. i worked with president biden and governor beshear to assure every resource possible is provided to our state. president biden cut through red tape to approve our request at an accelerated pace. providing the rapid support we need to recover. i'm especially grateful for the work of dhs secretary mayorkas and fema administrators that visited kentucky yesterday to survey damage and to help relief efforts. fema has already sent two incident management teams and urban search and rescue teams and an army corps temporary power team. they turned fort campbell for a staging group for vital relief and supplies. i could not be more grateful for their swift and decisive response to this crisis. even in the face of such tragedy, we can be competent that kentucky will bounce back. we're strong, we're united and we will come back bigger and better than ever than before. >> martha: all right. statement by mitch mcconnell of kentucky saying that it was the most devastating storm, tornado that he has seen in his lifetime and he's seen quite a few of them in kentucky over the course of the years. i want to bring in karl rove in. karl, obviously this is taking a lot of people's attention on capitol hill, especially from those states today. >> this is an extraordinary act of nature. kentucky has been walloped and walloped big. i think he's right. knowing what i know about kentuckians, they're going to rise to the moment and are rising to the moment. you can't look at that devastation and not feel something in your throat about how many people were put in danger and how many communities have been destroyed. >> martha: it's unbelievable. we'll see people back there in a few minutes. the only thing i can compare these shots is to a bombed area. it looks like it was bombed over 200 miles. it's devastating. our thoughts are with them. let me turn your attention if i may, the subject that we began with, which is the question of president biden meeting with joe manchin today. everybody is watching joe manchin, looking for any kind of indication where he is on this right now. where do you think he is on it right now if you can read the tea leaves, karl? >> i think he's on the opposite side of jen psaki that called the congressional budget office's report on friday of the enormous red ink with it phony. it's not phony. it's real. why? the existing cbo score is $1.7 trillion in spending of which up to $367 billion is in red ink. the real bill they say is 4.7 trillion in spending and $3.367 trillion in red ink. added to the national deficit. why? because of the gimmicks in the bill. this is what joe manchin has been concerned about all along. it has ten years of revenue. in the existing b.b.b. bill, it says we're going to pay for three programs for one year out of the ten years. we have one program to pay for for two years. nine programs for three years. one program for four, one for five and two programs we're going to set "various years of spending." which joe manchin is saying this is phony. tell us what the cost is if you fund it all ten years. not a single one of these programs does the administration says we're going to let it exist for one year. name me one democrat that says they will pay the child tax credit for one year. the administration doesn't believe it should be renewed. the democrats want this program in place and they say wait a minute. we're reasoning out of money and raise taxes or let it go to the deficit. joe manchin says enough is enough. >> martha: i laughed while you went through that. i was thinking about telling the bank you want a 30-year mortgage and not to worry that you can't afford it because you're going to pay the first few years. that deal doesn't work. 70% of american disapprove of president biden's handling of inflation. this came out in this poll. none of the numbers look good for the president right now. that is the face of it, karl. >> absolutely. look, people understand on some level that if the government goes out and spends money it doesn't have, two ways that they will get it. raise taxes and it's going to borrow it. when they borrow it, that drives up inflation. that's one of the reasons why we have inflation in our economy today. we have too much money chasing too few goods and being driven in large instances by the government running deficits year after year. >> martha: thanks, karl. >> you bet. >> martha: at noon on saturday, in the middle of the day, this happened at a luxury car dealership in chicago. we'll talk to the owner about the chase for those two people coming up and lawrence jones on the numbers for the president. we'll take you deeper into those and how he's handling crime, because that is one of the top concerns of voters. it's an important number to look at when we come back. 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>> i wasn't here when it happened. i came in about an hour later. i was unaware that it happened until i walked in. my guyses were all nervous and upset. they told me what happened. i saw the videos. i got upset when the three different news media were here. i was really amped up. i was angry. i was raising my voice. i made it clear that it was -- >> martha: i don't blame you. you said we're here to run a legitimate business, not a western shootout. you also said the city of chicago is going to lose all of the good stores like yours, right? >> i can't answer for the rest of them, but it passes my mind. i love chicago. first of all, let me say this, please. let me give a shot out to the chicago police department. they're not the problem. they're the solution. they're the greatest police force in the country as far as i'm concerned. their hands are tied. what is happening is there's no retribution. the criminals know that. they can smash and grab anything. we watch them do it. we can't do anything about it. they pull -- one had a gun at his side. he didn't point the gun at anyone. but we have some of our employees have gun carrying cards. i have one myself. we don't dare shoot a guy until he lifts again. i was happy and thankful he didn't do it. there were kids in here, people in here. i'm appalled and upset that they would come in on a saturday at noon or any time and broad daylight and be so brazen that they could do this. but they can only do this because they know that if they get caught, they get let out, there's no retribution. they go out as heros to their neighborhood that they can do whatever they want, hijack a car, rob people, steal their purses. this upset me dearly. i did not realize and i'm not naive but i did not realize that all over the nation they felt the way i did. i realize it now because i've been bombarded with calls from 6:00 yesterday morning until today. >> martha: joe -- >> all the people are so thankful that i'm -- >> martha: saying what they're feeling. i hear you. thanks very much, joe. >> i had no idea. >> martha: it was during the riots and now it's every saturday in the middle of the afternoon they'll bust your store up. thanks, joe, for being hered good to have you here today. now joining me on set, lawrence jones. go through my mind and i think about lori lightfoot saying these retailers really need to hire security folks. they have to do their part and hire security folks. >> so they can be sued? you pay taxes for a reason. joe is right. i've been talking about this for three years. this is before the pandemic. this is before the riots. it became an issue with these progressive das and judges that believe that nobody should be locked up, no one. they believe -- even if you're a criminal, if you commit murder, rape, anything like that, you should be let back out on the street. you know, joe is right from the sense that he didn't know that most of the country was going to be feeling this way. and i continue to say this during my reporting. that it never hits home until it hits home for you. this is coming across the entire nation. i was watching an interview by the mayor of dallas. dallas is extremely liberal. but homicides are going down. they didn't defund the police. they're supporting the men and women in blue. there's this narrative going around the country that we don't need cops. we tried it. we've seen what is happening to the country. if there's a case where civil liberties are violated, i'll be the first to report it. but if it's the old lady across the street or the fox news tree or if you're in a subway and they want to rape you and get away with it because law enforcement are not allowed to do their job. the das are doing nothing about it. >> martha: we'll see what happens in new york when eric adams come into office january 1. he will put the plain clothes police officers on the street again. these guys are not worried. if they think that guy is watching me, they'll have a different attitude. that's the way it's been in the past based on the numbers. i'm going to put these polls up real quick. get your thoughts on them. 61% disapprove president biden's handling of crime. they think this time next year will it be the same or worse. 47% say will be worse. >> they see it happening day to day. then you have jen psaki doing a press conference talking about them throwing money on it. it's not a money issue. it's crime. many people that are criminal justice reform advocates believe once people reform their lives that they should get a second opportunity. that's not what democrats or progressives are saying. they're saying release the people before they even reform their lives. you're not just letting society down but letting the criminal down because you never give them the opportunity to face the consequences. >> martha: most people grow up thinking there's a social contract. once you break it, if you steal things, push old people down, you don't get to live in society. you have to pay the price. that's not the mentality out there. >> we teach children this. parents do more than what our elected officialings are doing right now when it comes to criminals. >> martha: they have to step too. >> thanks. >> martha: so we're minutes now from another update from governor beshear in kentucky where 65 people have lost their lives and he believes that that toll is going to go higher. we'll go live after this. rs bale risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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(crowd) business! >> martha: so we do expect to hear from the kentucky governor in moments on the tornado the took the lives of 65 people in the last count. more than 100 people still missing. the rescue missions continue. the twister tore through arkansas and killed two people there. hunter davis from fox weather is live in arkansas for us. hi, hunter. >> hi, guys. we're standing inside one of the homes that was pretty severely damaged during the tornado that came through here. we know at least ef-3 damage was seen in this area. i want to introduce you to holly stevens. she took shelter with her husband and son in this closet during that storm. holly, first of all, so glad you're safe. >> thank you. >> tell me about that night. >> we were, you know, watching the weather. the first round came through. the second round came through. i got a text from a said said it was hit truman at 9:20. we go out on the porch at 9:06. it was lightning. the wind starts blowing. my husband says let's go, let's go. get in. we came in. justin grabs the dog and we get in this closet. within six before it hit. it was erie because we didn't hear any booms. there's trees around us down. we walk out here and that side of the house was gone. >> my photographer is showing people around your home right now. what was your reaction when you saw it? >> it was absolute shock. we were scared. we department know if another storm was coming through. so we actually got out that window. it was pouring rain. we were trying to get to my son's house. we didn't know what was going on and what was coming next. it was tough. really tough. but thank god -- by god's grace we're here. that's it. >> thanks. sear so glad that you're sharing your story and glad or kay. this ef-3 tornado damage came through here. every home on this street completely destroyed. the road is still blocked off because of all of the debris all over the road. back to you. >> martha: boy, what have they been through. unbelievable. in the middle of the devastation, a little sign of hope as a christmas tree is still standing. look at that. these poor people. this is bowling green, kentucky. that is "the story" for today. monday, december 13, 2021. see you back here tomorrow. "your world" is up next. have a good evening, everybody. >> neil: all right. thanks. we're awaiting developments that are happening fast and furious right now particular in kentucky. you heard 65 people have been killed in that state alone. 79 in total across half a dozen states. a swath of devastation unprecedented in the worst december for tornadoes in history, ever. we'll be analyzing that. we're supposed to get an update from governor beshear

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Diggers , Loaders , Robert Ray , Scene , Sides , Goodness , Building , Pocket , Bricks , Wood , Main Street , Aluminum , Distance , Machinery , Structure , 100 , Teams , Process , Miracle , Three , Situation , Region , Aftermath , Vehicles , Everything , Aid , Point , Friends , Consoling Process , Woman , Sort , Treatment , Hugs , Ohio , May , 2011 , Amount , Town Hit , Top , Scale , Loss , Missouri , Ef 5 , Joplin , 5 , Arkansas , Look , Levels , Tennessee , Southern Illinois , Anything , Nothing , Frost , Event , Sun Goes Down , Coverage , Christmas , Two , Help , Viewers , Folks , Prayers , Red Cross , The Story , Breaking News , Martha Maccallum , World , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Pay , Gasps , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes Liberty , Zone , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , 2 , 17 , Game , Weight , Cv Risk , Risk , Adults , Death , Events , Heart Disease , Heart Attack , Stroke , 7 , 12 , I Don T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Isn T , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Share , Reuse , Pens , 1 , Side Effects , Reaction , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Swelling , Vision Problems , Changes , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Type 2 Diabetes , Health Care Provider , Prescription , 3 , Businesses , Gift , Business , Deal , Comcast Business , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , 500 , 00 , Voice , Network , Internet , Price Guarantee , Savings , Possibilities , Gig Speeds , Bundles , 4 99 , 64 99 , Martha , Problem , Control Room , Hello , Drone Footage , News , Audio Board , 11 , Story , Powerful , Nowhere , Path , Ariels , Killer , Air , Airplanes Fly , 30000 , Pastor Wes Fowler , Church , Hit , First Baptist Church , Basement , Viewer , Listeners , Tunnel , Yes , The Street , Facilities , Power , Outside , Tiles , Room , Youth Pastor , Cody , Best , Dust , Kids , 8 , 6 , Mind , Little Girl , Fine , Son , Phone , Old , Faith , Peace , Lord , Hook , Ringing , Something , Devastating , Strength , Christ , Children , Age , Communities , Community , Story Breaking Today , Pastor , Oxford High School , Teenager , Take Care , You Bet , Four , Students , Michigan , Juliana , Hannah St , Madison Baldwin , Side , Ethan Crumbley , Mask , 15 , Lawyer , Judge , Murder , Headline , Request , Counts , Crimes , Adult , Terrorism , Adult Jail , Geoffrey Feiger , Evidence , School Officials , Lawyers , Proceeding , Killing , The School , Program , Safety , Threat , Suspect , Survivors , Destroying , Heart , Allegations , Accusation , Baseless Reckless , Employees , Gas Line , Death Threats , Mr , Rhetoric , Fire , Administrators , Linkedin , Filing , Lawsuit , Case , Federal Court , Rules , Deletions , Prosecutor , Injunction , Parents , Agreement , Order , Type , Arrangement , Reason , School District , None , Straying Evidence , E Mail , Saying , Hurt , E Mails , Documents , Lines , Threats , Warnings , Or Haven T , Haven T , Recepting , Pages , Me One Democrat , Back To School , Shooting , Kid , Attorney Feiger , Senator Manchin , Biden , Conversation , Build , Phone Call Conversation , Bill , Economy , Entitlement , Neighborhood , Double , Coast , 5 Trillion , Trillion , Cbo , Report , Graham , Entitlement Bill , Conversations , Figures , Sections , Cbo Infirmed , Numbers , Safelite , Job , Karl Rove , Career , Opportunities , Dr , Lots , Robert Redfield , Singers , Safelite Repair , Shortlist , Project Managers , Song , Projects , Difference , Candidates , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Stop Trulicity , Blood Sugar , Change , Daughter , Whosmy , Hasdeed Matctype 2 Diabeteseria , Dose , It Isn T , Use , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Ten , Doctor , Vision , Taking Trulicity , Diabetic Retinopathy , Photos , County Of Macomb , Ancestors , Wow , Lorraine Banks , Home , Homeowners , Journey , Value , Boost , Oh My Goodness , Newday 100 Va Loan , 0000 , 60000 , More , Values , Highs , Home Equity , Veteran , Veterans , Call , Rates , Lows , Calling Newday , Cash , Pace , Bank , Advantage , Security , Pool , Kitchen , Grandkids , Governors , House Members , Senators , Question Inaudible , Official , Makes , Dollar Spending , Place , Temperature , Bbb , No Doubt , Everybody , So Manchin , Obstacles , Fox News , Contributor , Deputy Chief Of Staff , George W Bush , Cost , Jen Psaki , Score , Response , Question , Anybody , Mitch Mcconnell , Thought , Floor , Congress , Rescue Operations , 40 , Train Cars , Tracks , 27 , Family Photograph , Dawson Springs , 30 , Clothes , Wind , Cinder Blocks , Houses , Cherry Lights , Possessions , Kentuckians , Crisis , Outset , Responders , Departments , City , Kentucky State Police , Kentucky National Guard , Sheriff , Law Enforcement , Support , Lives , Doctors , Ems Responders , Hit Communities , Nurses , Outpouring , Self , Action Save , Resources , Blood , Need , Wealth , Americans , University Of Notre Dame , University Of Kentucky Basketball , Storm Victims , Grotto , Recovery , Candles , Saturday Night , Madam President , State Motto , Shoulder , Government , Level , Leaders , Constituents , The End , Resource , President , Red Tape , Damage , Fema , Dhs Secretary Mayorkas , Relief Efforts , Incident Management , Army Corps Temporary Power Team , Urban Search And Rescue , Staging Group , Supplies , Relief , Fort Campbell , Face , Tragedy , Statement , Attention , Few , Lifetime , Walloped , Act , Nature , Capitol Hill , Walloped Big , Throat , Shots , Danger , Thoughts , Subject , Biden Meeting , Kind , Tea Leaves , Indication , Spending , Red Ink , It Phony , 7 Trillion , 1 7 Trillion , Ink , 67 Billion , 4 7 Trillion , 367 Trillion , 367 Billion , 3 367 Trillion , Programs , Deficit , Bbb Bill , Gimmicks , Nine , Administration , Democrats , Child Tax Credit , Money , Taxes , Mortgage , Disapprove , Deal Doesn T , 70 , Handling , Inflation , Doesn T Have , Poll , Ways , Goods , Reasons , Instances , Car Dealership , Running Deficits , Noon On Saturday , Crime , Chicago , Lawrence Jones , Owner , Concerns , Chase , Voters , Music , Dream , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Fly Away , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 10 , Migraine , Pill , Serena , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Smash And Grab , Here We Go Again , Wallets , Hammer , Friend , Running , Over , Guy Walks In , Christmas Shopping , Set , Joe Pirillo , Video , Guyses , Videos , News Media , Stores , Western Shootout , Answer , Rest , Chicago Police Department , Retribution , Criminals , Hands , Happening , Police Force , Grab , Solution , Gun , Gun Carrying Cards , Guy , Saturday , Rob People , Heros , Purses , Upset , Nation , Calls , Riots , Feeling , Store , Hered Good , Security Folks , Part , Retailers , Judges , Criminal , No One , Nobody , Rape , Progressive Das , Most , Reporting , Sense , Police , Homicides , Mayor , Dallas , Liberties , Narrative , Cops , Men And Women In Blue , First , Street , Tree , Subway , Lady , Das , Police Officers , Eric Adams , New York , January 1 , Guys , Polls , Attitude , Say , 47 , 61 , Doing A Press Conference , Money Issue , Justice , Reform , Society , Opportunity , Progressives , Social Contract , Consequences , Price , Mentality , Officialings , Toll , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Bale , Windshield , Experts , Man , Gold , My Truck Is Livelihood , Girl , Service , Psoriatic Arthritis , Psoriasis , Walking , Symptoms , Cosentyx , Infections , Infection , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Plans , 5g , Hotspot Data , Data , Vo , Anywhere , Verizon , Concourse , Business Expert , Clients , Stuff , Appointment , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Low , Crowd , 0 , Rescue Missions , Count , Twister , Hi , Hunter Davis , Hunter , Husband , Shelter , Holly Stevens , Closet , Round , Text , Lightning , Porch , 06 , 9 , 20 , It Hit , Dog , Let S Go , Justin , Trees , Photographer , House , Booms , Down , Shock , We Department Know , Window , Rain , God , Sear , Grace , Road , Tornado Damage , Kay , Christmas Tree , Sign , Bowling Green , Unbelievable , Evening , Monday , Neil , Monday December 13 2021 , 2021 , 13 , Developments , Fast And Furious , December , Half , Swath , History ,

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