Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

it sounded evil. it was the scariest moment of my life. >> harris: you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. join today on the couch on my cohost emily compagno, kayleigh mcenany joins us from tampa, florida. please bring us some sunshine. cohost of "fox & friends" weekend and coauthor of all-american christmas, rachel campos-duffy. in the center virtual seat on this fine monday, his first time ever on "outnumbered," legal advisor to a georgia sheriff's office, former police officer and former assistant d.a. philip holloway. welcome. we'll begin in the middle part of the country. a new danger in the twister zone with survivors now without heat, water, electricity. it is very cold there right now. crews are working to repair thousands of downed power lines. that will take time. this admitted jaw-dropping pictures of damage. take a look at the satellite view of one part of arkansas before the tornadoes were through. this is the image after paid farm buildings were blown to bits and an outbreak now considered historic. one twister remained on the ground for more than 200 miles, rivaling the longest on record. while turning into the deadliest tornado strike in kentucky's history. a 5-month-old little baby, six children in all, among the deaths confirmed. the states governors that going door to door to search for other victims is now impossible because there are no doors left. in illinois, the swarm of twisters flattened than amazon warehouse. six people who were working died. including a navy veteran who died while trying to save his colleagues. that's just one of the heartbreaking stories unfolding right now because of this weather disaster. let's watch for others. >> it's horrible. it's hell on earth. people have lost everything. it's terrible. >> i told my wife, i said. >> it's devastating. we know a lot of people here. we have grown up here. to see our community broken like this, it's been overwhelming. >> i got in my truck and came into town. i was stunned. >> it's going to take a long time. it will never be the same. we are resilient. we will get there. >> harris: kayleigh, we have been through these so many times. we see it from inside sometimes are on the ground. in florida. i was in kansas and missouri in minnesota for many years. it's heartbreaking to watch what's happening. >> is absolutely tragic. i was reading about a resident in mayfield, kentucky. her family escaped through the window of her home. the entire house's foundation was lifted off. she escaped. thank goodness her family was out safe only to hear the neighbors next door screaming in pain and agony because they had just lost their 3-year-old son. this is the worst-case scenario for a family. then you go into a scenario of property damage. all these families who are out of these homes, their homes leveled, destroyed. one resident in that dawson springs community were 75% of the town was destroyed, she said you can replace a house. you can replace furniture. you can replace a house but you cannot replace memories and pictures. she's digging through the rubble. many of these families have had to evacuate to state parks. think about that. state parks. just before christmas. they go there in the state parks are trying to guarantee them a two week stay. we are praying for all these families. terrible to lose your home, your belongings. >> harris: philip, one of the harder things, you hear kayleigh talking about the timing. there's never a great time for a hurricane to hit. however, when the temperatures start to dip the way they are in parts of the midwest right now, it's punishing to even think of surviving the next few days if they can't get utility lines are restored. >> philip: you know, harris, this is absolutely heartbreaking. we see these videos and we the stories and it's just stunning predicting the magnitude of the destruction. i go back to the days when i was a uniformed police officer working patrol. we would have maybe a house fire or maybe one or two families that get displaced by some tragedy. this is on a scale that's unimaginable. the first responders, the police, firefighters, paramedics and even the civilians who have tried to respond to these, these individuals are also tact. we have to keep those people in our thoughts and prayers as they continue to try to dig out as best they can input something of their life back together. they need blankets. they need food. they need water. they need shelter. they need all these things. if the community hopefully in the nation, the world can come together and provide these resources to these people, hopefully we can help those people get their lives back together. >> harris: rachel, before i come to you, want to ask our team to put up the information where people can call. that's really important to help the victims. you can donate to the red cross at 1-800-help-now. let's leave that up for a bit. we can still see the pictures and the guests. if people have a heart to do this, we should help them out to make and make a difference. rachel, had her husband on last hour and he and i were reminiscing. i was a storm chaser in the middle part of the country for eight years. we would see, even as far north as wisconsin and minnesota, twisters come through. when they stay on the ground for a certain period of time, that's when they do the most damage. when you hear of the 200-mile swath, that's mind-blowing one of those people were going through. >> rachel: absolutely. first of all, am asked that you -- i'm glad you asked to keep that banner up. we interviewed governor mike huckabee who was governor when there's a very terrible tornado that went through. the state of arkansas. he said they were thereafter others. long after the cameras go on long after the new cycle has moved on, they were still there. i encourage people to find a replacement donate. this tornado being on the ground for 200 miles is unfathomable. one of the tragedies of tornadoes as they come with very little notice. this one came at night. many people didn't have notice. also it tends to impact those who are poor the most. they usually have the weakest structures. some are in trailers. weaker homes. sometimes they don't have insurance or they just don't have the savings to rebuild. this was a tragedy that hurts those that can least afford it and we can't forget this is all the more tragic coming on the heels of christmas and i hope that it is a call to all of us to do everything we can to help these families because as you said, it's the memories, but photographs, it's also these little towns that lost buildings that were there for 100 years. they lose their character after this. so it is just, it's overwhelming to think about it but this is when americans come through. this is when americans really show who we are. we are a "can-do" resilient people and we always are the most generous. >> harris: that's so true. philip, you brought up a good point and rachel is bringing up as we look live in kentucky. look at that. it's unbelievable. you see people kind of crossing die. everybody's looking to see what they can salvage at this point, if anything is left. the first responders, the police and emts, those people as you put it, philip, they are already taxed. rachel, you remind us of the structures that would exist, like churches and halls that would feed those people, come here to be relieved, let us help you. many of those places are gone. emily. >> emily: that's exactly right. philip, you brought up a great point. the community, the resources are stretched thin and multiple states, hundreds of miles of devastation and also the community members themselves emotionally. the captain of the salvation army in kansas said for example one single mother of three who had just enough money to cover tonight stay in a hotel, her home totally destroyed, nor the resources, no other family, no one ago, there's a million stories like that but as you pointed out rachel when you've lost everything, the everything is your loved ones. everything else can be rebuilt. the generosity, compassion, fellow americans will come through. we will rebuild. for those that lost their loved ones, we mentioned in the intro that the u.s. navy veteran clayton, he died while trying to save others amongst the other six lives lost in the amazon warehouse collapse in edwardsville. there have been some concerns, questions raised about amazon's response, their handling of it, just to focus on that for a moment. they have a no cell phone policy that was suspended during the pandemic and in some locations have been reinstated. it's unclear whether it was in place there but the point remains that as their workers on the employees have been talking to media, they say only trust myself with my own safety. it's difficult to delegate. you mention, rachel, the difficulty to predict tornadoes. 8:00 p.m. local time the national weather service sent out a warning of the tornado to come. 30 minutes before the six employees died. >> harris: want to check in with the federal emergency management agency and what they are doing on the ground. female with the federal government giving an update. let's watch. >> we arrived on site. we identified through meeting again in and commanders on site that we are dealing with a situation that we could not handle even with the responders that we had coming so our contact is state emergency management through the system that we have gotten place. requested federal emergency management team. you'll hear the task force leader talk about their response shortly. we initiated that response. early in the process. we knew it was a timely effort that has to take place before they can get on the road and we wanted to get them started very early. in the meantime, we took all the local responders, all the responders that were coming. one of the other request that we made was for the lexington fire department is in their rescue task force down as well. we work closely with the city. we have for many years for situations just like this. they arrived on site. saturday morning, saturday afternoon. integrated into their response. obviously we had reports of people that were unaccounted for. not necessarily missing. i say i'm accounted for. it's a little bit different because we didn't know if they were still on site, if they made it their way, gathered with family, shelters, hospitals. things like that. through that first afternoon. site security was a big problem. i can't say enough about the national guard and law enforcement that help to secure the site. we had onlookers, family, a lot of people trying to come on site and offer services. you can see the dangers of the site. it's an active situation. there was debris in the road. there's a lot of safety hazards. we couldn't just let anyone into the site. there is a skill set that has to be mastered before he can get them in there. we organized into groups. we started picking out debris, searching, picking out debris. doing primary secondary searches and then moving out debris off the main site into a temporary landfill once that debris had completely been taken care of. we also head of the resources from city. to help us here as well as other local response agencies in the area. when lexington got on the site, we initiated daytime and nighttime operations. the city of louisville is managing the daytime operations along with lexington. lexington fire department is managing the nighttime operations, along with indiana task force one. several local responders. we have search dogs on site from multiple agencies. not only across the state of kentucky but nationally, they have come into. they are trained search dogs. we have searched. all down the track of the tornado. we have searched those areas to eliminate the possibility of people who were put down in that area. you can see heavy equipment. >> harris: there can never be enough information if you are on the ground or a monster that went along for 200 miles, cut a swath on the earth's surface where people were living, trying to survive it, a mile wide. we wait to show you the updates. we hope they help people. in the meanwhile, we will continue to show you all that we can on phone numbers in places where you can send assistance. prayers always there. we will keep our prayers going for kentucky and the seven other states that were hit by twisters. stay close. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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(sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> kayleigh: america's crime crisis unfolding in broad daylight. in chicago come a smash and grab robbery was caught on camera. security video showing two men breaking into a high-end car dealership over the weekend. one man stood by the entrance with a gun while the other used a hammer to smash open some display cases. the suspects reportedly made off with at least eight luxury watches worth millions of dollars. this follows a string of smash and grab incidents in los angeles and san francisco. americans are fed up. new polling suggests most people do not think president biden is doing nearly enough. check out this poll. "abc news" poll showing 61% disapprove of his handling of crime. phil, i thought aoc told us smash and grabs aren't actually panning out. the data doesn't back it up. that's with the left is telling us. it appears facts suggest otherwise. >> philip: the smash and grabs are real. we see it on video. it's not ordinary retail theft. these are burglaries, robberies. oftentimes there's assaults that go along with these things. imagine if you're a judge having a state law that ties her hands and says we just can't keep people in jail without bail. when people talk about eliminating cash bail or bail reform, that's what they are talking about. there's nothing wrong with the traditional system that allows judges to make a case-by-case determination on whether and who will be released on bail. we can't have a one-size-fits-all that just says were going to let everybody out on the street regardless of what they are seen on video doing. it's insanity. the traditional bail laws allow people to enjoy the presumption of innocence and in most cases people who commit minor crimes or don't have a criminal record, they can get bail. bail that ensures that they show up for court, that protects the dignity and sanctity of the court systems, and they'll that ensures the safety of the public to a large degree. it's just absolutely insanity to talk about taking people like this that we see on our video right now and just letting them go back out on the streets to do whatever they will with whatever they want. it just doesn't make sense and if the president and our leaders don't get their hands around this crime problem then society will just continue to unravel. >> kayleigh: exactly. emily, you hear phil mention the president. 36% in that abc poll believe he's tough enough on crime, emily. that's down ten points from august. people are realizing there's not enough being done. >> emily: they are saying he has no interest in prosecuting these crimes. if he did, under his watch, 12 u.s. major cities would not have set historical murder records this year. the highest jump in crime since the fbi started keeping records but he wouldn't have been nominated and d.a. who refused prosecute. crimes like trespass and shoplifting and possession with intent to distribute. when her county was among the highest in the country, record setting for opioid burdens and overdoses. we wouldn't have the ceos of all major retailers including home depot and tell yet sending a letter to congress by gaining the federal government to do something because no one under his watch has. despite lip service by the white house that it is "a serious concern." the president of the sheriffs association hits that we have yet to see anything other than codifying federal restrictions of their funds to local law enforcement. we haven't seen the program. we haven't seen a red cent in whatever money that the attorney general throws at us through our tax scholars believe me it's too little, too late. certainly tell that to the families of officer nashita and officer french, and the list goes on of those who died protecting regular americans from these brazen crime. >> kayleigh: 28% saying bye and his handling inflation well. 38% believe he can handle pollutant. 41% say he's handling the economy well. >> harris: the economy is always important of the american people but the president has one job enough to keep the nation safe and if he can't get the first one right with the crime wave it's happening i don't know what to say about inflation. it literally is not in first place right here. but if you can't get the most important part right, you're probably not going to get the next one right either so i'm not shocked just in terms of covering and what we have seen in their reaction to our questions from the media as journalists about what they're going to do next. philip, you hit the nail on the head. you said one size doesn't fit all. you mention the one thing that seems to be left out, the victims. the bail needs to fit the crime committed allegedly against the victim. right? so it can't be one-size-fits-all. these are all over the road. what if you are inside that dealership. fancy cars and watches, whatever. what if you are the guy trying to pay his bills working there, are you going to try to stop these guys? are you going to be the person to foil this crime? there is danger inherent when anybody will do this thing that is so brazen. you've got to be careful. we are all vulnerable to this to matter where we are shopping, where we are. >> kayleigh: meanwhile the president of the united states is on comedy shows. rachel, i want to get your reaction. here's his reaction to the poll numbers. >> how much do you pay attention to approval ratings? >> not anymore. i'm joking. i will pay attention when they are the mid 60s. if not, i don't pay attention. >> kayleigh: what a joke, rachel. >> rachel: it is a joke. it's not funny. he went on to say later that his job was to make americans lives better. whose lives have been better, inflation, you have elderly people on fixed incomes who are in trouble with the economy. you have people on the southern border whose lives and their communities have been disrupted. it's all over the map. i will piggyback on what harris was saying. she's right. if you can't get safety right, you can't get anything right. biden is responsible for that but so is george soros and eric holder. i've seen eric holder on several news programs. i don't see them ever being asked about how he funded these das and put them in place. those das are the reason we are having this. the eight final note, i want to say as bad as this is an as responsible as some of these leaders are, there is family crises. all these people that are on video that we see in these mob type grab and go, these people have parents. on some level, it's a moral, spiritual issue in our country and we are family. >> kayleigh: rachel always hitting the nail on the head. it's bigger than crime. it's a family, cultural issue. well said. coming up, damage control. vice president harris calling her negative media coverage "ridiculous." as she is hit with reports about a dysfunctional management style, is anyone buying it? 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whether she's learned any lessons along the way the paper notes that she ducked back question twice. philip, thank you for your service, secondly what are your thoughts on this? >> philip: if she's concerned about a ridiculous headline, the ridiculous headlines is that kamala harris is the borders are because she has not been there. she's not done anything. if she wants to improve her image my suggestion, madame vice president, if you're listening, go to the border and talk to the first responders who live there and work there, talk to the citizens whose communities are being ravaged by the invasion of the southern border of illegal migration. talk to border patrol agents and apologize to them for accusing them of committing crimes on horseback when they are just out there trying to do their job. there is something, a leader in the federal government to lift the morale of those who we entrust with our safety, the border patrol deserve much better than this, the people along e southern border who live there who work there, local law enforcement, they deserve better. they deserve some real leadership on the border. >> emily: a "wall street journal" op-ed by peggy noonan says she doesn't seem strong in public. she seems scattered and unprepared. when people meet with her they come away saying what she cares about is the politics of the issue, not the issue itself but even as she is obsessed with the game of national politics, she's not so far particular and good at it. kayleigh. >> kayleigh: peggy noonan, exactly right. her political ambitions are over taking her job duties. she is put in charge of the border. total and complete disaster. when asked are you going to the border, she said no, i haven't been to europe. i mean, these are self-inflicted headlights. i will say this which may surprise people. i saw bluetooth trending on twitter. >> emily: i think we have lost kayleigh. philip's point about the border, there's video we have from a scene in texas where mother and daughter were tragically killed as a human smuggler crashed into them while evading law enforcement there at the border. the tragedy is a southern border unfolds, continues every day. border patrol being assaulted, human smugglers, the tragedy of life that they are taking and selling, the second most lucrative illicit international industry and yet here we have the vice president who laughs it off. he isn't able to take those tough questions. rachel. >> rachel: probably the most devastating thing about kamala harris that happened recently with our own john roberts who had an excellent interview with the president of guatemala who says since she went down to supposedly deal with the root causes, our border crisis, he's never heard from her. in that interview, usually, presidents, they try to be diplomatic and speak indirectly. he spoke very directly and said when she was here and by the way haven't heard from her since but when she was here i tried to tell her because she's a prosecutor that what she could do to help solve the human smuggling which is a multibillion dollar businesses make it a federal crime with huge consequences and that would do something. she didn't do that and she never went back and made any meeting or call it that president. neither has biden. it was a devastating interview to show you how inept, how incompetent and how little she cares about these problems that are killing americans, ruining communities along our border and frankly making our government complicit in the child, human, and sex trafficking industry. it's outrageous. this plea >> emily: coming out, pete buttigieg. he and his husband make more money off the recent books. that's not stopping chasten about having to complain about having to repay student loans. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the 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(crowd) business! >> harris: breaking news. live news conference. eight states hit by deadly twisters. illinois governor now. let's watch. >> representative amy elik, local officials, leaders from amazon as well as leaders in this weekends family reunification and community support effort. i just came from the amazon warehouse site where state and local public safety officials briefed me on the latest developments in the disaster response. i want to take a moment to make sure that we properly recognize their service. they moved heaven and earth to respond to this disaster, reuniting families when they could. and comforting loved ones in the tragic situations where they couldn't. reunification is one of the most critical and heart-wrenching acts of any disaster. the men and women who work here at the pontoon beach police department on behalf of the family relocation center deserve our immense gratitude for their critical work. that includes the chaplains who provided counsel to the survivors of this disaster and of course to their families. supervisors worked through the night in service to their community. members of the community stepped up to give care and comfort to provide food or counsel to be there for their neighbor. we may never know all of their names, but we know their character. they made a difference. my administration is committed to standing with edwardsville and all the surrounding communities affected in every aspect of the immediate recovery as well as on the road to rebuilding. yesterday i authorized a state disaster proclamation for madison county as well as all storm impacted counties to facilitate these efforts as well as the pursuit of additional federal resources. we are working directly with the white house and with fema to ensure access to federal resources for this community. as local entities work to secure federal reimbursements and recovery dollars, we will assist every step of the way. working directly with local officials to actively monitor the storms impacts throughout the state and especially in central illinois. at this point, i am pleased to report that power is fully restored in madison county and throughout illinois where communities had power outages due to the storm. those who experienced home damage, we will pursue all available resources to help you recover. we are also joined by the edwardsville community foundation. already the foundation and other nonprofits have been on the ground and every step of the response this weekend. for that i am truly grateful. i want to help spread the word. the foundation stands ready to help survivors of families and those out of work through the holidays and beyond and i want to make sure that all of you know and i've asked the media to let people know that if they want to contribute to the effort here online, they can contribute to edwardsville community >> harris: governor pritzker of illinois. hit hard like the states of kentucky and six others. one of the things that released it out from all the information that he's giving for local municipalities in support, he talked about the role of the chaplains and the clergy to help with survivors and the importance of having that basic need of hope on the ground. we will continue to bring you the news from that part of the country. we are going to take a quick break. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. >> harris: president biden is taking a few minutes ago after being briefed on the deadly tornadoes in the mid section of this country. he met with fema administrator, homeland security secretary mayorkas, a group from homeland security advisors as well as federal response teams to learn about the weather that was there and what can be done. what our next steps. the president of the united states. let's watch together. >> president biden: secretary mayorkas, homeland security and my fema administrator. they were on the ground in kentucky yesterday. i asked for a briefing. what they had seen and what they had found and they shared with me what they learned and we discussed how we can do more, especially so many people facing immense, immense loss. we talked about how we can accelerate and expand federal assistance, those in desperate need. we saw, some of you have been there and you have seen my reporting -- the reporting on television, the devastation. mayfield, kentucky. it's devastating. we have already approved an emergency declaration and a major disaster declaration. i spoke with the governor several times thus far and this gives me the tools to provide everything that we can from the federal level from experts, search and rescue teams. immediate and longer-term help, housing and cleanup, the whole range of things. i stand ready to do the same with the governors of other states. i am about to sign an emergency request from illinois, the governor of illinois. and we have the key departments. power, water, communication systems to get back to some sense of being able to communicate with one another as rapidly as they possibly can. as i said, i intend to travel onto kentucky on wednesday. with each passing day, the human impact of the devastation, the depth of the losses are becoming more and more apparent. this is a town with a relatively low average income, under $20,000 a year. it's a town that's been wiped out. but it's not the only town. it's not the only town. that path you see moves all the way up, well over 100 miles. and so we are also seeing destruction met with a lot of compassion. everywhere they have people volunteering, talking, asking that they not only get help but how they can give some help. we continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states affected. particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky who has lost family himself. it's pretty rough stuff. we are going to get this done. we are going to be there as long as it takes to help. the combination of state, federal, volunteer organizations, everything from not only clearing debris but providing the necessary means to get schools reopen, making sure homes are able to be rebuilt et cetera. there is a lot, a lot that needs to be done. mostly kentucky but not only kentucky. i just want to let you know that's what i was doing. i haven't decided where i'm going yet. working on what i indicated. when we talked about this two days ago, i don't want to be in the way. there's a lot going on. when the president shows up, there's a long tail to follow. i don't want to do anything other than be value added. i want you to know that this administration has made it clear to every governor whatever they need when they need it, when they need it. make it known to me. it will get to them as rapidly, as rapidly as we can. that's what we are doing here. we're going to have to go beyond what is available to the federal government. it will, fema can can up -- can come up with money. we can provide hotel rooms in places where folks can move in the meantime. there's a lot to be done. we are just getting underway. we are going to work with all the governors to make sure. >> reporter: mr. president, what do you believe your role, the people affected by this. the long-term problems, is it housing? what part of the recovery do you worry about? >> president biden: what i worry about most in a circumstance like this because i've been involved in responding to a lot of disasters as a senator and vice president and now this year, with peace of mind of people being able to put their head on a pillow, lie down on a bed. be able to know their kids are going to be okay and so is a narrow path. the devastation is stunning. there is nothing left standing basically along the path that goes all the way through. let me ask. show that other... in terms of housing. i think this is the best way to illustrate how precise. go to the one that goes all the way up. if you take a look. point out where we are here. take a look or mayfield, where bowling green is. we are not talking about mayfield now. but all these yellow dots along the way our residences. there wiped out. they've been wiped out. commercial. historical sites. industrial sites. wiped out. put one back up for mayfield. take a look. mayfield sits where that square is. look, this is just the city of mayfield, residential, commercial, exempt. government and historical agriculture. some of you have probably already been down there. it's devastating. i worry quite frankly, how can i say it? the mental health of these people. you come home when you see that, if you made it. if you've lost someone in the meantime. you know, thank god it doesn't seem like the numbers are quite as high as anticipated but they are high. you've lost her husband, wife, mother, father, children. what do you do? where do you go? it's not like if you're making $16,000 a year, you get in a plane and you had to your relatives in washington. i am being literal. that's what worries me most, the uncertainty. it really is something that i have observed in every major disaster that i have watched and been on the ground to see. you can see it in people's faces. so we want them to know we are going to stay as long as it takes to help them and there's ways to help. one is federal agencies that are available. that's already underway. for example, setting up in all these places. roughly how many disaster centers do you think >> there will be one place a citizen can go. what i said to the governors today and pleased and surprised me, for example, i told the governor of kentucky i am not expecting you to know all you need. let us tell what you can ask what are you not individual for. let us do our job. i mean, these large government agencies, it's hard for people to understand. let me tell you what you can ask for. there is the federal government, the state government, and also the nonprofits that have been involved in all of these disasters across the country. they can provide help and assistance. right now i am told -- i hope i am not misspeaking -- that the school in mayfield is being used for shelter. it did not get wiped out but can't function as a school. how do you get the kids back in school room and get some semblance of normalcy again? we are working like the devil. i am pleased with the work that our director has done. i know homeland security has reached out to these folks. they know we are there. i want to make sure there is no sense on the part of anyone in the affected areas that they are asking for something they should not ask for. ask for whatever you think you need and we will find out. if we can't provide it through a government agency, we will do our best to find private agencies that can help. from churches and red cross and a range of institutions. it's like when i was walking through the neighborhood in louisiana. you see the looks on people's faces. you go to the corner where the houses are just gone. people standing in their yards crying. this was 2 days after the storm went through. it really is devastating. this is the united states of america. the thing that -- everyone on my staff who were down there came back and called me on the phone and said people are already helping each other. how can i help too? that's what i worry most about. getting some peace of mind and say look, there is a way to get from here to there. it's a disaster now, but there is a way to get there. we will do everything we can. i believe congress will respond to the extraordinary needs. yes, sir? >> [inaudible question]? >> no, i won't make that argument with him. joe understands. he has as much empathy and concern for these folks. he's been through disasters in west virginia. we have discussed this. we spent a lot of time on climate issues. we have to be very careful. we can't say with absolute certainty it was because of climate change. i will be talking about the environmental protection agency and talking with other agencies to determine. some has to do with el nino. i don't want to say anything that is not precisely true. what is certain it's one of the worst tornado disasters we have had in the country. the second thing that is certain it's unusual. how it happened. how many place it touched down. the length of the path. that's all i am prepared to talk about right now. >> [shouting questions]. >> [inaudible question]? [muffled audio]. [inaudible question]. >> yes. look, i have the entire federal team not just the folks going in and making sure there are still people without leaving anybody still breathing under debris. that's the immediate urgent thing. to get food and water to people who don't have it and there is no place to get it. that's number 1. number 2. there is a range of things including the virus. including the virus and the hospitals. i got a report, not the details i need but the hospitals along the path of this tornado. we will have to i am sure -- i will be asking my team to set up sights for booster shots and a whole range ever things. the worst part is their life has to go on as if nothing happened. they still have to take care of those needs from kids getting to school and whether or not they can collect an unemployment check. all of those issues. one of those

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Most , Structures , Trailers , Insurance , Savings , It , U S , Call , Photographs , Heels , Killing Americans , Character , Towns , Buildings , Point , Crossing Die , Anything , Everybody , Emts , Places , Churches , Halls , Money , Mother , Devastation , Community Members , Captain , Miles , Hundreds , The Salvation Army , Three , Hotel , A Million , Compassion , Clayton , Loved Ones , Generosity , Intro , U S Navy , Response , Questions , Cell Phone Policy , Handling , Concerns , Amazon Warehouse Collapse In Edwardsville , Place , Safety , Media , Employees , Workers , Locations , Pandemic , Weather Service , Difficulty , Warning , 00 , 8 , 30 , Government , Site , Meeting , Update , Federal Emergency Management Agency , Situation , Commanders , System , State Emergency Management , Emergency Management Team , Task Force Leader , Contact , Road , Effort , Process , City , Lexington Fire Department , Situations , Rescue Task Force , Request , Hospitals , Shelters , Afternoon , Help , 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Data , Data , Candidates , Anywhere , Blue Line , Vo , Verizon , Bakery , Stuff , Store , Concourse , Business Expert , Clients , Low , Appointment , Cupcake , Breaking News , Crowd , News Conference , Governor , Officials , Amy Elik , Deadly Twisters , Amazon Warehouse Site Where , Family Reunification , Community Support Effort , Disaster Response , Developments , Heaven And Earth , Couldn T , Family Relocation Center , Acts , Gratitude , Women , Behalf , Pontoon Beach Police Department , Heart Wrenching , Work , Chaplains , Members , Supervisors , Counsel , Course , Care , Neighbor , Comfort , Names , Recovery , Administration , On The Road , Aspect , Rebuilding , Edwardsville , Storm , Counties , Efforts , Madison County , State Disaster Proclamation , Pursuit , Access , Entities , Reimbursements , Step , Storms , Power , Home Damage , Power Outages , Nonprofits , The Edwardsville Community Foundation , Holidays , Word , Edwardsville Community Foundation Org , Pritzker , Need , Role , Support , Clergy , Importance , Municipalities , News , Hope , Break , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Theaters , Section , December 17th , 17 , Weather , Secretary Mayorkas , Teams , Homeland Security , Group , Steps , Homeland Security Advisors , Administrator , Briefing , Reporting , We Saw , Loss , Television , Emergency Declaration , Declaration , Experts , Tools , Search And Rescue , Range , Housing , Cleanup , Emergency Request , Sense , Communication Systems , Departments , Another , Human Impact , Losses , Passing Day , Depth , Path , Moves , Income , All The Way Up , 20000 , Volunteering , Everyone , Done , Volunteer Organizations , Combination , Clearing Debris , Schools , Means , Et Cetera , Working On , Tail , Folks , Hotel Rooms , Reporter , It Housing , Disasters , Pillow , Circumstance , Senator , Peace Of Mind , Kids , Bed , The One , Take A Look , Residences , Dots , Bowling Green , Sites , Commercial , Square , Residential , Mental Health , Agriculture , Numbers , God , Plane , Father , 6000 , 16000 , Relatives , Uncertainty , Washington , Example , Faces , Citizen , Government Agencies , School , Semblance , Shelter , School Room , Normalcy , Director , The Devil , Government Agency , Institutions , Corner , Houses , Neighborhood , Yards , Louisiana , Phone , Staff , Each Other , Needs , Sir , Yes , Congress , Joe , Inaudible Question , Argument , Empathy , West Virginia , Issues , Environmental Protection Agency , Certainty , Climate Change , Tornado Disasters , El Nino , Length , Shouting Questions , Muffled Audio , Number , Virus , Details , Report , Sights , Booster Shots , Unemployment Check ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

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it sounded evil. it was the scariest moment of my life. >> harris: you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. join today on the couch on my cohost emily compagno, kayleigh mcenany joins us from tampa, florida. please bring us some sunshine. cohost of "fox & friends" weekend and coauthor of all-american christmas, rachel campos-duffy. in the center virtual seat on this fine monday, his first time ever on "outnumbered," legal advisor to a georgia sheriff's office, former police officer and former assistant d.a. philip holloway. welcome. we'll begin in the middle part of the country. a new danger in the twister zone with survivors now without heat, water, electricity. it is very cold there right now. crews are working to repair thousands of downed power lines. that will take time. this admitted jaw-dropping pictures of damage. take a look at the satellite view of one part of arkansas before the tornadoes were through. this is the image after paid farm buildings were blown to bits and an outbreak now considered historic. one twister remained on the ground for more than 200 miles, rivaling the longest on record. while turning into the deadliest tornado strike in kentucky's history. a 5-month-old little baby, six children in all, among the deaths confirmed. the states governors that going door to door to search for other victims is now impossible because there are no doors left. in illinois, the swarm of twisters flattened than amazon warehouse. six people who were working died. including a navy veteran who died while trying to save his colleagues. that's just one of the heartbreaking stories unfolding right now because of this weather disaster. let's watch for others. >> it's horrible. it's hell on earth. people have lost everything. it's terrible. >> i told my wife, i said. >> it's devastating. we know a lot of people here. we have grown up here. to see our community broken like this, it's been overwhelming. >> i got in my truck and came into town. i was stunned. >> it's going to take a long time. it will never be the same. we are resilient. we will get there. >> harris: kayleigh, we have been through these so many times. we see it from inside sometimes are on the ground. in florida. i was in kansas and missouri in minnesota for many years. it's heartbreaking to watch what's happening. >> is absolutely tragic. i was reading about a resident in mayfield, kentucky. her family escaped through the window of her home. the entire house's foundation was lifted off. she escaped. thank goodness her family was out safe only to hear the neighbors next door screaming in pain and agony because they had just lost their 3-year-old son. this is the worst-case scenario for a family. then you go into a scenario of property damage. all these families who are out of these homes, their homes leveled, destroyed. one resident in that dawson springs community were 75% of the town was destroyed, she said you can replace a house. you can replace furniture. you can replace a house but you cannot replace memories and pictures. she's digging through the rubble. many of these families have had to evacuate to state parks. think about that. state parks. just before christmas. they go there in the state parks are trying to guarantee them a two week stay. we are praying for all these families. terrible to lose your home, your belongings. >> harris: philip, one of the harder things, you hear kayleigh talking about the timing. there's never a great time for a hurricane to hit. however, when the temperatures start to dip the way they are in parts of the midwest right now, it's punishing to even think of surviving the next few days if they can't get utility lines are restored. >> philip: you know, harris, this is absolutely heartbreaking. we see these videos and we the stories and it's just stunning predicting the magnitude of the destruction. i go back to the days when i was a uniformed police officer working patrol. we would have maybe a house fire or maybe one or two families that get displaced by some tragedy. this is on a scale that's unimaginable. the first responders, the police, firefighters, paramedics and even the civilians who have tried to respond to these, these individuals are also tact. we have to keep those people in our thoughts and prayers as they continue to try to dig out as best they can input something of their life back together. they need blankets. they need food. they need water. they need shelter. they need all these things. if the community hopefully in the nation, the world can come together and provide these resources to these people, hopefully we can help those people get their lives back together. >> harris: rachel, before i come to you, want to ask our team to put up the information where people can call. that's really important to help the victims. you can donate to the red cross at 1-800-help-now. let's leave that up for a bit. we can still see the pictures and the guests. if people have a heart to do this, we should help them out to make and make a difference. rachel, had her husband on last hour and he and i were reminiscing. i was a storm chaser in the middle part of the country for eight years. we would see, even as far north as wisconsin and minnesota, twisters come through. when they stay on the ground for a certain period of time, that's when they do the most damage. when you hear of the 200-mile swath, that's mind-blowing one of those people were going through. >> rachel: absolutely. first of all, am asked that you -- i'm glad you asked to keep that banner up. we interviewed governor mike huckabee who was governor when there's a very terrible tornado that went through. the state of arkansas. he said they were thereafter others. long after the cameras go on long after the new cycle has moved on, they were still there. i encourage people to find a replacement donate. this tornado being on the ground for 200 miles is unfathomable. one of the tragedies of tornadoes as they come with very little notice. this one came at night. many people didn't have notice. also it tends to impact those who are poor the most. they usually have the weakest structures. some are in trailers. weaker homes. sometimes they don't have insurance or they just don't have the savings to rebuild. this was a tragedy that hurts those that can least afford it and we can't forget this is all the more tragic coming on the heels of christmas and i hope that it is a call to all of us to do everything we can to help these families because as you said, it's the memories, but photographs, it's also these little towns that lost buildings that were there for 100 years. they lose their character after this. so it is just, it's overwhelming to think about it but this is when americans come through. this is when americans really show who we are. we are a "can-do" resilient people and we always are the most generous. >> harris: that's so true. philip, you brought up a good point and rachel is bringing up as we look live in kentucky. look at that. it's unbelievable. you see people kind of crossing die. everybody's looking to see what they can salvage at this point, if anything is left. the first responders, the police and emts, those people as you put it, philip, they are already taxed. rachel, you remind us of the structures that would exist, like churches and halls that would feed those people, come here to be relieved, let us help you. many of those places are gone. emily. >> emily: that's exactly right. philip, you brought up a great point. the community, the resources are stretched thin and multiple states, hundreds of miles of devastation and also the community members themselves emotionally. the captain of the salvation army in kansas said for example one single mother of three who had just enough money to cover tonight stay in a hotel, her home totally destroyed, nor the resources, no other family, no one ago, there's a million stories like that but as you pointed out rachel when you've lost everything, the everything is your loved ones. everything else can be rebuilt. the generosity, compassion, fellow americans will come through. we will rebuild. for those that lost their loved ones, we mentioned in the intro that the u.s. navy veteran clayton, he died while trying to save others amongst the other six lives lost in the amazon warehouse collapse in edwardsville. there have been some concerns, questions raised about amazon's response, their handling of it, just to focus on that for a moment. they have a no cell phone policy that was suspended during the pandemic and in some locations have been reinstated. it's unclear whether it was in place there but the point remains that as their workers on the employees have been talking to media, they say only trust myself with my own safety. it's difficult to delegate. you mention, rachel, the difficulty to predict tornadoes. 8:00 p.m. local time the national weather service sent out a warning of the tornado to come. 30 minutes before the six employees died. >> harris: want to check in with the federal emergency management agency and what they are doing on the ground. female with the federal government giving an update. let's watch. >> we arrived on site. we identified through meeting again in and commanders on site that we are dealing with a situation that we could not handle even with the responders that we had coming so our contact is state emergency management through the system that we have gotten place. requested federal emergency management team. you'll hear the task force leader talk about their response shortly. we initiated that response. early in the process. we knew it was a timely effort that has to take place before they can get on the road and we wanted to get them started very early. in the meantime, we took all the local responders, all the responders that were coming. one of the other request that we made was for the lexington fire department is in their rescue task force down as well. we work closely with the city. we have for many years for situations just like this. they arrived on site. saturday morning, saturday afternoon. integrated into their response. obviously we had reports of people that were unaccounted for. not necessarily missing. i say i'm accounted for. it's a little bit different because we didn't know if they were still on site, if they made it their way, gathered with family, shelters, hospitals. things like that. through that first afternoon. site security was a big problem. i can't say enough about the national guard and law enforcement that help to secure the site. we had onlookers, family, a lot of people trying to come on site and offer services. you can see the dangers of the site. it's an active situation. there was debris in the road. there's a lot of safety hazards. we couldn't just let anyone into the site. there is a skill set that has to be mastered before he can get them in there. we organized into groups. we started picking out debris, searching, picking out debris. doing primary secondary searches and then moving out debris off the main site into a temporary landfill once that debris had completely been taken care of. we also head of the resources from city. to help us here as well as other local response agencies in the area. when lexington got on the site, we initiated daytime and nighttime operations. the city of louisville is managing the daytime operations along with lexington. lexington fire department is managing the nighttime operations, along with indiana task force one. several local responders. we have search dogs on site from multiple agencies. not only across the state of kentucky but nationally, they have come into. they are trained search dogs. we have searched. all down the track of the tornado. we have searched those areas to eliminate the possibility of people who were put down in that area. you can see heavy equipment. >> harris: there can never be enough information if you are on the ground or a monster that went along for 200 miles, cut a swath on the earth's surface where people were living, trying to survive it, a mile wide. we wait to show you the updates. we hope they help people. in the meanwhile, we will continue to show you all that we can on phone numbers in places where you can send assistance. prayers always there. we will keep our prayers going for kentucky and the seven other states that were hit by twisters. stay close. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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(sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> kayleigh: america's crime crisis unfolding in broad daylight. in chicago come a smash and grab robbery was caught on camera. security video showing two men breaking into a high-end car dealership over the weekend. one man stood by the entrance with a gun while the other used a hammer to smash open some display cases. the suspects reportedly made off with at least eight luxury watches worth millions of dollars. this follows a string of smash and grab incidents in los angeles and san francisco. americans are fed up. new polling suggests most people do not think president biden is doing nearly enough. check out this poll. "abc news" poll showing 61% disapprove of his handling of crime. phil, i thought aoc told us smash and grabs aren't actually panning out. the data doesn't back it up. that's with the left is telling us. it appears facts suggest otherwise. >> philip: the smash and grabs are real. we see it on video. it's not ordinary retail theft. these are burglaries, robberies. oftentimes there's assaults that go along with these things. imagine if you're a judge having a state law that ties her hands and says we just can't keep people in jail without bail. when people talk about eliminating cash bail or bail reform, that's what they are talking about. there's nothing wrong with the traditional system that allows judges to make a case-by-case determination on whether and who will be released on bail. we can't have a one-size-fits-all that just says were going to let everybody out on the street regardless of what they are seen on video doing. it's insanity. the traditional bail laws allow people to enjoy the presumption of innocence and in most cases people who commit minor crimes or don't have a criminal record, they can get bail. bail that ensures that they show up for court, that protects the dignity and sanctity of the court systems, and they'll that ensures the safety of the public to a large degree. it's just absolutely insanity to talk about taking people like this that we see on our video right now and just letting them go back out on the streets to do whatever they will with whatever they want. it just doesn't make sense and if the president and our leaders don't get their hands around this crime problem then society will just continue to unravel. >> kayleigh: exactly. emily, you hear phil mention the president. 36% in that abc poll believe he's tough enough on crime, emily. that's down ten points from august. people are realizing there's not enough being done. >> emily: they are saying he has no interest in prosecuting these crimes. if he did, under his watch, 12 u.s. major cities would not have set historical murder records this year. the highest jump in crime since the fbi started keeping records but he wouldn't have been nominated and d.a. who refused prosecute. crimes like trespass and shoplifting and possession with intent to distribute. when her county was among the highest in the country, record setting for opioid burdens and overdoses. we wouldn't have the ceos of all major retailers including home depot and tell yet sending a letter to congress by gaining the federal government to do something because no one under his watch has. despite lip service by the white house that it is "a serious concern." the president of the sheriffs association hits that we have yet to see anything other than codifying federal restrictions of their funds to local law enforcement. we haven't seen the program. we haven't seen a red cent in whatever money that the attorney general throws at us through our tax scholars believe me it's too little, too late. certainly tell that to the families of officer nashita and officer french, and the list goes on of those who died protecting regular americans from these brazen crime. >> kayleigh: 28% saying bye and his handling inflation well. 38% believe he can handle pollutant. 41% say he's handling the economy well. >> harris: the economy is always important of the american people but the president has one job enough to keep the nation safe and if he can't get the first one right with the crime wave it's happening i don't know what to say about inflation. it literally is not in first place right here. but if you can't get the most important part right, you're probably not going to get the next one right either so i'm not shocked just in terms of covering and what we have seen in their reaction to our questions from the media as journalists about what they're going to do next. philip, you hit the nail on the head. you said one size doesn't fit all. you mention the one thing that seems to be left out, the victims. the bail needs to fit the crime committed allegedly against the victim. right? so it can't be one-size-fits-all. these are all over the road. what if you are inside that dealership. fancy cars and watches, whatever. what if you are the guy trying to pay his bills working there, are you going to try to stop these guys? are you going to be the person to foil this crime? there is danger inherent when anybody will do this thing that is so brazen. you've got to be careful. we are all vulnerable to this to matter where we are shopping, where we are. >> kayleigh: meanwhile the president of the united states is on comedy shows. rachel, i want to get your reaction. here's his reaction to the poll numbers. >> how much do you pay attention to approval ratings? >> not anymore. i'm joking. i will pay attention when they are the mid 60s. if not, i don't pay attention. >> kayleigh: what a joke, rachel. >> rachel: it is a joke. it's not funny. he went on to say later that his job was to make americans lives better. whose lives have been better, inflation, you have elderly people on fixed incomes who are in trouble with the economy. you have people on the southern border whose lives and their communities have been disrupted. it's all over the map. i will piggyback on what harris was saying. she's right. if you can't get safety right, you can't get anything right. biden is responsible for that but so is george soros and eric holder. i've seen eric holder on several news programs. i don't see them ever being asked about how he funded these das and put them in place. those das are the reason we are having this. the eight final note, i want to say as bad as this is an as responsible as some of these leaders are, there is family crises. all these people that are on video that we see in these mob type grab and go, these people have parents. on some level, it's a moral, spiritual issue in our country and we are family. >> kayleigh: rachel always hitting the nail on the head. it's bigger than crime. it's a family, cultural issue. well said. coming up, damage control. vice president harris calling her negative media coverage "ridiculous." as she is hit with reports about a dysfunctional management style, is anyone buying it? [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks. what do we want for dinner? ♪ burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. >> emily: vice president kamala harris so she won't be distracted by "ridiculous headlines. she said down for an image boosting interview with her hometown paper dismissing the reports of a dysfunctional and toxic workplace at her office and made an exodus of top staffers. the vice president telling "the san francisco chronicle" "there's nothing about this job than i thought was going to be easy. if something is coming to meats because it needs to be addressed in because by definition it's not going to be easy. if it was easy it would have been handled before it comes to me. when pressed about her first year in office and whether she's learned any lessons along the way the paper notes that she ducked back question twice. philip, thank you for your service, secondly what are your thoughts on this? >> philip: if she's concerned about a ridiculous headline, the ridiculous headlines is that kamala harris is the borders are because she has not been there. she's not done anything. if she wants to improve her image my suggestion, madame vice president, if you're listening, go to the border and talk to the first responders who live there and work there, talk to the citizens whose communities are being ravaged by the invasion of the southern border of illegal migration. talk to border patrol agents and apologize to them for accusing them of committing crimes on horseback when they are just out there trying to do their job. there is something, a leader in the federal government to lift the morale of those who we entrust with our safety, the border patrol deserve much better than this, the people along e southern border who live there who work there, local law enforcement, they deserve better. they deserve some real leadership on the border. >> emily: a "wall street journal" op-ed by peggy noonan says she doesn't seem strong in public. she seems scattered and unprepared. when people meet with her they come away saying what she cares about is the politics of the issue, not the issue itself but even as she is obsessed with the game of national politics, she's not so far particular and good at it. kayleigh. >> kayleigh: peggy noonan, exactly right. her political ambitions are over taking her job duties. she is put in charge of the border. total and complete disaster. when asked are you going to the border, she said no, i haven't been to europe. i mean, these are self-inflicted headlights. i will say this which may surprise people. i saw bluetooth trending on twitter. >> emily: i think we have lost kayleigh. philip's point about the border, there's video we have from a scene in texas where mother and daughter were tragically killed as a human smuggler crashed into them while evading law enforcement there at the border. the tragedy is a southern border unfolds, continues every day. border patrol being assaulted, human smugglers, the tragedy of life that they are taking and selling, the second most lucrative illicit international industry and yet here we have the vice president who laughs it off. he isn't able to take those tough questions. rachel. >> rachel: probably the most devastating thing about kamala harris that happened recently with our own john roberts who had an excellent interview with the president of guatemala who says since she went down to supposedly deal with the root causes, our border crisis, he's never heard from her. in that interview, usually, presidents, they try to be diplomatic and speak indirectly. he spoke very directly and said when she was here and by the way haven't heard from her since but when she was here i tried to tell her because she's a prosecutor that what she could do to help solve the human smuggling which is a multibillion dollar businesses make it a federal crime with huge consequences and that would do something. she didn't do that and she never went back and made any meeting or call it that president. neither has biden. it was a devastating interview to show you how inept, how incompetent and how little she cares about these problems that are killing americans, ruining communities along our border and frankly making our government complicit in the child, human, and sex trafficking industry. it's outrageous. this plea >> emily: coming out, pete buttigieg. he and his husband make more money off the recent books. that's not stopping chasten about having to complain about having to repay student loans. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the 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(crowd) business! >> harris: breaking news. live news conference. eight states hit by deadly twisters. illinois governor now. let's watch. >> representative amy elik, local officials, leaders from amazon as well as leaders in this weekends family reunification and community support effort. i just came from the amazon warehouse site where state and local public safety officials briefed me on the latest developments in the disaster response. i want to take a moment to make sure that we properly recognize their service. they moved heaven and earth to respond to this disaster, reuniting families when they could. and comforting loved ones in the tragic situations where they couldn't. reunification is one of the most critical and heart-wrenching acts of any disaster. the men and women who work here at the pontoon beach police department on behalf of the family relocation center deserve our immense gratitude for their critical work. that includes the chaplains who provided counsel to the survivors of this disaster and of course to their families. supervisors worked through the night in service to their community. members of the community stepped up to give care and comfort to provide food or counsel to be there for their neighbor. we may never know all of their names, but we know their character. they made a difference. my administration is committed to standing with edwardsville and all the surrounding communities affected in every aspect of the immediate recovery as well as on the road to rebuilding. yesterday i authorized a state disaster proclamation for madison county as well as all storm impacted counties to facilitate these efforts as well as the pursuit of additional federal resources. we are working directly with the white house and with fema to ensure access to federal resources for this community. as local entities work to secure federal reimbursements and recovery dollars, we will assist every step of the way. working directly with local officials to actively monitor the storms impacts throughout the state and especially in central illinois. at this point, i am pleased to report that power is fully restored in madison county and throughout illinois where communities had power outages due to the storm. those who experienced home damage, we will pursue all available resources to help you recover. we are also joined by the edwardsville community foundation. already the foundation and other nonprofits have been on the ground and every step of the response this weekend. for that i am truly grateful. i want to help spread the word. the foundation stands ready to help survivors of families and those out of work through the holidays and beyond and i want to make sure that all of you know and i've asked the media to let people know that if they want to contribute to the effort here online, they can contribute to edwardsville community >> harris: governor pritzker of illinois. hit hard like the states of kentucky and six others. one of the things that released it out from all the information that he's giving for local municipalities in support, he talked about the role of the chaplains and the clergy to help with survivors and the importance of having that basic need of hope on the ground. we will continue to bring you the news from that part of the country. we are going to take a quick break. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. >> harris: president biden is taking a few minutes ago after being briefed on the deadly tornadoes in the mid section of this country. he met with fema administrator, homeland security secretary mayorkas, a group from homeland security advisors as well as federal response teams to learn about the weather that was there and what can be done. what our next steps. the president of the united states. let's watch together. >> president biden: secretary mayorkas, homeland security and my fema administrator. they were on the ground in kentucky yesterday. i asked for a briefing. what they had seen and what they had found and they shared with me what they learned and we discussed how we can do more, especially so many people facing immense, immense loss. we talked about how we can accelerate and expand federal assistance, those in desperate need. we saw, some of you have been there and you have seen my reporting -- the reporting on television, the devastation. mayfield, kentucky. it's devastating. we have already approved an emergency declaration and a major disaster declaration. i spoke with the governor several times thus far and this gives me the tools to provide everything that we can from the federal level from experts, search and rescue teams. immediate and longer-term help, housing and cleanup, the whole range of things. i stand ready to do the same with the governors of other states. i am about to sign an emergency request from illinois, the governor of illinois. and we have the key departments. power, water, communication systems to get back to some sense of being able to communicate with one another as rapidly as they possibly can. as i said, i intend to travel onto kentucky on wednesday. with each passing day, the human impact of the devastation, the depth of the losses are becoming more and more apparent. this is a town with a relatively low average income, under $20,000 a year. it's a town that's been wiped out. but it's not the only town. it's not the only town. that path you see moves all the way up, well over 100 miles. and so we are also seeing destruction met with a lot of compassion. everywhere they have people volunteering, talking, asking that they not only get help but how they can give some help. we continue to pray for everyone in kentucky and the other states affected. particularly my heart goes out to the governor of kentucky who has lost family himself. it's pretty rough stuff. we are going to get this done. we are going to be there as long as it takes to help. the combination of state, federal, volunteer organizations, everything from not only clearing debris but providing the necessary means to get schools reopen, making sure homes are able to be rebuilt et cetera. there is a lot, a lot that needs to be done. mostly kentucky but not only kentucky. i just want to let you know that's what i was doing. i haven't decided where i'm going yet. working on what i indicated. when we talked about this two days ago, i don't want to be in the way. there's a lot going on. when the president shows up, there's a long tail to follow. i don't want to do anything other than be value added. i want you to know that this administration has made it clear to every governor whatever they need when they need it, when they need it. make it known to me. it will get to them as rapidly, as rapidly as we can. that's what we are doing here. we're going to have to go beyond what is available to the federal government. it will, fema can can up -- can come up with money. we can provide hotel rooms in places where folks can move in the meantime. there's a lot to be done. we are just getting underway. we are going to work with all the governors to make sure. >> reporter: mr. president, what do you believe your role, the people affected by this. the long-term problems, is it housing? what part of the recovery do you worry about? >> president biden: what i worry about most in a circumstance like this because i've been involved in responding to a lot of disasters as a senator and vice president and now this year, with peace of mind of people being able to put their head on a pillow, lie down on a bed. be able to know their kids are going to be okay and so is a narrow path. the devastation is stunning. there is nothing left standing basically along the path that goes all the way through. let me ask. show that other... in terms of housing. i think this is the best way to illustrate how precise. go to the one that goes all the way up. if you take a look. point out where we are here. take a look or mayfield, where bowling green is. we are not talking about mayfield now. but all these yellow dots along the way our residences. there wiped out. they've been wiped out. commercial. historical sites. industrial sites. wiped out. put one back up for mayfield. take a look. mayfield sits where that square is. look, this is just the city of mayfield, residential, commercial, exempt. government and historical agriculture. some of you have probably already been down there. it's devastating. i worry quite frankly, how can i say it? the mental health of these people. you come home when you see that, if you made it. if you've lost someone in the meantime. you know, thank god it doesn't seem like the numbers are quite as high as anticipated but they are high. you've lost her husband, wife, mother, father, children. what do you do? where do you go? it's not like if you're making $16,000 a year, you get in a plane and you had to your relatives in washington. i am being literal. that's what worries me most, the uncertainty. it really is something that i have observed in every major disaster that i have watched and been on the ground to see. you can see it in people's faces. so we want them to know we are going to stay as long as it takes to help them and there's ways to help. one is federal agencies that are available. that's already underway. for example, setting up in all these places. roughly how many disaster centers do you think >> there will be one place a citizen can go. what i said to the governors today and pleased and surprised me, for example, i told the governor of kentucky i am not expecting you to know all you need. let us tell what you can ask what are you not individual for. let us do our job. i mean, these large government agencies, it's hard for people to understand. let me tell you what you can ask for. there is the federal government, the state government, and also the nonprofits that have been involved in all of these disasters across the country. they can provide help and assistance. right now i am told -- i hope i am not misspeaking -- that the school in mayfield is being used for shelter. it did not get wiped out but can't function as a school. how do you get the kids back in school room and get some semblance of normalcy again? we are working like the devil. i am pleased with the work that our director has done. i know homeland security has reached out to these folks. they know we are there. i want to make sure there is no sense on the part of anyone in the affected areas that they are asking for something they should not ask for. ask for whatever you think you need and we will find out. if we can't provide it through a government agency, we will do our best to find private agencies that can help. from churches and red cross and a range of institutions. it's like when i was walking through the neighborhood in louisiana. you see the looks on people's faces. you go to the corner where the houses are just gone. people standing in their yards crying. this was 2 days after the storm went through. it really is devastating. this is the united states of america. the thing that -- everyone on my staff who were down there came back and called me on the phone and said people are already helping each other. how can i help too? that's what i worry most about. getting some peace of mind and say look, there is a way to get from here to there. it's a disaster now, but there is a way to get there. we will do everything we can. i believe congress will respond to the extraordinary needs. yes, sir? >> [inaudible question]? >> no, i won't make that argument with him. joe understands. he has as much empathy and concern for these folks. he's been through disasters in west virginia. we have discussed this. we spent a lot of time on climate issues. we have to be very careful. we can't say with absolute certainty it was because of climate change. i will be talking about the environmental protection agency and talking with other agencies to determine. some has to do with el nino. i don't want to say anything that is not precisely true. what is certain it's one of the worst tornado disasters we have had in the country. the second thing that is certain it's unusual. how it happened. how many place it touched down. the length of the path. that's all i am prepared to talk about right now. >> [shouting questions]. >> [inaudible question]? [muffled audio]. [inaudible question]. >> yes. look, i have the entire federal team not just the folks going in and making sure there are still people without leaving anybody still breathing under debris. that's the immediate urgent thing. to get food and water to people who don't have it and there is no place to get it. that's number 1. number 2. there is a range of things including the virus. including the virus and the hospitals. i got a report, not the details i need but the hospitals along the path of this tornado. we will have to i am sure -- i will be asking my team to set up sights for booster shots and a whole range ever things. the worst part is their life has to go on as if nothing happened. they still have to take care of those needs from kids getting to school and whether or not they can collect an unemployment check. all of those issues. one of those

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Including A Navy , Let , Everything , Hell On Earth , Wife , Lot , Truck , Town , Same , Times , Kansas , Minnesota , Missouri , Family , Home , House , Mayfield , Resident , Foundation , Reading , Window , Families , Scenario , Property Damage , Neighbors , Pain , Agony , Son , 3 , Homes , Memories , Dawson Springs Community , Furniture , State Parks , Stay , Many , Two , Things , Talking , Belongings , Timing , Hurricane , Way , Temperatures , Parts , Utility Lines , Midwest , House Fire , Destruction , Working Patrol , Videos , Magnitude , Uniformed , Responders , Police , Tragedy , Scale , Civilians , Firefighters , Paramedics , Something , Prayers , Thoughts , Individuals , Food , World , Nation , Lives , Resources , Information , Team , Heart , Red Cross , Bit , Guests , 1 800 Help Now , 1 , 800 , Husband , Difference , Storm Chaser , Reminiscing , Wisconsin , Swath , Tornado , Mike Huckabee , Banner , State , Cycle , Cameras , Replacement Donate , Notice , Some , Tragedies , Most , Structures , Trailers , Insurance , Savings , It , U S , Call , Photographs , Heels , Killing Americans , Character , Towns , Buildings , Point , Crossing Die , Anything , Everybody , Emts , Places , Churches , Halls , Money , Mother , Devastation , Community Members , Captain , Miles , Hundreds , The Salvation Army , Three , Hotel , A Million , Compassion , Clayton , Loved Ones , Generosity , Intro , U S Navy , Response , Questions , Cell Phone Policy , Handling , Concerns , Amazon Warehouse Collapse In Edwardsville , Place , Safety , Media , Employees , Workers , Locations , Pandemic , Weather Service , Difficulty , Warning , 00 , 8 , 30 , Government , Site , Meeting , Update , Federal Emergency Management Agency , Situation , Commanders , System , State Emergency Management , Emergency Management Team , Task Force Leader , Contact , Road , Effort , Process , City , Lexington Fire Department , Situations , Rescue Task Force , Request , Hospitals , Shelters , Afternoon , Help , Law Enforcement , Problem , Services , Dangers , Site Security , Guard , Onlookers , Offer , Debris , Anyone , Skill Set , Safety Hazards , Groups , Searching , Searches , Area , Response Agencies , Landfill , Care Of , Operations , Nighttime Operations , Lexington , City Of Louisville , Agencies , Indiana Task Force One , Search Dogs , Areas , Possibility , Track , Surface , Equipment , Living , Monster , Earth , Assistance , Phone Numbers , Meanwhile , Updates , Hit , Seven , Everywhere , Stop Rybelsus , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Sulfonylurea , Ways , Blood Sugar , Sugar , Diabetes , Pill , Majority , A1c , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Lost , 7 , Reaction , Side Effects , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Cash , Homeowners , Smart Move , Newday 100 Va Loan , Equity , 60000 , 0000 , More , Rates , Values , Veterans , Home Equity , Advantage , Highs , Lows , Pace , Calling Newday , Value , Security , Bank , Kitchen , Pool , Grandkids , Amount , Liberty Mutual , Pay , Liberty , Someone , Car Insurance , Record , Cowboys , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Protein , Energy , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Weekend , Men , Security Video , Health , Crime Crisis , Car Dealership , Robbery , Camera , Man , Smash And Grab , Chicago , Cases , Other , Millions , String , Gun , Hammer , Display , Entrance , Suspects , Biden , Poll , Polling , Incidents , Abc News , San Francisco , Los Angeles , Crime , Doesn T , Smash , Aren T , Phil , Left , Facts , Disapprove , Aoc , 61 , Video , State Law , Judge , Assaults , Grabs , Robberies , Retail Theft , Burglaries , Nothing , Bail , Hands , Jail , Reform , Street , Judges , Whether , Video Doing , Crimes , Insanity , Court , Don T , Presumption , Bail Laws , Criminal Record , Innocence , Sanctity , Dignity , Public , Streets , Degree , Court Systems , Leaders , Crime Problem , Society , Doesn T Make Sense , Points , Abc , Unravel , 36 , Ten , Emily , Interest , Watch , Cities , Being , Murder , 12 , County , Intent , Shoplifting , Possession , Trespass , D A , Fbi , Highest , Retailers , Record Setting , Burdens , Overdoses , Letter , Ceos , Home Depot , President , Concern , We Haven T , Lip Service , White House , Restrictions , Funds , Sheriffs Association Hits , Nashita , Red Cent , Program , Attorney General , Tax Scholars , French , Inflation , List , Bye , Saying , 28 , Economy , Job , Right , Safe , Happening , Crime Wave , Say , 38 , 41 , Terms , Thing , Head , Nail , Size , Journalists , Victim , Whatever , Anybody , Guy , Bills , Watches , Dealership , Cars , Guys , Person , Comedy Shows , Shopping , Attention , Poll Numbers , Approval Ratings , Joke , Pay Attention , Mid 60s , 60 , Communities , Border , What Harris , Incomes , Trouble , Map , Eric Holder , News Programs , George Soros , Das , Note , Family Crises , Reason , Issue , Level , Moral , Parents , Mob Type Grab And Go , Media Coverage , Coming Up , Damage Control , Management , Style , Engine Humming , Gmc Sierra , Clapping , Queen , Driving , We Will Rock You , Pick Up , Burger , Sugar Cookie , Chicken , Class , Dinner , Bucket , Cheesiest , Kraft , Kamala Harris , Interview , Headlines , Workplace , Reports , Win , Hometown Paper , San Francisco Chronicle , Staffers , Exodus , Definition , Service , Notes , Paper , Lessons , Borders , Headline , Suggestion , Madame Vice President , Citizens , Listening , Invasion , Migration , Border Patrol , Agents , Morale , Leader , E Southern Border , Politics , Peggy Noonan , Leadership , Unprepared , Wall Street Journal , Op Ed , Game , Ambitions , Disaster , Haven T , Headlights , Charge , Job Duties , Bluetooth Trending , Europe , Scene , Human Smuggler , Daughter , Twitter , Texas , Human Smugglers , Selling , Assaulted , Lucrative Illicit International Industry , He Isn T , Of Guatemala , John Roberts , Border Crisis , Root , Causes , The Way Haven T , Presidents , Indirectly , Prosecutor , Businesses , Dollar , Human Smuggling , Consequences , State Government , Problems , Child , Sex Trafficking Industry , Human , Plea , Books , Pete Buttigieg , Student Loans , Chasten , Banks , Refi , Line , Newday , Lenders , 2 25 , Rate , Apr , Mortgage Payments , Pocket , Costs , Lock , Newday Two , 2 48 , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Psoriatic Arthritis , Itching , Burning , Joints , Stinging , Tremfya , Symptoms , Adults , Medication , Emerge Tremfyant , Moderate , Kind , Painful , 16 , Reactions , Risk , Infections , Infection , Ability , Vaccine , Doctor , Hello , Cooking , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , Seal , Taking Off , Grown In Idaho , Business , Job Description , Plans , Visit Indeed Com Hire , 5g , Hotspot Data , Data , Candidates , Anywhere , Blue Line , Vo , Verizon , Bakery , Stuff , Store , Concourse , Business Expert , Clients , Low , Appointment , Cupcake , Breaking News , Crowd , News Conference , Governor , Officials , Amy Elik , Deadly Twisters , Amazon Warehouse Site Where , Family Reunification , Community Support Effort , Disaster Response , Developments , Heaven And Earth , Couldn T , Family Relocation Center , Acts , Gratitude , Women , Behalf , Pontoon Beach Police Department , Heart Wrenching , Work , Chaplains , Members , Supervisors , Counsel , Course , Care , Neighbor , Comfort , Names , Recovery , Administration , On The Road , Aspect , Rebuilding , Edwardsville , Storm , Counties , Efforts , Madison County , State Disaster Proclamation , Pursuit , Access , Entities , Reimbursements , Step , Storms , Power , Home Damage , Power Outages , Nonprofits , The Edwardsville Community Foundation , Holidays , Word , Edwardsville Community Foundation Org , Pritzker , Need , Role , Support , Clergy , Importance , Municipalities , News , Hope , Break , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Theaters , Section , December 17th , 17 , Weather , Secretary Mayorkas , Teams , Homeland Security , Group , Steps , Homeland Security Advisors , Administrator , Briefing , Reporting , We Saw , Loss , Television , Emergency Declaration , Declaration , Experts , Tools , Search And Rescue , Range , Housing , Cleanup , Emergency Request , Sense , Communication Systems , Departments , Another , Human Impact , Losses , Passing Day , Depth , Path , Moves , Income , All The Way Up , 20000 , Volunteering , Everyone , Done , Volunteer Organizations , Combination , Clearing Debris , Schools , Means , Et Cetera , Working On , Tail , Folks , Hotel Rooms , Reporter , It Housing , Disasters , Pillow , Circumstance , Senator , Peace Of Mind , Kids , Bed , The One , Take A Look , Residences , Dots , Bowling Green , Sites , Commercial , Square , Residential , Mental Health , Agriculture , Numbers , God , Plane , Father , 6000 , 16000 , Relatives , Uncertainty , Washington , Example , Faces , Citizen , Government Agencies , School , Semblance , Shelter , School Room , Normalcy , Director , The Devil , Government Agency , Institutions , Corner , Houses , Neighborhood , Yards , Louisiana , Phone , Staff , Each Other , Needs , Sir , Yes , Congress , Joe , Inaudible Question , Argument , Empathy , West Virginia , Issues , Environmental Protection Agency , Certainty , Climate Change , Tornado Disasters , El Nino , Length , Shouting Questions , Muffled Audio , Number , Virus , Details , Report , Sights , Booster Shots , Unemployment Check ,

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