Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

omicron virus. and from drug giant glaxosmithkline says their anti-body treatment works on omicron mutations. are they cures? no. could they be relief? yes. and then some. pfizer's ceo convinced that covid could be under control by next year, a big investment firm calling ate certainty. some doctors caution that we might be getting ahead of our skis here but skeptics are relieved that the fears are not panning out and the news doesn't hurt. we have you covered with stunning developments with the former health and human services secretary tom price in just a moment. first, to molly line in boston with the very latest. hi, molly. >> good afternoon, neil. you said it. the latest headline making variant is being tracked across the country. there's positive news that treatments that vaccines are continuing to work against coronavirus even as we're getting hospitals strain under the surge across the country. here i am in massachusetts. from massachusetts to hawaii, omicron has been detected in 21 states. it may spread more swiftly but thus cautious optimism that the illness is not as severe. newly released data from pfizer shows three doses is the trick needed. pfizer noting that lab studies showing that third dose increases anti-bodies by 25 fold. the report coming from pfizer comes after a south african study shows the vaccine was less effective than omicron than older variants of the coronavirus. today president biden noted the news. >> the pfizer lab report came back saying that the expectation is that the existing vaccine protects against omicron. if you get the booster, you're in good shape. that's encouraging news. >> glaxosmithkline says research shows the anti-body treatment dubbed citrovamab is effective. lab tests done in veto showed the drug works and remaining the drug worked against the mutations on the spike proteins. now researchers are monitoring climbing case numbers. 32 hospitals innup state new york are being forced to stop nonessential surgeries. there's breaking news out of maine. governor janel mills activated the state's national guard to help ease capacity strains among a sustained surge of covid cases. the vast majority of those hospitalized are not fully vaccinated. neil? >> neil: thanks, molly. you keep hearing this con days goes but less dangerous. when referring to this virus variant. to tom price on the significance of this. secretary, good to have you back. you know, there's still so much we don't know about omicron, particularly how it hits certain countries, but even there, the cases don't appear to be nearly as severe as some had feared. what do you make of what's going on and the news that already available treatments and booster shots might go a long way toward alleviating how bad this gets? >> exactly. with this new variant, the omicron variant, as you'll recall a week or two ago, there was a lot of discussion that we need time to learn more and we learned more. the fact of the matter is that it appears that it seems to be increasing in its trans miss ability, easier to catch. the disease that you get the illness you get is not as severe. it also appears the vaccines that individuals have taken will decrease the incidence of disease. but you probably need your booster to get the fighting immunity up to fight against this new variant. >> neil: i'm wondering too, secretary, if we reached a point if this does spread far and fast but it's not severe, in a weird way are we hitting a natural immunity level or anti-body situation where we don't have to fear as much, a lethal spread of covid? >> we ought not to be fearing this. we ought to figure out how to handle it and live with it as we have talked about. >> neil: by the way, when you say "live with it," that it's going to be around awhile. it's not going away. others have expressed that as the new reality. >> i think that's the case. the average pandemic is between two and three years. we're moving to that pandemic phase to an endemic phase where it's in the background of our society and we have to make sure that when we have the variants and there's other variants that you may need a booster and you may need to add this to your annual flu vaccine. we'll be seeing this a long time. doesn't mean we need to shut down or close schools and doesn't mean we need to close society. we need to treat this as an infectious disease as it is and do the things that we know help. >> neil: so when you say do the things that might require as it is, annual treatments for flu shots, in other words. >> potentially. they're working as we speak whether or not you can give a covid booster update with the flu vaccine itself so you don't have to get poked twice. it wouldn't surprise me that you, i and everybody is recommended to receive a covid update on a routine basis annual or otherwise. >> neil: doctor, thanks for being here. tom price, the former hhs secretary of the united states. mean while, we go to john tester from the beautiful state of montana. he's been leading a charge with senator joe manchin opposing president biden's vaccine mandate push right now for the private sector. senator, very good to have you. thanks for joining me. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: your concern with the private sector push comes amid courts now sort of questioning how far the president can go, demanding if even federal contractors. where do you and how do you distinguish? >> i've been vaccinated, my family has been vaccinated and my staff has been vaccinated. i believe that people need to get vaccinated as the previous two folks have talked about. in the end, i heard a lot from my businesses in the state of montana. they say they're in a heck of a bind. so i think they should have some relief. the other side, there's other like the healthcare folks that need to get vaccinated. i'm not opposed to that. it's the right thing to do. it's common sense, neil. >> neil: where are we going with this, senator? it's an up and down depending on the headline of the day, depending however omicron goes and concerns might have been misplaced. how do you feel about where we are? >> look, i wish this thing was behind us. i can tell you we're still seeing some economic impacts from this and some business impacts. so i wish it was behind us. i think we got good news on omicron and it's -- what's going on there. but i would just say this: if you're out there and you haven't been vaccinated, i don't know about you but i hate being sick. i think that -- just get the vaccine and it will keep you on your feet and keep you working and, you know, not risk potential loss of life. it's about moving forward, getting this behind us. it may always be back in the background at some point in time. ultimately getting the vaccination and moving forward and now getting the third booster shot. >> neil: i'm with you on that, senator. i've been vaccinated. it was a break through case again. i'd be worse off if i didn't have it. your point is well-taken. i want to get your thoughts on what is happening in my neck of the woods where bill de blasio is going to force the mandate issue for all private workers by the end of the year. he only has a few weeks left in his term but some are saying you're overdoing it. you think he's overdoing it? >> i haven't looked at mayor de blasio's proposal. but i can tell you just generally, neil, i prefer the carrot rather than the stick. i think we're at a point in time and our economy and the recovery and things that have to get done, especially with the bipartisan infrastructure bill that we passed that we need to pay attention to what folks are telling us. and i can tell you in the state of montana, folks are saying business people are saying, you know, even though the owners think it's a good idea to get vaccinated, they're saying this puts me in a bind. so the mandate issue for the private sector does become problematic for business. >> neil: so let me ask you in your state, there's no forcing this issue. you know, the governor is in fact trying to get healthcare workers to come to your state. where are you on that? >> look, i think when it comes to healthcare workers, they need to be vaccinated. i hope it never happens. if i end up in the hospital and we have a shortage of nurses right now, a shortage of doctors in montana right now and throughout the country. so if we're going to have these folks get sick or worse, it's important that they be vaccinated. beside that, they're dealing with a high risk population that can't afford to get this virus. >> neil: senator, while i have you here on the build back better talks, i don't know where this thing stands. chuck schumer we're told wants to get to a vote before christmas. is that likely and do you get any sign of movement with the fellow you're working with on the mandate thing, senator joe manchin whether he has moved closer to a yay on it? >> i think negotiations go on all fronts. i don't think the timeline is important here. it's getting it done so it helps cut costs and reduce taxes. that's really what is important. i think negotiations continue on several fronts working to get this bill to a point where we can potentially get it passed before christmas. i don't think the timeline is what is important. what is important is what is in it. >> neil: we'll watch it closely. thanks, senator. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: john tester of montana. we have more coming up including south carolina republican nancy mace. she made some headlines last time she was with us. the focus today seems to be on the president's focus on this big spending package and now with all of the inflation that we've read about whether it's warranted to go much further than just talk right now after this. who's on it with jardiance? we're 25 million prescriptions strong. we're managing type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? 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>> right. it was not overwhelmingly bipartisan. in the senate, certainly it was, but in the house, republicans were left out of the negotiations. i sit on the transportation infrastructure committee. i saw bit by bit as whether you were a democrat or republican in the house on the tni committee, you were not able to have a voice on that. that's why you're seeing chairman defazio retiring next year. he didn't get much of a say in it. the committee on the house side was taken over by nancy pelosi. all of this spending leads to more inflation, adds to the inflation woes. that's another issue that we have to take hold of right now because of the spending that we've got. >> neil: a lot of people have looked at this build back better plan and it looks dicey. i don't think any republican would be considering that. >> i hope not. >> neil: is it fair to say it doesn't come up for a vote this year? it's not happening, period? >> it's not coming up for a vote by the end of the year. it would be doa next year. i believe the left misled americans, the american people on what this thing would cost. they used the section by section score by the cbo to get a vote on the house. we're learning that that score may be actually higher. we'll see the cbo come out with a much higher number friday scoring the entire package, we think it will be between $4 trillion and $5 trillion, which is vastly different than what we were told. so i don't think it does get done by the end of the year. i think it's dead. >> neil: let's switch gears. you made a lot of news as you called out as you had already done prior to our interview fellow republicans that you thought struck a very strident tone particularly when after congress woman margie taylor green as well, taking issue with congresswoman ilhan omar and equating her as being a terrorist. it opened up a divide in the party that you didn't seem to mind the debate. where are you right now? have you two chatted since then? where do things stand? >> no, we absolutely not have not. but here's the thing. i want republicans to win next year. in order to win, we have to be united. we cannot attack one another. that's what theft wants us to do. when i get attacked by somebody that uses dishonesty about my record, i'm going to hit back. i don't care if you have an r or d by your name. i'm not a wallflower. one of the reasons i got into this gig is because i saw the dishonestly and saw the way american people were mislead on issue after issue. that's why i got into this political frey. i do believe it's important for us to show leadership in challenging times, show our policies are better than theirs. our nation is facing a crises from the border to inflation to the taxation that will get done if they get build back better done. that's where our focus should be. make no mistake, i'm not going to be somebody else's door mat especially when my record -- >> neil: i understand that, congressman. you said you hit back. but what got your goat was her criticism or criticisms of omar and that equating her with a terrorism. that's what started it. >> yeah, i condemned -- >> neil: where is that right now? you think those on that end of the party or whatever you want to call it, whether there a wing or extreme right wing of the party, that you want nothing to do with that, you think you can co-exist in the same party? how do you describe it? >> i do want to say one of the things when i condemned the remarks by congress woman boebert, i recognize she apologized for the remarks. that was the first time in a long time that anybody has done that. there's an effort to take her off of her committees. that's not the role of congress on the floor of the house. not something that i will support. that's something that our conference should take up and -- >> neil: so you don't like these punitive measures -- >> they're unprecedented and only to republicans, not democrats. there's anti-semitism on the left, members that have stoked violent rhetoric at protests and riots. so if you're going to have a standard, you have to apply it to both sides which is why i condemn racism and bigotry by republicans and democrats alike. we all should. >> neil: this "wall street journal" survey that was out, if there's another match with donald trump and joe biden, they're tied. they went about a 4.5% last year back in 2020 to now essentially even. so if donald trump were to emerge as your party's nominee, would you support him? >> i feel like i've answered this question before. yes, i would support the nominee of our party in 2024. the policies of. trump were better for every american regardless of your gender or color of your skin. we had the lowest unemployment for every walk of life. we had the first step back, a bipartisan prison reform bill, we had operation warped speed for the vaccine. he took a vaccine idea to market in ten months. that's up to the voters of this country and the voters of the party. ly support our nominee in 2024. >> neil: so the president when he moved against those that voted for legislation that he didn't like or challenge as he now has the incumbent governor, helping former senator purdue challenge governor kemp in georgia, how does feel about those type of efforts? >> i haven't seen that. i can't speak on it. i represent a swing district. i have a race next year and that's where my focus is, representing my constituents on both sides and delivering results for the community that i represent and the low country in south carolina's first congressional district. i've been passing legislation with democrats this year. i passed three bills out of the floor of the house. i'm the republican ranking member on oversight. i just got back of a bipartisan trip to the endo pacific region. i'm trying to deliver. my community is my focus versus what else is going on but thank you. >> neil: so when the president has taken offense to some of the things that you have said, you don't fear that he might want to launch or get others to launch a challenge, party challenge to you? >> oh, i'm sure he's not the only one and i believe he's said that he would. it's really not up to him. it's up to the voters of south carolina and the first congressional district to decide whether or not they want me to represent them going forward. i believe i truly represent my district and proud to and honored to. >> neil: got it. none of that would affect whether you would support him or not if he were your nominee, the presidential nominee? >> i care about the future of my country and doing what is right for everyone that i represent, my state and our district and our nation. we're going to do what is best for our country. >> neil: got it. thanks, congress woman. the fallout from those remarks and more about the crime wave that right now is really buffet ago lot of states. but it's what some are doing about it that is raising even more eyebrows. 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>> there's going to be some urgency to getting this money out there and getting these projects started. if you listen to secretary buttigieg he says we're not looking for shovel-ready jobs. we're looking for shovel-worthy jobs. if that is your rubric, then yeah, maybe the money doesn't pump as quickly as possible. with this talk about infrastructure, what i'm reminded about is this summer we saw why president biden's poll numbers went down. we know americans don't approve of his job. it has to do with the withdrawal from afghanistan and the resurgence of the delta variant. now we also have sort of echos of the two things. we're wondering about what omicron is going to look like and now rather than talking about infrastructure, we're replaying that similar scenario and looking at a foreign policy situation in the ukraine. those types of headlines make it harder for everyday americans to say okay, these roads and bridges got fixed. >> neil: yeah, when it's your predecessors policies that people want to return to even though they don't flip over your predecessor personally, that's a telling finding right there. thanks, phil. good seeing you. >> thank you, sir. >> neil: another issue that is dominant on the minds of voters in a dozen city where crime is running rampant. it's their own personal safety. we've said in new york the reluctance about going to in-person work has more to do with crime than with covid. count ted williams not at all surprised. a former d.c. homicide detective. he was on top of this story more than 18 months ago talking about this defund the police movement and the rest would come back to damage people's competence in the system, the safety of the system. ted, good to have you back. what do you make of the measures that are now being taken to frantically adjust these crime spikes and whether they're enough right now. >> well, thanks for having me on, neil. i'd like to be the bearer of good news but i have to be the bearer of bad news. we're at war when it comes to crime and criminals. the sad commentary, neil, is that we're losing that war. when we look from new york to california, we can see, if you're in a store, you're looking at somebody smashing and grabbing and taking merchandise, if you're driving your car down the road, you're looking at individuals that can carjack you. homicides are up. if you go in chicago and you're there for any weekend and they're not over 50 crimes or 50 homicides, you're not in chicago, sadly. so all of these things are out there and being driven. what we need to look at is how the transition should take place what we need are prosecutors and judges to get together in these courts and to be more proactive than reactive when it comes to crime. >> neil: but they're not. they're not doing that, ted. if anything, they continue to set criminals free. some are being forced to redress that. but precious few. so that means that this goes on and on, doesn't it? >> it goes on and on. since this is a national catastrophe as far as i can see, president biden should call a crime summit and that he appoint a crime czar that can work with these local prosecutors. for instance, in california, neil, in these smash and grabs, before the ink is dry on the paperwork where they arrest these people, they're back out on the street. that should not be happening. so there's a need to change the laws to better suit and protect law-abiding citizens and we don't have that at this time. >> neil: no, not even close, ted. thanks very much. good catching up with you. be well and be safe. >> absolutely. >> neil: ted williams, former d.c. detective. no indication what was discussed in that phone call between the president of the united states and vladimir putin. what we realized is that vladimir putin was alone at a table. the president had several others at his table. but so far no indication that vladimir putin is going to change his plans or change maybe what he is planning for those 100,000 soldiers of his right on the ukrainian border. what is really going on after this. your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? 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what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> neil: better late than never. brian kilmeade is here. we were supposed to have him weeks ago. he's on this book tour all over the country. but it's the president and the freedom fighter, abraham lincoln and frederic douglas. it's how he puts them together and their relationship and all. it's fascinating. he has a reach touch with this stuff on history and he's funny as hell, which is not a funny book, i should say but could be. very good to see you. >> thank you. it's a pleasure. you read the books. i don't know how you do it. >> neil: i love history. this is awesome. i mentioned with bret with his book as well. this really looks at something that -- i knew douglas. everybody knows lincoln. but it's the relationship and the time of it and the war and how you deal with it. i didn't have any idea how they intertwined. >> not till the very end. you had the editor of the north star, frederic douglas who used to write for the liberator. he made waves with his speeches. douglas, lincoln douglas debates and he sees potential in him. dougly was ready to throw in the towel. he said i can't make heads or tales of this country. even though douglas born a slave, had every reason to hate it, he saw the potential. doesn't mean he didn't lose his patience. then you watch the emergence of this candidate. it's like in your family. you have such high hopes for friends and family. when they don't reach it, you're twice as angry. why did he reach out to the south and say keep your slaves. come back to the union. douglas says come on, you cannot live with four million people in slavery and 350,000 slave owners. but he had to take his time. lincoln knew he would have no country to govern. the union was not ready to fight for slavery only. >> neil: wasn't lincoln pragmatic? >> explain that to everybody else. douglas wrote his biography seven years after escaping slave accessory. he would update it, update it. he brought us to the moments when they met. it wipes out the opinion portion of the story. >> neil: you know, you never get into this. you're focused on the time period. but lincoln would be a president and also had to deal and wanted to deal with an up and coming leader as much as teddy roosevelt would do during his term and later washington. even john f. kennedy in dealing with martin luther king in all of those cases, booker t. washington, martin luther king. douglas. great inpatience. you have to do more. how did lincoln digest that? >> he was not born in a slave culture. he department have slaves. the north only had 1% of the black population, in the north. he knew about it and knew the issue. he believed there should be freedom for all. but he wasn't for equality. he said we know the black people are not as smart as the white man but they would evolve and grow. >> neil: when did that happen? this is what he was saying about blacks. >> i think it happened in his presidency when he got to know the issue well. benjamin franklin said the said thing. the smartest man on the planet ever had slaves. by the time he was in the upper years of his life, he was the ultimate abolitionist. the decisions you make is your thirst for education. they both were determined to know everything about everything. they did not have any structure. the world was keeping them away from the books. they couldn't be denied. they ended up when they get together realized how much they had in common. when i was done, neil, i think we wouldn't have needed the 60s had john wilkes booth had not wiped him out. >> neil: and near the end of the book you talk about by the end of the 20th century, lincoln came off of his pedal. douglas rose from obscurity. today these two men occupied a share space in the american experiment. doesn't lincoln have that advantage all the time? everyone knows lincoln. >> and they should. as much as frederic douglas advised seven presidents, what he was doing for women's rights, susan b. anthony, never stopped. when a man could have been living in germany, scotland like a king, he wanted to come back and fight for the 4 million still slaves. i would end like this. i would say that phil phoner brought frederic douglas back in the 40s and now he sits on a high pedestal. i think the more you study him, the more you'll understand why crt is so destructive. understand where america came from. don't white wash slavery. but also understand where we are. >> neil: where with are. "the president and the freedom fighter." brian kilmeade goes all over the country. >> i'll be in fort worth tomorrow and then dallas and then tyler. >> neil: i'm getting tired talking to him. we'll have more after this. i was just blown away by how much my 23andme reports taught me about my health. and that's why i knew how meaningful this gift would be for my family. this season give the most meaningful gift for just $129 it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪♪ pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. 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, It S , Business Impacts , Life , Loss , Feet , Forward , Vaccination , I M With You , Booster Shot , Bill De Blasio , Neck Of The Woods , Mandate , Thoughts , Issue , Term , Workers , Economy , Recovery , Infrastructure Bill , Proposal , Carrot , Stick , Idea , Saying , Business People , Owners , Attention , Mandate Issue , Business , Healthcare Workers , Hospital , Risk , Shortage , Population , Nurses , Build , Vote , Virus , Talks , Thing Stands , Chuck Schumer , Timeline , Negotiations , Fronts , Mandate Thing , Sign , Fellow , Movement , Bill , Cut Costs , Taxes , Republican , Nancy Mace , South Carolina , John Tester Of Montana , Wall , Inflation , Focus , Spending Package , Stop Taking Jardiance , Pill , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Sweat , Coffee , Cream , 25 Million , 2 , Adults , Heart Attack , A1c , Urinary Tract Infections , Heart Disease , Side Effects , Death , Stroke , Yeast , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Infection , Symptoms , Doctor , 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Record , Wallflower , Care , Dishonestly , Reasons , Name , R , Gig , Policies , Nation , Times , Crises , Leadership , Political Frey , Border , Taxation , Mistake , Somebody Else , Door Mat , Criticisms , Criticism , Goat , Congressman , Wing , End , Terrorism , Nothing , Remarks , Congress , Woman , White House , Floor , Time , Anybody , Committees , Effort , Role , Measures , Conference , Sides , Standard , Anti Semitism , Members , Protests , Rhetoric , Riots , Bigotry , Racism , Survey , Match , Wall Street Journal , Donald Trump , 4 5 , Nominee , Question , 2020 , American , Color , Gender , Trump , 2024 , Step , Vaccine Idea , Prison Reform Bill , Back , Speed , Unemployment , Walk Of Life , Purdue Challenge , Voters , Legislation , President , Ly Support , Ten , Governor , Type , Former , Feel , Efforts , Georgia , Community , Results , Swing District , Race , Constituents , Congressional District , Bills , Ranking Member , Trip , On Oversight , Endo Pacific Region , Offense , 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, Path , Sight , Eye Care , Visit Noweyesee Com , Sleigh , Helpers , Wishes , Mountain , Toys , Bye Mom , Fun , Homes , Anyone , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Card , More , Sense , Grandma , This Is Who I Am , County Of Macomb , Wow , Oh My Goodness , Yep , Lorraine Banks , Michigan , Subaru , Journey , Retailers , Unbelievable , Ohhh Cool , Love Event , Meals , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Russia , Force , Message , Cards , Troops , Kirk Lippold , Region , Signal , President Putin , Part , Fashion , Act , Member , Orbit , Nato , Pipelines , Sanctions , Threats , Troop Build Up , Weapons , Javelin , Stinger , Nature , Surface To Air Missiles , Ways , Invasion , China , Taiwan , Cost , Hell Bent , Putin , Token , Jockeying , Ukrainians , Offensive , Information , Deterrent , Theys , Late 70s , 80 , 70 , Concert , Chinese , Test , Both , We Shouldn T , Bait , Nations , Run , Most , Military Force , Application , Commander , Price , Merry Christmas , Individual , Book , Brian Kilmeade , Author , Forks , Frederic Douglas , Other , Individually , Lessons , Liberty Mutual , Doug , Car Insurance , Sleep , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Pay , Theaters , Gasps , Spider Man , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Find Themself , December 17th , 17 , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Dad , Tailgate , Bed , Flexing , Truck , Chevy Silverado , Huh , Multi Flex , Workspace , Flexibility , Laptop , Email , Dinner , Daddy , Office , Find New Roads , Still Flexing , Wait , Imaginay , Questions , Chevrolet , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Six , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , 4673 , Book Tour , Calhope Org , Relationship , Hell , Freedom Fighter , Reach , History , Funny , Books , Pleasure , Bret , Liberator , Waves , Editor , North Star , Potential , Heads , Dougly , Speeches , Towel , Tales , Lincoln Douglas Debates , Doesn T Mean He Didn , Emergence , Patience , Reason , Candidate , High Hopes , Douglas Born A Slave , Slaves , Union , Friends , South , Come On , Four Million , Slavery , Slave Owners , 350000 , Wasn T Lincoln Pragmatic , Update It , Opinion Portion , Biography , Everybody Else , Slave Accessory , Seven , Leader , Teddy Roosevelt , King , Dealing , Washington , Booker T Washington , Martin Luther King , Martin Luther , John F Kennedy , Great Inpatience , North , Freedom , Slave Culture , Wasn T For Equality , He Department , 1 , Presidency , Blacks , Benjamin Franklin , Planet , Decisions , Abolitionist , Everything , They Couldn T , Thirst , Education , Structure , The 60s , John Wilkes Booth , 60 , Experiment , Men , Pedal , Obscurity , Share Space , Douglas Rose , 20 , Presidents , Women S Rights , Susan B Anthony , Germany , Scotland , 4 Million , Crt , White Wash Slavery , Pedestal , Phil Phoner , 40 , Fort Worth , Tyler , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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omicron virus. and from drug giant glaxosmithkline says their anti-body treatment works on omicron mutations. are they cures? no. could they be relief? yes. and then some. pfizer's ceo convinced that covid could be under control by next year, a big investment firm calling ate certainty. some doctors caution that we might be getting ahead of our skis here but skeptics are relieved that the fears are not panning out and the news doesn't hurt. we have you covered with stunning developments with the former health and human services secretary tom price in just a moment. first, to molly line in boston with the very latest. hi, molly. >> good afternoon, neil. you said it. the latest headline making variant is being tracked across the country. there's positive news that treatments that vaccines are continuing to work against coronavirus even as we're getting hospitals strain under the surge across the country. here i am in massachusetts. from massachusetts to hawaii, omicron has been detected in 21 states. it may spread more swiftly but thus cautious optimism that the illness is not as severe. newly released data from pfizer shows three doses is the trick needed. pfizer noting that lab studies showing that third dose increases anti-bodies by 25 fold. the report coming from pfizer comes after a south african study shows the vaccine was less effective than omicron than older variants of the coronavirus. today president biden noted the news. >> the pfizer lab report came back saying that the expectation is that the existing vaccine protects against omicron. if you get the booster, you're in good shape. that's encouraging news. >> glaxosmithkline says research shows the anti-body treatment dubbed citrovamab is effective. lab tests done in veto showed the drug works and remaining the drug worked against the mutations on the spike proteins. now researchers are monitoring climbing case numbers. 32 hospitals innup state new york are being forced to stop nonessential surgeries. there's breaking news out of maine. governor janel mills activated the state's national guard to help ease capacity strains among a sustained surge of covid cases. the vast majority of those hospitalized are not fully vaccinated. neil? >> neil: thanks, molly. you keep hearing this con days goes but less dangerous. when referring to this virus variant. to tom price on the significance of this. secretary, good to have you back. you know, there's still so much we don't know about omicron, particularly how it hits certain countries, but even there, the cases don't appear to be nearly as severe as some had feared. what do you make of what's going on and the news that already available treatments and booster shots might go a long way toward alleviating how bad this gets? >> exactly. with this new variant, the omicron variant, as you'll recall a week or two ago, there was a lot of discussion that we need time to learn more and we learned more. the fact of the matter is that it appears that it seems to be increasing in its trans miss ability, easier to catch. the disease that you get the illness you get is not as severe. it also appears the vaccines that individuals have taken will decrease the incidence of disease. but you probably need your booster to get the fighting immunity up to fight against this new variant. >> neil: i'm wondering too, secretary, if we reached a point if this does spread far and fast but it's not severe, in a weird way are we hitting a natural immunity level or anti-body situation where we don't have to fear as much, a lethal spread of covid? >> we ought not to be fearing this. we ought to figure out how to handle it and live with it as we have talked about. >> neil: by the way, when you say "live with it," that it's going to be around awhile. it's not going away. others have expressed that as the new reality. >> i think that's the case. the average pandemic is between two and three years. we're moving to that pandemic phase to an endemic phase where it's in the background of our society and we have to make sure that when we have the variants and there's other variants that you may need a booster and you may need to add this to your annual flu vaccine. we'll be seeing this a long time. doesn't mean we need to shut down or close schools and doesn't mean we need to close society. we need to treat this as an infectious disease as it is and do the things that we know help. >> neil: so when you say do the things that might require as it is, annual treatments for flu shots, in other words. >> potentially. they're working as we speak whether or not you can give a covid booster update with the flu vaccine itself so you don't have to get poked twice. it wouldn't surprise me that you, i and everybody is recommended to receive a covid update on a routine basis annual or otherwise. >> neil: doctor, thanks for being here. tom price, the former hhs secretary of the united states. mean while, we go to john tester from the beautiful state of montana. he's been leading a charge with senator joe manchin opposing president biden's vaccine mandate push right now for the private sector. senator, very good to have you. thanks for joining me. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: your concern with the private sector push comes amid courts now sort of questioning how far the president can go, demanding if even federal contractors. where do you and how do you distinguish? >> i've been vaccinated, my family has been vaccinated and my staff has been vaccinated. i believe that people need to get vaccinated as the previous two folks have talked about. in the end, i heard a lot from my businesses in the state of montana. they say they're in a heck of a bind. so i think they should have some relief. the other side, there's other like the healthcare folks that need to get vaccinated. i'm not opposed to that. it's the right thing to do. it's common sense, neil. >> neil: where are we going with this, senator? it's an up and down depending on the headline of the day, depending however omicron goes and concerns might have been misplaced. how do you feel about where we are? >> look, i wish this thing was behind us. i can tell you we're still seeing some economic impacts from this and some business impacts. so i wish it was behind us. i think we got good news on omicron and it's -- what's going on there. but i would just say this: if you're out there and you haven't been vaccinated, i don't know about you but i hate being sick. i think that -- just get the vaccine and it will keep you on your feet and keep you working and, you know, not risk potential loss of life. it's about moving forward, getting this behind us. it may always be back in the background at some point in time. ultimately getting the vaccination and moving forward and now getting the third booster shot. >> neil: i'm with you on that, senator. i've been vaccinated. it was a break through case again. i'd be worse off if i didn't have it. your point is well-taken. i want to get your thoughts on what is happening in my neck of the woods where bill de blasio is going to force the mandate issue for all private workers by the end of the year. he only has a few weeks left in his term but some are saying you're overdoing it. you think he's overdoing it? >> i haven't looked at mayor de blasio's proposal. but i can tell you just generally, neil, i prefer the carrot rather than the stick. i think we're at a point in time and our economy and the recovery and things that have to get done, especially with the bipartisan infrastructure bill that we passed that we need to pay attention to what folks are telling us. and i can tell you in the state of montana, folks are saying business people are saying, you know, even though the owners think it's a good idea to get vaccinated, they're saying this puts me in a bind. so the mandate issue for the private sector does become problematic for business. >> neil: so let me ask you in your state, there's no forcing this issue. you know, the governor is in fact trying to get healthcare workers to come to your state. where are you on that? >> look, i think when it comes to healthcare workers, they need to be vaccinated. i hope it never happens. if i end up in the hospital and we have a shortage of nurses right now, a shortage of doctors in montana right now and throughout the country. so if we're going to have these folks get sick or worse, it's important that they be vaccinated. beside that, they're dealing with a high risk population that can't afford to get this virus. >> neil: senator, while i have you here on the build back better talks, i don't know where this thing stands. chuck schumer we're told wants to get to a vote before christmas. is that likely and do you get any sign of movement with the fellow you're working with on the mandate thing, senator joe manchin whether he has moved closer to a yay on it? >> i think negotiations go on all fronts. i don't think the timeline is important here. it's getting it done so it helps cut costs and reduce taxes. that's really what is important. i think negotiations continue on several fronts working to get this bill to a point where we can potentially get it passed before christmas. i don't think the timeline is what is important. what is important is what is in it. >> neil: we'll watch it closely. thanks, senator. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: john tester of montana. we have more coming up including south carolina republican nancy mace. she made some headlines last time she was with us. the focus today seems to be on the president's focus on this big spending package and now with all of the inflation that we've read about whether it's warranted to go much further than just talk right now after this. who's on it with jardiance? we're 25 million prescriptions strong. we're managing type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. surprise! it's a new buick. you got me new buick? oh! and there are more gifts inside. wow! i don't even know what to open first. how about this? you got me the head up display. heated steering wheel. it's a massaging seat. do you love it? okay okay, what next? watch this, mom. alexa, turn on holiday lights. this year, give the gift of technology in every buick s(you)v. >> neil: the president speaking in kansas city, missouri. he's having to benefits of the infrastructure deal that passed. he's teeing up something that he says will be very good. still sort of like icing on the proverbial economic cake, this build back better measure about $2 trillion of additional spending. he says it will bring us to a much stronger economy. but that is something that my next guest has a bit of a different view. south carolina republican congressman nancy mace with us on the transportation and infrastructure committee. congresswoman, very good to have you back. >> thanks, neil. >> neil: let's talk about what the president is talking about in missouri right now, the benefits of this infrastructure plan. a good many of you colleagues supported that in the house and the senate. you did not. you still stick to that, right? >> right. it was not overwhelmingly bipartisan. in the senate, certainly it was, but in the house, republicans were left out of the negotiations. i sit on the transportation infrastructure committee. i saw bit by bit as whether you were a democrat or republican in the house on the tni committee, you were not able to have a voice on that. that's why you're seeing chairman defazio retiring next year. he didn't get much of a say in it. the committee on the house side was taken over by nancy pelosi. all of this spending leads to more inflation, adds to the inflation woes. that's another issue that we have to take hold of right now because of the spending that we've got. >> neil: a lot of people have looked at this build back better plan and it looks dicey. i don't think any republican would be considering that. >> i hope not. >> neil: is it fair to say it doesn't come up for a vote this year? it's not happening, period? >> it's not coming up for a vote by the end of the year. it would be doa next year. i believe the left misled americans, the american people on what this thing would cost. they used the section by section score by the cbo to get a vote on the house. we're learning that that score may be actually higher. we'll see the cbo come out with a much higher number friday scoring the entire package, we think it will be between $4 trillion and $5 trillion, which is vastly different than what we were told. so i don't think it does get done by the end of the year. i think it's dead. >> neil: let's switch gears. you made a lot of news as you called out as you had already done prior to our interview fellow republicans that you thought struck a very strident tone particularly when after congress woman margie taylor green as well, taking issue with congresswoman ilhan omar and equating her as being a terrorist. it opened up a divide in the party that you didn't seem to mind the debate. where are you right now? have you two chatted since then? where do things stand? >> no, we absolutely not have not. but here's the thing. i want republicans to win next year. in order to win, we have to be united. we cannot attack one another. that's what theft wants us to do. when i get attacked by somebody that uses dishonesty about my record, i'm going to hit back. i don't care if you have an r or d by your name. i'm not a wallflower. one of the reasons i got into this gig is because i saw the dishonestly and saw the way american people were mislead on issue after issue. that's why i got into this political frey. i do believe it's important for us to show leadership in challenging times, show our policies are better than theirs. our nation is facing a crises from the border to inflation to the taxation that will get done if they get build back better done. that's where our focus should be. make no mistake, i'm not going to be somebody else's door mat especially when my record -- >> neil: i understand that, congressman. you said you hit back. but what got your goat was her criticism or criticisms of omar and that equating her with a terrorism. that's what started it. >> yeah, i condemned -- >> neil: where is that right now? you think those on that end of the party or whatever you want to call it, whether there a wing or extreme right wing of the party, that you want nothing to do with that, you think you can co-exist in the same party? how do you describe it? >> i do want to say one of the things when i condemned the remarks by congress woman boebert, i recognize she apologized for the remarks. that was the first time in a long time that anybody has done that. there's an effort to take her off of her committees. that's not the role of congress on the floor of the house. not something that i will support. that's something that our conference should take up and -- >> neil: so you don't like these punitive measures -- >> they're unprecedented and only to republicans, not democrats. there's anti-semitism on the left, members that have stoked violent rhetoric at protests and riots. so if you're going to have a standard, you have to apply it to both sides which is why i condemn racism and bigotry by republicans and democrats alike. we all should. >> neil: this "wall street journal" survey that was out, if there's another match with donald trump and joe biden, they're tied. they went about a 4.5% last year back in 2020 to now essentially even. so if donald trump were to emerge as your party's nominee, would you support him? >> i feel like i've answered this question before. yes, i would support the nominee of our party in 2024. the policies of. trump were better for every american regardless of your gender or color of your skin. we had the lowest unemployment for every walk of life. we had the first step back, a bipartisan prison reform bill, we had operation warped speed for the vaccine. he took a vaccine idea to market in ten months. that's up to the voters of this country and the voters of the party. ly support our nominee in 2024. >> neil: so the president when he moved against those that voted for legislation that he didn't like or challenge as he now has the incumbent governor, helping former senator purdue challenge governor kemp in georgia, how does feel about those type of efforts? >> i haven't seen that. i can't speak on it. i represent a swing district. i have a race next year and that's where my focus is, representing my constituents on both sides and delivering results for the community that i represent and the low country in south carolina's first congressional district. i've been passing legislation with democrats this year. i passed three bills out of the floor of the house. i'm the republican ranking member on oversight. i just got back of a bipartisan trip to the endo pacific region. i'm trying to deliver. my community is my focus versus what else is going on but thank you. >> neil: so when the president has taken offense to some of the things that you have said, you don't fear that he might want to launch or get others to launch a challenge, party challenge to you? >> oh, i'm sure he's not the only one and i believe he's said that he would. it's really not up to him. it's up to the voters of south carolina and the first congressional district to decide whether or not they want me to represent them going forward. i believe i truly represent my district and proud to and honored to. >> neil: got it. none of that would affect whether you would support him or not if he were your nominee, the presidential nominee? >> i care about the future of my country and doing what is right for everyone that i represent, my state and our district and our nation. we're going to do what is best for our country. >> neil: got it. thanks, congress woman. the fallout from those remarks and more about the crime wave that right now is really buffet ago lot of states. but it's what some are doing about it that is raising even more eyebrows. 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>> there's going to be some urgency to getting this money out there and getting these projects started. if you listen to secretary buttigieg he says we're not looking for shovel-ready jobs. we're looking for shovel-worthy jobs. if that is your rubric, then yeah, maybe the money doesn't pump as quickly as possible. with this talk about infrastructure, what i'm reminded about is this summer we saw why president biden's poll numbers went down. we know americans don't approve of his job. it has to do with the withdrawal from afghanistan and the resurgence of the delta variant. now we also have sort of echos of the two things. we're wondering about what omicron is going to look like and now rather than talking about infrastructure, we're replaying that similar scenario and looking at a foreign policy situation in the ukraine. those types of headlines make it harder for everyday americans to say okay, these roads and bridges got fixed. >> neil: yeah, when it's your predecessors policies that people want to return to even though they don't flip over your predecessor personally, that's a telling finding right there. thanks, phil. good seeing you. >> thank you, sir. >> neil: another issue that is dominant on the minds of voters in a dozen city where crime is running rampant. it's their own personal safety. we've said in new york the reluctance about going to in-person work has more to do with crime than with covid. count ted williams not at all surprised. a former d.c. homicide detective. he was on top of this story more than 18 months ago talking about this defund the police movement and the rest would come back to damage people's competence in the system, the safety of the system. ted, good to have you back. what do you make of the measures that are now being taken to frantically adjust these crime spikes and whether they're enough right now. >> well, thanks for having me on, neil. i'd like to be the bearer of good news but i have to be the bearer of bad news. we're at war when it comes to crime and criminals. the sad commentary, neil, is that we're losing that war. when we look from new york to california, we can see, if you're in a store, you're looking at somebody smashing and grabbing and taking merchandise, if you're driving your car down the road, you're looking at individuals that can carjack you. homicides are up. if you go in chicago and you're there for any weekend and they're not over 50 crimes or 50 homicides, you're not in chicago, sadly. so all of these things are out there and being driven. what we need to look at is how the transition should take place what we need are prosecutors and judges to get together in these courts and to be more proactive than reactive when it comes to crime. >> neil: but they're not. they're not doing that, ted. if anything, they continue to set criminals free. some are being forced to redress that. but precious few. so that means that this goes on and on, doesn't it? >> it goes on and on. since this is a national catastrophe as far as i can see, president biden should call a crime summit and that he appoint a crime czar that can work with these local prosecutors. for instance, in california, neil, in these smash and grabs, before the ink is dry on the paperwork where they arrest these people, they're back out on the street. that should not be happening. so there's a need to change the laws to better suit and protect law-abiding citizens and we don't have that at this time. >> neil: no, not even close, ted. thanks very much. good catching up with you. be well and be safe. >> absolutely. >> neil: ted williams, former d.c. detective. no indication what was discussed in that phone call between the president of the united states and vladimir putin. what we realized is that vladimir putin was alone at a table. the president had several others at his table. but so far no indication that vladimir putin is going to change his plans or change maybe what he is planning for those 100,000 soldiers of his right on the ukrainian border. what is really going on after this. your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? 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what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> neil: better late than never. brian kilmeade is here. we were supposed to have him weeks ago. he's on this book tour all over the country. but it's the president and the freedom fighter, abraham lincoln and frederic douglas. it's how he puts them together and their relationship and all. it's fascinating. he has a reach touch with this stuff on history and he's funny as hell, which is not a funny book, i should say but could be. very good to see you. >> thank you. it's a pleasure. you read the books. i don't know how you do it. >> neil: i love history. this is awesome. i mentioned with bret with his book as well. this really looks at something that -- i knew douglas. everybody knows lincoln. but it's the relationship and the time of it and the war and how you deal with it. i didn't have any idea how they intertwined. >> not till the very end. you had the editor of the north star, frederic douglas who used to write for the liberator. he made waves with his speeches. douglas, lincoln douglas debates and he sees potential in him. dougly was ready to throw in the towel. he said i can't make heads or tales of this country. even though douglas born a slave, had every reason to hate it, he saw the potential. doesn't mean he didn't lose his patience. then you watch the emergence of this candidate. it's like in your family. you have such high hopes for friends and family. when they don't reach it, you're twice as angry. why did he reach out to the south and say keep your slaves. come back to the union. douglas says come on, you cannot live with four million people in slavery and 350,000 slave owners. but he had to take his time. lincoln knew he would have no country to govern. the union was not ready to fight for slavery only. >> neil: wasn't lincoln pragmatic? >> explain that to everybody else. douglas wrote his biography seven years after escaping slave accessory. he would update it, update it. he brought us to the moments when they met. it wipes out the opinion portion of the story. >> neil: you know, you never get into this. you're focused on the time period. but lincoln would be a president and also had to deal and wanted to deal with an up and coming leader as much as teddy roosevelt would do during his term and later washington. even john f. kennedy in dealing with martin luther king in all of those cases, booker t. washington, martin luther king. douglas. great inpatience. you have to do more. how did lincoln digest that? >> he was not born in a slave culture. he department have slaves. the north only had 1% of the black population, in the north. he knew about it and knew the issue. he believed there should be freedom for all. but he wasn't for equality. he said we know the black people are not as smart as the white man but they would evolve and grow. >> neil: when did that happen? this is what he was saying about blacks. >> i think it happened in his presidency when he got to know the issue well. benjamin franklin said the said thing. the smartest man on the planet ever had slaves. by the time he was in the upper years of his life, he was the ultimate abolitionist. the decisions you make is your thirst for education. they both were determined to know everything about everything. they did not have any structure. the world was keeping them away from the books. they couldn't be denied. they ended up when they get together realized how much they had in common. when i was done, neil, i think we wouldn't have needed the 60s had john wilkes booth had not wiped him out. >> neil: and near the end of the book you talk about by the end of the 20th century, lincoln came off of his pedal. douglas rose from obscurity. today these two men occupied a share space in the american experiment. doesn't lincoln have that advantage all the time? everyone knows lincoln. >> and they should. as much as frederic douglas advised seven presidents, what he was doing for women's rights, susan b. anthony, never stopped. when a man could have been living in germany, scotland like a king, he wanted to come back and fight for the 4 million still slaves. i would end like this. i would say that phil phoner brought frederic douglas back in the 40s and now he sits on a high pedestal. i think the more you study him, the more you'll understand why crt is so destructive. understand where america came from. don't white wash slavery. but also understand where we are. >> neil: where with are. "the president and the freedom fighter." brian kilmeade goes all over the country. >> i'll be in fort worth tomorrow and then dallas and then tyler. >> neil: i'm getting tired talking to him. we'll have more after this. i was just blown away by how much my 23andme reports taught me about my health. and that's why i knew how meaningful this gift would be for my family. this season give the most meaningful gift for just $129 it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪♪ pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. 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Breaking News , Researchers , Surgeries , Hospitals Innup , 32 , Janel Mills , Cases , Capacity , Strains , Maine , National Guard , Majority , Thanks , Virus Variant , Significance , Some , Countries , Bad News , Way , What S Going On , Booster Shots , Lot , Fact , Ability , Trans , Discussion , Matter , Disease , Individuals , Incidence , Point , Immunity , Variant , Fighting , Situation , Spread , Level , It , Others , Pandemic , Reality , The Way , Background , Phase , Society , Flu Vaccine , Doesn T , Schools , Things , Help , Infectious Disease , Flu Shots , Words , Covid Booster Update , It Wouldn T , Update , Basis , Hhs Secretary , Joe Manchin , John Tester , Vaccine Mandate Push , Beautiful State Of Montana , Charge , Senator , Concern , Sector , Courts , Questioning , Push , Family , Staff , Contractors , People , Folks , State , Relief , Side , Bind , In The End , Businesses , Montana , Heck , Thing , Healthcare Folks , Headline , Common Sense , Concerns , Impacts , Haven T , It S , Business Impacts , Life , Loss , Feet , Forward , Vaccination , I M With You , Booster Shot , Bill De Blasio , Neck Of The Woods , Mandate , Thoughts , Issue , Term , Workers , Economy , Recovery , Infrastructure Bill , Proposal , Carrot , Stick , Idea , Saying , Business People , Owners , Attention , Mandate Issue , Business , Healthcare Workers , Hospital , Risk , Shortage , Population , Nurses , Build , Vote , Virus , Talks , Thing Stands , Chuck Schumer , Timeline , Negotiations , Fronts , Mandate Thing , Sign , Fellow , Movement , Bill , Cut Costs , Taxes , Republican , Nancy Mace , South Carolina , John Tester Of Montana , Wall , Inflation , Focus , Spending Package , Stop Taking Jardiance , Pill , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Sweat , Coffee , Cream , 25 Million , 2 , Adults , Heart Attack , A1c , Urinary Tract Infections , Heart Disease , Side Effects , Death , Stroke , Yeast , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Infection , Symptoms , Doctor , Ketoacidosis , Reaction , Skin , Side Effect , Perineum , Blood Sugar , Insulin , Dialysis , Sulfonylurea , Gifts , Surprise , Head Up Display , Buick , Gift , Mom , Holiday Lights , Steering Wheel , Massaging Seat , Technology , You , Alexa , Missouri , Infrastructure Deal , Benefits , V Neil , Speaking , Kansas City , Bit , Spending , Measure , Cake , Icing , Guest , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Infrastructure , Committee , Congresswoman , Transportation , View , Let S Talk , House , Infrastructure Plan , Many , Colleagues , Senate , Transportation Infrastructure Committee , Democrat , Defazio , On The House Side , Say , Voice , Nancy Pelosi , Hold , Inflation Woes , Plan , Cbo , The End , Section , Left , Section Score , Learning , Package , Score , Number , 4 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Interview , Let S Switch Gears , Margie Taylor Green , Tone , Congresswoman Ilhan Omar , Party , Divide , Terrorist , Equating , Debate , Somebody , Another , Dishonesty , Order , Win , Theft , United , Record , Wallflower , Care , Dishonestly , Reasons , Name , R , Gig , Policies , Nation , Times , Crises , Leadership , Political Frey , Border , Taxation , Mistake , Somebody Else , Door Mat , Criticisms , Criticism , Goat , Congressman , Wing , End , Terrorism , Nothing , Remarks , Congress , Woman , White House , Floor , Time , Anybody , Committees , Effort , Role , Measures , Conference , Sides , Standard , Anti Semitism , Members , Protests , Rhetoric , Riots , Bigotry , Racism , Survey , Match , Wall Street Journal , Donald Trump , 4 5 , Nominee , Question , 2020 , American , Color , Gender , Trump , 2024 , Step , Vaccine Idea , Prison Reform Bill , Back , Speed , Unemployment , Walk Of Life , Purdue Challenge , Voters , Legislation , President , Ly Support , Ten , Governor , Type , Former , Feel , Efforts , Georgia , Community , Results , Swing District , Race , Constituents , Congressional District , Bills , Ranking Member , Trip , On Oversight , Endo Pacific Region , Offense , District , None , Everyone , Fallout , Crime Wave , Eyebrows , Business Unlimited Plans , Hotspot Data , Vo , 5g , Verizon , 5 , Store , Money , Low , Plans , Appointment , 0 , 30 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Reactions , Infections , Patients , Doesn T Lincoln , Wish List Event , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Sanctuary , Power , Reward , Advantage , Gold , Lowe S , Man , Experts , Winterfest Event , Windshield , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Service , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Good , Approval Rating , Popular Vote , Rematched , Mind , Lows , Tie , 46 , Politics , Polls , Snapshots , Phil Wegman , 45 , Resonating , Water , Fracture Package , We Haven T , Policy , 23 , Sort , Numbers , Law , Window , Tabs , Wall Street Journal Poll , Legislating , Re Election , Details , Support , Infrastructure Package , Outlines , It Enthusiasm , Packages , Electorate , Urgency , Jobs , Projects , Rubric , Money Doesn T Pump , Poll Numbers , Job , Talk , Summer , Withdrawal , Afghanistan , Resurgence , Delta Variant , Echos , Bridges , Types , Roads , Headlines , Foreign Policy Situation , Scenario , Ukraine , Sir , Finding , Predecessors , Predecessor , Flip , Crime , Safety , Minds , Work , City , Reluctance , Ted Williams , Rest , D C , Homicide Detective , Police Movement , Defund , 18 , Ted , System , Crime Spikes , Competence , War , Bearer , Criminals , Neil , Commentary , California , Chicago , Homicides , Road , Car , Merchandise , Crimes , Weekend , 50 , Place , Prosecutors , Transition , Judges , Few , Anything , On And , Crime Czar , Catastrophe , Summit , Instance , Smash , Paperwork , Ink , Grabs , Need , Laws , Suit , The Street , Safe , Detective , Citizens , Former D C , Indication , Table , Phone Call , Vladimir Putin , Eyes , Planning , Soldiers , 100000 , Stuff , Vision Loss , Diabetes , Sugar , Outside , Blood Vessels , Blindness , Inside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Actions , Control , Diabetes Management , Path , Sight , Eye Care , Visit Noweyesee Com , Sleigh , Helpers , Wishes , Mountain , Toys , Bye Mom , Fun , Homes , Anyone , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Card , More , Sense , Grandma , This Is Who I Am , County Of Macomb , Wow , Oh My Goodness , Yep , Lorraine Banks , Michigan , Subaru , Journey , Retailers , Unbelievable , Ohhh Cool , Love Event , Meals , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Russia , Force , Message , Cards , Troops , Kirk Lippold , Region , Signal , President Putin , Part , Fashion , Act , Member , Orbit , Nato , Pipelines , Sanctions , Threats , Troop Build Up , Weapons , Javelin , Stinger , Nature , Surface To Air Missiles , Ways , Invasion , China , Taiwan , Cost , Hell Bent , Putin , Token , Jockeying , Ukrainians , Offensive , Information , Deterrent , Theys , Late 70s , 80 , 70 , Concert , Chinese , Test , Both , We Shouldn T , Bait , Nations , Run , Most , Military Force , Application , Commander , Price , Merry Christmas , Individual , Book , Brian Kilmeade , Author , Forks , Frederic Douglas , Other , Individually , Lessons , Liberty Mutual , Doug , Car Insurance , Sleep , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Pay , Theaters , Gasps , Spider Man , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Find Themself , December 17th , 17 , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Dad , Tailgate , Bed , Flexing , Truck , Chevy Silverado , Huh , Multi Flex , Workspace , Flexibility , Laptop , Email , Dinner , Daddy , Office , Find New Roads , Still Flexing , Wait , Imaginay , Questions , Chevrolet , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Six , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , 4673 , Book Tour , Calhope Org , Relationship , Hell , Freedom Fighter , Reach , History , Funny , Books , Pleasure , Bret , Liberator , Waves , Editor , North Star , Potential , Heads , Dougly , Speeches , Towel , Tales , Lincoln Douglas Debates , Doesn T Mean He Didn , Emergence , Patience , Reason , Candidate , High Hopes , Douglas Born A Slave , Slaves , Union , Friends , South , Come On , Four Million , Slavery , Slave Owners , 350000 , Wasn T Lincoln Pragmatic , Update It , Opinion Portion , Biography , Everybody Else , Slave Accessory , Seven , Leader , Teddy Roosevelt , King , Dealing , Washington , Booker T Washington , Martin Luther King , Martin Luther , John F Kennedy , Great Inpatience , North , Freedom , Slave Culture , Wasn T For Equality , He Department , 1 , Presidency , Blacks , Benjamin Franklin , Planet , Decisions , Abolitionist , Everything , They Couldn T , Thirst , Education , Structure , The 60s , John Wilkes Booth , 60 , Experiment , Men , Pedal , Obscurity , Share Space , Douglas Rose , 20 , Presidents , Women S Rights , Susan B Anthony , Germany , Scotland , 4 Million , Crt , White Wash Slavery , Pedestal , Phil Phoner , 40 , Fort Worth , Tyler , Dallas , Health , Reports , Season , Flight , Td Ameritrade , Weekend Trip , Dashboard , Markets , One Last Look , Take Off , 29 , Fifteen , 129 , Thirteen , App , Thinkorswim , Smart , Position , Set , Mobile , Medicine Fast , Investing Style , Laser , Gels , Pain Relief , Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Packs , High School Sweetheart , Mother , Colorado , Debra , 35 , Four , Sharper , Foggy , Clearer , Game , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Jeff , Light Show , Places , Big Light Shows , Construction , Figure , The Sun Goes Down , Land Usa , Amusement Park , Equipment , In The Park , Challenges , Bulbs , 1 Million , Lights , Cost Escalations , Lightbulbs , Overseas , School Bus , Optic , Synchronized , Brother , Customer , French Fries , Cooking , Fryer , Team , The Light Show , Fox , Five , Jean Pero , Dana Perino , Geraldo , Greg Gutfeld , Jesse , 00 , Comments , Wave , Realization , Violence , Administration ,

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