Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilto

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240709

responsibly. it's one of the reasons i feel at home in america and so proud to be a new citizen. this country was built on the idea of trusting people and giving them responsibility and power. we call it self-government. these are the values in the constitution, limited government checks and balances the separation of power to decentralize power leaving it wherever possible is the tenth amendment makes clear in the hands of the people. this week we've seen what happens when you go in the opposite direction. when you undermine the values the building blocks of a strong self-reliant society. responsibility, family, community and hard work. here is a threat that ties together the crumbly thing michigan diluting in california the shooting in chicago is disastrous biden report. this is what you get when big government pushes back values. what you get is biden's broken society. how many times have we sat on the show the biggest political issue we never really talked about because it makes people uncomfortable is family the way we raise her kids trying to make sure every child is raised in a stable loving home. there's nothing more important than at any other issue whether crime, no polity and competitive china. there is an absolute crisis in america. you can see the effects of every single day. the crisis is to be born outside of a stable marriage. the crisis is. you haven't got a clue how to raise their kids properly. whether the crumbly sin michigan or adam toledo in chicago. in a couple weeks ago. they get screamed down by the woke mob. here's what comes back to biden and the democrats. the collapse of family stability in america. it's also inevitable social trend. it's a direct consequence of deliberate policy for years. democrats too often shamefully have push policies that incentivize family breakdowns. now in the typical pattern established by supporting biden regime they wanted take the problem they created and make it worse. the horrific federal government centralization bill has more incentives for destroying families. they want to make parents less responsible for raising their children with elizabeth warren terrifying dystopia nationalized childcare. you see how this ties together. with the far left ideology captured to the democratic party. we laid out the origins of wilkinson. how a bunch of marxist have got together in 1920 germany to figure out why the authoritarian has not been around the world as karl marx predicted. they concluded it wasn't just economics that they used to oppress the workers, it was faith, family and culture. those must be attacked and undermined. it is not an accident that today's democrats are antifamily. it is in their ideology. ideology is about taking responsibility away from the individual and family and the community and putting in the hands of the government. you solid again with this absurd claim by jen psaki. >> a huge group organizes themselves and they want to loot a store cbs, nordstrom and home depot until all the shelves are clean, do you think that's because the pandemic. >> a root cause is the pandemic, yes. steve: what a laughable thing to say. how revealing of the rotten state of this democratic party. the seams of looting and chaos, they're not everywhere. there in the place is run by democrats and the places with the progressive policies have been fully implemented. blue states and blue cities, california, chicago, seattle, portland. when i worked on crime issues in the uk government the research on criminality was incredibly clear. the number one deterrent against crime was uncertainty of being caught, convicted and punished. the certainty was more important of severity as a punishment. now is a deliberate act of the progressive ideology, democrats are implementing the exact opposite. the certainty if you commit a crime you won't be caught. if you are you will be prosecuted and by a miracle that that happens the thought of being punished you be laid let out again. this is what's happening one party rural by the defendant police democrats. they have no one else to blame but the pandemic says jen psaki, was in a pandemic in florida i seem to recall the democrats making a fuss about it, no crime wave there you have gum democrat with recent values but you have big government pushing bad values in biden's broken society. as we did this week, and other devastating jobs report showing what happens when you spend trillions of dollars of other people's money paying americans not to work. all over the country businesses cannot find workers because they're better off on the democrat. but the numbers don't mind in the red state the unemployment rate are historic lows, oklahoma, 2.7%, utah 2.2 percent, nebraska 1.9%. you know where it's worse, blue states sending out the pandemic welfare checks, three times worth california, 7.3%, new jersey 7%, new york 6.9. they want to make it even worse the green new deal explicitly says they want to offer economic security to those who were unwilling to work. it is not an accident that the worst unemployment is in the states run by democrats. it is in their ideology. they want people depended on the government. they are deliberately destroying the work ethic of america. when you look at all this chaos, the shootings, the crime, the family breakdowns. remember these are not desperate problems randomly popping up a new cycle. they are all the same disease, the far left ideology that has infected the democrats. antifamily, anti-police, anti-work. they call it progressive but it's exact opposite. it's not progress. it is collapse. the collapse of the values that built america. the collapse of the values that build a strong society giving equal opportunity to everyone. this is biden's broken society and shame on the democrats for what they're doing to this country . tell us what do you think it steve hilton x and fnc ensure this message when we posted. let's begin our guest, first time on the show very excited, fox news contributor clay travis, great to see you. they name after you, you could pick what you want from that. the crime, the family breakdown the disastrous jobs report, i think it's all connected, what do you think? >> i think you are right, it's all connected, the only thing joe biden has done well pick a vice president less popular than him so she cannot replace him. that might be the only thing he's done well. i have three young kids a 13-year-old, 11-year-old and a 7-year-old. you know what the lesson i tried to impart on them is individual responsibility but also for all kids. it is so important. if you graduate from high school and you get married and you don't have a kid before the age of 25. in america your chances of being poor are virtually 0 no matter what race you are or socioeconomic strata you come from. that is a lesson we should be imparted not everyone we can't guarantee you're going to be rich but we can guarantee if you do those three things you will not be poor. it is such an important lesson to teach kids that instead of being perpetual victims which is the lesson of the democratic party, it's a victimization. mid, there's always someone trying to keep you from succeeding. just focus on the three things, if you can do them, you will have a measure of success no matter where you start in this country. it is incredibly empowering when you tell kids that because that's an accessible goal. we want more but those three things graduate from high school, get married, don't have a kid before your 25 years old, those are all things that we can aspire to do regardless of where we start off. >> it is so fantastic that you lay that out so clearly. he really emphasizes, the point i was trying to make, it is so basic and it is straightforward and based on fundamental values. it has nothing to do with the government, these are personal choices that everyone can make. instead the democrats cannot construct these incredible complicated bureaucracies and government systems and programs to try to engineer and right outcomes in the utopian society. in the process they undermine those exact three things that you're talking about. >> that's exactly right one of my other favorite stats that i like to hammer home. the group that makes the most money in america today, you never hear them talk about asian men have the highest per capita income in all of american life. if america were a fundamental race society and completely and totally unfair. would it be possible for asian men many who have not been in this country for very long at all to come into this country and dominate from a socioeconomic perspective. i don't think that the country, whether from africa or asia or from eastern europe that they come here and they take advantage of the opportunities in a way that i believe we beat down americans who have been born here. yourself is a good example. often times the lifeblood of american democracy and the people who are the strongest proponents of the constitution and the people who value our rights and our freedoms. more so than people who have been born here for generations are people who experience the cold hard slap of totalitarianism, a lack of opportunity. they come here and they say my goodness i cannot wait to be able to take advantage of all the opportunity. for many of americans we lost the story of letting kids know how much is possible here in the immigrant population embraces it so much better than many of our native born population does speak what i love everything that you have set i'm so happy you came on tonight i want to make sure we get to talk to a lot, we see it the same way and is really inspiring. this is a message the republican party is a straightforward message. so american you have a democratic party that is gone so far in the other direction. i think there's huge consensus around everything you been saying. it's common sense, so american, i love it, great to see you. meanwhile we still have the omicron variant and the pride in reaching into a tailspin of incoherence and antiscience control with the latest ignorant plan to be the virus following biden's 198 page plan in january, to try again dollar covid in march and a six-point plan in the summer, sachi is in charged, not a joke. dr. fauci is in charge which is worrying considering his lot reckless experiments push through obama and trump and the origin of the pandemic in the first place but everything single thing that she has pushed as a total failure. it's about the boosters. whatever the question, what time is it, time to get your booster, what's for lunch, booster, what you want for lunch, another booster. someone who had their booster, asked ouchi what he should do next. >> one of the things that is very clear. if you have to be in an indoor congregate setting in which you're unsure of what the vaccination statuses of the people around you, where a mask. steve: if you're fully vaccinated and boosted you should protect herself by wearing a mask. it's like controlling us. the biggest announcement is a massive increase in testing biden's new plan to tame the covid-19. so they can show how many cases there are and they can keep it going forever. first they said they would enter vaccination. >> you're not gonna get: if you have the vaccinations. >> that was a total lie maybe you two would like you to get done as medical information since it stops serious illness and an death not serious transmission. the cnn town hall, in his dystopian parity of socialism 1984, george wrote, if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. he is the future on the bidens ouchi someone's shoving a swab up your nose forever. we have vaccines for the vulnerable, treatment for those who get sick, there is no justification for anything else. the pointless bureaucratic monstrosity, testing, travel bands, show me your papers, all of it should be swept away now. here to shed light on all of the stanford university professor of medicine. i don't know what i want to say about all of this. i want to ask you how do we in the pandemic? >> the end of the pandemic is a political decision, nothing logical decision. that is a basic fact. the pandemic comes when we decide the pandemic is done. the way we think about this. we have many of the tools we need to address the danger of the virus. if you haven't gotten vaccinated, especially older get vaccinated that protection against severe disease. we have good treatments like monoclonal antibodies if you get sick get early treatment. stop the panic, stop counting cases. we have no technology to stop the cases from coming. we have technology to protect you if you actually do get sick. i think the other side of this. all these restrictions on life and schools and businesses, it just creates a continuing fear that multiplies the harm, the social economic and health harm from the restriction from the virus itself. once we understand that the restrictions have some harm and cost. the impetus is to stop them. we have the tools to help you protect yourself against the virus, use them against the pandemic. >> it's amazing. can we talk about the testing, they have the new york times headline captures pivot to testing. it's about testing. that is going to generate more cases. i'm really skeptical about that. >> i think the question testing in what context and what for. i understand people are nervous and they have different risk tolerances. some people are done with the pandemic in the live the normal lives and others are still nervous because the overall panic. you could use home testing where you check if you're gonna visit grandma and my positive. that's a reasonable test if you're nervous about it. or if grandma is nervous about it. on the other hand testing in schools to see if one kid who is positive was in contact with somebody else for 30 seconds and then you put the kid in quarantine for two weeks and you tested to get out a week later. that's up for use of a test. the idea that we can stop the kids from spreading the testing is a mistake. it hasn't worked anywhere else. the testing should be used to protect vulnerable people. the treatment should be used to treat sick people and the vaccine should be used to protect vulnerable people. the key thing as we talked about since april of last year. use the tools we have to protect the vulnerablee these people in charge going the other direction. at least we can keep pushing. great to see you as always. before we go i want to say something about bob dole who died today at age 98. i never met him but i read about his life in a brilliant book about the 1988 presidential primary. what it takes by richard cramer. bob dole story is the most incredible and expiring portrait of character, grit and patriotism i have ever read. bob dole was a true american hero. hero. we'll be right no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why 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establishment to imply russian disinformation. it was all true and it was worse than we knew. miranda divine laded out of blockbuster laptop from hell and she joins us now. miranda, great to see you. there's so much we can talk about. what i would love to focus on who the joe biden aspect of this and which parts of this do you think need to be pursued through a legal route or by congress should the republicans win back control. what are the things used that really joe biden is implicated and how do we follow-up. >> i think the ground for republicans entering this is to follow the money as per usual pretense of millions of dollars coming from countries like romania and serbia but mainly china and russia and ukraine. we really have only the tip of the iceberg from several different sources. tony bobulinski material he is a content that keeps phones, e-mails which i also have an chuck grassley and ron johnson senate and did a pretty terrific job and looking into the financial transaction and do they have suspicious activity from the treasury. you know the money has come in and you need to trace it to joe biden. i have found some evidence of mingling of underwriting finances with joe biden shared bank account. shared debit cards in the small amount of evidence showing the hunter biden is paying bills for joe biden, regular household bills like an at&t phone bill. also maintenance on the delaware manchin and some painting and air conditioning unit replace in the cottage on the ground. there is a few thousand dollars for each bill. we know that joe biden was benefiting and we know that from hunter bidens own words when he complained to family members that he had to give half of his salary to his father for 30 years. i think that is probably the most useful way to really get to the bottom of how this influenced peddling operation of the bidens worked. steve: exactly this is when joe biden was vice president. didn't perceive that as well. when is hunter biden foreign corrupt activity going on. it was in the senate, what is the timeline there? >> what it appears, joe biden from his earliest days in the senate for decades ago preeti came into the senators, he had begin as a local influence peddling operation with his brothers leaning on big corporate and credit card company and someone and his donors to give his family in favor of jobs and so one. this is his regular way of doing business for it he had become very powerful in the senate as chairman of the judiciary committee in foreign affairs committee. people were looking to him for favors. when he became vice president is when the internationalized the influence peddling operation in hunter basically became the bad man. >> that is great way of summarizing it. it confirms what we said all along he's a totally corrupt machine politician. you have proved it, thank you so much. a fantastic book. laptop from hell, great to see you. apart from all the fleas and corruption biden is bringing us a brand-new language. it is time to speak biden. if you want to describe terrible job numbers, the continuing supply chain crisis the energy crisis importer crisis, inflation and everything falling apart say this. >> this year we can reflect on an extraordinary progress. it's an incredible success story. now it's time to go on with the success we've had this year. >> incredible success. if you want to model your own public health advice and if you have a cold you should stay at home. do this. >> excuse me, excuse me. america. steve: if you want to crisply and coherently lay out your winter covid plan, say this. >> is a later earlier in the week. steve: to reassure the nation in the world that despite all the disasters and having a cold and unable to light the white house christmas tree properly america strong leadership. you must say this. >> what am i doing here. >> much more ahead, don't go away. 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unjustified school closures and ideological brainwashing driven by the teachers union. they are demanding more from change. the biggest change of all could be on its way in my home state of california. thanks to a new cross party movement led by our next guest, the biggest and boldest pro-choice initiative america has ever seen on the ballot in 2022. i'm delighted to welcome someone you know as former acting director of national intelligence also the founder of fixed california and gloria who is a democrat majority leader in the california state senate along with co-chair on fixed california initiative choice bonding. great to see you. gloria kick us off what we have planned for next year. >> i'm ecstatic to be able to co-chair this with gloria. gloria is a champion, proud democrat and someone who understands california is acceptable to have the kids average parents be the one to only get to pick the school. right now we have a whole bunch of kids who have to go to crappy schools on the street. america is about competition. what were doing putting a ballot initiative to the vote next year end the 2022 election in california asking californians do you want to open the way we fund education and have the money follow the student we think it's about time. >> it's telling a real school choice. and talk to schools here there is a whole system changing. i'm happy to welcome you. i would love to know what was it that persuaded you to team up with rick behind the great initiative. >> first of all i had the greatest regard and respect for rick. education is my passion when i was in the california state senate i oversaw education committee in a cell firsthand how california spent almost half of our budget every year to fund the system. not students but a system that consistently failed students and their families. this initiative said no more funding a blackhole of education we are going to fund directly parents, students so parents can choose the best school choice for them. that is my commitment. steve: i've got to ask you i am all for it i've long argued for. the teachers unions are against it because it takes the power away from them and put in the hands of the parents. most democrats are completely bow down before the teachers union. you've taken the stand. why is that how is often personally. >> undoubtedly the california teachers association is the most powerful political force in california. more powerful than oil, tobacco and pharmaceutical companies. period to scare sacramento legislatures away from doing the right thing. that's why this initiative is so important as you pointed out we started talking we have seen parents in action they are saying enough were tired we want to put our kids first and that's why we believe education savings account will register with parents to give us school choice. steve: is taking all the money that the state spent if this goes through and all of it, not just a little bit, all of it. the parents get to decide. this will have national applications. kim people watching you who don't live in california, can they support this, talk about the national aspect of this. it's a really big change their approving. >> the california is going to go into everything, california used to be the state where we try to put everything first. but the last decade we've been doing everything last. what i would say to people across the country, if you really believe enough into the system. that's better on parents. in the school for them. everyone should go to fixed, sign up and help us for the rest of the country that parents under a year end half of zoom school want to have the power to pick the school for the kids. let's let the parents give them the tools they need. let's not have the wealthy kids going to private school or pick. some people are going to pick the public schools of them are really good public school. let's give the power to the parents not just the rich parents. steve: it's an inspiring message. so fantastic that both of you come together to try to make this happen. we really appreciate it. everyone should go to fixed california it's great to see you both. we'll be right switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. it's the xfinity black friday sales event. learn how to save up to $1000 on select phones by visitng your local xfinity store today. steve: probably the most despicable tactic of the left is describing the don't agree with the misinformation and constantly claiming the political opponents are not just wrong but inferior. it's a way the left engaged for years trying to brand every republican in every conservative non-their team as they raise. it is utterly disgusting just as racism itself is utterly disgusting. racism is so disgusting falsely smearing someone is a racist is so vile. ilhan omar was at it again this morning. >> this is who they are. their party right now is normalizing bigotry. >> falsely smearing people as racist is bigotry. but so is this frankly. >> if you don't have a backpack we should be fine. steve: i know there's a double standard. the homophobic remarks are disgusting and unacceptable as anti-semitic remarks is ilhan omar are disgusted and unacceptable the media demand combination of one but not the other. we have laid out many times the places in america that you see the worst outcomes for black people, latino, asian americans, places run by democrats is not racism that causes the racial injustice in america today. it is far left democrat policies. the kind of policies championed by ilhan omar. you have to ask yourself why do so many of the victims of these policies continue to vote democrat. a big part is the democrats racism smear. republicans are racist. you cannot vote for them. the truth is were not going to turn things around like chicago here in california unless i do vote republican. if you love america you hate to see what's happening in blue states. it is horrible we need change a revolution a political revolution where the republican party becomes what we have long argued for here. a multiracial working class coalition. we know, the democrats and the media stooges were called racist. they call their opponents racist. but we don't have to make it easy for them, we don't have to help them in their smears read every time a republican comes out with a stupid comment that confirms the last character culture is suspect progress in the multiracial coalition. i know ill hunt omar is never held accountable by pelosi or the media for her bigotry. and abiding himself runs around and has a reese's mindset. so what was that the plan to be as bad as them. no let's be better than them, how hard is it for republican leaders to condemn bigoted stupidity, how hard is it for republican members of congress to behave like responsible adults instead of teenagers on snapchat calling the other girl trash and how hard is it for the politicians like lauren beau biden safe districts to understand while they can say what they like and still get elected in places like chicago and california. it is hard work being a republican. were up against years of smears and false propaganda could you stop being so selfish and think before you speak and show everyone that conservatives are not just braces, they have the idea that will bring about what we want to see, equal opportunity for every american and every grace. stay with us >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, 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exercises we're engaged in. >> i can't believe it. i am sorry. i knew i would have trouble keeping it together. i don't know, did you hear or watch that, what is going on in can you translate? >> all right, i'll do my best. you give me impossible assignments. in order to qualify, for reconciliation, there is a bird rule. a bill originating out of the house can -- they cannot legislate. and the build back better they passed out of house has bird rule problems if the parliament arian in senate rules that that violates bird rule, they have to get to 60 votes. no longer 50. the build back better is still sitting in the house. they never sent it to the senate. you can get all mad at senators for not supporting it, but nancy pelosi has not sent it over, she created this massive problem by passing a bill that is not qualified under bird rule. to be considered for reconciliation in the united states senate. that is why she is giving you the gibberish. >> gibberish is the word. >> she screwed up. >> what is the birth bath? >> to scrub it. to see individually one of issues system break, they put it through the bird bath to see if it qualifies under the bird rule but they have only done it twice. bottom line, it is not passing before christmas. probably into january or february before they can get through this process. >> what is brilliant about that, thank you so much. you were the perfect person, apart from the horror show of this complete incoherence, this is the third person in line in president see, we have biden completely incoherent then kamala harris don't want to talk about her, and then pelosi, completely incoherent. the substance is a problem too. >> everyone talks about big dollars, and bird bath problem you -- it is policy. that the bigger problem. the policy that america does not. that is why majority of u.s. senators in bipartisan way don't like build back better. that is it. >> looks like manchin is pushing it to the new year, do you think it will happen at all? >> i think they will get something, but they have to paraway back. >> thank you for helping us, understand. jason. >> thank you for watching, the "all-american tree lighting" is up next, see you next sunday when the next revolution will be televised. ♪ ♪ >> good evening welcome to "fox nation" "all-american tree lighting" at fox square. abby: so great to be with you. finally back in full swing of christmas season. >> i am overheating but i get to be in the spirit, we give you a sneak peek at a original holiday specials this month on fox nation, focus family, traditions and history. >> i'm getting it right here. >> the

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Wilkinson , Germany , 1920 , Workers , Wasn T Just Economics , Culture , World , Faith , Karl Marx , Accident , Antifamily , Individual , Claim , Jen Psaki , Pandemic , Group , State , Cbs , Root Cause , Shelves , Nordstrom , Home Depot , Yes , Place , Chaos , Places , Everywhere , Looting , Policies , Blue States , Crime Issues , Cities , Research , Portland , Seattle , Uk , Certainty , Criminality , Act , Deterrent , Uncertainty , Punishment , Severity , Number One , Opposite , Miracle , Police Democrats , Being , Else , Thought , Defendant , It , Fuss , Crime Wave , Florida , Money , Wall , Businesses , Jobs , Showing , Dollars , Trillions , In The Red , Numbers , Unemployment Rate , Lows , Nebraska , Utah , Oklahoma , 2 7 , 1 9 , 2 , States , Welfare Checks , Deal , Blue , New York , New Jersey , 6 9 , 7 3 , Three , 7 , Security , Disease , Problems , Unemployment , Shootings , Work Ethic , Cycle , Anti Work , Run , Everyone , Opportunity , Shame , Message , Vice President , Clay Travis , Guest , Fnc , Steve Hilton X , 11 , 13 , Things , Lesson , Kid , High School , Matter , Chances , Race , Victims , Age , Strata , 25 , 0 , Someone , The Don T , Success , Get Married , Victimization , Old , Goal , Measure , Mid , Point , Programs , Choices , Bureaucracies , Process , Stats , Outcomes , Men , Money In America Today , Many , Income , Capita , American Life , Asian , Perspective , Africa Or Asia , Advantage , Eastern Europe , Opportunities , Example , Lifeblood Of American Democracy , Rights , Freedoms , Proponents , Cold Hard Slap Of Totalitarianism , Goodness , Generations , Everything , Story , Population , Letting , Set , Immigrant Population , Republican Party , Lot , Consensus , Saying , Pride , I Love It , Common Sense , Omicron Variant , Incoherence , Control , Antiscience , Tailspin , Virus , Plan , Charge , Fauci , Page Plan , Experiments , Joke , Summer , Dr , Dollar Covid , Sachi , 198 , Six , Booster , Lunch , Obama , Boosters , Origin , Question , Failure , Ouchi , Setting , Mask , Vaccination Statuses , Cases , Increase , Testing Biden , Announcement , Covid 19 , 19 , Information , Vaccination , Vaccinations , Illness , Two , George , Socialism , Transmission , Death , Picture , Parity , Cnn , Town Hall , 1984 , Treatment , Vaccines , Vulnerable , Swab , Nose , Bidens Ouchi , Boot Stamping On A Human Face , Testing , Sick , Justification , Anything Else , Travel Bands , Stanford University Professor , Papers , Monstrosity , Medicine , Decision , The End , Tools , Fact , Danger , Protection , Monoclonal Antibodies , Treatments , Panic , Technology , Get Sick , Side , Life , Schools , Harm , Restrictions , Fear , Health , Restriction , Impetus , Cost , New York Times , Question Testing , Context , Pivot , Lives , Risk Tolerances , Others , Test , Positive , Hand Testing , Grandma , Gonna , Somebody , Use , Contact , Quarantine , 30 , Vaccine , Mistake , It Hasn T , Anywhere , Vulnerablee , Least , Something , Bob Dole , Book , 98 , Portrait , Character , Patriotism , Grit , Richard Cramer , True American Hero , 1988 , Instacart , Ingredients , Love , Short Ribs , Mom , Hero , Em Up , Up Light , Up , Songs , In The Dark , I M On Fire So Light , Shingles , Stabbing Pains , Nightmare , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Burning Sensation , Sharp , Doctor , Rash , Chickenpox , Events , Weekend Getaways , 50 , Pharmacist , Music , Symptoms , Back , Eye Drops , Xiidra , Eye , Inflammation , Relief , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Eyes , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Side Effects , Vision , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , Surface , 15 , Holiday , Umph , Wants , 2020 , Media , Alliance , Election , Collusion , Damage Bidens , Tech , Allies , Campaign , Bias , History , Establishment , Hunter Bidens , Number , Corruption , Members , Hell , Intelligence , Disinformation , Miranda Divine Laded Out Of Blockbuster Laptop , Aspect , Parts , Need , Congress , Route , Ground , Countries , Millions , Pretense , Tip , Iceberg , Serbia , Romania , Russia , Ukraine , California State Senate , Phones , Content , E Mails , Sources , Material , Chuck Grassley , Tony Bobulinski , Ron Johnson , Treasury , Activity , Transaction , Job , Evidence , Debit Cards , Bank Account , Bills , Mingling , Underwriting Finances , Amount , Phone Bill , Household Bills , Painting , Maintenance , Delaware Manchin , At T , Cottage , Air Conditioning Unit , Half , Family Members , Words , Salary , Father , Peddling Operation , Didn T , Bottom , Hunter Biden Foreign Corrupt Activity Going On , Timeline , Senators , Influence Peddling Operation , Brothers , Preeti , Donors , Credit Card Company , Favor , Doing Business , Chairman , Favors , Foreign Affairs Committee , Judiciary Committee , Man , Machine Politician , Hunter , Fleas , Corruption Biden , Laptop , Language , A Brand , Job Numbers , Supply Chain Crisis , Energy Crisis , Inflation , Importer , Progress , Cold , Success Story , Public Health , Advice , Incredible Success , Nation , Disasters , Winter Covid , America Strong Leadership , White House Christmas Tree , Go Away , Subaru , Love Event , Retailers , Vo , Meals , That S Why , Feeding America , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Flare Ups , Copd , Cough , Walk In The Park , Lungs , Breathing , Breztri , Real Protection Of Breztri , Flare Up Protection , Symptom Improvement , Won T , Breathing Problems , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , 52 , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Pain , Risk , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Swelling , Mouth , Dogs , Chewable , Simparica Trio , Ticks , Round , Hookworms , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Heartworm Disease , Heart , Class , Seizures , Drug , Reactions , Caution , Disorders , Issues , Voters , Victory , Youngkin , Change , School Closures , Brainwashing , Thanks , Teachers Union , New Cross Party Movement Led , Acting Director , Gloria Kick , Initiative America , Ballot , Founder , 2022 , Majority Leader , Co Chair , Choice Bonding , California Initiative , Champion , Public School , Vote , Californians , Ballot Initiative , Competition , The Street , Education , School Choice , Student , System Changing , Education Committee , Initiative , Respect , Passion , Regard , Cell , Rick , System , Students , Budget , Commitment , Blackhole , Funding , Unions , Teachers , Force , Stand , Tobacco , Oil , California Teachers Association , Pharmaceutical Companies , Legislatures , Action , Education Savings Account , Bit , Don T Live In California , Applications , Fixed California Com , Zoom School , Rest , Private School , Both , Squad , Xfinity , Carriers , Phone , Info , Switch , Carrier , Xfinity Mobile , Experience , Store , Sales Event , Save , Black Friday , 000 , 1000 , Left , Tactic , Opponents , Inferior , Misinformation , Racism , Team , Racist , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240709

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responsibly. it's one of the reasons i feel at home in america and so proud to be a new citizen. this country was built on the idea of trusting people and giving them responsibility and power. we call it self-government. these are the values in the constitution, limited government checks and balances the separation of power to decentralize power leaving it wherever possible is the tenth amendment makes clear in the hands of the people. this week we've seen what happens when you go in the opposite direction. when you undermine the values the building blocks of a strong self-reliant society. responsibility, family, community and hard work. here is a threat that ties together the crumbly thing michigan diluting in california the shooting in chicago is disastrous biden report. this is what you get when big government pushes back values. what you get is biden's broken society. how many times have we sat on the show the biggest political issue we never really talked about because it makes people uncomfortable is family the way we raise her kids trying to make sure every child is raised in a stable loving home. there's nothing more important than at any other issue whether crime, no polity and competitive china. there is an absolute crisis in america. you can see the effects of every single day. the crisis is to be born outside of a stable marriage. the crisis is. you haven't got a clue how to raise their kids properly. whether the crumbly sin michigan or adam toledo in chicago. in a couple weeks ago. they get screamed down by the woke mob. here's what comes back to biden and the democrats. the collapse of family stability in america. it's also inevitable social trend. it's a direct consequence of deliberate policy for years. democrats too often shamefully have push policies that incentivize family breakdowns. now in the typical pattern established by supporting biden regime they wanted take the problem they created and make it worse. the horrific federal government centralization bill has more incentives for destroying families. they want to make parents less responsible for raising their children with elizabeth warren terrifying dystopia nationalized childcare. you see how this ties together. with the far left ideology captured to the democratic party. we laid out the origins of wilkinson. how a bunch of marxist have got together in 1920 germany to figure out why the authoritarian has not been around the world as karl marx predicted. they concluded it wasn't just economics that they used to oppress the workers, it was faith, family and culture. those must be attacked and undermined. it is not an accident that today's democrats are antifamily. it is in their ideology. ideology is about taking responsibility away from the individual and family and the community and putting in the hands of the government. you solid again with this absurd claim by jen psaki. >> a huge group organizes themselves and they want to loot a store cbs, nordstrom and home depot until all the shelves are clean, do you think that's because the pandemic. >> a root cause is the pandemic, yes. steve: what a laughable thing to say. how revealing of the rotten state of this democratic party. the seams of looting and chaos, they're not everywhere. there in the place is run by democrats and the places with the progressive policies have been fully implemented. blue states and blue cities, california, chicago, seattle, portland. when i worked on crime issues in the uk government the research on criminality was incredibly clear. the number one deterrent against crime was uncertainty of being caught, convicted and punished. the certainty was more important of severity as a punishment. now is a deliberate act of the progressive ideology, democrats are implementing the exact opposite. the certainty if you commit a crime you won't be caught. if you are you will be prosecuted and by a miracle that that happens the thought of being punished you be laid let out again. this is what's happening one party rural by the defendant police democrats. they have no one else to blame but the pandemic says jen psaki, was in a pandemic in florida i seem to recall the democrats making a fuss about it, no crime wave there you have gum democrat with recent values but you have big government pushing bad values in biden's broken society. as we did this week, and other devastating jobs report showing what happens when you spend trillions of dollars of other people's money paying americans not to work. all over the country businesses cannot find workers because they're better off on the democrat. but the numbers don't mind in the red state the unemployment rate are historic lows, oklahoma, 2.7%, utah 2.2 percent, nebraska 1.9%. you know where it's worse, blue states sending out the pandemic welfare checks, three times worth california, 7.3%, new jersey 7%, new york 6.9. they want to make it even worse the green new deal explicitly says they want to offer economic security to those who were unwilling to work. it is not an accident that the worst unemployment is in the states run by democrats. it is in their ideology. they want people depended on the government. they are deliberately destroying the work ethic of america. when you look at all this chaos, the shootings, the crime, the family breakdowns. remember these are not desperate problems randomly popping up a new cycle. they are all the same disease, the far left ideology that has infected the democrats. antifamily, anti-police, anti-work. they call it progressive but it's exact opposite. it's not progress. it is collapse. the collapse of the values that built america. the collapse of the values that build a strong society giving equal opportunity to everyone. this is biden's broken society and shame on the democrats for what they're doing to this country . tell us what do you think it steve hilton x and fnc ensure this message when we posted. let's begin our guest, first time on the show very excited, fox news contributor clay travis, great to see you. they name after you, you could pick what you want from that. the crime, the family breakdown the disastrous jobs report, i think it's all connected, what do you think? >> i think you are right, it's all connected, the only thing joe biden has done well pick a vice president less popular than him so she cannot replace him. that might be the only thing he's done well. i have three young kids a 13-year-old, 11-year-old and a 7-year-old. you know what the lesson i tried to impart on them is individual responsibility but also for all kids. it is so important. if you graduate from high school and you get married and you don't have a kid before the age of 25. in america your chances of being poor are virtually 0 no matter what race you are or socioeconomic strata you come from. that is a lesson we should be imparted not everyone we can't guarantee you're going to be rich but we can guarantee if you do those three things you will not be poor. it is such an important lesson to teach kids that instead of being perpetual victims which is the lesson of the democratic party, it's a victimization. mid, there's always someone trying to keep you from succeeding. just focus on the three things, if you can do them, you will have a measure of success no matter where you start in this country. it is incredibly empowering when you tell kids that because that's an accessible goal. we want more but those three things graduate from high school, get married, don't have a kid before your 25 years old, those are all things that we can aspire to do regardless of where we start off. >> it is so fantastic that you lay that out so clearly. he really emphasizes, the point i was trying to make, it is so basic and it is straightforward and based on fundamental values. it has nothing to do with the government, these are personal choices that everyone can make. instead the democrats cannot construct these incredible complicated bureaucracies and government systems and programs to try to engineer and right outcomes in the utopian society. in the process they undermine those exact three things that you're talking about. >> that's exactly right one of my other favorite stats that i like to hammer home. the group that makes the most money in america today, you never hear them talk about asian men have the highest per capita income in all of american life. if america were a fundamental race society and completely and totally unfair. would it be possible for asian men many who have not been in this country for very long at all to come into this country and dominate from a socioeconomic perspective. i don't think that the country, whether from africa or asia or from eastern europe that they come here and they take advantage of the opportunities in a way that i believe we beat down americans who have been born here. yourself is a good example. often times the lifeblood of american democracy and the people who are the strongest proponents of the constitution and the people who value our rights and our freedoms. more so than people who have been born here for generations are people who experience the cold hard slap of totalitarianism, a lack of opportunity. they come here and they say my goodness i cannot wait to be able to take advantage of all the opportunity. for many of americans we lost the story of letting kids know how much is possible here in the immigrant population embraces it so much better than many of our native born population does speak what i love everything that you have set i'm so happy you came on tonight i want to make sure we get to talk to a lot, we see it the same way and is really inspiring. this is a message the republican party is a straightforward message. so american you have a democratic party that is gone so far in the other direction. i think there's huge consensus around everything you been saying. it's common sense, so american, i love it, great to see you. meanwhile we still have the omicron variant and the pride in reaching into a tailspin of incoherence and antiscience control with the latest ignorant plan to be the virus following biden's 198 page plan in january, to try again dollar covid in march and a six-point plan in the summer, sachi is in charged, not a joke. dr. fauci is in charge which is worrying considering his lot reckless experiments push through obama and trump and the origin of the pandemic in the first place but everything single thing that she has pushed as a total failure. it's about the boosters. whatever the question, what time is it, time to get your booster, what's for lunch, booster, what you want for lunch, another booster. someone who had their booster, asked ouchi what he should do next. >> one of the things that is very clear. if you have to be in an indoor congregate setting in which you're unsure of what the vaccination statuses of the people around you, where a mask. steve: if you're fully vaccinated and boosted you should protect herself by wearing a mask. it's like controlling us. the biggest announcement is a massive increase in testing biden's new plan to tame the covid-19. so they can show how many cases there are and they can keep it going forever. first they said they would enter vaccination. >> you're not gonna get: if you have the vaccinations. >> that was a total lie maybe you two would like you to get done as medical information since it stops serious illness and an death not serious transmission. the cnn town hall, in his dystopian parity of socialism 1984, george wrote, if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. he is the future on the bidens ouchi someone's shoving a swab up your nose forever. we have vaccines for the vulnerable, treatment for those who get sick, there is no justification for anything else. the pointless bureaucratic monstrosity, testing, travel bands, show me your papers, all of it should be swept away now. here to shed light on all of the stanford university professor of medicine. i don't know what i want to say about all of this. i want to ask you how do we in the pandemic? >> the end of the pandemic is a political decision, nothing logical decision. that is a basic fact. the pandemic comes when we decide the pandemic is done. the way we think about this. we have many of the tools we need to address the danger of the virus. if you haven't gotten vaccinated, especially older get vaccinated that protection against severe disease. we have good treatments like monoclonal antibodies if you get sick get early treatment. stop the panic, stop counting cases. we have no technology to stop the cases from coming. we have technology to protect you if you actually do get sick. i think the other side of this. all these restrictions on life and schools and businesses, it just creates a continuing fear that multiplies the harm, the social economic and health harm from the restriction from the virus itself. once we understand that the restrictions have some harm and cost. the impetus is to stop them. we have the tools to help you protect yourself against the virus, use them against the pandemic. >> it's amazing. can we talk about the testing, they have the new york times headline captures pivot to testing. it's about testing. that is going to generate more cases. i'm really skeptical about that. >> i think the question testing in what context and what for. i understand people are nervous and they have different risk tolerances. some people are done with the pandemic in the live the normal lives and others are still nervous because the overall panic. you could use home testing where you check if you're gonna visit grandma and my positive. that's a reasonable test if you're nervous about it. or if grandma is nervous about it. on the other hand testing in schools to see if one kid who is positive was in contact with somebody else for 30 seconds and then you put the kid in quarantine for two weeks and you tested to get out a week later. that's up for use of a test. the idea that we can stop the kids from spreading the testing is a mistake. it hasn't worked anywhere else. the testing should be used to protect vulnerable people. the treatment should be used to treat sick people and the vaccine should be used to protect vulnerable people. the key thing as we talked about since april of last year. use the tools we have to protect the vulnerablee these people in charge going the other direction. at least we can keep pushing. great to see you as always. before we go i want to say something about bob dole who died today at age 98. i never met him but i read about his life in a brilliant book about the 1988 presidential primary. what it takes by richard cramer. bob dole story is the most incredible and expiring portrait of character, grit and patriotism i have ever read. bob dole was a true american hero. hero. we'll be right no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why 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eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! steve: the only wants to know why they don't trust the 2020 election the first place they should look as extraordinary and terrifying collusion between the biden campaign and their allies a big tech in the media. the alliance of bias as we call it to suppress information they see with damage bidens chances of history of corruption even involving the number one enemy china. it was all in hunter bidens laptop. the establishment went into total panic. they tried to bury it to the internal shame they wheeled out more than 50 members of the intelligence establishment to imply russian disinformation. it was all true and it was worse than we knew. miranda divine laded out of blockbuster laptop from hell and she joins us now. miranda, great to see you. there's so much we can talk about. what i would love to focus on who the joe biden aspect of this and which parts of this do you think need to be pursued through a legal route or by congress should the republicans win back control. what are the things used that really joe biden is implicated and how do we follow-up. >> i think the ground for republicans entering this is to follow the money as per usual pretense of millions of dollars coming from countries like romania and serbia but mainly china and russia and ukraine. we really have only the tip of the iceberg from several different sources. tony bobulinski material he is a content that keeps phones, e-mails which i also have an chuck grassley and ron johnson senate and did a pretty terrific job and looking into the financial transaction and do they have suspicious activity from the treasury. you know the money has come in and you need to trace it to joe biden. i have found some evidence of mingling of underwriting finances with joe biden shared bank account. shared debit cards in the small amount of evidence showing the hunter biden is paying bills for joe biden, regular household bills like an at&t phone bill. also maintenance on the delaware manchin and some painting and air conditioning unit replace in the cottage on the ground. there is a few thousand dollars for each bill. we know that joe biden was benefiting and we know that from hunter bidens own words when he complained to family members that he had to give half of his salary to his father for 30 years. i think that is probably the most useful way to really get to the bottom of how this influenced peddling operation of the bidens worked. steve: exactly this is when joe biden was vice president. didn't perceive that as well. when is hunter biden foreign corrupt activity going on. it was in the senate, what is the timeline there? >> what it appears, joe biden from his earliest days in the senate for decades ago preeti came into the senators, he had begin as a local influence peddling operation with his brothers leaning on big corporate and credit card company and someone and his donors to give his family in favor of jobs and so one. this is his regular way of doing business for it he had become very powerful in the senate as chairman of the judiciary committee in foreign affairs committee. people were looking to him for favors. when he became vice president is when the internationalized the influence peddling operation in hunter basically became the bad man. >> that is great way of summarizing it. it confirms what we said all along he's a totally corrupt machine politician. you have proved it, thank you so much. a fantastic book. laptop from hell, great to see you. apart from all the fleas and corruption biden is bringing us a brand-new language. it is time to speak biden. if you want to describe terrible job numbers, the continuing supply chain crisis the energy crisis importer crisis, inflation and everything falling apart say this. >> this year we can reflect on an extraordinary progress. it's an incredible success story. now it's time to go on with the success we've had this year. >> incredible success. if you want to model your own public health advice and if you have a cold you should stay at home. do this. >> excuse me, excuse me. america. steve: if you want to crisply and coherently lay out your winter covid plan, say this. >> is a later earlier in the week. steve: to reassure the nation in the world that despite all the disasters and having a cold and unable to light the white house christmas tree properly america strong leadership. you must say this. >> what am i doing here. >> much more ahead, don't go away. 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unjustified school closures and ideological brainwashing driven by the teachers union. they are demanding more from change. the biggest change of all could be on its way in my home state of california. thanks to a new cross party movement led by our next guest, the biggest and boldest pro-choice initiative america has ever seen on the ballot in 2022. i'm delighted to welcome someone you know as former acting director of national intelligence also the founder of fixed california and gloria who is a democrat majority leader in the california state senate along with co-chair on fixed california initiative choice bonding. great to see you. gloria kick us off what we have planned for next year. >> i'm ecstatic to be able to co-chair this with gloria. gloria is a champion, proud democrat and someone who understands california is acceptable to have the kids average parents be the one to only get to pick the school. right now we have a whole bunch of kids who have to go to crappy schools on the street. america is about competition. what were doing putting a ballot initiative to the vote next year end the 2022 election in california asking californians do you want to open the way we fund education and have the money follow the student we think it's about time. >> it's telling a real school choice. and talk to schools here there is a whole system changing. i'm happy to welcome you. i would love to know what was it that persuaded you to team up with rick behind the great initiative. >> first of all i had the greatest regard and respect for rick. education is my passion when i was in the california state senate i oversaw education committee in a cell firsthand how california spent almost half of our budget every year to fund the system. not students but a system that consistently failed students and their families. this initiative said no more funding a blackhole of education we are going to fund directly parents, students so parents can choose the best school choice for them. that is my commitment. steve: i've got to ask you i am all for it i've long argued for. the teachers unions are against it because it takes the power away from them and put in the hands of the parents. most democrats are completely bow down before the teachers union. you've taken the stand. why is that how is often personally. >> undoubtedly the california teachers association is the most powerful political force in california. more powerful than oil, tobacco and pharmaceutical companies. period to scare sacramento legislatures away from doing the right thing. that's why this initiative is so important as you pointed out we started talking we have seen parents in action they are saying enough were tired we want to put our kids first and that's why we believe education savings account will register with parents to give us school choice. steve: is taking all the money that the state spent if this goes through and all of it, not just a little bit, all of it. the parents get to decide. this will have national applications. kim people watching you who don't live in california, can they support this, talk about the national aspect of this. it's a really big change their approving. >> the california is going to go into everything, california used to be the state where we try to put everything first. but the last decade we've been doing everything last. what i would say to people across the country, if you really believe enough into the system. that's better on parents. in the school for them. everyone should go to fixed, sign up and help us for the rest of the country that parents under a year end half of zoom school want to have the power to pick the school for the kids. let's let the parents give them the tools they need. let's not have the wealthy kids going to private school or pick. some people are going to pick the public schools of them are really good public school. let's give the power to the parents not just the rich parents. steve: it's an inspiring message. so fantastic that both of you come together to try to make this happen. we really appreciate it. everyone should go to fixed california it's great to see you both. we'll be right switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. it's the xfinity black friday sales event. learn how to save up to $1000 on select phones by visitng your local xfinity store today. steve: probably the most despicable tactic of the left is describing the don't agree with the misinformation and constantly claiming the political opponents are not just wrong but inferior. it's a way the left engaged for years trying to brand every republican in every conservative non-their team as they raise. it is utterly disgusting just as racism itself is utterly disgusting. racism is so disgusting falsely smearing someone is a racist is so vile. ilhan omar was at it again this morning. >> this is who they are. their party right now is normalizing bigotry. >> falsely smearing people as racist is bigotry. but so is this frankly. >> if you don't have a backpack we should be fine. steve: i know there's a double standard. the homophobic remarks are disgusting and unacceptable as anti-semitic remarks is ilhan omar are disgusted and unacceptable the media demand combination of one but not the other. we have laid out many times the places in america that you see the worst outcomes for black people, latino, asian americans, places run by democrats is not racism that causes the racial injustice in america today. it is far left democrat policies. the kind of policies championed by ilhan omar. you have to ask yourself why do so many of the victims of these policies continue to vote democrat. a big part is the democrats racism smear. republicans are racist. you cannot vote for them. the truth is were not going to turn things around like chicago here in california unless i do vote republican. if you love america you hate to see what's happening in blue states. it is horrible we need change a revolution a political revolution where the republican party becomes what we have long argued for here. a multiracial working class coalition. we know, the democrats and the media stooges were called racist. they call their opponents racist. but we don't have to make it easy for them, we don't have to help them in their smears read every time a republican comes out with a stupid comment that confirms the last character culture is suspect progress in the multiracial coalition. i know ill hunt omar is never held accountable by pelosi or the media for her bigotry. and abiding himself runs around and has a reese's mindset. so what was that the plan to be as bad as them. no let's be better than them, how hard is it for republican leaders to condemn bigoted stupidity, how hard is it for republican members of congress to behave like responsible adults instead of teenagers on snapchat calling the other girl trash and how hard is it for the politicians like lauren beau biden safe districts to understand while they can say what they like and still get elected in places like chicago and california. it is hard work being a republican. were up against years of smears and false propaganda could you stop being so selfish and think before you speak and show everyone that conservatives are not just braces, they have the idea that will bring about what we want to see, equal opportunity for every american and every grace. stay with us >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, 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exercises we're engaged in. >> i can't believe it. i am sorry. i knew i would have trouble keeping it together. i don't know, did you hear or watch that, what is going on in can you translate? >> all right, i'll do my best. you give me impossible assignments. in order to qualify, for reconciliation, there is a bird rule. a bill originating out of the house can -- they cannot legislate. and the build back better they passed out of house has bird rule problems if the parliament arian in senate rules that that violates bird rule, they have to get to 60 votes. no longer 50. the build back better is still sitting in the house. they never sent it to the senate. you can get all mad at senators for not supporting it, but nancy pelosi has not sent it over, she created this massive problem by passing a bill that is not qualified under bird rule. to be considered for reconciliation in the united states senate. that is why she is giving you the gibberish. >> gibberish is the word. >> she screwed up. >> what is the birth bath? >> to scrub it. to see individually one of issues system break, they put it through the bird bath to see if it qualifies under the bird rule but they have only done it twice. bottom line, it is not passing before christmas. probably into january or february before they can get through this process. >> what is brilliant about that, thank you so much. you were the perfect person, apart from the horror show of this complete incoherence, this is the third person in line in president see, we have biden completely incoherent then kamala harris don't want to talk about her, and then pelosi, completely incoherent. the substance is a problem too. >> everyone talks about big dollars, and bird bath problem you -- it is policy. that the bigger problem. the policy that america does not. that is why majority of u.s. senators in bipartisan way don't like build back better. that is it. >> looks like manchin is pushing it to the new year, do you think it will happen at all? >> i think they will get something, but they have to paraway back. >> thank you for helping us, understand. jason. >> thank you for watching, the "all-american tree lighting" is up next, see you next sunday when the next revolution will be televised. ♪ ♪ >> good evening welcome to "fox nation" "all-american tree lighting" at fox square. abby: so great to be with you. finally back in full swing of christmas season. >> i am overheating but i get to be in the spirit, we give you a sneak peek at a original holiday specials this month on fox nation, focus family, traditions and history. >> i'm getting it right here. >> the

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