Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

chooses to ban flights and tightens testing requirements for people entering the u.s. by plane regardless of vaccination status. >> john: democrats pouncing on a potential covert surge as a reason to pass the president's spending plan and infuse the economy with even more covid relief money on top of the $5 trillion already allocated for the pandemic. >> sandra: louisiana senator john kennedy will join us in a few moments. but we begin with a stomach live at the white house. the presidents were marts will happen in the context of sinking poll numbers when it comes to handling the pandemic. >> and the right house is pondering how they're going to finesse all of this. the white house as of the president is going to pull out all the stops to address this ahead of the winter season and a new variant that is already in the united states. what does that mean? for now, it means that the white house is going to be pushing boosters come at home testing, and tightening travel rules. federal government will require travelers coming to the u.s. to test negative for covid within 24 hours of their departing flight. previously coming at 72 hours. white house also said there may be more rural cheeses to make changes on the way. >> is meeting with his covert team every day. he will always err on the error of protecting people. speak up what bounds are not on the menu right now but republicans warning the white house against going too fr against the variance. >> i hope that the strategy is not going to be is one that's counterproductive and force people to do things that we don't need to do. all that does is create more strife and more economic pain and frankly, more division in the country. >> there are also concerned that this invariance could further disrupt the economy on top of worker shortages, inflation, and supply chain disruptions. the white house is that the administration has made a lot of progress to relief supply chain bottlenecks. in august of a vice president, harris said that parents should start shopping for their christmas presents back then ahead of these possible shortages although the president contends right now that is not the issue for the vast majority of americans. back to. >> sandra: as we wait the president, live at the white house for us, thank you. >> john: thank you. for more on this, let's bring in louisiana senator john kennedy. good to see you. chuck schumer is saying he wants a vote on this reconciliation bill before christmas. is he going to get a question mark >> i don't think so. they are trying every possible measure. the same people who are now telling you that we have to pass build back better in order to fight off the omicron virus are the same people telling you that math is racist, we have to call mothers birthing people. they're the same group that are telling you that one race of americans as evil and another is irretrievably helpless. if you believe this drivel, you will never own your own home. >> john: senator, this is what the president said about this the other day. listen here and we'll get you on the other side. >> president biden: nothing will be more expensive for american families that a no vote on the bill back better plant. we live in uncertain times and families are anxious about covid, the economy, the cost of living. the way to relieve that anxiety is with focused action. >> john: and $1.75 trillion which a lot of analyses say will go to three and half trillion dollars at the very least. as a president treading on fear here? >> he is trading on fear and inaccuracy. in my opinion, the highest and best use of the build back better bill is to line the cages of america's hamsters. i'll give you two examples. he's proposing an $8 billion new tax on natural gas. remember, when your heating bill was through the roof, we are building back better. he's proposing a federal takeover of child care in america. what does that mean? if you have the average american family of mom and dad at work and you're making $70,000 a year, under the presidents bill coming to know what you're going to have to pay for child care in in 2022? $29,000. that's out of your pocket. we are getting into the foothills of insanity. and those are just two examples. >> john: fox news contributor karl rove does not think that the chances are very good that the president is going to get this done by christmas. >> won't. >> john: he said will santa claus visit chuck schumer? traveling and blank slate may be easier than passing what he wants by christmas. it sounds like he's been using your writer. the outcome and my pin is that mr. joe manchin will show the convictions matter and he will vote no and deny mr. schumer his christmas victory and the democratic left its transmission a moment. joe manchin is not getting what he wants and he also says that the twin concerns of inflation and omicron should be a cause to pause. do you think that they will lose senator joe manchin and senator kyrsten sinema? >> first, you didn't mean it and a first, but for better or worse, i am a writer. i wouldn't blame what i sang anybody else. it's not just senator manchin and senator sinema. many of them are going to speak up, but they see what's happening with inflation and they know that the build back better bill is about a $4 trillion bill. it's going to be like throwing kerosene on a tire fire. they know it's going to hurt the american people and it's going to hurt them politically. >> john: excuse me, want to get into one other point here because we are on the verge of a government shutdown if we can't get the spending bill passed. there reports that some republicans want to use the threat of a shutdown to get money out of the spending bill that would be used to enforce coronavirus vaccine mandates and the private sector question might senator mitch mcconnell says no, there's not going to be a shutdown. who is right? senator mcconnell or this group of republicans that want to use this as a lever? >> the last time i talk to the republicans, they did not look to me like they were backing down. if i thought that shutting down government was going to get rid of the mandate, i would join with them. but it's not. it's just not. in fact, the mandate right now is already shut down. we have litigated it in a number of federal gouges have joined the mandate. we're going to have a vote next week on the mandate on the senate floor. i would hate to see it shut down government and scare people half to death when the biden administration is already trying to scare them half to death with this new variant for political reasons. i hate to see a shut down government and scare them some more. >> john: let me make sure that i get this clear. you do not believe there will be a government shutdown question works because there is 50% chance. when i last talked to the proponents of the shutdown, within the last two hours, they were hell-bent. maybe mitch know something i don't know, but it will be a long shutdown. we shouldn't shut it down at all, but it could be a few. >> john: we will see who controls the caucus very soon. senator john kennedy from the great state of louisiana and a fabulous writer. good to talk to you, thank you. >> thank you, john. >> john: center, he does have some great lines. >> sandra: and i was taking notes. 50% chance of a shutdown or higher that could last a few days. cut the sound bite there. jim jordan will be coming up at the top the next hour talking about the 31 your height that we are seeing in inflation as it ie hockey puck. will get his take on that. meanwhile, were watching this. evolving story out of the united nations headquarters in midtown manhattan. the mid-to nypd swarming the building accusing a man patient stomach pacing the entrance of the building with a shotgun. the police remain in a standoff, we are told come up with the man along first avenue. which we know? >> i'm on 42nd and second avenue. down the block behind me is where that stand-ups ongoing. it started at 1045 when a u.n. staffer alerted the u.n. safety and security detail that there was a man with a shotgun outside of the building. the nypd responded to that and since then, there has been a standoff. it appears that the main is in his mid-60s wearing a red sweater and has been pacing back and forth. he is holding a shotgun to his head and the police have been trying to talk to him. in one video, you can hear the police say, "there stomach put on the gun. there are better ways to get your message out." it's important to note that the nypd he says there is threat to the public. it is secure around the u.n. national headquarters blocked off on first avenue. the united nations is even allowing pedestrians to come and go from the u.n. headquarters building on 46th street and allowing vehicular traffic on 42nd. that means they believe this situation is contained enough in the area is secure enough to allow that to happen. that is good news. when you look at the united nations headquarters, it picks up seven blocks here on first avenue. it is a massive building and its own territory in its own right. there are other missions from other countries in and around that building on that avenue which is why they have created a secure zone there. in fact, the u.s. united nations mission is located on first avenue 44th street. that is where the u.s. ambassador is also there, linda thomas-greenfield, that's where her office is, for instance. we know that area is secured. an ongoing standoff here with no general threat to the public as of now. we'll continue to monitor the situation. >> sandra: hard to believe that isn't a threat to the public. someone pacing actively holding a shotgun in midtown manhattan. the live look that we have there in new york. reminding everyone that the tree lighting was last night and there's more people in the city, tourist rights, than if seen in the long time with all of the holiday decorations up. this is a little offset from midtown and times square area over by the u.n. there's a lot more people out and about and they are going to have to take serious precautions if this is an ongoing standoff which is say that spirits be when i would think that if anybody knows how to handle this it's the nypd. speech will bring an update as soon as we have it. >> john: senate republicans introducing a bill to block to pay up to $450,000 per person meaning some families could see payments in the millions of dollars. meanwhile, the department of homeland security has announced a deal with mexico to restart the remain in mexico policy. as part of the policy, the u.s. will offer covid-19 vaccinations for migrants who have illegally crossed into the country. the u.s. will limit immigration proceedings to six months for asylum applicants. >> sandra: a second u.s. case of the omicron covid variant has been confirmed in this time in minnesota. the infected man returned to the state after traveling to new york city for one of the conventions here. they also say he was vaccinated, just like the first confirmed case. he developed mild symptoms laced last month but they have since resolved. people are urging those who attended that conference to get tested. this comes just days after the first confirmed case of omicron discovered in san francisco. it was just before dr. mike dr. fauci spoked. people a lot of questions. >> john: couple of interesting things about this minnesota case. there is no record this person traveled to southern africa like the case in san francisco. the symptoms are mild and it resolved already, such good news. what we don't know is we do not know with the first case is the age of what this individual was. attending an anime convention question rick i would expect not a senior citizen. >> sandra: can't rule that out. have you seen these? all kinds of demographics. >> john: they do a contract a wide demographic. it would be good to know what the age of the individuals is. >> sandra: more information will be good and i expect will get that. >> john: return to this. more than one week after mass murder and waukesha, wisconsin, the justice department still has not publicly stated how it will respond. how one republican lawmaker is contrasting the doj's silence with its pursuit of parents protesting at local school board meetings. plus, that spirits because we understood that the main would be strong. we did not know the significant problems of the supply-side. >> sandra: federal researcher jay powell admitting issues lasted longer than he expected. many others were making predictions. the cause of this. ♪ ♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections --some serious-- and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. >> john: accused of killing six people and waukesha christmas parade rampaged speaking exclusively to fox news digital. his first remarks to the media, darrell brooks jr. saying he felt, "demonized and dehumanized and like he was being made out to be a monster." the interview happening over video link and are reporter is the first visitors he'd seen since the attack. not even his mother has visited him yet and the 39-year-old is charged with six counts of intentional homicide for that horrendous november 21st attack during being demonized and dehumanized. i don't think he's going to be finding a lot of sympathy. >> sandra: charlie hurt is going to be coming up later and he will weigh in on that. jay powell and treasury secretary janet yellen both admitting to congress that they have underestimated how long it would take for the economy to recover from the pandemic. the two also acknowledging supply chain issues and rampant inflation have lingered much longer than they initially expected. why is janet yellen still pushing for trillions of dollars in new spending if she admits that inflation is not going away anytime soon question rick let's fox business host car to charles payne. his show is during hours so we get you in the first hour. what did they get right here? they blatantly got it wrong when it comes to the transitory and inflationary environment. >> but it's also the super bowl loss that through five interceptions. he's going to say i didn't have a good game. this guy is in charge of inflation! that's his gag! we've been trusting him with that job so for him to take it and acknowledge it, okay. here's the thing. watching these last two days have been riveting. in part because of what you said in the introduction. they are still pushing more fiscal spending. tomorrow, we are going to hear that the country created 500,000 jobs last month. we've 11 million jobs open. wages are the highest level they've been in their moving. household is going phenomenal. we don't need more money. inflation should not of been a surprise for either one of them, particularly janet yellen because the blinded administration, these checks they keep spending out. it is fueling inflation. the war on oil is fueling inflation. a lot of the straps right at their doorsteps and the american public knows. >> sandra: but they don't acknowledge it that extent. and here's janet yellen extending the stimulus saying it was necessary and helped a robust economy. listen. >> inflation is a matter of demand and supply. it certainly is true that the american rescue plan put money in people's pockets and help them meet expensive that they have and contributed to strong demand in the u.s. economy. speech was the acknowledgment that the extra money that went into the american families went out the door because of inflation caused that spending? speak up she wants to take a victory lap. every time they speak, we were in an emergency situation a year ago. the government shut down the economy and it turns out it was a great move. we had the shortest recession on record and we had the v-shaped recovery. but now you go back earlier this year and we were not in that same emergency. the economy was open and people were flustered we just had another 900 bucks in december. we did not need that money. that took us over the top. you did not see the word inflation anywhere. look at the google searches. no one googled inflation until that money went out and all of a sudden, you have more cash, you were buying less. >> sandra: a year ago, we were still in a prevaccine world and they were limited buildings for people to go out and shop and theaters in all that. here's jay powell really quickly on inflation. he did acknowledge you got this wrong. listen. >> the point is, we cannot act as though we are sure of that. we are not at all sure of that. inflation has been more persistent and higher than we have expected and we have to use our policy to address the range of possible outcomes. >> sandra: i don't know what the accountability is forgetting that wrong. getting it wrong could further exacerbated the inflationary picture we are in. >> he is a tough job and a lot of people are wondering when he's talking about raising rates. the core of the inflation problem is higher rents and higher wages. it's what they call sticky. it's not going to go away and it's only going to get worse. i'm not sure what the fed can do at this point to get that genie back in the bottle. speech is remarkable. and washington backed powell, by the way. speak a wall street loves free money more than anybody. >> sandra: great to see you. have a great show. >> john: the city of beverly hills rocked after the wife of mood music legend a shot in their home and later dying in the hospital. but we know about this murder mystery. >> sandra: we are following that, but first, the 15-year-old suspect on michigan's school shooting may not be the only one facing charges. why prosecutors could it be into charges for his parents. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. >> john: arkansas republican senator tom cotton sending a letter to merrick garland asking why the justice department is being silent on the waukesha christmas parade attempt while actively pursuing parents who speak out against school board policies. good to see you in the studio. welcome back! >> good to be here. >> john: let me bleed a little bit from the letter to the attorney general. "the defendant in this case, brooks jr., spent two decades committing crimes including violent and felonies and has shared anti-semitic posts and post against white people. "the department of justice is actively investigating. to speak out at school board meetings and when it comes to the sky, who many described as a terrorist, there silent. >> and this goes to the heart of the problem with the hate crime laws in the first place. any type of violent crimes a hate crime. it all depends on someone's intent on what they were thinking what they said. all of that has to be interpreted by prosecutors. when you have a case like this, and a perfect example is the rhetoric you have a person who clearly is a deeply bigoted person if you base it on his social media postings versus someone like kyle rittenhouse. you have the president of the united states calling the white supremacist and the doj has not gotten involved. it raises questions on how this is being administered. whether it is equally being administered under the law. our only recourse is to have somebody like senator cotton asked these questions. he should come merrick garland onto the carpet and demand answers about this. if you're not going to apply this equally, what's the point of hate crime laws in the first place coursework >> john: in the letter, he details general brooks jr.'s background, but also the double standard. he says well you seem to have no hesitation, neither you nor at the department of justice have issued a statement. there is also lenient they'll policies that allow the attack to take place. why the double standard here and is there anything that congress can do to will the attorney general accountable? >> congress can make sure that he can appear before the minute answer tough questions. >> john: but the democrats don't have any appetite to do that. >> but he will appear before congress and that is a place where tom cotton can answer the questions. but you your finger on why that is a volatile issue. as much as we don't like politics, politics is with us has to be adjudicated. you have a situation where there is a clear double standard in terms of persecuting and pursuing charges against somebody who is clearly bigoted. the difference between that and the way that the department of justice is clearly putting a lot of effort into going after parents and their free speech at school board meetings. there also seems to be an effort, and i don't know if it's conscious or not, by the media to sanitize this. some reports and tweets at the media organization are sent out saying that a vehicle or an suv sped through the parade hitting people. it was a driver. it was a person. it was a criminal. it was not an inanimate object that decided i'm going to go run people down in his parade. it was a person. yet, the media is not reporting it. >> john: and that's another reason why that is such a politically volatile issue. and it leaves a lot of room. democrat voters out there, they're not going along with the media on this. that's part of the reason that the media's going to great lengths to sanitize us. they are trying to conceal some of this information. politics is what is going to play out. >> john: it did not play or fill in on november 2nd. it will not play a well in november 8th next year. charlie, always great to see you and welcome back. we will see you again soon. >> sandra: thank you. u.s. marshals covering all of the bases. from fusion of hunting to active murder investigations. putting it all on the line to keep us safe. laura ingle went on a predawn ride to give us a first-hand look at this dangerous job. she joins us now. really looking forward to hearing this. >> he did it this week and it was really incredible. all of this done before the sun comes up. getting up and out in the field with tactical dealer and warrants and hand has proven to be a successful formula for u.s. marshals looking for violent fugitives. the job is a lot more dangerous and complex than you might think as we found out firsthand. >> this is the u.s. marshal! we have a warrant for your arrest! >> are predawn ride along with the northern ohio violent fugitive task force started with a briefing and an empty parking lot to go over the fugitive they were after. >> he pulled a gun and shot at the bouncer. completely missed the bouncer, but hit his cousin. >> the first arrest warrant served at the date was a success. and so was the next one. u.s. marshals service was the first federal law enforcement agency in the united states and while all 94 federal districts have different challenges, they all have the same objective. >> we serve extremely violent warrants every single day all across the country. it is very dangerous situation. >> here in northern ohio, the task force has made over 2700 arrests in the past 12 months. supervisor torrey to repertory and murphy often puts the team in situations of unproductive consequences. >> we people who don't want to go back to jail and they make it very clear that they're not going back to jail. those can be some of the most dangerous cases. >> no day 70 same. one thing that is constant is the goal of the northern ohio fugitive task force. >> sometimes we find them in the day and sometimes in a month. sometimes a year and sometimes 50 years later we will find them. but we are going to hunt them down. >> they remind the public that many of their cases are just eight tip away. fugitives can change their identity and our books, but behavioral patterns could be the clue that slips a cold case to an act of one and ends in an arrest which is the case. >> sandra: this is a remarkable story you're covering for us. the task force you were following also unexpectedly picked up another person with additional warrants. it's because they did. and this was a first arrest work that was served and that early morning. because of the intense homework and surveillance that the task ports does, they knew there was unlikely that there was something else in that house. they checked him out and he was wanted. yet a warrant out to his arrest on unrelated charges. another person is off the street today because of this task force. incredible work. >> sandra: putting it all in line for us and our safety everyday. we thank them. laura, thank you. spirit we were fox news alert now. we want to go live to the national institute of health or president biden is about to lay out his plans for dealing with the omicron volume to make variant >> president biden: developing vaccines and giving us hope. also, continuing to give me advice on developments as they occur. i've seen more of dr. fauci that i have my wife, we get each other. was president? fauci. all kidding aside, i mean it. i met back to announcer action plan to battle covid-19 this winter. it's a combined advice with all of you that we have developed this plant. it does not include shutdowns or lockdowns, but widespread vaccinations and boosters and castings and more. there are five key actions. first of all, expanding the nationwide booster campaign with more outreach. more appointments, more hours, more times, sites to walk in, providing booster shots for up to 110 million americans who are eligible for boosters. i want to know parenthetically. i was talking to one of my folks who does polling and national strategy. he says there's one evidence in a poll and i will mention it because i'm not positive of the number, i was told this as i was leaving the white house. there's an expectation that 30% of the nonvaccinated side under no circumstances would i get a vaccination because of the new variant but they're now saying they are going to get a vaccination. i hope that's true. i hope that's true. the second point is that launching a new family vaccination clinics to nimacs tt easier for stomach and whole families to vaccinate one place and new policies to keep children in school instead of quarantining them at home. i'll talk about each of these in a moment. instead of having them covered by private insurance plans from having it at thousands locations for the uninsured who do not have insurance. increasing research response teams that are our doctors and nurses. people in this audience know to search team is, but the medical staff and the communities with rising cases and overburdened ha gigantic difference. republican governors as well as democratic governors contact me when i go to their states and say thank you for the search teams because it makes a difference. some communities are hit harder than others. they just can't make it. i will speak to this in a second. the fifth thing we are going to do is accelerate our push to vaccinate the rest of the world. start the international rules for people come to the united states. my plan i'm enhancing today pulls no punches. this is a plan that should unite us. i know that covid-19 has been very divisive in this country and has become a political issue which is a sad, sad commentary. it should not be, but has been. as we move into winter and face the challenges of this new variant, this is a moment we can put the divisiveness behind us, i hope. we can do what we have not been able to do enough of through this whole pandemic which is get the nation to come together and unite the nation under a common purpose. to fight this virus and protect our economic recovery and to think of it in terms of patriotic responsibility instead of some how you are denying people their basic rights. a plan i am announcing today is a plan are scientists and covidien's have recommended. while my existing requirements have been reviewed by the courts, this plan does not expand on those mandates. a plan that all americans can rally around and it should get bipartisan support, in my humble opinion. it should unite us, not continue to separate us. parenthetically, you will know that there are literally as it relates to whether or not we are going to pay the federal debt. whether we are going to have continued resolutions, et cetera. some of my friends on the other team are arguing that if i don't commit, there will never be any more mandates and they will let us defaults. they look at me and say go figure. before i explain, and i'm not going to embarrass you, doc, but i want to thank francis collins. you have done an incredible job, doc, here at nih. one of the most important scientists of our time, in my view. i'm not being solicitous. i'm not exaggerating a bit. dr. collins was one of the first called. i think you are the second call i made to ask if you would stay home. the second call he made. when i was vice president and i got to know dr. collins really well when i was given the opportunity to manage the cancer moonshine initiative. dr. collins it is an incredible resource for our nation and i'm grateful. i mean it sincerely. i'm grateful for everything he's done in this pandemic and advancing all kinds of medical breakthroughs including mapping the human genome. he recently announced he's going to step down as director of the nih this month after a truly consequential tenure. good news, really, as dr. collins is going to return to the lab. we look forward to his unmatched ability to unlock possibilities within her reach. doc, the bad news for you is you are not getting rid of me. i'm going to keep calling you all the time because there's a lot of things you can do to help me get done. just point me in the direction and i will follow. i received a briefing from dr. collins, dr. fauci, and dr. lawrence tie back as well as dr. julie leger what. i appreciate it. my only regret was it was a short meeting because i was going to come and speak. we would have benefited more if i made my speech short and spent more time with these docs. as i study the omicron variant, we've two cases reported here in the united states. this new variant is cause for concern, but not panic. we knew there would be cases of oma chronic here in the united states and it is here. with the best tools and vaccines in the world and best medicine and scientists in the world. we are going to fight this variant with science and speed, not chaos and confusion. just like we be back covid-19 in the spring and the more powerful variant delta variant in the summer and fall. we enter from a position of strength compared to where america was last winter. last christmas, fewer than 1% of american adults were vaccinated. this christmas, that number will be 72% including more than 86% of seniors, our most vulnerable population. our children were at risk without covid-19 vaccine. this christmas, we have safe and effective vaccines for children's age five and older with 20 million children and counting now vaccinated. last year, a majority of our schools were closed. now, over 99% of our schools are opened. i pledge to always be straight and give it to straight from the shoulder as president of the united states. tell the american people exactly where we are. here it is. experts say that covid-19 cases continue to rise in the weeks ahead and this winter. we need to be ready. you can read the whole plan at it's all laid out in detail. for now, here are the key points i want to expand on slightly. we are expanding our national booster campaign to provide booster shots to all eligible adults. our docks and scientists believe that people who get a booster shot are more protected than ever from covid-19. i was just told, it was a question i was meaning to ask for a long time, whether or not it increases the resistance to the variant that is being dealt with, but it also is stronger. and not only just raises the total, but it is stronger. it makes things more powerful in terms of resisting. the centers for disease control and prevention, the cdc food and drug administration, fda, and our top public officials, recommend all adults get booster shots when it's time. here's the deal. more than 100 million are eligible for boosters but have not gotten a shot at. folks come for over the age of 18 and you got vaccinated before june 2nd, 6 months has gone by. go get it now. booster shots continue to be free. they're available at 80,000 locations coast coats in the united states of america. 80,000 locations. if you want to know exactly where to go, it textures up to 24388292 find where you can get your booster shot now. we are making it easier than ever to get a booster shot. more walk-in hours including weeknights and weekends. you can get vaccinated at a time that works best for you and your family. pharmacies will spend dumb acts and millions of techs and emails to remind their customers to refer to return. if they get there shot at cbc, they'll send a text when it's time to return in six months if it's pfizer and moderna or two months for j&j. to reach her seniors, we are collaborating with aarp. there will be reaching out to their 38 million members. we are going to make an aggressive effort and there could be hosting virtual town halls to answer questions in a rage rides her seniors to get their shots. that will all be coming. my administration has contacted -- will contact the 64 million people on medicare to remind them to get their booster shots. we have the ability to do that from a federal level. just like i did to make it easier for folks to get there first and second shots, i am providing paid off time for any federal employee who goes to get their booster. if the only time they can get their booster where they are is at such a such a day in the middle of the day, they can go. all they have to do is demonstrate that is where they went or took their son, daughter, husband, wife, mom, dad. they get paid. they don't get dr. peck. i'm asking other employers to do the same thing. no one should have to choose between a paycheck and getting additional protection from a booster shot. i want to reiterate, dr. fauci and dr. collins believe that if you are worried about the omicron variant, the best thing to do is get lee vaccinated and then get your booster shot when you are eligible. excuse me. we do not believe that additional ventures will be needed, but that we are prepared if needed, my team is g with the officials at pfizer, moderna, and janzen and johnson ticket develop contingency plan. getting such vaccines renewed, reviewed, renewed, and approved if needed. second, we are expanding efforts to vaccinate children's ages five and up. for any parent worried about the omicron variant or delta variant, get your child vaccinated. at one of the 35,000 locations in the countries including doctor offices, pharmacies, children's hospitals, and 9,000 pop up clinics at schools. if you're wondering where to go, visit we are going to launch hundreds of new family vaccination clinics across the country. this will be vaccinations for the whole family and one stop. what's not. children can get vaccinated, parents can get vaccinated and get their first or second or the shot. they will be held at community health centers and other trusted locations but some will be mobile to reach for them to communities. if booster shots for adults, vaccinations for kids. all at the same place at the same time. we first announced, i said the logistical problem. it wasn't that we did not have enough vaccines we counted office, once we got into vaccines, the logistical effort to get all communities in all areas vaccinated was a giant logistical undertaking that would make a military part of being able to do it. because of the incredible talent including our military, we got that done. we can do the same thing now as we continue to expand. we know that parents of children under the age of five are wondering when the vaccine will be available for your little ones. that's a question i get asked often now. we had a function to celebrate hanukkah and christmas in various things at the white house. parents are coming up to me and saying i have a 3-year-old. is are going to be a time? is she going to be okay? is he going to be okay? let me say this, i strongly support the scientific view of children under five. we cannot take shortcuts without scientific work. i'll do everything in my power to support the fda to do this safely and quickly as possible when we get around that point. vaccinating our children is also critical schools open. while over 99% of our schools are open now, we need to make sure that we keep that throughout the winter. this winter. the cdc is now reviewing pioneering approaches like test to stay. as to state policies. allow students to stay in the classroom and be tested frequently when a positive case popped up that was not them. up to now, you go home and you quarantine. rather than being sent home and quarantined, they would be able to stay. test will be available in regularly. the cdc will be releasing findings in the coming weeks so that other schools can learn from the impediments -- excuse me, if there are any impediments in this practice, they can learn to implement what the best way to do this is. the process. we want our children in school and we are going to take new steps to make sure they stay that way. the best step is to vaccinate your children. get them vaccinated. third, this winter we are going to make free at-home test to more available to americans than ever before. to better detect and control the delta variant, i made testing more available, affordable, and convenient. i use a defense production as to increase production of rapid tests including an at-home test. when i came into office, none of these tests were on the market. thanks to our actions in the work of all of you, we had at least eight at-home testing options and prices for those tests are coming down. it still is not good enough, in my view. that is why i am announcing that health insurers must cover the cost of iphone testing. next month, your plan will cover at home tests. private insurers already cover the expense of pcr test that you get it a doctor's office. now, they will cover at home tests as well. for those not covered by private insurance, were going to make it available free at thousands of convenient locations for folks to pick up and take a test kit home. bottom line, this winter, you will be able to test for free in the comfort of your home and have some peace of mind. this is on top of the 20,000 sites around the country like pharmacies where you can go in and get tested for free. we have to keep this going. fourth, we are going to help communities that experience rising case as the summer and improve the care for those on covid-19. we are working with as many republican governors as democratic commoners to deploy surge response teams. they work and they provide needed staff first staff at overrun hospitals where they are handling more patients and they can handle. they provide life-saving treatments like monoclonal antibody treatments. we have over 20 teams deployed now. today, i'm announcing we're going to triple that. we're going to get to 60 teams to deploy to states experiencing surges this winter. i was talking with the governor and minnesota who is raving about the positive impact it has had on his state. other states are the same in the same circumstance. increasing the availability of new medication recommended by real doctors and not conspiracy theorists. for example, monoclonal antibody treatments have been shown to reduce hospitalization by up to 70%. from vax and people at risk of developing severe disease. we have delivered over three and million courses of this to save lives and reduce the strain on hospitals. we have promising new antiviral pills on the horizon that could prevent hospitalizations for people affected by covid-19. we have secured enough supply these pills already and early indications are that these treatments will remain effective in the face is alma krohn. we do not know that for sure, but that's the hope and expectation. like with the distribution of vaccines, we will ensure that these medicines will be available to the hardest to communities in america as well. fifth and finally, as we see with covid-19 and the delta variant i know with alma krohn variant, all of that emerged elsewhere. it all came from somewhere else. to beat this pandemic, we need to go to where it came from and the rest of the world. we also need to vaccinate the rest of the world. america has, in my view, continuous lead in that effort. we have shipped for free more vaccines around the world than all other countries of the world combined. every other country combined. over 280 million vaccine so far to 110 countries including south africa will be delivered all of the doses they requested. today, i'm announcing we will deliver more vaccines to countries that need it. we pledge to deliver 200 million more doses in the next 100 days on our way to delivering more than 1,200,000,000 doses for the rest of the world. let me be clear, not a single vaccine dose america ever since for the rest of the world will ever come at the expense of any american. i will always make sure that our people are protected first. vaccinating the world is not just a moral tool and a moral obligation we have in my view. it is how we protect americans as we are seeing with this new variance. america is doing its part and we will do more. this is a global pandemic and everybody needs to fight it together. that includes countries that are not particularly friendly toward us. theiropulations are in tr trouble. to their credit, the scientific community, particularly in south africa, quickly notify the world of the emergence of this new variant. this transparency is encouraged and applauded because it it increases our ability to respon. on the day that it was identified, i took an immediate step to restrict travel from countries in southern africa. while the travel restrictions can slow the spread of omicron, it cannot prevent it. it gives us a little more time to take more precautions at home and to prepare. one month ago, we announce requirements that foreign travelers must be vaccinated if entering the united states. i'm announcing an additional action to strengthen international travel rules to give us more time to stop the spread and study a new variant. it used to be that international travel flying to the united states had to test negatively three days before their departure from the country. i'm announcing today that all inbound international travelers must test within one day of departure regardless of vaccination status or nationality. this timetable provides more protection and scientists continued to study the omicron variant. we are sending the requirement internationally and domestically to wear masks for travel on aircraft, trains, public transportation, through the winter months. i will close with this. again, the actions i'm announcing are ones that americans can rally behind and should unite us in the fight against covid-19 and they come from a position of strength. we are better positioned than we were one year ago to fight covid-19. since day one of my administration, we've been doing everything we can to beat this virus. that is what we have to keep doing. that is how we keep our country and businesses and schools open. that is how, even with the pandemic, we have generated record job creation. i .6 million new jobs since january 20th. more than any president in american history. we are on track for the fast economic growth and for decades. we move forward in the face of covid-19 and the delta variant. we will move forward in the face of the alma krohn variant as well. we will do it by keeping the face and keeping together as the united states of america. let me close again by saying i bless our doctors, our scientists, and all of you here at nih for what you are doing for the country and, quite frankly, for the world. you are the best. you are the very, very best. god bless you all and thank you for your patience and listening to me. and cute. [applause] >> john: president biden there laying out his administration strategy for dealing with the uptick in covid cases racing across the country. the only difference is that the president articulated. >> sandra: is taking a question. let's get back in. >> president biden: i don't believe that will happen. we have everything in place to make sure there is no shutdown unless some individual. i spoke with mitch mcconnell and i spoke with schumer. there is a plan in place unless somebody decides to be totally erratic. i don't think that will happen. thank you. >> john: there he goes out the door. the president there saying that there might be a government shutdown tomorrow. we are tossing that idea around the john kennedy. a couple of new policy prescriptions. one is that if you are coming to the united states from outside of the country, whether you are a returning american citizen and whether a foreign national and whether you been vaccinated or not, you have to get your covid test 24 hours before you come. the other is that he's going to require insurance companies to reimburse people for home covid test. other than that, it's building out things that are already out there. >> sandra: a lengthy speech. joining us now to react is dr. marty makary. fox news contributor and professor at johns hopkins university school of public health. dr. makary, great to see. you were listening to the president's words there. he believes that we can continue to fight at knowing that we have a second current case of carniak five here in the united states without shutdowns and he wants to keep schools open. did you hear anything different and terms of his plans to fight in the winter months? >> i'm glad that he did it talk about the new drug from work. a cut covid deaths nearly 20. it worked its way into the speech somewhere. i'm disappointed that the first reaction we have to omicron is to create this artificial construct that our major public health challenge is that we haven't insufficiently boosted population. that's not a problem right now. the problem is not that we are under boosted. if you look at the cdc's website right now, the risk of hospitalization of something fully vaccinated with no booster is one in 26,000. that is very low. our problem right now is not that 19-year-olds with natural immunity have only gotten two doses of the vaccine and need a booster. yet, that's exactly the president went with us circling the wagon around the idea that the villain is the unboosted fully vaccinated american. the fda experts just voted down boosters for everybody nine weeks ago. we know that boosters work well for older people. i'm disappointed that immediately would omicron we are going to the idea of boosters at the solution. our problem is on vaccinated adults with a risk factor who do not have natural immunity. they're getting into trouble right now. >> john: when you take a look at what we've seen so far with the omicron variant in the country, and at this point it still anecdotal because we only have two confirmed cases. both of those cases were mild and we do not know what the age of the patient was. both of them, the symptoms were resolving or have resolved. there were both vaccinated. these are breakthrough cases. what does that say when you throw all of this into the pot of what public policy should be going forward to addresses be 25? >> european health officials are reporting cases outside of south africa. of those cases, 50% of an asymptomatic and 50% have been mild. there's no evidence that it's been more severe and we've not seen omicron cases result in debts. the doctors in south africa have said that there's no need to panic and that's i would like to hear from our public health officials. it may not be more transmissible, it just may be more likely to go to somebody who has some degree of immunity and gives a mild infection. not accepting the fact that this is an endemic virus. we would never see a rest conference for a new strain of influenza that just reached united states. >> sandra: do you think that this speech we just heard, do you think it will bring more calm to a situation where it clearly we are seeing more covid cases and the president made the prediction that based on who he is speaking with, said he spent a lot of him a dr. fauci, there will be a continued rise in cases as we head into the winter? >> i don't know. people are seeing the concern and all the attention. we are not talking about the underlying problem in the united states of unvaccinated adults with a risk factor like obesity who do not have natural immunity. those are the ones in the icu right now. the idea that we need to vaccinate children in order to allow them to go back to school, he said specifically that it is critical that kids get vaccinated in order to reopen schools. this is a manufactured problem of which the government is presenting a solution too. we would never do this for influenza which is a similar case fatality rate and kits. >> sandra: dr. marty makary following the president's remarks. thank you. >> john: good to see. let's stick with the subject and bring an ohio republican jim jordan. i take it that you listen to some of the remarks. you heard his strategy that he is laying out to do a covert is going to the winter season and the new variant, omicron. your take? >> his first take is the joke about dr. fauci is present. that's a joke. that's a nightmare. why did he get elected by we the people yet he has complete authority. remember what he said on sunday? "i represent science." almost as if he was declaring from on high he was all knowing. this is frightening. this guy who's not directly accountable to the people so much power. and then the other take away that was just mentioned, that he makes some americans the villains. let's see what the virus and deal with it in a common sense way as the doctor just described to you and your viewers. let's deal with it that way. let's not give any more power to dr. fauci who misled the country on the origins of the virus and used american tax dollars to go to the wuhan lab to do gain function research. don't give him any more authority or power even if it's just a joke. >> sandra: i would like to turn your attention to the possibility of a government shutdown while all of this is happening in the administration continues to battle a number of crises. obviously covid and the pandemic being one of them. john kennedy it, the republican senator, joined us at the top the last hour and he had a prediction that there is at least a 50% chance there could be a shutdown that would last a few days. the president just took a question on it as he was exiting the stage there. congressman saying that there is a plan in place and unless something crazy happens, there will not be a shutdown. her sanity earlier. listen. >> i think there is a 50% chance. when i talked to proponents of the shutdown within the last two hours, they were hell-bent. maybe mitch know something i don't know, but it won't be a long shot down. we shouldn't shutdown at all. it could be a few days. >> sandra: what are the odds from your view? >> we will see. frequently, a few days shutdownn that has given us a 31 year high and that demands a vaccine mandate violating constitutional rights, the government shutdown of an administration that does not secure our border when it was secured 11 months ago, i don't know that the american people think it's all that bad or all the dangers of a thing it's just for a couple of days. i don't know if that will happen. nobody wants that to happen. frankly, this of administration is not done anything right. maybe we will have a couple days shutdown. we'll have to wait and see. >> john: what do you mean of some democrats saying were lookg at which were covid cases are going to spike. all the more reason to pass the reconciliation bill and add billions of dollars more in covid released to the $5 trillion that the government's ready spent russiat way, but the american people understand that inflation is at a record high in the borders not secure. we have crime rising in every major area preload for energy independent to begging. no one is buying that. they are bound and determined to make matters worse. i hope that senator manchin and senator sinema do what they told the voters they were going to do and not support this to trillion dollar boondoggle that will raise people's taxes that will exacerbate the energy situation and do a whole lot of other bad things. >> sandra: are you hearing anything specifically coming from their camps on this? >> no. the main thing i've heard on the $2 trillion spending package is that they don't have the votes to get it done. if it happens, and might not happen until after christmas. we will have to wait and see. hopefully senator sinema and senator manchin do what they told her voters are going to do not supposed to neck support that's that might deal. >> john: you heard that the president say this will not be dealt with shutdowns. do you think that some states and local officials will not be able to resist the siren song if case a spike and implement new shutdowns? speak i hope that's not the case. but can you trust joe biden question ricky said he was not for any mandate but now he's for mandate to put on the american people. he has more restrictions and more infringements and attacks on our rights. i hope not, but with these guys, they will say one thing today and one thing tomorrow and the things they do say it make no sense. like when joe biden set a few weeks ago if we spend $2 trillion more it will help inflation. there's not a sane person on the planet who believes that. but the president of the united states is that. i don't know if you can take it to the bank because they change all the time. including dr. fauci who has told us so many different things over the last year and a half. the idea that the president would joke about that would make no sense to me. >> sandra: you don't need a seeing person to see that. you can take back into history to see that there's never been an inflationary government where a government implement and more spending and that inflation eased and slow down. to your point, it is backing that up. >> john: good to see. >> sandra: at the second hour of america reports is just getting started. we are hearing from the accused christmas break killer in wisconsin. >> john: he is telling fox news why he feels bad not for the people killed when his suv became a deadly weapon. we will tell you were marks that are sure to enrage victims families and many more beyond. only fox news has the interview and we haven't had. >> sandra: and others you heard here first. new york city's designated dope centers to help junkies get high. today, the city has a clarification so people don't get the wrong idea. >> john: they want folks to know they do much more than help out with needles. they will let you get high no matter your drug of choice. heroin, meth, even crack cocaine now a-ok in nyc. >> sandra: smoke a lot of eye ron, protesters risking their own execution to bring this forward. they're putting it all on the line to go on camera and only on "america reports." s an importane rate watch alert for veteran home owners. mortgage rates are starting to climb nationally, but newday is holding the line at just two and a quarter percent, 2.48 apr, still the lowest in their history. if you're one of the thousands of homeowners with va loans who haven't yet refinanced, one call to newday is all it takes. there's no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. save an average of $3,000 a year. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. earn about covid-19, move, look, and feel better. the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? 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speak of what he additional funding in his funding to incree support for local police departments and make sure we keep cops on the beat and we ensure that local communities are working in partnership to crackdown on crime and any dangers ac in their their communities. we also work with a range of communities and strike forces. something we talked about in the past. we are continuing to intimate that from the department of justice. but the president absolutely believes that committee police forces can have instrumental impact on keeping the community safe. >> is crime up because of pandemic? >> many people have conveyed that and one of the root reasons that is guns and gun violence. we've seen that statistically around the country. >> so when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store, a cvs, nordstrom, home depot, until the shells are clean. is that because of the pandemic? >> a root cause and a lot of can stomach communities is a pandemic, yes. >> john: because of her needs a louis vuitton bag. the white house reached out to fox saying that they are monitoring smash and grab robberies. i don't know why you need to have a luxury purge because of the covid pandemic. >> sandra: or with the plan is to fight this prick she brought up guns right away and you go back to the waukesha suspect who allowed his car through parade goers celebrating christmas. he did that himself. that was not about guns. progressive cities are criticized for being soft on crime and largest cities has opened centers specifically designed for people to do illegal drugs. we told you about this earlier this week. new york opening the nation's first state to make safe injection sites were city workers help addicts get high without overdubbing. that's a goal, at least there were no workers at the center putting out the word that they are not for shooting out. people are free to snort, smoke, hop, health, any drug you can imagine. she's live in midtown manhattan, hello, alexis. speak of these locations we have seen, two in manhattan, the been very busy. we will get that a second. as imagine, people are allowed to bring whatever drugs they use in the centers and that's becoming a drug for people who live and work in these neighborhoods. these centers have been flowing with people. take a look at these videos. we are out there an hour ago. this is the center in east harlem. you can see that the center has been open for under a week and it's one of two overdose prevention centers opened in new york city. here, drug users are monitored by trained staff who supply clean needles while checking in for signs of overdose. they are trying to get back on track. listen. >> going to do it regardless. the drugs are going to be in the neighborhood were darkness. without places like this, where else are you going to go? honestly? who wants a subject the community to people using drugs intravenously? speak to some people in these neighborhoods do not want those centers there in one of the reasons is because of the location. >> a big concern for people in east harlem is one of the centers is right across from a school. that's abc head start program where kids are coming in and out with their parents throughout the day. >> how big of a problem is drug use in new york? or than 2,000 people died in new york city alone. as a centers become busier, there's more calls for the department of justice to block these sites. back out here in manhattan, i can tell you that the newark of dumb academic newark law is a wait-and-see game as so many people are calling for an investigation into what exactly is going on inside those centers. back to. >> sandra: live in new york city for us. and cute. john, the efforts here to curb the drug roos and to stem the overdoses and to bring some levl of safety to a city where you want to touristy areas like times square and the drug use is prevalent. you come up from a subway station and it is prevalent. tourists still don't feel very safe. i will tell you that around the holidays here after the tree lighting, there's more people in this city than i've seen in a long time. >> john: people are coming back to new york. overdose deaths are a huge problem in this country, but is that the right way to go about doing it? it will be interesting to see how the incoming mayor deals with it when he takes office. keep an eye on that. next, the biden administration bringing back a trump arab upward or policy that the president previously called un-american. former ice chief tom homan joins us ahead. >> sandra: plus is the bite administration restarts nuclear talks with iran, activists and g for joe biden to reconsider his approach. >> i want president biden to know that the experience of the past 42 years has shown that the politics does not work anymore. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can ate anything. like, i don't have to worry. clearchoice changed my life. >> sandra: to our own and the fourth day of talks the biden administration tries to enter the nuclear era with that country. israel evolved to end it negotiations a united nations report saying that they are using advanced center fusions to refine uranium despite that being banned under the original deal. >> john: israel getting unexpected agreement from inside their sworn enemy me, iran. everyday iranians were fighting against that. warning bite it in a news exclusive. >> sandra john, iran is escalating the nuclear program. the plants met in vienna to stop that. they demand that the u.s. and stomach and all sanctions before it does anything. return to the streets of iran to talk to activists who are risking their lives to oppose the regime and asked them what would they say to president biden? gun fire and teargas wounding hundreds of protesters in iran last weekend. for months, iranians have taken to the streets calling for the theocratic regime to be overthrown. solomon talked to fox news. we are not identifying the activist we talk to because if they are caught by the government, they could be executed. >> i would say to president biden that the regime of iran does not represent the people of iran. i want president biden to be on the side of the people iran. the people who have been participating in different uprisings. speak out the protest exploded this summer. thousands voicing their opposition to regime policies from supporting terrorism to the troubled economy. >> the regime is spending the wealth of iranian people on nuclear weapons and exporting terrorism to the middle east. what kind of light can people have where 80% of the population live under the poverty line? >> they are warning that the biden administration about the consequences of rejoining the nuclear deal known as the jcpoa. they say that the deal will only embolden iran. >> giving cash to the regime will only prolong its life. the life of the barbaric dictatorship. >> i want president biden to know that the experience of the past 42 years has shown that the politics of appeasement does not work anymore. for instant, we saw that the nuclear deer of 2015 did not limit the actions tour achieving nuclear. >> some of them belong to the national council of existence of iran. the leader says that the pressure on the regime is only growing. >> the regime fears that even a small incident could create a major uprising. >> the biden administration says it will return to the nuclear deal and lift billions and sanctions. if iran lives up to the agreement. reporters say that the deal will prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon. activists we talk to say it will eventually do just the opposite and give iran a green light when the deal lapses in four years. sandra and john. >> sandra: incredibly important story. thanks to him for covering that. >> john: this national council for resistance in iran which used to be during the name of saddam hussein be known as the mek. it is the one organization that the iranian regime fears because they have a trend is amount support around the world. if you take a look at the events that they hold every year for fund-raisers and to raise awareness, prominent politicians around the world from both side of the political aisles stand behind them. they have a lot of support. however, getting and there to try to erode the rainy regime, that's a difficult point. iran will only see coverage like that here on fox. >> john: thank you, eric. the united states and mexico will reportedly announce an agreement to restart the trump era remain amongst a policy with slight changes. it comes after a influx of migrants overwhelming border patrol agents. former acting ice director and doctor's contributor. this being dream implemented. not fully. it's going to apply to adults and it may expand from there. what you expect the biden administration is going to do? >> remember, they'd be sued to do this. when the court found that they must do is to secure the border, they appealed it. you've a president and a secretary of dhs to appealed securing the border. they're going to implement it. i said in the last show, they'll implement typical slow roll appeared might sources said they're going to start in el paso with small numbers because those are the least affected with the search for the going to start there. they will expand to 11 different locations. i truly believe they're not going to force the issue with mexico like the trump administration did. you have to remember that the leadership of this administration is still trying to end it to the administration of procedures act. you ended it wrong because you do not handle the procedures and they are still working on it. there and guinness and to end up until then, they are going slow roll it. i hope they do it right. if they do it right, they could secure the border. spoon i wanted to ask about implementation. it will not be in mcallen or la jolla in the rio grande valley which are grounded zeal are of the influx. in those two areas, does it not matter all that much? >> if they want to start a pilot program to make sure all of the ducks are in mexico, that's fine. let's go over to the crisis is actually happening. it's going to have minimal impact. i've heard different locations for my source, but one thing i heard they are going to do to remain in mexico as they are going to offer the vaccine and testing to those returning to mexico which, again, they take one step forward in two steps back. is there going to text and vaccinate those going back to mexico, why don't they test and vaccinate those they are goe united states. it makes sense, but the administration, one step forward in two steps back. >> john: that was a point peter doocy was making yesterday when he talked to dr. anthony fauci. former president trump was on "fox & friends" this morning with a lengthy interview. this came out. he was asked by brian kilmeade if the reinstatement of the remaining mexico policy was a vindication of his policy. here's what he said. >> they should have never ended at. if joe biden would've come in and gone to the beach, he would've been successful in many ways. all of this stuff -- the border was about to never once. >> john: he has always set the border was about that ever was. when you take a look at the numbers in 2019 after the policies were implemented in 2020, it doesn't look a lot better than 2021. if were not talking out of school, he recently talked to the president. what's his take on it now question rick >> i was with the president last week. the fact is, it was at a 35 years ago under president trump. he made the call to remain in mexico. all of the things that you put in place gave us the lowest illegal immigration rate 35 years. it was up 83%. when he did that, border patrol is more vigilant because they were dealing with search. they were catching more coming r gang members. we wonder why there hundred thousand overdose that's in this country but it's because the cartels control the border to mexico. that's when the drugs to men in the bad guys come in. >> john: one of the big issues with remain in mexico is when people were sent back across the border into mexico, many of them were victimized by criminal games or the cartels. if you really implement remaining mexico, how do you ensure that does not happen? >> mexico has to take some sort of response build it. letting tens of thousands of people and giving them transit visas knowing that they are coming to the united states. they need to step up and uphold their laws. they have laws down there against trafficking women and children. they need to enforce laws. that's a president trump dead. he forced mexico to put forth stomach troops on the southern border on the northern butter. the buy demonstration needs to take a page from that trump playbook and make mexico do what they need to do. >> john: they do have some responsibility. good to see you. we'll see how this goes will get you back to talk more about it. speech ever since a buy new administration canceled dozens o complete the border wall, hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment and materials funded by taxpayers sit unused in the desert. >> tax passers have a right to know why. example, people see the border wall and what they don't see his underground sensors. the fiber-optic and the infrared cameras that makes it work. the border security is not working and neither is much of the fence erected under president trump. why? much of that supporting technology was never installed. where is it? we found one stockpile. 1 mile down the road is something that the government does not want you to see. miles of fiber-optic cable for detection system, lights, cameras, sensors, poles. miles of electrical cable so the gates work so there's power here. all baking in the sun and exposed to the elements. you paid for it, but it sits there because president biden canceled those border wall system contracts. other stockpiles exist in texas where at the present stopped a majority of those wall contracts. former chief, randy scott, because the decision shortsighted. >> border patrol has been working on a strategy for over 30 years in the border wall system was part of it. it was not political. the last administration just supported it more than anybody else. have been supported in the past and it shall not have been in politics. it's just more business. >> for months, president biden paid contractors not to work. if it was a tone of lights, power, or any of that organ gates. we don't how much it will cost to unwind the contracts, but they are having some contractors go back to make the area safe because the footings were never put in an offense could fall. wilson know that dhs has put up some of those stockpiles with other agencies so they could recoup some of the value. back to. >> sandra: thank you. john. >> john: just into fox news, vice president kamala harris giving her first remarks after the latest staff shake up in her office and we are at the top advisor and spokeswoman simon sanders will be stepping down from her role. >> sandra: she confirmed it when she poked to confirm the micro borders a time ago. it's the shortest turnover as more reports, signaling turmoil and disorganization behind the scenes. hers president dimmick vice president harris a short time ago where she said that's. vice >> vice president harris: i love simone and i can't wait to see what she will do next. it has been three years of a lot of jumping on and off planes and going around the country. she works very hard and i can't wait to see what she does next. >> do you feel like you are in the middle of a staff shake-up? >> vice president harris: i've told you how i feel about simone. >> sandra: and i mean that sincerely was an interesting ad as if we would think otherwise. spew a next, please! what's interesting is that i would love to be a fly on the wall in the front cabin of air force to because she was on the road today with pete buttigieg and she is the vice president so you would think if the president decides not to run again in 2024, she would be the logical choice. yet, everyone is playing up buttigieg to be the next nominate. >> sandra: there together was very interesting. jen psaki took a question from peter doocy. we played it earlier on the departure from the vice president's office saying that she's decided she wants different people working here or do people not want to work for her anymore? jen psaki seem to deflect and say of the first year and a white house is grueling and exhausting which you know it is, but it seems to be a growing number of departures. >> john: particularly from an office that has been beset by rumors of turmoil and unhappiness with the portfolio she's been given. the border thing, that's a tough one to crack and she does not want anything to do the border itself. not much has been done and terms of addressing the root cause either. you're giving a losing portfolio and sometimes you'll be unhappy. >> sandra: and she continues to sink in low poles. some of the media are transmitted is a good thing. "why inflation is good for up everyday americans and bad for rich people" it argues that it's easier for americans to pay dowe mortgages and that should make up for the sting of higher prices. we are joined out by i.e. economist jay martin jason furman, former economic advisor to president obama. try to make some sense of that. is this a good thing for the working class? inflation? >> what's next from cnn? the upside of cancer? this was an absurd piece of cnn trying to put a smiley face on a big problem. why don't they just go out and interview people on the street question rick middle-class and working-class people and ask how do you like paying a dollar $0.25 more for gasoline. how do you like seeing the price of travel and everything going up? inflation is a regressive tax that hurts people at the bottom the most. unfortunately, there's not much of an upside to the entire inflation rates. just ask jimmy carter who lost his election to ronald reagan because of high inflation. >> sandra: jason, is there any way to look at inflation as a good thing for an average american family? >> inflation is bad thing. i have been consistent in saying that. right now, it is eating up the wages of workers in this country. there are winners and losers for certain people of all you have is a mortgage and you are on social security. you are benefiting now. there are winners and losers. but on balance, it's not a good thing. >> sandra: buys us out there? why would see and impose that headline? we're hearing it from the white house as well. we all remember a couple of weeks ago when the chief of staff claimed that inflation is a high-class problem. >> it is a high-class problem. take the price of gasoline. you're talking about $20 more every time you're filling up your tank. when i go and fill up my tank, people are grumbling and they're angry about paying these higher increases in taxes. incidentally, its attacks. inflation is a tax. when joe biden says i'm not braving the mic raising taxes, he already has. every time you go to the grocery store and a gas pump. jessica my final question. beefsteak is up 24% and eggs, chicken, baby food is up 8%. the u.s. bureau of labor statistics spelling out inflation. do you believe that the white house is putting out detailed plans to fight this when it's a big problem. >> there are two aspects to the economy and are both important. job growth this year has been faster than almost anyone forecast. the unemployment rate is a lot lower than we expected it to be. they thought it would take another two years to get unemployment down to where it is now. that has left us, in part, with higher inflation. the white house was slower than it should have been to be concerned about it. they are concerned about it now. i'm hearing a lot from them and i expect the rate of inflation to come down. >> sandra: i took it all the way up to the break, swift leave it there. we will be right back. quick break. >> a murder mystery in beverly hills. christina coleman live in los angeles with what we know so far. >> john, police don't have a motive or any details. the deadly home invasion happened around 2:30 wednesday morning in beverly hills. a private security guard was at the hospital at the time. the guard and clarence avant were not injured but his wife was pronounced dead at the hospital and it's unclear if anything was stolen. >> this type of crime in beverly hills is extremely rare. in this case, just so unfortunate for someone i've life to be taken that was a wonderful part of this community and gave so much back to everybody else. it's horrific. >> this tragedy has shaken up the entertainment industry. avant was just inducted into the black and -- rock and roll hall of fame. again, no word on any suspects or motive on this investigation. john, back to you. >> john: terrible tragedy. christina coleman in los angeles. thank you. sandra, that brings it to a close for us. >> sandra: heck of a couple hours. i'm sandra smith. >> john: and i'm john roberts. "the story" starts now. >> martha: thank you, guys. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum in new york. today the story of a close friend to two of the teenagers that were killed in the michigan high school shooting. he will join us with his family to react to what we now know, which is that this school was already concerned about this student. in fact, met with him and his parents hours before he open fire in that school. also this hour, senator lindsey

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Communities , Governors , Staff , Audience , States , Teams , Hit , Rest , Second , Rules , Push , Punches , Sad , Divisiveness , Purpose , Scientists , Responsibility , Rights , Have , Covidien , Requirements , Mandates , Courts , Friends , Debt , Resolutions , Et Cetera , Defaults , Go Figure , Francis Collins , Doc , View , Call , Opportunity , Cancer Moonshine Initiative , Everything , Breakthroughs , Resource , Director , Mapping The Human Genome , Nih , Lab , Tenure , Reach , Direction , Bad News , Possibilities , Tie Back , Julie Leger What , Lawrence , Regret , Docs , Concern , Medicine , Speed , Science , Confusion , Tools , Oma Chronic , Chaos , Position , Strength , Spring , Adults , Seniors , Population , 1 , 86 , 20 Million , Schools , Shoulder , 99 , Experts , Points , Detail , Booster Shot , Docks , Resistance , Total , Officials , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Powerful , Food And Drug Administration , 18 , 100 Million , 80000 , 6 , June 2nd , Locations , To Go , It Textures , Coast , 24388292 , Techs , Pharmacies , Acts , Customers , Emails , Moderna , Text , Pfizer , J , Cbc , Town Halls , Members , Aarp , 38 Million , Rage , 64 Million , Employee , Daughter , They Don T , Middle , Son , Husband , Peck , Protection , Employers , Paycheck , Collins , Ventures , Lee Vaccinated , Contingency Plan , G , Johnson , Ticket Develop , Janzen , Efforts , Renewed , Child , Parent , Omicron Variant Or Delta , 35000 , Hospitals , Family Vaccination , Doctor Offices , Hundreds , Pop Up Clinics , Stop , Kids , Community Health Centers , It Wasn T , Areas , Undertaking , Military Part , Military , Talent , Ones , Hanukkah , Function , 3 , Power , Shortcuts Without Scientific Work , Vaccinating Our Children , Home Covid Test , Students , State Policies , Classroom , Approaches , Impediments , Findings , Practice , Step , Steps , Way , Process , Tests , Thanks , All Of You , Market , Testing Options , Production , Defense Production , None , Prices , Enough , Health Insurers , Iphone Testing , Cost , Insurers , Expense , Home Tests , Pcr Test , Test Kit Home , Bottom Line , Thousands , Comfort , Going , Peace Of Mind , 20000 , Experience , Summer , Care , Fourth , Commoners , Surge Response Teams , Monoclonal Antibody Treatments , Overrun Hospitals , Treatments , Patients , 20 , Medication , Impact , Governor , Same , Circumstance , Availability , Hospitalization , Disease , Up To , Conspiracy Theorists , Vax , Strain , Lives , Courses , Pills , Face , Hospitalizations , Indications , Horizon , Alma Krohn , Medicines , Distribution , Sure , Variant , Delta , Somewhere Else , Elsewhere , Lead , South Africa , 110 , 280 Million , Doses , 200 Million , Single , 1200000000 , Tool , Obligation , Everybody , Community , Emergence , Credit , Tr Trouble , Theiropulations , Transparency , Travel Restrictions , Spread , Departure , Travel , International Travel Rules , Timetable , Nationality , Masks , Requirement , Trains , Domestically , Public Transportation , Travel On Aircraft , Fight , Businesses , Record Job Creation , January 20th , Million , Track , Growth , American History , Patience , Best , Listening , Applause , God , Uptick , Shutdown , Idea , Couple , Policy Prescriptions , Citizen , Outside , Tossing , Covid Test , National , Insurance Companies , Contributor , School Of Public Health , React , Words , Professor , Johns Hopkins University , Marty Makary , Drug , Cut Covid , Deaths , Somewhere , Public Health , Challenge , Reaction , Construct , We Haven T Insufficiently Boosted Population , Website , 26000 , Immunity , Villain , Wagon , Unboosted , Nine , Risk Factor , Solution , Trouble , Both , Patient , Public Policy , Breakthrough Cases , Health Officials , Addresses , Pot , What , European , 25 , Omicron Cases , 50 , Health , Need , Transmissible , , Debts , Influenza , Degree , Prediction , Rise , Calm , Attention , Back To School , Obesity , Icu , Case Fatality Rate , Kits , John , Let , Subject , Covert , Stick , Joke , We The People , Take , Nightmare , Authority , Knowing , Viewers , Villains , Common Sense , Tax Dollars , Gain Function Research , Origins , Wuhan , Crises , Possibility , Congressman , Saying , Stage , Sanity , Don T Know , Days Shutdownn , We Shouldn T Shutdown , Odds , Border , High , Vaccine Mandate Violating Constitutional Rights , 11 , Dangers , Nobody , Billions , Lookg , Add , Crime , Borders , Area Preload , Energy Independent , No One , Taxes , Dollar Boondoggle , Energy , Senator Manchin , Matters , Votes , Camps , Spending Package , 2 Trillion , Neck Support , The Siren Song , Case A Spike , Guys , Attacks , Restrictions , Infringements , Sense , Planet , Half , History , Killer , Accused Christmas Break , Marks , We Haven T , Weapon , Victims , Beyond , Centers , Needles , Clarification , Junkies , Help , Protesters , Choice , Smoke A Lot , Heroin , Meth , Crack Cocaine , Execution , Eye Ron , Mortgage Rates , Camera , Owners , Forward , Newday , Appraisal , Lowest , Apr , 2 48 , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Pocket Costs , Average , 000 , 05 , 3000 , 4 , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Tiredness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Hurt , Walking , Joints , Hiding , Joint Swelling , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Feeling Good , Woooo , Back Pain , Damage , Tenderness , Rheumatologist , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 833 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , Reporters , Monster Demonized , Cbs , Mental Health , Christmas Parade , Decision , Adult , Counseling , Records , Illness , Run Ins , 1989 , Tragedy , February Brooks , Answer , Society , Crisp , Nephew , Girlfriend , Christmas Tech , 00 , 500 , Criminal Activity , Chart , Treatment , Court Documents , Mental Illness , Mike Tobin , Condition , Children S Hospital , Flash Point , Critics , Bail , Flashbulb Heists , California , Jen Psaki , Cities , Point Peter Doocy , Leaders , Crime Crisis , Reforms , Funding , Police Officers , Record Number , Incree Support , Smash And Grab God Breeze , Cops , Police Departments , Partnership , Crackdown , The Beat , Forces , Strike , Committee Police Forces , Community Safe , Root , Guns , Criminals , Gun Violence , Loot A Store , Nordstrom , Cvs , Root Cause , Shells , Bag , Home Depot , Yes , Louis Vuitton , Prick , Purge , Robberies , Parade Goers Celebrating Christmas , Car , Drugs , City Workers , Injection Sites , Workers , Overdubbing , Smoke , Hop , Snort , Hello , Alexis , Imagine , Neighborhoods , Videos , East Harlem , Overdose , Users , Overdose Prevention Centers , Signs , Neighborhood , Places , Darkness , Location , Drug Use , Head Start Program , Abc , Calls , Newark Of Dumb Academic Law , 2000 , Investigation , Live In New York City , Subway Station , Levl , Overdoses , Drug Roos , Overdose Deaths , Tourists , Holidays , Trump , Deals , Eye , Mayor , Arab , Iran , Activists , Tom Homan , Talks , Approach , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Clearchoice , Serum , Saw , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , 92 , Dental Disease , Dental Implants , Bunch , Teeth , My Life , Center Fusions , It Negotiations , Uranium , Israel , Agreement , Warning Bite It , Fighting , Enemy , News Exclusive , Iranians , Sanctions , Plants , Program , Vienna , Regime , Streets , Teargas , Wounding Hundreds , Gun Fire , Activist , Solomon , Protest , Uprisings , Policies , Terrorism , Light , Weapons , Opposition , Wealth , Middle East , Poverty Line , Warning , Jcpoa , 80 , Life , Dictatorship , Instant , Appeasement , Deer , Actions Tour Achieving Nuclear , 2015 , Council , Pressure , Leader , Existence , Lift , Uprising , Incident , Nuclear Weapon , Green Light , Deal Lapses , Name , Saddam Hussein , Four , Trend , Events , Mek , Politicians , Fund Raisers , Aisles , Awareness , Eric , Influx , Coverage , Border Patrol Agents , Acting Ice Director , Court , Secretary , Dhs To , Sources , Numbers , Search , Issue , Least , El Paso , Procedures , Leadership , Procedures Act , Mcallen , Implementation , Guinness , La Jolla , Rio Grande Valley , Pilot Program , Zeal , Crisis , Source , Let S Go , Ducks , Fine , Testing , One Step Forward , Which , Fox Friends , Former , Mexico Policy , Reinstatement , Vindication , Beach , Brian Kilmeade , Stuff , It Doesn T , 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , Rate , Immigration , 35 , Border Patrol , Gang Members , R , 83 , Cartels , Men , Response Build It , Games , Sort , Letting Tens Of Thousands , Laws , Transit Visas , Trafficking Women And Children , Demonstration , Butter , Page , Playbook , Make , Forth Stomach , Equipment , Materials , Taxpayers , Dozens O Complete The Border Wall , Sensors , Desert , Border Wall , Tax Passers , Cameras , Fiber Optic , Border Security , Technology , Neither , Fence , Lights , Miles , Detection System , Road , Cable 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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chooses to ban flights and tightens testing requirements for people entering the u.s. by plane regardless of vaccination status. >> john: democrats pouncing on a potential covert surge as a reason to pass the president's spending plan and infuse the economy with even more covid relief money on top of the $5 trillion already allocated for the pandemic. >> sandra: louisiana senator john kennedy will join us in a few moments. but we begin with a stomach live at the white house. the presidents were marts will happen in the context of sinking poll numbers when it comes to handling the pandemic. >> and the right house is pondering how they're going to finesse all of this. the white house as of the president is going to pull out all the stops to address this ahead of the winter season and a new variant that is already in the united states. what does that mean? for now, it means that the white house is going to be pushing boosters come at home testing, and tightening travel rules. federal government will require travelers coming to the u.s. to test negative for covid within 24 hours of their departing flight. previously coming at 72 hours. white house also said there may be more rural cheeses to make changes on the way. >> is meeting with his covert team every day. he will always err on the error of protecting people. speak up what bounds are not on the menu right now but republicans warning the white house against going too fr against the variance. >> i hope that the strategy is not going to be is one that's counterproductive and force people to do things that we don't need to do. all that does is create more strife and more economic pain and frankly, more division in the country. >> there are also concerned that this invariance could further disrupt the economy on top of worker shortages, inflation, and supply chain disruptions. the white house is that the administration has made a lot of progress to relief supply chain bottlenecks. in august of a vice president, harris said that parents should start shopping for their christmas presents back then ahead of these possible shortages although the president contends right now that is not the issue for the vast majority of americans. back to. >> sandra: as we wait the president, live at the white house for us, thank you. >> john: thank you. for more on this, let's bring in louisiana senator john kennedy. good to see you. chuck schumer is saying he wants a vote on this reconciliation bill before christmas. is he going to get a question mark >> i don't think so. they are trying every possible measure. the same people who are now telling you that we have to pass build back better in order to fight off the omicron virus are the same people telling you that math is racist, we have to call mothers birthing people. they're the same group that are telling you that one race of americans as evil and another is irretrievably helpless. if you believe this drivel, you will never own your own home. >> john: senator, this is what the president said about this the other day. listen here and we'll get you on the other side. >> president biden: nothing will be more expensive for american families that a no vote on the bill back better plant. we live in uncertain times and families are anxious about covid, the economy, the cost of living. the way to relieve that anxiety is with focused action. >> john: and $1.75 trillion which a lot of analyses say will go to three and half trillion dollars at the very least. as a president treading on fear here? >> he is trading on fear and inaccuracy. in my opinion, the highest and best use of the build back better bill is to line the cages of america's hamsters. i'll give you two examples. he's proposing an $8 billion new tax on natural gas. remember, when your heating bill was through the roof, we are building back better. he's proposing a federal takeover of child care in america. what does that mean? if you have the average american family of mom and dad at work and you're making $70,000 a year, under the presidents bill coming to know what you're going to have to pay for child care in in 2022? $29,000. that's out of your pocket. we are getting into the foothills of insanity. and those are just two examples. >> john: fox news contributor karl rove does not think that the chances are very good that the president is going to get this done by christmas. >> won't. >> john: he said will santa claus visit chuck schumer? traveling and blank slate may be easier than passing what he wants by christmas. it sounds like he's been using your writer. the outcome and my pin is that mr. joe manchin will show the convictions matter and he will vote no and deny mr. schumer his christmas victory and the democratic left its transmission a moment. joe manchin is not getting what he wants and he also says that the twin concerns of inflation and omicron should be a cause to pause. do you think that they will lose senator joe manchin and senator kyrsten sinema? >> first, you didn't mean it and a first, but for better or worse, i am a writer. i wouldn't blame what i sang anybody else. it's not just senator manchin and senator sinema. many of them are going to speak up, but they see what's happening with inflation and they know that the build back better bill is about a $4 trillion bill. it's going to be like throwing kerosene on a tire fire. they know it's going to hurt the american people and it's going to hurt them politically. >> john: excuse me, want to get into one other point here because we are on the verge of a government shutdown if we can't get the spending bill passed. there reports that some republicans want to use the threat of a shutdown to get money out of the spending bill that would be used to enforce coronavirus vaccine mandates and the private sector question might senator mitch mcconnell says no, there's not going to be a shutdown. who is right? senator mcconnell or this group of republicans that want to use this as a lever? >> the last time i talk to the republicans, they did not look to me like they were backing down. if i thought that shutting down government was going to get rid of the mandate, i would join with them. but it's not. it's just not. in fact, the mandate right now is already shut down. we have litigated it in a number of federal gouges have joined the mandate. we're going to have a vote next week on the mandate on the senate floor. i would hate to see it shut down government and scare people half to death when the biden administration is already trying to scare them half to death with this new variant for political reasons. i hate to see a shut down government and scare them some more. >> john: let me make sure that i get this clear. you do not believe there will be a government shutdown question works because there is 50% chance. when i last talked to the proponents of the shutdown, within the last two hours, they were hell-bent. maybe mitch know something i don't know, but it will be a long shutdown. we shouldn't shut it down at all, but it could be a few. >> john: we will see who controls the caucus very soon. senator john kennedy from the great state of louisiana and a fabulous writer. good to talk to you, thank you. >> thank you, john. >> john: center, he does have some great lines. >> sandra: and i was taking notes. 50% chance of a shutdown or higher that could last a few days. cut the sound bite there. jim jordan will be coming up at the top the next hour talking about the 31 your height that we are seeing in inflation as it ie hockey puck. will get his take on that. meanwhile, were watching this. evolving story out of the united nations headquarters in midtown manhattan. the mid-to nypd swarming the building accusing a man patient stomach pacing the entrance of the building with a shotgun. the police remain in a standoff, we are told come up with the man along first avenue. which we know? >> i'm on 42nd and second avenue. down the block behind me is where that stand-ups ongoing. it started at 1045 when a u.n. staffer alerted the u.n. safety and security detail that there was a man with a shotgun outside of the building. the nypd responded to that and since then, there has been a standoff. it appears that the main is in his mid-60s wearing a red sweater and has been pacing back and forth. he is holding a shotgun to his head and the police have been trying to talk to him. in one video, you can hear the police say, "there stomach put on the gun. there are better ways to get your message out." it's important to note that the nypd he says there is threat to the public. it is secure around the u.n. national headquarters blocked off on first avenue. the united nations is even allowing pedestrians to come and go from the u.n. headquarters building on 46th street and allowing vehicular traffic on 42nd. that means they believe this situation is contained enough in the area is secure enough to allow that to happen. that is good news. when you look at the united nations headquarters, it picks up seven blocks here on first avenue. it is a massive building and its own territory in its own right. there are other missions from other countries in and around that building on that avenue which is why they have created a secure zone there. in fact, the u.s. united nations mission is located on first avenue 44th street. that is where the u.s. ambassador is also there, linda thomas-greenfield, that's where her office is, for instance. we know that area is secured. an ongoing standoff here with no general threat to the public as of now. we'll continue to monitor the situation. >> sandra: hard to believe that isn't a threat to the public. someone pacing actively holding a shotgun in midtown manhattan. the live look that we have there in new york. reminding everyone that the tree lighting was last night and there's more people in the city, tourist rights, than if seen in the long time with all of the holiday decorations up. this is a little offset from midtown and times square area over by the u.n. there's a lot more people out and about and they are going to have to take serious precautions if this is an ongoing standoff which is say that spirits be when i would think that if anybody knows how to handle this it's the nypd. speech will bring an update as soon as we have it. >> john: senate republicans introducing a bill to block to pay up to $450,000 per person meaning some families could see payments in the millions of dollars. meanwhile, the department of homeland security has announced a deal with mexico to restart the remain in mexico policy. as part of the policy, the u.s. will offer covid-19 vaccinations for migrants who have illegally crossed into the country. the u.s. will limit immigration proceedings to six months for asylum applicants. >> sandra: a second u.s. case of the omicron covid variant has been confirmed in this time in minnesota. the infected man returned to the state after traveling to new york city for one of the conventions here. they also say he was vaccinated, just like the first confirmed case. he developed mild symptoms laced last month but they have since resolved. people are urging those who attended that conference to get tested. this comes just days after the first confirmed case of omicron discovered in san francisco. it was just before dr. mike dr. fauci spoked. people a lot of questions. >> john: couple of interesting things about this minnesota case. there is no record this person traveled to southern africa like the case in san francisco. the symptoms are mild and it resolved already, such good news. what we don't know is we do not know with the first case is the age of what this individual was. attending an anime convention question rick i would expect not a senior citizen. >> sandra: can't rule that out. have you seen these? all kinds of demographics. >> john: they do a contract a wide demographic. it would be good to know what the age of the individuals is. >> sandra: more information will be good and i expect will get that. >> john: return to this. more than one week after mass murder and waukesha, wisconsin, the justice department still has not publicly stated how it will respond. how one republican lawmaker is contrasting the doj's silence with its pursuit of parents protesting at local school board meetings. plus, that spirits because we understood that the main would be strong. we did not know the significant problems of the supply-side. >> sandra: federal researcher jay powell admitting issues lasted longer than he expected. many others were making predictions. the cause of this. ♪ ♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections --some serious-- and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. >> john: accused of killing six people and waukesha christmas parade rampaged speaking exclusively to fox news digital. his first remarks to the media, darrell brooks jr. saying he felt, "demonized and dehumanized and like he was being made out to be a monster." the interview happening over video link and are reporter is the first visitors he'd seen since the attack. not even his mother has visited him yet and the 39-year-old is charged with six counts of intentional homicide for that horrendous november 21st attack during being demonized and dehumanized. i don't think he's going to be finding a lot of sympathy. >> sandra: charlie hurt is going to be coming up later and he will weigh in on that. jay powell and treasury secretary janet yellen both admitting to congress that they have underestimated how long it would take for the economy to recover from the pandemic. the two also acknowledging supply chain issues and rampant inflation have lingered much longer than they initially expected. why is janet yellen still pushing for trillions of dollars in new spending if she admits that inflation is not going away anytime soon question rick let's fox business host car to charles payne. his show is during hours so we get you in the first hour. what did they get right here? they blatantly got it wrong when it comes to the transitory and inflationary environment. >> but it's also the super bowl loss that through five interceptions. he's going to say i didn't have a good game. this guy is in charge of inflation! that's his gag! we've been trusting him with that job so for him to take it and acknowledge it, okay. here's the thing. watching these last two days have been riveting. in part because of what you said in the introduction. they are still pushing more fiscal spending. tomorrow, we are going to hear that the country created 500,000 jobs last month. we've 11 million jobs open. wages are the highest level they've been in their moving. household is going phenomenal. we don't need more money. inflation should not of been a surprise for either one of them, particularly janet yellen because the blinded administration, these checks they keep spending out. it is fueling inflation. the war on oil is fueling inflation. a lot of the straps right at their doorsteps and the american public knows. >> sandra: but they don't acknowledge it that extent. and here's janet yellen extending the stimulus saying it was necessary and helped a robust economy. listen. >> inflation is a matter of demand and supply. it certainly is true that the american rescue plan put money in people's pockets and help them meet expensive that they have and contributed to strong demand in the u.s. economy. speech was the acknowledgment that the extra money that went into the american families went out the door because of inflation caused that spending? speak up she wants to take a victory lap. every time they speak, we were in an emergency situation a year ago. the government shut down the economy and it turns out it was a great move. we had the shortest recession on record and we had the v-shaped recovery. but now you go back earlier this year and we were not in that same emergency. the economy was open and people were flustered we just had another 900 bucks in december. we did not need that money. that took us over the top. you did not see the word inflation anywhere. look at the google searches. no one googled inflation until that money went out and all of a sudden, you have more cash, you were buying less. >> sandra: a year ago, we were still in a prevaccine world and they were limited buildings for people to go out and shop and theaters in all that. here's jay powell really quickly on inflation. he did acknowledge you got this wrong. listen. >> the point is, we cannot act as though we are sure of that. we are not at all sure of that. inflation has been more persistent and higher than we have expected and we have to use our policy to address the range of possible outcomes. >> sandra: i don't know what the accountability is forgetting that wrong. getting it wrong could further exacerbated the inflationary picture we are in. >> he is a tough job and a lot of people are wondering when he's talking about raising rates. the core of the inflation problem is higher rents and higher wages. it's what they call sticky. it's not going to go away and it's only going to get worse. i'm not sure what the fed can do at this point to get that genie back in the bottle. speech is remarkable. and washington backed powell, by the way. speak a wall street loves free money more than anybody. >> sandra: great to see you. have a great show. >> john: the city of beverly hills rocked after the wife of mood music legend a shot in their home and later dying in the hospital. but we know about this murder mystery. >> sandra: we are following that, but first, the 15-year-old suspect on michigan's school shooting may not be the only one facing charges. why prosecutors could it be into charges for his parents. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. >> john: arkansas republican senator tom cotton sending a letter to merrick garland asking why the justice department is being silent on the waukesha christmas parade attempt while actively pursuing parents who speak out against school board policies. good to see you in the studio. welcome back! >> good to be here. >> john: let me bleed a little bit from the letter to the attorney general. "the defendant in this case, brooks jr., spent two decades committing crimes including violent and felonies and has shared anti-semitic posts and post against white people. "the department of justice is actively investigating. to speak out at school board meetings and when it comes to the sky, who many described as a terrorist, there silent. >> and this goes to the heart of the problem with the hate crime laws in the first place. any type of violent crimes a hate crime. it all depends on someone's intent on what they were thinking what they said. all of that has to be interpreted by prosecutors. when you have a case like this, and a perfect example is the rhetoric you have a person who clearly is a deeply bigoted person if you base it on his social media postings versus someone like kyle rittenhouse. you have the president of the united states calling the white supremacist and the doj has not gotten involved. it raises questions on how this is being administered. whether it is equally being administered under the law. our only recourse is to have somebody like senator cotton asked these questions. he should come merrick garland onto the carpet and demand answers about this. if you're not going to apply this equally, what's the point of hate crime laws in the first place coursework >> john: in the letter, he details general brooks jr.'s background, but also the double standard. he says well you seem to have no hesitation, neither you nor at the department of justice have issued a statement. there is also lenient they'll policies that allow the attack to take place. why the double standard here and is there anything that congress can do to will the attorney general accountable? >> congress can make sure that he can appear before the minute answer tough questions. >> john: but the democrats don't have any appetite to do that. >> but he will appear before congress and that is a place where tom cotton can answer the questions. but you your finger on why that is a volatile issue. as much as we don't like politics, politics is with us has to be adjudicated. you have a situation where there is a clear double standard in terms of persecuting and pursuing charges against somebody who is clearly bigoted. the difference between that and the way that the department of justice is clearly putting a lot of effort into going after parents and their free speech at school board meetings. there also seems to be an effort, and i don't know if it's conscious or not, by the media to sanitize this. some reports and tweets at the media organization are sent out saying that a vehicle or an suv sped through the parade hitting people. it was a driver. it was a person. it was a criminal. it was not an inanimate object that decided i'm going to go run people down in his parade. it was a person. yet, the media is not reporting it. >> john: and that's another reason why that is such a politically volatile issue. and it leaves a lot of room. democrat voters out there, they're not going along with the media on this. that's part of the reason that the media's going to great lengths to sanitize us. they are trying to conceal some of this information. politics is what is going to play out. >> john: it did not play or fill in on november 2nd. it will not play a well in november 8th next year. charlie, always great to see you and welcome back. we will see you again soon. >> sandra: thank you. u.s. marshals covering all of the bases. from fusion of hunting to active murder investigations. putting it all on the line to keep us safe. laura ingle went on a predawn ride to give us a first-hand look at this dangerous job. she joins us now. really looking forward to hearing this. >> he did it this week and it was really incredible. all of this done before the sun comes up. getting up and out in the field with tactical dealer and warrants and hand has proven to be a successful formula for u.s. marshals looking for violent fugitives. the job is a lot more dangerous and complex than you might think as we found out firsthand. >> this is the u.s. marshal! we have a warrant for your arrest! >> are predawn ride along with the northern ohio violent fugitive task force started with a briefing and an empty parking lot to go over the fugitive they were after. >> he pulled a gun and shot at the bouncer. completely missed the bouncer, but hit his cousin. >> the first arrest warrant served at the date was a success. and so was the next one. u.s. marshals service was the first federal law enforcement agency in the united states and while all 94 federal districts have different challenges, they all have the same objective. >> we serve extremely violent warrants every single day all across the country. it is very dangerous situation. >> here in northern ohio, the task force has made over 2700 arrests in the past 12 months. supervisor torrey to repertory and murphy often puts the team in situations of unproductive consequences. >> we people who don't want to go back to jail and they make it very clear that they're not going back to jail. those can be some of the most dangerous cases. >> no day 70 same. one thing that is constant is the goal of the northern ohio fugitive task force. >> sometimes we find them in the day and sometimes in a month. sometimes a year and sometimes 50 years later we will find them. but we are going to hunt them down. >> they remind the public that many of their cases are just eight tip away. fugitives can change their identity and our books, but behavioral patterns could be the clue that slips a cold case to an act of one and ends in an arrest which is the case. >> sandra: this is a remarkable story you're covering for us. the task force you were following also unexpectedly picked up another person with additional warrants. it's because they did. and this was a first arrest work that was served and that early morning. because of the intense homework and surveillance that the task ports does, they knew there was unlikely that there was something else in that house. they checked him out and he was wanted. yet a warrant out to his arrest on unrelated charges. another person is off the street today because of this task force. incredible work. >> sandra: putting it all in line for us and our safety everyday. we thank them. laura, thank you. spirit we were fox news alert now. we want to go live to the national institute of health or president biden is about to lay out his plans for dealing with the omicron volume to make variant >> president biden: developing vaccines and giving us hope. also, continuing to give me advice on developments as they occur. i've seen more of dr. fauci that i have my wife, we get each other. was president? fauci. all kidding aside, i mean it. i met back to announcer action plan to battle covid-19 this winter. it's a combined advice with all of you that we have developed this plant. it does not include shutdowns or lockdowns, but widespread vaccinations and boosters and castings and more. there are five key actions. first of all, expanding the nationwide booster campaign with more outreach. more appointments, more hours, more times, sites to walk in, providing booster shots for up to 110 million americans who are eligible for boosters. i want to know parenthetically. i was talking to one of my folks who does polling and national strategy. he says there's one evidence in a poll and i will mention it because i'm not positive of the number, i was told this as i was leaving the white house. there's an expectation that 30% of the nonvaccinated side under no circumstances would i get a vaccination because of the new variant but they're now saying they are going to get a vaccination. i hope that's true. i hope that's true. the second point is that launching a new family vaccination clinics to nimacs tt easier for stomach and whole families to vaccinate one place and new policies to keep children in school instead of quarantining them at home. i'll talk about each of these in a moment. instead of having them covered by private insurance plans from having it at thousands locations for the uninsured who do not have insurance. increasing research response teams that are our doctors and nurses. people in this audience know to search team is, but the medical staff and the communities with rising cases and overburdened ha gigantic difference. republican governors as well as democratic governors contact me when i go to their states and say thank you for the search teams because it makes a difference. some communities are hit harder than others. they just can't make it. i will speak to this in a second. the fifth thing we are going to do is accelerate our push to vaccinate the rest of the world. start the international rules for people come to the united states. my plan i'm enhancing today pulls no punches. this is a plan that should unite us. i know that covid-19 has been very divisive in this country and has become a political issue which is a sad, sad commentary. it should not be, but has been. as we move into winter and face the challenges of this new variant, this is a moment we can put the divisiveness behind us, i hope. we can do what we have not been able to do enough of through this whole pandemic which is get the nation to come together and unite the nation under a common purpose. to fight this virus and protect our economic recovery and to think of it in terms of patriotic responsibility instead of some how you are denying people their basic rights. a plan i am announcing today is a plan are scientists and covidien's have recommended. while my existing requirements have been reviewed by the courts, this plan does not expand on those mandates. a plan that all americans can rally around and it should get bipartisan support, in my humble opinion. it should unite us, not continue to separate us. parenthetically, you will know that there are literally as it relates to whether or not we are going to pay the federal debt. whether we are going to have continued resolutions, et cetera. some of my friends on the other team are arguing that if i don't commit, there will never be any more mandates and they will let us defaults. they look at me and say go figure. before i explain, and i'm not going to embarrass you, doc, but i want to thank francis collins. you have done an incredible job, doc, here at nih. one of the most important scientists of our time, in my view. i'm not being solicitous. i'm not exaggerating a bit. dr. collins was one of the first called. i think you are the second call i made to ask if you would stay home. the second call he made. when i was vice president and i got to know dr. collins really well when i was given the opportunity to manage the cancer moonshine initiative. dr. collins it is an incredible resource for our nation and i'm grateful. i mean it sincerely. i'm grateful for everything he's done in this pandemic and advancing all kinds of medical breakthroughs including mapping the human genome. he recently announced he's going to step down as director of the nih this month after a truly consequential tenure. good news, really, as dr. collins is going to return to the lab. we look forward to his unmatched ability to unlock possibilities within her reach. doc, the bad news for you is you are not getting rid of me. i'm going to keep calling you all the time because there's a lot of things you can do to help me get done. just point me in the direction and i will follow. i received a briefing from dr. collins, dr. fauci, and dr. lawrence tie back as well as dr. julie leger what. i appreciate it. my only regret was it was a short meeting because i was going to come and speak. we would have benefited more if i made my speech short and spent more time with these docs. as i study the omicron variant, we've two cases reported here in the united states. this new variant is cause for concern, but not panic. we knew there would be cases of oma chronic here in the united states and it is here. with the best tools and vaccines in the world and best medicine and scientists in the world. we are going to fight this variant with science and speed, not chaos and confusion. just like we be back covid-19 in the spring and the more powerful variant delta variant in the summer and fall. we enter from a position of strength compared to where america was last winter. last christmas, fewer than 1% of american adults were vaccinated. this christmas, that number will be 72% including more than 86% of seniors, our most vulnerable population. our children were at risk without covid-19 vaccine. this christmas, we have safe and effective vaccines for children's age five and older with 20 million children and counting now vaccinated. last year, a majority of our schools were closed. now, over 99% of our schools are opened. i pledge to always be straight and give it to straight from the shoulder as president of the united states. tell the american people exactly where we are. here it is. experts say that covid-19 cases continue to rise in the weeks ahead and this winter. we need to be ready. you can read the whole plan at it's all laid out in detail. for now, here are the key points i want to expand on slightly. we are expanding our national booster campaign to provide booster shots to all eligible adults. our docks and scientists believe that people who get a booster shot are more protected than ever from covid-19. i was just told, it was a question i was meaning to ask for a long time, whether or not it increases the resistance to the variant that is being dealt with, but it also is stronger. and not only just raises the total, but it is stronger. it makes things more powerful in terms of resisting. the centers for disease control and prevention, the cdc food and drug administration, fda, and our top public officials, recommend all adults get booster shots when it's time. here's the deal. more than 100 million are eligible for boosters but have not gotten a shot at. folks come for over the age of 18 and you got vaccinated before june 2nd, 6 months has gone by. go get it now. booster shots continue to be free. they're available at 80,000 locations coast coats in the united states of america. 80,000 locations. if you want to know exactly where to go, it textures up to 24388292 find where you can get your booster shot now. we are making it easier than ever to get a booster shot. more walk-in hours including weeknights and weekends. you can get vaccinated at a time that works best for you and your family. pharmacies will spend dumb acts and millions of techs and emails to remind their customers to refer to return. if they get there shot at cbc, they'll send a text when it's time to return in six months if it's pfizer and moderna or two months for j&j. to reach her seniors, we are collaborating with aarp. there will be reaching out to their 38 million members. we are going to make an aggressive effort and there could be hosting virtual town halls to answer questions in a rage rides her seniors to get their shots. that will all be coming. my administration has contacted -- will contact the 64 million people on medicare to remind them to get their booster shots. we have the ability to do that from a federal level. just like i did to make it easier for folks to get there first and second shots, i am providing paid off time for any federal employee who goes to get their booster. if the only time they can get their booster where they are is at such a such a day in the middle of the day, they can go. all they have to do is demonstrate that is where they went or took their son, daughter, husband, wife, mom, dad. they get paid. they don't get dr. peck. i'm asking other employers to do the same thing. no one should have to choose between a paycheck and getting additional protection from a booster shot. i want to reiterate, dr. fauci and dr. collins believe that if you are worried about the omicron variant, the best thing to do is get lee vaccinated and then get your booster shot when you are eligible. excuse me. we do not believe that additional ventures will be needed, but that we are prepared if needed, my team is g with the officials at pfizer, moderna, and janzen and johnson ticket develop contingency plan. getting such vaccines renewed, reviewed, renewed, and approved if needed. second, we are expanding efforts to vaccinate children's ages five and up. for any parent worried about the omicron variant or delta variant, get your child vaccinated. at one of the 35,000 locations in the countries including doctor offices, pharmacies, children's hospitals, and 9,000 pop up clinics at schools. if you're wondering where to go, visit we are going to launch hundreds of new family vaccination clinics across the country. this will be vaccinations for the whole family and one stop. what's not. children can get vaccinated, parents can get vaccinated and get their first or second or the shot. they will be held at community health centers and other trusted locations but some will be mobile to reach for them to communities. if booster shots for adults, vaccinations for kids. all at the same place at the same time. we first announced, i said the logistical problem. it wasn't that we did not have enough vaccines we counted office, once we got into vaccines, the logistical effort to get all communities in all areas vaccinated was a giant logistical undertaking that would make a military part of being able to do it. because of the incredible talent including our military, we got that done. we can do the same thing now as we continue to expand. we know that parents of children under the age of five are wondering when the vaccine will be available for your little ones. that's a question i get asked often now. we had a function to celebrate hanukkah and christmas in various things at the white house. parents are coming up to me and saying i have a 3-year-old. is are going to be a time? is she going to be okay? is he going to be okay? let me say this, i strongly support the scientific view of children under five. we cannot take shortcuts without scientific work. i'll do everything in my power to support the fda to do this safely and quickly as possible when we get around that point. vaccinating our children is also critical schools open. while over 99% of our schools are open now, we need to make sure that we keep that throughout the winter. this winter. the cdc is now reviewing pioneering approaches like test to stay. as to state policies. allow students to stay in the classroom and be tested frequently when a positive case popped up that was not them. up to now, you go home and you quarantine. rather than being sent home and quarantined, they would be able to stay. test will be available in regularly. the cdc will be releasing findings in the coming weeks so that other schools can learn from the impediments -- excuse me, if there are any impediments in this practice, they can learn to implement what the best way to do this is. the process. we want our children in school and we are going to take new steps to make sure they stay that way. the best step is to vaccinate your children. get them vaccinated. third, this winter we are going to make free at-home test to more available to americans than ever before. to better detect and control the delta variant, i made testing more available, affordable, and convenient. i use a defense production as to increase production of rapid tests including an at-home test. when i came into office, none of these tests were on the market. thanks to our actions in the work of all of you, we had at least eight at-home testing options and prices for those tests are coming down. it still is not good enough, in my view. that is why i am announcing that health insurers must cover the cost of iphone testing. next month, your plan will cover at home tests. private insurers already cover the expense of pcr test that you get it a doctor's office. now, they will cover at home tests as well. for those not covered by private insurance, were going to make it available free at thousands of convenient locations for folks to pick up and take a test kit home. bottom line, this winter, you will be able to test for free in the comfort of your home and have some peace of mind. this is on top of the 20,000 sites around the country like pharmacies where you can go in and get tested for free. we have to keep this going. fourth, we are going to help communities that experience rising case as the summer and improve the care for those on covid-19. we are working with as many republican governors as democratic commoners to deploy surge response teams. they work and they provide needed staff first staff at overrun hospitals where they are handling more patients and they can handle. they provide life-saving treatments like monoclonal antibody treatments. we have over 20 teams deployed now. today, i'm announcing we're going to triple that. we're going to get to 60 teams to deploy to states experiencing surges this winter. i was talking with the governor and minnesota who is raving about the positive impact it has had on his state. other states are the same in the same circumstance. increasing the availability of new medication recommended by real doctors and not conspiracy theorists. for example, monoclonal antibody treatments have been shown to reduce hospitalization by up to 70%. from vax and people at risk of developing severe disease. we have delivered over three and million courses of this to save lives and reduce the strain on hospitals. we have promising new antiviral pills on the horizon that could prevent hospitalizations for people affected by covid-19. we have secured enough supply these pills already and early indications are that these treatments will remain effective in the face is alma krohn. we do not know that for sure, but that's the hope and expectation. like with the distribution of vaccines, we will ensure that these medicines will be available to the hardest to communities in america as well. fifth and finally, as we see with covid-19 and the delta variant i know with alma krohn variant, all of that emerged elsewhere. it all came from somewhere else. to beat this pandemic, we need to go to where it came from and the rest of the world. we also need to vaccinate the rest of the world. america has, in my view, continuous lead in that effort. we have shipped for free more vaccines around the world than all other countries of the world combined. every other country combined. over 280 million vaccine so far to 110 countries including south africa will be delivered all of the doses they requested. today, i'm announcing we will deliver more vaccines to countries that need it. we pledge to deliver 200 million more doses in the next 100 days on our way to delivering more than 1,200,000,000 doses for the rest of the world. let me be clear, not a single vaccine dose america ever since for the rest of the world will ever come at the expense of any american. i will always make sure that our people are protected first. vaccinating the world is not just a moral tool and a moral obligation we have in my view. it is how we protect americans as we are seeing with this new variance. america is doing its part and we will do more. this is a global pandemic and everybody needs to fight it together. that includes countries that are not particularly friendly toward us. theiropulations are in tr trouble. to their credit, the scientific community, particularly in south africa, quickly notify the world of the emergence of this new variant. this transparency is encouraged and applauded because it it increases our ability to respon. on the day that it was identified, i took an immediate step to restrict travel from countries in southern africa. while the travel restrictions can slow the spread of omicron, it cannot prevent it. it gives us a little more time to take more precautions at home and to prepare. one month ago, we announce requirements that foreign travelers must be vaccinated if entering the united states. i'm announcing an additional action to strengthen international travel rules to give us more time to stop the spread and study a new variant. it used to be that international travel flying to the united states had to test negatively three days before their departure from the country. i'm announcing today that all inbound international travelers must test within one day of departure regardless of vaccination status or nationality. this timetable provides more protection and scientists continued to study the omicron variant. we are sending the requirement internationally and domestically to wear masks for travel on aircraft, trains, public transportation, through the winter months. i will close with this. again, the actions i'm announcing are ones that americans can rally behind and should unite us in the fight against covid-19 and they come from a position of strength. we are better positioned than we were one year ago to fight covid-19. since day one of my administration, we've been doing everything we can to beat this virus. that is what we have to keep doing. that is how we keep our country and businesses and schools open. that is how, even with the pandemic, we have generated record job creation. i .6 million new jobs since january 20th. more than any president in american history. we are on track for the fast economic growth and for decades. we move forward in the face of covid-19 and the delta variant. we will move forward in the face of the alma krohn variant as well. we will do it by keeping the face and keeping together as the united states of america. let me close again by saying i bless our doctors, our scientists, and all of you here at nih for what you are doing for the country and, quite frankly, for the world. you are the best. you are the very, very best. god bless you all and thank you for your patience and listening to me. and cute. [applause] >> john: president biden there laying out his administration strategy for dealing with the uptick in covid cases racing across the country. the only difference is that the president articulated. >> sandra: is taking a question. let's get back in. >> president biden: i don't believe that will happen. we have everything in place to make sure there is no shutdown unless some individual. i spoke with mitch mcconnell and i spoke with schumer. there is a plan in place unless somebody decides to be totally erratic. i don't think that will happen. thank you. >> john: there he goes out the door. the president there saying that there might be a government shutdown tomorrow. we are tossing that idea around the john kennedy. a couple of new policy prescriptions. one is that if you are coming to the united states from outside of the country, whether you are a returning american citizen and whether a foreign national and whether you been vaccinated or not, you have to get your covid test 24 hours before you come. the other is that he's going to require insurance companies to reimburse people for home covid test. other than that, it's building out things that are already out there. >> sandra: a lengthy speech. joining us now to react is dr. marty makary. fox news contributor and professor at johns hopkins university school of public health. dr. makary, great to see. you were listening to the president's words there. he believes that we can continue to fight at knowing that we have a second current case of carniak five here in the united states without shutdowns and he wants to keep schools open. did you hear anything different and terms of his plans to fight in the winter months? >> i'm glad that he did it talk about the new drug from work. a cut covid deaths nearly 20. it worked its way into the speech somewhere. i'm disappointed that the first reaction we have to omicron is to create this artificial construct that our major public health challenge is that we haven't insufficiently boosted population. that's not a problem right now. the problem is not that we are under boosted. if you look at the cdc's website right now, the risk of hospitalization of something fully vaccinated with no booster is one in 26,000. that is very low. our problem right now is not that 19-year-olds with natural immunity have only gotten two doses of the vaccine and need a booster. yet, that's exactly the president went with us circling the wagon around the idea that the villain is the unboosted fully vaccinated american. the fda experts just voted down boosters for everybody nine weeks ago. we know that boosters work well for older people. i'm disappointed that immediately would omicron we are going to the idea of boosters at the solution. our problem is on vaccinated adults with a risk factor who do not have natural immunity. they're getting into trouble right now. >> john: when you take a look at what we've seen so far with the omicron variant in the country, and at this point it still anecdotal because we only have two confirmed cases. both of those cases were mild and we do not know what the age of the patient was. both of them, the symptoms were resolving or have resolved. there were both vaccinated. these are breakthrough cases. what does that say when you throw all of this into the pot of what public policy should be going forward to addresses be 25? >> european health officials are reporting cases outside of south africa. of those cases, 50% of an asymptomatic and 50% have been mild. there's no evidence that it's been more severe and we've not seen omicron cases result in debts. the doctors in south africa have said that there's no need to panic and that's i would like to hear from our public health officials. it may not be more transmissible, it just may be more likely to go to somebody who has some degree of immunity and gives a mild infection. not accepting the fact that this is an endemic virus. we would never see a rest conference for a new strain of influenza that just reached united states. >> sandra: do you think that this speech we just heard, do you think it will bring more calm to a situation where it clearly we are seeing more covid cases and the president made the prediction that based on who he is speaking with, said he spent a lot of him a dr. fauci, there will be a continued rise in cases as we head into the winter? >> i don't know. people are seeing the concern and all the attention. we are not talking about the underlying problem in the united states of unvaccinated adults with a risk factor like obesity who do not have natural immunity. those are the ones in the icu right now. the idea that we need to vaccinate children in order to allow them to go back to school, he said specifically that it is critical that kids get vaccinated in order to reopen schools. this is a manufactured problem of which the government is presenting a solution too. we would never do this for influenza which is a similar case fatality rate and kits. >> sandra: dr. marty makary following the president's remarks. thank you. >> john: good to see. let's stick with the subject and bring an ohio republican jim jordan. i take it that you listen to some of the remarks. you heard his strategy that he is laying out to do a covert is going to the winter season and the new variant, omicron. your take? >> his first take is the joke about dr. fauci is present. that's a joke. that's a nightmare. why did he get elected by we the people yet he has complete authority. remember what he said on sunday? "i represent science." almost as if he was declaring from on high he was all knowing. this is frightening. this guy who's not directly accountable to the people so much power. and then the other take away that was just mentioned, that he makes some americans the villains. let's see what the virus and deal with it in a common sense way as the doctor just described to you and your viewers. let's deal with it that way. let's not give any more power to dr. fauci who misled the country on the origins of the virus and used american tax dollars to go to the wuhan lab to do gain function research. don't give him any more authority or power even if it's just a joke. >> sandra: i would like to turn your attention to the possibility of a government shutdown while all of this is happening in the administration continues to battle a number of crises. obviously covid and the pandemic being one of them. john kennedy it, the republican senator, joined us at the top the last hour and he had a prediction that there is at least a 50% chance there could be a shutdown that would last a few days. the president just took a question on it as he was exiting the stage there. congressman saying that there is a plan in place and unless something crazy happens, there will not be a shutdown. her sanity earlier. listen. >> i think there is a 50% chance. when i talked to proponents of the shutdown within the last two hours, they were hell-bent. maybe mitch know something i don't know, but it won't be a long shot down. we shouldn't shutdown at all. it could be a few days. >> sandra: what are the odds from your view? >> we will see. frequently, a few days shutdownn that has given us a 31 year high and that demands a vaccine mandate violating constitutional rights, the government shutdown of an administration that does not secure our border when it was secured 11 months ago, i don't know that the american people think it's all that bad or all the dangers of a thing it's just for a couple of days. i don't know if that will happen. nobody wants that to happen. frankly, this of administration is not done anything right. maybe we will have a couple days shutdown. we'll have to wait and see. >> john: what do you mean of some democrats saying were lookg at which were covid cases are going to spike. all the more reason to pass the reconciliation bill and add billions of dollars more in covid released to the $5 trillion that the government's ready spent russiat way, but the american people understand that inflation is at a record high in the borders not secure. we have crime rising in every major area preload for energy independent to begging. no one is buying that. they are bound and determined to make matters worse. i hope that senator manchin and senator sinema do what they told the voters they were going to do and not support this to trillion dollar boondoggle that will raise people's taxes that will exacerbate the energy situation and do a whole lot of other bad things. >> sandra: are you hearing anything specifically coming from their camps on this? >> no. the main thing i've heard on the $2 trillion spending package is that they don't have the votes to get it done. if it happens, and might not happen until after christmas. we will have to wait and see. hopefully senator sinema and senator manchin do what they told her voters are going to do not supposed to neck support that's that might deal. >> john: you heard that the president say this will not be dealt with shutdowns. do you think that some states and local officials will not be able to resist the siren song if case a spike and implement new shutdowns? speak i hope that's not the case. but can you trust joe biden question ricky said he was not for any mandate but now he's for mandate to put on the american people. he has more restrictions and more infringements and attacks on our rights. i hope not, but with these guys, they will say one thing today and one thing tomorrow and the things they do say it make no sense. like when joe biden set a few weeks ago if we spend $2 trillion more it will help inflation. there's not a sane person on the planet who believes that. but the president of the united states is that. i don't know if you can take it to the bank because they change all the time. including dr. fauci who has told us so many different things over the last year and a half. the idea that the president would joke about that would make no sense to me. >> sandra: you don't need a seeing person to see that. you can take back into history to see that there's never been an inflationary government where a government implement and more spending and that inflation eased and slow down. to your point, it is backing that up. >> john: good to see. >> sandra: at the second hour of america reports is just getting started. we are hearing from the accused christmas break killer in wisconsin. >> john: he is telling fox news why he feels bad not for the people killed when his suv became a deadly weapon. we will tell you were marks that are sure to enrage victims families and many more beyond. only fox news has the interview and we haven't had. >> sandra: and others you heard here first. new york city's designated dope centers to help junkies get high. today, the city has a clarification so people don't get the wrong idea. >> john: they want folks to know they do much more than help out with needles. they will let you get high no matter your drug of choice. heroin, meth, even crack cocaine now a-ok in nyc. >> sandra: smoke a lot of eye ron, protesters risking their own execution to bring this forward. they're putting it all on the line to go on camera and only on "america reports." s an importane rate watch alert for veteran home owners. mortgage rates are starting to climb nationally, but newday is holding the line at just two and a quarter percent, 2.48 apr, still the lowest in their history. if you're one of the thousands of homeowners with va loans who haven't yet refinanced, one call to newday is all it takes. there's no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. save an average of $3,000 a year. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. earn about covid-19, move, look, and feel better. the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. and wounding more than 60. he told reporters, "i feel like i'm being monster demonized." he answered questions, but he did not explain why he attacked on those innocent people in the christmas parade. he explained that no one, not even his mother, has been to see him at the jail. his mother did release a statement to the local cbs affiliates saying he has suffered from mental health officials since he was very young. he received counseling and was on medication. when he became an adult, the decision was made that he would no longer suffered from a mental illness. record showed that he had run-ins with the law since 1989 when he became an adult and the records become available. his crimes were violent and they touched three states. his mother said jail is not the answer because they get released back into society sicker than when they entered. we've all seen what a tragedy that can turn out to be. we know last february brooks was released in a $500 bill after allegedly shooting at his nephew and then days after the crisp done before the christmas tech, allegedly running over his girlfriend. he's not receiving treatment for mental illness. court documents contain a chart that essentially evaluates the risk of more criminal activity and he scored a 6 out of 6. >> sandra: mike tobin on that story for us and that exclusive interview. thank you. don, it's hard to imagine but there are still five children in the hospital at this hour. one of them still listed in serious condition at the children's hospital. >> john: you can imagine what the families of the ones who died are going through at this point as they watch brooks in jail and they watch the department of justice being silent about the whole thing. the waukesha case becoming a flash point for critics of progressive crime policies at the low cash bail that let the suspect out free for the attack that prosecutors say he states. we've seen a surge in flashbulb heists in california all in cities where progressive leaders proudly pushed reforms that critics say are soft on crime. today, peter doocy grilled the press secretary jen psaki on the national crime crisis at the white house and what president biden believes is behind it all. listen here. >> big cities are dealing with smash and grab god breeze and a record number of police officers have been shot killed this year. what is president going to do about it? speak of what he additional funding in his funding to incree support for local police departments and make sure we keep cops on the beat and we ensure that local communities are working in partnership to crackdown on crime and any dangers ac in their their communities. we also work with a range of communities and strike forces. something we talked about in the past. we are continuing to intimate that from the department of justice. but the president absolutely believes that committee police forces can have instrumental impact on keeping the community safe. >> is crime up because of pandemic? >> many people have conveyed that and one of the root reasons that is guns and gun violence. we've seen that statistically around the country. >> so when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store, a cvs, nordstrom, home depot, until the shells are clean. is that because of the pandemic? >> a root cause and a lot of can stomach communities is a pandemic, yes. >> john: because of her needs a louis vuitton bag. the white house reached out to fox saying that they are monitoring smash and grab robberies. i don't know why you need to have a luxury purge because of the covid pandemic. >> sandra: or with the plan is to fight this prick she brought up guns right away and you go back to the waukesha suspect who allowed his car through parade goers celebrating christmas. he did that himself. that was not about guns. progressive cities are criticized for being soft on crime and largest cities has opened centers specifically designed for people to do illegal drugs. we told you about this earlier this week. new york opening the nation's first state to make safe injection sites were city workers help addicts get high without overdubbing. that's a goal, at least there were no workers at the center putting out the word that they are not for shooting out. people are free to snort, smoke, hop, health, any drug you can imagine. she's live in midtown manhattan, hello, alexis. speak of these locations we have seen, two in manhattan, the been very busy. we will get that a second. as imagine, people are allowed to bring whatever drugs they use in the centers and that's becoming a drug for people who live and work in these neighborhoods. these centers have been flowing with people. take a look at these videos. we are out there an hour ago. this is the center in east harlem. you can see that the center has been open for under a week and it's one of two overdose prevention centers opened in new york city. here, drug users are monitored by trained staff who supply clean needles while checking in for signs of overdose. they are trying to get back on track. listen. >> going to do it regardless. the drugs are going to be in the neighborhood were darkness. without places like this, where else are you going to go? honestly? who wants a subject the community to people using drugs intravenously? speak to some people in these neighborhoods do not want those centers there in one of the reasons is because of the location. >> a big concern for people in east harlem is one of the centers is right across from a school. that's abc head start program where kids are coming in and out with their parents throughout the day. >> how big of a problem is drug use in new york? or than 2,000 people died in new york city alone. as a centers become busier, there's more calls for the department of justice to block these sites. back out here in manhattan, i can tell you that the newark of dumb academic newark law is a wait-and-see game as so many people are calling for an investigation into what exactly is going on inside those centers. back to. >> sandra: live in new york city for us. and cute. john, the efforts here to curb the drug roos and to stem the overdoses and to bring some levl of safety to a city where you want to touristy areas like times square and the drug use is prevalent. you come up from a subway station and it is prevalent. tourists still don't feel very safe. i will tell you that around the holidays here after the tree lighting, there's more people in this city than i've seen in a long time. >> john: people are coming back to new york. overdose deaths are a huge problem in this country, but is that the right way to go about doing it? it will be interesting to see how the incoming mayor deals with it when he takes office. keep an eye on that. next, the biden administration bringing back a trump arab upward or policy that the president previously called un-american. former ice chief tom homan joins us ahead. >> sandra: plus is the bite administration restarts nuclear talks with iran, activists and g for joe biden to reconsider his approach. >> i want president biden to know that the experience of the past 42 years has shown that the politics does not work anymore. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can ate anything. like, i don't have to worry. clearchoice changed my life. >> sandra: to our own and the fourth day of talks the biden administration tries to enter the nuclear era with that country. israel evolved to end it negotiations a united nations report saying that they are using advanced center fusions to refine uranium despite that being banned under the original deal. >> john: israel getting unexpected agreement from inside their sworn enemy me, iran. everyday iranians were fighting against that. warning bite it in a news exclusive. >> sandra john, iran is escalating the nuclear program. the plants met in vienna to stop that. they demand that the u.s. and stomach and all sanctions before it does anything. return to the streets of iran to talk to activists who are risking their lives to oppose the regime and asked them what would they say to president biden? gun fire and teargas wounding hundreds of protesters in iran last weekend. for months, iranians have taken to the streets calling for the theocratic regime to be overthrown. solomon talked to fox news. we are not identifying the activist we talk to because if they are caught by the government, they could be executed. >> i would say to president biden that the regime of iran does not represent the people of iran. i want president biden to be on the side of the people iran. the people who have been participating in different uprisings. speak out the protest exploded this summer. thousands voicing their opposition to regime policies from supporting terrorism to the troubled economy. >> the regime is spending the wealth of iranian people on nuclear weapons and exporting terrorism to the middle east. what kind of light can people have where 80% of the population live under the poverty line? >> they are warning that the biden administration about the consequences of rejoining the nuclear deal known as the jcpoa. they say that the deal will only embolden iran. >> giving cash to the regime will only prolong its life. the life of the barbaric dictatorship. >> i want president biden to know that the experience of the past 42 years has shown that the politics of appeasement does not work anymore. for instant, we saw that the nuclear deer of 2015 did not limit the actions tour achieving nuclear. >> some of them belong to the national council of existence of iran. the leader says that the pressure on the regime is only growing. >> the regime fears that even a small incident could create a major uprising. >> the biden administration says it will return to the nuclear deal and lift billions and sanctions. if iran lives up to the agreement. reporters say that the deal will prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon. activists we talk to say it will eventually do just the opposite and give iran a green light when the deal lapses in four years. sandra and john. >> sandra: incredibly important story. thanks to him for covering that. >> john: this national council for resistance in iran which used to be during the name of saddam hussein be known as the mek. it is the one organization that the iranian regime fears because they have a trend is amount support around the world. if you take a look at the events that they hold every year for fund-raisers and to raise awareness, prominent politicians around the world from both side of the political aisles stand behind them. they have a lot of support. however, getting and there to try to erode the rainy regime, that's a difficult point. iran will only see coverage like that here on fox. >> john: thank you, eric. the united states and mexico will reportedly announce an agreement to restart the trump era remain amongst a policy with slight changes. it comes after a influx of migrants overwhelming border patrol agents. former acting ice director and doctor's contributor. this being dream implemented. not fully. it's going to apply to adults and it may expand from there. what you expect the biden administration is going to do? >> remember, they'd be sued to do this. when the court found that they must do is to secure the border, they appealed it. you've a president and a secretary of dhs to appealed securing the border. they're going to implement it. i said in the last show, they'll implement typical slow roll appeared might sources said they're going to start in el paso with small numbers because those are the least affected with the search for the going to start there. they will expand to 11 different locations. i truly believe they're not going to force the issue with mexico like the trump administration did. you have to remember that the leadership of this administration is still trying to end it to the administration of procedures act. you ended it wrong because you do not handle the procedures and they are still working on it. there and guinness and to end up until then, they are going slow roll it. i hope they do it right. if they do it right, they could secure the border. spoon i wanted to ask about implementation. it will not be in mcallen or la jolla in the rio grande valley which are grounded zeal are of the influx. in those two areas, does it not matter all that much? >> if they want to start a pilot program to make sure all of the ducks are in mexico, that's fine. let's go over to the crisis is actually happening. it's going to have minimal impact. i've heard different locations for my source, but one thing i heard they are going to do to remain in mexico as they are going to offer the vaccine and testing to those returning to mexico which, again, they take one step forward in two steps back. is there going to text and vaccinate those going back to mexico, why don't they test and vaccinate those they are goe united states. it makes sense, but the administration, one step forward in two steps back. >> john: that was a point peter doocy was making yesterday when he talked to dr. anthony fauci. former president trump was on "fox & friends" this morning with a lengthy interview. this came out. he was asked by brian kilmeade if the reinstatement of the remaining mexico policy was a vindication of his policy. here's what he said. >> they should have never ended at. if joe biden would've come in and gone to the beach, he would've been successful in many ways. all of this stuff -- the border was about to never once. >> john: he has always set the border was about that ever was. when you take a look at the numbers in 2019 after the policies were implemented in 2020, it doesn't look a lot better than 2021. if were not talking out of school, he recently talked to the president. what's his take on it now question rick >> i was with the president last week. the fact is, it was at a 35 years ago under president trump. he made the call to remain in mexico. all of the things that you put in place gave us the lowest illegal immigration rate 35 years. it was up 83%. when he did that, border patrol is more vigilant because they were dealing with search. they were catching more coming r gang members. we wonder why there hundred thousand overdose that's in this country but it's because the cartels control the border to mexico. that's when the drugs to men in the bad guys come in. >> john: one of the big issues with remain in mexico is when people were sent back across the border into mexico, many of them were victimized by criminal games or the cartels. if you really implement remaining mexico, how do you ensure that does not happen? >> mexico has to take some sort of response build it. letting tens of thousands of people and giving them transit visas knowing that they are coming to the united states. they need to step up and uphold their laws. they have laws down there against trafficking women and children. they need to enforce laws. that's a president trump dead. he forced mexico to put forth stomach troops on the southern border on the northern butter. the buy demonstration needs to take a page from that trump playbook and make mexico do what they need to do. >> john: they do have some responsibility. good to see you. we'll see how this goes will get you back to talk more about it. speech ever since a buy new administration canceled dozens o complete the border wall, hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment and materials funded by taxpayers sit unused in the desert. >> tax passers have a right to know why. example, people see the border wall and what they don't see his underground sensors. the fiber-optic and the infrared cameras that makes it work. the border security is not working and neither is much of the fence erected under president trump. why? much of that supporting technology was never installed. where is it? we found one stockpile. 1 mile down the road is something that the government does not want you to see. miles of fiber-optic cable for detection system, lights, cameras, sensors, poles. miles of electrical cable so the gates work so there's power here. all baking in the sun and exposed to the elements. you paid for it, but it sits there because president biden canceled those border wall system contracts. other stockpiles exist in texas where at the present stopped a majority of those wall contracts. former chief, randy scott, because the decision shortsighted. >> border patrol has been working on a strategy for over 30 years in the border wall system was part of it. it was not political. the last administration just supported it more than anybody else. have been supported in the past and it shall not have been in politics. it's just more business. >> for months, president biden paid contractors not to work. if it was a tone of lights, power, or any of that organ gates. we don't how much it will cost to unwind the contracts, but they are having some contractors go back to make the area safe because the footings were never put in an offense could fall. wilson know that dhs has put up some of those stockpiles with other agencies so they could recoup some of the value. back to. >> sandra: thank you. john. >> john: just into fox news, vice president kamala harris giving her first remarks after the latest staff shake up in her office and we are at the top advisor and spokeswoman simon sanders will be stepping down from her role. >> sandra: she confirmed it when she poked to confirm the micro borders a time ago. it's the shortest turnover as more reports, signaling turmoil and disorganization behind the scenes. hers president dimmick vice president harris a short time ago where she said that's. vice >> vice president harris: i love simone and i can't wait to see what she will do next. it has been three years of a lot of jumping on and off planes and going around the country. she works very hard and i can't wait to see what she does next. >> do you feel like you are in the middle of a staff shake-up? >> vice president harris: i've told you how i feel about simone. >> sandra: and i mean that sincerely was an interesting ad as if we would think otherwise. spew a next, please! what's interesting is that i would love to be a fly on the wall in the front cabin of air force to because she was on the road today with pete buttigieg and she is the vice president so you would think if the president decides not to run again in 2024, she would be the logical choice. yet, everyone is playing up buttigieg to be the next nominate. >> sandra: there together was very interesting. jen psaki took a question from peter doocy. we played it earlier on the departure from the vice president's office saying that she's decided she wants different people working here or do people not want to work for her anymore? jen psaki seem to deflect and say of the first year and a white house is grueling and exhausting which you know it is, but it seems to be a growing number of departures. >> john: particularly from an office that has been beset by rumors of turmoil and unhappiness with the portfolio she's been given. the border thing, that's a tough one to crack and she does not want anything to do the border itself. not much has been done and terms of addressing the root cause either. you're giving a losing portfolio and sometimes you'll be unhappy. >> sandra: and she continues to sink in low poles. some of the media are transmitted is a good thing. "why inflation is good for up everyday americans and bad for rich people" it argues that it's easier for americans to pay dowe mortgages and that should make up for the sting of higher prices. we are joined out by i.e. economist jay martin jason furman, former economic advisor to president obama. try to make some sense of that. is this a good thing for the working class? inflation? >> what's next from cnn? the upside of cancer? this was an absurd piece of cnn trying to put a smiley face on a big problem. why don't they just go out and interview people on the street question rick middle-class and working-class people and ask how do you like paying a dollar $0.25 more for gasoline. how do you like seeing the price of travel and everything going up? inflation is a regressive tax that hurts people at the bottom the most. unfortunately, there's not much of an upside to the entire inflation rates. just ask jimmy carter who lost his election to ronald reagan because of high inflation. >> sandra: jason, is there any way to look at inflation as a good thing for an average american family? >> inflation is bad thing. i have been consistent in saying that. right now, it is eating up the wages of workers in this country. there are winners and losers for certain people of all you have is a mortgage and you are on social security. you are benefiting now. there are winners and losers. but on balance, it's not a good thing. >> sandra: buys us out there? why would see and impose that headline? we're hearing it from the white house as well. we all remember a couple of weeks ago when the chief of staff claimed that inflation is a high-class problem. >> it is a high-class problem. take the price of gasoline. you're talking about $20 more every time you're filling up your tank. when i go and fill up my tank, people are grumbling and they're angry about paying these higher increases in taxes. incidentally, its attacks. inflation is a tax. when joe biden says i'm not braving the mic raising taxes, he already has. every time you go to the grocery store and a gas pump. jessica my final question. beefsteak is up 24% and eggs, chicken, baby food is up 8%. the u.s. bureau of labor statistics spelling out inflation. do you believe that the white house is putting out detailed plans to fight this when it's a big problem. >> there are two aspects to the economy and are both important. job growth this year has been faster than almost anyone forecast. the unemployment rate is a lot lower than we expected it to be. they thought it would take another two years to get unemployment down to where it is now. that has left us, in part, with higher inflation. the white house was slower than it should have been to be concerned about it. they are concerned about it now. i'm hearing a lot from them and i expect the rate of inflation to come down. >> sandra: i took it all the way up to the break, swift leave it there. we will be right back. quick break. >> a murder mystery in beverly hills. christina coleman live in los angeles with what we know so far. >> john, police don't have a motive or any details. the deadly home invasion happened around 2:30 wednesday morning in beverly hills. a private security guard was at the hospital at the time. the guard and clarence avant were not injured but his wife was pronounced dead at the hospital and it's unclear if anything was stolen. >> this type of crime in beverly hills is extremely rare. in this case, just so unfortunate for someone i've life to be taken that was a wonderful part of this community and gave so much back to everybody else. it's horrific. >> this tragedy has shaken up the entertainment industry. avant was just inducted into the black and -- rock and roll hall of fame. again, no word on any suspects or motive on this investigation. john, back to you. >> john: terrible tragedy. christina coleman in los angeles. thank you. sandra, that brings it to a close for us. >> sandra: heck of a couple hours. i'm sandra smith. >> john: and i'm john roberts. "the story" starts now. >> martha: thank you, guys. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum in new york. today the story of a close friend to two of the teenagers that were killed in the michigan high school shooting. he will join us with his family to react to what we now know, which is that this school was already concerned about this student. in fact, met with him and his parents hours before he open fire in that school. also this hour, senator lindsey

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Task Force , Briefing , Bouncer , Parking Lot , Arrest Warrant , Fugitive , Cousin , Challenges , Law Enforcement Agency , Objective , Districts , Success , 94 , Northern Ohio , 2700 , Jail , Consequences , Situations , Arrests , Supervisor Torrey , Murphy , Don T Want , 12 , Cases , Goal , Northern Ohio Fugitive Task Force , 70 , Tip , Eight , Clue , Cold Case , Patterns , Act , Identity , Books , Homework , Task Ports , Surveillance , Street , Plans , Dealing , Spirit , Omicron Volume , Fox News Alert , Vaccines , Hope , Developments , Other , Anthony Fauci , Kidding , Winter , Shutdowns , Announcer Action Plan , Advice , Lockdowns , Booster , Actions , Campaign , Castings , Outreach , Appointments , Folks , Booster Shots , Sites , Parenthetically , Polling , 110 Million , Evidence , Expectation , Poll , 30 , Vaccination , Circumstances , Family Vaccination Clinics , Nimacs Tt , Children , School , Insurance , Quarantining , Doctors , Research Response Teams , Uninsured , Nurses , Communities , Governors , Staff , Audience , States , Teams , Hit , Rest , Second , Rules , Push , Punches , Sad , Divisiveness , Purpose , Scientists , Responsibility , Rights , Have , Covidien , Requirements , Mandates , Courts , Friends , Debt , Resolutions , Et Cetera , Defaults , Go Figure , Francis Collins , Doc , View , Call , Opportunity , Cancer Moonshine Initiative , Everything , Breakthroughs , Resource , Director , Mapping The Human Genome , Nih , Lab , Tenure , Reach , Direction , Bad News , Possibilities , Tie Back , Julie Leger What , Lawrence , Regret , Docs , Concern , Medicine , Speed , Science , Confusion , Tools , Oma Chronic , Chaos , Position , Strength , Spring , Adults , Seniors , Population , 1 , 86 , 20 Million , Schools , Shoulder , 99 , Experts , Points , Detail , Booster Shot , Docks , Resistance , Total , Officials , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Powerful , Food And Drug Administration , 18 , 100 Million , 80000 , 6 , June 2nd , Locations , To Go , It Textures , Coast , 24388292 , Techs , Pharmacies , Acts , Customers , Emails , Moderna , Text , Pfizer , J , Cbc , Town Halls , Members , Aarp , 38 Million , Rage , 64 Million , Employee , Daughter , They Don T , Middle , Son , Husband , Peck , Protection , Employers , Paycheck , Collins , Ventures , Lee Vaccinated , Contingency Plan , G , Johnson , Ticket Develop , Janzen , Efforts , Renewed , Child , Parent , Omicron Variant Or Delta , 35000 , Hospitals , Family Vaccination , Doctor Offices , Hundreds , Pop Up Clinics , Stop , Kids , Community Health Centers , It Wasn T , Areas , Undertaking , Military Part , Military , Talent , Ones , Hanukkah , Function , 3 , Power , Shortcuts Without Scientific Work , Vaccinating Our Children , Home Covid Test , Students , State Policies , Classroom , Approaches , Impediments , Findings , Practice , Step , Steps , Way , Process , Tests , Thanks , All Of You , Market , Testing Options , Production , Defense Production , None , Prices , Enough , Health Insurers , Iphone Testing , Cost , Insurers , Expense , Home Tests , Pcr Test , Test Kit Home , Bottom Line , Thousands , Comfort , Going , Peace Of Mind , 20000 , Experience , Summer , Care , Fourth , Commoners , Surge Response Teams , Monoclonal Antibody Treatments , Overrun Hospitals , Treatments , Patients , 20 , Medication , Impact , Governor , Same , Circumstance , Availability , Hospitalization , Disease , Up To , Conspiracy Theorists , Vax , Strain , Lives , Courses , Pills , Face , Hospitalizations , Indications , Horizon , Alma Krohn , Medicines , Distribution , Sure , Variant , Delta , Somewhere Else , Elsewhere , Lead , South Africa , 110 , 280 Million , Doses , 200 Million , Single , 1200000000 , Tool , Obligation , Everybody , Community , Emergence , Credit , Tr Trouble , Theiropulations , Transparency , Travel Restrictions , Spread , Departure , Travel , International Travel Rules , Timetable , Nationality , Masks , Requirement , Trains , Domestically , Public Transportation , Travel On Aircraft , Fight , Businesses , Record Job Creation , January 20th , Million , Track , Growth , American History , Patience , Best , Listening , Applause , God , Uptick , Shutdown , Idea , Couple , Policy Prescriptions , Citizen , Outside , Tossing , Covid Test , National , Insurance Companies , Contributor , School Of Public Health , React , Words , Professor , Johns Hopkins University , Marty Makary , Drug , Cut Covid , Deaths , Somewhere , Public Health , Challenge , Reaction , Construct , We Haven T Insufficiently Boosted Population , Website , 26000 , Immunity , Villain , Wagon , Unboosted , Nine , Risk Factor , Solution , Trouble , Both , Patient , Public Policy , Breakthrough Cases , Health Officials , Addresses , Pot , What , European , 25 , Omicron Cases , 50 , Health , Need , Transmissible , , Debts , Influenza , Degree , Prediction , Rise , Calm , Attention , Back To School , Obesity , Icu , Case Fatality Rate , Kits , John , Let , Subject , Covert , Stick , Joke , We The People , Take , Nightmare , Authority , Knowing , Viewers , Villains , Common Sense , Tax Dollars , Gain Function Research , Origins , Wuhan , Crises , Possibility , Congressman , Saying , Stage , Sanity , Don T Know , Days Shutdownn , We Shouldn T Shutdown , Odds , Border , High , Vaccine Mandate Violating Constitutional Rights , 11 , Dangers , Nobody , Billions , Lookg , Add , Crime , Borders , Area Preload , Energy Independent , No One , Taxes , Dollar Boondoggle , Energy , Senator Manchin , Matters , Votes , Camps , Spending Package , 2 Trillion , Neck Support , The Siren Song , Case A Spike , Guys , Attacks , Restrictions , Infringements , Sense , Planet , Half , History , Killer , Accused Christmas Break , Marks , We Haven T , Weapon , Victims , Beyond , Centers , Needles , Clarification , Junkies , Help , Protesters , Choice , Smoke A Lot , Heroin , Meth , Crack Cocaine , Execution , Eye Ron , Mortgage Rates , Camera , Owners , Forward , Newday , Appraisal , Lowest , Apr , 2 48 , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Pocket Costs , Average , 000 , 05 , 3000 , 4 , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Tiredness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Hurt , Walking , Joints , Hiding , Joint Swelling , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Feeling Good , Woooo , Back Pain , Damage , Tenderness , Rheumatologist , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 833 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , Reporters , Monster Demonized , Cbs , Mental Health , Christmas Parade , Decision , Adult , Counseling , Records , Illness , Run Ins , 1989 , Tragedy , February Brooks , Answer , Society , Crisp , Nephew , Girlfriend , Christmas Tech , 00 , 500 , Criminal Activity , Chart , Treatment , Court Documents , Mental Illness , Mike Tobin , Condition , Children S Hospital , Flash Point , Critics , Bail , Flashbulb Heists , California , Jen Psaki , Cities , Point Peter Doocy , Leaders , Crime Crisis , Reforms , Funding , Police Officers , Record Number , Incree Support , Smash And Grab God Breeze , Cops , Police Departments , Partnership , Crackdown , The Beat , Forces , Strike , Committee Police Forces , Community Safe , Root , Guns , Criminals , Gun Violence , Loot A Store , Nordstrom , Cvs , Root Cause , Shells , Bag , Home Depot , Yes , Louis Vuitton , Prick , Purge , Robberies , Parade Goers Celebrating Christmas , Car , Drugs , City Workers , Injection Sites , Workers , Overdubbing , Smoke , Hop , Snort , Hello , Alexis , Imagine , Neighborhoods , Videos , East Harlem , Overdose , Users , Overdose Prevention Centers , Signs , Neighborhood , Places , Darkness , Location , Drug Use , Head Start Program , Abc , Calls , Newark Of Dumb Academic Law , 2000 , Investigation , Live In New York City , Subway Station , Levl , Overdoses , Drug Roos , Overdose Deaths , Tourists , Holidays , Trump , Deals , Eye , Mayor , Arab , Iran , Activists , Tom Homan , Talks , Approach , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Clearchoice , Serum , Saw , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , 92 , Dental Disease , Dental Implants , Bunch , Teeth , My Life , Center Fusions , It Negotiations , Uranium , Israel , Agreement , Warning Bite It , Fighting , Enemy , News Exclusive , Iranians , Sanctions , Plants , Program , Vienna , Regime , Streets , Teargas , Wounding Hundreds , Gun Fire , Activist , Solomon , Protest , Uprisings , Policies , Terrorism , Light , Weapons , Opposition , Wealth , Middle East , Poverty Line , Warning , Jcpoa , 80 , Life , Dictatorship , Instant , Appeasement , Deer , Actions Tour Achieving Nuclear , 2015 , Council , Pressure , Leader , Existence , Lift , Uprising , Incident , Nuclear Weapon , Green Light , Deal Lapses , Name , Saddam Hussein , Four , Trend , Events , Mek , Politicians , Fund Raisers , Aisles , Awareness , Eric , Influx , Coverage , Border Patrol Agents , Acting Ice Director , Court , Secretary , Dhs To , Sources , Numbers , Search , Issue , Least , El Paso , Procedures , Leadership , Procedures Act , Mcallen , Implementation , Guinness , La Jolla , Rio Grande Valley , Pilot Program , Zeal , Crisis , Source , Let S Go , Ducks , Fine , Testing , One Step Forward , Which , Fox Friends , Former , Mexico Policy , Reinstatement , Vindication , Beach , Brian Kilmeade , Stuff , It Doesn T , 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , Rate , Immigration , 35 , Border Patrol , Gang Members , R , 83 , Cartels , Men , Response Build It , Games , Sort , Letting Tens Of Thousands , Laws , Transit Visas , Trafficking Women And Children , Demonstration , Butter , Page , Playbook , Make , Forth Stomach , Equipment , Materials , Taxpayers , Dozens O Complete The Border Wall , Sensors , Desert , Border Wall , Tax Passers , Cameras , Fiber Optic , Border Security , Technology , Neither , Fence , Lights , Miles , Detection System , Road , Cable , Electrical Cable , Gates , Border Wall System Contracts , Elements , Baking , Poles , Stockpiles , Texas , Randy Scott , Wall Contracts , Business , Border Wall System , Contracts , Contractors , Any , Tone , Organ Gates , Agencies , Offense , Wilson , Footings , Simon Sanders , Advisor , Behind The Scenes , Role , Micro , Turnover , Disorganization , Hers , Dimmick , Planes , Jumping , Simone , Is , Next , Ad , Cabin , Fly On The Wall , Air Force , Pete Buttigieg , On The Road , Buttigieg , 2024 , Departures , Portfolio , Turmoil , Unhappiness , Rumors , Given , Mortgages , Jason Furman , Sting , Jay Martin , I E , President Obama , Upside , Working Class , Smiley Face , Cancer , Piece , Cnn , Gasoline , Dollar , Middle Class , Street Question Rick , 0 25 , 25 , Price , Inflation Rates , Most , Bottom , Election , Jimmy Carter , Ronald Reagan , Losers , Winners , Mortgage , Social Security , Headline , Balance , Chief Of Staff , Tank , Increases , Grumbling , Incidentally , 0 , Grocery Store , Mic Raising Taxes , Gas Pump , Jessica , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Beefsteak , Eggs , Baby Food , Chicken , Job Growth , Aspects , Unemployment Rate , Unemployment , Anyone , Break , Swift , Motive , Home Invasion , Details , Christina Coleman , Los Angeles , Guard , Security Guard , Avant , Everybody Else , Entertainment Industry , Suspects , Black , Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame , Back To You , Martha , The Story , Close , Heck , John Roberts , Friend , High School Shooting , Teenagers , Martha Maccallum , Student ,

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