Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

of smash and grab robberies. is a too little too late? >> i agree with everybody's a right no matter how silly it is. >> kyle rittenhouse and cancel culture. here's his response to the university demanding - with that you are watching "fox and friends first". carley: let's get straight to it. calls for chris cuomo are growing as cnn suspended him after bombshell evidence in the new york attorney general's report. >> a late breaker yesterday. >> cnn finally taking action against it*anchor after learning he played a large role in his brother sexual misconduct than previously admitted. extending the show by an hour to cover cuomo's time slot. he was suspended indefinitely pending investigation saying these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother's effort than we previously knew. jake tapper reportedly pressured the network to pull cuomo off air, released by the new york attorney general's office. one exchange with andrew cuomo's top aid reveals chris reached out to his sources to check potential allegations and suggested rebuttal for some allegations and interview document reveals chris forwarding a democratic strategists regarding charlotte bennett and her time in college. bennett saying, quote, the network need not investigate his behavior. the investigation is over and we received answers. anything short of fire and chris cuomo was lacking morals. chris made a full throated defense of his big brother on his radio show just hours before cnn pulled him a fear. >> i did not want him to resign because i believed him, leave the women alone and let due process take care of the situation. there wasn't going to be due process and his party was against him and obviously he had no choice because he couldn't do the work of state anymore. >> this is less than four months after his brother resigned following a report finding he harassed 11 women. >> now to a fox news alert students and family coming together for a vigil in oxford, michigan remembering the three classmates killed that i school shooting. todd: marianne rafferty live as we learn more. >> the three students were shot and killed in eight others injured. a 15-year-old software was taken into custody for a tense moment in oxford high school as terrified students barricaded themselves in classrooms and others ran for safety but at one point that gunmen could be heard trying to pretend to be law enforcement. >> it wasn't a drill. it was scary. >> i felt like it was 30 minutes or something, the police came and knocked on the door. >> police say the 15-year-old sophomore came to school armed with a semi automatic handgun allegedly purchased by his father four days before the fatal shooting. >> deputies removed from the suspect in s p 2022 pistol it was loaded at the time and contains 7 rounds of ammunition. >> the victims were 17-year-old, madison baldwin and 16-year-old football player who died in a sheriff's vehicle on the way to the hospital. the injured range in age from 14 to 17, the 47-year-old teacher was shot and released from the hospital with president biden extending intolerances to those who lost children in the shooting. >> my heart goes out to the families in during the grief of losing a loved one. the whole community has to be in a state of shock. >> authorities are investigating his motive. >> tough story. >> darrell brooks is missing, brooks released $1,000 after allegedly running over his ex-girlfriend two weeks before the parade assault. officials telling fox news the transcript for the hearing is lost forever. brooks release came despite scoring 6 out of 6 on a risk assessment for new criminal activity, that he would miss his court appearance. of convicted in the waukesha attack the career criminal facing 6 life sentences. >> day 2 of the trial beginning with her wrenching testimony from a woman claiming she was sexually abused by jeffrey epstein and the british socialite, facing 6 federal charges including sex trafficking of a minor going by the sudden jame, they met where epstein was a benefactor for years, this started when she was 14 years old. he claims special participated in the abuse more than twice, she was one of the ones who was first user to take the stand. >> jussie smollett conducted a dry run of his attack. the prosecution says the evidence, to stage the ambush adding the brothers were cut for $3,500 after the dry run and given $100 in cash for supplies. chicago detective testifying against jussie smollett for our sighting for social media records alleging he staged they hate crime. 's lawyer says the two brothers attacked the actor because they, quote, didn't like him. >> kyle rittenhouse is no longer enrolled at arizona state university is progressive students protest his right to learn a little despite is not guilty verdict matisses campus rage doesn't bother him. >> it is very silly and funny. i agree with everybody's right to demonstrate no matter how silly it is. >> protest against conservative students is nothing new. >> could have been persecuting conservatives on campus for a few years now. todd: the university conferring rittenhouse is no longer enrolled, not commented in defense of the acquitted team. kudos to rittenhouse, at 18 years old, the ability for the last year and a half to do that. >> rittenhouse did an interview last week, he plans to continue studying, a compassionate withdrawal from two classes, overwhelmed with the trial, to reenroll if you are an administrator, the only thing, and qualified to go to the school. they are going to face a lawsuit. >> they need to step up and stop giving in and cuddling this woke mob of socialists, whatever it is. have to stop doing that because when you appease the lunatics you get more lunacy and it needs to stop. >> there was a level of maturity, he is facing so much backlash for his peers that will one day become his colleagues as time goes on, the pressure on him and the focus on him will be less. as anything-year-old your one goal is to fit in and definitely rising above the hate and concern, he wants to do online classes but i heard him say he wishes he could go to college like a normal student. todd: i don't know what school, if you could find it, do it. i gave my entire emotional being. i don't know if i could do that. >> one thing happening with higher education is the backlash against the liberal mentality all colleges are doing now. the university of austin, conservatives, universities, there aren't that's many, colleges with a conservative lean, i think it is unfortunate that we are dividing, the country is so divided that now by your political affiliation you go to one school or the other. todd: you learn from your peers in college, from getting exposed to different viewpoints, one of the keys of college, that is what you get during this four years, all different walks of life, liberal, conservative, different races, different religions and that makes your experience greater and makes you better. >> kyle rittenhouse wants to be a nurse, we will follow his future as it plays out. in the meantime jerome powell, price hikes are here to stay months after the president promised they were temporary. todd: consumer confidence plunges to a 9 year low. >> reporter: i hate delivering the bad news but that's what chairman powell did yesterday, pushing inflation higher. powell says they didn't use the preferred term. to describe it. >> short-lived, a permanent mark, it is a good time to retire. >> a far cry from the president's much rosier assessment this past summer. >> some folks raised worries this could be a sign of persistent inflation. experts believe, the data shows most of the price increases we have seen were expected and expected to be temporary. >> reporter: since then inflation has soared 6% on the supply chain remained bottleneck, the white house maintains inflation will eventually fall. >> private-sector forecasts, inflation will ease over time, rooted in the pandemic which will subside. >> reporter: republicans taking a harsher view. >> the experts who have been advising you have the same credibility as those late night psychic hotlines. we've got to get control of inflation. it is ravaging our people. >> reporter: treasury secretary janet yellen sounded the alarm, by december 15th. >> we eat this or rate our current recovery. in a matter of days the majority of americans would suffer and that would be followed by deep recession. >> reporter: 15 days to do it, the president expect to deliver remarks on strengthening the supply chain, see what he has to say. todd: thank you very much. tucker carlson had this response. >> the federal reserve announced thanks to omicron and not at all due to the decision he has made personally. our economy will be terrible for a long time. we are definitely going to be a lot of mail in ballots in midterm elections for your safety of course. vaccines, we need a lot more vaccines. todd: tensions between the us and its two biggest global competitors on the rise with threats looming on the ground. jillian: more on the us response to russia and china's recent unsettling actions. >> very interesting news, in the -- secretary of state lincoln and foreign ministers in the nato military alliance, and threatening build up of troops on the border with ukraine. any moves by vladimir putin won't stand. for his part. in his egg any deployment of nato troops inside ukraine, some hypersonic missiles on his backside. and our asian foe, china, mostly a good navy bigger than ours, the biggest in the world, we do have more aircraft carriers at the moment. top u.s. navy commander just said he could use one, 2, 3 more of the massive shifts and air force weighed in. there is an arms race, not necessarily for increased members but for increased quality. it is an arms race that has been going on for some time added very aggressively. as for who is the biggest threat, fox news poll, 52% of those surveyed said china is the biggest threat, 14% say russia and danger on both sides of the world. >> local leaders in san francisco desperate after a string of massive smash and grab robberies shocked the nation, they are turning to law enforcement for help his critics say their policies are to blame. todd: we have a show for you today. it is jampacked. joe concha, sean duffy and lots more, do not go anywhere. surprise! it's a new buick. you got me new buick? oh! and there are more gifts inside. wow! i don't even know what to open first. how about this? you got me the head up display. heated steering wheel. it's a massaging seat. do you love it? okay okay, what next? watch this, mom. alexa, turn on holiday lights. this year, give the gift of technology hi. i'm wolfgang puckou)v. when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free >> new york democrat admits judges need more, not less authority when it comes to deciding bail. >> we don't leave it to the judges. of course it is going to affect crime. person with 22 active warrants is out on the streets creating more issues. >> bail reform is having unintended consequences creating more inequality. he's calling on new york governor kathy hopeful to review her state's bail laws. >> the city sees a surge in smash and grab robberies, san francisco leaders may that off-duty cops work as private security for businesses. san francisco cop spoke to tucker carlson last night on the chaos in her city, listen. >> san francisco, as you can see from the video, boarded-up shops, empty spaces for retail, is a city that is spiraling or already in the bottom of the toilet. can it get worse? anything is possible. carley: joining us is john dennis, chair of the san francisco gop, off-duty cops and security guards and businesses, sounds like a good idea but why is it necessary and is it going to happen? >> the city is so incompetent, they can't protect their property. this is a response to a retailer read union square in san francisco. it hasn't so recently the most expensive retail rents in the country more expensive than fifth avenue. the chairman and ceo of the high end retailer call for the mayor and her team to resign and this is response to that reaction. carley: is a regressive tax to pay for a service that you literally already pay the city to provide? >> absolutely. this view san francisco's budget is $14 billion, 13 or 14 states and in the city that is only 7 x 7 miles is incredibly unfair but they are so incompetent, recognizing it at this point letting these people protect their businesses. carley: these business owners faced looting, they are now possibly going to have to pay for their own private security, better than continuing to be robbed. if you look at san francisco crime statistics, between january 1st and november 20 eighth over 2000 robberies, burglaries, 6000 larceny theft, 75,000. why are these thefts happening? a lot of people blame proper 47, the proposition that makes robberies under $950 a misdemeanor. is that why this is happening? >> that is the starting point. the state put a burden on the city saying we will encourage criminality but san francisco they doubled down on it by taking this restorative justice approach to crime which puts the criminal first over the victim and a couple other stats. car break ins are up 75% since 2019 in san francisco, shoplifting arrests went down by 50%. over 2 dozen cvss and walgreens imploded, domestic violence cases, 86% were dismissed by the da. my garage has been robbed 3 times in the last month so it is not just the other part is the politicians, district attorney gas lighting saying everything is fine, san francisco, don't believe your eyes of the voters of san francisco know better. >> the notion of security for those who can afford it while the rest of us fend for ourselves. it makes no sense with your thoughts on this, the oakland mayor across the bay bridge will reverse plans to defend the police in a spike of violence gun crime. >> there's nothing progressive about unbridled gun violence. this is what is one's, comprehensive and effective approach to safety, and that is adequate police staffing. >> putting aside the fact that that is the liberal talking point they love to go to anyone with a brain ultimately saw this coming. why do these liberals mayors do this? are they dumb is a part of a friend plan? >> there swept up in an ideological movement within the democratic party but they are facing the music of reality right now. when you hear defund the police crime goes up every single time, not just oakland, it is minneapolis where they rejected defund the police new york, crime is going up. >> a lot of people at home think the same thing i was when i saw francis -- san francisco gop chair, would like to be the gop chair in san francisco? you said it is growing party in san francisco. is that true? >> absolutely true. 15 years of the republican party i have never seen so much interest and appetite for candidates in the upcoming election. democrats of run the town for 50 years, we had a republican mayor, people are looking at us from all these problems are owned by the democrats. carley: inc. you for joining us. todd: 26 after the hour, this former swat team member says he quit his job to stand up for his freedom. carley: we will talk about how his vaccine mandate could make his city a lot less safe. carley: the biden administration considering testing requirements for all travelers to the us. this includes american citizens returned to the country, federal health officials revealing everyone coming into the country must be tested the day before boarding a flight regardless of vaccine status. officials considering mandating retesting travelers several days after they arrive as well as a mandatory 7-day self quarantine. oklahoma national guard members paychecks are at risk after lloyd austin orders all troops to get vaccinated writing a motion the servicemembers not comply, quote, no department of defense funding will be allocated for payment of duties performed and no credit or excuse shall be afforded to members who do not participate in drills, training or other duties. rejecting the rescinding of the vaccine mandate, 5 other states looking at following oklahoma's lead according to the office. get the covid vaccine or lose their job, putting public safety at risk of hundreds of the city's police officers remain unvaccinated. joining me is the police officer who quit ahead of vaccine mandate, brandon gibson. generally right off the top, why does it seem people who put their lives on the line for the rest of us, fire, police, military, healthcare workers always seem to get the shortage of the stick. >> it has been arrive road, our profession has been demonized. there's a lot of good women and men putting their lives on the line every day on patrol and you are right, we are getting the short end of the stick. heather: 40% of san diego police officers are unvaccinated against covid 19. why are we sacrificing actual public safety where we've seen what happens in city is when you reduce the number of police officers for the notion of something that could potentially happen, you could get sick, you could have issues with covid. i don't understand that analysis these mayors and institutions are making. >> that the question we all have, a lot of police officers have that same question. i think the mayor is trying to downplay the effect this mandate is going to have on staffing and they want to pretend, the mayor and city council want to pretend this is an easy 6 and they replace experienced officers with trainees when the reality is it takes years to develop the skills necessary to be an effective officer on patrol and you will be losing that with this mandate. todd: the response from the mayor is the way out of this pandemic is through vaccines in the city of san diego will lead by example with city employees regularly interacting with members of the public, the vaccination mandate takes on more necessary. what does that comment miss about the concept on which our country was founded, the concept of freedom? >> very uncharacteristic of our american democracy. this mandate infringes upon our personal freedom and i don't believe any government official or government has anyplace making a decision when it comes to my personal health. todd: a picture of you in the tds before he went to commercial showed you in your swot outfits. there is on the screen. you look jacked. you look like you could defend us in any way, shape or form from anything that could befall us. why would we get rid of that? because you won't take a vaccine because if my family is in jeopardy and i see you come to the door i don't give two you know whats whether you have a vaccine, what your race is, what your religion is, i did that guy saving my life. >> a lot of good men and women out there, we are seeing those guys looking for jobs in other states the don't have this mandate or other agencies that don't have this mandate and you are losing a lot of experience there. it takes years to develop the skills necessary to respond to critical incidents which is part of our duty and responsibility as swat team members. i can't figure this out, san diego is unique as weekly testing isn't an option on the table, i can't answer the question, i can't figure this out except the city council has an agenda. >> the left always likes to espouse when it comes to my body, my choice in the abortion debate but why does that only apply when the left can use it to fit their narrative? >> exactly. it goes back to the narrative over the past few years when it comes to law enforcement. they've done a good job demonizing this profession and it ties right in to their agenda and it is an extension of the defund movement. >> a frightening world, you don't want guys that look like me coming to your house, it is serious. health and safety is on the line. the mess we've gotten into his horrible. we wish you the best of luck. thank you for what you've done for our country and the great city of san diego. carley: 36 after the hour. governor gretchen witmer's fight against a pipeline, one ohio mayor, and after two years of covid mandates, once a liberty doctor throwing his name on the ballot. he's taking his fight to the senate. i got this mountain bike for only $11. the fair and honest bidding site. this i-pad sold for less than $43. this kitchenaid mixer sold for less than $26. a 4k television for under $2. a macbook pro for under $16. this playstation 5 sold for less than a dollar. and brand new cars for less than $900. offers hundreds of auctions every day. all auctions start at $0 and everything must go. and don't forget we offer a full 90 day money back guarantee on your first bidpack purchase. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. i got these three suitcases for less than $40. and shipping is always free. go to today and see how much you can save. there are auctions going on right now. so, what are you waiting for? in companies across the west feel a single inflation is the price of aluminum sword. >> the ceo of goodwill is live from columbus, ohio. thanks for being here. the aluminum mechanic like the umpire in baseball, you only notice when there's a problem and there's a problem right now. how, could this be for the business? >> it is very detrimental, a lot of the aluminum comes from asia so it has to go through california, literally and so you have delays and it is not just aluminum but it comes from the same region, so you have issues as well. and california and even a restaurant side, seeing a lot of increases and food costs and delays. those products come from asia and the pacific and california. >> it is basic economics, things cost more, your business has to make less money or pass the cost on to the consumer so what are you going to do? >> we are implemented in the first price increase in five years. >> by how much? >> 10%. we met with a distributor from kentucky yesterday and they said everyone is doing that. not only is it the aluminum costs but that is a significant percentage of not only our cans but we also are seeing large increases in energy costs, materials that they ship in, production costs in our production facility, it depends on energy and energy costs are 10% to 20% for electricity and 50% for fuel. todd: you've done a good job laying out the various costs that are rising for you. you hear the president of the united states. of the dismissive of the impact of inflation are regular americans, not our fault, you just have to deal with it until it goes away how much of a punch in the gut is that? >> it is a huge punch in the gut but affects the lower and middle classes more than the upper class so that is why you see such this role reactions and the let's go brandon chance around the country. carley: who this inflation is impacting, are you concerned if somebody sees a can of your beer at grocery stores, $2.50, now it is $2.75, they are not going to buy the beer which impact your business. >> more cost-conscious as inflation continues to rise. todd: as someone who goes to the store, i'm looking at the prices and there is a difference. if you go up 10% i notice the 10% and not -- carley: a tough find. todd: it helps the big guy and hurts you. >> without question. craft breweries are vulnerable because the costs are more significant because revenues are smaller and more impacted. carley: we were hearing from jerome powell who said inflation is not transitory which means it is not temporary. how long do you for see this going? >> until there is a change in the administration. todd: you see this craft brewing industry really taking off over the course of the last ten years. a lot of competition, and a lot of areas, something like this, and american industry. >> there were 1200 breweries. in 2019 there were 9000, 20% failed. one of the reasons i'm in columbus is we purchased another company in columbus, ohio. real in february, the same thing in indianapolis. the companies failed, and restart those businesses. carley: when inflation -- you know people will revolt. you always have customers. you explain what is going on with your brewery, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> people inflation and rising energy costs and if the governor gets her way, governor gretchen witmer is making her war against the pipeline. look, if your wireless carrier was a guy, you'd leave him tomorrow. not very flexible. not great at saving. you deserve better—xfinity mobile. now, they have unlimited for just $30 a month. $30. and they're number 1 in customer satisfaction. his number? delete it. i'm deleting it. so break free from the big three. xfinity internet customers take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. todd: the supreme court will hear its biggest abortion case in decades, oral argument starting in just hours over mississippi's abortion law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. this case testing whether roe v wade could be overturned igniting these comments from jen psaki. >> the president is a strong supporter of a woman's right to choose, a woman's fundamental right, deeply committed to constitutional rights established in row. todd: a former vice president, mike pence has a different stance on the high-profile case. >> as we stand here today we may be on the verge of an era when the supreme court sends roe versus wade to the at sheep of history where it belongs. heather: 4 oh is overturned it will allow states to ban abortions at any time or entirely. arguments started at 10:00 eastern. carley: celebrity heart surgeon doctor oz running for senate in pennsylvania. the tv personality saying he wants to heal the division of government overreach from the pandemic. >> americans deserve better solutions. doctors are about solutions. instead people with good ideas are shamed, silenced, and they are threatening to -- america is in crisis, values are under attack. i want to serve america in its time of need. carley: he is shaking up the election in the battleground state. opening up the senate race, did not even know doctor oz was a republican but he was on hannity last night and he supports strong borders, talked about how his parents immigrated to the united states legally, legal immigration, he wants, he said covid has shown us our system is broken. we lost too many lives, too many jobs, too many opportunities because washington got a, they took away our freedom without making a safer and trying to kill our spirit and our dignity so he is putting the tv thing on the back burner. don't know if he will be doing his show but he's running for senate in pennsylvania. todd: i thought you were about to say celebrity heartthrob, but the key word is -- carley: people fight in a heartthrob. todd: the takeaways celebrity. this primary, republican primary, a litmus test to see how much celebrity work. we've seen celebrity work in certain ways, arnold schwarzenegger in california, donald trump, caitlin jenner didn't pull too well in california. interesting to see how it plays out. carley: matthew mcconaughey was thinking of running for governor in texas and decided not to. pennsylvania, the most battleground, one of the biggest battleground states in the country and what he said on hannity last night, he is a strong conservative. we will see how that plays out for him but it is interesting that he is deciding to go from the celebrity thing into politics. i don't understand why people would do it because politics is such a dirty game, such a bloodsport but he is all in. todd: the people we see in politics don't they come off unnatural, not real, not like you and i am normal people run their life, people crave somebody they can relate to. maybe not a socioeconomic, donald trump -- somebody who talks like they do and says the things that they do and doesn't talk in these platitudes that you often hear politicians speaking in. that is why we see gravitation toward that person that communicates that it has on tv for decades. carley: doctor oz has a lot of money. part of his campaign is self-funded. he has a leg up there but you are right. i also think because he's a doctor and covid is still on the minds of so many people it will be interesting to hear what he has to say about vaccine mandates. if he is a conservative conservatives don't think there should be vaccine mandates. he is a strong supporter of small government making decisions local so more to come on that front. carley: more on this to lead. heather: supervised injection sites for illegal drugs? who thinks that is a good idea. bayer bill deblasio says the sites will reduce harm. carley: deblasio making a mess of the city, she joins us live with joe concha, sean duffy, waking up early. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health 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Lean , Dividing , Other , Viewpoints , Affiliation , Keys , Peers , Life , Experience , Races , Religions , Walks , Conservative , Liberal , Jerome Powell , Price Hikes , Nurse , Inflation , Reporter , Chairman , News , Low , Consumer Confidence , 9 , Term , Mark , Assessment , Far Cry , Sign , Folks , Supply Chain , Bottleneck , Forecasts , White House , Pandemic , View , Republicans , People , Control , Credibility , Late Night Psychic Hotlines , Janet Yellen , December 15th , Majority , Recovery , Recession , Remarks , Thanks , Decision , Tucker Carlson , Omicron , Personally , Federal Reserve , Lot , Vaccines , Course , Economy , Elections , Ballots , Mail , Competitors , Threats , Actions , Tensions , Rise , Ground , China , Russia , Jillian , Secretary Of State , Ministers , Lincoln , Part , Troops , Build Up , Border , Egg , Nato , Ukraine , Won T Stand , Military Alliance , Vladimir Putin , Backside , Missiles , Deployment , Foe , Asian , World , Commander , More , Biggest , Navy , Aircraft Carriers , Shifts , U S Navy , Air Force , 3 , Members , Arms Race , Quality , Threat , Poll , 52 , Sides , Danger , Leaders , Policies , Joe Concha , Nation , Sean Duffy , Help , Lots , Anywhere , Critics , Gifts , Surprise , Buick , Holiday Lights , Steering Wheel , Massaging Seat , Mom , Gift , Head Up Display , Alexa , Technology Hi , Wolfgang Puckou V , Shipstation , Store , Orders , Home , Wolfgang Puck , Shipping , Number , Shipping Costs , Sellers , Go To Shipstation Com Tv , Ingredient , Judges , New York , Bail , Crime , Issues , Person , Streets , Warrants , Bail Reform , 22 , Kathy , Consequences , Inequality , Bail Laws , City , Businesses , Security , Cop , Cops , Surge , Chaos , Video , Last Night , Leaders May , John Dennis , Shops , Retail , Bottom , Toilet , Gop , Empty Spaces , Idea , Retailer , Property , Security Guards , It Hasn T , Rents , Union Square , Fifth Avenue , Mayor , Ceo , Service , Tax , Reaction , States , 13 , 4 Billion , 14 Billion , Business Owners , Looting , Burglaries , Thefts , Crime Statistics , Larceny Theft , November 20 , 2000 , 20 , 75000 , 6000 , January 1st , Proposition , Misdemeanor , Burden , 50 , 950 , Stats , Criminal , Criminality , Victim , Restorative Justice , Couple , Car Break Ins , 2019 , 75 , 86 , Shoplifting Arrests , Cases , Domestic Violence , Cvss , The Da , Walgreens , 86 , Politicians , Times , Garage , Everything , District Attorney , Gas Lighting , Notion , The Don T , Rest , Eyes , Voters , Sense , Violence Gun Crime , Spike , Thoughts , Plans , Oakland , Bay Bridge , Nothing Progressive About Unbridled Gun Violence , Talking Point , Police Staffing , Approach , Fact , Mayors , Liberals , Friend Plan , Brain , Anyone , Reality , Movement , Defund , Chair , Francis , Election , Interest , Carley Inc , Problems , Appetite , Candidates , Town , Freedom , Job , 26 , Vaccine , Safe , Administration , Testing Requirements , Everyone , Health , Travelers , Citizens , American , Risk , Vaccine Status , Flight , Quarantine , Retesting , Paychecks , Oklahoma National Guard , Duties , Writing A Motion , Credit , Servicemembers , Funding , Payment , No Department Of Defense , Lloyd Austin , Vaccine Mandate , Office , Rescinding , Lead , Drills , Excuse , Training , Oklahoma , 5 , Public Safety , Hundreds , Covid , Police Officers , Lives , Police Officer , Line , Top , Healthcare Workers , Military , Unvaccinated , Brandon Gibson , Stick , Profession , Shortage , Road , Patrol , Heather , San Diego , 40 , 19 , Sick , Question , Making , Analysis , Have , Institutions , Mandate , City Council , Staffing , Effect , Skills , Officer , Officers , Trainees , Vaccination Mandate , Public , Example , City Employees , Concept , Comment Miss , Government , Democracy , Form , Tds , Picture , Swot Outfits , Screen , Shape , Jeopardy , Race , Religion , Jobs , Guys , Agencies , Responsibility , Swat Team Members , Weekly Testing Isn T , Duty , Incidents , Option , Agenda , Left , Table , Narrative , Abortion Debate , Body , Job Demonizing , Extension , House , Defund Movement , Mess , Horrible , Luck , Best , Gretchen Witmer , Doctor , Pipeline , Ohio , Fight , Liberty , Covid Mandates , Name , 36 , Senate , Ballot , Mountain Bike , Dealdash Com , Bidding Site , Television , I Pad , Kitchenaid Mixer , Macbook Pro , 4k , , 43 , Auctions , Dollar , Cars , Playstation 5 , 900 Dealdash , 900 , Money Back Guarantee , Bluetooth Headphones , Everything Must Go , Purchase , Suitcases , Bidpack , 0 , 90 , Companies , Problem , Columbus , Goodwill , Mechanic , Sword , Baseball , Umpire , Business , Aluminum , California , Delays , Region , Increases , Food Costs , Products , Restaurant Side , Asia And The Pacific , Things , Money , Cost , Economics , Distributor , Consumer , Increase , Kentucky , Five , 10 , Costs , Energy Costs , Percentage , Cans , Production Costs , Production Facility , Materials , Energy , President Of The United States , Electricity , Fuel , Punch , Gut , Impact , Fault , Dismissive , Class , Role Reactions , Let S Go Brandon Chance , Somebody , Beer , Impacting , Grocery Stores , Can , 50 , 2 50 , 2 75 , 75 , Prices , Difference , Guy , Craft Breweries , Find , Revenues , Change , Craft Brewing Industry , Ten , Competition , Areas , American Industry , Company , Breweries , Reasons , 9000 , 1200 , Indianapolis , Brewery , Customers , War , Carrier , Customer Satisfaction , Xfinity Mobile , Internet , Switch Squad , Save , Savings , Big Three , Xfinitymobile Com Mysavings , Abortions , Supreme Court , Case , Case Testing , Abortion , Comments , Abortion Law , Oral Argument , Pregnancy , Mississippi , Roe V Wade , Jen Psaki , Supporter , Right , Rights , Row , Stance , Verge , Mike Pence , Sheep , Arguments , 4 , Solutions , Tv Personality , Doctors , Ideas , Celebrity Heart Surgeon Doctor Oz Running , Division , Overreach , Pennsylvania , Battleground State , Need , To , Crisis , Values , Shamed , On Hannity Last Night , Doctor Oz , Borders , Immigration , Parents , Tv Thing , System , Back Burner , Dignity , Opportunities , Spirit , Freedom Without Making A Safer , Got A , Washington , Heartthrob , Celebrity Heartthrob , Word , Celebrity , Primary , Celebrity Work , Litmus Test , Ways , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Thinking , Running , Donald Trump , Caitlin Jenner Didn T Pull , Matthew Mcconaughey , Texas , Battleground States , Battleground , Politics , Celebrity Thing , Politics Don T , Game , Bloodsport , Talk , Gravitation , Platitudes , Socioeconomic , Tv , Campaign , Leg , Minds , Vaccine Mandates , Decisions , Front , Supervised Injection Sites , Sites , Drugs , Harm , Deblasio Making A Mess , Bayer Bill Deblasio , Ride , Tradition , Cadillac Showroom , Cadillac , Sleigh , Storms Bador , Shipping Process , Health Products , Shipstation Go To Com , Ton , Rates , 100000 , Congress Price , Goods , Family Needs , Wolk Mob , Wednesday December 1st , Hearing Transcript , Suspected Waukesha Parade ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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of smash and grab robberies. is a too little too late? >> i agree with everybody's a right no matter how silly it is. >> kyle rittenhouse and cancel culture. here's his response to the university demanding - with that you are watching "fox and friends first". carley: let's get straight to it. calls for chris cuomo are growing as cnn suspended him after bombshell evidence in the new york attorney general's report. >> a late breaker yesterday. >> cnn finally taking action against it*anchor after learning he played a large role in his brother sexual misconduct than previously admitted. extending the show by an hour to cover cuomo's time slot. he was suspended indefinitely pending investigation saying these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother's effort than we previously knew. jake tapper reportedly pressured the network to pull cuomo off air, released by the new york attorney general's office. one exchange with andrew cuomo's top aid reveals chris reached out to his sources to check potential allegations and suggested rebuttal for some allegations and interview document reveals chris forwarding a democratic strategists regarding charlotte bennett and her time in college. bennett saying, quote, the network need not investigate his behavior. the investigation is over and we received answers. anything short of fire and chris cuomo was lacking morals. chris made a full throated defense of his big brother on his radio show just hours before cnn pulled him a fear. >> i did not want him to resign because i believed him, leave the women alone and let due process take care of the situation. there wasn't going to be due process and his party was against him and obviously he had no choice because he couldn't do the work of state anymore. >> this is less than four months after his brother resigned following a report finding he harassed 11 women. >> now to a fox news alert students and family coming together for a vigil in oxford, michigan remembering the three classmates killed that i school shooting. todd: marianne rafferty live as we learn more. >> the three students were shot and killed in eight others injured. a 15-year-old software was taken into custody for a tense moment in oxford high school as terrified students barricaded themselves in classrooms and others ran for safety but at one point that gunmen could be heard trying to pretend to be law enforcement. >> it wasn't a drill. it was scary. >> i felt like it was 30 minutes or something, the police came and knocked on the door. >> police say the 15-year-old sophomore came to school armed with a semi automatic handgun allegedly purchased by his father four days before the fatal shooting. >> deputies removed from the suspect in s p 2022 pistol it was loaded at the time and contains 7 rounds of ammunition. >> the victims were 17-year-old, madison baldwin and 16-year-old football player who died in a sheriff's vehicle on the way to the hospital. the injured range in age from 14 to 17, the 47-year-old teacher was shot and released from the hospital with president biden extending intolerances to those who lost children in the shooting. >> my heart goes out to the families in during the grief of losing a loved one. the whole community has to be in a state of shock. >> authorities are investigating his motive. >> tough story. >> darrell brooks is missing, brooks released $1,000 after allegedly running over his ex-girlfriend two weeks before the parade assault. officials telling fox news the transcript for the hearing is lost forever. brooks release came despite scoring 6 out of 6 on a risk assessment for new criminal activity, that he would miss his court appearance. of convicted in the waukesha attack the career criminal facing 6 life sentences. >> day 2 of the trial beginning with her wrenching testimony from a woman claiming she was sexually abused by jeffrey epstein and the british socialite, facing 6 federal charges including sex trafficking of a minor going by the sudden jame, they met where epstein was a benefactor for years, this started when she was 14 years old. he claims special participated in the abuse more than twice, she was one of the ones who was first user to take the stand. >> jussie smollett conducted a dry run of his attack. the prosecution says the evidence, to stage the ambush adding the brothers were cut for $3,500 after the dry run and given $100 in cash for supplies. chicago detective testifying against jussie smollett for our sighting for social media records alleging he staged they hate crime. 's lawyer says the two brothers attacked the actor because they, quote, didn't like him. >> kyle rittenhouse is no longer enrolled at arizona state university is progressive students protest his right to learn a little despite is not guilty verdict matisses campus rage doesn't bother him. >> it is very silly and funny. i agree with everybody's right to demonstrate no matter how silly it is. >> protest against conservative students is nothing new. >> could have been persecuting conservatives on campus for a few years now. todd: the university conferring rittenhouse is no longer enrolled, not commented in defense of the acquitted team. kudos to rittenhouse, at 18 years old, the ability for the last year and a half to do that. >> rittenhouse did an interview last week, he plans to continue studying, a compassionate withdrawal from two classes, overwhelmed with the trial, to reenroll if you are an administrator, the only thing, and qualified to go to the school. they are going to face a lawsuit. >> they need to step up and stop giving in and cuddling this woke mob of socialists, whatever it is. have to stop doing that because when you appease the lunatics you get more lunacy and it needs to stop. >> there was a level of maturity, he is facing so much backlash for his peers that will one day become his colleagues as time goes on, the pressure on him and the focus on him will be less. as anything-year-old your one goal is to fit in and definitely rising above the hate and concern, he wants to do online classes but i heard him say he wishes he could go to college like a normal student. todd: i don't know what school, if you could find it, do it. i gave my entire emotional being. i don't know if i could do that. >> one thing happening with higher education is the backlash against the liberal mentality all colleges are doing now. the university of austin, conservatives, universities, there aren't that's many, colleges with a conservative lean, i think it is unfortunate that we are dividing, the country is so divided that now by your political affiliation you go to one school or the other. todd: you learn from your peers in college, from getting exposed to different viewpoints, one of the keys of college, that is what you get during this four years, all different walks of life, liberal, conservative, different races, different religions and that makes your experience greater and makes you better. >> kyle rittenhouse wants to be a nurse, we will follow his future as it plays out. in the meantime jerome powell, price hikes are here to stay months after the president promised they were temporary. todd: consumer confidence plunges to a 9 year low. >> reporter: i hate delivering the bad news but that's what chairman powell did yesterday, pushing inflation higher. powell says they didn't use the preferred term. to describe it. >> short-lived, a permanent mark, it is a good time to retire. >> a far cry from the president's much rosier assessment this past summer. >> some folks raised worries this could be a sign of persistent inflation. experts believe, the data shows most of the price increases we have seen were expected and expected to be temporary. >> reporter: since then inflation has soared 6% on the supply chain remained bottleneck, the white house maintains inflation will eventually fall. >> private-sector forecasts, inflation will ease over time, rooted in the pandemic which will subside. >> reporter: republicans taking a harsher view. >> the experts who have been advising you have the same credibility as those late night psychic hotlines. we've got to get control of inflation. it is ravaging our people. >> reporter: treasury secretary janet yellen sounded the alarm, by december 15th. >> we eat this or rate our current recovery. in a matter of days the majority of americans would suffer and that would be followed by deep recession. >> reporter: 15 days to do it, the president expect to deliver remarks on strengthening the supply chain, see what he has to say. todd: thank you very much. tucker carlson had this response. >> the federal reserve announced thanks to omicron and not at all due to the decision he has made personally. our economy will be terrible for a long time. we are definitely going to be a lot of mail in ballots in midterm elections for your safety of course. vaccines, we need a lot more vaccines. todd: tensions between the us and its two biggest global competitors on the rise with threats looming on the ground. jillian: more on the us response to russia and china's recent unsettling actions. >> very interesting news, in the -- secretary of state lincoln and foreign ministers in the nato military alliance, and threatening build up of troops on the border with ukraine. any moves by vladimir putin won't stand. for his part. in his egg any deployment of nato troops inside ukraine, some hypersonic missiles on his backside. and our asian foe, china, mostly a good navy bigger than ours, the biggest in the world, we do have more aircraft carriers at the moment. top u.s. navy commander just said he could use one, 2, 3 more of the massive shifts and air force weighed in. there is an arms race, not necessarily for increased members but for increased quality. it is an arms race that has been going on for some time added very aggressively. as for who is the biggest threat, fox news poll, 52% of those surveyed said china is the biggest threat, 14% say russia and danger on both sides of the world. >> local leaders in san francisco desperate after a string of massive smash and grab robberies shocked the nation, they are turning to law enforcement for help his critics say their policies are to blame. todd: we have a show for you today. it is jampacked. joe concha, sean duffy and lots more, do not go anywhere. surprise! it's a new buick. you got me new buick? oh! and there are more gifts inside. wow! i don't even know what to open first. how about this? you got me the head up display. heated steering wheel. it's a massaging seat. do you love it? okay okay, what next? watch this, mom. alexa, turn on holiday lights. this year, give the gift of technology hi. i'm wolfgang puckou)v. when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free >> new york democrat admits judges need more, not less authority when it comes to deciding bail. >> we don't leave it to the judges. of course it is going to affect crime. person with 22 active warrants is out on the streets creating more issues. >> bail reform is having unintended consequences creating more inequality. he's calling on new york governor kathy hopeful to review her state's bail laws. >> the city sees a surge in smash and grab robberies, san francisco leaders may that off-duty cops work as private security for businesses. san francisco cop spoke to tucker carlson last night on the chaos in her city, listen. >> san francisco, as you can see from the video, boarded-up shops, empty spaces for retail, is a city that is spiraling or already in the bottom of the toilet. can it get worse? anything is possible. carley: joining us is john dennis, chair of the san francisco gop, off-duty cops and security guards and businesses, sounds like a good idea but why is it necessary and is it going to happen? >> the city is so incompetent, they can't protect their property. this is a response to a retailer read union square in san francisco. it hasn't so recently the most expensive retail rents in the country more expensive than fifth avenue. the chairman and ceo of the high end retailer call for the mayor and her team to resign and this is response to that reaction. carley: is a regressive tax to pay for a service that you literally already pay the city to provide? >> absolutely. this view san francisco's budget is $14 billion, 13 or 14 states and in the city that is only 7 x 7 miles is incredibly unfair but they are so incompetent, recognizing it at this point letting these people protect their businesses. carley: these business owners faced looting, they are now possibly going to have to pay for their own private security, better than continuing to be robbed. if you look at san francisco crime statistics, between january 1st and november 20 eighth over 2000 robberies, burglaries, 6000 larceny theft, 75,000. why are these thefts happening? a lot of people blame proper 47, the proposition that makes robberies under $950 a misdemeanor. is that why this is happening? >> that is the starting point. the state put a burden on the city saying we will encourage criminality but san francisco they doubled down on it by taking this restorative justice approach to crime which puts the criminal first over the victim and a couple other stats. car break ins are up 75% since 2019 in san francisco, shoplifting arrests went down by 50%. over 2 dozen cvss and walgreens imploded, domestic violence cases, 86% were dismissed by the da. my garage has been robbed 3 times in the last month so it is not just the other part is the politicians, district attorney gas lighting saying everything is fine, san francisco, don't believe your eyes of the voters of san francisco know better. >> the notion of security for those who can afford it while the rest of us fend for ourselves. it makes no sense with your thoughts on this, the oakland mayor across the bay bridge will reverse plans to defend the police in a spike of violence gun crime. >> there's nothing progressive about unbridled gun violence. this is what is one's, comprehensive and effective approach to safety, and that is adequate police staffing. >> putting aside the fact that that is the liberal talking point they love to go to anyone with a brain ultimately saw this coming. why do these liberals mayors do this? are they dumb is a part of a friend plan? >> there swept up in an ideological movement within the democratic party but they are facing the music of reality right now. when you hear defund the police crime goes up every single time, not just oakland, it is minneapolis where they rejected defund the police new york, crime is going up. >> a lot of people at home think the same thing i was when i saw francis -- san francisco gop chair, would like to be the gop chair in san francisco? you said it is growing party in san francisco. is that true? >> absolutely true. 15 years of the republican party i have never seen so much interest and appetite for candidates in the upcoming election. democrats of run the town for 50 years, we had a republican mayor, people are looking at us from all these problems are owned by the democrats. carley: inc. you for joining us. todd: 26 after the hour, this former swat team member says he quit his job to stand up for his freedom. carley: we will talk about how his vaccine mandate could make his city a lot less safe. carley: the biden administration considering testing requirements for all travelers to the us. this includes american citizens returned to the country, federal health officials revealing everyone coming into the country must be tested the day before boarding a flight regardless of vaccine status. officials considering mandating retesting travelers several days after they arrive as well as a mandatory 7-day self quarantine. oklahoma national guard members paychecks are at risk after lloyd austin orders all troops to get vaccinated writing a motion the servicemembers not comply, quote, no department of defense funding will be allocated for payment of duties performed and no credit or excuse shall be afforded to members who do not participate in drills, training or other duties. rejecting the rescinding of the vaccine mandate, 5 other states looking at following oklahoma's lead according to the office. get the covid vaccine or lose their job, putting public safety at risk of hundreds of the city's police officers remain unvaccinated. joining me is the police officer who quit ahead of vaccine mandate, brandon gibson. generally right off the top, why does it seem people who put their lives on the line for the rest of us, fire, police, military, healthcare workers always seem to get the shortage of the stick. >> it has been arrive road, our profession has been demonized. there's a lot of good women and men putting their lives on the line every day on patrol and you are right, we are getting the short end of the stick. heather: 40% of san diego police officers are unvaccinated against covid 19. why are we sacrificing actual public safety where we've seen what happens in city is when you reduce the number of police officers for the notion of something that could potentially happen, you could get sick, you could have issues with covid. i don't understand that analysis these mayors and institutions are making. >> that the question we all have, a lot of police officers have that same question. i think the mayor is trying to downplay the effect this mandate is going to have on staffing and they want to pretend, the mayor and city council want to pretend this is an easy 6 and they replace experienced officers with trainees when the reality is it takes years to develop the skills necessary to be an effective officer on patrol and you will be losing that with this mandate. todd: the response from the mayor is the way out of this pandemic is through vaccines in the city of san diego will lead by example with city employees regularly interacting with members of the public, the vaccination mandate takes on more necessary. what does that comment miss about the concept on which our country was founded, the concept of freedom? >> very uncharacteristic of our american democracy. this mandate infringes upon our personal freedom and i don't believe any government official or government has anyplace making a decision when it comes to my personal health. todd: a picture of you in the tds before he went to commercial showed you in your swot outfits. there is on the screen. you look jacked. you look like you could defend us in any way, shape or form from anything that could befall us. why would we get rid of that? because you won't take a vaccine because if my family is in jeopardy and i see you come to the door i don't give two you know whats whether you have a vaccine, what your race is, what your religion is, i did that guy saving my life. >> a lot of good men and women out there, we are seeing those guys looking for jobs in other states the don't have this mandate or other agencies that don't have this mandate and you are losing a lot of experience there. it takes years to develop the skills necessary to respond to critical incidents which is part of our duty and responsibility as swat team members. i can't figure this out, san diego is unique as weekly testing isn't an option on the table, i can't answer the question, i can't figure this out except the city council has an agenda. >> the left always likes to espouse when it comes to my body, my choice in the abortion debate but why does that only apply when the left can use it to fit their narrative? >> exactly. it goes back to the narrative over the past few years when it comes to law enforcement. they've done a good job demonizing this profession and it ties right in to their agenda and it is an extension of the defund movement. >> a frightening world, you don't want guys that look like me coming to your house, it is serious. health and safety is on the line. the mess we've gotten into his horrible. we wish you the best of luck. thank you for what you've done for our country and the great city of san diego. carley: 36 after the hour. governor gretchen witmer's fight against a pipeline, one ohio mayor, and after two years of covid mandates, once a liberty doctor throwing his name on the ballot. he's taking his fight to the senate. i got this mountain bike for only $11. the fair and honest bidding site. this i-pad sold for less than $43. this kitchenaid mixer sold for less than $26. a 4k television for under $2. a macbook pro for under $16. this playstation 5 sold for less than a dollar. and brand new cars for less than $900. offers hundreds of auctions every day. all auctions start at $0 and everything must go. and don't forget we offer a full 90 day money back guarantee on your first bidpack purchase. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. i got these three suitcases for less than $40. and shipping is always free. go to today and see how much you can save. there are auctions going on right now. so, what are you waiting for? in companies across the west feel a single inflation is the price of aluminum sword. >> the ceo of goodwill is live from columbus, ohio. thanks for being here. the aluminum mechanic like the umpire in baseball, you only notice when there's a problem and there's a problem right now. how, could this be for the business? >> it is very detrimental, a lot of the aluminum comes from asia so it has to go through california, literally and so you have delays and it is not just aluminum but it comes from the same region, so you have issues as well. and california and even a restaurant side, seeing a lot of increases and food costs and delays. those products come from asia and the pacific and california. >> it is basic economics, things cost more, your business has to make less money or pass the cost on to the consumer so what are you going to do? >> we are implemented in the first price increase in five years. >> by how much? >> 10%. we met with a distributor from kentucky yesterday and they said everyone is doing that. not only is it the aluminum costs but that is a significant percentage of not only our cans but we also are seeing large increases in energy costs, materials that they ship in, production costs in our production facility, it depends on energy and energy costs are 10% to 20% for electricity and 50% for fuel. todd: you've done a good job laying out the various costs that are rising for you. you hear the president of the united states. of the dismissive of the impact of inflation are regular americans, not our fault, you just have to deal with it until it goes away how much of a punch in the gut is that? >> it is a huge punch in the gut but affects the lower and middle classes more than the upper class so that is why you see such this role reactions and the let's go brandon chance around the country. carley: who this inflation is impacting, are you concerned if somebody sees a can of your beer at grocery stores, $2.50, now it is $2.75, they are not going to buy the beer which impact your business. >> more cost-conscious as inflation continues to rise. todd: as someone who goes to the store, i'm looking at the prices and there is a difference. if you go up 10% i notice the 10% and not -- carley: a tough find. todd: it helps the big guy and hurts you. >> without question. craft breweries are vulnerable because the costs are more significant because revenues are smaller and more impacted. carley: we were hearing from jerome powell who said inflation is not transitory which means it is not temporary. how long do you for see this going? >> until there is a change in the administration. todd: you see this craft brewing industry really taking off over the course of the last ten years. a lot of competition, and a lot of areas, something like this, and american industry. >> there were 1200 breweries. in 2019 there were 9000, 20% failed. one of the reasons i'm in columbus is we purchased another company in columbus, ohio. real in february, the same thing in indianapolis. the companies failed, and restart those businesses. carley: when inflation -- you know people will revolt. you always have customers. you explain what is going on with your brewery, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> people inflation and rising energy costs and if the governor gets her way, governor gretchen witmer is making her war against the pipeline. look, if your wireless carrier was a guy, you'd leave him tomorrow. not very flexible. not great at saving. you deserve better—xfinity mobile. now, they have unlimited for just $30 a month. $30. and they're number 1 in customer satisfaction. his number? delete it. i'm deleting it. so break free from the big three. xfinity internet customers take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. todd: the supreme court will hear its biggest abortion case in decades, oral argument starting in just hours over mississippi's abortion law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. this case testing whether roe v wade could be overturned igniting these comments from jen psaki. >> the president is a strong supporter of a woman's right to choose, a woman's fundamental right, deeply committed to constitutional rights established in row. todd: a former vice president, mike pence has a different stance on the high-profile case. >> as we stand here today we may be on the verge of an era when the supreme court sends roe versus wade to the at sheep of history where it belongs. heather: 4 oh is overturned it will allow states to ban abortions at any time or entirely. arguments started at 10:00 eastern. carley: celebrity heart surgeon doctor oz running for senate in pennsylvania. the tv personality saying he wants to heal the division of government overreach from the pandemic. >> americans deserve better solutions. doctors are about solutions. instead people with good ideas are shamed, silenced, and they are threatening to -- america is in crisis, values are under attack. i want to serve america in its time of need. carley: he is shaking up the election in the battleground state. opening up the senate race, did not even know doctor oz was a republican but he was on hannity last night and he supports strong borders, talked about how his parents immigrated to the united states legally, legal immigration, he wants, he said covid has shown us our system is broken. we lost too many lives, too many jobs, too many opportunities because washington got a, they took away our freedom without making a safer and trying to kill our spirit and our dignity so he is putting the tv thing on the back burner. don't know if he will be doing his show but he's running for senate in pennsylvania. todd: i thought you were about to say celebrity heartthrob, but the key word is -- carley: people fight in a heartthrob. todd: the takeaways celebrity. this primary, republican primary, a litmus test to see how much celebrity work. we've seen celebrity work in certain ways, arnold schwarzenegger in california, donald trump, caitlin jenner didn't pull too well in california. interesting to see how it plays out. carley: matthew mcconaughey was thinking of running for governor in texas and decided not to. pennsylvania, the most battleground, one of the biggest battleground states in the country and what he said on hannity last night, he is a strong conservative. we will see how that plays out for him but it is interesting that he is deciding to go from the celebrity thing into politics. i don't understand why people would do it because politics is such a dirty game, such a bloodsport but he is all in. todd: the people we see in politics don't they come off unnatural, not real, not like you and i am normal people run their life, people crave somebody they can relate to. maybe not a socioeconomic, donald trump -- somebody who talks like they do and says the things that they do and doesn't talk in these platitudes that you often hear politicians speaking in. that is why we see gravitation toward that person that communicates that it has on tv for decades. carley: doctor oz has a lot of money. part of his campaign is self-funded. he has a leg up there but you are right. i also think because he's a doctor and covid is still on the minds of so many people it will be interesting to hear what he has to say about vaccine mandates. if he is a conservative conservatives don't think there should be vaccine mandates. he is a strong supporter of small government making decisions local so more to come on that front. carley: more on this to lead. heather: supervised injection sites for illegal drugs? who thinks that is a good idea. bayer bill deblasio says the sites will reduce harm. carley: deblasio making a mess of the city, she joins us live with joe concha, sean duffy, waking up early. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health 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