Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 2

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20240709

vaccines on the new variate. will ask national institute doctor francis collins what this means for public health and ask mohammed about the impact on the pandemic recovery. >> we need to fund the government, the deadline is december 3. >> from avoiding a government shutdown to raising the debt limit and the defense spending bi, lawmakers returned to lengthy to do list. will discuss with the republican leader in the senate john barrasso of wyoming. a "fox news sunday" exclusive. then the biden administration expected to reinstate the controversial remaining next go policy. will oscar sunday panel about the ongoing crisis at the southern border. plus our power player of the week, chris once again dances with the turkey. all right now on "fox news sunday". tracy: hello again from fox news the bite in a administration has ordered new travel restrictions from south africa and seven of the country starting tomorrow in response to a new coronavirus variance. world health officials have designated the variant omicron and overreaction but the detection has sparked a new wave of global anxiety as cases pop up in multiple countries just days after first being identified. in a moment will ask the head of the national institutes of health doctor francis collins what we know so far about the threat of omicron. but first let's turn to jacqui heinrich traveling with the president in nantucket with more on the buy did a administration response. >> there is quick action from the white house announcing the travel restrictions but less urgency in opposing them leave an entire weekend until they take effect. president biden said that was his medical team's advice. >> president biden urging americans to get vaccinated and if eligible get booster shots after shutting down travel to a african countries to keep covid variant omicron from spending. >> we only talk about. >> the cdc says so far it hasn't checked any cases of omicron in the u.s., the white house top doctor anthony fauci says it may already be here. >> i would not be surprised if it is, it's almost invariably is ultimately going to go essentially all over. >> number travel restrictions are expected yet. >> will take it one step at a time but as of now we've done what's necessary. >> other countries are ripping up efforts to contain the virus. boris johnson imposing stricter rules for masking and testing international travelers after two cases were detected. >> we will require all contacts of those who test positive in suspected case of omicron to self isolate for ten days regardless of your vaccination status. >> israel to shutdown the borders to foreigners entirely spooked over a single omicron case. vaccine manufacturers are already mobilizing. pfizer says a shot for vaccine will take 100 days, but they're not already testing a high dose booster is working on omicron specific shot. >> president biden says number vaccine mandates are ahead at this time the omicron emergences adding urgency to the administration vaccination efforts and is happening against a backdrop of sinking poll numbers, plunging markets and multiple year-end deadline and congress. >> a lot of changes, jacqui heinrich. tracy: joining is now a national institute of health doctor francis collins. welcome back to "fox news sunday". good morning to you. what do we need to know about the omicron variance? is it more contagious, would lead to more severe disease? your thoughts? >> those above right questions. it's early enough to be sure we know the answers. that's what a lot of us are spending our time on over the last three days. i've been on zoom calls and phone calls pretty much continuously. we know this is a variant that has a lot of mutations. like 50 of them and more than 30 of those in the spike protein which is a part of the virus that attaches to your human cells if you get infected. that is a new record in terms of the number of mutations. it does make you worry that it's a different virus that it might not respond as well to protection from the vaccine. but we don't know that. we can certainly see in south africa and a few neighboring countries and south part of africa it seems to be spreading quite rapidly. the interest would be that is particularly contagious. we don't know about the severity. were trying to collect that data as quickly as possible. >> i'm interested when you talk about spike protein it confuses people when you say various mutation is spike protein. what do you mean by that? >> remember the picture of this virus that has the spikes on the surface which are made up of protein. that's a part of the virus that has to find a receptor receptor on your self to get inside. this one is apparently able to still do that. it's infecting people. but the shape of the protein is different because of the 30 plus mutations so it looks a little different. if you raise antibodies against that for previously being infected were vaccinated, the question is will the antibodies still stick to this version of the spike protein or will they invade that protection. we need to find that out, that will take two or three weeks in laboratory and field studies to figure out the answer and that's what all of us as scientists want to know. tracy: very quickly, i know you say you don't know much about the variate but when you have doctors in the south african medical association, one that spotted this variant down in south africa. he said the symptoms tend to be mild. is it too early to make that declaration? >> i think it is too early. i think the initial cases are mostly young people who tend to have mild infections anyway. we need more data before we can say confidently this is not a severe version of the virus. but we should find that out in the next couple of weeks. tracy: let's move on the president put a travel ban and south african countries. here is the vaccination rates of those countries. they go all the way from 27% and then all the way down to 3.2% which is extraordinarily low. the former biden advisor doctor zeke emanuel said restricting travel is going to slow it is coming, not stop it from coming. it coming here examine evitable but the environment in which it comes may not be inevitable, we can alter the environment. if it is just a case of trying to slow it down, why not put in place more travel bands because the people in south africa, some of the government officials feel like they're being singled out and it's a little discriminatory against them. >> i think this is a difficult decision and this is the best advice of the public health experts. you'll notice the uk and that you are doing the same. keep in mind, everybody who's a foreign traveler coming to the u.s. has to have a test three days in advance, for vaccinated one day in advance if you're on vaccinated. were screening travelers from everywhere. given the current circumstance at an abundance of caution in seeing this is the most serious new variant that we seen in several months, it made sense for a temporary measure. vernacular say this is going to be there for a long time to block travel from those countries where we know the omicron is already spreading. tracy: we talked about the vaccination rates in the south african countries. i want to put up the vaccination and booster from this country. it's a fascinating look. 9.1% fully vaccinated covid-19 .1% of boosters. will the vaccines need to be modified for omicron? and if they do need to be modified, why would people get the booster tomorrow when they might have to get a brand-new booster in 30 days and two months? i'm glad were talking about this, for americans listening to this, this is an action you can take it or not vaccinated yet or haven't gotten your booster. it is clear in all the previous examples of variance, the vaccines have worked to provide protection in the boosters have provided, especially strong protection against things like delta. given that history we expect most likely the current vaccines will be sufficient to provide protection and especially the boosters will get about an additional layer of protection. there's something about the booster that causes your immune system to expand its capacity against all spike proteins. even one hasn't seen before. please americans, if you are waiting to see if this a be, to be a great time to set up a get your booster or if you have a bit vaccinated, get started. omicron is one more reason to do this. if we need a new vaccine, designed specifically against omicron, pfizer imager and are in the process of designing that. that will be three months or so to come to being if we have to do it. all of us hope we don't have to do that. tracy: you think it will be modified but for the time being the vaccines we have are working just fine. i want to put up the four states in the vaccination rates. that gives an idea of where were going. d.c. michigan 54% vaccination rate. a new case rate of 59%, maine is the same thing very high vaccination rate, high new cases, new york 68, if you look at the bottom you florida 61% vaccination rate, down in cases. it was only a couple of months they were giving florida hard time saying ron desantis policies were all wrong, what is going on wire some of the states with the most severe lockdowns and mandates doing poorly in states like florida have virtually no mandates doing quite well? >> it all comes down to who is actually getting the disease. especially who is getting sick enough to be in the hospital or die. keep in mind, getting a mild case of illness certainly happens as breakthroughs from the vaccinated folks, although boosters prevent that. but if you talk about who's in the hospital and who's dying, those are still the unvaccinated people and there's a lot of those in all the states you mentioned. it's a lesson, come on america we missed the chance to be a higher level vaccination across the country that will put us in a stronger position, for all those reasons of misinformation the people have heard, we've not done what we should've done to protect ourselves if omicron is one more wake-up call, let's wake up. come on america, you could do this. vaccines are faced safe, effective, 200 million plus have gotten injected. these are something that you want for yourself, your family, your community. tracy: i have one minute left. you talk a lot about the antiviral pills and pfizer. some of them say their game changers, do you worry that when they come out with the new pills and their effectiveness what were being told that all the lesson peoples need or hurry to get this accident? >> it does worry me, although would not be a rational conclusion because these are pills that you would take if you shown to be infected. you don't want to be infected. take the analogy do you want to wear your seatbelt or just forget that encounter on the emergency room to patch up your broken bones. the vaccines are your seatbelt, use them. if for some reason you still get sick, to be great to have the antivirals, i'm tickled to see them emerging. merck will be debated on tuesday and pfizer is not far behind. it's great that we will have something like that but that is not the whole answer, prevention is better than treatment. tracy: doctor francis collins, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> glad to be with you. tracy: shoppers are back in the stores as new virus worries rise, will discuss how the new variant could complicate the u.s. economic recovery with a leading voice in the financial world mohammed al area and is next. ♪ new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. look, if your wireless carrier was a guy, you'd leave him tomorrow. not very flexible. not great at saving. you deserve 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market uncertainty because a travel ban put in place we tend to realize soon to follow might be more lockdowns? is that what's happening here? >> it is happening around the world, the marketplace is worried about two things. one another variant of coping is going to hit them, we travel lesson go after restaurants with them and we may have additional restrictions that are imposed on us, that is issue number one issue number two the marketplace is worried that this will cost more inflation that supply chain will be disrupted even more. two things together, lower growth, high inflation up stagflation and that's what the market is worried about right now. trace: we will get your take on inflation coming up. i want to touch on the fact that the recent job numbers were pretty encouraging, too many jobs and not enough people to fill the jobs. when you think about politics coming back this week and senators back in tomorrow and the house back in tuesday in the social spending bill. is this a time in your estimation that we should be injecting trillions of dollars into the economy dealing with inflation. >> this is a controversial issue, has a good side and a bad side. the good side it helps on the labor market, the problem we have at the labor market it's not that we have a loss of employment, we have too many people outside the labor market they need to be attracted back in. what the bill does it tries to increase labor force participation, it helps on the supply-side. the issue that people have, yes that is great but what about the demand side, do you want to put more dollars into the economy that is already running hot. i think net net when you buy two things you want to go ahead because you want to help the supply-side and the federal reserve has to do more to compensate on the demand side. trace: you worth critical of the fed and the way they handled inflation and some of your writings will get to that in the second. the president kept the status quo and nominated jay powell to remain the chair of the fed. you write the following in the financial times on thursday quoting the continued side lighting. by the fred risk making things worse by d anchoring inflationary expectations due to the persistent of loose monetary policy. record easy financial conditions according to the goldman sachs index and the lack of adequate forward policy guidance. do you think this is time for a change at the fed? >> i think it's time for a change of policy at the fed. i was of the view that this may be easier with someone who is repeated over and over again that is in transitory and is going away. inflation is not transitory. it's really important for the fed to realize this. the worst thing that can happen, and addition to the supply disruption, into the labor shortages they destabilize our expectation and we change behavior even faster. companies increase prices faster, wage earners insist on higher wages even more and next thing you know you have a cycle of inflation. that's what we need to invoice. >> is a cycle of inflation and wondering how long you think that drags on, is it per minute when you give somebody a raise is not like you're going to take that back in a year when you're selling a sandwich for $12 now it's not like you will sell that for $11.50 six months down the line. when we see the costco up how long before we might see some pressure ease off of those inflationary gauges. >> we will see all the second round of effects that we talk about, people asking for higher wages to maintain their purchasing power, companies raising prices to maintain their markets, it will go one well into next year. it will ease the ease with the wrong reasons, what i'm worried about it will ease because the fed is going to have to hit the brakes, we have not got a single historical experience in which the fed has been led to the policy challenge and has not caused the recession. rather than hit the brakes hard next year it's much easier to put up the accelerator starting now. trace: we've been talking about gauges we haven't seen the numbers yet we will see those tomorrow or tuesday but you talk about black friday and the financial headlines same black friday was busy. not really black friday busy. is it because were holding back or because we were told to shop because of the supply chain crisis, we were told to shop early and we did, would you make of what you've seen so far? >> the latter has a lot to do with it people were worried about supply in the last two months we saw a big jump in retail sales than a lot of people expected. i think a lot of people accelerated the purchases. i don't think we have an issue with demand. i think incomes are strong, retail sales are strong, companies have lots of money. the problem is the supply-side end unless we fix the supply-side it will contaminate demand-side. supply destruction and inflation. trace: one of the biggest indicators is gas prices, i tell people outside the door it's $5.65 a gallon. on one hand you have the president tapping oil reserves adding 50 million barrels of oil to the market and on the other hand he wants to make it more expensive to drill for oil on federal property. how do you square the two. >> were in a very funny. where we have a transition issue, were moving away from fossil fuel, coal, oil. the middle parts gets enormous pressure and that is seen with gas prices it is a transition that will go away. in the meantime it is trying to lessen it. only by releasing supply. that's what we saw last week it will have a permanent impact, to very important signaling. trace: signaling's we have about 45 seconds left. what is the biggest take away right now from the economy, what is the biggest warning that you have? >> take inflation seriously because it can by itself derail economic recovery. trace: doctor mohammed el-aryan, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. up next of the new variant complicates a new agenda as lawmakers return to capitol hill. we will discuss the third ranking senate republican when ranking senate republican when we come back. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ trace: the duke of invariant is another hurdle in a decidedly busy time in washington the senate expected to return tomorrow the house on tuesday. the lawmakers have a few days to over a government shutdown and a little more than two weeks on borrowing or default for the first time in the nation's history while democrats face their own self-imposed year-end deadline to pass the presidents bill back better plan would likely no republican support. with us from wyoming the number three republican in the senate don barrasso the senator welcome back to "fox news sunday" we have a lot of politics to talk about, as we said you're going back to work tomorrow and the house is coming back on tuesday. a lot of breaking news on the omicron. , your medical doctor as well, give us your quick take are you concerned of the newberry at coming maybe already here in the united states? >> as a doctor and pro-vaccine in anti-the mandate. vaccines work, we have a new variant, there will be new variant in the future. medicines are better now than they have been. the president was wrong with his mandate. it was a monumental overreach it is hard and people against the vaccine and the present has divided the country because of the mandate. you have a couple of governors saying two shots is not enough, now you have to have three. the thing that is interesting the last guest talked about inflation, we have 10 million job openings in this country and the president with his mandate wants to fire people who have been going to work every day since the pandemic started. people may not want to get the vaccine, police officers, firefighters, border patrol. that is one part, joe biden ran for office, hiding in his basement saying he could protect america from covid. he did it, he can't and more people have died under covid under saturday night then all of 2020. >> bill back better bill, you have a lot of stuff going on in the hill, what is the status of that? is it time to inject trillions of dollars back into the economy? >> we have record inflation right now. i view this as a backbreaking bill for the country with expensive, adding to the debt, the inflation, the taxes that are going to hit the american people and for joe biden to say that we have to spend more money on top of inflation, this is alice in wonderland logic. he continues to mislead the american people. saying the cost will be 0, 0, 0 three when the budget analyst said it will be hundreds of billions of dollars added to the debt people's taxes are going to go up, you said only if you make over 400,000 a year, that's not what the tax experts are telling us. one out of three middle-class americans will pay more in taxes. all of these issues on inflation across the board people say were looking at persistent inflation. we cannot ignore inflation that will hurt our economy the most. trace: you talking about republicans about the bill back better in the raising the debt limit mitch mcconnell said it would enable democratic spending but the wall street journal says, i am quoting about to raise the debt limit does not authorize new spending but essentially it allows the treasury to raise money to pay for expenses the government has already authorized. this is to pay for things already authorized. it's important to point out in your state law this is pain for 30000 people getting staff benefits, that is food benefits, 33000 students eligible for free or reduced school lunches. a lot of benefits from this to your state. why are you against it. >> in my state i was a member of the state senate. our constitution demands that we balance our budget every year end that we live within our means. just like families all across america need to do. the federal government ought to do the same thing. this is all about democrat spending. this is 100% on them. if you get rid of all the gimmicks from accounting this bill that they're proposing is $4 trillion in addition of spending and not a single republican that will vote for the bill or vote to raise the debt ceiling. this is on the democrats. trace: your a member of the energy committee, i want to put this up, we talked about this with doctor mohammed el-aryan. the gases at 49.6%, electricity 6.5%, and that's not even the coldest part of the winter it's going to get bad for a lot of families and very expensive. you have the president putting 50 million barrels of oil from the reserves back on the market, maybe hit the market sometime mid december. on the other hand the president is making it more expensive to drill on federal land. how do you square this? >> it can't be scripted president able to do this. it's the busiest travel days in america and people are hitting the road, gas prices are hitting the roof. they wanted the white house the president drew target from the back of american energy pulled the trigger. now with the strategic petroleum reserve, he's trying to put a little band-aid on the bullet hole, the petroleum reserve is there for emergencies, not to cover for bad policy. the amount he is releasing is equal to what people using this country into an half days. today were using more oil from russia from vladimir putin russia then we are from alaska. this is a jackpot for vladimir putin. we have the soil in the ground, and the present environmental movement will not let us use american oil. president biden is going hand-in-hand to opec in russia saying please produce more oil so we can buy it from you. this is a disaster, major policy. we need to be using american energy. trace: what is the remedy from the republicans if the president moves are not the alexa, what is it what do we do to get gas prices down, what do we do to get energy prices down and stabilize before we move into winter. >> yes, we use american energy, we stop the bands of this administration has an energy. senator manson who is the ranking member of the chairman energy committee. let's get the keystone pipeline going, lots of resources, we are much stronger as a nation. we are selling energy to our friends that we supply from our enemies. i just got back from the persian gulf, spent thanksgiving there with the wyoming troops and talking to military leaders. after what happened in afghanistan and the disaster of the withdrawal, our enemies are much more aggressive and to be giving a jackpot of additional money to vladimir putin is really in the long-term detriment of the united states. >> you talk about the persian gulf, what did they say about the american energy policy, the president has gone to opec and said we need to get more oil on the market, what do they say they have been hesitant to do that. what is the word over there. is there belief that the united states should be doing more to help itself? trace: we ought to do more to help ourselves, it's incumbent upon us to do that. there are ways that we can protect the environment without punishing the economy i don't know that the understand the major concept. what i saw on the persian gulf was much more aggressive i run, were seated with communist china, vladimir putin and north korea. you talked about all the things that we haven't done yet in congress. the national defense authorization act should've been passed months ago but it's on the back burner for joe biden and chuck schumer. we never want to send our men and women into uniform in a fair fight. we want to make sure that they have strength and can project strength and have the equipment and the manpower and the firepower that they need. this administration is not just wrong on energy but they have been very weak. the president has been weak on national defense. when he came into office's first budget supersize government on everything except for two areas where we didn't keep up with inflation, one was defense and the other was only in security, our nation needs better. trace: that national authorization back to you have russian at the chrétien border, young china dirty language toward taiwan and then you the window is narrowing to get this done. it's been past six years in a row, were assuming they move heaven and earth to get a pass. the window is narrowing, how to get this done quickly. >> the window is narrowing because we have that in the government runs out of money this friday, we have the debt ceiling as you mentioned and joe biden and chuck schumer want to pass a massive tax and spending bill by christmas. we have an entire republican conference that wants to do everything that we can to defeat in the best christmas present would be to block these increased taxes, block the bill that causes more inflation in the more people that know what's in the bill. the worse it becomes because people don't really like so many of the things that are in this bill which will raise taxes and increase inflation. trace: senator john barrasso, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. trace: up next our sunday group to discuss the new covid developments in the impact on the health of the public trace: president biden answering questions to the market selloff in the detection of the new covariate it is time for the sunday group fox news contributor karl rove correspondent for the washington post and fox news political analyst juan williams welcomed all three of you, great to see you, karl you first heard the president say he's not really concerned on what happened to the market on friday dropped 2.5% oil was down in energy prices down across the board, dubai that that is not concern that with omicron variant. >> they are concerned and were in the second year of the pandemic. we have a new challenge. there are a lot of variables that we don't understand it is going to have an economic impact we've had more people died this year and i am covered last year and is suggested when it came to put this in the rearview mirror by july 4. it's currently not able to do that. this is the problem with the pandemic there's so many variables and unknowns that we have to deal with it's hard for policymakers to get their hands around. trace: karl makes a very good point, we have vaccines in therapy, covid won't go away, we talked earlier, the president made this comment when he was candidate biden about the president, at the time president trump at the death toll, get your response at the other side. >> 220,000 americans dead. anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain president of the united states of america. >> there's nothing to 50000 deaths, the president ran on covid and now it appears to be undermining, what are your thoughts. >> i don't think that's what the polls show, his poll numbers have declined. one of his strengths had been the handling of covid and what we see people unvaccinated are the ones who are getting and dying from the terrible disease. i think we need think about this, there's a reason for us to freak out. i think what the president was saying in terms of his reaction to the economic numbers on friday. we had the basic tools to manage this, we know about a vaccine, we have to see if that has to be adapted to the new virus, new variant i should say and we know about masks and social distancing. we have the basic tools in place and now were trying to limit the spread with the trouble began. i think he has in mind the idea that we can deal with this. the goal being, others have said this, even as we deal with this is a medical issue, we keep the economy strong and so far the economic numbers overall have been good. a friday is the flip as we hope it might be it would be because we are showing strong leadership on covid. trace: juan brings up numbers, let's put them on the screen these are the president's approval numbers, right there 41% disapproving at a 52%, juan makes a good point. his numbers on covid of the border on afghanistan were in the tank but his numbers on covid were fairly good. he can ill afford to lose that support that he has had on covid and with the new variant coming in in the handling and not being concerned about the economy, that might end up hurting him or will it not? >> we hadn't seen the administration, a full robust response. i think what were going to see going forward is the white house continue to apply pressure on americans from pharmaceutical companies to share more widely with the rest of the world going forward and tweak the approach that they've taken to the goble pandemic so far. we have seen a lot of criticism from the w.h.o. previously about countries hoarding vaccinations throughout the course of 2020 - 2021. uc scientists warned the biden administration and other global economies and governments, as long as there is a big vaccination gap between developed countries and less-developed countries, the pandemic will remain a problem throughout the world including in countries where vaccination rates are higher. the w.h.o. has previously called the hoarding stockpiling of vaccines as immoral. and something that is self-defeating. but we see real real-world repercussions would come to our economy. that's what we'll see the bite in a administration focus on going forward. trace: that's a good point, can you extend, were gonna move subjects. the whole idea of the trouble began coming in the south african countries, shouldn't a lot of critics saying we need vaccines, we don't need to be isolated and we don't need these travel bands. we need help from the united states what you make of the travel ban considering you go back to when president trump initiated that there was a lot of people saying the president biden intimated that it was seen a phobic, the campaign pushed back on that. what do you think of the band? >> i think it is wise but the problem for president biden he politicize this in the campaign last year. he did not intimate that it was example of hysteria, and a phobia in fear mongering. those were his exact words then we had kamala harris saying if donald trump tells me that i need to take something to take it i won't take it attacking the idea of a vaccine for the politicize nation of the issue last year is an overhang, his numbers are so one covid. they declined over the course of the year and this is the mistake of politicizing last year. this a political reaction to what he does issue. that was the right thing to do too have the travel ban. it may be temporary but it was an important thing to do. trace: president biden is being forced, the remaining mexico policy by the courts. the dhs said this, quoting here about secretary mayorkas, the secretary recognizes the mpp is likely contributed to reduced migratory flows. but it did so by imposing substantial and unjustifiable human cost on migrants were exposed to harm while waiting in mexico. what he his saying, the remaining mexico policy worked but we don't like it. >> picking up on what everyone is saying, i think it's important to note that this new policy that will be reinstated this week, one has to be approved by the mexican government but to it includes covid protection for anyone coming in under the new rules. it's not an affirmation of what happened in the previous administration with regard to separating families, the maltreatment of children that is now ending up in the courts. i think what were seen as abide in the administration saying were looking for strategies that work and we don't have one at the moment. and no matter if your president bush, president obama, president trump and now president biden, you get no help from the congress. it all comes down to the president having to come up with executive action policy that are controversial and temporary. we need congress to get involved and effective immigration legislation with regard to security on the border, legal immigration and the dreamers. trace: you looked at the road six months, three months and if this policy remaining mexico works as we seen as an secretary mayorkas has acknowledged it has. will the biden administration take credit, the border encounters slow to a trickle because of the remaining mexico policy, do you foresee the biden administration saying kamala harris is doing a fantastic job. >> i'm not sure i project whether or not provided a administration will take credit but i think at the moment joe biden is going to have to explain why he's going back on some of his campaign promises to undo the hardline immigration policy that we saw with the trump administration. it's something that he campaigned out and now we see the administration backtracking saying that they want this to pass. although i have to know our reporting shows it is not likely to intimately happen, the mexican government said there's various conditions that they have to see from the government before the policy can be implemented. that is more legal aid to some of the migrants were seeking asylum in the u.s. along with the covid protection that we see the u.s. government vowed to implement which includes providing vaccination to some of the migrants while they go back to mexico to wait for their asylum hearings. trace: it's important to know that the vaccine can't be mandated. the supreme court said that and mexico is now warming up to the idea that maybe reinvigorated the remaining mexico policy trying to get these people away. karl rove, jackie, ron williams. we very much appreciated. >> good to be with you. trace: we will see you next sunday. up next our power player of the week. chris, once again dancing with the turkeys. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. watch: serena williams... wonder woman.... serena... wonder woman... serena... ace. ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. trace: here's a holiday riddle we ask every thanksgiving who founded a huge tech company created a successful cosmetic business and now raises turkeys that the native americans did. once again chris wallace with our power player of the week. >> farm with the land and the seasons, know your soil, rainfall and weather, know your animal. >> she is talking about sustainable farming, raising livestock in growing vegetables without the chemicals that are so common in what she called factory farming. days before thanksgiving she took me out to see with her 1300 turkeys. heritage breezed the trace back to the indians. >> 800 acres in albertville virginia. it is interesting as her business is how she got here, she grew up on a farm in california making enough from raising cattle to send herself to college. >> what i learned was to love work i'm only happy when i'm engaged in striving. >> she got into computers in 1984 she entered cisco systems. they found a way to link networks of computers, the foundation of the internet. six years later venture-capital people were running cisco. >> how do you get fired from a company that you started. >> we just got taken to the cleaners imparted that if you have an appointment contract, i got fired by the same guy the gunfire by steve jobs. >> learner had a second act, she started a cosmetics company called urban decay with edgy colors like women like her. in 1996 she bought ayrshire farm. >> it's been people who have had disposable income, george washington and thomas jefferson. >> here's a pretty girl. >> she raises horses that go back centuries, scotch highland cattle in the turkeys which she said taste better because of the lives they live. >> how much is the tricky cost compared to what do i get in the grocery store. >> are turkeys are expensive, there between 160 - $200. >> at those prices there are questions on how to make this farming profitable. but why she is determined to run a sound business, it is not just about the bottom line. there is a 40 room manchin on the farm. >> what is it like living there. >> i don't know. >> i'm in a log cabin and i love it. trace: do think you're a bit eccentric? >> i am now that i'm rich but i used to just be weird. >> days before thanksgiving she and i danced with the turkeys, she grew up on a family farm and she wants to feed those live on. >> i'm a cowgirl i tell what cows are thinking. it's very much my success as a farmer which is what george washington was he wanted to be really good farmer. i become a good farmer. >> this year sandy raise 300 turkeys selling all but 25 which they donated to front-line workers. that is it for today. chris will be back next week live from the reagan national defense forum at the reagan library in simi valley california. that is next "fox news sunday". in the meantime i am trace gallagher, have a great thanksgiving we can. ♪ been a greatat honor. ♪. steve: welcome to "the next revolution" i'm steve hilton and this is positive, populism, pro community and especially pro america. i hope you had a fantastic thanksgiving with friends and family. this is my first as an american, an extra special holiday for me and all the bit more to say later tonight. guess who didn't take a break this thanksgiving. the rotten miserable power bureaucrat technocrat, public health experts, the politicians who indulge them.

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Police , Anything , Hell , Tracy Gallagher , Variance , Community , Chris Wallace , Coronavirus , Ti , Lot , Markets , Concern , Threats , Scientists , Effectiveness , Travel Limits , Stocks , Oil Plunge , Flights , Covid Fears Rattle Globin Market , Vaccines , Government , Francis Collins , Impact , Recovery , Public Health , Variate , National Institute Doctor , Mohammed Al Aryan , Lawmakers , Government Shutdown , Fox News Sunday , Republican , Debt Limit , Senate , List , Leader , Defense Spending Bi , Exclusive , Wyoming , John Barrasso , December 3 , 3 , Administration , Go Policy , Crisis , Will Oscar Sunday , Border , Wall , Power Player , Turkey , Country , Tracy , Travel Restrictions , South Africa , Bite , Seven , Hello Again , Fox News , Cases , Response , Officials , Detection , Variant Omicron , Overreaction , Wave , Anxiety , World Health , Omicron , President , Countries , Head , Being , Threat , National Institutes Of Health , Jacqui Heinrich , Nantucket , Action , White House , Urgency , Administration Response , Buy , Joe Biden , Native Americans , Spending , Advice , Effect , Booster Shots , Covid Variant Omicron , Team , Cdc , U S , Anthony Fauci , Hasn T , Number , Over , One , Virus , Travelers , Rules , Efforts , Masking , Test Positive , Boris Johnson , Contacts , Two , Omicron Case , Vaccination Status , Ten , Vaccine , Shot , Pfizer , Dose Booster , Borders , Vaccine Manufacturers , Israel , 100 , Poll Numbers , Vaccine Mandates , Backdrop , Vaccination Efforts , Omicron Emergences , Doctor , Changes , Congress , Questions , Disease , Omicron Variance , Thoughts , Mutations , Answers , Phone Calls , Zoom Calls , Three , Part , Protein , Record , Terms , Human Cells , 50 , 30 , Covid Protection , South , Data , Interest , Severity , People , Surface , Picture , Spikes , Mutation , Receptor , Self , Shape , Antibodies , Version , Spike Protein , Question , Answer , Laboratory , Field Studies , Symptoms , Doctors , South African Medical Association , Infections , Declaration , Vaccination Rates , Way , Put A Travel Ban , Let S Move , 27 , Travel , Zeke Emanuel , Which , 3 2 , Place , Environment , Some , More Travel Bands , Decision , Mind , Advance , Everybody , Public Health Experts , Traveler , Same , Test , Uk , Everywhere , Sense , Measure , Abundance , Caution , Circumstance , Vernacular , Booster , Vaccination , Look , Boosters , 19 , 9 1 , , Examples , Haven T , Something , Things , History , Protection , Immune System , Layer , Delta , Spike Proteins , Capacity , Be , Reason , Bit , Imager , Process , Idea , States , Vaccination Rate , All Of Us , Hope , D C , Michigan , Four , 54 , Thing , Case Rate , High , Florida , Maine , New York , 68 , 59 , 61 , Couple , Lockdowns , Policies , Wrong , Ron Desantis , Hard Time , Hospital , Mandates , Die , Breakthroughs , Folks , Illness , Dying , Lesson , Reasons , Chance , Level , Position , Misinformation , Wake Up Call , Safe , 200 Million , Family , Pills , Game Changers , Peoples , Accident , Seatbelt , Conclusion , Analogy , Encounter , Emergency Room , Bones , Sick , Antivirals , Merck , Prevention , Treatment , Shoppers , Mohammed Al Area , Variant , Stores , Voice , Rise , Daily Vicks , Super C , Pack , Dayquil , Steve Jobs , Strength , Medicine , Coughing , Supplement , Power , Vitamin C , B Vitamins , Carrier , It , Internet , Big Three , Customer Satisfaction , Xfinity Mobile , 1 , 0 , Store , Hundreds , Save , Switch Squad , Savings , Xfinitymobile Com Mysavings , Wall Street , Headlines , Black Friday , Points , Plunging Hundreds , Chair , Showing , Energy Stocks , Setback , Stability , Federal Reserve , Second Term , Numbers , Board , Advisor , Sector , Valium , Dow , 2 5 , Oil , Market Uncertainty , Travel Ban Put , 13 , 4 , Marketplace , Coping , Around The World , Inflation , Issue , Supply Chain , Restaurants , Restrictions , Lesson Go , Market , Growth , Stagflation , Fact , House , Politics , Jobs , Job Numbers , Senators , Bill , Economy , Side , Trillions , Estimation , Problem , Labor Market , Employment , Loss , Demand , Supply Side , Participation , Labor Force , Demand Side , Times , Following , Second , Jay Powell , Writings , Status Quo , Expectations , Loose Monetary Policy , Persistent , Side Lighting , Risk , Anchoring , Fred , D , Policy , Conditions , It S Time For A Change , Change , Forward Policy Guidance , Index , Lack , Goldman Sachs , Someone , View , Addition , Expectation , Supply Disruption , Behavior , Labor Shortages , Prices , Companies , Cycle , Wages , Wage Earners , Back , Raise , Line , Somebody , Sandwich , 2 , Six , 12 , 1 50 , 11 50 , Pressure , Inflationary Gauges , Round , Purchasing Power , Effects , Ease , Experience , Brakes , Recession , Policy Challenge , Led , Gauges , We Haven T , Accelerator , Supply Chain Crisis , Supply , Sales , Latter , Money , Purchases , Incomes , Supply Destruction , Trace , Gas Prices , Barrels , Hand , President Tapping Oil Reserves , Gallon , Indicators , Door , 65 , 50 Million , 5 65 , Fossil Fuel , Transition Issue , Property , Transition , Signaling , Warning , 45 , Doctor Mohammed El Aryan , Tradition , Ranking , Season , Agenda , Tis , Cadillac , Capitol Hill , Don T , Show , Ride , Sleigh , Cadillac Showroom , Duke , Invariant , Washington , Hurdle , Support , Nation , Presidents , Time , Borrowing , Plan , Default , House On Tuesday , Democrats , Don Barrasso , Medical Doctor , Breaking News , Take , Well , Newberry , Mandate , Medicines , Pro Vaccine , Governors , Overreach , Shots , Guest , Job Openings , 10 Million , Pandemic , Ran , Police Officers , Office , Firefighters , Hiding , Border Patrol , Basement , Saturday Night , 2020 , Status , Record Inflation , Dollars , Stuff , The Hill , Taxes , Debt , Cost , Alice In Wonderland Logic , Top , Billions , Tax Experts , Budget Analyst , 400000 , Issues , Most , Republicans , Mitch Mcconnell , Wall Street Journal , State Law , Expenses , Pain , Treasury , State , Benefits , Food Benefits , Students , School Lunches , Staff , 30000 , 33000 , Families , Member , Budget , Constitution , Gimmicks , Trillion , 4 Trillion , Debt Ceiling , Energy Committee , Up , Vote , Gases , Winter , 6 5 , 49 6 , Land , Reserves , Mid December , Road , Roof , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , American Energy , Band Aid , Trigger , Bullet Hole , Drew Target , Emergencies , Amount , Petroleum Reserve , Soil , Jackpot , Vladimir Putin , Ground , Russia , Alaska , Disaster , Movement , Opec , Moves , Remedy , Alexa , Energy , Energy Prices , Senator Manson , Bands , Lots , Resources , Chairman Energy Committee , Keystone Pipeline Going , Persian Gulf , Enemies , Friends , Leaders , Troops , Afghanistan , Withdrawal , Detriment , Belief , Energy Policy , Word , Ways , Incumbent , Concept , Communist China , North Korea , Back Burner , Chuck Schumer , National Defense Authorization Act , Women , Firepower , Men , Uniform , Fight , Manpower , Equipment , Security , Everything , Defense , Other , Areas , Office S First Budget Supersize , Window , Narrowing , Authorization , Language , ChrÉtien Border , China , Taiwan , Done , Pass , Row , Heaven , Earth , Tax , Christmas , Conference , Many , Increase , Sunday Group , Health , Public , Developments , Karl Rove , Juan Williams , Covariate , Market Selloff , Correspondent , Washington Post , Dubai , Karl You First , Challenge , Variables , July 4 , Policymakers , Hands , Unknowns , Point , Comment , Side 220000 Americans Dead , Won T , Death Toll , Candidate , Therapy , Go Away , Anyone , Deaths , President Of The United States America , Nothing , 220000 , 50000 , Handling , Strengths , Polls , Unvaccinated , Reaction , Ones , Tools , Trouble , Goal Being , Masks , Distancing , Spread , Others , Flip , Approval Numbers , Juan , Screen , Leadership , 41 , 52 , Tank , We Hadn T , Pharmaceutical Companies , Rest , Approach , Criticism , Course , Hoarding Vaccinations , Uc Scientists , 2021 , Economies , Governments , Vaccination Gap , Repercussions , Hoarding Stockpiling , Move Subjects , Shouldn T , Gonna , Trump , Critics , Travel Ban , Travel Bands , Campaign , Band , Phobic , Biden Intimated , Example , Phobia , Words , Hysteria , Kamala Harris , Fear Mongering , Overhang , Politicize , Donald Trump , Mistake , Courts , Mexico , Secretary Mayorkas , Secretary , Mpp , Dhs , Migrants , Saying , Human Cost , Flows , Waiting , Everyone , Regard , Affirmation , Work , Maltreatment , Strategies , Children , Executive Action Policy , Help , President Bush , Matter , President Obama , Immigration , Legislation , Dreamers , Credit , Encounters , Trickle , Job , Immigration Policy , Backtracking , Reporting , Mexican , Asylum , Aid , Asylum Hearings , Supreme Court , Ron Williams , Jackie , Turkeys , Cold , Nighttime , Flu , Relief , Sunday Night , Sniffling , Sleep , Stuffy , Sneezing , Aching , Best , Tv , Watch , Ace , Serena Williams , Wonder Woman , Stream , Directv , Holiday Riddle , Thanksgiving , Tech Company , Cosmetic Business , Factory Farming , Farm , Seasons , Weather , Rainfall , Animal , Livestock , Vegetables , Chemicals , Heritage , 1300 , Business , Indians 800 , Albertville Virginia , 800 , College , Cattle , Striving , California , Cisco Systems , Computers , Venture Capital , Foundation , Networks , 1984 , Company , Appointment Contract , Cleaners , Running Cisco , Learner , Ayrshire Farm , Cosmetics , Second Act , Colors , Urban Decay , 1996 , Horses , Disposable Income , George Washington , Girl , Thomas Jefferson , Grocery Store , Taste , Scotch Highland Cattle , 200 , 160 , 00 , Sound Business , Bottom Line , Room Manchin , 40 , I Don T Know , The Farm , Log Cabin , Family Farm , Cowgirl , Cows , Farmer , Success , 300 , 25 , Workers , Reagan National Defense Forum , Simi Valley , Reagan Library , Honor , Greatat , Pro Community , Revolution , Populism , Steve Hilton , Politicians , Guess Who , Didn T Take A Break , Holiday , Power Bureaucrat Technocrat ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20240709

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vaccines on the new variate. will ask national institute doctor francis collins what this means for public health and ask mohammed about the impact on the pandemic recovery. >> we need to fund the government, the deadline is december 3. >> from avoiding a government shutdown to raising the debt limit and the defense spending bi, lawmakers returned to lengthy to do list. will discuss with the republican leader in the senate john barrasso of wyoming. a "fox news sunday" exclusive. then the biden administration expected to reinstate the controversial remaining next go policy. will oscar sunday panel about the ongoing crisis at the southern border. plus our power player of the week, chris once again dances with the turkey. all right now on "fox news sunday". tracy: hello again from fox news the bite in a administration has ordered new travel restrictions from south africa and seven of the country starting tomorrow in response to a new coronavirus variance. world health officials have designated the variant omicron and overreaction but the detection has sparked a new wave of global anxiety as cases pop up in multiple countries just days after first being identified. in a moment will ask the head of the national institutes of health doctor francis collins what we know so far about the threat of omicron. but first let's turn to jacqui heinrich traveling with the president in nantucket with more on the buy did a administration response. >> there is quick action from the white house announcing the travel restrictions but less urgency in opposing them leave an entire weekend until they take effect. president biden said that was his medical team's advice. >> president biden urging americans to get vaccinated and if eligible get booster shots after shutting down travel to a african countries to keep covid variant omicron from spending. >> we only talk about. >> the cdc says so far it hasn't checked any cases of omicron in the u.s., the white house top doctor anthony fauci says it may already be here. >> i would not be surprised if it is, it's almost invariably is ultimately going to go essentially all over. >> number travel restrictions are expected yet. >> will take it one step at a time but as of now we've done what's necessary. >> other countries are ripping up efforts to contain the virus. boris johnson imposing stricter rules for masking and testing international travelers after two cases were detected. >> we will require all contacts of those who test positive in suspected case of omicron to self isolate for ten days regardless of your vaccination status. >> israel to shutdown the borders to foreigners entirely spooked over a single omicron case. vaccine manufacturers are already mobilizing. pfizer says a shot for vaccine will take 100 days, but they're not already testing a high dose booster is working on omicron specific shot. >> president biden says number vaccine mandates are ahead at this time the omicron emergences adding urgency to the administration vaccination efforts and is happening against a backdrop of sinking poll numbers, plunging markets and multiple year-end deadline and congress. >> a lot of changes, jacqui heinrich. tracy: joining is now a national institute of health doctor francis collins. welcome back to "fox news sunday". good morning to you. what do we need to know about the omicron variance? is it more contagious, would lead to more severe disease? your thoughts? >> those above right questions. it's early enough to be sure we know the answers. that's what a lot of us are spending our time on over the last three days. i've been on zoom calls and phone calls pretty much continuously. we know this is a variant that has a lot of mutations. like 50 of them and more than 30 of those in the spike protein which is a part of the virus that attaches to your human cells if you get infected. that is a new record in terms of the number of mutations. it does make you worry that it's a different virus that it might not respond as well to protection from the vaccine. but we don't know that. we can certainly see in south africa and a few neighboring countries and south part of africa it seems to be spreading quite rapidly. the interest would be that is particularly contagious. we don't know about the severity. were trying to collect that data as quickly as possible. >> i'm interested when you talk about spike protein it confuses people when you say various mutation is spike protein. what do you mean by that? >> remember the picture of this virus that has the spikes on the surface which are made up of protein. that's a part of the virus that has to find a receptor receptor on your self to get inside. this one is apparently able to still do that. it's infecting people. but the shape of the protein is different because of the 30 plus mutations so it looks a little different. if you raise antibodies against that for previously being infected were vaccinated, the question is will the antibodies still stick to this version of the spike protein or will they invade that protection. we need to find that out, that will take two or three weeks in laboratory and field studies to figure out the answer and that's what all of us as scientists want to know. tracy: very quickly, i know you say you don't know much about the variate but when you have doctors in the south african medical association, one that spotted this variant down in south africa. he said the symptoms tend to be mild. is it too early to make that declaration? >> i think it is too early. i think the initial cases are mostly young people who tend to have mild infections anyway. we need more data before we can say confidently this is not a severe version of the virus. but we should find that out in the next couple of weeks. tracy: let's move on the president put a travel ban and south african countries. here is the vaccination rates of those countries. they go all the way from 27% and then all the way down to 3.2% which is extraordinarily low. the former biden advisor doctor zeke emanuel said restricting travel is going to slow it is coming, not stop it from coming. it coming here examine evitable but the environment in which it comes may not be inevitable, we can alter the environment. if it is just a case of trying to slow it down, why not put in place more travel bands because the people in south africa, some of the government officials feel like they're being singled out and it's a little discriminatory against them. >> i think this is a difficult decision and this is the best advice of the public health experts. you'll notice the uk and that you are doing the same. keep in mind, everybody who's a foreign traveler coming to the u.s. has to have a test three days in advance, for vaccinated one day in advance if you're on vaccinated. were screening travelers from everywhere. given the current circumstance at an abundance of caution in seeing this is the most serious new variant that we seen in several months, it made sense for a temporary measure. vernacular say this is going to be there for a long time to block travel from those countries where we know the omicron is already spreading. tracy: we talked about the vaccination rates in the south african countries. i want to put up the vaccination and booster from this country. it's a fascinating look. 9.1% fully vaccinated covid-19 .1% of boosters. will the vaccines need to be modified for omicron? and if they do need to be modified, why would people get the booster tomorrow when they might have to get a brand-new booster in 30 days and two months? i'm glad were talking about this, for americans listening to this, this is an action you can take it or not vaccinated yet or haven't gotten your booster. it is clear in all the previous examples of variance, the vaccines have worked to provide protection in the boosters have provided, especially strong protection against things like delta. given that history we expect most likely the current vaccines will be sufficient to provide protection and especially the boosters will get about an additional layer of protection. there's something about the booster that causes your immune system to expand its capacity against all spike proteins. even one hasn't seen before. please americans, if you are waiting to see if this a be, to be a great time to set up a get your booster or if you have a bit vaccinated, get started. omicron is one more reason to do this. if we need a new vaccine, designed specifically against omicron, pfizer imager and are in the process of designing that. that will be three months or so to come to being if we have to do it. all of us hope we don't have to do that. tracy: you think it will be modified but for the time being the vaccines we have are working just fine. i want to put up the four states in the vaccination rates. that gives an idea of where were going. d.c. michigan 54% vaccination rate. a new case rate of 59%, maine is the same thing very high vaccination rate, high new cases, new york 68, if you look at the bottom you florida 61% vaccination rate, down in cases. it was only a couple of months they were giving florida hard time saying ron desantis policies were all wrong, what is going on wire some of the states with the most severe lockdowns and mandates doing poorly in states like florida have virtually no mandates doing quite well? >> it all comes down to who is actually getting the disease. especially who is getting sick enough to be in the hospital or die. keep in mind, getting a mild case of illness certainly happens as breakthroughs from the vaccinated folks, although boosters prevent that. but if you talk about who's in the hospital and who's dying, those are still the unvaccinated people and there's a lot of those in all the states you mentioned. it's a lesson, come on america we missed the chance to be a higher level vaccination across the country that will put us in a stronger position, for all those reasons of misinformation the people have heard, we've not done what we should've done to protect ourselves if omicron is one more wake-up call, let's wake up. come on america, you could do this. vaccines are faced safe, effective, 200 million plus have gotten injected. these are something that you want for yourself, your family, your community. tracy: i have one minute left. you talk a lot about the antiviral pills and pfizer. some of them say their game changers, do you worry that when they come out with the new pills and their effectiveness what were being told that all the lesson peoples need or hurry to get this accident? >> it does worry me, although would not be a rational conclusion because these are pills that you would take if you shown to be infected. you don't want to be infected. take the analogy do you want to wear your seatbelt or just forget that encounter on the emergency room to patch up your broken bones. the vaccines are your seatbelt, use them. if for some reason you still get sick, to be great to have the antivirals, i'm tickled to see them emerging. merck will be debated on tuesday and pfizer is not far behind. it's great that we will have something like that but that is not the whole answer, prevention is better than treatment. tracy: doctor francis collins, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> glad to be with you. tracy: shoppers are back in the stores as new virus worries rise, will discuss how the new variant could complicate the u.s. economic recovery with a leading voice in the financial world mohammed al area and is next. ♪ new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. look, if your wireless carrier was a guy, you'd leave him tomorrow. not very flexible. not great at saving. you deserve 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market uncertainty because a travel ban put in place we tend to realize soon to follow might be more lockdowns? is that what's happening here? >> it is happening around the world, the marketplace is worried about two things. one another variant of coping is going to hit them, we travel lesson go after restaurants with them and we may have additional restrictions that are imposed on us, that is issue number one issue number two the marketplace is worried that this will cost more inflation that supply chain will be disrupted even more. two things together, lower growth, high inflation up stagflation and that's what the market is worried about right now. trace: we will get your take on inflation coming up. i want to touch on the fact that the recent job numbers were pretty encouraging, too many jobs and not enough people to fill the jobs. when you think about politics coming back this week and senators back in tomorrow and the house back in tuesday in the social spending bill. is this a time in your estimation that we should be injecting trillions of dollars into the economy dealing with inflation. >> this is a controversial issue, has a good side and a bad side. the good side it helps on the labor market, the problem we have at the labor market it's not that we have a loss of employment, we have too many people outside the labor market they need to be attracted back in. what the bill does it tries to increase labor force participation, it helps on the supply-side. the issue that people have, yes that is great but what about the demand side, do you want to put more dollars into the economy that is already running hot. i think net net when you buy two things you want to go ahead because you want to help the supply-side and the federal reserve has to do more to compensate on the demand side. trace: you worth critical of the fed and the way they handled inflation and some of your writings will get to that in the second. the president kept the status quo and nominated jay powell to remain the chair of the fed. you write the following in the financial times on thursday quoting the continued side lighting. by the fred risk making things worse by d anchoring inflationary expectations due to the persistent of loose monetary policy. record easy financial conditions according to the goldman sachs index and the lack of adequate forward policy guidance. do you think this is time for a change at the fed? >> i think it's time for a change of policy at the fed. i was of the view that this may be easier with someone who is repeated over and over again that is in transitory and is going away. inflation is not transitory. it's really important for the fed to realize this. the worst thing that can happen, and addition to the supply disruption, into the labor shortages they destabilize our expectation and we change behavior even faster. companies increase prices faster, wage earners insist on higher wages even more and next thing you know you have a cycle of inflation. that's what we need to invoice. >> is a cycle of inflation and wondering how long you think that drags on, is it per minute when you give somebody a raise is not like you're going to take that back in a year when you're selling a sandwich for $12 now it's not like you will sell that for $11.50 six months down the line. when we see the costco up how long before we might see some pressure ease off of those inflationary gauges. >> we will see all the second round of effects that we talk about, people asking for higher wages to maintain their purchasing power, companies raising prices to maintain their markets, it will go one well into next year. it will ease the ease with the wrong reasons, what i'm worried about it will ease because the fed is going to have to hit the brakes, we have not got a single historical experience in which the fed has been led to the policy challenge and has not caused the recession. rather than hit the brakes hard next year it's much easier to put up the accelerator starting now. trace: we've been talking about gauges we haven't seen the numbers yet we will see those tomorrow or tuesday but you talk about black friday and the financial headlines same black friday was busy. not really black friday busy. is it because were holding back or because we were told to shop because of the supply chain crisis, we were told to shop early and we did, would you make of what you've seen so far? >> the latter has a lot to do with it people were worried about supply in the last two months we saw a big jump in retail sales than a lot of people expected. i think a lot of people accelerated the purchases. i don't think we have an issue with demand. i think incomes are strong, retail sales are strong, companies have lots of money. the problem is the supply-side end unless we fix the supply-side it will contaminate demand-side. supply destruction and inflation. trace: one of the biggest indicators is gas prices, i tell people outside the door it's $5.65 a gallon. on one hand you have the president tapping oil reserves adding 50 million barrels of oil to the market and on the other hand he wants to make it more expensive to drill for oil on federal property. how do you square the two. >> were in a very funny. where we have a transition issue, were moving away from fossil fuel, coal, oil. the middle parts gets enormous pressure and that is seen with gas prices it is a transition that will go away. in the meantime it is trying to lessen it. only by releasing supply. that's what we saw last week it will have a permanent impact, to very important signaling. trace: signaling's we have about 45 seconds left. what is the biggest take away right now from the economy, what is the biggest warning that you have? >> take inflation seriously because it can by itself derail economic recovery. trace: doctor mohammed el-aryan, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. up next of the new variant complicates a new agenda as lawmakers return to capitol hill. we will discuss the third ranking senate republican when ranking senate republican when we come back. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ trace: the duke of invariant is another hurdle in a decidedly busy time in washington the senate expected to return tomorrow the house on tuesday. the lawmakers have a few days to over a government shutdown and a little more than two weeks on borrowing or default for the first time in the nation's history while democrats face their own self-imposed year-end deadline to pass the presidents bill back better plan would likely no republican support. with us from wyoming the number three republican in the senate don barrasso the senator welcome back to "fox news sunday" we have a lot of politics to talk about, as we said you're going back to work tomorrow and the house is coming back on tuesday. a lot of breaking news on the omicron. , your medical doctor as well, give us your quick take are you concerned of the newberry at coming maybe already here in the united states? >> as a doctor and pro-vaccine in anti-the mandate. vaccines work, we have a new variant, there will be new variant in the future. medicines are better now than they have been. the president was wrong with his mandate. it was a monumental overreach it is hard and people against the vaccine and the present has divided the country because of the mandate. you have a couple of governors saying two shots is not enough, now you have to have three. the thing that is interesting the last guest talked about inflation, we have 10 million job openings in this country and the president with his mandate wants to fire people who have been going to work every day since the pandemic started. people may not want to get the vaccine, police officers, firefighters, border patrol. that is one part, joe biden ran for office, hiding in his basement saying he could protect america from covid. he did it, he can't and more people have died under covid under saturday night then all of 2020. >> bill back better bill, you have a lot of stuff going on in the hill, what is the status of that? is it time to inject trillions of dollars back into the economy? >> we have record inflation right now. i view this as a backbreaking bill for the country with expensive, adding to the debt, the inflation, the taxes that are going to hit the american people and for joe biden to say that we have to spend more money on top of inflation, this is alice in wonderland logic. he continues to mislead the american people. saying the cost will be 0, 0, 0 three when the budget analyst said it will be hundreds of billions of dollars added to the debt people's taxes are going to go up, you said only if you make over 400,000 a year, that's not what the tax experts are telling us. one out of three middle-class americans will pay more in taxes. all of these issues on inflation across the board people say were looking at persistent inflation. we cannot ignore inflation that will hurt our economy the most. trace: you talking about republicans about the bill back better in the raising the debt limit mitch mcconnell said it would enable democratic spending but the wall street journal says, i am quoting about to raise the debt limit does not authorize new spending but essentially it allows the treasury to raise money to pay for expenses the government has already authorized. this is to pay for things already authorized. it's important to point out in your state law this is pain for 30000 people getting staff benefits, that is food benefits, 33000 students eligible for free or reduced school lunches. a lot of benefits from this to your state. why are you against it. >> in my state i was a member of the state senate. our constitution demands that we balance our budget every year end that we live within our means. just like families all across america need to do. the federal government ought to do the same thing. this is all about democrat spending. this is 100% on them. if you get rid of all the gimmicks from accounting this bill that they're proposing is $4 trillion in addition of spending and not a single republican that will vote for the bill or vote to raise the debt ceiling. this is on the democrats. trace: your a member of the energy committee, i want to put this up, we talked about this with doctor mohammed el-aryan. the gases at 49.6%, electricity 6.5%, and that's not even the coldest part of the winter it's going to get bad for a lot of families and very expensive. you have the president putting 50 million barrels of oil from the reserves back on the market, maybe hit the market sometime mid december. on the other hand the president is making it more expensive to drill on federal land. how do you square this? >> it can't be scripted president able to do this. it's the busiest travel days in america and people are hitting the road, gas prices are hitting the roof. they wanted the white house the president drew target from the back of american energy pulled the trigger. now with the strategic petroleum reserve, he's trying to put a little band-aid on the bullet hole, the petroleum reserve is there for emergencies, not to cover for bad policy. the amount he is releasing is equal to what people using this country into an half days. today were using more oil from russia from vladimir putin russia then we are from alaska. this is a jackpot for vladimir putin. we have the soil in the ground, and the present environmental movement will not let us use american oil. president biden is going hand-in-hand to opec in russia saying please produce more oil so we can buy it from you. this is a disaster, major policy. we need to be using american energy. trace: what is the remedy from the republicans if the president moves are not the alexa, what is it what do we do to get gas prices down, what do we do to get energy prices down and stabilize before we move into winter. >> yes, we use american energy, we stop the bands of this administration has an energy. senator manson who is the ranking member of the chairman energy committee. let's get the keystone pipeline going, lots of resources, we are much stronger as a nation. we are selling energy to our friends that we supply from our enemies. i just got back from the persian gulf, spent thanksgiving there with the wyoming troops and talking to military leaders. after what happened in afghanistan and the disaster of the withdrawal, our enemies are much more aggressive and to be giving a jackpot of additional money to vladimir putin is really in the long-term detriment of the united states. >> you talk about the persian gulf, what did they say about the american energy policy, the president has gone to opec and said we need to get more oil on the market, what do they say they have been hesitant to do that. what is the word over there. is there belief that the united states should be doing more to help itself? trace: we ought to do more to help ourselves, it's incumbent upon us to do that. there are ways that we can protect the environment without punishing the economy i don't know that the understand the major concept. what i saw on the persian gulf was much more aggressive i run, were seated with communist china, vladimir putin and north korea. you talked about all the things that we haven't done yet in congress. the national defense authorization act should've been passed months ago but it's on the back burner for joe biden and chuck schumer. we never want to send our men and women into uniform in a fair fight. we want to make sure that they have strength and can project strength and have the equipment and the manpower and the firepower that they need. this administration is not just wrong on energy but they have been very weak. the president has been weak on national defense. when he came into office's first budget supersize government on everything except for two areas where we didn't keep up with inflation, one was defense and the other was only in security, our nation needs better. trace: that national authorization back to you have russian at the chrétien border, young china dirty language toward taiwan and then you the window is narrowing to get this done. it's been past six years in a row, were assuming they move heaven and earth to get a pass. the window is narrowing, how to get this done quickly. >> the window is narrowing because we have that in the government runs out of money this friday, we have the debt ceiling as you mentioned and joe biden and chuck schumer want to pass a massive tax and spending bill by christmas. we have an entire republican conference that wants to do everything that we can to defeat in the best christmas present would be to block these increased taxes, block the bill that causes more inflation in the more people that know what's in the bill. the worse it becomes because people don't really like so many of the things that are in this bill which will raise taxes and increase inflation. trace: senator john barrasso, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. trace: up next our sunday group to discuss the new covid developments in the impact on the health of the public trace: president biden answering questions to the market selloff in the detection of the new covariate it is time for the sunday group fox news contributor karl rove correspondent for the washington post and fox news political analyst juan williams welcomed all three of you, great to see you, karl you first heard the president say he's not really concerned on what happened to the market on friday dropped 2.5% oil was down in energy prices down across the board, dubai that that is not concern that with omicron variant. >> they are concerned and were in the second year of the pandemic. we have a new challenge. there are a lot of variables that we don't understand it is going to have an economic impact we've had more people died this year and i am covered last year and is suggested when it came to put this in the rearview mirror by july 4. it's currently not able to do that. this is the problem with the pandemic there's so many variables and unknowns that we have to deal with it's hard for policymakers to get their hands around. trace: karl makes a very good point, we have vaccines in therapy, covid won't go away, we talked earlier, the president made this comment when he was candidate biden about the president, at the time president trump at the death toll, get your response at the other side. >> 220,000 americans dead. anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain president of the united states of america. >> there's nothing to 50000 deaths, the president ran on covid and now it appears to be undermining, what are your thoughts. >> i don't think that's what the polls show, his poll numbers have declined. one of his strengths had been the handling of covid and what we see people unvaccinated are the ones who are getting and dying from the terrible disease. i think we need think about this, there's a reason for us to freak out. i think what the president was saying in terms of his reaction to the economic numbers on friday. we had the basic tools to manage this, we know about a vaccine, we have to see if that has to be adapted to the new virus, new variant i should say and we know about masks and social distancing. we have the basic tools in place and now were trying to limit the spread with the trouble began. i think he has in mind the idea that we can deal with this. the goal being, others have said this, even as we deal with this is a medical issue, we keep the economy strong and so far the economic numbers overall have been good. a friday is the flip as we hope it might be it would be because we are showing strong leadership on covid. trace: juan brings up numbers, let's put them on the screen these are the president's approval numbers, right there 41% disapproving at a 52%, juan makes a good point. his numbers on covid of the border on afghanistan were in the tank but his numbers on covid were fairly good. he can ill afford to lose that support that he has had on covid and with the new variant coming in in the handling and not being concerned about the economy, that might end up hurting him or will it not? >> we hadn't seen the administration, a full robust response. i think what were going to see going forward is the white house continue to apply pressure on americans from pharmaceutical companies to share more widely with the rest of the world going forward and tweak the approach that they've taken to the goble pandemic so far. we have seen a lot of criticism from the w.h.o. previously about countries hoarding vaccinations throughout the course of 2020 - 2021. uc scientists warned the biden administration and other global economies and governments, as long as there is a big vaccination gap between developed countries and less-developed countries, the pandemic will remain a problem throughout the world including in countries where vaccination rates are higher. the w.h.o. has previously called the hoarding stockpiling of vaccines as immoral. and something that is self-defeating. but we see real real-world repercussions would come to our economy. that's what we'll see the bite in a administration focus on going forward. trace: that's a good point, can you extend, were gonna move subjects. the whole idea of the trouble began coming in the south african countries, shouldn't a lot of critics saying we need vaccines, we don't need to be isolated and we don't need these travel bands. we need help from the united states what you make of the travel ban considering you go back to when president trump initiated that there was a lot of people saying the president biden intimated that it was seen a phobic, the campaign pushed back on that. what do you think of the band? >> i think it is wise but the problem for president biden he politicize this in the campaign last year. he did not intimate that it was example of hysteria, and a phobia in fear mongering. those were his exact words then we had kamala harris saying if donald trump tells me that i need to take something to take it i won't take it attacking the idea of a vaccine for the politicize nation of the issue last year is an overhang, his numbers are so one covid. they declined over the course of the year and this is the mistake of politicizing last year. this a political reaction to what he does issue. that was the right thing to do too have the travel ban. it may be temporary but it was an important thing to do. trace: president biden is being forced, the remaining mexico policy by the courts. the dhs said this, quoting here about secretary mayorkas, the secretary recognizes the mpp is likely contributed to reduced migratory flows. but it did so by imposing substantial and unjustifiable human cost on migrants were exposed to harm while waiting in mexico. what he his saying, the remaining mexico policy worked but we don't like it. >> picking up on what everyone is saying, i think it's important to note that this new policy that will be reinstated this week, one has to be approved by the mexican government but to it includes covid protection for anyone coming in under the new rules. it's not an affirmation of what happened in the previous administration with regard to separating families, the maltreatment of children that is now ending up in the courts. i think what were seen as abide in the administration saying were looking for strategies that work and we don't have one at the moment. and no matter if your president bush, president obama, president trump and now president biden, you get no help from the congress. it all comes down to the president having to come up with executive action policy that are controversial and temporary. we need congress to get involved and effective immigration legislation with regard to security on the border, legal immigration and the dreamers. trace: you looked at the road six months, three months and if this policy remaining mexico works as we seen as an secretary mayorkas has acknowledged it has. will the biden administration take credit, the border encounters slow to a trickle because of the remaining mexico policy, do you foresee the biden administration saying kamala harris is doing a fantastic job. >> i'm not sure i project whether or not provided a administration will take credit but i think at the moment joe biden is going to have to explain why he's going back on some of his campaign promises to undo the hardline immigration policy that we saw with the trump administration. it's something that he campaigned out and now we see the administration backtracking saying that they want this to pass. although i have to know our reporting shows it is not likely to intimately happen, the mexican government said there's various conditions that they have to see from the government before the policy can be implemented. that is more legal aid to some of the migrants were seeking asylum in the u.s. along with the covid protection that we see the u.s. government vowed to implement which includes providing vaccination to some of the migrants while they go back to mexico to wait for their asylum hearings. trace: it's important to know that the vaccine can't be mandated. the supreme court said that and mexico is now warming up to the idea that maybe reinvigorated the remaining mexico policy trying to get these people away. karl rove, jackie, ron williams. we very much appreciated. >> good to be with you. trace: we will see you next sunday. up next our power player of the week. chris, once again dancing with the turkeys. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. watch: serena williams... wonder woman.... serena... wonder woman... serena... ace. ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. trace: here's a holiday riddle we ask every thanksgiving who founded a huge tech company created a successful cosmetic business and now raises turkeys that the native americans did. once again chris wallace with our power player of the week. >> farm with the land and the seasons, know your soil, rainfall and weather, know your animal. >> she is talking about sustainable farming, raising livestock in growing vegetables without the chemicals that are so common in what she called factory farming. days before thanksgiving she took me out to see with her 1300 turkeys. heritage breezed the trace back to the indians. >> 800 acres in albertville virginia. it is interesting as her business is how she got here, she grew up on a farm in california making enough from raising cattle to send herself to college. >> what i learned was to love work i'm only happy when i'm engaged in striving. >> she got into computers in 1984 she entered cisco systems. they found a way to link networks of computers, the foundation of the internet. six years later venture-capital people were running cisco. >> how do you get fired from a company that you started. >> we just got taken to the cleaners imparted that if you have an appointment contract, i got fired by the same guy the gunfire by steve jobs. >> learner had a second act, she started a cosmetics company called urban decay with edgy colors like women like her. in 1996 she bought ayrshire farm. >> it's been people who have had disposable income, george washington and thomas jefferson. >> here's a pretty girl. >> she raises horses that go back centuries, scotch highland cattle in the turkeys which she said taste better because of the lives they live. >> how much is the tricky cost compared to what do i get in the grocery store. >> are turkeys are expensive, there between 160 - $200. >> at those prices there are questions on how to make this farming profitable. but why she is determined to run a sound business, it is not just about the bottom line. there is a 40 room manchin on the farm. >> what is it like living there. >> i don't know. >> i'm in a log cabin and i love it. trace: do think you're a bit eccentric? >> i am now that i'm rich but i used to just be weird. >> days before thanksgiving she and i danced with the turkeys, she grew up on a family farm and she wants to feed those live on. >> i'm a cowgirl i tell what cows are thinking. it's very much my success as a farmer which is what george washington was he wanted to be really good farmer. i become a good farmer. >> this year sandy raise 300 turkeys selling all but 25 which they donated to front-line workers. that is it for today. chris will be back next week live from the reagan national defense forum at the reagan library in simi valley california. that is next "fox news sunday". in the meantime i am trace gallagher, have a great thanksgiving we can. ♪ been a greatat honor. ♪. steve: welcome to "the next revolution" i'm steve hilton and this is positive, populism, pro community and especially pro america. i hope you had a fantastic thanksgiving with friends and family. this is my first as an american, an extra special holiday for me and all the bit more to say later tonight. guess who didn't take a break this thanksgiving. the rotten miserable power bureaucrat technocrat, public health experts, the politicians who indulge them.

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Police , Anything , Hell , Tracy Gallagher , Variance , Community , Chris Wallace , Coronavirus , Ti , Lot , Markets , Concern , Threats , Scientists , Effectiveness , Travel Limits , Stocks , Oil Plunge , Flights , Covid Fears Rattle Globin Market , Vaccines , Government , Francis Collins , Impact , Recovery , Public Health , Variate , National Institute Doctor , Mohammed Al Aryan , Lawmakers , Government Shutdown , Fox News Sunday , Republican , Debt Limit , Senate , List , Leader , Defense Spending Bi , Exclusive , Wyoming , John Barrasso , December 3 , 3 , Administration , Go Policy , Crisis , Will Oscar Sunday , Border , Wall , Power Player , Turkey , Country , Tracy , Travel Restrictions , South Africa , Bite , Seven , Hello Again , Fox News , Cases , Response , Officials , Detection , Variant Omicron , Overreaction , Wave , Anxiety , World Health , Omicron , President , Countries , Head , Being , Threat , National Institutes Of Health , Jacqui Heinrich , Nantucket , Action , White House , Urgency , Administration Response , Buy , Joe Biden , Native Americans , Spending , Advice , Effect , Booster Shots , Covid Variant Omicron , Team , Cdc , U S , Anthony Fauci , Hasn T , Number , Over , One , Virus , Travelers , Rules , Efforts , Masking , Test Positive , Boris Johnson , Contacts , Two , Omicron Case , Vaccination Status , Ten , Vaccine , Shot , Pfizer , Dose Booster , Borders , Vaccine Manufacturers , Israel , 100 , Poll Numbers , Vaccine Mandates , Backdrop , Vaccination Efforts , Omicron Emergences , Doctor , Changes , Congress , Questions , Disease , Omicron Variance , Thoughts , Mutations , Answers , Phone Calls , Zoom Calls , Three , Part , Protein , Record , Terms , Human Cells , 50 , 30 , Covid Protection , South , Data , Interest , Severity , People , Surface , Picture , Spikes , Mutation , Receptor , Self , Shape , Antibodies , Version , Spike Protein , Question , Answer , Laboratory , Field Studies , Symptoms , Doctors , South African Medical Association , Infections , Declaration , Vaccination Rates , Way , Put A Travel Ban , Let S Move , 27 , Travel , Zeke Emanuel , Which , 3 2 , Place , Environment , Some , More Travel Bands , Decision , Mind , Advance , Everybody , Public Health Experts , Traveler , Same , Test , Uk , Everywhere , Sense , Measure , Abundance , Caution , Circumstance , Vernacular , Booster , Vaccination , Look , Boosters , 19 , 9 1 , , Examples , Haven T , Something , Things , History , Protection , Immune System , Layer , Delta , Spike Proteins , Capacity , Be , Reason , Bit , Imager , Process , Idea , States , Vaccination Rate , All Of Us , Hope , D C , Michigan , Four , 54 , Thing , Case Rate , High , Florida , Maine , New York , 68 , 59 , 61 , Couple , Lockdowns , Policies , Wrong , Ron Desantis , Hard Time , Hospital , Mandates , Die , Breakthroughs , Folks , Illness , Dying , Lesson , Reasons , Chance , Level , Position , Misinformation , Wake Up Call , Safe , 200 Million , Family , Pills , Game Changers , Peoples , Accident , Seatbelt , Conclusion , Analogy , Encounter , Emergency Room , Bones , Sick , Antivirals , Merck , Prevention , Treatment , Shoppers , Mohammed Al Area , Variant , Stores , Voice , Rise , Daily Vicks , Super C , Pack , Dayquil , Steve Jobs , Strength , Medicine , Coughing , Supplement , Power , Vitamin C , B Vitamins , Carrier , It , Internet , Big Three , Customer Satisfaction , Xfinity Mobile , 1 , 0 , Store , Hundreds , Save , Switch Squad , Savings , Xfinitymobile Com Mysavings , Wall Street , Headlines , Black Friday , Points , Plunging Hundreds , Chair , Showing , Energy Stocks , Setback , Stability , Federal Reserve , Second Term , Numbers , Board , Advisor , Sector , Valium , Dow , 2 5 , Oil , Market Uncertainty , Travel Ban Put , 13 , 4 , Marketplace , Coping , Around The World , Inflation , Issue , Supply Chain , Restaurants , Restrictions , Lesson Go , Market , Growth , Stagflation , Fact , House , Politics , Jobs , Job Numbers , Senators , Bill , Economy , Side , Trillions , Estimation , Problem , Labor Market , Employment , Loss , Demand , Supply Side , Participation , Labor Force , Demand Side , Times , Following , Second , Jay Powell , Writings , Status Quo , Expectations , Loose Monetary Policy , Persistent , Side Lighting , Risk , Anchoring , Fred , D , Policy , Conditions , It S Time For A Change , Change , Forward Policy Guidance , Index , Lack , Goldman Sachs , Someone , View , Addition , Expectation , Supply Disruption , Behavior , Labor Shortages , Prices , Companies , Cycle , Wages , Wage Earners , Back , Raise , Line , Somebody , Sandwich , 2 , Six , 12 , 1 50 , 11 50 , Pressure , Inflationary Gauges , Round , Purchasing Power , Effects , Ease , Experience , Brakes , Recession , Policy Challenge , Led , Gauges , We Haven T , Accelerator , Supply Chain Crisis , Supply , Sales , Latter , Money , Purchases , Incomes , Supply Destruction , Trace , Gas Prices , Barrels , Hand , President Tapping Oil Reserves , Gallon , Indicators , Door , 65 , 50 Million , 5 65 , Fossil Fuel , Transition Issue , Property , Transition , Signaling , Warning , 45 , Doctor Mohammed El Aryan , Tradition , Ranking , Season , Agenda , Tis , Cadillac , Capitol Hill , Don T , Show , Ride , Sleigh , Cadillac Showroom , Duke , Invariant , Washington , Hurdle , Support , Nation , Presidents , Time , Borrowing , Plan , Default , House On Tuesday , Democrats , Don Barrasso , Medical Doctor , Breaking News , Take , Well , Newberry , Mandate , Medicines , Pro Vaccine , Governors , Overreach , Shots , Guest , Job Openings , 10 Million , Pandemic , Ran , Police Officers , Office , Firefighters , Hiding , Border Patrol , Basement , Saturday Night , 2020 , Status , Record Inflation , Dollars , Stuff , The Hill , Taxes , Debt , Cost , Alice In Wonderland Logic , Top , Billions , Tax Experts , Budget Analyst , 400000 , Issues , Most , Republicans , Mitch Mcconnell , Wall Street Journal , State Law , Expenses , Pain , Treasury , State , Benefits , Food Benefits , Students , School Lunches , Staff , 30000 , 33000 , Families , Member , Budget , Constitution , Gimmicks , Trillion , 4 Trillion , Debt Ceiling , Energy Committee , Up , Vote , Gases , Winter , 6 5 , 49 6 , Land , Reserves , Mid December , Road , Roof , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , American Energy , Band Aid , Trigger , Bullet Hole , Drew Target , Emergencies , Amount , Petroleum Reserve , Soil , Jackpot , Vladimir Putin , Ground , Russia , Alaska , Disaster , Movement , Opec , Moves , Remedy , Alexa , Energy , Energy Prices , Senator Manson , Bands , Lots , Resources , Chairman Energy Committee , Keystone Pipeline Going , Persian Gulf , Enemies , Friends , Leaders , Troops , Afghanistan , Withdrawal , Detriment , Belief , Energy Policy , Word , Ways , Incumbent , Concept , Communist China , North Korea , Back Burner , Chuck Schumer , National Defense Authorization Act , Women , Firepower , Men , Uniform , Fight , Manpower , Equipment , Security , Everything , Defense , Other , Areas , Office S First Budget Supersize , Window , Narrowing , Authorization , Language , ChrÉtien Border , China , Taiwan , Done , Pass , Row , Heaven , Earth , Tax , Christmas , Conference , Many , Increase , Sunday Group , Health , Public , Developments , Karl Rove , Juan Williams , Covariate , Market Selloff , Correspondent , Washington Post , Dubai , Karl You First , Challenge , Variables , July 4 , Policymakers , Hands , Unknowns , Point , Comment , Side 220000 Americans Dead , Won T , Death Toll , Candidate , Therapy , Go Away , Anyone , Deaths , President Of The United States America , Nothing , 220000 , 50000 , Handling , Strengths , Polls , Unvaccinated , Reaction , Ones , Tools , Trouble , Goal Being , Masks , Distancing , Spread , Others , Flip , Approval Numbers , Juan , Screen , Leadership , 41 , 52 , Tank , We Hadn T , Pharmaceutical Companies , Rest , Approach , Criticism , Course , Hoarding Vaccinations , Uc Scientists , 2021 , Economies , Governments , Vaccination Gap , Repercussions , Hoarding Stockpiling , Move Subjects , Shouldn T , Gonna , Trump , Critics , Travel Ban , Travel Bands , Campaign , Band , Phobic , Biden Intimated , Example , Phobia , Words , Hysteria , Kamala Harris , Fear Mongering , Overhang , Politicize , Donald Trump , Mistake , Courts , Mexico , Secretary Mayorkas , Secretary , Mpp , Dhs , Migrants , Saying , Human Cost , Flows , Waiting , Everyone , Regard , Affirmation , Work , Maltreatment , Strategies , Children , Executive Action Policy , Help , President Bush , Matter , President Obama , Immigration , Legislation , Dreamers , Credit , Encounters , Trickle , Job , Immigration Policy , Backtracking , Reporting , Mexican , Asylum , Aid , Asylum Hearings , Supreme Court , Ron Williams , Jackie , Turkeys , Cold , Nighttime , Flu , Relief , Sunday Night , Sniffling , Sleep , Stuffy , Sneezing , Aching , Best , Tv , Watch , Ace , Serena Williams , Wonder Woman , Stream , Directv , Holiday Riddle , Thanksgiving , Tech Company , Cosmetic Business , Factory Farming , Farm , Seasons , Weather , Rainfall , Animal , Livestock , Vegetables , Chemicals , Heritage , 1300 , Business , Indians 800 , Albertville Virginia , 800 , College , Cattle , Striving , California , Cisco Systems , Computers , Venture Capital , Foundation , Networks , 1984 , Company , Appointment Contract , Cleaners , Running Cisco , Learner , Ayrshire Farm , Cosmetics , Second Act , Colors , Urban Decay , 1996 , Horses , Disposable Income , George Washington , Girl , Thomas Jefferson , Grocery Store , Taste , Scotch Highland Cattle , 200 , 160 , 00 , Sound Business , Bottom Line , Room Manchin , 40 , I Don T Know , The Farm , Log Cabin , Family Farm , Cowgirl , Cows , Farmer , Success , 300 , 25 , Workers , Reagan National Defense Forum , Simi Valley , Reagan Library , Honor , Greatat , Pro Community , Revolution , Populism , Steve Hilton , Politicians , Guess Who , Didn T Take A Break , Holiday , Power Bureaucrat Technocrat ,

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