Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 2024070

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709

steady leadership is needed to get inflation under control. >> like every country in the world, we have to deal with these issues of rising costs, remember we have the skill tools to get under control here in a position to attack inflation, strength not weakness in times like these, we need steady tested principal leadership. paul: puts bring in our panel, deputy editorial page editor, dan henninger, kim strassel and mariana. mary, what you make up the president's explanation for inflation in his program to do something about? >> this is a political problem for the president and naming jerome powell was his best of a couple of bad options. i am a big believer people should have to eat their own cooking so i don't mind jerome powell thing the backseat because he's the one who brought us to where we are now. we have inflation that looks like around 5%. powell thinks that is transitory, temporary and next year it's going to moderate. i think the fed has to take a couple of steps before we get there and that includes ending this bond buying program which has increased what they call accommodative position of the fed and eventually raising interest rates and we are going to have to see whether they land the plane without disrupting the economy. paul: want to get back to the fed in a minute but kim, let's talk about gasoline prices is the president focus on a great deal, he wants to beg opec to drill more, he's unleashed the federal trade commission to say they will go after companies they are fixing prices and he's released strategic petroleum reserve, or any of those going to make a difference? >> not one. some could be counterproductive in fact. the petroleum reserve is a good example, first of all this is hidden in terms of what they are releasing in terms of what americans actually consume. it wouldn't even equal about three days of average american consumption. however, it can send a message to opec or give them an excuse to not raise at themselves and say america is doing this themselves. ftc is obviously nonsense. the reason prices are going up and some of these companies they are targeting are getting false because of the average price in reduction, why have a come back? the entire biden administration has been pushing higher regulation, higher taxes and dis- incentivizing any new investment and new oil or gas drilling operations in the united states until the biden administration does that, this is a situation we are going to continue in. paul: dan, would you want to add anything to that? i want to ask you specifically about the fed because i disagree with mary in this respect, i wonder why if you are the president of the united states and inflation is a political problem, why would you embrace the fed chairman who's presided over 6% inflation for the last 12 months? it doesn't seem to be a political prudent move. >> it may not be a prudent political move but the question is, one of the president's political priorities and the democratic party? the president talks constantly about his goals and it has something to do with inflation as well. he's reappointing jerome powell because powell agreed to use the fed's authority to pursue those climate roles and he does that through regulating banks and financial system. as another big appointment he needs to make a, director of regulation, randall is retiring at the question is, will they be directing toward achieving their climate goals? that sounds like a long way from growing the economy or keeping inflation under control but they are willing to make that sacrifice, willing to make that trade-off and they are enlisting the private sector and the political goals of the democratic party, jerome powell is going along with that and the price of inflation, they seem to be going to take that risk and fair that political price. paul: the political risk of inflation is considerable because even if wages are rising if not returns, pretty rapidly by historical measures, real wages are engulfed by inflation and followed by something like 2% since january. that is real peril and even though the economy is growing in unemployment is folly, people don't feel that off because their wages are falling. >> paul, if you haven't been drinking the kool-aid they drink in washington. they actually believe they don't need to be on the break because the cause of the inflation are supply-chain bottlenecks and the pandemic and when they pass, we resume two to 3% inflation and satisfying suffer what biden believes in, wants to believe in, he's got the right guy in that chair. a different perspective in terms of how monetary policy should be run would generate a different candidate but this is the ideology the administration is going to follow and we are going to see whether they can do it. paul: i guess that is truth in advertising. when we come back, coronavirus infections rising again, cdc endorses booster shots for all american adults. who should get one? is it too late to avoid a winter search? where we are in the covid flight heading into the holidays. ♪♪ as co- infections begin to rise again across the u.s., cdc now says all adults 18 years and older are eligible to get a booster. doctor anthony fauci cautioning the definition of fully vaccinated could eventually change to three doses of the pfizer or maternal vaccine for two of the johnson & johnson. who should be getting a booster as we head into the holiday season? is it too late to had off the winter search? a professor of health policy of the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health and fox news medical contributor. welcome. when people are looking and seeing a surgeon infections in germany and elsewhere including new lockdowns, we faded to have a similar search here in the u.s.? back or population immunity level, both natural immunity rates are lower vaccinated immunity levels are lower and received the same disparity in the united states test cases continue to spread in the northern united states part of the barrel season when it's cold, people move inside some areas are well protected with high vaccination rates. pennsylvania much of new england has vaccination rates of 95% of adults from other places like west virginia 64% of adults so some areas he will see result in hospitalizations and other air rescue see high level of protection against hospitalizations. paul: but overall are we going to see a better winter season this year with covid, improvement, lower deaths, maybe you are infections than last winter? >> for short. the reason is, there's good immune protection. there's a precise segment of the population getting hurt turning of the hospital, they are adults with risk factors who have not had covid in the past not vaccinated, fact the group and maybe 20 to 30 million adults in america, that's the group whose vulnerable we should put in our energy to protect. paul: a lot of people are concerned about breakthrough infections because the vaccines while miraculous in many ways in terms of how fast they were developed and what they do, it turns out there immunity fades, faxing developers say that, the cdc says that so now we are asked to get these boosters. how concerned are you about breakthroughs and are they going to increase their as immunity fades in the second pfizer shot got six months ago? >> we are definitely seeing antibody immunity go down but it's unclear if that immunity is strong, durable, the immunity that takes a few days to kick in whether or not that is fading in younger people so it's highly variable so what we are seeing clearly in people over 65 a booster. people with risk factors especially if they are over 50, we feel strongly they should get a booster. in younger people it's not clear and that's why the fda and cdc experts voted down boosters for everybody nine weeks ago so the case is compelling for a segment of population. the question is, are we going to come up with a blanket message for everybody for the purposes of simplicity many of us are saying no, but speak medically precise and if you have the infection from 140 million americans with natural immunity there's no scientific evidence they need a booster right now. paul: i want to bounce something off you that's troubling to a lot of people, we just passed a milestone with mark deaths from covid in 2021 all virus that's more contagious than the previous highly contagious strain, this threshold of herd immunity way up, we don't even talk about herd immunity anymore because that threshold may be 90 or 95 or even one 100% when you have a highly contagious virus, it changes the game. paul: you're talking about the delta variant? okay, fact what causes continuing problems here. what does it tell you that about what we need to do to change our strategy? i guest boosters but it sounds like you are cautious about boosters if you are not a high risk factor for under age 50 but if you are 45 or 40 and you seek breakthrough infections, why wouldn't you want to get a booster because you don't want to get sick? >> i think it's helpful for people to have the risk of hospitalization with breakthrough infection want to five. according to cdc on the website, three and a half for 100,000 each week. one and 26000 americans hospitalized from a breakthrough infection. everyone has a different tolerance level. who's the one person selects the one state that reports demographics the average age is 73 and the average age of somebody who dies from breakthrough is age 80, that tells us the risk is heavily skewed towards those who are older. paul: briefly, are therapeutics here the breakthrough get this under control? >> i am excited about the pills, no one who received those pills in the clinical trials died. our study, nine died, no one died who got the merck pill and these were only covid infected patients for high risk so they should be implement it. we haven't heard enough from of the focus has been on vaccines we need to get them out there because 10 million will be available instantly. paul: that is good news. thank you, appreciate it. we come back from mounting retirement, falling poll numbers democrat turn an anxious eye towards next year's election. nancy pelosi and joe biden marching swing district house members to the end of their careers with their multi trillion dollar spending plan. ♪♪ switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. it's the xfinity black friday sales event. learn how to save up to $1000 on select phones by visitng your local xfinity store today. democratic retirement continuing to mount ahead of next year's midterm as the parties hopes of maintaining it their majority in congress paid. abc news poll released the gop with an advantage on the so-called ballot with 51%, voting for republican for congress versus 41% for democrat. the pole 40 here history. congressional committee expanding its list for affordable democrat by 13th for a total of 70 feet plan to target next year. we are back with our panel, dan henninger, kim strassel and mary o'grady. kim from a look at these numbers, is this real or phantom moment that will pass? >> it looks pretty real, it looks real democrats and they are nervous and that's why you see this and to put this in perspective, the last time republicans have that large of a lead, it was going in to the 2010 midterm election, they had a nine-point advantage generically over democrats and that's when they slipped the three seats they have a larger number of now, usually that number only increases if you get closer to election, it turns against members of the get ministration from of the white house in power so if it's inflation, covid, crime issues, they have a lot to be concerned about in this political environment. paul: they got a warning shot earlier this month when it came to virginia in the governor's elections. they've seen evidence that they are changing and policy whether strategy. >> none at all and it's a fascinating thing about the democrats, they don't seem to respond at all to signals like what happened to them in virginia. there is as big one in the 2020 election when they lost 13 house seats, republicans gained despite the fact that joe biden narrowly won the election. it does not seem to sink into them at all they might be going in the wrong direction. joe biden wins the presidency in the proceed massive historically outsized spending bills, coincident with inflation. the only democrats out there you could call moderate seem to be able to stand up against this, senator joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. none of them are speaking out against the direction of the democratic party has taken so one may assume that they are kind of like heading toward the edge of the cliff, but cannot figure out an alternative path. paul: mary, politicians i know like to keep their jobs but i wonder, why the swing state democrats going ahead when nancy pelosi says we got to pass the hospital? if you look in the bill, a lot of it is killed in the senate so voting for things that are unpopular like higher taxes. that may not be in the final bill. >> it's not clear to me either why they are going along with this except nancy pelosi is known for her skill of hurting these and getting them to go along with her. i don't want to discount the importance of the economy, i think people vote their pocketbooks but an awful lot of people turn on the television today and see progressives in the democratic party as the democratic party and that means education which we saw in virginia is something that's independent in modern democrats resist this progressive line on education and i think also to a large extent, the crime problem. those are both attached to democrats and this is the progressive wing pushing this lenient view on crime and crazy education curriculum. paul: kim, what is the democratic strategy for getting out of this? what you think about it? >> just that question of why they don't fight back, yes, saying no to the bill would probably help in a general election, they fear a primary from progressive's are not going along with this in the general election so right now they know the reality but they are fooling themselves telling themselves they've got to pass this agenda so they can show accomplishments and it will turn the tide. i think the problem from a reality based perspective is we know the spending has gone out already, part of the over seated economy and inflation and if they get there will on this bill, this further to trillion dollar build back better agenda only exacerbates the problem but right now their claims of the notion action is better than in action. paul: 30 seconds, dan, could republicans still blow this between now and next year? how would they do that? >> they are always able to blow it but they are doing a pretty good job of recruitment i mentioned 13 wins in the 2020 election, i think strong people will look like they're coming in to the republican party and i'm pretty optimistic this time they can always blow it but so far they haven't seen indications that they are going to. paul: you don't think donald trump is a problem if they play in these primaries? >> i think trump is less of a problem with every passing. yes, he may play in the primaries but i think he ultimately wants to win, too. paul: thank you all. still ahead, rampage of waukesha wisconsin and looting from the san francisco bay area calling new attention to progressive prosecutors and lack laws across the country. will voters fight back? ♪♪ progressive prosecutors under increasing scrutiny nationwide in high-profile crimes. suspect in last week and scarf rampage at a christmas parade in wisconsin at an extensive rap sheet dating back to 1999. 1000-dollar bond after he allegedly tried to hit the mother from his child with his own vehicle earlier this month. organized looting in the san francisco bay area has some pointing to a 24 law that downgraded $950 or less to misdemeanor. dan henninger, kim strassel and editorial board member, allysia finley. tell us about this waukesha case, 1000-dollar bond and whether or not bail reform laws that allow bonds like this are a problem. >> of short answer is bail reform laws are a problem. we are seeing it all over the country. the bigger problem is whether it waukesha, los angeles, san francisco, chicago, progressive prosecutors elected, i may say elected into the office for the bail reforms that lowered for this fellow in wisconsin are a problem. they've been trying to do this for years, decriminalization, systemic racism explains most of this crime that the system is, not the individuals. the thing to keep in mind is even after all of this happens, smashed and grabs in san francisco and los angeles, what happened in waukesha, these prosecutors will not apologize, nor will they step back, they regard them as isolated incidents so they continue to say that, the prosecutor in san francisco from of these sorts of things are not for a city like san francisco. i think these incidences are going to continue to happen until the voters who put the prosecutors in office vote them out of office. paul: let's turn to california, amazing. looting entire stores and multiple stores and cleaning up the shelves literally, is this related to the referendum i referred to in the open which said his demeanor, not a felony if it's only $950 or less? >> i think that's right, in 2014, the idea is to reduce penalty and they classified $950 and any kind of petty theft less than 950 as a low-level crime so nobody of the state for 950 is getting arrested and this has emboldened them district attorney in california has come out and said the referendum is harder to prosecute organized crime which is hard to prove that it's an organized meeting rather than a low-level misdemeanor. paul: who sponsor that referendum from what do you recall? >> i don't recall exactly what came out, i think it put money into it, to. paul: okay. kim, i guess the question becomes, what kind of backlash are we facing or will the episodes be dismissed as just exceptions or is there something of a backlash building politically? >> we are already seeing a backlash, if you look at the elections earlier this month, you've got minneapolis shutdown the initiative and abolish the police department, pro policing candidates went from seattle to new york to buffalo, people already are sending a message they are sick of it and this is a problem for democrat going into the midterms especially in the wake of waukesha because if you look at the city is in the area but the incidents are happening and crime is exploding, they are run with politicians with a d after their name and you have about a decade now of progressive activism for all of these specific policies with been talking about whether or not it is the end of cash bail or and of incarceration or fewer prosecutions, folks can draw that line that's why you do see people suddenly sank no really, i am about prosecution, democrats understand they have a problem. paul: we are a long way from crime prevention which we remember work so well in new york and other cities in the 90s and 2000. >> we are and it's interesting, new york city is going to be the test case here. new yorkers have elected eric adams, democrats to be mayor, he ran on a campaign storing civil order to the city. the prosecutors in the city are not behind him on this. police are behind him and the question is whether he can pull it off. something to watch in the years ahead. paul: nuclear negotiations presume next week, as the u.s. and hope for a longer and stronger deal still within reach? ♪♪ united states remains committed to preventing gaining nuclear weaponry remain committed diplomatic outcome of a nuclear issue. but iran is willing to engage your asleep and we will look at all the options necessary to keep united states. she wants voice often/weakened warnings iran u.s. is committed to countering nuclear ambitions even as the biden administration wants to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. parts are set to resume next week following a month long hiatus during which ran and operated a new heart by presidents continually march toward a nuclear weapon so what should we expect when negotiators returned to the table monday let's u.s. goal of lung stronger deal still within reach. ask chief executive foundation for defense of democracy. mark, good to see you before we get to negotiations, i want to ask you how much progress has iran made toward a weapon since it's not complying with terms of the 2015 deal? >> it's made significant progress, estopped from against her couple of months iran is enriching and higher levels from closer and closer to uranium operating, installing advanced which are much more efficient. weapons grade uranium therefore your members and easier hide and they are stockpiling uranium which is a breakout. i would add much of the nuclear expansion has occurred the election of president biden. paul: okay so with that backdrop, turning the table on monday, what you expect to see and what you expect to happen? >> i know u.s. negotiators are eager for a deal and iran knows that so the iranians as they have been doing for a number of months are looking to squeeze greater and greater recession out of the u.s. negotiating team. u.s. and iran are not speaking physically, they refused to speak to the united states sitting in separate rooms. there jumping back and forth as facilitators. what i expect to see, it will take time, iranians will squeeze and squeeze and eventually there will be a new deal, shorter and weaker deal even the 2015 while nuclear deals are the times. paul: okay so the question is, if it's going to be weaker and shorter than the original deal, right is the u.s. market so much for they just want to say we put rent in a box, on a shelf and it's not a problem anymore? >> exactly right, you're right to put the program in a box, the problem is the box will expand over time connected to a nuclear detonator but from a political perspective, they want it on a box on the back burner and mover other national priorities and we got a deal even though it's a deal article plus or more with fewer restrictions in exchange for our economic. paul: the motive here are to get economic sanctions lifted? is out of their main goal? they must feel they continue to make progress otherwise they wouldn't do video. >> exactly right. the trump administration and pressure campaign devastated the iranian regime, the foreign exchange reserves dropped from 120 billing dollars to 4 billion. since the election of president biden, the numbers have dropped, the biden administration is not enforcing and the iranians no with more sanctions needs more economic relief and can harden against u.s. pressure and continues taking pathways in nuclear weapons for minimal restrictions themselves over time. paul: is there any evidence you see that the iranians are moderating behavior in terms of regions with terrorism, helping yemen and lebanon? >> there's no evidence they are diminishing activity, his overwhelming evidence against our allies and u.s. forces and they are because they know right now they're not going to pay a price. under trump, they didn't know they stood with the president and there were times they expanded the president trump the nothing and then he turns around killed soleimani and they could force the most capable and strategic battlefield commander and that was a devastating blow to the regime and accept them thinking if they continue to move forward in any aggressive way, the united states would use american power to counter that. paul: so the question particularly with gulf arabs and preeminently israel, they going to be able to accept that or act on their own in some way? >> is already made it clear he will not accept that, israel is not the 2015 deal or any new shorter and weaker deal and israeli power to contradict nuclear program which for them from a nuclear weapon is x essential for their survival make clear their plan is to exterminate the jewish state there's no way they will stick by. they been operating inside with assassinations, i imagine that will continue that sometime israel may be faced with a difficult choice to use military power in the nuclear program as they did in 1981 against the nuclear program 50000 and serious nuclear. israelis are not going to about an enemy dedicated to the destruction staff nuclear weapons. paul: all right, thank you. stakes are very hi, appreciate you coming us. when we come back, and ohio jury buying spree biggest pharmacy chains rival for the opioid epidemic. the traveling presidents set. ♪♪ stopped in ohio jury this week, three of the nation's largest pharmacy chains rival you will be opioid epidemic. jurors in federal court in cleveland including cvs, walgreens and walmart created a public nuisance to ohio counties by selling prescriptions for the pain pills. toothpaste verdict could have widespread implications as absence of some lawsuits play out in courts across the country. we are back with dan henninger, kim strassel and lisa finley. all of this case from the start from what you think of the product tell is a copout for public nuisance liability stamp. >> i don't think anyone was surprised by the verdict in part because the judge was presiding over the case. i think stacking the deck against the defendants here with a number of procedure motions including allowing nature to pass on information against the defendant refusing to calling a mistrial even though the attorney suggested fixes in that case. going back to the public nuisance standard, the attorneys love the because they don't have that unlike my ability. that theories as facts to even in public for public property the for instance, nowadays oil companies, damage on someone's property's for the government property professionally and oil company should be held liable but it was never intended large companies for producing manufacturing or selling product that customers use or abuse. paul: that is the legal puzzle here for me, pharmacist go prescriptions based on what's given to them by doctors and if they don't fill the prescriptions for whatever reason, they can be held liable in some states and please are perfectly legal prescriptions as well of what was a legal substance so what you make of this? >> about what's really concerning about this particular case. most supportive does is toxic but it's an entirely new step in these standards and should be serious because as you said, peace companies are basically now held liable for damages and penalties for fulfilling publicly people's prescriptions which importantly many states they would get in trouble and potentially lose their licenses they didn't fail because it amounts to a variety a doctor what states consider unlawful practice of medicine so we are essentially holding companies responsible for doing our duty under state law him about his or new reach and scary. paul: dan, oklahoma supreme court this month overturn a verdict against johnson & johnson think it was for $65 million jury verdict on the same public nuisance notion so if you start advising pharmacy chain, should they appeal or take the judge's direction and settle? >> i think they should not settle, i think they need to fight to protect their reputation and avoid setting a precedent like this we have to say is lawsuits do not have much to do with the opioid crisis as it exists today. proceeding april this year, 100,000 people die from the opioid sizes looks mostly to the with sentinel, not a drug in these lawsuits. at the synthetic drugs flowing across our borders, open seven poor at the moment, comes in from china and people suffering from those addictions living on the street instance in san francisco intense we've seen in san francisco, they are the ones who deserve treatment and the attorneys file lawsuits and take their percentages and then move on to the next lawsuit leaving the problem still fosters. paul: what you think will happen in this and advocates of forward, are we going to see companies settle? >> i think the companies as they have said, we see plaintiff attorneys have no real intent of settling for anything rushed can probably 700 billion, even the larger with the state as dan noted here so i don't think -- i think they need to fight because otherwise the lawsuits are just going to pile up. paul: all right, one more break. when we come back, hits and misses of the week. ♪♪ ♪ paul: time now for our hits and misses of the week. kim, first to you. >> a hit to the presidential turkey pardon and, of course, this year's most fortunate fowls, peanut butter and jelly. at a time when nearly every white house action is caught in partisan crossfire, the annual you are key presentation which dates back -- turkey presentation is a moment of fun and frivolity, also a chance to celebrate a truly unifying u.s. holiday which this year was all the more special because people were able to get together after covid. long live the president's powers to clemency. paul: strassel soft on turkeys. [laughter] mary. >> a miss for daniel ortega who announced cubans will no longer need a visa to travel to nicaragua. there's about 11 million cubans living on that island, and about the same number would like to leave. many of them would like to get into the u.s., and daniel ortega is inviting more destabilization at the u.s. border. the biden administration is forewarned. paul: all right. allysha. >> the los angeles unified school district has demanded that students get vaccinated at demand of the union that shut down schools for a year. about 44,000 students will have to enroll in virtual school which has also experienced a lot of problems. most of the scientific evidence has shown that schools are safe, students are at low risk, and this is just another way that unions and schools are punishing students and parents. paul: dan. if. >> a hit hit to north carolina's new tax cut. its republican legislature passed and democratic governor roy cooper signed legislation dropping the corporate tax rate in north carolina and phasing out or lowering its flat tax rate. meanwhile, samsung is signing on to a $17 billion chip factory in texas which has no income tax. who's the outlier here, paul? it's joe biden and congressional democratics. the only good tax is a higher tax. paul: that's it for this week. i'm paul gigot, hope to see you right here next week. ♪ arthel: the cdc and state department warning americans not to travel to eight countries in southern africa as the world health organization now calls a new covid strain first detected in that region a, quote, variant of concern. meanwhilwhile, dr. anthony fauci says the omicron variant could already be here in the u.s. hello, everyone, welcome to a brand new hour of "fox news live." i'm arthel neville. hi, molly. molly: hello, arthel, i'm molly line. the world waiting to hear more about the variant that some scientists fea c

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Problems , Game , Delta Variant , Risk Factor , Wouldn T , 40 , 45 , Breakthrough Infection , Hospitalization , Half , Website , 100000 , Five , Age , Everyone , State , Person , Tolerance , 26000 , Breakthrough , Somebody , Therapeutics , Briefly , 80 , 73 , No One , Pills , Study , Trials , News , Focus , Patients , We Haven T , Merck Pill , 10 Million , Election , Nancy Pelosi , Joe Biden Marching Swing District House Members , Retirement , Falling Poll , Careers , Dollar Spending Plan , The End , Eye , Squad , Xfinity , Carriers , Switch , Bill , Store , Experience , Phone , Info , Carrier , Save , Xfinity Mobile , Phones , Sales Event , Black Friday , 1000 , 000 , Hopes , Parties , Midterm , Majority , Congress , Abc News , Poll , Gop , Advantage , Voting , Ballot , Pole , 41 , 51 , Congressional Committee , Look , Total , Feet , List , 70 , 13 , Numbers , Phantom , Lead , Advantage Generically , 2010 , Number , Power , Members , Seats , Now , Get Ministration , Governor , Warning Shot , Environment , Virginia , Crime Issues , Elections , None , Policy , House Seats , Big One , Signals , 2020 , Direction , Presidency , Spending Bills , Coincident , Joe Manchin , Moderate , Kyrsten Sinema , Kind , Politicians , Alternative Path , Cliff , Edge , Figure , Cannot , Swing State , Jobs , Senate , Things , Skill , Progressives , Television , Pocketbooks , Importance , Education , Progressive Line , Crime , Crime Problem , Wing , Extent , View , Fight Back , Education Curriculum , Yes , Progressive , Reality , General Election , Primary , Agenda , Spending , Tide , Accomplishments , Action , Notion , Part , Claims , Job , Recruitment , 30 , Indications , Wins , Haven T , Primaries , Donald Trump , Passing , Prosecutors , Voters , Looting , San Francisco Bay Area , Laws , Lack , Attention , Waukesha Wisconsin , Scarf Rampage , Scrutiny , Suspect , Crimes , Bond , Rap Sheet Dating , Child , Mother , Christmas Parade , 1999 , Misdemeanor , Law , Vehicle , 24 , 950 , Reform Laws , Waukesha Case , Bonds , Editorial Board Member , Allysia Finley , Bail Reform Laws , It Waukesha , Answer , Los Angeles , Chicago , Office , Bail , Fellow , Most , Individuals , Decriminalization , Racism , Back , New York City , Incidents , Prosecutor , Incidences , Office Vote , California , Referendum , Stores , Shelves , Felony , Demeanor , Idea , Penalty , Theft , 2014 , Nobody , Organized Crime , District Attorney , Meeting , Money , Backlash , Backlash Building , Episodes , Exceptions , Pro Policing Candidates , Police Department , Initiative , Seattle , Buffalo , Got Minneapolis Shutdown , Area , Midterms , Wake , Policies , Exploding , Progressive Activism , Cash , Name , Incarceration , Prosecutions , Prosecution , Line , Folks , Test Case , Crime Prevention , Cities , 2000 , Campaign Storing , Order , Mayor , Eric Adams , Negotiations , Hope , Police , Reach , Weaponry , Iran , Issue , Outcome , Parts , Warnings , Ambitions , Hiatus , Nuclear Deal , Set , 2015 , Negotiators , Nuclear Weapon , Goal , Presidents , Table , Monday Let , Heart , Estopped , Democracy , Weapon , Defense , Lung , Chief Executive Foundation , Mark , Levels , Advanced , Weapons Grade Uranium , Uranium Operating , Hide , Uranium , Breakout , Backdrop , Expansion , Iranians , Recession , Negotiating Team , Rooms , Facilitators , Deals , Squeeze , Box , Market , Shelf , Rent , Detonator , Restrictions , Mover , Exchange , Back Burner , Deal Article , Sanctions , Motive , Regime , Pressure , Foreign Exchange Reserves , Campaign , Video , 4 Billion , 120 , Pathways , Relief , Weapons , Behavior , Regions , Terrorism , Lebanon , Helping Yemen , Activity , Trump , Forces , Allies , Commander , Blow , Battlefield , Nothing , Soleimani , Gulf Arabs , Act , Preeminently Israel , Israel , Jewish State , Plan , Essential , Survival , Military Power , Choice , Assassinations , Nuclear Program 50000 And Serious , 1981 , 50000 , Jury , Pharmacy Chains , Destruction , Buying , Staff , Enemy , Stakes , Ohio , Opioid Epidemic , Traveling Presidents , Nation , Prescriptions , Nuisance , Counties , Pain Pills , Court , Toothpaste Verdict , Cvs , Jurors , Implications , Walmart , Walgreens , Cleveland , Lawsuits , Product , Courts , Copout , Absence , Lisa Finley , Verdict , Judge , Stamp , Liability , Anyone , Deck , Fixes , Attorney , Defendants , Defendant , Procedure Motions , Information , Nature , Mistrial , Attorneys , Facts , Standard , Ability , Theories , Property , Instance , Someone , Oil Companies , Public , Damage , Oil Company , Manufacturing , Government , Doctors , Pharmacist Go Prescriptions , Puzzle , Abuse , Customers , States , Substance , Peace Companies , Supportive , Damages , Step , Standards , Penalties , Licenses , Trouble , Medicine , State Law , Practice , Duty , Oklahoma Supreme Court , 5 Million , 65 Million , Jury Verdict , Pharmacy Chain , Reputation , Precedent , Drug , Opioid Crisis , Sentinel , Sizes , Drugs , Borders , Addictions , Ones , The Street , China , Seven , Lawsuit , Percentages , Treatment , Advocates , Intent , Forward , Plaintiff , Settling , 700 Billion , Misses , Hits , Course , Hit , Turkey , Pardon , Presentation , Peanut Butter , Fowls , Jelly , Crossfire , Fun , Powers , Chance , Frivolity , Special , Clemency , Cubans , Miss , Laughter , Daniel Ortega , Strassel Soft On Turkeys , Visa To Travel Nicaragua , Destabilization , Island , 11 Million , Los Angeles Unified School District , Students , Border , Forewarned , Allysha , Schools , Virtual School , Union , Demand , Safe , 44000 , Unions , Parents , Tax Cut , North Carolina , Chip Factory , Legislature , Tax Rate , Flat Tax Rate , Legislation , Phasing , Samsung , Roy Cooper , 7 Billion , 17 Billion , Tax , Income Tax , Congressional Democratics , Outlier , Texas , Countries , Arthel , Eight , Variant , Region , Concern , Omicron Variant , Quote , Dr , World Health Organization , Southern Africa , Meanwhilwhile , Molly , Molly Line , Hello , Brand , C , Fox News Live , Hi ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709

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steady leadership is needed to get inflation under control. >> like every country in the world, we have to deal with these issues of rising costs, remember we have the skill tools to get under control here in a position to attack inflation, strength not weakness in times like these, we need steady tested principal leadership. paul: puts bring in our panel, deputy editorial page editor, dan henninger, kim strassel and mariana. mary, what you make up the president's explanation for inflation in his program to do something about? >> this is a political problem for the president and naming jerome powell was his best of a couple of bad options. i am a big believer people should have to eat their own cooking so i don't mind jerome powell thing the backseat because he's the one who brought us to where we are now. we have inflation that looks like around 5%. powell thinks that is transitory, temporary and next year it's going to moderate. i think the fed has to take a couple of steps before we get there and that includes ending this bond buying program which has increased what they call accommodative position of the fed and eventually raising interest rates and we are going to have to see whether they land the plane without disrupting the economy. paul: want to get back to the fed in a minute but kim, let's talk about gasoline prices is the president focus on a great deal, he wants to beg opec to drill more, he's unleashed the federal trade commission to say they will go after companies they are fixing prices and he's released strategic petroleum reserve, or any of those going to make a difference? >> not one. some could be counterproductive in fact. the petroleum reserve is a good example, first of all this is hidden in terms of what they are releasing in terms of what americans actually consume. it wouldn't even equal about three days of average american consumption. however, it can send a message to opec or give them an excuse to not raise at themselves and say america is doing this themselves. ftc is obviously nonsense. the reason prices are going up and some of these companies they are targeting are getting false because of the average price in reduction, why have a come back? the entire biden administration has been pushing higher regulation, higher taxes and dis- incentivizing any new investment and new oil or gas drilling operations in the united states until the biden administration does that, this is a situation we are going to continue in. paul: dan, would you want to add anything to that? i want to ask you specifically about the fed because i disagree with mary in this respect, i wonder why if you are the president of the united states and inflation is a political problem, why would you embrace the fed chairman who's presided over 6% inflation for the last 12 months? it doesn't seem to be a political prudent move. >> it may not be a prudent political move but the question is, one of the president's political priorities and the democratic party? the president talks constantly about his goals and it has something to do with inflation as well. he's reappointing jerome powell because powell agreed to use the fed's authority to pursue those climate roles and he does that through regulating banks and financial system. as another big appointment he needs to make a, director of regulation, randall is retiring at the question is, will they be directing toward achieving their climate goals? that sounds like a long way from growing the economy or keeping inflation under control but they are willing to make that sacrifice, willing to make that trade-off and they are enlisting the private sector and the political goals of the democratic party, jerome powell is going along with that and the price of inflation, they seem to be going to take that risk and fair that political price. paul: the political risk of inflation is considerable because even if wages are rising if not returns, pretty rapidly by historical measures, real wages are engulfed by inflation and followed by something like 2% since january. that is real peril and even though the economy is growing in unemployment is folly, people don't feel that off because their wages are falling. >> paul, if you haven't been drinking the kool-aid they drink in washington. they actually believe they don't need to be on the break because the cause of the inflation are supply-chain bottlenecks and the pandemic and when they pass, we resume two to 3% inflation and satisfying suffer what biden believes in, wants to believe in, he's got the right guy in that chair. a different perspective in terms of how monetary policy should be run would generate a different candidate but this is the ideology the administration is going to follow and we are going to see whether they can do it. paul: i guess that is truth in advertising. when we come back, coronavirus infections rising again, cdc endorses booster shots for all american adults. who should get one? is it too late to avoid a winter search? where we are in the covid flight heading into the holidays. ♪♪ as co- infections begin to rise again across the u.s., cdc now says all adults 18 years and older are eligible to get a booster. doctor anthony fauci cautioning the definition of fully vaccinated could eventually change to three doses of the pfizer or maternal vaccine for two of the johnson & johnson. who should be getting a booster as we head into the holiday season? is it too late to had off the winter search? a professor of health policy of the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health and fox news medical contributor. welcome. when people are looking and seeing a surgeon infections in germany and elsewhere including new lockdowns, we faded to have a similar search here in the u.s.? back or population immunity level, both natural immunity rates are lower vaccinated immunity levels are lower and received the same disparity in the united states test cases continue to spread in the northern united states part of the barrel season when it's cold, people move inside some areas are well protected with high vaccination rates. pennsylvania much of new england has vaccination rates of 95% of adults from other places like west virginia 64% of adults so some areas he will see result in hospitalizations and other air rescue see high level of protection against hospitalizations. paul: but overall are we going to see a better winter season this year with covid, improvement, lower deaths, maybe you are infections than last winter? >> for short. the reason is, there's good immune protection. there's a precise segment of the population getting hurt turning of the hospital, they are adults with risk factors who have not had covid in the past not vaccinated, fact the group and maybe 20 to 30 million adults in america, that's the group whose vulnerable we should put in our energy to protect. paul: a lot of people are concerned about breakthrough infections because the vaccines while miraculous in many ways in terms of how fast they were developed and what they do, it turns out there immunity fades, faxing developers say that, the cdc says that so now we are asked to get these boosters. how concerned are you about breakthroughs and are they going to increase their as immunity fades in the second pfizer shot got six months ago? >> we are definitely seeing antibody immunity go down but it's unclear if that immunity is strong, durable, the immunity that takes a few days to kick in whether or not that is fading in younger people so it's highly variable so what we are seeing clearly in people over 65 a booster. people with risk factors especially if they are over 50, we feel strongly they should get a booster. in younger people it's not clear and that's why the fda and cdc experts voted down boosters for everybody nine weeks ago so the case is compelling for a segment of population. the question is, are we going to come up with a blanket message for everybody for the purposes of simplicity many of us are saying no, but speak medically precise and if you have the infection from 140 million americans with natural immunity there's no scientific evidence they need a booster right now. paul: i want to bounce something off you that's troubling to a lot of people, we just passed a milestone with mark deaths from covid in 2021 all virus that's more contagious than the previous highly contagious strain, this threshold of herd immunity way up, we don't even talk about herd immunity anymore because that threshold may be 90 or 95 or even one 100% when you have a highly contagious virus, it changes the game. paul: you're talking about the delta variant? okay, fact what causes continuing problems here. what does it tell you that about what we need to do to change our strategy? i guest boosters but it sounds like you are cautious about boosters if you are not a high risk factor for under age 50 but if you are 45 or 40 and you seek breakthrough infections, why wouldn't you want to get a booster because you don't want to get sick? >> i think it's helpful for people to have the risk of hospitalization with breakthrough infection want to five. according to cdc on the website, three and a half for 100,000 each week. one and 26000 americans hospitalized from a breakthrough infection. everyone has a different tolerance level. who's the one person selects the one state that reports demographics the average age is 73 and the average age of somebody who dies from breakthrough is age 80, that tells us the risk is heavily skewed towards those who are older. paul: briefly, are therapeutics here the breakthrough get this under control? >> i am excited about the pills, no one who received those pills in the clinical trials died. our study, nine died, no one died who got the merck pill and these were only covid infected patients for high risk so they should be implement it. we haven't heard enough from of the focus has been on vaccines we need to get them out there because 10 million will be available instantly. paul: that is good news. thank you, appreciate it. we come back from mounting retirement, falling poll numbers democrat turn an anxious eye towards next year's election. nancy pelosi and joe biden marching swing district house members to the end of their careers with their multi trillion dollar spending plan. ♪♪ switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. it's the xfinity black friday sales event. learn how to save up to $1000 on select phones by visitng your local xfinity store today. democratic retirement continuing to mount ahead of next year's midterm as the parties hopes of maintaining it their majority in congress paid. abc news poll released the gop with an advantage on the so-called ballot with 51%, voting for republican for congress versus 41% for democrat. the pole 40 here history. congressional committee expanding its list for affordable democrat by 13th for a total of 70 feet plan to target next year. we are back with our panel, dan henninger, kim strassel and mary o'grady. kim from a look at these numbers, is this real or phantom moment that will pass? >> it looks pretty real, it looks real democrats and they are nervous and that's why you see this and to put this in perspective, the last time republicans have that large of a lead, it was going in to the 2010 midterm election, they had a nine-point advantage generically over democrats and that's when they slipped the three seats they have a larger number of now, usually that number only increases if you get closer to election, it turns against members of the get ministration from of the white house in power so if it's inflation, covid, crime issues, they have a lot to be concerned about in this political environment. paul: they got a warning shot earlier this month when it came to virginia in the governor's elections. they've seen evidence that they are changing and policy whether strategy. >> none at all and it's a fascinating thing about the democrats, they don't seem to respond at all to signals like what happened to them in virginia. there is as big one in the 2020 election when they lost 13 house seats, republicans gained despite the fact that joe biden narrowly won the election. it does not seem to sink into them at all they might be going in the wrong direction. joe biden wins the presidency in the proceed massive historically outsized spending bills, coincident with inflation. the only democrats out there you could call moderate seem to be able to stand up against this, senator joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. none of them are speaking out against the direction of the democratic party has taken so one may assume that they are kind of like heading toward the edge of the cliff, but cannot figure out an alternative path. paul: mary, politicians i know like to keep their jobs but i wonder, why the swing state democrats going ahead when nancy pelosi says we got to pass the hospital? if you look in the bill, a lot of it is killed in the senate so voting for things that are unpopular like higher taxes. that may not be in the final bill. >> it's not clear to me either why they are going along with this except nancy pelosi is known for her skill of hurting these and getting them to go along with her. i don't want to discount the importance of the economy, i think people vote their pocketbooks but an awful lot of people turn on the television today and see progressives in the democratic party as the democratic party and that means education which we saw in virginia is something that's independent in modern democrats resist this progressive line on education and i think also to a large extent, the crime problem. those are both attached to democrats and this is the progressive wing pushing this lenient view on crime and crazy education curriculum. paul: kim, what is the democratic strategy for getting out of this? what you think about it? >> just that question of why they don't fight back, yes, saying no to the bill would probably help in a general election, they fear a primary from progressive's are not going along with this in the general election so right now they know the reality but they are fooling themselves telling themselves they've got to pass this agenda so they can show accomplishments and it will turn the tide. i think the problem from a reality based perspective is we know the spending has gone out already, part of the over seated economy and inflation and if they get there will on this bill, this further to trillion dollar build back better agenda only exacerbates the problem but right now their claims of the notion action is better than in action. paul: 30 seconds, dan, could republicans still blow this between now and next year? how would they do that? >> they are always able to blow it but they are doing a pretty good job of recruitment i mentioned 13 wins in the 2020 election, i think strong people will look like they're coming in to the republican party and i'm pretty optimistic this time they can always blow it but so far they haven't seen indications that they are going to. paul: you don't think donald trump is a problem if they play in these primaries? >> i think trump is less of a problem with every passing. yes, he may play in the primaries but i think he ultimately wants to win, too. paul: thank you all. still ahead, rampage of waukesha wisconsin and looting from the san francisco bay area calling new attention to progressive prosecutors and lack laws across the country. will voters fight back? ♪♪ progressive prosecutors under increasing scrutiny nationwide in high-profile crimes. suspect in last week and scarf rampage at a christmas parade in wisconsin at an extensive rap sheet dating back to 1999. 1000-dollar bond after he allegedly tried to hit the mother from his child with his own vehicle earlier this month. organized looting in the san francisco bay area has some pointing to a 24 law that downgraded $950 or less to misdemeanor. dan henninger, kim strassel and editorial board member, allysia finley. tell us about this waukesha case, 1000-dollar bond and whether or not bail reform laws that allow bonds like this are a problem. >> of short answer is bail reform laws are a problem. we are seeing it all over the country. the bigger problem is whether it waukesha, los angeles, san francisco, chicago, progressive prosecutors elected, i may say elected into the office for the bail reforms that lowered for this fellow in wisconsin are a problem. they've been trying to do this for years, decriminalization, systemic racism explains most of this crime that the system is, not the individuals. the thing to keep in mind is even after all of this happens, smashed and grabs in san francisco and los angeles, what happened in waukesha, these prosecutors will not apologize, nor will they step back, they regard them as isolated incidents so they continue to say that, the prosecutor in san francisco from of these sorts of things are not for a city like san francisco. i think these incidences are going to continue to happen until the voters who put the prosecutors in office vote them out of office. paul: let's turn to california, amazing. looting entire stores and multiple stores and cleaning up the shelves literally, is this related to the referendum i referred to in the open which said his demeanor, not a felony if it's only $950 or less? >> i think that's right, in 2014, the idea is to reduce penalty and they classified $950 and any kind of petty theft less than 950 as a low-level crime so nobody of the state for 950 is getting arrested and this has emboldened them district attorney in california has come out and said the referendum is harder to prosecute organized crime which is hard to prove that it's an organized meeting rather than a low-level misdemeanor. paul: who sponsor that referendum from what do you recall? >> i don't recall exactly what came out, i think it put money into it, to. paul: okay. kim, i guess the question becomes, what kind of backlash are we facing or will the episodes be dismissed as just exceptions or is there something of a backlash building politically? >> we are already seeing a backlash, if you look at the elections earlier this month, you've got minneapolis shutdown the initiative and abolish the police department, pro policing candidates went from seattle to new york to buffalo, people already are sending a message they are sick of it and this is a problem for democrat going into the midterms especially in the wake of waukesha because if you look at the city is in the area but the incidents are happening and crime is exploding, they are run with politicians with a d after their name and you have about a decade now of progressive activism for all of these specific policies with been talking about whether or not it is the end of cash bail or and of incarceration or fewer prosecutions, folks can draw that line that's why you do see people suddenly sank no really, i am about prosecution, democrats understand they have a problem. paul: we are a long way from crime prevention which we remember work so well in new york and other cities in the 90s and 2000. >> we are and it's interesting, new york city is going to be the test case here. new yorkers have elected eric adams, democrats to be mayor, he ran on a campaign storing civil order to the city. the prosecutors in the city are not behind him on this. police are behind him and the question is whether he can pull it off. something to watch in the years ahead. paul: nuclear negotiations presume next week, as the u.s. and hope for a longer and stronger deal still within reach? ♪♪ united states remains committed to preventing gaining nuclear weaponry remain committed diplomatic outcome of a nuclear issue. but iran is willing to engage your asleep and we will look at all the options necessary to keep united states. she wants voice often/weakened warnings iran u.s. is committed to countering nuclear ambitions even as the biden administration wants to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. parts are set to resume next week following a month long hiatus during which ran and operated a new heart by presidents continually march toward a nuclear weapon so what should we expect when negotiators returned to the table monday let's u.s. goal of lung stronger deal still within reach. ask chief executive foundation for defense of democracy. mark, good to see you before we get to negotiations, i want to ask you how much progress has iran made toward a weapon since it's not complying with terms of the 2015 deal? >> it's made significant progress, estopped from against her couple of months iran is enriching and higher levels from closer and closer to uranium operating, installing advanced which are much more efficient. weapons grade uranium therefore your members and easier hide and they are stockpiling uranium which is a breakout. i would add much of the nuclear expansion has occurred the election of president biden. paul: okay so with that backdrop, turning the table on monday, what you expect to see and what you expect to happen? >> i know u.s. negotiators are eager for a deal and iran knows that so the iranians as they have been doing for a number of months are looking to squeeze greater and greater recession out of the u.s. negotiating team. u.s. and iran are not speaking physically, they refused to speak to the united states sitting in separate rooms. there jumping back and forth as facilitators. what i expect to see, it will take time, iranians will squeeze and squeeze and eventually there will be a new deal, shorter and weaker deal even the 2015 while nuclear deals are the times. paul: okay so the question is, if it's going to be weaker and shorter than the original deal, right is the u.s. market so much for they just want to say we put rent in a box, on a shelf and it's not a problem anymore? >> exactly right, you're right to put the program in a box, the problem is the box will expand over time connected to a nuclear detonator but from a political perspective, they want it on a box on the back burner and mover other national priorities and we got a deal even though it's a deal article plus or more with fewer restrictions in exchange for our economic. paul: the motive here are to get economic sanctions lifted? is out of their main goal? they must feel they continue to make progress otherwise they wouldn't do video. >> exactly right. the trump administration and pressure campaign devastated the iranian regime, the foreign exchange reserves dropped from 120 billing dollars to 4 billion. since the election of president biden, the numbers have dropped, the biden administration is not enforcing and the iranians no with more sanctions needs more economic relief and can harden against u.s. pressure and continues taking pathways in nuclear weapons for minimal restrictions themselves over time. paul: is there any evidence you see that the iranians are moderating behavior in terms of regions with terrorism, helping yemen and lebanon? >> there's no evidence they are diminishing activity, his overwhelming evidence against our allies and u.s. forces and they are because they know right now they're not going to pay a price. under trump, they didn't know they stood with the president and there were times they expanded the president trump the nothing and then he turns around killed soleimani and they could force the most capable and strategic battlefield commander and that was a devastating blow to the regime and accept them thinking if they continue to move forward in any aggressive way, the united states would use american power to counter that. paul: so the question particularly with gulf arabs and preeminently israel, they going to be able to accept that or act on their own in some way? >> is already made it clear he will not accept that, israel is not the 2015 deal or any new shorter and weaker deal and israeli power to contradict nuclear program which for them from a nuclear weapon is x essential for their survival make clear their plan is to exterminate the jewish state there's no way they will stick by. they been operating inside with assassinations, i imagine that will continue that sometime israel may be faced with a difficult choice to use military power in the nuclear program as they did in 1981 against the nuclear program 50000 and serious nuclear. israelis are not going to about an enemy dedicated to the destruction staff nuclear weapons. paul: all right, thank you. stakes are very hi, appreciate you coming us. when we come back, and ohio jury buying spree biggest pharmacy chains rival for the opioid epidemic. the traveling presidents set. ♪♪ stopped in ohio jury this week, three of the nation's largest pharmacy chains rival you will be opioid epidemic. jurors in federal court in cleveland including cvs, walgreens and walmart created a public nuisance to ohio counties by selling prescriptions for the pain pills. toothpaste verdict could have widespread implications as absence of some lawsuits play out in courts across the country. we are back with dan henninger, kim strassel and lisa finley. all of this case from the start from what you think of the product tell is a copout for public nuisance liability stamp. >> i don't think anyone was surprised by the verdict in part because the judge was presiding over the case. i think stacking the deck against the defendants here with a number of procedure motions including allowing nature to pass on information against the defendant refusing to calling a mistrial even though the attorney suggested fixes in that case. going back to the public nuisance standard, the attorneys love the because they don't have that unlike my ability. that theories as facts to even in public for public property the for instance, nowadays oil companies, damage on someone's property's for the government property professionally and oil company should be held liable but it was never intended large companies for producing manufacturing or selling product that customers use or abuse. paul: that is the legal puzzle here for me, pharmacist go prescriptions based on what's given to them by doctors and if they don't fill the prescriptions for whatever reason, they can be held liable in some states and please are perfectly legal prescriptions as well of what was a legal substance so what you make of this? >> about what's really concerning about this particular case. most supportive does is toxic but it's an entirely new step in these standards and should be serious because as you said, peace companies are basically now held liable for damages and penalties for fulfilling publicly people's prescriptions which importantly many states they would get in trouble and potentially lose their licenses they didn't fail because it amounts to a variety a doctor what states consider unlawful practice of medicine so we are essentially holding companies responsible for doing our duty under state law him about his or new reach and scary. paul: dan, oklahoma supreme court this month overturn a verdict against johnson & johnson think it was for $65 million jury verdict on the same public nuisance notion so if you start advising pharmacy chain, should they appeal or take the judge's direction and settle? >> i think they should not settle, i think they need to fight to protect their reputation and avoid setting a precedent like this we have to say is lawsuits do not have much to do with the opioid crisis as it exists today. proceeding april this year, 100,000 people die from the opioid sizes looks mostly to the with sentinel, not a drug in these lawsuits. at the synthetic drugs flowing across our borders, open seven poor at the moment, comes in from china and people suffering from those addictions living on the street instance in san francisco intense we've seen in san francisco, they are the ones who deserve treatment and the attorneys file lawsuits and take their percentages and then move on to the next lawsuit leaving the problem still fosters. paul: what you think will happen in this and advocates of forward, are we going to see companies settle? >> i think the companies as they have said, we see plaintiff attorneys have no real intent of settling for anything rushed can probably 700 billion, even the larger with the state as dan noted here so i don't think -- i think they need to fight because otherwise the lawsuits are just going to pile up. paul: all right, one more break. when we come back, hits and misses of the week. ♪♪ ♪ paul: time now for our hits and misses of the week. kim, first to you. >> a hit to the presidential turkey pardon and, of course, this year's most fortunate fowls, peanut butter and jelly. at a time when nearly every white house action is caught in partisan crossfire, the annual you are key presentation which dates back -- turkey presentation is a moment of fun and frivolity, also a chance to celebrate a truly unifying u.s. holiday which this year was all the more special because people were able to get together after covid. long live the president's powers to clemency. paul: strassel soft on turkeys. [laughter] mary. >> a miss for daniel ortega who announced cubans will no longer need a visa to travel to nicaragua. there's about 11 million cubans living on that island, and about the same number would like to leave. many of them would like to get into the u.s., and daniel ortega is inviting more destabilization at the u.s. border. the biden administration is forewarned. paul: all right. allysha. >> the los angeles unified school district has demanded that students get vaccinated at demand of the union that shut down schools for a year. about 44,000 students will have to enroll in virtual school which has also experienced a lot of problems. most of the scientific evidence has shown that schools are safe, students are at low risk, and this is just another way that unions and schools are punishing students and parents. paul: dan. if. >> a hit hit to north carolina's new tax cut. its republican legislature passed and democratic governor roy cooper signed legislation dropping the corporate tax rate in north carolina and phasing out or lowering its flat tax rate. meanwhile, samsung is signing on to a $17 billion chip factory in texas which has no income tax. who's the outlier here, paul? it's joe biden and congressional democratics. the only good tax is a higher tax. paul: that's it for this week. i'm paul gigot, hope to see you right here next week. ♪ arthel: the cdc and state department warning americans not to travel to eight countries in southern africa as the world health organization now calls a new covid strain first detected in that region a, quote, variant of concern. meanwhilwhile, dr. anthony fauci says the omicron variant could already be here in the u.s. hello, everyone, welcome to a brand new hour of "fox news live." i'm arthel neville. hi, molly. molly: hello, arthel, i'm molly line. the world waiting to hear more about the variant that some scientists fea c

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Shot , Environment , Virginia , Crime Issues , Elections , None , Policy , House Seats , Big One , Signals , 2020 , Direction , Presidency , Spending Bills , Coincident , Joe Manchin , Moderate , Kyrsten Sinema , Kind , Politicians , Alternative Path , Cliff , Edge , Figure , Cannot , Swing State , Jobs , Senate , Things , Skill , Progressives , Television , Pocketbooks , Importance , Education , Progressive Line , Crime , Crime Problem , Wing , Extent , View , Fight Back , Education Curriculum , Yes , Progressive , Reality , General Election , Primary , Agenda , Spending , Tide , Accomplishments , Action , Notion , Part , Claims , Job , Recruitment , 30 , Indications , Wins , Haven T , Primaries , Donald Trump , Passing , Prosecutors , Voters , Looting , San Francisco Bay Area , Laws , Lack , Attention , Waukesha Wisconsin , Scarf Rampage , Scrutiny , Suspect , Crimes , Bond , Rap Sheet Dating , Child , Mother , Christmas Parade , 1999 , Misdemeanor , Law , Vehicle , 24 , 950 , Reform Laws , Waukesha Case , Bonds , Editorial Board Member , Allysia Finley , Bail Reform Laws , It Waukesha , Answer , Los Angeles , Chicago , Office , Bail , Fellow , Most , Individuals , Decriminalization , Racism , Back , New York City , Incidents , Prosecutor , Incidences , Office Vote , California , Referendum , Stores , Shelves , Felony , Demeanor , Idea , Penalty , Theft , 2014 , Nobody , Organized Crime , District Attorney , Meeting , Money , Backlash , Backlash Building , Episodes , Exceptions , Pro Policing Candidates , Police Department , Initiative , Seattle , Buffalo , Got Minneapolis Shutdown , Area , Midterms , Wake , Policies , Exploding , Progressive Activism , Cash , Name , Incarceration , Prosecutions , Prosecution , Line , Folks , Test Case , Crime Prevention , Cities , 2000 , Campaign Storing , Order , Mayor , Eric Adams , Negotiations , Hope , Police , Reach , Weaponry , Iran , Issue , Outcome , Parts , Warnings , Ambitions , Hiatus , Nuclear Deal , Set , 2015 , 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Ones , The Street , China , Seven , Lawsuit , Percentages , Treatment , Advocates , Intent , Forward , Plaintiff , Settling , 700 Billion , Misses , Hits , Course , Hit , Turkey , Pardon , Presentation , Peanut Butter , Fowls , Jelly , Crossfire , Fun , Powers , Chance , Frivolity , Special , Clemency , Cubans , Miss , Laughter , Daniel Ortega , Strassel Soft On Turkeys , Visa To Travel Nicaragua , Destabilization , Island , 11 Million , Los Angeles Unified School District , Students , Border , Forewarned , Allysha , Schools , Virtual School , Union , Demand , Safe , 44000 , Unions , Parents , Tax Cut , North Carolina , Chip Factory , Legislature , Tax Rate , Flat Tax Rate , Legislation , Phasing , Samsung , Roy Cooper , 7 Billion , 17 Billion , Tax , Income Tax , Congressional Democratics , Outlier , Texas , Countries , Arthel , Eight , Variant , Region , Concern , Omicron Variant , Quote , Dr , World Health Organization , Southern Africa , Meanwhilwhile , Molly , Molly Line , Hello , Brand , C , Fox News Live , Hi ,

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