Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

polling is worthless. it actually is a relative measure over time, they can provide a lot of historical context. joe biden's polls are in the toilet right now, everyone knows that. the question is, why? you will hear a lot of people will say it was afghanistan, the true debacle they oversaw in afghanistan. the question is that is it a foreign policy disaster enough to knock the president off his game in his first year in office? here are some things in down mycomparisons. the fall of saigon was the most humiliating moment in this country's history up until that time. the entire world watched as americans ran from a peasant army. the civilians dangled from helicopters taking off from the roof of the u.s. embassy in saigon. it was a catastrophe when it became an enduring symbol. the u.s. spent more than a decade in vietnam, lost close to 60,000 men, and after all that we ran away. and yet in the days after the fall of saigon, gerald ford's numbers actually went up. his approval rating increased from 39 to 40%. a month later by the end of may 1975. where it surged to 51%. so gerald ford, president ford oversaw an international embarrassment, but americans gave him a pass. they weren't done with him just yet. something very similar happened during the john f. kennedy administration. kennedy was in charge from the bay of pigs invasion which he single-handedly turned into a disaster. that disaster made fidel castro a national hero in cuba. it drove cuba even closer to the soviet union. all of this happened before the human missile crisis. this was not a good thing for anybody. and yet despite that, jfk's a up approval rating went up. so the bay of pigs happened in the first year of the kennedy administration pair the fall of saigon happened after the first year of the ford administration. americans give them a pass, even on the big things. especially in foreign policy. so with that in mind, it's worth taking a look at how joe biden's approval numbers had changed during his first year in office. of course, at seven disaster. only 36 apparent dolma percent has joe biden doing the marginally better at about 41%. down 15 points from just a few months ago. you should know that kamala harris' approval number is 28% which is right around jeffrey dahmer level. so two-thirds of americans do not want joe biden to run for president again. that includes most democrats. just ten months into biden's pregnancy del my presidency come want him gone >> it's gotten so bad that college students are mocking biden at football games. >> [bleep] joe biden! [chanting] >> [bleep] joe biden! >> tucker: so biden is deeply unpopular. the question is, why? that matters. that will be a focus over the next hour on the show. what we are witnessing under the biden administration is something americans will absolutely not forgive. the decline in her standard of living. biden hasn't just embarrassed the united states internationally, they can overlook that as they did as ford and jfk and hope for something better next time. biden has made living in this country much more difficult for millions of people. he's made it a lot harder for americans to afford basic amenities, things like building supplies and gasoline. then he showed him was no interest in fixing those. it's clear it is being done on purpose because of global warming. one local news station in florida talk to restaurant owners who have felt the effect of rising food prices. >> from chicken wings -- >> it's $140 a case versus what was $40. >> two plastic gloves -- >> have gone from $20 a case to 140 plus. and sometimes it's hard to get those. >> nearly everything costs more. john horan on the executive committee also owned anna maria oyster bars. they are keeping favorites like alaskan king cab legs off the menu. >> one of our most popular items, we can't get from anyone. >> it is way up since last year. he froze 57.7%. fat and oil nearly 50%. eggs almost 40%. and process poultry 30%. to offset that, menu prices on average are up 4.7%. >> tucker: what is this exactly? we can't get enough food? a lot of things are happening at one of them is inflation. inflation is not an act of god, it's a result of government policy appeared the federal reserve has devalued the u.s. dollar by printing too many u.s. dollars. wired up and do them? to pay for more government spending. there was a $10.1 trillion amount of spending and obligations in the fiscal year 2020. 10.1 trillion. 2019 the total was 6.6 trillion. still a lot, but very different then 10.1. the spending is of course on the way, more spending is on the way because we can spend any amount of money. biden so-called build back better bill is estimated to cost over $5 trillion. the people who are printing this money specifically know they are making the problem worse. they don't care. in fact, they are mocking you for noticing that you your standard of living has declined. ed is hard to miss -- this is real. "a thanksgiving dinner serving poultry costs $1.42. a soybean-based dinner serving the same amount of calories costs $0.66 and provides almost twice as much protein." of course, soy lowers testosterone. how did this happen? someone telling you to eat bugs to stop climate change paired not far from that at all. in a biden administration, they are suddenly in charge of your body. the minute details of your body. what you had for thanksgiving dinner. the white house believes that osha could tell you what to inject into your body. just the injection or you're fired. just a few months ago the white house was saying the opposite of this. vaccine mandates are illegal. >> i don't think it should be mandatory, but i would do everything in my power just like i don't think masts have to be made mandatory nationwide. >> can we mandate vaccines across the country? that is not a role that the federal government even has the power to make. >> we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. if that just not what we can do. it is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn't. >> you don't want to try to force anyone to take the vaccine paid we've never done that. we don't want to be mandated from the federal government to the general population. it would be unenforceable and not appropriate. >> tucker: these people are reckless, crazy, dishonest. after all that, of course they mandated the injection. they knew it was a legal pair they did it anyway. then the airlines started canceling flights and health care workers disappeared because politicians know more about corona than nurses? how does that work? first responders were fired. he couldn't get an ambulance. in joe biden stands up in a town hall and says they had it coming. the little people are getting uppity. this is brazen. most people are very tired of it. do you want to live in a functional country, or don't you? the question is, how are we going to survive three more years of this? it's a very good question. victor davis hanson joins us now. thank you so much for joining. if you think about if i thing that's happened in the last ten months, imagine three more years of that. this is not a partisan point, i mean it. what is this country going to look like at this pace? >> you've got to remember, it's not going to self-correct. these are all self-induced. if you would've fallen asleep and done nothing we would be so much better off by continuing the policies he inherited. this was self-inflicted and it's not going to be corrected, because as you say, he insults the people that criticize him or he laughs it off and says inflation is a -- a high-class problem. are you didn't get your treadmill and stuff. the midterm -- we have one coming up in a year. i think most people, i think i'm are sick of it and we are probably going to see a correction like 1938, 1994, 2010. that won't bring things back to normal, but it will stop the damage. i think they will probably win the senate too. then it is going to get interesting because they set the precedent that when the president loses the house, the out party can introduce impeachment. and the mp jim on very thin grounds that they might say well, wait a minute, we have the senate now, we might even have a super. we don't know what majority, but he's deliberately not following immigration law. he didn't carry out the oath of office. but then they have a problem because they look around and they say, my gosh, we don't want kamala harris and we forget that in 2,020, biden was the best of the worst. bloomberg, warren, sanders, cory booker. there wasn't any alternative. nixon survived much of 73 on the idea that someone else would've been worse. we can't really stop the presidency and the executive orders and all that and that's coming down -- so then we go down, even if republicans win the house and the senate, they have a course. and there is some hope they are, because the courts are not like they were in 2016. trump has made a lot of appointments, a lot of good judges, a lot of the things that biden has done are illegal. and finally we have public opinion. and you can see it starting to change. when you have popular culture, dave chappelle, bill marr, comments like larry summers or you see the rittenhouse jury. to get a sense that people from all walks of life are saying wait a minute, this is not politics, this is a system collapse. you can't walk up safely in the big cities. people are not following the law, they are looting stores with impunity. the district attorneys are crazy. they can't get things on the shelf. things just can't go on like this. you have that much anger and of people, i think that will affect it too. nobody wants the united states to suffer just to get rid of this crazy neo-socialist administration. but that is what is probably going to have to happen. but it's not going to be enough to bring things to normality. >> tucker: victor davis hansen, thank you. so the biden administration has been telling us that actually inflation is a good thing. and because the media will defend literally anything come of the white house says, their allies and news agencies have been repeating that message. >> you make a really good point. the product of demand has an upside, correct? >> right, to the extent that it's coming from a strong economy, a strong consumer. that is not a bad thing. >> this is the fastest recovery right now in recent memory. demand is high. wages are rising very fast. fast enough to help overcome what is the big central problem that everyone is rightly discussing right now. >> on average, we have the money to do so. savings hit a record high. >> republicans want you to believe the economy is horrible, but unemployment is not as low it's point. this of the economy isn't bad, it's just that people are mad because everything is laid, they cost a little bit more. >> tucker: why are these people talking about economics? they know nothing. policy -- some interesting comments on feminism, but economics? how bad is inflation? and who is likely to be hardest hit by it? the president of logistics -- tom, they gives much for coming. how about us is likely to get and he was going to feel it the most? >> i think all consumers are going to get hit with rising prices. what we are seeing is probably the fastest increase with rates from our asset-based vendors. we do a lot of ltl, ocean freight, air freight. prices on the international side have gone up four times. airfreight's probably 8-10 times from where things stood last year. we do a lot of less than truckload shipments, about 6,000 per day. and we have probably sustained and lasted 12 months increases between 10-20%. obviously the consumers are going to get hit. >> tucker: i keep hearing this is a good thing, but i'm struggling to find an upside to what you just said. >> me too. nobody wants to pay higher prices. but obviously, we've seen wage increases across the board. so yeah, it's going to impact everyone. from the midsection of the country to, you know, people at higher income levels to people at low income levels. >> tucker: you should get a job on cnbc. that's a lot clearer than anything i've heard recently. i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you, great to be here. >> tucker: a lot of subjective questions on politics, but here's an objective one. who's the least popular live-in politician in the world? of course the answer is kamala harris. so how exactly did she become vice president? straight ahead on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ >> tucker: so no one outside of her own neighborhood had ever heard of kamala harris before she showed up. in a few years later she became month on william's girlfriend. >> long before she met him, she dated some prominent men including former talk show host, williams. he had to introduce her to the paparazzi. >> tucker: it's interesting that that tape never played anywhere before the election. it would've been nice to know. anyway, as you know, kamala harris somehow went on to become a senator and then vice president of the united states. she accomplished all of that without any support from actual voters. we know that because there's a lot of pulling on virtually no one supporting her presidential campaign. i'm now currently she's in an approval rating of 28%. right around jeffrey dahmer is a 'sapproval rating. >> this is back when they didn't really have armrests and seat belts. so they are marching away and all of that. and then i think it was my uncle freddie, he looked down and he looked at the stroller, which was empty. [laughter] and said where is kamala? and then there's this funny story about one day -- it's much cuter when she would tell the story. but she said she would look down at me and be like kamala, what do you want? and i looked back up and i said, freedom. [laughter] >> tucker: it's just fascinated watching that how transparently false that is. everyone went along which what was alive. video host joins us now to assess kamala harris. great to see you, thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: you have watched kamala harris for years, what do you make of this? it's baffling to me. >> it is baffling because if you look at it on paper, she is a pretty successful politician. she ran for and got elected attorney general of california be denied her competition and ran and beat out a competition, and she had this disaster run out of vice president and even people in california didn't support her. the key to being a successful politician having been one for eight weeks, a couple of things, it is authenticity and likability. she is neither. and part of it is because you look at her things as -- like her record, hard on crime ag, then she got busted during the debate with kelsey kyle bird that she said she prosecuted marijuana offenders. not possession, but deal is. and then joked about marijuana on a radio program. she also bragged that she was the last person in the room when joe biden made the decision to pull out of afghanistan, which meant she pardoned that decision. and the only reason in my opinion she became vice president is because she checked all the boxes. the democrats in this woke era are no longer going to have two white males on the ticket. it's got to be at least a person of color, hopefully a person of color who was a female. so he checked all the boxes. it's proven itself to be utterly incompetent. she is even accused -- for staffers accused joe biden of being racist. she's not unwilling to pull the race card in order to defend herself. that is offended a lot of people. you played her laugh, she has this cackle that a lot of people just find off-putting. when she gets into a tough position, when she doesn't have an answer for something, when somebody corners her, she reverts to the silly laughter. and it just angers people. if i could say one more thing, it's not fixed in stone for the good news for her is that 2024 is a mile away. as you know, that's an eternity in politics. and you can change that. ronald reagan was a optimistic guy. a lot of demigods didn't feel that way until he was shot. and here he is with -- and has he's willing to the operating room he tells the doctors come i hope you guys are all republicans. eddie told nancy pelosi -- nancy reagan i forgot the dock. they said well met, he really is genuine. so it's possible to change it. given kamala harris' numbers, given our track record, given the way she is run away from her record as being tough on crime, she had the most left-wing voting record, more left wing than bernie sanders and now positioning yourself as centrist. she is perceived to be utterly inauthentic and utterly unlikable. speak i would rather have willie brown any day and i don't agree with willie brown. at least he's a real person. very nicely put. good to see you tonight. >> you too. >> tucker: joe biden went over to europe and the really embarrassed himself and the country he was supposed to be representing them. he fell asleep at the climate summit and then there were rumors of two separate -- how to put this -- bathroom incidents. one with the pope in rome and another in glasgow with the royal family. we didn't even mention them because it was too embarrassing. meanwhile back in the united states he went under his physical. we thought we would check with the great marc siegel kamara fox news medical contributed, to find out what he thinks. dr. siegel, they give for this. what do you make of the president's new checkup? are you satisfied that it's real? >> i'm not, i'm concerned. i want to give it back onto our viewers that we've never had real transparency of presidential health going back to 1919 when woodrow wilson had a stroke and office and was whispering to his wife while getting us out of world war i. and then in 1945, having had heart failure, severe heart failure when he ran for president at last. and ronald reagan, when he got shot in 1981, was -- when president trump went on camera twice, he talked to us about his covid, getting over covid. he gave us every single detail. he talked to me when i went down there about his cognitive test. he said that everybody should have a cognitive test, right? so no over the physical results, the physical exam results of president biden. at first i was overjoyed, because it's long. dr. o'connor gives a tremendous detail. but when i looked closer, i saw some things that bothered me. no cognitive exam done. not a simple asking a few questions off the president or with any patient. >> tucker: may i enter up to you. i just have to enter out. i didn't know that. is that normal that he wouldn't even include a cognitive assessment? >> it is not usual when you do that extensive in examination. it should be automatic. i don't do it on every patient that comes in with a sore throat, but with extensive physical, it should be automatic. number two is the issue of his gate, tucker. but they out say that his gait has changed. he's stiff leggett. here is what's missing there, tucker. no mri of the brain, no mri of the spines of upper or lower, no nerve conduction studies. you wonder, is it tied in with cognitive function? is there fluid on the brain? is it something with a spine? there's so many things that can cause thought that i would want to know about to leave that out altogether, very concerning. i will end by talking about something that nikki haley said. she said, seriously, everyone over the age of 70 who holds higher office should have a cognitive test. an extensive cognitive test. easy for her to say, tucker. 49 years old. tucker. >> tucker: wow. i didn't expect to hear you say all of that and it's distressing. i appreciate you doing it. dr. siegel, good to see you. >> we need more information. we need to know pair the public has a right to know. >> tucker: amen. i agree. so if you are not like the white house press secretary, gas prices matter to you. white house doesn't care. they want gas to go up because warming. gas prices are going to get even higher. we will tell you how and why and the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." aaaand welcome back to guess what it is. now sally guess what this futuristic gadget is and you'll win a very special prize. ohhhhh i need a hint. well. they're sleek, rechargeable, incredibly comfortable and virtually invisible in your ear, and they sound amazing. 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so fast across the country. america is energy independent, we used to celebrate that? not surprisingly, gas prices are reaching new records. >> what does the plan to increase oil production in america? >> [laughs] that is hilarious. i wish i had a magic wand. >> tucker: yeah, it's hilarious. they truth is, without possible fuel will come of the country falls apart. the most robust sector of our economy is eliminated. products throughout your life that you take for granted are no longer available. they are made from fossil fuels. no one in the democratic party seems aware of this. they are busy telling you that fossil fuels are racist. >> setting us up for a massive climate induced economic meltdown. it is a urgent and aggressive action at scale. to save our economy, planet, and lives. >> the only way we can curb the -- is by halting new fossil fuel projects. >> promoting and selling fossil fuels that are killing millions of people. it's a striking example of white supremacy. >> tucker: you will always have irresponsible people in their country, things start to fall apart when those people have access to things that actually matter. like your energy grid, infrastructure, justice system. you've got to keep the dumb people, the wackos you just all in that clip away from the things that actually matter. they are all over. mike taylors with combined energy services and he joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. are you worried about our energy sector? >> tucker, i don't even know where to start. we've been in business for over 54 years. i've never seen consumers put in the crimes we are now. we are seeing gasoline and diesel are up 50-60%. trading at 170% where they were a year ago. a year ago we were energy independent. now we are asking to draw more. >> tucker: i thought we were supposed to be energy independent. we stay out of those foreign wars, always having to fight because of oil or whatever. why did beast destroy it? >> tucker, you got me. day one of the near its administration they came in and shut down the pipeline and we ended drilling federal lands. that's amazing what happened immediately, you are not seen a lot of reinvestment back into the petroleum exploration. we also have the talk of that line five in upper michigan if, for any reason, that where to shop. the ramifications across the united states would be mind-blowing. this new a billion-dollar proposed methane taxpayer going to slip in with the new build back better bill, that could raise heating prices. next winter they are proposing 30%. when most of our electricity comes from natural gas, that's a bad sign. >> tucker: it's crazy. it's hard to believe that that is why we are always so grateful to speak to people with actual knowledge like people in the energy business like you. and i appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: joe biden pull down my pulled out of afghanistan in the worst possible way. some lawmakers even republicans are urging him to repeat those very mistakes and other pointless countries in which we have no national interest like ukraine. how much money does ukraine spend lobbying in washington? that might be an interesting topic. we will debate this whole question with mike turner. seemed a little -- well, we will let you judge. that's next on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ >> tucker: welcome back to a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." they are looking for a new pointless war and a new faraway country that has no connection to american interests. so they are calling for military intervention in ukraine. ukraine spends quite a bit of money lobbying in washington admits paying off. one of those members is a republican, mike turner, from ohio. we talked to him about it at some length recently. spew on the lesson of 20 years in afghanistan and the tragic and cowardly counterproductive exit is that we need more troops in ukraine? why should the average american care, sincerely. >> ukraine is a strategic import -- most of the imports you are seeing of russia being aggressive with their ships come aggressive with our planes, or in the areas of the black sea which is an important area for us and our native allies. bulgaria, greece, and turkey. we have not asked anybody to go to war with russia or send troops to russia for the purposes of going to war with russia, but it is an incredibly important that they bear providing lethal weapons, that they be providing intelligence. >> tucker: but why is it incredibly important to americans? i know from ukrainian perspective it is is incredibly important, but why it is important enough -- when by the way of my own integrity has been violated by a million foreign nationals coming in over the past ten months. i wonder why the emphasis on ukraine's and not ours. >> i think everyone has emphasis on our borders, tucker. but certainly i think -- >> tucker: have you called for american troops to our borders? >> everyone has called for american troops that is on our side, tucker. but i think what you are missing here is the fact that because the precedent has failed in afghanistan, both russia and china are looking to threatening their neighbors, including taiwan, including ukraine. countries that are important to both our allies and to the strategic importance of the areas in which they are. what we have asked for is don't be obama. you have to recall that when ukraine was invaded, obama sent -- he came to the house floor, joint sessions of congress, and begged for her lethal weapons to be able to defend his own country against russia. that is what we have said -- make certain we give them what they need. intelligence, weapons. >> tucker: why would we take -- hold on. why would you take ukraine side and not russia side? if you are looking for the american perspective. why? who's got the energy reserves? has the potential counterbalance against china? i'm totally confused. >> clearly. get out a map and see where the black sea is. greece and turkey, the entrance to the black sea, and from there you look at what the conflicts of already been in russia's area. ukraine is a democracy. russia is an authoritarian regime that is seeking to impose its will upon a wildly elected democracy and ukraine. that is why people were chasing those planes in afghanistan. we are for liberty. we are not for authoritarian regimes coming in -- russia isn't showing up on the border with ballot boxes, they are showing up on the border with tanks. and that is why we need to make certain we are on the side of democracy and give the aid necessaries we don't have another obama sending to a country that is wanting to be invaded. >> tucker: for democracy and other countries, i guess. but i'm really for america and i just think our interest is in counterbalancing the actual threat, which is china, and the only other country with any throw weight that might help us do that is russia. and our continuation of the cold war has pushed russia towards china and thought does not sever interest in any way, does it? maybe it does. >> this is not a cold war. russia has already invaded ukraine and has taken and militarized. >> tucker: i'm glad you said that. how did that hurt america exactly? i guess i'm a good thought. but i didn't know -- >> tucker: joe biden actually open the borders when he became president, actually open the borders. aliens of illegal immigrants have streamed him. now biden has a solution to the problem he created. we are going to pay the countries from with these migrants are coming to stop them from coming. hard to say it's the craziest thing we've heard this year because so much is crazy, but it's pretty crazy. the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight" continues. i will bless those who bless you it's almost hanukkah here in israel and across the former soviet union but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. as we celebrate the miracle of hanukkah she's celebrating her own miracle. the answers of prayers. we brought her the candles and the menorah to honour this holiday. i'm partnering with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". >> tucker: welcome back to the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." u.s. border patrol has but the countered more than 1.6 million illegal immigrants coming of our borders, that is our record. a lot of those people are never going to leave him there is no sign that this flood, invasion, that's what it is, is going to cease anytime soon. no american has been consulted on this, was never a vote. the country is changing completely and forever because joe biden wanted it to. he has a new plan to stop this. the united states has agreed to invest in central america to help slow immigration from central america into the united states. we have to pay -- how is that not a ransom? chip roy is a u.s. congressman and he joins us tonight. they could so much for coming on. how is this not a ransom? >> it is, tucker. every thanksgiving i make it a point to read the desolate wilderness that "the wall street journal" publishes. it's an important part of who we are as americans. we came to these lands and we established this -- we faced the wilderness. but what we do now as americans? we open our doors and allow a million people year to come into our country. how do we get things? the president of mexico said he's going to call out a republican congressman who don't vote for the amnesty the democrats passed last week giving amnesty to 7 million people. and now, they are saying that the united states should be paying countries, guatemala, honduras, mexico. we are to give $300 million earlier this year. and it's doing no good. it's doing no good because the department of homeland security secretary and president biden are willfully failing to faithfully execute the laws of the united states and they should be impeached for it. you saw the exchange between them last week where they couldn't answer any questions. and he lied, he lied about how many are being released pretty light about how many people are being -- the 400,000. it's completely incompetent. we know what is actually going on. >> tucker: of course we do. it's so degraded too. does nobody in this administration care about the country, sincerely? >> you have to recognize that this president and this secretary are at war with the people of the united states and it is our job to reclaim, take her back, and have a sovereign nation that secures the border doesn't allow our people to get abused, doesn't allow migrants to get abused, doesn't allow cartels to get rich and send money to foreign countries. let's have a strong western hemisphere and fight china and actually do it's good for the american people instead of what this president is doing. you should pass actual border security or kicked out of out of office. >> tucker: exactly. show some self-respect. my sleep but as always. great to see you. >> god bless. >> tucker: we are out of time, but we will see you every day at 8:00 p.m. you know what it is. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the special edition of "hannity." the liberal policies failing america. i'm tammy bruce and for sean and breaking tonight, new travel restrictions from eight african countries to the united states have been put into place and the speculation about a new covid variant. we will have full coverage later in the show. and also i had come of the devastating consequences of left-wing crime policies are more u

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Podcast , Freedom , Foxnewspodcast Com , Lovers , Pete , 7 , 00 , Fray , Tucker Carlson , Ocean Freight , Polling , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Faith , Joe Biden , Things , Doesn T , In The End , Hilary , Poles Weren T , Lock , Elections , Win , Reality , Relationship , Florida , Question , People , Everyone , Afghanistan , Measure , Polls , Toilet , Historical Context , At Last , Office , Disaster , Policy , Debacle , Game , Down Mycomparisons , Country , World , Fall Of Saigon , Americans , History , Civilians , Helicopters , Peasant Army , Saigon , Men , Roof , Symbol , Catastrophe , Vietnam , 60000 , Gerald Ford , Approval Rating , Numbers , The End , 39 , 40 , May 1975 , 1975 , 51 , Administration , Something , Pass , Charge , Embarrassment , Ford , John F Kennedy , Wall , Handedly , Hero , Cuba , Bay Of Pigs Invasion , Soviet Union , Fidel Castro , Thing , Anybody , Human Missile Crisis , Foreign Policy , Look , Mind , Worth , Course , Approval Numbers , Dolma , 36 , Seven , Kamala Harris , Approval Number , Points , Level , Jeffrey Dahmer , 41 , 15 , 28 , Presidency , Democrats , Pregnancy , Two , Ten , Bleep , College Students , Biden At Football Games , Chanting , Show , Standard , Matters , Focus , Decline , Living , Hope , Biden Hasn T , Interest , Gasoline , News Station , Building Supplies , Millions , Amenities , Purpose , Global Warming , One , Case , Food Prices , Chicken Wings , Effect , Gloves , Talk To Restaurant Owners , 140 , 20 , 0 , Everything , Executive Committee , Cab Legs , Oyster Bars , King , Anna Maria , Favorites , John Horan , Alaskan , Oil , Anyone , Menu , Items , 57 7 , 50 , Food , Menu Prices , Eggs , 30 , 4 7 , Inflation , Government Policy , Government Spending , Result , Wired Up , Printing , Federal Reserve , Act Of God , Amount , Obligations , 2019 , 2020 , 0 1 Trillion , 10 1 Trillion , 6 Trillion , Money , Way , Spending , Build , 10 1 , Problem , Fact , Bill , They Don T Care , Trillion , 5 Trillion , Dinner , Miss , Thanksgiving Dinner Serving Poultry Costs , Costs , Ed , 42 , 66 , 0 66 , 1 42 , Testosterone , Protein , Soy , Someone , Body , Details , Thanksgiving Dinner , Bugs , White House , Injection , Opposite , Vaccine Mandates , Osha , Power , Government , Vaccines , Role , Masts , Matter , Vaccine , Isn T , Privacy , Who , Pair , Population , Crazy , Airlines , Health Care Workers , Work , Politicians , Nurses , Flights , Corona , He Couldn T , Ambulance , Town Hall , Responders , Don T You , Three , Point , Pace , Victor Davis Hanson , Policies , Nothing , Self Induced , Treadmill , Stuff , Correction , Midterm , 1938 , 1994 , Precedent , House , Won T , Senate , Damage , 2010 , Jim On , Impeachment , Immigration Law , Grounds , Majority , Super , Oath Of Office , We Don T , Worst , Bernie Sanders , Best , Gosh , Warren , Bloomberg , Idea , Alternative , There Wasn T , Cory Booker , Nixon , 73 , Republicans , Courts , Executive Orders , 2016 , Opinion , Judges , Appointments , Trump , Dave Chappelle , Bill Marr , Popular Culture , Politics , Life , Comments , Walks , System Collapse , Sense , Larry Summers , Wait A Minute , Rittenhouse Jury , Law , District Attorneys , Looting Stores , Cities , Impunity , Shelf , Anger , Nobody , Normality , Anything , Allies , Media , Message , News Agencies , Economy , Upside , Demand , Extent , Recovery , Product , Consumer , Memory , Help , Wages , It , Record , Savings , Unemployment , Average , Economy Isn T Bad , Economics , Feminism , President , Hit , Logistics , Tom , Consumers , Most , Prices , Increase , Rates , Side , Times , Vendors , Ltl , Air Freight , Four , Shipments , 10 , 6000 , 8 , 12 , Wage Increases , Board , Impact , Levels , Midsection , On Cnbc , Questions , Politician , Answer , Least , Objective One , Special Edition , Vice President , Neighborhood , Outside , Williams , Girlfriend , William , Election , Anywhere , Paparazzi , Tape , Senator , Voters , Support , Campaign , Sapproval Rating , Armrests , Uncle Freddie , Stroller , Seat Belts , Laughter , Story , Video Host , Competition , Ran , Attorney General , Paper , Beat , California , Part , California Didn T , Authenticity , Key , Couple , Likability , Eight , Debate , Marijuana Offenders , Hard On Crime Ag , Kelsey Kyle Bird , Person , Decision , Marijuana , Possession , Room , Deal , Radio Program , Reason , Color , Boxes , Ticket , Female , Males , Racist , Order , Staffers , Race Card , Position , Somebody Corners , Cackle , Laugh , News , Stone , Eternity , 2024 , Ronald Reagan , Eddie , Doctors , Operating Room , Guy , Guys , Demigods Didn T Feel , Nancy Pelosi , Track Record , Crime , Dock , Nancy Reagan , Voting Record , Wing , Willie Brown , Bathroom Incidents , Rumors , Pope , Climate Summit , Europe , In Rome , Another , Royal Family , Glasgow , Marc Siegel Kamara , Dr , Physical , Checkup , Fox News , Woodrow Wilson , Health , Stroke , Viewers , Whispering , Transparency , Wife , World War I , 1919 , 1945 , Heart Failure , 1981 , Test , Detail , Everybody , Single , Camera , Covid , Results , Exam Results , Exam , O Connor , Patient , Examination , Assessment , Sore Throat , Issue , Gait , Gate , Stiff Leggett , Mri , Brain , Spines , Lower , Thought , Nerve Conduction Studies , Spine , Cognitive Function , Nikki Haley , Age , 70 , Cognitive Test , Wow , 49 , Gas Prices , Public , Right , Information , White House Press Secretary , Amen , Gas , Warming , Doesn T Care , Aaaand , Gadget , Prize , Ohhhhh , Ear , Rechargeable , Tock , Hint , Host , Hearing Aids , Line Hearing Aids , Ummm , Ears , Top , On Eargo 5 , Bell Dings , Eargos , Badger , Johnny , Offer , Kick , Holiday Season , Low , Financing , Black Friday , 450 , 79 49 , 9 49 , 5 , Grand Prix , Racing , Coronavirus Variant , World Health Organization , Variant , Restrictions , Virus , Concern , Wall Street , Southern Africa , Child , Threat , Dow , Victims , Fight , Durham , North Carolina , Southpoint Mall , 905 , Bullet Ricocheted , Injury , Marianne Rafferty , Energy Independent , Plan , Records , Oil Production , Magic Wand , Fossil Fuels , Fuel , Products , Truth , Sector , No One , Planet , Action , Climate , Lives , Meltdown , Scale , Example , Killing , White Supremacy , Fossil Fuel Projects , System , Energy Grid , Justice , Infrastructure , Energy Sector , Wackos , Over , Combined Energy Services , Mike Taylors , Business , 54 , Trading , Crimes , 60 , 170 , Pipeline , Day One , Whatever , Wars , Beast , Talk , Reinvestment , If , Drilling Federal Lands , Petroleum Exploration , Michigan , Five , Ramifications , Methane Taxpayer , A Billion , Sign , Heating Prices , Electricity , Natural Gas , Energy Business , Knowledge , Countries , Ukraine , Lawmakers , Mistakes , Washington , Mike Turner , Topic , Little , Cold War , Interests , Connection , Military Intervention , Money Lobbying , Bit , Members , Ohio , Troops , Care , Lesson , Length , Exit , Tragic , Russia , Areas , Planes , Imports , Area , Import , Ships , Black Sea , Greece , Purposes , Turkey , Bulgaria , Weapons , Intelligence , Perspective , Emphasis , Integrity , Enough , Nationals , A Million , Borders , China , Obama , Importance , Neighbors , Taiwan , House Floor , Joint Sessions Of Congress , Hold On , Counterbalance , Energy Reserves , Map , Entrance , Conflicts , Democracy , Regime , Will , Border , Ballot Boxes , Regimes , Tanks , Liberty , Aid , Throw Weight , Continuation , Militarized , Migrants , Immigrants , Now Biden , Solution , Aliens , Hanukkah , Ramzia , Need , Jews , Holocaust Survivor , Fnding Thousands Of Destitute , Israel , Refridgerator , Gift , Thousands , Others , Comfort , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 25 , Miracle , Holiday Gift , Smile , Candles , Answers , Holiday , Prayers , Menorah , Ministry , Volunteer , Christians , Jewish , Survival Food Box , I Will Save A Life Today , One Dollar , People Israel , U S Border Patrol , Flood , Invasion , 1 6 Million , Vote , Congressman , Ransom , Chip Roy , Immigration , Thanksgiving , Wilderness , Doors , Lands , Wall Street Journal , Amnesty , Mexico , Don T Vote , 7 Million , Secretary , Good , Department Of Homeland Security , Honduras , Guatemala , 300 Million , 00 Million , Laws , Exchange , Many , Being , 400000 , Border Doesn T , War , Job , Back , Nation , Cartels , Western Hemisphere , Border Security , Out , Sleep , God Bless , Self Respect , Travel Restrictions , Hannity , Tammy Bruce , Sean , Crime Policies , Consequences , Covid Variant , Speculation , Place , Coverage , U ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

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polling is worthless. it actually is a relative measure over time, they can provide a lot of historical context. joe biden's polls are in the toilet right now, everyone knows that. the question is, why? you will hear a lot of people will say it was afghanistan, the true debacle they oversaw in afghanistan. the question is that is it a foreign policy disaster enough to knock the president off his game in his first year in office? here are some things in down mycomparisons. the fall of saigon was the most humiliating moment in this country's history up until that time. the entire world watched as americans ran from a peasant army. the civilians dangled from helicopters taking off from the roof of the u.s. embassy in saigon. it was a catastrophe when it became an enduring symbol. the u.s. spent more than a decade in vietnam, lost close to 60,000 men, and after all that we ran away. and yet in the days after the fall of saigon, gerald ford's numbers actually went up. his approval rating increased from 39 to 40%. a month later by the end of may 1975. where it surged to 51%. so gerald ford, president ford oversaw an international embarrassment, but americans gave him a pass. they weren't done with him just yet. something very similar happened during the john f. kennedy administration. kennedy was in charge from the bay of pigs invasion which he single-handedly turned into a disaster. that disaster made fidel castro a national hero in cuba. it drove cuba even closer to the soviet union. all of this happened before the human missile crisis. this was not a good thing for anybody. and yet despite that, jfk's a up approval rating went up. so the bay of pigs happened in the first year of the kennedy administration pair the fall of saigon happened after the first year of the ford administration. americans give them a pass, even on the big things. especially in foreign policy. so with that in mind, it's worth taking a look at how joe biden's approval numbers had changed during his first year in office. of course, at seven disaster. only 36 apparent dolma percent has joe biden doing the marginally better at about 41%. down 15 points from just a few months ago. you should know that kamala harris' approval number is 28% which is right around jeffrey dahmer level. so two-thirds of americans do not want joe biden to run for president again. that includes most democrats. just ten months into biden's pregnancy del my presidency come want him gone >> it's gotten so bad that college students are mocking biden at football games. >> [bleep] joe biden! [chanting] >> [bleep] joe biden! >> tucker: so biden is deeply unpopular. the question is, why? that matters. that will be a focus over the next hour on the show. what we are witnessing under the biden administration is something americans will absolutely not forgive. the decline in her standard of living. biden hasn't just embarrassed the united states internationally, they can overlook that as they did as ford and jfk and hope for something better next time. biden has made living in this country much more difficult for millions of people. he's made it a lot harder for americans to afford basic amenities, things like building supplies and gasoline. then he showed him was no interest in fixing those. it's clear it is being done on purpose because of global warming. one local news station in florida talk to restaurant owners who have felt the effect of rising food prices. >> from chicken wings -- >> it's $140 a case versus what was $40. >> two plastic gloves -- >> have gone from $20 a case to 140 plus. and sometimes it's hard to get those. >> nearly everything costs more. john horan on the executive committee also owned anna maria oyster bars. they are keeping favorites like alaskan king cab legs off the menu. >> one of our most popular items, we can't get from anyone. >> it is way up since last year. he froze 57.7%. fat and oil nearly 50%. eggs almost 40%. and process poultry 30%. to offset that, menu prices on average are up 4.7%. >> tucker: what is this exactly? we can't get enough food? a lot of things are happening at one of them is inflation. inflation is not an act of god, it's a result of government policy appeared the federal reserve has devalued the u.s. dollar by printing too many u.s. dollars. wired up and do them? to pay for more government spending. there was a $10.1 trillion amount of spending and obligations in the fiscal year 2020. 10.1 trillion. 2019 the total was 6.6 trillion. still a lot, but very different then 10.1. the spending is of course on the way, more spending is on the way because we can spend any amount of money. biden so-called build back better bill is estimated to cost over $5 trillion. the people who are printing this money specifically know they are making the problem worse. they don't care. in fact, they are mocking you for noticing that you your standard of living has declined. ed is hard to miss -- this is real. "a thanksgiving dinner serving poultry costs $1.42. a soybean-based dinner serving the same amount of calories costs $0.66 and provides almost twice as much protein." of course, soy lowers testosterone. how did this happen? someone telling you to eat bugs to stop climate change paired not far from that at all. in a biden administration, they are suddenly in charge of your body. the minute details of your body. what you had for thanksgiving dinner. the white house believes that osha could tell you what to inject into your body. just the injection or you're fired. just a few months ago the white house was saying the opposite of this. vaccine mandates are illegal. >> i don't think it should be mandatory, but i would do everything in my power just like i don't think masts have to be made mandatory nationwide. >> can we mandate vaccines across the country? that is not a role that the federal government even has the power to make. >> we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. if that just not what we can do. it is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn't. >> you don't want to try to force anyone to take the vaccine paid we've never done that. we don't want to be mandated from the federal government to the general population. it would be unenforceable and not appropriate. >> tucker: these people are reckless, crazy, dishonest. after all that, of course they mandated the injection. they knew it was a legal pair they did it anyway. then the airlines started canceling flights and health care workers disappeared because politicians know more about corona than nurses? how does that work? first responders were fired. he couldn't get an ambulance. in joe biden stands up in a town hall and says they had it coming. the little people are getting uppity. this is brazen. most people are very tired of it. do you want to live in a functional country, or don't you? the question is, how are we going to survive three more years of this? it's a very good question. victor davis hanson joins us now. thank you so much for joining. if you think about if i thing that's happened in the last ten months, imagine three more years of that. this is not a partisan point, i mean it. what is this country going to look like at this pace? >> you've got to remember, it's not going to self-correct. these are all self-induced. if you would've fallen asleep and done nothing we would be so much better off by continuing the policies he inherited. this was self-inflicted and it's not going to be corrected, because as you say, he insults the people that criticize him or he laughs it off and says inflation is a -- a high-class problem. are you didn't get your treadmill and stuff. the midterm -- we have one coming up in a year. i think most people, i think i'm are sick of it and we are probably going to see a correction like 1938, 1994, 2010. that won't bring things back to normal, but it will stop the damage. i think they will probably win the senate too. then it is going to get interesting because they set the precedent that when the president loses the house, the out party can introduce impeachment. and the mp jim on very thin grounds that they might say well, wait a minute, we have the senate now, we might even have a super. we don't know what majority, but he's deliberately not following immigration law. he didn't carry out the oath of office. but then they have a problem because they look around and they say, my gosh, we don't want kamala harris and we forget that in 2,020, biden was the best of the worst. bloomberg, warren, sanders, cory booker. there wasn't any alternative. nixon survived much of 73 on the idea that someone else would've been worse. we can't really stop the presidency and the executive orders and all that and that's coming down -- so then we go down, even if republicans win the house and the senate, they have a course. and there is some hope they are, because the courts are not like they were in 2016. trump has made a lot of appointments, a lot of good judges, a lot of the things that biden has done are illegal. and finally we have public opinion. and you can see it starting to change. when you have popular culture, dave chappelle, bill marr, comments like larry summers or you see the rittenhouse jury. to get a sense that people from all walks of life are saying wait a minute, this is not politics, this is a system collapse. you can't walk up safely in the big cities. people are not following the law, they are looting stores with impunity. the district attorneys are crazy. they can't get things on the shelf. things just can't go on like this. you have that much anger and of people, i think that will affect it too. nobody wants the united states to suffer just to get rid of this crazy neo-socialist administration. but that is what is probably going to have to happen. but it's not going to be enough to bring things to normality. >> tucker: victor davis hansen, thank you. so the biden administration has been telling us that actually inflation is a good thing. and because the media will defend literally anything come of the white house says, their allies and news agencies have been repeating that message. >> you make a really good point. the product of demand has an upside, correct? >> right, to the extent that it's coming from a strong economy, a strong consumer. that is not a bad thing. >> this is the fastest recovery right now in recent memory. demand is high. wages are rising very fast. fast enough to help overcome what is the big central problem that everyone is rightly discussing right now. >> on average, we have the money to do so. savings hit a record high. >> republicans want you to believe the economy is horrible, but unemployment is not as low it's point. this of the economy isn't bad, it's just that people are mad because everything is laid, they cost a little bit more. >> tucker: why are these people talking about economics? they know nothing. policy -- some interesting comments on feminism, but economics? how bad is inflation? and who is likely to be hardest hit by it? the president of logistics -- tom, they gives much for coming. how about us is likely to get and he was going to feel it the most? >> i think all consumers are going to get hit with rising prices. what we are seeing is probably the fastest increase with rates from our asset-based vendors. we do a lot of ltl, ocean freight, air freight. prices on the international side have gone up four times. airfreight's probably 8-10 times from where things stood last year. we do a lot of less than truckload shipments, about 6,000 per day. and we have probably sustained and lasted 12 months increases between 10-20%. obviously the consumers are going to get hit. >> tucker: i keep hearing this is a good thing, but i'm struggling to find an upside to what you just said. >> me too. nobody wants to pay higher prices. but obviously, we've seen wage increases across the board. so yeah, it's going to impact everyone. from the midsection of the country to, you know, people at higher income levels to people at low income levels. >> tucker: you should get a job on cnbc. that's a lot clearer than anything i've heard recently. i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you, great to be here. >> tucker: a lot of subjective questions on politics, but here's an objective one. who's the least popular live-in politician in the world? of course the answer is kamala harris. so how exactly did she become vice president? straight ahead on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ >> tucker: so no one outside of her own neighborhood had ever heard of kamala harris before she showed up. in a few years later she became month on william's girlfriend. >> long before she met him, she dated some prominent men including former talk show host, williams. he had to introduce her to the paparazzi. >> tucker: it's interesting that that tape never played anywhere before the election. it would've been nice to know. anyway, as you know, kamala harris somehow went on to become a senator and then vice president of the united states. she accomplished all of that without any support from actual voters. we know that because there's a lot of pulling on virtually no one supporting her presidential campaign. i'm now currently she's in an approval rating of 28%. right around jeffrey dahmer is a 'sapproval rating. >> this is back when they didn't really have armrests and seat belts. so they are marching away and all of that. and then i think it was my uncle freddie, he looked down and he looked at the stroller, which was empty. [laughter] and said where is kamala? and then there's this funny story about one day -- it's much cuter when she would tell the story. but she said she would look down at me and be like kamala, what do you want? and i looked back up and i said, freedom. [laughter] >> tucker: it's just fascinated watching that how transparently false that is. everyone went along which what was alive. video host joins us now to assess kamala harris. great to see you, thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: you have watched kamala harris for years, what do you make of this? it's baffling to me. >> it is baffling because if you look at it on paper, she is a pretty successful politician. she ran for and got elected attorney general of california be denied her competition and ran and beat out a competition, and she had this disaster run out of vice president and even people in california didn't support her. the key to being a successful politician having been one for eight weeks, a couple of things, it is authenticity and likability. she is neither. and part of it is because you look at her things as -- like her record, hard on crime ag, then she got busted during the debate with kelsey kyle bird that she said she prosecuted marijuana offenders. not possession, but deal is. and then joked about marijuana on a radio program. she also bragged that she was the last person in the room when joe biden made the decision to pull out of afghanistan, which meant she pardoned that decision. and the only reason in my opinion she became vice president is because she checked all the boxes. the democrats in this woke era are no longer going to have two white males on the ticket. it's got to be at least a person of color, hopefully a person of color who was a female. so he checked all the boxes. it's proven itself to be utterly incompetent. she is even accused -- for staffers accused joe biden of being racist. she's not unwilling to pull the race card in order to defend herself. that is offended a lot of people. you played her laugh, she has this cackle that a lot of people just find off-putting. when she gets into a tough position, when she doesn't have an answer for something, when somebody corners her, she reverts to the silly laughter. and it just angers people. if i could say one more thing, it's not fixed in stone for the good news for her is that 2024 is a mile away. as you know, that's an eternity in politics. and you can change that. ronald reagan was a optimistic guy. a lot of demigods didn't feel that way until he was shot. and here he is with -- and has he's willing to the operating room he tells the doctors come i hope you guys are all republicans. eddie told nancy pelosi -- nancy reagan i forgot the dock. they said well met, he really is genuine. so it's possible to change it. given kamala harris' numbers, given our track record, given the way she is run away from her record as being tough on crime, she had the most left-wing voting record, more left wing than bernie sanders and now positioning yourself as centrist. she is perceived to be utterly inauthentic and utterly unlikable. speak i would rather have willie brown any day and i don't agree with willie brown. at least he's a real person. very nicely put. good to see you tonight. >> you too. >> tucker: joe biden went over to europe and the really embarrassed himself and the country he was supposed to be representing them. he fell asleep at the climate summit and then there were rumors of two separate -- how to put this -- bathroom incidents. one with the pope in rome and another in glasgow with the royal family. we didn't even mention them because it was too embarrassing. meanwhile back in the united states he went under his physical. we thought we would check with the great marc siegel kamara fox news medical contributed, to find out what he thinks. dr. siegel, they give for this. what do you make of the president's new checkup? are you satisfied that it's real? >> i'm not, i'm concerned. i want to give it back onto our viewers that we've never had real transparency of presidential health going back to 1919 when woodrow wilson had a stroke and office and was whispering to his wife while getting us out of world war i. and then in 1945, having had heart failure, severe heart failure when he ran for president at last. and ronald reagan, when he got shot in 1981, was -- when president trump went on camera twice, he talked to us about his covid, getting over covid. he gave us every single detail. he talked to me when i went down there about his cognitive test. he said that everybody should have a cognitive test, right? so no over the physical results, the physical exam results of president biden. at first i was overjoyed, because it's long. dr. o'connor gives a tremendous detail. but when i looked closer, i saw some things that bothered me. no cognitive exam done. not a simple asking a few questions off the president or with any patient. >> tucker: may i enter up to you. i just have to enter out. i didn't know that. is that normal that he wouldn't even include a cognitive assessment? >> it is not usual when you do that extensive in examination. it should be automatic. i don't do it on every patient that comes in with a sore throat, but with extensive physical, it should be automatic. number two is the issue of his gate, tucker. but they out say that his gait has changed. he's stiff leggett. here is what's missing there, tucker. no mri of the brain, no mri of the spines of upper or lower, no nerve conduction studies. you wonder, is it tied in with cognitive function? is there fluid on the brain? is it something with a spine? there's so many things that can cause thought that i would want to know about to leave that out altogether, very concerning. i will end by talking about something that nikki haley said. she said, seriously, everyone over the age of 70 who holds higher office should have a cognitive test. an extensive cognitive test. easy for her to say, tucker. 49 years old. tucker. >> tucker: wow. i didn't expect to hear you say all of that and it's distressing. i appreciate you doing it. dr. siegel, good to see you. >> we need more information. we need to know pair the public has a right to know. >> tucker: amen. i agree. so if you are not like the white house press secretary, gas prices matter to you. white house doesn't care. they want gas to go up because warming. gas prices are going to get even higher. we will tell you how and why and the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." aaaand welcome back to guess what it is. now sally guess what this futuristic gadget is and you'll win a very special prize. ohhhhh i need a hint. well. they're sleek, rechargeable, incredibly comfortable and virtually invisible in your ear, and they sound amazing. (tick tock tick tock) ummm, hearing aids you are.... correct (bell dings) these top of the line hearing aids from eargo are straight out of the future. they're rechargeable and virtually invisible in your ears host: convenient. right? do i win them? johnny, tell her what she won. johnny: it's a decorative badger but i want the eargos you can't have them. these eargos are mine. we'll be back right after this. kick off the holiday season with big savings. this black friday save $450 on eargo 5. limited time offer. call or go online now and get eargo 5 with financing as low as $79.49 a month. ♪ ♪ speak of the world is racing to contain the new coronavirus variant, grand prix of the world health organization classifying it as "a highly transmissible virus of concern." the new variant was discovered in southern africa. the u.s. is waiting until monday to adopt similar restrictions. wall street reacting to the new threat with the dow having its worst day of the year closing down 905 points. scary moments for black friday shoppers in durham, north carolina. three people shot and wounded during a fight at southpoint mall. one of the victims, 10-year-old child was hit when a bullet ricocheted. thankfully the child did not sustain life-threatening injury. i marianne rafferty, no back to tucker carlson tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: why are gas prices going up? so fast across the country. america is energy independent, we used to celebrate that? not surprisingly, gas prices are reaching new records. >> what does the plan to increase oil production in america? >> [laughs] that is hilarious. i wish i had a magic wand. >> tucker: yeah, it's hilarious. they truth is, without possible fuel will come of the country falls apart. the most robust sector of our economy is eliminated. products throughout your life that you take for granted are no longer available. they are made from fossil fuels. no one in the democratic party seems aware of this. they are busy telling you that fossil fuels are racist. >> setting us up for a massive climate induced economic meltdown. it is a urgent and aggressive action at scale. to save our economy, planet, and lives. >> the only way we can curb the -- is by halting new fossil fuel projects. >> promoting and selling fossil fuels that are killing millions of people. it's a striking example of white supremacy. >> tucker: you will always have irresponsible people in their country, things start to fall apart when those people have access to things that actually matter. like your energy grid, infrastructure, justice system. you've got to keep the dumb people, the wackos you just all in that clip away from the things that actually matter. they are all over. mike taylors with combined energy services and he joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. are you worried about our energy sector? >> tucker, i don't even know where to start. we've been in business for over 54 years. i've never seen consumers put in the crimes we are now. we are seeing gasoline and diesel are up 50-60%. trading at 170% where they were a year ago. a year ago we were energy independent. now we are asking to draw more. >> tucker: i thought we were supposed to be energy independent. we stay out of those foreign wars, always having to fight because of oil or whatever. why did beast destroy it? >> tucker, you got me. day one of the near its administration they came in and shut down the pipeline and we ended drilling federal lands. that's amazing what happened immediately, you are not seen a lot of reinvestment back into the petroleum exploration. we also have the talk of that line five in upper michigan if, for any reason, that where to shop. the ramifications across the united states would be mind-blowing. this new a billion-dollar proposed methane taxpayer going to slip in with the new build back better bill, that could raise heating prices. next winter they are proposing 30%. when most of our electricity comes from natural gas, that's a bad sign. >> tucker: it's crazy. it's hard to believe that that is why we are always so grateful to speak to people with actual knowledge like people in the energy business like you. and i appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: joe biden pull down my pulled out of afghanistan in the worst possible way. some lawmakers even republicans are urging him to repeat those very mistakes and other pointless countries in which we have no national interest like ukraine. how much money does ukraine spend lobbying in washington? that might be an interesting topic. we will debate this whole question with mike turner. seemed a little -- well, we will let you judge. that's next on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ >> tucker: welcome back to a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." they are looking for a new pointless war and a new faraway country that has no connection to american interests. so they are calling for military intervention in ukraine. ukraine spends quite a bit of money lobbying in washington admits paying off. one of those members is a republican, mike turner, from ohio. we talked to him about it at some length recently. spew on the lesson of 20 years in afghanistan and the tragic and cowardly counterproductive exit is that we need more troops in ukraine? why should the average american care, sincerely. >> ukraine is a strategic import -- most of the imports you are seeing of russia being aggressive with their ships come aggressive with our planes, or in the areas of the black sea which is an important area for us and our native allies. bulgaria, greece, and turkey. we have not asked anybody to go to war with russia or send troops to russia for the purposes of going to war with russia, but it is an incredibly important that they bear providing lethal weapons, that they be providing intelligence. >> tucker: but why is it incredibly important to americans? i know from ukrainian perspective it is is incredibly important, but why it is important enough -- when by the way of my own integrity has been violated by a million foreign nationals coming in over the past ten months. i wonder why the emphasis on ukraine's and not ours. >> i think everyone has emphasis on our borders, tucker. but certainly i think -- >> tucker: have you called for american troops to our borders? >> everyone has called for american troops that is on our side, tucker. but i think what you are missing here is the fact that because the precedent has failed in afghanistan, both russia and china are looking to threatening their neighbors, including taiwan, including ukraine. countries that are important to both our allies and to the strategic importance of the areas in which they are. what we have asked for is don't be obama. you have to recall that when ukraine was invaded, obama sent -- he came to the house floor, joint sessions of congress, and begged for her lethal weapons to be able to defend his own country against russia. that is what we have said -- make certain we give them what they need. intelligence, weapons. >> tucker: why would we take -- hold on. why would you take ukraine side and not russia side? if you are looking for the american perspective. why? who's got the energy reserves? has the potential counterbalance against china? i'm totally confused. >> clearly. get out a map and see where the black sea is. greece and turkey, the entrance to the black sea, and from there you look at what the conflicts of already been in russia's area. ukraine is a democracy. russia is an authoritarian regime that is seeking to impose its will upon a wildly elected democracy and ukraine. that is why people were chasing those planes in afghanistan. we are for liberty. we are not for authoritarian regimes coming in -- russia isn't showing up on the border with ballot boxes, they are showing up on the border with tanks. and that is why we need to make certain we are on the side of democracy and give the aid necessaries we don't have another obama sending to a country that is wanting to be invaded. >> tucker: for democracy and other countries, i guess. but i'm really for america and i just think our interest is in counterbalancing the actual threat, which is china, and the only other country with any throw weight that might help us do that is russia. and our continuation of the cold war has pushed russia towards china and thought does not sever interest in any way, does it? maybe it does. >> this is not a cold war. russia has already invaded ukraine and has taken and militarized. >> tucker: i'm glad you said that. how did that hurt america exactly? i guess i'm a good thought. but i didn't know -- >> tucker: joe biden actually open the borders when he became president, actually open the borders. aliens of illegal immigrants have streamed him. now biden has a solution to the problem he created. we are going to pay the countries from with these migrants are coming to stop them from coming. hard to say it's the craziest thing we've heard this year because so much is crazy, but it's pretty crazy. the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight" continues. i will bless those who bless you it's almost hanukkah here in israel and across the former soviet union but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. as we celebrate the miracle of hanukkah she's celebrating her own miracle. the answers of prayers. we brought her the candles and the menorah to honour this holiday. i'm partnering with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". >> tucker: welcome back to the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." u.s. border patrol has but the countered more than 1.6 million illegal immigrants coming of our borders, that is our record. a lot of those people are never going to leave him there is no sign that this flood, invasion, that's what it is, is going to cease anytime soon. no american has been consulted on this, was never a vote. the country is changing completely and forever because joe biden wanted it to. he has a new plan to stop this. the united states has agreed to invest in central america to help slow immigration from central america into the united states. we have to pay -- how is that not a ransom? chip roy is a u.s. congressman and he joins us tonight. they could so much for coming on. how is this not a ransom? >> it is, tucker. every thanksgiving i make it a point to read the desolate wilderness that "the wall street journal" publishes. it's an important part of who we are as americans. we came to these lands and we established this -- we faced the wilderness. but what we do now as americans? we open our doors and allow a million people year to come into our country. how do we get things? the president of mexico said he's going to call out a republican congressman who don't vote for the amnesty the democrats passed last week giving amnesty to 7 million people. and now, they are saying that the united states should be paying countries, guatemala, honduras, mexico. we are to give $300 million earlier this year. and it's doing no good. it's doing no good because the department of homeland security secretary and president biden are willfully failing to faithfully execute the laws of the united states and they should be impeached for it. you saw the exchange between them last week where they couldn't answer any questions. and he lied, he lied about how many are being released pretty light about how many people are being -- the 400,000. it's completely incompetent. we know what is actually going on. >> tucker: of course we do. it's so degraded too. does nobody in this administration care about the country, sincerely? >> you have to recognize that this president and this secretary are at war with the people of the united states and it is our job to reclaim, take her back, and have a sovereign nation that secures the border doesn't allow our people to get abused, doesn't allow migrants to get abused, doesn't allow cartels to get rich and send money to foreign countries. let's have a strong western hemisphere and fight china and actually do it's good for the american people instead of what this president is doing. you should pass actual border security or kicked out of out of office. >> tucker: exactly. show some self-respect. my sleep but as always. great to see you. >> god bless. >> tucker: we are out of time, but we will see you every day at 8:00 p.m. you know what it is. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the special edition of "hannity." the liberal policies failing america. i'm tammy bruce and for sean and breaking tonight, new travel restrictions from eight african countries to the united states have been put into place and the speculation about a new covid variant. we will have full coverage later in the show. and also i had come of the devastating consequences of left-wing crime policies are more u

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