Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

san francisco and we've been reporting with fox & friends, this past weekend mobs of thieves ransacked shops. law enforcement calling these raids organize. p you think so? in a single 24 hours to me of a mob of looters targeting a louis vuitton high-end store. as many as 80 looters and ski masks rated a nordstrom. it asnesses described something out of a movie. that's what i think. in oakland, about 70 miles away, the, same. marijuana dispensaries and other stores. car break-ins are on the rise as well. break-ins are up 753%. the hoover institute recently noted, san francisco is now more dangerous than 98% of the u.s. cities. compton, california. a city famous for drug wars and gang wars. it's almost twice as safe as san francisco. most all of this increase in crime can be traced back to proposition 47. that's a referendum that was passed back in 2014 in it was backed by california elites like the netflix ceo and sean parker as well as george soros' open society foundation. it was called the safe neighborhoods and schools act. proposition 47 to the opposite. it reclassified certain theft and drugpr possessions is a misdemeanor if the dollar allotted to $950. that's where this all started. previously any theft or drug possession overs $400 was a felony. in other words, crimes were once felonies and punishable by up to three years in prison are now simple misdemeanors. law enforcement may not even bother investigating or prosecuting, often won't even bring charges. those who charge are basically facing a maximum six months in jail with that. san francisco police lieutenant explained it this way. "if you steal below $950, you get a citation and you can walk away. if you don't show up in court, guess what. maybe you get a bench warrant or maybe they even toss it out before it gets to that point." in some ways he doesn't even seem to make any sense to call shoplifting shoplifting. this isn't one person going to a story and concealing goods in their pockets or bags. these are organized mobs. look at this video i'm sharing this screen. they're not trying to hide anything.. nearly a hundred people join the mob just this past weekend in san francisco at a high-end shopping district. look at this. >> the sounds and sights of union square are not as pretty today as they usually are. here's what's left behind. windows are boarded up. at louis vuitton. crews replacing the entire door at yves st. laurent. windows are shattered at burberry. wooden boards covered the window at hermes. a witness capture the moment people tried to break in. >> when i passed by hermes, there was a group of people. about a hundred people. after i passed, they tried to get into hermes. >> brian: it's insanity. theft is so bad in san francisco that over the last few years walgreens stores, the retail pharmacy spends 35 times more insecurity than you do anywhere else. >> walgreens saying it's closing more than 20 stores, five in san francisco, because of thisis rampant problem. what's being called organized retail crime. the company pulling the plug on these locations saying it made the decision only after having increased the investments and security measures and stores across the city to 46 times oury chain average in an effort to provide a safe environment. drugstore items ending up in impromptu markets like this in san francisco. >> brian: it's surreal. stores security wouldn't intervene to stop shoplifters. i don't think they can. would they? if they do decide to jump in, why would they want to get killed over this? a mob of thieves in oakland firing a hundred and 75 shots as they stole from different businesses. the gunfire force the police to retreat to safe areas. the cops are pushed back. you can see footage of the shoplifters raiding a wellspring pharmacy on your screen. you would think elected officials in san francisco would be interested in solving this problem. but if you asked them, there's no problem. san francisco mayor london breed, real name, said walgreens was exaggerating about having to close because all the theft. >> you know, they've made their decision. we tried to work with them in order to ensure that we are covered in terms of having pharmacies all across the city. this impacts a lot of our neighborhood. i wouldn't go as far as to say they can't do business. they still have a lot of stories. everywhere you look, almost every corner you'll see walgreens and some of these stores are not just closing because of retail theft. they are closing because they're not necessarily bringing in the sales that they once did. so i don't want to attribute that completely to just retail theft. >> brian: i would. meanwhile san francisco's radical district attorney chesa boudin who used to be a translator for hugo chavez wants san francisco to show compassion for shoplifters. he recently explained that jailing shoplifters would expose them to poor living conditions in jail. >> there are people who are going to take those packages. it's going to happen. it's a crime. we're going to prosecute it. but we want to do it in a way that's compassionate, that's humane, that understands the root causes of that crime. if we put someone in jail for stealing a package off my front steps for the maximum, it's usually going to be six months, put them right back on the streets, we have cost the city a lot of money. we have exposed someone to the sexual assault that occurs in jails, contagious diseases transmitted in jails. >> brian: what idiocy. now that it's more than just pharmacies, thatil are being loaded, chesa boudin is outraged about what happened over the weekend. in a tweet which o is the best y to attack an issue, he threatened looters to not quite bring that noise to our city.hi and that felony charges would but boudin has been the district attorney for two years and he's done nothing about crime skyrocketing which is why he's facing a recall election next year. this is happening in democrat-controlled cities all across the country. looting is so common in new york city where i am, now that all sorts of everyday items like shampoohe and deodorant, ty are locked up in pharmacies. you've got to ask permission for the persono to go over and open up to get a bottle of prell. "the new york post" reported last month that there are empty shells in drugstores because the city, it's the victim of shoplifters. shoplifters walk in, they grab what they want, they are not even arrested. meanwhile just days after a career criminal named darrell brooks jr. drove through a parade and killed six people in a celebration of the holiday season over in wisconsin. the white house is defending ith effort to end cash bail. no cash bail, soft on crime policies. people like darrell brooks repeatedly commit crimes to get released on the streets and kill us. brooks has already been posted bail twice this year for 500 and $1,000. days before he ran through a parade, brooks had been released on the thousand dollar bail after getting arrested. all he did was punch his girlfriend and runr over her. this is what happens when you make it easier for criminals to commit crimes and there is no retribution. heather, this is the most predictable catastrophe i've heard about in a long time but it doesn't make it easier to watch and talk about. >> brian, we are witnessing the disintegration ofh civilization right before her eyes. when massive numbers of individuals know that they can rampage through stores, plundering and looting, confident in their immunity from the law, there's nothing left of the civilized order, the protection of property is the cornerstone of a stable, prosperous merchants have to know they can put their goods into the stream of commerce without being robbed blind.d. the common thread in the shameful looting, in the waukesha christmas parade murderers, and an rising gun violence is a concept of disparate impact unless that concept iss explicitly refuted and rejected, there is no way we're going to get a handle on this rise in crime. the reason that felony laws are not being -- felony theft laws are not being enforced the reason darrell brooks was put back on the street despite an active warrant and a 50 page rap sheet is because in forcing laws or enforcing bail, requiring bail has a disparate impact on blacks. look at the video. law enforcement has a disparate impact on blacks not because it's racist because the black crime rate is so high. but when you stop enforcing the law in order to avoid disparate impact, it's blacks who are hurt the most. >> brian: what you're saying, real quick, what you're saying is if you look at the stats, raw numbers, more blacks are committing crimes than other minority groups, than whites. that's why the arrests are greater and that's why there are more in jail, is that what you're saying? >> absolutely. the law enforcement is a function of criminality. it's not driven by racism. blacks die of homicide that 13 times the rate of whites. that's because they are committing homicide at 13 times the rate of whites. in newla york city where we are now, brian, blacks commit about 75% of all shootings. according to the victim of an witnesses to the shootings who are minorities themselves, overwhelmingly, even though they are 23%ve of the population. whites commit less than 2% of all shootings. 34% of the population. the solution here is not to stop enforcing the law. that means more mayhem, more deaths. the solution is to tackle, despite what chesa boudin thinks is the root cause of crime, he would say poverty and racism, the root cause of inner-city crime is family breakdown. as long as that problem goes unaddressed, our only solution is to enforce the law in a color-blind, just fashion. >> brian: when you steamroll children at a holiday parade on a sunday y afternoon, you no longer need to see a pie chart or a bar graph to know in wisconsin. american is out of control. when they half to share the top story withhph this choreographed looting, you know america is out of control. it's not because we are running out of food or money. it's not a catastrophe. it's a self-inflicted wound put forward by people who i believe want the story in the country. i think it is time for average americans, not politicians to rise up to say they're not going to take it. heather, you are all over this and i thank you. thanks for leading off the show. we just told you about san francisco's radical d.a., eahis name is chesa boudin. voters have gathered enough petitions to force them to a recall election. it willre happen next year. richie greenberg is a san francisco political commentator joins us. what drovet voters to this poin? didn't they know what they were getting? >> first of all, thank you for having me here today. he saw a charismatic person and when he was campaigning back in 2019, a lot of voters actually believed what he was saying. they believe that he was going to make a difference. they believed that he was going to tweak the system, tweak the criminal justice system using this concept of restorative justice which after he was elected, and by the way he was not electeded with a huge margi. but once he was elected, the first thing he did is he fired seven of our city's most experienced prosecutors and all the red flags went up seveimmediately. >> brian: richie, this guy has got an interesting back story. his parents are incarcerated. this guy has got an agenda. he is still trying to leveraget andrew cuomo to get his father out of jail. so with that big heart of his, he's emptying and not arresting anybody, not arresting anyone. emptying jails. even liberals are fed up with him. even progressives are saying this guy has gone too far. >> yeah, that's right. when all the recall signature gatherers on the recall petition had beenll circulating over the past month, there were a lot of angry left-wing people. a lot of angry progressives who said this is not what i signed up for. they signed a petition and they would get their friends to sign and they said if i could sign 100 times, i would sign. they did not want this. they did not sign up for chesa boudin in this manner? >> brian: what's going to be the difference between this recall and gavin newsom's recall. we heard he was going to hit the he didn't. >> so you know, gavin does have very popular opinion. he is a big fan base here in san francisco. that is why when all of the votes were tallied, his recall was rejected soundly here in the city. but for chesa boudin, he's not very well-liked person here anymore. i believe he's going to be very, very surprised when in june of 2022, june seventh, it's election day, his recall that he earned this recall. he's going to be defeated in a landslide. >> brian: nancy pelosi, who is overseeing this chaos, and homelessness, she is looking to move to naples, florida. isn't that nice? ruin that city and moved to another one that the governor straightened out. once he goes, i hope boston, philadelphia, st.s louis follow suit and they start getting control of crime in this country. thanks, richie greenberg. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me here. >> brian: from the day kyle rittenhouse shot three men who attacked him in self-defense, the media described his attackers as victims and heroes, even as the facts began to emerge detailing the extent of their criminal history. they nearly tried to kill kyle. tucker asked kyle about the media coverage on the trial. here's the brand-new part of that exclusive interview. watch. >> gaige grosskreutz stuck a loaded gun in your face. he's never been charged for that. >> he hasn't. i told him i was going to the police and he pointed a gun at my head. from what i remember, time slowed down, i remember staring down the barrel of a pistol again i'm about to die. he hasn't been charged with a single crime. what's really disturbing is that his dui case was dropped right before myas trial. so my attorneys attorneys couldn't ask him about it. that's my a belief. his open dui case for driving under the influence was closed a week before my trial. >> does it surprise you do seem described as a hero? >> i don't see him -- in my opinion, there's no winners in this case, no heroes in this case. i defendeds myself. i was attacked. i think it's actually quite sickening how mr. huber and mr. grosskreutz are described as heroes when it's on video that they attempted to murder me in the middle of the street. >> what's that message that you think the media are sending by describing them as heroes? >> the message that i get from it is that they are saying you can go out and riot and attack anybody and you will have the support from the media and the politicians to do whatever you want and kill innocent people and if you defend yourself -- if they defend yourself your name hero. that is the message i believe is being spread. >> that's scary. do you have any idea, where you are interested in before this? >> i'm going to get a lot of hate for this but i was a pretty big andrew yang supporter. >> [laughs] were you? you are part of the yang gang? >> i was part of the yang gang. he's a good dude. i wasn't into politics. i didn't know much about trump. i didn't know much about biden. i went to a trump rally because trump supports the police. he's a businessman. that's what i liked about trump. i didn't know much about i was just a 17-year-old kid. >> but you liked andrew yang. >> i liked andrew yang. i likedou his policy little bit. >> he's very smart, interesting guy. has this changed your politics? >> i don't know. i've been trying to stay out of politics lately. no matter what direction i'm going to go, there is going to be people who don't support me no matter what. i think it's just in my best interest to avoid politics. i'm not a political person. i'm just a person who was attacked and defended myself. >> brian: wow. that didn't make the original cut. that was fascinating. talking about malice, his lawyers selling him down the river, leaving them in prison, not bein able to shower. response to the interview. that story is next. don't move. ♪ ♪ don't move. ♪ ♪>> brian: kyle rittenhouse lamp joe biden, president ♪ ♪ >> brian: kyle rittenhouse lamp joee biden, president of te united states, for smearing him as a white supremacist. that happened earlier this week. here's how it sounded. >> tucker: what did you make of the president of the united states call you a white supremacist? >> mr. president, if i could say one thing to you, i would urge you to go back and watch the trial. and understand the facts before you make a statement. >> tucker: that's not a small thing to be called that. >> no. it's actual malice, defending my character for him to say something like that. >> brian: i thought that was his finest moment. didn't get mad, didn't yell. he said: watch the tape. jesse kelly is a host of the jesse kelly show. jesse, i want to get you to react to what kyle just said. first from the previous segment, if anyone missed it, one of the things that stood out that kyle rittenhouse had i'm not really political but i'm an andrew yang tguy. did that surprise you? >> it surprised me a lot. it surprise me that he knew andrew yang was. not like he's a mega national i know you know who he is. for someone who's not political to even back andrew yang. what strikes me about him honestly is how grown-up he is for 18 years old. i'm not proud of this but it 18 years old, i was an idiot. i definitely wasn't going to other towns to clean up graffiti.ou i am pretty sure when i was 18 years old, me and my buddies got together and took turns teasing each other. that's what 18-year-olds are normally like. i don't know who raised this kid but they are doing a good job. >> brian: walks across the street, helps older people, ranks their lawn. he feels he wants to jump into the fray to help. this the first time it ended up blowing up. i'm sure he regrets the entire incident. let's go over to what he said. he has a chance to open up about the president. he said i encourage you to watch the tape. think about it again. the white house hasn't shown that maturity. they haven't walked anything back.y. they pointed out that he was in a picture with a member of the proud boys.av instead of calling him a white supremacist. >> kyle is more mature than anyone who runs this country that includes joe biden. it's hard for us to accept it because we don't like him but we at least think is going to be people interested in helping the country. we have a bunch of children who run the country. joe biden is a child. these people, they have the emotional maturity of an 8-year-old. in the u.s. politician, especially one with the huge national stage, to call someone who wasn't even on trial yet at a white supremacist. like tucker pointed out, that's a big deal. it's not a good thing to be a white supremacist. if you're going to let me that charging and but you better be sure of it but it shows the idiots we have will run this country and that's so scary. our government is as reliable as mexican tapwater. >> brian: he called out the fbi, his former attorneys who sold him down the river. he has not been treated well. he has come out it seems to me at a much better person. jesse kelly, thanks so much. best of luck with your show and your >> good, brother. >> brian: extensive behind the scenes access to kyle rittenhouse and his family during the trial. it would be a focus of a new episode of tucker carlson originals called "the trial of kyle." you can watch it in december only onus fox nation. james golden, he spent 30 years working alongside the legend, the late rush limbaugh. here's here with tucker next entering the breaking and had to like the rest of america to check out my tour dates. far too many, way too many weekends. hope to see you in person. we my are heading across the country. tickets are available on fox nation. in the next day in clearwater. hope to see you, texas, tulsa and everywhere else. don't move.da >> brian: welcome back. for years, the left has been pushing for electric cars to help fight climate change but now that's not enough. we need to get rid of cars completely. fox's kevin . corke walked to work today because he wants to abide by everybody's t wishes. kevin, what are we going to do about cars? >> i tell you what, this is really crazy. it's increasingly clear say critics of the high fuel and energy costs currently sweeping the nation are not, repeat or not, purely market-driven. rather, they argue, it is the biden administration that's driving consumer pain at the pump. they made it abundantly clear in both word and deed that one of their primary interests is a fundamental transmission of our relationship with traditional energy, including fossil fuels.r if you thought that was the end game, it may surprise you to learn that at least for some t progressives, the true long-term goal is to alter personal mobility. under the guise of combating climate change and pollution. that means moving to an electric car future for them simply won't be enough. >> i think it's safe to say thal our old patterns of life, the 9 to 5 monday through friday commuting patterns are not going to be exactly the same. >> how might that change what you're staffed us? >> what about bikes, scooters, wheelchairs for that matter? >> those are things you plan him pay more attention to? >> roads aren't only for vehicles.n we have to make sure pedestrians, individuals, bicyclists, businesses can coexist on the same roadway.ri >> questions to their transportation secretary. this headline from a piece in business insider says it all. the authors citing an international transport federation which argues the need to double public transportation by 2030. that's just around the corner. may say the goal should be to make public transportation available within a ten minute walk of people's homes which might sound like a worthy someone who has never left the subway ready, congested confines of washington, d.c. but in the real world where folks commute to work for an hour and sometimes even more or maybe even live in a rural area, the very goal of trying to rest a personal vehicle from the american consumer is an absolute nonstarter. proponents argue more transit means more jobs and less pollution but for many folks are already feeling pushed toward an electric vehicle future thanks to soaring gas prices, thisnt latest effort might seem like government social engineering which is for many americans unwarranted and frankly unwanted. brian. >> brian: kevin, i spent an hour setting up my presets for my car and i've got to get rid of it and get a scooter or, according to the secretary, wheelchair..ri a kevin, i'm seeing the brand-new ander, seeing the tie thinking, you didn't dress for me. you dressed to host for shannon tonight. >> i did and i will see you at midnight eastern. i know you'll be busy but i know you'll check-in. >> brian: of course. i will be on the train because i'm not allowed to be in the car. thanks, kevin. meanwhile, james golden spent 30 years working alongside the legendary rush limbaugh. you probably know him as bo snerdley. he sat down with tucker for a brand-new episode of "tucker carlson today" for hisd- brand-new book called "rush on the radio," attribute from his sidekick for 30 years. if you don't cry watching this, there's something wrong with you. here's part of that conversation. ♪ ♪ >> i was on the phone with some creditors. i forgot they were trying to take back. [laughter] >> tucker: personal creditors? >> yeah, like we are coming for your car or your couch. i guess i'm talking a little bit too loud and i didn't know rush overheard me. i got done with the call. hey, james, can you come to my office. close that door. close the door. rush says listen, i don't mean to pry. i heard you on the phone. is everything okay? yeah. p he said no, seriously. is everything okay? you know, i'm having a little -- how much do you owe? about $5,000.g he says oh, man. don't sweat it. every thing's going to be cool. every thing's going to work out. so i get to work the next day. i want you to keep in mind this was before rush limbaugh signed any big syndicated deals, before rush limbaugh the multimillionaire, before rush limbaugh on the track to blazing success. before any of that. this was before there was a bo snerdley becausesu bo snerdley didn't exist. james golden, this black kid from queens sitting in the newsroom who would take rush stories. so i'm sitting in the newsroom pulling stories again. it's rush. hey, james, can you come into the office for a second? sure.ti go to the office. close the door. close the door. rush has an envelope. he pushes the envelope to me and says here. what is this? inside is a check for $5,000. whoa, $5,000 is still a lot of money to me. it was a lot of money then. it was unheard of. what rush said to me was i don't want you to tell anybody about this. this is between you and me. this is not a loan. this is a gift. because good things need to happen to good people once in a while. >> tucker: you're making me emotional. >> that's who this man was. there were tens of thousands of those stories.s. >> tucker: he made reference to tell the staff that he was battling illness. >> that today i'll never forget. i got the call on my way to work that he was there. he told us. the first thing he did was apologize to us. >> tucker: why? >> he said i feel like i'm letting you down. it still breaks my heart. that's who he was. he cared about his staff. he cared about all of us. you know, this man, who was one of the most exceptional human beings you could ever meet. people have this image of him being soo bombastic. it was part of the show and it was tongue-in-cheek and it was fun. he was humble, so polite. you can tell a person, you watch for a long time. if you brought rush a cup of coffee. he never failed, thank you, sir. thank you, ma'am. old-school politeness than never ever left him. he was so generous to his staff without ever -- he was just generous. he was generous to so many people that he never even met. he just did it all without wanting it to be known. he had a deep spiritual faith, and he. did talk about that towards the end of his life. i think one of the attributes that to me stands out most about rush is what happened after he got the diagnosis. his bucket list. as much as i love radio i have loved radio since i was a kid, if i that a death sentence tomorrow, i'm done. sorry, i've got some things i want to see around this planet before i get out of here. rush had a bucket list too. his bucket list was his every single l day that he was t in treatment that he could, he came to work. he delivered a show, and the shows wereca excellent. you couldn't tell when the shows were on than anything was wrong with him because his energy level was sky-high. he was funny. he was witty. but after the show, the three of us that were there, we would see what it took out of him. >> tucker: i can't imagine. >> some days he couldn't even move.oo he was in such pain. he couldn't h even pick up his attache bag. it took everything he had to do the shows but he did them. rush limbaugh was the best. he stoods tall through all of those slanderous, evil, hateful attacks on his character. when he remained who he was: a good, decent, generous, god loving, god-fearing man who loved his family, who loved his country, and who loved what he did. >> brian: who is not going to buy that book and who's not going to watch that full hour? the conversation with james golden. go to look at your free access pass to all of tucker's shows by going to this story straight ahead, on a different note, a california town's had enough with corona mandates. they are declaring their independence asto a sanctuary city. that story. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ do you take aspirin? plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. new vazalore is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke. heart protection with your stomach in mind. try new liquid-filled vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ♪ ♪ >> brian: glad you're ♪ ♪ >> brian: glad you're here. the city of oroville, california has voted to become aci constitutional republic city to protect its citizens from the coronavirus mandate. the vice mayor says this city will bee like a sanctuary city minutes following the precedent set by former mayor gavin newsom, no governor when he declared san francisco sanctuary city a few years ago. the vice mayor joins us now. >> thank you for having me on. i was at city hall and the mandates continued to come. as you know it started with two weeks to stop the slow, to slow the curve. it seems like the care it keeps being dangled in front of our faces, just a little more, just a little more and it seems like every mandate that comes down is the loss of freedom so sitting at city hall and i thought governor newsom when he was the san francisco mayor, he declared san francisco sanctuary city. against what he felt to be overreached from the federal government so i thought can we do the same thing for us? we are a constitutional republic who we want to declare. we arent not separating from california but we are reminding higher-ups thatta we need to std for our rights. we are a constitutional republic which means we have rights endowed by our creator and we -- the founders created the republic, which is genius, to separate powers and we've been having this emergency mandateenh that's been going on -- it's going to be, through march will be past two years. the governor will have executive powers to have dictatorship power to say what he wants to do. >> brian: you can't control the everyone's got to get vaccines. but you can stop the executive orders in the city council supports you. a vote of 6-1. there you have it. he said it feels like a war. in what way? >> i believe worldwide but especially in california the fabric of our nation is at a crossroads of how much authority we will allow the government to have. i don't believe anybody wins with the government has more authority. i've saidd it before. every time that you lose freedom or a nation gives up freedom, usually it takes bloodshed to get it back. we're getting threats of loss of money for our city. but for i us, and especially for me, they can have their money. we want freedom in california. we want freedom in oroville and that's what we are standing up for. >> brian: we see what's happening in europe. is coming back. if the virus comes back here, you shutdown everything worse than any other state. they're going to have a hard time doing it to oroville when it comes to restaurants and gyms and everything else. mr. mayor, i appreciate your time. thanks for the insight. best of luck. meanwhile, next, we may finally be getting answers when it comes to ufos. pentagon has just announced the creation of a new ufo task force. that story straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ >> brian: that squared me. -- scared me. the defense department created >> brian: that scared me. the defense department created a new task force to identify ufo's. it comes just months after the government released a new report detailing 140 ufo's sightings seen by military personnel since 2004. nick pope is a former official and joins us right now. is this significant? >> yes, it is. there is good news and bad news here. the good news is the pentagon acknowledged this is a national security issue and say there will be closer cooperation between the military and the intelligence community, which is good. the bad news is senator gillibrand has an amendment in the national defense authorization act which would have done much more. what the department of defense is trying to do here is take a little bit of the wind out of her sails and say we are doing this. no need to do anything more. >> brian: what worries you more. they are from another planet or it's china or russia? >> well, i guess the extra terrestial one is the scariest because we can talk to these people. if there is really aliens, who knows. some people in the department of defense thinks that is a possibility. that's not off the table. we hope this new group will get to the bottom of this. >> brian: i am seeing some of these video. these are gutted cows. they look deflated. that's a huge mystery. >> yes, it is scary. this is a national security issue. in the worst case scenario it could be a threat. >> brian: as soon as we get a defense authorization bill we will see how much funding is for this. thank you very much. this show is one of the first to take ufo's seriously. i amth not kidding. tucker carlson originals did the ufo's files on fox nation. that's it for us. skip black friday and go to tucker and get all of his stuff. you can get a copy of our new book from the "new york times." it's out right now. find out where i will be. on december 3rd and 4th. pete is dressed and ready to host for sean hannity. i tell everybody how you find you and saved your show. >> i was lost in the elevator bay and brian kilmeade saved me. i have extra hair gel and i shaved. >> brian: that's all i ask. >> see you in a few minutes. a special edition of "hannity." law and order in "hannity." i am pete has set in for

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Symptoms , Reactions , Infections , Vaccine , Infection , Ability , Risk , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Doctor , 16 , One , Wheelchair Ri A Kevin , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Way , Interview , Kyle Rittenhouse , Segment , Law Enforcement , San Francisco , Looters , Mob , Thieves , Mobs , Store , Shops , Reporting , Raids , Fox Friends , Louis Vuitton , 24 , 80 , Something , Ski Masks , Movie , It Asnesses , Oakland , Nordstrom , Miles Away , 70 , Stores , U S , Rise , Car Break Ins , Break Ins , Marijuana Dispensaries , Hoover Institute , 98 , 753 , New York City , Crime , Wall , Cities , California , Safe , Gang Wars , Drug Wars , Increase , Compton , Proposition , Referendum , Elites , Ceo , Open Society Foundation , Netflix , Sean Parker , George Soros , 2014 , 47 , Theft , Possessions , Misdemeanor , Drugpr , Drug Possession , Neighborhoods , Dollar , Opposite , Schools Act , 950 , 50 , Crimes , Prison , Felony , Felonies , Charges , Prosecuting , Words , Overs , Who , Misdemeanors , 400 , Three , 00 , Jail , Bench Warrant , Citation , Court , Guess What , Police Lieutenant , Six , Story , Goods , Shoplifting , Isn T One Person , Point , Ways , Pockets , Bags , Sense , People , Anything , Video , Screen , Sounds , Shopping District , Sights , Union Square , A Hundred , Door , Crews , Windows , Window , Boards , Yves St , Laurent , Burberry , Group , Witness , Hermes , Don T Move Da Brian , Walgreens , Retail Pharmacy , Walgreens Stores , Insanity , Insecurity , Anywhere , 35 , Problem , Decision , Company , Organized Retail Crime , Security Measures , Locations , Investments , Five , 20 , Effort , Shoplifters , Drugstore Items , Markets , Stores Security Wouldn T , Environment , Times Oury Chain Average , 46 , Police , Businesses , Areas , Gunfire , Shots , Cops , 75 , Officials , Wellspring Pharmacy , Footage , Raiding A , Name , London Breed , Lot , Stories , Order , Everywhere , Corner , Pharmacies , Business , Some , Terms , Neighborhood , Wouldn T Go , Chesa Boudin , Retail Theft , Sales , Translator , Hugo Chavez , Jailing Shoplifters , Packages , Living Conditions , Compassion , Someone , It , Causes , Root , Maximum , Package , Steps , Humane , Money , Jails , Streets , Sexual Assault , City , Diseases , What Idiocy , Issue , Thatil , Weekend , Y , O , Tweet , Noise , Country , Recall Election , Nothing , Crime Skyrocketing , Boudin , Felony Charges , Hi , Democrat , Two , Looting , Bottle , Items , Persono , Deodorant , Permission , Shampoohe , Sorts , Ty , Prell , New York Post , Victim , Drugstores , Shells , Shoplifters Walk , Bail , Parade , Darrell Brooks Jr , Career Criminal , Crime Policies , Cash Bail , Cash , Wisconsin , Holiday Season , Celebration , White House , Ith , 1000 , 000 , 500 , Heather , Criminals , Retribution , Girlfriend , Runr , Catastrophe , Eyes , Numbers , Disintegration Ofh Civilization , Law , Individuals , Cornerstone , Protection , Property , Immunity , Stable , Merchants , Concept , Thread , Stream , Gun Violence , Commerce Without Being Robbed Blind D , Waukesha Christmas Parade Murderers , Impact , Reason , Handle , Felony Laws , Felony Theft Laws , Concept Iss , Blacks , Street , Laws , Warrant , Page , Rap Sheet , Racist , Most , Crime Rate , Whites , Saying , Groups , Minority , Raw Numbers , Arrests , Stats , Racism , Homicide , Criminality , Function , Times , York City , Shootings , Rate , Witnesses , Newla , 13 , Solution , Population , 34 , Minorities , Ve , 34 , 2 , 23 , Root Cause , Family Breakdown , What , Poverty , Deaths , Mayhem , Unaddressed , Children , Pie Chart , Color Blind , Bar Graph , Holiday Parade , Sunday Y Afternoon , Control , Out Of Control , Food , Politicians , Wound , Thanks , Voters , Petitions , Eahis Name , Radical D A , Bo Snerdley Didn T , Richie Greenberg , Poin , San Francisco Political Commentator , Drovet , Person , Difference , System , Criminal Justice , The System , 2019 , Thing , Restorative Justice , Margi , Guy , Back Story , Flags , Prosecutors , Agenda , Parents , Seveimmediately , Seven , Heart , Father , Emptying , Leveraget , Andrew Cuomo , Progressives , Anyone , Anybody , Petition , Emptying Jails , Liberals , Signature Gatherers , Beenll , Friends , 100 , Recall , Gavin Newsom , He Didn T , Manner , Pavement Re , Opinion , In The City , Votes , Fan Base , June Of 2022 , 2022 , Election Day , Homelessness , Landslide , Chaos , Nancy Pelosi , Naples , Florida , Governor , Isn T , Suit , St S Louis , Nice , Philadelphia , Boston , Heroes , Media , Attackers , Facts , Men , Self Defense , Victims , Kill Kyle , Extent , History , The Trial Of Kyle , Part , Tucker Carlson , Watch , Media Coverage , Gaige Grosskreutz , Gun , He Hasn T , Face , Head , Pistol , Barrel , Case , Attorneys Couldn T , Dui , Him , Belief , Myas Trial , Hero , Winners , Mr , Huber , Message , Attack , Middle , Riot , The Street , Idea , Support , Andrew Yang , Yang Gang , Supporter , Hate , Trump , Joe Biden , Dude , Trump Rally , Wasn T Into Politics , Bit , Politics , Kid , Policy , Businessman , 17 , Matter , Don T , Interest , I Don T Know , Direction , Me No Matter What , Lawyers , Malice , River , Response , Cut , Wow , Don T Move , Rittenhouse Lamp , White Supremacist , President , Joee Biden , Kyle Rittenhouse Lamp , Statement , Tape , Character , Jesse Kelly , Host , Jesse Kelly Show , Didn T Yell , Didn T Get Mad , Things , Andrew Yang Tguy , Mega National Name Pr , Wasn T , Idiot , Towns , 18 , Time , Each Other , Turns , Buddies , Job , Lawn , Fray , Incident , Walks Across The Street , Haven T , Maturity , Chance , Back Y , Let S Go , Picture , Member , Av , Boys , Politician , Think , Child , Bunch , 8 , Charging , Deal , Stage , Government , Attorneys , Idiots , Mexican Tapwater , Fbi , Luck , Brother , Podcast Et Good , Originals , Fox Nation , Episode , Family , Focus , Behind The Scenes , Rush Limbaugh , James Golden , Rest , Tour , The Legend , 30 , Hope , Many , Tickets , Clearwater , Texas , Tulsa , Cars , Corke , Fight Climate Change , Left , Fox S Kevin , Nation , Energy , Everybody , Fuel , Wishes , Critics , Costs , Repeat , Administration , Deed , Transmission , Interests , Consumer Pain , Word , Pump , Goal , Pollution , T Progressives , Relationship , Game , Least , Fossil Fuels , Mobility , Guise , Life , Car , Patterns , Won T , Same , Commuting , 9 , 5 , Vehicles N , Roads Aren T , Scooters , Wheelchairs , Bikes , Attention , Bicyclists , Pedestrians , Authors , Business Insider , Transportation Secretary , Headline , Questions , Piece , Roadway Ri , International Transport Federation , Walk , Transportation , Homes , 2030 , Ten , Folks , World , Washington D C , Congested Confines , Subway Ready , Vehicle , Consumer , Proponents , Transit , Nonstarter , Area , Social Engineering , Presets , Jobs , Gas Prices , Thisnt , Tie Thinking , Scooter , Secretary , Ander , Shannon Tonight , Didn T Dress , Course , Train , Book , Conversation , Rush On The Radio , Sidekick , Attribute , Tucker Carlson Today , Hisd Brand , Don T Cry Watching , Phone , Creditors , Laughter , Couch , The Call , Everything , Office , P , I Don T Mean To Pry , Man , Little , Don T Sweat It , 5000 , Mind , Deals , Success , Multimillionaire , Track , Big Syndicated , Newsroom , Rush Stories , Queens , Becausesu , Envelope , Second , Sure Ti , You And Me , Check , Of , Inside , Loan , Gift , Staff , Tens Of Thousands Those Stories S Tucker , Reference , Illness , Apologize , Human Beings , All Of Us , Image , Tongue In Cheek , Soo Bombastic , Fun , Ma Am , Sir , Rush A Cup Of Coffee , Faith , Rush , End , Talk , Radio , Bucket List , Death Sentence , Diagnosis , Planet , Single , Audience Er , Shows , You Couldn T , Energy Level , Treatment , Wereca Excellent , I Can T Imagine , He , Pain , Attache Bag , He Couldn T H , Best , Attacks , Evil , Those Slanderous , Good , God , Decent , Pass , Access , Mandates , Asto A Sanctuary City , Note , Independence , Corona , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Heart Attack , Heart Protection , Stroke , Help , Benefits , Mandate , Aci Constitutional Republic City , Vice Mayor , City Will Bee , Citizens , Oroville , Precedent Set , City Hall , More , Care , Faces , Front , Curve , Freedom , Loss , Mayor , Constitutional Republic , Republic , Emergency Mandateenh , Powers , Genius , Thatta , Creator , Founders , Std , Rights , Power , Schools Sa , Executive Orders , Everyone , Vaccines , Vote , City Council , 6 , Authority , Fabric , Wins , War , Crossroads , 1 , Bloodshed , Threats , Europe , State , Virus , Restaurants , Insight , Gyms , Everything Else , Pentagon , Ufo , Creation , Task Force , Ufos , Defense Department , Ufo S , Defense Department Created Brian , Official , Sightings , Report , Military Personnel , Nick Pope , 140 , 2004 , News , Bad News , Security , Gillibrand , Amendment , Community , Cooperation , Military , Defense Authorization Act , Wind , Need , Scariest , Aliens , Terrestial , Russia , China , Possibility , Bottom , Table , Mystery , Cows , Defense Authorization Bill , Threat , Case Scenario , First , Funding , Ufo S Files On Fox Nation , Copy , New York Times , Stuff , Black Friday , On December 3rd And 4th , 4 , December 3rd , 4th , 3 , Pete , Sean Hannity , Elevator Bay , Hannity , Special Edition , Hair Gel , Brian Kilmeade , Law And Order , Set ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

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san francisco and we've been reporting with fox & friends, this past weekend mobs of thieves ransacked shops. law enforcement calling these raids organize. p you think so? in a single 24 hours to me of a mob of looters targeting a louis vuitton high-end store. as many as 80 looters and ski masks rated a nordstrom. it asnesses described something out of a movie. that's what i think. in oakland, about 70 miles away, the, same. marijuana dispensaries and other stores. car break-ins are on the rise as well. break-ins are up 753%. the hoover institute recently noted, san francisco is now more dangerous than 98% of the u.s. cities. compton, california. a city famous for drug wars and gang wars. it's almost twice as safe as san francisco. most all of this increase in crime can be traced back to proposition 47. that's a referendum that was passed back in 2014 in it was backed by california elites like the netflix ceo and sean parker as well as george soros' open society foundation. it was called the safe neighborhoods and schools act. proposition 47 to the opposite. it reclassified certain theft and drugpr possessions is a misdemeanor if the dollar allotted to $950. that's where this all started. previously any theft or drug possession overs $400 was a felony. in other words, crimes were once felonies and punishable by up to three years in prison are now simple misdemeanors. law enforcement may not even bother investigating or prosecuting, often won't even bring charges. those who charge are basically facing a maximum six months in jail with that. san francisco police lieutenant explained it this way. "if you steal below $950, you get a citation and you can walk away. if you don't show up in court, guess what. maybe you get a bench warrant or maybe they even toss it out before it gets to that point." in some ways he doesn't even seem to make any sense to call shoplifting shoplifting. this isn't one person going to a story and concealing goods in their pockets or bags. these are organized mobs. look at this video i'm sharing this screen. they're not trying to hide anything.. nearly a hundred people join the mob just this past weekend in san francisco at a high-end shopping district. look at this. >> the sounds and sights of union square are not as pretty today as they usually are. here's what's left behind. windows are boarded up. at louis vuitton. crews replacing the entire door at yves st. laurent. windows are shattered at burberry. wooden boards covered the window at hermes. a witness capture the moment people tried to break in. >> when i passed by hermes, there was a group of people. about a hundred people. after i passed, they tried to get into hermes. >> brian: it's insanity. theft is so bad in san francisco that over the last few years walgreens stores, the retail pharmacy spends 35 times more insecurity than you do anywhere else. >> walgreens saying it's closing more than 20 stores, five in san francisco, because of thisis rampant problem. what's being called organized retail crime. the company pulling the plug on these locations saying it made the decision only after having increased the investments and security measures and stores across the city to 46 times oury chain average in an effort to provide a safe environment. drugstore items ending up in impromptu markets like this in san francisco. >> brian: it's surreal. stores security wouldn't intervene to stop shoplifters. i don't think they can. would they? if they do decide to jump in, why would they want to get killed over this? a mob of thieves in oakland firing a hundred and 75 shots as they stole from different businesses. the gunfire force the police to retreat to safe areas. the cops are pushed back. you can see footage of the shoplifters raiding a wellspring pharmacy on your screen. you would think elected officials in san francisco would be interested in solving this problem. but if you asked them, there's no problem. san francisco mayor london breed, real name, said walgreens was exaggerating about having to close because all the theft. >> you know, they've made their decision. we tried to work with them in order to ensure that we are covered in terms of having pharmacies all across the city. this impacts a lot of our neighborhood. i wouldn't go as far as to say they can't do business. they still have a lot of stories. everywhere you look, almost every corner you'll see walgreens and some of these stores are not just closing because of retail theft. they are closing because they're not necessarily bringing in the sales that they once did. so i don't want to attribute that completely to just retail theft. >> brian: i would. meanwhile san francisco's radical district attorney chesa boudin who used to be a translator for hugo chavez wants san francisco to show compassion for shoplifters. he recently explained that jailing shoplifters would expose them to poor living conditions in jail. >> there are people who are going to take those packages. it's going to happen. it's a crime. we're going to prosecute it. but we want to do it in a way that's compassionate, that's humane, that understands the root causes of that crime. if we put someone in jail for stealing a package off my front steps for the maximum, it's usually going to be six months, put them right back on the streets, we have cost the city a lot of money. we have exposed someone to the sexual assault that occurs in jails, contagious diseases transmitted in jails. >> brian: what idiocy. now that it's more than just pharmacies, thatil are being loaded, chesa boudin is outraged about what happened over the weekend. in a tweet which o is the best y to attack an issue, he threatened looters to not quite bring that noise to our city.hi and that felony charges would but boudin has been the district attorney for two years and he's done nothing about crime skyrocketing which is why he's facing a recall election next year. this is happening in democrat-controlled cities all across the country. looting is so common in new york city where i am, now that all sorts of everyday items like shampoohe and deodorant, ty are locked up in pharmacies. you've got to ask permission for the persono to go over and open up to get a bottle of prell. "the new york post" reported last month that there are empty shells in drugstores because the city, it's the victim of shoplifters. shoplifters walk in, they grab what they want, they are not even arrested. meanwhile just days after a career criminal named darrell brooks jr. drove through a parade and killed six people in a celebration of the holiday season over in wisconsin. the white house is defending ith effort to end cash bail. no cash bail, soft on crime policies. people like darrell brooks repeatedly commit crimes to get released on the streets and kill us. brooks has already been posted bail twice this year for 500 and $1,000. days before he ran through a parade, brooks had been released on the thousand dollar bail after getting arrested. all he did was punch his girlfriend and runr over her. this is what happens when you make it easier for criminals to commit crimes and there is no retribution. heather, this is the most predictable catastrophe i've heard about in a long time but it doesn't make it easier to watch and talk about. >> brian, we are witnessing the disintegration ofh civilization right before her eyes. when massive numbers of individuals know that they can rampage through stores, plundering and looting, confident in their immunity from the law, there's nothing left of the civilized order, the protection of property is the cornerstone of a stable, prosperous merchants have to know they can put their goods into the stream of commerce without being robbed blind.d. the common thread in the shameful looting, in the waukesha christmas parade murderers, and an rising gun violence is a concept of disparate impact unless that concept iss explicitly refuted and rejected, there is no way we're going to get a handle on this rise in crime. the reason that felony laws are not being -- felony theft laws are not being enforced the reason darrell brooks was put back on the street despite an active warrant and a 50 page rap sheet is because in forcing laws or enforcing bail, requiring bail has a disparate impact on blacks. look at the video. law enforcement has a disparate impact on blacks not because it's racist because the black crime rate is so high. but when you stop enforcing the law in order to avoid disparate impact, it's blacks who are hurt the most. >> brian: what you're saying, real quick, what you're saying is if you look at the stats, raw numbers, more blacks are committing crimes than other minority groups, than whites. that's why the arrests are greater and that's why there are more in jail, is that what you're saying? >> absolutely. the law enforcement is a function of criminality. it's not driven by racism. blacks die of homicide that 13 times the rate of whites. that's because they are committing homicide at 13 times the rate of whites. in newla york city where we are now, brian, blacks commit about 75% of all shootings. according to the victim of an witnesses to the shootings who are minorities themselves, overwhelmingly, even though they are 23%ve of the population. whites commit less than 2% of all shootings. 34% of the population. the solution here is not to stop enforcing the law. that means more mayhem, more deaths. the solution is to tackle, despite what chesa boudin thinks is the root cause of crime, he would say poverty and racism, the root cause of inner-city crime is family breakdown. as long as that problem goes unaddressed, our only solution is to enforce the law in a color-blind, just fashion. >> brian: when you steamroll children at a holiday parade on a sunday y afternoon, you no longer need to see a pie chart or a bar graph to know in wisconsin. american is out of control. when they half to share the top story withhph this choreographed looting, you know america is out of control. it's not because we are running out of food or money. it's not a catastrophe. it's a self-inflicted wound put forward by people who i believe want the story in the country. i think it is time for average americans, not politicians to rise up to say they're not going to take it. heather, you are all over this and i thank you. thanks for leading off the show. we just told you about san francisco's radical d.a., eahis name is chesa boudin. voters have gathered enough petitions to force them to a recall election. it willre happen next year. richie greenberg is a san francisco political commentator joins us. what drovet voters to this poin? didn't they know what they were getting? >> first of all, thank you for having me here today. he saw a charismatic person and when he was campaigning back in 2019, a lot of voters actually believed what he was saying. they believe that he was going to make a difference. they believed that he was going to tweak the system, tweak the criminal justice system using this concept of restorative justice which after he was elected, and by the way he was not electeded with a huge margi. but once he was elected, the first thing he did is he fired seven of our city's most experienced prosecutors and all the red flags went up seveimmediately. >> brian: richie, this guy has got an interesting back story. his parents are incarcerated. this guy has got an agenda. he is still trying to leveraget andrew cuomo to get his father out of jail. so with that big heart of his, he's emptying and not arresting anybody, not arresting anyone. emptying jails. even liberals are fed up with him. even progressives are saying this guy has gone too far. >> yeah, that's right. when all the recall signature gatherers on the recall petition had beenll circulating over the past month, there were a lot of angry left-wing people. a lot of angry progressives who said this is not what i signed up for. they signed a petition and they would get their friends to sign and they said if i could sign 100 times, i would sign. they did not want this. they did not sign up for chesa boudin in this manner? >> brian: what's going to be the difference between this recall and gavin newsom's recall. we heard he was going to hit the he didn't. >> so you know, gavin does have very popular opinion. he is a big fan base here in san francisco. that is why when all of the votes were tallied, his recall was rejected soundly here in the city. but for chesa boudin, he's not very well-liked person here anymore. i believe he's going to be very, very surprised when in june of 2022, june seventh, it's election day, his recall that he earned this recall. he's going to be defeated in a landslide. >> brian: nancy pelosi, who is overseeing this chaos, and homelessness, she is looking to move to naples, florida. isn't that nice? ruin that city and moved to another one that the governor straightened out. once he goes, i hope boston, philadelphia, st.s louis follow suit and they start getting control of crime in this country. thanks, richie greenberg. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me here. >> brian: from the day kyle rittenhouse shot three men who attacked him in self-defense, the media described his attackers as victims and heroes, even as the facts began to emerge detailing the extent of their criminal history. they nearly tried to kill kyle. tucker asked kyle about the media coverage on the trial. here's the brand-new part of that exclusive interview. watch. >> gaige grosskreutz stuck a loaded gun in your face. he's never been charged for that. >> he hasn't. i told him i was going to the police and he pointed a gun at my head. from what i remember, time slowed down, i remember staring down the barrel of a pistol again i'm about to die. he hasn't been charged with a single crime. what's really disturbing is that his dui case was dropped right before myas trial. so my attorneys attorneys couldn't ask him about it. that's my a belief. his open dui case for driving under the influence was closed a week before my trial. >> does it surprise you do seem described as a hero? >> i don't see him -- in my opinion, there's no winners in this case, no heroes in this case. i defendeds myself. i was attacked. i think it's actually quite sickening how mr. huber and mr. grosskreutz are described as heroes when it's on video that they attempted to murder me in the middle of the street. >> what's that message that you think the media are sending by describing them as heroes? >> the message that i get from it is that they are saying you can go out and riot and attack anybody and you will have the support from the media and the politicians to do whatever you want and kill innocent people and if you defend yourself -- if they defend yourself your name hero. that is the message i believe is being spread. >> that's scary. do you have any idea, where you are interested in before this? >> i'm going to get a lot of hate for this but i was a pretty big andrew yang supporter. >> [laughs] were you? you are part of the yang gang? >> i was part of the yang gang. he's a good dude. i wasn't into politics. i didn't know much about trump. i didn't know much about biden. i went to a trump rally because trump supports the police. he's a businessman. that's what i liked about trump. i didn't know much about i was just a 17-year-old kid. >> but you liked andrew yang. >> i liked andrew yang. i likedou his policy little bit. >> he's very smart, interesting guy. has this changed your politics? >> i don't know. i've been trying to stay out of politics lately. no matter what direction i'm going to go, there is going to be people who don't support me no matter what. i think it's just in my best interest to avoid politics. i'm not a political person. i'm just a person who was attacked and defended myself. >> brian: wow. that didn't make the original cut. that was fascinating. talking about malice, his lawyers selling him down the river, leaving them in prison, not bein able to shower. response to the interview. that story is next. don't move. ♪ ♪ don't move. ♪ ♪>> brian: kyle rittenhouse lamp joe biden, president ♪ ♪ >> brian: kyle rittenhouse lamp joee biden, president of te united states, for smearing him as a white supremacist. that happened earlier this week. here's how it sounded. >> tucker: what did you make of the president of the united states call you a white supremacist? >> mr. president, if i could say one thing to you, i would urge you to go back and watch the trial. and understand the facts before you make a statement. >> tucker: that's not a small thing to be called that. >> no. it's actual malice, defending my character for him to say something like that. >> brian: i thought that was his finest moment. didn't get mad, didn't yell. he said: watch the tape. jesse kelly is a host of the jesse kelly show. jesse, i want to get you to react to what kyle just said. first from the previous segment, if anyone missed it, one of the things that stood out that kyle rittenhouse had i'm not really political but i'm an andrew yang tguy. did that surprise you? >> it surprised me a lot. it surprise me that he knew andrew yang was. not like he's a mega national i know you know who he is. for someone who's not political to even back andrew yang. what strikes me about him honestly is how grown-up he is for 18 years old. i'm not proud of this but it 18 years old, i was an idiot. i definitely wasn't going to other towns to clean up graffiti.ou i am pretty sure when i was 18 years old, me and my buddies got together and took turns teasing each other. that's what 18-year-olds are normally like. i don't know who raised this kid but they are doing a good job. >> brian: walks across the street, helps older people, ranks their lawn. he feels he wants to jump into the fray to help. this the first time it ended up blowing up. i'm sure he regrets the entire incident. let's go over to what he said. he has a chance to open up about the president. he said i encourage you to watch the tape. think about it again. the white house hasn't shown that maturity. they haven't walked anything back.y. they pointed out that he was in a picture with a member of the proud boys.av instead of calling him a white supremacist. >> kyle is more mature than anyone who runs this country that includes joe biden. it's hard for us to accept it because we don't like him but we at least think is going to be people interested in helping the country. we have a bunch of children who run the country. joe biden is a child. these people, they have the emotional maturity of an 8-year-old. in the u.s. politician, especially one with the huge national stage, to call someone who wasn't even on trial yet at a white supremacist. like tucker pointed out, that's a big deal. it's not a good thing to be a white supremacist. if you're going to let me that charging and but you better be sure of it but it shows the idiots we have will run this country and that's so scary. our government is as reliable as mexican tapwater. >> brian: he called out the fbi, his former attorneys who sold him down the river. he has not been treated well. he has come out it seems to me at a much better person. jesse kelly, thanks so much. best of luck with your show and your >> good, brother. >> brian: extensive behind the scenes access to kyle rittenhouse and his family during the trial. it would be a focus of a new episode of tucker carlson originals called "the trial of kyle." you can watch it in december only onus fox nation. james golden, he spent 30 years working alongside the legend, the late rush limbaugh. here's here with tucker next entering the breaking and had to like the rest of america to check out my tour dates. far too many, way too many weekends. hope to see you in person. we my are heading across the country. tickets are available on fox nation. in the next day in clearwater. hope to see you, texas, tulsa and everywhere else. don't move.da >> brian: welcome back. for years, the left has been pushing for electric cars to help fight climate change but now that's not enough. we need to get rid of cars completely. fox's kevin . corke walked to work today because he wants to abide by everybody's t wishes. kevin, what are we going to do about cars? >> i tell you what, this is really crazy. it's increasingly clear say critics of the high fuel and energy costs currently sweeping the nation are not, repeat or not, purely market-driven. rather, they argue, it is the biden administration that's driving consumer pain at the pump. they made it abundantly clear in both word and deed that one of their primary interests is a fundamental transmission of our relationship with traditional energy, including fossil fuels.r if you thought that was the end game, it may surprise you to learn that at least for some t progressives, the true long-term goal is to alter personal mobility. under the guise of combating climate change and pollution. that means moving to an electric car future for them simply won't be enough. >> i think it's safe to say thal our old patterns of life, the 9 to 5 monday through friday commuting patterns are not going to be exactly the same. >> how might that change what you're staffed us? >> what about bikes, scooters, wheelchairs for that matter? >> those are things you plan him pay more attention to? >> roads aren't only for vehicles.n we have to make sure pedestrians, individuals, bicyclists, businesses can coexist on the same roadway.ri >> questions to their transportation secretary. this headline from a piece in business insider says it all. the authors citing an international transport federation which argues the need to double public transportation by 2030. that's just around the corner. may say the goal should be to make public transportation available within a ten minute walk of people's homes which might sound like a worthy someone who has never left the subway ready, congested confines of washington, d.c. but in the real world where folks commute to work for an hour and sometimes even more or maybe even live in a rural area, the very goal of trying to rest a personal vehicle from the american consumer is an absolute nonstarter. proponents argue more transit means more jobs and less pollution but for many folks are already feeling pushed toward an electric vehicle future thanks to soaring gas prices, thisnt latest effort might seem like government social engineering which is for many americans unwarranted and frankly unwanted. brian. >> brian: kevin, i spent an hour setting up my presets for my car and i've got to get rid of it and get a scooter or, according to the secretary, wheelchair..ri a kevin, i'm seeing the brand-new ander, seeing the tie thinking, you didn't dress for me. you dressed to host for shannon tonight. >> i did and i will see you at midnight eastern. i know you'll be busy but i know you'll check-in. >> brian: of course. i will be on the train because i'm not allowed to be in the car. thanks, kevin. meanwhile, james golden spent 30 years working alongside the legendary rush limbaugh. you probably know him as bo snerdley. he sat down with tucker for a brand-new episode of "tucker carlson today" for hisd- brand-new book called "rush on the radio," attribute from his sidekick for 30 years. if you don't cry watching this, there's something wrong with you. here's part of that conversation. ♪ ♪ >> i was on the phone with some creditors. i forgot they were trying to take back. [laughter] >> tucker: personal creditors? >> yeah, like we are coming for your car or your couch. i guess i'm talking a little bit too loud and i didn't know rush overheard me. i got done with the call. hey, james, can you come to my office. close that door. close the door. rush says listen, i don't mean to pry. i heard you on the phone. is everything okay? yeah. p he said no, seriously. is everything okay? you know, i'm having a little -- how much do you owe? about $5,000.g he says oh, man. don't sweat it. every thing's going to be cool. every thing's going to work out. so i get to work the next day. i want you to keep in mind this was before rush limbaugh signed any big syndicated deals, before rush limbaugh the multimillionaire, before rush limbaugh on the track to blazing success. before any of that. this was before there was a bo snerdley becausesu bo snerdley didn't exist. james golden, this black kid from queens sitting in the newsroom who would take rush stories. so i'm sitting in the newsroom pulling stories again. it's rush. hey, james, can you come into the office for a second? sure.ti go to the office. close the door. close the door. rush has an envelope. he pushes the envelope to me and says here. what is this? inside is a check for $5,000. whoa, $5,000 is still a lot of money to me. it was a lot of money then. it was unheard of. what rush said to me was i don't want you to tell anybody about this. this is between you and me. this is not a loan. this is a gift. because good things need to happen to good people once in a while. >> tucker: you're making me emotional. >> that's who this man was. there were tens of thousands of those stories.s. >> tucker: he made reference to tell the staff that he was battling illness. >> that today i'll never forget. i got the call on my way to work that he was there. he told us. the first thing he did was apologize to us. >> tucker: why? >> he said i feel like i'm letting you down. it still breaks my heart. that's who he was. he cared about his staff. he cared about all of us. you know, this man, who was one of the most exceptional human beings you could ever meet. people have this image of him being soo bombastic. it was part of the show and it was tongue-in-cheek and it was fun. he was humble, so polite. you can tell a person, you watch for a long time. if you brought rush a cup of coffee. he never failed, thank you, sir. thank you, ma'am. old-school politeness than never ever left him. he was so generous to his staff without ever -- he was just generous. he was generous to so many people that he never even met. he just did it all without wanting it to be known. he had a deep spiritual faith, and he. did talk about that towards the end of his life. i think one of the attributes that to me stands out most about rush is what happened after he got the diagnosis. his bucket list. as much as i love radio i have loved radio since i was a kid, if i that a death sentence tomorrow, i'm done. sorry, i've got some things i want to see around this planet before i get out of here. rush had a bucket list too. his bucket list was his every single l day that he was t in treatment that he could, he came to work. he delivered a show, and the shows wereca excellent. you couldn't tell when the shows were on than anything was wrong with him because his energy level was sky-high. he was funny. he was witty. but after the show, the three of us that were there, we would see what it took out of him. >> tucker: i can't imagine. >> some days he couldn't even move.oo he was in such pain. he couldn't h even pick up his attache bag. it took everything he had to do the shows but he did them. rush limbaugh was the best. he stoods tall through all of those slanderous, evil, hateful attacks on his character. when he remained who he was: a good, decent, generous, god loving, god-fearing man who loved his family, who loved his country, and who loved what he did. >> brian: who is not going to buy that book and who's not going to watch that full hour? the conversation with james golden. go to look at your free access pass to all of tucker's shows by going to this story straight ahead, on a different note, a california town's had enough with corona mandates. they are declaring their independence asto a sanctuary city. that story. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ do you take aspirin? plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. new vazalore is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke. heart protection with your stomach in mind. try new liquid-filled vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ♪ ♪ >> brian: glad you're ♪ ♪ >> brian: glad you're here. the city of oroville, california has voted to become aci constitutional republic city to protect its citizens from the coronavirus mandate. the vice mayor says this city will bee like a sanctuary city minutes following the precedent set by former mayor gavin newsom, no governor when he declared san francisco sanctuary city a few years ago. the vice mayor joins us now. >> thank you for having me on. i was at city hall and the mandates continued to come. as you know it started with two weeks to stop the slow, to slow the curve. it seems like the care it keeps being dangled in front of our faces, just a little more, just a little more and it seems like every mandate that comes down is the loss of freedom so sitting at city hall and i thought governor newsom when he was the san francisco mayor, he declared san francisco sanctuary city. against what he felt to be overreached from the federal government so i thought can we do the same thing for us? we are a constitutional republic who we want to declare. we arent not separating from california but we are reminding higher-ups thatta we need to std for our rights. we are a constitutional republic which means we have rights endowed by our creator and we -- the founders created the republic, which is genius, to separate powers and we've been having this emergency mandateenh that's been going on -- it's going to be, through march will be past two years. the governor will have executive powers to have dictatorship power to say what he wants to do. >> brian: you can't control the everyone's got to get vaccines. but you can stop the executive orders in the city council supports you. a vote of 6-1. there you have it. he said it feels like a war. in what way? >> i believe worldwide but especially in california the fabric of our nation is at a crossroads of how much authority we will allow the government to have. i don't believe anybody wins with the government has more authority. i've saidd it before. every time that you lose freedom or a nation gives up freedom, usually it takes bloodshed to get it back. we're getting threats of loss of money for our city. but for i us, and especially for me, they can have their money. we want freedom in california. we want freedom in oroville and that's what we are standing up for. >> brian: we see what's happening in europe. is coming back. if the virus comes back here, you shutdown everything worse than any other state. they're going to have a hard time doing it to oroville when it comes to restaurants and gyms and everything else. mr. mayor, i appreciate your time. thanks for the insight. best of luck. meanwhile, next, we may finally be getting answers when it comes to ufos. pentagon has just announced the creation of a new ufo task force. that story straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ >> brian: that squared me. -- scared me. the defense department created >> brian: that scared me. the defense department created a new task force to identify ufo's. it comes just months after the government released a new report detailing 140 ufo's sightings seen by military personnel since 2004. nick pope is a former official and joins us right now. is this significant? >> yes, it is. there is good news and bad news here. the good news is the pentagon acknowledged this is a national security issue and say there will be closer cooperation between the military and the intelligence community, which is good. the bad news is senator gillibrand has an amendment in the national defense authorization act which would have done much more. what the department of defense is trying to do here is take a little bit of the wind out of her sails and say we are doing this. no need to do anything more. >> brian: what worries you more. they are from another planet or it's china or russia? >> well, i guess the extra terrestial one is the scariest because we can talk to these people. if there is really aliens, who knows. some people in the department of defense thinks that is a possibility. that's not off the table. we hope this new group will get to the bottom of this. >> brian: i am seeing some of these video. these are gutted cows. they look deflated. that's a huge mystery. >> yes, it is scary. this is a national security issue. in the worst case scenario it could be a threat. >> brian: as soon as we get a defense authorization bill we will see how much funding is for this. thank you very much. this show is one of the first to take ufo's seriously. i amth not kidding. tucker carlson originals did the ufo's files on fox nation. that's it for us. skip black friday and go to tucker and get all of his stuff. you can get a copy of our new book from the "new york times." it's out right now. find out where i will be. on december 3rd and 4th. pete is dressed and ready to host for sean hannity. i tell everybody how you find you and saved your show. >> i was lost in the elevator bay and brian kilmeade saved me. i have extra hair gel and i shaved. >> brian: that's all i ask. >> see you in a few minutes. a special edition of "hannity." law and order in "hannity." i am pete has set in for

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