Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

six people were killed including grandmother and 5-year-old boy. here is one witness's description of the scene. >> we were sitting, my daughter was sitting at my feet and i was standing above her. and what i saw was a red suv run over a gentleman, i think it was a gentleman in a costume and he was -- his body was trampled by both the front and the back wheels. >> tucker: police saided man who did this is called darrell brooks. as of tonight he has not publicly explained why he committed mass murder instead the media have decided to speak for him. the main thing you they want you to know is these killings had absolutely nothing to do with the kyle rittenhouse verdict just two days before. nothing whatsoever. the time something just one of those amazing coincidences. quote, there is no evidence that this is a terrorist incident announced waukesha's chief of police. but indiscriminately murdering children and women at christmas parade what is it? a vehicular mishap. here is now twitter in-house news team described it five people dead and more than 40 injured after car drives through parade. car? false as a red suv. other news organizations had another explanation handy. it turns out of they told us that brooks was fleeing from a knife fight the implication of course walls he got spooked and drove through the parade by accident, you know, as you do. then msnbc took the theory a step further and suggested the police had somehow goaded darrell brooks by firing a gun at him. watch. >> the reports from nbc reporters is that maybe he was in a fight, a knife fight, an altercation or a stabbing. well everybody to stabbings, i have been tell you they are very bloody events. the perpetrators or participants often have blood all he over them even if it's coming from a victim they stabbed or they may get cut themselves if it's a knife fight. this guy might have been in the car with a bloody knife. blood all over them. saw the police barricade busted through it the officer fired and then he was going to do anything he or they to get away. when he ran over these band members and just an act of really cold blooded murder. >> tucker: brooks was doing whatever he could to get away from the police so effectively it's the cops' fault. except, no. that's not what happened. eyewitnesses, many of the eyewitnesses describe brooks zigzagging down the street trying to murder as many innocent people as he could. these killings were absolutely intentional and, no, brooks was not being chased by the police. that's a lie. so much for that theory. so the question remains why did darrell brooks commit mass murder in waukesha? the media don't seem interested in finding out. not even a little bit. so they decided to ignore the story completely. subpoenas to roger stone from some fake congressional committee are more important than six deaths like ghislaine maxwell trial as far as the national media is concerned not happening. why the media don't want to talk about hill. brooks social media feeds are full of racist and black nationalist propaganda. one his rap songs include lines from malcolm x race hate against whites. fruit bowl arranged to letters blm with a raised fist. not insignificantly brooks also criticized the jury's verdict in the kyle rittenhouse case. on facebook, one blm activist was happy to connect the dots here. he describes brooks' mass murder as retaliation for the rittenhouse acquittal. watch. >> >> we may have to wait to see what they say about why this happened. about how is that possible that the revolution has started. in wisconsin. started with this christmas parade. person reached out to me said they believe this has to do with the verdict. >> tucker: this has to do with the verdict. is it true, again, we have not confirmed it but we can't be absolutely certain that the national media will spend zero time trying to find out. why? because they are implicated. news organizations spent more than a year telling us that a case that had precisely nothing to do with race was somehow a referendum on the civil rights of black people and the rise of white supremacy. if it turns out those lies and they are lies got six people murdered they will probably be the last to tell us that. we do know darrell brooks never should have been been on the street in the first place a thoroughly loathe some person. watch about him pitcherring his 16-year-old girlfriend. >> all of a sudden now i'm a pedophile. let me explain that 10 years ago, 2006, i caught a case with my oldest daughter's momma, yes, my baby momma. i didn't know she was 16 at the time. she gave a statement to the police and told them yeah shoes was and i was pitcherring and that she was 16. and that i didn't know that okay. >> so for some reason this guy has spent most of his wife free. three weeks ago probably not surprisingly he was charged with punching the mother of his latest child in the face and running her over with his car. he should have been in jail for that but the milwaukee county district attorney a radical called john chisholm released brooks on $1,000 bail. for $1,000 for beating and running over a woman. why? well, because john chisholm believes bail is racist. a few years ago chisholm acknowledged letting violent criminals out of jail was certain to cost be in the lives, but he explained it's still worth it because equity. quote, is there going to be an individual i divert or put into a treatment program who is going to go out and kill somebody? you bet. guaranteed. it is guaranteed to happen. it does not invalidate the overall approach. in other words, the deaths of innocence, old ladies, small children are a small price to pay because the principle of equity is so beautiful and so important. that is a diseased way of thinking. it's how cult leaders and dictators think. it's not a western world view. but suddenly it's a mainstream position within the democratic party. watch jonathan swan of axios try to get congresswoman rashida tlaib of michigan to explain what would happen if we closed all federal prisons in this country as she is demanding. >> wrestled with any potential downsides of releasing into society every single person who is currently in a federal prison? >> yeah, again, i think that everyone is like oh my god we are going to release everybody. that's not what i'm yeah, but did you see how many people are mentally ill that are in prison right now. >> yeah but the act you endorsed actually says release everyone in 10 years. >> in 10 years, think about it who are we releasing. >> there are like human traffickers. >> i know. >> do you mean you don't actually support that? >> no. >> you endorsed the bill. >> i endorse the breathe act. >> your proposal is so sweeping. >> oh, oh, yeah. >> it does release everyone. >> within 10 years and actually there is a process of looking at how can we get away from mass incarceration. >> sure. >> and move towards care first. >> tucker: unbothered. human traffickers? yeah. in the end she refused toe give swann a single example of any criminal no matter how violent or dangerous who remain behind bars, not one. what happened when f. we did this, if we actually emptied the prisons as democrats are demanding. >> we are getting a taste of the consequence now by watching what's happening in the san francisco bay area. here's what it looks like. ♪ ♪ >> [bleep] >> go on. >> tucker: there is nothing equitable about that. it's theft. big picture is anarchy. it's violent chaos in which the weak will always suffer the most. why do we have civilization in the first place precaiaphasly to prevent scenes like that. you got to wonder why they are encouraging it tulsi gabbard is a former member of congress from the state of hawaii and happy to have her join us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. so have you been particularly trial. is going to lead to a bad place. are you concerned that we may be seeing that bad place? >> we are headed down a very dangerous path and right alongside that dangerous path is the fact that we have politicians. we have activist judges we have prosecutors who are not enforcing the law. people trying to defund the police people who have screwed up priorities who seem to be more interested in caring more about protecting criminals than actually protecting our community basic responsibility of our government is to keep our people and our communities safe. and what we are seeing now as a result of these screwed up priorities, tucker, is anarchy, chaos, and people getting hurt and loss of life on our streets. and this is, you know, you have given a few of these really key examples here and how crazy it is that we have people who are guilty of -- accused of petty crimes who pose no threat to the community, locked up in jail, then you have violent felons who are let out, whether it's a bail of 500 bucks or 5,000 or 50,000. it doesn't matter the amount. they are let out on to our streets. continuing their terrorist spree. it's crazy. >> tucker: i always think as i watch this how does this enhelp the weak? every politician talks about how, you know, our civilization exists to protect the weak. people who need help protecting themselves. that's why we have civilization, they are the ones that get complete lid shafted by this. they're the ones who get killed. >> they are the ones who suffer the most because of this broken system. and unless we do something, unless leaders in our country do something to actually fix this very broken system; i'm deeply concerned we will continue to see the kind of horror that we have seen play out over -- in wisconsin and in different parts of the countries, this continuing to get worse. >> i wonder, nobody is for this. it doesn't matter what political heart you belong to. >> all of our prisons who are letting murderers out with no bail. >> i have no idea the answer to that question. it's so irresponsible for politicians to sit there and make these proposals that, okay, we're just going to get rid of prisons. but, as you saw in that clip there doesn't seem to be an actual plan and all of their words might sound warm and fuzzy to them. wait until somebody comes and threatens them, their child, their sister or brother, their loved one. then it gets real very quick. we shouldn't wait for that to happen. our communities can't wait for their own families to be threatened because of this kind of irresponsible and dangerous leadership. >> tucker: maybe people who have publicly funded body guards should recuse themselves from these conversations because they are not feeling the effects of their own policies. >> maybe they should go and meet with some of the families who have been affected by murderer hes who are in these prisons. >> yeah. >> tucker: man, thank you. tulsi gabbard, a blast of common sense as always. we appreciate it. great to see you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so, last night we spoke to kyle rittenhouse for almost an hour. first interview since he was acquitted. there was a lot we couldn't fit into the show last night. we want to show you another part of it. kyle rittenhouse says even after his not guilty verdict he has lost faith in the justice system. that's next. ♪ threw him in jail. then they hid evidence from the defense. but appalling, appalling example of prosecutorial misconduct. we asked rittenhouse about that during our conversation last night. here's what he said. >> tucker: what did you think of the prosecution? >> in my belief, the prosecutorial misconduct in this case is ridiculous. they knew i was innocent but they still decided to bring these charges to make their name, to have a name. they wanted my head on their shelf. there is this fbi surveillance -- may i remind you it's illegal to survey a citizen. but the fbi still had a plane up and tried to twist to to to say i was chasing down mr. rosenbaum. never happened. and the funny thing is, we were not provided that drone footage until october, and they had it way before an phish gave it to them and they compressed that fbi drone video and gave it to us. they gave us a compressed version of that file. so they had a 4 k drone that showed the shooting of mr. rosenbaum. >> tucker: yeah. >> do you know what hand break is? >> no assistant district attorney cross had a software installed on his computer called hand break. and this is just speculation. but put 2 and 2 together we get a decompressed i think it's 3 mega bites file of the drone video when they have an 11 mega by the and he has hand break installed on his computer. in a normal trial grounds for mistrial there. >> exactly. >> you have to be provided the same evidence the prosecution is provided by definition. another disgrace in this government with the fbi drone they called the camera operator of that drone to testify. 88 questions and then attorney mark richards, great attorney, phenomenal attorney, asked his questions. he asked about the tail number, the state objected and they said he had a tuohy letter from the state attorney and we weren't able to ask him the tail number so we could submit our foia requests which are still being appealed right now so we can get the complete version of that night on the drone video. he wouldn't give us the tail number. we weren't able to ask him what the tail number is. >> tucker: that's shocking. >> because of the tuohy letter that we got the day he testified that supposedly disappeared from attorney natalie wisco it another great attorney email. it magically disappeared from her email. the state said they emailed it but we never got it. >> tucker: so dirty. what do you think motivated binger? >> assistant district attorney binger is a corrupt person who just wants to make a name for himself and not look at the facts. i used to be a fan of the prosecutors, not anymore. i believe there are still good prosecuting attorneys out there. he is the prosecuting attorney that wants to make a name for himself and he is supposed to speak the truth and nothing but the truth but he decided he wanted to lie and try to put me in prison for the rest of my life for myself. >> tucker: that must be shocking for you never -- this is a case that has nothing to do with politics but politics were brought into it for people's own agenda. >> tucker: brit hume senior political analyst here at fox. he joins us in studio. brit, great to see you. given what i think all of us following this case with one last year. given what presented to the media. how did that square with the actual kyle rittenhouse in his own words. >> real trofings hear him speak at that length he did with you last night. and, you know, you saw a lot of it -- if you followed the trial you saw a lot of him. alcoholic some of the performance being carefully prepared oby his lawyers and sort of knowing his lines. that was extamp rainous at such length that you couldn't really memorize all that stuff. >> tucker: right. >> he comes across as kind of an innocent, well-intentioned, decent, quite intelligent, young man who is light years from the caricatures that were paintinged of him in the media. and by some leading political figures including i'm sorry to say, our president. >> tucker: this whole case felt -- it was about self-defense, it was about a protest, of course. in kenosha, but in some ways it was really a media story. >> brit: it was -- the media were as they have been so often in recent years, from the start and throughout jumping to conclusions, taking the word for it that they -- it from people they shouldn't have trusted. and beyond the media think of how badly used by, first of all, the prosecution which bringing a case that should not have been brought. he says it's because they wanted glory for themselves. i think those two guys that prosecuted that case who were monumentally inept in the prosecution, were probably afraid not to bring the case. >> tucker: i think that's right. >> that may have been. in any case the case shouldn't have been brought. his original defense lawyers and how they treated him and what they did with the money and what they did in his behalf and leaving him to rot in jail is anywhere near true, that is a separate and total scandal under itself. and then finally, of course, he was well-treated by his own lawyers. the ones who eventually tried the case for him. they did a good job clearly he thinks highly of him. what about the jailers who had him in what was supposed to be the better jail the one as he described being a down scale motel but, no running water to the point where he couldn't bathe for the time he was in there? his skin was falling off and he smelled so bad he was apologizing to people who gave him a lift, transported him. my god. that's a horrible story. and one more example of how badly he was used. >> tucker: no one seems to care. i mean, you would think like if the media are supposed to care about the weakest among us. here is a working class kid from wisconsin. you know, but they don't care. >> brit: no a lot of the elite opinion would find someone like kyle rittenhouse beneath their notice except for purposes of contempt. >> tucker: that so distressing. >> it is distressing. that's exactly and then you have to add in the fact that the president of the united states, when this verdict is rendered, a president who comes out and says the verdict is. in the jury has spoken. it must be respected. biden got part of that right. he couldn't leave it alone, no. he had to come back later and say that he was concerned and disturbed by the verdict. that is outrageous. no president should talk like that in a situation like this. he is a strong president, willing to buck people who may support him would be willing to come out and say at a time like that show leadership and say i'm sorry the jury has spoken, this is final. he is innocent in my eyes, too. he couldn't do that he didn't do that. >> tucker: is he not strong. >> too weak to do that. >> tucker: that's the whole story of this administration, i think. as always, you put your finger right on it brit hume, thank you. >> great to see you. >> tucker: access to rittenhouse and his family during the trial. focus of a new episode of tucker carlson originals called the trial of kyle you can watch it in december on fox nation. so big tech is doing everything it can to crush bobby kennedy jr.'s new book on anthony fauci. amazon is not allowing any advertisements for the book. book sellers are even forbidden to tell it apparently you are not allowed to criticize anthony fauci. got some good news though. that book right now is one of the best selling books in america. we will speak to the publisher just ahead. the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. bill gates big pharma and the global war on democracy public health. it really is worth reading. so, of course, big tech immediately decided to censor it. youtube shut down videotape book signing because it violated community guidelines and misspread information. amazon limited advertises for the book. many book sellers refusing to sell it. despite all of that, people are buying it. in fact the book is at the top of the amazon list. tony lyons is the president and publisher of sky horse bravely plusing this book. plusing this book blushing this book. >> i'm interested in attempts to shut it down by big tech. tell us what you have gone through. >> there has been a total media blackout of this book. it's the book in america and you won't read about it in any newspaper if you try to advertise on any of the online platforms, they send you a notice saying that you can't advertise it there. it's crazy this can ham happen in america. there has to be room in this country for dialogue and debate. >> very serious book i read it. not crazy in the slightest. particularly resender. has it not been reviewed at all has the "new york times" even acknowledged it, for example? hasn't been reviewed anywhere. 2194 citations. it was vetted by doctors and scientists and lawyers it has a blurb from a nobel prize winning doctor. >> tucker: amazing. were you worried about publishing this book? >> i was worried about not publishing this book. i mean, there are two sides to every story. and, you know, the real anthony fauci is, like you said a meticulously researched book. and, you know, bobby kennedy worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week for nine months on this book. you know, he gave his whole heart and soul to it. this is a book that i'm proud to publish. bobby kennedy is a hero, a great man. fighter for justice. and, you know, he is called anti-vaccine but is he really anticorruption and pro-vaccine safety. >> tucker: and pro-democracy. and i agree with your description of him wholeheartedly. he is all those things. what is crazy that s. that anthony fauci has immense power over the united states. he has never been elected to anything he yields enormous power over people's private lives. what does it say that you are not allowed to criticize him? >> i think it's telling thely crazy that you can't criticize him. you know, here is a serious book claiming corruption at the highest levels of government. you know, of government, of dr. anthony fauci, you know, one of the most powerful people, one of the most powerful government officials you can't even claim that he is committed some wrongdoing. there needs to be a congressional investigation. there needs -- you know, we need to really look into the claims that are made in this book. this is a 200,000 word book. like i said, it has 2,194 citations. and it's being censored because of the title. >> tucker: unbelievable. thankfully, people are reading it anyway. and i think that they should. again, i just applaud your bravery in doing this. you are the publisher we need in this country. someone who is committed to free speech. tony lyons thanks for joining us. >> can i show the cover once? because it is so hard to get. >> tucker: it's on the screen. you can't see it but it's on the screen right next to you. >> great, terrific. >> tucker: thank you, tony lyons. >> thanks so much. >> tucker: recently sat down with bobby kennedy jr. for an entire hour for an issue of "tucker carlson today." worth watching. we hope you watching. well, joe biden is particularly unpopular with blue collar workers and people living in middle america. why is that charlie will he did you have, one of the great reporters has a theory about that that's straight ahead. earn, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. ♪ >> tucker: how bad is inflation rising? well the dollar tree no longer a dollar, it's the 1. 25 tree. kevin corke has the story. >> ask diminish who filled up gas tank recently or grocery shopping they will tell you inflation is all too real and definitely hammering american families. the latest sign that your dollar isn't quite what it used to be, discount retailer dollar tree has announced it will begin charging 1.25 for a majority of it product by the end of april. rising freight, distribution and operating costs all factors in the change according to the company. now, the very same factors i should point this out are also dogging the economy as a whole. yet the white house insists it's doing all it can to alleviate pressure on consumers, many of whom as you know are now girding for soaring thanksgiving day costs. >> what message does it send to the middle class americans president biden says that he is trying to help who are struggling this week to cover the costs of the most expensive thanksgiving ever that the president is going to take a few days off at a billionaire's compound in nantucket? >> well, first i would say i don't know if you have cooked a turkey before but a 20-pound turkey is a pretty big turkey. they are all b. $1 more. not to minimize that. any increase in prices is something the president is concerned about. as is evidenced by his announcement today and as his efforts to push forward on additional relief for the american people. >> evidence reduce gas prices. critics say mr. president biden self-caused. today the administration ordered record setting 50 billion barrels be released from the petroleum reserve. that 50 billion barrels government reported consumer prices october: 50 billion barrels 80 billion barrels a day we are looking at less than three days three days. kevin corke, thank you. joe biden less than a year turning out to be one of the most popular presidents in the history of this country especially unpopular in middle america. why is that. >> charlie did you have spent years in the "new york times," now an independent journalist in michigan where he gray up. and he has thought about this. he had a long conversation "tucker carlson today." >> tucker: give me the overview from the middle of the ideological spectrum and continental united states of joe biden. [clearing throat] >> tucker: my impression of a poetry professor? are you yesterday? this i wrote down. >> inflation, inflation, joe, sorry, dude, inflation. the reason we have inflation, bro, that nobody is talking about it is all the money we printed, yes. the economy adjusted for inflation is more active, the g.d.p. is higher now than it was in january 2020. adjusted for inflation, so it's not the bottleneck. it's everybody got some cash. everybody stayed home. everybody saved the cash. plus, the amount of cash in the world went up 25%. we created 20% of all dollars last year. everybody knows the more stuff you got, the less it's worth. >> tucker: exactly. >> one diamond ring, very valuable. 50 diamond rings fifthth as valuable. all got money they all want stuff at the same time. right? that's why you got all that stuff offshore in l.a. hey, man, you better like order it now or you won't get it for christmas, order, order, order. don't got enough trucks, don't have enough -- sitting there. that's what's going on. so, dude, we're infrastructure. you still haven't explained how you are going to pay for it here is what we are not into. a return to the welfare state. endless checks for everybody. right? college and kids and, you know, like, yo, we got to get back to earning. we got enough fake dollars out there. that they are causing the price of everything to go up. the reason the feds thought inflation would go down is because we would be broke ass. spend the lollipops, they are will eat those and they will be broke again. we got kind of clever. now everybody is dragging their heels, i want some more. inflation, two. immigration, what's going on with this? babies in cages, remember that one? >> tucker: yeah. >> okay, we have people having children underneath a bridge? come on come on, no, no. dude, order in the court. process. we're not in to that. crime, crime, period, crime. defund the police. the left of your party hijacked this crap. here is what we told the progressives again it's not progress. get lost. run away from them now. covid, we already talked about and here's the other one, it's a big one. afghanistan. we remember that. that's the signature of your foreign policy. you got -- you have got the chinese buzzing taiwan and everything else. we haven't forgotten afghanistan. we get a lot of people out yet? >> tucker: no. >> media, start acting like talking to us and talking points. in talking points all the time. this is america, the people of america we are -- we get it too much fake money we want good cops we want the border under control. we want a future for our kids, policy on covid, please. because i'm getting pissed. and everybody i know is getting pissed. and getting so bad. >> tucker: charlie leduff a pulitzer prize "new york times" getting a sense why he couldn't say there. that's a compliment. watch the whole conversation charlie leduff tucker well, the white house is completely ignoring a recent federal ruling that halted its illegal injection mandate. the administration took action to reinstate the mandatory injections for businesses across the country. amy wolf is here next with update. head over to tucker carlson dot council during the break for all the new merchandise. ♪ ♪ qunol is the number one cardiologist recommended form of coq10. qunol has 3 times better absorption than regular coq10. the brand i trust is qunol. >> tucker: a federal appeals court suspended joe biden's vaccination mandate. all over the world people are fighting knack. not just here but in many countries. you would not know because it gets no coverage whatsoever. naomi wolf joins us now. i see a picture online or hear about protests. you have been following it. what is the push back? >> it's extraordinary. if should be front page news on all of the major news outlet. it is not. europe is up in arms. there are lockdowns in austria. trying to lock unvaccinated people into their homes. in australia they are taking people to mandatory quarantine campus -- camps and germany will follow suit. we have seen bad outcomes in that part of europe in the past. europeans are not having it. in italy, greece and france, across europe, there are massive protests. there has been violence aimed at protestors in the netherlands. hundreds of thousands of europeans are up in arms, saying we are a free continent and a free people. we will not allow these tyrannical measures to be enforced against us. it's not the end of the story. unfortunately, when protests have a violent response from the police, that can end in a protest movement. in many countries the police and others are supporting the protestors and liberty. but it's a fragile and scary time. >> tucker: it seems like a huge story. we are only getting bit and pieces of it. what about in this country? you are not seeing that. >> in this country, i am proud to say i talked to the heroes who are fighting to save our freedoms and keep us from being australia or austria. i talk to them every day. americans are saying no. i was at a massive rally to honor first responders who are resitting the vaccine mandate in new york city. in new hampshire a representative and her colleagues got a bill out of committee to ban president biden's vaccine mandates in the state of new hampshire -- kansas issued another kind of decision to ban the biden mandates. working people across the country are saying no. truckers are walking off the jobs. pilots are grounding flights. they said no. unions are saying no. and dozens of lawsuits have been filed by citizens and unions and elected officials in over 10 states against the biden administration. when you step back, tell -- there is a bigger picture here. never did i imagine a president would first declare there would be no mandates. president biden and dr. fauci said that. in september he said there would be forced vaccinations with an experimental substance. the clinical trials are not over until 2023. people who have religious objections or health conditions or have natural immunity. not only is the president saying i will force people to be injected against their will but do it in an unamerican way. he is ignoring two courts that ruled he must stay his hand. he is using osha. >> tucker: appreciate your steadfast attention to this. good to see you. >> thank you so much. i appreciate your focus on it as well. >> tucker: have the best night with the ones you love. see you soon. guess who is next. sean hannity is next. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." for the full hour the 45th president of the united states will be our guest. we will talk about biden's disastrous presidency and kyle rittenhouse found not guilty. but first president trumps that a new book out. you can get it autographed or not autographed. it has never

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Tucker Carlson , All American Christmas Book , Foxnews Com , Sean , Fox News Primetime , Rachel , 00 , 7 , Kyle Rittenhouse , Christmas Parade , Suv , Charges , Supporter , Blm , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Wink , Kenosha , Two , Way , Slaughter , Walk Shawrks Wisconsin , People , Daughter , Description , Scene , Boy , Grandmother , Witness , One , Six , 5 , Gentleman , Body , Feet , Costume , Darrell Brooks , Mass Murder , Police Saided Man , Front , Wheels , Media , Something , Nothing , Evidence , Quote , Thing , Killings , Coincidences , Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict , Terrorist Incident , White House , Chief Of Police , News Team , Children And Women At Christmas Parade , Mishap , Waukesha , Five , News Organizations , Knife Fight , Car , Us , Parade , Explanation , Implication , 40 , Defund The Police , Course , Watch , Reports , Firing A Gun , Msnbc , Parade By Accident , Theory A Step Further , Nbc , Everybody , Blood , Perpetrators , Fight , Participants , Reporters , Stabbing , Altercation , Events , Stabbings , Guy , Police Barricade , Knife , Cut , Victim , Officer , Act , Anything , Doing , Murder , Band Members , Really Cold Blooded , Eyewitnesses , Cops , Many , Fault , Brooks Zigzagging Down The Street , Question , Theory , Media Don T , Bit , Lie , Darrell Brooks Commit Mass Murder , Story , Committee , Deaths , Subpoenas , Ghislaine Maxwell Trial , Roger Stone , Lines , Brooks Social Media , Propaganda , Rap Songs , Race Hate , Feeds , Hill , Malcolm X , Verdict , One Blm Activist , Whites , Kyle Rittenhouse Case , Insignificantly Brooks , Fist , The Jury , On Facebook , Fruit Bowl , Connect The Dots , Retaliation , Rittenhouse Acquittal , Person , Wisconsin , Revolution , Shouldn T , Zero , Lies , Last , Race , Rights , Rise , Referendum , White Supremacy , Wall , Place , Street , Girlfriend , Pedophile , 16 , 10 , Statement , Yes , Baby Momma , Momma , Pitcherring , Yeah Shoes , 2006 , Reason , Mother , Child , Wife , Face , Okay , Three , Jail , Bail , John Chisholm , Running , Woman , Beating , Milwaukee County District Attorney A Radical , 1000 , 000 , It , Criminals , Somebody , Lives , Equity , Treatment Program , Individual , Children , Words , Price , Principle , Approach , Innocence , Ladies , Guaranteed , You Bet , Rashida Tlaib , Cult Leaders , Thinking , Dictators , Mainstream Position , Axios , Democratic Party , Western World View , Country , Michigan , Prisons , Downsides , Everyone , Prison , Society , Oh My God , Human Traffickers , Proposal , Bill , Breathe Act , Process , Move , First , Oh , Mass Incarceration , Example , In The End , Toe , Matter , Criminal , Bars , Unbothered , F , Consequence , Taste , San Francisco Bay Area , Bleep , Go On , Chaos , Weak , Civilization , Big Picture Is Anarchy , Most , Theft , Precaiaphasly , Thanks , Member , Tulsi Gabbard , Congress , State Of Hawaii , Scenes , Prosecutors , Fact , Politicians , Path , Law , Judges , Government , Community , Priorities , Safe , Responsibility , Streets , Anarchy , Few , Life , Loss , Result , Crimes , Examples , Threat , Felons , Let Out , 500 Bucks , 5000 , 50000 , 500 , Amount , Politician , It Doesn T , Terrorist Spree , Enhelp , Talks , Ones , Help , Lid , Kind , System , Leaders , Because , Horror , Nobody , Countries , Parts , Over , Heart , Play , Murderers , Answer , Idea , Plan , Proposals , Families , Sister , Communities , We Shouldn T , Loved One , Brother , Murderer Hes , Policies , Some , Leadership , Conversations , Body Guards , Effects , Common Sense , Blast , Faith , Part , Justice System , Lot We Couldn T , Interview , Last Night , Prosecutorial Misconduct , Rittenhouse , Defense , Prosecution , Belief , Name , Head , Surveillance , Fbi , Shelf , Mr , Citizen , Plane Up , Drone Footage , Rosenbaum , Drone , Drone Video , File , Version , Phish , 4 K , Hand Break , Computer , Assistant District Attorney , Cross , Software , Shooting , Decompressed , Bites , Speculation , Mega , 11 , 2 , 3 , Trial Grounds , Mistrial , Definition , Disgrace , Camera Operator , State , Mark Richards , Tail Number , Questions , Attorney , Letter , State Attorney , 88 , He Wouldn T , Requests , Foia , Attorney Email , Natalie Wisco , Binger , Email , Prosecuting Attorney , Out There , Truth , Attorneys , Facts , Fan , The Rest Of My Life , Politics , Brit , Agenda , Senior , Studio , Brit Hume , Lot , Trial , Length , Square , Real Trofings , Lawyers , Stuff , Alcoholic , Performance , Oby , Extamp Rainous , Man , Decent , Caricatures , Figures , Well Intentioned , Innocent , Paintinged , President , Media Story , Protest , Self Defense , Ways , Word , Conclusions , Start , Guys , Glory , Money , Defense Lawyers , Scandal , Anywhere , Behalf , Jailers , Job , Motel , Running Water , Down Scale , God , He Couldn T Bathe , Point , Skin , Apologizing , Lift , Someone , Care , Weakest , No One , Opinion , Don T Care , Working Class Kid , Notice , Contempt , Purposes , Add , Joe Biden , Jury , Right , Show Leadership , Situation , Administration , In My Eyes , He Couldn T , Finger , Everything , Tech , Focus , Family , Access , Originals , Episode , December On Fox Nation , Book , Book Sellers , Anthony Fauci , Bobby Kennedy Jr , Amazon , Advertisements , News , Publisher , Books , Survivors , Thousands , Human History , Genocide , Jewish , Hanukkah , Holiday Season , Comfort , Comfort Ye , Jews , Food , , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Survival Food Box , Gift , 25 , Time , Miracle , Holiday Gift , Diet , Essentials , 70 , Communists , Hanukkah Candles , Foods , Supply , Work , Yael Eckstein , Needs , Hungry , Holocaust , Bill Gates , Big Pharma And The Global War On Democracy Public Health , Youtube , Videotape Book Signing , Reading , Community Guidelines , Big Tech Immediately , Misspread Information , Tony Lyons , Top , Amazon List , Sky Horse , Book Blushing , Plusing , Attempts , Big Tech , Newspaper , Any , Platforms , Saying , Media Blackout , Ham , Room , Debate , Dialogue , New York Times , Slightest , Resender , Citations , Hasn T , Doctors , Scientists , Blurb , Nobel Prize , 2194 , Doctor , Sides , Heart And Soul , Seven , Nine , Fighter , Hero , Justice , Power , Things , Safety , Thely , Levels , Corruption , Government Officials , Dr , Word Book , Wrongdoing , Investigation , 200000 , Being , Title , Bravery , Screen , Terrific , Speech , Cover , Tucker Carlson Today , Watching , Issue , Charlie Leduff , Blue Collar Workers , Policy On Covid , Support , Calhope , You Re Not Alone , Calhope Org , 833 317 4673 , 317 , 833 , 4673 , 19 , Inflation , Dollar , Dollar Tree , Tree , 1 , Kevin Corke , Ask , Sign , Gas Tank , Grocery Shopping , Factors , Distribution , Operating , It Product , Majority , Freight , Change , 1 25 , Economy , Pressure , Consumers , Whom , Company , Whole , Costs , Thanksgiving , Middle Class Americans , Billionaire , Message , Turkey , Prices , More , Compound , Increase , Nantucket , B 1 , 20 , Gas Prices , Relief , Announcement , Efforts , Biden Self , Critics , Barrels , Record , Petroleum Reserve , 50 Billion , 80 Billion , Presidents , History , Journalist , Overview , Middle , Spectrum , Clearing Throat , Poetry Professor , Impression , Bro , Dude , Joe , Cash , Gdp , Bottleneck , Home , January 2020 , 2020 , World , Plus , Got Money , Want Stuff , Worth , Valuable , Diamond Ring , Diamond Rings Fifthth , Stuff Offshore In L A Hey , 50 , Order , What S Going On , Infrastructure , Don T Have Enough , Got Enough Trucks , College , Kids , Welfare State , We Haven T , Return , Checks , Yo , Feds , Earning , Ass , Lollipops , Clever , Heels , Immigration , Cages , Babies , Bridge , Crime , Court , Come On , Party , Big One , Crap , Left , Progressives , Afghanistan , Foreign Policy , Signature , Chinese , Buzzing Taiwan , Everything Else , Points , Acting , Control , Border , Compliment , Sense , Charlie Leduff A Pulitzer Prize , Couldn T Say , Injection Mandate , Action , Injections , Ruling , Businesses , Break , Dot Council , Update , Merchandise , Amy Wolf , Times , Form , Qunol , Brand , Cardiologist , Coq10 , Vaccination Mandate , Federal Appeals Court , Coverage , Fighting Knack , Picture , Protests , Back , Naomi Wolf , Arms , Europe , News Outlet , Page , Quarantine Campus , Homes , Austria , Australia , Lockdowns , Outcomes , Suit , Camps , France , Germany , Italy , Greece , Protestors , Violence , Hundreds , Netherlands , End , Continent , Measures , Response , Protest Movement , Liberty , Others , Pieces , Heroes , Fighting , Freedoms , Responders , Rally , Representative , Vaccine Mandate , Colleagues , New Hampshire , New York City , Bill Out Of Committee To Ban , Truckers , Decision , Biden Mandates , Kansas , Unions , Pilots , Officials , Citizens , Jobs , Lawsuits , Dozens , Flights , States , Mandates , Vaccinations , Trials , Substance , 2023 People , 2023 , Health Conditions , Will , Objections , Immunity , Courts , Hand , Osha , Attention , Guess Who , Hannity , Sean Hannity , 45 , Presidency , President Of The United States , Guest , Trumps ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

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six people were killed including grandmother and 5-year-old boy. here is one witness's description of the scene. >> we were sitting, my daughter was sitting at my feet and i was standing above her. and what i saw was a red suv run over a gentleman, i think it was a gentleman in a costume and he was -- his body was trampled by both the front and the back wheels. >> tucker: police saided man who did this is called darrell brooks. as of tonight he has not publicly explained why he committed mass murder instead the media have decided to speak for him. the main thing you they want you to know is these killings had absolutely nothing to do with the kyle rittenhouse verdict just two days before. nothing whatsoever. the time something just one of those amazing coincidences. quote, there is no evidence that this is a terrorist incident announced waukesha's chief of police. but indiscriminately murdering children and women at christmas parade what is it? a vehicular mishap. here is now twitter in-house news team described it five people dead and more than 40 injured after car drives through parade. car? false as a red suv. other news organizations had another explanation handy. it turns out of they told us that brooks was fleeing from a knife fight the implication of course walls he got spooked and drove through the parade by accident, you know, as you do. then msnbc took the theory a step further and suggested the police had somehow goaded darrell brooks by firing a gun at him. watch. >> the reports from nbc reporters is that maybe he was in a fight, a knife fight, an altercation or a stabbing. well everybody to stabbings, i have been tell you they are very bloody events. the perpetrators or participants often have blood all he over them even if it's coming from a victim they stabbed or they may get cut themselves if it's a knife fight. this guy might have been in the car with a bloody knife. blood all over them. saw the police barricade busted through it the officer fired and then he was going to do anything he or they to get away. when he ran over these band members and just an act of really cold blooded murder. >> tucker: brooks was doing whatever he could to get away from the police so effectively it's the cops' fault. except, no. that's not what happened. eyewitnesses, many of the eyewitnesses describe brooks zigzagging down the street trying to murder as many innocent people as he could. these killings were absolutely intentional and, no, brooks was not being chased by the police. that's a lie. so much for that theory. so the question remains why did darrell brooks commit mass murder in waukesha? the media don't seem interested in finding out. not even a little bit. so they decided to ignore the story completely. subpoenas to roger stone from some fake congressional committee are more important than six deaths like ghislaine maxwell trial as far as the national media is concerned not happening. why the media don't want to talk about hill. brooks social media feeds are full of racist and black nationalist propaganda. one his rap songs include lines from malcolm x race hate against whites. fruit bowl arranged to letters blm with a raised fist. not insignificantly brooks also criticized the jury's verdict in the kyle rittenhouse case. on facebook, one blm activist was happy to connect the dots here. he describes brooks' mass murder as retaliation for the rittenhouse acquittal. watch. >> >> we may have to wait to see what they say about why this happened. about how is that possible that the revolution has started. in wisconsin. started with this christmas parade. person reached out to me said they believe this has to do with the verdict. >> tucker: this has to do with the verdict. is it true, again, we have not confirmed it but we can't be absolutely certain that the national media will spend zero time trying to find out. why? because they are implicated. news organizations spent more than a year telling us that a case that had precisely nothing to do with race was somehow a referendum on the civil rights of black people and the rise of white supremacy. if it turns out those lies and they are lies got six people murdered they will probably be the last to tell us that. we do know darrell brooks never should have been been on the street in the first place a thoroughly loathe some person. watch about him pitcherring his 16-year-old girlfriend. >> all of a sudden now i'm a pedophile. let me explain that 10 years ago, 2006, i caught a case with my oldest daughter's momma, yes, my baby momma. i didn't know she was 16 at the time. she gave a statement to the police and told them yeah shoes was and i was pitcherring and that she was 16. and that i didn't know that okay. >> so for some reason this guy has spent most of his wife free. three weeks ago probably not surprisingly he was charged with punching the mother of his latest child in the face and running her over with his car. he should have been in jail for that but the milwaukee county district attorney a radical called john chisholm released brooks on $1,000 bail. for $1,000 for beating and running over a woman. why? well, because john chisholm believes bail is racist. a few years ago chisholm acknowledged letting violent criminals out of jail was certain to cost be in the lives, but he explained it's still worth it because equity. quote, is there going to be an individual i divert or put into a treatment program who is going to go out and kill somebody? you bet. guaranteed. it is guaranteed to happen. it does not invalidate the overall approach. in other words, the deaths of innocence, old ladies, small children are a small price to pay because the principle of equity is so beautiful and so important. that is a diseased way of thinking. it's how cult leaders and dictators think. it's not a western world view. but suddenly it's a mainstream position within the democratic party. watch jonathan swan of axios try to get congresswoman rashida tlaib of michigan to explain what would happen if we closed all federal prisons in this country as she is demanding. >> wrestled with any potential downsides of releasing into society every single person who is currently in a federal prison? >> yeah, again, i think that everyone is like oh my god we are going to release everybody. that's not what i'm yeah, but did you see how many people are mentally ill that are in prison right now. >> yeah but the act you endorsed actually says release everyone in 10 years. >> in 10 years, think about it who are we releasing. >> there are like human traffickers. >> i know. >> do you mean you don't actually support that? >> no. >> you endorsed the bill. >> i endorse the breathe act. >> your proposal is so sweeping. >> oh, oh, yeah. >> it does release everyone. >> within 10 years and actually there is a process of looking at how can we get away from mass incarceration. >> sure. >> and move towards care first. >> tucker: unbothered. human traffickers? yeah. in the end she refused toe give swann a single example of any criminal no matter how violent or dangerous who remain behind bars, not one. what happened when f. we did this, if we actually emptied the prisons as democrats are demanding. >> we are getting a taste of the consequence now by watching what's happening in the san francisco bay area. here's what it looks like. ♪ ♪ >> [bleep] >> go on. >> tucker: there is nothing equitable about that. it's theft. big picture is anarchy. it's violent chaos in which the weak will always suffer the most. why do we have civilization in the first place precaiaphasly to prevent scenes like that. you got to wonder why they are encouraging it tulsi gabbard is a former member of congress from the state of hawaii and happy to have her join us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. so have you been particularly trial. is going to lead to a bad place. are you concerned that we may be seeing that bad place? >> we are headed down a very dangerous path and right alongside that dangerous path is the fact that we have politicians. we have activist judges we have prosecutors who are not enforcing the law. people trying to defund the police people who have screwed up priorities who seem to be more interested in caring more about protecting criminals than actually protecting our community basic responsibility of our government is to keep our people and our communities safe. and what we are seeing now as a result of these screwed up priorities, tucker, is anarchy, chaos, and people getting hurt and loss of life on our streets. and this is, you know, you have given a few of these really key examples here and how crazy it is that we have people who are guilty of -- accused of petty crimes who pose no threat to the community, locked up in jail, then you have violent felons who are let out, whether it's a bail of 500 bucks or 5,000 or 50,000. it doesn't matter the amount. they are let out on to our streets. continuing their terrorist spree. it's crazy. >> tucker: i always think as i watch this how does this enhelp the weak? every politician talks about how, you know, our civilization exists to protect the weak. people who need help protecting themselves. that's why we have civilization, they are the ones that get complete lid shafted by this. they're the ones who get killed. >> they are the ones who suffer the most because of this broken system. and unless we do something, unless leaders in our country do something to actually fix this very broken system; i'm deeply concerned we will continue to see the kind of horror that we have seen play out over -- in wisconsin and in different parts of the countries, this continuing to get worse. >> i wonder, nobody is for this. it doesn't matter what political heart you belong to. >> all of our prisons who are letting murderers out with no bail. >> i have no idea the answer to that question. it's so irresponsible for politicians to sit there and make these proposals that, okay, we're just going to get rid of prisons. but, as you saw in that clip there doesn't seem to be an actual plan and all of their words might sound warm and fuzzy to them. wait until somebody comes and threatens them, their child, their sister or brother, their loved one. then it gets real very quick. we shouldn't wait for that to happen. our communities can't wait for their own families to be threatened because of this kind of irresponsible and dangerous leadership. >> tucker: maybe people who have publicly funded body guards should recuse themselves from these conversations because they are not feeling the effects of their own policies. >> maybe they should go and meet with some of the families who have been affected by murderer hes who are in these prisons. >> yeah. >> tucker: man, thank you. tulsi gabbard, a blast of common sense as always. we appreciate it. great to see you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so, last night we spoke to kyle rittenhouse for almost an hour. first interview since he was acquitted. there was a lot we couldn't fit into the show last night. we want to show you another part of it. kyle rittenhouse says even after his not guilty verdict he has lost faith in the justice system. that's next. ♪ threw him in jail. then they hid evidence from the defense. but appalling, appalling example of prosecutorial misconduct. we asked rittenhouse about that during our conversation last night. here's what he said. >> tucker: what did you think of the prosecution? >> in my belief, the prosecutorial misconduct in this case is ridiculous. they knew i was innocent but they still decided to bring these charges to make their name, to have a name. they wanted my head on their shelf. there is this fbi surveillance -- may i remind you it's illegal to survey a citizen. but the fbi still had a plane up and tried to twist to to to say i was chasing down mr. rosenbaum. never happened. and the funny thing is, we were not provided that drone footage until october, and they had it way before an phish gave it to them and they compressed that fbi drone video and gave it to us. they gave us a compressed version of that file. so they had a 4 k drone that showed the shooting of mr. rosenbaum. >> tucker: yeah. >> do you know what hand break is? >> no assistant district attorney cross had a software installed on his computer called hand break. and this is just speculation. but put 2 and 2 together we get a decompressed i think it's 3 mega bites file of the drone video when they have an 11 mega by the and he has hand break installed on his computer. in a normal trial grounds for mistrial there. >> exactly. >> you have to be provided the same evidence the prosecution is provided by definition. another disgrace in this government with the fbi drone they called the camera operator of that drone to testify. 88 questions and then attorney mark richards, great attorney, phenomenal attorney, asked his questions. he asked about the tail number, the state objected and they said he had a tuohy letter from the state attorney and we weren't able to ask him the tail number so we could submit our foia requests which are still being appealed right now so we can get the complete version of that night on the drone video. he wouldn't give us the tail number. we weren't able to ask him what the tail number is. >> tucker: that's shocking. >> because of the tuohy letter that we got the day he testified that supposedly disappeared from attorney natalie wisco it another great attorney email. it magically disappeared from her email. the state said they emailed it but we never got it. >> tucker: so dirty. what do you think motivated binger? >> assistant district attorney binger is a corrupt person who just wants to make a name for himself and not look at the facts. i used to be a fan of the prosecutors, not anymore. i believe there are still good prosecuting attorneys out there. he is the prosecuting attorney that wants to make a name for himself and he is supposed to speak the truth and nothing but the truth but he decided he wanted to lie and try to put me in prison for the rest of my life for myself. >> tucker: that must be shocking for you never -- this is a case that has nothing to do with politics but politics were brought into it for people's own agenda. >> tucker: brit hume senior political analyst here at fox. he joins us in studio. brit, great to see you. given what i think all of us following this case with one last year. given what presented to the media. how did that square with the actual kyle rittenhouse in his own words. >> real trofings hear him speak at that length he did with you last night. and, you know, you saw a lot of it -- if you followed the trial you saw a lot of him. alcoholic some of the performance being carefully prepared oby his lawyers and sort of knowing his lines. that was extamp rainous at such length that you couldn't really memorize all that stuff. >> tucker: right. >> he comes across as kind of an innocent, well-intentioned, decent, quite intelligent, young man who is light years from the caricatures that were paintinged of him in the media. and by some leading political figures including i'm sorry to say, our president. >> tucker: this whole case felt -- it was about self-defense, it was about a protest, of course. in kenosha, but in some ways it was really a media story. >> brit: it was -- the media were as they have been so often in recent years, from the start and throughout jumping to conclusions, taking the word for it that they -- it from people they shouldn't have trusted. and beyond the media think of how badly used by, first of all, the prosecution which bringing a case that should not have been brought. he says it's because they wanted glory for themselves. i think those two guys that prosecuted that case who were monumentally inept in the prosecution, were probably afraid not to bring the case. >> tucker: i think that's right. >> that may have been. in any case the case shouldn't have been brought. his original defense lawyers and how they treated him and what they did with the money and what they did in his behalf and leaving him to rot in jail is anywhere near true, that is a separate and total scandal under itself. and then finally, of course, he was well-treated by his own lawyers. the ones who eventually tried the case for him. they did a good job clearly he thinks highly of him. what about the jailers who had him in what was supposed to be the better jail the one as he described being a down scale motel but, no running water to the point where he couldn't bathe for the time he was in there? his skin was falling off and he smelled so bad he was apologizing to people who gave him a lift, transported him. my god. that's a horrible story. and one more example of how badly he was used. >> tucker: no one seems to care. i mean, you would think like if the media are supposed to care about the weakest among us. here is a working class kid from wisconsin. you know, but they don't care. >> brit: no a lot of the elite opinion would find someone like kyle rittenhouse beneath their notice except for purposes of contempt. >> tucker: that so distressing. >> it is distressing. that's exactly and then you have to add in the fact that the president of the united states, when this verdict is rendered, a president who comes out and says the verdict is. in the jury has spoken. it must be respected. biden got part of that right. he couldn't leave it alone, no. he had to come back later and say that he was concerned and disturbed by the verdict. that is outrageous. no president should talk like that in a situation like this. he is a strong president, willing to buck people who may support him would be willing to come out and say at a time like that show leadership and say i'm sorry the jury has spoken, this is final. he is innocent in my eyes, too. he couldn't do that he didn't do that. >> tucker: is he not strong. >> too weak to do that. >> tucker: that's the whole story of this administration, i think. as always, you put your finger right on it brit hume, thank you. >> great to see you. >> tucker: access to rittenhouse and his family during the trial. focus of a new episode of tucker carlson originals called the trial of kyle you can watch it in december on fox nation. so big tech is doing everything it can to crush bobby kennedy jr.'s new book on anthony fauci. amazon is not allowing any advertisements for the book. book sellers are even forbidden to tell it apparently you are not allowed to criticize anthony fauci. got some good news though. that book right now is one of the best selling books in america. we will speak to the publisher just ahead. the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. bill gates big pharma and the global war on democracy public health. it really is worth reading. so, of course, big tech immediately decided to censor it. youtube shut down videotape book signing because it violated community guidelines and misspread information. amazon limited advertises for the book. many book sellers refusing to sell it. despite all of that, people are buying it. in fact the book is at the top of the amazon list. tony lyons is the president and publisher of sky horse bravely plusing this book. plusing this book blushing this book. >> i'm interested in attempts to shut it down by big tech. tell us what you have gone through. >> there has been a total media blackout of this book. it's the book in america and you won't read about it in any newspaper if you try to advertise on any of the online platforms, they send you a notice saying that you can't advertise it there. it's crazy this can ham happen in america. there has to be room in this country for dialogue and debate. >> very serious book i read it. not crazy in the slightest. particularly resender. has it not been reviewed at all has the "new york times" even acknowledged it, for example? hasn't been reviewed anywhere. 2194 citations. it was vetted by doctors and scientists and lawyers it has a blurb from a nobel prize winning doctor. >> tucker: amazing. were you worried about publishing this book? >> i was worried about not publishing this book. i mean, there are two sides to every story. and, you know, the real anthony fauci is, like you said a meticulously researched book. and, you know, bobby kennedy worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week for nine months on this book. you know, he gave his whole heart and soul to it. this is a book that i'm proud to publish. bobby kennedy is a hero, a great man. fighter for justice. and, you know, he is called anti-vaccine but is he really anticorruption and pro-vaccine safety. >> tucker: and pro-democracy. and i agree with your description of him wholeheartedly. he is all those things. what is crazy that s. that anthony fauci has immense power over the united states. he has never been elected to anything he yields enormous power over people's private lives. what does it say that you are not allowed to criticize him? >> i think it's telling thely crazy that you can't criticize him. you know, here is a serious book claiming corruption at the highest levels of government. you know, of government, of dr. anthony fauci, you know, one of the most powerful people, one of the most powerful government officials you can't even claim that he is committed some wrongdoing. there needs to be a congressional investigation. there needs -- you know, we need to really look into the claims that are made in this book. this is a 200,000 word book. like i said, it has 2,194 citations. and it's being censored because of the title. >> tucker: unbelievable. thankfully, people are reading it anyway. and i think that they should. again, i just applaud your bravery in doing this. you are the publisher we need in this country. someone who is committed to free speech. tony lyons thanks for joining us. >> can i show the cover once? because it is so hard to get. >> tucker: it's on the screen. you can't see it but it's on the screen right next to you. >> great, terrific. >> tucker: thank you, tony lyons. >> thanks so much. >> tucker: recently sat down with bobby kennedy jr. for an entire hour for an issue of "tucker carlson today." worth watching. we hope you watching. well, joe biden is particularly unpopular with blue collar workers and people living in middle america. why is that charlie will he did you have, one of the great reporters has a theory about that that's straight ahead. earn, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. ♪ >> tucker: how bad is inflation rising? well the dollar tree no longer a dollar, it's the 1. 25 tree. kevin corke has the story. >> ask diminish who filled up gas tank recently or grocery shopping they will tell you inflation is all too real and definitely hammering american families. the latest sign that your dollar isn't quite what it used to be, discount retailer dollar tree has announced it will begin charging 1.25 for a majority of it product by the end of april. rising freight, distribution and operating costs all factors in the change according to the company. now, the very same factors i should point this out are also dogging the economy as a whole. yet the white house insists it's doing all it can to alleviate pressure on consumers, many of whom as you know are now girding for soaring thanksgiving day costs. >> what message does it send to the middle class americans president biden says that he is trying to help who are struggling this week to cover the costs of the most expensive thanksgiving ever that the president is going to take a few days off at a billionaire's compound in nantucket? >> well, first i would say i don't know if you have cooked a turkey before but a 20-pound turkey is a pretty big turkey. they are all b. $1 more. not to minimize that. any increase in prices is something the president is concerned about. as is evidenced by his announcement today and as his efforts to push forward on additional relief for the american people. >> evidence reduce gas prices. critics say mr. president biden self-caused. today the administration ordered record setting 50 billion barrels be released from the petroleum reserve. that 50 billion barrels government reported consumer prices october: 50 billion barrels 80 billion barrels a day we are looking at less than three days three days. kevin corke, thank you. joe biden less than a year turning out to be one of the most popular presidents in the history of this country especially unpopular in middle america. why is that. >> charlie did you have spent years in the "new york times," now an independent journalist in michigan where he gray up. and he has thought about this. he had a long conversation "tucker carlson today." >> tucker: give me the overview from the middle of the ideological spectrum and continental united states of joe biden. [clearing throat] >> tucker: my impression of a poetry professor? are you yesterday? this i wrote down. >> inflation, inflation, joe, sorry, dude, inflation. the reason we have inflation, bro, that nobody is talking about it is all the money we printed, yes. the economy adjusted for inflation is more active, the g.d.p. is higher now than it was in january 2020. adjusted for inflation, so it's not the bottleneck. it's everybody got some cash. everybody stayed home. everybody saved the cash. plus, the amount of cash in the world went up 25%. we created 20% of all dollars last year. everybody knows the more stuff you got, the less it's worth. >> tucker: exactly. >> one diamond ring, very valuable. 50 diamond rings fifthth as valuable. all got money they all want stuff at the same time. right? that's why you got all that stuff offshore in l.a. hey, man, you better like order it now or you won't get it for christmas, order, order, order. don't got enough trucks, don't have enough -- sitting there. that's what's going on. so, dude, we're infrastructure. you still haven't explained how you are going to pay for it here is what we are not into. a return to the welfare state. endless checks for everybody. right? college and kids and, you know, like, yo, we got to get back to earning. we got enough fake dollars out there. that they are causing the price of everything to go up. the reason the feds thought inflation would go down is because we would be broke ass. spend the lollipops, they are will eat those and they will be broke again. we got kind of clever. now everybody is dragging their heels, i want some more. inflation, two. immigration, what's going on with this? babies in cages, remember that one? >> tucker: yeah. >> okay, we have people having children underneath a bridge? come on come on, no, no. dude, order in the court. process. we're not in to that. crime, crime, period, crime. defund the police. the left of your party hijacked this crap. here is what we told the progressives again it's not progress. get lost. run away from them now. covid, we already talked about and here's the other one, it's a big one. afghanistan. we remember that. that's the signature of your foreign policy. you got -- you have got the chinese buzzing taiwan and everything else. we haven't forgotten afghanistan. we get a lot of people out yet? >> tucker: no. >> media, start acting like talking to us and talking points. in talking points all the time. this is america, the people of america we are -- we get it too much fake money we want good cops we want the border under control. we want a future for our kids, policy on covid, please. because i'm getting pissed. and everybody i know is getting pissed. and getting so bad. >> tucker: charlie leduff a pulitzer prize "new york times" getting a sense why he couldn't say there. that's a compliment. watch the whole conversation charlie leduff tucker well, the white house is completely ignoring a recent federal ruling that halted its illegal injection mandate. the administration took action to reinstate the mandatory injections for businesses across the country. amy wolf is here next with update. head over to tucker carlson dot council during the break for all the new merchandise. ♪ ♪ qunol is the number one cardiologist recommended form of coq10. qunol has 3 times better absorption than regular coq10. the brand i trust is qunol. >> tucker: a federal appeals court suspended joe biden's vaccination mandate. all over the world people are fighting knack. not just here but in many countries. you would not know because it gets no coverage whatsoever. naomi wolf joins us now. i see a picture online or hear about protests. you have been following it. what is the push back? >> it's extraordinary. if should be front page news on all of the major news outlet. it is not. europe is up in arms. there are lockdowns in austria. trying to lock unvaccinated people into their homes. in australia they are taking people to mandatory quarantine campus -- camps and germany will follow suit. we have seen bad outcomes in that part of europe in the past. europeans are not having it. in italy, greece and france, across europe, there are massive protests. there has been violence aimed at protestors in the netherlands. hundreds of thousands of europeans are up in arms, saying we are a free continent and a free people. we will not allow these tyrannical measures to be enforced against us. it's not the end of the story. unfortunately, when protests have a violent response from the police, that can end in a protest movement. in many countries the police and others are supporting the protestors and liberty. but it's a fragile and scary time. >> tucker: it seems like a huge story. we are only getting bit and pieces of it. what about in this country? you are not seeing that. >> in this country, i am proud to say i talked to the heroes who are fighting to save our freedoms and keep us from being australia or austria. i talk to them every day. americans are saying no. i was at a massive rally to honor first responders who are resitting the vaccine mandate in new york city. in new hampshire a representative and her colleagues got a bill out of committee to ban president biden's vaccine mandates in the state of new hampshire -- kansas issued another kind of decision to ban the biden mandates. working people across the country are saying no. truckers are walking off the jobs. pilots are grounding flights. they said no. unions are saying no. and dozens of lawsuits have been filed by citizens and unions and elected officials in over 10 states against the biden administration. when you step back, tell -- there is a bigger picture here. never did i imagine a president would first declare there would be no mandates. president biden and dr. fauci said that. in september he said there would be forced vaccinations with an experimental substance. the clinical trials are not over until 2023. people who have religious objections or health conditions or have natural immunity. not only is the president saying i will force people to be injected against their will but do it in an unamerican way. he is ignoring two courts that ruled he must stay his hand. he is using osha. >> tucker: appreciate your steadfast attention to this. good to see you. >> thank you so much. i appreciate your focus on it as well. >> tucker: have the best night with the ones you love. see you soon. guess who is next. sean hannity is next. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." for the full hour the 45th president of the united states will be our guest. we will talk about biden's disastrous presidency and kyle rittenhouse found not guilty. but first president trumps that a new book out. you can get it autographed or not autographed. it has never

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