Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

and also from the backstage of the patriot award dan sat down with retired green buret man who rescued hundreds of people from afghanistan during the chaotic and his fight isn't over yet. get emotional. you're not going want to want to miss this interview. but first, a fox news alert, cities across the country are bracing for a second night of protest after kyle rittenhouse exonerated. ashley strohmier is here with the latest. ashley. reporter: hey lisa things are made mostly calm in the wake of the kyle rittenhouse not guilty verdict that caught the nation's attention but in the hours following the verdict and throughout the day today thousands gathered coast to coast in major cities like boston, chicago, and across california. calling for police reform of what they say is an injustice. and new york city hundred shut down brooklyn bridge and marches last night and then port land oregon protesters force open and jail gate in a clash with police. but it wungts just in a street. millions of americans taking to social media to react but perhaps no response was more emotional to the verdict and rittenhouse himself. watch. >> as for the fifth count the jury find rittenhouse not guilty. >> members of the jury these for the verdict. rittenhouse clear of all charges after shooting three peel killing two last december in kenosha during violent protest and demand doj step in and review ruling and as for rittenhouse it is not clear if he will pursue any litigation himself. lisa back to you. >> thank you ashley so much chaos. so there's been a lot of noise since the not guilty verdict was handed down in kyle rittenhouse case everyone has an opinion. but one thing remains crystal clear jury did its job. the system worked. while the public was set a false narrative jury was given evidence and truth prevailed. in a unified society that would be accepted, but we're not a unified society we're divided. perhaps more than ever. joe biden who promised to unify the country at the elect ptd well he went on tv days after shooting for training kyle rittenhouse as a white supremacist and after verdict he had this to say. >> stand by your past comments comments -- >> look, i stand by what the jury has concluded. the jury system works, and we have to abide by it. >> that wasn't enough because hour it is later, he released this statement. seeming to add fuel to the flames that could ignite angry protest or at least leave americans even further divided. he said this -- well the verdict in kenosha leave many americans feeling angry and concern myself included we must acknowledge that jury has spoken. angry and concerned -- angry and concerned. and if that wasn't enough kamala harris piled on with this. >> verdict really speaks for itself as many of you know i spent a major of my career working to make criminal justice system more -- and clearly a lot more work to do. [laughter] >> shouldn't we have expected all of this? the media already condemn rittenhouse from the beginning. and they continue right after the verdict was read. >> the rest of us of any background, color who want to stand in the way of that white supremacy are at risk and we should be warned. that is the only message that i'm getting or not. >> absolutely too easy to kill and yes -- it came too easily to kyle rittenhouse. white men feel they have the right to enforce the law themselves. >> people may use this as excuse to go out of state and do what this teenager did. >> it is so disgusting. here's dan bongino and and glenn on how they framed the narrative. watch this. >> guy about that focused on e vap waiting credibility of the media for a lock team now is journalist and sub stack author glenn thank you for joining me i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> good to be with you. >> saddest part of this case is two separate universes this thing existed in. if you were listening solely to liberal media, you believed whole bunch of things that tush outs to be factually inaccurate with a short barrel rifle had across state lines illegally with that rifle and engage in dmes ib terrorism with a mass shooting distinct and got to court you saw the video it turned out to be a different case. this seem to be a media case from the start not a legitimate prosecution. >> yeah. it is absolutely the case. if you rely on media you should feel betrayed i'm before a journalist worked as a lawyer inside courtrooms for more than a decade so i knew that it is very difficult to cast a judgment about event this complex without seeing evidence at trial so i waited before forming a judgment and when i did sit down to watch trial i was infuriated everything i thought taught to believe about what happened here by the media was radically different than the facts of the case as they develop and i don't know dan if you've seen this but multiple media outlets around world like biggest ones in brazil in holland and u.k. have all repeatedly reported that the people that kyle rittenhouse killed were black. because they were misled by the american media who kept say this was a white supremacist on a punt and therefore they presume because they were deceived by american media that his victims were black. >> yeah. you know where i learned that glenn on your socially media feed that the media in brazil was reporting this. you know, and it remeengdzed me of an article i read earlier in the week washington examiner which is a centrist media outlet they have an tim carney who wrote it but he said i guarantee if you took a poll of democrats out there liberals and asked them that question, people involved in this rittenhouse shooting they race majority of liberals that were 30% and good swath would say they were black but glenn we see this all of the time i did a piece of my podcast earlier this week about how liberals still believe you know that hospitalization rates if from coronavirus is 50% how they believe thousands of unarm black men are shot every year by police officers. i mean glenn, these are opinions. these are facts that are wrong not an opinion like what diewpght to keep your temperature of your house at and lots of liberals just consistently get wrong. >> yeah. you know mayor of new york bill de blasio after the verdicts was released went on to twitter and posted this statement saying how enraged he was that the the acquittal because she shot people that proves he didn't watch a single second of the trial because they know that pangt is young that that never happened but what they've done is created closed ecosystem people like you or different opinion they train them to automatically ignore you. as somebody who doesn't tell the truth, because you die -- diverge and reenforce itself constantly and they believe what they hear and it is false but they're stuck inside this prison in our polarize media and never hear any decent so they don't know any better. >> glenn one of the ironyies i see in in case it speaks to an independent media if it weren't for glenn and you know, drew hernandez julio and others who have been out there on the ground covering this stuff. we never have the video in the full scope story of what happened in this rittenhouse case and irony near glenn is that -- mainstream media in this exercise with these -- boycott artist out there are trying to get independent media folks kicked off places like sub stack and other platforms and classify as misinformation. i mean, if this isn't so tragically ironic i don't know what is. they're attacking us for misinformation while they promote it. >> they're doing that on purpose because they know their ability to maintain this monopoly this strangle hold on defamily nation of information imperialed and independent journalist people who question them like the people you named aren't able to show the actual facts that are being suppressed. so they want to first malign us to get people not to listen to us and if that doesn't work to get us kicked off platform as you said key witnesses in this case the video that showed truth came from independent journalism one of the key witnesses of the daily caller everyone at the "new york times" nbc would say that's not a real journalist even though he was doing job of being a journalist being on the ground reporting what happened and they're inside their air-condition studios promoting ideological narrative no bearing on facts. >> glenn last question i appreciate your time but do you see this getting any better? i'm candidly afraid there's another crackdown coming on us we expose them again, as a liars as they are we have steven hatfield i'm afraud another is coming. the list goes on and on -- >> yeah. look, the reason why i'm optimistic dan is i know you know, you were starting to use independent outlets like rumble sub stack also using rumble and now develop platform it is that are specifically geared toward emancipating writers and journalist and commentator and citizens from oppression of tech and platforms are growing rapidly. biggest podcast in united states is joe rogen controlled by nobody that shows you that there's a craving for -- independent analysis that is free of structure they no longer trust that gives me optimism. >> i'm glad to hear it glenn thanks a lot for your time i really appreciate it. >> good talking to you dan. thank you. >> media told so many lies coming up on unfiltered speaking of lies, this one from the biden administration well they keep on coming. dan chat to brian kilmeade on joy's latest work affliction, after the break. oh, there you are. you know cath, with chase freedom unlimited we can cashback on all our holiday shopping. earn 3% at drugstores! i'll be at checkout. you bring the card. wait - i'm paying again?! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. 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with less eczema. talk to your child's eczema specialist about dupixent, a breakthrough eczema treatment. glis welcome back to unfiltered joe biden massive spending bill is now a deadlock in senate. after it passed the house of representatives, brian kilmeade join dan bongino to break down how the trillion dollar wish list breaks the president's promises. watch. ♪ ♪ >> fully paid for. reduced the deficit over the long-term as i said and again no one making less than $400 grand will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. dan: joe biden caught two more lies, more lies -- i'm adding that to the tell prompter with massive spending spree. turns out it is actually going to cost at least 160 billion dollar that's a far spill. scratch that -- it is gong to be way, way more than that we're being generous about 30.of middle class families will pay more in taxes. joining me now is "fox & friends" co-host brian kilmeade. brian, when are lying going to stop with this guy? by the way thanks for joining us after book signing he told us it is gaping to cost zero and nobody behind in line in afghanistan and a garbage story is this guy ever going to tell the truth and who were 38.of american still approve of this guy? >> first off dan a little advice don't say if it is not in the prompter i stoic prompter 100%. learn a lot from me. i heard you say it wasn't in prompter and -- dan: it is not -- he never reads prompter either. brian you are the king of the weird toss to jillian now carley those are never in prompter you make that up on the spot. you -- [laughter] you know it. >> i'm trying to offer you advice and you attack me this is unbelievable but to your topic i'm doing radio show you're doing it right after and we watch vote come in. and you know, that cbo came the with their sceern cbo was working recipe for the cbo outscore and said they don't know how to figure out math when it comes to how much money we're going to get once we put the irs on steroids and they're going after every american because we have 86 dollars to go after irs to get unpaid taxes from horrible rich people so therefore when we say 368 billion dollars it is going to cost us $368 billion that's cbo not doing math right then it is offbalance and they deny it is there. what i think is so -- egregious about what's happening you know what nancy pelosi did she put everything in the bill. so there was no negotiating. not leak 1.2 from two weeks ago with all of the gymnastic so excuse me you want tax in put that in. you want all of the other programs put that in and immigration put that in and hand this mess over to senate and now president acts like he's on top of things when he said it will cost zero and what i think is happening dan and i think you should be hardened by this is american public is looking past rhetoric and past hem did you see approval ratings 36% -- 36% approval if they listen to msnbc, cnn and cbs 54.but they're not listening because low with joe biden credibility so did network and other cable networks credibility. we're calling shots. if he actually was doing something to address inflation you would open up your show and say listen, guy is handling inflation. he's decided to drill more and fannie mae and freddie more and you'll give credit where credit is due you will give him credit and he's playing another game while we need something addressed. we need water addressed he doesn't bring up border we need origin of the virus addressed he meets with president of china and doesn't bring up virus. but then we want to address problems economically here with everybody quitting and he says i have a great spending program we can't afford i've never seen somebody so detached. dan: eventually i'll put a tie on one of these days but never for my e shough i like to go ninja style i'm considering you have a good agent writing that into the next contract no ties slide that one in there so no one can force me to do it? >> so dan there's people that need agents and then there's dan bongino which you say goes. when have you ever listened to anybody calling your own shots since early 50s? right. that's the problem. dan: you're right. yeah. it is. >> you're diagnose pretty good. dan: you're right good call. a plug for the book it is awesome president and freedom fighter. it is an absolutely fantastic recap of the relationship between frederick douglas and lincoln giving everything that's going on with country at race right now brian not a better book for times president and freedom fighter you won't be able to put it down i got to dig into it this week. very well done thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me on. >> coming up on unfiltered independent reporting during rittenhouse trial was evidence that helped clear us. a reporter who was there during those same kenosha protest joins me next. stay with us. brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two 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strohmier all clear has been given at the heartsfield jackson international airport in atlanta following a gun scare earlier today. the tsa says the gun accidentally went off at busy terminal when a passenger lunged for weapon while inspector checked bags according to tsa man ran out of the airport and three people were hurt in the ensuing panic. and missing sharp posted online in any effort to dispel concern about his disappearance and post claims 35-year-old who has not been seen in public since accusing a senior leader of sexual assault attended a tennis event. rules communist party is facing mounting tenni stars to prove three time olympian is safe and to let her speak freely. i'm ashley strohmier now back to unfiltered with dan bongino for all your headlines log on to fox ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lisa: welcome back town filtered so ground reporting played a key role in the coverage of the kyle rittenhouse and video evidence gathered may have been difference in persuading jury from daily caller who covered rittenhouse trial and as we saw what was key here was footage from frontline reporters people who are on the ground during all of those riots talking role that played in this trial. >> lisa to me it was everything the corporate press like the 2020 riots, like the night of the rittenhouse shooting they tried to control the narrative calling him a white supremacist kind of you know they try to frame as kyle was active shooter but with all of that video, video evidence was just too much for the corporate press to overcome i thought it highlighted huge moment in history and media where you have a new style of frontline on the ground journalism that is telling people truth also americans are hungry for this type of information so it was too much to come even for mainstream media that had, you know, billion dollars backed into this also silicon valley with sensor anyone that came in support of kyle rittenhouse and reporters on ground once again beat out corporate press and i thought that was a big highlight and it showed leak that through the whole summer of the 2020 riots. lisa: what was it like to be there? >> i describe it as a complete war zone. i cover the riots in every major city in 2020, and kenosha was by far the worst. i think thing that continues to shock me is lack of law enforcement on the ground they did not stop rioters it was a free for all not only be did businesses get burned down but we have kids that live here. it was a complete chaos and for me it was close thing to being at a war zone. >> but why did officials let it get to that point my understanding they happen on third night why did it get to that point? why didn't they stop it before? >> you know that's a question that we are all asking here. you know the house shooting happened on third night so first night you know first night should have been the night they moved in. they have the second chance on second night took them to third night to come in and that's a question we're asking according to law enforcement. they have 500 national guard on stand by after the verdict was announced but one thing we continue to ask is -- where were 500 national guard last year to step in and protect the property own terse that lost everything and although american citizens that got effected living in kenosha during those riots? j we know riots happened because media lied -- the left lied about what happened to jacob blake a guy with a warrant out for sexual assault who was at a house that he wujt supposed to be at pulled a knife on police officers. yet we had kamala harris say she was proud of jacob blake a year later with democratic governor of wisconsin put out a statement still blaming racism so why are they so committed to this lie? >> it's a narrative they want to control for them, you know, for that mean stream left wing press they divide our country for them this is ratings because it is a storyline they want to make it about race when the details are more complex than that and let's not forget that jacob blake you said you said had a felon i-in sexual assault open warrant and he was violating a -- a search warrant so this is not -- a hero you know nba came the after that shooting and protested yeah lebron james speak out let's not forget jacob blake was a criminal and police, police there were there to protect his girlfriend that had that search warrant for him. so once again, it shows you again that they try to control the narrative once again and try to make it about color when things are more complex than that, and the truth comes out and we're glad details did. lisa: such brave reporting ab you have a documentary that is out right now with the daily color give us a real quick synopsis and tell people where they can watch it. >> new documentary we focus on antelope valley they have been taken over by mexican drug cartels starting up and smuggling from border forcing them to work also homicide rate that cartels bring so we did a full deep dive on these kind of cartel battles happening in the united states in the deserts of california and the watch just word check out full investigation into mexican drug cartel crisis that citizens of california are now suffering. >> you've seen a lot of things jorge everyone watch that documentary it looks awesome. have a great night. thank you. lisa: coming up on unfiltered there were no shortage of explicit moments in rittenhouse trial former federal prosecutor and defense attorney join me next to break down those shocking moments. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are 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prosecution failed to give high quality drone video to the jury, you know, looking at this. had a prosecutor point a gun at the jury, so were they trying to nuke this case? or were they just morons? j i don't know lisa that's a great question. fastest way to appeal for a case to come back to a prosecutor is to fail to turn over evidence and point gun like that the courtroom and i have to say i have never ever been in a criminal courtroom where there was not one of those plastic tabs preventing the prosecutor from putting their finger on trigger so i don't have any qlad they were thinking. it is almost like they were trying to lose but i don't think so. because they made so many mistakes that they thought were going to be in their favor and actually worked out other way. i think preem watching why did this ever go to trial to again with. >> great question and in the only going to trial but indicted in record time. and i think that another result of the prosecution in this case really to the court of public opinion and as you know the court of public opinion has no place in a court of law. we all know if you pay attention to trial you know that fact week you know that prosecution was a piece of work but lisa i think there's something bigger gong on here. i think if you listen to maniac on social media and in the media, there's a fundamental misunderstanding of when a person has a legal right to save their life. and i don't know if the people who are against kyle rittenhouse or uneducated or intentionally stupid, but they're saying really stupid things like kyle rittenhouse brought a gun to a skateboard fight. no he didn't kyle rittenhouse brought a gun to a war zone as one of your previous guests described it he brought a gun to a city that was on fire and full of criminals because criminals were setting it on fire. it wasn't a skateboard and by the way a skateboard can be a deadly weapon when it is aimed at your head. >> it seems like they wanted him to allow himself to get his face bashed in with a skateboard and killed as a result and also this big moment ban msnbc from the courtroom and go to you on the other side. j instructed no one from msnbc know what is we permitted in this bill. duration of this trial -- this is a very serious matter. >> yeah so why wasn't jury sequestered? >> you you know lisa that's a gt question the judge should have questered jury at least for deliberations judges don't like to make juries mad because judges around country generally are elected. and it is those jurors that are going to go home to friends and family to talk about how judge treated them and a sequestered jury is an angry jury. and i think this judge just did not want an angry jury. but it looks like it could have been a huge mistalk clearly it was not. jury reached right verdict but it could have been a huge mistake when you have protesters outside of the courthouse reporters following the van, judge is getting death threats, and e i guarantee they wengts home to families and they heard about everyone outside of the courthouse all of the threats about the jurors having their photograph taken. i don't know how this jury had the courage to vote to acquit kyle rittenhouse with howling mob justice no justice at all. >> isn't this a sad reflection of today society that jury doing right thing which anyone who watch trials know they did that that is somehow a brave thing doing right thing in today's society? >> it is a sad and number one question from clients is how do i get out of jury duty it is not just because people don't want to sit in a trial for $15 a day and things that nancy brought up sometimes you don't feel safe as a juror if you're in a high profile case like this. and jurors need to feel safe in order for our system of justice to continue to work, jurors need to feel safe that the community outside the courthouse is going to respect their verdict regardless of what it is and that their house won't burn dun and community isn't going to burn down for whatever decision they make because they're ones are front row seat to evidence and not angry mob outside. >> finally we have this how did the prosecution mess up the gun charge so badly? watch this from the judge real quick. >> not a shotgun -- yes. >> number six dismissed. >> how does that happen i don't know lisa that's a great question like they said they have charged this case within 48 hour it is of the distinct. they couldn't possibly have had all of the evidence and definitely didn't have all of the video evidence they were bowing to howling mob justice. and it boggles my mind that wisconsin prosecutors didn't seem to understand wisconsin laws about the barrel or the overall length of a gun. this is prosecution 101 stuff. and it sounds luke they just piled on in the geng and never wanted to walk it back because they themselves were afraid of cowering in front of the mob. lisa: real we can to you and break and back to you guys again. quick thought. >> yeah. i don't know how it got that far either because the defense attorney could have put the done on that charge unless they wanted to wait for the 11th hour just trying to give it to the prosecution and i wouldn't blame them if that's what they did. lisa: stick around at home and joan and francy stick around we have more and what it means for our justice system. that's next. - modern life, different schedules, different meals, different times. how do you keep everyone happy? with five cooking options the cuisinart griddler is the ultimate in versatility. it has a full griddle, a full grill a half grill, half griddle, a contact grill and a panini press. redesigned with a sleek look. the griddler has a sear function, digital adjustable temperature control, a count up and down timer for precise cooking times and non-stick removable and reversible dishwasher safe plates for easy cleanup. the cuisinart griddler, it's a real crowd-pleaser. see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign 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december 7th. take advantage now. call or go online today. lisa: welcome back to unfiltered former prosecutor and defense attorney johnna you know, johnna i'm not an attorney but this sort of looks like a malicious prosecution why are prosecutors able to bring these kinds of charming's on a flimsy case and how often does it happen in america? >> you know, it is interesting because prosecutors only need to have a certain amount of evidence in order to bring a case and the way it works out in real life normally when you're not a puppet for woke mob is that if the case starts to fall apart before trial then guess what prosecutor has the authority and the ability to dismiss chargeses dismiss cases and they're one who is really call shot even more so than judge. pre-trial -- and this case, obviously, this prosecutor was on a quest to convict that is not what our system is based on. that's not what it is suppose to be. you know when a jury comes back with a verdict they have two choices. one can be guilty other could be not guilty. if they come back with a guilty verdict it doesn't mean this is broken justice is not a contest to be one or a loss. this prosecutor as i said before was a real piece of work and for whatever reason, he just kept this case going when it was flailing from the start. >> well francy listening to that do you think they have a personal bias against rittenhouse? >> that's great question i hope not as a former state and former prosecutor i don't like to think that. but it is hard for me to understand why they continued with his case xepght for political pressure -- when they got that footage in when they have all of the video footage, drone footage it was very clear that kyle rittenhouse was responding to being attacked. it was a clear case of self-defense. they should have dismissed those charges before it ever went to trial because they have all of the information themselves even though not turned over to davens they should have dismissed this case and only reason they didn't was because they were also bowing to the howling mob and that is not what prosecutors are supposed to do the supreme court found ones that prosecutors are supposed to streak hard blows but not foul ones. and i have to say this case was nothing but foul from the start. >> i mean it certainly scary to hear that you know here in america you talked about this earlier but it wasn't just kyle rittenhouse on trial it was self-defense as well get into that a little bit more. i would like hear from you on that. >> yeah, you know i was actually personally offended by this prosecutor when i think it was jury instructions he actually misstated the law on self-defense and one of the big things that rubbed me wrong way is he basksly sad you losed your right to self-defense if you arm yourself. and as a woman who is intimately familiar with having a gun both in my purse and in my safe i promise you i don't lose my right if i am armed thank the lord so that was really misleading jury didn't buy it, obviously, they put themselves i suppose in shoes of kyle rittenhouse. and said hey someday i may have to defend myself i'm going to get this right so, you know, again this was a prosecutor way of just being on a quest to convict. that's not his job. he did it anyway. >> francy how did state witnesses end up hurting their case? >> that is a huge mystery to me because i can promise you i knew what my witnesses were goapg say occasionally a witness will surprise use on witness stand but usually they'll tell you something you've never heard before they don't contradict story they told you pre-trial so when testified that he raised his gun at rittenhouse and that disputed the testimony that he had given to the police when he said he didn't have his gun, why did the prosecutor put him on witness stand? one of the stores was a lie. either he lost the gun before the encounter, of course, as we know as video shows, he had gun in his hand and was pointing it at rittenhouse. how did prosecutors not know that in advance and they should have never put him on witness stand because he looked like someone the jury couldn't trust and i think to john's point this was a real great example of the jury kind of ignoring what prosecutor was saying and actually listening to judge's charge and the instructions and that was really important to think. lisa: we have to go francy johnna thank you. coming up on unfiltered man saved from afghanistan after receiving heroism award at patriot award that powerful interview is next. watch. >> all of the men and women i served with -- over the 20 years in afghanistan, this is for the men and women who went into the breach at kabul international when everything was falling apart this was for the 13 that didn't come home. [applause] oh nice. kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!? hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. [gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] just think, he'll be driving for real soon. every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist, including automatic emergency braking. find new peace of mind. find new roads. chevrolet. lisa: so this week the fox nation patriot awards honors everyday american who is demonstrated extraordinary patriotism. retired green bray scott mann help rescue hundred it is from afghanistan when kabul fell. in dan presented whem her are esm award dan sat down with him for a professional interview and scott mann is our hero of the week. dan: i do a lot of interviews but it is a real honor gave an award not that long ago at the patriot wavereds awards to my man, friend scott here your story is to moving i want to turn this segment over to you but a little bit what about you used to do greene buret and got into what you're doing now and why this matters. dges green buret what makes us different in the field. >> that is all right. they drop us into areas that are low, and high steak and our job to build relationship to mobilize people to stand up on their own and all over the place. dan: you saw what happened unfolding disaster in afghanistan which bothered me and you if not as much or more. you decided to do something about it. >> it happens in a high stake situation it was to help one friend. it was a friend of mine named madon special forces and afghan commando who i had served with and he isn't me a text after kabul fell and he said brother i'm not afraid to die but i don't to die alone. and that rocked me. i had left army nine years ago. i wasn't happy with what i was seeing in afghanistan. and where he were headed so i retired and when i got that text i said there was no way that i could let this young man given so much to us, you know i'm sitting here right now because of him. i could let that go but i made calls to my friend and we put together a team we call team lazom and we helped him -- move through the city and ultimately get through the airfield on a to freedom. >> this is for all of the men and women i served with -- over the 20 years in afghanistan. this is for the men and women who went into the breach at kabul international when everything was falling apart and 13 who didn't come home. he is afghanistan who moved through the check points endure beatings, and you know -- >> the threat of death. absolutely not some movie but really happening. we're on the ground with. and combat veteran when is institutional leadership fails after years and combat americans were republican, democrat black wheat, hispanic all veterans almost and they said you know what nobody is coming. we'll do something. we'll do something and they step into breafn they leads and you don't need permission to lead you need to step in and lead that to me mountain more than anything. dan: a little choked up there brother, gosh listen your story is amazing you have a movie coming out? tell us about it. >> we do i had a really bad transition it was really dark. i had trouble -- >> out of the military into civilian life and i almost took my own life and it was really a couple of mentor who is showed me power of story telling, as a way to attack my scars and repurpose them into service of other people based on a true story but a green beret sergeant and go through longest war in history in afghanistan and we performed it in 16 cities 5,000 people 75 gold star families did 250pts interventions with lobbies with our counselors and then covid hit and shut it down and decided to turn it into a film and 25 gold star family members and every american in the country needs to see this because of the emotional impact of this story. >> thank you for everything you do hope you enjoyed that as much as i did. lisa: if you missed patriot award live catch highlights on fox news you can watch the full two hour show right now on fox before we go remember you can stream the dan bongino show on fox nation week days from 12 to 3 p.m. eastern, don't forget to follow unfiltered on forecast and instagram at unfiltered on fox that does it for us on unfiltered have a wonderful night. we'll see you next saturday. i'm oprah ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome to "watters' world." i'm centimetres. the jury reached a verdict. >> the first count of the information we the yuri find the -- the juryfind the defendant e rittenhouse not guilty. the third count of the information, unnorthern male, w

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered With Dan Bongino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

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and also from the backstage of the patriot award dan sat down with retired green buret man who rescued hundreds of people from afghanistan during the chaotic and his fight isn't over yet. get emotional. you're not going want to want to miss this interview. but first, a fox news alert, cities across the country are bracing for a second night of protest after kyle rittenhouse exonerated. ashley strohmier is here with the latest. ashley. reporter: hey lisa things are made mostly calm in the wake of the kyle rittenhouse not guilty verdict that caught the nation's attention but in the hours following the verdict and throughout the day today thousands gathered coast to coast in major cities like boston, chicago, and across california. calling for police reform of what they say is an injustice. and new york city hundred shut down brooklyn bridge and marches last night and then port land oregon protesters force open and jail gate in a clash with police. but it wungts just in a street. millions of americans taking to social media to react but perhaps no response was more emotional to the verdict and rittenhouse himself. watch. >> as for the fifth count the jury find rittenhouse not guilty. >> members of the jury these for the verdict. rittenhouse clear of all charges after shooting three peel killing two last december in kenosha during violent protest and demand doj step in and review ruling and as for rittenhouse it is not clear if he will pursue any litigation himself. lisa back to you. >> thank you ashley so much chaos. so there's been a lot of noise since the not guilty verdict was handed down in kyle rittenhouse case everyone has an opinion. but one thing remains crystal clear jury did its job. the system worked. while the public was set a false narrative jury was given evidence and truth prevailed. in a unified society that would be accepted, but we're not a unified society we're divided. perhaps more than ever. joe biden who promised to unify the country at the elect ptd well he went on tv days after shooting for training kyle rittenhouse as a white supremacist and after verdict he had this to say. >> stand by your past comments comments -- >> look, i stand by what the jury has concluded. the jury system works, and we have to abide by it. >> that wasn't enough because hour it is later, he released this statement. seeming to add fuel to the flames that could ignite angry protest or at least leave americans even further divided. he said this -- well the verdict in kenosha leave many americans feeling angry and concern myself included we must acknowledge that jury has spoken. angry and concerned -- angry and concerned. and if that wasn't enough kamala harris piled on with this. >> verdict really speaks for itself as many of you know i spent a major of my career working to make criminal justice system more -- and clearly a lot more work to do. [laughter] >> shouldn't we have expected all of this? the media already condemn rittenhouse from the beginning. and they continue right after the verdict was read. >> the rest of us of any background, color who want to stand in the way of that white supremacy are at risk and we should be warned. that is the only message that i'm getting or not. >> absolutely too easy to kill and yes -- it came too easily to kyle rittenhouse. white men feel they have the right to enforce the law themselves. >> people may use this as excuse to go out of state and do what this teenager did. >> it is so disgusting. here's dan bongino and and glenn on how they framed the narrative. watch this. >> guy about that focused on e vap waiting credibility of the media for a lock team now is journalist and sub stack author glenn thank you for joining me i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> good to be with you. >> saddest part of this case is two separate universes this thing existed in. if you were listening solely to liberal media, you believed whole bunch of things that tush outs to be factually inaccurate with a short barrel rifle had across state lines illegally with that rifle and engage in dmes ib terrorism with a mass shooting distinct and got to court you saw the video it turned out to be a different case. this seem to be a media case from the start not a legitimate prosecution. >> yeah. it is absolutely the case. if you rely on media you should feel betrayed i'm before a journalist worked as a lawyer inside courtrooms for more than a decade so i knew that it is very difficult to cast a judgment about event this complex without seeing evidence at trial so i waited before forming a judgment and when i did sit down to watch trial i was infuriated everything i thought taught to believe about what happened here by the media was radically different than the facts of the case as they develop and i don't know dan if you've seen this but multiple media outlets around world like biggest ones in brazil in holland and u.k. have all repeatedly reported that the people that kyle rittenhouse killed were black. because they were misled by the american media who kept say this was a white supremacist on a punt and therefore they presume because they were deceived by american media that his victims were black. >> yeah. you know where i learned that glenn on your socially media feed that the media in brazil was reporting this. you know, and it remeengdzed me of an article i read earlier in the week washington examiner which is a centrist media outlet they have an tim carney who wrote it but he said i guarantee if you took a poll of democrats out there liberals and asked them that question, people involved in this rittenhouse shooting they race majority of liberals that were 30% and good swath would say they were black but glenn we see this all of the time i did a piece of my podcast earlier this week about how liberals still believe you know that hospitalization rates if from coronavirus is 50% how they believe thousands of unarm black men are shot every year by police officers. i mean glenn, these are opinions. these are facts that are wrong not an opinion like what diewpght to keep your temperature of your house at and lots of liberals just consistently get wrong. >> yeah. you know mayor of new york bill de blasio after the verdicts was released went on to twitter and posted this statement saying how enraged he was that the the acquittal because she shot people that proves he didn't watch a single second of the trial because they know that pangt is young that that never happened but what they've done is created closed ecosystem people like you or different opinion they train them to automatically ignore you. as somebody who doesn't tell the truth, because you die -- diverge and reenforce itself constantly and they believe what they hear and it is false but they're stuck inside this prison in our polarize media and never hear any decent so they don't know any better. >> glenn one of the ironyies i see in in case it speaks to an independent media if it weren't for glenn and you know, drew hernandez julio and others who have been out there on the ground covering this stuff. we never have the video in the full scope story of what happened in this rittenhouse case and irony near glenn is that -- mainstream media in this exercise with these -- boycott artist out there are trying to get independent media folks kicked off places like sub stack and other platforms and classify as misinformation. i mean, if this isn't so tragically ironic i don't know what is. they're attacking us for misinformation while they promote it. >> they're doing that on purpose because they know their ability to maintain this monopoly this strangle hold on defamily nation of information imperialed and independent journalist people who question them like the people you named aren't able to show the actual facts that are being suppressed. so they want to first malign us to get people not to listen to us and if that doesn't work to get us kicked off platform as you said key witnesses in this case the video that showed truth came from independent journalism one of the key witnesses of the daily caller everyone at the "new york times" nbc would say that's not a real journalist even though he was doing job of being a journalist being on the ground reporting what happened and they're inside their air-condition studios promoting ideological narrative no bearing on facts. >> glenn last question i appreciate your time but do you see this getting any better? i'm candidly afraid there's another crackdown coming on us we expose them again, as a liars as they are we have steven hatfield i'm afraud another is coming. the list goes on and on -- >> yeah. look, the reason why i'm optimistic dan is i know you know, you were starting to use independent outlets like rumble sub stack also using rumble and now develop platform it is that are specifically geared toward emancipating writers and journalist and commentator and citizens from oppression of tech and platforms are growing rapidly. biggest podcast in united states is joe rogen controlled by nobody that shows you that there's a craving for -- independent analysis that is free of structure they no longer trust that gives me optimism. >> i'm glad to hear it glenn thanks a lot for your time i really appreciate it. >> good talking to you dan. thank you. >> media told so many lies coming up on unfiltered speaking of lies, this one from the biden administration well they keep on coming. dan chat to brian kilmeade on joy's latest work affliction, after the break. oh, there you are. you know cath, with chase freedom unlimited we can cashback on all our holiday shopping. earn 3% at drugstores! i'll be at checkout. you bring the card. wait - i'm paying again?! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. 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with less eczema. talk to your child's eczema specialist about dupixent, a breakthrough eczema treatment. glis welcome back to unfiltered joe biden massive spending bill is now a deadlock in senate. after it passed the house of representatives, brian kilmeade join dan bongino to break down how the trillion dollar wish list breaks the president's promises. watch. ♪ ♪ >> fully paid for. reduced the deficit over the long-term as i said and again no one making less than $400 grand will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. dan: joe biden caught two more lies, more lies -- i'm adding that to the tell prompter with massive spending spree. turns out it is actually going to cost at least 160 billion dollar that's a far spill. scratch that -- it is gong to be way, way more than that we're being generous about 30.of middle class families will pay more in taxes. joining me now is "fox & friends" co-host brian kilmeade. brian, when are lying going to stop with this guy? by the way thanks for joining us after book signing he told us it is gaping to cost zero and nobody behind in line in afghanistan and a garbage story is this guy ever going to tell the truth and who were 38.of american still approve of this guy? >> first off dan a little advice don't say if it is not in the prompter i stoic prompter 100%. learn a lot from me. i heard you say it wasn't in prompter and -- dan: it is not -- he never reads prompter either. brian you are the king of the weird toss to jillian now carley those are never in prompter you make that up on the spot. you -- [laughter] you know it. >> i'm trying to offer you advice and you attack me this is unbelievable but to your topic i'm doing radio show you're doing it right after and we watch vote come in. and you know, that cbo came the with their sceern cbo was working recipe for the cbo outscore and said they don't know how to figure out math when it comes to how much money we're going to get once we put the irs on steroids and they're going after every american because we have 86 dollars to go after irs to get unpaid taxes from horrible rich people so therefore when we say 368 billion dollars it is going to cost us $368 billion that's cbo not doing math right then it is offbalance and they deny it is there. what i think is so -- egregious about what's happening you know what nancy pelosi did she put everything in the bill. so there was no negotiating. not leak 1.2 from two weeks ago with all of the gymnastic so excuse me you want tax in put that in. you want all of the other programs put that in and immigration put that in and hand this mess over to senate and now president acts like he's on top of things when he said it will cost zero and what i think is happening dan and i think you should be hardened by this is american public is looking past rhetoric and past hem did you see approval ratings 36% -- 36% approval if they listen to msnbc, cnn and cbs 54.but they're not listening because low with joe biden credibility so did network and other cable networks credibility. we're calling shots. if he actually was doing something to address inflation you would open up your show and say listen, guy is handling inflation. he's decided to drill more and fannie mae and freddie more and you'll give credit where credit is due you will give him credit and he's playing another game while we need something addressed. we need water addressed he doesn't bring up border we need origin of the virus addressed he meets with president of china and doesn't bring up virus. but then we want to address problems economically here with everybody quitting and he says i have a great spending program we can't afford i've never seen somebody so detached. dan: eventually i'll put a tie on one of these days but never for my e shough i like to go ninja style i'm considering you have a good agent writing that into the next contract no ties slide that one in there so no one can force me to do it? >> so dan there's people that need agents and then there's dan bongino which you say goes. when have you ever listened to anybody calling your own shots since early 50s? right. that's the problem. dan: you're right. yeah. it is. >> you're diagnose pretty good. dan: you're right good call. a plug for the book it is awesome president and freedom fighter. it is an absolutely fantastic recap of the relationship between frederick douglas and lincoln giving everything that's going on with country at race right now brian not a better book for times president and freedom fighter you won't be able to put it down i got to dig into it this week. very well done thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me on. >> coming up on unfiltered independent reporting during rittenhouse trial was evidence that helped clear us. a reporter who was there during those same kenosha protest joins me next. stay with us. brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two 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strohmier all clear has been given at the heartsfield jackson international airport in atlanta following a gun scare earlier today. the tsa says the gun accidentally went off at busy terminal when a passenger lunged for weapon while inspector checked bags according to tsa man ran out of the airport and three people were hurt in the ensuing panic. and missing sharp posted online in any effort to dispel concern about his disappearance and post claims 35-year-old who has not been seen in public since accusing a senior leader of sexual assault attended a tennis event. rules communist party is facing mounting tenni stars to prove three time olympian is safe and to let her speak freely. i'm ashley strohmier now back to unfiltered with dan bongino for all your headlines log on to fox ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lisa: welcome back town filtered so ground reporting played a key role in the coverage of the kyle rittenhouse and video evidence gathered may have been difference in persuading jury from daily caller who covered rittenhouse trial and as we saw what was key here was footage from frontline reporters people who are on the ground during all of those riots talking role that played in this trial. >> lisa to me it was everything the corporate press like the 2020 riots, like the night of the rittenhouse shooting they tried to control the narrative calling him a white supremacist kind of you know they try to frame as kyle was active shooter but with all of that video, video evidence was just too much for the corporate press to overcome i thought it highlighted huge moment in history and media where you have a new style of frontline on the ground journalism that is telling people truth also americans are hungry for this type of information so it was too much to come even for mainstream media that had, you know, billion dollars backed into this also silicon valley with sensor anyone that came in support of kyle rittenhouse and reporters on ground once again beat out corporate press and i thought that was a big highlight and it showed leak that through the whole summer of the 2020 riots. lisa: what was it like to be there? >> i describe it as a complete war zone. i cover the riots in every major city in 2020, and kenosha was by far the worst. i think thing that continues to shock me is lack of law enforcement on the ground they did not stop rioters it was a free for all not only be did businesses get burned down but we have kids that live here. it was a complete chaos and for me it was close thing to being at a war zone. >> but why did officials let it get to that point my understanding they happen on third night why did it get to that point? why didn't they stop it before? >> you know that's a question that we are all asking here. you know the house shooting happened on third night so first night you know first night should have been the night they moved in. they have the second chance on second night took them to third night to come in and that's a question we're asking according to law enforcement. they have 500 national guard on stand by after the verdict was announced but one thing we continue to ask is -- where were 500 national guard last year to step in and protect the property own terse that lost everything and although american citizens that got effected living in kenosha during those riots? j we know riots happened because media lied -- the left lied about what happened to jacob blake a guy with a warrant out for sexual assault who was at a house that he wujt supposed to be at pulled a knife on police officers. yet we had kamala harris say she was proud of jacob blake a year later with democratic governor of wisconsin put out a statement still blaming racism so why are they so committed to this lie? >> it's a narrative they want to control for them, you know, for that mean stream left wing press they divide our country for them this is ratings because it is a storyline they want to make it about race when the details are more complex than that and let's not forget that jacob blake you said you said had a felon i-in sexual assault open warrant and he was violating a -- a search warrant so this is not -- a hero you know nba came the after that shooting and protested yeah lebron james speak out let's not forget jacob blake was a criminal and police, police there were there to protect his girlfriend that had that search warrant for him. so once again, it shows you again that they try to control the narrative once again and try to make it about color when things are more complex than that, and the truth comes out and we're glad details did. lisa: such brave reporting ab you have a documentary that is out right now with the daily color give us a real quick synopsis and tell people where they can watch it. >> new documentary we focus on antelope valley they have been taken over by mexican drug cartels starting up and smuggling from border forcing them to work also homicide rate that cartels bring so we did a full deep dive on these kind of cartel battles happening in the united states in the deserts of california and the watch just word check out full investigation into mexican drug cartel crisis that citizens of california are now suffering. >> you've seen a lot of things jorge everyone watch that documentary it looks awesome. have a great night. thank you. lisa: coming up on unfiltered there were no shortage of explicit moments in rittenhouse trial former federal prosecutor and defense attorney join me next to break down those shocking moments. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are 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prosecution failed to give high quality drone video to the jury, you know, looking at this. had a prosecutor point a gun at the jury, so were they trying to nuke this case? or were they just morons? j i don't know lisa that's a great question. fastest way to appeal for a case to come back to a prosecutor is to fail to turn over evidence and point gun like that the courtroom and i have to say i have never ever been in a criminal courtroom where there was not one of those plastic tabs preventing the prosecutor from putting their finger on trigger so i don't have any qlad they were thinking. it is almost like they were trying to lose but i don't think so. because they made so many mistakes that they thought were going to be in their favor and actually worked out other way. i think preem watching why did this ever go to trial to again with. >> great question and in the only going to trial but indicted in record time. and i think that another result of the prosecution in this case really to the court of public opinion and as you know the court of public opinion has no place in a court of law. we all know if you pay attention to trial you know that fact week you know that prosecution was a piece of work but lisa i think there's something bigger gong on here. i think if you listen to maniac on social media and in the media, there's a fundamental misunderstanding of when a person has a legal right to save their life. and i don't know if the people who are against kyle rittenhouse or uneducated or intentionally stupid, but they're saying really stupid things like kyle rittenhouse brought a gun to a skateboard fight. no he didn't kyle rittenhouse brought a gun to a war zone as one of your previous guests described it he brought a gun to a city that was on fire and full of criminals because criminals were setting it on fire. it wasn't a skateboard and by the way a skateboard can be a deadly weapon when it is aimed at your head. >> it seems like they wanted him to allow himself to get his face bashed in with a skateboard and killed as a result and also this big moment ban msnbc from the courtroom and go to you on the other side. j instructed no one from msnbc know what is we permitted in this bill. duration of this trial -- this is a very serious matter. >> yeah so why wasn't jury sequestered? >> you you know lisa that's a gt question the judge should have questered jury at least for deliberations judges don't like to make juries mad because judges around country generally are elected. and it is those jurors that are going to go home to friends and family to talk about how judge treated them and a sequestered jury is an angry jury. and i think this judge just did not want an angry jury. but it looks like it could have been a huge mistalk clearly it was not. jury reached right verdict but it could have been a huge mistake when you have protesters outside of the courthouse reporters following the van, judge is getting death threats, and e i guarantee they wengts home to families and they heard about everyone outside of the courthouse all of the threats about the jurors having their photograph taken. i don't know how this jury had the courage to vote to acquit kyle rittenhouse with howling mob justice no justice at all. >> isn't this a sad reflection of today society that jury doing right thing which anyone who watch trials know they did that that is somehow a brave thing doing right thing in today's society? >> it is a sad and number one question from clients is how do i get out of jury duty it is not just because people don't want to sit in a trial for $15 a day and things that nancy brought up sometimes you don't feel safe as a juror if you're in a high profile case like this. and jurors need to feel safe in order for our system of justice to continue to work, jurors need to feel safe that the community outside the courthouse is going to respect their verdict regardless of what it is and that their house won't burn dun and community isn't going to burn down for whatever decision they make because they're ones are front row seat to evidence and not angry mob outside. >> finally we have this how did the prosecution mess up the gun charge so badly? watch this from the judge real quick. >> not a shotgun -- yes. >> number six dismissed. >> how does that happen i don't know lisa that's a great question like they said they have charged this case within 48 hour it is of the distinct. they couldn't possibly have had all of the evidence and definitely didn't have all of the video evidence they were bowing to howling mob justice. and it boggles my mind that wisconsin prosecutors didn't seem to understand wisconsin laws about the barrel or the overall length of a gun. this is prosecution 101 stuff. and it sounds luke they just piled on in the geng and never wanted to walk it back because they themselves were afraid of cowering in front of the mob. lisa: real we can to you and break and back to you guys again. quick thought. >> yeah. i don't know how it got that far either because the defense attorney could have put the done on that charge unless they wanted to wait for the 11th hour just trying to give it to the prosecution and i wouldn't blame them if that's what they did. lisa: stick around at home and joan and francy stick around we have more and what it means for our justice system. that's next. - modern life, different schedules, different meals, different times. how do you keep everyone happy? with five cooking options the cuisinart griddler is the ultimate in versatility. it has a full griddle, a full grill a half grill, half griddle, a contact grill and a panini press. redesigned with a sleek look. the griddler has a sear function, digital adjustable temperature control, a count up and down timer for precise cooking times and non-stick removable and reversible dishwasher safe plates for easy cleanup. the cuisinart griddler, it's a real crowd-pleaser. see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign 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december 7th. take advantage now. call or go online today. lisa: welcome back to unfiltered former prosecutor and defense attorney johnna you know, johnna i'm not an attorney but this sort of looks like a malicious prosecution why are prosecutors able to bring these kinds of charming's on a flimsy case and how often does it happen in america? >> you know, it is interesting because prosecutors only need to have a certain amount of evidence in order to bring a case and the way it works out in real life normally when you're not a puppet for woke mob is that if the case starts to fall apart before trial then guess what prosecutor has the authority and the ability to dismiss chargeses dismiss cases and they're one who is really call shot even more so than judge. pre-trial -- and this case, obviously, this prosecutor was on a quest to convict that is not what our system is based on. that's not what it is suppose to be. you know when a jury comes back with a verdict they have two choices. one can be guilty other could be not guilty. if they come back with a guilty verdict it doesn't mean this is broken justice is not a contest to be one or a loss. this prosecutor as i said before was a real piece of work and for whatever reason, he just kept this case going when it was flailing from the start. >> well francy listening to that do you think they have a personal bias against rittenhouse? >> that's great question i hope not as a former state and former prosecutor i don't like to think that. but it is hard for me to understand why they continued with his case xepght for political pressure -- when they got that footage in when they have all of the video footage, drone footage it was very clear that kyle rittenhouse was responding to being attacked. it was a clear case of self-defense. they should have dismissed those charges before it ever went to trial because they have all of the information themselves even though not turned over to davens they should have dismissed this case and only reason they didn't was because they were also bowing to the howling mob and that is not what prosecutors are supposed to do the supreme court found ones that prosecutors are supposed to streak hard blows but not foul ones. and i have to say this case was nothing but foul from the start. >> i mean it certainly scary to hear that you know here in america you talked about this earlier but it wasn't just kyle rittenhouse on trial it was self-defense as well get into that a little bit more. i would like hear from you on that. >> yeah, you know i was actually personally offended by this prosecutor when i think it was jury instructions he actually misstated the law on self-defense and one of the big things that rubbed me wrong way is he basksly sad you losed your right to self-defense if you arm yourself. and as a woman who is intimately familiar with having a gun both in my purse and in my safe i promise you i don't lose my right if i am armed thank the lord so that was really misleading jury didn't buy it, obviously, they put themselves i suppose in shoes of kyle rittenhouse. and said hey someday i may have to defend myself i'm going to get this right so, you know, again this was a prosecutor way of just being on a quest to convict. that's not his job. he did it anyway. >> francy how did state witnesses end up hurting their case? >> that is a huge mystery to me because i can promise you i knew what my witnesses were goapg say occasionally a witness will surprise use on witness stand but usually they'll tell you something you've never heard before they don't contradict story they told you pre-trial so when testified that he raised his gun at rittenhouse and that disputed the testimony that he had given to the police when he said he didn't have his gun, why did the prosecutor put him on witness stand? one of the stores was a lie. either he lost the gun before the encounter, of course, as we know as video shows, he had gun in his hand and was pointing it at rittenhouse. how did prosecutors not know that in advance and they should have never put him on witness stand because he looked like someone the jury couldn't trust and i think to john's point this was a real great example of the jury kind of ignoring what prosecutor was saying and actually listening to judge's charge and the instructions and that was really important to think. lisa: we have to go francy johnna thank you. coming up on unfiltered man saved from afghanistan after receiving heroism award at patriot award that powerful interview is next. watch. >> all of the men and women i served with -- over the 20 years in afghanistan, this is for the men and women who went into the breach at kabul international when everything was falling apart this was for the 13 that didn't come home. 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[gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] just think, he'll be driving for real soon. every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist, including automatic emergency braking. find new peace of mind. find new roads. chevrolet. lisa: so this week the fox nation patriot awards honors everyday american who is demonstrated extraordinary patriotism. retired green bray scott mann help rescue hundred it is from afghanistan when kabul fell. in dan presented whem her are esm award dan sat down with him for a professional interview and scott mann is our hero of the week. dan: i do a lot of interviews but it is a real honor gave an award not that long ago at the patriot wavereds awards to my man, friend scott here your story is to moving i want to turn this segment over to you but a little bit what about you used to do greene buret and got into what you're doing now and why this matters. dges green buret what makes us different in the field. >> that is all right. they drop us into areas that are low, and high steak and our job to build relationship to mobilize people to stand up on their own and all over the place. dan: you saw what happened unfolding disaster in afghanistan which bothered me and you if not as much or more. you decided to do something about it. >> it happens in a high stake situation it was to help one friend. it was a friend of mine named madon special forces and afghan commando who i had served with and he isn't me a text after kabul fell and he said brother i'm not afraid to die but i don't to die alone. and that rocked me. i had left army nine years ago. i wasn't happy with what i was seeing in afghanistan. and where he were headed so i retired and when i got that text i said there was no way that i could let this young man given so much to us, you know i'm sitting here right now because of him. i could let that go but i made calls to my friend and we put together a team we call team lazom and we helped him -- move through the city and ultimately get through the airfield on a to freedom. >> this is for all of the men and women i served with -- over the 20 years in afghanistan. this is for the men and women who went into the breach at kabul international when everything was falling apart and 13 who didn't come home. he is afghanistan who moved through the check points endure beatings, and you know -- >> the threat of death. absolutely not some movie but really happening. we're on the ground with. and combat veteran when is institutional leadership fails after years and combat americans were republican, democrat black wheat, hispanic all veterans almost and they said you know what nobody is coming. we'll do something. we'll do something and they step into breafn they leads and you don't need permission to lead you need to step in and lead that to me mountain more than anything. dan: a little choked up there brother, gosh listen your story is amazing you have a movie coming out? tell us about it. >> we do i had a really bad transition it was really dark. i had trouble -- >> out of the military into civilian life and i almost took my own life and it was really a couple of mentor who is showed me power of story telling, as a way to attack my scars and repurpose them into service of other people based on a true story but a green beret sergeant and go through longest war in history in afghanistan and we performed it in 16 cities 5,000 people 75 gold star families did 250pts interventions with lobbies with our counselors and then covid hit and shut it down and decided to turn it into a film and 25 gold star family members and every american in the country needs to see this because of the emotional impact of this story. >> thank you for everything you do hope you enjoyed that as much as i did. lisa: if you missed patriot award live catch highlights on fox news you can watch the full two hour show right now on fox before we go remember you can stream the dan bongino show on fox nation week days from 12 to 3 p.m. eastern, don't forget to follow unfiltered on forecast and instagram at unfiltered on fox that does it for us on unfiltered have a wonderful night. we'll see you next saturday. i'm oprah ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome to "watters' world." i'm centimetres. the jury reached a verdict. >> the first count of the information we the yuri find the -- the juryfind the defendant e rittenhouse not guilty. the third count of the information, unnorthern male, w

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