Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

delivered by voters and division within their own party. west virginia senator joe manchin sounding the alarm to democrats while speaking to fox news saying the disappointing result from tuesday's races should serve as a "wake up call to all of us." >> sandra: wuwill it? house democrats are planning it to vote on both the social spending plan and the bipartisan infrastructure bill by the end of the week. >> kevin: fox news coverage. peter doocy at the white house. >> sandra: we begin with congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> house speaker nancy pelosi is not tipping her hand on when the house could vote but she did say passage of the infrastructure bill could have helped democrats in virginia. >> without saying what impact it had, it's always a positive message to have results that are understood by the public. but it was not a good night. >> republicans are ready to pounce if democrats forge ahead with their agenda especially after the rebuke at the ballot box. >> you saw it throughout the country. there is a backlash against this big government liberalism. blue states and blue cities are yelling at the left wing of the democratic party you're nuts. slow down. >> not all democrats are satisfied with the social spending bill. if pelosi had the votes she would call the votes. >> i think it reflects the intensity people had on the bills. congressional democrats have a lot of different views within their caucus and it takes a while to harmonize them and sometimes the assessment can be it's there but it's not quite there yet because these are important issues. >> moderate democrats want a price tag own bill from the budget office before voting. an evaluation from the joint committee on taxation. it's unclear if that's enough for democrats to move ahead. however the bill will change in the senate. paid leave is likely out and immigration policy up in the air. sandra. >> sandra: chad pergram on the hill for us. john. >> john: shortly after the republican victory in virginia, president biden stubbing democratic special interests denying reports that his administration is considering $450,000 payments to migrants who were separated from their families. peter doocy has more from peter, somebody didn't get the memo. >> peter: in italy after the president's g-20 remarks i caught him on an escalator and asked him about this report. about possible six-figure cash payments to some illegal immigrants and he looked puzzled and didn't give me an answer, but yesterday when i posed the question to him he gave a clearcut explanation of how he feels about this. >> peter: there were reports surfacing that your administration is planning to pay illegal immigrants separated from their family at the border up to $450,000, possibly up to a million dollars for a family will do you think that might incentivize people to come illegally? >> if you guys keep sending that garbage, out, yeah but it's not true. >> this is a garbage report? $450,000 per person? >> peter: separated from a family member under the last administration. >> that's not going to happen. >> peter: it is going to happen according to the aclu whose executive director came out with a response to the president's answer to my question. president biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own justice departments it carefully deliberated and considered the crimes committed against thousands of families separated from their children as an intentional governmental policy. we should get further clarification about exactly what happened at a briefing in about an hour but both things cannot be right. the aclu saying this is going to happen and the president saying this is not going to happen. somebody is wrong and we hope to find out more this afternoon. john. >> john: the president was right about one thing yesterday, peter. when he called on you, he said "this ought to be interesting." good to see you, peter. >> sandra: backlash against new jersey democrats up and down the ballot. incumbent governor phil murphy projected to win reelection by a thin margin after an unexpectedly strong challenge from republican jack ciattarelli in what was considered a safe blue state. a new jersey republican truck driver ed durr with no prior political experience pulling off a stunning upsetorf a democratic leader. former lieutenant governor christine todd whitman joins us. thanks for giving us your time. the margin of victory. you look back at joe biden's margin of vehicle almost 16% to phil murphy's 1.51% margin of victory. what is happening in the state, governor? >> there are a lot of things that are happening in the state but for those numbers, remember that back in 1993 -- 1992, when bill clinton won the state of new jersey, he won by 42 percentage points and the next year i beat the incumbent governor -- democrat governor in the state by about 1.5 percentage points so this is not that unusual but you're absolutely right. things are definitely happening. you saw what happened in south jersey. that's a huge blow for the senate president steve sweeney -- senator steve sweeney to have been ousted like this but you look at more northern county, somerset county which used to be solid red has turned over's senate seat that used to be -- belong basically to the bateman family, a solid republican seat and that's changed so there are a lot of things happening. i don't think it's as simple as we would like it to be as far as what the messages are from these elections. i think it's clear the democrats ought to get their act together if they want to be taken seriously as the governing party and respond to the needs of the people. youngkin when he ran in virginia as part of his race embraced issues that trump had put forward but not trump himself. that's a message to be careful and jack ciattarelli in new jersey embraced not just the issues but embraced trump himself and that wasn't enough. there weren't enough republicans on the far right to take him over the finish line because he couldn't bring the moderate republicans with him to the extent that he needed. so there is this balance here. the country is saying "come on, people, start addressing our issues. stop fighting from the extreme on the right and the extreme on the left. let's get together and get something done that matters to us." >> sandra: interesting to get your perspective. your come-from-behind victory in the early 1990's, what that presaged in the house and the senate in the state of new jersey, i talked to larry kudlow about this yesterday. had a conversation with him. he sends his regards and talked about coming in with you and working on that tax-cutting strategy. your message worked and it did cause ripple effects for your party in the state of new jersey. i want to get this in here and i'll have you react to what i said. by bringing up edward durr, this trucker for a furniture company, raymore and flanigan spent $5,000 overall for his campaign, no political experience stepped in against steve sweeney, a very experienced politician who spent a million dollars on his campaign and he pulled off the victory. what does that tell you, governor? >> first of all it tells me you don't have to be a millionaire to win. secondly it says you better pay attention to your constituents. i think what happened was senator sweeney got confident that he was the power broker. this other fellow, george norcross a big power player for the democrats down south and they thought they had things locked up. i can't imagine what he spent his million dollars on but it sure was a waste. that is a really significant turnover. what it does, though, from the governor's perspective is having knocked out that leadership because they know it didn't get on together well, it puts him in position to be stronger in the state as far as dealing with the legislature goes. interesting to see how he handles that. whether he steps back and remember remembers as youngkin has to do in virginia once you're elected to these offices, you don't do policy for your party. you do it for the constituents. you have to remember. you are the governor of all the people. >> sandra: he was asked in a fox news interview, durr was about how he was age to oust such a skilled politician. he said "i didn't beat him. we beat him." to your point, that was really the strategy that appears to have won there. here he is in his own words,ed durr. >> the state of new jersey, the people of new jersey beat them. they listened to what i had to say and i listened to what they had to say and it's a repudiation of governor murphy. governor murphy locked us down and ignored the people's voice and senator sweeney chose to do nothing for those 18 months, and the people were angry. >> sandra: fascinating to hear. lindsey graham spoke on it this morning. "how to you explain that?" he said "it's backlash." i want to broaden this to the rest of the country. talking new jersey, new york races but take the big picture and the implications that you see, governor, for the midterm elections in 2022. >> i get back to the fac that i think the democrats saying get your act together. you've got this control. even though unfortunately, and i think it is unfortunate that the republicans seem disinclined to move on anything when there are programs within these big, mammoth programs -- i think the idea of splitting them is a good one. getting it down to what we want and need. we need jobs. infrastructure is important. people care about medicare. dental coverage. that's something that everybody should be able to agree on. both sides of aisle. we need to see something happening. it sends a message that people are just tired. they're tired of this and they don't think anybody is listening to them and it's going to be those candidates that pay attention and refleck what they're hearing from their constituents and again, i would argue toward the center rather than the extreme because those are the ones that vote. 50% of registered voters today affiliate -- are unaffiliated or independent. that's the first time we have ever hit that number. that should be a warning for both republicans and democrats that the best you should hope is 25% share -- >> sandra: people are tired of the recycled, divisive politics when you spoke yesterday. great to have you on. we'll catch up soon. >> my pleasure. >> john: good to see the former governor. the republican national committee says it plans to sue the biden administration over a vaccine mandate. starting january 4 businesses with more than 100 employees must have their workers vaccinated or face weekly testing. there could be penalties of $14,000 per violation. the move is expected to knack roughly 84 million workers. big blowback against. >> sandra: you have to think about what that costs companies. more and more restrictions. right, john? to say a company has to deal with a certain population of its work force that chooses not to get the vaccine and they have to offer testing once a week. it's more pain for companies that are trying to come back and trying to recover from the pandemic. >> john: fireworks on capitol hill againa senator rand paul from kentucky squared off against anthony fauci. >> sandra: can't wait to get his reaction to that. special counsel john durham announcing a new arrest in the origins to the russia probe. details on the suspect and the charges that he is now facing. >> john: it involves lying to the f.b.i. democrats still picking up the pieces after suffering devastating losses tuesday night and a former obama campaign manager saying his party needs to double down on the issues that may have coast them the very election. after the break. veteran homeowners, mortgage rates are still near all time lows. and home values are at all time highs. that makes right now the best time in history to use your va refi benefit and get cash. you could take out $50,000 or more because the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. use that cash to pay high rate credit card debt or plan for retirement. the newday 100 va loan. ♪♪ lisa here, has had many jobs. she's worked in retail during the holidays. as a barista during rush hour. and a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. now, all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults, with a career that makes a difference. ♪♪ apply today. ♪♪ as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual apply today. knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ veteran homeowners. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. newday's holding the line on rates so veterans can save thousands. >> sandra: special counsel john durham announcing the arrest of a russian national the primary source for the steele dossier. griff jenkins is live in alexandria, virginia outside a federal courthouse. griff. >> good afternoon, sand. this is the analyst believed to be the primary source for that infamous christopher steele dossier full of allegations against then candidate donald trump in 2016. we are outside the federal courthouse in alexandria waiting for 43-year-old igor danchenko arrested this morning by the f.b.i. on charges stemming from durham's probe. in the 39-page indictment, sandra, danchenko is charged with five counts of false statements to the f.b.i. those statements pertain to so-called company reports which are sources of information he provided to steele. party of the indictment reads all of danchenko's lies were material to the f.b.i. because among other reasons the f.b.i.'s investigation of the trump campaign relied in large part on the company reports to obtain fisa warrants and as we know that pertains to the surveillance warrant issued against former trump aide carter page. danchenko is the third person charged in the durham 2 1/2-year investigation. the two previous individuals were kevin klinessmith who -- kevin clinesmith. michael sussman's case is ongoing. we expect danchenko to be here in the next hour or so. the big question now is arising again. will any big fish so to speak -- any names that might be household names going to be charged in this 2 1/2-year probe which attorney general merrick garland has allowed to continue -- he's vowed he's going to let durham run his course in this probe but yet it's been two attorneys and now an analyst. we'll see where this goes and bring you the latest as we get it here. sandra. >> sandra: griff jenkins in alexandria. that is the question. whether or not any big fish will be charged. 2 1/2 years and going. >> john: jonathan turley's opinion is that maybe the durham investigation will try to get danchenko to flip and turn in an apex suspect here. we'll see. democrats, sand remarks reeling from a night of crushing losses especially in virginia where push-back against critical race theory and policies drove people to the polls in droves. a former campaign manager for barack obama said democrats should go on the offense against critical race theory. >> critical race theory was a lie and i think we need to go on the office. are you scared for your kids to learn about slavery or lynching or housing skrrgz? >> john: marc thiessen is a former white house speech writer. no parent, i'm a parent of twins is afraid to have them taught about slavery, lynching and ongoing societal problem but it's the lens through which many h many people want this taught that's an issue. >> that's 100% correct and this is the new line from the democrats and quite frankly from the liberal media. he said we're lying about critical race theory. no, they're not. last year the loudoun public schools paid $34,000 to equity collaborative for teaching teachers about critical race theory. "introduction to critical race theory." it says. quote. this is what they're telling them to teach. in c.r.t. racism is seen as an inherent part of american civilization. one of the parents was so concerned about this that they filed a public records request and they got the talking points. they were taught the culturally competent professional acknowledges he is aware of his own racist, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors and accepts responsibility for and agrees that addressing one's whiteness including proprietary privilege is crucial for teaching. nobody is objecting to people teaching our history. the facts of slavery which is the original know cnn of our founding. they're trying to stop kids from being taught to see everything through the prism of race and to see that there are two classes. oppressors and oppressed. which one you are depends on the color of your skin. >> john: democrats are blaming phony culture wars and critical race theory for the losses on tuesday. james carville, one of the more pragmatic democrats i know said democrats are responsible for this themselves. listen here. >> what is wrong is this stupid woke know. this defund the police lunacy. take lincoln's name off the schools. people say that. -- people see that. it's just really has a suppressive effect across the country. some of these people need to go to a woke detox center. >> john: it sounds like a lot of democrats have no clue why they got so beat up on tuesday. >> i think 100%. what they don't seem tow understand. this is not some kind of strategy that was brought up in the republican national committee. this is a grassroots rebellion of parents. what happened is most parents don't know most of the time what their kids are taught in the classroom firsthand because we go to work. drop them off at school. spend the day at work and come back and talk to them about school. they were sitting in on their kids' classes and learning what they were learning. thises what started it. they wanted to get the schools open and learn what they learned about the classes and go to the school boards and they were told you're domestic terrorists and we're going to sic the f.b.i. on you. >> john: democrats are taking aim at winsome sears. the first african-american woman to hold statewide office as a republican elected to the government there, jemelle hill said "this country loves white supremacy." winsome sears fired back holding an ar-15 rifle saying "we beg to differ." listen here. >> when you look at the birth certificate for a black child does it say you must vote democrat every time, all the time? otherwise you're not black? if you want to vote democrat, then do so. you want to vote libertarian, do so. whatever you want to be, be it. this is america. this is freedom. who died and left you in charge of all of us as black people? >> john: as you look at the new state leadership across the country, glenn youngkin as the governor. winsome sears. and a hispanic. it's the picture of diversity the democrats would promote. what are the democrats talking about here about white supremacy? >> apparently those white supremacists in virginia are crafty for electing the first black lieutenant governor in the history of the commonwealth. in the final days of the campaign all you heard from terry mcauliffe was the phrase "racist dog whistle." 13% of african-americans which is more than republicans had gotten before voted for youngkin. that put him over the top. the cry of racism doesn't work. if they are doubling down on that, then terrific. we're going to have a great time in the 2022 midterms. >> john: marc thiessen. >> thanks. >> sandra: republicans getting a chance to question dr. anthony fauci on whether he lide about controversial research in wuhan. >> john: the biden administration with a new vaccine mandate that affects more than 80 million people. senator rand paul on both those topics coming up next. doevent go away. >> the preponderance of evidence points to this coming from the lab and what you have done is change the definition on your website. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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>> absolutely. -- that he indeed lied under oath? >> absolutely. when you take two viruses and you try to make them more, that's gain of function by anybody's commonsense understanding of it. what he's trying to do is redefine it. he's using a sort of smarmy word salad to try to get around the fact that it happened but it's not just responsibility for the last pandemic. it's trying to prevent the next pandemic. this could happen again. >> sandra: i got that from your line of questioning. i want to move on to vaccine mandates for businesses. the feds setting a january 4 deadline. if you don't meet that deadline and your employees do not get vaccinated you will have to provide testing once a week and you will be fined a penalty of nearly $14,000. here is the r.n.c. statement. suing over this mandate. he couldn't do his job so now he wants you to lose yours. this mandate means another attack on frontline workers, small businesses and the rights of american people. the r.n.c. is suing the biden administration and will maintain every legal option to fights this authoritarian overreach. your reaction to the mandate. >> i think they're unlawful and unconstitutional. we need to take them to court. people need to stand up and resist. what a disservice to our first responders, doctors and nurses who took care of people. they had to show up for work when there was no vaccine. a lot of them got covid. survived. they have natural immunity. dr. fauci and the rest of the people say sorry, you're yesterday's trash, we're going to throw you away. it's the opposite of the respect we ought to give to our first responders, doctors and nurses. >> sandra: >> sandra: if they stand up and resist, who's got their back? >> it's a problem. it's tough. the hope would be there would be some alternatives of different health care clinics who would stand up for those who have natural immunity and freedom of choice. it's a difficult decision if your job hangs in the balance. i don't wish which this on anybody. at the very least we should stand up and sue legally and see if we can get the supreme court to say this is not the american way. >> sandra: at a time when businesses are just getting back up on their feet after the pandemic. senator, i appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: john. >> john: sandra, the violence of 2020 still on the minds of americans. why voters in several cities rejected the defund the police movement while elect the law and -- while electing law and order candidates. >> sandra: looking to build off tuesday's momentum targeting the most vulnerable democrats. he will join us live. next. veteran homeowners. while mortgage rates are still near all time lows, home values just keep going up. now's the time to refi and take out cash. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out $50,000 or more, to pay down credit card debt and other expenses. and lower your payments $600 a month. the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. >> sandra: law and order is a defining issue on election day just over a year after the violence and chaos in the summer of 2020. voters in several cities rejecting defund the police initiatives while electing candidates who vowed to restore law and order. brian yenis. >> brian: you can understand why defund the police was rejected by voters when you consider that the murder rate in this country increased by 30% in cities nationwide. the largest one-year jump on record according to the f.b.i. here in new york city eric adams, a retired police captain easily won the mayoral race here. he won campaigning on crime fighting. bringing back plainclothed antigun police units. brian brown was not on the ballot but managed to win defeating a self declared democratic socialist. walton ran on defunding the buffalo police dipietro. visitors wrote in brown's name and electing him instead. >> i think it clearly is a rebuke of defund police. it is a rebuke of socialism. and i think there were those from outside the city of buffalo that underestimated the buffalo community. they tried to come in and tell us who to vote for, and the people fought back and we won. >> in minneapolis where the defund the police movement began after george floyd's murder last summer, voters tuesday rejected a proposal to abolish the police department. in atlanta the mayoral race will be a runoff between democrats promising to increase the number of police officers. in seattle the progressive mayoral candidate who voted last year to cut the city's police department budget by 30% lost by 30 points and obviously here the reality is in portland, yesterday, the mayor, ted wheel ear said he will now be for increasing police funding in his city after an experience of record violence. >> sandra: >> sandra: bryan, thatching you. john. >> john: house republicans looking to capitalize on tuesday's red waive but the republican national congressional committee announcing 30 more vulnerable seats to target for 2022. tom emmer joins us. edward durr, running for the state senate in the state of new jersey has been declared by the a.p. as the winner of this race defeating senate president steve sweeney on a campaign that cost $153, the primary. about five grand in the overall. there is your winner right there. truck driver. kevin mccarthy yesterday, congressman, predicted that democrats even in states deep plus 16 like new jersey are vulnerable. a bold prediction but what happened tuesday night was extraordinary. >> yeah, john. when you look across the country, if you're not paying attention to down on the southern border a city that hasn't voted for a republican in 80 years elects a republican mayor, your previous guest talked about electing a retired policeman in a defund the police city. you talk about this guy knocking off the second most powerful democrat in new jersey after spending $153 and you look at the clean sweep that republicans made on statewide elections in virginia on tuesday night. every democrat in this environment is vulnerable and our message to these 70 that we have now targeted and hopefully we're going to be expanding that field is when you go home you've got a choice to make. you can either retire or you can lose next fall. >> john: the democrats are doubling down on policies people say lost them the elections on tuesday night including the reconciliation bill. former obama campaign manager david plough said we've got to expose what republicans did as a lie. let's look at the slide. the virginia department of education site. presentation from 2015 which encourages teachers to embrace critical race theory. engage in race-conscious teaching and learning. it's not just critical race theory for these parents. it's a lack of transparency for school boards including two rapes which the attorney general elect said he's going to investigate at the state level. materials in the library. restrictions on a.p. courses. anti-asian discrimination in the state's most elite public schools. it's not just c.r.t., it's a litany of things. >> tuesday night not just in virginia but i would suggest across the country was a complete repudiation of the biden administration's big government agenda. democrats. through their defund the police antics. have created a massive crime wave across this country. democrats with the insatiable desire to spend trillions of dollars are driving inflation like we haven't seen in decades and democrats because of their open-border policies have created a crisis on our southern border and now they're talking about giving $450,000 to illegal immigrants who were separated at the border. they simply are out of touch with mainstreet america and that's why they're going to lose the majority in 12 months. >> john: the president said they're not going to do that which got the aclu's knickers in a twist. in virginia, it's a white governor-elect. it's a black lieutenant-governor elect. a hispanic attorney general-elect. are you going to recruit more minority candidates for 2022? >> john, we said three years ago we believe the republican party is incredibly diverse on main street across the country. we need to do a better job of recruiting people that look and sound more like their districts. last cycle, last november we eelecteda i record number of women. we elected a record number of candidates from minority communities. we are breaking the records from last cycle when it comes to making sure that the republican party as it's represented in congress looks and sounds more like the districts they represent and more like america and you are going to see there is a huge number of candidates. women candidates from minority communities and others with incredible rez mays stepping up to stop this big government socialism. >> john: we look forward to the year ahead. it's going to be nothing if wan interesting. >> sandra: as the price of just about everything go higher, now big concerns over cotton. prices surging. adding to inflation fears. what it could mean for consumers and the next time you go shopping for clothes. we are live at a cotton farm. next. veteran homeowners, great news the lowest mortgage rates you've been waiting for are here. the newday two and a quarter refi has the company's lowest rate in history. 2.25% with an apr of 2.48. save thousands every year. plus there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. newday is holding the line on interest rates so every veteran family can save. call now. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit kids can change minds. they can even change the world around us. packed with protein plus 21 vitamins and minerals we 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[laughing] >> sandra: there was a little bit of a shaking of the head. >> john: sometimes you can take the boy out of rock and roll but you can't take the rock and roll out of the boy. >> sandra: i love it. on to cotton prices because they are on the rise and clothing costs could soon be going up forcing retailers to increase prices just in time for christmas. fbn's live at a cotton farm in louisiana. grady. >> sandra, john can do the dance next. cotton prices up 50% from the beginning of this year. that's a 10-year high. unfortunately that could mean clothing prices going up just before the holidays. a cotton farmer here in louisiana. when we talk about the cotton prices going up, how much are we talking in terms of the end product like jeans and t-shirts? >> your typical pair of jeans is probably about two pounds of cotton talking about a dollar, dollar 50 jump of raw materials. your price is coming from the raw materials. >> you add in the supply chain issues, transportation costs, labor costs and all that compounds. >> diesel costs. the same thing so many industries across america are running into. >> part of the reason is because of the demand for exports to countries like china have been huge. record levels. on top of that people are wearing in are cotton here in the u.s. >> china is importing a lot of our cotton. they're restocking their stocks. a lot of people work from home and they want luxury clothing and cotton fits the need. >> sandra, unfortunately not a great time to buy cotton products but we're getting used to prices of just about everything going up. >> sandra: i love that we're covering the story. real people with real stories. carhart jacket in the middle of the cotton field. we wish him and his business well. thank you. >> john: sand remarks john durham's probe into the origins of the -- >> john: sandra, john dur mam's probe into the origins of the steel dossier. jonathan turley will join us on that. we'll hear from senator tom cotton. all coming up in the next hour of "america reports." you don't want to miss a moment. get cash, now is the time. o because interest rates are near record lows and home values are at record highs. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow 100% of your home's values and you can take out $ 50,000 or more. pay down high rate credit cards, improve your home, or just give your family the security of having cash in the bank. this is a va mortgage rate watch from newday usa. while national mortgage rates are starting to climb, newday is holding the line at two and a quarter percent, 2.48 apr. so every veteran home owner can save. >> john: the second hour of must-see stories rolls on including vaccine cards coming to kindergarten? an major manner h american city asked for vaccines for five-year-olds to do just about anything outside their homes. >> sandra: imagine the reaction when the war on climate change comes to take away their lawn mowers. a ban coming to one of the largest states in the nation could mean cutting your grass by hand. >> john: also, nasa making plans for the end of the world? scientists showing off plans to stop any potential earth-ending asteroadway. -- asteroid. can you say extinction-level event? i'm john roberts in washington. good to be with you, sandra, for another hour. >> sandra: i like when you remind everybody it's friday-eve. i'm sandra smith in new york. we have to get to breaking news. a primary player behind the infamous steel dossier about -- steele dossier about to face a judge. major movement this afternoon in the durham investigation. the feds arresting a researcher reported to be at the heart of the unverified claims in the antitrump steele dossier. the suspect set to make his first court appearance in less than 30 minutes in a virginia courtroom just outside d.c. griff jenkins is live at the courthouse. he's got an update for us now. hi, griff. >> sandra, that's right. any moment now in this hour we expect igor danchenko, a 43-year-old russian national residing in virginia to face five counts in a 39-page indictment before a judge. here he is indeed believed to be a russian analyst who was the primary source for the infamous steele dossier. these charges pertain to statements he made to the f.b.i. in five months of 2017, and in the reports that are called company reports, where sources of the information he was providing to steele. part of this indictment reads this. i want to show it to you, sandra. danchenko is the third person charged in the 2 1/2-year probe. attorney kevin clinesmith who pleaded dpaelt to making false statements in a fisa application. and sussman's case is still ongoing. while we wait for this individual, danchenko to appear in the chourt behind me already a lot of people are discussing whether or not any really significant people will be arrested. already some noting that john durham, special counsel is going to be very methodical in his process and we know that attorney general merrick garland is allowing durham's investigation to run its course. we have had two attorneys and now this analyst -- not a big fish by any stretch but we'll see what happens in the court today. one thing is for sure. durham's office telling fox news the only statement they would make is the investigation is ongoing. sandra. >> sandra: we'll check back in shortly, griff, as we keep an eye on the courtroom. also ahead jonathan turley on why the arrest is an extremely big deal and why it shows durham is far from done. john. >> john: looking forward to more on that coming up. raging debates dominated tuesday's elections with voters sending democrats a strong message. while the nation's attention was focused on the progressive push to make schools go woke, republicans say democrats were asleep at the wheel while another world power made big moves. china now growing its nuclear stockpile and picking up the pace of production. that is according to the pentagon. just weeks after china tested a hypersonic missile that caught u.s. forces off guard. arkansas senator tom cotton joins us. this is a troubling report, senator, to say the least from the pentagon that by the year 2030 china could have as many as a thousand nuclear warheads and has been only too happy to show american satellites hundreds of missile silos building in the western half of the country. your response. >> the report about the nuclear buildup. china has long had a small nuclear force but they're trying to rapidly expand it. you mentioned the missile silos they're building in western china which is a big change from their current nuclear forces. they of course have bomber aircraft as well as submarines. as you mentioned, published reports a couple weeks ago suggest they not just have traditional internernl ballistic missiles which are susceptible to missile defenses but hypersonic glide vehicles which travel five times the speed of sound as well as travel in unpredictable patterns making them harder to defend against. china's effort to race to reach nuclear parity with the united states and perhaps one day surpass us. that would be very dangerous to the united states. not just because of the threat those nuclear weapons pose if they're used but ability to deter the united states to defend our own interests whether it's standing up for our manufacturing jobs and our trading rights or defending our partners and allies like japan and taiwan. it's imperthat the biden administration modernize our own forces so that can never happen. >> john: mark milley of the joint chiefs issued a sharp warning. listen to what he said. >> we're witnessing one of the largest shifts in global geostrategic power. we in the united states military don't do a fundamental change to ourselves. in the coming 10 to 15 to 20 years. then we're going to be on the wrong side of a conflict. >> john: one of the things, senator, the chairman worried about is this new hypersonic weapon. we don't have anything to challenge it. we don't have anything to detect it. people say hypersonic weapons are not defensive as china claims but they are first-strike weapons. >> you don't build hypersonic missiles capable of traveling so fast and evading not just defense systems but early-warning radars unless you want to take a first strike. china has disclaimed the idea they want to make a first strike but the forces are clearly designed to pursue a first-use policy and perhaps one day go for the jugular against the united states. to have that capability to deter us from protecting all of our other interests as well. >> john: i want to ask you about something that popped up yesterday. the idea that the biden administration may be paying as much as $450,000 per person or a million dollars per family to illegal migrant families separated during the trump administration. the president didn't seem to know much about it yesterday. listen here. >> if you keep sending that garbage out, yeah, but it's not true. >> it's a garbage rpt? >> yeah. >> it's a garbage report? >> yeah, 450,000 per other than. >> separated from a family member at the border under the last administration. >> that's not going to happen. >> john: the president says that's not going to happen but the executive director of the aclu said president biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his own justice department as it carefully considered the crimes committed against families separated as intentional government policy. it seems that the president is the only one out of the loop, senator. >> i think we all know that peter doocy never files garbage reports, john, it sounds like that the aclu is confirming. my source at the department of giant tells me it's 100% accurate. it's crazy but true the biden administration is considering paying reparations to illegal aliens woviolated our laws of $450,000. we only pay 100,000 to the family of american soldiers who lose their life in the line of duty. what about reparations for the families whose lives have been shattered bausbecause they had a son or daughter crippled by opioids shipped across our southern border. the aclu simply said the facts while pointing out that joe biden doesn't seem to be in command of his own administration. >> john: it's interesting that he wasn't briefed on it. senator tom cotton from the state of arkansas. thanks. >> thank you. >> sandra: a crowd of thousands chanting death to america in the streets of iran to make 42 years since the siege on the u.s. embassy in tehran in 1979. the anniversary the backdrop as the two countries plus the european union officially ah nounce a date for talks to rejoin the nuclear deal. -- officially announce a date for talks to rejoin the nuclear deal. >> nuclear talks with iran are expected to restart later this month. the conversations widely seen as a make or break moment in the nuclear negotiations. officials are headed to vienna, austria november 29 along with the other parties of the 2015 nuclear deal. iran's chief negotiator confirmed his country is participating. he tweeted saying that the current sanctions against iran are unlawful and inhumane. the new president of iran is are idea more a hard liner than the former president and said today there will be no retreat in the nuclear conversation. this could prove toy major hurdle for negotiates looking to get the iran government. thousands of deteriorates >> thousands of demonstrators. what comes next, we know that key u.s. ally israel is not ruling out striking iran within its own worders if the nuclear talks fail. sand ra. >> john: images out of iran. >> john: the focus now on threats from another world. >> sandra: this afternoon nasa is explaining its emergency plans if there is ever a catastrophic asteroid on a collision course with earth. they're planning to put it all to the test and it promises to be explosive. >> john: where is bruce willis when you need him? next, the covid mandates making their way to reset the ultra-liberal city going to require kids as young as five to carry proof they're vaccinated. veteran homeowners, great news the lowest mortgage rates you've been waiting for are here. the newday two and a quarter refi has the company's lowest rate in history. 2.25% with an apr of 2.48. save thousands every year. plus there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. newday is holding the line on interest rates so every veteran family can save. call now. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. 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teachers in question. sean mcdaniel, superintendent of schools made the argument to fire them due to moral turpitude andfulful neglect of duty. >> teachers to -- and willful neglect of duty. >> knowing that it could reduce the risk of exposure to covid. >> mike: however a bill passed in the oklahoma legislature says mask mandates cannot be enforced unless the governor issues a state of emergency and the governor says he's not going to do that. >> you do not have the authority to make rules and regulations which knowingly violate oklahoma state law and to impose rules and regulations on staff under threat of terminations for people to be fired. >> mike: mcdaniel says the law prevents the school boards from implementing mandates but not him, the superintendent, and for the moment a court has enjoined the law from going into effect. the fired teachers showed up for class at the start of the school year but were sent home for not wearing the masks. their status was suspended with pay at least until last night. sandra. >> sandra: we'll follow it. john. >> john: a new twist. san francisco not wasting any time. hours after the feds ok'd the pfizer campaign for kids five to 11 the city will require children in the age yup to show they got the shots before they can go places like restaurants and sporting events. claudia cowan live outside a walgreens in san francisco. >> that's right, john, san francisco families have two months to get their little kids fully vaccinated if they want to take them to places like indoor restaurants. theaters, gyms, other venues are parents are angry and pushing back saying among other things that no child in the five to 11 age group has died of the virus in san francisco and parents of four-year-olds are wondering if they'll need to carry around birth certificates to prove those kids are too young to get the shot. the announcement came after a virtual town hall meeting after the c.d.c. granted emergency approval of kid size doses of the pfizer vaccine. officials will allow a grace period before they enforce the new mandate. >> we did definitely want to wait and make sure that children have an opportunity to get vaccinated. so that will happen no sooner than about eight weeks after the vaccine is available to kids. >> after that five to 11-year-olds will have to show some kind of vaccination passport to get into public venues. critics argue kids that young don't need the shot. they say covid 19 poses a low risk to preteens with young children accounting for less than 0.1% of covid deaths in america and in san francisco tracking data shows out of the 664 people who died of the disease, none have been under the age of 21 and only about 2500 kids in the five to 11 age group have contracted the virus since it surfaced nearly two years ago. nevertheless it appears san francisco is moving ahead with this controversial vaccination mandate for kindergartners on up. we can expect to see protests over this idea. one mom just told me she thinks this mandate is "absolutely ridiculous." back to you. >> john: i'm sure we're going to hear more about it as well. claudia cowan for us in san francisco. thanks. sandra, we've got young children. i have 10-year-old twins. they are paranoid about going out without a mask. they make sure they've got a mask with them all the time. now for these kids in san francisco you're going to say not only do you need the mask but where is your vaccine passport? do they need the stress? >> sandra: think about it. a five-year-old. almost half their life they have been living in this pandemic. when you think about the mask is just part of their life at a time, john, when now so many parents are calling their pediatricians asking what is the recommendation for a child as young as five or six that's healthy. >> john: i can see the conversations. families getting ready to go to dinner. where is your vaccination passport? i thought it was in my backpack. i left it at school. kids don't need the stress. >> sandra: amen. we'll see where it goes. that's going to be an interesting test to see if that works. meanwhile, president biden and fellow leaders dialing up the doomsday talks to push massive spending plans but our next guest says it wouldn't amount to which. joining us bornlomborg author of "false alarm. how the climate change panic cost us trillions." born, welcome. we had the opportunity -- bjorn, welcome. you have a fascinating message. you're not a denier of climate change but you are a denier of the doomsday talks coming out of this administration. explain your viewpoint. >> again, i'm not a denier. i'm pointing out you've got to look at the evidence. gloerm warming is a real problem but it's not the end of the world. one example. we know how many people die from flood, crouts, wildfires and extreme temperatures. over the last 100 years the number globally has declined from half a million people every year to this year, the year you heard so much about climate disasters, this year is likely to end at less than 7,000 people dying. this does not mean global warming is not a problem but it means our ability to tackle these issues because we're richer and more resilient is higher and we see many fewer people die. it's important to recognize this is not the end of the world. if you think it is you're likely to throw everything at it. if you realize it's a problem, you're likely to be more "tell me how i should fix it and what it's going to cost." i6789 when you say everything, you're talking about billion -- >> sandra: whether you say everything you're talking about billions thrown at a problem that you think joe biden and his white house are getting wrong. here he is talking about methane emissions. >> one of the most important things to do is to keep 1.5 degrees is reduce our methane emissions as quickly as possible so together we're committing to collectively reduce our methane by 30% by 2030 and i think we could probably go beyond that. it's going to boost our economies. saving companies money. reducing methane leaks. capturing methane to turn it into new revenue streams as well as creating good paying union jobs for our workers. >> sandra: he made very clear at that summit there in glasgow that that is the priority of his administration. is he getting it right? >> actually, it turns out that a lot of the methane leaks are very cheap to plug. one study shows in canada that it would cost less than $3 per ton and sometimes it would make the company money. that's probably an ok policy. again, it hasn't been instated yet but that's not where the billions and frankly trillions go. that's mostly in cutting carbon dioxide which is the main greenhouse gas and that is where you end up spending lots of money. >> sandra: you wrote a fascinatingop-ed published in "the new york post" and you take on that glasgow summit saying that innovation is the solution. days before the summit you write 24 emerges economies say that the demand for them to achieve net zero was unjust because it stopped poor countries from developing their economies. the president of uganda put it even more bluntly. "afcans have a right to choose reliable, cheep -- africans have a right to choose reliable, cheap energy." explain. >> fundamentally most of the poor countries in the world want to lift their populations out of poverty and you can't blame them and those are the guys that emitmost of the co2 over the century so the reality is if we want them to change you have to pay us enormous sums talking up to $1.3 trillion every year. western democracies are able to afford or be willing to pay that. what we should do instead is focus on innovation. imagine if we could innovate green energy to be cheaper than fossil fuel. everyone would switch. the real point here is not to try to twist everybody's arm to do stuff that they really don't want but instead focus on innovation which is how humanity has fixed pretty much all its problems. >> sandra: glad to have the conversation. bjornlomborg, thanks for joining us. -- bjorn lomborg. thanks for joining us. >> john: the left denying extreme policies are hurting democrats. will it cost them in the mid terms? >> sandra: the trucker who took down one of new jersey's most powerful democrats. >> the democrats better get their act together if they want to be taken seriously as a governing party and do something that responds to what the needs of the people are. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. >> sandra: could the fight over what your children are learning in the classroom end up giving republicans control of congress? former o.b.m. director russ vogt in moments. a truck driver with no prior political experience took down one of new jersey's top democrats. alexis mcadams live in hoboken for us with more on this story that is gripping the nation, really. >> people talking about this story. people here in new jersey. voters did not expect this. they didn't expect to see it close but edward durr, people talking about him. he doesn't consider himself a politician but looks like he's on his way to be the next state senator in new jersey. durr is a truck driver in south jersey. works for a furniture company. grew up in the area. ran as a republican for new jersey's third district senate seat. this guy was not even on the radar at any point during this election. he's leading in the race against democratic senate president steven sweeney. sweeney held the seat for decades. a political machine in the area. reached out to the state senator. we haven't heard back from him at this time. how did durr do it? not by spending tons of money on his campaign. durr said he spent $150 to win the primary. and a fraction of what is opponent did on the overall election even recruiting one of his friends' nephews to make his campaign video that he shared on social media leading up to the election. this underdog tells us he decided to run when he saw people in new jersey were upset with covid-19 protocols and lockdowns during the pandemic that affected businesses. >> governor murphy locked us down and ignored the people's voice. senator sweeney chose to do nothing for those 18 months and people were angry. this was the people's voice being made heard clear and through all through new jersey because i'm not the only victory in new jersey. there is upsets all up and down the state because the people spoke. >> durr says he listened to what the voters wanted. talked to people. family members and friends in his community and naught about what he wanted as well and that drove him to be in the race in the first place. a win by durr could throw the new jersey legislature into uncertainties that would force the senate to find a new president to replace sweeney. things to watch in new jersey. >> sandra: alexis mcadams in hoboken. >> john: got to love it. harley, truck driver from hoboken and slays the giant. >> sandra: enters the political world with a splash. >> john: not that i care for one candidate to win over another but just the idea of when you look at the -- >> sandra: big deal. >> john: the differential. political clout and money. it's amazing. sandra, the far left refusing to back down from their extreme positions on education even after a big week across our country for republicans. could this come back to haunt democrats in next year's mid terms? former office of management and budget director russ vogt founder of the center for renewing america and he took steps during the trump white house. good to have you back in the studio. >> absolutely. >> john: democrats lashing out on c.r.t. saying we lost big on tuesday night because the republicans fabricated a lie when it comes to political race theory. what do you say? >> they're in a crossroads. how could you say it doesn't exist and you have others saying it's time to double down on it, that the way to deal with this is to go on offense? i think they have an interesting moment they've got to think through. i personally believe they're not able to back away from it because it's decades worth of their governing strategy. we saw in virginia parents rejecting that across the state and being able to say we're going to get this out of our schools and you are not going to call us a racist. we're going to plow forward. we're going to be fearless. virginia as a result has great momentum, and we saw what happens when a candidate leads into the cultural issues. it can lead to great success in blue areas. >> john: terry mcauliffe and other democrats saying critical race theory is not taught in schools in virginia but there are references to critical race theory in documents on the virginia department of education website and while there may not actually be a course for second graders on critical race theory, it's the paradigm through which history is being taught or the lens through which it's being looked at. >> that's the essential work. the paradigm. the foundation for how you teach concepts. when you see bills across the country to ban critical race theory, they're saying you're not allowed to teach these concepts that says that one race is better than the other. that one is inherently better than the other. you're not allowed to say that fundamentally as a matter of fact in the way that the earth is round that the united states is inherently racist. that western civilization is inherently racist. that's what parents are rejecting. the fact that the democrats say it doesn't exist only empowers people to go to the school boards and get involved. >> john: "the new york times" opinion columnist russ douthit said republicans schooled the left in virginia. you can tell people that c.r.t. is a right wing fantasy but this debate was instigated not by right wing parents but by an ideological transformation on the left. he's saying it's the democrats' fault. don't blame republicans. >> c.r.t. started in law schools as a reaction against the civil rights movement. it said we're going to live in a society that's colorblind and treats everyone equally under the law. the law professor says we're going to reject that and we're going to get it into the society. intentionally into all institutions. that's what we're seeing. that's what parents are reacting to. >> john: you mentioned that democrats are doubling down on that. a reference to david plouffe, obama's campaign manager. is that a winning formula? >> pring it on. if you think that's a winning straj -- >> bring it on. if you think that's a winning strategy, i still think they're going to have voices like james carville that says slow down. >> john: one last question. many democrats claim that white supremacists were responsible for the election results in virginia. here is what "wall street journal" said about that. >> john: the same racists appeared to >> john: the diversity of the new leadership in virginia. democrats love to play the race card. does this take that option off the table? >> i think it does and i think that's the other big message from this election. they have had a sword for decades to use against people who wanted to touch cultural issues. that sword is directed at themselves. every time they try to wield it, it will wound them. >> john: russ vought. appreciate coming in. see you again soon. americans with the message to the government get off my lawn. one of the nation's largest states going hard after the nation's latest menace to society. the lawn mower. >> sandra: we'll talk to jonathan turley on the latest news. a source for the steele dossier going to face a judge. he will explain. next. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. 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>> well, it's very significant in a number of respects. first of all, this is supposedly one of the primary sources relied upon by christopher steele for his much-ridiculed dossier. the f.b.i. concluded, and american intelligence generally concluded that the dossier may have been a vehicle for russian intelligence disinformation and that some of the sources relied upon might have been russian intelligence agents but this was a key figure in putting together that dossier, and what the indictment does is show us what durham has, and he has a lot of new information. one of the figures that he does not name that features prominently in this indictment is referred to as p.r. executive one. this is someone who is described as a close advisor to hillary clinton. someone who has worked in her prior campaigns. who has given a high level appointment by bill clinton. and this figure features greatly in these allegations. they describe meetings in moscow with rather shady russian figures involving this executive. involving danchenko. it also says that some of the stuff that came out of the dossier seemed to come from this p.r. executive. it's really weird details. at one point this clinton advisor gives one of these russian figures the autobiography of hillary clinton and it's signed by him saying "to a great democrat." really odd details. but this has even greater connections with the clinton campaign and clinton advisors in the development of the dossier. >> sandra: danchenko is being charged with lying to the f.b.i. you go on to say -- because one of obviously the big questions is now this is the third arrest by durham -- what big fish might come from all this as he moves forward in this stage. you say in your piece on that danchenko is the type of defendant that prosecutors pressure to flip against those who retained him or used him in the effort. he strikes me as someone who can be used as a building block to apex defendants. jonathan. >> usually when you see these types of major indictments, they build over time towards an apex target. they use many of these indicted individuals to flip and to serve as building blocks towards the sort of matinee indictment. danchenko doesn't strike me as an apex target. he is very useful if you want to proceed higher because he was used as a vehicle essentially of getting this information of the dossier and the dossier was used to get this information to the press and we now know that the clinton campaign which denied throughout the campaign that it's funded the steele dossier, did, in fact, fund it, and this indictment says that you have key clinton figures who are not just helping put together the dossier, they're in moscow meeting with russian figures to try to get compromising information on trump. the question is, who might be above danchenko? and there is a number of people that come to mind. the person that should be most concerned is whoever fits the description of p.r. executive one. >> sandra: wow. that's a big statement. as you say, durham is far from done with this investigation. we'll see where he goes next. jonathan, thank you for joining us on that. john. >> john: great to hear from jonathan. california, sandra, set to become the first state to outlaw the sale of new small gas powered engines like lawn mowers and leaf blowers. small businesses say the new law will crush them. kellie o'grady in gardena, california. >> this is going to impact the 55,000 lawn care businesses in california 70% of which are minority owned. activists pushed for the bill on the premise that operating a leaf blower for one hour causes as much pollution as driving a car for 1,100 miles. critics worry that implementing this by 2024 is financially irresponsible. there are two million commercial engines in use. that works out to $15 in relief. a sit-down gas mower costs anywhere from seven grand to 11 grand while an electric version can cost double that, and the batteries average $300 a pop. a multiperson crew you might need 30er 40 to get you through the day. the infrastructure piece is another challenge. >> if you think about a 6-8-hour charge capacity and rolling blackouts, power outages, storm, other natural disasters that could impact, it will shut our operations down. >> that's a problem for more than just landscapers because the law goes after gas-powered generators as well and california's grid, i can tell you being out here it struggles with capacity issues especially during the summer. industry experts tell me they're pushing for this green effort. they're all for it but they worry that the rush is going to come at the expense of small businesses. back to you. >> john: got to make sure the infrastructure is there before you push the edge of the envelope too far. kelly o'grady, thanks so much. i've got one electric lawn implement. a hedge trimmer. it's a stihl. it's brilliant. you see crews around the neighborhoods neighborhoods and i don't think the electric will work for them now. >> sandra: it goes back to bjorn lomberg's point that you're pushing for something that costs businesses more. that's not going to be popular. they've got to innovate in a way they can make it more popular and not drive people out of business and kill jobs. >> john: kelly makes a salient point. is the grid in california at a point where we can handle these extra electric vehicles when you look at how many times pg&e is shutting down the power? >> sandra: a necessary point. john likes some things out of tinseltown. putting out plans to protect the earth from asteroids. details on that next. veteran homeowners, mortgage rates are still near all time lows. and home values are at all time highs. that makes right now the best time in history to use your va refi benefit and get cash. you could take out $50,000 or more because the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. use that cash to pay high rate credit card debt or plan for retirement. the newday 100 va loan. joint pain, swelling, tenderness. my psoriasis. cosentyx® works on all of this. cosentyx can help you look and feel better by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious— and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me! get real relief with cosentyx. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, newday just announced their lowest rate ever. the two and a quarter refi. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year. >> it looks like hollywood got it right but we night not need morgan free man or bruce willis. nasa is making sure mankind doesn't go the way of the dinosaurs with asteroids come our way. it could all come down to an explosive final scene. jeff paul joins us live from los angeles with the latest. >> we saw it done in movies and heard about the close calls. nasa is launching a mission right here in california to prevent a potential space disaster involving asteroids. we want to emphasize this is just a test. a space rock is not threatening to smash into earth. this exercise gives nasa a chance to see if smashing a spacecraft into something is an effective method to change the course of an earth threatening asteroid. tell target a small moon. it will crash into the moon to change its orbit. it could be a proven method to push asteroids away that are threatening earth. >> we don't want to be in a situation where an asteroid is headed to earth and then have to test this capability. we want to think about how the spacecraft works and what the reaction will be by the asteroids to the impact before we ever get in a situation like that. >> dart will launch later in the month. the collision won't take place until late 2020. john, this is just a test. no current threat. >> john: all right, i was cueing up aerosmith's don't want to miss a thing. sandra, extinction level events. >> sandra: save the music. time is up. thanks for joining us on "america reports." good to be with you john. >> john: you too. i am john roberts. the "story" starts right now with martha. see you tomorrow. >> martha: thank you very much. breaking news on the story the durham investigation is heating up and the question is where and to whom might it lead? today you have a third person indicted by the grand jury in the courtroom. we are waiting to see him enter or exit. igor danchenko is a russian. there say picture of the man who has been indicted. danchenko

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Statement , Penalty , Frontline Workers , Rights , Option , Overreach , Attack , Responders , Doctors , Nurses , Care , Disservice , Immunity , Respect , Opposite , Trash , Survived , Health Care Clinics , Hope , Alternatives , Supreme Court , Decision , Wish , Freedom Of Choice , Violence , Minds , Americans , Feet , 2020 , Law , Elect , Defund , Law And Order , Momentum , Police Movement , Next , More , Expenses , Newday Usa , 00 , 600 , My Name Is Cherrie , Sam , Hi , Oregon Coast , 53 , 76 , Memory , On The Beach , Puzzle Pieces , Granddaughters , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , Life , Click , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Set , Smile , Patients , Gift , Sharing , Exam , X Rays , At Aspen Dental , Treatment Plan , Payment , Options , Savings , Obligation , Naj , Money Manager , Clients , Backs , At Aspendental Com , Fisher Investments , Fiduciary , 1 , 7 , 800 , Fees , Police , Summer , Election Day , Initiatives , Chaos , Defund The Police , Brian Yenis , Record , Eric Adams , Murder Rate , 30 , Brian Brown , Campaigning , Crime Fighting , Plainclothed Antigun Police Units , Socialist , Self , Visitors , Walton Ran On Defunding The Buffalo Police Dipietro , Oklahoma City , Socialism , Buffalo Community , Rebuke Of Defund , Buffalo , Police Department , Proposal , Murder , In Minneapolis Where The Defund Police Movement , George Floyd , Candidate , Police Officers , Runoff , Seattle , Police Department Budget , Atlanta , Reality , Mayor , Ted Wheel , City , Police Funding , Portland , Republican National Congressional Committee , Thatching You , Bryan , Seats , Winner , A P , Tom Emmer , Primary , Grand , Congressman , Kevin Mccarthy , 153 , Prediction , Deep Plus , Plus 16 , Policeman , Hasn T , Defund The Police City , 80 , Guy , Sweep , Field , Virginia On Tuesday Night , Environment , Choice , 70 , Reconciliation Bill , David Plough , Teachers , Presentation , Virginia Department Of Education , Site , Slide , 2015 , Attorney General , Rapes , Transparency , Materials , Courses , State Level , Library , Discrimination , Litany , Elite Public , Police Antics , Big Government Agenda , Trillions , Inflation , We Haven T , Crime Wave , Desire , Crisis , Touch , Twist , Majority , Knickers , 12 , Minority , Main Street , Three , Communities , Districts , Record Number , Women , Recruiting , Last Cycle , Congress , Price , Interesting , Women Candidates , Others , Incredible Rez Mays , Cotton , Prices , Concerns , Consumers , Clothes , Inflation Fears , Cotton Farm , Everything Go Higher , Save Thousands , News , Quarter Refi , 2 25 , Interest Rates , Pocket , Shipping Manager , Visit Indeed Com Hire Kids , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Find Themself , Protein , Vitamins , Minerals , Breakfast Essentials , Plus 21 , Sugar , Fitness Routine , Protein Shakes , Support , Birthday Cake , Mmm , Maker , Oreos , Labor Costs , Sour Patch Kids , Increase , Supply Chain Crisis , Tobleone , Candy , Song , Dentist , Donations , Cotton Prices , 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Steele , Update , Residing , Reports , 2017 , Application , Dpaelt , Individual , Chourt , Stretch , Process , Eye , Sure , Deal , Debates , Power , Asleep At The Wheel , Progressive Push , Forces , Hypersonic , Missile , Moves , Production , Stockpile , Pace , Arkansas , Pentagon , Missile Silos , Least , Warheads , Satellites Hundreds , 2030 , A Thousand , Change , Force , Buildup , Half , Internernl , Submarines , Bomber Aircraft , Missiles , Patterns , Times , Missile Defenses , Travel , Glide Vehicles , Speed Of Sound , Ability , Weapons , Threat , Effort , Interests , Parity , Partners , Manufacturing Jobs , Trading Rights , Allies , Japan , Taiwan , Imperthat , Chiefs , Shifts , Global Geostrategic Power , Mark Milley , United States Military Don T , Conflict , Don T Build Hypersonic , China Claims , Big Deal , Strike , Systems , Capability , Jugular , Didn T , Garbage Out , Garbage Report , Garbage Rpt , Department , Justice , Files Garbage Reports , Government Policy , The Loop , Giant , Reparations , Laws , Illegal Aliens Woviolated , Duty , Soldiers , Lives , Bausbecause , 100000 , Command , Opioids , Daughter , Son , Death , Iran , Streets , Siege , U S Embassy In Tehran , 1979 , Talks , Backdrop , European Union , Officials , Negotiations , Make , Vienna , Chief Negotiator , Parties , Sanctions , Nuclear Deal , Austria , November 29 , 29 , Liner , Negotiates , Retreat , Toy , Hurdle , Demonstrators , Worders , Ally , Israel , Sand Ra , Threats , Emergency Plans , Images , Focus , Another World , Test , Collision Course , Bruce Willis , Proof , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Bird , Woooooooooooooo , Looks , Kid , Helicopter , Business Internet , Safe , Setbacks , Network , Add Securityedge , Cybersecurity Options , Offer , Customers , Device , Business Securityedge , Comcast , Yours , Prepaid Card , Call Today , 500 , Group , Cards , Vaccinated , School Teachers , Masks , School Board , Mike Tobin , Termination , Six Oklahoma , Lawsuit , Sean Mcdaniel , Employment , Board , Last Night , Session , Neglect , Argument , Andfulful Neglect , Moral Turpitude , Risk , State Of Emergency , Mask Mandates , Exposure , Oklahoma Legislature , Rules , Regulations , Authority , Oklahoma State Law , Staff , School Boards From Implementing Mandates , Terminations , Effect , Status , Class , The School , San Francisco , Yup , Pfizer , 11 , Places , Restaurants , Sporting Events , Shots , Claudia Cowan , Walgreens , Venues , Theaters , Shot , Announcement , Birth Certificates , Town Hall Meeting , Four , Emergency Approval , Kid Size , Doses , Cdc , Opportunity , Eight , Critics , Vaccination , Preteens , Age , Disease , Covid Deaths , Tracking Data , 21 , 2500 , 664 , 0 1 , Vaccination Mandate , Protests , Kindergartners , Mom , Mask , Stress , Vaccine Passport , Recommendation , Backpack , Vaccination Passport , Pediatricians , Dinner , Works , Doomsday , Leaders , Kids Don T , Amen , Wouldn T , Climate Change Panic Cost , Author , Bornlomborg , Denier , Bjorn Lomborg , Born , Gloerm Warming , Viewpoint , Example , Climate Disasters , Temperatures , Flood , Wildfires , Crouts , Warming , Resilient , 7000 , I6789 , Billions , Methane Emissions , Methane , Methane Leaks , Economies , Union Jobs , Saving Companies Money , Revenue , Summit , Priority , Study , Glasgow , Canada , It Hasn T , Ton , , 3 , Carbon Dioxide , Greenhouse Gas , Glasgow Summit , Fascinatingop Ed Published , New York Post , Innovation , Net Zero , Solution , 24 , Zero , Right , Afcans Have A , Uganda , Cheep , Populations , Energy , Poverty , Emitmost , Co2 , Democracies , Sums , 1 3 Trillion , 3 Trillion , Stuff , Arm , On Innovation , Green Energy , Fossil Fuel , Problems , Humanity , Woman , Wealth , Worth , Foundation , Ground , Project , Employee , Lifetime , Mike S Retirement Party , Fight , Russ Vogt , Classroom End , Obm , Hoboken , Alexis Mcadams , Politician , State Senator , Area , Radar , Steven Sweeney , Ran , Political Machine , Friends , Opponent , Nephews , Fraction , 150 , Protocols , Social Media , Upset , Underdog , Campaign Video , Lockdowns , Place , Community , Family Members , Win , New Jersey Legislature , Uncertainties , Alexis Mcadams In Hoboken , Another , Differential , Splash , Harley , Education , Positions , Clout , Democrats Lashing Out , Director , Founder , Studio , Steps , Office Of Management And Budget , Crossroads , Governing Strategy , Fearless , We Saw , Areas , Success , References , Paradigm , Graders , Documents , Concepts , Other , Matter , Western Civilization , Russ Douthit , The New York Times , Crt , Debate , Fantasy , Transformation , Society , Law Schools , Fault , Civil Rights Movement , Institutions , Law Professor , Straj , Formula , Pring It On , Reference , Bring It On , Voices , Election Results , Supremacists , Racists , Wall Street Journal , Race Card , Sword , Table , Lawn , Russ Vought , Lawn Mower , Menace To Society , Banks , Lenders , Mortgage Payments , Lock , Prescription Medicine , Vo , Therapy , Imbruvica , Cll , Infections , Symptoms , Side Effects , Blood Thinners , Blood Counts , Confusion , Chemotherapy , Chills , Decrease , Fevers , Weakness , Infection , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Disease , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Doctor , Diarrhea , Heart Problems , Fluids , Bleeding , Signs , There , Court Appearance , Investigators , Arrest Part , Probes , Information For The Infamous Steele , Development , Respects , Intelligence , Disinformation , Figure , Agents , What Durham Has , Figures , Advisor , Executive One , Features , Hillary Clinton , P R , Campaigns , Meetings , Level , Executive , Involving Danchenko , Autobiography , Advisors , Connections , Go On , Piece , Questions , Stage , Big Fish , Jonathanturley Com , Type , Defendant , Defendants , Building Block , Prosecutors , Target , Types , Indictments , Many , Matinee Indictment , Danchenko Doesn T , Building Blocks , Press , Compromising Information On Trump , Fund It , Meeting , Put , Description , Wow , California S , Engines , Gas , Leaf Blowers , Sale , Kellie O Grady , Gardena , Activists , Premise , Lawn Care , Leaf Blower , 55000 , Relief , Use , Car , Pollution , Irresponsible , 2024 , 5 , 1100 , Two Million , Crew , Batteries , Sit Down Gas , Mower , Pop , Electric Version , Multiperson , 300 , Seven , Infrastructure Piece , Storm , Charge Capacity , Power Outages , Rolling Blackouts , 30er , 8 , 6 , 40 , Grid , Natural Disasters , Generators , Operations , Landscapers , Industry Experts , Expense , Rush , Capacity , Green Effort , Kelly O Grady , Envelope , Stihl , Edge , One Electric Lawn , Hedge Trimmer , Neighborhoods , Electric , Bjorn Lomberg , Vehicles , Kill Jobs , Asteroids , Pg E , Tinseltown , Cosentyx , Joint Pain , Psoriasis , Swelling , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tuberculosis , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Veteran Homeowners , Hollywood , Morgan , Mankind , Dinosaurs , Mission , Latest , Calls , Scene , Movies , Jeff Paul , Los Angeles , Space Rock , Disaster , Space , Method , Exercise , Spacecraft , Moon , Away , Orbit , Tell Target A Small Moon , Situation , Collision Won T , Dart , Up Aerosmith , Don T Want , Events , Music , Extinction Level , Martha , Grand Jury , Exit ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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delivered by voters and division within their own party. west virginia senator joe manchin sounding the alarm to democrats while speaking to fox news saying the disappointing result from tuesday's races should serve as a "wake up call to all of us." >> sandra: wuwill it? house democrats are planning it to vote on both the social spending plan and the bipartisan infrastructure bill by the end of the week. >> kevin: fox news coverage. peter doocy at the white house. >> sandra: we begin with congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> house speaker nancy pelosi is not tipping her hand on when the house could vote but she did say passage of the infrastructure bill could have helped democrats in virginia. >> without saying what impact it had, it's always a positive message to have results that are understood by the public. but it was not a good night. >> republicans are ready to pounce if democrats forge ahead with their agenda especially after the rebuke at the ballot box. >> you saw it throughout the country. there is a backlash against this big government liberalism. blue states and blue cities are yelling at the left wing of the democratic party you're nuts. slow down. >> not all democrats are satisfied with the social spending bill. if pelosi had the votes she would call the votes. >> i think it reflects the intensity people had on the bills. congressional democrats have a lot of different views within their caucus and it takes a while to harmonize them and sometimes the assessment can be it's there but it's not quite there yet because these are important issues. >> moderate democrats want a price tag own bill from the budget office before voting. an evaluation from the joint committee on taxation. it's unclear if that's enough for democrats to move ahead. however the bill will change in the senate. paid leave is likely out and immigration policy up in the air. sandra. >> sandra: chad pergram on the hill for us. john. >> john: shortly after the republican victory in virginia, president biden stubbing democratic special interests denying reports that his administration is considering $450,000 payments to migrants who were separated from their families. peter doocy has more from peter, somebody didn't get the memo. >> peter: in italy after the president's g-20 remarks i caught him on an escalator and asked him about this report. about possible six-figure cash payments to some illegal immigrants and he looked puzzled and didn't give me an answer, but yesterday when i posed the question to him he gave a clearcut explanation of how he feels about this. >> peter: there were reports surfacing that your administration is planning to pay illegal immigrants separated from their family at the border up to $450,000, possibly up to a million dollars for a family will do you think that might incentivize people to come illegally? >> if you guys keep sending that garbage, out, yeah but it's not true. >> this is a garbage report? $450,000 per person? >> peter: separated from a family member under the last administration. >> that's not going to happen. >> peter: it is going to happen according to the aclu whose executive director came out with a response to the president's answer to my question. president biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own justice departments it carefully deliberated and considered the crimes committed against thousands of families separated from their children as an intentional governmental policy. we should get further clarification about exactly what happened at a briefing in about an hour but both things cannot be right. the aclu saying this is going to happen and the president saying this is not going to happen. somebody is wrong and we hope to find out more this afternoon. john. >> john: the president was right about one thing yesterday, peter. when he called on you, he said "this ought to be interesting." good to see you, peter. >> sandra: backlash against new jersey democrats up and down the ballot. incumbent governor phil murphy projected to win reelection by a thin margin after an unexpectedly strong challenge from republican jack ciattarelli in what was considered a safe blue state. a new jersey republican truck driver ed durr with no prior political experience pulling off a stunning upsetorf a democratic leader. former lieutenant governor christine todd whitman joins us. thanks for giving us your time. the margin of victory. you look back at joe biden's margin of vehicle almost 16% to phil murphy's 1.51% margin of victory. what is happening in the state, governor? >> there are a lot of things that are happening in the state but for those numbers, remember that back in 1993 -- 1992, when bill clinton won the state of new jersey, he won by 42 percentage points and the next year i beat the incumbent governor -- democrat governor in the state by about 1.5 percentage points so this is not that unusual but you're absolutely right. things are definitely happening. you saw what happened in south jersey. that's a huge blow for the senate president steve sweeney -- senator steve sweeney to have been ousted like this but you look at more northern county, somerset county which used to be solid red has turned over's senate seat that used to be -- belong basically to the bateman family, a solid republican seat and that's changed so there are a lot of things happening. i don't think it's as simple as we would like it to be as far as what the messages are from these elections. i think it's clear the democrats ought to get their act together if they want to be taken seriously as the governing party and respond to the needs of the people. youngkin when he ran in virginia as part of his race embraced issues that trump had put forward but not trump himself. that's a message to be careful and jack ciattarelli in new jersey embraced not just the issues but embraced trump himself and that wasn't enough. there weren't enough republicans on the far right to take him over the finish line because he couldn't bring the moderate republicans with him to the extent that he needed. so there is this balance here. the country is saying "come on, people, start addressing our issues. stop fighting from the extreme on the right and the extreme on the left. let's get together and get something done that matters to us." >> sandra: interesting to get your perspective. your come-from-behind victory in the early 1990's, what that presaged in the house and the senate in the state of new jersey, i talked to larry kudlow about this yesterday. had a conversation with him. he sends his regards and talked about coming in with you and working on that tax-cutting strategy. your message worked and it did cause ripple effects for your party in the state of new jersey. i want to get this in here and i'll have you react to what i said. by bringing up edward durr, this trucker for a furniture company, raymore and flanigan spent $5,000 overall for his campaign, no political experience stepped in against steve sweeney, a very experienced politician who spent a million dollars on his campaign and he pulled off the victory. what does that tell you, governor? >> first of all it tells me you don't have to be a millionaire to win. secondly it says you better pay attention to your constituents. i think what happened was senator sweeney got confident that he was the power broker. this other fellow, george norcross a big power player for the democrats down south and they thought they had things locked up. i can't imagine what he spent his million dollars on but it sure was a waste. that is a really significant turnover. what it does, though, from the governor's perspective is having knocked out that leadership because they know it didn't get on together well, it puts him in position to be stronger in the state as far as dealing with the legislature goes. interesting to see how he handles that. whether he steps back and remember remembers as youngkin has to do in virginia once you're elected to these offices, you don't do policy for your party. you do it for the constituents. you have to remember. you are the governor of all the people. >> sandra: he was asked in a fox news interview, durr was about how he was age to oust such a skilled politician. he said "i didn't beat him. we beat him." to your point, that was really the strategy that appears to have won there. here he is in his own words,ed durr. >> the state of new jersey, the people of new jersey beat them. they listened to what i had to say and i listened to what they had to say and it's a repudiation of governor murphy. governor murphy locked us down and ignored the people's voice and senator sweeney chose to do nothing for those 18 months, and the people were angry. >> sandra: fascinating to hear. lindsey graham spoke on it this morning. "how to you explain that?" he said "it's backlash." i want to broaden this to the rest of the country. talking new jersey, new york races but take the big picture and the implications that you see, governor, for the midterm elections in 2022. >> i get back to the fac that i think the democrats saying get your act together. you've got this control. even though unfortunately, and i think it is unfortunate that the republicans seem disinclined to move on anything when there are programs within these big, mammoth programs -- i think the idea of splitting them is a good one. getting it down to what we want and need. we need jobs. infrastructure is important. people care about medicare. dental coverage. that's something that everybody should be able to agree on. both sides of aisle. we need to see something happening. it sends a message that people are just tired. they're tired of this and they don't think anybody is listening to them and it's going to be those candidates that pay attention and refleck what they're hearing from their constituents and again, i would argue toward the center rather than the extreme because those are the ones that vote. 50% of registered voters today affiliate -- are unaffiliated or independent. that's the first time we have ever hit that number. that should be a warning for both republicans and democrats that the best you should hope is 25% share -- >> sandra: people are tired of the recycled, divisive politics when you spoke yesterday. great to have you on. we'll catch up soon. >> my pleasure. >> john: good to see the former governor. the republican national committee says it plans to sue the biden administration over a vaccine mandate. starting january 4 businesses with more than 100 employees must have their workers vaccinated or face weekly testing. there could be penalties of $14,000 per violation. the move is expected to knack roughly 84 million workers. big blowback against. >> sandra: you have to think about what that costs companies. more and more restrictions. right, john? to say a company has to deal with a certain population of its work force that chooses not to get the vaccine and they have to offer testing once a week. it's more pain for companies that are trying to come back and trying to recover from the pandemic. >> john: fireworks on capitol hill againa senator rand paul from kentucky squared off against anthony fauci. >> sandra: can't wait to get his reaction to that. special counsel john durham announcing a new arrest in the origins to the russia probe. details on the suspect and the charges that he is now facing. >> john: it involves lying to the f.b.i. democrats still picking up the pieces after suffering devastating losses tuesday night and a former obama campaign manager saying his party needs to double down on the issues that may have coast them the very election. after the break. veteran homeowners, mortgage rates are still near all time lows. and home values are at all time highs. that makes right now the best time in history to use your va refi benefit and get cash. you could take out $50,000 or more because the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. use that cash to pay high rate credit card debt or plan for retirement. the newday 100 va loan. ♪♪ lisa here, has had many jobs. she's worked in retail during the holidays. as a barista during rush hour. and a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. now, all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults, with a career that makes a difference. ♪♪ apply today. ♪♪ as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual apply today. knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ veteran homeowners. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. newday's holding the line on rates so veterans can save thousands. >> sandra: special counsel john durham announcing the arrest of a russian national the primary source for the steele dossier. griff jenkins is live in alexandria, virginia outside a federal courthouse. griff. >> good afternoon, sand. this is the analyst believed to be the primary source for that infamous christopher steele dossier full of allegations against then candidate donald trump in 2016. we are outside the federal courthouse in alexandria waiting for 43-year-old igor danchenko arrested this morning by the f.b.i. on charges stemming from durham's probe. in the 39-page indictment, sandra, danchenko is charged with five counts of false statements to the f.b.i. those statements pertain to so-called company reports which are sources of information he provided to steele. party of the indictment reads all of danchenko's lies were material to the f.b.i. because among other reasons the f.b.i.'s investigation of the trump campaign relied in large part on the company reports to obtain fisa warrants and as we know that pertains to the surveillance warrant issued against former trump aide carter page. danchenko is the third person charged in the durham 2 1/2-year investigation. the two previous individuals were kevin klinessmith who -- kevin clinesmith. michael sussman's case is ongoing. we expect danchenko to be here in the next hour or so. the big question now is arising again. will any big fish so to speak -- any names that might be household names going to be charged in this 2 1/2-year probe which attorney general merrick garland has allowed to continue -- he's vowed he's going to let durham run his course in this probe but yet it's been two attorneys and now an analyst. we'll see where this goes and bring you the latest as we get it here. sandra. >> sandra: griff jenkins in alexandria. that is the question. whether or not any big fish will be charged. 2 1/2 years and going. >> john: jonathan turley's opinion is that maybe the durham investigation will try to get danchenko to flip and turn in an apex suspect here. we'll see. democrats, sand remarks reeling from a night of crushing losses especially in virginia where push-back against critical race theory and policies drove people to the polls in droves. a former campaign manager for barack obama said democrats should go on the offense against critical race theory. >> critical race theory was a lie and i think we need to go on the office. are you scared for your kids to learn about slavery or lynching or housing skrrgz? >> john: marc thiessen is a former white house speech writer. no parent, i'm a parent of twins is afraid to have them taught about slavery, lynching and ongoing societal problem but it's the lens through which many h many people want this taught that's an issue. >> that's 100% correct and this is the new line from the democrats and quite frankly from the liberal media. he said we're lying about critical race theory. no, they're not. last year the loudoun public schools paid $34,000 to equity collaborative for teaching teachers about critical race theory. "introduction to critical race theory." it says. quote. this is what they're telling them to teach. in c.r.t. racism is seen as an inherent part of american civilization. one of the parents was so concerned about this that they filed a public records request and they got the talking points. they were taught the culturally competent professional acknowledges he is aware of his own racist, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors and accepts responsibility for and agrees that addressing one's whiteness including proprietary privilege is crucial for teaching. nobody is objecting to people teaching our history. the facts of slavery which is the original know cnn of our founding. they're trying to stop kids from being taught to see everything through the prism of race and to see that there are two classes. oppressors and oppressed. which one you are depends on the color of your skin. >> john: democrats are blaming phony culture wars and critical race theory for the losses on tuesday. james carville, one of the more pragmatic democrats i know said democrats are responsible for this themselves. listen here. >> what is wrong is this stupid woke know. this defund the police lunacy. take lincoln's name off the schools. people say that. -- people see that. it's just really has a suppressive effect across the country. some of these people need to go to a woke detox center. >> john: it sounds like a lot of democrats have no clue why they got so beat up on tuesday. >> i think 100%. what they don't seem tow understand. this is not some kind of strategy that was brought up in the republican national committee. this is a grassroots rebellion of parents. what happened is most parents don't know most of the time what their kids are taught in the classroom firsthand because we go to work. drop them off at school. spend the day at work and come back and talk to them about school. they were sitting in on their kids' classes and learning what they were learning. thises what started it. they wanted to get the schools open and learn what they learned about the classes and go to the school boards and they were told you're domestic terrorists and we're going to sic the f.b.i. on you. >> john: democrats are taking aim at winsome sears. the first african-american woman to hold statewide office as a republican elected to the government there, jemelle hill said "this country loves white supremacy." winsome sears fired back holding an ar-15 rifle saying "we beg to differ." listen here. >> when you look at the birth certificate for a black child does it say you must vote democrat every time, all the time? otherwise you're not black? if you want to vote democrat, then do so. you want to vote libertarian, do so. whatever you want to be, be it. this is america. this is freedom. who died and left you in charge of all of us as black people? >> john: as you look at the new state leadership across the country, glenn youngkin as the governor. winsome sears. and a hispanic. it's the picture of diversity the democrats would promote. what are the democrats talking about here about white supremacy? >> apparently those white supremacists in virginia are crafty for electing the first black lieutenant governor in the history of the commonwealth. in the final days of the campaign all you heard from terry mcauliffe was the phrase "racist dog whistle." 13% of african-americans which is more than republicans had gotten before voted for youngkin. that put him over the top. the cry of racism doesn't work. if they are doubling down on that, then terrific. we're going to have a great time in the 2022 midterms. >> john: marc thiessen. >> thanks. >> sandra: republicans getting a chance to question dr. anthony fauci on whether he lide about controversial research in wuhan. >> john: the biden administration with a new vaccine mandate that affects more than 80 million people. senator rand paul on both those topics coming up next. doevent go away. >> the preponderance of evidence points to this coming from the lab and what you have done is change the definition on your website. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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>> absolutely. -- that he indeed lied under oath? >> absolutely. when you take two viruses and you try to make them more, that's gain of function by anybody's commonsense understanding of it. what he's trying to do is redefine it. he's using a sort of smarmy word salad to try to get around the fact that it happened but it's not just responsibility for the last pandemic. it's trying to prevent the next pandemic. this could happen again. >> sandra: i got that from your line of questioning. i want to move on to vaccine mandates for businesses. the feds setting a january 4 deadline. if you don't meet that deadline and your employees do not get vaccinated you will have to provide testing once a week and you will be fined a penalty of nearly $14,000. here is the r.n.c. statement. suing over this mandate. he couldn't do his job so now he wants you to lose yours. this mandate means another attack on frontline workers, small businesses and the rights of american people. the r.n.c. is suing the biden administration and will maintain every legal option to fights this authoritarian overreach. your reaction to the mandate. >> i think they're unlawful and unconstitutional. we need to take them to court. people need to stand up and resist. what a disservice to our first responders, doctors and nurses who took care of people. they had to show up for work when there was no vaccine. a lot of them got covid. survived. they have natural immunity. dr. fauci and the rest of the people say sorry, you're yesterday's trash, we're going to throw you away. it's the opposite of the respect we ought to give to our first responders, doctors and nurses. >> sandra: >> sandra: if they stand up and resist, who's got their back? >> it's a problem. it's tough. the hope would be there would be some alternatives of different health care clinics who would stand up for those who have natural immunity and freedom of choice. it's a difficult decision if your job hangs in the balance. i don't wish which this on anybody. at the very least we should stand up and sue legally and see if we can get the supreme court to say this is not the american way. >> sandra: at a time when businesses are just getting back up on their feet after the pandemic. senator, i appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: john. >> john: sandra, the violence of 2020 still on the minds of americans. why voters in several cities rejected the defund the police movement while elect the law and -- while electing law and order candidates. >> sandra: looking to build off tuesday's momentum targeting the most vulnerable democrats. he will join us live. next. veteran homeowners. while mortgage rates are still near all time lows, home values just keep going up. now's the time to refi and take out cash. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out $50,000 or more, to pay down credit card debt and other expenses. and lower your payments $600 a month. the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. >> sandra: law and order is a defining issue on election day just over a year after the violence and chaos in the summer of 2020. voters in several cities rejecting defund the police initiatives while electing candidates who vowed to restore law and order. brian yenis. >> brian: you can understand why defund the police was rejected by voters when you consider that the murder rate in this country increased by 30% in cities nationwide. the largest one-year jump on record according to the f.b.i. here in new york city eric adams, a retired police captain easily won the mayoral race here. he won campaigning on crime fighting. bringing back plainclothed antigun police units. brian brown was not on the ballot but managed to win defeating a self declared democratic socialist. walton ran on defunding the buffalo police dipietro. visitors wrote in brown's name and electing him instead. >> i think it clearly is a rebuke of defund police. it is a rebuke of socialism. and i think there were those from outside the city of buffalo that underestimated the buffalo community. they tried to come in and tell us who to vote for, and the people fought back and we won. >> in minneapolis where the defund the police movement began after george floyd's murder last summer, voters tuesday rejected a proposal to abolish the police department. in atlanta the mayoral race will be a runoff between democrats promising to increase the number of police officers. in seattle the progressive mayoral candidate who voted last year to cut the city's police department budget by 30% lost by 30 points and obviously here the reality is in portland, yesterday, the mayor, ted wheel ear said he will now be for increasing police funding in his city after an experience of record violence. >> sandra: >> sandra: bryan, thatching you. john. >> john: house republicans looking to capitalize on tuesday's red waive but the republican national congressional committee announcing 30 more vulnerable seats to target for 2022. tom emmer joins us. edward durr, running for the state senate in the state of new jersey has been declared by the a.p. as the winner of this race defeating senate president steve sweeney on a campaign that cost $153, the primary. about five grand in the overall. there is your winner right there. truck driver. kevin mccarthy yesterday, congressman, predicted that democrats even in states deep plus 16 like new jersey are vulnerable. a bold prediction but what happened tuesday night was extraordinary. >> yeah, john. when you look across the country, if you're not paying attention to down on the southern border a city that hasn't voted for a republican in 80 years elects a republican mayor, your previous guest talked about electing a retired policeman in a defund the police city. you talk about this guy knocking off the second most powerful democrat in new jersey after spending $153 and you look at the clean sweep that republicans made on statewide elections in virginia on tuesday night. every democrat in this environment is vulnerable and our message to these 70 that we have now targeted and hopefully we're going to be expanding that field is when you go home you've got a choice to make. you can either retire or you can lose next fall. >> john: the democrats are doubling down on policies people say lost them the elections on tuesday night including the reconciliation bill. former obama campaign manager david plough said we've got to expose what republicans did as a lie. let's look at the slide. the virginia department of education site. presentation from 2015 which encourages teachers to embrace critical race theory. engage in race-conscious teaching and learning. it's not just critical race theory for these parents. it's a lack of transparency for school boards including two rapes which the attorney general elect said he's going to investigate at the state level. materials in the library. restrictions on a.p. courses. anti-asian discrimination in the state's most elite public schools. it's not just c.r.t., it's a litany of things. >> tuesday night not just in virginia but i would suggest across the country was a complete repudiation of the biden administration's big government agenda. democrats. through their defund the police antics. have created a massive crime wave across this country. democrats with the insatiable desire to spend trillions of dollars are driving inflation like we haven't seen in decades and democrats because of their open-border policies have created a crisis on our southern border and now they're talking about giving $450,000 to illegal immigrants who were separated at the border. they simply are out of touch with mainstreet america and that's why they're going to lose the majority in 12 months. >> john: the president said they're not going to do that which got the aclu's knickers in a twist. in virginia, it's a white governor-elect. it's a black lieutenant-governor elect. a hispanic attorney general-elect. are you going to recruit more minority candidates for 2022? >> john, we said three years ago we believe the republican party is incredibly diverse on main street across the country. we need to do a better job of recruiting people that look and sound more like their districts. last cycle, last november we eelecteda i record number of women. we elected a record number of candidates from minority communities. we are breaking the records from last cycle when it comes to making sure that the republican party as it's represented in congress looks and sounds more like the districts they represent and more like america and you are going to see there is a huge number of candidates. women candidates from minority communities and others with incredible rez mays stepping up to stop this big government socialism. >> john: we look forward to the year ahead. it's going to be nothing if wan interesting. >> sandra: as the price of just about everything go higher, now big concerns over cotton. prices surging. adding to inflation fears. what it could mean for consumers and the next time you go shopping for clothes. we are live at a cotton farm. next. veteran homeowners, great news the lowest mortgage rates you've been waiting for are here. the newday two and a quarter refi has the company's lowest rate in history. 2.25% with an apr of 2.48. save thousands every year. plus there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. newday is holding the line on interest rates so every veteran family can save. call now. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit kids can change minds. they can even change the world around us. packed with protein plus 21 vitamins and minerals we 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[laughing] >> sandra: there was a little bit of a shaking of the head. >> john: sometimes you can take the boy out of rock and roll but you can't take the rock and roll out of the boy. >> sandra: i love it. on to cotton prices because they are on the rise and clothing costs could soon be going up forcing retailers to increase prices just in time for christmas. fbn's live at a cotton farm in louisiana. grady. >> sandra, john can do the dance next. cotton prices up 50% from the beginning of this year. that's a 10-year high. unfortunately that could mean clothing prices going up just before the holidays. a cotton farmer here in louisiana. when we talk about the cotton prices going up, how much are we talking in terms of the end product like jeans and t-shirts? >> your typical pair of jeans is probably about two pounds of cotton talking about a dollar, dollar 50 jump of raw materials. your price is coming from the raw materials. >> you add in the supply chain issues, transportation costs, labor costs and all that compounds. >> diesel costs. the same thing so many industries across america are running into. >> part of the reason is because of the demand for exports to countries like china have been huge. record levels. on top of that people are wearing in are cotton here in the u.s. >> china is importing a lot of our cotton. they're restocking their stocks. a lot of people work from home and they want luxury clothing and cotton fits the need. >> sandra, unfortunately not a great time to buy cotton products but we're getting used to prices of just about everything going up. >> sandra: i love that we're covering the story. real people with real stories. carhart jacket in the middle of the cotton field. we wish him and his business well. thank you. >> john: sand remarks john durham's probe into the origins of the -- >> john: sandra, john dur mam's probe into the origins of the steel dossier. jonathan turley will join us on that. we'll hear from senator tom cotton. all coming up in the next hour of "america reports." you don't want to miss a moment. get cash, now is the time. o because interest rates are near record lows and home values are at record highs. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow 100% of your home's values and you can take out $ 50,000 or more. pay down high rate credit cards, improve your home, or just give your family the security of having cash in the bank. this is a va mortgage rate watch from newday usa. while national mortgage rates are starting to climb, newday is holding the line at two and a quarter percent, 2.48 apr. so every veteran home owner can save. >> john: the second hour of must-see stories rolls on including vaccine cards coming to kindergarten? an major manner h american city asked for vaccines for five-year-olds to do just about anything outside their homes. >> sandra: imagine the reaction when the war on climate change comes to take away their lawn mowers. a ban coming to one of the largest states in the nation could mean cutting your grass by hand. >> john: also, nasa making plans for the end of the world? scientists showing off plans to stop any potential earth-ending asteroadway. -- asteroid. can you say extinction-level event? i'm john roberts in washington. good to be with you, sandra, for another hour. >> sandra: i like when you remind everybody it's friday-eve. i'm sandra smith in new york. we have to get to breaking news. a primary player behind the infamous steel dossier about -- steele dossier about to face a judge. major movement this afternoon in the durham investigation. the feds arresting a researcher reported to be at the heart of the unverified claims in the antitrump steele dossier. the suspect set to make his first court appearance in less than 30 minutes in a virginia courtroom just outside d.c. griff jenkins is live at the courthouse. he's got an update for us now. hi, griff. >> sandra, that's right. any moment now in this hour we expect igor danchenko, a 43-year-old russian national residing in virginia to face five counts in a 39-page indictment before a judge. here he is indeed believed to be a russian analyst who was the primary source for the infamous steele dossier. these charges pertain to statements he made to the f.b.i. in five months of 2017, and in the reports that are called company reports, where sources of the information he was providing to steele. part of this indictment reads this. i want to show it to you, sandra. danchenko is the third person charged in the 2 1/2-year probe. attorney kevin clinesmith who pleaded dpaelt to making false statements in a fisa application. and sussman's case is still ongoing. while we wait for this individual, danchenko to appear in the chourt behind me already a lot of people are discussing whether or not any really significant people will be arrested. already some noting that john durham, special counsel is going to be very methodical in his process and we know that attorney general merrick garland is allowing durham's investigation to run its course. we have had two attorneys and now this analyst -- not a big fish by any stretch but we'll see what happens in the court today. one thing is for sure. durham's office telling fox news the only statement they would make is the investigation is ongoing. sandra. >> sandra: we'll check back in shortly, griff, as we keep an eye on the courtroom. also ahead jonathan turley on why the arrest is an extremely big deal and why it shows durham is far from done. john. >> john: looking forward to more on that coming up. raging debates dominated tuesday's elections with voters sending democrats a strong message. while the nation's attention was focused on the progressive push to make schools go woke, republicans say democrats were asleep at the wheel while another world power made big moves. china now growing its nuclear stockpile and picking up the pace of production. that is according to the pentagon. just weeks after china tested a hypersonic missile that caught u.s. forces off guard. arkansas senator tom cotton joins us. this is a troubling report, senator, to say the least from the pentagon that by the year 2030 china could have as many as a thousand nuclear warheads and has been only too happy to show american satellites hundreds of missile silos building in the western half of the country. your response. >> the report about the nuclear buildup. china has long had a small nuclear force but they're trying to rapidly expand it. you mentioned the missile silos they're building in western china which is a big change from their current nuclear forces. they of course have bomber aircraft as well as submarines. as you mentioned, published reports a couple weeks ago suggest they not just have traditional internernl ballistic missiles which are susceptible to missile defenses but hypersonic glide vehicles which travel five times the speed of sound as well as travel in unpredictable patterns making them harder to defend against. china's effort to race to reach nuclear parity with the united states and perhaps one day surpass us. that would be very dangerous to the united states. not just because of the threat those nuclear weapons pose if they're used but ability to deter the united states to defend our own interests whether it's standing up for our manufacturing jobs and our trading rights or defending our partners and allies like japan and taiwan. it's imperthat the biden administration modernize our own forces so that can never happen. >> john: mark milley of the joint chiefs issued a sharp warning. listen to what he said. >> we're witnessing one of the largest shifts in global geostrategic power. we in the united states military don't do a fundamental change to ourselves. in the coming 10 to 15 to 20 years. then we're going to be on the wrong side of a conflict. >> john: one of the things, senator, the chairman worried about is this new hypersonic weapon. we don't have anything to challenge it. we don't have anything to detect it. people say hypersonic weapons are not defensive as china claims but they are first-strike weapons. >> you don't build hypersonic missiles capable of traveling so fast and evading not just defense systems but early-warning radars unless you want to take a first strike. china has disclaimed the idea they want to make a first strike but the forces are clearly designed to pursue a first-use policy and perhaps one day go for the jugular against the united states. to have that capability to deter us from protecting all of our other interests as well. >> john: i want to ask you about something that popped up yesterday. the idea that the biden administration may be paying as much as $450,000 per person or a million dollars per family to illegal migrant families separated during the trump administration. the president didn't seem to know much about it yesterday. listen here. >> if you keep sending that garbage out, yeah, but it's not true. >> it's a garbage rpt? >> yeah. >> it's a garbage report? >> yeah, 450,000 per other than. >> separated from a family member at the border under the last administration. >> that's not going to happen. >> john: the president says that's not going to happen but the executive director of the aclu said president biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his own justice department as it carefully considered the crimes committed against families separated as intentional government policy. it seems that the president is the only one out of the loop, senator. >> i think we all know that peter doocy never files garbage reports, john, it sounds like that the aclu is confirming. my source at the department of giant tells me it's 100% accurate. it's crazy but true the biden administration is considering paying reparations to illegal aliens woviolated our laws of $450,000. we only pay 100,000 to the family of american soldiers who lose their life in the line of duty. what about reparations for the families whose lives have been shattered bausbecause they had a son or daughter crippled by opioids shipped across our southern border. the aclu simply said the facts while pointing out that joe biden doesn't seem to be in command of his own administration. >> john: it's interesting that he wasn't briefed on it. senator tom cotton from the state of arkansas. thanks. >> thank you. >> sandra: a crowd of thousands chanting death to america in the streets of iran to make 42 years since the siege on the u.s. embassy in tehran in 1979. the anniversary the backdrop as the two countries plus the european union officially ah nounce a date for talks to rejoin the nuclear deal. -- officially announce a date for talks to rejoin the nuclear deal. >> nuclear talks with iran are expected to restart later this month. the conversations widely seen as a make or break moment in the nuclear negotiations. officials are headed to vienna, austria november 29 along with the other parties of the 2015 nuclear deal. iran's chief negotiator confirmed his country is participating. he tweeted saying that the current sanctions against iran are unlawful and inhumane. the new president of iran is are idea more a hard liner than the former president and said today there will be no retreat in the nuclear conversation. this could prove toy major hurdle for negotiates looking to get the iran government. thousands of deteriorates >> thousands of demonstrators. what comes next, we know that key u.s. ally israel is not ruling out striking iran within its own worders if the nuclear talks fail. sand ra. >> john: images out of iran. >> john: the focus now on threats from another world. >> sandra: this afternoon nasa is explaining its emergency plans if there is ever a catastrophic asteroid on a collision course with earth. they're planning to put it all to the test and it promises to be explosive. >> john: where is bruce willis when you need him? next, the covid mandates making their way to reset the ultra-liberal city going to require kids as young as five to carry proof they're vaccinated. veteran homeowners, great news the lowest mortgage rates you've been waiting for are here. the newday two and a quarter refi has the company's lowest rate in history. 2.25% with an apr of 2.48. save thousands every year. plus there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. newday is holding the line on interest rates so every veteran family can save. call now. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. 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teachers in question. sean mcdaniel, superintendent of schools made the argument to fire them due to moral turpitude andfulful neglect of duty. >> teachers to -- and willful neglect of duty. >> knowing that it could reduce the risk of exposure to covid. >> mike: however a bill passed in the oklahoma legislature says mask mandates cannot be enforced unless the governor issues a state of emergency and the governor says he's not going to do that. >> you do not have the authority to make rules and regulations which knowingly violate oklahoma state law and to impose rules and regulations on staff under threat of terminations for people to be fired. >> mike: mcdaniel says the law prevents the school boards from implementing mandates but not him, the superintendent, and for the moment a court has enjoined the law from going into effect. the fired teachers showed up for class at the start of the school year but were sent home for not wearing the masks. their status was suspended with pay at least until last night. sandra. >> sandra: we'll follow it. john. >> john: a new twist. san francisco not wasting any time. hours after the feds ok'd the pfizer campaign for kids five to 11 the city will require children in the age yup to show they got the shots before they can go places like restaurants and sporting events. claudia cowan live outside a walgreens in san francisco. >> that's right, john, san francisco families have two months to get their little kids fully vaccinated if they want to take them to places like indoor restaurants. theaters, gyms, other venues are parents are angry and pushing back saying among other things that no child in the five to 11 age group has died of the virus in san francisco and parents of four-year-olds are wondering if they'll need to carry around birth certificates to prove those kids are too young to get the shot. the announcement came after a virtual town hall meeting after the c.d.c. granted emergency approval of kid size doses of the pfizer vaccine. officials will allow a grace period before they enforce the new mandate. >> we did definitely want to wait and make sure that children have an opportunity to get vaccinated. so that will happen no sooner than about eight weeks after the vaccine is available to kids. >> after that five to 11-year-olds will have to show some kind of vaccination passport to get into public venues. critics argue kids that young don't need the shot. they say covid 19 poses a low risk to preteens with young children accounting for less than 0.1% of covid deaths in america and in san francisco tracking data shows out of the 664 people who died of the disease, none have been under the age of 21 and only about 2500 kids in the five to 11 age group have contracted the virus since it surfaced nearly two years ago. nevertheless it appears san francisco is moving ahead with this controversial vaccination mandate for kindergartners on up. we can expect to see protests over this idea. one mom just told me she thinks this mandate is "absolutely ridiculous." back to you. >> john: i'm sure we're going to hear more about it as well. claudia cowan for us in san francisco. thanks. sandra, we've got young children. i have 10-year-old twins. they are paranoid about going out without a mask. they make sure they've got a mask with them all the time. now for these kids in san francisco you're going to say not only do you need the mask but where is your vaccine passport? do they need the stress? >> sandra: think about it. a five-year-old. almost half their life they have been living in this pandemic. when you think about the mask is just part of their life at a time, john, when now so many parents are calling their pediatricians asking what is the recommendation for a child as young as five or six that's healthy. >> john: i can see the conversations. families getting ready to go to dinner. where is your vaccination passport? i thought it was in my backpack. i left it at school. kids don't need the stress. >> sandra: amen. we'll see where it goes. that's going to be an interesting test to see if that works. meanwhile, president biden and fellow leaders dialing up the doomsday talks to push massive spending plans but our next guest says it wouldn't amount to which. joining us bornlomborg author of "false alarm. how the climate change panic cost us trillions." born, welcome. we had the opportunity -- bjorn, welcome. you have a fascinating message. you're not a denier of climate change but you are a denier of the doomsday talks coming out of this administration. explain your viewpoint. >> again, i'm not a denier. i'm pointing out you've got to look at the evidence. gloerm warming is a real problem but it's not the end of the world. one example. we know how many people die from flood, crouts, wildfires and extreme temperatures. over the last 100 years the number globally has declined from half a million people every year to this year, the year you heard so much about climate disasters, this year is likely to end at less than 7,000 people dying. this does not mean global warming is not a problem but it means our ability to tackle these issues because we're richer and more resilient is higher and we see many fewer people die. it's important to recognize this is not the end of the world. if you think it is you're likely to throw everything at it. if you realize it's a problem, you're likely to be more "tell me how i should fix it and what it's going to cost." i6789 when you say everything, you're talking about billion -- >> sandra: whether you say everything you're talking about billions thrown at a problem that you think joe biden and his white house are getting wrong. here he is talking about methane emissions. >> one of the most important things to do is to keep 1.5 degrees is reduce our methane emissions as quickly as possible so together we're committing to collectively reduce our methane by 30% by 2030 and i think we could probably go beyond that. it's going to boost our economies. saving companies money. reducing methane leaks. capturing methane to turn it into new revenue streams as well as creating good paying union jobs for our workers. >> sandra: he made very clear at that summit there in glasgow that that is the priority of his administration. is he getting it right? >> actually, it turns out that a lot of the methane leaks are very cheap to plug. one study shows in canada that it would cost less than $3 per ton and sometimes it would make the company money. that's probably an ok policy. again, it hasn't been instated yet but that's not where the billions and frankly trillions go. that's mostly in cutting carbon dioxide which is the main greenhouse gas and that is where you end up spending lots of money. >> sandra: you wrote a fascinatingop-ed published in "the new york post" and you take on that glasgow summit saying that innovation is the solution. days before the summit you write 24 emerges economies say that the demand for them to achieve net zero was unjust because it stopped poor countries from developing their economies. the president of uganda put it even more bluntly. "afcans have a right to choose reliable, cheep -- africans have a right to choose reliable, cheap energy." explain. >> fundamentally most of the poor countries in the world want to lift their populations out of poverty and you can't blame them and those are the guys that emitmost of the co2 over the century so the reality is if we want them to change you have to pay us enormous sums talking up to $1.3 trillion every year. western democracies are able to afford or be willing to pay that. what we should do instead is focus on innovation. imagine if we could innovate green energy to be cheaper than fossil fuel. everyone would switch. the real point here is not to try to twist everybody's arm to do stuff that they really don't want but instead focus on innovation which is how humanity has fixed pretty much all its problems. >> sandra: glad to have the conversation. bjornlomborg, thanks for joining us. -- bjorn lomborg. thanks for joining us. >> john: the left denying extreme policies are hurting democrats. will it cost them in the mid terms? >> sandra: the trucker who took down one of new jersey's most powerful democrats. >> the democrats better get their act together if they want to be taken seriously as a governing party and do something that responds to what the needs of the people are. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. >> sandra: could the fight over what your children are learning in the classroom end up giving republicans control of congress? former o.b.m. director russ vogt in moments. a truck driver with no prior political experience took down one of new jersey's top democrats. alexis mcadams live in hoboken for us with more on this story that is gripping the nation, really. >> people talking about this story. people here in new jersey. voters did not expect this. they didn't expect to see it close but edward durr, people talking about him. he doesn't consider himself a politician but looks like he's on his way to be the next state senator in new jersey. durr is a truck driver in south jersey. works for a furniture company. grew up in the area. ran as a republican for new jersey's third district senate seat. this guy was not even on the radar at any point during this election. he's leading in the race against democratic senate president steven sweeney. sweeney held the seat for decades. a political machine in the area. reached out to the state senator. we haven't heard back from him at this time. how did durr do it? not by spending tons of money on his campaign. durr said he spent $150 to win the primary. and a fraction of what is opponent did on the overall election even recruiting one of his friends' nephews to make his campaign video that he shared on social media leading up to the election. this underdog tells us he decided to run when he saw people in new jersey were upset with covid-19 protocols and lockdowns during the pandemic that affected businesses. >> governor murphy locked us down and ignored the people's voice. senator sweeney chose to do nothing for those 18 months and people were angry. this was the people's voice being made heard clear and through all through new jersey because i'm not the only victory in new jersey. there is upsets all up and down the state because the people spoke. >> durr says he listened to what the voters wanted. talked to people. family members and friends in his community and naught about what he wanted as well and that drove him to be in the race in the first place. a win by durr could throw the new jersey legislature into uncertainties that would force the senate to find a new president to replace sweeney. things to watch in new jersey. >> sandra: alexis mcadams in hoboken. >> john: got to love it. harley, truck driver from hoboken and slays the giant. >> sandra: enters the political world with a splash. >> john: not that i care for one candidate to win over another but just the idea of when you look at the -- >> sandra: big deal. >> john: the differential. political clout and money. it's amazing. sandra, the far left refusing to back down from their extreme positions on education even after a big week across our country for republicans. could this come back to haunt democrats in next year's mid terms? former office of management and budget director russ vogt founder of the center for renewing america and he took steps during the trump white house. good to have you back in the studio. >> absolutely. >> john: democrats lashing out on c.r.t. saying we lost big on tuesday night because the republicans fabricated a lie when it comes to political race theory. what do you say? >> they're in a crossroads. how could you say it doesn't exist and you have others saying it's time to double down on it, that the way to deal with this is to go on offense? i think they have an interesting moment they've got to think through. i personally believe they're not able to back away from it because it's decades worth of their governing strategy. we saw in virginia parents rejecting that across the state and being able to say we're going to get this out of our schools and you are not going to call us a racist. we're going to plow forward. we're going to be fearless. virginia as a result has great momentum, and we saw what happens when a candidate leads into the cultural issues. it can lead to great success in blue areas. >> john: terry mcauliffe and other democrats saying critical race theory is not taught in schools in virginia but there are references to critical race theory in documents on the virginia department of education website and while there may not actually be a course for second graders on critical race theory, it's the paradigm through which history is being taught or the lens through which it's being looked at. >> that's the essential work. the paradigm. the foundation for how you teach concepts. when you see bills across the country to ban critical race theory, they're saying you're not allowed to teach these concepts that says that one race is better than the other. that one is inherently better than the other. you're not allowed to say that fundamentally as a matter of fact in the way that the earth is round that the united states is inherently racist. that western civilization is inherently racist. that's what parents are rejecting. the fact that the democrats say it doesn't exist only empowers people to go to the school boards and get involved. >> john: "the new york times" opinion columnist russ douthit said republicans schooled the left in virginia. you can tell people that c.r.t. is a right wing fantasy but this debate was instigated not by right wing parents but by an ideological transformation on the left. he's saying it's the democrats' fault. don't blame republicans. >> c.r.t. started in law schools as a reaction against the civil rights movement. it said we're going to live in a society that's colorblind and treats everyone equally under the law. the law professor says we're going to reject that and we're going to get it into the society. intentionally into all institutions. that's what we're seeing. that's what parents are reacting to. >> john: you mentioned that democrats are doubling down on that. a reference to david plouffe, obama's campaign manager. is that a winning formula? >> pring it on. if you think that's a winning straj -- >> bring it on. if you think that's a winning strategy, i still think they're going to have voices like james carville that says slow down. >> john: one last question. many democrats claim that white supremacists were responsible for the election results in virginia. here is what "wall street journal" said about that. >> john: the same racists appeared to >> john: the diversity of the new leadership in virginia. democrats love to play the race card. does this take that option off the table? >> i think it does and i think that's the other big message from this election. they have had a sword for decades to use against people who wanted to touch cultural issues. that sword is directed at themselves. every time they try to wield it, it will wound them. >> john: russ vought. appreciate coming in. see you again soon. americans with the message to the government get off my lawn. one of the nation's largest states going hard after the nation's latest menace to society. the lawn mower. >> sandra: we'll talk to jonathan turley on the latest news. a source for the steele dossier going to face a judge. he will explain. next. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. 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>> well, it's very significant in a number of respects. first of all, this is supposedly one of the primary sources relied upon by christopher steele for his much-ridiculed dossier. the f.b.i. concluded, and american intelligence generally concluded that the dossier may have been a vehicle for russian intelligence disinformation and that some of the sources relied upon might have been russian intelligence agents but this was a key figure in putting together that dossier, and what the indictment does is show us what durham has, and he has a lot of new information. one of the figures that he does not name that features prominently in this indictment is referred to as p.r. executive one. this is someone who is described as a close advisor to hillary clinton. someone who has worked in her prior campaigns. who has given a high level appointment by bill clinton. and this figure features greatly in these allegations. they describe meetings in moscow with rather shady russian figures involving this executive. involving danchenko. it also says that some of the stuff that came out of the dossier seemed to come from this p.r. executive. it's really weird details. at one point this clinton advisor gives one of these russian figures the autobiography of hillary clinton and it's signed by him saying "to a great democrat." really odd details. but this has even greater connections with the clinton campaign and clinton advisors in the development of the dossier. >> sandra: danchenko is being charged with lying to the f.b.i. you go on to say -- because one of obviously the big questions is now this is the third arrest by durham -- what big fish might come from all this as he moves forward in this stage. you say in your piece on that danchenko is the type of defendant that prosecutors pressure to flip against those who retained him or used him in the effort. he strikes me as someone who can be used as a building block to apex defendants. jonathan. >> usually when you see these types of major indictments, they build over time towards an apex target. they use many of these indicted individuals to flip and to serve as building blocks towards the sort of matinee indictment. danchenko doesn't strike me as an apex target. he is very useful if you want to proceed higher because he was used as a vehicle essentially of getting this information of the dossier and the dossier was used to get this information to the press and we now know that the clinton campaign which denied throughout the campaign that it's funded the steele dossier, did, in fact, fund it, and this indictment says that you have key clinton figures who are not just helping put together the dossier, they're in moscow meeting with russian figures to try to get compromising information on trump. the question is, who might be above danchenko? and there is a number of people that come to mind. the person that should be most concerned is whoever fits the description of p.r. executive one. >> sandra: wow. that's a big statement. as you say, durham is far from done with this investigation. we'll see where he goes next. jonathan, thank you for joining us on that. john. >> john: great to hear from jonathan. california, sandra, set to become the first state to outlaw the sale of new small gas powered engines like lawn mowers and leaf blowers. small businesses say the new law will crush them. kellie o'grady in gardena, california. >> this is going to impact the 55,000 lawn care businesses in california 70% of which are minority owned. activists pushed for the bill on the premise that operating a leaf blower for one hour causes as much pollution as driving a car for 1,100 miles. critics worry that implementing this by 2024 is financially irresponsible. there are two million commercial engines in use. that works out to $15 in relief. a sit-down gas mower costs anywhere from seven grand to 11 grand while an electric version can cost double that, and the batteries average $300 a pop. a multiperson crew you might need 30er 40 to get you through the day. the infrastructure piece is another challenge. >> if you think about a 6-8-hour charge capacity and rolling blackouts, power outages, storm, other natural disasters that could impact, it will shut our operations down. >> that's a problem for more than just landscapers because the law goes after gas-powered generators as well and california's grid, i can tell you being out here it struggles with capacity issues especially during the summer. industry experts tell me they're pushing for this green effort. they're all for it but they worry that the rush is going to come at the expense of small businesses. back to you. >> john: got to make sure the infrastructure is there before you push the edge of the envelope too far. kelly o'grady, thanks so much. i've got one electric lawn implement. a hedge trimmer. it's a stihl. it's brilliant. you see crews around the neighborhoods neighborhoods and i don't think the electric will work for them now. >> sandra: it goes back to bjorn lomberg's point that you're pushing for something that costs businesses more. that's not going to be popular. they've got to innovate in a way they can make it more popular and not drive people out of business and kill jobs. >> john: kelly makes a salient point. is the grid in california at a point where we can handle these extra electric vehicles when you look at how many times pg&e is shutting down the power? >> sandra: a necessary point. john likes some things out of tinseltown. putting out plans to protect the earth from asteroids. details on that next. veteran homeowners, mortgage rates are still near all time lows. and home values are at all time highs. that makes right now the best time in history to use your va refi benefit and get cash. you could take out $50,000 or more because the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. use that cash to pay high rate credit card debt or plan for retirement. the newday 100 va loan. joint pain, swelling, tenderness. my psoriasis. cosentyx® works on all of this. cosentyx can help you look and feel better by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious— and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me! get real relief with cosentyx. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, newday just announced their lowest rate ever. the two and a quarter refi. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year. >> it looks like hollywood got it right but we night not need morgan free man or bruce willis. nasa is making sure mankind doesn't go the way of the dinosaurs with asteroids come our way. it could all come down to an explosive final scene. jeff paul joins us live from los angeles with the latest. >> we saw it done in movies and heard about the close calls. nasa is launching a mission right here in california to prevent a potential space disaster involving asteroids. we want to emphasize this is just a test. a space rock is not threatening to smash into earth. this exercise gives nasa a chance to see if smashing a spacecraft into something is an effective method to change the course of an earth threatening asteroid. tell target a small moon. it will crash into the moon to change its orbit. it could be a proven method to push asteroids away that are threatening earth. >> we don't want to be in a situation where an asteroid is headed to earth and then have to test this capability. we want to think about how the spacecraft works and what the reaction will be by the asteroids to the impact before we ever get in a situation like that. >> dart will launch later in the month. the collision won't take place until late 2020. john, this is just a test. no current threat. >> john: all right, i was cueing up aerosmith's don't want to miss a thing. sandra, extinction level events. >> sandra: save the music. time is up. thanks for joining us on "america reports." good to be with you john. >> john: you too. i am john roberts. the "story" starts right now with martha. see you tomorrow. >> martha: thank you very much. breaking news on the story the durham investigation is heating up and the question is where and to whom might it lead? today you have a third person indicted by the grand jury in the courtroom. we are waiting to see him enter or exit. igor danchenko is a russian. there say picture of the man who has been indicted. danchenko

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Rate , 30 , Brian Brown , Campaigning , Crime Fighting , Plainclothed Antigun Police Units , Socialist , Self , Visitors , Walton Ran On Defunding The Buffalo Police Dipietro , Oklahoma City , Socialism , Buffalo Community , Rebuke Of Defund , Buffalo , Police Department , Proposal , Murder , In Minneapolis Where The Defund Police Movement , George Floyd , Candidate , Police Officers , Runoff , Seattle , Police Department Budget , Atlanta , Reality , Mayor , Ted Wheel , City , Police Funding , Portland , Republican National Congressional Committee , Thatching You , Bryan , Seats , Winner , A P , Tom Emmer , Primary , Grand , Congressman , Kevin Mccarthy , 153 , Prediction , Deep Plus , Plus 16 , Policeman , Hasn T , Defund The Police City , 80 , Guy , Sweep , Field , Virginia On Tuesday Night , Environment , Choice , 70 , Reconciliation Bill , David Plough , Teachers , Presentation , Virginia Department Of Education , Site , Slide , 2015 , Attorney General , Rapes , Transparency , Materials , Courses , State Level , Library , Discrimination , Litany , Elite Public , Police Antics , Big Government Agenda , Trillions , Inflation , We Haven T , Crime Wave , Desire , Crisis , Touch , Twist , Majority , Knickers , 12 , Minority , Main Street , Three , Communities , Districts , Record Number , Women , Recruiting , Last Cycle , Congress , Price , Interesting , Women Candidates , Others , Incredible Rez Mays , Cotton , Prices , Concerns , Consumers , Clothes , Inflation Fears , Cotton Farm , Everything Go Higher , Save Thousands , News , Quarter Refi , 2 25 , Interest Rates , Pocket , Shipping Manager , Visit Indeed Com Hire Kids , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Find Themself , Protein , Vitamins , Minerals , Breakfast Essentials , Plus 21 , Sugar , Fitness Routine , Protein Shakes , Support , Birthday Cake , Mmm , Maker , Oreos , Labor Costs , Sour Patch Kids , Increase , Supply Chain Crisis , Tobleone , Candy , Song , Dentist , Donations , Cotton Prices , 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Steele , Update , Residing , Reports , 2017 , Application , Dpaelt , Individual , Chourt , Stretch , Process , Eye , Sure , Deal , Debates , Power , Asleep At The Wheel , Progressive Push , Forces , Hypersonic , Missile , Moves , Production , Stockpile , Pace , Arkansas , Pentagon , Missile Silos , Least , Warheads , Satellites Hundreds , 2030 , A Thousand , Change , Force , Buildup , Half , Internernl , Submarines , Bomber Aircraft , Missiles , Patterns , Times , Missile Defenses , Travel , Glide Vehicles , Speed Of Sound , Ability , Weapons , Threat , Effort , Interests , Parity , Partners , Manufacturing Jobs , Trading Rights , Allies , Japan , Taiwan , Imperthat , Chiefs , Shifts , Global Geostrategic Power , Mark Milley , United States Military Don T , Conflict , Don T Build Hypersonic , China Claims , Big Deal , Strike , Systems , Capability , Jugular , Didn T , Garbage Out , Garbage Report , Garbage Rpt , Department , Justice , Files Garbage Reports , Government Policy , The Loop , Giant , Reparations , Laws , Illegal Aliens Woviolated , Duty , Soldiers , Lives , Bausbecause , 100000 , Command , Opioids , Daughter , Son , Death , Iran , Streets , Siege , U S Embassy In Tehran , 1979 , Talks , Backdrop , European Union , Officials , Negotiations , Make , Vienna , Chief Negotiator , Parties , Sanctions , Nuclear Deal , Austria , November 29 , 29 , Liner , Negotiates , Retreat , Toy , Hurdle , Demonstrators , Worders , Ally , Israel , Sand Ra , Threats , Emergency Plans , Images , Focus , Another World , Test , Collision Course , Bruce Willis , Proof , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Bird , Woooooooooooooo , Looks , Kid , Helicopter , Business Internet , Safe , Setbacks , Network , Add Securityedge , Cybersecurity Options , Offer , Customers , Device , Business Securityedge , Comcast , Yours , Prepaid Card , Call Today , 500 , Group , Cards , Vaccinated , School Teachers , Masks , School Board , Mike Tobin , Termination , Six Oklahoma , Lawsuit , Sean Mcdaniel , Employment , Board , Last Night , Session , Neglect , Argument , Andfulful Neglect , Moral Turpitude , Risk , State Of Emergency , Mask Mandates , Exposure , Oklahoma Legislature , Rules , Regulations , Authority , Oklahoma State Law , Staff , School Boards From Implementing Mandates , Terminations , Effect , Status , Class , The School , San Francisco , Yup , Pfizer , 11 , Places , Restaurants , Sporting Events , Shots , Claudia Cowan , Walgreens , Venues , Theaters , Shot , Announcement , Birth Certificates , Town Hall Meeting , Four , Emergency Approval , Kid Size , Doses , Cdc , Opportunity , Eight , Critics , Vaccination , Preteens , Age , Disease , Covid Deaths , Tracking Data , 21 , 2500 , 664 , 0 1 , Vaccination Mandate , Protests , Kindergartners , Mom , Mask , Stress , Vaccine Passport , Recommendation , Backpack , Vaccination Passport , Pediatricians , Dinner , Works , Doomsday , Leaders , Kids Don T , Amen , Wouldn T , Climate Change Panic Cost , Author , Bornlomborg , Denier , Bjorn Lomborg , Born , Gloerm Warming , Viewpoint , Example , Climate Disasters , Temperatures , Flood , Wildfires , Crouts , Warming , Resilient , 7000 , I6789 , Billions , Methane Emissions , Methane , Methane Leaks , Economies , Union Jobs , Saving Companies Money , Revenue , Summit , Priority , Study , Glasgow , Canada , It Hasn T , Ton , , 3 , Carbon Dioxide , Greenhouse Gas , Glasgow Summit , Fascinatingop Ed Published , New York Post , Innovation , Net Zero , Solution , 24 , Zero , Right , Afcans Have A , Uganda , Cheep , Populations , Energy , Poverty , Emitmost , Co2 , Democracies , Sums , 1 3 Trillion , 3 Trillion , Stuff , Arm , On Innovation , Green Energy , Fossil Fuel , Problems , Humanity , Woman , Wealth , Worth , Foundation , Ground , Project , Employee , Lifetime , Mike S Retirement Party , Fight , Russ Vogt , Classroom End , Obm , Hoboken , Alexis Mcadams , Politician , State Senator , Area , Radar , Steven Sweeney , Ran , Political Machine , Friends , Opponent , Nephews , Fraction , 150 , Protocols , Social Media , Upset , Underdog , Campaign Video , Lockdowns , Place , Community , Family Members , Win , New Jersey Legislature , Uncertainties , Alexis Mcadams In Hoboken , Another , Differential , Splash , Harley , Education , Positions , Clout , Democrats Lashing Out , Director , Founder , Studio , Steps , Office Of Management And Budget , Crossroads , Governing Strategy , Fearless , We Saw , Areas , Success , References , Paradigm , Graders , Documents , Concepts , Other , Matter , Western Civilization , Russ Douthit , The New York Times , Crt , Debate , Fantasy , Transformation , Society , Law Schools , Fault , Civil Rights Movement , Institutions , Law Professor , Straj , Formula , Pring It On , Reference , Bring It On , Voices , Election Results , Supremacists , Racists , Wall Street Journal , Race Card , Sword , Table , Lawn , Russ Vought , Lawn Mower , Menace To Society , Banks , Lenders , Mortgage Payments , Lock , Prescription Medicine , Vo , Therapy , Imbruvica , Cll , Infections , Symptoms , Side Effects , Blood Thinners , Blood Counts , Confusion , Chemotherapy , Chills , Decrease , Fevers , Weakness , Infection , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Disease , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Doctor , Diarrhea , Heart Problems , Fluids , Bleeding , Signs , There , Court Appearance , Investigators , Arrest Part , Probes , Information For The Infamous Steele , Development , Respects , Intelligence , Disinformation , Figure , Agents , What Durham Has , Figures , Advisor , Executive One , Features , Hillary Clinton , P R , Campaigns , Meetings , Level , Executive , Involving Danchenko , Autobiography , Advisors , Connections , Go On , Piece , Questions , Stage , Big Fish , Jonathanturley Com , Type , Defendant , Defendants , Building Block , Prosecutors , Target , Types , Indictments , Many , Matinee Indictment , Danchenko Doesn T , Building Blocks , Press , Compromising Information On Trump , Fund It , Meeting , Put , Description , Wow , California S , Engines , Gas , Leaf Blowers , Sale , Kellie O Grady , Gardena , Activists , Premise , Lawn Care , Leaf Blower , 55000 , Relief , Use , Car , Pollution , Irresponsible , 2024 , 5 , 1100 , Two Million , Crew , Batteries , Sit Down Gas , Mower , Pop , Electric Version , Multiperson , 300 , Seven , Infrastructure Piece , Storm , Charge Capacity , Power Outages , Rolling Blackouts , 30er , 8 , 6 , 40 , Grid , Natural Disasters , Generators , Operations , Landscapers , Industry Experts , Expense , Rush , Capacity , Green Effort , Kelly O Grady , Envelope , Stihl , Edge , One Electric Lawn , Hedge Trimmer , Neighborhoods , Electric , Bjorn Lomberg , Vehicles , Kill Jobs , Asteroids , Pg E , Tinseltown , Cosentyx , Joint Pain , Psoriasis , Swelling , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tuberculosis , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Veteran Homeowners , Hollywood , Morgan , Mankind , Dinosaurs , Mission , Latest , Calls , Scene , Movies , Jeff Paul , Los Angeles , Space Rock , Disaster , Space , Method , Exercise , Spacecraft , Moon , Away , Orbit , Tell Target A Small Moon , Situation , Collision Won T , Dart , Up Aerosmith , Don T Want , Events , Music , Extinction Level , Martha , Grand Jury , Exit ,

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