Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 2

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20240709

gridlock among democrats. >> the bills are not about left versus right or of moderate versus progressive. chris: the president working on concessions to keep his divided party at the table and get a stalled domestic agenda through congress. >> negotiations are ongoing. >> we're getting to a compromise and i'm hopeful by the end of next week. chris: we'll talk with progressive congressman, ro khanna, a key democrat working with the white house to bridge the divide. plus, in virginia, the race for governor growing tighter and drawing national attention in the home stretch. >> we don't need a donald trump in khakis. >> this is our moment to come together like never before and choose a path that stands for liberty, not government control. chris: we bring in our sunday panel to break down the ramifications of the vote ahead of next year's midterm elections. and our power player of the week, an elite training ground for a unique sport in the inner city, all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ chris: and hello again from fox news in washington. we saw major action by the fda and cdc this week to approve booster shots for millions of more americans and also new guidance on mix and match, getting the initial dose of one vaccine, and then a booster shot of another. plus, public health agencies are getting closer to approving covid vaccines for children under 12, and the controversy continues over public agencies and private companies imposing vaccine mandates on their employees. all this as americans try to prepare for the holiday season. as you can see, there's plenty to discuss with the tore of the centers -- director of the centers for disease control, dr. rochelle walensky. welcome back to fox news sunday. >> thanks for having me, good morning, chris. chris: the cdc this week approved the moderna and j&j vaccines for millions of more american as well as approving mix and match. you say that it's a personal option, the individual, as to whether they want to get the initial dose of one vaccine and then the booster of another vaccine. but isn't the data clear that if you got the j&j booster first, that you get much more protection by getting a booster from either pfizer or moderna? >> so this is an important next step in our booster plan across this country, because right now we have a booster plan for every one of the vaccines that we are using. as you noted, the moderna vaccine will also be eligible for boosting, the same way the pfizer is as well as the booster plan for j&j two months after your initial dose. we approved a plan so we can move forward with mix and match. specifically tour question, -- to your question, we saw data, the fda and cdc saw important data from nih on the mix and match approach, how when you boost a j&j vaccine with moderna or pfizer you get a really good antibody response. we saw clinical data from j&j themselves, when you boost the j&j with a j&j vaccine, that you actually get really good effectiveness there as well. so that is really why we left it to the people, because quite honestly, most people did really well with their initial vaccine series. the vast majority of people did really well. we have 410 million people who have been vaccinated or 410 million vaccines have been given so people may want to pick the one that they got before. however, if you want something else, we left that option up to you. chris: just briefly, though, according to the data, if you get the j&j booster after the j&j initial dose, it boosted your antibodies four-fold, if you got the moderna booster after j&j it boosted antibodies 76-fold. i mean, if you were talking to your friend or a relative, it seems like it's a no-brainer. >> well, so we would have different kinds of data. that's data in the lab, an antibody response. we saw data in people, clinical effectiveness that deck straited a really good response to j&j as well. i i think i would leave it up to the clinical situation. people who did well with j&j may want it again. they may want an mrna and that would be absolutely fine too. chris: could you at some point change the definition of what it means to be fully vaccinated to the initial dose, plus the booster, that that's going to be what it means? >> the definition of fully vaccinated is pfizer or moderna after you received two doses, you are considered fully vaccinated and after j&j, a single dose, you are considered fully vaccinated. i want to be very clear about that. chris: so the boosters are not going to change that definition, at least at this point? >> we don't have a plan to change that definition right now. chris: the fda advisory panel will vote this week on whether to approve emergency use of the pfizer vaccine for 28 million children ages 5-11 and the cdc panel is supposed to meet the week after next, the first week of november. assuming everything goes well, how soon could you be sitting there as a cdc director, saying kids 5-11 it's safe to get a vaccine? >> we know how many parents are interested in getting their children between 5 and 11 vaccinated and we intend to act as quickly as we can. so importantly, as you note, the fda will meet this week. soon thereafter, after they are able to review all the science and conduct the regulatory action, the cdc will meet and if all of that goes smoothly after reviewing all that science and doing the proper scientific due diligence, we will act quickly. what i can also say is in the meantime, there's important logistical and operational plans that are underway so that that vaccine will be of out in the field as soon as we take action. chris: look, it's one thing to say whether you're going to get a vaccine, it's another thing to say whether you're going to let your 5-year-old get a vaccine and in a poll that just came out, only a third of parents said that they would be willing to let their children, even if it's aapproved by the fda and cdc, let small children get the vaccine, quote, right you aaway. how tough do you you think it is going to be to convince parents once you go through all of these approvals that it's safe to get 5 to 11-year-old, give them the vaccine and should -- at that point, should schools mandate that kids of this age get the vaccine as they do lots of other vaccines? >> right. so we have -- i'm really excited and enthusiastic about reviewing this science and i'm really hopeful that in that proper review, we will get to a place where we have a vaccine for 5 a to 11-year-olds. when and if we do, we have a lot of parents as you noted, a third who are ready to get their children vaccinated right away. we know we have a lot of work ahead of us as we did with the initial vaccine. the numbers are the same as they were late december last year when the initial vaccine rolled out. today, we have nearly 80% of people who received their first dose. we have to do all of that hard work again, education, communication, so that we can get parents comfortable with getting their children vaccinated where so many parents are already. chris: how would you feel about schools mandating those jack seens once they're fully -- vaccines once they're fully approved? >> right now we're at authorization. we're having discussions about authorization. so i think we need to get children vaccinated through this authorization and, you know, get to approval before we can make a judgment there. chris: let's talk about mandates for you adults. president biden was asked about the quite controversial man dates for essential workers at his town hall this week. take a look at his answer. >> should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines and if not should they be stay at home or let go? >> yes and yes. [ applause ] chris: now mandates by governments, by private companies, generally work, see a big boost in vaccinations even though there may be growing. there are case -- grousing. there are cases where police officers, healthcare workers, pilots are walking off the job rather than get the vaccine. are you still full speed ahead on mandates for essential workers to get vaccinated? >> we have seen that these mandates are getting more and more people vaccinated. here's what we know. the most disrupt of testify thing that you can -- disruptive thing you can do to a workforce is have a covid outbreak to the workforce. it will send people home. it will send people to the hospital and some pay pass. what we know from the police workforce, there have been more deaths from the coronavirus over the last year and-a-half than all of other causes of death for that workforce combined. we believe it is very important to get these people vaccinated. there is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, towards education and counseling, to get people the information they need so that they are feeling comfortable in getting vaccinated. chris: what about the argument that we're talking about public health here and if you get -- we've seen some real resistance in the chicago police department, in the interest of public health on vaccinations, if you have a large part of a police force leaving in terms of public health, aren't you further behind the ball rather than having made gains? >> you know, the way you can down a police force is by having a covid outbreak in that police force. what we're working to do is mitigate that from happening. chris: finally, let's talk about where we are on covid and let me put some of the latest stats up. caseses are down more than 50% in the last month. but we're still seeing an average of more than 73,000 new cases a day and more than a 1,500 deaths a day which is still pretty bad. so first of all, where are we on the delta wave? >> so, i think the numbers speak for themselves s. cases are down, down more than 50% from where they were in september but we can't get complacent yet. as we said, 75,000 cases a day, 1,500 deaths a day. the good news compared to where we were a year ago is that we have vaccines that work and that we have a lot of science that demonstrates how we can protect ourselves and how we can get cases down further. we know it's critically important to get people vaccinated. all those 64 million people who have not yet been vaccinated. and then with scientific review, if we have a vaccine for our 5-11-year-olds working to get them vaccinated and in the meantime practicing all the proper mitigation strategies so we can get those case numbers and death had numbers down. chris: do you believe we are in the downturn of the delta wave, that we -- that the spike is over and it's heading out? >> i'm really encouraged to watch the numbers go down. the last several days, they've been hanging out at around 75 you thousand. 75,000. we still have hard work ahead of us north to bring the numbers -- in order to bring the numbers down to where they were in may an june. chris: what about the chances of another fifth wave of the virus as the weather begins to get colder and people start spending more time indoors? >> well, i am encouraged by numbers coming down right now. i learned we can't be complacent and we need to be humble and that the virus tends to find place that's are under-vaccinated. as case numbers come down, we need to continue to do the hard work of getting more people vaccinated to prevent what you describe. chris: there's a lot of good sports on tv these days and if you watch sports, whether it's football games in stadiums or playoffs in baseball, you've got pictures up on the screen right now, doctor, you see hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people all packed together, not a mask in sight. i understand it's outdoors. but what does it tell you that there have not been spikes in most of these communities when you have people crowded into football or baseball stadiums? >> we would still encourage people who are unvaccinated to wear a mask in those situations, but given that these games are outdoors, that tends to be a much safer environment. chris: finally, the holidays. first of all, halloween. what would you say that kids can do and can't do? >> i would say put on those costumes, stay outside and enjoy your trick or treating. chris: whether people are vaccinated or not, as long as you're outside, you're safe? >> yeah, i wouldn't gather in large settings outside and do screaming like you're seeing in those football games, if you're unvaccinated, the kids that are unvaccinated but spread out doing trick or treating should be safe for children. chris: what about thanksgiving and christmas? >> you know, it's critically important that we gather, that we be together with our family and friends during these holidays and we have the prevention strategies that we know work to be safe for those holidays, so what i would say is get yourself vaccinated before you gather, absolutely will be safer if you're vaccinated. any activity that is outdoors is safer than it is if it's indoors and if you're gathering multiple households, make sure as many people are vaccinated as possibe so you can protect the people who are vulnerable who might not be vaccinated. our young children, our elderly. do all those prevention strategies that we know work before you arrive and as you arrive to make sure that everybody can be safe for the holidays and make sure that you're well as you gather. chris: dr. walensky, thank you. thanks for your time this sunday. a lot of good advice there. always good to talk with you. >> likewise. thanks so much, chris. chris: up next we'll bring in our sunday group to discuss the virginia governor's race in a dead heat with just nine days to go. thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? 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terry mcauliffe and glenn youngkin debating what has become the hot topic in the home stretch of the closely watched virginia governor's race. it's time for our sunday grout, bret baier, anchor of special report and author of the new best selling book, to rescue the republic. julie pace, executive editor of the associated press and fox news political analyst. juan williams. brett, you have been following the virginia governor's race closely on special report. what's your sense of where the race stands nine days out and just how big this issue of parents involvement or not being involved in their kids' education, how big that issue has become. >> chris, good morning. and thanks for having me. i think it is extremely tight. every political operative i talked to on both sides says they think it's coming down to the wire. in fact, some of them are already preparing for overtime and challenges, believe it or not, in this virginia governor's race. and it's really going to test the premise of whether muck all live -- mcauliffe's efforts to tie young kin to donald trump will be a template for democrats. mcauliffe is using noun, verb and donald trump in pretty much every sentence he talks about on the trail and youngkin is tapping into that issue of education which has risen significantly not only in virginia but nationally and it's having an effect on the polls. chris: juan, joe biden won the state of virginia just a year ago by 10 points. if and i repeat if glenn youngkin were to beat terry mcauliffe in a state that's been trending from red to purple to you blue, why do you think, one, it would be and, two, how big a warning sign potentially to democrats looking ahead to the 2022 midterms? >> chris, i think, you know, first of all, the polls are either tied or have mcauliffe in the lead so there's no reason to doubt that mcauliffe can win this contest. history is very clear that off year elections like this one, midterm elections are really difficult for the party in power, the party holding the white house. in addition, president biden's numbers are down. his approval ratings are down right now. so it becomes a matter of getting people excited on the democratic side, getting them out to the polls. and all of they that is a challenge for mcauliffe at this moment. now, the flip side of this is if mcauliffe wins, especially after the california recall effort by the gop fails, i think then you have to wonder if you're a republican, if you're not experiencing an earthquake going into next year's midterms, whether they can't win -- if they can't win in a purple state like virginia when biden's numbers are down and they're playing kind of all the culture war issues, then it becomes the a question of can they escape trump's toxic politics going towards the midterms. chris: parents' involvement in their children's education became an even bigger issue after october 4th when the justice department issued a memo saying that it was going to investigate threats against low of call school boards, against local teachers. that played out in a house hearing this week with attorney general merrick garland. take a look. >> not in a million years did we dream that one day we would see the justice department treat american parents as domestic terrorists. >> the justice department supports and defends the first you amendment right of parents to complain as much as they wish about the education of their children, about the curriculum taught in the schools. that is not what the memorandum is about at all. nor does it use the words domestic terrorism or patriot act. chris: julie, it was the national school board association which had used the phrase, domestic terrorism, in asking the president and the federal government to get involved in this issue and on friday that same school board association apologized for calling parents' involvement and particularly getting emotionally involved or making threats domestic terrorism. having said all of that, how potent do you think this issue is? republicans clearly want to ride it whether the idea of democrats trying to somehow block parents from being directly involved in their kids' education. >> i think it's a political issue, it has become extremely potent and taps into a lot of the culture wars that we've been seeing play out over the last several years. i do think it's important to be really clear about who is saying what, who is using this phrase domestic terrorism and who is not and making clear that what the justice department is talking about is investigating actual threats of violence, not as garland said complaints or criticism of education but actual threats which we have seen on the rise. this has become an issue that has become so emotional and so potent that you are seeing school board members fearful for their safety. as a political issue i think virginia will be the first test whether this is the type of issue republicans can ride back to the majority next year. chris: brett, if suburban parents in virginia and around the country come to feel that democrats are somehow trying to stand in the way of their getting involved in schools and their kids' education, isn't that -- doesn't that potentially open a really big path had for r republicans to win back that key voting block of suburban voters, parents, but especially women that seem in the trump years to be moving away from the gop. >> 100% and in virginia particularly that race -- those races are won in the suburbs. let me say that i think just by painting a product brush and saying it's culture wars, this is deeper than that. this education issue is deeper than that. and i will also note that terry mcauliffe really stepped in, numerous times, saying those exact words that i don't want parents affecting how schools teach in specific words. when he comes out with an ad saying they're taking him out of context, all youngkin has to do is run the words again. this candidate has stepped into this. i think it is so potent democrat or republican when parents are talking about what their kids are learning in schools that it's a big issue, culture war or not. chris: juan, whether it's the issue of what kids are being taught in school about race, what republicans are calling critical race theory, whether it's the question of transgender rights in school, among students, doesn't this have the potential to be a very you powerful issue that breaks for republicans and against democrats? >> yeah, i think it does and i think if you look at the latest fox poll, i think it's like race number four in in terms of issue of grave concern to americans. but to me, i just have to say, you know, this issue is not about parents having voice, it's not about lgbt rights or anything. even the quote that's used against terry mcauliffe in all these ads is about him objecting to parents saying -- some people said don't teach toni morrison's beloved, it makes white people feel guilty about slavery, that's just craziness. this has become a proxy for injecting race into politics in a southern state and i think that you have to look at it in that context. i mean, it's a wind and nod -- wink and nod. it's about protecting officials who have been intimidated, even assaulted. we should not tolerate that as an american society. we can't have that happening against public officials. chris: brett, your response. >> end conde rice put it well on view and spoke from her perspective and i think i commend that sound bite to everyone who speaks that she speaks from her point of view. i'm just saying that this issue really touches a nerve and it doesn't matter if you're democrat or republican and it's having an effect on this race and it could be a template for races to come in 2022. chris: let me just say when a candidate has to do an ad in the final two weeks of a campaign and say my opponent is taking my own words out of context, you know he's seeing something in the polls he's worried about. we have to take a break. we'll see you later. up next, president biden's you domestic agenda on the line with the clock ticking down. we speak with one of the democrats trying to work out a deal, that's next. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. chris: joe biden and congress a. howie: congressional democrats are up against another self imposed deadline, trying to pass the president's massive domestic agenda by one week from today and despite controlling the senate, the house and the white house, democrats remain locked in a battle over trillions of dollars in new spending and untested ideas how to pay for it. in a moment we'll hear from progressive congressman ro khanna. first let's bring in david spunt traveling with the president in wilmington, delaware for the latest on prospects for a deal. david. >> reporter: chris, president biden is optimistic about a deal, at least publicly. it's often said a president gets the most done during his first year in office but time here is quickly running 0:out. washington gridlock is alive and well. not between republicans and democrats, but between democrats and democrats. >> are you close to a deal? >> i think so. >> reporter: west virginia senator joe manchin and arizona senator kyrsten sinema continue to hold the cards as the president has come down significantly from his original $3.5 trillion social spending bill. the key issues actively being negotiated include pay fors like raising taxes on billionaires and corporations, climate priorities of and child tax credits. manchin shout down reports he's considering switching parties, instead saying he's negotiating in good faith. .sinema continues her silent streak. >> any comment on your stance on corporate tax rates? any comment on your stance on anything? >> reporter: meanwhile, republicans unified against the spending are watching democratic in-fighting from the sidelines. >> the infrastructure bill means you're getting this multitrillion dollar spending bill. they are linked together. the president has said that. nancy pelosi has said that. >> reporter: a deal reached soon may benefit virginia gubernatorial candidate terry mcauliffe in a neck and neck race against republican glenn youngkin. the winner of that race may be a sign as to which party controls congress following next year's midterm. the president meets today with chuck schumer and joe manchin, trying to hammer out a deal in the next few days, hoping to get a deal done before he heads overseas to meet world leaders. chris: let's turn to congressman ro khanna, a member of the progressive caucus. we were also going to talk with moderate senator mark warner but he had to cancel at the last moment. congressman, welcome back. >> thanks for having me. chris: president biden and congressional democratic leaders are talking about passing both the infrastructure package and the big tax and spend package this week. you how likely is it that you can get deals and pass both of those before we do this show next sunday? >> chris, it's likely. you can hold me to it, i guess. here's the thing, the be president looked us in the eye and said i need this before i represent the united states ins glasgow, american prestige is on the line. many members understand that. we're working very hard to get a deal. i understand we're close and i'm confident we're going to get there. chris: let me ask you, though, about that. because some democrats are talking about passing the big bipartisan infrastructure package, $1.2 trillion, even if the even bigger reconciliation package a isn't done this week in order to give president biden something to talk about at the climate summit in glasgow and also to help terry mcauliffe in his governor's race a week from tuesday. would you as a progressive, because you said in the past you don't get one without the other, would you approve the infrastructure package with this deadline even if you don't have a reconciliation agreement? >> no, and the president doesn't want that. the president needs the reconciliation agreement to go to glasgow. that's what's going to hit his goals of 50% reduction by 2030. i'm confident we'll have an agreement and the president will be able to give his word to the house caucus that he has the agreement. that would facilitate the vote on the infrastructure bill. chris: speaker pelosi was on another sunday talk show this morning and she said, well, we may not have a deal on the reconciliation part, the big tax and spend part but we would have the framework. would that be enough for you? >> well, the details matter. my view is that the president's words saying i have the commitment of 50 senators and those 50 senators are going to vote for this bill and here are the details that that's good enough. different members have different issues about what is exactly good enough. i don't think proceduralism will hold us back. if the president gives his word and has a clear commitment, that will be good enough. chris: the big development this week has not been on the spending side, it's been on the taxes side, the pay for side and the sudden shift away from the way that democrats have been talking for months, if not years, on how they would pay for this big package. for months, the president has been clear about how he wants to do it. take a look at him. >> it's time for corporate america and the wealthiest 1% of the americans to begin to pay their fair share, just their fair share. chris: but now because kyrsten sinema says that she opposes raising rates on wealthy americans, those making more than $400,000, and corporations, there is suddenly talk of a wealth tax on about 700 -- 700 billionaires. are you willing to vote for that without any real testing or vetting? >> i don't think a wealth had tax makes sense, chris. as i mentioned last time i was on it would be paid largely by people in my district, silicon valley billionaires whose wealth had has gone up 40% during the pandemic. they can afford to pay a wealth had tax. my question for senator sinema is, she voted against the trump tax cuts. i don't understand why she's not willing then to raise some of the rates back to what they were before the bill she voted against was and she hasn't explained it to he anyone. chris: so let's be clear here. you say well, if the president gives you his word, that's good enough. if the president's word is we're not going to raise rates on people making more,0 a yearoings sle from 21% to 25%, instead we're going to have this billionaire's tax and just to explain it, instead of paying some kind of income tax, if a billionaire has assets and hasn't sold any of them, you're still going to pay a capital gains on what the increase has been in the value of the assets, which is a little easier when it's stock. it's pretty hard if it's real estate or a fancy painting. if he says it's going to be the billionaire's tax but not raising rates on individuals or corporations, do you vote for that or against it? >> i would vote for it. i mean, the billionaire's taxis actually a wealth tax, more progress of i've arguably, what senator warren ran on. the billionaires tax i don't think would be enough, would have to be canceled with the minimum tax, about 50 corporations that are paying 0% in taxes and they would have to pay at least 7% in tax. amazon would have to pay 7%. if you had both of those, and you raised the revenue, i would vote for it. chris: even though you're not going to raise rates on corporations and on the wealthy, as on -- opposed to the super wealthy. >> i would prefer we raise the corporate tax rates but if we can raise the revenue these two other ways, i'm not going to vote against the bill if we could get the revenue through alternative means when i believe a wealth tax and corporate minimum tax are good measures and we have the option of raising the corporate tax later to get free community college or other areas where we want to have meaningful change. chris: on the spending side, as david spunt made clear, the president and democrats are coming down sharply from 3 and-a-half trillion dollars to somewhere closer to $2 trillion, tops and i want to put up some of the programs that could be cut back or eliminated. letting medicare negotiate lower drug prices, expanding medicare to cover vision, hearing and dental cost, paid leave, cut from 12 weeks as it was proposed to four weeks, scrapping the clean electricity program. here's white house press secretary jen psaki. >> come he pro mice is not a -- compromise is not a dirty word and we will not get nothing if we don't have 50 votes. the alternative is not a larger package. the alternative a is nothing. chris: can you accept that you may have to leave a lot of things on your wish list on the sidelines but it's better than nothing? >> i agree with jen psaki, that compromise is good. i agree with you, chris, that she's done a phenomenal job in conveying the president's message. we have to get a compromise. we have to get a deal. if you can get senator manchin and senator sanders to you agree on something, i don't think you're going to have the house vote against it. if the president rep sense that 50 senators are on board with the framework, he'll have the house. if there's a holdout, if progressive senators are opposed to it then there's a problem. chris: finally, and you've got 30 seconds here, how frustrated are you with senators manchin and sinema? >> chris, i mentioned earlier, senator manchin has been a straight t shooter. you know exactly where he stands. i disagree with areas. i respect that. my concern with senator sinema, why are the rules different for her? why doesn't she explain herself? if she shifted her position on trump tax cuts, explain it. i've never seen a politician who ducks answering questions of the media or constituents. that's my frustration with her. she's not clear about what she believes. chris: i'm a little frustrated. we've been trying to get her on the air. she won't even meet with us in private. congressman, thank you for joining us. we'll be tracking how negotiationses go this week on both ends of pennsylvania avenue. up next, the sunday group discusses how to pay for the biden agenda as well as the white house scrambling to clean up some of the president's comments at the big town hall this week. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit [swords clashing] - had enough? - no... arthritis. here. new aspercreme arthritis. full 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on a wealth tax that has never been tried before. >> well, if you listen to your previous guest, i think that she's making progress in trying to move the pay for discussion in that direction. i think that democrats really feel that it is an imperative to get to the end of this week with if not a final agreement, a very clear path forward. they're watching the virginia governor's race, watching joe biden head overseas where he will meet with allies and adversaries, trying to make clear he has the ability to make progress back home, that he's a relevant president right now and that's what's on the line. so i think democrats this week will take significant steps forward to try to get these two pieces of legislation moving forward even if that means these really significant changes to the pay for. i mean, the way that discussion has changed over the last couple days is actually pretty remarkable but i think does show the leverage that sinema has right now. chris: we should point out, brett, that ro khanna is a progressive. so the idea of a wealth tax that was proposed in the last campaign by elizabeth warren, he's pretty satisfied with, unfortunately as we said senator warner, a member of the senate finance committee, the tax writing committee and much more moderate has not favored this idea at all and i guess i'm just astonished at the idea that after months and months of you could say years of moderates or centrists like joe biden talking about raise rates on people making more than $500,000 a year, corporations going up from 21% to 25 or 26%, suddenly all of that seems to be out the window and we're talking about a tax on 700 billionaires that's not been tried, not even in the u.s., but best we could see has never been tried anywhere. >> or the constitutionality of it and there will be challenges to it. this is like a giant game of jenga, legislative jenga, you pull out one block and you've got to pull out another block and the whole thing could tumble. i'm told we're a long way from this all coming together and i think it's interesting that congressman khanna says and the administration openly says had they need this deal, they want this deal before the climate summit in glasgow. it reminds me on wanting to you announce a full withdrawal from afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of 9/11. the devil is in the details and the process is important. the meeting with manchin and schumer and joe biden today is important. but you're a long way if you're going to change the pay fors this late in the game. finally this. the last time there was a messy political process with something this big was obamacare in 2009. there was a virginia governor's race, republicans won. i'm not saying past is pro log but this is setting up to be very messy in the final days. chris: we should point out that mark warner, the absent mark warner said there's a reason that we only pass big tax bills over few years because they're very complicate and now we're talking in the period of a week it seems the whole ship has changed direction on how they're going to pay for this $2 trillion plan. i want to move to another big subject and that is president biden's town hall this week. he said a number of things that the white house had to rush out afterwards to clarify. take a look. >> would you consider the national guard to help with supply chain issues. >> yes, absolutely. positively. i will do that. >> would you consider the national guard for trucking, for -- there's a lot of problems with -- >> yes. >> are you saying the united states would come to taiwan's defense if china attacks. >> yes, we have a commitment to do that. chris: right after, some cases with the earlier statement, during the town hall the white house had to say governors mobilize the national guard, and the president is not considering mobiling the national guard and walked back the president's talk about defending taiwan, we've always had strategic ambiguity, not to run up against mainland china. what's going on with the president in. >> i think if the suggestion is somehow he's a doddering old man, i don't think that's fair. i think everybody in the panel has known joe biden for a long time and joe biden is known for gaffes and slip-up us, slips of the tongue and all that. this is joe biden. and i don't think that even with regard to strategic ambiguity on taiwan versus commitment to all-out war if china was to become -- was to try to take over taiwan, i don't think that any viewer of a cable tv town hall or even china is going to define joe biden on the basis of any confusing statement he made there. the key thing with regard to taiwan is that biden and i think most of the u.s. -- most americans want a very clear message sent to china that they should not think that the united states will stand by if they seek to take over taiwan. and biden sent a very clear signal with regard to that by giving $750 million of military supplies to taiwan and sending -- signing that submarine deal with australia. i think those are the key points. the whole notion that somehow joe biden has changed or somehow mentally deficient i find that insulting. chris: i didn't say that i just said that he said a bunch of things that weren't true and his own white house had to clarify. brett, we're talking about, for instance, whether he's actively considering the national guard to help free up the supply chain. he said he's actively considering it. he's the president. and then the next day jen psaki said no, he's not actively considering it. that's more than just a misstatement or a gaffe. >> that's right. you don't have to talk about the motives of how that happens, it's just significant. it's a major clean-up on aisle 4 when you're dealing with something about mobilizing the national guard to dee with the supply chain crisis, let alone a signal to taiwan that china reacts to real-time that the white house has to walk back then. i do think it's significant. i do think the president does not go out for a lot of interviews. of you've asked. i've asked. he doesn't do a lot of them, chris. .chris: no, he doesn't. is that why you think the white house is so protective about the president's engagement with reporters. >> i think the president's words matter. i think the white house would rather have the president stay on script. we certainly would like more interactions like the ones we saw the last week. chris: and then more clarification. thank you, panel. see you next sunday. up next, our power player of the week, the coach created a world class training facility in d.c.'s inner city, with one of track and field's most of unusual events. a chip in your. trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ super emma just about sleeps in her cape. but when we realized she was battling sensitive skin, we switched to tide hygienic clean free. it's gentle on her skin, and out cleans our old free detergent. tide hygienic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. chris: every year thousands of high school kids crush it in football, baseball and basketball. but they still don't earn college scholarships. now, one coach is recruiting them to master a lesser known sport, showing how it can propel them to their dreams. he's our power player of the week. >> it's not like running where any person on the screen can do that. pole vaulting, if you do that, you're special. chris: edward louthie is the founder of d.c. vault which raised the bar for elite training in one of track and field's you unique events. how good were you? >> when i started college i was jumping around 17 feet. chris: after an injury ended his competitive career, he began coaching,. >> you have to palm here. chris: he and envisioning the program he built for the inner city. >> i wanted to set up inside the inner city as opposed to the suburbs where it would make more sense. i wanted to provide training to the inner city high school kids. it's not available in most inner city public schools. chris: he says the kids can leverage pole vaulting into scholarships. he stages events hoping to recruit them. >> a lot of folks come from the lower income zip codes in the city, i talk to them about what we can do for them and we go from there. chris: d.c. vault is designed for athletes at all levels, from nuwbies to those louthie thinks could break records. this is the world record height. >> yes. it is. chris: does that seem unimaginably high to you. .>> i think anything above 16 feet, you wonder why the bar is up there. chris: i might bring it a little lower, like 10 or 11 feet, wonder why it's up there. you say that the sport you attracts outliers, kids who don't fit in in a more conventional setting. >> it gives them bragging rights. they're able to -- if somebody said well, what do you do, i play soccer. what do you do? i he poe vault. everybody stops, like hitting the brakes. when you show them a video of you doing that, they're amazed. chris: the sport is expensive. poles can cost up to $1,000. d.c. vault has a rental program. louthie has shorter vaults a for those age six and up. >> we have young kids that are spec tack a later. we have a decade to work with them before they get out of high school. chris: 6-year-olds pole vaulting? >> we have good one, actually. chris: so some have been standouts. like olivia who was in the olympic trials. but that's not the real prize. >> keep your leg engaged. >> i would love to see somebody develop like that, yeah. but i just want to see each individual develop to the maximum of their potential at their level, whatever that is. chris: louthie says he thinks a couple kids you saw in our story may one daybreak major records. -- may one day break major records. that's it for today. have a great week and we'll see you next fox news sunday. ♪h. ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. welcome to sunday morning futures. i'm maria bartiromo. today, liberty and freedom in florida. coming up, florida's governor won of a handful in the country vowing to stop joe biden's totalitarian regime while helping to get the ports back up. bank surveillance plans, censorship of he free speech and inept

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20240709

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gridlock among democrats. >> the bills are not about left versus right or of moderate versus progressive. chris: the president working on concessions to keep his divided party at the table and get a stalled domestic agenda through congress. >> negotiations are ongoing. >> we're getting to a compromise and i'm hopeful by the end of next week. chris: we'll talk with progressive congressman, ro khanna, a key democrat working with the white house to bridge the divide. plus, in virginia, the race for governor growing tighter and drawing national attention in the home stretch. >> we don't need a donald trump in khakis. >> this is our moment to come together like never before and choose a path that stands for liberty, not government control. chris: we bring in our sunday panel to break down the ramifications of the vote ahead of next year's midterm elections. and our power player of the week, an elite training ground for a unique sport in the inner city, all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ chris: and hello again from fox news in washington. we saw major action by the fda and cdc this week to approve booster shots for millions of more americans and also new guidance on mix and match, getting the initial dose of one vaccine, and then a booster shot of another. plus, public health agencies are getting closer to approving covid vaccines for children under 12, and the controversy continues over public agencies and private companies imposing vaccine mandates on their employees. all this as americans try to prepare for the holiday season. as you can see, there's plenty to discuss with the tore of the centers -- director of the centers for disease control, dr. rochelle walensky. welcome back to fox news sunday. >> thanks for having me, good morning, chris. chris: the cdc this week approved the moderna and j&j vaccines for millions of more american as well as approving mix and match. you say that it's a personal option, the individual, as to whether they want to get the initial dose of one vaccine and then the booster of another vaccine. but isn't the data clear that if you got the j&j booster first, that you get much more protection by getting a booster from either pfizer or moderna? >> so this is an important next step in our booster plan across this country, because right now we have a booster plan for every one of the vaccines that we are using. as you noted, the moderna vaccine will also be eligible for boosting, the same way the pfizer is as well as the booster plan for j&j two months after your initial dose. we approved a plan so we can move forward with mix and match. specifically tour question, -- to your question, we saw data, the fda and cdc saw important data from nih on the mix and match approach, how when you boost a j&j vaccine with moderna or pfizer you get a really good antibody response. we saw clinical data from j&j themselves, when you boost the j&j with a j&j vaccine, that you actually get really good effectiveness there as well. so that is really why we left it to the people, because quite honestly, most people did really well with their initial vaccine series. the vast majority of people did really well. we have 410 million people who have been vaccinated or 410 million vaccines have been given so people may want to pick the one that they got before. however, if you want something else, we left that option up to you. chris: just briefly, though, according to the data, if you get the j&j booster after the j&j initial dose, it boosted your antibodies four-fold, if you got the moderna booster after j&j it boosted antibodies 76-fold. i mean, if you were talking to your friend or a relative, it seems like it's a no-brainer. >> well, so we would have different kinds of data. that's data in the lab, an antibody response. we saw data in people, clinical effectiveness that deck straited a really good response to j&j as well. i i think i would leave it up to the clinical situation. people who did well with j&j may want it again. they may want an mrna and that would be absolutely fine too. chris: could you at some point change the definition of what it means to be fully vaccinated to the initial dose, plus the booster, that that's going to be what it means? >> the definition of fully vaccinated is pfizer or moderna after you received two doses, you are considered fully vaccinated and after j&j, a single dose, you are considered fully vaccinated. i want to be very clear about that. chris: so the boosters are not going to change that definition, at least at this point? >> we don't have a plan to change that definition right now. chris: the fda advisory panel will vote this week on whether to approve emergency use of the pfizer vaccine for 28 million children ages 5-11 and the cdc panel is supposed to meet the week after next, the first week of november. assuming everything goes well, how soon could you be sitting there as a cdc director, saying kids 5-11 it's safe to get a vaccine? >> we know how many parents are interested in getting their children between 5 and 11 vaccinated and we intend to act as quickly as we can. so importantly, as you note, the fda will meet this week. soon thereafter, after they are able to review all the science and conduct the regulatory action, the cdc will meet and if all of that goes smoothly after reviewing all that science and doing the proper scientific due diligence, we will act quickly. what i can also say is in the meantime, there's important logistical and operational plans that are underway so that that vaccine will be of out in the field as soon as we take action. chris: look, it's one thing to say whether you're going to get a vaccine, it's another thing to say whether you're going to let your 5-year-old get a vaccine and in a poll that just came out, only a third of parents said that they would be willing to let their children, even if it's aapproved by the fda and cdc, let small children get the vaccine, quote, right you aaway. how tough do you you think it is going to be to convince parents once you go through all of these approvals that it's safe to get 5 to 11-year-old, give them the vaccine and should -- at that point, should schools mandate that kids of this age get the vaccine as they do lots of other vaccines? >> right. so we have -- i'm really excited and enthusiastic about reviewing this science and i'm really hopeful that in that proper review, we will get to a place where we have a vaccine for 5 a to 11-year-olds. when and if we do, we have a lot of parents as you noted, a third who are ready to get their children vaccinated right away. we know we have a lot of work ahead of us as we did with the initial vaccine. the numbers are the same as they were late december last year when the initial vaccine rolled out. today, we have nearly 80% of people who received their first dose. we have to do all of that hard work again, education, communication, so that we can get parents comfortable with getting their children vaccinated where so many parents are already. chris: how would you feel about schools mandating those jack seens once they're fully -- vaccines once they're fully approved? >> right now we're at authorization. we're having discussions about authorization. so i think we need to get children vaccinated through this authorization and, you know, get to approval before we can make a judgment there. chris: let's talk about mandates for you adults. president biden was asked about the quite controversial man dates for essential workers at his town hall this week. take a look at his answer. >> should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines and if not should they be stay at home or let go? >> yes and yes. [ applause ] chris: now mandates by governments, by private companies, generally work, see a big boost in vaccinations even though there may be growing. there are case -- grousing. there are cases where police officers, healthcare workers, pilots are walking off the job rather than get the vaccine. are you still full speed ahead on mandates for essential workers to get vaccinated? >> we have seen that these mandates are getting more and more people vaccinated. here's what we know. the most disrupt of testify thing that you can -- disruptive thing you can do to a workforce is have a covid outbreak to the workforce. it will send people home. it will send people to the hospital and some pay pass. what we know from the police workforce, there have been more deaths from the coronavirus over the last year and-a-half than all of other causes of death for that workforce combined. we believe it is very important to get these people vaccinated. there is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, towards education and counseling, to get people the information they need so that they are feeling comfortable in getting vaccinated. chris: what about the argument that we're talking about public health here and if you get -- we've seen some real resistance in the chicago police department, in the interest of public health on vaccinations, if you have a large part of a police force leaving in terms of public health, aren't you further behind the ball rather than having made gains? >> you know, the way you can down a police force is by having a covid outbreak in that police force. what we're working to do is mitigate that from happening. chris: finally, let's talk about where we are on covid and let me put some of the latest stats up. caseses are down more than 50% in the last month. but we're still seeing an average of more than 73,000 new cases a day and more than a 1,500 deaths a day which is still pretty bad. so first of all, where are we on the delta wave? >> so, i think the numbers speak for themselves s. cases are down, down more than 50% from where they were in september but we can't get complacent yet. as we said, 75,000 cases a day, 1,500 deaths a day. the good news compared to where we were a year ago is that we have vaccines that work and that we have a lot of science that demonstrates how we can protect ourselves and how we can get cases down further. we know it's critically important to get people vaccinated. all those 64 million people who have not yet been vaccinated. and then with scientific review, if we have a vaccine for our 5-11-year-olds working to get them vaccinated and in the meantime practicing all the proper mitigation strategies so we can get those case numbers and death had numbers down. chris: do you believe we are in the downturn of the delta wave, that we -- that the spike is over and it's heading out? >> i'm really encouraged to watch the numbers go down. the last several days, they've been hanging out at around 75 you thousand. 75,000. we still have hard work ahead of us north to bring the numbers -- in order to bring the numbers down to where they were in may an june. chris: what about the chances of another fifth wave of the virus as the weather begins to get colder and people start spending more time indoors? >> well, i am encouraged by numbers coming down right now. i learned we can't be complacent and we need to be humble and that the virus tends to find place that's are under-vaccinated. as case numbers come down, we need to continue to do the hard work of getting more people vaccinated to prevent what you describe. chris: there's a lot of good sports on tv these days and if you watch sports, whether it's football games in stadiums or playoffs in baseball, you've got pictures up on the screen right now, doctor, you see hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people all packed together, not a mask in sight. i understand it's outdoors. but what does it tell you that there have not been spikes in most of these communities when you have people crowded into football or baseball stadiums? >> we would still encourage people who are unvaccinated to wear a mask in those situations, but given that these games are outdoors, that tends to be a much safer environment. chris: finally, the holidays. first of all, halloween. what would you say that kids can do and can't do? >> i would say put on those costumes, stay outside and enjoy your trick or treating. chris: whether people are vaccinated or not, as long as you're outside, you're safe? >> yeah, i wouldn't gather in large settings outside and do screaming like you're seeing in those football games, if you're unvaccinated, the kids that are unvaccinated but spread out doing trick or treating should be safe for children. chris: what about thanksgiving and christmas? >> you know, it's critically important that we gather, that we be together with our family and friends during these holidays and we have the prevention strategies that we know work to be safe for those holidays, so what i would say is get yourself vaccinated before you gather, absolutely will be safer if you're vaccinated. any activity that is outdoors is safer than it is if it's indoors and if you're gathering multiple households, make sure as many people are vaccinated as possibe so you can protect the people who are vulnerable who might not be vaccinated. our young children, our elderly. do all those prevention strategies that we know work before you arrive and as you arrive to make sure that everybody can be safe for the holidays and make sure that you're well as you gather. chris: dr. walensky, thank you. thanks for your time this sunday. a lot of good advice there. always good to talk with you. >> likewise. thanks so much, chris. chris: up next we'll bring in our sunday group to discuss the virginia governor's race in a dead heat with just nine days to go. thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? 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terry mcauliffe and glenn youngkin debating what has become the hot topic in the home stretch of the closely watched virginia governor's race. it's time for our sunday grout, bret baier, anchor of special report and author of the new best selling book, to rescue the republic. julie pace, executive editor of the associated press and fox news political analyst. juan williams. brett, you have been following the virginia governor's race closely on special report. what's your sense of where the race stands nine days out and just how big this issue of parents involvement or not being involved in their kids' education, how big that issue has become. >> chris, good morning. and thanks for having me. i think it is extremely tight. every political operative i talked to on both sides says they think it's coming down to the wire. in fact, some of them are already preparing for overtime and challenges, believe it or not, in this virginia governor's race. and it's really going to test the premise of whether muck all live -- mcauliffe's efforts to tie young kin to donald trump will be a template for democrats. mcauliffe is using noun, verb and donald trump in pretty much every sentence he talks about on the trail and youngkin is tapping into that issue of education which has risen significantly not only in virginia but nationally and it's having an effect on the polls. chris: juan, joe biden won the state of virginia just a year ago by 10 points. if and i repeat if glenn youngkin were to beat terry mcauliffe in a state that's been trending from red to purple to you blue, why do you think, one, it would be and, two, how big a warning sign potentially to democrats looking ahead to the 2022 midterms? >> chris, i think, you know, first of all, the polls are either tied or have mcauliffe in the lead so there's no reason to doubt that mcauliffe can win this contest. history is very clear that off year elections like this one, midterm elections are really difficult for the party in power, the party holding the white house. in addition, president biden's numbers are down. his approval ratings are down right now. so it becomes a matter of getting people excited on the democratic side, getting them out to the polls. and all of they that is a challenge for mcauliffe at this moment. now, the flip side of this is if mcauliffe wins, especially after the california recall effort by the gop fails, i think then you have to wonder if you're a republican, if you're not experiencing an earthquake going into next year's midterms, whether they can't win -- if they can't win in a purple state like virginia when biden's numbers are down and they're playing kind of all the culture war issues, then it becomes the a question of can they escape trump's toxic politics going towards the midterms. chris: parents' involvement in their children's education became an even bigger issue after october 4th when the justice department issued a memo saying that it was going to investigate threats against low of call school boards, against local teachers. that played out in a house hearing this week with attorney general merrick garland. take a look. >> not in a million years did we dream that one day we would see the justice department treat american parents as domestic terrorists. >> the justice department supports and defends the first you amendment right of parents to complain as much as they wish about the education of their children, about the curriculum taught in the schools. that is not what the memorandum is about at all. nor does it use the words domestic terrorism or patriot act. chris: julie, it was the national school board association which had used the phrase, domestic terrorism, in asking the president and the federal government to get involved in this issue and on friday that same school board association apologized for calling parents' involvement and particularly getting emotionally involved or making threats domestic terrorism. having said all of that, how potent do you think this issue is? republicans clearly want to ride it whether the idea of democrats trying to somehow block parents from being directly involved in their kids' education. >> i think it's a political issue, it has become extremely potent and taps into a lot of the culture wars that we've been seeing play out over the last several years. i do think it's important to be really clear about who is saying what, who is using this phrase domestic terrorism and who is not and making clear that what the justice department is talking about is investigating actual threats of violence, not as garland said complaints or criticism of education but actual threats which we have seen on the rise. this has become an issue that has become so emotional and so potent that you are seeing school board members fearful for their safety. as a political issue i think virginia will be the first test whether this is the type of issue republicans can ride back to the majority next year. chris: brett, if suburban parents in virginia and around the country come to feel that democrats are somehow trying to stand in the way of their getting involved in schools and their kids' education, isn't that -- doesn't that potentially open a really big path had for r republicans to win back that key voting block of suburban voters, parents, but especially women that seem in the trump years to be moving away from the gop. >> 100% and in virginia particularly that race -- those races are won in the suburbs. let me say that i think just by painting a product brush and saying it's culture wars, this is deeper than that. this education issue is deeper than that. and i will also note that terry mcauliffe really stepped in, numerous times, saying those exact words that i don't want parents affecting how schools teach in specific words. when he comes out with an ad saying they're taking him out of context, all youngkin has to do is run the words again. this candidate has stepped into this. i think it is so potent democrat or republican when parents are talking about what their kids are learning in schools that it's a big issue, culture war or not. chris: juan, whether it's the issue of what kids are being taught in school about race, what republicans are calling critical race theory, whether it's the question of transgender rights in school, among students, doesn't this have the potential to be a very you powerful issue that breaks for republicans and against democrats? >> yeah, i think it does and i think if you look at the latest fox poll, i think it's like race number four in in terms of issue of grave concern to americans. but to me, i just have to say, you know, this issue is not about parents having voice, it's not about lgbt rights or anything. even the quote that's used against terry mcauliffe in all these ads is about him objecting to parents saying -- some people said don't teach toni morrison's beloved, it makes white people feel guilty about slavery, that's just craziness. this has become a proxy for injecting race into politics in a southern state and i think that you have to look at it in that context. i mean, it's a wind and nod -- wink and nod. it's about protecting officials who have been intimidated, even assaulted. we should not tolerate that as an american society. we can't have that happening against public officials. chris: brett, your response. >> end conde rice put it well on view and spoke from her perspective and i think i commend that sound bite to everyone who speaks that she speaks from her point of view. i'm just saying that this issue really touches a nerve and it doesn't matter if you're democrat or republican and it's having an effect on this race and it could be a template for races to come in 2022. chris: let me just say when a candidate has to do an ad in the final two weeks of a campaign and say my opponent is taking my own words out of context, you know he's seeing something in the polls he's worried about. we have to take a break. we'll see you later. up next, president biden's you domestic agenda on the line with the clock ticking down. we speak with one of the democrats trying to work out a deal, that's next. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. chris: joe biden and congress a. howie: congressional democrats are up against another self imposed deadline, trying to pass the president's massive domestic agenda by one week from today and despite controlling the senate, the house and the white house, democrats remain locked in a battle over trillions of dollars in new spending and untested ideas how to pay for it. in a moment we'll hear from progressive congressman ro khanna. first let's bring in david spunt traveling with the president in wilmington, delaware for the latest on prospects for a deal. david. >> reporter: chris, president biden is optimistic about a deal, at least publicly. it's often said a president gets the most done during his first year in office but time here is quickly running 0:out. washington gridlock is alive and well. not between republicans and democrats, but between democrats and democrats. >> are you close to a deal? >> i think so. >> reporter: west virginia senator joe manchin and arizona senator kyrsten sinema continue to hold the cards as the president has come down significantly from his original $3.5 trillion social spending bill. the key issues actively being negotiated include pay fors like raising taxes on billionaires and corporations, climate priorities of and child tax credits. manchin shout down reports he's considering switching parties, instead saying he's negotiating in good faith. .sinema continues her silent streak. >> any comment on your stance on corporate tax rates? any comment on your stance on anything? >> reporter: meanwhile, republicans unified against the spending are watching democratic in-fighting from the sidelines. >> the infrastructure bill means you're getting this multitrillion dollar spending bill. they are linked together. the president has said that. nancy pelosi has said that. >> reporter: a deal reached soon may benefit virginia gubernatorial candidate terry mcauliffe in a neck and neck race against republican glenn youngkin. the winner of that race may be a sign as to which party controls congress following next year's midterm. the president meets today with chuck schumer and joe manchin, trying to hammer out a deal in the next few days, hoping to get a deal done before he heads overseas to meet world leaders. chris: let's turn to congressman ro khanna, a member of the progressive caucus. we were also going to talk with moderate senator mark warner but he had to cancel at the last moment. congressman, welcome back. >> thanks for having me. chris: president biden and congressional democratic leaders are talking about passing both the infrastructure package and the big tax and spend package this week. you how likely is it that you can get deals and pass both of those before we do this show next sunday? >> chris, it's likely. you can hold me to it, i guess. here's the thing, the be president looked us in the eye and said i need this before i represent the united states ins glasgow, american prestige is on the line. many members understand that. we're working very hard to get a deal. i understand we're close and i'm confident we're going to get there. chris: let me ask you, though, about that. because some democrats are talking about passing the big bipartisan infrastructure package, $1.2 trillion, even if the even bigger reconciliation package a isn't done this week in order to give president biden something to talk about at the climate summit in glasgow and also to help terry mcauliffe in his governor's race a week from tuesday. would you as a progressive, because you said in the past you don't get one without the other, would you approve the infrastructure package with this deadline even if you don't have a reconciliation agreement? >> no, and the president doesn't want that. the president needs the reconciliation agreement to go to glasgow. that's what's going to hit his goals of 50% reduction by 2030. i'm confident we'll have an agreement and the president will be able to give his word to the house caucus that he has the agreement. that would facilitate the vote on the infrastructure bill. chris: speaker pelosi was on another sunday talk show this morning and she said, well, we may not have a deal on the reconciliation part, the big tax and spend part but we would have the framework. would that be enough for you? >> well, the details matter. my view is that the president's words saying i have the commitment of 50 senators and those 50 senators are going to vote for this bill and here are the details that that's good enough. different members have different issues about what is exactly good enough. i don't think proceduralism will hold us back. if the president gives his word and has a clear commitment, that will be good enough. chris: the big development this week has not been on the spending side, it's been on the taxes side, the pay for side and the sudden shift away from the way that democrats have been talking for months, if not years, on how they would pay for this big package. for months, the president has been clear about how he wants to do it. take a look at him. >> it's time for corporate america and the wealthiest 1% of the americans to begin to pay their fair share, just their fair share. chris: but now because kyrsten sinema says that she opposes raising rates on wealthy americans, those making more than $400,000, and corporations, there is suddenly talk of a wealth tax on about 700 -- 700 billionaires. are you willing to vote for that without any real testing or vetting? >> i don't think a wealth had tax makes sense, chris. as i mentioned last time i was on it would be paid largely by people in my district, silicon valley billionaires whose wealth had has gone up 40% during the pandemic. they can afford to pay a wealth had tax. my question for senator sinema is, she voted against the trump tax cuts. i don't understand why she's not willing then to raise some of the rates back to what they were before the bill she voted against was and she hasn't explained it to he anyone. chris: so let's be clear here. you say well, if the president gives you his word, that's good enough. if the president's word is we're not going to raise rates on people making more,0 a yearoings sle from 21% to 25%, instead we're going to have this billionaire's tax and just to explain it, instead of paying some kind of income tax, if a billionaire has assets and hasn't sold any of them, you're still going to pay a capital gains on what the increase has been in the value of the assets, which is a little easier when it's stock. it's pretty hard if it's real estate or a fancy painting. if he says it's going to be the billionaire's tax but not raising rates on individuals or corporations, do you vote for that or against it? >> i would vote for it. i mean, the billionaire's taxis actually a wealth tax, more progress of i've arguably, what senator warren ran on. the billionaires tax i don't think would be enough, would have to be canceled with the minimum tax, about 50 corporations that are paying 0% in taxes and they would have to pay at least 7% in tax. amazon would have to pay 7%. if you had both of those, and you raised the revenue, i would vote for it. chris: even though you're not going to raise rates on corporations and on the wealthy, as on -- opposed to the super wealthy. >> i would prefer we raise the corporate tax rates but if we can raise the revenue these two other ways, i'm not going to vote against the bill if we could get the revenue through alternative means when i believe a wealth tax and corporate minimum tax are good measures and we have the option of raising the corporate tax later to get free community college or other areas where we want to have meaningful change. chris: on the spending side, as david spunt made clear, the president and democrats are coming down sharply from 3 and-a-half trillion dollars to somewhere closer to $2 trillion, tops and i want to put up some of the programs that could be cut back or eliminated. letting medicare negotiate lower drug prices, expanding medicare to cover vision, hearing and dental cost, paid leave, cut from 12 weeks as it was proposed to four weeks, scrapping the clean electricity program. here's white house press secretary jen psaki. >> come he pro mice is not a -- compromise is not a dirty word and we will not get nothing if we don't have 50 votes. the alternative is not a larger package. the alternative a is nothing. chris: can you accept that you may have to leave a lot of things on your wish list on the sidelines but it's better than nothing? >> i agree with jen psaki, that compromise is good. i agree with you, chris, that she's done a phenomenal job in conveying the president's message. we have to get a compromise. we have to get a deal. if you can get senator manchin and senator sanders to you agree on something, i don't think you're going to have the house vote against it. if the president rep sense that 50 senators are on board with the framework, he'll have the house. if there's a holdout, if progressive senators are opposed to it then there's a problem. chris: finally, and you've got 30 seconds here, how frustrated are you with senators manchin and sinema? >> chris, i mentioned earlier, senator manchin has been a straight t shooter. you know exactly where he stands. i disagree with areas. i respect that. my concern with senator sinema, why are the rules different for her? why doesn't she explain herself? if she shifted her position on trump tax cuts, explain it. i've never seen a politician who ducks answering questions of the media or constituents. that's my frustration with her. she's not clear about what she believes. chris: i'm a little frustrated. we've been trying to get her on the air. she won't even meet with us in private. congressman, thank you for joining us. we'll be tracking how negotiationses go this week on both ends of pennsylvania avenue. up next, the sunday group discusses how to pay for the biden agenda as well as the white house scrambling to clean up some of the president's comments at the big town hall this week. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit [swords clashing] - had enough? - no... arthritis. here. new aspercreme arthritis. full 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on a wealth tax that has never been tried before. >> well, if you listen to your previous guest, i think that she's making progress in trying to move the pay for discussion in that direction. i think that democrats really feel that it is an imperative to get to the end of this week with if not a final agreement, a very clear path forward. they're watching the virginia governor's race, watching joe biden head overseas where he will meet with allies and adversaries, trying to make clear he has the ability to make progress back home, that he's a relevant president right now and that's what's on the line. so i think democrats this week will take significant steps forward to try to get these two pieces of legislation moving forward even if that means these really significant changes to the pay for. i mean, the way that discussion has changed over the last couple days is actually pretty remarkable but i think does show the leverage that sinema has right now. chris: we should point out, brett, that ro khanna is a progressive. so the idea of a wealth tax that was proposed in the last campaign by elizabeth warren, he's pretty satisfied with, unfortunately as we said senator warner, a member of the senate finance committee, the tax writing committee and much more moderate has not favored this idea at all and i guess i'm just astonished at the idea that after months and months of you could say years of moderates or centrists like joe biden talking about raise rates on people making more than $500,000 a year, corporations going up from 21% to 25 or 26%, suddenly all of that seems to be out the window and we're talking about a tax on 700 billionaires that's not been tried, not even in the u.s., but best we could see has never been tried anywhere. >> or the constitutionality of it and there will be challenges to it. this is like a giant game of jenga, legislative jenga, you pull out one block and you've got to pull out another block and the whole thing could tumble. i'm told we're a long way from this all coming together and i think it's interesting that congressman khanna says and the administration openly says had they need this deal, they want this deal before the climate summit in glasgow. it reminds me on wanting to you announce a full withdrawal from afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of 9/11. the devil is in the details and the process is important. the meeting with manchin and schumer and joe biden today is important. but you're a long way if you're going to change the pay fors this late in the game. finally this. the last time there was a messy political process with something this big was obamacare in 2009. there was a virginia governor's race, republicans won. i'm not saying past is pro log but this is setting up to be very messy in the final days. chris: we should point out that mark warner, the absent mark warner said there's a reason that we only pass big tax bills over few years because they're very complicate and now we're talking in the period of a week it seems the whole ship has changed direction on how they're going to pay for this $2 trillion plan. i want to move to another big subject and that is president biden's town hall this week. he said a number of things that the white house had to rush out afterwards to clarify. take a look. >> would you consider the national guard to help with supply chain issues. >> yes, absolutely. positively. i will do that. >> would you consider the national guard for trucking, for -- there's a lot of problems with -- >> yes. >> are you saying the united states would come to taiwan's defense if china attacks. >> yes, we have a commitment to do that. chris: right after, some cases with the earlier statement, during the town hall the white house had to say governors mobilize the national guard, and the president is not considering mobiling the national guard and walked back the president's talk about defending taiwan, we've always had strategic ambiguity, not to run up against mainland china. what's going on with the president in. >> i think if the suggestion is somehow he's a doddering old man, i don't think that's fair. i think everybody in the panel has known joe biden for a long time and joe biden is known for gaffes and slip-up us, slips of the tongue and all that. this is joe biden. and i don't think that even with regard to strategic ambiguity on taiwan versus commitment to all-out war if china was to become -- was to try to take over taiwan, i don't think that any viewer of a cable tv town hall or even china is going to define joe biden on the basis of any confusing statement he made there. the key thing with regard to taiwan is that biden and i think most of the u.s. -- most americans want a very clear message sent to china that they should not think that the united states will stand by if they seek to take over taiwan. and biden sent a very clear signal with regard to that by giving $750 million of military supplies to taiwan and sending -- signing that submarine deal with australia. i think those are the key points. the whole notion that somehow joe biden has changed or somehow mentally deficient i find that insulting. chris: i didn't say that i just said that he said a bunch of things that weren't true and his own white house had to clarify. brett, we're talking about, for instance, whether he's actively considering the national guard to help free up the supply chain. he said he's actively considering it. he's the president. and then the next day jen psaki said no, he's not actively considering it. that's more than just a misstatement or a gaffe. >> that's right. you don't have to talk about the motives of how that happens, it's just significant. it's a major clean-up on aisle 4 when you're dealing with something about mobilizing the national guard to dee with the supply chain crisis, let alone a signal to taiwan that china reacts to real-time that the white house has to walk back then. i do think it's significant. i do think the president does not go out for a lot of interviews. of you've asked. i've asked. he doesn't do a lot of them, chris. .chris: no, he doesn't. is that why you think the white house is so protective about the president's engagement with reporters. >> i think the president's words matter. i think the white house would rather have the president stay on script. we certainly would like more interactions like the ones we saw the last week. chris: and then more clarification. thank you, panel. see you next sunday. up next, our power player of the week, the coach created a world class training facility in d.c.'s inner city, with one of track and field's most of unusual events. a chip in your. trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ super emma just about sleeps in her cape. but when we realized she was battling sensitive skin, we switched to tide hygienic clean free. it's gentle on her skin, and out cleans our old free detergent. tide hygienic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. chris: every year thousands of high school kids crush it in football, baseball and basketball. but they still don't earn college scholarships. now, one coach is recruiting them to master a lesser known sport, showing how it can propel them to their dreams. he's our power player of the week. >> it's not like running where any person on the screen can do that. pole vaulting, if you do that, you're special. chris: edward louthie is the founder of d.c. vault which raised the bar for elite training in one of track and field's you unique events. how good were you? >> when i started college i was jumping around 17 feet. chris: after an injury ended his competitive career, he began coaching,. >> you have to palm here. chris: he and envisioning the program he built for the inner city. >> i wanted to set up inside the inner city as opposed to the suburbs where it would make more sense. i wanted to provide training to the inner city high school kids. it's not available in most inner city public schools. chris: he says the kids can leverage pole vaulting into scholarships. he stages events hoping to recruit them. >> a lot of folks come from the lower income zip codes in the city, i talk to them about what we can do for them and we go from there. chris: d.c. vault is designed for athletes at all levels, from nuwbies to those louthie thinks could break records. this is the world record height. >> yes. it is. chris: does that seem unimaginably high to you. .>> i think anything above 16 feet, you wonder why the bar is up there. chris: i might bring it a little lower, like 10 or 11 feet, wonder why it's up there. you say that the sport you attracts outliers, kids who don't fit in in a more conventional setting. >> it gives them bragging rights. they're able to -- if somebody said well, what do you do, i play soccer. what do you do? i he poe vault. everybody stops, like hitting the brakes. when you show them a video of you doing that, they're amazed. chris: the sport is expensive. poles can cost up to $1,000. d.c. vault has a rental program. louthie has shorter vaults a for those age six and up. >> we have young kids that are spec tack a later. we have a decade to work with them before they get out of high school. chris: 6-year-olds pole vaulting? >> we have good one, actually. chris: so some have been standouts. like olivia who was in the olympic trials. but that's not the real prize. >> keep your leg engaged. >> i would love to see somebody develop like that, yeah. but i just want to see each individual develop to the maximum of their potential at their level, whatever that is. chris: louthie says he thinks a couple kids you saw in our story may one daybreak major records. -- may one day break major records. that's it for today. have a great week and we'll see you next fox news sunday. ♪h. ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. welcome to sunday morning futures. i'm maria bartiromo. today, liberty and freedom in florida. coming up, florida's governor won of a handful in the country vowing to stop joe biden's totalitarian regime while helping to get the ports back up. bank surveillance plans, censorship of he free speech and inept

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