Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

president of mexico, saying what she spent her time on. >> worldwide shortages and delays are crippling the supply chain. what private companies are doing to take matters into their own hands ahead of the holidays. todd: we all take christmas very seriously. >> i already started by christmas shopping,. todd: you're watching "fox & friends first" on this monday morning. carley: i'm carley shimkus. the president is warning members of his own party that they need to stay unified as the clock tickses down on his ambitious agenda. todd: alexandria has more. >> reporter: even with progressives and moderates playing a tug of war over the price tag of the massing spending bills, democrats believe a deal will eventually get done. >> i think the ultimate price will be around $2 trillion. it's the policies that really matter. as a caucus, we agree on those. >> reporter: the projected spending bill is currently around $3.5 trillion. it's the number that moderates like senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin have been wrestling with. the new york times tearing sinema, claiming she wants to cut 100 billion of proposed climate funds. that provides more fuel to the file for progressive activists. there are plans to bird dog her at the boston marathon today. the president addressed the dnc virtually on saturday. >> we need to stay together and bound by the values that we hold as a party. here's the deal. we won 2020 as a unified party. we look to 2022 and as we do that we need to stay unified. >> reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi linked the massive reconciliation to a smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill and now both are in jeopardy. >> you saw the president just last week go to the capitol again. he was supposed to close the deal and instead he made it very clear that the tax and spend multitrillion dollar bill is tied direct throw the infrastructure bill and it undermines the whole process. >> reporter: coming off of the president's weak jobs report, republicans warn that it is not the time to strain taxpayers. >> their goal is a complete takeover of the lives of the american people and we're talking about 40 different taxes including all of this extra money for the irs. >> reporter: the white house has not set a public deadline for when this needs be sorted out but with voter confidence to win ahead of the midterms, the clock is ticking. carley: thank you. todd: this weekend in iowa, former president trump taking apart president biden's plan to spend trillions on your taxpayer dime. listen. >> not only is this the largest spending bill of all time and the largest tax hike of all time, this monstrosity, so dangerous for the company and so bad for children and grandchildren to come, this is a bill to end america as we know it. it's so bad. and the republicans have to stay strong. you have to stay strong. you have to fight. bring our country back. todd: and trump says america's big comeback begins in november 2022 when the people vote in the midterms. ca t t border crisis, panama officials sounding the alarm as more than 91,000 migrants have traveled through the darion gap so far this year. the total triples the previous record of 30,000 in 2016, the dangerous path between panama and colombia is controlled by armed gangs. there are more than half of the migrants in the group are haitians hoping to reach the u.s. more than 50 people have died cutting through the path this year. they say the number is 50 on record but people behind the scenes say that is probably a lot higher. and that number, 91,000, todd, that's important. it really shows there is probably going to be another wave of haitian migrants coming into texas, similar to the one we saw last month. todd: a lot of the way they get through is through mexico. mayorkas, blinken and garland went to mexico and talked about a new security deal to fight the cartels. the agreement also is going to focus on the root and the core of illegal drug trafficking and why people flee their own countries. none of this would be as bad if we just kept the trump border policies in place. you hear president trump say it, a lot of republicans say it, if biden did nothing we would not see the images we're seeing at the southern border. carley: alejandro mayorkas was in mexico talking to the mexican president and they were trying to figure out a deal on you how to fight back against drug cartels and drug cartels are one of the root causes of illegal immigration and kamala harris is the border czar, you addressing the root causes. you would think she would want to be at that meeting. instead on friday she was in new jersey at a bakery and she talked to kids about space exploration. take a listen to this video going viral online. watch. >> think about so much that's out there that we still have to learn. i love that. i love that. so i'm very excited about the space council. we're going to learn so much as we increasingly i think are curious and interested in the potential for the discoveries of the work we can do in space. so that's one of the things i'm most excited about. but the other, you guys are going to see, you're going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. with your own eyes. i'm telling you. it is going to be unbelievable. carley: that video -- why do you think that video is going viral on social media. it's a little awkward. todd: i get the first half. i think we can all agree with that, everybody's excited about space. i understand the first half. i've now seen it. i've read it. i have no idea what the second part -- carley: the craters -- todd: she is tackling the low hanging fruit. anybody can talk to a bunch of excited kids about space. the border crisis is what she is supposed to be handling as like you said the border czar, yet she's talking to kids about the moon. carley: while she was busy talking to kids about space, i didn't know this, but there were plans in place to build a border fence at the rio grande valley and it was going to take place until last week, dhs pulled the plug on the contract and that is despite the fact that dhs also thinks that there could be up to 400,000 apprehensions. so that would be a record number of apprehensions. they were talking about building -- continuing to build the border wall but they just killed the project. todd: right. carley: unbelievable. they were talking about this topic, take a listen. >> secretary has no credibility. he is an embarrassment to the position he holds. if he had any integrity at all he would resign today. he is the secretary of homeland security. one thing he needs to understand, we don't have national security. we don't have homeland security. unless you have border security. if he took five minutes to look at the data, the data that clearly shows every place they build a border barrier, every place, illegal immigration went down, illegal drug flow went down. that is security. the wall is something the border patrol has been asking for for decades. this isn't president trump's wall. this is america's wall. this is a tool the border patrol needs. carley: the wall shouldn't be controversial. if you're wondering what the money is going to be used for instead of the wall, it's going to include biological, cultural and natural resource surveys. so instead of building a wall, they're going to be survey the biological, cultural things in the area instead. todd: it's a meeting about a meeting about a meeting i think is the take-away from that. look, you said oh, this just happened last week. i think the writing was on the wall. we knew for months that they wouldn't do anything with regard to a border wall. that highlights this administration's real agenda. they don't care about the chaos at the border. you heard a lot of people say the reason is they want the democrat votes, they want to pander to the people in regards to the border. that is a likely thing. regardless, our country is in trouble because we have officially no real southern border and getting rid of the wall ain't helping that. with that, let's turn to this. two police officers dead, another fight forge his life as violence and crime spikes across the nation. carley: ashley strohmier joins us live with the latest on this topic. >> reporter: one of the officers was a 19 year veteran of the louisiana state police force. he was ambushed and killed. his body was found more than 12 hours later inside of his patrol car. a day-long manhunt for the suspect, 31-year-old matthew meyer was launched. he was caught and brought into custody. in georgia, authorities say a rookie officer, a 26-year-old, daily lain harrison, was -- dylan harrison was shot and killed on his first day of duty. damon ferguson was retaliating against the officer for arresting someone he knew hours before. in phoenix, a deputy was shot by a homeowner with a history of conflicts. he was found unconscious. it was chaos in st. paul, minnesota on sunday morning as gunshots rang out, leaving one woman dead and 14 hoarse hurt. here's what -- 14 others hurt. here's what witnesses had to say. >> people were running through the streets. people were bringing up to the cops saying help me, help me. >> the guy next to me got shot in the leg. i was like right next to him. his leg blocked the bullet from hitting me in the chest or the head. >> reporter: the st. paul police calling it nothing short of a tragedy. in chicago, 39 people were shot this week end, two of them have died and 58-year-old oncology nurse is dead after being knocked to the ground by a homeless mugger in times square days earlier. jermaine foster was fleeing a robbery when he slammed into the woman you just saw. his charges were updated to murder when the family decided to pull her off of life support. so a lot of heart breaking situations across the united states. todd: we talk about it every single monday, ashley. carley: no good news there. let's turn to this now. former education secretary bill bennett is calls out the doj over its memo to investigate parents as domestic terrorists for intimidating school boards and administrators. >> the attorney general and the justice department, when you talk about terrorism, you should be thinking about what's going to happen in afghanistan, immediately they can be thinking about the southern border and the cartels, not parents who are saying teach our children how to read and write. carley: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell wrote to ag garland, slamming his memos, calling parents protests democracy, not intimidation. todd: dan bongino argues it's destroying america's trust in the government and the media. >> the public institutions, it's entirely collapsing. do liberals not see this? fidelity to institutions is gone. people no longer trust the cdc, they don't trust fauci, they don't trust the fda, they don't trust the fbi, they don't trust the intel community, the press. todd: bongino was discussing a recent gallup poll that showed 7% of americans say they trust the media a great deal. hundreds of thousands of u.s. troops reportedly not fully vaccinated. active duty navy and marines have until november 28th to get the shots. the president announcing the controversial vaccine mandate over the summer. carley: shall we turn to the nfl. todd: i prefer not to. carley: the buffalo bills overcome the weather delay picking up a win against the chiefs. >> multiple occasions, now they come, here goes allen. he's going to -- he hurdles and picks up the first down. whoa. carley: buffalo's quarterback throwing for three touchdowns and running in a fourth. tom brady playing through an apparent thumb injury to throw five touchdowns of his own as the tampa bay bucs blow out the miami dolphins. todd: the arizona cardinals remain undefeated, beating the san francisco 49ers. is that why you wore the red dress in honor of the the cardinals? carley: no, not even close. do you want me to read this one for you. carley: and my giants -- my dad's a giants fan. todd: they fall to our division rival, cowboys, 24-20. the g men lost saquon barkley to an ankle injury and danny jones, he got a concussion it appears. i went to bed at that point because i said there's no choice. the eagles came back to lead the panthers, 21-18. that makes mele happy. she's i guess celebrating at home. carley: good weekend for jillian, bad weekend for you. todd: i don't know why i watch anymore. congrats to our producer john. john's bills are going to the super bowl. take that, john. wait, he's happy with that. i don't know why i was so aggressive. a new bombshell in one of the biggest breakups in rock and roll history. sir paul mccartney's stunning revelations about the final days of the beatles. carley: plus joe concha, congressman tim walger and dr. marty makary, brandon judd as well, all live coming up next. ♪ get back, get back, get back to where you once belong it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me. big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? todd: welcome back. the september jobs report, a major disappointment as the numbers fall far short of expectations. here to break down what that means for the broader economy, peter marici, a business professor at the university of maryland and the former chief of the international trade commission. here's what joe biden thinks about this. listen. >> we're actually making real progress. maybe it doesn't appear dramatic enough. but we're making consistent, steady progress, though. todd: here's what the numbers look like. jobs added, 194,000, jobs forecasted to be added 500,000. peter, in what world is that steady progress on jobs? >> it's not in my world, that's just a very disappointing report. it indicates that not that there isn't enough demand. there are 11 million unfilled jobs. but the workers are staying home. they're basically collecting government benefits off the biden government and it's keeping americans from working and being productive. todd: one of the people in this world that i am most close to, i'm not going to say who this individual is, works in the job recruiting field. this person says the inability to fill open jobs is at an all -- he's never seen anything like it. he says it's off the charts and there's no sign of it ending any time soon. what does joe biden need to do asap to improve the jobs numbers? >>let's go to virginia and look at what they're proposing there, the republican candidate for governor, right out of his mouth, the first thing is jobs training. in the new economy, post covid, a lot of the old jobs are gone. if people only work three days a week in manhattan instead of five, 40% of the sandwich makers don't have a job because there's no lunch trade. they need to be retrained to do other things in the digital economy. you don't have to go to college to be retrained to the digital economy. 12 weeks of training, you can do a lot with people in 12, 15, 18 weeks and many need to relocate because as people move away from the cities, into diverse locations, the opportunities move with them to provide support services. so instead of coming up with yet more welfare programs, we need to teach people how to bake pies, not give them free pies. todd: is joe biden going to do any of that or is the free money train from joe going to continue on? >> his american family plan wants to send more people to college. as it is, half of the people that go to college now actually get a negative return on their investment. either they drop out because they can't do the work, or they major in something so soft that it only qualifies them to work in starbucks. businesses find that 40% of college graduates can't reason effectively because the colleges have become so woke that they don't teach people to think, the basic skills. let's face it, sending people to community college is a bad idea except if you're joe biden who -- jill biden who is a community college teacher. this is an example of joe biden's view of the world. everything is in terms of patronage. todd: it's the kids that suffer, the employees that suffer and the employers that suffer. i want to get your take on this, faced with severe delays in shipping times, some of the biggest retailers are resorting to chartering their own boats to avoid port delays. let's look at the difference in cost. it costs $5,000 to do it normally. when you do it privately, upwards of $17,000. peter, how much will this drive up the cost of my christmas gifts, your christmas gifts, carley's christmas gifts. >> quite a bit. the shipping might increase the cost of a toy 5%. shortages will drive up the price a great deal. the biden administration wants to regulate shipping rates. it said so before we had the crisis. that throws more sand in the gears. it makes it more difficult. can you imagine trying to allocate shipping and having to go past the government inspector on your shipping rates. that's joe biden. he wants to create jobs for his army of progressives that really can't find other useful things to do. i mean, you have to ask yourself, someone like brian deese who blames the rising crisis on monopolies, as if the economy has changed that dramatically from when mr. trump was president when we didn't have rising prices. there are monopolies now at walmart but there weren't when trump was president? kind of funny stuff. someone that reasons that badly, if he wasn't working in the white house, where could he work? perhaps not even selling starbucks. he might put cream in the wrong vessel, thinking that is fighting price increases or what have you. they just came out with a study in the white house that said the average tax rate, the top 400 people is only 8.4%. but when you look at it, it's a grand enterprise in cooking numbers. the wall street journal took it apart. that's how they spend their time up there, cooking up stories, demagoguery, distorting facts instead of addressing the real problems. where are they on addressing the shipping problem or trying to unclog the ports. the answer is they're absent without leave. todd: i wonder if christmas is ruined for enough people if the backlash against the administration grows exponentially. it sounds like i'm making a joke. i'm not. i'm serious. >> the grinch is married to joe biden. todd: i had to do the matt math there. >> that was not intended. todd: great to see you as always. we appreciate it. carley over to you. carley: let's turn on to some entertainment headlines. sir paul mccartney is blaming john lennon for splitting up the group more than 40 years ago. ♪ nobody ever loved me like you do. carley: in an interview airing later this month, mccartney tells bbc radio, quote, i didn't instigate the split, it was our johnnie. he said lennon was ready for his new life with his wife and wanted to break loose. mccartney said the band was his life and he wanted to keep things going. did you see this, this weekend, kim kardashian west's opening monologue packing a punch as she joked about her family and the comedy show's low rating. >> i'm used to having 60 million followers watching my every move. how many watch snl, 10 million. tonight is a chill, intimate might for me. carley: -- night for me. carley: she boosted snl's overall rating by 8.5% and demographic numbers by 23% following the worst rated season opener in the show's history. everyone wanted to watch her. todd: interesting monologue. carley: she did well. she's good in those situations. the time is 26 minutes after the hour. still ahead, officials on the hunt for brian laundrie revealed which details aren't making sense. the latest on the effort to locate america's most wanted man. man. todd: what we're learning about a face-to-face meeting with u.s. officials. todd: a navy nuclear engineer and his wife arrested on charges of trying to sell secrets about u.s. nuclear subs to a foreign government. jonathan toby dropped off memory card with secret information for nearly a year. in one incident he wrapped it in plastic and put it in peanut butter sandwich. the contact turned out to be an fbi undercover agent, not a foreign government. the couple now facing espionage charges. fascinating. the u.s. and taliban with the first direct talks since the deadly withdrawal in august. carley: the taliban telling the state department it will not work with the u.s. to tan contan extremism in the region. here to react, jeremy hunt. a terrorist organization they're not going to prevent terrorism from spreading in afghanistan shouldn't come as a surprise. it's interesting that the taliban isn't lying to us, they're basically saying there will be a rise in isis and al-qaida. how do we respond to that? >> first we have to acknowledge the insane position that we're in right now as a nation. i mean, we are basically hoping that one terrorist organization will stop another terrorist organization from being active in the region. i mean, this is crazy. how do we respond to that? we have to be strong, in the military we have to project strength. that's what our enemy understands, it's the only thing they understand, it's strength. the biden administration has weakened us in so many different ways. we have no leverage in tree john anymore p. it's -- in the region anymore. it's an embarrassing position the biden administration has put us in. we still by the way have almost 100 u.s. nationals that have not gotten out of the country yet, our allies we have not evacuated from the region yet. we are at their mercy. this is a crazy moment in time we find ourselves in. todd: through the statement from the state department, quote, the discussions were candid and professional with the u.s. delegation reiterating that the taliban will be judged on its actions, not only its words. the u.s. delegation focused on security and terrorism concerns and safe passage for citizens, as well os human rights including meaningful participation of women and girls in afghanistan society. you focus on the safe passage of our individuals there in afghanistan. in light of that statement, do you trust the taliban to help bring americans home. >> no. i mean, anybody in their right mind does not trust the taliban to do anything. but somehow the biden administration is just saying oh, if we send enough strongly worded letters, maybe we can get our own out of the country. this is a complete embarrassment. and even just if we just work backwards, two years ago, we would have -- these headlines would have been insane to us, the fact that we're negotiating with the taliban to stop isis. both organizations are on their heels, just a couple years ago, and now here we are. carley: you know, you're right. you have to remember, while we were negotiating with a terrorist organization, some of the generals called the taliban professional as we were negotiating with them, not the word i would use to describe them. do you think we need to put troops back in afghanistan? because clearly with the failed drone strike we recognize that the over-the-horizon approach has some serious flaws to it. >> well, look, i mean, in terms of -- i'm not going to talk about bringing troops back into if country but we have to have an overall strategy that makes sense and we have to bring all of our strength to bear in terms of our -- bare in terms of our military resources, all of our state department resources, to come together to have a strategy that makes sense, number one thing you could do is bring our own back home to the united states of america. that's got to be number one and just doing that alone it seems that the biden administration is incompetent even on that front. todd: california becomes the first state to bring in couple cumpolsory ethnic studies for students. >> when you look at this, what is the play here? right? and newsom in california, they want to distract people, by distracting what's going on, what happened in the past, distracting what's going on today and the failures of his policy. right now, even in los angeles for example, only 9% of blacks are even proficient in eighth grade math. and these are the issues that we need to be talking about and discussing about school of choice, about how to empower different parents to be able to bring their kids to better schools and, you know, here we have newsom going around saying oh, we need a new program called ethnic studies, whatever that will mean. it will distract from the failures of his government in the state of california. carley: jeremy hunt, thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. carley: the time is now 35 minutes after the hour. up next, a new york democrat's plan to reform the criminal justice system backfiring. just how many criminals are back behind bars weeks after becoming free. todd: it is a disaster. plus, incredible video showing one of new york's finest chasing a robbery suspect, wait until you see how this one ended. ♪ i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ todd: florida police searching for brian laundrie say his parents' story about his disappearance doesn't make sense. brian is wanted on a federal charge of credit card fraud and is a person of interest in gabby petito's death. the family claims he left the family home in september and hasn't been seen or heard from since. they didn't report him missing until days later. police have been searching in a reserve for weeks with no sign of him. a north port officer say he doubts the claims. watch this, an athletic nypd officer springing into action to chase down a teen who allegedly stole a woman's cell phone, after spotting suspect leaving the subway, the officer wasted no time sprinting after him. watch. >> get down. .todd: look at that. the psychiatric tim -- the victim's daughter in awe of the ability to catch up to the suspect and recover the phone. the officer stays in shape as a standout on the nypd basketball team. carley: listen to this, at least nine rikers island inmates rearrested weeks after receiving get out of jail free cards from new york governor kathy hochul. >> so the border patrol under my direction will have 191 people released today. they have served their sentences under the dictates of the new less is more. they shouldn't have to wait for the enactment date. 191 today. carley: here to react, new york city councilman joe barelli. good morning to you. >> good morning, happy columbus day. carley: happy columbus day. why would the governor immediately release 191 inmates, nine of them have already been rearrested. >> well, the new boss, same as the old boss. she is someone who grew up in politics, trying to frame herself as a moderate democrat. now she finds herself facing a real primary in june against bone fide progressives down in new york city so she is doing everything she can in the brief period of time to appeal to the fringe far left. and one of those is adopting this close rye ceres, let people out of -- rikers, let people out of joe monday tray. jail mantra these are people who are known criminals, known violent criminals. carley: i was reading about one of the guys who was released because of kathy hochul and rearrested and he was rearrested, pulled over for speeding and haven't too much tinted in his window and there was a gun in the back of the car and i was thinking thankfully none of the officers involved were hurt but that situation could have ended a lot differently. >> yeah, look, it's the confluence of policies that democrats don't like, it's broken window policing, number one, you know, pulling over a car for a minor infraction that ended up bearing a loaded gun that would have been used to shoot someone presumably in a crime-plagued neighborhood. the logic of letting people out of rikers is flawed to begin with. there is a problem on rye ceres islanded. the -- rikers island. democrats want you to believe the only solution is to let people out of jail. if a school building was leaking, we wouldn't tell kids there's no more school. we would move them to a new building, new classroom and go on. they want you to believe that the only solution is no more jail for anyone. carley: the governor signed the less is more act. i think we're going to be talking about it a lot more going forward because this will stop criminals from being put back in jail for missing appointments with their parole officer, for violating curfew or testing positive for drugs and alcohol. so is this a law now that she signed that will allow people to just get out of jail and then you have a very difficult time rearresting them? >> yeah, it's a law she signed and they expedited to get people out quicker. these are people who wanted parole, they sought parole and if you know what parole is, people get out a bit early so long as they agree to a series of conditions and promises. when those people don't meet those conditions and promises, they find themselves back in jail. this is not like just happenstance. these people made a bad decision, they're serving their time and they're rearrested for violating terms. it is just a flawed policy from top to bottom. carley: there have been 362 homicides in new york city as of october 6th. you have to wonder how high will that number have to go before these soft on crime policies become unpopular. are they still popular in the state of new york? >> no and we're seeing some pushback. where i work in the city council every day, we have people that were former defund the police politicians, now coming around and saying we actually do need more police. we just all wrote a letter to a governor, bakely saying that, we need -- basically saying that, we need more arrests. we are seeing a turnaround. i think the election of eric adams was a sign to progressive democrats in new york city that we can be progressive on some issues but if we don't have basic public safety and functioning police force, everything we do is moot. .carley: thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. todd, over to you. todd: 87 marathon runners rescued after an unexpected snowstorm hits utah and derails a race. emergency crews retrieved the athletes. the abrupt snowstorm blanketed the area with up to 18 inches of snow. no serious injuries were reported but, carley, last week one janice dean did warn us about snow. carley: i remember when she said that, i couldn't believe it. she was right. todd: they were not paying attention. pay attention to janice. cancel culture coming for christopher columbus as the city of philadelphia rebrands the holiday. carley: captain kirk will have to wait one more day before he heads for space in real life. we'll tell you what is causing the holdup, coming up next. ♪ it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. todd: a columbus day controversy, the court ahow long philadelphia to keep a christopher columbus statue covered up by a plywood box, that decision coming as many people rebrand the holiday as indigenous people's day. here to discuss, the attorney for the statue, george baketel. how much of a slap in the face is this for italian americans. >> it's been a slap in the face for about 16 months now when they first boarded it up. your viewers may know, we got a ruling already from the court that the mayor's attempt to remove the statue was illegal. we also got an order from the court that the city must take the box down and the court ordered that that be done in advance of the columbus day parade that we had yesterday. the mayor in defiance of that order refused to take the box down, took an emergency appeal to the commonwealth court, a higher court and the commonwealth court said let it stay in the box for the time being until we can hear the city's entire position on appeal which of course is vasuous but they'll be given the opportunity to be heard on appeal. there's no question, that box will come down. todd: it's just a matter of -- is it going to be in time for the holiday, right? if it happens in november, it's kind of moot at that point, right? >> it's not as important, yeah, you're right, todd. todd: by way of background, i want you to explain what christopher columbus means to the italian american community, not just in philly, but throughout the nation. >> well, i think that most significantly he was a courageous, dedicated servant who was italian, who may or may not have been involved in practices at the time which are controversial today. that's even debateable. but let's say that he was for a moment. his accomplishments were so extraordinary and so courageous that he really stands for the pride and joe of the italian american community and it's a symbol. todd: here's the statement from the city. quote, removing the plywood covering during this holiday weekend would pose a serious public safety risk. but george, whether it's tearing down or boxing up statues, whether it's renaming christopher columbus day to indigenous people's day, where does it end? how much further does cancel culture go? >> and what's the point, todd. for example, you just broadcast that new york city has 361 murders this year alone. philadelphia has more. we have such a soaring murder rate and crime rate in the city, it's almost to the point where people have to start arming themselves, ordinary citizens. it is so extreme and so severe. and yet the mayor is spending all this time and all this police activity and so on and so forth over a plywood box. it's utter absurdity. i think as leo terell would say, it's ridiculous. todd: leo terrell allowed to wear the 2.0 hat on hand at this. what's your -- hannity. what's your message to the italian american community when it comes to combating these attacks, quite frankly. >> hang in there. we're doing it. we're doing it on a nationwide basis. i have cases in other cities. we have a constitutional challenge to the change of the name from columbus day to indigenous peoples day. i expect to win that case too. so hang in there. we're getting there. it's always been -- todd: i think that applies not just to the italian american communities but all americans who feel their traditions are under attack. george, thank you very much. have a great day. >> nice to be with you. carley: did you hear about this, william shatner will have to wait another day to become the oldest person ever to travel to space. the star trek star's blue origin voyage being delayed from tomorrow to wednesday due to anticipated weather conditions. but after shatner told the comic con crowd he's terrified of the impending trip he's probably fine with the extra day on earth. tune in for shatner and his fellow passengers' prelaunch interview with neil cavuto today at 4:00 p.m. eastern. a must watch there. todd: i respect the honesty, would you be scared if you were going up, i would be scared out of my mind. carley: would you say that william shatner looks great for his age? coming up, 55 minutes after the hour. more to come on "fox & friends first" including this story, central american officials sounding the alarm as thousands of migrants are still making the trek to the u.s. the dangerous conditions they are facing. todd: plus, it is day that ends in y, do you know what that means, joe concha is here. plus dr. marty makary and brandon judge joining us live. a big show ahead. ♪ regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. >> officers rushed to the scene, they got there quickly and walked into a hellish situation. todd: it is monday, october 11th. a horrific weekend of violence across the nation. a live report on the loss of life to american citizens and members of law enforcement. carley: did you see this? >> you can literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. with your own eyes.

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It , Everyone , Dvr , Lisa , Officers , Situation , Scene , Revolution , Life , Nation , Citizens , Report , Cities , Violence , Central American , Weekend , Members , Loss , Law Enforcement , October 11th , Jillian , 11 , Monday October 11th , Todd , Meeting , Eyes , Kamala Harris , Moon , Craters , President , Companies , Delays , Shortages , Of Mexico , Supply Chain , Carley Shimkus , Holidays , Hands , Monday Morning , Fox Friends First , Christmas Shopping , Party , Warning Members , Agenda , Clock Tickses , Alexandria , Reporter , Deal , Policies , Price , Moderates , Spending Bills , Progressives , Price Tag , Democrats , Tug Of War , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Number , Tearing Sinema , Kyrsten Sinema , Spending Bill , New York Times , Caucus , Wrestling , Joe Manchin , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Bird Dog , Plans , Climate Funds , File , Progressive Activists , Fuel , Boston Marathon , 100 Billion , Values , Dnc , Saturday , 2020 , Infrastructure Bill , Reconciliation , Both , Jeopardy , House Speaker , Nancy Pelosi , 2022 , Tax , Capitol , Dollar Bill , People , Jobs , Republicans , Takeover , Goal , Taxpayers , Process , Taxes , Lives , 40 , Money , Wall , Voter Confidence , Deadline , White House , Irs , Trump , Joe Biden , Midterms , Ticking , Plan , Clock , Taxpayer Dime , Trillions , Former , Iowa , Children , Monstrosity , Grandchildren , Company , Tax Hike , Country , Bill , Migrants , Officials , Alarm , Comeback , Ca Tt Border Crisis , Panama , Darion Gap , November 2022 , 91000 , Record , Path , Group , Half , Haitians , Gangs , Colombia , 30000 , 2016 , Lot , Scenes , 50 , Way , To Ag Garland , Security Deal , Alejandro Mayorkas , Mexico , Wave , Similar , Texas , Blinken , One , Place , Root , Cartels , None , Countries , Agreement , Trump Border Policies , Drug Trafficking , Core , Border , Nothing , Images , Immigration , Czar , Causes , Drug Cartels , Video , Kids , Watch , Bakery , Space Exploration , New Jersey , Space Council , Discoveries , Potential , Things , Space , Guys , Work , Other , Everybody , Social Media , Anybody , Carley , Idea , Hanging Fruit , Bunch , Crisis , Handling , Talking , Dhs , Fact , Border Fence , Contract , Rio Grande Valley , Building , Apprehensions , Record Number , Border Wall , Project , Unbelievable , 400000 , Thing , Secretary , Position , Embarrassment , Homeland Security , Topic , Integrity , Listen , Credibility , We Don T Have National Security , Data , Drug , Flow , Border Security , Five , Security , Border Patrol , Something , Wall Shouldn T , Tool , Isn T President Trump , Border Patrol Needs , Area , Biological , Surveys , Survey , Administration , Anything , Writing , They Don T Trust , Reason , Chaos , Regards , Votes , Care , Trouble , Crime , Police Officers , Latest , Wall Ain T , Spikes , Ashley Strohmier , Let , Fight Forge , Two , Suspect , Matthew Meyer , Manhunt , Patrol Car , Body , Veteran , Louisiana State Police Force , 19 , 12 , 31 , Rookie Officer , Duty , Custody , Georgia , Daily Lain Harrison , Dylan Harrison , Authorities , 26 , Someone , History , Officer , Deputy , Damon Ferguson , Homeowner , Conflicts , Retaliating , Phoenix , Paul Mccartney , Woman , Gunshots , Others , Sunday Morning , Minnesota , Hurt , 14 , Police , Guy , Leg , Streets , Head , Cops , Help , Bullet , Chest , Paul , The St , Ground , Tragedy , Homeless Mugger , Oncology Nurse , Chicago , 58 , 39 , Family , Jermaine Foster , Charges , Life Support , Robbery , Saw , Heart , Parents , Situations , Doj , Bill Bennett , Terrorists , News , Memo , Single , Calls , Terrorism , Department , Attorney General , Thinking , Administrators , Afghanistan , Justice , School Boards , Mitch Mcconnell , Memos , Write , Senate , Government , Institutions , Media , Democracy , Trust , Intimidation , Dan Bongino , Liberals , The Press , Fbi , Intel Community , Fda , Trust Fauci , Cdc , Keeping Americans , Troops , Shots , Marines , Navy , Gallup , Poll , Hundreds Of Thousands , 28 , 7 , November 28th , Vaccine Mandate , Weather Delay , Buffalo Bills , Summer , Win , Nfl , Here Goes Allen , Occasions , Chiefs , Down , Hurdles , Quarterback Throwing , Tom Brady , Injury , Touchdowns , Running , Arizona Cardinals , Fourth , Thumb , Tampa Bay Bucs Blow Out , Miami Dolphins , Three , Cardinals , Giants , Honor , Dress , Undefeated , San Francisco 49ers , 49 , Cowboys , G Men , Dad , Giants Fan , Saquon Barkley , 24 , 20 , Point , Choice , Ankle Injury , Eagles , Bed , Concussion , Danny Jones , Home , Producer John , I Don T , Congrats , Panthers , 21 , 18 , John Lennon , Bills , Breakups , Bombshell , Revelations , Take That , Wait , Super Bowl , Rock And Roll , Congressman Tim Walger , Joe Concha , Dr , Marty Makary , The Beatles , Brandon Judd , Classical Music Plays , Brass Band , New Orleans , Um Uh , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Cadillac Lyriq , Internet , Doesn T , Miss A , Baaam , No One , Streaming Box , Ride , Malware , Pshh , Adorable , 4k , Xfinity Xfi , Numbers , Economy , September Jobs Report , Business Professor , Chief , Expectations , Peter Marici , University Of Maryland , Progress , Enough , International Trade Commission , World , 500000 , 194000 , Workers , Benefits , Isn T Enough Demand , 11 Million , Person , Individual , Inability , Job Recruiting Field , Sign , Jobs Numbers , Charts , Candidate , Let S Go To Virginia , Governor , Sandwich Makers , Job , Mouth , Jobs Training , Manhattan , Covid , Community College , Need , Lunch Trade , Training , Retrained , 15 , Pies , Welfare Programs , Opportunities , Support Services , Locations , Money Train , Family Plan , Return , Any , Colleges , College Graduates , Investment , Businesses , Starbucks , Example , Jill Biden , Community College Teacher , Skills , Who , Everything , Terms , Employees , Employers , Some , Times , Patronage , View Of The World , Cost , Port Delays , Retailers , Boats , Difference , 5000 , 000 , Gifts , Bit , Shipping , Drive , Toy , 7000 , 17000 , 5 , Shipping Rates , Sand , Gears , Government Inspector , Army , Brian Deese , Prices , Monopolies , Mr , Reasons , Kind , Funny Stuff , There Weren T , Cream , He Wasn T Working , Study , Cooking Numbers , Price Increases , Tax Rate , Enterprise , Vessel , 400 , 8 4 , Facts , Problems , Stories , Shipping Problem , Demagoguery , Wall Street Journal , Backlash , Ports , Answer , Joke , Absent Without Leave , There , Math , I M Serious , Grinch , Nobody , Entertainment Headlines , Interview , Bbc Radio , Johnnie , Split , I Didn T , Kim Kardashian , Wife , Band , Monologue Packing A Punch , West , Rating , Comedy Show , Move , 10 Million , 60 Million , Chill , Show , Season Opener , She Boosted Snl , 8 5 , 23 , Hunt , Monologue , Brian Laundrie , Effort , Man , Learning , Aren T Making Sense , America S Most Wanted Man , Memory Card , Secrets , Information , Incident , Peanut Butter Sandwich , Jonathan Toby , Taliban , Contact , Espionage Charges , Undercover Agent , Talks , Fascinating , Region , State Department , Withdrawal , Extremism , React , Jeremy Hunt , Terrorist Organization , Afghanistan Shouldn T , Surprise , Rise , Isis , Al Qaida , Isn T Lying , Organization , Terrorist , Strength , Enemy , Military , Ways , Nationals , Leverage , Tree John Anymore P It S , 100 , Statement , Quote , Delegation , Mercy , Allies , Discussions , Passage , Actions , Concerns , Words , Well Os , Human Rights , Participation , Individuals , Girls , Women , Light , Afghanistan Society , Out , Letters , Mind , Negotiating , Organizations , Headlines , Heels , Generals , Word , Approach , Flaws , Drone Strike , Strategy , Sense , Military Resources , State Department Resources , Our , Back , Number One , State , Studies , Front , California , Couple Cumpolsory , Newsom , Failures , What S Going On , Play , Students , Policy , Issues , Eighth Grade Math , Blacks , School Of Choice , Los Angeles , 9 , Program , Schools , Ethnic Studies , New York , Up Next , Criminal Justice System Backfiring , 35 , Criminals , Disaster , Robbery Suspect , Plus , Stuff , Ancestry , Digging , Fun , Grandparents , Picture , Arizona , Brian Laundrie Say , Florida , Story , Doesn T Make Sense , Charge , Hasn T , Death , Credit Card Fraud , Person Of Interest , Gabby Petito , Reserve , Claims , North Port , Teen , Subway , Sprinting , Officer Springing , Action , Athletic Nypd , Cell Phone , Phone , Psychiatric , Ability , Awe , Victim , Kathy Hochul , Inmates , Rikers Island , Nypd , Cards , Shape , Standout , Nine , Sentences , Direction , Dictates , 191 , New York City , Joe Barelli , Enactment Date 191 , Boss , Politics , Rearrested , Fringe , Primary , Left , Bone Fide Progressives , Rye Ceres , Jail , Rikers , Mantra , Joe Monday Tray , Haven T , Car , Gun , Window , Speeding , Window Policing , Democrats Don T , Confluence , Infraction , Minor , Ceres Islanded , Neighborhood , Logic , Solution , School , School Building , We Wouldn T , Leaking , Classroom , Go On , Parole Officer , Act , Anyone , Appointments , Law , Positive , Drugs , Testing , Alcohol , Curfew , Parole , Series , Conditions , Promises , Decision , Happenstance , Top , Bottom , Homicides , October 6th , 6 , 362 , Police Politicians , Letter , Pushback , Defund , City Council , Election , Turnaround , Bakely , Arrests , Eric Adams , Public Safety , Progressive , Police Force , Snowstorm , Race , Athletes , Marathon Runners , Utah , Emergency Crews , 87 , Snow , Attention , Dean , Injuries , Culture , Captain Kirk , Christopher Columbus , City Of Philadelphia Rebrands The Holiday , Holdup , Jess , Tv Services , Friends , Lifting , Xfinity , Services , Delegating , Sweat , 5g , Network , It Woah , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 30 , Wireless , Cool , Clam Aroonies , Court , Controversy , Philadelphia , Statue , Plywood Box , Holiday , George Baketel , Attorney , Face , Slap , Viewers , 16 , Box , City , Mayor , Order , Attempt , Ruling , Commonwealth Court , Emergency Appeal , Advance , Defiance , Columbus Day Parade , Appeal , Course , Matter , Question , Moot , Opportunity , Italian American Community , Background , Servant , Practices , Courageous , Italian , Joe , Pride , Accomplishments , Holiday Weekend , Serious , Plywood , Symbol , Risk , Up Statues , Boxing , The Point , Crime Rate , Murder Rate , 361 , Police Activity , Hat , Hand , Absurdity , Leo Terrell , Leo Terell , 2 0 , Basis , Cases , Hannity , Message , Attacks , Columbus Day , Case , Name , Change , Challenge , William Shatner , Communities , Nice To Be With You , Traditions , Attack , Weather Conditions , Voyage , Comic Con Crowd He , The Star Trek S Blue Origin , Passengers , Trip , Earth , Neil Cavuto , Eastern , 4 , 00 , Out Of My Mind , More , Honesty , Age , Coming Up , 55 , Thousands , Trek , Y , Judge , Big Show , Regina ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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president of mexico, saying what she spent her time on. >> worldwide shortages and delays are crippling the supply chain. what private companies are doing to take matters into their own hands ahead of the holidays. todd: we all take christmas very seriously. >> i already started by christmas shopping,. todd: you're watching "fox & friends first" on this monday morning. carley: i'm carley shimkus. the president is warning members of his own party that they need to stay unified as the clock tickses down on his ambitious agenda. todd: alexandria has more. >> reporter: even with progressives and moderates playing a tug of war over the price tag of the massing spending bills, democrats believe a deal will eventually get done. >> i think the ultimate price will be around $2 trillion. it's the policies that really matter. as a caucus, we agree on those. >> reporter: the projected spending bill is currently around $3.5 trillion. it's the number that moderates like senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin have been wrestling with. the new york times tearing sinema, claiming she wants to cut 100 billion of proposed climate funds. that provides more fuel to the file for progressive activists. there are plans to bird dog her at the boston marathon today. the president addressed the dnc virtually on saturday. >> we need to stay together and bound by the values that we hold as a party. here's the deal. we won 2020 as a unified party. we look to 2022 and as we do that we need to stay unified. >> reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi linked the massive reconciliation to a smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill and now both are in jeopardy. >> you saw the president just last week go to the capitol again. he was supposed to close the deal and instead he made it very clear that the tax and spend multitrillion dollar bill is tied direct throw the infrastructure bill and it undermines the whole process. >> reporter: coming off of the president's weak jobs report, republicans warn that it is not the time to strain taxpayers. >> their goal is a complete takeover of the lives of the american people and we're talking about 40 different taxes including all of this extra money for the irs. >> reporter: the white house has not set a public deadline for when this needs be sorted out but with voter confidence to win ahead of the midterms, the clock is ticking. carley: thank you. todd: this weekend in iowa, former president trump taking apart president biden's plan to spend trillions on your taxpayer dime. listen. >> not only is this the largest spending bill of all time and the largest tax hike of all time, this monstrosity, so dangerous for the company and so bad for children and grandchildren to come, this is a bill to end america as we know it. it's so bad. and the republicans have to stay strong. you have to stay strong. you have to fight. bring our country back. todd: and trump says america's big comeback begins in november 2022 when the people vote in the midterms. ca t t border crisis, panama officials sounding the alarm as more than 91,000 migrants have traveled through the darion gap so far this year. the total triples the previous record of 30,000 in 2016, the dangerous path between panama and colombia is controlled by armed gangs. there are more than half of the migrants in the group are haitians hoping to reach the u.s. more than 50 people have died cutting through the path this year. they say the number is 50 on record but people behind the scenes say that is probably a lot higher. and that number, 91,000, todd, that's important. it really shows there is probably going to be another wave of haitian migrants coming into texas, similar to the one we saw last month. todd: a lot of the way they get through is through mexico. mayorkas, blinken and garland went to mexico and talked about a new security deal to fight the cartels. the agreement also is going to focus on the root and the core of illegal drug trafficking and why people flee their own countries. none of this would be as bad if we just kept the trump border policies in place. you hear president trump say it, a lot of republicans say it, if biden did nothing we would not see the images we're seeing at the southern border. carley: alejandro mayorkas was in mexico talking to the mexican president and they were trying to figure out a deal on you how to fight back against drug cartels and drug cartels are one of the root causes of illegal immigration and kamala harris is the border czar, you addressing the root causes. you would think she would want to be at that meeting. instead on friday she was in new jersey at a bakery and she talked to kids about space exploration. take a listen to this video going viral online. watch. >> think about so much that's out there that we still have to learn. i love that. i love that. so i'm very excited about the space council. we're going to learn so much as we increasingly i think are curious and interested in the potential for the discoveries of the work we can do in space. so that's one of the things i'm most excited about. but the other, you guys are going to see, you're going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. with your own eyes. i'm telling you. it is going to be unbelievable. carley: that video -- why do you think that video is going viral on social media. it's a little awkward. todd: i get the first half. i think we can all agree with that, everybody's excited about space. i understand the first half. i've now seen it. i've read it. i have no idea what the second part -- carley: the craters -- todd: she is tackling the low hanging fruit. anybody can talk to a bunch of excited kids about space. the border crisis is what she is supposed to be handling as like you said the border czar, yet she's talking to kids about the moon. carley: while she was busy talking to kids about space, i didn't know this, but there were plans in place to build a border fence at the rio grande valley and it was going to take place until last week, dhs pulled the plug on the contract and that is despite the fact that dhs also thinks that there could be up to 400,000 apprehensions. so that would be a record number of apprehensions. they were talking about building -- continuing to build the border wall but they just killed the project. todd: right. carley: unbelievable. they were talking about this topic, take a listen. >> secretary has no credibility. he is an embarrassment to the position he holds. if he had any integrity at all he would resign today. he is the secretary of homeland security. one thing he needs to understand, we don't have national security. we don't have homeland security. unless you have border security. if he took five minutes to look at the data, the data that clearly shows every place they build a border barrier, every place, illegal immigration went down, illegal drug flow went down. that is security. the wall is something the border patrol has been asking for for decades. this isn't president trump's wall. this is america's wall. this is a tool the border patrol needs. carley: the wall shouldn't be controversial. if you're wondering what the money is going to be used for instead of the wall, it's going to include biological, cultural and natural resource surveys. so instead of building a wall, they're going to be survey the biological, cultural things in the area instead. todd: it's a meeting about a meeting about a meeting i think is the take-away from that. look, you said oh, this just happened last week. i think the writing was on the wall. we knew for months that they wouldn't do anything with regard to a border wall. that highlights this administration's real agenda. they don't care about the chaos at the border. you heard a lot of people say the reason is they want the democrat votes, they want to pander to the people in regards to the border. that is a likely thing. regardless, our country is in trouble because we have officially no real southern border and getting rid of the wall ain't helping that. with that, let's turn to this. two police officers dead, another fight forge his life as violence and crime spikes across the nation. carley: ashley strohmier joins us live with the latest on this topic. >> reporter: one of the officers was a 19 year veteran of the louisiana state police force. he was ambushed and killed. his body was found more than 12 hours later inside of his patrol car. a day-long manhunt for the suspect, 31-year-old matthew meyer was launched. he was caught and brought into custody. in georgia, authorities say a rookie officer, a 26-year-old, daily lain harrison, was -- dylan harrison was shot and killed on his first day of duty. damon ferguson was retaliating against the officer for arresting someone he knew hours before. in phoenix, a deputy was shot by a homeowner with a history of conflicts. he was found unconscious. it was chaos in st. paul, minnesota on sunday morning as gunshots rang out, leaving one woman dead and 14 hoarse hurt. here's what -- 14 others hurt. here's what witnesses had to say. >> people were running through the streets. people were bringing up to the cops saying help me, help me. >> the guy next to me got shot in the leg. i was like right next to him. his leg blocked the bullet from hitting me in the chest or the head. >> reporter: the st. paul police calling it nothing short of a tragedy. in chicago, 39 people were shot this week end, two of them have died and 58-year-old oncology nurse is dead after being knocked to the ground by a homeless mugger in times square days earlier. jermaine foster was fleeing a robbery when he slammed into the woman you just saw. his charges were updated to murder when the family decided to pull her off of life support. so a lot of heart breaking situations across the united states. todd: we talk about it every single monday, ashley. carley: no good news there. let's turn to this now. former education secretary bill bennett is calls out the doj over its memo to investigate parents as domestic terrorists for intimidating school boards and administrators. >> the attorney general and the justice department, when you talk about terrorism, you should be thinking about what's going to happen in afghanistan, immediately they can be thinking about the southern border and the cartels, not parents who are saying teach our children how to read and write. carley: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell wrote to ag garland, slamming his memos, calling parents protests democracy, not intimidation. todd: dan bongino argues it's destroying america's trust in the government and the media. >> the public institutions, it's entirely collapsing. do liberals not see this? fidelity to institutions is gone. people no longer trust the cdc, they don't trust fauci, they don't trust the fda, they don't trust the fbi, they don't trust the intel community, the press. todd: bongino was discussing a recent gallup poll that showed 7% of americans say they trust the media a great deal. hundreds of thousands of u.s. troops reportedly not fully vaccinated. active duty navy and marines have until november 28th to get the shots. the president announcing the controversial vaccine mandate over the summer. carley: shall we turn to the nfl. todd: i prefer not to. carley: the buffalo bills overcome the weather delay picking up a win against the chiefs. >> multiple occasions, now they come, here goes allen. he's going to -- he hurdles and picks up the first down. whoa. carley: buffalo's quarterback throwing for three touchdowns and running in a fourth. tom brady playing through an apparent thumb injury to throw five touchdowns of his own as the tampa bay bucs blow out the miami dolphins. todd: the arizona cardinals remain undefeated, beating the san francisco 49ers. is that why you wore the red dress in honor of the the cardinals? carley: no, not even close. do you want me to read this one for you. carley: and my giants -- my dad's a giants fan. todd: they fall to our division rival, cowboys, 24-20. the g men lost saquon barkley to an ankle injury and danny jones, he got a concussion it appears. i went to bed at that point because i said there's no choice. the eagles came back to lead the panthers, 21-18. that makes mele happy. she's i guess celebrating at home. carley: good weekend for jillian, bad weekend for you. todd: i don't know why i watch anymore. congrats to our producer john. john's bills are going to the super bowl. take that, john. wait, he's happy with that. i don't know why i was so aggressive. a new bombshell in one of the biggest breakups in rock and roll history. sir paul mccartney's stunning revelations about the final days of the beatles. carley: plus joe concha, congressman tim walger and dr. marty makary, brandon judd as well, all live coming up next. ♪ get back, get back, get back to where you once belong it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me. big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? todd: welcome back. the september jobs report, a major disappointment as the numbers fall far short of expectations. here to break down what that means for the broader economy, peter marici, a business professor at the university of maryland and the former chief of the international trade commission. here's what joe biden thinks about this. listen. >> we're actually making real progress. maybe it doesn't appear dramatic enough. but we're making consistent, steady progress, though. todd: here's what the numbers look like. jobs added, 194,000, jobs forecasted to be added 500,000. peter, in what world is that steady progress on jobs? >> it's not in my world, that's just a very disappointing report. it indicates that not that there isn't enough demand. there are 11 million unfilled jobs. but the workers are staying home. they're basically collecting government benefits off the biden government and it's keeping americans from working and being productive. todd: one of the people in this world that i am most close to, i'm not going to say who this individual is, works in the job recruiting field. this person says the inability to fill open jobs is at an all -- he's never seen anything like it. he says it's off the charts and there's no sign of it ending any time soon. what does joe biden need to do asap to improve the jobs numbers? >>let's go to virginia and look at what they're proposing there, the republican candidate for governor, right out of his mouth, the first thing is jobs training. in the new economy, post covid, a lot of the old jobs are gone. if people only work three days a week in manhattan instead of five, 40% of the sandwich makers don't have a job because there's no lunch trade. they need to be retrained to do other things in the digital economy. you don't have to go to college to be retrained to the digital economy. 12 weeks of training, you can do a lot with people in 12, 15, 18 weeks and many need to relocate because as people move away from the cities, into diverse locations, the opportunities move with them to provide support services. so instead of coming up with yet more welfare programs, we need to teach people how to bake pies, not give them free pies. todd: is joe biden going to do any of that or is the free money train from joe going to continue on? >> his american family plan wants to send more people to college. as it is, half of the people that go to college now actually get a negative return on their investment. either they drop out because they can't do the work, or they major in something so soft that it only qualifies them to work in starbucks. businesses find that 40% of college graduates can't reason effectively because the colleges have become so woke that they don't teach people to think, the basic skills. let's face it, sending people to community college is a bad idea except if you're joe biden who -- jill biden who is a community college teacher. this is an example of joe biden's view of the world. everything is in terms of patronage. todd: it's the kids that suffer, the employees that suffer and the employers that suffer. i want to get your take on this, faced with severe delays in shipping times, some of the biggest retailers are resorting to chartering their own boats to avoid port delays. let's look at the difference in cost. it costs $5,000 to do it normally. when you do it privately, upwards of $17,000. peter, how much will this drive up the cost of my christmas gifts, your christmas gifts, carley's christmas gifts. >> quite a bit. the shipping might increase the cost of a toy 5%. shortages will drive up the price a great deal. the biden administration wants to regulate shipping rates. it said so before we had the crisis. that throws more sand in the gears. it makes it more difficult. can you imagine trying to allocate shipping and having to go past the government inspector on your shipping rates. that's joe biden. he wants to create jobs for his army of progressives that really can't find other useful things to do. i mean, you have to ask yourself, someone like brian deese who blames the rising crisis on monopolies, as if the economy has changed that dramatically from when mr. trump was president when we didn't have rising prices. there are monopolies now at walmart but there weren't when trump was president? kind of funny stuff. someone that reasons that badly, if he wasn't working in the white house, where could he work? perhaps not even selling starbucks. he might put cream in the wrong vessel, thinking that is fighting price increases or what have you. they just came out with a study in the white house that said the average tax rate, the top 400 people is only 8.4%. but when you look at it, it's a grand enterprise in cooking numbers. the wall street journal took it apart. that's how they spend their time up there, cooking up stories, demagoguery, distorting facts instead of addressing the real problems. where are they on addressing the shipping problem or trying to unclog the ports. the answer is they're absent without leave. todd: i wonder if christmas is ruined for enough people if the backlash against the administration grows exponentially. it sounds like i'm making a joke. i'm not. i'm serious. >> the grinch is married to joe biden. todd: i had to do the matt math there. >> that was not intended. todd: great to see you as always. we appreciate it. carley over to you. carley: let's turn on to some entertainment headlines. sir paul mccartney is blaming john lennon for splitting up the group more than 40 years ago. ♪ nobody ever loved me like you do. carley: in an interview airing later this month, mccartney tells bbc radio, quote, i didn't instigate the split, it was our johnnie. he said lennon was ready for his new life with his wife and wanted to break loose. mccartney said the band was his life and he wanted to keep things going. did you see this, this weekend, kim kardashian west's opening monologue packing a punch as she joked about her family and the comedy show's low rating. >> i'm used to having 60 million followers watching my every move. how many watch snl, 10 million. tonight is a chill, intimate might for me. carley: -- night for me. carley: she boosted snl's overall rating by 8.5% and demographic numbers by 23% following the worst rated season opener in the show's history. everyone wanted to watch her. todd: interesting monologue. carley: she did well. she's good in those situations. the time is 26 minutes after the hour. still ahead, officials on the hunt for brian laundrie revealed which details aren't making sense. the latest on the effort to locate america's most wanted man. man. todd: what we're learning about a face-to-face meeting with u.s. officials. todd: a navy nuclear engineer and his wife arrested on charges of trying to sell secrets about u.s. nuclear subs to a foreign government. jonathan toby dropped off memory card with secret information for nearly a year. in one incident he wrapped it in plastic and put it in peanut butter sandwich. the contact turned out to be an fbi undercover agent, not a foreign government. the couple now facing espionage charges. fascinating. the u.s. and taliban with the first direct talks since the deadly withdrawal in august. carley: the taliban telling the state department it will not work with the u.s. to tan contan extremism in the region. here to react, jeremy hunt. a terrorist organization they're not going to prevent terrorism from spreading in afghanistan shouldn't come as a surprise. it's interesting that the taliban isn't lying to us, they're basically saying there will be a rise in isis and al-qaida. how do we respond to that? >> first we have to acknowledge the insane position that we're in right now as a nation. i mean, we are basically hoping that one terrorist organization will stop another terrorist organization from being active in the region. i mean, this is crazy. how do we respond to that? we have to be strong, in the military we have to project strength. that's what our enemy understands, it's the only thing they understand, it's strength. the biden administration has weakened us in so many different ways. we have no leverage in tree john anymore p. it's -- in the region anymore. it's an embarrassing position the biden administration has put us in. we still by the way have almost 100 u.s. nationals that have not gotten out of the country yet, our allies we have not evacuated from the region yet. we are at their mercy. this is a crazy moment in time we find ourselves in. todd: through the statement from the state department, quote, the discussions were candid and professional with the u.s. delegation reiterating that the taliban will be judged on its actions, not only its words. the u.s. delegation focused on security and terrorism concerns and safe passage for citizens, as well os human rights including meaningful participation of women and girls in afghanistan society. you focus on the safe passage of our individuals there in afghanistan. in light of that statement, do you trust the taliban to help bring americans home. >> no. i mean, anybody in their right mind does not trust the taliban to do anything. but somehow the biden administration is just saying oh, if we send enough strongly worded letters, maybe we can get our own out of the country. this is a complete embarrassment. and even just if we just work backwards, two years ago, we would have -- these headlines would have been insane to us, the fact that we're negotiating with the taliban to stop isis. both organizations are on their heels, just a couple years ago, and now here we are. carley: you know, you're right. you have to remember, while we were negotiating with a terrorist organization, some of the generals called the taliban professional as we were negotiating with them, not the word i would use to describe them. do you think we need to put troops back in afghanistan? because clearly with the failed drone strike we recognize that the over-the-horizon approach has some serious flaws to it. >> well, look, i mean, in terms of -- i'm not going to talk about bringing troops back into if country but we have to have an overall strategy that makes sense and we have to bring all of our strength to bear in terms of our -- bare in terms of our military resources, all of our state department resources, to come together to have a strategy that makes sense, number one thing you could do is bring our own back home to the united states of america. that's got to be number one and just doing that alone it seems that the biden administration is incompetent even on that front. todd: california becomes the first state to bring in couple cumpolsory ethnic studies for students. >> when you look at this, what is the play here? right? and newsom in california, they want to distract people, by distracting what's going on, what happened in the past, distracting what's going on today and the failures of his policy. right now, even in los angeles for example, only 9% of blacks are even proficient in eighth grade math. and these are the issues that we need to be talking about and discussing about school of choice, about how to empower different parents to be able to bring their kids to better schools and, you know, here we have newsom going around saying oh, we need a new program called ethnic studies, whatever that will mean. it will distract from the failures of his government in the state of california. carley: jeremy hunt, thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. carley: the time is now 35 minutes after the hour. up next, a new york democrat's plan to reform the criminal justice system backfiring. just how many criminals are back behind bars weeks after becoming free. todd: it is a disaster. plus, incredible video showing one of new york's finest chasing a robbery suspect, wait until you see how this one ended. ♪ i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ todd: florida police searching for brian laundrie say his parents' story about his disappearance doesn't make sense. brian is wanted on a federal charge of credit card fraud and is a person of interest in gabby petito's death. the family claims he left the family home in september and hasn't been seen or heard from since. they didn't report him missing until days later. police have been searching in a reserve for weeks with no sign of him. a north port officer say he doubts the claims. watch this, an athletic nypd officer springing into action to chase down a teen who allegedly stole a woman's cell phone, after spotting suspect leaving the subway, the officer wasted no time sprinting after him. watch. >> get down. .todd: look at that. the psychiatric tim -- the victim's daughter in awe of the ability to catch up to the suspect and recover the phone. the officer stays in shape as a standout on the nypd basketball team. carley: listen to this, at least nine rikers island inmates rearrested weeks after receiving get out of jail free cards from new york governor kathy hochul. >> so the border patrol under my direction will have 191 people released today. they have served their sentences under the dictates of the new less is more. they shouldn't have to wait for the enactment date. 191 today. carley: here to react, new york city councilman joe barelli. good morning to you. >> good morning, happy columbus day. carley: happy columbus day. why would the governor immediately release 191 inmates, nine of them have already been rearrested. >> well, the new boss, same as the old boss. she is someone who grew up in politics, trying to frame herself as a moderate democrat. now she finds herself facing a real primary in june against bone fide progressives down in new york city so she is doing everything she can in the brief period of time to appeal to the fringe far left. and one of those is adopting this close rye ceres, let people out of -- rikers, let people out of joe monday tray. jail mantra these are people who are known criminals, known violent criminals. carley: i was reading about one of the guys who was released because of kathy hochul and rearrested and he was rearrested, pulled over for speeding and haven't too much tinted in his window and there was a gun in the back of the car and i was thinking thankfully none of the officers involved were hurt but that situation could have ended a lot differently. >> yeah, look, it's the confluence of policies that democrats don't like, it's broken window policing, number one, you know, pulling over a car for a minor infraction that ended up bearing a loaded gun that would have been used to shoot someone presumably in a crime-plagued neighborhood. the logic of letting people out of rikers is flawed to begin with. there is a problem on rye ceres islanded. the -- rikers island. democrats want you to believe the only solution is to let people out of jail. if a school building was leaking, we wouldn't tell kids there's no more school. we would move them to a new building, new classroom and go on. they want you to believe that the only solution is no more jail for anyone. carley: the governor signed the less is more act. i think we're going to be talking about it a lot more going forward because this will stop criminals from being put back in jail for missing appointments with their parole officer, for violating curfew or testing positive for drugs and alcohol. so is this a law now that she signed that will allow people to just get out of jail and then you have a very difficult time rearresting them? >> yeah, it's a law she signed and they expedited to get people out quicker. these are people who wanted parole, they sought parole and if you know what parole is, people get out a bit early so long as they agree to a series of conditions and promises. when those people don't meet those conditions and promises, they find themselves back in jail. this is not like just happenstance. these people made a bad decision, they're serving their time and they're rearrested for violating terms. it is just a flawed policy from top to bottom. carley: there have been 362 homicides in new york city as of october 6th. you have to wonder how high will that number have to go before these soft on crime policies become unpopular. are they still popular in the state of new york? >> no and we're seeing some pushback. where i work in the city council every day, we have people that were former defund the police politicians, now coming around and saying we actually do need more police. we just all wrote a letter to a governor, bakely saying that, we need -- basically saying that, we need more arrests. we are seeing a turnaround. i think the election of eric adams was a sign to progressive democrats in new york city that we can be progressive on some issues but if we don't have basic public safety and functioning police force, everything we do is moot. .carley: thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. todd, over to you. todd: 87 marathon runners rescued after an unexpected snowstorm hits utah and derails a race. emergency crews retrieved the athletes. the abrupt snowstorm blanketed the area with up to 18 inches of snow. no serious injuries were reported but, carley, last week one janice dean did warn us about snow. carley: i remember when she said that, i couldn't believe it. she was right. todd: they were not paying attention. pay attention to janice. cancel culture coming for christopher columbus as the city of philadelphia rebrands the holiday. carley: captain kirk will have to wait one more day before he heads for space in real life. we'll tell you what is causing the holdup, coming up next. ♪ it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. todd: a columbus day controversy, the court ahow long philadelphia to keep a christopher columbus statue covered up by a plywood box, that decision coming as many people rebrand the holiday as indigenous people's day. here to discuss, the attorney for the statue, george baketel. how much of a slap in the face is this for italian americans. >> it's been a slap in the face for about 16 months now when they first boarded it up. your viewers may know, we got a ruling already from the court that the mayor's attempt to remove the statue was illegal. we also got an order from the court that the city must take the box down and the court ordered that that be done in advance of the columbus day parade that we had yesterday. the mayor in defiance of that order refused to take the box down, took an emergency appeal to the commonwealth court, a higher court and the commonwealth court said let it stay in the box for the time being until we can hear the city's entire position on appeal which of course is vasuous but they'll be given the opportunity to be heard on appeal. there's no question, that box will come down. todd: it's just a matter of -- is it going to be in time for the holiday, right? if it happens in november, it's kind of moot at that point, right? >> it's not as important, yeah, you're right, todd. todd: by way of background, i want you to explain what christopher columbus means to the italian american community, not just in philly, but throughout the nation. >> well, i think that most significantly he was a courageous, dedicated servant who was italian, who may or may not have been involved in practices at the time which are controversial today. that's even debateable. but let's say that he was for a moment. his accomplishments were so extraordinary and so courageous that he really stands for the pride and joe of the italian american community and it's a symbol. todd: here's the statement from the city. quote, removing the plywood covering during this holiday weekend would pose a serious public safety risk. but george, whether it's tearing down or boxing up statues, whether it's renaming christopher columbus day to indigenous people's day, where does it end? how much further does cancel culture go? >> and what's the point, todd. for example, you just broadcast that new york city has 361 murders this year alone. philadelphia has more. we have such a soaring murder rate and crime rate in the city, it's almost to the point where people have to start arming themselves, ordinary citizens. it is so extreme and so severe. and yet the mayor is spending all this time and all this police activity and so on and so forth over a plywood box. it's utter absurdity. i think as leo terell would say, it's ridiculous. todd: leo terrell allowed to wear the 2.0 hat on hand at this. what's your -- hannity. what's your message to the italian american community when it comes to combating these attacks, quite frankly. >> hang in there. we're doing it. we're doing it on a nationwide basis. i have cases in other cities. we have a constitutional challenge to the change of the name from columbus day to indigenous peoples day. i expect to win that case too. so hang in there. we're getting there. it's always been -- todd: i think that applies not just to the italian american communities but all americans who feel their traditions are under attack. george, thank you very much. have a great day. >> nice to be with you. carley: did you hear about this, william shatner will have to wait another day to become the oldest person ever to travel to space. the star trek star's blue origin voyage being delayed from tomorrow to wednesday due to anticipated weather conditions. but after shatner told the comic con crowd he's terrified of the impending trip he's probably fine with the extra day on earth. tune in for shatner and his fellow passengers' prelaunch interview with neil cavuto today at 4:00 p.m. eastern. a must watch there. todd: i respect the honesty, would you be scared if you were going up, i would be scared out of my mind. carley: would you say that william shatner looks great for his age? coming up, 55 minutes after the hour. more to come on "fox & friends first" including this story, central american officials sounding the alarm as thousands of migrants are still making the trek to the u.s. the dangerous conditions they are facing. todd: plus, it is day that ends in y, do you know what that means, joe concha is here. plus dr. marty makary and brandon judge joining us live. a big show ahead. ♪ regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. >> officers rushed to the scene, they got there quickly and walked into a hellish situation. todd: it is monday, october 11th. a horrific weekend of violence across the nation. a live report on the loss of life to american citizens and members of law enforcement. carley: did you see this? >> you can literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. with your own eyes.

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Jeopardy , House Speaker , Nancy Pelosi , 2022 , Tax , Capitol , Dollar Bill , People , Jobs , Republicans , Takeover , Goal , Taxpayers , Process , Taxes , Lives , 40 , Money , Wall , Voter Confidence , Deadline , White House , Irs , Trump , Joe Biden , Midterms , Ticking , Plan , Clock , Taxpayer Dime , Trillions , Former , Iowa , Children , Monstrosity , Grandchildren , Company , Tax Hike , Country , Bill , Migrants , Officials , Alarm , Comeback , Ca Tt Border Crisis , Panama , Darion Gap , November 2022 , 91000 , Record , Path , Group , Half , Haitians , Gangs , Colombia , 30000 , 2016 , Lot , Scenes , 50 , Way , To Ag Garland , Security Deal , Alejandro Mayorkas , Mexico , Wave , Similar , Texas , Blinken , One , Place , Root , Cartels , None , Countries , Agreement , Trump Border Policies , Drug Trafficking , Core , Border , Nothing , Images , Immigration , Czar , Causes , Drug Cartels , Video , Kids , Watch , Bakery , Space Exploration , New Jersey , Space Council , Discoveries , Potential , Things , Space , Guys , Work , Other , Everybody , Social Media , Anybody , Carley , Idea , Hanging Fruit , Bunch , Crisis , Handling , Talking , Dhs , Fact , Border Fence , Contract , Rio Grande Valley , Building , Apprehensions , Record Number , Border Wall , Project , Unbelievable , 400000 , Thing , Secretary , Position , Embarrassment , Homeland Security , Topic , Integrity , Listen , Credibility , We Don T Have National Security , Data , Drug , Flow , Border Security , Five , Security , Border Patrol , Something , Wall Shouldn T , Tool , Isn T President Trump , Border Patrol Needs , Area , Biological , Surveys , Survey , Administration , Anything , Writing , They Don T Trust , Reason , Chaos , Regards , Votes , Care , Trouble , Crime , Police Officers , Latest , Wall Ain T , Spikes , Ashley Strohmier , Let , Fight Forge , Two , Suspect , Matthew Meyer , Manhunt , Patrol Car , Body , Veteran , Louisiana State Police Force , 19 , 12 , 31 , Rookie Officer , Duty , Custody , Georgia , Daily Lain Harrison , Dylan Harrison , Authorities , 26 , Someone , History , Officer , Deputy , Damon Ferguson , Homeowner , Conflicts , Retaliating , Phoenix , Paul Mccartney , Woman , Gunshots , Others , Sunday Morning , Minnesota , Hurt , 14 , Police , Guy , Leg , Streets , Head , Cops , Help , Bullet , Chest , Paul , The St , Ground , Tragedy , Homeless Mugger , Oncology Nurse , Chicago , 58 , 39 , Family , Jermaine Foster , Charges , Life Support , Robbery , Saw , Heart , Parents , Situations , Doj , Bill Bennett , Terrorists , News , Memo , Single , Calls , Terrorism , Department , Attorney General , Thinking , Administrators , Afghanistan , Justice , School Boards , Mitch Mcconnell , Memos , Write , Senate , Government , Institutions , Media , Democracy , Trust , Intimidation , Dan Bongino , Liberals , The Press , Fbi , Intel Community , Fda , Trust Fauci , Cdc , Keeping Americans , Troops , Shots , Marines , Navy , Gallup , Poll , Hundreds Of Thousands , 28 , 7 , November 28th , Vaccine Mandate , Weather Delay , Buffalo Bills , Summer , Win , Nfl , Here Goes Allen , Occasions , Chiefs , Down , Hurdles , Quarterback Throwing , Tom Brady , Injury , Touchdowns , Running , Arizona Cardinals , Fourth , Thumb , Tampa Bay Bucs Blow Out , Miami Dolphins , Three , Cardinals , Giants , Honor , Dress , Undefeated , San Francisco 49ers , 49 , Cowboys , G Men , Dad , Giants Fan , Saquon Barkley , 24 , 20 , Point , Choice , Ankle Injury , Eagles , Bed , Concussion , Danny Jones , Home , Producer John , I Don T , Congrats , Panthers , 21 , 18 , John Lennon , Bills , Breakups , Bombshell , Revelations , Take That , Wait , Super Bowl , Rock And Roll , Congressman Tim Walger , Joe Concha , Dr , Marty Makary , The Beatles , Brandon Judd , Classical Music Plays , Brass Band , New Orleans , Um Uh , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Cadillac Lyriq , Internet , Doesn T , Miss A , Baaam , No One , Streaming Box , Ride , Malware , Pshh , Adorable , 4k , Xfinity Xfi , Numbers , Economy , September Jobs Report , Business Professor , Chief , Expectations , Peter Marici , University Of Maryland , Progress , Enough , International Trade Commission , World , 500000 , 194000 , Workers , Benefits , Isn T Enough Demand , 11 Million , Person , Individual , Inability , Job Recruiting Field , Sign , Jobs Numbers , Charts , Candidate , Let S Go To Virginia , Governor , Sandwich Makers , Job , Mouth , Jobs Training , Manhattan , Covid , Community College , Need , Lunch Trade , Training , Retrained , 15 , Pies , Welfare Programs , Opportunities , Support Services , Locations , Money Train , Family Plan , Return , Any , Colleges , College Graduates , Investment , Businesses , Starbucks , Example , Jill Biden , Community College Teacher , Skills , Who , Everything , Terms , Employees , Employers , Some , Times , Patronage , View Of The World , Cost , Port Delays , Retailers , Boats , Difference , 5000 , 000 , Gifts , Bit , Shipping , Drive , Toy , 7000 , 17000 , 5 , Shipping Rates , Sand , Gears , Government Inspector , Army , Brian Deese , Prices , Monopolies , Mr , Reasons , Kind , Funny Stuff , There Weren T , Cream , He Wasn T Working , Study , Cooking Numbers , Price Increases , Tax Rate , Enterprise , Vessel , 400 , 8 4 , Facts , Problems , Stories , Shipping Problem , Demagoguery , Wall Street Journal , Backlash , Ports , Answer , Joke , Absent Without Leave , There , Math , I M Serious , Grinch , Nobody , Entertainment Headlines , Interview , Bbc Radio , Johnnie , Split , I Didn T , Kim Kardashian , Wife , Band , Monologue Packing A Punch , West , Rating , Comedy Show , Move , 10 Million , 60 Million , Chill , Show , Season Opener , She Boosted Snl , 8 5 , 23 , Hunt , Monologue , Brian Laundrie , Effort , Man , Learning , Aren T Making Sense , America S Most Wanted Man , Memory Card , Secrets , Information , Incident , Peanut Butter Sandwich , Jonathan Toby , Taliban , Contact , Espionage Charges , Undercover Agent , Talks , Fascinating , Region , State Department , Withdrawal , Extremism , React , Jeremy Hunt , Terrorist Organization , Afghanistan Shouldn T , Surprise , Rise , Isis , Al Qaida , Isn T Lying , Organization , Terrorist , Strength , Enemy , Military , Ways , Nationals , Leverage , Tree John Anymore P It S , 100 , Statement , Quote , Delegation , Mercy , Allies , Discussions , Passage , Actions , Concerns , Words , Well Os , Human Rights , Participation , Individuals , Girls , Women , Light , Afghanistan Society , Out , Letters , Mind , Negotiating , Organizations , Headlines , Heels , Generals , Word , Approach , Flaws , Drone Strike , Strategy , Sense , Military Resources , State Department Resources , Our , Back , Number One , State , Studies , Front , California , Couple Cumpolsory , Newsom , Failures , What S Going On , Play , Students , Policy , Issues , Eighth Grade Math , Blacks , School Of Choice , Los Angeles , 9 , Program , Schools , Ethnic Studies , New York , Up Next , Criminal Justice System Backfiring , 35 , Criminals , Disaster , Robbery Suspect , Plus , Stuff , Ancestry , Digging , Fun , Grandparents , Picture , Arizona , Brian Laundrie Say , Florida , Story , Doesn T Make Sense , Charge , Hasn T , Death , Credit Card Fraud , Person Of Interest , Gabby Petito , Reserve , Claims , North Port , Teen , Subway , Sprinting , Officer Springing , Action , Athletic Nypd , Cell Phone , Phone , Psychiatric , Ability , Awe , Victim , Kathy Hochul , Inmates , Rikers Island , Nypd , Cards , Shape , Standout , Nine , Sentences , Direction , Dictates , 191 , New York City , Joe Barelli , Enactment Date 191 , Boss , Politics , Rearrested , Fringe , Primary , Left , Bone Fide Progressives , Rye Ceres , Jail , Rikers , Mantra , Joe Monday Tray , Haven T , Car , Gun , Window , Speeding , Window Policing , Democrats Don T , Confluence , Infraction , Minor , Ceres Islanded , Neighborhood , Logic , Solution , School , School Building , We Wouldn T , Leaking , Classroom , Go On , Parole Officer , Act , Anyone , Appointments , Law , Positive , Drugs , Testing , Alcohol , Curfew , Parole , Series , Conditions , Promises , Decision , Happenstance , Top , Bottom , Homicides , October 6th , 6 , 362 , Police Politicians , Letter , Pushback , Defund , City Council , Election , Turnaround , Bakely , Arrests , Eric Adams , Public Safety , Progressive , Police Force , Snowstorm , Race , Athletes , Marathon Runners , Utah , Emergency Crews , 87 , Snow , Attention , Dean , Injuries , Culture , Captain Kirk , Christopher Columbus , City Of Philadelphia Rebrands The Holiday , Holdup , Jess , Tv Services , Friends , Lifting , Xfinity , Services , Delegating , Sweat , 5g , Network , It Woah , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 30 , Wireless , Cool , Clam Aroonies , Court , Controversy , Philadelphia , Statue , Plywood Box , Holiday , George Baketel , Attorney , Face , Slap , Viewers , 16 , Box , City , Mayor , Order , Attempt , Ruling , Commonwealth Court , Emergency Appeal , Advance , Defiance , Columbus Day Parade , Appeal , Course , Matter , Question , Moot , Opportunity , Italian American Community , Background , Servant , Practices , Courageous , Italian , Joe , Pride , Accomplishments , Holiday Weekend , Serious , Plywood , Symbol , Risk , Up Statues , Boxing , The Point , Crime Rate , Murder Rate , 361 , Police Activity , Hat , Hand , Absurdity , Leo Terrell , Leo Terell , 2 0 , Basis , Cases , Hannity , Message , Attacks , Columbus Day , Case , Name , Change , Challenge , William Shatner , Communities , Nice To Be With You , Traditions , Attack , Weather Conditions , Voyage , Comic Con Crowd He , The Star Trek S Blue Origin , Passengers , Trip , Earth , Neil Cavuto , Eastern , 4 , 00 , Out Of My Mind , More , Honesty , Age , Coming Up , 55 , Thousands , Trek , Y , Judge , Big Show , Regina ,

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